
  • 2 Night Deal

Big 5 Private Game Reserve

big 5 game safari

Located in the karoo, just under 2.5 hours from cape town.

couple sitting on pool lounge chairs next to the private plunge pool outside the ambassador suites at Inverdoorn Private Game Reserve

Inverdoorn Private Game Reserve

Inverdoorn Big 5 Private Game Reserve is just under 2.5 hours’ drive from Cape Town, in the malaria-free Ceres Karoo. The reserve is also home to a successful cheetah conservation project and has made a significant contribution to sustaining the biodiversity of the region.

The 10 000 hectare private game reserve offers luxurious Big 5 safaris for overnight guests. All members of the Big 5 – the elephant, lion, rhino, buffalo and the elusive leopard – are represented at Inverdoorn. The wildlife is thriving and during your safari you may come across herds of eland, gemsbok and zebra, or hippos wallowing in the dam. The rhinos are a distinct highlight at Inverdoorn.

In 2012 Inverdoorn became a luxury Big five safari destination, after the introduction of elephants onto the reserve, accompanying the lion, rhino, African buffalo and the elusive leopard. The cheetah rescue and rehabilitation centre was founded in 2001 and is home to a great number cheetah.

Together with a profusion of wildlife which includes zebras, hippos, giraffes, wildebeest and springbok, our guests are sure to have an unforgettable safari experience.

under the Karoo stars

Seeing the warmth rise off a herd of buffalo, silhouetted in the glow of a bright Karoo sunrise, or a stealthy cheetah enjoying an early-evening run, is but a small part of the safari experience you can expect from an overnight stay (or more) at Inverdoorn Private Game Reserve.


Ideal for a romantic couples safari stay! The Suite is the jewel in the crown of Inverdoorn and is a free-standing unit with its own private rooftop terrace. No expense was spared on the interior with a truly magnificent king size bed as the focal point.

Ambassador Chalet Bedroom Accommodation available at Inverdoorn Private Game Reserve

Each room is uniquely decorated and makes you feel welcome in the ceres Karoo with wide open windows overlooking the private pool and vast expanse of the reserve. Your safari consultant will advise on the room options based on your requirements.


Please note that all lodge rooms have a unique and exciting layout that varies in configuration. Ideal for families / groups of travellers, and also located close to the communal pool.

Tankwa Lodge Bedroom Accommodation available at Inverdoorn Private Game Reserve

The Tankwa chalets can sleep up to two people and can accommodate singles sharing. They are all shower en-suite and hosts a beautiful veranda overlooking the succulent garden.

free-roaming wild life

In 2012 Inverdoorn became a luxury Big five safari destination, after the introduction of elephants onto the reserve, accompanying the lion, rhino, African buffalo, and the elusive leopard. The Cheetah Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre was founded in 2001 and is home to a great number of cheetahs. Together with a profusion of wildlife which includes zebras, hippos, giraffes, wildebeest, and springbok, guests are sure to have an unforgettable safari experience.


Our vision is to play a key role in global cheetah conservation to ensure the survival and sustainability of the species in the wild.

The Inverdoorn Cheetah Conservation programme is based at the Inverdoorn Private Game Reserve – two and a half hours drive from Cape Town. The project was founded in 2001 and have since become a core function within Inverdoorn’s Big 5 safari tourism operation – allowing guest interaction with the animals throughout the safari experience.

big 5 game safari

Inverdoorn is an upmarket Big 5 safari reserve in the Tankwa Karoo – near Sutherland. The lodge sits on a the vast expanse of 10 000 hectare flat Karoo veld. The reserve has built a solid tourism reputation locally and internally and the original cheetah rehabilitation programme has become synonymous with its business model.

The programme was originally positioned to rehabilitate and connect with cheetahs. Since inception, the programme released seven cheetahs – two of which have been released onto the main Inverdoorn game reserve. Their independent living unfortunately made them kill considerable amounts of wildlife indiscriminately. These individuals died at Inverdoorn due to old age.

Since August 2018, The Aquila Collection has taken over the ownership of Inverdoorn Private game Reserve with very little background information on the programme, together with little facts of the success of these cheetahs. Searl Derman, owner of The Aquila Collection – immediately announced an investigation into the programme – together with NO animal interaction policy updates, effective immediately.

big 5 game safari

At Inverdoorn Private Game Reserve we pride ourselves on personalised service – and as part of our guest orientated safari experience, we have introduced luxurious in-room spa treatments. 

This service will allow guests to add a self-indulgent spa treatment to their Inverdoorn stay – in the comfort of their room – taking the concept of room service to superior levels.

Whether you seek the soothing relaxation of a massage following a busy day of wildlife experiences; indulgent pampering to celebrate a special occasion; or want to reduce stress – our in-room treatments will definitely add a special touch to your safari stay.

Appointments and treatment schedules must please be arranged during check-in at the lodge.

big 5 game safari

Copyright© Aquila Collection. Inverdoorn Private Game Reserve is part of the Aquila Collection.

An Introduction to Africa's Big Five Safari Animals

big 5 game safari

 TripSavvy / Vin Ganapathy 

If you're planning an African safari , you'll know that the term 'Big Five' is one of the most commonly used marketing slogans in the safari industry. Game reserves that host the Big Five will usually use this fact as their most significant selling point—but what does it mean? In the game reserves and national parks of Southern Africa , the Big Five represents safari royalty: the African lion, the African leopard, the African elephant, the Cape buffalo, and the rhino (either white or black).

The phrase was initially coined by early game hunters who recognized that these species were the most challenging and most dangerous animals to hunt on foot. This made them the biggest prizes, hence, the Big Five. Today, the phrase has come to represent the most sought-after safari sightings—although, in reality, this is a matter of personal preference. Some of the most endangered, beautiful, or charismatic African animals don't feature on the Big Five list, including the cheetah , the African wild dog, the giraffe, and the hippo.

African Elephant

The African elephant ( Loxodonta africana ) is the world's largest and heaviest land animal, with the biggest individual on record weighing in at over 10 tons/22,000 pounds. They are found in 37 sub-Saharan countries and can survive in a wide range of different habitats, from lush wetlands to arid deserts.

African elephants are supremely well adapted to their environment, from their inch-thick skin (which protects them from the sharp thorns of the bush) to their enormous ears (which help to disperse heat and regulate body temperature). They can consume up to 50 gallons of water and 375 pounds of vegetation every day.

Elephants are very social animals. They live in matriarch-led groups that often number more than 100 individuals and communicate using a variety of low-frequency rumbles that can travel for many miles. Female calves usually stay with the herd throughout their life, while young males leave to form bachelor groups and eventually create herds of their own.

In the 1970s and '80s, the global demand for ivory led to a dramatic decrease in elephant numbers. A ban on all ivory trade has helped stabilize the population to around 600,000 in the last decade. However, poaching is still a major issue, especially in parts of Africa where there is political instability. The African elephant is listed as Vulnerable on the  IUCN Red List .

Where to See Elephants:   Chobe National Park , Botswana; Addo Elephant National Park , South Africa; Hwange National Park , Zimbabwe; South Luangwa National Park, Zambia.

African Lion

The African lion ( Panthera leo ) is the undisputed king of the sub-Saharan savannah and is the world's second-largest cat after the tiger. Although lions sometimes hunt during the day, they are typically more active at night which is why most daytime safari sightings are of cats sleeping in the shade. Lions can sleep for up to 20 hours a day.

Unlike other cats, lions are very social animals. They live in prides, usually consisting of one (or sometimes two) males, several females, and their cubs. Lionesses typically do the hard graft when hunting, often working together to bring down larger prey. They are ambush hunters, using their tawny coloring as effective camouflage.

In the wild, lions can live to around 14 years, although most prides experience a high rate of cub mortality, while males often die while fighting to protect their territory. Female lions can synchronize the birth of their cubs to help each other raise them. Cubs are born with rosette markings that fade over time.

Lions have few natural predators, although buffalo will often trample cubs. Predictably, man is the species' biggest threat.  Traditional hunting customs , big game hunters, and large-scale habitat loss have contributed to declining lion populations in Africa. The lion is also classified as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List.

Where to See Lion: Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, South Africa; Okavango Delta , Botswana; Maasai Mara National Reserve , Kenya, Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania.

African Leopard

The African leopard ( Panthera pardus ) is the most elusive of the Big Five animals. Naturally shy and exclusively nocturnal, leopards spend the daylight hours hidden from view. They are excellent climbers, using trees to scan for prey and store fresh kills away from scavengers like lions and hyenas. If you're looking for a leopard, remember to look up.

Leopards are superbly camouflaged with a series of black spots or rosettes. They have large territories and seldom stay in the same area for more than a few days. Males range more widely than females and mark their presence by urinating and leaving claw marks. They are powerful and can take down prey much larger than themselves.

Their hunting prowess relies on their ability to run at speeds of over 35 miles per hour. They can also jump over 10 feet into the air and are excellent swimmers. Leopards are distributed throughout sub-Saharan Africa and are one of the few big game species still found outside national parks.

White spots on the tip of their tails and the back of their ears make mothers visible to their cubs even in the long grass. As with the other Big Five species, leopards are threatened by humans. Encroaching farmlands have reduced their habitat, while farmers often shoot them to stop them from killing their livestock. They are listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List.

Where to See Leopard: Londolozi Game Reserve, South Africa; Moremi Game Reserve, Botswana; South Luangwa National Park , Zambia; Samburu National Reserve, Kenya.

Cape Buffalo

Cape buffalo ( Syncerus caffer ) are found in water-rich game reserves and national parks throughout sub-Saharan Africa. There are four sub-species of Cape buffalo, the largest of which is the one most commonly seen in East and Southern Africa.

Cape buffalo are formidable creatures and have earned themselves a reputation as one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. They are often bad-tempered, especially when threatened, and are equipped with a fused set of deadly curved horns. Male buffalo can weigh as much as 2,000 pounds.

Despite their fierce reputation, buffalo are relatively peaceable with one another, sometimes congregating on the open grasslands in herds of over a thousand individuals. They are protective of their weaker members, often forming a defensive circle around sick or young animals when under attack from prowling lions.

Cape buffalo need to drink every day and are often found close to water. They eat tall, coarse grass and bushes, and as such cannot live in the desert. Cape buffalo continue to be one of the most sought-after trophy animals for big game hunters. They are exceptionally susceptible to domestic cattle diseases like rinderpest and bovine tuberculosis.

Where to see Cape Buffalo: Kruger National Park, South Africa; Chobe National Park, Botswana; Katavi National Park , Tanzania; Lower Zambezi National Park, Zambia.

White and Black Rhino

There are two rhino species in Africa: the black rhino ( Diceros bicornis ) and the white rhino ( Ceratotherium simum ). Both are at risk of extinction due to the poaching epidemic caused by the demand for rhino horns in Asian cultures. It is estimated that there are around 5,000 black rhinos and 20,000 white rhinos left in the wild.

Three subspecies of black rhino have been declared extinct, while the northern white rhino is now extinct in the wild. Conservationists are working tirelessly to protect the remaining sub-species, but their futures are far from secure. The black rhino is listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List.

Despite their names, there is no difference in color between the black and the white rhino. The easiest way to tell the species apart is to look at their lips—the black rhino's are pointed and prehensile, while the white rhino's are flat and wide. The Dutch word for "wide" is "wijd," and it is a mispronunciation of this word that gives the white rhino its name.

Black rhinos are usually solitary and have a reputation for being bad-tempered, while white rhinos often live in pairs. Black rhinos prefer desert and scrubland areas and are herbivorous browsers, while white rhinos graze on open savannah areas. It is thought that rhinos have roamed the African plains for 50 million years.

Where to See Rhino: Etosha National Park , Namibia; Hluhluwe–Imfolozi Park, South Africa; Lewa Wildlife Conservancy , Kenya; Mkomazi National Park, Tanzania

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Fun Facts About African Animals: The Cheetah

Forgotten Felines: The Seven Small Cats of Africa

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10 of the Best Places to Visit in Botswana

South Luangwa National Park, Zambia: The Complete Guide

12 Nocturnal Animals to Look For on an African Safari

Kruger National Park: The Complete Guide

Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park, South Africa: The Complete Guide

Chobe National Park: The Complete Guide

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Wildlife safari

The big five.

E E ven though you know that Africa and South Africa are so much more than the Big Five, the familiar images soon begin playing in your mind: lions roaring; elephants trumpeting; buffalos lurking in long grass; rhinos standing stately under a thorn tree; leopards prowling in the gathering darkness.

You’ve seen the Big Five in books and you’ve seen them on TV. But it’s time to come and see them for yourself.  The real thing.  In person.

And there’s no better place for this than South Africa, which offers the most exciting, memorable and exhilarating experience of your life – coming face to face with the Big Five.

Origin of the name

How did these five animals – the lion, elephant, buffalo, rhinoceros and leopard – come to be called the Big Five?

It was originally a hunting term used by the so-called ‘great white hunters’ in the hunting heyday of the 19th and early 20thcenturies, when professional hunters bagged as many trophies as possible in as short a time as possible.

Considered a rite of passage for seasoned travellers, everybody from American presidents to European royalty and heads of state came to Africa to shoot a large, dangerous animal.

The Big Five quickly became known as the most dangerous animals to hunt on foot, and the name stuck – although now ‘shooting’ is done through a camera lens.

T T he Lion

The lion is arguably the most sought-after of the Big Five because it is synonymous with an African safari. Charismatic, powerful and beautiful, everybody wants to see the appropriately named 'King of the Beasts'.

Once, hundreds of thousands of lions roamed the world, but today conservationists give approximate numbers of between 25 000 and 30 000 left, most in sub-Saharan Africa. In South Africa, your chances of seeing lions are high, whether in our national parks or in private game reserves.

Lions are creatures of the savannah and open plains (you’ll rarely find them in a forest) and function in prides, usually numbering about five to 15, depending on the territory – although the Kruger National Park is known to have at least one big pride of up to 25 animals.

They are social family animals – related females rule, usually alongside a large dominant male that has won the pride in fierce competition with other males. Lionesses stay with the pride, while young males leave at two to three years of age. Males sometimes form coalitions to enhance their hunting success, but you’ll rarely see one with more than four lions.

big 5 game safari

L L ionesses start breeding at four years old, and typically give birth to a litter of three or four cubs after 14 to 15 weeks of gestation. Lionesses of the same pride often give birth at or near the same time as their ‘sisters’, which allows for communal suckling and round-the-clock care.

And don’t expect to see an old lion – they are defeated in battle, often die of their wounds or are no longer able to hunt. Lions are in their prime from five to nine years of age. Male lions, once they’ve taken over a pride, have to work hard to keep it. Younger males – with attitude – are always on the sidelines.

Some prides specialise in hunting certain animals and develop specialised skills for this prey of choice – young elephants, ostrich, wildebeest.

Lions have no natural enemies other than hunters, although lion cubs fall prey to nomadic male lions that kill them in attempting to take over a pride. Hyenas, leopards and wild dogs also kill lion cubs.

T T he Elephant

Perhaps it’s the African elephant that should be called ‘King of the Beasts’ – it is the world’s largest and heaviest land animal. Its ears alone measure up to 2m x 1.2m (roughly the size of the surface area of a double bed) and can weigh up to 20kg (44lb) each, while it can grow to a height of more than 3m.

Elephants abound in South Africa – you can see great herds of more than 100 in the Kruger National Park or smaller breeding herds in private reserves.

Elephants are highly social animals and females rule. A herd will typically have a matriarch with vast cultural knowledge that leads the herd, keeps it under control and chooses its direction and pace. Even when feeding (and an adult elephant, arguably nature’s most versatile vegetarian, can eat up to 300kg of grass, bark, branches and foliage a day), the herd rarely strays far from the matriarch.

big 5 game safari

Y Y oung bulls leave the herd when they become teenagers and either live alone, form bachelor herds or seek the company of old lone bulls that have long left the herd.

Your first sighting of a tiny baby elephant will be one of your most indelible memories. How do these small creatures, some not yet reaching up to their mother’s tummy, avoid being stepped on or crushed by the herd? Mother, sisters, aunts and cousins are always on the alert. Watch how mothers protect their babies by always putting themselves between danger and their offspring, and how the whole herd immediately goes into protective group defence mode when threatened.

If an elephant trumpets, you’ll certainly hear it, but the infrasonic tummy rumbles they use to communicate with one another are most often too low for the human ear to pick up – although research shows that these calls have an elephant range of up to several kilometres.

And just because elephants are huge, don’t think they are slow; if a herd takes fright, or needs to move on quickly, elephants can reach speeds up to 40km/h – faster than you can run.

Elephants love water. To see a herd drinking, playing, splashing, swimming and dunking in the water will be another of your favourite safari memories.

T T he Buffalo

Don’t be fooled by the docile appearance of the Cape buffalo (also known as the African buffalo). This mean, moody and magnificent animal is possibly the most dangerous of the Big Five, especially if you are on foot.

Robert Ruark, the American novelist, wrote that ‘a buffalo always looks at you as if you owe him money’. Come face to face with a buffalo (preferably from the safety of a vehicle), and you’ll see exactly what Ruark meant – the stare is cold, calculating and cunning.

Buffalos are social animals and move around in large herds – sometimes of many hundreds – chomping long grass as they collectively move and feed. In the dry season, you can often see a cloud of dust signalling an approaching herd.

Buffalos have to drink daily, and to witness a large herd approaching a waterhole – often in the early morning or late afternoon – is a memorable and noisy experience.

It’s quite easy to tell the males from the females. The males are blacker, bigger and have huge powerful horns that are joined in the middle to form a ‘boss’. When buffalos fight for rank and females (buffalos are non-territorial and don’t fight for territory like some others of the Big Five), the noise of the clashing and crashing of their bosses is awesome. It is estimated that the impact of their horns’ collision is equal to a car hitting a wall at 50km/h.

Females are smaller, more reddish-brown in colour, and their much narrower horns don’t meet in the middle. Calves are usually born in the rainy season, and although they can stand up on wobbly legs immediately, it takes several weeks until they can keep up adequately with the herd.

Although most of a buffalo’s senses are well developed, it’s their super-charged hearing that helps them find food and alerts them to danger. There’s usually a dominant male – or more if the herd is huge – that stays in the middle of the herd, as well as ‘pathfinders’, which may not be the biggest and best, but lead the herd and keep it together.

You may also see a group of old bulls together – caked in mud from wallowing.

These are known as ‘Dagha Boys’ after the ‘dagha’, or mud, the Zulus used to build their traditional huts.

big 5 game safari

I I t’s quite easy to tell the males from the females. The males are blacker, bigger and have huge powerful horns that are joined in the middle to form a ‘boss’. When buffalos fight for rank and females (buffalos are non-territorial and don’t fight for territory like some others of the Big Five), the noise of the clashing and crashing of their bosses is awesome. It is estimated that the impact of their horns’ collision is equal to a car hitting a wall at 50km/h.

T T he White Rhino

Your first impression will be of its bulk and size. And then you may wonder how such a prehistoric-looking animal has existed for so many millions of years. Although unfortunately, the brutality and intensity of present-day poaching is a serious threat to the continuing survival of the species.

The second-largest land mammal, the white rhino’s name has nothing to do with its colour. It was the early Dutch settlers who referred to the animal’s broad lips as ‘wyd’ (wide), misinterpreted later as ‘white’.

This is a remarkable animal, weighing in at nearly 2 500kg (about 5 500lb) and often living up to 40 years of age. Because it is a grazer, eating thick, tough grass, it needs lots of water to digest its food, and needs to drink at least once daily. Sometimes you’ll see a rhino eating mud or soil, which acts as a dietary mineral supplement.

Its horn is used for fighting and defence and is not attached to the skull in any way.

big 5 game safari

F F emales live together in small groups, individuals breaking away when a determined bull decides to mate. Only one calf is born to a female at a time; the cow is very protective of her calf and will fight off an aggressive bull if necessary.

The calf always runs in front of its mother if they are fleeing from danger (a black rhino calf, on the other hand, will run behind its mother).

You’ll often find a white rhino resting in shade in the heat of the day or wallowing in mud. The dried mud acts as a sunscreen, a cooling agent and helps evict parasites that break off with the dried mud.

Look out for rhino middens beside the road. These are huge heaps of dung, used regularly by a particular male rhino to mark his territory. Females and non-dominant bulls also defecate on these middens, which act as markers and information signals to other rhinos.

Rhinos have poor eyesight but a fantastic sense of hearing and smell; watch a rhino’s ears – they constantly rotate in all directions as it works out what’s going on around it. And don’t think that because it’s so big and ungainly it’s a slow animal. If it’s running away (or chasing you), it can reach speeds of 40km/h.

The Black Rhino

The black rhino is smaller than its larger ‘white’ relative, is more solitary and elusive, and has a shorter head and beak-shaped lip that it uses for browsing leaves and twigs. Regarded as a more dangerous animal than the white rhino because of its volatile temperament, it is now one of the most endangered animals in Africa.

T T he Leopard

The one animal everybody wants to see – beautiful, charismatic, sexy and dramatic – and also the most elusive. The leopard is a solitary animal (unless mating, or a mother with cubs) and will, whether male or female, fiercely defend its own hunting territory from other leopards.

Considered to be one of the most successful, if not the most successful, of all African predators, the leopard is a master stalker. If you are lucky, particularly on a night drive (as leopards are nocturnal animals), you may see a leopard stalking its prey – silently, ruthlessly – before getting to within 5m of the prey and then launching itself with a powerful spring. Surprise is its chief means of attack.

Leopards often athletically drag their prey up into trees (sometimes the dead animal is as heavy as the leopard) to avoid having it pirated by other animals, particularly lions and hyenas.

Look out for thick overhanging branches of big old trees – you may well find a leopard snoozing there during the hottest part of the day, or snacking on its prey.

Leopards take great pains to advertise their territories by scent marking, scraping the ground and defecating in exposed spots. They try to avoid confrontation with other leopards (unless protecting their territory) because, as solitary hunters, they can’t afford to get injured.

big 5 game safari

L L eopards make great mothers and take excellent care of their offspring, moving them from one place of safety to another when the cubs are very small – just as well, because young cubs are vulnerable to other leopards, lions, hyenas and wild dogs. Take a look at the black markings behind the ears and white tip of a mother’s long tail – these are signals for small cubs to follow.

That long tail is also used as a rudder for balance when the leopard is climbing a tree or hunting. A leopard also has long whiskers that it uses as antennae to judge spaces between bushes and trees – an essential tool for an animal that hunts at night.

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big 5 game safari


The Big Five South Africa

The best places to see the big 5 in south africa.

Looking for where to see the big five in South Africa ? Then read on below, where we’ve asked travel experts and bloggers from around the world to share their tips on the best places in South Africa to spot the big five animals.

South Africa offers a fantastically accessible way to see some great wildlife in a country that’s tourist-friendly and great value. Not only that, but there are plenty of national parks and private game reserves that are home to the big five, meaning you can see them all on one safari – or, if you’re exceptionally lucky, on just one game drive !

Not sure what the big five animals are? The short story is that the African Elephant , Cape Buffalo ,  Leopard , Lion , and Rhinoceros were named ‘the big five’ by hunters, as they were considered the most difficult and dangerous African beasts to kill whilst hunting on foot. Find out all about the big five animals here .

So below we list the nine best places in South Africa to see the big five animals. If you’ve been on safari in South Africa and seen the big five we’d love to hear from you – leave us a comment and let us know where you went and what you saw!

Jump to section: Addo Elephant Park | Aquila Game Reserve |  Klaserie Private Nature Reserve | Kruger National Park | Madikwe Game Reserve  | Pilanesberg National Park | | Plettenberg Bay Game Reserve  | Pumba Private Game Reserve  |  Samara Private Game Reserve | Sabi Sands Game Reserve |  Timbavati Game Reserve | Map

Addo Elephant Park

Eastern cape.

Contributed Péricles Rosa from by 7 Continents 1 Passport

If you’re looking for the best places to see the big five in South Africa, you can’t miss Addo!

Addo Elephant Park is the third-largest national park in South Africa and the world’s first “Big 7” conservation area , home to the traditional Big 5, and also the great white shark and southern right whale.

Located in a malaria-free safari area 40km from the coastal city of Port Elizabeth, the park is a sanctuary for a multitude of wildlife, including more than 600 elephants, 400 Cape buffaloes, black rhinos, lions, spotted hyenas, leopards, zebras, 400 species of birds, a great variety of antelopes and the unique flightless dung beetle .

Addo has a 64 km road network with two tarred big loops and other small gravel roads; a main camp featuring a swimming pool (only for overnight visitors), restaurant, gift shop, picnic area, and a wide range of accommodation options.

I visited Addo in the beginning of September 2018, while traveling along the Garden Route , and loved it.

The greatest thing about Addo is that you can get very close to the animals. We drove near zebras and elephants without disturbing them. In fact, more than once we were completely surrounded by many elephants of all sizes and ages.

I didn’t see lions, but I spotted herds of kudus , red hartebeest (a first for me), warthogs, dung beetles, a cape buffalo , and even a black-backed jackal and caracal .

Addo not only provides guided game drives , but also hop-on guides (guiding services for visitors in the comfort of your own vehicles). Advanced booking is required.

Don’t forget to bring along binoculars, cameras and wildlife reference books.

elephant on road at addo elephant park

Elephant takes a stroll at Addo

Aquila Private Game Reserve

Western cape.

Contributed by Manpreet,

Approximately 2 hours drive outside of Cape Town, is the Aquila Private Game Reserve. We recommend hiring a car for the day and the drive from Cape Town is stunning and you’ll get a moment to stop and take photos of baboons that frequently side along the highway railings.

The game reserve does also have a hotel pick up bus service, but it’s fairly expensive compared to car rental.

The game reserve itself boasts a lovely hotel and spa for overnight visitors, and for those doing full or half-day safaris, buffet meals are provided before the safari.

We were staying at the infamous Taj Hotel in Cape Town and had booked Aquila for a half-day safari. Starting at about 12 pm and finishing at 3 pm. Be sure to take some swimming gear as the outdoor pool is accessible for all visitors before and after the safari with a beautiful view of the game reserve.

You will absolutely love the tour guides who take you around the reserve, they get just as excited to see the animals as you would on your first trip.

Amazingly, the reserve provides training to other reserves around South Africa in ways to protect Rhinos from poachers.

Aquila hosts the Big 5, the lion, rhino, leopard, elephants, and the buffalo. These five were on the brink of going extinct in the Western Cape and the original founders of Aquila wanted to set out finding land to provide these 5 to continue to live on in this part of the world.

elephant at aquila - big five in south africa!

One of the big five at Aquila

Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park

Kwa zulu natal.

Contributed by Erin Mushaway at SolSalute

Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park is the oldest game reserve in South Africa, founded with the goal to conserving and repopulating Africa’s rhinos. It’s not only possible to see all of the Big 5 here, but it is the best place in South Africa to see rhinos. Don’t miss a visit to the Centenary Capture Centre to learn about their conservation work.

While home to all Big 5, cats can be difficult to see here. However, if you do spot you may be rewarded with a rare sighting of lions lounging in the trees. In the heat of the summer, the lions  are known to climb trees in search of relief from the humid hot days.

Hluhluwe-Imfolozi is near South Africa’s eastern coast in Kwa-Zulu Natal. While it deserves at least two or three days to explore in-depth, it’s a very easy day trip from nearby St. Lucia. A number of tour operators offer guided game drives departing from this beachside town near South Africa’s wetlands.

If you do decide to stay within the park and dedicate the time it deserves, there are two lodgings within the park to choose from. Hilltop in Hluhluwe is more comfortable, with a restaurant, larger curios shop, and even Wi-Fi. We stayed at Mpila in Imfolozi, which is a bit more rustic and only offers self-catering. However, enjoying our dinner on our tent’s deck while a hyena paced back and forth next to us was a priceless experience.

Rhino at Hluhluwe Imfolozi

Rhinos enjoying a mud bath at Hluhluwe-Imfolozi

Klaserie Private Nature Reserve

Greater kruger area, limpopo.

Contributed by Anna, Would Be Traveller

Klaserie Private Nature Reserve covers 60,000 hectares and forms part of the greater Kruger National Park. That means the Big 5 are free to roam in and out of the reserve’s land as they please. You’ll find everything from buffalo, elephants, and rhino to lions and leopards (as long as they’re not hiding!) But what makes Klaserie extra special, is the opportunity to see rare species including African painted dogs and cheetah too.

Klaserie is 40km to the east of Hoedspruit, making it an easy addition to any  2 week South Africa itinerary . The landscape is beautiful, with open plains, forests, and plenty of waterholes and the Klaserie River, from which it’s easy to spot animals drinking.

As a private nature reserve, only a certain number of cars are allowed on the land at any one time. You can, therefore, enjoy your safari in relative peace and quiet, which makes for intimate sightings and reduces the impact on animals.

The accommodation on offer is wonderful. You can choose between authentic camps and luxury lodges, including Africa on Foot, which specialises in walking safaris, and nThambo Tree Camp, which boasts canvas-walled tents perched on stilts, giving you beautiful views as you rest.

rhino eating grass at Klaserie Private Nature Reserve

Sighting of a browsing rhino

Kruger National Park

Limpopo and mpumalanga.

Contributed by Nicole from Nicole LaBarge Travel Blog

Kruger National Park is one of the most popular safari parks and the best place to see the big five in South Africa.  Kruger is located five hours east of Johannesburg and is the most exciting African safari destination.

Kruger has a high density of wild animals and is one of the best places to see the Big 5 – lions, rhinos, elephants, buffaloes, and the elusive leopard.  We were able to see a leopard up in a tree with its kill.  Leopards often eat their kill up a tree otherwise it may lose the meal to another animal such as a hyena.  It has even been documented that a leopard has lifted prey twice its size up into a tree.

We spent a lot of time watching this leopard in the tree and even though we were close, I was still using my  binoculars  to look at the leopard and watch it.  Whilst it is great when you can see the wildlife up close, binoculars can really help with spotting animals that are farther away.  They can really improve your African wildlife experience.

We stayed in Nelspruit near Kruger instead of staying inside the park.  Nelspruit is mainly famous due to its proximity to Kruger National Park but it is also a great city to visit on its own.  From the botanical gardens to the Jane Goodall Chimpanzee center you will find plenty to do there.

Leopard lying in tree at Kruger

A stunning leopard relaxing at Kruger National Park

Madikwe Game Reserve

North west province.

Contributed by Cameron, The World Pursuit Madikwe is a tremendous private game reserve that provides all visitors a truly unforgettable safari. While many think of going to Kruger, Madikwe is the far less crowded option with just as good of game viewing. Madikwe Game Reserve is the fifth largest game reserve in South Africa and a big five reserve. The game reserve has nearly 60 species of mammals and a population of over 10,000!

One just one game drive it’s possible to see a lion, hyena, elephant, rhino, leopard, and everything in between. Being here truly feels like being out in the wild. There are no paved roads and nothing touristy feeling about Madikwe Game Reserve unlike some other parks in South Africa. The big draw of Madikwe is all the incredible wildlife you can see on the reserve. You can expect to find all of the classic safari animals such plus some you may have never heard of. The best part is it’s only a four-hour drive away from Johannesburg in the northern part of South Africa. Making it easy to get to from the city.

A great place to stay is Jaci’s Lodge and Jaci’s Tree Lodge. It’s an amazing lodge and we could not think of a better place to go on safari. It’s romantic and the perfect place for an  African safari honeymoon  as well.

Madiwke game drive with elephants

Elephant encounter on a Madikwe game drive

Pilanesberg National Park

Contributed by Mariza, Hoponworld

Located less than 3 hours drive from Joburg, Pilanesberg Nature Reserve is a tranquil escape from the bustling streets of urban life and one of the best places in South Africa to spot the Big 5.

Set in a volcanic crater formed more than 1.2 billion years ago, Pilanesberg boasts a fascinating and varied landscape full of plant and animal life. With more than 7000 animal species and well over 300 birdlife, it’s not surprising that Pilanesberg is a must-visit place in South Africa . Besides getting a closer look at the diverse ecological riches, there is, of course, also a chance to see rhino, elephant, buffalo, leopard, and lions roaming in the African bush.

Self-driving is a fun way to explore the reserve, but joining a guided safari tour is an excellent alternative if you’d rather sit back and enjoy the views. Of course, if you’re looking for a unique experience, consider taking a hot air balloon ride to admire the stunning scenery from above!

It is possible to explore the Pilanesberg on a day trip, but staying a bit longer is highly encouraged. There’s no shortage of accommodation options catering to all kinds of budgets and preferences within the reserve. These range from safari tents to luxury lodges and everything in between!

Oh, and travel tip — You’ll need to pay an entrance fee to access Pilanesberg, but it will be totally worth it! (South African residents: ZAR80 per adult, International travelers: ZAR110 per adult, Vehicle: ZAR40).

african buffalo

A lone, mean buffalo at Pilanesberg.

Plettenberg Bay Game Reserve

Contributed by Paula, Paula Pins The Planet

It is a blessing to see the big 5, something most people only dream about. While your safaris in South Africa would be far from incomplete without seeing all 5, it can be very challenging to see some of these elusive magnificent animals. One way to guarantee to see as many animals as possible is to visit a Private Game Reserve. You may think this is cheating, but far from it. This isn’t a zoo or a fenced area for hunters. The Plettenberg Bay Game Reserve is a safe, protected home for Africa’s big 5 and many other animals. A guided tour can get you up close to many animals and explanations of the species, their habits and their life in the wild.

Your tour at Plettenberg Bay Game Reserve will start at the lodge with an introduction to your expert guide (who answers all of your questions). You can choose a 2-hour game drive or a 2-hour horseback safari. You’ll be amazed at how many animals you will encounter throughout your 2-hour adventure, and how much you will learn about them. The cats are kept in a separate area from the rest of the animals, for obvious reasons, but the remaining animals have free roam of the reserve, mixing, mingling, congregating, and grazing.

You will be able to see the big 5, giraffes, zebras, hippos, antelopes, wildebeest, and maybe even a honey badger ! One of the best aspects of visiting the Reserve is how much you will learn from the friendly and knowledgeable guides. These people know and love the animals and their passion for preservation is wonderful.

The Reserve is in Plettenberg Bay, on the Garden Route in the Western Cape Provence. You can stay in the lodge, or easily find accommodations in the town.

plettenberg bay game reserve

Two lions on a Plettenberg Bay Game Reserve safari drive

Pumba Private Game Reserve

Contributed by Claire, Stoked to Travel

Pumba Private Game Reserve is located in the Eastern Cape, just 20 minutes from Grahamstown and 1h20 from Port Elizabeth, which is also the nearest place to fly into.

As with other private game reserves in South Africa, you’re less likely to see herds or packs of animals but instead, you have a higher chance of a closer encounter with one of the Big Five. The unique thing about Pumba is that it is home to only the second-known population of the rare white lion in the whole of Southern Africa! Getting up close to one of these rare lions is a very special feeling, and the guides at Pumba radio each other frequently so you have a pretty high chance of seeing one. On our stay in Pumba, we had a seriously incredible experience – we saw a territorial male golden lion chase a male white lion over the savannah. We were within 100m of the action and at one point, we were racing alongside them in our jeep. A once in a lifetime moment!

Although Pumba makes for an excellent day trip from Port Elizabeth, it’s certainly a special place to stay for a few nights and there is a fantastic luxury 5* lodge with stunning views across the reserve. It also works well to add it on to the end of a  Garden Route itinerary  finishing in Port Elizabeth.

Lion in Pumba

A lion enjoying the shade at Pumba

Sabi Sands Game Reserve

Greater kruger area, mpunalanga.

Contributed by Pamela, The Directionally Challenged Traveler

Sabi Sands is one of the most famous private game reserves in South Africa due to its game viewing possibilities. Neighbor to Kruger National Park, the wildlife roams freely between the two in their natural environment. Sabi Sands has a reliable source of water for the animals, so there are always animals to be spotted. Leopards, the most elusive of the Big Five are regularly spotted among the trees in Sabi Sands.

The guides at the lodges are passionate and knowledgeable about the animals and how to track them. One thing that sets Sabi Sands apart is the communication that goes into trying to find the Big Five for each guest. For example, if a ranger spots a leopard on one day, they will let the other rangers know where it was spotted, if it fed or looked hungry, and what direction it was going. This helps the other ranger track the leopard’s movement. Since so many people make the journey to South Africa to see these animals, it’s great to know the staff goes the extra mile to make it happen.

There are over 20 lodges within the Sabi Sands Game Reserve making it easy to find one that fits your style and budget. Staying in the Lion Sands River Lodge provides a view of the Sabie River and the potential for hippopotamuses, water buffalo, and elephants to visit.

Leopard on night safari at Sabi Sands

Leopard spotted on a Sabi Sands night safari

Samara Private Game Reserve

Great karoo, eastern cape.

Contributed by Lauren Melnick, Wanderlust Movement

Samara is a Big 5 luxury private game reserve in the Eastern Cape. Only 2.5 hours from Port Elizabeth, the 67,000 acres of malaria-free wilderness in the Great Karoo is the perfect setting for a unique safari adventure.

Besides the opportunity to see the Big 5, one of Samara’s unique experiences is tracking cheetahs on foot. Your guide will use radio collars to find the big cats , and once it’s safe to get out of the game drive vehicle, you’ll get the chance to follow them from a distance!

It’s the ultimate safari experience for big cat lovers or wildlife photographers who want to capture these incredible creatures in their natural habitat. All game drives include a sundowner and high tea at the Manor.

Travelling to  South Africa for your honeymoon? Book Samara’s Star Bed! You’ll get to curl up with your partner in a remote, secluded location with spectacular views over the mountainous landscape and the Milky Way above.

If sleeping outside is too much for your comfort zone, Samara has two luxurious lodges on the property.

Please note that you can only take part in the Big 5 game drives and the cheetah experience if you are guests at the lodge. The rates per night include a full-board meal plan, two game drives daily and guided bush walks.

two cheetah cubs at Samara

OK, not one of the big 5, but stunning none-the-less! Cheetah at Samara

Thanda Private Game Reserve

Contributed by Daniella from No Hurry To Get Home

Thanda Game Reserve  is one of the best places to go in search of the every-alluring Big Five, especially if you’re up for a more private experience that you’re unlikely to find anywhere else in South Africa. Thanda is spread over a 14000-hectare reserve that’s completely privately owned, so you’ll rarely find yourself sharing a wildlife viewing with other cars!

Set just a three-hour drive from Durban, Thanda is one of the best places to spot the Big 5 in the KwaZulu Natal area, especially if you’re keen to go on a safari that’s more on the luxury side. Moreover, Thanda has a deep commitment to wildlife conversation and the Zulu culture, and how they’re both intertwined with one another, so you can expect your game drives to have culturally-immersive aspects as well! Plus, if you’re keen to learn about the reserve’s amazing conservation efforts, you can always join the team in various activities like rhino and cheetah tracking.

There are different types of camps in Thanda Game Reserve, all owned and operated by the reserve itself. If you’re on a budget, you can go for a stay at Thanda Tented Camp, which is an extremely romantic camping experience. If you want something a little bit more luxurious, you can opt to book at Thanda Safari Lodge instead!

elephant at thanda private game reserve

An elephant marches through Thanda

Timbavati Game Reserve

Contributed by sustainable travel bloggers Oksana & Max from Drink Tea & Travel

Located in the Great Kruger Area,  Timbavati Game Reserve  is an excellent place to see the Big Five. Unlike in Kruger National Park, certified jeeps in Timbavati can go off-road and get as close as 6 meters away from the animals and since the low density of lodges and camps in Timbavati ensures that each section of the park is serviced by no more than 3-4 camps and lodges, so there are never more than a few cars at each sighting.

While we were on our safari in Timbavati, not only did we get up close and personal with the Big Five but we also got to see lots of giraffes, zebras, impalas, and wildebeest. As well as unique rare animals, like wild dogs, honey badgers, and a rare white lion.

Formed in the 1950s, the Timbavati Game Reserve is an unfenced privately owned wilderness area on the western boundary of Kruger National Park. This means that animals can travel freely between the areas.

We stayed at Umlani Bushcamp while visiting Timbavati, a comfortable bushcamp built from natural materials in a traditional African style. We can highly recommend them to anyone visiting the area for their commitment to sustainability and social initiatives.

timbavati big five lions

Lions lounging and feeding at Timbavati Game Reserve

South Africa’s best big 5 locations mapped

That’s our list of the best places to see the big five in South Africa. Have you experienced the big five in any of these places? Or have any suggestions of other places to add to the list? Let us know in the comments section below!

Discover more of our wildlife posts…

The smallest birds in the world, bioluminescent animals: 11 incredible glowing species, jaguar v leopard, which is which, the largest birds of prey in the world, the largest eagles in the world, the 11 fastest land animals on earth, the six greatest animal migrations in africa, cheetah vs leopard, which is which, why do zebras have stripes, other wildlife ‘fives’.

Have you seen the big five animals and are are looking for a new wildlife challenge?  For safari aficionados up for ticking all the ‘I’ve seen’ boxes, have you heard about the other groups of 5 animals?

Top countries for safaris

  • Botswana safaris
  • Kenya safaris
  • Namibia safaris
  • South Africa safaris
  • Tanzania safaris
  • Uganda safaris

Safari basics

  • Safari animals
  • How to find the right safari company
  • When to go on safari
  • What to take on safari
  • Safari clothing – what to wear
  • Safari rules & etiquette
  • Wildlife spotting tips

Most read articles

  • All about the ‘big five’ animals
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  • Why are flamingos pink?

Africa’s best game reserves

  • Chobe National Park, Botswana
  • Etosha National Park, Namibia
  • Kruger National Park, South Africa
  • Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya
  • Moremi Game Reserve, Botswana
  • Okavango Delta, Botswana
  • Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

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  • Experiences

Big 5 Safari

The magic of the big 5 safari in africa.

Experience the thrill and majesty of Africa's wildlife with Rhino Africa's premier Big 5 safaris. The Big 5 include the elephant, lion, leopard, African buffalo, and the rhino. They stand as a symbol of our rich fauna and seeing these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat is a highlight for any wildlife enthusiast.

Choosing the Perfect Big 5 Safari Destination

Africa is home to numerous game reserves and national parks that offer exceptional Big 5 sightings. Some of the best Big 5 safari destinations include South Africa's Kruger National Park , Tanzania's Serengeti National Park , Botswana's Chobe National Park , and Kenya's Maasai Mara National Reserve .

Each destination offers a unique safari experience and houses a diverse range of ecosystems as well as wildlife beyond the Big 5.

Experiencing the Big 5 with Rhino Africa

At Rhino Africa, our Big 5 safaris are about more than just ticking all five animals off your wildlife checklist. We aim to provide an immersive and educational wildlife experience , where you not only see these iconic creatures but also understand their behaviour, habitat, and conservation challenges.

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Just like every traveller is unique, so should their safari experience be. Our Travel Experts will help you curate a Big 5 safari itinerary that matches your preferences. 

Whether you're a photographer keen on capturing these magnificent creatures, a family on a vacation, or a couple on a romantic getaway, we've got you covered.

Luxury Accommodations: Perfect End to a Perfect Day

After a day filled with unforgettable wildlife sightings, retire to our carefully selected luxury lodges and camps .

Located in the heart of the wilderness, these accommodations offer top-notch facilities, exquisite cuisine, and spellbinding views of the African landscapes, adding an extra layer of luxury to your Big 5 safari.

Responsible Tourism: Safeguarding Africa's Treasures

As we delight in the awe-inspiring beauty of Africa's wildlife, it's crucial to remember our responsibility towards their conservation. 

Our Big 5 safaris follow the principles of responsible tourism, ensuring the welfare of the wildlife and contributing to local communities. And by travelling with Rhino Africa, you leave your lasting legacy in Africa by empowering us to continue making a difference ! 

Book Your Dream Big 5 Safari with Rhino Africa

To see Africa's Big 5 in real life is an experience that stays with you forever. So, what are you waiting for? Contact our Rhino Africa Travel Experts today to plan your best Big 5 safari in Africa. 

With our expert first-hand knowledge, personalised service, and passion for Africa, we'll ensure your safari is an unforgettable adventure. Let’s start planning !

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Hluhluwe Game Reserve

Hluhluwe Game Reserve - Hluhluwe Imfolozi Park

Experience one of the finest game reserves, south africa has to offer....

 Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game Reserve, Is a Big 5 Game Park in the KwaZulu Natal Regine Of South Africa. The oldest proclaimed reserve in Africa. Still Wild, With 96000 Hectares of Wilderness Awaiting you. 4x4s Dusty Roads Rolling Hills Of Sunsets, Magnificent Big 5 Sightings & Photographs Everywhere. Time To Safari, In The Bush Felt Of  Zululand...

Is it time to visit the Hluhluwe Game Reserve ?

Hluhluwe Imfolozi Park

Our Most Popular Big 5 Day Safari Options

african big 5 Black Rhino

Online Tickets

Day safari options full list.

Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park, Open Game Drive Big 5 Safari's Departing Daily

From R1150 p/p

Hluhluwe Game Reserve

All Big 5 Safaris are conducted in Open Game Drive Safari Vehicles. Home to the African Big 5, Cheetah, Wild Dogs and many other wildlife species. Departing Daily

Half Day Big 5 Safari Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park

Full Day Big 5 Safari

Departing Daily Open Game Drive Safaris, From R1400 p/p

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Half Day Big 5 Safari

Departing Daily Open Game Drive Safaris, From R1150 p/p

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Bush & Boat Safari

Half-Day Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Safari and iSimangaliso Wetland Park Boat Trip, From R1350 p/p

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Full-Day Big 5 Exclusive Safari

Private & Exclusive Safari

Gates Open/Close Times

Driving Directions

Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park Overview

Where is the Hluhluwe Game Reserve located? The Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game Reserve is located in the province of KwaZulu Natal. The nearest town is known as Hluhluwe 13 Km from the Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game Reserve. The nearest city is Durban approximately 236 km. Accessing the game reserve from Durban take the N2 (national toll road) and travel in a Northerly direction. For all of the gate, access points click here .

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Into the Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park

All Packages include and highlight the very best that KwaZulu Natal has to offer. Visit Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park.

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South Africa, KwaZulu Natal

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Accommodation & Safari Specials

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At Heritage House Accommodation

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Hluhluwe-imfolozi park accommodation.

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Hluhluwe Hilltop Camp


Hluhluwe game reserve accommodation, Hilltop Camp Pool

The Best Trip Ever!!! John & David 5 Out Of 5 Stars

Reviewed 2019 Thank you very much for a great time,

We spent with Heritage Tours & Safari.

Special thank you to Vusi and our safari guides,

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Excellent Trip Ngcebo 5 out of 5 star

Reviewed 1 week ago

Well done on the service of the staff at Heritage Tours from the office staff to guides.

Went on a half day safari with Ngcebo as a tour guide who was very informative and knowledgeable about the game.

Was a pleasure to have him as a tour guide.

Visited February 2019

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Hluhluwe Combo Safari

Bush & Boat Big 6 Safari Whats App Us: +27 64 037 6415 Email Inquiries Hluhluwe Combo Safari What has to be one of our most popular Day Safari Combos that includes both the Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park and the iSimangaliso Wetland Park. Set out early morning into the world-acclaimed Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park on a Half-Day Big 5…

why visit hluhluwe game reserve

Why Visit Hluhluwe Game Reserve

Why Visit Hluhluwe Game Reserve For Starters its the oldest proclaimed game reserve in Africa and also home to the African Big 5 What is without a doubt the very best Game Reserve in KwaZulu Natal, the Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park never disappoints. 96000 Hectares of Bush, Wildlife, Hides, and Magnificent Views awaits you. This game reserve…

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Big 5 Safari Package

Big 5 Safari Packages Like to Visit and Enjoy sightings of the Big 5 on Safari, why not browse some of our magnificent Big 5 Safari Packages. South Africa, KwaZulu Natal is home to some of the most amazing bush and savannahs on the continent. With easy access, incredible people, and of course marvelous Packages…

big 5 safari holiday

Big 5 Safari Holiday

Big 5 Safari Holiday Discover & Witness Africa’s Big 5 on a Safari Holiday, Visit the oldest Proclaimed game reserve in Africa, the Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park and South Africa’s first World Heritage site, iSimangaliso Wetland Park. When one imagines the Mighty Big 5, one can but only think of African Sunsets, Wildlife, and Magnificent Savannahs as…

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Other- info you may be looking for, Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Accommodation , Hluhluwe Maps , Hluhluwe Umfolozi Weather, Park Entrance Fees. st, Lucia South Africa Activities & Cape Town Day Trips/Safaris News about the park and its animals...

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If There Good...


Did you know that the Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park is the oldest proclaimed nature reserve in Africa. Set in the heart of Zululand (KwaZulu Natal) a mere 2.5 hours north of Durban. This Big 5 Park offers some magnificent scenery of wildlife.

The Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park is truly an amazing park to visit while in KwaZulu Natal. Various entry gates makes for easy access and also eliminates congestion. One may enter the park via 3 gates namely the Nylazi Gate, Memorial gate and Cengeni Gate.

hluhluwe-imfolozi park day drives

Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park is 96000 hectares (960 square kilometers) in size. Small in comparison to the Kruger National Park which is 1948500 hectares (19485 square kilometers).

This however makes the Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park more accessible and manageable while out on a full or half day safari. The park offers visitors numerous Hides, Loop roads, picnic areas, shops and restaurant. Make sure should you be doing a self drive that you purchase a map at one of the entrances as the park is large and may become a bit confusing should you not have a map. It is advisable to enter the park as early as possible and always keep to the speed limit (40km/h) at all times please. Do not leave ones vehicle unless in a designated area.

day safari options to hluhluwe-imfolozi park

Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park is a Big 5 Park, one may encounter Lion, Leopard, Buffalo, Rhino (black and white) and Elephants. Some other wildlife species that one may also encounter while in the Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park include:

And many more species

big 5

Set in the heart of Zululand, KwaZulu Natal South Africa. The Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Game Reserve is located 2,5 Hours (236 km) North of Durban, KwaZulu Natal's capital.

From South Africa's capital city, Johannesburg to the Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Game Reserve it is 550km. Other interesting areas include South Africa's very first world heritage site the iSimangaliso Wetland Park which is approximately 54km from Imfolozi Park to St Lucia.

Co-Ordinates for Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park is, 28.2198° S, 31.9519° E

Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park Gate Co-Ordinates:

  • Nylazi Gate:     28.250506 S, 31.990149 E
  • Cengeni Gate: 28.190968  S, 31.886181 E
  • Memorial Gate: 28.068431 S, 32.141565 E

Nyalazi gate imfolozi park

A Safari into Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park costs are dependable on the type of Safari that one may opt for these include:

  • Half Day Safari
  • Full Day Safari

1 night safari package south africa

Their are numerous hides scattered between the Hluhluwe and the Imfolozi Park. What is a hide? A hide is exactly what it says a hide (hideaway) so that the animals can not see you.

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The Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park is situated in the KwaZulu Natal Province. Warm tropical weather year-round. Situated on the North-Eastern side of South Africa.

The park is a national public park and one of the largest in Natal. The governing body is Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife

Home to the African Big 5, the park also boasts numerous other species such as Cheetah, Wild Dogs, and many others. This includes 1200 plant species, 84 mammals, and 350-400 bird species

Where is the Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park?

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Best Places To See the Big 5 on Safari in Africa

Best Places To See the Big 5 on Safari in Africa

Ariadne is an Africa expert. She and her husband form a team who author many guidebooks to African countries.

Going on safari in Africa has become closely associated with seeing the Big Five. Have you ever wondered what that is all about and where you should go? The term ‘Big Five’ originated in the early days of game hunting. Lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo and rhino were the most dangerous animals to hunt and were therefore considered the most valuable trophies. Today, with most visitors armed with cameras, the Big Five are still perhaps the most exciting encounter on a safari. Below are some of the best places to see the Big Five in Africa.

10,492 African Safaris

1. Sabi Sand Game Reserve – South Africa

Leopard portrait at Sabi Sand Game Reserve, South Africa

Spotting the Big Five doesn’t get easier than in Sabi Sand Game Reserve . This cluster of jointly managed private reserves has open borders with Kruger and forms part of the same ecosystem, but animals tend to be more relaxed. Furthermore, unlike in Kruger, guided drives in open vehicles are permitted to head off-road, which makes for fantastic close-up viewing. The real star of Sabi Sands is the leopard. Nowhere else is this usually shy creature so habituated. Most guests are treated to sightings of leopards as they go about their daily routine: a male patrolling or hunting, a female nursing cubs, possibly even a mating pair in action.

  • When to visit Sabi Sands : There is no bad time to visit Sabi Sands, but wildlife viewing is best in the dry winter months from May to September.
  • Where to stay: There are many lodges spread over the different reserves of Sabi Sand. All offer a similar experience inclusive of meals and activities. The standard of decor, service and guiding is superb. There are no camping or budget accommodations in Sabi Sands.

106 Sabi Sands Safaris

2. Ngorongoro Crater – Tanzania

Elephant together with a buffalo at Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania

Ngorongoro Crater offers incredible wildlife viewing. Although animals can move in and out of the crater, climbing the steep caldera walls requires some effort, so much of the wildlife is resident inside. This includes a healthy population of black rhino. These shy creatures are rarely seen in East Africa, but the crater is one of the few places where they are easy to find. The other four members of the Big Five are prolific as well, although leopard sightings are hit-and-miss, and less likely inside the crater than on the forested rim. The good news is that these elusive cats are quite common in the Seronera area of Serengeti National Park, the next stop after Ngorongoro on most northern Tanzanian safari itineraries.

  • When to visit Ngorongoro Crater : Wildlife viewing is always good in the crater, but marginally better in the Dry season when the grass is short and animals are easier to spot. The calving season of the wildebeest is from January to February and the best time to avoid the crowds is in the low season months, April and May.
  • Where to stay: Several upmarket lodges are perched on the crater rim offering great views over the crater floor. There is a campsite on the rim as well, but be warned, it gets very cold here at night. Several lodges and hotels in the gateway town of Karatu are also used for visits to the crater. There are no accommodations within the crater, itself.

3,224 Ngorongoro Safaris

3. Masai Mara National Reserve – Kenya

Lion pride with cubs resting at Masai Mara Game Reserve, Kenya

The Masai Mara is home to all of the Big Five but is most famous for big cats. You’ll be tripping over lions and cheetahs as they are remarkably common, and leopards are regularly seen too. Black rhinos are also present, but unless you’re fortunate enough to stay in the remote Mara Triangle in the far west, your chances of seeing one are slim. However, Lake Nakuru National Park, a popular stop-over en route to the Masai Mara, is home to both black and white rhino (but no elephants). White rhinos are commonly seen in small family groups grazing around the lake, especially from mid-morning and in the late afternoon.

  • When to visit Masai Mara : Wildlife viewing is good throughout the year. To catch the wildebeest migration, you should aim to be here between late August and early October.
  • Where to stay: There is no shortage of accommodations inside and just outside the reserve. All budgets and styles are catered for. There are several campsites as well.

1,649 Masai Mara Safaris

4. Kruger National Park – South Africa

White Rhinos drinking at Kruger National Park, South Africa

Whether you’re on a guided tour or self-driving, Kruger National Park is a great choice for a Big Five safari. The park is the size of a small country, and the wide variety of habitats it protects is reflected by the varied wildlife. Identifying all the different antelope species in Kruger can be an enjoyable challenge. In terms of the Big Five, lion, buffalo and elephant are easily found in southern Kruger, which is also one of the best places to see white rhino. With time on your hands and a bit of luck, you might spot a leopard too. Make sure to be out and about at dawn and dusk to increase your chances of seeing this shy cat which is active at night.

  • When to visit Kruger : Wildlife viewing in Kruger is best from May to September. These are the dry winter months when animals don’t stray far from waterholes and rivers. During the wet summer months, the bush gets very thick and animals are more difficult to spot.
  • Where to stay: Well-equipped, basic rest camps offering campsites and huts can be found throughout Kruger. Several private concessions within the park offer a luxurious and more exclusive alternative.

458 Kruger Safaris

5. Madikwe Game Reserve – South Africa

White rhinoceros in Madikwe Game Reserve

Madikwe is arguably the top African safari pick for those who want a good chance of spotting most of the Big Five in a malaria-free destination. Forged from formerly unproductive ranchland in 1991, this exceptional park protects a 750km² /290mi² tract of semi-arid savannah in North West province, some four to five hours’ drive from Johannesburg. Shortly after being created, it was stocked with 8,000 individual animals comprising 28 species, including all the Big Five. Today, you’re very likely to see lion, elephant and white rhino over the course of a few days in Madikwe, and there’s a fair chance of buffalo and leopard. Madikwe is also known as one of the best places to look for the endangered African wild dog, while other wildlife includes cheetah, giraffe, zebra and a wide variety of antelope. An unusual feature of Madikwe is that it is a state-owned property that functions more like a private reserve insofar as it is closed to self-drive safaris and day visits. 

  • When to visit Madikwe : There is no bad time to visit Madikwe, as the expert guides are good at finding animals at any time of year. However, optimum wildlife viewing is over the dry winter months of May to September, when animals stick close to perennial water sources. 
  • Where to stay: Madikwe is serviced by several small upmarket lodges that specialize in all-inclusive packages with guided game drives taking place in open 4x4s. There are no budget accommodations or camping facilities.

24 Madikwe Safaris

6. Okavango Delta – Botswana

Mokoro trip over the Okavango delta, Botswana

The Okavango is one of Africa’s most iconic wildlife destinations. The Delta is home to all of the Big Five, although rhino (both black and white) can be hard to find; Moremi Game Reserve offers the best chance, or visit Khama Rhino Sanctuary, a half-day’s drive away as an add-on. Buffalo and elephant thrive in the wetlands, and you should see some big cats as well. The most productive activity for spotting typical safari animals, including the Big Five, is a game drive. But you should put aside time to do a guided walk and for exploring the Delta’s channels by mokoro (traditional dugout canoe). Gliding silently through waterlilies, dodging the odd hippo and scanning the shore for animals coming to drink, is an experience that will stay with you long after your trip.

  • When to visit Okavango : The best time for wildlife viewing is from July to October.
  • Where to stay: There are dozens of luxury lodges in the Okavango. Camping is popular too.

266 Okavango Delta Tours

7. Ol Pejeta Conservancy – Kenya

Lion cubs in Ol Pejeta Conservancy

High on the Laikipia Plateau, just north of Kenya’s Central Highlands, Ol Pejeta Conservancy is a fine place to see the Big Five just a few hours north of Nairobi. Seeing lions on a guided game drive is always possible, but the conservancy also offers a fine lion-tracking excursion, which really increases your chances. Rhinos are also commonly seen, both roaming free out on the grasslands, and in the enclosures for the last two remaining northern white rhinos on the planet. Leopards inhabit the dense thickets and riverine woodlands, while elephants and buffalo are also common. Some of the nearby private and community conservancies, including Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, are more exclusive, but are also known for their Big Five possibilities.

  • When to visit Ol Pejeta : The June to September Dry season promises the best weather for visiting Ol Pejeta with clear skies and mild temperatures the norm. It’s usually dry from December to February, but hotter and more humid. The best birding is from November to April, when migratory species are present.
  • Where to stay: Ol Pejeta Conservancy has a good range of lodges and tented camps, as well as a campsite for budget travelers. Unlike most other Laikipia conservancies, you don’t need to be staying overnight to visit Ol Pejeta.

124 Ol Pejeta Safaris

8. Akagera National Park – Rwanda

Buffalo at Akagera National Park, Rwanda

While Rwanda is well known for its mountain gorillas, it is also home to the Big Five and many other savannah-dwelling animals. The place to go on a classic safari in Rwanda is Akagera National Park . Wildlife here was heavily depleted by warfare and poaching, but since 2010 it has made an impressive comeback. The reintroduction of black rhinos and lions in 2017, followed by white rhinos in 2021, means that Akagera offers a truly off-the-beaten-track opportunity to see the Big Five in Africa.

  • When to visit Akagera : The Dry season, from June to September, is the best time to visit.
  • Where to stay: There is a luxury tented camp, a seasonal bush camp and a mid-range lodge inside the park. There are also several campsites without facilities available to self-sufficient travelers.

105 Akagera Safaris

9. Murchison Falls National Park – Uganda

Hippos in the Victoria Nile below Murchison Falls, Uganda

Murchison Falls National Park is as much worth visiting for its spectacular scenery as for its wildlife. It is bisected by the Victoria Nile River. A boat trip to the base of the waterfall for which the park is named is not to be missed. The river is home to hundreds of hippos and crocodiles and, in the afternoon, you’re likely to see buffalo and elephants on the shore. Murchison Falls is not a complete Big Five destination as there are no rhinos, but many visitors stop in at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary en route for an exciting rhino tracking experience.

  • When to visit Murchison Falls : December to February is best for general wildlife viewing but be prepared for hot weather at that time.
  • Where to stay: There is a good choice of upmarket and mid-range lodges inside the park and budget accommodations are available just outside. There are several campsites too.

456 Murchison Falls Safaris

10. Phinda Game Reserve – South Africa

Cheetah with cubs at Phinda Game Reserve, South Africa

Phinda is one of South Africa’s top private Big Five game reserves. You have a choice of four stunning accommodations spread out over the reserve’s different habitats: Rock, Mountain, Forest and Vlei (wetland) Lodge. The guiding is superb and you’ll easily see four of the Big Five (lion, elephant, buffalo and white rhino) as well as some Zululand specials, such as the graceful nyala and the shy red duiker. Although there are plenty of leopards around, you’d be lucky to see one. As compensation, Phinda’s flagship species is the cheetah and sightings of this graceful big cat tend to be incredible.

  • When to visit Phinda : Phinda’s wildlife viewing is always great but animals are slightly easier to find in the Dry season from May to September.
  • Where to stay: There are four luxury lodges in Phinda.

Phinda Safaris

11. Majete Wildlife Reserve – Malawi

Elephant herd at Majete Wildlife Reserve, Malawi

Majete Wildlife Reserve is one of Africa’s modern environmental success stories. Prior to 2003, the park was almost completely hunted out. Since then, under the management of African Parks, nearly 5,000 individual animals, including all of the Big Five, have been reintroduced. Elephants have bred so successfully that a surplus of 200 individuals were relocated to Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve. Although sightings require a bit of patience, Majete offers a totally unspoiled experience, far away from the crowds. A ‘behind the scenes’ tour, offering insight into what it takes to run a Big Five reserve, is recommended.

  • When to visit Majete : You can visit anytime, but July to October is best for wildlife viewing.
  • Where to stay: There are two mid-range lodges to choose from (one inside and one just outside the game reserve). Top of the range is an exclusive luxury lodge that operates in its own private concession. Campers are taken care of in a well-equipped community campsite.

Majete Safaris

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Big 5 Rhino Etosha

7 Places for the Best Big 5 Safari in Africa: Where to See the Big 5 African Animals

When planning a safari holiday, it is often a Big 5 Safari in Africa that people are keen to tick off their list.

‘Big 5’ refers to the five large animals that most people hope to see on their game drive - ones that have become iconic figures of an African safari. The Big Five of Africa are lions, elephants, buffaloes, leopards and rhinoceroses.

Here are 7 of the best places to see the famous Big 5 in Africa, in one place…

#1 Kruger National Park, South Africa

Big 5 African Safari Buffalo

When it comes to Big 5 safaris in Africa, the Kruger National Park in South Africa is at the top of almost every list!

Not only is this one of Africa's largest game reserves, but it’s also one of the most iconic wildlife destinations worldwide - a famous Big 5 safari hotpot, offering some of the continent's best opportunities for spotting these famous African animals.

The park's diverse landscapes, ranging from dense woodlands to open savannahs, scrubland, and riverbanks, provide ideal habitats for a huge range of magnificent creatures.

Lions and elephants are easily found in southern Kruger and this is also one of the best spots in the park to see white rhinos.

Kruger’s African buffaloes, often seen in large herds, create quite a spectacle; while the elusive leopard provides a thrilling challenge for safari-goers hoping to catch a glimpse.

Make sure to be out and about at dawn and dusk to increase your chances of seeing this shy cat!

Another sought-after sighting in Kruger National Park is a glimpse of the rare black rhino, an endangered species facing severe threats from poaching.

Witnessing these magnificent creatures in the wild serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of conservation efforts to protect these iconic animals for future generations.

Beyond the Big Five, Kruger National Park is teeming with other incredible wildlife too, including giraffes, zebras, hippos, crocodiles and a myriad of bird species.

Wildlife viewing in Kruger is best from May to September.

These are the dry winter months when animals congregate more densely around waterholes and rivers, making them easier to spot.

#2 Masai Mara National Park, Kenya

African Lion Big 5 Kenya Safari

Another safari park that you’ll find on every ‘Best Big 5 Safari’ list is the Masai Mara National Park in southwest Kenya.

This safari destination is world famous and for good reason - it’s thought to be home to one of the richest populations of wild animals anywhere in the world!

This enormous reserve is made up of sprawling golden grasslands, which stretch right to the Tanzanian border and beyond, where it becomes the Serengeti National Park.

These iconic grasslands are a pristine example of the African savannah and a perfect habitat for big cats, making it one of the best places on the continent to see them.

Lions are particularly plentiful, but sightings of cheetahs and even the elusive leopard are not uncommon.

In fact, you have pretty good odds of seeing all of the Big 5 African animals, thanks to their large numbers in the Mara, as it’s fondly known.

This makes the park not only one of a few places in Africa where seeing the Big 5 is highly likely, but also a place where you can spot up to 90 species of other mammals and hundreds of bird species.

Many people time their Big 5 safari here to coincide with the world-famous Masai Mara migration, which runs from July to October and sees humongous herds of animals make the epic journey from the Serengeti National Park into the Masai Mara National Park, crossing the treacherous croc-infested Mara River on the way.

As far as Big 5 Safaris in Africa go, this wonder of nature makes for pretty dramatic watching!

January through March are also a great time to visit the Masai Mara.

Known as the ‘lion season’, it’s one of the best times of year in this park to see these majestic cats.

#3 Serengeti & Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania

Tanzania Safari Big 5 lions

While many people head for the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania between July and October for the Wildebeest migration (when up to 2.5 million wildebeest cross the plains into the neighbouring Masai Mara), this park does offer world-class wildlife spotting all year round.

The Serengeti National Park has all Big 5 animals, though its vast open grasslands are favoured most by lions (and other big cats) who prowl after the grazing wildebeest and zebra.

The Serengeti has some of the largest numbers of lions anywhere in Africa.

Even the rare tree-climbing lions are common here!

This unusual behaviour is unique to certain lions in East Africa and can be seen most in central Serengeti.

Leopards are plentiful here too, but very shy and hard to spot, so one can never guarantee a sighting, but with some luck (and good binoculars!), you could!

Elephants are becoming more common in the Serengeti too, especially in certain seasons and swampy areas around the Seronera River, where herds of up to 20 can sometimes be seen.

But it’s buffalos that are the most common of the Big 5 African animals in the Serengeti, where vast herds of up to 100 are often sighted.

Many visitors to the Serengeti also wrap in a visit to the nearby Ngorongoro Crater, where the Big 5 can also be spotted.

Situated a short distance from the Serengeti, the Crater is a biodiversity conservation hotspot thanks to the sheer density of wildlife calling it home.

Once an active volcano, thought to be higher than Mount Kilimanjaro, when it erupted it formed the world’s largest caldera - a crater 610m deep, with a floor covering 260 sqkm.

That crater is now rich in biodiversity and packed with an unbelievable 30,000 animals!

But why do so many animals live here?

Although animals can move in and out of the crater, climbing the steep walls of the caldera is tricky and takes a lot of effort, so much of the resident wildlife remains inside.

The sheer concentration of wildlife here means this utterly unique safari destination offers incredible wildlife Big 5 safari viewing year round.

It's not uncommon to see the Big 5 in a single day!

The Crater is even home to a healthy population of Black Rhino and is one of the few places on earth where you can easily find these rare creatures.

The other four of the Big 5 African animals are plentiful as well, although, as always, leopard sightings are hit-and-miss.

There are bigger and wilder parks than the Ngorongoro Crater , but if you want some of the easiest and most rewarding game viewing in East Africa, it won't disappoint!

On top of this, the scenery is spectacular and utterly unique, with incredible views of the towering caldera as a backdrop.

#4 Chobe River National Park, Botswana

Big 5 Lions in Etosha

Chobe River National Park is famous for hosting what is said to be the world’s highest concentration of African elephants - thought to number over 130,000!

So if it’s the grey giants of the savannah you’re keen to see on a Big 5 safari, you should head to Chobe National Park !

With such huge numbers, it’s almost guaranteed that you’ll enjoy some awe-inspiring elephant encounters, quite possibly in very large numbers!

And you’ll not just see them stomping through the savannah!

For what’s really special about Chobe is the river safaris you can enjoy here too.

These boat cruises allow you great sightings of these gentle, playful giants swimming, wallowing and washing themselves in the Chobe River.

Watching elephants is a particularly magical sight at sunset.

But elephants are not the only Big 5 African animals that call Chobe River National Park home.

Large herds of buffalo are also a common sight and lions, although not plentiful, are never far away - prowling the park in large prides and lazing around in the heat of the day.

Even the lesser-seen leopard lives here too.

While you might struggle to tick a rhino off your list in Chobe, with such plentiful numbers of elephants, buffalo and lions, as well as decent populations of leopards, you probably won't mind that much!

#5 Okavango Delta & Moremi Game Reserve, Botswana

Leopard Botswana Big 5 Safari

Moremi and the Okavango Delta is one of Africa’s most iconic wildlife destinations.

This UNESCO World Heritage-listed site is a verdant oasis surrounded by the Kalahari Desert that provides crucial habitat for a huge range of plant and animal life.

As one of the world’s only inland deltas, it’s a truly unique ecosystem.

Its beautiful, breathtaking and important ecological habitats include flood plains, reed-lined waterways, oxbow lakes, flooded woodlands, palm-fringed islands and serene lagoons. 

And the Delta is home to all of the Big 5 African animals.

Buffalo and elephants thrive in the wetlands and, by taking a game drive in the drier areas of the Delta, you can see big cats as well.

But a Big 5 safari in the Okavango Delta is not just about game drives.

Some of the most magical activities here are guided nature walks on foot and exploring the Delta’s channels by mokoro (a traditional dugout canoe).

It’s by gliding peacefully through waterways, surrounded by birdlife, and getting up close with the local animals coming to drink from the waterside, that you’ll see the most enchanting side of the incredible Okavango. 

#6 Majete Wildlife Reserve, Malawi

Rhino in Kruger, South Africa

Not many people think of Malawi as a Big 5 safari destination… and that’s because, until recently, it wasn’t!

But Majete Wildlife Reserve in southwestern Malawi is one of Africa’s recent conservation success stories.

Before 2003, the park was almost completely hunted out, with only a few antelope remaining.

But since then, under the management of African Parks, over 3,000 animals of 17 different species, including all of the Big 5, have been successfully reintroduced.

Now this place is a real Big 5 safari destination, with a thriving wildlife population that has put Malawi back on the Big 5 map.

Although sightings require a bit of patience, Majete offers a unspoilt experience, far away from the crowds.

This hidden treasure is perfect if you want a Big 5 safari without all the other tourists – this is a wildlife paradise without the masses!

#7 Murchison Falls National Park & Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, Uganda 

Big 5 Safari Buffalo

Uganda is not an obvious Big 5 safari destination!

Murchison Falls is Uganda’s largest national park, famous for its spectacular scenery as well as its wildlife.

The Victoria Nile River cuts through the park and the Falls themselves make for a dramatic scene - as the river is squeezed at its narrowest point, it plunges over a 45m drop and creates what is thought to be the world’s most powerful waterfall.

A boat trip to the base of the waterfall and a hike up to the top of the Falls is not to be missed while on your safari here!

The river is also home to hundreds of hippos and crocodiles and you’re likely to see buffalo and elephants drinking and washing themselves on the shore too.

While Murchison Falls is not a complete Big 5 destination, because there are no rhinos, many visitors stop in at the nearby Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary en route to see these rare and beautiful creatures and tick them off their list.

This is the only place in Uganda where you can see White Rhinos and activities to enjoy include rhino tracking with an experienced guide, as well as taking part in birding tours, nature hikes and canoe rides.

And of course, the big bonus of going to Uganda for a Big 5 safari is that you can stop off to see the mythical mountain gorillas in the magical Bwindi Impenetrable Forest while you’re there too.

Leopard on Kruger Big 5 Safari

The above destinations are brilliant Big 5 safari destinations. Though not a Big 5 destination, it would be remiss not to mention Etosha National Park.

Etosha National Park, Namibia 

Etosha National Park  is Namibia's premier game park and a wildlife enthusiast's paradise.

Its diverse landscapes and waterholes attract loads of animals, including four of the Big 5.

There are no buffalo, but elephants and lions are common in the park, while the elusive leopard hides out in the park’s more densely vegetated areas.

However, one of the best reasons to visit Etosha is its healthy population of Black Rhinoceros.

Namibia, and Etosha especially, has one of the largest populations of Black Rhinos left in the world and is one of the few countries that has both Black and White Rhinos, so it’s a good place to head if spotting one of these is on your list!

Those wanting to tick buffalo off their Big 5 safari checklist often combine their safari in Etosha with a trip to the nearby Waterberg Plateau , where these giant creatures can more easily be spotted.

The landscapes at Etosha also make it an interesting place to visit.

Located on and around the Etosha Pan - a huge, seasonally flooded salt pan - the scenery here is quite different from the lush savannah landscapes of many other Big 5 safari parks in Africa.

Game viewing in Etosha is best in the May to October dry season, as animals are concentrated around water sources at this time, making for an unforgettable Big 5 safari.

Big 5 Elephant in Chobe Botswana

Ready to start planning a Big 5 safari?

African Budget Safaris specialises in budget and bespoke African safaris. Get in touch  with one of our experienced safari consultants today for advice, or to start planning a Big 5 safari to Africa.

Stephanie Parker Author

Stephanie Parker

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When and Where to see the Big 5 in Africa

While Africa’s Big 5 is surely in need of no introduction, it makes sense for us to give credit where credit is due. There is no disputing that the famous Big 5 – lion, leopard, rhino, buffalo, and elephant – are Africa’s most renowned and highly sought-after wildlife species.

The Big 5 are Africa’s undisputed super stars, its X-FACTOR, the reason why people come back time and time again – they just can’t get enough – and who are we to blame them?

When and where to see the Big 5 in Africa

The mere possibility or slight opportunity of getting to witness these majestic animals in action, even for a brief moment, is one of the top reasons people travel to Africa and why avid wildlife enthusiasts and tourists set out so eagerly on dawn and dusk game-viewing excursions, safari drives, and wildlife expeditions – ITS ALL ABOUT AFRICA’S BIG 5!

While some may argue that giraffes and zebras are far prettier creatures than the mighty and rugged buffalo, or that cheetahs can be much easier to spot and find than the wildly elusive leopard, it simply doesn’t matter, because getting to see any of Africa’s Big 5 living wild and free in their natural habitats is, and FOREVER will be, one of the most unforgettable thrills at the top of every travelers’ safari tick list.

**Interesting fact: Did you know that the term ‘Big 5’ was originally coined in the 19th Century by big game hunters who listed African elephants, leopard, Cape buffalo, African lion, and rhinoceros as the five most dangerous creatures to hunt on foot in Africa?  Fortunately, every member of the Big 5 are now protected species in all National Parks and private game reserves across Africa. In addition, today’s tourists play a big part in contributing directly to the conservation of these magnificent animals across encroachments like poaching, wildlife trafficking, and habitat destruction.

Where Are the Best Places to See the Big 5 in Africa?

While the various members of the Big 5 are found in different concentrations across Africa, lucky for you, you can find these magnificent wildlife species in several countries across the continent. From Kenya and Tanzania to Botswana and South Africa, here’s a look at some of the best destinations and places to see the Big 5 in Africa.

South Africa

Long a stronghold of the Big 5, South Africa offers perhaps Africa’s most reliable Big 5 sightings.

The Kruger National Park

When and where to see the Big 5 in Africa - Kruger National Park

Deemed one of the greatest National Parks in the world , the Kruger National Park is not only the second largest park in Africa, but South Africa’s flagship National Park. The pristine wilderness within the Kruger Park is spread across an impressive 2 million hectares of unspoiled African bushveld that stretches for 352 kilometres across the provinces of Mpumalanga and Limpopo in the far north-eastern corner of South Africa. As the oldest, largest, and most established park, the Kruger National Park is home to the highest population density of Big 5 in South Africa. This undoubtedly makes it a staple on any safari-goer’s bucket-list, whether they’re a beginner or a seasoned traveller to Africa.

When and where to see the Big 5 in Africa - Kruger National Park

The Kruger Park is believed to support the world’s largest population of white rhino (one of the mighty members of the Big 5), roughly estimated at 8,000. In addition to the largest population of white rhino, the Kruger National Park is also home to the largest wild concentration of leopards than anywhere else in the world.

Sabi Sand Game Reserve

When and where to see the Big 5 in Africa - Sabi Sand Game Reserve

Boasting one of the richest game populations in the country, Sabi Sand Game Reserve is home to some of the most diverse and unique wildlife species in Africa. While Sabi Sands is most  famous for its spectacular leopard sightings , the most elusive member of the Big 5, it is also deemed one of the best, if not  THE  best, game reserves / places in the world to see the African Big 5 in action. In fact, it is not at all uncommon for travellers and tourists to the Sabi Sands to spot all of the members of the Big 5 in one day. This undoubtedly makes the Sabi Sand Game Reserve one of the best places to see the Big 5 in Africa.

When and where to see the Big 5 in Africa - Sabi Sand Game Reserve

Another major perk of visiting the Sabi Sand Game Reserve in South Africa is the fact that in addition to boasting 65,000 hectares of vast untamed wilderness, the notorious park shares a 50km/30mi unfenced border with the Kruger National Park, allowing animals to wander at will and roam freely between the reserves. This ensures an unforgettable and unmatched African safari and wildlife experience.

Madikwe Game Reserve

When and where to see the Big 5 in Africa - Madikwe Game Reserve

From a low-yield cattle farm to a flourishing conservation area,  Madikwe Game Reserve is a land of wild unapologetic natural beauty, untamed African bushveld, vast grasslands, sloping mountains, and rocky outcrops.

When and where to see the Big 5 in Africa - Madikwe Game Reserve

Brushing against Botswana’s border and the tip of the Kalahari Desert, Madikwe Game Reserve boasts an extensive wildlife population with sensational sightings of the iconic African Big 5 being almost guaranteed on any visit to this premium reserve. In addition, the reserve not only provides a haven for all wildlife species, including the Big 5, but it has also been a fierce proponent of community upliftment initiatives.

Chobe National Park :

Chobe National Park boasts an impressive and exceptional  population of African elephants , which is said  to exceed 120,000  – Undoubtedly making it one of the top places, if not  THE  top place, on the planet to witness these remarkable gentle giants of the African bushveld in their natural environment.

When and where to see the Big 5 in Africa - Chobe National Park in Botswana

Savuti region of the Chobe National Park :

Famously coined Chobe National Park’s  ‘Predator City’,  the Savuti region of Chobe, set at the remote heart of the park, is deemed as one of the best places in Africa to witness the most dramatic predator action. The Savuti region of the Chobe National Park is also notorious for its brutal clashes between lions and hyenas – in fact the intense and extreme rivalry between the area’s lions and spotted hyenas have made Savuti one of Botswana’s and Chobe’s most famous wildlife and safari attractions.

When and where to see the Big 5 in Africa - Savuti Region of the Chobe National Park in Botswana

Okavango Delta

When and where to see the Big 5 in Africa - Okavango Delta in Botswana

Moremi Game Reserve

big 5 game safari

Here is a quick guide for the best chance of spotting the Big Five in Botswana:

  • Chobe National Park for the highest concentration of elephants.
  • Savuti region for excellent lion sightings and encounters.
  • Northern Okavango to see the large Cape buffalo.
  • Moremi Game Reserve will offer excellent rhino sightings.
  • Mashatu Game Reserve plays host to the elusive leopard.

When and where to see the Big 5 in Africa - Kenya

Masai Mara National Reserve

When and where to see the Big 5 in Africa - Kenya

Amboseli National Park

Tsavo national parks..

  • Head for the private conservancies for exclusive Big 5 sightings, and if you time your visit to coincide with the August to November migration, your chances of seeing lions on the hunt are high.

The Serengeti National Park

Ngorongoro crater, katavi national park, tarangire national park, hwange national park, mana pools national park, south luangwa national park, lower zambezi national park, etosha national park, other national parks, game reserves, wildlife parks & safari destinations to add to your big 5 african safari itinerary, here are a few more must-visit destinations to add to your big 5 safari:.

  • Makgadikgadi Pans National Park
  • The Nxai Pan National Park
  • Central Kalahari Game Reserve
  • The Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park
  • Timbavati Private Nature Reserve
  • Shamwari Private Game Reserve
  • Phinda Private Game Reserve
  • Kwandwe Game Reserve
  • Balule Private Game Reserve
  • Nyanga National Park
  • South Gonarezhou National Park
  • Lake Kariba

Top destinations, National Parks & game reserves to spot the various members of Africa’s Big 5

#african elephants.

big 5 game safari

Where to see big herds of elephants in Africa :

  • Chobe National Park in Botswana
  • Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe
  • Amboseli National Park in Kenya
  • Addo Elephant National Park in South Africa
  • Etosha National Park in Namibia

When and where to see the Big 5 in Africa

The African or Cape buffalo is a large, horned bovine found in South and East Africa. Both males and females have horns that form a continuous bone shield across the top of their skulls. Buffalo are very unpredictable and quite fearless. A herd of buffalo can easily intimidate a pride of lions and there is footage of a resolute buffalo putting its head down and simply ‘walking off’ attacking juvenile lions.

Where to see big herds of buffalo in Africa:

  • Addo in South Africa
  • Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya

#African Lions

big 5 game safari

About 10 000 years ago, lions were among the most widespread large land mammals after humans. Today, they are a vulnerable species with most of the world’s wild lions living in sub-Saharan Africa. Lions are unusually social compared to other cats – a pride consists of related females, their cubs and a handful of adult males. Prides spend their days dozing in comfort and hunt in the dark hours between dusk and dawn. Females typically hunt together and are considered apex predators.

Best places to see lions in Africa:

  • Kruger National Park and Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve in South Africa
  • Moremi Game Reserve in Botswana
  • Serengeti National Park in Tanzania
  • The Masai Mara in Kenya
  • South Luangwa National Park in Zambia

When and where to see the Big 5 in Africa

Leopards are solitary creatures that make excellent use of camouflage and are strong enough to drag their prey up into trees, away from rival predators and scavengers. Leopards are one of the fastest big cats, able to reach speeds up to 58km / 36mi per hour. Leopards are masters of camouflage, naturally shy and nocturnal, which is why they are so hard to find and observe in the wild.

Best places to see leopards in Africa:

  • Sabi Sands Game Reserve in South Africa
  • Moremi / Moremi Game Reserve min Botswana
  • South Luangwa Nation Park in Zambia

big 5 game safari

Rhinos range in colour from pale grey to medium brown – it’s not their colour but the shape of their upper lip that determines which sub-species is which. ‘Black’ rhinos have a hooked, pointed upper lip while ‘white’ rhinos have a broad, square upper lip. The species is classified as critically endangered.

Best places to see rhinos in Africa:

  • Moremi / Moremi Game Reserve in Botswana
  • Phinda Private Game Reserve, Madikwe and Sabi Sand Game Reserve in South Africa
  • Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in Kenya
  • Grumeti Game Reserve in Tanzania

When is the Best Time to See the Big 5 in Africa?

Peak safari season runs from about June to October across Africa. This coincides with the continent’s cool, dry winter season , making it the best time to see the Big 5 in Africa.

Here are some of the top reasons why Africa’s dry season is the best time for extraordinary game-viewing opportunities, magnificent Big 5 sightings and encounters, as well as several safari highlights (among other reasons):

  • Prime time for wildlife sightings as game viewing is at its peak (apart from Namibia which is great all year round).
  • Optimal visibility due to sparse vegetation. The lack of rain during the dry winter season means that most of the reserves and park’s vegetation dries up and thins out, making it far easier to spot any of Africa’s Big 5, along with a vast array of other wildlife species, compared to the long, dense grass and heavy foliage present during the summer months. This particularly applies to leopards, which spend much of their time in trees – as the trees will have fewer leaves and be far less dense during the dry winter season, it will undoubtedly make these sleek and elusive felines easier to spot.
  • The lack of rain during Africa’s dry winter season also means that ponds, streams, puddles, and smaller water sources dry up. This forces animals to congregate around the remaining large lakes and rivers – Resulting in the concentration of wildlife around water sources being at their highest during Africa’s dry season. As wildlife continue to gather around the park’s surrounding water sources, it offers visitors incredible and rewarding game viewing opportunities and sensational Big 5 sightings. Most animals must drink every day, which means that they don’t stray too far away from the remaining water sources. This is particularly true as it pertains to herds of elephants and buffalo, which often migrate to lile-giving rivers like the Chobe / Chobe National Park at the border of Namibia and Botswana.
  • Best time of the year for walking safaris; providing visitors with a unique perspective of the region’s wildlife and surrounding scenery.
  • Water levels reach its peak in the Okavango Delta, creating waterways and channels Botswana is famed for. This is the perfect time for traditional mokoro safaris, boating & canoe safaris
  • Peak migration period for animals to the Okavango Delta resulting in truly spectacular wildlife and Big 5 sightings and encounters.
  • Other benefits of visiting Africa during its dry winter season is that visitors can enjoy lovely and mild day-time temperatures as well as minimal rain. The risk of malaria is also at its lowest during Africa’s dry season.

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Chobe National Park in Botswana

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Eco Lodges Anywhere

Eco Lodges Anywhere

13 Epic South African Lodges for the Ultimate Big 5 Safari Experience

Posted: May 29, 2024 | Last updated: May 29, 2024

<p>A South African Eco Lodge is your golden ticket to marvel at the majestic Big 5 in their authentic habitat, set against a backdrop of awe-inspiring vistas and serene comforts. Getting up close with these incredible creatures gifts an intimate safari encounter you’ll reminisce for years to come.</p>

A South African Eco Lodge is your golden ticket to marvel at the majestic Big 5 in their authentic habitat, set against a backdrop of awe-inspiring vistas and serene comforts. Getting up close with these incredible creatures gifts an intimate safari encounter you’ll reminisce for years to come.

<p>Located in the Greater Makalali Private Game Reserve, Garonga Safari Camp offers guests the opportunity to see Africa’s big 5 in a natural environment. There are three different accommodation options on-site, including the Garonga Safari Camp, the Little Garonga Safari Lodge, and MCH Private Tented Camp. This safari lodge also has great facilities, including a sleep-out deck and a safari bush bath.</p>

Garonga Safari Camp

Located in the Greater Makalali Private Game Reserve, Garonga Safari Camp offers guests the opportunity to see Africa’s big 5 in a natural environment. There are three different accommodation options on-site, including the Garonga Safari Camp, the Little Garonga Safari Lodge, and MCH Private Tented Camp. This safari lodge also has great facilities, including a sleep-out deck and a safari bush bath.

<p>Rhino Ridge Safari Lodge, located within Hluhluwe iMfolozi Park, is part of Isibindi Africa Lodges and their primary focus is to preserve the environment. Not only does the lodge have joint community ownership, but there are several sustainable measures put in place. This includes removing single-use plastics where possible, investing in solar farms, and serving ethically harvested food.</p>

Rhino Ridge Safari Lodge

Rhino Ridge Safari Lodge, located within Hluhluwe iMfolozi Park, is part of Isibindi Africa Lodges and their primary focus is to preserve the environment. Not only does the lodge have joint community ownership, but there are several sustainable measures put in place. This includes removing single-use plastics where possible, investing in solar farms, and serving ethically harvested food.

<p>Grootbos Private Nature Reserve is one of the top luxury safari lodges in South Africa. It’s also a world leader in sustainable tourism and has been certified as carbon-negative. The Reserve has several ongoing projects, including reforestation, renewable electricity generation, poverty alleviation, and community management. This reserve also offers plenty of experiences, including a coastal safari, whale watching, and shark cage diving.</p>

Grootbos Private Nature Reserve

Grootbos Private Nature Reserve is one of the top luxury safari lodges in South Africa. It’s also a world leader in sustainable tourism and has been certified as carbon-negative. The Reserve has several ongoing projects, including reforestation, renewable electricity generation, poverty alleviation, and community management. This reserve also offers plenty of experiences, including a coastal safari, whale watching, and shark cage diving.

<p>Kagga Kamma Nature Reserve, in Western Cape, is fully invested in its ‘green initiative’. A Solar Photovoltaic hybrid energy system has been installed at the nature reserve, which provides eco-friendly power to the whole resort. The reserve also has plenty of water initiatives in place and works closely with the community, as around 60% of its staff are local.</p>

Kagga Kamma Nature Reserve

Kagga Kamma Nature Reserve, in Western Cape, is fully invested in its ‘green initiative’. A Solar Photovoltaic hybrid energy system has been installed at the nature reserve, which provides eco-friendly power to the whole resort. The reserve also has plenty of water initiatives in place and works closely with the community, as around 60% of its staff are local.

<p>Leshiba Mountain Retreats is located in one of the most bio-diverse areas on Earth, and there are a couple of places you can stay. The accommodation options include the Venda Art Lodge, Hamasha Bush Camp, the Farmhouse, and Luvhondo Bush Camp. Not only does this eco-lodge offer game drives, but you can also go on guided hikes, and day excursions, and visit the Spacegate rock formation.</p>

Leshiba Mountain Retreats

Leshiba Mountain Retreats is located in one of the most bio-diverse areas on Earth, and there are a couple of places you can stay. The accommodation options include the Venda Art Lodge, Hamasha Bush Camp, the Farmhouse, and Luvhondo Bush Camp. Not only does this eco-lodge offer game drives, but you can also go on guided hikes, and day excursions, and visit the Spacegate rock formation.

<p>Sibuya is one of the unique safari lodges in South Africa and prides itself on ecotourism. There are two eco-camps on-site, and both are primarily run on solar power, with no allowance for WiFi or air conditioning. Sibuya also runs the wilderness experience, which is an eco-volunteering program. This gives volunteers the chance to get involved with conservation work and community engagement projects.</p>

Sibuya Game Reserve

Sibuya is one of the unique safari lodges in South Africa and prides itself on ecotourism. There are two eco-camps on-site, and both are primarily run on solar power, with no allowance for WiFi or air conditioning. Sibuya also runs the wilderness experience, which is an eco-volunteering program. This gives volunteers the chance to get involved with conservation work and community engagement projects.

<p>Umlani Bushcamp is committed to responsible tourism and has had the Fair Trade Tourism certification for over nine years. They are constantly involved with helping the community and charities and also have a variety of environmental measures in place. This includes using 100% alternative energy sources, using biodegradable products, and investing in water conservation. You’ve got plenty of chances to spot the big 5 here!</p>

Umlani Bushcamp

Umlani Bushcamp is committed to responsible tourism and has had the Fair Trade Tourism certification for over nine years. They are constantly involved with helping the community and charities and also have a variety of environmental measures in place. This includes using 100% alternative energy sources, using biodegradable products, and investing in water conservation. You’ve got plenty of chances to spot the big 5 here!

<p>Mhondoro Safari Lodge & Villa is one of the most eco-friendly safari lodges in South Africa. They are completely off-grid, with over 600 solar panels used to power the property. They’ve also reduced single-use plastics by nearly 100% and only use eco-friendly chemicals. Not only that, but the lodge also has a water purification system.</p>

Mhondoro Safari Lodge & Villa

Mhondoro Safari Lodge & Villa is one of the most eco-friendly safari lodges in South Africa. They are completely off-grid, with over 600 solar panels used to power the property. They’ve also reduced single-use plastics by nearly 100% and only use eco-friendly chemicals. Not only that, but the lodge also has a water purification system.

<p>Thonga Beach Lodge is part of Isibindi Africa Lodges, whose primary aim is to preserve the planet for future generations. They do this by focusing on helping neighbor communities, removing single-use plastics, investing in solar energy, and using seafood that’s been ethically harvested. Isibindi Africa Lodges also have several conservation programs in place.</p>

Thonga Beach Lodge

Thonga Beach Lodge is part of Isibindi Africa Lodges, whose primary aim is to preserve the planet for future generations. They do this by focusing on helping neighbor communities, removing single-use plastics, investing in solar energy, and using seafood that’s been ethically harvested. Isibindi Africa Lodges also have several conservation programs in place.

<p>Mashovhela Bush Lodge is located within the Morning Sun Nature Reserve and prioritizes eco-tourism. Investing in renewable energy, developing partnerships with local communities, and using chemical-free products are just a couple of examples of this. It offers a variety of bungalows and chalets, so you have a couple of options to choose from. </p>

Mashovhela Bush Lodge

Mashovhela Bush Lodge is located within the Morning Sun Nature Reserve and prioritizes eco-tourism. Investing in renewable energy, developing partnerships with local communities, and using chemical-free products are just a couple of examples of this. It offers a variety of bungalows and chalets, so you have a couple of options to choose from.

<p>Kosi Forest Lodge is part of Isibindi Africa Lodges, which partners with neighboring communities and aims to preserve the planet. The Isbindi Foundation uses local businesses for supplies, recycles unused food into local feeding schemes, and has invested in solar energy.  Located within Isimangaliso Wetland Park, Kosi Forest offers guests the chance to get up close and personal with South Africa’s wilderness.</p>

Kosi Forest Lodge

Kosi Forest Lodge is part of Isibindi Africa Lodges, which partners with neighboring communities and aims to preserve the planet. The Isbindi Foundation uses local businesses for supplies, recycles unused food into local feeding schemes, and has invested in solar energy. Located within Isimangaliso Wetland Park, Kosi Forest offers guests the chance to get up close and personal with South Africa’s wilderness.

<p>Tswalu Kalahari Reserve is actually a project that focuses on sustainable conservation. This is funded through eco-tourism. The reserve also has several environmental measures in place, including solar pumps, LED lighting, and rainwater collection tanks. The lodge is even 100% single-use plastic-free, and they’re currently working on a carbon-neutrality project.</p>

Tswalu Kalahari Reserve

Tswalu Kalahari Reserve is actually a project that focuses on sustainable conservation. This is funded through eco-tourism. The reserve also has several environmental measures in place, including solar pumps, LED lighting, and rainwater collection tanks. The lodge is even 100% single-use plastic-free, and they’re currently working on a carbon-neutrality project.

<p>Kuzuko Lodge is part of the Kuzuko Foundation, which aims to impact the region positively. Not only do they work to save water, and manage erosion, but they get involved with the local community regularly. </p><p>Kuzuko Lodge is located on a private game reserve within the Greater Addo Elephant National Park Area. There are lots of activities available to guests here, including game drives, nature walks, photography safaris, and horse riding.</p>

Kuzuko Lodge

Kuzuko Lodge is part of the Kuzuko Foundation, which aims to impact the region positively. Not only do they work to save water, and manage erosion, but they get involved with the local community regularly.

Kuzuko Lodge is located on a private game reserve within the Greater Addo Elephant National Park Area. There are lots of activities available to guests here, including game drives, nature walks, photography safaris, and horse riding.

<p>As you can see, there are plenty of fantastic safari eco-lodges in South Africa. Whether you’re looking to tick off a bucket list adventure or want to get close to nature – you’ll be spoilt for choice!</p><p><a href="">List of sustainable safari eco-lodges in South Africa</a></p>

Map of these 13 safari eco-lodges

As you can see, there are plenty of fantastic safari eco-lodges in South Africa. Whether you’re looking to tick off a bucket list adventure or want to get close to nature – you’ll be spoilt for choice!

List of sustainable safari eco-lodges in South Africa

<p>From the crystal-clear, turquoise waters of Havasu Falls in Arizona to the historic depths of Hamilton Pool Preserve in Texas, these stunning formations provide a fun day to spend in nature. Natural pools form in a variety of ways, such as the collapse of underground rivers or the flowing of mineral-rich springs.</p>

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What are the Big 5 of Africa?

Why are they called the big five animals, the big five animals in pictures, big five animal facts, where to find the big five in africa, what are the best big five safari destinations, what are the best places to see all of the big 5, when is the best time to see the big five in africa, the african big five and wildlife conservation status, other popular five animal combinations, learn about the big 5 on safari in africa, guide to the big 5 animals of africa, receive photography and travel tips.

The Big 5 of Africa

What are the Big 5 animals of Africa and where to find them?

The Big Five animals of Africa , in short, ' The Big 5 '   include the African elephant , rhinoceros , lion , leopard , and Cape buffalo . These five big game animal species are found on the African continent in the Southern and Eastern parts of Africa. As the name suggests, they are not the heaviest or the 5 biggest safari animals.

If it was about the size or weight of the African animal , a gorilla or hippo could also easily fit in. A hippo is for example three times heavier than a Cape buffalo and a male gorilla and male lion can both weigh up to 225kg.

The Big Five game refers to the 5 African animals that big game hunters in the late 1800s, during Africa's colonial period, considered the most dangerous and difficult wild animals to track and hunt on foot. Hunting these African game animals got them the biggest prices and trophies. Dangerous, because of their behavior when they feel threatened or get injured. Sadly, this wildlife is still hunted today but luckily there are also a lot of conservation initiatives to protect these threatened species that are decreasing in population and struggling because of habitat loss.

Nowadays, the term 'Big Five' is more a commercial term used by safari companies to sell their 'African Big 5 Safari trips' and to describe the Top 5 safari animals to see on a game drive . This made them also the most famous large African animals to look for on a safari trip to Africa. Ticking off the Big 5 is therefore on many travelers’ bucket lists. However, there's much more wildlife worth seeing roam freely in their natural habitat, like the cheetah, a tall elegant giraffe, a spotted Hyena, or a pack of African wild dogs. Even smaller creatures, like Dung Beetles or all the colorful birdlife, play an important role in the ecosystems.

So, with this article, I also want to raise awareness about the fact that there's more to Africa than spotting the Big Five , which is a hunting term after all.

That is also the main reason for setting up the New Big Five project, an international initiative to create a new Big Five of wildlife: the Big Five of wildlife photography where it's about shooting with a camera instead of hunting with a gun. The aim of this project is to raise awareness about the crisis facing the world's wildlife from threats, including habitat loss, human-wildlife conflict, poaching, illegal wildlife trade, and climate change.

The Big 5 safari animals of Africa in one black and white photo collage.

The Big 5 animals in pictures: lion, leopard, rhino, buffalo and elephant

1. African Elephant: a gentle giant

The African savanna elephant is the largest land mammal in the world and can reach up to 3 meters in height and can weigh up to 7 tons. The African forest elephant is 3 feet shorter. Elephants communicate across a large distance at a very low frequency through their feet and the soil that cannot be heard by humans. Elephants live in a herd that is led by the 'matriarch' female. The elephant is threatened by ivory poachers for their tusks.

big 5 game safari

 2. Rhino: most endangered species of the Big 5

The Rhinoceros is the most endangered species of the Big Five due to rhino poaching and illegal trade in rhino horns. There are two species of rhino in Africa: the White Rhino and the Black Rhino and five subspecies.

The names of the rhino don't have anything to do with color as both species are grey. The name of the 'white' rhino is a corruption of the Dutch word 'wijd' (wide), which refers to the wide mouth or square lip of the white rhino. A rhino can weigh up to 5000 pounds and its horns can grow up to 5 feet long. Rhinos have poor eyesight but excellent hearing and sense of smell.

masai mara rhino conservation

3. African Lion: courageous King of the jungle

An African lion is the largest predator on land. Preys of the lion include zebra, impala, giraffes, and other herbivores like wildebeest. A group of lions is called a pride and males are easily distinguished from females because of their large manes. The darker the lion's manes, the older he is.

A male lion is sometimes referred to as the king, but in reality, lions don't have a permanent social hierarchy. The dominant male in a lion pride can change at any time. The females hold the territory and stay with the pride in which they were born. They also do most of the hunting and take care of the cubs. Lions use their roar as a form of communication and can be heard up to 5 miles away.

big 5 game safari

4. Leopard: sneaky and excellent tree climber

The African leopard is the most solitary and elusive animal of the big 5, staying hidden during the day. They are the least seen of the Big 5 and on most occasions found alone. The leopard is nocturnal and mainly hunts at night. Their kills include zebra and antelopes like Thompson Gazelle. The elusive leopards hide their prey in a tree to prevent lions and hyenas from stealing it. A lion and a leopard both belong to the African big cats, but they can't get along. A lion will kill a leopard if it has the chance. A leopard is also a good swimmer and occasionally eats fish.

big 5 game safari

5. Cape Buffalo: most dangerous to humans

The African buffalo is very territorial and protective and is probably the most dangerous animal of the big five to humans. If this cow-like animal feels threatened it can become very aggressive and charge with astonishing speed. Buffaloes are mostly found in groups and large herds and spend a lot of their time grazing. Both male and female buffaloes have horns, but the males' horns curve and come together in the center, forming a big bony plate called a boss.

The primary predator of the buffalo is the lion. A buffalo will try to protect and rescue another member of the herd and they have even been seen killing a lion after the lion had killed a member of the group. Although the African buffalo and water buffalo resemble each other, they are not closely related.

big 5 game safari

The Big 5 animals live on the African continent. You can find all of the Big 5 in Southern Africa and East Africa. The African countries where you can see the Big Five are:

  • Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
  • South Africa

Not all of the above countries where the Big 5 live are ideal for a safari trip in terms of safety and existing numbers of the Big Five species.

Travel to Zimbabwe: spotting wildlife on safari in Zambezi National Park

The best countries to see all the big five on safari are South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana, Uganda, and Namibia.

However, in Namibia, you can't find all of the Big 5 in one place. In Etosha National Park you can only see 4 of the African Big Five. You can't find the buffalo there, but it's the best place in Africa to see the black rhino. They often concentrate around a water hole where tourists can sit to observe these critically endangered animals.

In Uganda, you can't see rhinos in the wild, but you have a chance of seeing all the Big 5 when you visit them up close at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary where they roam freely but are protected by rangers 24/7. In Uganda, you can also see the endangered mountain Gorilla and our closest relative on a chimpanzee trekking or chimpanzee habituation.

Tree Climbing Lions in Uganda

South Africa is one of the most reliable Big Five safari destinations to spot all the Big 5 . South Africa even honored the importance of the Big 5 animals by putting each of the 5 animals on their bills.

The best chance of seeing the Big Five on a single safari or even on a single game drive is at the following places:

  • Kruger National Park and the surrounding Kruger Game Reserves . Kruger is one of the best places to go for a safari in South Africa for both beginner safari travelers and seasoned wildlife viewers. Jock Concession within Kruger NP or Sabi Sands Game Reserve and Thornybush, host luxurious safari lodges with an abundance of wildlife roaming around freely. Sabi Sands and Thornybush are also known for its high number of leopard sightings, but they are not the only reserve famous for that. Read more about the best Private Game Reserves and Concessions in Kruger to spot the Big Five Safari animals.
  • Shamwari Private Game Reserve is a great place to find the Big 5 in South Africa. A beautiful high-end reserve with luxurious lodges and an exclusive feeling. You're often the only safari vehicle at an animal sighting. Shamwari is also well-known for its wildlife conservation initiatives, like the born-free Foundation.
  • Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania is a perfect place to find all of the Big Five in one day! You can combine your trip to the Ngorongoro Crater with for example the Serengeti , famous for its wildlife sightings including the great migration of wildebeest and zebra. Want to plan a safari to Tanzania? Read the best places to visit in Northern Tanzania .
  • Maasai Mara National Park and the Mara Conservancies are also one of the best places to find the Big 5, although seeing rhinos roaming freely is a challenge. Some conservancies have a rhino sanctuary, but these rhinos are protected by rangers 24/7. An example is the Enonkishu Conservancy on the northern boundary of the Maasai Mara Conservancies. Another great place in Kenya to see rhinos is at Ol Pejeta Conservancy. Read everything you need to know about safari in the Masai Mara .

Of course, there are much more places and national parks to see the Big Five. Not all national parks have all of the Big Five and when they do have them, it can be harder to spot all of them on a single safari in Africa.

Spot the Big Five on a Safari Trip in South Africa

The high season for a safari in Africa is from July to October . It's the cooler dry winter which makes a Big 5 sighting easier because of the thin and dried-up vegetation. The lack of rain also means animals congregate around flowing rivers or larger lakes to drink. However, the shoulder seasons are also perfect to find the big 5 in Africa and it's less touristy.

Africa's Big Five are of great concern for wildlife conservationists due to trophy hunting, poaching, and habitat loss. Most of the Big 5 animals are listed as vulnerable or (critically) endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Hunting is sadly still allowed to some degree, but Africa now also has strict laws to protect and conserve many African animal species.

The black rhinoceros is classified as critically endangered and the southern white rhinoceros is near threatened. Mostly due to poaching because of the rhino horn. Two species of the African Big Cats , the African lion, and the African leopard are classified as vulnerable. The African savanna elephant is an endangered species, mainly because of the poaching crisis and habitat loss. The African buffalo is of the least concern of all the Big Five animals.

Contributing to wildlife conservation

The African Big 5 animals and other endangered species are widely protected in National Parks and government-run game reserves; partnering with the surrounding communities to reduce the human-wildlife conflict. Tourists contribute directly to big 5 wildlife conservation  by going on safari in Africa and paying park fees.

  As a nature and wildlife photographer, I also give back to wildlife conservation by donating 10% of each  Fine Art Wildlife Photo Print  sold in my webshop to the education of guides and rangers as a long-term goal to change the world and to protect our wildlife from extinction due to wildlife crimes and habitat loss. By buying a print in my webshop, you can make a difference too!

big 5 game safari

Apart from having the Big 5 in Africa, there are also other animal combinations formed that include 5 African animals. Africa also has the Shy Five and Little Five . It even named the Ugly Five , but that is very subjective.

Did you know I'm a qualified Field Guide (also known as a nature guide or safari guide )? I'm more than happy to take you on a photo safari to Africa with me where you will learn even more about the Big Five and all other flora and fauna. As a photographic tour leader and Dutch/English/German-speaking tour guide, I work closely together with local African tour operators and local drivers/guides. Get in touch to enquire about the possibilities.

I hope this article was helpful to learn more facts about the African Big 5 animals , including why they are called the Big Five, in what countries these Big 5 safari animals are found, and the best time of spotting them with a side note that there's more to Africa than spotting the Big Five.

Smaller creatures play an important role in the ecosystems as well. People who are going on a safari in Africa shouldn't be disappointed when they don't tick off the Big Five. Try to appreciate every single animal, big or small. Even trees, plants, and flowers. Every sighting is a gift of nature. Everything is connected and we should appreciate this more.

You would help me a lot by sharing this guide to the Big 5 in Africa on your social media or pinning it on Pinterest for later use.

Want to keep up to date with my travels? Follow me on Instagram @ourplanetinmylens. If you are inspired to go on a safari to Africa, you can find all of my writing about Africa and its countries in my Africa Travel Guide .

Pin the Guide about the Big 5 animals on Pinterest!

Big 5 Africa

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The BIG 5 African Safari Animals: A Comprehensive Guide to Sightseeing

If you have ever done any slight research about African Animals - especially for a safari holiday, you have met the phrase of ' Big 5  ' referring to animals.

In this article, we shall look at what the big-5 actually means, as well as where you can find all the big-5 animals on an African safari.

While the phrase has become a staple in marketing wildlife safaris, its origins are in the hunting of wildlife. The term was coined by big-game hunters as a reference to the most difficult animals to hunt on foot.

The big-5 game animals are comprised of Rhinocerous, African Elephant, African Lion, African Leopard, and the Cape Buffalo.

Let us look at the animals in slightly more detail.

Africa's Big 5 Animals

1. african elephant.

The African Elephant is the biggest land animal in the whole world. From their big ears, precious tusks, dexterous trunks, and famed intelligence, elephants are fascinating to watch.


Except for young elephants, the only threats to an elephant are humans and in some rare instances lions (especially in Botswana). This doesn't guarantee their future because the biggest problem is shrinking habitat and the reduced food that comes along.

With their 5-kilogram brain, elephants are considered to have the best memory and when you get to see them, make sure to remember that moment because they sure won't forget you.

Related articles: 22 fun facts about the African Elephant Where to see African Elephants in the wild

2. Cape Buffalo

The African buffalo - also called Cape Buffalo is one of the more surprising African wild animals. Whereas it looks so close to the domesticated cows, it is one of the most hot-headed animals with a very unpredictable temperament.

kazinga buffalos

Some estimates predict that cape buffaloes kill or trample around 200 people every year in Africa. While the numbers differ with each country, African buffaloes are not to be messed with.

The general rule of thumb is don't get too close.

Buffaloes are predominantly found in the savannahs of Southern and Eastern Africa but the smaller forest variety can be seen in DRC and some other places of central and western Africa.

Related article:   Interesting facts about the African Cape buffalo

The lion is probably the most well-known of all wild animals in the whole world. While lions are currently living in limited places - mostly in Africa, their history with humans is deep in communities all over the world.

lion in the savannah

A lion is feared, loved, and respected by most people because of its abilities. This is why it is called the king of the jungle or more correctly the king of beasts. Tanzania has the highest population of lions in the Serengeti but lions can be seen in many more countries.

Related Articles: Where to see lions in the wild, in African national parks. Fascinating facts about lions

Leopards are very solitary and are not very easy to see on safari. Their spotted body helps leopards to blend into their surroundings and hibernate all day without being noticed.

leopard stalking prey

Like Rhinos, leopards face the threat of poaching. Leopards are poached for their colourful skin and other body parts as trophy possessions.

Leopards mostly move at night when they are going to hunt and usually live solitary lives. Leopards carry their hunted meat up a tree to avoid disturbing hyenas.

In most places, early morning or evening safari game drives are the best options to see a leopard and the sight is always humbling.

Related Articles:   12+ Interesting facts to know about leopards Where to see leopards in the wild places of Africa

5. Rhinoceros

The name  "Rhinoceros"  is derived from Greek - to mean 'nose-horned'. Rhinos face extinction and their survival has suffered due to the illegal wildlife trade for their horns. 

rhino with grown horns

In some Asian countries, the rhinoceros horn is believed to possess some healing powers and this has increased the demand for this rare animal. Rhinocerous horn is made out of the same material as human hair and fingernails, but this hasn't kept its price low. A kilogram of rhinoceros horn is as valuable as gold on the black market.

Besides all the groom that surrounds the life and survival of rhinoceroses, seeing them in the wild is a moving experience.

Related article:   Fascinating facts about rhinos

Where To See The Big-5 Animals

After knowing a little bit about the Big 5 game, it is now time to look at some countries where you can find all the animals.

Most countries in Africa have some of the big-5 animals but we'll look at the places which have all the five- elephants, lions, leopards, rhinoceroses, and cape buffaloes.

Final Thoughts

While the Big 5 game was initially popularised by wildlife hunters, it is now more associated with wildlife-viewing safari activities and has little to do with hunting.

Wildlife hunting is mostly prohibited all over Africa, except in a few isolated cases where culling is allowed by the governments to control the population of animals. As you can see from above, it is unlikely that a wildlife hunting call will be put out since all the animals are essentially reducing in numbers due to various factors.

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Where To See The Big 5 In Africa

Where and how to see the big 5 on safari in africa.

Stuart Butler

Stuart Butler

Hans Cosmas Ngoteya

Hans Cosmas Ngoteya

Heather Richardson

Heather Richardson

Charlotte Beauvoisin

Charlotte Beauvoisin

  • In this guide
  • Popular Big 5 safaris
  • Kruger National Park
  • Okavango Delta
  • Ngorongoro Crater

Lesser-known Big 5 safaris

  • Selous Game Reserve
  • Chobe National Park
  • Meru National Park
  • Etosha National Park
  • Akagera National Park

The "Big 5" safari beasts – lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard and rhino – were so named because they were the prize targets of colonial-era hunters.

Fortunately, modern safari has become a force for wildlife conservation not destruction, and today's safari-goer is more likely to be shooting with a camera than a rifle (aside from the many trophy hunting reserves, which we resolutely do not cover in this guide).

Although there is much more to Africa than safari, and there is much more to safari than the Big 5, we're under no illusions: any safari first timer will naturally be on the lookout for the continent's most famous megafauna.

Here's a rundown on the best places to see the Big 5 while on safari, along with a handful of locations not normally covered in the typical top 10 lists.

Cape Buffalo Masai Mara Kenya

A cape buffalo in Kenya's Masai Mara

Most popular Big 5 safaris

Common and easy-access big 5 safari locations.

Much of Africa's safari industry is built around the popularity of the Big 5 and, accordingly, most of the best-known safari destinations are also prime Big 5 country. A visit to any of the following big hitters means easier access, wider price ranges, and generally better infrastructure. But it does mean you're likely to be sharing the watering hole with more than your own group.

Families, those on a tighter budget, and travellers with accessibility requirements might want to stop here. For a smattering of the lesser-known and more exclusive Big 5 safari locations, keep scrolling...

Masai Mara, Kenya

The very essence of an African safari landscape, the Masai Mara stretches along the Kenya-Tanzania border and forms the northern fringe of the greater Serengeti ecosystem (most of which is in Tanzania).

The sweeping grass plains of the Mara are home to the densest concentration of large mammals on the planet. This is the place to see large prides of black-manned lions, bellowing elephants, grumpy buffalo and a pick ‘n’ mix box of antelope and gazelles.

You can either stay in the reserve itself but by far the best areas to stay are in one of the 16 private conservancies that fringe the reserve proper.

The Mara is tiny in comparison to the neighbouring Serengeti National Park, and Kenya is by far the more popular safari destination, so it can feel busy during peak migration months.

Masai Mara safaris

Masai Mara safaris

The Mara has a huge range of accommodation options…


Sunset over the Serengeti

Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

The Serengeti is home to all the Big 5, although the rhino is rarer here and generally found in the park’s more northern reaches.

Tanzania's 12,000-square-mile big-ticket park is home to the great wildebeest migration and a healthy population of big cats: lions, leopards and cheetahs. During peak season— July and August—when the famous wildebeest river crossings coincide with northern hemisphere summer holidays, the park can be very busy.

There are four main regions in the Serengeti; the Western Corridor, the Seronera Valley, Lobo/Kogatende in the north, and the Southern Plains.

There are several private reserves in the Serengeti that offer the same wildlife experience but without the crowds—such as the Grumeti Reserve—but you’ll have to pay top dollar to stay there.

The best safari in Tanzania

The best safari in Tanzania

Along with neighbouring Kenya, Tanzania is one of Africa's classic safari destinations, most famous for the great wildebeest migration where a herd of some two million wildebeest, zebra and gazelle make their epic annual journey—with numerous predators hot on their heels…

Kruger national park elephants

Elephants in Kruger National Park

Kruger National Park, South Africa

The showpiece of South African tourism, Kruger National Park is one of the world’s most famous protected areas, and for good reason.

One of the great parks of Africa, Kruger and the surrounding private reserves are home to all of southern Africa’s iconic mammal species including the famed Big 5 — buffalo, elephant, lion, leopard and rhino. This is also a great park for giraffe, zebra, cheetah and even wild dogs. The sheer quantity of animals seen on a safari trip here can be mind-boggling.

For the ultimate in Kruger adventures, try a short bush walk led by an expert walking safari guide in one of the private reserves or, for something even more thrilling, set out to hike one of the multi-day wilderness trails established by park authorities.

Safari in Kruger National Park

Safari in Kruger National Park

The showpiece of South African safari, Kruger National Park is one of the world’s most famous protected areas, and for good reason…

Xakanaxa region of the Okavango Delta in Botswana Africa

Buffalo in Botswana's Okavango Delta

Okavango Delta, Botswana

World-renowned as a mecca for wildlife, this year-round watery paradise is sustained by rainfall in the Angolan highlands which arrives in the form of an annual flood just as natural rain-filled pans are beginning to dry out.

All the Big 5 can be found here, mingling with legions of zebra, wildebeest and antelope. This is one of the best places in Africa to spot endangered wild dogs and the pools and channels are home to gargantuan crocodiles and chortling hippos.

The 16,000 square-kilometre wilderness is divided into a number of fenceless private concessions which surround the publicly accessible Moremi Game Reserve and its neighbour, Khwai Community Concession. The game can move freely throughout (and even outside) the Okavango Delta.

Safari in Botswana

Safari in Botswana

My favourite time to visit Botswana is during the dry season, June to September…

Tanzania Ngorongoro 2

Game drives in Tanzania's Ngorongoro Crater

Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania

Thought to be the world’s largest inactive, intact volcanic caldera that isn’t filled with water, Tanzania's Ngorongoro Crater is home to an estimated 25,000 large animals, including elephants, giraffes, lions and black rhinos.

It's a year-round location for wildlife, although the crater gets crowded during peak months.

There are no camps inside the crater, but some perch up on the rim, with incredible views. It’s also possible to stay further out in the wider Ngorongoro Conservation Area and do a day-trip into the crater. Look for accommodation close to the access road to maximise your time.

Selous national park

Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania

Where to see the big 5 minus the crowds.

If you're prepared to travel further – and pay more – there are still a number of Big 5 safari destinations that pull a fraction of the crowds as the previous hot spots.

The Selous Game Reserve is one of the largest protected areas in Africa at 19,000 square miles – bigger than Switzerland. With only a few camps, it feels far more remote than Tanzania's more popular Northern Circuit.

As well as lions, leopards, elephants, black rhinos, hippos and buffalos, the Selous is a key area for endangered wild dogs. Poaching has led to a massive decline in species such as elephants – so although there are many animals to see, they’re not as densely populated as in the Serengeti, for example.

Chobe National Park Botswana

Elephants in Chobe National Park, Botswana

Chobe National Park, Botswana

Nestled in Botswana’s north-eastern corner, Chobe National Park incorporates two distinct regions: Chobe Riverfront (close to the Zimbabwe and Zambia borders), famous for its large elephant herds; and Savute (in the west), where a juxtaposition of contrasting habitats and handful of pumped waterholes sustain a melting pot of species.

Game-viewing on the permanent Chobe river is best during the dry season, when elephants and buffalo regularly swim across the broad waterway to feed on the lush islands – the sight of a herd of submerged elephants using their trunks as snorkels is unforgettable.

In Savute the wildlife-viewing is good year-round. In the dry season belligerent elephant bulls crowd the waterholes while migrating zebra herds arrive during the rains. With plentiful populations of lion, leopard, hyena and wild dog, it is also renowned for its predator interaction.

Leopard in the Sabi Sands Reserve

Leopard in Sabi Sands Game Reserve, South Africa

Sabi Sands Game Reserve, South Africa

A place of superlatives, Sabi Sands Game Reserve is in effect a continuation of the massive Kruger National Park, but by anyone’s standards Sabi Sands is no mere Kruger add-on.

This 65,000 hectare reserve is, in many respects, the finest chunk of wildlife-filled wilderness in southern Africa. The choice safari destination in South Africa for the wealthy, Sabi Sands is actually a grouping of smaller private reserves rather than one single entity. And these reserves restrict visitor numbers to the lucky few guests staying at a handful of small and intimate camps.

Elephant and lion are commonly seen as are big herds of buffalo. Rhinos are present, but are generally the hardest of the Big 5 to track down. Less common, but still seen with some frequency are wild dogs.

The best safaris in Sabi Sands

The best safaris in Sabi Sands

The highlight for high-end South Africa safaris and a place of superlatives, Sabi Sands Game Reserve is in effect a continuation of the massive Kruger National Park, but by anyone’s standards Sabi Sands is no mere Kruger add-on…

Ostrich meru national park kenya

Meru National Park, Kenya

Meru is a park to take slowly and savour every peaceful moment. Of all Kenya's main parks and reserves, Meru is by far the least visited and this means that very often you might have this huge tract of wildlife-filled Africa almost completely to yourself.

There’s a lot of variety in this park including all of the famed Big 5 (though actually finding a leopard among the often dense vegetation can be a real challenge). Lions are seen with increasing frequency, as are cheetahs and there are sizable elephant herds. There are also around 40 rhinos (both black and white). But the animal the park is most known for are buffalo. There are huge numbers of these grumpy, dangerous cattle, with the biggest herds anywhere in Kenya.

Safari in Meru National Park

Safari in Meru National Park

The country's forgotten national park – Meru was once one of the most popular of all Kenya safari parks…

Etosha National Park

Elephants at the waterhole in Etosha National Park, Namibia

Etosha National Park, Namibia

A world away from the grassy savannah of Africa's classic safari destinations, the dunes and salt pans of Etosha National Park present a starkly different safari experience, and one that draws far fewer crowds. Etosha is home to all the Big 5 minus the buffalo, which can be seen in neighbouring Waterberg Plateau Park.

Akagera national park rwanda

Rwanda's Akagera National Park

Akagera National Park, Rwanda

Although gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park is the main show in Rwanda, this tiny country has a number of other national parks that can be tacked onto a gorilla trek. Akagera National Park may be small but has enough wildlife to warrant a visit. Over the last few years, white rhinos and lions have been reintroduced and the lions are breeding successfully. Visitors may also spot leopards, elephants, buffalo, along with numerous species of antelope and a healthy population of grey-crowned cranes.

What To Do After A Gorilla Trek

What To Do After A Gorilla Trek

UgandaUganda is a haven for primate lovers…

About the authors

Where To See The Big 5 In Africa

Stuart is an award-winning travel journalist covering safari, trekking and conservation in Africa for the Lonely Planet, Rough Guides, BBC, Bradt Travel Guides, amongst many others. He is the author of Walking With The Maasai , a journey through some of Kenya's lesser-visited Maasai lands.

Where To See The Big 5 In Africa

Hans Cosmas Ngoteya is a conservationist from Tanzania, a National Geographic Explorer, and co-founder of numerous conservation organisations including Ngoteya Wild, Landscape and Conservation Mentors Organization and Tanzania Wildlife Media Association.

Where To See The Big 5 In Africa

Heather is an award-winning journalist and editor based in Cape Town, South Africa. She writes for the BBC, Sunday Times , National Geographic , Lonely Planet, Departures Magazine , among others.

Where To See The Big 5 In Africa

Charlotte is a travel journalist and guidebook author based on the edge of Kibale Forest, Uganda. She is an expert contributor on East Africa for the Bradt Uganda Guidebook and has written for Lonely Planet, The Daily Telegraph and Fodor's. She also volunteers with Conservation Through Public Health where she works with Dr Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka, Uganda's most prominent gorilla vet.

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Alexander Roberts


Gorillas + the big five.

Overall Rating based on 4 Reviews

Our Distinctive A+R Style

  • Observe. Encounter... Engage! Our unique safari itinerary reveals the Big Game of the plains and the endangered Mountain Gorilla.
  • Get closer to the Big Five with our expert safari guides in special 6-passenger open-top jeeps – it’s a front-row seat for every thrilling encounter!
  • Take to the skies over the Serengeti on a Hot Air Balloon Safari… And touch down to find a Champagne breakfast waiting!
  • Silent observation and engagement with a Gorilla family in their natural jungle habitat will be one of the most poignant and life-changing animal encounters you will ever have.
  • Our unique approach allows you to personalize your safari: Add a 2nd Gorilla Trek or unwind on the beaches of Zanzibar – or do both!
  • With 9 nights luxury safari lodgings; morning + afternoon game drives; Guided Gorilla Trek with Permit; 23 meals; house wines + spirits at our safari lodges; all transfers; 3 internal flights; and all gratuities except for your safari guides.

Show all itinerary details

Welcome to Arusha, Tanzania

Arusha Coffee Lodge - Arusha, Tanzania

On arrival at Kilimanjaro International Airport, you’ll be transfered to the Arusha Coffee Lodge ; set on one of Tanzania’s largest coffee plantations, you’ll find spacious guestrooms with beamed ceilings, wide-plank floors and canopied 4-poster beds that evoke the heritage of this delightful property. This evening is yours to dine and relax as you wish.

Onward to Ngorongoro

Neptune Luxury Lodge - Ngorongoro, Tanzania

After breakfast, a scenic overland journey takes you westward into the Ngorongoro Conservation Area where you’ll arrive in time for lunch at the Neptune Ngorongoro Luxury Lodge . Set on 50 pristine acres of landscaped grounds and wild Tanzanian bush, you’ll find just 20 private cottages, all with open fireplaces in the bedroom and living room, spacious baths, and expansive terraces overlooking the Ngorongoro landscape.   After lunch, the afternoon is yours to relax and enjoy the breathtaking wilderness setting of our luxury lodge. This evening’s dinner features fine Mediterranean-inspired cuisine prepared with farm-fresh produce from our Lodge’s own garden – and accompanied by complimentary house wines, cocktails and beverages.  Meals B+L+D

Down to the Crater Floor

There is no place anywhere on the planet that is quite like Ngorongoro Crater c , and it offers an absolutely unique environment for wildlife viewing. First, you will rarely see any giraffe or impala inside the crater; though they would love to graze the abundant vegetation, these delicate-legged animals find it nearly impossible to navigate their way down the steep cliffs. But because it is so enclosed and the crater floor is mainly open grassland, this conservation area is easy for game officials to patrol, and the result is a healthy population of endangered species including Black Rhino and Cheetah. Indeed, it’s like a giant fishbowl, and this morning’s game drive across the crater floor will be amazing! In addition to plenty of Big Game, Ngorongoro is a birdwatcher’s paradise, with more than 500 species recorded in the Crater grasslands and highland forests.   Back at our luxury Lodge, you’ll enjoy lunch and a leisurely afternoon.  Meals B+L+D

Into the Serengeti

Lemala Kuria Hills - Serengeti, Tanzania

Lemala Nanyukie - Serengeti, Tanzania

Sanctuary Kichakani - Tanzania, Serengeti

This morning after breakfast, we’ll take you to the airstrip for an exciting safari transfer into the Serengeti c . Thrill to cinematic aerial views over the African landscapes and a chance to see vast herds roaming the plains below. After touching down at Serengeti National Park, you’ll be met and escorted to one of our luxury safari camps. With remote settings in the Southern, Central and Northern Serengeti, they’re handpicked to keep you closer to the wildlife – whenever you travel. You’ll arrive in time for lunch and your first afternoon game drive in the Serengeti! This evening, gather with your fellow guests for a congenial dinner accompanied by complimentary house wines, spirits, beer and a variety of non-alcoholic beverages.  Meals B+L+D   We Adjust Our Itinerary Seasonally to keep you closer to the Great Migration - whenever you go:   From January through March , when the Great Migration reaches the remote southern Serengeti for the calving season, you’ll spend 3 nights at  Sanctuary Kichakani - perfectly situated here for the unfolding drama. With only 12 under-canvas suites, our luxury camp overlooks predator-populated plains so you’ll have front-row seats when the Wildebeest Migration passes through at full throttle.   From April through June and November to December , you’ll stay at Lemala Nanyukie where 15 luxury tents feature canvas walls, cathedral-like tented ceilings, sunken outdoor lounges and private plunge pools. This sector of the Central Serengeti is crossed by the vast herds of the Great Migration in their inexorable quest for water and food. And throughout the year, the sweeping grasslands are home to a large concentration of predator cats, promising thrilling wildlife spectacles.   From July through October , when the Great Migration moves into the Northern Serengeti to ford the Mara River, you’ll be close by at Lemala Kuria Hills . This luxury lodge features 15 glass-fronted suites with private plunge pools and sweeping views of the sloping grasslands, open woodland and tree-lined watercourses that distinguish this remote sector of the Northern Serengeti. Close to the Mara River within the main corridor of the annual Wildebeest Migration, it’s perfectly situated for unforgettable, uncrowded viewing of the Great Migration River crossings.

Morning + Afternoon Game Drives

The Maasai call it Siringitu - "the place where the land moves on forever." Indeed, these wide open expanses are awe-inspiring in their natural beauty. But the Serengeti is also renowned for its extraordinary concentration of plains game - including of course the Big Five - so today's safari drives are sure to be heart-pounding and inspiring. And in the company of our engaging, impassioned and knowledgeable safari guides, these activities will also deepen your understanding and appreciation for Africa's abundant natural wealth. Cap off your afternoon game drive with Sundowner cocktails surrounded by the wild beauty of the Serengeti, and then return to your luxury lodge for another congenial dinner. Meals B+L+D

Day 6 –Ballooning + Game Drives in the Serengeti

Animals, too, have their regular routines and this morning’s hot air balloon safari in the sharp clear light of dawn is an amazing time to gaze down as the wildlife of the Serengeti greets another day. Touch back down for a champagne breakfast and a morning game drive. Back at camp, you’ll have time to relax and to share your impressions of Africa with your fellow adventurers over lunch.   Featured in numerous nature documentaries, Serengeti National Park is certainly the best-known wildlife sanctuary in the world. Established in 1952, the Park covers 5,700 square miles - larger than the state of Connecticut. Its ecosystem is one of the oldest on Earth. Indeed the essential features of climate, vegetation and wildlife that you see today have changed little over the past million years! Unequaled in its abundant natural beauty and high-density of wildlife, this afternoon’s safari drive promises more encounters with the wide variety of primates, birds, horned bovines, wild dogs, ungulates and big cats that roam the Serengeti.  Meals B+L+D

Fly to Kigali, Rwanda

Kigali Serena Hotel - Kigali, Rwanda

Embark on a final morning game drive and return to the Lodge for an early lunch. Then we’ll take you to the airstrip for another exciting safari transfer flight to Mwanza, situated on the southern shores of Lake Victoria. Your connecting international flight to Rwanda is also included. Upon arrival in Kigali, you’ll be warmly greeted and escorted to the deluxe Kigali Serena Hotel where the evening is free to dine and relax as you wish.  Meals B+L

Discover Kigali + Travel to the Virunga Mountains

Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge - Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda

After breakfast, our guide will be waiting to introduce you to the capital city. At the Kigali Genocide Memorial, you’ll learn about the country’s turbulent history and the tragic events of 1994. Then experience firsthand the resilience of the Rwandan people as you explore the downtown district; Kigali was founded more than 100 years ago as a German settlement and is now known for its progressive entrepreneurs, vibrant arts scene, and great dining. After lunch on your own, you’ll depart Kigali and travel northwest through the beautiful terraced hills that characterize much of Rwanda’s landscape. As we climb gradually toward the mighty Virunga Range, you’ll have breathtaking views of the volcano peaks rising high above the verdant countryside. Arriving in Ruhengeri, you’ll check in to the Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge . Comprised of private cottages and suites, each with a fireplace and sheltered verandah, our luxury lodge enjoys a privileged location in the foothills of the Virungas close to the headquarters of Volcanoes National Park. You’ll have time to refresh before dinner. The evening is yours to enjoy the ambience and setting of your lodge.  Meals B+D

Gorillas in the Wild

After an early breakfast, we’ll take you to National Park Headquarters where you’ll register for today’s Gorilla Trek. An informative briefing with Park staff follows, during which you’ll learn the important Dos and Don’ts while in the presence of the Gorillas. Today there are about 10 Gorilla families that are habituated to human contact, and their movements along the forested mountain slopes will determine the duration of your trek.   Setting out in a small group of no more than 8 visitors, you’ll trek with your guide to catch-up with your designated Gorilla family. A+R guests will also have the additional services of an attentive and experienced porter to carry their daypack and water bottle. After locating your assigned group, you’ll have one amazing hour to watch quietly as these magnificent primates go about their daily routine (Park regulations limit Gorilla / Human contact to 60 minutes each day). Then retracing your steps down the volcano, we’ll take you back to the Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge . An informal Mountain Gorilla Talk with our guide will enrich your understanding and appreciation for these extraordinary primates.   Depending upon the duration of this morning’s Gorilla Trek, you might join a guided afternoon excursion to experience the traditions and daily life of Iby’Iwacu village. Or you could explore the twin lakes of Burera and Ruhondo - where the scenic forested shores provide prime habitat for a rich variety of birds.  Meals B+L+D

Back to Kigali

After breakfast, we’ll take you back to Kigali for your onward flight. Meals B   If you want to finish your adventures on the exotic Spice Isle of Zanzibar, we’ll include your morning flight to Zanzibar City via Dar es Salaam and 3 nights at your choice of luxury beachfront resort. You could also add a second fully-guided Gorilla Trek with all fees and Trekking Permit included.

Extend Your Trip

big 5 game safari

Continue to Zanzibar after your Safari

4-day Post Safari Extension from $1,299

With its idyllic beaches, this friendly island is the perfect place to unwind after your safari adventures. To make it easy, we include private fast track arrival transfers, 3 nights at your choice of luxury beachfront resort, and a privately guided tour.

On arrival in Stone Town, you’ll be warmly greeted, escorted through customer and chauffeured to your choice of beachfront resort: Choose the stylish Breezes Beach Club or delight in your own private villa at either the luxury Baraza Resort & Spa or The Residence , a lavish resort set amidst tropical gardens on a powder-soft white sand beach. The balance of this day is yours to relax and unwind as you wish.

Discover the Spice Island

After today, you’ll appreciate why Zanzibar is known as the Spice Island! Your tour of Stone Town c reveals a unique blend of Sultan’s palaces, Portuguese forts and harborfront warehouses that bear testament to the colorful history of this UNESCO World Heritage Site.  Meals B+D

Delight in Zanzibar

This entire day is yours to do as you wish. You can unwind on the beach, take a dip the pool, or indulge in a spa treatment. Additional resort activities and guided tours are also available.  Meals B+D

Depart Zanzibar

We take you to the airport today to connect with your onward journey.  Meals B

Gorilla Trek in Tanzania

We adjust our itinerary seasonally...  

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Africa Freak

The Big 5 Safari Animals

big 5 game safari

Most famous and most likely to be high on any wish list, the big 5 safari animals are lauded as the ultimate sights on an African safari . Back in history, these five became famous because they were the only animals that would attack when being hunted .

All other wildlife would run away, but these five species charged towards the guns. This big five term has been carried forward into the safari industry and many small reserves use it as a marketing ploy to attract visitors.

Lion , leopard , elephant , buffalo and rhino …it’s certainly a stellar line-up of unique African animals . Though don’t become too preoccupied . Just because you don’t see one of the big five doesn’t mean the safari has been unsuccessful.

Many parks have more than 100 mammal species to discover, so think beyond the famous big five if you want to really connect with your wild side.

Aquila Safari Logo

  • Winter Specials

Half-Price Big 5 Safaris

Save 50% on day trip and overnight safaris for children aged 4 - 11 years old. children 0 - 3 years old stay free., half-price safaris, bring the whole family to aquila big 5 safari and save, experience the magic of a cape town big 5 safari day trip or overnight stay with aquila's discounted children rates. bring the whole family and only pay half price for kids aged between 4 and 11 years old..

We believe in creating fun-filled safari experiences for the whole family. Winter is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of Aquila’s discounted rates and children’s prices, making it easier for the whole family to experience a Big 5 Cape Town safari, together.

Kids under 3 years old stay for free

Kids 4 - 11 years get 50% off safaris, kids aged 12 and older pay full price, choose your day trip safari adventure or stay for the night at aquila private game reserve, share the joy of wildlife with your children and loved ones. whether you're choosing a day trip safari or want to take advantage of aquila's overnight winter accommodation specials, we guarantee a fun-filled big 5 safari experience for you and your family., day trip safari includes:.

  • Day Trip Safari (Half or Full Day)
  • 4x4 Safari Game Drive
  • Breakfast or Lunch*
  • Infinity Pool
  • Kids Adventure Zone
  • Upstairs Viewing Lounge
  • Infinity Pool and Wet Bar
  • Salah Prayer Room

Meals are dependant on half day or full day 4×4 traditional safaris.

Overnight Special Includes:

  • Overnight stay
  • 2 Safari Game Drives

Family-Friendly Safaris and Children's Activities

Aquila is cape town's best big 5 safari destination, offering family-friendly safaris and fun-filled adventure for all ages. from toddlers to teens, don't miss out on the incredible opportunity to share south africa's natural beauty and incredible wildlife with your children and loved ones., children's entertainment, junior ranger programme, aquila's children policy, indoor play area, outdoor adventure zone, facilities at aquila, follow us on social media, contact details.

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#1 Pogo Games Fan Site

Sneak Peek: Big City Adventure Moscow

June 11, 2015

Big City Adventure

There are 12 upcoming episodes in this trip, and they’ll start sometime in July, at the rate of one per week.

Check out the badges:

Big City Adventure - Moscow Episode Badge

Share your thoughts on this new destination in a comment below.

HOCK9952 says

June 11, 2015 at 8:33 pm

Looks good! Great badges with lots of details & colours. Can’t wait.

jigsawing says

June 11, 2015 at 9:16 pm

Nice colorful badges.

sue kizziah says

June 12, 2015 at 11:51 am

well if we have to pay there wont be many playingwe pay 40 a year so there

MomsBassetHound says

June 12, 2015 at 11:56 am

sue #3 – I disagree with that statement. There are MANY of us that purchase every episode of every hidden object game. These options are what keeps your annual membership at $40.

June 12, 2015 at 12:48 pm

Moms #4 – – Well said and so true.

BizzyBee says

June 13, 2015 at 9:04 am

I’m looking forward to this Big City Adventure! Love the Badges and Chat Icons.

THE 5 BEST Moscow Safaris

Safaris in moscow.

  • Adrenaline & Extreme Tours
  • Gear Rentals
  • Nature & Wildlife Tours
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • District Central (TsAO)
  • 3rd Transport Ring (TTK)
  • District North-Eastern (SVAO)
  • District Eastern (VAO)
  • District South-Western (YuZAO)
  • Lomonosovskiy
  • Ostankinskiy
  • Meshchanskiy
  • Krasnoselskiy
  • Maryina Roshcha (Jewish Quarter)
  • Good for Couples
  • Good for Kids
  • Good for Big Groups
  • Adventurous
  • Budget-friendly
  • Good for a Rainy Day
  • Hidden Gems
  • Honeymoon spot
  • Good for Adrenaline Seekers
  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity.

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1. Rybokhotsoyuz

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2. Easy Russia Tour Guide



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4. 365AltaiMongolia

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5. #1 Russia -Tanzania | Zanzibar, Serengeti Safari & Kilimanjaro Agency | BURIGI CHATO SAFARIS CO LTD

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6. Aviashop.Ru

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7. Transsib Moscow

big 5 game safari


Ukraine-Russia war latest: French instructors in Ukraine would be 'legitimate target', Lavrov says on visit to West Africa

Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, is on a tour in West Africa as part of a diplomatic push by the isolated Kremlin to forge new ties around the world. Meanwhile, an upcoming summit on Ukraine will reportedly aim to create a pathway for Russian officials to join future talks.

Wednesday 5 June 2024 19:00, UK

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov attends a meeting with Burkina Faso's Foreign Minister Karamoko Jean Marie Traore in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso June 4, 2024. Russian Foreign Ministry/Handout via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES. MANDATORY CREDIT.

  • Lavrov: French military instructors in Ukraine would be 'legitimate target'
  • Ivor Bennett: Why is Lavrov in Africa?
  • Ukraine peace summit 'opens door to limited talks with Russia'
  • Remote-control stretchers on trial in Ukraine
  • Big picture:  Everything you need to know about the war right now
  • Mapped: The territorial situation on the frontline today
  • Your questions answered: Are there any signs of an underground resistance in Russia?
  • Live reporting by Guy Birchall

We're pausing our coverage for today but we will be back tomorrow with more updates.

Here is a rundown of the key developments today:

  • Ukraine has used American weapons to strike inside Russia, according to an unnamed Western source;
  • Joe Biden will hold talks with Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Normandy this week during his visit celebrating the 80th anniversary of D-Day;
  • Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov has been visiting countries in Africa as part of an ongoing diplomatic offensive from the Kremlin;
  • A former British defence attache has warned Russia's disinformation campaigns are "only going to get worse" as EU parliament elections and the Olympics approach.

You can scroll back through the blog to read all our updates from today.

A 26-year-old man of dual Ukrainian-Russian nationality has been arrested in possession of explosives after some of them detonated in a hotel room north of Paris.

The man was treated by fire-fighters after he "suffered significant burns following an explosion," on Monday, according to a source. 

A source at the French anti-terror prosecutor's office said they had taken charge of the case and opened an investigation on suspicion of a terrorist conspiracy. 

A subsequent search of his room led to the discovery of products and materials intended for the manufacture of explosive devices, the source added. 

France's domestic spy agency DGSI is handling the investigation, Reuters reports. 

Ukraine has used American weapons to strike inside Russia in recent days, according to a Western official.

The weapons were used under recently approved guidance from Joe Biden, allowing US arms to be used to strike inside Russia in defence of Kharkiv, Ukraine's second city.

The official spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity.

Mr Biden's directive allows for US-supplied weapons to be used to strike Russian forces that are attacking or preparing to attack.

It does not change US policy that directs Ukraine not to use American-provided tactical or long-range missiles and other munitions to make offensive strikes inside Russia, US officials said.

Ukrainian officials had stepped up calls on the US to allow Kyiv's forces to defend themselves against attacks originating from Russian territory.

Kharkiv is 12 miles from the Russian border and has recently come under intensified Russian attack.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has arrived in Qatar for talks with the state's emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.

The Ukrainian president said on X that he planned to discuss Qatar's participation in a process of returning Ukrainian children abducted by Russia, as well as bilateral economic and security issues.

In March, Ukraine and Russia exchanged six children via Qatari mediation.

Earlier this week, Mr Zelenskyy made a surprise trip to the Philippines to thank the country for agreeing to participate in the upcoming peace summit being held in Switzerland.

A Russian-American man has been sentenced by a St Petersburg court to three-and-a-half years in prison on charges of "rehabilitating Nazism". 

Yuri Malev was arrested in December over social media posts in which he was alleged to have denigrated the Saint George's ribbon, a Russian military symbol of valour. 

One post reportedly contained "obscene language" and another other showed a picture of a corpse wearing the ribbon, captioned: "How to wear the Saint George's ribbon correctly". 

The court in St Petersburg said this showed disrespect for society and insulted the memory of the Great Patriotic War (the Russian name for the Second World War). 

Malev admitted guilt, according to the court. 

He was a graduate of the law faculty of St Petersburg University and had lived in the United States since 1991, according to independent Russian language media.

Baza, a Telegram channel with links to Russian authorities, said Malev was a resident of Brooklyn, New York. 

He reportedly entered Russia by bus from Estonia two weeks before he was arrested. 

Moscow routinely refers to the government in Kyiv as a "Nazi regime", despite Volodymyr Zelenskyy being Jewish.

Ukraine has been allowed to shoot down Moscow's planes over Russian territory with American weapons since the war broke out, the White House has clarified.

Ukraine "can shoot down Russian aeroplanes that pose an impending threat", national security spokesman John Kirby said. 

"And they have. They have since the beginning of the war."

The clarification was given due to confusion over Washington’s recent decision to relax rules on US-supplied weapons striking military targets on Russian soil.

Joe Biden gave authorisation for the strikes on a limited basis to help Kyiv defend itself against Kremlin forces advances towards Kharkiv.

Mr Kirby said he could not confirm reports that Ukraine had used US-supplied weapons on Russian territory for the first time.

He told reporters: "We're just not in a position on a day-to-day basis of knowing exactly what the Ukrainians are firing at what.

"It's certainly at a tactical level. So, I can't confirm that. I can tell you that they understand the guidance that they've been given."

By Ivor Bennett, Moscow correspondent 

Sergei Lavrov's trip to Africa is part of an ongoing diplomatic offensive by the Kremlin, running in parallel to its conflict in Ukraine.

Isolated from the West, Russia is trying to forge new ties and has found fertile ground in Africa.

There have been several coups in recent years that have ushered in anti-Western military juntas.

US troops were kicked out of Niger, for example, while the French had to leave Burkina Faso.

In both cases, Moscow was quick to move in as the new security guarantors, and their efforts clearly don't stop there.

This is the veteran foreign minister Lavrov's ninth visit to the continent since Russia invaded Ukraine.

Kenya, Burundi and South Africa were among his stops last year; this week it's Guinea, Congo and Burkina Faso.

In return for military support, Russia gains an ally - they may not support the war, but they won't criticise it either.

The Kremlin portrays this as the formation of a new world order, free from Western imperialism and hegemony.

But others say Russia are the neo-colonialists, painting this as a blatant attempt to expand their sphere of influence.

Ukraine's first deputy foreign minister has held talks with his Chinese counterpart in an effort to increase cooperation between the two countries, the Ukrainian ministry said. 

Ukraine's Andriy Sybiha also told Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Sun Weidong that he hoped China would participate in a Ukraine-led peace summit later in June. 

Mr Sybiha added that it could be "a good opportunity to make a practical contribution to achieving a just and lasting peace", the Ukrainian foreign ministry said.

A report earlier today (see 7.40am post) said that June's peace summit opened doors to "limited talks with Russia" - despite Russian officials not being invited.

Earlier we brought you news that Ukraine said it had shot down 22 of the 27 Shahed-type drones launched by Russia overnight (see 8.04am post). 

Now photographs have emerged of the aftermath of one of the strikes. 

Firefighters work to put out the massive blaze in the Poltava region.

As Russia opens a new front on Ukraine's northeastern border, the war has entered an important phase.

Readers have been sending in their questions to our senior correspondents and military experts for their take on the changing battlefield environment.

Today, Trevor Prew asks:

Are there any signs of an underground Russian resistance operating inside Russia, or can Russians openly criticize Putin, as long as they don't protest on the streets or mention the war.

Russia correspondent Ivor Bennett says:

In a word, no.

There wasn't much opposition to speak of in Russia even before the war, but now there's nothing left whatsoever.

All of Putin's political opponents are either exiled, jailed or dead, as are those with any connections to Alexei Navalny.

Those who dare to speak out are silenced.

At one end, are the long-time critics and opposition activists, like Vladimir Kara-Murza, the dual Russian-British national opposition who is serving a 25-year prison sentence for treason.

But at the other end are ordinary Russians, like the former schoolteacher Nikita Tushkanov sentenced to 5.5 years for comments he made online about Putin.

The crackdown on dissent seemingly knows no bounds and it's created a climate in which those who oppose the war are terrified to speak out.

They do exist - as evidenced by the huge turnout for Navalny's funeral. But that was a unique moment and is unlikely to be repeated anytime soon.

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    The 10 000 hectare private game reserve offers luxurious Big 5 safaris for overnight guests. All members of the Big 5 - the elephant, lion, rhino, buffalo and the elusive leopard - are represented at Inverdoorn. The wildlife is thriving and during your safari you may come across herds of eland, gemsbok and zebra, or hippos wallowing in the dam.

  3. An Introduction to Africa's Big Five Safari Animals

    In the game reserves and national parks of Southern Africa, the Big Five represents safari royalty: the African lion, the African leopard, the African elephant, the Cape buffalo, and the rhino (either white or black). The phrase was initially coined by early game hunters who recognized that these species were the most challenging and most ...

  4. The Big Five Animals Of Africa: Big 5 Info, Pics & Quotes ️

    The big five animals of Africa are African Elephant, Cape Buffalo, Leopard, Lion, and Rhinoceros. These five types of animals were named 'the big five' by big game hunters from African's colonial era, as they were considered the most difficult and dangerous African beasts to hunt on foot. These days, of course, any shooting of Africa's ...

  5. The Big Five

    The lion is arguably the most sought-after of the Big Five because it is synonymous with an African safari. Charismatic, powerful and beautiful, everybody wants to see the appropriately named 'King of the Beasts'. Once, hundreds of thousands of lions roamed the world, but today conservationists give approximate numbers of between 25 000 and 30 ...

  6. Big Five South Africa: Best Places In South Africa For Big 5

    Samara is a Big 5 luxury private game reserve in the Eastern Cape. Only 2.5 hours from Port Elizabeth, the 67,000 acres of malaria-free wilderness in the Great Karoo is the perfect setting for a unique safari adventure. Besides the opportunity to see the Big 5, one of Samara's unique experiences is tracking cheetahs on foot.

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    Africa is home to numerous game reserves and national parks that offer exceptional Big 5 sightings. Some of the best Big 5 safari destinations include South Africa's , Tanzania's , Botswana's , and Kenya's . Each destination offers a unique safari experience and houses a diverse range of ecosystems as well as wildlife beyond the Big 5.

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  9. Best Big 5 Safari Destinations

    Long a stronghold of the Big 5, South Africa offers perhaps Africa's most reliable Big 5 sightings in the private reserves that border the Kruger National Park, itself a famous Big 5 hotspot. The Sabi Sands Private Game Reserve is exceptional: leopards are relatively common and the reserve generally delivers all the Big 5 within a couple of days.

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    Kariega Game Reserve is a family-owned and operated Big 5 private safari reserve located in South Africa's Eastern Cape. The reserve is situated along the Garden Route, making it the perfect South African safari destination to compliment a Cape Town visit and a trip along the country?s beautiful coast. Total views: 77.

  11. Best Places To See the Big 5 on Safari in Africa

    6. Okavango Delta - Botswana. The Okavango is one of Africa's most iconic wildlife destinations. The Delta is home to all of the Big Five, although rhino (both black and white) can be hard to find; Moremi Game Reserve offers the best chance, or visit Khama Rhino Sanctuary, a half-day's drive away as an add-on.

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    Game viewing in Etosha is best in the May to October dry season, as animals are concentrated around water sources at this time, making for an unforgettable Big 5 safari. Big 5 Elephant in Chobe Botswana. Ready to start planning a Big 5 safari? African Budget Safaris specialises in budget and bespoke African safaris. Get in touch with one of our ...

  13. When and Where to see the Big 5 in Africa

    Here is a quick guide for the best chance of spotting the Big Five in Botswana: Chobe National Park for the highest concentration of elephants. Savuti region for excellent lion sightings and encounters. Northern Okavango to see the large Cape buffalo. Moremi Game Reserve will offer excellent rhino sightings.

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    Sibuya Game Reserve. Sibuya is one of the unique safari lodges in South Africa and prides itself on ecotourism. There are two eco-camps on-site, and both are primarily run on solar power, with no ...

  15. What are the Big 5 safari animals of Africa and where to find them?

    The Big Five animals of Africa, in short, ' The Big 5 ' include the African elephant, rhinoceros, lion, leopard, and Cape buffalo. These five big game animal species are found on the African continent in the Southern and Eastern parts of Africa. As the name suggests, they are not the heaviest or the 5 biggest safari animals.

  16. The BIG 5 African Safari Animals: A Comprehensive Guide to

    While the phrase has become a staple in marketing wildlife safaris, its origins are in the hunting of wildlife. The term was coined by big-game hunters as a reference to the most difficult animals to hunt on foot. The big-5 game animals are comprised of Rhinocerous, African Elephant, African Lion, African Leopard, and the Cape Buffalo.

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    Wednesday 5 June 2024 08:05, UK. ... Big picture: Everything you need to know about the war right now; Live reporting by Niamh Lynch; 08:04:50. Ukraine downs 22 drones launched overnight