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COVID-19 and International Travel

Level 1 - practise health precautions ( more details ).

Original publication date: March 14, 2020

Updated: March 13, 2024

Current Situation

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, will continue to spread across Canada, and internationally. Outbreaks will still occur and new variants of concern may also emerge. 

Before your trip

All eligible travellers should ideally complete a COVID-19 vaccine series in Canada, along with any additional recommended doses (boosters), at least 14 days before travelling.

  • The COVID-19 vaccines used in Canada are effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19. They can also provide some protection against infection with the virus that causes COVID-19.

It is recommended that you delay travel if you have symptoms of COVID-19 until you are feeling better. If you choose to travel while you have symptoms, you should use several personal protective measures to help reduce the risk of spreading illness to others. It is strongly recommended that you wear a well-fitted respirator or mask if you need to be around other people. 

If travelling:

  • Consider, particularly if you are at risk of more severe disease or outcomes, the availability and potentially high cost of adequate medical services in your destination, should you become ill.
  • Check with your travel insurance provider and make sure you're covered for:
  • COVID-19-related medical expenses
  • other non-COVID-19 emergency-related expenses
  • trip interruption
  • While not required on planes and trains in Canada, it's still strongly recommended that you properly wear a well-fitted respirator or mask  while you travel, as these settings are higher risk for COVID-19 transmission.

Learn more about:

Vaccines for COVID-19 People who are at risk of more severe disease or outcomes from COVID-19 Travel insurance COVID-19: Travel, testing and borders COVID-19 mask use: Advice for community settings 

During your trip

The types of activities and actions you take while travelling will influence your risk of getting or spreading COVID-19. 

  • Settings where the risk of transmission is increased include those that are small, crowded, poorly ventilated and have people visiting for longer periods of time. Examples include:
  • large indoor events like concerts, conferences, and sporting events
  • indoor bars 
  • travel in crowded and enclosed and/or poorly ventilated forms of transportation (e.g., a local bus/minibus)
  • The risk is higher if activities that make people breathe heavily, like singing or shouting, are occurring.

How to reduce your risk of getting or spreading COVID-19

Consider your personal risks and make informed decisions on using personal protective measures to help keep yourself and others safe. These measures include:

  • Limiting contact with others when you’re sick
  • Wearing a well-fitted respirator or mask. It’s especially important to wear a mask:
  • If you’re sick
  • Seasonally: respiratory infectious diseases, like COVID-19, usually increase in fall and winter
  • If you’re in a small, crowded or poorly ventilated setting
  • If you’re at risk of more severe disease or outcomes or you spend a lot of time with others who are at greater risk
  • Practising hand hygiene
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use a hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol. 
  • If your hands are visibly dirty, you should wash them with soap and water instead of using hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unclean hands.
  • Covering your coughs and sneezes 
  • Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow, not your hand.
  • If you use a tissue, dispose of it as soon as possible and wash your hands immediately afterwards.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces and objects. This can remove and kill infectious particles.

Respiratory infectious diseases: How to reduce the spread with personal protective measures Hand washing and staying healthy COVID-19: Cleaning and disinfecting If you become sick or injured while travelling outside Canada or after your return Mass gatherings COVID-19 mask use: Advice for community settings 

Returning to Canada

If you feel sick or experience any symptoms of COVID-19 during your travel to Canada or upon arrival, you should:

  • wear a well-fitted respirator or mask 
  • inform the flight attendant, cruise staff and/or a border services officer upon arrival. You may be referred to a Quarantine Officer for a health assessment and further direction.
  • avoid taking public transportation.
  • check provincial or territorial recommendations for what you should do if you’re symptomatic or have tested positive for COVID-19.

COVID-19: Provincial and territorial resources

Information for Health Care Professionals

The Committee to Advise on Tropical Medicine and Travel (CATMAT) has developed a statement on COVID-19 and International Travel.

Statement on COVID-19 and International Travel

Registration of Canadians Abroad

Sign up with the Registration of Canadians Abroad service to stay connected with the Government of Canada in case of an emergency abroad or an emergency at home.

  • WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard
  • WHO - Coronavirus
  • World Health Organization - Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic
  • COVID-19: Travel, testing and borders
  • Travel Vaccinations
  • COVID-19: Prevention and tisks
  • If you become sick or injured while travelling outside Canada or after your return

Off Track Travel

The Complete Guide to Travelling Canada in Winter

Travelling Canada in winter is beautiful and exceptionally rewarding. Few people take up the opportunity, leaving the winter wonderland of Canada untouched and uncrowded. Winter travel in Canada doesn’t come without challenges, however.

snowy forest in winter new brunswick canada

9+ winters in Canada have taught me a trick or two to avoid the main difficulties and this guide will help you enjoy the best this season has to offer as well.

Here’s what to expect:

Why visit Canada in winter?

  • The best places to visit
  • The best things to do
  • Travel practicalities
  • What to wear
  • Winter driving

I’ll start with sharing some of many reasons why you should consider a winter getaway in the Great White North!

This post includes affiliate links. If you make a qualifying purchase through one of these links, I receive a small percentage at no extra cost to you. Thanks for supporting our site. 

Fence in front of frozen coastal landscape

While world-renowned for its natural beauty, Canada doesn’t often feature highly on the top of winter destination lists. I think it should and here are just a few reasons why:

Outdoor activities

When most people think of visiting Canada in winter, it is likely that skiing and snowboarding is a consideration. There’s a good reason for this too, with some of the best powder in the world to be found in Canada, at ski resorts and also in the expansive backcountry.

But there’s much more to Canada in winter than just the skiing – consider ice fishing, skidooing (snowmobiling), snowshoeing, snow tubing, cross-country skiing, skating and more. 

Gemma walking along snowshoe trail in orange jacket with forest in background

Festivals and events

Canadians know how to make the most of winter. Across the country, the winter schedule is full of festivals and events to celebrate the chill.

In comparison to those held in summer, winter festivals in Canada tend to be more on the imaginative side, highlighting some of the more unusual aspects to the season.

Not just for locals, the biggest winter festivals attract thousands of people from around the country and further afield. 

The beauty of a Canadian winter

Walking in a winter wonderland is simply magical. The crisp powder underfoot, blanketed trees, frozen lakes, drifting snow, trickling icicles, the white silence.

Imagine a log cabin in the centre of it all with a wood burning fireplace, chimney puffing away above. It’s a picture-perfect scene most often seen on Christmas cards.

It is also a reality you can experience while visiting Canada in winter.

Read Next: How To Start Hiking in the Winter (Without Freezing!)

Cabin surrounded by snowy forest at Halcyon Hot Springs, British Columbia

Cheaper accommodation and flights

There’s no question about it, travelling Canada in winter is usually cheaper than in summer. The main reason for this is the drop in accommodation and flight prices.

Responding to the lower demand, Canadian hotel prices in winter can be extremely cheap. This is particularly evident in the city of Niagara Falls. When we visited in December, we paid $69/night for a room that would typically have a nightly fee of $350 or more in the summer.

Wildlife watching

As the cold temperatures approach, many animals in Canada head south or go into hibernation. Some other animals, however, do the exact opposite and become more active in the winter.

Those visiting Canada in winter have the chance to see animals that are otherwise difficult to see during the rest of the year. The iconic moose does not hibernate, nor the caribou, bison, mountain goats or majestic lynx.

The Aurora Borealis – Northern Lights

Canada is one of the best places in the world to see the Aurora Borealis, more commonly known as the Northern Lights. The long, dark nights provide ideal conditions to see this amazing phenomenon.

Yellowknife (NWT) and Whitehorse (Yukon) are both in the ‘auroral zone’ and hence are popular winter destinations in Canada to see the lights. It is also possible to see them further south too, you just have to time it right!

Okanagan Lake view with sunset colours and clear skies. There is snow on the hill opposite

Lack of crowds

The busiest visitor season in Canada is, by far, summer. Parking lots are full, roads are busy, popular restaurants have a queue out the door and the most famous lakes in the Canadian Rockies are lined by bus tours.

Visiting Canada in winter is much quieter, offering a great opportunity to see the sights without the crowds. To use Niagara Falls as an example again, it was much more peaceful and relaxing to visit in December. 

Bragging rights

Canadian winters are legendary the world over. Braving the elements and visiting Canada in winter is a unique experience that few travellers can claim to have.

Not only does it offer incredible opportunities to see popular destinations in a more unusual way, but winter travel in Canada always has some great stories to go along with it!

I’ll never forget the first time I felt my hair freeze or that epic sunset with -40c temperatures in northern British Columbia.

Huge frozen waterfall cascades down canyon wall in Johnston Canyon, Banff National Park

The Best Places to Visit in Canada in Winter

Winter wonderland experiences await all over Canada; it is hard to go wrong in this beautiful country.

After so many winters here, however, I do have some favourite spots for winter getaways in Canada. Here are my picks for the best places to visit in Canada in winter. 

  • The ultimate Canadian winter experience for many is a trip to a ski resort . Those looking for the quintessential full-service ski village experience should head to Whistler, Sun Peaks, Big White , Mont Tremblant or Blue Mountain. The picture-perfect mountain town of Banff in Alberta offers a choice of three large ski resorts nearby. Adventurous skiers should consider Revelstoke, Kicking Horse or a trip to a backcountry lodge
  • Sitting in a natural hot spring surrounded by forest with snow falling from above is one of the most wonderful winter experiences in Canada. Commonly found in the mountain ranges of British Columbia and Alberta, there are also hot springs in Yukon Territory, Vancouver Island and, somewhat surprisingly, Saskatchewan. My favourites are Radium Hot Springs , Liard River Hot Springs  and Hot Springs Cove

Huge half frozen waterfall cascading over rockface. Gemma stands at the bottom wearing a yellow jacket and taking a photo of the waterfall above

  • Niagara Falls is one of Canada’s most popular attractions and it is just as beautiful in winter. In fact, some would argue that it is even more majestic with snowy surroundings. Viewing Niagara Falls is definitely a much quieter experience in winter, with it being possible to have entire viewpoints all to yourself at times
  • The major cities (Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Montreal and Halifax) are ideal places to visit in Canada in winter. Each has a plethora of museums and other interesting indoor attractions to explore. Winter festivals and events are plentiful, with some examples being Quebec’s Winter Carnival and Winterlude in Ottawa
  • British Columbia’s West Coast offers a great alternative to the snow elsewhere. Head to Port Renfrew, Tofino or Haida Gwaii for a winter getaway in Canada like no other. Breathe in the Pacific Ocean air and experience the full force of the winter storms battering the coast. If storm watching from an oceanside cabin isn’t quite exciting enough for you, have a go at surfing

top of triple stocks chair apex feb 3

The best things to do in Canada in Winter

In addition to the specific attractions and locations mentioned above, there are amazing experiences to be had all over Canada in winter.

Some examples of interesting and exciting things to do in Canada in winter include:

  • Glide through the snowy forest on a skating loop such as the one at Apex Ski Resort in British Columbia
  • Try the European spa experience at Thermea in Winnipeg or Nordik Spa near Ottawa
  • Watch can-can dancing and chainsaw competitions at the  Sourdough Rendezvous Festival in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory
  • Skate on the  world’s largest naturally frozen skating rink , the Rideau Canal in Ottawa
  • Discover frozen waterfalls in Johnston Canyon, Banff National Park, Alberta 

Gliding through trees on Apex Ski Resort's Skating Loop

  • Explore almost 1,000 kilometres of snowmobile trails including the tip-to-tip Confederation Trail on Prince Edward Island
  • Try out  the fastest ice track in the world  at the Whistler Sliding Centre in British Columbia
  • Sleep in North America’s only ice hotel at the Hôtel de Glace in Quebec City
  • Snowshoe the Skyline Trail  on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
  • See the frozen ocean in the Bay of Chaleur, New Brunswick (it is an incredible, almost unbelievable sight!)

frozen ocean bay of chaleur new brunswick

Travelling Canada in Winter: Practicalities

Travelling Canada in winter does not come without a few challenges. It is important to be aware of the following before setting out on any winter trip to Canada.

  • Winter hours for tourist attractions and services are usually more limited in winter. Some places completely shut down after the summer and remain so until late spring. Always check opening times first before heading out. 
  • Have a reasonably flexible itinerary that allows for delays. With inclement weather in mind, things may not always run to plan while travelling Canada in winter. Purchase travel insurance (with cancellation coverage) before leaving – we use World Nomads.  Getting an online quote from their website is quick and easy. 
  • Take your time while travelling in Canada in winter. Things move a little slower during this quieter season for good reason. Extreme winter conditions can sometimes make travelling Canada in winter dangerous. 

Colourful village buildings at Silver Star Ski Resort near Vernon, BC, with blue skies behind

Winter Weather in Canada: what to expect

Being the world’s second-largest country, winter conditions are not the same everywhere in Canada.

When travelling in Canada in winter, be prepared for the local weather. 

British Columbia: The western edge of British Columbia experiences the mildest winters anywhere in Canada. The average winter temperature in Vancouver and on Vancouver Island hovers around 5-8c. Southern BC is colder, with some snow expected December to February with more in the mountains. Winter sticks around far longer in the northern interior. 

The North: Winter days in Nunavut, Yukon, Northwest Territories are short and cold. Snow is common but in smaller amounts than you may expect for such northern reaches. Blue skies and sunshine should also be anticipated.

Grand Prairie winter sunset

The Prairies: If you’d like to experience what -35c feels like, head for the Prairies. Temperatures in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are blisteringly cold, especially with wind chill factored in. Winter in the Rocky Mountains are long; frozen lakes and snow in the mountains is common until June. 

Central Canada:  Ontario and Quebec have fierce winters, with plenty of snow and freezing weather. The average temperature in Toronto, Canada’s biggest city, hovers around 0c in January and February. 

Atlantic Canada: The provinces of Atlantic Canada (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI and Newfoundland) are regularly hit by winter storms from the Atlantic, bringing heavy snowfall and plenty of minus temperatures.

boats at caraquet harbour in winter new brunswick

What to wear while visiting Canada in winter 

The key to dressing appropriately for travelling Canada in winter is to wear plenty of clothing layers.

The first reason for this is to allow for easy transitions between outdoors and indoors. You’ll also be warmer – extra insulation is created from warm air trapped between layers. 

A warm jacket is essential when travelling Canada in winter. Down insulation is ideal (I use this jacket ) if you are travelling in drier regions while synthetic is better suited for environments with more snow and possible rain. Visitors heading to BC’s West Coast (Vancouver, Vancouver Island and Haida Gwaii) should prioritise bringing a waterproof jacket. 

Next is some kind of mid layer.  This primary purpose of this layer is to provide insulation. Mid layers for the top half of the body are most typically made of polyester fleece or wool, materials known for their insulating properties. 

Gemma and JR run towards the camera through snow wearing colourful waterproof jackets

Closest to your skin is a base layer. Also known as ‘thermals,’ base layers are there to wick sweat away and keep your skin dry. Base layers are often made of polyester or wool. Personally, I prefer the latter , as wool has a better warmth/weight ratio and feels better next to the skin. 

Covering the extremities of the body in winter is so important. Don’t forget a wool beanie (toque), gloves and a good pair of socks . I love I cebreaker socks for their unbeatable comfort and lifetime guarantee.

Ice grips or cleats to attach to the bottom of your shoes are always a good idea to carry for easier walking in icy areas. I like these ones by IceTrekkers.

It is easier to get sunburned in the winter than you may think – be sure to bring the sunscreen ! Sunglasses are also a good idea to avoid snow glare. 

For more information about what to wear in Canada in winter, check out our dedicated clothing guide .

Snowshoeing at Halcyon Hot Springs

Driving in Canada in winter

With ice and snow on most roads, driving in Canada in winter should not be taken lightly. Visitors with zero winter driving experience should strongly consider the risks and potential stress of driving in Canada. It can be dangerous for the inexperienced driver as well as others on the road. 

Here are some tips if you do decide to drive on a winter trip to Canada:

  • Go slow. Driving in winter in Canada is a slower experience than in summer. You must be prepared for slippery roads, reduced visibility, heavy snowfall and black ice. Road closures are not uncommon. Days are shorter in winter so adjust driving times to make the most of the daylight. 
  • Be prepared. Roadside services in remote areas adore limited in winter. While driving across Canada in winter, we found a 200km section of Highway 1 with no cell phone signal and no open roadside facilities. Be sure to have an emergency kit with food, water, extra clothing and a first aid supplies. 
  • Bring appropriate equipment. In some provinces, the use of winter tires is mandatory. Tire chains are a good idea if heading into the mountains of BC and Alberta. Carry jumper cables , a shovel and tow rope. Keep an eye on windscreen washer fluid levels. Maintaining good visibility despite snow, ice, salt and grime while travelling Canada in winter is essential.

Snowy roads in Canada - an example of driving in winter

Related posts you may find helpful:

65 Cool Things to Do Across Canada in Winter

What to Wear in Canada in Winter: A Complete Guide

8 Must See Places On A Winter Road Trip Across Canada

Essential Travel Tips for a Winter Road Trip in Canada

Snowshoeing 101: A Beginner’s Guide

10 Ways to Explore Ontario’s Winter Wonderland

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Travelling Canada in winter is beautiful and rewarding. It is not, however, without challenges. Click here to discover how to overcome these difficulties alongside winter driving tips and a round up of the best places to visit in Canada in winter. offtracktravel.ca

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Daniel Merino

Sunday 20th of February 2022

Hi, guys. My name is Daniel Merino. I'm twenty-seven years old and I live in Florida in United States. And my girlfriend is originally from Montreal. And what we love to fly to Canada in winter is we would love to go sledding, snow tubing, make snow Angel's, and have snowball fights. And her extended family members live in Quebec.

Tuesday 22nd of February 2022

Sounds like you'll have a fun trip Daniel!

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11 Best Things to Do in Canada in January From a Local

Table of Contents

Wondering if you should visit Canada in January? Let’s find out!

There’s no denying that January is cold. I was born and raised in Canada, so I know all about the freezing winter temperatures. I’ve walked my dog in -30°C when it was so cold my hair froze while dry!

But despite the cold weather, I actually really enjoy Canada in the winter.

And I’ve lived from Halifax to Toronto to Victoria, so I’ve experienced it across the whole country.

Canada becomes a winter wonderland in January, and there are so many things to do that you can’t find in any other season. It’s when it finally becomes the snowglobe that the rest of the world seems to think we are.

You can attend an ice wine festival, try some winter sports, and enjoy the gorgeous snowy scenery. Plus, you can find great deals on hotels and restaurants in January because it’s off-peak tourist season.

So, let’s dive into this guide and get you all set for an amazing trip to Canada!

Nina and her golden retriever with a sled standing in the snow in Muskoka in winter

Why Visit Canada In January? 

Canada is absolutely breathtaking, and it’s a destination that should be on everyone’s winter travel list.

Believe it or not, Canada’s winter tourism is booming! The landscapes are transformed in the winter, with snow-capped mountains in the western provinces and bustling Christmas markets in the east. It feels like a fairy tale!  

The ski slopes are world-class, the ice-skating rinks are plentiful, and you can even see the Northern Lights a short drive from the city.

Don’t let the cold deter you – January offers so much to do. Plus, you can save a lot of money, especially in popular summer destinations like Vancouver, Toronto, and Ottawa.  

Nina smiling at the camera in a parka, scarf, toque and sunglasses on a sunny winter day in Canada with a snowy landscape in the back

Weather In Canada In January

Canada’s weather in January is, as you’d expect, cold.

The temperature in January typically ranges from -15°C to 5°C (5 – 41 °F) and can even drop to as low as -27°C (-16°F) in some areas of the country, depending on location and altitude. 

In fact, the further inland you go, the colder Canada’s temperature gets! Winnipeg is often the coldest major city in Canada!

Snowfall is also quite common in January, especially in Canada’s northern and central regions.

Nina's golden retriever sitting in the snow smiling at the camera on a winter hike in Ottawa.

Seasons In Canada

Canada experiences four distinct seasons – winter, spring, summer, and fall. Winter in Canada is usually extremely cold and often snowy.

Winter begins in December and continues until March, with the coldest month typically being January. During this season, a blanket of snow covers most of the country, which is perfect for snow-related activities like skiing, ice skating, and sipping on ice wine.

Are you a Canuck or a Hoser? Test your Canadian knowledge now!

Graphic reading

11 Best Places To Visit In Canada In January

Niagara in winter with the waterfalls turned into giant icicles

1. Niagara Falls

One of the best places to visit is Niagara Falls in January . The scene is breathtaking and completely different than what you’d find in the summer!  

Niagara Falls and American Falls both freeze over in the winter, and you can also experience the Winter Lights Festival at the Falls. There are even nighttime helicopter tours that allow you to see the light show from above!

While you should try to see the falls from both sides, the view from the Canadian side is what makes it one of the best places to visit in Canada during winter. 

❄️ I love this Niagara Falls winter tour as it gives you a unique perspective of the Falls without all the usual tourist crowds!

Snow in Ottawa's main square in winter

2. Ottawa In January

If you want a more unique winter experience, consider visiting Canada’s capital , Ottawa.

Although Ottawa’s winter temperatures can reach as low as -21ºC (-5ºF), the extra snowy landscapes offer the perfect conditions for snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, and ice skating!

The highlight of the season is undoubtedly the world-renowned Rideau Canal. The UNESCO World Heritage Site morphs into the world’s largest naturally frozen skating rink, spanning a whopping 7.8 km. 

This natural skating rink is a magnet for locals and tourists, drawing nearly a million visitors annually. It’s one of the best Canada attractions in winter!

You can skate day or night, seven days a week, at no extra cost. So, lace up your skates and glide along the Rideau Canal Skateway, a true Canadian winter experience and a must-do when visiting Canada in January.

🐶 For even more winter fun in Ottawa, try this dog sledding tour – I love that the tours include a meal and hot chocolate to keep you warm!

Lake Ontario with ice in winter looking at the Toronto skyline

3. Toronto In January

January in Toronto is one of the best times to visit the city. Toronto is usually expensive, but it’s much cheaper in the winter (off-peak season). This includes more affordable hotel rooms, discounted tours, and fewer waits at the city’s popular attractions. 

Toronto is a great place to shop and take advantage of the post-holiday sales, too. Check out the PATH , Toronto’s underground walkway that hosts 30km of shops, cafes, and restaurants. 

You’ll also find loads of world-class museums, theaters, art galleries, and entertainment complexes where you can escape the cold. Some of my favorite indoor activities in Toronto are The Royal Ontario Museum, The Art Gallery of Ontario, and Ripley’s Aquarium Of Canada. 

🏫 If you need to warm up after wandering through the city in the snow, I recommend booking a hotel with a private hot tub ! 

Theo the golden retriever sitting in the snow in Vancouver on a hike

4. Vancouver In January

Compared to other parts of Canada, Vancouver in British Columbia experiences a milder climate, so it’s less cold and snowy than other spots on the list! 

With fewer tourists in January, you can fully appreciate the city’s attractions without the usual crowds. 

If you can only visit one spot in Vancouver in January, make it the Capilano Suspension Bridge. Here, the Canyon Lights show illuminates the surrounding forest and makes for an epic Instagram photo. 

people on ice skating near Ferris wheel during day

5. Montreal In January

Montreal is Quebec’s largest city and home to a few of the best things to do in winter in Canada. 

It’s actually one of the coldest cities in all of North America at this time, but surprisingly, most of the best things to do in January are outdoors.

One of the top things to do is spend a day at Cap-Saint-Jacques Nature Park , a large park just outside Montreal. There are a bunch of winter experiences at the park, like snow sports, sledding, and romantic carriage rides. 

Also, the historic Old Town of Montreal is well worth exploring for an afternoon! It’s a charming neighborhood and looks even better in the snow. Trust me, it’s worth braving the cold!

6. Quebec City In January

If you’re heading to Canada in January, you will want to experience the heart of Eastern Canada, Quebec City. 

Quebec weather in January is very snowy, making Old Town look like something straight out of a fairytale. The holiday lights are usually still up in January, adding to the city’s cozy winter vibe.

If you’re somewhat of an adventure enthusiast, you’ve got to check out Village Vacances Valcartier . They’ve got all sorts of exciting activities like dog sledding , tubing, and snowmobiling. 

You can even turn your stay into an icy adventure by staying at the famous Hôtel de Glace , the coolest (literally!) ice hotel around.

Just outside the city, you’ll find the breathtaking Montmorency Falls. It’s well worth visiting by itself, but many people come in winter to watch daredevils climb up the frozen falls!

7. Banff In January 

If you love the snow, then Banff in January is a dream! The region typically receives 8-12 cm (~3-5 inches) of fresh snow per week, transforming the landscape into a pristine, snow-blanketed paradise.

It’s one of the best places in Canada for winter sports, especially skiing and snowboarding, but you can find ice skating and snowshoeing opportunities, too.  

You can even snowshoe across Lake Louise in January! The lake is frozen solid during this month. It’s also the site of the spectacular Ice Magic Festival , where renowned ice carvers from around the globe gather to craft intricate and stunning ice sculptures. 

The sculptures are always super impressive and worth the trip from Banff to Lake Louise. 

Once the cold becomes too much to bear, you can take a break and warm up with a hot chocolate at the beautiful Fairmont Château .

Towards the end of January, Banff also hosts SnowDays, a 12-day celebration of winter, where ice carvers create and display some cool works of art on Bear Street.

⛷️ For the most epic winter adventure, I recommend this 6-day Canadian Rockies tour, which includes stops in Banff National Park, Jasper National Park, and Lake Louise!

8. Whistler In January

January is a fantastic time to check out Whistler, one of the top ski resorts in Canada. 

The snow is typically excellent around this time, so by mid-January, both mountains are fully open for skiing, along with all alpine lifts and backcountry access gates. 

It’s not just for skiers or snowboarders, though. Whistler offers plenty of activities for non-skiers.

Take your pick from snowmobiling, dog sledding, tubing, or simply enjoy the winter scenery from the lodge with a cup of hot cocoa.

9. Winnipeg In January

Winnipeg is pretty awesome in January, especially if you’re into ice fishing. 

Imagine chilling on Lake Winnipeg, ice fishing at one of the world’s largest freshwater lakes . You can catch perch, walleye, or even northern pike here! 

The best part is that you can rent a hut so you won’t freeze!

Another super popular winter activity in Winnipeg is skating on the Nestaweya River Trail. It’s one of the longest naturally frozen trails and a great way to spend a sunny afternoon in Manitoba’s capital city!  just perfect for some fun on the ice. Picture yourself gliding along while taking in all the gorgeous winter views.

10. Calgary In January 

Have you considered visiting Calgary in January? 

The weather in Calgary can be a bit of a mystery, as temperatures can swing from a frosty -30 degrees Celsius (-22 °F) to a more comfortable 10 degrees Celsius (50 °F). This variance in temperature is due to Chinooks , where warm ocean air comes over the mountains and can turn a snowy week into an Indian Summer overnight!  

The best way to spend a day in Calgary is at the WinSport Canada Olympic Park , a world-class ski facility used in the 1988 Winter Olympics. 

You can try your hand at a run down the bobsleigh track or get tickets for the 10-lane tube park (the largest in Western Canada). If that’s not exciting enough, some people even race down the giant luge track! 

11. Halifax In January

If you find yourself in Canada in January, a stop-off in Halifax, Nova Scotia, can be an excellent addition to your itinerary.  

Downtown Dartmouth, a vibrant neighborhood in Halifax, hosts the annual Ice Festival in January, where you can stroll through the streets enjoying live music, shopping, and admiring the beautiful ice sculptures and winter lights. 

Halifax in January is also a culinary adventure. Everyone should try a bowl of the province’s best seafood chowder, but if you love seafood, you can complete the whole Nova Scotia Chowder Trail! 

On this gastronomic trail, visitors collect stamps from participating restaurants to fill out a Chowder Trail passport , a fun souvenir to remember your adventure in Halifax !

Holidays And Festivals In Canada In January

There are some epic winter holidays, events, and festivals in Canada in the winter. Here are a few of my favorites that take place in January.

The Ice Wine Festival

Given Canada’s frigid temperatures, it’s no surprise that the country produces some of the best ice wine in the world. 

The Ice Wine Festival is held every January in Niagara and celebrates this unique Canadian delicacy. Sample vintages from local wineries as you explore Canada’s winter wine country. 

Igloofest Music Festival

Igloofest is a world-renowned event and is the coldest outdoor electronic music festival on the planet! It takes place in Montreal, bringing thousands of winter enthusiasts and electronic music fans together for an unforgettable show.

Montreal Snow Festival

The Montreal Snow Festival and Winter Carnival is an annual celebration of winter and snow. 

As expected, the activities are all about snow and ice, from ice sculpting to ice skating and a giant snow slide. But there is also plenty of music, shopping, and entertainment for those looking to take a break from the freezing temperatures! 

Dog sled in Mont Tremblant

Winter Activities In Canada

From winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding to snowshoeing and ice fishing, there are tons of fun things to do in winter outdoors in Canada! Here are some of my favorites. 

Ice skating is arguably the most popular winter activity in Canada. Many cities and towns have a public outdoor rink with skate rentals available! 

Cross-country skiing is a great way to see Canada’s stunning backcountry, but it’s certainly a test of endurance. If you’ve never tried cross-country skiing, there’s no better place in the world! 

Skiing and snowboarding are two major reasons people travel to Canada in winter . The Canadian Rocky Mountains offer some of the best skiing and snowboarding in the world. Many resorts also provide other activities, including tubing, snowmobiling, and dog sledding.

Dog sledding is an iconic Canadian activity that people enjoy throughout winter. It’s a great way to explore Canada’s frozen tundras and a unique experience for travelers! 

Ice fishing is another popular winter activity in Canada, especially in some of the more rural areas. No matter which province you visit, a nearby lake/river is undoubtedly great for ice fishing.

Viewing the Northern Lights is only possible during winter in Canada. The natural light show of  Aurora Borealis happens in many provinces, but Nunavut and Alberta are two of the best places to spot them.

⛷️ If you plan on doing any winter sports in Canada, then you’ll need insurance! I recommend World Nomads

How To Get Around Canada In January 

The best way to get around Canada in January is by car . 

Renting a car provides the freedom to explore destinations off the beaten path without worrying about weather conditions disrupting public transport schedules. However, in the winter weather, it’s important to come fully prepared for shorter driving days, road closures, and the chance of blizzards and high winds.

Challenges Of Traveling To Canada In January

Canada in January is cold, and the roads can sometimes be icy and dangerous. Therefore, it’s essential to check the weather and take extreme caution if driving after heavy snow. 

It is also worth noting that many provincial and territorial parks will have limited access to visitors. Not all roads are open throughout the winter, and some roadside facilities, like visitor centers and rest stops, may be closed for the winter. 

There is also a higher chance of flight delays or cancellations, so it’s always good to have a backup plan (or two!) when traveling around Canada in January.

What To Pack For Visiting Canada In January 

Canada’s January weather is extreme, so you need to come prepared with winter clothes ! 

January is usually the coldest month of the year in Canada, so it’s important to be sure you bring along plenty of layers. 

Pack a warm coat, gloves, and a hat (ideally one that covers your ears)! It’s also worth packing some waterproof boots and snow pants if you plan on doing any winter activities. 

I also recommend getting some Hot Hands to put in your gloves or even tuck inside your boots to keep your feet toasty!

Is January a good time to go to Canada?

Yes, January is a great time to visit Canada! Despite the cold weather, there are plenty of winter activities and festivals that make this month a great time to enjoy the country. Plus, you’ll find fewer crowds at famous attractions in winter!

How cold is it in Canada in January?

The temperatures in Canada vary depending on location and altitude, but generally, the average temperature range is from -15°C to 5°C (5 – 41°F). However, in some areas of the country, it can drop as low as -27°C (-16°F).

Is Toronto worth visiting in January?

Yes, Toronto is worth visiting in January! Although the temperatures can be pretty low, there are plenty of exciting winter events and activities to check out.

When can you see the northern lights in Canada?

The northern lights are most visible from October to April. The best place to see them is the Northwest Territories, where they’re generally visible 240 nights a year.

Is it snowing in Canada in January?

Yes, it’s very likely to snow in Canada during January. This is true for every province in Canada, but some cities will experience significantly more snowfall than others. 

When does it snow in Canada Toronto? 

In Toronto, snow usually falls from mid-November until the end of March. The most snowfall occurs during January and February. 

Canada in January is truly a winter wonderland. 

Of course, it can get unbearably cold at times, and getting around is more of a challenge, but don’t let that stop you from visiting Canada in January because the country has some cool things to offer, whether you’re in Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver, or Banff!  

You’ll have an amazing time here as long as you’ve got the right gear and a taste for adventure. 

Bundle up and witness jaw-dropping landscapes and more winter activities than you can shake a hockey stick at!

For more information and inspiration for spending winter in Canada, check out this guide on visiting Niagara Falls in winter and the ultimate Canada bucket list . 

Read More About Canada!

  • Canada Day Quiz: Are You a Real Canuck or Posing as a Hoser?
  • 20 Common Misconceptions About Canada: Myths & Stereotypes
  • Canada Cuisine to Try: Traditional Food Canada is Famous For
  • 10 Delicious Canada Cocktail Recipes to Try
  • 83 Bucket List Canada Things to Do from a Canadian
  • 202 Fun Facts About Canada You’ve Never Heard
  • 190 Best Canada Quotes and Captions for Instagram
  • 13 Best Sunsets in Canada to See
  • Spring in Canada: Best Places to Visit and Things to Do [Local Guide]
  • Canada in Summer: Best Places to Visit and Things to Do [Local Guide]
  • Canada in the Fall: Best Places to Visit and Things to Do [Local Guide]
  • 13 Best Canada Northern Lights Tour and When to Go
  • 65 Best Souvenirs From Canada to Gift
  • Is Canada in America? + More Facts
  • Does Canada Celebrate Halloween?
  • Canadian vs American Thanksgiving: What’s the Difference?
  • What is Santa called in Canada?
  • Canada Name Generator: Creative Name Ideas from a Canadian!
  • Canada Winter Months and Temperatures
  • 65 Best Things to Do in Canada in Winter
  • 27 Best Places to Visit in Canada in Winter
  • What is the legal drinking age in Canada?
  • Can You Drink in Canada with a US ID?
  • Renting a Car in Canada: 41 Important Local Tips & Tricks
  • Tipping in Canada: Do You Have to Tip in Canada?
  • 100 Canadian Slang Words and Phrases (From a Canadian!)
  • 10 Epic Canadian Spots to Celebrate New Year’s Eve

Canada Travel Planning Guide

🚑  Should I buy Canada travel insurance?

100% YES!  — Canada has “free” healthcare but it’s only for citizens! Foreigners visiting need travel insurance in case anything happens on their visit. I recommend World Nomads – starting at just $5 a day!

💧 Can you drink the water in Canada?

Yes  — In all major cities in Canada, you can drink the tap water. There are very few, rural areas that you can’t. However, you should never drink river or lake water anywhere in the country! I recommend a Brita Water Bottle for long hikes and backcountry camping to stay safe and hydrated.

🚙💨  Is it safe to rent a car in Canada?

Yes  — Renting a car is a necessity in most of Canada! If you want to go on road trips or adventures outside of the major cities, you’ll need to rent a car. ( Read more )

📲  Will my phone work in Canada?

Maybe  — Some American companies work in Canada, but many will not. If your phone doesn’t work in Canada, I recommend getting a Canadian SIM card so you can get around and stay in contact with loved ones. We don’t have a lot of free WIFI in Canada, so you’ll need your phone for maps.

🏩  What’s the best way to book my Canada accommodations?

My go-to for Canadian hotels is Booking.com . For hostels, I use Hostel World . If you want a home-y feeling, check out VRBO (which is cheaper and safer than Airbnb).

Or get free accommodations with Trusted Housesitters!

✈️  What’s the best site to buy Canada flights?

For finding cheap Canadian flights, I recommend  Skyscanner .

🎫  Do I need a visa for Canada?

Likely Not  — US, UK, and EU passport holders don’t need Canadian visas. However, some other countries do ( check here! ). And if you plan to stay for more than 4 weeks (an average tourist visa length), you will need to look into visas to live in Canada.

Nina Clapperton is the founder of Nina Out and About. She has lived in 18 countries in the past 10 years, explored more than 30 countries, and has done most of it solo. A Canadian native, she also shares her favourite things to do in the True North. She helps over 100,000 people per month plan their expat adventures and Canadian trips.

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travel to canada in january

Canada Crossroads

21 Best Places to Visit in Canada in Winter

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Looking for the best places to visit in Canada in winter? We got you covered. From snow capped mountain getaways, world class ski resorts to Christmas markets and Ice & Lights events, a winter break in Canada is a must add to your travel bucket list. 

Pocahontas Cabins in Jasper East

In this post, we will share some of the top picks for winter destinations in Canada, sorted by provinces in alphabetical order! Happy Reading.

21 Best places to visit in Canada in winter

travel to canada in january

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you click one of them, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

In a hurry? Here is a quick list of amazing winter destinations in Canada for a getaway (from mountains, and cities to snowy activities)

  • Banff National Park, AB
  • Calgary, AB
  • Edmonton, AB
  • Jasper National Park. AB
  • Lake Louise, AB
  • Vancouver, BC
  • Squamish, BC
  • Victoria, BC
  • Whistler, BC
  • Churchill, MN
  • Halifax, NS
  • Great Lakes, ON
  • Niagara Falls, ON
  • Blue Mountain, ON
  • Parc de la Gatineau, ON
  • Charlottetown, PEI
  • Montreal, QC
  • Mont Tremblant, QC
  • Trois-Rivières, QC

The winter months in Canada are from December to February. January is the coldest month, and this is the best time for winter sports-related activities. Festive events are held from mid-December to early January.

Many ice festivals take place from January to the first weeks of February. Ice fishing season starts in February.

Pyramid Lake Island Jasper

Depending on your travel destination, you may experience winter/snowy landscapes during the months of March and April as well. In places like Lake Louise and Whistler, spring skiing is also possible.

What to wear in Canada in winter clothing for Canada

There are some winter essentials to pack for Canada.  

  • Winter Parka : Pack and carry a warm parka jacket to enjoy the winters outside in Canada. Here is my favorite jacket from The North Face. It has a good length and is super warm. Click to view this winter jacket.
  • Base Layers: Highly recommend that you layer on it! Wear long johns or base layers (top and bottom), to stay warm and toasty. Click to view my favorite pair bottom here , and top here
  • Winter Boots: These are an absolute must! Wear warm boots that come with a good grip. Buy my favorite pair here
  • Add cleats for when you go exploring snow-covered canyons, or waterfalls. Click to buy here
  • Warm Beanie : Wear something in bright colors for a contrasting look to the white background. I am loving these from Amazon
  • Also pack: Warm socks , warm gloves , pretty scarf

1. Banff National Park

Banff Downtown

Banff National Park is one of the best places to visit in Canada in winter. Enjoy the stunning Canadian Rockies, sprinkled with snow dust and a beautiful winter wonderland.

One of the amazing things to do in the winter in Banff is to head to the Sulphur Sightseeing Gondola and soak in views of the mountains.  On certain nights, Banff Gondola also organizes a stargazing event, along with Christmas celebrations.  

There are tons of seasonal activities held here in the winter, from Christmas on Mountain Top to the Santa Claus parade and other leisurely activities.

Planning the perfect Christmas in Banff

For those looking for winter sports, Banff welcomes you with natural and man-made ice rinks, cross country skiing, and snowboarding, all with amazing mountain backdrops.

Mount Norquay and Banff Sunshine Village are great options for skiing in the mountains. 

Winter is also amazing for Banff hiking and ice walks. Although not all trails will be open (like it’s open in the summer months), winter hiking on selected trails is possible. Always ensure you are taking a guide on winter hikes if this is your first time. 

Johnston Canyon in winter girl hiking

Romantic winter activities from fairytale castle staycations, horse sleigh rides to fancy dining, Banff has it all for a winter holiday! Be sure to wear warm clothes, as it can be pretty windy in Banff on the mountaintop.

  • Tours : Ice climbing activities at the Johnston Canyon
  • Accommodation in Banff : Fairmont Banff Springs (5-star hotel) | Elk and Avenue Banff (3+ star)

2. Calgary  

travel to canada in january

One of the prettiest cities in Canada to visit in winter is Calgary. Calgary is usually the first stop for those travelers heading to Banff from overseas or out of province. 

The majority of the city attractions are open in the winter in Calgary . Ensure you visit the Calgary Tower observation platform to soak in the views of the snow-covered cityscape.

Calgary Tower Glass floor in winter

Tons of festive concerts, markets, and restaurants menu pop up to keep you delighted throughout the stay.

travel to canada in january

During this time, you must visit museums like the Glenbow Art Museum, and Fort Calgary Park to name a few. This is also a good time to shop at various retail locations in Calgary, which are normally filled with Holiday decorations and sales. 

Find how to spend a day in Calgary here

If you are into outdoor activities, include a trip to the Olympics Park and enjoy winter activities at the world-class facility. Another option is the Fish Creek Provincial Park. You can go cross-country skiing, and snowshoeing here. 

  • Accommodation : Stay in downtown Calgary, our favorites: Fairmont Palliser | Le Germain Calgary

3. Edmonton 

travel to canada in january

Edmonton is the capital city of Alberta, and it has been our home for the past 7+ years. In the winter Edmonton beams with amazing activities from Xmas markets to ice castles and light festivals!

travel to canada in january

Our absolute favorite is the Ice Castles festival which takes place from late December to early February (ice castles are canceled for 2020, likely to return in 2023/4). 

You can also venture into nearby places like Saint Albert, Devon, and Sherwood Park for more winter fests!

Saint Albert Christmas Glow celebrations

The city is filled with other festivals too like the amazing Luminaria Lights festival, where the Botanical Gardens are decorated with festive lights for two days.

Devonian Gardens Edmonton winter

Not too far from Edmonton is the Elk Island National Park, where you can chase the Northern Lights in the winter, or go snowshoeing.

We love to take a walk at the Legislature Grounds in the winter, as it lights up for Christmas festivities. Shopping is huge in Edmonton too. Here you can shop at the largest indoor shopping mall in the country – West Edmonton Mall.

travel to canada in january

The Riverside Bistro ( Courtyard by Marriott in Downtown Edmonton) sets up winter igloos for you to dine in. We had a great time, cozying with our loved ones in an igloo, overlooking the river valley.

  • Where to stay in Edmonton : Hilton Garden Inn West Edmonton | The Fairmont Hotel Macdonald

4. Jasper National Park

travel to canada in january

Jasper is a winter wonderland! Being the largest park in the Canadian Rockies, there is no dearth of things to do in Jasper National Park. 

When you visit Jasper in the winter , you’ll find yourself immersed in a wonderland of outdoor activities. Skiing snowboarding, snowshoeing, and skating are just a few of the exhilarating options available to you. Ice fishing is also possible in Jasper. 

Marmot Ski Resort is where you can enjoy the lovely powder (till early spring months). 

Marmot Ski Basin Alberta

The park also offers a variety of winter activities, such as dog sledding, ice climbing, and snowshoeing. You can go ice climbing at the Maligne Canyon, or snowshoe by Sunwapta Falls. These falls look heavenly in the winter!

Winter Sunwapta Falls

The Pyramid Lake area is perfect for easy-to-moderate winter hikes and walks. You can also stay in the resort and admire the winter landscape from the comfort of your suite!

Speaking of comfort and luxurious interiors, Fairmont Jasper Lodge is an amazing spot to book a winter staycation. They have special festive getaways in the month of December that you can enjoy with your friends and family.

There is a spa on-site, restaurants as well as a frozen pond!

Fairmont Jasper Lodge in winter

Jasper Town is also very adorable. You will find everything from fast food joints, to breweries and shopping on the main street!

Wildlife in Jasper National Park Icefields Parkway Drive

But that’s not all! Jasper National Park is also renowned for its abundant wildlife sightings during the winter months. As you explore the park, keep your eyes peeled for the magnificent bighorn sheep, graceful elk, and majestic moose. These encounters with nature will add an extra layer of excitement to your visit.

With its breathtaking icefalls, frozen lakes, and stunning mountain views, it’s no surprise that Jasper ranks high on any traveler’s bucket list.

  • Tours : Icewalk at Maligne Canyon
  • Hotels : Pyramid Lake Resort | Fairmont Jasper Lodge
  • Resources : Where to stay in Jasper National Park

5. Lake Louise

Frozen lake louise winter

Located inside the Banff National Park are the turquoise blue waters of Lake Lousie. During winter , the frozen lake is like a little town in itself. You can ice skate in the natural rink, against the mountain backdrop. 

Located close by is the famous Chateau Lake Louise hotel – stay here for stunning winter views from your suite. There are ice skating rentals and an indoor rink at the chateau.

Winter Lake Louise strolls

Or stay warm and cozy by booking an afternoon tea seating!

You can also hop on a shuttle to head to the Lake Louise Ski Resort from here! Book a skiing lesson in Lake Louise

Ice Magic festival Lake Louise

In January, Lake Lousie hosts the ice sculpture festival. Called the Ice Magic Festival, it delights visitors every year. This event is free to enter and enjoy. 

If you are planning to embark on a road trip to enjoy the Canadian Rockies , including Lake Lousie, ensure you check the weather forecasts/road conditions before travel. Always add car insurance for the duration of your trip.

  • Day tour to Lake Louise from Banff : Book a day tour to Lake Louise from Banff
  • Stay at: Lake Louise Inn | Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise


6. vancouver .

Vancouver in Winter

Vancouver is one of the best places to visit in Canada in winter for those who love ‘not a lot of snow’. Considered one of the warmer places for Christmas breaks, Vancouver glows with festive colors and lights all winter long.

There are many Christmas lights events held across the city, and our absolute favorite is the lights at the Capilano Suspension Bridge Park . The park looks like pretty postcard-like lights shining in the middle of the woods. 

The Capilano suspension bridge in Vancouver, Canada is lighted up for Christmas

Enjoy ice skating at the Robson Square Ice Rink . This is seasonally operated and open for visitors. Or head to the St. Paul’s Foundation’s Lights of Hope, where you can soak in the festive glow with over 100,000 bright lights, and shining stars.

As the weather is not very cold, you can wander Downtown Vancouver with hot chocolate in your hand, while you enjoy the urban jungle, 5-star hotels, waterfront areas, and art museums. Highly recommend adding a food tour in Gastown.

You can also enjoy a day full of skiing activities by taking a day trip to the Grouse Mountains. It hosts the 24 Hours of Winter event, where the slopes are open from sunrise to sunset.

Read: Our complete guide to things to do in Vancouver in winter

  • Hotels in Vancouver: Stay in the downtown area at the Fairmont Pacific Rim Hotel (5-star) | Apartments in Downtown Vancouver

7. Squamish 

By Eden from Rock a Little Travel

travel to canada in january

One of the most beautiful places to visit in Canada in Winter is Squamish, British Columbia. The town of Squamish is located along the Sea to Sky Highway about halfway between Vancouver and Whistler. 

It is situated next to the mountains, the Squamish River, and Howe Sound, creating an abundance of outdoor adventure opportunities for winter visitors. 

One of the most popular things to do in Squamish in winter is to visit the Sea to Sky Gondola.

Once at the top, you’ll be greeted with stunning views of Howe Sound and the snow-capped mountains off in the distance. The surrounding trails are perfect for snowshoeing and cross-country skiing. 

Squamish is also a popular winter destination for backcountry skiing, sledding, zip lining, rock climbing, and snowmobiling. 

For those who prefer to keep their feet on the ground, Squamish is known as a prime area for Bald Eagle viewing. The Bald Eagles return to the area each November and can often be seen flying around near the Squamish River. 

Head to Brackendale Eagles Provincial Park for your best chance at spotting the Bald Eagles. 

If you’re looking for a hotel in the area, we recommend the Howe Sound Inn located in downtown Squamish. The hotel is located just upstairs from Howe Sound Brewing, which has a fantastic restaurant and makes an excellent place to end your day. 

  • Accommodation in Squamish : Howe Sound Inn

8. Victoria

By Marcie from Marcie in Mommyland

travel to canada in january

Located on Vancouver Island, Victoria is one of the cutest little winter wonderland towns, especially during the holidays. The European-inspired city is all dressed up with Christmas lights and decorations. 

While many people flock to The Butchart Gardens during the warmer months, they are pretty awesome during the winter. They host a Magic of Christmas event with more lights than you can ever imagine plus an outdoor skating rink. 

Around town, you can take the Hop On Hop Off tour or hitch a ride in a horse drawn carriage for a romantic ride through the festive streets.

The Royal BC Museum is a great place to explore on cold days and Father Christmas himself even makes appearances. They also have an impressive lineup of IMAX films running all day long. 

When it’s time to warm up, head to Floyd’s diner for some amazing hot chocolate and tasty diner food. Or head up to the Dutch Bakery to fill your tummy with delectable treats, including traditional gingerbread cookies! 

Of course, there’s no better place to stay at Christmas in Victoria BC than the iconic Fairmont Empress hotel. They have one of the most gorgeous lobbies decorated for Christmas and they host some amazing high tea events. Victoria makes an awesome winter weekend getaway in British Columbia!

Read : One day in Victoria BC itinerary | Afternoon tea in Victoria

  • Tours : Butchart Gardens and Christmas tour
  • Hotels : Fairmont Empress hotel

9. Whistler  

By Rachel from A City Girl Outside

Snowmobiling in Whistler Canada winters

Whistler is the skiing capital of North America and one of the most perfect places to visit during the winter season. But there is far more to this skiing resort town.

Snowmobiling has been one of the most exhilarating activities that you must do, outside of the Whistler Blackcomb resort, and something you definitely need to try once in your life! 

Snowmobiling tours are offered through Canadian Wilderness Adventures, and they offer tours for different skill levels, including families! You can choose to share a snowmobile with a friend and take turns or for an extra fee, have individual snowmobiles.

The guides at Canadian Wilderness are fantastic and will have you trying new things in no time. You don’t need to worry about having the right attire, Canadian Wilderness supply helmets, and boots for the ride!

Tours can be booked online through the Canadian Wilderness website or you can visit their kiosk downstairs in the Carlton Lodge.

For exceptional rooms and service during your stay in Whistler, the Fairmont Chateau is one of Whistler’s most prestigious hotels and one of the resort’s only ski-in-ski-out hotels.

With stunning views of Blackcomb Mountain, a spa, and several dining options, the Fairmont has everything you’d need to complete your winter trip to Whistler .  Book your stay here!

  • Tours : Whistler Spectacular Glacier Tour by Seaplane
  • Hotels in Whistler: Fairmont Chateau Whistler | Delta Whistler Village Suites

10. Churchill 

Polar bear in Churchill

Churchill is a small town located in the province of Manitoba. It is widely known as the “Polar Bear Capital of the World”. Yes, this is where cute polar bears await you for winter fun. 

Churchill is located on the shores of Hudson Bay and is home to polar bears, beluga whales, and a variety of birds. It is like a winter wonderland like no other.

In the lap of nature, and far north, Churchill is one of those places in Canada where you can witness wilderness and beat winter blues by chasing green dancing lights aka Aurora Borealis. 

Plan a trip to Churchill for an amazing winter break for wildlife and nature lovers. To get to Churchill, you can fly to Winnipeg, and then travel there. Another option is to take the Winnipeg–Churchill semi-weekly train. 


11. halifax.

travel to canada in january

Winters in Halifax are long. But it is a good thing as due to snow and ice you can indulge in winter activities. 

Tobogganing on Citadel Hill is very popular, and so is ice skating at the Emera Oval. Winter activities range from skiing, winter hiking, sledding, and ice tubing in various parks across the city.  And attending all the lights festivals is a must. 

The Atlantic Fashion Week Pop-Up Christmas Market pulls tourists for festive souvenirs and culinary delight. You can also visit the Halifax Seaport Farmers Market for local produce and baked goods.

If you prefer indoor festivities, head to the Student Art Gallery, and the Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame for seasonal events, while you stay warm and toasty inside.

Another option is to head to Sugar Moon Farm to enjoy our maple syrup and a comfortable winter meal. 

Winter in Halifax lasts till February, and if you are visiting during this time, don’t forget to attend the Festival of Whisky. 

  • Hotels: The Inn at Fisherman’s Cove | Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel

12. Great Lakes

By Slavka from On2Continents.com

Frozen Lake Erie Canada winter destinations

Canada is charming in winter. No wonder it’s called the True North. Frozen Great Lakes add to the country’s winter charm.

If you get a chance to get to one of the large lakes in winter, you’ll be surprised by how different they look. Summer lake beaches are fun, but the frozen beauty of glittering snow and ice on the lake on a sunny day is unforgettable.

The best places for trips to frozen lakes are small towns along the shore such as Port Stanley on Lake Erie or Grand Bend on Lake Huron. Lakes are frozen solid many metres from the beach, and you’ll see people walking toward the open space.

The weather conditions for walking on frozen lakes are best in February and early March after several weeks of frost or cold snaps.

Before you set out, make sure you choose a sunny day with no wind. Wind can ruin your day more than the grey sky. Also, be sure to wear layers of winter clothing, a warm hat, mittens, good boots, and sunglasses.

And don’t forget your camera because you sure will want to snap the winter fairy tale landscape.

After a nice fresh walk on the magical glistening landscape, it’s a good idea to warm up in a cozy coffee shop. A cup of hot chocolate will be a perfect touch for a nice winter lake trip. 

Read: More places to visit in Ontario in winter

13. Niagara Falls

The Horseshoe Falls in Niagara Falls taken from above on the Canadian side.

If you have visited Niagara Falls in the summer, you must re-visit in the winter to see how stunning the falls look in a Narnia-like scenario. Although many of the attractions like the boat tours are closed, the falls and observation platform for viewing are open. 

Take a walk along the pathway by the side of the falls and enjoy the mighty falls glittering in white snow. It is common to see ice formations in and around the falls and the cliffs. 

Close to Christmas and New Year, you can expect fireworks and festive lights over the Falls. The Skylon Tower on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls is open during winter and you can book a ticket to soak in the white-washed falls. 

For most of the winter, Niagara Falls is not super crowded, but on Christmas Eve or New Years’ Eve finding affordable hotels might be a challenge , so reserve your stay early. 

Every January, Niagara hosts the Ice Wine Festival, which is a wine-tasting event.

  • Tours : Niagara Falls Day Tour with Niagara-on-the-Lake
  • Hotels: Niagara Falls Marriott on the Falls

14. Toronto  

Toronto in winter

Toronto is one of the best places to visit in Canada in winter. Toronto gets a lot of snow, and the entire city is lit with festive lights and decorations. And truly the city is never dull at any time of the year.

Festive activities begin at the historic Distillery District. This is where the Christmas Market is set up. Wander through the markets and sip in hot cocoa while you shop for souvenirs and Christmas ornaments. 

Toronto Light Festival is a must-visit, here the annual lights fest will leave you spellbound and in the festive spirit.  Guide to exploring Toronto in a day

For winter sports, enjoy skating and live music at the epic Nathan Phillips Square . This is where the City Hall is located too. 

The waterfront is one of our favorite spots in the city, whether summer or winter. There are festive decorations and stalls at the waterfront. At the Harbourfront Centre, you can also enjoy skating on a natural ice rink, whilst soaking in the city views.

For those looking for an indoor winter experience, ensure you visit museums and theatre halls for concerts and the Christmas choir. Casa Loma is an amazing place to visit this time – stay inside, take a tour of the castle, and take photos with Santa Claus.

Another item to add is the CN Tower, which is open in the winter for festive dinners (at the revolving restaurant) and the viewing platform to admire the waterfront and Downtown Toronto from up above. 

  • Tours : Best of Toronto City Tour | Food walking tour
  • Hotels : Book hotels in Toronto here!

15. Blue Mountain Resort

By Manpreet from YourVeganAdventure.com

Blue Mountain Village in winter with mountain background

The Blue Mountain Resort is located within driving distance from Toronto and although it is an amazing place to visit all year round, winter is when it becomes magical.

Once the winter season starts, the ski lifts begin operating and work all day taking guests up to the top of the slopes. However, there is more to Blue Mountain than just skiing in the winter. The wood view mountain top becomes home to an 1100m ice rink loop, with stunning views over the Niagara Escarpment. 

Ice skates can be rented for $6, and you are allowed to take your own to be more comfortable. The other popular activity is hiking through the many trails with snowshoes.

Again with views of the Escarpment, the resort provides free hiking tours on this quiet tranquil route through nature and sees a completely different side of Blue Mountain. 

Oh, and if you feel tired at the top, you can get a tube to slide your way back to the ground!

Blue Mountain truly is a resort, with plenty of eateries and hotels on site. You can spend a few nights there without having to drive anywhere outside of the area. 

The hotels on-site are the Village Suites, the Resort Inn , and the 5* luxury Westin Hotel . No matter what your budget is, there is something for you.

Traveling by road is highly recommended and there is plenty of free parking at all the accommodations so there is no stress on that front. The restaurants within the resort cater to all taste buds, ranging from a coffee shop bakery to a dine-in Japanese experience. 

  • Where to stay : Village Suites | The Resort Inn | Westin Hotel

16 . Ottawa  

travel to canada in january

Ottawa is Canada’s capital city, and it is one of the must visit places in the winter. Do visit the Parliament building and admire all the festive lights lit for Christmas and New Year. 

Ottawa is home to the world’s longest natural ice rink aka the Rideau Canal – UNESCO World Heritage Site. The frozen Rideau Canal Skateway awaits you, so get ready to enjoy a fun filled day with friends and family. This is one of the most popular attractions in the winter in Ottawa. 

As with most Canadian cities, festive lights are common and Ottawa is no different. All of Ottawa is decorated with thousands of lights.

  • Tours : Hop-On Hop-Off Guided City Tour Day Ticket
  • Hotels : Delta Hotels by Marriott Ottawa City Centre

17. Parc de la Gatineau

By Chris from Punta Cana Travel Blog

Parc de la Gatineau in winter

Even though Canada is one of the most amazing countries in the world for downhill skiing, there are also other activities to do in winter, such as hiking or snowshoeing. 

A place easily accessible from one of the main cities in Canada is Parc de la Gatineau very close to Ottawa. It’s less than a 30-minute drive from Ottawa downtown and it’s impressive how quickly you can enter a snowy winter wonderland with nothing more than just 100% nature around you. 

The three main lakes of the park, Lac Meech,  Lac Phillipe , and Lac Mousseau, are adding their share to this beautiful and idyllic scenery.

The main winter activities at Parc de la Gatineau with more than 150km of trails are hiking, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing. All trails are divided into separate categories (easy, medium, and difficult) and are marked on a big comprehensive map which makes it easy to get around in the park. 

The idyllic setting and the gorgeous views of the lakes and the Ottawa Valley are making any activity here very pleasant on a sunny winter day. One of the possible trails with some steep inclines and three viewpoints on the way is the Wolf Trail, which we did last winter.

When visiting Parc de la Gatineau, we recommend staying right in Ottawa as is it so close, which means you can enjoy the advantages and attractions of Canada’s capital as well.

If you would like to splurge a bit, Andaz Ottawa Byward Market is a great pick and if you are looking for a more affordable downtown option, The Carleton Suite Hotel is your place to go.

  • Hotel: The Carleton Suite Hotel | Andaz Ottawa Byward Market


18. charlottetown.

Charlottetown in winter

The capital city of PEI/Prince Edward Island – Charlottetown is one of the unique places to visit in Canada in the winter. This winter getaway is perfect for both indoor and outdoor activities from fine dining, skating, and cross skiing to children’s festivals.

The small city has the perfect combination of indoor and outdoor activities to enjoy.

travel to canada in january

Firstly, warm up with a hot drink from one of the city’s cafes in the downtown area. Then head outdoors and skate at the Founder’s Hall Rink is one of the popular places to hang out in Charlottetown.

Another option to enjoy winter fun is at Victoria Park. Activities include cross-country skiing, outdoor winter yoga, and snowshoeing. 

Winter festivals in Charlottetown include something for everybody from the young and the old. Jack Frost Children’s Winterfest for young adults, Winterdine for foodie lovers, and Festival of Lights – for everybody.  

  • Tours: Day tour to Green Gables
  • Hotels: Delta Hotels by Marriott Prince Edward | The Arts Hotel


19. montreal .

Montreal winter skating

The stunning city of Montreal is even more amazing in the winter. From staying at an Ice hotel, and listening to Christmas carols at Notre Dame to enjoying underground shopping, Montreal welcomes you to a fun-filled winter getaway. 

Ice Hotel in Montreal is a special hotel, which gets built each year (depending on winter conditions). It is open from January to late March/early April. Visitors can wander through the hotel, enjoy a drink or two at the Ice Bar, and can also book a room to stay for the night. 

For those visiting on Christmas Eve, visit the Notre Dame Basilica in Old Montreal and chime in the carols. Old Montreal, especially the port area is filled with festivities and markets to warm your heart.

Montreal in winter

Marché de Noël is a popular event in Montreal, where you can shop for traditional foods, handcrafted items – ornaments and souvenirs, etc. 

Montréal’s Christmas Village is held every year in the winter, starting in late November to early January. This winter/Christmas village is home to 50 cottages filled with bakeries, cafes, and stores selling souvenirs, and local produce. Santa Claus is also present to welcome the kids. 

If you prefer a German Christmas Market, head to the Weinachtsmarkt. This market ambiance will teleport you to Europe. Shop handmade Christmas goodies, eat sausages, sauerkraut, and sip mulled wine, while you wander the market. 

  • Tours : Christmas Brunch Cruise | Small Group Night Sightseeing Tour
  • Hotels : Hotel 10 | Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth

20. Mont Tremblant

By Danni from Danni In The Desert

Mont Tremblant in Winter

This beautiful little village is located in Quebec, Mont Tremblant was built especially for tourists who want a European resort-style ski experience with hotels, shops, restaurants, and more! 

They offer a range of slopes from beginning to advanced along with ski instructors for those who are novices or wish to improve their technique. Don’t have any ski gear? Not to worry! Everything can be hired from their ski shop!

Once you’ve finished skiing, you’ve got lots of ways to unwind with a wide range of restaurants and hotels serving an array of food and beverages. 

One of the best spots for food and drink is close to the village resort called Hotel Quintessence . Their fine dining bistro has stunning views over Lake Tremblant or lounge in their pretty cool cellar style bar.

If you’re not wanting to go too far from the action of the slopes, within the village there is everything from pizza to poutine!

Similar to the restaurants, there is a wide range of hotels available close by. Everything from hostels to 5-star boutique hotels. Despite being a skiing resort, one of the best parts of it is possible to experience skiing whatever your budget!

Another must is to check out the spas! Depending on your budget, the more budget-friendly option is the Aqua club in the middle of Tremblant Village. You can enjoy sitting in a outdoor warm jacuzzi with skiers whizzing by.

If you’re wanting the full luxury option, there are several spas in the surrounding areas offering various packages for a fully relaxing experience.

  • Accommodation at : Hotel Quintessence , or Homewood Suites Hotel

21. Trois-Rivières (Ice Trails & Winter Hiking)

By Brianna of Curious Travel Bug

travel to canada in january

Quebec is the perfect place to visit if you are looking for a winter destination in Canada. While Quebec is known for its skiing, it’s also a fantastic destination for ice skating trails and winter hiking.

Domaine Enchanteur is a skating trail that winds its way through a forest only 20 minutes away from Trois-Rivières. With 15 km (9.3 miles) of trails to explore, it’s easy to spend a couple of hours here. This is not your typical ice rink experience.

Trails here take you to secluded parts of the forest and by different animals on the farm like alpacas and emus. Along the trails, there are also warming rooms and places to buy hot chocolate.

After skating, take a scenic drive toward La Mauricie National Park. The drive here feels more like you are driving through snowy European towns with cute villages that dot the sides of the Saint Maurice River. 

At La Mauricie, there are several options for exploring the park during winter. The service centre at Rivière à la Pêche offers up equipment rentals of snowshoes, cross-country skis, and crampons for hiking.

Hiking through the forest here is a magical experience. With deep snow drifts, and views from up on cliffs to the river below, this is the perfect winter activity.

This trip can be done as a day trip from Montreal , Quebec City, or Trois-Rivières. To immerse yourself in this winter wonderland you can rent a cabin at La Mauricie National Park. If you want a bit more luxury than that, check out Hotel Oui Go in Trois-Rivières.

  • Hotel : Hotel Oui Go in Trois-Rivières

Final Thoughts on Canada Winter Destinations & Travel Inspiration

Canada is a great destination to spend your winter holidays. Yes, it is cold, but it is also the perfect place to enjoy this season – bring out your winter jackets, lace-up warm boots, put on a pretty beanie/torque, and welcome the snow with wide open arms!

We hope you enjoy spending winters here, as much as we do!

Other Canada Travel Tips

  • Canada Road Trips
  • Hotels with Best Views of Niagara Falls Canada
  • 3 Days in Vancouver Itinerary

Pin: Winter Destinations in Canada for your bucket list

travel to canada in january

Mayuri Kashyap is an Indian Canadian traveler, writer and photographer based in Alberta. She moved to Toronto as a student in 2009, and has been calling Canada home ever since. She started the blog - Canada Crossroads - to share her travel and living experiences in the Great White North!

A History graduate and an MBA, Mayuri is a destinations marketing expert. She loves traveling with her husband, Salil and soaking in experiences across Canada, India and Europe.

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I’m usually against traveling in the cold, but omg, these photos make it look worth hit! It really looks and sounds incredible. Pinning for later!

It’s so hard finding things to do in the winter; this is a great list of fun things to get out of the house and explore!

I can’t decide which to do first! Great article that will help me and my family plan our next trip.

I would love to visit Banff National Park in winter. It looks so beautiful, just like a fairy tale. I have actually been to Toronto in December in a layover, and I’ve seen it cover in snow. So pretty!

Lots of great places you’ve listed, sadly I’ve only been to the ones in Ontario!

I’ve only ever visited Canada in the winter time and I’ve loved every single visit! I think there’s something magical about the snow and the beautiful scenery. Thanks for this list, there are still quite a few places I haven’t visited.

I’m in Vancouver and can vouch for all the BC places on this list. It’s a great place for winter, and not too cold. I’d love to visit Churchill though and see the Polar Bears and I do really like the Rockies. Great list

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it 🙂

Omg it looks so cold! My family used to go to Niagara Falls every year around Christmas — it was a really great time to see the falls with fewer tourists!

Winter is a great time to visit Niagara Falls!

Love all these winter Canadian ideas! Sadly I’m Canadian and haven’t done any of them. I need to get on it soon!

Oh! you must visit, they are beautiful!

I want to go to Banff so bad!! I also love Toronto in the winter. I would enjoy seeing Montreal in the wintertime when there are Christmas markets.

You will LOVE Banff, we visit every winter 🙂

These are all amazing ideas! Canada sounds magical in the winter!!! I’d love to see the ice sculptures and Banff and Nova Scotia where my grandpas family was from!

Yay! Glad you like it!

An amazing capture of the winter wonderland that is Canada. I would love to see Alberta in the winter

We love exploring our province in the winter – it is stunning!

Also a cool idea on just sitting down and doing a bit of people watching, I can imagine that with the amount of people living in Canada there really is a mix of cultures and styles.

I haven’t been to Canada in about 2 decades but Banff is superrrr high up on my travel bucket list! Can’t wait til it’s safer to travel again! <3

Beautiful images. Now I am more excited to visit Canada this Christmas. Thank you for sharing some amazing places to visit in Canada

I like the valuable information you provide in your articles. I’ll bookmark your weblog and check again here frequently. I’m quite certain I will learn many new stuff right here!

Best of luck for the next!

Thanks very interesting blog!

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I am an American citizen. What do I need to enter Canada?

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American citizens, including American-Canadian citizens, must carry proper identification and meet the basic requirements to enter Canada . You do not need a Canadian passport, a Canadian visa or an eTA to enter Canada if you are travelling with a valid U.S. passport.

New entry requirement now in effect

Visa-exempt foreign nationals need an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to fly to or transit through Canada by air. Exceptions include U.S. citizens and travellers with a valid Canadian visa. Canadian citizens, including dual citizens , and Canadian permanent residents cannot apply for an eTA.

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Answers others found useful

  • Do I need a visa to visit Canada?
  • Do I need a Canadian visa if I have a United States visa?
  • How do I apply for an eTA for travel to Canada?
  • I am visiting the U.S. I want to come to Canada. Do I need an eTA?
  • Do I need a visa if I am travelling through Canada without stopping or visiting?
  • How do I help a family member or friend apply to visit Canada?
  • I am travelling with my minor child without my spouse. What documents must I present?
  • What’s the difference between a visitor visa and a visitor record?
  • Do I need to apply for both a visitor visa and an eTA?

Come to Canada

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  • Admissibility

Intentional Travelers

Canada travel requirements 2024: What travelers need to know

We aim to keep this post updated about Canada travel in 2024 with official Canada travel restrictions, requirements, and health and safety guidance. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions so you can travel confidently, safely, and responsibly in this new post-pandemic world of ours.

As restrictions vary based on the traveler’s citizenship, we will focus primarily on rules affecting U.S. citizens.

Last update: January 28, 2024. Originally published: September 2021.

Disclosure: This post contains some affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of our links, we may receive a small commission, at no additional cost to you.

Photo credit: Kelly January 2024: “Canada is an extremely diverse and safe Country to visit at all times of the year. Travel and daily life is back to normal, however, many employees continue to work remotely and employers continue to have a difficult time finding staff If travellers fall ill while visiting Canada, there are plenty of walk-in clinics and emergency rooms in every Canadian city, making healthcare easily accessible. However, it is still wise for travellers to purchase health insurance prior to visiting.” – Kelly of Just One Passport , resident of Canada

At the end of the post, we share more on-the-ground perspectives from local residents and travelers to Canada so you can get a true sense of what to expect.

Table of Contents

Is Canada open for travel? Can I travel to Canada right now?

As of October 2022, Canada travel restrictions for all travelers entering Canada by air, land or sea include:

  • Proof of COVID-19 vaccination is not required
  • COVID-19 pre-entry and arrival tests are not required
  • Quarantine is not required
  • ArriveCAN is not required
  • Pre-boarding tests for cruise passengers are not required
  • Health checks to board planes and trains are not required
  • Wearing masks on planes and trains is not required but strongly recommended

travel to canada in january

Quarantine rules in Canada: What happens if I get Covid?

Foreign tourists who  test positive for Covid while in Canada should self-isolate immediately. Travelers may be required to cover costs of quarantine accommodations.

Those with severe symptoms are advised to call 911 or the local emergency number in Canada.

Canada Proof of Vaccination Requirements for Dining, Travel, and other services

You might be wondering: Do I need a vaccine certificate or Covid test to enter restaurants, public transit, and other services in Canada?

As of June 2022, proof of vaccination is no longer required to board a plane, train or cruise ship when traveling within Canada. Generally it is not required to enter businesses or restaurants.

Each province or territory has the authority to require a proof of vaccination each situation.

Can I travel to Canada in July 2024? Can I travel to Canada this Summer?

Travel to Canada in July is possible for foreign travelers. Read on for details and check back for updates.

What is it like to fly to Canada right now? YYZ Toronto Pearson International Airport? YVR Vancouver International Airport? Masks are no longer required but still strongly recommended. The airports are using enhanced cleaning procedures and hand sanitizer is available throughout the terminals.

As of October 2022 , all persons arriving in Canada will no longer be subject to randomized testing at airports . 

Using ArriveCAN is now optional for travelers flying into international airports to submit an Advance CBSA Declaration to save time upon arrival in airports like Toronto, Vancouver or Montréal.

What is it like to drive into Canada right now? Travelers can enter Canada during open hours at land borders . Required documents must be shown at the border.

Check Canada-US border wait times here.

Do I have to quarantine when traveling to Canada? No. Quarantine upon arrival is no longer required in Canada. Persons who test positive for Covid in Canada are asked to quarantine. See above for details.

Does Canada check COVID-19 symptoms of incoming travelers? No. Health screening procedures are no longer required to enter Canada.

Does Canada require a negative Covid 19 test for travelers? No. Covid pre-entry tests and arrival tests are no longer required.

Does Canada require a proof of Coronavirus vaccine for travelers? No . Proof of vaccination is no longer required in Canada.

Do I still need to provide a negative Covid test or quarantine if I have been vaccinated? No. Travelers are no longer required to provide a negative Covid test or quarantine to enter Canada.

Is a booster shot required for travel to Canada? At this time, booster shots are not required in Canada. There is currently no expiration period set for the validity of vaccinations.

What Covid testing options are available for travelers in Canada? U.S. citizens can obtain a COVID-19 test from provincial health authorities or private facilities in Canada.

The cost for private testing varies depending on the location and can exceed $300. Rapid tests for $60 with results in 30 minutes are available by appointment near Toronto Airport .

What healthcare options are available to travelers in Canada who get the virus? Canada hospitals and clinics are open. Canada’s universal healthcare does not pay for visitors.

Testing centers are also available for foreign visitors in some provinces and territories in Canada.

For travel insurance that covers Covid, check out Nomad Insurance by Safety Wing >

What service businesses and restaurants are open in Canada? Essential services, restaurants, bars, and retail shops are open in Canada. Some limitations, such as proof of vaccination requirement, may still be implemented in some provinces. 

Check here for restrictions in each province.

Are face masks required in Canada? Wearing of face masks is no longer required in Canada but still recommended.

Are buses running in Canada? Public transportation is available throughout Canada. 

Will Canada impose new Covid restrictions? What’s next is difficult to predict. Historically, most countries impose COVID-19 restrictions when strains on the health care system might become unsustainable. Canada has been relatively proactive and “strict” on preventive Covid measures.

How has the Coronavirus impacted Canada?

The coronavirus pandemic has caused a recession and increased unemployment in Canada. Tourism was hit especially hard.

Canada experienced a surge in cases with the Omicron variant. Many provinces reintroduced restrictions. As the situation came under control, Canada started easing travel restrictions.

As of October 2022, Canada ended all travel, testing, and border requirements and restrictions related to COVID-19.

Canada initially started reopening for tourism in summer 2021. As of September 2021, fully vaccinated foreign travelers have been allowed to visit the country without undergoing quarantine.

Canada began COVID-19 vaccination in December 2020. Currently, more than 3/4 of the total population has been fully vaccinated.

For the current situation in Canada, including: total COVID-19 positive cases; total cases in Canada; and COVID-19 testing in Canada, please see the Government of Canada website .

What should you pack for safely traveling in Canada?

😷 Face Masks – Face coverings are recommended in crowded public places. Find N95 masks at Bona Fide > or designer options at Vida >

💊 Medicine – Bring enough prescription and over-the-counter medication for your entire trip to avoid trips to the clinic.

💳 Vaccine Card Holder – Protect that paper CDC card when traveling abroad (if your country doesn’t offer a digital version). Get a simple plastic protector > or Vegan leather clippable > or Leather passport + card combo holder >

👃 Covid self-test – The most studied rapid antigen self-test with FDA emergency authorization.  NOT valid to enter countries. Use for your own peace of mind. Order from CVS > or Walmart >

💧 Sealed water bottle – Make sure your reusable water bottle has a lid that’s not exposed to the air. We use one of each of the following: Shop insulated water bottles with protective lid > Shop water bottles with purification filter and protective lid >

✈️ Travel insurance that covers Covid – We’ve started using Nomad Insurance by Safety Wing for affordable evacuation, international medical, and trip coverage.

What do Canada locals and recent travelers say about visiting Canada now?

What is it like to visit Canada right now? It’s our goal to provide regular updates here from real people on the ground, to help potential visitors know what to expect.

The following are subjective opinions only. Official travel guidance can be found above.

September 2023 – Ryan of WaylessTravelers , Canadian: “The current state of tourism is back to normal, like during pre-Covid times. The multiple summer and fall festivals have returned to Montreal, including F1 weekend, Just for Laughs, Jazz festival etc… Restaurants are also very lively and full. 

All the local attractions, restaurants, concerts, malls are back to normal operations. No restrictions (masks/gloves/testing) are imposed.

We do recommend to reserve activities and restaurants ahead of time as we have noticed that they do book up usually a few days in advance. We believe this is because a lot of Canadians are preferring to travel more locally due to still some hesitancy of traveling abroad.”

Montreal city street

May 2023 – Nick Rosen of The World Overload , American visitor:  “I flew to Quebec City and Montreal for a one week vacation in May 2023. There are currently no travel restrictions but some locals and visitors continue to follow Covid guidelines including masks and safe distances. There is easy access to healthcare and testing.

All attractions and food services continue to operate for tourism. Hours may vary depending on day/weekend. Please check ahead when scheduling. Be aware that summer is the time when most construction and repairs are done by the cities you will be visiting.”

travel to canada in january

January 2023 – Melissa from My Beautiful Passport , Canadian: “Tourism in Ontario is picking up overall, with most events & festivals resuming in 2023, if they didn’t already resume in 2022. 

Canada appears ready to welcome tourists back into the country. Niagara Falls and other popular Canadian destinations are lively, restaurants and attractions are open, and people are ready to explore again, wearing masks indoors as encouraged. Hospitals are not currently overwhelmed.”

September 2022 – Michelle, Intentional Travelers, US citizen: “We flew from the US to Canada for a conference in Montreal, Quebec. I submitted our ArriveCAN information a couple days before the flight using the website. It was pretty simple to input our passport number, vaccine dates, and upload a photo of our CDC vaccine cards. Then there was a form for trip details. There was a quick Covid self-assessment form asking about fever, cough, or difficulty breathing. Confirmation included a six-digit code and QR code that we printed and brought to the airport.

After all that, we had more online processes to complete for both airlines on our itinerary (United and Air Canada), including uploading our CDC vaccine cards again. Air Canada’s site did not accept our vaccine card image, but it wasn’t a problem, I guess because we had ArriveCAN done.

To board the flight from US to Canada, we only had to show our passport and ticket. On arrival in Montreal, we only ‘flashed’ our ArriveCAN confirmation to an agent on our way to the machines where we scanned our passports and completed immigration questionnaires, which included just one question about having any Covid symptoms, and took a picture. Arriving around midnight, the process took less than 15 minutes.

We were fortunate all our bags arrived. The baggage claim looked like a luggage graveyard with hundreds of unclaimed suitcases everywhere!”

May 2022 – Mayuri of Canada Crossroads , Canadian resident: “In my province (Alberta, home to the Canadian Rockies) domestic tourism has been flourishing. All the sightseeing spots are open, but some have restricted hours. 

Since February (in Alberta, and from April nationwide) things are open, no restrictions in terms of social distancing, masking, access to medical care, restaurants, stores and hotels. In fact many airports are busier than usual (including the country’s busiest Toronto airport – just flew last week). I feel we need to be a little more prepared for summer tourism as many international visitors are wanting to explore Canada.”

March 9, 2022 – Samantha of Continuous Roamer , Canadian resident: “Domestic travel in Canada is straightforward since there are no extra requirements once you have entered the country. However, mask wearing is necessary and some provinces still require a vaccine passport.

The vaccine passport has been removed in Ontario in March. Capacity in Ontario restaurants is now at 100% so it is easier to get a table. Although, free antigen covid tests are extremely difficult to access at pharmacies in Ontario. British Columbia still requires the vaccine passport, therefore lines are longer to enter some establishments while your pass and ID are checked.”

January 20, 2022 – Haley Blackall Travel , Digital Nomad:  “My partner and I visited family and worked online in Kelowna BC for 2.5 months from mid-November 2022 to end of January 2022. Tourism in this region of Canada is low, due to winter conditions especially for international visitors. Make sure you have all the required documentation upon arrival, because airline personnel are doing proper checks. If you arrive in Canada from an international destination and are unvaccinated, there is a smooth running process for a mandatory Covid-19 test at the airport upon arrival, and the ArriveCAN app is easy to navigate in which the government keeps a close eye on contact tracing and quarantine requirements. Canadians have quick access to healthcare, including testing for antigen and PCR. After restaurants offering takeout and delivery services only at the beginning of the pandemic, dining in is becoming more popular. Besides the use of masks, life is getting back to normal in Canada.”

January 2022 – Mary from Brbymary, French traveler: “I flew to Vancouver for a week [from Ireland] to visit my partner’s family. Everything was well organised through ArriveCan app. Testing at the airport was easy although a bit behind and people respected rules in general. Plan some additional time to do tests at the airport and to do tests on arrival even if you have an appointment.”

December 2021 – Federica of Globetrottoise , Canadian nomad:  “I would say Canada is a pretty safe destination at the moment, especially outside the big cities. I’ve been road tripping around the Yukon, British Columbia and Alberta in the past few months and always felt safe and able to enjoy most attractions, from museums to national parks.  Canada is open to vaccinated travellers only and health regulations are in place in most public places. Masks are mandatory inside almost everywhere and in some provinces the access to cafes restaurants, movie theaters, libraries, etc is possible only with a valid proof of vaccination. Attractions are mostly open everywhere and access to covid testing is pretty easy (but quite pricey).”

November 12, 2021 – Nicole of Traveling BC , Canadian citizen: “While businesses are still operating under restrictions, in general, many rules have lifted and now it’s ‘full steam ahead’ in the tourism industry. Some touristy areas (the coasts and the Rockies) even became quite busy over the summer, since everyone wanted to go on a much-needed vacation. If you visit, you’ll have to show a negative COVID test and be required to wear a mask, socially distance, and show your vaccination passport!

Most people and businesses follow the restrictions and around 75% of people are fully vaccinated, although compliance with restrictions and vaccinations varies between provinces and cities. Accessing COVID testing is easy and quick, although you’ll have to pay for the test if you’re traveling. A lot of healthcare has moved to online appointments, and some hospitals are still overwhelmed in areas with lots of COVID cases. Businesses are open to tourists, but many operate under reduced hours, lower capacities and may have halted certain services/activities due to COVID. You will often have to book activities online or by phone, and make sure to wear a mask and bring proof of vaccination, or businesses will deny you entry.”

November 2021 – Chris, American digital nomad: “I flew to Newfoundland for one month in October and November of 2021. Everything seems to be open again, though every place where you would take off a mask (such as a restaurant) requires you to show proof of vaccination. People seem very respectful and friendly, happy to show you around. There is voluntary contact tracing check-ins at a lot of locations. There don’t seem to be long lines anywhere. Testing is free and readily available.”

October 9, 2021 – Nicole, Go Far Grow Close , Vancouver BC, Canadian resident:  “Visitors are very much welcome. There are strict regulations for visitors to enter Canada (fully vaccinated) so we know that they are as safe or safer than the locals. So long as they follow the rules – wear masks indoors – no one cares. I feel that we are very travel ready in Canada. If you feel ill, there are free drive through covid testing sites. Hospitals are available. Local attractions, food services, and all amenities are open so long as you wear masks indoors (or when you get up in a restaurant), social distance and follow whatever other rules might be in place. Restaurants are still not at full capacity but getting there. Movie theatres are open. We eat out regularly, go to movies, and do not feel restricted.”

September 2021 – Kathy, American traveler: “We planned to spend two months in British Columbia, Canada. We had to show proof of vaccination and have a negative COVID test within 72 hours of crossing. We managed to get a test at a local CVS pharmacy (for free) and got our results in about 36 hours. Whew! There is another place to get a test in Seattle with guaranteed results but they cost $165 each. We also had to go to the website ArrivCan.com and answer questions and download our vaccine cards. Finally, in the early morning hours of August 9th we arrived at the Canadian Border just south of Vancouver, BC at around 4:30 a.m. There were approximately 20 cars/trucks in two lines. Unfortunately, the line we picked took forever so when it finally turned 6:00 a.m. another agent opened a new gate and we were there and across the border in about 10 minutes. We have now been in BC Canada for over a month. There are very few U.S. citizens here but lots of traveling Canadians. In fact, their COVID numbers have spiked so it is now a requirement to wear masks in stores/grocery stores and entering and leaving restaurants. No problem. We feel safe doing that and know that even though there is some resistance, most Canadians are fully vaccinated. In fact, as of August 13th restaurants and bars and other certain businesses now require that people show proof of vaccination to enter. I am in complete support. We feel grateful we were able to spend some of our summer in this beautiful country.”

Planning a trip to Canada?

Check out our other Canada travel resources: – The Scenic Route: Kelowna to Banff – The Best of Banff on a Budget – Kelowna: British Columbia’s Hidden Gem – Montreal, Quebec Summer Trip Guide

– 5 Awesome Things to Do in Vancouver, BC in Summer

If you have questions or updates about travel to Canada during the Coronavirus crisis or post-pandemic, please let us know in the comments below.

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Canada travel

Disclaimer: Please note, travel restrictions change frequently. Readers must take responsibility for verifying information through official sources like the State Department and CDC, in respect to their specific situations. No responsibility can be accepted by Intentional Travelers for action or inaction as a result of information provided through IntentionalTravelers.com. Any information provided here is issued as general information only.

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Canada is still requiring a negative covid test 72 hours before embarkation when on a cruise ship entering any Canadian ports. This has not been changed. The change is for land ,and air and sea other than a cruise ship

Thank you for this clarification. We have updated our post to better reflect requirements for cruise ships.

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Vancouver Planner

Vancouver in January: Events, Festivals & Things to Do

Visiting Vancouver in January offers a unique experience for any traveller.

The city comes alive amidst the winter season; from captivating festivals to exciting events, this Canadian gem has plenty to offer in the cold of January.

So grab your toque! Let’s delve into the best things to do in Vancouver in January.

Visiting Vancouver in January 2024

  • Things to do in Vancouver in January
  • Vancouver January events
  • January concerts
  • January weather
  • What to pack for January

What to Do in Vancouver in January

Go skiing or snowboarding.

a snowboarder taking a jump at the terrain park at grouse mountain in vancouver bc

Despite the colder temperatures, Vancouver’s natural beauty remains awe-inspiring. 

Whether you visit Whistler , Grouse Mountain or Cypress Mountain , you get to explore the vast urban oasis by skiing the snow-capped mountains that surround the city – and beyond. 

Additionally, you get to enjoy outdoor activities like snowboarding , providing thrilling adventures for both beginners and seasoned enthusiasts.

See the Capilano Suspension Bridge Canyon Lights

travel to canada in january

The Capilano Suspension Bridge is already one of the top things to do in Vancouver , offering a delightful blend of beauty and excitement .

However, if you’re visiting Vancouver during Christmas and beyond, its allure becomes even more captivating.

In January in Vancouver, you can experience this mesmerizing display of end-to-end illumination featuring a vibrant array of ever-changing colours.

To get a glimpse of this enchanting spectacle, check out the following video:

Mark your calendars as the Canyon Lights event will be held from November 19th to January 22nd , operating daily from 11:00 am to 9:00 pm (excluding Christmas Day).

Discover the Vancouver Art Gallery

outside view of vancouver art gallery in vancouver bc canada

Escape the January winter chill by exploring the fascinating exhibits at the Vancouver Art Gallery . 

This is a must on any Vancouver itinerary – a diverse collection of contemporary and historical artwork , including pieces by renowned local and international artists – with a special insight into aboriginal works and local legend Emily Carr . 

The gallery frequently hosts special exhibitions , allowing visitors to delve deeper into various art movements and cultural perspectives.

Ride the Stanley Park Train

stanley park christmas train

Experience the magic of the Canadian Pacific Railroad #374 with this captivating model replica ride .

Recreating the historic journey that marked the completion of the first Canadian transcontinental trip , this enchanting ride operates from late November to early January.

Embark on the Stanley Park Bright Nights adventure and witness the park’s transformation like never before. As you chug along, Stanley Park comes alive with shimmering lights and festive displays .

This delightful experience is especially cherished by families visiting Vancouver – in fact it’s one of the best things to do with kids in Vancouver , hands down.

Visit the Vancouver Aquarium

outside view of the vancouver aquarium in vancouver bc canada

Marvel at the different attractions that the Vancouver Aquarium has to offer: a wholesome place that provides an immersive, conservation-first marine experience .

We get it; some might not be interested in visiting a place full of fish behind a glass window. But there’s just something so peaceful and beautiful when it comes to the Vancouver Aquarium.

Whether you’re observing sea creatures like diving dolphins, schooling salmon, and splashing sea otters or learning about conservation efforts to protect our oceans, the aquarium’s educational programs and interactive exhibits make it an engaging destination for visitors of all ages.

Take a Snowshoeing Trip at Cypress

snowshoers snowshoeing at seymour mountain vancouver bc canada

In Vancouver in January, you can immerse yourself in the quintessential Canadian experience by donning a pair of snowshoes and exploring the picturesque landscapes of old-growth forests and serene lakes .

Follow the meandering trails that lead to moments of tranquillity and solitude.

Why choose Seymour Mountain for your snowshoeing adventure? For starters, it has been acclaimed as the number one Snowshoeing Resort in North America by Snowshoe Magazine.

Additionally, the resort boasts a variety of gentle and well-marked trails that are ideal for beginners or those seeking a leisurely snow stroll.

Experience the Vancouver Lookout

the vancouver lookout at night in vancouver bc canada

Experiencing the Vancouver Lookout during January is a great way to marvel at the city’s stunning panoramic views while embracing the winter ambiance.

Perched high above the city, this 500+ foot observation deck offers breathtaking views of the city.

When visiting Vancouver in January, you can witness the city adorned with a dusting of snow, adding a magical touch to the already captivating scenery.

Visiting the Vancouver Lookout in January allows you to enjoy the sights from a warm and cozy indoor space without missing the majestic feeling of the season .

Looking to grab drinks afterwards? Check out our guide to the Best Gastown Bars .

Go Ice Skating in Robson Square

robson square in vancouver bc canada

Lace-up your skates and glide across the ice!

Don’t miss the chance to go ice skating in Robson Square during January, as it offers a fun and festive Canadian winter experience .

Located in the heart of Vancouver, Robson Square transforms into a bright outdoor ice rink during the winter months.

Whether you’re a seasoned skater or a beginner, the area provides a friendly and welcoming environment to enjoy this classic winter pastime. Feel the crisp air on your face as you gracefully skate or take joy in the simple pleasure of gliding hand-in-hand with loved ones.

Participate in the Vancouver Polar Bear Swim

people in the vancouver polar bear swim in vancouver bc canada

It’s officially Vancouver January with the Vancouver Polar Bear Swim .

Join the courageous locals on January 1st as they take part in this invigorating activity. This annual tradition sees thousands of brave souls plunging into the chilly waters of English Bay to ring in the new year.

It’s definitely an exhilarating way to start the year and embrace the unique spirit of Vancouver’s residents.

Naturally, it’s free, making it one of the best cheap things to do in Vancouver .

Vancouver January Events 2024

Push international performing arts festival.

woman surrounded by smoke during one of push festivals' events in vancouver bc canada

The PuSh International Performing Arts Festival is a renowned and highly anticipated event that takes place annually in Vancouver. Over the course of several weeks, the festival showcases an impressive lineup of cutting-edge performances in theatre, dance and music.

vancouver whale tour banner

Various Canadian artists come together to present their innovative works, pushing the boundaries of traditional performing arts and captivating audiences with their creativity and thought-provoking storytelling.

So when is the upcoming PuSh International Performing Arts Festival this January 2024? Make sure to check out the dates by clicking here .

Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival

vancouver hot chocolate festival that happens in vancouver bc canada

Indulge your taste buds at the annual Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival , held throughout January.

This delectable event brings together renowned chocolatiers, cafes, and patisseries, offering a variety of unique hot chocolate flavours and creations. 

So don’t miss out on the chance to warm yourself up with a steaming cup of goodness as you explore Vancouver’s best neighbourhoods .

Dine Out Vancouver Festival

dine out vancouver poster and a woman walking

Embark on a culinary adventure during the Dine Out Vancouver Festival , taking place in January.

This eagerly anticipated event showcases the city’s vibrant food scene , with participating restaurants offering an array of discounted set menus – some as much as 70% off.

In this festival, held at Vancouver’s best restaurants , you can easily delight in mouthwatering creations and explore new flavours as you savour the diverse gastronomic offerings.

Concerts in January in Vancouver 2024

  • Clairo / Arlo Parks: January 26, Orpheum Theatre 
  • Nick Mason: January 4, Orpheum Theatre
  • Luca Stricagnoli: January 25, Massey Theatre

For more information on these January Vancouver concerts, check out Ticketmaster .

January Weather in Vancouver

In January, Vancouver experiences cool and wet weather conditions .

The average temperature ranges from around 1°C to 6°C (34°F to 43°F). The nearby mountains receive a healthy dose of snowfall, creating a picturesque backdrop.

Rainfall is a common feature during January, with around 20 rainy days in the month . So, it’s advisable to carry a waterproof jacket and an umbrella to stay dry while exploring the city.

What to Pack for a Trip to Vancouver in January

A sturdy and waterproof jacket is essential to keep you dry and protected from Vancouver’s rainy weather in January. Make sure to look for a jacket with a hood and sealed seams for added protection.

We also recommend packing a variety of warm and layered clothing options , including sweaters, long-sleeve shirts, and thermal undergarments.

You’ll also need a pair of waterproof boots or shoes to navigate the wet streets of Vancouver. Look for footwear with good traction to prevent slipping on slippery surfaces.

capilano suspension bridge and grouse mountain tour banner for 2024

An umbrella is also another must-have accessory for your trip to Vancouver in January. It will come in handy during the frequent rain showers that characterize the city’s weather during this best time to visit Vancouver .

Don’t forget to pack a warm hat, scarf, and gloves to protect your head, neck, and hands from the cold. Opt for materials that provide insulation and are suitable for winter conditions.

Visiting Vancouver in July FAQ

Does vancouver get snow in january.

Yes, Vancouver does receive snowfall in January, although it is not as frequent or heavy compared to other regions in Canada.

When snow does occur in Vancouver during January, it can create a picturesque scene and add a touch of winter charm to the city. The surrounding mountains, such as Grouse Mountain and Cypress Mountain, are more likely to receive significant snowfall, making them popular destinations for winter sports enthusiasts.

Is it cold in Vancouver in January?

Yes, Vancouver can be considered cold in January, although the term “cold” is relative and depends on individual perceptions and comparisons. Vancouver’s winters are generally mild compared to other regions in Canada, but temperatures can still drop to chilly levels.

So make sure to bring clothes that can really warm you up!

Should I visit Vancouver in January?

Visiting Vancouver in January is definitely worth it. While the city’s winters may be wet and cooler compared to other seasons, there are several reasons why it remains an attractive destination during this time.

From winter sceneries to snowy sports activities, as well as the many exciting festivals and events where there are fewer crowds, Vancouver in January offers a relaxing holiday for anyone who would like to experience a snowy getaway that isn’t insanely cold.

Is Vancouver rainy in January?

Yes, Vancouver is both rainy and snowy during January. The city experiences a considerable amount of precipitation during this month, and it’s not uncommon for Vancouver to have overcast and wet conditions throughout January.

Visiting Vancouver in January?

Visiting Vancouver in January presents a captivating blend of winter charm, cultural celebrations, and vibrant events.

From sipping hot chocolate to plunging into icy waters, you’ll find an array of experiences that embrace the city’s unique spirit.

With festivals, outdoor adventures, and cultural attractions, Vancouver in January offers an unforgettable journey filled with warmth, excitement, and exploration.

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Madison's Footsteps

The Best 4 Day Toronto Itinerary for Visiting Canada in January

travel to canada in january

It only took me 23 years to realize I was living a mere 10 hour drive from a country I had never been to. So a few weeks ago, my bestie and I filled her car with snacks and booze and started the 600 mile drive to Toronto, Canada. Although it was far from a beach vacation, there’s still plenty to do in Canada during the wintertime. Keep reading for my ultimate 4 day Toronto itinerary to see how I spent my first trip to Canada!

4 day itinerary for toronto

Find what you need:

Your 4 Day Toronto Itinerary: The Quick Version

🏡 where to stay in toronto.


  • The Only Backpacker’s Inn (⭐️ 8.5/10)
  • Planet Traveler Hostel (⭐️ 9.6/10)
  • All Days Hostel (⭐️ 8.9/10)
  • Pembroke Inn (⭐️ 7.2/10)


  • Pantages Hotel Downtown Toronto (⭐️ 8.2/10)
  • The Drake Hotel on Queen Street West (⭐️ 9.0/10)
  • Radisson Blu Toronto Downtown (⭐️ 8.8/10)
  • Chelsea Hotel (⭐️ 7.6/10)
  • Airbnb with CN Tower Views (⭐️ 4.74/5)


  • Shangri-La Toronto (⭐️ 9.4/10)
  • Four Seasons Hotel Toronto (⭐️ 9.4/10)
  • The Hazelton Hotel (⭐️ 9.6/10)

🇨🇦 My Favorite Things to Do in Toronto

  • Take a day-trip to Niagara Falls : Either rent a car and DIY it to Niagara Falls or book a highly-rated Niagara Falls Tour from Toronto ⛴️
  • Taste the best of Toronto with a Toronto Tasting Tour 🍕
  • Visit Nathan Philips Square and rent ice skates ⛸️
  • Embark on a Toronto Walking Tour or Toronto Bike Tour to see the best in the city 🚲
  • Test your knowledge at the Royal Ontario Museum 🦖
  • Snack on peameal bacon sandwiches at the St. Lawrence Market 🥓
  • Take the elevator up 147 floors to the top of the CN Tower 🏙️
  • Shop your heart out in the historic Distillery District 🛍️
  • Taste all the Canadian beers at the Bier Markt or book a Small Group Local Beer Tour 🍺
  • Drench those fries in gravy and eat your fill of tasty Canadian Poutine 🍟

✈️ How to Get to Toronto

For our vacation to Toronto Canada, we decided to drive the 10 hours from Madison, WI . However, you can also easily fly into Toronto. Toronto’s main international airport is Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport (YTZ). The airport is located very close to downtown Toronto, so it doesn’t take very long to get into the city. You can call an Uber or take the budget-friendly route with the Toronto Transit Commission’s public transit options. 

Our Toronto Airbnb with CN Tower Views

The major perk of traveling to Canada in January is the ability to live out your wildest Airbnb fantasies. Since we were willing to drive north from a state that was already in the midst of a blizzard, we were able to rent the bougiest apartment in downtown Toronto for a fraction of the normal price! We rented this gorgeous place on the 22nd floor in the Entertainment District , complete with indoor parking and this spectacular view, for less than $80/night. Keep in mind, it’s not so affordable in the summer.

Views of the CN Tower from our Airbnb's balcony in Toronto

Is 4 Days in Toronto Enough?

If you’re wondering how many days in Toronto, four days was plenty of time for our trip to Toronto Canada. We had time to hit all the highlights, eat at some of the best restaurants in Toronto and even take a day trip from Toronto to Niagara Falls! 3 days in Toronto would also be a decent-length trip, although you might miss some of the best attractions. I wouldn’t recommend spending less than a weekend in Toronto, unless you live nearby. 

Our drive from Madison took a full 10 hours – so you know we were getting our fill of vacationing in Toronto before we left!

The Best 4 Day Toronto Itinerary for January

If you’re wondering what to do in Toronto in 4 days, then you’ve come to the right place! After plenty of trip research , I’m convinced that I planned out the perfect four days in Toronto in January. Keep reading for the highlights of my Toronto Canada itinerary!

Visit the St. Lawrence Market

As an avid traveler and a devoted foodie , there’s nothing I love more than a local market in a new city. St. Lawrence Market in Old Toronto is home to some of Toronto’s best eats, and you can’t beat the prices. Thankfully the market is indoors, so it’s the perfect place to spend an afternoon warming up and tasting some delicious Canadian cuisine during your Toronto 4 day itinerary!

Fresh produce stands at the St. Lawrence Market in Toronto

No trip to the St. Lawrence Market is complete without sampling Carousel Bakery’s famous peameal bacon sandwich* (pictured below)! Make sure to try it with their maple mustard for the perfect combination of savory and sweet.

*Peameal bacon is a wet-cured, unsmoked bacon made from pork loin rolled in cornmeal. It’s found mainly in Southern Ontario, so make sure to try it when visiting Toronto.

Still hungry? Head to Future Bakery to sample a range of international treats including sweet & savory burek and Pastéis de Nata, Portuguese custard treats.

Treats from Future Bakery at the St. Lawrence Market

Admire the Gooderham “Flat Iron” Building

Step outside the St. Lawrence Market for a fantastic view of the Gooderham, or the “Flat Iron” Building, and Toronto’s CN Tower. This famous building was designed in the 19th century for Toronto’s Gooderham family as the headquarters of their empire. Although many assume it was modeled after the Flat Iron Building in New York City, Toronto’s version actually predates the NYC landmark by a decade.

📸 The Best Walking/Biking Tours in Toronto

  • Toronto Distillery District Walking Tour (⭐️ 5/5)
  • Downtown Toronto Bike Tour (⭐️ 5/5)
  • Show me the City! Toronto Walking Tour (⭐️ 5/5)

The Gooderham or "Flat Iron" building in Toronto

Take the Elevator 147 Floors Up the CN Tower

If you’re a fan of epic views over Toronto and spooky elevators, head to Toronto’s famous CN Tower and pay 38 CAD for a ticket to the top. If you’re feeling extra adventurous, and you’re visiting in the summer months, you can book tickets for the Edgewalk! For 200 CAD they’ll strap you in and scare you shitless as you walk around the very top of the tower…1,815 feet in the air.

Make sure to book your tickets to the CN Tower on one of your first days in Toronto. We waited until the last day and almost couldn’t get tickets due to a private event.

Enjoying the view from the CN Tower with my bestie in Toronto

Nathan Phillips Square

Brave enough to experience a Toronto winter outside? Head to Nathan Phillips Square and ice skate your heart out in front of the city’s famous Toronto sign! No skates? No problem. Rent a pair on-site for only 10 CAD! Nathan Phillips Square was our first stop on our 4 day Toronto itinerary and, besides the bone-chilling cold, was the perfect introduction to Toronto.

Behind the “Toronto” sign, you’ll catch a glimpse of Toronto’s New City Hall! The building opened in 1965, replacing the Old City Hall which was built in 1889. You’ll also be right next to the Eaton Centre, one of the largest malls in Toronto. 

Your 4 day Toronto itinerary needs to include a stop at Nathan Phillips Square

Catch a Blue Jays Game at the Rogers Centre

No Toronto travel guide would be complete without mentioning one of Toronto’s claims to fame, the Blue Jays. Although it’s still called the SkyDome by many old-school Blue Jays fans, Canada’s only professional baseball franchise plays their home games in the Rogers Centre – around the corner from the CN Tower. 

The Rogers Centre was kind of a big deal at the time of its opening, since it was the only stadium with a retractable rooftop. This allowed games to be played at Rogers Centre year-round. If you only have 4 days in Toronto, fitting in a Blue Jays game is not to be missed!

Try Canadian Poutine

Fries? Good. Gravy? Good. Cheese curds? Good. All together = VERY good.

This 4 day Toronto itinerary is not complete without mention of Poutine. Poutine is a Canadian staple found on every street corner of Toronto. Although it’s all delicious, some places have a better reputation among locals than others. The best of the best is  Poutini’s House of Poutine  in Liberty Village. You can’t go wrong with the original, but if you’re feeling adventurous try one of their special creations like “The Works” with sour cream, bacon and chive.

Trying poutine from Poutini's House of Poutine needs to be on your 4 day Toronto itinerary

Have Drinks at the Bier Markt

Could there be anything bad about a bar that serves over 150 beers on tap? Yeah I didn’t think so either. Bier Markt serves brews from all over the world, including a wide selection of local Canadian beers. My advice? Don’t limit yourself. Order a flight and taste four yummy beers at the same time!

If your perfect Toronto itinerary includes lots of Canadian craft brews, I suggest visiting Toronto’s famous Steam Whistle Brewery (near the CN Tower) or booking yourself on a Toronto Local Beer Tour .

Take a Day Trip to Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is easily one of the best winter day trips from Toronto. Only an hour and a half away, there’s no excuse to not take a day to experience one of the most famous national parks in North America . I’m not going to lie, there’s a lot  more to do in Niagara Falls in the summer time. But do you know what there’s also a lot more of? People. If you’re interested in seeing spectacular views without the pesky crowds, head to Niagara in January and enjoy being one of the ten tourists brave enough to be outside during an Ontario winter.

If you do head down to Niagara Falls, I would suggest staying on the Canadian side. The views are much better than the United States side !

⛴️ Niagara Falls Tours You May Enjoy…

  • Niagara Falls Day Tour from Toronto (⭐️ 5/5)
  • Niagara Falls Luxury Day Tour From Toronto with Cruise and Lunch (⭐️ 4.5/5)
  • Niagara Falls Private Half Day Tour with Boat and Helicopter (⭐️ 5/5)

Enjoying the views at Niagara Falls needs to be added to your 4 day Toronto itinerary

Visit Yonge-Dundas Square

Widely known as Toronto’s “mini Times Square,” Yonge-Dundas square is located in the middle of downtown Toronto. This public square is a unique focal point of the Toronto community and serves as gathering space and event venue. You can easily see why it reminds people of New York’s Time Square! 👇🏼

Test Your Knowledge at the Royal Ontario Museum

There’s no better activity for a frigid Canadian day than exploring a museum! Well, besides maybe indoor drinking.

The Royal Ontario Museum is one of the largest museums in North America and  the largest museum in Canada. It’s filled with really cool exhibits in art, world culture, natural history and more. My personal favorite is the third floor, where they house the “Age of Mammals” exhibit as well as the “Age of Dinosaurs.”

Entrance tickets cost 23 CAD, but are only 18 CAD with a student ID.

A dinosaur exhibit at the Royal Ontario Museum

Explore Toronto’s Historic Distillery District

The Distillery District of Toronto is a hipster neighbourhood filled with trendy boutiques and restaurants housed in 19th century whiskey distillery buildings. It’s the perfect neighborhood to do some shopping or enjoy a hipster happy hour. During Christmastime, the streets are filled with Toronto’s Christmas Markets.

While you’re wandering the quaint, cobblestone streets, stop by Wildly Delicious for a taste of Toronto’s finest. They sell plenty of sweet Canadian maple syrup as well as home goods and every kind of sauce, chutney and cheese you could imagine – perfect for your Toronto travel itinerary.

A Smirnoff sign in the Toronto Distillery District

Wander Through Graffiti Alley

Although I’ll admit it’s not the best activity for a freezing Toronto trip, Graffiti Alley is definitely worth a quick visit. Wander the narrow alleyway, admire the colorful street art gallery…and maybe warm up with a hot chocolate afterwards.

Graffiti alley is a great experience to add to your 4 day Toronto itinerary

Where to Eat in Toronto in Four Days

Now for the highlight of my Toronto vacation guide! Like every major city, Toronto has no shortage of yummy eats. Make sure to eat your fill at these delicious restaurants before you head home after four days in Toronto.

Featured by INSIDER Food , Menami serves udon noodles with a delicious twist. Thick and doughy noodles are topped with creamy cheese sauce and shredded tex-mex cheese before being baked to perfection. It’s the perfect mix of traditional udon and mac n’ cheese!

Since I love both udon noodles and cheese, Menami was one of my favorite restaurants on our 4 day Toronto itinerary.

Fried ika from Menami

Chinatown’s The Dumpling House

To say we left full would be a gross understatement…a dumpling coma might be more accurate. The Dumpling House, located in Toronto’s hip Kensington Market neighborhood, sells traditional dumplings both steamed and fried with a variety of fillings. It was also one of the most affordable restaurants we ate at in Toronto. If you do decide to try it out, learn from our mistake and don’t order any appetizers. We were uncomfortably full until the next day, but nothing warms you up like fresh dumplings!

A massive bowl of egg drop soup from The Dumpling House

Pancho’s Bakery

Soft serve in a churro cone? Enough said.

Right around the corner from The Dumpling House, Panchos’ Bakery serves this Instagrammable mash-up treat. Although probably enjoyed best in the summer, the juxtaposition of the freezing ice cream and the warm churro made the treat even more enjoyable.

Instagram-worthy soft serve in a churro cone from Pancho's Bakery in Toronto

Chubby’s Jamaican Kitchen

Not only does Chubby’s serve up delicious and authentic Jamaican cuisine, but their restaurant is an Instagram dream. The inside is covered in pink lights and plants and the whole restaurant smells like smoky pork and fried plantains. They also offer a full menu of fancy cocktails topped with edible flowers and whipped egg whites! The food was delicious – we ordered the jerk pork, fried plantains and jasmine rice, and it was the perfect addition to our 4 day Toronto itinerary.

Chubby's Jamaican Kitchen is a great addition to your 4 day Toronto itinerary


Sometimes while traveling, a girl just needs a full brunch and a spicy Bloody Mary. Eggspectation is the perfect combination of American brunch with a Canadian twist. Now I’m convinced that the only thing that makes poutine better is a fried egg on top!

Smoked salmon bagel and breakfast poutine from Eggspectation – a popular brunch chain in Toronto

Little Italy’s Pizzeria via Mercanti

What better place for a girl missing Italy than a pizzeria in Little Italy? Pizzeria via Mercanti was a little slice of heaven with tasty vino, fluffy Neapolitan pizza, and an Italian-speaking waitstaff. We enjoyed some authentic Neapolitan pizza and ended the meal the right way, with an espresso and an ice-cold limoncello.

Add a stop for delicious Neapolitan pizza from Pizzeria via Mercanti to your 4 day Toronto itinerary

Final Thoughts

Even in the frigid Canadian winter, there’s plenty to see, do and eat in Toronto! I recommend staying for at least a long weekend to truly enjoy your time there.

Thanks for reading and if you enjoyed this 4 day Toronto itinerary don’t forget to subscribe to my blog and follow my adventures on Instagram @madisonfootsteps ! You also might enjoy my posts …

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Four days in Toronto pin

Madison Krigbaum is the founder and sole contributor of Madison's Footsteps – a solo female travel blog started in 2017 with a focus on destinations in Honduras, Italy, and Thailand. Since her study abroad semester in Rome, Madison has traveled to 32 countries, many of which she visited as a solo traveler. She lived in Roatan, Honduras for one year, Southeast Asia for 8 months, and spent over two years in Italy (in Florence and Rome). She just returned from three weeks in Cartagena, Colombia, and is considering Puerto Rico as her next destination!

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Looks like a great place to visit with plenty to do and eat! Chubby’s kitchen sounds so good! Plantains= yum! I also love that you went to Niagara Falls in January. I love following your adventures 🙂

It was delicious, if you’re ever in Toronto you have to go 🙂 It was worth it but also ridiculously cold haha!

Torontonian right here! I must say, this is a good list. Our winters are super long and cold so these are the ONLY things for us to do, year after year. At some point it does start getting boring, but we try to make the best of it and be happy anyways. Since you were visiting, these places must’ve been new and interesting to you. Glad you had fun!!

So glad you agree! We had a great time (and saved a lot of money) visiting in winter. Although I would love to go back and see Toronto in the summer! I bet you’d have a few more options of things to do.

Hi Madison, great ideas for Toronto, thanks. We’ll be spending four days there before Christmas so will check out some of the places you mention. Could you send the link to the Airbnb apartment as the one in your post wouldn’t open? Many thanks and happy travels! 🌼

Hi Janina! So happy you enjoyed the post. I just checked and thankfully it is working for me, maybe it was a temporary glitch on Airbnb’s end? Either way, here is the link to the listing: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/38437303?source_impression_id=p3_1668015775_2OwCJL%2FTWDm%2Foe6q

Enjoy Toronto! Madison

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She Saves She Travels

34 Best Countries to Visit in January (Perfect for Relaxation & Adventure)

Posted on Published: September 3, 2022  - Last updated: January 5, 2024

Dreaming of a January getaway? From amazing beach vacations to exploring winter wonderlands, the winter is a fantastic time to travel! So if you’ve ever wondered what are the best countries to visit in January – here’s your list.

best countries to visit in January view of longboats in Thailand on beach

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Whether your idea of the best place to visit in January is to escape the cold and look for sun or the beach, or you’re wishing for snowy adventures like skiing and ice castles, this list has a little bit of everything.

Some of these destinations are in the shoulder season, so you’ll find affordable pricing, which is always a bonus, too! From experiencing destinations with tons of culture to cities with amazing food scenes, you’ll find the perfect spot for your vacation in January.

Covering countries from all over the world, this list is going to inspire you to start searching for flights! Let’s dive in!

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Map of the best countries to visit in January

From the Alps to the Caribbean and some underrated spots you haven’t thought of, this list covers a lot! Use this map as a visual to help you plan your vacation in January.

Pinch and zoom in to narrow down on a region that you’re considering, then check out the descriptions below.

Oh, and by the way, since I’m continually checking places off my travel bucket list but haven’t been everywhere yet, I’ve asked some of my fellow travel writers to help with this list. I think you’re gonna love it.😉

Best countries to visit in January

January is a fabulous time to travel! Whether you’re looking to escape the winter cold and hit the beach, you’re up for adventure in a new city, or you’re wishing for a winter wonderland to enjoy, here’s some amazing destinations.

1. Costa Rica (one of the best places to visit in January for sun)

view from above beach in Costa Rica teal water white beaches trees

Average temp:  high 78, low 64 (varied by region) Fly into:  Juan Santamaria International Airport, San Jose

If you’re looking for the best countries to visit in January, then Costa Rica absolutely needs to be on your radar! Zipline through cloud forests, watch monkeys and toucans dance around in the trees, dip your toes into luxurious sandy beaches and enjoy great food, Costa Rica has so much to offer visitors.

December through April is dry season, as it’s when you’ll see the best weather in Costa Rica. Although the temperatures vary based on which region you travel to, it’s still a great getaway than being stuck in the cold back home.

Visit the famous Arenal Volcano and enjoy the hot springs in La Fortuna. Still in the mountainous region, there are plenty of things to do in Monteverde , including ziplining and walking the suspension bridges through the cloud forests.

For a perfect beach getaway, head west to Tamarindo, where you can hit the water surfing, kayaking or stand up paddle boarding. With hotels and restaurants sprinkled throughout the beach, it’s a great spot to spend a few days.

If you’re looking for more adventure, head to Manuel Antonio National Park, where you can witness monkeys and sloths hanging about!

Be sure to spend some time at the best beaches in Manuel Antonio , including my favorite, Playa Espadilla Sur. There’s so many things to do in Manuel Antonio , you could spend an entire vacation just in this area.

Costa Rica is definitely one of the best places to visit in January for sun, and a destination you’ll love!

Recommended by me – Nikki of She Saves She Travels

Best countries to visit in January view of ski slopes and snowy mountains

Average temp:  high 37, low 27 (varies by region) Fly into:  Vienna International Airport, Schwechat

Austria is a landlocked country between Germany and Italy, located in Central Europe. The alps extend from the west to the east and create a perfect winter wonderland every year.

People come from all over the world to enjoy the warm and fun ski resort experience in the Austrian mountains. There is something for everyone, from skiing, ski touring, snowboarding, ice skating, snow walking, sledging to country cross skiing.

A mulled wine or a Jagertee warm up every cold heart! Villages and cities are decorated with wonderful lights, creating a magical dreamy environment, the perfect place for a vacation in January. This is the best time to relax body and soul in some of the most remarkable thermal baths and sauna villages in Central Europe.

Old traditions make Austria a unique place to be in January. They can still be experienced at the beginning of January, the Perchten run in the Tyrol region and the Glöckler run in Styria. The capital city Vienna, as well as other well-known cities such as Salzburg and Innsbruck, are for all those looking for classic inspiration and the vibes of a long gone empire.

Curious travelers can discover more  top places in Austria . Definitely check out Vorarlberg, a mountainous state in the west, including the charming Bregenzerwald, Austria .

The weather in Austria in January is usually between 0 and 50 Fahrenheit. The higher one travels, the colder it gets.

The best way to get to Austria is via the Vienna airport, located in the east. Other options include the Salzburg airport, Innsbruck airport or even the much larger Munich airport in Germany.

The Austria Trend Hotels provide the most comfortable and memorable stays in Austria. Budget-travelers will want to look out for homely vacation rental properties. Things can be a bit expensive in Austria in January, but your journey will be less costly than a stay in neighboring Switzerland.

Recommended by Paul of Paulmarina

3. Colombia

view of multicolored Colombia street buildings best places to visit in January

Average temp:  high 66, low 45 Fly into:  El Dorado International Airport, Bogota

The South American country of Colombia is a great destination in January – in fact, it’s one of the best weather times to visit of the entire year! In January, the sun is shining, the weather is warm (though there is a huge variety of average temperatures throughout the country), and the rain is low. 

In general, Colombia is a great place to visit, no matter the time of year. It’s a very inexpensive country to travel to, and there’s a wide variety of things to see and do. The capital city of Bogota has an old town filled with colonial architecture, cobblestoned streets, and a wide variety of historical buildings and world class museums. 

Or, you can visit the Coffee Region of Colombia, such as the little, colorful town of Salento. Here, you can visit the coffee farms of Colombia or go hiking in the Cocora Valley, a magical hike into the mountains, where you can see the famous wax palms of Colombia – the tallest palms in the world that grow up to 200 feet high!

Finally, a must visit spot in Colombia is the coastal city of Cartagena, a photogenic, absolutely gorgeous colonial walled city with colorful buildings covered in plants and flowers. 

As you travel throughout Colombia, you’ll likely take a quick plane ride between the different cities. Many people choose to start their Colombia adventure by flying into the El Dorado International Airport in Bogota, and staying in Bogota at the Magdalena Guest House is a perfectly located spot to start your exploration of this gorgeous and varied country in South America. 

Colombia is one of the best places to visit in January for sun, culture and history!

Recommended by Stephanie of The Unknown Enthusiast

4. Aruba (a favorite on this list of best countries to visit in January)

best place to vacation in January pic of white beach, rocky shore and catamaran in distance

Average temp:  high 86, low 76 Fly into:  Queen Beatrix International Airport, Oranjestad

If you’re looking for a beachy escape from the clutches of old man winter, look no further than gorgeous Aruba! January is a fantastic time to visit not only to enjoy sunny skies and 80-degree weather, but it’s also a unique place to ring in the New Year .

Typically, New Year’s Eve is kicked off with loads of fireworks throughout the city (if you were planning to sleep – good luck 😉), from large displays over the water to traditional Pagara (long strings of Chinese firecrackers) throughout the streets; there’s no end to colorful and fiery displays.

After that, the party doesn’t stop! Throughout January and into February, there are countless parades like the nighttime Torch Light Parade and other festivities in honor of Carnival . The official start of Carnival is in November, but most of the festivities happen in January and February.

Because of these fun festivities, you should expect to pay a little more for accommodations. To get the best deal, book early!

Aside from a colorful party scene, Aruba is also known for mesmerizing white sand beaches like Palm and Eagle Beach. These are 2 great spots to kick back and relax with a fruity cocktail. They’re some of the best beaches in Aruba !

After relaxing, you’ll have an endless selection of dining options, including Dutch, Asian, African and it’s even one of the most  vegan-friendly Caribbean Islands!

Aruba is one of the best beach vacations in January, and a destination you’ll love.

Recommended by Rebecca of Veggies Abroad

rocky shore of Iceland ocean on sunny day best countries to visit in January

Average temp:  high 37, low 26 (varies by region) Fly into:  Keflavík International Airport, Keflavik

If you’re looking for an epic winter adventure, consider visiting Iceland in January. 

While the days may be short here, you’ll get to enjoy Iceland’s spectacular scenery to yourself, given that the summer crowds have long departed. Better yet, you’ll likely get to see Iceland covered with glistening snow. This is a fantastic time to explore the country’s ice caves or go on a glacier hike!

People travel from all over the world to Iceland in January, given that it’s one of the absolute best months to see the spectacular Northern Lights, thanks to the long, dark nights.

You can either book a guided tour to try to find the lights or drive outside of major cities, away from light pollution, to spot them yourself. Patience is key- seeing the lights depends on whether there’s solar activity, as well as whether there’s clouds obscuring the night sky. 

Another excellent winter activity here is taking advantage of any of the geothermal hot springs you’ll find scattered throughout the country. The springs may be more natural, like the Hellulaug Hot Pool, which is just an organically-formed pool overlooking the ocean, or can be straight up swanky, like the recently opened Sky Lagoon, with an infinity pool and sauna with stunning views of Kársnes Harbour.

The easiest way to reach this tiny island country is to fly into Reykjavik’s Keflavik International Airport.  Iceland’s weather in January is cold, but not as chilly as its Northern location might suggest, thanks to the relatively warm water from the gulf stream- you can expect temperatures to generally range from 26 to 37 degrees Fahrenheit. 

So be sure to include lots of warm layers on your Iceland packing list , like a base layer, parka, and gloves so you can actually enjoy exploring Iceland’s incredible landscape.

You’ll love visiting Iceland – perhaps absolute best place to vacation in January for adventure!

Recommended by Jessica of Uprooted Traveler

6. Thailand

Average temp:  high 89, low 73 Fly into:  Suvarnabhumi Airport, Bangkok / Phuket International Airport, Phuket

Thailand is an incredible place, and one of the best countries to visit in January. With a large variety of destinations to see within Thailand, you’ll need to decide what kind of experience you want to have, and plan your vacation accordingly.

If you’re looking for beautiful temples, rich in historic architecture loaded with history, then Bangkok or Chiang Mai might be the right spot for you. Stay in the city a few days to soak in the sights. Be sure to take a food tour, and if your’e in Bangkok, visit the floating markets.

If a beach getaway is what you’re after, you have a variety of choices as well. The Phi Phi Islands offer some of the most pristine beaches in all of Thailand. Or, you can opt for Krabi, where there’s a mix of beaches and historical sights to explore.

Phuket is one of the most popular destinations in Thailand, and for good reason. With beautiful white sand beaches and plenty of amenities and accommodations, there’s something for everyone.

Take a snorkeling tour or day trip to Coral Island Phuket to see the area. And with an international airport, it’s easier to get to Phuket than some of the other islands in Thailand.

January is a fabulous time to visit Thailand because it’s the dry season. With plenty of sunshine, culture, food and activities, you’re sure to have a great time in Thailand!

7. France (one of the best places to visit in January Europe)

French Riviera in January view of flowers overlooking bay with buildings in distance

Average temp:  high 56, low 37 (varies by region) Fly into:  Aéroport Nice Côte d’Azur, Nice

The month of January is a  great time to visit France because it is less crowded. Since it’s part of the low season, hotel and flight prices are more affordable.

Outside of the capital, Strasbourg in the north is a fantastic alternative. The Cathedral, art galleries, and taverns serving hearty plates of sauerkraut and local wines await visitors to this peaceful and unhurried city.

However, the French Riviera may be the best choice for people who prefer a warmer vacation in January. Also known as La Côte d’Azur (Azure Coast), it is accessible via the Aéroport Nice Côte d’Azur which is the second busiest international airport in France next to Paris. The French Riviera is a good option for those who prefer milder temperatures. 

Visiting the French Riviera in January will show you a more laid-back side of France, free of curious tourists and offering more affordable rates. Fewer visitors mean you get a good deal in even the more expensive hotel rooms, as well as cheaper meals in the area’s top restaurants.

A highly recommended place to stay in the  Royal Antibes , a stylish modern hotel with a prime location on the beach. The price of a room with huge glass windows and great views starts at slightly over €100.

You can spend your days touring the Côte d’Azur in between taking in the breathtaking vistas of the sea and basking in the mild Mediterranean weather . Enjoy the crisp winter days hiking the French Riviera’s beautiful trails, including the spectacular route over Èze-village or the Baou above St. Jeannet, with superb views over the Var Valley.

You might also find mimosas in the village of Tanneron, which is also home to Europe’s largest mimosa forest, the Massif de Tanneron.

The town of Menton, meanwhile, is known for its beautiful gardens and well-preserved old town center. The ancient walled city of Antibes is also well worth exploring. And if you want to experience a winter vacation like celebrities, you can also explore Cannes. 

Recommended by Christine of Journey To France

Book a photo shoot: The best souvenir, booking a photo shoot while traveling preserves memories of your vacation! I love Flytographer because the photo sessions are fun, easy and affordable. you can get $25 off if you book through this link .

antigua warm vacation in January white sand beach teal water blue sky

Average temp:  high 82, low 71 Fly into:  

Situated in the middle of the Leeward Islands, part of the Lesser Antilles, in the American West Indies,  Antigua is arguably one of the prettiest Caribbean islands.  

Although it is a favorite destination for honeymoons and romantic escapes, it makes a perfect vacation for any kind of traveler that is not on a budget. 

It is in fact quite an expensive destination, especially if you choose to stay at one of the beautiful Antigua all inclusive resorts on the pristine Caribbean coast, which is very much recommended if you want to enjoy the island at its best. 

Antigua and Barbuda is actually made of the 2 namesake islands and many small islets, some of which are great snorkeling spots that you can visit by joining one of the boat tours available. 

Antigua is one of the best countries to visit in January because it’s dry season with less risk of rain. So expect a lot of sunshine and blue sky. But also it’s the most expensive time of the year to travel to Antigua, for the same reason, which is something to keep in mind as well.

Antigua is renowned for its incredible beaches (they say there are 365, one for each day of the year) and spectacular landscapes. Its home to gorgeous scenery with lush hills tumbling over the white sand beaches and the turquoise Caribbean sea.

Among the things you shouldn’t miss in Antigua, besides getting pampered in your gorgeous luxury hotel, are:

  • Rent a car to explore all the spectacular beaches, including Darkwood beach, Dickenson bay and Half Moon Bay
  • Dance at the sound of calypso music at Shirley Heights on a Sunday while watching the sun going down
  • Try the local cuisine in one of the delicious restaurants on the beach
  • Take a walk around the historical site of Nelson Dockyard at English Harbour and join one of the boat tours around the island. 

If you’re traveling on a budget you can also find more modest accommodations but keep in mind that the overall cost of living in the island is high. 

Recommended by Isabella of Boundless Roads

Best place to vacation in January

Can you believe this list? And we’re just getting started! Let’s keep exploring all the amazing winter getaways!

Mexico beach with boats and palm trees

Average temp:  high 72, low 41 (varies by region) Fly into:  Benito Juárez International Airport, Mexico City

If you’re looking for a sunny getaway this January, take a trip adventuring around Mexico. As a massive country, enjoy everything from the vibrant Mexico City to the stunning cenotes of the Riviera Maya to colonial cultural towns and ancient ruins.

With its close proximity to the equator, Mexico enjoys year-round warm weather, making it the perfect place to escape the cold. One of the best months to visit the country, January is in the midst of Mexico’s dry season when temperatures are excellent and rain levels are low.

Average daytime temperature hovers between 75°F-85°F, but differs from region to region. At this time, colder winds and temperatures hit northern Mexico compared to the higher humidity in the south.

Everyone celebrates Christmas in Mexico, and even though January is a bit late for the festivities, enjoy strolling around every town decorated to the brim with holiday decor. January also signals the start of amazing festivals like Merida Fest, Fiesta Grande de Chiapa de Corzo, and Carnaval Jiutepec in Cuernavaca.

Most international flights will land you in the capital Mexico City or other popular tourist hotspots like Cancun or Cabo San Lucas. From there, a  fantastic public transportation system  can bring you to any neighboring cities and tourist attractions.

For those landing in Mexico City, book a stay in Hotel MX Centro as a starting point for your Mexico adventure!

Recommended by Catherine of Nomadicated

view of malaga Spain from above city buildings with blue sky best countries to visit in January

Average temp:  high 62, low 46 (varies by region) Fly into:  Malaga-Costa del Sol Airport, Malaga

If you are looking for a warm winter destination, the south of Spain and the Spanish islands are excellent options. Enjoy the mild temperatures and sunny days, discover beautiful landmarks and landscapes and immerse yourself in the food culture.

Travelling to the south of Spain or the Spanish islands in January is a smart choice to avoid crowds, extreme heat and high prices on flights and accommodation.

There are many incredible destinations in these parts of Spain, but a popular choice in the south of Spain is Malaga, the best destination for anyone that wants to escape the cold and rainy winter.

Many people believe that Malaga is a summer getaway, however, there are many reasons to visit Malaga in winter .

One of the reasons is the weather. Temperatures are mild and most days are sunny. The average maximum temperature in January is 16.8°C (62.24°F) which is ideal to do outdoor activities.

This time of the year is fantastic for sightseeing and exploring as the heat and humidity in the summer months don’t allow you to do so.  When visiting Malaga, you can’t miss attractions like the Alcazaba, a Moorish fortress palace, the cathedral and Picasso Museum.  

However, if you love nature, you can also enjoy going on beautiful hiking trails. One of the best places to go hiking is Montes de Malaga Nature Park. 

Another good reason to visit Malaga in January is to experience the festive period as Christmas ends on the 6th of January. If you are in the city on the 5th, don’t miss the Three Kings Parade. 

Last but not least, January is the cheapest month to visit Malaga. If you travel from a European country, you will find amazing and budget-friendly flight fares and good accommodation rates too.

The nearest airport to travel to Malaga is Malaga-Costa del Sol Airport (AGP) which is 15 minutes from the city centre, and if you are looking for a hotel, Room Mate Valeria offers beautiful and comfortable rooms at reasonable prices.

Southern Spain is a lovely winter getaway, and Spain is one of the best countries to visit in Europe in January.

Recommended by Cristina of The Little World of Travelling

Want more Spain travel inspiration? Check out a week in Mallorca – stunning!

11. Belize (another favorite for best beach vacations in January)

belize in January view of boat on the beach with colorful buildings

Average temp:  high 83, low 68 Fly into:  Goldson International Airport, Belize City

The small Central American country of Belize is a dream to visit if you’re looking for a sunny vacation in January. Offering a variety of things to do in Belize from picturesque islands to fun beach towns and ancient ruins to explore, there’s so much to experience!

January is a great time to travel to Belize because many of the holiday tourists are gone and it’s the dry season, so you’ll have gorgeous weather for exploring.

For a beach vacation, head to Ambergris Caye or Placencia. You’ll find beautiful beaches that aren’t overcrowded like they can be in Florida or other spots in the Caribbean.

If you’re looking for history and culture, head inland to San Ignacio and visit the Xunantunich Mayan Ruins . Learn the fascinating history of how the Mayans lived and operated their stone structures while climbing atop the largest in the complex, El Castillo.

Whether you’re looking for a vacation where golf cart is the preferred method to get around or you’re up for chasing waterfalls and seeing monkeys roam through the jungles, Belize has a destination perfect for you!

12. Maldives

Maldives in January beautiful beach palm tree and pier in distance over ocean

Average temp:  high 80, low 77 Fly into:  Velana International Airport, Male

If you’re thinking of starting the New Year with a bang, what better way to do this than laying on a dreamy beach, with white powdered sand and sone of the clearest water in the world? A trip to the Maldives should be on everyone’s bucket list , and January is the perfect time to do it. 

Although it’s right in the middle of the season, January is perfect for a trip to the Maldives as it’s right after the holidays and just before Valentine’s Day, so the prices are really great during these times. You can even find some  affordable water villas  if you dig enough, and you can maybe score a nice room at  this resort that I’m sure you’ve seen on Instagram already.

Getting there is easy, as there’s one main airport used as a hub, located next to the Capital city of Male. From here, you reach your resort island by either speed boat, seaplane, or a combination of the two, but this is handled by the accommodation itself so you really don’t have to worry about anything while on your trip.

And if you usually have a long list of activities to do while on vacation, you’ll have to adjust when in the Maldives: here, you can only lay on a beach or float in the water.

Of course, you can do various water activities like snorkeling, diving, or going on sunset cruises, or you can lay on a sunbed, hammock, or on a massage table, but you get the point. There’s really no better place in the world to relax than this tropical paradise!

Maldives easily earns a spot on this list of the best countries to visit in January!

Recommended by Cristina of Honest Travel Stories

13. Singapore

view of two towers lush foliage with buildings in distance best countries to visit in January Singapore

Average temp:  high 87, low 75 Fly into:  Singapore Changi Airport, Singapore

Singapore is one of the best countries to visit in January for those looking for a warm and sunny getaway. The weather is hot and humid year round but January is one of the cooler months making it a great time to visit.

The temperature will still be hot so it is best to see indoor attractions during midday and early afternoon. The evening is a great time to walk around and explore as Singapore is considered one of the safest countries in the world.

One of the top and most unique  Singapore attractions  is Gardens by the Bay, a large nature park with both outdoor and indoor gardens and conservatories. Don’t miss Supertree Grove, made up of huge tree-shaped vertical gardens, that puts on free light and music shows every night.

Another must do is to walk along the waterfront promenade while enjoying skyline views and passing by landmarks including the ArtScience Museum, Helix Bridge and the Merlion statue . Explore and dine at one of the many interesting city neighborhoods such as Kampong Glam, Little India, and Chinatown.

The beautiful Singapore Botanic Gardens is also worth visiting. R ide the cable car to Sentosa Island for family friendly attractions and beaches.

Singapore is very easy to reach by air as it is home to Changi Airport, which is considered an attraction itself. Consider staying at a hotel with a rooftop pool such as the Marina Bay Sands , the iconic hotel known for its long rooftop infinity pool.

Recommended by Matilda of The Travel Sisters

14. Switzerland

best places to visit in January Europe view of Switzerland snow with mountains in distance

Average temp:  high 38, low 28 Fly into:  Zurich International Airport, Zurich

Switzerland is definitely one of the best places to visit in Europe in January if you like snow! 

Since 60% of the country consists of the Alps, it’s designed for winter sport activities. Switzerland has an incredible number of famous ski resorts with a high amount of lifts and gondolas to take you into the beautiful winter wonderland. 

Impressive landscapes, exemplary service and snow reliability, you can expect great skiing and snowboarding in Switzerland. The Alpine country has a lot to offer when it comes to winter sports.

The mountain village of Zermatt, for example, impresses with a total of 360 kilometers (223+ miles) of slopes and over 60 lifts. It’s the largest ski area in Switzerland and one of the best ski resorts in the world.

Enjoy a little less hustle and bustle, a smaller but just as beautiful is Flumserberg  in central Switzerland or Samnaun in the east. No matter which of Switzerland’s many standout spots you choose, t raditional cheese fondue is available almost everywhere , often served in small, beautiful chalets or under open starry skies. 

South of the Alps, in Ticino, snow may not be guaranteed in January, but this region scores with the sunniest days in the country. So, if it’s raining or snowing elsewhere in the country in January, you can take a beautiful walk along Lake Lugano and enjoy the snow-covered Alpine peaks through your sunglasses in the bright and warm sun. 

Pro tip: come to Switzerland in January and bypass the school winter vacations, the country’s slopes are a little less busy. 

The biggest airport in Switzerland is Zurich and thanks to a great developed railroad network, you can reach almost any place in the country from Zurich in 3 hours. 

Recommended by Linda of Hiking the Alps

15. Guatemala (perfect for a low-key January getaway)

Best countries to visit in January- Guatemala street art murals colorful buildings with mountain in background

Average temp:  high 75, low 54 Fly into:  La Aurora International Airport, Guatemala City

Guatemala is a great vacation in January as it’s the peak dry season. Enjoy warm weather, great culture and amazing adventures.

It’s a budget destination, so your money will stretch further here than in nearby countries such as Costa Rica and Panama.

Top travel destinations in Guatemala include Antigua and Lake Atitlan. Antigua is a beautiful Spanish colonial city with many things to do. In fact, it’s one of the best tropical Christmas destinations in the Americas.

The #1 attraction near Antigua is climbing Acatenango Volcano and witnessing its’ neighbour, Fuego (Fire) Volcano, erupting every 30-40 minutes. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience not to be missed!

A 3 hour drive from Antigua will take you to the central highlands and  Lake Atitlan . The lake is a magical place with a near-perfect mid-20s temperature (mid-70’s in Fahrenheit) all year round. Surrounded by 3 volcanoes, the views from Lake Atitlan are something special!

There are 12 towns surrounding Lake Atitlan, each offering something a little different and unique. San Pedro is a favorite for backpackers and San Marcos is a favorite for the hippy crowd. Wherever you end up visiting, travel between towns is quick and easy.

Travel between towns across the lake on little boats , known locally as Lanchas. The longest journey will be about 30 minutes and the cost less than $2.  

Free Cerveza in Santa Cruz La Laguna is an interesting place to stay. A glamping site with private eco-lodges and tee-pee style tents, there is always something going on.

Enjoy complimentary use of the facilities, such as kayaking and stand-up paddle boarding. Santa Cruz is one of the best places on the lake to swim and offers fantastic views of the volcanoes in the distance.    

Go for something a little different on your next holiday, go to Guatemala!

Recommended by Wes of Walk About Wes

ice castle sitting on snow in front of snowy trees in Canada

Average temp:  high 30, low 13 (varies by region) Fly into:  Calgary International Airport, Alberta

So many destinations in Canada turn into the most magical winter wonderland during the month of January, and are sure to cure anyone’s post-holiday blues.

One of the most exciting places to visit is the Canadian Rockies region and Banff National Park. At Lake Louise, you’ll have the chance to skate across the frozen lake with a backdrop of the snow-capped mountains.

This outdoor ice rink has even been named the world’s best by CNN ! During the month of January, the entrance to the lake is surrounded by a beautiful ice castle , which will have you feeling like you’re in a snow globe in no time.

Through most of January, Canyon Lights puts on an amazing display at the Capilano Suspension Bridge in North Vancouver. This bridge is one of the most scenic places to visit in Canada year-round, but when the bridge and surrounding park are aglow with thousands of twinkling lights, it’s even more amazing to experience. 

Heading over to the East Coast side of Canada, the best place to vacation in January is Old Quebec, a historic section of Quebec city. This area has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site , and will have you feeling you’ve been transported to Europe.

Many of the picturesque streets will still have their holiday decor and lights up through most of January, and are especially magical after a snowfall. Visitors can enjoy rides down a toboggan chute, which has been operating for the last 135 years. 

To visit Banff National Park and Lake Louise, you’ll want to fly into Calgary, and from there, you’ll need to rent a car to get around. If you want to visit Capilano Suspension Bridge’s Canyon Lights display, you can fly right into Vancouver, and rely on public transportation and ride share services to get around. Then to visit Old Quebec, the best airport to fly into is Quebec City Airport.

Canada offers a variety of experiences, and it’s definitely one of the best countries to visit in January.

Recommended by Sam of New England Wanderlust

More of the best countries to visit in January

Not even half done with the list. Do you have your January getaway picked out yet? Here’s more fabulous ideas ahead…

17. Australia

Sydney skyline view of harbor bridge and buildings in distance with blue sky one of the best countries to visit in January

Average temp:  high 79, low 66 (varies by region) Fly into:  Sydney Kingsford Smith International Airport, Sydney

One of the best countries to visit in January for sun is Australia . On the other side of the hemisphere, January is one of the warmest summer months.

Australia is an enormous country which means that temperatures can vary depending on where you go. From as warm as 89 F(32 C) degrees in Perth to as “cold” as 79 F (26 C) in Melbourne. 

Besides the sunny weather, Australia has a lot more to offer. With a 21,126 miles (34,000 KM) long coastline, you can find beautiful beaches and cliffs all around the country. This makes beach hopping and surfing 2 of the most popular things to do in the country.

Nature lovers will have no shortage of green scenery as Australia is the number one country when it comes to the most national parks worldwide (over 650). 

A good place to start your Australian vacation is Sydney. It’s home to the largest airport that has the most international flight connections. On top of that, Sydney is also just a beautiful and lively city with amazing beaches.

For outdoor lovers, its close proximity to the Blue Mountains National Park is perfect . And wine lovers will enjoy a day trip to the Hunter Valley to try some Australian wine and bring home a unique  Australian souvenir . 

For solo travelers, The Wake-Up Bondi hostel is a great place to stay. If you’re looking for a hotel, the Travelodge Hotel Sydney Martin Place is a good option too. 

Recommended by Lara of The Best Travel Gifts

best places to visit in January for sun view of the desert with pillow sand at sunset

Average temp:  high 75, low 59 Fly into:  Dubai International Airport, Dubai / Abu Dhabi International Airport, Abu Dhabi

If you’re looking to soak in the warm winter sun, then the UAE makes for an amazing destination. This Middle Eastern country is home to 7 Emirates, Dubai and Abu Dhabi being the most popular ones.

Both these glamorous Emirates have their own international airport and an array of hotels to choose from. From ultra-luxurious to boutique properties, from business hotels to glamping sites and from desert retreats to oceanfront suites, the accommodation offer is downright dazzling.

With daytime temperatures averaging 24°C or 75°F and nighttime temperatures averaging 15°C or 59°F, January is an excellent month to spend your vacation days outdoors without suffering from the scorching heat that affects the UAE most of the year .

You could choose to spend your days relaxing at a soft white sand beach, admire the view from the observation deck at the world’s tallest building, take an  adventurous desert safari from Dubai , soak up the atmosphere of the souks, visit the mesmerizing Abu Dhabi mosque , cruise the Arabian Gulf by speedboat, kayak through the mangroves or zipline between the most spectacular mountainscapes.

And fashionistas will certainly appreciate the Dubai Shopping Festival that takes place in January. So, when an action-packed winter vacation with a touch of glamour is what you’re looking for, then the UAE will not disappoint!

The UAE is one of the best places to visit in January for sun and adventure!

Recommended by Sarah of CosmopoliClan

19. Portugal

vacation in January to Portugal view of bridge pier boats street vendors

Average temp:  high 59, low 47 (varies by region) Fly into:  Francisco Sa Carneiro Airport, Porto

Portugal is a charming winter destination and is one of the top warm European places to visit in January. Portugal’s temperate climate is perfect for a wonderful vacation across the country.

Start your Portuguese adventure with the second-largest city in Portugal, Porto. It’s a city famous for its association with port wine.

From boat trips on the Douro River to discovering hidden architectural gems, there are plenty of  places to visit in Porto . The old Historic Centre of Porto, alongside the nearby Luiz I Bridge and Monastery of Serra do Pilar, are considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

Rumoured to be the inspiration behind the Harry Potter books, Livraria Lello is one of the most beautiful libraries in the world and one of the must-visit attractions in Porto.

Next, climb the Clerigos Tower for a stunning view over the city skyline. No visit to Porto is complete without taking a tour of its famous port wine cellars. You’ll find many of them in Gaia, on the other side of the Douro River.

Finally, head down to Matosinhos beach and Foz do Douro promenade for a day out by the beach. The closest airport to the city is the Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport, which is well-connected to the city by public transport.

You can also add the vibrant capital city of Lisbon to your holiday itinerary. Lisbon is one of Europe’s sunniest cities, having received more days of sunshine than any other European capital.

When visiting Lisbon, be sure to check out the best things to do in Almada , too. You’ll love visiting Portugal. It’s deserving of a spot on this list of best places to visit in January (Europe).

Recommended by Moumita & Sankha of Chasing the Long Road

20. USA (so many can’t miss destinations for a vacation in January)

best place to vacation in January view of bay with pier palm trees and mountains surrounding

Average temp:  high 68, low 46 (in the southern region – varies greatly throughout) Fly into:  Denver International Airport, Denver / Kahului Airport, Maui / Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport, San Juan

Similar to Canada, Mexico and Australia, the USA has a variety of climates and destinations perfect for January. And although it’s impossible to choose just one, these popular January destinations in the USA are all great for wintertime travel.

Vail or Breckenridge , Colorado offer some of the best ski resorts in the world! If you’re looking for a perfect winter getaway with fluffy white snow, consider the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

Hawaii is an obvious choice if you’re looking for warm vacations in January in the US, since it’s average high temperatures hover around 80 degrees throughout the islands.

Watch the sunset on Haleakala in Maui , take a helicopter ride over the NaPali Coast in Kauai, visit the impressive Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island, or hike to the top of Diamond Head to overlook Waikiki Beach in Oahu. Hawaii is full of adventure!

Another hot spot for a best place to vacation in January is Puerto Rico . There’s so many things to do in Old San Juan , including visiting the 500+ year old fort, El Morro. And if you’re looking for a perfect beach, head to Flamenco Beach Puerto Rico on the nearby island of Culebra.

Without a doubt, the USA offers some spectacular January getaways!

21. El Salvador

beach in El Salvador with black sand palm trees and buildings with reflection in waves

Average temp:  high 85, low 64 Fly into:  San Salvador Monseñor Óscar Arnulfo Romero International Airport, San Luis Talpa

El Salvador is an underrated destination in Central America, and one of the best countries to visit in January. A great spot to visit in El Salvador is the town of El Tunco.

Located on the Pacific coast, El Tunco, El Salvador , is a great getaway in the middle of winter. The weather is hot and sunny, with temperatures averaging in the high 80s. January is one of the best times to visit El Tunco because it’s the middle of the dry season, so the chance of a downpour is minimal.

The best things to see and do in El Tunco involve enjoying its beautiful beaches, which are perfect for swimming and surfing. You can also sunbathe but some of the beach areas are a bit pebbly, especially right after high tide.

If you want a chill vibe, you can take some yoga classes and relax in a beach hammock. Or if you’re up for some adventure, you can explore the beach caves (low tide only) or go waterfall hiking.

There are also a number of restaurants and bars in the town. The best thing to eat in El Tunco is pupusas, the national food of El Salvador! These thick corn tortillas are filled with meat, cheese, and/or beans.

If you want to party 24/7, there are a number of party-focused hostels in town. If you want to get a good night’s sleep after going out but still be close to the action, stay at Eco del Mar Hotel .

El Tunco is easy to get to from the San Salvador airport. It’s just a short drive to the coast on well-paved highways. You can hire a driver in advance, rent a car, or just call an Uber at the airport.

If you’re looking for a fun, affordable vacation destination in January, El Tunco is definitely worth considering.

Recommended by Brodi of Our Offbeat Life

visiting belgrade serbia in the winter view of large church with snow on ground and white clouds

Average temp:  high 39, low 28 Fly into:  Nikola Tesla International Airport, Belgrade

Serbia is the best place to vacation in January if you love Christmas and lengthened holiday seasons. As a country with Christian Orthodox as its major population, Serbia celebrates Christmas on January 7th. And on top of that, in addition to the New Year on January 1st, they also celebrate Serbian New Year based on the Julian calendar on the 15th. 

The best way to visit Serbia is to fly to Nikola Tesla International Airport in Belgrade, or you can easily travel by car from  the neighboring countries in Balkan . 

Serbia is quite small, so you can easily travel from the north to the south of the country for a week or two. Depending on the location, there are many things to do in Serbia in January. From enjoying the nightlife scene in Belgrade to spending your winter wonderland in popular ski resorts like Zlatibor or Kopaonik, there is always something for everyone!

For accommodation, you can easily find budget-friendly hotels and vacation rentals in each city. If you have a little extra budget for your accommodation, take a chance to stay at the Moskva Hotel in the heart of Belgrade. One of the most important landmarks in Serbia, the hotel has become a cultural heritage in the capital city since 1968. 

Recommended by Marya of The BeauTraveler

23. Philippines

view of best places to visit in January for sun Philippines boat on blue water with rocky cliffs nearby

Average temp:   high 86, low 74 Fly into:  El Nido Lio Airport, Palawan / Puerto Princesa International Airport, Puerto Princesa

With the dry season in full swing, the Philippines is one of the best places to visit in January for sun . You can expect the weather to be hot and humid, yet there will always be a beach nearby when you feel the need to cool off.

One of the best places to visit is the island of Palawan, which has been voted to be “the most beautiful island in the world” multiple times by Travel + Leisure’s Best of Awards . 

Once you’re there, it’s easy to see why. In the northern part of the Palawan near El Nido you’ll find beautiful islands, turquoise-blue lagoons, and jagged limestone cliffs. Thus, island hopping is one of  the best things to do in Palawan !

If you don’t want to take the detour through Puerto Princesa – the capital of Palawan – you can fly to El Nido directly via Airswift from Manila. Some of the best places to stay in El Nido are Frendz Hostel and Blue Mango . 

If you’re adventurous, you can also venture out to other places on the island, like San Vicente and Port Barton. San Vicente is known for its 14-kilometer-long beach, whereas Port Barton is a small, laid-back town attracting travelers from all over the world. From here, you can hike through the jungle to get to low-key beaches and even a picturesque waterfall, kayak around the bay, or go snorkeling for sea turtles.  

As you can see, no matter where you go in Palawan, you can’t go wrong! You’ll have a wonderful vacation, perfect for a January getaway!

Recommended by Lena of Not Another Backpacker

24. Jamaica (another favorite on this list of best countries to visit in January)

jamaica shoreline view of turquoise water rocks and cliffs best countries to visit in January

Average temp:  high 83, low 74 Fly into:  Sangster International Airport, Montego Bay

One of the best beach vacations in January is Jamaica. In the middle of the Caribbean Sea, the hurricane season is over and the rush of holiday travelers is gone. However, January is one of the busiest months for visitors to the island, as many are trying to escape the winter back home.

Relax and rest in luxury at an all-inclusive resort in Montego Bay, Negril or Ocho Rios. From family friendly options to adults-only resorts, there’s something for everyone. Although, make sure to save up for it in advance, as January has some of the highest prices.

Venture off the resort on a day trip to Dunn’s River Falls, ziplining, bamboo rafting, take a sunset cruise or Blue Hole, Negril , amongst many others.

Or, rent a car and explore for yourself. Just be sure to ask your hotel which nearby areas to avoid, as there is some gang crime in Jamaica. And definitely get back before dark.

By the way, Jamaica is a great stop on some of the best young adult cruises , since it’s a destination with so much action and culture.

Whether you’re looking to sit on the beach for a week or soak in the amazing Jamaican food and culture, you’ll love a trip to this tropical paradise!

25. Morocco

Morocco best countries to visit in January view of buildings with green mossy water in foreground

Average temp:  high 66, low 45 Fly into:  Marrakesh Menara Airport, Marrakesh

January might just be the best time of year for a trip to Morocco. Avoid the hot sticky summer, avoid the busy season and make the most of the moderate temperatures in Morocco during winter. 

Marrakech, Essaouira and the Sahara Desert are just some of the destinations you’ll want to add to your Morocco itinerary.  

The beautiful chaos synonymous with Morocco is found right in the heart of the medinas of Marrakech.  And you can start your journey here with a flight into Marrakech Menara Airport.

Book the Riad Tizwa in Marrakech for a stay to remember, wander Jemaa el-Fna Square in the early evening, shop in the labyrinth of souks and stroll through the Jardin Majorelle. And be sure to dine at all the best restaurants in Marrakech while you’re in town.

But don’t forget to see what else Morocco has to offer in winter. Marrakech is the perfect base to arrange a Sahara Desert tour or a beach adventure to Essaouira. 

Book a visit to Merzouga or M’hamid, to see the rolling sand dunes of the Sahara. And on your way include a visit to Ouarzazate to admire the incredible kasbahs of this region.  The Kasbah Aït Benhaddou is possibly the most magnificent, made famous by the many movies filmed here.  

And finally, don’t miss a couple of days stay in Essaouira to finish your Moroccan adventure. This beach destination is a great little medina town that impresses all.  Book a beautiful riad  for a true Moroccan experience, ride horses on the beach, walk the ramparts and book a surf.  

Morocco vacation in January is always a good idea! 

Recommended by Sharon of My Free Range Family

Best countries to visit in January – continued

In the final stretch of this epic list! A few more fun cities and some of the best beach vacations in January yet, let’s wrap up this list with a bang!💥

reflective buildings in pond in Stockholm Sweden

Average temp:  high 33, low 26 Fly into:  Stockholm Arlanda Airport, Stockholm-Arlanda

If you’re looking for a vacation in January, then the beautiful country of Sweden is a fantastic option! With spectacular cities, unspoiled forests, and breathtaking lakes, it’s no surprise that over 7.5 million people visit every year. 

Sweden will take your breath away no matter what time of year you visit, but there’s something special about visiting in January! 

During this time of year, the ground is often covered in snow and temperatures will be well below freezing, although that’s the perfect excuse to treat yourself to a hot chocolate and a Fika!

Sweden is one of the best places to visit in January to extend that ‘festive feeling’ as many of the winter palaces might still be running, especially earlier in the month. 

Sweden’s largest airport is Stockholm Arlanda which is just 39 km (24 miles) from the capital city. This often means Stockholm is the first port of call, and you’ll find tons of fascinating things to do here – especially in January! 

First of all, you’ll have plenty of ice skating opportunities but the main spot to visit is Kungsträdgården ! Then, you can head to Hammarbybacken if you’re looking to ski or head out on a winter cruise of the archipelago! 

If you’re staying in the capital, there’s no shortage of accommodation options but one of the best hotels in the city is Radisson Blu Waterfront Hotel .

Other fantastic places to visit in Sweden during January include Swedish Lapland, Abisko National Park, Gothenburg, and Salen. 

Just keep in mind that if you’re traveling through Sweden during this time of year, you’ll need plenty of layers . You’ll also want to indulge in a warm drink at every opportunity and fill your belly with delicious Swedish meatballs!

Recommended by Jack & Abbie of A Couples Calling

27. Grenada (another awesome contender for best place to vacation in January)

best countries to visit in January beach with palm trees blue ocean white sand

Average temp:  high 86, low 74 Fly into:  Maurice Bishop International Airport, Grenada

The island of Grenada in the Caribbean is one of the best islands to visit in January. Located at the southern end of the chain of Caribbean islands, Grenada is still rooted deeply in culture and nature to experience, without a whole lot of big chain influences.

January is an amazing time to visit, as the temperature is roughly 86 degrees year round during the day, and the water stays nice and warm too! It’s the perfect getaway from the winter cold to enjoy warm water, beautiful beaches, waterfalls, a tropical climate and Caribbean culture.

The easiest way to get to Grenada is by flying into Maurice Bishop International Airport. Once you arrive, you can either grab a taxi (they look like small buses) or make your way to a shuttle if your accommodation offers transportation.

There’s a huge range of accommodation options, including many homestay options, more casual resorts, all the way to luxury all inclusives. My recommendation for an eco-friendly boutique hotel is the True Blue Bay Resort , while if you’re looking for something all inclusive, Spice Island Beach Resort .

January does fall within Grenada’s high season, so be prepared for more crowds than if you went during the rainy season (summer months).

Definitely visit one of Grenada’s Best Beaches while there, and try to take an island wide guided tour to experience waterfalls, sulphur springs, cocoa farms, local distilleries or more! Plus, the world-famous underwater attraction, snorkeling the Grenada Underwater Sculpture Park is a must-do while visiting the island.

You’ll want to stay in Grenada at least a week to experience all there is to see and do! Grenada is one of the best countries to visit in January. It’s an amazing destination with the welcoming and vibrant Caribbean culture that you don’t want to miss!

Recommended by Taylor of Tea N’ Sea Travel

28. South Africa

view of mountain ridge with town near coast perfect vacation in january

Average temp:  high 83, low 63 Fly into:  Cape Town International Airport, Cape Town

South Africa is one of the best countries in the world for a January vacation. It’s the ideal spot to take a breath and enjoy life.

January in South Africa sees the weather at its best, particularly in the western regions. Summer below the equator is in full swing, and the air is warm and dry.

However you dream of spending your time, this sizable country is teeming with great adventures and awe-inspiring beauty just for you!  Come to South Africa to see the iconic wildlife, enjoy the most picturesque road trips of your life, or explore its astounding urban highlights. 

Or try a shark-cage dive off the coast! Whichever activity you choose, your options are countless. 

If this abundance of activities doesn’t earn South Africa a vote for the best countries to visit in January, maybe this will: all of these remarkable activities are accessible from the spectacular city of Cape Town. It’s the ultimate base for your South African vacation.

January in Cape Town provides you with the opportunity to attend the Kaapse Klopse . This colorful January 2nd street festival will give you stories to tell! You can also visit famous local treasures such as Table Mountain, the V & A Waterfront, and the Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, right in Cape Town . 

The Cape Town International Airport is just 20 km from the city centre, and services airlines that connect with all parts of the world. 

Finding the best home away from home for you is as easy as amazing vacation rental options. How does a seaview apartment or a country cottage sound? It’s all waiting for you!

Recommended by DJ of Introvert with Itchy Feet

29. England

view of England stone bridge over water fountain and building on sunny day

Average temp:  high 45, low 35 (varies by region) Fly into:  London Heathrow Airport, London

England  is an underrated country to visit in January. It’s the perfect mix of winter wonderland and mild temperatures, depending on where you visit.

For example, Oxford and Birmingham typically see dustings of snow throughout January. You may even find enough snow a few days a year to build a small snowman!

But places like Brighton Beach will remain snow-less. There are even days London will be as sunny as in summer!

The mild temperatures attract visitors who are looking to escape the freezing cold of Canada or Scandinavia, but don’t want to pay the inflated prices of a beach vacation. Temperatures average 5C (41F).

Don’t forget to pack a light coat and some waterproof boots , as it can drizzle throughout January.

Luckily, the best things to do in the UK aren’t summer-based.

Having high tea in Covent Garden, touring Shakespeare’s birthplace in Stratford upon Avon, listening to live music at a pub, and enjoying British stand-up at local comedy houses are all great indoor activities to take advantage of.

There are plenty of ways to save money while still enjoying everything the country has to offer. For starters, take advantage of the many free museums and galleries.

You can also find cheap eats by avoiding tourist traps and sticking to local pubs. And finally, take advantage of the many cheap or free walking tours available in most cities.

The UK is easily accessible from anywhere in the world.

Major airports include London Heathrow (LHR) and London Gatwick (LGW). Stanstead is another option, but then you’ll need to take a long train journey. 

To get around, take trains for cheap day trips from London to places like Bath and Oxford.

Recommended by Nina of Nina Out and About

30. India (an underrated one on this guide for warm vacations in January)

bangalore palace brick and green palace with formal gardens in front India best countries to visit in January

Average temp:  high 83, low 60 (varies by region) Fly into:  Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi / Kempegowda International Airport Bengaluru, Bengaluru

While India may be on your travel bucket list , January is also a great time to cross it off!

January in India means it’s dry season, so you don’t need to worry about rain like you do during monsoon season. While India is a large country, narrowing down what you want to see and do will help determine what weather you’ll face and where to fly into .

The northern part of India is home to the famous Taj Mahal. Located in Agra, the Taj Mahal can be visited via day trip from Delhi. One of the new 7 wonders of the world, the Taj Mahal’s grand and impressive architecture is stunning in real life!

In southern India, the popular towns of Bengaluru (aka Bangalore) is a busy city with so many things to do. Bangalore is famous for the Lalbagh Botanical Garden, the Bengaluru Palace, Bull Temple and Cuban Park. Nearby Mysuru (aka Mysore) is a great day trip or weekend getaway from Bangalore. Be sure to watch the lighting of the Mysore Palace – stunning!

If you’re looking for a beach destination in India, Goa is the place to be. With gentle waves, swaying palm trees and beautiful, relaxing hotels, Goa is a great spot to relax and unwind in India. It’s truly a great destination, and one of the best countries to visit in January.

31. The Gambia

small boat on sandy beach in The Gambia

Average temp:  high 91, low 65 Fly into:  Banjul International Airport, Banjul

Perched on the west coast of Africa is a small but charming country known as The Gambia. The Gambia is renowned for its lengthy swathes of golden sand beaches, freshly caught fish and smiling locals.

The Gambia has 2 distinct seasons: the rainy season and the dry season. The dry season runs from November to May and is the best time to visit. The temperature at this time of year is pleasant – roughly 30 degrees Celsius (86 Fahrenheit) – and you can expect bright sunshine on most days.

January is also a great time of year to visit due to the country’s annual Banjul Demba Cultural Festival. Here, you’ll witness traditional music and dance performances in the country’s capital city.

The Gambia is a very small country and so only houses one international airport: Banjul International Airport.

Most visitors to The Gambia choose to base themselves in Serrekunda, a vibrant town set behind a glorious stretch of beach, fringed by lazy palm trees.

Serrekunda is a mere 30 minute drive from the airport. It’s easy to grab a taxi from the airport, or you can pre-arrange a taxi with your hotel or via a taxi company beforehand.

Alternatively, you can hire a car in The Gambia . I’d personally recommend pre-booking a taxi from a reputable company as some taxis at the airport are in questionable condition.

There are numerous hotels in Serrekunda for you to choose from but a personal favourite of mine is Luigi’s Complex. It has a very friendly and laid-back vibe and is only a short walk from the beach.

Recommended by Ella of Ella McKendrick

32. New Zealand (by far one of the best countries to visit in January)

New Zealand best countries to visit in January view of landscape with people repelling down cliff with valley in distance

Average temp:  high 77, low 53 (varies by region) Fly into:  Auckland International Airport, Auckland

A bucket-list destination for many, New Zealand is at the top of its game in January. This summer month brings some of the warmest temperatures in the country, delighting visitors that enjoy sunny days at the beach.

New Zealand is a surprisingly large country – a fact that many people underestimate when planning a vacation. The amount of time you have will affect the places you are able to visit, however, these are some amazing summer spots in Aotearoa.

If you’re able to include them in your itinerary, you’ll be sure to come away happy. After all, New Zealand is one of the best countries to visit in January!

Paihia is located in the Bay of Islands, and though it is beautiful at any time of year, it’s particularly vibrant during the summer season. Known for its stunning beaches, uninhabited islands, settled weather and marine life, this is a must-see in January. Kerikeri is the closest airport to Paihia, but many choose to fly into Auckland and drive up.

Moving down the North Island, the Coromandel Peninsula is another summer-time favourite for locals and visitors alike . Significant highlights include Hot Water Beach (where you can dig your own natural hot pool in the sand), Cathedral Cove and New Chums Beach, all of which are best enjoyed in the warmth of the summer season. Auckland, Hamilton and Tauranga airports all service this region.

Finally, a summertime trip to Fiordland should be on your radar. Though this area experiences a lot of rain right throughout the year, this will be your best chance at seeing it on a nice day.

When the weather is still, the mirror reflection of  Milford Sound on the water really is incomparable. Queenstown is the closest airport to Milford Sound, though many choose to stay in Te Anau.

Haere mai and welcome to Aotearoa New Zealand.

Recommended by Sarah of New Zealand Travel Tips

Malta buildings with flags concrete plaza

Average temp:  high 60, low 49 Fly into:  Malta International Airport, Malta

One of the best places to visit in January for sun is the European island of Malta . Actually, Malta is made up of 3 islands, Malta, Gozo, and Comino.

Compared to other European countries,  Malta in winter  is usually very sunny and in January temperatures can go up to 20 degrees Celsius which on a sunny day feels very pleasant.

One of the best things about going in January is that fewer tourists venture to the island which is mainly considered a summer destination. But what most people fail to realize is that it is the best time for going hiking and exploring the ancient towns.

Malta has a long history, and if you get rainy or windy days it’s perfect to explore underground where you can walk through the World War Two Shelters or discover the old catacombs in Rabat. On the other hand, if the weather is nice, you can easily go for a quick dip in the crystal-clear water.

There are numerous flights connecting Malta with the rest of Europe. In addition, you can take the boat directly from Sicily in Italy.

Getting around Malta by bus is easy, it costs 1.50 Euros for a ticket that lasts you for 2 hours (including bus changes.) On top of that, they have tap and pay so there is no need for cash.

Recommended by Linn of Brainy Backpackers

34. Turks and Caicos (another favorite on this list for best beach vacations in January)

turks and caicos white sand beach teal water blue sky best countries to visit in January

Average temp:  high 82, low 74 Fly into:  Providenciales International Airport, Turks & Caicos Islands

Last but certainly not least is the dreamy island chain of Turks and Caicos. Definitely worthy of a spot on this list of the best countries to visit in January, Turks and Caicos has unbelievable white sand beaches with the most turquoise water you’ll ever see.

A beach destination with the right mix of good food and water activities, Turks and Caicos is a laid-back island chain where the term ‘island time’ could have been created.

The whimsical nature of the island is perfect for a January getaway when all that matters is what time you should re-apply your sunblock . (By the way, be sure to use ocean-safe sunblock at all times to protect marine life.)

Staying on the main island of Providenciales doesn’t have to break the bank, either. It’s possible to do Turks and Caicos on a budget , without sacrificing a good time on the island chain.

While there, be sure to visit the best beaches on Turks and Caicos . Grace Bay Beach is the most popular, but moving away from the busy tourist spot will provide you with amazing views where you *might* just be the only one there.

Enjoy a dreamy island vacation in Turks and Caicos!

vacation in January view of palapa with chairs and beach in distance

Whew! What a list! From the best beach vacations in January to frozen winter wonderlands, this was a fun guide to put together. So….are you ready to book your flights yet?

Let’s review that list one more time, in a more succinct fashion….

Best places to vacation in January

  • Switzerland
  • El Salvador
  • Philippines
  • South Africa
  • New Zealand
  • Turks and Caicos

Related content to read next: 30 Incredible Warm Winter Vacations USA (Say Goodbye to the Cold) 30 Best Countries to Visit in February (Fun Spots You Haven’t Thought Of) 35 Cheapest Beach Vacations: Swoon-worthy Destinations You Need to See 28 Underrated Travel Destinations in the US You Need to See 32 Awe-Inspiring Adventurous Bucket List Ideas You Gotta See to Believe

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34 incredible vacation spots in January view of boats on beach palm trees and boat near cliffs

Saturday 3rd of September 2022

Fabulous post Nikki! It just shows how many fantastic places there are for holidays in January. When I was younger I would have been tempted by the tropical islands... but now I have learned to ski, places like Austria and Switzerland for would be the best part - those snowy mountain views are beeeautiful!

Tuesday 6th of September 2022

Aw I love your comment, Josy! So glad you'd do a Switzerland or Austria getaway. Both looks so stunning in wintertime!

What a fantastic list! I’m lucky to live in one of the places but I’ll keep this lost for sure for winter holidays!

Ah yes Marga, I agree you're very fortunate! Glad you found some inspiration for new destination ideas, though!

Chelsea Messina

This is such a great list of places to visit in January! I have been dying to visit Costa Rica, but I live in Michigan. So I'll be ready for the Maldives by then!

Ha love it! Either of those places sound perfect during a winter in Michigan!

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  • Canada In January 2024: Explore The Most Gorgeous Views In The Snow Capped Country!

19 Dec 2023

Although Canada in January is extremely cold, yet it offers a plethora of experience s for visitors looking for adventure. January, therefore, becomes the best time to visit Canada. Voyagers who love winters visit Canada in this chilly season can do various activities such as skiing and snowboarding. However, even the individuals who are not fans of chilly climate discover a lot of reasons why winter is an extraordinary time to investigate this beautiful place. If you are reluctant to grasp below zero temperatures, you will be satisfied to realize that not all of Canada is frosty cool in the winter. Vancouver and Victoria in Western Canada have moderate temperatures and little snow. Apparently, the nation’s famous ski slopes are not far that offers explorers the better of the two universes.

Canada Weather In january

Things to do in quebec in winter

As mentioned above, the weather in Canada in January is atrocious and goes below zero degrees Celsius. At night, the temperature in Banff falls below -15 degrees Celsius while it is -8 degrees Celsius during the day. Not to forget the heavy snowfall that happens during this month. You may find yourself in knee deep snow. You will need 3-4 layers of clothing. A raincoat or a windcheater is a must to keep yourself safe from snowfall and downpours.

Canada In January 2024: 7 Best Places To Visit

Canada is a nation with assorted scenes and climate; it has everything, from mountains to woodlands, shorelines and energetic urban areas. The environment changes between locales; however weather in Canada in January lets you explore some the world’s ideal and greatest winter celebrations. Here are some of the best places to visit in Canada in winter:

  • Niagara Falls: The Majestic Location
  • Quebec City: A Beautiful Place To Visit
  • Rideau Canal: A Premier Site
  • Toronto: Explore Unique Encounters
  • Quebec Ice Hotel: For A Lavishing Stay
  • Calgary: The City Concealing Adventure
  • Winnipeg: A Culture-Rich City

1. Niagara Falls: The Majestic Location

Niagara Falls

Image Source

This natural sensation is made of three falls spread in the Canadian and American regions. The cascade draws in a large number of travelers consistently. Amid winter the cascade freezes and the travelers can appreciate the stunning characteristic ice models. Canadians do not rest over winter. They make motivations to get out and appreciate the outside. One path is with light celebrations. You can discover the Winter Festival of Lights in Niagara Falls in January . It is a staggering light show that incorporates an enlightened 5km course of lit presentations, firecrackers over the falls and the sky, including and kids exhibitions and concerts. This is the best place to visit for people who get confused about where to go in Canada in January.

Tickets: $85 for adults| $55 for Children aged 6-12 years Timings: Open 24 hours a day, however some nearby attractions may be closed

Must Read: Water Parks In Canada: 9 Places To Let Your Inner Child Out

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2. Quebec City: A Beautiful Place To Visit

Quebec City

Enriched with lights, the city is one of the best places to visit in Canada in January. Shrouded in snow, Quebec pulls in local people and visitors to invest more energy in the city and appreciate the occasion soul. Meanwhile, you can also visit the most pleasant and most well-known neighbourhood, Petit Champlain to explore the mural paintings, cobblestone streets and the historical architecture. Also, the inhabitants Quebec had an unruly convention of getting together to eat, drink and be happy making the Québec Winter Carnival the greatest winter fair on the planet that is praised yearly toward the finish of January until mid-February. The occasion is organised to a great extent for families to appreciate and they turn out in large numbers to grasp and commend the cool. Beside settlement, an outing to Québec Winter Carnival costs nearly nothing.

Suggested Read: Ring In With A Bang At These 14 Best Places For New Year Parties In Canada!

3. Rideau Canal: A Premier Site

Rideau Canal

Located in the core of the city and recognized as the UNESCO World Heritage Site, this canal is the most energizing location in Ottawa . Spread over 7.8 km long distance, this is the biggest regular skating arena on the planet. Skaters rapidly get starting with one place then onto the next amid a surge hour! This is the best mean of transportation ever. In the wake of skating for extended periods of time on the Rideau Canal, you can also explore the city of Ottawa and end the day on a warm note by eating at any of its stunning eateries. Also, enjoy ‘beavertails’, a nearby luscious treat which has turned into a habit for Canadians gorging.

Timings: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM, Open from Jue to September Location: Ottawa Cruise Ticket Price: $29 for an hour ride

Suggested Read: Let Your Kids Enjoy An Exciting Day Out At These 10 Best Zoos In Canada!

4. Toronto: Explore Unique Encounters


You can enjoy the long, chilly days and evenings by enjoying one-of-its-kind encounters like fat biking, taking a voyage through the trails in the Don Valley, or seeing the icebreaker establishments at the waterfront. Toronto in January has a sustenance celebration called Winterlicious where you can relish winter gourmet delights, unquestionably a standout amongst other activities in Canada in January. Toronto lit up with a large number of lights, as the Toronto Light Festival is celebrated in January. The biggest outdoors lighting display in North America include in excess of 30 striking and incite craftsmanship establishments by specialists from the U.S, Canada, Europe and Asia. The celebration begins every day at dusk.

Suggested Read: 18 Best Airports In Canada that Offer A Respite To Weary Travelers

5. Quebec Ice Hotel: For A Lavishing Stay

Quebec Ice Hotel

The Quebec Ice Hotel is fabulous to view and is a standout amongst the most special traveler encounters on the planet. The church building like lodging is cut altogether of ice, including the furniture and even ice candelabras dangling from the 18 feet roofs. This Hotel is revamped every year, opening its entryways from January to the start of April. The four feet thick walls of the lodging provide insulation and comfortable temperatures. You can choose between staying here or just take a tour and enjoy some drinks.

Location: 1860 Boulevard Valcartier, Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier, QC G0A 4S0, Canada Tariff: INR 25,000 onwards per night

Suggested Read: 10 Top Indian Restaurants In Canada To Savor Authentic Indian Curries

6. Calgary: The City Concealing Adventure


You can visit Calgary amid the winter months to perceive the magical winters. This place makes your vacations complete by offering fun encounters like cross-country skiing and ice fishing. Here you will also find Banff National Park in the Rocky Mountains. It the most established Canadian national stop highlighting ice sheets, amazing turquoise lakes and valleys. In January, the guests are offered to appreciate open-air exercises like skiing, sleigh rides, dogsled visits, ice walk, snowmobiling, and helicopter visits.

Suggested Read: 10 Places To Experience The Wildlife In Canada

7. Winnipeg: A Culture-Rich City


Known for its well-disposed and inviting soul, Winnipeg is a different multicultural city with a rich and changed history. Winnipeg’s engineering and neighborhoods mirror the significant character of this little prairie town. It has formed into a cosmopolitan city finish with first-class eateries, expensive boutiques, energizing attractions and culture. From giving you a chance to party outside like a Voyageur and skating on the longest trail to warming up inside, Winnipeg is the best place for making the most of your Canada winter occasions . Whenever you are here, ensure you additionally visit attractions like FortWhyte Alive and The Forks.

Suggested Read: Christmas In Canada: 19 Best Places To Enjoy The Canadian Celebration

Canada In January 2024 Tours & Trips

These day or two trips in Canada in January are must-have experiences during your winter vacation here. Listed below are a few tours and things to do in Canada in January that you should sign up for:

  • British Columbia Ski Tour: A Fun Journey
  • Rocky Mountain Winter Explorer: A Must Experience
  • Yukon Northern Light: Explore A Unique Phenomenon
  • Wildlife & Hot Springs Tour: Your Natural Experience
  • Canadian Rockies Winter Adventure: A Cold Journey

1. British Columbia Ski Tour: A Fun Journey

Go Skiing At Amager Bakke

If you love winters and snow, you are going to want to ski on the snowy slopes in British Columbia. The snow is fresh and soft posing apt conditions to enjoy skiing and have some thrill and adventure in the outbacks of Canada. Whether you are traveling with kids, senior people, or friends, this skiing tour is recommended for all. Spend some days overlooking the snowy mountains and breath the fresh mountain air.

Price: Starts From INR 118,839

Suggested Read: 11 Most Exciting Things To Do In British Columbia In For Wild Souls

2. Rocky Mountain Winter Explorer: A Must Experience

Watching from top of the mountain

If you are headed to Vancouver, this is one experience you should sign up for. Enjoying sightseeing around Vancouver and Golden Banff and have exhilarating views of the Rocky Mountains laden with snow. This 4-day tour will give you an opportunity to appreciate the raw beauty of Canada that looks spectacular than ever in winters.

Rate: Starts From INR 28,000 

Suggested Read: 9 Best Places To Visit In Alberta For A Slice Of Adventure

3. Yukon Northern Light: Explore A Unique Phenomenon

The Northern Lights and Midnight Sun

Canada is one place where you can enjoy the mesmerizing phenomenon of Northern Lights . So, if you are bringing your family to Canada in January, make sure you show them this experience because it is one in a million. We hope we need not stress upon the fact how dope the green-lit sky looks during this phenomenon.

Rate: Starts From INR 111,331

Suggested Read: Top 21 Things To Do In Canada For An Absolutely Thrilling Holiday 

4. Wildlife & Hot Springs Tour: Your Natural Experience

A Winter Deer In Snow

You will discover the scenic Whitehorse, Yukon’s capital which is surrounded by endless mountain ranges. On successive evenings, you’ll be travelling just outside the city centre but away from the city lights for an idyllic Northern Lights viewing. Expect roaring campfire with your friends and family, the perfect way to enjoy your relaxed vacation. You will also be visiting the Yukon Wildlife Preserve where you’ll have the opportunity to view and photograph wildlife in their natural habitat.

Rate : Starts From INR 43,666

5. Canadian Rockies Winter Adventure: A Cold Journey

A Man Celebrating In Snow

Catch breathtaking scenery and magical experiences that will clearly sum up this Canadian Rockies winter vacation. You will start from Vancouver and end at Calgary with overnight stays at the most beautiful resorts including Lake Louise, Jasper, and Banff.

A highlight of the tour is an overnight journey on the VIA Rail® the Canadian, a renowned and world-famous train. Do keep a watch to experience the wildlife, frozen lakes, snow-capped mountains, and beautiful blue skies! 

Rate : Starts From INR 224,900

Further Read: 10 Mosques In Canada Whose Beauty Will Overwhelm You

So, are you feeling excited already about visiting Canada in January? For those who love winter and knee-deep snow, Canada should be on their bucket list. Plan your trip to Canada with TravelTriangle and experience a winter vacation like never before!

Disclaimer: TravelTriangle claims no credit for images featured on our blog site unless otherwise noted. All visual content is copyrighted to its respectful owners. We try to link back to original sources whenever possible. If you own the rights to any of the images, and do not wish them to appear on TravelTriangle, please contact us and they will be promptly removed. We believe in providing proper attribution to the original author, artist or photographer.

Please Note: Any information published by TravelTriangle in any form of content is not intended to be a substitute for any kind of medical advice, and one must not take any action before consulting a professional medical expert of their own choice.

Frequently Asked Questions About Canada In January

What time of year does it snow in Canada?

It snows in Canada from December to April, February being the coldest month. It receives a huge amount of snowfall during these months.

What is there to do in Montreal in the winter?

If you are visiting Montreal in winter, you can go to the major parks like Parc La Fontaine, Mount Royal Park, and Parc Jarry where you can enjoy ice skating, creating sculptures, or take a stroll in the snow. In case you are looking for budget-friendly vacations, you will be surprised to know that specific occasions amid Canada’s winter season offer average hotel and airfare rates. If you have for the longest time been planning to see Canada with a budget-friendly plan, then the Best time to visit Canada in January is the most robust option for extraordinary arrangements.

Is January a good time to visit Canada?

The weather is pleasant and snow conditions are generally good. January, although is the coldest month of the year. There are fewer tourists, making January the least expensive month for winter travel in Canada.

How cold is Canada in January?

The weather in Canada in January is the coldest and goes below zero degree Celsius. At night, it might go as low as -15 degree Celsius. Therefore, you must pack plenty of warm clothes.

Does it snow in January in Canada?

Yes. Since the temperature falls below zero degree Celsius, you will find plenty of snow during your visit to Canada in January.

What is the best time of year to go to Canada?

The best time to visit Canada is during the fall months i.e. from September through November. The weather cools down and is comfortable; the summer crowds have left, prices drop, and there is a beautiful backdrop for a vacation.

What is the cheapest month to fly to Canada?

The peak travel season to Canad is considered to be between July and August. The cheapest month to fly to Canada is January.

Can you see the Northern Lights in Canada?

Yes, you can see the Northern Lights in Canada especially in Whitehorse, Saskatchewan, Muncho Lake Provincial Park,Fort McMurray, and Dempster Highway.

What is Canada’s winter like?

Winter generally arrives in December, January, and February, though winter weather can start in November and last through late March, early April, especially in the eastern part of the country. The height of winter is freezing cold in most places except for the BC coast, where winters are moderate with little snow.

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Traveling Through Time on the Nahanni River in Canada

Image may contain Person Boat Transportation Vehicle Canoe Canoeing Leisure Activities Rowboat Sport and Water

One of my traveling companions opens a small pouch and places a pinch of dried tobacco leaves in my palm. “For an offering,” he says. “You make it before the start of a journey.” Unlike the rest of us, he lives in the Northwest Territories ; his wife is a member of the Déné people, a group indigenous to this sparsely populated part of Canada . I sprinkle the sacred herb into the fast-flowing current of the Nahą; Dehé, or South Nahanni River. We're about to spend 12 days navigating these remote waters, traveling with Nahanni River Adventures through some of Canada's deepest and most ancient river canyons. I offer the Nahanni my appreciation and respect, and then hop into the expedition raft.

The South Nahanni River, or the Nahanni for short, flows 350 miles from its headwaters in the Mackenzie Mountains on the border with Yukon and across the massive Selwyn Mountains before emptying into the Liard River. Its gorge is called the Grand Canyon of Canada for its dramatic rock cliffs, which soar more than 3,000 feet in places. But unlike the actual Grand Canyon, which receives nearly 5 million visitors a year, travelers to the Nahanni rarely see another person outside of their own party. The waterway winds through the Nahanni National Park Reserve , an area roughly the size of Belgium and one of the world's largest protected wilderness zones. There are no roads inside the reserve and barely any trails. Just standing here feels like being let in on a secret.

The day before setting off downriver, six of us hike up Sunblood Mountain to admire the Nahanni from 3,250 feet above. We trek through a mature spruce forest dripping with lichen, negotiate a steep path through stands of spindly jack pines, and finally follow an exposed ridgeline to the summit. The Nahanni meanders below, tracing lazy S-bends through the landscape. I am surprised by its serpentine shape—mountain rivers usually run straight. “The Nahanni's path is antecedent,” says Chris McGauley, one of our three guides. “It was there when the land was flat, before the mountains uplifted.” My mind gnaws on that concept the entire hike down: The Nahanni has followed its course for more than 200 million years.

On the second full day of the trip, we enter the river at Fourth Canyon, located at the base of roaring Virginia Falls, which are more than twice the height of Niagara. Here the water flows cold, fast, and turbulent. I'm grateful to be aboard a sturdy five-person raft. By the next day the hard-charging river has mellowed out and I switch to a stand-up paddleboard. I venture out from our group to paddle directly alongside the canyon walls, getting close enough to extend my arm and touch the coarse rock. Over breakfast earlier, Ursula Kilbridge, our head guide, had explained that the glaciers from the last Ice Age never reached this section of the Nahanni. All the rock formations that I'm paddling along—the sheer vertical walls, the turrets, the hoodoos—are unchanged from 350,000 years ago, save for some wind and water erosion. It's like reaching back through time.

We come around an S-bend to a wider stretch of the Nahanni where the flow is even slower and quieter. The canyon walls are removed from the water and open up into a V, exposing a wider swath of sky overhead. We debate whether the white spots we spy on a cliff ledge are rocks or the Dall sheep that sometimes come down to the shore to lick the Nahanni's rich mineral deposits. Suddenly there's a faint sizzling sound. Worried that my paddleboard has sprung a leak, I make my way over to Ursula's raft to report the problem. “You're fine,” she says, smiling. “It's just silt sliding across the bottom of your board.”

The silt is suspended in the water, an ancient remnant from a time when ice blocked the mouth of the Nahanni, turning it into a lake and allowing sediment to pile at the bottom. I drop to my knees and put my face close to the water to listen. I hear a layered, crinkling-tinkling sound, as if the river were whispering to me. Without this sediment we might not be able to paddle the Nahanni today. Over the thousands of years that the valley was flooded, the silt filled in much of the jagged, unyielding bedrock on the river bottom, softening the impact of the fast-flowing water and preventing the formation of massive rapids.

I stand back up on the board and file away yet another of the Nahanni's secrets. In the days that follow, we'll soak in hot springs and hike through empty slot canyons. We'll see bears and bison and the northern lights . We'll stop at the best hidden spots and marvel at the Nahanni's unique geology. But I'm not going to tell those secrets. It's better you discover them yourself.

This article appeared in the July/August 2024 issue of Condé Nast Traveler. Subscribe to the magazine here


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Latest border and travel measures

This news release may not reflect the current border and travel measures. Check COVID-19: Travel, testing and borders for the latest requirements to enter Canada.

Important notice

Note that information and resources on the coronavirus (COVID-19) are available on Canada.ca. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19.html

Government of Canada announces adjustments to Canada’s border measures

From: Public Health Agency of Canada

News release

The Government of Canada will adjust some of Canada’s border measures beginning on Nov. 30 to include additional COVID-19 vaccines accepted for entry to Canada and changes to certain exemptions, testing and ArriveCAN requirements.

November 19, 2021 | Ottawa, ON | Public Health Agency of Canada

COVID-19 testing and vaccine requirements, as well as other border measures, are an important part of Canada's response to the COVID-19 pandemic and serve to protect the health and safety of all Canadians. With vaccination rates increasing around the world, and an evolving epidemiological situation, it is important that Canada's border measures reflect the current global context.

Today, the Government of Canada is announcing upcoming adjustments to Canada's border measures.

Effective November 30, 2021, fully vaccinated individuals with right of entry to Canada who depart and re-enter the country within 72 hours of leaving Canada will not have to present a pre-entry molecular test . This exemption is only for trips originating in Canada taken by fully vaccinated Canadian citizens, permanent residents or individuals registered under the Indian Act, who depart and re-enter by land or by air and can demonstrate that they have been away from Canada for less than 72 hours. This exemption extends to accompanying children under 12, and individuals with medical contraindications to vaccination. Also effective November 30, 2021, Canada will expand the list of COVID-19 vaccines that travellers can receive to be considered fully vaccinated for the purpose of travel to Canada. The list will include Sinopharm, Sinovac and COVAXIN, matching the World Health Organization Emergency Use Listing.

The Government of Canada is also announcing that as of January 15, 2022, certain groups of travellers, who are currently exempt from entry requirements, will only be allowed to enter the country if they are fully vaccinated with one of the vaccines approved for entry into Canada. These groups include:

  • individuals travelling to reunite with family (unvaccinated children under 18 years of age will retain exemption if travelling to reunite with an immediate or extended family member who is a Canadian, permanent resident, or person registered under the Indian Act );
  • international students who are 18 years old and older; 
  • professional and amateur athletes;
  • individuals with a valid work permit, including temporary foreign workers (outside of those in agriculture and food processing); and
  • essential service providers, including truck drivers.

After January 15, 2022, unvaccinated or partially vaccinated foreign nationals will only be allowed to enter Canada if they meet the criteria for limited exceptions, which apply to certain groups such as agricultural and food processing workers, marine crew members, those entering on compassionate grounds, new permanent residents, resettling refugees and some children under the age of 18. Exempt unvaccinated travellers will continue to be subject to testing, quarantine, and other entry requirements. Non-exempt unvaccinated or partially vaccinated foreign nationals will be prohibited entry into Canada.

Starting November 30, vaccination will be required for travel within and out of Canada. A valid COVID-19 molecular test will no longer be accepted as an alternative to vaccination unless travellers are eligible for one of the limited exemptions, such as a medical inability to be vaccinated. Travellers should contact their airline or railway company to obtain the necessary form and submit it in accordance with their carrier's approval process as of November 30.

The Government of Canada's response to the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to prioritize the health and safety of Canadians. As vaccination levels, case counts and hospitalization rates evolve, the Government of Canada will continue to consider further targeted measures at the borders—and when to lift or adjust them—to keep Canadians safe.

“Health and safety will always remain at the forefront of any decision our government makes in the fight against COVID-19. The upcoming changes to Canada’s border testing and entry requirements reflect the next stage in our government’s approach as we align with the improving vaccination rates both here in Canada and around the world. The situation at our borders remains closely monitored, with officials and experts continuing their work to evaluate the measures in place and recommend necessary adjustments as required.” The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos Minister of Health
“From the start of the pandemic our goal has been to protect the health and safety of Canadians and prevent the spread of COVID-19 through our borders. Our commitment to border security has helped keep Canadians safe, and as the situation continues to evolve and we open our borders to non-essential travel, we will continue to ensure that travellers meet all of the requirements for entry to Canada.” The Honourable Marco E. L. Mendicino Minister of Public Safety
“As we restart many aspects of our economy, including travel, vaccination will continue to play an important role in keeping each other and our transportation systems safe and secure. No matter the final destination, ensuring travellers are vaccinated against COVID-19 protects travellers and transportation workers.” The Honourable Omar Alghabra Minister of Transport
“Requiring foreign nationals to be fully vaccinated adds another important layer of protection at the border. Many foreign nationals and international students arriving in Canada are already fully vaccinated, and the measures announced today will help ensure that Canadians remain protected against COVID-19 as the economy reopens and international travel returns.” The Honourable Sean Fraser Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

Quick facts

Travellers should check if they are  eligible to enter Canada  and meet all  entry requirements before heading to the border. In addition, some provinces and territories may have their own entry restrictions in place. Check and follow both the federal and any provincial or territorial restrictions and requirements before travelling.

All travellers, regardless of how long they were away from Canada, continue to be required to submit their mandatory information via ArriveCAN (free mobile app or website), including proof of vaccination in English or French and a quarantine plan prior to arriving in Canada.

For trips out of the country longer than 72 hours, all  travellers eligible to enter  Canada must complete the  mandatory pre-entry molecular COVID-19 test . Antigen tests are  not  accepted. 

The Government of Canada will continue to make appropriate adjustments to border measures, and will consider further changes to the pre-entry test requirement for vaccinated Americans and others in subsequent phases.

To continue improving the processing of travellers, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has launched a new feature in ArriveCAN called Advance CBSA Declaration. This feature will allow travellers arriving at certain airports to electronically submit their customs and immigration declaration in advance of their arrival in Canada. This feature is currently available for travellers arriving at Vancouver International Airport through the ArriveCAN website only. It will soon be launched at other airports across Canada.

Travellers can use a proof of vaccination credential issued by their province or territory, the local health facility where their vaccinations have been recorded, or from their country of vaccination, as long as it is a COVID-19 vaccine approved by the Government of Canada for the purpose of travel. Where available, Canadians are strongly encouraged to use the Canadian COVID-19 proof of vaccination .

Transport Canada continues to work with the cruise ship industry, and other domestic and international partners, to permit the safe re-opening of Canada to cruise ship travel in spring 2022, including the specific vaccination requirements for cruise ship passengers, and other health protocols. Additional information will be available in the coming weeks.

The Government of Canada is looking into next steps in reopening additional Canadian airports to receive international passenger flights. Transport Canada is working closely with CBSA, PHAC, and airport partners to determine when and which airports can be reopened.

Related products

  • Backgrounder - Adjustments to Canada’s border and travel measures

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  • COVID-19: Travel, testing and borders
  • COVID-19: Vaccinated travellers entering Canada
  • COVID-19: Summary data about travellers, testing and compliance
  • COVID-19: Boarding flights and trains in Canada

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Leading indicator of international arrivals to canada, june 2024.

Released: 2024-07-10

In June, the preliminary number of international arrivals to Canada by air and automobile increased 10.4% from June 2023.

By air, the number of non-resident arrivals in Canada totalled 1.3 million in June 2024, up 7.4% year over year. Meanwhile, the number of Canadian-resident return trips from abroad reached 1.3 million, a 12.2% increase from June 2023.

By automobile, US residents took 1.6 million trips to Canada in June 2024, up 8.7% from the same month in 2023. The number of Canadian-resident return trips from the United States also rose, up 12.5% year over year to 2.0 million trips in June 2024.

All statistics in this release are based on the primary data sources for air and automobile arrivals (see Note to readers). To further explore current and historical data in an interactive format, please visit the Frontier Counts: Interactive Dashboard .

Non-resident trips to Canada by air

In June, non-resident arrivals in Canada by air totalled 1.3 million, up 7.4% year over year. These included arrivals by US residents (670,200) and residents of countries other than the United States (587,000). Over the long weekend which included Canada Day, celebrated on Monday, July 1, an average of 26,600  US -resident arrivals per day was observed from Friday, June 28 to Sunday, June 30. This average was 19.3% higher than the daily average of the remaining Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays in June (22,300).

When data from Toronto Pearson International Airport Terminal 1 are excluded from the total arrivals (see Note to readers), non-resident arrivals in June were 1.4% higher than the level observed in June 2019, prior to the COVID -1 9 pandemic.

Infographic 1  Trips to Canada by commercial aircraft, by country of residence, June 2024

Thumbnail for Infographic 1: Trips to Canada by commercial aircraft, by country of residence, June 2024

Chart 1  Non-resident trips to Canada by commercial aircraft, June, 2019 to 2024

Chart 1: Non-resident trips to Canada by commercial aircraft, June, 2019 to 2024

Canadian-resident return trips by air

In June, Canadian-resident return trips from abroad by air stood at 1.3 million, up 12.2% from one year earlier. In June, the highest daily average of Canadian arrivals was observed on Sundays (50,200), while the lowest daily average was observed on Thursdays (37,600).

When arrivals at Toronto Pearson International Airport Terminal 1 are excluded from the total arrivals (see Note to readers), the number of return trips in June was 11.8% higher than the 850,500 trips recorded in June 2019, before the pandemic.

Chart 2  Canadian-resident return trips from abroad by commercial aircraft, June, 2019 to 2024

Chart 2: Canadian-resident return trips from abroad by commercial aircraft, June, 2019 to 2024

US -resident trips to Canada by automobile

In June, the number of US -resident trips to Canada by automobile reached 1.6 million, up 8.7% from the 1.4 million trips recorded in the same month in 2023. During Canada Day weekend in 2024, there was an average of 79,400  US -resident arrivals per day from Saturday, June 29 to Sunday, June 30. This surpassed the daily average of the four remaining Saturdays and Sundays in June (58,300) by 36.1%.

The total number of arrivals by automobile in June represented 92.2% of the total observed in June 2019.

Infographic 2  Trips to Canada by automobile, by country of residence, June 2024

Thumbnail for Infographic 2: Trips to Canada by automobile, by country of residence, June 2024

Chart 3  United States-resident trips to Canada by automobile, June, 2019 to 2024

Chart 3: United States-resident trips to Canada by automobile, June, 2019 to 2024

Canadian-resident return trips by automobile

In June, the number of Canadian-resident return trips from visiting the United States by automobile totalled 2.0 million, an increase of 12.5% compared with the same month one year earlier. On Sunday, June 30, before Canada Day, there were 121,400 Canadian-resident return trips by automobile, exceeding the daily average of the remainder of the month (64,200) by 89.1%.

In June, the number of Canadian-resident return trips by automobile reached 88.1% of the 2.3 million trips observed in the same month in 2019.

Chart 4  Canadian-resident return trips from the United States by automobile, June, 2019 to 2024

Chart 4: Canadian-resident return trips from the United States by automobile, June, 2019 to 2024

Did you know we have a mobile app?

Download our mobile app and get timely access to data at your fingertips! The StatsCAN app is available for free on the App Store and on Google Play .

  Note to readers

This release provides an early indicator of travel based on preliminary data on international arrivals to Canada in June 2024. Complete counts for the June reference month will be available with the release of " Travel between Canada and other countries " on August 23, 2024.

All counts of arrivals by air are from commercial aircraft and are produced exclusively using Primary Inspection Kiosk ( PIK ) data received from the Canada Border Services Agency ( CBSA ). PIKs were deployed at Toronto Pearson International Airport Terminal 1 on June 22, 2021, and, as of July 2021, these arrivals are included in the total counts, which has consequently improved coverage. In 2023, PIKs captured 91.2% of all commercial air arrivals.

Counts of arrivals entering the country by automobile through land ports equipped with the CBSA 's automated Integrated Primary Inspection Line ( IPIL ) system represent a subset of US -resident trips and Canadian-resident return trips by automobile. In 2023, IPIL land ports captured 89.1% of all automobile entries.

Readers are encouraged to review the concepts, definitions, data sources, and methods for Frontier Counts , especially when making historical comparisons and examining specific regions.

Select estimates from the Canadian Tourism Activity Tracker for April 2024 are available upon request.

The product " Frontier Counts: Interactive Dashboard ," part of the Data Visualization Products series ( Catalogue number 71-607-X ), is available.

Contact information

For more information, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact us (toll-free 1-800-263-1136 ; 514-283-8300 ; [email protected] ) or Media Relations ( [email protected] ).

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12 Best Places to See the Northern Lights Around the World

From the U.S. to Scandinavia, here's where to view the magnificent northern lights phenomenon.

Bublik Polina / Getty Images

You'll never forget the first time you see the Northern Lights, a stunning natural phenomenon caused by charged particles from the sun colliding with atoms in Earth's atmosphere. The lights form an "auroral oval" over the geomagnetic North Pole, so they occur most frequently in any area within approximately 1,550 miles of it. You'll have the best chance of viewing them when the skies are clear and dark, free from light pollution from cities and the moon. That makes the place on our list, many of which have long nights and ideal auroral latitudes throughout the year, safe bets for viewing.

From Churchill, Canada, to Finnish Lapland and a few unexpected U.S. destinations, here are the best places to see the northern lights.

  • Best tourist destination: Iceland
  • Underrated hidden gem: The Yukon Territory, Canada
  • Best for families: Cherry Springs State Park, Pennsylvania
  • Best for couples: Finland
  • Best for solo travelers: Sweden

Fairbanks, Alaska

Courtesy of Sherman Hogue / Explore Fairbanks

The bitter cold that often comes with chasing the aurora can be a real deterrent, but what if you could see the lights while soaking in a natural hot tub? Enter Fairbanks' Chena Hot Springs Resort , whose boulder-enclosed lake offers the opportunity to enjoy a warm soak while you take in the light show. Fairbanks lies directly beneath a band of auroral activity, meaning from late August to the end of April the town regularly experiences a celestial display of green, yellow, and purple. The phenomenon is most frequently seen between 10 p.m. and 3 a.m., but the early-to-bed crowd need not worry. Chena Hot Springs Resort guests can request a wake-up call when the aurora is spotted in the sky.

Norway has no shortage of prime vantage points. First and foremost is Svalbard , a string of Arctic islands midway between continental Norway and the North Pole. Because the archipelago experiences polar night, or perpetual darkness, from mid-November to February, it offers visitors double the opportunity to see the lights and is the only inhabited place in the world where you can experience the phenomenon during the day. Join a two-hour snowcat safari or brave the cold on a three-hour snowmobile tour with a stop for warm drinks and biscuits.

Tromsø is northern Norway's largest city and just so happens to be in the middle of the auroral oval. Visitors can choose from several tours during its dark season, from September through mid-April. One fun way to see them is to ride a cable car up Mount Storsteinen , which provides one of the best views of the northern lights in the whole city. Or, if you prefer to experience the magic while sipping Akvavit, slide into a table at the Skybar at Clarion Hotel The Edge .

North of the Arctic Circle in Finnish Lapland, surrounded by towering pines, is a surreally beautiful place to experience the aurora. We recommend dozing off while watching the dancing display from within a glass igloo at the romantic Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort from late August through April. In addition to rooms made of glass, there's a traditional log house as well as huts carved out of snow and ice. The resort organizes aurora hunting expeditions for those who wish to watch the lights while skiing down a slope, riding a reindeer-drawn sleigh, snowmobiling, or sleigh riding.

Accommodations for enjoying the northern lights abound throughout Finland, ranging from seaside glass villas and lakeside domes to cabins with large windows and glass roofs. The lights appear over Finland about 200 nights per year so you couldn't pick a better destination for an auroral vacation.

Courtesy of Mads Pihl / Visit Greenland

With minimal light pollution and near-perfect visibility in some places, Greenland provides exceptional odds for viewing the milky-green lights. A three- or four-night stay during the aurora season (late September to early April) offers the best chance of spotting them. Settle into the Hotel Arctic on the edge of the Ilulissat Icefjord, where most of the rooms feature stunning views of the fjord and its impressive icebergs.

If roughing it is more your style, plan a trip to Kangerlussuaq , which gets about 300 clear nights a year, providing prime conditions for aurora viewing. The local guide company Albatros Arctic Circle specializes in northern lights tours, including one that involves camping on the Greenland Ice Sheet , an experience typically reserved for researchers and expeditioners.

The Yukon Territory, Canada

Courtesy of Wolfgang Bublitz / Northern Lights Resort & SPA

From late August to mid-April, the northern lights swirl across the sky above Canada's Yukon Territory . Depending on cloud conditions, light pollution, and the night's auroral activity, you could spend hours watching the neon shades of green and yellow. Learn about the science and folklore surrounding the colors at the Northern Lights Space and Science Centre in Watson Lake. Book one of the glass chalets at the Northern Lights Resort and Spa in Whitehorse, then follow your night out in the cold with a day of pampering at the spa. The hotel's all-inclusive winter aurora and activity package  offers nightly guided aurora viewing and photography opportunities.

During the autumn and winter months, the aurora can be seen across the U.K., and as far south as Kent and East Anglia in England. But your best bet is to head for the northernmost parts of the Scottish Highlands or the Shetland Islands, where the northern lights are known as the "Mirrie Dancers." Book the Keeper's Cottage at Sumburgh Head , a restored Shetland lighthouse overlooking a puffin nesting area on the Atlantic, or venture to the Isle of Lewis to see the display above the Calanais Standing Stones , a circular formation of rocks erected thousands of years ago. Before you go, sign up for AuroraWatch UK alerts about viewing conditions so you never miss a sighting.

Churchill, Canada

Christine Haines / Getty Images

In Churchill , Canada, you can watch the lights dance over a family of polar bears from the comfort of your sleeper car. The Manitoba town, which experiences auroral activity more than 300 nights a year, is a top destination for seeing the majestic animals in the wild. Operated by Natural Habitat Adventures, a conservation-focused travel partner of the World Wildlife Fund, the Tundra Lodge offers accommodations inspired by train cars in prime bear-spotting territory. If you want to deepen your understanding of the wildlife or the northern lights, book one of the Churchill Northern Studies Centre's multiday educational tours.

Cherry Springs State Park, Pennsylvania

You don't necessarily have to go far north to glimpse the northern lights. Isolated from large cities like Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Cherry Springs State Park in Pennsylvania is committed to preserving its exceptionally dark skies. The area is classified as a Gold Level Dark Sky Park, the highest designation given by DarkSky . Inside, you'll find special light fixtures that don't inhibit visibility and strict rules about flashlights and car headlights, all meant to prevent light pollution.

Even if you miss the aurora borealis, on a clear night you're all but guaranteed an exceptional view of the stars. Check the park's website for special events like astronomy programs and public viewing nights. You can also keep track of when and where the northern lights will appear via a forecast monitoring service, like this one from The University of Alaska Fairbanks .

While Hotel Rangá in southern Iceland offers a range of cold-weather activities, ranging from whale watching and glacier tours to freshwater fishing, seeing the northern lights is a major highlight — there's even an on-site observatory with telescopes and talks led by local astronomers. Located in the countryside, the hotel experiences minimal light pollution, which makes for optimal viewing conditions from September to April.

Closer to Reykjavik in Nesjavellir, the Ion Adventure Hotel's Northern Lights Bar features dimmed lighting and wraparound windows so guests can watch the aurora from inside, with a drink in hand.

At the Icehotel in Jukkasjärvi, guests can choose from traditional hotel rooms, chalets, or special ice rooms and suites, set in a separate structure that's rebuilt every winter. Temperatures within the ice structure range from about 23 degrees to 18 degrees Fahrenheit, but don't worry — they come equipped with thermal, expedition-style sleeping bags to keep you warm.

The Icehotel offers various excursions including a snowmobile safari in the wilderness and nightly photography tours so you can catch the phenomenon in a natural setting away from light pollution. Guests can also plan an excursion to the nearby Aurora Sky Station  in Abisko. Located about 3,000 feet above sea level, you'll experience little light pollution and optimal viewing conditions. The station gets aurora views on 70 percent of the nights it's open (from November to March).

Headlands International Dark Sky Park, Michigan

Diana Robinson Photography / Getty Images

In northern Michigan, Headlands International Dark Sky Park is a wonderful place to view the elusive northern lights — elusive because from here, predictions can only be made within a day or two of their appearance. According to the park's website, you'll have the best shot of seeing them around the spring and fall equinoxes each year. Check the Clear Sky Chart and the park's schedule of events before you head out, as there are several astronomy-related workshops and educational programs available year-round. That way, even if you miss the aurora, it's still worth a visit, especially if you're looking to learn more about our incredible solar system.

Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota

Located about four hours north of Minneapolis, Voyageurs National Park offers visitors the chance to view the northern lights on dark, clear nights all year long, although your likelihood of seeing it increases during the winter months. Check the local weather forecast, and keep an eye on other important resources like the Alaska Geophysical Institute's Aurora Forecast website , which lets you see how active the aurora should be up to a month before your trip. Facing north, keep your eyes peeled for colorful streaks or cloud-like patches that fluctuate in brightness. The Milky Way, passing satellites, and shooting stars may also make an appearance, so there's never a dull moment during your visit.

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Ossipee Valley Fair, Moxie Festival and more happening this weekend

The Maine International Film Festival starts Friday in Waterville.

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Now that we’re all comfortably settled into the rhythm of summer, let’s do a classic summer thing and go to a fair!

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Jeremy Schoff of York leads his oxen, Pete and Red, during the ox pull on Thursday at the Ossippe Valley Fair in 2021. Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer

The Ossipee Valley Fair starts today and runs through Sunday. We especially love the Farmer Olympics because the hay bale toss and blind wheelbarrow obstacle course competition is fierce. Ray Routhier has details about Ossipee Valley and several others fairs happening this summer in Bangor, Waterville and Acton, among other locales.

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Aretha Aoki & Ryan MacDonald (right, in bear suit) performing IzumonookunI (stet capital letter at the end). Aretha Aoki & Ryan MacDonald will be bringing this dance program to the Bates Dance Festival July 12 and 14, 2024 at the Schaeffer Theatre on the Bates College campus in Lewiston, Maine. Photo by Colin Kelly

Another summer tradition is the Bates Dates Festival in Lewiston . Performances are underway, and arts writer Megan Gray has the scoop on “IzumonookunI” by Aretha Aoki and Ryan MacDonald. See it tonight and Saturday.

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Big Yellow Taxi. Photo by Julian Parker Burns

I’m headed to One Longfellow Square on Friday night to see the Massachusetts-based Joni Mitchell tribute band Big Yellow Taxi. They’ll be playing Mitchell’s 1974 album “Court and Spark,” along with other tunes.

Tribute to Joni Mitchell celebrates 50 years of ‘Court and Spark’

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“3 Vendors of Ipanema” is directed by Lewiston native Jonathan S. Lee. Courtesy of JSL Films

We weren’t kidding when we said there’s a lot going on right now. The 27th annual Maine International Film Festival starts on Friday and runs through July 21 in Waterville. Our film writer, Dennis Perkins, offers up his picks for 12 screenings worth your while.

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Spectators watching a previous year’s Moxie Festival Parade in Lisbon Falls. Carl D. Walsh/Staff Photographer

Our weekly events roundup includes the East Bayside block party in Portland and the Moxie Festival in Lisbon Falls. Should you make it to the festival on Saturday, don’t miss “American Idol” alum Julia Gagnon singing at 1:30 p.m.

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One with Everything from Gunnar’s Icelandic Hot Dogs. Photo by Ray Routhier

Need a break from standard-issue hot dogs? We love them too, but sometimes a new twist is just what your taste buds need. Ray Routhier stopped by Gunnar’s Icelandic Hot Dogs cart . If you like what you read, you can find it parked from 4-9 p.m. Thursday at Apres in Portland, then on the roof of Bayside Bowl on Friday and Saturday evenings.

Sick of red snappers? Try an Icelandic hot dog instead

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