orleans tours a velo

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La Loire à vélo d'Orléans à Tours

château de Chambord

  • Les itinéraires cyclables de la « Loire à Vélo »
  • L’arrivée magique face au Château de Chambord
  • Les villes de Beaugency, Blois et Amboise

orleans tours a velo

  • Hébergement
  • Avis voyageurs

Votre randonnée à vélo dans la vallée de la Loire :

Découvrez la partie septentrionale de la “Vallée Royale” tout en longeant son fleuve majestueux d’Orléans à Tours où mille trésors vous attendent : héritages culturels grâce à ses nombreux édifices et châteaux, paysages naturels magnifiques ou encore délices de sa gastronomie régionale. . .

Il ne vous reste plus qu’à pédaler en suivant le doux courant de la Loire et à vous arrêter dans les plus beaux sites de la vallée des rois !

Jour 1 : Arrivée à Orléans

Prenez le temps de découvrir  Orléans  et sa  cathédrale de Sainte-Croix , monument historique le plus important et dominant une grande partie de la ville.

Jour 2 : Orléans – Beaugency | 26 km

Empruntez les  pistes de la « Loire à Vélo »  et suivez les bords de la Loire, dernier fleuve sauvage d’Europe jusqu’au joli  château de Meung-sur-Loire . Retrouvez calme et sérénité au coeur de la charmante et très fleurie ville de  Beaugency , dominée par son imposant donjon du 11e siècle.

chateau meung sur loire

P-Forget CRT Centre-Val de Loire

Visite libre du château aux deux visages : une façade médiévale et une façade de style classique. Il est l’un des plus anciens châteaux du Loiret et accueillit les plus grands noms de l’Histoire comme François 1 er ou Louis XI. Il servit également de prison … aussi ne manquez pas les souterrains et la salle de torture !

Jour 3 : Beaugency – Blois | 46 km

De Beaugency en passant par  Chambord, chef d’œuvre de la Renaissance française , continuez en direction de  Blois, ville au passé royal  avec notamment son  château  présentant une parfaite illustration de l’évolution de l’architecture française depuis le Moyen-âge jusqu’au 17e siècle.

château de chambord

Visite libre du château, véritable chef d’œuvre de la Renaissance construit à la gloire de François 1er, et de ses nouveaux Jardins à la Française. Avec ses 440 pièces et 282 cheminées, c’est le château le plus vaste et imposant de la Vallée de la Loire.

Possibilité de prévoir une excursion supplémentaire jusqu’au château de Cheverny, remarquable par ses appartements somptueusement meublés et décorés.

Jour 4 : Blois – Amboise | 42 km

Suivez les pistes cyclables la Loire à vélo jusqu’au château de Chaumont-sur-Loire dominant la Loire. Une halte s’impose afin de découvrir son très original Festival des Jardins ! Traversez ensuite les vignobles de l’ appellation Touraine Amboise jusqu’à la cité Royale ! La ville d’ Amboise est en effet célèbre pour son château royal édifié aux 15e et 16e siècles. Dans la chapelle du château se trouve  la tombe de Léonard de Vinci , et quelques rues plus loin la dernière demeure de ce génie créateur : le  Manoir du Clos Lucé .

orleans tours a velo

Visite libre du château perché sur sa falaise pour mieux surveiller le fleuve et où résida la reine Catherine de Médicis. Puis prolongez votre visite en découvrant le très étonnant Festival International des Jardins installé dans le vaste parc du Domaine. Un véritable laboratoire de la création contemporaine où les plus grands créateurs paysagers rivalisent d’originalité !

balade en canoe

ADT37 – JC Coutand

Variez les plaisirs et accordez-vous une nouvelle manière d’appréciez toutes les richesses qu’offre la Loire. Depuis votre canoë et munis de vos pagaies, domptez paisiblement le dernier fleuve sauvage d’Europe. Il vous offre des points de vue extraordinaires sur sa faune et sa flore, conjugués à une sensation inégalable d’être loin de toute civilisation .

Jour 5 : Amboise – Tours (via Chenonceaux) | 52 km (ou 26 km)

Quittez Amboise en suivant la jolie  piste cyclable traversant la foret d’Amboise  afin de rejoindre le  célèbre château de Chenonceau  ! Enjambant élégamment le Cher, ce château à l’histoire singulière et à l’empreinte très féminine fut le théâtre de la rivalité entre Diane de Poitiers et Catherine de Médicis. Retrouvez ensuite les toutes nouvelles pistes cyclables du  Cher à Vélo  ! Longez alors la rivière, bordée de châteaux privés et jolies demeures typiquement tourangelles jusqu’à  Montlouis-sur-Loire  et son château de la Bourdaisière. Puis rejoignez  Tours  et ses maisons à colombages typiques de ses  vieux quartiers .

Possibilité de raccourcir l’étape en suivant les piste de la « Loire àVélo » traversant les  vignobles de Montlouis  et permettant de découvrir les nombreuses caves où est produit ce fameux  vin blanc moelleux ou pétillant .

Départ à l’issue de l’étape.

Possibilité de nuit supplémentaire à Tours.

orleans tours a velo

Visite libre du Manoir où vécut Léonard de Vinci les 3 dernières années de sa vie, à la demande du roi François 1er.  Découvrez l’atelier et les fabuleuses machines conçues par l’inventeur, avant de déambuler dans le Parc : un parcours paysager relatant l’univers artistique et visionnaire, du plus grand des génies créateurs.

Possibilité de prévoir une excursion supplémentaire vers Villandry, réputé pour ses célèbres jardins « à la Française » disposés en terrasses.

Le + RandoVélo (en option) :

  • Transfert retour privatif de Tours à Orléans  – (sur demande).
  • Notre « Pack Visites »,  comprenant les droits d’entrée aux :

. château de Meung-sur-Loire . domaine de Chambord (château & jardins) . château de Chaumont sur Loire & Festival International des Jardins . Clos Lucé – Parc Leonardo Da Vinci à Amboise

Prolongez votre aventure sur la Loire à Vélo !

Jusqu’à Saumur avec notre circuit : 3 jours sur la Loire à Vélo de Tours à Saumur.

ou Les trésors cachés de la Loire à Vélo, de Tours à Saumur.

Choisissez votre formule

  • du 1er mars au 28 avril du 1er au 31 octobre
  • Départ : tous les jours
  • du 12 mai au 30 juin du 1er au 30 septembre
  • du 29 avril au 11 mai du 1er juillet au 31 août

Détails de la formule

• 4 nuits avec petits-déjeuners (en chambre pour 2 personnes) • Le transport des bagages pendant les étapes ‘vélo’ (1 bagage de 20kg par personne) • La location d’un vélo tout chemin équipé pour 4 jours et son rapatriement • 1 dossier de voyage (par chambre) incluant les cartes couleur • Une application de navigation personnalisée indiquant les points d’intérêts sur le parcours • Les taxes de séjour • Assistance téléphonique 7j/7

• Les dîners / Les déjeuners / Les boissons • Les droits d’entrée et visites des sites • Les assurances facultatives (Assurance Annulation OU Assurance Tranquillité) • Le supplément pour une chambre individuelle (4 nuits incluses) • Le transfert retour de Tours à Orléans ainsi que le rapatriement des vélos personnels

Selon votre formule (prix par personne)

(incluant 4 dîners – hors boisson)

(incluant : hébergement 1 nuit supplémentaire en chambre pour 2 personnes / 1 petit-déjeuner  / carte et application de navigation personnalisée / la location du vélo VTC pour 1 jour supplémentaire)

(pour les enfants : une réduction sera appliquée selon les âges – après réservation)

'Extra velo' & divers

Votre hébergement.

orleans tours a velo

Votre vélo de location

(vélo inclus dans le voyage)

Vélo privilégiant une position droite et confortable, idéal pour une pratique ‘loisir’.

Cadre OUVERT jusqu’à 1m83 Cadre FERMÉ  à partir de 1m83

  • 1 sacoche arrière
  • 1 sacoche avant avec porte carte
  • 1 kit de réparation
  • 1 support smartphone
  • 1 porte bidon

Casque non compris.

Vélo « sport » privilégiant une position et une pratique plus sportive.


(Les modèles de Vélo à Assistance Electrique sont susceptibles d’être modifiés par un modèle similaire)

Nous fournissons des vélos et divers accessoires adaptés aux enfants tels que :

  • vélo enfant (de 16 à 24 pouces – de 1,05m à 1,45m)

velo enfant

  • système d’attelage « follow-me » (pour enfant de 5 à 8 ans – de 1,05m à 1,30m) L’attelage « follow-me » permet de tracter un vélo enfant. Il s’enlève facilement et sans encombrement pour laisser l’enfant rouler seul.

orleans tours a velo

  • remorque (pour bébé ou enfant jusqu’à 25 kg)

orleans tours a velo

  • siège bébé (pour bébé ou enfant jusqu’à 22 kg, fixé sur le porte-bagages)
  • Les vélos de location seront mis à disposition directement à votre hôtel.
  • A la fin de votre circuit, laissez le vélo de location à votre hôtel. Nous nous chargeons ensuite de son rapatriement.

Votre parcours

Descriptif du parcours

Uniquement des pistes cyclables  ou itinéraires balisés pour les vélos.

Les dénivelés des étapes

Orléans – Beaugency : 26km / dénivelé + : 120m / dénivelé – : 134m Beaugency – Blois : 46km / dénivelé + : 166m / dénivelé – : 185m Blois – Amboise : 42km / dénivelé + : 200m / dénivelé – : 211m Amboise – Tours (via Loire à Vélo) : 26km / dénivelé + : 116m / dénivelé – : 115m Amboise – Tours (via Chenonceaux) : 52km / dénivelé + : 281m / dénivelé – : 290m

Application de navigation

En complément des cartes, nous vous fournissons une application de navigation personnalisée indiquant les points d’intérêts sur le parcours.

Comment arriver à Orléans

En train : Paris Gare d’Austerlitz >> Gare d’Orléans (environ 1h10 en train). Pour plus de renseignements, consulter la SNCF : www.sncf.com

  • Depuis l’aéroport Roissy CDG : – Gare Roissy Charles de Gaulle T.2 >> Gare de de St Pierre des Corps (en TGV) >> Gare d’Orléans (en train).

– RER B >> Paris centre – arrêt ‘Chatelet Les Halles  >> Métro ligne 1 + ligne 10 >> Gare d’Austerlitz >> Gare d’Orléans. www.parisaeroport.fr/passagers/acces/paris-charles-de-gaulle/transports-en-commun www.transilien.com        www.ratp.fr/plans-lignes

  • Depuis l’aéroport de Orly : – Transfert en taxi vers Gare d’Austerlitz  >> Gare d’Orléans.

– Navette Bus (Orly Bus) :  depuis Orly Sud  >> Paris centre – arrêt ‘Denfert Rochereau’ >> Métro ligne 6 + ligne 5 >> Gare d’Austerlitz >> Gare d’Orléans. http://aeroportorly.paris/orlybus.php .

– Orly Val (métro automatique) :  depuis Orly Sud  ou Orly Ouest >> Paris – arrêt ‘Antony’ >> RER B – arrêt ‘Denfert Rochereau’  >> Métro ligne 6 + ligne 5 >> Gare d’Austerlitz >> Gare d’Orléans. http://aeroportorly.paris/orlyval.php

  • Depuis l’aéroport de Beauvais : – Transfert en taxi vers Paris Gare d’Austerlitz  >> Gare d’Orléans.

– Navette Bus >> Paris – arrêt ‘Porte Maillot’ >> Métro ligne 1 + ligne 10 >> Gare d’Austerlitz >> Gare d’Orléans. www.aeroportparisbeauvais.com/acces-et-parking/navette/

  • Depuis l’aéroport de Tours : – Transfert en taxi OU TRAM (depuis l’arrêt « Terminus Vaucanson ») ligne A >> arrêt ‘Gare de Tours’ >> Gare d’Orléans. www.tours.aeroport.fr/gp/Parking-et-transport/248
  • Depuis l’aéroport de Nantes : – Transfert en taxi OU Navette TAN : Gare de Nantes >> Gare d’Orléans. www.tan.fr/fr/menu/se-deplacer/tan/navette-aeroport/

Votre retour

Si vous devez revenir à votre ville de départ :

  • Le transfert retour peut être organisé par RandoVelo.
  • Le retour en train est possible et à organiser par vos soins : www.sncf.com Prévoyez de vous rendre à la gare avec vos bagages (et votre éventuel vélo personnel). (Le rapatriement des vélos personnels reste à votre charge.) – Gare de Tours >> Gare d’Orléans (environ 1h20 en train) – Tours >> Orléans (en taxi)

Pour un retour sur Paris centre / Paris Aéroports  :

  • Le retour en train est possible et à organiser par vos soins : www.sncf.com Prévoyez de vous rendre à la gare avec vos bagages (et votre éventuel vélo personnel). (Le rapatriement des vélos personnels reste à votre charge.) – Gare de Tours >> Gare de Paris Montparnasse (en TGV). – Gare de Tours >> Gare d’Austerlitz (en train). – Gare de Tours >> Gare de Saint Pierre des Corps (en train) >> Gare de l’Aéroport Charles de Gaulle 2 TGV (en TGV).

> Aéroports à proximité : – Aéroport de Tours : www.tours.aeroport.fr – Aéroport de Nantes :  www.nantes.aeroport.fr

Note globale du voyage : / 11 avis

En couple, nous avons séjourné dans les châteaux de la Loire pendant sept jours. L’organisation de rando vélo est top. Tout est pris en charge. Nous avons apprécié la réactivité de l’équipe aux quelques demandes que nous avons formulées . Les circuits sont très chouettes. Bref, nous avons adoré .

Nous en avons pris plein les yeux. Parcours facile, sans difficultés. Nous poursuivrons notre périple l’année prochaine

Première randonnée en vélo, nous avons vécu une expérience agréable et enrichissante. La région est magnifique et le circuit vélo très sécurisé.

La découverte des différents paysages (bords de Loire, campagne, forêt, vignobles) est au rendez-vous. Une visite par jour châteaux se combine bien avec la randonnée.

Superbe parcours et service très complet, qui permet d’éviter tout soucis pour des vacances très agréables.

Very nice trip and good support from the organiser.

We loved our Orleans -Tours self-guided biking trip and would thoroughly recommend it to anyone who likes the freedom of exploring the Loire region without being in a large group. The bikes were very comfortable and we had no mechanical issues. The accommodation, by and large, was charming and well-situated in each town. Our luggage was transferred each day to the next hotel efficiently and the excellent organisation meant that we were free to just ride and enjoy our journey without time constraints. We would definitely use Rando-Velo again for another part of France. Thoroughly recommended if you want an up-close and authentic experience of French people, French villages and countryside.

Très beau parcours sur mesure qui a répondu à nos attentes , conjuguant visites , châteaux et paysages le long de la Loire en vélo. Vélo électrique de belle qualité

Rando vélo utilisé pour la 3 ème année consécutive toujours aussi satisfait. Prestations de qualité personnel aimable et réactif en cas de besoin. Organisation des circuits et réservation des hébergements au top. Parcours vélos sur voies vertes avec beaucoup de sites et de suggestions de visites sur les parcours: sublime. Encore de très bonnes vacances avec randovelo. Je continuerai avec cette equipe et ses services l année prochaine. Je recommande autour de moi cet organisme pour son sérieux et son professionalisme.

Overall Rando Vello was very organized. Our travel maps and information packet was very good. The bikes were good. Rando Vello was fairly responsive to our emails.

Pour la deuxième fois nous avons passé un très bon séjour avec Randovélo.

Ces voyages peuvent aussi vous intéresser

château de Chambord

Vacances à vélo au coeur des plus grands châteaux 5 Jours à partir de 520 €

Jardins de Villandry

3 jours sur la Loire à Vélo de Tours à Saumur 3 Jours à partir de 390 €

Canal de Briare

La Loire à Vélo : de Nevers à Orléans 7 Jours à partir de 1000 €

  • English ( Anglais )

orleans tours a velo

La Loire à Vélo - Loire Valley by bike

orleans tours a velo

Elevation of the route

Waytypes of the cycle route, surface of the cycle route, signposting and state of the itinerary.

La Loire à vélo / EuroVelo 6 is entirely signposted. The logo of the itinerary accompanied with its ID EuroVelo 6 is indicated on signposts.

An itinerary mainly developped on securised lanes for non-motorized vehicles.

Services and accomodations "Accueil Vélo" ("Cyclists Welcome") on the Tour de Manche

More than 400 accomodations (campings, hotels, lodges, guest houses) "Accueil Vélo" ("Cyclists Welcome") are located at less than 5km away from the itinerary and they guarantee quality services for cyclists such as a closed garage for example. We strongly advise to book your accomodations in advance (including campings), especially in touristic areas.

Trains and public transports alongside La Loire à vélo

  • Interloire between Orléans > Blois > Tours > Saumurs > Angers > Nantes  (with a train car dedicated to bicycles during summer). Some "Interloire" goes up to La Baule, you can check the  schedule here .

Long time parkings on the itinerary

  • Parkings in Nevers
  • Parkings in Orléans
  • Parkings in Blois
  • Parkings in Tours
  • Parkings in Angers
  • Parkings in Nantes

The best cycling holiday breaks

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Cycling holidays along the Loire by bike - Rando Vélo

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The Loire and its castles by bike with Safrantours

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Loire by bike with La Bicyclette Verte

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Loire Valley by road bike with Abicyclette

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The Loire from Blois to Angers

orleans tours a velo

From the Loire to the Atlantic with France à Vélo

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The "Train Vélo Loire" : Trains for bike travellers during summer

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Castles to discover in Pays de la Loire by bike

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La Loire by bike from Saumur to Angers

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Nevers / Cuffy

Near the majestic Bec d’Allier (where the Allier River joins the Loire), Le Guétin’s canal-bridge makes quite an [...]

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Cuffy / Marseilles-lès-Aubigny

This Loire à Vélo stage runs for some way right beside the Canal Latéral à la Loire, then moves onto a raised [...]

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Marseilles-lès-Aubigny / La Chapelle-Montlinard / La Charité-sur-Loire

This EuroVelo 6 stage leads you to the splendid riverside town of La Charité-sur-Loire, with its fabulous basilica and [...]

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La Charité-sur-Loire / La Chapelle-Montlinard / Couarges / Pouilly-sur-Loire

L’île du Faubourg, an island at La Charité-sur-Loire, provides an exceptionally scenic view of the Loire, on the [...]

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Pouilly-sur-Loire / Couargues / Sancerre

This is a short, easy Loire à Vélo stage, encouraging you to enter Sancerre’s glorious hilly countryside and taste [...]

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Sancerre / Beaulieu-sur-Loire

This Loire à Vélo stage, going along the eastern edge of the old French province of Berry, alternates between [...]

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Beaulieu-sur-Loire / Briare

Travel by waterway has pride of place along this beautiful stretch of the Loire à Vélo. The highlight is Mantelot [...]

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Briare / Gien

The Briare canal-bridge is the highlight on this Loire à Vélo stage. The route then continues via hilly little roads [...]

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Gien / Sully-sur-Loire

This Loire à Vélo stage runs in part beside the Loire. Here, you reach the eastern end of the stretch of the Loire [...]

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Sully-sur-Loire / Germiny-des-Prés

Leaving the superb Château de Sully-sur-Loire behind, this Loire à Vélo stage follows the great meanders in the [...]

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Germiny-des-Prés / Jargeau

This Loire à Vélo stage sticks close to a great Loire meander leading to Châteauneuf-sur-Loire, a town with a museum [...]

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Jargeau / Orléans

The dramatic skyline of the city of Orléans can be seen from afar, shifting with the meanders in the Loire as you draw [...]

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Orléans / St-Hilaire-St-Mesmin

Gateway to the famed Loire Valley heartlands, once a capital in early medieval France, Orléans is now a lively modern [...]

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St-Hilaire-St-Mesmin / Beaugency

Once you’ve left Orléans’s suburbs behind, you reach the attractive confluence of the Loiret and Loire rivers. [...]

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Beaugency / Muides-sur-Loire

The contrast between the picturesque old Loire-side villages and the electricity power station at St-Laurent-des-Eaux [...]

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Muides-sur-Loire / Blois

On this easy Loire à Vélo stage from Muides-sur-Loire to Blois, you enter the fabulous Pays des Châteaux tourist [...]

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Blois / Chaumont-sur-Loire

This Loire à Vélo stage takes you away from Blois along the Loire’s south bank, then a little further south to the [...]

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Chaumont-sur-Loire / Amboise

On this Loire à Vélo stage, enjoy exploring fine wine-making lands as well as the regal river. You’re now in the [...]

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Amboise / Montlouis-sur-Loire

On this Loire à Vélo stage, the soaring Chinese-style Pagoda of Chanteloup near Amboise offers a Zen experience. [...]

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Montlouis-sur-Loire / Tours

This Loire à Vélo stage proves as delightful as it is easy, leading to the gentle capital of the county of Touraine, [...]

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Tours / Villandry

Touraine is known as ‘le Jardin de la France’ (The Garden of France) and Tours is a perfect central gateway for [...]

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Villandry / Rigny-Ussé

This is a star-studded Loire à Vélo stage, taking you from the glorious Château de Villandry, with its stunning [...]

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Rigny-Ussé / Candes-St-Martin

This Loire à Vélo stage is marked by atmospheric islands in the Loire colonized by birds. At the Indre River’s [...]

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Candes-St-Martin / Saumur

This Loire à Vélo stage from Candes-St-Martin to Saumur takes you from Touraine into the famous neighbouring county [...]

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Saumur / St-Rémy-la-Varenne

On this Loire à Vélo stage, enjoy some of the most spectacular, luminous stretches along the Loire. The route hugs [...]

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St-Rémy-la-Varenne / la Daguenière

For this Loire à Vélo stage, cross to the Loire’s north bank through Anjou, cycling through former marshes turned [...]

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La Daguenière / Angers

This Loire à Vélo stage to Anjou’s capital takes you through the startling landscapes of the former slate mines of [...]

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La Daguenière / Bouchemaine

This Loire à Vélo stage in Anjou takes you to the magnificent, broad confluence of the Loire and Maine rivers. This [...]

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Angers / Bouchemaine

In the heart of Anjou, this Loire à Vélo stage goes from opposite Angers’s central castle out via the green setting [...]

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Bouchemaine / Chalonnes-sur-Loire

Start at La Pointe, in a tremendous setting in the heart of Anjou, where the Maine River joins the Loire. A bit west, [...]

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Chalonnes-sur-Loire / St-Florent-le-Vieil

This Loire à Vélo stage in Anjou crosses the startling island of Chalonnes, one of the largest on the Loire. Nearby, [...]

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St-Florent-le-Vieil / Champtoceaux

From Mont Glonne, at the top of St-Florent-le-Vieil, with its great views of the Loire Valley, this Loire à Vélo [...]

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Champtoceaux / Mauves-sur-Loire

Welcome to the Basse-Loire, or Lower Loire and the county of Loire Atlantique. The importance of the Atlantic begins to [...]

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Mauves-sur-Loire / Nantes

Designated European Green Capital in 2013, the city of Nantes comes into view, a shaded towpath offering a gentle way [...]

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Nantes / Le Pellerin

Contemporary art features large along the Loire’s long estuary and this stage shared by the Loire à Vélo and [...]

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Le Pellerin / Paimboeuf

The calm Canal de la Martinière acts as your guide on this stage shared by EuroVelo 6 and the Loire à Vélo cycle [...]

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Paimboeuf / St-Brevin-les-Pins

This is the last stage on the Loire à Vélo cycle route, but it also offers you the opportunity of joining the [...]

Travellers’ reviews

They did it.

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Une famille en tandem Pino couché

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Déménager à vélo : de Lyon à Berlin !

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Voyage en amoureux sur l'Eurovelo 6

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2 voyageurs à vélo sur La Loire à Vélo et La Vélodyssée

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Récit de voyage à vélo de Ouistreham à la Rochelle

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L'EuroVelo 6 en famille

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Leur premier voyage à vélo sur La Vélodyssée

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De Toulouse à Rennes, il rentre chez lui à vélo !

orleans tours a velo

Entre Loire et Falun

Partly using the great Loire à Vélo cycle route, this cycling circuit of 2 to 3 days takes you to the delights of the [...]

  • Bed and breakfast
  • Lodgings and furnished rentals
  • Stopover gites
  • Unusual accommodation
  • Group accommodation
  • Holiday residences
  • Holiday villages
  • Bicycle rentals/ repairs
  • Train station
  • Tourist offices
  • Service area
  • Charging station
  • Water supply
  • Public toilets
  • Canoe and kayak rental
  • Cultural and touristic sites
  • Leisure and activities
  • Bathing places
  • Villages with character

Un Monde à Vélo

La Loire à Vélo de Tours à Orléans pour un long week-end

par Mila | Mis à jour le 07/04/2023 | Centre-Val-de-Loire à Vélo , EuroVelo 6 - La Loire à Vélo | 0 commentaires

Envie d’un week-end à vélo à la découverte des plus beaux châteaux de France ? La Loire à Vélo de Tours à Orléans est idéale pour ça. Accessible facilement en train depuis Paris, c’est également une excellente occasion pour débuter le voyage à vélo et apprendre à se connaître.

Aujourd’hui, nous vous emmenons sur cet itinéraire que nous avons suivi trois fois. La première année, en 2017, nous l’avons parcouru à l’occasion de notre aventure sur l’EuroVelo 6, de Nantes à Constanta . La seconde fois, c’était en 2019 lors de notre périple sur la Scandibérique , le tracé étant partagé avec La Loire à Vélo entre Tours et Orléans. La dernière aventure en date a eu lieu en 2022, à l’occasion d’un week-end de reportage avec La Loire à Vélo en Centre-Val de Loire. Comme on dit, jamais deux sans trois !

Les 5 années qui séparent nos expériences nous ont fait réaliser que La Loire à Vélo a beaucoup progressé et s’est améliorée au fil du temps. Plus de services, plus de variantes, de meilleures indications et des développements cyclables plus aboutis en font l’une des meilleures véloroutes de France. Pour notre plus grand bonheur !

Au programme de cet article

L’itinéraire de La Loire à Vélo de Tours à Orléans

La Loire à Vélo, surtout connue pour relier les châteaux de la Loire, commence à Saint-Brévin-les-Pins et se termine à côté de Nevers. Elle fait partie intégrante de l’EuroVelo 6 , la véloroute des Fleuves qui continue dans l’est de la France et se prolonge le long du Danube jusqu’en Roumanie sur environ 4 500 km ! Mais si vous souhaitez jouer de telles prolongations, une autre option s’offre à vous également : celle de continuer à remonter la Loire avec la Véloire pour vous rapprocher des sources de la Loire.

De Tours à Orléans, il y a environ 130 km, soit  2 à 3 jours de vélo si l’on ne fait pas les détours vers Chambord ou Chenonceau (qui sont des variantes de La Loire à Vélo). L’itinéraire passe par de nombreux points d’intérêts, notamment Amboise, fief de Léonard de Vinci, Chaumont-sur-Loire et son prestigieux Festival International des Jardins, Blois, Beaugency. À cela peuvent s’ajouter les détours vers Chenonceau, Chambord et Cheverny !

En route vers Chenonceau - La Loire à Vélo

Connexions avec les autres véloroutes entre Tours et Orléans

  • De Tours à Orléans, La Loire à Vélo est connectée à La Scandibérique ( l’EuroVelo 3 )
  • À côté de Tours, on trouve également l’itinéraire de Saint-Jacques à Vélo.
  • Au niveau de Blois, les Châteaux à vélo est un ensemble de petites boucles reliées à la Loire à Vélo qui permettent notamment de rejoindre les châteaux de Cheverny et de Chambord !

La Loire à Vélo de Tours à Orléans : infos pratiques

Découvrez tout ce qu’il y a à savoir pour préparer votre séjour sur La Loire à Vélo entre Tours et Orléans.

Comment accéder à l’itinéraire ?

L’accès en train est facile à Orléans et Tours en provenance de Paris et les villes environnantes. Pour le TGV Paris-Tours, il faut s’y prendre à l’avance pour réserver son week-end car les places vélos partent vite. 

Pour naviguer entre les étapes, des trains sont prévus pour la haute saison. Le train de La Loire à Vélo circule chaque année en été entre Nantes et Orléans avec de nombreuses places vélo à bord. Il est possible de les réserver avant de prendre le train et un service dédié en saison vous aide à monter les vélos à bord.

Quel vélo pour La Loire à Vélo ?

Tous les vélos sont ok, toutefois, je conseillerais un bon VTC ou un VTT pour un week-end. Le vélo de route est un peu moins adapté à l’itinéraire et aux quelques petites portions non asphaltées.

Il n’est pas utile d’avoir le vélo de voyage le plus sophistiqué pour un simple week-end prolongé, mais pour info, je vous invite à lire notre guide pour choisir votre vélo de voyage .

Où louer un vélo ?

Si vous n’avez pas de vélo ou n’avez pas trouvé de solution pour amener votre vélo avec vous, il est tout à fait possible de louer un vélo (le site de La Loire à Vélo recense de nombreux loueurs). Certaines agences proposent même en option le rapatriement des vélos, ce qui vous évite de revenir à Tours ou Orléans pour les rendre. 

Trouver un hébergement sur La Loire à Vélo – Tours – Orléans

Quel équipement prévoir pour un week-end .

  • Il est toujours conseillé d’avoir une tenue de pluie avec vous. La région n’est pas si pluvieuse, mais nous ne sommes pas à l’abri d’averses orageuses. À vrai dire, on n’a peut-être pas de chance, mais nous avons pris des orages les trois années !
  • La Loire à Vélo est idéale pour une première expérience en cyclocamping. N’hésitez pas à prendre votre matériel pour être autonome.
  • Je vous conseille de ne pas oublier votre cadenas . Il y a plein d’endroits à visiter qui proposent des casiers pour vos sacoches mais il faudra quand même attacher le vélo !
  • Pour en savoir plus sur l’équipement, n’hésitez pas à consulter notre dossier sur la liste de matériel pour voyager à vélo.

Que faire de mon vélo lors des visites de châteaux ?

Avec les années, les services ont beaucoup évolué sur La Loire à Vélo. Les lieux d’intérêt mettent désormais à disposition des casiers dans lesquels on peut déposer nos objets de valeur pendant la visite. Il faut avoir des pièces de 50cts ou 1€ généralement. Elles se récupèrent à la fin. Des parkings à vélo se trouvent à l’entrée des châteaux, il est donc facile d’y attacher, pensez simplement à embarquer un bon cadenas.

Voyager à vélo clés en main

Pour vous permettre de vivre une belle expérience, de nombreuses agences vous accompagnent en vous proposant des séjours organisés et/ou sur-mesure sur les plus beaux itinéraires vélo de France et d’Europe. Pas besoin de gérer toute la logistique, il n’y a plus qu’à pédaler… Une solution idéale pour se lancer !

Nous vous proposons ici ces 2 agences sérieuses  :

La Loire à Vélo de Tours à Orléans : que voir, que faire ?

Après un premier week-end à vélo sur La Loire à Vélo entre Nantes et Angers , voici une nouvelle expérience extrêmement enrichissante ! Entre Tours et Orléans, La Loire à Vélo est florissante en découvertes. Du castor aux châteaux démesurés de la riche époque de la Renaissance, les plaisirs sont variés et ne nous laissent pas le temps de nous ennuyer. 

Si vous souhaitez faire toutes les visites et activités que nous avons faites à l’occasion de ce séjour, je vous conseille de prévoir 5 jours . Sinon, il faudra faire des choix dans nos propositions car vous ne pourrez pas profiter pleinement de vos visites.

Étape 1 : De Tours à Amboise – 30 km

Ce week-end prolongé sur La Loire à Vélo commence par une visite de Tours, ville qui, à elle seule, mériterait un petit week-end consacré à la visite de ses monuments. Avec ses ruelles médiévales, ses maisons à pans de bois dont les façades sont sculptées, son château, sa cathédrale et son cloître, il y a de quoi faire ! 

À vélo, ce n’est jamais très confortable de visiter une ville, notamment lorsque l’on est chargé. Nous prenons donc le temps de faire quelques passages dans les ruelles, de voir l’impressionnante cathédrale avant de reprendre la route vers Amboise, le long de La Loire à Vélo. À savoir, à Tours, il est possible de laisser vos bagages et vélos à Détours de Loire .

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À Amboise, c’est toute une autre ambiance qui nous attend. En plein week-end festif, la petite cité est extrêmement fréquentée. Cela contraste avec les quelques kilomètres à vélo paisibles le long de la Loire. Le Clos Lucé est une visite qui m’avait beaucoup plu avec les inventions farfelues, fascinantes et tellement ingénieuses de Léonard de Vinci. C’est ici, à Amboise, que le maître italien a passé les trois dernières années de sa vie.

Cette fois, nous nous attardons surtout au Château d’Amboise , lieu de résidence des rois comme Charles VIII ou François 1er. Le château offre de magnifiques points de vue sur les alentours. On y trouve également la sépulture de Léonard de Vinci, intimement liée à Amboise.

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Étape optionnelle : boucle vers Chenonceaux – 51 km

Au départ d’Amboise, il est possible de partir vers l’un des plus beaux châteaux de la Loire : le Château de Chenonceau. Pour ce faire, il suffit de délaisser l’itinéraire principal de La Loire à Vélo pour suivre les indications vers Chenonceaux. À travers la forêt puis le long du Cher, nous arrivons assez rapidement.

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Sur place, le château, des hôtels et une guinguette nous invitent à la halte. Pour notre part, nous arrivons au château en toute fin de journée, ce qui est une excellente idée car il  n’y a quasiment plus personne sur le site. Pour profiter à minima des lieux, comptez tout de même 2h de visite (davantage si vous souhaitez bien vous imprégner de l’atmosphère). 

Si le Château de Chenonceau est si connu, c’est parce que ce chef d’œuvre de la Renaissance enjambe élégamment le Cher. Petit trésor entre deux rives, il est surnommé le “château des Dames” car ce sont surtout des femmes qui l’ont protégé, rénové, construit au fil des années. Parmi elles, d’illustres propriétaires telles que Diane de Poitiers et Catherine de Médicis.

Pour compléter la visite, profitez également d’une dégustation de vins dans la Cave des Dômes afin de goûter aux différents vins de Chenonceau (je vous recommande la dégustation après la visite, surtout après une journée de vélo).

Comme l’indique le site du Château de Chenonceau , les réservations des visites sont obligatoires à l’intérieur du monument. Il vaut donc mieux s’y prendre à l’avance et réserver votre billet, car les créneaux seront peut-être complets au moment de votre visite. 

Vous pouvez réserver votre place s ur le site officiel ou sur Civitatis

Château de Chenonceau - Cher - La Loire à Vélo

Pour retrouver l’itinéraire principal de La Loire à Vélo, l’échappée vous mène directement jusqu’à Chaumont-sur-Loire avec une étape un peu vallonnée au milieu des vignes. Vous arrivez directement au fameux château et son Festival International des Jardins.

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Le Château de Chenonceau insolite

Le Château de Chenonceau révèle toute sa splendeur lorsque nous l’admirons de l’eau. Pour l’admirer aux heures dorées, il faut ramer jusqu’au château pendant une demi-heure et prier pour que les nuages ne soient pas de la partie.

Lors de notre visite, un rayon de soleil a réussi à percer les nuages pendant à peine quelques minutes, nous laissant l’occasion d’admirer les lumières à travers les fenêtres du château. Un spectacle grandiose ! 

Pour cette activité, vous pouvez louer un canoë avec la Canoë Company qui se trouve en face du Bistrot’Quai, à quelques kilomètres à peine de Chenonceaux.

Toue cabanée - Loire à vélo

Où dormir à côté de Chenonceau ?

Au River Camp , à quelques pas de la Canoë Company, vous pouvez trouver un camping tout simple, avec sanitaires et quelques tentes déjà montées, prêtes à louer. Le tarif est abordable.

Tente River Camp - Chenonceaux

Où manger / boire à côté du château ?

Pour un apéro dinatoire, Bistrot’Quai propose des tartines avec des terrines locales à base de viandes ou végétariennes. 

Sinon, n’hésitez pas à prévoir de quoi vous restaurer. Une cuisine commune est disponible au camping. 

Étape 2 : D’Amboise à Chaumont-sur-Loire – 22 km

L’étape vers Chaumont-sur-Loire commence par une belle montée avec un beau point de vue sur Amboise. Nous passons ensuite par la commune de Chargé (l’occasion de photos sur le panneau d’entrée de la ville), puis évoluons au cœur des vignes avant de rejoindre la Loire et suivre le cours d’eau.

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Chaumont-sur-Loire est une étape marquante de La Loire à Vélo. La petite commune a un côté pittoresque avec son bourg qui borde la Loire, surplombé par son château. Mais Chaumont est surtout connu pour son Festival International des Jardins qui a lieu chaque année d’avril à novembre avec des créations diverses. 

Nous n’y passons que 2h, mais c’est bien trop peu pour explorer réellement le domaine. Nous avons eu à peine le temps d’effleurer les jardins qui sont, en 2022, sur le thème du “Jardin idéal”, sujet exploré à l’occasion du 30ème anniversaire du festival. 

Pour visiter le Domaine de Chaumont, je vous recommande de passer 2 nuits sur place. Comptez une journée pour avoir le temps de visiter le château, le Festival International des Jardins et ses jardins permanents qui explorent différentes thématiques (le jardin japonais, africain, méditerrannéen, etc.)

Les œuvres des différents artistes paysagistes m’ont agréablement surprise. Si je m’attendais à admirer des jardins bien rangés et fleuris, c’est en réalité tout le contraire qui est exposé. Les jardins sont volontairement nourriciers, présentent une nature où la main de l’Homme est peu perceptible avec ses herbes folles et ses plantes en fouillis. Ces inspirations résonnent avec cette volonté de redonner sa place à la nature, de la laisser vivre dans un monde où les zones urbaines s’étendent de manière incontrôlée. 

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Balade insolite à Chaumont-sur-Loire

Saviez-vous qu’il y a une famille de castors en moyenne tous les kilomètres sur la Loire ? Pour compléter cette journée formidable, une balade en bateau traditionnel vous permet d’aller à la découverte de la faune et de la flore de la Loire au moment du coucher de soleil. Avec discrétion et calme, vous aurez peut-être la chance d’observer les allers et venues d’un castor, animal farouche et très craintif qu’il est rare de voir.

À Chaumont-sur-Loire, vous pourrez également admirer les sternes naines chasser, découvrir la patience des hérons, observer les sorties des ragondins. Et avec un peu de chance, les ragondins albinos seront peut-être présents !

Pour vivre cette expérience, plusieurs compagnies proposent des balades. De notre côté, nous sommes partis avec Moments de Loire .

Expérience insolite - Loire

Un castor fait son apparition !

Où dormir à Chaumont-sur-Loire ?

  • À l’hostellerie du Château de Tassigny , un hôtel situé dans une belle demeure avec son restaurant et ses chambres confortables. On y trouve également une piscine et une belle terrasse. Hébergement adhérent à la marque Accueil Vélo, les vélos ont également une petite place protégée dans le jardin.
  • Pour une nuitée en tente, le camping de Chaumont-sur-Loire affiche des prix très abordables et offre un accueil particulier aux cyclistes avec des boissons offertes. Le camping est tout simple mais 5 ans après, on se souvient encore de la petite attention du café matinal avant de repartir pour une journée de vélo !

Hostellerie du Château de Tassigny

Où manger / boire un verre à Chaumont-sur-Loire ?

  • Pour une bonne adresse à la déco insolite et unique, rendez-vous à Fou d’Loire pour boire un verre et déguster de bonnes tartines et planches réalisées avec des produits locaux. Il est possible de prendre le tout à emporter pour partir en balade en bateau sur la Loire.

Fou d'Loire - Chaumont

  • Le Lamantin qui Guinche est une magnifique guinguette avec des bières locales, un accueil chaleureux. Il y a également un snack sur place. 

Le Lamantin qui Ginche

  • Il est possible de dîner au restaurant de l’hostellerie du château.

Étape 3 : de Chaumont-sur-Loire à Blois, 22 km

Sur cette étape de la Loire à Vélo de Tours à Orléans, nous longeons tout d’abord le fleuve avant de nous en éloigner puis le récupérer tout juste avant Blois. Hormis une toute petite portion sablonneuse, l’itinéraire ne présente pas de difficulté.

orleans tours a velo

Le point d’intérêt qui nous marque le plus, c’est finalement la ville de Blois. Avec son château royal richement orné et décoré, on y apprend davantage sur la vie des rois et des reines qui ont vécu dans ces lieux, notamment Henri II et Anne de Bretagne ou encore Catherine de Médicis. 

Le Château Royal de Blois est un peu différent de ceux que nous avons visités jusque-là. Ses premières constructions datent du 13ème siècle, ce qui explique qu’il y ait un peu moins de “Renaissance” dans son architecture, même si François 1er y a mis son grain de sel !

orleans tours a velo

À la sortie du château, une hydre géante à 6 têtes sort des fenêtres de la maison située en face du château. Il s’agit de la maison de la magie de Robert-Houdin , où l’on peut découvrir de nombreuses œuvres et un spectacle permanent. 

À Blois, il est également intéressant de se perdre dans ses rues, de s’arrêter aux escaliers Denis Papin , qui évoluent au fil des mois. Ou encore, d’aller visiter le jardin de l’évêché, accessible gratuitement et offrant une belle vue sur les alentours.

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Étape 4 : De Blois à Beaugency via Chambord – 49 km

Après cette courte étape à Blois, nous partons pour Beaugency. Si le détour vers Chambord n’est pas obligatoire, on vous recommande tout de même d’emprunter cette variante de La Loire à Vélo pour aller visiter le château le plus grandiose du Pays des Rois. Sur cette étape, nous nous enfonçons dans la forêt du parc de Chambord où l’on apprécie complètement le calme offert par les arbres et le cadre verdoyant.

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Chambord est un château exceptionnel, construit sous le règne de François 1er, admirateur du style renaissance. Parfaitement symétrique, le château symbolise le pouvoir de la France. La bâtisse impressionne notamment avec sa pièce centrale et monumentale : son escalier à double révolution. 

Aujourd’hui, sa visite nous permet de mieux comprendre son histoire, visite d’ailleurs bien plus compréhensible si on prend un histopad. Elle se complète également avec ses jardins à la française, réalisés en 2017 à l’identique de l’époque Louis XIV. Si les architectes du château sont inconnus, leur œuvre a quant à elle traversé les siècles.

orleans tours a velo

Après la visite du château, nous reprenons la route à travers les forêts de Chambord. Pour info, à l’automne, il est possible d’y venir pour observer le brame du cerf. En passant par Chambord nous nous arrêtons à Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire (qui n’est pas sur le tracé principal de La Loire à Vélo). Avec son bourg bien conservé depuis le moyen-âge et sa belle promenade sur la Loire, les lieux invitent à la halte.

La Loire à Vélo nous mène ensuite jusqu’à Beaugency, un joli village qui mérite le coup d’œil avec sa cité médiévale et son abbatiale. Sans le détour par Chambord, comptez 35 km pour rejoindre Beaugency depuis Blois. 

orleans tours a velo

Où manger à sur cette étape ?

  • Si vous dormez aux lodges de Chambord, je vous conseille d’amener de quoi manger avec vous. Sinon, il y a une petite supérette sur place et une bonne pizzeria non loin.
  • À Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire, il y a pas mal de petits restaurants sympas si vous souhaitez faire une halte là-bas !

Où dormir ?

  • Aux Lodges de Chambord : je dois admettre que l’on n’a pas vu grand-chose de ce camping après le réveil à 5h et la longue journée de vélo, nous étions cuits. En tout cas, l’accueil est sympa, le cadre est vraiment chouette avec une piscine et un étang et le camping possède une multitude de logements insolites : cabanes, chalets, tonneaux, cabanes flottantes, etc. 

Tonneau - Lodges de Chambord

  • À Beaugency, le camping offre des emplacements à proximité de la Loire. Pour des tarifs plus que corrects, des tentes étape sont également à disposition (installées après notre passage, donc nous ne les avions pas testées).

Étape 5 : de Beaugency à Orléans – 31 km

C’est parti pour l’ultime étape de ce long week-end à vélo sur La Loire à Vélo. Sur ce tronçon bien roulant le long du fleuve, c’est intéressant de constater que la faune est bien visible si on ouvre l’œil : hérons, mouettes, sternes et cormorans nous accompagnent tout le long du parcours. 

Puis arrive rapidement Orléans, ville jeune et active dont l’Histoire est liée au destin tragique de Jeanne d’Arc, venue délivrer Orléans des troupes anglaises, une opération qu’elle mènera avec succès. Héroïne locale, on retrouve sa statue sur la place du Martroi.

orleans tours a velo

Le charme d’Orléans se trouve dans ses maisons à pans de bois. Il faut savoir que le centre-ville a été fraîchement restauré et que cela se ressent dans le bâti. Il est très agréable de se promener dans le vieil Orléans pour découvrir tous ses trésors. 

Son impressionnante cathédrale vaut également le détour. D’une hauteur exceptionnelle, elle a été inspirée par la cathédrale d’Amiens, située dans la vallée de la Somme . Elle a subi des dégâts importants au 17ème siècle et a été reconstruite à la suite de cet évènement.

orleans tours a velo

Pour compléter la visite, nous reprenons la route (à vélo, oui oui) pour aller visiter Combleux, une petite balade agréable de 14km aller-retour à la découverte du petit village au cachet certain. Nous longeons les guinguettes le long de la Loire avant de retrouver un univers relaxant, à quelques kilomètres à peine de la ville !

orleans tours a velo

Où dormir à Orléans ?

  • À l’hôtel Urban Jungle , un hôtel bien rénové, à la décoration unique et vraiment chouette. Les vélos sont les bienvenus et mis en sécurité dans un petit local. 

Où boire un verre à Orléans ?

  • À la Paillotte , les artistes sont accueillis p our laisser libre cours à leur inspiration. À la fois centre artistique et guinguette, on peut y déguster des bonnes bières brassées localement accompagné d’une bonne planche, tout en admirant le ballet des oiseaux avec Orléans en toile de fond. 

Guinguette la Paillotte - Orléans

Le mot de la fin sur la Loire à Vélo de Tours à Orléans 

Cet article est un condensé d’informations récoltées à l’occasion de nos trois passages sur la Loire à Vélo entre Tours et Orléans. Cet itinéraire est une valeur sûre pour un week-end qui promet d’être riche et dynamique. La recette est excellente : des trésors du patrimoine, de la vie sauvage, de beaux paysages et plein de belles petites adresses. Toutefois, il ne faut pas oublier un point important : le voyage à vélo, c’est avant-tout du slow tourisme. Il n’est pas possible de tout faire ni de tout visiter !  Prenez le temps de savourer chaque instant et de voir large si vous souhaitez vraiment visiter la région. 

Cet article a été rédigé suite à un partenariat avec La Loire à Vélo et le Centre-Val-de-Loire. Comme toujours, nous relatons notre expérience telle que nous l’avons vécue et restons libres de notre contenu et des recommandations d’adresses ou de visites que l’on partage avec vous !

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Cycle through France’s river valleys and explore historic chateux.

Choose from 5, 9, or 13-night itineraries along the "Loire à Vélo" cycling path, which stretches through the Centre and Pays de la Loire regions. Since 2008, this trail has allowed cyclists to explore over 250 miles of signposted tracks through Anjou, Touraine, Loir-et-Cher, Loiret, and Cher, alongside the Loire River and its tributaries. The Loire à Vélo is also part of the future EuroVelo route connecting Nantes to Budapest (1,500 miles).

Optional: Enhance your experience with the Chateaux package, which includes tickets to various castles and monuments along the route. Check the Dates & Prices page for details.

Package Options:

Orléans to Tours (5 nights) : Explore the royal valley, following the majestic river from Orléans to Tours. Discover historical heritage, numerous châteaux, diverse landscapes, and regional culinary delights.

Tours to Angers (5 nights) : Cycle through the Loire Valley's most château- and vineyard-dense region. Follow the Loire River to historical sites and famous cellars for wine tasting, while enjoying the French "art de vivre" amidst peaceful and wild landscapes.

Orléans to Angers (9 nights) : Combine the Orléans to Tours and Tours to Angers segments into a comprehensive 9-night tour. Experience historical sites and stunning landscapes from Orléans to Angers.

Orléans to the Atlantic (13 nights) : Discover the western Loire Valley all the way to Le Croisic on the Atlantic Ocean. Visit charming countryside, salterns, and marshes, culminating in a refreshing dip in the Atlantic Ocean at Le Croisic.

Loire a Velo: Orleans to the Atlantic - a Bike Tour of Chateaux in France!

View more photos

  • Historical cities & old wine towns
  • Scenic Loire River
  • Beautiful Châteaux from different periods
  • Château d'Amboise
  • Château de Chenonceau
  • Château de Saumur
  • Vineyards and wine cellars
  • Typical small villages & beauty of the Loire valley

Learn more about self-guided tours.

Loire a Velo


Château d'Amboise, Loire Valley, France. Inhabae@Unsplash

Traveler photos

Un café en el camino (photo by Sandra Bentjerodt)

 Tour Description   Daily Program 

Daily program

This itinerary below describes the full 13-night tour, from Orleans to Le Croisic and the Atlantic. Orleans to Tours (5 nights) is described in days 1-6. Tours to Angers (5 nights) is described in days 6-10. You can also book a combination tour for 9 nights, from Orleans to Angers, described in days 1-10.

Day 1: Arrival in Orléans Discover Orléans and its historic center, nestled between the expansive fields of the Beauce region and the lush pastures, ponds, and forests of the Sologne region. Known as the "City of Art and History," Orléans was famously liberated from the English siege in 1429 by Joan of Arc. Overnight in Orleans.

Day 2: Orléans – Beaugency or Tavers (16-19 miles/26-30 km) Cycle along the wild river banks for a calm and serene route through the charming and flowered city of Beaugency. Overnight in Beaugency or Tavers .

Day 3: Beaugency or Tavers – Blois (28 miles/45 km) Leave Beaugency along the riverbanks and pass by the prestigious Château de Chambord, the grandest château of the Loire Valley and a masterpiece of the Renaissance period. Continue towards Blois, a city rich in historical heritage, where the château brilliantly illustrates the evolution of French architecture from the Middle Ages to the 17th century. Overnight in Blois.

Day 4: Blois – Amboise (25 miles/40 km) Follow the charming countryside routes to the Château de Chaumont, which overlooks the Loire River, before reaching Amboise and its 15th–16th-century royal château. Just a few streets away, visit the final residence of Leonardo da Vinci, the Manorhouse of Clos Lucé. Overnight in Amboise.

Day 5: Amboise – Tours (19 or 33 miles/30 or 53 km via Chenonceaux) Ride through the vineyards of Montlouis to discover the numerous cellars offering sweet white or sparkling wines. Then, enjoy the lovely chateau birthplace of Gabrielle d’Estrées, the favorite of King Henri IV. Continue to the heart of the city of Tours to discover the old quarters sheltering the famous 'Place Plumereau' and its half-timbered houses. Overnight in Tours.

Day 6: Departure or continue to Azay le Rideau (27 miles/44 km)

If you booked the Orleans to Tours (5 nights) package, you will depart in the morning for your onward travels. If you booked the Orleans to Angers (9 nights) package, a combination of the Orleans to Tours (5 nights) and the Tours to Angers (5 nights) package, you would continue on to Azay le Rideau as described below in the Tours to Angers route. If you booked the Tours to Angers (5 nights) package alone, you will meet in Tours for your first day, and continue to Azay le Rideau on your 2nd day as described below.


Continue to Azay le Rideau (25 miles/41 km) Arrive in Savonnières to explore the enchanting Petrifying Grottoes. Then head to Villandry to see its renowned gardens, unique in Europe and arranged in three-tiered terraces. Continue to Saché, the former home of the celebrated novelist Honoré de Balzac. Conclude your journey in Azay-le-Rideau, where you can admire the exquisite Renaissance château set majestically over the Indre River. Overnight in Azay le Rideau.

Day 7: Azay le Rideau – Chinon (22 miles/35 km) Depart for Langeais and its 15th-century château, a quintessential example of a medieval fortified castle, where you can admire exquisite tapestries and furniture. Next, continue to the Château d'Ussé, known as the "Sleeping Beauty" castle, which inspired Perrault's famous fairy tale. Overnight in Chinon.

Day 8: Chinon – Saumur (22 or 30 miles/36 or 48 km) Before departing from the medieval city of Chinon, located along the Vienne River, explore its many cellars that offer the renowned red wine favored by Rabelais. Then head to the Abbey of Fontevraud, Europe’s largest surviving monastic city and the necropolis of the Plantagenet monarchs. Finally, make your way to the charming town of Saumur. Overnight in Saumur.

Day 9: Saumur – Angers (36 miles/58 km) Begin by following the Loire River, then traverse the vineyards of Anjou. You'll arrive in the tranquil city of Angers, home to the château that houses the renowned Apocalypse Tapestry. Overnight in Angers.

Day 10: Departure or continue to St Florent le Vieil or Ancenis (31 or 40 miles/50 or 65 km) If you booked the Tours to Angers (5 nights) or Orleans to Angers (9 nights) packages, you will depart today after breakfast. If you booked Orleans to the Atlantic (13 nights), you will continue to Montjean sur Loire as described below.

Continue to St Florent le Vieil or Ancenis (23 miles/37 km) Explore the heart of the Anjou vineyards, including the Coteaux de la Loire and Coteaux de l'Aubance. Be sure to visit Savennières, renowned for its dry white wine, before continuing to the Chalonne island in the Loire River. From there, make your way to the village of Saint-Florent-le-Vieil or Ancenis. Overnight in St Florent le Vieil or Ancenis.

Day 11: St Florent le Vieil or Ancenis – Nantes (25 or 31 miles/40 or 50 km) Continue along the banks of the Loire River to take in the diverse natural landscapes and observe wildlife. Enjoy a tranquil ride to Champtoceaux, a stunning location that marks the border between Anjou and Brittany. Then, head to Nantes, a vibrant city with a wide range of attractions and charming pedestrian streets perfect for sightseeing. Overnight in Nantes.

Day 12: Nantes – St Brévin (37 miles/58 km) Depart the city by small boat to cross the river and continue along the 'Loire à Vélo' cycling path. You’ll then follow a narrow canal through serene marshlands and countryside, eventually reaching the Loire River estuary in St-Brevin-les-Pins. This seaside resort features a broad sandy beach framed by dunes and pine forests—an ideal spot to unwind after a long day of biking. Overnight in St Brévin.

Day 13: St Brévin – Le Croisic (33 or 37 miles/53 or 60 km) Travel from the Loire River estuary to the rugged coastline of Le Croisic. Take the opportunity to explore the renowned salt marshes of the medieval town of Guérande, which is situated in a protected natural park and showcases its rich historical heritage. Continue along the dramatic coastline until you reach Le Croisic, a picturesque fishing village known for its charm and coastal beauty. Overnight in Le Croisic.

Day 14: Departure Departure after breakfast.

 Photos   Accommodation 

You will be accommodated in a mix of 3- and 4-star hotels.

These are sample hotels and may vary based on availability.

Empreinte Hotel, Orleans www.empreinte-hotel.com

Hotel Ecu de Bretagne, Beaugency www.ecudebretagne.fr

Hotel Mercure (or charming guest house), Blois www.accorhotels.com

Hotel Au Charme Rabelaisien, Amboise www.au-charme-rabelaisien.com

Hotel Univers, Tours www.oceaniahotels.com

Hotel le Grand Monarque, Azay le Rideau www.legrandmonarque.com

Hotel de France, Chinon www.bestwestern-hoteldefrance-chinon.com

Hotel Anne d'Anjou, Saumur www.hotel-anneanjou.com

Hotel de France, Angers www.hoteldefrance-angers.com

Auberge de la Loire, Montjean www.aubergedelaloire.com

or Hotel le Poisson d’Argent www.aupoissondargent.com

Hotel le Champalud, Champtoceaux www.lechampalud.com

Hotel Graslin, Nantes www.hotel-graslin.com

Hotel le Beryl, St. Brevin www.hotel-stbrevinlocean.com

Hotel les Vikings, Le Croisic www.hotel-les-vikings.com

Interested in visiting other areas before or after your tour? Visit our hotels page to learn more about lodging options.

 Daily program   Bikes 

View Bike Prices

The bikes available for rent on this tour (must be reserved at time of booking):

  • Standard touring bikes, 21-speed men's or unisex frame
  • Electrically assisted bike, 9-speed*
  • Child's bike, trailer, or baby seat

*More about  electrically-assisted bikes >

Equipment included with bike rental:

  • One rear saddlebag for standard bikes; two rear saddlebags for e-bikes
  • High visibility jacket
  • Anti-theft device
  • Map holder and handlebar bag
  • Repair kit, pump, lock

Bike Protection: Bike protection can be purchased at the time of booking. You can read more about that  HERE .

Pedals: The bikes will have flat pedals. If you want to bring your own pedals, please bring your own shoes and also the necessary equipment to change the pedals.

Helmets: Helmets are available, free of charge but they must be reserved at the time of booking. The use of a helmet is mandatory for children less than 12 years old (whether riders or passengers). For older children and adults, even if it’s not mandatory we strongly recommend it! 

 Accommodation   Dates & Prices 

Daily: Mar 1 - Oct 31, 2024.

Orleans to the Atlantic (13 nights) Sundays*: Apr 14, 2024 - Sep 17, 2024 (* other start days on request with surcharge )

Other itineraries Daily: Mar 1 - Oct 31, 2024.

Tour Packages

Bike rentals, additional services.

* two canoe trips are offered on these routes.

Extra Nights, Orleans

Extra nights, tours, extra nights, angers, extra nights, le croisic, included services.

  • Accommodation in double room with private facilities
  • Luggage transfer (1 luggage 20kg per person) - Additional €20 per extra luggage and transfer
  • Maps, detailed route instructions and itineraries, tourist information (1 set of information per room)
  • Navigational app
  • Telephone hotline 7 days/week in case of emergencies
  • Taxes and services
  • Bus transfer from St Brévin to St Nazaire ( 13-night itinerary only)

Does not include

  • Drinks, lunches, dinners, and personal expenses
  • Entrance fees to monuments
  • Rental bike
  • Personal bike transfer
  • Train ticket for return transfer
  • Luggage transportation on last day

Optional Chateaux package

  • Tickets for various castles and monuments along the route

Tour Company

 Bikes   Other Details 

Maps are for information purposes only and reflect typical routes between overnight locations. They may not reflect your actual route.

Surface and terrain

The Loire à Vélo tour routes alternate between quiet roads with little traffic (37%), dedicated bike paths (27%), no-thoroughfare roads open only to local residents and non-motorized vehicles (24%), and cycle lanes along roadways (12%). Two-thirds of the overall routes run along the Loire.

How to get there

Tour start Nearest airport: Paris, France Nearest train station: Orleans, France

Tour end Nearest airport: Paris, France Nearest train station: St Brévin les Pins, France

Tips on getting to and from your tour

 Dates & Prices   Tour Reviews 

  Write a review

Great family bike trip

Our trip was from Orleans to Tours, 4 total days of great biking, seeing the country side and visiting small villages. Biketours made it easy for us to navigate our route, sights and hotels. Having great information about the trip prior to our arrival and at our arrival was very organized. It was worth it to get the castle tour and dinner package. We would use Biketours again.

  • 5/5 Included meals
  • 3/5 Bikes + equipment
  • 5/5 Hotels or boat
  • 5/5 Scenery
  • 5/5 Ease of navigation
  • 5/5 Tour documents
  • 5/5 Local tour company services
  • 5/5 Route selection


Good experience. Bike support was excellent when we had a problem. Hotel in Orleans, le mercure, was below avg. all others were very good. Lastly the Vouvray vineyard route option on the trip from Ambois to Tours was not pleasant. The roads were very busy with no shoulder. I would remove or at least more explantion.

Fabulous experience

The trip allowed us to connect with the French culture … all the hotels and meals exceeded our expectations

Viaje perfecto

Todo muy bien La ruta muy bien indicada , fantástica coordinación Hoteles de calidad con gente muy amable. Teníamos paquete con cena y muy ricos los restaurantes

Thoroughly enjoyable

Will plan by the tour group. Beautiful scenery. Many interesting sized to see that were both historical and educational. The bed and breakfast is that were selected were outstanding. Food along the way was outstanding. The directions were easy to follow

Tours to Anger 4 day bike ride

We went with our son and his wife. It was their first longer bike ride. They loved it. We did too but felt our previous Danube trip from Passau to Vienna was better. The hotels and food was good but the bike route was boring at times. We missed not having a spa hotel included.

  • 4/5 Bikes + equipment
  • 4/5 Hotels or boat
  • 3/5 Scenery
  • 3/5 Ease of navigation
  • 3/5 Tour documents
  • 3/5 Route selection

Nice and easy

We did the 13 day tour. Food and accommodations were excellent. The bikes were rugged and reliable and we never ran out of charge. My one strong recommendation would be that the bikes be equipped with front shock absorbers, which would make the rougher roads more pleasant and easier on the wrists. The ride was almost exclusively in rural areas although there were a few places near the larger cities of Tours, Angers, and Nantes that would make some novice urban riders uncomfortable, but they were quickly forgotten.

  • 4/5 Scenery
  • 4/5 Ease of navigation
  • 4/5 Local tour company services

Could have been better

This tour was our 12th bicycle tour, but the first in France. Distances were good, weather cooperated, Hotels were excellent. Route was very well sign posted. We found the route much more difficult than we expected. Many hills. The previous reviews and description did not even mention that aspect. These would have not caused much of a problem if we had opted for ebikes, and the vast majority of riders that we encountered did have ebikes. I would disagree that this tour would be labeled as family friendly, unless the family has no kids. One difficulty we had was that there were no intermediate stops for coffee, snacks, lunch, water, etc. I would recommend packing those items from the departure town each day. While the route does generally follow the river, most of the route is not next to the river and it is not visable most of the time. I hope this review does not deter anyone from this tour, since the castles, hotels, food should be enjoyed. Just a little heads-up advice.

  • 2/5 Tour documents
  • 2/5 Local tour company services
  • 4/5 Route selection

Great trip - highly recommend!

We just completed the 9 day Orleans to Angers segment of this tour and really enjoyed it. It's the first trip we have taken that we would actually take again, but next time complete the entire 13 night tour. We have taken quite a few bike tours but this one provided the best supporting materials we ever had. The turn-by-turn materials and maps were very well done and easy to follow. We never needed the GPS. Of course the trail itself is extremely well marked, which helps a lot. In addition to the great support we received from the local tour company, the Bike Tours support while setting up the tour was also very good.

The bikes were fine, a bit heavy, but comfortable. Our only issue was the tires on both bikes were under-inflated upon receipt, but we were able to resolve that without too much issue. We always carry our own tire gauge and check regularly. One bike had a mechanical issue, but the tour company was excellent at quickly resolving it.

All the hotels were great and were prepared for our arrival. They also had very good facilities for storing the bicycles. Luggage transfer went smoothly and always arrived at our hotel before we did. The only minor issue was that one hotel did not have a lift, which was surprising, but not a big deal for us. I mention it in case it might be a concern to others.

The meals, both breakfasts as well as dinners we purchased were top notch. We only had a complaint about the poor service in the Orleans restaurant. The food was good, but the entire restaurant was served by one person and it took forever to get through our meal. While the meals were all delicious, in hindsight, we may have gone without the supplemental meal package and just purchased dinners on our own. There were so many choices in almost every town that we would have enjoyed an occasional casual meal, like a delicious pizza vs the traditional French food every night. However, you can't go wrong in going with the meal package. It is definitely a French experience!

Finally, the only other suggestion I would give is to alert people in the riding materials that there is a river crossing that you have to manage on your own using a little metal raft that you have to pull to your shore, load the bikes, and then pull to the other side. Its not too difficult, but managing the loading of bikes was a little tricky. I read afterwards there are ways around this crossing but it would have been good to know about it ahead of time.

All in all, a great trip and maybe in the future we will be back to do it again.

It goes without saying that the trails, scenery and points of interest were fantastic with lots of stops along the way. Even with less than great weather, we totally enjoyed this tour.

BikeTours.com staff reply from Bruce July 10, 2021

Thanks for your review and glad that you had a nice trip! Good suggestion for the riding materials. What wonderful photos!

A memorable cycling trip ...

We were extremely pleased with the service we received through Biketours.com. Your website served as a terrific tool for choosing and planning a trip to meet our interests. The staff added to the quality of the planning by clarifying information on your website and by answering all of our questions. You were prepared to customize the tour to meet our needs and you offered suggestions that improved our experience. We felt that our trip was important to you. We were particularly pleased with the speed in which the staff responded and how another staff member would provide answers if our main contact was out of the office.

We were very pleased with the route. It offered us a nice combination of excellent and safe pathways (of varying surfaces) along rivers, through farmlands and in parklands. The route allowed us to enjoy some wonderful smaller towns and villages. The scenery was spectacular. The route also offered us opportunities for some interesting stops so that we could enjoy the local history, architecture, culture, foods and people.

  • 5/5 Bikes + equipment
  • 4/5 Tour documents

Relaxing easy route

  • 3/5 Hotels or boat

The trip met or exceeded all of my expectaions. Some in my group wished there were rest days every 4th or 5th day so they could relax off the bike and sight see more in the towns we slep in.

  • 5/5 Guides (if applicable)

Perfect Way to Enjoy the Loire Valley

This was our first bike tour, and we were a bit apprehensive about everything going well... but it did! The folks at biketours.com were so helpful and responsive, answering all our questions. We did Tours to Angers and it was a beautiful, relaxing (yet challenging!) ride. The bike paths/roads were easy to ride and follow, the rental bikes ride very well, the hotels at each town were superb (mostly old historic small hotels, all with AC), the breakfasts were delicious. But best of all, the scenery riding along the rivers and seeing or at stopping at the chateaus was fantastic. I can’t think of anywhere more perfect to do a bike tour. Directions were adequate, but we used the GPX files throughout the trip. When they took us off of the main Velo route, we really needed that extra technology, but once on the Loire de Velo route, it was very well signposted.One surprise no one told us... we needed to cross a small river using a self-operated ferry. We had no idea how to operate it! Fortunately, we met a Dutch couple who knew how to do it, so we crossed it.

  • 1/5 Tour documents

We went Orleans to Tours (self-guided) and it was lovely. Almost (!) completely level (handful of short challenges), paved path/crushed stone, 95% away from traffic, often shaded. I'm almost 64, in decent but not heroic shape, and it was easy. People very friendly (but not as bilingual as Danube trip, for example); accommodations quite satisfactory. Got quite hot (late June 2019) but that was apparently unusual. Printed materials disappointing -- almost all brochures in French only, no restaurant/bistro suggestions, few recommendations of nearby sites. Maps OK but cue sheets not written by native English speaker; need to download app and follow that way.

First step to the Atlantic

We arrived a day early. Orleans was great city. Big church. The trip was seamless. Bikes hotels maps road food just what you would expect fro. FRANCE. .... We wish we had taken the time into week 2 or 3 to complete the Loire. We will return.

  • 4/5 Included meals

Great trip in the Loire

It was my first multi-day bike trip and it was great. All the equipment and instructions were 100% . 2 comments: No one from the local company met us (so, for example, I couldn't ask how to reset the distance meter). And, there was no mobile number to which I could WhatsApp in case of problem (and I had no local calls package). Other than that it was great.

Loire Valley Self Guided Bike Tour

The trip was so interesting with beautiful scenery and good weather.

Exceptional bike tour

A wonderful bike trip through beautiful scenery including lovely farmlands and iconic french villages. Plus easy cycling.

Highly Recommend to Every Cyclist!

Great Overall Biking Trip. The scenery was splendid and loved cycling up to chateaus. As an intermediate cyclist it was a relatively easy trip. The bikes and navigation signs/written information was the best we've had (and this was our 6th trip.)

Tours to Angers

  • 3/5 Included meals

Perfect Family Trip

We were a family of 12 ranging in age from 11 to 86. It was PERFECT! Wonderful hotels, fantastic food, a beautiful trail, good bikes, short rides each day so we could enjoy the features along the way like the chateaux and the Magic Museum in Blois.

Amazing ride along the Loire!

We loved the tour. It is relatively easy riding along very well marked trails, so the navigating is much simplified. The route follows dedicated bikepaths or very sleepy country roads with few cars. The French countryside is beautiful, and there are many interesting places to stop. Friendly people and delicious food, too.

 Other Details   Book this tour 

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Cycling Loire Valley: The Loire by bike

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Cycling Loire Valley: the Loire by bike trail

The great châteaux in Amboise, the Montlouis-sur-Loire vineyards, the pretty town of Tours, the chateau and gardens of Villandry, the castles of Langeais and Azay-le-Rideau, the royal fortress of Chinon… when you are preparing your cycling holidays in France along the Loire by bike trail (“The Loire à vélo”), don’t forget, along with the distances to ride, to set aside time for sightseeing.

The Loire by bike, a unique route

In France, the Loire by bike trail was the first marked and safe cycle route . The project was initiated in 1995 by the Centre Val de Loire and Pays de la Loire regions to form the western section of Eurovélo 6 . This major route thus runs alongside three major European rivers (the Loire, the Rhine and the Danube), crossing France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, the Servie, Bulgaria and Romania.

From the foothills of the Massif Central to the beaches of the Atlantic, the Loire by bike follows the banks of Europe’s last great wild river . Over almost 900 km, an exceptional diversity of landscapes is on offer to lovers of nature and heritage.

Loire by bike in Candes-Saint-Martin - Cycling France on the Loire à vélo trail. La Loire à Vélo, Eurovélo 6 - Anjou (Saumur, Angers...), Loir-et-Cher (Blois...). Pers. This stage of La Loire à Vélo on the road from Candes-Saint-Martin to Saumur offers a rich journey for the whole family, alternating between prolific vineyards, castles and troglodyte sites in the heart of France. Come to the Loire Valley between Orélans (Loiret), Blois (Loir-et-Cher), Saumur (Maine-et-Loire) and Nantes (Loire Atlantique) and discover the Loire Valley castles such as Villandry castle, Azay-le-Rideau castle, Ussé castle or the royal fortress of Chinon, Chambord, and discover the vineyards of the Loire Valley to taste Chinon wine and Saumur wine. Ideal for a day trip or a family stay in hotel rooms between Blois, Angers (Anjou) and the banks of Saumur (Anjou), this cycling itinerary in Candes-Saint-Martin (Indre-et-Loire - France) will make you discover the most beautiful heritage castles in France. (Duration for 4 people: 1h12min - level: easy). Discover the beauties of the Loire Valley in France by following the itinerary of the Loire by bike from the town of Candes-Saint-Martin to the town of Saumur (near Angers in Anjou). Between the Loire Valley and the banks of the Vienne Valley, the Loire by Bike itinerary is ideal for a day trip or a family holiday as the route passes over bridges and small country roads to the most famous Loire castles in France. Take a trip to discover the banks of the Loire Valley by bike, a day that will take us on the road from Avoine to Saumur via Candes-Saint-Martin (Indre-et-Loire, France). The stage begins with a 26 kilometre cycle route (duration for 4 people: 2h30min - easy level) from the town of Avoine in the Indre-et-Loire region of France, which will take cyclotourists to Saumur (in the Anjou region of France), passing through the village of Candes-Saint-Martin, then Montsoreau and its Loire castle and Saumur. This cycling route is ideal for a family day trip to visit the country of France, taking advantage of the May bank holiday to stay in a hotel and book several hotel rooms (pers) before taking the train back to Saumur castle and its cycling route. The bike route passing by the castle of Angers (Anjou - France) is accessible for a family of 4 people (duration: 2h - intermediate level) to make a stop on the bridge of the right bank of the Loire valley near the saint of Saumur (Anjou - France).

The Loire by bike in Candes-Saint-Martin

In Touraine, to be precise , cycling along the Loire River itinerary takes you to the heart of the Val de Loire and its great châteaux, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site . For just under 100 km, your knurls will take you to the ramparts of Amboise , the lively heart of the city of Tours , the entrance to the gardens of Villandry or the walls of the royal fortress of Chinon .

The castles of Langeais and Ussé are also on your route, as is the Aquarium of Touraine . And that’s not all! Antennas allow you to deviate from the main route , to reach the castles of Chenonceau and Azay-le-Rideau , The Rétro Mecanic City Maurice Dufresne , the Haute Couture gardens , the Royal City of Loches , but also to catch up with other major routes such as the Indre by bike , Cœur de France by bike (Val de Cher – Canal de Berry) or even the Camino de Santiago by bike . Note also that in Chinon, a greenway leads to the “ideal city” of Richelieu , via the fairy-tale gardens of the Château du Rivau .

In addition to the castles, the Loire by bike itinerary will also take you through several vineyards . It’s up to you to improvise a tasting break in the tourist cellars of Amboise, Montlouis, Azay-le-Rideau, Chinon or Bourgueil!

Cycling the Loire by bike trail, in Amboise - Loire Valley, France.

Cycling the Loire by bike trail, in Amboise - Loire Valley, France.

Tours: unvoidable stage of the Loire by bike with the Plumereau square

Tours: unvoidable stage of the Loire by bike with the Plumereau square

The gardens of Villandry

The gardens of Villandry

An easy cycling route, even with children!

With its flat, safe, well-marked route and numerous facilities, the Loire by bike itinerary is accessible to all. From the age of 7 or 8, experience is possible, with stages of 20 to 30 kilometres per day . Of course, the little ones can also make the journey, using a cargo bike or a suitable trailer. This makes it possible to combine a visit to the châteaux of the Loire Valley with the adventure of a family cycling tour. A very fun way to visit France and its wonderful heritage!

To get to your starting point, or to get back to it ( if, for example, you need to pick up your vehicle / practical: link to the parking areas in Tours ), rail links pass through the stations of Orléans, Blois, Amboise, Tours, Chinon, Saumur, Angers and Nantes. During the summer, the Train Vélo Loire operation even allows you to take your bike on board free of charge: they have specially equipped carriages. Given the success of this event, please make sure to book!

For accommodation, there are campsites, hotels and guest houses all along the Loire by bike route . Many of them have the “Loire à Vélo” label, which means they propose good services, adapted to cycling visitors, like luggage transfer ( Bagafrance …).

Practical tips to cycling Loire Valley:

  • Bike rentals
  • Accommodation   and restaurants   with the “Loire à Vélo” label
  • Sites to visit   with the “Loire à Vélo” label
  • Exact locations of the Electrically Assisted Bicycle recharging stations (Amboise, Azay-le-Rideau, Rigny-Ussé, Chinon, plus Tours with the Accueil Vélo Rando).

Map of the Loire by bike route

Cycling Loire Valley, and tour the Loire Valley Chateaux, not far from Paris. French cycle holiday, a trip with beautiful view.

The Loire by bike route around the city of Tours

Download a pdf of the “Loire by bike” route to cycle in Touraine:

  • Loire by bike – From Amboise to  Candes-Saint-Martin





Cycling Loire Valley: dynamic map

Distances for the loire by bike route.

To prepare your stages each day, book your hotel for the night, and spot your Loire Valley chateaux  visits, count on an average of 15 km/hour (around 9 miles/hour) and make your calculations using the distance table below.

Cycling Loire Valley – Logistics

To get to the starting point of your route, or to come back again (for instance, if you have to pick up your car), connecting train services  run to the stations of Blois, Amboise, Tours, Chinon, or Saumur. In summer, the Train Vélo Loire operation even lets you take your bike on some trains (with specially designed carriages) running between Orléans and Nantes.

Also in summer, you can  add some variety by crossing the River Loire free of charge by boat  near Chapelle-sur-Loire (on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays in July and August). The crossing, run by the  boatmen of Les Vents d’Galerne ,  will open up the way to the Bourgueil wine region, where there are several cycling trails:  Au gré de la Loire  &  Grands Crus et Belles Demeures . On the french website https://www.enrouelibre-centrevaldeloire.com , you can find the different circuits and routes criss-crossing the Loire à Vélo trail.

The Loire by bike… all inclusive!

If you are planning a cycling holiday for the first time, with accommodation to be found for each stage, it is certainly easier to go through one of the agencies specialising in organised trips. Below are some agencies and examples of all-inclusive “Loire by bike” trips:

  • RandoVélo . In the heart of the greatest castles of the Loire Valley. 3 days, 2 nights, from 310€ TTC . 40 to 50 km per day. Blois, Chambord, Cheverny, Chaumont-sur-Loire, Amboise, Chenonceaux.
  • Abicyclette Voyages . Loop on the Loire, the Cher and the Indre by bike. 7 days and 6 nights, from 755€ TTC . Between 22 and 41 km per day. Passage through Tours, Amboise, Chenonceaux, Loches, Montbazon, Azay-le-Rideau, Langeais.
  • The Vélo Voyageur . The Loire by Bike between Tours and Saumur (canoe + bike). 4 days, 3 nights, from 459€ TTC . Between 21 and 35 km per day. Passage through Tours, Villandry, Azay-le-Rideau, Ussé, Chinon, Montsoreau (if canoe option) or Fontevraud (if bike option), and Saumur.
  • Evazio . The castles of the Loire Valley by bike from Blois to Saumur. 7 days, 6 nights, from 765€ TTC . Between 36 and 57 km per day. Passage through Blois, Cheverny, Amboise, Chenonceaux, Tours, Villandry, Azay-le-Rideau, Ussé, Chinon and Saumur.
  • Safrantours . The Loire by bike from Amboise to Saumur. 7 days, 6 nights, from 1 170€ TTC . Between 24 and 39 km per day. Passage through Amboise, Chaumont-sur-Loire, Tours, Villandry, Langeais, Azay-le-Rideau, Ussé, Chinon, Candes-Saint-Martin and Saumur.
  • La bicyclette verte . The Loire by bike, from Orléans to Tours. 5 days, 4 nights, from 569€ TTC . Between 25 and 65 km per day. Passage through Orléans, Beaugency, Blois, Amboise, and Tours.

More information on the Loire by bike route

Taking you beyond Touraine, on the general website www.loirebybike.co.uk  you can see the entire route from Cuffy (in the department of Cher) to Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique), including the chateau of Chambord, the chateau of Blois, the royal chateau of Amboise, Tours and Chinon.

Tours and the finest cities in Touraine

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Home > Destinations > France > Loire Valley > The Loire Valley cycle route #1 from Nevers to Orleans

The Loire Valley cycle route #1 from Nevers to Orleans

The wildest and most natural part of the loire valley.

Vue du Château de Sully sur Loire avec pont et douves Vacances à vélo

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The natural reserve "Val de Loire" Sancerre and its vineyard The Renaissance castle in Sully sur Loire The "Loire à vélo" cycling route

The Loire à vélo from the beginning of the itinerary km 0

Starting from nevers, this trip takes you to orléans in 5 beautiful cycling days. discover the wildest parts of the loire valley....

Your journey begins in Nevers where you take the opportunity to visit its earthenware district and the Palais Ducal, a 15th and 16th century castle, residence of the counts and then dukes of Nevers. The next day it’s time to hop on your bike and start your adventure. You’ll cycle to the magnificent banks of the Loire. It is at the start of the route, in Nevers, that the Loire is at its most faithful to what it has always been… a free, untamed, wild river. The route of the “Loire à Vélo” here is also a beautiful nature trail! On its banks you’ll discover the famous Bec d’Allier and the pont-canal du Guétin .

Then, between the lateral canal and the major river bed, a series of floodplains, meanders and unlikely islands herald the Val de Loire nature reserve . Then you climb up to Sancerre , a historic town overlooking the Loire, which is encircled by world-famous vineyards!

You’ll continue on to Briare and its magnificent Pont-canal before entering the UNESCO World Heritage Val de Loire area. This one takes you from the famous Renaissance castle of Sully to the finish of your cycling adventure in Orléans, city of Joan of Arc with its many historical and heritage assets that make it so famous.

Carte séjour Loire à vélo de la source - Nevers à Orléans

Leasure: You occasionally or regularly ride your bike and have experience in cycling for a whole day. You enjoy discovering new territories in a leisurely way. You can ride up to 35 to 55 km a day on relatively flat routes.

Welcome to Nevers! We invite you for a briefing during the afternoon in this beautiful city, old capital of french earthenware.

Meeting with our local guide

Before your first ride, we invite you to meet one of our guides , at your place of departure. A time of exchange, a privileged moment to give you our last practical tips, must-see places and experiences, to answer all your questions, take care of your bike fitting to begin your trip.

From NEVERS to LA CHARITE SUR LOIRE 47km 95m Leasure: You occasionally or regularly ride your bike and have experience in cycling for a whole day. You enjoy discovering new territories in a leisurely way. You can ride up to 35 to 55 km a day on relatively flat routes. ">

From Nevers, join kilometre zero of the Loire à Vélo and then take the Canal Latéral à la Loire. Halfway along the route, take a break in Marseilles-Lès-Aubigny, a charming river port. You finish at La Charité-sur-Loire, a monastic town.

From LA CHARITE SUR LOIRE to SANCERRE 28km 75m Easy: You occasionally ride your bike to relax and enjoy yourself, on your own or with family and friends. The open air and the gentle transportation the bike offers are a good way to recharge your batteries. Ideal for families with children. You cycle 25 to 40 km a day on flat routes. ">

You are in the heart of the natural reserve of the Loire Valley. Two wine regions are on your day’s agenda. We guide you after a small detour to the first in Pouilly-sur-Loire and its vineyards, village and bell tower. You then get back on your bike on an easy path that allows you to gain strength before the climb to the Sancerre hill. Arrival in Sancerre, enjoy a breathtaking view from La Tour des Fiefs, the last of the 6 towers on the feudal castle of Sancerre.

For the more motivated gourmet-oenologists, before reaching Sancerre, you can explore the Sancerre vineyards. You’ll also discover the home of the famous crottin de Chavignol. The pairing of goat’s cheese and white wine is a long debate. Take a photo and tell us what you think! Then head for Sancerre.

From SANCERRE to BRIARE 50km 165m Fit: You regularly ride and/or practice a sport. You are accustomed to traveling by bike or wish to try it out. Your physical condition allows you to cover a minimum of 45 to 70 km per day with a little bit of steep routes. ">

A few pedal strokes will take you to a first gourmet stop in Chavignol. You can choose to taste the famous goat cheese of the same name, and visit an emblematic cellar to taste the famous white wine of Sancerre of a remarkable finesse. After this pleasant moment, it is time to leave the peaceful wine-growing landscapes to join the channel to the side of the Loire that you follow by alternating with the banks of the river. You reach Cosne sur Loire and its museum of the Loire then Briare where you stay for the night to discover more deeply its aqueduct, classified as part of the UNESCO heritage.

From BRIARE to SULLY-SUR-LOIRE 43km 224m Leasure: You occasionally or regularly ride your bike and have experience in cycling for a whole day. You enjoy discovering new territories in a leisurely way. You can ride up to 35 to 55 km a day on relatively flat routes. ">

By small, slightly hilly roads you will discover the castle of Gien whose city is a high place of world renowned earthenware. You are slowly moving towards the Val de Loire territory classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The famous Renaissance castle of Sully sur Loire symbolizes the door of the castles of the Loire that its military architecture defended. Behind its military armor, the castle reveals all the grace of the Renaissance interiors which gratified its owner, the Duke of Sully.

From SULLY-SUR-LOIRE to ORLEANS 52km 113m Fit: You regularly ride and/or practice a sport. You are accustomed to traveling by bike or wish to try it out. Your physical condition allows you to cover a minimum of 45 to 70 km per day with a little bit of steep routes. ">

Today, many beautiful stops are available to you, including the views offered on the Loire. In Saint Benoît sur Loire, we invite you to visit the exceptional setting of the 12th century Roman basilica. Save some time at the end of the day for a visit to Orleans, the iconic city of Joan of Arc.

End of stay after breakfast.

chambre gamme essentielle

Essential Range

You want to enjoy your itinerary without anything fancy. Our ”essential” range offers a simple accommodation for a good night’s rest in a simple hotel, guesthouse, rest house or hostel.

facade cote cour cote jardin nevers

Chambre d’hôtes Côté Parc Côté Jardin   NEVERS

facade cote cour cote jardin nevers

Hôtel Mille et une Feuilles  LA CHARITE SUR LOIRE

hotel mille et une feuilles

Chambre d’hôtes Le Cep en Sancerrois  SANCERRE

orleans tours a velo

Hôtel du Cerf   BRIARE

Chambre colorée de l'Hôtel du Cerf halte vacances à vélo

Hôtel La Closeraie  SULLY-SUR-LOIRE

orleans tours a velo

Hôtel Marguerite  ORLEANS

devanture hôtel marguerite à Orleans

Starting from 805€/participant in Self Guided option | See detailed prices

Chambre confort Hôtel Londres

Comfort Range

Our quality standard at Abicyclette. This type of accommodation includes 2 and 3 stars hotels. Depending on the itinerary, you might spend some nights in approved guesthouses. You enjoy a double bedroom with private bathroom and toilet and adapted welcome for you and your bikes.

orleans tours a velo

Hôtel Restaurant Famille Bourgeois   SANCERRE

orleans tours a velo

Hôtel Burgevin   SULLY-SUR-LOIRE

Hotel Burgevin

Hôtel des Cèdres   ORLEANS

hotel les cèdres Orleans

Starting from 875€/participant in Self Guided option | See detailed prices

Chambre avec parquet et cheminée La Maison Jules Chambre d'hôte à Tours

Privilege Range

Opt for total comfort in charming 3 and 4 star hotels which offer all the services you need and a special welcome for you and your bikes.

Quote on request | Contact us

Price includes

  • Accommodation: 6 nights in a Double room
  • 6 breakfasts
  • Luggage transfer
  • Phone assistance 24/7
  • Access to our exclusive travel application to follow your route, inform you about places of interest, restaurants, facilitate your assistance in case of emergency, find all your travel documents and our practical advice.
  • Application fee
  • Loan of a Bicycle GPS uploaded with full itinerary of the trip
  • Cycling practical guide including restaurant recommendations for lunch & dinner
  • Day 1 : A personalized greeting with our team at the beginning of the trip to receive your travel documents

Price does not include

  • bike rental (see option)
  • Breakfast on day 1
  • Dinners not included in "Price includes"
  • Drinks, visits & other personal expenses

Homemade and fully tested itineraries

  • Routes selected for their cycling and touristic interest entirely tested and away from traffic
  • Accomodations selected for their hospitality, atmosphere, services and quality meals
  • A flexible organisation to suit you needs and wishes: You choose the date you want to you leave on! We check the availability of each accomodation to make sure it is possible.

Close assistance

  • One of our guides greets you on your first day . He will hand out all the needed documents for the trip (hotel vouchers, maps of the area,GPS, practical guide), get you settled on your bikes (for rental bikes).
  • Phone assistance,  you can reach the Abicyclette team whenever you need
  • A Luggage transfer service which respects your hours of rest (we pick them up after 10:00 and deliver them before 16:00)

Follow your itinerary anyway you like – modern, practical, traditional

appareil GPS TwoNav Cross

  • We loan you a GPS so that you can easily follow your itinerary without having to look for your way around (bike support included)
  • A practical cycling guide with all the useful information (addresses, highlights for the day,  topo maps,  and touristic information)

You can also

  • Rent a high end quality bike for real comfort, cycling pleasure and reliability a long trip requires.
  • Suscribe to a Cancelation or Multi Risk insurance policy which cover you in case something unexpected comes up.

On our guided tours (for groups on demand), we accompany you every step of the way

  • One of our state qualified instructor and professional cycling guide accompanies you every step of the way
  • Full board (all meals covered unless asked otherwise)
  • A picnic buffet set up for lunch with a wide choice of fresh and local produce

We offer a high-end bike rental service. Our bikes are suited for road and gravel road long-distance cycling. Fully equipped and highly reliable, they are faithful travel companions.

Getting here

Departure city : nevers.

Coming by car

  • at from PARIS
  • at from BORDEAUX
  • at from LYON
  • Parking Champ de Foire – NEVERS
  • Parking Port de Médine – NEVERS
  • Parking gare de Nevers – EFFIA – NEVERS

Coming by train

  • Nevers train station - 2h from Paris

Coming by plane

  • Nevers airport
  • Paris Charles de Gaulle airport

Arrival city : ORLEANS

  • at 1h45 from PARIS
  • at 4h30 from BORDEAUX
  • at 4h15 from LYON
  • Orléans train station - 1h30 from Paris
  • Orléans airport

*Parking: Since many of our clients travel by train or plane, we do not include parking in our packages. In addition, many accommodations don’t have the capacity to park a vehicle for the duration of your cycling vacation. So if you’re planning to arrive by car, we suggest you check parking options when you make your reservation. If you reserve a parking space at the first or last accommodation of your stay, you must pay the accommodation provider on site.

* Abicyclette Voyages accompanies you on demand, including transportation solutions.

How to get back to the starting point

  • By train from Orléans to Nevers in 2h20
  • Return by car in 2h30 to your starting point
  • Private shuttle: see detailed fares or contact us

Recommended equipment

  • Hybrid Bike or Touring Bike or Gravel Bike
  • 18 to 30-speed transmission
  • 26- to 29-inch wheels
  • Tires: 35 to 42 section, reinforced against punctures
  • Disc brakes recommended
  • 2 bottle cages
  • Front and rear lighting

Clothing and equipment

  • Helmet ( supplied with bike rental unless otherwise specified locally )
  • 1 bike mount for smartphone to use the mobile route planner application
  • bib, shorts or tights: elastic and breathable, to facilitate movement and wick away perspiration
  • Breathable T-shirts, synthetic or merino wool
  • Breathable windbreaker
  • Thermal or fleece jacket
  • Waterproof jacket
  • 1 pair of sunglasses
  • 1 pair of cycling shoes
  • 1 backpack or 1 or 2 carrier bags
  • 1 or 2 water bottles ( supplied with bike rental in France )
  • 1 lock ( supplied with bike rental )
  • 1 pair of gloves or mittens, depending on season and destination
  • Padded bib (chamois)
  • High-visibility vest or fluorescent belt
  • Neck warmer and cap

Bike maintenance

  • Emergency repair kit: 2 or 3 inner tubes, patches, pump, tire levers, multi-tools
  • Maintenance kit: rag, oil, brake pads
  • A suitcase for your belongings carried in the vehicle (limited to one per person)
  • Street clothes
  • 1 pair of evening shoes
  • Fleece jacket for the evening
  • Toiletry bag
  • Telephone and charger

Duration 7 days and 6 nights

Departure date From March 11th to October 28th

Destination EuroVelo 6 Loire Valley

Themes Greenways & Canals Heritage Electric bike trips Fine wine & Dining

We are at your disposal

Quentin, abicyclette voyages

Monday to Friday

Our team turn your dreams into adventures!

Custom made trips

You want a custom made cycling tour, or you’ve spotted one of our trips and would like to adapt it ? Tell us a bit about your project and we’ll help you prepare a trip that suits you best.

Why travel with Abicyclette Voyages

Personalized service

  • 7/7 Assistance
  • GPS guided itinerary
  • Bike rental

Choose your starting date

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  • Accueil vélo
  • Nos bonnes idées

La Loire à Vélo

  • close Recherche

Info travaux – Entre Nantes et Couëron

  • La Loire à Vélo
  • Location de vélo
  • Faire réparer son vélo
  • Transferts de bagages, de vélos et de personnes
  • Guides accompagnateurs
  • Consignes à bagages et à vélo
  • Parkings voitures longue durée
  • Tous les services vélo
  • Nos coups de coeur
  • Châteaux de la Loire
  • Villes et villages
  • Jardins de Loire
  • Paysages de Loire
  • Vins et gastronomie
  • Tous les immanquables
  • Chambres d’hôtes
  • Hébergements collectifs
  • Villages et résidences
  • Aire de camping car
  • Hébergements insolites
  • Tous les hébergements
  • Autour de l’eau
  • Remise en forme & bien-être
  • Sites de visite et loisirs pour les familles
  • Dans les airs
  • Découverte de patrimoine
  • Toutes les activités
  • Restaurants
  • Produits locaux et paniers pique-nique
  • Toute la restauration
  • Suggestions de parcours
  • Expériences
  • Séjours clés en main
  • Train Loire à Vélo
  • TER et cars régionaux
  • Navettes fluviales
  • Traversée du Pont de Saint-Nazaire
  • Tous les modes de déplacements
  • Qui sommes-nous ?
  • Espace presse
  • Follow us :
  • FR: Call us : +33 (0)1 80 91 98 18
  • BE: +32 (0) 2 588 76 91

Voyage vélo

2-week bike trip in the Loire Valley, from Orléans to the ocean

Discover most of the Loire cycle route from Orléans to Saint-Brévin. The itinerary of this self-guided journey balances biking and visiting, for the ones who have already done a previous bike trip.

orleans tours a velo

© Jung - Le Vélo Voyageur

orleans tours a velo

© Le Vélo Voyageur

orleans tours a velo

  • Type of stay --> Itinerant trip
  • Destination France
  • Location Loire Valley
  • Duration --> 14 days
  • Difficulty Level --> Moderate
  • Validity --> From April to October
  • Minimum age From 14 years old


  • Accommodation

orleans tours a velo

  • Bikes, luggage and documents
  • a touring bike adjusted to your size or a tandem
  • equipped : front rack pack with an integrated file compartment, saddlebag, helmet (on demand), reflective vest, repairing toolkit with patches etc.
  • We transport your luggage from one accommodation to the next using a private vehicle.
  • Your luggage is directly delivered in your accommodation before you arrive.
  • We provide a saddlebag for the things you shall need during the day.
  • a roadbook with maps that we drew at the easiest scale to follow on a bike
  • a roadbook with step-by-step description giving the direction to follow at each intersection and highlighting the points of interest

orleans tours a velo

Example of a map and of a step-by-step description

Our GPS App

  • Practical information
  • By plane: flight to Paris or Tours and then train to Orléans.
  • By train: inter-regional trains from Paris-Austerlitz station to Orléans Centre. The estimated duration of the trip is 1h05. From Tours, you can take a regional train to Orléans Centre. The approximate duration of the trip is 1h15. To plan your trip, www.raileurope.com .

If you arrive by car, you can park your car in a public car park in the city, please have a look : parkopedia.fr for more informations. It's not possible to park your car at the hotel during your whole stay.

To get back to starting point: Regional trains take you back to your starting point if you wish. They are accessible without booking in advance and bicycles are free. You have to buy your ticket on spot (full rate 20.10€/adult). There are several trains per day. You will find the timetable in your travel documents.

We can also organise a transfer in a private vehicule on demand.

Meeting time: The first day is an arrival day without cycling. You arrive whenever you want depending on from where you come. Please note that rooms are usually available in the middle of the afternoon depending on your accommodation. We thank you to advise us if you plan to arrive late.

  Memory of the trip  

orleans tours a velo

“ Great tour and great support ”

  • Download the trip description

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orleans tours a velo

  • Customized biking tour

Loire à Vélo: bike tour from Nevers to Orléans

Canal de Briare

  • The Canal de Briare and its canal-Bridge, World Heritage Site by UNESCO
  • The beautiful landscapes offered by « Loire Natural reserve »
  • The Sancerre wine
  • Discover the « Kilometre Zero » of the « Loire à Vélo »

orleans tours a velo

  • Accommodation
  • Customer reviews

Your cycling tour in the Loire Valley:

Discover the newest part of the « Loire a à Vélo » cycling paths and enjoy the wildest part of the Loire river. From Nevers to Orléans, follow the Santiago de Compostela paths, ride through the Sancerre vineyards, up to the canal-bridge in Briare … before the reaching Orléans, Joan of Arc’s town.

Day 1 : Arrival in Nevers

Visit the charming town of Nevers : its pottery workshops (where its typical “Nevers Blue” was created in the 16th century) and the Ducal Palace , considered to be one of the first of the Loire châteaux, which was the home of the counts and then the dukes of Nevers.

Day 2 : Nevers – La Charité sur Loire | 45 km

To start this 1st Loire à Vélo trail, reach Cuffy which is the Official starting point of the “Loire à Vélo” cycling path. Continue to the monastic city of la Charité-sur-Loire where you ride on the oldest Loire river bridge (16th century) to reach the beautiful Romanesque Notre Dame church.

Day 3 : La Charité sur Loire – Sancerre | 31 km or 38 km

Ride through the “ Loire Valley National Nature Reserve ” and admire the vineyards and the bell tower of Pouilly sur Loire church. Continue between fields and woods towards the famous Sancerre vineyards. And don’t hesitate to stop for a visit to a local wine producer to sample a glass of Sancerre Blanc with typical Chavignol goat cheese ! From Sancerre, overlooked by its 15 th century “Tour des Fiefs” dungeon, a beautiful view over the valley is waiting for you.

Day 4 : Sancerre – Briare | 49 km

Leave Sancerre riding along the tow-path of the Canal Latéral towards Bannay and then Cosne sur Loire , a flowered city offering beautiful landscapes over the Loire river. Continue to follow the Loire à Vélo cycling paths to Belleville sur Loire, Beaulieu sur Loire and Briare . Bordered by 72 lampposts and magnificent pillars, its “ canal bridge ” is one of the must-see monuments : a unique structure of its kind… and for a good reason: until 2003, it was the longest canal bridge in Europe!

Day 5 : Briare – Sully sur Loire | 41 km

Ride over the Loire river using the “ canal bridge ” then continue towards Saint Brisson sur Loire and its mediaeval château specialized in catapults and cannons. Then reach the nice city of Gien and enjoy its exceptional panoramic view . Then, cycle to Sully sur Loire and its remarkable mediaeval château , surrounded by moats overlooking the Loire river.

Day 6 : Sully sur Loire – Orléans | 50 km

Here again, enjoy panoramic views until you reach Saint Benoit sur Loire and its 11th-13th centuries abbey church, one of France’s most remarkable Romanesque church es . Ride to Châteauneuf sur Loire , one of the major ports of the Loire during the 18th century before ending your tour in Orléans , the “City of Art and History” liberated in 1429 by Joan of Arc from the English siege.

Day 7 : Departure during the day

The little extra with biking france:.

Private return transfer from Orléans to Nevers – (rate on request).

Extend your Loire à Vélo adventure!

To Tours with our trip: Loire à vélo: cycle tour from Orléans to Tours .

Select your category

  • from March 1st to October 31st
  • Departure: daily

Category's details

• 6 nights with breakfasts (accommodation in a two-person bedroom) • Luggage transport during the bike stages (1 luggage 20kg per person) • Equipped cycle rental for 5 days • 1 travel folder (per room) including colour maps • A personalized navigation app showing points of interest along the route • City taxes • Hotline 7 days a week

• Dinners / Lunches / Drinks • Tickets to attractions, tours of attractions, tasting • Optional insurances (Cancellation Insurance OR Tranquility Insurance) • Single room supplement (6 nights included) • Transfer from Orléans to Nevers and personal bike repatriation

According to the category (price per person)

'bike extra' & various, your accommodation.

orleans tours a velo

Your cycle hire

(bike included in this tour)

A bike that favors an upright, comfortable position, ideal for leisure riding.

OPEN frame, until 1m83 CLOSED frame, from 1m83

  • 1 rear pannier
  • 1 front pannier with a map holder
  • 1 repair kit
  • 1 smartphone holder
  • 1 bottle cage

Helmet not provided.

A “sport” bike that favors a more athletic position and riding style.

(These models of e-bikes may be replaced by another one, similar)

We provide bikes and equipment for children such as :

  • children’s bike (from 16 to 24 inches – from 1,05m to 1,45m / from 3’5’’ to 4’9’’)

velo enfant

  • “follow-me” tandem (for children from 5 to 8 years old – about 1,05m / 1,30m – from 3’5’’ to 4’4’’) The “follow-me” is a clever coupling device that allows you to attach the child’s bike to your bike with ease. It can be removed easily to let the child ride alone.

orleans tours a velo

  • trailer (for baby or 25 kg maximum children)

orleans tours a velo

  • baby seat (for baby or 22 kg maximum children, fixed on the rear rack)

Your journey

Tour description

Mix of cycling paths or signposted routes for cyclists (90%) and small traffic roads.

Bike stages trip profiles: (click below to see the trip profile of each stage)

  • stage Nevers – La Charité sur Loire : 45km / elevation gain : 211m / elevation loss : 192m
  • stage La Charité sur Loire – Sancerre (short version) : 29 km / elevation gain : 184m / elevation loss : 93m
  • stage La Charité sur Loire – Sancerre (vineyards version) : 39 km / elevation gain : 449m / elevation loss : 358m
  • stage Sancerre – Briare : 49 km / elevation gain : 270m / elevation loss : 424m
  • stage Briare – Sully sur Loire : 40 km / elevation gain : 177m / elevation loss : 196m
  • stage Sully sur Loire – Orléans : 50 km / elevation gain : 132m / elevation loss : 143m

Navigation app:

Besides the maps, we also provide a personalized navigation app showing points of interest along the route.

How to arrive in Nevers

By train From Paris Gare de Bercy train station to Nevers train station (about 2h by train). For more information, do not hesitate to visit : www.sncf.com

  • From Roissy CDG airport: – Roissy Charles de Gaulle T.2 train station >> St Pierre des Corps train station or Lyon Part Dieu train station (by TGV train) >> Nevers train station (by regular train).

– RER B >> Paris centre – stop ‘Denfert Rochereau’  >> Metro line 6 – stop ‘Bercy’ >> Paris Bercy train station >> Nevers train station. www.parisaeroport.fr/en/passengers/access/paris-charles-de-gaulle/public-transport www.transilien.com/en www.ratp.fr/en/plans-lignes

  • From Orly airport: – Taxi transfer to Paris Bercy train station >> Nevers train station.

– Bus shuttle (Orly Bus) : from Orly Sud > > Paris centre – stop ‘Denfert Rochereau’ >> Metro line 6 – stop ‘Bercy’ >> Paris Bercy train station >> Nevers train station. http://aeroportorly.paris/orlybus.php

– Orly Val (automatic metro) >> Paris – stop ‘Antony’ >> RER B – stop ‘Denfert Rochereau’  >> Metro line 6 – stop ‘Bercy’ >> Paris Bercy train station >> Nevers train station. http://aeroportorly.paris/orlyval.php

  • From Beauvais airport: – Taxi transfer to Paris Bercy train station >> Nevers train station.

– Bus shuttle >> Paris – stop ‘Porte Maillot’ >> >> Metro line 1 – stop ‘Châtelet’ + line 14 – stop ‘Bercy’ >> Paris Bercy train station >> Nevers train station. www.aeroportparisbeauvais.com/en/acces-et-transports/navettes/

If you have to come back to the start point:

  • This return can be carry out by RandoVelo/Biking France: please contact us!
  • A return transfer by train is possible and organised on your own. Please visit: www.sncf.com Plan to go to the train station with your luggage (and your potential own bike) (Personal bike return costs are on your responsibility). – Orléans train Station >> Nevers train Station via Vierzon (about 2h20 by train) or Paris – Orléans >> Nevers (by taxi).

If you have to return to Paris (city centre) / Paris Airports :

  • A return transfer by train is possible and organised on your own. Please visit: www.sncf.com Plan to go to the train station with your luggage (and your potential own bike) (Personal bike return costs are on your responsibility). – Orléans train Station >> Paris Austerlitz Station (by train). – Orléans train Station >> Saint Pierre des Corps train Station (by train) >> Roissy Charles de Gaulle T.2 train station (by TGV train).

> Nearby airport : – Tours Airport : www.tours.aeroport.fr/home

Trip overall rating : / 8 testimonials

Ce circuit est intéressant : étapes pas trop longues permettant de s’intéresser aux villes étapes. Et il est à l’écart des flux touristiques. L’accueil des hôtels est agréable parce que familial. Pas de difficultés pour se restaurer.

Un moyen agréable de voyager en vélo en couple, dans un paysage très bien choisi avec du matériel de grande qualité. Un parcours plaisant car en bord de Loire, la plupart du temps, mais pas le plus intéressant de tous car il manque des centres d’intérêt sur le parcours pour varier les plaisirs.

We thoroughly recommend RandoVelo for fabulous electric bikes and great service.

Nous avons vécu une très belle expérience le long de la Loire qui est vraiment un fleuve sauvage. Nature magnifique, étapes culturelles inattendues et superbes. le Val de Loire est vraiment une région très classe. Nous avons été très bien accueillis partout. Les touristes en vélo, discrets, non polluants, peu nombreux , sont de toute évidence les bienvenus.

Notre 3è expérience avec Randovélo a été aussi réussie que les 2 premières. Vélos en parfait état, roadbook nickel, étapes bien dosées, très bons hôtels et accueil partout remarquable.

Nevers – Orléans,une partie moins prestigieuse mais plus tranquille le long du canal et plus sauvage.Toujours un plaisir aux abords de Sancerre et Orléans,une belle découverte.

Au terme d’un voyage parfaitement réussi de NEVERS à TOURS en vélo, nous voulons témoigner de notre profonde satisfaction de ce voyage de 7 jours. La qualité et la rigueur du travail réalisé par les services de Rando Vélo a été permanente; elle a permis la réussite complète de notre projet. A l’occasion d’un événement imprévu et imprévisible survenu le 1er jour, nous avons pu mesurer la réactivité et la parfaite efficacité des services et de plus leur extrême gentillesse. Le matériel, les hébergements, les feuilles de route: tout était parfait et nous en sommes vraiment reconnaissants à tous les personnels concernés. Il est bien évident qu’avec un tel bilan, nous ne pouvons que recommander pleinement cet organisme pour vos projets de voyage itinérants. Christine et Alain: cyclistes bretons.

Nous avons été très content avec le service de “RandoVelo”

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  • Centre Based
  • Classic Cycle Routes of France
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  • Custom tours
  • Why France?
  • Self guided trips
  • Information
  • Rental bikes
  • Travel terms and conditions
  • Environmental Policy
  • Company history

Loire Valley - from Orléans to the Atlantic Coast

The terrain is slightly hilly. You will encounter a short incline from time to time. With some cycling experience you should easily be able to handle this level. Daily distances span 30-65 km.

The terrain is slightly hilly. You will encounter a short incline from time to time. With an e-bike and some cycling experience you should easily be able to handle this level. Daily distances span 30-65 km.


Level 1 Easy Our easiest trips. Well suited for beginners, seniors and families, who are looking for a relaxed cycling event. Flat routes with sometimes a gentle slope. Short distances; not more than 35 km/21 miles per day. There’s still enough time ‘to smell the flowers’. Often trips along rivers and seashores like the Loire river or the Atlantic Coast. Level 2 Easy to moderate These trips, for the ones who are cycling now and then, are a bit more challenging. Still these cycle adventures remain relaxed holidays. The steep slopes are short, while the longer slopes are not so steep. The landscape varies from flat land to gently hills. The distances, which are not more than 50 km/31 mi, make the cycling days a bit longer. Level 3 Moderate These are trips for more sportive people who are cycling regularly and having a good condition. The slopes are longer and steeper, the daily distances mostly between 50 km/31 miles and 65 km/40 miles. There are more challenging days during these holidays. Often these trips are taken place in the more hilly and a bit mountainous regions.. Level 4 Moderate to streneous  For those who want to search for their cycling limits and have a splendid condition. Some big climbs, long and demanding distances (mainly more than 65 km/40 miles) makes those trips a challenging event.  Those cycle adventures are taken place in the more mountainous regions of France. Level 5 Streneous These challenging adventures are only for the experienced cyclists who have done those kinds of longer and strenuous trips before. The combination of long daily distances with regularly steep climbs are making these challenges great for the ‘tough few’.

Loire Valley - from Orléans to the Atlantic Coast


Bike Tour: Loire Valley - from Orléans to the Atlantic Coast - 13 days

Cycling along a part of the famous  "Loire à Velo"   route through the world famous  "Pays des Châteaux", the most splendid  cultural part of the Loire Valley . Along magnificent castles : Blois, Amboise, Villandry…. Crossing the Anjou-Touraine natural reserve with its beautiful wild river landscapes and nice stops during the day to taste some of the excellent wines of the region. Then  experiencing the immense changes in nature when approaching the ocean!

Highlights :

  • Cycle historic town to town with their prestigious castles
  • Enjoy the varied lanscapes form the wild riverbanks and the final Atlantic coast destination
  • Pass through most beautiful towns along the Loire: Orléans,Tours...
  • Discover natural sites: caves/troglodytes, mushroom houses, gardens
  • Try different regional dishes accompanied by delicious local wines

The total ‘Loire à Vélo’ route runs from Nevers to ‘l'Océan‘, let's say from ‘source' to mouth. The route can be divided into 3 various stages which can also be booked separately. You can add additional detours during this trip. 


  • Accommodation
  • Bike rental
  • Practical info
  • Arrival info

You individually travel to Orléans, the entrance/gateway to the heart of the famous Loire valley. Once it was a capital in the early French Middle Ages, but nowadays it’s a lively, modern town with a beautiful historic centre. An ideal place to start this route along Europe’s last wild river: the Loire.

Once you have left the city noise behind, you soon reach the confluence of the Loiret and the Loire. A part of the day you follow the high banks with beautiful views of the surrounding undulating countryside. Don’t miss the charming and historic town Meung-sur-Loire. Finally arrive at historic Beaugency where you can admire the beautiful old Loire bridge. In 1429 Jeanne d'Arc's army was crossing this bridge to liberate the small town. You will find her statue here on a prominent spot.

Challenge : 28.2 km, 159 m ascent, 172 m descent

Today you will leave Beaugency along the river banks, passing the prestigious château of Chambord, the largest château in the Loire Valley and a Renaissance masterpiece. Continue cycling towards Blois, known for its light facades and blue roofs, its pedestrian streets gracefully preserving the flavour of lost centuries, and its serene atmosphere. The château in Blois offers an excellent illustration of the evolution of French architecture from the Middle Ages to the 17th century.

Challenge : 45.9 km, 328 m ascent, 345 m descent

From Blois you follow the southern bank of the Loire. Between rolling hills with vineyards, you cycle to Cande-sur-Beuvron. Continue cycling along the Beuvron river to the majestic Loire river. High on the bank is the elegant castle of Chaumont-sur-Loire surrounded by beautiful gardens. You are in the historic region Touraine. Visit a wine grower and taste a local ‘sauvignon blanc´. Enjoy the grandeur of the Château Amboise and Clos-Lucé where Leonardo da Vinci once stayed. There are some short climbs on the way.

Challenge : 42.5 km, 337 m ascent, 343 m descent

Leave the medieval atmosphere of Amboise behind you and cycle into the region of the prestigious ´Montlouis’ wines. The ideal microclimate, close to where the Loire and Cher unite, produces grapes of a unique quality. Discover this yourself during a visit to a wine cellar or a lunchbreak. A fine track leads to Tours, the friendly capital of what is called ´the garden of France'. Here great experiences are awaiting you like the magnificent cathedral and basilica, the Olivier Debré Art Centre, the Botanical Garden, the flavors of the markets...

Challenge : 55.6 km, 419 m ascent, 434 m descent

Touraine is known as “Le Jardin de la France” and Tours is a perfect central gateway for exploring it. This Loire à Vélo stage leads you along the south bank of the Cher River to the Château de Villandry, a major stop, with its world-famous gardens, before reaching Azay-le-Rideau and its castle. Many people believe this château to be the most beautiful in the whole Loire region, even though technically it sits by the Indre river, and not the Loire. Its elegant silhouette is reflected in the water of its huge moat, looming up like a huge stone ship. This stage proves extremely enjoyable.

Challenge : 41.1 km, 336 m ascent, 339 m descent

This is a star-studded Loire à Vélo stage, taking you from the glorious Château d’Azay le Rideau, on via the confluence of Loire river to the Fortress of Chinon via the fairytale Château d’Ussé. On this stage, you cycle along a raised levée beside the Loire, allowing you wonderful views of the great river. Today is marked by atmospheric islands in the Loire colonized by birds. At the Indre River’s confluence with the Loire, the setting is unspoilt. Today go and discover the charming medieval town of Chinon on the banks of the Vienne river. An impressive fortress, the historic quarters and small shops provide a really authentic feel.

Challenge : 32.2 km, 276 m ascent, 292 m descent

Take some time in the morning to visit the world-famous abbey of Fontevraud. The vast Royal Abbey with its delightful architecture. Then you cycle to Montsoreau: its magnificent castle overlooking the Loire, enjoy a river boat ride in a traditional wooden boat or bargain at the monthly ‘brocante’ and ‘puces’ market. The delightful village of Candes St Martin is worth a detour too, walk up to the panorama to look out over the Loire and Vienne rivers. Your destination today is Saumur, with its famous castle and Cadre Noire horse riding school. In summer horse drawn carts and river boats provide alternative ways of transport too. Saumur boasts the biggest tank museum in the world. Don’t forget the well-known sparkling wine either!

Challenge: 44.6km, 491m ascent, 458m descent

Go right along the southern bank of the river. Admire the monuments of local white tuff stone, such as the church in Cunault and St-Maur Abbey. Once in St-Mathurin-sur-Loire you follow the northern bank of the Loire through a former swamp that was drained in the Middle Ages. Some time later you see tracks of the old slate quarries of Trélazé. Then enjoy crossing the Authion River via a little chain ferry.  Your destination Angers, situated on both sides of the river Maine, attracts your attention.

Challenge: 58.5km, 695m ascent, 680m descent

In the heart of Anjou, this Loire à Vélo stage goes from opposite Angers’s central castle out via the green setting of the Lac de Maine. This urban stage is startling, avoiding motorized traffic, taking you through parkland and alongside the Maine River. Bouchemaine is great for a stop, for its typical quayside restaurants or a picnic beside the Loire. Continue to La Pointe, in a tremendous setting in the heart of Anjou, where the Maine River joins the Loire. A bit west, this magical Loire à Vélo stage allows you glimpses of the prestigious vine-covered slopes of Savennières. You follow the wild Loire closely here. Don’t miss Béhuard Island before going on to cross Chalonnes’s island, one of the largest on the Loire. Nearby, along the south bank, are the celebrated Coteaux du Layon vineyards, then the pretty perched villages of Montjean-sur-Loire and Ingrandes.

Challenge: 42km, 348m ascent, 360m descent

From Ingrandes, you quickly reach the village of St-Florent-le-Vieil, with its great views of the Loire Valley, this Loire à Vélo stage goes on to Champtoceaux, a historic fortified site with further tremendous river views, standing on Anjou’s frontier with the Pays d’Ancenis on the north bank. It’s worth conquering the heights of St-Florent and Champtoceaux for the panoramas! The route is along quiet roads and greenways. Designated European Green Capital in 2013, the city of Nantes comes into view, a shaded towpath offering a gentle way into town. The new Tabarly Bridge leads over to L’île de Nantes, home to extraordinary outsized machines you can ride on, and to the Malakoff Quarter, being completely renovated. This island makes for a great introduction to the joyous tumult of the largest city along the Loire à Vélo cycle route.

Challenge: 64.4km, 442m ascent, 447m descent

Surprising works of art at unusual places enliven the start of this trip along the mouth of the Loire. After Le Pellerin the Martinière canal acts as your guide. You cycle along small, quiet roads through landscapes belonging to the mouth of a big river: broad marshes and meadows. From Paimboeuf you follow a part of the coastal route ‘Velodyssée’. You will notice the strong influence of tides and currents on the Loire. Your trip ends in Saint-Brevin-les-Pins, a lively seaside resort on the Atlantic coast.

Challenge: 58.3km, 337 m ascent, 335m descent

Breakfast marks the end of the trip. You can travel back to Orléans by train.  Some time left? We advise you to extend your stay in order to take the time to visit the beautiful Atlantic Coast.

Hotel Escale Océania


Hotel Relais des Templiers


Hôtel Anne de Bretagne


Hotel le Chaptal


Hotel Mirabeau


Hotel de Biencourt


Hôtel Diderot - Chinon - FBT


Hotel Ibis Style Gare Centre


Hotel le Progrès


Au Poisson d'Argent Ingrandes


Hôtel Voltaire Opera *** (Nantes)


Hotel Petit Trianon


Empreinte Hôtel**** (Orléans)


Hôtel de la Sologne*** (Beaugency)


Hôtel Mercure Blois Centre**** (Blois)


Hôtel Le Clos d'Amboise**** (Amboise)


Grand Hôtel de Tours**** (Tours)


Hôtel de Biencourt*** (Azay-le-Rideau)


Hôtel de France**** (Angers)


Hôtel Au Poisson d'Argent (Le Mesnil en Vallée) 


Oceania**** Hôtel de France (Nantes)

If you don’t bring your own, you can rent a bicycle (hybrid or ebike) from us. You will find your rental bikes waiting for you at your first hotel. The hotel reception staff will give you the keys for your bikes and direct you to the bicycle shed. All bikes are provided with chain locks.  The frame and saddle height are set to your height, although you might want to adjust your saddle to be in the most comfortable position. We also recommend doing a first small test drive of couple of hundred meters to be comfortable with gears, brakes etc. If you have an issue with your bike, you can contact the service provider (name of bike rental in your reservation) directly. Or you can always call us on our emergency phone number.   Our hybrid touring bikes are at least 21-speed gear. You can find all the information regarding our rental bikes below. Experience the advantages of an electric bike on your cycling holiday, particularly when there's a significant gap in ability and experience among cyclists. An e-bike provides a gentle boost up hills, allowing you to easily keep pace with your companions. With a small electric motor and battery, e-bikes make bike trips more achievable, and their batteries can be conveniently charged at hotels. While you still need to pedal, the e-bike significantly reduces the effort required. Familiarity with e-bikes is advised due to their quicker acceleration and heavier build compared to regular bikes, attributed to the electric motor.

Instruction video hybrid bike and e-bike

Please note : Depending on the trip, different models apply

Hybrid bikes

Our hybrid bikes have at least 21-gears with hand brakes. 

The hybrid bikes are very good quality. Depending the trip, different model apply: Scott, Giant, Trek, Koga, ...

orleans tours a velo

Whenever there is a big difference in level of ability, experience the many benefits of an  electric bike on your cycling holiday. An e-bike will help you keep up with your fellow cyclists and give you a gentle boost up hills. An e-bike makes a bike trip more achievable. The e-bikes have a small electric motor and battery, which can be charged at the hotels. You still have to pedal: it just makes pedaling much easier. Some experience with e-bikes is recommended, as the bikes accelerate faster and are heavier than regular bikes because of the electric motor.

The E-bikes are very good quality. Depending on the trip, different models apply: Scott, Giant, Trek, Koga, ...

orleans tours a velo

Racing bikes

For some trips, we can give you the possibility to rent a Racing bike, more details on request.

orleans tours a velo

Tandem bike

For some trips, we can give you the possibility to rent a Tandem bike, suitable for two adults only. More details on request.

orleans tours a velo

Child bikes

For children who are at least 125 cm, we can also arrange bikes (these are 24”or 26” for children that are bigger than 140 cm). The child bikes come with at least 7-gears and hand brakes. The maximum body height for a child’s bike is 155 cm. 

Please note : for some tours, different models apply.

orleans tours a velo

Tag-along bike

A tag-along bike is a good option for children between approx. 100 cm and 125 cm, as they can pedal themselves and at their own pace but don’t have to worry about other traffic.

The tag-along bikes cannot be rented for all our tours

Please note : depending the trip, different models apply.

orleans tours a velo

Child trailer

Child trailers can be rented for a maximum of two children who are up to 100 cm (max. 35 KG in total).

orleans tours a velo


All our rental bikes come with a bell.

All our adult bikes come with hand brakes. 

For children older than 30 months (max. 22 kg) it is possible to rent a rear child seat. This is also possible with e-bikes.

For some tours, it is possible to rent a GPS device, more details on request.

Helmets are not mandatory in France (if the cyclist is over 12 years old) but strongly recommended. The helmet is mandatory for children under 12 years. If you rent a bike with us, helmets are included. Please advise us, if you bring along your own.

All our rental bikes come with lights.

All our rental bikes come with a lock.

All our rental bikes come with at least a rear pannier and a front card holder to put the roadbook/maps.

The rental bikes come with regular pedals, so no click-in/SPD pedals. On request we are able to supply these pedals on certain trips.  If you wish to bring your own click-in/SPD pedals, please let us know prior to booking too.

All our bikes come with a quick release system, which makes it very easy to adjust the height of the saddle and the handle bars. 

There is one small puncture kit included, which can be found in the pannier. If a rental bike has another problem, we always advise you to go to a bike repair shop.

Saddles can be adjusted in height. Our saddles don’t come with a gel cover. If you usually cycle with this, we recommend you bring them with you.

French Bike Tours does not provide water bottles. We can also not guarantee that there are bottle holders on the bikes. You will always receive at least 1x pannier, so you can always store your water bottle in your pannier.

General Terms and Conditions

Article 1 Bike Rental Price

The bike rental price is determined by the rates mentioned on the French Bike Tours website at the time of the booking; or as subsequently agreed.

Article 2 Payment

a. The rental price and any other due sums regarding the rental agreement must be paid before the bike is handed over to you.

b. If, for whatever reason, you cannot make use of the bike(s) you have rented, French Bike Tours will not be held responsible for any resulting expenses or damage.

c. In the case of the article 2b, the client remains obliged to pay the full rental price and any other amounts mentioned in the invoice, in accordance with our General Terms and Conditions of Booking, unless the client can prove that his not being able to use the bike was the consequence of a defect that was already present at the beginning of the rental period.

Article 3 Rental Period

a. The rental period runs from the morning of the first cycling day (day 2) to the end of the holiday (last cycling day), as stated in the booking confirmation.

b. Extension of the rental period is possible only after approval by us and according to the (extension) rates as mentioned in article 1.

c. No refunds are possible after the rental period begins. If you return the bike(s) to us before the end of your holiday, the rental agreement will automatically be terminated and you will not get any of your money back.

d. At the end of the last cycling day of your holiday, the bike(s) must be returned to the hotel from where it was/they were issued, no later than the time stated in the booking confirmation. If you book a one way tour tour you can leave the bike at the last hotel of the trip. 

e. If the bike(s) is /are not returned by the return time stated in the booking confirmation, we will continue to charge you rent until such time as the bike(s) is/are returned to us or is/are received by us. In the event of late return, the rates as mentioned in article 1 will continue to apply, plus a fine of €25 per day. We also reserve the right to demand payment for any costs and/or damages suffered by us due to late return of our rental bike(s).

f. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, in the event of late return of our rental bikes, we reserve the right to dissolve the rental agreement without judicial intervention and immediately claim back our bicycles where ever they may be and from whomever has them. French Bike Tours also holds this right in the event that the client does not comply with any of the other conditions stated in this rental agreement.

Article 4 Improper Use

a. The bicycle(s) may only be used for its/their intended purpose and only by the cyclists listed in the rental agreement.

b. The bike(s) must be returned to us in the same (clean!) state in which you received it/them.

c. You must take excellent care of the bicycle(s), as if it/they were your own. You must take every precaution against damage, loss or theft.

d. The bicycle may not be used on the beach; or on sandy paths in the dunes unless a paved path is unavailable.

Article 5 Damage, Loss and Theft

The renter will be held responsible for damages to or loss of the bicycle(s) or parts of it, as well as bicycle keys and chains and locks, for such an amount as is determined by us according to standard market prices. You must understand that you are not insured for damage to the bicycle(s) or for any damages to third parties.

Article 6 Costs During the Rental Period

Any charges and taxes regarding the rental bicycle(s), such as fines and ferry tickets, are to be paid by you. You will also be required to pay all costs ensuing from the use of the bicycle(s) such as parking fees, maintenance and repairs. 

orleans tours a velo

12 Nights included

orleans tours a velo

2/3 Star Hotels or 3/4 Star Hotels (supplement applied)

orleans tours a velo

Tourist tax included

orleans tours a velo

Breakfast included, Halfboard optional on request

orleans tours a velo

Maps and tourist information on all the places of interest

orleans tours a velo

24/7 Bilingual Emergency hotline

orleans tours a velo

Luggage transport to your next accommodations.  Luggage accepted per person: 1 suitcase or travel bag (20 kg maximum)

orleans tours a velo

For time tables and further information check the website of SNCF or rome2rio for all French National trains (SNCF).

We strongly advise you to download the sncf mobile app prior to departure.

If you want to travel on a train with your bike, you can find more information via this link .

orleans tours a velo

Parking informations on request

orleans tours a velo

GPS tracks are available on request

When you start the tour in Amsterdam, Bruges, Utrecht, Bunnik and Huizen it is possible to rent a GPS device (€ 10 each). GPS tracks are available for all tours

orleans tours a velo

The international  Paris airports  Charles de Gaulle in the north and Orly in the south are served by a large number of scheduled and low cost airlines.They are connected with Paris by metro and bus services. From Paris you can take a train to Orléans, see below.

orleans tours a velo

You can get to Orléans by train. On the end of your trip you can take a train from Saint-Nazaire.

For timetables and further information check the website of SNCF or rome2rio for all French National trains (SNCF).

orleans tours a velo

From Paris to Orléans (approx. 1h50 - 135 km/84 mi).  Acces to driving routes see the website  ViaMichelin .

We spent a month cycling through Loire Valley and Canals Garonne and Midi. Our self guided tour was prepared to include personal requests. During the organisation period we experienced helpful advice and excellent communication. Hire bikes were of excellent quality and comfortable to ride. Hotels were usually of high standard, always in good locations to explore old towns etc and in most cases breakfasts were more than adequate. Route instructions were thorough, provided in an app, printed booklet and gpx files for uploading onto our own device. Support was available during the ride using WhatsApp. While the weather was not in our favour, making some of the route unrideable, we thoroughly enjoyed the time and appreciated the preparation done for us.

The chain ferry on the trip to Angers was hilarious!!

Select your start date:


Similar Trips:

The Loire Valley - from Nevers to Atlantic coast

Cycling in France


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  • Private: Just you and your group making memories that will last your lifetime.
  • Quality Time: There’s no better way to travel than alongside family and or friends. Enjoy quality time exploring the world with those you love most.

Loire Valley by Bike: Nevers to Orléans

Chat with us on our contact page or fill out the form below!

Ride the 1st section of the Loire a Vélo on this 7-day self-guided tour

Sancere vineyards in Loire Valley

  • Lifetime Deposit - Lifetime deposit means if you need to cancel your booking you’ll get a credit for your full deposit to use on your next booking.

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Why travellers choose this tour

At 10Adventures, we take care of the details so that our guests can focus on making memories. Enjoy these key features on this tour.

We're Canadian

Book with a Canadian company whose mission is to help you travel the world.


Accommodations for 6 nights are included. Accommodations before the tour in Nevers and after the tour in Orléans are not included but can be added as a supplement. You can also book ahead to extend your stay at any of the overnight locations along the route.

Don't worry about meals. 6 breakfasts are included.

Check out the 'What's Included' tab for more info on personal transfers during your tour.

Local Support

Travel stress-free knowing in-country local support is available by regular phone or WhatsApp to support you during your tour.

Payments Made Easy

Enjoy the flexibility and ease of staggered payments in your own currency using your choice of credit card.

Route Resources

Route notes, maps, and/or a trail app make navigation on this tour a breeze.

Park Entrance Fees

Included where possible! Check the 'What's Included' tab for more info on park entrance fees during your tour.

Luggage transfers

Take a load off, with optional or included luggage transfers. Check inclusions for further details.

Accommodation for Loire Valley by Bike: Nevers to Orléans

This tour is available with either standard or deluxe accommodations. Hotels and B&Bs on the standard tour are 2-star and 3-star and offer basic conveniences. Hotels and B&Bs on the deluxe tour are 3-star and 4-star and offer modern conveniences.

In some cases, the accommodation listed below may need to be substituted for other comparable accommodations.

Single Rooms and Solo Travellers If you are a solo traveller or you prefer a single room, the required supplements are included in the listed prices.

Chambres D’Hotes in Nevers

Chambres d’Hotes Cote Parc-Cote Jardin in Nevers

This converted mansion built in 1936 has been artfully renovated and offers guests the perfect centrally located base for exploring Nevers.

orleans tours a velo

Hôtel Mille et une Feuilles (La Charité sur Loire

Hôtel Mille et une Feuilles in La Charité-sur-Loire is a charming and cozy accommodation, offering guests a comfortable stay in the picturesque surroundings of La Charité-sur-Loire, showcasing local hospitality and tranquility.

orleans tours a velo

Hôtel Le Panoramic (Sancerre)

Hôtel Le Panoramic in Sancerre is a cozy and picturesque accommodation, offering guests a comfortable stay and potentially showcasing scenic views of the surrounding vineyards and the beautiful landscape of Sancerre.

Hôtel Le Cerf in Briare

Hôtel Le Cerf in Briare

Guests will find themselves welcomed into a warm, family-friendly environment at this hotel in Briare, which provides the perfect mix of comfort and value.

Hotel la Closeraie in Sully-sur-Loire

Hotel la Closeraie in Sully-sur-Loire

Sleep just a stone’s throw away from the Château de Sully sur Loir at this castlelike hotel located in a beautifully renovated 19th-century house.

Hôtel Oceania Orléans in Orléans

Hôtel Oceania Orléans in Orléans

Guests will enjoy views of the Loire from this contemporary hotel featuring stylish, modern rooms and several great amenities including a 24-hour bar.

Standard Accommodation

Hôtel Mille et une Feuilles in La Charite-sur-Loire

Hôtel Mille et une Feuilles in La Charité sur Loire

Located centrally in the elegant Charité Sur Loire, this charming hotel features several unique amenities such as canoe rental. The hotel is located within walking distance of the historic district, making it the perfect base for a stroll of the town.

Hòtel Domaine des Roches in Briare

Hôtel Domaine des Roches in Briare

A lovely genteel hotel set in a 19th-century manor house that features an indoor pool and an excellent breakfast.

Hôtel Burgevin in Sully-sur-Loire

Hôtel Burgevin in Sully sur Loire

A former coaching in, turned charming hotel, sets the tone for this stately hotel located just a short walk from the famous Château de Sully-sur-Loire.

Hôtel Empreinte in Orléans

Empreinte Hôtel in Orleans

Comfort and relaxation sets the tone at this deluxe and stylish hotel where you can treat yourself at the hotel spa or cozy up in the lounge.

Deluxe Accommodations

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Loire Valley by Bike: Nevers to Orléans Tour Details

Loire valley by bike: nevers to orléans overview.

Enjoy a mesmerizing cycling journey as you embark on the first section of the 800km Loire a Vélo (Loire Valley Cycling Route) riding from Nevers to Orléans. The 7-day self-guided Loire Valley by Bike: Nevers to Orléans tour will guide you along the banks of France's oldest river as you explore medieval villages, enchanted castles, and beautiful wine regions.

The 800km long Loire a Vélo (Loire Valley Cycling Route) is a superb cycling route that starts in Cuffy and ends on the Atlantic Coast in Saint-Brevin-Les-Pins. The route that introduces riders to the best of the Loire Valley makes up the western section of the EV6 (Rivers Route), the trans-European cycle route that spans from France to Romania. The 7-day self-guided Loire Valley by Bike: Nevers to Orléans tour will have you completing the 1st stage of the Loire a Vélo as you ride from Nevers to Orléans.

Easy and approachable cycling routes allow you to appreciate the Loire Valley's breathtaking landscapes. This self-guided tour grants you the freedom to stop where you please, enjoying the authentic villages and towns of Burgundy and the Centre-Val de Loire along the way.

Pedal towards the magnificent Romanesque church of Notre Dame via the oldest bridge of the Loire, a 16th-century masterpiece suspended above the river in Charité-Sur-Loire. Explore the medieval hilltop village of Sancerre and its renowned wine region, hopping off your bike to savour a glass of crisp Sauvignon Blanc paired with a rich Chavignol goat's cheese.

The allure of France's Loire Valley is yours to discover on this mesmerizing cycling tour. The only thing left to decide is when you'll go!

Loire Valley by Bike: Nevers to Orléans Itinerary

Your tour begins in the lovely Burgundian town of Nevers, situated on the timeless Loire River. Settle into your accommodations here, then set out to explore the charming town center.

Nevers faience pottery is famous worldwide and still produced here today, and you're likely to come across several potters during your walk around town. Some other must-sees in Nevers are the Nevers Cathedral and the Palais Ducal with its impressive renaissance façade.

Join the Loire Valley Cycling Route

This morning you’ll ride to the small village of Cuffy, at the confluence of the Loire and Allier rivers. The 800km Loire a Vélo (Loire Valley Cycling Route) begins here, and today you’ll commence on its first stage.

Enjoy a pleasant ride to the monastery town of Charité-sur-Loire, where you’ll pedal a 16th-century bridge to the spellbinding Notre Dame church, known as one of the most important Romanesque edifices in Burgundy.

Tonight, you’ll spend the evening in lovely Charité-sur-Loire, where spectacular food and wines from the local vineyards of Burgundy won’t disappoint.

Cycle the Vineyards of Sancerre

Continue your route through the vast undulating vineyards that carpet the Loire Valley as you ride towards Sancerre this morning. Enjoy a quick stop in Pouilly-sur-Loire on your way to admire the beautiful bell tower of the village church.

Continue through lovely woods and sprawling fields to the famous wine region of Sancerre. Hop off your bikes and enjoy a crisp glass of the local Sauvignon Blanc paired with Chavignol goat’s cheese, a true afternoon delight! Ride to your hotel enjoying breathtaking views of the Loire Valley from your advantageous position in the medieval hilltop town of Sancerre.

Cycle the Canal Latéral to Briare

Depart Sancerre this morning via the Canal Latéral towards the flowery town of Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire, perched on the Loire’s right bank.

Continue to Elleville-sur-Loire and then Beaulieu-sur-Loire until you reach beautiful Briare.

Cycle to Sully-sur-Loire via Saint-Brisson-sur-Loire and Gien

This morning you’ll be invited to appreciate the Loire from a different perspective as you cross the river via the canal bridge, continuing to Saint-Brisson-sur-Loire. Then, ride on to the lively town of Gien, where you’ll explore the impressive castle of Anne de Beaujeu and an 18th-century 12-pillar bridge.

Press on to your destination for today, Sully-sur-Loire. The star of the town is a remarkable medieval castle, entirely encased by moats with the brilliant backdrop of the Loire River to perfect an already mesmerizing sight.

Cycle to Orléans via Saint-Benoit and Chateauneuf-sur-Loire

Revel in the grand views of the valley this morning as you ride to Saint-Benoit, where you’ll want to hop off your bike to explore the 11th-century abbey situated here. Continue to the Chateauneuf-sur-Loire, once a vital port on the Loire in the 19th-century, before riding on to Orléans.

Known as the town of art and history, Orléans is a former royal city full of allure and charm. Stroll the pedestrian walkways of the old town, perusing the cobbled streets lined with half-timbered Renaissance houses. And spot Joan of Arc (who helped defend the city from invading British armies) lording triumphantly over the streets in the form of a grand statue. The city is also home to several museums, gardens, and churches, leaving you with plenty to see during your time here!

Your cycling tour in the Loire Valley comes to an end this morning following breakfast. It is recommended you extend your time in Orléans by an extra night or two, allowing time to explore the remarkable town further.

Tour Highlights

Highlights for loire valley by bike: nevers to orléans.

Discover the treasures of the Loire Valley as you pedal the first section of the 800km Loire Valley Cycle Route.

Explore the majestic curves of France’s longest river as you cycle from Nevers to Orléans.

Be swept up in a fairytale as you visit the Palais Ducal, one of the first castles ever built along the Loire.

Enjoy wonderful overnight stays in the valley’s most picturesque villages and towns, like Sancerre, Briare, and more.

What's Included

6 breakfasts are included.

Transportation during the Tour

Transportation for your luggage are included throughout the tour (1 piece per person). Airport transfers are not included but can be booked in advance as a supplement.

Also Included

  • Digital route notes and maps
  • Tourist information on all places of interest
  • Tourist city tax
  • 24/7 emergency phone support

Not included

  • Travel insurance
  • Guide services
  • Meals, drinks, or snacks not previously mentioned
  • Visas is required

Optional Extras

  • Bike rental
  • Additional nights before, during, or after the tour
  • Airport transfers
  • Deluxe hotel option
  • Optional activities or excursions
  • Printed tour materials (in addition to digital)

Dates & Prices

The departure is available on any day of the week. Prices below are per person:

Standard accommodation:

Departure on April 1 st – October 31 st , 2024:

  • Single room: $1,275 USD
  • Sharing a double/twin room: $825 USD
  • Sharing a triple room: $775 USD

Comfort Accommodation:

  • Single room: $1,625 USD
  • Sharing a double/twin room: $1,025 USD
  • Sharing a triple room: $1,050 USD


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Tour Booking Process

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Frequently asked questions for Loire Valley by Bike: Nevers to Orléans

How hard is the Loire Valley by Bike: Nevers to Orléans tour?

We rate this tour a 2/5. You should be comfortable riding up to 50km in a day, potentially with the help of an e-bike. The terrain is mostly flat and sometimes gently undulating.

Do I need a visa to travel to France?

Check with your local country about visa requirements. You could also try this website , though you should verify with your government.

Are meals included on the Loire Valley by Bike: Nevers to Orléans tour?

6 breakfasts are included on this tour.

Do I need insurance?

Yes, it is mandatory to have health and medical insurance to join this trip, and your insurance should cover cycling. Get your Travel Insurance .

Is this tour guided?

No. You will be provided with all necessary information to complete your self-guided tour.

How do I get to Nevers to start this tour?

Fly into the Paris airport of your choice, either Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG) or Orly Airport (ORY). You can then travel to Nevers by train, which takes approximately 3 hours. Alternatively, you can book a private transfer to Nevers as a supplement in advance or arrange your own private transfer.

Where does the Loire Valley by Bike: Nevers to Orléans tour end?

The tour ends in Orléans. You can reach either Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG) or Orly Airport (ORY) by train, which takes approximately 1 hour. Alternatively, you can book a private transfer to the airport as a supplement in advance or arrange your own private transfer.

Can I rent a bike?

Yes, you can rent a bike during the booking process. Rental bikes are VELO DE VILLE Trekking A200 24-speed hybrid bikes or VELO DE VILLE CEB 400 Belt e-bikes.

What equipment is included in the bike rental?

The bikes come with a pannier, handlebar bag, spare tube, tools, pump, helmet and lock.

Can I bring my own bike?

Yes. If you bring your own bike, it should be a bike suitable for the demands of the tour.

Do I need special vaccines to travel to France?

Check with your family doctor.

Are there any travel restrictions for France?

Please check with your local government about travel restrictions before you book your tour. This map from the US Department of State provides an overview of the current status in countries around the globe. The UK‘s Foreign Office and Government of Canada also provide advice on foreign travel. Note that the travel advice may change depending on your nationality.

When is the best time to travel to France for this tour?

The best time to travel to the Loire Valley for this cycling tour is during the shoulder seasons of April-June and September-October when the crowds are lighter than during peak summer months (June-August).

Tour Difficulty

Read about our scale for Tour Difficulty Ratings.

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We make it easy for travellers to book private travel experiences, so they can make memories exploring the world with the people that matter most.

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  • Cycling holiday Loire Valley, Orléans-Angers

Loire Valley, Orléans-Angers

Follow the cycling path ‘loire à vélo’.

  • 45 km average per day
  • Arrival Orléans
  • Departure Angers
  • Routes along the Loire river
  • Castles, wines and delicatesses
  • Garden of Villandry
  • Saumur, Chinon & Fontevraud
  • Self-Guided Tour
  • Individual Tour
  • Bike & Hotel
  • Cycling level 2

Follow the famous cycling path ‘Loire à vélo’ from Orleans to Angers. Discover the royal valley by longing the majestic river from Orléans to Tours where thousands of treasures are waiting for you: historical heritage and testimony with numerous chateaux, wonderful landscapes of different natural areas, regional gastronomy delights… The second part of the Loire Valley from Tours to Angers is the most doted in chateaux and vineyards.

Follow the Loire River which will guide you from historical places to famous cellars for tasting. Enjoy the ‘French art de vivre’ along the peaceful and wild landscapes. You will ride on well-signposted cycle paths and minor roads with little traffic. Sometimes you will ride on paths close to the river, and sometimes you will follow small winding roads through semi-open farmland. You will ride through an old cultural landscape, with forests, wheat fields, sheltered fields and of course, vineyards. After all, you will be riding through the largest wine area of the Loire valley. A patchwork of 20,000 hectares of vineyards that together account for 28 appellations.

Daily program

orleans tours a velo

Discover Orléans, the “City of Art and History” liberated in 1429 by Joan of Arc from the English siege.

orleans tours a velo

Longing the wild river banks for a stage in calm and serenity through the charming and very flowered city of Beaugency.

orleans tours a velo

Leave Beaugency by the river banks passing via the prestigious château of Chambord: the widest Château of the Loire Valley masterpiece of the Renaissance period. Then, follow the direction of Blois which presents a rich historical heritage with the château offering a brilliant illustration of the evolution of French architecture from the middle Ages to the 17th century.

orleans tours a velo

Follow the small countryside routes until the chateau of Chaumont overlooking the Loire River, before reaching Amboise and its royal chateau from 15th –16th century. Few streets further on, is the last home of Leonardo Da Vinci: Manorhouse of ‘Clos Lucé’.

orleans tours a velo

Ride through the vineyards of Montlouis to discover the numerous cellars that offer sweet white or sparkling wines. Then, enjoy the lovely chateau of la Bourdaisière, birthplace of Gabrielle d’Estrées, the favourite of King Henri IV. Continue to the heart of the city of Tours to discover the old quarters sheltering the famous 'Place Plumereau' and its half-timbered houses. The route of 53 km: Possibility to join the famous Château de Chenonceau, straddling the Cher river, and which was the scene of a famous rivalry in French history: that of Diane de Poitiers and Catherine de Medici. Then cycle the brand new bike paths of the Cher à Vélo before reaching Montlouis then Tours.

orleans tours a velo

Reach Savonnières for a journey in the heart of Petrifying Grottoes. Then proceed to Villandry with its famous Gardens, matchless in Europe and composed of 3 superposed terraces, then Saché, the house of the famous novelist Honoré de Balzac. Finally arrive in Azay le Rideau where you can admire its Renaissance chateau, a jewel set over the Indre river.

orleans tours a velo

Discover other marvels, such as the ‘Sleeping Beauty’ chateau in Ussé which has inspired Perrault for its famous fairy tail story and the mediaeval town of Chinon dominated by its castle and famous for its red wine, highly appreciated by Rabelais.

orleans tours a velo

Follow the “Loire à Vélo” routes which will lead you to the village of Candes-Saint-Martin (where you can visit the magnificent 12th and 13th century collegiate church) and to the beautiful village of Montsoreau. Continue along troglodyte sites and vineyards before reaching lovely town of Saumur Saumur. You have the opportunity to reach Fontevraud abbey, Europe’s largest remaining monastic complex which is also the Necropolis of the Plantagenêt kings! Option +12 km:  You have the opportunity to reach Fontevraud abbey, Europe’s largest remaining monastic complex which is also the Necropolis of the Plantagenêt kings!

orleans tours a velo

First follow the Loire River before going through the vineyards of Anjou. You will reach the peaceful city of Angers and its chateau which shelters the famous Apocalypse Tapestry.

orleans tours a velo

Your cycling holiday ends today. There is a good train connection back to the airport from the railwaystation in Angers.

Along the Loire

A cycle route has been constructed along the Loire. This route is signposted. Cycletours has selected the most beautiful part for you to explore. The daily cycling distances are never long, so you have enough time to visit a castle along the way.

orleans tours a velo

What else do you need to know?

Prices per person in 2024

Supplements: Reservation costs  € 25,-  per booking Contribution  Dutch Guarantee Fund   € 5,-  per person (Insolvency Protection)

Per person in a double room   category 'Standard' (2* and/or 3* hotels)

  • Every day from March 1 - October 31  € 1.239,-

Surcharge single room  € 498,- Half board  € 425,-

Per person in a double room category 'Superior' (3* hotels)

  • Every day from March 1 - October 31  € 1.535,-

Surcharge single room  € 699,- Half board  € 478,-

Per person in a double room category 'Privilege' (3* and/or 4* hotels)

  • Every day from March 1 - October 31  € 2.099,-

Surcharge single room  € 898,- Half board  € 525,-

For all categories:

  • Supplement solo-traveller € 395,-
  • "Chateaux" package, p.p. € 130,-

Extra night in Orléans (incl. breakfast) Per person in a double room  category 'Standard' March - October  € 75,- Surcharge single room  € 55,-

Per person in a double room  category 'Superior' March - October  € 94,- Surcharge single room  € 75,-

Per person in a double room  category 'Privilege' March - October  € 155,- Surcharge single room  € 115,-

Extra night in Angers (incl. breakfast) Per person in a double room  category 'Standard' March - October  € 75,- Surcharge single room  € 50,-

Per person in a double room  category 'Superior' March - October  € 84,- Surcharge single room  € 59,-

Per person in a double room  category 'Privilege' March - October  € 120,- Surcharge single room  € 105,-

Rental bikes:

  • Hybrid  € 150,-
  • E-bike  € 295,-
  • 9 Nights with breakfast in double or twin room with shower & toilet in chosen category
  • Transport of luggage between hotels (1 luggage of 20 kg per person)
  • 1x travel folder (per room) including coloured maps
  • Personalized navigation app showing points of interest along the route
  • Service support line ( 7 days a week)

Not included

  • Reservation costs 
  • Contribution  Dutch Guarantee Fund  (Insolvency Protection)
  • Half board (9 dinners; drinks excl.), surcharge
  • Drinks, lunches, and personal expenses
  • Entrance fees to the monuments
  • ‘Chateaux’ package, surcharge € 130,- (including: see under ‘Special details’ below)
  • Rental bike, helmet included
  • Personal bike transfer
  • Train ticket for return transfer
  • Luggage transportation on last day
  • Personal insurance

Special details

  • This tour is operated by local partner
  • Please take good notice of our  Terms & Conditions
  • No bike insurance available for this tour
  • The program is subject to change without notice
  • ‘Chateaux package includes entrance fees to: Château de Meung sur Loire; Domaine de Chambord (château + gardens); Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire (château + Garden Festival); Park Leonardo Da Vinci in Amboise; Château d’Azay Le Rideau;Villandry Gardens (visit of the gardens); Fontevraud Abbey; 1 local wine tasting

From Paris, take highway A10 Exit «Orléans centre». For more detail, do not hesitate to visit: goo.gl/maps/QXqlS GPS point : N 47°89’79” / E 1°89’24”

About your personal car: Possibility to park the car during your trip at the hotel (guarded & closed car park): 7 € per night. NB : to reach the hotel at the end of the tour, you have to go by train. From Angers station to Orléans station. For more information, do not hesitate to visit: www.sncf.fr

From Paris Austerlitz station Arrival Orléans station (town centre). For more information, visit : www.sncf.fr From Orléans station: by taxi : about 15€/20 € (day) / 20€/26€ (nights, weekend and bank holidays) by Bus : take line n°10 until Quai St Laurent (about 25 min). by Tramway : take line Tram A direction « Hôpital de La Source » and go down at the station «Quai Royale Châtelet » (about 9 min), then reach by foot « Quai St Laurent » (about 5 min).

From Roissy CDG airport : Roissy Charles de Gaulle T.2 train station > St Pierre des Corps train station > Orléans train station. From Orly airport or Beauvais airport: taxi or shuttle transfer : Austerlitz train station > Orléans train station. From Tours airport: taxi or shuttle transfer : Tours train station > Orléans train station. From Nantes airport: taxi or shuttle transfer : Nantes train station > Orléans train station.

(Please note that the hotels listed are only examples and are subject to change. You will find your final hotel in the hotel list, which you will receive before departure)

orleans tours a velo

Escale Oceania Orléans sits along the banks of the River Loire. It offers modern en suite rooms with a shower, a TV, and a 24-hour front desk. A full buffet breakfast is served provided every morning. and can be served in your room. There is also a cosy lounge bar. 

orleans tours a velo

Located in the historic centre of Orléans, this 3-star hotel is just a 5-minute walk from the Maison de Jeanne d’Arc.  With a modern decoration, the soundproofed guest rooms all have air conditioning. You can enjoy a drink at the bar in the Hôtel d'Orléans. 

orleans tours a velo

Situated on the banks of the Loire River, Empreinte Hotel & Spa is offering a range of wellness facilities and a bar. A buffet breakfast, including sweet, savoury items and local products is served every morning in the breakfast room.

orleans tours a velo

It is set in traditional settings fitted with classic furnishings and modern facilities. La Tonnellerie is a former wine-merchant's house located in a picturesque village near Beaugency. 

orleans tours a velo

L'écu de Bretagne is situated in the quiet medieval village of Beaugency. It features an outdoor, heated swimming pool, and WiFi is free of charge in the entire property. The air-conditioned rooms all have en suite facilities with free toiletries. 

orleans tours a velo

Located in Blois, 400 m from Blois Castle, Hôtel Restaurant Le Monarque boasts a restaurant and a bar. Each room is equipped with a private bathroom with a hairdryer.  A buffet breakfast including cold meats, eggs and hot drinks is served every morning.

orleans tours a velo

Best Western Blois Château is located 5 minutes from Blois city centre and 150 m from Blois SNCF train station. Each air-conditioned rooms is equipped with tea and coffee making facilities, satellite TV and a fully equipped private bathroom. All rooms have access to the executive lounge.

orleans tours a velo

Mercure Blois Centre is located 500 m from Blois city centre. Guests have access to the fitness centre and wellness area, including indoor heated pool, a sauna, steam room and hot tub. All the air-conditioned rooms have a seating area and a courtesy tray with tea and coffee are also provided.

orleans tours a velo

The Originals Boutique, Hôtel Chaptal, Amboise (Inter-Hotel) is located in the city centre of Amboise, near the Clos Lucé and Amboise castles, and the Loire River. It offers free WiFi access. All the rooms are soundproofed and air-conditoned. Guests can enjoy a buffet breakfast in the dining room every morning.

orleans tours a velo

This hotel is just 50 m from Château d’Amboise. It offers a terrace and a lounge bar and restaurant. Each of the soundproofed guest rooms at Hotel Bellevue is equipped with free WiFi access. Breakfast including fresh fruit, bread and cakes is served in the spacious breakfast room or on the terrace on sunny mornings. 

orleans tours a velo

Hotel Le Manoir Saint Thomas is located near the Château d'Amboise. It offers a large outdoor swimming pool with a terrace and sun beds, and a free bottle of Liqueur de Fraises. The rooms are air-conditioned and feature a traditional decoration.

orleans tours a velo

The Citôtel Criden is close to the TGV railway station, the Vinci convention centre, historical areas. The hotel has 33 spacious rooms, all with free Wi-Fi access and a private bathroom. You can enjoy a drink in the bar and lounge. A buffet breakfast is prepared every morning.

orleans tours a velo

Best Western Plus l'Artist Hotel is a 10-minute walk from the Old City centre and 150 m from the train station. A full breakfast buffet is served daily. Guests are invited to relax in the hotel's bar or on the terrace.

orleans tours a velo

Hotel L'Univers Tours features accommodation with a bar, private parking, a spa and wellness centre and a terrace. Among the facilities of this property are a bistro-style restaurant. Guests are welcome to take advantage of a Turkish bath and a hot tub.

orleans tours a velo

Hotel Val De Loire is a 3-star hotel. All rooms are uniquely decorated and feature a private bathroom, free WiFi access and a flat-screen TV. A buffet breakfast is available each morning and served on the shaded terrace in nice weather.

orleans tours a velo

This hotel is divided into 2 buildings from the 18th-century, a former school, from Napoleon III period. Each room has modern décor and views of the city or of the flowered patio. A buffet breakfast is served daily in the dining room or on the terrace and it is made with the products coming from the local producers. 

orleans tours a velo

Hôtel Grand Monarque is an 18th-century post house, 150 m from its famous castle. It features a lounge bar. The hotel with stone walls and exposed beams is set within a large tree-lined courtyard. The spacious guest rooms are uniquely decorated with antique furnishings and each have a private bathroom. 

orleans tours a velo

This charming 19th-century house offers a shadowed terrace, by the garden. All of the air-conditioned rooms at Hotel Le Plantagenet feature a private bathroom with a bath or a shower. The rooms are set in the 2 19th century buildings. Some of the rooms boast original sculpted ceilings and wooden panelling. A breakfast buffet is served on the veranda. The hotel's bar provides a range of local wines.

orleans tours a velo

This simple, family-run hotel from the 17th Century offers a calm elegance. The Hôtel Diderot, with its courtyard garden and white limestone walls, is a 12-minute walk from Chinon Royal Fortress. Guest rooms are all individually decorated. 

orleans tours a velo

The beautifully restored 16th-century residence is set in the heart of the medieval quarter of the old town. Decorated harmoniously, the spacious air-conditioned rooms at the Best Western Hotel De France are all equipped with modern en suite facilities and fitted with lovely furniture.

orleans tours a velo

The hotel Kyriad Saumur Centre is situated in the city centre on the left bank of the River Loire. Each of the guest rooms is decorated in an individual colour scheme. The private bathrooms include a hairdryer and free toiletries. Start your day with a buffet breakfast. 

orleans tours a velo

Hôtel Le Londres is located in the heart of the historic town. This 19th-century building offers stylish individually decorated and furnished rooms with floor to ceiling windows. A buffet breakfast is offer daily in the breakfast lounge.

orleans tours a velo

Close to the centre of Saumur, the hotel Anne D'Anjou is overlooking the river and has a view of the chateau above. All of the rooms offer a satellite TV and views of the Loire River and of the chateau. Five of these rooms still have their original decor (Louis XVI, Restoration, Empire periods). 

orleans tours a velo

The 3-star Hotel Continental is a certified eco-friendly, quality hotel with free Wi-Fi access. Rooms are comfortable and non-smoking and feature a contemporary design. They are all sound-proofed and air conditioned. The hotel is just 10 minutes walk from the train station, in the heart of the pedestrian area and surrounded by restaurants.

orleans tours a velo

Hôtel De France is located opposite Angers-St Laud TGV Train Station, close to the city centre and the medieval Château d'Angers. Rooms are beautifully furnished and equipped with modern facilities.

orleans tours a velo

21, Foch is located at heart of the centre of Angers. Set in a 19th-century building, this elegant hotel is decorated in white and grey tones and includes a large living room. Accessed by a lift, the refined guest rooms here will provide you with air conditioning and an LCD TV with satellite channels. 

All rental bikes are equipped with 1 rear pannier (saddlebags 40 l.), 1 front pannier with holder, 1 repair kit, 1 pump, 1 lock and 1 counter.

By this tour you can rent the following bikes:

orleans tours a velo

Local hybrid 21-gears 10 days

orleans tours a velo

Local electric bike 9-gears 10 days

Your room is available from 3 p.m. on the day of arrival. Upon check in, you receive the following items: – hotel vouchers for the other hotels – luggage stickers – the detailed itinerary of your trip day by day and colour maps – tourist information about the area, cities and different sites you will be able to visit along your stages – some information leaflets about the area.

Your stay is based on bed & breakfast. Normally breakfast is served between 7.30 a.m. and 9.30 a.m.

No lunch is included. As you will ride through villages where you could meet shops (butcher, baker, grocer’s shop, restaurants…) where to buy for your picnic.In your itinerary, you will see notes ‘Food & drinks’ which means that you will be able to meet shops on these places. If any notes are mentioned on one stage, you will have to look for food before leaving (some hotels propose picnic).

Also, keep in mind that generally, in small villages, shops are closed on Sundays and Mondays. This is why we suggest you have always some snacks with you!

Luggage transport

Please leave your luggage for the luggage transfer (1 suitcase or large bag per person) before 9.45 a.m. at the reception (do not forget to use the luggage tags). Usually you’ll find your luggage from 4 p.m. in the next hotel but at least at 5 p.m. Do not leave any securities or cash in your luggage.

For a successful cycling holiday it is necessary to have a good bike. If you bring your own bicycle check it carefully before departure. Pay special attention to tires, brakes and gears. If you bring your own bike don’t forget to bring a repair kit with you. You can leave your bike in the therefore intended place in the garage. Don’t forget to bring comfortable cycle clothing. Since 2008 you are obliged to wear a safety vest when you’re cycling in France outside the city area after sunset or at low visibility.

The rental bicycles can be requested at the hotel reception upon arrival. The 21-speed bicycles come with a map holder, panniers, lock, repair kit and pump, counter, bike helmet and safety vest. You don’t have to pay a surety but you’re personally responsible for your rental bike in case of damage or theft.

Itinerary, maps and information concerning this trip you will receive upon arrival. If there are any mistakes in the descriptions please inform so we can correct these for future guests.

We advise you to wear comfortable shoes and various layers of practical clothing to be prepared for sudden changes of climate and temperature; don’t forget a K-Way or a poncho, both indispensable in the event of rain, besides a light jacket for cold days and evenings. Sunglasses, a hat, protective suntan cream and insect repellent sprays are important, especially in summer. Cycling trousers and gloves are advisable but not essential. Also remember to bring a first aid kit with you.

Related tours

Loire valley, tours to angers.

Cycling along the Loire, the garden of France

  • Castles & Vineyards
  • ‘Sleeping Beauty’ chateau
  • Medieval city of Chinon
  • Abbey of Fontevraud

Loire Valley, Orléans-Tours

Castles, vineyards & gardens

  • Quiet routes in a beautiful landscape
  • Castles, wines and french delicatessens
  • Château of Chambord
  • Orléans & Tours

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Korn Ferry Tour

One-liners: Meet all 145 players taking on Korn Ferry Tour Finals

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Who will comprise the next class of PGA TOUR members? We'll find out across the four-event Korn Ferry Tour Finals.

The top 30 players on the season-long Korn Ferry Tour Points List, finalized after the Korn Ferry Tour Championship presented by United Leasing & Finance, will earn 2025 PGA TOUR membership. The stakes are heightened with each event across the four-leg Finals, with progressive field reduction at each stop. The top 156 players on the season-long standings after the Magnit Championship have qualified for the first Finals leg (only 145 are playing in the first leg, however), the Albertsons Boise Open presented by Chevron. The top 144 after the Albertsons will qualify for the Simmons Bank Open for the Snedeker Foundation; the top 120 after the Simmons will qualify for the Nationwide Children's Hospital Championship; and the top 75 after the Nationwide will qualify for the Korn Ferry Tour Championship.

The top 10 players on the season-long Korn Ferry Tour Points List into the Finals have already clinched their spots inside the top 30 and thus 2025 PGA TOUR membership (#TOURBound status). They'll compete in the Finals to improve their position on the 2025 PGA TOUR Priority Ranking and chase the No. 1 spot that offers exempt PGA TOUR membership with access to the U.S. Open and THE PLAYERS Championship.

Twenty TOUR cards remain up for grabs, and all players in the starting Finals field have a mathematical chance to move inside the top 30.

Note: Eleven of the top 156 players on the Korn Ferry Tour Points List are not competing in the Albertsons Boise Open and are thus not included below.

Read below for fun facts on the 2024 Korn Ferry Tour Finals participants, chasing their PGA TOUR dreams across the final four events of the Korn Ferry Tour season.

Kevin Prise is an associate editor for the PGA TOUR. He is on a lifelong quest to break 80 on a course that exceeds 6,000 yards and to see the Buffalo Bills win a Super Bowl. Follow Kevin Prise on Twitter .

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Jeudi 22 août Fête des Fabrice

Tour Poitou-Charentes 2024 : le Norvégien Dversnes vainqueur de la 1re étape, le Niortais Thomas Gachignard 3e

  • Julien Morceli
  • France Bleu Poitou ,
  • France Bleu La Rochelle

Le coureur norvégien Fredrik Dversnes de la Uno-X Mobility a remporté ce mardi la première étape du Tour Poitou-Charentes. Il a rallié Les Gonds à Cognac en 3h49'10''. Deux Français occupent le podium, dont le Niortais Thomas Gachignard qui est arrivé en 3e position.

Thomas Gachignard, sur la 7e étape du Tour de France 2024 (photographie d'illustation).

Le Norvégien Fredrik Dversnes a remporté, ce mardi, la première étape du Tour Poitou-Charentes. Il lui a fallu 3h49 pour parcourir les 178,5 kilomètres qui séparent la commune des Gonds (Charente-Maritime) et Cognac (Charente). Le coureur de l'équipe Uno-X Pro Cycling a devancé les Français Samuel Leroux (Van Rysel-Roubaix) et Thomas Gachignard (TotalEnergies), originaire de Niort (Deux-Sèvres).

Fredrik Dversnes décroche 25 points et s'empare du premier maillot blanc de leader. Thomas Gachignard occupe la deuxième place du classement général avec 20 points.

562 kilomètres

Au total, les 119 cyclistes vont parcourir un peu plus de 562 kilomètres entre le 20 et le 23 août. Ils rejoindront Poitiers (Vienne) vendredi, à l'issue de quatre étapes.

Paris 2024 : Les dernières infos

Elie de Carvalho est à l'arrière du tandem, son pilote Mickael Guichard est à l'avant

À 29 ans, Elie de Carvalho s'apprête à participer aux Jeux Paralympiques de Paris qui démarrent le 28 août. Le para-cycliste originaire de Millau (Aveyron) et licencié à Colomiers (Haute-Garonne) roulera sur deux courses en tandem les 4 et 6 septembre.

Marquage au sol de la voie olympique au niveau de la porte de Saint-Cloud

A moins d'une semaine des jeux paralympiques, les voies réservées sont de nouveau actives dès le 22 août sur le périphérique parisien et sur la RN13 entre la porte Maillot et la Défense. D'autres portions seront également concernées dans les prochains jours.

Les athlètes ouzbeks s'entraînent tous les jours sur la piste Guy Drut, récemment inaugurée à Auxerre.

Les para-athlètes d'Ouzbékistan, leur staff et leurs coachs, sont à Auxerre depuis mardi 13 août. Ils s'entraînent notamment sur la piste Guy Drut, avant d'aller participer aux Jeux paralympiques à Paris.

Alexis Hanquinquant (triathlon), Heïdi Gaugain (cyclisme), Rémy Boullé (canoë) et Ugo Didier (natation) participent aux Jeux paralympiques 2024.

Avant le début des Jeux paralympiques 2024, France Bleu dresse la liste des athlètes officiellement qualifiés, sport par sport, pour représenter la France du 28 août au 8 septembre.

Vienne : l'info en continu

Vienne : les plus consultés.

Une boulangerie de Vendeuvre-du-Poitou a une méthode originale pour lutter contre les dépôts sauvages

"Ils expliquent que leur cas est totalement désespéré" : les arnaques à l'irlandaise se multiplient dans la Vienne

"École à la maison" : des familles du Poitou-Charentes attaquent les décisions du rectorat en justice


  1. Idées de circuits à vélo autour d'Orléans

    orleans tours a velo

  2. La Loire à vélo d’Orléans à Saumur : 4 jours de voyage en solo

    orleans tours a velo

  3. Découvrir Orléans et sa région à vélo en bord de Loire

    orleans tours a velo

  4. Parcourez la loire à vélo de Orléans à Tours avec Abicyclette

    orleans tours a velo

  5. La Loire à Vélo de Tours à Orléans, étape de 3 à 5 jours

    orleans tours a velo

  6. Idées de circuits à vélo autour d'Orléans

    orleans tours a velo


  1. La Loire à vélo d'Orléans à Tours

    contactez-nous au +33 (0)2 54 78 62 52 ou par mail. Suivez les pistes de la Loire à Vélo d'Orléans à Tours via Chambord, Blois et Amboise. Voie verte entre Loire et vignobles, étapes vélo vers les plus beaux châteaux de la Loire. Transport de bagages.

  2. Loire à Vélo: cycle tour from Orléans to Tours

    Day 2 : Orléans - Beaugency | 26 km. Ride along the « Loire à Vélo » cycling tracks and follow the wild river banks up to the nice chateau de Meung-sur-Loire . Continue to the flower-filled city of Beaugency overlooked by its 11th century dungeon. Free visit of this chateau which has two faces: a mediaeval facade and a classic style facade.

  3. The Loire Valley cycle route in France

    La Loire à Vélo is a unique, 800km cycle route. It forms the western section of the EuroVelo 6 route (linking Black Sea to Atlantic). A large stretch of the Loire is a UNESCO World Heritage Site; in parts it's also known as France's Valley of the Kings and as The Garden of France. All along La Loire à Vélo, you stick closely to France ...

  4. La Loire à Vélo de Tours à Orléans, étape de 3 à 5 jours

    Étape 3 : de Chaumont-sur-Loire à Blois, 22 km. Sur cette étape de la Loire à Vélo de Tours à Orléans, nous longeons tout d'abord le fleuve avant de nous en éloigner puis le récupérer tout juste avant Blois. Hormis une toute petite portion sablonneuse, l'itinéraire ne présente pas de difficulté.

  5. Cycle tour in Loire: From Orléans to Tours

    From Orléans to Tours, ride along the "Loire à vélo" cycling paths and discover France's most prestigious chateau de la Loire: Blois, Chambord, Amboise, Cheverny, Beauregard, Chaumont, Le Clos-Lucé, Chenonceau...

  6. Cycling holiday Loire Valley, Orléans to Tours

    Surcharge single room € 65,-. Per person in a double room category Privilege. March - October € 135,-. Surcharge single room € 119,-. Rental bikes: Hybrid € 105,-. E-bike € 185,-. Follow the cycling path 'Loire à vélo' from Orléans to Tours. Self guided cycling holiday with luggage transfers in the "garden" of France.

  7. Cycle the Loire à vélo bike path

    The Loire by bike starting from Orleans to Tours. Discover Chambord, Blois, Chaumont sur Loire, Amboise, Chenonceaux along the Loire à vélo itinerary. You ride from Orléans to Tours, the two largest cities of the Loire Valley. Both with a flourishing past they are less than one hour away from Paris by train!

  8. Loire a Velo: Orleans to the Atlantic

    Orleans to Tours (5 nights) is described in days 1-6. Tours to Angers (5 nights) is described in days 6-10. You can also book a combination tour for 9 nights, from Orleans to Angers, described in days 1-10. ... The Loire à Vélo tour routes alternate between quiet roads with little traffic (37%), dedicated bike paths (27%), no-thoroughfare ...

  9. Cycling Loire Valley, France

    Cycling Loire Valley: the Loire by bike trail. The great châteaux in Amboise, the Montlouis-sur-Loire vineyards, the pretty town of Tours, the chateau and gardens of Villandry, the castles of Langeais and Azay-le-Rideau, the royal fortress of Chinon… when you are preparing your cycling holidays in France along the Loire by bike trail ("The Loire à vélo"), don't forget, along with ...

  10. Orleans by bike

    Visit Orleans by bike! A prime location on the Loire by bike route and dozens of kilometres of cycle paths. ... All our guided tours. in Orleans. Blog. Retour Blog. Not to be missed. ... 'Loire à Vélo' label Discover. Ideas for cycling tours. The Orleans region is ideal for all your cycling trips.

  11. Loire à vélo bike tour from Nevers to Orleans

    The Loire à vélo from the beginning of the itinerary km 0. Starting from Nevers, this trip takes you to Orléans in 5 beautiful cycling days. Discover the wildest parts of the Loire Valley... Your journey begins in Nevers where you take the opportunity to visit its earthenware district and the Palais Ducal, a 15th and 16th century castle ...

  12. Carte itinéraire cyclable

    L'Europe s'engage sur le bassin de la Loire avec le Fonds Européen de Développement Régional. Retrouvez notre carte interactive du parcours cyclable de la Loire à Vélo : calculez votre temps de parcours et le nombre de kilomètres !

  13. Loire Valley

    Deluxe bike tour in the Loire Valley chateaux region. 7 days / 6 days riding / Difficulty Moderate / Round trip / ref. L16. from 1 890 €. The wealth of the local gastronomy and Chefs' talents. More than 30 bike tours to discover Loire Valley's vineyards and the most beautiful chateaux. Customized cycling routes - with luggage transfer.

  14. 2-week bike trip in the Loire Valley, from Orléans to the ocean

    By plane: flight to Paris or Tours and then train to Orléans. By train: inter-regional trains from Paris-Austerlitz station to Orléans Centre. The estimated duration of the trip is 1h05. ... Keep on cycling on « Loire à vélo » and ride on the dike to get to the château d'Ussé which inspired the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale. You enter ...

  15. Loire à Vélo: bike tour from Nevers to Orléans

    Your cycling tour in the Loire Valley: Discover the newest part of the « Loire a à Vélo » cycling paths and enjoy the wildest part of the Loire river. From Nevers to Orléans, follow the Santiago de Compostela paths, ride through the Sancerre vineyards, up to the canal-bridge in Briare … before the reaching Orléans, Joan of Arc's town.

  16. from Orléans to the Atlantic Coast

    Bike Tour: Loire Valley - from Orléans to the Atlantic Coast - 13 days. Cycling along a part of the famous "Loire à Velo" route through the world famous "Pays des Châteaux", the most splendid cultural part of the Loire Valley. Along magnificent castles : Blois, Amboise, Villandry…. Crossing the Anjou-Touraine natural reserve with its ...

  17. All cycle routes around Orleans

    23 km. 1h 15m Very easy. 1 Chemin de la Salle Verte 45600 SULLY-SUR-LOIRE. - Tourisme Loiret -. - Tourisme Loiret -. Discover all the cycles routes: the Loire by bike route, the Scandibérique, the paths in the Orleans region and those in the Loiret.

  18. Ideas for cycling tours around Orleans

    The Loire à vélo trail in Orleans. Loire à Vélo is a vast cycle route stretching 900 kilometres that is unique in France. Developed in both directions, it connects Cuffy (near Nevers) with Saint-Brevin-les-Pins (across from Saint-Nazaire). The path crosses through the Centre-Val de Loire and Pays de la Loire regions.

  19. Orleans Velotour

    Il contient notamment une magnifique plaque de cadre à fixer sur votre vélo pour rentrer dans les lieux. Samedi 25 mai, de 10h à 19h : Place du Martroi 45000 Orléans. Dimanche 26 mai, de 8h à 11h50 : Village départ-arrivée Parc des Armenault 45800 Saint-Jean-de-Braye

  20. Loire Valley Bike Tour: Nevers to Orléans (France)

    Loire Valley by Bike: Nevers to Orléans. Ride the 1st section of the Loire a Vélo on this 7-day self-guided tour. 4.6 (45 ratings) Europe. Happiness Promise. Ask A Question. Take the first step towards a private travel experience, customized just for you.

  21. Cycling in Orleans

    You want to rent a bike. There are three options for renting a bike:. Vélo'+; Vélo'tao;; tourist bike rental services.; Self service: Vélo'+ With Vélo'+, a self-service bike rental service provided by Orleans, you can hire a bike at one of 35 docking stations around the city.. Easy to use, simply take a bike from one docking station and return it to any other around the city, 24/7.

  22. Cycling holiday Loire Valley, Orléans

    Follow the cycling path 'Loire à vélo' Follow the famous cycling path 'Loire à vélo' from Orleans to Angers. Discover the royal valley by longing the majestic river from Orléans to Tours where thousands of treasures are waiting for you: historical heritage and testimony with numerous chateaux, wonderful landscapes of different natural areas, regional gastronomy delights…

  23. Le Chinonais à vélo : une étape courue pour les touristes

    Cyclistes confirmés, ils font entre 50 et 80 km par jour et ont décidé de faire étape à Angers, Saumur, Chinon, Tours et Blois avant de reprendre le train à Orléans.

  24. One-liners: Meet all 145 players taking on Korn Ferry Tour Finals

    South Korea native won TOUR's 2014 Zurich Classic of New Orleans. 75: Jeffrey Kang: University of Southern California alum, 33, would love to run a small restaurant if not playing pro golf. 76 ...

  25. Tour Poitou-Charentes 2024

    Le coureur norvégien Fredrik Dversnes de la Uno-X Mobility a remporté ce mardi la première étape du Tour Poitou-Charentes. Il a rallié Les Gonds à Cognac en 3:49:10. Deux Français occupent ...

  26. Official website of Orleans Tourist Office

    Life is punctuated throughout the year by numerous events. An hour from Paris, Orleans relies on both its modernity and the authenticity of its historical, cultural and natural heritage. Prepare your stay with the Orleans Tourist Office. Must-sees, visits, CityPass, accommodation, activities, calendar...