Star Trek Minutiae: Exploring the Details of Science Fiction

The talented Kristian Trigwell (aka “Reverend”) spent many months researching hundreds of logos, insignia, and symbols seen in every Star Trek series and movie, and then faithfully reproduced them as vector artwork. He also included a few original designs of his own. Do you wonder what the governmental emblem of Angosia III looked like? Or are you looking for a good version of the insignia for the Department of Temporal Investigations? From the Great Seal of the Federation to the logo of Dyson-Yoyodyne Corporation, there’s a good chance it’s listed here!

Disclaimer: All images in this section are copyright © 2004-2009 Kristian Trigwell, and are reproduced with the permission of the artist. Star Trek is a registered trademark of CBS Studios Inc. No copyright infringement is intended. These images are intended for noncommercial purposes only. Read the complete legal notice for more information.

The Star Trek Design Project

Memory Alpha

Starfleet insignia

The Starfleet insignia or Starfleet delta was an asymmetrical, arrowhead-shaped emblem used by Starfleet . This symbol was used on every Starfleet badge and was displayed on starship hulls , installations , uniforms , and equipment, such as screws and screwdrivers .

  • 1.1 Alternate reality
  • 1.2 Mirror universe
  • 1.3 Parallel and future versions
  • 2.1 Background information

History [ ]

NASA logo

NASA insignia

This arrowhead shape has roots in history, beginning with a basic form on the logo used NASA in the 20th and 21st centuries , the United States military space command ratings badge and unit insignia, and on UESPA exploration vessels, such as the Friendship 1 , in the 21st century .

Starfleet logo, 22nd century

United Earth insignia

Building on that legacy, the United Earth Starfleet of the 22nd century used a simple forward-facing "pointer" shaped pennant, with a round backdrop. The original design for the Starfleet uniform of that era did not include this symbol, unless it was a crewperson assigned to Starfleet Command , who wore the insignia as their assignment patch on the left shoulder. In a later uniform revision of the 2160s , personnel wore the Starfleet patch on their right shoulder as well as the left shoulder assignment patch. ( ENT : " First Flight ", " These Are the Voyages... "; TNG : " The Royale ")

Shortly after the founding of the United Federation of Planets in 2161 , a solid silver delta was worn on the left breast of the uniform , with individual assignment patches worn on both shoulders. ( Star Trek Beyond )

After the 2160s, Starfleet slightly changed its insignias. The forward facing "pointer" shaped pennant remained the main logo for all of Starfleet, however Starfleet adopted different insignias for a different part of the fleet such as Starships and installations. For Starships. a new arrowhead delta design was adopted. This new arrowhead was the iconic Starfleet delta and was used only used on Starships. This design was used continuously until at least 2255 or 2256 , when the right side of the delta was changed to be outlined and slightly separated from the rest of the arrowhead. ( DIS Seasons 1 and 2 ; SNW Season 1 ; Star Trek: The Original Series ; Star Trek: The Animated Series ; Star Trek: The Motion Picture )

Starfleet pennant, Starbase 11

Personnel sit in front of a 2260s Starfleet pennant

The main logo of Starfleet was modified by 2256, with the left side of the insignia shortened. This simplified pennant was still used to display on Federation starships, and some installations, though it was not used on uniforms. ( TOS : " Court Martial "; ENT : " In a Mirror, Darkly ", " In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II ")

Discovery Section 31 uniform and combadge

Three variants of the Starfleet insignia on uniforms aboard the USS Discovery ( 2257 )

The arrowhead delta insignia of Starships remained on the uniforms of officers and enlisted who served on starships. It came into usage for much of Starfleet's exploration division in the early to mid- 23rd century . ( TOS : " Court Martial ")

A starburst insignia was used by flag officers and administrative support staff of fleet headquarters and starbases . The regular Starfleet arrowhead insignia remained the standard identification for Starfleet from the late 2250s to at least 2265 . ( TOS : " The Cage ", " Court Martial ", " The Doomsday Machine ", " The Omega Glory "; ENT : " In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II "; Star Trek ; DIS : " The Vulcan Hello ")

Bob Wesley variant Starfleet insignia

Two variants of the Starfleet Insignia based on rank and division, seen aboard the USS Enterprise ( 2268 )

By the mid- 2270s , while some installations such as Epsilon IX station , maintained their individual assignment patches, Starfleet Command began adopting the Starship arrowhead design for all of Starfleet. ( Star Trek: The Motion Picture ; Star Trek ; Star Trek Beyond ) Specifically, the command division insignia, with its five-pointed star contained in the arrowhead, was most often used, although a version omitting the internal star gained prominence as well. This symbol was now pointed up when worn on the chest or shoulder of uniforms, as well as displayed in signage, and facing fore when used as hull decoration on ships. This symbol eventually phased out all assignment patches by the late 2270s, and remained in use for some Starfleet divisions well into the 24th century . The metal badge version of this symbol became Starfleet's first combadge as well. ( Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan ; TNG : " Yesterday's Enterprise "; VOY : " Friendship One ")

Two variants of Starfleet insignia worn on uniforms aboard the USS Enterprise (2365)

Two variants of Starfleet insignias worn on uniforms on the USS Enterprise -D (2365)

In the 2340s , a more stylized version of the symbol, the familiar arrowhead without any internal symbology within the shape, and mounted on an oval field, was incorporated into uniforms. A metal badge of this emblem, again serving as a combadge , was worn on the uniform chest. This symbol also became common in starship hull pennants. ( TNG : " Encounter at Farpoint ", " Family ")

Tom Paris aboard the Cerritos

Two variants of the Starfleet insignia worn on uniforms, as seen on the USS Cerritos (2380s)

By the 2370s , a newer version was created for use as a combadge , with a stylized trapezoidal background. Starship hull pennants of this era began using a simplified version of the arrowhead alone, without a background. ( Star Trek Generations ; DS9 : " The Search, Part I "; VOY : " Caretaker "; Star Trek: Insurrection ) Starfleet adopted the simplified silver version as part of the uniform used in the early 2380s, alongside continued use of the version used in the 2370s. ( LD : " Second Contact "; PIC : " Nepenthe ")

In 2383 , some Starfleet personnel wore a hollow, outlined version of the arrowhead in silver with two dark, irregular stylized vertical trapezoids behind it. ( PIC : " Maps and Legends ") This is similar to a version of the insignia used in several alternate timelines around 2390 onward, which used vertical gold bars as the backing. ( TNG : " All Good Things... "; DS9 : " The Visitor "; VOY : " Timeless ", " Endgame ") In 2378 , one of these "alternate future" combadges was brought into the prime timeline by a future version of Kathryn Janeway , where it remained alongside other anachronistic advanced technology used to bring the USS Voyager home early. ( VOY : " Endgame ")

By 2399 , this design had been adapted with the trapezoids in dark silver, and now only descending from arrowhead. By 2402 , the combadge had been revised slightly, with the color of the trapezoids restored to gold.( PIC : " The Last Generation ")

By 3190, a solid chrome background with 2 golden triangular shapes (one bigger than the other), making up the arrowhead, placed on top with a silver, curved, bottom. It also had markings on the right-hand side to show the wear's rank, following the same pattern as the pips on the collar (number and colour). it was also the wear's Tricom badge . This insignia was also used on robotic droids such as Darts used on USS Discovery . ( DIS : " Scavengers ") An insignia, similar to that used in the 24th Century, was used on EV suits .

Late 2240s-2250s insignia (Command division)

Alternate reality [ ]

In the alternate reality created by Nero 's incursion, Starfleet had done away with the assignment patches by the 2250s. Instead, the fleet was united behind a gold arrowhead, slightly modified from the assignment patch of the USS Kelvin , with a shallow arrowhead indentation on the inside (as seen on dress uniforms ). The insignia used on starships was a silver arrowhead with a hollow division symbol inside the arrowhead, similar to the assignment patches used aboard the prime timeline's USS Enterprise . ( Star Trek )

By 2379, Starfleet was using an insignia similar to the one used from the 2340's to the 2360's in the Prime timeline. ( DIS : " Terra Firma, Part 1 ")

Dress uniform insignia

Mirror universe [ ]

In the mirror universe , a dagger impaling the Earth was the symbol of the Terran Empire , and, as such, was used as the insignia of the Imperial Starfleet . ( ENT : " In a Mirror, Darkly ", " In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II "; DIS : " Despite Yourself "; TOS : " Mirror, Mirror ")

Imperial insignia (2150s)

Parallel and future versions [ ]

In the Barash -created false-future illusion experienced by William T. Riker in 2367 , the symbol used in the Starfleet combadge consisted of the arrowhead, either silver or gold, with four horizontal bars behind indicating the rank of the individual by the number of bars that were gold or silver. ( TNG : " Future Imperfect ") This version was also in use in an alternate quantum reality visited by Worf in 2370 . ( TNG : " Parallels ")

In several alternate timelines observed by Starfleet personnel, new variations of this symbol existed. In the 2390s and 25th century , Starfleet personnel were known to wear a hollow, outlined version of the arrowhead with two irregular stylized vertical trapezoids behind it as their badge. ( TNG : " All Good Things... "; DS9 : " The Visitor "; VOY : " Timeless ", " Endgame ") One of these combadges was brought back in time to 2378 in the prime universe by a future version of Kathryn Janeway , where it was left behind alongside other anachronistic technology. ( VOY : " Endgame ") This design was in use aboard the USS Dauntless in 2384 of the prime timeline. ( PRO : " A Moral Star, Part 2 ")

Further in the future, 29th century Starfleet had a rotated version of the arrowhead shape, with the bottom half filled in with a mirror of the top point of the shape. In 29th century timeship hull decorations, the arrowhead was shown pointing backwards from the direction of motion for the first time, possibly because of the vessels' capability for time travel . ( VOY : " Future's End ", " Future's End, Part II ", " Relativity ")

This insignia, somewhat modified, was also used as the logo for the Chronowerx Industries company of the late 20th century . Its founder, Henry Starling , stole a 29th century vessel and used the insignia aboard as his company logo, as most of his products were invented using scavenged parts of the ship.

Holographic 2383 / Alternate 2370 insignia (captain)

Appendix [ ]

Background information [ ].

Division insignia used during most of TOS

From the Star Trek Encyclopedia , 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 365, " The distinctive arrowhead symbol used on Starfleet uniforms was first created by Star Trek: The Original Series costume designer William Ware Theiss for the " The Cage " in 1964 . Three versions of the original symbol were created, used for command personnel, science specialists, and engineering staff. (A fourth version, featuring a red cross, was occasionally worn by Christine Chapel .)" Another version, which appeared only in "The Cage", had a unique symbol of a box, open on the wearer's left, with a "C" shape inside. Only two crewmembers were seen wearing this unique insignia; both were on the bridge with one standing like a guard at the turbolift doors, and the other standing at times next to Captain Pike's chair. This unique insignia's meaning was never mentioned on screen; it was dropped in the second pilot, " Where No Man Has Gone Before ", and never appeared again.

Following the original Star Trek series, it was generally assumed that the arrowhead symbol was unique to Enterprise , and that other starships had different insignia for their uniforms." This misunderstanding may have arisen from a costume error in " The Omega Glory ", which officers on the USS Exeter were shown having their own unique insignia, but the intention was for all ships to use one symbol. A memo from Robert H. Justman dated 18 December 1967 clarified the policy around the arrowhead emblem , stating " all Starship personnel wear the Starship emblem that we have established for our Enterprise Crew Members to wear, " meaning that the arrowhead was always meant to be the emblem for all of Starfleet. Further, the crew of the Antares was the " equivalent of the Merchant Marines or freighter personnel " and other emblems should be counted as production mistakes. [1] Nevertheless, the two-part Enterprise episode " In a Mirror, Darkly (episode) " depicted the USS Defiant as having its own distinctive insignia.

Reference works , such as the Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual (p. 3), suggest that the Starfleet-wide adoption of the Enterprise emblem was probably to honor the ship and her crew for their successful and historic five-year mission . Considering that one of Star Trek 's long-held influences is the Age of Sail, it may be a reference to the British Royal Navy's adoption of Nelson Chequer – the particular coloration of the ships of Admiral Horatio Nelson – on all of its ships after the Battle of Trafalgar . In a form of fact emulating fiction (and vice-versa), the US Air Force Space Command badges have a delta arrowhead very similar to the 1960s-designed Enterprise insignia, while the United Earth Starfleet insignia seems to be a deliberate synthesis between the TOS era pennant and the NASA logo. Several other space agencies (Roscosmos, JAXA, CNSA, ISRO) use a variation of the 'vector' shape in their logos as well.

Fletcher's revised division insignia seen in TMP

The Star Trek Encyclopedia further notes: " This changed in Star Trek: The Motion Picture , when a modified emblem, designed by Robert Fletcher , was used not only on Enterprise crew members, but on all Starfleet personnel. We therefore assume that at some point after the original Star Trek series, the Enterprise emblem was adopted for the entire Starfleet. The feature film insignia (in a couple of variations) was used for the movies set in the Kirk era, as well for Star Trek: The Next Generation flashback sequences involving Picard's cadet days. Yet another variation was created for Star Trek: The Next Generation 's first season by Theiss, in conjunction with Rick Sternbach and Mike Okuda . This version was also used on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine . Most recently. Starfleet officers wear a version designed by John Eaves and Bob Blackman , first seen in Star Trek Generations . Additionally, two hypothetical future versions have been seen. One, designed by Okuda, was seen in " Future Imperfect " and " Parallels ", while another, designed by Eaves, was used in " All Good Things... " and " The Visitor ". Still more variants were added for the Kelvin timeline for Star Trek and Star Trek Into Darkness . "

The 29th century insignia is referred to as the "far future Starfleet" symbol in the Star Trek Sticker Book , and was designed by Richard James and Rick Sternbach. (p. 14)

Several patches were sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [2]

Following the announcement of the logo of the United States Space Force , a division of the Department of the Air Force, a number of sources noted its similarity to the Starfleet insignia, though others pointed out that the design appeared to based on the logo of the Air Force Space Command , which was phased out in place of the new Space Force. [3]

  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)

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Published Aug 23, 2023

The Starfleet Insignia Explained

No Star Trek symbol captures the eye or imagination quite like the delta.

Starfleet Insignia Explained

"The Starfleet Symbol." "The Arrowhead." "The Delta."

star trek insignia png

Star Trek uses symbols to convey a lot of things, but none captures the eye or imagination quite like the delta. In the years since The Original Series first aired, fans have tried to determine the meaning behind the various insignia shapes we see in the show. To most, it seems that the iconic delta shape is some sort of ship assignment patch meant to represent the U.S.S. Enterprise .

Some arrive at this conclusion because they see various Starfleet personnel wearing a number of different insignia. However, like any puzzle without a key, it’s impossible to precisely interpret the meaning of these other insignia.

The hidden key to the puzzle was finally uncovered a few years ago. The discovery was a memorandum written by producer Robert H. (Bob) Justman to  costume designer William Ware (Bill) Theiss . The subject? STARSHIP EMBLEMS.

A copy of that memorandum has been digitized from the Gene Roddenberry  Star Trek  Television Series Collection (held in the Library Special Collections division of the Young Research Library at UCLA in Irvine, California) and is shown below:

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This memo, written during the production of the episode "The Omega Glory," and referencing Captain Ron Tracey, nullifies the long-held assumption that Starfleet assigned different insignia shapes to starships during TOS. Theiss’ inclusion of an alternate insignia for the  Exeter 's captain and chief medical officer, unfortunately, downplays how genuinely ubiquitous the delta insignia is within the  Star Trek  universe. As a result, fans of the series are left with conflicting visual information regarding the meaning of the insignia worn throughout the original series.

Nearly 50 years after Bob Justman wrote his memo, we now have the opportunity to clarify the use of each and every Starfleet uniform insignia used in   TOS. With a wee bit of Scotty's ingenuity, and a pinch of Vulcan logic, the complete picture of what Gene Roddenberry envisioned for the delta insignia should snap into focus.

There are six Starfleet duty insignia used in The Original Series:

  • Starship Duty Insignia (Fleet personnel emblem)
  • Spacecraft Duty Insignia (Auxiliary Fleet/ Merchant Marine personnel emblem)
  • Outpost Duty Insignia (Outpost and Colony personnel emblem)
  • Cadet Duty Insignia (Starfleet Academy student emblem)
  • Starbase Duty Insignia (Headquarters,  Space stations, Drydocks, and Ground installation personnel emblem)
  • Fleet Command Insignia (Senior field commander personnel emblem)

In the  Star Trek  universe, the delta emblem is a direct descendant of the vector component of the old NASA (and later UESPA) logos in use during Earth’s space programs of the 20th and 21st Centuries. Those symbols were worn by some of the first space explorers and adorned uniforms and ships during humanity’s first steps into the final frontier.

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United Earth Space Probe Agency integrated with Starfleet as the leading United Earth space exploration service.

The delta insignia was first drawn in 1964 by costume designer William Ware Theiss with input from series creator Gene Roddenberry. The delta — or “Arrowhead” as Bill Theiss called it — has evolved into a revered symbol and one that's synonymous with  Star Trek  today.

The delta also conveys information about the wearer’s duties aboard ship using a series of division symbols. When paired with a distinctive, elongated “star,” the insignia represents someone assigned to the Command division aboard ship. When it displays the “planet” symbol, it represents the Sciences division, a stylized “e” stands for Engineering (later Operations), and a red “Swiss Cross” is worn by starship personnel assigned to the Nursing Corps.

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Captain James T. Kirk wearing the Starship Duty Insignia, Command Division.

Let’s continue our study of  Star Trek ’s insignia with personnel assigned to other starships that are wearing the delta insignia.

Before we knew about this memo, we assumed that each ship had its own unique insignia, but there are problems that theory doesn't account for. For instance, does it bother you, or at least seem odd to see the surly guys in Starbase 11’s Officer's Club (in the episode "Court Martial") giving “their captain” a hard time over the presumed death of their mutual friend Ben Finney? Or, to see deceased crew members aboard the  U.S.S. Defiant  (in the episode "The Tholian Web") wearing the delta insignia?

If different starships had different symbols, why weren't they wearing them? Simple. The memo makes it clear that those Starfleet officers are not assigned to the  Enterprise ; they are simply wearing Starfleet’s standard-issue Starship Duty Insignia.

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Non-Enterprise Starfleet personnel in Starbase 11’s Officer’s Club in Court Martial, and Below: Deceased U.S.S. Defiant crew member wearing the Starship Duty Insignia in "The Tholian Web."

By now, you might be saying, “What about U.S.S. Exeter ’s Captain Ron Tracey and his chief surgeon, Dr. Carter?” As these two insignia patches are the error being addressed in the memo, they need no further explanation. They alone are the anomaly (an anomaly Theiss never repeated), which led to the misconception that every ship has its own assignment insignia.

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Above: Captain Ron Tracey of the U.S.S. Exeter, and Below: his CMO, Dr. Carter.

As you can see here, Theiss thoughtfully, if erroneously, provided both officers with unique assignment insignia patches, and in keeping with his fastidious reputation, insured both patches included their appropriate division symbols.

Early in TOS, we get our first look at non-delta insignia. In the episode "Charlie X,"  Antares ’ Captain Rampart and his first officer are wearing the Spacecraft Duty Insignia, which indicates that they are assigned to an auxiliary spacecraft serving in Starfleet's Merchant Marine Corps — just as Justman points out in his memo. 

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Antares' Captain Rampart, and his XO wearing the Merchant Marine Spacecraft Duty Insignia.

Not long after that, we get a look at another new insignia. The Outpost Duty Insignia is worn by Starfleet personnel assigned to outposts on the very edge of Federation space, the frontier. This emblem is characterized by a gold spikelet against a black background. Warning: Do not put yourself in a situation where this insignia goes on your uniform. Personnel wearing this badge never seem to live happily ever after.

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Outpost Crew from "Balance of Terror" & "Arena" pictured wearing the Outpost Duty Insignia.

A few episodes later, the Enterprise takes shore leave and Kirk reminisces about his days at the Academy. Worn by students attending Starfleet Academy, the Cadet Duty Insignia is characterized by a pewter colored, smaller version of the Starbase Duty Insignia.

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Second Class Midshipman Finnegan wearing the Cadet Duty Insignia.

First seen in "The Menagerie," the Starbase Duty Insignia is worn by personnel assigned to Federation Starbases, which include Starfleet Headquarters, space stations, drydocks, and other ground installations. The emblem, which is devoid of any departmental symbol, is a stylized representation of an “Evening Starflower” (a flowering plant native to the western hemisphere of Earth).

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Above: Admiral James Komack of Starfleet Command - Sector 9, and Below: Admiral Fitzpatrick.

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Miss Piper, assistant to Commodore Mendez, and Lt. Areel Shaw Starbase 11 JAG Officer wearing the Starbase Duty Insignia.

So how does Commodore Wesley in "The Ultimate Computer," or Commodore Decker in "The Doomsday Machine," fit into the spectrum of Starfleet insignia?

Well, let’s talk about commodores for a moment. A commodore is a flag officer rank, one position above captain. A starship captain usually commands a single vessel, but a commodore ordinarily commands more than one ship. Usually, commodores command a group of ships (either close to their flagship or distant), or in the case of TOS, they normally command a starbase.

In charge of evaluating the operational performance of the M5 computer while it's in total control of a starship, Commodore Wesley sits in temporary command of the  U.S.S. Lexington  to lead a battle fleet in war games against the  Enterprise . Throughout the episode, Commodore Wesley continues to wear his Starbase Duty Insignia, while the  Lexington  crew would have been wearing the delta.

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Commodore Bob Wesley in the transporter room briefing Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock about the M5 computer.

Finally, we come to one of my favorite characters ever — Commodore Matt Decker in "The Doomsday Machine." We saved him for last because we could only properly discuss his insignia and what it means after we talked about Starfleet’s other symbols first.

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William Windom as Commodore Matt Decker

Unlike Commodore Bob Wesley, who was only in temporary command of the  Lexington , Matt Decker is a Flag Officer with permanent field command of a starship. In fact, he's the only Flag Officer we see in  Star Trek  with a field command. As a consequence of Commodore Decker's rank and status as Commander of the  U.S.S. Constellation  (his flagship), he wears the Fleet Command Insignia denoting his status as a Flag Officer in the field. If we had seen Commodore Decker's crew (may they rest in peace), we would have seen the delta shape insignia in use on their uniforms. Commodore Decker's own first officer would have held the rank of Captain and worn the Starship Duty Insignia.

It should be noted that "The Doomsday Machine," which was filmed early in Season 2, is not referenced in Bob Justman’s memo. Some speculate that Decker’s absence from the memo is further indication of the inconsistent use of emblems in  Star Trek , but that presupposes that the production staff missed that detail. However, the very existence of the Justman memo, and a whole forest of others just like it, demonstrates that the opposite is true.

The production team of  Star Trek  worked diligently to ensure that every aspect of the future they were busy creating held up under scrutiny. Gene Roddenberry was notoriously rewriting scripts himself to ensure no less than exactly what he wanted ended up on-screen, and that fastidious nature permeated the entire production staff. That Decker’s unique emblem is not mentioned in the production memo indicates that his particular insignia isn't an error at all; but represents something else.

Check out Commodore Decker's insignia. Remember that when Theiss created the insignia for Captain Ron Tracey, he went out of his way to ensure it was emblazoned with a Command Star department symbol. Commodore Decker has no such departmental symbol in his insignia patch, which places it in the same design lineage as the Starbase Duty Insignia, which is also devoid of any departmental symbol.

At this point in  Star Trek , we’ve seen a number of flag officers; but they have all worn the Starflower shape, which indicates assignment to a starbase, while Matt Decker alone in TOS series serves as a flag officer in permanent command of a starship. He is wearing an insignia that conveys his unique status, the Fleet Command Insignia, and if you look closely, you'll see that Matt Decker’s emblem is visually related to the Starbase Duty Insignia. Decker’s insignia is a stylized representation of an individual petal from the same “Evening Starflower” emblem that comprises the starbase symbol. This insignia isn't mentioned in the production memo because it's not an error at all.

Hopefully, by now, you can see how consistent the  Star Trek  costume department really was in their use of insignia, and that Bill Thiess never repeated the error he made during "The Omega Glory" after it was pointed out by the memo.

Returning to the delta, Roddenberry and Justman intended it to be a very special symbol that communicates something important. The insignia worn on Starfleet uniforms is the equivalent of the badges worn by U.S. Service members — to show how they serve, not where they serve. Both men served with distinction in World War II. Roddenberry was an Army Air Corps pilot and Justman was a radio operator in the Navy. In the air and at sea, they understood the value of visual communication. In uniform, they themselves carried those values on their chests, on their collars, and on their sleeves. Twenty years after they wore their own various insignia, they helped to create something new — a symbol to inspire others. In the 1960s, the Starfleet delta had far more in common with the golden pin awarded to a NASA astronaut than a simple mission patch, and it was intended to equal that proud emblem in both use and sentiment.

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The NASA Astronaut Pin. There are two versions of this pin, a silver pin awarded to those who complete their training, and a gold pin awarded only to astronauts who have flown in space.

The delta proclaims that the person wearing it has achieved the goal of every cadet entering the Academy, and the dream of many a devoted fan — to serve aboard a starship and set sail in an endless sea of stars.

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Starfleet Insignia Badge, Command Division from Star Trek Discovery

They used to say if man could fly, he'd have wings. But he did fly. He discovered he had to.

Captain James T. Kirk

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I am grateful to have an experienced and learned group of expert Star Trek fans who helped with the research on this article — Steve Fronczek, Creative Services Manager, ANOVOS; Lieutenant Commander Michael J. Quigley, United States Navy; and Dayton Ward, Star Trek author.

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This article was originally published on October 7, 2018

John Cooley is a lifelong Star Trek fan.

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Star Trek Original Series Command Insignia Logo

Star trek original series command insignia logo png vector in svg, pdf, ai, cdr format.

Star Trek Original Series Command Insignia Logo

Star Trek is a popular science fiction franchise that originated as a television series created by Gene Roddenberry. It has since expanded into multiple television series, films, novels, comic books, and merchandise. The franchise is set in the future and follows the adventures of various starship crews as they explore the galaxy.

One notable aspect of Star Trek is the use of command insignia, which represents the rank and position of officers within Starfleet, the fictional space exploration organization in the Star Trek universe. The command insignia typically takes the form of a gold emblem in the shape of a stylized arrowhead or delta.

Here are some key points about Star Trek and command insignia:

Meaning: The command insignia signifies officers who hold command positions, such as captains, commanders, and other high-ranking officers responsible for leading starships or starbases. It represents authority, leadership, and decision-making.

Design: The command insignia in Star Trek consists of a gold-colored delta shape, with a smaller silver-colored delta inside it. The design varies slightly across different Star Trek series and movies, but the general shape and colors remain consistent.

Variations: Within Star Trek, there are different versions of command insignia to represent various divisions or branches of Starfleet. For example, the "Starfleet Operations" insignia features a small star in the center of the delta, representing officers in operations-related roles.

Placement: In Star Trek, the command insignia is typically worn on the left breast of the uniform, just above the rank stripes. The insignia serves as a visual indicator of an officer's position and authority.

Popularity and Iconic Status: The command insignia, along with other Star Trek symbols and designs, has become iconic and recognizable among fans of the franchise. It has been widely replicated and incorporated into various Star Trek merchandise, cosplay outfits, and fan creations.

It's important to note that Star Trek has a rich and extensive universe with multiple series and movies, and the use and design of command insignia can vary slightly across different iterations of the franchise. The information provided here represents a general overview, but for more specific details about command insignia in a particular Star Trek series or movie, it's recommended to refer to official Star Trek resources or dedicated fan communities.

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  • StarTrek Insignia

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$ 3.99 $ 2.99

STAR TREK BORG INSIGNIA the cut file set including SVG, DXF and PNG Formats for Cricut, Digital Download, Instant Download, Digital Clip Art, SVG Files, SVG Files For Cricut, Digital Files.

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This is a digital download of a “STAR TREK BORG INSIGNIA” STAR TREK SVG Cut File Set. You can import these files to a number of cutting machine software programs, including Cricut Design Space, Silhouette Studio, and Brother ScanNCut. With this purchase, you will receive a zipped folder containing these images in SVG, DXF and PNG format. Use these files to create iron on vinyl shirt decals, signs, mugs, wall decals, and more!

  • ✓SVG Suitable for Cricut cutting machine and other cutting machines and customizable
  • ✓DXF Cutting format, use it in the base version of silhouette studio and CorelDRAW
  • ✓PNG High resolution, 300 dpi, transparent background for use as clipart

Should you wish to use the JPEG or PNG files with a standard printer and iron on transfer paper, please remember to follow the directions on your transfer paper and click the “flip horizontal” button prior to finalizing your print job.

This is a instant download! Please read: , this will show how it works?

Terms of Use:

All copyrights and trademarks of character images and/or official logos used belong to their respective owners and are not being sold. These items are not licensed products and SVG File Designs does not claim ownership over the characters and/or logos used in these designs. SVG File Designs creates original designs which incorporate popular images. These original designs are protected under Copyright Law as Derivative Works. As such, SVG File Designs holds the copyright on all of the designs sold here.

Due to the nature of instant download files, there will be NO REFUNDS!!!

So please make sure that one of the files purchased will work with your cutting machine or is appropriate for the project you are trying to complete.

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