Uttarakhand Stories

The folk songs have managed to keep the culture of the diverse communities of Uttarakhand alive. Listen to the melodious Garhwali, Kumaoni and Jaunsari songs and replenish your senses.

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About Uttarakhand

12 Popular Folk Songs Of Uttarakhand

  • Folk Songs Of Uttarakhand

The folk music of Uttarakhand originated in the natural world. It has evolved through many stages of development and changed significantly over the years. It delves into the everyday lives of the people of Uttarakhand as well as its many festivals, religious rituals, and folk tales.

Bajuband, Basanti, Chhopati, Chhura, Chounphula, Jhumeila, Jagars, Khuded, Mangal, and Puja Folk music are some of the folk music heard in Uttarakhand. You may hear the voices of several artists on these songs, such as Sangeeta Dhoundiyal, Meena Rana, Sanil Bisht, Virendra Rajput, Dinesh Uniyal, Pritam Bhartwan, Sangeeta Dhoundiyal, Sangeeta Dhoundiyal, Sangeeta Dhoundiyal, Meena Rana, Sangeeta Dhoundiyal, Manglesh Dangwal, Anil Bisht, Virendra Rajput, Dinesh Uniyal, Pritam Bhartwan, and many more.

Table Of Contents

Types of folk songs of uttarakhand, prominent singers from uttarakhand, prominent folk music of uttarakhand, posts related to folk songs of uttarakhand, to conclude.

12 Popular Folk Songs Of Uttarakhand

Photo Credit: James Kovin on Unsplash

The folk music of Uttarakhand is a diverse tapestry that reflects the region's diverse cultural background. Among these styles is the 'Jagars,' a lively and rhythmic music associated with joyous events like weddings and festivals. Singing 'Mangal' songs at ceremonial ceremonies is believed to bring good fortune and benefits to the community. On the other hand, 'Basanti' is an indication that spring is almost here thanks to its vibrant and colourful lyrics, which perfectly represent the season.

While 'Chhura' highlights the bravery and courage of local heroes, 'Bajuband' encapsulates rural life as women sing it while going about their daily chores. By singing dance-oriented 'Jhumeila' songs in groups on festive occasions, cultural festivals are given an extra dynamic touch. Folk songs called 'Khuded' depict the anguish a wife feels when she is separated from her spouse. When the husband is out seeking for job, the wife vents her frustration with her current circumstances.

Several accomplished singers from the culturally rich state of Uttarakhand have made permanent imprints on India's musical history. One such notable figure is the classical singer Gopal Babu Goswami, who is well-known for his mastery of Hindustani classical music. He has received local and national praise for his heartfelt performances.

Another notable personality is Mohan Upreti, who is known for his works in the religious genre. Spiritual fervour reverberates through his bhajans and hymns, enchanting hearts all over the nation. Lovers of traditional music adore Narendra Singh Negi's songs, which capture the spirit of Uttarakhand via their beautiful melodies.

The multi-talented Anuradha Nirala is a source of great pride for Uttarakhand; she has rendered outstanding performances in both traditional and modern music. She has received a lot of praise for her expressive and riveting performances. Several accomplished playback singers have come out of the state, including Meena Rana, whose mesmerising voice has graced the soundtracks of several Bollywood and regional films. A few other exceptional singers are Sangeeta Dhoundiyal, Pawandeep Rajan, Anil Bisht, Dev Negi, Anil Bisht, Pritam Bhartwan, and B. K. Samant. A few names from the long list of gifted singers are these.

As a result of these talented musicians' deep roots in Uttarakhandi culture, the state's musical heritage lives on and transforms with each new generation.

Singing the heartfelt melodies of its lively folk music, the hill state of Uttarakhand reverberates in the valley below the majestic Himalayas. Traditional tunes from the area weave a beautiful tapestry that captures the spirit of its cultural variety and stunning landscapes. At festivals and other festive occasions, one can hear the popular folk music style known as 'Chholiya,' which is frequently accompanied by lively dance. A feeling of happiness and unity is conveyed by its energetic rhythms and melodies.

Weddings and other festive events in Uttarakhand often feature traditional 'Jhora' folk songs. These pulsating pieces capture the essence of the region's social fabric—the pleasant moments and the sense of community peace.

One distinctive folk dance, 'Langvir Nritya,' is frequently performed to traditional music that tells stories of bravery and courage. The graceful blending of music and dance captures the spirit of bravery and perseverance inherent to Uttarakhandi culture.

A profoundly moving At festive occasions, the melodies of 'Mangal' are sung to convey best wishes and blessings. These tunes are vital in maintaining the state's cultural identity and also function as musical expressions.

The people of Uttarakhand find solace in their folk music, which serves as a link to their ancestry and roots. As they reverberate through the mountains, these songs continue a musical heritage that is just as varied as the terrains that serve as its sources of inspiration.

Folk Songs of Uttarakhand had its source in nature. It has gone through a number of levels of growth and has been through numerous alterations over time. It covers the various festivals, religious practices, folk legends, and the ordinary life of the people in Uttarakhand.

In Uttarakhand, you can hear folk songs like Bajuband, Basanti, Chhopati, Chhura, Chounphula, Jhumeila, Jagars, Khuded, Mangal, and Puja Folk Songs. Various performers including Sh. Mohan Upreti, Sh. Gopal Babu Goswami, Sh. Narendra Singh Negi ji Gajendra Rana, Meena Rana, Sangeeta Dhoundiyal, Manglesh Dangwal, Anil Bisht, Virendra Rajput, Dinesh Uniyal, Pritam Bhartwan, and more can be heard singing these tunes.

Folk Song Of Uttarakhand

Bajuband is a folk song that is quite common in the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand, India. Women typically sing it while doing household tasks like grinding grain, churning milk, or spinning wool. The term “Bajuband,” which refers to the decorative bracelet that women in the area wear on their upper arms, is derived from the Hindi terms “baju” (which means arm) and “band” (which means knotted).

Traditional folk songs known as basanti come from the Kumaon area of Uttarakhand, India. The spring season is referred to as “Basanti,” and it is widely observed in this area. The rhythms of basanti songs are fast and energetic, and they are typically sung in groups by both men and women. Songs by Basanti frequently have romantic, natural, or springtime-related themes as their focus.

Traditional folk song known as chhopati is from the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand, India. The word “Chhopati,” which means “to clap,” is used to describe the rhythmic hand clapping that frequently accompanies the tunes. Songs from the Chhopati language are frequently sung in groups by both men and women. Themes like love, nature, and ordinary life in the Garhwal region frequently appear in the lyrics of Chhopati songs.

Folk song known as chhura comes from the Kumaon region of Uttarakhand, India. The songs are called after the curved knives that were historically employed by shepherds and farmers in the area. The word “Chhura” means “knife” in the regional Kumaoni language. Chhura songs are primarily performed by men, and they are distinguished by their quick rhythms and vivacious vocals. In the Kumaon region, love, nature, and rural life are frequent themes in the lyrics of Chhura songs.

Folk songs known as chounphula are a traditional kind of music that comes from the Kumaon area of Uttarakhand, India. These songs are typically performed by women, and simple instruments like the dholak, harmonium, and manjira are used as accompaniment. The songs are often sung in admiration of nature and the magnificence of the Himalayan mountains. The phrase “Chounphula” literally translates to “a bunch of flowers.” The changing seasons are celebrated and the local flora and fauna are frequently described in the lyrics.

The Garhwal region of Uttarakhand, India, is home to the long-standing folk music style known as jagar. It is a type of ceremonial music that is played during religious rites and festivals, particularly when people are worshiping regional deities. The “Jagaris,” who are often male vocalists, performs the Jagar folk tunes. The dhol, damau, and turri are a few of the traditional instruments used to accompany the songs. Jagar songs are primarily sung in the indigenous Garhwali language and are characterized by a repeated melody, chanting, and frenetic drumming.

The Kumaon region of Uttarakhand, India, is home to the ancient folk music style known as jhumeila. It is a well-liked kind of music that is played during celebrations and social events, particularly weddings. The dholak, harmonium, and manjira are common accompaniment for jhumeila melodies, which are typically sung by women in groups. The songs have a vibrant and upbeat rhythm and are typically sung in the regional Kumaoni language.

Khuded folk songs illustrate the pain of a woman caused by being separated from her husband. The woman expresses her anger at the situation she is in when the husband is gone, looking for work. A married woman will sometimes sing these songs to remember her parents and the home of her marriage. The word Khuded is based on the Garhwali word Khud, which refers to the sentiment of missing someone.

Traditional folk music known as laman originates from the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand, India. A single artist or a small group of musicians will typically perform this unusual style of music, which combines singing and playing an instrument. Laman songs frequently have deep and depressing tunes and are sung in the regional Garhwali language. The anguish and suffering of the common people and their struggles with poverty, love, and loss are frequently reflected in the lyrics of the Laman songs.

During auspicious events like marriages, childbirth, and other religious and social festivals, the folk music genre known as “Maangal” is traditionally performed in the Indian state of Uttarakhand. The songs are said to bring luck and fortune because the word “Maangal” is an auspicious or blessing. Traditional instruments like the dhol, damau, and hurka are used to accompany the lyrics of Maangal songs, which are typically written in the regional Kumaoni or Garhwali dialects.

The Kumaon region of Uttarakhand, India, is well known for its pawada style of folk song. In the same category as the folk ballads, Khuded and Laman, which portray a woman’s loneliness while her husband is in war, is Pawada. Love, care, fear, and pride are all expressed in abundance in these songs. These songs provide the woman with the inner strength to deal with daily struggles when she is by herself and without her husband. The Hills people are extremely brave and committed to serving their Nation, it should be noted. They have repeatedly shown their courage during war and warfare.

The Puja songs of Uttarakhand, India, are a significant component of its cultural history. These songs, which are performed in adoration of the gods and goddesses, are a crucial component of the numerous religious and cultural celebrations held in the area. Traditional instruments like the dhol, damau, and hurka are used to accompany the lyrics of these songs, which are typically written in the regional Kumaoni or Garhwali dialects.

Last but not least, the folk songs of Uttarakhand are moving reminders of a heritage that has its origins in the breathtaking Himalayan panorama. A musical tapestry reflecting the region's heart and soul, these melodies weave tales of joy, love, valour, and spiritual devotion amid rhythms and topics that are different. Every folk song in Uttarakhand, from the energetic 'Chholiya' that reverberates through festivals to the heartfelt 'Jhora' that epitomises weddings and communal delight, is a reflection of the rich traditions that make this state unique.

These musical expressions have a dual purpose: entertaining and preserving history through the transmission of stories from one generation to another. As a constant link to the spiritual mystique and breathtaking scenery of the area, the folk songs capture the resiliency, humility, and cultural diversity of the people who sing them.

Across the hills and valleys of Uttarakhand, the melodies of folk songs provide a cultural message that bridges the gap between two eras, between tradition and modernity. The folk songs of Uttarakhand, with their melodic harmony, make sure that the magic of this state stays, winning over listeners and encouraging them to cherish the rich musical history that is intrinsic to Uttarakhandi culture.

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  • Folk Songs And Dances Of Uttarakhand
  • Uttarakhand

Uttarakhand has a very rich culture and the various dance forms and folk songs of Uttarakhand reflect the same. The folk dances of Uttarakhand are performed at various occasions and festivals.

The art of dancing also owes its inspiration to the fascinating mythical dancing damsels who dwell on snow-clad peaks and are variously described as Ancheris, Kecharis or Paries. Dresses play a major role in dancing style while people gather in some special kind of design dresses to dance and worship.

Some believe they are the souls of spirits of young unmarried girls who died with no funeral rites; they are the daughters of Ravana who offered them to Lord Shiva as his hand-maidens. The most popular version makes them part of the Krishna legend and lore, making them into the Gopis who dance the 'Dance Celestial' with their Lord.

Folk Dances and Folk Songs of Uttarakhand

Barada nati.

Barada Nati folk dance is a popular dance of Jaunsar Bhawar area of Chakrata Tehsil in Dehradun district. The folk dance is performed on the eve of some religious festivals or on the occasion of some social functions. Both boys and girls take part in the dance dressed with colourful traditional costumes.

Langvir Nritya

Langvir Nritya is an acrobatic dance and is performed by the men folk only. In this dance, a long bamboo pole is fixed at a place. The dancer acrobat climbs to the top of this pole and then balances himself on his stomach on the top. Under the pole, a band of musicians play 'Dhol' and 'Damana' while the dancer acrobat rotates on the top of the pole doing other feats with the help of his hands and feet. This dance is popular in Tehri Garhwal region.

Pandav Nritya

Pandva Nritya which is related to the story of Mahabharata has been very popular particularly in the Garhwal region. Pandva Nritya is nothing but a simple narration of the story of Mahabharata in the form of dance and music. The narration is mostly enacted on the occasion of 'Dussehra' and Diwali. Pandav Nritya is popular in Chamoli district and Pauri Garhwal.

Shotiya Tribal Folk Dances

Bhotiya tribals have their typical dances like 'Dhurang, and Dhuring' which are connected with death ceremonies. The aim at liberating the soul of the dead person which they believed to have been living in the body of either a goat or another animal. The dance is similar to the pastorals of Himachal Pradesh or the hunting dance of Nagaland.

These are the folk songs popular in Rawain-Jaunpur area of Tehri Garhwal. 'Chhopati' are the love songs sung between the men and women in the form of questions and answers.

Chounphula and Jhumeila

'Chounphula' & Jhumeila' form part of seasonal dances which are performed from 'Basant Panchami' to 'Sankranti' or 'Baisakhi'. 'Jhumeila' is sometimes mixed but is usually restricted to women. 'Chounphula' is a spinning dance performed by all sections of the community, at night, in groups by men and women. 'Chounphula' folk songs are composed for the appreciation of nature during various occasions. Chounphula, Jhumeila and Daryola folk songs all derive their names from the concerned folk dances.

'Basanti' folk songs are composed for the coming spring season when flowers, bloom and new life spring in the valleys of the hills of Garhwal. The folk song is sung individually or in groups.

'Mangal' songs are sung during marriage ceremonies. These songs are basically 'Puja songs' sung alongwith the Purohits who keep enhanting 'Shlokas' in Sanskrit according to the Shastras during the marriage ceremony.

Jaggar falls in the category of ghost and spiritual worship, in the form of a folk song or at times combined with dances. Sometimes, Jaggar may also be in the form of Puja folk songs and are sung in .honour of the various gods and goddesses.There are more than 50 ballads on indigenous spirits, gods and goddesses, fairies and ghosts, the most famous Ganganath, Gorilla, and Bholanath. The chief priest, Gantava, fixes the time on whicl1 a jagar is to be formed. Around the burning fire, in a circle, are members of the village or family-suddently, like a magician the Das, or singer, slowly, and with measured drum beats, starts to invoke the spirit. Coupled with his singing, punctuated by the exotic drum-beats, and the shrill sound of the thali', the crescendo, builds up and drives the listeners into a trance. In a fit of ectasy they leap, shout, tremble and j'ump, sometimes tearing off their clothes. As they move around the fire, the Das starts to address them by the name of the spirit or spirits involved and asks the spirits, the questions that are sought by some families and the remedies. Usually the spirit demands a sacrifice of a goat or a bird. The spirit is sent back to its Himalayan abode and the spell breaks-the dance and the ceremony is over. While in a state of trance the dancers lick red-hot pokers, or shove their hands into the blazing fire without being harmed.The instruments used are a big Drum (Dhol), a smaller Drum (Damua), Hurka and Thall.

This is a folk song of love and sacrifice between the shepherds. It is a love dialogue between the man and woman or between a boy and girl which is sung in the form of a folk song.

These folk songs depict the suffering of a woman due to the separation from her husband. The woman curses the circumstances in which she is separated generally when the husband is away looking for a job. 'Laman' another folk song is sung on special occasions expressing the sacrifice that he is willing to do for his beloved. 'Pawada' also belongs to this category of folk songs where separation is felt when the husband has gone to the battlefield.

'Chhura' folk songs are sung among shepherds in the form of advice given by the old to youngsters, having learnt it out of their experience, particularly in grazing sheep and goats.

One day Sidha played his flute, while resting under a tree of rhododendron; fascinated by his music the dancing fairies from Indira's court descended on earth and carried away his soul to Heaven. Meanwhile his wife, Brinjamati, sister of Krishna, had a premonition in her dream, and aroused, she went in search of her husband. Her worst doubts became reality, when she found her husband dead. In her agony she went to her brother in Dwarka, Krishna, who already knew what had happened, promised to help her.Krishna went to the banks of the Mansarovar and played his flute like he had never played before, putting in his playing his entire heart and soul. The enchanted fairies forgot to keep an eye on their clothes. Seizing his chance, Krishna whisked them all away and climbed atop the tallest tree on the shore. He kept on playing. The fairies entreated him to give back their clothes, but Krishna, in all his willy wisdom, refused till they promised to free Sidha and give him back, alive to his wife. The fairies got their clothes and Krishna's sister, her husband.The coming of Spring is a matter of joy to everyone, in Kumaon it is announced by. bards who, roaming from place to place, sing of its charms on a sarangi or dholak : "Oh my bee, oh my beloved, Spring has surreptitiously crept in. Quickly take to the valley of flowers where we will play 'Phag together."Divergent currents from Tibet, Nepal and the Indo-Gangetic plains has given a unique flavour to Kumaoni music, oscillating between extreme simplcity to complex, high sophistication found in the ballads, ceremonial Brahmin-songs and the professional bards. The whole foundation of folk music in Kumaon rests on the ballads which are sung in fields, during the cultivation time, to the beat of a small drum, the 'hurka' - tlleseare the heroic ballads - the romantic ballads are sung anywhere, especially at night. The Malushahi describes the trails of a young Katyuri prince, Malushahi who is in love with a girl from the borders of Tibet-Rajula. The heroine flees to her beloved but is waylaid by an old Chieftain who presses his suit in most ardent terms. Refusing to see the light, he talks of his health, vigour and prowess. Failing all this he tries to impress her with intricate steps hoping he will win her by his skill as a dancer. The girl escapes as he is busy negotiating a difficult dancing feat.At the Holi festival, forgetting their worries, the people join in festivity lasting more than a month and hundreds of songs of classical, semi classical, and folk variety are sung by both men and women to the accompaniment of the Harmonium, Tabla, Dholak and Manzira (cymbals).

All over the world, in societies sophisticated or primitive, courtship dance portray in miniature, the customs of the people and country; it is not necessary that the couples participating in it be actual lovers though the initial cause was the pairing of, to increase the tribe. Danced by one couple or many, the female holds a mirror in her left hand and a coloured handkerchief in the other. The male has slung on his left shoulder a Hudukka, and playing on it, provides the rhythmic pattern for the drum. The mirror, the most interesting part, symbolises something vague or mysterious. The most popular form of singing and dancing, the Chhapeli, vying with each other in winning listeners to the group.The tune is gay, bright and brisk, accompanying instruments are the Hurka, Manzira and Flute. The dance, a duet depicts the joys of love, beauty and romance. The woman partner (sometimes performed by a young boy), with a winsome smile on her face and graceful use of her waist, dances to the lines of the song, mostly in praise of her beauty and charm, sometimes mocking gently, her ways of making love. The song consists of solo chores and is sung by the Hurka players and their associates standing in a semi-circle behind the dancers.

Chancheri dance form resembles with Jhora. A collective dance of Kumaon, danced by men and women, it is danced in a semi-circle to a slow tempo, but follows the conventional group dance by joy unconfined. The Chancheri is most popular in the Danpur Patti of Bageshwar District, lying north near the Pindari Glacier.

A community dance, when all barriers of castes are thrown to the winds, except in the village, where the high and lower castes have separate Jhoras, it is danced at fairs to the accompaniment, of singing that grows with the dance.Performed either in the morning or evening, they are danced at the coming of spring, mostly at fairs, but also to celebrate weddings. From the minimum, number, six, it swells to 200 at times, men and women both joining in. Together they move in a circle, holding each other's arms and slight1y bending their bodies forward as they move. On the first beat of the Hurka, the left leg crosses the right, striking the floor with the left foot. On the second beat, the right foot is thrown sideways with a slight jump and little dip and the performers return to their original standing pose, with the bodies swaying slightly to the back. The third and fourth steps are given to the left and right foot respectively. Each step is taken with a slight jump and the accompanying neck and shoulder movements. This completes one cycle. If the circle is big the Hurka players, accompanied by the cymbals and, flute dance inside the circle, singing and playing simultaneously, rending the air joyous with exhilaration. The men and women dancers, themselves provide the singing following the lead of the Hurka player-the women follow the men-the tempo remains the same neither very fast nor very slow.Costumes are only worn at the fairs when the women turn out in their glamorous best. There is no time limit to the dance, going on sometimes, for 24 hours with new groups joining in while old ones retire. Sometimes, in extra exuberation, they may dance the Do Manjila Jhora-a Jhora with two storeys. The persons on top move automatically with the movements below.

Choliya Dance

Dating back to over a thousand years, the Chholiya Dance has its origins in the warring Khasiya Kingdom of Khasdesh, when marriages were performed at the point of the swords. They were united by the Chand kings who arrived' on the scene in the 10th century. In Nepal, the word Khasa is still asynonym for Kashatrya, and in Khasdesh, too, they took on the customs of the Rajputs, who were themselves honorary Kashatryas.Keeping the old tradition alive, the Rajputs dance this at their weddings as a part of the marriage procession itself, led by the male dancers who go on dancing till they reach the bride's house. Performed by the Rajputs with sword and shield in pairs, the drummers are usually Harijans called Dholies, while the Turi and Ransing are played by Bairagis, Jogis or Gosains. The Turi and Ransing are typical Kumaon instruments. Perfectly synchronized, and marked with jumps and turns of the body, the dancers show several sword-fighting feats. Attired in the material costumes of ancient warriors, the flashing swords and shields, along with the war-like music, huge red flag with various animal symbols stuck on it conveys fear, joy, awe and wonder, through eyes, eyebrows and shoulders, creating at the same time, the impression of group advancing for an attack.The costumes consist of a Churidar Pyjama, one long Chola, one cross belt, one belt round the waist, pattis on the legs and a turban. With' Chandan, or Sandalwood paste, and red vermillion they decorate their face, while on the ears are ear-rings, a bronze shield and real sword complete the ensemble. Specially trained, though dancing is not their profession, these Rajput dancers come from the Champawat and Almora. The full team consists of 22 person, eight of which are dancers, and 14 musicians. Cultivators all, they assemble when invited.

Thali, Jadda and Jhainta

While the Thali is a graceful dance of the women, the Jadda and Jhainta are dances in which men and women whirl together with gay abandon. The whole region a kaleidoscope of folk dancing. the Kumaonis, with their powers of endurance, can go on dancing even after a hard day work. A very part of their life, dance and music surge upto fulfil their emotional and social needs, dancing keeping them ever fresh and alive. The Kumaonis prove the old adage. "The tribe which dances does not die."

Folk Songs And Dances Of Uttarakhand Photo

Folk Songs And Dances Of Uttarakhand

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Famous Folk Songs Of Uttarakhand

Uttarakhand is famous for its natural beauty of the Himalayas, Wildlife sanctuaries like Corbett National park, and people also come here for the Char Dham Yatra . It is also known as Devbhoomi (The land of Gods), due to many Hindu temples and pilgrimage centers located in the state.

But I assure you that’s not it. If you are living anywhere near North India, you would have probably listened to the famous Pahari songs like ‘ Fwa Bhaga Re ‘ or ‘ Chaita Ki Chaitwal ‘, but Folk Songs of Uttarakhand also have some history and meaning to them, so let’s dive deeper into the divine culture of Folk Songs Of Uttarakhand.

Jaggar is one of the most famous and multipurpose folk songs of Uttarakhand, as it is used for worshipping spirits and ghosts, but also is used as a religious hymn while offering prayers to various gods and goddesses.

I t is performed to call spirits and ghosts of the people so that their family members could meet them and speak to them. There are around 50 Jaggar in Uttarakhand that has been written down for worshipping various gods and goddesses, spirits and ghosts.

Jhumeila is a folk song in Uttarakhand that is sung to praise the beauty of nature that is spread across the Himalayan foothill. The song is also accompanied by a dance that is mainly held for women, but at times men also join them.

Jhumeila song is sung at all of the major fairs and festivals, for example- Baisakhi, Guru Purnima,  Makar Sankranti or any other festival related to nature.

Khuded is also one of the famous folk songs of Uttarakhand. The song describes the misery and pain of a lady who has been living apart from her husband. This song is very painful and emotional. It echoes the suffering of the woman who is left alone after her husband leaves her and goes to another place in search of a job.

This song depicts the life of a low-income family where the husband has to move out in search of a better job so that he can run his family. Each and every word of this folk song has a very deep meaning attached to it.

As the word suggests (Mangal means goodness), Mangal is a folk song that is sung for good luck and when the wedding rituals are on. This folk song is sung along with the shlokas chanted by the priests. This is a song that brings good luck to the singers and listeners. The song is sung during the wedding so that the new life of the couple starts auspiciously.  

Basanti too is one of the most popular folk songs, sung for the arrival of the spring season, when the flowers would bloom and would add glare to the beauty of the hill state of Uttarakhand.

The Basanti of Uttarakhand is a very special folk song. When the spring is about to take over the Himalayan foothill, people across the state of various religions start singing Basanti to celebrate the coming of the new season.

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"Rhythmic Bliss: Unveiling the Enchanting Music and Dance Heritage of Uttarakhand"

Uttarakhand is a state in northern India, known for its picturesque landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Music and dance are an integral part of the state's culture, with each region having its distinct forms and styles. In this blog post, we will explore the various types of music and dance in Uttarakhand and their significance in the state's culture.

Folk Music of Uttarakhand

Folk music is an essential part of Uttarakhand's culture, with many traditional songs and compositions that have been passed down from generation to generation. The state has many musical instruments like the dhol, damau, ransingha, and flute that are used in the traditional compositions. The songs reflect the state's diversity, with different regions having their unique styles and themes. For example, the Garhwal region is known for its romantic ballads and devotional songs, while the Kumaon region has more upbeat folk music.

Folk Music of Uttarakhand

Classical Music of Uttarakhand

Uttarakhand is known for its rich cultural heritage, and classical music is an integral part of it. The state has a vibrant tradition of folk music and dance, as well as classical music that has evolved over centuries.

Uttarakhand Dhol

The classical music of Uttarakhand is primarily based on the Indian classical music system, with some unique local elements. The music is usually performed in a group, with instruments like the sitar, tabla, sarangi, and harmonium. The lyrics are often in local dialects like Garhwali and Kumaoni.

One of the most famous forms of classical music in Uttarakhand is the " Ramola" , which is a type of devotional music sung in praise of Lord Rama. The music is accompanied by a traditional dance form called "Thali", which involves using metal plates and spoons to create rhythmic beats.

Another popular form of classical music in Uttarakhand is the "Pandav Lila", which is based on the stories of the Mahabharata. The music is performed by a group of singers and musicians, and the lyrics describe the various episodes from the epic.

In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in classical music in Uttarakhand, with several music schools and academies being set up to promote the art form. Today, the classical music of Uttarakhand continues to be an important part of the state's cultural heritage and identity.

Dance Forms of Uttarakhand

Dance is an essential part of Uttarakhand's culture, with many traditional dance forms that are unique to the state. The most popular dance forms include the Chholiya dance, Langvir Nritya, and Barada Nati. The Chholiya dance is a warrior dance performed with swords and shields, while Langvir Nritya is a dance form that showcases acrobatic and martial arts skills. Barada Nati, on the other hand, is a popular dance form performed during weddings and other celebrations.

Chholiya Dance Uttarakhand

Uttarakhand has a rich calendar of festivals that are marked by music and dance performances. For example, during the Bikhauti Mela, which is held in the Garhwal region, thousands of devotees gather to perform traditional songs and dances. Similarly, during the Kandali Festival, which is celebrated in the Kumaon region, people perform the Kandali dance to celebrate the harvest season.

Kandali dance

Impact on Culture

Music and dance play an essential role in Uttarakhand's culture, with many traditions and customs associated with these art forms. They are used to celebrate festivals, weddings, and other important occasions, and are an integral part of the state's social fabric. They also serve as a medium to express the state's cultural identity and heritage, with many artists preserving and promoting traditional music and dance forms.

Uttarakhand Culture

Music and dance are an essential part of Uttarakhand's culture, with many traditional compositions, dance forms, and musical instruments that reflect the state's diversity and rich cultural heritage. They have played a significant role in shaping the state's identity and are an integral part of its social fabric. By exploring the various music and dance forms in Uttarakhand, one can gain a deeper appreciation of the state's cultural richness and diversity.

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Folk Songs and Dances of Uttarakhand

Folk Songs and Dances of Uttarakhand

Folk Songs and Dances of Uttarakhand : The Indian state of Uttarakhand, nestled in the Himalayas, is a land of rich cultural heritage. Music and dance are integral parts of the lives of the people of Uttarakhand. The folk songs and dances here are as diverse as the state’s geography and people.

Key Highlights

  • Uttarakhand has a variety of captivating folk song and dance forms from the Garhwal and Kumaon regions
  • The major folk song forms include Mangal, Jagar, Puja folk songs, Basanti, Bajuband, Chhopati etc.
  • Popular folk dances are Chanchari, Barada Nati, Pandav Nritya, Shotiya, Thali-Jadda, Jhumeila etc.
  • Folk songs and dances are connected to local deities, rituals, seasons, daily life, and special occasions
  • Traditional musical instruments like dhol, damau, turri, ransingha, masakbhaja etc. accompany the songs and dances

Geographical Spread

The folk culture mainly thrives in the rural settlements and small towns of Uttarakhand. The central and eastern districts of  Garhwal  region like Tehri Garhwal, Pauri Garhwal, Rudraprayag, and Chamoli districts are particularly rich in folk arts. In  Kumaon  region, the districts of Almora, Bageshwar, Pithoragarh, Champawat, Nainital etc. have vibrant folk song and dance heritage.

Folk Songs of Uttarakhand

The soulful folk songs of Uttarakhand spring from the hearts of the simple hardworking mountain folk. These songs crystallize their joys, sorrows, beliefs, aspirations and every aspect of their lives.

Puja Folk Songs

These are religious songs sung during worship of deities and rituals. Every family has a kul devta (family deity) who they propitiate through puja rituals accompanied by these songs.

  • Songs for specific deities and occasions e.g.  ‘Devi geet’  for Goddess worship
  • Songs with tantric mantras to cure ailments
  • Songs for invoking spirits in religious trance rituals like Jagar


  • Embody tribal beliefs, mythologies, valorous tales of early kings etc.
  • Medium to connect with the divine

Bajuband is a romantic folk song of the shepherds depicting their love stories. These songs are dialogues between a man and woman set in idyllic Himalayan valleys.

Key Aspects

  • Celebrates feelings of love, longing, sacrifice
  • Sung during festivals or while proposing to the beloved
  • Soothing, sweet, and melancholic melody
Mai hu teri chunariya, tu mera chunariya  (I am your scarf, you are mine)

These upbeat songs welcome the spring season, describing vivid images of blooming flowers, love, and the beauty of nature.

  • Popular in whole Uttarakhand to mark onset of Spring
  • Sung by groups in lively rhythmic style
  • Use of traditional instruments like dhol, damau etc.
Aayi Basant Ritu, Sab Khet Me Jhume Phool  (The spring season has come, flowers are blooming in fields)

Chhopati folk songs originated in Tehri Garhwal region. These light-hearted romantic songs often take the form of melodious dialogues between lovers.

  • Question and answer format
  • Witty, humorous, and cheerful expressions of love

Girl: Why are you staring at me?

Boy: I was just lost in your eyes.

Mangal Geet

These sacred songs in praise of the family deity are sung during wedding rituals in traditional Hindu marriages.

  • Considered auspicious for beginning of matrimony
  • Blend of folk tunes and Vedic wedding chants
  • Garhwal region has rich heritage of Mangal songs
Dev dulare mangal gao, Avir sumangali bhavao  (Oh darling of Gods, sing the auspicious song, be the blessed wife)

Folk Dances of Uttarakhand

The dances of Uttarakhand are vibrant rituals which enthusiastically celebrate the many facets of life. These earthy dances are about expressing joy, valour, romance, or simply shedding inhibitions!

This festive group dance is popular in Bageshwar district of Kumaon. Dancers holding hands move rhythmically in a circle, celebrating life with carefree motions.

Key Features

  • Performed on social events and religious occasions
  • No rigid moves, only spontaneous motions
  • Women in colorful Kumaoni attire with odhnis (scarves)

Barada Nati

Barada Nati folk dance drama from Jaunsar-Bawar region has vibrant costumes, music and energetic moves.

  • Performed in temples to honor local deities
  • Men and women dancers in traditional attire
  • Cymbals, drums, shehnai-like instruments in orchestra

Pandav Nritya

This dance-drama recounts tales from Mahabharata through costumes, songs and dialogue. The dancers vividly bring to life characters like Pandavas, Draupadi, Krishna, depicting major events.

  • Traditionally performed during Diwali in Chamoli district
  • Blend of acting, dialogues, and expressive gestures
  • Dancers in Pandava costumes with traditional ornaments

Excerpt from Song

Pandavo ki katha sunao bhai  (Listen to the tale of the Pandavas, brother)

The martial Shotiya tribe present this virile dance as part of funerary customs. The war-like dance honors the departed soul, celebrating the belief that death liberates one to a better world.

  • Performed around corpse before cremation
  • Vigorous and fast-paced drum beats
  • Dancers with swords and shields, symbolic of their valor


This festive dance is popular among women of Kumaon region who dance together in their traditional attire.

  • Performed during festivals like Vishu, Deepawali etc.
  • Dancers move gracefully to upbeat folk songs
  • Thali and Jadda (cymbals and large ear rings) provide rhythmic musical accompaniment
Nacho gaiya, nacho gaiya  (Dance girl, keep dancing girl)

Jhumeila folk dance is performed during the harvest festival of Nanda Devi Jaat Yatra in Chamoli district. Large troupes of men and women dancers celebrate the bounty of nature.

  • Costumes with elaborate silver jewellery
  • Accompanied by singing and playing of dhol-damau drums
  • Dancers move around in circles with sticks in vibrant rhythmic steps

Conclusion to Folk Songs and Dances of Uttarakhand

Folk Songs and Dances of Uttarakhand : The folk heritage of Uttarakhand encapsulated in its songs and dances is an ode to the lives and beliefs of its simple mountain people. These folk arts bind together communities with their joie de vivre and spiritual resonance. The exuberant dances and heart-stirring melodies glorify the bountiful mountains, local deities, while romantic songs tug at heart strings. The folk arts of Uttarakhand have an unmatched rustic vitality and honesty that touches one deep within. They need to be preserved as a treasure that generations have cherished as the authentic sounds and colors of these timeless hills.

FAQs on Folk Songs and Dances of Uttarakhand :

What are some famous folk dances of Uttarakhand ?

Some popular folk dances are Chanchari, Pandav Nritya, Barada Nati, Shotiya, Thali-Jadda, Jhumeila.

What musical instruments commonly accompany Uttarakhand’s folk songs and dances?

Instruments like dhol, damau, turri, ransingha, masakbhaja etc. are used alongside the folk arts.

What events or themes are the folk songs usually based on?

The folk songs capture local beliefs, rituals, seasons, daily life, love stories, valorous tales, and special occasions.

Which regions of Uttarakhand have a particularly thriving folk culture?

Garhwal region districts like Tehri, Pauri, Rudraprayag, Chamoli and Kumaon’s Almora, Bageshwar, Pithoragarh are rich in folk arts.

What is the Chanchari dance of Uttarakhand?

Chanchari is a festive, circular folk dance of Bageshwar district performed spontaneously by women on social events and religious occasions.

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1928 Almora – 1997 Delhi

Indian writer, music composer, and theater director Mohan Upreti, is widely considered one of the greatest composers of Indian theater music of all time. For his enormous contribution to reviving Kumaoni traditional music, Upreti is remembered. Most typically, his admirers associate him with the well-known folk song “Bedu Pako, Bara Masa”.

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Mohan Upreti was born in 1928 in Almora, Uttarakhand. In his early life, he was greatly influenced by trade union leaders like P. C. Joshi. He later went on to become a prominent leader of the Communist Party of India (CPI) and is also considered Upreti’s mentor. He was profoundly affected by Uday Shankar’s artistic output at the India Cultural Centre in Almora because of Shankar’s efforts to combine traditional and classical elements in his performances.

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He did his graduation from Allahabad University in around 1940s – 1950s. In response to the Indian independence movement, the artistic community established the Indian People’s Theater Association (IPTA) and the Progressive Writers Association. Mohan Upreti couldn’t ignore this burgeoning movement and established his theater company, “Lok Kalakar Sangh,” while still a student at Allahabad University.

He met ‘Guru’ Mohan Singh ‘Reethagadi’ Bora from Almora who was renowned hurkiya (one who plays instrument hurka. a traditional percussion instrument), a folk performer who influenced him immensely. Upreti became his “Shishya” and went on to learn different styles of songs, performances, and ballads and even adopting of hurka which was associated with lower caste performers. Upreti soon began his theatre group in Almora called ‘Lok Kalakar Sangh’ (Folk ArtistCollective).

He tried to conserve and put forward the Kumaoni culture of Uttarakhand through establishing institutions like the Parvatiya Kala Kendra (Center for Arts of the Hills), which he constituted in Delhi, in 1968. He along with B.M. Shah is predominantly believed to be the one who revamped the theatre culture in Uttarakhand. Some of his famous works influenced by Kumaoni and pahadi culture are Ramleela’, ‘Lal Gulab’, ‘Inder Sabha’ and ‘Amir Khusrau’.

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Mohan Upreti’s life was devoted to folk art and music. He performed many programs in association with music composers Salil Choudhary, Umar Sheikh and actor Balraj Sahni.

Algeria, Syria, Jordan, Rome, Thailand, thirteen Uttarakhand folk tales like Rajula-Malushahi, Rasik-Ramoul, Jitu-Bagdwal, Rami-Baurani, AjubaBafaul and Ramlila were translated into Pahari dialects (Garhwali, Kumaoni) and stage direction.

Performed in 22 countries including North Korea. Musically directed the plays of Ghasiram Kotwal, Ali Baba, Uttar Ramcharit, Mashriki Hur and Amir Khusro etc. Upreti, who founded the Art Artists Association in Almora in 1951, trained more than one and a half thousand artists and presented more than 1200 programs.

Some of these musical pieces were later recorded by Upreti for the Gramophone Company and the All India Radio Program. Additionally, he taught at the National School of Drama and wrote music for several Doordarshan productions, notably the “Ek Tha Rusty” series from the 1980s, which was based on short tales by Ruskin Bond. During his lifetime, Mohan Upreti traveled to 22 countries and spread the culture of Kumaon everywhere. In one of his interviews, he remembers singing Kumaoni Holi in a desert in Africa.

The Parvatiya Kala Kendra still continues to perform in Delhi, through his wife Naima Khan Upreti and brother Bhagawat Upreti, the Parvatiya Kala Kendra still performs in Delhi. His most auspicious and appreciated work was the song ” Bedu Pako Baramasa.”The “Bedu Pako Bara Masa” is somewhat considered as the unofficial anthem of the Himalayan region of Uttarakhand.


He was awarded in 1962 by Sahitya Kala Parishad, Delhi for his remarkable contribution in the field of music direction and theater for presenting folk culture in an innovative form through stage medium.

He was awarded by the Indian Natya Sangh in 1981 for music direction, for folk dances by the Sangeet Natak Akademi in 1985.

Hindi Sansthan, Government of Uttar Pradesh honored him with Sumitranandan Pant Award, he was also rewarded with the famous Golden Bear award at a function held in Jordan.

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Although in 1997, he died in New delhi, his esteem presence is quite prominent in the world of culture. A new play is presented by the organisation he founded, “Parvatiya Kala Kendra,” each year on the anniversary of his birth. His biography, Mohan Upreti – The Man and His Art, was published by the National School of Drama in 2006 and was authored by theatrical critic Diwan Singh Bajeli. The tune of the song “Bedu pako” will forever remind us of him. When Jawaharlal Nehru ji heard this song from his throat, he named Mohan da “Bedu Pako Boy”.

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Folk Songs and Music of Uttarakhand

Music is a huge part of the cultural and traditional ethos of Uttarakhand. They have songs to celebrate every month, occasion, auspicious time etc. there are varying degrees of differences between the folk music of Garhwal to that of Kumaon. The traditional richness of Uttarakhand is depicted clearly through its songs and music which the people sing to celebrate special occasions. The folk songs here can be categorised into different sections like – marriage, ceremonies, melancholy etc. These songs are accompanied with the traditional musical instruments like Dhol, Thali, Dholki, Turri, Damoun, Harmonium etc. If you ever get to listen to the music you will definitely feel the closeness of music to nature due to its tones and melody that is produced.

Folk Songs and Music of Uttarakhand

Here are a few folk songs from the hilly paradise state of Uttarakhand:

Sung by the village women while performing their daily chores on the fields or at home this is a collection of folk songs expressing various different emotions like love, sorrow, happiness etc. these colourful and enchanting songs are so poetic that they have been compared with the words written by the great poet William Wordsworth. The songs are generally very sweet sounding, romantic as well as mesmerizing. The songs can also be sung during various festivals and other auspicious times which only makes the

This is one of the most popular forms of song and music in Uttarakhand which is sung during celebrations, festivals, fairs, weddings etc. played with the help of Dhol, Dholki, Turri, Mandan and others, this song is performed between a man and a woman in a question answer form which is an extremely entertaining thing to watch. It comes under the category of being a ‘love song’ and is mostly sung by the people belonging to the regions of Rawain – Jaunpur in the district of Tehri Garhwal. This song is generally accompanied with a dance performance which is a very lively and fun activity to even witness.

Finding its roots in the Sanskrit word ‘Jaga’ meaning to wake, these songs are practised by both Garhwali and Kumaoni groups of people in a ritual form for the spirits of their ancestors. By chanting these songs it is said that all the local deities and gods are awakened from their dormant state. This Jagar performance is also done to seek penance or justice from the gods. The government of India has also recognised the importance of folk songs and music by awarding the only woman Jagar singer, Basanti Devi Bisht, Padma Shri award.

Basanti songs are primarily composed and sang to welcome the season change from winter to spring. Their songs sound extremely cheerful, happy and clearly represent the blooming of the flowers that occurs throughout the hills. This song is one of the most special songs here which is sung with great zealous throughout the entire hill folk. just as the hill sides get dotted with colourful high altitude flowers and plants, people individually or in groups burst out singing their favourite Basanti song.

Mangal Geet / Gaali Mangal Geet

Mangal Geet or the auspicious songs are composed with an aim of being sung at weddings or during sacred ceremonies. While the song is being sung simultaneously the purohit keeps on chanting holy Sanskrit Shlokas. Gaali Mangal Geet is sang in the form of a poem while singing these songs people also include some tease language in between and since it is an age old tradition this is not considered as an offence or bad language. These are also the songs that add an element of joy making weddings a memorable event. This mostly takes place in a Garhwali wedding and is also an essential part during this auspicious event.

These folk songs are sung by the shepherd folk of the hills who sing it in the form of an advice that is being given from the older generation to the younger generation which are based on their life experiences and feel that it may come in handy for them while grazing sheep and goats and their other cattle. Men as well as women take part in this songs and it is well taken care of by the respected elders of the community.

This folks song is centred around the Garhwal division and is sang to depict the sadness and the sufferings faced by a woman which is caused when she is separated from her husband. Through the song she says how much she laments and misses the presence of her better half when he is out for work and has gone out looking for a job. She curses the circumstances which has caused both of them to be away from each other. Songs in this category are cleverly formed which completes three aims at once like the season, poverty and the separation phase. The song sounds extremely melancholic and clearly depicts what the singer is feeling.

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Ravi Rathaur

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Hey, It was really helpful for me.

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Please elaborate some raagas tallas in this music

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  • नीलकण्ठ महादेव मन्दिर (Neelkanth Mahadev Temples, Yamkeshwar, Pauri) शिवभक्तों का दुर्गम तीर्थस्थल- नीलकण्ठ महादेव Neelkanth Mahadev Temple, Yamkeshwar, Pauri Garhwal नीलकण्ठ महादेव की गणना उत्तर भारत के मुख्...
  • उत्तराखंड के चार धाम (Uttarakhand Char Dham) उत्तराखंड के चार धाम (Uttarakhand Char Dham) चार धाम यात्रा उत्तराखण्ड राज्य में स्थित गंगोत्री, यमुनोत्री,बद्रीनाथ और केदारनाथ की यात्रा को...
  • उत्तराखंड के 10 प्रमुख मंदिर/धार्मिक स्थल (Uttarakhand's Top 10 Temples) उत्तराखंड के 10 प्रमुख मंदिर/धार्मिक स्थल   Uttarakhand Top 10 Temple जहां आपको एक बार जरूर जाना चाहिए उतराखंड को देवभूमि भी कहा जाता है और ...
  • उत्तराखंड के लोकप्रिय देवी मंदिर (Famous Devi Temples in Uttarakhand) उत्तराखंड के लोकप्रिय देवी मंदिर  (Famous Devi Temples in Uttarakhand) उत्तराखंड देवभूमि के नाम से जाना जाता है और देवभूमि मैं देवी शक्ति के...
  • Indramani Badoni (इंद्रमणि बडोनी - उत्तराखंड का गाँधी) इंद्रमणि बडोनी उत्तराखंड का गाँधी (Indramani Badoni - Gandhi of Uttarakhand) उत्तराखंड आंदोलन के इतिहास में इन्द्रमणि बडोनी का नाम स्वर्णा...


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Famous in Uttarakhand

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  • Shiva Temples
  • Tourist Place
  • Garhwali Food

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  • Uttarakhand

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Uttarakhand history.

  • Chipko Movement
  • Uttarakhand Map
  • HillStations
  • Almora - Town of Temples
  • Bageshwar - Land of Lions
  • Chamoli - Heaven on Earth
  • Champawat - Nature's Paradise
  • Pithoragarh - Mini Kashmir of India
  • Pauri Garhwal - Quite and Peaceful
  • Tehri Garhwal - Perfect Getaway
  • Rudraprayag - Beautiful
  • Haridwar - The Gateway of God
  • Nainital - The Lake District
  • Dehradun - The Capital City
  • Udham Singh Nagar - Food Bank
  • Uttarkashi - Land of Lord Shiva

Uttarakhand Tour Packages

  • Rishikesh Rafting Tour Packages
  • Chardham Tour Packages
  • Winter Chardham Tour Packages
  • Trekking in Uttarakhand
  • Char Dham Yatra
  • Char Dham with Helicopter
  • Gomukh, Gaumukh
  • Panch Prayag Yatra
  • Panch Kedar Yatra
  • Do Dham Yatra
  • Do Dham with Helicopter
  • Hotels in Dehradun
  • Hotels in Uttarkashi
  • Hotels in Almora
  • Hotels in Nainital
  • Hotels in Chamoli
  • Hotels in Haridwar
  • Hotels in Bageshwar
  • Hotels in Champawat
  • Hotels in Pauri Garhwal
  • Hotels in Tehri Garhwal
  • Hotels in Pithoragarh
  • Hotels in Rudraprayag
  • Hotels in UdhamSinghNagar
  • Haridwar To Delhi
  • Delhi to Haridwar
  • Rishikesh To Delhi
  • Delhi to Rishikesh
  • Dehradun To Delhi
  • Delhi to Dehradun
  • Dehradun Airport Jolly Grant Taxi
  • Assan barrage
  • Chilla National Park
  • Tapovan - Land of Lord Shiva
  • Binsar Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Nandadevi National Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Har Ki Dun Trek
  • Roopkund Trek
  • Kauri Pass Trek
  • Dodital Trek
  • Valley of Flowers Trek
  • Gomukh Tapovan Trek


Uttarakhand or Uttaranchal was carved out of 13 districts of Uttar Pardesh in 9th of Nov2000. It became the 27th state of the Indian Union and Dehradun was made the state capital. The initial name Uttarakhand was renamed to Uttaranchal and finally again changed to Uttarakhand in 2006.

Uttarakhand is home to the holiest rivers the Ganga and Yamuna and the mightiest of the mountains the Himalayas. The Char Dham, Haridwar and Rishikesh are considered as the holiest place in the world. It is surrounded by huge mountains and around 70% of the state land is situated in the hilly region.

This exceptionally beautiful state is believed to be created by gods for themselves as their second home hence it is also called as the Abode of Gods.

Complete best encyclopedia on Uttarakhand - Tourism - Hotels - CharDham Yatra - Mussoorie and more..


Char Dham Yatra starting @ र 16500 per person.

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Uttarakhand Map

Uttarakhand shares its political boundaries with Tibet on the north, Nepal on the east, the Indian states of Uttar Pradesh to the south, Himachal Pradesh to the west and Northwest and Haryana in the south western corner. Read More..

Uttarakhand Capital

Capital - Dehradun

Dehradun is the capital city and a happening place, once a retirement home has given way for large malls and multiplexes. I hope that we should maintain the natural beauty of Dehradun, contribute towards nature and also welcome modern development with the best of city planning and sincerely strive to make it one of the best city in the world.

  • | 24 hotels |
  • | 10 sightseeing |

Uttarakhand Government

There are in all 70 MLA in the government and are elected in the 13 districts of the state. Dehradun - 10, Haridwar - 11, Almora - 6, Bageshwar - 2, Champawat - 2, Chamoli - 3, Rudraprayag - 2, Pauri Garhwal - 6, Pithoragarh - 4, Tehri Garhwal - 6, Nainital - 6, Udham Singh Nagar - 9, Uttarkashi - 3 .. Read More..

Uttarakhand CM

Uttarakhand has had around 11 CM after its formation as an independent state. Presently Shri Pushkar Singh Dhami is the present Uttarakhand CM ( chief minister ). He is the executive head of the elected party as well as the elected government by the people.. Read More..

Uttarakhand High Court

The Uttarakhand High Court is situated in Nainital the Lake District of Uttarakhand at an elevation of around 2000 ft above sea - level.. Read More..

Uttarakhand Transport

Transport Guide

Uttarakhand Transport Corporation or UTC has a fleet of around 1143 buses. The buses travel around 3.50 lakhs kilometres per day providing an efficient and affordable mode of transportation. Read More..

Uttarakhand Tourism

उत्तराखंड , Uttarakhand or Uttaranchal God's own land is a top tourist destination. We bring Uttarakhand Tourism Latest Detailed Information Online on Char Dham, Kedarnath, Badrinath, Yamunotri, Gangotri, Rishikesh and Uttarakhand district such as Haridwar, Dehradun, Nainital, Almora, Chamoli, Tehri Garhwal, Pauri Garhwal, Bageshwar, Rudraprayag and Champawat online to millions of viewers round the world.

Uttarakhand is surrounded with high snow covered peaks, natural beautiful surroundings, major pilgrims centres and beautiful valleys, jungle safaris, adventure sports, mighty holy rivers and wellness resorts a complete package for the tourists in a single platter.

There are around 152 important tourist places to visit here in Uttarakhand. Some of them are are Mussoorie the queen of hills, Nainital the lake district, Almora the switzerland of india, Ranikhet the queen's fields ,Bageshwar the land of the lion, Chamoli and Uttarkashi and many more..

The char - Dhams - Gangotri, Yamunotri, Kedarnath and Badrinath is well known with around lakhs of pilgrims visiting the holy sites every year. Haridwar one of the seven scared cities in India lies in the foothills of Shivalik ranges. Hemkund Sahib, Lokpal, Nanakmatta, Meetha Reetha Sahib and Piran kaliyar very sacred and holy place visited by lakhs of pilgrims from all over the world.

Uttarakhand is also a paradise for adventure sport tourists, they may choose mountaineering in Bhagirathi, Chowkhamba, Pindari , Sahastrataal, Milam, Kafni, Khatling and Gaumukh. The tourists can enjoy the beautiful shiny peaks fully covered with snow, lush green jungles, alpine meadows, glaciers and scenic surroundings along with the excitement of the adventure sports.

In Uttarakhand, tourism for yatra CHARDHAM, DODHAM and for trekking and skiing, tourists may choose from Auli , Dayara bugyal , Munsyari and Mundali. Water Sports like Rafting , Bungee Jumping , Boating, Angling, Aero Sports and Hand Gliding and Paragliding in Pithoragarh, Nainital, Rishikesh Yoga Capital of the world and Pauri Garhwal.

Uttarakhand is rich in exotic flora and fauna and is well known for eco tourism and wildlife tourism. Some of the well known national park sanctuaries are The Corbett, The Rajaji National Park and the Govind Wildlife Sanctuary.

Uttarakhand Tourism Map

Uttarakhand Tourism Map

Uttarakhand is a one of the most beautiful states of India and an approx 10million tourist come here each year. Check out the important tourist places to visit here in Uttarakhand.


The Mussoorie Winter Line phenomenon is unique in the whole world. Mussoorie the queen of hills is a well known hill station around the world..Read more on Mussoorie

  • | 34 hotels
  • | 11 sightseeing |


Nainital the lake district of Uttarakhand is also one of the cleanest cities. It is a well known tourist place and well known for adventure sports..Find more of Nainital

  • | 41 hotels
  • | 12 sightseeing |


Haridwar Uttarakhand is one of the biggest pilgrimage sites and the gateway to the char dham yatra. Find more Information on Haridwar

  • | 37 hotels


Rishikesh Uttarakhand is the yoga capital of the world, pilgrimage site and well known for adventure sports. Find more on this holy city on Rishikesh

  • | 18 hotels |


This beautiful picnic spot with perfect climate and serene landscapes make it a perfect holiday getaway. Just 25kms from Mussoorie .. Read more this hillstation Dhanaulti

  • | 9 hotels |


Lansdowne is one of the most peaceful and quietest hill - station of Uttarakhand. It is surrounded by thick pine and deodar forest .. Read more about Lansdowne

  • | 12 hotels |

Corbett National Park

Corbett National Park

Enjoying the wildlife atop ur very own elephant makes you feel like the King of Uttarakhand. Enjoy jungle safari's in Corbett Wildlife Sanctuary and much more...Corbett National Park

  • | 15 hotels |

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Geography and People

Uttarakhand is divided into 2 regions the Garhwal and the Kumaon. Both the regions are equally beautiful and have a surrounded by the majestic mountain peaks of Bhagirathi, Chowkhamba, Pindari, Sahastrataal, Milam, Nanda Devi, Gangotri, Kedarnath and Jogin Group and many more.

The Garhwal region has around 7 districts while the kumaon region is made up of 6 districts. The Nanda devi mountain is the natural divide among the two regions. The districts in the Garhwal region are Dehradun, Haridwar, Tehri Garhwal,Pauri Garhwal, Uttarkashi, Chamoli and Rudraprayag while the Kumaon region consists of Almora, Bageshwar, Champawat, Nainital,Pithoragarh and UdhamsinghNagar. It is further divided into 49 sub-divisions and 95 development blocks, 15,638 inhabited villages and 86 urban settlements in the state

Uttarakhand with a total area of around 53,483 sqkms has a total forest area of around 35,651 sqkms with majority of them are Oak and Pine forests.

The Yamuna and the Ganges are the two biggest rivers of Uttarakhand and also the most important. They are also one of the biggest rivers in India. The other important rivers passing through the state are the Sarayu, Alaknanda, Bhagirathi, Dhauliganga, Ramganga, Tons and Saraswati. These holy rivers give form to most of the important holy places such as the prayas, Haridwar and Rishikesh and provide a lifeline for almost a 5 million of people across 5 states in India.

Garhwali and Kumaoni are the two main regional languages, whereas Hindi is the most widely spoken language.

According to the latest census the state has a population of 10,086,292, making it the 19th most populous state in India. The men are around 51,54 178 while the women are 49,62,574 of the state population. A large portion of the population consists of Rajputs and Brahmins. More than 88% of the population follow Hinduism. Muslims are the largest minority in the state with Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, and Jains being the other major religions. Dehradun, Haridwar and Udham Singh Nagar are the most populous districts of Uttarakhand.

Uttara means North and Khand means Land – Uttarakhand and the majority of the population still live in rural villages, an approximately 70 percent of population residing in villages and rural hills in about 16,763 villages. The state has come a long way in terms of growth and development with the strong will of the people.

Festival Culture and Cuisines

The people here celebrate all major festivals such as Holi, Diwali, Navratri. Some of the festivals related to Uttarakhand are Ghee Sankrant, Harela and Bhitauli. The people enjoy enacting the great hindu epics of Mahabharata and Ramayana during the diwali festivals. The Pandav Nitya and the Jagars are one of the highlights of the festivals.

The Uttarakhandi are god fearing people. They have their share of beliefs in sprites ( ghosts ) and gods alike. Lord Shiva and Goddess Durga is worshipped here during all festivals. Many of the people have witnessed the power of the gods during the Doli ceremony. Sometimes god is invoked in a human being in order to search for an answer for a particular problem. Animals such as Goats and sheep were also sacrificed in order to please the Gods.

Uttarakhand is a poor state with agriculture as the primary occupation. The food also is very simple in the hills but as the people say that the water here is magical which increase the taste of any food tenfold. Here the use of spices and tomatoes is very minimal. Madua ( Buck wheat ) - Koda , Rajma, locally grown green vegetables, fish form their staple diet. Some of the famous cuisines of Uttarakhand are Tuasu, Kaplu, Jholi, Phaanu, Thechwani, Swala, Jhangora and Desserts are Arsa ,Methubhat, Gulgula, Jhangora ki kheer and Prasad ( mix of wheat flour and ghee ) . It is believed that a stay of 6months in garhwal can cure a man of obesity.

Music and dance form a essential part of festivals of the people of Uttarakhand. Some of the most common folk songs are Chhopati, Chounphula, Jhumeila and Basanti. Mangal is another popular folk song which is sung during the marriage ceremony by girls to tease the bridegroom and his friends. Langvir Nritya, Barada Nati and Pandav Nritya are some of the traditional folk dances of Uttarakhand.

Uttarakhand has a rich history from the stone age to the modern age. The state is also mentioned in almost all the great vedas and purans and related with the great legendary epics of Mahabharata and Ramayana.

Evidence has also been found of human habitation around the stone age in the Almora and Chamoli districts of Uttarakhand.

Uttarakhand has also witnessed the wide spread pain and agony during the Gurkha rule and also has played his part in the struggle for freedom against the Britishers.

The people of the state also agitated against the UP Govt. for a separate state.

Chipko Movement of Uttarakhand

Chipko Movement was a daring act of non - violence carried out by the people of Uttarakhand in order to save the trees of the forest from being felled down due to the then government allocated tenders and policies.

The women of Uttarakhand also played a very active role in this movement.

ChandiPrasad Bhatt, Gaura Devi and all the people who took an active part in the movement were real heroes who faced the then mighty government with great courage and a firm determination.

The Chipko movement has also been carried out successfully all over the country in various other states.

Uttarakhand Education

Uttarakhand is very well known for education. Mussoorie, Dehradun and Nainital is home to some of India's best boarding schools. There are around approx 15,500 big and small primary schools in India.

The state is also coming strong in terms of higher education. Some of the universities in the state are as given below.

Uttarakhand has around 10 State Universities, 1 Central University, 4 Autonomous Institutes,3 Deemed Universities and around 10 private Universities.

Uttarakhand has around 10 State Universities, 1 Central University, 4 Autonomous Institutes, 3 Deemed Universities and around 10 private Universities. The well known among these are All India Institute of Medical Sciences in Rishikesh, Indian Institute of Management in Kashipur, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee and National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand

Uttarakhand Economy

Uttarakhand is the five fastest growing states during 2005-14 are at around 19.57%. GDP per capita‎: ‎₹1.73 lakh (US$2,400) (2017-18) GDP rank‎: ‎20th GDP growth‎: ‎6.77% (2017-18) GDP‎: ‎₹2.586 lakh crore (US$36 billion)(2018-2019

Economy Issues Faced

Uttarakhand being a hilly region the changes of optimal use of land for economic development is rather minimal. Haridwar, Udham Singh Nagar, and some parts of Dehradun and Nainital districts are in the plains and contribute to almost 80% of the the state economy. Most of the hilly areas are dependent on agriculture for livelihood whereas the scope of agriculture in the hilly regions are highly constrained due to various physical, geographical and environmental problems.

Tourism is also an important source of income for the state. Leisure tourism, Religious tourism, Adventure tourism and Wildlife tourism form a major part of the state economy. Progressive development in this sector can boost a big change in the state economic structure in terms of income and employment to the local people.

How to Reach Uttarakhand

Jolly Grant airport is a newly developed domestic airport of Uttarakhand. There are direct flights from Mumbai, Kolkatta, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Jaipur and Lucknow. Lot of indirect flight from Delhi also reach Jollygrant on a daily basis.

Haridwar Junction and Dehradun are major railway station in Uttarakhand. It is well connected to all major cities in India.

Dehradun ISBT and Haridwar are major state bus terminals and have good road connectivity with some of the nearby major cities such as Jaipur, Shimla, Haryana, Punjab and Delhi.

CharDham Yatra


The Char Dham Yatra is an yatra of holy spiritual nature for the hindus. The holy Uttarakhand yatra in the garhwal make it one of the most unforgettable journey in the lifetime.

Uttarakhand Wild and Adventure

Trekking in Uttarakhand

Uttarakhand is a land of extremes, here you can get yourself lost in the quite wilderness of the Himalayas or on the other side indulge yourself in madness of extreme sports such as white water rafting, bungee jumping, skiing. Trekking on the mighty Himalayan glaciers is also on the cards which will spoil you for choices during your vacations..

Uttarakhand Unexplored

Uttarakhand references.

Website - Wikipedia on Uttarakhand Official Website - Vidhan Sabha Official Website - CM Official Website - High Court Official Website - Dehradun

  • Capital City
  • Lansdowne Hotel
  • Mussoorie Hotel
  • Kedarnath Hotel
  • Badrinath Hotel
  • Yamunotri Hotel
  • Rishikesh Hotel
  • Joshimath Hotel
  • Gangotri Hotels
  • Kanatal Hotels
  • Dhanaulti Hotels
  • Auli Hotels

Tourist Spots

  • Chardham Yatra
  • Chardham News
  • Chardham Route
  • Chardham Map
  • Chardham Tours
  • Chardham Faq
  • Tehri Garhwal
  • Pauri Garhwal
  • Rudraprayag
  • Pithoragarh
  • Udhamsingh Nagar

Taxi Cab Rental

  • Uttarakhand Taxi
  • Chardham Taxi

Yatra Dhams

  • Do Dham by Helicopter
  • Chardham by Helicopter

This site is not an Official website of the Govt of Uttarakhand. This site is owned and managed by VIRAT TOURISM - Dehradun. We have no other branches in India. All rights reserved (c) 2018 - 2025


  1. उत्तराखंड

    uttarakhand tourism song

  2. Beautiful Uttarakhand

    uttarakhand tourism song


    uttarakhand tourism song

  4. Dali Dali Fulo ki Uttarakhand Song

    uttarakhand tourism song

  5. Uttarakhand Tourism Song

    uttarakhand tourism song

  6. Uttarakhand Tourism song by Shubu

    uttarakhand tourism song


  1. Uttarakhand Adventureland

  2. 😂😂😂😂 #uttarakhand #youtube #song #newmusic #capcut #gadwali

  3. Uttarakhand the song

  4. RAMNAGAR UTTARAKHAND #music #bollywood #song #uttarakhand #love #nature #photography

  5. uttarakhand tourism~1

  6. The Uttarakhand Files


  1. Dali Dali Phoolon Ki 2.0

    "Dali Dali Phoolon Ki" is a Uttarakhand Tourism's song dedicated to culture, tradition and rich history of Hinduism in Garhwal & Kumaon region. It is a song ...

  2. उत्तराखंड

    Title: Welcome to My Uttarakhand (Ft Uttarkhand tourism song).Content: This video is about uttarakhand tourism song, uttarakhand tourism, uttarakhand places ...

  3. Uttarakhand Devabhumi Matribhumi

    Uttarakhand Devabhumi Matribhumi (English: Uttarakhand, Land of the Gods, O Motherland!) is the official state song of the Indian state of Uttarakhand.. The song was written by Hemant Bisht and composed by noted Uttarakhandi folk singer and musician Narendra Singh Negi.. This song is trilingual with first three of its seven verses written in Hindi, while the last four verses are written in ...

  4. Uttarakhand Songs

    Chai ku Pudiya - A Rare Old Garhwali Folk Song. A old garhwali song by regional singers, sung in a very classical style. Few lines from the song चाय कु पुड़िया बौजी चाय कु पुड़िया,... The folk songs have managed to keep the culture of the diverse communities of Uttarakhand alive.

  5. Music of Uttarakhand

    t. e. The folk music of Uttarakhand refers to the traditional and contemporary songs of Kumaon and Garhwal regions in the foothills of Himalayas. This music has its root in nature and the hilly terrain of the region. The folk songs of Uttarakhand are a reflection of the cultural heritage and the way people live their lives in the Himalayas.

  6. 12 Popular Folk Songs Of Uttarakhand

    It covers the various festivals, religious practices, folk legends, and the ordinary life of the people in Uttarakhand. In Uttarakhand, you can hear folk songs like Bajuband, Basanti, Chhopati, Chhura, Chounphula, Jhumeila, Jagars, Khuded, Mangal, and Puja Folk Songs. Various performers including Sh. Mohan Upreti, Sh.

  7. Folk Songs And Dances Of Uttarakhand

    Sometimes, Jaggar may also be in the form of Puja folk songs and are sung in .honour of the various gods and goddesses.There are more than 50 ballads on indigenous spirits, gods and goddesses, fairies and ghosts, the most famous Ganganath, Gorilla, and Bholanath. The chief priest, Gantava, fixes the time on whicl1 a jagar is to be formed.

  8. Famous Folk Songs Of Uttarakhand

    The song is sung during the wedding so that the new life of the couple starts auspiciously. Basanti. Basanti too is one of the most popular folk songs, sung for the arrival of the spring season, when the flowers would bloom and would add glare to the beauty of the hill state of Uttarakhand. The Basanti of Uttarakhand is a very special folk song.

  9. "Rhythmic Bliss: Unveiling the Enchanting Music and Dance Heritage of

    Uttarakhand is a state in northern India, known for its picturesque landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Music and dance are an integral part of the state's culture, with each region having its distinct forms and styles. In this blog post, we will explore the various types of music and dance in Uttarakhand and their significance in the state's culture.Folk Music of UttarakhandFolk music is ...

  10. Uttarakhand Tourism Song

    Thought to start covering our Pahadi Culture Songs, so going to start with this Beautiful cover of Uttarakhand Tourism Song.i hope you guys will like this vi...

  11. Folk Songs and Dances of Uttarakhand

    Folk Songs and Dances of Uttarakhand. Folk Songs and Dances of Uttarakhand : The Indian state of Uttarakhand, nestled in the Himalayas, is a land of rich cultural heritage. Music and dance are integral parts of the lives of the people of Uttarakhand. The folk songs and dances here are as diverse as the state's geography and people. Key Highlights

  12. Welcome to Uttarakhand Tourism

    While Uttarakhand has several well-known destinations like Nainital, Mussoorie, Corbett National Park and Auli, and pilgrimage sites like Kedarnath, Badrinath, Rishikesh and Haridwar, explore the 13 lesser-known destinations from the state's 13 districts. A mystical land of mountains and mythologies, exquisite landscapes and exhilarating ...

  13. Voices and Culture

    You will surely enjoy the impressive performances by the folk artists. They sing Jhoras, Chancharis and Bairas. Uttarakhand is known as much for its natural beauty as for its people and their culture. The state's unique culture encompasses traditional rites, ritual, beliefs, folklore, customs and language. The warm and friendly residents of the ...


    Mohan Upreti was born in 1928 in Almora, Uttarakhand. In his early life, he was greatly influenced by trade union leaders like P. C. Joshi. He later went on to become a prominent leader of the Communist Party of India (CPI) and is also considered Upreti's mentor. He was profoundly affected by Uday Shankar's artistic output at the India ...

  15. Dali Dali Phoolon Ki (मेरे उत्तराखंड में...)

    "Dali Dali Phoolon Ki" is a Uttarakhand Tourism's song dedicated to culture, tradition and rich history of Hinduism in Garhwal & Kumaon region. It is a song ...

  16. Uttarakhand Tourism song Best video collections of Anil binwal #

    Uttarakhand Tourism song Best video collections of Anil binwal #uttarakhand #uttarakhandtourism #travel

  17. Uttarakhand Tourism

    Official Youtube channel of the Uttarakhand Tourism Board. Spreading the word about facts and facets of our beautiful State. Here you'll get all the updated and latest informative videos and Event ...

  18. Folk Songs and Music of Uttarakhand

    These songs are accompanied with the traditional musical instruments like Dhol, Thali, Dholki, Turri, Damoun, Harmonium etc. If you ever get to listen to the music you will definitely feel the closeness of music to nature due to its tones and melody that is produced. Here are a few folk songs from the hilly paradise state of Uttarakhand: Bajuband.

  19. Download Free Best of Garhwali MP3 Songs

    Stay Connected with MeraUttarakhand.in to explore latest information about Uttarakhand Culture, Education, Temples, Tourist Place, News, History, Food etc.

  20. Uttarakhand Tourism Song

    Uttarakhand Tourism latest Song 'Dali Dali Phoolo ki Tujhko bulaye re Musafir mere Uttarakhand me' sung by Anand Raj Anad : उत्तराखंड पर्यटन को बढ़ावा ...

  21. Uttarakhand

    उत्तराखंड , Uttarakhand or Uttaranchal God's own land is a top tourist destination. We bring Uttarakhand Tourism Latest Detailed Information Online on Char Dham, Kedarnath, Badrinath, Yamunotri, Gangotri, Rishikesh and Uttarakhand district such as Haridwar, Dehradun, Nainital, Almora, Chamoli, Tehri Garhwal, Pauri Garhwal, Bageshwar, Rudraprayag and Champawat online to ...

  22. Song for Uttarakhand tourism

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