The 15 Best Things to Do in Myanmar

Hit the Highlights of Southeast Asia's Final Frontier

tourism of myanmar

K'Nub / Getty Images

Myanmar isn't at the top of most travelers' bucket lists but that makes it an even more exciting place to visit. An itinerary through Southeast Asia’s final frontier reveals one of the region’s most authentic experiences: Bagan’s temple plain, Mergui’s unspoiled diving sites, and Shwedagon’s golden stupendousness, all (as yet) undisturbed by overtourism despite the excellent value for your dollar .

Before you blaze a trail through Myanmar, read our list of the country’s highlights: combine with this list of Myanmar travel tips , dos and don’ts in Myanmar , and a suggested itinerary to create a one-of-a-kind Myanmar voyage.

Explore 2,000 Temples at Bagan

Supoj Buranaprapapong / Getty Images

A major power in Southeast Asia from the 11th to the 13th centuries, the Pagan Empire lives on through the arid Bagan temple plain .

Bagan's 2,000-odd temples range in size and grandeur, spread across an area of 40 square miles. Hire a bicycle, “e-bike” or car-and-driver to take you to some of the best , including the grand Shwezigon Pagoda (inspiring Shwedagon further south) and the cathedral-like Ananda temple.

Getting there: Fly in via Nyaung-U Airport (IATA: NYU, ICAO: VYBG), or take the bus. A US$20 entrance ticket is charged before entry. The authorities used to allow visitors to climb the temples, but that has since been limited to a few temples with a view .  

Take a Lakeside Breather at Inle Lake

 lim_jessica / Getty Images

This massive lake measures 13 miles (22 kilometers) from north to south, and 6 miles (10 kilometers) from east to west. All along the fringes of this watery expanse, you’ll find towns populated by the Intha ethnic community. Long adapted to living by the waters’ edge, the Intha ride boats to get from place to place, cultivate floating farms, and row boats with one leg while fishing on the lake.

Stay near the Intha villages to enjoy the unique lakeside landscape and see more of the local color — from visiting the markets that rotate from village to village; to checking out the shops selling locally-made silver, knives and cigars; to seeking spiritual solace at the Hpaung Daw Oo and Shwe Indein Pagodas.

Getting there: Buses reach the town of Nyaungshwe from Mandalay and Yangon. from Nyaungshwe, you can take a speedboat to any of the towns around Inle Lake. A US$10 entrance fee to Inle Lake will be charged at Nyaungshwe.

Hit the Hiking Trails from Kalaw

Jason Gallant / Getty Images

The former British hill station of Kalaw has become Myanmar’s de facto hiking capital . With an elevation of 4,000 feet above sea level, Kalaw offers a temperate climate and access to gentle downhill trails snaking through Shan State — the most popular being the two- to four-day hike to Inle Lake.

The trail takes you through farmlands dotted with villages and temples. The Pa-O, Palaung, Danu and Taung Yo ethnic groups are used to trekkers, and will happily wave as you walk by. At night, you’ll stay at a Buddhist temple, with meals provided by local families.

Trekking from Kalaw happens year-round, but the cool, dry season from October to April is the best time to go. Guides can be hired at Kalaw.

Getting there: Buses regularly reach Kalaw from major cities like Bagan and Yangon. By air, fly to Heho Airport (IATA: HEH, ICAO: VYHH), which is also the main air gateway to Pindaya and Inle Lake. Taxis take one hour to reach Kalaw from Heho Airport.  

Eat Myanmar’s Famous Mohinga Noodles

Even as Myanmar’s top tourist destinations have slowly become more Western-friendly, Myanmar’s food has managed to stick to the basics. Take mohinga , the noodle dish that is the nation’s absolute favorite breakfast.

It’s cheap, filling, but surprisingly complex. A catfish-based broth is spiced with lemongrass, coriander, turmeric, and a collection of other spices specific to the location where you're eating. The hot broth is then poured over rice noodles, and garnished with hard-boiled egg slices and crispy fritters.

You can find mohinga almost everywhere, eat it at any time of the day, and serve it to humble worker and highborn alike. (State Counsellor and former political prisoner Aung San Suu Kyi took solace in eating mohinga during her years of house arrest.)  

See a Shadow of Empire at the Pyu Ancient Cities

bianca polak / Flickr /  CC BY-NC 2.0

Newly inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List , the ancient city-states of the Pyu are all that remains of a mighty civilization that ruled the floodbasins of the Irrawaddy River from 200 BC to AD 900.

The three Pyu cities listed by UNESCO – Halin, Beikthano and Sri Ksetra – still retain the remnants of palace citadels, massive walls, and Buddhist stupas. Each of these Pyu Ancient Cities have museums that allow visitors to see the context behind the structures, with curated artifacts like silver coins, pottery and stone slabs covered in Pyu writing.

Getting there: The Pyu cities are widely spaced, and must be reached from different cities. Sri Ksetra is the easiest to reach: take an eight-hour bus from Yangon to Pyay, a town some 5 miles west of the ruins. You can book a tour from Pyay to explore.  

Relax on White Sand at Ngapali Beach

Si Thu Win / Flickr /  CC BY-NC 2.0

Ngapali Beach is the anti- Phuket : a quiet stretch of white-sand beach on the western coast of Myanmar facing the Bay of Bengal. No crowded beachfronts, high-traffic hotels or sleazy red-light districts blight the area. This beach is just a laid-back beach destination where fishermen still go about their business, sharing space with a steady tide of tourists.

Prices for accommodation and food here also compare favorably against the rest of the region. Enjoy steamed crab, lobster, and Rakhine curries, and wash them down with local beers , without breaking the bank.

Getting there: During peak months of October to February, fly to nearby Thandwe Airport from Yangon or Heho Airports . A direct bus service connects Ngapali with Yangon, but it’s a butt-busting 16-hour ride either way. 

Wonder How the Kyaiktiyo Pagoda Keeps its Balance

SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

Locals believe that a strand of the Buddha's hair helps Kyaiktiyo Pagoda balance on a cliff’s edge. It’s been hanging on like that for over 2,000 years, they say – and will probably stay for another 2,000 more.

The granite rock gets its brilliant sheen from generations of Burmese Buddhists sticking gold leaf onto its surface as a sign of devotion. Kyaiktiyo pilgrims make a four-hour trek from Kinpun Village at ground level, placidly walking the 10-mile uphill climb to the rock.

The pagoda is an all-year pilgrimage favorite for locals, but things get turned up to eleven during its festival season in March . 90,000 candles illuminate the rock at night, giving it an otherworldly glow.

Getting there: Buses and trains from Yangon regularly make the 5-6-hour voyage to Kinpun. If walking four hours up a mountain isn’t your thing, pick-up trucks at Kinpun can take you there in a few minutes.  

Pray for Victory at Shwedagon Temple

No sacred space in Myanmar contains as much history, culture and literal riches as the Shwedagon Pagoda. This massive gold stupa stands on a 46-hectare complex on a hill west of Kandawgyi Lake in Yangon .

As you climb one of four stairways up to the stupa, you can stop to have your fortune told, then buy offerings to the right shrines for good luck. Locals walk around the stupa in a clockwise direction, making merit at any of the different shrines or praying for success at the Victory Ground where Kings used to pray for triumph over their enemies.

Getting there: Take a taxi to Shwedagon; avoid coming at high noon, as your bare feet will not appreciate walking on the hot pavement.

Visit the Last Royal Capital at Mandalay

Mike Aquino 

Home to the last ruling kings of Burma, Mandalay still retains echoes of its royal status. Its side streets still ring with the sound of traditional crafts being performed, from marble carvers to silversmiths to gold leaf making.

Sacred temples like the Mahamuni Pagoda (home to Myanmar’s oldest Buddha image) and Kuthodaw Pagoda (home to the “world’s largest book”, an edition of the Buddhist Pali Canon).

Sadly, World War II destroyed the Royal Palace at the heart of Mandalay. A watch tower, the Royal Mint, and the Shwenandaw Monastery are all that’s left of the original, but the rest of the palace – reconstructed in the '90s using modern materials – can still (imperfectly) give you a glimpse of what life must have been like for Burma’s kings.

Getting there: Mandalay is a major air gateway into Myanmar , thanks to Mandalay International Airport (IATA: MDL, ICAO: VYMD).  

Have a Close Encounter with Nature at Pyin Oo Lwin

Melvyn Longhurst / Getty Images 

In the days before air conditioning, the British Civil Service in Burma would spend the sweltering summers in the town they called Maymyo, now called Pyin Oo Lwin. Its elevation (3,500 feet above sea level) meant that visitors could enjoy nippy weather and flowering gardens.

Pyin Oo Lwin's tree-shaded avenues pale in comparison to the best botanical garden in Myanmar: the Kandawgyi National Gardens, a 177-hectare park in the heart of the city, combining parkland and unspoiled forest.

Over 700 species of trees, 300 species of orchids, 70 species of bamboo and 20 species of roses bloom year-round in the Gardens. (The Rose Garden is a major highlight; you can buy seeds in the Gardens to plant at home.)

Getting there: A train connects Mandalay to Pyin Oo Lwin, taking four hours to get there.  

Explore Mergui Archipelago Before Everyone Else Does

John Seaton Callahan / Getty Images

While Andaman Sea island destinations like Ko Phi Phi are struggling from too many tourists, the Mergui Archipelago off Myanmar's west coast is only now being discovered by scuba divers and beach nuts.

You’ll kayak among secluded islands only visited occasionally by the people of the Moken tribe. You’ll strap on scuba gear and explore the untouched underwater landscape, with a massive complement of nudibranch, schools of tuna and trevallies, and large sharks that dart out of the depths.

Given the 13,900-square-mile coverage of the Mergui islands, you’ll need about a week or two to explore the archipelago in depth (pun intended).

Getting there: Book a liveaboard boat from Phuket, Khao Lak and Ranong in Thailand. Alternatively, you can fly from Yangon to Kawthaung (the Myanmar jump-off point to the Mergui Archipelago) and set sail from there. Even liveaboards from Thailand must stop at Kawthaung to fix their immigration papers and pay a visa fee.  

Watch Animal Balloons Fly at the Tazaungdaing Light Festival

 Joel Carillet / Getty Images

The end of Kahtein falls on the full moon of the eighth month of the Burmese lunar calendar (in 2019, this takes place on November 5-11). Taunggyi locals take this time to kick the kick off a major festival : the Tazaungdaing Light Festival, when locals launch fireworks and balloons made of papier-mache after dark.

There’s a method to the madness. The Tazaungdaing festival traditionally marks the Buddha’s return to Earth from visiting his mother in another spiritual plane; the fireworks and balloons are intended to guide the Enlightened One home. The Taunggyi locals add a certain whimsy to the homecoming balloons, shaping them into giant paper animals, turning the sky into a menagerie.

Getting there: Buses regularly reach Taunggyi from major cities like Bagan and Yangon. By air, fly to Heho Airport (IATA: HEH, ICAO: VYHH), which is also the main air gateway to Pindaya and Inle Lake. Taxis take 40 minutes to reach Taunggyi from Heho Airport.  

Meet and Greet 13 Tribes at Kyaingtong

Ministry of Hotels & Tourism, Myanmar 

The English writer Somerset Maugham visited Kyaingtong (spelled Keng Tung in his day), inspired by an acquaintance who “spoke of Keng Tung as a lover might speak of his bride.” Today’s Kyaingtong is much as Maugham found it: a laid-back retreat that also happens to be a cultural meeting-place for 13 Shan-state tribes, each with distinct cultures and costumes.

The distinct cultures that make up Kyaingtong gather at certain landmarks that were already old when Maugham found his way there in the 20th century: the Central Market, where hill tribe traders exchange goods and news; the Maha Myat Muni Pagoda, the city’s spiritual center; and the picturesque Lake Naung Tone.

At the latter, you can sit at a lakeside food stall and enjoy local cuisine after nightfall.

Getting there: fly in from Yangon or Mandalay via Kengtung Airport (IATA: KET, ICAO: VYKG).

Visit a Holy Cave (and Thousands of Buddhas) at Pindaya

Most of Pindaya in Shan State is farmland, as far as the eyes can see: rolling hills growing vegetables, sunflowers and tea. Its main attraction lies high up on a cliff overlooking town. Shwe Oo Min Cave hides over 7,000 Buddha statues, some dating back to the 11th century AD, left in the cave by Buddhist pilgrims.

Other local attractions cater to travelers thirsty for local culture – visit the Shan cultural center that converts locally-made mulberry paper into fans and umbrellas; the Myoma Market, a one-stop-shop for local goods and cheap food; and the Plan Bee apiculture center that sells honey, beeswax candles and balms.

Its elevation of 3,800 feet above sea level makes Pindaya a cool, comfortable stop relative to Myanmar’s lowlands. No wonder Pindaya remains a popular stop for hikers from Kalaw, heading to Inle Lake.

Getting there: Fly to Heho Airport (IATA: HEH, ICAO: VYHH) and take a taxi to Pindaya. 

Take a Cruise Down the Irrawaddy River

Peter Stuckings / Getty Images 

There would be no Burma without an Irrawaddy River. This mighty waterway has nourished empires since the Pyu cities in 200 BC. Today, it continues to support trade and travel, from shipping teak logs to transporting tourists.

Myanmar river cruise lines now offer Irrawaddy itineraries lasting from a few days to several weeks. Shorter cruises shuttle between Mandalay and Bagan in four days. Longer cruises connect Bagan and Yangon, stopping by Pyay (home to Sri Ksetra, see “Pyu Cities” above at #5). Even longer voyages head to border towns like Bhamo (some 30 miles south of the border with China) and Homalin (12 miles east of the Indian border).

Where to go: Cruises depart from major riverside cities like Bagan, Mandalay and Yangon, all accessible by their respective airports . Cruise seasons often coincide with the monsoon season , to ensure high river levels — most Irrawaddy cruises run from September to April, while detours on the Chindwin River (to Homalin) occur between July and September.

Reliable cruise providers in Myanmar include Pandaw , Paukan Cruises , Avalon Waterways , and the Strand Cruise .

Transportation in Myanmar

Must-See Tourist Sites in Yangon, Myanmar

Myanmar Essential Holidays and Festivals

The Best Time to Visit Myanmar

Top UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Southeast Asia

The Top 9 Foods to Try in Myanmar

9 Places in Myanmar That You Probably Haven't Heard Of

7 Best Things to Do Around Inle Lake, Myanmar

Bagan - Ancient City of Temples in Myanmar

How Much Money to Travel in Myanmar

A Guide to International Airports in Myanmar

Shwedagon Pagoda: Planning Your Trip

7 Out-of-the-Way Beaches in Myanmar

The Top 15 Things to Do in Indonesia

Traveling in Myanmar? Respect Buddha & Buddhism

8 Sacred Sites in Southeast Asia


  • Customized Tour

The Complete Myanmar Travel Guide

The Complete Myanmar Travel Guide

With ancient temples and pagodas, untouched landscapes and an emerging culture, Myanmar is slowly opening up to the modern world. There is much to learn and discover about this magical country. If Myanmar is in your dreaming list, please find the useful information about the country in our Myanmar travel guide below.

Table of Contents

I. Myanmar Travel Facts

Crime and theft, touts and pests, list of visa exemption countries, visa on arrival, iv. when to visit myanmar, yangon international airport, mandalay international airport, naypidaw international airport, get to myanmar from thailand, get to myanmar from india, get to myanmar from laos, golden rock, mergui archipelago, pick-up trucks, motorbike taxi, private car, overnight cruise, private car, hotel in yangon, hotel in bagan, hotels in mandalay, hotels in inle, hotels in kalaw, hotel in hsipaw, hotel in mrauk u, hotel in golden rock, hotel in ngapali, hotel in mergui archipelago, ix. what to eat in myanmar, best itinerary for 1 week in myanmar, best itinerary for 2 weeks in myanmar:, southeast asia tours packages, currency, credit cards & exchange money, electric socket, tipping in myanmar, internet connection, what to wear for travel in myanmar, food and water hygiene, insects and bugs, medical in myanmar.

  • Country Name: Officially the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
  • Capital: Naypyidaw
  • Location: in Southeast Asia, bordered by Bangladesh and India at the northwest, China at the northeast, Laos and Thailand at east and southeast, and the Andaman Sea at south and southwest.
  • Time Zone: GMT+6:30
  • Land Area: 676,578 km2, the largest country in Mainland Southeast Asia
  • Climate: Tropical
  • Official Language: Burmese
  • Religion: Buddhism (87.9 %), Christianity (6.2%), Islam (4.3%) & Others (1.6%)
  • Ethnic Groups: Bamar (68%), Shan (9%), Karen (7%), Rakhine (4%), Chinese (3%), Indian (2%), Mon (2%) and others (5%). Myanmar has total 135 ethnic groups
  • Country Calling Code: +95
  • Driving side: Right.

II. Safety in Myanmar

In general, Myanmar is an extremely safe country, especially in the main tourist areas. Myanmar may not appear safe at times, because of on-going ethnic civil war or political tensions. But as a tourist, these hardly affect you. However, there are few things you should be aware of

Petty theft is low, likely due to the country’s strict penalties it imposes on criminals. However, like every country on earth, petty crime (like pickpocketing and purse snatching) does happen in Myanmar, so you should take some basic precautions to keep your valuables safe. Standard safety measures should be exercised, such as keeping valuables concealed and a firm grip on bags, just in case. Wearing a money bag or wallet is an easy way to avoid pickpockets.

Tourists can see some touts who try to approach and recommend some particular services (hotel, restaurant, souvenir shops…). Touts make their money by collecting commissions from the service they recommend successfully. However, it is not dangerous. You just need to refuse them politely but firmly, then they’ll back down and let you carry on your way. Compared to other parts of Southeast Asia, this really is a minor problem in Myanmar – you may not ever come across a tout in your travels here.

In main tourist destinations, vendors may increase their prices, trying to scam tourists into spending more for what you buy. You might find a few rude and pushy locals trying to guilt-trip you about their poverty, just to get a few extra-dollars. Although this will make you feel uncomfortable while you’re there, there is no threat to your safety. Simply walk away without playing their game.

III. Myanmar Visa

Except for these countries mentioned above, all nationalities are required to get a Visa to Myanmar. Traditionally, you can do Visa in Myanmar Embassies in your country. Find the nearest embassy here:

It is easier than ever to travel to Myanmar now, thanks to the recent move to processing visas online. Nowadays, residents of 100 countries can apply for an E-visa through the official Myanmar government website:

E-visa fee is US$ 50 per person and you can get it within 3 working days. For express service, it costs US$ 56 per person and you can get Visa done within 24 hours even in holidays and weekends. E-visa is valid within 90 days from the issued date. You can use it to enter Myanmar through international airports and land border crossing points. For more information, view our link:

Visa on Arrival is the newest option to get Visa to Myanmar. As 2020, there are 13 nationalities are allowed to get Visa on Arrival for tourism purpose

To get Visa On Arrival, you need to queue up at Visa on Arrival desk at International airports to make the visa done before going through Immigration counters. Visa fee is US$ 50 per person. However, Visa on Arrival are granted at 3 international airports only. View more information in our link:

Myanmar climate is subtropical/tropical and divided into three seasons:

  • A “cool” winter from November to February
  • A hot summer season in March and April
  • A rainy season from May to October

Tourists tend to avoid the rainy season and travel in the dry season which runs between October and April. The peak inflows occur between November and February when it is considered as the best time to visit in Myanmar thanks to cooler and dry weather . Days remain warm but it can get chilly at night in the hills. In March, the thermometer can leap from highs of around 28C in central Burma to over 40C, with debilitating levels of humidity.

In fact, you can visit Myanmar all year round. The rainy season depends on location. Annual rainfall in the delta region is approximately 2,500 mm (98.4 in), while average annual rainfall in the Dry Zone in central Myanmar is less than 1,000 mm (39.4 in). As a result, if beach vacation is not your plan, you are still able to visit highlights of the country as Bagan, Mandalay as they are located in Dry Zone. The advantage of traveling in rainy season is that you can book hotel and air ticket at half price of normal season. The places are also less crowded which allows you to freely enjoy the location.

Try to time your visit to include a Full Moon day as this is a popular time for street parades and festivities in monasteries. Avoid the Maya Thingyan Water Festival (usually in April) when a lot of businesses is closed, sometimes for ten days.

V. How to get to Myanmar

Flights to Myanmar are the usual option for travelers as the first mode of entry. But, considering the location of Myanmar – shares the border with China, Thailand and Laos, India and Bangladesh – there are multiple avenues for land entry even not all of them are advised due to safety. Besides, some international cruises stop at Yangon Thilawa Port and passengers may disembark there for tours in few days.

Myanmar has 3 international airports :

  • Mandalay (located right in the middle of Myanmar)
  • Yangon (located in the south)
  • Nay Pyi Taw (situated in between Mandalay and Yangon)

Almost everyone arrives in Myanmar at either Yangon or Mandalay airport. Few airlines use Nay Pyi Taw at present.

Yangon international airport

Yangon international airport, the main gateway to get to Myanmar.

Although of former capital, Yangon International Airport remains the primary entry point for most international visitors. Flying in and out of Yangon is cheaper and has more connections than Mandalay. You can book direct flights from many countries in Asia to Yangon and vice versa. There are regular direct flights to Yangon from:

  • Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) with Malaysia Airlines and Air Asia;
  • Bangkok & Chiang Mai (Thailand) with Bangkok Airways and Air Asia;
  • Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) with Vietnam Airlines and Vietjet;
  • Guangzhou (China) with Myanmar Airways International;
  • Hong Kong with Cathay Dragon;
  • Kunming (China) with Air China;
  • Kolkata (India) with Myanmar Airways International;
  • Dubai (UAE) with Emirates;
  • Doha (Qatar) with Qatar Airways.
  • Tokyo (Japan) with All Nippon Airways

Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Doha and Dubai are the hubs that most travelers from Europe, North America and Australia go through to get to Myanmar. You can easily find direct flights through these cities.

From Yangon airport, it takes at least 45 minutes to drive downtown. Local taxis are available. For information on Yangon airport terminals, domestic connections and how to get to central Yangon from the airport, go .

Mandalay international airport

Mandalay international airport, the second biggest airport in Myanmar

Mandalay International Airport offers just few international flights. It hosts direct flights from Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Singapore and Kunming. Except for Bangkok, the other flights to Mandalay are not operated daily.

From the airport, it takes an hour’s drive to downtown Mandalay. Visitors on prearranged tours will be picked up by private car, while independent travelers may need to take a taxi or buses to downtown. Find more information here:

As you can see, Bangkok has very good connections with Myanmar as well as other countries all over the world. Thailand offers visa-free travel for the citizens of many countries; the length of the stay period depends on what country you are from – varying from 14 days to 3 months.

Hence, we highly recommend travels to book return flights between your original country and Bangkok. If so, you can fly to Yangon and depart from Mandalay or vice versa. This helps to save time and money. The Bangkok to Yangon flight time is around one hour and will typically cost between US$150 and $250 return (depending on time of year and which airline you use).

Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport is served by many major international airlines, and flights from there and from Bangkok Don Mueang Airport to Yangon are frequent, fast and cheap (in case you need to change airports in Bangkok between two flight, the journey between the two airports is one hour by free shuttle bus or taxi).

Naypyidaw airport is located 16 kilometers southeast of capital city Nay Pyi Taw. Although it serves the capital, there is very small number of direct international connections, mainly from Bangkok, Thailand and few major cities in China as Beijing, Kunning, Shenzen & Nanning. However, flight schedule is not reliable as Naypyidaw is not major tourist destination. It takes about 30 minutes to drive from the main hotel zones and most government offices and ministries. Taxis are around K15,000; there are no public transport options.

At present it is possible to travel freely over land between the Myanmar borders with Thailand and India. The border crossing with Laos is remote and permission to cross remains uncertain, and the borders with both Bangladesh and China are closed to foreigners.

Get to Myanmar from Thailand

Tak Immigration check point connects Mae Sot town in Western Thailand to Myawaddy town in Southeastern Myanmar

There are four Thai/Myanmar border points opened to foreigners

  • Mae Sai – Tachileik (in the Shan State of eastern Myanmar on the border to northern Thailand)

Foreigners can cross the border at Mae Sai in Thailand (near attractions of Chiang Mai & Chiang Rai) to get to Tachileik in Myanmar side. From Tachileik, you can travel overland to Kyaing Tong in Myanmar. Both Kyaing Tong and Tachileik have airports with internal flight connections to Mandalay, Yangon and Heho (for Inle Lake, Kalaw and Taunggyi).

  • Mae Sot – Myawaddy (in the Kayin State of southeastern Myanmar on the border to western Thailand)

It is the most practical crossing point for tourists because of its relative proximity to the main Myanmar transport network and places of interest such as Mount Kyaiktiyo (the Golden Rock), Hpa An and Mawlamyine. Mae Sot has daily direct flights and frequent buses to Bangkok. On the Myanmar side, buses from Myawaddy run daily to Mawlamyine, Hpa An and Yangon. The new road connecting Myawaddy to the rest of Myanmar, so the drive is much better than it was before.

  • Ranong – Kawthaung (in the southernmost part of Myanmar, Tanintharyi Region on the border of the Thai Peninsula and the cluster of islands)

The crossing point offers options for further travel in Myanmar – buses or flights on to Myeik, Dawei and north to Yangon, plus cruises to the Myeik Archipelago. In fact, this point is preferable to be the ending point of Myanmar trip, after few days relaxing at the cruise or private island resorts in Mergui.

  • Phu Nam Ron – Htee Khee (in the south of Myanmar, near Dawei on the border to the Central Thailand)

This remote border crossing point allows access between Phu Nam Ron in Thailand (nearest Kanchanaburi) and Htee Kee in Myanmar (the nearest town is Dawei). Note that e-visa is not valid for entry at this border crossing. You need to prepare a normal paper visa.

Get to Myanmar from India

The Indo-Myanmar Friendship Bridge in Moreh connects India to Kalewa in Myanmar’s Sagaing Division.

There are two opened border crossings connecting Myanmar and India. Both accept e-visas, require no special travel permits and are not in areas of restricted travel.

  • Moreh – Tamu (in the Sagaing Region of northwestern Myanmar on the border to northeastern India)

In western Sagaing Division is the border crossing between Moreh (India, Manipur state) and Tamu (Myanmar, Sagaing Division). The small town of Tamu serves primarily as a transport and logistics hub for cross border trade between India and Myanmar. There is also an ATM, a variety of restaurants, and several hotels that accept foreigners.

  • Zokhawthar – Rih Khaw Dar (a six-hour drive from the border village of Khawmawi in the northwestern Chin State of Myanmar on the border of Southeastern India)

The Myanmar government opened this border crossing to increase the trade flow to remote northwestern Chin State. That being said, this mountainous region offers incredible scenery, rugged roads, and a unique cultural experience. Just outside of Rikhawdar village is the heart-shaped Rih Lake.

There is a Myanmar/Laos border crossing that connects Kyainglap in eastern Shan State with Xieng Kok in Luang Namtha Province by the Myanmar-Laos Friendship Bridge. The bridge was opened in 2015 and the only bridge crossing the Mekong River to connect the two countries. The towns on both sides are very remote, with undeveloped infrastructure and unpaved roads. On the Myanmar side, the nearest towns to the border are Tachileik at 97km and Kyaing Tong at 164km (six hours drive). It has been announced that by authorities that the border crossing is open to foreigners, but you attempt it at your own risk. E-visa is also not available for entry from this point.

Some international cruises stop at Thilawa, a deep river port south of Yangon. From Thilawa, it takes about one hour to drive to Yangon downtown. Normally, travelers will have 2 or 3 full days to explore the country. You can choose day excursions to visit Yangon or overnight trip to further areas of Bagan or Inle Lake.

VI. Highlights of Myanmar

Many people think that the attractions of Myanmar are only Buddhist sites, so they do not want to spend much time in the country. But this it absolutely not true. The country is filled with everything from culture exploration, multi-day hikes, cycling tours and river journeys. And with Myanmar’s location next to the Andaman Sea (and the Bay of Bengal), beach time and diving are also on the list.

Shwedagon Pagoda

Sunset over Shwedagon Pagoda, looking from Kandawgyi Lake.

Although Yangon is no longer the capital of Myanmar, it remains largest and busiest city (the military regime decided to move the capital from Yangon to Naypyidaw in 2006). The city has many fabulous things to explore.

For beautiful cultural and spiritual attractions, the most important site is the gold-covered Shwedagon Pagoda . The National Museum will give you a good introduction to the nation’s fascinating history. There are many other Buddhist sites of significance in Yangon such as the Sule, Botahtaung, and Chaukhtatgyi pagodas.

The other charm of Yangon is meandering through its narrow streets, winding market lanes, and past its colonial stone buildings. Pagodas are thickly embedded in this bustling commercial hub and the waterfront is always busy and interesting.

The circle train is nice experience to get acquainted with local life. It is the cheap mode of transportation which people use to travel through the outskirts of Yangon. The slowly traveling train gives you unique opportunity to enjoy observing the lively and colorful life of the rural Burmese people

Lastly, you’ll find the best selection of shops and restaurants in Yangon. From humble street food stalls, sprawling markets and fancy restaurants, Yangon can suite all taste. One must-try experience is having Burmese tea in a tea house, the social hub of local people. Tea has very important role in Burmese life. People use lots of time at Tea houses, like Westerners hang out at cafes and pubs. Tea houses can serve some traditional noodles for quick breakfast or some deep – fried or sweet snack for break meals.

Balloon flights over Bagan temples at sunrise

Balloon flights over Bagan temples at sunrise

Bagan is home to more than 2,000 pagodas between the 9th and 13th centuries which nestles in the green hills. It is really a world wonder and are certainly worth checking out when you’re traveling to Myanmar. History lovers are also sure to be amazed of artifacts and architecture on show in Bagan. Here you will see the efforts to the conquering, uniting and empire-building Buddhist kings and queens. Many travelers stay for at least two days to cover the temple grounds and have adequate rest from doing so in the heat.

Spend your time to explore as many as you can, and clamber the high hills for sunrise and sunset. The area is beautiful at any time of the day, however, things are especially enchanting when the sun go up or down.

Fortunately, there’s now another and perhaps equally fantastic way to see all of the Bagan plain – you can take a hot air balloon as the sun rises – truly unforgettable. Between the months of October and April, hot air balloons rise in the sky around the pagodas, giving visitors an epic view of the landscape below.

From Bagan, you can do day excursions to some nearby attractions such as Mt. Popa, Salay..

Sunset over U Bein bridge, the oldest and longest teakwood bridge in the world

Sunset over U Bein bridge, the oldest and longest teakwood bridge in the world

Mandalay is the second-largest city in Myanmar. Life here is a little bit slower than it is in Yangon, allowing you to slow down a little and scratch the surface of this enchanting city.

It is one of Myanmar’s most significant spiritual areas, with over half of the country’s monks residing in Mandalay. You’ll find plenty of beautiful temples, including the famous Shwenandaw Monastery – noted for its exquisite wood carvings, gold leaf beating workshop, Kuthodaw Pagoda – known as the world biggest book or Mahamuni Pagoda – contains a relic of the Buddha which has true significance to the Burmese people. Mandalay is also home to the restored Mandalay Palace.

Part of the beauty of Mandalay owes to its setting between the river and hills. As well as exploring the city on foot, it’s a delight to walk up Mandalay Hill for a beautiful view of the city Mandalay is also a base to explore the nearby former royal capital cities, such as Sagaing and Inwa. One of the most beautiful moment you should not miss is sunset over U Bein bridge, the oldest and longest teakwood bridge in the world. In Mandalay, you can take boat trip along the river to Bagan or up the North to visit the remote areas as Bhamo, Myitkyina…

A beautiful boat trip to floating villages on Inle Lake

A beautiful boat trip to floating villages on Inle Lake

It is the second largest lake in Myanmar in the northern Shan State. It is a vast basin, snaking off into tiny canals with small hand-built dams and floating gardens. People come here to see the fisherman using traditional fishing methods. They do not handle the oar by hands but using one leg. In addition, their daily life in floating villages is also highlight of the trip. You can take a boat trip to discover these villages including Phaungdawoo pagodas which is believed the holiest in Inle Lake, floating gardens, 5-day market and their traditional work (lotus weaving, cigar making…)

Participate in daily care for elephants in Kalaw.

Participate in daily care for elephants in Kalaw.

Kalaw is particularly known as a base for treks of varying lengths. It is a former colonial hill station in the Shan hills, 2 hours driving from Inle Lake. Travelers can simply enjoy the cool breeze and colonial architecture. However, it’s better to explore the surrounding villages by foot. Kalaw has been visited by tourists even during the regime’s days, when a seven-day stay was the maximum Myanmar visa granted for tourists. Although this beautiful destination is growing in popularity, it has not lost its sense of authenticity and tranquility.

Treks range from a few hours to a few days, meaning there is something for everyone – from the total novice to the enthusiast. For long trek, travelers will stay overnight in monastery in villages. The villages you will visit on these treks will be a lasting memory of Myanmar.

The other highlight in Kalaw is Green Hill Valley Elephant Camp. It is home of retired elephants. They aim to provide friendly home and environment for elephants. So, elephant riding is not available here but you will have a chance to play and bath for them.

Breathtaking scenery in Hsipaw

Breathtaking scenery in Hsipaw

Hsipaw is known for its hiking trails, but less popular than Kalaw due to more remote location (6-7 hours to drive from Mandalay). Hsipaw is a small town with limited accommodation and infrastructures. But it has important meaning in Burmese history. Here you can visit Shan Palace where the last Prince of Hsipaw lived with his Austrian wife. If you want to discover the off beaten track places before the crowds come, Hsipaw is a good idea.

You can do 1 to 3-day trek to nearby villages and meet different ethnic people. Following that, the three-hour train journey from Hsipaw to the former colonial summer hideaway of Pyin Oo Lwin, across the Goteik Viaduct is a heart-racing journey and an unforgettable experience in Myanmar.

Mrauk U, the mystical town in fog

Mrauk U, the mystical town in fog

Mrauk U used to be the capital of the Mrauk U Kingdom, a powerful empire that existed from 1430 until 1785. Today Mrauk U is a small town where the Myanmar’s the second largest archeological zone is located. You can see centuries old monuments forming the backdrop for daily life of local people. With fog that is often appeared, the area has very mystical atmosphere to visitors.

Among hundreds of pagodas, the remarkable sites include Shitthaung Temple, known as “80,000 Images”, erected in 1536, after King Meng Ba conquered Bengal, the unique stone carvings in the multi-spire Andawthein Ordination Hall, the circular Ratanabon Pagoda, vaulted passages with impressive stone sculptures in the huge fortress-like temple of Dukkhanthein and the first erected pagoda at Laymyetnha. In addition, you can do day trips to Vesali ancient city and scared Mahamuni Buddha Image, similar to the one in Mandalay.

Lastly, you can visit some ethnic villages nearby and the most well – known is Chin people with tattooed face. Compared to Bagan, Mrauk U receives very few visitors. Due to internal conflicts in Rakhine area, the area has been usually closed to foreign visitors. Before travelling to the area, make sure there are no travel restrictions.

Golden Rock, the scared Buddhist site for local people

Golden Rock, the scared Buddhist site for local people

It is one of Burma’s most sacred Buddhist sites, located in Mon State. It is a small pagoda built on the top of a granite boulder, covered with gold leaves pasted on by its male devotees. The pagoda enshrines Buddha’s hair relic. Coming here, you can see an amazing sight of the massive boulder hanging over a steep cliff. After dark, the Golden Rock is a mystical place with the candle lights. The complex consists of several viewing platforms, a number of pagodas, shrines containing Buddha images and shrines for Nats, the Burmese spirits. There are also a few restaurants and guest houses nearby.

Enjoy slow and relaxing life in Ngapali

Enjoy slow and relaxing life in Ngapali

A beautiful coastline and tropical climate making beach is one of the best experience in Myanmar. Of Myanmar’s coastal regions, Ngapali is the best known and most popular beach for foreign visitors. With over seven kilometers of beautiful white sand, clear blue water and a generally peaceful atmosphere, many visitors declare Ngapali to be the best beach in Southeast Asia.

Life here is slow and relaxing, although a selection of modest restaurants, beach bars, and shops are available to make your stay enjoyable. In the future, this area can be another Southeast Asian beach hotspot like Pattaya or Phuket in Thailand. But right now, it still hosts only small numbers of tourists.

Kayaking around the isolated island in Mergui Archipelago

Kayaking around the isolated island in Mergui Archipelago

Mergui Archipelago, off the far south coast of the long peninsula mainland of Myanmar, has hundreds of islands. While many people come here for pristine beaches, it’s coral reefs attract divers to the region for undiscovered territory. To reach to the islands, you will need to catch a flight from Yangon to Kawthaung, a base for boat trips to islands. The best thing to do here is to stay at eco resorts on private islands to immerse in unspoiled nature.

These eco resorts cost from one hundred to nearly thousand US dollars per day including everything your trip trip. The resorts will offer trekking to surrounding jungles, water sports or diving service. This is also convenient ending point of your trip if you want to exit Myanmar for Thailand. It takes 30 minutes to reach Ranong, Thailand from Kawthaung. From Ranong, you can take a bus to Phuket or fly directly back to Bangkok.

VII. Get around

For short sightseeing.

There are plenty of options available to explore one site, depending on each location.

It is easy to book taxi in major destinations

It is easy to book taxi in major destinations

Taxis are available in large towns and cities. They range from 1970s Toyotas to occasional new left-hand-drive imported vehicles. Traditionally, taxis have no meters but drivers tend not to overcharge as outrageously as in many other Southeast Asian countries. At the moment, there are many taxi apps (Grab, Oway Ride, Hello Cabs…) operating in Myanmar. The aim to provide fixed fares, safety and comfort to clients.

But unfortunately, these apps just focus mainly in Yangon. Grab and Hello Cabs provide service in Bagan and Mandalay as well but options are still limited. In other areas, you must reply on your bargaining skill. Expect to pay around 2,000–4,000 kyats (1.50–3 USD) in short distance. For longer journeys, such as from Yangon airport to the city centre, you’ll most likely be charged 18,000 –20,000 kyats (12 – 15 USD).

YBS, a new and modern bus system in Yangon city

YBS, a new and modern bus system in Yangon city

Public buses run only in the largest cities, including Yangon and Mandalay. Recently, they’ve been regulated and there is an actual schedule in place. However, the buses are usually quite crowded. A one-way journey costs 200 kyats (less than 0.5 USD).

Pick – up truck is the most popular mean of transportation for local people.

Pick – up truck is the most popular mean of transportation for local people.

A local version of public bus in Myanmar. They are popular in most of towns through the country. Pick-up trucks cover set routes and pick up and drop people off on the way. They usually depart regularly throughout the day and can get so full that passengers must sit on the roof. If you want the most comfortable seats, in the cabin, then you can pay a little extra. However, it is not easy for tourists because they do not show the route in English.

Experience a ride with local motorbike taxi driver

Experience a ride with local motorbike taxi driver

Except for Yangon where motorbike is banned, motorbike taxi can be seen everywhere in Myanmar. Motorbike taxis are cheaper than car taxis, so a typical ride between two destinations in the city should come to less than 5,000 kyats (3.5 USD).

Trishaw is the unique way for short distance

Trishaw is the unique way for short distance

They are still in use in many towns, although they are being edged out by motorcycle taxis, which are much faster and normally around the same price. They are available on most street corners. It is more authentic way to go in short distances.

Cycling on sandy roads that takes you to villages and temples around Bagan.

Cycling on sandy roads that takes you to villages and temples around Bagan.

Cycling is a wonderful way to explore the local area, especially in the smaller towns and villages. With about 5 USD, you can rent a bicycle for whole day. This provides you with the ultimate freedom to move at your own pace and leisure. Most hotels offer bicycle for rent, even some hotels offer for free. The best spots to hop on two wheels are when exploring the ancient pagodas of Bagan, peaceful surroundings of Pyin Oo Lwin (included in your trip) or around the villages and gardens on the banks of Inle Lake.

Discover the famous Bagan temples on a horse carriage ride.

Discover the famous Bagan temples on a horse carriage ride.

It is used as a key form of transportation in small towns, or to ferry tourists around in a number of places, notably Bagan, Inwa and Pyin Oo Lwin. Price is about US$5 for half – day rent.

Renting a private to have the most comfort with your family or friends.

Renting a private to have the most comfort with your family or friends.

Another way to get around is by hiring a private car. You’ll be on the move independently by more modern and comfortable vehicle. Private transfer gives you the flexibility and convenience to your trip. You no need to follow the existed schedule but can set your own one. The rental fee is not so high. A full day city tour in Yangon or Mandalay costs about US$ 35 in 4-seater car. It is more than economic if you share it with family or friends.

For long distance

Although the infrastructure in Myanmar has been developing, there are plenty of transportation mode to travel between destinations

Myanmar National Airlines

Flight is the fastest way to travel within the country

Given the long journey overland, travelling by plane is the easiest way to travel, especially to the remote areas (such as Kengtung) where overland routes are closed to foreigners. As now, Myanmar has 5 airlines which run services on domestic routes: Air KBZ, Golden Myanmar Airlines, Mann Yadanarpon Airlines, Myanmar National Airlines, and Air Thanlwin (formerly Yangon Airways). Most of them are private airlines, except for Myanmar National Airlines.

Most of flights base in Yangon. If you choose to depart from Yangon, you can fly to anywhere in the country. However, while private airlines operate flights from/to main destination, only Myanmar National Airlines operate flights to the remote areas such as Loikaw, Myitkyina,.. Few private airlines also operate flights to these areas but the schedule is not reliable.

Airlines in Myanmar use mainly ATR aircraft, so no business class is available. One flight may have several stops before the final destination. At each stop, some passengers will get off, some will get on, and some will stay on board and wait for a later stop. Please be aware of this, so that you are not surprised while on plane. One fun fact is that it possible to make a journey one way in few routes (for example, Nyaung U to Thandwe) than the other way (Thandwe to Nyaung U).

Bus is available to every corner of the country.

Bus is available to every corner of the country.

Bus is good option to travel on a budget. There are many different bus companies and most are privately owned. You can take buses to every corner of the country. Buses are usually faster and cheaper than trains. For long distance journey (from Yangon to other highlights), overnight buses are very comfortable with air-conditioned, reclining seats, a place to charge your phone.

You will be provided a pillow, blanket, snack, and water bottle on bus. Make sure you bring warm clothes as they tend to crank up the air-conditioning. There are also local buses running segments of longer routes which are in worse condition. They are smaller and tend to be jam-packed with luggage. On major routes, such as Yangon to Mandalay, it’s worth to take a more modern bus at a small additional fee

Ride Yangon circular train

Train journey in Myanmar is not just for the transportation, but a good chance to discover local life.

The railway system in Myanmar is antiquated, making the journey very slow and generally uncomfortable. It can take up to 17 hours from Yangon to Mandalay while bus takes 9 or 10 hours only. Trains are usually preferable to travel from Yangon to Bagan or Mandalay. It is also possible to get to Inle Lake by train but there is no direct train. So, you need to change the train between. Due to the long time spent on these routes, night train is usually preferable.

Sleeper carriages accommodate four passengers and come with blankets and linen. They can be reserved 3 days in advance at train stations. Long-distance trains often have restaurant cars, and food vendors either come on board or carry out transactions through the windows whenever the train stops. The bathrooms onboard are basic and often unclean. However, train journey in Myanmar is not just for the transportation. It is for the experience itself: many routes run through areas of great beauty (the Goteik viaduct between Pyin Oo Lwin and Hsipaw is a good example), plus there is the chance to interact with local people (the circle train in Yangon)

The river cruise along Irrawaddy River.

The river cruise along Irrawaddy River.

With so many rivers running through the country, river boat & cruise are the good way to experience the life of the Myanmar people.

In several destinations, you can take a boat as a slow and cheap mode of transportation. The boat journey between Mandalay and Bagan takes about 10 – 12 hours depending on which direction you take. Mandalay – Bagan is recommended as it faster and have one stop for sightseeing at local village. It is operated daily from October to April. Price is about US$ 40 – 50 per oneway ticket. It is also popular way to get to Mrauk U from Sittwe as road condition is not very good.

Overnight cruises are usually operated along Irrawaddy and Chindwin River. Irrawaddy River is the largest and the most important one in the country. It’s 2,210km and navigable for over 1,600km. On Irrawaddy River, the popular route is between Mandalay and Bagan which may take from one to several nights. The longer cruise will take you to upper destinations as Katha, Bhamo… The cruise from Yangon to Mandalay is sometimes operated as well.

The Chindwin River is the main tributary of the Irrawaddy and is navigable for 965km. Following its flow, you can cruise up to remote areas in the North as well as Homalin or Nagaland. Most of local cruises such as Irrawaddy Princess II or Royal Princess only provides one or two nights cruise between Bagan and Mandalay. For longer routes, you should check with international brand cruises including Pandaw, Paukan or Ananda Sanctuary Cruise.

Traveling by private car with Myanmar Travel

Traveling by private car with Myanmar Travel

If you want to combine some stops on the way which other modes hardly reach, private car is the best way. For example, you can do overland journey from Yangon to Golden Rock, then Bago, Naypyidaw and finally Mandalay. It gives you the different scenes of Myanmar life and nature. But the downside is the high cost.

VIII. Hotels in Myanmar

Hotel prices in Myanmar can vary anywhere between US $30 – 500 per night for one or two people, catering for all budgets and preferences. Most of hotels have their prices in US dollars, however they will accept payment in both US dollars and kyat. The vast majority of hotels include buffet breakfast.

Hotel price in Myanmar has actually decreased in recent years, due to improved infrastructure and increasing tourism levels. Interestingly enough, this was not the case ten years ago, when there was a huge shortage of accommodations due to the newly-opened tourism across the whole country. At the moment, with hundreds of new hotels popping up throughout Myanmar, travelers are easier to find good hotels with more reasonable price.

Although, accommodations are quite basic and are slightly more expensive compared to other Southeast Asian countries as Thailand, Vietnam or Cambodia. If you’re traveling during peak season or holidays, it is best to book your accommodations in advance. To help you in planning out, we would like to recommended some of the best places to stay in Myanmar from middle range to luxurious hotels

Lotte Hotel Yangon

Lotte Hotel Yangon

As the biggest and the most commercial city of Myanmar, Yangon has a bloom of hotels in different categories. Beside old aged hotels such as Strand, Belmond Governor’s Residence, Savoy or Sule Shangri – La, there are many international brand luxury hotels (Pacific, Melia, Lotte) as well as basic local hotels going into operation. Therefore, this makes hotels’ price in Yangon much more reasonable than it is in other areas. With about US$ 100, you can book a room at luxurious hotels as Wyndham, Chatrium… For the best options, please view our post here

Amata Garden Resort Bagan

Amata Garden Resort Bagan

In recent years, Bagan also has an increase of hotels but they are mainly middle ranged ones. Bagan still lacks options for luxury hotels when there are just few choices such as Aureum Palace Hotel, Bagan Lodge or the newest one Heritage Bagan Hotel. Actually, middle ranged hotels in Bagan are quite good when they offer big rooms with nice decoration, modern facilities and especially swimming pool. It helps travelers to hide from the heat in Bagan. Please find out our recommendations in this post:

Hotel Yadanarbon, mandalay, myanmar

Hotel Yadanarbon

Although being the second biggest city in Mandalay, the development here is not really equal. In recent 5 years, there is only new luxury hotel which is Pullman Mandalay Hotel. While the number of new hotels in Yangon is much more. The middle – ranged and basic hotels are also increased but cannot be compared with ones in Yangon or Bagan. Hotels in Mandalay tend to be city hotels with small rooms and basic facilities. Here is the link for hotels in Mandalay:

In Inle, travelers have many options to choose for overnight stay from budget to luxury. Nyaung Shwe town is the main gateway to Inle Lake. So, it is the busiest area where you can find shops, restaurants, bars and markets. Hotels in this area are mainly boutique and basic ones. It is popular are for backpackers and young travelers who are interested in party and nightlife.

If you look for romantic and quiet, you should stay in floating resorts on the lake or in the East and Southeast area of the lake. Here you can find luxurious hotels with direct view of the lake. However, it is not convenient to go out after dark from these areas, so you have only option to entertain yourselves at your resort.

Sofitel Inle Lake Myat Min

Sofitel Inle Lake Myat Min

Below are our recommendations:

Aureum Palace Hotel & Resort Inle

  • Location: Mine Thauk Village, East Inle Lake. It is 13km from Nyaung Shwe Town
  • Features: traditional style villas with half of them are floating over the water.
  • Facilities: Fitness centre, swimming pool, Souvenir shop
  • Price: from US$ 160 per room per night
  • Location: Thalae Oo Village, Southeast Inle Lake, 20km from Nyaung Shwe
  • Feature: modern design with duplex buildings. Some rooms offer direct view of the lake
  • Facilities: Wifi, swimming pool, spa, bar & fitness center
  • Price: from US$ 150 per room per night

Novotel Inle Lake Myat Min

  • Location: Mine Thauk Village, East Inle Lake, 13km from Nyaung Shwe town
  • Price: from US$ 100 per room per night

Inle Resort & spa

  • Location: Myaung Yoe Gyi Village, near Nyaung Shwe town. Can access by boat or car
  • Feature: nice hotel with traditional decoration and lush garden
  • Facilites: Wifi, swimming pool, spa & fitness center
  • Price: from US$ 70 per room per night

Shwe Inn Tha Floating Resort

  • Location: On the lake
  • Feature: floating bungalow are decorated in royal Burmese style. Family room is available for a family of three or four people
  • Facilities: Wifi, swimming pool & spa
  • Price: from US$ 90 per room per night

Paramount Inle Resort

  • Feature: traditional setting with all rooms has private balcony
  • Facilities: Wifi & spa
  • Price: from US$ 55 per room per night

Amazing Nyaung Shwe Hotel

  • Location: Yone Gyi Street, in the heart of Nyaung Shwe,
  • Feature: a boutique hotel in traditional style
  • Facilities: Wifi, a garden & spa
  • Price: from US$ 50 per room per night

Kalaw has many lovely hotels which offer beautiful view of mountain. Being a hill town, most of hotels in Kalaw locates in hills surrounding the town which are in walking distance to the centre.

Kalaw Heritage Hotel

Kalaw Heritage Hotel

Amara Mountain Resort

  • Location: it takes 20 minutes walking or 5 minutes driving to the town.
  • Feature: The hotel is set in the old colonial building, surrounded by beautiful garden. Each room is located in duplex villa and decorated in local style
  • Facilities: Wifi, restaurant, bar, garden & spa
  • Location: 5 minutes to drive to downtown
  • Feature: Another hotel setting in the colonial building and lovely garden. Its rooms are decorated in colonial style
  • Facilities: Wifi, restaurant & bar, free shuttle to/from downtown
  • Price: from US$ 60 per room per night

Dream Mountain Hotel

  • Location: 10 minutes walking to centre of town, easy to access restaurants and attractions
  • Feature: Spacious room with big windows offering nice view of mountains
  • Price: from US$ 75 per room per night

Hsipaw is quite new in tourism map. Although the infrastructure has developed, the options are still limited. Almost of accommodation are guesthouses, just few hotels can be used for foreign standard.

Riverside Hsipaw Resort

Riverside @ Hsipaw Resort

Hsipaw Resort

  • Location: on the eastern bank of the Dokhtawady River, opposite to the town. You need to take a quick boat trip to reach hotel which is offered free.
  • Feature: the hotel offers 28 comfortable river view rooms located in 14 duplex bungalows. All rooms are in rustic style.
  • Facilities: restaurant & bar

Mr. Charles Hotel

  • Location: in the central town. Convenient to access attractions.
  • Feature: the best hotel in town which offers clean rooms and professional staffs.
  • Facilities: restaurant & garden
  • Price: from US$ 40 per room per night

Mrauk U has been suffered from many civil wars. This makes Mrauk U a sleepy town with very poor living conditions. As it has been closed to tourists many times, hotels in Mrauk U are old and expensive. Below are two best ones:

Mrauk U Princess Resort

Mrauk U Princess Resort

  • Location: 4km from key temples. It takes about 15 minutes driving
  • Feature: a boutique hotel setting in the lovely garden and lotus pond. All are villas decorated in traditional style
  • Facilities: Wifi, restaurant, garden, swimming pool & spa
  • Price: from US$ 220 per room per night

Shwe Thazin Hotel

  • Location: in walking distance to key temples and town centre.
  • Feature: the lowest rooms are in new building without character. Superior and deluxe are in bungalow types and decorated in traditional style
  • Facilities: Wifi, restaurant & garden

Normally, Golden Rock requires just 1 night stop to explore the site. There are not many options to choose and all of them are very basic. Travelers have the options to stay at the base of Kyaikhtiyo mountain or at the top. From the base to top of the mountain, it takes at least 2 hours while the most beautiful moment to visit the Rock is at sunset. Therefore, travelers prefer to stay on the mountain so that they do not miss this magical moment. We recommend following hotels:

Mountain Top Hotel

Mountain Top Hotel

  • Location: at the top of mountain, just 5 minutes walking to the Golden Rock.
  • Feature: Rooms are spacious and has beautiful view of nature.
  • Facilities: Wifi, restaurant & bar

Golden Rock Hotel

  • Location: next to the open truck stop point where all vehicles must be stopped. From here, you need to walk to the Golden rock in about 45 minutes.
  • Feature: Clean and comfortable rooms
  • Price: from US$ 80 per room per night

Pristine Mermaid Resort Ngapali

Pristine Mermaid Resort Ngapali

As one of the most beautiful beaches in Myanmar, there are many beautiful beach resorts in Ngapali. Hotels in Ngapali are not big buildings like ones in neighbor country Thailand but designed mostly in villa/bungalow type. So, clients will have private and peaceful atmosphere. In general, hotel prices in Ngapali are high and can be increased double during Christmas and New Year period. Despite of this, the availability can be quickly in full. So, if you have plan to come during this period, you had better book at least one month in advance to get good hotels.

Here are the best hotels in Ngapali:

Mergui has little modern beach hotels with full amenities like other beaches of the country. Instead, Mergui offers a variety of eco resorts which are located in different islands belonging the Archipelago. These resorts are accessed by boat from Kawthaung jetty. They also arrange pick-up service from Kawthaung airport in Myanmar or from Ranong airport/jetty in Thailand. In these resorts, do not expect TV and Air – condition but you will have a chance to immerse yourselves into unspoiled nature and clear water. Due to the remote location, resorts in Mergui will sell a package which includes everything, not only room.

wa ale resort myanmar

Wa Ale lies in Lampi Island Marine National Park, Myanmar’s remote Mergui Archipelago

Victoria Cliff Nyaung Oo Phee Resort

  • Location: In Nyaung Oo Phee Island. It takes 1.5 hours by speedboat from Kawthaung jetty
  • Feature: the modern resort in Mergui with many choices of accommodation from tent, basic room to beach villa. Swimming pool, bar and fitness centre are available.
  • Shuttle speed boat schedule: daily
  • Activities: Fire show, snorkeling, kayaking, diving, massages, coral planting & sunset cruise
  • Package Price: from US$ 250 per person per night including full board, snorkeling equipment, fire show and shuttle boat transfers

Andaman Eco Resort

  • Location: In Macleod Island. It takes 1.5 hours by speedboat from Kawthaung jetty
  • Shuttle speed boat schedule: operated on every Wednesday & Saturday. Depart and return on the same day.
  • Activities: snorkeling, kayaking, diving, massages and jungle trekking
  • Package Price: from US$ 300 per room per night including breakfast, dinner, snorkeling equipment, scheduled hiking and shuttle boat transfer

Boulder Bay Eco Resort

  • Location: in Boulder Island. It takes 5-6 hours by normal boat from Kawthaung jetty and 2 hour by speed boat (on request and extra charge applies)
  • Shuttle boat schedule (normal boat)

Depart from Kawthaung: on Monday, Thursday & Saturday Depart from resort: on Tuesday, Friday & Sunday

  • Activities: sea canoeing, boat trip, walking, jungle trekking, snorkeling, diving & yoga
  • Package Price: from US$ 1380 per room for the shortest package 4 days/3 nights, including full board meals, scheduled boat transfer, land transfer to/from the airports & all activities in the resort.

Awei Pila Resort

  • Location: In Kyun Pila private island. It takes 2 hours by speedboat from Kawthaung jetty
  • Feature: luxury eco resort with beach villas. Swimming pool & bar are available.
  • Shuttle speed boat schedule: not fixed. Stay 3 consecutive nights and above receive free return transfer.
  • Activities: snorkeling, kayaking, diving, massages & cultural exploring (Moken village)
  • Package Price: from US$ 650 per room per night including full board, non-motorized activities and non-alcoholic beverages. The transfer cost of US$ 240 per person is added if you stay less than 3 nights.

Wa Ale Resort

  • Location: In Lampi Island Marine National Park. It takes 1.4 hours by speedboat from Kawthaung jetty
  • Feature: top luxury eco resort which offer comfort accommodations, from luxury tented and treetop villas to private houses…all with spectacular views of the Andaman Sea.
  • Shuttle speed boat schedule: on Tuesday & Saturday
  • Activities: snorkeling, kayaking, diving, massages & cultural explorer.
  • Package Price: from US$ 600 per person per night including full board, House wine, beer and non-alcoholic beverages, snorkeling, kayaking, hiking, land transfer to/from airports and shuttle boat transfer

Myanmar authentic food at Karaweik Palace, Yangon.

Myanmar authentic food at Karaweik Palace, Yangon.

Compared to neighbor countries as Thailand, China and India, Burmese cuisine is totally overshadowed. With Myanmar opening to the outside world, visitors now have a chance to discover a cuisine that’s been largely hidden from sight for the past 50 years. Burmese food emphasizes on rich, predominately savory/salty flavors which are much influenced from its neighbors. However, Burmese food combines many ingredients which are not found in any other cuisine, so it is absolutely worth a try. As in most of Southeast Asia, Myanmar restaurants and stalls tend to specialize in a single dish or culinary style.

For a comprehensive taste of the cuisine, we’ve chosen these 5 Burmese dishes and snacks which visitors should try in the first visit. Please check out them on our post: Besides, you may be interested in checking out few other posts to have more idea if what to eat in other regions outside of Yangon

  • What to eat in Mandalay:
  • Best restaurants in Mandalay:

Bagan :

X. Suggested Myanmar itinerary

As listed above, you won’t be short on options to visit in Myanmar. There are many itineraries for travel, depending on your time and hobby. Normally, travelers will spend at least 3 nights to explore the country. If you are in such short time, one place you should not miss is undoubtedly the pagodas of the Bagan plain.

Either you enter the country through Yangon or Mandalay, you can catch a morning flight to Bagan and return in late afternoon next day. It allows you to have 2 full days and 1 night to visit the area. Then, take the rest of time exploring the city you choose for arrival and departure. In Yangon, a visit to the Shwedagon Pagoda is a must. In Mandalay, do not miss sunset at Ubein bridge.

Longer itineraries would involve Inle Lake. A week would give you Mandalay and its deserted cities around it or Yangon with its pagodas, markets and colonial-era streets, the Bagan plain and Inle Lake. The reason I put “or” between Yangon and Mandalay that it is fine to skip one of big cities and spend time for other highlights. Actually, Mandalay is nearer to other main attractions, so choosing Mandalay as starting and ending point is good idea in case you it fits your flight schedule. If you love to stay on beaches, spend 3 days more for Ngapali and 5 days more for Mergui.

Fly into Yangon or Mandalay where you can spend one to two full day(s) experiencing either city, spend two full days in Bagan, two full days in Inle Lake (one day for a boat tour and one day for biking around the lake) and another one or two days in your city of departure.

Suggested tour itinerary:

Two weeks would allow you to add Golden Rock and few days relaxing at beautiful beaches of Ngapali.

Suggested itinerary:

With two weeks or more, you can have more flexibility with your chosen way to get around the country, whether that is with night buses or train instead of domestic flights. One or two night on the boat between Bagan and Mandalay can be an option. Keep in mind that taking a domestic flight will take up a morning, afternoon or evening (most will be around one hour), and that a night bus, while ‘costing’ you 8 to 12 hours, will save money, but might leave you very tired when you arrive.

With the long flights from US or Euro to Southeast Asia, travelers from these areas prefer to visit more than one country in their trip. If Myanmar is the main purpose of your trip, you may extend few days or even few weeks to visit nearby countries as Cambodia, Laos, Thailand or Vietnam. Please find our suggested itineraries:

  • Vietnam Myanmar Holiday
  • Best of Laos and Myanmar
  • Cambodia and Myanmar Tour
  • Authentic Thailand & Myanmar – 10 Days
  • From Angkor Wat to Bagan
For other Myanmar itineraries and packages, refer to our post:

XI. Things to know before arrival

English is widely spoken in major destinations

English is widely spoken in major destinations

With 135 ethnic groups living together, there are hundreds of different languages throughout the country. However, official national language is Burmese. In main tourist destinations, English is widely used. Many young people and most people who work in the Myanmar tourism industry have a reasonable grasp of English. So you do not need to worry too much about being understood, However, learning a few simple phrases in Burmese will always elicit a smile and courtesy from the locals. Mandarin is increasingly spoken in the cities and border towns of the northern half of the country.

Money situation is much easier than before thanks to ATMs’ network

Money situation is much easier than before thanks to ATMs’ network

If you have researched about Myanmar, you may have heard that the money situation in the country is complicated. In fact, it was the case over the last few years. Things have become much easier now as you can use credit cards in Myanmar to pay for your purchase or withdraw cash from ATMs. You will find some ATMs in big cities and major destinations, however the fees are often high. It is the same for credit cards when you need to pay 5-7% for processing fee on top of bills. Therefore, many travelers prefer to bring foreign currency to exchange to get the best rates.

The currency of Myanmar is the kyat. USD and EURO are widely popular and you can use them to exchange to Kyat. Although they are accepted in some places, kyat is generally preferred and more convenient to use. You can exchange money at exchange shops at airports or at the banks to get the best rate. Be noted that the notes should be new & clean bills. The old and damaged bills may not be accepted or get lower rate. View more details on our post:

Two round prongs socket is more popular than three round prongs socket in Myanmar

Two round prongs socket is more popular than three round prongs socket in Myanmar

The voltage in Myanmar is 230 V and the standard frequency is 50 Hz. Myanmar has two different types of plug sockets that are commonly used. One is the European socket with two round prongs and some with socket D type which has three round prongs. However, two round prongs socket are more popular. To avoid the hassle of having to buy new adapters for everywhere you go, we recommend you to bring a Universal Travel Adaptor.

Tipping isn’t compulsory in Myanmar, but it is encouraged when you are happy with the service. In fact, they do not care much about it but if they got, it will be a huge encouragement for them to do their business. It’s more expected in hotels, tours (guide & driver) and restaurants that give one of those black booklets when you receive your check. Sometimes, you’ll see that tips are included at a Western-style establishment (upscale or at a hotel) and it’s typically 5%-10%.

Compared to few years ago, it’s increasingly easy to keep your friends and family updated thanks to the increasing availability of Wi-Fi in many parts of Myanmar. In big cities and major tourist areas, most of hotels and guesthouses offer Wifi to clients and it works quite well. But in remote places, you may find that the Wi-Fi is unstable. In this case, you might consider to get a local SIM card. Myanmar has a fast 4G connection throughout the cities, and it is quickly expanding to even less-populated areas.

You will be able to pick up a SIM card either at the airport or from local shops within most cities at very reasonable cost. View more information about SIM card in Myanmar:

Most local people in Myanmar dress modestly. You can see in the country that traditional longyi is still wore by both men and women in their daily activities. So, tourists are recommended to do the same. It does not mean that you must dress modestly all the time. Myanmar is a country that is made up of mostly Buddhist people so dressing conservatively is really important when you visit temples/pagodas. You need to keep your shoulders and knees. This will help you to feel comfortable in smaller towns and remote villages where people rarely touch foreigners.

Things are a little more relaxed in major cities and tourist hotspots. Of course visiting Myanmar is not for only temples. For your relaxing time in hotels or on beaches, you can wear your favorite items as shorts, string dress… A must for Myanmar is making sure you have shoes that you can take on and off easily. All religious sites in Myanmar require you to remove your shoes before entering. We recommend simply picking up a pair of sandals.

Due to tropical climate in Myanmar that is hot and humid, you should wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothes in natural fibers such as cotton, silk or linen which keep you cooler. Sun glasses and hat are useful to hide from the heat. Light jacket and sweater are advised when you travel to Shan State (Inle Lake, Kalaw or Hsipaw). In case you do trekking, good shoes are recommended.

Travelers most commonly become sick due to diseases spread through food and water. Luckily, there are a few simple ways to make sure you stay healthy. Avoid drinking tap water, and even ice cubes. Instead, drink bottled water, which is cheap in Myanmar. There is no reason to completely avoid street food stalls if food is usually cooked hot and fresh in front of you. Only eat fruit that has a skin that can be peeled, and vegetables that have been cooked. This is especially so outside the main tourist areas.

Myanmar is hot and humid, so mosquitoes are everywhere. Mosquitoes can carry infectious diseases such as dengue fever and malaria. Before the trip, it’s a good idea to consult your travel doctor to see if you need any additional vaccines or medication for your personal health. During the trip, avoid them by using bug spray protection, wearing long-sleeved clothing, and sleeping under a mosquito net or in an air-conditioned room. Check your mattress for bed bugs along the seams after turning on the light, and before placing any of your belongings on the bed, or sleeping in it.

Finding reliable healthcare is difficult in Myanmar, and local healthcare facilities are generally poor, especially outside of big cities. Your best chance will be in Yangon. However, sometimes you cannot wait until you reach Yangon. So, you should prepare personal medications from home just in case. For emergency, you can find the most reliable medical centers in main destinations on our posts

  • Hospitals in Yangon:
  • Hospitals in Bagan:
  • Hospital in Mandalay:
  • Hospital in Inle Lake:

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Buddhist pagodas.

Myanmar (Burma)

It's a new era for this extraordinary and complex land, where the landscape is scattered with gilded pagodas and the traditional ways of Asia endure.


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Shwedagon Paya (Pagoda) at dusk with Buddhist worshippers praying, Yangon (Rangoon), Myanmar (Burma), Asia

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10 Top Tourist Attractions in Myanmar

By Carl Austin · Last updated on December 17, 2022

Myanmar, the official name for the Southeast Asian nation more commonly known as Burma, is a must-see for travelers who like Buddha and beaches, though not necessarily in that order. The country contains thousands of Buddhist temples. It also has pristine white beaches along the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea. The country is slowly opening to foreign tourism, so travelers who want to experience a more traditional Burma may want to visit now. An overview of the top tourist attractions in Myanmar :

10. Shwemawdaw Paya [SEE MAP]

Shwemawdaw Paya

Shwemawdaw Paya got its name, the Great Golden God, because the glittering gold that covers it can be seen for miles around. The diamond-studded top also is responsible for some of the glitter. At almost 114 meters (375 feet) high, it is the tallest pagoda in Myanmar. It is especially important to Buddhism because it contains several relics belonging to Buddha. Located in Bago, the 1,000-year-old complex is highly ornate with smaller pagodas that also are gold-covered, statues and pavilions.

9. Ayeyarwady River Cruise [SEE MAP]

Ayeyarwady River

Myanmar’s longest river, the Ayeyarwady, also known as the Irawaddy, begins high in the Himalayas, carving Myanmar in half on its way to the Andaman Sea. It is navigable by large ships and boats in the lower elevations, and is fast becoming a popular river cruise destination. Cruises run between Mandalay and Bagan; both cities offer plenty of temples, pagodas and statues of Buddha. Between the two terminals, cruisers will see river villages and beakless dolphins, and travel through jungles and deep gorges.

8. Shwenandaw Monastery [SEE MAP]

Shwenandaw Monastery

Shwenandaw Monastery is an historic Buddhist monastery in the city of Mandalay. Known as the Golden Palace, this important building is located in central Myanmar. It was originally part of the Mandalay Palace complex as the royal apartment of a king, but his son moved it outside the palace after his death believing it was haunted by the king’s spirit. It later became a monastery. At one time, the building was covered in gold but the gold is mostly inside now. The exterior is covered with ornate teak carvings representing Buddhist myths. Ornate carvings made from other materials such as stone can be found throughout the structure.

7. Ngapali [SEE MAP]


Ngapali combines two worlds in this Southeast Asian country. It is Myanmar’s premier resort town, with white sand beaches lining the blue waters of the Bay of Bengal and luxury hotels. It is a great spot to chill out and just relax. Contrast this with its fishing village atmosphere with local restaurants serving the day’s catch and ox-carts doubling as taxis. Locals believe the town is named after Napoli (Naples) in Italy. Most people visit Ngapali November to March; the rest of the year it is a sleepy little beach town.

6. Mrauk U [SEE MAP]

Mrauk U

Mrauk U is an important archeological town. It was originally thought to be a fortress because of the thick walls, but the walls were made to protect temples from the fierce winds, not invaders. Stone temples can be found throughout the area. The medieval town was once an important Arakan capital and was an important trading city. Getting to this remote location involves a four- to seven-hour boat ride up a tributary of the Kaladan River. Travelers may want to bring rain gear at the region gets almost 1.2 meter (4 feet) of rain annually.

5. Inle Lake [SEE MAP]

Inle Lake

Vast and serene Inle Lake is one of the top tourist attractions in Myanmar. Besides its considerable natural beauty the lake also attracts tourists for the stilt houses of the Intha, the descendants of Mon people from the far southeast. A typical day-trip on the lake, taken in a long, narrow boat with a noisy outboard motor, will stick to the northern reaches of Inle Lake. These trips also include visits to small workshops in stilt villages, several pagodas and probably a market. Travelers are also likely to see fishermen propelling their boats using a distinctive leg-rowing technique, and other Intha residents of the lake tending to fruit and vegetables on floating gardens.

4. Taung Kalat [SEE MAP]

Taung Kalat

Built atop an extinct volcano plug, the Buddhist monastery of Taung Kalat is one of the most breathtaking sites in Burma. To reach the monastery, visitors must climb the 777 steps to the summit. Along the way are a multitude of Macaque monkeys expecting treats. From the top of Taung Kalat, one can enjoy a panoramic view. One can see the ancient city of Bagan and the massive solitary conical peak of Mount Popa, the volcano that actually caused the creation of the volcanic plug.

3. Shwedagon Pagoda [SEE MAP]

Shwedagon Pagoda

The Shwedagon or Greater Dragon Pagoda is considered the most sacred site in Buddhism in Myanmar because it contains a strand of Buddha’s hair and other religious relics. The 2,500-year-old pagoda is located on Singuttara Hill in Yangon, the largest city in Myanmar. Over the centuries, the pagoda has grown from 8 meters to 99 meters (26 feet to 366 feet). The origins of Shwedagon are lost in antiquity but it is estimated that the Pagoda was first built by the Mon during the Bagan period, sometime between the 6th and 10th century AD. It is covered in gold leaf; the stupa is covered in 4,531 diamonds. Numerous temples, statues and stupas can be found at this unforgettable site. Pagoda visitors are expected to follow a dress code (trousers preferred, T-shirts with elbow-length sleeves) and enter the temple barefooted.

2. Golden Rock [SEE MAP]

Golden Rock

Golden Rock, or Kyaiktiyo Zedi as it is known locally, is a totally awesome sight: a pagoda (zedi) sitting atop a huge boulder that appears as if it’s about to fall off the edge of a cliff. Both are covered in golf leaf. The locals believe the boulder, which sits 1,100 meters (3,600 feet) above sea level, is held in place through a miracle of Buddha; the pagoda is said to contain a strand of his hair. Visiting here is a pilgrimage for Myanmar Buddhists. Golden Rock is about a five-hour drive from Yangon, and also involves a long walk. A staircase leads to the pagoda complex that houses several viewing platforms and Buddha shrines.

1. Bagan [SEE MAP]

#1 of Tourist Attractions In Myanmar

Travelers with a passion for Buddhist temples, pagodas and stupas should have a field day in Bagan, since it contains more of these than any other place in the world. The most popular destination in Myanmar, Bagan was the capital of the First Burmese Empire from the 9th to the 13th centuries. The site that Marco Polo once described as the “gilded city” was home to around Buddhist 13,000 temples in its 11th-century heyday. Thousands of temples, stupas and pagodas remain, including the famous Ananda temple with its sparkling gold spires.

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November 16, 2014 at 11:43 pm

As an avid traveller, I will soon go to Myanmar and check out these places.

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The best duration for a first Myanmar tour is 7-9 days, allowing wide-ranging visits, from the remnants of four royal capitals in Mandalay and the tranquil glassy Inle Lake, to the wonders of the ancient ruins of Bagan and the cultural hub of the largest city Yangon. If you have a few more days to spare, consider a trekking trip from Kalaw, or a leisurely holiday at Ngapali beach; or move on to explore Thailand.

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Myanmar tourism -- to go or not to go?

Once-thriving adventure travel sector struggles under military regime

On Feb. 1, 2021, I received two important bits of news: The first was that 10 inflatable kayaks ordered from China for my new water sports tour business had arrived safely in Yangon. The second was that Myanmar's military had seized power, ousting the elected National League for Democracy and ushering in chaos, instability and violence. My kayaking company was dead on arrival, and future prospects for adventure tourism in Myanmar were decidedly bleak.

In May 2022, after sealing the country amid pandemic and security issues, the Myanmar authorities started reissuing tourist visas. Unsurprisingly, the number of travelers signing up for adventure tours is very low. There is still adventure to be had in Myanmar, even if it is mostly of the wrong kind. But the real question is not whether adventure seekers are heading to Myanmar -- they are not -- but should they go at all?

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Myanmar (Burma)

Warnings and insurance.

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The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office ( FCDO ) provides advice about risks of travel to help British nationals make informed decisions. Find out more about FCDO travel advice .

Areas where FCDO advises against travel

Your travel insurance could be invalidated if you travel against FCDO advice.

Areas where FCDO advises against all travel

FCDO advises against all travel to:

  • Kachin State
  • Kayah State
  • Rakhine State
  • Sagaing and Magway regions
  • Tanintharyi Region, excluding Myeik township, and the archipelago and townships south of Tanintharyi township
  • Shan State North
  • North Mandalay Region; the townships north of Mandalay City and Pyin Oo Lwin
  • East of the Yangon-Mandalay Expressway in Bago region

Areas where FCDO advises against all but essential travel

FCDO advises against all but essential travel to:

  • Shan State South and East
  • Mandalay Region
  • Tanintharyi Region south of Tanintharyi township
  • the rest of Bago region

The conflict is Myanmar is increasingly volatile. The security situation may deteriorate at short notice. Exercise caution, and consider any travel plans carefully.

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Maps of Myanmar

Physical Map of Myanmar showing state boundaries, relief, major rivers, highest point, important cities, Shan Plateau, and more

Myanmar (formerly Burma) occupies an area of 676,578 sq. km in the northwesternmost part of mainland Southeast Asia . One of the largest nations in this region, Myanmar borders the five other nations of India , Bangladesh , China , Thailand , and Laos . Myanmar's geography is mostly made up of thick tropical rainforests, tall mountains, and surging river valleys. 

The Himalayan mountain range does surprisingly sneak into the north of Myanmar. Marked on the physical map above by a yellow triangle, is the country's highest point, Hkakabo Razi at  19,296 feet (5,881 m). The mountain ranges of the north mostly run in the north-south direction. The elevation of the country gradually rises from the sea level at the river deltas of the Irrawaddy and Sittang river systems to Mount Kkakabo in the north. 

The Irrawaddy River system dominates the country. This mighty river is responsible for giving Myanmar countless valleys and the river's massive delta in the south. The course of the Irrawaddy River can be observed on the map above. The low-lying floodplains in the south are the ideal place to grow crops. Many of Myanmar's largest cities are towns can be found along the banks of the Irrawaddy River including the capital city of Nay Pyi Taw. 

  The Mergui Archipelago, located in the far south contains over 800 islands, most of them completely uninhabited. The islands are located just off the southern coast along the Indian Ocean and the Andaman Sea. These bodies of water give Myanmar access to global trade but this does come at a cost. Each year the nation is wracked by a series of devastating monsoons.

Regions of Myanmar Map

Political Map of Myanmar into 7 regions, their capitals, and the national capital of Naypyidaw.

Myanmar (officially, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar) is divided into 7 regions (taing), 7 states (pyine) and 1 union territory. In alphabetical order, the regions of Myanmar are: Ayeyarwady (Irrawaddy), Bago, Magway, Mandalay, Sagaing, Tanintharyi and Yangon (Rangoon). The states are: Chin, Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Mon, Rakhine and Shan. Nay Pyi Taw (Naypyidaw) is the union territory in Myanmar.

With an area of 676,578 sq. km, Myanmar is the 10 th largest country in the Asian continent and the largest country in Southeast Asia. Located in a mountain-framed spot in north-central Myanmar is Naypyidaw – the capital and the third-largest city of Myanmar. Located in southern Myanmar, Yangon (Rangoon) is the largest city of Myanmar. With over a population of 5 million people, Yangon is the most populous city as well as an important commercial center of Myanmar. 

Where is Myanmar?

Map showing location of Myanmar in the world.

Myanmar is a Southeast Asian country. It is situated in the Northern and Eastern hemispheres of the Earth. Myanmar is bordered by the Indian states of Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh and by the Chittagong division of Bangladesh in the northwest; by Tibet Autonomous Region and Yunnan province of China in the north and northeast; by Laos in the east and by Thailand in the southeast. Myanmar is bounded by the Andaman Sea in the south and by the Bay of Bengal in the southwest. 

Myanmar Bordering Countries : India , China , Bangladesh , Thailand , Laos .

Regional Maps : Map of Asia

Outline Map of Myanmar

Blank Outline Map of Myanmar

The above map is of the country of Myanmar in Southeast Asia. The map can be dowlonaded, printed, and used for educational purpose like map-pointing activities.

 Outline Map of Myanmar

The above map is of the country of Myanmar in Southeast Asia. 

This page was last updated on December 28, 2023

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Junta hosts junket for Chinese travel agents in bid to attract tourists


More than 40 Chinese travel agency employees and social media influencers were given a junta-led tour of Mandalay, Yangon and the ancient city of Bagan last month in the latest effort by Myanmar’s military rulers to boost a dwindling tourism industry.

The Covid-19 pandemic and the chaos and fighting that have plagued the country following the 2021 military coup have combined to deal a significant blow to tourism numbers .

More than 4 million tourists visited Myanmar in 2019, according to the World Tourism Federation. Those numbers plummeted to 130,000 in 2021 and 230,000 in 2022. 

Even Bagan – a UNESCO World Heritage site that is home to soaring spires and iconic Buddhist pagodas and temples – remains empty of tour groups, according to a tour guide who, like other sources in this story, wished to remain anonymous for security reasons.

“Since the coup d’état, Bagan has had a complete absence of foreign visitors,” he told Radio Free Asia. “Recently, guests from Spain emailed me expressing their desire to explore Bagan, but they also emphasized that Myanmar is not a safe destination given the current situation.”

The Chinese delegation arrived for their visit – officially referred to as the “Myanmar-China Tourism Promotion Familiarization Trip” – on May 10. They were also scheduled to visit the seat of government, Naypyidaw, and the beach resort town of Ngwe Saung.

“The aim is to boost the number of Chinese tourists visiting Myanmar’s destinations and raise awareness of Myanmar’s destinations in the Chinese tourism market,” according to the junta-controlled Myanmar News Agency . 

‘Irreparable damage’ to the industry

But two foreign tour operators said they didn’t think the effort would attract a rush of Chinese tourists.

“If you inquire whether success can be achieved, the answer is negative,” one of the tour operators said.

Most people have already determined that a leisurely visit to Myanmar’s most popular tourism sites would be “impossible” due to the situation on the ground, he said, referring to the armed conflict in much of the country between various anti-junta forces and the military.

There continue to be frequent shortages of electricity – something that has already forced some hotels to close, the second tour operator said.

“Over the past four years, the tourism industry has suffered irreparable damage,” he said. “Unless the underlying issues are addressed, inviting guests won’t attract visitors. After all, why would Chinese tourists risk their safety in an insecure destination?”

More visitors, more currency

International flights resumed to Myanmar in April 2022, more than a year after the coup. Since then, junta officials have attempted a number of tourism promotion strategies , and in 2023, the number of foreign visitors was recorded as 1.28 million.

Junta-controlled newspapers reported last month that Myanmar received 350,000 foreign tourists between January and March 2024, with China being the largest source, followed by Thailand.

But those numbers may simply reflect the type of visas people select when traveling to Myanmar for business or other purposes, several tour guides and travel agencies officials told RFA. It’s easier to enter Myanmar on a tourism visa than with other visa categories, they said.

The increase in visitors – for whatever purpose – brings in much needed foreign currency, a Myanmar’s Ministry of Hotels and Tourism spokesman said.

“The recent surge in tourist arrivals has significantly boosted revenue,” he said. “During the Covid-19 pandemic, tourism came to a standstill due to travel restrictions. But the situation has improved, and visitors are gradually returning.”

The junta has also made efforts to attract Indian and Russian visitors. Last September, it announced direct flights from Yangon and Mandalay to Russia’s third most populous city, Novosibirsk.

Translated by Kalyar Lwin. Edited by Matt Reed and Malcolm Foster.

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Thailand Leads GMS Tourism Collaboration

Thailand plays a leading role in GMS regional tourism, inviting executives from the National Tourism Promotion Agency and entrepreneurs from over 15 agencies to cooperate in pushing the target number of foreign tourists to the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) to exceed 95 million people by 2025. Senior tourism officials and executives from Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Myanmar will be special guests of the Tourism Authority of Thailand and the Ministry of Tourism and Sports at the Thailand Travel Mart Plus (TTM+) from 5-7 June in Khao Lak, Phang-nga Province. On 5 June 2024, two days before the official opening of TTM+, they will tour Phuket, visiting Ban Bang Rong Community, Phuket Old Town Community, and various facilities promoting Sports and Health Tourism, Gastronomy Tourism, Marine Tourism, and other recreational tourism products.

TAT Governor Miss Thapanee Kiatphaibool said, "This trip is a vital part of the policy set by Mr. Sermsak Phongpanich, Minister of Tourism and Sports, to strengthen relations between Thailand and our neighbours in the Greater Mekong Subregion. We share common borders, values, culture, and heritage. I strongly believe we can learn from and help each other." The guests will include Mr. Seila Hul, Under Secretary of State, the Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia; Mr. Khom Douangchantha, Director General of the Tourism Marketing Department, the Lao PDR Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism; Mr. Maung Maung Kyaw, Director General of Directorate of Hotels and Tourism, Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, Myanmar; Miss Suvimol Thanasarakij, Executive Director, the Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office (MTCO), and executives of 15 other companies and agencies.

The GMS covers six member countries: Myanmar, Cambodia, Lao PDR, China (Yunnan and Guangxi), Thailand, and Vietnam. Joint tourism plans for the entire region project total visitor arrivals of 95 million in 2025. The Thailand Travel Mart is called "TTM+" because it also includes the GMS countries, giving them the opportunity to participate in Thailand's leading B2B Travel Trade show. Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Myanmar have booths at this year's TTM+, which will be visited by 425 hosted tour operators (buyers) from 50 countries worldwide.

Miss Thapanee said, "One of the key components of the Royal Thai Government's IGNITE Thailand Vision is to position Thailand as a Tourism Hub of ASEAN. During the TTM+ 2024 event, we will discuss ways to improve rail, road, air, and sea connectivity between Thailand and the GMS countries to facilitate seamless travel to and within the region. Since the first Mekong Tourism Forum in 1996, facilitated by the Tourism Authority of Thailand in cooperation with the Pacific Asia Travel Association, we have actively supported tourism and travel in the GMS. We believe intra-regional tourism has great promise and can play a major role in boosting our economies, promoting culture and heritage, and meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals."

"This initiative also aligns with our regional and sub-regional forums such as BIMSTEC, BRICS, and APEC, and builds on the bilateral agenda between Thailand and countries like China, South Korea, and Malaysia." The TAT Governor also thanked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Transport, and National Economic and Social Development Council for their cooperation in promoting Thailand as a Tourism Hub of ASEAN.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics 2021

These statistics feature fast facts about Myanmar, licenced tour companies and transportation, star-rated hotels, investments and much more. We have tried to compile ample information for anyone seeking to get a comprehensive outlook of Myanmar. We hope that these booklets will provide an idea about the tourism industry in Myanmar.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics 2020

This booklet contains data about Myanmar’s Tourism Industry in 2020. Find out the country’s climate, population, business hours, customs, foreign currency exchange and many more here.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics 2019

This booklet contains data about Myanmar’s Tourism Industry in 2019. Find out the country’s climate, population, business hours, customs, foreign currency exchange and many more here.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics 2018

This booklet contains data about Myanmar’s Tourism Industry in 2018. Find out the country’s climate, population, business hours, customs, foreign currency exchange and many more here.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics 2017

This booklet contains data about Myanmar’s Tourism Industry in 2017. Find out the country’s climate, population, business hours, customs, foreign currency exchange and many more here.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics 2016

Contains data about licenced tour guides, foreign investments in hotels and commercial complexes and tourism expenditure in 2016. Read to learn more.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics 2015

This pamphlet has statistics on tourist arrivals including border gateways, visa formalities and amount of visitors of Myanmar’s tourism industry in 2015.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics 2014

Learn about the statistics of tourist arrivals by special tours, overland entries, types of tourists, taxes and customs in this brochure.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics 2013

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics 2012

Contains statistics about Myanmar’s religion, climate, population and the tourism industry’s data on foreign investments in hotels and commercial complexes and many more.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics 2011

Read this booklet that shows the statistics of Myanmar’s tourism income, hotels, motels, guest houses and even visitors by nationality.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics 2010

Discover fast facts and statistics about Myanmar’s population, customs, taxes, licenced tour companies and many more.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics 2009-2010

Learn about Myanmar’s tourism income, tourism destinations entrance fees, visa formalities and data about tourist arrivals in this booklet.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics 2009

Quick facts about Myanmar’s climate, foreign currency exchange, business hours and climate can be found in this pamphlet.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics 2008-2009

Find out statistics about tourism income, airport tax, international gateways and types of tourists and their nationality in this brochure.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics 2008

This booklet contains statistics related to Myanmar’s tourism industry that include foreign investments in hotels and commercial complexes, and tourist arrival by special tours.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics Fiscal Year 2007-2008

Contains a statistical compilation of tourism income, airport tax, visitors by nationality, international gateways and types of tourist.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics Year 2006

Find out more about Myanmar’s tourism income, types of tourists, climate, population and religion in this brochure of statistics.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics Year 2005

Learn about Myanmar’s visa formalities, licenced tour companies and guide, types of tourist and their nationality in this booklet.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics Year 2004

This book includes the statistics for hotels, motels and guest houses, business hours, tax and customs of Myanmar’s tourism industry.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics Year 2003

Discover the statistics for tourist arrivals, tourism income and also information about visa formalities and customs.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics Year 2002

Read this book to learn about Myanmar’s licenced tour companies, transportation and guides, and foreign currency exchange.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics Year 2001

Retrieve quick facts about Myanmar’s population, climate, driving licence, hotel business and visitor arrivals.

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Myanmar Tourism Statistics Year 2000

This pamphlet contains statistics and information related to tourist arrivals, tourism income, tour guides, transportation and hotels in Myanmar.

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Thai government aims to lift 2024 GDP growth to 3% by tourists and major investments

Monday, 10 Jun 2024

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BANGKOK (Bloomberg): Thailand is counting on one million extra foreign tourist arrivals and faster government spending to help boost economic growth this year to the fastest pace in six years.

The country targets 36.7 million travellers this year, one million higher than the previous estimate to help boost gross domestic product growth to 3%, Finance Minister Pichai Chunhavajira told reporters after the meeting of economic ministers on Monday.

The latest GDP projection was higher than forecasts by the planning agency and the central bank, and would be the fastest pace since 2018, if it materialises.

The government also vowed to more than double the disbursement rate of 850 billion baht ($23 billion) it had allocated for public investment in the fiscal year ending September 30, Pichai said. The target is to bring the rate up to at least 70% from the current pace of about 41%, he said.

"We can’t sit still,” with such low growth estimate, Pichai said. "If we want to survive, our growth needs to reach 5% over the long term. But we will need to start with boosting this year’s growth first.”

Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin is under pressure to revive South-East Asia’s second-largest economy whose growth had lagged neighbours for much of the past decade. A recent opinion survey showed that more than half of the Thais polled were unhappy with Srettha’s performance.

In the early days of his administration, the premier had aspired to ramp up economic expansion to 5% or even higher during his term, aided by a 500-billion baht ($13.5 billion) cash handout stimulus that has yet to be implemented.

Thailand’s economy, which has grappled with an average of below 2% expansion in the past decade, grew only 1.5% in the first quarter.

Pichai said the Board of Investment will also push for as much as 40 billion baht worth of projects to start by the end of this year, coming from about 800 billion baht worth of approved investment applications.

As for helping improve access to credit especially for small companies and vulnerable sectors, Pichai said the Government Savings Bank is planning to lend 100 billion baht to commercial banks at 0.1%, so that the banks can re-lend to specific groups at an interest rate of 3.5%-5%, he said.

-- ©2024 Bloomberg L.P.

Tags / Keywords: Thailand , GDP , Bigger Growth , Tourism , Investments

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