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tour guide training in namibia

The focus of NATURE CAMPUS is in the area of Field Guide with an emphasis on lodge, conservancy and community guide training.

Courses on offer, 1. nature guide.

tour guide training in namibia

This extensive 14 day practical programme is an ideal entry level programme to introduce any prospective Field Guide or school leaver to the Namibian Field Guiding Industry. The programme is normally presented in the remote wilderness of the Zambezi Region but can also be custom designed for a particular Namibian geographical region. This programme is also ideal for anyone seeking a two week “bush experience”, away from the hustle and bustle of the modern cities.

This is an extensive theoretical and practical programme designed to fully equip prospective Field Guides with the knowledge and practical experience to enter the industry at full speed. The programme is 6 weeks long and based in the Wilderness area of the Zambezi Region of Namibia. The programme is inclusive of a number of recognised Tour Guide qualifications as listed on the Namibia Qualifications Framework as well as the Dangerous Animal Approach – Professional programme.


tour guide training in namibia


This 10 day programme is designed to equip existing guides or prospective guides with previous guiding experience with the knowledge of how to approach potentially dangerous animals by vehicle, boat and also on foot. This programme consists of a theoretical component and an intense practical component. A fair level of fitness will be required for this programme.

This 7 day programme is specifically designed around photographers and general members of the public interested in approaching potentially dangerous animals by vehicle. No previous guiding experience is required. This programme consists of a theoretical component and a practical which is vehicle based.


tour guide training in namibia


This is a tri-level course presented in conjunction with a qualified weapons expert and instructor. The three levels are completed separately and contain not only an extensive theory component but also an intense “live round” practical on a “combat” range designed for just that purpose. Certification for this component is as per industry standard required for advanced rifle handling for field guides. Groups are kept small to allow for individual attention and thorough safety. Weapons and ammunition will be available for the practical side of the course meaning that you do not have to go out and buy a rifle to participate.


Introduction to nature guiding.

  • 30 January 2017
  • 13 February 2017
  • 27 February 2017
  • 15 April 2017
  • 05 June 2017
  • 03 July 2017
  • 07 August 2017
  • 09 October 2017
  • Venue: Windhoek
  • Price: On request


tour guide training in namibia


Introduction to namibian nature guiding.

Tailor made courses made to suit an individual Lodge or a Conservancy’ needs can be custom made for a specific geographical region of Namibia. All aspects of Field Guiding can be included and a duration and price can be agreed.

Subjects that can be offered include “ Anti-Poaching”, “Customer Care”, “Geography and Geology”, “History”, “Flora”, “Fauna”, “Birds”, “The Night Sky” and subjects such as “Area Specific – Etosha, Namib Desert, Southern Namibia, Northern Namibia, Zambezi and the Kalahari”.


tour guide training in namibia


As the name suggests this course is an “Introduction” to the world of photography. This course consists of a very intense theoretical and technical component and is presented in one and a half days. We deal with how to use your camera. Which button, knob and menu does what. Understanding the theories of F-stops, ISO’s, White Balances and focal distances and planes. What setting to use when and which combination works the best with the Namibian conditions. The course is entirely of a practical nature and suited for both old and young.

This course is the follow-on of the “Introduction to Photography” course. It is far less technical and deals with the creative side of the subject. Here we look at an image composition and the creative side of photography. This course is also entirely of a practical nature and suited for old and young.


tour guide training in namibia

Introduction to Photoshop

This course is a one day only and deals with the theory of photo manipulation. We explore the functions of all the tool bars and dropdowns. We look at what does what and look at a number of examples of “How did you do that?” On the practical side we do a number of exercises in “cleaning up” your photos, saving them in various formats, storing and copyright. We look at what tutorials are available within the various programmes and on the internet. These three courses are presented in various centres around Namibia and the pricing includes course and venue only. All photographic equipment needs to be provided by the participant.


tour guide training in namibia


Nature quest.

Is an adventure designed to provide guests with a learning experience which incorporates certain aspects of the six week “Nature Guiding – Dangerous animals Field Guide course”. The course is aimed primarily at those who are looking for a more in depth “bush experience” but who may not have the time to break away for a full six weeks from their busy work obligations to attend a full length course. The experience is divided into two components. The first being a learning phase, in which we concentrate on the elements of nature, both big and small and their interrelated ecology. The second component is the experience of seeing this interrelatedness taking place through walkouts, game and boat drives. Experiencing some of the daily activities of a field guide.

tour guide training in namibia

Edgar is a CATHSETTA Level 4 Biome and Trails Guide with specialisation in Tourist Guide Training, Dangerous Animal Approach, Advanced Rifle Handling, Desert and Elephant Guiding.

Su Naude boasts a 30 year career in Education specializing in Art and Remedial English. She is an examiner, chief marker and moderator in both Senior Art and English for The Ministry of Higher Education and Culture.

tour guide training in namibia

Vincent is a BSc. Honours Graduate in Evolutionary Ecology and currently heads up one of the Panthera Sub-Saharan Leopard Projects as part of his Master’sand PhD.

The company is rooted as far back as 2011 when Edgar Naude left the construction and manufacturing industry to take up his passion of field guiding. Having facilitated and guided numerous specialized tours and safaris throughout Southern Africa in the past 15 years it was time to turn this passion into a business. A stint at managing an upmarket lodge in the Zambezi region as well as being the Director of Training for a Windhoek based company led to the founding of NatureCampus .

The focus of the company is in specific training to the guiding industry, particularly in the area of Field Guiding with an emphasis on lodge, conservancy and community guide training. Site specific training packages tailor made to your geographical area, lodge or guiding requirement.

The founding members of the company are Edgar, Su and Vincent Naude. A family business with each member in his own specialised field.

NatureCampus’s accreditation with the Namibian Authorities is currently in collaboration with Training institutions, such as NATH (Namibian Academy for Tourism and Hospitality) in Namibia and The Nature College in South Africa.

Contact form

Address: P O Box 11676 Windhoek NAMIBIA Phone: +264 81 122 0090 Fax2Mail: +264 86 298 3203 EMail: Send us mail Director: Edgar V Naude

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Training Programme For Tour Guides Relaunched

21 Jul 2023

In future, Namibian tourists are to be guided through the country even better and more competently than before. The Namibian Academy for Tourism and Training (NATH)  wants to contribute to this with many new training modules for tour guides.

The courses cover all topics of interest to visitors to Namibia. This starts with general country knowledge with aspects such as water and energy supply, agriculture or mining. And extends to the worldwide top topic of sustainability. Tourism also plays a pioneering role in the sustainable development of the country with its Eco Awards Namibia cachet.

Namibia visitors always mention the clear starry sky as one of their highlights. NATH has set up two courses that build on each other. In addition to the constellations of the southern hemisphere, such as the Southern Cross, guides should be able to explain astronomical findings to their guests. Namibia contributes significantly to the international exploration of space, not least with the H.E.S.S. telescope  for gamma rays.

An exciting experience is also to explore the cities of Windhoek  and Swakopmund  with their suburbs. The NATH module 'City Tours / Urban Communities' imparts knowledge and practical experience, the latter in the form of a tour with an experienced guide through Windhoek and Katutura.

Other courses already planned in the initial phase of the training programme cover geography and geology, the history and birdlife of Namibia.

tour guide training in namibia

Each NATH module is led by a qualified expert. As training coordinator Waltraut 'Waldi' Fritzsche pointed out at the presentation of the training programme, NATH is accredited by the Namibia Qualifications Authority (NQA) .

NATH was founded in 1994, four years after Namibia's independence and the flourishing of tourism. During the Corona crisis, it had to abandon its office and reduce its training programme to a minimum. After the travel industry revived, NATH also took off.

What the institution means for the Namibian travel industry was shown at the presentation of the new training programme. The umbrella organisation (Fenata) as well as the associations of tour operators and car rental companies (TASA and CARAN) were represented, as well as Eco Awards Namibia, large companies such as Gondwana Collection Namibia and many renowned tour guides.

tour guide training in namibia

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Guide Course Namibia: Field Guide

Embark on a journey of discovery while immersing yourself in the natural wonders of Namibia with our Apprentice Field Guide Course . Accredited by the Field Guides Association of Southern Africa (FGASA), this course offers an in-depth exploration of the diverse ecosystems that make Namibia an ecological treasure trove. You will learn to identify and interpret the rich biodiversity of the region while delving into fascinating topics such as geology, climate, astronomy, and ecology, as well as guiding principles, ethics, and sustainable practices.

The program consists of two essential components: the online Field Guide Theory and the on-site Field Guide Practical, both designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful guiding career. Special feature: The theory course is available for you for a whole year , allowing you to prepare flexibly and with sufficient time. Upon completion, you will earn a certificate of participation from an accredited college, and if you take the FGASA exam, you will have a guiding qualification along with lifelong skills and a deepened understanding of the natural world.

Your trip at a glance

  • Gain useful knowledge on a wide range of subjects, including geology, taxonomy, climate, astronomy, ecology, and more!
  • Learn the ins and outs of ethical guiding practices that respect the natural environ­ment while offering the best possible learning experi­ence for partic­i­pants.
  • Develop the ability to identify and interpret features of the natural environ­ment and the dynamic inter­con­nect­ed­ness of species.
  • Build a strong theoret­ical knowledge base from online study and further develop your skills with hands-on practical training.
  • Engage in stimu­lating lectures and experi­en­tial learning within an intimate group of no more than six students.


Plan your trip

  • Placement in the programme
  • Assistance with travel arrangements
  • Assistance with selecting travel insurance
  • Assistance with booking flights
  • Pre-departure information pack
  • Accommodation during the programme
  • Full board during the programme
  • Drinking water, tea, coffee
  • English-speaking support by long-term experienced staff
  • 24/7 support throughout the programme
  • Learning material
  • FGASA registration, exam and tuition fees
  • Zugang Online Kurs für 1 Jahr
  • Risk coverage certificate
  • Travel insurance
  • Personal expenses and optional excursions
  • Accommodation outside programme hours
  • Airport pick up and drop off


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Terry, your travel agent for Namibia

Don't hesitate to contact me if you would like to learn more about this journey! I answer all of your questions and assist you before, during and after your adventure abroad.

Apprentice Field Guide in Namibia

Engage with Namibia's natural wonders through our accredited Apprentice Field Guide Course , exploring diverse ecosystems, wildlife, guiding principles, and practical skills for an unforgettable experience.


Arrival and orien­ta­tion in Namibia

Upon arrival at Hosea Kutako International Airport in Windhoek , you will be greeted at the arrival hall by a staff member holding a sign with your name. They will then drive you (about 4 hours, 380 km) to the reserve.

At the reserve, you will have a chance to settle in before receiving an introductory presentation that will familiarize you with the course structure, safety protocols, and daily routines.


Activ­i­ties during your Appren­tice Field Guide practical training

After completing your online field guide theory course , you will join the team for five weeks of practical training at the wildlife reserve to put your skills to the test and build on your knowledge.

To gain your FGASA certification , you must be able to identify and interpret a host of living and non-living features of your environment. That means that daily activities will be structured around developing your skills and knowledge in the following areas:


Guiding, geology, amphibians and reptiles, fish and arthropods, birds and mammals, astronomy, weather and climate, taxonomy, the biomes of Southern Africa, vegetation, animal behaviour, the history of human presence in the region, and finally, conservation management.

Each day will start with an early bush activity, followed by lectures covering the aforementioned subjects, and another bush activity in the late afternoon . Bush activities include game drives, bush walks, birding, animal tracking, and the removal of invasive flora. Routine practical field tests will challenge participants' knowledge of tracks, bird calls, and vegetation identification.


Accom­mo­da­tion as a field guide appren­tice

Participants will be accommodated in a comfortable, fully furnished safari tent , equipped with an en-suite bathroom and a private terrace for an unobstructed view of the majestic savannah.

Tents are double roofed for added comfort and to keep the room cool even during the hottest times of the day. Private accommodation can be arranged for an additional fee.


Electricity and WiFi are provided 24/7 but are subject to occasional outages; therefore, packing a headlamp is recommended. There is no cell phone reception at the camp or the reserve.

Three healthy and filling meals are provided each day in the main tent, from a breakfast buffet after an early morning bush activity to tasty international cuisine to end a long day.

Soft drinks, tea and coffee are available to guests at all times to ensure that all needs are catered for.


Leisure time in the Namibian Savannah

Participants will be engaging in bush activities primarily in the early morning and early evening, when temperatures are most comfortable.

The hot midday hours (from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.) provide leisure time for relaxation, studying for your FGASA certification, or exploring the surrounding wilderness on your own. It is tradition to end the day by gathering around the campfire to share stories and build camaraderie.

Arrival in Namibia

You will arrive at Hosea Kutako International Airport in Windhoek and be greeted by a driver holding a sign with your name. You will be driven roughly four hours to the reserve, where you will get a chance to settle in and soak up your new surroundings. After a warm welcome by our partner’s staff, you will receive an introduction to the course and details on safety protocols and schedules.

What to expect during your 5-week practical training

You will start each day bright and early with a cup of tea or coffee to get the blood flowing, and then head out into the bush for your morning activity . You will spend two to two and a half hours out in the bush for a game drive or walk to explore the diverse flora and fauna of Namibia. Your instructors will connect the topics you have covered in the theory portion of your learning, as well as the lectures on site, with hands-on discovery in the field. You will return to camp mid-morning for a hearty breakfast, followed by a resting period.

After the break, you will have a lecture on one of the many course topics, ranging from geology to animal behaviour. Following the lecture, you will have a long lunch break to eat and then enjoy some downtime on your own. This is valuable study time for those who plan on obtaining their FGASA certification.

In the late afternoon , participants will join their instructor in the bush for another two and a half to three-hour activity. In addition to bush walks and drives, students will engage in birding activities, tracking, and controlling invasive vegetation. Upon return to camp, everyone will gather in the main tent for a delicious dinner. Often, the conversations continue after dinner around the campfire, where everyone can relax and exchange ideas under the clear, starry skies.

Evaluation during and at the end of your training

The course has outlined 17 subjects that you will focus on, and for each subject, there are clear guidelines on what skills must be achieved at the end of the corresponding module. Every day, your trainer will cover a topic that you have studied during your online theory course (although some topics require several days). At the end of the review, you will take a ‘mock test’ in order for the staff to best identify subjects that need a bit more attention. On this course you will have access to the theory content for a full year, so you can prepare at your own pace.

Your knowledge acquisition will also be evaluated along the way through weekly practical field tests , as you learn about interpreting tracks, bird calls, vegetation identification, and much more. These practice tests are for you to see what areas to study more intensively if you plan to take the FGASA exam and are not recorded.

All participants who complete the online and practical course will receive the college certificate (which does not give you any qualification, but is a confirmation of participation), while those who take the FAGSA exam and pass will be a qualified guide.

Last day at the camp side

Those who are joining the course for the purpose of gaining FGASA certification will take their exam at the end of the five weeks. A FGASA assessor will come to the college to administer the exam, which consists practical and theoretical components. Participants will know immediately upon completion of the practical exam if they have passed. The theory portion, however, will be sent to FGASA headquarters in South Africa to be scored, and participants will receive notification regarding their final score several weeks later.

On departure day, participants will receive their certificates of course completion from the wildlife college, pack up, and head back to Windhoek. All volunteers will leave the site around noon. Those who have a night flight can fly out the same day, and those with an early morning flight will book a night at a Windhoek hotel and depart the following day.

FAQ – Learn more about this trip

Before departing for namibia.

You must be able to speak and write fluently in English, as all course materials as well as the exam are in English. You must be at least 18 years old and preferably have a valid driver’s license. A driver’s license is not mandatory, but it does enhance the overall experience to be able to lead game drives. If you cannot drive, you will be assessed via bush walk for the final exam. You must also have a valid first aid qualification. This is a compulsory requirement for FGASA and, ideally, would be completed before beginning the course. You can also do it after the course, but FGASA will only issue your qualification once you have a valid first aid qualification. This can be done at any accredited institution in your home country.

The price covers your year-long online theory course as well as the five-week practical portion of the course in Namibia. It includes your room and board during the five-week course, all course and exam fees (for one year and one exam attempt—further attempts may be made at an additional fee), all learning materials, and reliable support and supervision by your trainer.

Not included in the fee are your flights, insurance, flight transfers, and accommodation in Windhoek if your flight arrives after 2 p.m. or departs before 8 p.m.

Travel and medical insurance are very important, especially with a repatriation service. You will be in a malaria-free area, so no treatment is needed (malaria prophylaxis is only advisable for the north of Namibia during the summer months). Vaccinations are not compulsory, but it is always important to make sure your polio and tetanus protection is up-to-date.

Appropriate walking shoes are important (hiking boots are better than sport shoes because of the thorns), comfortable closed-toed shoes for the evenings, and a pair of sandals for around the camp. Khaki (or neutral-colored) clothing for game walks and drives is advised. Since the reserve is at an altitude of 1500 meters, nights can get chilly; therefore, a warm sweater or two for the evenings is recommended. A sunhat and glasses, a raincoat, a headlamp, a notepad and pens, any guide or reference books (see list below), binoculars, adaptors, personal medication and a mini first-aid kit, and some cash (NAD or ZAR Rands) are necessary as you will be in a remote location without access to a pharmacy or ATM during the course. You will receive a complete packing list upon booking the course.

Your 5-week practical training in Namibia follows your completion of the comprehensive online theory course, so your background knowledge will already be quite strong. To enhance your understanding further, we have curated a list of supplementary reading materials focusing on Namibia and its wildlife:  

  • Sasol Birds of Southern Africa - Ian Sinclair, Phil Hockey, Warwick Tarboton
  • The Behaviour Guide to African Mammals - Richard Estes
  • Game Ranger in Your Backpack -  Megan Emmet and Sean Patrick
  • Field Guide to Trees of Southern Africa - Braam van Wyk & Piet van Wyk
  • Photographic Guide to Tracks and Tracking of Southern Africa - Louis Liebenberg
  • Pathfinder - Janesta Pulella
  • Tracks and Signs - Lee Gutteridge
  • Wildflowers of the Central Highlands of Namibia - Coleen Mannheimer
  • Reptiles of Namibia - Alfred Schleicher
  • Insectopedia - Erik Holm
  • Atlas of Namibia, its Land, Water and Life - Atlas of Namibia Team (available for free online)   Please be aware that none of these books are available for purchase on site, but the majority can be downloaded online.

We recommend that you take out travel cancellation insurance in advance in case you are unable to attend the course. There are also options for insurance if you have to end your stay early.

Arrival in Namibia for the course

You will fly into Hosea Kutako International Airport in Windhoek, where a staff member will greet you at the arrival hall. Your driver will transport you directly to the reserve. It should be noted that if multiple participants arrive on the same day on different flights, you may have to wait a little longer so that everyone can take the same transfer. It is important for our partner to maximize the number of people per transfer to limit fuel consumption and, thereby, carbon emissions.

During the course

The group will gather for an early cup of tea or coffee before heading out into the bush for the day’s first activity, which will last for about 2–2.5 hours. Breakfast will be provided once the participants return to the camp, and then there will be a little break. After the break, a lecture period is scheduled to go over all the subjects covered during the online course. The lunch break and downtime following the lectures will be the ideal times to take in the tranquility of the wilderness or to continue your studies on your own.

All participants will venture out on the bush in the late afternoon for another 2.5–3 hour-long activity. At the end of the day, students will reconvene for dinner and a chance to unwind by the fire before heading back to their tent for a well-deserved rest. Time spent in the bush includes a variety of activities, from game drives to bush walks, as well as game viewing, birding at waterholes, tracking, control of invasive vegetation, and learning about conservation practices.

The number of participants is limited to six students to ensure optimal quality and personal attention.

Life on the ground in Namibia

The camp consists of fully furnished safari tents equipped with two single beds, an en-suite bathroom with shower and toilet, and a terrace overlooking the surrounding bush. Tents are generally occupied by two participants of the same gender, but a private tent can be arranged for an added fee. There is a central communal area serving as a dining area, lecture room, and study area, and Wi-Fi is available but subject to occasional outages.

If you would like to join the course with your partner or friend, our partner will happily arrange for you to be accommodated together.

You will be served three healthy and filling meals per day, and drinks are always available to participants. Please be aware that the reserve has no store on-site and that the closest town is 1.5 hours away.

Our partner can accommodate vegetarian meals, but unfortunately, a strict vegan diet cannot be accommodated. The reason for this is the scarce availability of vegan products in Namibia. Participants must be aware that the vegetarian menu might be less diverse than what they are used to at home for this same reason.

The 5-week course is quite intense and has a lot of study and activity requirements. Early in the morning and late in the afternoon are the prime times for bush activities since the temperatures are generally more comfortable.  The hottest time of the day (between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.) is considered free time for the participants to eat lunch, relax, and study for the FGASA certifying exam.

The camp is located in the middle of a wildlife reserve, and participants are invited to explore on their own. The absence of lions, elephants, and rhinos ensures a safe environment for solitary walks, allowing individuals to fully appreciate the natural allure of the bush. The serenity and hushed ambiance of the Namibian wilderness create an optimal setting for unwinding, engaging in reading, or practicing meditation. Your free time will also prove to be valuable study time if obtaining the FGASA certification is your goal.

Last but not least, gathering around an evening campfire to share life experiences, stories, and passion for nature is one of the biggest traditions and pleasures of life in the bush.

Yes, an instructor will always be available on site as your contact person.

There are no ATMs near the camp; the closest one is 100 kilometers away. Except for perhaps purchasing souvenirs, there is no opportunity to spend money during the training. If you do wish to purchase souvenirs or drinks other than soft drinks and use the laundry service, you may wish to carry cash; however, credit cards are accepted.

There is no cellphone reception at the camp, but the internet is quite reliable. In case of an internet problem that cannot be easily resolved, our partner can arrange transport to a landline so that participants can reach family and friends.

The course is held in Namibia's summer, from January to February. The temperature averages around 35°C, which is warm but manageable thanks to frequent rainfall. This period is a wonderful time to experience Namibia as the landscape transforms into lush greenery, welcoming back migratory birds and baby antelopes. While storms are frequent during this season, they are typically short-lived, and full-day rainfall is rare.

All students who complete the course will get a certificate of participation from the Wildlife College. Concerning the official FGASA Apprentice Field Guide qualification, participants must first successfully complete both the theory and practical exams in order to receive a certificate.

Yes, of course! Everyone is welcome to engage in this experience, and we especially encourage those who simply wish to learn more about nature to do so. The FGASA qualification can be seen as a career starter or a personal challenge, but it does not have to be the goal of the course. If you do aim for the FGASA certification, please note that this takes a high level of dedication to your studies and will occupy quite a bit of your free time.

What you need to kow about FGASA

FGASA is the Field Guides Association of Southern Africa. This body is responsible for regulating the standard of guiding in South Africa and providing standardized learning material. Our partner institution is a FGASA-endorsed training provider for the Apprentice Field Guide qualification.

This accreditation is the initial stage for those who want to start a career in the guiding sector in Southern Africa. It will provide participants with an extensive understanding of Namibia's animals, plants, biomes, geology, weather, and conservation challenges. This training also highlights the importance of guiding skills and how to transmit knowledge to your guests. FGASA guides are specialists in teaching their guests about the natural environment and making material accessible and engaging while also being relevant to the target audience. They not only become guides but also ambassadors for Namibian nature!

Nevertheless, achieving certification is not the sole objective of this course. Tailored for individuals with a profound curiosity for Namibian wildlife, the program offers a unique opportunity to gain extensive knowledge about the fauna and their habitat. Moreover, it promises immersive encounters and thrilling experiences with the animals within our unspoiled reserve, ensuring an unforgettable journey of exploration.

Acquiring FGASA certification is essential for securing job opportunities within the guiding sector. Graduates can find employment in lodges, serve as tour guides, or operate as independent guides for tour operators. The qualification is generally recognized throughout Southern Africa, offering diverse prospects.

The Apprentice Field Guide qualification marks the first step in a guiding career. After a year of apprenticeship, individuals can choose to elevate their status to FGASA Field Guide, and after two years, they can attain the final certification as a FGASA Professional Field Guide. However, the initial FGASA Apprentice Field Guide certification is sufficient on its own to work as a guide. Guides may choose to specialize in various domains, such as birding, geology, and biomes. It is important to note that non-Namibian nationals must navigate the often-challenging work visa regulations, as Namibia, like all of Southern Africa, upholds stringent employment immigration rules to prioritize local opportunities. While intricate and time-consuming, securing a work permit is possible.

We do not offer a rifle handling course during the course since the reserve is free of dangerous large animals (elephants, rhinos, and lions). Therefore, participants will not be in contact with any weapons during their practical time.

Learn what others say about their Natucate adventure.


“Learning is not limited to one area and goes beyond theory lessons and animal observations. You get to meet new people, different cultures and life experiences.”


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“All the project supervisors and all the volunteers I got to know are all great and kind people.”

Auslandsaufenthalt in Namibia: Mehrere Elefanten stehen im Schatten oder gehen durch die Landschaft

“This project really does its job and benefits the locals.”

Kambakus Wildlife Reserve covers 8000 hectares of African bush savannah in northern Namibia. In the midst of the savannah you can experience Namibia's unique diversity. During explorations, one encounters various antelope species, including impala, blue wildebeest, kudu with imposing horns, eland, oryx antelope, common duiker and steenbok. Numerous zebras and giraffes also roam the reserve. Kambaku is home to a number of predatory cats such as leopards, cheetahs and smaller cat species.

Kambaku is a paradise for nature lovers and wildlife watchers, where the diversity of African fauna and flora shines in all its glory.

Background of the Appren­tice Field Guide Course in Namibia

The Apprentice Field Guide Course aims to provide participants with extensive knowledge about Namibia's wildlife , plants, geology, and conservation challenges. It serves as a foundation for those pursuing a career in the guiding sector, helping them become specialists in sharing knowledge and engaging guests. The course also offers an opportunity for nature enthusiasts to deepen their understanding of the flora and fauna in Namibia's wilderness.


Conscious Travel with Natucate

Supporting real conservation projects worldwide through individual wilderness adventures – our ambitions, our values, our service.

Adventures to get you dreaming

Eine Gruppe von Studenten beobachten eine Elefantenherde beim Grasen im afrikanischen Busch

Spend an unparalleled year amidst Africa's wild nature and get trained as a Professional Field Guide

Zwei Guides fuehren ihre Gruppe per Pirschwanderung durch den Busch

Live and learn amidst Southern Africa's wild nature for 55 days – and become a Field Guide Level 1


Experience an unforgettable sabbatical in Africa and contribute to elephant conservation in Namibia, Botswana, and Zambia.


Travel to Kenya and enjoy a 55-day Field Guide Level 1 training amidst the fascinating Masai Mara wilderness

Nahaufnahme eines Pfotenabdrucks im afrikanischen Sand

Connect with Southern Africa's nature and learn the ancient art and science of animal tracking

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New courses available

Please contact us for information regarding new NATH courses in 2023 & 2024.


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How to use Moodle


Customer Care

Calculations, code of conduct, current events, environment, available courses, moodle course creator's guide.

This course serves as a "how to" guide for creating courses in Moodle.

tour guide training in namibia

Using Moodle: A Handy Guide for Students

This course will help students understand how to use the NATH Moodle.

tour guide training in namibia

Learning about Elephants (Sample Course)

Elephants are just great. Join us in this exciting course about these magnificent creatures. 

The course will be over 10 weeks and cover the following:

  • Distribution Range
  • Hunting Issues
  • Exciting Stories

There you have it - go and do the course now!

African elephant

Follow Occupational Health and Safety Procedures in Tour Guiding

Work with colleagues and customers in a culturally diverse environment.

The purpose of this course is to give you the knowledge, skills and competencies required to work with colleagues and customers in a culturally diverse tour guiding environment.

Guiding in a Foreign Language

English communication in tour guiding.

The purpose of this course is to give you the knowledge, skills and competencies required in English to help you to carry out your work as a tour guide.

Socio-Economic and Political Structures

Customer care in tourist guiding.

The purpose of this course is to give you the knowledge, skills and competencies required to help you to carry out your work as a tour guide.  You will learn what customer care in a tour guiding environment is.

Perform routine workplace estimations and calculations

Perform routine calculations and estimations, apply first aid in tourist guiding, urban communities, knowledge of different cultures and traditions.

The purpose of this course is to help you gain knowledge about the different cultures and traditions in Namibia and equip you to convey relevant information to your tourists.

Convey information on Rural Communities in Tourist Guiding

The purpose of this course is to help you gain knowledge about the different cultures and traditions in rural Namibia and equip you to convey relevant information to your tourists.

Comply with Ethical and Legal Responsibilities

The purpose of this course is to provide you with the knowledge and skills required to comply with ethical and legal responsibilities in tour guiding.

Assist to Conduct an Extended Tour

Conduct extended tours, conduct short tours, conduct a tourism adventure, prepare tours, flora in namibia, 185 plants encountered in namibia, personalities, events, destinations and attractions, environmental sustainability in tourist guiding, environmentally sustainable tourism, national fauna, 1209 convey information on birds found in namibia, 187 birds encountered in namibia, history of namibia, convey information on the physical environment of namibia.

The purpose of this manual is to give you the knowledge, skills and competencies required to help you to carry out your work as a tour guide. You will learn to convey information on the physical environment of Namibia to enhance your tourists’ experience while on tour.

Night Sky over Namibia

Plan, prepare, cook and serve meals outdoors, set up and operate a temporary camp, prepare and serve meals outdoors for tour guiding operation, knowledge of the tourism industry and related jobs and career pathways, desert guiding, guiding in a marine habitat, operate and maintain a 4x4 tour vehicle in off-road conditions, operate and maintain a 4x4 tour vehicle in off-road tours.

Guide Course in Namibia

In Namibia, there are several guide courses and certifications available to help individuals pursue a career in guiding. These courses provide comprehensive training in various aspects of guiding, including wildlife, safari, cultural, and adventure tourism.

Start Your Journey

Here are a few notable guide courses in Namibia:

1. Namibia Academy for Tourism and Hospitality (NATH): NATH offers a range of guide training programs, including the Tour Guide Course and Field Guide Course. These courses cover topics such as destination knowledge, wildlife identification, cultural heritage, customer service, and guiding techniques. NATH certifications are recognized within the Namibian tourism industry.

2. Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR): NWR provides guide training programs, such as the Tour Guiding Course, which covers various aspects of guiding, including wildlife, culture, and tourism management. The course emphasizes sustainable tourism practices, customer service, and destination knowledge.

3. Etosha Ecological Institute: Located in Etosha National Park, the Etosha Ecological Institute offers specialized training programs for guides. These programs focus on the ecology, behavior, and conservation of the park's wildlife and ecosystems. The training includes both theoretical and practical components, allowing participants to gain hands-on experience in a renowned national park.

5. Gondwana Collection Namibia: Gondwana Collection Namibia is a leading tourism company that offers its own guide training program. The Gondwana Guide Academy provides training in areas such as nature conservation, cultural heritage, customer service, and guiding techniques. The academy aims to develop knowledgeable and passionate guides who can showcase Namibia's natural and cultural wonders.

When considering guide courses in Namibia, it's important to research the reputation, accreditation, and relevance of the institution or organization offering the training. Look for courses that cover the specific areas of guiding you are interested in, such as wildlife, cultural heritage, or adventure tourism. Additionally, gaining practical experience through internships, volunteering, or working at game reserves and lodges can further enhance your skills and employability as a guide.


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New Tour Guide Academy in Namibia

  • News / New Tour Guide Academy in Namibia
  • April 28, 2019

tour guide training in namibia

A Great Opportunity for Local Talent and Promotion of the German Language

From January 2019 onwards, the newly established Tour Guide Academy of Pack Safari will be offering free vocational training to local talents to become German-speaking tour guides. The first 10-12 participants receive a 7-month intensive German course, training to become a certified Field Guide and a training allowance.

The Background:

Namibia is one of the fastest-growing tourist destinations in the world[1], and travellers from Germany are by far the largest group (after visitors from neighbouring African countries): In 2016, more than 122,000 people from Germany visited Namibia – a growth of 35% over the previous year[2]. And visitor numbers continue to increase year by year. Of course, this also increases the demand for German-speaking tour guides who show the country to small and larger groups. So far, these have been German-Namibians in many cases, but their number is decreasing and amounts to just under 20,000 – less than 1% of the population in Namibia.

The specialist for small group travel Pack Safari is pleased about the growing demand from Germany, but the German-speaking tour guides are becoming scarce. Therefore, it was decided to found the “Tour Guide Academy”. From January 2019 young local talents will learn German in an intensive course, but also the theoretical and practical aspects of tour guiding. Behind this is the conviction that there are many people in Namibia who could delight tourists by showing them their country and its people, but German language skills are often lacking. At the same time committed Namibians can receive a solid education and thus an attractive career perspective in a real growth industry.

The Academy:

In 2019, initially 10 to 12 local talents will be trained. In the first few months, the focus is on learning the German language. It is based on a combination of proven Internet language courses from the provider Babbel and “real” German teachers on site. In the following months, the proportion of tour guide topics such as knowledge about fauna, flora, geology, astronomy, but also history, safe driving, etc. increases. As part of the Academy, the participants become certified guides of the Field Guides Association of Southern Africa (FGASA Level 1). In addition, the trainees receive hands-on lessons from Pack Safari’s experienced tour guides. The extensive program is completely organized and paid for by Pack Safari, the graduates will also be able to sign a 5-year contract as a Tour Guide. The Job Profile:

As a trained tour guide with German knowledge, the graduates have attractive career prospects. Peter Pack, photographer, Pack Safari Owner and CE and tour guide himself: “In Namibia, well-educated people often see themselves as tour guides just as ‘fillers for the gaps’. Yet this is a very diverse profession with manifold career opportunities – right up to the founding of an own travel company.” In Namibia, every seventh job and 14% of the economic output depends directly or indirectly on the tourism sector.

The Search for Talent:

In the coming weeks, the search for suitable talents will be in the foreground. Livia Pack describes the profile of successful participants as follows: “Most important from our experience are the following three points:

Enthusiasm for showing country and people to others – this includes an open, cheerful, extroverted personality, a positive outlook on life, a sense of humour and being a natural entertainer with a genuine interest in Namibia’s nature and history. A certain talent for languages ​​and communication – it should be easy to learn new languages ​​and you should be happy to use them, even if you may not speak perfectly. The right mix of “secondary virtues”, above all reliability, diligence, patience, respect for others and a good level of organizational talent. “ Candidates should also be at least 25 years old and have accommodation in Windhoek. Furthermore, driver’s license, first experiences as a tour guide and German basic knowledge are of advantage. Interested applicants can submit their documents to Pack Safari by 18th November 2018.

The following are illustrative profiles of three fictional, but real-person inspired people who would have good chances at the Academy:

Joseph, 35 years old, has been working on a guest farm near Windhoek for several years, performing game drives and hikes. He is very knowledgeable about plants, is a communicative person who always has a smile on his face, speaks good English, Oshivambo and Otjiherero. Kauna, 27 years old, has successfully completed English studies at UNAM and does an internship at KfW. She is very interested in Namibian nature and history and has traveled to various parts of Namibia. She has an open, optimistic personality and is interested in German culture. Andrew, 32, formerly a primary school teacher in Otjiwarongo, is currently a taxi driver in Windhoek. He also organizes bicycle tours through Katutura, where he delights tourists with his cheerful nature. He is a hobby ornithologist, fluent in English and Afrikaans and native to Damara. Help to give local talents a German-speaking career perspective!

The success of the academy stands and falls with the appropriate participants. If you know such “rough diamonds” who bring enthusiasm and talent for German speaking tour guiding, encourage them to apply! Surely you have someone in your circle of friends who fits the profile we are looking for.

21 Industria Street, Lafrenz Area, Windhoek, Namibia

+264 61 275800


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Namibian Academy for Tourism and Hospitality (NATH) Courses Offered

Qualification, subject and time tables.

Since 2007 NATH has been authorized to conduct training for National Tour Guides for the National Guiding Certificate at Level 3 on the NQF. In 2011 bilateral discussions between South African and Namibia with regard to  Tour Guiding and cross-border licensing for guides  resulted in a need to align these qualifications.

Since then the current Level 3 National Guiding Certificate Qualification and future Namibian Qualifications for Tour Guides have involved a number of discussions and planning. These discussions and workshops included stakeholders in the private and public sectors in open meetings.

2022 Intakes in Namibia [Universities, Colleges, VTC Intake]

Students who have embarked on their Level 3 National Guiding Certificate training in 2013 will be allowed to continue that training until full completion of all courses needed for the full qualification, provided they accomplish this in 2014.

Knowing that this will bring many current students into NATH with a request for courses to complete their current level 3 Qualification, NATH will concentrate on providing sufficient opportunities for courses.

Subjects offered by Namibian Academy for Tourism and Hospitality (NATH)

  • Compulsory Unit Standards for Tour Guides Certificate qualifying as National Guides


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The Namibian

The Life of a Tour Guide

tour guide training in namibia

By The Namibian

24 February 2016

Tour guides hear and see many things. They travel to all corners of the country and are well-educated in fauna, flora and local cultures in various areas.

Through tours and travelling, they are able to explain to tourists just how amazing life can be in nature, especially in Namibia where wildlife is common. If one happens to encounter wildlife, the guides know exactly what to do and how to confront a situation, if they are ever put in one.

If you are ever interested in travelling Namibia, sometimes the best thing to do is to hire a tour guide. The company they work for would assist you in booking accommodation and making sure that you have activities planned for the few days you’ll be away.

This is where a tour guide comes in. They drive you to your destination, make sure that your bookings are sorted, and explain to you things you might not have known about the environment that you are in. Whether it’s a species of bird or the local attractions (and sometimes the stories behind them), a good tour guide is always fun to be with, and there’s so much to learn from them as well.

Tour guides are also good with directions, mapping, locations and geography, as they can easily find your destination without necessarily using road maps. For the buses they use (which normally look like Quantam buses), they are required to drive a certain speed limit to ensure that there are no accidents – and besides, company cars are costly, which they would be liable for if they were ever to damage it.

Sometimes tour guides are freelancers and other times, companies in hospitality have permanent tour guides. One freelancer who has a CV that stretches quite long is Obarius ‘Obi’ Mupurua, who has worked with some of the biggest lodges and hospitality schools in the country such as Wolwedans Lodge and others. He has a Nath (Namibia Academy for Tourism and Hospitality) qualification, known as a Bach 1 which is assessed by Namibia Training Authority for the National Tourist Guide Qualification.

Through his experiences, he has learnt Italian and is able to speak it fluently. For some courses, learning a new language is a part of the curriculum. The reason for this being that, in the tourism industry, you are going to come across many people who speak a variety of languages.

One of the biggest contributors in the Namibian economy is tourism, which earns over a billion Namibian dollars. Tourists from all over the world visit the country on a regular basis, and at times part of being a tour guide is that one is able to easily communicate with tourists. And this is what the tourism board wants. It would not only benefit locals, but promote the country in a good way so that international companies can invest and pump more money into the economy. This is all good for business.

“A tour guide’s mind is not the same as the average person. They think in a different sort of way,” Obi said, and of course, being in contact with so many plants and animals in the outdoors, it would be natural to constantly be on the lookout for any fascinating things that nature might bring to the table.

“I love nature and I love people. I love challenges too, because being a tour guide, you meet a lot of challenges and if you cannot handle those challenges, then it’s not easy for you as a guide. You could quit guiding in a year if you cannot handle those challenges. You cannot do this job year-after-year.”

You do not necessarily have to study to become a tour guide, it is actually quite crucial to learn all the tricks of the trade first hand.

This is why before you become a tour guide, you have to understand the aspects of the job, such as becoming a field guide, and knowing what it is like to run a lodge so that you can tell people more about it. It is mainly a field of experience as you are alone in the field with guests or tourists who are depending on you with their lives.

They expect you to know the most, if not everything, about where they are going, what they are going to do and how they are going to execute their day perfectly.

There may be a few surprises along the way, such as meeting an elephant face-to-face, which you have to react to appropriately.

Despite the slight dangers that come with the job, there are quite a number of advantages.

Interested in a career as a tour guide? Tourism schools such as the Namibia University of Science and Technology Hotel School (formerly known as the Polytechnic Hotel School) can assist you in this regard, as well as the Wolwedans Academy and other schools that strictly cater to the tourism industry.

“When I was still at the Windhoek Technical High School, I had a friend whose father worked in conservation. I was interested in the field and he asked me if I wanted to join because he saw potential in me. I asked him what being a guide was all about and he explained it to me,” Obi said about his path to being an in-demand tour guide.

“I took the opportunity when I was offered a scholarship and passed all my courses.” From then on, Obi was sent to various lodges and learnt from quite experienced men in the tourism industry. He is currently doing freelance work for those who call him from time to time.

That’s only a brief explanation on what it’s like to be a tour guide. The best experience you’ll get is when you’re out in the wild!

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Exploring Namibia with Integrity: The Essential Guide to Tour Guide Conduct

Embracing the future: how afcfta is placing people at the heart of tourism and creating opportunities for youth.

  • Xeroltha Garoes

Namibia, with its breathtaking landscapes, diverse wildlife, and rich cultural heritage, is a dream destination for travelers. But what makes a trip to Namibia truly unforgettable is the experience guided by knowledgeable and ethical tour guides. Whether you’re exploring the vast Namib Desert, the vibrant streets of Windhoek, or the incredible wildlife of Etosha National Park, Namibian tour guides play a crucial role in enhancing your journey.


Let’s dive into the essential code of conduct for tour guides in Namibia and why it matters for your next adventure.

The Role of a Tour Guide 

Tour guides are more than just providers of information; they are ambassadors of their country, storytellers, and guardians of their natural and cultural heritage. In Namibia, a country known for its stunning and often delicate ecosystems, the role of a tour guide is even more significant.

Code of Conduct for Namibian Tour Guides 

1. Respect for Nature and Wildlife Tour guides in Namibia are committed to protecting the environment. They follow sustainable practices, ensuring that their actions do not harm wildlife or disrupt natural habitats. This includes adhering to designated paths, minimizing waste, and educating tourists about the importance of conservation.

2. Cultural Sensitivity and Respect Namibia is home to a diverse array of cultures and traditions. Tour guides are trained to respect and honor these cultures, providing tourists with authentic experiences while maintaining the dignity and privacy of local communities. This includes seeking permission before taking photographs of people and their property.

3. Professionalism and Knowledge A good tour guide is always well-prepared and knowledgeable. Namibian tour guides undergo rigorous training to ensure they can provide accurate and engaging information about the destinations they cover. They stay updated with the latest developments and continuously improve their skills.

4. Safety First Ensuring the safety of tourists is a top priority. Tour guides are trained in first aid and emergency procedures, and they always carry the necessary equipment to handle unexpected situations. They conduct thorough briefings and ensure that all safety measures are in place before embarking on any activity.

5. Ethical Behavior and Integrity Honesty and integrity are at the heart of a tour guide’s conduct. They provide transparent information about prices, avoid exploiting tourists, and operate within the legal frameworks of Namibia. This builds trust and fosters a positive relationship between guides and tourists.

6. Commitment to Learning and Improvement The best tour guides are those who are constantly learning. Namibian tour guides regularly participate in workshops and training sessions to enhance their knowledge and skills. They are open to feedback and strive to improve their services continually.

Why This Matters for Your Adventure

When you embark on a journey through Namibia with a tour guide who adheres to this code of conduct, you can expect a more enriching and responsible travel experience. Here’s why:

– Authentic Insights: Gain deeper understanding and appreciation of Namibia’s natural beauty and cultural richness. – Sustainable Travel: Ensure that your travel has minimal impact on the environment and supports conservation efforts. – Cultural Respect: Experience local traditions and lifestyles in a respectful and meaningful way. – Safety and Comfort: Enjoy your adventure with the assurance that your well-being is a priority. – Ethical Experiences: Travel with the confidence that you are supporting ethical practices and contributing positively to local communities.

Final Thoughts 

Traveling with a knowledgeable and ethical tour guide can transform your trip to Namibia into a truly unforgettable experience. As you explore this stunning country, remember that the dedication and integrity of your guide play a significant role in shaping your adventure.

So, when planning your Namibian getaway, make sure to choose tour operators and guides who uphold these principles. Not only will you have an incredible time, but you’ll also be part of a larger effort to promote sustainable and responsible tourism in Namibia.

Stay tuned for more travel tips and stories that inspire responsible exploration. Let’s journey together towards a world where every travel experience is as enriching for the traveler as it is respectful and beneficial to the host country.

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Safari Guide Training Courses

Safari Guide Training Courses

Safari guide – the ultimate dream job right? You have the best office in the world, every day feels like an adventure, you meet interesting people, and get to enjoy Africa and its wildlife. Scratch beneath the surface though and a few negatives are there too. Safari guiding isn’t brilliantly paid, the working day can be very long indeed, you’re not staying where guests do and your accommodation can be fairly basic, and every so often there’s the client you could happily feed to the local lion pride!

So maybe you don’t really want to give up what you do and become a guide, but you still want more from your next holiday in Africa than morning and afternoon wildlife drives or nature walks – you want to drive the 4wd game viewer through the river, learn how to approach big game safely on foot, and get behind the scenes back at camp.

How about joining a safari guide course? In many cases you’ll be studying alongside those aiming to be guides, so this isn’t simply a taster, but the real thing for those wanting to train as a professional safari guide, and you can be there right alongside them.


Ask about a safari guide training course and the name that will keep popping up is Eco-Training. They’ve been training guides for over twenty years and run courses throughout the year in South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Kenya.

A typical Eco-Training safari guide course There is no typical course as they run a huge variety from a 6 day Wilderness Trails Skills course through to the year-long Professional Field Guide course, with a number of others in between.

Skills taught Typical guiding skills taught on the courses include:

– ecotourism and guiding – creating photographic opportunities for guests – communication skills – dealing with guests – animal behaviour – ecotourism and local communities – tracking big game on foot – driving a 4wd game drive vehicle – shooting a rifle – sleeping out under the stars

Cost of a course (2020 prices) Rates of £60-£100 per day are much lower than a luxury safari holiday, but they’re different beasts and no one should come on a guide training course looking for a cheap safari holiday. You’ll be expected to be up early and go to bed late, as well as reading during the hours you’d perhaps normally have a siesta. However there’s enjoyment too; as Emma Fairbank wrote in a thank you note:

“After settling back into normal life, I just wanted to take the opportunity to say THANK YOU! I had the most amazing time…it was fantastic; the people, the location and the course. I left a little piece of myself in Mashatu, but that is OK because it means I have to go back… Thank you for kindling and inspiring a love of Africa!”

Okavango Guiding School

With almost 15 years of experience and a pedigree as long as your arm Okavango Guiding School is another respected operator in the area of safari guide training. The owners, brothers Grant and Brent Reed, are also the founders of one of our favourite mobile safari companies, Letaka Safaris , and Grant is one of the most highly qualified guides and trainers in the industry, having completed his FGASA Special Knowledge and Skills (SKS) Dangerous Animals, SKS Birding and SKS Wildflowers.

A typical Okavango Guiding School safari guide course Okavango Guiding School offer three different courses at 7 (Bush Skills), 14 and 28 days (Trails Guide Course or FGASA Level 1). Courses run throughout the year.

Skills taught The courses ensure practical experience of:

– tracking – weapons handling – wilderness walks – motor boating – game driving – poling a dug-out canoe

The following theory is also covered:

– geology – astronomy – weather and climate – ecology – plants – invertebrates – frogs, fish, reptiles – birds – mammals

Cost of a course (2020 prices) The courses are roughly £1,840 per week and attract people with a wish to learn about and experience the wilderness, as well as those keen to be guides or experienced guides topping up their knowledge and skills.

As Grant puts it “Safari guide training courses suit just about anyone who is active and curious about nature!”

NJ More Field Guide College

The More family has run the Lion Sands Game Reserve, alongside Kruger National Park, for four generations. They also own and operate a collection of hotels and lodges throughout Southern Africa.

Rifle target practice

The NJ More Field Guide College, which runs on the Marakele National Park in South Africa, is not simply a business for them, but a way to ensure future guides are “passionate, highly skilled and authentic natural ambassadors.”

Courses run at the field guide college

The college offers three different courses; three months, six months and twelve months. They start in January or July.

The3-monthh course covers FGASA Field Guide Level 1

Identifying and tracking wildlife with their droppings

Additional skills taught on the 6 and 12 month courses

– FGASA Field Guide Level 1 – FGASA Trails Guide Back up – Rifle competency and Advanced Rifle Handling – Wilderness First Aid Level 2 – Cybertracker “Tracks & Signs” – Birding – Wildlife Photography – Night Sky Safari Skills – Navigation & Orientation – 4×4 Driving – Survival Skills – Principals and practical application of Reserve Management – Basic Mechanics – Hospitality in a 5-star Environment

Wildlife Photography training

Cost of a course (2020 prices)

3 month field guide course £4,380 6 month field guide course from £6,100 12 month field guide course £11,365

Arun studied at the field guide school in 2015 and wrote:

“I been wanting to come and live and work in the bush in Africa for pretty much all my life. NJ More Field Guide College is probably the best place I could ever have chosen. Our location is simply amazing, our instructors are experts who can really teach. I have gained so much knowledge about the bush, the animals, birds, insects you name it. The sightings and the learnings have been superlative and I am thoroughly enjoying myself following my African dream. Living with an international team and meeting wonderful people making lifetime friends, it’s been a joy from the start.”

Interested for a gap year student, a spouse with a sabbatical, or yourself? Get in touch and we’ll get you more details. Send us an email or give us a call and we can help with the rest.

2 responses to “Safari Guide Training Courses”

' src=

To whom it may concern I am very interested in joining one of these fantastic courses.I am currently 17 and studying for my A levels in the south east of England. I have a strong interest in conservation and wildlife preservation and hope to become a vet. I lived in Zimbabwe for the most part of my life and moved here to the Uk in the last year. I have a passion for the African bush and its wildlife and one a day hope to become a qualified vet with the idea of working with conservation and anti-poaching. I have a fair amount of experience in the bush, tracking ,fishing and general safety .

What would you recommend I do ? Do I come out with a qualification after one of your courses? Is it worth my while getting a PH license ?

hope to here from you soon Kind regards Matthew

' src=

Dear Matthew, Thank you for your interest in safari training courses. We do not run the courses ourselves therefore it is best to contact the safari training courses directly with your queries. Best regards Renate

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Namibia Safaris & Tours

Beautiful Himba woman, Namibia | Peter Walton

Namibia is an incredible destination that offers dramatic landscapes, stunning wildlife, diverse cultures and seemingly endless space to move around in. With its lonely deserts and spectacular sand dunes, rugged mountains and fertile valleys, immense canyons and windswept coastline, Namibia is without question one of the most photogenic places on Earth.

See the unforgettable red sand dunes of Sossusvlei, where you can hike to the top of Dune 45 to catch one of the world's most photographed sunrises over the breathtaking landscapes of the Namib Desert.

Get close to Africa's iconic wildlife with a game drive through the magnificent Etosha National Park and meet the cheetahs being rehabilitated through the Africat conservation program.

Hike through dramatic scenery in the vast Fish River Canyon, cycle through the rugged valleys and dry river courses of the Aus Mountains and engage with local culture and custom by visiting traditional tribal villages.

Visit the eerie sandblown ghost town of Kolmanskop, explore German colonial architecture in the charming town of Lüderitz, and see one of the world's largest collections of Stone Age artworks at Twyfelfontein.

Then head for the stark beauty of the Skeleton Coast, where you can marvel at the famous Walvis Bay flamingos, see the world's largest seal colony at Cape Cross and feast on seafood in Swakopmund. Whatever you do, just don't leave your camera at home!


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tour guide training in namibia

Our all inclusive approach

Our range of Namibia adventures offer phenomenal value for money by providing top quality service, atmospheric accommodation and private vehicles. Additionally, we aim to incorporate as many inclusions as possible in the tour cost such as most meals, transfers, game drives, excursions and national park fees.

tour guide training in namibia

Authentic experiences

Namibia is a vast country with wide open spaces and long driving distances, which is why we have carefully designed our itineraries around the best wilderness areas and the most scenic landscapes. From watching the sunrise over the Sossusvlei sand dunes to spotting wildlife in Etosha and discovering the multitude of cultures and customs, our adventures allow you to experience this diverse country in its most beautiful form.

tour guide training in namibia

Choice of accommodations

We offer a range of adventures in Namibia to suit various budgets and interests. If you are looking for a little extra luxury, check out our 'In Comfort' range of trips which feature some high quality boutique accommodations.

Custom built, reliable transport

Trained drivers and well maintained vehicles, which are purpose built for our safaris, are what you can expect when on the lookout for Africa’s Big 5 game animals. Safari transport is designed with wildlife viewing in mind, providing unobstructed views and in most cases forward facing seats and air-conditioning.

tour guide training in namibia

Experienced local guides

Our expert guides are the real key to our success. From spotting wildlife to sharing their extensive knowledge, our passionate and attentive guides take pride in going the extra mile to make your Namibia experience unforgettable.

tour guide training in namibia

Leaders in responsible travel

Responsible travel practice is at the heart of our Namibia programs. Our adventures provide a true wilderness experience by viewing wildlife in their natural habitat and supporting the protection of diverse environments, endangered species and local communities.

Guide training

Guides receive annual training on their responsibilities in relation to environmental, social, cultural and economic sustainability.

Animal welfare focus

We adhere to our Animal Welfare Code of Conduct in Namibia. We strongly discourage contact with lions through lion cub petting and walking with lion activities, as well as elephant back rides.

Traveller education

Upon arrival, our group briefing educations travellers on appropriate behaviours when interacting with local indigenous people, specifically in regards to dress code, photographic protocol and donations.

Safari lodges

In game parks, national parks and rural locations we use 3 to 4 star comfortable properties that reflect the character of the area. Some may have extra facilities such as a swimming pool or private balcony.

Permanent safari camps

Like a tented hotel room, this is the perfect way to experience the African wilderness. We use 3 to 4 star comfortable properties that reflect the character of the area.

We offer two styles of camping; fully supported and semi-participation. Both styles feature quality two person tents erected in scenic wilderness.

In cities or large towns you will be accommodated in 3 to 4 star, twin share properties that are centrally located, comfortable and reliable.


We use quality 2 to 3 star chalets or guesthouses. They can be rustic; however we ensure that they provide a comfortable and friendly experience.

tour guide training in namibia

George Griffiths

George first started working as a guide in Namibia in 2006 and soon became a very much loved guide. His bright and friendly personality plus his years of experience make George a sought after guide, and his ability to speak many of the local languages opens up doors when you travel with him.

tour guide training in namibia

Kembo Sithole

Starting life as a bank teller in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Kembo saw the light and began his safari career in Hwange National Park in 1998. Since then he has grown to become one of our most popular Southern African guides. He has vast knowledge of fauna and flora and this with his excellent manner with people ensures he brings that something extra to our guests' safari experience.

tour guide training in namibia

Ian Williams

Ian lives and breathes the bush and is known as the "Africa Guru". It would be a hard task to determine where Ian has not travelled in Africa over the past 40 years! He is a keen photographer and is passionate about all things African. His in-depth knowledge is integral to the itineraries he organises for our Africa private and school groups.

tour guide training in namibia

Gesine (Gus) Cheung

From Cairo to the Cape and beyond, Gus' travels have taken her to the roof of Africa (Kilimanjaro), the 'Big 5' in South Africa, Tanzania's annual migration, Botswana's Okavango Delta, Rwanda's Mountain Gorillas, Namibia, Zanzibar's beaches, majestic Victoria Falls, Morocco, Turkey, Iran, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Oman and Jordan. Gus' usual mode of transport is her own two feet, so don't be surprised if you see her out on an African trail sometime.

tour guide training in namibia

Dr Ross Anderson

Dr Anderson lives with his wife in a small town near the Lakes District in the north of England. He is a family doctor and spends much of his spare time travelling as an expedition doctor. He has more than 10 years of altitude and travel medicine experience. Previous treks and expeditions have focused on the Himalayas, with others in the Scandinavian Arctic and mountainous areas of Africa. He also enjoys trail running, cycling and open-water swimming.

A custom made itinerary is the ultimate way to see the world how YOU want. They are created especially for you, giving you complete freedom to choose what you want to see, where you want to go and when you want to do it. If you love our current itineraries but want to customise it privately as a couple, a group of friends, family, club, business or school, you have the freedom to add or remove as many elements as you like to suit the interests of your group. Alternatively, you can start with a blank canvas and create a new and exciting itinerary from scratch! Our well-travelled consultants can give you firsthand suggestions and eliminate any uncertainty with trip planning to ensure you maximise the quality of your experience and get truly off the beaten track. Simply email, phone or visit us to start planning your dream adventure.

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The phenomenal colours of the sand dunes in Sossusvlei, Namibia.  | Peter Walton

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tour guide training in namibia

  • Where to Go & Weather
  • Dialing Code


  • Health & Safety

Where to Go

Breathtaking sunset over the African plains&#160;-&#160;<i>Photo:&#160;Peter Walton</i>

Get close to Africa’s iconic game animals in the magnificent Etosha National Park

See the stunning Sossusvlei and ancient red sand dunes in Namib-Naukluft Park

Hike through the vast Fish River Canyon, the 2nd biggest canyon in the world

Witness ancient history at Twyfelfontein, one of the world’s largest collections of Stone Age rock carvings and paintings

Explore the fertile wetlands and game reserves of the Caprivi Strip and Okavango River

Visit the eerie sandblown ghost town of Kolmanskop

Enjoy galleries, museums and festivals in the capital of Windhoek

Try sandboarding or sand-skiing in the Namib Desert dunes near Swakopmund or Walvis Bay

Soak up the sun, surf and adventure sports in pretty Swakopmund, Namibia’s most popular holiday spot

Gain insights into village life and support local communities with an organised cultural visit to a rural village

Wander around the German colonial and art nouveau architecture in the oddly charming coastal town of Lüderitz

Sample the country’s excellent wine & local produce, or take part in a braai (barbecue) if you’re lucky

Shop for colourful traditional arts and crafts

Colours of Deadvlei&#160;-&#160;<i>Photo:&#160;Peter Walton</i>

Namibia can be thought of in three broad physiographic zones: the Namib Desert in the west, the central plateau, and the Kalahari Desert in the east.

The country’s climate can be thought of in three broad seasons: the long rains (January to April), the dry season (May to September) and the short rains (October to December).

Given the large amount of desert area, the country’s climate is, understandably, mostly hot and dry, with sparse and erratic rainfall. In some areas, daytime temperatures can soar to above 40°C (104°F) in summer and plummet below freezing in winter.

Rainfall is highest in the northeast, in the fertile Caprivi Strip and Okavango River regions, with the balance of the country receiving unreliable rainfalls and prolonged droughts.

The Kalahari Desert and the central plateau both experience wide diurnal temperature ranges, with daily swings of 30°C (50°F) in summer and 10° C (20°F). Central Namibia’s rainy season runs from January until mid-April, with the rainy season being a little longer in the north and shorter in the more arid south.

The drier months of June to October are the best months for wildlife viewing in national parks and game reserves, as animals are attracted en masse to water sources.

The Namib coastal desert is different to the remainder of the country in that it almost never rains, is often blanketed in coastal fogs, and is only ever really hot in winter when the east wind blows.

Time in Namibia

Namibia is +2 hours ahead of UTC/GMT

Afrikaans, German and English were Namibia’s three official languages during the apartheid years, but since independence the government has made English the sole official language. However, English is the primary home language of only around 3% of the population.

The most widely spoken languages are Ovambo (aka Oshiwambo, spoken by the majority of the total population); Khoekhoe (aka Nama); Afrikaans; Kwangali (aka RuKwangali); Herero (aka Otjiherero). Various indigenous Bantu and Khoisan languages are also spoken by minorities. Khoisan languages include 'clicks' which usually pose significant linguistic difficulties to English-speaking visitors. Khoekhoe (aka Nama) is one of the most widely spoken Khoisan languages, with a quarter of a million speakers in Namibia

Of the white minority, more than 60% speak Afrikaans as their primary language, with 32% speaking German as their first language

Many Namibians speak two or more indigenous languages and at least a little of two of the three European languages (English, German and Afrikaans)

Where as many black South Africans see Afrikaans negatively as ‘the language of apartheid’, Namibians see the language as an essential and useful means of communication, stemming back to the high number of marriages between Afrikaner and black Namibian couples. Today, Afrikaans is the closest thing to Namibia’s national lingua franca

Dollar (divided into cents)

The Namibian Dollar is tied permanently 1-1 to the South African Rand (SAR). SAR notes and coins are legal tender in Namibia.

Credit cards can be used in Windhoek but should not be relied upon as your only form of cash.

International Dialing Code

Type D plug

Electricity in Namibia is 220 Volts, at 50 hertz. The most common pin types are D (3 pin round) and M.

Visas for Namibia are not required for passport holders from the following countries for a stay of up to 90 days:-

New Zealand

United Kingdom

United States

However you must hold a valid return/onward ticket.

All other nationalities should check with your nearest embassy or consulate.

Regulations are in place for people travelling with children to/from Namibia. Anyone who is a minor (less than 18 years) must produce a certified copy of their unabridged (original) birth certificate in addition to a valid passport.

If the child is not travelling with both parents named on their birth certificate a statutory declaration or affidavit must be given by the parent/s or legal guardian/s who are not accompanying the child, declaring that they give consent for the accompanying adult/s or legal guardian/s to travel with the child. This should be done and signed before a Justice of Peace. Other additional documents may also be required; for example – death certificate (if one parent is deceased); copies of their parents’/legal guardians’ passports or identity documents; contact details of the minor’s parents/legal guardians. If the new requirements are not met, then boarding can be denied by any airline flying to/from Namibia, or travellers may be turned back at the border. If this applies to you, please make enquiries with your respective Namibia consulate/mission to confirm, as the conditions frequently change. We can assist with contact details of the relevant authorities if required.

Your safety is our number one concern. Our safety track record is exemplary thanks to careful management and thorough consultation with local partners. Our industry leading risk management procedures have become a skill that we continue to refine. Our leaders in the field are highly trained and have safety as their number one priority. Expert leaders, risk assessments, quality inclusions and your financial security all come standard when you travel with us.

Please refer to our Travel Advisory page for updates on recent events, travel warnings and advice.

We strongly recommend that all clients take out travel insurance at the time of booking to cover against sickness, accident, loss of baggage, unexpected alterations to travel arrangements and travel disruption, emergency evacuation, cancellations, etc. Insurance information is enclosed with your pre-departure information. Please contact us if you would like to obtain a quote for your trip duration.

We suggest that you consult your doctor, local government inoculation centre or a travel medical specialist in order to get the most current advice regarding vaccination requirements.

Money and valuables should always be stored safely when travelling. Keep your passport with you at all times and do not leave it in your main luggage. You will need it to change money and check into hotels. Where safety deposit boxes are available, we recommend that you use them. Keep jewellery and valuables to a minimum.

List Of Tourist Guide Schools In Namibia

What is Tourist Guide?

A  tour guide  (U.S.) or a  tourist guide  (European) is a person who provides assistance, information on cultural, historical and contemporary heritage to people on organized sightseeing and individual clients at educational establishments, religious and historical sites such as; museums, and at various venues of tourist attraction resorts

Namibian Academy for Tourism and Hospitality (NATH)

Nature Campus Tourist Guide Training – Namibia

Frequently Asked Questions​​​​ (FAQs).

How do I become an international tourist guide in Namibia?

To become an approved guide, you have to pass entrance exams. The Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management conducts guide training on behalf of the Ministry of Tourism. They advertise in the papers once in 2 years or so. You have to apply once the ad appears.

What do you need to become a tourist guide?

To become an approved guide, you have to pass entrance exams. The Namibia Institute of Tourism and Travel Management conducts guide training on behalf of the Ministry of Tourism. They advertise in the papers once in 2 years or so. You have to apply once the ad appears.

What education does a tour guide need?

There are no formal education requirements for tour guides, though most have at least a high school diploma. Training and certification programs are available from a variety of travel guide associations, such as the World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations.

How can a tour guide affect a tourist?

Our analysis confirms that tour guide performance has positive effects on perceived credibility trust, perceived benevolence trust, and tourist satisfaction. However, only perceived benevolence trust and tourist satisfaction mediate the relationships between tour guide performance and tourist shopping behavior.

Is tour guide a good career choice in Namibia?

A tour guide gets the opportunity to see the world. It is a job with no time limit. You have to work for a long 12 hours in a day and may be that on the next day you will be free. It is a good career industry but very competitive.

How do tour guides get paid in Namibia?

The tips are normally $20 per day as a minimum, but you do get benefits, and these types of tours offer a salaried pay. The other type of tour is the one where guides get paid per day instead of a monthly salary, but then the guests will tip you at the end of every day according to how good you were.

How important is the tourist guide in an organized tour?

Tour Guiding. Guides are tourism professionals that lead their guests through the most interesting parts of their region. In all this functions guides are responsible for planning and organizing tours. Communication is their most important tool to ensure a fantastic experience for their guests.

Do tour guides make good money in Namibia?

Generally speaking, tour guides can earn between $50 and $150 per day taking a lot of factors into consideration such as experience, locations, training, type of tour, and others. Aside from this, many tour companies encourage their passengers to tip the tour guides, so this can bump up your salary dramatically.

What tourist expect from a guide?

Tour Guides are expected to provide tourists with information regarding the place they’re visiting, answer questions they may have, and adhere to a pre-designed route to avoid getting lost. Some Tour Guides work with city sightseeing companies that take tourists around a city and show them the main landmarks.

Do tour guides need a license in Namibia?

If you are interested in being a tour guide in the United States, you might be required to earn professional licensing, depending on which city or area you want to work in.

Why do tourists visit Namibia?

Namibia is a big country which is also extremely dry making most of the land uninhabitable. Whenever you travel overland and use the desert ‘highways’ you’ll encounter those endless deserts and dunes. You can literally drive for hours without meeting any cars, people, or wildlife while driving between two major cities.

Is tourism course easy?

About my college education: Tourism is one of the easiest courses nowadays. It both developed my knowledge and my personality. You will learn the history of different places around the world

What are the tourist attractions in Namibia?

Best Places to Visit in Namibia

  • Sossusvlei.
  • Etosha National Park.
  • Skeleton Coast.
  • Damaraland.
  • Victoria Falls.
  • Fish River Canyon.

Is Namibia Safe for Tourists?

Our honest answer, is that Namibia felt like one of the safest countries we’ve ever visited – until we arrived into Windhoek. It is, overwhelmingly, a peaceful and welcoming country. However, there are still issues with both poverty and gang violence, which has lead to increased personal and petty crime.

What is Namibia famous for?

Namibia is one of the most fascinating and diverse countries in the world and a number 1 travel destination. Namibia is world famous for the highest dunes in the world at Sossusvlei and for the Etosha National Park, one of world’s greatest conservation areas. The official name of Namibia is “Republic of Namibia”.

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Namibia Experience

Namibia Guided Safari Tours

Travel Southern Africa together with expert local guides

Explore Guided Tours

  • Accommodations
  • Guided Tours
  • Experiences

Leave the rest of the world behind on our Namibia guided tours and safaris

Experience true wonder in a country unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Our guided tours and safaris take you from the panoramic views of the Fish River Canyon to the desert elephants in the Damaraland, the sand dunes of Sossusvlei and the Atlantic Ocean at Swakopmund. Go on classic wildlife safaris in Etosha National Park and the wildlife-rich national parks of the Caprivi and Zambezi Region. Travelling in our custom 4×4 safari vehicles together with your experienced local guide, you have the opportunity to learn about wildlife, ecosystems, Namibia’s culture and traditions and so much more. After an exciting day in Namibia’s great outdoors, you overnight at remote camps, well-equipped lodges, or charming guesthouses. Our travel experts will assist you in finding the tour that best fits your expectations, budget, and sense of adventure.

What makes us the right choice

Two people looking at guide book

So you have the unique experience you’re looking for.

Namibia tour guide explaining to guests

Experience Namibia through the eyes of locals.

Guided tour vehicle on road

The backbone of your trip: safari vehicles, tents and equipment.

Accommodation types.

Whether you want to go back to basics or enjoy a luxurious holiday, Namibia offers accommodation options for every budget, need, and sense of adventure. We visit accommodations regularly to recommend you the best ones.

Your comfortable home in the middle of nature: You will have your own private room, often a detached stand-alone cottage or safari walk-in tent, a proper private bathroom with hot shower, as well as access to a communal restaurant, viewing deck and sometimes even a swimming pool. You can expect the level of service and amenities of a hotel, but a closeness to nature and experience unlike any hotel could ever offer. Explore our guided lodge safaris!

Waterberg guest farn cottag

Personal camps and lodges

Blending in with nature – the Waterberg Guest House

Dining area at Mushara Bush Camp

Comfort & service

Outdoor dining at the Mushara Bush Camp

View from Junior Suite at Sossusvlei Taleni Lodge

Stunning views

From your room at the Sossusvlei Taleni Lodge

An authentic bush camping experience: You overnight in two-person-dome tents, equipped with mosquito netting and a comfortable camping mattress. Depending on the location, you will share the campsite with other travellers or have it all to yourself. Namibia is known for its good camping and sanitation facilities. But you shouldn’t expect a hot shower at every campsite. You assist your guide in setting up and packing up camp. These Namibia guided safari tours are an adventure for nature lovers. Explore our camping safaris !

Two-person dome tent on guided camping safari Namibia

Two-person dome tents

1.8m-heigh tents with comfortable mattresses

Camp set up on participation camping safari

Participation safari

Assist your guide in camp duties

Campfire at night at Spitzkoppe

Authentic experience

In Namibia’s great outdoors

Namibia Guided Tours and Safaris

Travel Namibia together with your professional local guides and leave the rest of the world behind

Lodge tour vehicle on game drive

Guided Lodge Tours

For the discerning traveller who wants to enjoy the wonders of Namibia in comfort and ease, travel in style on a guided lodge tour whilst also experiencing Namibia’s wonderful food and hospitality. Explore the country with your experienced guide by day and stay at charming and personal lodges and camps by night.

Sea of dunes in the Namib Desert

Luxury Tours

Experience remoteness on our luxury holidays in Namibia: privacy, exclusivity and warm hospitality await you at personal camps and lodges in stunning locations and wilderness areas. From adventure activities to wellness retreats, from 4x4 offroad trips to fly-in safaris.

Setup for Namibia camping holiday: campsite, tents and safari vehicle, mountain range in the background

Guided Camping Tours

For the wilder at heart, enjoy the bush from a more unadulterated and intimate perspective and sleep in the thick of the action, open to the elements on a guided camping tour. After exciting days travelling Namibia together with your guide, you end the evening around the campfire under the starry night sky and sleep in your cosy dome tent. Namibia’s great outdoors await!

Namibia tour along tailor-made route

Tailor-Made Tours

Our experienced travel experts design your perfect tailor-made Namibia tour: duration, accommodations, routes and activities – just tell us what you’re looking for, what you want to experience, and we’ll do the rest. Travel as family, with friends or your special someone. It’s a private and personalised trip, just for you.

Interested in Self-Drive Safaris?

To explore Namibia independently in a rental car, have a look at our self-drive tours.

Experiences & Activities whilst on guided tours and safaris in Namibia

If you love the great outdoors and want to spend time in nature, you will love the many activities available on guided Namibia tours and safaris – whether you travel as family with young children or honeymooners. When booking a private tailor-made tour, we can incorporate any of the below and many more activities and experiences in your itinerary. You will be accompanied by an experienced guide and all the logistics will be taken care of.

Watch elephants, lions, zebras, and many other species of the African bush on a classic game drive. There are different ways to experience it: On Namibia guided safari tours together with your experienced guide, on self-drive tours in your own rental car, or as part of an activity organised by your lodge and together with a local guide. You can go on classic game drives in Etosha National Park, or the lesser-known, but wildlife-rich parks of the Zambezi Region, among them Bwabwata, Mudumu, and Nkasa Rupara National Parks. Learn more about private safaris!

Safari vehicle on game drive on namibia guided safari tours

Safari vehicles

Spacious 4×4 Toyota Land Cruisers or sturdy Toyota Hilux.

Elephant in Mudumu National Park

Iconic wildlife

In Namibia’s well-known or remote national parks and reserves.

Namibia guided safari tour

Undisturbed views

To see wildlife viewing at its best.

A classic activity in Namibia but so many ways to experience it: a desert tour. Most desert tours will take you to the section of the Namib Desert in the Namib Naukluft Park. Here you can visit exciting scenic highlights such as Sossusvlei, Deadvlei, the Sesriem Canyon, Big Daddy and Dune 45. The Namib Desert around Swakopmund is well-known for its adventure activities: sandboarding, quad biking, fat bike tours, and guided tours to the “Little Five”. Yet another fascinating outdoor destination is the Kalahari Desert in the East of the country. You can explore Namibia’s deserts on guided nature walks or see it from a hot air balloon or a light aircraft. Learn more about Desert Tours!

Camelthorn tree Deadvlei

Classic Namibian highlights

In the Namib Desert, the oldest desert in the world.

Lizard seen on Living Desert Tour Swakopmund

Little Five Desert Tours

Experience how the desert comes to life.

Hot air balloon floating across sea of dunes

Balloon safaris

Float across the dunes on a magic carpet ride.

Get out of the car and take in the sounds and smells and colours – Namibia is an excellent destination for active outdoor lovers and hikers. You can add shorter hikes to a guided tour or self-drive trip or build your itinerary with hiking as the main activity in mind. True adventurers go on multi-day hikes such as the Tok Tokkie Trail or the Fish River Canyon hike. Hikes will take you across stunning landscapes and to breathtakingly beautiful viewpoints, perfect for a refreshing drink while enjoying the views. You don’t have to be an athlete to enjoy a Namibia hiking tour: there is a hike for every fitness level. Learn more about Hiking Tours!

Hiker at rock pools Naukluft Mountains

Day hikes and overnight trips

From casual hikes to multi-day hiking trips.

View at Waterberg Namibia

Across Namibia’s wide valleys and mountain ranges.

Group on Namibia guided hiking tour

For all fitness levels

Anyone can get active on Namibia’s hiking trails.

A spectacular highlight on any guided trip or self-drive tour – leave the rest of the world behind and take to the skies in a hot air balloon. Hot air balloon trips are offered in the Sossusvlei region of the Namib Desert and can be incorporated in private and tailor-made itineraries. There is nothing that quite compares to seeing the vastness of the Namib at sunrise, floating across the mighty ocean of sand dunes. Back on the ground, a champagne breakfast awaits you. Learn more about Balloon Safaris!

Hot air balloon flying across fairy circles

Unparalleled views

Across the Namib Desert.

Sea of dunes seen on balloon safari


A great opportunity for stunning photography.

Champagne breakfast at Deadvlei

Champagne breakfast

In the middle of the Namib Desert.

Meet our Namibia Guides

Experience Namibia through the eyes of locals

Wilfried Dedig Namibia tour guide

Wilfried Dedig

Friedrich Diemer Tour Guide Namibia

Friedrich Diemer

Simon Ntinda Namibia tour guide

Simon Ntinda

Juergen Schatz tour guide Namibia

Juergen Schatz

Zebra closeup Namibia

Experience Namibia with us

Speak to one of our local advisors, let's start planning your trip.

We will get back to you within 2 working days.

Namibia National Tour Guide Database Registration

This registration form is to enable us to enter your information on an open database for the tourism industry. the information entered below will be handed over to ministry of environment, forestry & tourism, to enable us to create a publicly accessible information system for the tour guides of namibia. the main aim of this registry is to assist the existing tour guides of namibia to find opportunities easier, at the same time make sure that the new graduates from tourism institutes also connect with the industry. if you are having problems with filling up the database, or lack of internet connectivity, please email us all the following information to [email protected] and we will manually fill it in for you..

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Fully Guided Tours & Trips in Namibia

  • Etosha National Park Fully Guided

203 Fully Guided tour packages in Namibia with 538 reviews

7 Day Namibian Highlights Accommodated Safari Tour

Explorer Family Wildlife Jeep & 4WD Christmas & New Year +2

7 Day Namibian Highlights Accommodated Safari

"The Namibian tour was excellent. We definitely will recommend Chameleon." Witchcliff, traveled in June 2022

6 Day Dunes & Wildlife Accommodated Safari Tour

Wildlife Family Christmas & New Year +1

6 Day Dunes & Wildlife Accommodated Safari

"The vehicle was very comfortable and the accommodation was of a very high standard. The comfort level in the accommodation was excellent." Philip, traveled in January 2019

Journeys: Wonders of Namibia National Geographic Journeys Tour

Explorer Wildlife Christmas & New Year +1

Journeys: Wonders of Namibia National Geographic Journeys

"The tour pretty much covered the highlights of Namibia. We enjoyed the tour and the group and recommend it to others." Nadia, traveled in September 2022

Sossusvlei, Swakopmund & Etosha (Camping) - 7 Days Tour

Explorer Family Camping Wildlife Jeep & 4WD Christmas & New Year +3

Sossusvlei, Swakopmund & Etosha (Camping) - 7 Days

"Whilst we would have preferred to meet other travelers, this meant that whatever we wanted to see or do, our choices were accommodated." PeterToohey, traveled in January 2019

Taste of Namibia 7 Days DEPARTING MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS **Sustainable Approach to Travel Tour

Active Christmas & New Year +1

Taste of Namibia 7 Days DEPARTING MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS **Sustainable Approach to Travel

"The elephants in Etosha, Etosha pan shimmering in the sun, and the alluring beauty of Namibia." Rasmus, traveled in May 2023

Namibia Explorer (Accommodated) - 10 Days Tour

Namibia Explorer (Accommodated) - 10 Days

"I had the best our of Namibia." Zarina, traveled in March 2019

9 Day Etosha, Skeleton Coast and Sossusvlei  Camping & Lodge Safari * DEPARTING SATURDAYS Tour

9 Day Etosha, Skeleton Coast and Sossusvlei Camping & Lodge Safari * DEPARTING SATURDAYS

7 Days / 6 Nights Sossusvlei, Swakopmund and Etosha National Park ( Comfort) Tour

Explorer Active Beach Family Wildlife Christmas & New Year +3

7 Days / 6 Nights Sossusvlei, Swakopmund and Etosha National Park ( Comfort)

"All the accommodations were clean, spacious, and comfortable. We had a lot of fun throughout the trip." Anna, traveled in June 2021

Discover Namibia - Camping Tour

Overland Truck Camping Wildlife Christmas & New Year +2

Discover Namibia - Camping

"The meals provided were generally good to exceptional, particularly the dinners where Happy and Jonas went to great efforts to provide variety and to allow for the special dietary requirements of two of our group." Ron, traveled in October 2018

Etosha NP & Swakopmund Safari 4 Days/ 3 Nights ( Comfort) Tour

Etosha NP & Swakopmund Safari 4 Days/ 3 Nights ( Comfort)

"The Etosha Park is really great. I saw lions, a Cheetah, Giraffes, Rhinos." Babak, traveled in January 2024

What people love about Fully Guided Tours in Namibia

I loved it! Namibia is a beautiful country and it was such a great experience to see it with this tour. The places where we stayed were lovely and the people were very nice. The only maybe advice I can give is to have a better communication between company and tour guide. I and another girl had dietary requirements and he was not aware on the first day. Because of this, he had to go get a different lunch than he had prepared already. I also expected the company to communicate with the tour guide that I had a flight on the last day, since they asked me that. He was also not aware of this. I thought he would know, so this made it a little stressful on the last night to arrange this.
A wonderful tour. The tour description is precise, and we actually went through like that. Like the most tours, you'll probably need to ask something to them, but they were responsible almost all the time, which was helpful. Accommodations are very satisfiable. Of course, they're not like 5 star hotel, but are high quality given the places we visit. I liked especially 2nd to 5th nights. As others mentioned, we need to spend lots of time driving without music, but I feel that was inevitable to visit across the country. Still, what I was amazed the most was the guide. Gideon, our guide, prepared pretty meals every time, explained well about everything, spotted animals quickly in the safari, drove with safety, and clean the bus every day. Thank you for the experience
The group makes the trip good. The CEO was good with all the information he gave on daily basis whether it was on logistics or other tour related. The driver was very care and knew not only about driving but was able to fix problems given the long distance driving. All in all the tour pretty much covered the highlights of Namibia. We enjoyed the tour and the group and recommend it to others.

Regions in Namibia

  • Sossusvlei (70)
  • Etosha National Park (56)
  • Skeleton Coast (8)

Travel Styles

  • Fully Guided
  • Best time to visit Namibia in 2024/2025
  • Best 10 Day Namibia Itineraries 2024/2025 (with Reviews)

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Get a local tourHQ guide to help you unravel the curious mix of Germanic and African culture that resides here on the edge of the great Namib Desert and the rollers of the Atlantic Ocean.

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Namibia Tour Guides

Jess Tyrrell

Jess Tyrrell

I traded in my psychology desk, for a wide-brimmed hat after I observed how time spent ...

Sergio Chiesa

Sergio Chiesa

Special object: Namibia, Botswana, South Africa. Languages: Italian and Spanish. Qualifications: ...

Asser  Mukapuli

Asser Mukapuli

I was born and bred I Luderitz and have vast knowledge of the town' s history, ...

Shadreck Silombela

Shadreck Silombela

I'm a Pro Safari Guide, specializing in Environmental / Ecological / Nature conservation  and ...

Jan Kunene

My passion for nature exceed anything else. I love to share this passion to the people around me. I ...

Rambo Uaraavi

Rambo Uaraavi

I am proud Namibian born and bred....originating from the awesome Ovahimba tribe that reside in the ...

Previous Tsvigu

Previous Tsvigu

My deep curiosity for both man and nature has taken me to various spectacular jungles across the ...

Jibril  Kalonda

Jibril Kalonda

I am a Professional National Guide, I have 18 years of experience in guiding all ...

Senja Angala

Senja Angala

Joseph  Kafunda

Joseph Kafunda

My primary aim is to obtain an entry-level position that will allow me to complement my theoretical ...

Hannelie Van Rhyn

Hannelie Van Rhyn

She has 12 years of experience in the field of tourism. She loves her country and its people and ...

Armin Junkuhn

Armin Junkuhn

I am a qualified Tourist/ Field and Trails guide who enjoys taking groups of adventure-minded ...

Lesley Mukwacha

Lesley Mukwacha

I have been guiding on a freelace basis for a number of overland companies throughout Africa; from ...

Nico Uararavi

Nico Uararavi

Hendrick Max

Hendrick Max

Jimmy Marais

Jimmy Marais

I am a safari guide now for 17 years and owner of Karibu Safari Namibia. Absolutely loves the open ...

This great chunk out of the body of south-western Africa is a veritable kaleidoscope of natural wonders, from the dry and arid vastness of the Namib Desert in the west, to the skirting regions of Kalahari nearer to Botswana. It’s this gradient of climates and geography that dominates Namibia from its shores to its central highlands, that has made it one of the most promising new arrivals on the African tourist scene. Naturally, the ubiquitous safari holiday forms the backbone of Namibian tourism, and the accomplished Etosha National Park remains the undisputed kingpin of this in the country. But, there are other outdoorsy pursuits here too, and more intrepid travellers should be sure to ask their Namibia tourist guide about surfing the Atlantic swells in Ovahimba and Swakopmund, or desert hiking in Sossusvlei. In the capital city of Windhoek visitors enjoy a montage of post-colonial architecture, along with a buzzing central district that’s alive with traditional African gastronomic hotspots and an array of European-influenced historical sites; definitely not to be missed!

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Dead trees on a desert in Namibia

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"With the world's biggest sand dunes, oldest desert, clearest night skies, ancient cultures and more wild animals than people, Namibia is truly extraordinary."

Travel Director

Admire the stark beauty of Sossusvlei's ancient backdrops

The blazing red dunes of Sossusvlei in the Namib Desert is one of the world’s most spellbinding landscapes. We’ll take you on a journey through the world’s oldest desert and climb the soaring Dune 45, to see the striking white clay pans and camel thorn trees set against the red dunes.

See the shimmering expanse of the Etosha Pan

‘Etosha’ means ‘great white place’, and the Etosha Pan certainly lives up to its name. This vast expanse of gleaming white salt covers a quarter of the Etosha National Park and is Africa’s largest salt pan. It’s even visible from space and our Namibia tours will take you up close to this surreal landscape.

Visit the Kalahari Desert

Feel the freedom of the open road as we venture deep into the Kalahari Desert of Namibia. Enjoy a scenic drive through the ancient red dunes, see the historic town of Rehoboth, and wander the famous forest of Quiver Trees, where the traditional San Bushmen of the desert make quivers to this day.

Peer into the depths of Fish River Canyon

Carved over millennia, Fish River Canyon is the largest canyon in Africa. We’ll take you to the edge of this ancient chasm formed by the winding Fish River, the longest river in Namibia. Walk along the famous hiking trail, and see the zebra, klipspringers and wild horses that roam through this giant ravine.

Spot the wildlife at Etosha National Park

Set amidst the vast desert landscapes, Etosha is one of the world’s greatest wildlife sanctuaries. We’ll take you on a Namibia safari tour to gain insight into this diverse ecosystem, discover the secrets of the bush, and see the unique, desert-adapted animals and birdlife that live within Etosha National Park.

Our top 5 things to do in Namibia

We’ll show you all the best things to do in Namibia, from climbing the ancient dunes of Sossusvlei, to seeing Etosha’s wildlife and exploring the depths of Fish River Canyon.

National Museum of Namibia ACRE

Located in the capital Windhoek, the National Museum of Namibia houses extensive collections on Namibian natural history, culture and archaeology. There are two display centres, with the the Owela Museum showcasing natural specimens and the Alte Feste Museum displaying Namibia’s colonial history.

Independence Memorial Museum

Set in Windhoek between two German colonial buildings, the Independence Memorial Museum displays the history of the anti-colonial resistance and the national liberation of Namibia. There are five floors, sharing history from the early resistance leaders of Namibia to the South African Border War and activities of the United Nations.

Owela Museum

The Owela Museum is part of the National Museum of Namibia, and focuses on the natural and cultural history of Namibia. You can find natural specimens, dioramas of village life and cultural artefacts. Owela is named after a traditional game played with pebbles, and you can watch and play with the locals outside the museum.

Best museums in Namibia

Our Namibia travel experiences take you to the country’s fantastic museums, from the history of Namibia’s struggle for independence, to the Owela Museum, where you can play traditional games with locals.

In Namibia, wild game refers to the animals of the bush like ostrich, impala, kudu, eland, oryx, zebra, crocodile, springbok and wildebeest. It’s often cooked on a barbecue (known as a braai in Namibia), and eaten in many ways, from sausages (boerewors) and steaks, to stews (potjiekos) and kebabs (sosatie).

This meat and vegetable stew is traditionally prepared in a three-legged cast iron pot and placed on an open fire for around four hours. Alcohol, such as beer, sherry or wine is added to the stew for extra flavor. The pot descends from the Netherlands, while the ingredients are influenced by South African and German dishes.

Kapana is one of Namibia’s favorite street snacks. It’s made from barbecued and seasoned meat, vegetables and chillies, served with doughy ‘fat cakes’ to soak up the juices. The fat cakes are made from yeast, flour and sunflower oil, and are one of the most delicious foods to try in Namibia.

Best Food in Namibia

Our Namibia holiday packages reveal the delicious cuisine of Namibia, from barbecued game and hearty stews, to warm and doughy fat cakes.

What to pack for Namibia

People packing for a tour

Pack for sustainable travel

Consider your environmental impact when you next take a trip and go single-use-plastic-free by packing a reusable water bottle, a steel straw, your own shopping bags and refillable toiletry bottles.

Adaptor plug

In Namibia, the standard voltage is 220 V and the power plugs and sockets are of type D and M. The standard frequency is 50 Hz.

Pack your binoculars for wildlife spotting in the Etosha National Park, and for stargazing in some of the clearest and darkest night skies in the world.

A scarf is one of the most useful items to pack for your Namibia trip. It protects you from the sun and keeps the desert sand out of your face.

Sunscreen & sunglasses

Namibia is located close to the equator, and you’ll need to protect your skin and eyes from the harsh sun, with UV protected sunglasses and SPF 30 sunscreen or higher.

Versatile clothing

The environment in Namibia ranges from the scorching plains to chilly nights in the desert. Pack a variety of layers so you can easily transition between climates.

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  1. New Tour Guide Academy in Namibia Great Opportunity for Local Talent

    tour guide training in namibia

  2. NatureCampus

    tour guide training in namibia

  3. Namibia Guided Tours and Safaris

    tour guide training in namibia

  4. NatureCampus

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  5. Local Namibia Tour Operator

    tour guide training in namibia

  6. Field Guide Training in Namibia ⋅ Natucate

    tour guide training in namibia


  1. NatureCampus

    NATURE CAMPUS provides Field Guide Training with an emphasis on lodge, conservancy and community guide training ... The programme is 6 weeks long and based in the Wilderness area of the Zambezi Region of Namibia. The programme is inclusive of a number of recognised Tour Guide qualifications as listed on the Namibia Qualifications Framework as ...

  2. Training programme for tour guides relaunched, Safari2Go

    The Namibian Academy for Tourism and Training (NATH) wants to contribute to this with many new training modules for tour guides. The courses cover all topics of interest to visitors to Namibia. This starts with general country knowledge with aspects such as water and energy supply, agriculture or mining. And extends to the worldwide top topic ...

  3. List Of Tourist Guide Schools In Namibia

    A tour guide (U.S.) or a tourist guide (European) is a person who provides assistance, information on cultural, historical and contemporary heritage to people on organized sightseeing and individual clients at educational establishments, religious and historical sites such as; museums, and at various venues of tourist attraction resorts.

  4. Field Guide Training in Namibia ⋅ Natucate

    Guide Course Namibia: Field Guide. Namibia 36 days From 6,400 € Enquire now. Embark on a journey of discovery while immersing yourself in the natural wonders of Namibia with our Apprentice Field Guide Course. Accredited by the Field Guides Association of Southern Africa (FGASA), this course offers an in-depth exploration of the diverse ...

  5. NATH

    Tourism is increasingly becoming one of the most important industries in Namibia. The Namibian Government realizes the importance of tourism for the future economic development of Namibia and stresses the importance of quality training as a pre-requisite to realize the full potential of tourism. Hence, the Namibian Academy for Tourism and Hospitality (NATH) was formally launched as an Article ...

  6. How To Become A Tour Guide In Namibia

    Step 5: Obtain a Tour Guide License: In Namibia, tour guides are required to hold a valid tour guide license issued by the Namibia Tourism Board (NTB). To obtain a license, you must meet the requirements set by the NTB, including completing the necessary training, passing an examination, and demonstrating competence in guiding skills.

  7. Guide Course in Namibia

    Here are a few notable guide courses in Namibia: 1. Namibia Academy for Tourism and Hospitality (NATH): NATH offers a range of guide training programs, including the Tour Guide Course and Field Guide Course. These courses cover topics such as destination knowledge, wildlife identification, cultural heritage, customer service, and guiding ...

  8. Namibian Academy for Tourism and Hospitality

    NATH Qualifications. Since 2007 NATH has been authorized to conduct training for National Tour Guides for the National Guiding Certificate at Level 3 on the NQF. In 2011 bilateral discussions between South African and Namibia with regard to Tour Guiding and cross-border licensing for guides resulted in a need to align these qualifications ...

  9. New Tour Guide Academy in Namibia

    Summary: From January 2019 onwards, the newly established Tour Guide Academy of Pack Safari will be offering free vocational training to local talents to become German-speaking tour guides. The first 10-12 participants receive a 7-month intensive German course, training to become a certified Field Guide and a training allowance. The Background:

  10. Namibian Academy for Tourism and Hospitality (NATH) Courses Offered

    Since 2007 NATH has been authorized to conduct training for National Tour Guides for the National Guiding Certificate at Level 3 on the NQF. In 2011 bilateral discussions between South African and Namibia with regard to Tour Guiding and cross-border licensing for guides resulted in a need to align these qualifications.. Since then the current Level 3 National Guiding Certificate Qualification ...

  11. 30 new tour guides graduate

    "We have 30 newly qualified local tour guides for levels 1 and 2 accredited by Ongula Training Academy. The trainees will be further accredited with a level 3 Namibia Training Authority Tour Guiding qualification after completion of the training by the end of November 2023," the minister said. Training local guides

  12. The Life of a Tour Guide

    The Life of a Tour Guide. By The Namibian. 24 February 2016. Tour guides hear and see many things. They travel to all corners of the country and are well-educated in fauna, flora and local ...

  13. Exploring Namibia with Integrity: The Essential Guide to Tour Guide

    Tour guides in Namibia are committed to protecting the environment. They follow sustainable practices, ensuring that their actions do not harm wildlife or disrupt natural habitats. ... Namibian tour guides undergo rigorous training to ensure they can provide accurate and engaging information about the destinations they cover. They stay updated ...

  14. Safari Guide Training Courses

    Wildlife Photography training. Cost of a course (2020 prices) 3 month field guide course £4,380. 6 month field guide course from £6,100. 12 month field guide course £11,365. Arun studied at the field guide school in 2015 and wrote: "I been wanting to come and live and work in the bush in Africa for pretty much all my life.

  15. Tourist Guides' Association of Namibia

    Tourist Guides' Association of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia. 3,703 likes · 9 talking about this. Welcome to the Facebook page for Tourist Guides of...

  16. Namibia

    NEW Trip - Kyrgyzstan & the Tian Shan Mountains Join 19 August 2024 Departure. Namibia is an incredible destination that offers dramatic landscapes, stunning wildlife, diverse cultures and seemingly endless space to move around in. With its lonely deserts and spectacular sand dunes, rugged mountains and fertile valleys, immense canyons and ...

  17. Namibian Academy for Tourism and Hospitality (@nath_tour_guide_academy

    The Namibia Training Authority (NTA) under its Work Integrated Learning (WIL) division, is pleased to bring your attention a new Apprenticeship application window from 1 September 2022 to 31 December 2022 for eligible employers.

  18. List Of Tourist Guide Schools In Namibia

    Guides are tourism professionals that lead their guests through the most interesting parts of their region. In all this functions guides are responsible for planning and organizing tours. Communication is their most important tool to ensure a fantastic experience for their guests. SEE ALSO: List Of Audiology Schools In Namibia 2024-2025.

  19. Namibia Guided Tours and Safaris

    Travelling in our custom 4×4 safari vehicles together with your experienced local guide, you have the opportunity to learn about wildlife, ecosystems, Namibia's culture and traditions and so much more. After an exciting day in Namibia's great outdoors, you overnight at remote camps, well-equipped lodges, or charming guesthouses.

  20. Namibia National Tour Guide Registry Form

    Namibia National Tour Guide Database Registration. This registration form is to enable us to enter your information on an open database for the tourism industry. The information entered below will be handed over to Ministry of Environment, Forestry & Tourism, to enable us to create a publicly accessible information system for the tour guides of ...

  21. 10 Best Fully Guided Tours in Namibia 2024/2025

    Sossusvlei, Swakopmund & Etosha (Camping) - 7 Days. 4.9 (6 traveler reviews) "Whilst we would have preferred to meet other travelers, this meant that whatever we wanted to see or do, our choices were accommodated." PeterToohey, traveled in January 2019. Destinations.

  22. Private Local Guides & Guided Tours in namibia

    Tell us your destination, date, and group size. Our team of travel experts and guides will design a tailored itinerary just for you. Enjoy your trip with peace of mind knowing everything is taken care of. Get a local tourHQ guide to help you unravel the curious mix of Germanic and African culture that resides here on the edge of the great Namib ...

  23. Namibia Tour Packages & Namibia Travel Guide

    Book your Namibia tour package with Trafalgar and see the highest sand dunes in Sossusvlei, and admire the clearest night skies on earth. TTC family of brands. FAQs Get a Quote Agents Login. My Trafalgar. Destinations. Ways To Go. Deals. About Us. Get Inspired. 866 513 1995. or call your travel agent. Customers.