The Vampire Diaries Wiki

A Passenger is the spirit of a witch, traditionally a Traveler, who lays dormant inside another person's body until activated by a magical code word or incantation. According to Katherine , they lay dormant like parasites inside the body of their host until activated. Passenger spells are primarily used by  the Travelers as a way to possess other bodies without facing the consequences of their curse while practicing magic as a group in their own bodies.

  • 2.1 Season Five
  • 3 Powers and Abilities
  • 4 Weaknesses
  • 5 Known Passengers

Creation [ ]

To become a Passenger, a Traveler witch must speak the incantation " Jaryakata zem, daryet acza" while holding the head of the person they wish to possess in their hands. The recipient's eyes will then gloss over black, confirming the transfer. Passengers can take permanent control of their hosts bodies. In order for this to happen, the body of the Passenger and some blood from the host is required before a ritual is performed and the body of the Passenger is burned.

History [ ]

Season five [ ].

In  I Know What You Did Last Summer , Nadia lured Matt into an alley and returned the Gilbert Ring that she had stolen from him over the summer, distracting Matt and allowing her boyfriend, a Traveler named Gregor , to cast the Passenger spell on him.

In True Lies , Nadia killed Gregor in front of Silas to convince him that she was a trustworthy person with whom to work. However, Gregor's spirit lived on in Matt's body, which he used to continue his and Nadia's plans, though his control over Matt's body was sporadic and dependent on his spirit being summoned by others using the code words.

In  For Whom the Bell Tolls , Matt, worried about his recent bouts of losing time, installed cameras in every room of the Lockwood Mansion to try to figure out what he was doing while he was blacked out. When he later watched the video footage, he was shocked to see himself taking out an unfamiliar knife on camera. It is revealed that Gregor, in control of Matt's body and speaking with an accent, was aware of the camera, and spoke into it to pass on a message to Matt once he was conscious—that the blade in his hand was to be protected at all costs until his friends came for it. He then proceeded to slice Matt's palm open to demonstrate what will happen to him, should he lose the knife.

In  Dead Man on Campus , Katherine asked Matt to bring her Gregor's blade, and when she revealed to Matt and Stefan that Gregor was a Traveler who had taken possession of Matt using a Passenger spell and forced Gregor to admit his orders (to kill Silas, and then to kill Katherine), she stabbed Matt with it, killing Gregor's spirit and leaving Matt unharmed.

In Fifty Shades of Grayson , Nadia wanted Katherine to become a Passenger in someone else to prevent her inevitable death from old age as a result of taking the Cure . Katherine, however, reminded Nadia that she had never used Traveler magic before, as her father had referred to it as "the devil's work" and refused to allow their family to practice it. However, after a heartfelt moment with Stefan, Katherine decided to do the Passenger spell after all, but had a heart attack and collapsed at the boarding house before she had a chance to do it.

In  500 Years of Solitude , Katherine, after having been brought back to the boarding house after Stefan compelled the hospital to release her, was visited by Nadia and her Traveler associate Mia to teach her the Passenger spell so she could cast it before she died. Though Katherine made a big show of refusing to possess her own daughter so she could continue to live, it was later revealed that she always intended to go through with the spell, only instead of possessing Nadia, she cast the spell on Elena when she came to her bedside to say goodbye before she died. Once settled in Elena's body, Elena was called by Nadia, who had Mia say the incantation to bring Katherine's spirit into control of her body.

In The Devil Inside , it was revealed that that there is a spell that gives a Passenger permanent control over their host body. However, it requires the blood of the host and the burning of the body of the Passenger, preventing them from ever returning to their original bodies. Mia once again helped Katherine complete the spell, and though Elena came back into control midway through and tried to intervene, Mia was able to complete the spell before Elena could alert anyone to what had happened, making Katherine permanently in control of Elena's body.

In No Exit , Caroline and Stefan realized that Katherine was a Passenger in Elena's body.

In Gone Girl , Stefan used Gregor's blade to kill Katherine and return Elena's spirit into control of her own body.

In Resident Evil , Liv revealed to Tyler , Jeremy , and Matt that her coven had been tracking the Travelers for centuries, and explained that several times in the course of history, the Travelers convened together in various towns by slowly casting Passenger spells on the townspeople so that they wouldn't trigger any complications as a result of their Curse . She then enlisted their help in using Gregor's Passenger-killing blade to free the affected townspeople from the Passengers' control. In his search, Tyler discovered that Liz Forbes had been possessed by a Passenger, and he stabbed her with the Passenger-killing knife to free her. However, he was caught with the knife by Julian , another Traveler, who decided to be a Passenger in Tyler's body. Once he was possessing Tyler, he turned over Gregor's blade to Markos , who destroyed it, ensuring that the Passengers could not be killed without also killing their hosts.

In Man on Fire , the Travelers convened to test a theory Markos had involving the combined blood of the last male and female doppelgängers of their respective lines. In order to do this, Markos used the blood of Tyler, whose body was still being possessed by Julian, and who was locked up to prevent Tyler from regaining control and fleeing, to turn Sloan into a vampire . Once she had turned and transitioned, she was fed the combined doppelgänger blood, which cured her of her vampirism before returning her to the state she was in before she was turned—dead with a slit throat. Thrilled that his experiment worked, Markos explained to the rest of the Travelers that they were not only close to breaking their curse, but also in bringing upon them the end of Spirit Magic and everything it had created, including vampires.

In What Lies Beneath , Tyler's spirit regained control of his body while Maria , the wife of Julian, was trying to have sex with her husband. Tyler became aware of the fact that most of the other Travelers had become Passengers in the citizens of Mystic Falls , and managed to purposely transform into his wolf form to prevent Maria from calling Julian's spirit into control of his body. He ran straight to the Salvatore Boarding House , where he convinced Matt and Jeremy to lock him up in the cellar to both prevent Julian from being able to return to the Travelers and to torture Julian into telling them what the Travelers were planning. Meanwhile, at the Traveler camp, Markos was so angry at Maria for letting Julian/Tyler run away that he ordered her to go to the cave where all of the Travelers' original bodies were being kept and perform the spell on his body that would make his possession of Tyler permanent, knowing full well that this was essentially a death sentence for Julian once their Magic Purification Spell brought the end to all vampiric creatures.

In Promised Land , the Travelers, all of whom were Passengers in the bodies of dozens of Mystic Falls residents, went to the Town Square to perform the Purification Spell, which involved them crushing vials of doppelgänger blood in their hands as they chanted the incantation. Afterward, the Travelers whose original bodies were still alive were able to return to them, where they were being kept in the Salvatore Boarding House by Damon .

Powers and Abilities [ ]

  • Possession : Passengers have the ability to take control of another being's form by placing their spirit into the body of another. By possessing the body of a supernatural being, they also gain the use of their unique powers and abilities.
  • Mental Resistance : Passengers render their host body immune to certain mental powers, such as telepathy and mind compulsion due to the presence of two minds in one being. Silas was unable to read Matt 's mind even when Gregor was dormant at the time.
  • Witchcraft : Passengers, being Travelers by default, are able to perform magic and cast spells in their host bodies so long as they are human.

Weaknesses [ ]

  • Dormancy: Passengers naturally remain dormant in their host bodies after possession and only take control of their hosts periodically unlike most other forms of possession. A Passenger can only remain in control of the host for a limited time, the duration of which is apparently not the same for all species, since the Travelers were wary of Julian after he Passenger-ed himself into Tyler's body. It was suggested that Passengering into a hybrid's body was unprecedented, likely due to their short history as a species and being one of the most physically powerful supernatural species. Once Passengers loses control of their host bodies, they return to being dormant and have to be summoned to regain control when the host bodies hear the activation word " Vyjdi. " Nevertheless, their control can be rendered permanent with a spell which involves destroying their original bodies.
  • Magic : Passenger are susceptible to the powers of witchcraft. This is inclusive of mystical objects such as the Gilbert Device , Papa Tunde's Blade , and Dark Objects . It is unknown if a Siphoner can siphon the magic from a passenger.
  • Mortality: Passengers who possess humans share many of the same weaknesses as non-supernatural beings (e.g. old age, suffocation, broken neck etc.).
  • Physical Contact: Passengers are required to touch the temples of their host body initially in order for their possession to be successful.
  • Supernatural Hunters : Members of the Brotherhood of the Five are said to be immune to mind control ( compulsion , psychic powers etc.). According to Olivia , this includes possession by Travelers.
  • Traveler Knife : Passengers are vulnerable to a magical blade capable of dispatching them from their host's body and removing their spirits without harming or killing the host.
  • Lycanthrope Transformation : Passengers do not appear to be able to exert control on werewolves in their animal form as demonstrated by Tyler when he managed to resist the activating his Passenger by transforming into his wolf form. This suggests that Passengers can only take control of humanoid species rather than animalistic ones. Presumably, this may also mean that the same could be said to a normal werewolf harboring a Passenger within themselves prior to a full moon .

Known Passengers [ ]

  • Gregor (possessing Matt Donovan )
  • Katerina Petrova (possessing Elena Gilbert )
  • Julian (possessing Tyler Lockwood )
  • Unknown Traveler (possessing Elizabeth Forbes )
  • Carl (possessing Pam Douglas )

Gallery [ ]


  • The spell which the Travelers use to become Passengers is referred as the "Passenger Spell" by Nadia and Katherine .
  • The language that the Passenger spell and the activation word to summon the Passengers are spoken is supposed to be Czech.
  • Jet-black eyes appear to be the main feature of Passengers, as the eyes of a Passenger host would turn black when the Passenger spell is completed and whenever the control of the body is switched between the host and the Passenger.
  • Passengers can take permanent control of their hosts bodies, but only if additional spells are performed to grant them such control.
  • In  Resident Evil ,  when the Passenger who possessed Elizabeth Forbes  killed Matt  while he was wearing his Gilbert Ring , he went to  the Other Side until he revived. Since the Gilbert ring will only resurrect someone who has been killed by a supernatural being, a non-supernatural human who is the host for a Passenger is technically considered a supernatural entity for as long as they are being possessed.  
  • In Promised Land if or when the host of a Passenger dies, the Traveler's spirit will return to their dormant original body, as Carl, who was possessing Pam Douglas, informed Pam's husband that he needed something expendable, performing the Purification Spell is fatal to the Passenger's host. Markos also told Damon that it wasn't essential to his plan that his people woke up in their own bodies when Damon threatened to kill them all.
  • Elena and Tyler are the only non-human hosts seen to have had a Passenger possessing them; Elena was a vampire-doppelgänger who was possessed by Katherine, a witch-doppelgänger, and Tyler was a werewolf-vampire hybrid possessed by the Traveler Julian.

See also [ ]

  • The Vampire Diaries
  • 1 Niklaus Mikaelson
  • 2 Elena Gilbert
  • 3 Hope Mikaelson


'The Vampire Diaries' Katherine Pierce Ruins Lives

does katherine travel into elena

When we last left our favorite ragtag group of gorgeous, teenage supernatural beings, all hell was about to break loose. Katherine Pierce was human and dying and had just taken over her doppelgänger Elena Gilbert's body . This week's episode, "The Devil Inside," is all about Katherine trying to make her body snatching permanent. It's amazing, because for years I've been saying how great the show would be if Elena could just go away and it could be the Katherine Pierce show. Now that I have my wish (kind of…for the moment, at least), I know I was right all along.

Katherine manages to make her body-jumping permanent (but really, how permanent will it be? This is The Vampire Diaries , after all) thanks to some super-sleuthing and black magic. First, she has to find her body, which Damon has hidden. She's spectacularly cunning and figures it out basically as soon as she hears his clue (he put her in the tomb — where he says she belonged all along). Watching Katherine & Co. cement her spot in Elena's body is not nearly as fabulous as watching her ruin Elena's friends lives at every opportunity. Here are her top sabotage moments of the night:

1. She compels Matt to find out how Elena dumped him.

Okay, she really compels Matt for a lot of information. She needs to know things like Elena's birthday and which of her BFFs is her No. 1 BFF (boringly, they're equal, according to Boring Matt). The last piece of information she demands of him is the worst and the most cryptic: She wants to know exactly how Elena dumped him because it's going to, according to her, come in handy later. I don't even like Matt that much and I was pitying him the minute she said this.

2. She tells Tyler that Caroline banged Klaus.

That secret didn't last long. Caroline tells Elena about her moment of bad judgment (or, as Caroline/Klaus shippers everywhere call it: THE BEST THING EVER), and she waits until Tyler is within supernatural werewolf/vampire hybrid eavesdropping distance to repeat the news and get Caroline in major trouble. Tyler does not take the news well. (To his credit, Klaus did sire bond him, kill all of his hybrid friends, and kill his mom.) He couldn't have learned soon enough, considering he was hoping to get Caroline back and "start over." I don't dislike Caroline and Tyler, but now that Caroline and Klaus has happened, how could it ever stack up?

3. She dumps Damon and pushes him over the edge.

Damon is trying to get Elena back. He's been texting and leaving voicemails and Elena almost gets to him before the body snatch is complete. Over the course of the episode, Elena is fighting for control of the body and has it just long enough to call out his name and run into his arms before Katherine takes back over and the switch is permanent. It's kind of devastating, but then you forget all about it when Katherine delivers the break-up speech to end all break-up speeches. She tells Damon that he was right to break up with her because, even though she brings out the best in him, at the end of the day, he's evil and she can't be with him. It's Damon's worst fear articulated, and it pushes him over the edge. The episode ends with him and Enzo on the beginnings of what feels like a bloodlust bender. Earlier in the episode, he compelled Aaron to get the hell out of Mystic Falls, but he catches up to him and, well, it's not good for Aaron.

As for Katherine? She's in permanent residence in Elena's body and loving the freedom. For the first time in over 500 years, no one is chasing her. She's free to do some mother-daughter bonding. Oh, and get Stefan back.

Image: The CW

does katherine travel into elena

Screen Rant

The vampire diaries: 5 reasons why katherine is the superior doppelganger (& 5 why it’s elena).


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Sutekh's fate in doctor who season 14 ending gets definitive response from showrunner rtd, i’ve always wondered why star trek: ds9 abandoned their plans for riker’s clone.

On The Vampire Diaries , Katherine Pierce and Elena Gilbert may look alike and share a particular fondness for the Salvatore brothers, but the doppelgangers couldn't be more different. Katherine was a selfish and self-centered manipulator who fought to become a vampire and only truly cared about herself, whereas Elena was caring and compassionate and longed to be human even after her transition to vampirism.

RELATED: The Vampire Diaries: 5 Reasons Why We Prefer Nina Dobrev As Elena (& 5 Why We Prefer Her As Katherine)

Both doppelgangers were great characters who garnered a dedicated and passionate fanbase. Katherine was the Cersei Lannister of the series and Elena was the show's iconic main character, but which Petrova doppelganger was superior? Here are five reasons why it's Katherine and five why it's Elena.

Katherine: She's Honest About Her Morality

Katherine Pierce is one of the most despicable and diabolical villains in The Vampire Diaries . She is self-centered and ruthless, yet she has never denied this and was honest about her lack of morals several times in the series.

Elena was said repeatedly to be a compassionate person but showcased selfish tendencies several times, especially when it came to her love for Damon and Stefan Salvatore. Katherine, for all her many downfalls and shortcomings, was an honest and obvious threat in Mystic Falls.

Elena: She Cares About Her Friends

One of Elena Gilbert's most defining characteristics is her love for her friends and family. She put herself in harm's way to protect the people in her life, something the isolated and selfish Katherine would never do.

Elena's pals are equally as dedicated to her. Bonnie and Caroline are great friends who sacrifice their happiness to save Elena repeatedly, and are loyal to her in a way that nobody is to Katherine.

Katherine: She Was A Powerful Vampire

Katherine was a powerful force to be reckoned with who seemed nearly unstoppable at the beginning. She was a vicious and cunning vampire who, at over five hundred years old, was stronger than both Salvatore brothers, easily defeating Damon and Stefan in a fight.

When Katherine comes to Mystic Falls in the second season of The Vampire Diaries , Elena and the gang struggle to fight against her as she is a strong and smart opponent. She turns Caroline into a vampire and forces Stefan and Elena to break up as she wreaks havoc on the town.

Elena: Stefan And Damon Loved Her More

Katherine Pierce was the first love of Stefan and Damon and the first Petrova doppelganger that the Salvatores encountered during the 1800s. However, the brothers' undeniably loved Elena more and went to great lengths to protect her while she was human.

RELATED: The Vampire Diaries: The 10 Most Selfless Things Elena Has Ever Done

Katherine compelled Stefan's compliance during their relationship after he learns that she is a vampire. Damon loved her obsessively but disregarded her as soon as he fell in love with Elena.

Katherine: She's The Queen Of Style

Katherine had impeccable style and was easily the best-dressed character in Mystic Falls. Her voluminous curls and pointed leather jackets set her apart from her doppelganger Elena, and the evil vampire always stood out in a crowd.

Katherine knew how to use her looks to her advantage. She manipulates several men into falling love with her and doing her bidding, including the Salvatore brothers, Elijah Mikaelson, Trevor, and Mason Lockwood.

Elena: She's Capable Of Compassion

Katherine is a great villain but a terrible person. Elena was far more compassionate throughout the series, showing genuine love for her friends and demonstrating that she cared about people much more than her evil doppelganger.

Several characters compliment Elena's capacity for compassion in The Vampire Diaries . Elijah Mikaelson states that it is her "gift" and urges her to never lose sight of it, something which would never apply to the evil and manipulative Katherine.

Katherine: She's Self-Reliant And Independent

Elena depended upon the Salvatores brothers and her friends heavily throughout The Vampire Diaries . Katherine was the more self-reliant doppelganger as she lived in near isolation for over five hundred years, fleeing from Klaus after turning herself into a vampire.

RELATED: The Vampire Diaries: 10 Things Even Diehard Fans Don't Know About Katherine

Katherine's isolation can be largely blamed for her selfishness and lack of compassion. She didn't have the same support system as Elena, and had to be completely independent for over five centuries after fleeing from her home country of Bulgaria.

Elena: She Sacrificed Herself To Save Other People

Elena sacrificed herself and her happiness to save other people several times in The Vampire Diaries . When Klaus arrives in Mystic Falls, she refuses to flee and goes willingly to be sacrificed in the ritual to break his werewolf curse and protect the people she loves  though it still costs her the life of her aunt Jenna.

Katherine would never sacrifice herself for somebody else in this way. Katherine only cares about Katherine, whereas Elena is mindful of her friends, highlighting one of the biggest differences between the doppelgangers.

Katherine: Damon And Stefan Loved Her First

Although Damon and Stefan loved Elena more, Katherine was still the first Petrova doppelganger that the brothers fell for. It is Elena's resemblance to Katherine that attracts the attention of the Salvatore brothers, and if she hadn't been a doppelganger of their old lover, the vampires would likely have never fallen in love with her.

Elena's physical resemblance to Katherine is the only similarity the doppelgangers share. Despite this, both Salvatore brothers have been in love with both doppelgangers during their long lives and their relationships have largely defined their character arcs.

Elena: She Made Katherine Take The Cure

Elena and Katherine have a long-overdue showdown in the fourth season of The Vampire Diaries . Katherine confronts Elena in the high school. and the older vampire overpowers her before Elena forces the cure down her throat, turning Katherine into a human.

Elena takes away Katherine's biggest weapon when she forcibly gives her the cure. It leads to the gradual decline and death of the former vampire as her age catches up with her.

NEXT: The Vampire Diaries: 5 Times Damon Was The Superior Salvatore (& 5 Times It Was Stefan)

  • The Vampire Diaries

‘The Vampire Diaries’ recap: Katherine tells a tale

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How fitting that this info-packed episode took us to what was basically a vampire cyber cafe, complete with double tinted windows to keep the sunlight out. Rose’s (Lauren Cohan) friend Slater (Trevor Peterson), who has oodles of knowledge thanks to his 18 degrees, three masters and four PhDs and countless years as a vampire, gave Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Rose the 411 on Klaus and the Curse of the Sun and the Moon. We also got quite the info dump as Katherine (Nina Dobrev) shared her Lifetime-gets-horrific life story with Elena (Dobrev). Entombed Katherine kind of looked like a zombie extra who got rejected from “The Walking Dead” because she didn’t look decayed enough. But her hoarse voice and limping stride were still plenty creepy. Even a slightly slower Katherine kept her wits about her, not to mention her perfect eye makeup, as she dished to Elena. Here’s what we learned:

1. Katerina Petrova, who shall be known as Katherine from here on out, had a daughter. And now we also know that Elena and Katherine are related through that blood line. In 1490, Katherine gave birth to a girl, who was taken from her by her own father and given away. Dobrev really sold the crushing emotions of having one’s child ripped away from them. Pretty impressive for such a young actress. But then again, she had practice playing a teenage mom on “Degrassi: The Next Generation.”

2. In 1492, Katherine was banished from her native Bulgaria. Having a child out of wedlock was a big no-no, so when Katherine was disowned, she fled to England and adopted a British accent. I hope Dobrev got paid overtime for all the extra accent work she did in this episode, not to mention having to play three characters essentially. It was in England that Katherine caught the eye of a nobleman named Klaus, but then she realized what Klaus wanted to do with her and ran away. Lovesick Trevor (Trent Ford) -- the guy who got beheaded last week –- helped her escape to Rose’s cottage.

3. The Curse of the Sun and the Moon was bound with Petrova blood. And the Petrova doppelganger was created to undo the spell. Thus, Klaus needed Katherine to drain her blood as a sacrifice to break the spell.

4. Katherine basically turned herself into a vampire to save her own ass. After Rose discovered that Katherine had stolen the moonstone from Klaus, she told Katherine she was going to turn her over to Klaus rather than risk her and Trevor’s lives. She fed Katherine her blood to heal her wounds. Then when Rose left the room, Katherine hanged herself and became a vampire. “Better you die than I,” she replied when Rose accused her of using herself and Trevor to escape Klaus. Looks like that charming personality got its start before Katherine became a vamp.

5. Katherine came back to Mystic Falls to gather the ingredients to break the spell. She hoped that by giving Elena to Klaus –- only a human doppelganger will do –- he would stop trying to get revenge on her for running away. Klaus even killed her entire family back in 1492, so that baby really is the only blood line left. And Caroline (Candice Accola), Tyler (Michael Trevino) and Bonnie (Katerina Graham) were part of Katherine’s plan. You also need a vampire and werewolf for the spell and a witch to perform it. “Better you die than I,” she told Elena. That should really be on her headstone. If she ever dies.

6. It really is just a two-way race now to see who will get to the spell first. Slater told Damon and Rose the only way he knew to find Klaus was through a Craigslist personal ad. Seriously? But that would eventually lead to a dead end. Meanwhile, undead Elijah (Daniel Gillies) was eavesdropping outside the cyber cafe. He gathered a handful of coins and flung them at the cafe’s windows, shattering all the glass. As all the vampires inside withered in pain under the sun, I couldn’t help thinking that this felt like the vampire version of a terrorist attack. And between this and the powerful beheading by swatting last week, I’m starting to think Elijah is Klaus. Elijah compelled Slater to tell Rose they needed the moonstone to destroy the curse and that a witch would know what to do with it. Then he made Slater stab himself. Bummer. I really liked the guy and his oddly nerdy thirst for knowledge and “what is the point of being a vampire?” attitude. He also looked like he could have been Misha Collins’ (“Supernatural”) younger brother.

7. Katherine doesn’t want out of the tomb. Even though she’s got the moonstone, she’s not planning to exchange it for her freedom. When Klaus comes to town to kill them all, “I’ll be the safest psychotic bitch in town,” she told Stefan (Paul Wesley).

8. Bonnie’s got two suitors and one of them may be up to no good. After quite a dry spell –- no pun intended –- Bonnie’s now caught the eye of Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) and new guy Luka (Bryton James), whose dad asked Bonnie if she’s related to any Bennetts in Salem. It seemed like Bonnie felt something less than great when she touched Luka’s shoulder. Then Luka won Bonnie over by revealing that he’s a warlock. But Bonnie may not want to trust him because Luka’s dad and Elijah are working together. Looks like Bonnie’s being set up to get caught up in the middle of all this spell breaking messiness.

Oh, yes, and Damon had sex with Rose. It was too short to really make an impression, although I do think the characters play off each other well. When Rose told Damon, “You can trust me,” I scoffed. The boy has some pretty big trust issues thanks to a certain dark-haired vampire. I scoffed even more so when Rose told him he needs to turn off his emotions to stay safe and then jumped him. Desire and lust are some of the most powerful emotions.

I actually loved the sweet little exchanges between Stefan and Caroline more. Their blossoming friendship has been a highlight this season. When Stefan told her she reminded him of his best friend Lexi –- RIP –- I smiled. Here’s hoping Caroline’s fate is not the same as Lexi’s.

Readers, what did you think of Katherine’s backstory? Was she selfish or smart? Or is it just sad? Do you think Luka is bad news? Did Rose manage to get your mind off Damon and Elena? And what do you think of my ‘Elijah is Klaus’ theory?

-- Vlada Gelman (follow my TV musings on Twitter at @stayingin )

RELATED: ‘The Vampire Diaries’ recap: ‘It’s Elena.’ Again. ‘The Vampire Diaries’ recap: The killing time Complete ‘The Vampire Diaries’ coverage on Show Tracker

‘Vampire Diaries’: Katherine Says Her Final Goodbyes

Plus, when Elena wakes up, she's nothing like the girl we used to know.After we got past the "they don't know that we know that they know" parts of The Vampire Diaries, Stefan (Paul Wesley), Caroline (Candice Accola) and Matt (Zach Roerig) did everything in their power to lure Katherine (Nina Dobrev) into their house so that they could kill her once and for all to get Elena back. However -- for the first time ever -- Katherine's more focused on saving her daughter's life.

The Vampire Diaries Katherine Dies

Katherine Cares About Her Daughter More Than Herself (Yes We’re Shocked, Too)

You read that right, Katherine Pierce actually cares about someone else. While Dr. Wes ( Rick Cosnett ) tried to come up with a cure for Nadia’s ( Olga Fonda ) hybrid bite — thanks a lot, Tyler ( Michael Trevino ) — Damon ( Ian Somerhalder ) isn’t about to sit back in the cellar and let everyone else try to save the woman he loves. So, in his usual Damon-self, he pisses Tyler off just enough to come into the cell and come close enough that he can attack him and get away.[hl_ndn videoid=”25526599″][hl_ndn videoid= “25518649”]

‘The Vampire Diaries’: Getting Rid Of Katherine Was A Necessary Evil

Unfortunately for Katherine, Dr. Wes didn’t get to complete a cure for Nadia — not before Damon got to him and ripped his heart out. Whoops. While that was going on, Nadia was kidnapped from the church Katherine was hiding her in (since when does Katherine do church?), and Stefan calls Katherine to let her know she can either leave town or come and say goodbye to her daughter —  for one last time. However, that would mean facing all the crew, and the knife that could take her life.

While Nadia   was dying on Stefan and Damon’s couch, Matt proved once again he’s the perfect male species and took care of her, and even pretended to be Gregor, a man from her past that she betrayed — and he played along and forgave her. She continued to fade in and out, slowly dying — and even when Katherine came, she kept mistaking her. In an impressive, emotional cry out from Katherine, we saw her actually  feel   for her daughter and say a sweet goodbye.

Rest In Peace, Katherine Pierce

Once she pulled herself together, Katherine made a round around the room to say her goodbyes and we’ve got to say — it was kind of epic. She made a full circle — saying good bye to Tyler, reminding him that she “made him matter;” Caroline, whose life she improved by making her a vampire; Matt, who she considers “the best night” she never had; Jeremy, who she just called annoying; Damon, whose goodbye changed from “I’m sorry” to “I’m sorry that I gave your life purpose, passion, drive, [and] desire;” and Stefan, who she says she loves — and always will. They even share a sexy kiss — before he kills her.

Yes. Katherine’s dead. I think.

Of course Damon replies to her quips with “See you in hell,” but of that we’re not sure of. When she passes through Bonnie, something goes wrong — and she doesn’t fully cross over, but she is dead. I’m not  quite sure, but maybe she’s in the in between. You know, all  Lovely Bones style.

Yes, this means that Elena is awake and well now — ok, not exactly well. Katherine revealed to Bonnie at the last moment that if  she couldn’t have Stefan, than no one could, especially not Elena. So, before she died, she injected herself with Dr. Wes’ needle — which means that now, Elena will be feeding off of vamps, too.

Did you catch all of that, HollywoodLifers? It’s okay, I had a hard time too. What did you think of the episode? Do you think Katherine will somehow return? Do you think Elena will be able to still be with Damon even though they both want to feed off of each other? Let me know!

— Emily Longeretta Follow @EmilyLongeretta

More ‘Vampire Diaries’ Coverage:

  • ‘Vampire Diaries’: Stefan & Caroline Unveil Katherine’s Dark Secret
  • ‘Vampire Diaries’ EP On Katherine’s ‘Sexy’ Deception & Hope For Delena
  • ‘Vampire Diaries’ Scoop: Stefan Becomes ‘Desperate’ To Save Elena

does katherine travel into elena

So what exactly is the difference between Katherine and Elena now, on Vampire Diaries ?

Back in the dawn of time, when vampires were still creatures we slew instead of swooning over, Buffy the Vampire Slayer gave us the saga of Angel and his evil version, Angelus. Vampire Diaries has given us lots of vamps who oscillate between good and evil, but the main Angel/Angelus-type split was always between the nice Elena and her evil twin, Katherine. But what does it mean when Elena and Katherine are almost indistinguishable? Spoilers ahead...

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In case you missed it, Elena's become a vampire — and not only that, she turned her humanity off, so she has no remorse and no compassion. She and Rebekah, the Original vampire sister, are tracking Katherine, who has the one and only dose of the cure for vampirism, which Rebekah wants to take — and which the Salvatore brothers want Elena to take.

Of course, last night's episode goes out of its way to show the differences between the two women. Elena has to impersonate Katherine, and she has a hard time capturing the Katherine sneer. She also isn't as good at playing men as Katherine, as she discovers when she finds that Katherine has twisted Elijah, one of the Original Brothers, around her little finger.

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But maybe Katherine has also changed and become a nicer person, while Elena's been turning off her humanity and becoming a psycho vamp? Katherine certainly tries to claim so. She's made a pact with Elijah: he'll broker a peace between Katherine and Klaus, who's been hunting Katherine for 500 years. In return, Katherine will give Klaus the cure, which could be used against him, so Klaus can destroy it.

Katherine's deal goes South when Elijah finds out from Elena that Katherine killed Jeremy, Elena's brother — thus cutting Elena off from humanity and leaving her alone. This strikes Elijah, who's sentimental about Elena's sentimentality, as a terrible misdeed. Maybe Elijah didn't get the memo that Elena and Jeremy teamed up to kill Elijah's own brother, Kol? Or maybe he just didn't like Kol that much?

In the end, Elijah meets up with his sister and they take the cure to Klaus, without promising much of anything to Katherine — who's trying to show that she's changed by giving the cure away. And Elena tells Stefan and Damon once and for all that she doesn't want to be human, and she's not interested in reclaiming her nice, compassionate human self before it's too late to go back. To make her point, she kills a waitress and tells the Salvatore boys she's the first of many who will die until they stop trying to fix her. (Again, why was killing Jeremy so bad, in particular? The waitress that Elena kills in this episode was probably more innocent and had just as many people who would miss her.)

In any case, Elijah adds his voice to that of the Salvatores, imploring Elena to hold onto the thing that makes her special and wonderful, the thing that Katherine calls her "snowflake" quality at the start of the episode — her compassion.

So what's the difference between Elena and Katherine? Possibly that Elena is at the beginning of a process that Katherine is at the end of, a sort of hardening and closing off of possibilities. Centuries on the run have left Katherine unable to do anything but lie and scheme. But also, Elena may not have compassion but she still has a certain straightforwardness. She doesn't seem to be trying to manipulate Stefan or Damon, just telling them to fuck off if they can't accept her the way she is.

Meanwhile, Rebekah searches for the cure with Damon — and when she apparently finds it, she quaffs it. For a moment, Damon can't think of a reason to stop her, because part of him still wants vampire Elena, despite the fact that Vamp Elena is a "stone cold bitch." This lapse causes Stefan to make a resolution once and for all — he's through being stuck in the same old pattern of fighting over the same woman with his brother. Once they sort Elena out, Stefan is going to hit the road, Easy Rider -style.

And then there's the episode's other subplot — Klaus and Caroline wrangling over who's a bad person, yet again. This time, Klaus thinks he has a bit of white oak stake stuck in his back and wants Caroline's help getting it out — but it turns out to be just Silas' mind control, messing with him. The Originals are the only ones who can compel other vampires, and now Silas can compel the Originals, after a fashion. The most telling scene in the Klaus/Caroline wrangling is when Klaus points out that Tyler tried to kill him. "We've all tried to kill you," Caroline says, as if that makes it okay.

And there you have Vampire Diaries season four, in a nutshell. Almost everybody has tried to kill almost everybody else, and in many cases they've succeeded. We might decide that Katherine killing Jeremy is worse than Jeremy killing Kol, or we might decide that everybody's just equally reprehensible. What matters, in the end, is that people (and by people I mean Elena) hold on to the things that make them special.

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'Vampire Diaries' season finale: The cure is taken, Silas revealed

Spoiler alert! If you haven’t watched The Vampire Diaries season finale, stop reading now. UPDATE: Our full recap is now live. But here’s a quickie.

The cure: It went to unwilling recipient Katherine. Elena shoved it in her mouth right as Katherine was about to rip Elena’s heart out at the end of their epic brawl in the school hallway. We’d thought Stefan had the cure: Elena had given it to him, after Damon gave it to her. But then flashback to Stefan returning it to Elena because everything he’d done this season was to get it for her . Truth: The Katherine twist was a surprise, but also a bit of a letdown. I’d wanted it to go to Stefan. But Paul Wesley got a consolation prize…

Silas’ true face: As Stefan was about to bury Silas in the quarry, he realized the body was missing. Silas appeared as Elena and explained that the spell that had turned him into stone was broken when the witch (Bonnie) who bound it died. And then the big reveal: Silas created the immortality spell 2,000 years ago. He could never die, so nature needed to find a balance — a version of him that could be killed. A shadow self. A doppelgänger. Stefan thought he was looking at Silas’ real face, and that explained the Petrova doppelgänger. “Not exactly,” Silas said. The reflection in the car window: STEFAN. “Hello, my shadow self,” he said to Stefan. Then he staked him in the stomach, asked him if he knew what it was like to starve for 2,000 years, put him in the large safe, and pushed it into the quarry. So not only was Stefan buried alive, the safe filled up with water as it sank. BRUTAL. Everyone will just think Stefan has left town. So will Silas pose as Stefan now in Mystic Falls, or will he go off to do whatever in another city? Does this mean everything Silas said about wanting to die and be with his one true love was a lie? Couldn’t he have done this to Stefan a lot sooner? Theories? Regardless, Wesley should have fun next season.

Elena’s choice: She truly loves Damon. We learned the sire bond hadn’t returned when Elena refused to take the cure even though Damon insisted. The Hunters had threatened to kill people if they didn’t get it to use on Silas, so Elena didn’t want to be the cause of more death. She, however, wanted Damon to take it when she saw that Vaughn had shot him with a werewolf venom-laced bullet borrowed from Connor. Damon wouldn’t do it. He doesn’t want to be human. In the end, Damon told Elena that he wouldn’t apologize for that, or all the reasons he’s wrong for her — and Elena told him that she wouldn’t apologize for being in love with him, which she knows will prove to be the worst decision she’s made. They kissed, and then we cut to Stefan with tears in his eyes. He’d been elsewhere in the house, eavesdropping. Thanks for being there for him, Lexi.

Bonnie is dead but… JEREMY LIVES: I’ve already established that I’m fine with Bonnie exiting the show, though now we could see her again since it turns out her spell had saved Jeremy, so he’s alive again and can see ghosts. I’ll be happy to see Jeremy’s biceps this fall, I’m sure, but this felt like a bit of a cheat (even if the resurrection reveal when the veil went back up was cool). Bonnie made Jeremy promise not to tell anyone she was dead and instead say she was spending the summer with her mother, so Caroline and Elena could be happy for a moment. I understand her motivation, but it’s just going to hurt more when they find out the truth.

Rebekah gets a (temporary) happy ending: While standing on an Alexander-rigged bomb, Matt agreed to travel the world with Rebekah, who refused to leave him. The kiss she gave him so she could step on the block and take his place must have been good, because afterward, Matt told Rebekah they were still on for their date. Slight caveat: He essentially said their relationship would go nowhere, but they could have a great summer since he has no future plans. After having almost killed him a year ago, she owed it to him to show him how to live. Good for them. Have fun!

Klaus wins!: I’m guessing the only thing all fans will agree on is that Klaus’ return was awesome. Caroline had been phoning him begging him to come to Mystic Falls to cure Damon, and he finally showed up at graduation — to save Caroline from the ghost of the lead witch she’d killed to save Bonnie. He decapitated her with a flying graduation cap. Turns out, Caroline had mailed him an announcement, hoping for a present, so he was already on his way to town. And he gave her a gift: Tyler is free to come back to Mystic Falls. But the line of the episode: “He’s your first love. I intend to be your last. However long it takes,” Klaus said. SWOON. That’s the perfect way to send him off to The Originals .

Which twists are you happy with? Sound off below. Again, a full recap is in the works.

‘Vampire Diaries’ season finale recap: A Whole New World

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Vampire Diaries EP on Katherine’s ‘Final’ Move, Damon’s Salvation, Forwood’s Future and More

Executive editor.

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Vampire Diaries Season 5

With an already damaged Damon now infected with Dr. Wes’ virus, Stefan and Katherine (whom he still  thinks is Elena) embark on a life-saving road trip. But first, a sexy detour!

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“Katherine being Katherine, the master manipulator, she contrives these reasons for [her and Stefan] to get a hotel room, and get the shower running,” executive producer Caroline Dries tells TVLine. “She basically decides, ‘Today’s the day I’m going to make my move on Stefan Salvatore.'”

And while many fans will enjoy the encounter — Dries says “Katherine is at her sexiest” and refers to it as “basically fan fiction” — make no mistake, there will be hell to pay for it in the coming weeks.

“Elena will ultimately return to the show, back to her friends and her old life, but there will be the fallout from everything Katherine left in her wake,” Dries says. “Just when he seemed to finally be getting over Elena and starting to heal, Katherine stormed into his life and reopened that wound.”

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Dries also discusses Matt’s biggest threat, Caroline’s future with Tyler, her lingering feelings — or lack thereof — for Klaus and the possibility of another  Originals  crossover before Season 5 comes to a close.

TVLINE | Even before getting infected, Damon was headed down a dark path. What, or who, will it take to bring him back? It’s not going to be an easy road for Damon to come back, because what he did was pretty bad. What we’re trying to explore is, now that Stefan is moving on from Elena after this whole Katherine chapter closes, he’s trying to figure out the next big movement in his life. And since his brother needs him more than ever, Stefan will be the one to kind of pick him up — in a very Stefan kind of way.

TVLINE | I imagine Stefan and Damon will have very different reactions when they discover that Elena is really Katherine. They definitely will, but their shock of discovering that it’s Katherine will be trumped by the fact that they need to figure out how to get Elena back. That’s the more urgent thing, so ultimately, they have to figure out how to mastermind the master manipulator. It becomes a ‘Katherine vs. our heroes’ kind of storyline, which is very fun.


TVLINE | What about Nadia? If Katherine goes away, will her daughter still have a purpose? Yes, Nadia will have a purpose. As Katherine is outed by our friends — the show’s heroes — her relationship with Nadia becomes the most important thing in her life, so you’ll see how that works out.

TVLINE | Could Matt also have something to do with that purpose? I’m sensing sparks between them. Nadia, like Katherine, has always had a little thing for Matt. Maybe it just got passed through the genes. To Nadia, Matt is human. He’s just a good guy. He’s everything that Nadia’s not, although she might actually be good if she wasn’t so hellbent on finding her mom throughout time. So she can’t help but feel like Matt is this good person, like a wounded puppy. She’s not sure what to do with him. He’s also harboring this huge secret now, and she doesn’t  want  to kill him, but she will if she has to.

TVLINE | Based on previews, it looks like Tyler and Caroline are slowly becoming friends again. Any chance they’ll become more than friends again? For now, they’re still working on their friendship, since Tyler was so offended by the fact that she slept with Klaus. And it’s not just the sexual element of it; Klaus represents everything that’s ruined Tyler’s life in the past few years. So Caroline feels terrible that she’s done this to Tyler, but she’s also a strong woman, so she’s perfectly capable of feeling bad about it without Tyler reminding her every five seconds about what she did. They still have some kinks to work out before they can even become friends.

TVLINE | And just to clarify, does she still have feelings for Klaus, or did she just need to get that out of her system? Personally, I think she needed to get it out of her system. When they had their scene, she made it pretty clear she never wanted to see him again, so in that sense, she needed to get it out of her system. … It feels like she’s closed the book on that.

TVLINE | Any chance for another crossover with  The Originals  before the end of the season? I don’t think we have anything in the works right now. There’s something special we’re trying to do, but I don’t know if it’s going to pan out, so I won’t spoil it.

Your turn, Vampire Diaries  fans: Do you think Katherine’s final days are really upon us? Should Caroline and Tyler get back together? Drop a comment with your thoughts and theories below.

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Great Interview! I’m interested to see how the next Katherine Pierce move is going to look like, the show can’t go on without her. I really hope Caroline and Tyler stay as far as possible from each other.

Katherine >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Borelena

Yawn, I am sick of how much press and crap this series gets when it is utter trash. I gave up on it after the third season and only came here to post my opinion. This show is BORING and I am sorry Nina Dobrev sucks as an actress.

;LOLLLLLLL maybe somerhalder sucks as a actor!!!!!!!!!

Although I have always said “to each their own,” I might have to break my own rule here. Ian sucks as an actor? That is just laughable. If you believe that, you haven’t been watching the same show the rest of us have.

No, I wouldn’t say the “rest of us”. Truthfully he can’t act he reacts. He is good at snarky but that is about it.

lol ian is just about bulging his eyes and smirking

I’m glad I’m not alone in feeling this way. Sadly Ian comes across as very smug to me outside of his acting, or lack thereof. Don’t know the guy personally, of course, but I’m really over the “smirk”.


LOOOOOOL so true!! ian is just about bulging his eyes and lame acting

Nina is the only actress that can play many characters from this idiot show with bad writing so please

Doesn’t matter is they’re all done poorly. Sorry but I also think Nina is way overrated as an actress. I would love for her to prove me wrong by being fantastic in another show or movie, but TVD isn’t gonna do it.

if they’re all done poorly. Sorry this site really needs an edit button :-)

Dobrev has for sure better skills than Somerhalder. He is all about being shirtless, doing that eye thing, and that thing with his mouth that he always do, and even that annoying smirk. i don’t even remember when i saw a ian decent scene. The writers don’t even risk with him by giving him other storylines that is not about killing and smirking. And hello it passed 5 years. Is because they don’t trust his acting. Many people are already over his annoying character

I was never on the Ian bandwagon to begin with so……….but I will say that I enjoy evil Damon much more than love sick Damon. Probably due to the fact that I can’t stand Nina Dobrev, LOL.

in my opinion when a show-movie writing just sucks to hard ( look at tvd first 2 seasons and now what a big difference in everything..direction..writing..all) you just see it in those actors acting. Like i watched 2×07 yesterday and i swear all this actors were acting wayyyy better in the first 2 seasons when KEVIN was writing and was controling the show.

There’s no question that the writing for this show is suffering badly and it shows big time!

My main problem he is smirking in real life to and it kinda creapy. Like ok was good the first season i got it but now getting to season 5 and basically his character makes me wish to be killed of. He is like ” i am damon..i am bad. (smirk)..very bad( smirk) can’t change me ( smirk)”. LOL . if i see Nina and Paul getting some other job after tvd i find it hard to see ian doing decent stuff in acting.

I’m not really all that surprised that we haven’t seen any of them in other things, during TVD off season. Maybe they have and I’ve just missed them, dunno. But keep in mind that this is a show on the CW. Not meaning to dismiss actors on the network as a whole but none of these shows would have ever made it on the other networks. The CW standards are low in comparison :-)

I totally respect your opinion but i have to disagree about the ”Nina Dobrev sucks as an actress part”. If you’ve stopped watching after season 3, you can’t really judge her work, which as been excellent since last season (”stand by me” alone would prove your statement wrong). And this season in particular, she’s going above and beyond…

If he watches 3 seasons, he has seen about 60 episodes of Nina Dobrev acting. I think you can judge something quite nicely based on 60 episodes.

I cant agree more, this season Nina Dobrev has had to play 3 characters that are in the same room together, that takes talent.You cant say that she’s a rubbish when you haven’t watched all of her work.

Tatiana Maslaney does this and more on Orphan Black

To be honest unfortunately I agreed with the bad acting comments, I think even Nina’s acting has low the quality I was watching the first season and her Katherine’s performance was excellent, now it kinda look bored and tired, they all seem like that, the bad writing it’s just killing this show.

It’s not boring. u don’t now any thing about it

Well, your opinion really has no effect on TVD. At the end of the day, the entire cast and crew of TVD have millions of fans and millions of dollars while you’re sitting on your ass giving a show you haven’t even fully watched a bad review. It really doesn’t matter if Ian can’t act to the standards of an Oscar winner, because I would bet my bottom dollar in a heartbeat that if you were to be on the show, you’d fail miserably and embarrass yourself to death. In other words, don’t criticize other people, especially when you’re worse than they are.

I laugh when I think about Klaroline fans’ reaction to that last comment. I imagine a bunch of picketers marching around JP’s house, listening to that answer, shrugging, then protesting louder than ever.

Why care about our reactions? We don’t even watch both shows lol.

why do u comment on it

Why do you care about our reactions?

I know it, they have gotten so out of hand. They are determined to bring The Originals down just so they can have the two of them together. It’s unbelievable. I’ve never seen shippers who were so ridiculous about it.

It’s scary how horrible some shippers are. Thousands of TWD fans who are Caryl shippers are going so far as to send Emily Kinney vile tweets and threats regarding her character Beth possibly getting together with Daryl on the show. It’s borderline psycho. Peeps really need to chill. It’s just a television show, not real life :-)

Shippers period can be a nightmare. The same thing is happening with Arrow right now. Olicity fans are going crazy on some sites and I also read that some have been sending hate messages to the woman who plays Sara on the show.

Yeah, I heard that too. It’s just beyond ridiculous.

Yep, shippers can destroy a show. and i say SOME. because there are healthy shippers out there, but there are some that just are very annoying. Some of These ‘Olicity’ shippers are ridiculous annoying. Arrow isn’t a show about romance, so if these people are watching the show for a some ship, they are watching for the wrong reasons. I’m just very happy about arecent SA interview.

Are udreaming because u are off topic

You haven’t come across the Blair/Chuck crowd then. Nutty shippers!

That’s not true… *sigh* We just don’t care about anything else on the show, ok? What are we supposed to do? Watch the show without liking it, feeling miserable after every episode, just so the show survives and you keep being able to watch it? In what world is that fair or logical? There’s never been a more disregarded fandom than Klaroline’s, and yet you still expect people to keep enduring everything that’s being done to them? Please.

The writers have said it themselves, if you don’t like a tv show, don’t watch it! That’s what those who don’t like TVD or TO anymore, like me, are doing. And even though Klaroline might be 50% the reason why, I could list you the dozen other reasons that make for the remaining 50%.

Which doesn’t mean we’ll stop loving our favorite pairing or leave our online communities, which are like second families to us, just because they want us to. So, stop bad-mouthing us and please, just leave us alone! Jeez…

This is a double edged sword so to speak. I agree, if you don’t like a show because your favorites are no longer on it then yes, stop watching it. But if that’s the case then also please stop trying to force something onto non-shippers who still enjoy the show. Just as you want to be left alone,etc. they also get tired of hearing the complaining. It has to work both ways. And to say that no other fandom has been disregarded more than the Klaroline fans is ridiculous. There are plenty of shippers out there that feel just as you do about their favs. For the record, I do not ship. I think it’s a waste of time and energy. I enjoy shows for what they are and what they have to offer me. But that’s my choice. If shipping is yours then great.

But look, I think there are 2 things you have to understand. The 1st, is that you don’t “choose to ship”. I’ve watched The Vampire Diaries for the last 5 years and I’ve never been as struck by anything on the show as I was by them, both couple and storyline wise. I’ve loved a lot of plots on the show in the first 2 seasons, season 3 already had a different tone to it, because of the Originals, but still, I liked the show for itself… But then, plot wise, it went downhill. Suddenly, Klaroline was the only reason why I was watching, an accidental couple which I couldn’t help but fall in love with and whose journey I wanted to see. You don’t control these things, specially if you are apart of online communities like tumblr/twitter/youtube etc.. Where you meet people who feel the same as you do, which only fuels even more what you feel regarding the pairing. And 2nd, is that just because you ask people to stop feeling a certain way about something, to accept that something they love will end, it won’t happen! You can ask people to stop hating on the actors/producers. I agree with you. You can ask people to stop hating and blaming the fans, which is what I just did. But for as much as you or I would like to control the way we feel, that’s something we can’t do. I’m telling you, the more people try to shove us down, the more we want to fight for Klaus and Caroline to happen! So, what you’re asking in comparison to what I’m asking makes no sense! I’m just asking for people to stop SAYING BAD THINGS about Klaus and Caroline’s fans, not the ship (hate Klaroline all you want, if it pleases you), but the real human beings who constitute the fandom. Because we might be against another ship, but you don’t see us going around saying people from other fandoms are sick, crazy, psychos etc… Just like you don’t see us asking other fandoms to STOP ROOTING FOR their couples just because it’s “irritating” or we’re “tired” of them… Like, seriously? It’s not our fault that Klaroline has a huge fanbase whose voice reaches all media platforms and other fandoms. That just goes to prove how there are so many people out there wanting them together. But we have as much right to support and fight for our favorite couple as ANY other fan has. We just had the “unfortune” of being the fanbase of the couple who’s being dissed by the writers at the moment. Still, what you’re asking is just… Not fair.

By the way, the fact that we’re the most disregarded fandom is my personal opinion, but I’ll just list you why: Spin-off – characters in different shows, Klayley one night stand, Hayley pregnant with Klaus’ child, Klaus being paired with all the women on TO, Caroline being paired with all the men on TVD, writers dissing Klaroline’s development, writers and actors who used to push for Klaroline and who made promises, not caring anymore about the fanbase or what they created, actors saying bad thing about us, other members of the TVD/TO family acting like their saints and we are devils, making Klaus kill Jenna and Tyler’s mum = saying it was over back then and constantly reminding us of it, like as if Klaus is the only bad person ever in this show and Caroline would never be with him, but then all the other ships are just perfectly funtional and happy… Like, seriously… These are like, the problems of all the other fandoms combined into one. It’s too much.

Rita – we can agree on one thing. This makes no sense.

Didn’t expect you to care or understand either. Hopefully someone else will, though. I’ve said all I needed to say.

I do agree your opinion.I’m also a Klaroline shipper but eversince I’ve read news about Klaroline and listens to interviews of JoMo and Candice it kinda disappointed me the fact that both said it is over for Klaus and Caroline!It’s disgusting how the writers kinda lied to us fans only to support their new spin off!However, i can’t write everything i would like to say bout the both tv shows but all i can say is I’m really upset i just don’t wanted seeing Klaroline having sex coz they are having more than just a romp in the woods!It’s like well new show forget everything what happendd on TVD concerning Klaus and Caroline they just have to move on coz they have their lives to live!all bla bla bla for me they didn’t had the intention to get them together!The episode 5×11 was for the fans to be satisfied and then that was it folks!!!Shame on you Julie Plec!!

LOL, true, most of Klaroline shippers are just ridiculous. I’m very pleased that this insane ship is gone, even if i don’t have anything really against them, but the shippers are very annoying. The Originals is so good!!

You should see the comments on the TV Guide interview with Joseph Morgan. I swear it’s like a horny teenage girl apocalypse. Those shippers are crazy thinking they represent everyone who watches TVD and TO

Let’s not forget the D/E fans they can go off the rails. I refuse to take anyone seriously that mixes names together of their favorite couple.

I wish Katherine would stay in elena’s body and take over permanently. I hate the elena character.

Totally agree. Elena has become for me, a boring one dimensional character.

I like tthe helpful information you provide in your articles. I will bookmark your weblog and check again here regularly. I’m quite sure I’ll leqrn many new stuff right here! Good luhck for thee next!

I’m glad to hear that Caroline and Tyler are going to be working on their friendship–it’s always been one of my favorite parts of the show. I hope they don’t rush it, I’d love to see them get back together romantically at some point! <3

Yes! But I’m not sure how Caroline could possibly redeem herself after what she did. If they get back together, all I ask is that the writers make it psychologically believable.

Please finally kill Tyler. I used to love him and be a gib fan of Forwood, but the producers not having place for Tyler in past storyline and bouncing him all around (and in order shows for 2 eps and then make him disappear in the blur again) has destroyed the character. He’s not interesting anymore and he did more hurt to Caroline that way and I think they can’t recover from that.

Twice Damon has tried to kill Jeremy, if Elena forgives him this time i will stop watching this show and The Originals

AMEN!! But since she is a shell of her formal self now that she is a vampire she will forgive him. She is the one case where a character has become a vampire and instead of elevating who she was as a human she became someone totally different.

Why stop watching the Originals because Elena is a complete shell of her former self and Damon’s lap dog?

I would just like to understand what the shippers see in the Caroline / Klaus pairing. He is an abusive monster. How could any woman respect herself (or her safety!) if she gets involved with someone like that?

Damon was the same in the beginning, he abuse Caroline, compeling her, hurting her, etc. and apparently nobody remembers that.

Well I think the 12-14 year olds are into that, and being the major demographic, they have the loudest say, and needs. I dislike that pairing as well, I feel it doesn’t make sense.

My problem with julie plec is that she reads way too much fan fiction,I don’t know who’s worse she or I marlene king(of pretty little liars).To me the show isn’t moving foward,its stagnant and repetitive. Havnt we all seen damon go down this same lane?same with the whole stefan would fall for elena again BS?. Stefan needs a new girl friend It would have been cool for him to date Heather hemmens character..caroline needs a new love interest,same with damon,tyler,matt!! Julie plec pls in the name of God move on from the love triangle.the show is its fifth season,the characters need to evolve,not date the same people intermittently.

Klaroliners give zero reaction for all of this. We just stop watching both shows lol.

and you are not be missing HAHAHAHA

I think I’m the only one who’s not even remotely interested in havng Katherine around. I’m just so done with her, it’s always the same thing, over and over again. It’s boring, and although she’s not my favorite character, I prefer Elena over Katherine, and wish Elena would come back.

You are definitely not the only one. I finally liked Katherine just a little in her “death” scene just before she stole Elena’s body, but when it became clear that it was just another manipulation, I was totally disgusted. Katherine is totally predictable, and in that predictability, totally boring. The story line was ok, but it has already dragged on twice as long as it should have. Here’s hoping that when they get Katherine out of Elena’s body, she will finally be gone for good.

Nope. Not alone. I’m tired of her and of Nadia.

The funniest part of the book for me was where Labro described American men as falling into two camps: those who could crush beer cans with one hand and those who could not.  A tout événement tapis rouge vous êtes en mesure d’assister à des célébrités marchant vers le bas avec des Vanessa bruno pas cher de créateurs inestimables. mieux comprendre dans d’autres sujets de la meilleure mani.

I just need hope that Caroline and Klaus will be together sooner or later.

Amazing interview. :) DE ♥

Elena forgave everyone on the show even KATHERINE. YES, KATHERINE! Katherine didn’t do anything to earn the forgiveness but Elena still forgave her. She was always that compassionate. And this will never change. Damon will earn his forgiveness unlike other characters on the show.

Hyprocite much????

This is Caroline Dries speaking, people, not Julie Plec. I think we have to be fair (and this is coming from a Klaroline fan!) and if we hold Julie accountable for what she says, we also need to be capable of not doing so, when she doesn’t do anything.

I honestly don’t have an emotional reaction to this interview, I’m just numb. LOL, after everything Klaus and Caroline fans had to hear, THIS is really nothing. And I’m actually fine with it, because Caroline Dries was respectful in what she said and it is, afterall, the truth, that on Caroline’s part she wanted to get him off of her system to be able to keep on with her life plans, as she said. She’s still so young, naive and spiritful… She still needs to hit her head a bit to realise the world is not all black and white. But one day she’ll come to the conclusion that she can’t just plan out her entire life forever, she has to be able to do and admit to what “she truly wants”, “her darkest desires” as she put in her confession to Klaus. So here’s where my only problem with what was written here, lies.

I don’t want to see Caroline keep being slut-shamed and regretful of her actions. If she’s a strong woman, as Caroline Dries said, she should be able to stand up to herself and say, yes it hurts me that I hurt you, but I stand by my actions, I take my consequences and I don’t owe you a thing because we’re not together and especially not after what you did to me too. I thought they had handled Caroline so well post-hot-hybrid-sex in 5×12, but from there on, and as it seems in tonight’s episode too, they’ll just keep ruin everything. That’s where the real shame lies.

And I just hope they realise, at the very least, that continuing Forwood romantically is like beating on a dead horse. Just no.

That was a nice article.As for Caroline and Klaus she may still have feelings for him but also knows them been together will never work.So her having sex with Klaus might have been sort of a goodbye in a way and she won’t have to wonder anymore what having sex with him would have been like.I also hope Caroline and Tyler become friends again but it may not be the same way it was before.As for Katherine for now the show might be the closing the door on the character but still leave it slightly open for her to return again.That way the other characters could think she’s gone for good and let their guard down but she’s still around somewhere.

Vampire Diaries has gotten so bad these last couple of seasons it’s barely watchable. ALL the romances have been done and rehashed over and over again to the point where they’ve lost all credibility. The stories are repetitive and boring. I keep watching, waiting and hoping that the show will find it’s way again but it’s just not happening.

poor stefan is going to get his heart broke again when elena comes back and no caroline is better off with klaus tyler was so mean to her and klaus would make her dreams come true and she makes klaus want to be a better person.

I don’t hate the Katherine storyline. As long as it doesn’t drag out forever I am looking forward to see what they do with it – how they get Elena back, if Katherine is gone forever.

As for Caroline, I don’t think she and Tyler can be a couple again. I think eventually she will end up with Klaus. No time soon given he is in New Orleans but in theory they have all the time in the world to find their way to each other.


damon is just OOC. And ian’s skills right now makes me cringe.

I’ve been wishing this since season two.

That would be the best thing to happen os this show! Damons sucks! I can’t stand his face.

I’m done with this show. I kept waiting for it to evolve, but no. Its repetitive and lots of scenes made my eyes roll. The first three seasons were cool, but Julie Plec has ruined it.

Please, for the love of all things holy do not put Caroline and Tyler back together. They both chose Klaus over each other and that’s just where it needs to end. Tyler had checked out of their relationship 75% of the time anyway on his vengeance quest. It’s definitely time to say good-bye to some old characters and introduce some new more permanent ones that can breathe life into the show. Tyler, Matt and Nadia can all go their characters serve no purpose as it stands right now.

Mostly agree, agree, and agree. I think Caroline made a bizarre choice, but don’t see how it’s a giant victimization of Tyler –he broke up with her, after doing a pretty obvious try at a passive dump over the summer. He could go away. Nadia could go away. (I wouldn’t mind if they kept Matt–especially if they remembered they planted seeds in season one hinting his mom was something supernatural.)

If you don’t like Elena don’t watch the show because she will be coming back. She isn’t going anywhere so get over it and if you don’t like her don’t watch the show. Elena is a main character she is basically what the show is about. Read the books if you haven’t and you will see what the book version is all about. Elena is the main character she isn’t going anywhere. Also Katherine may still be around after Elena is back. But who knows what she will do she may disappear again and like I said she is not the main character Elena is.

Over this crappy show

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The Vampire Diaries season 5 episode 12 review: The Devil Inside

With these body-swapping ship wars, The Vampire Diaries appears to have its mojo back. Here's Caroline's review of The Devil Inside...

does katherine travel into elena

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5.12 The Devil Inside

It’s hard to really get excited about anything on The Vampire Diaries any more because, as long-time viewers know, every turn of events we’ve enjoyed in the past has been dropped after a maximum three episodes, but seeing Damon and Enzo team up for some evil shenanigans at the end of The Devil Inside gave the series a much-needed boost. Then again, it just brings to mind everything we’ve already dealt with this season – Bonnie’s ‘death’, Tyler’s exit, Matt’s gypsy passenger, Silas and Katsia, the Augustine vampires – and you start to wonder whether someone needs to sit down and have a serious think about structure for this show.

Because, despite the fact that Enzo is around, leading Damon astray after his break-up with Kelena (Katherine in Elena’s body, for future reference), the business with the doppelgangers and Whitmore college all seems like a big waste of time right now. Are the writers just throwing stuff out there at random and hoping something sticks? Something that fans have taken to their hearts is Katherine’s redemption and, now that she has apparently permanent residence inside Elena’s body, I worry that she’ll also be ushered out of the figurative door by episode fifteen.

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For now, though, the show seems to have gotten its mojo back as far as the Kelena stuff is concerned, and they are milking Nina Dobrev’s acting skills for all they’re worth. We thought it was impressive to see her play two characters in the same scene together, but how about two characters within the same body! Her ability to switch from one to the other was something this episode hinged on at pivotal moments, so applauding her again wouldn’t be amiss. And even though we know Elena’s departure from the series definitely isn’t going to be a permanent thing, right now we can wallow in all this Katerina goodness.

She even provided a way for the show to split Elena and Damon up without it doing too much damage to the emotional states of the shippers, as we all know that the repurposed Matt breakup speech wasn’t coming from the source. Damon, however, doesn’t have a clue and, if there was one thing that was going to bring old, murderous Damon back to the surface in this era of The Vampire Diaries , it was Elena abandoning him. Despite the fact that this exact team-up has happened before with Stefan and Klaus, it’s still something we haven’t seen played out in a while.

But how long before someone realises something’s wrong? Will it be Stefan while Katherine tries to win him back? Or maybe Jeremy or Matt, having known her the longest, will be the ones to smell a rat. With so many suspicious people around her, I can’t imagine Katherine’s plan is going to work out. But maybe everyone else will be so distracted by the Klaus/Caroline/Tyler fallout that they won’t have time to wonder why Elena is acting weird. That well-deserved punch to the face Stefan delivered to Tyler this week was pretty fabulous and cathartic for anti-Tyler fans to watch, and you can already see the seeds of a brand new triangle being sown.

Will Katherine’s plan to get Stefan back result in the strange, hybrid relationship, or will it just be an excuse to tear the character down from her current victory over her doppelganger? I can’t be the only one rooting for Katherine over Elena, but I also don’t think I’m the only one who thinks it’s time for the show to explore whatever Stefan and Caroline have going on between them. But, as much as we all like to argue about it, The Vampire Diaries isn’t only about who’s kissing and who’s not – it’s also about characters who, no matter how hard they try, can’t quite get redemption and heroism to stick.

Next week sees another black tie event hit Mystic Falls and, if the promos are anything to go by, Stefan doesn’t take Enzo’s influence over Damon very well. Basically, we’re back to the start of the series where these two are concerned but now, rather than pining after Katherine, Damon really has nothing to live for. See you next week for more body-snatching ship wars (aka what this show does best).

Read Caroline’s review of the previous episode, 500 Years Of Solitude, here .

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What Episode Does Katherine Leave Elena’s Body?

But, yes, Elena will eventually come back to our crew and she has to deal with all of the fallout that Katherine did to her life, including making a move on Stefan, breaking up Caroline and Tyler…and, of course, trying to deal with the fallout of Damon going on a killing spree — killing Aaron Whitmore, almost …

What happened to Katherine in Season 5 Episode 15?

She died in Season 5, Episode 15 Gone Girl next to her daughter Nadia Petrova, who died of a werewolf bite. She was sucked into Hell after not being allowed to go to the Other Side. … Shortly after, she was killed by the Mystic Falls Gang after Bonnie sent hellfire back to hell while Katherine was there.

Does Elena also play Katherine?

It is revealed that Elena is a Petrova Doppelgänger, which is thus responsible for her being identical to her ancestor, Katherine Pierce (née Katerina Petrova). … Dobrev portrayed the “conniving” Katherine as well , who is opposite of Elena.

Why was Elena Gilbert not in season 7?

Why is Elena Gilbert not in season 7? Following her emotional post, Nina detailed her reasons for leaving the show in an interview with Self Magazine. She said that since she had started on the show as a young 20-year-old, she wanted to continue her growth as an actress outside of the show .

Is Elena and Katherine twins in real life?

In Mystic Falls, the fictional world of “The Vampire Diaries,” doppelgangers like Elena Gilbert and Katherine Pierce (Nina Dobrev) run rampant. In real life, doppelgangers are a little less common, but they DO exist . The Twin Strangers website is here to help you find yours.

What did Katherine stab Elena with?

Katherine stabbed herself with the super virus . When Elena came to, she found the syringe inside her jacket.

What did Katherine inject into Elena?

Not long after its creation, Katherine injected herself and by extension Elena with the Upgraded Ripper Virus as an act of final revenge.

Who kills Katherine on Vampire Diaries?

She eventually returned became an ally of Kai Parker and after Cade’s death and became the queen of Hell. Shortly after, she was killed by the Mystic Falls Gang after Bonnie sent hellfire back to hell while Katherine was there.

Is Elena a Petrova?

As of the eighth season, Elena Gilbert is the last living member of the Petrova family .

Does Stefan find out Katherine is Elena?

The two of them discuss what happened between Stefan and “Elena” and Caroline also tells him about Nadia and Matt and the text he sent to her. From Matt’s text, who used “K” and not “E”, they put the pieces together and they realize that Katherine is in Elena’s body .

What did Katherine do to Elena before she died?

Katherine revealed to Bonnie at the last moment that if she couldn’t have Stefan, than no one could, especially not Elena. So, before she died, she injected herself with Dr. Wes’ needle — which means that now, Elena will be feeding off of vamps, too. Did you catch all of that, HollywoodLifers?

Is Katherine Elena’s mother?

Isobel Flemming was the wife of Alaric Saltzman and the biological mother of Elena Gilbert. She was good friends with her ancestor Katherine Pierce, a vampire she often conspired with. … She was also a relative to the Gilbert Family, as she was Elena’s biological mother.

Do Stefan and Elena get back together in season 5?

“The Vampire Diaries” returns to The CW with episode 18 on April 17, and long time fans definitely won’t want to miss it. … But all that will be cast aside in episode 18 when Stefan and Elena are romantically reunited. Yes, that’s right – Stelena is back!

Why does Katherine look like Elena?

Elena and Katherine (as well as Tatia) are all doppelgangers of each other , stemming from Amara, the first look-alike genitor of the Petrova family. This means they all look exactly the same. This happened again when Katherine was thought to have died and Elena meets Damon and Stefan in 2009.

Why did Damon break up with Elena?

The episode ends with Elena and Damon fighting over their relationship and how much one depends on another. They decide to break up because their love makes them something else of what they really are but they end up in bed together because they cannot fight what they feel for each other.

Why does Damon leave Elena?

After he tells her the truth, they mutually decide to end their relationship as they realize they have too much control over each other. However they end up sleeping together. But after that, Elena tells Damon that he has to let her go until they can figure things out .

Did Caroline and Damon sleep together?

She saw him the next day and made her way to him but he mysteriously disappeared again. He showed up again when she least expected and she called him “cocky” to which he smiled. Later they ended up having sex but Damon showed his true colors as a vampire and bit her neck as she screamed in horror.

Does Elena become a Ripper?

Elena still became a ripper when Katherine injected Elena’s body with a werewolf venom enhanced ripper virus developed by Wes as a last act of revenge against her doppelgänger before her death.

Who does Stefan end up with?

Caroline was very devestated after Stefan and she broke up. Caroline decided to stay true to Alaric for Alaric’s two children. Stefan and Caroline ultimately end up together, which ends this three year long love triangle.

Why does Elena look different in Season 8?

They could’ve found a better one for the finale. The wig was awful. They should have bought a better one. It was parted differently and was higher up on her forehead which are two reasons why she looked different.

Who turned Elena into a vampire?

Her biological father, John, sacrificed his own life to keep Elena alive and human. However, Klaus killed Elena’s aunt Jenna, after turning her into a vampire, leaving Jeremy her only blood relative left alive.

Who is Damon and Stefan?

Damon is the one of the main protagonist along with Stefan Salvatore , especially in the story’s main setting, Mystic Falls. He is part of a love triangle between his brother Stefan (Paul Wesley) and a female vampire named Katherine Pierce (Nina Dobrev) whom they were both compelled to love when they were still human.

Does Damon become human?

Damon Salvatore is one of the two main male protagonists of The Vampire Diaries. Damon was a 178-year-old vampire and distant descendant of Silas. Since his younger brother, Stefan Salvatore, injected him with the Cure, he is now human .

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I spent 12 days seeking Costa Rica's highlights, from the Cloud Forest to the Nicoya Peninsula. I'd revisit 3 places in a heartbeat but one tourist trap I'll never fall into again.

  • My partner and I spent nearly two weeks in Costa Rica for our birthdays this year.
  • We tried to see the highlights of the country as we visited Arenal, Monteverde, and Paquera.
  • Here are 3 activities I'd do again in a heartbeat, and 1 tourist trap I'd skip if we visited again.

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My partner and I decided to splurge on a vacation to Costa Rica for a milestone birthday celebration this year. We spent 12 nights traveling across the western side of the country, trying to soak up as many of the Central American country's highlights as possible.

Costa Rica boasts 5% of the world's biodiversity , with white sand beaches and lush jungles to explore — a huge draw for us as animal lovers. It's also home to a small Blue Zone on the Nicoya Peninsula , where the region's residents are said to live longer, healthier lives than average.

Ultimately, we spent time in Costa Rica's capital city of San Jose, the volcanic hot springs of La Fortuna in Arenal, the cloud forest of Monteverde in Santa Elena, and the beaches of Paquera and Montezuma in the Nicoya region for a taste of the coastal life. While there were moments when we felt our experience was a bit too polished and gimmicky, the trip as a whole was full of incredible wildlife encounters and stunning views I haven't seen anywhere else in the world.

I'd hop on a plane tomorrow to go back if I could, but there are some things I'd skip on a return trip.

Rafting Rio Celeste in Arenal

Our first main stop was La Fortuna, in the shadow of Volcano Arenal — one of Costa Rica's active volcanoes. While this area has plenty of hanging bridge tours and night walks to spot wildlife like sloths and glass frogs, rafting down the Rio Celeste allowed us to see the jungle from a different perspective.

We traveled at the end of May, the start of Costa Rica's wet season, so we encountered fewer tourists than were usually present during our trip. This paid off especially well for our rafting excursion, where we were the only two people on the tour besides our guide.

For about two hours and $75 each, we navigated class II and III rapids — intermediate difficulty, with white caps up to three feet and some obstacles in the way — on the Rio Celeste, taking brief breaks to swim in the beautiful, clear water. We also took drone footage of curious howler monkeys who watched us from the shore.

Our guide pointed out local birds and fish, helping us stop our raft when there were sights we wanted to linger on. Once we were done on the water, we enjoyed fresh fruits and a hot lunch of empanadas, which was included in the tour's cost.

Hiking El Tigre Waterfalls in Monteverde

Hiking in the cloud forest of Monteverde quickly topped our list of things to do while we researched our trip. If I could have extended our stay longer, this is the one thing I'd want to do more of, mostly to see more of the incredible wildlife in the Puntarenas province.

High in the mountains, about 30 minutes from the artsy township of Santa Elena, we went on a self-guided hike to see the El Tigre Waterfalls. The 8-kilometer hike takes you through a humid jungle over several hanging bridges and offers stunning views of nearly a dozen waterfalls — but the animals were the highlight.

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We saw massive butterflies, multiple species of hummingbirds and frogs, a toucan, motmots, a concerningly large snake , and glimpses of monkeys in the branches above.

Even in the cooler month of May, it was wildly hot in the jungle, so while the trekking wasn't physically challenging, we opted to catch a 4x4 up the mountain on the last leg of the trail — adding $20 to our $46 entry fee. For a little more than three hours of hiking, it was still a less expensive way to spend the afternoon than other tour options, and it once again felt like we had the trails to ourselves, only crossing paths with a few other groups the entire time we explored.

Bioluminescent kayak tours in Paquera

There are only a handful of places in the world where you can spot bioluminescent algae conditions year-round, and the coastal waters of the Nicoya Peninsula are one of them.

This tour was magical, even in less-than-ideal conditions for the glowing to appear. We shared a kayak and paddled out into the darkness with an enthusiastic guide who explained the chemistry behind bioluminescence and helped us find secluded coves to see the light produced by algae in the water.

The algae likes warm, still waters that get lots of light during the day. When it is charged with enough energy from the sun, it glows bright blue. In less-than-ideal conditions, it can appear greenish or white.

Our algae, which hadn't totally "charged," glowed an eerie white as our paddles broke the water's surface. It couldn't be captured on camera — but that's all the better, according to our guide, who encouraged us to be present in the moment, stepping out of our kayaks in a shallow cove to catch the algae in our shirts and watch it glow against the fabric and our skin.

At $36 each, perhaps we could have explored the coastline ourselves with a rented kayak, but the unique experience left us both feeling like it was one of the best parts of the trip.

Are coffee and chocolate walks worth it?

Costa Rica is known for its coffee and chocolate, so it's nearly impossible to drive through any main stretch of road without seeing signs for tours showing how the products are grown and cultivated.

They're not worth it. Any questions you have about the process can be answered at the gift shop where the tours end, and you're likely to get a free sample regardless of whether you paid for a 2+ hour tour.

We chose to take a night walk that included a coffee and chocolate tour. Our guide (for $60 each) walked us around the grounds of the coffee grove, explained how chocolate was made from cacao beans, and then sent us out with flashlights to look for wildlife in the dark.

While we bought chocolate for our friends and family as souvenirs, we didn't glimpse any exciting animals or glean any particularly interesting knowledge from our guide, so the tour stood out as a pricey decision we could have skipped without losing out on anything.

Overall, our Costa Rican adventure was beautiful, full of incredible sights, exciting excursions, and delicious meals I won't soon forget. If you're planning a trip , skip the highly curated outings to explore the country's less popular attractions — and be quick with your camera; the jungle won't wait.

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does katherine travel into elena

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