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The Ultimate Guide

ActiveMSers has prepared an exhaustive guide for traveling with a disability, with a focus on multiple sclerosis. This practical advice has been collected from fellow MSers, travel agents, airline staff, cruise lines, disability specialists, and personal experience. There are many aspects to consider when traveling with a disability, from the earliest of planning stages to packing advice to medication tips and tricks. Whether you are jetting off to explore the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan or driving out of town for a quick overnight at a nearby bed and breakfast, here’s how to manage all of it.

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As one of the most seasoned MS travelers on the planet —having explored over 50 countries on six continents—I have learned the ins and outs of touring the globe while coping with myriad challenges. Walking difficulties. Fatigue. Bathroom challenges. Wheelchair impediments (sooo many impediments). Even full-on relapses. Alas, the days when I could just touch a spot on the map and then go vanished after my 2006 diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Navigating the globe when you are juggling a disease, chronic illness, or permanent disability is the very definition of touch and go. But damn, if I don’t still go. I seriously get around. You can, too. This guide will show you how

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Best Advice for Disabled Explorers

MS-Specific Considerations When Traveling

General Medication Advice

Favorite Accessible Destinations

Planning Your Accessible Trip

Disability Hotel Room Recommendations

Before You Go

What to Pack

Flying with a Disability

At Your Destination


If you read only one section of this guide, read this one.

Ditch the checklists. See what you can see and do not fret for a moment if you can't see it all. I know, the guidebook says you CAN’T MISS something or other. Whatever. Prioritize a few special things and let the rest unfold as it unfolds. Over planning only sets you up for disappointment later. 

Pace yourself. You know your body better than anyone. If you know going all-out is going to put the hurt on your body, save that climb of Kilimanjaro for the end of your holiday and recover on that plane ride. And remember, you don't have to do everything in the guidebooks for your holiday to be called a success. Choose activities wisely and build in recovery time.

Check the ego. You have lots of tools at your disposal to make traveling easier—use them. Wheelchairs, canes, trekking poles, scooters, rollaters, disposable undergarments, you name it. Is someone staring? Who bloody cares. And please, ask for help if you need it. People are amazingly accommodating if asked nicely with a smile.

Don’t panic. There will always be hiccups when you travel some little, some bigger. It happens. And I’ve been through so many messes: missed connections, lost baggage, shuttered hotels, no-show guides, entire legs of vacations cancelled due to unrest, unexpected MS relapses, the works. Catch your breath, count your lucky stars you are in one piece, and set about to fix the situation. Don’t let it fester! Yeah, it sucks. But it won’t ruin your trip unless you let it.

Seek a travel partner. Do not underestimate the importance of a reliable travel companion or caregiver. When you need a little extra assistance, an extra pair of able-bodied hands (and legs) can be a godsend. Treat them well. After all, this is supposed to be their vacation as well!

Eye restrooms. Mentally note all bathrooms and, when traveling internationally, avoid passing up a good one. There are cell phone apps that help you find public potties, but watch data fees overseas. And if you do, remember where it is so you can hustle back to it when nature calls. She always tends to ring at the most inopportune times!

Don't wait. Don't save that dream trip until you retire. Or until the kids are grown. Or until you feel better. MS is unpredictable; go now.

Carpe diem. Seize the day, savor moments, and make your vacation unforgettable for all the right reasons. Focus on the instances that make travel enjoyable, not on your disease.

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Becoming an MS globetrotter requires a few extra steps in order to successfully navigate planet earth with a disease. This advice may apply to other chronic illnesses, but since I don’t have an ostomy bag or wear a blood glucose monitor, I can’t speak to those.

A doctor’s note. A letter from your doctor stating you have multiple sclerosis is a good idea. I read about a woman denied an extra drink on a flight because she looked drunk. She claimed she had MS. Now a doctor’s letter might not have helped in that particular situation because you can still be drunk and have MS, but I digress.

Contact info. Keep with you your MS specialist’s phone number, e-mail, and off-hours emergency number. If you are traveling out of the country, don’t forget to add on the country code when you dial.

Original bottles. It's probably wise that you don’t take your medication out of their original labeled containers when it comes to cryptic pills (disease-modifying injectable MS meds are okay since they are labeled). The dudes, especially in customs, don’t really like to guess what pills are what.

Infusions. Taking an infused MS treatment, like Tysabri, Lemtrada or Ocrevus? Be sure to plan around your infusion dates. Katmandu likely does not have an infusion center you can use. Same goes for Mavenclad, the oral medication that is given in infrequent cycles.

Pills. On an oral drug like Gilenya, Mayzent, Aubagio, or Tecfidera? Avoid extreme temps. In other words, don't leave them roasting in the glovebox of a hot car or exposed when you are camping overnight in Siberia in January. And if you are camping in Siberia in January, I recommend you see a therapist.

Injections. Taking an injectable like Copaxone, Rebif, Betaseron, Extavia or Avonex? A small, soft-sided cooler (with an ice park or two, but watch that you don't accidentally freeze your meds) works great to tote your medication and can be stored in a carry-on backpack. Taking a cooler is always a good idea when traveling with your injectables even if they don’t require refrigeration because you never know when your drugs will be sitting in a hot car while you are out on a hike.

Xray scanners. The Xray machines used at airports should not harm your medications. And TSA generally does not care about your sharp needles. I personally have never been stopped at security for having a boatload of potentially subcutaneous weapons, but I’ve been pulled aside for an eyeglass screwdriver that was immediately confiscated with appropriate scolding.

Prednisone. Before I transitioned to secondary progressive MS, I traveled with a 3-day oral course of high-dose steroids to treat surprise relapses. You may want to ask your neurologist for an advance prescription as a stop-gap measure to save a vacation, particularly if you are traveling outside your country to remote areas. That way, if you have an exacerbation on a long trekking trip, say in Nepal, a dose of oral steroids could trim your attack symptoms big time and save your vacation. NOTE: Only do this if you have previously taken oral steroids and are aware of how the drug affects you.

Pseudoexacerbations. Remember that there is a difference between an exacerbation and a pseudoexacerbation. According to the NMSS website, a true exacerbation “is a worsening of old symptoms or the appearance of new ones that last at least 24 hours. This is important because stress, heat, and/or fatigue (all of which easily happen while traveling) could cause a temporary symptom flare, which should clear by the next day.”

Exercise. Don’t forget to stretch regularly and exercise. I know it’s your holiday, but your health doesn’t take a holiday. MS researchers have found that regular exercise reduces fatigue, so even on vacation I try to squeeze in workouts, especially if I feel that icky fatigue fog start to roll in.

Pile of Pills


There are some notable steps to take when traveling with medications, steps that tend to be overlooked by novice travelers. 

Carry on only. Always keep your medications with you as part of your carry on luggage. That’s one piece of luggage you can’t afford to lose.

Refrigeration. Meds require refrigeration? Call ahead to your hotel and ask that a portable refrigerator be put in your room if it does not have a mini bar. Most hotels will be able to honor that request. Note: when removing items from your minibar to make room for meds, be sure to later check your bill. Some minibars have the ability to automatically charge your bill for items removed from the fridge, even if you put them back.

Temperature check. If you need to keep meds chilled, consider bringing a digital thermometer that records the ambient air temperature. Do NOT store your medication in the fridge unless you are certain they won’t freeze, 36 degrees or above. One trick if you don’t have a thermometer: a bottle with just a touch of water (a tablespoon) will do nicely. Put it in the coldest part of the fridge BEFORE you add your meds. Wait at least a few hours. If it freezes, even on the warmest setting, find a new fridge.

Needles. Instead of lugging around a big sharps container for your needles, you might consider a needle clipper / storage device like the BD Safe Clip , allowing you to store the syringe safely. A word of caution, medical waste usually can't be tossed in the trash, so you'll need to find a place to store the empties. At least you won't get poked.

Extras. Bring a few extra doses just in case you do something stupid and pooch one of your injections or drop a pill down a gutter. And if the weather causes delays or cancellations, you won’t be stuck without your medication.

Cannabis. Medical marijuana in any form can get you into deep do-do, especially if jetting about internationally. Even driving across state lines can be cause for concern. That said, domestic travel in America with cannabis, even flying, is unlikely to land you in serious hot water unless you do something stupid. So don’t be stupid.

A final warning. A friend had her baggage confiscated twice--coming and going--because her drugs were packed with her checked luggage. Of course, it didn't help matters that we had a transfer in Singapore, noted for hanging folks with too much Tylenol (actually kilos of heroin, but you get the picture). Her bags were delayed for a couple of days, but fortunately her stash of pills was preventative in nature and not critical.

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Having been to thousands of cities and towns around the globe, I can say from personal experience that virtually every place I’ve ever visited can be experienced—at least to some extent—with a disability, including if you use a wheelchair. And even if there are major accessibility issues, there are almost always workarounds if you have assistance and patience. That said, “doable” doesn’t necessarily mean “enjoyable.” Here are a few destination ideas that are more reliable than most. 

National parks. In the U.S., the National Park Service generally does an adequate job in accessibility. Each park’s website details ease of disability access and many have full and extremely detailed guides. Yellowstone is a standout with detailed trail guides (hills to steep for wheelchairs, steps on the trail, etc.) and their guide even identifies every wheelchair-accessible bathroom and vault toilet.

Major amusement parks and tourist attractions. While many of the rides may be off limits, they cater to so many people from so many walks of life and generations, that accessibility is standard. Scooters and wheelchairs are almost always available to borrow or rent at major tourist attractions.

Olympic cities. Cities that host the Olympic games also host the Paralympics, and that means accessibility. Cities are required to meet certain benchmarks to aid handicapped travelers, from wheelchair users to the visually impaired. Host cities like Barcelona, London, Tokyo, Vancouver, and Athens have all been improved—from sidewalks to public transportation—to accommodate disabled visitors and are noted for their accessibility. 

A cruise. Consider a cruise, even if you are not a "cruiser." I've traveled by ship extensively pre and post MS, and it has a host of advantages. You unpack once (great for fatigue), disability access is good (especially if you need mobility aids), a doctor is always onboard (helpful if you have a relapse), and your travel time is often at night when you are sleeping (no exhausting car rides). See my detailed cruise guide here .  

African safari. Want a far-flung adventure? An African safari is a good option for those with limited mobility because you travel by vehicle, which means access to A/C and that you are seated. The lodges can be spectacular (in Kenya I actually slept in a bed that was 11x9, the size of a bedroom!) and the staff will cater to your special needs. Wheelchair-accessible safaris are an option in some countries.

Ziplining, Water Skiing, Ballooning, Sailing, Riding Camels. For virtually every passion out there, there is an accessible solution. There are many outfitters, far too many to list here, who are specially geared to aid wheelchair adventurers and those with other disabilities. In the Grand Tetons I managed to tack on an afternoon of unbelievable handcycling with Teton Adaptive Sports .

Dave and Laura in box seats at Real Madr


So you are going on vacation!? Woohoo! There are so many things to consider before traveling that you might need a vacation from planning your vacation. Here are some things to think about as you gear up to go on your next adventure.

Budget. I’ve got all sorts of rules when it comes to spending money on travel, and then inevitably I break them. In general, I prefer to spend money on experiences rather than things, so I give myself flexibility to splurge on trips. Over the years I’ve rarely regretted spending the extra cash for something special, even though at the time I’ll often think to myself WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING. But I’ll never forget watching Ronaldo score a hat trick from a sky box in Madrid instead of watching a tired touristy flamenco show that was the original (and far more affordable) plan.

Length. Listen to your body, it’s the ultimate arbiter. If three weeks sounds exhausting, don’t suck it up—shoot for a shorter trip. I’ve discovered that these days my sweet spot with MS is 10-14 days. Long enough to get into vacation mode, but not so long that I’m ready to go home. Plus it doesn’t exhaust my caregiver. And of course I love short weekend adventures.

When to go. The time of year you travel absolutely makes a difference. I prefer to travel in the off season (less standing in line, easier to get into restaurants, better seats at special events) and when temperatures are cooler (heat and MS go together like cereal and gravy). If heat wears you out, traveling when it's toasty could turn a vacation into little more than a quest for A/C.

Travel agents. Consider using a travel agent who specializes in making arrangements for those with disabilities, especially for those big trips. This is particularly useful if you require a wheelchair and often doesn’t cost extra—you may even save. Be sure to inform your agent about your special needs: your current mobility, equipment you will be bringing (or need at your destination), seating preferences, etc. Here is a detailed list of travel agents around the US and around the world who are experienced in working with handicapped folks. For Europe, Sage Traveling  has gobs of trips in dozens of cities that are wheelchair accessible. Travel agents specializing in MS include Tarita Davenock with Travel for All  and Sylvia Longmire from Spin the Globe .

Insurance. If the trip is $$$ and the loss of those funds would be detrimental, consider purchasing travel insurance when you book your trip (we like Travel Guard ). Most travel insurance companies WILL recognize pre-existing conditions like MS, but only if you purchase the insurance within 10-15 days of putting down a deposit on the trip. If you miss that window, any MS event will void out your travel insurance and you are on your own. 

Doh, insurance! Now if you meant to buy travel insurance and spaced it (I can be such a dolt!), there are plans from Travel Insured International  that you can purchase up 30 days after your initial deposit. Remember, "initial deposit" includes any funds to the trip down to the penny. And a word of warning: if you buy your insurance from the same company you are traveling with and they go belly up, you are SOL. So I always recommend buying your insurance from a third party and NOT through your travel agent/company or cruise ship.

Hotel Bedroom Entrance


Extra care needs to be taken when booking a hotel room if you have a disability, particularly if you have a disability that impairs walking or if you use a wheelchair. Expect issues, even with major hotel chains. When I have the time, I plan to have a heart-to-heart with all the major players. And maybe some public spats if that’s what it takes for them to be more cognizant of disability issues.

Trust and verify. View your accommodations online before you make reservations. Note stairs, pool access, restrooms, exercise room, etc. Have questions? E-mail or call. You don't want to be stuck going up stairs at a B&B when you thought it was a single level. Also, don't trust "handicap accessible" declarations. What some folks think is accessible is downright laughable. The best solution if you have severe mobility issues: ask for pics and even video.

Trust only so much. Even then you can't trust areas to be accessible. In Peru, I cannot count the number of bathrooms that were "wheelchair accessible" that, despite appearances—oversized with grab bars galore—required getting out of the chair before you were anywhere near the toilet. Stall doors often would not close if you brought in the wheelchair. On another occasion, the bathroom door when open blocked the toilet! If I was 100% restricted to my wheelchair, the only way to access the “accessible” bathroom would be to remove the door.

Accessibility if you need it. A room with an accessible bathroom isn't just for folks who use wheelchairs. As one fellow member of ActiveMSers discovered, having a bathroom with grab bars was essential after an exhausting day. But if you don’t need the extra assistance, save the room for someone who needs it more.

Shower chairs. Some hotels will have shower chairs available if the shower is not already equipped with one, but again its smart to ask in advance or bring your own . And even that might not always help. Our lodge in the Grand Tetons only had a tub/shower combo for wheelchair users. That combo can only work if you have a transfer shower bench . They said they had one. No, they just had a standard shower chair. That wobbled. If the chair is too unstable, request another one. And if one isn’t available? Sponge bath it is! 

Get creative. If you travel it is bound to happen: something won’t go right, and that includes your base lodging. The bed might be too high… so ask staff to remove the box spring or request a rollaway. The room might be next to the ice maker that makes ice only between the hours of 2-4 a.m…. so ask to switch rooms or use those earplugs. 

Measure. Sinks may or may not allow you to roll under them, so if you are wheeling it, ask. And doorways and/or bathrooms (heck, even bedrooms) may not be wide enough for your chair, especially if you are traveling overseas, so have a tape measurement of your minimum requirements needed.

A forewarning. If you get an accessible room, a forewarning: it’s likely going to be bigger… and subpar. Oh, it’ll have much of the same amenities as the other rooms in the hotel, but almost certainly the view will be worse, the location will be worse, the noise disturbances will be greater, and there is nothing much you can do. Except complain. Remind management about the ADA. And demand an upgrade or a discount.

Researching and Writing


As your departure date approaches, you’ll want to start doing your due diligence in the trip-planning department. The earlier the better to keep stress levels at a low burble.

Create a packing checklist. I have my own that I’ve used for decades, updating it for every trip. I’m constantly tweaking it depending on the type of adventure (so I don’t forget a bike helmet if I plan to bike) and the level of disability (I no longer list a cane because I use a wheelchair). There are plenty of list templates online that you can build off. Remember to add your meds and disability aids. 

Generate a prior-to-departure checklist. I tack this on to my packing list, and it reminds me about all the little things that tend to get overlooked. Reminders to make a plan to water plants, stop the mail and newspaper, inform the neighbors, set the DVR for that show I don’t want to miss, take down the hummingbird feeder so they don’t get pissed off drinking air, stuff like that.

Research online guidebooks. Sure, you can use Tripadvisor. But before you do, research your own city on that website. Not helpful. Instead I steer to the recommendation of expert travel guides. Frommer’s , Fodor’s , Moon , and Lonely Planet . For short adventures, I’ll cut and paste advice. For longer ones, the $15 is a pittance compared to what my trip costs. 

Dig deeper. I’ll often turn to newspaper and magazine articles about the destination I am visiting for even more guidance. My favorites include Conde Nast Traveler , Travel + Leisure , and The New York Times 36 Hours travel series.

Get specific. For a trip to Yellowstone, I researched specifically for wheelchair advice in the national park. I skimmed a handful of blogs and cherry picked their best recommendations. I might have skipped an out-of-the-way accessible trail that wasn’t trumped in any of the mainstream guides, but one wheelchair reviewer said it was a must see. He was right.

Download maps. If you are traveling internationally or to areas with sketchy cell service (hello Death Valley!), this is especially helpful. Maps are useless if your phone can’t access them, and overseas they can chew up gobs of data if you try to load them. While Google Maps is the standard, I especially like HERE WeGo (apps for Apple and Google Play ). Their maps show stairs in the pedestrian mode, so if you use a wheelchair you can avoid sidewalks with stairs, which I discovered are surprisingly common in Chicago.

Download apps. Can you say multiple sclerosis in 35 languages? If you are traveling to a country where you don't speak the language, then download onto your phone the free Accessible Travel Phrase Book PDF by Lonely Planet . Asking for an accessible bathroom, an elevator, and countless other essentials when you have a disability just got way easier. There are many other accessibility apps, including those that help you find bathrooms, that could be a boon in your travels.

dave in a wheelchair with a pile of suit


I have a detailed “trek checklist” that I have used for decades, expanding (and deleting) items as my level of disability has progressed. Before each trip, I print it out and cross off items after I round them up. I recommend you create one for yourself. 

Handicap placard. Have a handicap placard? Bring it! Even if you never plan to drive. With proof of a disability, many entrance fees are waived for you and your caregiver, especially outside the US. If your country offers a disability identification card, don’t leave it at home.

Walking aids. Ideally, bring multiple forms of walking aids. Why? If you lose your cane, you still have your trekking poles and vice versa. Also, if you primarily use a rollator/walker, bring a cane or forearm crutches! I heard from one MSer who had so much trouble with cobblestone streets in Italy that her rollator was essentially useless. The cane, although it meant slower going, saved her vacation. A pair of forearm crutches offers three times the support of a single cane and can make getting around on uneven surfaces a cakewalk. Incidentally, I don't like the cane/seat combo (oh, but it sounds so convenient): it's a crummy cane and a crummy seat. Get your pants a little dirty and sit on a curb if you must.

Gait belt. I travel with one now (I own this one ), and it should have been in my arsenal a long time ago. Basically, a gait belt secures around your waist and makes for a great handhold for a caregiver or crew member to grab and assist you. It can be used for transfers (say bed to wheelchair), help you stand after a fall, or save your bacon in a dicey situation, like getting off a tender on a cruise. I don’t wear it around, but it’s nice to know it’s available if needed.

Cooling vests and wraps. Since usable freezers while on the go can be hard to find, my preferred all-around travel vests are those phase change vests that recharge in ice or at room temperature. The easiest cooling vest to pack is one that is evaporative, since it is lightweight uncharged, but they perform poorly in humid conditions. Refer to ActiveMSers’ cooling vest guide for more. Another convenient cooling companion is a lightweight wrap that you dampen, like those from WrapMeCool .

Carry-on luggage. Smart packing advice taken from veteran travelers: when flying, make whatever you bring fit into a single carry-on bag, especially if you are going to be traveling to multiple destinations. Yes, this includes if you are going overseas for three weeks. You'll never lose a bag, it's far easier to handle than larger luggage, substantially lighter, and you can pawn it off on a travel companion if need be! This one from Briggs & Riley checks all the boxes and comes with a lifetime warranty.

Or a large wheelie bag. I know, I just recommended small. But as my disability has progressed, I’ve gravitated to one large shared bag (we use this one , it is pricey but dynamite). The larger bag is always checked, easily hold all of my aids, and is convenient on driving trips. Laura rolls this while I roll my wheelchair. If need be, she puts it on my lap, and I become the luggage cart. If we add on luggage, it is usually a carry-on and a backpack, which can also carry loose wheelchair parts when flying.

Sun protection. This sounds like a no brainer, but with heat being an issue for MSers, every cooling trick helps. I like a wide-brimmed floppy sun hat. I’ve tried sun-protective clothing ( Solumbra is highly recommended, but it’s still warmer than I’d like, so I tend to use sunscreen liberally. Finally, a UV umbrella makes a difference, and our testing confirms they really do keep temps cooler under their canopy. Amazon has many options, and  this lightweight version would be ideal for travel. Umbrellas also have an added benefit. You know, for keeping you dry in a rainstorm.

Lighten up. I like a tiny, lightweight digital camera or cell phone (keep a smartphone in airplane mode if abroad to avoid outrageous bills; FaceTime and WiFi can still be used) to record my travel memories: photographs, audio and video. The weight savings and convenience of just slipping it in your pocket is invaluable. Of course an SLR is great, but not so great to lug.

Portable grab bars. In the past when stability aids weren’t mandatory but merely helpful, I’ve used portable suction cup grab bars (I recommend this one ) . These are a boon when staying in a standard room or bed and breakfasts when you need a little extra help getting in and out of the shower.

Rolling considerations. If you need a wheelchair when traveling, a foldable manual chair, especially one with removable wheels, offers the most flexibility. Rigid chairs usually work fine, but not in all situations. Scooters and electric wheelchairs may limit you in ground transportation options, but if you use these devices you already know that drill. Renting a wheelchair is an option in some countries (e.g., most pharmacies in France rent them), but I’d only rely on that in a pinch. Renting scooters is also an option. You can have them delivered directly to your hotel. I’ve tested and reviewed the best travel mobility scooters .

Bedside commode. For road trips, this can be an unexpected boon. Bathroom out of service? Lines too long? Rest stop closed? Restroom not wheelchair accessible? If you *need* a bathroom and can’t do the squat pot, having one of these in the car for emergencies is a nice security blanket. Plus you could use it as a shower chair. Ideally find a spot out of the way (duh) and for bonus privacy, you could always drape a sheet or pop an umbrella.

southwest airlines handicapped entrance.


One of the most stressful aspects of traveling with a handicap can be the simple act of flying. For many of us, taking to the air used to be so carefree, but now hazards are everywhere. Here’s some advice to help you breathe easier.

Preboard. Take advantage of early boarding and ask a flight attendant for help if you need it. If you are unable to walk, you’ll want to request an aisle chair. Note: airlines have various rules. Southwest lets you board early and gives you extra time, while other airlines may have you go on after first class and business. And then others might actually have you board dead last, because, you know, they are assholes.

Walking aids. Canes are allowed aboard airplanes, trekking poles are as well (tell anyone who asks that they are mobility aids), ski poles are almost always frowned upon. Forearm crutches are no problem, but a flight attendant may have to store them in another area on the plane if they don’t fit in your overhead bin. If that happens, you’ll need to ask for them back for restroom visits or be relegated to seat surfing. Note: Picked up a cool sword-cane in Kenya? If you can't fit it into your checked luggage, I guarantee you it will be confiscated, walking aid or not. And then all you'll have is a cool sword-cane story of woe.

TSA advice. “One thing you have to watch is that the TSA loves to search bags that are carrying cooling vests/hats/scarves that have hydration beads. Avoid someone pawing through your luggage. Take them in your carry on and inform the screener.” — Mary, Washington

More TSA advice. A United Airlines security rep wants me to remind all of you with cooling vests NOT to actually wear it when going through security. You know what those gel packs look like when they scan your body? Like a bomb strapped to your chest! Take it off or tell your friends to break out their cameras to film the chaos.

Final TSA advice. Review the rules for disabilities and medical conditions here .

Wheelchair assistance. “Request wheelchair assistance when booking your flight if you are not bringing your own. When you check in, tell the ticket agent that you had requested assistance and they will call someone for you. This person will take you and whoever is traveling with you thru security—without having to stand in the long lines and right to the gate. If you have to switch planes because you’re not flying direct, they will have someone waiting for you to take you to the next gate. If there isn’t anyone there, let the gate agent know and they will call for someone for you. When you arrive at your destination, someone will be there and take you to baggage claim. Remember to take some dollar bills to tip with. The wheelchair assistance will help you conserve your energy.”     — Mary, Oklahoma

Personal wheelchairs. If you are traveling with a personal wheelchair, be sure to gate-check your wheels, so that you can take it all the way up to actually boarding the plane. When you leave your chair at the plane's entry, detach all easily removable items and take them aboard the plane personally as a carry-on item. That includes seat cushions, footplates, and armrests. I like to bring a small stuff sack to, well, stuff everything into so that my wheelchair knickknacks stay in one place, limiting the risk of something falling out of the bin and clunking an innocent stranger on the head. And by taking gear with you, it will minimize the risk of losing an important piece of equipment. It will seriously suck if they lose a left footplate and you've got to enjoy your entire vacation with your legs crossed... even when you don't have to tinkle.

TSA Precheck. Is TSA Precheck worth it ($85 for 5 years, Global Entry is $100)? If you fly more than once or twice a year, probably. You get to speed through the security check, waits are usually less than 5 minutes, and you get to keep your shoes on, belt on (I you are brave enough to wear such things with an unpredictable bladder), and your liquids can stay in your bag. If you use a wheelchair, there is usually no pat-down and they just test your hands and chair for explosive residue. Super quick and easy.

Batteries. If you are traveling with a scooter or electric wheelchair, it's best if you have a "gel cell" or "dry cell" battery. If you have a wet cell battery (a rarity these days), the airline will have to remove it from your chair for special storage, a hassle. Again, don't forget to remove seat cushions, etc., to prevent them from getting lost in the belly of the plane as your scooter will either be gate checked or go through checked luggage. Don't forget to secure the key (or power pin) with something a bit stronger than a rubber band. Some suggest fishing line. And setting the throttle on the slowest setting and taping over it will help prevent speedy joyrides.

Weight considerations. How much does your scooter or wheelchair weigh? If it is too heavy, it may not be allowed on some flights. We recommend calling ahead to check for any restrictions.

Power chair tip. On your power chair, if you can remove the joystick, that is recommended. Or at least point it downward. Those little buggers, sticking up at attention, have an uncanny ability to attract errant luggage.

Curbside check-in. Consider using curbside check-in and the luggage porters when you arrive at the airport. Saving your energy for a few bucks is usually worth it.

Recommended seating. Request an isle or forward seat on the airplane. The closer you are to the front of the airplane, the less walking you have to do. Another reason: hey, sometimes when we MSers have to go to the lavatory, well, we really gotta go. If the front of the plane is not available, head to the rear. On international flights, I always check to find seats close to the toilet, since there are a number of them located in various areas of large planes. Also note that in the last row the seats may not recline fully, but if you have walking aids, you often can store them behind the seat, which makes retrieving them cake.

Change of clothes. Speaking of bathrooms, it wouldn’t hurt to have a change of clothes in your carry on. In fact, I’d consider this mandatory. Sometimes our bodies don’t do what they are supposed to do, and wearing clean clothes is a lot better than wearing wet clothes washed in the airplane lavatory.

Bathroom advice. And I’d suggest hitting the restrooms just before boarding. Now, of course, don’t dehydrate because of the above advice. Drink plenty of H20.

Jetlag. Jetlag may be mitigated with a sleep aid and it can make even an 18-hour plane trip a relative breeze. BUT a few important words of caution. 1) Never drink alcohol and take a sleep aid. 2) Don't try it for the first time on an airplane. 3) Only take it if you have a companion. A United Airlines security rep warned me that altitude, alcohol and Ambien can be a dangerous mix.

dave trekking in Paro, Bhutan.JPG


Pat yourself on the back, you’ve arrived! Here are some tips to make your holiday enjoyable and stress free. Okay, there will always be a little stress. Sorry.

Time your adventures. You know your body. If you have morning energy and splat in the afternoons, maximize mornings. Personally, my bladder gives me fits until 10 or 11, so we rarely are on the road before then. It is what is!

Don't rush. You don't have to cram everything in. Be selective and enjoy what you do. When you get home you'll have far better memories than racing the clock to hit all of the Smithsonian Museums in one D.C. afternoon.

Daypack. I always have one and it has all the essentials. A touch of extra medication, a water bottle, hand sanitizer, a lightweight raincoat or poncho (I’ve got this for my wheelchair ), and an emergency clothing pack (replacement adult undergarment, sanitizing wipes, and a pair of pants).

Skip to the front. If you are using a wheelchair, especially internationally, museums and sights are often free and you go straight to the front of the line, no questions asked. Eiffel Tower with a 2-hour wait? Bam, next elevator. Hordes of people surrounding the Mona Lisa? Bam, front-row access, even closer than any able-bodied person. Sistine Chapel access? Bam, through back corridors and hidden passages of the Vatican.

Toilet scouting. When you get to a cafe or hotel that you will be hanging out at for a bit, ask where the toilets are located before you need them. Some are so well hidden, you would never find them. Ever. At one hotel after dinner I was befuddled as to where the bathrooms were. It was around a screen, in a closet, behind a closed door. Also, some are downstairs, requiring a new plan if stairs are off limits. In one case, a waiter took me to a different building altogether to get me to any easy-access toilet. If you don't see an accessible bathroom, ask. One cafe had it hidden behind brooms and boxes.

Wheelchair assistance. If you need help getting around the airport or a massive hotel or a museum, ask. Don’t be shy. This is your vacation and you don’t want to spend two days recovering from what amounts to stubborn pride. Most facilities have wheelchairs you can borrow, although be forewarned: you'll often get a beater. On a trip to Boston, I got overconfident and failed to bring my wheelchair. And none were available to rent. So we switched hotels to one that provided a chair to guests and used it all weekend. It saved our trip from being a series of short cab rides.

Take advantage of breaks. Seek shade, drink some icy beverages, and sit down when you can. The energy you save will come in handy later, trust me.

Splurge. Sometimes convenience costs a little extra. It's often money well spent. Remember that.

Sidewalks. If you are rolling, your travel companion may need to scout ahead and alter your route to find curb cuts, since some will be blocked or nonexistent.

Folks are accommodating... if you ask. A table by the wall (perfect for stashing my forearm crutches), a spot near the bathroom (for those uncertain times), a seat upfront (to avoid the maze of diners).

Souvenirs. Okay, so you found some incredible (and easily breakable) souvenir on the last days of your trip that will not fit into your luggage with all your clothes ... because you listened to me imploring you not to take a large suitcase. And if you ship it home, odds are high it will break. What to do? Ship home your clothes and toss your new treasure into your bag. 

Keepsakes. Laura and I have collected a souvenir from virtually every place we’ve ever traveled. Now before you think our house is nothing more than a pile of cheap trinkets and commemorative shot glasses littering every available shelf, I’ve got to let you in on a secret. Christmas ornaments. They are small, easy to pack, and affordable. Every holiday we decorate the tree together and relive our adventures and experiences for a good month before tucking them away to get discovered anew the following year. Um, yeah, we’re gonna need a bigger tree.

That’s a wrap, our best recommendations and advice for traveling with multiple sclerosis or other disabilities. For more specific tips on how to cruise with multiple sclerosis, don’t miss our exhaustive guide on cruising with a disability .

Happy and safe, stress-free travels!

Multiple sclerosis does not stop your desire to travel and see new places. However, you might have a few more challenges to overcome, depending on the type of holiday you want, the location, your mobility and whether you are staying with family or friends.

For people with MS, the climate can be a consideration as hot or humid conditions can be uncomfortable for some. The accessibility of accommodation, facilities, local attractions and restaurant should also be considered carefully. It is always beneficial to make your own enquiries into the places you are staying to ensure accessibility suits your own particular requirements.

There are a number of organisations in Ireland and abroad that loan out various mobility aids and equipment. This can save on carrying equipment onto the airplane/ferry.   A number organisations and individuals also offer accessible travel and holiday options. Like any other service, it is wise to shop around and get as much information as possible, before deciding on a provider. It is entire viable to do this on your own, but many people prefer to use a travel agent as information can be easier and they can be contacted if there are any problems.

Click here to read some tips for travel

To find out more about staying cool in warm weather click here . 

To find out more about cold sensitivity click here. 

Traveling with prescription medications for MS requires careful consideration and planning. 

First and foremost, it's essential to consult with your healthcare provider before your trip. They can help ensure you have an adequate supply of your medications for the duration of your journey and provide any necessary documentation, such as a letter explaining your medical condition and the need for these medications. 

Investigate the regulations and importation rules of your destination country, as these can vary significantly. 

Familiarise yourself with the specific requirements for carrying medications, including rules about carrying liquids or syringes in your carry-on luggage. 

For long-haul flights especially, it may be worth considering using a pill organiser or a medication management app to help you keep track of your doses while traveling. Setting alarms when medications are due may also be useful.

When you are at the boarding desk, it can be helpful to apprach staff in advance of boarding to let them know you are travelling with medication and will need to ensure that your carry-on luggage is in close proximity to you on the flight to ensure you can access it and take it when needed. 

Lastly, store your medications in their original containers with clear labels to avoid any confusion or issues at security checkpoints. 

By addressing these considerations, you can ensure a smoother and more stress-free experience when traveling with prescription medications for MS.

You could always check the rules for entering a country with medicines with the individual Embassy. Here is a list with contact information:  

When traveling with MS, it is essential to consider accessibility to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey. 

MS can bring various physical and cognitive challenges, so it's crucial to plan ahead. One primary consideration is transportation. Many airports, bus terminals, and train stations offer services like wheelchair assistance and priority boarding to make the process smoother. 

When booking accommodations, if necessary, inquire about accessible rooms, and request amenities such as grab bars, roll-in showers, and ramps. 

Research the destination for wheelchair-friendly attractions and accessible public transportation options. Additionally, having a well-organised itinerary and carrying necessary medications, mobility aids, and medical documentation can help in case of emergencies. 

It's also beneficial to check with airlines or travel agencies about their policies on disability-related accommodations. Traveling with MS may have its challenges, but with proper preparation and awareness of available supports, individuals can enjoy memorable and fulfilling adventures.

When traveling with MS, it is important to carefully consider your travel insurance options. MS is a chronic and unpredictable medical condition, so it's essential to ensure that your insurance policy provides comprehensive coverage for any potential complications.

It is advisable that you disclose your condition to your insurer and speak to them about your policy cover to ensure that you are adequately covered. 

Consider policies that offer coverage for trip cancellations or interruptions due to MS-related issues. 

Medical coverage is of utmost importance, as it should encompass medical emergencies, hospitalisation, and the cost of medications or treatments abroad. 

Ensure that the policy also covers pre-existing conditions to avoid potential claim rejections. 

It is also advisable to research the destination's accessibility and healthcare facilities to determine if they meet your needs. 

Lastly, travel insurance that includes 24/7 assistance and repatriation services can provide peace of mind, as they can assist in case of a severe MS-related emergency. 

Always carefully review the policy terms and conditions and consult with your healthcare provider before embarking on your journey to ensure you have the most suitable coverage for your specific needs.

For more information, visit the Consumer Protection Comissions page on Travel Insurance.

Consumer Protection Comission - Travel Insurance

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  • General Travel Health Advice

Multiple Sclerosis and Travel

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disorder that affects the brain and spinal cord.  The exact cause of MS is unknown but there may be a genetic and environmental element to the development of the illness. At present there is no cure although there are many treatment therapies available to manage the condition. In the UK around 100,000 people are affected.

Prior to travel the following should be considered.

Pre travel Medical Check Up

Travellers should ensure they have had a recent specialist review and have discussed their intention to travel. 

Travelling with Medication

All medication should be requested from the GP well in advance of the trip. 

  • Twice as much medication required for the trip should be taken to cover unexpected delays, damages or losses. 
  • Medication should be kept in its original packaging and carried in hand luggage to avoid loss or damage in the hold.
  • Many medications must be stored within a particular temperature range, this will be detailed in the product information leaflet.
  • Gabapentin, used for neuropathic pain, is classed as a Class C controlled drug since April 2019 – see additional advice for travelling with controlled drugs under ‘Home Office Requirements’.
  • For those using injectable treatment, a doctors’ letter is necessary for passing through security or customs and can facilitate seeking medical attention abroad.

Travel Health Insurance

MS is considered a pre-existing medical condition and must be declared to the insurer before travel. 

  • Purchasing comprehensive travel insurance is strongly recommended to pay for any medical expenses whilst abroad.
  • Check the FCDO website  to see if there is any reciprocal health arrangements with the UK and the country you are visiting to cover the costs of emergency medical treatment whilst you are abroad.

Accessing Healthcare Abroad

Find out about the location of local health facilities prior to travel – this information can be found in travel guides and online resources.

Reducing Risk of Travel Related Illness 

Serious infection may impact on the course of MS. The majority of travel-related infections are not vaccine preventable but can be avoided through taking other precautions. 

Gastrointestinal Infections and Travellers Diarrhoea

  • Taking food and water precautions will reduce the risk of infections that cause travellers’ diarrhoea .

Respiratory/Airborne Infections

  • The risk of respiratory infections can be reduced by practising good respiratory hygiene.
  • Most MS patients will have been offered the annual inactivated influenza vaccine under UK immunisation guidelines.

Insect-borne Infections

  • Vaccines do not exist against the majority of insect-borne infections. Practical measures should be taken on insect bite avoidance .

Travellers with MS are not at a higher risk of acquiring malaria but severe infections may worsen MS symptoms. 

  • Be aware of malaria risk .
  • Take good mosquito bite prevention measures.
  • Take antimalarial medications when indicated.
  • Seek prompt medical attention if you become unwell of develop a fever after being in a malaria area.

Sun Exposure

  • Travellers should be advised to take appropriate steps to minimise sun exposure .
  • Some immunosupressive medication may make sunburn more likely as a side effect.

Accidents and Injury

  • Accidental injury is more common during travel than infectious disease. Accidental injury may be even more likely if symptoms of MS affect mobility.


  • MS itself does not result in increased risk of infection, except in advanced disease.
  • Having an infection may provoke a relapse of MS, therefore preventing infection through vaccination is protective.
  • There is no evidence of an increased risk of side effects from vaccination in those with MS.

Inactivated Vaccines

  • Vaccination should be avoided during serious relapse and until 4 to 6 weeks after full recovery.
  • Vaccination may be less effective in those on immunosuppressive medication.

Live Vaccines

  • Live vaccines (including yellow fever) are contraindicated in travellers with MS taking immunosuppressive medication.

Yellow Fever Vaccine

In travellers with MS, who are not on immunosuppressive medication, the possible risk of relapse versus the actual risk of yellow fever infection during travel must be discussed.

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  • Disease Prevention Advice

Travel Insurance

Hi everyone,

I’m new to this forum so any advice would be greatly received.

Can anyone advise on companies who provide travel insurance that covers MS?

I get my travel insurance via our bank Barclays, as long as I’ve informed them of the MS and country travelling to theres no increase in premium or restrictions.

Travel insurance, vehicle breakdown, gadget cover, mobile phone cover, home emergency cover, they are all part of the same package, I think its called Barclays Additions Plus.

Theres a monthly fee of around £15.

They do different Addition packages, we’ve had our for years.

Additions Plus was the original name, but I think they’ve changed the packages a bit over the last couple of years, so anyone now adding one of these to their account have to pick from a list different of types of Additions packages, but I think the PLUS package is NOT available anymore, but anyone already on it was allowed to keep it.

The only difference from what I’ve seen is the Home Emergency cover has been dropped from the newer Additions packages, the travel insurance part and other bits is still in all of the packages.

Theres even one that gives access to airport VIP lounges, offering free drinks and food.

It all depends on what Additions package you choose to pay for.

I’m sure other banks offer similar schemes, I know Lloyds do because my father has something similar on his account ?

I haven’t bought separate travel insurance for years, all I do is ring up and let them know where we will be travelling and the dates, but I dont think we even need to that, as long as you’ve informed them of any illness’s when you buy one of these packages they just note it on your policy/account.

Hope this helps.

Hello I have just purchased travel insurance. I tried the companies on here that people mentioned, but they wouldn’t cover my horse riding. So, phoned up the company I used beforehand and offered me cover. Comparable with my non ms friend. Company is called Holidaysafe. They ask a series of questions which were actually more in depth than the other insurers. Good luck and happy travels.

Hi I took new Travel insurance out for last years holiday Legal and General was £100 for me and my partner for two weeks you had to say you have ms and any other ailments and they ask what medication your taking and that was it.

I did it online very easy. Are you going anywhere nice ?

I think you need to see what your banks can offer in regards to add on packages to your accounts, its far cheaper and these packages offer other benefits as well, such as travel insurance vehicle breakdown cover, mobile phone insurance and more .

All we had to do was inform the bank of the MS and that was it .

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Holidays for People with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Beach chairs can give you help and advice when booking a holiday if you have MS. If you have a destination in mind, we'll be able to advise on its suitability for you. Alternatively if you don't have anywhere in mind, we'll use our knowledge and expertise to find your perfect holiday. Each and every customer has different requirements, therefore we would like to speak to you to discuss further.

We will ensure you are happy with every detail of your holiday from your first initial call until you return home.

Can you find me accommodation in an accessible location?

Yes - we understand that your accommodation location is very important. We can book somewhere where the terrain surrounding the accommodation is not difficult and ensure that you can access the main doors of the accommodation without any obstacles. We also realise that you might prefer to stay close to the shops, public transport, and accessible attractions.

Can you arrange accessible accommodation?

Yes - we will make sure that you have all the adaptations you require whilst on holiday. Here are some ways we can support you:

  • Accommodation in accessible locations/resorts (no steep inclines or hills)
  • Fully accessible accommodation which is guaranteed (other travel agents can request this but not guarantee)
  • Accessible rooms suitable for the level of your mobility e.g. rooms with turning areas for wheelchair-users, bed rails, room hoists, walk in shower rooms, wheel-in shower chairs
  • Riser recliner chairs
  • Equipment hire e.g. shower chairs, hoists, grab rails and other mobility equipment
  • Rooms near lifts or on the ground floor
  • Electric beds or profiling beds
  • Rooms with fridges for medication or prescribed feeds
  • Interconnecting rooms for carers
  • Any other mobility equipment you might require - please request any further specific adaptations e.g. lowered baths, bath boards, shower trolley

Can you help me plan accessible days out whilst on holiday?

Yes - we will do the research and ensure that you have a choice of exciting accessible days out. If you need to hire any equipment we will organise this for you in advance. For example, if you want to visit the nearest beach we can hire a beach wheelchair, or you might want to hit the slopes - there are many types of sit-skis that we can organise for you!

Can I have assistance at the airport?

Yes - airport assistance can be pre-booked and arranged free of charge through ourselves. We can arrange for someone to help you from your taxi at the airport, at the check-in desk to assist you with checking in your bags, escorting you to the aircraft and helping you to board the aircraft. If needed, we can also arrange lifts on and off the plane.

Can a wheelchair user cruise?

Yes – you can choose from a range of wheelchair adapted cabins including an ocean view cabin, balcony cabin or a suite. f you require any further equipment, such as a hoist or electric bed, we can arrange this for you. The cruise ships we will book you on will have plenty of exciting accessible leisure facilities and a huge choice of restaurants, so you don't need to worry about getting bored on days spent at sea!

You will of course want to make the most of your ports of call, so why not ask us to book you on some exciting wheelchair accessible excursions. There may be occasions where going ashore would be by tender. If you are confined to a wheelchair you may not be able to go ashore, but we can find you a cruise where the ports of call will be accessible.

Can a wheelchair user travel alone?

Yes - for independent wheelchair users, it is not a condition that you travel with a companion. However, although the crew are always very helpful, they are unable to assist you in moving around the vessel or in any personal day-to-day tasks. For this reason we would suggest you are accompanied by a personal assistant / traveling companion to provide these services.

I need help delivering my luggage and mobility aids to my accommodation - can you help me with this?

Yes, we highly recommend Bagsahead , who pick up your luggage/medical equipment from your home and deliver it straight to your accommodation. This will mean you don't need to have the extra stress of queuing and you can have extra space in your car if you're driving. When you arrive at your accommodation your luggage will be waiting for you.

What about travel Insurance?

We would advise that you get travel insurance. We do recommend you try Fish Insurance , who cover MS.

What should I consider before I travel?

  • Take additional medication with you in case of delays
  • You will need a doctor's note to carry medication and vaccines
  • Consider whether you need to adjust your medication according to time differences- this is necessary if you are travelling to places that 2 hours different than UK time
  • Check whether you need any vaccinations
  • Make sure than any travel sickness tablets won't interact with medication you are already taking
  • Take your prescription with you in case you lose your medication
  • Before you book check that your accommodation has a fridge for medication storage if required
  • Write down essential contact numbers and phrases to ask for help in case treatment is needed

If you have any further questions on living well with Mupltiple Sclerosis, there is general information to be found on the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Website  website. 

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For exceptional service, fantastic prices and a holiday which meets all your needs, book with - the UK's largest accessible holiday specialist!

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  • SATURDAY: Closed
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Oops, did you travel without insurance? We can get you back on track  

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Travel insurance

M&S Travel Insurance offers a choice of single or annual multi-trip policies which include * :

Travel disruption cover

  • Protection against your transport or accommodation provider going insolvent so you can recover your costs
  • 10% discount for new policies purchased online †

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M&S Travel Insurance is underwritten by Aviva Insurance Limited.

Features and benefits

Medical emergency.

If you’re ill or have an accident abroad, your medical expenses could be covered up to £10 million.

M&S Travel Insurance will cover you for emergency medical expenses if you catch Covid-19 during your trip abroad.

Subject to policy terms and conditions. Please read the ‘Your health’ section in the policy booklet on existing medical conditions.

Cancelling or coming home early

Claim for unrecoverable costs up to £6,000 if you need to cancel your trip or come home early.

Claim for cancelling your trip if the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) advise against travel to your destination in the 31 days leading up to your holiday.

Subject to policy terms and conditions.

Medical screening

You’ll be asked questions about your medical conditions when you complete your quote.

You’ll need to tell us if, in the last 12 months, any traveller has been prescribed medication, received or is awaiting medical treatment, tests or investigations, or have been admitted to hospital for any illness, injury or disease, including Covid-19.

All policies include travel disruption cover as standard. This offers additional protection for non-refundable travel costs.

Insolvency of transport or accommodation provider

This cover offers protection against your transport or accommodation provider going insolvent so you can recover your costs.

Enhance your policy

Baggage – protection if your bags go missing or get damaged.

Winter sports – cover for winter sports and the loss or damage of your sports equipment.

*M&S Travel Insurance is underwritten by Aviva Insurance Limited. Terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations apply. In addition there are important conditions relating to health which may affect your cover.

Annual multi-trip age limit of under 80, with no age limit for single trip policies.

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Important documents

M&S Travel Insurance Product Information Document

M&S Travel Insurance policy booklet

M&S Travel Insurance Summary of Cover limits

M&S Travel Insurance - Important Information

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How do I make a claim?

To make a claim you will need to contact Aviva.

  • For medical emergency claims please call Aviva on 0800 051 6561 or +44 160 360 4906 if calling from abroad.
  • If you don’t need urgent medical attention you can make a claim online or by calling Aviva on 0800 051 4780 or +44 160 360 3783 from abroad.
  • You’ll need to provide the following information when making a claim:
  • Your personal details, plus details for anyone else claiming on this policy.
  • Details about your trip, for example, date of travel and airline (if it’s relevant).
  • Your bank account details so that Aviva can settle your claim as soon as a decision is made.
  • You can also make a claim if you do not require urgent medical attention by calling 0800 051 4780 or +44 160 360 3783 from overseas. Lines are open 8am-8pm Monday to Friday, 8am-4pm Saturday and public holidays.

What's a policy excess?

This is the amount of money you have to pay if you make a claim.

M&S Travel Insurance has an excess of £100 per person per claim and you can choose to reduce the excess to £50 which will increase your premium.

Are there any charges to change or cancel my policy?

To make sure that you have the right cover in place, please let us know of any changes during the annual policy term. We do not make any charges for mid term changes.

If you cancel your policy within 14 days of receiving your policy documentation we will refund all premiums paid provided you have not travelled or made a claim, and there has been no incident which may result in a claim being raised.

If you wish to cancel the policy after the 14 days then there will be no cancellation charge and no refund of premium will be made.

Will I have to declare any medical conditions?

You need to tell us if you, or anyone else on your policy, have had any illness, injury or disease within the last 12 months where they have:

  • Been prescribed medication and/or
  • Received or are awaiting, medical treatment, tests or investigations and/or
  • Been referred to, or had a follow up with, a specialist and/or
  • Been admitted to hospital or had surgery

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Cover you can rely on.

We offer a choice of cover options so you can tailor your travel insurance to meet your needs. You can compare the level and types of cover in the table below. Whether you decide to add any cover options to your policy or not, you can relax knowing we'll deal with any claim quickly and fairly if something goes wrong with your travel plans.

Cover options

Available for single trip and annual multi-trip travel insurance policies. All cover levels are per person.

What's not covered

  • Known events; there is no cover in relation to any event, circumstances or incident you knew about (or were reasonably expected to know about) at the time you booked your trip or purchased your policy (whichever is later) and could reasonably be expected to affect your travel plans.
  • Costs which are recoverable from your travel and/or accommodation provider/agent, your debit/credit card provider, PayPal, ABTA, ATOL or similar.
  • Travelling against Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) advice. This includes advice or measures put in place by governments and local authorities in the UK or abroad.
  • Travelling with the intention of seeking medical treatment or advice abroad, for example to have cosmetic surgery or dental treatment.

Please ensure you read the policy booklet for full details on what is and isn’t covered, in particular the Exclusions which apply to the policy.

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Apply over the phone: 0800 051 3263

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Lines are open 8am - 8pm Monday to Friday, 9am - 6pm Saturday, and 10am - 2pm Sunday. Calls are recorded.

† Discount is available for new policies only and excludes renewals or amendments to existing policies

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Travel Tips for People With Multiple Sclerosis (VIDEO)

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5 Tips for Traveling With MS

Dr. Jacqueline Nicholas provides some helpful traveling tips for those living with MS. Sponsored content appears before this video.

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:12:03 Dr. Jacqueline Nicholas We talk about it. We talk about how long of a distance it is, how do they want to go, how important it is to them, and then we can make a plan.

00:00:12:05 - 00:00:44:10 Dr. Jacqueline Nicholas Some common tips that are important for individuals with MS to think about when they're traveling is to call ahead and find out the process, especially if you have fatigue that maybe limits the distance that you're able to walk. The other thing that I think is just determining accessibility. So making sure to call ahead to the airport or train station or even hotels, restaurants, museums, wherever you're planning to visit, can help make your trip more smooth.

00:00:44:12 - 00:01:11:16 Dr. Jacqueline Nicholas Another travel tip is planning in advance and making sure that the plans that you have are not, maybe too overarching. So thinking ahead that it's important to plan some breaks, maybe some time just for rest, or for getting a snack in your ambitious vacation plans, can be really helpful just to make it more enjoyable. Whenever you're traveling somewhere,

00:01:11:16 - 00:01:41:05 Dr. Jacqueline Nicholas I would encourage you to bring the contact information for your health care team, and even a note just about your disease and your medical history can be really helpful, and there are a lot of really, amazing patient advocates out there who have put, you know, blogs or videos about their travel experience, and so I think those resources can be really, really helpful.

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Preparing to travel is often a time-consuming task. When you have a medical condition like multiple sclerosis (MS), it can be even more so. One MyMSTeam member said they had stopped traveling because of all of the complications. “We gave up traveling years ago, especially airplanes. I really don’t trust them and I have too many things I need.”

Your medical condition doesn’t have to mean the end of your travels. Whether it’s making sure disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) can get through security checkpoints or checking to see if your destination is accessible for people with disabilities, MS can add extra steps to a journey. However, planning ahead can reduce unforeseen hassles and make travel a lot less frustrating.

Talking to your MS specialist is a good first step in making your travel plans. They can offer medical advice to help you prepare for potential challenges and keep symptoms under control while you’re away.

Here are some steps you can take to make travel as stress-free as possible with MS.

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What To Do Before the Trip

Packing for a trip can take a lot out of anyone, even someone without MS, but some tips can help make travel planning a bit easier.

It can be helpful to pack a little bit at a time over a week or two. It reduces the stress of finding everything at once and makes dealing with fatigue easier. If you use a wheelchair, be sure to bring a backpack and bungee cords that can attach things to the chair while leaving your hands free. If you are renting a car and usually use disabled parking, bring a disabled placard.

Arranging Accommodations

If possible, get a map of the hotel and any destinations you plan to visit so you can figure out how to access them most easily. Call ahead to ask the hotel about their experience in accommodating people with disabilities and their accessibility options. One member explained, “In the U.S., hotels are required to have handicapped-accessible rooms. You just need to tell them that as part of your booking.”

Also, if your medication requires refrigeration, make sure you will have a mini fridge in your room or suite.

Seeing Your Doctor

Get a note from your doctor or neurologist for any injectable DMTs and other medications you may need. For instance, if you sometimes take medications for MS symptoms like fatigue or pain , it may be a good idea to bring some along with proof of your prescription and a doctor’s note.

One MyMSTeam member mentioned that even with a note, some medications still pose a problem. “When it comes to meds, it can be an issue in countries that do not accept certain pain medications or narcotics, even if you have a doctor’s note,” they said.

If you need vaccinations for wherever you are traveling, make sure your medications won’t interfere with their effects.


Make sure you and your travel companions are on the same page. Talk about any concerns and make it clear who is responsible for what to prevent headaches on travel day. As one member shared, “I would suggest cutting down the traveling time especially for your own health.”

Discuss your travel expectations — for example, how long you’re willing to be in a plane or car.

Purchasing Travel Insurance

Travel insurance can be valuable if there is a chance you may not make the trip. Travel agents can help you find insurance.

Traveling by Plane

The Air Carrier Access Act prohibits discrimination based on disability in all forms of air travel. Although airlines generally do not need advance notice of a passenger with disabilities on a flight, certain items (like an electric wheelchair on a flight when the plane has 60 seats or fewer) might need 48 hours advance notice.

Check what kind of plane you will be flying on in advance if you have a wheelchair you need to use. If an airplane has 100 seats or more, the crew is required to store a folding wheelchair in a priority space in the cabin. If you have disabilities, you can usually request early boarding to have extra time to get settled on the aircraft. Also, note that most planes are required to have accessible bathrooms, but asking in advance may save you some discomfort.

Additional tips to make flying easier include asking for a seat near the aisle or bathroom. “Request an aisle seat close to the bathrooms while in flight,” one member advised.

Another agreed: “Sit in an aisle seat so you can get up and move around whenever you need to.”

Temperatures can vary during air travel, so dress in layers you can take off easily to avoid getting overheated, or add if you’re sensitive to cold .

Also, take steps to make your time in the airport as easy as possible. Make sure all carry-on medications are in bottles that clearly label the type and who it is prescribed for so there will be fewer delays at security check-in. Although the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) doesn’t have a specific labeling requirement, there are different laws for prescriptions in different states, so it’s best to be prepared.

“If you keep the medication in the original labeled container and have a doctor’s note, that should help overcome any questions,” one member said.

See if you can enroll in the TSA PreCheck program beforehand, too. If you are accepted, you don’t need to follow the rules for removing liquids and can wear a jacket, shoes, and a belt through security.

It can be helpful to tell an airport worker about any special needs you have. One member suggested, “Ask for wheelchair assistance at the airport.”

Another shared, “I called the airport ahead of time to set up assistance and they picked me up at the entrance and took me everywhere I needed to go.”

Injectable Medications and Air Travel

Some injectable medications can be stored at room temperature and others need to be kept cold. The National Library of Medicine’s website DailyMed can help you determine which one you have. If you do need to keep medication refrigerated, a travel cooler with an ice pack can help. You must declare all injectables and anything that is used to cool them at airport security checks. To make it simpler for you and the security officials, put them in a plastic bag inside the cooler so they can be removed and replaced more easily. “Make sure it’s in original packaging with the prescription on the box,” one member advised.

Another said, “I also advise keeping your medicine with you, rather than risk it getting lost in your luggage.”

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What To Do During the Trip

Once you finally get to your destination, there are a few things you can do to make your stay more comfortable.

You might want to tell workers you’ll have regular contact with (for example, at a restaurant or hotel) about any noticeable symptoms. Explaining to them these symptoms are not things to worry about can help ease their minds.

Find out where the nearest emergency services are and the quickest way to them, in case you experience any exacerbations, flare-ups, or worsening of your MS symptoms.

Take rest days. It can be easier to see all the sights if you come back to your hotel room and rest for a while between them, especially if you’re having trouble sleeping at night. If you usually don’t use mobility aids, consider renting a scooter or a walker. That way, you can still do what you want while reducing fatigue from mobility issues.

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On MyMSTeam — the social network for people with multiple sclerosis and their loved ones — more than 214,400 members come together to ask questions, give advice, and share their stories with others who understand life with MS.

Looking for advice on how to best travel with MS? Have some tips of your own? Comment below, or start a new conversation on your Activities feed.

  • Traveling With Multiple Sclerosis — National Multiple Sclerosis Society
  • About the Air Carrier Access Act — U.S. Department of Transportation
  • Can You Pack Your Meds in a Pill Case and More Questions Answered — Transportation Security Administration
  • TSA PreCheck — Transportation Security Administration
  • DailyMed — National Library of Medicine
  • Disabilities and Medical Conditions — Transportation Security Administration
  • 9 Pharmacist-Backed Tips for Traveling With Insulin — GoodRx
  • Globe Trotting — Momentum


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Tomsk city, Russia

The capital city of Tomsk oblast .

Tomsk - Overview

Tomsk is a city in Russia located in the east of Western Siberia on the banks of the Tom River, the administrative center of Tomsk Oblast.

The population of Tomsk is about 570,800 (2022), the area - 295 sq. km.

The phone code - +7 3822, the postal codes - 634000-634538.

Tomsk city flag

Tomsk city coat of arms.

Tomsk city coat of arms

Tomsk city map, Russia

Tomsk city latest news and posts from our blog:.

10 November, 2019 / Tomsk - the view from above .

History of Tomsk

Foundation of tomsk.

According to a large number of archaeological finds, people lived on the territory of today’s Tomsk long before its foundation. At the end of the 16th century, by the time the Russians began to actively explore this region, Siberian Tatars and nomadic peoples at war with them lived here.

In January 1604, a delegation headed by Toyan, the prince of the Eushta Tatars, came to Moscow to the Russian Tsar Boris Godunov with a request to accept them into Russia and to protect them from the attacks of warlike neighbors - the Yenisei Kyrgyz and Kalmyks. In response, Boris Godunov signed a charter on the construction of a town on the lands of the Eushta people on the banks of the Tom River.

In June 1604, the fortress of Tomsk was founded on the southern promontory of Voskresenskaya Mountain towering over the right bank of the Tom. Therefore, the City Day of Tomsk is celebrated on June 7th. In the fall of 1604, all construction work was completed. Tomsk became an important strategic military center. Throughout the 17th century, it protected the local population - in 1614, 1617, 1657, and 1698, the fortress repelled the raids of nomads. In 1635, the population of Tomsk was about 2 thousand people.

More Historical Facts…

Tomsk in the 18th - early 20th centuries

In the 18th century, the borders of Russia moved far to the south and east, the raids of nomads stopped, and Tomsk lost its defensive significance. In 1723, about 8.5 thousand people lived in the town. From the middle of the 18th century, due to its remoteness from the European part of the country, it was used as a place of exile. After the creation of the Siberian Route, which ran from Moscow through Tomsk, the town became an important transit trade center.

In 1804, Tomsk became the administrative center of the huge Tomsk Governorate, which included the territories of the present Republic of Altai, Altai Krai, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, and Tomsk Oblasts, East Kazakhstan Oblast (Kazakhstan), western parts of Khakassia, and Krasnoyarsk Krai. It also became the cultural and economic center of the south of Western Siberia.

From the late 1830s to the middle of the century, the population of Tomsk grew rapidly thanks to the increasing gold mining in Siberia. In 1888, Tomsk University was opened - the first university in Siberia. At the end of the 19th century, during the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, it was decided that it should go much south of Tomsk. As a result, it lost its importance as a transport hub.

By the beginning of the 20th century, over 60 thousand people lived in Tomsk. The city had electric lighting, trams, and a telephone network. By 1914, Tomsk, with a population of 114 thousand people, was among the 25 largest cities of the Russian Empire and ranked first in terms of trade turnover in Siberia.

Tomsk after 1917

After the revolutionary events of 1917, Tomsk became a center for the opposition to the Bolshevik forces in Siberia. Until the end of 1919, the city served as a place for the formation and training of units of the White Army.

The period from 1918 to 1940 was a time of relative decline in Tomsk. There was a significant outflow of the population to the fast-growing Novosibirsk and other cities located on the Trans-Siberian Railway, because Tomsk lost the status of the administrative center of the region. In 1925, Tomsk became part of Siberian Krai. In 1930, it was transformed into West Siberian Krai. In 1937, Tomsk became a city of Novosibirsk Oblast.

During the Second World War, about 30 enterprises from the European part of the USSR were evacuated to Tomsk, which became the basis of the city’s industry. During the war years, the volume of industrial production in Tomsk tripled. From 1940 to 1944, the number of residents increased from 145 to 178 thousand people. On August 13, 1944, Tomsk Oblast was formed, and Tomsk became its administrative center.

In the post-war years, new industries appeared in Tomsk - optical-mechanical, electrical, mechanical rubber. Metalworking and mechanical engineering, food and light industries grew significantly. The development of the city and the region was also largely connected with the beginning of the industrial development of oil and natural gas fields.

In 1970, Tomsk, which had a large number of preserved monuments of wooden architecture of the 19th century, was given the status of a historical city. In 1989, the population of Tomsk exceeded half a million people.

In the 1990s, in Tomsk, as in most cities in Russia, there was a decline in industrial production, especially in mechanical engineering focused on military government orders. In 2004, Tomsk celebrated its 400th anniversary.

Pictures of Tomsk

Tomsk entrance sign

Tomsk entrance sign

Author: Tsigankov Konstantin

On the street in the historical center of Tomsk

On the street in the historical center of Tomsk

Author: Vladimir Kharitonov

In the residential area of Tomsk

In the residential area of Tomsk

Author: Dmitry Afonin

Tomsk - Features

Tomsk is located in the very heart of Siberia, about 3.6 thousand kilometers east of Moscow, on the border of the West Siberian Plain and the spurs of the Kuznetsk Alatau on the right bank of the Tom River, 50 km from the place of its confluence with the Ob River. The city is located on the edge of a taiga natural zone.

It was named after the Tom River on which it was founded. The researchers of the 18th century derived the hydronym “Tom” from the Ket word “tom” meaning “river”. The City Day of Tomsk is celebrated on June 7.

The climate in Tomsk is continental-cyclonic (transitional from European temperate continental to Siberian sharply continental). Winter is harsh and long, the average temperature in January is minus 17.1 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 18.7 degrees Celsius.

The international airport Tomsk (Bogashevo) named after Nikolai Kamov offers regular flights to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Surgut, Krasnoyarsk, Barnaul, Ulan-Ude, Ufa, Nizhnevartovsk, and a number of other Russian cities.

The current coat of arms of Tomsk is based on the coat of arms adopted in 1785. The silver horse was placed on the coat of arms as a sign that “the horses of this area are the best and the Tatars living nearby have stud farms”. The silver horse remains the symbol of Tomsk to this day.

Tomsk is the oldest educational and scientific center in Siberia. Today, students make up one fifth of the population of Tomsk - more than 117 thousand people.

Wooden architecture of Siberia is a bright page in the history of Russian architecture. In Tomsk, wooden architecture is original and expressive. It is here that whole groups of wooden buildings of the late 19th - early 20th centuries have been preserved. You will need at least three days to explore the large number of local attractions.

Main Attractions of Tomsk

Voskresenskaya Gora (Mountain) - the place where Tomsk was founded. Here you can see such sights of Tomsk as Beloye (White) Lake, Voskresenskaya (Resurrection) Church built in the rare Siberian Baroque style in 1789-1807, the Makushin House of Science - an architectural monument of the early 20th century, which houses the puppet theater “Skomorokh”, the Polish Church (1833). The best view of the surroundings opens from the Museum of the History of Tomsk.

Museum of the History of Tomsk . The building of this museum stands out for its unordinary architecture - a stone building crowned by a wooden observation tower, which you can climb and see Tomsk from above. Here you can find exhibitions about peasant and merchant life, a collection of porcelain, and other interesting historical and archaeological exhibits. One of the most interesting exhibits is a wooden monument to the Russian ruble - a copy of a 1 ruble coin, but 100 times larger than the original. Bakunin Street, 3.

Lagernyy Sad (Camps Garden) - a park with an area of about 40 hectares located on the right bank of the Tom River. Several thousand years ago, ancient settlements were located on this very place. The park got its name due to the fact that the summer camps of the Tomsk infantry regiment were located here in the 18th-19th centuries. Today, it is a huge green area with a large population of animals and birds.

Novo-Sobornaya Square - the central square of Tomsk. The architectural appearance of this square began to take shape in the 1840s. In 2003, the square was decorated with a fountain, in 2004 - a monument to the students of Tomsk, and in 2006— the Victory Alley memorial complex.

Tomsk Regional Museum of Local Lore - the largest museum in Tomsk Oblast with more than 140 thousand exhibits. The museum occupies an Empire style mansion of the 19th century and is dedicated to the history and culture of the Tomsk region. Among the most interesting collections are bronze items of the 5th-2nd centuries BC, old handwritten books, Russian silver coins, ceramics, furniture, personal funds of major researchers and architects. A tour of the museum can take several hours. Lenin Avenue, 75.

Tomsk Regional Art Museum . It is housed in a magnificent red brick and sandstone mansion built in 1903. This museum has an excellent collection of paintings, graphics, sculpture, arts and crafts, and icons. The exhibition includes canvases created by European painters of the 16th-21st centuries, Russian and Soviet artists of the 18th-21st centuries. Nakhanovich Lane, 3.

Architecture of Tomsk

Beautiful wooden buildings of Tomsk

Beautiful wooden buildings of Tomsk

Author: S. Shugarov

Wooden Lutheran Church of St. Mary in Tomsk

Wooden Lutheran Church of St. Mary in Tomsk

Church of the Resurrection in Tomsk

Church of the Resurrection in Tomsk

Museum of Wooden Architecture . The exposition of this museum is devoted to the main periods in the history of Tomsk wooden architecture. The building of the museum is an architectural monument of federal significance. The main exhibits are wooden fragments of houses (window frames, cornices, pilasters, examples of carved decor). Dozens of contemporary craftsmen showcase their talents in artistic woodworking in a separate hall. Kirov Street, 7.

The First Museum of Slavic Mythology . This museum offers a look at the origins of the Slavic religion - or rather, what was before the arrival of Orthodoxy. The museum collection is dedicated to Slavic epics, folk tales, and their heroes. Zagornaya Street, 12.

“The NKVD Investigative Prison” - a memorial museum located in the basement of the former NKVD prison. It is dedicated to the memory of people who suffered from repression during the Soviet era. The complex consists of the Square of Memory and the exhibition itself. The permanent exhibition is housed in a makeshift prison hall, cells, and the investigator’s office. The collection consists of documentary materials, photographs, handicrafts of prisoners, and their personal belongings. Lenin Avenue, 44.

Monument to Anton Chekhov - an unusual sculpture standing on the embankment of the Tom River opposite the restaurant “Slavyansky Bazar” (the oldest restaurant and one of the oldest buildings in Tomsk, Lenin Square, 10). The monument was created by sculptor L.A. Usov with voluntary donations. The master embodied the image of Chekhov “through the eyes of a drunken man lying in a ditch” according to the inscription on the pedestal. In 1890, during his visit to Sakhalin, Chekhov stayed in Tomsk for a week and found this city boring and not worthy of attention.

Monument to Happiness - one of the most original monuments of Tomsk. It is a bronze figure of a full, extremely pleased, and impudent wolf from the great Soviet cartoon “Once upon a time there was a dog”. Shevchenko Street, 19/1.

Epiphany Cathedral (1777-1784) - one of the oldest churches in Tomsk. This magnificent building constructed in the Siberian Baroque style is located in the very heart of Tomsk. Lenin Square, 7.

White Mosque (1914) - a majestic building constructed in the neo-Moorish style with stone carvings, lancet windows, and doors. Lugovoy Lane, 18.

Siberian Botanical Garden . The garden covers a huge area, more than 120 hectares. There are almost 8 thousand species of plants here including tropical and subtropical. Most of the trees, shrubs, and flowers can be found outdoors. Its grandiose greenhouse is one of the largest and highest in the world. Lenin Avenue, 34/1.

Picturesque architectural monuments of Tomsk:

  • “House with Firebirds” (1890) - a fine example of wooden architecture built by the merchant Zhelyabo as a wedding gift to his daughter, an architectural monument of federal significance (Krasnoarmeyskaya st., 67/1),
  • “House with Dragons” - one of the symbols of Tomsk with 7 bizarre carved dragons (Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, 68),
  • “House with a Hipped Roof”, also known as the Tomsk Regional Russian-German House - an elegant mansion built at the beginning of the 20th century for the wealthy merchant G.M. Golovanov, a masterpiece of wooden architecture not only in Tomsk, but throughout Siberia (Krasnoarmeyskaya st., 71),
  • The mansion of the architect S.V. Khomich (1904) - the architecture of this building is so eclectic that it rather resembles a fabulous gingerbread house (Belinsky, 19),
  • Tomsk State University - this building of the oldest university in Siberia, founded in 1888, is one of the most recognizable symbols of Tomsk (Lenin Avenue, 36),
  • Garrison House of Officers named after N.N. Yakovlev - a beautiful brick building with original decor (Lenin Avenue, 50),
  • Tomsk City Hall (1899) - an eclectic three-story mansion built of red brick and light sandstone located in the city center (Lenin Avenue, 73),
  • The estate of I.D. Astashev (1842) - a magnificent palace that once belonged to the gold miner Astashev, one of the most beautiful buildings in Tomsk (Lenin Avenue, 75).

Tomsk city of Russia photos

Tomsk views.

Tomsk Railway Station

Tomsk Railway Station

Tomsk Regional Drama Theater

Tomsk Regional Drama Theater

House with a Hipped Roof in Tomsk

House with a Hipped Roof in Tomsk

Author: Stanislav Smakotin

Sights of Tomsk

Monument to Happiness in Tomsk

Monument to Happiness in Tomsk

Monument to Anton Chekhov in Tomsk

Monument to Anton Chekhov in Tomsk

Red Mosque in Tomsk

Red Mosque in Tomsk

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    As well as travel insurance, it's worth getting a health insurance card if you're going to an EU country or Switzerland. ... Multiple Sclerosis Society (MS Society UK). Registered charity nos 1139257 / SC041990. Registered as a limited company in England and Wales 07451571. Registered office address: Carriage House, 8 City North Place, London ...

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    Bus Travel Resources. Greyhound offers services to customers with disabilities, including help during boarding/de-boarding, assistance with luggage, and stowage/retrieval of wheeled mobility devices. Call 1-800-752-4841. Megabus provides accessible transportation service to customers with special requirements.

  3. Insurance

    Can I get travel insurance with MS? Most travel insurance policies will exclude all pre-existing medical conditions, including MS. This means you'd be unable to claim under the policy for: ... Multiple Sclerosis Society (MS Society UK). Registered charity nos 1139257 / SC041990. Registered as a limited company in England and Wales 07451571.

  4. Traveling with MS Guide

    Travel agents specializing in MS include Tarita Davenock with Travel for All and Sylvia Longmire from Spin the Globe. Insurance. If the trip is $$$ and the loss of those funds would be detrimental, consider purchasing travel insurance when you book your trip (we like Travel Guard). Most travel insurance companies WILL recognize pre-existing ...

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  6. Travel insurance

    GCCK 11 August 2022 11:42 10. Stick "travel insurance with medical conditions" into your search engine of choice and you'll have no end of choice. I ended up with Staysure for a 1-week cruise and paying £65 after declaring 59, overweight, hypertension and of course, MS. No interest in medical reports from Docs etc.

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    Other areas to consider in general are the type of transportation you'll require, which may depend on personal devices, the need for a service dog, and any documentation if needed. As an example, airlines might ask for a U.S. DOT form defining the health, behavior, and training received for your service dog. Be sure to check with the airlines ...

  8. Travel

    Lastly, travel insurance that includes 24/7 assistance and repatriation services can provide peace of mind, as they can assist in case of a severe MS-related emergency. Always carefully review the policy terms and conditions and consult with your healthcare provider before embarking on your journey to ensure you have the most suitable coverage ...

  9. Travel Insurance

    I am going to New York in April with my family (husband and two teenage sons). Have just been looking at travel insurance and some of the quotes are ridiculous prices. ... Thank you ! MS Society UK | Forum Travel Insurance. Finance and benefits. juliemacb 2 February 2019 09:47 1. Hi everyone. I am going to New York in April with my family ...

  10. Travel insurance...

    Does anyone know of any good travel insurance companies (other than the MS society cover) which covers MS including cancellation cover/repatriation etc.? Finding it hard to get cover as most companies see that I've had an MS related hospital appointment within the last six months! (That will ALWAYS be the case thanks to me having a good consultant and MS nurse!). Nothing's ever easy!

  11. Multiple Sclerosis and Travel

    MS is considered a pre-existing medical condition and must be declared to the insurer before travel. Purchasing comprehensive travel insurance is strongly recommended to pay for any medical expenses whilst abroad. MS websites offer advice on appropriate insurance companies, for example the Multiple Sclerosis Trust or the MS Society. Check the ...

  12. Focus on travel insurance for Multiple Sclerosis

    According to the MS Society there are about 100,000 people living with multiple sclerosis in the UK, most of who are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 40, an age when people want to live life to the full, including enjoying holidays abroad. ... can provide MS travel insurance cover online or by phone, once you have told ...

  13. Financial support

    Going abroad: travel insurance and more. ... Multiple Sclerosis Society (MS Society UK). Registered charity nos 1139257 / SC041990. Registered as a limited company in England and Wales 07451571. Registered office address: Carriage House, 8 City North Place, London N4 3FU ...

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    Multiple Sclerosis: Travel Planning. Medically Reviewed by William Blahd, MD on April 18, 2017. ... Trip insurance. If you're concerned that a flare-up could delay your trip, check airline and ...

  15. Travel Insurance

    MS Society UK | Forum Travel Insurance. Everyday living. Inactive_User 14 February 2018 10:32 1. Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum so any advice would be greatly received. ... Travel insurance, vehicle breakdown, gadget cover, mobile phone cover, home emergency cover, they are all part of the same package, I think its called Barclays ...

  16. Useful Tips for Traveling With MS

    ©️ 2024 The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is a tax exempt 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Its Identification Number (EIN) is 13-5661935. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is proud to be a source of information on multiple sclerosis related topics.

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    Plan for: 2-3 days. Great for: Single, group, and family travelers. Cost: Hotels prices vary; see our accessibility resource guide. Tranquil Adventures base rates are $350/half day and $500/full ...

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  22. Travel Tips for People With Multiple Sclerosis (VIDEO)

    Purchasing Travel Insurance. Travel insurance can be valuable if there is a chance you may not make the trip. Travel agents can help you find insurance. Traveling by Plane. The Air Carrier Access Act prohibits discrimination based on disability in all forms of air travel. Although airlines generally do not need advance notice of a passenger ...

  23. Tomsk city, Russia travel guide

    Tomsk - Overview. Tomsk is a city in Russia located in the east of Western Siberia on the banks of the Tom River, the administrative center of Tomsk Oblast. The population of Tomsk is about 570,800 (2022), the area - 295 sq. km. The phone code - +7 3822, the postal codes - 634000-634538. Local time in Tomsk city is September 22, 12:14 pm (+7 UTC).