Places the U.S. Government Warns Not to Travel Right Now

You may want to reconsider traveling to these countries right now.

Do Not Travel to These Countries

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Crime, civil unrest and terrorism are common risk factors for countries that end up on the State Department's "Do Not Travel" advisory list.

In 2024, tourism across the globe is “well on track” to return to pre-pandemic levels, according to projections by UN Tourism.

Global conflicts and natural disasters , ranging from a series of coups across Africa to catastrophic earthquakes in the Middle East affected international travel patterns throughout 2023. Still, international tourist arrivals reached 87% of pre-pandemic levels in 2023, according to estimates by UN Tourism .

In January 2024 alone, about 4.6 million U.S. citizens left the country for international destinations, 17% higher than the same month in 2019, according to the International Trade Administration . But some destinations warrant more caution than others.

On Oct. 19, 2023, following the outbreak of war between Israel and Gaza and flaring tensions in the region, the U.S. State Department issued a worldwide caution advisory due to “increased tensions in various locations around the world, the potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations or violent actions against U.S. citizens and interests.” Prior to this update, the most recent worldwide caution advisory was issued in 2022 after a U.S. strike killed Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden’s successor as leader of Al Qaeda, causing “a higher potential for anti-American violence.” The worldwide caution advisory remains in effect.

The U.S. State Department also issues individual travel advisory levels for more than 200 countries globally, continually updating them based on a variety of risk indicators such as health, terrorism and civil unrest. Travel advisory levels range from Level 1, which means exercise normal precautions, to Level 4, which means do not travel there.

About 10% of countries – 19 total – have a Level 4: “Do Not Travel” advisory as of Mar. 4. In Level 4 countries, the U.S. government may have “very limited ability” to step in should travelers’ safety or security be at risk, according to the State Department. Crime, civil unrest, kidnapping and terrorism are common risk factors associated with Level 4 countries.

So far in 2024, the State Department made changes to the existing Level 4 advisories for Myanmar, Iran and Gaza, and moved Niger and Lebanon off of the Level 4 list.

Places With a Level 4 Travel Advisory

These are the primary areas the U.S. government says not to travel to right now, in alphabetical order:

Jump to Place: Afghanistan Belarus Burkina Faso Central African Republic Myanmar (formerly Burma) Gaza Haiti Iran Iraq Libya Mali Mexico North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) Russia Somalia South Sudan Sudan Syria Ukraine Venezuela Yemen

Afghanistan: The Central Asian country is wrestling with “terrorism, risk of wrongful detention, kidnapping and crime,” according to the State Department. U.S. citizens are specifically at risk for wrongful detention and kidnapping. In 2022, the government reinstituted public floggings and executions, and women’s rights are disappearing under Taliban control. The U.S. Embassy in Kabul halted operations in August 2021. Since the Taliban took control , many forms of international aid have been halted . Meanwhile, in 2023, some of the year’s deadliest earthquakes killed more than 2,400 in Afghanistan while the country continues to face a years-long extreme drought.

Belarus: Belarus, which shares a western border with Russia and a southern border with Ukraine, has been flagged for “Belarusian authorities’ continued facilitation of Russia’s war against Ukraine, the buildup of Russian military forces in Belarus, the arbitrary enforcement of local laws, the potential of civil unrest, the risk of detention, and the Embassy’s limited ability to assist U.S. citizens residing in or traveling to Belarus.” The U.S. Embassy in Minsk halted operations in February 2022.

Burkina Faso: Terrorism, crime and kidnapping are plaguing this West African nation. Terrorist attacks may target hotels, restaurants and schools with little to no warning, and the East and Sahel regions of the country are under a state of emergency. In late November 2023, hundreds died in clashes between state security forces and rebels near the country’s border with Mali. In June, more than 2 million people in Burkina Faso were displaced due to “violence linked to al-Qaida and the Islamic State group.”

Central African Republic: While there have not been specific incidents of U.S. citizens targeted with violence or crime, violent crime and sudden closure of roads and borders is common. The advisory states that “Embassy Bangui’s limited capacity to provide support to U.S. citizens, crime, civil unrest, and kidnapping” is a factor in its assessment. Recent data from UNICEF suggests the country has the worst drinking water accessibility of all countries in 2022.

Myanmar (Formerly Burma): Armed conflict and civil unrest are the primary reasons to not travel to this Southeast Asian country, which experienced a military coup in early 2021. Limited health care resources, wrongful detentions and “areas with land mines and unexploded ordnance” are also listed as risk factors. After Ukraine and Israel, Myanmar had the highest conflict-related death toll in 2023.

Gaza : Hamas, a foreign terrorist organization as designated by the State Department, controls much of the Gaza Strip, which shares borders with both Israel and Egypt. On Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas fighters broke across the border into Israel, killing hundreds of civilians and soldiers in a brazen attack that stunned Israelis. On Oct. 10, Israel hit the Gaza Strip with “the fiercest air strikes in its 75-year conflict” according to Reuters . The conflict has since escalated into war between Israel and Hamas, with regular Israeli airstrikes leading to extensive civilian casualties in Gaza. As of mid-December, nearly 85% of Gaza’s population were displaced from their homes, according to UN estimates . The region continues to face shortages of food , water, electricity and medical supplies , with conditions deemed “far beyond a humanitarian crisis.” The State Department warns of terrorism and armed conflict within Gaza’s borders.

Haiti: In July 2023, the Department of State ordered all non-emergency U.S. government personnel and family members to leave the U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince in response to the increased risk of kidnapping and violent crime in the country , as well as armed conflict between gangs and police. The travel advisory states that cases of kidnapping “often involve ransom negotiations and U.S. citizen victims have been physically harmed during kidnappings.” The travel advisory also states that “U.S. citizens in Haiti should depart Haiti as soon as possible” given “the current security situation and infrastructure challenges.” A series of gang attacks in late September 2023 caused thousands to flee their homes, and many aid groups have been forced to cut or suspend operations amid escalating violence in recent months.

Iran: Terrorism, kidnapping and civil unrest are risk factors for all travelers to Iran, while U.S. citizens are specifically at risk for “arbitrary arrest.” U.S.-Iranian nationals such as students, journalists and business travelers have been arrested on charges of espionage and threatening national security. Executions in Iran rose sharply between 2021 and 2022, bringing the country’s total to nearly 580 people over the year, according to a report by Amnesty International released in May 2023.

Iraq: The State Department cites “terrorism, kidnapping, armed conflict [and] civil unrest” as cause for the country’s Level 4 distinction. Iraq’s northern borders, and its border with Syria, are especially dangerous. Since the escalation of conflict in neighboring Israel in October, there has been an increase in attacks against Iraqi military bases, which host U.S. troops and other international forces. In October 2023, non-emergency U.S. government personnel and eligible family members were ordered to leave the U.S. embassy in Baghdad.

Libya: Following the end of its dictatorship over a decade ago, Libya has been wrought with internal conflict between armed groups in the East and West. Armed conflict, civil unrest, crime, kidnapping and terrorism are all risk factors. U.S. citizens have been targets of kidnapping for ransom, with terrorists targeting hotels and airports frequented by Westerners. The U.S. Embassy in Tripoli halted operations in 2014. In mid-September 2023, floods, which some say were intensified by climate change , killed thousands in eastern Libya. Clashes between armed factions escalated across the country in the latter half of 2023, including in the capital city of Tripoli and in Benghazi.

Mali: After experiencing military coups in 2020 and 2021, crime, terrorism and kidnapping are all prevalent threats in this West African landlocked nation. In July 2022, non-emergency U.S. government employees and their families were ordered to leave the country due to higher risk of terrorist activity. A U.N. report in August 2023 said that military groups in the country, including both Mali security forces and possibly Russian Wagner mercenaries, were spreading terror through the use of violence against women and human rights abuses. Democratic elections were supposed to occur in February 2024, but Mali’s military junta postponed the plans indefinitely. In December, the U.N. officially ended a decade-long peacekeeping presence in the country, which had been among the agency’s deadliest missions, with hundreds of the mission personnel killed since 2013.

Mexico: Each state in Mexico is assessed separately for travel advisory levels. Six of the 32 states in Mexico are designated as Level 4: Colima, Guerrero, Michoacan, Sinaloa, Tamaulipas and Zacatecas. Crime and kidnapping are listed as the primary risk factors throughout the country. Nearly 112,000 people were missing across the country as of October, a number the U.N. has called “alarming.”

North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea): U.S. passports are not valid for travel “to, in, or through” this country, home to one of the world's longest-running dynastic dictatorships. The travel advisory states that the Level 4 distinction is due to “the continuing serious risk of arrest and long-term detention of U.S. nationals.” In July 2023, a U.S. soldier fled across the border into North Korea, where he is believed to be in North Korean custody, the first American detained in the North in nearly five years. He was returned to U.S. custody in September 2023.

Russia: The travel advisory for Russia cites its invasion of Ukraine , harassment of U.S. citizens by Russian government officials and arbitrary law enforcement as a few of the reasons for the Level 4 designation. Chechnya and Mount Elbrus are specifically listed as Level 4 regions. Terrorism, civil unrest, health, kidnapping and wrongful detention are all noted as risks.

Russia Invades Ukraine: A Timeline

TOPSHOT - Black smoke rises from a military airport in Chuguyev near Kharkiv  on February 24, 2022. - Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a military operation in Ukraine today with explosions heard soon after across the country and its foreign minister warning a "full-scale invasion" was underway. (Photo by Aris Messinis / AFP) (Photo by ARIS MESSINIS/AFP via Getty Images)

Somalia: A severe drought resulting from five failed rainy seasons in a row killed 43,000 people in 2022, and caused a famine amid conflict with Islamist insurgents . Violent crime is common throughout Somalia , pirates frequent its coast off the Horn of Africa, and medical facilities, where they exist, have limited capacity. Crime, terrorism, civil unrest, health and kidnapping are all risk factors. In January 2024, some passengers aboard a U.N.-contracted helicopter were taken hostage by al-Shabaab militants after the vehicle crashed in central Somalia.

South Sudan: Crime, kidnapping and armed conflict are the primary risk factors for South Sudan, which separated from Sudan in 2011, making it the world’s newest country . Weapons are readily available, and travelers have been victims of sexual assault and armed robbery.

Sudan: The U.S. evacuated its embassy in Khartoum in April 2023, and the country closed its airspace due to the ongoing conflict in the country, only permitting humanitarian aid and evacuation efforts. Fighting has escalated in the region between two warring generals seeking to gain control after a military coup in 2021 ousted the country’s prime minister. Civil unrest is the primary risk factor for Africa’s third largest country by area. Crime, terrorism, kidnapping and armed conflict are also noted. The International Criminal Court began investigating alleged war crimes and violence against African ethnic groups in the country in 2023. Millions have fled their homes due to conflict, and the U.N. has said its efforts to provide aid have been hindered by a lack of support, safety and resources. As recently as December 2023, the United Nations warned of catastrophic famine , with millions of children at-risk for malnutrition .

Syria: The advisory states that “No part of Syria is safe from violence,” with terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping, armed conflict and risk of unjust detention all potential risk factors. U.S. citizens are often a target for kidnappings and detention. The U.S. Embassy in Damascus halted operations in 2012. Fighting in neighboring Israel has escalated since October, and the conflict has spilled over into Syria, where the U.S. has carried out air strikes following drone and rocket attacks against American troops in Syria and Iraq, triggered by the Israel-Hamas war.

Ukraine: Russian setbacks in their invasion of Ukraine buoyed hopes in Ukraine in 2023. However, Ukraine is a Level 4 country due to Russia’s invasion, with crime and civil unrest also noted as risk factors. The country’s forces shot down two Russian fighter jets on Christmas Eve 2023, in a move Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said “sets the right mood for the entire year ahead.”

Venezuela: Human rights abuses and lack of health care plague this South American nation, which has been in a political crisis since 2014. In 2019, diplomatic personnel were withdrawn from the U.S. Embassy in Caracas. Threats in the country include crime, civil unrest, kidnapping, wrongful detention and poor health infrastructure.

Yemen: Six of the nine risk factors defined by the State Department – terrorism, civil unrest, health risks, kidnapping, armed conflict and landmines – are all present in Yemen. Despite private companies offering tourist visits to the Yemeni island of Socotra, the U.S. government argues those arranging such visits “are putting tourists in danger.” Civil war and cholera are also both present throughout the country. The U.S. Embassy in Sanaa halted operations in 2015. The country has experienced a relative lull in the civil war fighting, but as peace negotiations have gotten traction, flare ups in the fighting have jeopardized progress. Most recently, the U.S. and U.K. have carried out a series of airstrikes in the country, targeting Iran-backed Houthi sites.

Other Countries to Watch

Since Jan. 1, the State Department has updated travel advisories for 17 different countries as well as for the West Bank and Gaza, adding information about specific regions or risk factors, or simply renewing an existing advisory. Travel advisory levels can change based on several factors in a nation, such as increased civil unrest, policies that affect human rights or higher risks of unlawful detention.

The State Department has given about 25 countries an assessment of Level 3, meaning it recommends people “reconsider travel” to those destinations.

On Oct. 14, one week after the deadly Hamas attack on Israel, Israel and the West Bank were both moved from Level 2 to Level 3, while Gaza remains at Level 4. The region’s travel advisory was updated in November to reflect travel restrictions for certain government employees who have not already left the area, and it was updated again on Jan. 3.

Following the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war in early October, the U.S. State Department raised Lebanon ’s travel advisory level from a Level 3 to a Level 4 level due to “the unpredictable security situation related to rocket, missile, and artillery exchanges” between Israel and Hezbollah or other militant groups. In December, the U.S. Embassy in Beirut returned to normal staffing and presence, and on Jan. 29, the country was moved back to Level 3. Crime, terrorism, armed conflict, civil unrest, kidnapping and unexploded landmines are listed as the country’s primary risk factors. However, the country’s borders with Syria and with Israel, as well as refugee settlements within Lebanon, are specifically noted as Level 4 regions.

China became a Level 3 country in late 2020, with an update in December 2022 citing “the surge in COVID-19 cases, arbitrary enforcement of local laws, and COVID-19-related restrictions” as the reason for the advisory. In June 2023, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) was moved from the Level 3 to the Level 2 list, but travelers are still advised to be cautious in the area due to “arbitrary enforcement of local laws.” Meanwhile, Macau remains at Level 3.

Following an attempted coup in August 2023, Niger was elevated to Level 4 in August and the Department of State ordered all non-emergency U.S. government personnel and family members to leave the U.S. Embassy in Niamey. In early January 2024, the overall risk level for the country was lowered back to Level 3. Despite the new classification, the State Department still asks non-emergency government personnel and eligible family members to depart the country.

In mid-December 2023 there was an explosion at Guinea’s main fuel depot which has since affected access to health care and basic goods and services. The country was subsequently designated a Level 3 nation after having previously been Level 2. Concerns about civil unrest, health, crime and fuel shortages impacting local infrastructure were listed as the primary risk factors contributing to the change.

Several Level 3 countries are among the worst countries for human trafficking, as designated by the State Department’s annual Trafficking in Persons Report . Level 3 countries on this list include Papua New Guinea, Guinea Bissau, China and Chad. There are also nine Level 4 countries designated as among the worst for human trafficking: Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, Myanmar, North Korea, Russia, Syria, South Sudan and Venezuela.

Over 70 countries are currently at Level 2, meaning the State Department recommends travelers “exercise increased caution” when traveling to those destinations.

Botswana became the newest Level 2 country on Feb. 26 after having previously been Level 1, with crime noted as the primary risk factor.

France, which saw nationwide protests throughout 2023, has civil unrest and terrorism noted as risk factors for its Level 2 status, and Sweden’s Level 2 status is associated with risks of terrorism.

The Level 2 travel advisory for the Bahamas was updated in January to reflect water safety concerns. The advisory warns that “activities involving commercial recreational watercraft, including water tours, are not consistently regulated” and notes that government personnel are “not permitted to use independently operated jet-ski rentals on New Providence and Paradise Islands.” It also warns visitors to be mindful of sharks, weather and water conditions. The advisory also says that crime is a primary risk factor with gang-on-gang violence contributing to high homicide rates in some areas. Visitors are asked to “be vigilant” and to not physically resist robbery attempts.

Bangladesh 's Level 2 travel advisory was updated in October 2023 to add a note about the country’s general election , which took place Jan. 7, 2024. The advisory states “demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and escalate into violence.” The U.S. has since claimed the country’s election was not free nor fair.

In November 2023, several Level 2 travel advisories were updated with new cautionary information. The advisory for Ghana was updated to reflect threats against LGBTQI+ travelers specifically, noting “anti-LGBTQI+ rhetoric and violence have increased in recent years.” Meanwhile, the advisory for South Africa was updated in February to note that routes recommended by GPS may be unsafe with higher risk for crime.

Turkmenistan was moved off of the Level 2 list to become the newest addition to the Level 1 list on Jan. 22, meaning normal precautions are recommended but there are no risk factors causing travelers to practice increased caution.

The State Department asks travelers to pay attention to travel advisory levels and alerts , review country information pages for their destinations and read related country security reports before going abroad.

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Tags: Russia , Ukraine , Travel , Coronavirus , Travel Tips , Israel , Gaza , violence , Civil War , crime , kidnapping , international relations

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Map of Chioggia, Italy

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Built on a cluster of islands in the Venetian lagoon, with centuries-old buildings rising from the canals in all their decadent glory, Chioggia is called “piccola Venezia,” or little Venice. Locals beg to disagree: If anything, they say, it’s nearby Venice that should be described as Chioggia’s larger doppelgänger, and it’s true, Chioggia is older. Venice is so worried about being overwhelmed once again after the pandemic that it is planning to resort to surveillance cameras and cellphone data to control the crowds; visiting other culturally rich places like Chioggia can help relieve the pressure. Today, Chioggia is popular with Italian and German visitors, drawn both by the architectural beauties in the historic center and the family-friendly beaches of its mainland suburb, Sottomarina. The city, which has preserved a rough maritime vibe, can serve as an ideal base for bicycle tours . It is also known for its radicchio. During a time of increased awareness of overtourism, this miniature Venice is a delightful alternative for travelers looking for a lesser-known destination.

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Chimanimani National Park

Mountain range rising in the horizon of Chimanimani National Park.

Chimanimani National Park, Mozambique

Even at a time when many of the world’s countries were under extreme duress, the case of Mozambique was severe enough to catch the attention of the United Nations: In March, Secretary General António Guterres called upon the international community to help the African country as it faced the triple threat of climate change, Covid and conflict. It’s not the first time that Mozambique has faced such crisis — its civil war of more than 15 years resulted in a million lives lost and a huge loss for its wildlife, too. But the country showed its resilience. In 2008, the Gorongosa National Park launched a vast program to repopulate a reserve decimated by poaching, accompanied by grass-roots efforts like training local women as game wardens. In May, another spectacular national park was unveiled: Chimanimani, along the border with Zimbabwe. The park has priceless ancient rock paintings; secluded sacred mountains including the country’s highest peak, Mount Binga; and natural habitats for the plants, birds and wildlife like the southern-ground hornbill, miniature squeaker frog and Agama kirkii lizard.

— Ondine Cohane

Tony Cenicola/The New York Times

Aguachile Tostada and other dishes from restaurant Mariscos El Submarino.

Queens, New York

Queens wants you to show up hungry. “There’s probably nowhere else in the world where you can sample the home cooking of more than 150 different countries within such a compact space,” says the restaurant critic Robert Sietsema, who covers the borough’s restaurants for And at a time when long-haul travel is still uncertain, a dim-sum lunch at Nan Xiang Xiao Long Bao in Flushing is as quick and delicious a ticket to China as some nostril-clearing shrimp aguachile at the new Mariscos El Submarino in Jackson Heights is a trip to Mexico. “The Queens restaurant industry was slammed by Covid-19, but now it’s recovering because we’re a borough of family-centered communities where the restaurants take care of their own,” says Jonathan Forgash, a chef and borough resident who founded Queens Together , a nonprofit, in March 2020.

— Alexander Lobrano


Andy Haslam for The New York Times

Bamburgh Castle at dusk.

Northumberland, England

Britain’s diverse coastline, from the cliffs of Dover to the boardwalks of Brighton, will soon have a unifying element: the 2,800-mile England Coast Path . Developed in part by the governmental organization Natural England, the path aims to increase public access to the coast while also restoring landscapes, improving community connection and promoting sustainable travel. Trail segments that have opened include a 44-mile stretch in the northeast, from the River Tyne to the Northumberland coast , which is the epitome of rugged England: misty dunes, rocky headlands, wild beaches. At night, look up. The Northumberland International Dark Sky Park has some of the lowest light pollution in the country and features one of the largest areas of protected night sky in Europe. Gaze at galaxies sprayed across the sky at Kielder Observatory , and then venture to the ancient past as Hadrian’s Wall is celebrating its 1,900th anniversary with a yearlong festival .

— AnneLise Sorensen


Adrian Wilson for The New York Times

A view of the beach after sunset from inside Playa Viva.

Zihuatanejo, Mexico

This laid-back beach town — neighbor of Ixtapa, the resort destination on the Pacific Coast — and communities around it have spawned grass-roots environmental projects that travelers can support. The conservation nonprofit Whales of Guerrero has helped train fishermen as whale-watching guides, and Campamento Tortuguero Ayotlcalli offers opportunities to join turtle nest patrols and release hatchlings. The guitar duo Rodrigo y Gabriela , Rodrigo Sánchez and Gabriela Quintero, are involved with local vegan initiatives; Mr. Sánchez runs his own plant-based restaurant, La Raíz de la Tierra . Check into Playa Viva , 30 miles south. The solar-powered regenerative resort has helped revive the adjoining village of Juluchuca by providing education and employment in conservation, tourism and agriculture. It recently joined a new regional project to protect the watershed of the Juluchuca River, which begins in the mountainous interior where guests can take A.T.V. excursions to explore the headwaters at an off-grid coffee and cacao plantation.

— Elaine Glusac

Tomas Munita

A tour guide on a horse pulls tourists in a boat through wetlands.

Iberá Park, Argentina

Twenty years ago, this reserve in Argentina’s northern Corrientes region wasn’t so much a park as it was tiny parcels of wilderness surrounded by cattle ranches. That’s when the Rewilding Argentina foundation and Tompkins Conservation, created by the North Face co-founder Douglas Tompkins and his wife, Kris, the former chief executive of Patagonia, stepped in and began buying land. Today, Iberá Park is one of the largest in Argentina, close to 2 million acres of protected grasslands, lagoons, islands and wetlands — and a sanctuary for huge populations of animals. Now the Rewilding Argentina foundation, funded by tourism and a consortium of philanthropists around the world has saved dozens of species from extinction here, notably jaguars, giant anteaters and giant river otters, and has become a refuge for marsh deer, maned wolves, rheas, grassland birds and the aptly named — and endangered — strange-tailed tyrants. Tourism and infrastructure are strictly managed, and staying in one of the park’s campgrounds directly supports the foundation, continuing the cycle of conservation.

— Danielle Pergament

Alentejo Wine Region

Marcus Westberg for The New York Times

Map of Alentejo Wine Region, Portugal

Alentejo Wine Region, Portugal

Alentejo has most of the elements required for wine production: sun, soil, native grape varieties and a centuries-old winemaking legacy. What does it lack? Rain. Global warming has increasingly threatened this arid region known for warm and full-bodied reds, so in 2015, the area created the Wines of Alentejo Sustainability Program . By prioritizing water conservation, with measures like developing cover crops for water retention and creating ponds to collect rainwater, the program has helped wineries reduce their average water consumption by 20 percent; some that were using 14 liters of water to produce 1 liter of wine have decreased their needs to 6 liters of water. While upcoming projects include an online calculator for members to measure their carbon and water footprints, the program in 2020 created a certification process to further verify that wineries are following green initiatives. These wineries include Herdade de Coelheiros , a verdant estate with a walnut orchard, a cork forest and a herd of sheep — an organic solution for weed control.

The Lucayan Archipelago

The bahamas, turks and caicos.

Caine Delacy

A shark underwater.

The Lucayan Archipelago, The Bahamas, Turks and Caicos

Consider — without fear — the shark. In the last 50 years, global populations have declined by more than 70 percent . Industrial-scale fishing hauls them in by accident. Some cultures have an appetite for them. And yet sharks, one researcher has said , are the “white blood cells” of the seas, cleaning sick, dying and dead animals from the waters. The good news is that efforts are underway to support sharks — even in the turquoise waters off some of the most popular tourist destinations in the Caribbean. In 2011, the Bahamas established the Bahamas Shark Sanctuary , the first of its kind in the Atlantic Ocean. Now it’s calling itself the “ shark diving capital of the world .” During the pandemic, Turks and Caicos — which, along with the Bahamas, forms part of the Lucayan Archipelago, an important shark habitat — began its own shark preservation effort, with help from the Caribbean Shark Coalition . Researchers have been tagging sharks in the waters off the tiny islands, gathering data that will assist Turks and Caicos, which has already prohibited most shark fishing, to establish further protections.

— Nina Burleigh

Maria Mavropoulou for The New York Times

A view of the island, with the hot springs at the historic Thermae Sylla Spa hotel visible.

Evia, Greece

The Other Human food pantry was established more than 10 years ago, serving Athens, Thessaloniki and the island of Evia in the wake of Greece’s financial crisis. As the country recovers from last year’s wildfires and floods, The Other Human has expanded to help those who lost their livelihoods, and welcomes travelers to get involved. At weekly food drives held in Evia’s capital, Chalkida, meals are cooked and eaten together to establish a sense of community. Volunteers are invited to help cook, pack hampers with food and essentials, and contribute funds to rebuild schools and aid locals with essential bills. Lost in the fires were homes, businesses, olive groves and one third of Evia’s beloved pine forest, which generations had relied upon for resin and honey. Increasing tourism is vital for the economic recovery of this island a short trip from Athens. In addition to community projects, visitors will find a hilltop acropolis and other archaeological sites in Eretria, mineral-rich thermal springs in Edipsos and showstopper sunsets, with the Aegean Sea as a backdrop.

— Caterina Hrysomallis

Cobscook Shores

Chris Shane

Trees with leaves turning yellow, and picnic bench facing a lake.

Cobscook Shores, Maine

“Vacationland,” as Maine calls itself, thrives on the allure of its craggy coast and woodlands, and attracted more than 3 million visitors in the first nine months of 2021 to coastal Acadia National Park alone. Navigate 95 miles northeast near Lubec to find a new park that aims to ease overtourism: Cobscook Shores . Comprising 15 blocks of land spread primarily across three Down East peninsulas, Cobscook offers undeveloped beaches, coves and bluffs that can be reached by hiking trails and biking paths, as well as channels to be explored by paddlers. Just five backcountry campsites offer opportunities to stay overnight in the reserve, but there are more sites at nearby Cobscook Bay State Park , and the Inn on the Wharf in Lubec offers accommodations in a renovated sardine factory. The philanthropist Gilbert Butler, a conservationist who has invested in preserving natural areas from the Adirondacks to Patagonia, created the 780-acre Cobscook Shores, amplified by thousands of surrounding acres managed by state and federal entities and private conservation groups.

Christopher Miller

Aerial view of islands and mountains.

Hoonah, Alaska

Once dependent on fishing and logging, Hoonah , about 20 miles south of Glacier Bay on the Inside Passage, now relies on cruise tourism, not just for its livelihood but also for its cultural continuity. The community, which is half Huna Tlingit, is counting on a robust return to sustainable tourism in 2022, having recently introduced a second ship dock at its cruise port, Icy Strait Point , a half-mile from the original to prevent overcrowding. Additionally, the Native-owned Huna Totem Corporation, which runs tourism operations for the town on behalf of its 760 residents, built a gondola system to shuttle passengers in eight-person aerial cabins, which can handle 5,600 riders an hour, eliminating up to 100 exhaust-emitting buses. Bear- and whale-watching excursions underscore the community’s reverence for nature, and by next April, the gondola system will reach the top of Huna Mountain, with its hiking trails and views of Chichagof Island and the Tongass National Forest. Locals credit visitors’ interest in Native culture with the revival of the Indigenous language and local art.

Waiter stands at a table of diners inside a restaurant.

Cleveland, Ohio

Dinner isn’t usually part of the prisoner re-entry system, but at EDWINS Leadership and Restaurant Institute in Cleveland’s Buckeye-Shaker neighborhood, the mission is larger than braised artichokes and Burgundy snails: The aim is to teach former prisoners a new trade. Founded by Brandon Chrostowski, a classically trained chef, EDWINS includes a fine-dining French restaurant, bakery, butcher and event space, all open to the public. The campus has a test kitchen, apartments and basketball courts, and EDWINS continues to buy and refurbish buildings in the underserved neighborhood (a culinary class is available on closed-circuit tablets in prisons throughout the country). The institute helps former inmates get a place to live rent-free (relocation fees are paid in part by the Cleveland Browns football team), a driver’s license, legal counseling and health care. “It’s not just about a wonderful restaurant, it’s not just about re-entry,” said Councilman Blaine Griffin of Cleveland. “This is social entrepreneurship at its best.”

Clara Tuma for The New York Times

Ski gondola arriving at Pointe Helbronner over a snow-covered mountain range.

Courmayeur, Italy

This charming town at the foot of Mont Blanc, in a historically French-speaking region of Italy, has long made an effort to strike a balance between tourism and conservation. Decades before overtourism became alarming, Courmayeur began limiting access in the summer to its two high valleys, Val Veny and Val Ferret, with a fixed number of private cars and a separate quota for those with reservations at one of the local inns, known for their polenta concia — creamy polenta with local fontina cheese. Some days, private cars are banned altogether , and in the winter both valleys become ski slopes. The cable car that carries visitors to Mont Blanc, a breathtaking experience, uses energy from renewable sources . But it takes more than a village to stop the global warming threatening Mont Blanc and its many glaciers. One of them, Planpincieux, has been declared in danger of collapse . Authorities are closely monitoring the situation, so visitors should follow warnings to avoid some routes — or the entire area — when risk is deemed too high.

Red River Delta

Justin Mott for The New York Times

Artisan Nguyen Huu Hoa at his home in Dong Ho Painting Village with a stack of traditional folk paintings.

Red River Delta, Vietnam

Once travel begins to normalize, tourists will undoubtedly flock to Vietnam’s world-famous beaches and dynamic megacities. But head north to the traditional villages of the Red River Delta, and you can immerse yourself in centuries-old cultural practices and a way of life that is at risk of disappearing. Since ancient times, villagers along the Cau River in northern Vietnam have sung Quan họ, a call-and-response folk music style performed by alternating all-female and all-male duets from neighboring villages that was recognized as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage practice in 2009 . In the decade since, 49 ancient villages in Bắc Ninh and Bắc Giang provinces have taken measures to safeguard the cultural heritage of Quan h ọ — which includes countless rituals celebrating culinary traditions — and to address rural-urban migration through cultural tourism. Hanoi-based tour operators like Vietnamstay and Khoa Viet Travel offer travelers a chance to explore the villages’ Buddhist temples, craft communes, Ly Dynasty pagodas and waterways while helping to preserve the past.

— Charly Wilder

South Africa

Joao Silva/The New York Times

Guests in a vehicle take pictures of a pride of lions during a game drive in the reserve.

South Africa,

After nearly two years of restricted travel and the recent detection of the Omicron coronavirus variant, South Africa’s many outstanding wildlife reserves and conservation projects are badly in need of support. Lockdowns caused a 96 percent drop in visits to South Africa’s national parks, jeopardizing the efforts of places like iSimangaliso Wetland Park , an 800,000-acre UNESCO World Heritage site on the country’s eastern coast. Home to elephants, leopards, lions, rhinos and whales, iSimangaliso also supports more than 12,000 jobs and an environmental education program involving 150 schools. Visitors can keep it classic and track the “Big Five” — elephants, rhinos, buffalo, lions and leopards — on safari at some of the country’s approximately 500 private game reserves, like Kariega and Manyeleti . Or they can go a step further and volunteer to monitor biodiversity with the Endangered Wildlife Trust at Medike Nature Reserve in the Soutpansberg Mountains, or help save the dazzling aquatic life and octopus teachers that inhabit the Great African Seaforest , the planet’s only forest of giant bamboo kelp.


Poras Chaudhary for The New York Times

Colorful town of Gopeshwar sits on the side of a mountain range.

Uttarakhand, India

In northern India , along the Tibetan border, the Himalayas soar to 25,000 feet and paths wander by misty waterfalls, ancient temples and through rhododendron forests. But those paths can be deadly, especially to local men who drink too much and tumble to their deaths. In 2009, Poonam Rawat-Hahne, a social justice activist with ties to the region, learned of the tragedy of those left behind. Ms. Rawat-Hahne was inspired to start a nonprofit called the Bachan Charitable Trust , which has a sustainable-travel arm called Fernweh Fair Travel that’s based on a simple idea: Train widows and survivors of domestic violence to offer homestays, cook for visitors and be guides. Fernweh brings a maximum of eight groups of no more than 10 people a year to villages like Gopeshwar , Mandal and Chopta, where travelers can do yoga, take cooking lessons and hike among the wild orchids of the nearby Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary . Visitors stay in cabins, village homes and, soon, a new eco-retreat in Koteshwar . Funds support environmental and educational programs in at least nine villages; a group buying just one meal from a widow will support her for months. “This is not mass tourism,” Ms. Rawat-Hahne says. “This is empowerment.”

— Tim Neville

Fogo Island

Newfoundland, canada.

Alex Fradkin

A corner of Fogo Island Inn, with a view of the water and mountains in the background.

Fogo Island, Newfoundland, Canada

In 1992, Newfoundland’s moratorium on cod fishing decimated fishing villages along the region’s Atlantic coast, including Fogo Island, a granite outpost of stilt-supported fishing shacks and saltbox cottages. But the arrival of the angular and arresting Fogo Island Inn in 2013 changed the island’s fortunes, as intended by its founder, the Fogo native Zita Cobb. Nine years later, the population has stabilized and more than 70 new businesses have opened, along with a dozen food producers. Now there are lodging alternatives to the inn (where rates start at over 2,500 Canadian dollars, or about $2,000, a night), including vacation homes with names like Aunt Glady’s from The Old Salt Box Co. , and cottages from Escape by the Sea . In summer, after summiting bald Brimstone Head, one of the island’s highest points, or watching birds or icebergs, fuel up at Scoff , run by former cooks at the inn, or Bangbelly Café . The strong arts-and-crafts scene, including galleries such as Fogo Clay Studio , attests to the power of tourism to sustain a community.

The Great Highway

San francisco.

Beth Coller for The New York Times

Map of The Great Highway, San Francisco

The Great Highway, San Francisco

Most pandemic-related shutdowns were disruptive reactions to a disease-dominated world, but many people across the U.S. welcomed one exception: prohibiting car traffic on city streets. In San Francisco, the street shutdowns included a two-mile stretch on the city’s far western edge known as the Great Highway. The throughway became a destination, a beach-front promenade flanking the raw expanse of Ocean Beach, and a community center — friends met up for walks, local children learned to ride bikes, and everything “popped up,” from street art to protests and trick-or-treating . But opponents took issue, with claims of increased traffic, limited access for older people and the disabled, and general inconvenience. In an uneasy compromise, city officials reopened the highway to traffic Monday to Friday. Still, on weekends, the Great Highway has become a unique destination — in a city full of them — to take in San Francisco’s wild Pacific Ocean coastline by foot, bike, skates or scooter, sample food trucks and explore local cafes , restaurants , record stores , bookstores and more. It’s also a telling microcosm of the ways in which our cities, and our values, shifted during the pandemic.

— Lauren Sloss


Cherry blossom flowers in bloom in front of a traditional wooden machiya building in Gion district, Kyoto.

Kyoto, Japan

Tucked between pachinko parlors and convenience stores, Kyoto’s machiya — traditional wooden townhouses, long and narrow, and often hiding courtyard gardens just beyond their latticed fronts — have been vanishing since World War II. The city has worked hard to preserve the structures: A machiya development fund was created in 2005, and the buildings were twice put on a watch list by the World Monuments Fund . To encourage their conservation, the buildings are also taxed at a lower rate than modern high-rises. But those efforts may now fall short. Teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, Kyoto is in cost-cutting — and revenue-raising — overdrive. After tourism dropped by 88 percent in 2020, some traditional neighborhoods may be threatened by commercial development. Tourism can help. Some investors have converted machiya into guesthouses, boutiques and high-end restaurants. When visitors, and their dollars, come to these properties, they send a message: The history of machiya matters to Kyoto.

— Debra Kamin

El Yunque National Forest

Puerto rico.

Panoramic view over the hills in the jungle of the El Yunque national forest in Puerto Rico.

El Yunque National Forest, Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico’s El Yunque National Forest is the only tropical rainforest within the U.S. Forest Service’s holdings. The forest, whose name is a Spanish derivation of an Indigenous Taino word, offers one of the most diverse ecosystems in the network, with wildlife including the famed Coqui frog, the island’s unofficial symbol. Hit by the back-to-back hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017, El Yunque is still recovering from the impact, and funding for everything from infrastructure to conservation has been slow to arrive. But local organizations like the nonprofit Love in Motion haven’t been waiting. Its initiatives include rebuilding the Picachos and Angelito trails (you can also swim in the natural pool along the latter); the sister organization Local Guest arranges low-impact itineraries like bird watching and hiking while community building. Stay in a locally owned property like Dos Aguas , which has been in the same family since the 1950s (currently available only as a full house rental because of Covid) or the Rainforest Inn , with a botanical garden and solar-powered electricity.

Sierra Leone

Renato Granieri

Woman sits in a chair on the balcony of an eco-lodge in the jungle.

Sierra Leone,

In the 1980s, the sandy, palm-fringed beaches of this West African country used to attract high-flying tourists from Europe and beyond. But visitors disappeared when civil war broke out in the 1990s, and today — after nearly 20 years of peace and nearly six years after an Ebola outbreak ended — most have yet to return. But this small nation has an enormous amount to offer adventurous visitors, and authorities hope that tourism will be a more sustainable resource than diamonds or gold. Visitors who make the trip can spend the night in a jungly eco-lodge at the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary (your stay supports the sanctuary’s work); enjoy a cold beer and fresh lobster on the beaches of the Western Peninsula; learn about a painful chapter in history on a tour of the ruined slave fort on Bunce Island ; and make the three- or four-day expedition to the top of 6,381-foot Mount Bintumani , the country’s highest peak.

— Paige McClanahan

Andreas Meichsner for The New York Times

Chef Ana Roš prepares several starters in the kitchen at Hiša Franko

Slovenia wants to cook for you, because the June 2020 launch of the first Michelin guide devoted to its restaurants was a source of national pride. It validated the way this central European country of just over 2 million people has been putting environmentally responsible travel and its good food and wines at the heart of its identity as a desirable destination for travelers since it became independent 30 years ago. “From the very beginning, we knew our food was special and would become a major reason to visit our country,” says Ana Ros, the chef at Hiso Franko , Slovenia’s most famous restaurant and the only one with two Michelin stars. Slovenian cooking is a delicious reflection of the country’s location at a culinary crossroads between Mediterranean, Germanic and Slavic countries, but the real reason its food is so good is that it’s made with produce from the country’s small farms. Some of them, like Govc , are part of a farm-stay network the Slovenian government launched in 1992.

Emilio Parra Doiztua for The New York Times

Wind turbines of a hydroelectric plant at Gorona del Viento, with cacti in the foreground.

El Hierro, Spain

A few hundred miles off the coast of Morocco, flung out in the middle of the Atlantic, is El Hierro, the most remote — and, some say, the most charming — of the Canary Islands. It’s also a pint-size leader in renewable energy. In 2014, El Hierro opened Gorona del Viento, a power plant that uses a system of reservoirs and wind to supply the island’s electricity (wind provides power while pumping water into reservoirs; hydraulic turbines take over when the wind dies down; diesel supplies a fallback when both those sources are lacking). Recently, Gorona del Viento was able to supply the island’s 11,000 inhabitants with 100 percent renewable energy for 25 consecutive days. As the infrastructure of El Hierro plants one foot in the future, the island’s cultural identity keeps the other rooted in the past. El Hierro’s historic language, Silbo Herreño, is one of the last whistling languages in the world. When the island’s elders noticed that the Herreño whistle was dying out, the cultural association on El Hierro began offering free classes after school, at weekend markets and to the island’s shepherds (who traditionally communicate by whistling).

Summerland Peninsula

Asanka Brendon Ratnayake for The New York Times

Map of Summerland Peninsula, Australia

Summerland Peninsula, Australia

Every evening on Phillip Island, a throng of tiny penguins emerges from the surf, waddling up toward nests that dot Summerland Beach. The penguin parade, as it’s known, is a sight that has garnered attention since the 1920s, when visitors began flocking to this island in southeastern Australia for a chance to see the world’s smallest penguin breed (adults average just 13 inches tall) up close as they head home after a day of fishing. For a time, the crowds that gathered for the nightly ritual caused problems for the penguin colony, as did the cars, pets and construction that accompanied a nearby neighborhood, Summerland Estates. Today, however, this piece of land is a remarkable ecological success story. In 1985, the state government implemented a plan to buy every piece of property on the peninsula and return the land to its natural state — and to its original inhabitants, the tiny penguins. The process was completed in 2010, and the penguin population now sits at around 35,000 breeding-aged birds, up from 12,000 in the 1980s. In 2019, a new $58 million visitor center opened to the public; it includes educational elements and a restaurant where you can sit and watch what is now the largest colony of the world’s smallest penguin.

— Besha Rodell

Dana Biosphere Reserve

Daniel Rodrigues

A hiker stands in a patch of sunlight surrounded on the Oasis of the Wadi Ghuweir Trail.

Dana Biosphere Reserve, Jordan

Perched on a cliff overlooking the central valley of Jordan’s largest nature reserve stand the quaint Ottoman-era stone houses of Dana Village. Once abandoned by the Ata-ta tribe, the settlement is being brought back to life through an ecotourism project that aims to preserve the area’s biodiversity by empowering local communities. Many of the 15th-century houses have been converted into eco-lodges with terraced gardens and orchards, creating an oasis above the desert plains below. Along the village’s cobbled streets, local women sell handcrafted jewelry and homemade jams produced from fruits grown in their orchards. Dana Village marks the start of the nine-mile Wadi Dana hiking trail that spans the reserve and its flora and fauna. The reserve is home to 833 plant species and several endangered bird species, as well as archaeological ruins from the Byzantine, Nabatean and Roman periods, including the ancient copper mines in Wadi Faynan.

— Ceylan Yeginsu

The Netherlands

A canal with a small bridge in the foreground, lined with trees and brick houses on a cloudy day.

Gouda, The Netherlands

In 2019, the Dutch tourism board made the surprising announcement it would stop promoting travel to the Netherlands. Because of overtourism, it would also shift to encouraging visitors to consider the country beyond Amsterdam and to travel more sustainably. A charming example of a Dutch destination that ticks these boxes is Gouda, a small historic city in the south. Internationally renowned for its namesake cheese, which has been produced there since 1184 and is one of the world’s 10 most popular cheeses, Gouda is an ideal base for a car-free visit to the Netherlands. An extensive system of well-marked bicycle routes (with charging stations for e-bikes) makes it easy to explore the city and surrounding region. The new 25-room Weeshuis Gouda hotel occupies a beautifully renovated 16th-century orphanage. Visit the new Gouda Cheese Experience , which opened in June 2020 in a butter-yellow former 19th-century military barracks, for a tasting of artisanal aged cheeses.

Danish students sit in front of a window during a visit at the Thy National Park Visitor Center.

Thy, Denmark

If Denmark has a final frontier, it’s Thy. Silent dunes, tangled forests and near-mythic gales make this region in northwest Jutland about as far away from Copenhagen as you can get. Thy is an epicenter for wind energy — around 50 percent of Denmark’s electricity in 2020 was powered by wind and solar — and those interested in learning more about wind turbines and renewable initiatives can visit the Østerild test facility’s visitor center . The wind also shaped Thy’s coastline, where the wryly named Cold Hawaii surf community rides the curving shore’s distinctive swells. Not to be missed is the sprawling Thy National Park , rippling with dunes, meadows, marshes and lakes, big and small, and its new visitor center in Nørre Vorupør, uniquely designed to gently fold into the sandy landscape. The Thy wilderness is also folded into food and drink: Enjoy beer spiced with bog myrtle from Thisted Bryghus , fresh catch from the fish auction at Medvind and the “National Park platter” at Stenbjerg Kro .

The Red Sea Mountain Trail

Sima Diab for The New York Times

Trail co-founder Ben Hoffler and guide Mostafa Abo Alfadl walk through Wadi Abo Elhassan.

The Red Sea Mountain Trail, Egypt

For centuries, pastoral nomads in Egypt’s Eastern Desert traversed this arid region by a network of pathways over granite ranges, across barren valleys and through colorful canyons. Now the Ma’aza tribe has revived the ancient footpaths to create the long-distance Red Sea Mountain Trail . The 100-mile trail opened a few months before the pandemic shut the world down, and now its founders are hoping to organize the first through hike later this year. Meanwhile, the Ma’aza tribe offers day hikes through separate sections of this astonishing wilderness, hemmed between the Nile River and the Red Sea. All hikes are led by Bedouins. On the trek to Jebel Abul Hassan, hikers find themselves in a magical narrowing gorge flanked by pink and black granite walls. The hike up the sheer slopes of Wadi El Gattar reveals stone hermit cells built by early Christians fleeing the Romans, and primitive rock art from long before then. It’s the ultimate sustainable tourism project: the water drawn from wells, the flat bread baked in campfires, and the Bedouin legends, traditions and knowledge of the terrain preserved for future generations.

— Patrick Scott

Little Calumet River

Rudy Schultz/Openlands

A teenager and woman paddling a canoe on the water.

Little Calumet River, Chicago

In the Calumet region of Southeast Chicago, interest in the area’s nearly two centuries of African American heritage is flourishing alongside a new marine trail. Established by the urban conservation organization Openlands and community partners, the seven-mile African American Heritage Water Trail aims to tell the story of the Little Calumet River and those connected to it throughout history, like freedom seekers on the Underground Railroad who found shelter at Ton Farm, owned by Dutch immigrants. Paddle by canoe or kayak to the trail’s other key sites, including Chicago’s Finest Marina, one of the oldest Black-owned marinas in the area, and the Major Taylor Trail Bridge, named after the African American cyclist legend. And history isn’t the only draw for visitors: Thanks to initiatives by Audubon Great Lakes and other conservation groups, more marsh bird species are returning to this restored wetland area.

The Inner Hebrides

A view across Lussa Bay, with a red telephone booth in front of a stone building on the right.

The Inner Hebrides, Scotland

These islands along Scotland’s west coast are known for their wild, secluded beauty: fields of wildflowers, solitary beaches, ever-swirling seas. They’re also known for producing some of the world’s best single-malt whisky. Now, several new energy initiatives are helping to make the region — and its distilleries, which are largely reliant on fossil fuels — more eco-friendly. This year, the Bruichladdich Distillery, founded in 1881, is starting a pilot project on the island of Islay to begin using hydrogen fuel, in addition to fuel oil, to power its stills. According to the company, the zero-emission boiler, which will generate some of the steam required for distillation, will be the first of its kind in Britain. Plans are also underway to build new underwater wind turbines in the waters around Islay and Jura, a neighboring island, beginning in 2023. Those, too, could one day contribute to powering the islands and their distilleries, bringing an age-old industry — and the many tourists it draws — into a more sustainable future.

— Jenny Gross

Gil Giuglio

Two cyclists ride through a lush, tree-lined road.

Normandy, France

Claude Monet’s paintings of Normandy’s moody Atlantic coast could now have another element: a bicycle path, winding in the distance. New bike routes in the region include the 932-mile Vélomaritime , which starts south in Brittany, travels along the shore of the English Channel and ends at the Belgian border. Along the way, Mont-Saint-Michel rises out of the water and World War II’s D-Day landing beaches beckon. The Vélomaritime is one of the newer trails making up the EuroVelo , a bike network that aims to unite the European continent. The new 260-mile La Seine à Vélo , with a focus on promoting environmentally friendly bicycle tourism and connecting with local communities, embarks from Notre-Dame in Paris and follows the Seine to the Normandy coast, through sun-dappled countryside. La Seine à Vélo’s final stretch swoops through the area of Pays d’Auge, the cradle of Camembert, Calvados and cider.

Benjamin Rasmussen for The New York Times

Two skiiers backcountry skiing uphill through snow.

Estes Park, Colorado

Climate change has diminished snow and made for spottier ski seasons in many destinations. Skiers aiming to shrink their carbon footprint can turn to a ski town with no ski lifts: Estes Park , the gateway to Rocky Mountain National Park , about 65 miles north of Denver. The town’s original ski area, Hidden Valley , opened in 1955 in the park but closed in 1991 because it couldn’t compete with larger areas’ snow-making capabilities. Now, with runs still cut into the mountain, it attracts backcountry skiers who champion its powder with a “no pain, no altitude gain” attitude. Those new to backcountry skiing can learn how to uphill and descend safely with a course from the local Kent Mountain Adventure Center . Rewilding Expeditions offers more unmechanized recreation, including camping and snowshoe tours, and private tours led by Yellow Wood Guiding focus on wildlife and photography. Toast your adventures aprés-ski with an Altruism amber from Estes’ Rock Cut Brewing Company , which donates $1 of every Altruism beer sold to local organizations and nonprofits.

Kunta Kinteh Island

Shutterstock/Damian Pankowiec

The ruins on Kunta Kinteh Island.

Kunta Kinteh Island, Gambia

Kunta Kinteh Island, a speck of land near the mouth of the Gambia River, was a key site in the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Formerly called James Island and used for hundreds of years as a staging ground for the transport of enslaved people, the island, part of a UNESCO World Heritage site , was renamed in recent years after a character in Alex Haley’s best-selling book “Roots.” Now, because of heavy erosion and rising seas, the island is at risk of being lost altogether. Its ruins — including the cramped quarters where men and women were confined before being sent across the Atlantic — have been partly protected, but only a fraction of the island’s land mass remains, the rest having been reclaimed by the surrounding water. Local tour guides can be hired to explain the island’s history , and a small cruise company runs annual river trips into Gambia , giving guests the opportunity to donate to a school and film festival the company founded deeper inland.

A scenic route along the Gradini del Petraio, overlooking the city and the Gulf of Naples.

Naples, Italy

See Naples and die, they say, meaning that this Mediterranean beauty should be on everyone’s bucket list. But sadly, Naples faces a precarious future. Without intervention, this densely populated city is expected to experience 55 days of extreme heat per year by 2049 and 93 days by 2081, according to a recent report . The good news is that some locals are rolling up their sleeves. A group of residents in the working-class neighborhood of San Giovanni a Teduccio has set up a “ fair energy” community to provide free, clean electricity to families living below the poverty line, with a system of 166 solar panels. Local authorities encourage tourists to visit the city by foot , taking tours across Naples’s fabled stairways . The Pedamentina , a scenic route tracing it roots to the 14th century and consisting of paved descents and more than 400 steps, cannot be missed.

Höga Kusten

Tommie Svanström Ohlson & ARKNAT

A sculptural hut sits atop a vista of a forest.

Höga Kusten, Sweden

Swedes have long sought solitude in the untamed northern region known as Höga Kusten, or the High Coast, for its dramatic cliffs and pristine archipelago. With more than 100 nature preserves, a national park and hundreds of miles of trails, this wilderness refuge is a draw for hikers, cross-country skiers and mountaineers seeking less-trodden paths, stunning vistas and uncrowded campsites. A dedication to sustainable tourism, including a pledge to make the area carbon-neutral by 2030, promises to protect the future of the coast, its beautiful lakes and its old-growth forests. Last summer, new electric buses began ferrying hikers from nearby towns to the park’s entrance. To inspire hikers to appreciate the surrounding nature, the ArkNat architecture project has built several sculptural huts along the trails.

— Ingrid K. Williams

Gabriela Herman

Street scene from the town square in Humboldt.

Humboldt, Kansas

In 2016, a group of Kansas locals who had left decades ago began asking themselves, “What would it take to move back home?” The answer lay in tiny Humboldt, two hours southwest of Kansas City with a population of fewer than 2,000 people. With the support of the local community, the group established an organization, A Bolder Humboldt, to revitalize rural living, with the town becoming an unexpected and affordable oasis of cool surrounded by fields of wheat and soybeans. A Bolder Humboldt has already opened shops, community gardens and co-working spaces, with a boutique hotel, a honky-tonk bar and a bookstore all in the works. Outdoor movies are screened on the town square, and the whole town participates in an annual water fight. Base Camp is a collection of lakeside rental cabins at the edge of town, and cyclists can ride a 60-mile trail to nearby Lawrence and the University of Kansas. Humboldt is betting these elevated experiences will draw both locals and tourists to the glories of the Great Plains.

— Gabriela Herman

Kieran Dodds for The New York Times

Houses along a coast, sun peeking out from behind a mountain in the background.

With its average temperatures rising faster than anywhere else on the planet , Greenland is establishing a holistic, sustainable approach to tourism that aims to be in harmony with its people, natural wilderness and 4,500-year-old Inuit culture. The world’s largest island, a Danish territory, is now directing various grants to locals, including the Inuit dog-sled tour company Greenland Dog Adventure , and offering free training and tourism degrees at Campus Kujalleq in Southern Greenland. Also in Southern Greenland: Greenland Trees . For more than a decade, this nonprofit — in a region sheltered from the island’s traditional stormy weather — has planted thousands of trees to offset carbon emissions , and future plans include building a greenhouse to cultivate seedlings and restoring land at a former military base. Volunteers are welcomed to help plant trees and enjoy Greenland off the beaten path. Here visitors can see Norse ruins — the area is a UNESCO World Heritage site , for Norse and Indigenous culture — and experience the aurora borealis, with few others blocking the view.

— Daniel Scheffler

Mallory Solomon

A woman stands in a colorful pink and orange outdoor room.

Marrakesh, Morocco

While women in Morocco have been granted some additional rights in the past two decades, the country recently ranked 144th (out of 156 countries) in a World Economic Forum study of gender parity. Fortunately, entrepreneurs are creating foundations, cooperatives, shops and restaurants to employ, educate and empower Moroccan women. Since many are in Marrakesh, a trip to this “Jewel of the South” offers an opportunity for visitors to help. The Al Kawtar boutique, stocked with clothing, bags and other textiles sewn by disabled women, also operates a home where the women live and receive care. For carpets, consider visiting the atelier of Salam Hello , which is devoted to paying weavers — mostly rural women — a fair wage and using profits to assist them. Come lunch or dinner, a traditional Moroccan meal — tagine, couscous, fruit salad — at an Amal restaurant provides direct assistance to disadvantaged women and helps finance a nonprofit association that trains women in culinary skills. Finally, when it’s time to sleep, consider Peacock Pavilions . The luxury resort, located in an olive grove outside of Marrakesh, is owned by the creators of Project Soar , which provides education and leadership training to teen girls.

— Seth Sherwood

New Zealand

Northland NZ

Ngawha Springs at sunset.

Northland, New Zealand

According to Māori legend, the North Island of New Zealand was an enormous fish, caught by the demigod Māui , and now the forested region of Northland is known as “the tail of the fish.” Endless cultural lessons await travelers here. At the newly redeveloped Ngawha Springs , where the people of Ngapuhi came to replenish their wairua, or spirit, visitors can soak in dozens of mineral-rich geothermal pools to alleviate pain and repair common ailments. Also reopening is the cultural and educational center Te Ahurea, which includes an interactive pā or settlement site highlighting the history and traditions of the Hongi, Rewa and Tāreha Māori Indigeneous peoples. For day tours, the Māori-owned and -operated Tu Tika Tours organizes private adventures that reveal local customs through storytelling, welcome ceremonies, singing, weaving and cuisine. And to rest your head, the secluded eco-retreat Tahi offers luxury while boasting of giving 100 percent of its profits back to local conservation, culture and community.

Vancouver Island

British columbia, canada.

Serena Renner

A lush, green, old-growth rainforest.

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada

Long a destination for adventurers eager to surf Tofino or watch for orcas or humpback whales , Vancouver Island has recently been the center of a controversy around one of British Columbia’s few remaining patches of old-growth rainforest. These complex ecosystems, which remove and store significant amounts of carbon from the atmosphere, are in increasingly short supply — an argument demonstrators are using against loggers as they try to protect Douglas firs and yellow cedars in the island’s Fairy Creek forest on Pacheedaht First Nation territory. While the fight rages on and Fairy Creek remains inaccessible, the wonderland of Cascadian rainforest can be explored at MacMillan Provincial Park , Pacific Rim National Park Reserve or the UNESCO-protected Clayoquot Sound Biosphere Reserve . Experiencing old-growth forests while we still can is an affecting way to better understand what’s at stake, and what we stand to lose.

Elijio Panti National Park

Robert Rausch for The New York Times

Map of Elijio Panti National Park, Belize

Elijio Panti National Park, Belize

Since gaining its independence in 1981, Belize has long prioritized the conservation of its lands and waters. At a park near the country’s western border with Guatemala, those conservation efforts extend to cultural and floral realms, too. Elijio Panti National Park, a lush, 13,006-acre oasis, is one of only a handful of parks in Belize that’s comanaged by a Maya community. The park takes its name from Don Elijio Panti, a renowned Maya healer who worked from a small hut a couple of miles from the park’s entrance. A series of medicine trails display the names and uses of the nearly 100 native plants — like balsam and gumbo-limbo — that Mr. Panti foraged here. “The day we forget how to use our medicinal plants is the day we go extinct,” said Maria Garcia, Mr. Panti’s niece, who inherited her uncle’s interest in herbal medicine and serves as one of the park’s stewards. Nearby hotels have begun highlighting the park as an attraction; at GAIA Riverlodge , guests can sign up for a five-hour guided tour led by a local shaman.

— Alex Schechter

Palm trees in front of the Revere Quality House after sunset.

Sarasota, Florida

Architecture Sarasota is a new organization founded to protect and promote the most spectacular concentration of modernist buildings east of the Mississippi. In a booming city on Florida’s Gulf Coast, where there’s a constant tug of war between developers and preservationists, raising the profile of these modernist buildings is intended to give them greater value in the eyes of locals and attract design tourists, says Anne-Marie Russell, the organization’s executive director. The buildings were the work of architects in what was known as the Sarasota School of Architecture, which emerged during the 1940s and ran through the mid-1960s. Among the best-known architects were Paul Rudolph and his partner Ralph Twitchell, Philip Hiss, Gene Leedy, Carl Abbott, Victor Lundy and Jack West. “Our hope is the Sarasota School’s innovative sensitivity to climate and environmental concerns will spur innovative and sustainable design here today,” Ms. Russell said. Architecture Sarasota organizes guided visits to and private stays at some of the best modernist houses and runs an annual MOD Weekend of tours, exhibits and similar events.

Vanuatu Tourism Office/David Kirkland

Four people sit on a boat floating on a freshwater pool.

Visitors to Vanuatu’s alluring swimming holes insist that each one is a slightly different shade of blue — some are an intense turquoise, others are sapphire. After diving into these natural freshwater pools, surrounded by lush foliage, travelers will find remarkable water clarity, even 60 feet down. The pools have been off-limits to visitors from abroad since March 2020 , when this collection of around 80 islands, scattered across an 800-mile arc of the South Pacific, shut its borders to protect itself from the coronavirus. The plan is to reopen when more residents are vaccinated.The archipelago, which some liken to Bali or Fiji 40 years ago, because it has yet to reckon with overdevelopment, is also confronting a crisis beyond the pandemic. Along with consistently ranking among the happiest nations out there, Vanuatu is the most disaster-prone country in the world , and climate change is contributing to those disasters, which include cyclones and sea level rise . This tiny country of around 300,000 people is now leading the fight to get the International Court of Justice to issue a legal opinion on countries’ obligations to each other to take action to slow climate change. Addressing this currently unresolved area of international law could influence policies not only in Vanuatu, but everywhere we travel.

— Heather Murphy

Santa Cruz County

Surrounded by redwood trees, two hikers walk through the Redwood Grove Loop Trail.

Santa Cruz County, California

In 2020, wildfires across California threatened some of the world’s oldest forests, including at Big Basin Redwoods and Henry Cowell Redwoods State Parks in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Thankfully, most of the parks’ mighty redwoods survived the flames, and now hope — in the form of expanded green initiatives — is dawning across Santa Cruz County. While Henry Cowell is open, as is a small section of Big Basin, with more ambitious rebuilding planned, the Land Trust of Santa Cruz County is developing new hiking trails, including in the 8,500-acre San Vicente Redwoods. On the North Coast, the Cotoni-Coast Dairies , a recent addition to the California Coastal National Monument , is slated to open within the next year, with nearly 6,000 acres of coastal terraces, redwood forests and sweeping views of the Pacific. The area’s designation as a national monument will help protect its rich ecology and cultural history, including ancestral sites of the Indigenous Cotoni people.

Serra da Capivara National Park

A stone arch peeking above trees at Pedra Furada.

Serra da Capivara National Park, Brazil

Sure, it’s the dramatic mesas and canyons of northeastern Brazil’s caatinga, or cactusy shrub lands, that first catch the eye. But what distinguishes this national park from countless other breathtaking Brazilian landscapes are the archaeological and artistic remains of ancient humans who many researchers believe arrived more than 20,000 years ago. The now 88-year-old French-Brazilian archaeologist Niède Guidon first documented the exuberant red ocher cave drawings depicting hunters, prey, revelers and play in the 1960s. Her team unearthed archaeological finds that called into question previous theories on how humans reached the Americas; the area became a national park in 1979, added the Museum of American Man in 1986 and became a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1991. The Museum of Nature, opened in 2018, brought a record 30,000 visitors to the park the next year. The pandemic slowed momentum but not progress: New archaeological sites were prepared for visitation, new visitor bathrooms were installed, and most notably, an impressive 200-foot enclosed ladder up a steep cliff face opened in October, allowing safer and far faster visitor access to a popular panoramic viewpoint.

— Seth Kugel

Saguaro National Park

John Burcham for The New York Times

Saguaro cacti at sunset.

Saguaro National Park, Arizona

Saguaro National Park, whose two parcels sit on either side of Tucson, is home to almost 2 million of the tall, multi-limbed cactuses for which it is named. For decades it has delighted visitors with hiking trails, archaeological sites and epic vistas. But climate change is now threatening the very cactuses that have made the park an iconic destination. Rising temperatures, along with more frequent — and hotter — wildfires, are curbing the growth of new saguaro. A National Park Service report found that out of 10,000 cactuses, only 70 were less than 11 to 15 years old, a disturbing trend that puts the future of the cactus population in the park at risk. To help mitigate the effects of wildfires, the park launched an eradication program targeting buffelgrass , an invasive species that is drought-resistant and provides an outsize amount of wildfire fuel. The park has also organized monthly buffelgrass pulls, where teams of volunteers spend four hours digging up and disposing of the invasive species. Put on hold during the pandemic, the group pulls are slated to begin again early this year . Officials are also planning to begin a program where visitors can “adopt” specific areas of the park and pick buffelgrass on their own time.

— Daniel Tepper

A view of Cies Islands from Pedra da Campa.

Islas Cíes, Spain

Even before the pandemic, the Islas Cíes off Spain’s Galician coast had long limited the number of daily visitors — 1,800, in high season — to protect its environment and guard against overtourism. This verdant archipelago, part of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park , is a vision of protected biodiversity: flourishing nature preserves, teeming marine life and robust colonies of seabirds. The strict conservation efforts include restrictions against cars, hotels and noise, and ensure that only in designated areas can visitors explore long, curving beaches, snorkel through clear waters and hike trails that wind toward picturesque lighthouses. The delight continues at night: Ink-black starry skies have earned a Starlight designation for limited light pollution. Island ferries depart from Galicia’s Rías Baixas region, with highlights that include misty albariño vineyards, Pontevedra’s old town, and Vigo and its Calle de las Ostras, where you can slurp up fresh oysters at outdoor wooden tables.

Joann Pai for The New York Times

For people riding an escalator down in Monte-Carlo.

Monaco’s gilded reputation shimmers worldwide, but these days the principality’s glow is unequivocally green. The sovereign city-state on the French Riviera has an ambitious plan to cut its carbon emissions by 55 percent before 2030 and turn carbon-neutral by 2050. Its sustainability efforts are driven by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, a global charity prioritizing environmental action that was established in 2006. Sixteen years later, evidence of the principality’s initiatives is visible (and enjoyable) in the 0.76-square-mile enclave. It has a robust network of electric cars, bikes and hybrid buses, and a solar-powered water taxi that transports people with ease. Strollable public parks and gardens make up 20 percent of Monaco (where escalators help with the climbs), while snorkeling is the activity du jour off Larvotto Beach , where sea life thrives amid 3-D printed reefs, submerged roughly 60 feet below the water’s surface to restore habitats damaged by human activity. The locally based company Terrae takes urban gardening and farming to new heights, populating rooftops and balconies, and supplying residents and restaurants, including Michelin-starred Blue Bay . Meanwhile, the Distillery of Monaco produces bitter orange liqueur and gin, flavored with citrus from trees in Monaco and nearby villages.

— Kimberley Lovato


Kevin Miyazaki for The New York Times

A statue of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. faces a street lined with shops.

Bronzeville, Milwaukee

At times overshadowed by its namesake neighborhood in Chicago, Milwaukee’s Bronzeville district is again distinguishing itself as a center of African American culture. From 1910 to the 1950s, the area buzzed with Black-owned businesses, but it was decimated by “urban renewal” projects that razed thriving Black neighborhoods across America. Today’s Bronzeville is supported by about $400 million of redevelopment funds from organizations like the Historic King Drive BID , P3 Development Group and Maures Development Group (all led by people of color). Symbolic of this reinvigoration is the reopening this year of America’s Black Holocaust Museum . Founded in 1988 by Dr. James Cameron, the only known survivor of a lynching, the museum attracted visitors from around the world before closing in 2008 when it lost funding during the recession. On Feb. 25, the museum will reopen in a 10,000-square-foot space that takes visitors on a journey through more than 4,500 years of African and African American history. Nearby, businesses like Gee’s Clippers (a barbershop housed in a 1930s bank) and the Bronzeville Collective (a retail space featuring local Black brands) elevate African American artistry, while the newly opened Maranta Plant Shop , Sam’s Place Jazz Cafe and soon-to-open Niche Book Bar prove that Bronzeville is back.

— Shayla Martin

Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve

Corey Myers/NWTT

Looming cliffsides.

Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve, Canada

Designated in 2019 and located in the Northwest Territories, Canada’s newest national park, Thaidene Nëné, means “Land of the Ancestors” in the Denesuline language. The park is a mix of boreal forest and tundra along the eastern shoreline of Great Slave Lake. It also sets a new precedent in including Indigenous peoples in park management and oversight. The first Canadian national parks, created in the 19th century, excluded Indigenous peoples from their traditional lands. Although this policy changed, overall control remained in the hands of Parks Canada. At Thaidene Nëné, Indigenous communities, including the nearby Dene settlement of Lutsel K’e, have helped create and manage the park from the beginning. Economic opportunities derived from the park, like guiding and cultural heritage tours, flow back to these communities. Ni Hat’ni Dene is a network of Lutsel K’e residents employed to protect, monitor and provide interpretive tours of the park. Visitors can hike along the trails of Dene ancestors, paddle through the many coves and waterfalls of the eastern arm of Great Slave Lake, fish for lake trout and Arctic grayling during the summer’s nearly 24-hour light, and camp at the transition point between the subarctic and Arctic environments.

— Peter Kujawinski

Cerro Castillo National Park

A huemul sits on a hill in a forest.

Cerro Castillo National Park, Chile

Located along the Route of Parks of Patagonia, a network of 17 national reserves that make up about a third of Chile, Cerro Castillo was designated as a national park in 2018 and is at the center of an effort to protect the country’s national animal, the huemul or South Andean deer, from extinction. The huemul population has dwindled to 1,500, about 1 percent of its historic size. Rewilding Chile , a conservation organization started by the co-founder of the North Face, Douglas Tompkins, working with the Chilean government, is leading an initiative to save them. The National Huemul Corridor would give the huemules more room to roam between the parks, and Rewilding Chile is gathering funds to build a huemul rehabilitation center in Cerro Castillo to treat animals infected with Linfoadenitis caseosa, a disease transmitted by cattle. Visitors to Cerro Castillo may spot the animals while enjoying a short walk on one of the trails through the Lenga and Ñirre forests, or can opt for a circuit through the park that takes four to five days. The park’s crown jewel is a mountain peak that resembles a castle, from which it takes its name.

— Concepción de León

Daintree Rainforest

Map of Daintree Rainforest, Australia

Daintree Rainforest, Australia

The 180-million-year-old Daintree Rainforest in northern Queensland is one of the world’s most complex ecosystems. Part of a UNESCO World Heritage site , the area is home to sparkling rivers, copious wildlife and lush tropical flora, all of which tumble down to white sand beaches that abut the Great Barrier Reef. The region has always been popular with tourists. But in 2021 it became an even more compelling destination, after nearly 400,000 acres of land, including Daintree, were handed back to the Eastern Kuku Yalanji , an Aboriginal people who are believed to have lived in the area for more than 50,000 years. The hope is that the transfer of ownership will encourage visitors to learn more about the culture and ecological stewardship of the Eastern Kuku Yalanji, as well as provide career opportunities for members of the tribe. It is an example of the increasingly vital role Indigenous Australians are taking in the country’s tourism industry.

places not to travel 2022

Design and Production

Elisabeth Goodridge, Alice Fang, Stephen Hiltner, Matt Ruby and Amy Virshup. Additional production by Michael Beswetherick.

Additional Editing

Suzanne MacNeille and Lynda Richardson

Baden Copeland

Photo Editing

Phaedra Brown

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Jan 10, 2022: An earlier version of this article misspelled the surname of a restaurant critic in New York City. His name is Robert Sietsema, not Robert Sietsma. The article also misstated the status of a huemul rehabilitation center planned for Cerro Castillo National Park in Chile. The project is still in the process of getting funded, it is not in the construction stage yet.

Jan 11, 2022: An earlier version of this article misstated the status of Puerto Rico's El Yunque National Forest. It is the only tropical rainforest within the U.S. Forest Service's holdings, not the only rainforest. It also misstated the reopening date of a museum in Milwaukee. America’s Black Holocaust Museum is scheduled to reopen this year, not 2023.

Jan 12, 2022: An earlier version of this article omitted an organization that purchased land to protect wildlife in Argentina. It was Tompkins Conservation, as well as Rewilding Argentina.

  • 1. Chioggia, Italy
  • 2. Chimanimani National Park, Mozambique
  • 3. Queens, New York
  • 4. Northumberland, England
  • 5. Zihuatanejo, Mexico
  • 6. Iberá Park, Argentina
  • 7. Alentejo Wine Region, Portugal
  • 8. The Lucayan Archipelago, The Bahamas, Turks and Caicos
  • 9. Evia, Greece
  • 10. Cobscook Shores, Maine
  • 11. Hoonah, Alaska
  • 12. Cleveland, Ohio
  • 13. Courmayeur, Italy
  • 14. Red River Delta, Vietnam
  • 15. South Africa
  • 16. Uttarakhand, India
  • 17. Fogo Island, Newfoundland, Canada
  • 18. The Great Highway, San Francisco
  • 19. Kyoto, Japan
  • 20. El Yunque National Forest, Puerto Rico
  • 21. Sierra Leone
  • 22. Slovenia
  • 23. El Hierro, Spain
  • 24. Summerland Peninsula, Australia
  • 25. Dana Biosphere Reserve, Jordan
  • 26. Gouda, The Netherlands
  • 27. Thy, Denmark
  • 28. The Red Sea Mountain Trail, Egypt
  • 29. Little Calumet River, Chicago
  • 30. The Inner Hebrides, Scotland
  • 31. Normandy, France
  • 32. Estes Park, Colorado
  • 33. Kunta Kinteh Island, Gambia
  • 34. Naples, Italy
  • 35. Höga Kusten, Sweden
  • 36. Humboldt, Kansas
  • 37. Greenland
  • 38. Marrakesh, Morocco
  • 39. Northland, New Zealand
  • 40. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
  • 41. Elijio Panti National Park, Belize
  • 42. Sarasota, Florida
  • 43. Vanuatu
  • 44. Santa Cruz County, California
  • 45. Serra da Capivara National Park, Brazil
  • 46. Saguaro National Park, Arizona
  • 47. Islas Cíes, Spain
  • 49. Bronzeville, Milwaukee
  • 50. Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve, Canada
  • 51. Cerro Castillo National Park, Chile
  • 52. Daintree Rainforest, Australia


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25 amazing journeys for 2022

We’re ready to explore again. Here are the best adventures for the year ahead.

Guests enjoy the highest Via Ferrata in North America at Arapahoe Basin Ski Area

Ready to travel again? Our global editors picked the planet’s 25 most exciting destinations for 2022. Five categories—Nature, Adventure, Sustainability, Culture and History, and Family—frame unforgettable journeys of discovery. This year’s list celebrates a number of World Heritage sites in honor of UNESCO’s 50 years of helping to safeguard cultural and natural treasures. Although the pandemic changed when, where, and how we travel, we are eager to unleash our wanderlust—and see what wonders we’ll uncover.      


Iced over Rock island in Lake Bikal, Russia

Lake Baikal, Russia

Help save a natural wonder. Baikal is so vast and deep, many locals call it a sea. Covering some 12,200 square miles and with an average depth of 2,442 feet, the massive lake is a natural wonder. It’s also in serious trouble. Despite being named a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1996, Lake Baikal has experienced ongoing pollution, the recent weakening of government protections, and new threats, such as large-scale tourism development. As a result, the International Union for Conservation of Nature deemed the lake’s environmental World Heritage Outlook of “significant concern” in 2020.

Visitors can help safeguard the lake and its varied landscapes—including tundra, steppe, boreal forest, and virgin beaches—by volunteering with Great Baikal Trail Association , the nonprofit environmental group creating a hiking route around the lake. “Volunteering helps protect Lake Baikal nature by developing ecotourism infrastructure,” says association president Elena Chubakova.

Hiking the trail is a planet-friendly way to spot some of the 1,200 Lake Baikal plant and animal species found nowhere else on Earth, such as the nerpa, the world’s only exclusively freshwater seal.   — Victoria Meleshko, National Geographic Traveler Russia

Elephants walk around Mudumu National park in Namibia

Discover the next great safari. Namibia evokes images of deserts, immense dunes, and parched mountains. But the Caprivi Strip, a narrow finger of land that juts out toward the east in the extreme north of the country, is a green, wildlife-rich territory. The presence of the Okavango, Kwando, Chobe, and Zambezi Rivers creates an ideal habitat for numerous animal species.

During the second half of the 20th century, the area was the scene of intense military activity. Remote and difficult to access, it was a prime corridor for various armed groups. After Namibia gained independence in 1990, peace—and wildlife—gradually returned.

In the eastern section of the region, Nkasa Rupara National Park is a secret jewel. A ranger station and tented lodge that opened in recent years have made it more accessible to tourism, but it’s still seldom visited. Encompassed by the Kwando-Linyanti River system to the south and by swamps and lagoons to the north, Nkasa Rupara is Namibia’s largest protected wetland. It’s described as a “mini Okavango,” as its floodwaters mirror Botswana ’s more famous Okavango Delta . The park is home to the largest population of buffalo in Namibia. Predators include lions, leopards, and hyenas, while crocodiles and hippos abound in the river.  

Mahango Game Park , in the west, includes wetlands and mopane forests. Here roam large herds of elephants, hippos, crocodiles, and nearly all the antelope species of Namibia, including the elusive semiaquatic sitatunga. Go with Nat Geo: See otherworldly landscapes and seek out endangered black rhinos in Namibia. —Marco Cattaneo, National Geographic Traveler Italy

the lush forest in Cape Otway, Australia

Victoria, Australia

Drive the Great Ocean Road.   Green shoots of regeneration are popping up across Australia , where the 2019-2020 bushfires burned some 72,000 square miles of land. The disasters led to the deaths of nearly three dozen people and more than a billion animals.

Playing its own role in these rejuvenation efforts, Wildlife Wonders , in Victoria’s Otways region, is a new wildlife sanctuary tucked away off the Great Ocean Road amid lush ancient forest and waterfalls. It’s the brainchild of Brian Massey, the landscape designer of New Zealand ’s Hobbiton movie set tours. Massey, along with botanists, scientists, zoologists, and environmental specialists, has crafted a sinuous wooden path that winds through the refuge and blends seamlessly into the landscape.

Visitors can set off on 75-minute guided tours of the sylvan site, wandering through thickets of eucalyptus trees and admiring the koalas, wallabies, and bandicoots that now call the sanctuary home. During a stop at the Research Base, guests can learn more about how the site provides a safe space for native species like the long-nosed potoroo, a marsupial that often falls prey to invasive predators such as foxes and cats.

All profits from Wildlife Wonders go toward the Conservation Ecology Centre , which helps to fund several vital conservation projects in the Otways, including one that studies the movement of potoroos before, during, and after planned forest fires. — Connor McGovern, National Geographic Traveller UK

an aerial view of the cara blanca pools in the Belize Maya Forest

Peek at tropical wildlife. The race to preserve one of the largest remaining tropical rainforests in the Americas got a big boost recently. In April 2021, a coalition of conservation partners, led by the Nature Conservancy , purchased 236,000 acres of tropical forest in northwestern Belize to create the Belize Maya Forest Reserve . Along with saving some of the most biodiverse forests in the world from denuding and development, the new protected area—which is contiguous with the neighboring Rio Bravo Conservation Management Area (RBCMA)—closes a huge gap in a vital wildlife corridor that runs from southeast Mexico through Guatemala and into Belize.

The combined reserve, which protects nearly a tenth of Belize’s land area, safeguards and connects essential habitats for an amazing variety of endemic and endangered wild things. These include the tapir, Belize’s national animal; black howler monkeys; more than 400 species of birds; and some of Central America’s largest surviving populations of jaguar. For now, ecotourism activities are based in the more established RBCMA, which has two rustic lodges and offers guided expeditions. Go with Nat Geo:   Take a private tour of the Maya ruins of Tikal, Guatemala, and the cays of Belize.  

Tent camping under a rising Milky Way in Voyegeur's National Park in Minnesota

Northern Minnesota  

Turn off the lights.   Thousands upon thousands of stars dazzle above northern Minnesota . This remote region bordering the Canadian province of Ontario has little to no light pollution, and residents are determined to keep it that way.

The Heart of the Continent Dark Sky Initiative is a cross-border effort underway to create one of the largest dark-sky destinations on the planet. Two of its biggest pieces are in Minnesota: Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness , the world’s largest International Dark Sky Sanctuary at more than a million acres, and neighboring Voyageurs National Park , the state’s first International Dark Sky Park. Both wild places received dark-sky certification in 2020, and Ontario’s Quetico Provincial Park , which adjoins the wilderness area, earned International Dark Sky Park status in early 2021.

( Here’s how to see auroras—from the Great Lakes .)

“The preservation of darkness at places like Voyageurs National Park not only provides wondrous views and ecological benefits to wildlife,” says Christina Hausman Rhode, executive director of the nonprofit Voyageurs Conservancy . “It also allows us a window to the past; to see the skies as they were hundreds of years ago, used for navigation and storytelling by peoples like the voyageurs of the fur trade and the Indigenous Ojibwe.”


Guests enjoy the highest Via Ferrata in North America at Arapahoe Basin Ski Area

Arapahoe Basin, Colorado

Climb the Rockies. For unparalleled views of the Continental Divide, one must climb hand over foot up North America’s highest via ferrata. Arapahoe Basin ’s “iron way”—a climbing route comprising metal rungs and cables—begins at the base of granite Rocky Mountain cliffs and ascends nearly 1,200 feet to a 13,000-foot summit.

A glance below reveals a weathered Colorado landscape dotted with green moss and pink and purple flora, and rock gardens created by the cliffs themselves, the fallen chunks varying in size from pebbles to Volkswagens. The thin air is occasionally punctuated by the shrill peep of a marmot or pika.

Even those without prior rock-climbing experience can scale the cliffs with a guide, using the metal rungs while also gripping the rock or wedging a foot into a crack for leverage. To avoid what could be a thousand-foot plunge to certain death, climbers must clip their harnesses from one cable to the next as they go. The route is entirely exposed and thunderstorms can roll in suddenly.

From the cliffs above, high-alpine mountain goats are often stoic observers, but typically disappear as travelers reach the summit. This marks the halfway point. From here, climbers must also descend, which, for via ferrata first-timers like Michael Lytle, can be the most harrowing part of the journey.

“You try not to look all the way down. The highway looks like a piece of thread from up there,” Lytle says. “The fear factor is real.”  

Millions of jellyfish fill a unique marine lake in Palau

Swim with sharks. When you arrive here, the stamp in your passport will include the Palau Pledge , which all visitors must sign, promising that “the only footprints I shall leave are those that will wash away.” The 59-word eco-pledge was drafted by and for the children of this remote western Pacific archipelago to help protect Palau’s culture and environment from the negative impacts of tourism.

Eighty percent of the nation’s waters—recognized by National Geographic’s Pristine Seas project as one of the richest marine ecosystems on the planet—is preserved as the Palau National Marine Sanctuary . At 183,000 square miles, the no-take sanctuary is one of the world’s largest protected marine areas, safeguarding some 700 species of coral and more than 1,300 species of fish, including a dazzling variety of sharks.

“From the air, Palau looks like paradise on earth,” says Pristine Seas founder and National Geographic Explorer in Residence Enric Sala . “When you get underwater, you’re transported to a different world.”

During the 20th annual Shark Week Palau, from February 27 to March 6, 2022, divers can observe and participate in citizen science–assisted counts of numerous shark species, such as grey reef, blacktip, blue, tiger, and hammerhead. Daily dive sites are chosen for their abundant sharks and other marine life, including large aggregations of manta rays and thousands of spawning fish.  

Snorkelers can join a February or November Oceanic Society tour of the UNESCO World Heritage–listed Rock Islands Southern Lagoon , home to reef sharks, dugongs, giant clams, and marine lakes teeming with millions of golden jellyfish. Go with Nat Geo:   Discover the undersea wonders of Palau on this snorkel and kayak tour . — National Geographic Traveller India

Three people on bikes cross over the Seine River in France

Seine River, France

Cycle a new bike trail. La Seine à Vélo is a new cycling trail worthy of painter Claude Monet, whose house and famous water lilies in Giverny are on the route. But the 270-mile Paris-to-the-sea path, opened in October 2020, offers lesser known masterpieces too, such as the colorful street art that brightens the Canal Saint-Denis in Paris .

On the trail’s 15 stages, bikers pass through protected natural areas, including Normandy’s Grande Noé Bird Reserve , located along a major migratory flyway. While rolling across Normandy , they can visit the ruins of Jumièges Abbey , founded in 654, and take a Benedictine monk–led tour of Abbaye Saint-Wandrille , a centuries-old working abbey. The tearoom and gardens of Château de Bizy , a royal residence built in 1740 and inspired by Versailles , offer a respite off two wheels.

While Monet isn’t the only reason to ride the trail, pedal-pushers who love paintings should allow extra time for the Giverny Museum of Impressionism , which explores the revolutionary 19th-century art movement. — Gabriel Joseph-Dezaize, National Geographic Traveler France

New Brunswick

New Brunswick, Canada

Tackle a backcountry trail. A turtle-shaped rock near Nepisiguit Falls, in the Canadian province of New Brunswick , carries with it a legend told by the Mi’gmaq people (also spelled Mi’kmaq). When water levels drop, the “turtle,” named Egomoqaseg, or “rock like a moving ship,” appears to be climbing up out of the river, says trail master Jason Grant, whose father-in-law, Mi’gmaq elder Gilbert Sewell, was a keeper of the story.

“Legend goes, once the turtle is completely out of the water, it will be the end of the world for the Mi’gmaq people,” says Grant. Based on his annual visits to the rock, Grant adds, Egomoqaseg has a long way to go before reaching dry ground.

The falls are a stop along a millennia-old First Nations migration route that has been developed into the longest backcountry hiking trail in the Canadian Maritimes. Running 93 miles along the Nepisiguit River, the rugged Sentier Nepisiguit Mi’gmaq Trail follows ancient portage pathways used by the nomadic Mi’gmaq.  

The route begins at sea level at Daly Point Nature Reserve in Bathurst and ends at Bathurst Lake in Mount Carleton Provincial Park , home to 2,690-foot-tall Mount Carleton, the highest peak in the Maritimes. To promote respect for the relevance of the trail to the Mi’gmaq people, the route’s restoration, completed in 2018, included incorporating Mi’gmaq language and culture, such as teepee campsites and a turtle logo inspired by Egomoqaseg.  

Rafts of people float down a river in the Rio Pacuare Valley

Trek from sea to sea. Stretching across Costa Rica from the Caribbean to the Pacific, El Camino de Costa Rica is a 174-mile-long window into life far off the well-trod tourist path. The 16-stage hiking route primarily follows public roads as it passes through remote villages and towns, Indigenous Cabecar lands, and protected natural areas.  

It’s designed to spark economic activity in rural districts. Local families, nonprofits, and a network of micro-entrepreneurs, such as Ecomiel honey producers, the woman-owned Finca El Casquillo organic farm, and La Cabaña sustainable coffee micro-mill, provide most of the trail’s lodging, food, tours, and other hiker amenities.

Due to the trail’s remoteness and its patchwork of tourism services, Mar a Mar (Sea to Sea)—the nonprofit partnership formed in 2016 to develop, promote, and help sustain El Camino—strongly recommends hiking with a guide. Ticos a Pata , UrriTrek Costa Rica , and ViaLig Journeys are among the tour operators offering guided experiences—from single-day hikes to coast-to-coast treks with multiple river crossings and rambles through ranch lands, rainforests, cloud forests, and sugarcane plantations. Multiday itineraries typically feature optional adventures, such as a white-water rafting trip on the world-class Pacuare River rapids. — National Geographic Traveler Korea


Cobalt-winged Parakeet parrots lick clay in the Napo Wildlife Center in Yasuni National Park Quechua

Yasuní National Park, Ecuador

Fight for the forest. In recognition of the global importance of the Amazon, France is leading the fight against deforestation in eastern Ecuador ’s Yasuní National Park , designated a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 1989. The almost 4,000-square-mile park—home to mahogany trees, sweet guabas , anthuriums, palms, and hypnotizingly green ferns—is the first of five pilot sites in the French-funded TerrAmaz program . This four-year initiative, launched in late 2020, supports sustainable development and safeguards biodiversity in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.

Yasuní—considered one of the most biodiverse places on Earth—shelters an astonishing assortment of creatures, such as anteaters, capybaras, sloths, spider monkeys, and about 600 species of colorful birds. In the Napo and Curaray rivers flanking the park, visitors can watch for the Amazon river dolphin, an endangered and enigmatic species.

Yasuní also provides refuge for the Tagaeri and Taromenane people, Waorani Indigenous groups who live in voluntary isolation and use handcrafted canoes to travel between waterways. Tour operators such as Napo Wildlife Center offer excursions and lodging based on a sustainable ecotourism model that benefits the resident tribes. — Karen Alfaro, National Geographic Traveler Latin America

A woman walks along a mountain trail

Chimanimani, Mozambique

Witness a conservation success. “Chimanimani is a timeless place, where local rainmakers still climb peaks to summon rain,” says National Geographic Explorer and photojournalist Jen Guyton , of one of Mozambique ’s newest national parks. Located on the country’s mountainous border with Zimbabwe, Chimanimani National Park , established in October 2020, is home to Mozambique’s highest peak, Mount Binga (elevation: 7,992 feet). It was once flush with elephants, lions, and other large animals whose images appear in ancient rock art created by the ancestral San people.

Poaching during decades of civil unrest decimated wildlife populations, but small numbers of elephants remain, as do at least 42 other species of mammals and a dazzling variety of plant and avian life. In the two recent biodiversity surveys alone that Guyton photographed, 475 plant species and 260 bird species were identified, along with 67 amphibian and reptile species—including one frog and one lizard thought to be new to science.

( How one of Africa’s great parks is rebounding from war .)

Sustainable tourism activities—such as birdwatching, hiking to forest waterfalls, and overnighting at the Ndzou Camp , a small community ecolodge—provide up-close views of a captivating wild place, which Guyton particularly enjoys experiencing at sunset. “With no roads for miles around, there’s total silence except for the birds, and you get a few moments of almost transcendental peace in that warm glow.”

Industrial architecture in the Ruhr Valley

Ruhr Valley, Germany

Get creative. Mining and steel production once dominated the densely populated Ruhr Valley , located in Germany ’s western state of North Rhine–Westphalia. Today, the region is repurposing former slag heaps (mounds of mining waste) and postapocalyptic-looking industrial sites as parks and open-air cultural spaces.  

The most famous is the World Heritage site of   Zeche Zollverein (Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex), home to an outdoor swimming pool, ice rink, and walking trails. “People visiting the Ruhr area are usually impressed by the abundance of green,” says Karola Geiss-Netthöfel, director of the Ruhr Regional Association .

Zollverein is part of the wider Emscher Landscape Park , an east-west system of green spaces and corridors covering nearly 175 square miles. Rent a bike in Essen for a car-free Ruhr Valley trip along cycling routes, many of which follow former railway tracks. Or explore on foot via the 96-mile-long Hohe Mark Steig , a trekking trail opened in 2021.  

“The trail combines nature and industrial culture in a unique way, as you pass by several industrial buildings,” says Geiss-Netthöfel. A top spot nearby: Halde Hoheward, elevation 495 feet, a mountainous slag heap made from 180 million tons of mine waste and topped with a giant sundial. — Franziska Haack, National Geographic Traveler Germany

Orchards and vineyard near Wishram, Washington, looking down the Columbia River towards The Dalles and Mount Hood

Columbia River Gorge, Oregon/Washington

Wine and dine mindfully. The nation’s largest National Scenic Area is probably not where you think it is. It straddles the Oregon - Washington border and comprises 293,000 acres of public and private lands along the Columbia River Gorge.

With Mount Hood nearby, the area attracts more than two million visitors annually. A nonprofit alliance is helping to reduce tourist impact on local nature and culture. This collaboration has become a model for other regions building a sustainable tourism economy.

Columbia Gorge Tourism Alliance initiatives include the visitor education program Ready, Set, Gorge, and the East Gorge Food Trail , a network of farms, historic hotels, wineries, and other homegrown experiences. Partnering with other local organizations and educating visitors benefits everyone, says Ali McLaughlin, owner of MountNbarreL , which offers wine-tasting bike tours and other car-free experiences.

“Having tourists who understand the importance of respecting the area they are traveling through has gone a long way toward mitigating concerns from local residents,” says McLaughlin. Go with Nat Geo: Retrace the path of Lewis and Clark’s trailblazing expedition through the Pacific Northwest.

View of Freedom Square from up above the city of Lodz, Poland

Łódź, Poland

Spotlight a green city. Named a UNESCO City of Film in 2017 for its rich cinematic culture, Łódź , a city of nearly 700,000 in central Poland , was a major textile manufacturing center in the 19th and 20th centuries. Now Poland’s Hollywood is flipping the script on its industrial past to create a greener future.

In recent years Łódź   (pronounced woodge) has embraced new ecological technologies, such as using pre-RDF (refuse-derived fuel) and biomass energy to heat homes. In 2021, the city partnered with the European e-commerce delivery platform InPost to significantly reduce CO₂ emissions and traffic in the town’s center by installing 70 parcel locker locations and electric car charging stations.

Nearly a third of Łódź is green space, ranging from new pocket parks to the 2,977-acre Łagiewnicki Forest . In the city’s old industrial areas, factories are being reborn as parks, cultural centers, residences, and retail spaces. The trendiest spot on the cultural map is OFF Piotrkowska , a buzzing art, design, dining, and club district housed in a former cotton mill.  

Another massive factory, built by the I.K. Poznański Cotton Products Company—which employed as many as 7,000 people in 1913—was reimagined as Manufaktura , an arts center and shopping mall spread across 13 historic brick buildings. Manufaktura’s Muzeum Fabryki explores the   Poznański family’s “cotton empire” and the lives of the factory workers. — Martyna Szczepanik, National Geographic Traveler Poland


A woman collects tea leaves with a Puer tea estate in the background

Jingmai Mountain, China

Taste tea. One of the oldest cultural landscapes in China is slated to become one of the country’s newest UNESCO World Heritage sites in 2022. The Ancient Tea Plantations of Jingmai Mountain in Pu’er , which collectively form the world’s largest ancient artificially cultivated tea plantation, features about 1.13 million tea trees, the oldest of which is 1,400 years old.

Located in the remote southwestern corner of China’s Yunnan Province, the region was a starting point of the legendary Ancient Tea Horse Road . This 11th-century network of routes was named for its primary purpose: trading Chinese tea for Tibetan horses (130 pounds of tea equaled the value of one horse).

( In search of the perfect cup of tea in China’s Yunnan Province .)

Today, new highways have replaced the route, but the region’s tea plantations remain, as do the four local ethnic minority groups—the Blang, Dai, Hani, and Wa people—who retain their own languages, customs, and festivals. The remote location and limited tea-tourism offerings make a guided trip the best way to experience this enduring cultural landscape. — Yi Lu, National Geographic Traveler China

A collection of artifacts displayed at the Kayano Shigeru Nibutani Ainu Museum in Biratori Town, Hokkaido

Hokkaido, Japan  

Learn about an island’s roots. Most visitors to Hokkaido , Japan’s wildly scenic and northernmost main island, don’t have many opportunities to learn about the Ainu, Indigenous people from the northern region of the archipelago. But the new National Ainu Museum and Park at Upopoy, which opened in 2020, hopes to change that. It joins the Kayano Shigeru Nibutani Ainu Museum , which opened in 1992, in teaching Japanese and international visitors about Ainu culture.

Marginalized since the late 1800s, the Ainu were granted legal protections in Japan in 2019; the country’s new Ainu Promotion Act recognizes and bans discrimination against the Ainu.  

Upopoy has a pressing three-pronged mission: promote, revitalize, and expand Ainu culture before it becomes extinct. Particularly at risk is the Ainu language, which is unrelated to Japanese or any other language, and is considered critically endangered by UNESCO. Listening to conversational Ainu and playing games to learn pronunciation are part of the new museum’s permanent exhibition.  

Visitors can also discover the timely sustainable-living lessons of the Ainu, whose spiritual beliefs are rooted in respect and gratitude for nature. After visiting Upopoy, drive 30 minutes southwest and soak in nature at Noboribetsu Onsen , Hokkaido’s premier hot springs resort which is located in Shikotsu-Toya National Park . Go with Nat Geo:   Take a voyage in the Ring of Fire aboard the National Geographic Resolution.

The coast of Procida lit up at twilight

Procida Island, Italy

Connect with culture.   Chosen pre-pandemic, the theme of Procida’s reign as the Italian Capital of Culture 2022 — La cultura non isola (Culture does not isolate)—now seems particularly on point. The island city, located 40 minutes southwest of Naples via high-speed ferry, plans to use its year in the spotlight to illustrate the importance of culture, particularly in times of uncertainty.

“Today, ‘Culture does not isolate’ is an even stronger call to action because, for us, the island is a metaphor for modern people,” says Procida 2022 director Agostino Riitano. “We are all like islands, creating our own archipelagos where culture has to be the mortar that holds them together; this is even more true following the effects of the pandemic.”

( The pandemic couldn’t silence this Italian city of music .)

Procida 2022 plans to spread cultural programming, such as contemporary art exhibitions, festivals, and performances, over 300 days to encourage responsible travel throughout the year, and to avoid a mass influx of visitors during the summer. In the spotlight as a symbol of the inclusive theme is the island’s Palazzo d’Avalos , a Renaissance palace-turned-prison, built in 1500 and closed in 1988. Most recently associated with isolation, the former prison and its green space (where inmates raised crops, cows, and pigs) will be reborn as a cultural venue and urban park.

People walk down the stairs at the Freedom Hall at The King Center in Atlanta

Atlanta, Georgia  

Meet the moment. At a time when voting rights are in contention in the United States, Atlanta is flexing its cultural and political muscle through two formidable voter empowerment organizations: The New Georgia Project and Fair Fight Action , both founded by Atlanta-based political leader and activist Stacey Abrams.

Being at the forefront of social change isn’t new, says city native Bem Joiner, cofounder of the creative agency Atlanta Influences Everything . “Atlanta’s ‘special sauce’ is its three C’s: civic, corporate, and cultural. We’re the cradle of the civil rights movement, the home of Coca-Cola, and our hip-hop culture shapes global culture. There’s no place else quite like Atlanta.”

Georgia’s largest city is also an epicenter of Black entrepreneurship, incubating businesses such as plant-based burger chain Slutty Vegan and eco-conscious Sustainable Home Goods .  

Easily accessible on foot or by bike via the BeltLine’s Eastside Trail , the Old Fourth Ward neighborhood blends nightlife and dining venues, such as Biggerstaff Brewing Company and Ponce City Market , with historic highlights like the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park and the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum .

An employee sorts a display of guitars in a shop on Denmark Street

Tin Pan Alley, London

Sing along. Despite pushback from punk and rock purists, the remix of Denmark Street , former hub of the British music industry, promises to hit all the right notes. Once lined with music publishers, recording studios, rehearsal rooms, and dimly lit clubs, the tiny street, nicknamed London ’s Tin Pan Alley, helped launch the British punk rock movement and legends including David Bowie, Elton John, and the Rolling Stones.  

In recent years, the music had all but died, save for Denmark Street’s surviving guitar shops. Now this iconic slice of history is being revived as part of Outernet London, the West End’s new $1.2 billion entertainment district.

The retooled street retains pieces of its storied past: restored 17th-century building facades; the heritage-protected graffiti art of Johnny Rotten, lead singer of the Sex Pistols (who lived here); the old-school music shops (thanks to affordable, long-term leases).  

( Learn more about the unlikely rebirth of a London legend .)

It also welcomes new spaces for infusing with music. There are busker spots where street musicians can make their case for being the next Adele (who debuted at Denmark Street’s original 12 Bar Club ); a free-to-use professional-quality recording studio for up-and-coming artists; and the new Chateau Denmark hotel, spread across 16 buildings steeped in music history.


Children ride donkeys to participate in the 4th International Antalya Yoruk Festival

Lycia, Turkey

Learn about nomadic life. The nomadic Yörüks,   originally from different Turkic groups that ranged from the Balkans to Iran , once roamed the plateaus of the Turkish riviera. Most of the Yörüks (literally “walkers”) have now settled down—but many of their thousand-year-old customs are alive and well.  

Located in the historical Lycia region in southwestern Anatolia , Teke Peninsula is one of the spots where Yörük culture remains strong. Teke Yörüks live a semi-nomadic life with their tents, kilim rugs, herds, shepherd dogs, and transhumant traditions, set against a mountainous, Mediterranean backdrop full of olive trees.

In recent years, tour companies have started to merge the marvels of Lycia with Yörük life. Families can trek parts of the famous Lycian Way ; visit ancient sites like Patara, Xanthos, or Letoon; and swim in crystal clear waters while spending nights in hotels, guesthouses, tents, or villagers’ own homes. But it’s the children who have the most fun, as they can experience Yörük culture by making syrup with pomegranates, cooking local pastries, milking goats, or taking part in the olive harvest.

“History, nature, and culture, they’re all here. We wanted to turn this beautiful landscape into a learning platform, but also into a playground,” says Kerem Karaerkek, the chief guide of Middle Earth Travel . “I love how the kids get excited when they step into a Yörük kitchen or when they go on a treasure hunt in ancient Lycian ruins. You can see the sense of wonder in their eyes.” — Onur Uygun, National Geographic Traveler Turkey

The Alhambra Palace and fortress complex in Granada, Andalusia, Spain

Granada, Spain

Marvel at geometric beauty. Built as a palace-city by 13th-century Nasrid sultans—rulers of the longest-lasting and final Muslim dynasty on the Iberian Peninsula—the Alhambra (“red fort”) is considered the Moorish architectural jewel of Europe. The almond-shaped profile of this UNESCO World Heritage site rests on a hill above Granada, one of the most picturesque cities in Spain .

But it’s the mathematical wizardry on display here that is particularly fascinating for families. Intricate mosaics, arabesques (a repetitive, stylized pattern based on a floral or vegetal design), and muqarnas   (ornamental vaulting) make the Alhambra a masterpiece of geometric beauty—and a colorful classroom for age-appropriate exploration of math concepts, such as shapes, symmetry, proportion, and measurement.

Math flows through the Alhambra’s other main design feature, water, which gives life and meaning to the whole. Water provides the refreshing spirit of the gardens and the murmur of its fountains, but is also an element of the architecture itself.

At the Palace of the Lions , one of the Alhambra’s three original royal palaces, families will marvel at the central fountain. Its elaborate design features 12 stone lions supporting a large marble basin on their backs and—thanks to the technical wonder of complex hydraulics—spitting water from their mouths. Go with Nat Geo: Discover Moorish Spain from Córdoba’s cultures to Granada’s Alhambra to Seville’s wonders. —Manuel Mateo Pérez, NG Viajes Spain

View just above the marsh in the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge

Eastern Shore, Maryland

Be transported by history. The history of the Underground Railroad flows through the waterways, wetlands, swamps, and tidal marshes of Dorchester County on Maryland ’s Eastern Shore. This is where the secret network’s most famous “conductor,” Harriet Tubman , was born enslaved, grew up, and honed the skills—such as trapping, hunting, and using stars to navigate—she used to escape to freedom in Pennsylvania . She then returned 13 times to rescue more than 70 enslaved friends and family. Her heroic story is told at the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center , one of the more than 30 stops along the 125-mile Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Byway .

To bring Tubman’s story to life for kids, Alex Green, co-owner of Harriet Tubman Tours , suggests a kayaking adventure in the byway’s Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge . As a child, Tubman trapped muskrats here and worked alongside her father, a timber inspector who taught her how to move around the marshlands.

“We talk to kids about how the confidence and lessons Harriet learned inside the terrible institution of slavery drove her to accomplish incredible things,” Green says. “Harriet never gave up and she never stopped learning. That’s a lesson they can take home.” Go with Nat Geo:   Embark on a wild Chesapeake Bay escape to see waterways, watermen, and wildlife.

High angle view of Budapest at twilight over ships in the Danube River

Danube River  

Cruise storybook lands. Boating the Danube can seem like traveling through a realm of fairy tales, with its scrolling views of castles, medieval towns, and stately palaces that help to bring European history to life. The river twists through 10 European countries (Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, and Ukraine), and most Danube cruise itineraries include stops in at least four of those, with special family sailings featuring kid-friendly onshore activities.

School lessons focusing on Middle Ages feudalism take on vivid dimensions when exploring Veste Oberhaus in Passau, Germany, one of the largest surviving castle complexes in Europe. Ages-old Hungarian equestrian traditions come alive on a southern Hungarian ranch, where fearless csikós , or mounted herdsmen, ride standing upright and balancing on the backs of two galloping horses.

When off the water, look to wheels. Board Vienna ’s iconic Giant Ferris Wheel, the Riesenrad , or take a bike ride among terraced vineyards in Lower Austria’s World Heritage-listed Wachau Cultural Landscape .   Go with Nat Geo:   Savor Christmas markets from Budapest to Nuremberg on this Danube cruise . — National Geographic Traveler Romania

a diver swims with a school of fish under water

Dive a longtime marine reserve. Dazzling sunlight, a turquoise sea, palm trees, white beaches, and a laid-back atmosphere: Bonaire checks all the boxes for an idyllic tropical destination. But compared to many other Caribbean islands, Bonaire (pop. 21,000) is quiet and still relatively wild and unspoiled. Off its coast lies one of the oldest marine reserves in the world.

The Bonaire National Marine Park was established in 1979 and has been on the provisional UNESCO World Heritage List since 2011. The reserve encompasses 6,672 acres of coral reef, seagrass, and mangrove vegetation. Bonaire’s healthy reefs are a magnet for divers and snorkelers who can spot up to 57 species of coral and more than 350 different fish species.

Several dive schools on Bonaire participate in the Reef Renewal program , in which volunteers can grow and maintain corals in underwater nurseries, then plant them into the reef. Anyone who can dive can come and help after completing the PADI Reef Renewal Diver course.

( Read more about new efforts to save dying coral reefs . )

Accessibility is another bonus: You don’t need a liveaboard or other boat transport to start exploring. At 54 of Bonaire’s nearly 90 public dive sites, you walk from the beach or a pier straight into the water. —Barbera Bosma, National Geographic Traveler Netherlands

Written by the global editors of National Geographic Travel, with additional reporting and writing by Maryellen Kennedy Duckett, Karen Carmichael, and Shauna Farnell.

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted travel. When planning a trip, be sure to research your destination and take safety precautions before, during, and after your journey. Click here for National Geographic reporting on the pandemic.

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The 22 Best Places to Go in 2022

Fontainhas Santo Antão Cape Verde

This was the year of getting back out there—as vaccines became readily available in the spring and borders opened slowly throughout the summer and fall, our travel calendars began to fill up once again. Now, as we look ahead to what 2022 has in store, it’s clear that our travel priorities have changed. We’re no longer checking destinations off a list; instead we’re being purposeful about why we choose to take a trip, and thoughtful about how our actions impact local communities while we’re there.

This year’s list of the best places to visit reflects these shifts in thinking: We’ve organized these destinations based on some of our favorite reasons to travel, from exhilarating food and drink scenes and historic sites to explore, to new places to soak in the great outdoors. We hope it makes it easier to plan your next big trip—and helps you narrow down where to go first of the 22 exciting places that made our 2022 list. — Stephanie Wu All listings featured in this story are independently selected by our editors. However, when you book something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Image may contain Food Egg Confectionery Sweets Dessert and Meal

Birmingham, Alabama

Downtown Birmingham is feeling more revitalized than ever, as several historic buildings have been reimagined as restaurants by local chefs. Five-time James Beard finalist Rob McDaniel, who grew up 80 miles from the city, opened contemporary Southern grill Helen in 2020 inside a 1920s shotgun-style building. You can smell his wood-fired meats from the sidewalk, and inside every meal starts with warm angel biscuits topped with whipped cane syrup butter. A block away at The Essential , Southern-bred chef Victor King and pastry chef Kristen Hall have partnered with farmers to serve vegetable-heavy dishes, homemade pastas, and the tastiest desserts in town (look for Parisian-inspired Bar La Fête from the duo in early 2022).

There’s plenty to do downtown as well. The new Urban Supply mixed-use development will bring century-old warehouses in the Parkside neighborhood back to life with restaurants, bars, shopping, and fitness studios when it’s completed in mid-2022. City Walk BHAM is also in the works, adding markets, green spaces, and food trucks to city blocks beneath Interstate 59/20. The project is set to be complete by summer 2022, when the Magic City will serve as the first American host for The World Games , an 11-day, 34-sport event (including tug of war and wheelchair rugby) expected to draw 500,000 spectators. While downtown has its share of big-box hotels for groups, find a quieter stay at Elyton Hotel in a restored historic building, or the boutique Valley Hotel in Homewood, a mere 10 minutes away. —Kelsey Ogletree

Salon 1905 Belgrade Serbia

Since the dissolution of Yugoslavia 30 years ago, many of its constituent nations (Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro) have emerged as major tourism hubs. Yet Serbia has taken a backseat—until now. Belgrade has earned a reputation as a culinary destination, and the Michelin Guide will soon bestow stars on the city, celebrating its East-meets-West cuisine which draws liberally from neighboring Greek, Turkish, and Central European influences. Standout restaurants include Langouste, run by chef Guillaume Iskandar, whose work at Paris’s Garance earned the place a Michelin star. And the opulent Salon 1905 (pictured) serves a tasting menu with Serbian wine pairings that proves domestic truffles, cheeses, and charcuterie can hold their own against Europe’s best.

The nightlife-rich capital city is often compared to Berlin in the ’90s, but its cool-kid persona is getting a luxe upgrade in 2022 with the opening of a St. Regis. The hotel will be set within a 42-floor tower that will be the tallest skyscraper in the Balkans outside of Istanbul and will anchor the new $3 billion Belgrade Waterfront urban revitalization district, a collection of gleaming high-rises and green spaces.

Meanwhile, Serbia’s second city, Novi Sad, has been named one of three European Capitals of Culture for 2022, marking one of the first non-E.U. cities to receive the honor. A progressive hub of music, art, and literature set along the Danube River, Novi Sad has opened several new venues in preparation for its close-up: a former pasta factory, a silk-dyeing facility, and an 1890s château have been transformed into contemporary art galleries and performance spaces that will host events and exhibitions throughout the year. —Nicholas DeRenzo

Credo Restaurant Trøndelag County Norway

Trøndelag County, Norway

Central Norway’s Trøndelag County has become a world-renowned food region in recent years. The area’s diverse landscape—forests, mountains, fjords, and fields—produces high-quality seafood, organic dairy products, and fresh vegetables, which farmers share locally and with restaurants around the world.

Trondheim-Trøndelag was named the European Region of Gastronomy 2022 , and to see what all the fuss is about, food connoisseurs should start at the newly refurbished Britannia Hotel to dine at Michelin-starred Speilsalen , Norway’s Restaurant of the Year 2020. Indulge in head chef Christopher Davidsen’s signature dish, featuring scallops from the island of Frøya fried in organic butter from the town of Røros and served with celery and caviar. Visit Bula Neobistro for chef Renée Fagerhoei’s lamb from Madsøy island with anchovy and green pepper sauce. Stop by chef Heidi Bjerkan’s one-Michelin-star Credo (pictured) for the grilled langoustine tail or langoustine soup, and wrap up your tasting tour at Kraft Bodega , where chef Thomas Bogan serves a delicious dessert of waffles with porcini ice cream, Norwegian apples, and brown cheese—all dishes you won’t find anywhere else.

The region hosts several annual celebrations, like the Trondheim Wine Festival in March, the Trondheim Brewery Festival and the Trøndelag Food Festival , one of Europe’s largest, both in July, and the Trondheim Gin Festival in August. Consider timing your visit around one of these events, where you’re bound to be surrounded by like-minded gourmands. —Kwin Mosby

Banff Gondola

Alberta, Canada

Alberta’s turquoise lakes and snow-capped mountains have always attracted crowds, but there’s a new draw as international travelers return : a spotlight on the area’s Indigenous heritage.

Fort Edmonton Park, Canada’s largest living history museum, is now home to the Indigenous Peoples Experience , a 30,000-square-foot immersive exhibit exploring First Nations and Métis culture. For a deeper dive into the region’s thriving Métis community, head to cultural interpretation center Métis Crossing , which recently debuted its new wildlife park and will open a 40-room boutique lodge accented with Métis artwork this month. Later this winter, the property will also launch Whispers from the Stars, an evening experience where Métis knowledge holders will tell stories of the constellations.

The annual Jasper Dark Sky Festival in the dark sky preserve of Jasper National Park is also including more Indigenous voices in its programming (think drone light shows narrated by Indigenous leaders). Those planning a stay in Jasper can look forward to the June opening of a new 88-room wilderness-themed hotel from local hospitality and attractions company Pursuit .

And Banff has debuted new experiences including the 360° Dome , a private outdoor dining venue at Fairmont Banff Springs that pairs local fare like bison short ribs with Bow Valley views. Next summer, the historic hotel will debut a $28-million renovation of its Royal Suite and Fairmont Gold rooms. Those visiting this winter can cap off the evening at the Banff Gondola with Nightrise, a multi-sensory experience (running December 2 to March 12) that highlights the historical significance of the Stoney Nakoda Nation through multimedia storytelling against a backdrop of alpenglow-drenched mountains. —Julia Eskins

Hauser  Wirth Menorca on Isla del Rey

Balearic Islands, Spain

Rugged landscapes, a laidback lifestyle, and Ibiza’s infamous party scene have long drawn travelers to the sun-bleached shores of the Balearic Islands. Over the past year, though, the archipelago off the east coast of mainland Spain has refocused its ambitions toward art.

Last summer’s opening of Hauser & Wirth Menorca (pictured)—a new arts center and the gallery’s latest international outpost—was just the starting point. Located on the historic Illa del Rei in Manorca’s Mahón harbor, the site has taken over an 18th-century naval hospital and outlying buildings. With eight galleries, a restaurant, shop, garden, and an outdoor sculpture trail with works by Frank West, Louise Bourgeois, and Eduardo Chillida, it puts the sleepy Balearic island on the international art map with big-name exhibitions, educational activities, and sustainable initiatives .

Art and design stand out at the archipelago’s new hospitality offerings, too. In Mallorca, Can Ferrereta , a boutique hotel housed in a restored 17th-century building, features a Maison Assouline-curated library and works by local and Spanish artists—Joan Miró, Riera i Aragó, Bárbara Vidal—in all its 32 rooms and communal spaces. On relaxed Formentera, the recently opened Casa Pacha has stylish retro interiors by Patricia Galden Studio and statement decorative objects from local artisans. Meanwhile on the hard-partying isle, the Six Senses Ibiza will feature farm-to-table dining, music, art, wellness, and sustainable fashion, as the Balearics’ first BREEAM -certified resort. 2022’s debuts— El Vicenç de la Mar and the Kimpton Hotel Santa Ponsa , both in Mallorca—are bound to have unique draws of their own. —Marianna Cerini

The Loutrel Charleston South Carolina

Charleston, South Carolina

Charleston will honor its African roots in a big way in 2022. The long-awaited International African American Museum is slated to open in the fall, and will examine the African diaspora and Charleston’s role housing one of the largest slave ports in the U.S. The museum sits on the hallowed site of said port, Gadsden’s Wharf, where the tide washes in and out near contemplative gardens. The exhibits will tackle centuries of difficult history and highlight contemporary Black artists, while the genealogy center is designed to help visitors connect the past to the present through their own family trees.

Music lovers will have plenty to look forward to at the Spoleto Festival USA , one of the country’s most prestigious classical music events. The opera Omar , which will have its world premiere at Spoleto, explores the life of a Muslim African scholar who was captured on the border of Senegal and Mauritania in 1807 and enslaved in Charleston. Grammy Award winner Rhiannon Giddens co-composed the score with Michael Abels, best known for his work on the films Get Out and Us. Shortly after, the city will join its three main Juneteenth festivals into a bigger and better Lowcountry Juneteenth Experience to wrap up the celebration.

The historic district has plenty of new places to stay, dine, and further explore the city’s origins. Luxury hotel The Loutrel (pictured) is inspired by Charleston’s renowned gardens, with expansive views from its rooftop terrace, and The Residences at Zero George provide longer stays for those who love the elegance of the award-winning hotel. Finally, don’t miss the refined, creative southern dishes at Lenoir , served by James Beard Award winner Vivian Howard, and traditional French cuisine at Brasserie La Banque . —Sarah Enelow-Snyder

Mandarin Oriental Istanbul Turkey

Istanbul’s cultural scene is poised for the global spotlight in 2022. Billions of dollars have been poured into urban renewal projects that are finally coming to fruition. “I’ve lived here for 23 years and I can really see a major transformation,” says Karen Fedorko, founder of Sea Song Tours . Travelers can follow the newly established  Beyoğlu Culture Road —a two-hour walking trail that knits together many of the city’s new and restored attractions. Begin at Taksim Square to visit the newly built Taksim Mosque and Atatürk Cultural Center, a once-abandoned 1960s architectural icon that has been faithfully restored to house an opera hall, theater, rooftop restaurant, and a façade where live performances are projected. Strolling down Istiklal Street, pop into the beautified Atlas Cinema and neoclassical Istanbul Cinema Museum  before making your way to the Galata Tower. The medieval stone landmark’s redone rooftop is the place for a view of the city’s fabled east-meets-west skyline. The route culminates at the Bosphorus where Galataport , a new arts and culture hub in the Karaköy neighborhood, touts a newly minted world-class cruise terminal, restaurants from international chefs, a revamped fine arts and sculpture museum , and a refurbished Ottoman clock tower in Tophane Square. Opening late next year along the waterfront is the highly anticipated new home of contemporary art museum Istanbul Modern , whose show-stopping Renzo Piano design will house the works of big-name Turkish artists. Travelers can bed down in the just-opened Bosphorus-facing Mandarin Oriental in Kurucesme (pictured) or the Four Seasons in Sultanahmet, which will reopen in 2022 after significant renovation. Or plan a stay at the Peninsula hotel in Karaköy whose waterside rooms, Turkish baths, and swimming pools will give new life to an old port terminal when it debuts at the end of next year. —Nora Walsh

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London will be in a festive mood in 2022 as The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee marks 70 years of Her Majesty’s reign. Events honoring Britain’s longest-serving monarch range from solemn services to rollicking celebrations. The biggest party unfurls over a long weekend, from June 2 to 5, where visitors can join the waving crowds lining The Mall for The Queen’s Birthday Parade (also known as Trooping the Colour), cheer for the races at Epsom Downs, and soak up the street carnival atmosphere of the Platinum Jubilee Pageant.

Raffles introduces its first London hotel with The OWO (pictured), which will house 120 guest rooms and 85 private residences in the splendid Old War Office building that once served as Churchill’s headquarters. If it looks familiar, that might be because the OWO has appeared in five James Bond films. In fact, Ian Fleming was inspired to write the Bond stories when he worked in the building as a naval intelligence officer. 

Other new lodging options include The Peninsula London , overlooking Hyde Park Corner and Wellington Arch, and the Lost Property from Curio Collection by Hilton, combining new accommodations with a preserved façade near St. Paul’s Cathedral. And The Audley, a five-story historic pub in Mayfair, reopens in the fall after an art-filled reimagining by the Hauser & Wirth team, complete with a new restaurant and private dining rooms. —Laura Beausire

Querétaro Mexico

Querétaro, Mexico

Follow any of the shaded, twisting pedestrian alleys in Querétaro, which sits two-hours north of Mexico City , and you’ll arrive at a flower-drenched plaza, often surrounded by Colonial-era convents, palaces, and 18th-century homes, many of which have been converted to modern destination restaurants that rival those of the country’s capital.

Founded by the Otomí people in the 15th century, this city is a crossroads of Indigenous cultures, but has also served as a major base for Franciscan missionaries, a center for silver wealth, and a political seat—in 1917, regional representatives created and signed the country’s constitution. Though Querétaro’s international importance has faded since, its beauty and Baroque architecture remain.

The mid-17th-century Templo y Convento de la Santa Cruz anchors the historic city center, and its recent preservation effort earned Querétaro a nomination for UNESCO’s Jean-Paul L’Allier Prize in 2020, which honors exemplary urban cultural heritage conservation. This might just be the only place in the world where tech and aerospace workers commute on roads that weave under the slim arches remaining from a 1738 aqueduct.

Despite a slow two years during the pandemic and recent flooding, the city is growing as a tourist destination, with new hotels under construction that signal a wider opening to international travelers. One unique offering is already available to book: After sales fell because of COVID, a cheese factory outside of town kept its workers safely on the job by employing them to build the Hotel de Tierra : nine rammed-earth rooms, sustainably built from and on the soil of its adjacent vineyard, Tierra de Alonso. —Naomi Tomky

Rapa Nui Chile

Rapa Nui, Chile

Some 2,300 miles off the coast of Chile in the South Pacific Ocean, UNESCO-listed Rapa Nui is famous for its roughly 900 monolithic moai stone statues sprinkled across the island. Now, just in time for a major anniversary, the world’s most remote inhabited island is preparing to open its borders after almost two years of isolation.

2022 marks 300 years since Dutch explorers arrived on Rapa Nui’s shores on Easter Day, which is how the 64-square-mile volcanic landmass acquired the appellation Easter Island. Locals, however, trace their lineage to a thriving Polynesian civilization dating back to the 4th century and take great pride in their native Rapa Nui language and culture, which has experienced a renaissance during the pandemic. And with less food being brought to the island, there was a boom in ancestral agriculture, yielding a bounty of guava and taro root. Some sustainability-oriented initiatives are in place as well, including proposals to limit the number of visitor arrivals to protect its cultural assets from erosion. When the island reopens to fully vaccinated tourists in February, be the first to stay at the newly branded Nayara Hangaroa , where self-drive ATV tours allow guests to take in iconic attractions like the Ranu Kau crater, moai sites at Rano Raraku quarry and Ahu Tongariki, the Orongo ceremonial village, and Anakena beach at their own leisure. For a complete cultural immersion, tap Abercrombie & Kent for local guides, a traditional meal in a friendly home, and insider’s access to the two-week-long Tapati Festival held every February. —N.W.

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When Portuguese sailors first landed on what is now Cape Verde in 1456, they arrived to a largely untouched archipelago devoid of inhabitants and with few natural resources. This remote group of islands—located 369 nautical miles west of Senegal —soon became a stopping point in the transatlantic slave trade, resulting in the unique blend of Portuguese and West African traditions and heritage (many of today’s residents have roots tracing back to each) that exist on the island today.

This year, Hurtigruten Expeditions will launch sailings to the island country, beginning with a 14-day journey aboard its 180-passenger MS Spitsbergen in November. The company is scheduled to be the only expedition cruise to visit Cape Verde this year—and it’s also their first-ever trip to Africa . The ship will make stops at some of the archipelago’s most notable islands (there are 10 in total, as well as several islets), including Santo Antão, with its hikable misty pine forests and steep-cliff canyons, and Fogo, home to the awe-inspiring (and still-active) 9,281-foot-tall Pico do Fogo volcano, western Africa’s highest peak. For those who aren’t on a cruise, an inter-island ferry system and relatively inexpensive domestic flights makes island-hopping doable, too.

And you’ll want to explore on land: Known for its laid-back vibe and innate hospitality, Cape Verde is considered an LGBTQ+ oasis within Africa thanks to progressive laws. Mindelo, on the island São Vicente, hosts an annual Pride parade that will take place in the summer. As Cape Verde’s cultural capital, this colorful port city is a great place to catch performances of morna, a locally honed, melancholic music symbolizing longing for the African mainland, as well as the rousing tunes of accordion-based funaná . Listen from new Mansa Floating Hub , a futuristic-style floating music center that opened in August atop Mindelo’s Porto Grande Bay. —Laura Kiniry

Pearl Seas Cruises Great Lakes Milwaukee

The Great Lakes

The Great Lakes comprise 95,000 square miles of freshwater flanked by thick forests, historic sights, and skyline-speckled cities. But despite the waterside attractions, this stretch of the upper Midwest and Canada has long been off the cruise-industry map. Soon, those tides will turn.

In spring 2022, Viking’s posh new Octantis expedition ship will sail from Milwaukee, Wisconsin , to Toronto and Thunder Bay, Ontario, meandering by Great Lakes gems such as Mackinac Island and Sleeping Bear Dunes. The vessel, crafted for Viking’s new Antarctic voyages, welcomes up to 378 guests; it’s the largest Great Lakes cruise option to date.

For something more intimate, French cruise operator Ponant and partner Smithsonian Journeys will unveil their own Great Lakes voyages in fall 2022. Itineraries on ships like the 184-guest Le Bellot run from Toronto to Milwaukee, with a stop at Niagara Falls along the way. Ponant and Viking will share these waterways with small-ship cruise outfitters like Pearl Seas Cruises (pictured), Hapag-Lloyd Cruises , and Plantours Cruises .

Thanks to new infrastructure and accommodations, Great Lakes port cities stand ready to host disembarking guests. Milwaukee will debut several new hotels in 2022, including the Kinn Guesthouse MKE Downtown and The Adams Hotel , while Canada cruise hub Toronto has eight new openings on the docket, including a W Hotel . —Stephanie Vermillion

Seven Stars Kyushu Japan

Kyushu, Japan

The southernmost of Japan’s four major islands, Kyushu is known for its vibrant food culture, abundance of historical sites , subtropical climate, and laid-back reputation.

Despite its seemingly remote location, Kyushu is surprisingly accessible, both by air via Japan’s many domestic carriers and by Shinkansen (bullet train). A flight from Tokyo to Fukuoka, Kyushu’s largest city, clocks in at just under two hours, while a train trip from Shin-Osaka Station to Fukuoka’s Hakata Station takes roughly two and a half.

Kyushu’s rail network will receive a notable boost when the Nishi-Kyushu Shinkansen, connecting the historic port city of Nagasaki with Takeo Onsen in Saga prefecture, opens in the fall. Foreigners can take advantage of highly discounted rail passes throughout Kyushu, with unlimited rides on all trains operated by the JR Kyushu Railway Company .

Onsen lovers have plenty to choose from in Kyushu as well—hot springs are dotted everywhere from the famed black sand beaches of Ibusuki in Kagoshima prefecture to the rural enclave of Yufuin in Oita. In the summer, Hoshino Resorts will open Kai Yufuin , a luxury property designed by famed Japanese architect Kengo Kuma, featuring 45 guest rooms in the remote onsen town.

Those looking for a bit more adventure should head to the city of Sasebo in Nagasaki prefecture for a luxury catamaran cruise around the Kujuku Islands. Some packages include meals, but there’s also the option to seek out a Sasebo Burger , a popular item whose influence is traced back in part to the large number of American service members who arrived in the city after World War II. —Kat Bee


2021 marked Uzbekistan’s 30th anniversary of independence from the Soviet Union, just as a slew of new projects set the foundation for the country to be more accessible than ever.

The new airport terminal at Samarkand, opening this month, is a beautiful introduction to the Islamic architecture style found throughout Uzbekistan. The center of the airport is shaped like an open book in a nod to the work of astronomer Mirzo Ulugbek. The high-speed train network, which opened in 2012, is being extended to the ancient Silk Road town of Khiva in 2022, so visiting the UNESCO World Heritage site from the capital city of Tashkent no longer requires hours in a car weaving through desert dunes. A number of exciting openings and events are also set to take place next year, with the unveiling of the Silk Road Samarkand Complex . It will house restaurants, cafes, and boutique hotels including the 22-story Samarkand Regency Hotel, the country’s first five-star stay, in the first half of 2022. The first-ever Silk Road Literary Festival will also take place there in the fall, as well as the grand reopening of the renovated State Museum of Arts , designed by Japanese architect Tadao Ando. —Michelle Tchea

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In Gabon , where dense rainforests spill onto serene tropical coasts, tourism has barely made a whisper. But adventure seekers, nature lovers, and environmental advocates who visit will find incredible biodiversity, and a country determined to put critical conservation and eco-tourism projects in place before the masses arrive.

With over 70 percent of its territory covered in forest, Gabon has already made its mark in the world of conservation. Over the last two decades, the government has secured 15 percent of its land as protected areas and established 13 national parks , nine marine parks, and 11 aquatic reserves, safeguarding the country’s magnificent wildlife and habitats. With the launch of the African Ecotourism Safari project in March 2021 and the anticipated opening of Petit Loango Lodge in early 2022—the first of the African Conservation Development Group ’s sustainable luxury lodges—the equatorial African nation’s exquisite landscapes are gradually becoming more accessible to adventurous travelers.

Beyond the reaches of Loango, find leatherback turtles nesting in sand dunes along the shores of Pongara National Park, spot whales spouting among crashing blue waves in Mayumba, climb verdant mountains and staggering cliffs in Bateke Plateau, explore historic caves and savanna in Birougou, and marvel over waterfalls plunging into the rapids of the blackwater rivers in Ivindo National Park. You’ll also find low-impact tented camps throughout the country, everywhere from Moabi Tented Camp amid the rolling savanna of Lope National Park, to Pongara Lodge on the pristine beaches and mangrove swamps of the namesake national park on the Atlantic Coast. —Alicia Erickson

San Domenico Palace Taormina A Four Seasons Hotel

Sicily, Italy

Last year, the buzz around Italy's largest island was the opening of two flashy resorts: Villa Igiea in Palermo and the Four Seasons on the east coast. Both are spectacular, but you’d be missing the point of a trip to Sicily if you spent the entire time holed up there. Consider the properties as bookends to a trip exploring the core of the region, where slow-living traditions hum on—and are becoming increasingly dependent on outside visitors to survive. United's long-awaited direct flight from Newark to Palermo may finally launch this year, making the destination easier for Americans to reach than ever before.

South of the Four Seasons in the beautiful, Baroque town of Noto , the regal Seven Rooms is where to stay after dinners of fettuccine ai funghi at Manna and a late night passeggiata with locals past the grand cathedrals. This coming summer, its team will open a small retreat on the nearby seaside (the exact location is yet to be announced). A 15-minute drive away in Ragusa, the cheerful Maria Guastella is one of the only sfilato Siciliano embroiderers keeping what was once a grand Sicilian artform alive, and her workshop is open for visitors. Just down the hill is Rosso Cinabro, the last artisan carettiere (cart maker) whose hand-carved and -painted wagons tell a story of the destination centuries ago.

Heading west, the millenia-old temples at Agrigento are also unmissable. Base yourself nearby in Fontes Episcopi , a divine eco-retreat with an ivy-draped courtyard and a lively farm kitchen; in February, it will open three new stand-alone suites with skylights and terraces just behind the pool and orchards. Closer to Palermo, the men in rainboots working the salt flats by Trapani showcase a tradition increasingly threatened by industrial engineering. Watching them work is extraordinary—like so many of the experiences in Sicily, it is a reminder that often the most important reason to go somewhere is to preserve what has always been there. —Erin Florio

Oasia Resort Sentosa Singapore

For years, Singapore has attracted those at the forefront of finance, technology, and business. Now, a 10-year push to transform the republic into a sustainable city promises to lure more eco-explorers—especially now that vaccinated U.S. travelers no longer have to quarantine upon arrival. Efforts are already underway: At the new ABC Waters at Jurong Lake in Singapore’s west, visitors can discover 12,000 square feet of man-made wetlands via sleek wooden walkways that wend toward expansive views of the lake and the occasional glimpse of otters, Malayan water lizards, and jewel-hued tropical birds. Meanwhile, the Rail Corridor—a cross-country rewilding project and nature trail—recently saw the launch of a central 2.5-mile stretch dotted with relics like the hauntingly solitary Bukit Timah Railway Station office, built in 1932 and abandoned in 2011 when the line was decommissioned.

The plushest beds in town will be at the Raffles Sentosa Resort & Spa when it opens in 2022, 135 years after the original Raffles Hotel was established. An all-villa sanctuary, it will house 61 butlered villas amid more than a million square feet of tropical gardens. But there are other options for a fresh green perspective, like the new wellness-focused Oasia Resort (pictured), where you can dine on locally farmed barramundi and get a massage with recycled coffee grounds. And those seeking a getaway that’s even more embedded in nature will soon be able to set up camp at Singapore’s first off-grid accommodation by Sentosa Development Corporation on the uninhabited southern Islands. —Audrey Phoon

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Tropical Honduras , an under-the-radar divers ’ and bird-watchers ’ paradise, is fast becoming a hot spot for eco-conscious travelers.

The Cayos Cochinos Foundation —a nonprofit based in its namesake archipelago off Honduras's Caribbean coast—is one of the many sustainability organizations prioritizing the protection of Honduras's rainforests and barrier reefs . The archipelago is already famous for its cerulean waters, white-sand beaches, and spectacular freediving, but in 2022 the Foundation will launch eco-tours allowing travelers to participate in reef cleanup, spot pink boas on hikes, and join scientists in monitoring turtles.

Back on the mainland, zip-line through 400 acres of pristine rainforest in Rawacala Eco Park , which will launch two new hiking trails and bird-watching platforms alongside a revamp of their zip-line systems in 2022. After exploring Copán’s Mayan ruins , visit the nearby Paseo de los Girasoles , a sunflower plantation put in to improve grazing conditions. Visitors will soon be able to enjoy its new farm-to-table café, pergolas, and hammocks—just try to visit before everyone on Instagram catches wind of this photo-friendly spot.

For eco-friendly accommodations, try Rawacala Eco Park’s sister property, Paraiso Rainforest & Beach Hotel , or its new venture, Paraiso Boutique Hotel, opening in 2022 on Utila . The property—which will offer eco-tours through the Cayos Cochinos Foundation—will employ solar panels and recycle rainwater, in addition to reducing plastic waste by favoring local produce. The Grand Roatán Resort will also reopen as a Kimpton mid-2022 with living green walls, a reverse osmosis water generation plant, and a new spa. —Eva Sandoval

Senglea Malta

Seemingly little more than a few specks on a map of the Adriatic, the island nation of Malta has felt like a well-kept secret among European travelers—it’s accessible, just an hour by plane or ferry from Sicily, and its crystalline waters, surrounded by fossil-studded limestone cliffs, are prime for summer sunbathing and year-round scuba diving. Along the coast, there are a whopping 80 wrecks to dive, and the Underwater Cultural Heritage Unit is dedicated to maintaining them. There’s a cultural draw, too, as Arabic, Italian, French, British, and Norman influences intertwine in ancient fortified cities, with a cuisine, traditions, and language unlike any other in the region. The island was first inhabited prior to 5000 B.C., after all, with ancient megalithic temples—like Ġgantija and Ħaġar Qim—where visitors can see its storied past.

This might just be the year the destination becomes less of a secret. In 2021, Viking Cruises launched three new itineraries departing from Malta that sailed the Adriatic and Mediterranean, and the cruise line plans to add additional sailings from Malta in 2023. On land—yet still close to the water—three notable properties have opened, including a Hyatt Regency and Marriott Hotel & Spa in the beach town of St. Julian’s, and the decadent Iniala Harbour House in the capital city of Valletta. New transportation, including a recently launched speed ferry, makes it easier than ever to get from the island of Valletta to Gozo. And as for the food scene? Two more Malta restaurants were added to the Michelin Guide in 2021, including ION at Iniala, for a total of five in the country of less than 500,000 lucky residents. —Megan Spurrell


Copa Airlines’ popular Panama Stopover program is back, allowing travelers to add a one- to seven-day stopover en route to 36 destinations in South America at no extra cost. There are fewer Americans here than in neighboring Costa Rica, and with hundreds of islands on both the Caribbean and Pacific sides, you won’t be fighting for beach real estate. Make like the mammals and freshwater fauna of the Pliocene era, who migrated between North and South America when the isthmus of Panama formed, and linger awhile to explore Panama’s biodiverse jungles and beaches.

Bocas del Toro is a must-visit, with sprawling beaches that never feel too crowded and turquoise waters home to 95 percent of the coral species found in the Caribbean Sea. Memorable wildlife encounters include nighttime snorkeling in bioluminescent waters and exploring the subterranean lakes of Nivida Bat Cave with the help of headlamps and a knowledgeable guide from Hello Travel Panama .

The mountainous region of Chiriquí is equally enchanting, between its beaches and highlands, where active Volcán Barú looms large. Check in at the new 10-room boutique hotel Finca El Oasis and leave at midnight to hike the summit by daybreak for a panoramic sunrise above the clouds. Fuel your hike with locally grown coffee that you can’t find back home, like Chiriquí’s highly valued Geisha coffee. If a hike sounds too intense, there are off-road tours to the top of the volcano too, and canopy zip-lining right on the property. —Amber Gibson

Sumba Island Indonesia

Sumba, Indonesia

With millions of tourists Eat Pray Love -ing their way around Bali every year, it has become increasingly difficult to find a quiet beach or a waterfall without a gaggle of snap-happy travelers nearby. If you’re after a post-pandemic trip of quietude and untamed wilderness, you’re better off hopping on a 50-minute turboprop flight headed east from Bali, to Sumba.

About twice Bali’s size with only a fraction of its crowds, this rugged island is often compared to Bali before its tourism boom. Here, you’re more likely to share sugar-white beaches with grazing sandalwood ponies, and nosy dolphins will often be the only creatures you’re riding a wave with. And there’s more to love: hike through frozen-in-time hilltop villages bookended by ancient stone megaliths, swim in glassy lagoons, and bear witness to pasola, a boisterous ceremonial spear fighting competition (not for the faint of heart), typically scheduled between February and mid-March.

Though Nihi Sumba put the island on the map for deep-pocketed surfers back in 2012, a new crop of boutique resorts now make a five-star visit slightly more affordable. Opened in April 2020, Alamayah combines six rattan-wrapped suites with an Ayurvedic spa and Turkish hammam, plus a restaurant where plant-based dishes and remedial potions by an in-house herbalist take center stage. Mid-2022, Cap Karoso will open a small village of 47 suites and 20 beachfront villas on Sumba’s western tip. Its design melds the French owners’ Parisian flair with Sumbanese ikat and carved wood panels, while the resort’s organic farm will double as an agricultural school and artist atelier. With these hotels making efforts towards sustainable tourism development (Cap Karoso partnered with southwest Sumba’s governor for a 2022 launch of the Kodi Reserve, a coral restoration and reforestation program), the island is unlikely to follow in Bali’s trampled footsteps anytime soon. —Chris Schalkx

West Virginia

West Virginia

Our collective obsession with the outdoors this past year turned out to be fortuitous timing for West Virginia: Last December’s $2.3 trillion stimulus package redesignated the New River Gorge as America’s newest—and the state’s first—national park and preserve in an effort to promote tourism. Comprising some 73,000 acres, the park features 1,000-foot-high sandstone cliffs for climbing, 53 miles of river for whitewater rafting, and the iconic New River Gorge Bridge, which you can traverse on a guided trek across its 24-inch-wide catwalk.

But it’s not just national parks that benefited: West Virginia state parks are on track to hit a record 10 million visitors this year, and lawmakers approved $42 million in budget surplus for infrastructure improvements, including 20 new cabins at Coopers Rock State Forest and 25 new tree house cabins at Beech Fork State Park. Meanwhile, the new Elk River Rail Trail in central West Virginia is transforming an old railroad line once used to transport coal into a hiking and biking path that, at an eventual 74 miles, will be one of the longest trails east of the Mississippi.

If you need a little more comfort during your stay, the Hotel Morgan recently reopened in Morgantown. The space dates back to 1925 and has hosted the likes of Harry Truman and Eleanor Roosevelt. Next up is the new Schoolhouse Hotel in White Sulphur Springs, which will open in the town’s 1912 high school building. Financed by the Disability Opportunity Fund, the boutique property is being hailed as the world’s first fully accessible hotel, with each of the 30 rooms and suites designed to accommodate wheelchair users. —N.D.

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Lonely planet names the best destinations for 2022.

places not to travel 2022

lonely planet best countries to visit 2022

In 1973, young British couple Tony and Maureen Wheeler published a guidebook entitled “Across Asia on The Cheap.” Little did they know that one humble guidebook would lay the foundation for a worldwide travel brand called Lonely Planet.

Nearly 50 years later, their travel guide empire, Lonely Planet, is still chugging along.

As much of the world is slowly reopening following the coronavirus pandemic, travel is front of mind for so many of us. The hope is that 2022 will see families reunited, loved ones catching up after long stretches apart and hoarded vacation time used on once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel 2022 book is now on sale. We have a sneak preview of the places they think you should have on your bucket list, from the hidden gems of the Oman desert to the brilliant blue waters of Belize.

“After an enforced hiatus, it’s time to take those long-postponed travel plans off the shelf and make them a reality,” Tom Hall, Lonely Planet’s VP of Experience, said in a statement. “The lists celebrate the world in all its wonderful enticing variety.”

This year, Lonely Planet highlighted its top 10 cities, regions and countries – see the lists below.

Top 10 countries

Egypt is home to the Pyramids of Giza, one of the seven wonders of the world.

But don’t think that “old” is synonymous with “dull.” Despite their 4,500+ years of history, we are still learning more about these architectural marvels every year.

Case in point: the 207-foot-tall Pyramid of Dozer , the oldest of the group, was reopened to the public just last year.

Malawi is considered one of the friendliest countries in the world.

At just 45,747 square miles, Malawi can sometimes be overshadowed by its larger neighbors like Mozambique and Tanzania.

But there are treasures to be had in the “Warm Heart of Africa,” all with fewer tourists to compete with for space along the stunning Lake Malawi, the world’s ninth largest lake.

Malawi has many of the same attractions its African cousins are beloved for, like safaris where you can watch elephants, baboons, hippos and other animals in their native habitats, all at a fraction of the price.

It’s nearly impossible to discuss Nepal without talking about Mount Everest. But this Himalayan nation has so much more on offer for travelers who aren’t climbing the world’s highest mountain.

In the remote region of Mustang (which means “fertile plain”), trekkers can explore the high desert and meet locals at homestays along the way, dining on Nepali specialties like coffee with yak butter and momos served “kothey” style – half fried and half steamed.

The Middle Eastern kingdom of Oman scored high marks from Lonely Planet staffers.

Think Norway is the only place in the world with fjords? Think again.

In Musandam, Oman , bordering the Strait of Hormuz, mountains reach heights of 2,000 meters to create a spectacular backdrop for narrow stretches of water.

But that isn’t all that Oman has to offer. Within the same trip, you can also experience “the Empty Quarter,” an expanse of desert where Oman meets Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. That’s four countries all at once – and you won’t need to pack a coat.

Anguilla is one of the Leeward Islands.

6. Anguilla

Okay, so Anguilla is an overseas British territory and not technically a country. That said, the gorgeous Caribbean island is deserving of a closer look.

Anguilla’s careful reopening plan made it the destination of choice for CNN contributor Hannah Seligson, who traveled there with her young children in January.

She raved about the island’s “aquamarine sea, 33 public beaches, 80-degree temperatures, amazing hotels and food,” as well as its responsible approach to public health amid the pandemic.

Time Out lists the 'world's best' cities for 2021

5. Slovenia

Amid Eastern Europe’s many popular destinations, Slovenia can sometimes get lost in the shuffle. No more. CNN contributor Chris Dwyer describes it as “neither Balkan, Mediterranean, nor Alpine, Slovenia is more a cocktail of all three, served with its own distinct twist.”

Thanks to the country’s small size, visitors can cover a wide range of terrain in a short amount of time, from breathtaking Lake Bled to the buzzy capital of Ljubljana.

Lonely Planet isn’t the only one taking notice. This year, the Michelin Guide handed out stars to seven restaurants in Slovenia.

Want to explore Mayan ruins, swim in electric-blue waters and view incredible wildlife? Belize has all of this and more, accessible via direct flights from multiple North American cities.

If you’re waiting for Australia to open up its borders, try Belize instead: its UNESCO World Heritage-listed Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System is breathtaking, and US travelers won’t need to worry about jet lag.

Meanwhile, the language-cautious will appreciate that Belize’s national language is English.

3. Mauritius

The most-Googled topic about the island paradise of Mauritius is “where is Mauritius?” Let us handle that one: it’s in the Indian Ocean about 700 miles east of Madagascar.

Now that you know where it’s located, here are some reasons to visit this underrated African getaway, courtesy CNN contributor Tony Smart : it’s “inhabited by a multi-racial, peaceful people, covered in great golf courses, offering myriad water sports, mountain trekking, hunting, birdwatching, luxurious resorts, an old colonial capital, great food, three- and four-star hotels, one of the world’s best botanical gardens, good nightlife, beautiful beach bars, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, one of the oldest horse racing tracks in the world, and great sightseeing.”

Norway has more than 15,000 miles of coastline.

Norway is consistently included on lists of the world’s happiest countries. So what’s their secret? CNN asked two of the country’s royals, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit, for their theories.

Mette-Marit has one answer : “we love being outside in nature. If you’re in a Norwegian home on a Sunday and you don’t go for a walk in the forest … that’s not good.”

If you want to channel that peaceful energy for yourself, head to Bøkeskogen, the world’s northernmost beech forest. It’s about two hours from the capital of Oslo, so you can easily experience city and country in the same day.

1. Cook Islands

Fun fact: Air New Zealand only operates one flight from the United States that doesn’t go to New Zealand. It connects Los Angeles with Rarotonga, capital of the Cook Islands and gateway to some of the most beautiful places on the planet.

This group of 15 islands in the South Pacific was at the top of many Lonely Planet staffers’ wish lists for 2022 and beyond.

What’s on offer? Water-centric activities like snorkeling, diving and fishing, not to mention a look at the native Maori community in Te Vara Nui Village.

100 best beaches around the world

Considering choosing a city or region for your next trip? Here’s the rest of Lonely Planet’s 2022 selections.

Top 10 regions

1. Westfjords, Iceland

2. West Virginia, US

3. Xishuangbanna, China

4. Kent’s Heritage Coast, UK

5. Puerto Rico, US

6. Shikoku, Japan

7. Atacama Desert, Chile

8. The Scenic Rim, Australia

9. Vancouver Island, Canada

10. Burgundy, France

Top 10 cities

1. Auckland, New Zealand

2. Taipei, Taiwan

3. Freiburg, Germany

4. Atlanta, US

5. Lagos, Nigeria

6. Nicosia/Lefkosia, Cyprus

7. Dublin, Ireland

8. Merida, Mexico

9. Florence, Italy

10. Gyeongju, South Korea


Show all



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Where to Go in 2022: The Most Exciting Destinations to Explore This Year

Our editors selected the top spots for your next year in travel

If 2021 was the year of diving headfirst into travel, 2022 is the year travelers will be planning their trips more thoughtfully than ever before. Endless months of rescheduled dream vacations allowed us to reflect on the reasons we love to explore and the joy and fulfillment travel brings to our lives. Now, as we navigate the many ways the world has changed in the past two years, one thing is sure: our appreciation for travel is at an all-time high. 

This year, TripSavvy’s editors compiled a list of the top destinations that intrigue and excite us. Some, like New Zealand, are reopening to tourism after extended border closures. Others, like West Virginia, have elevated their outdoor offerings to a whole new level. They all offer unique experiences that remind us why we love to travel and inspire us to start dreaming about that next life-changing trip. These are the flourishing spots that need to be on your radar right now.

Photo: Geraint Rowland Photography / Getty Images

The city of Dakar is a fascinating contradiction. It is at once a cosmopolitan and up-and-coming seaside rendezvous: locals pack its beaches at sunset with al fresco fitness classes; international workers and surfers sip cocktails infused with hibiscus tea known as "bissap" at its surf shacks; Dakar Fashion Week, founded by the designer Adama Ndiaye, known as Adama Paris, features some of the continent's edgiest couture.

But it also feels like a work-in-progress: gated mansions sit on unfinished dirt roads as construction workers pave them with cobblestones piled in horse-drawn wagons; diesel fumes salt the air from its thousands of jalopy taxis. Everything, from the leaves of acacia trees to your sneakers, is rusty with the red Saharan dust called harmattan, which blows through like a snowstorm between November and March.

Teranga is the civic motto here. It means "a sense of welcome" or "good hospitality" in Wolof, the local language of this francophone former French colony, and it is a personal philosophy for many Senegalese. And so they have welcomed creative entrepreneurs like the singer Akon, who is building Akon City, an $6 billion ultra-modern metropolis on its outskirts, that he has promised will be a real-life "Wakanda," but which locals skeptically see as a boondoggle.

Teranga drew in Kehinde Wiley, the artist. He was so charmed on a layover that he returned to establish Black Rock , a multi-disciplinary artist residence on a cliff of volcanic rock, to "galvanize growing artistic and creative energies that exist in Africa," according to his mission statement. 

But despite the energy of the new, Dakar's traditions beckon. HLM market in the eastern part of the city is a bazaar of thousands of colorful fabrics—fashion is practically a local sport here—and legions of tailors to make custom garments on the spot. On Sundays, the surfers drawn here by the classic movie "Endless Summer," which was shot here in part, clear out for sheep and goats, whom their keepers bathe in the Atlantic Ocean. It is part grooming, part spiritual practice in this predominantly Muslim country.

At nightfall, fishermen pull in white grouper (locally called "thiof"), and women grill it for picnicking couples straight on the beach; eat it with fonio, an ancient local grain that celebrity chefs like Marcus Samuelsson, an Ethiopian-American, are touting as the next quinoa. Or you can go for the more glamorous fare at Seku-Bi , a brand new boutique hotel in the city center where Naomi Campbell stays when she's in town. Either is good sustenance for clubbing, which starts ultra late here.

The city's history calls out: the bucolic Ile de Gorée, a UNESCO world heritage site, is a quick ferry ride past fishermen in brightly colored wooden skiffs off the coast. Deceptively pretty, it is where enslaved persons were stockpiled before making the deadly Middle Passage. A small portal in a cell there looks back at Senegal's shore, the last glimpse of home for kidnapped Africans, known now as "the Door of No Return." It is powerful to look through it at Dakar today. — Sarah Maslin Nir

Photo: Unsplash

While Switzerland's touristic roots primarily lie in the country's Alpine climate and landscapes, visitors would be remiss to skip the country's cosmopolitan cities—most notably Switzerland's largest city, Zurich .

Settled by Romans in 15 BC, Zurich has since transformed into a global financial center and transit hub, often a layover destination for visitors going elsewhere in the country. But next time you're passing through on your way to St. Moritz or Lucerne, slow down and take in all that's new in this easily accessible city.

Opened in September 2020, the Lindt Home of Chocolate welcomes children and adults alike to discover the magic of one of Switzerland's most significant exports. Creamy Swiss milk chocolate is the star of the show here, as visitors can gawk at a giant chocolate fountain, see the production process, and stuff their suitcases with souvenirs at the largest Lindt chocolate shop in the world.

With your sweet tooth satisfied, you could spend weeks on end immersing yourself in the arts in Zurich. Tonhalle Zurich , the city's 1,455-seat concert hall, reopened last September, and the stunning acoustics—among the best in the world—haven't disappeared. New nearby is LUX Restaurant & Bar , situated lakeside with a spacious terrace breathtaking views of the Swiss landscape. (Don't miss the spectacular Sunday brunch, where dishes like crispy duck bao and eggs benedict on a homemade bun are so good that you might be momentarily distracted from the views.)

In the industrial part of the city, art lovers have welcomed Licthalle Maag , the first permanent museum in Switzerland to show only immersive exhibitions. Viva Frida Kahlo remains on display through the end of February, with two more exhibitions planned for 2022.

And if you've been waiting to take in one of Switzerland's most important art collections, there's no better time than now. The Kunsthaus Zürich's David Chipperfield-designed extension opened in October, firmly situating the museum as one of the best in Europe. It boasts the most important impressionist collection outside of Paris, the largest dada collection in the world, and an extensive archive of native son Alberto Giacometti's works.

During your stay, shell out the Swiss francs for the Zurich Card —a travel pass that's good for either 24 or 72 hours and includes unlimited travel on the city's public transport network (including the cable car and the airport), free entrance to more than 40 museums, discounts on shopping, and extra treats in some of the city's best restaurants.

And before you depart, spend some time at the airport—Zurich has (wisely) followed in the footsteps of Singapore and other cities which have turned their airports into stand-along destinations. Riken Yamamoto's futuristic and bright Circle complex opened in November 2020, a sprawling modern development home to shopping, dining, office space, and two new Hyatt hotels.  — Laura Ratliff

Photo: John Crux Photography / Getty Images

The isthmus of Panama is a destination that travel brochures cannot do justice. It boasts over 1,400 islands and innumerable paradisiacal destinations, but perplexingly, it doesn't invite quite as much fanfare as neighboring Costa Rica and Colombia. Acquainting yourself with Panama will be easier than ever in 2022, however, with Copa Airlines' recently relaunched Panama Stopover program, allowing travelers can explore the country for up to seven days on the way to or from any of Copa's 80 destinations at no additional cost — perfect for dabbling in the year's action-packed schedule.

Panama has committed to a five-year sustainable tourism master plan and beckons purpose-driven travelers to explore all of its extraordinary biodiversity and untapped corners. In early February, the capital city hosts AdventureNEXT Latin America , highlighting the adventure experiences on offer with positive environmental and social impact. After that, water babies can pack their bags, but not plastic — as Panama was the first Central American country to ban these — and head over to the Caribbean coast for Bocas Invitacional , the first international bodyboarding competition and cultural event in the archipelago of Bocas del Toro , which kicks off on Feb. 15, 2022. The event promises Afro-Caribbean music, calypso dancing, community, and beach clean-ups. While in Bocas (as the region is affectionately called), get away from it all at Bastimentos Island's Azul Paradise , a secluded water bungalow resort with swimmable azure waters, eco cred, and an unhurried pace. From May to October, the Gulf of Chiriquí National Marine Park is the place to be for whale watching in all its turquoise glory.

All year round, once-in-a-lifetime feats await water-loving visitors to the sunny bridge of the world. Visit Panama to hike from ocean to ocean via the Camino Real, a route along which precious gold and silver were transported before the Panama Canal and Panama Railroad were built. Treat yourself to a catamaran tour of the boisterously blue San Blas Archipelago that's rumored to have one enchanting island for every day of the year. Bask under a never-ending stream (50 to be precise) of waterfalls at Santa Fe National Park in the Veraguas province. Some of the cascades are thunderous; others are meek—all are visit-worthy.

The capital, Panama City, also offers opportunities for dipping. Veracruz, the nearest sandy beach, is a mere 15-minute drive from downtown. The closest dreamboat island, Taboga, is just a 30-minute ferry ride away, and it once lent its good looks and tranquility to a then-unknown French painter by the name of Paul Gauguin. Bay-facing rooftop pools adorn Panama City's numerous skyscrapers and the old town's new developments, including Hotel La Compañía, Casco Antiguo , a living museum dating back to the 17th century. The 88-room luxury hotel swings open in March and will be the first Central American hotel to join Hyatt's Unbound Collection. Be sure also to relish the fruits of the sea while in the capital, which packs a powerful foodie punch. The toasted yuca with tuna carpaccio is just one of many lick-the-plate-great seafood dishes at Casco Antiguo's Fonda Lo Que Hay , which has a revolving menu and a no-reservations policy. — Rosie Bell

Photo: Prasit photo / Getty Images

If the popularity of BTS, “Squid Game,” and dalgona-flavored treats is anything to go by, South Korea is set to be a hot new tourist destination. And it’s well-deserved. Seoul , the capital city, has so much to offer that you could easily spend weeks exploring the city’s many delights, but the rest of the nation is just as worthy of your precious vacation time. As trite as it sounds, the offerings are so diverse there is truly something for everyone. 

Aiming to indulge in the glory that is Korean cuisine? You’ll be spoiled for choice from the moment you clear customs in Incheon . Want to visit a beloved volcanic island with some of the best tangerines you’ll taste? Jeju is waiting. Itching to get out in nature? Korea’s national parks have challenging hikes and breathtaking scenery, not to mention 21 ski resorts for winter sports lovers. Love to learn about the history and culture of a place? Beyond exploring the dozens of museums, Korea is dotted with lovingly maintained temples and palaces. When you factor in the affordable prices on food and clothes, efficient transportation system, and welcoming people, the real question is why wouldn’t you head to South Korea as soon as possible? 

The JW Marriott hotel group also has its eyes on South Korea as a top destination: the company expanded its Luxury Collection brand into the country with the opening of Josun Palace last May. Later this year, it plans to open a wellness center resort on the lush Jeju Island. (If you wanted a more traditional stay, Josun Palace takes its cues from its neighbor, Chosun Hotel , one of Korea’s first luxury hotels.)

During much of 2021, the country prepped for the return of tourism by investing in infrastructure and accessibility. At the beginning of the year, Korail debuted a brand new, eco-friendly high-speed train and launched a new route from Seoul to Andong, the birthplace of soju. The new train cuts travel time in half, giving you more time to enjoy the delights of Andong, like one of their famous open-air heritage museums or the Andong Folk Festival. 

In September 2021, the Seoul Tourism Organization expanded its accessible tour bus and van services to foreign residents and tourists. Self-guided and planned tours in vans have variable costs, while planning tours on the Danurim buses is free, taking people to major tourist hubs in Seoul. This service is only for people with disabilities, the elderly, and infants. The accessible buses and vans are just one portion of the Seoul universal tourism scheme , a multi-stage effort to make Seoul accessible for all tourists.

Though travel isn’t back in full swing just yet, South Korea is one destination that just keeps getting better and better. — Sherri Gardner

Photo: Robert Stough / Getty Images

John Denver was ahead of his time when he sang that West Virginia was "almost heaven." The state has always been revered for its rich natural beauty, but in recent years, West Virginia is finally getting the recognition it deserves as a great place to visit and live. This is especially true for remote workers who take advantage of the Ascend West Virginia program, which offers $12,000 and an outstanding year-long outdoor recreation package to relocate to the state. The timing has never been better since the first phase of the Elk River Trail opened with 37 miles of forested trails running along the Elk River in Central West Virginia. The mountain state is also home to America's newest national park, New River Gorge , with camping, fishing, white water rafting, hiking trails, and jaw-dropping views of one of the most ancient rivers on the continent. All four visitor centers, a fishing area, and many trails and vistas are wheelchair accessible.

West Virginia is also home to a growing culinary scene, including craft breweries, homegrown distilleries, and restaurants like the Vagabond Kitchen in Wheeling, focusing on modern takes on traditional Appalachian fare with dishes like smoked chicken cornbread casserole and butternut ravioli with beetroot pesto. It's comfort food at its best, with ingredients sourced from local farms and artisans. Just don't leave the state without partaking in a pepperoni roll—a local staple found at nearly every convenience store and bakery counter.

West Virginia was front and center for many of the most critical moments of the nation's history, and the state has done a remarkable job preserving that heritage. You'll' find many places steeped in lore, like John Brown's Fort at Harper's' Ferry National Park , the site of an abolitionist raid and federal standoff. It's one of the 24 restored buildings from the 19th century onsite, alongside hiking trails, jaw-dropping views, and a fascinating visitor center. The walls of the 160-year old Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in Weston have lived through Civil War raids and barbaric medical treatments, and many believe it's haunted. A guided tour of the building is a must if you're in the area.

There is perhaps nowhere that West Virginia's past and present come together more beautifully than in the state's vibrant arts scene. There are countless studios around the state showcasing artists creating traditional Appalachian glass, pottery, and jewelry along with contemporary artists forging new rituals of their own. If you happen to be traveling along Highway I-77 through Beckley, you'll find the work of over 2,800 artists on display at Tamarack Marketplace , so be sure to leave some extra room in your suitcase.

If you're planning your visit, Greenbrier Resort in White Sulphur Springs encompasses the best that West Virginia has to offer. Surrounded by the Allegheny Mountains, the views are stunning year-round. This is a historic hotel, initially founded in 1858, with an award-winning golf course, a casino, and a mineral spa. In the first quarter of 2022, another hotly anticipated hotel, The Schoolhouse , is scheduled to open in White Sulphur Springs, transforming a historic schoolhouse building into the world's first fully-accessible hotel. Each of the 30 rooms will be wheelchair accessible, because it isn't "almost heaven" until everyone is included. — Tamara Gane

Photo: Fitria Ramli / EyeEm / Getty Images

Qatar is currently the most buzzing place in the Middle East. Hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup, the country's infrastructure has been growing at a rate that warrants several visits simply to appreciate the changes that can take part in such a short time. While it is rare that you'd look at a football stadium as a piece of architecture, some of the world's best architects have been given free rein here, and the results, such as the Al Janoub Stadium in Al Wakrah by Zaha Hadid Architects, are superb. 

Apart from the nation's football fever lies its art scene. Qatar has invested money into world-class museums more than any other Arabian country, with the I.M. Pei-designed Museum of Islamic Art firmly at the top, alongside incredible public art installations that stand unrivaled. From the numerous artworks from top artists such as Small Lie by KAWS and COSMOS by Jean-Michel Othoniel within Hamad International Airport to the minimalistic but breathtaking East-West West-East installation by Richard Serra with its four large steel plates standing in the middle of the desert, there is art wherever you look.

The design hub Mshereib is becoming the city's trendiest quarter, with M7 at its heart, hosting superb design exhibitions, such as Christian Dior Designer of Dreams, on view until March 31, 2022. Within the quarter's minimalist architecture lies the elegant Mandarin Oriental Hotel , steps away from the cafes and art galleries, as well as Souq Waqif, the traditional souq, or marketplace, where you can shop, learn about falconry, and get up close and personal with not only Arabian thoroughbred horses but also thoroughbred camels. For a more boutique stay, head to Souq Waqif Hotel Qatar by Tivoli , spread across several townhouses for an intimate experience.

While Qatar is openly cosmopolitan, with top international restaurants, there is nothing quite like sampling the local cuisine to get a feel for a country. For lunch on the run, pop into one of the many small restaurants and juice stalls within Souq Waqif and ask for a traditional machboos rice dish. For a more sophisticated experience, head straight to Jiwan , inside the desert rose-shaped National Museum of Qatar , for delicious Qatari fusion food with a great view across the entire city.

In preparation for the anticipated influx of visitors in 2022, several new hotels are being opened to complement the city's already superb choices. In Lusail, just north of Doha City Centre, the dual-brand Fairmont Hotel and Raffles Hotel & Residences coming to the open circle building this year will dominate the skyline of Lusail, alongside the city's first Rosewood Hotel Lusail , whose sleek décor is inspired by coral.

Wherever you look, Doha offers an intriguing mix of modern amenities and experiences enhanced by local culture and traditions. — Ulrike Lemmin-Woolfrey

Photo: Worawat Dechatiwong / Getty Images

When New Zealand's borders closed in March 2020, few Kiwis imagined they would still be closed almost two years later. Now, as the world enters a third pandemic year, New Zealand is tentatively looking to open again to international visitors, albeit in a staged, controlled manner. With more than 90 percent of adult Kiwis vaccinated, mask mandates for most public indoor settings, and vaccination mandates covering workers in many public-facing roles, when the borders open, vaccinated visitors can be confident that travel in New Zealand will be about as low-risk as possible during an ongoing pandemic.

But where to go? A logical way to plan a trip is to pick either the North Island or the South Island , as doing them both justices would take a month or longer.

With the capital ( Wellington ), the largest city ( Auckland ), and the bulk of the country's population (4 million out of 5 million), the North Island is a logical choice for travelers who want to see and do a lot in a shorter time. While many visitors fly into Auckland and travel south from there–to well-known favorites like Waitomo , Rotorua , and Wellington–in 2022, it makes sense to head north to Northland.

In an era of Covid-related closures, the Northland city of Whangarei will see the opening of a fabulous new museum in February 2022: the Hundertwasser Art Centre . The Austrian-born New Zealand artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928-2000) spent the last two decades living in the rural Bay of Islands , north of Whangarei. His plans for Whangarei's art center weren't realized in his lifetime but have been followed meticulously over the last few years. The tiled, gold-domed museum at Whangarei's Town Basin marina rivals any of his buildings in Vienna and will contain exhibits on Hundertwasser's art and the Wairau Māori Art Gallery. Previews of the on-site Aqua Restaurant and Bar give it rave reviews.

Te Waipounamu, the South Island, is the island of choice for those who prefer immersion in nature. The snow-capped Southern Alps form the island's backbone, providing the rivers, glaciers, ski fields , hiking and mountain biking trails, and incredible views. The lack of international tourists has been challenging for remote tourist-oriented towns such as Queenstown, Franz Josef , and Mt. Cook Village .

Hiking enthusiasts have an extra reason to visit the South Island in 2022: the Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track in Southland/Fiordland is a step closer to becoming one of the Department of Conservation's dedicated Great Walks of New Zealand. The pandemic has led to delays, and the three-day trail may not be inaugurated into the Great Walks list until 2023-24, but it can still be hiked. Beat the crowds by getting in early in 2022.

If that sounds like hard work, some R&R in Queenstown may be preferable. With views across Lake Wakatipu and to the Remarkables range from many west-facing rooms, you don't even need to fling yourself off a bridge (bungee jumping), down a river ( rafting ) or waterfall (canyoning), or into the skies (paragliding) to experience Queenstown's best. Five-star Hulbert House Boutique Hotel offers the kind of understated luxury that many travelers love about New Zealand.

If New Zealand's been on your bucket list for years, this is the year to scratch that itch. — Elen Turner

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The Best Places to Travel in 2022

Where will 2022 take you below, you’ll find 39 destinations—from abu dhabi to alberta, canada—where your visit will really count. locals tell us what’s new, exciting, and worth the trip in the coming year..

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Where to Go Next. It feels good to write those words. After a long pause, travel is returning. Borders are reopening, families are reuniting, and deferred dreams are becoming realities. As 2022 approaches, are you eagerly and excitedly plotting out your next 12 months of trips? Or maybe you’re still just fantasizing about travel, unsure about where you’ll go next and when.

To inspire all your travel hopes and wishes, we’ve collected 39 love letters to various places, written by the people who know them best: locals. How did we decide what to spotlight? We focused on the lesser-known sides of a destination (Abu Dhabi and Taiwan); spots where your visit could really count (Turkana, Kenya, and Ten Thousand Islands, Florida); and those cities that could use a little love on the heels of 2020 and 2021 ( Chicago and Copenhagen ). As always, we tell these stories through the lens of travel as a force for good: more inclusive, conscientious, and sustainable. Cheers to a year of getting out there again. —Julia Cosgrove, editor in chief


1. Russian River Valley, California

The gods of climate change made some of their first displays of power in this slice of rural california, where there’s much to love and much to protect.

The Bay Area is still lovable in its fleece-wearing Tesla millionaire kind of way, but—local secret here—the region’s faded old river towns have long been the heart of our most quintessential Northern California-ness. The addled trappings of modern life fall away at the first quake of the aspens. What remains is a refreshingly purer iteration of the human spirit, miles from the venture-funded sleekness of San Francisco.

Here, at a lazy bend in the shimmering Russian River, a wiry man in a milk jug raft drifts past singing Puccini. Explore farther and you’ll discover a five-and-dime on Main Street in Guerneville. Join a barbecue at the Monte Rio firehouse. Feel the gentle purling of the river under your butt as your inner tube floats vaguely west, not a care in the world except not spilling that beer someone tossed you.

The Lower Russian River Valley has long inhabited a slower, more analog era that’s left room for funky charms to take root. The passage of time seemed to just sort of overlook this region—at least until now.

For the full story from Chris Colin, read The True Heart of California’s Bay Area Is in the Russian River Valley .


2. Chicago, Illinois

The windy city is roaring back from the pandemic, thanks to its entrepreneurial spirit and strong sense of pride.

In the aftermath of the Great Fire, which razed more than 2,000 acres of central Chicago in 1871, leaving nearly 100,000 homeless, one resident, William D. Kerfoot, displayed a hand-painted sign that read” “all gone but wife, children and energy. I have been thinking about Kerfoot since the pandemic. But not before a full year of questioning why I still lived in Chicago when everything I loved about it—the theater, music, sports, and dining scenes, as well as the 26-mile lakefront—was closed or verboten.

As the city has been slowly reopening, I have been reminded of Kerfoot’s outlook. Jazz musicians started holding “step sessions” on neighborhood porches, encouraging residents to BYO and use virtual tip jars. They’re planning to return to porches in spring 2022. Entrepreneurs renovated an RV as Majostee Spa , a mobile nail salon making home visits. Stephanie Hart, owner of Brown Sugar Bakery , recognized the need for comfort food during the pandemic; now the baker is looking to open a shop for her famed cupcakes at O’Hare International Airport, where she can, as she puts it, “export a little bit of my African American neighborhood and inspire [people] to come to 75th Street and see everything we’re serving.”

“Chicago sees itself, since the fire, as a city able to withstand whatever,” said Shermann Dilla Thomas, a historian who offers guided city tours. “It also makes us a city that doesn’t believe in small plans. After you get a blank canvas, the sky’s the limit.”

For the full story from Elaine Glusac, read As the Pandemic (Hopefully) Wanes, Chicago Is Back and Stronger Than Ever .


3. Métis Crossing, Alberta, Canada

Alberta’s first métis cultural destination was conceived, built, and operated by métis people to tell their story—and in 2022 it’s getting a huge expansion.

I was about 12 years old when I first met my birth mother and discovered that I was Métis. I saw her several times after that, and though we never discussed why I grew up in foster care, she frequently reiterated that we were both Métis. I’ve spent years trying to figure out exactly what that meant and why it was so important.

Since the 18th century, the French word métis has described individuals in Canada with mixed Indigenous and European ancestry. In Canada’s early years, French and Scottish fur traders married First Nations women of Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, Cree, and other cultural backgrounds, and soon the Métis Nation was born. The Métis were known for hunting, trapping, and fur trading, and in 1982 they became one of the three groups of recognized Indigenous Peoples of Canada .

Métis Crossing , which opened in 2005 on the river lots—the riverside settlements home to the earliest settlers in this part of Alberta—is a fascinating place to learn about Métis culture, traditions, and beliefs. There’s a campground with comfortably furnished trappers’ tents, and in 2019, a large Cultural Gathering Centre was built to host educational programs. When I visited in fall 2021, I wanted a cultural experience, and I also wanted to embrace my own Indigenous roots.

For the full story from Debbie Olsen, read Discover a Side of Indigenous Canada at Métis Crossing, Newly Expanding in 2022 .


4. Portland, Jamaica

Avoid the crowds and head to a serene shoreline and the birthplace of jerk chicken.

I escaped my tiny living quarters in Long Island, New York, for rural Robins Bay in Jamaica in September 2020. On weekends, I explore. My favorite discovery is the parish of Portland on the island’s northeast coast, which—unlike Montego Bay and Ocho Rios with many tourists—offers flourishing rain forests, laid-back beaches, and a vibe of soon come, no hurry, no worries. . . .

I have a particular soft spot for Winnifred Beach, where neighbors and families go to relax. Food vendors and artists sell their wares from small shops, made from zinc and wood, and despite the lull in business during the pandemic, dancehall and reggae still boom. Nothing stops the party. If it’s Saturday, true to tradition, somebody is quite likely cooking (and sharing) chicken foot soup. Another favorite ocean retreat is Frenchman’s Cove, where flowing water from the Blue Mountains creates a dramatic canopy of tropical greenery by a white-sand beach. Further south, Reach Falls is beloved for its underwater cave, natural heart-shaped pool reminiscent of a Jacuzzi, mountain views, and lush vegetation.

For the full story from Sheryl Nance-Nash, read Find the ‘Real’ Jamaica in This Laid-Back Neighborhood .


5. Arica and Parinacota, Chile

Local textiles, llamas, and the world’s oldest mummies are among the reasons to visit northern chile..

When travelers plan trips to the desiccated salt flats and cloud-hugging lagoons of the world’s driest desert, the Atacama, most end up in the resort town of San Pedro. Yet 400 miles north lies a refreshing alternative: Chile’s Arica and Parinacota region.

The main reason to go is to explore a new UNESCO World Heritage site created in July 2021 that honors the Chinchorro culture. These hunter-gatherers crafted the world’s oldest mummies, covering their deceased with clay masks and flowing wigs some 7,000 years ago (2,000 years before the ancient Egyptians). A tourist circuit now unites 19 archaeological sites along the Pacific coast and passes six roadside Chinchorro statues designed by local artists Paola Pimentel and Johnny Vásquez. Meanwhile, the mummy museum in Azapa Valley is preparing for a multimillion-dollar revamp to be completed by 2024.

The 143-mile trip from lowland Arica to highland Parinacota follows another new tourist trail: Ruta de las Misiones. The route includes dozens of hamlets inhabited by the Aymara people, many featuring whitewashed adobe churches and handcrafted alpaca textiles from Indigenous artisans such as Julia Cañari. Putre is the largest of these villages. At an altitude of 11,500 feet, you can acclimatize here for expeditions into the volcano-studded Lauca National Park , llama-filled Las Vicuñas National Reserve , or the blindingly white Salar (salt flat) de Surire , where the hot springs come with views of pink flamingos. —Mark Johanson


6. Acadia National Park, Maine

New england’s sylvan wonderland is filled with winding trails and history lessons.

It’s easy to get away from people amid the 47,000 acres of Acadia National Park , where the jagged Maine coast cuts into the Atlantic. But no matter where you go, you’re surrounded by historical figures. The intricate carriage trails around Mount Desert Island, where much of the park is situated, were commissioned by John D. Rockefeller Jr. in the early 1900s. Many of the island’s other trails were built as part of a New Deal–era Civilian Conservation Corps public works project in the 1930s.

Stone stairs that seem almost magically carved into the mountainside form parts of Homans Path, a trail named for Eliza Homans. She was a wealthy widow and longtime summer resident who, in 1908, first gifted part of the land that would become the park. The 140-acre spread Homans bequeathed includes one of Acadia’s most treacherous and rewarding hikes, the Beehive—a short but steep climb up a cliff face, with a payoff view of Sand Beach and the Atlantic coastline.

Mount Desert Island’s lake and ponds are another plus. For most of the summer, you can jump off the rocks at Echo Lake Ledges or hike to the distant parts of Long Pond, where you’ll be rewarded with crystal clear water and, often, few other swimmers in sight. —Sally Kohn


7. Houston, Texas

In 2022, space city offers distinct dining and art options that celebrate its diverse communities.

As one of the nation’s most multiethnic cities, with some 145 languages spoken, Houston is full of culinary and cultural innovation. MasterChef winner Christine Ha’s restaurant Blind Goat deliciously showcases the city’s Vietnamese community, while the local chain Tacos A Go Go represents some of the best of its Latinx options. (Be sure to try all the tacos while you’re in town: corn tacos filled with barbacoa; shrimp tacos; and migas tacos, a Tex-Mex staple made with scrambled eggs and jalapeños).

For a taste of Houston’s Black-owned restaurants, book a table at Lucille’s , where the celebrated chef Chris Williams turns out fine Southern cuisine (catfish and grits, fish fry, and liver and onions). If you’re craving comfort food, head to Breakfast Klub .

Don’t miss a trip to the Third Ward (the neighborhood where Beyoncé and Solange Knowles were raised). There you’ll find the Houston Museum of African American Culture , which recognizes the achievements of Black Americans. Another essential stop: Project Row Houses , a site encompassing five city blocks that has been serving Houston’s artists of color for three decades. It presents programming that preserves and elevates Black culture and community, regularly running exhibitions and events while supporting young people and small businesses. —Kayla Stewart


8. Charlotte, North Carolina

North carolina’s largest city is turning into an essential food destination, with tempting options across different neighborhoods.

If you asked someone a few years ago what Charlotte is known for, they might have said it’s one of the country’s biggest banking spots. But the city is fast becoming appreciated for its growing culinary scene.

Take the James Beard Award–nominated chef Greg Collier and his wife and business partner, Subrina. In 2020, the restaurateurs opened Leah & Louise , a modern-day juke joint in Charlotte’s creative hub, Camp North End . The cuisine honors their Southern roots: fried oyster sliders and slow-roasted cabbage with pork neck bisque. The pair have a special place in my heart, as they helped found Soul Food Sessions, a pop-up dinner series featuring Black chefs and mixologists.

Exciting new businesses are opening regularly. In September 2021, cocktail connoisseur Tamu Curtis opened the Cocktailery for classes and tastings in the city’s Atherton Mill retail center. In 2022, Ricky Ortiz, the Mexico-born owner of Tacos Rick-O , will expand his food empire beyond his taco truck at Hoppin’ —a self-service beer, wine, and cider spot in South End—with a new concept based on Spanish desserts in the NoDa arts and entertainment district.

“Charlotte’s not just football and finance,” Greg Collier insists. “This ain’t just the cookie-cutter, vanilla shell South . . . It’s a place full of aspirations, mind-blowing creatives, good cooking, and possibilities.” —DeAnna Taylor


9. Anguilla

One of the caribbean’s smallest islands punches above its weight.

With 33 beaches, several islands and cays, and more than 100 restaurants, Anguilla packs a lot into its 35 square miles.

Start by hopping on American Airlines’ new direct flight from Miami into Clayton J. Lloyd International Airport. You’ll disembark mere minutes from any one of the island’s beaches, a string of seductive white-sand scallops lapped by blue water. On Meads Bay, check in to Tranquility Beach, a collection of 15 suites (all with kitchens) that preside over sand resembling powdered sugar and offering magnificent sunset views. Close by is the Hummingbird , a charming cottage studio that’s a perfect choice for solo travelers.

For lunch, try Ken’s BBQ in Anguilla’s capital, The Valley, where they have been cooking fall-off-the-bone tender ribs for more than 20 years. Don’t forget to finish the meal with a Johnny cake or two. If you’re in the mood to treat yourself, end the day with cocktails at Four Seasons Anguilla ’s ocean-view Sunset Lounge, then continue to dinner at beachfront classic Blanchards, where you should sample the grilled Anguillian crayfish.

The next day, if cerulean seas beckon, charter a catamaran to take you from Crocus Bay to Little Bay, a compact cove you might have all to yourself. —Sarah Greaves-Gabbadon


10. Bermuda

Look beyond bermuda’s pink-sand beaches and explore black history on the islands..

Famous for its blush-colored beaches and the shorts, Bermuda has long been a traveler’s dream, but this 21-square-mile archipelago nestled in the North Atlantic also offers a substantial measure of Black culture and history. In 2020, it became one of the first places in the world to honor a Black woman with a public holiday; Mary Prince Day celebrates the formerly enslaved Bermudian who became the first Black woman in England to publish her own narrative, the seminal 1831 book The History of Mary Prince .

Visitors to the islands can follow the African Diaspora Heritage Trail , which includes museums, monuments, and even a seaside cave connected to Bermuda’s Black past. For an experience that showcases both food and history, book Kristin White’s bike tour through the cobblestone streets of St. George’s , a UNESCO World Heritage site. Or on your own, walk past the candy-colored buildings of the capital city, Hamilton, and pop into the Griot bookstore , a sunlit, art-adorned space that sells works by authors of African descent. Pick up a cold-pressed elixir at the mural-covered Om Juicery (locals are partial to “Bountiful” and “Dancing”). In the reef-hugging Sandys Parish, Buna Gallery and Coffee House serves up Ethiopian brews, live music, and local art exhibits in a stylish setting. Settle in and stay awhile. —Rosalind Cummings-Yeates


11. Mérida, Yucatan, Mexico

Yucatán’s welcoming capital city offers a sensory experience on every corner.

Each evening, as the sun begins to settle into its slumber, Mérida comes to life. Nightfall offers a respite from the sweltering heat of the day. Families gather in the zócalo for cultural performances. The city’s main drag, Paseo de Montejo, is lined with tables where patrons delight in nibbles and tipples. Elderly couples salsa dance in the park as if no one is watching, and if you walk down any of the main streets in the Centro neighborhood, you’ll hear the thrums and drums of bachata beats from beyond the swinging doors of local cantinas.

Mérida, the capital of the Mexican state of Yucatán, revels in permanent celebration, and the city invites you to do the same, to find joy in simple pleasures. It’s a place where diversity extends beyond what to do, see, and eat. LGBTQ travelers, for example, can find nightlife in Centro and spend evenings vibing to live music at Cadadía Bar Café .

Visitors to the city will quickly discover the “Mérida magic” that everyone speaks of—that inexplicable sense of happiness, peace, and community found here. It may be the deep-rooted culture and rich gastronomic heritage that draws people to the colonial city; for me, it was the Mérida magic that turned my three-month visit into home for the foreseeable future. —Colby Holiday


12. Washington, D.C.

Wander around the new waterfront and taste your way through the revitalized capital city.

Washington, D.C., is so much more than its reputation as the center of U.S. politics. It’s a welcoming, walkable city with residents and regions as culturally diverse as the international embassies that line Massachusetts Avenue. Over the past decade, the city has transformed several neighborhoods—the H Street Corridor, Brookland, NoMa, Shaw, and the LGBTQ-friendly Logan Circle. The flourishing food scene attracts locals and visitors to such neighborhood anchors as Tortino (which serves elevated Italian dishes) and the Dabney , a Michelin-starred restaurant specializing in farm-to-table American fare.

But the District’s newest star is the Wharf , where the second phase of a $2.5 billion revitalization project is expected to be completed in 2022. New additions include the 131-room Pendry hotel and a tranquil 1.5-acre green space called “The Green”. Stroll the brick walkway to take in the serene Potomac River while eating delicious confections from District Donuts or shop for clothing, jewelry, and home decor at stores like the Black-owned fashion boutique A Beautiful Closet .

At Kaliwa , order the drunken duck noodles and other Thai and Filipino dishes. Or head to chef Philippe Massoud’s new high-end Lebanese restaurant, Ilili , and try the tender braised lamb shank. Close out your night with panoramic views at the rooftop bar Whiskey Charlie . The Wharf Spiced Rum is a perfect coda to a perfect day in the district. —Kwin Mosby


13. Ten Thousand Islands, Florida

A labyrinthine world of mangroves, sandy islands, and clear skies awaits intrepid kayakers on florida’s gulf coast.

Everglades National Park —the largest subtropical wilderness in the United States—reveals only its outer edges to daytrippers. For a deeper view of a similar ecosystem, head to the Ten Thousand Islands National Wildlife Refuge , just south of Marco Island. Here, one of the world’s largest mangrove systems covers 230 square miles, where fresh and salt waters meet.

“We’re not a beach destination, like St. Petersburg or Daytona,” says Charles Wright, a naturalist who owns Everglades Area Tours and takes guests on kayak adventures through mangrove islands in the Gulf of Mexico. “But there are sandy barrier islands with beautiful beaches . . . from Marco Island to the mouth of the Lostmans River.

“Most people think of swamps when they think of the Everglades—of airboats, alligators, and mosquitoes,” he adds. But the Everglades are much more than that, and the Ten Thousand Islands “are kind of the untapped jewel, with dolphins, manatees, orchids and bromeliads, wading birds, raptors, and more.”

On expeditions from Chokoloskee Island, you’ll camp on deserted islands and visit Native American sites; the Calusa tribe inhabited the area as early as the 15th century. One thing you won’t really see, however, is light pollution—just the canopy of the Milky Way in the inky skies above your camp at night. —Terry Ward


14. Northern Minnesota

Once known for its mining boomtowns, the iron range has gotten a mighty makeover.

Minnesota is lauded for its lakes—more than 10,000 of them—but any local knows that its land deserves some love, too. To get better acquainted, head to northern Minnesota’s Iron Range , which has quietly debuted 250 miles of new biking trails in the past decade. The routes came about largely thanks to local cycling enthusiasts, who have worked to turn the area into a magnet for biking in nature. Tioga Recreation Area added 19 miles of mountain bike trails near the town of Cohasset in August 2019, and a trail expansion is currently underway in Cuyuna County, which already has 50 miles of rust-colored dirt paths spread over 800 acres.

One of the most recent news makers? Redhead Mountain Bike Park , which opened in June 2020 after a nearly $2 million investment, now features 25 miles of trails outside the town of Chisholm. There, you can ride cinnamon-colored paths flanked by steep cliffs that descend into an abandoned mining pit with an aqua-blue lake at the bottom. (You’d be in good company, as more than 25,000 people have ridden the popular trails since the launch.)

If you’re looking for something a little smoother, northeastern Minnesota has you covered there, too. As of press time, the paved Mesabi Trail offers more than 135 miles of biking and walking through forests and small towns. When completed, it will stretch 155 miles from the Mississippi River to the remote Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness , one of the country’s most glorious natural sites. (And no, I’m not biased.) —Katherine LaGrave


15. Puerto Viejo de Talamanca, Costa Rica

This lively caribbean coastal town offers excellent surfing and beaches, plus a secret dry season.

In September 2021, Costa Rica’s new Digital Nomads law began granting visas to foreign nationals for up to two years, inspiring remote workers to live out their long-term fantasies of surf, work, ceviche, repeat. Whether you’re eyeing a semipermanent move or just a weeklong break, one place to dip your toes in is Puerto Viejo de Talamanca, a small coastal town on the country’s less frequented Caribbean side.

You won’t find the big brands or high-rises of Papagayo and Tamarindo here—just soft sand beaches and green macaws, and local boutiques such as Aloe Tienda for stylish handmade women’s clothing. The African influence is palpable in the Limonese Creole patois, calypso beats, and the coconut-sweetened version of rice and beans.

Another plus of Puerto Viejo: The town experiences a dry season in September and October, when most of the country is inundated with rain. Travelers who visit at this time usually luck out at such mega surf breaks as Salsa Brava. In nearby Cahuita National Park , a large coral reef hosts an array of marine life, ranging from diminutive damselfish to nurse sharks. Snorkelers can experience it in all its glory. After a few days in Puerto Viejo, you might discover it’s time to adopt the Pura Vida lifestyle and stay awhile. —Nina Kokotas Hahn

16. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

A road trip through abu dhabi reveals what lies beneath the surface of this sprawling emirate.

In its 50 years of existence, the United Arab Emirates has developed at lightning speed, creating cities out of the desert with record-breaking skyscrapers, lavish hotels, and a fast pace of life. As the pandemic forced me to slow down, I rediscovered the joy of exploring the hidden sides of my home. By the time my friend Rashid Khalfan invited me to Abu Dhabi, the emirate south of Dubai that covers 26,000 miles, I was ready to explore farther afield.

Rashid, knowing my love for brutalist architecture, showed me some of his favorite buildings, which he admires as symbols of a young nation’s progress. He pointed out the Buty Al Otaiba Tower , covered in rows of hexagonal windows, and the Hamed Centre , with its diamond motif. The most handsome edifice was the Al Ibrahimi building, a circular tower with protruding balconies that resemble woven fabric, designed by the late Egyptian modernist architect Farouk El Gohary . “The older ones have more Arabic touches; the later ones from the ’80s and ’90s have more glass on their facades,” Rashid said.

I could’ve stayed longer, but the Rub’ Al-Khali—the Empty Quarter, an expanse of desert 130 miles to the south—was calling. There the Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort by Anantara rises like a mirage, designed to enable your desert fantasies as you ride camels, smoke fragrant shisha, and let yourself be cocooned in rhassoul clay in the hammam.

For the full story from Nicola Chilton, read A Road Trip Through Abu Dhabi Reveals Its History .


17. Luxor, Egypt

Sometimes, the most enchanting experiences can be found outdoors

Find me a treasure in Luxor, Egypt, that can’t be savored in the open air—I challenge you. In three years of wintering in this city on the banks of the Nile, about 400 miles south of Cairo, I haven’t found one. Luxor is often called an open-air museum, a place where antiquities are as common as mosques, schools, or fruit stands. A visitor could stroll the grounds of Karnak Temple —not to mention Luxor Temple , Valley of the Queens , Valley of the Kings , or the Colossi of Memnon —for days and still find obelisks to marvel at, all while breathing in fresh Sahara Desert air.

Luxor is where I met my husband, and it’s where we now live part-time (when not in Alberta, Canada), in a mud-brick house on the city’s quieter, more rural-feeling West Bank. It’s located on the edge of Medinet Habu Temple , parts of which date to 1500 B.C.E. I joke that we’re basically “glamping in the desert”—never fully inside, because the dust, the donkey braying, and the call to prayer easily find their way in through the corners of our earthen abode. No need to set an alarm clock, since the whoosh of hot-air balloons overhead stirs us awake by sunrise.

For the full story from Colleen Kinder, read Get Outside in Luxor, Egypt, to Walk Among the Kings .


18. Jinja, Uganda

This nile-side city in eastern uganda abounds with outdoor adventures.

Set along the nile river in eastern Uganda, Jinja is home to misty views marked by rapids and waterfalls, as well as roads blanketed by red dust that spools onto the skin with a vengeance. My father’s work in the petroleum industry frequently took him to Jinja, 140 miles west of my hometown, Kisumu, Kenya. As a child, I often tagged along to explore the natural wonders of the area.

On a recent visit, I based myself at the Nile Porch , a hotel with semi-tented, high-ceilinged rooms. I discovered Adrift Uganda , which offers trips along the Nile River that include Class VI rapids, and booked a trip. I was relieved when my group voted to tackle a Class III rapid called Bubugo—until I learned that it means “condolences” in the Lusoga language of Uganda.

Later that afternoon, on a less harrowing quad-biking excursion with All Terrain Adventures through nearby Kyabirwa Village, I charged past farms bursting with maize; kids ran out from the open doorways of mud-brick homes to wave hello.

The next day, as I paddled on flat waters with Kayak the Nile , observing cormorants and kingfishers while otters lazily swam past me, I was reminded of that feeling of limitless adventure that continues to lure me back. —Wendy Watta


19. Karoo, South Africa

This valley northeast of cape town reveals a less explored side of south africa’s interio.

My love affair with the Klein Karoo—a semidesert valley 200 miles from Cape Town, on the southern edges of the Karoo region—blossomed late. In part, moving far away from Cape Town to New York City allowed me to appreciate this area with fresh eyes when I returned.

The Klein Karoo contains a 215-mile stretch of Route 62 that runs parallel to the more famous Garden Route. I traveled the entire road in January 2021, and my first stop was the country’s Sanbona Wildlife Reserve at the foot of the scrubby Warmwaterberg Mountains. The terrain, with its ancient rock formations and indigenous fynbos vegetation, is the only place to see the region’s nearly extinct white lions. At Dwyka Tented Lodge , set in an amphitheater of rock, there’s peace in the deafening silence.

An hour west lies Montagu, a handsome town framed by farms and the jagged Cape Fold Mountains. One of my favorite hotels is Jonkmanshof , a guesthouse set between two restored Cape Dutch buildings. When I return to the region next, I’ll check into Stil , a monochromatic retreat with a sculpture garden that opened in 2021. I’ll also take a morning hike along the Keisie River, where weaverbirds and shrikes soar above. And I’ll follow it with a latte in the tree-shaded garden of the Barn on 62 , a coffee shop at the foot of those magical mountains. —Mary Holland


20. Turkana, Kenya

Explore the northwestern corner of kenya, where archaeological sites and the blue waters of lake turkana await.

Having lived in Kenya all my life, I never knew how rich and varied the landscapes and cultures of my own homeland could be—until I traveled to Turkana County.

This arid part of the country, often called the cradle of humankind, lies 310 miles northwest of Nairobi. Turkana is one of Kenya’s largest counties, but even with its groundbreaking archaeological finds and distinct traditions, few people visit.

During a recent trip, my first stop is Turkana’s dusty capital, Lodwar, where I head to the Mikeka market, famous for its intricate handwoven baskets made with multicolored reeds. The women who create them use the earnings to supplement their agricultural livelihoods, which are constantly threatened by drought. From Lodwar, I travel east for 45 miles until I reach the azure waters of Lake Turkana. I stop at the fishing town of Kalokol to observe anglers dry tilapia and perch and to view Namoratunga II, a 2,300-year-old ceremonial site composed of 19 stone pillars.

Next I drive 50 miles north along the lake to Nariokotome to see the discovery site of Turkana Boy , the most complete known skeleton of Homo erectus, dating back 1.6 million years. A brass replica of the hominid skeleton stands near the site where it was uncovered; the original resides in the National Museum of Kenya . But the site itself, where I can picture Turkana Boy in the very place he once inhabited, offers a powerful reminder of our ancient roots. —Harriet Akinyi


21. Ibadan, Nigeria

A three-hour train ride from lagos, this centuries-old city is rich in history, culture, and hearty cuisine..

Ibadan is the city of my youth, my mother’s youth, and that of her mother before her.

Once an epicenter of Nigerian politics, Ibadan was founded by Yoruba warriors in the 19th century. Today, it’s characterized by its seven hills, colonial buildings, and rusty corrugated roofing. Thanks to the newly modernized Nigerian Railway , my mother and I recently returned to Ibadan from Lagos on a journey that took us past thick rain forests, farmlands, and rural communities.

From the train station, our taxi dropped us at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), founded by Americans in 1967 to improve food security in sub-Saharan Africa. Spread over 2,400 acres, the IITA headquarters includes farms, offices, and a tree-shaded, utilitarian hotel.

From there, we set off to explore the manicured grounds of the University of Ibadan —Nigeria’s first university—and wandered among the eucalyptus and teak trees at Agodi Botanical Gardens. We haggled for yams and fresh ata rodo—habanero peppers—in the Bodija market. At Amala Skye, a buka (canteen) that serves Yoruba comfort food, we fortified ourselves on green-hued ewedu, a soup made with jute leaves.

As we tasted these familiar flavors and recounted our school days, it occurred to me how much there is to explore in my home country. That thought alone brought me indescribable joy. — Mimi Aborowa


22. Negev Desert, Israel

The rocky, dune-filled landscape in the southern half of israel has just welcomed its newest retreat.

I was 13 years old when I visited Israel’s Negev Desert for the first time, and the moment I saw its primeval craters and sand-colored mountains, I was transfixed. During my residential high school program in Israel, the expansive desert offered an otherworldly, biblical antidote to my suburban London childhood.

Since moving to Tel Aviv in 2017, I try to return to the Negev whenever I need to reconnect with my carefree younger self. And this passage through time just got more comfortable, thanks to the sublime Six Senses Shaharut , a resort that opened in August 2021.

I traveled to the desert in the fall, and on arrival to the Six Senses, immediately noticed the site-specific architecture. Built from locally sourced limestone, the buildings blend into their surroundings. My suite was designed using natural stone, copper, and a teak door from an old boat. Following a perfect night of sleep, I awoke to views of the unspoiled Arava Valley through floor-to-ceiling windows. I took an aerial yoga class and then a dip in the infinity pool. Looking out at the desert that has awed me for nearly 30 years, I felt deeply inspired to walk its paths anew. —Natalie Blenford


23. Imlil, Morocco

This small village in the atlas mountains exudes a warm, laid-back hospitality.

Moving a household is always stressful. But when I relocated three years ago to Imlil, a tiny Berber village in the heart of Morocco’s Atlas Mountains, my biggest worry was trying to figure out if a mule could carry a washing machine up a mountain.

I had found a house in a family compound carved into the rock of one of the high peaks that surround the main street in Imlil. A valley full of walnut and cherry trees stretches out beneath my terrace, and in the spring the landscape is drowned in pink-and-white blossoms. The day I moved in, children screeched around the communal yard, and the cow—who lives under my bedroom—vied with the chickens to make the most noise. I stepped onto the terrace as the first notes of the Muslim call to prayer rang out, bouncing off the peaks painted golden by the sun. I saw the tiny figures of hikers high on the trails.

At 5 p.m., Miriam, my new neighbor, took my hand in her warm one and led me into her house. “It’s teatime,” she said. Women and children sat on the handwoven carpets, chattering like birds.

Miriam poured the sweet mint tea. “Eat, eat!” she said as she presented a feast of hot flaky flatbreads, honey from wild bees, home-churned butter, and walnuts from the trees outside.

And it is that hospitality that makes a visit to these soaring, juniper-clad mountains so incredibly special. Here, you are not a stranger; you are a friend. —Alice Morrison


24. Copenhagen, Denmark

The green city is expanding rapidly—go now to explore its gritty, evolving liminal spaces.

Not too long ago, I took a walk through the wastelands of Copenhagen. It sounds strange to call them that, because the Danish capital, with all its modern design and hygge, is hardly known for grittiness. But this dusty expanse of mostly empty warehouses and overgrown weeds, languishing to the southwest of the lively Meatpacking District, seemed to qualify. After 20 minutes of wandering, I entered a gate and found myself in an Alice in Wonderland alternate reality. A leafy glade contained dark, rustic wooden barns. Fat heads of garlic and fire-engine-red tomatoes spilled from the door of one, the jangle of a band from another. At an outdoor table set beneath fairy lights, a young mother fed her child pieces of a sandwich.

BaneGaarden , as I learned this enchanted place is called, once housed supplies for railway construction. It was abandoned in the 1950s but has recently been transformed into a cultural center. A farm shop, a bakery, a couple of restaurants, and spaces for pop-ups and other events fill the carefully renovated barns, all of this encircled by deciduous trees. Both geographically and metaphorically, the complex seemed far from Copenhagen’s center. But I realized it wouldn’t be long before BaneGaarden was just another delightful corner of my growing city.

For the full story from Lisa Abend, read As Copenhagen Expands Rapidly, Its Future Is in Its Outskirts .

25. Turquoise Coast, Turkey

Ponder the history of western civilization as you hike along turkey’s ruin-strewn carian trail.

The Carian Trail unfolds like an outdoor museum: Ancient artifacts, pristine coves, and stone villages are linked by mule paths and old caravan routes dotted with campsites and inns. I decided to take on one new section every month, focusing on stretches I could hike in a day.

On my first outing, I walked from my home until the stone path turned to dirt and the houses gave way to coastal shrubs. I reached the first bend and looked back, considering turning around. What if I lost my way?

Instead, I followed the red-and-white way markers tattooed on boulders. I passed beekeepers tending apiaries and wild mountain goats hoofing over loose rocks. I stayed mindful of the thistles and boar tracks, marching down switchbacks lined with wild thyme and sage.

With each hike, I found myself increasingly drawn to the ruins along the route. The trail is named after the Carians, a civilization indigenous to this coastline as far back as 6000 B.C.E. I passed tombs, mausoleums, crumbling walls, and altars. I passed relics of the Persians, Byzantines, Romans, and Ottomans, all of whom left their marks.

For the full story from Jenna Scatena, read Hike Turkey’s Carian Trail, Ponder the History of Western Civilization .


26. Fontainebleau, France

Trade paris for a tranquil weekend in this forested town—once home to royalty—and its neighbor, one of the country’s most notable artists’ communities.

Like many Parisians, my husband and I soldiered through multiple COVID-19 lockdowns in the city with little access to green space. By the end of 2020, we realized we wanted to make a long-term shift to get closer to nature. So we decided to divide our time between Paris and the country, and bought a century-old stone house near a place eminently familiar to us: Fontainebleau, a town 45 miles south of Paris. For more than 15 years, we have hiked, climbed, and explored in the once-royal place, known for its vast forest and intricate sandstone architecture.

The town was built around the 12th-century Château de Fontainebleau , which was updated in the 16th century and is now a UNESCO World Heritage site currently undergoing another restoration. Ancient forest—54,000 acres of it—surrounds the town, encompassing boulders, hiking trails, and Barbizon , an artists’ village. In the 19th century, iconic painters such as Jules Dupré and Théodore Rousseau, inspired by the sandstone boulders and stands of deciduous trees, created the community, where they pioneered landscape realism and the pre-impressionism movement.

The artistic style remains a fixture in Barbizon, where visitors can explore a dozen museums, galleries, and studios in addition to La Folie Barbizon , an artists’ residence, inn, and restaurant specializing in organic vegetarian fare that opened in the spring of 2020. Despite the changes, the magic that captured the artists remains: Each time I step off the train from Paris, I feel lighter and more connected to the present. —Lindsey Tramuta


27. Bristol, England

In southwestern england, this progressive maritime city has grown into a proper food and beer destination.

Every time I return to Bristol, the West Country city where I spent my teenage years, it’s changed, often substantially. The trading port may wear its heritage on its sleeve—the waterfront’s imposing cranes and the famous Clifton Suspension Bridge are just two examples of Bristol’s maritime and engineering history—but it’s also a modern hub of creativity, ingenuity, and liberal thinking. Since my dad’s work took us there in the early 1990s, the city has witnessed the rise of trip hop, the street art of Banksy, a revitalized harborside and city center, and the advent of its own currency (which transitioned into digital currency in 2021). It was also named a European Green Capital in 2015. More recently, a racial reckoning saw many of the city’s establishments question and ultimately condemn Bristol’s slavetrading past.

My latest trip, in summer 2021, yielded plenty of fresh fun. Since I last visited, Bristol has turned into a bona fide food and craft beer capital, with breweries located in unusual places. The reborn (once again) harborside is now full of restaurants. I liked the hazy IPAs at Left Handed Giant , whose brewpub occupies a former sugar refinery on the riverbank. Near the central train station, visitors can try hop-forward beers in a taproom shared by brewers Newtown Park and Verdant . And at Cargo , a waterfront collection of restaurants and stores housed in shipping containers, travelers can taste everything from bao and poke to local cheese and cider. The complex is diverse, surprising, and full of flavor—just like Bristol itself. —Tim Chester


28. San Miniato, Italy

On your next trip to the bel paese, bypass the tourist-clogged tuscan cities and head for this truffle-loving hill town.

My husband was born in San Miniato, a picturesque hilltop village often overshadowed by its neighboring Tuscan cities: Florence, Pisa, Siena, and Lucca. For years we lived in Florence, but early in the pandemic, we moved back to my husband’s hometown to escape the crowds and be closer to family. I had also discovered that the town was experiencing a culinary renaissance—and for me, as a food writer and cookbook author , that sealed the deal.

San Miniato, with its fertile, tree-covered hills, has long been known for its prized white truffles, grated with abandon over plates of buttery tagliolini and celebrated every November at the local truffle fair, La Sagra del Tartufo Bianco . (The festival marked its 50th year in 2021.) In the months we’ve been here, I’ve appreciated living a five-minute walk from modern Tuscan classics: a fourth-generation butcher, Sergio Falaschi , which has the best view in town and a new casual restaurant out back; Maggese , a fine-dining spot with an emphasis on veggies; Birra e Acciughe , a tiny beer and panino joint named for its long, warm baguettes filled with butter and anchovies; and Pizza del Popolo , a new bakery that sells sourdough and vegetarian pizza a taglio, or by the slice.

The village’s delights extend beyond restaurants. Travelers can taste wines at the nearby biodynamic winery Cosimo Maria Masini , join a truffle hunt year-round, or stretch their legs on one of the walking paths of Via Francigena , the 10th-century Roman pilgrim route that cuts right through town. Whenever I walk it, I’m reminded of how lucky we are to have such abundant countryside—and food—right outside our front door. —Emiko Davies


29. Gorski Kotar & Lika, Croatia

Though travelers best know the country for its picturesque beaches, croatia’s wild interiors are also worth a special trip.

While tourists swoon over the islands and coast of Croatia, its mountainous regions, located southwest of the capital city, Zagreb, remain blissfully off the radar. In Lika and Gorski Kotar, travelers can hike beside Plitvice Lakes and visit no fewer than four of the country’s eight national parks, and spot ancient yew trees and native flowers such as Carniolan lilies.

Drawn by the remote wilderness and my own roots—my mother hails from a now-abandoned hamlet in Lika—I’ve been spending time in the area during the last several years. There, I found Jelena Pirc of Lynx & Fox , who guides day hikes into Gorski Kotar’s rugged sylvan landscapes frequented by bears, wolves, and the endangered Eurasian lynx. Pirc recommends visiting Stara Sušica’s new Large Carnivores Visitor Center , which opened in July.

Farther south in the mighty Velebit Mountains, where old-growth beech forests hide rare western capercaillie birds, the conservation nonprofit Rewilding Europe is reintroducing wild horses and bovines to the Lika Plains and building wildlife-watching hide structures to support nature-focused tourism. Accommodations range from cozy chalets and rustic lodges to the higher-end Linden Tree Retreat & Ranch , located inside the UNESCO Velebit Mountain Biosphere Reserve —even more reasons to detour inland from the Croatian coast. —Anja Mutić


30. Bundoran, Ireland

A popular seaside resort for centuries, bundoran has forged a new identity for itself: surf capital of ireland.

I never thought my quest to learn to surf would lead me to Bundoran, a coastal town in County Donegal in the northwest corner of Ireland. When I first visited in 2015, I thought I’d only be there for the three months my visa allowed. Now, I come every year, often bouncing around Europe or returning stateside while waiting for my visa to reset.

Bundoran was a popular destination long before it became the surf capital of Ireland. During Victorian times, people flocked from across the country to soak in the Thrupenny and West End (Nun’s) Pools. Today, surfers from around the world come to visit Tullan Strand or ride the breakers at the Peak, home to some of Europe’s most consistent waves.

I return to Bundoran each year, vowing that I’ll finally learn to surf. The funny part is, I never follow through. I visit instead for the craic, or good times, in local parlance. There’s still plenty to do in town without getting in the water: It’s not called Fundoran for nothing! Consider taking a hike up Benbulbin, cycling around the Gleniff Horseshoe loop , cliff jumping from the coastal crags, or simply strolling along the Rougey Cliff Walk. If you’re feeling parched afterwards, check out some of my favorite pubs and eateries, including the Phoenix Tavern , the Chasin’ Bull , and Maddens Bridge Bar & Restaurant , where you can enjoy pints while listening to traditional music. —Yolanda Evans


31. Saxony, Germany

Cycle through organic vineyards and past 18th-century castles on a wine tour in eastern germany’s most sustainable wine region.

For more than 850 years, grapes in Saxony—Germany’s easternmost wine region—have been tended and harvested by hand, the wines made painstakingly in small quantities. One of my favorite ways to taste the sustainably grown wines, which are consumed primarily within the region, is also ecofriendly: via a bike ride on the 34-mile-long Saxon Wine Route.

The route starts in the riverside town of Pirna and coils its way through terraced vineyards and historic towns such as Meißen and Radebeul along the Elbe River. In Radebeul, I like to stop at Hoflößnitz , a winery-turned-museum that makes organic wines. At the nearby 18th-century Wackerbarth Castle , visitors can stroll through gardens and goldriesling vines, a variety of grape mainly grown on the Elbe. Travelers can taste sparkling wines at Wackerbarth, the region’s oldest sparkling wine cellar, or try Saxon reds and whites at Schloss Proschwitz Vinothek in Meißen, a town also renowned for its porcelain.

While the path ends in Diesbar-Seußlitz, about nine miles from Meißen, I sometimes take a detour on my way back to Pirna via the Elbe Cycle Route . The Elbe path leads to the village of Schmilka in the Saxon Switzerland Mountains, 16 miles from Pirna. There a 17th-century mill refurbished as a bakery fills the cobblestone streets with scents of spelt sourdough and handbrot, a palm-size bread stuffed with cheese, bacon, or vegetables. Hungry cyclists will also find pâtisseries and an organic brewery in Schmilka, all of which use seasonal ingredients and minimize food waste.

My only (hard-won) advice? Don’t try to complete the entire route in one day. —Christina Ng


32. Sri Lanka

The island nation quietly comes into its own as a nature lover’s low-key paradise.

After international arrivals to Sri Lanka dwindled, the country’s tourism industry pivoted, courting residents with new outdoor offerings: Across the country, we trekked through primary rain forests, snorkeled with sea turtles, and strolled sprawling shores. Good news for international travelers—Sri Lanka’s borders are now fully open.

Born in the fishing hamlet of Weligama, Thilina Dananjaya is not new to tourism; his father opened the first guesthouse here in the 1980s. But Dananjaya, owner of Layback , a boutique hotel focused on surfing and yoga, says his perspective has changed. “Being confined to our homes made us more conscious about the luxury of spending time outdoors,” he says. As a result, Dananjaya and his team added a yoga deck, a store for women-made handicrafts, a new restaurant, and two spacious rooftop terraces.

Farther north, in the central inlands of Sri Lanka, local-run Bush Loft has set up wildlife campsites in some of the country’s most remote corners: fly camping in the grasslands of Buttala, or daily excursions to Yala National Park .

You can also go it alone and arrange your own safari. Recently, in Kaudulla National Park , I spotted a herd of Asian elephants protecting the youngest member of their group, trunks and limbs moving in tandem. Soon after, I watched yellow weaverbirds flitting in and out of their intricate woven nests, which hung from branches all around me. This, I thought—is what Sri Lanka is all about.

For the full story from Zinara Rathnayake, read Sri Lanka Has Come Into its Own as a Nature Lover’s Paradise .


33. Singapore

In a metropolis known for its squeaky-clean streets, a tale of two cities emerges.

Some Singaporeans raise an eyebrow when they learn I live with my family in Geylang. For decades, this township has been notorious as a red-light district, an incongruous aspect of Singapore’s wholesome image. But amid narrow lanes hemmed by shophouses and temples, restaurant chefs are cooking some of the tastiest regional food in Singapore. Many evenings, my wife and I land at Ăn Là Ghiền , a hot pot joint that feels straight out of Hanoi, or Dong Bei Dumpling King , where we always order the crispy pork-and-celery-filled dumplings. For a Thai fix, our go-to is Gu Thai House , curries and noodles all cooked to suitably spicy standards. Anthony Bourdain loved JB Ah Meng for white pepper crab and Sin Huat Eating House for crab bee hoon, a whole crab served with rice noodles.

Even I need a break from Geylang sometimes, though. Luckily, Kranji, with its open fields and farms, is just 30 minutes north by car. At the Kranji Marshes and Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve , two nature parks form a 460-acre haven for migratory shorebirds and raptors. If I’m lucky, I might spot a crocodile at the water’s edge, or a family of macaques scampering through the branches. Here I am, in a jungle away from an urban jungle, both of which call Singapore home.

For the full story from Lester V. Ledesma, read Singapore’s Geylang Neighborhood Is Developing a New Reputation as a Foodie Hot Spot .


34. Goa, India

An indian state celebrates the old with the new.

You could say I grew up with Goa. In my youth, I visited to party with friends, lured by the Indian beach state’s notorious raves. But when I hit my thirties, I began to better appreciate Goa’s rich heritage, its Portuguese influence, and the growing number of restaurants, bars, and stores that celebrate the region’s culture and architecture.

Nowhere is all of this more apparent than in the picturesque historic quarter of the capital city, Panaji, where brightly painted homes share streets with local boutiques like Sacha’s Shop , with its superbly curated resort wear from homegrown Indian designers. Another favorite is the rainbow-shuttered restaurant António at 31 , which opened in January 2021: A throwback to Panaji’s old taverns, the menu from chef Pablo Miranda features seasonal fruit cocktails and tapas such as tender coconut stir-fry and crispy baitfish with kalchi kodi (leftover curry) dip.

In the north of Goa, the newest darling is Felix , a gallery, coworking space, and events spot that serves modern plates with a regional twist, including eggs Benedict with Goan chorizo. For a truly immersive experience, book “A Very Goan Picnic” with tour company the Local Beat . Travelers can splash around a secret waterfall straight out of The Jungle Book and then feast on a home-cooked lunch accompanied by feni (cashew or coconut liquor).

Another highlight is on the way. In the township of Bardez, the Moda Goa Museum & Research Centre , founded by the late Goan fashion designer Wendell Rodricks, will welcome visitors in early 2022 with more than 800 fashion, textile, and art objects. —Jasreen Mayal Khanna


35. Cairns, Australia

Australia’s premier great barrier reef gateway reopens, offering travelers a new way to engage with indigenous cultures.

Visitors to Cairns, a coastal city in tropical north Queensland, typically arrive on a mission: See the Great Barrier Reef. Prepandemic, nearly 3 million people would pass through annually, boarding massive catamarans laden with scuba tanks and snorkel masks, an army of tourists in pursuit of wonder.

As Australia’s borders reopen, Cairns is ready to welcome travelers again, with refreshed esplanade dining, new hotels championing sustainability, and an exciting experience celebrating the Indigenous heritage of the Great Barrier Reef.

Some 70 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups have a continuing connection to the world’s largest coral reef system, and in 2018, Dreamtime Dive and Snorkel launched trips led by Indigenous Sea Rangers who share cultural knowledge passed down from their ancestors. During the tours, guests listen to evocative creation stories about how the reef came to be, and learn about hunting practices, such as seasonal harvesting, that have safeguarded the reef’s biodiversity for millennia.

Visitors will be able to engage with Sea Rangers more deeply at a new pontoon base for Dreamtime’s day trips to Moore Reef. Opening in early 2022, the floating pontoon will house an on-site laboratory and underwater observatory. Activities will fuse traditional knowledge and modern science to inspire collaborative protection of the Great Barrier Reef. —Sarah Reid


36. Tokorozawa Sakura Town, Japan

A stone’s throw from tokyo, architecture and anime buffs will find a place built just for them.

In the Saitama prefecture, roughly an hour from Tokyo Station, a new “town” was born in November 2020. Dubbed Tokorozawa Sakura Town , it’s a joint venture between the city of Tokorozawa and the Japanese publishing giant Kadokawa, known for its manga and anime titles. Its main focus? Bringing Japanese pop culture to life.

Here, visitors will find two structures by influential Japanese architect Kengo Kuma : the futuristic Kadokawa Culture Museum , with a colossal exterior built using 20,000 pieces of granite, and the minimalist Musashino Reiwa shrine. A highlight inside the labyrinthine five-story museum is the Bookshelf Theater, which has 26-foot shelves and is filled with more than 50,000 books, the majority of which are related to manga and anime. (Yes, you can flip through them.) The sleek Shinto shrine, meanwhile, is guarded by two komainu—guardian lion-dogs—crafted by sculptor Yoshimasa Tsuchiya . The shrine also features an asymmetrical roof and a phoenix painted on the ceiling by Yoshitaka Amano , the renowned designer of Final Fantasy video game characters.

Since Tokorozawa Sakura Town’s inception, architecture and pop culture fans have been drawn to the cultural complex, which also has a brand-new bookstore, restaurants, and a permanent TeamLab installation of giant silver acornlike objects that glow at night amid the trees. There’s also an anime-themed 33-room hotel that hosts character parties—so go ahead, make a long weekend of it. —Yukari Sakamoto


37. Abel Tasman National Park, New Zealand

New zealand’s south island is rural, uncrowded, and achingly beautiful.

I grew up in the subtropics of New Zealand’s North Island, and the much more temperate, sparsely populated South Island has beckoned me throughout adulthood. Three of the South’s nine national parks are within a 90-minute drive of my current home in Nelson; and there are enough gold-sand beaches, mountains, and alpine lakes to spend a lifetime exploring. Challenge accepted.

Road-tripping is the only way to really experience the South Island’s natural beauty. Start in Nelson, a city of more than 50,000 at the top of the South Island, and drive west about an hour to the eastern entrance of Abel Tasman National Park . Many travelers opt to hike—or “tramp”— the Coast Track , a five-day, 37-mile “Great Walk,” camping in tents along the way. If you have mobility issues (or perhaps toddlers in tow), you can still get the best of the national park via boat tours from Kaiteriteri, stopping at beaches on turquoise bays.

Continue the drive over notorious Tākaka Hill—with its narrow, windy, gut-churning lanes—to Golden Bay, pausing at a lookout for panoramic Tasman Bay views. Stay overnight in a town along the way, such as Tākaka or Collingwood, and end your visit marveling at the 65-foot-high Wainui Falls and Te Waikoropupū Springs. The cold, clear springs are a sacred Māori space—a source of life, healing, and renewal for locals and travelers alike. —Elen Turner


38. Phong Nha, Vietnam

It’s easier than ever to dive deep into the gigantic caves of this unesco world heritage site.

Phong Nha–Ke Bang National Park , a geologically notable site in central Vietnam, has tempted daredevils since 2013, when Son Doong , the biggest cave on the planet (large enough to hold a Boeing 747), opened for multiday tours. The Phong Nha–based company Oxalis Adventure is hoping to launch a fresh adventure in 2022 that’s set to rival the Son Doong Expedition, its flagship experience.

On the new Hang Ba tour (still in development), Oxalis guides will lead spelunkers through upwards of five caves with gigantic limestone chambers and dangling stalactites. When cavers aren’t crawling, swimming, or paddleboarding, they’ll be camping and trekking through jungles.

“I’ve been wanting to design this tour for ages,” says Howard Limbert, who led the expedition team that discovered the caves in the early 1990s. Back then, it took 15 hours to reach the cave cluster from Phong Nha village. Thanks to a new road, it may only take five to six hours.

Limbert says that collective efforts to protect the caves (his team has mapped more than 500 in Vietnam) and hire people from the community have reduced the rate of illegal logging and instilled conservationist attitudes. Phong Nha-Ke Bang can serve as a model for other protected areas in Vietnam, Limbert says, including the newly recognized biosphere reserves Nui Chua and Kon Ha Nung. —Joshua Zukas


Together, a new band of chefs and cultural activists is showcasing real Taiwanese food

Taiwanese fare has long been considered a subset of the food of China. But diplomatic contact between China and the contested island nation ceased in 2016, and tensions have continued to climb. One of the by-products: Across Taiwan, many chefs are reviving a distinct national cuisine.

“A lot of people think Taiwanese food is beef noodle soup and xiao long bao [soup dumplings],” says Huang Teng-Wei, co-owner of Siang Kháu Lū , a boutique cooking school that opened in 2019 in Taoyuan, southwest of Taipei. “But in fact, all these dishes came after 1950 with the Chinese immigrants.” Traditional Taiwanese cuisine tends to revolve around root vegetables (like sweet potato and taro) and rice, with dishes such as savory rice puddings flavored with pork. He and his wife, Chou Pei-Yi, are particularly focused on reviving kueh, an old-school rice pastry that was used for centuries as a temple offering to the gods.

Other chefs are celebrating native Taiwanese ingredients. At Akame , a glitzy eatery that has been open since 2015 in Pingtung county, on Taiwan’s southernmost tip, the Indigenous chef Alex Peng uses pine needles and local sumac to flavor meat. Meanwhile, André Chiang—who helms Taipei’s fine-dining tour de force Raw —is committed to using Taiwanese ingredients from regional producers and highlighting Taiwan’s micro-seasons. Menu items might include roasted sliced duck graced with a sheet of seaweed, or a trio of local rice (fermented, purple, and toasted) alongside creamy panna cotta. Chiang’s side gig? Creating an encyclopedia of Taiwanese cooking techniques, ingredients, and food history so that the national cuisine becomes more recognized. —Clarissa Wei

A ship ship passing through the Wachau Valley on the Danube river

Where to Travel in 2022

The 22 locations that should land on your bucket list this year.

where to travel in 2022

Every product on this page was chosen by a Harper's BAZAAR editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.

The pandemic has certainly taught us a lot about ourselves and the world, but we’ve unlearned quite a few things as well—like how the “work hard, play hard” ethos might not be the healthiest of mantras. We’ve rediscovered balance and the truly important things in life, and travel is very much a part of that, whether it’s voyaging across oceans to see family we’ve missed or venturing across continents to reconnect with places we’ve so enjoyed before.

Work and play are no longer mutually exclusive as we look toward a future with hope. We’re not going full digital nomad, but we’re certainly keen to check off a greater number of destinations in the upcoming year than we have over the last two. As such, we’ve organized this list—22 places to see in ’22—to suit every version of travel you can cram into your calendar: small hops for a quick weekend or midweek jaunt (and a handful of hassle-free choices if COVID variants continue to crop up), longer leaps for when you want to spend seven or 10 days with real palm trees as your Zoom background, and finally, far-flung adventures perfect for that well-deserved sabbatical; your reward for powering through what is hopefully the last of these strained and stress-filled years. Because let’s face it, a Catch-23 doesn’t make a whole lotta sense.

Easy lifts—accessible by car or a short flight, and without much red tape, if any, to enter or exit—when you need a few days to recharge your batteries.

Québec, Canada

old quebec historical district quebec city

Washington State

ruby beach at dusk, olympic national park, wa, usa

Although the National Park Service celebrated its centennial back in 2016, it felt like 2021 was the year of the national park, with millions of Americans flocking to classics like Acadia and Zion. Many of the parks, however, went overlooked, especially in Washington where places like Olympic and North Cascades saw only a fraction of the traction. For a journey into the wild without having to traverse the globe, look no further than the aptly nicknamed Evergreen State, then kick off your hiking boots with an Airbnb’d cottage on Orcas Island followed by a visit to Walla Walla , whose wine region is gaining notoriety as the next Willamette Valley.

caribbean, antilles, lesser antilles, barbados, bridgetown, street and houses

Barbados deserves a look as it adeptly mixes a workaday urban vibe, unfussed with the tourism veneer, with seaside resorts on pearlescent sand. A trip to the island means you can luxuriate in both: Start at a high-end retreat, then head into capital city Bridgetown. The newly opened O2 Beach Club has enlivened the south side of the island, Saint Lawrence Gap, too; the quiet neighborhood is now becoming the choice hideaway for the vacationing elite.

The Berkshires, Massachusetts

autumn mist in the village of tyringham in the berkshires

With the Catskills almost back to their Dirty Dancing bustle, thanks in large part to the regional travel renaissance spawned by the pandemic, it’s now the Berkshires’ turn. Western Massachusetts has long been a bastion of the Gilded Era—the hilly retreats of New York and New England’s elite families—the Blantyre , one of the most lavish of these estates, has begun an ambitious renovation set to be completed in fall 2022. The project will rival Hyatt’s recent transformation of the Cranwell into the luxury wellness getaway, Miraval Berkshires Resort & Spa . The smaller hotel portfolio Life House is also taking a big swing in the area, renovating the Wheatleight by spring, opening the retro-inspired Life House Lenox for May, and redesigning the Rookwood Inn in time for 2022’s fall foliage season.

bison migration

The opening of the Montage Big Sky has solidified Montana as the next great destination of the American West, with the help of two buzzy television shows, Yellowstone, starring Kevin Costner, and Big Sky, from showrunner David E. Kelley . It won’t be long before Hollywood movie stars start colonizing Bozeman and its surrounding areas, much like they already have in Aspen and Park City.

U.S. Virgin Islands

panoramic view of carambola beach, stcroix, us virgin islands

Navigating the always-changing COVID health protocol has been one of the most exhausting aspects of the pandemic and a palpable travel deterrent for many. With the future still uncertain, the U.S. Virgin Islands are a more carefree Caribbean option. Start with St. John: Often overlooked in favor of St. Barts or Anguilla, the chic island was once the Rockefellers’ playground and is now blanketed in jungly national park that leaves room for only a few well-appointed resorts. Stay at Lovango , which opened during the pandemic just offshore on its own islet. It’s a 20-minute boat ride to raucous St. Thomas, which promises adrenaline sports and nightlife in equal measure. Additionally, the freshly redesigned Ritz-Carlton St. Thomas has brought a more upmarket vibe back to the island. Round out your stay with a stop on sleepy St. Croix and find your way to the secluded beach where they shoot those legendary Corona beer commercials.

Columbus, Indiana

bridge over river by cityscape against clear blue sky

The recent supply chain issues have made us grapple with our rampant consumption—fast fashion is largely taboo; fast furniture is becoming a swear word as well. So it may not be surprising, then, that of all the places Dominic Bradbury, author of Atlas of Interior Design , is excited to visit in 2022, it’s a little town in Indiana that’s on the top of his list. “Columbus is home of Eero Saarinen and Alexander Girard’s Miller House, which is now open to the public and can be visited, along with some other prime examples of mid-century architecture, including Saarinen’s iconic North Christian Church,” he writes.

Bigger Jumps

Carve out a week for these beauties: worthy escapes from the grind or ideal “bleisure” destinations to mix work and fun.

scenic view of hot spring against mountains

Before the pandemic, it seemed like everyone took advantage of the bargain-basement airfares (so low they bankrupted the airline offering them) for a long weekend of fun under the midnight sun. And just as rocketing visitor numbers became unsustainable for the little nation of less than 400,000 inhabitants, the global pause in travel gave the island a rare opportunity to push the reset button on how it wanted to present itself to the rest of the world. No longer for the mass market, Iceland is scaling back its crowds and focusing on its cardinal tenet of wellness—hot springs—to entice the jet set for longer, more indulgent stays.

Major investments will amp up Iceland’s luxury spa offerings over the next few years; in the meantime, start your soaking at the Retreat at Blue Lagoon , a lavish resort seemingly birthed from volcanic ash and rubble, then fly up to Akureyri—northern Iceland’s biggest town—for a small circuit that includes Geosea in Húsavík, Hofsos’s infinity-edge pool , the lapis waters of Myvatn Nature Baths , and the brand-new Skogarboðin set to open in 2022 with fjord views and plenty of pines to block the wind. End up in Reykjavík with one last swim at Sky Lagoon , best enjoyed in the evening with the capital’s glittering lights in the distance, and stay at the newly opened Reykjavík EDITION , which is helping establish the city as Europe’s next see-and-be-seen hangout for the jet set.

maldives halfwater

The Maldives is making a bid to be the world’s premier resort destination—a hundred properties and counting, most situated on their own private atoll. The last two years have proven just how far luxury travelers will go for optimal COVID-free conditions: halfway around the world, where isolation’s a cinch in one’s overwater bungalow with little else to do besides swimming in the infinite blue. And even if new variants cause further travel sanctions and closures, a holiday in the Maldives still seems like a sure bet.

Practically every major hotel brand has planted its flag in the Maldives’ sand over the last few years, giving guests the choice of any type of high-end experience they desire. Recent openings include the Ritz-Carlton Fari —with an oval of mod bungalows, all designed using conch shells as inspiration—and the Patina Maldives—part of the Capella hotel brand where found materials and slatted wood decorate the minimalist villas. Joali Being opened only weeks ago, focusing on sustainable practices and embracing the surrounding nature. And Emerald Faarufushi Resort & Spa is set to open in 2022 with beachside and overwater villas, and a strong Balinese wellness angle.

Paris, France

tables and chairs at traditional parisian sidewalk cafe, paris, france

Faithful readers of our annual travel list will spot the City of Light among our picks practically every year. That’s because France’s capital continues to find ways of reimagining itself—always an icon; a modern city in spite of its museumified Haussmannian boulevards. With “Grand Paris” plans in full swing—a massive urbanization project aimed at widening the breadth of the metropolis beyond the 20 arrondissements—the eye of tourist storm has relaxed its focus as visitors spread out among the truer neighborhoods around town. And a spate of new hotels has followed suit, from the hotly anticipated Cheval Blanc Paris in the geographic center of town, then snailing outward to brand-new Bulgari Hotel Paris , the 1 Hotel Paris , and the portfolio of quartier- inspired boutique stays by Orso Hotels .

Rosario Islands, Colombia

rosario islands, colombia

This winter at EMBARK Beyond, a luxury travel planning service, founder Jack Ezon is nudging his clients toward Cartagena as a worthy alternative to the islands of the Caribbean. An easy direct flight from the United States, Colombia’s coast remains upwardly trending, despite a few unsavory headlines of rising crime elsewhere in the country. UNESCO-protected Cartagena is the jumping-off point to the Rosario Islands, where the Sofitel Barú Calablanca Beach Resort has opened as the first major luxury property. “The Four Seasons is also planning to open a property next to Cartagena’s Old Town,” Ezon adds. “This is be another game changer, raising even more international awareness for the region.”

dramatic coast of kenai fjords national park, alaska

The introduction of Northern Pacific Airways could transform Alaska from an American outpost to the epicenter of transcontinental travel. Like the new Iceland or United Arab Emirates, Anchorage is likely to become the next big layover destination as international tourists make their way from North America to Asia, breaking up the journey in the Great White North along the way. Even without new air routes, 2022 is the perfect time to experience all the touchstones of the North including world-class heli-skiing , northern lights viewing, and luxury fishing lodges that go far beyond the age-old spate of cruises.

Rome, Italy

rome sunset

When one thinks of Italy, it’s usually a rural Tuscan villa or the cliffs of the Amalfi Coast, so it’s no surprise that most visitors make a beeline for Florence or Positano as soon as they touch down. Rome’s trying to change the dialogue, reminding travelers that the heart of Roman culture is far from being an ancient relic. Italy’s capital will welcome 16 new hotels in 2022, from a variety of acclaimed international brands like Bulgari and Six Senses . Don’t miss Palazzo Poli , once an aristocratic mansion steps from the Trevi Fountain.

holy island on lough derg is one of the most famous monastic sites in ireland

2022 marks the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the constitution establishing Ireland as a free state. On this centennial year, new openings, elevated experiences, and ease of travel make the Emerald Isle an obvious destination (when traveling from the United States, you clear customs before you land). Cashel in County Tipperary has always drawn visitors to the Rock of Cashel, a dramatic grouping of medieval buildings dating back to the 900s, but the Cashel Palace Hotel , a new Relais and Chateau property that opens in March of 2022, promises to make the site more than just a day trip. The 18th-century Palladian manor has been meticulously restored with 42 rooms, a luxury spa, fine dining, and sprawling greens to roam.

Continue the castle-life cosplay at the stunning Dromoland Castle , a restored 16th-century castle in County Clare, grandly appointed but with such warm hospitality. Of the many experiences on offer, golf is surely a draw for the beautifully maintained course on its grounds, and the locally sourced food is exquisite, but try the falconry for a truly unique experience. Dublin’s food scene is worthy of a several-days-long crawl to experience the creativity, variety, and quality (particularly the seafood) on display. You will not find a better fish and chips than at Fish Shop , a tiny counter-only airy spot with a great wine selection. Between dining destinations—which you can walk to, as Dublin is small enough to cover serious ground by foot—soak up the city’s incredible literary legacy (Joyce! Wilde! Yeats! Beckett!) with a visit to the newish Museum of Literature , MoLI for short.

Long-Haul Leaps

These far-flung places are well worth the journey. Stay a while and explore before coming back.

nine arches bridge between ella and demodara, in the highlands of sri lanka

In a rather ambitious move, the Sri Lankan government has declared 2022 the official “Visit Sri Lanka Year” as part of a five-year campaign to ramp up traveler numbers. Also announced are plans to overhaul Bandaranaike International Airport with the help of Japanese investors—a project that could establish nearby Colombo, the capital, as the next great layover destination. In the meantime, Sri Lanka’s relaxed entry restrictions and high vaccination rates makes it a worthy schlep around the globe, not to mention the continent’s worth of wonders scattered around an island about a tenth the size of Texas: rambling tea farms, sprawling leopard-filled jungles, the ancient ruins of celestial Sigiriya, and beautiful beaches scalloping the coastline. Book a circuit of stays through Resplendent Ceylon , a collection of sustainable luxury properties including a handful of tea farm residences and a tented coastal camp abutting Yala National Park.

Cabo Verde & West Africa

ponta do sol santo antão cape verde

There’s been a reckoning in Africa’s international tourism; a shift to amplify cultural pursuits instead of merely conceiving of the continent as a safari destination. Much of the attention is pointed toward West Africa, where travel circuits tie together its many disparate cultures from the souks of Dakar to the voodoo markets of Benin. Variety Cruises has been championing the region for years with its weeklong sailings where guests can choose between exploring Senegal and The Gambia’s namesake river, or journey around Cabo Verde, an archipelago of volcanic islands just off the coast with its own distinct flavor of Afro-Portuguese culture. Now, other luxury operators are charting a course for Africa’s Atlantic coast as well including Hurtigruten , which will launch an ambitious two-week journey that ties all the aforementioned destinations together.

african elephant, chobe national park, botswana

For Americans, forays to southern Africa are usually a multi-country affair—see as much as possible after traveling such a great distance. But COVID protocols have made destination hopscotch almost impossible, Elizabeth Gordon, cofounder of travel planning service Extraordinary Journeys , notes. Instead, she’s been encouraging her high-end clients to avoid the extra tests and quarantining, and explore a single nation in a deeper fashion.

Botswana is emerging as the region’s prime candidate, especially with the launch of United’s direct flights from the United States to Johannesburg and Cape Town in South Africa, from where it’s a quick hop to Maun, the jumping-off point to explore Botswana’s vastness, either along the wildlife-filled Okavango Delta or the wild and isolate salt pans of the Makgadikgadi Basin. Don’t miss Wilderness Safari’s newly opened DumaTau Camp , which aptly means “the lion’s roar.” Vumbura Plains, also a Wilderness property, is set to be stripped to the studs and rebuilt from scratch before the end of the year. Then take your pick of the luxurious Jack’s Camp or San Camp, both part of the coveted Natural Selection portfolio, and venture out into the soundlessness of the Kalahari in search of sacred baobabs.

José Ignacio, Uruguay

view of lighthouse in jose ignacio, near punta del este city, maldonado, uruguay

“ There are few places more chic than José Ignacio,” Tom Marchant, the cofounder of luxury travel service Black Tomato, says. “It’s certainly the poshest place in South America.” For years, the bolt-hole has quietly grown both in size and reputation as a design enclave; its modish villas stretching along the sand. And now, the brand-new Posada Ayana has lifted the area to international acclaim with its very own Skyspace, one of James Turrell’s much-lauded light installations. Stop in the village of Garzón nearby before you leave to check out Campo , an artists’ retreat; the area is also home to one of famed chef Francis Mallman’s restaurants.

Northern Thailand

the temple in white color

Southeast Asia’s land of consummate hospitality was one of the first nations in the region to experiment with innovative COVID protocols, allowing travelers in and trying to keep the virus out. The so-called Phuket Sandbox kept inbound tourists on the large island under quasi-quarantine before they were allowed to venture further beyond. Now, with broader entry, we’re most excited about venturing north, where ancient forests and ruins sprawl across the Land of Smiles. Both Smiling Albino and InsideAsia Tours have prepared new spates of tours that blend cultural awareness with responsible animal care among the borderlands’ elephant sanctuaries.

French Polynesia

moorea landscape

With Hawaii trying to repel its onslaught of tourists in an attempt to restore its identity, French Polynesia is also reimagining itself as another cultural bastion of Polynesia and as the great custodian of the wild Pacific seas—arguably the last great unexplored realm of the planet. Limited carrier service has long kept traveler numbers low relative to the 50th state, but most of the tourism has centered around Tahiti, Moorea, and Bora Bora. There are four more archipelagos to explore, including the crushed coral atolls of the Tuamotus (think the Maldives before they were completely developed) and sacred volcanic spires of the Marquesas, where luxury small cruise operators Lindblad Expeditions and Paul Gauguin intend to travel later this year.

New South Wales and Victoria, Australia

sea cliff and bondi beach, sydney, australia

While pandemic peaks and troughs have opened and closed myriad borders around the world, those around Australia’s shores have remained firmly shut since COVID began to spread in earnest. We’re eager to get back, and rumor has it that the country will start rolling out its reopening in a state-by-state fashion, likely starting with New South Wales and Victoria. Home to Sydney and Melbourne respectively, Australia’s most populous states make a worthy holiday in their own right, even if their neighbors remain shuttered. You’ll get all the Aussie touchstones—incredible turquoise beaches, desolate orange outback, world-class wineries, and plenty of flat whites and avo toast, not mention first dibs on the new Ritz-Carlton Melbourne and W Sydney ; the brand’s largest property worldwide.

Everywhere at Once …

airplane shadow on the ocean

Ultra-exclusive private jet itineraries have long been the choice way to travel for those short on time but big on budget—imagine hitting a handful of the world’s wonders in less than two weeks. But now, these six-digit excursions are becoming the preferred way for the glitterati to see the world: Leave the logistics to someone else, go to sleep at the Taj Mahal, and wake up in Angkor Wat. We’re most excited about Abercrombie & Kent ’s slate of 2022 trips, especially the itinerary handcrafted by A&K founder Geoffrey Kent, which includes stops in Japan, Brazil, and Eritrea.

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9 Best Places To Travel In 2022 According To Experts

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Forecasting travel trends is an annual tradition for us here at TravelAwaits , but as we all know, 2020 travel didn’t go as predicted . In 2021, we didn’t even bother gazing into our crystal ball. As travel starts to open back up in 2022, though, we reached back out to tour operators to find out where they are planning on going this year.

Not only did they share their upcoming adventures, but they also let us in on the travel trends that are emerging for this year. Global guided vacation company Trafalgar , for instance, reports that summer 2022 is going to be a big one, as travelers are already filling their vacation calendars predominantly in May/June 2022.

Meanwhile, Intrepid Travel has seen a 144 percent increase in customers booking domestic trips in the U.S. and the UK vs. 2019, prior to the pandemic. The company expects domestic travel will be popular in all regions in 2022, as different COVID variants continue to cause uncertainty with international travel, as we’ve seen most recently with the Omicron variant causing swift border closures and new travel restrictions. While flexibility with travel plans will be key, Intrepid asserts that travelers will continue to opt for more adventures within their home borders to avoid these headaches. Time will tell!

From far-flung locales to domestic destinations, here’s where tour operators plan to travel in 2022.

Entrance to a temple in Bali.

Bali, Indonesia

“I’m headed to Bali as soon as I can,” says Steve Lima, the Marketing Director for G Adventures . “We all could use a little wellness in 2022, and Bali is a great place to recharge, relax, and also get active. My plan is to hit the beaches first, then travel north to some of the less touristy parts of the island. Perhaps hike up to Mount Batur, and of course cycle through the incredibly calming and linear rice paddies in Ubud . Bali is exercise for the body and mind, and hopefully will leave me recharged and ready for whatever 2022 throws my way!”

Colorful coastal buildings of Cinque Terre, Italy

Tom Armstrong from tour company Tauck says 2022 offers a fantastic opportunity for the slightly more intrepid traveler to experience the wonders of Europe before the crowds return en masse.

According to our recent State of Travel survey , Italy was the number one international destination that our readers want to visit in 2022. Trafalgar’s top 15 trips for 2022 thus far are all European itineraries, with the 13-day Best of Italy tour taking the number 1 spot. Armstrong says Italy is one of Tauck’s most popular destinations in Europe, and this year presents a wonderful chance to explore it.

For an in-depth Italian experience, spend two weeks touring Naples , Sorrento, the Amalfi Coast , Rome , Umbria, Tuscany, Cinque Terre , Florence , and Venice on Tauck’s Classic Italy tour. If you don’t have two whole weeks to spend in Italy, try A Week In… Venice, Florence & Rome , a shorter tour that explores three iconic Italian cities. Both tours feature exclusive experiences, including an after-hours guided visit to the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel sans crowds.

Beautiful sunrise in Barcelona seen from Park Guell (Photo Credit: Pajor Pawel /

Spain And Portugal

Armstrong tells us “this will be a great year to visit Spain and Portugal — two of Europe’s rising stars!” Spend a week in Spain , a week in Portugal , or explore them both on Tauk’s Spain and Portugal tour .

“My wife and I did a Tauck river cruise on the Rhine a few years ago, and it was without a doubt one of the very best vacations we’d ever experienced,” says Armstrong. “We’re still in the discussion phase, but we’re really hoping to do a river cruise on either the Danube or the Douro this year. Both rivers offer incredible culture and amazing scenery. However, Tauck just launched our brand-new  MS Andorinha  riverboat on the Douro last August, so that may tip the scales a bit toward Portugal! Either way, we’re huge fans of river cruising, and we know we’re in for a wonderful trip.”

Armstrong suggests the Northern Spain, The Rioja Valley, and Madrid tour. This popular itinerary spends two weeks traveling from Barcelona across northern Spain, exploring Montserrat, Cardona, Pamplona, San Sebastian, Bilbao , Leon, Santiago de Compostela, and more before concluding in Madrid .

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Ireland And The UK

According to Trafalgar, travelers are using their vacation days to book trips that are longer than a standard week-long getaway to really immerse themselves in the destinations. At 15 days and 10 days respectively, Best of Ireland & Scotland and Britain & Ireland Highlights are two of the company’s top-booked tours.

“My first trip this year will be to Ireland to celebrate a milestone birthday with my two childhood best friends who are also celebrating the same big birthday this year,” Trafalgar’s president, Melissa DaSilva, divulges. “We’ll be visiting Dublin, Galway, and beautiful Ashford Castle. I can’t wait to travel again, but especially to share it with my friends who I have not seen since the pandemic started, as our last two trips have been canceled due to lockdowns and restrictions,” she says.

Typical african sunset with acacia trees in Masai Mara, Kenya

“This year my goal is to soak up the beauty of this world with wildlife and nature,” Heidi Durflinger, president of EF Go Ahead Tours , tells us. “I’d like to return to Kenya. The connection to nature is surreal, and you’ll leave feeling renewed and refreshed.”

For some inspiration, refer to Sarah Kingdom’s Ultimate Guide To Planning Your First African Safari.

Petra in Jordan

“There’s a great energy emerging … a resolve to make the leap, chase your passions, and take action on your ‘someday’ plans,” says Steve Born, CMO of the Globus family of brands. “And taking that dream trip to the place you always wanted to visit captures that spirit and has inspired me. Next month, I am heading to Jordan on a Jordan Escape trip along with my fellow Globus guests, hosting an amazing group of social media influencers to share the experience and spread the word about this spirit and this amazing destination.”

The week-long guided tour of Jordan begins in one of the world’s oldest continuously inhabited cities, the capital city of Amman, and ends at the Dead Sea, one of the lowest spots on Earth. Highlights include exploring the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Petra (one of the New 7 Wonders of the World), sipping tea in a real Bedouin tent, and driving across Wadi Rum ‘s incredible desert landscape.

Crater Lake National Park

Pacific Northwest

Within the past year and a half, Intrepid Travel has added nearly 200 new tours around the world built specifically with domestic audiences in mind. This goes along with another of Intrepid Travel 2022’s goals: reducing the carbon output of its trips. For example, this year, the carbon-neutral tour operator is expected to remove more than 3,000 individual flights from its itineraries where there is a better land-based alternative.

Kicking off in June of this year, Intrepid Travel’s six-day Portland to San Francisco Discovery journey encompasses several of the 2022 travel trends it has identified. This foodie-friendly tour runs between two cities that boast outstanding culinary scenes. Share a river-to-table meal with the First Nations people of Warm Springs. The picnic lunch experience serves up Indigenous culture preservation, acknowledging the role salmon played in tribal history and answering the trend of businesses embedding purpose within their offerings. According to Intrepid, the majority of its top-selling trips contain “purpose-led” experiences like this — activities that directly support environmental or wildlife conservation, preserve minority indigenous culture, or support marginalized social groups.

Other highlights of Intrepid’s Pacific Northwest tour include the tactile treat of shucking oysters at Hog Island Oyster Co., a visit to Crater Lake National Park to see the deepest lake in the U.S., and a stop at Muir Woods National Monument to hang out with the tallest living things in the world. The latter two experiences are in line with another 2022 travel trend according to the company — the great outdoors.

Did we miss one of your favorite destinations? Nominate it below!

“With COVID as our new reality,” Intrepid shared, “many travelers are opting for trips that allow them to soak in fresh air away from the crowds, while also staying active and on their feet — a far cry from their homes and computer screens that have become the norm as careers and home life blur in this new world dominated by remote work.”

Feeling inspired? Reach out to our travel advisors Carie Skerritt and Bill Sharo of Dream Vacations to talk about where 2022 could take you!

Image of Laura Ray

Laura Ray has lived in Atlanta, the Bay Area, SoCal, and Austin. After moving from Texas, she and her husband rambled about the Midwest in a camper for a couple of years before finally settling on 35 acres in their home state of Kentucky. When she isn't clacking around on the keyboard (cat in lap), you can find her practicing yoga, gardening, or playing the ukulele. This travel-lover's favorite destinations include Italy, the Greek isles, and Kentucky Lake.

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15 Best Warm Places to Travel to This Winter

Leave the cold behind with a trip to one of these warm-weather destinations.

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Sure, the winter months have their perks — skiing, sledding, snowman building, and the holidays, of course. But the cold! Oh, the cold. It digs deep under your skin, straight to your bones, chilling everything from your toes to your chattering teeth. Fortunately, several year-round, warm-weather destinations can offer a much-needed respite from the frigid air.

From island getaways to sizzling cities, here are the best warm-weather places to visit in December, January, and February.

  • Best tourist destination: The Bahamas
  • Underrated hidden gem: Panama Highlands
  • Best for families: San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • Best for couples: Rangiroa, French Polynesia
  • Best for solo travelers: Bangkok

Read on for our full list of recommendations for places to travel to this winter.

The Bahamas

Per Breiehagen / Getty Images

Sometimes, you just need to get away from the cold and not think about a single thing. And that's exactly what you can do in The Bahamas , an island chain that's about a three-hour flight from New York City. There are several beautiful destinations to choose from — New Providence Island, Grand Bahama Island, and the Exumas (and their famous swimming pigs) come to mind. Many of the archipelago's inhabited islands are home to some of the country's best all-inclusive resorts , making it an ideal winter getaway for families, couples, or solo travelers.

Panama Highlands

Cavan Images / Getty Images

While Panama has its share of splendid coastlines, the country's vast interior should not be overlooked, especially for a winter vacation. Temperatures in the highlands are generally in the 60s and 70s year-round, creating ideal conditions for outdoor adventures. Visitor-favorite activities here include bird-watching and, for more adventurous types, crisscrossing the verdant mountains via the famous hanging bridges of Boquete. The region is also home to a stellar coffee scene worth exploring. Book a stay at The Haven , an adults-only wellness resort that makes a great base if you're looking to do a local coffee tour.

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Taylor McIntyre / Travel + Leisure

If you want to blend some time under the sun with some cultural enrichment, look no further than the capital city of Puerto Rico , which has long stretches of white-sand beaches, and historic attractions like the famous Castillo San Felipe del Morro fort. Visitors will also find lots of places to sample delicious Puerto Rican food — make a reservation at Cocina Abierta and thank us later. In San Juan, it's best to go boutique, so check into the O:LV Fifty Five hotel, which features a rooftop pool and bar offering the best views in town.

Rangiroa, French Polynesia

Mlenny / Getty Images

Though more than a hundred islands comprise French Polynesia, just a handful of them (like Tahiti, Bora Bora, and Moorea) get most of the attention. If you prefer to visit somewhere a little less crowded, try the quiet, sparsely developed atoll of Rangiroa. Located about an hour from Tahiti by air, the island has plenty of pristine beaches and a massive lagoon brimming with sea life. Stay at the Hotel Kia Ora Resort & Spa , which boasts stunning overwater bungalows and villas with private plunge pools.

Pakin Songmor / Getty Images

Winter happens to be the best time to visit Thailand , especially its capital city, Bangkok. The weather is balmy year-round thanks to the country's tropical location, but the winter months offer slightly more comfortable temperatures, with highs rarely exceeding 90 degrees. To get the most out of this massive city, it's best to book a lengthy visit or hire a local guide — there are tons of tour options available through Airbnb Experiences , for instance, that focus on food, culture, and photography. Don't miss out on the city's canals, either, which you can tour on a long-tail boat. Make your home base the Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok , a long-running honoree in Travel + Leisure 's World's Best Awards .

Ambergris Caye, Belize 

With nonstop flights available from several U.S. cities — including New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, and Miami — getting to the Central American nation of Belize is easier than you think. And while the country's interior is filled with lush, verdant landscapes home to ancient temples, monkeys, and even a few rare jaguars, the real star is the coast.

To experience the white-sand beaches at their best, make your way to Ambergris Caye. Belize's largest island is known for its water sports, including diving and snorkeling around the nearby Belize Barrier Reef and its famous Great Blue Hole . For a luxe visit, book a few nights at Alaia Belize , which provides easy access to the beach as well as a swimming pool that's suspended six stories above the main access corridor, with portholes in the bottom that offer aerial views of the property.

Mexico City 

Jorge Castro / Travel + Leisure

Though winter in Mexico City won't have the tropical heat you might expect from the rest of the country — temperatures tend to top out in the upper 60s or lower 70s this time of year — it still provides a balmy alternative to snowy U.S. locales. The capital is flush with cultural attractions , including first-rate museums like the stunning Museo Frida Kahlo , incredible shopping at both high-end stores and local markets, and some of the best restaurants in the world (we're looking at you, Pujol ). Make your home base Las Alcobas , a luxury hotel offering lavish guest rooms and a tranquil spa, perfect for relaxing in after a day of urban exploration.

Key West, Florida

NAPA74 / Getty Images

Key West is a true delight during the winter months, as the average high temperature never really falls below 75 degrees. It's the perfect place for fruity cocktails on the sand, sunset strolls down lively shopping streets, and slice after slice of tangy Key lime pie. Make the most of your time here by booking a stay at the historic Casa Marina Key West , a Curio Collection by Hilton property that just finished an extensive renovation in spring 2024. Through the hotel, you can book local food tours, golf outings, and sailboat cruises, or simply sit by the pool and soak in all that Florida Keys sun.

Martin Harvey / Getty Images

If you're seeking an African safari this winter without the crowds of a classic destination like Kenya , try the less-traveled terrain of Namibia . Located on Africa's southwest coast, the country offers seclusion, otherworldly landscapes, and near-guaranteed warm weather. It's also the perfect place to see animals like lions, elephants, leopards, and rhinos in their natural environment. There are several outfitters to choose from, but Natural Selection is top-notch, offering numerous safari camp options, including the famed Shipwreck Lodge on the Skeleton Coast.

Jorg Greuel / Getty Images

When the first cold snap hits, book a flight to Dubai . The desert oasis offers not just warm weather but a mind-boggling array of things to do, from swimming in the Persian Gulf to shopping at some of the world's most luxurious stores and dining at multiple Michelin-starred restaurants. Don't forget to visit the Burj Khalifa , the tallest building in the world at over 160 stories, while you're here, via an elevator that travels at an ear-popping 33 feet per second. Try Atlantis, The Palm — or Atlantis Dubai's latest addition Atlantis, The Royal — for your overnight stays, each property a veritable playground for those looking to indulge in the finer things in life.

Art Wager / Getty Images

Pick an island, any island — or make it a multi-island trip . Start on Oahu , home of the vibrant capital city, Honolulu, and Waikiki Beach. For a tropical, relaxed vibe, head to Kauai for scenic hiking and kayaking adventures. Hawaii Island offers the chance to view active volcanoes up close at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, while Maui is where you'll find some of the poshest resorts on the islands, complete with luxury spas and fancy restaurants. On each island, the Malama Hawaii program connects visitors with volunteer opportunities so you can give back to the local community. Some resorts will even offer special rates and discounts to those who participate, like third-, fourth-, or fifth-night free deals or packages with food and beverage credits.

Matteo Colombo / Getty Images

Just because Queenstown is New Zealand's most popular ski town doesn't mean it's not worth visiting when the weather is warmer. It's a great time to take on one of the area's popular hikes, check out the local wineries, or spend some time strolling lakeside in Queenstown Gardens. A scenic trip up the Skyline Queenstown gondola is definitely in order, as is a bungee jump or two if you're feeling brave enough (no pressure!). Whether you choose to indulge in a luxurious stay at one of Queenstown's top resorts — Eichardt's , Rosewood Matakauri , and The Carlin are among the best — or the city is just part of a larger adventure around New Zealand, the weather will be between 68 and 86 degrees from December through February.

Siripong Kaewla-iad / Getty Images

Lest we forget, it's summer down under, too, between December and February, with Sydney temperatures hovering around the 65-to-78 degrees mark. Translation: It's beach time! Pack your swimsuit and head to Bondi Beach to see the surfers do their thing or go for a swim at the famous Bondi Icebergs ocean pools (pictured above). If it's too crowded, try the Bronte Baths or Wylie's Baths a few suburbs south in Bronte Beach and Coogee Beach, respectively. Treat yourself to a luxury stay downtown at The Langham, Sydney , or the Park Hyatt Sydney , both located in the historic "The Rocks" neighborhood and within walking distance of Sydney Harbour.

Buenos Aires

Robert Frerck / Getty Images

If you've been waiting for an excuse to learn to tango in Buenos Aires , winter is a wonderful time to head south, with temperatures between 64 and 75 degrees. There's no shortage of dance clubs if you'd like to try out your moves — or tango shows if you'd prefer to leave it to the professionals. Besides dancing, the city is known for its food and wine scene, with shops and tasting rooms selling bottles from Argentina's best vineyards. Stay in the super-luxe Faena Hotel Buenos Aires , home of the popular Rojo Tango dinner show , or Palacio Duhau-Park Hyatt Buenos Aires , just a 10-minute walk from Recoleta Cemetery, where Eva Perón (Evita) was laid to rest.

iStockphoto / Getty Images

Another southern hemisphere spot known for its wine regions is Cape Town , where winter (well, summer) temperatures tend to be between 68 and 78 degrees during the day. Head 40 minutes out of the city to the Stellenbosch wine region, home of Babylonstoren , a hidden gem favorite of area locals for its vineyards, garden cafe, and other agri-tourism efforts. Then, retreat to a luxury stay at The Twelve Apostles Hotel & Spa in Camps Bay, where you can indulge in a relaxing treatment or two and enjoy views of the Atlantic Ocean.

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Trump criticizes Harris, Biden over Afghanistan withdrawal on 3-year anniversary

Vice President Harris said the fallen soldiers "represent the best of America."

Former President Donald Trump participated in a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday morning to mark the third anniversary of the Kabul airport attack that killed 13 U.S. service members.

Trump later addressed the National Guard Association at the group's annual conference in battleground Michigan, where he received an endorsement from former congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves who was deployed to Iraq and Kuwait.

The chaotic withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan in August 2021 continues to be a focal point of conservative criticism of the Biden administration.

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Trump has long decried President Joe Biden's handling of what he said on Monday was a "botched" exit and "embarrassing" moment for the nation, though recently has included Vice President Kamala Harris -- his new 2024 rival -- in his denunciation of the event.

"Caused by Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, the humiliation in Afghanistan set off the collapse of American credibility and respect all around the world," Trump said at the National Guard Association, claiming he would have overseen the withdrawal differently.

"We will never forget those brave warriors who made the supreme sacrifice for our country. They will live in our hearts forever," Trump said of the 13 service members killed. He added, "We will honor their memory by restoring a government that puts the American people first."

Trump's running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, later held a press call in which he was asked about the contrast between Trump's visit and Biden not being in Washington on Monday.

“First of all, Joe Biden probably doesn't know where he is," he said. "And so the contrast, I think really, is between Kamala Harris and President Trump.”

Vance was joined on the call by members of Gold Star families of those killed in the Kabul attack who claimed the White House hasn't been in contact with them and they're angry about the lack of accountability.

“Kamala Harris is no different. She supported [Biden] this entire time," said Cheryl Jules, the aunt of Marine Corps Sergeant Nicole L. Gee. "The only person who has reached out to our family over and over again and all 13 families is Trump."

Harris on Monday released a statement honoring the 13 U.S. service members who lost their lives when an ISIS-K terrorist detonated a suicide bomb at the Abbey Gate of the Hamid Karzai International Airport, where evacuation efforts were centered after the Taliban's swift takeover of Afghanistan. At least 170 Afghan civilians were also killed in the bombing and dozens of others wounded.

PHOTO: Bill Barnett, left, grandfather of Darin Taylor Hoover, and Donald Trump place a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider in honor of Staff Sgt. Darin Taylor Hoover at Arlington National Cemetery, Aug. 26, 2024, in Arlington, Va.

The vice president said the fallen soldiers "represent the best of America, putting our beloved nation and their fellow Americans above themselves and deploying into danger to keep their fellow citizens safe."

"I will fulfill our sacred obligation to care for our troops and their families and I will always honor their service and sacrifice," she said.

Harris went on to defend Biden's decision to end "America's longest war."

"Over the past three years, our Administration has demonstrated we can still eliminate terrorists, including the leaders of al-Qaeda and ISIS, without troops deployed into combat zones," she said in the statement. "I will never hesitate to take whatever action necessary to counter terrorist threats and protect the American people and the homeland."

Harris has previously spoken about being in the room with Biden for important decisions, including his decision to carry out a troop withdrawal from Afghanistan -- which Trump reportedly tried to launch in his final days as president. The Trump administration's negotiated peace plan with the Taliban included a date of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal of troops -- which Biden then continued to carry out with a September deadline.

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Top officials have testified before Congress on the tumultuous withdrawal, some of whom have detailed regrets about how it was handled.

House Speaker Mike Johnson on Monday announced he will present the Congressional Gold Medal posthumously on Sep. 10 to honor the 13 service members who were killed in Kabul. The medals, Congress' highest civilian honor, will be presented to their families.

Biden, in his own statement on Monday, said the 13 Americans killed at Abbey Gate embodied "the very best of who we are as a nation: brave, committed, selfless. And we owe them and their families a sacred debt we will never be able to fully repay, but will never cease working to fulfill."

Biden said "we must never forget the immense price that was paid for our freedom. We must never forget that each beloved service member we lost was a human being, who left behind entire families and communities. And together, we must never stop striving to be worthy of their ultimate sacrifice."

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2 days in St Petersburg: the perfect itinerary

Feb 24, 2020 • 4 min read

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The names that people in Russia call St Petersburg often give visitors the wrong impression. "Venice of the North" makes it sound dainty, when around its elegant streets and mesmerising art is a chaotic city of five million people. "Window to Europe" doesn’t fit either, as its days of looking at Europe from the outside are long gone. Russians have another name for their city of beauty and commotion, history and innovation: simply "Piter". Here's how to best experience Piter in a couple of days.

A view across a vast, immaculate courtyard that culminates in elegant baroque archways, as seen from the Hermitage Museums in St Petersburg, Russia

Saturday morning

Wake up to a Russian breakfast of blinchiki (pancakes) with sour cream or caviar at Yat restaurant, on the embankment beside the River Moyka. From there it’s a short walk to St Petersburg’s heart – the  State Hermitage Museum . You could spend a lifetime exploring the Hermitage's five buildings and still not see all of its art and treasures. If you only have a couple of hours but want to see something unforgettable, find the rooms with paintings by Da Vinci, Rembrandt and Rubens.

From the Hermitage, take a walk through the sumptuous Palace Square, then stop by Yusupov Palace – where Grigory Rasputin was murdered in 1916 – and Peter and Paul Fortress , where Tsar Nicholas II and the Romanov family are buried.

An aerial view of St Petersburg's landmark architecture, with golden spires and ornate facades visible beneath a blue sky

Saturday afternoon

After a morning breathing in Piter's classicism, spend the afternoon in some of its more eccentric places. Start with a European lunch served with a modern Russian twist at Schengen restaurant. Then brave a visit to Кunstkamera , also known as the Museum of Oddities, where exhibits include centuries-old two-headed embryos in jars. Kunstkamera is opposite the Hermitage and Winter Palace , on the other side of the River Neva.

Later on, take it a bit easier in the entertainment park on New Holland island. New Holland is a favourite spot for young couples and families with children: here you can stumble upon concerts and modern art installations, and find some more experimental places to eat.

Saturday evening

After dinner, a performance at the Mariinsky Theatre is a decadent but affordable night out. Or for something more lowbrow – but just as quintessentially St Petersburg – go to the streets around Sennaya Ploshchad for a bar crawl. Piter, after all, is the home of the mega-popular Baltika lager and Tsarskaya vodka , and is also the centre of Russia's evolving craft beer and cocktail scenes.

The colourful spires and golden domes of St Petersburg's Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood, against a clear blue sky

Sunday morning

Start your day with breakfast on the city's central boulevard, Nevsky Prospekt. Ring the buzzer on the unmarked door at number 81, and Ziferblat will introduce you to the Russian concept of an anticafe. Here the tea, coffee and cake are all free; what you pay for is the time you spend in this cosy room, playing chess or board games (and, just as often, meeting new people).

Close to Nevsky Prospekt is the Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood . Its heart-stoppingly beautiful domes are one of the most iconic sights in the whole of Russia – as well they might be, as they mark the place where Tsar Alexander II was assassinated in 1881. Finish your morning by stepping inside the Russian Museum , to see paintings by the Russian masters Repin and Shishkin, or by climbing to the top of St Isaac’s Cathedral , for a panoramic view that shows the scale of Europe's fourth-largest city.

A checked black-and-white tiled terrace with gold statues and fountains beyond. A canal leads to a river, and crowds of people can be seen milling around the water features

Sunday afternoon

For lunch, sample some food from St Petersburg's many international communities, with sushi or Georgian khachapuri (cheese bread)   somewhere on Nevsky. Then stock up on Russian treats at Kupetz Eliseevs , St Petersburg's fanciest department store, housed in just one exquisite room.

If you are in the city during the White Nights festival between May and July, spend a long summer afternoon in Peterhof, the former palace and gardens of Peter the Great. Peterhof is about 30km from the centre of the city, and is reachable by train, metro and marshrutka bus (or in summer, on a boat along the Neva from outside the Hermitage). One of the highlights is the Lower Park , a beautiful green space that includes the Grand Cascade , a collection of fountains that Peter himself designed. If you are in Russia during the winter and the night is drawing in, take a shorter journey instead to Udelnaya Fair , an enormous flea market in the north of the city, and wander past the stalls full of Tsarist and Soviet-era nostalgia.

Sunday evening

For a last dinner in St Petersburg, step back in time with an old-fashioned Russian supper at Severyanin restaurant.

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Revisiting a preposterous 2022 NFL Draft class of quarterbacks

Cory kinnan | 2 hours ago.

Aug 23, 2024; Paradise, Nevada, USA; San Francisco 49ers quarterback Brock Purdy (13) throws the ball against the Las Vegas Raiders in the first half at Allegiant Stadium. Mandatory Credit: Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports

  • San Francisco 49ers

The 2022 NFL Draft will go down as one of the worst quarterback classes of all-time, and their only saving grace from that year may just be Mr. Irrelevant himself in Brock Purdy.

Purdy's successes with the San Francisco 49ers are well-documented. After being the last pick in the 2022 NFL Draft, all Purdy has done is put together the most efficient season every charted for a quarterback in just his second season. If he does that again in 2024 for the Niners, Purdy will likely become one of the highest-paid quarterbacks in the NFL.

Outside of that, the 2022 NFL Draft class of quarterbacks is exactly who we thought it was.

We all knew it then, and some made it out to be better than it was ever going to be. Now, just two offseasons after the draft, the movement of the quarterbacks take that year is jarring. Only two quarterbacks drafted from that class remain with the team that drafted them, and both of them were taken in the last round.

The Athletic's Dane Brugler layed it out the best in a post on X (formerly known as Twitter) :

There were 9 QBs drafted in the 2022 NFL Draft – only the final 2 (both 7th rounders) are still with the team that drafted them. 1 (20) Kenny Pickett – traded 3 (74) Desmond Ridder – traded 3 (86) Malik Willis – traded 3 (94) Matt Corral – cut 4 (137) Bailey Zappe – cut 5 (144)… — Dane Brugler (@dpbrugler) August 27, 2024

Kenny Pickett, the only first rounder, was shipped off to the Philadelphia Eagles for a bag of chips, and is in a constant battle with Tanner McKee for the backup gig behind Jalen Hurts. Desmond Ridder started games with the Atlanta Falcons, was consistently one of the worst starters in the league, and now has lost a roster spot to Clayton Tune after being traded to the Arizona Cardinals.

Malik Willis never earned the trust with the Tennessee Titans as they drafted Will Levis on Day 2 just a year after taking him. After they opted to keep veteran Mason Rudolph as their backup, he was traded to the Green Bay Packers for a conditional late-round pick.

The only other notable quarterback drafted that year was Sam Howell, who started for the Washington Commanders last year, was one of the worst quarterbacks at taking sacks and was traded to the Seattle Seahawks where he is now the backup quarterback to Geno Smith.

Skylar Thompson, a seventh round pick of the Miami Dolphins, is the only other quarterbacks still with the team that drafted them besides Purdy. He just beat out Mike White for the backup quarterback job in South Beach.

— Enjoy more free NFL Draft coverage with NFL Draft on SI —  

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Cory Kinnan


St. Petersburg   Travel Guide

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Courtesy of Getty Images |

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Why Go To St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg stands at the geographic and cultural borders of the west and east. While the city's appearance was influenced by the intricate and ordered architecture of Western Europe, it is still infused with a vibrant and persevering Russian spirit. St. Petersburg largely owes its dualistic nature to its founder, Peter the Great, an unabashed lover of all things European. In the early 1700s, Peter commissioned the city's streets and architecture to resemble his favorite western cities.

And the results of the czar's great experiment? A grand European-style city, replete with long boulevards, narrow canals and grand public squares. It's also an epicenter of distinctly Russian culture, as the place where literature and music greats like Dostoyevsky, Tchaikovsky and Prokofiev all found their voice. Moscow might be known for its luxury and decadence, but St. Petersburg offers compromise between the expensive tastes of Russia's capital and the often-overrated (and just plain crowded) cities of Western Europe.

Find Flight and Hotel Deals

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Navigate backward to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press the question mark key to get the keyboard shortcuts for changing dates.

Best of St. Petersburg

Best hotels in st. petersburg.

  • # 1 in Grand Hotel Europe
  • # 2 in Hotel Astoria, a Rocco Forte Hotel
  • # 3 in SO/ Saint Petersburg

Grand Hotel Europe

Best Things to Do in St. Petersburg

  • # 1 in Hermitage Museum and the Winter Palace
  • # 2 in Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood
  • # 3 in St. Isaac's Cathedral

St. Petersburg Travel Tips

Best months to visit.

The best time to visit St. Petersburg is from mid-June to September. Although it's expensive, St. Petersburg's near 24 hours of sunshine and White Nights celebrations during the summer months are not to be missed. Summers are generally cool but pleasant, with low temperatures dropping to the 50s and highs hovering around 70 degrees, so be sure to pack accordingly. Traveling to St. Petersburg in the winter is rare; days are short, and temperatures will dip well below freezing into the teens.

Weather in St. Petersburg

Data sourced from the National Climatic Data Center

What You Need to Know

  • Bring your Russian dictionary English is widely spoken in major hotels and restaurants, but you'll find very few English speakers outside the tourist districts. You'll hear Russian and see Cyrillic almost exclusively, so it's best to be familiar with the alphabet before your trip.
  • Carry change for restrooms While St. Petersburg once had reputation for inadequate, ill-equipped public restrooms, the city has improved its facilities. However, use of restrooms in some public spaces, such as parks and shopping malls, may require a small payment (around 30 rubles or 50 cents).
  • Breathe easy Thanks to legislation passed in 2013, bars, restaurants and public transportation are now nonsmoking spaces, making secondhand smoke less of an issue for visitors. However, public sidewalks are another story.

How to Save Money in St. Petersburg

  • Invest in a St. Petersburg Card With the St. Petersburg Card , you'll enjoy free admission to more than 80 museums and tours, including the Peter and Paul Fortress , Peterhof and the Russian Museum , among others. Plus, you can use the card to pay your fare on public transportation. St. Petersburg Cards can be purchased in two-, three-, five- or seven-day increments.
  • Book early Making your hotel reservations up to a year in advance – especially if you intend to visit during June's White Nights celebration – can save your wallet some pain.
  • Protect your pockets As in many large cities, pickpockets are prevalent in St. Petersburg. Keep a close eye on your belongings in crowded areas, such as Nevsky Prospekt and the metro.

Culture & Customs

English is spoken in major hotels and restaurants, but you'll find mostly Russian speakers in the more local areas like the market or small inns. Some helpful Russian greetings include the informal "hello" ( priv-EYET ), the formal "hello" ( ZDRA-stvooy-te ), the informal "goodbye" ( pah-KAH ), and the formal "goodbye" ( Dah svih-DA-nee-ye ). Saying "thank you" ( Spa-SEE-ba) is always nice as well.

The ruble is the official currency of Russia. One U.S. dollar is equivalent to about 64 rubles. Plan to check the current exchange rate before your trip. While you might want cash for some purposes (purchasing metro tokens, for instance), you'll find that most restaurants, stores and hotels accept credit cards. Currency exchanges in airports generally offer less favorable rates than banks. ATMs are common in Russian cities, so your debit card might work (though you should check with your bank before you go regarding fees and exchange rates).

Tipping for service is common practice in Russia, and tips of around 15% are typical.

What to Eat

While it's true that visitors can still find classic Russian culinary staples like borscht, stroganoff, cabbage stew and caviar on menus around the city, travelers will also enjoy more contemporary dishes as well. And fortunately for visitors, food prices are more reasonable in St. Petersburg compared to Moscow .

You'll find hundreds of culinary hot spots in St. Petersburg, especially along Nevsky Prospekt, ranging from luxurious eateries to sprawling, local markets. If you're looking for an affordable snack on the go, try a Russian crepe, or blini. This Russian pancake is usually stuffed with butter, caviar or other fillings and is a treat for the adventurous foodie. You'll find it at street vendors around the city. To acquaint yourself with local produce, meats and cheeses, pay a visit to the Kuznechnyy Rynok (Kuznechny Market) a favorite among tourists for its honey vendors and plentiful souvenirs.

If you're craving a classic Russian meal, consider Literary Café on Nevsky Prospekt, which once played host to the likes of Pushkin and Dostoyevsky. For a more modern take on Russian fare, head to Hamlet + Jacks for dishes like Baltic herring and Siberian venison. And for Georgian cuisine, Phali Hinkali is a top spot thanks to its hearty dishes. If you're celebrating a special occasion, or just want to treat yourself to a memorable meal, critics and travelers suggest making a reservation at Palkin , which is known for its elegant dining room and fusion of Russian and French cuisines. Other well-reviewed eateries include Probka (Italian), Bekitzer (Israeli) and Etnos Café (Georgian).

St. Petersburg has a mixed reputation when it comes to safety, but most agree that it has improved from the chaotic time immediately following the fall of the Soviet Union. Discrimination against ethnic groups, specifically individuals of Asian or African descent, is still reportedly an issue in Russia, as is discrimination against LGBTQ individuals. Government officials warn against traveling alone at night to avoid violent confrontations.

In October 2019, the U.S. State Department issued an advisory urging increased caution in Russia because of possible terrorism and arbitrary enforcement of laws. However, these mainly applied to specific areas (such as the North Caucasus for terrorism and occupied portion of Ukraine for abuses by authorities). With respect to St. Petersburg specifically, the State Department noted possible delays in services for U.S. citizens because of reductions in diplomatic personnel. According to the State Department, you can be detained by Russian police for not having your passport with you (police in Russia do not need to show probable cause to stop, question or detain you). Plan to carry your passport with you at all times. Visit the State Department's website for more information.

When walking around, you'll also want to be very careful when crossing roads, as drivers don't always yield to pedestrians here. Use crosswalks and only cross when vehicles have come to a complete stop. Several travel sources advise tourists not to drink the tap water in St. Petersburg due to the antiquated pipes and high metal levels in the tap water. To avoid illness, only drink filtered or bottled water.

Getting Around St. Petersburg

The best way to get around St. Petersburg is by public transportation; otherwise, you can walk around Nevsky Prospekt, the main thoroughfare. There's an extensive bus and metro system with lines that run throughout the center and into the city's outskirts. The tram or trolley is best for short journeys through downtown. For trips to the suburbs, try the metro system. Rental cars are available at the Pulkovo Airport (LED), but acquiring the proper driving documents can be a hassle. Taxis are also a prevalent (though, at times, unsafe) way to move around.

From the airport, a taxi can cost anywhere from 600 to 1500 rubles (or about $9.50 to $24), depending on your destination. Taxi Pulkovo is the preferred company; you'll see Taxi Pulkovo stands in the arrivals area of the airport. However, several recent travelers have been overcharged for taxi trips between the airport and the city. Many recommended relying on smartphone apps instead to ensure a fair price.

Entry & Exit Requirements

Acquiring a visa to travel in Russia is a bit more complicated and expensive than visiting other countries. Every foreign traveler entering Russia must have a Russian-based sponsor (like a hotel, tour company, university or relative). In addition to a valid U.S. passport, you must also obtain a travel visa from a Russian embassy or consulate prior to arriving in Russia. If you plan to stay in Russia for more than seven days, you have to register your visa and migration card (the white paper document given by the border police on first entry to Russia) with the Federal Migration Service. Tourists visas start at $160 per person. You can apply for a visa up to 90 days before your intended visa start date. For more information on entry and exit requirements, visit the U.S. State Department  website .

St. Petersburg is built around a network of rivers and canals, with many of the city's top attractions located on the banks of the water.

Explore More of St. Petersburg

Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood

Things To Do

Best hotels.

World Map

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Arlington National Cemetery officials confirm an 'incident' during Trump's visit

Arlington National Cemetery on Tuesday confirmed an incident took place when former President Donald Trump visited there Monday to commemorate the third anniversary of the Abbey Gate attacks in Afghanistan.

"We can confirm there was an incident, and a report was filed," the statement read.

“Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate’s campaign,” said the cemetery in the Virginia suburbs of Washington. “Arlington National Cemetery reinforced and widely shared this law and its prohibitions with all participants.”

Trump participated in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Monday, marking the third anniversary of the deaths of 13 U.S. service members in an attack by the Islamic State outside the Kabul airport in Afghanistan. More than 150 Afghans were also killed. Parents of fallen service members have expressed anger at President Joe Biden's administration for a lack of answers surrounding the attack.

After the ceremony, Trump headed to Section 60 of the cemetery, where some service members killed in Afghanistan and Iraq are buried and recording is typically heavily restricted.

Donald Trump stands next to Bill Barnett

NPR first reported Tuesday that two Trump campaign staffers had a confrontation with a cemetery official who tried to prevent them from filming.

Trump communications director Steven Cheung denied some of the details of the report and said the campaign was willing to release footage to support its claim.

“There was no physical altercation as described and we are prepared to release footage if such defamatory claims are made,” Cheung said in a statement. “The fact is that a private photographer was permitted on the premises and for whatever reason an unnamed individual, clearly suffering from a mental health episode, decided to physically block members of President Trump’s team during a very solemn ceremony.”

Cheung followed up in a statement on X , saying Trump was allowed to have a photographer there.

Trump co-campaign manager Chris LaCivita posted a video on x that showed Trump laying flowers at a gravesite.

In a statement, he said a “despicable individual” physically prevented Trump’s team from accompanying him to the event.

“For a despicable individual to physically prevent President Trump’s team from accompanying him to this solemn event is a disgrace and does not deserve to represent the hollowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery,” LaCivita said. "Whoever this individual is spreading these lies are dishonoring the men and women of our armed forces, and they are disrespecting everyone who paid the price for defending our country.”

LaCivita claimed that Trump was at Section 60 at the invitation of Abbey Gate Gold Star families “to honor their loved ones who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country.”

In an interview with NBC News on Wednesday, LaCivita claimed that a "nameless bureaucrat at Arlington whose job it is to preserve the dignity of the cemetery is doing the complete opposite in trying to make what was a very solemn and respectful event into something it was not."

Trump generated controversy this month when said this month that the Presidential Medal of Freedom, a civilian award, was "better" than the top military award, the Medal of Honor, because those who receive the latter are often dead or injured.

Trump has previously faced scrutiny over a 2020 report in The Atlantic, which former White House chief of staff John Kelly later confirmed , that he made disparaging remarks about fallen soldiers, calling them "suckers" and "losers." Trump has denied the allegation .

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Courtney Kube is a correspondent covering national security and the military for the NBC News Investigative Unit.

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Jake Traylor is a 2024 NBC News campaign embed.

Raquel Coronell Uribe is a breaking news reporter. 

  • Credit Cards
  • Best Travel Credit Cards

15 Best Travel Credit Cards Of September 2024

Becky Pokora

Expert Reviewed

Updated: Aug 26, 2024, 8:24am

For anyone who travels enough to have a travel savings account, credit cards are a valuable resource toward booking and paying for your trip. The rewards can offset a huge portion of your out-of-pocket expenses, and the best travel credit cards often pay for themselves both in savings and avoided headaches.

Why you can trust Forbes Advisor

Our editors are committed to bringing you unbiased ratings and information. Our editorial content is not influenced by advertisers. We use data-driven methodologies to evaluate financial products and companies, so all are measured equally. You can read more about our editorial guidelines and the credit card methodology for the ratings below.

  • 113 countries visited
  • 5,500 hotel nights spent
  • 93,000,000 miles and points redeemed
  • 29 loyalty programs covered

Best Travel Rewards Credit Cards

  • Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card : Best Travel Credit Card for Beginners
  • Citi Strata Premier℠ Card : Best Everyday Earnings with Travel Redemptions
  • Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card : Best Flat-Rate Rewards Credit Card for Travel
  • Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Card : Best Travel Earnings Without a Portal
  • American Express® Green Card * : Best Midrange Travel Card with Lounge Access
  • Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card : Best Premium Travel Rewards Card
  • Chase Sapphire Reserve® : Best Travel Credit Card for International Travel
  • The Platinum Card® from American Express : Best Travel Rewards Card for Lounge Access
  • American Express® Gold Card : Best Travel Rewards Earnings for Foodies
  • U.S. Bank Altitude® Reserve Visa Infinite® Card * : Best Premium Perks with Simple Redemptions
  • Chase Freedom Flex® : Best Intro APR Travel Card
  • Bilt World Elite Mastercard® * : Best Flexible Rewards Without an Annual Fee
  • Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card : Best Low Annual Fee Card with Flat-Rate Rewards
  • United Quest℠ Card : Best Airline Credit Card
  • The World of Hyatt Credit Card : Best Hotel Credit Card
  • Best Credit Cards Of 2024
  • Credit Cards With Travel Insurance
  • Best Hotel Credit Cards
  • Best Credit Card For Lounge Access
  • Best No-Annual-Fee Cards For Travel
  • Best Airline Credit Cards

Best Travel Card Offers

Best travel credit card for beginners, chase sapphire preferred® card.

Up to 5x Reward Rate

Earn 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all Read More

Welcome Bonus

60,000 bonus points

Regular APR

21.49%-28.49% Variable

Credit Score

Excellent, Good (700 - 749)

I jumped at the chance to get the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card when it was first launched. More than a decade later, I’m still a loyal cardholder. It’s the ideal starter card for someone dipping their toe into travel rewards and I’m living proof you may never need to upgrade. Cardholders earn valuable Chase Ultimate Rewards® points for access to transfer partners or for easy, no-strings-attached redemptions through Chase Travel℠. There’s no foreign transaction fee and a wide selection of travel insurances.

Why We Like It

For a modest annual fee of $95 (which can be partially offset with an annual $50 hotel credit for bookings through Chase Travel℠) you get a rare mix of high rewards rates and redemption flexibility.

What We Don’t Like

The highest earning rate requires making reservations through Chase Travel℠, which doesn’t include direct bookings or online travel agencies.

Who It’s Best For

This card is best for travelers who want to earn transferable points without a steep annual fee.

Julian Kheel

I​​t’s the granddaddy of travel credit cards, but it still earns its reputation as one of the best around with solid bonus categories, strong travel protections, a great set of domestic and international transfer partners and a reasonable annual fee to boot. You can’t go wrong with it as your first travel credit card.

  • Earn high rewards on several areas of spending
  • Transfer points to travel partners at 1:1 rate
  • Many travel and shopping protections
  • No intro APR offer
  • Best travel earning rates are only for bookings through the Chase Travel℠ portal
  • Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That’s $750 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.
  • Enjoy benefits such as 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases, $50 Annual Chase Travel Hotel Credit, plus more.
  • Get 25% more value when you redeem for airfare, hotels, car rentals and cruises through Chase Travel℠. For example, 60,000 points are worth $750 toward travel.
  • Count on Trip Cancellation/Interruption Insurance, Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver, Lost Luggage Insurance and more.
  • Get complimentary access to DashPass which unlocks $0 delivery fees and lower service fees for a minimum of one year when you activate by December 31, 2027.
  • Member FDIC

Best Everyday Earnings with Travel Redemptions

Citi strata premier℠ card.

Up to 10X Reward Rate

Earn 10 points per dollar spent on hotels, car rentals and attractions booked on, 3 points per dollar at Read More

70,000 bonus points

21.24% - 29.24% (Variable)

Excellent, Good

The Citi Strata Premier℠ Card slides right into everyday life, with earning categories that reflect typical expenses at home as well as rewarding you for your travel spending—then giving you the opportunity to redeem toward travel.

This card could be a supreme fit for someone looking for a one-card solution, thanks to a low annual fee, access to transferable points and a variety of accelerated earn categories. It also offers a $100 annual hotel benefit which can be applied toward eligible stays reserved through Citi Travel to save you even more money. Select travel protections are also included.

Citi makes you jump through some hoops to access card benefits. You’ll need to book through the card’s proprietary booking portal to maximize your travel earnings and to use your annual hotel benefit.

The Strata Premier makes the most sense for travelers seeking a modest annual fee and a card that rewards varied spend.

Several key travel benefits were recently reintroduced on the Citi Strata Premier℠ Card, including trip delay and cancellation protections and lost baggage and rental car damage coverage. But the card still retains all its original features and its relatively low $95 annual fee. The highlight of the Citi Strata Premier continues to be its ability to earn 3 points for every dollar you spend on gas, and now EV charging. Those points can be transferred to any of Citi’s over 15 airline and hotel partners, making your rewards potentially even more valuable than if you just earned straight cash back with another credit card

  • High rewards rates for many popular categories
  • Ability to transfer points to hotel and airline loyalty programs
  • No foreign transaction fees
  • Some built-in travel protections
  • The $100 hotel benefit is difficult to redeem
  • The highest earning rates are on Citi Travel bookings
  • $95 annual fee
  • Earn 70,000 bonus ThankYou® Points after spending $4,000 in the first 3 months of account opening, redeemable for $700 in gift cards or travel rewards at
  • Earn 10 points per $1 spent on Hotels, Car Rentals, and Attractions booked on
  • Earn 3 points per $1 on Air Travel and Other Hotel Purchases, at Restaurants, Supermarkets, Gas and EV Charging Stations.
  • Earn 1 Point per $1 spent on all other purchases
  • $100 Annual Hotel Benefit: Once per calendar year, enjoy $100 off a single hotel stay of $500 or more (excluding taxes and fees) when booked through Benefit applied instantly at time of booking.
  • No expiration and no limit to the amount of points you can earn with this card
  • No Foreign Transaction Fees on purchases

Best Flat-Rate Rewards Credit Card for Travel

Capital one venture rewards credit card.

Up to 5X Reward Rate

Earn 5X miles on hotels, vacation rentals, and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel. Earn 5X miles on Capital Read More

Earn 75,000 bonus miles + $250 credit

19.99% - 29.99% (Variable)

Casual travelers who don’t plan to carry a balance will find good value in the Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card ’s earnings rates ( rates & fees ). And if you appreciate the skip-the-line perks of TSA PreCheck® and Global Entry as much as I do, you’ll be grateful for the up to $100 credit toward program fees.

You can earn double miles on every purchase and can access transfer partners without ponying up a triple-digit annual fee.

Expect dialed-back benefits compared to more premium travel cards. You’ll still enjoy select trip protections along with no foreign transaction fee. Keep in mind that you’ll want to redeem for travel bookings or transfers to partner programs (cash back redemptions are often not the best value).

This card is ideal for cardholders who want to earn travel rewards at a flat rate and want to keep their annual fee below $100.

Kimberly Shearer

The Capital One Venture Rewards card is extremely low maintenance as far as travel reward cards go. It provides consistent value and flexibility when it comes to earning and redeeming points for travel and is an excellent alternative for anyone a bit leery of the high Venture X annual fee ( rates & fees ).

  • Solid rewards rate
  • Global Entry or TSA PreCheck® statement credit (up to $100)
  • Miles are easy to redeem either via partner transfers or by applying against travel purchases
  • No introductory APR on purchases or transfers
  • Enjoy $250 to use on Capital One Travel in your first cardholder year, plus earn 75,000 bonus miles once you spend $4,000 on purchases within the first 3 months from account opening – that’s equal to $1,000 in travel
  • Earn unlimited 2X miles on every purchase, every day
  • Earn 5X miles on hotels, vacation rentals and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel, where you’ll get Capital One’s best prices on thousands of trip options
  • Miles won’t expire for the life of the account and there’s no limit to how many you can earn
  • Receive up to a $100 credit for Global Entry or TSA PreCheck®
  • Use your miles to get reimbursed for any travel purchase—or redeem by booking a trip through Capital One Travel
  • Enjoy a $50 experience credit and other premium benefits with every hotel and vacation rental booked from the Lifestyle Collection
  • Transfer your miles to your choice of 15+ travel loyalty programs

Best Travel Earnings Without a Portal

Wells fargo autograph journey℠ card.

Earn unlimited 5X points on hotels, 4X points on airlines, 3X points on other travel and restaurants, and 1X points Read More

21.24%, 26.24%, or 29.99% Variable APR

We love that the Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Card bestows you with strong earning rates on travel without requiring you to book through a card’s portal. Go ahead and book directly with your preferred airline and hotel: You’ll earn 5 points per dollar on hotels, 4 points per dollar on airlines, 3 points per dollar on other travel and restaurants and 1 point per dollar on other purchases.

This card has a minimal annual fee and offers the opportunity to earn a $50 statement credit each year when you spend $50 or more on airline purchases. That’s a bargain all travelers will love.

For now, there’s a limited number of transfer partners, which means you’ll have fewer redemption options than what some other issuers provide.

This card is a perfect fit for travelers who like to book trips directly, especially if they’re looking for cash-back rewards rather than travel transfers.

Albert Hsieh

Wells Fargo has entered the premium card market with its highly anticipated Autograph Journey credit card which offers accelerated points earnings on airfare, hotels and restaurants. It’s also the newest card to offer the option to redeem points by transferring them to travel partners.

  • Solid welcome bonus
  • High rewards rates on travel and restaurants
  • Annual statement credit for airfare
  • Limited everyday bonus rewards
  • Few transfer partners
  • Charges an annual fee
  • Select “Apply Now” to take advantage of this specific offer and learn more about product features, terms and conditions.
  • Earn 60,000 bonus points when you spend $4,000 in purchases in the first 3 months – that’s $600 toward your next trip.
  • Earn unlimited 5X points on hotels, 4X points on airlines, 3X points on other travel and restaurants, and 1X points on other purchases.
  • $95 annual fee.
  • Book your travel with the Autograph Journey Card and enjoy Travel Accident Insurance, Lost Baggage Reimbursement, Trip Cancellation and Interruption Protection and Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver.
  • Earn a $50 annual statement credit with $50 minimum airline purchase.
  • Up to $1,000 of cell phone protection against damage or theft. Subject to a $25 deductible.
  • Find tickets to top sports and entertainment events, book travel, make dinner reservations and more with your complimentary 24/7 Visa Signature® Concierge.

Best Midrange Travel Card with Lounge Access

American express® green card *.

Up to 3X Reward Rate

Earn 3X Membership Rewards points on eligible travel, transit and restaurant purchases including takeout and delivery in the U.S. Earn Read More

Earn 40,000 points

See Pay Over Time APR

Excellent/Good (700 - 749)

When you don’t want to limit your earnings only to travel charges, check out the American Express® Green Card * . It offers elevated rewards on dining and local transit, too.

Cardholders have access to annual statement credits for CLEAR® Plus and LoungeBuddy charges, which can easily exceed the cost of the card’s annual fee and let you dip your toe into the world of premium perks.

Amex isn’t always accepted overseas, which could be a major issue for international travelers without a backup card.

This is a great midrange card that offers access to American Express Membership Rewards®, making it a good choice for those who don’t want the high cost of a Gold or Platinum card.

Occasional travelers who want to be treated like VIPs will find that the Amex Green card has an ideal set of perks. The $100 annual LoungeBuddy credit is just enough to cover airport lounge access a few times a year, and the CLEAR credit provides expedited access through TSA security at major airports across the country. Put them together and it’s a perfect balance of benefits for infrequent flyers at a relatively low annual fee.

  • No foreign transaction fee
  • Flexible redemption and points transfer options
  • High rewards rate on dining, travel and transit
  • Mediocre base rewards rate
  • Limited features and perks
  • No balance transfer option
  • Earn 40,000 points after spending $3,000 on purchases in the first 6 months
  • Earn 3 points per dollar spent on travel, transit purchases and eligible purchases at restaurants worldwide
  • Earn 1 point per dollar on all other eligible purchases
  • $199 CLEAR® Plus and $100 LoungeBuddy credits
  • Trip delay insurance

Best Premium Travel Cards

Best premium travel rewards card, capital one venture x rewards credit card.

Earn 2 miles per dollar on all eligible purchases, 5 miles per dollar on flights and vacation rentals and 10 Read More

Earn 75,000 bonus miles

Excellent (750 - 850)

The Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card is packed with extras that put it firmly in competition with other upscale credit cards. Just as important, the easy earnings structure is ideal for anyone who doesn’t want to stress over details.

Its annual fee ( rates & fees ) is easily recouped through an annual $300 credit for bookings through Capital One Travel and 10,000 bonus miles after your anniversary, which makes the perks feel almost free. A Priority Pass membership also provides value, giving you access to 1,300+ lounges worldwide.

The flat-rate earnings mean that if you spend a lot in a single category, you might be better off with a different card.

The Venture X is a strong choice for travelers who want premium benefits and are willing to book through Capital One Travel at least once a year.

If you’re looking for lofty perks without a lofty annual fee ( rates & fees ), the Venture X fits the bill. While other cards with elite benefits run nearly $700 a year, you’ll only pay a little more than half that for the Venture X. And you’ll still get Capital One and Priority Pass airport lounge access for you and your guests, an annual travel credit and solid earnings on everyday purchases.

  • Annual fee lower than others in its category
  • Annual travel credit through Capital One Travel and anniversary miles alone could justify the annual fee
  • Miles are easy to earn and easy to use
  • Lack of domestic airline and upscale hotel travel partners
  • Capital One lounge network in its infancy
  • Lack of hotel status benefits
  • Earn 75,000 bonus miles when you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening, equal to $750 in travel
  • Receive a $300 annual credit for bookings through Capital One Travel, where you’ll get Capital One’s best prices on thousands of trip options
  • Get 10,000 bonus miles (equal to $100 towards travel) every year, starting on your first anniversary
  • Earn unlimited 10X miles on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel and 5X miles on flights and vacation rentals booked through Capital One Travel
  • Earn unlimited 2X miles on all other purchases
  • Unlimited complimentary access for you and two guests to 1,300+ lounges, including Capital One Lounges and the Partner Lounge Network
  • Use your Venture X miles to easily cover travel expenses, including flights, hotels, rental cars and more—you can even transfer your miles to your choice of 15+ travel loyalty programs
  • Enjoy a $100 experience credit and other premium benefits with every hotel and vacation rental booked from the Premier Collection

Best Travel Credit Card for International Travel

Chase sapphire reserve®.

Up to 10x Reward Rate

Earn 5x total points on flights and 10x total points on hotels and car rentals when you purchase travel through Read More

22.49%-29.49% Variable

If you spend frequently on travel and dining out, you can accumulate rewards with the Chase Sapphire Reserve® . Its greatest selling point is its awesome list of 1:1 transfer partners. There are also best-in-market travel insurance benefits and no foreign transaction fees. Plus, as a Visa card, it’s widely accepted globally.

Cardholders can make up for a chunk of the annual fee with the $300 annual travel credit, a Priority Pass Select airport lounge membership and up to a $100 credit every four years to cover your Global Entry, TSA PreCheck® or NEXUS application fee, all of which make far-flung travel easier to bear. The travel protection benefits have personally reimbursed me more than $1,000.

There’s an extra fee to add an authorized user to your account.

This card is readymade for frequent travelers who want to take advantage of built-in travel insurance protections and airport perks.

Lori Zaino

The Chase Sapphire Reserve card is one of the most valuable flexible rewards credit cards thanks to its lucrative bonus categories and easy-to-use travel credit. Cardholders can offset the annual fee and get great value when redeeming Chase Ultimate Rewards points earned on the card, thanks to partnerships with numerous airlines and hotels and its convenient travel booking portal, Chase Travel℠.

  • $300 annual travel credit is incredibly flexible
  • Generous welcome bonus
  • Get 50% more value when you redeem points for travel through Chase
  • Points transfer to valuable airline and hotel partners
  • High annual fee
  • High variable APR on purchases
  • Excellent credit recommended
  • Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That’s $900 toward travel when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.
  • $300 Annual Travel Credit as reimbursement for travel purchases charged to your card each account anniversary year.
  • Earn 5x total points on flights and 10x total points on hotels and car rentals when you purchase travel through Chase Travel℠ immediately after the first $300 is spent on travel purchases annually. Earn 3x points on other travel and dining & 1 point per $1 spent on all other purchases
  • Get 50% more value when you redeem your points for travel through Chase Travel℠. For example, 60,000 points are worth $900 toward travel.
  • 1:1 point transfer to leading airline and hotel loyalty programs
  • Access to 1,300+ airport lounges worldwide after an easy, one-time enrollment in Priority Pass™ Select and up to $100 application fee credit every four years for Global Entry, NEXUS, or TSA PreCheck®

Best Travel Rewards Card for Lounge Access

The platinum card® from american express.

5X Reward Rate

Earn 5 Membership Rewards Points per dollar on prepaid hotels booked with American Express Travel and on flights booked directly Read More

Earn 80,000 points

Good,Excellent (700 - 749)

The Platinum Card® from American Express (terms apply, see rates & fees ) is destined for frequent travelers who intend to fully leverage the rich set of travel benefits. Trust me when I say the perks can make you feel like a VIP. The staggering annual fee for this classic status card won’t be worth it for everyone, but in the right hands the expense can be well justified.

Lounge access with this card extends beyond the Priority Pass membership you see on other premium cards. Plus, if you’re looking for a giant welcome bonus to get things started, the Platinum Card certainly shakes things up.

Many of the perks are very specifically applied and may require enrollment. Examples include statement credits toward Uber, Saks Fifth Avenue, select digital entertainment, select hotel stays and airline incidental fees.

The Platinum Card® from American Express could be a valuable pick for cardholders who are willing to track and maximize its long list of member benefits.

Ben Nickel-D'Andrea

Being an Amex Platinum cardholder grants access to the International Airline Program, which can save you money on first and business class seats on more than 20 airlines as well as premium economy tickets for you and up to seven traveling companions. Start your search on the Amex Travel website to find international flights departing or arriving in the U.S. on any of those premium cabins.

  • High reward potential on flights and hotels booked through American Express Travel
  • Multiple credits can help justify the fee
  • Comprehensive airport lounge access
  • Luxury travel benefits and elite status with Hilton and Marriott with enrollment
  • Very high annual fee
  • Maximizing the statement credits takes some work and could be impractical for many
  • Reward rate outside of travel is sub-par for a premium card
  • Earn 80,000 Membership Rewards® Points after you spend $8,000 on eligible purchases on your new Card in your first 6 months of Card Membership. Apply and select your preferred metal Card design: classic Platinum, Platinum x Kehinde Wiley, or Platinum x Julie Mehretu.
  • Earn 5X Membership Rewards® Points for flights booked directly with airlines or with American Express Travel up to $500,000 on these purchases per calendar year and earn 5X Membership Rewards® Points on prepaid hotels booked with American Express Travel.
  • $200 Hotel Credit: Get up to $200 back in statement credits each year on prepaid Fine Hotels + Resorts® or The Hotel Collection bookings through American Express Travel using your Platinum Card®. The Hotel Collection requires a minimum two-night stay.
  • $240 Digital Entertainment Credit: Get up to $20 back in statement credits each month on eligible purchases made with your Platinum Card® on one or more of the following: Disney+, a Disney Bundle, ESPN+, Hulu, The New York Times, Peacock, and The Wall Street Journal. Enrollment required.
  • The American Express Global Lounge Collection® can provide an escape at the airport. With complimentary access to more than 1,400 airport lounges across 140 countries and counting, you have more airport lounge options than any other credit card issuer on the market. As of 03/2023.
  • $155 Walmart+ Credit: Save on eligible delivery fees, shipping, and more with a Walmart+ membership. Use your Platinum Card® to pay for a monthly Walmart+ membership and get up to $12.95 plus applicable taxes back on one membership (excluding Plus Ups) each month.
  • $200 Airline Fee Credit: Select one qualifying airline and then receive up to $200 in statement credits per calendar year when incidental fees are charged by the airline to your Platinum Card®.
  • $200 Uber Cash: Enjoy Uber VIP status and up to $200 in Uber savings on rides or eats orders in the US annually. Uber Cash and Uber VIP status is available to Basic Card Member only. Terms Apply.
  • $199 CLEAR® Plus Credit: CLEAR® Plus helps to get you to your gate faster at 50+ airports nationwide and get up to $199 back per calendar year on your Membership (subject to auto-renewal) when you use your Card. CLEARLanes are available at 100+ airports, stadiums, and entertainment venues.
  • Receive either a $100 statement credit every 4 years for a Global Entry application fee or a statement credit up to $85 every 4.5 years for a TSA PreCheck® (through a TSA official enrollment provider) application fee, when charged to your Platinum Card®. Card Members approved for Global Entry will also receive access to TSA PreCheck at no additional cost.
  • Shop Saks with Platinum: Get up to $100 in statement credits annually for purchases in Saks Fifth Avenue stores or at on your Platinum Card®. That’s up to $50 in statement credits semi-annually. Enrollment required.
  • Unlock access to exclusive reservations and special dining experiences with Global Dining Access by Resy when you add your Platinum Card® to your Resy profile.
  • $695 annual fee.¤
  • Terms Apply.

Best Travel Rewards Earnings for Foodies

American express® gold card.

Up to 4X Reward Rate

Earn 4X Membership Rewards® points at restaurants worldwide, on up to $50,000 in purchases per calendar year, then 1X; Earn Read More

Earn 60,000 points + earn up to $100 back

Foodies and travelers can leverage the American Express® Gold Card (terms apply, see rates & fees ) to the hilt, earning up to 4 points per dollar. The annual fee may seem intimidating—I get that. But my household comes out ahead by taking advantage of the card’s dining credits and rotating Amex Offers. It’s an appealing option for anyone who wants to redeem travel rewards but doesn’t spend enough on flights or hotels to require elevated earning categories on travel itself.

The grocery earnings on this card are impressive and rare for a travel card. For someone who wants to transform everyday expenses into a vacation, this card seamlessly blends the experience.

The American Express® Gold Card also offers a variety of ways to earn statement credits. This includes up to $120 ($10 per month) in annual dining credits for purchases at participating partners, up to $100 ($50 semi-annually) in annual statement credits for purchases at Resy restaurants and up to $84 ($7 per month) in statement credits for Dunkin purchases. Plus, cardholders get $10 in Uber Cash each month for a total of up to $120 per year. Enrollment is required for select benefits.

While the Amex Gold’s credits can be valuable, you’re required to enroll to take advantage of them and credits are dished out monthly or semi-annually rather than in an annual lump sum.

The Amex Gold might be the consummate choice for travelers with high spending on food expenses.

Barbara King

This card makes it easy to earn Membership Rewards points while doing regular grocery shopping since the card earns bonus points at supermarkets. And for the nights that cardholders don’t want to cook, they can make use of the monthly dining and Uber credits (which can be used on Uber Eats orders).

  • High rewards earnings possibilities
  • Points transfer option to many partners
  • Add up to five authorized users for no additional annual fee
  • Can choose from regular, rose gold or white gold versions
  • Most credits are doled out monthly and can be cumbersome to redeem
  • Limited options to carry a balance
  • High APR for pay over time feature *
  • Earn 60,000 Membership Rewards® Points after you spend $6,000 on eligible purchases on your new Card in your first 6 months of Card Membership. Plus, receive 20% back in statement credits on eligible purchases made at restaurants worldwide within the first 6 months of Card Membership, up to $100 back. Limited time offer. Offer ends 11/6/24.
  • Get the American Express® Gold Card in either the Gold, Rose Gold or Limited-Edition White Gold metal design. White Gold design is only available while supplies last.
  • Earn 4X Membership Rewards® points per dollar spent on purchases at restaurants worldwide, on up to $50,000 in purchases per calendar year, then 1X points for the rest of the year.
  • Earn 4X Membership Rewards® points per dollar spent at US supermarkets, on up to $25,000 in purchases per calendar year, then 1X points for the rest of the year.
  • Earn 3X Membership Rewards® points per dollar spent on flights booked directly with airlines or on
  • Earn 2X Membership Rewards® points per dollar spent on prepaid hotels and other eligible purchases booked on
  • Earn 1X Membership Rewards® point per dollar spent on all other eligible purchases.
  • $120 Uber Cash on Gold: Add your Gold Card to your Uber account and each month automatically get $10 in Uber Cash for Uber Eats orders or Uber rides in the U.S., totaling up to $120 per year.
  • $84 Dunkin’ Credit: With the $84 Dunkin’ Credit, you can earn up to $7 in monthly statement credits after you enroll and pay with the American Express® Gold Card at Dunkin’ locations.
  • $100 Resy Credit: Get up to $100 in statement credits each calendar year after you pay with the American Express® Gold Card to dine at U.S. Resy restaurants or make other eligible Resy purchases. That’s up to $50 in statement credits semi-annually. Enrollment required.
  • $120 Dining Credit: Satisfy your cravings, sweet or savory, with the $120 Dining Credit. Earn up to $10 in statement credits monthly when you pay with the American Express® Gold Card at Grubhub, The Cheesecake Factory, Goldbelly,, and Five Guys. Enrollment required.
  • Explore over 1,000 upscale hotels worldwide with The Hotel Collection and receive a $100 credit towards eligible charges with every booking of two nights or more through Eligible charges vary by property.
  • No Foreign Transaction Fees.
  • Annual Fee is $325.

Best Premium Perks with Simple Redemptions

U.s. bank altitude® reserve visa infinite® card *.

Earn 5X points on prepaid hotels and car rentals booked directly in the Altitude Rewards Center. Earn 3X points for Read More

50,000 points

22.24% - 29.24% variable

For a simpler take on travel rewards, the U.S. Bank Altitude® Reserve Visa Infinite® Card * can be an excellent pick. It doesn’t have transferable rewards. Instead, you’ll get strong value by getting a 50% bonus when redeeming toward travel.

First of all, the earning potential on this card turns heads thanks to its multiplier on mobile payments which are accepted nearly everywhere these days. Earn 5 points per dollar on prepaid hotels and car rentals booked directly in the Altitude Rewards Center, 3 points per dollar on eligible travel purchases and mobile wallet spending and 1 point per dollar on all other eligible net purchases. We also love that its annual $325 credit can be used toward your choice of travel or dining, giving it ultra flexibility.

Though this card comes with Priority Pass airport lounge access, it limits cardholders to a maximum of eight free visits per year. That might be enough for some travelers but could be a major downside for frequent travelers or someone flying with multiple companions or family members.

The Altitude Reserve is best for travelers who don’t want to be limited by travel portals or partnering airlines and hotels for their travel redemptions.

John Taylor Garner

The U.S. Bank Altitude® Reserve Visa Infinite® Card * is unique because it earns 3X on all mobile wallet spending, which no other ultra-premium cards offer, and has a low net annual fee after taking the $325 travel/dining credit into account. Given the net annual fee after the credit, the fact that the card lacks lounge access—even Priority Pass—is not that big of a deal. The question is, do you spend enough on mobile purchases to add a card specifically for that?

  • 50% points bonus when redeeming for travel
  • Up to $325 in annual travel credit
  • No limits on points earnings
  • No points transfer options available
  • Free lounge access limited to eight visits per year
  • Earn 50,000 points after spending $4,500 in the first 90 days of account opening
  • Earn 5 points per dollar on prepaid hotels and car rentals booked directly in the Altitude Rewards Center, 3 points per dollar on eligible travel purchases and mobile wallet spending and 1 point per dollar on all other eligible net purchases
  • Earn up to $325 in annual credits
  • Best No Annual Fee Travel Credit Cards

Best Intro APR Travel Card

Chase freedom flex®.

Up to 5% Reward Rate

Earn 5% cash back in categories that rotate quarterly on up to $1,500 when enrolled, 5% on travel purchased through Read More

20.49%-29.24% Variable

I don’t automatically think of the Chase Freedom Flex® as a travel card, but it’s a great everyday card that also rewards you generously for bookings made through Chase Travel℠.

In addition to the welcome offer and ongoing rewards this card offers, new cardholders can also take advantage of an introductory APR offer to help pay off their travel expenses: 0% intro APR for 15 months from account opening on purchases and balance transfers, then a variable APR of 20.49% – 29.24% applies. Balance transfer fee of up to 5% (min. $5) of the amount of each transfer applies.

Rewards are initially made available as cash back. If you want to transfer your rewards to partner airlines and hotels, you’ll also need to hold an Ultimate Rewards® card that offers that feature.

The Freedom Flex requires a little more hands-on management to earn in its quarterly bonus categories, so it’s a better fit for someone willing to stay on top of details.

Kudos to Chase for always keeping the rotating categories relevant on the Freedom Flex. From Amazon to PayPal and Starbucks to Walmart, you’re almost guaranteed to find at least one quarter every year (or even several) where the 5 bonus points roll in with almost no effort. Just don’t forget to activate the categories every quarter.

  • No annual fee
  • Rotating quarterly categories earn 5% rewards when activated, up to a combined quarterly $1,500 maximum
  • Travel rewards rate rivals some of the best premium travel cards
  • Generous rewards rate in several other categories
  • Travel bookings must be made through Chase Travel℠ to earn 5% cash back
  • Earn a $200 Bonus after you spend $500 on purchases in your first 3 months from account opening
  • 5% cash back on up to $1,500 in combined purchases in bonus categories each quarter you activate. Enjoy new 5% categories each quarter!
  • 5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, our premier rewards program that lets you redeem rewards for cash back, travel, gift cards and more
  • 3% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service, and unlimited 1% cash back on all other purchases.
  • No minimum to redeem for cash back. You can choose to receive a statement credit or direct deposit into most U.S. checking and savings accounts. Cash Back rewards do not expire as long as your account is open!
  • 0% Intro APR for 15 months from account opening on purchases and balance transfers, then a variable APR of 20.49%-29.24%.
  • No annual fee – You won’t have to pay an annual fee for all the great features that come with your Freedom Flex® card
  • Keep tabs on your credit health – Chase Credit Journey helps you monitor your credit with free access to your latest score, real-time alerts, and more.

Best Flexible Rewards Without an Annual Fee

Bilt world elite mastercard® *.

Up to 3x Reward Rate

Earn 1x on rent payments with no transaction fee (on up to 100,000 points each calendar year). 2x points on Read More

Good/Excellent (700 - 749)

You don’t need to pony up an annual fee for the Bilt World Elite Mastercard® * (), which earns flexible points that you can transfer to a selection of beloved travel brands.

Bilt offers one of the most distinctive earning structures of all cards: 1 point per dollar on rent payments without the transaction fee (on up to 100,000 points each calendar year), 3 points per dollar on dining, 2 points per dollar on travel (when booked through the Bilt Travel Portal or directly with an airline, hotel, car rental or cruise company), and 1 point per dollar on other purchases. It also throws in some great travel benefits for a no-annual-fee card, including select trip protections, primary collision damage waiver on eligible car rentals and no foreign transaction fees.

This is the only credit card on our list that doesn’t include a welcome offer. Renters could make up for that opportunity cost quickly by earning points on their rent payments, but it’s an unmistakable disadvantage.

We recommend this card to someone paying rent and looking for a credit card with no annual fee.

It’s almost impossible to earn rewards on what is the biggest monthly expense for many people, which is why anyone who pays rent should have a Bilt Mastercard in their wallet. Not only will you earn points just from paying your rent (up to 100,000 points in a calendar year), you’ll do it without being charged a fee for the transaction, and Bilt points are among the most versatile travel points around. ( Pro Tip: Don’t redeem Bilt points to pay rent when you can get much more value for them for travel!).

  • Earn rewards on rent
  • Primary car rental and cellphone insurance
  • Points can be transferred to partners
  • Requires five card transactions per statement period to earn rewards
  • No welcome bonus
  • Rewards outside of rent spend are relatively low compared to other cards
  • Earn 1 point per dollar spent on rent payments (on up to 100,000 points each calendar year)
  • Earn 2 points on eligible travel
  • Earn 3 points on dining and 1 point on other eligible purchases
  • Cell phone protection
  • No foreign fees

Best Low Annual Fee Card with Flat-Rate Rewards

Capital one ventureone rewards credit card.

Earn 5X miles on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel, and earn unlimited 1.25X miles on every Read More

20,000 Miles

High spenders will do better with one of Capital One’s other travel cards, but if you specifically are seeking out a no annual fee travel card, consider the Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card ( rates & fees ).

This card incorporates positive facets from its Venture line, including a flat-rate earning structure, transferable rewards and no foreign transaction fees. New cardholders are also eligible for an introductory APR offer: 0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for 15 months, 19.99% – 29.99% variable APR after that; 3% balance transfer fee for the first 15 months, 4% at a promotional APR that Capital One may offer you.

The earnings rate isn’t particularly inspiring—unless you consistently maximize travel transfer redemptions, you’re likely better off with a 2% cash back card with no annual fee or an annual fee-carrying travel rewards card with 2X earnings.

The VentureOne can be a good way to get your foot in the door with Capital One, even if you ultimately decide to upgrade your card later.

A contender for the best no annual fee and starter travel card, the Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card could be a fantastic travel companion for vacation goers and road warriors. The travel value can be immediately appreciated with no foreign transaction fees, while the rewards-earning is higher than basic rewards-earning credit cards at 1.25X miles. Plus, this card earns Capital One Reward Miles, which offers excellent value when transferred to airline and hotel

  • No penalty APR
  • Ongoing rewards rate is relatively low
  • Locked in to Capital One Travel booking to earn the highest rewards
  • $0 annual fee and no foreign transaction fees
  • Earn a bonus of 20,000 miles once you spend $500 on purchases within 3 months from account opening, equal to $200 in travel
  • Earn unlimited 1.25X miles on every purchase, every day
  • Earn 5X miles on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel, where you’ll get Capital One’s best prices on thousands of trip options
  • Enjoy 0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for 15 months; 19.99% – 29.99% variable APR after that; balance transfer fee applies

Best Travel Cards for Airlines and Hotels

Best airline credit card, united quest℠ card.

3 miles per $1 spent on United® purchases. 2 miles per $1 spent on dining, select streaming services & all Read More

Earn 60,000 bonus miles

21.99% - 28.99% Variable

Frequent United Airlines customers will appreciate that the United Quest℠ Card comes with an annual up to $125 United credit, rewards on travel and dining and travel protections such as primary car rental coverage and trip cancellation insurance.

This card rewards your loyalty. You can earn up to 10,000 miles in award flight credits per year, starting after your first cardmember anniversary, for booking eligible award flights with your miles. You’ll also earn 25 Premier Qualifying Points for every $500 in net purchases (including purchases made by authorized users) up to a maximum of 6,000 PQPs, in a calendar year.

The annual fee on the United Quest is more than double the average airline card.

This card will likely appeal to United flyers who want above-average benefits but aren’t interested in committing to an ultra-premium card.

Ben Luthi

Don’t let the card’s annual fee scare you off. Even if you’re not a frequent flyer, the perks can make this card worth your while, and the rewards rates are better compared to most airline cards.

  • Up to $125 annual United purchase credit
  • Earn up to two 5,000-mile award flight credits annually
  • Two free checked bags for cardholder and a companion traveling on the same reservation
  • Earn up to 6,000 Premier Qualifying Points per calendar year
  • Primary auto collision damage waiver for eligible rentals
  • Checked baggage benefit only applies to one companion
  • Earnings for general purchases are only 1 mile per dollar
  • Earn 60,000 bonus miles and 500 PQP after qualifying purchases
  • Earn 3 miles per $1 spent on United® purchases
  • Earn 2 miles per $1 spent on all other travel, dining and select streaming services
  • Earn 1 mile per $1 spent on all other purchases
  • Free first and second checked bags – a savings of up to $360 per roundtrip (terms apply) – and priority boarding
  • Up to a $125 United® purchase credit and up to 10,000 miles in award flight credits each year (terms apply)
  • Earn up to 6,000 Premier qualifying points per calendar year (25 PQP for every $500 you spend on purchases)

Best Hotel Credit Card

The world of hyatt credit card.

Up to 9X Reward Rate

Earn up to 9 points total per $1 spent at Hyatt - 4 bonus points per $1 on qualified purchases Read More

Up to 60,000 Bonus Points

21.49% - 28.49% variable

While Hyatt doesn’t have an extensive network of properties compared to other chains, the value offered by The World of Hyatt Credit Card is outstanding. If you’re a regular at Hyatt, a combination of high redemption values, sweet perks and one free night per year easily covers the annual fee and then some.

The card comes with five qualifying night credits, but cardholders can earn more through card spending to work their way up the elite ladder.

The automatic Discoverist elite status for cardholders is, frankly, uninspiring.

This card is designed for Hyatt enthusiasts looking to earn extra points and work toward status.

For many Hyatt loyalists, earning Globalist status each year is a priority and this card can help them get there faster by providing five elite night credits annually. Plus the complimentary yearly certificate for a category 1 to 4 Hyatt hotel counts toward elite status too and can offset the card’s annual fee.

  • Annual free night certificate on card member anniversary
  • Complimentary World of Hyatt Discoverist status
  • High redemption values for points
  • Limited number of properties
  • No worthwhile redemption options aside from Hyatt properties
  • Earn up to 60,000 Bonus Points. Earn 30,000 Bonus Points after you spend $3,000 on purchases in your first 3 months from account opening. Plus, up to 30,000 More Bonus Points by earning 2 Bonus Points total per $1 spent in the first 6 months from account opening on purchases that normally earn 1 Bonus Point, on up to $15,000 spent.
  • Enjoy complimentary World of Hyatt Discoverist status for as long as your account is open.
  • Get 1 free night each year after your Cardmember anniversary at any Category 1-4 Hyatt hotel or resort
  • Receive 5 tier qualifying night credits towards status after account opening, and each year after that for as long as your account is open
  • Earn an extra free night at any Category 1-4 Hyatt hotel if you spend $15,000 in a calendar year
  • Earn 2 qualifying night credits towards tier status every time you spend $5,000 on your card
  • Earn up to 9 points total for Hyatt stays – 4 Bonus Points per $1 spent on qualified purchases at Hyatt hotels & up to 5 Base Points per $1 from Hyatt as a World of Hyatt member
  • Earn 2 Bonus Points per $1 spent at restaurants, on airline tickets purchased directly from the airlines, on local transit and commuting and on fitness club and gym memberships

Here's a Summary of the Best Travel Credit Cards

Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

Best Travel Credit Cards Methodology

Forbes Advisor considered dozens of airline, hotel and flexible-rewards credit cards to create this list of the best travel credit cards. The primary factors taken into consideration for all types were:

  • Estimated annual earnings—25% to 50% depending on card category
  • Welcome bonus—15% to 25% depending on card category
  • Travel benefits—15% to 25% depending on card category
  • Annual fee—5% to 15% depending on card category
  • Consumer benefits—0% to 10% depending on card category
  • Foreign transaction fee—0% to 5% depending on card category

Hotel earnings rate was weighted 25% for hotel credit cards and airline earnings rate was weighted 15% for airline credit cards.

Forbes Advisor rates cards both as stand-alone products (the card rating on the review) and compared to others in a specific use case. Sometimes, cards with average stand-alone ratings may still rank highly on a particular list according to how a person looking for a card in that category may value certain card features.

For instance, a card that might be considered mediocre overall could be the top card on a list of rewards cards with no annual fee. That’s because the card might offer limited features compared to other rewards cards, but after we remove cards that charge an annual fee, it’s the best card that remains.

Forbes Advisor uses data from multiple government agencies to determine how much a typical cardholder might spend. We use the same numbers for cards in the same category to make sure we are comparing cards the same way. The bonus categories for spending included with each card are factored into our determination of how many rewards a cardholder could expect to earn if they use the card as a consumer normally would.

Each Forbes Advisor credit card list is reevaluated at least every 12 months to determine if any cards need to be added and/or removed. However, a list could be updated sooner if significant changes are made to the mentioned cards or if a new credit card is announced that’s likely to impact the category.

To learn more about our rating and review methodology and editorial process, check out our guide on how Forbes Advisor rates credit cards .

Complete Guide to Travel Credit Cards

Best travel credit card deals right now, what is a travel credit card, how do travel credit cards work, types of travel credit cards, co-branded travel cards vs. general travel cards, pros and cons of travel credit cards, how many travel credit cards should i have, how to compare travel credit cards, evaluating airline credit cards, evaluating hotel credit cards, how to maximize credit card points for travel.

  • Travel Rewards Cards in the News

Are Travel Credit Cards Worth It?

Frequently asked questions (faqs).

If you want to replenish your stash of points to work towards booking your next dream trip, you may want to know which travel credit cards have the highest-value welcome bonuses right now. Below are the airline, hotel and flexible rewards travel cards with the highest welcome offers. Keep in mind that annual fees and additional benefits will vary, often significantly, so weigh the pros and cons of a particular card beyond just the bonus before you apply.

Top Travel Credit Card Offers

A travel credit card is a card that earns rewards on travel. Rewards may be earned in the form of airline miles, hotel points or flexible points that can be transferred to partners or applied towards travel charges.

Many travel credit cards also come with additional benefits such as free checked bags, priority boarding, elite status, access to airport lounges and even discounts on hotels or rental cars. Some cards offer welcome bonuses when you meet an initial purchase threshold, which can provide a nice cache of points or miles to help you start redeeming for valuable rewards. The best travel cards also charge no foreign transaction fees, which means there is no extra charge from the credit card company to make purchases abroad.

Credit cards with travel benefits can be an awesome resource, but don’t get fooled into thinking you need them all. Focus on cards that provide a good balance of benefits and costs to fit your specific needs. Otherwise, you’re paying annual fees for no reason.

– Becky Pokora , Credit Card Rewards Expert

A travel rewards credit card accrues miles or points for each purchase made with the card. Every card has a different earning and redemption structure.

  • A co-branded card , like one labeled with Marriott or Southwest, will earn rewards in the specifically named travel brand.
  • General travel cards may instead earn flexible bank points, like those you see with Chase Ultimate Rewards® or American Express Membership Rewards® .

Here’s how credit card points and miles work:

  • Earn rewards when you make purchases. Nearly all purchases on a card will earn rewards at the rate specified by the card. Rates may vary based on the type of purchase.
  • Rewards are deposited into your account. Most cards update your rewards balance once per month, after your billing statement closes. On co-branded cards, travel rewards are typically deposited into your existing airline or hotel account automatically. On general travel cards, you’ll most likely have a bank of points where rewards pool.
  • Consider your reward options. Airline and hotel point values often are variable, which means that the value of a point may fluctuate depending on the specific redemption. Before you make a redemption, ensure that you’re happy with the value of your specific reward.
  • Make a redemption. Once you’ve chosen a redemption option, you’ll need to follow the specific direction to request your reward. Depending on the type of redemption, you might request this through your card issuer through their travel portal or your preferred travel partner.

There are many other intricacies to redeeming miles and points , so if you’re not confident on all your options, you’ll want to review the opportunities from your program before committing to a redemption.

Not all travel credit cards are alike. Here’s how the various types break down, so you can choose which type of rewards card is best for your unique circumstances.

Transferable Rewards Credit Cards

These types of credit cards earn rewards that can be transferred to other programs, like airline or hotel loyalty programs. Transferable rewards include Capital One Rewards , Bilt Rewards , Brex Rewards , Chase Ultimate Rewards® , American Express Membership Rewards , Wells Fargo Rewards and Citi ThankYou® Points .

Airline Credit Cards

Airline credit cards earn miles that can be used to redeem for future purchases with that airline. You can also use that airline’s miles to book flights on partners, which may yield more award opportunities. Some common airline credit card extras may include free checked baggage, priority boarding, a TSA PreCheck® or Global Entry application fee credit and airport lounge access. If you’re able to max out these extras, the perks can often be worth more than the annual fee.

Hotel Credit Cards

With hotel cards, you’ll earn rewards in the hotel’s currency, like Marriott Bonvoy points , Hilton Honors points or World of Hyatt points , which are redeemable towards any eligible hotel property under that brand’s umbrella. Some cards also confer automatic elite status upon ownership, which comes with benefits that can range from late check-out to free breakfast to room upgrades. Additionally, many cards also offer one night free annually every year you renew your card membership, as well as other perks such as airport lounge access.

Fixed-Value Credit Cards

Credit card points may often have a fixed-value when redeemed for things like cash back or travel, where the issuer publishes the cash value per point. For example, a card may offer a value of a penny per point when redeemed for any valid travel purchase. Fixed-value points currencies can also vary by redemption type. For example, points on a card might be worth 1.5 cents each when redeemed for travel rewards, but only be worth 1 cent each when redeemed for cash back.

Business Credit Cards for Travel

If you’re traveling for work and you want to keep your business expenses separate from your personal expenses, a travel business credit card may be worth considering. Business credit cards for travel function the same as consumer credit cards for travel, although the business versions often offer different earning rates and perks, as well as a different annual fee structure.

To learn more about the best co-branded credit cards, see our guides below:

  • Best American Airlines Credit Cards
  • Best Delta Credit Cards
  • Best Southwest Credit Cards
  • Best United Credit Cards
  • Best Hyatt Credit Cards
  • Best Marriott Credit Cards

Ask an Expert

Is it better to choose a flexible travel rewards card or one branded to a specific airline or hotel?

Yanely Espinal

Credit Cards Expert

Clint Proctor

Credit Cards Lead Editor

Becky Pokora

Credit Cards Writer

If I had to choose, I’d say flexible travel rewards because it allows for much more versatility in your redemption options beyond just flights and hotel stays. But the best approach is to have both. You can maximize benefits from each card type by earning rewards across all of the spending you normally do, while getting perks with your favorite travel providers at the same time.

Since I’m not particularly loyal to any airline or hotel, I prefer the flexibility of general travel cards. I especially appreciate travel cards that offer transfers to travel partners. With flexible rewards, I can access 10 to 20 or more loyalty programs from a single card. This increases my chances of being able to take advantage of the best award deals that are available for my next trip.

I love that most co-branded travel cards include benefits when booking with that brand. Free night certificates on hotel cards and free checked bags with airlines are valuable perks. Plus, even though earning a single type of point might seem limited, big hotel chains have more than a dozen brand choices and airlines may have 10 or more alliance partners, so you’ll still find plenty of versatility.

What is the most underrated benefit of travel credit cards that is often overlooked?

Jerod Morales

Credit Cards Editor

Credit Cards And Loyalty Programs Expert

Some of the benefits of travel cards I rely on that don’t get much attention are the travel and purchase protections. I always make sure to book travel with a card that includes things like trip cancellation/interruption insurance, trip delay protection and lost or delayed baggage benefits. It’s not always a substitute for separate travel insurance, but it can go a long way to getting compensation when travel goes awry.

I feel cellphone insurance is overlooked by some travelers and followed by travel insurance coverage. Many credit cards even cover the trip if you just pay taxes on a reward ticket.

Free nights, big bonuses and statement credits get all the attention but one perk that goes unnoticed is the option to add authorized users to your card account at a reduced cost (or even free). That extends benefits like airport lounge access to a household member, even if they’re not traveling with you.

The number of travel credit cards you should have depends on how often you travel, which benefits you value, your financial situation and whether you’re willing to spend time tracking multiple cards. Frequent travelers can find value in holding at least one travel card, but may consider holding several. For example, having both an airline card and a hotel card can provide complementary benefits and the ability to earn rewards for all aspects of your travel plans.

Personally, the vast majority of my spending is split between three credit cards in order to maximize earning rates, in different purchase categories. However, I also have three other travel cards that I primarily carry for the benefits—annual free hotel nights and extra award flight inventory make my travels more affordable.

– Becky Pokora , Credit Cards Writer

When comparing travel credit cards, items to consider include:

1. Annual fee

The annual fee on credit cards ranges from zero to several hundred dollars. In general, the more expensive the card, the richer the perks and rewards.

2. Foreign transaction fee

Foreign transaction fees can be an additional 2% to 3% surcharge when making transactions in other currencies, such as when you’re traveling abroad. The best no foreign transaction fee cards avoid this surcharge.

3. Sign-up bonus

One time offers to new cardholders can be extremely lucrative and an important factor in which cards appeal to you.

4. Rewards rate

Different cards have different earning rates, both in the amount you earn with every purchase and what form the rewards are provided in—points, miles or cash back.

5. International acceptance

When traveling outside of the United States, Visa and Mastercard tend to be more widely accepted than American Express or other cards. Because of this, international travelers may wish to pick their card type accordingly.

6. Travel protections

Included travel insurance could save you money compared to separately purchased policies, but won’t necessarily be comprehensive . If you travel often, it might be worth specifically seeking out the best credit cards with travel insurance .

Benefits might range from airport lounge access to statement credit reimbursements for certain purchases.

When choosing between two similar cards, it’s savvy to look for the less known credit card perks like luggage protection and travel delay insurance. These protections reimburse you up to a certain amount for lost or missing luggage and/or cover the cost of meals and lodging when your flight gets delayed more than a certain number of hours.

– Yanely Espinal , Credit Card Expert

Airline credit cards typically earn frequent flyer miles on every purchase. Co-branded airline cards also frequently come with perks while traveling, like free checked bags, enhanced award space or lounge access. They may also help you achieve elite status more easily.

When evaluating the best airline credit cards , think about:

  • Earning rates. Many airline credit cards don’t offer elevated earnings on categories other than airline spending, so you’ll need to choose carefully if that’s important to you.
  • Perks while flying. Typically, only cards with an annual fee include benefits while flying such as priority boarding or complimentary checked bags.
  • Elite-qualifying bonuses. Some cards include bonus elite-qualifying miles when hitting spending thresholds, which can further enhance your flying experience.
  • Companion fares. Some airline cards offer the opportunity to earn a companion certificate, which allows you to bring a second traveler on your trip for a reduced price.

Additionally, redeeming frequent flyer miles can be more complicated than requesting cash back or other types of rewards. Though using miles for award flights can lead to tremendous value, you’ll need to learn the ropes of the program.

Hotel credit cards earn points toward future free stays, but this is one case where the benefits can often outshine rewards. More often than not, hotel cards come with automatic elite status, as well as a fast track to even higher levels of status. Plus, annual free night certificates or statement credits add even more to their value proposition.

Many hotel loyalty programs offer multiple co-branded cards to choose from, making it even more important to compare the characteristics of an individual card. It’s not uncommon for a single hotel brand to offer a no-annual-fee card, a mid-tier card and a premium card—each with different earning rates and benefits.

When evaluating hotel credit cards, consider:

  • Elite status offers. Generally speaking, cards with higher annual fees may automatically bump you to higher elite status levels, which can be invaluable for frequent stays.
  • Free night certificates. Many, but not all, hotel cards offer free night certificates either upon renewal of your card or when hitting spending thresholds. Each certificate may come with restrictions on when or where you can redeem it, so compare fine print.
  • Earning rates. Hotel cards may offer huge multipliers on bonus categories, allowing you to earn five to 10 times on certain purchases. However, keep expectations in check: Hotel points may not be worth a full penny per point.
  • Statement credits. Some cards may include statement credits toward eligible purchases made at hotels and resorts or even on airline fees or restaurant purchases, which can be valuable, but you’ll need to actually use them.

The best way to make the most of your credit card is to use a card that aligns with your spending patterns.

  • Choose a card that offers bonus points in spending categories meaningful to you
  • Credit card pairings can maximize your earnings by pooling points from two or more cards that have different bonus categories
  • Use your credit card instead of cash or debit when possible

Airline and Hotel Rewards Loyalty Programs

Understanding how to get the most out of the points and miles you earn from your travel credit card goes hand-in-hand with using the loyalty programs offered by most airlines and hotel brands. It’s free to join and you can belong to as many loyalty programs as you like. Typically, when you sign up for a co-branded credit card affiliated with a particular brand, you’ll automatically become a member of the loyalty program if you aren’t already.

Track Your Credit Card Points and Miles Earnings

Tracking your spending allows you to make sure that every time you make a purchase, you’re using the card that earns the most rewards. This means knowing which card to use in which scenario based on how a particular merchant codes the purchase .

For example, if you own two credit cards, one that earns high rewards on dining and one co-branded airline card, it might not make sense to use the airline card to pay your restaurant tab since the dining card likely earns more rewards. You can do this by various methods as complicated as creating a spreadsheet or as simple as putting stickers on each card to remind you when to use it.

How To Use Credit Card Points for Travel

Beyond earning rewards, there are strategies to get the most value when it comes time to redeem your rewards, too. When you’re ready to cash in your travel rewards, there’s generally two ways to do it.

You can plan the itinerary you want and use your rewards to fully or partially off-set the cost. Or, you can research to see where the rewards you have can be used to get the most bang for your buck. Now, American Express is making it easier for some cardmembers to redeem miles for flights due to a partnership with .

Find The Best Credit Cards For 2024

No single credit card is the best option for every family, every purchase or every budget. We've picked the best credit cards in a way designed to be the most helpful to the widest variety of readers.

Travel Rewards Cards In the News

  • IHG One Rewards is presenting one of their best ever offers for new cardholders. This is your chance to earn free night certificates toward your next trip.
  • Small businesses wishing to earn travel rewards should look into a limited time offer on the Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card —you could earn an upgraded bonus of 120,000 bonus points after spending $8,000 on purchases in the first three months from account opening.
  • You can extend the value of your travel rewards with these transfer bonuses in August 2024.

Best Small and Mid-Sized Cities to Redeem Travel Rewards

It’s been a busy year for air travel, with a new high of 3,013,413 travelers screened by TSA checkpoints on July 7, 2024. Given unprecedented travel levels and rising costs, rewards are a valuable resource for covering the price of travel.

Forbes Advisor compared data on more than 20 metrics for 62 of the most-traveled small and mid-sized cities to reveal the best cities for redeeming points and miles. Of these, Tampa tops the list for being most accessible when paying with rewards, with two other Floridian cities rounding out the top three. Kona, Hawaii ranks at the bottom.

Top 5 Best Small to Mid-Sized Cities for Redeeming Points and Miles

1. tampa, fl.

Tampa’s score: 100 out of 100

When looking at nonstop route coverage and flight volume across five major U.S. airlines, Tampa ranks the highest, regardless of your preferred carrier. The city also ranked third-highest for hotel availability across the six major hotel groups ( Marriott, IHG, Hilton, Hyatt, Choice and Wyndam). It has over 263 hotels to choose from when redeeming points, ranging from luxe stays to more value-oriented options.

2. Orlando, FL

Orlando’s score: 99.4 out of 100

Catching a flight to Orlando should be easy even during peak travel periods as it ranks second-highest for flight availability in small and mid-sized cities. Redeeming points for a hotel stay is also simple, with 333 available hotels to choose from across six hotel groups. The combination of options on both flights and hotels puts it second on our list.

3. Fort Lauderdale, FL

Fort Lauderdale’s score: 83.9 out of 100

Travelers will have no issue securing a flight to Fort Lauderdale as it ranked third-highest for flight availability. The city ranked seventh-highest for hotel availability and is covered by all six of the major hotel groups. It has 287 total hotels to choose from within those groups. As a bonus, the ease of redeeming points for a trip to Fort Lauderdale may make it a worthy alternative to trips to Miami, less than 30 miles away.

4. Raleigh-Durham, NC

Raleigh/Durham’s score: 74.0 out of 100

If you’re looking to book a trip outside of Florida using points and miles, your best bet is the Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina. Travelers flying in will have multiple options for airfare, as it ranks sixth-highest for this category based on availability for flights from the six busiest airports nationwide by scheduled airline capacity as of May 2024 according to the most recent data from OAG Aviation Worldwide, a flight data analytics company. The city ranks 11th-highest for hotel availability with 170 hotels to choose from.

5. Minneapolis, MN

Minneapolis’ score: 70.7 out of 100

Travelers looking to redeem their miles for a trip to Minneapolis will be happy to know that it ranked within the top 15 for the flight availability category. The city also tied for fifth place for hotel availability and is covered by all six of the largest hotel groups, with 237 total hotels that accept point redemptions.


To uncover the small and mid-sized cities where it is easiest to redeem points and miles, Forbes Advisor looked at the 100 most traveled destinations nationwide (based on the number of domestic air passengers in 2023) and excluded the 25 largest cities and the principal cities of the 15 largest metropolitan areas. 

We analyzed the remaining 62 cities across 22 metrics spanning four categories and using the weights described below:

  • Flight coverage 
  • Flight availability
  • Hotel coverage
  • Hotel availability

For the flight-related metrics, data came from each airline's booking portal. This included United Airlines, American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Southwest Airlines and JetBlue Airways. We considered round-trip flights from Friday, July 26 to Sunday, July 28, using the country’s six busiest airports (by passenger boarding volume): ATL, DFW, DEN,  LAX, ORD and JFK. 

Data for hotel coverage and volume comes from with a check-in date of Friday, July 26 and a check-out date of Sunday, July 28.

Flight Coverage (15% of total score)

  • Star Alliance Carriers (3% of total score)
  • OneWorld Carriers (3% of total score)
  • Skyteam Carriers (3% of total score)
  • Southwest (3% of total score)
  • JetBlue (3% of total score)

Flight Availability by Volume (35% of total score)

  • Number of Flights from Star Alliance Carriers (7% of total score)
  • Number of Flights from OneWorld Carriers (7% of total score)
  • Number of Flights from Skyteam Carriers (7% of total score)
  • Number of Flights from Southwest (7% of total score)
  • Number of Flights from JetBlue (7% of total score) 

Hotel Coverage (15% of total score)

  • Presence of Marriott group hotels (2.50% of total score)
  • Presence of IHG group hotels (2.50% of total score)
  • Presence of Hilton group hotels (2.50% of total score)
  • Presence of Hyatt group hotels (2.50% of total score)
  • Presence of Choice group hotels (2.50% of total score)
  • Presence of Wyndham group hotels (2.50% of total score)

Hotel Availability by Volume (35% of total score)

  • Number of Marriott group hotels (5.83% of total score)
  • Number of IHG group hotels (5.83% of total score)
  • Number of Hilton group hotels (5.83% of total score)
  • Number of Hyatt group hotels (5.83% of total score)
  • Number of Choice group hotels (5.83% of total score)
  • Number of Wyndham group hotels (5.83% of total score)

Generally speaking, yes, travel credit cards are worth it —if you’ll use the benefits. Travel rewards credit cards can be a strategic addition to your finances, if you travel with any regularity. You’ll be able to earn rewards on every purchase and later redeem those rewards toward future trips—often at a higher yield than cash back. Many travel cards also include benefits to enhance your travel experience along the way to add even more value.

To view rates and fees for The Platinum Card® from American Express please visit this page . To view rates and fees for American Express® Gold Card please visit this page . For Capital One products listed on this page, some of the benefits may be provided by Visa® or Mastercard® and may vary by product. See the respective Guide to Benefits for details, as terms and exclusions apply.

Is it a good idea to use a credit card when traveling?

Paying by credit card can be a smart idea while traveling since it offers additional protections compared to paying with cash or debit card. You might also earn rewards on your purchases by paying by card. Before traveling internationally, check to see whether or not your credit card charges a foreign transaction fee. If it does, every transaction will cost you a little extra (usually around 3%). The best travel cards don’t charge this fee.

What is the easiest travel credit card to get?

Most travel credit cards require good to excellent credit scores. However, generally speaking, travel cards with no annual fee are typically easier to be approved for than the ultra-premium travel cards with high annual fees.

What is the best credit card with travel insurance?

Forbes Advisor’s best credit cards for travel insurance list has a variety of cards offering solid travel insurance. Although you shouldn’t get a credit card for this feature alone, it can be a useful money-saving extra. Credit cards that offer travel insurance tend to have high annual fees, so keep this in mind when weighing whether or not you are likely to use the feature.

What is the best card for international travel?

Many credit cards are well suited for international travel. You want to make sure that the card has no foreign transaction fees . It also helps if the card’s points are suitable for the locations where you wish to travel. For instance, if you want to go to Asia, an airline card co-branded with a U.S.-based airline that doesn’t fly to Asia, like Southwest, won’t help you.

How can you travel for free with credit cards?

Travel with credit card points can save you a lot of money on travel compared to paying full price. A combination of welcome bonus offers and the rewards you earn from everyday spending can add up to hundreds of dollars in value toward free travel. However, you’ll need to learn the rules of your specific program to maximize travel points and get the most possible value.

Included statement credits or card benefits can also help you travel for free. Premium credit cards may offer annual credits toward the purchase of select travel, effectively serving as a rebate. Alternatively, you might have airline companion certificates or hotel free night certificates, which work more like a coupon.

Other Credit Cards To Be Considered

  • Best Business Credit Cards for Travel
  • Best Travel Credit Cards For Fair Credit

*The information for the following card(s) has been collected independently by Forbes Advisor: American Express® Green Card, U.S. Bank Altitude® Reserve Visa Infinite® Card, Bilt World Elite Mastercard®, Avianca LifeMiles American Express Elite Card, Marriott Bonvoy Boundless® Credit Card . The card details on this page have not been reviewed or provided by the card issuer.

Becky Pokora

With more than 50 million redeemed miles under her belt, Becky Pokora is a rewards travel expert. She's been writing about credit cards and reward travel since 2011 with articles on Forbes Advisor, BoardingArea, The Points Guy and more. Her redemptions have helped her travel to more than 50 countries and all seven continents.

Clint Proctor

Clint Proctor is a lead editor with the credit cards and travel rewards team at Forbes Advisor. He has five years of experience in personal finance journalism and has contributed to a variety of leading national publishers including Business Insider and MyFICO. Clint has redeemed millions of credit card points and miles to book budget-friendly travel and is passionate about helping others do the same.

Yanely Espinal

Yanely Espinal is the director of educational outreach for Next Gen Personal Finance, a nonprofit working to ensure that every high school student gets a full semester of personal finance education—including lessons in proper credit card usage—before graduation. She is often described as a ball of energy, with a gift for storytelling, and a passion for explaining credit cards and other financial concepts in a straightforward way.   While working as an elementary school teacher, Yanely decided to change her financial life by paying off $20,000 of debt in just 18 months. In 2015 she created MissBeHelpful, a YouTube channel and social media platform that now has over 5 million views, to help others learn the money skills she never learned in school. Some of her most popular videos on the channel include “5 Things to Consider When Applying for a Credit Card” and “When To Pay Your Credit Card Bill and Increase Your Credit Score.”   Her book, “Mind Your Money,” is an Amazon bestseller and was a Plutus Award finalist for Best New Personal Finance Book of 2023. She hosts Financially Inclined from Marketplace, a video podcast for teens about money lessons for living life your own way. Yanely is also a member of CNBC's Financial Wellness Advisory Council and an Advocate at the NGPF Mission 2030 Fund.  

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(650 - 699)

(700 - 749)

(750 - 850)

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{{ card['advertiser-name'] }}

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    Egypt and South Africa both dropped COVID-19 travel restrictions in June. Now could be the time to visit the Great Pyramid of Giza, the oldest and last remaining of the original seven world ...

  9. Best Places to Go in 2022

    Charleston, South Carolina. Charleston will honor its African roots in a big way in 2022. The long-awaited International African American Museum is slated to open in the fall, and will examine the ...

  10. Lonely Planet names the best destinations for 2022

    8. Merida, Mexico. 9. Florence, Italy. 10. Gyeongju, South Korea. In 1973, young British couple Tony and Maureen Wheeler published a guidebook entitled "Across Asia on The Cheap.". Little did ...

  11. The 25 Top World Destinations To Visit In 2022 According To ...

    Best Of Nature. Elephants from Caprivi Strip, Bwabwata, Kwando, Mudumu National Park, Namibia. Photo: Radek Borovka, Alamy Stock Photo. The Caprivi Strip in Namibia: A narrow finger of land that ...

  12. Where to Go in 2022: The Most Exciting Destinations to ...

    If 2021 was the year of diving headfirst back into travel, 2022 is the year travelers will be planning their trips more thoughtfully than ever before. ... Qatar is currently the most buzzing place in the Middle East. Hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup, the country's infrastructure has been growing at a rate that warrants several visits simply to ...

  13. The Best Places to Travel in 2022

    Mount Desert Island's lake and ponds are another plus. For most of the summer, you can jump off the rocks at Echo Lake Ledges or hike to the distant parts of Long Pond, where you'll be rewarded with crystal clear water and, often, few other swimmers in sight. —Sally Kohn. 7. Houston, Texas.

  14. 23 Places to Travel Without a Passport from the US (in 2024)

    Puerto Rico is among the best places to visit without a passport from the US. The Latin American island is the largest US territory, with flights landing in San Juan daily from most major airport hubs in the United States. The diversity of experiences is endless once you're in Puerto Rico.

  15. Where to Go in 2022

    So it may not be surprising, then, that of all the places Dominic Bradbury, author of Atlas of Interior Design, is excited to visit in 2022, it's a little town in Indiana that's on the top of ...

  16. Lonely Planet's Best in Travel 2022

    As the pandemic continues to impact an ever-shifting patchwork of places around the world, we're working hard to balance travel and safety, and a sense of caution alongside our sense of wanderlust. As such, our 2022 list is as much a bucket list for the future as it is a to-visit list for right now.

  17. 50 Places to Travel in 2022 (Best Emerging Destinations)

    50 Emerging Places to Travel in 2022. 1. Querétaro, Mexico. Move over Valle de Guadalupe, there's a new Napa Valley of Mexico. Travel Lemming's Photography Editor Clara in Queretaro. Winemaking is absolutely booming in this quiet Mexican state, thanks to Querétaro's many microclimates.

  18. 9 Best Places To Travel In 2022 According To Experts

    According to our recent State of Travel survey, Italy was the number one international destination that our readers want to visit in 2022. Trafalgar's top 15 trips for 2022 thus far are all European itineraries, with the 13-day Best of Italy tour taking the number 1 spot.

  19. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in St. Petersburg (2024)

    4. Chihuly Collection. 2,417. Art Museums. In the heart of the Arts District, discover a captivating collection of glass art alongside live glass blowing demonstrations, featuring a garden of sculptural glass and interactive exhibits. See ways to experience (2) 2024. 5. Duncan McClellan Gallery.

  20. 15 Best Warm Places to Travel to This Winter

    Kyoto Is One of the Best Places to Travel in 2023 — and Winter Is an Underrated Time to Visit 11 Best Places to Travel in December 7 Best Winter Lodges in the U.S.

  21. Lord Sainsbury note criticizing National Gallery wing found by

    British grocery store magnate Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover hid a critical note inside a column at the National Gallery's Sainsbury Wing.

  22. The 22 Best Places To Travel In 2022, According To Ovation ...

    4. Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Why: Dubai has all the glitz and glamour, with its world-renowned restaurants and sunny beaches. "Dubai has the culture of the Middle East and the desert ...

  23. Trump criticizes Harris, Biden over Afghanistan withdrawal on 3-year

    Trump laid wreaths to mark the Kabul airport attack that killed 13 U.S. soldiers as he continues to slam the Biden-Harris White House over Afghanistan withdrawal.

  24. The perfect St Petersburg 2-day itinerary

    2 days in St Petersburg: the perfect itinerary. The names that people in Russia call St Petersburg often give visitors the wrong impression. "Venice of the North" makes it sound dainty, when around its elegant streets and mesmerising art is a chaotic city of five million people. "Window to Europe" doesn't fit either, as its days of looking at ...

  25. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in St. Petersburg (2024)

    4. The State Museum St. Isaac's Cathedral. 10,345. Speciality Museums. This gold-domed, ornate, 19th-century cathedral is the third largest domed cathedral in the world, and offers visitors a 300-step climb to a spectacular view of the city. 5. Catherine Palace and Park.

  26. Brock Purdy the saving grace of the 2022 NFL Draft class

    The 2022 NFL Draft will go down as one of the worst quarterback classes of all-time, and their only saving grace from that year may just be Mr. Irrelevant himself in Brock Purdy. Purdy's successes ...

  27. St. Petersburg Travel Guide

    Summers are generally cool but pleasant, with low temperatures dropping to the 50s and highs hovering around 70 degrees, so be sure to pack accordingly. Traveling to St. Petersburg in the winter ...

  28. Canada wildfires emitted more carbon than most countries last year

    So many trees burned during Canada's wildfires last year that the forest emitted more carbon than most countries' fossil fuel emissions for 2022, a new study found.

  29. Arlington National Cemetery officials confirm an 'incident' during

    Arlington National Cemetery on Tuesday confirmed an incident took place when former President Donald Trump visited there Monday to commemorate the third anniversary of the Abbey Gate attacks in ...

  30. 15 Best Travel Credit Cards Of September 2024

    Best Travel Rewards Credit Cards. Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card: Best Travel Credit Card for Beginners; Citi Strata Premier℠ Card: Best Everyday Earnings with Travel Redemptions; Capital One ...