travel to indonesia qr code

Fake QR codes posted on Redondo Beach parking meters to scam drivers, police say

S omeone affixed fraudulent QR codes to parking meters in popular areas of Redondo Beach in an attempt to scam residents and visitors, authorities warned.

The QR codes — which direct people to a website that’s not affiliated with the city or its official parking meter system — were found on about 150 parking meters along the Esplanade and in the Riviera Village area, the Redondo Beach Police Department said Saturday in a news release. When users reached that website,, they were prompted to enter their location and payment information.

The stickers, all of which have since been removed, were placed next to labels for legitimate companies that allow people to make parking fee payments online by either scanning a QR code, downloading an app or visiting a website. The city contracts with two companies, ParkMobile and PayByPhone, to take those payments.

Anyone who may have been defrauded by the fake QR codes, who received a parking citation after making a payment through the fraudulent website, or who has information about those responsible for the scam stickers is asked to contact the Redondo Beach Police Department at (310) 379-2477.

The scam has precedent. QR codes directing users to the same fraudulent website were recently discovered on at least 51 parking meters in Ottawa, Canada, according to the Ottawa Citizen .

And earlier this month, Alhambra police warned residents that someone was leaving fake parking tickets on vehicles that included a QR code directing to a website not affiliated with the city. Authorities warned people not scan the code, as it might install a virus on their phone.

In fact, the practice is now so commonplace that it has a name: “quishing,” short for “QR code phishing,” according to the U.S. Postal Inspection Service . This brand of identity fraud scam typically sees criminals try to lure victims into providing personal or financial information by placing QR codes in high-traffic locations or sending them via email or text message. The codes direct unsuspecting users to fraudulent websites that often attempt to masquerade as sites affiliated with government agencies or banks, according to the USPIS. The information the scammers obtain can then be used to commit other crimes such as financial fraud.

This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times .

Fake QR codes posted on Redondo Beach parking meters to scam drivers, police say


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Simak, Cara Mudah Daftar QR Code Pertalite

Pemerintah saat ini tengah gencar menginformasikan terkait pembatasan BBM Subsidi. Adapun berikut ini cara mudah mendaftar QR Code untuk membeli Pertalite atau BBM Subsidi lainnya.

Natasa Kumalasah Putri

Diperbarui 28 Agu 2024, 11:23 WIB Diterbitkan 28 Agu 2024, 11:21 WIB

Pertamina Patra Niaga memperluas wilayah pendataan QR Code Pertalite untuk kendaraan roda 4 secara bertahap di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia (Istimewa), Bandung - Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) akan mulai memberlakukan pembatasan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) jenis subsidi. Diketahui pembatasan tersebut akan dimulai pada 1 Oktober 2024.

Sebelumnya, target pembatasannya direncanakan dilakukan pada 1 September 2024. Sementara itu, Menteri ESDM, Bahlil Lahadalia mengungkapkan penerapan pembatasan BBM Subsidi masih menunggu aturan sebagai dasar kebijakannya.

Asyik, Belanja di Korea Selatan Bisa Bayar Pakai QRIS

Kemudian pihaknya menjelaskan bahwa saat ini pemerintah masih perlu untuk melakukan sosialisasi pembatasan BBM Subsidi kepada masyarakat sebelum peraturannya benar-benar diterapkan.


“Ada rencana begitu (pembatasan BBM subsidi diberlakukan 1 Oktober 2024). Begitu aturan keluar, Permen keluar, ada waktu sosialisasi,” kata Bahlil kepada awak media di gedung DPR RI, Jakarta, Selasa (27/8/2024).

Pembatasan BBM Subsidi menjadi salah satu upaya pemerintah agar subsidi tersebut diterima oleh orang yang tepat. Seperti diketahui, BBM Subsidi diperuntukkan bagi masyarakat kelas menengah ke bawah.

Aturan tersebut juga dibuat setelah banyaknya pengguna di kalangan lain terutama menengah ke atas justru masih bisa merasakan BBM Subsidi tersebut. Selain itu, peraturan pembatasan BBM subsidi juga kembali dikaitkan dengan pembuatan barcode untuk membeli BBM.

Sebagai informasi, sejak akhir tahun 2022 lalu, Pertamina sendiri sudah memperkenalkan dan memberlakukan penggunaan QR Code untuk pembelian BBM subsidi. Barcode tersebut bisa dimiliki oleh pengendara dengan cara mendaftar di situs resmi atau aplikasi Pertamina.

Pengendara yang ingin mendaftar penggunaan QR Code tersebut biasanya harus mempersiapkan sejumlah persyaratan. Berikut ini adalah beberapa cara mendaftar QR Code Pertalite dengan mudah.

* Follow Official WhatsApp Channel untuk mendapatkan berita-berita terkini dengan mengklik tautan ini .

Cara Mendaftar Melalui Aplikasi MyPertamina

Pertamina Patra Niaga terus melakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat, khususnya pengguna Pertalite agat mendaftarkan kendaraannya dan mendapatkan QR Code (Istimewa)

Berikut ini beberapa cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk membuat barcode Pertamina melalui aplikasi MyPertamina:

1. Daftar akun baru dengan memasukan nomor ponsel yang akurat dan aktif.

2. Kemudian buat PIN.

3. Selanjutnya pilih menu “Daftar dan Transaksi”.

4. Jika sudah isi data registrasi dengan lengkap dan benar seperti nama, nomor telepon, tanggal lahir, dan PIN.

5. Berikutnya lengkapi profil dengan menambahkan informasi seperti email, nomor KTP, dan alamat rumah.

Cara Mendaftar Melalui Website Resmi Pertamina

SPBU Pertamina

Berikut ini beberapa cara untuk melakukan pendaftaran melalui website resmi Pertamina:

1. Buka situs resmi

2. Kemudian centang pada pernyataan “memahami persyaratan”.

3. Selanjutnya klik tombol “Daftar Sekarang”.

4. Berikutnya isi formulir pendaftaran dengan akurat seperti data diri dan lain-lain.

5. Tunggu proses verifikasi data (maksimal 14 hari kerja).

6. Cek status pendaftaran secara berkala baik melalui email atau website.

7. Selanjutnya jika status terkonfirmasi Anda bisa mengunduh kode QR atau barcode Pertamina.

Cara Daftar Offline di Booth SPBU Terpilih

Program Subsidi Tepat

Pendaftaran barcode Pertamina juga bisa dilakukan secara online pda Booth SPBU terpilih dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah berikut:

1. Persiapkan dokumen yang dibutuhkan.

2. Berikutnya kunjungi SPBU Pertamina yang menyediakan layanan pendaftaran BBM bersubsidi.

3. Kemudian ikuti arahan yang diberikan petugas untuk memproses pendaftaran.

Biasanya dalam proses pendaftaran offline terdapat persyaratan yang harus diperhatikan seperti berikut:

1. Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP).

2. Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan (STNK).

3. Foto kendaraan (tampak depan dan samping).

4. Foto plat nomor kendaraan.

5. Pas foto yang jelas.

6. Foto KIR (untuk kendaraan non-pribadi).

* Fakta atau Hoaks? Untuk mengetahui kebenaran informasi yang beredar, silakan WhatsApp ke nomor Cek Fakta 0811 9787 670 hanya dengan ketik kata kunci yang diinginkan.

Qr Code beli BBM subsidi

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Ramdania El Hida

Pramono Anung

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Tanpa seremoni khusus, PDI Perjuangan resmi mengusung Pramono Anung dan Rano Karno untuk maju di Pilkada Jakarta 2024. Momen kemesraan duet Sekretaris Kabinet dan Mantan Gubernur Banten itu dibagikan lewat akun Instagram Rano Karno.

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KPU Jakarta: Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Pramono-Rano 30 Agustus, RK-Suswono 31 Agustus

Pramono Anung dan Rano Karno secara resmi mendaftar sebagai bakal calon gubernur dan wakil gubernur DKI Jakarta. ( Basuki)

3 Fakta Terkait Pramono Anung-Rano Karno Daftar ke KPU Maju di Pilgub Jakarta 2024

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KPU Jakarta: Berkas Pendaftaran Pramono-Rano dan RK-Suswono Lengkap

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Pesan Megawati untuk Pramono Anung-Rano Karno Sebelum Daftar Pilkada Jakarta

Bakal calon gubernur Jakarta dari PDIP Pramono Anung sempat minta restu kepada Presiden Joko Widodo atau Jokowi untuk maju di Pilkada Jakarta. (Ady Anugrahadi).

Meski Didukung Satu Partai, Pramono Optimistis Menangkan Pilkada Jakarta

Burundi telah mengkonfirmasi 171 kasus mpox atau cacar monyet, kata kementerian kesehatan pada hari Kamis (22/8), menyusul konfirmasi kasus pertama di negara itu bulan lalu. (Tchandrou NITANGA / AFP)

WHO: Butuh Rp1,3 Triliun untuk Tangani Mpox 6 Bulan ke Depan

Menteri Kesehatan RI Budi Gunadi Sadikin memberikan keterangan pers terkait "Kesiapsiagaan Sektor Kesehatan Menghadapi Masa Libur Natal 2023 dan Tahun Baru 2024" di Gedung Kementerian Kesehatan (Kemenkes) RI Jakarta pada Jumat, 22 Desember 2023. (Dok Haryanti Harsono)

Antisipasi Monkeypox, 1.600 Dosis Vaksin Mpox Bakal Tiba Pekan Ini

Seorang pria yang terinfeksi Mpox terbaring di tempat tidur di dalam bangsal pusat perawatan Mpox Rumah Sakit Universitas Kamenge di Bujumbura, ibu kota Burundi pada 22 Agustus 2024. (Tchandrou NITANGA / AFP)

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Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) meminta peningkatan kewaspadaan terhadap Mpox atau penyakit cacar monyet jelang gelaran Indonesia Afrika Forum di Bali pada 1-3 September 2024. (Tangkapan Layar Youtube Sekretariat Presiden)

Waspada Mpox Jelang Indonesia-Aftica Forum di Bali, Jokowi Minta Ada Pencegahan dan Protokol Kesehatan

AS dan Jepang telah menawarkan untuk menyumbangkan vaksin, kata Menteri Kesehatan Roger Kamba kepada wartawan. (AP Photo/Moses Sawasawa)

Kasus Parah Mpox Mayoritas Terjadi pada Anak dan Usia Muda, Ini 3 Upaya Penanggulangannya di Indonesia

Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) memberikan pidato dalam sidang kabinet paripurna di Istana Negara, Jakarta, Senin, 3 Juli 2023. (Foto: Instagram @jokowi)

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Hasil bri liga 1 2024/2025: hajar dewa united, psm makassar masih sempurna dan pimpin klasemen, video terkini.

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Govt revives health tracking system for mpox ahead of IAF 2024

The health minister announced on Tuesday that the government was reactivating the COVID-era health tracking system, previously known as PeduliLindungi, as part of its preventive measures against mpox.

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Govt revives health tracking system for mpox ahead of IAF 2024

he government has taken several preventive measures against mpox ahead of the 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF), which is expected to host around 1,500 participants from 51 countries, including 22 African nations, from Sept. 1 to 3 in Bali.

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin announced that the early detection system for infectious diseases had been reactivated on the instruction of President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo to prevent transmission of the zoonotic disease in the country.

"The President has decided that we will reactivate the Electronic Surveillance Card [KPE], previously known as PeduliLindungi," Budi said on Tuesday in Jakarta after his meeting with the President, as quoted by .

International arrivals are required to scan a barcode or QR code upon entry under the KPE, a health monitoring system that keeps track of individuals’ travel history and provides a color-coded health risk rating of green, yellow and red.

The measure is part of the government’s broader strategy to prevent the spread of clade Ib mpox, a new and more virulent strain that has a fatality rate of up to 10 percent, compared to less than 1 percent for the clade II lineage.

While most of Asia, including Indonesia, has dealt primarily with clade II mpox, the recent emergence of the clade Ib variant has raised significant concern.

travel to indonesia qr code

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Indonesia reported 88 mpox cases as of Aug. 17, including 87 patients who had recovered from the disease, with the majority of infections caused by the clade IIb variant.

Read also: Ministry records 88 mpox cases since 2022

Budi reassured the public that the situation was under control, and that the World Health Organization (WHO) had not recommended vaccination for the general public.

The WHO launched a global mpox vaccination campaign on Aug. 26 targeting individuals with the greatest risk of infection, such as healthcare workers and close contacts of people with mpox.

"The fatality rate is very low, and all patients in Indonesia have recovered. There is no need to worry, especially since the smallpox vaccine is available," he added.

Previously known as monkeypox, “this virus is part of the same family as the virus that causes smallpox”, according to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The smallpox vaccine reportedly has an efficacy rate of 85 percent in protecting against mpox.

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The Gees Travel


All international flights to Indonesia are required to obtain the E-Custom Declaration Form before departure or upon arrival. The Electronic Custom Declaration ( E-CD ) applies to all foreign and local individuals traveling to Indonesia. These Electornic Declaration Forms are presented to entry ports of the country’s major airports such as Jakarta ,  Bali ,  Surabaya , Medan and Komodo .


Electronic Customs Declarations Indonesia

Indonesia Electronic Custom Declaration contains detailed information about the individuals traveling to Indonesia such as personal information, check-in baggage, and import of goods.


#1 visit the website and fill-out form.

Indonesia Electronic Custom Declaration Website

Open browser and enter the URL link https://ecd.beacukai.go.i d / to access the Indonesia Electronic Custom Declaration website


Scan QR Code Indonesia Electronic Custom Declaration

After clearing Indonesia Custom/Immigration or retrieving the check-in baggage, visitors can scan the QR code available right next the baggage collection area.


Visitors can also fill-out the Electronics Custom Declaration from the provided computer kiosk.

Computer Kiosk Indonesia Electronic Custom Declaration

After checking the way to access electronic form, visitors can continue by entering the necessary information.


Passenger Information Indonesia Electronic Custom Declaration

Passenger Information Full Name Email Address Passport Number Nationality Date Of Birth

Occupation (*Select Which Applies) -Civil Servant -Private Employee -Entrepreneur -Student -Pilot -Steward/Stewardess -Diplomat -Others

Address in Indonesia (Hotel Name /Residential Address) Place of Arrival (Airport) -Jakarta (Soekarno Hatta) -Bali (Ngurah Rai) -Surabaya (Juanda) -Medan (Kuakanamu) – Labuan (Komodo)

Flight Or Voyage Number Date of Arrival


Additional Data


Information of Goods


IME Registration Indonesia Electronic Custom Declaration

As stated IMEI registration only applies for travelers in Indonesia who wish to stay for more than 90 days.

IME Registration


Agreement of Terms E-Custom Declaration


QR Code From Customs Declaration


All travelers must take a screenshot of the generated QR code which will be used to present upon arrival in Indonesia to the Customs officers at their destination airport in Indonesia like Jakarta, Bali, Surabaya, Medan and Komodo.

Indonesia Travel Restrictions For Tourist Visitors

For more information on E-Custom Declaration, please visit Directorate General of Customs and Excise ;


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Customs Declaration (BC 2.2)

E-customs declaration (bc 2.2).

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Travel Indonesia e-CD

Your online indonesia electronic customs declaration.

The Indonesia Electronic Customs Declaration (e-CD) is a digital customs declaration form . It replaces traditional paper documentation for faster, more efficient border crossings.

You must make a customs declaration for your trip to Indonesia — it’s mandatory for all passengers .

Submit yours today with Travel Indonesia e-CD and get ready for your trip.

About the Indonesia e-CD

The Indonesia e-CD is an official customs declaration , also known as the BC 2.2. It allows authorities to check that items entering Indonesia comply with local laws and regulations.

Items you need to declare include:

  • Goods for commercial purposes
  • Alcohol, tobacco, and medication
  • Other items subject to taxes, duties, or inspections

You can find a full breakdown of items to declare below.

Why make the customs declaration online?

By using the electronic declaration system, you can pre-submit your customs information.

  • Reduce wait times at the airport
  • Enjoy a simplified entry process

It takes just a few minutes to complete the Indonesia e-CD form online. You’ll receive a QR code by email , ready to present to immigration officers.

Who Needs an Indonesia e-CD Form?

Travelers of all nationalities need to fill out a customs declaration. Not all travelers need a visa for Indonesia, but everyone must complete a customs declaration.

It’s required for all purposes of travel , including tourism and business. Traveling through Indonesia in transit? You have to fill out the customs form even if you will not leave the airport.

Do I have to fill out the e-CD if I have nothing to declare?

Yes , you need to complete the customs form, even if you have nothing to declare . The form also collects information such as your flight and accommodation details.

Check below for more information about what to include in each section.

Is the electronic customs declaration required for Bali?

If you’re traveling directly to Bali, you’re required to make a customs declaration. It’s mandatory across Indonesian territory .

You have to fill out the customs declaration when entering Indonesia from overseas. You do not have to make a separate declaration to travel to Bali from other parts of Indonesia.

Tip: There’s an additional requirement to travel to Bali: the Bali Tourist Levy. This is separate from the e-CD. Make sure you arrange both for your trip.

Information To Include on Your Indonesia e-CD

Here’s a detailed look at what to include in each section of your Indonesia e-CD form.

1. Passenger data

  • Passport number
  • Nationality
  • Date of birth

3. Baggage information

  • Pieces of accompanied luggage
  • Pieces of unaccompanied luggage

2. Travel details

  • Address in Indonesia
  • Date and place of arrival
  • Flight or other carrier number

4. Goods declaration

  • Tobacco products
  • Imported goods

How To Submit Your Indonesia e-CD Online

You can complete your Indonesia e-CD in 3 steps with Travel Indonesia e-CD:

Fill out your form

  • Each section turns green when successfully completed
  • Check our handy tooltips for extra guidance

Check your info and pay

  • Double check details such as your passport and flight number
  • Pay our e-CD fee securely online by credit or debit card

Click Submit

  • Our experts will make sure you’ve filled out each section correctly
  • Next, we’ll send it to the Indonesian authorities for official processing

You’ll receive a QR code by email as soon as your request is approved. Save it on your cell phone — we also recommend printing a copy — ready to show to immigration officials when you arrive. You’re all set!

Items To Declare on Your Customs Form for Indonesia

You must declare items that fall into any of the following categories on your e-CD form.

Alcohol and tobacco products

  • Alcohol exceeding 1 liter per adult (age 21 and over).
  • Tobacco products exceeding 200 cigarettes, 25 cigars, or 100 grams of tobacco.
  • Foreign and domestic currency equivalent to or exceeding 100 million Indonesian Rupiah (about US$ 7,000).


  • Prescription drugs in quantities that exceed personal use, typically for more than one month's supply.
  • Narcotic medications or psychotropic substances, even if prescribed, require special permissions and documentation.
  • Fresh food products such as fruits, vegetables, meat, and dairy products are generally prohibited or need special permits due to biosecurity concerns.

Flora and Fauna

  • Any live animals or plants, seeds, and other biological materials.
  • Health certificates and import permits are often required.

Commercial goods

  • Items that you are bringing into Indonesia for commercial purposes, including samples.
  • Goods not considered to be for personal use, for example large quantities.

Weapons and ammunition

  • All forms of weapons, including sports or recreational firearms.
  • Permits and special documentation will be necessary.

Why Choose Travel Indonesia e-CD?

Make sure your customs declaration meets the latest immigration rules and regulations with our expert services. Increase your chances of e-CD approval and focus on planning your trip of a lifetime.

  • Compliance without complexity: Our simplified form, complete with expert tips, makes filling out your e-CD form faster and easier.
  • Total peace of mind: Complete the e-CD with confidence, knowing that your form has been reviewed by experts. If your application is denied, you can get a full refund.
  • Support when you need it: Access immediate assistance at any time with our 24/7 customer support. We’re here to help at any stage of the process.
  • Guaranteed privacy and security: Trust in a service that protects your personal information with the highest standards of security and confidentiality. We’re Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certified.

How do I access the Indonesia e-CD form?

You can access the Indonesia e-CD form here from your laptop, tablet, or cell phone. All you need is an internet connection to get started — it’s 100% online .

Is there a fee for submitting an e-CD?

While there is no fee for submitting the e-CD itself, our agency offers additional services, such as expert review, at competitive rates.

Can I get assistance with my e-CD in my native language?

Yes, apply with Travel Indonesia e-CD, and you can access assistance in your native language.

Our customer service team speaks more than 15 languages so that you can get the personalized support you need.

What should I do if my goods are held at customs?

If your goods are held at customs, you’ll receive instructions on how to proceed. This may include paying duties or providing additional documentation.

How early can I submit my e-CD before arriving in Indonesia?

With Travel Indonesia e-CD, you can submit your form as soon as you like . We’ll send it for official processing at the right time.

If you apply directly with the government, you’ll need to wait until 72 hours before you travel.

What happens if I make a mistake on my e-CD?

Your customs information must be submitted accurately to avoid issues at the Indonesian border.

Apply with Travel Indonesia e-CD, and we’ll carefully check your form for mistakes before it’s sent for official processing. If you apply then notice an error, let us know using our Contact Form.

travel to indonesia qr code

  • Type of Visa A1
  • Type of Visa A2
  • Type of Visa A3
  • Type of Visa A4
  • Type of Visa B1
  • Type of Visa B2
  • Type of Visa B3
  • Type of Visa B4
  • D12 (2 Years)
  • D12 (1 Year)
  • D14 (1 Year)
  • D14 (2 Years)
  • Type of Visa D1 (1 Year)
  • D1 (2 Years)
  • Type of Visa D1 (5 Years)
  • Type of Visa D2 (1 Year)
  • Type of Visa D2 (2 Years)
  • Tyoe of Visa D2 (5 Years)
  • D3 (1 Year)
  • D3 (2 Years)
  • D4 (1 Year)
  • Type of Visa D7 (60 Days)
  • Type of Visa D7A (60 Days)
  • Type of Visa D7B (60 Days)
  • Type of Visa D8A (60 Days)
  • Type of Visa D8B (60 Days)
  • Type of Visa C10
  • Type of Visa C10A
  • Type of Visa C11
  • Type of Visa C12
  • Type of Visa C13
  • Type of Visa C14
  • Type of Visa C15
  • Type of Visa C16
  • Type of Visa C17
  • Type of Visa C18
  • Type of Visa C19
  • Type of Visa C2
  • Type of Visa C20
  • Type of Visa C21
  • Type of Visa C22A
  • Type of Visa C22B
  • Type of Visa C3
  • Type of Visa C4
  • Type of Visa C5
  • Type of Visa C6
  • Type of Visa C6A
  • Type of Visa C6B
  • Type of Visa C7
  • Type of Visa C7A
  • Type of Visa C7B
  • Type of Visa C8A
  • Type of Visa C8B
  • Type of Visa C9
  • Type of Visa C9A
  • Type of Visa C9B
  • D4 (2 Years)
  • Type of Visa 211C
  • Tourist Visa
  • Type of Visa E23
  • Type of Visa E23A
  • Type of Visa E23B
  • Type of Visa E23C
  • Type of Visa E23D
  • Type of Visa E23E
  • Type of Visa E23F
  • Type of Visa E23G
  • Type of Visa E23H
  • Type of Visa E23I
  • Type of Visa E23J
  • Type of Visa E23K
  • Type of Visa E23L
  • Type of Visa E23M
  • Type of Visa E23N
  • Type of Visa E23O
  • Type of Visa E23P
  • Type of Visa E23Q
  • Type of Visa E23R
  • Type of Visa E23S
  • Type of Visa E23T
  • Type of Visa E23U
  • Type of Visa E23V
  • Type of Visa E23W
  • Type of Visa E24
  • Type of Visa E24A
  • Type of Visa E24B
  • Type of Visa E24C
  • Type of Visa E24D
  • Type of Visa E24E
  • Type of Visa E24F
  • Type of Visa E25
  • Type of Visa E25A
  • Type of Visa E25B
  • Type of Visa E25C
  • Type of Visa E25D
  • Type of Visa E25E
  • Type of Visa E25F
  • Type of Visa E26
  • Type of Visa E27
  • Type of Visa E28A
  • Type of Visa E28B
  • Type of Visa E28C
  • Type of Visa E28D
  • Type of Visa E28F
  • Type of Visa E28G
  • Type of Visa E29
  • Student Visa
  • Bachelor's Degree Visa
  • Master's Degree Visa
  • Doctoral’s Degree Visa
  • Type of Visa E31A
  • Type of Visa E31B (Golden Visa)
  • Type of Visa E31B
  • Type of Visa E31E
  • Type of Visa E31E (Golden Visa)
  • Type of Visa E31F
  • Type of Visa E31G
  • Type of Visa E31H (Golden Visa)
  • Type of Visa E31H
  • Type of Visa E31J (Golden Visa)
  • Type of Visa E31J
  • Type of Visa E31J (Secondhome Visa)
  • Type of Visa E33
  • Type of Visa E33A
  • Type of Visa E33B
  • Type of Visa E33C
  • Type of Visa E33E
  • Type of Visa E33G
  • Type of Visa E35A

The Official e-Visa Website for Indonesia

Visa application guideline :.

Explore and apply for a suitable visa. The requirement documents should be prepared.

Make Visa fee payment by SIMPONI or Mastercard, Visa or JCB credit/debit card.

Once approved, a link to download the visa will be sent to your email.

Golden Visa is Available Visa Exemption for ASEAN Foreigner is Available Bridging Stay Permit is Available

Electronic Visa on Arrival (e-VOA) application can be done simultaneously for 5 people

Indonesia Electronic Customs Declaration (e-CD)

Indonesia Customs Declaration (e-CD)

All passengers arriving in Indonesia from overseas must follow the country’s mandatory customs procedures . This includes the policies enforced by Indonesian customs, in addition to standard Indonesian visa regulations.

A completed Customs Declaration Form —also called the e-CD or BC 2.2—is required to pass through customs on arrival in Indonesia. This is an obligatory rule that all visitors must follow.

The following page explains:

  • What the e-CD Customs Declaration Form is
  • How to complete the e-CD online
  • What you can and can not bring into Indonesia
  • Clearing customs with the declaration form

What Is the e-CD Customs Declaration Form?

The Customs Declaration (BC 2.2) is a mandatory document which requires passengers to declare what goods they’re carrying into Indonesia.

The declaration allows customs officials to monitor what visitors are bringing into the country . Some goods do not require additional checks, while other items require legal permission as they could be subject to import duties or a specific license or permit.

Arrivals must state on their e-CD form if their passenger luggage (Barang Penumpang in Indonesian) contains goods that are restricted under Indonesia law. This then determines which channel (red or green) they can pass through at customs.

Do I Need a Customs Declaration Form for Indonesia?

Yes, all passengers arriving in Indonesia must complete the e-CD Customs Declaration Form.

The procedure is a mandatory requirement to enter the country. This includes those who do not have any restricted goods.

A declaration form must be completed each time you enter Indonesia . If you’re traveling as a family, only 1 form is required.

Do I need an e-CD form to visit Bali?

The Indonesia Customs Declaration Form is required to visit all parts of the country , including Bali.

The same rules apply to anywhere else you intend to visit in Indonesia, such as Jakarta and Java.

If you’re visiting Bali, you’ll also need to pay the Bali Tourist Tax . It’s compulsory for all tourists entering the Bali region.

It’s easy to pay the Bali Tourist Tax online in advance of your trip.

How to Complete the e-CD Customs Declaration Form

Previously, the Customs Declaration Form for Indonesia was a physical paper document that was handed to passengers on the plane. Indonesia has now streamlined the process with an online e-CD service .

The electronic e-CD declaration speeds up the process for passengers by allowing them to complete the form before they travel. It also digitalizes the procedure, removing the need for a physical document.

Conveniently, you can complete your Customs Declaration Form when you apply for an Indonesian visa through this website. Simply select the option to add an e-CD form when you start the application.

How long does it take to get an e-CD form?

If you apply for your e-CD declaration through this site with your Indonesia visa application, the general turnaround time is 2 business days .

If you need your form quickly, there’s a 1-hour priority service available. Simply select this option when you start the application.

Embassy registration with the e-CD declaration

If you’re a citizen of Canada, the UK, or the US, you have the option to register with your embassy when you complete your e-CD form through our site.

By selecting embassy registration on your form, you can receive travel updates and advice for your trip to Indonesia. In addition, you can be easily contacted and/located if there’s an emergency.

What Do I Need to Declare on the e-CD Customs Declaration Form?

Travelers must declare the following items at Indonesia customs:

  • Items from the list of prohibited or restricted goods
  • Goods subject to import duty
  • Currency above the permitted amount of IDR 100,000,000

Concealment of prohibited goods or false declarations will be prosecuted per Indonesian law . Goods that do not get Indonesia’s customs clearance may be confiscated.

Indonesia’s restricted goods may change at short notice. Travelers must check the latest customs declaration information before departure.

Read on to find out what is considered prohibited or restricted by Indonesian customs.

What Cannot Be Brought into Indonesia?

Some items are completely prohibited in Indonesia, while others are prohibited without a special license.

Prohibited goods in Indonesia

You cannot bring any of the following items into Indonesia:

  • Psychotropic substances
  • Sharp weapons
  • Pornographic objects/publications

Prohibited goods in Indonesia without a license

The following items are prohibited without a special license and cannot be carried into Indonesia:

  • Fish and/or plants, including products derived from animals, fish and/or plants

Indonesia Imports Duty-Free Limits

Each passenger over the age of 18 years old may import the maximum amounts shown:

  • Tobacco : 200 cigarettes/ 25 cigars or 100 grams of tobacco
  • Alcohol : 1 liter of liquor
  • Perfume : a reasonable amount
  • Personal goods : up to a value of 500 USD

Goods such as camera and video equipment, laptops, and cell phones do not count in the personal goods allowance provided they are taken back with them when leaving Indonesia.

Passengers carrying more than the stated quantity of each product must pay import duty, VAT, and income tax for the difference.

Limits on Taking Currency into Indonesia

Foreign currency above the equivalent of IDR 100,000,000 ( around $6400 USD ) must be declared. Currency equal to or above the value of IDR 1,000,000,000 is prohibited.

An approval letter from either the Central Bank or External Affairs is required to carry local currency (Indonesian Rupiah, IDR) in amounts exceeding IDR 100,000,000 into the country.

Taking Prescription Medicine into Indonesia

Individuals who need to travel to Indonesia with medicine should carry a copy of the prescription , which should cover the full quantity of medication. It must be clear that the medicine is for personal use only.

Foreign nationals should be aware that certain prescription drugs available in their home country may be illegal in Indonesia . It’s important to check with a doctor and the Indonesian embassy before departure.

Traveling to Indonesia with Pets

Dogs and cats may be taken into Indonesia provided they have a permit issued by the Directorate General of Livestock Service. They must also have good health and rabies certificates, depending on the country or origin. Vaccinations must be administered between 30 days and 1 year before travel.

Birds also require a permit and health certificate. All pets undergo quarantine on arrival , the Animal Quarantine Office should be notified 2 days before departure.

The import of animals that could carry a risk of rabies through Denpasar in Bali is not permitted , except in transit.

Clearing Indonesia Customs with the e-CD Form

After presenting the passport and Indonesia visa at immigration, travelers must then pass through customs clearance .

All goods carried into Indonesia are subject to an Indonesian Customs and Excise officer inspection . This applies to travelers arriving at an international airport or any Indonesian land or sea borders.

Passengers must present their completed Indonesia Customs Declaration Form, or the QR code for the online form, to the customs officer at the inspection gate.

Hand luggage that goes through the red channel is inspected through a baggage scanner and the customs inspection gate. Random checks are also carried out by officers.

Luggage Clearance for Passengers in Transit in Indonesia

Passengers transiting through Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta (CGK) airport or Medan Kuala Namu (KNO) to another Indonesian airport must label luggage to these airports for clearance on arrival . Transit passengers need to collect their luggage and check-in again.

The luggage of passengers transiting through Indonesia en route to a different country is exempt.

Reviewed by


Founder of Tampubolon Legal Solutions

Tiffany is a high-skilled immigration attorney with eight years of legal experience. As the founder of Tampubolon Legal Solutions, she consistently delivers exceptional legal services, utilizing her expertise to assist her clients to navigate the complexity of Indonesian immigration procedure.

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2.1. The identification of research questions. Sentiment analysis techniques have been shown to enable individuals, organizations and governments to benefit from the wealth of meaningful information contained in the unstructured data of social media, and there has been a great deal of research devoted to the design of high-performance sentiment classifiers and their applications [1], [4], [5 ...

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In this review paper, Sect. 2, introduces sentiment analysis and its various levels, ... Sentiment analysis is defined as the process of obtaining meaningful information and semantics from text using natural processing techniques and determining the writer's attitude, ... Google's research team, headed by Tomas Mikolov, developed a model ...

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The Bali Sun

Bali Tourists Will Be Asked To Scan QR Code On Arrival To Read New Rules

Posted on Published: June 22, 2023

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Over the last few weeks, there have been some big changes for tourists heading to Bali. The provincial government has doubled down on its commitment to create sustainable and cultural-based tourism.

As a result, Governor Wayan Koster announced a list of rules that all tourists must adhere to during their stay on the island.

Plane Comes Into Land in Bali Airport.jpg

The list of rules, touted as the Good Tourist Guide, consists of twelve obligations and eight prohibitions by tourists in Bali.

After much public discussion, officials launched the Good Tourist Guide at I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport in the form of a small info card that was to be slipped into the passports of arrivals as they pass through immigration. 

However, less than two weeks since the first info cards were handed out, the list of do’s and don’ts in Bali has already evolved into a new form. Tourists will now be encouraged to scan a QR code on arrival at Bali Airport. The QR code will then link to a series of Google Docs, which contain the infographics in English, Hindi, and Mandarin. 

Bali Tourist Rules Do's

As of Wednesday morning are now 32 QR-code scanning points at the international arrivals hall at Bali Airport.

The Head of Immigration Office Class I TPI, Ngurah Rai Sugito, told reporters that “After an evaluation, we chose to make it in the form of a barcode. The rules can be read at any time because they are in their cellphones.

Sugito said that over 1000 info cards had been distributed to arrivals in Bali but that the QR code system would be more effective in the long run.

He added, “These three languages are because many of the tourists from there go on vacation to Bali. That’s why we provide it in the three languages.”

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Bali Rules For Tourists Don'ts

Immigration in Indonesia is working to establish a ‘gold standard’ approach to their public services. This includes improving digital infrastructure for tourists.

The decision to move the good tourist guidelines over to a QR code is just one small way Indonesian Immigration is looking to make its communications accessible and easy.

Other digital improvements to immigration services include the e-Visa on Arrival, which allows tourists to apply for their 30-day VOA before they touch down in Denpasar, making the arrival process that bit quicker. 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi (@ditjen_imigrasi)

While there has been much conversation online about the introduction of the new do’s and don’t for tourists in Bali, for the most part, tourists have been on board with the new guidelines .

After all, the guidelines aren’t asking anything new of tourists, nor stipulating new laws, but rather a reiteration of laws and cultural norms that have been disrespected by a small minority of international visitors on the island. 

The rules are straightforward; the first is to respect the local religion and its sacred place. This includes respecting Balinese wisdom traditions, especially during ceremonies.

Although Indonesia is the world’s largest majority Muslim nation, Balinese Hinduism is the most practiced faith on the island. All faiths must be respected. 


In fact, many of the rules center around respecting the unique cultural heritage and spiritual practices of the Balinese people.

On the list of don’ts, tourists are reminded not to enter the main area of temples and other sacred places without wearing proper attire and to never take pictures around sacred places when dressed immodestly.

The rules also remind tourists to adhere to the conditions of their tourist visas and not partake in any work or business-related activities illegally.

This reminder comes as the provincial government has created a Tourism Task Force to crack down on foreigners working illegally on the island.

Immigration officials found that not only were some foreigners operating businesses and business services in Bali without the correct visa or business permits, which led to a series of rapid deportations. 


For the vast majority of travelers, the new behavioral guidelines are simply kindly reminders to embrace and immerse in all the wonders of the Island of the Gods.

As tourism leaders in Bali look to establish a more diverse experience for tourists, all visits have to do is be open-minded!

Tourists At Titra Empul for Melukat Blessing Temple.jpg

As the Head of the Bali Provincial Tourism Office, Tjok Bagus Pemayun, said last week, Bali’s “tourism tagline is now: quality and dignified culture-based tourism. ”

Whether it be visiting the rice terraces in Tellalagang or catching a traditional cultural dance, there is so much to explore around every corner of Bali.

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Monday 26th of June 2023

None of these rules apply to Russians they are exempt.

Now Ubud has gangs of russian teenagers with loud exhausts racing around the villages.

Ubud no longer exists.

Sunday 25th of June 2023

So we can be deported for using "non-recyclable plastics"

Literally EVERYTHING in Bali is in plastic!!!

Was this written by a person with brain damage?

@Andrew, Yes.

David Hooper

Saturday 24th of June 2023

This is bull$hit, most of the issues are with Russians and you don't even have the rules in Russian. I have been going to Bali for 10 years, have supported quite a few Balinese through covid and been there over 20 times. I have numerous Indonesian friends and feel all you are trying to do is victimise every tourist for a small percent that are playing up and not respecting Balinese culture. Instead of victimising everyone, why don't you give instant fines to the idiots that are playing up. As far as the VOA goes, Australia, New Zealand and all other countries need to start charging 500,000 rupiah to all indonesians coming into our countries, all indonesians, especially dignitories!!! I have no issues with paying it if the Balinese people benefited from it, however the only beneficiary is the Indonesian government. To be honest I am feeling as if I don't want to come back to Bali, I will look at Thailand and Philippines for my next vacations, neither charge to enter their countries.

@David Hooper, Philippines is nice this time of the year, especially the mountain town of Baquio, also Dumaquete on Negros Island. Yes, people speak English there, it's their second language taught in school and yes, they drive on the right side of the road. Everything is cheaper than Bali and cleaner, just stay out of Manila and vicinity. Mactan Island/Cebu in the south has an international Airport you can fly to from Manila. Check it out on Google, you won't be disappointed. Oh yeah, the Lechon is to die for, delish! Lots of clean beaches everywhere also and not crowded like on Bali.


Friday 23rd of June 2023

"As the Head of the Bali Provincial Tourism Office, Tjok Bagus Pemayun, said last week, Bali’s “tourism tagline is now: quality and dignified culture-based tourism.”

so... are they going to close Atlas and the other gross beach clubs?

Vaughan Thomas

It's a shame they couldn't find someone to check the English. It's appalling.

@Vaughan Thomas, Nobody ever said that they were literate!

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travel to indonesia qr code

Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Makin gampang ke fasilitas publik, fitur pedulilindungi bisa diakses di 50 aplikasi.

Jakarta, 8 Oktober 2021

Menteri Kesehatan RI Budi Gunadi Sadikin meluncurkan integrasi QR Code PeduliLindungi ke aplikasi mitra lain pada Kamis (7/10). Sehingga nantinya fitur aplikasi PeduliLindungi bisa digunakan di aplikasi mitra tersebut.

QR Code PeduliLindungi sedang dilakukan proses integrasi dengan lebih dari 50 aplikasi mitra dan secara bertahap melakukan implementasi sampai bulan Oktober.

50 aplikasi mitra tersebut di antaranya Gojek, Grab, Tokopedia, Traveloka,, Dana, Living Mandiri, Cinema XXI, Link Aja, Goers, Jaki, Shopee, BNI Mobile,, Mcash, dan  35 aplikasi mitra lainnya yang saat ini sedang dilakukan uji coba menggunakan PeduliLindungi.

Integrasi QR Code PeduliLindungi ini adalah dalam rangka memperluas cakupan penggunaan QR Code PeduliLindungi. Sejak awal Juli hingga sekarang sudah lebih dari 73 juta penggunaan dan lebih dari 25rb merchants tergabung. Ke depannya akan terus bertambah lagi.

Implementasi PeduliLindungi ini sudah demikian luas yang awalnya hanya digunakan di beberapa tempat ataupun sarana publik seperti industri transportasi, pariwisata, kantor juga sedang diujicobakan untuk di lingkungan sekolah.

Menteri Kesehatan mengatakan aplikasi PeduliLindungi digunakan untuk tiga fungsi utama dalam penanganan pandemi COVID-19, yakni fungsi pertama melakukan skrining terutama di 6 aktivitas yang banyak dilakukan oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Skrining tersebut berupa skrining status vaksinasi dan juga status swab test.

6 aktivitas tersebut antara lain, pertama aktivitas perdagangan, perdagangan modern seperti Mall atau Departemen Store, maupun perdagangan secara tradisional seperti pasar dan toko-toko tradisional.

Aktivitas kedua adalah aktivitas transportasi baik darat, laut, maupun udara. Aktivitas ketiga adalah aktivitas pariwisata terutamanya kuliner, show atau pameran dan lain sebagainya. Kemudian aktivitas keempat adalah aktivitas bekerja, bisa di kantor atau di pabrik. Aktivitas kelima adalah aktivitas pendidikan di sekolah sekolah dasar, SMP, SMA, Perguruan Tinggi.

Pada Pembelajaran tatap muka di sekolah sudah dibuat sistem skrining tanpa scan QR Code, dengan mensupply informasi kasus konfirmasi dan kontak erat peserta didik ke penanggungjawab sekolah melalui integrasi database ke Kemendikbud dan Kemenag. Untuk pengunjung sekolah tetap menggunakan scan QR Code.

Aktivitas keenam adalah aktivitas keagamaan.

“Dengan demikian, semua aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat dapat diketahui status kesehatannya khususnya berkaitan dengan status vaksinasi dan status swab test,” kata Menkes Budi.

Fungsi kedua dari aplikasi PeduliLindungi adalah untuk melakukan fungsi tracing atau fungsi pelacakan. Dengan adanya QR Code untuk memulai suatu aktivitas diharapkan kalau terjadi kasus positif bisa dengan sangat cepat mengetahui siapa saja yang ada di tempat tersebut pada waktu tersebut.

Fungsi yang ketiga adalah untuk mendukung implementasi protokol kesehatan, misalnya kalau scan QR Code hasilnya hijau maka seseorang bisa beraktivitas di tempat tersebut. Tapi kalau kuning atau merah maka tidak boleh beraktivitasi di tempat tersebut.

“Aplikasi PeduliLindungi secara agresif namun bertahap akan kita implementasikan ke enam aktivitas utama tadi untuk fungsi skrining, fungsi tracing, dan fungsi protokol kesehatan,” tutur Menkes.

Chief Digital Transformation Office Kemenkes Setiaji mengatakan untuk menjangkau seluruh masyarakat Indonesia tidak mungkin bekerja sendiri, tapi harus bersama-sama.

Sistem keamanan data aplikasi PeduliLindungi terus ditingkatkan. Tidak ada data pribadi yang disimpan dalam mitra platform. Sistem PeduliLindungi hanya memberikan kode informasi untuk kategori warna.

Untuk keluhan jika data vaksinasi tidak tersedia di aplikasi PeduliLindungi, disarankan pengguna mengakses dahulu  website PeduliLindungi. Jika data vaksinasi masih tidak muncul, disarankan untuk mengirim email ke [email protected]

“Diharapkan dengan adanya integrasi QR Code PeduliLindungi ini akan mencegah penyebarluasan COVID-19. Terima kasih buat para mitra yang telah mendukung kegiatan ini,” katanya.

Hotline Virus Corona 119 ext 9. Berita ini disiarkan oleh Biro Komunikasi dan Pelayanan Masyarakat, Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi nomor hotline Halo Kemenkes melalui nomor hotline 1500-567, SMS 081281562620, faksimili (021) 5223002, 52921669, dan alamat email [email protected] (D2)

Kepala Biro Komunikasi dan Pelayanan Masyarakat

drg. Widyawati, MKM

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How to fill in the Indonesian customs declaration form online from your smartphone

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When entering Indonesia, a customs declaration form is required. This can be done on a paper declaration form, but you can now complete the declaration form online in advance.

If you can fill in the customs declaration form online in advance, it is likely to reduce the time required for Indonesian immigration clearance.

So in this article, we will share how to fill in the Indonesian customs declaration form online from your smartphone.

Filling the Indonesian customs declaration form online

Get indonesian customs declaration form qr code, you can also use your smartphone to fill in the indonesian customs declaration form.

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When entering Indonesia, the customs declaration form is required in addition to the visa. It is possible to pre-declare online, but please note that you can only apply for the form two days before arrival.

You can apply for the Customs Declaration online at the Customs Declaration online application website .

You will be asked about the information in your passport and your occupation. You will also be asked to provide information about your arrival flight.

Next, you will be asked to provide information about your luggage. You will be asked how many pieces of luggage you are carrying, how many pieces of unaccompanied luggage and how many family members are accompanying you.

Next, answer the questions about the items you are bringing with you with a Yes or No. After a final check, tick the declaration ‘I declare the truth’ and click ‘Send’.

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Once you have completed the Indonesian Customs Declaration, you will be issued with a QR Code, which you can either print out or download to your smartphone and bring with you.

You can scan it at customs when entering Indonesia.

We used our smartphone to fill in the Indonesian customs declaration form. The process was smooth enough with a smartphone.

Also, one family can fill in the form together, entering personal details for each family member.

You also need a visa to enter Indonesia. We obtained our Arrival visa online.

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PEDULI LINDUNGI: How to download, install and register in the Health APP to travel to/through Indonesia

PeduliLindungi, a smartphone app made up of two Indonesian words, Peduli which means to care, and Lindungi which means to protect, is created by the Indonesian Government specifically for COVID-19 pandemic. The application was initially used to control and track positive COVID cases but it developed over time to become an important and must-have application for Indonesians as well as foreigners in the country, especially in terms of traveling. By keeping the app active on the smartphone and using the scanning feature, it is able to track which flight you take, which establishments you visit, and more. In addition, it can your COVID-19 vaccination certificate as well as any COVID-19 test results you take either using RT-PCR method or rapid antigen test.

Steps to follow to use the new mobile application needed to travel to/through Indonesia

Within PeduliLindungi, there is a special feature called eHAC, short for electronic-Health Alert Card. It is used specifically to create a QR code that you must do before taking flights, whether they are international to/from Indonesia or between regions within Indonesia. Below we will explain how to register to fly to Indonesia with EHAC.

Download the PeduliLindungi app

From the App Store on Iphone or Play Store on Android phones, you will need to download the application called PeduliLindungi


App permissions

When you open the app, the first thing that will come out is the request for permission to use the location. You must allow it for the proper functioning of the application.


App notifications

When you open the app for the first time, you will see a prompt asking for permission to use your location. You must allow it so the app can work properly. There will be another prompt that asks your permission to allow the app to send notifications. You are free to choose.


About the app

In the next screen, you will see information regarding the purpose of the app. The first page mentions that it helps the government in monitoring the spread of COVID-19 and therefore control it. Tap on the Next button to continue.

On this page, it mentions that you can see COVID-19 spread zones including their severity, and the app will notify you when you are within a zone with high case of COVID-19. Helping the Government to detect Covid19 cases and therefore control it.


On this page, it mentions that you can see COVID-19 spread zones including their severity, and the app will notify you when you are within a zone with high case of COVID-19.


On this page, it mentions that through the app, you are able to make appointments with healthcare practitioners for virtual consultations, as well as register for vaccination.

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Risk zone notification

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On this page, it mentions that the app requires camera and storage access in order to scan QR codes and to save your vaccination certification in the phone.

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Mulai/Get Started > > Starts

Here you will need to make sure that it is in English. Otherwise, press the button at the top right to change the language to English.

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By pressing the “language” button, you can choose the English language. Then press the Close button.

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Saya Setuju/I Agree > I agree. A prompt will show up to ask your agreement to terms & conditions of using the app and its privacy policy. Check the tick box, and tap on “I Agree” to continue.

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Register in the app

This home screen “Login” is to access or register, for those who register for the first time, they must click on the bottom-right, in the blue letters where it says “Daftar or Register”

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This “Daftar o Register” registration screen has two ways to register: using an Indonesian phone number or an “Email” email. You must click on the email option and where it says “Full Name” put your Name and Surname and in “Email” put your email. Then check the “I agree” box and press the “register” button.

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Then you must check the inbox of the email you indicated in the previous step and put here the 6 activation numbers of the account that have been sent to you. Then press “verify”

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Application features

This is the interface of the main screen (Home) where you can see from top to bottom the following functionalities:

  • Home: Beginning
  • Where it says Hi (and its Name): Account [To change the profile picture, etc]
  • Scan QR code: Scan of the QR Code of the place where you are going to enter. This if you will use it when you go to some places like supermarkets, shopping centers, hotels or even some tourist places
  • Vaccine Certificate: To activate the vaccination certificate, for now it is only valid for Indonesians or residents in Indonesia. Tourists must have the vaccination certificate printed on paper.
  • Covid-19 Test Results: Here will appear the results of the Antigen / PCR Test (Hasil Test Covid-19) For now it only serves for those registered with a NIK number, which is only accessed if you are local or resident.
  • Electronic Helath Alert Card (e-HAC). Which is the most important thing and you will need to fill in before taking the flight to Indonesia or between local flights in Indonesia.
  • Check in History: Diary of visits you have recently made where you have scanned the QR code
  • Travel Regulation: Travel information (Not usually very up-to-date)
  • More: By clicking on More, other options come out such as:

Telemedicine: It will put you in touch with Doctors online applications.

Healthcare Facility: Hospitals

Covid-19 Statistic: Statistics of Covid19 cases

Vaccinations: Places to be able to vaccinate, only for Locals and residents.

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Pressing the EHAC Button will open this screen with 3 options. Notice that in the upper right is the option to choose Language (Language) there choose “English”.

To create the new QR Code you must press “Create e-HAC”.

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Here you can choose between creating a QR for an international flight (flying to Indonesia from another country) or a domestic flight (flights within the country).

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When you click on International flight you will see this screen

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Here you must put all your personal data and press save (SAVE)

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Here your name will appear, if you travel with children, you can put them in the part that says “add dependents” Then click next (Berikutnya)

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On this page we will put both the destination information (you can simply put the address of the first hotel where you will stay), also the flight (you can put the flight with which you arrive in Jakarta) and the seat number where you will be on the plane, and then click next: (Berikutnya).

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On this screen you must declare where you did the PCR Test and upload it to the application, as well as indicate in which countries you have been in the last 14 days and if you have any symptoms of Covid, if you do not have, simply press the word none. “none.”

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Final confirmation screen to get the QR code. If all is well, press the button that says: next to get the Ehac card “NEXT TO GET E-HAC CARD”

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This is the card, and by pressing the card you will get the QR Code.

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QR code, you can save it in image to scan it on arrival at your destination

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In the “Home” menu, you can press EHAC again and then press My Ehac to see the e-HAC created previously again.


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A los viajeros en Indonesia se les presenta un desafío particular: ¿cómo pueden aprovechar al máximo este país diverso en un tiempo limitado? Echa un vistazo a nuestros tours por varias islas en Insonesia para visitar lo mejor de cada isla.

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Article author

Born in Valencia (Spain), his professional career has always revolved around the tourism sector. He studied tourism degree and later specialized in digital tourism marketing.

After working in various travel agencies. In 2018, he was a beneficiary of an Indonesian government scholarship to study at one of the most prestigious universities in the country. After specializing in the destination and having traveled and lived in various areas of Indonesia, he joined our team in early 2020.

Fernando is passionate about surfing and extreme sports. He’s the first to sign up for a trip, always looking for new adventures!

Fernando García


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hi, i can’t get though uploading my certs. what is the best way to do it. I can upload my 3th dose, but can’t find my first dose cert. Any way to go around it?

Hi Fernando, It is no longer necessary to upload covid certificates to the app. It is only mandatory to have the app installed on the mobile and create a user. Have a good trip!

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The described App is not available anymore for apple users. The new app (you will get forward automatically) is SATUSEHAT. The most bad programming i have seen in my life (and i am from IT-Business)… you are completely unable to create a user account in it. Only fault messages, nothing more… How can a government makes the entry to their country dependent at a not running software? Seems Indonesia will loose a lot of tourists actually coz the new App is still mandatory… So all tourists have to cancel their vacations in Indonesia till the app is running….excuse my sarcasm , but this is definitely not a good acting… the support out the App is not reacting at all to.

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I managed to download app, completed information and got confirmation of my account and that my vaccine proof was accepted. Logged out of the app and now unable to log back in via either mobile or email address!! Says “unknown user” so tried to Register again but won’t allow me to do that either!!! Any suggestions?

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I have downloaded this app. NO WHERE DO I SEE THE WORD eHAC!!!

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Hello, does travelling to bintan by ferry (travel next week) need to download this PeduliLindungi app?

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How can I add member to my profile?

Hi Jay, since few days ago foreigners dont need to use this app any more. Safe travels!

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Hi cometoindonesia,

I’m currently researching about traveling to Bali in June! I’ve read multiple sources online that seem to say the app is still mandatory? Could you provide any links to where it’s stated that you don’t need the app to travel anymore as a foreigner? Thank you!

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The app does not let me change language into english. I press for english, but nothing happens.

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Don't be Sorry

e-CD Customs Declaration Form

e-CD Customs Declaration Form

This is the  Link  for the form.

  • Form can be completed up to 3 days before arriving in Bali
  • You will receive a QR code please save it on your phone
  • Or print it out
  • One form by family is allowed

Every personal passenger goods, per person on every arrival, is granted import duties, excise, and taxes exemption of USD 500.00 on their personal goods (personal effect) that were purchased or obtained abroad and will remain in Indonesia.

Every personal crew goods, per person on every arrival, is granted import duties, excise, and taxes exemption of USD 50.00 on their personal goods (personal effect) that were purchased or obtained abroad and will remain in Indonesia.

For those who import goods for other purposes than personal use (e.g. the total amount of the goods are unusual for personal use or the goods are used for commercial purposes such as companies/store/institution/industry), are subject to import duties, excise, and taxes.

The following amount of excisable goods for personal use that were purchased or obtained abroad and will remain in Indonesia are exempted from import duties, excise, and taxes for  every adult  on every arrival :

Upon the excess of the excisable goods will be destroyed.

You are required to notify the Customs Officer if you are bringing :

  • currency and/or bearer negotiable instrument (cheque, traveller cheque, promissory notes, or bilyet giro) in Rupiah or other currencies which equal to the amount 100 million Rupiah or more, or
  • foreign banknotes which equal to the amount of 1 billion Rupiah or more.

Should you have unaccompanied baggage, please duplicate this Customs Declaration and request an approval to Customs Officer for claiming the unaccompanied baggage.

To expedite the customs services, please notify the goods that you are bringing/carrying completely and correctly in this form, then submit it to Customs Officer.

Making a false declaration constitutes serious offences which attract penalties or punishment in accordance with laws and regulations.

Complete before landing


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This website is presented by the Bali Hotels Association[BHA]. It's purpose is to share travel advice and information with the public about Bali. BHA endeavours to provide up-to-date and accurate advice on this website, However, BHA does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of any material on this or any linked site. BHA accepts no legal liability arising from or connected to any material on this website or on any linked site. Welcome Back To Bali content The information on Welcome Back To Bali, is to help travellers to Bali to make informed decisions about traveling to Bali and staying in Bali. This includes information in official destination-specific travel advisories and general advice. All travelers need to take responsibility for their travel decisions. The information on Welcome Back To Bali isn't intended to be, nor should it be relied on, as a substitute for legal or other professional advice. Users should obtain any appropriate professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances. Articles are reviewed regularly by our editorial team to ensure that the content is up to date and accurate. Please return to the site as required and subscribe to updates to ensure you have the latest advice. Links and third-party content The material on this website may include the views or advice of third parties. It also includes links to external websites. These do not necessarily reflect the views of BHA

Due to the ever-changing nature of the regulations, we strongly advise that you check with your airline before you travel.

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