Memory Alpha

  • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) personnel
  • Maquis personnel
  • Starfleet personnel (24th century)
  • Starfleet personnel (25th century)

Ro Laren was a female Bajoran national who served as a commander in Starfleet , working for Starfleet Intelligence during the early 25th century .

A survivor of the Cardassian occupation of Bajor , Ro had a tumultuous career within Starfleet. Following a court martial and demotion due to a catastrophic away mission, she was assigned to the Federation starship USS Enterprise -D in 2368 and mentored by Captain Jean-Luc Picard . In 2370 , Ro defected to the Maquis , after she started sympathizing with the group's goals during an undercover mission. ( TNG : " Ensign Ro ", " Preemptive Strike ")

Later in life, Ro served time in prison and was recruited and rehabilitated by Starfleet Intelligence. In her new position, she had to rise through the ranks again, eventually becoming a Commander and handler of other operatives. In 2401 , Ro uncovered a Changeling infiltration of Starfleet and shared extensive knowledge about the threat with her former mentor Picard, shortly before her death. ( PIC : " Imposters ")

  • 1 Childhood
  • 2.1 Academy and early career
  • 2.2.1 First mission
  • 2.2.2 Later missions
  • 3 Joining the Maquis
  • 4 Return to Starfleet
  • 5.1 Jean-Luc Picard
  • 5.2 William T. Riker
  • 5.3 Geordi La Forge
  • 5.4 Deanna Troi
  • 6.1 Appearances
  • 6.2.1 Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • 6.2.2 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
  • 6.2.3 Star Trek: Picard
  • 6.3 Apocrypha
  • 6.4 External links

Childhood [ ]

Ro was born on January 17 , 2340 on Bajor to Ro Talia and Ro Gale . ( TNG : " Conundrum ", " The Next Phase " personnel file )

Recalling her childhood as " a long, depressing period of [her] life, [she] was grateful when it was finally over. " ( TNG : " Rascals ") Ro had grown up in the Bajoran diaspora , as one of the thousands displaced into refugee camps by the Cardassian occupation of her homeworld . During her youth, she spent some time in the camps on Valo II . ( TNG : " Ensign Ro ") In all, she spent ten years in the camps. ( TNG : " Preemptive Strike ")

Although most of the time she didn't even have a bed while living in the camps, there were times she did, when she was very young, and she would be afraid of the imaginary monsters that were under her bed. ( TNG : " Rascals ", " Preemptive Strike ") To help ease her fears, Ro's father would play the belaklavion for her, which he told her had "special powers" and that "monsters were afraid of it, and they'd disappear whenever they heard it." She recalled that when she heard her father's music, she was never afraid to go to sleep. ( TNG : " Preemptive Strike ")

Ro Laren, age 12

Ro Laren as she appeared at age twelve

In 2347 , Ro was shown the true nature of the occupation when she was given a piece of sugar candy by a Cardassian , who led her to a room where she found her father sitting inside. For the next two hours she was forced to sit and watch as a Cardassian questioned and tortured her father until he died.

Throughout the entire ordeal, Ro felt ashamed of being a Bajoran. She was ashamed of her father for being so weak, as she watched him beg for mercy. Laren eventually found that she could not live in an environment where her people were unable to feed and clothe themselves. Because of this, she ran away. Her father's death led her to have a life long hatred of Cardassians. ( TNG : " Ensign Ro ") After his death, she finally realized that even her father could not make all the monsters in her life go away. ( TNG : " Preemptive Strike ")

Over time, Ro began to understand how misguided her feelings of shame were, and eventually she chose to no longer be ashamed of her heritage. Ro decided to keep her name in traditional form: family name first, given name second. She did this despite the fact that most Bajorans accepted the distortion of their names in order to assimilate. She also strongly favored wearing the traditional Bajoran earring , albeit on the left ear as opposed to the traditional right ear. ( TNG : " Ensign Ro ")

Later in her life, she revealed that she never really drew a picture of her mother. It was also revealed that the young Ro Laren was a repressed jumper . ( TNG : " Rascals ")

Starfleet career [ ]

Academy and early career [ ].

Ro Laren entered Starfleet Academy in 2358 and graduated with the class of 2362 . Her Starfleet service serial number was HL-2133-8947 (APL). ( TNG : " Conundrum ", " The Next Phase ")

The information presented here comes from Ro's death certificate in "The Next Phase," which was apparently a revision of Ro's personnel file that originally appeared in "Conundrum". Included in the death certificate revisions were two notable corrections from the original file, including the changing of her birthplace from "Bajora" to "Bajor" and her graduation date from the academy changed from "2364" to "2362."

As Bajor was not a member of the Federation at the time Ro joined Starfleet, she would have needed endorsement by a command-level officer. ( DS9 : " Heart of Stone ")

One of Ro's early assignments was aboard the USS Wellington . During that assignment in the mid- 2360s , Ro was a member of the disastrous away team mission to Garon II . During the mission, Ro disobeyed direct orders, causing the eight other members of the away team to die. Ro was court martialed for her actions and refused to speak in her own defense. With little alternative, the court found Ro guilty and sentenced her to imprisonment in the stockade on Jaros II . ( TNG : " Ensign Ro ") Jean-Luc Picard felt that, had Ro not lost her rank following her court martial, she could have been a lieutenant commander by late 2368 . ( TNG : " The Next Phase ")

Picard also noted that the incident took place on "Garon IV" rather than "Garon II."

USS Enterprise -D [ ]

First mission [ ].

In 2368 , Ro was released by Admiral Kennelly and reinstated into Starfleet in exchange for helping locate a Bajoran terrorist. While secretly conducting her mission, Ro was assigned to assist the USS Enterprise -D on stardate 45076.3 . Due to her familiarity with the Valo system , she was initially assigned as flight control officer . Upon reaching Valo II, she suggested the best route for them to take would be to go to the camp on the southern continent to find a man named Keeve Falor .

Ro sat alone in Ten Forward , sipping her beverage and turning people away when they offered to sit with her. As Geordi La Forge at the bar nearby expressed his displeasure at Ro's presence to Guinan , she decided to get to know Ro. During their conversation, Ro revealed that she was court-martialed for disobeying a direct order, resulting in the death of eight fellow officers. Guinan persisted despite Ro's efforts to push her away. In her quarters, Ro received a transmission from Kennelly and told him that all was going according to plan. When it came time to beam to the surface, Picard found Ro gone and the terrorists never showed up at the designated meeting location. He beamed down anyway with an away team, where they found themselves surrounded by armed Bajorans, with Ro among them. Orta emerged, his face mutilated and vocal cords cut by the Cardassians. He told them that the Bajorans did not attack Solarion IV and lets them go.

Valo II surface

The surface of Valo II

Back on the Enterprise 's bridge, Ro discussed the issue of who attacked Solarion IV with the other officers until Picard asked her into his ready room. There he angrily asked her to explain her actions. While her intentions appeared to have been good – she hoped to avoid bloodshed by talking to Orta before the meeting – Picard confined her to her quarters for the rest of the mission. That night, Guinan visited Ro to talk about what happened. She observed that Ro seems to trust no one, least of all herself. After a brief conversation, Guinan recalled a time in her life when she got herself into a bad situation and that she would probably still be there if she had not put her trust in one man. Despite Ro being confined to her quarters, Guinan took her to Picard's ready room. Guinan left the two of them to talk, and Ro revealed a secret about her purpose aboard the Enterprise : Admiral Kennelly wanted her to make a secret deal with Orta, in direct violation of the Prime Directive . So long as Orta stopped attacking the Federation, Kennelly would supply him and his fellows with weapons and ships. However, when she learned Orta was not responsible, she did not know what to do. Ro shared a story about how her father was tortured to death in front of her at the hands of the Cardassians, explaining that she felt ashamed to be Bajoran. She and Picard decided to find a way for Orta to help them expose the ones who really attacked the Federation colony. Picard, reluctant to let go of an officer with Ro's potential, requested that Ro remain on board for the Enterprise 's next scheduled mission to survey Sector 21305 . ( TNG : " Ensign Ro ")

Later missions [ ]

Not long after Ro's transfer to the Enterprise , a quantum filament caused major damage to the ship. Unable to communicate with the rest of the crew, Ro, Lt. Cmdr. Troi , Chief O'Brien and Ensign Mandel were trapped on the bridge . The quantum resonance of the filament caused a polarity shift in the ship's antimatter containment fields, leading to a progressive degeneration in the fields, threatening the ship. Before Commander Riker and Lt. Cmdr. Data were able to restore control over the containment field, Ro suggested a saucer separation to save the saucer section , while sacrificing the stardrive section , stating that she was not sure whether anyone was still alive there. After Troi rejected Ro's proposal, the Enterprise 's main computer was brought back online, and the antimatter containment was fully restored. ( TNG : " Disaster ")

Ro firing phaser

Ro defends the Enterprise bridge from the Ux-Mal

On stardate 45571.2 , Ro was at the helm of the Enterprise when one of the vessel's shuttlecraft crashed on the surface of a moon orbiting Mab-Bu VI . There, a number of the crew became possessed by anionic energy lifeforms superimposing neural patterns. During their attempted takeover of the bridge Ro shot at the possessed Miles O'Brien, but missed. She was in turn stunned by O'Brien.

After the lifeform-possessed crew members took over Ten Forward , Ro suggested giving them a plasma shock as a means of causing pain to the beings without causing any physical harm. If the plan worked and they were able to hit all three with a single discharge, they would cause the beings to evacuate the crew members.

Geordi La Forge and Ro Laren later attempted a rescue in the small access area between Decks 9 and 10, above Ten Forward. When they finally made their attempt, they were unable to get all three crew members in the beam, which eventually led to the abortion of their rescue attempt. ( TNG : " Power Play ")

On stardate 45652.1, Ro served on the bridge during an encounter with a temporal causality loop . She interrupted a staff meeting to report that sensors were getting unusual readings twenty thousand kilometers off the port bow. She noted that sensors did not detect the phenomenon until the ship was almost on top of it. As she attempted to back the Enterprise off from the phenomenon, she reported that the maneuvering thrusters were not responding, and as a ship emerged and she attempted to back the ship off, she reported that the helm was not responding.

In an alternate version of events , when the Enterprise collided with the USS Bozeman , which had emerged from the phenomenon, Ro Laren reported that the Enterprise 's inertial dampers were failing and that the ship was losing attitude control , moments before it was destroyed, and Ro died. ( TNG : " Cause And Effect ")

Ro and Geordi connect

Ro and La Forge realizing that they can touch only each other

While investigating a damaged Romulan ship, Ro and Geordi La Forge were presumed dead in a transporter accident . Finding themselves freely walking around the ship but passing through other objects, Ro suspected that they were dead and simply remaining behind to say their goodbyes to their former lives, but La Forge refused to accept that. Eventually, La Forge figured out that they had actually been sent out of phase with the rest of the ship due to a flawed Romulan attempt to create a new kind of cloaking device, a theory that was proved when they confronted a Romulan in the same position as they. Learning of a Romulan plot to sabotage the Enterprise , Ro and La Forge managed to work out a means of canceling out the phase and restoring themselves to normal, thus allowing them to warn their shipmates of the danger. ( TNG : " The Next Phase ")

During a survey mission on stardate 46235.7, Ro, Picard, Guinan and Keiko O'Brien were briefly transformed into twelve-year-olds due to a transporter accident. Although Ro initially found the experience frustrating, when the ship was captured by a crew of rogue Ferengi , she took full advantage of her childish appearance to deal with the problem, such as slapping com badges onto the Ferengi to allow them to be transported, while declaring, " Tag – you're it! " After a process was discovered to return everyone to their proper ages, Ro actually spent a few hours longer in her childhood body, drawing pictures of her mother – something she'd never done during her actual childhood. ( TNG : " Rascals ")

Ro Laren 2370

Lt. Ro Laren following her Advanced Tactical Training.

On the recommendation of Captain Picard, Ro attended Starfleet's Advanced Tactical Training , where she graduated in late 2370 . Following her graduation she was reassigned to the Enterprise with the rank of lieutenant and given quarters on deck four, section eight. ( TNG : " Preemptive Strike ")

According to the Official Star Trek Website and the Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 2nd ed., p. 298, one of Ro's instructors was Chakotay . [1] (X) However, VOY : " In the Flesh " established that Chakotay resigned on March 3rd, 2368, i.e., already around the time Ro was released and reinstated. Either Chakotay continued as an instructor in some capacity despite his resignation, or Ro had already attended some courses of the Advanced Tactical Training before that.

Joining the Maquis [ ]

Ro maquis

Posing as a member of the Maquis in 2370

In 2370 , Ro was assigned to infiltrate the Maquis . Although somewhat reluctant, she agreed, partially to validate Captain Jean-Luc Picard 's belief in her. By having Lt. Commander Data and Lt. Worf faking pursuit on the pretext she had killed a Cardassian soldier, she gained the attention of the Maquis Santos in a DMZ settlement bar.

She was kidnapped by Santos and was briefly questioned by him, Kalita and Macias . Macias immediately took a liking to Ro and trusted her even before her alibi was verified by Santos. He eventually became a father-like figure.

She later gained the trust of the rest of the Maquis by "stealing" medical supplies from the Enterprise . After gaining the Maquis' trust, she had them plan to invest significant resources to attack a Yridian convoy, which in actuality was a Federation trap.

Soon after, three Cardassians attacked the area near the Maquis cell and killed Macias, who with his dying breath told Ro, " When an old fighter like me dies, someone always steps forward to take his place ." She started questioning her loyalties, and tried to have the fake convoy trap canceled by claiming the Maquis would not invest resources to attack. However, Picard saw through her lies and questioned her resolve. She claimed she would carry out her duties, but Picard had Commander Riker accompany her to the attack.

Ro Laren beams away

Ro aiming a phaser at Riker before being beamed away by the Maquis

During the attack, she drew a phaser on Riker and fired a low-intensity particle beam from the shuttlecraft that revealed a Starfleet attack force hiding in a nebula near the bogus convoy. When the Maquis retreated, she had her ship move towards the Enterprise so Riker could leave. When asked why she was going with the Maquis, she replied, " It's been a long time since I really felt like I belonged somewhere. " Just before she beamed to another Maquis ship, she asked Riker to tell Picard she was sorry for betraying his trust. ( TNG : " Preemptive Strike ").

After some time with the Maquis, Ro turned herself in to Starfleet authorities and was imprisoned . ( PIC : " Imposters ")

Return to Starfleet [ ]

Due to her experience with terrorist activities, Ro was recruited by Starfleet Intelligence , who subjected her to an intensive rehabilitation program . By 2401 , she had advanced to the rank of commander .

Ro Laren flanked by two security officers

Commander Ro Laren in 2401

That year, she boarded the USS Titan -A to ostensibly interrogate Picard and Riker for hijacking the ship but, after a heated exchange with Picard over her betrayal and emotional reconnection, revealed that she was investigating the Changeling threat and told Picard that she believed Starfleet had been compromised at the highest levels. With tears in her eyes, she expressed sadness that she and Picard had missed many years of friendship and that each of them had not gotten to know the person the other had become. Concurrently, Ro had wished that Picard could truly understand that she did what she thought was right in joining the Maquis and reiterated her message through Riker, from when she defected, that she never meant to hurt him. Ro gave Picard a head start to get away but was betrayed by her security team, actually rogue Changelings in disguise, who planted a bomb on the shuttle and beamed away. She instead pivoted to give the Titan -A the opportunity to escape by navigating the doomed shuttle towards the Intrepid 's port nacelle in an effort to cripple the vessel. Before boarding the shuttle, Ro gave Picard her Bajoran earring, which Riker discovered concealed a datachip containing files on her entire investigation. An incoming transmission also revealed a hidden communicator with a holographic display, and that she was Worf's handler . Picard was greatly affected by the loss. ( PIC : " Imposters ")

Relationships [ ]

Jean-luc picard [ ].

Although initially opposing Ro's assignment aboard the Enterprise , Captain Picard was impressed with the way she handled the situation. Following the mission, he told her she was free to leave the ship, but as a personal request, he wanted her to consider remaining in Starfleet.

During their first mission together, he observed her potential and noticed a certain quality about her that could possibly be harnessed and molded. Although Ro was flattered, she didn't feel she belonged in the uniform. Picard believed that she had a lot to learn from Starfleet, and she retorted that she felt Starfleet had a lot to learn from her. Picard felt that attitude was common among the best officers he had served with, and that although she was not one of those officers, someday she could be if she decided to work at it.

Ro accepted Picard's "interesting challenge," something she rarely refused, and in return, at Ro's request, Picard allowed her to bend the Starfleet uniform code and wear her traditional Bajoran earring . While Ro claimed that the earring was for the family that she had lost, Picard later came to believe that it was for Ro's own ego, although this was after their relationship had turned sour. ( TNG : " Ensign Ro "; PIC : " Imposters ")

Picard later sponsored Ro's entrance into Starfleet's Advanced Tactical Training program. Although the program was exceptionally difficult, Ro graduated and was re-posted to the Enterprise as a full lieutenant . When she betrayed Starfleet and permanently joined the Maquis, Picard felt responsible for Ro's betrayal and believed he pushed her in doing so, but he also felt angry that she ultimately did. ( TNG : " Preemptive Strike ")

Thirty years later, the two were reunited when Ro boarded the USS Titan -A during the Changeling crisis, leading a confrontation between them in a holographic version of 10 Forward Avenue . Picard, who had been practicing for thirty years for the conversation, accused Ro of betraying everything that he believed in and their relationship of mutual respect, while Ro, offended that Picard questioned her honor, accused Picard of forcing her to live under his "relentless judgment," wanting to mold her in his image, and that Picard's mentorship and affection were conditional. Ro had joined the Maquis to fight against injustice, even if it meant betraying Starfleet and it was who she was, but Picard had confused morality with duty which was his dishonor. Ro believed that Picard had only believed in her when it was easy for him and that if Picard had truly felt the way he claimed, he would've understood and the two admitted that their hearts were broken by each other.

The genuine mutual shared during the confrontation proved to both that the other wasn't a Changeling and Ro took Picard into her confidence about her investigation into the Changeling conspiracy . Picard was deeply upset by Ro's subsequent death, but affirmed to Ro in her last moments that he did truly see her now while Ro was giving Picard the fighting chance that he had once given to her. After Ro's death, Picard discovered that her Bajoran earring, which Ro had given to him before her death, contained all of her files on Ro's investigation into the conspiracy. Picard admitted to William T. Riker that even Picard didn't know what Ro had meant to him. ( PIC : " Imposters ")

William T. Riker [ ]

Ro Laren and William T

Ro and Riker in 2368

Commander Riker was not thrilled with the assignment of Ro to the Enterprise , and demanded nothing but the highest standards of performance from her.

Upon her initial beam-in, Riker immediately reprimanded her for wearing her traditional Bajoran earring, which was not allowed according to the Starfleet uniform code. Riker later shared his concerns with Picard, stating that there would be members of the crew who would not want to serve with Ro.

Riker was infuriated by Ro's acceptance of her assignment aboard the Enterprise when she stated that " It was better than prison. " ( TNG : " Ensign Ro ", " Conundrum ", " Preemptive Strike ")

Riker, Troi, and Ro talk

Ro, with Riker and Troi after their memories were wiped by the Satarrans

Later, during a period in which the Enterprise crew lost their memories, Riker and Ro had a brief sexual tryst. Set against their prior antagonistic relationship, this created an awkward situation when the crew's memories were restored, but Counselor Deanna Troi indicated that people in such a situation might likely act on what they would subconsciously wish to do. ( TNG : " Conundrum ")

Riker was set to deliver a eulogy for Ro at a memorial service for her and Geordi La Forge when they were believed to have been killed in a transporter accident. However, he never had an opportunity to deliver it as both Ro and La Forge were revealed to be alive. The mystery of what Riker would have said baffled Ro. ( TNG : " The Next Phase ")

Riker was the last Enterprise crewmember to see Ro when he joined her in an undercover effort to stave off a Maquis strike. Ro turned a phaser on him, however, explaining her defection to the Maquis, and asked him to relay her apologies to Captain Picard. Riker wished her well before she escaped. ( TNG : " Preemptive Strike ")

After reuniting with Ro aboard the USS Titan -A thirty years later, Riker defended Ro's betrayal and subsequent return to Starfleet to an incensed Picard. The two shared little direct contact, with Riker deducing from Ro's tone of voice that the Titan crew's guilt had already been predetermined by her even before her security review. Ro had Riker escorted out to talk to Picard privately, eventually revealing that she was working for Starfleet Intelligence and was on their side. Riker later comforted Picard over Ro's death and helped him to figure out the clues that Ro had left for Picard. Riker expressed admiration of Ro's use of "old school spycraft." ( PIC : " Imposters ")

Geordi La Forge [ ]

Geordi La Forge believed that the only reason she was on her initial mission was because of orders, as he believed that she didn't belong aboard the Enterprise or even in a Starfleet uniform. ( TNG : " Ensign Ro ") The two later bonded, however, when they were cloaked and phased by a Romulan interphase generator and forced to find a way to return to normal. ( TNG : " The Next Phase ")

Deanna Troi [ ]

While the Enterprise was damaged due to an encounter with a quantum filament , Ro was in conflict with Deanna Troi , who was the senior officer on the bridge, about whether to detach the saucer section, thereby saving the lives they could. Troi was opposed to the idea, even though Ro argued vehemently in favor of separating the ship.

After Commanders Riker and Data stabilized the ship, Ro admitted to Troi that she was wrong. Troi responded that she might as easily have been right.

Ro does not appear to be guided by sentimentality when in a crisis situation, as indicated by her harsh comment to Troi during this incident. ( TNG : " Disaster ")

Later the same year, Ro and Troi shared a drink in Ten Forward following the retrieval of their lost memories. ( TNG : " Conundrum ")

Guinan and Ro Laren (2368)

Guinan befriends Laren, against her wishes

Guinan became interested in Ro after learning a bit about her past from La Forge. Guinan defended Ro in front of Picard and encouraged her to reveal the truth to him about the nature of her mission. Picard was willing to listen, as he knew Guinan did not call someone a friend easily.

Ro and Guinan remained friends. When they were both transformed into children, Guinan helped Ro take the opportunity to experience the childhood she was denied as a Bajoran refugee. ( TNG : " Ensign Ro ", " Rascals ")

In 2401 , Picard used a holographic version of Guinan's 10 Forward Avenue bar for his confrontation with Ro, taking a phaser that Guinan had kept behind the bar. Picard asked if Ro remembered Guinan, but she didn't answer, more focused on confronting Picard. ( PIC : " Imposters ")

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • " Ensign Ro " (Season 5)
  • " Disaster "
  • " Conundrum "
  • " Power Play "
  • " Cause And Effect "
  • " The Next Phase "
  • " Rascals " (Season 6)
  • " Preemptive Strike " (Season 7)
  • PIC : " Imposters "

Background information [ ]

Star trek: the next generation [ ].

Landau directing Forbes

Michelle Forbes establishing the role with Director Les Landau during production on "Ensign Ro"

Ensign Ro was played by Michelle Forbes and first appeared in the fifth season TNG episode named for her, " Ensign Ro ". Forbes was chosen for the role because the production staff were impressed with her performance as Dara in the fourth season episode " Half a Life ". ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 2nd ed., p. 177)

According to Rick Berman , Ro was introduced as a sharp-edged character to contrast with the TNG main cast. He explained, " The other characters in the cast are relatively homogeneous; some might even say bland. So we wanted a character with the strength and dignity of a Starfleet officer but with a troubled past, an edge. " ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 2nd ed., p. 177)

Michael Piller was pleased with how Ro Laren turned out. " I created the Ensign Ro character, and I certainly loved writing for her, " he enthused. " She was so fresh because she was one of those people that didn't get along with anybody easily, so she always had a lot to learn as a character. " ( Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection , issue 101, p. 14)

Indirectly, Michelle Forbes was Michael Westmore 's inspiration for the Bajoran design and makeup. After her being hired for the part of Ro Laren in TNG, Rick Berman told Westmore, " We've hired a pretty girl and I want to keep her that way. Think of something that we can take and make her look a little alien, and still get the idea she's from another planet, but she's still gorgeous. " ( Michael Westmore's Aliens: Season One , DS9 Season 1 DVD special features)

Shortly before Ro made her on-screen debut in "Ensign Ro", Rick Berman regarded her as "a character who very well might recur." He went on to remark, " She plays very nicely with our characters and […] she's a very interesting character. " ( Star Trek: The Official Fan Club Magazine  issue 82 , p. 6)

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine [ ]

During the production of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , it was intended that Ro Laren be the first officer of Deep Space 9 under Benjamin Sisko 's command. Michelle Forbes turned down the offer and the character was modified and became the basis for Kira Nerys . ( The Making of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine )

In the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine bible of April 1992, Ro Laren's entry stated, " Established on ST:TNG. She is properly addressed as Lieutenant Ro since Bajorans put their family names first. (Note: She will receive a promotion from Ensign to Lieutenant on an episode of ST:TNG before this series begins.) As a Bajoran, Ro cares passionately about her people's independence. That's why she volunteered for duty on the space station. Sisko originally refused to accept her transfer…He didn't want anything to do with someone with her undistinguished service record and reputation. But during the first episode, she proves her value to him and becomes his first officer. " In Jadzia Dax 's entry in the bible, a friendship between Ro and Jadzia was suggested: " Ro, who forms a very close relationship with Dax, often tells her to loosen up. Dax admires Ro for her youthful energy, her purpose and her drive and becomes something of a mentor to her. " In Odo 's entry, Ro " finds Odo's negative attitude to authority delightful and they have a Bajoran fellowship. " The bible entry for Quark posited that he and Ro would become adversaries. ( The Making of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine )

An unproduced Star Trek: Voyager script was to have featured a flashback to Tom Paris ' time at Starfleet Academy, showing that he and Ro were classmates. ( citation needed • edit )

Star Trek: Picard [ ]

Terry Matalas stated in an interview that in early drafts for season 3 of Star Trek: Picard , Ro was planned to survive the destruction of her shuttle in " Imposters ", having been beamed off of it by the Changelings for information; however, this was never filmed. Matalas described the season as already having "too ambitious of a schedule", and that "There were things that we just simply didn’t have the time and money to shoot." [2]

Apocrypha [ ]

Lesser Evil

Ro Laren, as depicted in the uniform of the Bajoran Militia on the cover of Lesser Evil .

In the 1990s, Ro Laren appeared in several unconnected novels and comics, since then retconned as part of the First Splinter Timeline. One of these was the Deep Space Nine novel Wrath of the Prophets , where she teamed up with Kira Nerys to track down a black market dealer on Bajor . She also appeared in the Next Generation novels The Devil's Heart , The Romulan Prize , War Drums , Requiem , The Romulan Stratagem , Sins of Commission , The Last Stand , Here There Be Dragons and The Death of Princes . Ro also appeared in the Deep Space Nine comic " Friend and Foe Alike ". In the Star Trek: The Dominion War novels Behind Enemy Lines and Tunnel Through the Stars by John Vornholt , Ro Laren and Captain Picard lead a team to destroy an artificial wormhole being constructed by the Dominion in Cardassian space .

Ro Laren is one of the main characters in a number of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novels that have also since been retconned as part of the First Splinter Timeline. The novels show that Ro survived the Dominion's extermination of the Maquis and joined with a few other Maquis survivors to fight their own war effort against the Dominion. After the Dominion War , Ro returned to Bajor and was commissioned as a Lieutenant in the Bajoran militia, replacing Odo as Chief of Security on DS9 and eventually starting a relationship with Quark . Initially, Starfleet wanted her arrested, but behind the scenes, Captain Picard quietly urged Starfleet to reconsider their decision. When Bajor joined the Federation, Ro considered leaving the station with Quark, but her old uniform was sent to her by Picard as encouragement to remain on the station. Ro remained with the militia as it was absorbed into Starfleet and was given a Starfleet commission at the rank of Lieutenant. As of the novel Zero Sum Game (set in 2382 ), Ro was the commanding officer of Deep Space 9 and a Starfleet Captain. After the destruction of the original station in the Star Trek: Typhon Pact novels Plagues of Night and Raise the Dawn , Captain Ro takes command of the new station built in its place, starting in Revelation and Dust .

Ro wears her Bajoran earring on her left ear rather than her right like every other Bajoran seen on screen, with the exception of those who worshiped the Pah-wraiths . In the aforementioned novels, it is explained that Ro does this because she does not believe in the Prophets, but still wants to acknowledge her heritage. It has the advantage of discouraging vedeks from pinching her left ear to read her pagh .

Star Trek Online 's backstory differs somewhat, stating that Ro surrendered to Starfleet in 2379 , pleaded guilty to desertion , and served two years in a penal colony on Earth . Upon her release she was granted a commission in the Bajoran militia and became chief of security for Deep Space 9.

In the new timeline of the IDW comics, it is revealed that, by 2378 , Ro was no longer a member of the Maquis and was secretly recruited by Worf to help him hunt down Kahless . ( Star Trek: Defiant )

The Star Trek: Terok Nor novel Night of the Wolves depicts Ro's life during the Occupation.

External links [ ]

  • Ro Laren at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Ro Laren at Wikipedia
  • 2 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-G)

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Published Apr 9, 2024

From Ensign to Commander Ro: The Essential Ro Laren Watch List

How Ro Laren saved Starfleet by breaking the rules.

Graphic illustration of the Bajoran Ro Laren

The Bajoran Ro Laren earned the admiration of Star Trek: The Next Generation viewers by speaking candidly. Without asking for permission.

Born in the year 2340 on Cardassian-occupied Bajor, Ro Laren's earliest memories are of personal and cultural loss. At seven years old, she was forced to watch her father die by interrogation. She spent almost 10 years in and out of refugee camps. Ashamed by what she perceived as Bajoran weakness, Ro Laren grew desperate. Anything was better than watching her people suffer. So, she joined Starfleet.

Ro Laren beams aboard the Enterprise-D via transporters in 'Ensign Ro'

Ro Laren beams aboard the Enterprise-D, "Ensign Ro"

Ro rose in rank from Ensign to Commander with well-documented authority issues that include a body count and a court martial record. People lived, and died, by her decisions. But despite an open contempt for rank, and her one-time defection to the Maquis, Starfleet command was her natural path. Transformation is one of Ro's attributes.

In honor of the serially disobedient ensign, here are some of Ro Laren’s defining moments on her climb towards Commander.

" Ensign Ro ," Star Trek: The Next Generation (Season 5, Episode 3)

In Picard's Ready Room, Ro Laren displays her typical demeanor - surly, arms crossed - in 'Ensign Ro'

Classic Ro Laren vibes, "Ensign Ro"

You know you’re a Star Trek legend when your debut episode is your name.

Ensign Ro reported for duty on the U.S.S. Enterprise -D under orders from a shifty Admiral Kennelly. Kennelly needed Captain Jean-Luc Picard's help with a revolutionary Bajoran named Orta who was causing trouble for the Cardassians, and now Starfleet, following a recent attack on Federation colony Solarion IV. A diplomatic approach to engage Bajor was suggested, and Kennelly had just the Bajoran for the job. 

Enter disgraced ensign Ro Laren whose name instantly draws anger from Picard. In infamous Starfleet history, Ro's disastrous away mission on Garon II is the stuff of nightmares. According to Starfleet records, eight crew members of the U.S.S. Wellington died because she failed to follow orders. Still, Kennelly insists on Ro's appointment aboard the Enterprise . Guess she’s seriously reformed....

Jean-Luc Picard and Ro Laren approach Keeve on the surface of Valo II in 'Ensign Ro'

Jean-Luc Picard and Ro Laren at a refugee camp on Valo II, "Ensign Ro"

"Ensign Ro" demonstrates Ro Laren’s greatest asset. Her complete disdain for Starfleet formality means that she has no qualms telling Picard the true score of the Cardassian Occupation. She suggests, forcefully, that Starfleet's "diplomatic" efforts would be better spent in the camps on Valo II. And by episode's end, Ro's authenticity rises to the surface. She is compassionate to Bajor. And she tells the truth, even when it is against protocol or dangerous to do so. 

After Kennelly's underhanded deal with Cardassia is exposed, Ensign Ro tells Picard that she’ll, actually, maybe, stick around. But only if she is allowed to break uniform code by wearing a Bajoran earring .

" Disaster ," Star Trek: The Next Generation (Season 5, Episode 5)

Close-up of Ro Laren as the bridge of the Enterprise loses power in 'Disaster'

Ro Laren reacts to scenario on the disabled bridge, "Disaster"

Wherein everything that can go wrong, goes wrong. When a catastrophic phenomenon leads to a hull breach and a rapidly deteriorating containment field, only three Enterprise -D crew members are on or near the bridge — highest-ranking officer Counselor Troi, Chief Miles O'Brien, and Ensign Ro. 

Cut and dry Ro recommends a full separation from the Enterprise 's saucer section. Brutal, but hear her out; since no life signs or survivors were detected in the breached area of the ship, a separation maneuver would ensure that the rest of the vessel doesn't imminently combust. Ro Laren — strategist for a disaster.

" The Next Phase ," Star Trek: The Next Generation (Season 5, Episode 24)

Ensign Ro Laren and Geordi La Forge stand directly in front of each other with their hands lifted and palms touching in 'The Next Phase'

Ro Laren and Geordi La Forge touch hands, "The Next Phase"

Ro Laren inhabits the spirit of teamwork in this version of a ghost story. 

After being beamed away during an explosion aboard a Romulan ship, Ensign Ro and Geordi La Forge discover that they are no longer "with the living." Instead, they’re out-of-phase transporter ghosts whose patterns are no longer detectable to the Enterprise crew. While stuck in dematerialized limbo, Ro introduces the idea of them being Borhya , the Bajoran concept for a "spirit." When La Forge offers a scientific solution for their non-state, Ro is quick to problem solve, carrying out an investigation alongside Geordi and Data on the "other side."

By episode end, a corporeally-realized Ro admits that she's been pushed into another way of thinking about life after death. Or, life after traumatic transporter accident.

" Rascals ," Star Trek: The Next Generation (Season 6, Episode 7)

Guinan and Ensign Ro (both in their kid bodies) peek past a doorway in 'Rascals'

Guinan and Ensign Ro, in their kid form, peek around the corner, "Rascals"

Who knew the Ro Laren watch list includes two transporter accidents?

When Captain Picard, Ro, Guinan, and Keiko O'Brien are regressed to the adolescent ages of 10-12, the scenario is inconvenient. Or… a therapeutic exercise? With a little nudge from Guinan, Ro is able to reclaim the part of her past she described as "long" and "depressing." She even draws a portrait of her mother in crayon.

" Preemptive Strike ," Star Trek: The Next Generation (Season 7, Episode 24)

With tears in her eyes, Ro Laren in Maquis attire grieves the death of Macias in 'Preemptive Strike'

Ro Laren cries over Macias' death, "Preemptive Strike"

Ro Laren, the traitor?

Ro's sympathies to the Maquis, a resistance group opposed to the Occupation, led to her defection from Starfleet in this monumental episode.

Ro's redemptive path under Starfleet had been fought and hard won, and a single, undercover mission alongside a Maquis leader named Macias led to a crisis of faith. While Picard couldn’t recognize her motivations, we understood why Ro defected. She had met a parental figure in Macias, a proud Bajoran who loved spicy hasperat like her dad and had the same appreciation for playing Klavion . Inspired by this leader, Ro reclaimed an identity worth fighting for, like her father once fought for. So, she left for that same cause.

Her only regret, Riker conveyed, was that she had let her captain down. 

" Imposters ," Star Trek: Picard (Season 3, Episode 5)

In the 10 Forward holoprogram, Ro Laren and Picard are across each other at the bar in 'Imposters'

Ro Laren and Jean-Luc Picard have a frank discussion, "Imposters"

AKA, "How the hell is Ro Laren back in Starfleet?!"

Always capable of a comeback, Ro Laren wore the pips again, this time as a commander in Starfleet Intelligence.

Commander Ro's sacrifice in Star Trek: Picard "Imposters" is a full restoration of her heroic status. True to her nature, she acts boldly and with conviction, engendering trust through uncomplicated honesty. When Ro confides to Admiral Picard that a Changeling infiltration has permeated Starfleet's highest level, he has no choice but to believe her.

There is still a depth of feeling in their relationship, after all — Picard's disappointment over Ro's betrayal, Ro's anger at Picard's righteousness. It's a stalemate of spurned hope, but the important fact remains; Commander Ro’s intelligence, hidden on her signature Bajoran earring , saves Starfleet from what’s to come.

Close-up of Ro Laren on the Titan-A's viewscreen moments before the Changeling bomb is detonated in 'Imposters'

Ro moments before the Changeling bomb is detonated, "Imposters"

"Imposters" is a fittingly complicated end to the life of Ro Laren. To some, she is Starfleet's persona non grata, a habitual rule-breaker whose brashness had led to casualties. To others, her ability to stand and die for a fighting chance, either with Starfleet or the Maquis, makes her a strong contender for best in command.

And her final act is a trademark. After discovering that a Changeling bomb was planted on her shuttle, Admiral Picard orders Ro to turn her vessel around so that she can be beamed to safety.

Commander Ro refuses.

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Robyn Belt is a writer, editor, and journalist (, who loves thinking about the real and speculative science of Star Trek. DS9, TNG, SNW super-fan. Find her on Twitter @robyn_belt or Threads @robynbelt_.

In addition to streaming on Paramount+ , Star Trek: Picard also streams on Prime Video outside of the U.S. and Canada, and in Canada can be seen on Bell Media's CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave. Star Trek: Picard is distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution.

Illustrated graphic featuring the Emerald Chain's Osyraa flanked by the Female Changeling, an Andorian, Weyoun, and a Jem'Hadar

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Star Trek: Picard 's latest Next Generation cameo was all about 'doing a paranoia thriller'

"I so desperately wanted to see the conclusion to that relationship," says showrunner Terry Matalas of Jean-Luc Picard and the latest surprise guest.

commander ro star trek

Warning: This article contains spoilers from Star Trek: Picard season 3, episode 5.

Patrick Stewart 's Jean-Luc is touring his greatest hits in the third and final season of Star Trek: Picard by bringing back a bevy of familiar faces from The Next Generation . The reunions keep coming in episode 5, titled "Imposters," which sees a character showrunner Terry Matalas says he really wanted for his story arc.

Actress Michelle Forbes returns as Ro Laren, a Bajoran member of Starfleet who served on the U.S.S Enterprise-D. Trekkies last saw her in season 7 of Star Trek: The Next Generation in 1994. The character now arrives on Picard to question Jean-Luc and Riker ( Jonathan Frakes ) about the Titan's activities, but similar to her past story arcs, there's a secret, more pressing reason why she's really there.

"There was nothing I wanted to do more than bring Ro Laren back," Matalas tells EW. "It felt like such a hanging chad from Next Generation . That episode to me is very special. It's the idea of doing a paranoia thriller."

Ro made her first appearance on The Next Generation in 1991 in the episode "Ensign Ro," and her colorful background includes a conviction for disobeying orders and getting eight crewmen killed. She was first stationed on the U.S.S. Enterprise on a secret mission to make a deal with a suspected Bajoran terrorist, but her principles in the matter are what gained her respect from Picard.

The last time Picard saw her — at least on screen — was in season 7 when she was sent to infiltrate a resistance group known as the Maquis and ended up defecting. A lot has seemingly happened to Ro off screen since that time. To use Picard's own words, "How the hell is Ro Laren back in Starfleet?!" It turns out she was once again rehabilitated and brought up through Starfleet Intelligence.

She beams aboard the U.S.S Titan in Picard season 3 with two armed security guards from the U.S.S Intrepid as Jean-Luc and Riker face potential treason charges. Once both Picard and Ro break the ice and confirm neither of them are Changelings, she reveals her true purpose for being there is because Starfleet has been infiltrated at the highest level by Changelings.

"The only way to be sure that the person that you're talking to is actually the person you hope they are is by getting through a catharsis of trauma of the past of this relationship, [which] to me felt like it could be really good television," Matalas says. "That was Ro and Picard, and I so desperately wanted to see the conclusion to that relationship."

Closure comes just in time. The episode concludes with the death of Ro, who realizes too late that her own detail has been infiltrated by Changelings who plant a bomb on her shuttle. She's at least able to leave behind her Bajoran earring containing all her files on the Changelings before crashing her shuttle into the Intrepid.

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The Sprawling History Of Star Trek's Ro Laren Gets A Little Complicated

Star Trek: The Next Generation Ro

In the fifth season of "Star Trek: The Next Generation, " the showrunners introduced a new regular character named Ensign Ro Laren. Ro (an excellent Michelle Forbes) was a Bajoran, a species whose planet has been militarily occupied by the wicked Cardassians for generations. Bajorans had long since turned to rebellious terrorism to fight back. Since neither world was a member of the Federation, no Starfleet vessels interfered. When the Enterprise was assigned to find a Bajoran terrorist named Orta (Jeffrey Hayegna), Ensign Ro was assigned to assist. 

Immediately, Ro was a fascinating character. She belonged to Starfleet but hated authority, often defying Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) and expressing open annoyance with his orders. She possessed a great deal of agency, upsetting the traditional Starfleet chain of command. She also was, it is eventually revealed, on a secret mission from an admiral above Picard's head. In a mannered, propriety-driven world like "Star Trek," a willful free agent stands as a challenge to everyone's most basic ideals. Ro Laren points out that Starfleet isn't always a rosy, functional organization, and that immoral war acts can still happen with Starfleet in the world. The relationship between Ro and Picard is one of the more fascinating in the series. 

At the end of her debut episode — called, fittingly enough, "Ensign Ro" (October 7, 1991) — she was able to provide aid to Orta and his team of terrorists, knowing that Starfleet was being used as a pawn in a larger game. The Cardassians, it seems, needed help in tracking down someone they defined as a war criminal and kind of hoodwinked Starfleet into helping. Ro went out of bounds on several occasions but ultimately learned to trust Picard. That didn't mean, however, that they liked each other. 

Star Trek: The Next Generation Ro

The best characters on "Star Trek" are those with clearly delineated principles. If they have a definite moral stance, then they will always have something to be passionate about, something to fight for. It doesn't matter if the character's principles match the audience's — Quark on "Deep Space Nine," for instance, is soulfully devoted to money and wealth — it merely matters that we understand what they want in any given scene. 

Ro Laren is devoted to justice. She is unafraid to speak her mind and lets everyone know when she's pissed off (which is often). When she grants someone else her trust, you know it was well-earned. Picard learns to trust her and she begrudgingly accepts Picard as her commanding officer. In return, she is allowed to wear her earring while on duty. Chained earrings are a religious symbol in Bajoran society. Michael Piller, the character's creator, claimed in a magazine interview to have loved writing for Ro, stating that he liked someone who doesn't get along with others well. 

In the episode "Disaster" (October 21, 1991), Ro found herself trapped on the bridge with only Counselor Troi (Marina Sirtis) as her commanding officer. Troi was unable to rein in Ro's anger, and the situation gave both characters a chance to test the limits of command. Most of Ro's episodes were crisis episodes, and she was often depicted in dangerous, unusual situations. In "Conundrum," her memory was erased along with the rest of the crew, and she and Riker ( Jonathan Frakes ) had a brief affair. In "Rascals," she was transformed into a child. Ro and Guinan (Whoopi Goldberg) developed a strangely warm relationship. 

But Ro would never find comfort with Starfleet.

The perfection of Starfleet

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Ro's final episode of "Next Generation" was "Preemptive Strike" (May 16, 1994). In that episode, the newly promoted Lieutenant Ro returns to the Enterprise after going through Starfleet tactical training back on Earth. Ro is assigned a dangerous mission: She must infiltrate a group of Federation separatists called the Maquis . The Cardassians, in exchange for ending their violent occupation of multiple worlds (including Bajor), were given a number of Federation colonies. The Federation colonists were ordered to move, but many of them resented the exchange and the fact that the Federation gave concessions to a wicked species like the Cardassians. The Maquis were formed as a rebellion force, fighting to keep their homes, despite Federation orders. They were enemies to the Federation and to Cardassia. 

In infiltrating the Maquis, Ro found that they really had been given a raw deal. She steals medical supplies from the Enterprise and gives them to the Maquis leader, Macias (John Franklyn-Robbins). Picard has been ordered to flush out the Maquis and bring them to heel. The Maquis, meanwhile, have intel on a Cardassian weapon they aim to stop. Because of the diplomatic fineries of the Federation, none of these three sides are communicating. Ro feels she has no choice: She has to betray Picard and help the Maquis. Her last act on the series is to reveal the Enterprise's plans to the Maquis, allowing them to escape. She holds a phaser on Riker and asks that he convey an apology back to Picard. Picard, upon hearing about Ro's betrayal, is heartbroken.

Picard had felt he was "reaching" Ro, turning her into a good Starfleet officer. Ro, meanwhile, hated being "tamed." She was going to follow her principles.

Ro's return

Star Trek: Picard Ro

Many Trekkies love Ro Laren, and it's easy to see why. She is the clearest sign that even the most stringently composed utopias will still have malcontents. The Federation is not perfect, as it is ill-equipped to deal with citizens who refuse to toe the company line. Starfleet stands for a pretty noble ethic, but it also is so beholden to formalism and the chain of command that it becomes stymied. Ro is a woman of action who would rather seek solutions than permission, and ethics rather than meaningless notions of loyalty. Picard felt betrayed, but the audience understands everything Ro did. 

The character returned in an episode of "Star Trek: Picard" called "Imposters" (March 16, 2023). The last Picard had seen of Ro was when she betrayed him and ran off with the Maquis. He was startled, then, to see her back in a Starfleet uniform 40 years later, bearing the rank of Commander, and in charge of a Federation security force. The first conversation Picard had with Ro upon being reunited was bitter, angry, hurt. Picard saw Ro as one of his great failures, as he was unable to "snap her into shape." Ro, true to her character, shoots back that Picard didn't bother really understanding her. She no longer has to explain herself to him. "Picard" was best when it pointed out Picard's character flaws, and his inability to "reach" all of his officers was one of them. 

In "Imposters," Ro ended up sacrificing her life so that Picard could flee a Byzantine Changeling conspiracy and save the day. Ro, however principled, wouldn't necessarily do that, though. In my headcanon, she somehow escaped destruction and continued to fight the good fight on whatever front was most deserving. 

Ro Laren Made a Surprise Return in PICARD

Episode five of Star Trek Picard , “Imposter,” saw the surprise return, and equally surprising death, of a beloved The Next Generation character. Many fans wondered if we’d say goodbye for good to one of the main returning TNG cast in Picard’s swan song season . But as of episode five, the one classic TNG character we lost was someone we didn’t even know was coming back. We’re talking about Michelle Forbes as Bajoran officer Ro Laren, who appeared in eight episodes of TNG over several seasons.

Michelle Forbes as Ensign Ro Laren, a recurring crew member in Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Many genre TV fans recognize Forbes from her roles on shows like Battlestar Galactica and True Blood . However, it was her time on TNG as Ro that made her a fan favorite. So her character’s return, and subsequent death, came as a great surprise. They introduced Ro Laren in the episode “Ensign Ro,” early in TNG’s fifth season. She appeared in eight episodes of the series total, and she introduced the Bajoran race to Star Trek lore.

The Enterprise crew with amnesia, in the TNG season five episode Conundrum.

Ensign Ro was a disgraced Starfleet officer, whose hasty actions had led to the accidental deaths of eight starship crew members. She was sprung from prison and they reinstated her Starfleet commission as part of a secret plot by a corrupt Admiral. But she turned against that Admiral, and gained the trust of Captain Picard. Jean Luc took a shine to her, and eventually offered her a position on board the Enterprise .

Over the course of the rest of TNG , Picard became both a mentor and a father figure. He saw a bit of his rebellious youthful self in her. But when he placed her on an undercover mission with the rebel group the Maquis, she betrayed Picard and joined the Maquis for real. This broke Picard’s heart, and the two didn’t see each other again until Picard season three’s fifth episode. This was some 29 years from their last encounter.

Ro Laren and Captain Picard form a bond in the fifth season TNG episode Ensign Ro.

In the succeeding years, Ro Laren served prison time again for her Maquis activities but was able to join Starfleet once more. They recruited her into Starfleet intelligence, and she became aware of the infiltration of Starfleet by rogue Changelings . She ultimately came to believe that Picard was the real deal, and not a Changeling agent himself. Changeling agents then killed her, bombing her shuttle which exploded while leaving the Titan . Before that however, she finally made peace with her former Captain.

While she wasn’t a main character of the Enterprise -D crew for all seven seasons, she was nevertheless a fan favorite. And for years, these same fans have wanted some form of proper closure to her character since 1994. Thankfully, Picard just gave us the character resolution we all craved, even if it was a bittersweet one.


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Why This Character's Death in Star Trek: Picard Was Its Most Tragic


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Charmed completely fumbled a fan favorite character's storyline, 'i wish i hadn't done it': beverly hills, 90210 star regrets returning for reboot.

The final season of Star Trek: Picard was a great-big The Next Generation reunion, effectively a movie trilogy's worth of story. Still, limitations on budget and time meant not every character producers wanted could be included. For example, Kathryn Janeway could've been present for Seven of Nine's promotion . However, the return of Michelle Forbes as Ro Laren was the most surprising, and the character's death was the show's most tragic. Though, like Admiral Shelby, who took two phaser bolts to the chest, she might actually be okay.

Ro Laren wasn't in Star Trek: The Next Generation's early seasons . The formerly imprisoned Starfleet officer arrived on the show in Season 5. She proved herself to Captain Picard, who offered her a place on the Enterprise and became her mentor. The penultimate episode of The Next Generation brought Ro Laren back, only for her to defect from Starfleet. She left them to fight for the Maquis, Bajoran rebels fighting against Cardassian colonists. Ensign Ro was a character who felt like a major part of the back half of The Next Generation but only appeared in a handful of episodes. The fallout from her defection on Picard, both professionally and emotionally, were two of the biggest dangling story threads. What makes her Picard return even sweeter is how it was germane to the story being told. She reconciled with Picard and then met a surprisingly emotional end. The tragedy goes beyond her reconnection with her mentor. Her life was defined by being caught in-between other people's conflicts.

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Ro Laren Remains a Unique Star Trek Character From Upbringing to Attitude

When Ensigns Boimler and Mariner found themselves on the Enterprise in the Strange New Worlds crossover episode , they were delighted. When Ensign Ro found herself on the Enterprise in The Next Generation , she was not happy about it. Ro bears similarities to Una Chin-Riley , though the Bajoran officer lost her court-martial. Still, she was from a culture that faced real oppression in the utopian future of Star Trek . She wasn't all "Ad Astra per Aspera," serving on the Enterprise was "better than prison." Not only that, she was being used by a corrupt Admiral who represented the worst of Starfleet.

From her first appearance on The Next Generation , she taught Picard and company about how hard life was for Bajorans compared to other Federation peoples. Unlike Number One, she resented Starfleet for ignoring her people's plight in order to keep the peace with an alien military empire. Ro Laren never became a believer in Starfleet, but she did want to be the kind of person who impressed Picard. In an episode where she was invisible to the rest of the crew, she said an emotional "goodbye" to him. But not before noting that he still intimidated her, even though he couldn't see her. After the war in Deep Space Nine was over, Ro Laren did what she thought Picard would do. She turned herself in and faced the consequences.

Again, sentenced to a Starfleet prison , Ro Laren was drafted by Starfleet intelligence to spy on and combat other terrorist organizations. This put Vadic and the Changeling conspiracy on her sensors. When unable to even trust her fellow officers, the only person Ro Laren would believably turn to is Picard. Only this last time, he wasn't able to protect her or offer her a second chance. Instead, she gave him the opportunity to save the Federation. She never sought out Starfleet and wasn't a big believer in the cause. Nonetheless, she gave her life to protect it. Or did she?

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The Death of Ro Laren on Picard Was Fitting, but It Could Be Undone

Both Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager dealt with the politics of the Maquis and Federation animosity at length. Picard smartly kept the focus on the personal dynamics between (now) Commander Ro and the fugitive retired admiral. Even if a viewer wasn't a fan of The Next Generation , the emotional interplay between the characters is more gripping than the spycraft plot. Just like in the previous show, Ro Laren's contribution to the emotional narrative in Picard feels far more significant than how long she's actually on the screen.

Moments before her death, Jean-Luc pleads with her to forgive him for "only now" seeing the totality of her character. Specifically, the parts of Ro Laren built from what Picard gave her. Ensign Ro was brash, abrasive and unafraid to speak her mind. She didn't mind being disagreeable, only opening up at all because Whoopi Goldberg's Guinan insisted . Her final The Next Generation episode began with her promotion to Lieutenant, something that happened in large part because of Picard greasing Starfleet's political wheels. So, when she left Starfleet for the Maquis, the betrayal wasn't one of duty for Jean-Luc. It was deeply personal.

Picard, Jack Crusher and Starfleet only survived because of her quick-thinking and relentless effort to do the "right" thing. It is a powerful story made more tragic by her death, but she may live again. Showrunner Terry Matalas told ScreenRant his original Picard finale draft featured a scene where Starfleet rescued the Changeling's prisoners, including a very-much-alive Ro Laren. If Star Trek: Legacy happens , perhaps he can finally shoot it. Until then, Ro Laren is a tragic hero who was not appreciated until it was too late.

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Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Ro Laren

She was Star Trek's first Bajoran, and she was one of the franchise's best characters.

Ro Laren

Ro Laren was, and remains, one of the most engaging secondary characters in Star Trek history. Her recent return to the franchise in Star Trek: Picard finally closed the cover on her story, though there is simply so much to discuss in the history of the show's first Bajoran.

She was the archetype for an entire people, and the template for one of the most popular characters on Deep Space Nine . Her story was used to set up the then-upcoming Star Trek: Voyager, even though she never appeared on either show.

Her number of appearances are actually quite low when one counts them against other secondary characters across the franchise, though its safe to say that Ro Laren made one hell of an impact with a very restricted amount of screen-time. From a character who was brought in the stir up the pot, to one who reveals a grand conspiracy within the walls of the mighty Federation, Ensign, then Commander, Ro Laren is one of the strongest examples of a powerful character across the franchise, played to perfection by Michelle Forbes.

10. She Was Introduced To Replace Wesley Crusher

Ro Laren

Everyone's favourite Ensign announced his departure in the show's fourth season, which left a noticeable void on the bridge of the Enterprise-D. There began something of a rotating roster of replacements, with Ensign Rager popping up sporadically until the show's finale.

Behind the scenes, Berman and Piller were interested in creating a new character, specifically a female one, who could challenge Gene Roddenberry's ideal of the utopian, perfect future. This would help them stand out, arriving in the fifth season of a highly established show.

There would be a significant difference between this new pilot and the departing Wil Wheaton - there was no pre-established relationship to anchor the new character. This meant that whomever was cast would have to quickly make a statement of intent, then burn it into the audience's mind.

Ro's first scene features her immediately at odds with Commander Riker, who at that stage was among the most popular characters on the show. A new face showing disdain for the most famous beard in Star Trek ? That was something sure to illicit a response.

Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick

Let’s Talk About That ‘Next Generation’ Cameo in ‘Star Trek: Picard’ No One Saw Coming

Picard and Riker are shocked when this blast from the past returns in Episode 5 of the Paramount+ series

commander ro star trek

The third and final season of Paramount+’s “Star Trek: Picard” reunites the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise D for one final journey.

So far, audiences have seen Picard (Patrick Stewart) reunite with his former Enterprise first officer Will Riker (Jonathan Frakes) and former ship’s doctor and surprise baby mama Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden). Riker’s wife and former ship’s counselor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis) also made a brief holographic appearance. Separately, ex-security chief Worf (Michael Dorn) has been working on a clandestine mission for Starfleet intelligence.

While we’ve yet to see Geordi La Forge (LeVar Burton) and Data (Brent Spiner) in the new series, they’ve appeared in promotional materials.

Thursday’s episode of “Picard” features an appearance by another popular “Next Generation” character who hasn’t been included in any promos. Who is it?

Read on to find out, but warning — major spoilers ahead.

Which “Next Generation” Character Makes An Unexpected Guest Appearance?

Miranda Lambert, Keith Urban and Kane Brown

In the fifth episode of “Star Trek: Picard,” Captain Liam Shaw (Todd Stashwick) tells Starfleet is on its way to question Picard and Riker for stealing a shuttle to rescue Crusher.

Turns out the officer sent to question Picard and Riker is Commander Ro Laren. The last time viewers saw Ro Laren was in “Star Trek: The Next Generation” Season 7 episode “Preemptive Strike,” which aired in 1994. She is played by actress Michelle Forbes.

Headstrong and rebellious, Ro Laren was a marked departure from other Starfleet officers who blindly followed orders.

Who is Ro Laren?

commander ro star trek

Ro Laren is a Bajoran Starfleet officer. Her first appearance was in the “Next Generation” Season 4 episode “Ensign Ro.”

Ro’s past precedes her. When she was aboard the U.S.S. Wellington, she disobeyed orders, resulting in the deaths of eight crewmen. She was court-martialed and jailed. She was later reinstated and brought to the Enterprise upon Admiral Kennelly’s request, despite concerns from his crew.

Riker meets her when she comes aboard the Enterprise, and tells her to remove her Bajoran earring — a symbol of faith — as it violates the Starfleet uniform code.

When they first meet, Picard calls her “Ensign Laren” but she reminds him that Bajoran surnames come first. From henceforth she is called “Ensign Ro.” It’s revealed that Kennelly brought Ro on the mission to make a secret deal with a suspected Bajoran terrorist Orta. But when she discovers Orta is innocent, Ro reveals the deal to Picard.

Picard is impressed by Ro’s principles. Despite her rebelliousness, he feels she possesses the qualities to be a fine Starfleet officer, and invites her to stay aboard. He also allows her to wear her Bajoran earring.

commander ro star trek

What ‘Next Generation’ Episodes Does Ro Laren Appear in?

Ro became a recurring character on “The Next Generation” appearing in the following episodes:

  • “Ensign Ro”
  • “Power Play”
  • “Cause and Effect”
  • “The Next Phase”

Despite her recurring status, she held a major role in many of the episodes, notably “Ensign Ro,” “Power Play” and “The Next Phase.” She was also featured as a member of the bridge crew, usually sitting at the conn.

She returns as a lieutenant in the Season 7 episode “Preemptive Strike,” where she is sent to infiltrate the Maquis, a resistance group that fought the Cardassians — the alien species that annexed her homeworld of Bajor. She ends up sympathizing with the Maquis and defect. Before she leaves, she tells Riker to tell Picard she is sorry for betraying his trust.

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What Is Ro Laren Doing on “Picard”?

commander ro star trek

Sometime after her defection, Ro turned herself in, was court-marshaled, jailed again, rehabilitated and reinstated with the rank of commander in Starfleet Intelligence. She arrives on the Titan via shuttlecraft with two armed security guards.

Riker and Picard are shocked to discover she was back in Starfleet after her betrayal.

Ro coldly interrogates Picard. He notes she no longer wears her Bajoran earring. She only cares to know about the Changeling who has infiltrated the Titan.

commander ro star trek

They eventually enter the holodeck, where they each profess how badly they hurt each other. Realizing that neither could possibly be a Changeling, Ro reveals her true mission. She tells Picard that Changelings have compromised Starfleet and reveals she has two trusted operatives working on gathering more intelligence. Her investigation points to something happening on Frontier Day, but she has yet to connect the dots.

Ro and Picard leave the holodeck and she is rejoined by her security detail. They board the shuttle to return to the Intrepid, but her guards plant a bomb and beam off. Ro, realizing the Intrepid has been compromised by Changelings, only has seconds to act. She sets a collision course for the Intrepid and crashes her shuttle into it, disabling it and giving the Titan a chance to escape. Before she dies, Picard tells her he finally sees her and asks for her forgiveness.

After they flee, Riker and Picard examine Ro’s parting gift — her Bajoran earring. It contains all of her files on the Changelings and connects them with her trusted operatives, who turn out to be Worf and Raffi.

What Is Ro Laren’s Legacy?

Ro was like a daughter to Picard. Now that she’s gone, he may be extra protective of his newly discovered son, Jack Crusher.

Ro also serves to reconnect Picard with Worf and Raffi, as well as merge the plotlines of the stolen weapons tech from Daystrom and the Changelings.

“Star Trek: Picard” streams every Thursday on Paramount+

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Den of Geek

Picard Just Ended One of Star Trek: TNG’s Most Frustrating Storylines

Star Trek: Picard finally brings back one of The Next Generation's most controversial Starfleet characters...

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Patrick Stewart in Star Trek: Picard Season 3

This Star Trek: Picard article contains spoilers.

When most people think about the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation , Picard, Riker, Geordi La Forge, Worf , Beverly Crusher, and Data immediately come to mind. They might even think of some of the side characters, like Wesley Crusher and Chief Miles O’Brien, the latter of which went on to play a much bigger role on Deep Space Nine . But Trekkers would agree that when it comes to the best of the recurring characters of TNG , there’s one who stands above even Lieutenant Barclay and Doctor Pulaski : Michelle Forbes’ Ensign Ro Laren.

Introduced in the season five episode that bore her name, Ro was a Bajoran Ensign who clashed with Picard almost immediately. Played with a chip on her shoulder by Forbes, Ro brought an essential bit of conflict to the Enterprise crew, adhering to a moral code that sometimes put her at odds with Starfleet, and adding some edge to a show that tended to avoid deeper interpersonal conflicts (a Gene Roddenberry rule that modern Trek has largely abandoned). It’s no surprise, then, that Forbes’ abrupt exit from the franchise resulted in one of The Next Generation ‘s most divisive storylines.

In the season 7 episode “Preemptive Strike,” Ro Laren defects from Starfleet to join the Maquis, a group of anti-Cardassian extremists who oppose the Federation’s treaty with the one-time occupiers of Bajor. Although producers originally hoped to continue Ro’s story on Deep Space Nine , the show about Starfleet occupying a former Cardassian space station above Bajor, Forbes passed on the opportunity, leading to the creation of Nana Visitor’s equally brilliant Major Kira Nerys as a replacement.

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Meanwhile, the lack of closure for Ro left a frustrating hole in Next Generation . Throughout her two seasons on the show, Ro and Picard pushed one another, with the former learning how to be part of an organization that put the needs of the many before the needs of the few, and the latter learning to ease up on empty restrictions, eventually allowing Ro to wear her Bajoran earpiece on the Enterprise.

Ro’s story comes to an end shortly after she’s promoted to Lieutenant when she’s assigned to infiltrate and investigate a Maquis cell. The experience leads Ro to believe that she’ll do the most good by working with the rebel group, leading to her heartbreaking resignation from Starfleet. And unlike Worf, who always came back after resigning his commission to do Klingon stuff, Ro basically disappears, leaving both Picard and viewers hanging. Although she showed up again in non-canonical works — including the book The Wrath of the Prophets , which teams Ro with Kira — she didn’t even get a brief movie cameo, an honor bestowed upon Barclay in First Contact .

So it was quite the shock to see Ro Laren leading a group of Starfleet security personnel to court martial Picard, Riker, and Seven in the latest episode of Star Trek: Picard , “ Imposters .” Our heroes knew they would face repercussions for commandeering the USS Titan and endangering Captain Shaw ‘s crew in their attempts to rescue Beverly Crusher and her son Jack . But they are caught completely by surprise when Ro arrives once again representing Starfleet and with the rank of Commander.

Ro’s Starfleet comeback allows director Dan Liu to ratchet up the tension in the episode, in which we learn that renegade Changelings have already infiltrated the highest levels of Starfleet. Like the viewers, Picard doesn’t understand how Ro was allowed back into Starfleet after joining the Maquis or how she earned such a high-ranking position (apparently, he never asked his fellow defendant Seven of Nine about her Voyager shipmates Chakotay or Torres). So we watch the proceedings closely, convinced that Ro will, at any moment, reveal her true, gooey nature as an undercover Changeling.

But episode writers Cindy Appel & Chris Derrick have more than just paranoia in mind. Instead, they allow Picard and Ro to hash out their differences, thus giving a more satisfying conclusion to the latter’s journey. Ro explains that principles drove her to leave Starfleet for the Maquis, that it wasn’t just ego that prevented her from acquiescing to the Federation. And as she has always done, Ro challenges Picard’s assumptions, especially his sometimes blind faith in Starfleet, bringing a healthy bit of skepticism that will surely serve her former mentor well as he deals with the Changeling threat.

Unfortunately, their reunion is short-lived. By the end of the episode, Ro has chosen to sacrifice herself so that the Titan can escape the USS Intrepid , which is now also under the control of the Changelings. Some may argue that ending Ro’s story just as suddenly as it began is equally unsatisfying, but unlike her original exit back, Picard gives Ro the opportunity to fully speak for herself and make peace with Jean-Luc, while filling in the gaps from the TNG era. Most importantly, it gives us all a chance to say a proper goodbye to one of Star Trek ‘s best characters.

Star Trek: Picard season 3 streams on Thursdays on Paramount+.

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Screen Rant

Did ro laren survive picard season 3 star trek production designer hints it's possible.


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No One Noticed Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Subtly Set Up USS Enterprise-D’s Return

Star trek: picard season 1 will regret this tragic character death if legacy ever happens, star trek: picard totally forgot about jean-luc's other son.

  • Commander Ro Laren's survival in Star Trek: Picard season 3 is hinted by the show's production designer, Dave Blass.
  • A cryptic tweet from Blass suggests that Ro may have been beamed aboard the USS Schrödinger before her shuttle exploded.
  • While her survival was not confirmed on the show, the possibility of Ro Laren being alive leaves room for future exploration in a potential spinoff series, Star Trek: Legacy.

Commander Ro Laren (Michelle Forbes) died in Star Trek: Picard season 3, but production designer Dave Blass seems to hint that Ro may have survived. Commander Ro made a shocking return in Star Trek: Picard season 3, episode 5, "Imposters." The former Maquis traitor-turned-Starfleet Intelligence operative boarded the USS Titan-A to expose the Changeling threat to Starfleet. Ro also reconciled her decades-long estrangement with Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) before her shuttlecraft was destroyed by a bomb planted by the Changelings.

On Twitter/X, Star Trek: Picard production designer replied to a post by @MarkSherwood8 that Commander Ro Laren was beamed aboard the USS Intrepid before her shuttle exploded, and she was held "in the dungeons for questioning." Check out Blass' cryptic response below:

Dave Blass' Tweet teases that a transporter beam went to the USS Schrödinger, presumably as Ro Laren's shuttle exploded. This could mean Commander Ro escaped death, although she didn't appear again in Star Trek: Picard season 3. Since Ro's survival was not confirmed in the series, her death has to be taken at face value unless it's canonically reversed on camera.

Related: Star Trek: Picard Cast & Character Guide - All 3 Seasons

Could Star Trek: Legacy Resurrect Ro Laren?

Adding fuel to the fire of Ro Laren's survival, Star Trek: Picard season 3 showrunner Terry Matalas told Screen Rant in a roundtable interview that something they wanted to film but were unable to was "a scene in which they found Ro Laren in the dungeons of the Intrepid with Tuvok and that she had survived. We weren't able to pull off." This is what @MarkSherwood8 is referring to in his Tweet that Dave Blass replied to. Had Star Trek: Picard season 3's finale included that scene, it would have meant Ro Laren is, indeed, still alive.

However, Dave Blass' Tweet about "a transporter beam" going to the USS Schrödinger continues the narrative that there was an intention to keep Ro Laren alive, but Star Trek: Picard season 3 was unable to pull it off due to time and budget constraints. But perhaps the idea that Ro Laren did survive the Changeling bomb is something Picard 's proposed spinoff, Star Trek: Legacy, can revisit if the show happens. For now, Ro Laren is deceased in Star Trek: Picard season 3, but the Bajoran fan-favorite may yet join the list of beloved Star Trek characters who were brought back to life.

Source: Twitter/X

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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)

Michelle forbes: commander ro laren, photos .

Michelle Forbes in Imposters (2023)

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