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Travel Books for Babies and Toddlers

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travel books for babies

One of my favorite gifts to give expecting mothers with the wanderlust gene is a good travel themed baby book. These are a great way to introduce young ones of any age to the magic, wonder, and excitement of travel. Having received and purchased so many of these baby travel books myself, I’ve been able to compile a list of the best travel books for babies and toddlers!

Full disclosure – this post contains Amazon affiliate links. If you purchase any books by clicking the links – I earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. 

travel books for babies

Lonely Planet Language Books.

It’s never too early to introduce babies to the holy bible for travelers. This series is a top baby travel book option for those 0-6 months, but really, for any age. The style of the series  is clean, straight forward, and vibrant. Each page features one item, an image, and the word in both English and the chosen language. I especially like that the foreign translation is on the page as well. The book is short and therefore easy on the attention span of a little one who is super eager to always be moving onto the next shiny toy or object. Too basic for your child? Lonely Planet also has a phrases version instead of just singular words!

The Lonely Planet Series contains great travel books for toddlers and babies

Hello World (Martha Zschock)

These delightful picture books will FOR SURE get you and your little travel buddy hyped up for a new day in a new destination! Read all about the history and important landmarks and things to do in places like Philadelphia, New Orleans, and Brooklyn! After reading the book together in the morning, go on a quest and see how many of the spots from the book that your family can find. We did this when Henry was just two months old and had a complete blast taking photos in all of the spots in his baby book. Bonus, if you’re not a planner, this book inadvertently gives lots of suggestions for what to do with your little one in a new place. 

Books to learn about Philadelphia and New Orleans for toddlers and babies

BabyLit Primers Classics.

At first glance, these do not seem to be travel themed baby books. However, consider this. The renowned books of a country or the famous works of a country’s author help any traveler to better understand that culture. Whenever I travel, I always read poems and books set in the place where I am heading – especially works of classic literature. The BabyLit Primer Classics are child-friendly versions of classics such as The Odyssey (Greek classic) and Anne of Green Gable (Canada. ) The plots are incredibly simple but typically true to the classic storyline. Some in the series even take learning one step further beyond just literary skills. For example, the Les Miserables baby lit primer book helps your little reader learn basic French words. Just about any favorite classic can be found for your child in this series. 

travel books for babies

Good Night Our World (Adam Gamble)

Is there anyone who isn’t a Goodnight Moon fan!? The Good Night Our World travel series is a riff on the classic. The narrator bids a good night to the more famous landmarks and experiences of the titular destination. This is a great way to revisit what you and your little one have seen and done throughout the day, and what you hope to see tomorrow! I especially like these books because they tend to have serene and mellow illustrations. If any parent or guardian already does a ‘Goodnight Moon’ routine (walking around the house and saying goodnight to toys and people) this is a fun twist when on the road.

A book about Montreal for toddlers and babies

Children’s Books by Local Authors.

What better way to experience local culture than to buy a book written by a local author?  Books set in a particular destination written by local authors tend to be a treasured souvenir because they are unique and bring back treasured memories when reading them at home. These make great travel books for toddlers or even older children. Young readers can gain a better sense of the culture of a place when reading from an author who lives in the place he or she is visiting. The sense of setting tends to be strong, and authors will often discuss the history, society, and culture of their home within their works. It’s a great way to get an authentic vibe of a place. 

New Orleans has HEAPS of children’s books set in the city as well as Louisiana that are specific to the unique Cajun and Creole culture of the region!  

travel books for babies

Hello World Books (Ashley Evanson)

Each book in this series introduces your little reader to a new part of the world. I especially love that each book has a ‘theme.’ For example, the Paris book centers on shapes whereas the London book features opposites. It’s a great way for kids to learn about both a destination and a new skill or learning concept. With just one sentence on each page, these are developmentally the perfect travel books for toddlers. 

Perfect travel books for toddlers and babies to learn about London and Paris

My Little Cities. (Jennifer Adams)

Are you a city fiend? Because, same. This series was created for the offspring of people who prefer the grit, history, and sociability of cities as opposed to the calm of beaches and sparsity of farms. As a certified educator and English major, these books out of all travel themed baby books have some keen literary merits. I was really impressed by the nuances of the cities that the author is able to recognize and impart.

travel books for babies

For instance, in our New York book – the fact that Shakespeare in the park and feeding pigeons on a bench, mostly local-only activities, were included as opposed to defaulting to tourist traps. This was well appreciated by this Brooklynite. There are anywhere from four words to a whole sentence on each page. The absurdly cute illustrations introduce little ones to concepts such as opposites 

Little Traveler Board Book Set. (Mudpuppy/Erica Harrison)

I adore this little board book series! To start, these wonderful travel books for toddlers and babies take up next to no space and come in their own adorable baby-sized box. Each book discusses a different aspect of travel (transportation, cuisine, and landmarks.) Experts agree that from birth through one year, children do best reading any book, but particularly books with one to three words on a page.

travel books for babies

The books show baby, for instance, a landmark (The Statue of Liberty) and then go on to say that it can be found in New York City. The colors are vibrant and appealing. It is never too early to practice associating words with images. The fact that they’re board books means they’re durable and can stand up to baby and toddlers tossing them, drool on them, dropping them, and using them as teethers. I have gifted this many times at baby showers, and it is always the favorite baby travel book collection of expecting moms. 

First Bilingual Books (Milet Publishing)

The perfect written guide for toddlers who are learning a second language. Each page has a number of items (food, clothing, objects) in both English and a second language and each page is further sorted by color. These are practical and useful travel books for toddlers as they are in a prime place developmentally for learning a second language with ease. 

travel books for babies

Our son has this book in both Russian and Italian and loves them. Just saying…for moms looking to, I don’t know…learn Russian because your husband and in-laws speak it, and it’s been six years and you still don’t know it… this book is helpful. 

Comfort Books for Babies and Toddlers

These are not necessarily in the travel themed baby book category, but they are important when actually traveling. One of the biggest takeaways I’ve learned as a new mom who travels is the importance of having a sense of ‘normalcy’ when hitting the road with a baby. Wherever we go, we bring comfort items from home: a familiar blanket, favorite toys, and our son’s top picks for books which make him smile from ear to ear.

travel books for babies

Bring your little one’s preferred books, and keep some semblance of a routine with them. Read them together in the morning in your hotel room, or in the evening after bath time. Little pieces of home help your baby adjust to a new setting quickly and eagerly. It reinstates that home is not necessarily a place, but rather, wherever we are with our family and when we are doing our favorite activities. New places don’t seem so scary for little ones when there are familiar touches embedded within the accommodation! 

Henry’s Top Picks in Comfort Books: 1 – Your Baby’s First Word Will Be Mama/Dada by Jimmy Fallon 2 – Peek-A-Boo I Love You by Sandra Magsamen 3 –  The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle 4 – The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse by Eric Carle 5 – The Pout Pout Fish by Deborah Diesen

Reading the book Hello, Philadelphia! to my baby

  • July 29, 2020

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Stephanie Amb

Stephanie is a writer of travel, fiction, and New York lifestyle. She currently lives in Brooklyn and teaches full time in Queens. She is a wife and mother to one son. Stephanie is a co-founder at Tawk of New Yawk and her work has been featured in Your Life is a Trip, Teaching Traveling, and Literary Traveler.

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travel books for babies

Thanks for sharing travel books article for Babies and toddlers information. i like your post.

Love the books great idea for mothers.

I love this and now I know what to get all my nephews and neices for all the upcoming gifts! Pinned for later!

These are perfect gifts for babies and toddler who have parents who love to travel :) Also the babies in this post are sooooo cute. Thanks for sharing!

Love these! The Lonely Planet language books are really great. So many good suggestions.

Interesting and very useful list for young mothers!

I\'m always looking for books for babies to inspire them to travel - definitely saving this for Christmas! Thanks

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Last Updated on 01/04/2024 by Regan P.

19 Travel Books for Babies to Inspire Adventure

If you love to travel and want to share this passion with your kids, check out this list of great travel books for babies and toddlers. These books are sure to inspire wanderlust and adventure!


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I love traveling, especially with my family, but it is not something that we can do all the time.

Thankfully, there are some excellent travel books available for babies and toddlers that remind us of places we have been and inspire future adventures.

Aside from actually visiting new places and having new experiences in real life, stories and great travel books just might be the next best way to teach our kids about the amazing world that we live in.

A lot of these books have beautiful covers and double as great decor pieces if you have a travel-themed nursery/bedroom. We use spice racks from Ikea painted white to display some of our favorite books in our baby’s National Park-themed nursery .

Many great travel books are geared toward older kids, but we are going to focus on board books and picture books geared toward kids under age 5.

Check out this list of the best travel books for babies and toddlers that will keep little explorers interested and engaged and will inspire a love of travel & adventure!

Travel Books for Babies & Toddlers

1. i love you more than the mountains.

I Love You More Than the Mountains is a picture book that will be a family favorite for years and years. Beautiful illustrations and a sweet story make it a great choice.

The story features multiple National Parks that are listed at the back of the book. It is fun for little ones to try to identify each park and its unique features as they get older!

This book comes in paperback or hardcover options.

I Love You More Than Mountains

2. All Aboard! National Parks

All Aboard National Parks is pretty simple and doesn’t have as much to it as some of the other books on this list, but it is still one of our favorites because we love anything about the National Parks!

All Aboard is a series of board books for young children that cover different cities, regions, and attractions. The other books in the series include the Great Lakes, the Pacific Northwest, New York City, Paris, London, & Washington D.C.

All Aboard! National Parks: A Wildlife Primer (Lucy Darling)

3. Babies Around the World

Babies Around the World is a cute and simple little board book that takes you around the world to different countries and teaches greetings in various languages.

A fun and quick read with vibrant illustrations.

Babies Around the World: A Board Book about Diversity that

4. The Airport Book

This book is a great way to teach little travelers about the busy airport and the process of checking bags, going through security, boarding, etc.

It has a lot of great travel vocabulary in it and has a cute storyline to go along with the educational aspect.

There are so many details in the illustrations of this book, that you will find something new each time you read it. The book comes in paperback or hardcover options.

The Airport Book

5. Hiking Day

If you love hiking, Hiking Day is the perfect book for your family.

The book has nice illustrations and teaches little ones about hiking and having an appreciation for nature.

Hiking Day (A My First Experience Book)

6. My Africa Vacation

This book is about a family who are going to visit Africa. The parents in the story are eager to show their children the incredible wonders and diversity of the continent.

The book takes you past many of Africa’s natural and historical wonders, and it ends with the children in the book getting to visit their grandfather in his village in Nigeria.

It is a very sweet and informative story.

My Africa Vacation

7. Local Baby Books Series

The Local Baby Board Book Series includes Boston Baby , New York Baby , San Fransisco Baby , Brooklyn Baby , Portland Baby , Chicago Baby , Southern Baby , and Texas Baby .

The books feature babies who are acting as local tour guides in each city, taking readers to the most popular attractions and sights.

Chicago, Baby!

8. What Do You See? Around the World

This is a cute and fun rhyming board book that features LOADS of vocabulary words!

It is fun to read the story with your little traveler and help them identify the objects illustrated on each page.

This book exposes your baby to many unique words he or she would not have otherwise heard or learned yet!

What do You See Around the World, a Look and

9. The Adventures of John Muir

It felt like a must for us to have a book about the “father” of the U.S. National Parks!

This book was slightly disappointing because it doesn’t have a lot to it, but our kids love looking at the illustrations, and we kind of make up our own story/add to it as we read together.

Little Naturalists: The Adventures of John Muir (BabyLit)

10. Hello World Books

There are 10 different books to choose from in this Hello World series . We checked a few out from our local library, and it was fun to read about each different city.

The books also each have a different learning theme to them (opposites, shapes, colors, sounds, etc.)

The series includes 8 cities and 2 countries around the world – Paris, London, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Rome, Rio De Janeiro, Tokyo, Germany, and the USA.

travel books for babies

11. My Mountain Baby

My Mountain Baby is a sweet little rhyming board book with bright illustrations.

I think this book would make a great baby shower gift for any travel-loving parents-to-be!

My Mountain Baby: Explore the Outdoors in this Sweet I

12. Let’s Listen to Animals Around the World

This animal book has great information and images, and the animal sounds add in a lot of fun!

Our toddlers are obsessed with all things animals and animal noises, so this book is a big winner for us.

Learn about different land and sea animals around the world!

Hoot! Meow! Roar!: Let's Listen to Animals Around the World!

13. Hello, National Parks!

Another cute little board book about the U.S. National Parks.

Hello, National Parks takes you across the U.S. to various National Parks and landmarks.

This is one of our personal favorites!

Hello, National Parks!

14. Goodnight Great Outdoors

Goodnight Great Outdoors is a calming bedtime story. The family in the story is saying goodnight to the animals and environment around them before they head to bed in their camping tent.

The story rhymes – some of the rhymes are a little awkward, but overall it is a cute book with a good message.

Goodnight Great Outdoors (Nature Time)

15. B is for Bison

B is for Bison is a cute and vibrant ABC children’s book that features popular animals, landmarks, and National Parks for each letter of the alphabet.

You will read about 26 interesting and unique features from 26 different National Parks across the U.S. as you make your way through this alphabet book.

B Is for Bison: A National Parks Primer (BabyLit)

16. Good Night Our World State/City Books

There are 197 books in this cute little board book series !

You can find a book for most of the states and major cities in the United States and other parts of North America.

I was pretty impressed by the things mentioned in the Good Night Iowa book (our home state) – you can tell the authors did their research and included a lot of detail!

travel board books

17. Touch & Feel: Ocean Friends

We love this ocean animals book because it provides interesting facts (even for us adults!), it is interactive, and it has real photos of the animals.

This would be a great book to read if you are planning to visit the ocean or beach!

If you are looking for more beach-themed books, the Good Night Our World series listed above also has Good Night Beach and Good Night Ocean options!

Ocean Friends - Touch and Feel Board Book - Sensory

18. Little Traveler Board Book Set

My oldest son got this Little Traveler board book set for his birthday, and both of my kids love looking at the mini books.

Four different little books feature landmarks, vehicles, food, and animals from various countries around the world.

From the Eiffel Tower to tacos in Chihuahua and a double-decker bus in London, these books will take you all around the world.

Little Traveler Board Book Set

19. Going on a Road Trip

This road trip prep book will get your toddler ready for your upcoming family trip! A good book to read if you want to get your toddler familiar with what a road trip entails.

Going on a Road Trip: A Toddler Prep Book (Toddler

That rounds out our list of baby and toddler travel books!

I hope you can enjoy reading many of these books together as a family, and that they help to inspire and teach your little traveler about different cultures, the beauty of nature, and the amazing world around us!

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Top 10 Toddler + Baby Books About Travel And Adventure

I love a lot of things in the world, but three that rank pretty high on my list are my children, travel, and a love of reading. Naturally, I am always on the hunt for the best baby books about travel, as I feel like it’s an easy way to instill a love and appreciation of all things travel and literature in my own children. Obviously, we can’t always travel around the world with the kids , so reading about exciting places around the world we’d like to see is our next best bet. When I searched for the best travel books for babies , there were so few places that I could go to get a good idea of what might be a great title to pick up for my little man. So, I set out to fix that. After looking through countless books, I’ve rounded up the top 9 best baby books about travel for those little ones. As a bonus, these books also work as top travel books for toddlers, too!

Reading B is For Bison, one of our favorite travel books for babies, with my son.

Travel Books for Babies: International Countries & Cities

I am constantly telling my son how amazing faraway cities like Paris, Amsterdam , and Edinburgh are. So it’s no surprise to anyone that we are always looking for books that show how beautiful these places actually are. These baby books about traveling to other countries top our list:

1. My Little Cities Series – Jennifer Adams

My Little Cities: Paris: (Board Books for Toddlers, Travel Books for Kids, City Children's Books)

The My Little Cities series is unique in that each book focuses on a different learning topic for little ones. These are some of the best baby books about travel because not only can you travel through cities like London , San Francisco , and New York , but you can also get started learning about things like colors and shapes ! For example, the My Little Cities: Paris book focuses entirely on opposites. There are stunning illustrations of things you MUST see in Paris such as t he Eiffel Tower, the Catacombs of Paris, and Notre Dame. However, they are all woven into opposites. While Luxembourg Gardens are shown on days that are hot, Shakespeare and Co. bookstore is shown on a winter day for the cold! These durable board books are the perfect addition to a baby’s new library!

2. Pop-Up London – Andy Mansfield

Lonely Planet Kids Pop-up London 1

Pop-up books are basically the most exciting things ever for kids. This one is geared specifically toward younger ones. Six pages of pop-ups show some iconic places in London such as Buckingham Palace and the Tower of London , making readers feel as if they are there in this world-famous city. Since it is a travel book for babies, Pop-Up London is small, and there is not a lot of text. Just the same, the visuals make it worth it! There are also books in this series for Paris and New York as well.

3. Hello, World Series – Ashley Evanson

Rome: A Book of Days (Hello, World)

The Hello, World Collection of books by Ashley Evanson is fabulous. Evanson weaves together unique illustrations of famous places with learning. So, while my little one can see some of the places we love most in Rome, he is also beginning to understand the days of the week. There are many titles in this series, and each one explores an exciting city or country along with an appropriate educational topic. For example, the Hello, World book on Tokyo focuses on senses, the book on Rio de Janeiro hones in on sounds, and the Paris Hello, World teaches about shapes.

4. Good Night Our World Series: Adam Gamble & Mark Jasper

Good Night Scotland (Good Night Our World)

The Goodnight Our World series is such an amazing series of travel books for kids. My son loves these! He appreciates the familiarity of the “Goodnight” structure. At the same time, he gets to learn about so many new places! Each book details the destination’s landmarks, wildlife, famous foods, and attractions. For example, Good Night Scotland takes readers all around the country, showing not only famous Scottish sights like Edinburgh Castle, but also lesser-known areas like the Hebrides or Ben Nevis. Our personal favorites are Good Night Scotland (pictured above) and Good Night Utah , though those are just places we have a personal connection with. Choose whichever country or state YOU love and take your baby on an adventure. These board books last forever and are amazing quality.

Top Choices for Baby Books About Travel to National Parks

Some of the best places we love to explore with babies and toddlers are National Parks. Plus, National Parks books for toddlers and babies are always full of stunning pictures and tons of wildlife. Here are some of my son’s favorites:

5. B is for Bison: A National Parks Alphabet – Greg Paprocki

B Is for Bison: A National Parks Primer (BabyLit)

This is one of the absolute favorites as far as baby books about travel go in our house! B is for Bison takes readers through the entire alphabet, using things related to the National Parks to exemplify each letter . For example, “K is for Kenai Fjords National Park.” Some of the letters are the names of the National Parks, while others focus on wildlife found in the parks or on landforms, such as volcanoes. Most of all, the illustrations in this book are incredible. They are detailed and beautiful, showing activities visitors can really do in these National Parks. Author Greg Paprocki has also written other books in the series which we love, such as C for Camping and S is for Santa .

6. All Aboard! National Parks – Kevin & Haily Meyers

All Aboard! National Parks: A Wildlife Primer (Lucy Darling)

All Aboard! National Parks was one of the first books my son ever received, and it has remained at the top of our list since. This book is perfect for families who are avid explorers of the National Parks, or families who aim to visit some of them! Babies hop aboard a train and travel through some of the most popular parks, such as Acadia National Park in Maine, Zion National Park in Utah, and Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona. The pictures included in the book give some baseline information about what you might see at the park and offers a great starting point for learning about National Parks. Other awesome titles in this series include All Aboard! Pacific Northwest and All Aboard! Great Lakes .

7. Love You More Than Mountains – Kristen Behl

I Love You More Than Mountains

If I Love You More Than Mountains won an award, it would be for the most beautiful illustrations. This book blew me away, and my son could look at the pictures forever. The book follows a family as they travel with their children to different National Parks in the United States and share how much they love their children. It is the perfect book to encourage a love of family travel and adventure with one another as a special way to grow the familial bond.

Other Best Baby Books About Travel:

These books aren’t necessarily about one country or National Park. However, they still share the love of travel and adventure and how worthwhile travel is to our lives.

8. Wherever You Go – Pat Zietlow Miller

Wherever You Go

This book is literally the sweetest thing. It was gifted to my son, Colton, at his baby shower by one of my best friends. And now I buy it for every baby shower I attend- it’s the perfect first book about travel for babies. It tells the story of a rabbit who goes on a trip. The rabbit travels far away from home. He rides his bicycle through cities and the countryside. Ultimately, his journey leads him back home again. The final page reminds readers that no matter how far they might travel, home is always waiting for them when they return . It is an incredibly heartwarming book that entwines travel with the love of home.

9. Little Traveler’s Library: Four Adventures in Eight Languages – Abigail Samoun

Little Traveler’s Library: Four Adventures in Eight Languages (Little Traveler Series)

This boxed set is a fantastic way to expose your little one to both new places and new languages. Each book contains a phrase that is learned in eight different languages, which easily helps them top our list of best baby books about travel. The four books cover the phrases hello, goodbye, please, and thank you. They even include pronunciation guides so that you can accurately pronounce the phrases yourself! Different animals travel to various countries where these languages are spoken. Each book ends with a map showing where they have “traveled” during the story.

10. Board Books Little Traveler Set: Mudpuppy

Little Traveller Board Book Set (Little Traveler)

The Little Traveler books take readers on adventures around the world as they explore the food, vehicles, animals, and landmarks of different countries and cultures. Each book visits four different countries. In the book about vehicles, babies learn about how to get around in the United States of America, England, Barbados, and Thailand. This set of board books is incredibly durable and perfectly sized for chubby little hands to grab onto as they begin to nourish a love of reading and travel.

Conclusion: Best Baby Books About Travel

Sharing our passions and the things we love with our kids is so incredibly important. I hope that these books bring joy and excitement around travel into your home and ignite adventure in the souls of your little ones, just like they did for mine!

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Taylor Beal, owner and author of Traverse With Taylor, has been traveling in Europe for more than a decade and helps others explore Europe easily through amazing guides and itineraries. She has adventured through more than 20 countries, searching for the best experiences, must-try foods, and delicious beers! She spends a lot of time in Scotland and Amsterdam, two of her favorite places! Taylor is also a Holocaust educator focused on raising awareness around WWII historical sites.

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29 Children’s Books That Will Teach Your Kids About the World

By Caitlin Morton

Image may contain Human and Person

Aside from actually hopping on a plane, reading is the best way for children to learn about the world—and travel books for kids happen to be some of the most touching, open-minded works out there. We asked around for recommendations for the best books that teach children about the world, polling experts like bookshop owners, authors, and librarians across the country.

You’ve probably heard of some of their picks already, but we hope this list will introduce your family to some new stories as well, whether it’s about a young girl shopping in India or a family taking a heritage trip to Nigeria. These are 29 of the best children’s books about travel, social awareness, and self-discovery—sure to be a hit for bedtime reading, road trips, and beyond.

This gallery was last published in April 2020. It has been updated with new information.

All products and listings featured on Condé Nast Traveler are independently selected by our editors. If you purchase something through our links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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Ages: newborn to 3

Childrens Books

Subway by Anastasia Suen

As the co-founder and owner of Eyeseeme , a children’s bookstore focused on African American and multicultural literature based in a St. Louis suburb, Pamela Blair is an expert when it comes to kids' books. For the youngest of youngsters, she loves Subway by Anastasia Suen, a board book showing a mother and daughter’s ride through New York City. “It makes riding the subway sound like fun,” says Blair.

Image may contain Human and Person

Busy City by Maddie Frost

Blair also recommends Busy City as a great board book that teaches kids about travel and exploration. With engaging illustrations and simple concepts, Maddie Frost takes readers through the sights and sounds of city life, from honking trucks to rumbling construction sites.

Image may contain Toy

A Little Engine That Could Road Trip series by Watty Piper

There’s a good chance you read The Little Engine That Could when you were a child. This new series from Penguin Books, which launches in May, follows everyone’s favorite helpful blue train as she travels through all 50 states to teach kids about the culture, food, and landmarks of the U.S. The board books are beautifully illustrated by Jill Howarth, who got a mini-education of her own during the artistic process. “Working on these books has been a great way to virtually travel this past year alongside the Little Engine,” she says. “Whether I’ve ever been in the states she goes to or not, I learned about some fun destinations. I hope little readers will enjoy the trip.”

travel books for babies

Babies Around the World by Puck

Babies love looking at other babies, which means your kids will love Babies Around the World . Another Eyeseeme pick, the board book travels around the world—with stops including Mexico City, Cape Town, Beijing, and Cairo—to meet babies saying “hello” in their languages.

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My Little Cities series by Jennifer Adams

This board book series is a favorite of Olisha James, a children’s librarian at the New York Public Library’s Stapleton Branch on Staten Island. “The rhyming text takes you on a journey through the featured city, all while partnered with bright illustrations highlighting the city's tourist hot spots,” says James. “This series visits cities like New York, Paris, London, and San Francisco, reminding us that our littlest travelers need an accessible travel guide as well.”

Image may contain Logo Symbol Trademark and Text

Ages: 3 to 8

Image may contain Human Person Advertisement and Poster

The Airport Book by Lisa Brown

This book, which shows all the different steps you take when traveling by plane, received high praise from both Blair and Amanda Hua, a children’s librarian at the Seattle Public Library. “For young children, the best travel guides are books that can help set expectations,” says Hua—which makes The Airport Book a great primer for new fliers. 

Image may contain Human Person Advertisement Poster Brochure Paper and Flyer

My Africa Vacation by Ozi Okaro

Another pick from the staff of Eyeseeme, My Africa Vacation follows five-year-old Arinze and his older sister Cheta as they take a family trip to Africa. The book tracks their vacation through 10 African countries, showing iconic sites like Victoria Falls and Mount Kilimanjaro, as well as their grandfather’s village in Nigeria.

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Let's Talk About Race by Julius Lester

“On the surface, Let's Talk About Race appears to be a children's book, but it's so much more," says Rick Griffith of Matter, Denver’s only Black-owned bookstore . “'I'll take off my skin. Will you take off yours?' [It's] beautiful, poignant, full of questions, and open to discovering answers." The book was published in 2005, but remains as relevant and important today as ever.

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Hiking Day by Anne Rockwell

Travel doesn’t have to be a long, international journey; sometimes, it simply involves a lovely afternoon spent exploring your own backyard. That’s the premise of Hiking Day , which is endorsed by Jennifer P. Davis, a National Geographic Adventurer of the Year and contributing author of Macmillan’s Outdoor School series. “This book walks you through [hiking] in a way that will leave you lacing up your shoelaces and raring to go,” she says.

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Grand Canyon by Jason Chin

We’re big fans of children’s author Jason Chin, as is Lynn Lobash, associate director of reader services at the New York Public Library. “This gorgeous picture book uses die cuts, pen and ink, watercolors, and gouache to depict a father and daughter trip to the Grand Canyon ,” says Lobash. “The text gives information about the plants, animals, and habitats found there. It includes a two-page map and wonderful back matter for curious minds.”

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From My Window by Otávio Júnior

Ever wonder what people around the world view from their windows? That’s the premise of Otávio Júnior’s From My Window , a picture book depicting what children from the favelas of Rio de Janeiro see every day. The book comes highly recommended by Kalima DeSuze , activist and founder of the Cafe con Libros bookstore in Brooklyn. If you’re looking to stock up on more books, DeSuze applauds online bookseller Barefoot Books for “encourag[ing] curiosity in young people of different cultures.” 

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Girl on a Motorcycle by Amy Novesky

Featured on the NYPL’s Best Books for Kids list for 2020, Girl on a Motorcycle tells the true story of the first woman to ride a motorcycle around the world alone. Louise Lareau, managing librarian at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library Children’s Center in New York City, calls it a “great book that highlights the idea of exploring places that are off the beaten path.”

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A Gift for Amma: Market Day in India by Meera Sriram

Another pick from DeSuze, A Gift for Amma tells the story of a young girl in India who searches for a gift for her mother in an Indian street market. The picture book was inspired by author Meera Sriram’s experiences growing up in Chennai , and features beautiful, vibrant illustrations. 

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This Is… series by Miroslav Sasek

“Picture books are a great way to introduce kids to the cities they will be visiting,” says Jenny Rosenoff, a children’s librarian at the SNFL Children’s Center. This series from Miroslav Sasek showcases different cities around the world, ranging from Paris to Hong Kong—and is proven to have a real impact on youngsters. “A family from one of our Shelf Help bundles asked for NYC books [and we recommended this,]” says Rosenoff. "Then they sent us a photo of their kid by a painting at the Met. They said [the This Is New York book] saved the trip because she was so excited to see something she recognized.”

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Lonely Planet's City Trails series by Moira Butterfield

Another great option for learning about cities around the world, Lonely Planet’s City Trails books feature fun cartoon graphics that will teach children of all ages about history and culture. The series was recommended by the staff of both the NYPL and SPL. “[The books] break down the city into bite-sized chunks,” says NYPL’s Rosenoff. “Because who wants to overwhelm a kid with too much text when they’re looking to explore?”

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¡Vamos! Let’s Go Eat by Raúl the Third

The sequel to Raúl the Third’s much-lauded ¡Vamos! Let’s Go to the Market , ¡Vamos! Let’s Go Eat was published in 2020 and is another recommendation from Lobash. “If you enjoyed Richard Scary's Busytown books as a kid, you will love this makeover set in a border town where Little Lobo and his dog Bernabé make deliveries to Mercado de Chauhtémoc la Curiosidad, and Spanish and English words intermingle on the page,” she says. “The art is in a fresh comic style matching the energy of the bustling market.”

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A Walk in… series by Salvatore Rubbino

Whether your kids want to explore London, Paris, or New York, these books are sure to fit the bill. “Rubbino’s series covers the landmarks and streetscapes that families usually see when visiting these cities,” says SNFL's Lareau. “With fun artwork, the series portrays parent/child explorations of a new city.”

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Ages: 5 to 9

travel books for babies

Ty's Travels series by Kelly Starling Lyons

The books in the Ty’s Travels series are great for early readers, and Eyeseeme's Blair particularly loves All Aboard and Zip Zoom , both of which follow the title character as he uses his imagination to go on incredible journeys—most of which can happen just in time for dinner.

travel books for babies

Yasmin the Explorer by Saadia Faruqi

Yasmin is an energetic second-grader who loves to use her imagination. When her dad teaches her about explorers and maps, Yasmin decides to make a map of her neighborhood and she brings it along on a trip to the farmers' market. “[It’s the] perfect book for exploring the neighborhood and creating your own map,” says Mai Takahasi, a children’s librarian at SPL.

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Magic Tree House series by Mary Pope Osborne

For early readers, you can’t do much better than Mary Pope Osborne’s Magic Tree House series, another favorite of NYPL’s Lobash. In each book, Jack and Annie go on adventures back in time and all over the world, visiting the Amazon , Ancient Egypt, Kenya , and Yosemite National Park in 1903—just to name a few places.

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Ages: 6 to 10

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Ana & Andrew series by Christine Platt

Ana and Andrew live in Washington, D.C., with their parents, and go on many adventures both at home and abroad that teach them about Black and African American history and culture. Blair specifically recommends Going to Ghana , which talks about the African slave trade, and Dancing at Carnival , where the siblings learn how their Trinidadian ancestors developed the festive holiday .

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The World Between Blinks by Ryan Graudin

Whether books chronicle travel to real places or imaginary (as is the case with The World Between Blinks ), you can usually count on a fun read with lifelong lessons involved. “This fun, fast paced story sets off on Folly Beach , South Carolina, [near Charleston ] but soon the children discover a fantasy world where all lost things go,” says Mary Alice Monroe , author of The Islanders , a middle-grade novel out in June. “Everywhere they turn, real mysteries from history and myths are uncovered—thus fun for children and adults alike.”

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My Awesome Japan Adventure by Rebecca Otowa

Books written in diary format are some of the most exciting to read, as evidenced by this tale of an American fifth-grader visiting Japan for four months. “With lots of personality and illustrations, the book covers the food, culture, and history of Japan in a fun way,” says SPL’s Hua.

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Same Sun Here by Silas House

This chapter book explores different areas of the U.S., describing them to our would-be travelers, but the story, written from the perspective of two characters, is so much more. Through a school pen pal assignment, the characters meet and find common ground talking about environmental activism, immigration, and racism. This is “a book for our times,” says SPL children’s librarian Betsy Kluck-Keil.

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Walking with Ramona: Exploring Beverly Cleary's Portland by Laura O. Foster

Forget Portlandia —this book is the coolest way to learn about Portland , Oregon. “As a child, I devoured Beverly Cleary's books and the antics of Ramona, Beezus, Henry, and Ribsy,” says SPL children's librarian Beatriz Pascual-Wallace. “What a treat now to find this guide! Families who are fans of the books can experience Klickitat Street for themselves with this informative and fun tour guide.”

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For all ages

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National Geographic Kids Beginner's World Atlas

“For those visual learners who love facts, this could be the ticket to prepping for a big trip,” says SPL’s Kluck-Keil. “These have a little bit of everything around the world to whet your appetite to explore new places.” Kluck-Keil also recommends National Geographic Kids Beginner's U.S. Atlas 2020 for U.S. travelers.

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United Tastes of America by Gabrielle Langholtz

"The first thing that comes to my mind when I'm thinking about travel books for kids is United Tastes of America ,” says Kevin Kelley, NYPL’s after school program coordinator and chair of Best Books for Kids 2021. The book is a geographical atlas of region-specific recipes from all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and three territories. It’s a “fun and unique way to think about different ways we can experience travel using all of our senses,” says Kelley.

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Brick City: Global Icons to Make from Lego by Warren Elsmore

Legos and travel? We can’t think of a better combination. Elsmore’s massive book is like a visual dictionary of the world’s landmarks, all made out of Legos. NYPL’s Rosenoff calls it a great way “to introduce famous buildings to children before seeing them.”

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Lonely Planet's Not for Parents series

As the title suggests, this Lonely Planet series isn't made up of your average guide books for adults. Instead of tips for where to find the best meals or cups of coffee, these books show where to find Platform 9 ¾ in London for Harry Potter fans and explain why New York taxis are yellow. The books are a favorite of NYPL’s Lobash.

travel books for babies

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15 of the Best Travel Books for Kids

girl with globe and book

If your kids love travelling as much as you, then having some of the best travel books for kids at home is brilliant for keeping the passion alive between trips particularly if you’ve recently had to cancel a trip due to coronavirus.  It’s a great way to travel without leaving home !

We love buying different children’s books about travel for Myla as gifts for her birthday or Christmas.  She loves them too.  Not only do good travel books for children, get the kids excited about their next trip, but it also teaches them about the wonderful world we live in and its people.

Whether you’re looking for some kids travel books as gifts for the little people in your life or need to keep the travel dream alive during these periods of world travel bans – then this is the perfect guide for you.

In this guide on childrens books about travel – I’ve listed a range of fun travel books for kids of all ages.  Whether you’re after the best atlas for kids, a baby travel book, travel books for toddlers or older children’s travel books, this guide covers it all.

I had so much fun putting this guide together and even found some great ideas for Myla.

This post may contain compensated links.  Please refer to my disclaimer  here  for more information.

Page Contents

  • 1 15 of the Best Travel Books for Kids 
  • 2 Quick Comparison Table of Children’s Books About Travel 
  • 3.1 The Best Atlas for Kids: Children’s Illustrated Atlas
  • 3.2 Hello World
  • 3.3 Lonely Planet: First Words
  • 3.4 Dr Seuss – Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
  • 3.5 National Geographic: Little Kids First Big Book of the World
  • 3.6 Travel Bug Goes to Series
  • 3.7 This is Series
  • 3.8 Lonely Planet: The Travel Book
  • 3.9 Lonely Planet: City Trails
  • 3.10 Lonely Planet: Let’s Explore
  • 3.11 Lonely Planet: Backyard Explorer
  • 3.12 Lonely Planet: Not For Parents
  • 3.13 Busy Busy World
  • 3.14 The Atlas Obscura Explorer’s Guide for the World’s Most Adventurous Kid
  • 3.15.1 Do you want to keep this handy for later? 
  • 3.15.2 Click on one of the images below to save it to Pinterest.

15 of the Best Travel Books for Kids  

To come up with this list of the best children’s books about the world, I’ve asked for recommendations from our followers, other family travel bloggers as well as researched the best selling children travel books on Amazon.  I have no doubt there are a million other great childrens travel books, but this is a pretty good list to get you started.

Child reading on plans

Quick Comparison Table of Children’s Books About Travel  

Don’t have time to read the entire review on the best children’s travel books?  Below is a handy table of all the books in this guide with some brief information and a link for where you can buy the book online.

Please note the age group is just a guide and will really depend on the individual child.

Keep reading below for further information on these books.

Top Travel Books for Children  

Let’s get into it and in no particular order, check out some of the best travel books for kids currently available!

The Best Atlas for Kids: Children’s Illustrated Atlas

travel books for babies

The Children’s Illustrated Atlas is hands down one of Myla’s favourite children’s books about places around the world.  She literally reads this book at least once a week.

Across 128 pages, this kids atlas has more than 50 colourful maps of countries around the world.  Each map includes interesting facts about the country including famous landmarks, climate, native animals and its people.  You can use this atlas to create a range of fun and educational activities for the kids at home.

For parents after a great children’s atlas, I highly recommend this.  It’s perfect for primary school aged children.

Click here for more information or to buy now.

Hello World

travel books for babies

Hello World is a series of gorgeous hardboard books aimed at young toddler travellers.  These books have gorgeous colourful illustrations which feature famous landmarks, architecture, food and culture of various cities across the world.

As well as inspiring young travellers, these books help children recognize shapes, opposites, senses, numbers and colours.  Books available include shapes in Paris , opposites in London , senses in Tokyo , colours in New York , numbers in San Francisco or sounds in Rio De Janeiro .

These are such a gorgeous series of books and make perfect gifts if you’re looking for a travel activity book for toddlers or baby books about travel.

Click here for more information or to buy now.  

Lonely Planet: First Words

travel books for babies

We all know there is a stack of great Lonely Planet kids books out there so it’s not surprisingly I’ve listed quite a few here in this guide.  First up are the First Words series , which teach children some of the basic words from languages around the world.

Each book contains 100 words which are useful while travelling.  Words include things related to food, transport, animals, weather and more.  Each double page of the book covers one word, with a pronunciation guide as well as a range of colourful illustrations to give the word context as well as keep it interesting for little travellers.

The First Words book are available in Spanish ,   Japanese ,   Mandarin , Italian and French .  These are great books for kids about to go on an overseas trip with their families.

Each book also comes with a free audio guide.

Dr Seuss – Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

travel books for babies

Dr Seuss is always a favourite isn’t it – with both kids and parents alike. Oh, The Places You’ll Go!  always comes up on any best travel book list for kids.

In this book, Dr Seuss takes us through all the mishaps that occur while out on our adventures.  It has a great message for kids, encouraging children to seize the moment, be brave and seek out new adventures, and never to be afraid of failure.

Of course like with any Dr Seuss book, this book is full of fun illustrations and easy to read text helping children to develop their reading skills.

National Geographic: Little Kids First Big Book of the World

travel books for babies

Myla just loves her National Geographic books , so if you’re after just one general book about the world for your young traveller, I’d highly recommend the Little Kids First Big Book of the World.

Across 128 pages, this book has a range of interesting facts about languages, landscapes, weather, animals, capital cities and more.

The book has a range of beautiful photographs, easy to read text (great for developing little ones reading skills) and a range of questions to encourage your child to discuss what they are reading with other members of the family.

If your child loves these books, I’d also recommend their yearly book , we get this for Myla each for Christmas and she again just loves it.

These National Graphic books are perfect for any parent looking for children books about travelling around the world.

Travel Bug Goes to Series

travel books for babies

Another great series of books for toddlers or preschoolers, Travel Bug is a cute character that travels around the world to different countries and cities.  In these picture books about travelling around the world, Travel Bug includes famous landmarks, food, history and culture.

These preschool books about travel are available for Chicago , Mexico , China , France , Australia , San Francisco , New York City , Paris , Iceland , Italy , America and Europe .

These are great books to buy for little travellers who might be visiting one of these destinations or just enjoys learning about new places.

Click here for more information or to buy the book  

This is Series

travel books for babies

The This is Series  of books were first published back in the 1950s and have recently been updated to bring them into the twenty first century.  Available in a range of cities and countries around the world, these children’s books about travelling around the world are designed to inspire young children to travel the world.

Each travel picture book has beautiful illustrations, capturing a range of scenes from the destinations as well as plenty of fun facts for the young inspired traveller.  The series is available for 18 different destinations including, Paris , Venice , London , New York and Rome .

Lonely Planet: The Travel Book

travel books for babies

The Travel Book takes children through every country on the planet.  Every country has its own full page, where information is provided such as the country’s landscapes, wildlife, landmarks, language, people as well as random fun facts.

There are two versions of this kids world travel guide. The older version has 212 pages and in addition to beautiful photographs, it has lots of fun illustrations designed for younger children.  The newer version has 408 pages and only features photographs and is designed to appeal to the older child.

With general information on every single country in the world, this is such a great book for a child who loves to travel.  

Lonely Planet: City Trails

travel books for babies

City Trails  is kind of like the traditional Lonely Planet guides, but for kids.  Designed for primary school aged children, these travel guides provide children with a range of information about a particular destination.

The books take children on a trip around the city – hence the name of the book City Trails.  Each kids travel guide lists out a range of attractions and places of interest within the city and what children can expect to see and do there.

The City Trails series are available for a range of cities including London , Tokyo , Paris , New York City , Rome , Sydney , Singapore and more.

These are great books to give children prior to a holiday and encourages them to really get in involved with the trip planning process.  

Lonely Planet: Let’s Explore

travel books for babies

If you’re looking for travel activity books for kids, Let’s Explore is another one of the great series of books from Lonely Planet.  These books are about two young explorers Marco and Amelia who travel to a range of different landscapes across the world including Safari , Ocean , Desert , City , Mountain and Jungle .

Each of the Let’s Explore books is 48 pages and include a range of puzzles, colouring in, have over 250 stickers as well as some interesting facts.

Whether you’re after a kids travel activity book for at home or while travelling, the Lonely Planet Let’s Explore range is a good one to consider.

Lonely Planet: Backyard Explorer

travel books for babies

With all of us staying at home right now, Backyard Explorer is the perfect book!  Another excellent children’s book by Lonely Planet, Backyard Explorer helps children get out and explore what’s in their very own backyards.

Backyard Explorer is full of fun activities for the kids including things to make, do and find.  Some of the activities include cloud spotting, making a skyline college, completing a scavenger hunt and more. 

This is a great book for those kids who keep complaining that they are bored – with this book they will find plenty to do in and around their own home.

Lonely Planet: Not For Parents

travel books for babies

The last of all the Lonely Planets listed in this guide, Not For Parents are a series of books somewhat like the traditional Lonely Planet guides but for kids.  These books include a range of interesting facts, stories and things to do in places across the world.

Each book is around 100 pages and includes stories about interesting people, details of super cool attractions and landmarks,

The books are available for a range of countries, continents and cities including Australia , USA , China , Africa , Paris , Europe , Asia , Britain , Rome , London , New York , South America and more.

These books would be the perfect gift to buy a child planning a trip to one of these destinations as it encourages them to get involved in the planning stage as well as gets them excited about their trip.  

Busy Busy World

travel books for babies

For the younger travellers, they will love the Busy Busy World  by Richard Scarry.  This book takes children through 33 different places around the world including New York, Paris and Tokyo.

The book tells 33 different funny stories about a range of characters from across the world including butchers, fishermen, house painters and more.  Across 96 pages, this book features bright and colourful illustrations with easy to read text which engages young children and inspires them to explore the world. 

This book was written in the 1960s, yet still manages to capture the attention of young travellers today.  

The Atlas Obscura Explorer’s Guide for the World’s Most Adventurous Kid

travel books for babies

The Atlas Obscura Explorer’s Guide for the World’s Most Adventurous Kid is another one of Myla’s favourite books.  Featuring 100 different places from 47 different countries, this book focuses on the world’s most fascinating places – both natural and manmade.

Over 112 pages, this book looks at 100 different places around the world, listing out interesting facts, stories and places to visit.  Popular places such as England and Mexico are featured as well as less known places including Azerbaijan and Namibia.  However don’t except popular tourist attractions in this book, this book is for the serious travellers wanting to learn about more offbeat places.

Given this book is about the more unusual tourist destinations in the world, this book is better suited to the child that already has a few travel books and is now looking for something a little different.  

 Click here for more information or to buy now.

Bluey: The Beach

travel books for babies

Most little ones are already fans of the TV show Bluey – so if you’re after airplane books for toddlers Bluey: The Beach is a lovely little book.  In this book, Bluey’s family goes to the beach and the book is all about the fun encounters Bluey has throughout the day. 

This is a lovely hardboard book, with beautiful illustrations just perfect for young travellers off on a beach holiday with their family.  


I hope you found this guide on the best travel books for kids useful. 

If you’re looking for more things for kids that love to travel, check out kids gift guide here . and the best travel themed board games for kids here .  

Disclaimer: Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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Marcie in Mommyland

Fuel Your Child’s Wanderlust with These Toddler Travel Books

Posted on Last updated: May 3, 2024

Home » Learning at Home » Fuel Your Child’s Wanderlust with These Toddler Travel Books

Fuel Your Child’s Wanderlust with These Toddler Travel Books

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Are you hoping to start teaching your kids about the world? Find out about my favorite baby and toddler travel books for kids that talk about the world. Keep scrolling for the list!

This post about baby and toddler travel books was written by family travel expert marcie cheung and may contain affiliate links, which means if you click on the link and purchase the item, i will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. all opinions remain my own..

My family loves to explore the world, but it’s not something we can do all the time. So, we also like to learn about places from around the world from the comfort of our home through toddler travel books.

However, it can be tricky to find age-appropriate toddler travel books about world adventures for babies and toddlers.

Most of the travel books I see are geared toward elementary-aged kids. This will be fantastic when my kids get older, but right now, they just don’t have the attention span for those books.

Thankfully, three authors have remedied this by offering engaging board books that highlight different countries. These are some of the coolest baby books about travel!

We love keeping these travel books for our kids, especially since they make flying with a toddler stress-free that will keep kids entertained. Plus, they’re perfect travel gift ideas for toddlers for your friends who often go on a family vacation with their children.

Building up a collection of kids books related to travel is also one way to create a travel-themed nursery for your kids as they grow older.

We’ve owned these books for almost 4 years now, and my kids STILL like reading them! My oldest can now read them to my youngest, which is awesome!

travel books for babies

Amazing Toddler Travel Books

Hello, world series by ashley evanson.

travel books for babies

This series is published by Penguin Books and they sent us copies of all the books to review. The illustrations are bright and it’s easy to clearly make out each landmark.

Out of these places, our toddler has only been to San Francisco and Paris . It’s been fun to show him photos of our family touring around and seeing the same sights as in the book.

Hello, World by Ashley Evanson is one of the best toddler travel books.

The San Francisco book focuses on numbers, which is perfect for my toddler, who enjoys counting things.

The theme of the New York book is colors, which is my son’s other passion. I’ve always thought of New York as being black and white, so it’s refreshing to see the colorful images. My son’s favorite thing to find is the yellow taxi!

My personal favorite is Paris (and its theme of shapes) because I spent my 18th birthday in Paris on a school trip and have wonderful memories of the city.

When I look at this book with my son, we talk about my experiences at different places (Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Notre Dame, etc.) Read about what to do in Paris with Kids .

We do the same thing with the London book. It’s fun to tell him about my time there and what I thought of the landmarks. Check out our London with kids 4-day itinerary .

The London book focuses on opposites, which is fun because my son is developing his sense of humor. He likes to say big things are little and vice versa as a joke to see if I will laugh. It also features a red, double-decker bus!

And these are some of the prettiest children’s travel books we’ve seen!

All Aboard series by Haily Meyers

travel books for babies

This series is published by BabyLit, and they sent us the London, Paris, and California travel books to check out.

I really like this series of adventure books for toddlers because there aren’t very many words, so my toddler can “read” the story to me by telling me what he sees on each page. Again, the artwork in this series is really beautiful!

The last page of each book also offers a bonus educational component. For example, the Paris book lists French/English translations of key things in the book. It’s a great way for this series to grow with babies and toddlers.

My son has been to California a few times, so we like to point out where relatives live and what we did in each city. My toddler is a big fan of trains, so one of his favorite things is to look for the train or the train conductor on each page.

Sometimes the trains are in random places, but we find that really funny!

All Aboard London by Kevin & Haily Meyers (From All Aboard! Series)

Part of the All Aboard! Series, All Aboard! London is another amazing toddler travel books.

The London book is really cool because there are trains AND double-decker buses, which is the best combination for my toddler! I like that the pages feature travel-related items like passports and suitcases in addition to significant landmarks.

My toddler is able to point at the items and tell me what they are and how we use them. It’s a great conversation starter about international travel.

The Paris book is my personal favorite in this series. I minored in French in college, and it’s fun to pass along some basic French to my toddler (who’s currently learning Mandarin). He’s at the perfect age to pick up a few words in several languages.

I like that the French is optional since there isn’t much of a story. You can talk about the fun places with babies and younger toddlers and then add the French element later on to refresh the book.

These are some of the best travel books for kids who are obsessed with trains!

Tiny Traveler series by Misti Kenison

travel books for babies

I like this series because it includes places outside of the U.S. and Europe. The illustrations are also clear and vivid. I really hope China is next on her list of books to write!

Tiny Traveler by Misti Kenison is a great toddler travel book.

We took our toddler to Italy last summer, so that’s been a fun book to read because he remembers a few of the places.

The theme of this book is numbers, which is fun for my count-a-holic toddler. Our favorite page is the one where we can count pizza because then we can talk about yummy food!

I also like the page about paintings because art is a huge part of world culture.

travel books for babies

His cousins go to Japan every summer to visit family, so he’s also been interested in the Japan book because he knows that’s where they go.

This book’s theme is nature, and it features bamboo, cherry blossoms, and a Zen Garden. This is nice because we frequently visit a Japanese Garden in Seattle.

He’s able to use the information from this book out in the garden. I love it when travel books encourage children to make connections to the outside world!

These are super cute toddler adventure books to read aloud.

Lonely Planet Kids Pop-Up Travel Books

When my husband and I travel, we like to bring hard-copy guide books so we have something to reference, especially when staying places without wifi.

travel books for babies

The nice thing about these pop-up travel books is that they seem pretty durable. They are recommended for kids ages 5-8, but I think they are also suitable for younger kids.

I don’t think the pop-up features will be easily torn off. I also like that the pop-ups are somewhat subtle. They add a dimension to the book without feeling like it’s going to pop out in my toddler’s face.

travel books for babies

Any of these travel books would be great to take on your airplane ride to that destination to show your child what they might see on your trip.

My oldest likes to read the books over and over again and point out the landmarks from each country. What’s really cool is that now he recognizes these landmarks when we see them on TV, in other books, or in photos!

Looking for more travel books for toddlers? Find out my favorite kids travel books about Hawaii and New Zealand !

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Valerie Van Ballaer

Monday 19th of March 2018

Very cool! I've written and illustrated 3 travel guides for kids: The Travel Adventures of George and Paolo: Italy ?? Thailand ?? and Hong Kong ??


That's awesome! We're hoping to head to Hong Kong in 2 years!

Tuesday 30th of May 2017

These books look like so much fun. My little 3 year old loves his books and i think i need to do alittle update on his collection to offer more interactive books. Thanks

Wednesday 31st of May 2017

These books are a great way to spark some wanderlust!

I love this! My daughter is only 8 months old but I've already made reading an important part of our routine. I hope she grows up with a love to read and travel :)

It's always best to get in the habit. My youngest is now 8 months, too! Congrats!

Monday 29th of May 2017

I am so getting this for some kiddos in my life! I love to teach kids to take an adventure.

Yes! Inspire them to take an adventure!

How awesome are these books!! When I have a little one I shall be purchasing these to read to him/her. I never even knew they made travel books for children. Great reviews as well!

Family Travel: Best Kids Travel Books for Under 6s

travel books for babies

It will come as no surprise that as an author, mother and travel blogger, putting together this list of the best kids travel books was an absolute joy! When I first thought about the travel-related books most loved by my two boys, who are aged one and four, I thought I'd maybe come up with a list of ten or so, but actually it sort of became a life of its own, and you'll find recommendations for over 20 kids travel books and a selection of fiction and non-fiction.

I haven't included country or destination specific books (unless they are for a range of books that feature many places), but I have included kids travel books with more generic settings that would show a different part of the world to children. 

Best Kids Travel Books

There were so many books that I was able to create another blog post entirely listing the best travel guide books and maps/atlases because this felt like a category with so many books in it that it could stand alone. So while I do still include a few books with maps and more travel guide-esque content, for a more comprehensive list of these kind of books you should check out this post sharing the best kids' world travel guides (and this list is for kids of any age from babies through to tweens and teens).

I also was going to have a section of travel-themed baby books within this post but in the end there were so many that this list also deserved a post of its own. You can find my best baby travel books here - please do check it out as many of these books would also be popular with toddlers and preschoolers too! And if you're looking for travel books written by Black and Brown authors featuring kids of colour, this is a great list.

FURTHER READING: Don't focus only on books for your baby! Find out about some great reads and indulge your wanderlust for one of the most beautiful cities in the world, with this reading list of the best books about Amsterdam . 

I also feel the need to explain why this selection of travel books for children are really for kids aged 6 and under. This is simply because my kids aren't yet much older than this age and so it felt right and more authentic to only talk about books aimed at this age group because I don't have much experience reading books with older kids yet. As and when my kids get older and we add more travel-related books to our shelves, I will absolutely update this list accordingly.

So without any more ado about from a short disclosure let's get stuck into this list of the best travel books for kids!

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Best Non-Fiction Kids Books About Travel

While some of these books are clearly for older kids and even children over the age of 6, I would say that most kids over the age of 2-2.5 will find something interesting in many of the books listed in the below selection.

My first son really started to fall in love with books when he was around 18 months old and while I'm not sure he was always following a story, I know that he would absorb the pictures and words, and once he was able to, he would also start to ask questions about the things I was saying, sometimes during the reading session itself but often some time later at random times of the day. 

Babies and toddlers that are younger than that may still enjoy them, but the titles listed in my post with travel books for babies would be better choices , I think.

Explorers by Nellie Huang - It's fair to say this book is one of the reasons I am writing this blog post because it was this book that suddenly really nurtured my son's interest in the world, travel and exploring. It's so obviously well-researched and Nellie has done brilliantly writing it as a book that can be read with parents and young children, as well as read by early readers solo. I also love that this book doesn't sugarcoat the very real and very dark side of colonialism and it also includes non-white explorers from all parts of the world. I have to say, I learned so much reading this book so maybe it's one to get even if you don't have any kids!

Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers - You will learn fast (from any list of books for children) that I love Oliver Jeffers. (His book Stuck is easily a Top 5 for my son.) And this book is really quite special at introducing not only the rich wonders of the world for children, but also highlighting the world's rich diversity, fragility and humanity. I love that it was written by Jeffers just after his first child was born as he "tried to make sense of it all" - I think most parents can relate to this sentiment.

Home by Carson Ellis - Not strictly speaking a book about travel, rather the opposite, the concept of home, but this book sharing beautiful illustrations of the different kinds of houses and buildings and spaces we call "home" will open eyes of kids (of any age!) as they come to learn how many different ways we build and love our homes around the world. It feels both world-expanding but also just as importantly, connecting and inclusive.

David Attenborough (Little People, Big Dreams Series) - Another book that would be great for early readers and older kids in this age group, this book documenting the life and work of David Attenborough, how he came to be so interested in nature and the world will capture kid's imaginations and turn their attention to the rich biodiversity of the world. I love the Little People, Big Dreams Series of books especially their volumes on black men and black women in history and our present day .

Usborne Look Innside an Airport by Rob Lloyd & Stefano Tognetti - Definitely one that younger kids (and their busy hands!) will enjoy, this lift-the-flap hardcover book shows children what to expect and what to look at for at an airport. It's a great book to get your kid/s excited for their first flight and with over 50 flaps to open and look under, it will keep them happy for some time! The same author and illustrator team also created Look Inside Things That Go which introduces other modes of transport .

Usborne Look Inside Our World by Emily Bone - If you have a toddler busy looking inside an airport, get this book for their older sibling. Yes, I guess it could strictly be called an atlas but I think it offers more insight and depth than that as older kids (think 4+) will love getting to know the planet they live on a bit better both from the viewpoint of travel but also in terms of human and physical geography.

The Lonely Planet Kids Travel Book - If you want to introduce the concept of world travel to your children - rather than "just going on holiday" then this really is the best book. Introducing over 200 countries and the things that can be explored in each one, this is something of a kid's travel bible and from an early age will encourage them to do responsible, respectful research for any future trip.

National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Space - Why limit your kid's view of travel to just that which is done on earth? Space travel may not be attracting many passengers yet, but it's a mode of travel that continues to fascinate young children so indulge their interest with this book. We have lots of Little Kids First Big Books, and while our favourite is the one about dinosaurs (we read it the whole way through at least once a week) this one is a close second!

The Flag Book by Lonely Planet Kids - My four-year-old son is just starting to get interested in flags and so I am looking forward to getting a book like this one one day and letting him explore the many different kinds of flags that exist. There is also an and the activity version if you think there is no chance of your kid reading this book without wanting to also draw their own flag or ten!

Best Kids Fiction Books About Travel

The following fiction books about travel for kids are suitable for children aged 2-6 depending on their individual development curve. My first son was quite slow to enjoy reading any book that didn't have flaps or things to touch until he was about 18-20 months, and even then he would need lots of pictures or images to look at. Sometimes, it feels like he still does, at age 4.5 years!

But my youngest son, who is now 15 months, he is much more tolerant of books that are just pictures and I find he even already likes the books that have short rhyming sentences. He doesn't seem to be following a story yet but he already has favourite books that he points to and many that he insists I read over and over (and over!) again.

Lost & Found by Oliver Jeffers   - See I told you we loved Oliver Jeffers in our house! This story about a boy who is visited by a penguin one day is much more about friendship than it is travel, but it is the journey of taking the penguin home, sailing through good weather and bad, that really seals the deal for the boy and his penguin and so it has a lovely message to give little kids about journeys both metaphorical and real!

Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak - There's a reason this book is so popular (it was one of the top ten most checked-out books from the New York Public Library) and has charmed kids since in 1963 when it was first published. 

Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr Seuss - Although we don't actually have this book at home, it felt almost criminal not to put it on this list of the best kids travel books as it's one I have read many times (as a child and an adult) and every time I do it reminds me of that sense of adventure and possibility that I love about travel. 

Island by Mark Janssen - This Dutch children's book illustrator and author makes the most colourful books (his most famous one is the brilliant Stop! Monsters! ) where the pages are completely full of colour and detail, and this one is really something to study again and again. It's a wordless book so kid can make up their own stories (a new one each time they open the book, perhaps!) but the over-arching theme is that a father and daughter who are stranded on an island that quickly shows its new residents the many wonders of their surroundings with a few surprises along the way.

Mr Tiger Goes Wild by Peter Brown - Again, another book that isn't exactly about travel specifically but travel is indeed part of the book's over-arching storyline which sees Mr Tiger abandon the confines of a city and go wild in the wilderness. We love this book as much for what it teaches kids about individuality as it does the joy of just being free!

The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler - Another journey that is defined by a bond of friendship, the story of the snail and the whale is all about wanderlust from the outset and Scheffler's iconic illustrations will show children just some of the wonders of the natural world. There is also an important lesson to learn in this story, but I won't give away any spoilers! There are also some really fun sticker books , and activity books that are The Snail and the Whale themed, as well as this adorable cuddly toy .

We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury - Arguably one of the most popular children's books EVER, I can't tell if Bear Hunt is so well loved because it's about adventure, about family, or both. Either way, going on a journey is the key theme in this book and both my boys love it when we read it together all cuddled up together. I also saw that there's a special pop-up version and one with sounds too.

Are We There Yet by Alison Lester - Alison Lester is considered the queen of Australian's children's literature so as my boys have an Aussie dad it felt right to include this book on the list. It's also very apt because if you have ever gone on any journey with a 4-year-old, even just to the supermarket, you are almost certain to hear the word "Are we there yet? pop out of their mouths. So yes, this book is a wonderful one for talking about journeys and travels - specifically into the Australian outback - thanks to the playful illustrations, and you should also check out Imagine for the same reasons.

The Way Home for Wolf by Rachel Bright & Jim Field - We have all four of the brilliant books produced by Bright and Field and we bought this one, their most recent, the day it came out practically. Telling the story of Wilf, a wolfling, who gets separated from the pack and has to find his way home, it brings to life a different world where snow covers the ground, ice makes travel hard and magical light shows dazzle the night sky. It's definitely a book to introduce colder climates to kids while also emphasising the importance of asking for help on any journey. (If you love Australia, you should also get their book The Koala Who Could, and for an African safari themed story, get their first one, The Lion Inside.)

Whatever Next by Jill Murphy - Definitely better for younger readers (1-3 year olds) but could still be picked up again by an early reader, this much loved book about Baby Bear's adventures just before bath time manages to capture the imagination of any kid curious about the moon as well as bring with it the comfort of home and routine.

All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold & Suzanne Kaufman - Another book that is more about home than travel, this book showcases a richly diverse school where all cultures, traditions and people are celebrated, and how sometimes we go on one-way journeys to start a new life somewhere else. It's a great book to read to kids who are about to start school and you can pause to discuss where in the world people are from and how they end up in the same place, where they are all welcome.

Another by Christian Robinson - Rounding off this list with two books that have no words! Yes, really. This one, a recent-ish publication tells a dream-like story of a young girl and her cat who are woken in the night and pulled to enter a different universe. On their travels they explore many different scenes and it's up to your kid/s (and you!) to put together the story. 

The Yellow Balloon by Charlotte Dematons - A book that you can find on nearly every single Dutch child's bookshelf, The Yellow Balloon, or De Gele Ballon , is a beautiful and big picture book where the child is tasked with spotting a yellow balloon on each page. Of course, there is so so so much more to look at as the yellow balloon flies around the world, and that is why this book is so popular in our house, and many other houses!

And those are my recommendations for best kids travel books! When other great childrens travel books land in our hands or shelves, and they deserve a place on this list, I will update it but for now, here are some images you can pin to save or share this post, if you'd like. 

travel books for babies

Frances M. Thompson

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To & Fro Fam

35 best travel books for kids to inspire them to explore the globe

Do you read with your kids every day? If you’re anything like me, you do, and you might be getting tired of the same old titles. That’s one reason I put together this comprehensive list of the best travel books for kids. From learning about the world’s many cultures, places and people to diving into exactly how your luggage gets onto a plane, these children’s books about travel will make you and your nuggets itch for your next trip.

Reading books about travel really is one of the best ways to inspire kids to explore. That's why I'm sharing the 35 best travel books for kids. To & Fro Fam

We don’t travel all the time. But during the weeks we’re at home, we still like to send our imaginations to far-off lands. That’s why reading is such an important part of our daily life.

Whether your kids are already world travelers or are just starting their adventurous ways, I’m pretty certain they’ll love these travel books for kids. I put together a list of the best children’s books about travel because I believe what we read shapes us. These travel books are all about inspiring curiosity, learning about other places, embracing diversity and embracing wanderlust.

I can’t wait to hear what you think about our favorite travel books for kids!

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I'm sharing quotes about reading and travel—plus 35 wonderful children's books about travel—over on the blog! Perfect gift ideas for travelers and parents. To & Fro Fam

Children’s books about traveling the world

Atlas of adventures.

The Atlas of Adventures is a sturdy, thick book for a reason: There are so many things to do, see and explore on this wide world of ours, and this travel book for kids shows many of them!

I like this children’s book because each two-page spread shows a detailed scene of life someplace in the world. From bathing elephants in Thailand to ice-skidding Emperor penguins in Antarctica, the adventures that await are too numerous to count.

The colorful illustrations in Atlas of Adventures will inspire your kids’ imagination and wanderlust.

Everything & Everywhere

This children’s book about the world is perfect for curious kids. It is jam-packed with illustrations and facts about different places, from Hong Kong to Paris. (You will come away with tidbits of knowledge, too, that you might just be able to use at trivia night!)

Edie and Max loves this style of book, which includes a treasure trove of detail. They pore over the illustrations, pointing to each one and asking me about it—”Why is that guy dressed like that? Is that animal nocturnal? Have you ever ridden a yellow taxi?”

Each time you flip through Everything & Everywhere , you’ll find some new detail to explore.

A Ticket Around the World

I fantasize about doing an around the world trip. I haven’t made that happen for my family (yet!) but in the meantime can pretend we’re doing so with A Ticket Around the World , a children’s book about travel!

In this book, a young boy takes us along as he visits 13 countries on 6 continents. And in each destination, he makes a local friend who shares some of the best things about their home.

Each page is based on a map, so kids get the beginning of a geography primer, too. More of interest to most kids, though, are the fun details about every page—like the monkeys that live outside one child’s house in Costa Rica and how people cross the desert in Morocco.

I like that at the end of the story, the main character asks questions that challenge readers to recall details from each country. It’s a terrific way to not only “travel” from the comfort of your home but learn about countries around the world.

Gifts , by Jo Ellen Bogart, is a book that gets me right in the nostalgia muscle. It’s a sweet story about an adventurous grandmother who brings back something special for her granddaughter from her travels. But these aren’t typical souvenirs. The girl asks for true experiences of travel—like the feeling of mist, the kiss of a warm sunrise, a gentle breeze.

The grandmother visits places all over the world, from Australia to Mexico’s pyramids. Meanwhile, the little girl grows up and the grandmother gets older and frailer.

You and your kids will love the gift on the final page. It got me right in the feels.

If your kids like diving into detailed books, they’ll love Maps —a book of 52 intricately detailed maps covering every region of the globe.

Yes, these maps display a country or continent’s geography, with mountains, cities and rivers. Each map is also filled with illustrations of what makes that place special. Animals, native plants, famous people, fun facts and awesome things to do—you and your kids will finish this travel book knowing so much more about the world!

Barefoot Books World Atlas

I love having reference books at home. We rarely sit down to read them start to finish but rather dip in and out, learning a bit each time we crack it open. The Barefoot Books World Atlas is like that: It’s dense, so you probably won’t want to bring it out at bedtime, but it’s an absolute wealth of information.

My favorite thing about this kids’ World Atlas is it’s a terrific introduction to geography for kids. Its bright, colorful maps and fold-out pages invite kids in, taking away any sense of intimidation they might feel. And the book introduces kids to concepts like continents and borders, making later discussions about travel a lot easier.

Whether you occasionally take this book home from the library or add it to your own bookshelves, the Barefoot Books World Atlas will be a book you return to for years as your kids grow.

Here We Are

My kids and I love Oliver Jeffers, so I knew I’d adore Here We Are . And I was right! This travel book for kids applies his wry sense of humor and distinctive artistic style to a very big topic: the world!

From the macro (space, the atmosphere) to the micro (people who come in all shapes, sizes, colors and headwear), Jeffers addresses what it’s like to live on planet Earth.

In his signature conversational style that makes it feel as though he’s sitting on the couch talking to you, he addresses the things you’d expect in a world book, like regions that are hot and cold, and the many animals that live here with us.

He goes beyond, though. He puts in important messages, like to be kind to animals and to protect our resources.

We could all use a reminder of the closing message: “Well, that is Planet Earth. Make sure you look after it, as it’s all we’ve got.”

Quotes about books and wanderlust—plus 35 book recommendations for kids who travel. Great gift ideas for children, parents and travelers! To & Fro Fam

Travel books for kids about getting there: Planes, trains and automobiles!

The airport book.

The Airport Book is one of our favorites. It shows everything a family does, from leaving their front door through flying to their vacation destination. This book was how I prepped Max and Edie when they were little when we were getting ready for family trips.

Kids sometimes get nervous or scared about things they’ve never done before. And some parts of travel can be extra-unfamiliar. So it helps to have a fun, colorful book about airports to help them feel more in control of the plans ahead.

Max and Edie’s favorite part about this book about travel is the youngest child’s stuffie. While the family is going through security, getting on the plane and getting their luggage, the stuffie is having an adventure of its own!

Are We There Yet?

Road trips start out as exciting—but for a bored kid in the back seat, they can get pretty tiresome after a while. In Are We There Yet , a child lets his mind wander while his family drives cross-country. And instead of time dragging on, it moves him back in time !

The road trip suddenly becomes a lot less boring when he finds himself in the Wild West and, eventually, the time of the dinosaurs!

Are We There Yet should be required reading for kids about to go on a road trip. It shows the power of imagination—and what can happen when you let a bored imagination roam.

Planes Fly!

Transportation—getting from A to B—doesn’t have to be boring! Planes Fly! is one way to bring a ton of excitement into the prospect of travel.

I like not only this transportation book’s active, energetic illustrations but also its rhymes. Through the rhythmic text, kids will learn all about air travel. Ask your kids which of the planes they’d most like to fly in!

How Airports Work

This Lonely Planet Kids book invites littles to literally look behind the scenes at the airport. Toddlers and even elementary aged kids will have fun lifting the flaps through How Airports Work to better understand everything about air travel.

From how security works to where luggage goes after you check it, this informative kids book about travel answers dozens of questions about the airport.

For children nervous about flying for the first time to transportation nuts who are wild about planes, this airport book is terrific for everyone. My own kids love to fly (I think it has to do with the movies they get to watch on their tablets, as well as other fun things to do on a plane!). This book makes them love to read about it, too.

Inspiring quotes about reading and travel, plus 35 of the best travel books for kids. Whether you do family travel or simply dream of exploring the world with your children, this is a perfect place to start. To & Fro Fam

Travel books for kids about people

Earlier this year, Edie cracked her chin open while trying (and missing) a scooter trick. When she got the stitches out, she distracted herself by looking at a Where’s Waldo? poster on the doctor’s wall. She loved the irreverent crowds. If your kids do, too, they’ll adore People as well.

The simply titled People , by Caldecott Medal winner Peter Spier, shows the many, many ways people can be, act, dress and look all over the globe. The level of detail in each page makes me want to dive in for hours.

Aspects of people and their culture, from religion to pets, features in this iconic book about travel.

Good People Everywhere

Good People Everywhere is not only a wonderful children’s book about people who live all over the world but also a good reminder for grown-ups that people are generally good. (I’m pretty sure I’m not alone that the news cycle makes me wonder sometimes.)

I love that this children’s book emphasizes that, essentially, we’re all cut from the same cloth. No matter where you live or how you grow up, you’re not terribly different from others. Parents have babies. People build homes. Musicians and dancers perform.

What’s more, kids immediately connect to the relatable acts of kindness in Good People Everywhere. They, too, have helped a friend who fell down or taken care of a sibling.

Emphasizing similarities as well as differences helps kids grow their empathy and embrace diversity. This ability is crucial for kids who travel.

The simple message of Good People Everywhere resonates with families who love to travel—and anyone who wants to emphasize that there is more good than bad in the world.

This Is How We Do It

This big, beautiful book shows a day in a life of children who live all over the world. I love its simple, matter-of-fact text. After all, even if there are infinite ways to grow up, each is completely normal and unremarkable to the ones living it.

This Is How We Do It focuses on the parts of a day kids are most interested in. The kids’ travel book highlights where each child lives, their family, their school and, of course, how they play!

The book’s rhythm—each child covers the same topics in the same way—reinforces the underlying message that although we live in different places, eat different food, have different color skin and write in a different language, we’re more similar than not.

Finally, This Is How We Do It is a terrific way to discuss diversity and culture around the globe to young travelers.

Walk This World

The bold, graphic illustrations in Walk This World make this book an instant favorite. Each page takes kids to another place and culture, where they can explore what makes us similar and different.

This is a terrific starting travel book for kids because it’s a lift the flap book! Toddlers (and older kids, too—including my 4 and 6 year old!) love lifting the flaps to see surprises underneath.

Why We Live Where We Live

For older kids with plenty of “why” to go around, Why We Live Where We Live is chock-full of answers. It explores why humans live where they do—in small villages and megacities—and what they need to thrive.

Its no-nonsense, straightforward sections explore everything from how humans adapt to their landscape to where they get food and what kinds of dwellings work best in the local climate. After reading Why We Live Where We Do, your curious kids will have a much better understanding of global geography and culture.

This travel book for kids is also an excellent one to read before traveling to a location where the culture is different from your own. Using it as a touchstone, you and your kids can discuss questions your kids have about your destination—why do the houses look different? why are the roads like this? why are people speaking so many different languages?—using knowledge gleaned from the book.

Hello World! It’s a Small World

This colorful board book is the perfect way to introduce babies and toddlers to people and places around the world. On each page, people say “hello” in their local language. (Don’t worry, there’s pronunciation help for adults!)

I like that Hello World! It’s a Small World is a fun, relatable way to introduce diverse cultures to even the littlest learners (and future travelers). It’s also a terrific way to start conversations about similar and different. Like, what is similar in what we and people from India wear? What’s different about where we live and where this boy in Brazil lives?

This board book about travel is one in the Hello World! series . There are plenty more to explore that introduce kids to concepts in science, nature and geography.

Same, Same But Different

When I was a kid, I loved to write. (Are you surprised?) I had dozens of pen pals over the years, so Same, Same But Different really struck a chord with me. It’s the story of two boys who strike up a pen pal relationship and share what their lives are like, learning that, yes, they’re same, same but different.

This book is laid out in a series of letters back and forth, though each one is more painting than words. (Sounds right for kids!) The text feels so authentic to how young boys would write to each other. On one page, the boy from India asks his American counterpart if he lives in a tree. The innocence and curiosity—and total lack of judgment—make this travel book for kids a great way to learn about others.

Plus, your kids may end up wanting to find a pen pal of their own!

All the Colors of the Earth

We adults tend to think of colors of skin in a very literal way. All the Colors of the Earth turns that on its head, using gorgeous poetry and paintings to celebrate skin color in a whole new way.

We know that children as young as babies see differences in skin color, so the whole “we don’t see race” approach simply doesn’t work. In fact, it can backfire, making important discussions around race, equality, diversity and more difficult to have.

I love that All the Colors of the Earth celebrates our differences with expressive language and descriptions. For example, the whispering gold of summer grasses describes one person’s skin, and another one is the “roaring brown” color of a bear.

Kids (and adults!) need language to comfortably talk about differences and similarities, especially when we travel. This award-winning book provides a new, and beautiful, vocabulary to do just that.

Everybody Cooks Rice

Food is integral to culture and identity, which is why I’m super sensitive about the girls making faces or saying “yuck” about anyone’s food. Still, they stick with their macaroni and cheese while I eat colorful salads, stir fry, refried beans and curry.

Even if I can’t get them to develop more adventurous tastebuds (yet!), I can help them explore other people’s food through books.

Everybody Cooks Rice follows a young girl wandering through her neighborhood at dinnertime. Each family she visits is from a different country—and each is using rice in their meal in a different way. After all, rice is one of the most-eaten foods in the world.

And if your kiddos are willing to explore just a little farther, Everybody Cooks Rice also includes simple recipes so you can make meals featured in the book right at home.

Whoever You Are

“ Little one, whoever you are, wherever you are, there are little ones just like you all over the world… “

This comforting message is how Whoever You Are begins. This board book about the people of the world emphasizes diversity as well as commonalities.

After all, sometimes kids feel like they’re alone, weird or unlike anyone else—I know my kids have felt that way before. So it’s a lovely reminder that we’re never, in fact, alone.

Love of books quotes, plus book recommendations for families. Travel books for kids inspire them to want to explore the world! To & Fro Fam

Travel book series

Larry gets lost in _____.

Larry the adorable dog has a serious case of wanderlust—and a habit of getting lost! He accompanies his family on trips all over the place, from Washington, DC to San Diego.

Every time, something draws this distractible dog away from his people. In his attempt to find his way back, he discovers what makes each place unique. During the journey, kids will learn about a place’s history, culture and people.

I love the Larry Gets Lost series and recommend you find a copy for the city where you live—or where you’re traveling to next!

This Is ____ Series

The iconic This Is ___ series ( This Is Rome , This Is Paris , This Is New York ) was originally published in the 1960s. It has stood the test of time, showing that these terrific travel books for kids are worth bringing to your bookshelves!

The bold, graphic paintings bring famous cities to life. From famous landmarks to the people who live there and even the stray cats (!), what makes each city unique is lovingly illustrated for young readers.

And if you want to visit more places in one book, check out This Is The World ! The same creator takes readers across the globe in one book.

All Aboard! series

For the littlest travelers, the All Aboard! board book series takes them all over the world, through cities, countries and U.S. states. One of my favorite is All Aboard! National Parks . (I just bought it for my youngest niece. Shh, don’t tell!)

These board books are simple, since they’re for itty bitty readers, but that doesn’t mean they’re dumbed down. The All Aboard! books still share plenty of details and fun facts about each featured destination, from Paris to Texas.

After all, it’s never too early to inspire wanderlust in kids.

Living In ______ Around the World series

Kids are naturally curious. I know my littles want to know everything! That’s one reason why I love nonfiction books like the Living In _____ Around the World series. Each one introduces readers to a child in a different country and shows what life is like there.

These Level 2 easy readers are just above Edie’s independent reading level, so she’ll be able to read them on her own soon. In the meantime, I am happy to read to both her and Max about life in Australia, South Korea, Russia and other countries.

The friendly illustrations in Living In ____ books immediately invite readers in to the story. And while they’re nonfiction, they’re anything but boring.

Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat, Where Have You Been? series

In the Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat, Where Have You Been? travel book series, a friendly grey cat travels to cities across the United States and the world. Stopping in Rome, Paris, Washington DC and beyond, Kitty Cat explores not only each city’s important landmarks but also teaches why that place is significant.

For example, in Washington DC, Kitty Cat visits the White House. Not only are the illustrations of landmarks like the president’s residence incredibly detailed yet approachable, these pages pack a lot of information into a few rhyming lines. Concepts as complex as the federal government are a little easier to understand with Kitty Cat’s straightforward explanations.

Before you head to a new city, see if Kitty Cat has been there before you. She can help your kids learn about the destination even before you set foot on a plane!

The Katie Travel Book Series

Multigenerational travel is having a heyday, for good reason. We often travel with both sets of my kids’ grandparents, and Katie—the title character in the Katie series by James Mayhew—is the same.

“Fortunately Grandma was the sort of grandma who liked an adventure,” the book writes—because Katie and her family are always getting into adventure on their vacations!

Take for example Katie in Scotland, where they get an unexpected tour guide. (I won’t spoil the surprise but trust me, it’s fun!)

Other Katie books travel throughout the United Kingdom as well as famous art, including paintings by Van Goh and Monet. (Maybe some of which you’ll see in art museums while traveling with kids ?)

A Walk In ______ series

Walking around a new place is my favorite way to explore a new place, so this children’s travel book series is right up my alley!

The A Walk In _____ series shows cities worldwide through a child’s point of view. It takes readers through a day of walking around, from wandering around the Eiffel Tower in Paris to marveling at the tippy top of the Empire State Building in New York. (This skyscraper is so tall, in fact, it requires a fold-out page, which kids love!)

I like that these books take kids through a city, literally step by step, while tossing in fun tidbits of information. (Did you know more hot dogs are eaten in NYC than any other place in the US?!)

Kids’ feet get tired, of course, so these books have sitting breaks, too. Where will the characters pause to have a rest? Will they write post cards, listen to live music, find a beautiful park?

Whether you’re going to one of these cities or want to walk through one vicariously, these travel books for kids are fun adventures.

Inspiring quotes about reading and travel, plus the 35 best children's books about travel: airplanes, diversity, animals + more!

Children’s books about travel: Wanderlust

The snail and the whale.

In this charming book, a humble sea snail wants to leave its rock and explore. The other snails scold it, but a kind whale offers some kindness—and its tail—to help the little snail.

The Snail and the Whale takes the title character (and little readers) all over the ocean, from deep sea caves and crashing waves to tropical beaches and frozen glaciers. We see so much of the world via this ocean trip.

Children’s books about travel tend to focus on land, but the earth is actually 71% covered by water. The Snail and the Whale offers a refreshingly different take on exploration, then, while encouraging kids that it’s ok to want to see the world—even if others want to hold you back.

Letters from Felix

In Letters from Felix , disaster strikes at the airport: A little girl loses her favorite toy bunny. But this tragedy turns into adventure when that bunny, Felix, begins traveling the world—and sending letters back to the little girl.

The story takes us along, traveling to Egypt, France, the U.S. and beyond.

Best of all, the story is written in the form of actual letters. My kids love any interactive books, and opening up an actual letter to read a story definitely fits the bill!

If you and your kids fall in love with Felix and his wanderlust spirit, you’re in luck: Felix continues his adventures! There’s a whole series of Felix books plus a cartoon. You can find Letters from Felix videos on YouTube .

How to Make an Apple Pie and Travel the World

We talk a lot about problem solving in my house, and this book’s approach to a problem—a closed grocery store—is hands-down hilarious. In How to Make an Apple Pie and Travel the World , the main character wants to make dessert and ends up traveling all over the globe to collect the needed ingredients.

Wheat in Italy, fresh milk in England, apples in Vermont, USA—nothing but the best for this apple pie!

Not only does this children’s book about travel encourage wanderlust and a can-do attitude; it also teaches kids about where food comes from. In an age when we can get pretty much everything and anything at the market any time of year, it’s important to recognize that people work hard to grow the food on our table and the effort to get it to us.

Explorers: Amazing Tales of the World’s Great Adventurers

This nonfiction travel book for kids is written for older kids, but its large illustrations and short sections of text make it easy for kids to dip in and out. With dense books like these, I read just a few lines per page to Max and Edie, keeping their interest and essentially skimming the story.

Explorers introduces kids to history’s adventurers who crossed oceans, scaled mountains and dove deep underwater. I appreciate the emphasis on explorers from across time and geography.

Most of all, I’m glad this book doesn’t whitewash the often immoral actions of explorers. In a child-appropriate way, the book covers crimes they committed during their travels. After all, it’s a nonfiction book—it needs to teach kids the truth, not a sanitized version that erases the trauma many peoples endured.

Overall, though, Explorers is a book of inspiration. In fact, at the end, it highlights places that have yet to be fully explored! Your own kids may end up dreaming of exploring Mars or deep sea vents after reading this children’s book about travel.

Around the World with Mouk

At the beginning of Around the World with Mouk , two animal friends ask Mouk if they want to play. “I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m going on a trip around the world,” the little bear replies. And that’s how this vibrantly illustrated travel book for kids starts out!

Mouk travels all over the globe, including places not typically covered by children’s books about travel. (How many other globetrotting children’s books visit Lapland, Norway?)

Every spread introduces kids to a new place and the customs there. The pages are filled with animals going about their daily lives, which reminds me of the Richard Scarry books I loved when I was a kid. The animals’ little conversations are super fun to read with kids.

Toot & Puddle

Toot and Puddle are best friends, and this adorable book shows that friendship can withstand even a year of distance.

Toot decides to spend a year traveling the world, but Puddle prefers to stay home. Toot sends post cards back home, though, keeping Puddle up to date on adventures in Egypt, the Solomon Islands and France.

We are a post card-loving family , so the structure of this story really resonated. (There’s something special about getting snail mail, even if it’s in a book!)

This children’s book ending will resonate for travelers, too. Reunions between loved ones are the best—even better than collecting passport stamps and seeing new places.

The Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend

In The Adventures of Beekle , a very special imaginary friend grows tired of a child to imagine him. Instead, he sets off to the real world to find one.

He has to explore unfamiliar places where his expectations don’t quite match the reality. (What, kids don’t get to eat cake all the time, and they have to take naps?! Bummer!) But he keeps going, continuing his search for a special child who will be his friend.

Beekle’s spirit of adventure shines through and just may inspire some wanderlust in your own family, whether or not it includes imaginary friends or not.

Our favorite travel books for kids

Are you feeling inspired? Are you as excited to crack open these books with your kids as I am?

I’m betting you are. Whether you add these books to your cart or request them all from your library, I know you and your littles will enjoy them.

Let me know which ones you liked the best! And did I miss your favorite travel books for kids? Suggest them below in the comments!

The best travel books for kids that cover airplanes and airports, road trips, diversity, wanderlust and of course a love of adventure. Make great gift ideas for family travelers! To & Fro Fam

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What a fun list, and so smart to have kids read up and get excited and learn to appreciate before the travel plans commence!

What a fun list, and so smart to have kids read up and get excited and learn to appreciate before the travel plans commence and help make the logistical transport part of the trip which feels like forever for them go faster with something to look forward to based on the books!

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Yes! Kids, like the rest of us, usually don’t love uncertainty. Books about a place they’re visiting, or the travel process in general, can help alleviate those jitters. And they give kids something to look forward to!

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My daughter loves reading, this will add great collection to her library!!

Yay, so glad to hear it! I have a house full of book lovers too. 🙂

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OMG this is such an amazing compilation for travel books that kiddos will love. Going to gift a few to my niece. Thanks for sharing such amazing detailed article.

You’re so welcome, Mayuri! I’m certain your niece will like these children’s travel books, too!

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This is such a sweet idea to fill your little’uns with wanderlust! I actually need to go and get a christmas prezzy for my goddaughter today, so I will have a peek to see if I can find some of these in my local bookshop! 😀

I LOVE giving books for presents – they last so much longer than the latest toys. I hope your goddaughter enjoys one of these books about travel!

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Great list! Some of these books have been around and they are timeless. I remember buying them for my daughter. I actually sent your post to my daughter and I asked her which ones she was familiar with and remembered.

Aw, that warms my heart, Anna! When a book was written in the 60s and is still in circulation, it’s a good clue that it’s a story that’ll last. I wonder which of these my kids will remember??

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Besides books, I would probably add some board games for kids that teach facts about different countries or map games.

Rudy, that’s a great idea! My kids have a map puzzle of the USA and we regularly refer to it when talking about upcoming travels or things we learn. They have so many questions and it helps to have a visual reference.

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Wow, so many nice travel books for kids. I didn’t get to read one but wanderlust developed. Kids of today will find it easier to fall in love with travel!

Glad your wanderlust is intact without reading any of these travel books! I’d rather not leave it to chance with my own kids. 😉

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Chasing ADVNTR

21 Best Travel Books for Kids to Inspire a Love of Travel

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Every child needs a few travel books on their shelves to spark a love of adventure. The best travel books for kids explore other cultures, tales of adventure, and stories of dramatic landscapes, and improve kids’ understanding of the world and their place in it.

Below you can find many suggestions for the best children’s travel books broken up into different categories. With 3 growing kids in our own home, we’ve made a point to read as many travel books for kids as we can and we’re share our favorites in the list below.

The list below of the best kids’ travel books includes picture travel books for toddlers and young kids as well as more complex books and short chapter books for older kids. If you are looking for the best travel books for teens and tweens, check out this post: The 10 Best Travel Books for Teens to Inspire Adventure .

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Best General Adventure and Travel Books for Kids


Join Madlenka as she wanders around the streets of New York City but really explores places all around the world. Madlenka experiences the rich mixing pot of the city and the people and places her neighbors have come from in this clever book.


National Parks of the USA

This is a wonderful travel book for everyone! The book covers all the US National Parks and shares stories, animal facts, plants,,, and the history of each of the parks. Inspire your kids for a summer road trip! Remember all 4th graders in the US get a US National Parks Pass , which is the perfect excuse to get out and explore.


Oh the Places You’ll Go

This classic kid’s travel book is less about going to specific places, and more about the journey of the adventure. Instill the idea that the world is out there to explore!


This beautiful book explores the imaginary world of a young girl on an epic journey. While the places aren’t real, this is the perfect book for kids who love adventure and fantasy.

Best Travel Book for Kids: Culture and History


Molly and the Magic Suitcase Series

In each book, Molly and Michael explore a different part of the world with the help of Molly’s Magic Suitcase. A good introduction to each place for young kids.


From My Window

What do kids see from their windows around the world? This book explores what do children see from their windows in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. This


Hamish the Hairy Haggis

Explore Scotland with this silly book about Hamish the Hairy Haggis. This is a good one for the adults too!

Best Children’s Books about Travel: Places and Animals


This book is full of beautiful maps of places around the world. Through the maps, you can explore animals, history, culture, and so much more. This book is wonderful for many ages and is a family travel book everyone can enjoy.


Atlas of Adventures: A collection of natural wonders, exciting experiences and fun festivities from the four corners of the globe

This is a fun and exciting book about places all around the world. You can find some activities and challenges in the book and find new places to add to your list of places to explore.


The Travel Book Lonely Planet Kids

Lonely Planet puts out amazing travel booking and their kid’s version is no exception. This book briefly explores every country in the world including some territories. The Lonely Planet Kids’s Travel Book includes maps, photos and enticing text.

Best Chapter Books About Travel for Kids


Travel Books by Rick Riordan

Rick Riordan has written a series of books that are perfect for exploring the culture of other places, specifically mythology. This is a fun book to read to get some background in mythology in a fun wa


Magic Treehouse Series

This book series follows Jack and Annie as they take their magic treehouse around the world and through time. Explore the history, culture, and environment of real places throughout history and inspire a new sense of wonder in your kids. We loved this series!

Best Travel Books for Toddlers and Babies


My Africa Vacation

Best for kids ages K-3rd grade. This book follows Arinze as she travels with her family over the amazing continent of Africa.


What do You See Around the World, a Look and Find Book

A look in find book for the youngest with vibrant pictures from around the world.


Little Traveler Board Book Set

This small series of books has pictures from around the world to introduce the youngest travelers to the world of travel. If you are looking for travel books for kids, this series is a great one to start with.


A sweet little book about hiking a mountain. This book is great for preschool and kindergarten-age kids and is perfect for inspiring your next travel and hiking adventure.

Best Activity Travel Books for Kids

Sometimes the best travel books for kids are interactive with puzzles, challenges and more. The books below are all great options if you are looking for something to explore the world of travel and many of these books are excellent options for taking with you on your next trip.


Tips for Reading Travel Books with your Kids

Reading travel books with your kids can be a fantastic way to introduce them to new cultures, broaden their horizons, and ignite their sense of adventure. Here are eight tips to make the most of this experience:

  • Choose Age-Appropriate Books : Select travel books that are suitable for your child’s age and reading level. Look for books with engaging illustrations and easy-to-understand language for younger children, and more detailed content for older kids.
  • Incorporate Interactive Maps : Use maps to help your kids visualize the locations mentioned in the book. You can point out the countries, cities, and landmarks on a globe or map while reading. This will make the places come alive for them. Maps can be abstract for younger kids so keep it simple.
  • Plan Related Activities : Coordinate activities that relate to the destinations in the book. This could include cooking a dish from the region, trying out local crafts, or even learning a few basic phrases in the language spoken there.
  • Discuss Cultural Differences : Encourage discussions about the cultural differences and similarities between your child’s own culture and the places described in the book. This can help your child develop empathy and cultural awareness.
  • Keep a Travel Journal : Have your child keep a travel journal or scrapbook while reading. They can draw pictures, jot down interesting facts, or write about what they would like to do if they ever visit the place.
  • Watch Documentaries or Films : Enhance the reading experience by watching documentaries or films about the destinations featured in the book. This multimedia approach can make the places and cultures even more captivating.
  • Create a Reading Routine : Establish a reading routine, such as reading a chapter from the travel book before bedtime or on weekends. Consistency helps maintain your child’s interest in the book.
  • Encourage Questions and Exploration : Invite your child to ask questions about the places they read about and explore those questions together. You can also visit local museums, cultural events, or international restaurants to further pique their curiosity.

Reading travel books with your kids not only fosters a love for reading but also exposes them to the wonders of the world, promotes curiosity, and helps them understand and appreciate diverse cultures. It’s an enriching and educational experience that can create lasting memories.

Did I miss your favorite travel books for children? Leave a comment and share your favorite books about the world for kids below.

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About the Author: Gretchen Stuppy Carlson

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A passionate adventurer and travel agent dedicated to getting families outside and exploring. Gretchen is an expert in adventure travel with 15+ years of experience working in outdoor education and travelling with her own family.

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Wanderlust with Kids

Best Travel Books for Kids: Fun and Educational Books to Inspire Wanderlust

If you’re looking for a way to inspire wanderlust in your little ones, these travel books for kids are the perfect way to do it! From learning about new cultures to exploring different parts of the world, these books will keep your child entertained and educated while travelling or planning your next adventure.

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Books have always been important in our family and my kids love reading – ever since they were babies. And since we love to travel, it seemed obvious to have lots of travel books for them to read. Not only are these travel books good to read at home but they’re also great to take when travelling with kids and help your child learn about where you are travelling to.

These are some of our favorite travel books for kids – all of which are sure to get your family excited about exploring the world!

Best Educational Travel Books for Kids

The travel book: a journey through every country in the world (lonely planet kids).

travel books for babies

First on our list is this awesome travel book by Lonely Planet Kids. You know anything published by Lonely Planet is going to be good, and The Travel Book does not disappoint. It’s filled with information on every single country in the world, making it the perfect way to learn about new cultures and destinations. And, there’s plenty of fun facts and beautiful photos for kids of all ages to enjoy.

National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of the World

travel books for babies

Another well-respected travel publisher, National Geographic always produces high-quality, informative books. The First Big Book of the World is perfect for kids who are interested in learning about different countries and their customs. This book is packed with fascinating facts and beautiful photos about each country that will make your child want to explore the world even more. It’s also divided into sections by continent, so you can easily find the information you’re looking for.

National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Where

travel books for babies

For younger kids who are just starting to learn about geography, the First Big Book of Where is a great place to start. This book is filled with colorful maps and photographs that will help your child learn about all the different places in the world. With sections on continents, countries, landmarks, animals, oceans, and more, this book makes learning about geography fun and exciting.

The Flag Book (Lonely Planet Kids)

travel books for babies

Another great book from Lonely Planet Kids, this book is a fun way to learn about the flags of different countries around the world. It’s full of information about the flag’s design, and what the colours, patterns and symbols represent, along with other interesting facts.

Amazing World Atlas: Bringing Our World to Life (Lonely Planet Kids)

travel books for babies

Explore every continent of the world in this Amazing World Atlas . Another great book from Lonely Planet Kids, this world atlas is great for slightly older kids (recommended ages 8+) and it’s full of history, culture and fascinating facts. More than just maps, it’s divided into sections based on the continents, with information about the landscape and population of each country.  

National Geographic Kids World Atlas

travel books for babies

This is the perfect book for kids who are interested in geography and want to learn more about the world around them. The World Atlas includes maps and information on different countries, as well as photos and facts about each one.

Travel Journal (Lonely Planet Kids)

travel books for babies

This travel journal is perfect for kids who love to document their adventures. It’s filled with prompts and ideas for writing about where they are travelling or where they’ve been. It also includes a world map, so your child can track where they’ve been. There’s plenty of space to write, draw, colour or add fun stickers to add to the pages and turn it into a vacation scrapbook.

If you’re doing a family road trip in the United States, you might also like the National Geographic Kids Ultimate U.S. Road Trip Atlas .

Travel Book Series for Kids

City trails series.

travel books for babies

These great books from Lonely Planet are geared towards older kids, but there’s nothing to say that younger kids won’t enjoy them too. Explore the streets of the city on a walking trip with two Lonely Planet Explorers and discover secrets, fun stories and surprises in cities around the world.

This Is… (Miroslav Sasek)

travel books for babies

These books are an amazing way to introduce children to different cities and countries around the world. The series includes ten books featuring popular cities such as London, Paris and Rome, as well as others like Venice, Munich and Edinburgh plus countries such as Australia and Ireland. Each book is filled with interesting facts and beautiful illustrations by painter Miroslav Sasek.

Travel with Me and See Series (Nancy Delevoye)

travel books for babies

This series of travel books is perfect for kids who want to explore different cities, countries and cultures. Join B and her friends while she explores Paris, London and New York. Travel with Me and See is filled with beautiful photos, interesting facts and fun activities. It’s the perfect series for kids who love to travel.

Kids Who Travel the World Series (Lisa Webb)

travel books for babies

In this series, join two adventurous sisters as they travel the world and learn new things along the way. The books explore Rome, Paris, London, an Africa Safari and our personal favourite – Thunder Bay in Northern Ontario ! Explore with them as they visit all the must-see landmarks.

A Walk In… Series (Salvatore Rubbino)

travel books for babies

This series introduces children to three cities around the world: London, Paris and New York. In each book, follow a child as they walk through a city and discover all the amazing things it has to offer. The illustrations in these books are beautiful, and the stories are captivating. Your child will love following the adventures of these little explorers.

Molly and the Magic Suitcase (Chris Oler)

travel books for babies

In the Magic Suitcase series , Molly and her brother Michael use their magic suitcase to travel the world and explore new places. Through their adventures, kids will learn about language, culture, cuisine and make new friends. While the series features popular cities such as Rome and London, other places such as Shanghai, Panama and Copenhagen are also explored.

Magic Treehouse (Mary Pope Osborne)

travel books for babies

This fun series is about two siblings who go back in time and have adventures all over the world. While they are longer fictional stories than some of the others we’ve mentioned, kids who enjoy chapter books will love reading these stories and learning about different places around in the world in different times. Visit Ancient Rome and Pompeii, head to the mountains of Nepal or go back in time to Ancient Egypt and explore the pyramids.

Another popular series for kids is Diary of a Wimpy Kid. While it’s not a travel-related series, one of the books, called The Long Haul , is all about a family road trip that has plenty of misadventures. If your child enjoys Diary of a Wimpy Kid, be sure to pick up this book before heading out on a family road trip!.

Best Travel Books for Young Kids & Toddlers

The little engine that could road trip series.

travel books for babies

In this series of board books , the classic children’s character the Little Engine That Could, takes a road trip across the United States. In each book, the little blue train visits a different state and learns about the culture, food and landmarks in that state. The books are perfect for toddlers as they are filled with bright colours and fun illustrations.

Around the World…(Phi dal Publishing)

travel books for babies

Like other Busy Books, the books in this series feature a story plus figurines and a playmat to bring the characters to life. Each book is filled with beautiful illustrations and help children learn about four different cities around the world – London, Paris, New York and Rome.

All Aboard! (Kevin Meyers)

travel books for babies

This board book series is beautifully illustrated and introduces your baby to the world by train. Explore popular cities such as Paris, London and New York or other areas such as California, Texas and the National Parks. There’s also a book in the series on the Great Lakes and the Pacific Northwest.

Good Night Our World (Penguin Random House)

travel books for babies

Another great series for toddlers, these board books are filled with bright, colourful illustrations and short simple phrases. Each book celebrates a different country or city, although there are also books on the Statue of Liberty, Central Park and topics about travelling, like planes, trains, the beach and camping.

Travel Activity Books for Kids

The travel activity book (lonely planet kids).

travel books for babies

This is a great activity book to complement The Travel Book by Lonely Planet Kids that we mentioned above, or it can be just be used on its own. Travel across the continents and learn about cities, landscapes, animals and diverse cultures around the world through fun activities. There are plenty of stickers, colourful illustrations and photos to keep kids engaged and learning at the same time.

The Cities Activity Book

travel books for babies

Similar to the Travel Activity Book, the Cities Activity Book is a fun way to keep kids having fun while learning about the world. With colorful illustrations, fun facts and lots of stickers, kids will have fun exploring some of the world’s most amazing cities.

I hope you enjoyed these travel books for kids. If you have any other great books to add to this list, let us know in the comments below!

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Erin Martin is the founder and sole writer for Wanderlust with Kids. Together with her twin boys, they have travelled to over 20 countries and five provinces within Canada. Erin is responsible for planning and facilitating all of her family's travel itineraries and adventures, whether locally or internationally. An explorer at heart, Erin aims to make any travel adventure kid-friendly and shares all her favourite family-friendly things to do, both in Canada and abroad.

Great list! Very helpful that you broke out books specifically for the younger toddlers too.

Thanks for the list. Having something useful for kids to keep them entertained at the same time that they learn is super important.

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Adventures in Family Travel

60+ Books To Inspire a Love of Travel and Adventure in Kids

At Home , Book Reviews / November 3, 2020 by Lisa Goodmurphy / Leave a Comment

As a lifelong avid reader, I have always believed that books are a great way to inspire travel and curiosity about the world – especially for kids. We have selected this list of more than 50 of the best fiction and non-fiction travel books for kids to inspire a love of travel and adventure in kids of all ages and teach them about the world.

We have included travel-themed books for toddlers, kids and teens as well as fiction set in interesting places, reference books, travel guides and activity books that are great gift choices at Christmas or any time of the year.

Updated December 2023

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Board Books for Babies and Toddlers

Looking for the best travel books for toddlers? These board books for babies and toddlers are ideal for anyone who wishes to introduce the youngest kids to travel.

1. Hello World series by Ashley Evanson

Hello World - Hello Rome by Ashley Evanson cover image.

This delightful series of board books for babies and toddlers pairs early learning concepts with illustrations from cities around the world. The 10 book series includes: Paris: A Book of Shapes ; New York: A Book of Colours ; San Francisco: A Book of Numbers ; London: A Book of Opposites ; Tokyo: A Book of Senses ; Rio de Janeiro: A Book of Sounds ; Los Angeles: A Book of Time ; Rome: A Book of Days ; Germany: A Book of Opposites and USA: A Book of Beginner Concepts .


2. My Little Cities series by Jennifer Adams

Another sweet series of board books showcasing cities such as London, Paris, New York and San Francisco with baby-appropriate text and charming illustrations.

My Little Cities - New York by Jennifer Adams cover image.

Picture Books for Children

This selection of picture books for children introduce kids to cities and countries around the world. They are particularly good choices if you want travel books for kids to get yours excited about an upcoming trip.

3. Travel the World Around You! by Christopher Mitchell

Travel the World Around You! by Christopher Mitchell cover image.

In this delightful new picture book by award-winning travel writer, Christopher Mitchell, kids join Theo and his adorable sidekick, Kotu, as they learn about what it really means to travel. As Theo tries to collect all the stamps he needs for his travel passport, he learns the important lesson that travel isn’t about where you go but how you go and with the right attitude there are opportunities to travel even in your own town, city, state or province.

4. Construction Site: Taking Flight by Sherri Duskey Rinker

Construction Site: Taking Flight by Sherri Duskey Rinker cover image.

In the latest addition to the bestselling Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site series, the Construction Site crew head to a bustling airport to work on an expansion. Toddlers will love the new vehicles that help the original crew fuel the planes, maintain the runways, clear away snow, and build a big new airport wing so that everyone can get where they are going. A great choice for reading prior to a first flight!

5. This Is series by Miroslav Sasek

This is Paris by Miroslav Sasek cover image.

Czech artist and illustrator, Miroslav Sasek, published the first picture book in his delightful This Is series in 1958. Many have been reissued in recent years and a new generation of children and parents can now enjoy the series of books about many of the world’s great cities and countries. Our favourites include This is London , This is Paris and This is New York .

6. Katie in London by James Mayhew

Katie in London by James Mayhew cover image.

This delightful picture book was a favourite of both of my daughters when they were young. Katie and her brother visit London with their Grandma and are taken on a wonderful sightseeing tour around the city by a talking lion that they meet in Trafalgar Square.

Read our guide on London with Kids

7. KeeKee’s Big Adventures series by Shannon Jones

KeeKee's Big Adventures in Paris, France by Shannon Jones cover image.

A wonderful picture book series about an adventurous calico cat named KeeKee who travels the world in a hot-air balloon is one of the best new series of children’s books about travel. Thus far, KeeKee’s adventures have taken her to London, Amsterdam, Athens, Paris, and Rome.

Read our Review of KeeKee’s Big Adventures in Paris, France

8. Molly and the Magic Suitcase series by Chris Oler

Molly and the Magic Suitcase: Molly Goes to London by Chris Oler cover image.

Molly and her brother Michael are curious about the world. Inspired by food, family, and friends, they trek to faraway places using a magic suitcase. Over the course of their adventures, they learn about language, culture, cuisine, and make new friends. Molly’s magic suitcase has taken her around the world to Barcelona, Rome, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney, Copenhagen, Peru, Thailand, Shanghai, and Puerto Rico.

9. Eloise in Paris by Kay Thompson

Eloise in Paris by Kay Thompson cover image.

Children will love discovering Paris along with Eloise, resident of The Plaza Hotel in New York City, as she visits familiar Parisian sights from the Arc de Triomphe to the Seine to the Champs Élysées to outdoor cafés.

Read our guide on Paris with Kids

10. Adventures of Bella & Harry series by Lisa Manzione

The Adventures of Bella & Harry: Let's Visit Rome by Lisa Manzione cover image.

The Adventures of Bella & Harry is a picture book series that chronicles the escapades of a pup named Bella, her little brother Harry and their family, who travel the world exploring the sights and sounds of new, exciting cities including London, Barcelona, Rome, Athens, Florence, Dublin and many more!

Read our Review of Bella & Harry Children’s Books

11. A Ticket Around the World by Natalia Diaz and Melissa Owens

A Ticket Around the World by Natalia Diaz and Melissa Owens cover image.

A picture book about a young boy who hops around the globe, visiting friends in thirteen different countries spanning all six populated continents. This informational picture book brings engaging nonfiction content to younger readers by showing them how other children live around the world.

12. The Kids Who Travel the World series by Lisa Webb

The Kids Who Travel the World - London, England by Lisa Webb cover image.

A picture book series about two adventurous sisters as they travel the world and learn new things visiting destinations such as Paris, Rome, London and more.

13. A Race Around the World by Caroline Starr Rose

A Race Around the World by Caroline Starr Rose cover image.

A picture book telling the true story of Nellie Bly and Elizabeth Bisland, reporters for two New York newspapers, who competed against each other in 1889 in a race to circumnavigate the globe in record time.

14. Let’s Explore with Cor Cor by Cory Lee and Sandy Gilbreath

Let's Explore with Cor Cor by Cory Lee & Sandy Gilbreath cover image.

Cory Lee (founder of the award-winning accessible travel blog  Curb Free with Cory Lee ) collaborated with his mom, co-author Sandy Gilbreath, to create this picture book to show that the possibilities for all children are limitless, regardless of their abilities. 

Cor Cor’s readers learn about places around the world, as he explores exciting destinations from his wheelchair. Whether admiring the northern lights in Iceland or meeting kangaroos in Australia, no adventure is off-limits. 

15. Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans

Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans cover image.

This classic about 12 little girls that lived in an old house in Paris that was covered with vines was a favourite of both of my daughters – and me too! The award-winning book about an endearing little girl and whimsical drawings of Paris is still popular more than 75 years after it was first written.

16. Dodsworth series by Tim Egan

Dodsworth in Paris by Tim Egan cover image.

This popular picture book series by Tim Egan features Dodsworth and a misbehaving duck on adventures in cities around the world – New York City, Paris, London, Rome and Tokyo.

Early Readers and Chapter Books

These kids books about travel are perfect for older kids that are learning to read or reading on their own.

17. The Berenstain Bears Around the World by Mike Berenstain

The Berenstain Bears Around the World by Mike Berenstain cover image.

From the plains of Africa to the Great Wall of China, there are more sights to see than points on a map! Beginning readers will love discovering fantastic new places alongside their favorite family of bears, complete with vivid and classic illustrations.

18. Magic Tree House series by Mary Pope Osborne

Magic Treehouse Book 1-4 Boxed Set by Mary Pope Osborne cover image.

When Jack and Annie discover a mysterious tree house filled with books, they never dream that it will take them on exciting adventures around the world and throughout history! Jack and Annie have traveled to so many amazing places that it is easy to spark the interest of young readers with their adventures in this award-winning series.

The original series of chapter books for early readers has 28 titles and the follow-up more challenging Merlin Missions series has 27. There are also companion non-fiction Fact Tracker books providing facts behind the fiction with Jack and Annie.

19. Thea Stilton series

Thea Stilton Big Trouble in the Big Apple cover image.

Kids that like graphic novels and comic books will enjoy the Thea Stilton series. Thea is the younger sister of the title character in the best-selling Geronimo Stilton series of books for kids ages 6-12. Thea’s adventures take her round-the-world to places such as New York City, Paris, Japan, Alaska, Scotland, and the Netherlands just to name a few.

20. Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan

Percy Jackson and the Olympians - The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan cover image.

A series of books about Percy Jackson, a troubled boy who discovers he is the son of Poseidon, and his adventures with demigods, monsters, and Greek gods.

We read Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief prior to our Mediterranean cruise to Italy, Greece and Turkey . Reading the novel made sightseeing much more interesting for my younger daughter who was 8 years old at the time and sparked a years-long interest in Greek and Roman mythology. (She’s now in university and taking some courses in Classics and getting a more in-depth education on mythology!)

Read Percy Jackson and Our European Trip

21. The 39 Clues series

39 Clues book one The Maze of Bones cover image.

The 39 Clues is a series of adventure books written by a collaboration of authors about orphaned siblings Amy and Dan Cahill who discover upon the death of their grandmother that they are part of a family that has shaped world history. Their quest to find the clues that will lead to the source of the family’s power takes them on a round-the-world treasure hunt. 

22. From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsburg

From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsburg cover image.

In this winner of the Newbery Medal, suburban Claudia Kincaid decides to run away to a place that is comfortable, beautiful, and elegant – the Metropolitan Museum in New York City.

23. The Long Haul (Diary of a Wimpy Kid) by Jeff Kinney

Diary of a Wimpy Kid - The Long Haul by Jeff Kinney cover image.

A family road trip is supposed to be a lot of fun . . . unless, of course, you’re the Heffleys. The journey starts off full of promise, then quickly takes several wrong turns. But even the worst road trip can turn into an adventure – and this is one the Heffleys won’t soon forget.

24. Heidi by Johanna Spyri

Heidi by Johanna Spyri cover image.

The classic story of a little orphan girl growing up with her grandfather in the Swiss Alps.

25. Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery cover image.

This timeless Canadian classic by Lucy Maud Montgomery, written in 1908, remains one of Canada’s best-known books more than 100 years later. I first read  Anne of Green Gables  when I was 11 or 12 years old and dreamed of someday visiting the land where the spunky redheaded orphan’s adventures took place. When I finally visited, “Anne’s Land” lived up to all of my expectations and we returned again and again! I guarantee that it’s impossible to read this novel and not want to plan a visit to Prince Edward Island!

Read The Ultimate Guide to Prince Edward Island for Fans of Anne of Green Gables

26. Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren

Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren cover image.

This popular classic by Swedish author, Astrid Lindgren, is another that I loved as a child and introduced to both of my daughters. We read it before visiting Junibacken in Stockholm , the Astrid Lindgren museum where we were able to play at Pippi’s house Villa Villekulla.

27. American Girl books

Three covers of American Girl historical books.

We loved the American Girl series of books when both of my daughters were younger. The historical series of books transports kids to numerous different times and places in American history and the contemporary books are stories about girls living today across the United States. American Girl has such an extensive and growing collection of books that you will have no difficulty finding the perfect book for the young girl in your life.

28. A Smart Girl’s Guide: Travel

American Girl - A Smart Girl's Guide: Travel cover image.

American Girl’s popular series of advice and activity books for girls also has a volume focused on travel to show girls how to be confident and happy travellers. Filled with fun quizzes, smart safety tips, and cool trivia, this book will help girls get ready for a lifetime of adventure!

Young Adult Books for Teens

YA novels that take place in interesting destinations are a great way to inspire a love of travel in teens.

29. Love & Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch

Love & Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch cover image.

16 year-old Lina is spending the summer in Tuscany, but she isn’t in the mood for Italy’s famous sunshine and fairy-tale landscape. She’s only there because it was her mother’s dying wish that she get to know her father. But then Lina is given a journal that her mom had kept when she lived in Italy and a summer in Italy turns into a road trip across Tuscany following in her mother’s footsteps.

Welch followed up the bestselling Love & Gelato with Love & Luck about a road trip through Ireland filled with love, adventure, and the true meaning behind the word family and Love & Olives about a teen girl finding romance while trying to connect with her absent father in beautiful Santorini, Greece.

30. Wanderlost by Jen Malone

Wanderlost by Jen Malone cover image.

In this romantic YA novel, Aubree is talked into taking over her older sister’s summer job leading a group of senior citizens on a bus tour through Europe. Aubree doesn’t even make it to the first stop in Amsterdam before their perfect plan unravels, leaving her with no phone, no carefully prepared binder full of helpful facts, and an unexpected guest: the tour company owner’s son, Sam. Considering she’s pretending to be Elizabeth, she absolutely shouldn’t fall for him, but she can’t help it, especially with the most romantic European cities as the backdrop for their love story.

31. Mosquitoland by David Arnold

Mosquitoland by David Arnold cover image.

After the sudden collapse of her family, Mim Malone is dragged from her home in northern Ohio to the “wastelands” of Mississippi, where she lives in a medicated milieu with her dad and new stepmom. Before the dust has a chance to settle, she learns her mother is sick back in Cleveland.

So she ditches her new life and hops aboard a northbound Greyhound bus to her real home and her real mother, meeting a quirky cast of fellow travelers along the way. But when her thousand-mile journey takes a few turns she could never see coming, Mim must confront her own demons, redefining her notions of love, loyalty, and what it means to be sane.

32. The Fountains of Silence by Ruth Sepetys

The Fountains of Silence by Ruta Sepetys cover image.

Bestselling author, Ruth Sepetys, writes compelling historical fiction with teenagers as the main characters. This one is set in Madrid, Spain in 1957 under the fascist dictatorship of General Franco. Eighteen-year-old Daniel Matheson, the son of an American oil tycoon, arrives in Madrid with his parents hoping to connect with the country of his mother’s birth through the lens of his camera. Photography – and fate – introduce him to Ana, whose family’s interweaving obstacles reveal the lingering grasp of the Spanish Civil War.

33. Salty, Bitter, Sweet by Mayra Cuevas

Salty, Bitter, Sweet by Mayra Cuevas cover image.

Aspiring chef Isa’s family life has fallen apart after the death of her Cuban abuela and the divorce of her parents. And after moving in with her dad and her new stepmom in Lyon, France, Isa feels like an outsider in her father’s new life.

Her father’s house is located only 30 minutes away from the restaurant of world-famous Chef Pascal Grattard, who runs a prestigiously competitive international kitchen apprenticeship. The prize job at Chef Grattard’s renowned restaurant also represents a transformative opportunity for Isa who is desperate to get her life back in order – and desperate to prove she has what it takes to work in an haute kitchen.

34. Kisses and Croissants by Anne-Sophie Jouhanneau

Kisses and Croissants by Anne-Sophie Jouhanneau cover image.

A YA romance about a young American ballerina who meets a charming French boy while spending the summer in Paris to pursue her dreams of becoming a professional dancer. Mia’s summer was supposed to be about ballet – but there’s a reason Paris is called the City of Love…

35. Out of the Easy by Ruth Sepetys

Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys cover image.

Another historical novel by Sepetys – this one about a teenage girl living in New Orleans. It’s 1950, and as the French Quarter of New Orleans simmers with secrets, seventeen-year-old Josie Moraine is silently stirring a pot of her own. Known among locals as the daughter of a brothel prostitute, Josie wants more out of life than the Big Easy has to offer. She devises a plan get out, but a mysterious death in the Quarter leaves Josie tangled in an investigation that will challenge her allegiance to her mother, her conscience, and Willie Woodley, the brusque madam on Conti Street.

36. My Summer of Love and Misfortune by Lindsay Wong

My Summer of Love and Misfortune by Lindsay Wong cover image.

Crazy Rich Asians  meets  Love & Gelato  in this hilarious, quirky novel about a Chinese-American teen who is thrust into the decadent world of Beijing high society when she is sent away to spend the summer in China.

37. Diary of a Tokyo Teen by Christine Mari Inzer

Diary of a Tokyo Teen by Christine Mari Inzer cover image.

Born in Tokyo to a Japanese mother and an American father in 1997, Christine Mari Inzer spent her early years in Japan and relocated to the United States in 2003. The summer before she turned sixteen, she returned to Tokyo, making a solo journey to get reacquainted with her birthplace. Through illustrations, photos, and musings, Inzer documented her journey.

38. Dear Haiti, Love Alaine by Maika and Maritza Moulite

Dear Haiti, Love Alaine by Maika Moulite and Maritza Moulite cover image.

Although this is a YA novel, I have read it and loved the main character, Alaine, the daughter of Haitian immigrants and a sassy, ambitious, intelligent teen. On an extended visit to Haiti, Alaine learns about the culture and history of her parent’s homeland while also working on her relationship with her mother who hasn’t always been present for her. The novel introduces the reader to a Haiti that is beautiful and proud in contrast to how we often see the country portrayed in the news media.

39. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins cover image.

A teen romance about a girl from Atlanta whose father sends her to boarding school in France for her senior year. Anna is less than thrilled until she meets Étienne St. Clair, the perfect boy. The only problem? He’s taken, and Anna might be, too, if anything comes of her crush back home.

40. Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill

Meant To Be by Lauren Morrill cover image.

A girl with it all planned out discovers a romance she never expected on a class trip to London. Julia starts receiving romantic texts . . . from an unknown number and Jason, her personal nemesis, promises to help discover the identity of her mysterious new suitor if she agrees to break a few rules along the way. And thus begins a wild goose chase through London, leading Julia closer and closer to the biggest surprise of all: true love.

41. The Summer of Us by Cecilia Vinesse

The Summer of Us by Cecilia Vinesse cover image.

American expat Aubrey has only two weeks left in Europe before she leaves for college, and she’s nowhere near ready. Good thing she and her best friend, Rae, have planned one last group trip across the continent. From Paris to Prague, they’re going to explore famous museums, sip champagne in fancy restaurants, and eat as many croissants as possible with their friends Clara, Jonah, and Gabe.

42. Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares by by Rachel Cohn & David Levithan

Dash & Lily's Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn & David Levithan cover image.

Lily left a red notebook full of challenges on her favorite bookstore shelf, waiting for just the right guy to come along and accept its dares. Dash, in a bad mood during the holidays, happens to be the first guy to pick up the notebook and rise to its challenges. What follows is a whirlwind romance as Dash and Lily trade dares, dreams, and desires in the notebook they pass back and forth at locations all across New York City.

43. Places We’ve Never Been by Kasie West

Places We've Never Been by Kasie West cover image.

Norah hasn’t seen her childhood best friend, Skyler, for several years so she can’t wait for the joint RV road trip that their families have planned for the summer. She’s disappointed at first because Skyler acts like he would rather be anywhere else but their relationship starts to change as they spend the summer driving across the country and it’s possible their friendship could lead to something more. A sweet young adult romance!

44. Now a Major Motion Picture by Cory McCarthy

Now a Major Motion Picture by Cory McCarthy cover image.

Iris is an aspiring musician who is the granddaughter of a famous author of a book series hailed as the feminist response to Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings . A major motion picture adaptation of her grandmother’s books is in the works and Irish and her brother are invited to the set in Ireland where Iris is charmed by the rugged beauty of the Irish countryside and the film’s charming lead actor.

Read our recommendations on 12 Fun Things To Do in Ireland with Teens and Tweens

Reference Books and Travel Guides

A few excellent choices if you’re looking for non-fiction travel books for kids and teens.

45. Everything & Everywhere: A Fact-Filled Adventure for Curious Globe-Trotters by Marc Martin

Everything & Everywhere by Marc Martin cover image.

A beautifully illustrated, fact-filled adventure book that will take curious kids on a lush and unexpected journey around the globe to discover what makes each place unique. Features facts about 15 places and cultures for a great introduction to the world.

46. The 50 States by Gabrielle Balkan

The 50 States by Gabrielle Balkan cover image.

Discover more than 2,000 facts that celebrate the people, cities, nature, and historic events that have helped make America what it is today with these 51 charmingly illustrated infographic maps that explore every state of the USA and the nation’s capital. Includes an expansive guide to the state flags and US presidents.

47. National Geographic Student World Atlas 6th Edition

National Geographic Student World Atlas 6th edition cover image.

From the cartographic experts at National Geographic comes the latest edition of its award-winning student atlas, with everything kids want and need to know about our changing world.

Dynamic, user-friendly content includes photos, facts, charts, graphics, and full-color political, physical, and thematic maps on important topics. Completely updated maps and statistics ensure that kids have all the latest information as they learn more about current events and become global citizens.

48. National Geographic Kids Ultimate U.S. Road Trip Atlas 2nd Edition by Crispin Boyer

National Geographic Kids Ultimate US Road Trip Atlas 2nd Edition by Crispin Boyer cover image.

Road trips will be even more fun for the kids with colorful maps, 22 new games, fun facts, photos, and activities that fill the updated and expanded  National Geographic Kids Ultimate US Road Trip Atlas .

49. Lonely Planet Lift-the-Flap Atlas by Kate Baker

Lonely Planet Kids Lift-the-Flap Atlas by Kate Baker cover image.

This interactive atlas treats young readers to a hands-on journey around the world. Each page turn brings the continent to life with flaps to lift, detailed illustrations and facts about, people, animals, and fun places to visit.

50. Lonely Planet Amazing World Atlas 2nd edition by Alexa Ward

Lonely Planet Kids Amazing World Atlas 2nd edition by Alexa Ward cover image.

Embark on a journey to every continent in the world to meet its Indigenous people, learn about its culture and customs, and understand how it came to be the place it is today.

Explore the globe using continental and regional maps and read about the landscape and population of every independent country on the planet. Plus mind-blowing facts, fascinating history, and captivating culture help you become an expert on our world.

51. Lonely Planet Kids Our Extreme Earth by Anne Rooney

Lonely Planet Kids Our Extreme Earth by Anne Rooney cover image.

Explore amazing environments around the world and discover how life survives there. Journey to unbelievable habitats on every continent, and discover how people and animals have adapted to live in such extreme environments from the hottest, driest deserts to freezing cold glaciers, remote islands, the wettest rainforests and much more.

52. Lonely Planet Kids The Travel Book 2nd edition

Lonely Planet Kids The Travel Book 2nd edition cover image.

Take a world tour through 200 countries with this bestselling kids’ version of Lonely Planet’s popular  The Travel Book,  loaded with thousands of amazing facts on wildlife, how people live, sports, hideous and mouthwatering food, festivals and a wide range of other quirky insights on every page.

Every single country gets its own dedicated page, and a mix of photography and beautiful illustrations brings each land to life. Perfect for keeping explorers aged 8 years and up entertained on the road.

53. Lonely Planet Kids America’s National Parks by Alexa Ward

Lonely Planet Kids America's National Parks by Alexa Ward cover image.

Are you ready to explore America’s 60 amazing national parks? This excellent resource from Lonely Planet Kids includes  awesome facts, photos and illustrations on every page. You’ll discover erupting geysers, exploding volcanoes, howling wolves, soaring eagles, mountains, glaciers, rainforests and more throughout the continental USA, Hawaii, American Samoa and the US Virgin Islands.

54. Lonely Planet Kids Around the World in 50 Ways

Lonely Planet Kids Around the World in 50 Ways cover image.

Kids will love exploring the world with this choose-your-own travel adventure. Set off from London, travel across the globe and then try to make your way back again choosing the route and modes of transportation, from bicycles and sleds, to steamboats and hot-air balloons. Visit well-known cities and far-flung destinations along the way and learn facts about each place to create a fun-filled voyage of discovery. Just make your decisions wisely because not every path will take you to where you want to go!

55. Lonely Planet City Trails

Lonely Planet Kids City Trails - Rome cover image.

This excellent series of guidebooks designed for kids is perfect for kids whose families are planning trips or for kids who just want to learn more about the cities. Each guide book includes a series of themed trails that will introduce kids to the best of each city. Destinations include: Barcelona, Singapore, New York, Sydney, Tokyo, London, Rome, Paris and Washington, DC.

Travel Activity Books

A few travel activity book options that will keep the kids busy on planes, trains and in automobiles!

56. The Ultimate Travel Journal for Kids by Rob Taylor

The Ultimate Travel Journal for Kids by Rob Taylor cover image.

The Ultimate Travel Journal for Kids  is packed with journaling prompts and activities so that no memory goes unwritten. Inside these travel activities for kids, 6-9-year-olds will find guided prompts to record hopes for their trip, highlights, new discoveries and more. Plus, this journal includes ultra-fun travel activities for kids likes fill-in the blanks and crosswords for endless entertainment.

57. Lonely Planet Kids Create Your Own Travel Journal

Lonely Planet Kids Create Your Own Travel Journal cover image.

Make your vacation memories last a lifetime with this awesome fill-in children’s travel journal that’s packed with brilliant activities and prompts to inspire kids to write and draw their adventures. This handy pocket-sized hardcover book with elastic band is a great way to preserve travel memories and includes games, drawing challenges and prompts for stories to encourage children to observe and admire their surroundings.

58. Travel Games Activity Book by Lidia Lins

Travel Games Activity Book fo Kids Ages 8-12 by Lidia Lins cover image.

A fun activity book for kids ages 8-12 with a variety of games to enjoy during their travels including classic travel games such as Connect 4, Tic Tac Toe, City-Country-River or “Would you rather” to creative tasks such as tricky puzzles, Travel-ABC, Word Chain, coloring and hilarious jokes.

59. Lonely Planet The Travel Activity Book

Lonely Planet Kids The Travel Activity Book cover image.

Explore over 70 countries and cultures around the world in this globetrotting activity and sticker book. With over 250 stickers and a mix of colorful illustrations and photos,  The Travel Activity Book   is your ticket to learning all you want to know about tropical rainforests, bustling cities, soaring mountains, wild animals, diverse people and cultures, and more.

60. Lonely Planet Kids Backyard Explorer

Lonely Planet Kids Backyard Explorer cover image.

The best adventures start at home! Scribble, jot and draw in this brilliant fill-in journal, brought to you by Lonely Planet Kids.  Backyard Explorer  is filled with fun things to make, do and find, to discover the exciting world beyond kids’ front door! They can go cloud-spotting, make a skyline collage, design a dream house, complete a scavenger hunt, and much more. Kids will see their surroundings in a wonderful new way!

61. The Everything Kids Travel Activity Book

The Everything Kids Travel Activity Book by Erik Hanson & Jeanne Hanson cover image.

Packed full of puzzles, activities, quizzes, and games, this book provides hours of nonstop fun that can be done alone or shared with other kids.

62. America the Beautiful to Color by Zoe Ingram

America the Beautiful to Color by Zoe Ingram cover image.

America the Beautiful to Color  features gorgeous designs of the sights and scenes for an epic American road trip. Perfect for armchair travelers and experienced explorers alike,  America the Beautiful to Color  is 96 pages, and in a big 10×10 format. The black-and-white interior is printed on heavy paper stock, good for colored pencils and most markers. A great colouring book for kids or adults!

63. Where’s Waldo? The Totally Essential Travel Collection by Martin Handford

Where's Waldo? The Totally Essential Travel Collection by Martin Handford cover image.

This collection should keep the kids busy for the duration of your trip! Waldo seekers on their own voyages will be raring to go with this compact compilation featuring all seven of his renowned excursions: Where’s Waldo? ; Where’s Waldo Now? ; Where’s Waldo? The Fantastic Journey ; Where’s Waldo? The Wonder Book ; Where’s Waldo? In Hollywood ; Where’s Waldo? The Great Picture Hunt! ; and Where’s Waldo? The Incredible Paper Chase .

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Exploring the USA with Children’s Books

Introduce kids to different cities with these children’s books about the USA!

Standard Disclosure : This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission from purchases you make through the links in this post. We received copies of these books in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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All Aboard! Great Lakes

Written by kevin and haily meyers and illustrated by haily meyers.

This board book takes the reader on a trip around the Great Lakes, exploring some of the interesting places on the shores and in the depths of the lakes. The simple text highlights some of the fun things that families can do to enjoy the Lakes, and the illustrations feature a diverse cast enjoying the many seasons experienced around the Great Lakes. The back of the book also includes a map of the Lakes and the different cities highlighted in the book, as well as a key of images hidden throughout the illustrations in the book.

Related Post: Transportation Books for Little Travelers

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Lulu & Rocky in Nashville

Written by barbara joosse and illustrated by renee graef.

This book is the third installment in the Our City Adventures series, which explores the sights in cities around the US. In this book, Lulu and Rocky are two young foxes who travel to Nashville with their penguin friend Pufferson to visit Uncle Sparky and his band. Together, they travel around the city exploring some of the famous sites, tasting some of the local foods, and creating great memories together. This is a great book to inspire kids to want to travel to Nashville and explore some of the sites on their own.

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Lulu & Rocky in Indianapolis

Join Lulu and Rocky as they visit Indianapolis and check out all of the sites! Aunt Fancy has Adventure Assignments set up for them, taking them to museums, parks, and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. They eat some of the local foods, and start to feel like part of the city. The fun illustrations are full of details, highlighting the sights around the city. The back of the book includes more information on the areas the characters visited, inspiring readers to head there themselves.

travel books for babies

Nelly Takes New York: A Little Girl’s Adventures in the Big Apple

Written by allison pataki and marya myers and illustrated by kristi valiant.

This story follows a young girl named Nelly who lives in New York City. Together with her dog Bagel, they head out to explore the city in search of the mysterious “Big Apple”. She stops and explores many famous sights, including Union Square, the American Museum of Natural History, and Central Park. While on her quest, she becomes separated from Bagel. Through the help of kind New Yorkers, she is able to find Bagel again, and possibly find just what she was looking for. The illustrations feature some of the famous landmarks in NYC, as well as the kind and diverse population of New Yorkers.

travel books for babies

Travel Guide for Monsters

Written by  lori degman and illustrated by dave szalay.

This cute and funny guide tells the reader how to travel across United States with a monster. Each page or two page spread focuses on a different landmark in the US. The rhyming text includes details about each place, mixed in with funny travel tips for monsters. The illustrations feature tons of little details about each location, as well as silly monsters partaking in normal tourist activities. The back of the book includes a map of the US showing the trip taken throughout the book.

Related Post: 13 Monstrously Fun Monster Books

travel books for babies

My First Book of New York

Written by ingela p. arrhenius.

This large informative book about New York City focuses on the neighborhoods and landmarks around NYC. Each two page spread features information on a different landmark or neighborhood, with a small blurb on one page. On the opposite page, little illustrations of people, foods, and famous sights are labeled in large text. This is a great introduction to New York City for young ones, and a great memento for those who love the Big Apple.

What are your favorite children’s books about the US? Share them in the comments below!

Introduce kids to different cities with these children’s books about the USA!

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1 comments on “ Exploring the USA with Children’s Books ”

I love this list! I’m going to have to pick up the All Aboard! Great Lakes book ASAP.

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Best Travel Toys for Babies and Toddlers

These travel-ready toys will keep your little one busy and entertained., by briana engelbrecht.

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Some people love traveling—they live for long-distance road trips and collecting sky miles. Babies? Not so much. Being confined to a car seat without much of a view can be really frustrating, especially for a tiny, wiggly person.

Whether you’re driving, flying or even just going out to a restaurant for an hour or two with your baby or toddler, you’re going to want to bring something to keep your little one entertained. But you don’t want it to lug around an entire activity center. The best toys to take with you, whether on plane rides or road trips, are small and portable so you can easily fit them in your diaper bag and pull them out at a moment’s notice.

Our top tip: keep a special set of toys for travel that you only bring out when taking a trip or going out to dinner, to keep them feeling new and exciting for your baby or toddler.

Here are our favorite travel toys for babies and toddlers.

Best stroller toys for babies.

Stroller toys make the perfect travel toys since they are meant for taking on the go. These picks are super portable since they’re compatible with all the best strollers and top rated infant car seats —simply clip them to the handle, and your baby has something to keep them entertained for the ride. These are best for younger babies from 0-6 months and slightly older for babies 6-9 months .

Lamaze Clip & Go Stroller Toy - Freddie The Firefly.

Lamaze   Clip & Go Stroller Toy

Fisher-Price Slow Much Fun Stroller Sloth.

Fisher-Price   Slow Much Fun Stroller Sloth

Skip Hop Bandana Buddies Activity Toy - Puppy.

Skip Hop   Bandana Buddies Activity Toy

Manhattan Toy Wimmer-Ferguson Infant Stim-Mobile To Go & Travel Toy Bundle.

Manhattan Toy   Wimmer-Ferguson Infant Stim-Mobile To Go & Travel Toy Bundle

Tiny Love Stroller Arch - Treasure The Ocean.

Tiny Love   Stroller Arch

Itzy Ritzy Link & Love Activity Plush with Teether - Dino.

Itzy Ritzy   Link & Love Activity Plush with Teether

Best tummy time toys for on-the-go.

While you can’t really take their bulky activity center or play gym with you on your next vacation, what you can do is pack a travel playmat and engaging tummy time toys to set up a safe space on the floor wherever you’re staying.

Toddlekind Portable Playmats - Sea Shell.

Toddlekind   Portable Playmats

Skip Hop Farmstand Tummy Time Wedge.

Skip Hop   Farmstand Tummy Time Wedge

Fisher-Price Grow-With-Me Tummy Time Wedge - Llama (2020).

Fisher-Price   Grow-With-Me Tummy Time Wedge

Melissa & Doug Take-Along Farm Play Mat.

Melissa & Doug   Take-Along Farm Play Mat

Wee Gallery Activity Pad - Ocean.

Wee Gallery   Activity Pad

Melissa & Doug Flip Fish Baby Toy.

Melissa & Doug   Flip Fish Baby Toy

Best travel books for babies and toddlers.

Books are always a great source of entertainment. From lightweight, soft busy books to a truly indestructible pick, these books are easy to throw in your carry-on or diaper bag.

Manhattan Toy Llama Soft Book.

Manhattan Toy   Llama Soft Book

Lamaze Peek-a-Boo Forest Cloth Book.

Lamaze   Peek-a-Boo Forest Cloth Book

 Indestructibles: Things That Go!.

Indestructibles: Things That Go!

 Little Park Ranger Board Book Set.

Little Park Ranger Board Book Set

 First Words 12 Book Set.

First Words 12 Book Set

Sassy Rookie Books Baby Box Set.

Sassy   Rookie Books Baby Box Set

Best baby sensory toys for traveling.

Sensory exploration has many developmental benefits (think motor skills development ), and these travel toys will both encourage learning and entertain fussy babies.

Munchkin Twisty Figure 8 Teether.

Munchkin   Twisty Figure 8 Teether

Sassy Do-Re-Mi Textured Tunes Musical Toy.

Sassy   Do-Re-Mi Textured Tunes Musical Toy

Sassy Crinkle Ball.

Sassy   Crinkle Ball

pamexin Silicone Pull String Activity Toy.

pamexin   Silicone Pull String Activity Toy

Quark Thiingy Teething Ball.

Quark   Thiingy Teething Ball

Manhattan Toy Wild Bear-y Plush Toy.

Manhattan Toy   Wild Bear-y Plush Toy

Best travel toys for toddlers.

From a busy board to a portable shape sorter, these travel toys will keep their little minds and hands busy while en route.

Melissa & Doug Take-Along Shape Sorter Baby and Toddler Toy.

Melissa & Doug   Take-Along Shape Sorter Baby and Toddler Toy

Sassy Busy Bands.

Sassy   Busy Bands

Hape Little Copter - Yellow.

Hape   Little Copter

Esjay Toddler Busy Board.

Esjay   Toddler Busy Board

ALASOU Suction Cup Spinner Toys.

ALASOU   Suction Cup Spinner Toys

Tegu Pocket Pouch Magnetic Wooden Block Set.

Tegu   Pocket Pouch Magnetic Wooden Block Set

Best on-the-go activities for toddlers.

In addition to a couple of travel toys, these portable activities for toddlers will provide some extra entertainment on the way to your destination. If you’re taking to the skies, the airplane’s tray table provides a great spot for your toddler to get to work.

Melissa & Doug  On the Farm Reusable Puffy Sticker Play Set.

Melissa & Doug   On the Farm Reusable Puffy Sticker Play Set

Bluey Aqua Art Water Doodle Book.

Bluey   Aqua Art Water Doodle Book

Crayola Peppa Pig Color Wonder Mess Free Coloring Activity Set.

Crayola   Peppa Pig Color Wonder Mess Free Coloring Activity Set

ORSEN LCD Toddler Doodle Board .

ORSEN   LCD Toddler Doodle Board

Skillmatics Dot it - No Mess Sticker Art.

Skillmatics   Dot it - No Mess Sticker Art

Melissa & Doug Tape Activity Book.

Melissa & Doug   Tape Activity Book

{name} {jobTitle}.

Briana Engelbrecht

Assistant editor.

Briana Engelbrecht is Babylist’s Assistant Editor, where she brings her passion for early childhood development and the perinatal period, plus experience as a mom of two to Babylist articles and guides. A former preschool teacher, she loves children’s picture books, cats, plants and making things.

The Best Toys to Support Baby’s Development from 0-6 Months.

Our Sweet Adventures

35+ Best Travel Toys for Babies

35+ Best Travel Toys for Babies

Are you flying with a baby for the first time,  road-tripping with a baby , or visiting the grandparents for the weekend? Are you an avid traveler, or soon-to-be parent, trying to figure out what to add to your baby registry? Then you are at the right place because I have over 35 of the best travel toys for babies.

My guide to the best baby travel toys is perfect for newborns through 18 months old. There will be tummy time travel toys to challenging sensory-focused activity toys. 

More importantly, every child develops at their own pace. Therefore, my guide is organized by the type of toy rather than by the baby’s age. 

You will find the best tummy time toys, rattlers, teething toys, toy straps and suction holders, sensory play toys, books, car toys, and more. All perfect travel toys for babies ready for an adventure! 

This post may contain affiliate links. When you click on the link you will have the option to purchase a product at no extra cost to you, but I would receive a small commission. I want to thank everyone for following and supporting us on all of “Our Sweet Adventures.” 

Read next: 20 + Best Travel Toys for Toddlers (18 Months to 3 Years Old)

A baby boy sitting in a hotel room shirtless playing with a cube and textured blocks - one of the best travel toys for babies.

Table of Contents

Best Travel Toys for Babies: Tummy Time

If you are traveling with a baby that is not mobile yet (which is one of the best times to travel with a baby), everyday items such as an activity mat and a tummy time pillow are the perfect travel toys. At this early stage in life, they are trying to develop their brain, learn immense skills, and take in their surroundings.

One of the first essential skills a baby is trying to learn is to hold their head up on their own and roll from tummy to back and back to tummy. So continue their development while you are on the go. Promote growth by showing them the world and continue tummy time with these travel toys.

Boppy Tummy Time Prop

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When we traveled with our twin babies, we brought our Boppy pillows, which were life savers! You might think it’s too bulky to pack for a trip, but it’s not. The Boppy Tummy Time Prop pillow is slightly smaller, making it the PERFECT tummy time pillow for traveling.

It also comes with a plush crinkle toy and rubber teething ring to attach to the patented SlideLine. The SlideLine is not limited to the toys included with the Boppy pillow. You can connect your baby’s favorite toys to make tummy time more fun and active.

Splashin’kids Inflatable Tummy Time Water Mat 

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One of the best ways to promote tummy time is the Splashin’kids Inflatable Tummy Time Water Mat. Babies will have fun splashing on the water without getting wet, which means no mess!

The water mat has fun, brightly colored sea animals that float in the water. Babies can try to touch the sea animals and watch them move along the water.

It is easy to inflate and deflate. You simply blow air into the outer ring and fill the inner mat with water. When you need to pack up and go, deflate the outer ring, empty the water, and then fold it, which fits nicely in a suitcase or a large diaper bag.

Lupantte Baby Activity Mat

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If you still need an activity mat, this one is highly recommended and perfect for traveling. What I like most is the replaceable washable cloth covers, which come with two! So when you need to wash one, your baby can still play on the activity mat.

The Lupantte Baby Play Mat has cute animals, detachable sensory toys, a black and white crinkle book, and a mirror. It is also easy to assemble or disassemble, lightweight, and easy to carry—all great for traveling with a baby.

Pro tip: the arches should fit in a suitcase, but you can also slide them into a pack n play bag or with your car seat bag.

Taf Toys Tummy Time Activity Book

travel books for babies

We love the Taf Toys Tummy Time Activity Book. We have used it for all three boys.

The Taf Toys Tummy Time Activity Book is a great travel toy for babies who need to work on tummy time. It is double-sided with crinkle pages for two developmental stages.

For the first three months, your baby can enjoy the first developmental side with high contrast, black and white single image pages. There is also a baby-safe mirror. The other side is for the second developmental stage, which includes vibrant colors with multi-sensory textures, fun 3D activities, and a tethered baby koala teether.

Best Travel Toys for Babies: Toy Straps and Suction Holders

Before we get into ALL the best travel toys for babies, one of the must-have items you need to buy is a toy strap or a suction holder for toys. When traveling with a baby, you want them to avoid dropping toys on dirty surfaces constantly.

Toy straps and suction holders allow you to attach the toys to these devices. So your baby can play freely, and you can be (almost) worry-free of germs and stop the “drop game.”

Silicone Toy Straps

travel books for babies

A silicone toy strap is a wonderful accessory on the go. You can use it on car seats, strollers, high chairs, and anything else it can wrap around.

Attach the toy strap to a pacifier, teether, rattler, bottle, sippy cup, or any toy with a handle, and you will stop the “drop game” forever. We love it for everything, but especially on planes and car rides.

These toy straps are washable, stretchable, adjustable, and made from BPA-free food-grade silicone.

Grapple, The Baby Suction Cup Toys Holder

travel books for babies

The Grapple is a cute apple-shaped suction toy holder that firmly sticks to flat, smooth surfaces. It also has three adjustable toy straps tethered to keep toys within the baby’s reach and from falling to the floor.  I want to specify the within reach because the toy straps are short. So we attach longer toy straps to the Grapple. 

It works excellent for airplane trays, high chairs, and restaurant tables. Going out to eat and flying is so much easier with the Grapple!

From personal experience, the bottom of the Grapple easily collects dirt. It works best when it is clean and moist. People often use a baby wipe or get the bottom wet with water to help with suctioning.

Otherwise, we love it! It is small, light, made with BPA-free food-grade silicone, and easy to wash.

Sassy Wonder Wheel Activity Center

travel books for babies

The Sassy Wonder Wheel Activity Center is one of the best travel toys for babies because it’s multi-functional. The main component is the spinning Ferris wheel with bright colors, grooved textures, and cascading beads.

The activity toy can also suction to flat surfaces and has “click clack” rings. We like to use the “click clack” rings to hold more toys with a toy strap.

Most importantly, the Sassy Wonder Wheel Activity Center has many benefits for a baby’s development. It has fun sensory elements, strengthens fine motor skills, encourages tactile exploration, and teaches the connection of sound to sight.

Best Travel Toys for Babies: Rattle and Teething Toys

When a baby is teething, EVERYTHING goes in the mouth. Honestly, does this stage ever end?

Whether it is a teething toy or not, a baby will chew on it, and they will most likely drop it too. Therefore, I like to pack rattle and teething toys that can attach to a toy strap.

BABY ELEFUN Teething Toy Ring

travel books for babies

I know everyone loves Sophie the Giraffe (I do, too), but the Baby Elefun is one of the best travel toys for babies. You can easily loop a toy strap through the center of the teething elephant. So you can have a piece of mind that your baby won’t drop it.

The Baby Elefun has several soothing textures to help massage those sensitive pressure points in the baby’s mouth. Little fingers will find it easy to hold and maneuver to find the right texture in the right spot.

Manhattan Toy Winkel Rattle & Sensory Teether Toy

travel books for babies

Of ALL the rattle and teething toys, this is by far the favorite for all three of my boys. We can’t ever part ways with it because it’s been a lifesaver as one of the best travel toys for our babies.

The Winkel is a colorful rattle and teething toy. It’s a maze of soft, continuous BPA-free teething tubes connected to a center cube that rattles. The Winkle is easy for tiny fingers to hold and inevitably shake to hear a rattle, providing auditory stimulus.

When your baby is teething, you can refrigerate The Winkle for additional soothing comfort. It is a simple toy, but one of our most effective and used toys.

Itzy Sloth Lovey and Teether

travel books for babies

How can you resist a cute sloth?!? The Itzy Sloth Lovey and Teether is so adorable and snuggly. It will immediately be your baby’s new best friend.

The Itzy Lovey features soft sherpa fabric and a gentle minky plush for delicate baby skin. It’s also more than just a lovey. The sloth arms make crinkle sounds, there are textured ribbons for a baby to touch and explore, and an attached silicone teether to massage sore gums.

It’s the one and all lovey that you must get for your baby! In addition to the sloth lovey, Itzy has other cute animals, such as a bunny, dinosaur, koala, and lion.

Bright Starts Oball Shaker Rattle Toy

travel books for babies

The Bright Starts Oball Shaker Rattle Toy is among the best and most popular rattle toys. It is a simple rattle with an award-winning flexible   Oball at both ends. Between the Oballs is a clear, textured handle with colorful beads inside. 

The Oball finger holes make it easy for little hands to grip, squeeze, and play.   Or a baby can easily grab the textured handle and shake it to hear the rattling sounds of the beads. It is so much fun! Your baby will never put it down, especially if you loop a toy strap through the Oball.

Skip Hop Infant Pineapple Rattle Toy

travel books for babies

How cute is this pineapple rattle toy? It has cool summer vibes! The perfect travel toy for babies heading to a tropical destination.

The Skip Hop Infant Pineapple Rattle Toy has easy-to-grasp openings for little hands to grab, roll, and shake. Colorful rattle beads sit on top of the sweet pineapple to entertain a baby with delightful sounds.

It’s also a multi-sensory teething toy with rubberized leaves with different textures to help soothe the baby’s gums.

Best Travel Toys for Babies: Sensory and Play

Sensory toys are crucial for a baby’s development. Yes, sensory toys are fun to play with, but more importantly, it promotes language, cognitive growth, fine motor, and gross motor skills.

So what are sensory toys? Anything that stimulates a baby’s sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch in a safe and natural environment using play. Some elements include bright, contrasting colors, sounds, different textures, and spinning.

Almost every baby toy has a sensory element, but here are the best travel toys for babies that strongly focus on sensory through safe play.

Melissa & Doug Flip Fish Soft Baby Toy

travel books for babies

The Melissa & Dog Flip Fish Baby Toy promotes many development skills through sensory play. It squeaks and crinkles, has bright colors, several textures, a silicone tail for teething, a small mirror, and hidden pictures under the scales. It is the fish that keeps on swimming; I mean giving.

Your baby will have endless fun with this cuddly fish. Yes, it’s a little big, but it fits perfectly in a diaper bag. Trust me. It will be one of the best toys to keep your baby entertained on a flight and at home!

Melissa & Doug Soft Taco Fill & Spill

travel books for babies

A baby’s first taco! This adorable sensory toy is a perfect travel toy for babies because it is light and small. The 12-piece soft taco includes a soft taco shell with smooth fabric, textured crinkles, and food-shaped fabric pieces.

When your baby is young, the pieces are great sensory toys to discover sounds and textures. As they grow, the soft taco toy will continue to engage the baby by developing their fine motor and problem-solving skills.

Show them how to fill their taco shell! And they will be making a delicious taco in no time.

3PCS Suction Cup Spinner Toys

travel books for babies

Hands down, you must get Suction Cup Spinner Toys. These are the best travel toys for babies. It is the most used toy when we travel with our twins .

The Suction Cup Spinner Toys will stick on any flat surface. From car and plane windows to airplane tray tables, hotel mirrors, and tables – we stick these to anything we can!

The three-piece set has different colorful bugs that promote visual and auditory senses and fine motor skills. Babies can spin the bugs in the center or its large “wings.” Your baby will have endless fun spinning, watching, and hearing the soft jingle bells from Suction Cup Spinner Toys.

Montessori Pull String Activity Toy

travel books for babies

The Montessori Pull String Activity Toy is one of our favorite screen-free airplane activities for kids . It’s a beautiful multi-sensory activity toy for babies around 12 – 18 months old seeking a challenge. There are several ways for babies to have fun and develop skills with this travel toy.

Through sensory play, your baby will learn cause and effect when they pull the textured cords. The textured cords make it easy for babies to grasp a hold while promoting fine motor skills and sensory exploration. It will also stimulate auditory senses because your baby will feel vibrations and hear sounds from the textured cords.

If you feel your baby will just put this toy in their mouth, that is okay! The teething journey never ends! Thankfully, the textured cords are BPA-free food-grade silicone. Our babies would chew this activity toy in between sensory play, which was a win in my book.

teytoy My First Baby Tissue Box

travel books for babies

The teytoy My first Baby Tissue Box is a fun sensory activity toy that will entertain your baby by pulling out and putting in scarves and crinkle papers. The soft cotton tissue box is great for traveling because it can collapse into a diaper bag and open to its (almost) rectangular form.

It comes with 12 rainbow dance scarves and three crinkle papers. The crinkle paper makes stimulating sounds and is double-sided with vibrant colors, animal patterns, numbers, and the ABCs.

Fat Brain Toys MiniSpinny

travel books for babies

The Fat Brain Toys MiniSpinny is an exciting sensory toy that will encourage fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination and teach cause-and-effect. The MiniSpinny has three vibrant propellers that spin down the free-standing corkscrew pole.

Like a rainstick, you can flip the MiniSpinny repeatedly to watch the propellers and listen to the sounds it makes while it spins down the corkscrew pole. Little fingers can also hold the MiniSpinny and spin the propellers down the corkscrew pole one by one.

It’s mesmerizing to watch, and it’s fun to play. Your baby’s senses will be spinning with joy when you take the MiniSpinny everywhere you go.

Sassy Fishy Fascination Station 2-in-1 Suction Cup Toy

travel books for babies

The Sassy Fishy Fascination Station 2-in-1 Suction Cup Toy is among the best sensory toys for high chairs and tables. Moreover, it can suction on any flat surface. It is one of the best travel toys for babies because you can suction it to airplane tray tables.

The Sassy Fishy Fascination Station 2-in-1 Suction Cup Toy is a spinning Ferris wheel with many sensory features. The spinning Ferris wheel encourages the baby to reach, tug, and bat the individual spinning fishy toys. It teaches cause and effect while strengthening hand-eye coordination. Each fishy spinning toy also has colorful beads inside the clear structures to allow the baby to connect the sound to sight.

Again, this is a great travel toy for babies because you can remove the spinning wheel from the base for floor play. Hence, the 2-in-1 toy. Your baby can play with the spinning wheel inside a hotel room while you unpack and get situated.

HABA Rainbow Fabric Ball

travel books for babies

The HABA Rainbow Fabric Ball is the first and only ball your baby will ever need! It features eight diverse sections with unique textures, contrasting colors, and gentle rattle and crinkle sounds.

The soft, colorful fabric ball is easy for a baby to grasp, toss, and roll. It is a great sensory toy to encourage tummy time, independent play, and crawling.

Melissa & Doug K’s Kids Pull-Back Vehicle Set

travel books for babies

Melissa & Doug K’s Kids Pull-Back Vehicle Set includes a plastic storage bag (great for traveling) and four soft vehicles – a school bus, a family car, a fire truck, and a police car.

A baby can effortlessly pull back the vehicle and watch it accelerate at full speed. Bonus, it does not require batteries because it has a rev-up mechanism inside each vehicle.

The pull-back vehicles teach babies cause and effect while promoting independent play and fine and gross motor skills. They are great to play in a hotel room or grandparents’ house.

Melissa & Doug K’s Kids Take-Along Shape Sorter

travel books for babies

The Melissa & Doug K’s Kids Take-Along Shape Sorter is one of the best travel toys for babies 9 months and up. The shape sorter is a padded case with a take-along handle and includes two activity sides.

One side has a shape sorter to fit nine textured shape blocks. The other side has crinkle flaps with pictures and matching shapes beneath the flaps.

Babies developing skills to become toddlers will enjoy learning to identify and match shapes by dropping the textured blocks through the appropriately shaped slot.

Fat Brain Toys InnyBin Baby Toy

travel books for babies

The Fat Brain Toys InnyBin Baby Toy is a cube with vibrant-colored elastic bands. It includes six fun textured and different-shaped blocks to push through the elastic bands of the cube.

It’s a challenging toy for babies, but it’s manageable. Once they understand the concept, they will stuff the cube with any object they can find.

Although the Fat Brain Toys InnyBin Baby Toy is a 5.5 x 5.5 x 5.5 in. cube, I still enjoy bringing it with us on our trips. It keeps our twin babies entertained in the hotel room as they enjoy putting anything inside the InnyBin cube.

Best Travel Toys for Babies: Books

Books play a significant role in a baby’s development. So I recommend packing at least one book when you travel with a baby. Books help cognitive development, increase vocabulary, and reinforce basic reading concepts, such as turning pages and following text from left to right.

Babies are still developing their eyesight for the first few months of life. Therefore, babies should “read” high-contrasting, black-and-white images. As they get older, books with interactive elements such as crinkle pages, different textures, and peek-a-boo flaps will engage and stimulate your baby’s senses.

Here are a few of the best books for babies to pack on your trip!

Hello, Baby Animals Book

travel books for babies

Hello, Baby Animals  is one of the best and cutest first books for a baby. It has high-contrast black-and-white pictures and patterns with friendly text. 

Hello, Baby Animals  is also one of many in the  Hello,  baby book series by duopress labs with art illustrations by Julissa Mora. Other books in the collection include  Hello, My World , and  Hello, Ocean Friends .

Beiens Visual Quiet Books

travel books for babies

The Beiens Visual Quiet Books are high contrast, crinkle books with stimulating exercises on the pages. There are flaps, a turning dial, a baby-safe mirror, a squeaky, and more. All designed to help facilitate development in the retina, optic nerve, and brain.

You can choose Beiens Visual Quiet Book Shapes & Color, Animals & Color, or both!

Lamaze Peek-A-Boo Forest Soft Baby Book

travel books for babies

Peek-a-boo books are a favorite at my house. So the Lamaze Peek-A-Boo Forest Soft Baby Book was an instant hit for us at home and on the go.

The Lamaze Peek-A-Boo Forest Soft Baby Book has soft pages with crinkle flaps and 3D features for your baby to interact with and play peek-a-book with all the cute forest animals. The book helps develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

Every page has bright, vibrant colors with friendly animals. When you read this book to your baby and play peek-a-boo, both of you will have smiles and giggles!

Melissa & Doug K’s Kids My First Activity Book

travel books for babies

You can count on Melissa & Doug to make a fantastic baby activity book. Every page is an activity of learning and fun.

The Melissa & Doug K’s Kids My First Activity Book is a perfect baby travel toy. It has eight interactive pages: learning how to button, buckle, count, match, play peek-a-boo, and more. This activity book can keep a baby engaged for hours, which is great for plane rides.

Best Travel Toys for Babies: Car Travel and Stroller

Road-tripping with a baby  or going to an amusement park might feel daunting, but if you prepare with fun car seat and stroller toys, you will do great! Here are a few baby travel toys perfect for the car and stroller. 

Read next: A Complete Guide to Epcot with a Baby or Toddler

Manhattan Toy Wimmer-Ferguson Infant Stim Mobile To Go

travel books for babies

Baby mobile for a car seat?!? What a genius invention! Speaking of a genius invention – the travel mobile is from the award-winning Wimmer-Ferguson infant collection, the original innovator of black and white developmental toys.

The Manhattan Toy Wimmer-Ferguson Infant Stim Mobile To Go has three reversible discs that display black-and-white graphics on one side and high-contrast color images on the other. So as your baby grows and has the ability to see color, you can change the reversible discs.

The travel mobile is lightweight, easy to pack, and can attach to most car seats, infant carriers, and strollers with the sturdy plastic clamp.

Baby Einstein Star Bright Symphony Plush 

travel books for babies

The Baby Einstein Star Bright Symphony Plush is a cute musical toy at home or on the go because it has velcro straps to wrap around a car seat and stroller. The smiling star has vibrant colors, plays six classical melodies, and has gentle lights that dance around.

It has two settings that caretakers can control. One is a cause and effect, where babies can push the smiling star to turn on the music and lights. The other setting is where the music and lights will play continuously.

Taf Toys Koala in-Car Play Center

travel books for babies

The Taf Toys Koala in-Car Play Center is a unique combination of a high-quality, baby-safe car mirror and a soft, colorful car toy for rear-facing babies. There are three cute activity toys tethered to the car toy – a crinkle rainbow, a koala that rattles with a chime bell, and a snail with a baby teether.

The car toy is easy to attach and adjust for the baby’s reach and play. The mirror and car toy attach separately, so if you already have a mirror, you can still utilize the car toy. With that said, Taf Toys also has other fun activity car toys for rear-facing babies, such as a stirring wheel, a cool penguin, and safari animals.

BeeSpring Hanging Spiral Car Seat Toy

travel books for babies

Keep a baby happy and calm on your road trip with this BeeSpring Hanging Spiral Car Seat Toy. You can wrap the spiral car toy around an infant carrier and let your baby enjoy the hanging toys.

The spiral car toy also has contrasting colors and patterns to help stimulate a baby’s sight. Tethered to the spiral toy are a flower teething toy, a flower toy with colorful beads inside a clear center, and a rattling cow. If those toys are not enough for your little one, you can also attach more toys to the spiral with a silicone strap.

Lamaze Freddie The Firefly

travel books for babies

Lamaze Freddie The Firefly is a fun, interactive travel toy for babies that can easily clip on a car seat and stroller. It has a Soft velour body with multiple textures to explore on the wings, including crinkle wings and a squeaker. There is also a baby-safe mirror for self-discovery.

On the top of the wings are high-contrast black-and-white patterns, while the bottom of the wings has vibrant, colorful patterns. Babies will have so much fun playing with Lamaze Freddie The Firefly while strengthening their tactile processing and auditory and visual development.

Tomy Lamaze Mortimer The Moose

travel books for babies

A distant cousin to Lamaze Freddie The Firefly, Tomy Lamaze Mortimer The Moose is another interactive travel toy for babies that can clip on a car seat and stroller. The body is snuggly soft with a squeaky tummy while his antlers are textured to soothe teething.

His dangling legs have colorful hooves with fun patterns and make crinkle sounds to the touch. Babies will enjoy exploring Tomy Lamaze Mortimer The Moose to stimulate their tactile senses.

And if you are wondering which one to get, either Lamaze Freddie The Firefly or Tomy Lamaze Mortimer The Moose, get BOTH!

Infantino Hug and Tug Musical Bug

travel books for babies

The Infantino Hug and Tug Musical Bug is a cute musical toy for road-tripping. Wrap it around an infant carrier and let your baby reach, hug, and tug at the musical bug. Babies can either tug the bug or use their tiny fingers to wrap around the clacker rings and pull.

The musical bug is a great sensory toy to teach babies cause and effect from sight to sound. It only has one tune, which plays for 90 seconds as the bug slowly inches its way back up. It’s fun to watch and pleasant to listen to.

Best Travel Toys for Babies: BONUS Activity Center

Check out this bonus travel toy for babies – a portable activity center!

Summer-Pop ‘N Jump Portable Baby Activity Center

travel books for babies

The Summer-Pop ‘N Jump Portable Baby Activity Center is a fantastic travel toy for babies. Let your baby get all of their energy out bouncing on the jumping activity center. This portable activity center is a must for active babies whether you are going on a trip with plenty of indoor or outdoor time.

There are three levels of height adjustment to grow with your baby, a floor mat, a removable canopy, and the seat is removable for machine washing. A few fun toys come with the activity center – a spinner ball, rattler, teether, and mirror book.

The Summer Pop ‘N Jump Portable Baby Activity Center is lightweight and unfolds in seconds. So your baby is ready to bounce while you kick back and relax on your trip. It also includes a travel bag with a shoulder strap making it easy to pack and carry.

I hope your cart is full of new, engaging, and sensorial travel toys for your baby. After three babies, I know that having interactive toys is important for a baby’s development on the go, just as much as if you are at home.

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The 50 Best Baby Travel Toys — All Tested from Experience!

Whenever we travel with our two young kids, toys are always at the top of our packing list. We’ve even traveled cross-country with a suitcase designated for toys alone — so we’ve learned which ones are winners, and which ones aren’t worth the extra space.

Read on for our complete list of the 50 best baby travel toys, all tested from experience. We’ve included must-haves to keep on hand during travel day and essentials to pack in the suitcase for play away from home.

On Travel Day 

If you’re looking for the perfect toys to keep your baby entertained in the stroller, on the plane, or in the car, read on for details about these tried-and-true travel-day winners that double as great playtime toys once you reach your destination.

1. Fat Brain Toys’ Squigz 

Best Baby Travel Toys

These high-grade silicone Squigz from Fat Brain Toys serve as great airplane-window toys, teethers, and rattles. 

2. Suction cup spinners 

Stick these flower-shaped or critter-themed spinners on airplane windows, or set them up on flat surfaces like the bath or food tray once you reach your destination. 

3. Baby keys 

Best Baby Travel Toys

There’s something about car keys that always keeps babies coming back for more. Look for noisy or chunky options that are easy to hold.

4. Electronic phone toy

Best Baby Travel Toys

Help your baby fit right in with their parents with a cell phone of their very own. Skip Hop and Fisher-Price make baby phones with simple mirrors , lots of buttons and sounds , and fun animal faces .

5. Teethers 

Soft toys to chew on are a must for adventures with your baby, both on travel day and throughout the trip. Some of our favorites are Razbaby’s berry-themed teethers , Nuby’s set of three soothers , and Itzy Ritzy’s rattle ring or teething tube .

6. Cardboard cube books 

Best Baby Travel Toys

Our daughter has loved flipping through and chewing on these hilarious cardboard books throughout infancy, and our toddler enjoys the silly stories, too. Bonus: they double as stacking blocks.

7. Crinkle books

Fabric books are easy for little hands to hold and squeeze. Opt for this fun Farm Tails book from Jellycat, or invest in a set of soft books to attach to the stroller, car seat, or pacifier clip.

Best Baby Travel Toys

Rattles are small and ideal for travel. Fred’s Buff Baby Dumbbell is always a crowd pleaser, and an accidental bump with Jellycat’s plush rattle won’t hurt little foreheads.

9. Fat Brain Toys’ MiniSpinny 

Flip the MiniSpinny , watch the gears turn, and be amazed.

10. Pop-up toys 

Best Baby Travel Toys

Pop-up toys from Kidoozie , Skip Hop , and VTech are entertaining for babies on road trips and throughout your stay away from home. 

11. Fisher-Price’s Kick & Play Piano 

Best Baby Travel Toys

Repurpose the piano from your Fisher-Price Kick & Play Gym by hanging it from the headrest and letting those little toes play some tunes in the car.

12. Vulli’s Sophie the Giraffe 

Best Baby Travel Toys

Sophie the Giraffe , which is also available as a teething ring or as an adorable fawn , is a popular multipurpose toy for babies. Little ones can chew its soft ears or nose to soothe sore gums, squeeze it to hear a satisfying squeaking sound, or hold it close for cuddles.

13. Vulli’s Shake Shake Electronic Rattle 

Best Baby Travel Toys

Our baby girl loves her musical rattle by the makers of Sophie the Giraffe. This maraca-shaped toy is easy to grasp and small enough to keep in a purse. The rattle displays eye-catching lights, plays soothing lullabies, and makes fun sounds with movement.

14. Fisher-Price’s Linkimal Panda

We keep this road trip essential in our car for our kids to play with on long and short drives. Fisher-Price’s cuddly panda plays adorable songs about sharing and kindness, and even sings in sync with other Linkimal products nearby. (For a similar plush toy that sings and laughs, try Fisher-Price’s Laugh & Learn Puppy .)

15. Modern Baby’s Lovey Blanket

Best Baby Travel Toys

These tiny lovey blankets double as cuddly animals, with built-in teethers and rattles attached for entertainment. 

16. Fisher-Price’s Sooth ‘N Snuggle Otter

Parents can set this Fisher-Price otter soother to play white noise, a heartbeat sound, or a calm lullaby. It even has a warm light on its heart and a moving chest to simulate breathing. Another soother option that hangs on the stroller, car seat, or crib is this huggable giraffe music-player . 

17. Bubble poppers 

Best Baby Travel Toys

Bubble poppers are a must for car rides, plane trips, sports games, and restaurants. 

18. Slider books 

Board books with sliders are the perfect, quiet activity for babies on airplanes. A couple of our favorites are Potty Time and this fun version of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star .

19. Melissa & Doug’s Poke-a-Dot Series 

Best Baby Travel Toys

Melissa & Doug’s Poke-a-Dot books come in a variety of themes, like animals , holidays , shapes , and colors . These sturdy board books hold up well over time, and their satisfying pop doesn’t lose its novelty with babies and young toddlers.

20. Lift-the-flap books 

Lift-the-Flap books are another plane-ride favorite that babies love to read on repeat. Try Baby’s First Bedtime , Where’s Spot? , or Dear Zoo .

21. Busy board toy

Best Baby Travel Toys

Busy boards are typically considered toddler toys, so we were surprised by how much our infant loved playing with this buckle version .

22. Baby Einstein’s Take Along Tunes

With a simple large button for playing music, an easy-to-hold handle, and dazzling lights, you’ll know these Baby Einstein tunes by heart in no time.

23. Hanging stroller toy 

Best Baby Travel Toys

Keep your baby entertained in the stroller through the airport or in the car seat with Skip Hop’s hanging rattle or music player . 

24. Buttons-and-lights board 

We always keep a buttons-and-lights activity board in the back seat of the car, like this music-themed version from LeapFrog . 

25. Learning Journey’s Wheels on the Bus

Best Baby Travel Toys

If you don’t mind hearing the same lines to the same song over and over again, this toy is for you. We’ve found from experience that the joy our babies find in this Learning Journey music player makes the repetitive tunes well worth it. 

26. Baby Einstein’s Light Bar Activity Station

Best Baby Travel Toys

This Glow & Discover Light Bar from Baby Einstein is shaped in an arch that fits perfectly over babies’ bellies and on their laps in the car. A folding kickstand makes this activity station double as a tummy-time toy once you reach your destination.

27. Fisher-Price’s Storybook Rhymes

Best Baby Travel Toys

With chunky pages that are easy for babies to turn and large, light-up buttons, this musical book lets babies listen to their favorite nursery rhymes on the go.

28. VTech’s Busy Learners Activity Cube

VTech’s Activity Cube is a staple for car travel, with 14 interactive features and 25 catchy songs.

At Your Destination 

Wondering what toys are worth stuffing in your suitcase without taking up too much space or weighing down your luggage? Here are our favorite compact toys to pack for babies on family adventures:

29. Stacking cups 

Best Baby Travel Toys

Simple stacking cups have always been a lightweight family favorite for travel. They nest into each other for a compact fit and even double as bath toys .

30. Kidoozie’s Press ‘N Go Inchworm 

The Press ‘N Go Inchworm is lightweight and zooms far across a smooth floor, with various rattles and sound-makers incorporated throughout.

For more toys on wheels that babies find mesmerizing, try these back-and-forth animal cars .

31. Baby Einstein’s Sticky Spinner 

Best Baby Travel Toys

Stick this spinner on the dishwasher at your rental or on your hotel window to keep your baby entertained on stays away from home. 

32. Fisher-Price’s Stacking Action Blocks

We received these Fisher-Price blocks years ago when we had our firstborn, and we still take them with us for every trip or visit to a restaurant. For a more compact option, try this set of five nesting blocks .

33. Bunmo’s Poppin’ Pipes

Best Baby Travel Toys

These incredibly clever Poppin’ Pipes are one of our favorite simple toys of all time, so they’re definitely worth packing in our bags for travel. Babies love to stretch them out and hear that satisfying popping sound, while older toddlers will have fun putting them together or connecting them into loops.

34. Infantino’s Textured Ball Set

We always bring along a set of baby ball toys when we travel. While toys that roll aren’t good ideas for cars, planes, and trains, they’re perfect for having some fun when you get to your accommodation. 

35. Skip Hop’s Baby Bath Buckets

Best Baby Travel Toys

These lightweight bath buckets nest within each other to save space. Babies love their animal-themed designs and handles that are easy for tiny hands to grab.

36. Adora’s Baby Bath Doll 

Best Baby Travel Toys

This 8.5-inch, quick-dry bath doll is one of our daughter’s favorite toys. It’s the perfect size for babies to hold, with an adorable bunny bathrobe and refreshing baby-powder-scented skin.

37. Freezer teethers

Best Baby Travel Toys

You never know when those achy gums will strike. If we’re staying somewhere with a freezer, we always try to bring some teethers to keep cold when we arrive, like a teething ring or set of keys . One note we’ve learned from experience: set a reminder to take them out of the freezer before heading home!

38. Fisher-Price’s Rock-a-Stack 

Best Baby Travel Toys

The popular Rock-a-Stack might not be the smallest toy, but we always find it worth bringing for trips with baby. Although not ideal for travel, we also love the brand’s hilarious giant-sized version for home.

39. Fisher-Price’s Laugh & Learn Mixing Bowl 

Best Baby Travel Toys

This clever mixing bowl , which comes with various toy food items, measuring cups, and a mixing spoon, lights up and sings when items are placed inside.

40. Fisher-Price’s Cat on a Vacuum Toy

Best Baby Travel Toys

This clever version of a cat riding a robot vacuum slides forward when pressed from the top, to encourage crawling. Even better, it plays catchy R&B tunes about pets and cleaning that parents actually won’t mind hearing on repeat.

41. Sound books for babies

Best Baby Travel Toys

We travel with children’s books on every trip we take, and we always make sure to throw a few sound-making books in the suitcase. Some of our current favorites are Busy Noisy Construction , Potty Time with Elmo , and Noisy Baby Animals .

42. VTech’s Smart Wheels Cars

Best Baby Travel Toys

Whether your baby knows who Mickey Mouse is or not, packing these Disney-themed cars with lights and songs will provide some serious entertainment on your trip. Bonus: these cars work with various VTech Smart Wheels Tracks to build and play with at home.

43. Fisher-Price’s Crawl with Me Puppy 

This Fisher-Price puppy that actually walks forward and backward across the floor is one of our favorite baby toys for crawling.

44. Fisher-Price’s Smart Stages Piggy Bank

Best Baby Travel Toys

This singing piggy bank with coins encourages babies to sit and play for extended periods of time, promotes fine motor development, and introduces counting concepts. 

45. Bright Starts’ O-Ball

Best Baby Travel Toys

This multicolored ball features a built-in rattle and wide webbing that’s easy to grasp. For an alternative, try Sassy’s Developmental Bumpy Ball or Bright Starts’ smaller, classic baby o-ball .

46. Soft blocks 

With these lightweight blocks that double as bath toys, build those towers and let baby knock them down without getting hurt on sharp corners.

47. Fisher-Price’s Little People 

Best Baby Travel Toys

Little People figurines, which are sized for little hands, are small enough to stuff in the suitcase and perfect for interactive play between parent and baby. For engaging play at home, we love the Little People Farm .

48. Haba’s On the Farm Stacking Cubes

These farm-themed, sturdy stacking cubes weigh less than a pound and nest within each other to conserve space.

49. VTech’s Baby Busy Ball 

Best Baby Travel Toys

This spinning, singing ball is ideal for little ones who are lying on their tummies, sitting upright, or crawling.

50. Instrument shakers

We love to bring along the instruments and have a baby jam session when we’re visiting with family.

The Upshot: The Best Baby Travel Toys

Traveling with a baby can be difficult. From our experience, toys help ease their travel troubles, because they keep babies engaged and happy on the go, and they provide entertainment and distraction when little ones are away from their normal home environment. 

We hope our comprehensive list helped inspire your packing list for your next family adventure. For other must-have baby travel gear, check out our guides on the best baby travel beds , portable high chairs , baby and toddler sun hats , car seat travel bags , travel strollers , and baby carriers .

*Some links in this post are affiliate links that support our site at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we personally use and love. Everybody wins!

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With a background in medicine as a licensed physician assistant, Christy is a freelance writer and mom of two young kids. As someone who loves to ski, run, and hike, she most cherishes introducing her son and daughter to the beautiful outdoors and spending time with her precious family.

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He thought it was just plane disrespectful.

An irate passenger caused a scene after refusing to leave a plane that he was double-booked on, as seen in a video going viral online.

“Don’t be disrespectful, is my money worthless?” declared the unnamed flyer during the hour-long standoff, which occurred on an Avianca flight from Los Angeles, USA to Bogotá, Colombia, Jam Press reported.

Flight attendants had informed the traveler that the flight was oversold despite the fact that he allegedly bought his ticket three months ahead of time, Colombian media reported .

The argument.

They subsequently told him to deplane because there were no seats available, but the man refused.

In an accompanying footage, shot by a fellow passenger, the incensed fellow can be seen laying into cabin crew members over his perceived unfair treatment.

“Don’t give me bad options, I need to get there,” he fumed. “I’m a lawyer, you should respect me.”

The flyer continued, “I paid for it, they deducted it from my card, you haven’t given me anything, it wasn’t a favor! It seems disrespectful to me that you would sell something you don’t have.”

The standoff.

Upon noticing he was on camera, the passenger declared: “And film what you want, I hope I become famous.”

At that point, the employees threatened to call the police, but the man remained steadfast, yelling that he hoped the prosecutor’s office would come down so he could “file a report.”

“You can’t be playing with people’s plans,” the declared stubborn passenger, who eventually left on his own volition out of consideration for his fellow flyers, according to the person filming.

He received a round of applause for this gesture.

In Colombia, the selling of flight tickets is regulated by the Civil Aviation Authority. Nonetheless, the airline should have offered the impacted passenger an alternative way to reach their destination on the same date and via the same route.

Failing that, they should compensate them for a minimum of 30% of the ticket’s value.

It’s yet unclear whether said flyer was offered either option.

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The argument.


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2 books offer just the right summer mix of humor and nostalgia

Maureen Corrigan

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Sandwich, by Catherine Newman

Sandwich Harper Collins hide caption

Summer reading. For me, those words suggest an unhurried expanse of time to lose myself in a good story — fiction or nonfiction. Save the dystopian novels till the fall, please; right now, I want books that glimmer like fireflies with dashes of humor and nostalgia. I’ve just read two that fit those summery specifications.

Catherine Newman’s new novel is called Sandwich , after the town on Cape Cod where her characters have rented a cottage for one precious week every summer for the past 20 years. The title also winks at the situation of our main character, Rachel, nicknamed “Rocky” who’s “halfway in age between her young adult children and her elderly parents” — all of whom crowd into that ramshackle cottage.

In the opening scene of Sandwich Rocky’s husband, Nicky, stands paralyzed, plunger in hand, before the cottage’s single, overflowing old toilet. As Rocky’s vacation week progresses, other things also slosh and overflow: secrets; messy emotions, like anger and shame; and, as Rocky tells us, her own aging body:

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Menopause feels like a slow leak: thoughts leaking out of your head; flesh leaking out of your skin; fluid leaking out of your joints. You need a lube job, is how you feel. Bodywork.

Newman elegantly segues from Nora Ephron -like comic passages like that one to elegy. To return to the same place every summer, after all, is to be periodically brought up short by the passage of time. In the middle of the novel, for instance, Rocky uses another metaphor to describe her position in her family and this time her tone is infused with anticipatory grief:

Life is a seesaw, and I am standing dead center, still and balanced: living kids on one side, living parents on the other. Nicky here with me at the fulcrum. Don’t move a muscle, I think. But I will, of course. You have to.

Sandwich is my idea of the perfect summer novel: shimmering and substantive. One more aspect of Newman’s book deserves highlighting: like many other recent novels by best-selling female authors — I’m thinking of Jennifer Weiner , Ann Patchett and Megan Abbott — Newman introduces a storyline here about abortion. She writes about that contested subject — and the emotions it engenders — in a way that I’ve never encountered in fiction before.

When Women Ran Fifth Avenue: Glamour and Power at the Dawn of American Fashion, by Julie Satow

When Women Ran Fifth Avenue Doubleday hide caption

As a city kid who grew up in an apartment without air-conditioning, I have happy memories of seeking relief from the heat by wandering around grand New York department stores like Bloomingdale's, Macy’s and B. Altman. Julie Satow’s new narrative history, called When Women Ran Fifth Avenue , is a treat for anyone like me who yearns to time travel back to some of those palaces of consumption at the height of their grandeur. But even more revelatory are the stories Satow excavates of the women who presided over three of the greatest and now-vanished New York department stores: Bonwit Teller, Lord & Taylor and Henri Bendel.

Geraldine Stutz rescued Bendel’s in the 1960s — as shopping moved to the suburbs -- by turning its small size into an advantage: creating exclusive boutiques within the store that attracted customers like Gloria Vanderbilt , Cher and Barbra Streisand . Some 30 years earlier, Dorothy Shaver of Lord & Taylor, who Life Magazine dubbed America’s "No. 1 Career Woman” revolutionized fashion by championing the sporty “American Look” at a time when French designers held sway.

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But the stand-out figure of the trio is Hortense Odlum, a self-described “housewife” whose husband bought a near-bankrupt and “sagging” Bonwit Teller during the Great Depression and asked her to visit the store to judge it with a woman’s eye. One of her first smash successes was the introduction of a “hat department” on the main floor. In 1934, Hortense became the first woman president of an American department store.

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Satow specializes in entertaining cultural histories — her previous book was a history of New York’s Plaza Hotel. Here, she intersperses descriptions of such wonders as Salvador Dali-designed window displays at Bonwit’s with accounts of the racism pervasive in these department stores.

For those readers immune to the allure of shopping or the shore, be assured that more of summer reading recommendations — especially mysteries and crime novels — are coming your way. You can also see what NPR staff and critics are recommending here.

10 Best Strollers for Travel

Whether you're flying to grandma's or navigating Disney World, we've got strollers that will smooth your journey.

best baby strollers

We've been independently researching and testing products for over 120 years. If you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. Learn more about our review process.


Best Overall

Bugaboo butterfly.

3D Mini

Summer Infant 3D Mini

City Tour 2

Best All-Terrain

Baby jogger city tour 2.

Our experts at the Good Housekeeping Institute have reviewed more than 40 strollers over the course of the past five years and for this story, we pulled together the strollers that can fit in tiny spaces (some in the airplane overhead) and those that rank high for ease of folding. Separately, we have a list of lightweight strollers that will help you tackle the toddler years with your sanity intact, and some of those are great for travel, too. But the travel strollers below have an additional focus on being compact and folding quickly so you can move like a travel ninja.

We called this a "first-rate folding stroller" when we named this a Good Housekeeping Family Travel Award winner. It doesn't sacrifice comfort for compactness , so expect the usual Bugaboo high-quality fabric, deep seat, real sunshade (no skimping on sun protection here!) and extendable leg rest, just in a more tiny, adorable form that's easy to take along on trips.

One tester mom of a toddler geeked out about the fold, specifically. "The button to fold it is on the handle, so you just push down and it collapses nearly instantly. Our regular stroller requires ducking down and pushing a lever," she said. "Also, the glide of the Butterfly is comparable to much larger strollers. I can push my son uphill easily, with one hand!"

The folded Butterfly stands up by itself, great if you need it to sit while you check bags or load the car. But our Lab experts note that unfolding the Butterfly takes some finesse and practice — you shake it out and lock in place before you can set your kid inside. We like the carry handle that lets you sling the folded stroller over your shoulder, as shown in the picture.

If you want this to carry a newborn in a car seat you can buy a car seat adaptor for the Butterfly. But it only works with select brands including Bugaboo, Nuna, Maxi-Cosi and Cybex.

If you're only taking one big vacation and don't plan to travel often, you might want a no-drama lightweight stroller that's priced under $100 . This little 3D Mini might cost the same as checking a piece of luggage each way, and at just 11 pounds it's easy to handle on a trip.

The basket is small — an average-size diaper bag is too big to fit down there — but there's a zippered parent console that holds two drinks. It's got a reasonable sunshade, and the seat can lean back. There's no seat padding, nor is there springy suspension for the five-inch plastic wheels. It's built for the convenience of getting toddlers and young preschoolers around flat pedestrian areas, and it does that just fine.

The 3D mini folds long, to the size of a traditional umbrella. (Get it? That's why they call this style an "umbrella stroller.") It doesn't stand up when folded — like with an umbrella, you have to prop it against a wall or a car, or lay it down, say in your car's trunk, or carry it in one hand, which is made easy by its light weight.

Not only does this weigh less than 15 pounds but its molded-rubber wheels can tackle a sandy beach path. Our tester did just that, saying, "We took the risk and rolled this along a nature trail in Puerto Rico and it did great." It won't tackle deep sand, though. For that you'll want a beach wagon . But the City Tour 2 is smooth-rolling on plenty of terrain and of course smooth on city streets, too.

This is a comfy choice with a deep seat that reclines almost flat, a wide calf rest plus a decent sun-protective canopy. The fold is easy and starts with squeezing a button on the handle. But when folded this is not as small as some others; it will not fit in an airplane overhead. It also can not stand up while folded. Use the carry bag, included, to gate-check this at the airport.

The handle sits just under 40 inches tall, making it a little low for tall parents. If you want a Baby Jogger stroller that holds an infant car seat, the brand's newer City Mini Air can hold a Baby Jogger or Graco model. But it's about nine pounds heavier and more of a full-size stroller than a travel option.

Colugo The Compact

The Compact

Lots of the choices on our list are great for airplane trips because of their fold and compact size. But if you fly often — as in to and from grandparents four or five times a year — we like that The Compact can be carted around several ways.

It's important because toddlers hop in and out of their stroller all the time in the airport. Use the carry strap on the back to sling this over your shoulder when you're on a moving walkway, with one arm holding your kid. Or put the stroller in the included backpack-style bag so it's easy to carry your kid and wear the stroller on your back as you step onto the plane, where the stroller can fit in most overhead bins. (If the flight crew says the overheads are full, the bag makes it easy to gate-check.)

When we named this a Good Housekeeping Parenting Award winner, we called out some of the other great features: a more generous basket than most compact strollers; a parent cupholder (because caffeine ); and a rain cover in case it's pouring when you step outside. Our one issue is that this is not a choice for a newborn; your baby has to be at least 6 months old to ride in this.

READ OUR FULL REVIEW : Is a Colugo Stroller Worth It?


If you're taking a young baby and don't want skimp on anything, this comfy, well-made compact stroller comes with a long list of amenities including a carry bag, a magnetic buckle so you can quickly snap your baby in place, plus a no-rethread harness so it's easy to adjust the shoulder-strap height as your child grows.

You can use the TRVL from birth because the seat reclines fully. You can also turn it into a Nuna travel system with the lightweight Nuna PIPA infant car seat, sold separately, without needing any extra adaptor (the car seat rests against the bumper bar).

All-wheel suspension helps this roll more like a full-size stroller. The basket can't hold as much as a few other picks on this list. But fans of the TRVL rave about the fold, which can be executed with just one hand while you hold your baby in your other arm. When folded it stays standing up on its own. Note, however, that it's just a few inches too big to fit in an airplane overhead bin, so plan to gate-check this stroller.

UPPAbaby Minu V2

Minu V2

Another Parenting Award winner, we've said this is "a perfect balance between a convenient compact and a sturdy full-size stroller." We think it's a great travel stroller for a toddler because of the extendable sun canopy, leatherette bumper bar you can use to hang a few toys and the lower basket that can hold up to 20 pounds . Swap the bumper bar for a snack tray , sold separately, if that will keep your toddler happier. If you're less concerned with getting something tiny and more interested in having a relatively compact stroller with all the features of a larger model, this might be your pick.

If you use this in an airport you will have to gate-check it; it won't fit in the plane's overhead. You can buy the UPPAbaby Minu carry bag separately. The Minu's small, self-standing fold means it takes up very little room in your home or hotel room. Tall parents will appreciate that the handle sits over 40 inches from the ground.

RELATED: The Best Baby Strollers


Testers have loved this tiny stroller for taking trips. "The one-handed push-button fold is a notable feature — it’s a game-changer!" one told us. We put it in our most recent Family Travel Awards , where we noted it's compact enough to fit in a plane's overhead storage. The shoulder strap for easy transporting is elastic, which one tester found a little odd, saying, "It feels weird to carry a sizable object by an elastic strap," but it works!

"The Aer+ has a decent sized sun shade for being a compact stroller," another tester said. Nothing on it is huge, and there's no cupholder or bumper bar, but that keeps it lighter than 14 pounds. The price is on the high side, but it does come with a travel pouch and the brand offers a 10-year limited warranty. (You have to register your product for it to be in place.)

Chicco Liteway


Little travelers who are beyond the baby stage do well with an umbrella-style stroller like this one that gives them a place to sit when they need a break but does not cost parents much cash. Mesh sides provide airflow when you're visiting warm places and rear suspension provides a smoother ride than the truly cheap sling-style models that are built more like toys. Because it's got such a lightweight aluminum frame the weight limit for the Liteway is 40 pounds while others on this list go up to 50 pounds.

The handle is two grab handles versus one long bar. Because this is umbrella-style, it has a long, thin fold that has to be rested on the ground or against something. You engage the fold with your foot rather than your hand, kicking up near the basket and stepping down on a lever at the side.

The seat cushion is machine washable and it comes with a parent cupholder. It's ideal for preschoolers, including 4- and 5-year-olds. It's not for a baby younger than 6 months and does not take an infant car seat.

Munchkin Sparrow


It's all about the fold! The Sparrow folds into the neatest little 15" x 14" rectangle and tucks into its own carry case. Not only will it fit in an airplane overhead but we can imagine a bunch of other travel scenarios for this: tucked into a drawer in your hotel room or cruise ship cabin, at your feet as you ride the train around Disneyland, on your shoulder while you hold your child and ride an escalator.

To get that small it has a lot of flexible joints and tiny wheels. Also, the Sparrow weighs less than 13 pounds. The combination can make the Sparrow feel more rickety than others on our list. It performed well enough rolling around smooth New York City sidewalks but, especially if you have a lightweight baby inside, it bounces over cracks, bumps and curbs. Fortunately, if you're mostly steering this through airports or through a theme park, you should be good to go.

A few other notes: The handle is low (not great for tall parents) but the seat is high (so a toddler is not leg-draggingly close to the ground). The basket is tiny and blocked by two bars, so it can't hold very much, maybe just a stroller blanket and water bottle. The tiny sunshade flap is minimal.

Evenflo Gold Otto


If you love the idea of a self-folding stroller that collapses at the touch of a button while you're holding your baby in your arms, this model does just that and at a nice price, too. Getting in and out of vehicles is easy because the Otto, when folded, can be self-standing or carried around by its bumper bar. You can use an Evenflo car seat with this without any separate adaptor, and the molded rubber wheels have suspension in the front.

There is a gap between the seat and the canopy that lets airflow in but also allows a kid to squirm around and see you, which can either be a pro or con. We noticed online reviewers writing that the wheels squeak, which we did not experience in our Lab tests but seems to be an issue during real-world use.

It comes with a parent cupholder. Note that the Otto is heavier than most of the other single strollers on our list but still weights less than 20 pounds. Because it's fairly robust it has a slightly higher weight limit compared to other travel strollers, up to 55 pounds.

Other travel strollers we recommend


Aside from our picks above, here are some others that performed well in our Lab tests and with our consumer testers:

•Best double travel stroller: Zoe The Twin V2

This popular compact double is frequently sold out, but worth checking on if you need to take two kids on vacay. We've called this stroller " t he best double stroller for Disney " based on testers' real-world experiences. It meets the Disney park size requirements but weighs less than 20 pounds so it's not too tough to schlep on and off transport, plus it stands up when folded so it's easy to set it down and pick it up again without having to lean the stroller on something. Each seat has a large canopy (so important for long, sunny outings!), separate reclines so either kid can lean back when needed and bumper bars for toys and to help keep preschoolers from leaping out if they spot Mickey.

•Best car seat-stroller combo: Doona

Nothing else comes close to being an ideal car seat and stroller combo for travel with a baby. The Doona is an infant car seat for a vehicle, then you pop the wheels out and stroll with it. No need to travel with both a car seat and a stroller since this is a two-in-one. "Now I tell every mama that she needs this," said one tester who started traveling with her baby in the Doona at 2 months old. Because it's only for toddlers up to 35 pounds and 32 inches tall, most families outgrow it by their child's second birthday. Read our full Doona Car Seat and Stroller Review .

•The original square-fold travel stroller: Cybex Libelle Pockit

Cybex pushed the travel-stroller category when it came out with a Pockit stroller that folds into a neat square . The latest version is the Libelle which, when folded, is just 12.6" x 7.9" x 18.9". And yet, unfolded, it can hold a Cybex infant car seat, sold separately. It comes in an array of colors though some of them will add to the price.

a family on vacation with their baby in the babyzen yoyo, a good housekeeping pick for best travel stroller

•Best small-space travel stroller : Babyzen YOYO2 (pictured)

We recommend this stroller for city parents or anyone who lives in a small spac e because of its compact size. It travels well, too. "We took it on a trip to Australia and it was so easy to travel with," a tester told us. Folded, this 13.5-pound stroller can be worn over your shoulder with the carry strap, and it comes with its own carry bag. Buy the $180 bassinet to use it from birth.

How we test the best travel strollers

a good housekeeping expert tests to find the best travel strollers

We test strollers both in the Good Housekeeping Institute Labs and in real-world conditions. For travel strollers, we ask consumer testers to take a model on a trip and report back on how easy the stroller made their journey.

In the past five years we've tested more than 40 strollers, looking at a dozen factors including stroller weight, ease of fold, size of stroller when folded, whether it comes with a travel bag, size of the sunshade and basket, whether the seat can recline for rest and more. We roll strollers along varied terrain and time how long it takes to assemble strollers out of the box.

We offer many stroller guides, including lists of the best jogging strollers and the best stroller wagons .

What to consider when shopping for a travel stroller


✔️ Just how tiny do you need it to fold? If you want to roll your stroller right onto the plane and throw it in the overhead bin, look for a travel stroller that promises to fit up there. The International Air Transport Association suggests that carry-on luggage not be larger than 22'' x 18'' x 10".

✔️ A carry bag makes a nice backup plan if you're flying. If your stroller is supposed to fit in the overhead but the plane is too full, having a carry bag lets you easily gate-check it. Plenty of families, including many of our Lab experts, actually prefer to gate-check their stroller. You roll your child to the gate, wait until boarding, then fold and bag the stroller and have airline personnel put a tag on it so you can pick it up on the jet bridge when the plane lands, allowing you to stroll your child to baggage claim.

✔️ Check the Disney Park requirements , if you're going there. Unfolded, your stroller should be no larger than 31 inches wide and 52 inches long for a day at one of the parks.

✔️ Pay attention to age grading. If your infant is still only a few months old, they will be potentially unsafe in a stroller for ages 6 months+. If you'll be traveling with a newborn, look for a travel stroller that works from birth or that accommodates your infant car seat riding on top of it. At any age, know your child's current weight and height, and read the requirements specific to your stroller to ensure it's appropriate.

✔️ What happens when it folds? We like a stroller that can stand while folded, because you can set it and forget it while you deal with other travel and packing hassles. However, sometimes an umbrella fold, which is long and skinny, is nice for road trips when you have a tightly packed car. You can almost always wedge an umbrella stroller in there! Watch videos online to see how travel strollers fold and how you are expected to carry one in its folded position.

✔️ We like a canopy. We're nuts about sun protection (see our best sunscreens for kids ) and that's why all of our picks have at least some sunshade. We do not recommend one of the ultra-cheap sling-type strollers lacking any sun visor. But not all canopies are equal: Some extend far out, some have mesh panels for ventilation and many large canopies have peekaboo windows that let you easily peer down and see how your kid is doing. Some sunshades make noise as you move them in and out and some are silent. Finally, some are made of UPF 50+ sun-blocking fabric, which is preferable.

a toddler sits in a summer infant travel stroller and looks at a dino statue, part of a good housekeeping story on the best travel strollers

There are many things you will not get in a travel stroller that you would get in a big, full-size stroller. A compact travel stroller won't have a huge basket because it must fold down small. It won't have large, heavy wheels either, which means it will not roll as smoothly as a stroller with robust tires . However, if you're using the travel stroller with a toddler or preschooler, their weight will help anchor the stroller to the ground and make it less jumpy as you push it over bumps. A travel stroller is essentially small, nimble wheels on a compact frame — something that's easy to take on vacations.

Why trust Good Housekeeping?

a dad pushes a bugaboo stroller at a resort, part of a good housekeeping story on the best travel strollers

For more than a century the experts at the Good Housekeeping Institute have been dedicated to helping consumers make safe and sound choices when purchasing items for their home and family. You can trust our experts to test kitchen appliances like the Best Espresso Machines and outdoor equipment like the Best Zero Turn Lawn Mowers . For kids we rank the Best Kids' Mattresses and, for travel with babies, the Best Pack n Plays and Playards .

This list was written by contributing writer Jessica Hartshorn who has followed the juvenile-products industry for decades, most recently for American Baby magazine and Parents magazine. She's a mother of two.

Headshot of Jessica Hartshorn

Jessica (she/her) is a freelance writer with several decades of experience writing lifestyle content and evaluating home and parenting products. A mom of two teens and two cats, her previous work can be seen in American Baby and Parents .

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