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Montgomery Scott

Montgomery Christopher Jorgensen Scott was a Human man, a Starfleet officer in the 23rd and 24th centuries , who served as chief engineer of the USS Enterprise and USS Enterprise -A under Captain James T. Kirk . He was presumed dead for 75 years until he was rescued from a pattern buffer by the USS Enterprise -D . He later became the head of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers .

  • 1 Early life and career
  • 2 Early Starfleet career
  • 3.1 Junior engineer
  • 3.2 Chief engineer
  • 3.3 The Enterprise refit
  • 4 Genesis crisis
  • 5 Kirk's Death and Retirement
  • 6.1 Return to the Fleet
  • 7.2 Post-war challenges
  • 7.3 Challenger
  • 8 25th century
  • 9 Relatives
  • 11 Alternate timelines
  • 12 Starfleet service record
  • 13 See also
  • 14.1 Connections
  • 14.2.1 Appearances
  • 14.3 External link

Early life and career

Montgomery Christopher Jorgensen Scott, son of Arlyne Jorgensen Scott , and Vaughn Scott was born in Scotland , Earth in 2222 . Scott also had a younger brother named Robert , a younger sister named Clara , and a niece and nephew, Dannan Stuart and Peter Preston . ( TNG episode : " Relics "; TOS - Strange New Worlds VI short story : " Bum Radish: Five Spins on a Turquoise Reindeer "; TOS comic : " Furlough to Fury "; TOS novelization : The Search for Spock ; TOS movie : The Wrath of Khan )

Montgomery Scott was the eldest son of an eldest son, and inherited a targe (round shield) and broadsword that had been handed down in his family for centuries. Scott's mother lived in Linlithgow , West Lothian, Scotland, and therefore Scott may have been born there. ( TOS novel : Vulcan's Glory )

Clifford Scott , Montgomery's grandfather, once said to him that "men make their own luck". He never saw himself as more than an engineer, no matter his rank. ( TNG novelization : Relics )

Having met Leonard McCoy in Aberdeen at age 9, this attitude was influenced when the two exchanged words while Scott was in the captain's chair, such as during the Eminiar / Vendikar War. While experiencing the effects of rapid aging orbiting Gamma Hydra , Scotty accidentally referred to the doctor on the sickbay intercom as " Captain ". ( TOS short story : " Bum Radish: Five Spins on a Turquoise Reindeer ", TOS episode : " A Taste of Armageddon ", TOS episode : " The Deadly Years ")

Montgomery learned to play the bagpipes from his grandfather, from whom he inherited his heirloom instrument. Both his grandfather and grandmother hoped he would become a piper, but he was not sufficiently talented. For many years Scott played the bagpipes twice a year, on his grandparents' birthdays. ( TOS - Fortunes of War novel : Dreadnought! )

Scott's grandmother read him stories about the fairy folk from a book of folklore. ( TOS novel : Home Is the Hunter )

Scotty's sister Clara eventually became a sculptor. When they were teenagers, Scotty told her that he could build a machine that could make figurines just like hers. They both made figures of their father, but Scotty's didn't feel right the way Clara's did. That was when he understood the difference between art and science and knew that he was destined for science. ( TNG novel : A Time for War, A Time for Peace )

Montgomery first met his future wife Glynnis Campbell in 2229 , when he was seven and she was five. In 2237 Montgomery reluctantly agreed to take Glynnis to the county fair, where they won a dancing trophy. ( TOS comic : " Retrospect ")

From a young age, Montgomery proved to be adept at engineering principles and practicality. In 2238 he disproved the Perera Theory regarding the detonation of photon torpedoes after he linked seven field generators together to simulate the multiship field system used by the Klingons . His experiment became known as the Aberdeen Solution and was printed in The Encyclopedia of Engineering Development and Design . ( TOS novel : The Kobayashi Maru )

As a young man, Montgomery enjoyed hang gliding , a pastime to which he was introduced by an uncle on his mother's side. ( TNG novelization : Relics )

After graduating from high school, Montgomery began to work aboard freighters to learn many new engineering skills and work in space. He began working aboard freighters at age 17, and served for over a year aboard the freighter S.S. Deirdre . ( TOS comic : " Who's Who in Star Trek, Issue 2 ")

Early Starfleet career

Scott was living on Earth with his girlfriend Glynnis, still working aboard civilian freighters, when he received confirmation of his acceptance to Starfleet Training School . The couple parted ways amicably when Glynnis realized that Scott was determined to work with starships, while Glynn wanted to stay on Earth. ( TOS comic : " Retrospect ")

After his success at his Starfleet Academy classes, Cadet Scott graduated and attended Starfleet Command School in obedience to his parents' wishes and out of a feeling of obligation to become a command division officer . Although his work was sufficient, several of his tutors realized that what Scott wanted the most was to be a starship engineer. Scott completed command officer certifications but was eventually transferred to Starfleet Engineering School after he nearly stalemated the Kobayashi Maru test by using an engineer 's trick to fool the computers running the simulation. ( TOS novel : The Kobayashi Maru )

Among Scott's Academy friends were Joshua Helmes and Bill Nygulla . ( TOS comic : " Rest and Recreation! ") Scott studied physiology at some point, probably at the Academy. ( TOS comic : " The Cosmic Cavemen ")

Scott later re-united with his classmate, Garth Flanagan , in 2293 and they discussed their 2241 graduation from the Academy . ( TOS novel : The Fearful Summons )

Upon his graduation in 2242 , he returned home to show off his uniform. He was ridiculed by Gregor Campbell and Sean Toricelli , two of his friends. ( ST novel : Engines of Destiny )

Having proved to be an excellent engineer during his time at the Academy, Scott was assigned to the San Francisco Fleet Yards where he served on the construction teams working on four Constitution -class starships , including the USS Enterprise . ( TOS novel : The Galactic Whirlpool )

Early in his career, Scott also served on ships such as the USS Gagarin , where he served alongside Alec MacPherson ( TOS novel : Crisis on Centaurus ), and the USS Kumari . ( SCE eBook : The Future Begins ) As a young ensign , he served on a ship that ferried miners and mining equipment to the newly established mining colony on Rigel XII . Scott learned much information about mining and mining equipment, such as a Mole . ( SCE eBook : Foundations )

Aboard the Enterprise

Junior engineer.

In 2253 , Lieutenant Scott signed aboard the Enterprise as a junior engineer under Lieutenant Commander Caitlin Barry . In his early days aboard the ship he set up a still in main engineering for producing Engine Room Hooch . The location of the still combined with Scott's skill in making hooch meant the Enterprise' s version of the beverage was very strong. Despite the popularity of the beverage, it was produced by an illegal still, and Scott along with the other engineers were warned never to produce the beverage again. ( TOS novel : Vulcan's Glory )

By 2259, Scott was serving on board the USS Stardriver . When the Gorn attacked and destroyed the the Stardriver , Scotty was left the sole survivor. He was able to escape to Parnassus Beta by using parts from the Stardiver sensor array to fool the Gorn into thinking the shuttle he flew to Parnassus was one of their own ships. Scott was reunited with some of his former shipmates when the Enterprise came to effect a rescue. ( SNW episode : " Hegemony ")

By 2264 , Scott had earned the respect of the crew of the Enterprise and was awaiting his assignment as chief engineer following the Enterprise 's year-long refit at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards . However, he was summoned to Starbase 10 and was ordered to accompany the Starfleet Corps of Engineers team aboard the USS Lovell to repair the PXK reactor of several outposts along the Romulan Neutral Zone . Following his return from the assignment, he was appointed as chief engineer aboard the Enterprise . ( SCE eBook : Foundations ) By this point Scott had served on nine Starfleet vessels other than the Enterprise . ( TOS short story : " Ambition ")

Chief engineer

Shortly after Scotty assumed the responsibilities of being chief engineer and was promoted to lieutenant commander , the Enterprise found itself under the command of Captain James T. Kirk . Scott was fiercely loyal to Captain Christopher Pike and initially he didn't warm up to Kirk as he felt that the young captain could place the ship in jeopardy. Over time, the two officers put their initial differences behind them and became close friends. ( TOS novel : Enterprise: The First Adventure ) Scotty once said of Kirk, "You know how the Captain is when his mind's made up. After that, it's the Universe that'd best bend, for it won't be himsel' that's doing it." ( TOS novel : My Enemy, My Ally )

According to the elder Spock in TOS novelization : Star Trek , "In both our histories the same crew found its way onto the same ship in a time of ultimate crisis." This may imply that there is an untold story set in the prime timeline in which Kirk's crew faced an extremely serious challenge while still a new and untested unit.

  • It is also possible that Spock may have just been describing the events in TOS movie : The Motion Picture ' .

During a mission to Gamma Alpha V , Scotty beamed Spock out of a collapsing underground cavern where he was feared dead. ( TOS comic : " The Legacy of Lazarus ") Along with Kirk, Spock and McCoy, Scotty was abducted by the sorcerer Chang and faced off against stone giants and a huge robot before Chang was vanquished. ( TOS comic : " Sceptre of the Sun ")

Like his crewmates, Scotty was affected by the unbottled emotions of the Vulcan founders, laughing uncontrollably as Kirk and McCoy fought on Pollux II . ( TOS comic : " The Brain Shockers ") Scotty joined Kirk, Spock and McCoy on an undercover mission as pirates to discover the location of a stolen dilithium supply. During the mission Kirk was forced to betray Spock and Scotty, allowing the pirate captain Black Jack Nova to send them floating into space to their apparent doom, but in fact they were picked up by the Enterprise transporter. At some point prior to this adventure Scotty fought armed savages on Centuri II . ( TOS comic : " The Flight of the Buccaneer ") Scotty objected to the traveler called Nomad taking control of the Enterprise , causing Nomad to stun him with a ray from his golden staff. ( TOS comic : " Dark Traveler ") Scotty was stunned again, this time with a phaser , by a Klingon duplicate of Captain Kirk when he objected to the duplicate's ordering the Enterprise to maximum warp . ( TOS comic : " The Enterprise Mutiny ") In command of the Enterprise while Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Pavel Chekov were stranded on a medieval planet , Scotty risked court-martial by delaying an urgent mission to the Sigma Quadrant to search for his friends. ( TOS comic : " Day of the Inquisitors ") During a mission to the primitive planet Neesan , Scotty's romantic feelings for the tribal leader Lok-the-Wise enabled her to steal his phaser, nearly resulting in a Prime Directive violation. Fortunately, Kirk and Scotty were able to recover the phaser. ( TOS comic : " The Cosmic Cavemen ")

When Kirk and Spock were unable to leave mining negotiations on Pentam V , Scotty commanded the Enterprise as it responded to a distress call from Thraz Outpost , an Andorian scientific base. ( TOS short story : " Ambition ") When the Enterprise responded to a distress call from Donico II , Scotty tried to warn the Donicans of the impending failure of their planetary energy grid and was sentenced to death for sedition. Nyota Uhura saved Scotty's life by convincing the Donicans to acknowledge the problem. ( TOS short story : " See No Evil ")

On a visit to the agricultural colony Beta Nirobi II Scotty encountered Glynnis again and learned she was now married to his former best friend, Angus McFarlane . ( TOS comic : " Retrospect ") At some point Scotty had a romantic relationship with Andrea Manning which ended badly, with Scotty telling her "there was no room in his life for a woman". ( TOS comic : " ... Like a Woman Scorned! ")

This was apparently after Scotty's relationships with Carolyn Palamas ( TOS episode : " Who Mourns for Adonais? ") and Mira Romaine ( TOS episode : " The Lights of Zetar ").

Following Starfleet's decision to decommission the Gagarin in 2269, the Gagarin 's crew were reassigned. Alec MacPherson, who had risen to the chief engineer's position on the Gagarin , contacted Scott and requested a job. He was assigned to the Enterprise as assistant chief engineer . Due to his strong working relationship with Scott and the fact that the two engineers would independently devise the same solution to almost any problem, they were nicknamed "the twins" by the Enterprise crew. During the Centaurus crisis they worked together to keep the ship's systems functioning after a major computer breakdown. ( TOS novel : Crisis on Centaurus )

Scotty was left alone on the Enterprise when the entire crew beamed down to a location inside the Dyson sphere -like spacecraft Chatalia . Commander Kulain of the Klingon ship IKS Korezima beamed onto the Enterprise and was captured by Scotty, with whom he then began drinking. ( TOS novel : World Without End ) When the Romulan Second History project radically altered reality, Scott was still a chief engineer in the changed timeline , serving on the VSS ShiKahr under Captain Spock. ( TOS novel : Killing Time ) During the Rittenhouse Crisis , Scotty sabotaged the weapons system of the USS Pompeii . ( TOS - Fortunes of War novel : Dreadnought! )

Scotty joined Kirk, McCoy and Lieutenant Commander Piper aboard the schooner Edith Keeler , from which he and Kirk were escorted to Starfleet Headquarters for questioning regarding the theft of technology by Lieutenant Sarda . When Scotty's old enemy Dr. Samuel Boma gassed the Enterprise crew with a hypnogenetic compound, Scotty returned to the bridge when he was barely recovered. Later, Scotty visited Piper's quarters , presumably to remonstrate with her about damaging one of the Enterprise 's warp nacelles . ( TOS novel : Battlestations! )

After Scotty and McCoy attended a biotechnology conference on Starbase Ten , the USS Lexington dropped them off on Denebia for the Enterprise to pick up. They got drunk on Denebian slime devils and engaged in a barroom brawl with some locals and a Klingon named Krong , but afterwards convinced Kirk to ferry Krong to another neutral planet aboard the Enterprise . Scotty kept some Denebian coins for his box of mementos, which he showed to his nephew Peter on his visits to Earth. By this point Scotty had saved civilization four times and died twice. ( TOS short story : " Where Everybody Knows Your Name ") During a mission to Archernar IV , Kirk nominated Scotty for the Pentares Ribbon of Commendation after he saved the Enterprise from being pulled into a micro- black hole by jettisoning the ship's warp coils . ( TOS comic : " Mission's End, Issue 2 ")

The Enterprise refit

After the Enterprise 's five-year mission ended, Scotty remained the ship's Chief Engineer during her complete refit and was given a promotion to the rank of full Commander . ( ST website : ) This was the happiest period of Scotty's life. He came to respect Will Decker , the ship's young new captain. ( TOS novelization : Motion Picture ) When James T. Kirk again took command of the refitted Enterprise in response to the threat of V'Ger , Scotty ferried him to the ship by shuttlecraft because the transporters were malfunctioning. Later, on Kirk's orders Scotty prepared the ship for self-destruct in order to destroy V'Ger from within, but this fortunately proved unnecessary. ( TOS movie : The Motion Picture )

When the Enterprise attempted to evacuate the inhabitants of Andrea IV , Scotty burned his hands while heroically battling a transporter malfunction that threatened to kill Kirk, Spock, McCoy and two ensigns . ( TOS comic : " Tomorrow or Yesterday ") Scotty was nearly lost, along with Kirk, McCoy, Chekov and Hikaru Sulu , when a shuttlecraft accident left them drifting and helpless in space. Scotty performed a spacewalk in an attempt to repair the problem, during which he suffered a suit breach but made his way back inside. The five men were ultimately rescued by the Enterprise . ( TOS novel : The Kobayashi Maru ) When a child was killed by a plasma grenade during a fight between Klingons and an Enterprise landing party on Cragon V , Weyland , the omnipotent ruler of the planet, punished Kirk by sending Scotty, Sulu and Chekov back in time . Scotty found himself in Scotland in 1746 during the Jacobite rebelllion, and blocked out his memories of the 23rd century because of his desire to aid the Scottish cause. He rescued a young man named Seamus MacIntyre from execution as a spy . Together they attempted to capture the English cannon at Fort Augustus , but succeeded only in blowing up the magazine. Scotty was badly wounded at the Battle of Culloden WP . On the point of death, he was returned to the 23rd century by Weyland. ( TOS novel : Home Is the Hunter )

Scotty was reunited with Andrea Manning, to the pleasure of neither, when she beamed aboard the Enterprise as Dr. Carl Wentworth 's assistant. Desiring vengeance on Scotty, Andrea unleashed psychically materialized monsters on the Enterprise which left Scotty helplessly terrified, being taken from his own subconscious memories of Scottish folklore. ( TOS comic : " ... Like a Woman Scorned! ") With Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Sulu aboard the runaway starship USS Icarus , Scotty gave the order for the Enterprise to ram the Icarus to prevent it from colliding with the planet Phaeton and killing billions. He gathered the entire crew on the Rec Deck to inform them of the decision, but disaster was averted when Spock and Janice Rand gained control of the Icarus . ( TOS comic : " Eclipse of Reason ") Scotty was trapped on the Enterprise bridge when an energy beam from Zeta Reticuli II began to shrink the ship but not its occupants. ( TOS comic : " We Are Dying, Egypt, Dying! ") On a mission to save the population of Goran IV from toxic gas, Scotty ordered the antidote released into the planet's atmosphere as soon as Spock radioed it was safe to do so, saying, "In matters o' science , when Mr. Spock says " Jump " all I ask is: how high?" ( TOS comic : " The Long Night's Dawn! ") Scotty and McCoy exchanged harsh words while the Enterprise was trapped in the tractor beam from the Sustainer 's world-ship, but when the Sustainer claimed it was about to destroy the Enterprise , Scotty accepted McCoy's apology and addressed him as "Bones". ( TOS comic : " A Thousand Deaths ")

During tests of the intergalactic inversion drive , a method of propulsion that could move a starship vast distances in zero time, Scotty formed a close friendship with K't'lk , the Hamalki scientist who had developed the experimental drive. K't'lk was one of the few beings to call Scott by his first name (which she pronounced "Mt'gm'ry") rather than "Scotty". ( TOS novel : The Wounded Sky ) K't'lk's esteem for Scott was so high that, when she died and was reborn in her own daughter, she adopted the name "K's't'lk", the added "s" standing for "Scott". K's't'lk once referred to Scott as "a human engineer with a genius for physical things". ( TOS novel : Spock's World )

On the mission to Levaeri V , when Subcommander Tafv attempted to take over the Enterprise Scotty oversaw defense measures against him from the auxiliary bridge . ( TOS novel : My Enemy, My Ally )

In 2274 Scotty learned on a visit home that Glynnis Campbell was back on Earth, Angus McFarlane having left her for a younger woman. Scotty proposed to Glynnis, who said she might accept his proposal after his next five-year mission. In 2280 Scotty and Glynnis signed a five-year wedding contract. ( TOS comic : " Retrospect ")

Genesis crisis

The relationship between Scotty and his niece, Dannan Stuart, was strained at best. Dannan was also a Starfleet officer, and apparently a maverick. Scotty warned his nephew Peter Preston not to follow the example of "that sister of thine that has been thrown in the brig more times than I can count," even though he admired her greatly. ( TOS novelization : The Wrath of Khan )

Peter Preston was killed in battle with Khan Noonien Singh , to Scotty's intense grief. For the funeral of his fallen friend, Spock , Mr. Scott played "Amazing Grace" on the bagpipes. ( TOS movie : The Wrath of Khan )

When Scotty returned to Scotland to attend Peter's funeral, he got into an argument with Dannan. She accused her uncle of riding Peter to show his fairness, not realizing that he was actually singling him out. He countered that he was the natural choice to train him, given her disciplinary history. ( TOS novelization : The Search for Spock )

Following the beating the Enterprise took from the captured USS Reliant , the Enterprise was scheduled for decommissioning by Admiral Harrison Morrow , and Scott was transferred to the new USS Excelsior as captain of engineering, in preparation for the ship's transwarp trials. His assignment was short-lived, however, as he took advantage of his position to help steal the Enterprise and disable the Excelsior to stop it from pursuing the Enterprise . Along with his crewmates, Scotty grieved for the destruction of the original Enterprise and was present for Spock's fal-tor-pan on Vulcan . ( TOS movie : The Search for Spock )

While Kirk's crew was reassigned to the Excelsior , Scotty visited Starbase VII on leave. With the help of a young cadet named Gulder , he foiled a plot by his old friend Joshua Helmes to smuggle narcotic barbit crystals and saved the starbase from destruction. ( TOS comic : " Rest and Recreation! ")

Shortly before the Enterprise crew's departure for the Genesis Planet , Glynnis and Scotty decided not to renew their marriage contract, which was due to expire in three months. Glynnis died in 2286 in a shuttlecraft accident. Scotty, exiled on Vulcan at the time, did not learn of her death until some months later. ( TOS comic : " Retrospect ") In 2286, Scotty traveled back in time to 1986 with his former colleagues from the Enterprise senior staff. While in the past, he beamed George and Gracie , two adult humpback whales , into twin tanks along with sea water. The most massive payload he transported in his career to that date was +400 tons. ( TOS movie : The Voyage Home ) Shortly after the crew's return to the twenty-third century with the whales, Scotty helped cure George and Gracie of a mysterious disease. ( TOS - Strange New Worlds IV short story : " Scotty's Song ")

Later that year, the renegade Vulcan Sybok took over the Enterprise and used the ship to penetrate the Great Barrier to find the legendary planet Sha Ka Ree . Scotty finally came to terms of peace with his familial pains through the powers of Sybok , whom he called a " sin eater ", of old Scottish legend. It was at this time that Uhura confessed her affections toward Scotty while the two were alone. Even though her emotions were uninhibited on this occasion, he kept composed and decided to maintain a Platonic relationship. Scott, however, had told her she was one of the most understanding women (besides the Enterprise ) he had known. ( TOS novelization : The Final Frontier )

Kirk's Death and Retirement

Scott, Kirk and Chekov were aboard the USS Enterprise -B on its shakedown cruise and subsequent encounter with the Nexus energy ribbon. Kirk was presumed dead after the energy ribbon struck the deck of the ship where he was located. ( TNG movie : Generations ) Scott led an intensive search of the sector where the Nexus had appeared, using experimental sensors capable of detecting individual molecules. While finding several El-Aurian bodies, he was unable to locate Kirk's. ( TNG novel : The Return )

Captain Scott retired soon after Captain Kirk's apparent death. He briefly lived with his sister and her husband in Cromarty before finding his own place in Glasgow . Besieged by nightmares of Kirk's death, he did very little consulting work. After about a year, he briefly met Guinan before befriending Ensign Matt Franklin . The newly-graduated ensign convinced him to travel with him on the USS Jenolen to Norpin V , where Scott was to retire. ( ST novel : Engines of Destiny )

According to another account, Scott met Ensign Franklin while onboard the Jenolen . ( TNG novelization : Relics )

The Jenolen crashed on a Dyson sphere , leaving Scott and Franklin as the only survivors. They rigged the transporter to keep them alive indefinitely. ( TNG episode : " Relics ")

The 24th century

Scott was eventually rescued by the Enterprise-D in 2369 , though Franklin's signal had degraded beyond recovery. He helped the Enterprise escape from the Dyson sphere and was "loaned" the shuttlecraft Goddard . Another, more successful transporter miracle Scotty performed was beaming himself and Geordi La Forge off the USS Jenolen while the shields were raised, a feat Scott accomplished with critical time to spare, as the ship held the sphere open long enough for the Enterprise to exit. ( TNG episode : " Relics ")

Not long afterwards, Scotty was reunited with fellow temporal-displaced Captain Morgan Bateson . ( TOS short story : " Ancient History ")

Feeling out of place in the twenty-fourth century and blaming himself for the deaths of Kirk and Franklin, Scott aimlessly wandered aboard the Goddard . One day in early 2370 , Scott detected a distress call and traced it to a Federation shuttlecraft carrying two escaped Narisians , being chased by Proctors from their homeworld of Narisia . Garamet and Wahlkon mistook Scott for a Wise One after beaming them off their shuttle. Scott initially requested assistance from Starfleet, and Captain Buck Stratton and the USS Yandro were to assist, but Scott used the old shuttlecraft to draw away a chasing vessel long enough to return to the vessel the two had fled, a B'rel -class Klingon bird-of-prey . Intending to utilize the ship to go back in time and save Kirk, Scott contacted the Enterprise and rendezvoused with it in order to pore over the logs from the original crew, specifically looking for Spock's time travel equations. Guinan met him with Saurian brandy, but he turned her away, and although she alerted Captain Picard to a feeling of unease around Scott, he still was able to escape without notice. Using the Bounty 2 and the Arhennius star, he was successful in returning to 2293 and beaming Kirk off the Enterprise -B at the moment of his supposed death, but the actions altered the timeline for him - and the Enterprise -D which had followed him into the past - to a universe where the Borg now controlled some of the Alpha Quadrant , including the Sol system .

Kirk and Scott were picked up by the Sarek of the altered timeline, now leader of the interstellar Alliance . Originally, Kirk suspected that Sarek was part of a plot to deceive him, but after being presented with sensor recordings of the Goddard appearing out of nowhere, came to the realization that they were in an alternate universe. After Kirk saved Sarek's life from an assassination attempt, they came to trust each other, and Kirk suggested they could consult the Guardian of Forever to determine where the timelines diverged and how to correct it. After Picard and the Enterprise -D rendezvoused with Sarek's ship, and the Borg started to seek out Picard to kill him, Kirk suspected it was his death that would save the timeline; however, Guinan insisted he could not die, but must be returned to the Nexus. Scott was able to work another miracle, and helped La Forge modify the ship's deflector shield grid to block sensor scans rather than weapons fire and routed a holographic projection through the grid to confuse the sensors of a pursing Borg fleet. The Enterprise was able to avoid destruction long enough to return Kirk to the Nexus, and the timeline returned to normal. ( Star Trek novel : Engines of Destiny )

Later that year, Scotty inspected the restoration of the old Enterprise -museum ship. He was escorted around the ship by Robin Lefler , when the Klingon Koloth arrived to finish an old honor debt with the engineer. ( TNG comic : " Old Debts ")

In 2371 , Scotty stole the Constitution -class USS Yorktown from the Starfleet Museum in an attempt to rescue Ambassador Spock from a Romulan prison on Constanthus . ( TNG novel : Crossover )

Return to the Fleet

Later that year, Scotty was visiting Argelius II when he encountered Burgoyne 172 , assistant chief engineer of the USS Excalibur . Burgoyne's comments caused Scott to re-enlist in Starfleet. After taking some refresher courses, Scott was stationed on Starbase 12 , where he worked under Captain Morgan Bateson in the construction of the Sovereign -class starship, the USS Honorius . ( NF novel : The Two-Front War ; NF short story : " Through the Looking Glass "; TNG novel : Ship of the Line ; SCE eBook : The Future Begins )

Later that year, Scotty attended the sixtieth wedding anniversary of Admiral John Harriman and his wife Amina Sasine , when they learned of Tolian Soran 's plot to destroy Amargosa . Scotty later learned of the real death of James T. Kirk and the destruction of the Enterprise -D. Shortly thereafter, the Honorius was re-designated the USS Enterprise -E . ( TNG short story : " Solemn Duty ", " Full Circle "; TNG novel : Ship of the Line ; SCE eBook : The Future Begins )

In 2370 , Scotty recommissioned the USS Theseus . Using technologies of his own design, Scott began rebuilding the ship. ( ST - Godshock comic : " Part 1 ")

In 2372, Scotty served as chief engineer of the Enterprise -E's maiden voyage under Captain Bateson before command was turned over to Captain Jean-Luc Picard . He then spent some time with Bateson on the USS Bozeman -A . ( TNG novel : Ship of the Line ; SCE eBook : The Future Begins )

Following that, Scotty served a tour of duty as chief engineer of the USS Sovereign , testing new technologies for possible implementation on all Sovereign -class vessels. ( TOS novel : Spectre ; SCE eBook : The Future Begins )

Corps of Engineers (first splinter timeline)


In April 2375 , after Scott's tour on the Sovereign ended, Admiral William Ross offered Scotty the position of head of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers . Scotty accepted, though only on an interim basis, until Ross could find someone better suited for the position. He disliked the administrative aspects of the job, and spent as much as time as possible out of the office doing hands-on tasks, delegating his responsibilities to Commander Leland T. Lynch . ( SCE - Have Tech, Will Travel eBook : The Belly of the Beast ; SCE - What's Past eBook : The Future Begins )

One of those trips was to repair a communications array on Tsugh Kaidnn . Another was a month-long inspection tour with Admiral Leonard McCoy in the runabout Hudson . Scotty and McCoy were on the Hudson when word came of the Breen attack on Earth during the Dominion War . Once he returned to Earth, Scott threw himself into the reconstruction wholeheartedly. ( SCE eBook : The Future Begins ; TOS short story : " Safe Harbors ")

Soon after, Scotty was manipulated by Admiral Alynna Nechayev into assisting in the theft of a captured Breen vessel from a prospective Federation member, the Kropaslin . This set off a chain of events that led to the rejection of the Kropaslin request for membership, and the eventual disintegration of the planet's infrastructure. Scotty resigned from Starfleet in protest. ( SCE eBook : The Future Begins )

After tendering his resignation, Scotty was hired by the government of Risa to rebuild that planet's weather modification net. Once that job was completed, he was offered and accepted a position as a greeter at the El Dorado Hotel . Scotty rejected numerous attempts by Admiral Ross to convince him to rejoin Starfleet, as Scotty was convinced that Starfleet was not the same organization that it was in his youth.

While at the El Dorado, Scotty, Lieutenant Robin Lefler , and her mother Morgan Primus stopped an attempt by a criminal named Rafe Viola to sabotage the resort's computers.

Soon after this incident, Ross offered Scotty the opportunity to help re-build Kropasar if he returned as head of SCE. With this incentive, Scotty finally accepted the offer and returned to Starfleet and the SCE. ( SCE eBook : The Future Begins , NF novels : Renaissance , Restoration )

Post-war challenges

Scotty saw the SCE through the Gateways Crisis and the reconstruction efforts around the Federation following the war. ( Gateways series; Star Trek: Corps of Engineers series)

In 2377 , Scotty was part of a covert mission to the Watraii homeworld aboard the USS Alliance to rescue the captive Admiral Pavel Chekov . ( Vulcan's Soul book two, Exiles )

In 2379 , Scotty volunteered to be a part of an inspection team reviewing the crew of the Enterprise -E, fearing that Starfleet's choices for the other inspectors were dubious at best. ( TNG novel : A Time for War, A Time for Peace )

Later that year, Scotty, at the request of Jean-Luc Picard , turned the Theseus over to Benjamin Sisko in his quest to prevent a galactic deicide. When Sikso boarded, Scott turned over captaincy of the ship to him. ( ST - Godshock comic : " Part 1 ")

As of 2382 Captain Scott was in command of the USS Challenger which had become a personal engineering project for him. He commanded the ship during an investigation of the derelict NX -class Intrepid where he and his crew also discovered evidence of a new type of propulsion technology called Trans-slipstream . Scott was severely injured during an attempt to recover the Intrepid after it was stolen by Mission Specialist Berlinghoff Rasmussen and his partner, the Ferengi Bok . The Challenger was able to rescue the crew of the Intrepid ; however, the ship was unable to be recovered and was lost. Due to his injuries, Doctor Alyssa Ogawa informed Scotty that he would no longer be able to command the Challenger as he did not meet the minimum health requirements for starship command. Before he could be removed he retired from his position and recommended that Geordi La Forge replace him as the Captain of the Challenger .

As of 2383 , Scotty was still aboard the Challenger as a civilian mission specialist working in Engineering. Scotty was aboard the ship when it was assigned to investigate the recently discovered Trans-slipstream wake. After the Challenger was pulled into the galaxy NGC 4414 , Scotty was severely injured and was unable to continue his 48 hour required cellular regeneration treatments due to the damage to the Challenger . When the USS Hera was discovered, Scotty agreed to lead the away team to the vessel to ascertain its status and to protect his Captain from the emotional consequences of such a mission. During this Scotty became more and more frail due to the damage caused to his heart by being suspended in the transporter system of the Jenolen for so long - which was the reason behind his regenerative treatments. Upon the away team's recovery it was already too late for the Captain to resume treatment. Knowing he did not have long to survive, Scotty returned to the Challenger in order to seal the rift preventing the Challenger crew and the IRW Tomalak's Fist from returning to the Alpha Quadrant . Using the Challenger to seal the rift, Scotty disabled the drive systems of the ship and opened the doorway for the other vessel to return home. He was last seen on the bridge of the Challenger as the vessel was crushed inside the closing rift. A memorial service was held in his honor aboard the USS Enterprise -E. ( TNG novel : Indistinguishable from Magic )

25th century

In the year 2422 , the Montgomery Scott Engineering Sciences Building opened on the grounds of Starfleet Academy on the date of Scotty's 200th birthday. Scotty himself was present, and cut the ribbon. ( ST novel : Engines of Destiny )

Scotty also has a great-granddaughter, Katarina Scott , who was present in the Exomorph Crisis in 2380 and who used the very same technique that saved his life on the Dyson sphere ; namely storing a person's pattern in a transporter buffer. Whether Scotty has had any contact with her is unknown. ( ST video game : Elite Force II )

At some point prior to 2387 Scotty developed the theory of transwarp beaming , which allowed long-distance transport between a planet and a starship. He perfected the field equation for this process, which relied on the key insight of treating space as moving, rather than the transported object or person. When Spock was exiled to the alternate reality created by Nero of Romulus he carried this knowledge with him, and shared it with the Montgomery Scott of that reality, who had not yet perfected the theory. ( TOS movie : Star Trek )

Alternate timelines

Scotty Early Voyages

Scotty in an alternate timeline

In an alternate timeline created when Yeoman J. Mia Colt was sent forward in time from 2254 to 2293 after her tricorder scans released the tachyon energy contained in an Algolian artifact known as a Keepsake, Scotty served as the chief engineer of the commercial freighter Bounty , which was under the command of his fellow former Starfleet officer James T. Kirk , for over twenty years. He was married to the ship's first officer and tactical officer Zhota .

In 2293, he was killed by a Klingon on the surface of Algol II while he and his crew were helping Colt to reach the Well of Tomorrows so that she could return to to 2254. His sacrifice made it possible for her to do so and she was therefore able to restore the proper timeline. ( EV comics : " Future Tense ", " Futures ", " Now and Then ")

In another alternate timeline in which John Frederick Paxton destroyed Starfleet Command and ended the talks for the Coalition of Planets in 2155 , Scott served as chief engineer aboard the UESS Enterprise under the command of Captain Christopher Pike during the early 2260s .

He frequently told the captain that the Enterprise needed to return to Spacedock in order to undergo complete repairs and that this had been the case since before he had become chief engineer. While Pike agreed with this assessment, his efforts to convince Starfleet Command of it were unsuccessful. ( TOS - Myriad Universes novel : A Less Perfect Union )

When Nero and Ambassador Spock were sent back to the 23rd century , causing what was called the Kelvin timeline after Nero's assault of the USS Kelvin , a photo of Scotty and Spock's crewmates aboard the USS Enterprise -A was among the personal effects bequeathed to the alternate Spock after Ambassador Spock passed away in the year 2263 . ( TOS movie : Beyond )

Starfleet service record

  • Aberdeen Solution
  • Katarina Scott


Appearances and references, appearances, external link.

  • Montgomery Scott article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
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Few Star Trek characters are more beloved than Montgomery Scott. With his immense engineering skills and propensity for jury-rigged solutions, he spent much of The Original Series at the heart of the action, and even took command of the Enterprise when Kirk and Spock were busy on some planet's surface. And while it was never used in precisely those terms, the phrase "beam me up Scotty" became one of Star Trek's first tag lines: referring to his uncanny operation of the ship's transporters.

Along the line, he experienced multiple reboots and updates, and like his fellow OG characters, he's always a welcome presence regardless of the project. He served as inspiration for subsequent Star Trek engineers -- notably Miles O'Brien from Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine -- and yet his in-universe origins remain surprisingly murky. His arrival on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds may change that, in addition to generating renewed interest in the character and his rich Star Trek history.

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Scotty's Origins

The character's origins lie with actor James Doohan, who played him for over 30 years and who remains more closely associated with Scotty than any other. According to David Gerrod's 1973 reference guide The World of Star Trek , Doohan played a huge role in the character's creation. He delivered a variety of accents while auditioning for the show's second pilot, "Where No Man Has Gone Before." When asked which accent he himself would use, the actor suggested Scottish because Scots were "renowned for having great engineering skills." That established the core of the character more or less on the spot.

Doohan always played Scotty as utterly devoted to the ship, to the point of considering it his property. That was often played for laughs: notably in Season 2, Episode 14, "The Trouble with Tribbles," when he started a bar fight with a group of Klingons after they disparaged the Enterprise's honor. He could solve any problem with the warp drive -- or any other part of the ship's systems -- which gave the show a natural ticking clock whenever it needed one. Scotty would invariably fix the malfunction with seconds to spare, allowing the Enterprise to escape by the skin of its teeth.

Scotty in The Original Star Trek

Scotty appeared in 65 of The Original Series' 79 episodes, as well as the first seven Star Trek movies and all but one entry in Star Trek: The Animated Series . That established his modus operandi: diligent, plain-spoken, and given to simple but accurate assessment of the problem du jour. It also cemented his unwavering loyalty to Captain Kirk, and his steadfast ability to hold the line in the face of trouble. That arose most often during his stints in the captain's chair, which helped define the character alongside his last-minute repairs and timely use of the transporter.

The Star Trek movies largely relegated him to support duties, though they found quiet ways to develop his character. A cut subplot from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan introduced his nephew among the Enterprise's new cadets, who's killed in Khan's first sneak attack. The brief sequences further connected Scotty to the ship's redshirts, as well as shedding light on his family and background. He played a more lightweight role in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock when he sabotaged the Excelsior in anticipation of the crew's theft of the Enterprise. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home similarly let him flash his comedic chops, notably while dealing with a 1980s-era personal computer.

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Scotty in Later Star Trek

Doohan made a memorable cameo as Scotty in The Next Generation Season 6, Episode 4, "Relics," which also revealed details about his final years. After becoming a captain in The Search for Spock he remained the Enterprise's Chief Engineer until the end of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered County . One year later, he embarked on the U.S.S. Jenolan en route to retirement in the Federation colony of Norpin. The ship crashed on a colossal alien structure called a Dyson Sphere, and he survived in the transporter's pattern buffer until the Enterprise-D revived him a century later. Picard gave him one of the ship's shuttlecraft, and he departed for points unknown. That presumably marks the end of the character's life, at least as far as canon is concerned.

A holographic version of the character also appeared in Star Trek: Prodigy Season 1, Episode 6, "Kobayashi." He was one of multiple classic figures recreated by Dal aboard to holodeck to assist him with his Kobayashi Maru test . The production used dialogue previously recorded by Doohan to bring him back for the episode. (Doohan himself passed away in 2005 at the age of 85.)

Scotty in The Kelvinverse

2009's Star Trek movie entailed a massive reboot, resulting in a new alternate timeline dubbed "The Kelvinverse" by fans. Scotty was memorably played by comic actor Simon Pegg, who revised the role in the next two Kelvinverse films. The changes in continuity resulted in a slightly different version of the character: relegated to a remote outpost before joining the Enterprise crew mid-emergency. In practical terms, it allowed Pegg to pursue his own take on Scotty without altering Doohan's. (Pegg has always expressed the highest respect for his predecessor.)

Besides playing up the character's funnier side, Pegg infused him with slightly wilder qualities: making him more willing to take risks than Doohan's version. The actor also developed a non-canon backstory for his Scotty, which shifted his birthplace to Glasgow among other things. (Dialogue in The Original Series Season 2, Episode 7, "A Wolf in the Fold" implied that he was from Aberdeen.) The Kelvinverse also gave Scotty a sidekick: the diminutive alien Keenser, played by Deep Roy. It gave him someone to play off of, further enhancing his status as the series' comic relief.

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Scotty in Strange New Worlds

Pegg's background for the character is unofficial, and relegated to the Kelvinverse timeline regardless. The history of Doohan's "prime" version is very much a mystery prior to his position onboard the Enterprise. Strange New Worlds looks to change that by introducing a younger version of Scotty played by Martin Quinn in Season 2, Episode 10, "Hegemony." (Quinn has the distinction of being the first Scottish actor to play the part.) Christopher Pike's Enterprise crew finds him among the survivors of a Gorn attack. Before that, he served aboard a solar research vessel called the Stardiver. The Gorn wiped the vessel out, leaving Scotty the only survivor. The episode ends on a cliffhanger, to be resolved in the Season 3 premiere (unreleased as of this writing).

Quinn's version of the character is very likely to join the Strange New Worlds crew full-time. The series' first engineer, Hemmer, was killed at the end of Season 1. His replacement, Commander Pelia, isn't expected to remain onboard, and with Scotty destined for the position regardless, the move makes a lot of narrative sense. Strange New Worlds has an opportunity to fill in his early years much the same way it has for Uhura, Jim Kirk, and Mr. Spock . Regardless of its plans for him, it ensures that he will remain firmly a part of Star Trek 's future as well as its past.

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Published Aug 16, 2023

The Wit and Wisdom of Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott

The Enterprise's chief engineer is always at your service with his words of wisdom and Scottish charm.

Illustrated banner of the various Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott

Montgomery "Scotty" Scott , known as "the miracle worker" to his longtime comrades James T. Kirk and crew, was the chief engineer aboard the original  U.S.S. Enterprise  and its successor craft. Bullish on his Scottish ancestry, Scotty wears ceremonial kilts with his dress uniform, plays the bagpipes, and is renowned for his love of Scotch and his beverage collection from all parts of the galaxy.

To celebrate the arrival of Scotty on  Star Trek: Strange New Worlds , we're reflecting on the wit and wisdom of our favorite chief engineer.

Star Trek : The Original Series

Close-up of Montgomery Scott in 'The Naked Time'

"The Naked Time"

Diplomats! The best diplomat I know is a fully activated phaser bank!

A Taste of Armageddon

A cranky transporter's a mighty finicky piece of machinery to be gambling your life on, sir.

The Doomsday Machine

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

James Kirk leans over between Montgomery Scott and Hikaru Sulu at their stations as they all stare intently at the viewscreen in front of them in Star Trek: The Search for Spock

The more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain.

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

McCoy leans over towards Scotty and grins in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Damage control is easy. Reading Klingon - that's hard.

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

Montgomery Scott tinkers with the console in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

Don't you worry, captain. We'll beat those Klingon devils, even if I have to get out and push!

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Scotty and Picard sit on the original Enterprise NCC-1701 on the holodeck in 'Relics'


Starship captains are like children. They want everything right now and they want it their way. The secret is to give them what they need, not what they want.

Star Trek  (2009)

Scotty (Simon Pegg) stands by his best friend Keenser on their remote base in Star Trek (2009)

Star Trek (2009)

The notion of transwarp beaming is like trying to hit a bullet with a smaller bullet, whilst wearing a blindfold, riding a horse.

Star Trek Into Darkness

Scotty expresses disproval of the torpedoes as he stands in front of a security officer while in the presence of Carol Marcus and Keensar in Star Trek Into Darkness

Do you have any idea how ridiculous it is to hide a starship on the bottom of the ocean?

Star Trek Beyond

Scotty appeals to Jaylah as she assesses her rifle in Star Trek Beyond

You're part of something bigger now, lassie. Right? Don't give up on that. Cause we'll sure as hell never give up on you. That is what being part of a crew is all about.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Close-up of Montgomery Scott in 'Hegemony'


I'm an engineer, not a miracle worker, Mr. Spock.

Alternate Montgomery Scott, "A Quality of Mercy"

First, I jury-rigged the engines to increase their capacity. And secondly, well, I figured out how to hide in plain sight. When an armada of human-eating lizards come my way, I can get quite, uh, creative.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds streams exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S., U.K., Australia, Latin America, Brazil, South Korea, France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. In addition, the series airs on Bell Media’s CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave in Canada and on SkyShowtime in the Nordics, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and Central and Eastern Europe. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution.

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All 5 versions of scotty in star trek.


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WARNING: Contains SPOILERS for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' Season 2 finale.

  • Martin Quinn makes his debut as the fifth version of Star Trek's Chief Engineer, Scotty, in the season 2 finale of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.
  • It is uncertain if Martin Quinn's Scotty will be a regular in season 3, but he may be groomed as a replacement for Commander Pelia before Captain Kirk takes command.
  • Martin Quinn is the first Scottish actor to play the iconic Star Trek character, and his character's knowledge of Gorn technology may play a crucial role in resolving the season 2 cliffhanger.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds ' season 2 finale introduces Martin Quinn as the fifth version of Star Trek 's legendary Chief Engineer, Scotty. Originally played by Canadian actor James Doohan, the Starfleet engineer from Linlithgow, Scotland, played an integral role aboard the USS Enterprise. In Strange New Worlds ' season 2 finale, "Hegemony", Scotty gets his first trip aboard the Enterprise when he's rescued by Captain Christopher Pike (Anson Mount) from the surface of the Gorn-ravaged colony planet, Parnassus Beta.

It's currently unclear if Martin Quinn's Scotty will be a fully-fledged regular in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 . It seems likely that he'll be groomed as an eventual replacement for Commander Pelia (Carol Kane) prior to Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) assuming command of the USS Enterprise. The first Scottish actor to play Starfleet's most famous Scotsman, Martin Quinn joins an exclusive club as only three other actors have played the five versions of the character in Star Trek 's long history.

5 Scotty In Star Trek: The Original Series, Movies & TNG

James Doohan played Scotty in three seasons of Star Trek: The Original Series from 1966 to '69. Mr Scott was responsible for keeping the USS Enterprise's engines running. Scotty was also in charge of the Enterprise when Kirk and Spock were both incapacitated or on away missions, which happened more often than some might think. Scotty loved the Enterprise and even defended the starships honor in a bar brawl with a Klingon in Star Trek: TOS ' classic comedy , "The Trouble with Tribbles".

After the Enterprise was decommissioned, Scotty was promoted to Captain as part of the great transwarp experiment. Working on the USS Excelsior was never as satisfying for Scotty as his work on the Enterprise. Luckily, or unluckily for Scotty, he was assigned to the USS Enterprise-A, its numerous flaws keeping him busy until its decommissioning. Scotty also got to visit both the Enterprise-B and Enterprise-D thanks to a life-saving transporter trick that kept him in stasis until the mid 2300s.

4 Scotty In J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek

Simon Pegg played Scotty in J.J. Abrams' Star Trek movies, playing a slightly more comic version of the character, complete with alien sidekick. However, Scotty also got to investigate some nefarious Section 31 activities in Star Trek Into Darkness . In Star Trek Beyond , Scotty was vital in getting the antiquated USS Franklin back up and running to save the USS Yorktown. Scotty and Captain James T. Kirk (Chris Pine) were just as close friends in the Kelvin Timeline movies as they were in the Prime Timeline.

Interestingly, Kirk and Scotty met the Prime Timeline Spock (Leonard Nimoy), who gifted them the secrets of Prime Scotty's transwarp beaming innovation. Scotty had been marooned on the barren ice planet Delta Vega as a punishment for apparently losing Admiral Archer's prize beagle. While this doesn't quite fit with the Star Trek: Enterprise timeline, it is funny to think of Montgomery Scott meeting Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula) and infuriating the Starfleet legend.

3 Hologram Scotty In Star Trek: Prodigy

When Dal R'El (Brett Gray) discovered the holodeck aboard the USS Protostar in Star Trek: Prodigy , he decided to attempt the Kobayashi Maru simulation. Assembling a crew of Star Trek legends to assist him, Dal was joined by - among others - a hologram of Montgomery Scott. The hologram was based on Scotty in the Star Trek: TOS movies, and the voice was made up of pre-recorded dialog from James Doohan in previous Trek appearances. It was a fun nod to the previous generations of Starfleet legends in the youth-orientated Star Trek show.

2 Scotty (Voice) In Strange New Worlds Season 1 Finale

Scotty's Star Trek: Strange New Worlds return almost happened a year earlier in the season 1 finale. In the alternate timeline created by Pike's attempt to avoid his tragic future, Scotty was serving aboard the USS Enterprise in "A Quality of Mercy". Scotty wasn't seen on screen, but an unnamed actor voiced him in some brief dialog as Spock sought a staus update from the Chief Engineer during their battle with the Romulans. When Pike was returned to his own time, he kept his eye on Kirk's career, but didn't seem all that interested in Mr. Scott.

1 Scotty In Strange New Worlds Season 2 Finale

Pike eventually meets Lt. Montgomery Scott (Martin Quinn) in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds ' season 2 finale when his away team discover the survivors of the Gorn Hegemony's attack. Scotty was the only survivor of the USS Stardiver, which had been caught up in the destruction of Parnassus Beta. Forced to use his wits and engineering skills, Scotty was able to craft traps and learn all he could about the Gorn's strengths and weaknesses. He was also able to build a Gorn transponder to mask himself from their sensors, something which could be the key to the Enterprise resolving the season 2 cliffhanger.

Scotty actor Martin Quinn is the first Scottish actor to play the legendary Star Trek character in the franchise's 57-year history. Born and raised in Paisley, Quinn is only an hour's train ride away from the fictional Scotty's birthplace of Linlithgow. It's unclear if Martin Quinn's Scotty will be a regular or a recurring character in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3, but the signs are positive. As he and Commander Pelia attempt to adapt his Gorn tech for the Enterprise, he'll play a vital role in saving the day in the season 3 premiere.

All episodes of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2 are streaming now on Paramount+.

  • Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
  • Star Trek: The Original Series

Montgomery "Scotty" Scott

  • Edit source

Captain Montgomery Scott (referred to as Scotty by his shipmates) was a male Human Starfleet officer in the 23rd century . His serial number was SE 19754 T. For a period of nearly thirty years, he was the chief engineer of both the USS Enterprise and the USS Enterprise -A , both under the command of Captain James T. Kirk . Having the reputation as a "miracle worker", he was a man of superior technical and engineering skill, experience and ingenuity. Despite his superior talents as an engineer, he was often the source of comic relief amongst the crew due to his use of Scots language . ( TOS : " Wolf in the Fold ", " Where No Man Has Gone Before ", " The Trouble with Tribbles "; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock ; Star Trek V: The Final Frontier ; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country ; TNG : " Relics ")

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Scotty’s accent was legendarily bad, but Scottish Star Trek fans loved him anyway

Is Strange New Worlds about to break a streak?

by Dylan Roth

James Doohan smiling in dress uniform as Montgomery “Scotty” Scott in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

[ Ed. note: This piece contains spoilers for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2, episode 10, “Hegemony.”]

Great Scott! In this week’s season finale of Strange New Worlds , Star Trek ’s most beloved miracle worker finally arrives aboard the USS Enterprise. During a rescue mission on the border of the Gorn Hegemony, Captain Pike and his crew encounter the lone survivor of another Starfleet vessel, the talented and loquacious Lt. Junior Grade Montgomery Scott, who joins the effort to save a group of human colonists from an ongoing massacre.

Scotty’s debut on the show (the earliest TV appearance in the character’s personal chronology) was an unadvertised surprise, but not a total shock, as Strange New Worlds used its previous season finale to unveil Paul Wesley as the new James Kirk . What makes young Scotty a particularly sweet treat, however, is that for the first time, he’s being performed by an actual Scot: Martin Quinn has finally endowed the engineer with a convincing Scottish accent.

Martin Quinn as Scotty, making a confused face while Anson Mount as Captain Pike stands in the background.

But before we criticize him a bit, let’s pay proper respect to the late James Doohan, who originated the role on Star Trek: The Original Series back in 1966. Doohan essentially created Montgomery Scott himself, having been brought in to audition for a then-unnamed role as the Chief Engineer of the USS Enterprise by James Goldstone, director of the show’s second pilot episode.

According to Marc Cushman’s exhaustive multi-book reference guide These Are The Voyages , Doohan tried a variety of different accents for the character, and when series creator Gene Roddenberry asked which accent sounded best for an engineer, Doohan selected Scottish, citing Scotland’s history of naval innovation. Doohan was also permitted to name the character, and in the years that followed, “Scotty” became American television’s most famous man from Braveheart Country.

The trouble is, if you ask any true Scottish person, they’ll tell you that Doohan’s accent is laughable. Though Doohan learned it firsthand during World War II while serving alongside a soldier from Aberdeen, it’s widely mocked for its inaccuracy, and can frequently be found on lists of the worst Scottish accents in TV and film history . The Scotsman ’s David McLean called it “the Dick Van Dyke of Scottish accents,” in reference to the American comedian’s infamously awful attempt at a Cockney accent in Mary Poppins . On the other side of the pond, however, few Americans knew any better: Doohan says he was turned down for multiple roles in the 1970s because casting directors weren’t looking for a Scot.

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Despite Doohan’s goofy accent, many Scots still took a liking to the jolly engineer. As foreign as the idea may seem in Trek’s native United States, positive representation for Scots has never been a given in the broader landscape of British television. In 2020, a survey of BBC viewers found that no single demographic — across nationality, race, class, gender, and sexual orientation — was more dissatisfied with their depiction on the network than Scots.

When Star Trek first arrived in the UK in 1969, Montgomery Scott was a relatively textured and dignified “Aberdeen pub-crawler.” He’s a consummate professional, often seen in command of the Enterprise, and adored by all. He enjoys a drink, but he’s not a drunk. He’s a flirt, but not a cad. Scottish audiences were so enamored that, upon James Doohan’s death in 2005, four different towns declared themselves the “future birthplace” of Montgomery Scott, each citing a different piece of non-canonical provenance. When Doohan’s son Chris visited one of the claimants, Linlithgow, the town provost told him that Scotty’s phony accent was, in fact, “one of the things they loved about him.”

However, when English actor Simon Pegg was cast as the new Scotty in J.J. Abrams’ 2009 feature film reboot, Scottish Trekkies were far less forgiving. Pegg based his take on Scotty’s lilt on his own father-in-law, who hails from Glasgow, but that didn’t prevent fans from voicing their strong negative reactions when the film’s first trailers were released.

Simon Pegg as Scotty in Star Trek (2009) spreads his arms in a questioning gesture, sitting in warm clothing at a cluttered desk.

While Pegg’s accent is certainly closer to the mark than Doohan’s was, the audience’s standards for a major motion picture in the 21st century were significantly higher. The performance fell victim to a common criticism of Hollywood Scottish accents, that being a lack of playable local identity, though this could be a consequence of Abrams asking Pegg to dial the accent back so an international audience could understand him.

More than a decade later, Strange New Worlds has gone where no Star Trek has gone before — the actual Scotland — to recruit 29-year-old Martin Quinn. Born in Paisley and trained at London’s Guildhall School of Music and Drama, Quinn has no previous North American productions on his résumé , though American viewers might recognize him from a bit part on the Netflix hit Derry Girls . Quinn makes a charming Star Trek debut, and even a clueless American listener (such as myself) can immediately detect the difference between the typical “Hollywood” Scots accent and the real deal.

Will his performance pass muster for Scottish viewers, and finally put to rest what part of the country Montgomery Scott calls home? Has even this accent been sanded down to better relate to American audiences, but to an extent only detectable by native speakers? Or, could it be that Strange New Worlds has really worked out the last bug in the man who can fix anything?

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Kathy Ireland and Jack Scalia in Amore! (1993)

  • Montgomery Scott (voice)

Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, and Persis Khambatta in Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)

  • Klingon and Vulcan languages (uncredited)

Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, James Doohan, and DeForest Kelley in Star Trek: The Animated Series (1973)

  • performer: "Yr Hufen Melyn"

Official Trailer

Personal details

  • 5′ 11″ (1.80 m)
  • March 3 , 1920
  • Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  • July 20 , 2005
  • Redmond, Washington, USA (pneumonia and Alzheimer's disease)
  • Spouses Wende Doohan October 12, 1974 - July 20, 2005 (his death, 3 children)
  • Children Sarah Doohan
  • Other works (autobiography) "Beam Me Up, Scotty" (with Peter David)
  • 1 Print Biography
  • 7 Interviews
  • 10 Articles
  • 1 Pictorial
  • 2 Magazine Cover Photos

Did you know

  • Trivia One of the proudest moments in his career was when he communicated with a fan whom he deduced was struggling with suicidal feelings. Doohan invited her to a convention and invited her to more conventions. Eventually, the woman disappeared and he could not find her. He then received a letter eight years later from the woman who said she had just received her degree in Engineering and thanking him for his help.
  • Quotes I like Captain Kirk, but I can't say that I'm very fond of Bill Shatner ( William Shatner ).
  • Trademarks Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott on Star Trek (1966) and seven of the Star Trek films
  • When did James Doohan die?
  • How did James Doohan die?
  • How old was James Doohan when he died?

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Montgomery Scott

Stop hand

Montgomery Christopher Jorgensen "Scotty" Scott was a human male in the Star Trek universe, first introduced in the episode Where No Man Has Gone Before.

In the Original Star Trek TV series and in the first seven movies, Scotty was portrayed by the late James Doohan. In the Strange New Worlds first season finale, he was voiced by Matthew Wolf.

Scotty was born in Scotland in 2222, the son of Montgomery Sr. and Arlyne Scott. As he was born before the timeline divergence of 2233, his early life matched that of his alternate reality counterpart .

Scotty was the brother of Robert and Clara. He would eventually become the Uncle of Dannan and Peter. Being the eldest of an eldest son, he would come to inherit the family round shield and broadsword.

Joining Starfleet in 2241 Scotty served on a variety of ships - including freighters, cruisers, and starships. In 2253 Scotty was assigned to the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701), working for chief engineer Caitlin Barry. In 2256 both he and Barry had left the Enterprise for other assignments. When the Enterprise returned to Earth in 2264 Scotty was next in line to be named chief engineer of the Enterprise .

In 2265 Scotty was named the chief engineer and second officer of the Enterprise under the command of Captain James T. Kirk . At first loyal to Christopher Pike Scotty was unsure of the new Captain. But he quickly became as loyal to Kirk and formed a strong friendship with Scotty. He also became friends with many of the other senior staff, including Spock , Leonard McCoy , Uhura, Sulu, and Chekov. More familiar with the systems of the Constitution class starships then those who built them at that point, Scotty became known as a miracle worker who could pull the Enterprise out of almost any difficulty. Scotty was fiercely proud of the Enterprise , while he would ignore insults against Captain Kirk a Klingon found out the hard way that he wasn't so sanguine about insults against the Enterprise .

In addition to his engineering skills Scotty was also a qualified command officer who was called to command the ship when Kirk or Spock were away.

Scotty was killed by the NOMAD probe in 2267, however the probe was able to revive him after Kirk ordered the probe to do so.

After the five year mission concluded and Enterprise returned to Earth in 2270, Scotty remained onboard to oversee the most extensive refit of the Enterprise to date, under the command of Willard Decker . For the next 18 months Scott's oversaw the virtual reconstruction of the Enterprise .

Scotty remained as chief engineer of the Enterprise for the rest of her existence. He fought against Khan Noonien Singh with the Enterprise crew. The battle was hard on Scotty, with his nephew Peter Preston dying in the attack. Then he was forced to watch helplessly as Spock apparently sacrificed himself to save the Enterprise from the Genesis Device. After Spock's first death Soctty played the bagpipes for Spock's funeral.

In 2285 Starfleet decided that due to the amount of damage the Enterprise received in battle against Khan along with her age it was time to retire the Enterprise . By then holding the rank of Captain Scotty was assigned as Captain of Engineering on board the new USS Excelsior .

Learning that they had to take Spock back to Vulcan, Scotty helped steal the Enterprise to go back to the Genesis Planet to retrieve Spock's body. Scotty sabotaged the Excelsior's engines so they were unable to pursue the Enterprise . When the Enterprise was damaged in battle against Klingons under the command of Kruge over the Genesis Planet, Kirk decided to destroy the Enterprise in order to keep her from being captured. Along with Chekov and Kirk he was one of three men to input the self destruct code into the computer before beaming to the surface of Genesis with the remaining Enterprise crew. A minute later Scotty's beloved Enterprise exploded, taking the Klingon boarding party with her. The hulk of the Enterprise was pulled down into the Genesis Planet's atmosphere by the planet's gravity well and burned up in the atmosphere as Scotty and his crew mates watched.

Defeating the remaining Klingons Scotty, Kirk, and the others took over Kruge's ship. They took Spock's body back to Vulcan, where it was successfully reintergrated with Spock's katra. Scotty joyfully greeted his resurrected friend Spock.

After three months Scotty voted with his fellow senior staff to return to Earth to face the consequences of his action. On the way back home he travelled back in time with the late Enterprise's senior staff to retrieve humpback whales to answer the call of an alien probe that was devastating Earth. The mission was successful and the whales were able to convince the probe to leave. In gratitude Starfleet dropped all the charges against Scotty.

The senior staff was then assigned to a new ship, the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A). The ship was somewhat fragile at first, but under Scotty's care the Enterprise-A earned her name and Scotty became almost as proud and loving of her as he did the previous Enterprise . Scotty remained as chief engineer until the retirement of the Enterprise in 2293.

In 2294 Scotty, Kirk, and Chekov attended the dedication ceremonies on the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-B). During the dedication cruise Scotty helped rescue El-Aurian refugees and save the Enterprise from the Nexus. However Kirk disappeared at that time, taken into the Nexus.

Scotty then retired from Starfleet. Leaving for the Norpin Colony on the Jenolen he and the others on the Jenolen disappeared in 2295. It was not until 2369 that the rest of the galaxy learned what happened - that the ship had crashed on a Dyson Sphere. Scotty and Ensign Matt Franklin were the only survivors. The two had placed themselves into a form of transporter stasis. Franklin died during the intervening years as his pattern deteriorated. Scotty was rescued by the Enterprise-D .


An older Scotty on the Enterprise-D .

Becoming friends with Geordi LaForge , Scotty helped save the Enterprise-D from the Dyson Sphere. With his zest for life renewed Scotty decided he wasn't ready to retire, and left to explore the galaxy on the shuttle the Enterprise loaned him.

Eventually Scotty returned to Earth where he helped in the construction of the USS Honorious , a Sovereign class starship. After the Enterprise-D was destroyed in 2371, Starfleet decided to rename the Honorius as the Enterprise-E.

By the mid 2380s Scotty was the commanding officer of the Galaxy class USS Challenger . Due to damage caused by his long transporter stasis, Scotty was unable to continue as Captain of the Challenger , and his friend Geordi LaForge assumed command of the vessel. When the ship was trapped in a rift, Scotty elected to remain on the ship and free his shipmates by using the engines to create a collapsing warp shell, which sealed the rift.

Scotty was presumed lost after the rift was sealed. At Scotty's memorial service, Ambassador Spock felt that if anyone could have survived the collapsing static warp shell, it was Montgomery Scott.

Alternate Timelines [ ]

In the timeline where Christopher Pike avoided the accident that had crippled him in the prime reality, Scott was heard assisting that timeline's Mr. Spock as the Vulcan science officer worked to get phasers back on line.

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Montgomery "Scotty" Scott is a human Starfleet officer, known for being chief engineer aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise and U.S.S. Enterprise-A . The presence of Scotty in Star Trek Timelines was first revealed in the Starship Combat in Timelines dev blog.

scotty star trek wiki

In ship to ship combat, Scotty excels at engineering and is able to fix up the ship.

External Links

  • Montgomery Scott at Memory Alpha
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  • Appears in The Original Series
  • Appears in The Next Generation

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  • Montgomery "Scotty" Scott
  • Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott
  • Chief Engineer Scott
  • モンゴメリー・スコット
  • Lt. Commander Montgomery Scott
  • Lieutenant Montgomery Scott
  • Lt. Montgomery "Scotty" Scott

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Scotty (Star Trek)

Montgomery " Scotty " Scott [1] is a fictional character in the science fiction franchise Star Trek . [2] First portrayed by James Doohan in the original Star Trek series , Scotty also appears in the animated Star Trek series , 10 Star Trek films , the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode " Relics ", and in numerous books, comics, and video games. [3] [4]

Development and portrayals

Doohan depiction, pegg depiction, early years, birthplace dispute, in popular culture, external links.

Simon Pegg has assumed the character and appeared in the Star Trek reboot (2009) [4] and its sequels, Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) and Star Trek Beyond (2016). In 2023, a young version of Scotty appeared in the final episode of the second season of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds , portrayed by Martin Quinn. [5] Later in 2023, an animated version of Scotty was played by Carlos Alazraqui in a Very Short Treks episode. [6]

Doohan was cast as the Enterprise engineer for the second Star Trek pilot, " Where No Man Has Gone Before " (1966) on the recommendation of that episode's director, James Goldstone, who had worked with him before. [7] The character almost did not make it to the show after series creator Gene Roddenberry sent Doohan a letter informing him, "We don't think we need an engineer in the series". Only through the intervention of Doohan's agent did the character remain. [7]

Doohan tried a variety of accents for the part and decided to use a Scottish accent on the basis that he thought Scottish people make the best engineers. [8] Doohan himself chose Scotty's first name, Montgomery (Doohan's own middle name), in honor of his maternal grandfather James Montgomery. [9] In a third-season production memo, Roddenberry said Doohan "is capable of handling anything we throw at him" and that the "dour Scot" works better when being protective of the ship's engines. [10]

Scotty (the fictional Lt. Commander Montgomery Scott) spent part of his life in Aberdeen , but was born in Linlithgow Scotland . [11] He wears Clan Scott 's tartan as part of his dress uniform . [12] Doohan claimed to have based Scotty's accent on an Aberdeen accent he once heard. [8] During the events of Star Trek , Scotty holds the rank of lieutenant commander and serves as the Enterprise ' s second officer and "miracle worker" chief engineer, [3] commanding the ship and recording its log when both Captain James T. Kirk ( William Shatner ) and First Officer Spock ( Leonard Nimoy ) are not aboard. [13] Scotty's technical knowledge and skill allow him to devise unconventional and effective last-minute solutions to dire problems. [2] Scotty's identity is strongly connected to the Enterprise itself, and the character often takes a paternal attitude toward the ship. [2] He is frequently the liaison between Captain Kirk's ambitious tactical plans and what is technically feasible in the realm of the starship's capabilities. Scotty asserts in the TNG episode " Relics " that he "never wanted to be anything else but an engineer". [14] In addition to his engineering abilities, Scotty is often shown to be a fairly heavy drinker but is only shown drunk twice, in "By Any Other Name" and "Relics".

Scotty oversaw the Enterprise ' s refit prior to the events of Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979), and is part of the crew when the Enterprise confronts Khan Noonien Singh ( Ricardo Montalbán ) in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982). [3] Although not stated when this occurred in the original release of the film, Peter Preston – who was mortally wounded during the attack on the Enterprise by the USS Reliant , and dies with Scotty at his bedside – was Scotty's nephew. After Scotty was promoted to captain of engineering of the USS Excelsior in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984), he sabotages the new ship and helps Kirk steal the Enterprise to rescue Spock. [3] Scotty joins Kirk's crew aboard the USS Enterprise -A at the end of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986). In Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989), he helps Kirk, Spock and Dr. Leonard McCoy ( DeForest Kelley ) escape the brig and retake the hijacked Enterprise . [3] Scotty kills Colonel West ( René Auberjonois ) before the latter can assassinate the Federation president ( Kurtwood Smith ) in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991). [3] Scotty joins Kirk and Pavel Chekov ( Walter Koenig ) for the USS Enterprise -B 's maiden voyage in Star Trek Generations (1994), saving the ship through his technical expertise. [15]

After serving aboard 11 starships in a career spanning 52 years and retiring at the age of 72 with the rank of Captain, Scotty was aboard a transport shuttle en route to a retirement colony when it crashed into a Dyson sphere ; stranded, he set the transporter to cycle indefinitely and "stored" himself in the buffer for 75 years before being recovered by the USS Enterprise -D crew in "Relics". [3] Even though he is no longer able to serve effectively as an engineer and struggles to get used to 24th-century life, Scotty nevertheless helps save the Enterprise -D from being trapped within the sphere. [15] At the end, the 147-year-old Captain Montgomery Scott is given an Enterprise shuttlecraft and left to explore space.

Simon Pegg (pictured in 2008) portrayed Scotty from 2009 until 2016 Simon Pegg 01.jpg

In September 2007, Paul McGillion auditioned for the Scotty role in the 2009 Star Trek reboot and received James Doohan's son Chris 's endorsement. [16] However, Simon Pegg's casting was announced on October 11, 2007. [17] Pegg's portrayal in the 2009 Star Trek reboot has Scotty stuck working at an isolated outpost as punishment for beaming Admiral Jonathan Archer 's [18] prized beagle from one planet to the next — and having no idea where it ended up. With assistance from Spock Prime and James Kirk, he joins the Enterprise crew and becomes the ship's chief engineer. called Pegg's performance of Scotty in the 2009 Star Trek reboot "juicily comic". [4] The character of Scotty has an expanded role in the film Star Trek Beyond (written by Pegg and Doug Jung ), in which he meets an alien woman named Jaylah, who leads him to the crashed Federation starship, the USS Franklin . Working together, the two make the ship again flightworthy and Scotty helps Jaylah to see the value of working together with a crew. [19]

A young Scotty, played by Scottish actor Martin Quinn, appears in the Star Trek: Strange New Worlds episode "Hegemony". In that episode, Scotty holds the rank of Lieutenant junior grade and is the only survivor of a Gorn attack on his ship, the USS Stardiver . After escaping from the wrecked Stardiver , Scotty took a shuttlecraft and managed to reach a Federation colony on Parnassus Beta. He was then rescued by the Enterprise .

Following Doohan's death, several Scottish towns campaigned to be named Scotty's "official birthplace". Scripts, production materials and Doohan's family support Aberdeen 's claim to being Scotty's birthplace. [20] In " Wolf in the Fold " (1967), Scotty says that he is "an old Aberdeen pub crawler", as he grew up and spent some of his reprobate youth there. Notwithstanding that caveat, Aberdeen city leaders proposed [ needs update ] plans to erect a monument to the actor and character. [21]

Scotty's operation of the Enterprise transporter system inspired the catchphrase " Beam me up, Scotty ", which gained currency in popular culture beyond Star Trek fans (most notably by former U.S. Representative James Traficant ), [22] even though the exact phrase is not spoken in that way in the original series, it is used frequently in the animated series. In Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home , Kirk says, "Scotty, beam me up."

Doohan himself briefly reprised the role for a gag cameo in the action comedy Loaded Weapon 1 (1993), as well as being Scotty in the movie Knight Rider 2000 (1991), while parodies of Scotty or his accent appear in such media as World of Warcraft (2004), Spaceballs (1987), Tale Spin , Goof Troop , The Simpsons , Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994), Beavis and Butt-Head and All That . Scotty also appeared in a Far Side comic, where he was in Hell .

In the song " Boat Drinks ", singer-songwriter Jimmy Buffett asks, "Could you beam me somewhere, Mister Scott? Any old place, here on Earth or in space, you pick the century and I'll pick the spot." Rap artists D4L have a song "Scotty" that uses his character and Star Trek , as do Relient K in their song "Beaming".

In 2009, IGN rated Scotty the 16th best character of the Star Trek franchise, including the spin-off shows produced up to that time. [23]

In 2016, Screen Rant rated Scotty as the 18th best character in Star Trek overall as presented in television and film up to that time, highlighting the character as someone who could get the Enterprise out of trouble, with phrases that added both tension and humor to the show. [24] In 2016, Scotty was ranked as the 19th most important character of Starfleet within the Star Trek science fiction universe by Wired magazine. [25]

In 2018, The Wrap placed Scotty as 12th out of 39 in a ranking of main cast characters of the Star Trek franchise prior to Star Trek: Discovery . [26] In 2018, CBR ranked Scotty the ninth best Starfleet character of Star Trek . [27]

In July 2019, Screen Rant ranked Scotty the 5th smartest character of all Star Trek (including later series). [28]

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  • ↑ Johnson, Mike. Star Trek Ongoing #19 . IDW Publishing, 2013
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Okuda, Michael ; Okuda, Denise ; Mirek, Debbie (1999). The Star Trek Encyclopedia . Pocket Books. ISBN   0-671-53609-5 .
  • 1 2 3 Stevens, Dana (2009-05-06). "Go See Star Trek" . Slate . Archived from the original on 2011-01-15 . Retrieved 2009-05-07 .
  • ↑ Seibold, Witney (2023-08-10). "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 Kept Its Biggest Surprise For The Finale" . /Film . Retrieved 2023-08-10 .
  • ↑ "Star Trek: very Short Treks | Walk, Don't Run |" . YouTube . 2023-10-04 . Retrieved 2024-05-09 .
  • 1 2 Solow, Herbert ; Justman, Robert (June 1997). Inside Star Trek The Real Story . Simon & Schuster . pp.   152 . ISBN   0-671-00974-5 .
  • 1 2 Hayward, Anthony (2005-07-22). "Obituary: James Doohan" . The Independent . Archived from the original on 2021-08-15 . Retrieved 2021-08-15 .
  • ↑ "James Doohan (Obituary)" . TimesOnline. 2005-07-21. Archived from the original on 2011-06-29 . Retrieved 2007-04-29 .
  • ↑ Roddenberry, Gene (April 18, 1968). "Kirk, Spock and Other Continuing STAR TREK Characters" (memo). Archived from the original on August 14, 2013 . Retrieved September 10, 2013 .
  • ↑ Mandel, Geoffrey (1980). USS Enterprise Officer's Manual . New York, NY: Interstellar Associates. p.   23. Archived from the original on 2013-05-14 . Retrieved 2013-03-19 .
  • ↑ Suehle, Ruth (2012-09-21). "Twelve Fictional Characters With Officially Registered Tartans" . Wired . Archived from the original on 2020-08-04 . Retrieved 2020-01-21 .
  • ↑ Gene L. Coon . " Metamorphosis "; Star Trek: The Original Series ; November 10, 1967
  • ↑ "Relics". Star Trek: The Next Generation . 1992-10-12. Oh, I may be captain by rank... but I never wanted to be anything else but an engineer.
  • 1 2 Nemeck, Larry (2003). Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion . Pocket Books . ISBN   0-7434-5798-6 .
  • ↑ Read, David (2007-10-01). "McGillion up for 'Star Trek' role" . GateWorld. Archived from the original on 2009-05-30 . Retrieved 2009-05-08 .
  • ↑ Siegel, Tatiana (2007-10-11). "Simon Pegg to play Scotty in 'Trek' " . Variety . Archived from the original on 2018-06-25 . Retrieved 2018-04-04 .
  • ↑ "Orci and Kurtzman Reveal Star Trek Details In TrekMovie Fan Q&A" . 2009-05-22. Archived from the original on 2009-05-27 . Retrieved 2009-06-18 . 'Admiral Archer' is a reference to the Archer we all know and love
  • ↑ Fect, Sarah (July 21, 2016). " Star Trek Beyond Review: Everything We Loved and Hated" . Popular Science . Archived from the original on December 15, 2016 . Retrieved December 20, 2016 .
  • ↑ " 'Scotty' beamed back to Scotland" . BBC . 2005-07-21. Archived from the original on 2009-01-04 . Retrieved 2009-05-08 .
  • ↑ "Richard Arnold: Scotty Will Be Born In Aberdeen" . TrekToday. 2005-08-08. Archived from the original on 2005-08-10 . Retrieved 2005-08-08 .
  • ↑ "Beam me up: 5 classic Jim Traficant quotes" . Archived from the original on 2019-12-20 . Retrieved 2021-12-08 .
  • ↑ IGN Movies (2009-05-08). "Top 25 Star Trek Characters" . IGN . Archived from the original on 2019-03-27 . Retrieved 2019-06-20 .
  • ↑ "The 20 Best Characters In Star Trek History" . ScreenRant . 2016-11-19. Archived from the original on 2019-02-09 . Retrieved 2019-03-20 .
  • ↑ McMillan, Graeme (2016-09-05). "Star Trek's 100 Most Important Crew Members, Ranked" . Wired . ISSN   1059-1028 . Archived from the original on 2019-03-02 . Retrieved 2019-03-20 .
  • ↑ "All 39 'Star Trek' Main Characters Ranked" . TheWrap . 2018-03-21. Archived from the original on 2019-07-02 . Retrieved 2019-06-30 .
  • ↑ "Star Trek: The 25 Best Members Of Starfleet, Ranked" . CBR . 2018-10-27. Archived from the original on 2019-06-20 . Retrieved 2019-06-20 .
  • ↑ "Star Trek: The 10 Smartest Characters, Ranked" . ScreenRant . 2019-07-08. Archived from the original on 2019-07-18 . Retrieved 2019-07-24 .
  • Montgomery Scott Archived 2010-07-11 at the Wayback Machine
  • Montgomery Scott at Memory Alpha (a Star Trek wiki )
  • Wikipedia Star Trek Into Darkness debate

Memory Alpha

Relics (episode)

The Enterprise discovers a ship that crashed on a Dyson sphere more than seventy-five years prior with a single survivor suspended in the transporter buffer: Captain Montgomery Scott.

  • 1.2 Act One
  • 1.3 Act Two
  • 1.4 Act Three
  • 1.5 Act Four
  • 1.6 Act Five
  • 2 Memorable quotes
  • 3.1 Production history
  • 3.3.1 Bridge set
  • 3.3.2 Deleted scene
  • 3.4 Continuity
  • 3.5 Cast and characters
  • 3.6 Reception
  • 3.7 Apocrypha
  • 3.8 Home media format releases
  • 4.1 Starring
  • 4.2 Also starring
  • 4.3 Guest stars
  • 4.4 Special guest star
  • 4.5 Co-stars
  • 4.6 Uncredited co-stars
  • 4.7 Stand-ins
  • 4.8.1 Display graphic references
  • 4.8.2 Meta references
  • 4.9 Further reading
  • 4.10 External links

Summary [ ]

Dyson sphere

A Dyson sphere as viewed from the Enterprise bridge

The USS Enterprise -D picks up a distress call from the USS Jenolan , a transport vessel that has been missing for seventy-five years . As the Enterprise drops out of warp and initiates a Code 1-Alpha-Zero to respond to the signal, the starship is rocked violently by a massive gravitational field . Although initial scans do not find the source of the field, they trace the field to its center and discover a massive spherical structure, two hundred million kilometers in diameter (about 2/3 of the Earth 's orbital diameter around the Sun ). The sphere's dimensions are consistent with those of the (until then) theoretical structure known as a Dyson sphere . Captain Picard is not surprised that Commander Riker has never heard of the old postulation of 20th century physicist Freeman Dyson , explaining that a hollow sphere built around a star could harness all of its radiant energy and provide a population, living on the interior surface of the sphere like any habitable planet , with a nearly inexhaustible source of power. The sphere's size creates massive gravimetric interference that interferes with sensors , preventing the Enterprise from locating it before the ship had dropped out of warp.

USS Jenolan crash-landed

The USS Jenolan , crashed on the surface of the Dyson sphere

The Enterprise locates the Jenolan , having crashed on the surface of the sphere. Surprisingly, several small power readings are still emanating from the crashed ship and life support systems are still operating, on minimal levels. Riker, Lieutenant Commander La Forge and Lieutenant Worf beam aboard the Jenolan and find that, although some of the ship's systems are still functioning, there are no apparent signs of life . However, La Forge discovers that the transporters have been reconfigured in a strange manner – power has been drawn from the auxiliary systems (they were a regenerative power source) and pattern buffers locked to cycle in a Level 4 diagnostic mode . Riker works out that by leaving the transporter in the diagnostic mode, it rerouted the matter array through the pattern buffer. Furthermore, La Forge finds a pattern is still in the buffer and, amazingly, it has suffered almost no degradation, less than 0.003%. Riker wonders if someone could survive in the transporter buffer for seventy-five years and La Forge finds out by rematerializing the stored pattern. Captain Montgomery "Scotty" Scott materializes on the transporter pad , his left arm in a makeshift sling of torn uniform cloth .

Act One [ ]

Geordi La Forge and William Riker greet Montgomery Scott

" Well, thank you, lads. "

After Scott thanks La Forge and Riker for rematerializing him, he runs over to the transporter console and attempts to retrieve a second pattern, that of Ensign Matt Franklin , but unfortunately, unlike the phase inducer that kept Scott's pattern intact, the phase inducer responsible for doing the same for Franklin's pattern has failed – although Scott has La Forge boost the gain on the matter stream , the pattern has degraded by 53% – too much for him to be rematerialized when the transporters cannot compensate. Riker offers his condolences and introduces La Forge and himself to Scott. When Riker explains that they came from the starship Enterprise , Scott reacts understandably, believing he was saved by a crew led by Jim Kirk in the decommissioned USS Enterprise -A , and asks how long he was in the pattern buffers. Worf interrupts the conversation to inform him that life support has been restored and the oxygen levels will return to normal shortly. Riker introduces the security officer to Scott, who is surprised to learn that there is a Klingon officer serving in Starfleet and realizes that he has been in the buffer for an extremely long time.

Dyson sphere exterior

The Enterprise in orbit around the sphere

After transporting back to the Enterprise , Riker begins suggesting going to sickbay , but Scott is distracted by immediately noticing that the transporter's resonator array has changed. Amused, Riker notes to La Forge that Scott will likely have many engineering questions, who assures him that he'll escort Scott. Stepping over to the system access panels, Scott asks what's been done to the duotronic enhancers , to which La Forge removes a panel and shows him the much more efficient isolinear chips that replaced them about forty years ealier ; Scott is about to reach inside when La Forge warns that he was going to touch an EPS power tap .

As they exit for sickbay, Scott elaborates on what he told them on the Jenolan : they were on their way to the Norpin colony when there was an overload in a plasma transfer conduit , causing warp engine failure. The captain brought the ship out of warp, and they accidentally discovered the Dyson sphere through its gravimetric interference, much like what the Enterprise experienced. He marvels at the thought of the engineering skills just to design it. On La Forge asking about their first approach of the sphere, Scott continues that the standard survey of the surface had begun, and the first orbital scan was just being completed when the aft power coil suddenly exploded. Caught in the sphere's gravity well , the Jenolan fell toward the sphere and crashed on the surface; he and Franklin were the only survivors. When asked what inspired him to use the transporters to place himself and Franklin in such a state, Scott explains that there were too few supplies to survive long enough to be rescued and so they had to think of something . La Forge tells Scott that he found Scott's inventive use of the transporter to be "absolutely brilliant", but Scott acts modestly, noting that he thinks it was only fifty percent brilliant, due to the fact that it didn't save Franklin. La Forge continues that he believes that Scott will enjoy the 24th century and all the advances they've made, while Scott confesses to being a bit overwhelmed with the impressive Enterprise -D as they step into a turbolift ; La Forge tells him to just wait until he sees the holodeck .

In sickbay, Scott is diagnosed by Dr. Crusher with only minor injuries: his arm only has a hairline fracture of the humerus and will just ache for a couple of days. Picard enters sickbay and welcomes Scott aboard. He is surprised that Scott was on board the Jenolan , as the engineer wasn't listed in the crew manifest. However, Scott explains that he was traveling aboard the Jenolan as a passenger to the Norpin colony on Norpin V to enjoy his then-recent retirement from Starfleet . When La Forge is left with orders to study the Dyson sphere, Scott is eager to help, but Dr. Crusher advises him to rest; he acquiesces but appears to feel out of place with no work to do.

Scott is then escorted to his quarters by Ensign Kane , where he is awe-struck at the luxury that he is entitled to compare with starships of his time period, even for an admiral . Scott, with much enthusiasm, reminisces to Kane about his years in Starfleet, starting with explaining the mission with the Elas Dohlman and his troubles during shore leave on Argelius II but Kane has very little interest in Scott's nostalgia and politely tells him he has to return to duty, leaving Scott alone, feeling much less enthusiastic and somewhat pensive about his new life in the 24th century .

Act Two [ ]

La Forge and Scott in Enterprise-D engineering

" I'm not here for a tour, laddie. I'm here to help. "

As La Forge and his team are working on their spectrographic analysis of the sphere, Scott interrupts, having received his issued combadge , insisting on offering La Forge his assistance. Lieutenant Bartel tries to inform him that engineering is restricted to authorized personnel only, but La Forge allows him to stay. La Forge skeptically accepts Scott's offer for help and the team begin their duties. Meanwhile, on the bridge , Data reports to Captain Picard that the sphere was built around a G-type star and that its interior surface provides an environment much like that of an M-Class planet, but there are no apparent signs of inhabitants. Picard orders four probes to be launched to speed up the scans of the sphere. Back in engineering, Scott finds further advances and changes in technology that in his era were dangerous. He recalls when he had to create an entire new start-up sequence to cold start the engines when his Enterprise was spiraling down to Psi 2000 . La Forge is quietly becoming irritated until Scott offers advice on how to deal with Starfleet captains. When La Forge finally voices his frustration and tells Scott that he has a lot of work to do and that he is in the way, the older engineer berates his younger counterpart and leaves engineering in a disgruntled state.

Aldebaran whiskey, 2369

Data offers Scott a bottle of Aldebaran whiskey

Later, Scott arrives in Ten Forward , walks over to the lounge's bar and orders a drink of Scotch whisky , neat. He is repulsed when he tastes the drink, disputing with the confused young waiter that it's actually Scotch. Sitting nearby at the bar (likely to study social interactions), Data approaches and explains to Scott about the invention of synthehol to replace alcohol in the majority of traditional spirits. Data offers Scott an alcoholic drink from Guinan 's personal supply, stepping behind the bar and pulling out a bottle with a neon green liquid inside. After being asked by Scott what it is, Data attempts a rudimentary examination by sight and smell, but cannot describe it any more precisely than, "it is green." The engineer's reaction to this drink is much more pleasant and Data shortly tops up his glass.

Act Three [ ]

Scott's memories

Scott remembers the good times on board "his" Enterprise

In a slightly drunken state, with the bottle of green spirits and the glass in his hands, Scott arrives outside one of the holodecks , having also been informed about them by Data, and requests a simulation of the bridge of his ship. The computer states that his request is insufficient, so Scott says in annoyance that he wants to see the bridge of the Enterprise . The computer states that there have been five Federation starships with that name and asks Scott to specify by registry number . Scott then states slowly and clearly, " NCC -1701. No bloody A , B , C , or D . " The computer accepts his instructions and creates an authentic replica of the bridge . In an instant, Scott feels like he's come home.

The sounds of old-style duotronic instruments fills the air as Scott fondly remembers his time aboard his former ship. As he muses around, he can see the Enterprise is in orbit of the planet Gideon on the viewscreen, as if no time has passed and raises a toast to his absent comrades. He sits down at his old engineering station and gives a deep, dejected sigh just as Captain Picard walks in after coming off duty and excuses himself for interrupting as he wanted to see how Scott was doing. Scott perks up and welcomes him into the simulation, offering Picard a drink, which he happily accepts. Just as Scott is about to warn Picard that it's not synthehol, Picard downs a glassful, which he identifies as Aldebaran whiskey and explains that he was the one who gave it to Guinan. Picard recognizes the bridge as that of a Constitution -class starship and explains that there's one like it in the Fleet Museum , but notes that the simulation is that of Scott's Enterprise . Scott clarifies that he served on two, but this is the first one and the first ship he ever served on as chief engineer. Scott mentions that he served on eleven ships of varying class, but that this Enterprise is the only one he misses or thinks about.

Picard then recalls his first command on the USS Stargazer while taking a seat at Pavel Chekov 's old navigation console . Picard describes the Stargazer as overworked, underpowered, and always on the verge of flying apart at the seams. Picard says that while his Enterprise is far superior, there are days when he'd give almost anything to command the Stargazer again. Scott compares their feelings as to the first time a man falls in love and that he never loves a woman quite the same way again. They then share a toast to the original Enterprise and to the Stargazer , with Scott calling them " old girlfriends we'll never meet again. " Picard then asks Scott what he thinks of the Enterprise -D. Scott calls her a beauty with a good crew, but when knowingly prompted by Picard, laments that when he was on his Enterprise he could tell the speed of the ship just by the feel of the deck plates . He then begins to feel gloomy and opines that he is in the way and obsolete in the 24th century.

Scott and Picard, holodeck

" Computer, shut this bloody thing off! It's time I acted my age. "

When Picard offers to let Scott peruse the updated technical manuals , Scott refuses with a chuckle, saying that he's not eighteen anymore and can't start out again like a raw cadet . He says there is a time when a man knows it's time to quit and time to stop living in the past: the Enterprise was his home and where he had a purpose, but he bitterly acknowledges that what they're in isn't real and it comes down to now being an old man, hiding in a "computer-generated fantasy." He then shuts off the bridge simulation and leaves the holodeck feeling dejected but determined to start acting his age. Picard can only look on sadly as the legendary engineer exits, clearly feeling for the man.

The following day, Picard asks La Forge in his ready room about recovering the logs of the Jenolan for their orbital survey scan, but the engineer says that all efforts so far have yielded very little as the ship's computer core was heavily damaged when it crashed. Picard suggests having Scott assist in trying to recover the ship's logs; La Forge agrees that Scott would be of great help as he knows the Jenolan 's systems better than anybody on the Enterprise and says that he'll send Lt. Bartel with Scott over to the Jenolan . At this point, the captain gets up from his desk and asks that La Forge personally accompany Scott back to the Jenolan instead, hoping to make the old officer feel useful again. Picard makes it clear that this is a request, not an order, and will understand if he declines. While La Forge understands the captain's motive, he's not thrilled with the prospect but also clearly feels he can't turn the captain down.

As La Forge leaves the bridge to prepare, Data discovers a communications array in close proximity to the Enterprise 's current location, and the crew set a course for it. Later, La Forge paces as he waits in the transporter room for Scott, who is late. He finally arrives with a bit of a hangover but states that he'll manage when La Forge asks if he's okay. They immediately transport over to the Jenolan .

As the Enterprise arrives at the array, the crew discovers a large hatch in the Dyson sphere, which they presume is a front door. As they open hailing frequencies, the hatch opens and a series of powerful tractor beams pull the Enterprise inside the sphere, easily overpowering it.

Act Four [ ]

Dyson sphere interior

The Enterprise is pulled into the sphere

Due to the fact that the resonance frequency of the tractor beams used to pull the Enterprise inside is incompatible with the starship's power systems, the relays for the warp and impulse drive overload and are rendered inoperable. The Enterprise has now lost primary and auxiliary systems and the ship is soon released from the tractor beams. However, because the Enterprise is still moving under the inertia of being towed in, it is heading directly for the star at the center of the sphere.

Back on board the Jenolan , Scott is having trouble with recovering the ship's log , calling the vessel "garbage." La Forge realizes that Scott is referring to both himself and the ship and tries to console him by saying that the basics of technology haven't changed a great deal in seventy-five years, the transporters of the Jenolan are still virtually identical to those of the Enterprise , subspace radio and sensors still operate on the same basic principles and that impulse engine design has changed very little in two centuries – long before Scott's time. La Forge adds that the Jenolan would probably still be in service had the vessel's structural damage not been so extensive. Scott is dismissive and retorts that nobody would want something as old as the Jenolan (and again hints at himself as well) but La Forge disagrees, saying that if the ship were in service, it could still " run circles around the Enterprise at impulse speeds – just because something's old, doesn't mean you throw it away. " Scott feels much more welcome, and a bond begins to form between him and La Forge. With a renewed sense of purpose, Scott asks about the possibility of getting a device from his day called a dynamic mode converter that might help to recover the Jenolan 's log entries . La Forge admits he hasn't seen anything like that in a long time but has something similar in mind that may do the job. When his call from his combadge to the Enterprise goes unanswered, Scott wonders if interference is blocking his call but La Forge determines that the Enterprise is gone.

Back on board the Enterprise , the ship is three minutes from being destroyed by the star. However, Commander Riker has managed to restore 30% power to the maneuvering thrusters , although they will still not be enough to save the ship from destruction. It is not until power is diverted from the auxiliary relay systems to the thrusters that Ensign Rager manages to turn the ship to achieve a stable orbit in the photosphere of the star. Picard demands to know how and why the Enterprise was towed in and orders Data to conduct a scan of the sphere's interior for lifeforms . When La Forge and Scott fail to locate the Enterprise , they realize that the starship must be inside the sphere. Although it seems impossible to repair the Jenolan 's flight capability, the two engineers still try restoring power to the ship's engines.

On board the Enterprise , Data reports to Picard that the sphere is abandoned, and the star is highly unstable, expelling matter and severe bursts of radiation . This explains why the inhabitants of the sphere must have abandoned it. The android postulates that the Enterprise may have unintentionally triggered an automated series of piloting beams which would guide a starship inside the sphere – this would explain why the Enterprise was pulled inside without anyone occupying the sphere. When the star emits a solar flare , the Enterprise raises her shields accordingly but Worf reports that the vessel's shields are only operating at 23%. To worsen matters, the solar flares are becoming larger and within three hours, the Enterprise 's shields will no longer be enough to protect the starship from harm.

Act Five [ ]

USS Jenolan in dyson sphere hatch

The Jenolan is wedged between the enormous doors of the Dyson sphere's hatch

La Forge and Scott work on repairing the Jenolan 's engines by jury rigging the ship's supply of deuterium – La Forge initially insists that Scott's suggestion to send it through the auxiliary tank can't be done, but when he cites impulse engine specifications, Scott laughs, claims authorship of the regulation in question , and assures him that, while he knew the tank could handle the pressure , on paper a good engineer should be more cautious than in the field. La Forge is left impressed when power is restored shortly thereafter. When Scott offers La Forge the captain's chair , La Forge is surprised as Scott is the senior officer on duty. However, Scott tells La Forge that, while he holds the rank of captain, all he ever wanted to be was an engineer. La Forge smiles at him and accepts command while Scott moves to the engineering console. Meanwhile, the Enterprise is heavily damaged by the star's solar flares, but Riker reports that partial impulse power has been restored. Picard asks Worf if the ship's phasers could be used to cut their way out through the shell of the sphere, but the sphere is composed of carbon - neutronium and their weapons would be completely ineffective.

As the Jenolan slowly orbits the sphere, La Forge and Scott trace the impulse ion trail from the Enterprise to the hatch that the starship was pulled into. The ion trail's momentum distribution around the hatch suggests that the Enterprise 's impulse engines were at full reverse and that the starship was dragged into the sphere unwillingly. Scott recalls that near the end of their orbital scan, the Jenolan found hundreds of the arrays and following standard procedure, opened hailing frequencies. Noting that the procedure hasn't changed, La Forge realizes that the hatches are access terminals (and not communications arrays), which are triggered by certain subspace frequencies, such as Starfleet's hailing frequencies. The tractor beams must have locked on to the Jenolan , severely damaging it and ultimately causing the crash, and this time has pulled the Enterprise -D inside.

Congratulated by Scott on his reasoning, La Forge ponders on how they can open the hatch for the Enterprise to escape without getting the Jenolan pulled in as well. Scott suggests that all they really need to do is get their foot in the door: position the Jenolan 500,000 kilometers away from the hatch, then opening hailing frequencies so that the hatch will open but the tractor beams will miss the ship. As the hatch begins to close, the Jenolan would enter a gap between the doors and use the vessel's shields to hold the doors open for the Enterprise to exit the sphere. La Forge protests that the idea is crazy and suicidal, but Scott pleads to him that the theory will work, as he has spent his entire life figuring out crazy ways to do things. La Forge makes the decision to go ahead with Scott's plan.

USS Enterprise-D escapes the Dyson sphere

The Enterprise escaping the sphere

The engineers get back to the hatch at full impulse and wedge the Jenolan lengthwise between the doors, the shields hold, and La Forge opens a communications channel to the Enterprise . The starship receives the hail and at once sets a course for the hatch. The Jenolan suffers heavy damage while the craft is wedged in the hatch, and while Scott keeps the ship and shields together, he eventually tells La Forge that he's done all he can. The ship's plasma intercooler is gone and the engines are beginning to overheat. As helm control has been lost, La Forge tells Picard that the Enterprise will have to destroy the ship to escape. When the Enterprise is in transporter range of the Jenolan , Picard gives the order to beam La Forge and Scott back on board (with the Jenolan 's shields still raised) once they're in range and after a moment's pause, fire the photon torpedoes , destroying the old vessel. The doors continue to close, but the Enterprise manages to exit the sphere. As La Forge and Scott walk off the transporter pad, Scott is cheerfully relieved to be returned to safety to which La Forge chuckles.

Scott's farewell

The senior staff bids Scott farewell

Later, La Forge tells Scott about the Enterprise 's encounter with a newborn lifeform on Stardate 44614.6. On La Forge's explanation of what they did to detach the infant, Scott immediately catches on that the solution was to 'sour the milk.' ( TNG : " Galaxy's Child ") It is obvious that a strong bond has formed between the two engineers. Scott was expecting La Forge to take him for a drink in Ten Forward, but La Forge had different intentions. As they walk through the doors to one of the Enterprise 's shuttlebays , the senior staff is revealed, standing in front of a shuttlecraft , the Goddard . Picard offers Scott the craft on "an extended loan" basis in thanks for sacrificing the Jenolan to save the Enterprise . Scott says that he won't be going to the Norpin colony as he had first planned, realizing now that he himself can still be useful in this century. The senior staff bids Scott farewell: all shake hands, save Worf.

Scott reveals his approval of the Enterprise -D, the crew and the starship's engineer. He tells La Forge that over the years, he has found that a starship is only as good as the engineer who takes care of her. From what he can see, he believes the Enterprise is in good hands. After shaking La Forge's hand, he begins to depart the Enterprise in his new shuttlecraft. " You take care of yourself out there, " La Forge tells Scott. " Aye ", Scott says before disembarking.

Memorable quotes [ ]

" Well, thank you lads. "

" The Enterprise ?! I shoulda known – I'll bet Jim Kirk himself hauled the old gal outta mothballs to come lookin' for me! "

" You know, I think you're going to enjoy the 24th century, Mr. Scott. We've made some pretty incredible advances these last eighty years. "

" How are you feeling? " " I don't know. How am I feeling? " " Other than a few bumps and bruises, I'd say you feel fine for a man of 147. " " And I don't feel a day over a hundred and twenty. "

" Well, I'll say this about your Enterprise … the doctors are a fair sight prettier. "

" Good lord man, where have you put me? " " These are standard guest quarters, sir, I can try and find something bigger if you want. " " Bigger? In my day, even an admiral would notta had such quarters aboard a starship! "

" Starship captains are like children. They want everything right now and they want it their way. The secret is to give them what they need, not what they want."

" I told the captain I would have this diagnostic done in an hour. " " And how long will it really take you? " " An hour! " " Oh, you didn't tell him how long it would really take, did you? " " Of course I did. " " Oh, laddie, you have a lot to learn if you want people to think of you as a miracle worker. "

" I was drivin' starships while your great-grandfather was still in diapers! I think you'd be a little grateful for some help! I'll leave ya to work, Mr. La Forge. "

" Laddie, I was drinking scotch a hundred years before you were born. And I can tell you that whatever this is, it is definitely not scotch. "

" You're not quite, uh… Human, are you " " No, sir. I am an android . Lieutenant Commander Data. "

" Synthetic scotch, synthetic commanders… "

" It is… it is… it is green. "

" Please enter program. " " The android at the bar said ya' could show me ma' old ship. Lemme see it. " " Insufficient data. Please specify parameters. " " The Enterprise ! Show me the bridge of the Enterprise , ya' chatterin' piece of… " " There have been five Federation ships with that name. Please specify by registry number. " " NCC-1701 . No bloody A , B , C , or D . " " Program complete. Enter when ready. "

" … Here's to ya', lads… "

" Would you have a drink with me, Captain? " " Thank you! " " I don't know what it is, exactly, but I would be real careful, it's real… " (Picard downs it in one gulp before he can heed this warning) " Aldeberan whiskey… (noting the surprise on Scott's face) … who do you think gave it to Guinan? "

" Ah, it's like the first time you fall in love. You never love a woman quite like that again. To the Enterprise and the Stargazer – old girlfriends we'll never meet again. "

" When I was here, I could tell ya the speed that we were travelin' by the feel of the deck plates. "

" There comes a time when a man finds he can't fall in love again. He knows it's time to stop. I don't belong on your ship. I belong on this one. This was my home. This was where I had a purpose… "

" Computer, shut this bloody thing off! "

" Mr. La Forge, I understand that before the Jenolan crashed, it had conducted an extensive survey of the Dyson sphere. Have we been able to access any of those records? " " We did try to download their memory core, but it was pretty heavily damaged in the crash. We actually haven't been able to get much out of it. " " Perhaps Captain Scott could be of use in accessing that material. " " It's possible. He does know those systems better than any of us. I'll have Lieutenant Bartel beam down with him. " " Mr. La Forge… I would like you to accompany Captain Scott. " " Me, sir? " " Yes. Look, this is not an order. It's a request, and it's one which you must feel perfectly free to decline. You see, one of the most important things in a person's life is to feel useful. Now, Mr. Scott is a Starfleet officer, and I would like him to feel useful again. " " I'll go with him, sir. " " Thank you. "

" Bunch of old, useless garbage… "

" Just 'cause something's old doesn't mean you throw it away. "

" The tank can't handle that much pressure. " " Where'd you get that idea? " " What do you mean, where did I get that idea? It's in the impulse engine specifications. " " Regulations 42/15: 'Pressure Variances in IRC Tank Storage'? " " Yeah. " " Forget it. I wrote it… A good engineer is always a wee bit conservative, at least on paper. Just bypass the secondary cutoff valve and boost the flow. It'll work. "

" Take the bridge, Commander. " " Oh no… you're the senior officer here. " " Oh, I may be captain by rank… but I never wanted to be anything else but an engineer. "

" Geordi, I have spent my whole life trying to figure out crazy ways of doing things. "

" See now that wasn't so bad, was it? "

" A good crew… and a fine ship – a credit to her name . But I've always found that a ship is… only as good as the engineer who takes care of her – and from what I can see, the Enterprise is in good hands. "

Background information [ ]

Production history [ ].

  • First draft script: 13 July 1992
  • Final draft script: 4 August 1992 [1]
  • Premiere airdate: 12 October 1992
  • First UK airdate: 2 August 1995
  • The transporter loop premise of the episode originated from a story pitch that freelance writer Michael Rupert had submitted earlier, and which already suggested a character from eighty years before suspended in a transporter loop. The story was rejected, but as episode writer Ronald D. Moore recalled, when it was realized that the "transporter loop" concept might be useful, " The story didn't work and we didn't really like it, but the notion of someone staying alive in the transporter was a neat gimmick so we bought the premise from him. " It was colleague Michael Piller who came up with the suggestion of using the "gimmick' in conjuncture with a Star Trek: The Original Series character. " Michael said, "That's a neat gag. I wonder if we could use this to bring back an original series character?" Everybody started to prick their ears and we started going through who it could be. ", Moore continued. ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 24, issue 3/4, p. 22)
  • The writers considered other characters from The Original Series , including Kirk , before selecting Montgomery Scott for this episode. As writer Moore claimed in the Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 3rd ed., p. 219, " McCoy is old, Spock 's playing James Bond on Romulus – and we couldn't do Kirk; it would raise too many other things. Nothing against the other characters, but Scotty seemed like the one with the most fun quotient. " In regard to the other Original Series characters, Moore has added, " It seemed like Scotty was the best choice. We'd seen Spock and then you look around and realize Scotty was the character that you could have the most fun with because you knew a lot about him. Sulu , Chekov and Uhura are fine characters, but they don't have a lot of the qualities Scotty did: the obsession with engines, the drinking. We knew we could do a relationship between him and Geordi. He was sort of ready-made to do this kind of a show. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 24, issue 3/4, p. 22)
  • Following the previous season 's two-part episode "Unification", which featured Spock, this episode marked the definitive end of the producers hitherto policy of shying away from any allusions to the original series. As Moore explained, " I think in the earlier seasons we felt this show had to go and prove itself. We made the decision very early on that we weren't going to pick up any old plot lines and we weren't going to talk about those guys and we weren't going to have their sons and daughters on the show. This was going to stand on its own. And that philosophy drove the show for quite a while. " This was emphasized in the internal studio document, Star Trek: The Next Generation Writers'/Directors' Guide , otherwise known as the "Writer's Bible", where it was specifically stated that "We are not buying stories about the original STAR TREK characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Uhura, Chekov, Scotty and Sulu. Or their descendants; As much as we love our original cast (they are our children, after all), we want our audience's attention centered now on our new characters." (3rd ed. August 1989, p. 34) Moore continued, " " Sarek " [note: in which Sarek whispering "Spock" once, was as far as the writers dared to go] was the first time we felt comfortable enough to sort of start to acknowledge it history a little bit more and then after "Unification", I think they sort of felt "Well okay, that wasn't so bad, we can do this without really destroying who we are and we can do shows that make references to the old series without destroying our own." So when "Relics" came around to do, here wasn't a big cry and debate about it. " How sensitive this matter still was at the time, was evidenced by Co-Producer Michael Piller, who added, " One of the great things about "Relics" is that it wasn't a Scotty show. It was a concept about an engineer or a captain being caught in a transporter beam that we came upon. I thought we were going to have problems with Mr. Berman who generally doesn't like to do that gag but oddly enough he was in a good mood that day. Rick has opened up his mind in a lot of ways. When I came onboard you could not mention the old STAR TREK in an episode. You couldn't make a reference to a character without making major problems. When we brought Sarek onto the show it was like, "My god, we had to march across the street and pay homage." But now because we are firmly established I think everybody feels a lot more comfortable that we have proven ourselves. We don't owe anything to the old STAR TREK, except like the guys who went to the moon, the Mercury guys had to go up there first. And we respect them for that, but we're not depending on them anymore, so we don't have to bend over backwards not to mention them." ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 24, issue 3/4, p. 22)
  • Originally, it was Brannon Braga who was slated to write the episode, but he, wanting to write the upcoming episode " A Fistful of Datas ", also conceded, " I knew I couldn't possibly write it. I didn't even know who Scotty was. This was a Ron [Moore] show. " Moore, an avid Original Series fan , subsequently took over, " I asked to do it and they let me write the story. Rick [Berman] said he would approach Jimmy about it and see if he was interested. He gave him a call and it became a go. And then I broke the story and everyone was really happy with it and we just went ahead and did it. ", to which Braga added, " Ron really brought that show to life and he was the only guy who could do it justice. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 24, issue 3/4, p. 22)
  • Much of the drama in the episode stemmed from the initial friction between Scott and La Forge, which writer Moore had purposely inserted to underscore the differences between the two characters. Moore explained, " Scotty never wanted to be anything else but an engineer. He was happiest in the engine room . The ship was a living being to him. She was a lady and there was a whole different philosophy. And with Geordi, although he loves his job and was having a good time at it, it's not the same thing. Geordi used to be on the bridge. I'm sure he wants to command his own ship some day [note: and in an alternate reality he did, as captain of the USS Challenger in Star Trek: Voyager ' s fifth season episode " Timeless "] , like probably most engineers in the fleet do. Scotty was a little different and he had a different relationship. " Science consultant for the episode and another Original Series fan, Naren Shankar chimed in, and added, " Scotty and Geordi are probably the two most different people you could ever imagine. Ron felt very strongly about that. He correctly pointed out that Geordi had not been an engineer his entire life, it's sort of like he ended up that way. He was a bridge officer first season and Ron's point, which is arguable, is that Geordi doesn't think of himself as an engineer. Geordi is the kind of guy who when he wants to relax might go to the beach or play some classical guitar music or hang out. Scotty is the kind of guy who will go into his room and read technical manuals . Scotty is an engineer through and through and he likes to break rules and do things in an unorthodox manner. He likes to tinker and Geordi is not that way, so I think it's reasonable that they clashed initially. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 24, issue 3/4, pp. 24-25) Moore's and Shankar's notions were ultimately carried over onto the screen in Scott's lines in the scene where he relinquishes command of the Jenolan to La Forge, even though he outranked him.
  • Scott remarks of declining to read technical manuals is an oblique to The Trouble with Tribbles (episode) where after fighting with Klingons he is confined to Quarters reading technical manuals !

Production [ ]

  • The Dyson sphere was named after scientist Freeman Dyson , who envisioned a real-world postulate in 1959, although the actual sphere that Dyson theorized was not a solid object like the one visualized in the episode. Dyson, who himself never took his idea too seriously, said in a later interview that, while the science behind it was " nonsense ", as TV viewer he enjoyed the episode. [2] (X)
  • The concept of the Dyson sphere as a B-story premise, had actually already been circulating among the writing staff for years, but until then the opportunity has never arisen to utilize the notion, " It was something that we were trying to put in for a long time and it became a standing joke ", noted Moore. Once "Relics" came up the opportunity finally afforded itself and Naren Shankar went to work to beef out the concept, " I originally thought the interesting thing would be to make it a partially complete Dyson's Sphere. It ended up being a completed Dyson's Sphere that was uninhabited. When Ron had written about the Dyson's Sphere in the teaser, he wrote "tech" and I gave him the numbers for the size of it. He was shocked that it was so big. It was like the equivalent of four million earths. It's huge. If you build something the size of the sun's [sic] orbit, you're talking about a sphere with a diameter of two hundred million miles. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 24, issue 3/4, p. 27)
  • For the Star Trek episode, both exterior as well as interior maquettes were built at Gregory Jein, Inc. , while the initial full-sized exterior view and interior long views were executed as matte paintings by Eric Chauvin ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 3rd ed., p. 220), even though the episode's Visual Effects Supervisor David Stipes had originally a CGI approach sequence in mind, that never came to fruition as CGI at that point in time was still too cost prohibitive. ( Star Trek: The Next Generation 365 , p. 275) For further information on the maquettes, see: Dyson Sphere maquettes .
  • Prior to writing this episode, Ron Moore attended the Holodiction Star Trek Convention in Sydney, Australia. He and his party were taken to a nightspot where Ron's dancing caused him to be labeled "a rager" (Aussie slang at the time for a party animal). They were later taken to the famous Jenolan Caves, which impressed Ron greatly. On returning, he wrote this episode, which contained an "Ensign Rager" (Captain Picard pronounced it "ray-guh"), and the USS Jenolen (sic), a Sydney -class transport. ( Astrex newsletter )
  • The studio model of the USS Jenolan was originally designed and built by Bill George and John Goodson at ILM for use as the SD-103-type shuttle in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country , and was, refurbished at Gregory Jein, Inc., subsequently reused for this episode to become the downed vessel. ( Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (Special Edition) , text commentary ; TNG Season 6 DVD -special feature, "Departmental Briefing Year Six – Production") As it later turned out, Jein or one of his modelers had erroneously mislabeled the model as the USS Jenol i n , but fortunately the misspelled name has never been clearly discernible on screen, until 2014, when the episode was remastered . ( Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Continuing Mission , p. 171) For further information on the studio model, see: SD-103 model .
  • The visual and sound effects of the USS Jenolan 's transporter were directly taken from those of the Enterprise 's transporter from The Original Series . It was because of the intimate knowledge the episode's Visual Effects Producer Dan Curry , also an Original Series fan, had of The Original Series , that the effect visuals were included, as he recalled, " We used the original Star Trek transporter sparkle. I used to work at Cinema Research [note: one of the Original Series visual effects companies] , and I remembered that in the bowels of their stock footage storage room was an old box labeled "Star Trek Transporter Sparkle". We blew the cobwebs off, dug through, pulled out the strip of film, and discovered it was in perfect condition. " ( The Next Generation 365 , p. 274) The accompanying sound effect, the original transporter whine, was located by Co-Producer Wendy Neuss , yet another fan, in the studio's own archive. ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 3rd ed., p. 219)
  • "Relics" was filmed in early August 1992 . La Forge actor LeVar Burton and James Doohan were interviewed on set and parts of this interview can be seen in "Mission Overview Year Six – A Visit from Scotty", a special feature on the TNG Season 6 DVD .

LeVar Burton and James Doohan

Burton and Doohan between filming

  • Director Alexander Singer had some trepidation about the initial antagonistic La Forge-Scott relationship and at first didn't agree with Moore's assessment who stated that he " (…) always had an understanding that it wasn't going to destroy Geordi's character. In a sense Geordi was right. Who is this guy to be hanging around my engine room and giving me a hard time? I knew as long as he played him straight and eventually made him sort of see Scotty's point of view and understand and be a little sympathetic, I knew it was going to work. " Singer on the other hand, was afraid that La Forge's early attitude would backfire among audiences that were naturally sympathetic towards Scott, but while working with Burton came around to Moore's thinking, " I had not worked with LeVar [Burton, who plays Geordi] so what I did was meet with him to talk to him about it. I don't think he's done that before. I figured it's a new guy and I'd talk to him but I think he was a little annoyed because in effect I wanted to be reassured that he understood that balance. LeVar's feeling was of course I understand it, if I don't understand this, I don't understand anything. It turned out that LeVar is like the cast in general, some of the best actors I've ever worked with anywhere and in the scenes it was possible to fine-tune the performance. Sometimes the guys hit the right level immediately, just instantly. Sometimes we had to work for it. The combination of hostility turning into affection was very moving to me. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 24, issue 3/4, p. 24)
  • Singer also had some trepidation about Scott actor James Doohan's ability to pull off the episode at first, " The next intangible was that I had never worked with Doohan. I felt that potentially the show was a kind of classic and I understood exactly what I had in my hands. I did not know physically what shape Doohan was in. There was a lot of dialogue and I don't think he ever did a show in the old STAR TREK where he had this much drama and this many notes to hit. I had seen the STAR TREK movies and I think that's still true. I don't think he ever was in the center, he was peripheral and in this episode he was the center. By the time we came to the scene on the old STAR TREK deck, he was not only the center but he had to support a very powerful dramatic scene. It's a scene that in reading it, I choked up [note: Singer too, was a life-long Original Series fan] . Part of me is very hardheaded and realistic and the part of me is very romantic and very sensitive and I was deeply moved by that story. " Doohan, however, more than allayed Singer's reservations, especially when the two men met at a private pre-production meeting, " I wanted to meet him first so we didn't meet [for the first time] on the set. He came in graciously and we talked. His delight in doing the show and his manner reassured me enormously. I think that he wanted me to be comfortable and he wanted me to have a sense that he could indeed carry this load and he convinced me. And subsequently I think there was only one day, one scene where he had a very technical page of technobabble , and he was utterly exhausted at the end of a very long day, that we had any problems whatsoever. For the rest of it he was delight to work with, and he got all the jokes, so to speak. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 24, issue 3/4, p. 24) If there had been any lingering doubt about Doohan's capabilities, that was definitively dispelled when filming the bridge scene indeed moved both Singer and his visiting, down-to-earth wife to tears, as he has admitted. ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 3rd ed., pp. 219-220)
  • As originally scripted, Scott was to have interacted on the recreated bridge with his old shipmates, via clips from The Original Series. This was cut for budgetary reasons. (The novelization of Relics , chapter eight, does show Scott interacting with the rest of his shipmates in a new setting and even Picard participates for a while when he comes to visit Scott.) The producers ultimately did get to combine Original Series footage with "present-day" action, in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 's homage episode " Trials and Tribble-ations ", which featured both Scott (in archive footage) and Worf.
  • This is the first episode of Star Trek to be directed by Alexander Singer. For Singer, an ardent science fiction fan, this was a particularly satisfying experience, as he had already wanted to work on The Original Series in the 1960s, " I was across the lot for a few years doing Mission: Impossible [like Star Trek , a Desilu production], and I wanted to work with Star Trek . I met Gene Roddenberry and, for one reason or another, it hadn't worked out. So the aspect of the Scotty character and his resurrection had a kind of multiple resonance. Having Jimmy Doohan there, I felt I was in the middle of some kind of mythic experience myself. " ( The Next Generation 365 , p. 273) However, he found his first Star Trek commission a daunting one, " I was very concerned about the special effects and how they would fit into a television schedule. I had never done that many special effects in a whole show riddled with these things so that was my central concern. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 24, issue 3/4, p. 23) Singer was to continue to direct a host of additional episodes for the television franchise, not only for The Next Generation , but for the spin-off productions Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager as well.
  • The episode as finished was a source of immense pride and emotions for those production staffers, especially The Original Series fans, who had worked on it. Stated writer Moore, " I think it's the most enjoyment I've had in writing an episode. It's the best I've done in a personal sense. It meant the most to me out of a lot of things I've written because it resonates with my interest in STAR TREK from way back. I'm not sure if in the cold light of day it's the most brilliant thing I've ever written, but it had a lot of meaning for me. " Even those production staffers who did not work on the episode, such as Story Editor Rene Echevarria , were moved, " All I can say was, as a fan, I didn't even read it, I just watched it. It was delightful, and the scene on the bridge was just wonderful. It just brought a tear to the eye and in the Ten Forward scene, "it is green" was a wonderful reference. The Dyson's Sphere I thought looked terrific, and the escape from it was a nice Millennium Falcon moment which was actually deftly done. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 24, issue 3/4, p. 27)

Bridge set [ ]

Considerable effort was put in the recreating the bridge of the original Enterprise for Scott's scenes on the holodeck by the production staff. For a detailed treatise on the recreation of the original bridge, please refer to: Constitution -class sets: "Relics"

Deleted scene [ ]

Scott and Troi deleted scene from Relics

Scott and Troi in the deleted scene

  • It does appear a tad incongruous that, as she never interacted with him anywhere during the final episode, Troi would kiss Scott goodbye. A scene with Troi talking to Scott in his quarters was shot but deleted from the final episode. Troi actress Marina Sirtis recalled a bit ruefully, " That was purely a matter of how long the episode was. That happens a lot. What didn't make sense was why I was kissing at the end if she never met him. It's because the scene was cut. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 24, issue 3/4, p. 27) Moore additionally explained, " It basically has Troi coming to counsel Scotty, and at first, he's very friendly to her, but then realizes she's a therapist and gets pissed that Geordi thinks he's crazy. It was this scene that sent him to Ten Forward to get a drink. " ( AOL chat , 1998 ) The scene did appear in the novelization (pp. 106-109) of the episode.
  • Cut for running time reasons, the deleted scene was originally slated to be Act Two, Scene 20, of the script . For writer Moore it was hard to let the scene go, " I hated to lose all that, but the show was eight minutes long and something had to go. It would have been nice to explain why she comes up and kissed him at the end! " ( Star Trek Monthly  issue 29 ) Elaborating on the content of the scene Moore has additionally stated, " He didn't understand what she was there to do. She says. "Hi, I'm the ship's counselor." He says, "Oh yeah, what can I do for you?" She says, "Well, I want to see how you're doing." He says, "Fine, the replicator is working." He thinks she's a waiter or maid or something and then finds out she's a psychologist and freaks out because he thinks Geordi sent her there. There was also a little bit more character stuff from Scotty about feeling out of place. He used to have a function on a ship like this and now he doesn't. That was a difficult thing for someone like him. " Yet, despite his personal feelings, Moore went on by admitting, " But I don't think we missed it in the final cut, the story still works without it. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 24, issue 3/4, p.27)
  • Moore also intended to use the cut scene for dealing with the earlier The Next Generation appearances of Leonard McCoy and Spock, which was ultimately circumvented in the episode as aired, thereby leaving Scott, canonically at least, unaware that they were still alive. As Moore explained, " There was a line between Troi and Scotty that got cut. She said, "Would you like to know what happened to all your friends and family?" And he said, "No, I'm not ready to hear that." That was the closest allusion we were going to make. It would clutter it up by bringing up Bones and say Mr. Spock is now James Bond , underground on Romulus . You would have to talk about everybody else and we didn't want to say what happened to everybody because we didn't want to lock ourselves in. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 24, issue 3/4, pp. 30, 35) These lines too, were incorporated in the novelization (p. 108).
  • Having become somewhat of a discussion piece in Star Trek lore in the intermediate years, the scene was ultimately uncovered in 2014 from the CBS Studios Inc. archives for The Next Generation remastered project, while the release of the 2014 TNG Season 6 Blu-ray collection was being prepared. [3] While remastered footage from deleted scenes were on occasion reinserted in earlier episodes for inclusion as "Extended Versions" on earlier Blu-ray releases, in this case the scene was merely included as one of the "Deleted Scenes" special feature.

Continuity [ ]

  • Scott's belief that the Enterprise was "hauled outta mothballs" is referring to the Enterprise -A , which was decommissioned in 2293 in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country , one year before his trip on the Jenolan . This was the closest that any official Star Trek production came to establishing a canon fate for the Enterprise -A until its reappearance in the Star Trek: Picard episode " The Bounty " at the Athan Prime Fleet Museum .
  • "Relics" makes many references to TOS, including the episodes " Elaan of Troyius ", " Wolf in the Fold ", and " The Naked Time ", representing each of the three seasons of The Original Series , as well as Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (Kirk pulled the Enterprise out of the "mothballs" of decommissioning), Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home , Star Trek V: The Final Frontier and Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (since Scoty tells Picard he served on two different Enterprise s). In return, at the end of the episode, La Forge tells Scott about the events of " Galaxy's Child ", which occurred two seasons before .
  • Scott scolds La Forge for being honest with the captain and telling him exactly what to expect instead of making him expect less and then offering more. Indeed, in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock he hints to Kirk that he might overstate some problems to make a better name of himself after he solves them. This behavior in general was later addressed in the Star Trek: Lower Decks episode " Temporal Edict " where it was given the name " buffer time ".
  • Referencing the events of " The Naked Time ", Scott tells La Forge " I had to come up with a whole engine startup routine. " However, in that episode, it was Spock who devised the formula for a cold-engine startup, not Scott. This could be attributed to either misremembering the events due to age or time in the transporter, revising history, or Scott's contribution occurring off-screen in the TOS episode.
  • Data's line about the Aldebaran whiskey – " It is green " – is a reference to TOS : " By Any Other Name ", in which Scott had a similar line describing an alcoholic beverage while getting the Kelvan Tomar drunk. ( Star Trek Encyclopedia , 2nd ed., p. 6)
  • Episode writer and Generations co-writer Ronald D. Moore stated that he included Scott in Generations out of affection for the character, in full knowledge of and despite the inconsistency. ( AOL chat , 1997 )
  • attributes the conflicting line of dialogue in "Relics" to the character being momentarily disoriented after having been stuck inside the transporter system of the Jenolan for three quarters of a century. [4] (X)
  • In the novel Star Trek Generations , Guinan tells a distraught Chekov that Kirk is, in fact, alive within the Nexus ribbon.
  • In William Shatner 's novel The Return , a comment is made that Scott, along with a few others, had held the belief that Kirk had somehow survived the events aboard the Enterprise -B.
  • La Forge and Scott are beamed off of the USS Jenolan before it is destroyed, despite the fact that they did not drop the ship's shields to allow transport beforehand. According to Moore, " It's just a straight, flat-out mistake! I didn't think about it, I didn't catch it, the producers didn't catch it, the technical consultants didn't catch it – it was just one of those things and a single line of dialogue could've explained it away. ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 2nd ed., p. 219)
  • La Forge states that USS Jenolan needs to be destroyed in order for Enterprise to escape from the hatch but in the depiction there is lot of space both above and below Jenolan for Enterprise to exit the sphere.
  • This is the second episode in which the Enterprise -D crew discover a 23rd century Starfleet ship and captain, initially unaware of the passage of time. The first was Captain Morgan Bateson , along with the crew of the USS Bozeman , in " Cause And Effect ".
  • This episode shows Troi wearing a new hairstyle. This style is a low ponytail, with curls framing her face. This style is kept for several episodes before the style changes again in " The Quality of Life ".
  • Writer Ron Moore was allowed to indulge his fondness of the Original Series even further, when he was given the task of co-writing the script for the later Deep Space Nine cross-over episode " Trials and Tribble-ations ", which events largely took place during those of the original episode " The Trouble with Tribbles ". He wrote the script together with fellow fan René Echevarria , who now, having missed out on "Relics", was given the opportunity to work on Original Series characters and events.
  • Following the highly rated appearance of Doohan as Scott in "Relics", it was later reported that he had been urging Paramount to add him to the cast of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine . ( Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Unauthorized Story , p. 15)
  • The Enterprise bridge displayed on the holodeck defaults to the bridge from the era of Star Trek: The Original Series ; however, Star Trek has actually shown no less than six iterations of the original Enterprise bridge. These are the bridge shown in TOS : " The Cage ", a slightly changed bridge in TOS : " Where No Man Has Gone Before ", the bridge seen throughout the Original Series , a completely redesigned bridge in Star Trek: The Motion Picture as well as yet a different bridge seen in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and Star Trek III: The Search for Spock , and a retconned bridge design shown in Star Trek: Discovery , Star Trek: Short Treks and Star Trek: Strange New Worlds . Producers and writers later stated that the holodeck program may have simply defaulted to the Original Series bridge since the program selected the bridge design during the most famous years of the Enterprise 's service.
  • Scott is regularly referred to as a captain; this is the only instance of him being referred to by rank in dialog following his promotion to captain in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock .

Cast and characters [ ]

  • James Doohan is the fourth and final actor from The Original Series to reprise his role in Star Trek: The Next Generation . DeForest Kelley appeared in " Encounter at Farpoint ", Mark Lenard appeared in "Sarek" and " Unification I ", and Leonard Nimoy appeared in "Unification I" and " Unification II ". During the first season of The Next Generation , Doohan had strong words about the series, believing it to be rehashing a number of episodes the classic series had done. It was not until his family made him sit down and watch The Next Generation did he finally appreciate the new series. While a bit too crass in regard to season one, he was not entirety wrong in his assessment, as there were some episodes that were essentially rehashes of original crew episodes, such as " The Naked Now " (from "The Naked Time") and, due to a writers' strike, the second season episodes " The Child " (originally a likewise titled episode written for the abandoned Star Trek: Phase II television series) and " Unnatural Selection " (from " The Deadly Years ").

Reception [ ]

  • Rick Berman referred to this outing as a "fun" episode with a "very imaginative" story. ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 23, No. 6, p. 18)
  • A novelization of the episode, by Michael Jan Friedman , was published by Pocket Books .
  • This episode was featured in the Star Trek: The Next Generation Viewers Choice Marathon , where it was ranked the fifth favorite episode based on voting from fans.
  • The book Star Trek 101 (p. 74), by Terry J. Erdmann and Paula M. Block , lists this episode as one of the "Ten Essential Episodes" from Star Trek: The Next Generation .

Apocrypha [ ]

The "Relics" storyline has been followed up in three separate comic book stories:

  • " Out of Time ", in which Scott helps Morgan Bateson cope with being lost and out of time,
  • " Old Debts ", in which Scott encounters Koloth before the events of DS9 : " Blood Oath ", and
  • " The Wake ", in which Scott (and Spock) visit with McCoy on his deathbed.

The novel Engines of Destiny is a partial sequel to this episode; Engines opens looking at Scott's initial emotional state after Kirk's 'death' and his meeting with Matt Franklin (indirectly prompted by Guinan ). The main plot focuses on Scott's attempt to use an old Klingon ship to attempt a slingshot maneuver to go back in time to the Enterprise -B 's maiden voyage to save Kirk, believing that he can beam Kirk out in the moment after Kirk reconfigured the Enterprise -B's deflectors but before the Nexus struck the ship without changing history. However, this unwittingly changes history to create a timeline where the Borg have assimilated Earth and are conquering the Alpha Quadrant – implied to the reader to be the result of the Borg's use of time travel in Star Trek: First Contact being successful in the absence of Picard – requiring Kirk and Scott to work with the Enterprise -D (which followed Scott during the slingshot maneuver) and the alternate version of Sarek to send Kirk back to the Nexus and restore history.

Home media format releases [ ]

  • UK VHS release (two-episodes tape, CIC Video ): Volume 65, 26 April 1993
  • UK VHS release (two-episodes tape, CIC Video): Star Trek - Crossovers Set , catalog number VHR 4223, 6 November 1995
  • US VHS release (two-episodes tape, Columbia House ): Volume 64 of Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Collector's Edition , catalog number 13036, 1995
  • US VHS release (single episode tape, Paramount Home Video ): Volume 130, catalog number 40270-230, 3 March 1998
  • Japan LaserDisc release (two-episodes disc): Star Trek: The Next Generation - Log 11 collection, Part 1, catalog number PILF-2435(02), 21 December 1997
  • US LaserDisc release (two-episodes disc): Volume 64, catalog number LV40270-227, 31 March 1998
  • US/UK DVD release (four-episodes disc): TNG Season 6 DVD collection, 2 December 2002
  • US DVD release (four-episodes disc): The Best of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Volume 2 collection 17 November 2009
  • US/UK Bluray release (five-episodes disc): TNG Season 6 Blu-ray collection, 24 June 2014

Links and references [ ]

Starring [ ].

  • Patrick Stewart as Capt. Jean-Luc Picard
  • Jonathan Frakes as Cmdr. William Riker

Also starring [ ]

  • LeVar Burton as Lt. Cmdr. Geordi La Forge
  • Michael Dorn as Lieutenant Worf
  • Gates McFadden as Dr. Beverly Crusher
  • Marina Sirtis as Counselor Deanna Troi
  • Brent Spiner as Lt. Commander Data

Guest stars [ ]

  • Lanei Chapman as Sariel Rager
  • Erick Weiss as Kane

Special guest star [ ]

  • James Doohan as Scotty

Co-stars [ ]

  • Stacie Foster as Bartel
  • Ernie Mirich as Waiter
  • Majel Barrett as Computer Voice

Uncredited co-stars [ ]

  • Joe Baumann as Garvey
  • Michael Braveheart as Martinez
  • Debbie David as Russell
  • Cullen Chambers as civilian
  • Tracee Lee Cocco as Jae
  • John Copage as civilian
  • Tony Cruz as Lopez
  • Debra Dilley as operations ensign
  • Hal Donahue as command lieutenant
  • Gunnel Eriksson as sciences officer
  • Jack Gilroy as operations lieutenant j.g.
  • Grace Harrell as operations officer
  • Melanie Hathorn as civilian
  • Christie Haydon as command ensign
  • Randy James as Jones
  • Mark Lentry as sciences lieutenant
  • Debbie Marsh as civilian
  • Michael Moorehead as sciences ensign
  • Keith Rayve as civilian
  • S. Reed as Burton
  • Victor Sein as command officer
  • Noriko Suzuki as operations ensign
  • Talbot as Ten Forward waitress
  • John Tampoya as operations ensign
  • Curt Truman as command officer
  • Mikki Val as operations officer
  • Guy Vardaman as Darien Wallace
  • Christina Wegler Miles as command ensign
  • Anne Woodberry as operations officer
  • Unknown actor as transporter chief (voice)

Stand-ins [ ]

  • David Keith Anderson – stand-in for LeVar Burton
  • Debbie David – stand-in for Brent Spiner
  • Michael Echols – stand-in for Michael Dorn
  • Nora Leonhardt – stand-in for Marina Sirtis
  • Lorine Mendell – stand-in for Gates McFadden
  • Joycelyn Robinson – stand-in for Lanei Chapman
  • Richard Sarstedt – stand-in for Jonathan Frakes
  • Dennis Tracy – stand-in for Patrick Stewart

References [ ]

20th century ; 2169 ; 2222 ; 2241 ; 2294 ; 2329 ; 24th century ; access terminal ; Admiral ; alcohol ; Aldebaran whiskey ; antenna array ; Argelius ; articulation frame ; auxiliary tank ; " back full "; background radiation ; " bloody "; bon voyage ; Brahms, Leah ; cadet ; Captain ; career ; centimeter ; chief engineer ; class 4 probe ; class B solar flare ; class M ; Code 1-Alpha-Zero ; color ; combadge ; communications device ; computer terminal ; conduit interface ; conservative ; Constitution -class ; containment field ; cryo-pump ; cut-off valve ; deck plate ; deuterium ; diagnostic cycle ; diaper ; dilithium ; Dohlman ; duotronic enhancers ; dynamic mode converter ; Dyson, Freeman ; Dyson sphere ; Dyson sphere star ; Earth ; Elaan ; Elas ; emitter array ; engineer ; engineering ; Enterprise , USS ; Enterprise -A, USS ; Enterprise -B, USS ; Enterprise -C, USS ; Enterprise bridge holoprogram, USS ; EPS power tap ; " excuse me "; extended loan ; Federation ; Federation science vessel ( science vessel ); Fleet Museum ; flight path ; food replicator ; Franklin, Matt ; frequency ; G-type star ; gigawatt ; girlfriend ; Goddard ; gravimetric fluctuation ; gravitational field ; gravity well ; Guinan ; gymnasium ; hairline fracture ; helm control ; hemisphere ; Heisenberg compensator ; holodeck ; hotel room ; hour ; humerus ; impulse engine ; impulse engine relay ; impulse engine specifications ; impulse speed ; IRC tank ; isolinear chip ; Jenolan , USS ; Junior ; jury rig ; Kirk, Jim ; La Forge's great-grandfather ; level 4 diagnostic ; life support ; main drive assembly ; matter array ; matter stream ; memory core ; Midsummer Night's Dream, A ; miracle worker ; mothballs ; multiphase autocontainment field ; navigational charts ; neutronium ; New Jersey , USS ; Norpin colony ; Norpin V ; number one ; orbit ; oxygen ; paper ; pattern buffer ; pattern degradation ; personification ; phase inducer ; phase lock ; phase 7 survey ; phaser ; photosphere ; physicist ; plasma intercooler ; power converter ; Pressure Variances in IRC Tank Storage ; Psi 2000 ; rematerialization subroutine ; resonator array ; Scotch whisky ; Scott's past ships ; senior officer ; stellar body ; senior officer ; sensor analysis ; shock ; short range scan ; sickbay ; signal degradation ; sling ; Sol ; solar flare ; spectrographic analysis ; square kilometer ; stale ; standard survey ; star ; Starbase 55 ; Stargazer , USS ; subspace radio ; surface area ; synchronous orbit ; synthehol (aka " synthetic scotch "); synthetic ; " synthetic commander "; technical schematics ; Ten Forward ; toast ; tractor beam ; transport ship ; transporter ; Transporter Room 3 ; transporter suspension ; unnamed sector ; warp engine relay ; warp field ; " wee "

Display graphic references [ ]

annular confinement beam ; antimatter injector ; biofilter assembly ; diagnostic mode ; Heisenberg compensator ; imaging scanner ; inducer module ; level 4 diagnostic ; matter/antimatter reaction chamber ; matter injector ; pattern buffer ; phase transition coils ; primary energizing coils ; Sydney -class ; transport

Meta references [ ]

Further reading [ ].

  • "The Making of "Relics"", Mark A. Altman , Cinefantastique , Vol 24 #3/4, 1993, pp. 22-27
  • Star Trek - Where No One Has Gone Before , 1994, pp. 144-145
  • "Relics", Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 3rd ed., pp. 218-220
  • "Relics", Star Trek: The Next Generation 365 , 2010, pp. 273-275

External links [ ]

  • "Relics" script at Star Trek Minutiae
  • " Relics " at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • " Relics " at Wikipedia
  • " Relics " at
  • " Relics " at the Internet Movie Database
  • 2 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 Klingon augment virus


  1. Scotty (Star Trek)

    scotty star trek wiki

  2. Scotty

    scotty star trek wiki

  3. Scotty in Star Trek Strange New Worlds season 2 finale explained

    scotty star trek wiki

  4. Bild

    scotty star trek wiki

  5. Scotch Whisky

    scotty star trek wiki

  6. Original Scotty >^..^

    scotty star trek wiki


  1. Scooter Tramp Scotty. Sturgis. Why We Come

  2. Star Trek Online

  3. Scotty

  4. scotty

  5. Star Trek Universes Beyond! Predictions and Theory Crafting!

  6. Relics-Trek Tuesday


  1. Scotty (Star Trek)

    Montgomery "Scotty" Scott [1] is a fictional character in the science fiction franchise Star Trek. [2] First portrayed by James Doohan in the original Star Trek series, Scotty also appears in the animated Star Trek series, 10 Star Trek films, the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Relics", and in numerous books, comics, and video games. [3] [4]Simon Pegg has assumed the character and ...

  2. Montgomery Scott

    Captain Montgomery Scott - often referred to as "Scotty" by his shipmates - was a male Human Starfleet officer who lived during the 23rd and 24th centuries. For a period of nearly thirty years, he served as the chief engineer of both the USS Enterprise and the USS Enterprise-A, both under the command of Captain James T. Kirk. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before"; Star Trek VI: The ...

  3. James Doohan

    James Montgomery Doohan (/ ˈ d uː ə n /; March 3, 1920 - July 20, 2005) was a Canadian actor, best known for his role as Montgomery "Scotty" Scott in the television and film series Star Trek.Doohan's characterization of the Scottish chief engineer of the Starship Enterprise has become one of the most recognizable elements in the Star Trek franchise, and inspired many fans to pursue ...

  4. Montgomery Scott

    The five men were ultimately rescued by the Enterprise. (TOS novel: The Kobayashi Maru) When a child was killed by a plasma grenade during a fight between Klingons and an Enterprise landing party on Cragon V, Weyland, the omnipotent ruler of the planet, punished Kirk by sending Scotty, Sulu and Chekov back in time.

  5. Scotty

    Scotty was a nickname both for Montgomery Scott and his counterpart in the alternate reality. In the alternate reality, James T. Kirk regularly used the nickname and even used it to introduce Scott to Khan Noonien Singh in 2259. (Star Trek Into Darkness) In 2263 of the alternate reality, after Scott had met Jaylah on Altamid, she called him "Montgomery Scotty." (Star Trek Beyond) Chief ...

  6. Beam me up, Scotty

    "Beam me up, Scotty" is a catchphrase and misquotation that made its way into popular culture from the science fiction television series Star Trek: The Original Series.It comes from the command Captain Kirk gives his chief engineer, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, when he needs to be "transported" back to the Starship Enterprise.. Though it has become irrevocably associated with the series and ...

  7. A Complete Guide to Scotty From Star Trek

    2009's Star Trek movie entailed a massive reboot, resulting in a new alternate timeline dubbed "The Kelvinverse" by fans. Scotty was memorably played by comic actor Simon Pegg, who revised the role in the next two Kelvinverse films. The changes in continuity resulted in a slightly different version of the character: relegated to a remote outpost before joining the Enterprise crew mid-emergency.

  8. The Wit and Wisdom of Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott

    The Enterprise's chief engineer is always at your service with his words of wisdom and Scottish charm. Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, known as "the miracle worker" to his longtime comrades James T. Kirk and crew, was the chief engineer aboard the original U.S.S. Enterprise and its successor craft. Bullish on his Scottish ancestry, Scotty wears ...

  9. All 5 Versions Of Scotty In Star Trek

    5 Scotty In Star Trek: The Original Series, Movies & TNG James Doohan played Scotty in three seasons of Star Trek: The Original Series from 1966 to '69. Mr Scott was responsible for keeping the USS Enterprise's engines running. Scotty was also in charge of the Enterprise when Kirk and Spock were both incapacitated or on away missions, which ...

  10. Montgomery Scott (alternate reality)

    Montgomery "Scotty" Scott was a Human Starfleet officer serving in the 23rd century. He was recruited by James T. Kirk as chief engineer of the USS Enterprise before the Battle of Earth in 2258 and, soon after, became the Enterprise's second officer. Scott was a brilliant engineer and physicist whose technical expertise enhanced the space travel capabilities of Starfleet. Scott was a speaker ...

  11. Montgomery "Scotty" Scott

    Captain Montgomery Scott (referred to as Scotty by his shipmates) was a male Human Starfleet officer in the 23rd century. His serial number was SE 19754 T. For a period of nearly thirty years, he was the chief engineer of both the USS Enterprise and the USS Enterprise-A, both under the command of Captain James T. Kirk. Having the reputation as a "miracle worker", he was a man of superior ...

  12. Strange New Worlds breaks Star Trek ground with Martin Quinn as Scotty

    More than a decade later, Strange New Worlds has gone where no Star Trek has gone before — the actual Scotland — to recruit 29-year-old Martin Quinn. Born in Paisley and trained at London's ...

  13. James Doohan

    James Doohan. Actor: Star Trek. Best known as Scotty in Star Trek he was educated at High School in Sarnia, Ontario, where he acted in school productions. When WWII began he joined the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery eventually obtaining the rank of Captain. He was wounded on D-Day, suffering severe damage to his right middle finger which was removed ahead of first knuckle, then became a ...

  14. Beam Me Up, Scotty

    Montgomery Scott, the endlessly resourceful chief engineer of the Starship Enterprise, has been a familiar presence in our collective imagination for over three decades. All around the world, everyone knows "Scotty" - but far fewer know the true story of actor James Doohan, who has brought Starfleet's legendary "miracle worker" to life for three seasons on television and in seven major ...

  15. Montgomery Scott

    Montgomery Scott. Scotty as he appears in Star Trek. Montgomery Scott is a fictional character in the television and movie franchise Star Trek. [1] He one of the navigators of the Starship Enterprise. Scotty is played by actor James Doohan and by Simon Pegg. [2]

  16. Montgomery Scott

    Montgomery Christopher Jorgensen "Scotty" Scott was a human male in the Star Trek universe, first introduced in the episode Where No Man Has Gone Before. In the Original Star Trek TV series and in the first seven movies, Scotty was portrayed by the late James Doohan. In the Strange New Worlds first season finale, he was voiced by Matthew Wolf. Scotty was born in Scotland in 2222, the son of ...

  17. Relics (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

    List of episodes. " Relics " is the 130th episode of the syndicated American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, the fourth episode of the sixth season. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the Federation starship USS Enterprise -D. In this episode, while investigating the 75-year-old wreck ...

  18. Scotty

    Affiliation. Starfleet. Active. 23rd - 24th Century. Actor. James Doohan. Montgomery "Scotty" Scott is a human Starfleet officer, known for being chief engineer aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise and U.S.S. Enterprise-A. The presence of Scotty in Star Trek Timelines was first revealed in the Starship Combat in Timelines dev blog.

  19. James Doohan

    James Doohan (3 March 1920 - 20 July 2005; age 85) was a Canadian actor best known for his portrayal of Montgomery "Scotty" Scott on Star Trek: The Original Series and the first seven Star Trek movies. He also appeared in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Relics" and in the archive footage used in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Trials and Tribble-ations". Doohan's work as ...

  20. Montgomery Scott

    James Doohan Scotty Star Trek.JPG 591 × 740; 135 KB. media legend. Джеймс Духан в роли Монтгомери ... The Star Trek Book | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom (English) section, verse, paragraph, or clause. Starships & Vehicles ...

  21. Scotty (Star Trek)

    Scotty (Star Trek) Montgomery " Scotty " Scott [1] is a fictional character in the science fiction franchise Star Trek . [2] First portrayed by James Doohan in the original Star Trek series, Scotty also appears in the animated Star Trek series, 10 Star Trek films, the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Relics", and in numerous books ...

  22. Consell de guerra (Star Trek)

    Montgomery Scott 'Scotty' James Doohan: Joan Carles Gustems Domènec Farell Hikaru Sulu: George Takei: Jaume Nadal Enric Cusí Nyota Uhura: Nichelle Nichols: Glòria Roig Azucena Díaz ... La llista d'Io9 del 2014 dels 100 millors episodis de Star Trek va situar "Consell de guerra" com el 89è millor episodi de totes les sèries fins ...

  23. Relics (episode)

    Scotty is the kind of guy who will go into his room and read technical manuals. Scotty is an engineer through and through and he likes to break rules and do things in an unorthodox manner. ... "Relics" at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works "Relics" at Wikipedia "Relics" at "Relics" script at Star Trek ...