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What is an ARC number and why do travel agents need one?


What Is an ARC Number for Travel Agents?

If you’re a travel agent, you know that the ARC number is one of the most important things you have. But what exactly is an ARC number, and why is it so important?

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at ARC numbers, what they’re used for, and how to get one. We’ll also provide some tips on how to use your ARC number to its full potential.

So if you’re ready to learn more about ARC numbers, keep reading!

1. What is an ARC number?

Definition of an ARC number

An ARC number, or Airline Reporting Corporation number, is a unique identifier assigned to travel agents by the Airline Reporting Corporation (ARC). ARC numbers are used to track travel agent transactions and to facilitate the settlement of payments between travel agents and airlines.

Purpose of an ARC number

ARC numbers serve several important purposes for travel agents, including:

  • Identifying travel agents: ARC numbers are used to identify travel agents when they book flights, hotel rooms, and other travel arrangements on behalf of their clients. This helps to ensure that travel agents are properly credited for their commissions and that clients are billed correctly.
  • Tracking transactions: ARC numbers are used to track travel agent transactions, which helps to ensure that payments are processed correctly and that travel agents are paid promptly.
  • Facilitating the settlement of payments: ARC numbers are used to facilitate the settlement of payments between travel agents and airlines. This helps to ensure that travel agents are paid for their work in a timely and efficient manner.

Who needs an ARC number?

All travel agents who book flights, hotel rooms, and other travel arrangements on behalf of their clients are required to have an ARC number. This includes travel agents who work for travel agencies, as well as independent travel agents who work for themselves.

2. How to get an ARC number?

Application process

The application process for an ARC number is relatively straightforward. To apply for an ARC number, you will need to provide the following information:

  • Your business name
  • Your business address
  • Your business phone number
  • Your business email address
  • Your Social Security number
  • Your credit card number

Once you have submitted your application, ARC will review your information and approve or deny your request within a few weeks. If your application is approved, ARC will issue you an ARC number and provide you with instructions on how to use it.

Requirements for obtaining an ARC number

In order to obtain an ARC number, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must be a legal resident of the United States.
  • You must be at least 18 years of age.
  • You must have a valid Social Security number.
  • You must have a business that is registered with the state in which you operate.
  • You must have a business bank account.
  • You must have a credit card.

Fees associated with obtaining an ARC number

There is a one-time fee of \$250 to obtain an ARC number. There is also an annual fee of \$100 to renew your ARC number.

ARC numbers are an essential part of the travel industry. They help to identify travel agents, track transactions, and facilitate the settlement of payments. If you are a travel agent, you need an ARC number to conduct business.

What is an ARC number for travel agents?

An ARC number, or Airline Reporting Corporation number, is a unique identifier assigned to travel agencies by the ARC. ARC numbers are used to track travel transactions and ensure that travel agents are paid for their services.

How to get an ARC number

To get an ARC number, you must first apply to the ARC. The ARC application process is simple and can be completed online. Once you have been approved for an ARC number, you will be able to start using it to book travel for your clients.

How to use an ARC number when booking travel

When you book travel for a client, you will need to provide your ARC number to the airline or travel supplier. This will allow the airline or travel supplier to track the transaction and ensure that you are paid for your services.

Benefits of using an ARC number

There are several benefits to using an ARC number when booking travel for your clients. These benefits include:

  • Increased security: Using an ARC number helps to protect your clients’ information from fraud.
  • Faster processing: When you use an ARC number, your transactions will be processed more quickly.
  • Improved customer service: Using an ARC number gives you access to better customer service from airlines and travel suppliers.

Restrictions on using an ARC number

There are a few restrictions on using an ARC number. These restrictions include:

  • You must be a licensed travel agent to use an ARC number.
  • You must use your ARC number for business purposes only.
  • You must not share your ARC number with anyone else.

Troubleshooting ARC number issues

If you lose your ARC number, have your ARC number stolen, or if your ARC number expires, you will need to contact the ARC to resolve the issue. The ARC can be reached by phone at 1-800-826-1985 or by email at [email protected] .

An ARC number is an essential tool for travel agents. It helps to protect your clients’ information, speeds up the processing of your transactions, and gives you access to better customer service. If you are a travel agent, you should definitely get an ARC number.

What is an ARC number?

An ARC number, or Airline Reporting Corporation number, is a unique identifier assigned to travel agents by the ARC. It is used to track transactions between travel agents and airlines.

Why do I need an ARC number?

You need an ARC number if you want to sell airline tickets or other travel products to customers. Airlines require travel agents to have an ARC number in order to process transactions.

How do I get an ARC number?

To get an ARC number, you must apply to the ARC. The application process is simple and can be completed online. Once you have been approved, you will be assigned an ARC number.

What can I do with an ARC number?

With an ARC number, you can:

  • Sell airline tickets and other travel products to customers
  • Process transactions with airlines
  • Access ARC-approved travel products and services

How much does it cost to have an ARC number?

The ARC charges a fee for each ARC number. The fee is based on the number of transactions you process each year.

What are the benefits of having an ARC number?

There are many benefits to having an ARC number, including:

  • Increased sales opportunities
  • Improved customer service
  • Access to exclusive travel products and services

How can I learn more about ARC numbers?

You can learn more about ARC numbers by visiting the ARC website. The website provides information on the application process, fees, and benefits of having an ARC number.

an ARC number is a unique identifier that travel agents use to book travel arrangements for their clients. It is issued by the Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC), which is a nonprofit organization that facilitates the electronic exchange of travel data between airlines and travel agents. ARC numbers are essential for travel agents because they allow them to access the ARC system, which provides access to real-time pricing and availability data from airlines. Additionally, ARC numbers allow travel agents to file electronic tickets and receive commissions from airlines.

If you are a travel agent, it is important to have an ARC number in order to book travel arrangements for your clients. You can obtain an ARC number by applying to ARC online. The application process is quick and easy, and once you have been approved, you will be issued an ARC number that you can use immediately.

Having an ARC number can be a valuable asset for travel agents, as it allows them to access the resources and benefits that ARC provides. With an ARC number, you can:

  • Book travel arrangements for your clients quickly and easily
  • Access real-time pricing and availability data from airlines
  • File electronic tickets and receive commissions from airlines
  • Stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends

If you are a travel agent, I encourage you to get an ARC number today. It is a valuable tool that can help you provide your clients with the best possible travel experience.

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Dale Richard

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How to Obtain an ARC Accredited Number

An ARC number is issued through the Airlines Reporting Company. ARC actually gets the number from the International Airlines Travel Network, which is an industry association for the travel industry. A travel agent needs an ARC number to be able to book tickets directly with the airlines, and that number is only available to those who are ARC accredited.

travel agent arc number

ARC's Ticket Reporting Agency

One way to get an ARC number is through the Ticket Reporting Agency program. This program requires you to pay application and annual fees. You will also have to post a financial guarantee of $20,000, as of the date of publication. The ARC requires you to be a formal business entity with a unique name and employer identification number. You will have to undergo an interview and site inspection and provide a detailed personal history.


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ARC's Verified Travel Consultant Program

If you don't want to go through the full program to become a ticket reporting agency, the ARC also offers a Verified Travel Consultant program. This program is less expensive and has a less exacting application process than the TRA. You will still have to apply, be accepted and go through a background check, though.

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If you don't care about having your own ARC number and just want to have the ability to book flights, you can also work with a host agency. A host agency is a travel agency that allows independent agents to work with it under its umbrella. When you work with one, you get access to its ARC number and to its other business systems without having to set them up for yourself.

Business Without ARC

Depending on the type of business you do, you might not need an ARC number at all. While an ARC number typically lets you book any type of travel, its primary benefit is that you can use it to book airline tickets. If you plan to just book cruises or other types of leisure travel and your customers typically book their own flights, it might be overkill. Other types of travel registrations -- like a Cruise Lines International Association number that lets you book cruises -- might meet your needs without the challenges of getting an ARC number or the cost of working with a host agency.

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Steve Lander has been a writer since 1996, with experience in the fields of financial services, real estate and technology. His work has appeared in trade publications such as the "Minnesota Real Estate Journal" and "Minnesota Multi-Housing Association Advocate." Lander holds a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Columbia University.


What Is an ARC Number?

If you're new to the travel industry, or have even dabbled in a search of how to become a travel agent , the amount of accreditation numbers we have that exist in a cryptic acronym form is a bit disturbing. CLIA, IATAN, ARC, and more ... blech!

But you've got your eye on a certain travel agency accreditation number, an ARC. So let's fill you in on what an ARC number is!

An ARC number is a unique identifier assigned to travel agencies by the Airline Reporting Corporation. This number allows agencies to book airline tickets and report sales.

What is an ARC (Airline Reporting Corporation) number? An ARC number is a unique identifier assigned to travel agencies by the Airline Reporting Corporation. This number allows agencies to book airline tickets and report sales. In broad terms, you can think of an ARC number as a social security number for a travel agency so they can be identified by vendors.

Like a social security, it's not a number you want to share to the public at large (like putting it in your email signature or on your agency's website), yet you give it out to an uncomfortably large amount of people.

Who Issues an ARC Number?

ARC (Airlines Reporting Corporation) is something specific to travel agencies in the United States. Their role in the travel industry is a little hard to explain to newbies, but they are a financial clearinghouse for the airlines. They act as an intermediary between travel agencies and the airlines.

Whenever a travel agency books a ticket in the GDS system (global distribution system), ARC is involved in handling that money and sending that over to the airlines. If you're an agency outside the United States, ARC doesn't act as an intermediary.

ARC issues an number to accredited travel agencies, which is called—you guessed it—an ARC number. Here's the thing about the ARC number. You need to have an IATA number with it if you're in the US in order to book airlines tickets in the GDS system.

Aye yai yai, you say! Now you have to remember TWO accreditations numbers?

Nope. The ARC and IATA number are (luckily) going to be the same number. It's always an 8-digit number and can be used interchangeably.

What Does an ARC Number Allow a Travel Agency to Do?

Having an ARC number allows travel agencies to issue airline tickets in the GDS system. But the use of an ARC number extends beyond air tickets— travel agencies can an ARC number to book everything from a hotel to a cruise ship.

When it comes to booking travel, ARC numbers are the Visa cards of travel accreditations. They're accepted by every type of vendor/supplier that works with travel agents.

But here's a little secret—that's not always the case with some of the travel agency ID numbers out there. For instance, CLIA agencies that have a CLIA number (without ARC accreditation) cannot issue airline tickets.

ARC is unique in that while it's accepted by all types of suppliers ( preferred suppliers or not), it is a MUST HAVE to ticket airline tickets in the GDS system.

Who Uses an ARC Number?

Short answer: In the days of yore, an ARC number was a necessity for all US-based travel agencies.

Nowadays, travel agencies that use the GDS have an ARC number, but non-GDS agencies—which is now the vast majority of travel agencies—may use a variety of other accreditation numbers including: CLIA , VTC (through ARC), IATAN non-ticketing entity, or a TRUE accreditation.

Back in the day, an ARC number was an absolute necessity if you had a travel agency. This is not the case today.

Long answer: Back in the day, an ARC number was an absolute necessity if you had a travel agency. This is not the case today.

The number of ARC-accredited travel agencies has plummeted. In 1995, ARC had 47,000 accredited travel agency locations with $73 billion in sales. As of March 2024, the number of travel agencies holding an ARC number was 10,357. 1 .

While there is no question number of ARC accredited agencies has drastically dropped from its heyday, there is a nuance to that lower number.

Don't quote me on the exact date this happened, but travel agencies previously had to have an ARC number for every branch and satellite ticketing printer. Nowadays, you can have one ARC number regardless of the number of branches or satellite printers.

What are other reasons for the lower numbers?

  • Many agencies that previously needed the GDS have dropped their accreditation due to its expense and the disappearance of airline commissions .
  • Some agencies completely stopped issuing airline tickets and opted for other accreditations .
  • Some shut up shop.
  • Some agencies let their accreditation lapse and ticket under their host agency's accreditation number.

The Complexities of ARC Accreditation: Not for Everyone

ARC numbers are not needed for every type of travel agency.

If you're a travel agency that only books leisure travel, you don't need an ARC number.

For those agencies that have fewer air ticket sales and know the GDS, having your own ARC number is expensive, time-intensive, and can be risky . There are fees and an ARC report that needs to be filed and reconciled weekly. (Remember that part about them being a financial clearing house?)

You also run the risk of fraudulent ticketing activity under your ARC accreditation that you would be held financially responsible for. The GDS is a prime target for fraudsters and can rake up tens of thousands of dollars in fraudulent tickets that you'd be responsible for.

What's Involved with Getting an ARC Number?

Due to the financial risk involved with booking airline tickets, ARC requires an in-depth screening process (including an on-site visit and a financial survey).

Due to the financial risk involved with booking airline tickets, ARC requires an in-depth screening process.

You will also need to pass an exam.

At the time of 2024, ARC accreditation has a $2,300 application fee to start up and a $276 annual renewal fee 2 .

Did we mention that there is a minimum $20,000 bond, letter of credit, or cash deposit you have to put up?

We're not hating on the fees . . . airline fraud is rampant and we'd take preventative measures too. What we are saying is you need to be ready to dole out some cash if you want an ARC number.

Positives of Having an ARC Number

Despite everything above, there are many positives to having your own ARC number. I won't go in-depth since our target audience is travel agencies aligned with host agencies and I believe there are very few of my readers that this would be a good idea for.

But, lest someone call me biased, I'll give a positive. For agencies with high segment counts in the GDS (global distribution system), there are financial incentives from both the GDS and the airlines for your sales. There's a reason the remaining ARC accredited agencies' sales are growing larger and larger!

Who is a Good Fit for an ARC Number?

For corporate agencies or travel management companies (TMCs), the GDS is a must-have. Which means an ARC number is a must-have. If that's an area you're looking to explore, you can read up more on becoming a corporate travel agent here .

Another option is taking a listen to our podcast interview with some advisors focused on booking air/corporate:

He sells $775k/yr worth of air, charging some serious fees:

She books the air/hotel for bands during their world tours:

She books meetings and corporate travel for companies:

ARC's Application Process and Eligibility Requirements, in Detail

Want a little more? Here's an in depth resource on ARC's eligibility requirements and applications costs. It's also includes a sample application and comparison chart of ARC's catalog of accreditation options.

Travel Agency Accreditation Options

IATA, CLIA, ARC, and TRUE are all accreditation numbers with subtle, and sometimes not-so-subtle, differences. Hopefully, we've helped you navigate the murky waters of travel ID numbers!

If you still don't feel up to speed, check out our 7 Day Set Up Accelerator course to help you start your agency. We have years of experience helping thousands of travel advisors get started and we'd love to help you get started too!

7DS Accelerator

*Editor’s Note: This post was originally published March 21, 2012, and was completely updated and revamped on publish date listed above.

  • Source: ARC Statistics (accessed 3/24/2024) ↩
  • Source: ARC's Fee Schedule ↩

About the author

Author Steph Lee

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ARC Verified Travel Consultant

Are you looking for an easy way to get an ARC number? Did you know that the Airlines Reporting Corporation offers a much cheaper option than full accreditation? If not, read below and learn how you can easily obtain an ARC number by becoming an ARC Verified Travel Consultant.

What’s an ARC Verified Travel Consultant?

ARC offers is Verified Travel Consultant Program for those agents who don’t want to go through the full accreditation process. You’ll receive access to many of the same benefits as fully accredited members. This includes an ARC number, access to ARC products such as Agent’s Choice Program, and you’ll be listed on the ARC Agency List.

What’s the difference?

The primary difference is the cost which we’ll discuss below. However, another important difference is the ability to issue airline tickets directly. The ARC Verified Travel Consultant program doesn’t allow you to do so. Direct airline ticketing is an exclusive benefit of the ARC Accreditation process. You can find a quick FAQ of the differences here .

How much does it cost?

The program is much cheaper than the $2300 accreditation program and offers many of the same benefits. The ARC Verified Travel Consultant application fee is $195. This represents a tremendous savings if you don’t need to issue airline tickets directly. Additionally, you don’t have to provide the surety bond required by the accreditation process. This alone will save you an additional few hundred dollars depending on your credit score.

What are the ARC VTC program requirements?

Their are four main requirements of this program:

  • You must complete and submit the required application.
  • Your agency must be located or authorized to business within the United States.
  • You must review and understand the ARC VTC Agreement.
  • You must submit a $195 application fee.

There are a few more items which may be needed depending on where your business is incorporated. However, we can assist with these items as well should they be needed. For example: If your agency is located in a state which requires you to register as a seller of travel , then you’ll need to obtain that license.

Can you help me qualify as an ARC Verified Travel Consultant?

Yes! We help travel agencies around the world obtain their seller of travel licenses, ARC accreditation, and IATAN registrations just to name a few. We take you from start to finish by preparing your application, obtaining the required information, and submitting it to ARC. Additionally, we monitor the status of your application and help answer any questions along the way. Our fee to assist with your application is $299 in addition the $195 ARC VTC application fee.

You may also be interested in our other Travel Agency Registration Services

Click here to view our other travel agency registrations services such as the required licenses to sell travel in California, Florida, Hawaii, and Washington.

An ARC number is a unique identifier assigned to a travel agency by the Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC) – a company that regulates and handles transactions between airlines and US-based travel agencies.

The ARC number is evidence that the travel agency went through the ARC accreditation process having met financial, personnel, and security requirements. It then serves as an identifier in transactions with suppliers. 

The three types of ARC accreditation programs are

  • Full accreditation, 
  • Verified Travel Consultant (VTC), and 
  • Corporate Travel Department (CTD).

All certification programs assign the ARC number to the certified agency. A travel agency’s participation status within the ARC can be checked via the official ARC Check web resource.

Accredited agencies can issue airline tickets (except VTC), gain global industry recognition, and get access to ARC data resources, technological tools, and industry events.The ARC number is similar to the IATA number , the only difference being that the ARC accreditation is for US-based agencies only, while IATA serves travel companies worldwide.

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Travel agent arc number.

Travel Agent Arc Number

When planning a trip, many people choose to work with a travel agent to help them navigate the various options and complexities of travel. But have you ever wondered what that string of letters and numbers following your travel agent’s name means? It’s called an ARC number, and it’s an important part of the travel agent’s profession.

What is an ARC number?

What Is An Arc Number

An ARC number is a unique identifier assigned by the Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC) to travel agencies that have been authorized to issue airline tickets. ARC is a company that serves as a middleman between airlines and travel agents, processing ticket sales and commissions.

Why is an ARC number important?

Why Is An Arc Number Important

The ARC number is important because it identifies the travel agency as a legitimate and authorized seller of airline tickets. This means that the agent has met certain requirements, such as obtaining proper licensing and bonding, and has been approved by the airlines to issue tickets.

When you work with a travel agent who has an ARC number, you can be confident that they have the knowledge and expertise to help you with your travel needs. You can also be assured that they are following industry standards and regulations, which helps protect you as a consumer.

How do I know if an agent has an ARC number?

How Do I Know If An Agent Has An Arc Number

If you’re working with a travel agent and want to know if they have an ARC number, you can simply ask them for it. They should be able to provide you with their number without any hesitation.

You can also look for the ARC logo on the travel agency’s website or marketing materials. The logo indicates that the agency is an authorized seller of airline tickets and is in good standing with ARC.

What are the benefits of working with an agent who has an ARC number?

What Are The Benefits Of Working With An Agent Who Has An Arc Number

Working with a travel agent who has an ARC number can offer several benefits, including:

  • Access to exclusive fares and promotions
  • Expert knowledge and advice on travel options
  • Assistance in case of flight cancellations or changes
  • Protection for your travel investment, as many agents offer travel insurance options

How do travel agents get an ARC number?

How Do Travel Agents Get An Arc Number

To obtain an ARC number, travel agents must meet certain requirements and follow specific procedures. These may include:

  • Obtaining proper licensing and bonding
  • Setting up a merchant account with a bank
  • Completing training and certification programs
  • Applying for and receiving approval from ARC

The process can be time-consuming and may require a significant investment of resources, which is why not all travel agencies have an ARC number.


The ARC number is an important part of the travel industry, indicating that a travel agency has met certain standards and is authorized to issue airline tickets. When working with a travel agent, it’s important to know whether they have an ARC number and what benefits this can provide. By understanding the role of the ARC number, you’ll be better equipped to make informed decisions about your travel arrangements and ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip.



What is ARC, IATA, and CLIA? what’s the difference? What it does and what type of agents would benefit most from it.

CLIA Number – is issued by the Cruise Lines International Association. It’s a way for vendors to identify you as a travel agent. It serves the same purpose as the ARC or IATA number, it’s just issued by another organization and has different barriers to entry and costs associated with it. CLIA agencies without ARC accreditation cannot issue airline tickets since CLIA numbers were designed specifically for cruise-focused travel agencies. You can always go under an umbrella organization like a host agency, you don’t need to get your own CLIA number if you’re working with a host agency. You can use their identification number and won’t incur the costs associated with obtaining your own CLIA number. While CLIA is accepted nearly everywhere, it’s NOT accepted by the airlines. If you are not issuing airline tickets, CLIA is a practical option.

CLIA vs. ARC/IATA Number – If you’re ticketing air-only reservation, ARC and IATA are must-haves.

ARC (Airlines Reporting Corporation) – gives out these ARC numbers to accredited agencies, which allows travel agencies to issue airline tickets. The use of an ARC number extends from a hotel to a cruise ship booking not only air tickets for travel agencies. For a home-based travel agent or a storefront agency that only books leisure travel (no air), having your own ARC number is too much.

IATA – International Air Transport Association Network (IATAN) use extensive data resource to connect the suppliers to the U.S. travel distribution network. IATAN ID card holders get promotional benefits and concessionary incentives from suppliers (participating members) who identify the agent with an IATA/IATAN number as a valid associate, in addition to approving travel agents for the sale of travel tickets. IATA certifies a referral agent or an affiliate travel agent to find clients for the hosting travel agency’s business needs as well.

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Airlines Reporting Corporation

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Russian regions

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Kursk city, Russia

The capital city of Kursk oblast .

Kursk - Overview

Kursk is a city in Russia, the administrative center of Kursk Oblast, located about 525 km south of Moscow, in the west of the European part of the country. This city is one of the cultural and religious centers of Russia.

The population of Kursk is about 447,400 (2022), the area - 208 sq. km.

The phone code - +7 4712, the postal codes - 305000-305099.

Kursk city flag

Kursk city coat of arms.

Kursk city coat of arms

Kursk city map, Russia

Kursk city latest news and posts from our blog:.

7 May, 2017 / Abandoned Nuclear Power Plant in Kursk .

1 February, 2011 / Kursk Magnetic Anomaly .

22 December, 2009 / Kursk city presentation video .

History of Kursk

The first settlements on the territory of kursk.

About 20 thousand years ago, when a significant part of Europe was covered by the glacier, people already lived on the territory of present-day Kursk. They lived in dugouts and hunted mammoths. In the Neolithic era, about 12 thousand years ago, when the ice receded, the climate of the Kursk region changed and people began to settle more actively by the rivers. The settlements of ancient people of this era were found in some local villages and in Kursk itself.

In the Bronze Age, about 6 thousand years ago, people also began to engage in cattle breeding and agriculture. Bronze Age burials discovered in the center of Kursk date back to the 2nd millennium BC. In the early Iron Age, iron smelting began based on numerous deposits of iron ore.

From the 7th to the 5th centuries BC, fortified settlements appeared in the region. At that time, the first fortress was built at the mouth of the Tuskar and Kur rivers. It is possible that even 2,500 years ago this settlement had a name similar to the current one (Kursk). However, the first fortress did not last long; the population left it in connection with the Sarmatian invasion.

In the first half of the 1st millennium AD, tribes of the Chernyakhov culture lived in the northern part and in the west of the Kursk region. Later, the Huns led the Chernyakhov culture to decline, but did not destroy it. On the territory of the Kursk region, settlements of this culture lasted until the 5th-6th centuries AD.

More Historical Facts…

Foundation of Kursk

The official year of foundation of Kursk is 1032. It is mentioned in the chronicle “The Life of Theodosius of the Caves” written by Nestor the Chronicler in the 11th century. According to the results of archaeological excavations, it can be assumed that the Kursk fortress was founded in 982-984 and was located on the territory of present Krasnaya Square of Kursk. Since the end of the 11th century, it was one of the most powerful outposts on the border of Kievan Rus.

In 1238, the town was completely destroyed during the Mongol invasion. In the 1360s, the Lithuanian ruler Algirdas conquered the Kursk lands from the Mongols. After that, for almost 150 years, Kursk was part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Until the middle of the 15th century, Kursk was not mentioned in Russian chronicles. In 1508, it became part of the Russian state. Moscow princes began the restoration of Kursk as a fortified town. The threat from the Crimean Tatars slowed down the recovery process.

Almost a century after the accession of Kursk to the Moscow Principality, the town re-emerged in a new place (on two hills on the right bank of the Tuskar River, at the confluence with the Kur River). The date of the re-founding of Kursk is considered to be 1586. In 1596, a new fortress was constructed. In 1616, there were over 1.3 thousand people in the garrison of this fortress.

Kursk in the 17th-19th centuries

At the beginning of the 17th century, Polish-Lithuanian detachments (in 1612, 1616, 1617, 1634), Crimean Tatars, Nogais repeatedly attacked Kursk, but the fortress was never captured. In 1654, after the Khmelnytsky Uprising, the Russian border moved away from Kursk.

People from Oryol and other southern Russian towns were resettled to Kursk. In 1678, there were 2.8 thousand residents in the town. It developed because of its favorable geographical position (the shortest route from Moscow to Crimea, the road to Kiev). In the 17th century, not far from Kursk, the Korennaya Fair was opened, which quickly became one of the largest fairs in Russia. The role of Kursk in the country’s economy was continuously growing.

In 1779, the town received the status of a provincial center. In 1780, the emblem of Kursk was adopted, which depicted three flying partridges. After the great fire that devastated Kursk in 1781, a new master plan of the town was adopted. In 1785, there were 7,590 residents in Kursk. In 1797, the Kursk Governorate was formed. In the 18th century, Kursk became a major trading center and lost its borderline significance.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Kursk continued to develop not only as a commercial, but also an industrial center. The Moscow-Kursk railway was opened in 1868. By the end of the 19th century, about 40 thousand people lived in Kursk. The city became an important center of the food industry (flour and sugar production).

Kursk in the 20th century and beyond

In 1903, the Kursk Museum of Local Lore was opened. In the digest “The Cities of Russia in 1904”, it was said that 29,845 men and 26,743 women lived in Kursk. Of the 4,529 buildings, 967 were stone, 2,677 were wooden, 885 were mixed (stone and wood together). 1,392 workers were employed in 82 local factories.

At the end of 1917, Soviet power was established in Kursk. In March 1918, German troops invaded the territory of the Kursk Governorate. In November 1918, the troops of the German Empire left the region. From June to December 1919, during the Russian Civil War, part of the region was occupied by the Armed Forces of the South of Russia. In the process of rebuilding the economy after the Civil War, an exploration of the Kursk magnetic anomaly began.

In 1928, the Kursk Governorate was liquidated, its territories became part of the Central Black Earth Region. In 1934, it was divided into Voronezh and Kursk oblasts. Along with agriculture, industry developed in the region. New industries were created: chemical, textile, pharmaceutical, and heavy engineering. In early September 1934, the Kursk State Pedagogical Institute was opened, one year later - the Kursk State Medical Institute.

In 1939, the population of Kursk was about 120,000 people. During the Second World War, Kursk was occupied from November 3, 1941 to February 8, 1943, more than 70% of its enterprises were destroyed. The restoration of the city began immediately in February 1943. The Battle of Kursk (July 5, 1943 - August 23 1943) was one of the key land battles of the Second World War. The village of Prokhorovka, located near the city, became the place of one of the largest tank battles in history.

An important event for the Kursk industry was the launch of the Rubber Technical Products Plant in 1948 - one of the largest chemical enterprises in the USSR. By 1950, the urban economy was fully restored. Kursk gradually turned into a large industrial city. In 1959, the population of Kursk was 204,712 people. In 1982, Kursk celebrated its 950th anniversary.

In 1998, in honor of the 55th anniversary of the Battle of Kursk, the eponymous memorial complex was opened. On August 12, 2000, during the military exercise in the Barents Sea, the nuclear submarine “Kursk” sank. Eighteen crew members of this submarine were buried in Kursk. In 2007, Kursk was awarded the honorary title “The City of Military Glory”.

Architecture of Kursk

Kursk City Clinic #1

Kursk City Clinic #1

Author: Sarychev Sergei

Movie theater named after Shchepkin in Kursk

Movie theater named after Shchepkin in Kursk

Construction of new apartment buildings in Kursk

Construction of new apartment buildings in Kursk

Kursk - Features

Kursk, located in the forest-steppe zone, is one of the most environmentally friendly large cities in Russia. In 2013, it was recognized as the most environmentally friendly large city in Russia according to the rating of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.

The climate of the city is temperate continental. Winters are moderately cold, although there are thaws, severe frosts are rare. Summers are unstable. Clear, hot weather is often replaced by cool, rainy. The average temperature in January is minus 7.2 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 21.5 degrees Celsius.

Kursk is a large industrial center. The city has a developed electrical industry, instrument-making and machine-tool industries, production of machinery and equipment for the agricultural sector, food and processing industries, production of commercial equipment, bearings and batteries, production of chemical fibers and rubber products, furniture, medicines, food stuffs, etc.

The Kursk magnetic anomaly, located in the Kursk and Belgorod regions, is the largest iron ore deposit on Earth.

This city is an important transport hub of central Russia. Two important railway lines pass through Kursk: Moscow - Kharkiv (Ukraine) and Voronezh - Kyiv (Ukraine). Vostochny airport offers regular flights to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi. The roads of the city have access to the federal highways M2 “Crimea”, A144 (Kursk - Voronezh - Saratov), and R199 (Kursk - the border with Ukraine). City public transport is represented by buses, trolleybuses, trams, electric buses, and minibuses.

Kursk was named after the Kur River, on the banks of which it was founded. According to one of the local legends, it was named after partridges (“kuropatka” in Russian), abundantly found in this area. This legend is reflected on the arms of Kursk on which you can see three flying partridges. The City Day of Kursk is celebrated on the last Sunday of September.

Kursk is rich in architectural monuments of the 17th-19th century. Its central square, as in Moscow, is called Krasnaya (Red) Square.

Main Attractions of Kursk

The Battle of Kursk Memorial Complex - an alley opened to the 55th anniversary of the Battle of Kursk in 1998. Here you can see a monument to Marshal Georgy Zhukov, military equipment, the Church of St. George the Victorious. The central place of the memorial complex is occupied by the Triumphal Arch with an equestrian statue of George the Victorious with a spear in his hand. Pobedy Avenue.

Znamensky Cathedral (1816-1826) - a magnificent Orthodox church built in the center of Kursk in honor of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 (the French invasion of Russia). The church was constructed in the style of classicism with features of the Western European Renaissance. It is a monument of architecture of federal significance. Lunacharskogo Street, 4.

Sergiev Kazan Cathedral (1752-1778) - a church built in the style of the Elizabethan Baroque resembling a magnificent palace, a monument of architecture of federal significance. Maksima Gorkogo Street, 27.

Catholic Church of Our Lady of the Assumption (1896) - a picturesque building constructed in neo-Gothic style. The artist Kazimir Malevich, the creator of the famous “Black Square”, was married in this church. Marata Street, 31.

Kursk Regional Museum of Local Lore . In total, this museum has over 181 thousand exhibits including collections of beads, porcelain, weapons, numismatics, paintings, rare books, furniture, and costumes.

It is located in a building that is an architectural monument of the 19th century and has three main departments: the department of nature, the department of the history of the pre-revolutionary period, and also the department of the history of Soviet society. Lunacharskogo Street, 6.

Kursk Museum of Archeology . This museum is located in the only preserved secular building of the mid-18th century in Kursk, constructed in the architectural style of Moscow Russia of the 16th-18th centuries (the house of the merchant Khloponin). The museum has ancient tools, ceramics, jewelry, sculptures, weapons, household utensils, coins. Pionerov Street, 6.

Kursk Art Gallery named after Aleksandr Deyneka . The collection of this art museum has more than 8,000 works of Russian and Western European art of the 16th-20th centuries, including paintings, sculptures, graphics, decorative and folk art. The collection of works created by the artist Aleksandr Deyneka, who was born in Kursk, is also of great interest. Radishcheva Street, 85.

The building of the Noble Assembly (1877) - a three-story red and white brick building constructed in the eclectic style in the center of Kursk, a monument of architecture of federal significance. This is one of the most picturesque buildings in Kursk. It houses the Military History Museum of the Battle of Kursk. Sonina Street, 4.

Kursk also has a drama theater, a puppet theater, a circus, a philharmonic society, and a planetarium.

Kursk city of Russia photos

Sights of kursk.

Krasnaya (Red) Square in Kursk

Krasnaya (Red) Square in Kursk

Author: Andrey Ryabykh

Catholic Church of Our Lady of the Assumption in Kursk

Catholic Church of Our Lady of the Assumption in Kursk

Author: Alexandr V. Bubnov

Znamensky Cathedral in Kursk

Znamensky Cathedral in Kursk

Author: Gridin Paul

Churches of Kursk

Wooden Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov in Kursk

Wooden Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov in Kursk

Author: Shelest Andy

Church of the Assumption of the Virgin in Kursk

Church of the Assumption of the Virgin in Kursk

Church of Archangel Michael in Kursk

Church of Archangel Michael in Kursk

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    Financials. There is a $2,300 application fee for new agencies. Your agency must also provide a bond, letter of credit or cash deposit in the minimum amount of $20,000. Personnel. Your agency must have a designated agency manager and an ARC Specialist, at least one being authorized to work in the U.S. One person may serve as both roles.

  2. What Is an ARC Number?

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  3. What is an ARC number and why do travel agents need one?

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  5. ARC Accredited Agency FAQ's

    Fully Accredited ARC Agency: There is a $2,300 nonrefundable application fee. In addition, the agency must provide a Financial Instrument in a form of a bond, letter of credit or cash deposit in the minimum amount of $20,000. If the parent entity of the Applicant is domiciled outside the United States, the minimum Financial Instrument shall not ...

  6. How to Obtain an ARC Accredited Number

    A travel agent needs an ARC number to be able to book tickets directly with the airlines, and that number is only available to those who are ARC accredited. ARC's Ticket Reporting Agency.

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  8. Agency accreditation: Inside the numbers

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  14. What is ARC number?

    A; ARC number; ARC number. An ARC number is a unique identifier assigned to a travel agency by the Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC) - a company that regulates and handles transactions between airlines and US-based travel agencies.. The ARC number is evidence that the travel agency went through the ARC accreditation process having met financial, personnel, and security requirements.

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    ARC (Airlines Reporting Corporation) - gives out these ARC numbers to accredited agencies, which allows travel agencies to issue airline tickets. The use of an ARC number extends from a hotel to a cruise ship booking not only air tickets for travel agencies. For a home-based travel agent or a storefront agency that only books leisure travel ...

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    ARC-Accredited Travel Agent If you're interesting in ticketing air travel through ARC, apply to become an ARC-accredited travel agent . ARC gives agencies the ability to easily ticket flights worldwide on more than 200 airlines and provides them with access to financial solutions, revenue opportunities and industry expertise.

  19. Kursk city, Russia travel guide

    This city is one of the cultural and religious centers of Russia. The population of Kursk is about 447,400 (2022), the area - 208 sq. km. The phone code - +7 4712, the postal codes - 305000-305099. Local time in Kursk city is September 3, 4:44 am (+3 UTC).

  20. Kursk

    Kursk (Russian:Kурск, KOOrsk) is the capital of the Kursk Oblast in the Western part of Russia known as Chernozemye region. The millenuim-old city of nightingale song, it is also famous for the Kursk battle of summer 1943, the largest tank combat in history after which the Third Reich forces have finally started retreating from the Soviet territory.

  21. Kursk Oblast

    Kursk Oblast - Travel guide at Wikivoyage

  22. ARC's Verified Travel Consultant (VTC) Program

    Gain Global Recognition. As a VTC, agencies receive an ARC number, recognized by suppliers industrywide, which signifies that an agency has gone through ARC's vetting process and can now access a broad supplier base to book travel and receive commissions. Benefits.

  23. Kursk

    More than anything else, the city is known for the Battle of Kursk in summer 1943. It did not happen within Kursk itself, but at the nearby village of Prokhorovka, where the Soviet Army won a decisive victory against Nazi Germany, and turned the tide of World War II in Europe.The engagement was the largest tank battle ever.