Ski & snowboard, nieve & sol, noches donde no vas a parar de divertirte.



Una cadena de hoteles exclusivos únicos por su confort, calidad y ubicados en pleno centro..

  • Los Hoteles ofrecen:
  • Restaurantes y restobar
  • SUM y seguridad privada
  • Cabinas de teléfonos
  • Cajas de seguridad


Con toda la logística y seguridad, trabajamos para vos estamos en los detalles para que vivas la mejor experiencia, travel rock es perfecta para el viaje de egresados a bariloche. ninguna empresa podría ser ni la mitad de lo que es travel rock.

Seguridad, Calidad, Cortesía, Cumplimiento y Show: son la base de nuestra solidez, éxito y confianza. Somos una compañía que se formó en el año 2002. Quienes la creamos, hemos transitado más de 25 años en el mundo del turismo y el entretenimiento. Durante nuestra trayectoria transportamos a más de un millón de chicos de viaje de egresados a Bariloche.

Tomamos como estandartes principios de cultura ligados a fuertes conceptos que contienen un alto significado a la hora de brindar servicios de excelencia. Seguridad, en primer lugar y siempre. Es nuestro primer compromiso no solo con ustedes y los chicos, sino con la vida y nosotros mismos. Lo aplicamos a diario, en cada paso, en cada decisión. No hay improvisaciones.

Nuestros departamentos de Sistemas, Operaciones, Relaciones Institucionales, Coordinación, Coordinación de áreas y Coordinación General, operan 24 hs. monitoreando y controlando cada situación del viaje, cada traslado, cada comida, cada inquietud, cada movimiento, cada consulta, todo. En Bariloche más de 100 personas entre coordinadores, coordinadores de hotel, coordinadores de asistencia médica, médicos, representantes de relaciones institucionales, coordinadores de RRPP, expertos en calidad y gestión, gerentes, directivos, y accionistas, forman nuestra compañía y son parte fundamental de nuestro servicio, dedicado a la atención y el cuidado de cada uno de los chicos. No te lo pierdas, pasa una sola vez en la vida, TRAVEL ROCK Lo hace mágico!

Contratación ¿Cómo contrato el viaje de egresados con Travel Rock? Lo podes contratar mediante nuestros representantes que van a estar visitándote en la puerta del colegio o podes solicitar una reunión contactándote con nosotros a [email protected] o comunicándote al 011-4325-7625

¿Ya nos decidimos a viajar por Travel Rock, como se efectiviza? Se firma un contrato grupal, que se hace con dos padres representantes del grupo y luego se llena una solicitud de adhesión individual que se complementa a ese contrato grupal

¿Puedo contratar a Travel Rock en cualquier lugar de la Argentina? Travel Rock tiene sucursales propias en todo el País, así que no importa donde estés, podes solicitar que te vayamos a visitar con nuestra propuesta. Escribimos a [email protected] o comunicate al 011-4325-7625

El Viaje ¿Cuándo días dura el viaje? El viaje tiene una duración de 11 días, 8 noches, para la mayoría de las provincias, en algunos casos el tiempo de viaje se extiende dependiendo desde donde parta el grupo. ¿Cómo es el transporte? Todas las unidades de viaje, no tienen una antigüedad mayor a 2 años. Servicio 5 estrellas, servicio semi-cama.

Hoteles ¿Cómo son los Hoteles? Todos los hoteles cuentan con la misma categoría de calidad y servicios, son todos céntricos y los mismos son diagramados de acuerdo a la cantidad de pasajeros viajantes y fecha de salida.

Fecha de Salida ¿Cuándo me confirman mi fecha de Salida? La fecha de salida se confirma 30 días antes del inicio de la temporada contratada.

Pagos ¿Dónde se puede realizar los pagos? Todos los pagos se realizan en pago fácil o rapipago siempre que se esté dentro de la fecha de vencimiento que figura en la chequera de pagos. Pasada esta fecha se dispone de 10 días para abonar en Banco Nación, posterior a esto se debe abonar en casa central o en cualquiera de las sucursales habilitadas.

Coordinación ¿Cuántos coordinadores acompañan al grupo? Cada grupo dispondrá de dos coordinadores que se encontraran acompañando al grupo las 24hs en el transcurso del viaje. Además contamos con coordinación estable en San Carlos de Bariloche durante toda la temporada, supervisando cada una de las áreas que componen el viaje de egresados.

Documentación ¿Qué documentación es requerida para la salida? Documentación para la salida es DNI, CHEQUERA DE PAGOS Y FICHA MEDICA PERSONAL, debidamente firmada por los padres y médico autorizado.

Otras consultas Cancelación: Si por algún motivo debes cancelar tu viaje, podes leer las normas de cancelación que figuran en la cláusula DECIMO PRIMERA de las condiciones generales del contrato. También podes optar por transferir el viaje como se especifica en la cláusula DECIMO SEGUNDA del mismo contrato.

Bonificados y Liberados: La empresa da bonificados para padres acompañantes. Y liberados para estudiantes o integrantes del contingente de acuerdo a la cantidad de pasajeros pagos.

Centro Médico

Travel rock tiene asistencia médica durante toda la estadía.

La cobertura Incluye el viaje de ida y regreso con chequeo médico en ruta. Técnico en emergencias y médico las 24 hs en las discotecas y excursiones.

Consultorios médicos exclusivos en cada uno de los hoteles.

Staff de prevención con personal capacitado para asistir en seguridad de higiene y predios, hoteles, unidades de transporte y discotecas. Ambulancias exclusivas.

Un seguro completo que lo cubre todo respondiendo siempre. Staff de médicos permanente para que te cuiden durante toda la estadía.

Sistema de Control

Monitoreo con tecnología de punta, una herramienta revolucionaria y exclusiva.

Seguridad y control de última generación. Travel Rock utiliza el sistema EFESUR y sus dispositivos que permiten tener un control total y completo, ágil y práctico.

Con sólo aproximar un smartphone sobre la pulsera con chip RFID que se le coloca a cada pasajero al comenzar su viaje, se obtendrán todos sus datos y accesos a los diferentes lugares que visite.

Travel Rock Headquartes

  • Florida 253 - 1° piso - CP 1005. Tel: 011-4325-7625
  • LOMAS DE ZAMORA Saavedra 370 (1832) Tel: 4292-1911
  • BAHIA BLANCA O'higgins 321 (8000) Tel: 0291-4546921
  • MARTINEZ Alvear 387 Planta Alta (1640) Tel: 011-4793-3507
  • LA PLATA Calle 49 Nº 882 (1900) Tel: 0221-4221840
  • MAR DEL PLATA Falucho 3252 (7600) Tel: 0223-4957404
  • PERGAMINO San Nicolas 244 - Planta Alta (2700) Tel: 02477-441517
  • CATAMARCA Esquiu 418 Local 11 (4700) Tel: 0383-4427164
  • CHACO Julio A. Roca 460 -Local 3 (3500) Tel: 0362-4426600
  • CÓRDOBA Av. Colon 259 - Primer Piso Galeria Planeta - Local 135 (5000) Tel: 0351-4242713
  • CORRIENTES Belgrano 1698 - Local 4 (3400) Tel: 0379-4429752
  • FORMOSA Fontana 766 1º Piso - Oficina 4 (3600) Tel: 0370-4429399
  • JUJUY Independencia 658 1º oficina 3 (4600) Tel: 0388-4243549
  • LA RIOJA Belgrano 217 (5300) Tel: 0380-4434706
  • LA PAMPA Juan B. Justo 12. Tel: 02954-422957 Cel: 0230 -2463883
  • MENDOZA Peltier 50 1º Piso - Oficina 14 (5500) Tel: 0261-4247856
  • MISIONES Calle 3 de Febrero 1915 E307 (ES307),Posadas Tel: 0376-4440821
  • PARANA 25 de Mayo 181 - Local 8 Gal. Paseo De La Catedral (3100) Tel: 0343-4228200
  • RECONQUISTA Belgrano 672 (3560) Tel: 03482-449204
  • RIO CUARTO Sobremonte 530 1ª Piso, OF 30 Galeria Sobremonte (5800) - Córdoba Tel: 0358-4642375
  • ROSARIO Cordoba 1724 - Planta Alta (2000) Tel: 0341-4407532 / 0341-4832278/2638
  • SALTA Santiago del Estero 555 1º oficina C (4400) Tel: 0387-4227889
  • SAN JUAN AV. Libertador San Martín 403 Oeste, Planta alta Tel: 0264-4229005
  • SAN LUIS Chacabuco 645 (5700) Tel: 0266-4443344
  • SANTA FE 9 de Julio 2350 (3000) Tel: 0342-4563036
  • SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Independencia 125 1º Piso - Oficina A (4200) Tel: 0385-4228143
  • TRELEW Italia 164 (9100) Tel: 0280-4429284
  • TUCUMAN Buenos Aires 39/41 - Local 7 Galeria Baires (4000) Tel: 0381-4975400 / 0381-4975885


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Are you ready for a good time?

Ministerio de Turismo Leg. 11297. Res. 23/2014 . | TODOS LOS DERECHOS RESERVADOS - TRAVEL ROCK ARGENTINA | LEGALES .

Ski día completo... alucinante!!! incluidos el equipamiento tablas / bastones instructores y medios de elevación! El mejor sector de la montaña para practicar Ski con mayor facilidad!.

  • Día de Ski completo
  • -Aventura en four trax o speed mountain Chall-Huaco.
  • -Hard trekking en Colonia Suiza
  • -Travel Rock Sports Games
  • -Circuito regional y City Tour
  • -Cerro Catedral y Gruta Virgen de las Nieves
  • -Refugio de Montaña Rock
  • -Circuito Chico y Punto Panorámico.

City Tour Trekking exclusivo en Colonia Suiza. Rafting en el rio Limay Circuito Regional TRAVEL ROCK Sport Games!!! y Premios.

Toda la Magia del día, aventuras a toda nieve.

EXCURSIONES circuito chico, punto panorámico y Cerro López, Ski. Cerro Catedral, visita a la gruta Virgen de las Nieves. Piedras Blancas, Cabalgatas en la montaña, Safari 4x4, Paintball, Aventura en Four Trax, Speed Mountain! Búsqueda del tesoro de los piratas.

City Tour Magic Search! Trekking exclusivo en Colonia Suiza, rafting en el Río Limay, Cross road, Circuito regional.

TRAVEL ROCK Sports Games! Premios! Staff de coordinadores 24hs intercomunicados por radio VHF. Lugares privilegiados! Aventura nocturna en la montaña! Expedición patagónica de TRAVEL ROCK!

TRAVEL ROCK tiene asistencia médica durante toda la estadía. Chequeo médico en ruta y médico las 24hs en las discos y excursiones. Consultorios médicos exclusivos en cada uno de los hoteles. Un seguro completo que lo cubre todo respondiendo siempre.

COMIDAS Desayuno-almuerzo-merienda-cena con postres y gaseosas libres! (Línea Coca-Cola) Incluye 5ta comida. Al regreso de las discos hay pizzas, empanadas, hamburguesas y gaseosas sin cargo.

SERVICIO Equipados con Play Station y otros entretenimientos para que puedas disfrutar al máximo. Cómodas y perfectas habitaciones amplias totalmente equipadas.

Salidas de emergencia, credenciales de acceso.

COBERTURA MÉDICA TOTAL E INTEGRAL DE ASSIST CARD: Asistencia médica total y completa, con medicamentos durante toda la estadía y consultorio médico en los hoteles las 24hs. Los médicos son exclusivos de Travel Rock.


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VISTO el Expediente N° STN:0001846/2011 del Registro del MINISTERIO DE TURISMO, la Ley de Agentes de Viajes No 18.829 y sus modificaciones, la Ley de Turismo Estudiantil No 25.599 y su modificatoria, y CONSIDERANDO: Que por el artículo 1o de la Ley de Turismo Estudiantil No 25.599 y su modificatoria se determinó que las agencias de viajes debidamente habilitadas e inscriptas en el Registro de Agentes de Viajes de la entonces SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO de la PRESIDENCIA DE LA NACIÓN, de conformidad con la Ley de Agentes de Viajes No 18.829, que brinden servicios a contingentes estudiantiles, deben contar con un "Certificado Nacional de Autorización para Agencias de Turismo Estudiantil". Que la misma ley en sus artículos 5o, 6o y 7o impuso una serie de requisitos para el otorgamiento del citado certificado y la realización de contratos, según condiciones establecidas por la Autoridad de Aplicación. Que mediante la Resolución No 237 de fecha 15 de marzo de 2007 de la ex SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO entonces dependiente de PRESIDENCIA DE LA NACIÓN se aprobó el Reglamento de Turismo Estudiantil, siendo posteriormente modificada por las Resoluciones Nros. 61 del 6 de febrero de 2008 y 435 del 19 de junio de 2008 del mismo registro y 271 del 21 de abril de 2009 de la entonces SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO del ex MINISTERIO DE PRODUCCIÓN. Que a través de la Resolución No 237/07 y sus modificatorias se establecieron los requisitos para el otorgamiento y vigencia del "Certificado Nacional de Autorización para Agencias de Turismo Estudiantil", se indicaron las causales objetivas de reintegro de los aportes efectuados al referido fondo, se especificaron las obligaciones de las agencias y las sanciones en caso de incumplimiento, entre otros aspectos. Que, posteriormente, mediante el artículo 6o de la Resolución No 435/08 se implementó la modalidad de pago de multa voluntario para determinadas conductas con sanciones de contenido pecuniario. Que es intención de este Ministerio agudizar y extender los controles ya existentes para el funcionamiento de las agencias destinadas a la comercialización de turismo estudiantil. Que se propicia asimismo el pago de la denominada "Cuota Cero" al inicio de la relación contractual, a fin de lograr una cobertura desde el comienzo de la vigencia de los contratos de todos aquellos turistas-usuarios que la norma intenta proteger. Que la sola denominación "Cuota Cero" indica que su pago debe ser anterior a todo otro y que la base del sistema de cobertura está dado por el pago efectivo de esta cuota. Que como acción preventiva y en cumplimiento del principio de protección de los derechos del turista, este Ministerio debe efectuar los controles también directamente con los prestadores de servicios de las agencias de viajes que cuenten con el "Certificado Nacional de Autorización para Agencias de Turismo Estudiantil", de conformidad con los datos que surgen del Sistema Aplicativo de Turismo Estudiantil. Que con el fin de evitar la acumulación innecesaria de trámites y obligaciones que pesan sobre los administrados, corresponde restringir presentaciones de documentación para los viajes de estudios, sin que esto implique un menoscabo en el control pertinente. Que ello obedece a que las modalidades de turismo estudiantil (viajes de estudio y viajes de egresados), si bien tratadas de manera uniforme por la legislación vigente, poseen características disímiles que obligan a diferenciarlas. Que mediante el "Convenio de Cooperación y Emprendimientos Conjuntos para la Implementación y Puesta en Marcha del Registro de Coordinadores y Asistentes de Turismo Estudiantil", suscripto entre el MINISTERIO DE TURISMO, la ASOCIACIÓN ARGENTINA DE AGENCIAS DE VIAJES Y TURISMO y la ASOCIACIÓN DE PADRES DEL TURISMO ESTUDIANTIL y aprobado mediante la Resolución No 154 del 23 de diciembre de 2010 del MINISTERIO DE TURISMO, es requisito indispensable que los coordinadores y asistentes de coordinador de turismo estudiantil se inscriban en dicho registro y efectúen la renovación anual de su inscripción, como presupuesto indispensable para desempeñarse en tal carácter. Que además resulta necesario efectuar otras modificaciones a la normativa vigente, en aras de establecer mejores herramientas a fin de garantizar el cumplimiento de las prestaciones de servicios de turismo estudiantil en los destinos del exterior de la REPÚBLICA ARGENTINA. Que asimismo, en virtud de las obligaciones que se generan corresponde imponer nuevas sanciones y modificar el monto de las existentes ante posibles incumplimientos. Que por último, resulta conveniente establecer en un único cuerpo normativo las normas reglamentarias vigentes a la fecha. Que la presente medida se dicta en uso de las atribuciones conferidas por la Ley de Agentes de Viajes No 18.829 y sus modificaciones, la Ley de Turismo Estudiantil No 25.599 y su modificatoria y los Decretos Nros. 919/10 y 8/11. Por ello, EL MINISTRO DE TURISMO RESUELVE: ARTÍCULO 1°.- Apruébase el "Reglamento de Turismo Estudiantil" que como Anexo integra la presente medida. ARTÍCULO 2°.- Deróganse las Resoluciones Nros. 237 del 15 de marzo de 2007, 61 del 6 de febrero de 2008 y 435 del 19 de junio de 2008, todas ellas de la ex SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO entonces dependiente de PRESIDENCIA DE LA NACIÓN, 271 del 21 de abril de 2009 de la entonces SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO del ex MINISTERIO DE PRODUCCIÓN y 143 del 6 de junio de 2012 del MINISTERIO DE TURISMO. ARTÍCULO 3°.- La presente medida entrará en vigencia a partir de su publicación en el Boletín Oficial. ARTÍCULO 4°.- Comuníquese, publíquese, dése a la Dirección Nacional del Registro Oficial y archívese. RESOLUCIÓN No 23 Publicada en el Boletín Oficial el 6 de Febrero de 2014

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Atención presencial - reservá tu turno, atención: para pagos, presentarse sin turno en su sucursal.


  • Excursiones
  • Cotiza Aquí
  • Preguntas Frecuentes
  • Bases y Condiciones
  • Política Integrada
  • Certificaciones

hotel bariloche city travel rock

Travel Rock garantiza los más altos niveles de diversión las 24 hs., ofreciendo a los chicos y chicas las mejores y más exclusivas excursiones de todo Bariloche ¡No te pierdas ni una de estas increíbles aventuras! Sin lugar a dudas, la mejor manera de aprovechar tu Gira de Estudios.

hotel bariloche city travel rock

Nuestra cadena de hoteles cuenta con una estética vanguardista, amplias y cómodas habitaciones, seguridad las 24hs, consultorios con médicos exclusivos, equipamientos de última generación, salas de juegos, kiosco, excelentes restaurantes con atención personalizada, gastronomía de primera calidad diseñada y controlada por nutricionistas, con pensión completa y quinta comida incluida.

hotel bariloche city travel rock

Travel Rock ofrece las mejores fiestas exclusivas en las discos más importantes de todo Bariloche. Hazte amigo del robot gigante de Cerebro, deslúmbrate con el show de lasers de By Pass y desafía a tus amigos/as bailando bajo el cañón de CO2 de alta potencia de Genux.

hotel bariloche city travel rock

  • Cobertura médica total e integral de Assist Card
  • Centro médico exclusivo en la base del Cerro Catedral
  • Fast Pass en el Sanatorio San Carlos y el Centro Traumatológico Bariloche
  • Traslado aéreo de emergencia en avión sanitario
  • Consultorios médicos en los hoteles las 24hs
  • Médico exclusivo durante toda la estadía
  • 650 cámaras de seguridad
  • Pulseras Efesur de última generación con datos de cada pasajero/a
  • Sistema de reconocimiento facial en ingreso de los hoteles y habitaciones
  • Prevencionistas en los pasillos de los hoteles

hotel bariloche city travel rock

Santiago +56 9 7435 1692 Talca +56 9 7722 2736 Concepción +56 9 7722 3525 Viña del Mar +56 9 7721 2615 La Serena +56 9 7722 3986 Temuco +56 45 231 5627 Antofagasta ‎+56 9 5010 4379

hotel bariloche city travel rock

hotel bariloche city travel rock

Bienvenidos al Hotel Bariloche City


Un nuevo hotel te espera en San Carlos de Bariloche .

Cerca de las mejores discos y del Centro Cívico. Te estaremos esperando para que vivas tus mejores vacaciones.

Contamos con todos los servicios para que en Bariloche solo te ocupes de pasarla bien.

Nuestro personal altamente capacitado y siempre dispuesto a brindarte lo mejor.

La infraestructura es de privilegio en todo con una decoración única.

Salón de juegos.


hotel bariloche city travel rock



Value for money

Great location!

You're eligible for a Genius discount at HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY! To save at this property, all you have to do is sign in .

Featuring a bar, HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY is set in San Carlos de Bariloche in the Río Negro region, 500 metres from Playa del Centro and 3 km from Melipal. This 3-star hotel offers room service, a 24-hour front desk and free WiFi. The hotel features family rooms. Civic Centre is 500 metres from the hotel, while Serena Bay is 11 km away. The nearest airport is San Carlos De Bariloche Airport, 14 km from HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY.

Couples particularly like the location — they rated it 8.9 for a two-person trip.

Distance in property description is calculated using © OpenStreetMap

  • Family rooms
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Room service
  • 24-hour front desk
  • Good breakfast

Property highlights

Situated in the best rated area in San Carlos de Bariloche, this hotel has an excellent location score of 8.9

Sign in, save money


Select dates to see this property's availability and prices


Hotel surroundings, facilities of hotel bariloche city, house rules hotel bariloche city takes special requests - add in the next step, child policies.

Children of any age are welcome.

Children 6 years and above will be charged as adults at this property.

To see correct prices and occupancy information, please add the number of children in your group and their ages to your search.

Cot and extra bed policies

Cots and extra beds are not available at this property.


What type of room can i book at hotel bariloche city, how much does it cost to stay at hotel bariloche city.

The prices at HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY may vary depending on your stay (e.g. dates you select, hotel's policy etc.). See the prices by entering your dates.

How close to the beach is HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY?

The nearest beach is just 450 yards from HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY. All distances are measured in straight lines. Actual travel distances may vary.

How far is HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY from the centre of San Carlos de Bariloche?

HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY is 550 yards from the centre of San Carlos de Bariloche. All distances are measured in straight lines. Actual travel distances may vary.

What are the check-in and check-out times at HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY?

Check-in at HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY is from 14:00, and check-out is until 10:00.

What is there to do at HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY?

The best of san carlos de bariloche, popular areas.

  • Tresor Casino

Most popular cities

  • Villa La Angostura
  • Puerto Blest
  • Perito Moreno

hotel bariloche city travel rock

Personalised recommendations

We provide personalised recommendations based on your activity on our platform. If you prefer, you can opt-out of this option. Keep in mind, opting-out only affects your current device. You must therefore adjust this setting on each device as necessary to reflect your preference.

Verified reviews from real guests.

We have more than 70 million property reviews, and they're all from real, verified guests .

How does it work?

It starts with a booking.

The only way to leave a review is to first make a booking. That's how we know our reviews come from real guests who have stayed at the property.

Followed by a trip

When guests stay at the property they check out how quiet the room is, how friendly the staff are and more.

And finally, a review

After their trip, guests tell us about their stay. We check for naughty words and verify the authenticity of all guest reviews before adding them to our site.

If you booked through us and want to leave a review, please sign in first.

Check-in date

Check-out date

hotel bariloche city travel rock

Hotel Bariloche City

Hotel Bariloche City

Main amenities of the hotel

  • Free Internet
  • Suitable for children
  • Bar or restaurant
  • For guests with disabilities
  • Air-conditioning
  • San Carlos de Bariloche International Airport  •  13.1 km

Available rooms

Enter your dates of travel and we will display the current prices

No dates selected

If you don't know the specific dates yet, select approximate dates to see the price estimates.

San Martin 485 Esquina Berutti,San Martin, Bariloche

Description of the hotel

Want to save money while travelling? It’s easy: hotel «Hotel Bariloche City» is located in Bariloche. This hotel is located in the center of the city. Before going to bed, you can walk around the main landmarks of the city.

At the hotel

You can stop by the bar. Taste the local cuisine and have a rest in the restaurant. Free Wi-Fi is available on the territory. Ask for more information when checking in. Children will be happy, there is a playroom for them.

Accessible for guests with disabilities: the elevator helps them to go to the highest floors. Additional services that the hotel offers to its guests: a safe-deposit box.

Room amenities

In the room, for you, there is a shower and a TV. The room equipment depends on its category.

Facts about the hotel

Type of electrical socket

220 V / 50 Hz

What other amenities are there?

  • Air conditioning
  • 24-hour reception
  • Elevator/lift
  • Smoke-free property
  • Television in lobby
  • All Spaces Non-Smoking (public and private)
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Room service
  • Family room


  • Accessibility features

Services and amenities

  • Safe-deposit box
  • Internet access
  • Family/Kid Friendly

Check-in terms and conditions

Additional information.

  • Company and team

Our app has lower prices and more options! You can also pay by Apple Pay and Android Pay there. Besides, you can easily access your booking vouchers in your personal account even if you're offline.

Registered service mark in the European Union

  • 5-star hotels (12)
  • 4-star hotels (36)
  • 3-star hotels (136)
  • 2-star hotels (70)
  • Villas in San Carlos de Bariloche (23)
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Hotel Bariloche City

Hotel City San Carlos de Bariloche

Hotel Bariloche City 3*

Situated approximately a 5-minute ride from Lavadero Bariloche, Hotel Bariloche City features Wi-Fi in public areas, and a car park on site. Located only a few steps from Cerro Viejo Theme Park, this 3-star hotel also offers proximity to Museo del Chocolate Havanna.

You'll need 19-minute drive to San Carlos De Bariloche airport. A popular place in San Carlos de Bariloche is Lago Nahuel Huapi, which is only 0.8 km away. Nature lovers will appreciate the proximity to Playa del Centro, which is 700 metres away. Hotel Bariloche City is located about a 5-minute drive from Plaza Catedral. The accommodation is just near the Tobogan Cerro Viejo cable car station.

A continental breakfast is available every morning. Di Como Pizzas y Pastas pampers guests with Italian dishes and lies a short walk from the hotel.

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Bariloche: Ultimate Guide to ‘Argentina’s Switzerland’

Bariloche, nestled along the shore of Lake Nahuel Huapi and surrounded by snow-capped peaks serves as the gateway to the playland of Patagonia.

San carlos de Bariloche, collage featuring mountains, lakes and snow

The Rio Negro province’s largest city offers not only postcard-worthy views but alpine-style comforts from which to explore Argentina’s Lakes District.

Ever since Europeans landed in the area, Bariloche has been called the ‘Switzerland of Argentina’ due to the cultural influence of the immigrants who settled here.

Table of Contents

Establishing Argentina’s ‘Switzerland’

In 1895, Carlos Wiederhold, a Chilean of German descent, built a general store in Bariloche called ‘ La Alemana ’ (‘The German’).

Seven years later President Julio Argentino Roca, — eager to secure claims of Argentinean land in Patagonia amidst border disputes — officially decreed the village an agricultural settlement named ‘San Carlos de Bariloche,’ after its founder.

Although remote — it’s 1650 kilometers from Buenos Aires —  the area’s natural beauty meant Bariloche was destined to develop into a coveted holiday haven.

In 1903, academic and explorer Francisco ‘Perito’ Moreno donated 19000 acres of land here to the government, paving the way for the creation of Argentina’s national park system in 1934.

Argentina was one of the world’s richest nations at the time and was the third country to establish a national park system , after the United States and Canada.

Originally known as Parque Nacional del Sur , Nahuel Huapi was Argentina’s first national park, followed closely by Iguazu Falls National Park .

Today Nahuel Huapi National Park spans over two million acres and includes the city of Bariloche.

Argentina’s economic crisis at the turn of the 21st century meant suddenly the country was affordable for foreigners. The city welcomed more international visitors than ever before, particularly from Israel and Europe.

A road in the Bariloche region

Today, the town is nicknamed ‘ Braziloche ’ thanks to its popularity with vacationing Brazilians.

Locals in the tourism industry speak not only English, but also Portuguese – or at least the Spanish-Portuguese mix dubbed, ‘ Portuñol .’

With a thriving chocolate industry and romantic getaways such as Isla Corazon (Heart Island) Bariloche is also famed as a honeymoon destination.

The Indigenous People of Bariloche 

Hunter-gatherer tribes migrated south to this area at least 10,600 years ago.

Three native tribes occupied the Nahuel Huapi area: the Puelches in the mountain grasslands, the Tehuelches along the eastern and southern shores of Nahuel Huapi Lake, and Mapuche who lived along the northern part of the Limay river up to Lanin Volcano.

Small groups of families lived clustered together and used the lakes and rivers as trade routes.

The Spaniards first landed in Lake Nahuel Huapi in 1620 but it wasn’t until 1760 that Jesuit missionaries began to document the native population here.

The Mapuche people were universally recognized as the most courageous natives in the area. They spoke ‘ Veliche’, a dialect of ‘Mapudungun,’ a language shared among different tribes stretching from Aconcagua to southern Patagonia.

‘Bariloche’ got its name from the Mapudungun word ‘ Vuriloche ,’ or ‘people who live between the mountains.’

(The common Argentine address of ‘che’ , meaning ‘people’ also comes from Mapudungun.)

While the original Jesuit missionaries, led by Father Nicolo Mascardi, lived peacefully with the locals, the tribes withheld their secret trade roots from the foreigners, which initially helped them defend their territory throughout Patagonia and Chile’s Araucania region at the start of the government’s deadly ‘Desert Conquest’ campaign.

The military campaign, led by then-General Julio Argentino Roca decimated the indigenous population.

Thousands of Mapuche were killed in the fighting and tens of thousands were displaced.

In the 135 years since the Mapuche have continued to experience marginalization and human rights abuses.

It wasn’t until 2006 that the indigenous remaining in the area received reparations for their lost legacy.

The restitution, managed by the Nahuel Huapi National Park administration, includes property rights of ancestral lands for three Mapuche communities and a co-management program of the national park.

The Lof-Wiritrai , who live on the northeast shores of Mascardi Lake, operate a camping and a cultural center.

The Lof-Huenchupan , run the Villegas River area along route 40 on the way to El Bolson. They focus on native sustainable practices such as harvesting rainwater and replanting native trees and medicinal plants.

The Lof-Kinxikex , who settled in the northern area of the National Park en route to Villa la Angostura and Los Arrayanes National Park, oversee a hunting area and commercial craft workshop.

In recent years, tensions between the Mapuche and the Argentine government have increased as capital interests come head-to-head with the ancestral land claims of the minority indigenous community.

Native Folk Tales of the Region

A few Mapuche stories are still well-known among Bariloche locals.

The most popular is the folk tale of Nahuelito — Argentina’s version of the Loch Ness Monster.

The original Mapuche story, called ‘ trülke wekufü ‘ meaning ‘leather,’ refers to a mythical cowhide that turns into a mutant creature similar to a large snake.

In 1988 Río Negro’s daily newspaper published a picture of a strange creature on the lake, reviving the legend.

Modern versions of the Nahuelito legend claim the creature inhabiting in the waters of Lake Nahuel Huapi is similar to an ancient plesiosaur.

The story of Nahuelito endures although the lakes of Patagonia were formed long after the extinction of dinosaurs.

Andean Cave Art

Nahuel Huapi National Park contains 88 archaeological sites considered ‘sites of National Importance’ by the nation’s Culture Ministry.& Andean Cave Art.

Forty-eight of the sites contain historic rock art . The cave drawings provide insight into the native population’s world-views, with multicolored human and animal motifs.

Hikers can visit these sites on their own by renting a car or hiring a local driver familiar with the area.

 The Creation of Bariloche’s Downtown

Bariloche's Mitre's street after a snowfall

In the 1930s Argentine National Park service’s director, Exequiel Bustillo, hired his brother Alejandro to create a ‘ garden city ’ that would serve as the hopping off point to Nahuel Huapi National Park.

The cathedral, and local iconic hotels such as Llao Llao and Puerto Blest Hostel were built in the trademark Bariloche style with cypress wood and larch tiles.

In 1940 the Bariloche Civic Center was inaugurated.

The stone complex, shaped like the letter U, was meant to be ‘one-stop shopping’ for everything including city hall, the central library, the customs office, post office, a telegraph office and the town’s main museum.

The civic center was declared a National Historic Monument in 1987.

Bariloche’s downtown hasn’t changed much since it emerged as a holiday destination in the 1930s, aside from more lodging establishments and the retirement of the telegraph office.

Downtown Bariloche : Attractions & Activities  

Downtown Bariloche can easily be explored by foot.

The Civic Center plaza remains a central meeting spot. An enduring pastime for tourists strolling through the plaza is to snap a photo with a Saint Bernard dog, the unofficial mascot of Bariloche .

The Francisco P. Moreno Patagonia Museum in the Civic Center is small but worth a visit for its quirky curation.

The museum’s exhibits span the area’s prehistoric indigenous civilizations through to the colonial conquest, up until modern day Bariloche.

The permanent exhibit of Patagonia’s unique flora and fauna highlights endemic species such as the Challhuaco frog and the endangered but nevertheless hearty bucktooth rodent called the Colonial Tuco Tuco (Ctenomys sociabilis).

The nearby Cathedral of Our Lady of Nahuel Huapi , named for the patron saint of Bariloche, is the town’s iconic neo-gothic cathedral.

San Carlos de Bariloche's neo-gothic cathedral

The 1944 church rests overlooking the lake near the civic center. Peek inside to see the stained-glass panel depicting the stations of the cross.

The rose garden on the grounds are also a popular spot for photos in spring.

For a less pious attraction, head to the Ice Bar on Spain St., near Bariloche’s main street, Mitre.

The bar, made entirely of ice, is open all year and is where a ‘yeti’ greets visitors with a fur coat to warm them up on a cold winter day.

There are two public ice-skating rinks in town where visitors can rent skates and take whirl.

Downtown on Mitre Street is a rink in the popular Rapanui artisanal chocolate shop and cafeteria, which is a worthwhile stop on its own for a hot chocolate after burning some calories on the ice.

A couple of blocks away along the shore, is Nevinska Bariloche , another ice rink where visitors can take a class on Saturday mornings.

Shopping for Unique Items in Bariloche

Bariloche is known more for its activities than its shopping, but there are a handful of downtown boutiques with beautiful handmade items.

The municipal handicraft fair takes place in the summer, behind the Civic Center in the Derechos de la Mujer plaza.

Some of the most unique items to take home are the clothes and blankets made with hand-spun and dyed wool created by the Zuem Mapuche collective at Moreno and Villegas streets.

At other times of year check out the La Casa de los Artesanos at Ada María Elflein and Morales streets.

Serious shoppers will want to visit the largest handicraft fair in the region, a couple of hours away in the laid back town of El Bolson, where an outdoor craft fair takes place three days a week.

Patagonia’s Best Cuisine

Bariloche is Patagonia’s most celebrated destination for gastronomy, as Anthony Bourdain discovered in 2007 filming his program here.

There are more than 450 food establishments, including smoke and grill houses, homemade pasta shops, wood-fired pizza restaurants, tea houses, jam factories, bakeries, pastry and Bariloche’s famous chocolate shops.

Local specialties reflect the influence of European immigrants here.

Delicious dishes such as goulash , fondue , lightly sauced red or white meats such as wild boar and venison accompanied by regional mushrooms, papillote cooked trout or salmon , with white wine and black butter, and thanks to Argentina’s Italian roots , plenty of fresh pasta .

Serious carnivores won’t want to miss Patagonia lamb ( cordero ) grilled over a firewood pit, or Argentina’s typical, ‘ parrillada’ (grilled meats) , prepared by an expert asador , which always solicits an applause for the grill chef.

Patagonia lamb being griled

Among the unique high-end dining experiences in Bariloche is La Cueva Restaurant , set in a cave that can only be reached by quad bike or snowmobile.

Another esteemed restaurant in Bariloche that has hosted well-known guests over the years is El Patacón .

For typical Patagonic food that it a little less pricey, try the family-run El Chucaro .

To try the native dish of curanto brought from Chile and adapted to Argentina, head to Colonia Suiza (the Swiss Colony). Ask for ‘Gringo Goye’ to be pointed in the right direction.

Get to the Swiss colony before noon to experience the entire ceremony including lighting the fire and dining three hours later.

Patagonia Sweets and Desserts

Patagonian dessert options abound: mousses, sweet pastries , artisanal ice-cream, hot brownies, and crepes Suzette with sweet natural berries that thrive in this area: raspberry, cherries, boysenberries, blackberries, elderberry and rose hips.

Bariloche is most famous for its chocolate, ranging from milk chocolate to dark unsweetened chocolate with 100% cacao.

Chocoholics will want to make a beeline to Mamushka, Bariloche’s most renowned chocolate shop . They also have ice cream and continually are inventing new flavors, such as pineapple and ginger and almond honey-cinnamon nougat.

Chocolate lovers on a budget usually head to the nearby ‘Del Tourista,’ also known as the ‘Tourist Shop,’ for free samples and to stock up on more affordable chocolate.

Booze unique to Bariloche

While the most popular Argentinian wines are produced in Mendoza ,  Cafayate , and the Neuquén and San Juan provinces, Río Negro has its own ‘wine route’, with wine cellars such Emilce Notaro and Bodega Humberto Canale.

Local fine wines and champagnes from the coldest zones of the Rio Negro Valley will surprise connoisseurs.

When it comes to booze though, Bariloche is most celebrated for its hand-crafted beer .

Most people order the local bitter red IPA, made with regional hop that is hard to find anywhere else, apart from the United States.

One of Argentina’s most recognized breweries, ‘ Cervecería Patagonia ’ is 20 kilometers from downtown.

Today owned by the Anheuser-Busch group, the brewery is surrounded by its own hops plantation and offers Instagram-worthy views overlooking the city.

Patagonia’s Amber Lager was Patagonia’s original variety.

In 2010 they introduced the Bohemian Pilsener and Weisse.

In 2015 they released their Patagonia Pale Ale, named ‘Küné’ meaning ‘twins’ in Mapuche, in honor of the Victoria and Mapuche hop used in its preparation.

Visitors can check out the brewery as part of the Seven Lakes Tour or by renting a car .

Budget travelers can take bus number ten from downtown Bariloche to reach the brewpub. Happy hour is from 6:30 until 8:30 p.m.

Another pub beer lovers won’t want to miss is Cerveceria Blest , the area’s first microbrewery, which opened over 30 years ago.

For artisanal beer downtown, try Manush , popular with locals for its beer and ample something-for-everyone menu. Manush has a location in the center of Bariloche and another outside of town along the water toward Villa Campanario and Villa Suiza.

To try the ultimate Bariloche treat, RapaNui chocolate shop offers a Berlina Imperial Stout and a Chocolate RapaNui ‘Choco beer’, made with 90% cacao from Colombia.

→ Wondering what that cubierto charge on your restaurant check is and how much to tip? Read our FAQ for Dining in Argentina

Bariloche Lake Tours

The famous boat, The Modesta Victoria goes to Isla Victoria and is a popular excursion in Bariloche

Patagonia lake excursions are a classic in Argentina that everyone from retired couples to families with small kids, school groups and independent travelers enjoy.

The two most common lake excursions are Isla Victoria and the Arrayanes Forest , and Puerto Blest .

Isla Victoria (Victoria Island)

The boat that goes to Isla Victoria is the famous Modesta Victoria . Eva Duarte de Perón, Barack Obama, and Argentina’s former President, Mauricio Macri have all ridden this boat.

Known as the ‘ Lady of the Lake ’ it is a European-style navy boat.

The 39-meter-long boat was built in Amsterdam in 1937. It has three teak-wood decks, bronze fittings, alabaster lampshades and a specially designed rudder.

The tour rides along Lake Nahuel Huapi for an hour before reaching the Quetrihué Peninsula .

Disembark to walk along an easy path of boardwalk through the Arrayan (Myrtle) Forest, a landscape which inspired animator, Walt Disney, before reaching the ‘ Casita del Bosque ‘ (Forest House).

The all wood 'casita del bosque' (forest house) in Parque Nacional Los Arrayanes, seen on the Isla Victoria and Myrtle Forest Tour

The second stop on the 7700-acre Victoria Island is  Anchorena Port .

Here visitors see unique vegetation of Patagonia on a walk to Playa del Toro , where there is cave art left by the former indigenous inhabitants. The Victoria Island and Myrtle Forest tour ends on a lovely volcanic sand beach.

 Puerto Blest & Los Canteros Waterfall

The trip to Puerto Blest starts off with an hour-long sail through the Blest branch of Nahuel Huapi Lake and past Centinela Island , the resting place of Perito Moreno (the ‘Godfather’ of Argentina’s national parks) and passing the impressive Canteros Waterfall .

Here the hiking trail goes through the lush vegetation of the Valvidian Forest until reaching Los Cántaros Lake, where a 1,500 year old Larch tree can be observed.

The green water of Lago Frías, a glacier-made lake in Patagonia's Nahuel Huapi National Park

After another short boat ride, the tour reaches Puerto Blest. Here visitors can see Lago Frías, yet another glacier-made lake which is famous for its bright viridescent water.

All of Bariloche’s lake excursions depart from Pañuelo Port , located 25 kilometers from downtown on the Llao Llao peninsula .

To get to Port Pañuelo visitors have the option to take public bus n°20, hire a car, or book the full service tours listed below, which include pickup:

⇒ Book the Isla Victoria and Arrayanes Forest Tour

The boats depart at 9:00 a.m. During the summer season there is a second excursion at 2:00 p.m.

Bariloche Lake Excursions: Victoria Island and the Myrtle Forest

‘Bariloche’s Scenic Road Trips: Short Loop and Long Loop’

‘ Circuito Chico (Short loop) and Panoramic Point,’ a two-hour trip through the west part of Bariloche, includes stops at Pañuelo Port, San Eduardo Chapel, Tacul Village, Mount Llao Llao, Colonia Suiza, and Morenito Lake.

All along this route there are short easy hikes. One of the most popular is the Lago Escondido , or ‘Hidden Lake’ walking trail.

Another is the steep but short climb up Mount Llao Llao , and through the Arrayán (Myrtle) forest, similar to the myrtle forest found on Victoria Island.

There is also the longer 240 kilometer Seven Lakes ‘Circuito Grande’ ( Large loop ) tour which winds through the lakes district all the way north to the charming town of San Martín de los Andes , the gateway to Lanín National Park.

The Swiss Colony 

A woman prepares food at Bariloche's Swiss Village weekly outdoor artisanal fair

On the ‘ Circuito chico ’ (short loop) tour, a not-to-be-missed stop is the Colonia Suiza (‘Swiss Colony’), 25 kilometers from downtown Bariloche.

This village was established the same year as Bariloche by the French-speaking Swiss family the Goyes, who crossed over from Chile.

The hard-working pioneers grew fruit and made preserves that they delivered along the Andean lakes in homemade boats.

Visitors may want to schedule a visit to the Swiss Colony at mealtime to try ‘ curanto .’

‘Curanto’ means ‘hot rock’ in the Araucano language from Chile.

Curanto preparation involves cooking meat and vegetable wrapped in leaves over hot stones

The elaborate ancient food preparation involves wrapping meat and vegetables in ‘ nalca ’ (rhubarb) or ‘ maqui ’ (wineberry) leaves and cooking them underground over hot stones.

Head to ‘Don Goye’, where Sr. Victor Goye, grandson of the village founders, cooks up curanto every Wednesday and Sunday (reservations recommended).

Also worth a visit is the village museum where another Goye descendant oversees a collection of knick-knacks from the Swiss Village’s original pioneer families.

On Sundays there is an artisan fair in the Swiss Colony.

Sports and Activities to Do Around Bariloche

A notable attraction of Bariloche is its setting in an ecologically diverse area .

Within 100 kilometers there are three different ecosystems: grassland plains , natural woodland , and mountainous rainforests . The area lends itself to all sorts treks and outdoor activities.

Hiking and Mountaineering

Since its founding of Bariloche has enjoyed a reputation as a mountaineering paradise.

Here Europeans escaped a tumultuous post-war Europe while practicing skiing, trekking and mixed rock and ice climbing.

The Club Andino, or Andean Club , formed by Europeans who settled in the area, was central to establishing the outdoor industry and today visitors of all fitness levels enjoy trails ranging from short, easy day hikes to ten-day hut-to-hut treks.

Skiing and Snowboarding in Bariloche

The ‘Switzerland of Argentina,’ is quite cold and snowy in winter with freezing temperatures at night and warmer temperatures during the day.

Hiking and vehicle tours are limited due to snow and ice, but when it comes to winter sports, Bariloche is one of South America’s top ski and snow sport destinations.

Snowboarding, backcountry skiing, snowmobiling, quad rides, snowshoeing and sledding, are mainly enjoyed on Cerro Catedral , South America’s largest ski resort.

Smaller resorts nearby such as Piedras Blancas (White Rocks), Cerro Otto and Cerro Campanario are great for beginners too.

Visitors can book a ‘baptism’ in any ski/snowboard school to get a basic idea of how to ski or ride a snowboard and then explore the diverse piste on their own.

Rafting and Kayaking

This area of Patagonia has dozens of bodies of water, ranging from placid lakes to class five river rapids.

Beginners to advanced river rafters can hire a guide for an exciting  rafting voyage down the Manso Inferior or Limay Rivers.

The best time to take a rafting excursion  is from November to February. It will be a bit colder, but prices are more accessible in the shoulder season months of October and March/April.

Kayakers have plenty of lakes to choose from, among them Azul, Foyal, Moreno, Mascardi, Gutierrez, Guillermo, and Nahuel Huapi.

Nahuel Huapi lake is also popular for standup paddle and sailing excursions .

Horse Riding

Horseback riding is available in the national park. Excursions through beautiful scenery can be booked for a few hour ride up to a day-and-a-half.

Beginners are welcome as the horses are well-trained by the local gauchos (cowboys).

Road & Mountain Biking

Those fit enough for the hills around Bariloche can enjoy an abundance of bike rides.

Popular rides on road bikes are the ‘circuito chico’ (the ‘short loop’ mentioned above)  or a shorter day trip to the Swiss Colony and back.

Rugged mountain bike trails include Cascada de los Duendes and Virgin de los Nieves .

During the late spring and summer mountain bikers can cheat by grabbing the ski lift up Mount Cathedral with their bike and riding down the 700 meter drop.

Sport Fishing

November to April is this area of Patagonia’s fishing season. Bariloche is very popular for fly fishing, spinning and trolling.

The most popular lakes for sport fishing in the Bariloche area are Mascardi, Steffen, Los Moscos, Hess, Roca and Fonk lakes, in the southern part of the National Park.

In the Traful River valley  it’s said that even the unluckiest fishermen or women are almost guaranteed a bite. Here there are huge salmon as well rainbow , brook and brown trout .

A fishing permit can be purchased at the park’s administrative office or in kiosks in downtown Bariloche. Don’t forget to get a permit, as illegal fishing is taken seriously and fines are steep.

During the off-season fishing is catch-and-release only.

Sport Hunting

Hunting in Patagonia is regulated by the National Park. Certain areas of Nahuel Huapi National Park are designated areas to hunt ciervo rojo and javalí (red deer and boar) , which are considered invasive species because they prevent the regrowth of the forest.

Hunters must get a permit for their guns before entering the country. Plan with plenty of time because the permit also needs to be notarized.

Once in Argentina, hunters must get a hunting permit from the provincial government.

Check this link to get learn about how to meet the requirements to hunt in Argentina.

(*This blog encourages responsible, sustainable travel and does not promote sport hunting. We urge you to consume the meat or donate it to a local community soup kitchen to eat.)


Paragliding, known as parapente in Spanish, is a popular, if newer, past time for the adventurous in Bariloche. No experience in needed to do a tandem jump here (although we would recommend travel insurance !)

Make sure an introductory class is included with the jump — any reputable paragliding company will have a thorough preparation class. The most popular take off point for paragliding is Mount Otto.

The Cable car up Mount Otto in Bariloche

Ziplining is among the more modern activities that can be enjoyed in Bariloche.

Ziplines offer a chance to see the Patagonia forests from high up while enjoying a gravity-induced adrenaline rush.

Find the zipline at the Piedras Blancas resort on Mount Otto. (You can book a cable car ride to the top of Mount Otto here ).

Getting to and Around Bariloche

Traditionally domestic travelers have taken the long but comfortable 24-hour bus ride to reach Bariloche by bus.

Today flying to Bariloche is more accessibly priced , thanks to the introduction of budget airlines to Argentina , but when making reservations beware that delays and cancellations are frequent on the budget airlines.

Bariloche’s airport is only ten minutes from town and getting a taxi there is much more straight forward than at Buenos Aires’ international airport.

Public transportation is somewhat sparse in Bariloche, with a public bus service being the only local means of transportation.

Bus riders will need a subte smart card that can be purchased in convenience stores in Buenos Aires, Bariloche or other major cities of Argentina.

Popular lines such as the 10 to the Swiss Colony and Cerveceria Patagonia and the 20 to Puerto Pañuelo  run all night.

Check the local bus schedule here .

Hitchhiking is still common around Bariloche. Budget travelers who aren’t afraid to use their thumb will probably have decent luck hitchhiking around here if they look like they don’t smell and speak a little Spanish .

Renting a car is a good option to take popular road trips around the area such as the circuito chico, or the circuito grande (Seven Lakes route) and hikes in areas outlying Buenos Aires.

In the winter, skiers and snowboarders may want a car to get to the resorts if their hotel is not within walking distance, as the bus to Cerro Catedral ski resort from downtown only leaves once an hour.

When to Go to Bariloche

Most visitors go to Bariloche in the winter or summer .

In the summertime the city receives a lot of porteños (people from Buenos Aires) looking to escape the city heat and enjoy activities on the lakes, as well as international tourists, among them many hikers.

For skiing and other snow sports visitors will want to go to in the winter months between June and September , with July and August being the high season.

Be aware when booking your trip that Bariloche is the traditional destination for students taking their winter senior trip. The town becomes overrun with high school students from mid-July to early August (when Bariloche also has its two-day ‘Snow Festival’).

During that time the buses fill up quickly, the lift lines are long, and a lot of amateur skiers are on the slopes.

Going to Bariloche in the off-season can be a good way to save money.

In June, at the beginning of the ski season, there may not be much snow, but early September is a good time to enjoy spring-like conditions on the slopes and avoid the throngs of high school kids.

As in Buenos Aires, the spring months of October and November are lovely in Bariloche and are good months to enjoy spring flowers and bird watching .

Accommodations in and around Bariloche

The accommodations in Bariloche ranges from romantic getaways tucked into the mountains to party hostels in the city, family-friendly resorts along Nahuel Huapi lake and basic mountain huts for hikers run by the Andean Club

The most famous hotel in Bariloche —if not all of Argentina — is the luxury Llao Llao Hotel & Resort , 26 kilometers from downtown.

It offers all the usual five-star resort amenities, an 18-hole golf course, five in-house restaurants and amazing views of Mount Tronador and Mount Lopez.

In and around the town of Bariloche Hosteria del Lago and La Cascada are old standbys that offer a good value and amazing views.

Hostels are more likely to adjust to backpacker budget than private suites. One well-run hostel popular for its lake view is the Hostel Inn .

Those who want to be closer to nature and hiking trails can try the all-wood cozy Fortaleza Hostel , a twenty minute bus ride outside of town.

Even more further afield and closer to nature is the historic Hotel Puerto Blest , on the shores of Lago Friás, 44 kilometers from downtown Bariloche.

The reasonably-priced three-star hotel has a jacuzzi and is a perfect location from which to explore the Valvidian Forest, Mount Tronador and the Black Glacier .

— Daniela Massolo

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→ Four days Trekking & Kayak in Bariloche Tour

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Things to do in Bariloche Argentina | Travel guide with 20 tips

One of the best things to do in Bariloche is to take the cable car and visit the ski slopes. Not to ski but to enjoy amazing views.

Do you like nature and outdoor activities? Then Bariloche should not be missed during a trip through Argentina. The area around San Carlos de Bariloche is also known as Little Switzerland because of the lakes, forests, mountains and specialities such as chocolate and cheese fondue. In winter, Bariloche is the skiing paradise for the Argentinians and in summer for outdoor activities. You can spend days in Bariloche, exploring a new place every day. But Bariloche itself is also a lovely city to be, because of its beautiful location on Lake Nahuel Huapi, the pleasant atmosphere and the many good restaurants. Discover the best things to do in this Bariloche Argentina travel guide, including tips for hikes, tours, restaurants, best travel time and where to stay.

Outdoor things to do in Bariloche Argentina

Best tours in bariloche, welcome to bariloche argentina – travel guide.

Bariloche is a lovely city located on the Nahuel Huapi lake. It is an important holiday destination for the Argentines in both summer and winter, and for a good reason. There are countless of things to do and activities to enjoy in Bariloche. In Bariloche you can go to viewpoints, take boat trips, go on hikes, enjoy the Swiss cheese fondue and experience fantastic skiing in the winter

Cerro Llao Llao viewpoint, one of the best hikes and things to do in Bariloche Argentina. Discover it all in my Bariloche travel guide.

Bariloche Argentina travel guide | 20 tips and things to do

Bariloche is a place I visited many times, to make television reports and as a tour guide, to guide visitors around in the area. And still, after all those years of visiting Bariloche, I love to look out for new places, hikes and restaurants all the time. Discover my tips for things to do in Bariloche Argentina in this travel guide. I hope you will enjoy them.

Enjoy a boat trip to Puerto Blest – popular things to do in Bariloche

This is probably one of the most popular things to do in Bariloche. With a large boat you sail from the port of Puerto Pañuelo in an hour across the Nahuel Huapi lake to Puerto Blest. The light and shimmer over the lake with the Andes peaks in the background make for stunning pictures.

Sailing the Nahuel Huapi lake is one of the best things to do in Bariloche Argentina. Discover it all in my Bariloche travel guide.

Once you arrive in Puerto Blest Bariloche, there are several hikes you can take. Since the hiking trails are clearly marked, you can do this easily on your own. The most common hike takes about 1 hour, leading from Puerto Blest, where you arrive, to Los Cántaros, the port where you usually leave at the end of the afternoon back to Puerto Pañuelo. Along the way you can make detours and hike to waterfalls, Lago Frías and rivers.

Do you want to book your tour in advance and secure your spot? Check out prices and availability for a Puerto Blest tour here.

Sail along the Brazo Tristeza

Another lovely boat trip is the one that crosses the Brazo Tristeza, a side arm of the Lake Nahuel Huapi. You will pass idyllic waterfalls and in clear weather you will enjoy a view of the Chilean Andes peaks and the volcano Trocador. The boat stops, after 1.5 hours of sailing, for an easy hike through the woods, where you will encounter gigantic trees such as coigües and cypresses. Very characteristic for Patagonia. This hike of about 1 hour ends at a waterfall where you can take a dip or climb further up for more views. Then you walk the same way back to the boat and sail to Bariloche, while enjoying a lunch on board.

Waterfalls along Brazo Tristeza.

The great thing about this tour is that it is not visited by the big crowds, so you might only meet a few other people along the way. That’s why I love to highlight this tour in my Bariloche travel guide. Looking for more information? Check and book your Brazo Tristeza tour here.

Cerro Llao Llao, one of the best hikes in Bariloche

One of my favorite hikes and things to do in Bariloche is the one to the Cerro Llao Llao. In about an hour, you walk through a green and fresh forests to a viewpoint where you have an amazing view over the lakes and surroundings. Stunning. Bring some food and drinks for a picnic and take in the surroundings. You don’t want to leave anymore. The trail starts between the Hotel Llao Llao and the port of Puerto Pañuelo.

Cerro Llao Llao viewpoint, one of the best hikes and things to do in Bariloche Argentina. Discover it all in my Bariloche travel guide.

Have a drink at Hotel Llao Llao in Bariloche

You may have already seen pictures of it. Hotel Llao Llao is one of the most expensive five-star hotels in the Bariloche region and is truly beautiful. I recommend to have a drink in the lovely garden of this hotel, after one of the hikes in the Bariloche area. Or if you feel like doing nothing at all, book a high tea. It is necessary to make a reservation in time, as it is one of the popular things to do in Bariloche.

Hotel Llao Llao is one of the most beautiful hotels around Bariloche.

Interested in staying in Hotel Llao Llao? Check here the latest prices and availability for Llao Llao Resort.

Enjoy views from the ski slopes – top things to do in Bariloche

One of the best things to do in Bariloche in summer, is to visit the ski slopes by cable car. Not to ski but to enjoy amazing views. Bariloche offers different options and these are my tips.

Cable cars bringing you to ski slopes. Discover it all in my Bariloche travel guide.

Cerro Catedral

Cerro Catedral is the most famous and the largest ski slope. Ski lovers from all over the country flock here in winter to make use of the slopes and facilities. In the summer, most of the area is closed but a number of lifts still go up. At the top you have a stunning view and you can go for a few short walks. Cerro Catedral is a 30-minute drive from Bariloche and buses run regularly.

Another slope that you can visit in the summer is Cerro Otto. A cable car takes you to the 1400 meter high top within 10 minutes. It is also possible to hike up the mountain but it is a quite steep climb. Once at the top you have another amazing view over the Nahuel Huapi lake and the surrounding area. There are a few easy hikes to take and there is a possibility to eat and drink something in the revolving restaurant with 360 degree views of Bariloche. Cerro Otto is also about a 30-minute drive from the city and the best way to get there is by bus or taxi. You can buy your Cerro Otto tickets in advance , with guaranteed access, or on the spot.

View from Cerro Otto Bariloche.

Tips: Would you like to go for hikes in Bariloche? Then I recommend you to walk back down the mountain, in 45 minutes. Only make sure you have solid shoes because of the irregular path with loose stones. Here you will find more information about Cerro Otto.

Cerro Campanario chairlift

Cerro Campanario is the third ski slope to visit and the views are also very worth it. It is one of the things you can include in the Circuito Chico in Bariloche (scroll down in this article for more information)

Cerro Viejo

Just outside town there is a cable car bringing you to the Cerro Viejo. Not as spectacular as the other mountains but still worth a visit. Especially if you are short of time, as it is only a 10-minute walk from the main square.

Enjoy the Nahuel Huapi lake views, one of the best things to do in Bariloche Argentina.

Cycle the Circuito Chico

A route that gives a nice impression of the surroundings is the Circuit Chico. Viewpoints are interspersed with forests and lakes, where you can stop for a photo or a hike. It is possible to rent bikes at the Circuito Chico Aventura bicycle company, which is also a good place to start the trail. Stop at the famous Cerro Campanario and take the cable car up, then continue the trail past Laguna El Trebol, Lago Moreno, the Swiss colony of Colonia Suiza, Bahia López and Hotel Llao Llao Bariloche. Click here for the full route.

Circuito Chico, a nice cycling trails and one of the active things to do in Bariloche Argentina. Discover it all in my Bariloche travel guide.

There is little traffic on the way and the route is easy. However, part of it is unpaved and there are a number of hills. Of course you can also do this route by car, but if you like cycling, this is one of the cool things to do in Bariloche.

Tips: Do you want to explore the Circuito Chico in Bariloche with a guide? Check out prices and availability for a Circuito Chico tour here.

Take a picture with a Saint Bernard dog

At several places in Bariloche you can have your photo taken with a St. Bernard dog. Yes, I agree, it’s a bit touristy but since I’ve wanted a Saint Bernard all my life, I couldn’t resist taking a picture and tip this in my Bariloche travel guide.

Deborah together with a St. Bernard dog in Bariloche.

Taste great chocolate and eat ice cream

Bariloche is known for its great chocolate. You will find chocolate shops all over the main street Mitre. Pop into El Turista, El Reino or Mamushka for an overload of bonbons, chocolate bars and Argentinian delicacies such as alfajores. The famous Argentinian chocolate chain Havana also has its factory here, where tours are given.

El Reino chocolates - discover it all in my Bariloche travel guide.

Besides chocolate there are many ice cream shops. Make sure to eat an ice cream at Rapa Nui. Ice cream is part of the Argentine culture, just like in Italy. The scoops are huge so choose wisely. And standing in line is quite normal. You first pick your type of ice cream, pay, receive a ticket, go to the next line and choose your flavors.

Try the Swiss Argentine cheese fondue

Swiss cheese fondue with Argentinian wine. It is delicious. Cheese fondue is everywhere in Bariloche. It is nice to spend an evening in one of the many restaurants and try the Argentinian Swiss cuisine. The best restaurants for cheese fondue are definitely La Marmite or la Casita Suiza.

Visit the Centro Civico

The Centro Civico is the central square of Bariloche. And here you can see very well how Bariloche is inspired by Switzerland, because of the chalet-like architectural style. It is a cozy gathering place for the locals. Especially when the weather is nice, there are countless locals sitting on the grass with their mates, a strong Argentinean tea. If you have the time, one of the things to do here is to visit the Bariloche city museum: Museo de la Patagonia. It explains about the first inhabitants and the Bariloche surroundings.

Centro Civico - discover it all in my Bariloche travel guide.

Bariloche offers many outdoor things to do and activities such as kayaking and rafting. OKeep in mind that you still have to drive quite a bit to arrive at the suitable rivers. In the main street Mitre you will find several travel agencies that offer these tours. Do you want to book your tour in advance and secure your spot? This is an overview with outdoor activities in Bariloche.

Tips for things to do around Bariloche Argentina

One of my favorite national parks in Argentina is Los Alerces . You will find yourself between deep green forests and immense lakes, with the Andes mountains in the background. The park is known for its cypresses, hence the name Los Alerces. Also species such as cedars and conifers can be found. Los Alerces is mainly a tourist destination for the Argentinians, but if you come here outside the Argentinian holiday period, you almost have the park to yourself. It is possible to drive through the park by car and stop at various places to go for walks and enjoy nice views. It is recommended to spend the night in the town of Esquel, which is about 280 kilometers from Bariloche and visit Los Alerces from here.

Los Alerces national park Argentina, one of the best things to around Bariloche.

Do you love the nature of Bariloche and do you want to read more about it in my national parks travel guide of Argentina? In the next article I’m taking you to the best and most beautiful national parks in Argentina , including an overview with things to do and the best time to visit.  

M ini travel guide Bariloche

Bariloche restaurant travel guide | 8 tips.

Bariloche offers many restaurants, coffee shops and bars. And there is nothing better than enjoying a drink and great meal after exploring the many things to do in Bariloche. Here are some of my favorite places that I’ve been visiting for years.

  • Jauja – is one of the best restaurants in Bariloche for steak, pasta and regional dishes.
  • De la Familia Weiz – dine in typical Swiss style.
  • For cheese fondue and other Swiss delicacies, go to La Marmite or la Casita Suiza.
  • You will find the best ice creams at Rapa Nui.
  • Almado – here you can sit right by the water. Enjoy a glass of wine, tasty lunch or snack.
  • For a nice coffee – go to Delirante
  • Looking for a great bakery? Make sure you go to Vélo.

Delirante coffeeshop.

Where to stay in Bariloche Argentina | hotel tips

The most beautiful hotel around Bariloche is Hotel Llao Llao. It is certainly pricey, but if you compare it to the price of an average hotel room in a European city, you get worth for your money here: A luxurious room with incredible views in a unique environment. Check out the latest rates and availability at Hotel Llao Llao in Bariloche here.

Hotel Llao Llao Resort.

Keep in mind that this 5-star hotel is located 20 kilometers from Bariloche. Do you prefer to stay in the city and have a starting point to explore the many things to do in Bariloche and surrounding hikes? Here you will find a comprehensive overview of hotels in Bariloche.

Best time to visit Bariloche in Argentina

If you want to enjoy the many outdoor things to do and hikes in Bariloche, the best time to visit is between November and April, the Argentinian spring, summer and autumn. Please note that January is also one of the busiest months with Argentine visitors due to the Argentinian holiday season. You want to avoid this month as much as possible. Want to hit the slopes and go for a skiing holiday? Then you should visit Bariloche in Argentinian winter, june and july.

View of Llao Llao, one of the best things to do in Bariloche Argentina. Discover it all in my Bariloche travel guide.

Transportation in and around Bariloche

In Bariloche, all attractions are within walking distance and most tours include transportation. Do you want to explore the Bariloche area? Then it is best to use public transportation. You buy a SUBE card, charge it in one of the kiosks and scan it when boarding the bus. Very easy. There are also taxis and private shuttles. Want to see more of Bariloche and the Lake District? Then I recommend you to rent a car . The Bariloche area has so many things to do and to offer. By car you are independent and are able to enjoy many road trips in the area.

Need a rental car for your trip to Bariloche? Use Rental Cars to search and compare your car rental options. A quick and easy tool and no need to have up multiple tabs trying to figure out which company is the most affordable. They also have great discounts and cancellation policies.

How to get to Bariloche in Argentina

Bariloche is a 2-hour flight from Buenos Aires and a 1 hour and 45 minutes flight from El Calafate. Aerolineas Argentinas and JetSmart offer different flights within Patagonia. Use  Skyscanner , when it comes to searching for cheap flights across Argentina.

Travel by bus or shuttle

Looking for a way to get to Bariloche Argentina by bus or minivan? Use  Bookaway ,  to find   and book the best connection for you.

Travel  insurance

Looking for a travel insurance?  World Nomads  offers simple and flexible travel insurance, with coverage for more than 150 activities as well as emergency medical, lost luggage, trip cancellation and more. Buy at home or while traveling and claim online from anywhere in the world.

  • Puerto Blest tour
  • Brazo Tristeza tour
  • Circuito Chico tour
  • Outdoor activities in Bariloche

I didn’t participate in these tours myself yet, but others did and they are well-reviewed and therefore on my to do list for next time:

  • Victoria Island en Arrayanes Forest tour
  • Cerro Tronador
  • Looking for more tours in Bariloche? This is an   overview of tours in Bariloche.

Argentina travel itineraries

Argentina is such a beautiful and diverse country that you can explore it for months. But what if you a limited amount of time and still want to get the most out of your travels? What should you see and do? Have a look in my Argentina itineraries, I will give you tips for destinations, hikes, national parks, tours, things to do and restaurants to include in your trip. Enjoy and get inspired to visit Argentina!

  • Argentina itinerary 3 weeks 
  • 2 weeks in Argentina itinerary
  • 10 days in Argentina itinerary

More about Argentina

Did you enjoy reading this Bariloche travel guide with tips and things to do in ? Do you want to learn more about this beautiful country? With Passport the World I am taking you on a journey to discover Argentina. Discover more in my next articles.

  • Things to do in Argentina
  • Things to do in Ushuaia | tips for your stay
  • Discover whales, penguins and sea lions in my Puerto Madryn travel guide
  • El Calafate – a comprehensive guide with everything you want to know
  • El Chaltén Argentina – a comprehensive guide with hikes and tips for your stay
  • National Parks of Argentina
  • Iguazu falls – everything you want to know

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#travelrock, the biggest graduate trip agency in the world, this is how the best trip of your life starts.

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An exclusive hotel chain. unique in its comfort, quality and convenient location in the middle of the downtown area..

  • The hotels offer:
  • Restaurantes and restobar
  • Multi-purpose room and private security
  • Phone booths
  • Safety boxes




Equipped with all the logistics and safety.

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Our philosophy, travel rock is the perfect agency for your graduate trip to bariloche. no other company can be half as good as travel rock..

Safety, quality, courtesy, fulfilment and show: they are the pillars of our success and trustworthiness. Our company started in 2002. Those who were part of its beginnings, have 25 years of experience in the field of tourism and entertainment. We have travelled with over a million graduates on their trip to Bariloche.

We believe in culture as highly connected to meaningfulness when providing a service of excellence. Safety is always first. Our commitment is not only to our clients but also with life itself and us. We bear it in mind daily on every step we take, and on every decision we make. There’s no room for improvisation.

We rely on our departments: Systems, Operations, Institutional Relationships, Coordination, Area Coordination and General Management. They operate 24 hours a day monitoring and controlling every trip, every meal, every journey, every doubt, every query, every movement, everything. In Bariloche we have a team of over 100 people, among them: coordinators, hotel managers, medical service managers, doctors, institutional relationships representatives, personnel coordinators, experts in quality and management, managers, heads and shareholders. They are all part of our company and they are essential to our service. They are focused on taking care of the graduates’ safety. Don’t miss it. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. TRAVEL ROCK makes it magical!

Hiring the service. How can I book a graduate trip with TRAVEL ROCK? You can contact our representatives who will visit you at your school door or you can arrange a meeting writing to [email protected] or phoning +54 011 43257625.

I have already decided to travel with TRAVEL ROCK, what comes next? A contract is signed. Two tutors from the group sign it and then an individual adhesion form is filled in, which complements the group contract already signed.

Can I hire TRAVEL ROCK’s services anywhere in Argentina? Travel rock has offices all around the country, no no matter where you are, you can request a representative to visit you and tell you about our proposal. Contact [email protected] or phone +54 011 43257625.

About the trip How long does the trip take? It takes around 11 days, 8 nights for most of the provinces. The length of the trip may be extended depending on the departure point. What is the means of transport like? All our units are no more than 2 years old. Five stars service. Semi-bed seats.

About the hotels What are the hotels like? All our hotels are in the same category of service. All of them are in the downtown area. They are diagrammed according to the amount of passengers and check-out dates.

About the departure When is my departure confirmed? The departure date is confirmed 30 days before the beginning of the season booked

Payment Where can I pay? All the payments are made through PAGO FACIL or RAPIPAGO as long as they are within the due date that appears in the checkbook. After the due date, you have 10 days to pay in Banco Nación. After that, you must pay in our Main Office or in any authorised branch.

Coordination How many coordinators travel with the group? Each group is assigned two coordinators who accompany them 24 hours a day all along the trip. We have also an extra coordinator in San Carlos de Bariloche, who stays all the season there supervising all the areas that make up the graduate trip

Documentation Which documents are required for the trip? You will need your ID, your paycheck and your personal medical chart signed by tutors and an authorised doctor

Other Trip cancellation: If for any reason you must cancell your trip, you can read the cancellation policy stated in clause 12 of the contract

Subsidies: Our company provides subsidised trips for accompanying tutors. Also for students or members of the group according to the amount of passengers

Medical Center

Travel rock provides medical assistance throughout the trip.

The coverage includes the whole trip with a medical check-up in the route, an emergency technician and a doctor 24 hours at the discos and excursions.

There's a doctor’s office in every hotel

Prevention staff with qualified personnel to assist in health and safety at precincts, hotels, means of transport and discos. Exclusive ambulances.

A complete medical insurance which has always responded positively. Permanent medical staff to take care of everybody along the stay.

hotel bariloche city travel rock

Medical Assistance

Control System

The latest technology in monitoring, a revolutionary and exclusive tool.

Last generation safety and control. TRAVEL ROCK uses EFESUR system and its devices which allow us a full and complete monitoring, responsive and practical.

By just approaching a smartphone over the bracelet with a RFID chip provided to every passenger, they get all the data and access to the places they visit.

hotel bariloche city travel rock

Travel Rock Headquartes

  • Florida 253 - 1° Andar - CP 1005. Tel: 011-4325-7625
  • LOMAS DE ZAMORA Saavedra 370 (1832) Tel: 4292-1911
  • BAHIA BLANCA O'higgins 321 (8000) Tel: 0291-4546921
  • MARTINEZ Alvear 387 Planta Alta (1640) Tel: 011-4793-3507
  • LA PLATA Calle 49 Nº 882 (1900) Tel: 0221-4221840
  • MAR DEL PLATA Falucho 3252 (7600) Tel: 0223-4957404
  • PERGAMINO San Nicolas 244 - Planta Alta (2700) Tel: 02477-441517
  • CATAMARCA Esquiu 418 Local 11 (4700) Tel: 0383-4427164
  • CHACO Julio A. Roca 460 -Local 3 (3500) Tel: 0362-4426600
  • CÓRDOBA Av. Colon 259 - 1º Andar Galeria Planeta - Local 135 (5000) Tel: 0351-4242713
  • CORRIENTES Belgrano 1698 - Local 4 (3400) Tel: 0379-4429752
  • FORMOSA Fontana 766 1º Andar - Oficina 4 (3600) Tel: 0370-4429399
  • JUJUY Independencia 658 1º oficina 3 (4600) Tel: 0388-4243549
  • LA RIOJA Belgrano 217 (5300) Tel: 0380-4434706
  • LA PAMPA Juan B. Justo 12. Tel: 02954-422957 Cel: 0230 -2463883
  • MENDOZA Peltier 50 1º Andar - Oficina 14 (5500) Tel: 0261-4247856
  • MISIONES Calle 3 de Febrero 1915 E307 (ES307),Posadas Tel: 0376-4440821
  • PARANA 25 de Mayo 181 - Local 8 Gal. Paseo De La Catedral (3100) Tel: 0343-4228200
  • RECONQUISTA Belgrano 672 (3560) Tel: 03482-449204
  • RIO CUARTO Sobremonte 530 1ª Andar, OF 30 Galeria Sobremonte (5800) - Córdoba Tel: 0358-4642375
  • ROSARIO Cordoba 1724 - Planta Alta (2000) Tel: 0341-4407532 / 0341-4832278/2638
  • SALTA Santiago del Estero 555 1º oficina C (4400) Tel: 0387-4227889
  • SAN JUAN AV. Libertador San Martín 403 Oeste, Planta alta Tel: 0264-4229005
  • SAN LUIS Chacabuco 645 (5700) Tel: 0266-4443344
  • SANTA FE 9 de Julio 2350 (3000) Tel: 0342-4563036
  • SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Independencia 125 1º Andar - Oficina A (4200) Tel: 0385-4228143
  • TRELEW Italia 164 (9100) Tel: 0280-4429284
  • TUCUMAN Buenos Aires 39/41 - Local 7 Galeria Baires (4000) Tel: 0381-4975400 / 0381-4975885


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Are you ready for a good time?

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Ski full day... amazing !!! including equipment boards / instructor poles and lifts !!! The best sector of the mountain to practice Skiing more easily! .

  • Full Ski Day
  • -Adventure in four trax or speed mountain Chall-Huaco.
  • -Hard trekking in Colonia Suiza
  • -Travel Rock Sports Games
  • -Regional Circuit and City Tour
  • -Cerro Catedral and Grotto Virgen de las Nieves
  • -Mountain Rock Shelter
  • -Circuito Chico and Panoramic Point.

City Tour Exclusive trekking in Colonia Suiza. Rafting in the Limay River Regional Circuit TRAVEL ROCK Sport Games !!! and Awards.

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All to Magic during the day, adventures at full speed.

EXCURSIONS small circuit, panoramic pontoon and Cerro Lopez, Ski. Cerro Catedral, visit to the Vigen de las Nieves cave. Piedras Blancas, Cavalgadas na montanha, Safári 4x4, Paintball, Adventure in Four Trax, Spreed Mountain! Caça ao tesouro dos piratas.

City Tour Magic Search! Exclusive trekking to Colônia Suiça, rafting in the Limay river, Cross Road, Regional circuit.

TRAVEL ROCK Sports Games! Awards! Staff of 24h coordinators intercommunicated by VHF radio. Privileged places! Nighttime adventure na montanha! Patagonian expedition of TRAVEL ROCK!

TRAVEL ROCK has medical assistance during the entire stay. Medical check-up throughout or medical suit available 24 hours a day with excursions and discos. Exclusive medical consultations in each um two hotéis. A complete insurance with total and efficient coverage.


hotel bariloche city travel rock

MEALS Breakfast-lunch-snack-dinner with desserts and free soft drinks! (Coca-Cola Line) Includes 5th meal. Upon the return of the discos there are pizzas, empanadas, hamburgers and soft drinks free of charge.

SERVICE Equipped with Play Station and other entertainment so you can enjoy it to the fullest. Comfortable and perfect fully equipped spacious rooms.

Emergency exits, access credentials.

TOTAL AND COMPREHENSIVE MEDICAL COVERAGE OF ASSIST CARD: Total and complete medical assistance, with medications during the entire stay and a doctor's office in the hotels 24 hours a day. Doctors are exclusive to Travel Rock.


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hotel bariloche city travel rock

Resolución 23/2014

VISTO el Expediente N° STN:0001846/2011 del Registro del MINISTERIO DE TURISMO, la Ley de Agentes de Viajes No 18.829 y sus modificaciones, la Ley de Turismo Estudiantil No 25.599 y su modificatoria, y CONSIDERANDO: Que por el artículo 1o de la Ley de Turismo Estudiantil No 25.599 y su modificatoria se determinó que las agencias de viajes debidamente habilitadas e inscriptas en el Registro de Agentes de Viajes de la entonces SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO de la PRESIDENCIA DE LA NACIÓN, de conformidad con la Ley de Agentes de Viajes No 18.829, que brinden servicios a contingentes estudiantiles, deben contar con un "Certificado Nacional de Autorización para Agencias de Turismo Estudiantil". Que la misma ley en sus artículos 5o, 6o y 7o impuso una serie de requisitos para el otorgamiento del citado certificado y la realización de contratos, según condiciones establecidas por la Autoridad de Aplicación. Que mediante la Resolución No 237 de fecha 15 de marzo de 2007 de la ex SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO entonces dependiente de PRESIDENCIA DE LA NACIÓN se aprobó el Reglamento de Turismo Estudiantil, siendo posteriormente modificada por las Resoluciones Nros. 61 del 6 de febrero de 2008 y 435 del 19 de junio de 2008 del mismo registro y 271 del 21 de abril de 2009 de la entonces SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO del ex MINISTERIO DE PRODUCCIÓN. Que a través de la Resolución No 237/07 y sus modificatorias se establecieron los requisitos para el otorgamiento y vigencia del "Certificado Nacional de Autorización para Agencias de Turismo Estudiantil", se indicaron las causales objetivas de reintegro de los aportes efectuados al referido fondo, se especificaron las obligaciones de las agencias y las sanciones en caso de incumplimiento, entre otros aspectos. Que, posteriormente, mediante el artículo 6o de la Resolución No 435/08 se implementó la modalidad de pago de multa voluntario para determinadas conductas con sanciones de contenido pecuniario. Que es intención de este Ministerio agudizar y extender los controles ya existentes para el funcionamiento de las agencias destinadas a la comercialización de turismo estudiantil. Que se propicia asimismo el pago de la denominada "Cuota Cero" al inicio de la relación contractual, a fin de lograr una cobertura desde el comienzo de la vigencia de los contratos de todos aquellos turistas-usuarios que la norma intenta proteger. Que la sola denominación "Cuota Cero" indica que su pago debe ser anterior a todo otro y que la base del sistema de cobertura está dado por el pago efectivo de esta cuota. Que como acción preventiva y en cumplimiento del principio de protección de los derechos del turista, este Ministerio debe efectuar los controles también directamente con los prestadores de servicios de las agencias de viajes que cuenten con el "Certificado Nacional de Autorización para Agencias de Turismo Estudiantil", de conformidad con los datos que surgen del Sistema Aplicativo de Turismo Estudiantil. Que con el fin de evitar la acumulación innecesaria de trámites y obligaciones que pesan sobre los administrados, corresponde restringir presentaciones de documentación para los viajes de estudios, sin que esto implique un menoscabo en el control pertinente. Que ello obedece a que las modalidades de turismo estudiantil (viajes de estudio y viajes de egresados), si bien tratadas de manera uniforme por la legislación vigente, poseen características disímiles que obligan a diferenciarlas. Que mediante el "Convenio de Cooperación y Emprendimientos Conjuntos para la Implementación y Puesta en Marcha del Registro de Coordinadores y Asistentes de Turismo Estudiantil", suscripto entre el MINISTERIO DE TURISMO, la ASOCIACIÓN ARGENTINA DE AGENCIAS DE VIAJES Y TURISMO y la ASOCIACIÓN DE PADRES DEL TURISMO ESTUDIANTIL y aprobado mediante la Resolución No 154 del 23 de diciembre de 2010 del MINISTERIO DE TURISMO, es requisito indispensable que los coordinadores y asistentes de coordinador de turismo estudiantil se inscriban en dicho registro y efectúen la renovación anual de su inscripción, como presupuesto indispensable para desempeñarse en tal carácter. Que además resulta necesario efectuar otras modificaciones a la normativa vigente, en aras de establecer mejores herramientas a fin de garantizar el cumplimiento de las prestaciones de servicios de turismo estudiantil en los destinos del exterior de la REPÚBLICA ARGENTINA. Que asimismo, en virtud de las obligaciones que se generan corresponde imponer nuevas sanciones y modificar el monto de las existentes ante posibles incumplimientos. Que por último, resulta conveniente establecer en un único cuerpo normativo las normas reglamentarias vigentes a la fecha. Que la presente medida se dicta en uso de las atribuciones conferidas por la Ley de Agentes de Viajes No 18.829 y sus modificaciones, la Ley de Turismo Estudiantil No 25.599 y su modificatoria y los Decretos Nros. 919/10 y 8/11. Por ello, EL MINISTRO DE TURISMO RESUELVE: ARTÍCULO 1°.- Apruébase el "Reglamento de Turismo Estudiantil" que como Anexo integra la presente medida. ARTÍCULO 2°.- Deróganse las Resoluciones Nros. 237 del 15 de marzo de 2007, 61 del 6 de febrero de 2008 y 435 del 19 de junio de 2008, todas ellas de la ex SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO entonces dependiente de PRESIDENCIA DE LA NACIÓN, 271 del 21 de abril de 2009 de la entonces SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO del ex MINISTERIO DE PRODUCCIÓN y 143 del 6 de junio de 2012 del MINISTERIO DE TURISMO. ARTÍCULO 3°.- La presente medida entrará en vigencia a partir de su publicación en el Boletín Oficial. ARTÍCULO 4°.- Comuníquese, publíquese, dése a la Dirección Nacional del Registro Oficial y archívese. RESOLUCIÓN No 23 Publicada en el Boletín Oficial el 6 de Febrero de 2014

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Ud. está saliendo del sitio oficial de Bariloche Turismo e ingresando a un motor de reservas donde encontrará prestadores habilitados de la ciudad.

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¿Por qué es tan importante la ECOTASA?

La ECOTASA nos ayuda a mantener y a mejorar la infraestructura de la ciudad, para que Bariloche esté cada vez mejor para recibirte. Esta tasa se abona por persona (como máximo 3 noches). ver más 

La normativa establece además que en los meses de baja temporada entre el 1 de abril y el 30 de junio, se abona el 50% del valor de la Ecotasa. No pagan la ECOTASA : residentes (presentando original y copia de DNI donde conste el domicilio real); menores de 14 años (presentando original y copia de DNI, pasaporte, partida de nacimiento y/o cualquier otro documento que acredite la identidad y la fecha de nacimiento del menor); personas con discapacidad (presentando original y copia del certificado de discapacidad conjuntamente con original y copia de DNI); deportistas menores de 18 años (presentando original y copia de DNI y el documento que avale que asiste a un evento deportivo oficial organizado por el Estado Nacional, Provincial o Municipal).

El 21% de  IVA vuelve  con vos *

Si sos extranjero Bariloche no te cobra el 21% de impuestos en alojamiento.

World Travel Awards

Bariloche elegido el mejor destino turístico de la Argentina 2018.

Secretaria Turismo San Carlos de Bariloche



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  1. Hotel Bariloche City

    EL HOTEL. SERVICIOS. HABITACIONES. San Martín 485, Bariloche (0294) 442-5317 Cotizá tu Reserva Enviá tu Whatsapp ...

  2. #TravelRock

    Travel Rock tiene sucursales propias en todo el País, así que no importa donde estés, podes solicitar que te vayamos a visitar con nuestra propuesta. Escribimos a [email protected] o comunicate al 011-4325-7625 ... BARILOCHE CITY HOTEL. COMIDAS Desayuno-almuerzo-merienda-cena con postres y gaseosas libres! (Línea Coca-Cola ...

  3. Travel Rock

    Quiénes conformamos TRAVEL ROCK hemos transitado más de 30 años en el mundo de las giras estudiantiles, transportando a casi 2 millones de chicos y chicas. Somos sin lugar a dudas la empresa más experimentada, que además se diferencia del resto al enfocarse pura y exclusivamente en la mágica ciudad de Bariloche. Esto nos ha permitido ...

  4. HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina

    485 San Martín, 8400 San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina - Great location - show map. You're eligible for a Genius discount at HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY! To save at this property, all you have to do is sign in. Featuring a bar, HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY is located in San Carlos de Bariloche in the Río Negro region, a 6-minute walk from Playa del ...

  5. Patagonia Argentina

    Un nuevo hotel te espera en San Carlos de Bariloche. Cerca de las mejores discos y del Centro Cívico. Te estaremos esperando para que vivas tus mejores vacaciones. Contamos con todos los servicios para que en Bariloche solo te ocupes de pasarla bien. Nuestro personal altamente capacitado y siempre dispuesto a brindarte lo mejor.

  6. Hotel Bariloche City, San Carlos de Bariloche: Hotel Reviews, Rooms

    View deals for Hotel Bariloche City, including fully refundable rates with free cancellation. Civic Center Bariloche is minutes away. Breakfast and WiFi are free, and this hotel also features an arcade/game room. All rooms have flat-screen TVs and rainfall showers.

  7. HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina

    This 3-star hotel offers room service, a 24-hour front desk and free WiFi. The hotel features family rooms. Civic Centre is 500 metres from the hotel, while Serena Bay is 11 km away. The nearest airport is San Carlos De Bariloche Airport, 14 km from HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY. Couples particularly like the location — they rated it 8.9 for a two ...

  8. Hotel Bariloche City

    Book Hotel Bariloche City, San Carlos de Bariloche on Tripadvisor: See 21 traveler reviews, 26 candid photos, and great deals for Hotel Bariloche City, ranked #119 of 152 hotels in San Carlos de Bariloche and rated 3 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  9. Bariloche City

    Bariloche City, Bariloche. 4,657 likes · 16,251 were here. Nuevo Hotel de Travelrock!

  10. Hotel Bariloche City Reviews, Deals & Photos 2024

    Hotel Bariloche City Reviews, Deals & Photos 2024 - Expedia. Stay at this 3-star hotel in San Carlos de Bariloche. Enjoy free breakfast, a 24-hour front desk, and daily housekeeping. Popular attractions Civic Center Bariloche and Bariloche Casino are located nearby.

  11. Hotel Bariloche City Reviews, Deals & Photos 2023

    Stay at this 3-star business-friendly hotel in San Carlos de Bariloche. Enjoy free breakfast, free WiFi, and a 24-hour front desk. Popular attractions Bariloche Casino and Playa Centro are located nearby. Discover genuine guest reviews for Hotel Bariloche City, in Downtown Bariloche neighborhood, along with the latest prices and availability - book now.

  12. Hotel Bariloche City 3* in Bariloche 2 reviews of the hotel, room

    Booking Hotel Bariloche City in Bariloche - book Hotel Bariloche City hotel, prices and room photos . Hotel Bariloche City, San Martin 485, Bariloche. ... Enter your dates of travel and we will display the current prices. No dates selected. If you don't know the specific dates yet, select approximate dates to see the price estimates. ...

  13. ᐉ Hotel Bariloche City ⋆⋆⋆ ( San Carlos De Bariloche, Argentina ) Real

    You'll need 19-minute drive to San Carlos De Bariloche airport. A popular place in San Carlos de Bariloche is Lago Nahuel Huapi, which is only 0.8 km away. Nature lovers will appreciate the proximity to Playa del Centro, which is 700 metres away. Hotel Bariloche City is located about a 5-minute drive from Plaza Catedral.

  14. Hotel Sol Bariloche

    Hotelería Premium. Confort, calidad y la mejor ubicación para que los Travelrockers disfruten de su viaje de egresados, y de su estadía en Bariloche! Trave...

  15. #LetsRock

    Travel rock has offices all around the country, no no matter where you are, you can request a representative to visit you and tell you about our proposal. Contact [email protected] or phone +54 011 43257625. ... BARILOCHE CITY HOTEL. MEALS Breakfast-lunch-snack-dinner with desserts and free soft drinks! (Coca-Cola Line) Includes ...

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    Travel Rock Brasil. Envie sua dúvida para nós pelo formulário abaixo e em breve nossa equipe entrará em contato. WhatsApp(11) 3253-3700. [email protected]. Horário de AtendimentoSegunda a sexta das 9h00 às 18h00.

  17. Bariloche: A Guide to Argentina's 'Switzerland'

    In the 1930s Argentine National Park service's director, Exequiel Bustillo, hired his brother Alejandro to create a ' garden city ' that would serve as the hopping off point to Nahuel Huapi National Park. The cathedral, and local iconic hotels such as Llao Llao and Puerto Blest Hostel were built in the trademark Bariloche style with cypress wood and larch tiles.

  18. Things to do in Bariloche Argentina

    Enjoy a boat trip to Puerto Blest - popular things to do in Bariloche. Sail along the Brazo Tristeza. Cerro Llao Llao, one of the best hikes in Bariloche. Have a drink at Hotel Llao Llao in Bariloche. Enjoy views from the ski slopes - top things to do in Bariloche. Cycle the Circuito Chico.

  19. #TravelRock

    Travel rock has offices all around the country, no no matter where you are, you can request a representative to visit you and tell you about our proposal. Contact [email protected] or phone +54 011 43257625. ... BARILOCHE CITY HOTEL. MEALS Breakfast-lunch-snack-dinner with desserts and free soft drinks! (Coca-Cola Line) Includes ...

  20. Bariloche in 4 days, the best travel itinerary

    Summary - Bariloche Itinerary in 4 days. Day 1 the center and the Nahuel Huapi tour. Day 2 walk through Circuito Chico and Cerro Catedral. Day 3, route of the 7 lakes to San Martín de los Andes. Day 4, excursion to Puerto Blest and Los Cántaros waterfall. Things to do in Bariloche in 5 days, Mount Tronador. Practical information for travel ...

  21. Where to stay in Bariloche: Best Areas, Lodges, & Cabins

    Where to stay downtown: Penthouse 1004 - The best hostel in Bariloche, incredible view, great location, very highly reviewed. NH Bariloche Edelweiss - For those who like the comfort and reliability a chain hotel provides, NH rarely disappoints. Rooms are cozy, breakfast looks great, and the indoor pool is ideal in winter.

  22. Things to do in Bariloche: A Complete Travel Guide

    A Complete Bariloche Travel Guide. I've been to Bariloche four times now, one trip lasting an entire month (pretending I'm a local) Suffice it to say, I've fallen hard for Bariloche and understand why it's one of Argentina's most popular destinations.. I first visited when I was a baby expat, having just arrived in Argentina 13 years ago and boy, this city has grown quite a bit since ...

  23. Bariloche

    Bariloche - Sitio Web Oficial de Turismo. Ud. está saliendo del sitio oficial de Bariloche Turismo e ingresando a un motor de reservas donde encontrará prestadores habilitados de la ciudad. Acepto los términos legales para ingresar en el motor de reservas. Dónde dormir en Bariloche.