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Mongoose JTAS index

I was a Kickstarter backer of the Mongoose JTAS project for Traveller 2e, and received the PDFs for each volume as they were completed, and a very sweet six-volume slipcase at the completion of the project. Lots of great material in there, but I couldn’t find a combined index of material anywhere so I put this together.

Here I list by volume and by category of article. By volume, the categories are listed alphabetically just as they are in the index of the volume itself. In my breakdown by overall category, I alphabetized the entries, making divisions by subcategory as seemed appropriate.

By volume, the page number is simply the number; in the categorical listing the first number is the volume, a slash, followed by the page number. So “3/14” is “Volume 3, page 4.”

You can get the volumes of the Mongoose Journal of the Travellers Aid Society (JTAS) for Traveller 2e at the Mongoose Publishing website .

The Ship in the Lake 33 Embassy in Arms 85

Dynchia 49 Girug’Kah 112

Bush runner 10 Lozin 13 Luugiir 15 Miniphant 17 Seedspitter 19 Tree kraken 20 Tree lion 22


Remotly Piloted Recon. Unit 42 Assault Rocket Launcher 106


SuSAG 02 Emperors of the Third Imperium 44 Smuggler’s Luck 57 Vargr Corsairs 70 A Concise History of the Vilani 80 Within the Two Thousand Worlds 96 Piracy in the Spinward Main 108 Gazulin Starport 122

Simone Garibaldi 104

Burst Lasers 56 Soho-class Light Freighter 76 Delphinus-class Starliner 92


The ATV 23 LPV & Light APC 117

Last Flight of the Themis 26 Rule of Man Commemorative 70

Githiasko 38


Loren Wiseman 2

Space Bazaar 6

Battle Fleets of the Marches 18 4518th Lift Infantry 43 Zhodani Philosophies 54 Gas Giants & Other Bodies 80 The Glorious Empire 97

Glorinna Firella 94

Rampart Fighter 57 Quiet Vigilance Patrol Vessel 86

Airstrike 109

Exotic Atmospheres 60 Jump Space 122

Foxhound Superiority Fighter 50

Rescue on Ruie 17 Pride of the Lion 65

Ael Yael 47

Smaetal swarms 74 Springer 77 Kian 79 Hoplite 81 Ivory gazelle 83 Garhawk 85

Cartridge Laser Weapons 29

Cordillon 2 Religion in the Two Thousand worlds 30 The Arhiyao Clan 52 Zhodani Military Organisation 112

Jonny McRae 40

Jump Drive Operations 9 Tvastar Manufacturing Ship 33 LSP Modular Cutter 87 LSP JCSDB Model 12 125

War in the Fourth Dimension 103

Stock Exchange 43 Jump Point to Port 97

Ground Vehicles 121

Royal Hunt 22 A Dagger at Efate 76

Hlanssai 44

Ashushum 117 Auwoil 119 Collopha 120 Eyewing 121 Giant silkmaker 122 Horse 123 Living refinery 124 Psibee 125 Ramaumi 126 Ship’s cat 127 Ziavbro 129

Gravitic Weapons 31

The Ways of Kuzu 17 Marine Task Force Organisation 69 The Florian League 94 Siduri Station 49

Gamaagin Kaashukin 7

Mainstrider 300T 9 Sensor Operations 37 Gazelle Close Escort 87 Latien Hauler 106

Seastrike 63

Trade & Commerce 2 Traveller & the Referee 34 Non Main Worlds 80

Splorabug & Challenger Car 102

The Lost Village 41 Chariots of Fire 73

Beaked monkey 11 Bloodvark 13 Sea bear 15

IISS Field Equipment 107

World Security Profiles 29 Fasten your Seatbelt 47 Salvage Rights 64 Extremophiles 99 Black Market 113

Ramon Sanyarvo 111

Jump Boats 16 Jump Boat Tender 59 Towing Ship 82 Space Combat Primer 120

Damage Control Operations 2 Call out the Guard 90

Ground Vehicles 69

Critical Vector 50

Ice spider 46 Saq’se’qan 49 Khal’oman 50

Vehicle Mounted Missiles 90

Stars & Stellar Objects 19 The Irklan 27 Tramp Trader 39 A Fifth Frontier War? 56 Mertactor 108

Dev Landrel 16

Steppehauler Freighter 02 Subsidised Merchant 32 Interceptors 76 Incarnate Strike Destroyer 103 Ambush Hunter-Killer Corvette 124

Prangs, Dings and Crashes 70 First Contact 84 Planetside Transportation 97

Maritime Vehicles 64 Vehicles of the IISS 114


A Dagger at Efate 4/76 Chariots of Fire 5/73 Critical Vector 6/50 Embassy in Arms 1/85 Last Flight of the Themis 2/26 The Lost Village 5/41 Pride of the Lion 3/65 Rescue on Ruie 3/17 Royal Hunt 4/22 Rule of Man Commemorative 2/70 The Ship in the Lake 1/33

Ael Yael 3/47 Dynchia 1/49 Girug’Kah 1/112 Githiasko 2/38 Hlanssai 4/44 Virushi 5/54


Ashushum 4/117 Auwoil 4/119 Beaked monkey 5/11 Bloodvark 5/13 Bush runner 10 Collopha 4/120 Eyewing 4/121 Garhawk 3/85 Giant silkmaker 4/122 Hoplite 3/81 Horse 4/123 Ice spider 6/46 Ivory gazelle 3/83 Khal’oman 6/50 Kian 3/79 Living refinery 4/124 Lozin 13 Luugiir 15 Miniphant 17 Psibee 4/125 Ramaumi 4/126 Saq’se’qan 6/49 Sea bear 5/15 Seedspitter 19 Ship’s cat 4/127 Smaetal swarms 3/74 Springer 3/77 Tree kraken 20 Tree lion 22 Ziavbro 4/129

Assault Rocket Launcher 1/106 Cartridge Laser Weapons 3/29 Gravitic Weapons 4/31 IISS Field Equipment 5/107 Remotely Piloted Recon. Unit 1/42 Space Bazaar 2/6 Vehicle Mounted Missiles 6/90

4518th Lift Infantry 2/43 The Arhiyao Clan 3/52 A Concise History of the Vilani 1/80 Battle Fleets of the Marches 2/18 Black Market 5/113 Cordillon 3/2 Emperors of the Third Imperium 1/44 Extremophiles 5/99 Fasten your Seatbelt 5/47 A Fifth Frontier War? 6/56 The Florian League 4/94 Gas Giants & Other Bodies 2/80 Gazulin Starport 1/122 The Glorious Empire 2/97 The Irklan 6/27 Marine Task Force Organisation 4/69 Mertactor 6/108 Piracy in the Spinward Main 1/108 Religion in the Two Thousand worlds 3/30 Salvage Rights 5/64 Siduri Station 4/49 Smuggler’s Luck 1/57 Stars & Stellar Objects 6/19 SuSAG 1/02 Vargr Corsairs 1/70 The Ways of Kuzu 4/17 Tramp Trader 6/39 Within the Two Thousand Worlds 1/96 World Security Profiles 5/29 Zhodani Military Organisation 3/112 Zhodani Philosophies 2/54

Glorinna Firella 2/94 Simone Garibaldi 1/104 Gamaagin Kaashukin 4/7 Dev Landrel 6/16 Jonny McRae 3/40 Ramon Sanyarvo 5/111

Burst Lasers 1/56 Interceptors 6/76 Jump Boats 5/16 Jump Drive Operations 3/9 Sensor Operations 4/37 Space Combat Primer 5/120 Subsidised Merchants 6/32

Ambush Hunter-Killer Corvette 6/124 Delphinus-class Starliner 1/92 Gazelle Close Escort 4/87 Incarnate Strike Destroyer 6/103 Jump Boat Tender 5/59 Latien Hauler 4/106 LSP JCSDB Model 12 3/125 LSP Modular Cutter 3/87 Mainstrider 300T 4/9 Quiet Vigilance Patrol Vessel 2/86 Rampart Fighter 2/57 Soho-class Light Freighter 1/76 Steppehauler Freighter 6/ 02 Towing Ship 5/82 Tvastar Manufacturing Ship 3/33

Airstrike 2/109 Seastrike 4/63 War in the Fourth Dimension 3/103

Call out the Guard 5/90 Damage Control Operations 5/2 Exotic Atmospheres 2/60 First Contact 6/84 Jump Point to Port 3/97 Jump Space 2/122 Non Main Worlds 4/80 Planetside Transportation 6/97 Prangs, Dings and Crashes 6/70 Stock Exchange 3/43 Trade & Commerce 4/2 Traveller & the Referee 4/34

The ATV 1/23 Ground Vehicles 5/69 Maritime Vehicles 6/64

LPV & Light APC 1/117 Foxhound Superiority Fighter 2/50 Splorabug & Challenger Car 4/102 Vehicles of the IISS 6/114

Ground Vehicles 3/121

traveller rpg fighter

The Combat Round

Dynamic initiative, minor actions, changing stance, drawing and reloading, miscellaneous, significant actions, recoil and heft, other actions, free actions, extended actions, special considerations, automatic weapons.

  • When using single shots, make attacks as normal.
  • When using burst fire, add the Auto value to the damage. Burst fire uses a number of rounds equal to the Auto rating.
  • When using auto-fire, roll a number of dice equal to the Auto rating of the weapon and sort them into pairs as you wish. Each pair is an attack. Auto-fire attacks can be allocated to as many different targets as you have attacks provided all the targets are within six metres of each other. Auto-fire attacks cannot benefit from a skill any higher than level 1. Weapon skills of 2 or higher only count as 1 when making auto-fire attacks. Auto-fire uses a number of rounds equal to 3 x the Auto rating.

Battlefield Comms

  • Direct : This covers hand signals and verbal communications.
  • Hardlinks : Hardlinks are wires or other physical connections, and cannot be jammed.
  • Radio : Radio communications allow communications as long as the radio signal can get through – they can be jammed or blocked by local conditions.
  • Laser : Two characters with tight beam lasers are in communication as long as line of sight exists between a character and another friendly laser-comm equipped character.
  • Masers : These work just like lasers, but can cut through smoke and aerosols.
  • Meson : Meson communicators cannot be jammed or blocked, but cannot be used while a character is moving.

Battlefield Sensors

  • Bioscanner : Bioscanner ‘sniffers’ detect airborne pathogens and hazardous chemicals.
  • Infra-Red (Heat) :Infra-red sensors detect warm bodies, and negate concealment from smoke and soft cover, but can be jammed by strong heat sources.
  • Densitometer : An outgrowth of gravitic technology, a densitometer can scan an area and plot variable densities, effectively creating a three-dimensional map of all objects.
  • Electromagnetic Detectors : These sensors can detect unshielded high-power electrical devices, such as gauss weapons or transmitters.
  • Laser-Assisted Targeting : A low-powered laser is reflected off the target, giving targeting data to the firer.
  • Light Intensification : Light intensification technology magnifies visible light, negating the penalties for darkness or low light.
  • Motion Sensors : Can detect motion within range.
  • Neural Activity Sensor : A combination of highly sensitive EM-detectors and psionic theory, NAS detectors pick up on the brain activity of living beings and classifies them according to amount and complexity, giving a rough idea of the intelligence of subjects.

Certain battlefield conditions affect ranged attacks:

  • Darkness : Low light gives a -1 DM to ranged attacks. Complete darkness gives a -4 DM. Light penalties can be avoided by using sensors to target instead of the naked eye.
  • Smoke or Fog : Smoke gives a -1 DM to ranged attacks by obscuring the target; especially thick and impenetrable smoke gives a -2 DM. These penalties are doubled for laser weapons.
  • Extreme Weather : Driving wind, rain, snowstorms and so forth give a -1 DM to ranged attacks from poor visibility and a -1 DM to ranged attacks from environmental interference. Sensors can be used to avoid the visibility penalty.

Firing into Combat

  • Knock his opponent prone.
  • Disarm his opponent. If he succeeds by 6+ he can take the weapon away; otherwise it ends up on the floor.
  • Throw his opponent up to three metres for 1d6 damage.
  • Inflict damage equal to 2 + the Effect.
  • Escape the grapple and move away (as if with a normal movement action).
  • Continue the grapple with no other effects.
  • Drag his opponent up to three metres.

Tactics and Leadership

Thrown weapons.

  • Unlike people, who are mobile and manoeuvrable, careful track must be kept of which way a vehicle is facing. Vehicle-mounted weapons – and armed passengers, to a lesser extent – are restricted to certain fire arcs.
  • Vehicles are considered to move on the driver’s Initiative. The driver must spend a minor action every round to keep control of the vehicle under normal circumstances – a straight road or simple manoeuvres – or a significant action to navigate obstacles, conduct evasion or pursuit, or dodge incoming fire.
  • Attackers gain a +1 DM to hit most vehicles because of their size.

Types of Vehicles

  • Closed vehicles grant cover to the occupants – unless the description mentions otherwise civilian vehicles grant  ½ soft cover and military vehicles full hard cover.
  • Only a few people in a closed vehicle can shoot out, depending on the number of windows or other firing ports and the internal space available. Unless the description mentions otherwise up to two people can fire into each arc from a civilian vehicle and one person in each arc in a military one.
  • Open vehicles grant no cover to the passengers.
  • Any passenger in an open vehicle can shoot (or otherwise attack) in any direction.

Vehicle-Mounted Weapons

Vehicular actions, evasive action, manoeuvring, vehicle damage.

  • First Hit: Reduce movement by 10% and apply a -1 DM to all vehicle control skill checks.
  • Second Hit: Reduce movement by 25% and apply a -2 DM to all vehicle control skill checks.
  • Third Hit: Drive disabled.
  • Further drive hits count as Hull hits.
  • First Hit: The weapon or device suffers a -2 DM to all checks related to its operation.
  • Second Hit: The weapon or device is destroyed.
  • If no weapons remain to be destroyed, further hits on this location become Hull hits.
  • First Hit: The vehicle or drone suffers a -2 DM to all Sensors checks. For drones and robots, this also applies to Recon checks.
  • Second Hit: The sensors are destroyed, blinding the vehicle or drone.
  • Further Sensor hits count as Hull hits.

Power Plant

  • First Hit : The vehicle or drone loses one round’s worth of actions.
  • Second Hit: The vehicle or drone’s movement is reduced by 50%.
  • Third Hit: The power plant is destroyed, disabling the vehicle and inflicting 1d6 Hull hits on it.
  • First Hit: The limb suffers a -2 DM to all checks related to its operation.
  • Second Hit: The limb is destroyed.
  • Further Limb hits count as Hull hits.
  • First Hit: The vehicle’s computer system is disabled. A drone or robot with a disabled computer system shuts down for 1d6 rounds.
  • Second Hit: The vehicle’s computer system is destroyed. A drone or robot with no computer system is completely disabled.
  • Further Computer hits count as Structure hits.

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[Traveller]Space Combat: What is the difference between turrets and fixed weapons

  • Thread starter Stingray
  • Start date Mar 28, 2015
  • Tags traveller

traveller rpg fighter

Active member

  • Mar 28, 2015

Is there any rule difference i missed so far, when it comes to installing weapons in a turret or a fixed position (usually small fighters pointing forward)? There seems to be no modifier for firing, so i guess the only time, this difference comes into play is, when the manouvre drives are damaged and the ship can't face towards the enemy. Or are there any house-rules you suggest?  


I think that a fixed weapon can only be fired by the pilot, as it is the pilot who points the ship at the target. A turret can be fired by any gunner, and so on larger ships, you can fire at multiple targets with multiple gunners.  

Avenging Aerial Rodent

A turret can be aimed anywhere, no matter what direction the ship is headed. A turret can be aimed anywhere within an arc defined by how the weapon is sited. -clash  

flyingmice said: A turret can be aimed anywhere, no matter what direction the ship is headed. A turret can be aimed anywhere within an arc defined by how the weapon is sited. -clash Click to expand...

Rose Embolism

Rose Embolism

Validated user.

IIRC, in the Solomani sourceboo, fixed weapons could fit twice as many weapons in a mount, but they were at -4 to hit.  

Heavy Josh

One of "them."

  • Mar 29, 2015

Nope, as written, there's no difference between fixed mounts and turrets, except that fixed mounts are cheaper.  


Shark aficionado.

fixed weapons require the pilot to aim the ship before they can be fired, turrets do not.  


It depends on the edition, but in some of them you require more fixed weapons than turreted weapons if you're combining them into batteries.  

Brian Smaller

It also depends on the size of the ship. In High Guard larger vessels can only bring a percentage of batteries to bear at any particular target. That applied to Turret mounts and Bay mounts. I think that spinal weapons always could bring their main armament to bear. I think for small vessels the difference is one of description rather than game functionality.  

GAMMA Clearance

In my original rules for MGT, each turret fired separately, so the skill of that turret's gunner was a big factor.  

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Rules Only:   Traveller "deadly" Combat Rules discussion

  • Thread starter atpollard
  • Start date Apr 8, 2024


Super Moderator

  • Apr 8, 2024

... I don't really get this whole "deadly as Traveller Rules as written" meme that people keep saying: A Traveller Character has between 6 (222222) and 45 (FFFFFF) "hit points" with an average of 21 (777777). A first level Basic D&D Character (same era game) has between 4 HP (Magic user no Constitution bonus) and 12 HP (Fighter with maximum Constitution) with an average of 8 HP (D6+2 Con) [1 HP minimum and 5.5 HP average of you actually roll per R.A.W.]. A Traveller rifle/shotgun will do 3D6/4D6 per attack delivering 10.5/14 average and 18/24 maximum damage per attack to characters with an average of 21 "HP". A D&D Bow/Longsword will do 1D6/1D8 per attack delivering 3.5/4.5 average and 6/8 maximum damage per attack to characters with an average of 5.5 "HP". The maximum long range attack in Traveller (3D6 rifle) will not kill the average Traveller character with a single shot even at maximum damage (18 damage vs 21 "HP") while the maximum long range attack in D&D (1D6 bow) will kill the average D&D character with a single shot at maximum damage (6 damage vs 5.5 "HP"). For both games, the average damage requires two hits to kill the average character. For close range combat (shotguns and swords), the average character will survive average damage from a shotgun blast in Traveller (14 dam/21 hp) and the average character will survive the average longword attack in D&D (4.5 dam/5.5 hp). Maximum damage will kill the average character in both systems (24 dam/21 hp & 8 dam/5.5 hp) and maximum damage will not kill maximum HP in both systems (24 dam/36-45 hp & 8 dam/12 hp). So D&D is deadlier for characters than Traveller ... but everyone doesn't choose other combat systems and complain about how "deadly" combat is in D&D.  


atpollard said: ... I don't really get this whole "deadly as Traveller Rules as written" meme that people keep saying: A Traveller Character has between 6 (222222) and 45 (FFFFFF) "hit points" with an average of 21 (777777). A first level Basic D&D Character (same era game) has between 4 HP (Magic user no Constitution bonus) and 12 HP (Fighter with maximum Constitution) with an average of 8 HP (D6+2 Con) [1 HP minimum and 5.5 HP average of you actually roll per R.A.W.]. ..... Click to expand...
So D&D is deadlier for characters than Traveller ... but everyone doesn't choose other combat systems and complain about how "deadly" combat is in D&D. Click to expand...
atpollard said: ... I don't really get this whole "deadly as Traveller Rules as written" meme that people keep saying: Click to expand...


whulorigan said: BTW, *I* always disliked D&D at very low level for this very reason - I always thought the ideal character level was about 3rd level (for non-spell-casters, at any rate). At 3rd level (Fighter, Rogue, Cleric, etc.) you had some staying-power, but you were far from an invincible super-hero who could simply "wade into the fray". One of the reasons we eventually went over to Runequest as a rule-mechanic: More HPs than 1st level D&D (about = 3rd level), and then they remained at that level. Any bonus beyond that was due to some magic-item or something you got from elsewhere "in-campaign". Click to expand...

I do actually like distribution of damage and precisely for personal/visualization/medic drama. The unconscious first blood thing is a bit much, but I look at it as a sort of simplification, a mission kill without killing people. As for lethality, it also bothered me that a pistol couldn’t kill or most melee weapons. I went to a 1d/2d/3d location damage determination, then a pen damage system off Striker where the armor could shave off die or the weapon is too powerful and adds die. Yields a 0-6d result range, handles mixed vest/unarmored, tends to average like CT weapons but a lucky shot to say an unarmored head by pistol or even dagger will kill, and an FGMP hit on say an arm or leg just destroys that but doesn’t necessarily kill the victim. I suppose a functional simplification would be to do damage like CT animals, a mission kill disable number followed by kill number. I would use the highest value for the kill number, and add the other two for the disable number, or standardize on STR+DEX/END. Note whatever mix it is for post battle functionality and medical recovery.  

I liked the STRIKER conversion of damage from points to DICE and then further simplifying it to "light", "serious" and "critical" wounds [apologies if I got the nomenclature wrong.] That lent itself to the "Rule 68A" three tier task system allowing a hit of 6 to be a "light", an 8 to be "serious" and a 10 to be "critical" with dice of damage for weapon and Armor protection being modifiers to move the damage up or down in severity. It allowed for a HIT to be a hit or miss with armor impacting damage rather than needing a hit matrix table. It allowed armors to be "proof" against certain weapons while only reducing damage on other weapons. It allowed for the possibility of "light wounds" from powerful weapons and "critical wounds" from a holdout pistol ... while giving both high HD weapons and Heavy Armor counterbalancing benefits ... horses for courses. I just found the basic CT combat too slow ... too many tables. Too many steps. Too many special cases. Too many decision points ... per person per shot.  


atpollard said: The maximum long range attack in Traveller (3D6 rifle) will not kill the average Traveller character with a single shot even at maximum damage (18 damage vs 21 "HP") ... Click to expand...

mike wightman

mike wightman

I did away with the first blood rule as applying on the first hit. Instead the first blood rule is applied if you roll a natural 12 to hit or if you take a DM of -4 to aim for the head or other body location.  

AnotherDilbert said: If you actually intend to hurt someone you use an autorifle, and attack several times per round, twice on the main target and once on up to two other targets. A few riflemen can rather likely incapacitate or outright kill a party in a single round. And as already stated the problem doesn't go away when you level up after a few fights... Yes, that is too deadly. Click to expand...
atpollard said: The issue isn't actually the COMBAT rules, it is the ignoring of other rules ... LAW LEVEL So your "Autorifle" is permitted at LL 0-2 and PROHIBITED at LL 3+. Click to expand...


So open that can of worms.... I have been pondering this recently. A lot! For years I have used the charts in AHL for damage. Kinda, received wounds after penetration is 1/2d6 per point of penetration over armor. Though recently I have been pondering Pen-Armor=dm on each die of a 3d6 standard wound. With each die assignable as per CT core rules.  

atpollard said: It really was set up to be "pistols and rifles and shotguns and blades and cutlasses" in most fights ... just like the Pulp Fiction of the era. Click to expand...

Ostensibly that's a feature of the TNE/T2K/DC "GDW House Rules". You can shoot your pistol at a Main Battle Tank, and find out what happens. Alternatively, the tank can shoot you in the chest with its main gun, and you can also figure out what happens. (Here's a hint, auto cannon, in general are quite effective against, well, most everything...)  

Captain Bob of the LEXX

  • Apr 9, 2024

For many years I just used a basic animal of 50kg for hits 4/2 (6) and used that versus total of hit points. I just thought it was easier to convey to the players. For example, a character might have an average of 21 total hits points giving him/her/etc a 14/7, with 14 causing unconscious and extra 7 for the end.  

So, I played Traveller using the Hammer's Slammers supplement for about 4 years (until the MUCK died), and as whulorigan points out, a Traveller character may be down at 7 damage, if it comes in one shot and exceeds their End. Even if not, they are out at End+(Str or Dex) and the last is a bit of a buffer between them and final death. Hammer's Slammers did make body armor pretty much de rigeur, but it was generally appropriate to wear it at all times. The basic armor would knock an attack down by 10, so a 4d6+4 attack, which was fairly typical, that would do 18 on average would only do 8 after armor. That's often still a takedown, which the players took full advantage of. In general, armor in D&D does not reduce damage (apart from a couple very special types), so armor is a huge boost to survival in Traveller. Much more typical in civilian hands are 3d6 weapons and light/unobtrusive armor in the 4-6 range. That makes the average hit about 5, which is almost always less than End, so no one-shot KOs, and is pretty survivable, though still 3 hits to a takedown. I'm not sure if I have a point, or if I'm just sharing experience, but the point made by others that D&D characters quickly grow out of their danger area, where Traveller characters don't, I think is the real essence of the 'Traveller is deadly' feeling.  

Wound points are applied to the target’s (defending character’s) strength, dexterity and endurance on a temporary basis. Each die rolled (for example, each of the two dice rolled in a result of 2D) is taken as a single wound or group of hits, and must be applied to a single characteristic; further modifications may be distributed against, or added to, such wound groups as desired (players do this themselves; the referee does it for non-player characters). The first wound received by any character, however, can be sufficient to stun or daze him or her, and is handled differently. This first wound received is applied entirely to one of the three physical characteristics (strength, dexterity or endurance), determined randomly. As a result, first blood may immediately incapacitate or even kill. Click to expand...
whartung said: Ostensibly that's a feature of the TNE/T2K/DC "GDW House Rules". You can shoot your pistol at a Main Battle Tank, and find out what happens. Alternatively, the tank can shoot you in the chest with its main gun, and you can also figure out what happens. (Here's a hint, auto cannon, in general are quite effective against, well, most everything...) Click to expand...
Captain Bob of the LEXX said: For many years I just used a basic animal of 50kg for hits 4/2 (6) and used that versus total of hit points. I just thought it was easier to convey to the players. For example, a character might have an average of 21 total hits points giving him/her/etc a 14/7, with 14 causing unconscious and extra 7 for the end. Click to expand...
mike wightman said: Hits going to End first is unique to Mongoose Traveller and some of its derivatives. The classic rule was: Click to expand...

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  • 2.3 Strategy & Tactics (Doctrine)
  • 2.4.1 Size-Class Roles for Freighter Vessels
  • 2.4.2 Civilian Subcraft
  • 2.5 Supraclass Archetypal Roles
  • 3.1 Selected Variant Types & Classes
  • 3.2 Ship Summary List
  • 4 References & Contributors (Sources)

Library Data Referral Tree [ edit ]

Please refer to the following AAB Library Data for more information: Starship :

  • Civilian Ship
  • Military Ship
  • Non-Commercial Vessel
  • Paramilitary Ship
  • Ship Mission Code / Supraclass
  • Ship Type Code / Superclass
  • Ship Class Code / Class
  • Model ( TL )
  • Adventure Class Ship (Auxiliary Class Ship)
  • Battle Class Ship (Bulk / Subcapital Class Ship)
  • Capital Ship (Capital Class Ship)
  • Fleet Class Ship (Capital Class Ship)
  • Size-Role Classification
  • Subcapital Ship (Small & Large Battle Class Ships)
  • World Class Ship
  • Capital Ship
  • Non-starship
  • Subcapital Ship
  • System Craft
  • Astronomical Unit ( AU )
  • Light Speed ( c )
  • Light-week ( lw )
  • Light-year ( ly )
  • NAFAL ( STL )
  • Parsec ( pc )

Description ( Specifications ) [ edit ]

Medium-haul M-class Freighters transport nearly half of trade goods, resources, and other tradable materials within Charted Space. Such craft don't receive the same attention as the massive T-class Bulk Cargo Transports nor the smaller A-class Free Traders and R-class Far Traders , but they should since they are the unsung heroes of interstellar trade. They typically haul thousands to tens of thousands of tons of goods between ports of call.

Image Repository [ edit ]

Merchant Vessel - MC Cargo Freighter :

Hercules class Cargo Transport WTH.jpg

Merchant Vessel - MF Provincial Freighter :

J1 3500dT Freighter.jpg

Merchant Vessel - MH Heavy Freighter :

  • No image yet available.

Merchant Vessel - ML Light Freighter :

Freespace-Gateway-class-Merchant Ade-Stewart 19-Oct-2019.png

Merchant Vessel - MM Medium Freighter :

Merchant Vessel - MP Passenger Freighter :

Type-TC-Common-Transport-MT-RESIZE-R-Caswell-Reb-Soucebook-pg-80 29-Oct-2019b.jpg

Merchant Vessel - MPL Luxury Passenger Freighter :

J2 10000 dT Luxury Liner.jpg

Merchant Vessel - MS Superheavy Freighter :

Spectrum of Civil Shipping in Charted Space [ edit ]

Strategy & tactics (doctrine) [ edit ].

Freighters are merchant vessels , not combatants. Like most civilian ships , flight is the best response to piracy, terrorism, or other forms of hostile aggression. Freighters are enough of an investment that escort vessels often accompany convoys of trade vessels.

Supraclass Roles [ edit ]

Freighter s typically serve the following roles: Largecraft & Bigcraft :

Size-Class Roles for Freighter Vessels [ edit ]

  • Utility Craft (U) (1 to 99 tons )
  • Tramp Vessel or Liner (A or R) (100 to 2,499 tons )
  • Light Freighter (ML) (2,500 to 99,999 tons )
  • Medium Freighter (MM) (100,000 to 249,999 tons )
  • Heavy Freighter (MH) (250,000 to 499,999 tons )
  • Superheavy Freighter (MS) (500,000 to 999,999 tons )
  • Ultraheavy Freighter (MU) (1,000,000 or more tons )

Civilian Subcraft [ edit ]

Civilian subcraft (...both smallcraft and bigcraft ) are carried by some of these vessels :

  • Utility Craft (U)

Supraclass Archetypal Roles [ edit ]

These vessels typically serve the following archetypal roles:

History & Background ( Dossier ) [ edit ]

No information yet available.

Selected Variant Types & Classes [ edit ]

Civilian Ship - Merchant Ship - Cargo Freighter :

  • Balaanii class Merchant Freighter
  • Garrett Durant class Cargo Hauler
  • Hellworld class Merchant Cruiser
  • Hercules class Cargo Transport
  • Pinyin class Treasure Galleon
  • Prosperity class Medium Freighter
  • Type AH class Heavy Merchant
  • Valiant Conveyor class Liberty Ship

Civilian Ship - Merchant Ship - Provincial Freighter :

  • Star*mart class Provincial Merchant

Civilian Ship - Merchant Ship - Heavy Freighter :

  • No exemplar of this superclass yet available.

Civilian Ship - Merchant Ship - Light Freighter :

  • Doji Hoturi class Bulk Freighter
  • Freespace Gateway class Freighter
  • Orowani Deep Space class Light Liner
  • Sirocco class Merchant Freighter
  • Xeekr'kir! class Merchant

Civilian Ship - Merchant Ship - Medium Freighter :

  • Independence of the Stars class Interstellar Liner

Civilian Ship - Merchant Ship - Passenger Freighter :

  • Gaia class Luxury Liner
  • Horizon class Passenger Freighter
  • Jelmirt Marquis class High Liner
  • King Richard class Interstellar Liner
  • Last Armada class Personnel Transport
  • Nebula class Starliner
  • Olympian class Cruise Liner
  • Royal class Interstellar Liner
  • Sapphire Moon class Moduleship
  • Shuvalivashtu class Luxury Liner
  • Clii Argu class Common Transport ( Type TC class Common Transport )

Civilian Ship - Merchant Ship - Freighter :

  • Mavuzo class Super Freighter

Ship Summary List [ edit ]

Some of the most commonly used vessels in this role or these roles include:

References & Contributors ( Sources ) [ edit ]

  • This article is an amalgamation of many different materials published since 1977.
  • Traveller Wiki Editorial Team
  • Author & Contributor: Lord (Marquis) and Master of Sophontology Maksim-Smelchak of the Ministry of Science
  • Articles at intermediate completion state
  • Ship Organization
  • Ship type definitions

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  1. Rampart Class Fighters by on

    traveller rpg fighter

  2. Rampart Class Light Fighter w/Invasion Stripes by https://www

    traveller rpg fighter

  3. Pin by Melvin Williams on traveller

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  1. Fighter

    Fighter-Bombers is a fighter craft that has been modified, or used primarily, as a light bomber or attack aircraft. It differs from bomber and attack aircraft primarily in its origins, as a fighter that has been adapted into other roles, whereas bombers and attack aircraft are developed specifically for bombing and attack roles.

  2. Rampart class Light Fighter

    The Spinward Marches Campaign 32. Starships are designed with the Classic Traveller format, using High Guard . Rampart Class Light Fighter: The Rampart-class Aerofighter (Fighter), is the most commonly deployed and high-tech ( TL-15) starfighter within the Third Imperium . The Rampart class Light Fighter is a combatant smallcraft.

  3. Fighting Ships

    The Imperium 's fighting ships, the stalwart naval craft of the Imperium and the Spinward Marches, described, detailed, and illustrated in this reference work on the Navy's own starships. Contents include over 25 different ship classes ranging in size from 50 tons to 500,000 tons. Included are High Guard statistics, background material, and ...

  4. Fighters/PT Boats in the Traveller Universe

    Fighters are probably better imagined as PT boats for Space inasmuch as they use most of the same design rules as larger craft, have similar Newtonian performance characteristics (there being no air to be used for more agile performance), and mostly deliver "torpedoes", i.e. nuclear-weapon-tipped missiles. Most fighter mentions I've encountered ...

  5. r/traveller on Reddit: Looking for advice on making small craft harder

    Looking for advice on making small craft harder to hit at range. I've been playing TTRPGs for 30 years, but I'm new to Traveller and planning to run a MgT2e campaign in the near future. Looking at small craft, fighters specifically, they seem pretty useless. I love the idea that small fighters are more difficult to hit, and so can close on ...

  6. Mongoose JTAS index

    a fan blog supporting the Traveller RPG. start here; Traveller resources ... 2020. I was a Kickstarter backer of the Mongoose JTAS project for Traveller 2e, and received the PDFs for each volume as they were completed, and a very sweet six-volume slipcase at the completion of the project. ... Foxhound Superiority Fighter 50. vol3 ADVENTURE ...

  7. Mastering the Art of Combat: A Guide to Traveller RPG Fighting Skills

    Don't let danger stand in the way of your travels, equip yourself with the skills and knowledge from my Traveller Combat Guide. Master the art of combat an. Part 6 of my 11-part "Ultimate Guide to Playing Mongoose Traveller" series:

  8. T5, Traveller, the Fighter, the Battle Rider, and the Dreadnought

    Note: As the Cruiser class evolved they eventually were reclassified as: Armored Cruiser (later Heavy Cruiser - (CA)), Light Cruiser (CL) and later also the Carrier (CV - as the first Airplane Carriers were modified Cruisers with a flat-top). TL;DR. Fighters have to be worthwhile in some...

  9. Combat

    The attacker then makes a skill check, and if successful, deals damage to his target. As with any other skill check, the standard roll for success is 8+. The standard skill checks used in making an attack are: Melee Attack = 2d6 + Melee (appropriate specialty) + Strength or Dexterity DM (attacker's choice) Shooting Attack = 2d6 + Gun Combat ...

  10. r/traveller on Reddit: Is it just me or does the light fighter M-Drive

    A subreddit for the discussion of the Traveller Role Playing Game! Members Online • Troutyo_ ... Every other example of Light Fighter at TL12 seems to match the values I'm seeing here from the pre and post update. ! Reply reply WingedCat • As one of the authors of the 2022 update: there were quite a few things in the last pre-update High ...

  11. Stardart class Light Fighter

    Fighter. Canon. Published, fan design. Era. 1105. Starships are designed with the Classic Traveller format, using High Guard . The Stardart class Light Fighter is a combatant smallcraft . It is a military ship and a Light Fighter.

  12. Rampart Light Fighter

    The Rampart 28mm 3D printed light space fighter from the official Traveller RPG universe! Part of the Free Trader Beowulf campaign, find out more here:https:...

  13. Small Craft : r/traveller

    Navies in Traveller are engaged in Aerial Combat Maneuvering almost the same way that moder. Fighter Aircraft are with one key difference: They're often operating outside of gravity wells.. This means two things. First of all, the orientation of their "Tactical Egg" is relative and, can shift throughout the course of a single battle. Secondly, when they're outside a gravity well/envelope their ...

  14. Traveller (role-playing game)

    Traveller is a science fiction role-playing game first published in 1977 by Game Designers' Workshop. Marc Miller designed Traveller with help from Frank Chadwick, John Harshman, and Loren Wiseman. [1] Editions were published for GURPS, d20, and other role-playing game systems.From its origin and in the currently published systems, the game relied upon six-sided dice for random elements.

  15. Type-H Freighter

    J-2, 2G. 80 tons fuel. Model/2. 15 staterooms, 20 low. 3 hardpoints (1 double turret with pulse laser and sandcaster). Air/raft. 84 tons cargo. Streamlined. 4 crew. 123.35 MCr, 13 months. Inspired, at least in style, by a Valkyrie-class freighter from an old Terran video game, this relatively new design is designed as a half-step between the ...

  16. Free Downloads

    Free Downloads. Games from Mongoose Publishing are always well supported with additional materials that bring your gaming experiences to life. From this page, you can freely download many new game aids, from character sheets to entire ship catalogues of deck plans!

  17. Aircraft

    Quanah class Fighter: Air Superiority Craft Flight (Jet Aircraft- STOL) 6 10 tons 724,321.37 Quorra class CAS Plane: Close Support and Transport Vehicle Flight (Propellor Aircraft) 5 10 tons 210,401.5539 Radson class Fighter-Bomber: Ground Attack Craft Flight (Jet Aircraft) 6 25 Cr. 3,972,454.9 Sand Stalker Mk 322 class ACV/GEV: Light Tank

  18. List of Traveller books

    Traveller is an Origins Award winning science fiction role-playing game published by Game Designers' Workshop (GDW) in 1977. It is a time when interstellar travel has become possible and Humaniti has met other starfaring races. Traveller: 2300 portrayed humans as technologically advanced, but having a level of civilization not very far above the present day.

  19. [Traveller]Space Combat: What is the difference between turrets and

    traveller 1; 2; Next. 1 of 2 Go to page. Go. Next Last. S. Stingray Active member. Banned. Mar 28, 2015 #1 Is there any rule difference i missed so far, when it comes to installing weapons in a turret or a fixed position (usually small fighters pointing forward)? There seems to be no modifier for firing, so i guess the only time, this ...

  20. Battle Rider

    Private. WB-. Barge. WA-. Satellite. WO-. Space Station. A Battle Rider is a non-jump capable ship intended to stand in the line of battle in space combat and carried interstellar by a battle tender . They are considered bigcraft and boats displacing more than a hundred tons without a jump drive.

  21. T5, Traveller, the Fighter, the Battle Rider, and the Dreadnought

    Quite, but traveller is not characterised by rapid technological advance, leading to uncertainty of how to fight the next war. Traveller naval tactics is presumably rather unchanged since the Terrans built the first meson battleship a few thousand years ago (IIRC), and developed a doctrine for...

  22. Rules Only: Traveller "deadly" Combat Rules discussion

    Apr 8, 2024. #1. ... I don't really get this whole "deadly as Traveller Rules as written" meme that people keep saying: A Traveller Character has between 6 (222222) and 45 (FFFFFF) "hit points" with an average of 21 (777777). A first level Basic D&D Character (same era game) has between 4 HP (Magic user no Constitution bonus) and 12 HP (Fighter ...

  23. Freighter

    Freespace Gateway class Freighter. Freighters are generic merchant Merchant vessels comprise the bulk of trade vessels and often more than half of any astrographic region's total trade tonnage. The conservative estimate is that M-class Freighters carry at least 40% of interstellar trade. M = Merchant.