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A List of the Top Missionary Trips to Africa

Missions / February 11, 2020 by Julia Oates

During my high school years, I had the opportunity to visit Uganda, Africa, for two different mission trips. The time I spent in Africa lit a passion in my heart for missions. I was able to experience a new culture and get a small taste of what life on the mission field is like.

Recently, I had a friend ask me about my trips to Uganda. She wanted to find an organization that she could partner with to go on a mission trip to Africa. I helped her find different organizations she could use to take a trip. This is what I found while researching mission trips to Africa.

1. Experience Mission

Experience Mission offers mission trips to countries around the world, including in South Africa. They offer mission trips to Cape Town and Pretoria, South Africa year-round. For Experience, they want people who go on a mission trip through them to build relationships.

They are less focused on the agenda and more focused on the mission team building relationships while they are they. They also want members of the mission team to have the opportunity to hear other people’s stories and have the opportunity to share their testimony as well.

When teams do projects, such as building a school, they involve the local people. This allows the mission team to be working alongside the people in the community. This is one-way Experience is working to build relationships while on a short term mission trip.

Activities while serving in South Africa could include:

  • Leading a children’s ministry program, preparing lesson materials for a preschool
  • Leading a school classroom
  • Helping sort clothing and food items
  • Serving alongside homeless men and women in Pretoria

You can learn more about ministry opportunities here . Experience mission is giving people of all ages the opportunity to experience a short-term mission trip in Africa and other places around the world.

Live your mission. -Experince Mission’s Moto

2. Arise Africa

Arise Africa is working to bring the Gospel to Zambia, Africa. They do this by helping support people in the community. Here are a few ways Arise Africa is working to help people in Zambia:

  • Arise homes – A safe and loving place for children without parents to live
  • Christian schools – Arise is planting schools around Zambia to help provide education to the children in Zambia.
  • Feeding program – A program for children in local schools which provides them with healthy meals.
  • School supplies – Arise helps to supply schools with chairs, chalkboards, notebooks, and more.

They also offer mission trips to Zambia. They typically offer two-week mission trips year-round. People ages 5+ are welcome to join a trip. All people under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

Each trip has a different focus. For example, one trip may be focused on painting projects whereas another is focused on working in a school or putting on a VBS for children. You can learn more about current mission trips and what the focus of the trip will be here .

If you are unable to attend a mission trip but you would still like to help support Arise Africa’s mission, you could consider becoming a child sponsor. By sponsoring a child, you are helping to provide a child with an education, meals, clothing, medical care, and a Christian environment. You can learn more about sponsoring a child here .

Arise Africa is an organization committed to serving and partnering with the people in Zambia. You can be apart of what God is doing in Zambia by visiting them on a short term mission trip. Arise Africa is making the name of Jesus known in Zambia.

Arise Africa is committed to helping individuals live a life that God desires for all mankind by assisting with spiritual, economic, and physical poverty. We strive to empower others through the truth and love of Jesus Christ to become responsible, independent, and self-sustaining individuals. -Arise Africa’s Mission

3. Love Africa Mission

Love Africa Mission is working to provide people with the opportunity to experience mission work in Africa. They are currently working in Uganda, Zambia, Kenya, and Rwanda. Love Africa Mission wants to partner with people in bringing the love of Jesus to Africa. They want people who go on trips with them to share the love of Jesus to the African people. They believe this experience will change your life.

africa missionary trips

While on a trip with Love Africa Mission, you have the chance to work alongside seasoned missionaries in Africa. They will lead and guide you as you do ministry. Their example will inspire you as you see how they love and serve others. You will grow in your relationship with God as you push yourself to do ministry in a new country.

They offer multiple trips throughout the summer to Uganda, Zambia, Kenya, and Rwanda. They also offer a two-month internship where you stay in each one of the four countries. You can learn more about upcoming trips here .

Ministry while serving with Love Africa ministry includes:

  • Working with children in primary school
  • Praying with people in local villages
  • Attending local churches
  • Construction projects

If you would like to see videos of what past trips have been like click here . Love Africa Mission would love to have you on a mission trip. They are dedicated to bringing the love of Jesus Christ to the people in Africa. If you partner with them, you will also have the opportunity to share the love of Jesus in Africa.

Our desire is that every person that serves on a short-term trip with us will come home with a clear vision and a pure passion to serve right where they live. -Love Africa’s Mission

If you’ve ever considered going on a mission trip, I would encourage you to pray about it. Short-term mission trips are an amazing opportunity for you to experience life overseas for a few weeks. Maybe God is leading you to take a trip overseas to Africa or some other part of the world.

For me, going on two short term mission trips to Uganda changed my life. I am now attending a missionary school to become a missionary long term. Africa is the place where I discovered my love and passion for missions. It helped me understand what the Great Commission is and how we all play a part in fulfilling it.

africa missionary trips

I’ll leave you with a story during my second trip to Uganda. I was in Pabo staying with my team in a small village. I had made friends with one of the little girls from the village. The missionaries we were staying with had given me paper and crayons to use with the kids. I started coloring with a little girl (pictured above) sitting on my lap. After a few minutes of us coloring, another child came and starting coloring, then another, and another and pretty soon I was surrounded by kids.

Each child would show me what they drew. Some drew a picture of their family, while others drew the flag of Uganda. Once they had finished their pictures, they one by one started handing them to me. I would tell them what I liked about their picture and tried to give them their drawings back, but they wouldn’t take them back. They wanted me to have their pictures.

I couldn’t believe the generosity these children were showing me. They hardly had anything. They didn’t have crayons and paper. They couldn’t draw a picture anytime they wanted. Yet, they gave me their drawings. It was this moment I felt God leading me to be a missionary teacher. This is one of the reasons why I am pursuing a degree in missions and education. The pictures the children gave me are still in my Bible.

I share this story with you to encourage you as you are considering going on a mission trip to Africa. Going on a trip overseas to do ministry can be scary and may feel overwhelming. Remember that God is with you all the time. He will still be with you when it’s hard.

By going overseas on a mission trip, you are allowing God to use you. You are being a light to others who don’t know Jesus. God can use you to show the love of Jesus to people in Africa.

Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love. -Mother Teresa
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Short-Term Trips : Check out our short-term (8-10 day) mission trips for churches & individuals. Custom trips available for groups of 10+.

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“This was my first mission trip and it literally transformed me and changed my life! I love what Impact Africa is doing for the people of Africa! Before this trip I hadn't ever had a passion for missions or an understanding of how important missions really is! Now I want to live my life for the Gospel! Thank you Impact Africa for impacting me!”

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The Ultimate Guide to Mission Trips to Africa

The Ultimate Guide to Mission Trips to Africa

Short-term mission trips can be life changing.

But where you go and how you prepare makes all the difference. If you’re looking to travel to Africa, whether as a family or with a group, here’s what you need to know.

How do I choose a mission organization?

With a quick search, it’s easy to find a lot of organizations doing a lot of work in Africa! But how do you know which organizations to partner with in your ministry and how do you choose where to go on your trip?

The first step is to make sure it’s a Biblically-sound organization. While there are many organizations focused on the good of individuals and communities around the world, people’s greatest need is spiritual. While physical needs matter deeply, it’s not enough to just care for people’s physical needs without also addressing their need for a savior in Jesus Christ.

1. Support and encourage local workers

Beyond that, if you plan to go on a short term trip, it’s important to find an organization where you can support and encourage local workers who are in the field long term. Mission trips can often do more harm than good if you simply show up, build relationships, and then return home with nobody to continue the work on the ground.

If you come alongside local workers and strengthen them in their work, they can then continue the work after you leave. Because the greater purpose of your trip is to bless the people you interact with in Africa, you don’t want to leave them without resources or support after you return home. By partnering and supporting a local team, your impact will extend far beyond your trip.

2. Build a long term partnership

It can be a wise decision to form a deeper partnership with the organization you visit on your trip. This might be through a child sponsorship or a church partnership that allows you to build long term relationships, offer support to the people who are in the trenches of the ministry, and show that you’re in it for the long haul with them! This type of relationship also allows you to have a clear direction and knowledge of what your team will be doing on the trip. We’ve loved the relationships our local team members have formed with individuals and teams that come on MOHI mission trips!

Do the research, ask the hard questions, and focus on building a long term relationship with a team committed to making a difference in their community. This will result in a better trip for your team and a bigger impact on the people you meet, all for God’s glory.

Considering Partnering with MOHI?

How do I prepare for a mission trip to Africa?

Once you decide where to go and which mission organization to partner with, how do you prepare for your trip, beyond booking your flights and getting vaccinations?

1. Start (and don’t stop) with prayer

The most important thing you can do as you prepare is pray . If God doesn’t go with you on your trip, no amount of preparation will be enough. Take dedicated time to fast and pray, both individually and as a team. If you are traveling with a team, create a prayer list for your team members and their support team leading up to and during the trip. Remind your team of the importance of this in the effectiveness of your ministry! 

2. Learn about the culture

Don’t forget to research the culture and the language of the part of Africa your team is visiting. It is your responsibility to learn as much as you can about the people you will interact with on your trip. What do they enjoy? What conversations should you avoid? Remember that your team is entering into their lives and communities. You are a guest and you should do what you can to educate your team on their culture so you can treat the people you meet with the utmost respect.

This deeper understanding of their history and culture will also help you to see them as children of God to love, rather than people to save. You aren’t their salvation—Jesus is. And coming into a trip with the expectation that you will be able to bring them some sort of salvation apart from God is harmful.

What do you do on a mission trip?

The specifics of a mission trip depend on the organization you work with. That’s another reason to ask questions when you begin your relationship with a mission organization so it’s clear to your team what you will be doing on your trip. However, most trips, like MOHI mission trips, fall into a few different categories: 

  • Children’s Ministry or Education : These trips can look different but might involve running a Vacation Bible School or reading program, volunteering in an orphanage, or teaching children or adults in other capacities.
  • Skills Training : Many organizations incorporate skill training programs into their overall strategy. Join in and teach a skill that helps people build their confidence and empower them to change their lives and families.
  • Medical Missions : These trips focus on meeting the physical needs of people in disadvantaged communities, usually with the help and support of medical professionals.

What should I expect on my trip?

Beyond the day-to-day specifics of your trip, what should you expect from a mission trip to Africa? First, expect to be challenged in your faith and to grow in your love for God and other people. While the main purpose of your trip is to serve others, it’s amazing how much it will impact and change your life, too. As you reflect the servanthood of Jesus, you become more like him and grow to know God more.

“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28  

Mission trips are an amazing opportunity to make a difference for the gospel in the lives of others—and have them make a huge difference in your life as well. By reflecting Christ, stepping outside your comfort zone, and investing in the lives of others, you will learn and grow in new ways.

In fact, you might not want to go home!

A mission trip to Africa or another part of the world can be a great way to live out the Great Commission and Jesus’ command to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

As you look to impact the world for the gospel and share the love of Jesus, never forget how the command in Matthew 28 ends, “ And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. ” God is faithful to use his servants to impact the world and make his glory known! So be challenged and take part in this amazing mission!

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7 Awesome Mission Trips to Africa

  • Resource Library 7 Awesome Mission Trips to Africa

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Sometimes, Christians will joke about following God wherever He leads—as long as He doesn’t call them to Africa. But the truth is, the African continent is a stunning mixture of incredible beauty and devastating need. That’s why many sending organizations have a full slate of mission trips to Africa listed in their short-term, long-term, and career options.

Getting to Know Today’s Africa

While it’s easy to think of Africa as a mysterious place, it’s important to move past stereotypes and examine the facts. For example, Africa is the second largest continent in terms of both land and population. It accounts for about 20% of the world’s land mass (nearly 12 million square miles) and more than 12% of its population (1.2 billion people). Those people are spread across 54 nations, including the islands of Madagascar and Seychelles. More than 1,500 different languages can be heard on the continent.

Geographically, two regions of Africa are divided by the Sahara Desert, one of the largest deserts in the world. Yet, areas of Africa thrive thanks to magnificent rivers (like the Nile) that feed into fertile valleys and forests. The continent is home to both large, modern cities and traditional, rural villages.

Religiously, Africa has a long history with both Christianity and Islam. Many in the more rural regions also practice spiritism and naturalistic religions, along with witchcraft. 

7 Mission Trips to Africa 

All of that information makes mission trips to Africa a vital tool in fulfilling the Great Commission . The combination of a large population and spiritual diversity means that many African people need to hear about Jesus. Plus, so much of Africa is underserved and mired in poverty. It’s a place where opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus abound, especially when it comes to medical missions.

The list below highlights seven organizations that are sponsoring medical mission trips to Africa in 2023. Since the needs are so great, the opportunities are rich. Regardless of your specialty, you can find a place to serve on a mission trip to Africa. 

Pioneer Christian Hospital

This 60-bed hospital is located in the Republic of Congo and exists to share Jesus while making an impact on the overall health of the nation. Pioneer, which serves an area that roughly 300,000 people call home, offers opportunities for both long-term and short-term African mission experiences. Visiting medical missionaries work with Congolese staff members to treat a wide array of medical issues. 

Tenwek Hospital .

The motto of Kenya’s Tenwek Hospital is “We Treat, Jesus Heals.” Founded in 1937, this 361-bed hospital continues to meet the needs of residents in a variety of ways, including dental and optometric services. Tenwek is also a teaching hospital that trains new doctors and has a research emphasis to keep up with important medical advances. Medical missions opportunities are provided in cooperation with hospital partners, like Samaritan’s Purse and World Gospel Mission.

World Medical Mission .

Speaking of Samaritan’s Purse, this North Carolina-based ministry provides additional medical mission trips to Africa through World Medical Mission. The ministry’s Specialty Teams represent a focus on short-term experiences in places like Kenya and Cameroon. Some of these teams share knowledge with local doctors, while others focus on medical equipment and building relationships that could help expand its network of medical facilities. World Medical Mission also has internships and apprenticeships for students.

Cure International .

If you have a heart for children, you will want to look into the African mission trips sponsored by Cure International. With hospitals in seven African nations (Malawi, Ethiopia, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Niger, Zambia, and Kenya), Cure specializes in treating children with disabilities. The surgeries they provide are performed at no cost to the families involved. In addition to medical professionals, Cure also offers opportunities for spiritual ministry and facilities management.  

One World Health .

Mission trips to Africa sponsored by One World Health focus primarily on the nation of Uganda through two kinds of trips. The group’s typical short-term experience—Clinical Outreach Teams—lasts one week and provides support for local hospital staffs. One World Health has three of these trips planned this year, in May, July, and December. The second option is an ongoing project called Partner in Global Health. This trip provides continuing education to local professionals and encourages a four-week commitment.

Global Health Outreach .

As part of the Christian Medical and Dental Associations, Global Health Outreach offers dozens of outreach events each year, including mission trips to Africa. For example, in June a trip to Zambia will focus on orphan care. Because HIV and other illnesses have devastated its adult population, Zambia has the world’s highest orphan rate, despite being only the size of Texas. This trip will bring together medical doctors, dentists, optometrists, nurses, physical therapists, and even non-medical volunteers to meet these needs. In addition, GHO has separate general medical trips to Ghana and northern Africa scheduled for later in the year.

Medical Educators International .

If you’re a teacher at heart, Medical Educators International might be the group for you. Like GHO, Medical Educators International is a ministry of Christian Medical and Dental Associates, but it provides academic and clinical training for indigenous medical staffs. In addition to instructing students on the practical aspects of health care, MEI missionaries also model ways to show the love and compassion of Jesus. In June, MEI is sponsoring a trip to Tanzania to teach medical residents in classroom settings and through hospital rounds.

Follow Your Calling

If you sense God calling you to take part in a mission trip to Africa, you’ve got plenty of options. Your gifts and abilities might be the perfect fit for a missions experience that will change your life and the lives of so many on the other side of the world. 

Accept the challenge. Follow your call. Be Jesus’s hands and feet in Africa this year.

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Medical Missions serves to connect your professional skills and biblical calling to the largest database of healthcare mission organizations, professionals, and thought leadership. Join us at the  Global Missions Health Conference to find your Medical Missions calling. Or, browse our full list of partner organizations to find the right mission for you.

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Mission Trips

Mission Trips

Looking for short-term mission trips with everything organized for you? Every year, International Volunteer HQ supports more than 15,000 people to volunteer abroad on mission trips in 40+ countries around the world. Since 2007, IVHQ has helped more than 138,000 volunteers complete mission trips to Africa , Asia , Europe , South America , Central America , North America , the Caribbean , Middle East , and the Pacific .

IVHQ offers safe, social and fully-supported mission trips for teens , college students , families and individuals at any stage of life, as well as for those seeking summer mission trips and medical mission trips . With long-term and short-term mission trips starting at just $20/day including accommodation, meals and 24/7 in-country support, IVHQ is the world’s leading mission trip organization.

IVHQ offers both short-term and long-term mission trips with durations ranging from 1 to 24 weeks. Through IVHQ, you can choose from a diverse range of volunteer projects to support, inclduing: childcare volunteering , wildlife conservation , environmental conservation , medical volunteering , teaching abroad , and much more. These international volunteer opportunities enable you to support locally-driven projects that uplift under-resourced communities around the world.

If you’re looking to join a mission trip in 2024 or 2025, we’ve outlined IVHQ’s most popular types of mission trips and all the information you need to know to find your perfect mission.

What is a mission trip?

A mission trip is an international volunteering opportunity centered around collaborative efforts with local communities to provide essential support where it is most needed. These trips can be either religious or non-religious in nature, aiming to uplift individuals, local communities, and natural environments across the globe. IVHQ offers inclusive volunteer abroad programs that welcome participants of all ages and life stages.

Through IVHQ’s diverse range of mission trips , individuals can make a tangible impact while fostering new friendships, discovering diverse cultures, and broadening their horizons—all while contributing to the well-being of those who require assistance the most.

Why do people go on mission trips?

Mission trips are a popular way to combine your desire to travel and see with world with your motivation to give back and make a difference in the world. While some people see mission trips as an opportunity to put their faith into action, others go on mission trips for a variety of non-religious reasons, including:

To make a difference: Many people go on mission trips make a positive impact in the world through providing support to communities in a range of different ways. This could involve volunteering to teach English , building schools or homes , providing medical care , volunteering with animals or supporting environmental conservation .

To gain a new perspective: Traveling to a new country and immersing yourself in a different culture can be a life-changing and transformative experience. Mission trips allow you to see the world with fresh eyes and gain a better understanding of different cultures and ways of life.

To meet new people: Mission trips offer an opportunity to connect with people from all around the world. International volunteers work together towards a common goal, often forming life-long friendships and connections along the way.

To get out of your comfort zone : Mission trips are an opportunity to discover a new sense of purpose by stepping out of your comfort zone, discovering new countries and cultures, and living like the locals. This can be equally challenging and rewarding! Taking a mission trip is an opportunity to growth as person, discover your strengths and weaknesses and redefine your purpose in life.

While people go on mission trips for a variety of reasons, at the heart of it is a desire to make a positive impact on the world, connect with others and build a better future together.

Quote from IVHQ Volunteer Ruth Cartwright - Childcare in Sri Lanka

I recently returned from a mission trip to Sri Lanka and it was everything I dreamt it would be. I lived with a family in the jungle next to the longest river in the country, volunteering in a disabled childcare center. I was so happy with the project and had a wonderful - and sometimes challenging - experience. I would recommend this mission trip to anyone who wants to travel alone.

How much does it cost to go on a mission trip?

The cost of going on a mission trip varies depending on the destination and duration of the trip. IVHQ makes mission trips accessible to volunteers worldwide through affordable volunteer program fees and flexible durations.

For example, the cost of a 2-week mission trip with IVHQ to Tanzania is US$415, while a 4-week trip to India is US$585. These costs cover accommodation, meals, airport pick-up, and in-country support from IVHQ’s local team.

Additional costs that volunteers need to consider include the IVHQ registration fee , airfares, travel insurance, and any necessary visas or vaccinations. However, IVHQ provides detailed information and support to help volunteers prepare for their mission trip and manage these additional costs.

It’s worth noting that IVHQ also offers a range of fundraising ideas and resources to help volunteers cover the costs of their trip. For example, volunteers can create a fundraising page via IVHQ’s fundraising partner and share it with friends and family to collect donations.

IVHQ’s fees are transparent and inclusive, making it easy for volunteers to plan and budget for their trip without breaking the bank.

Why do a mission trip with IVHQ?

If you’re looking to join a mission trip, you likely have a social or environmental cause in mind that you’d like to contribute to. Just as you place importance on the program you join, it’s equally as important to choose a responsible mission trip organization.

At IVHQ, we believe that mission trips should contribute positively towards society. Environmental and social impact has always been at the heart of what we do, which is why we’ve undergone rigorous assessment to become a Certified B Corporation , holding us to the highest ethical standards. We’re also the first and only global volunteer travel provider to declare a Climate Emergency and our operations are certified as 100% carbon neutral.

With a B Corp stamp of approval , Program Fees starting at just $20/day including accommodation, and more than 16 years of experience , IVHQ is proud to be the mission trip organization of choice for thousands of individuals and groups looking to take a meaningful mission trip in 2024 & 2025.

What it is like volunteering abroad with International Volunteer HQ.

Best mission trip opportunities across the globe

Volunteering in Africa with IVHQ

IVHQ offers a range of meaningful volunteer programs in Tanzania, Zambia, Victoria Falls, Madagascar, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Morocco, Zanzibar and Namibia. Explore Africa’s beauty while conserving endangered wildlife or giving back to local communities in need.

Available in 11 countries

Volunteering in Asia with IVHQ

IVHQ offers volunteer programs in 15 incredible destinations across Asia, including Bali, Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Nepal, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. Discover new cultures and play a hands-on role in supporting local social and environmental projects.

North America

Volunteering in North America with IVHQ

Join a volunteer program in Mexico or the USA and choose from a range of meaningful projects, from Childcare and Teaching to Animal Care and Environmental Sustainability. IVHQ’s North American volunteer opportunities are based in New Orleans, or in Merida, Mexico.

Available in 2 countries

Central America

Volunteering in Central America with IVHQ

Based in the popular destinations of Costa Rica and Guatemala, IVHQ offers a range of impactful volunteer programs in Central America. Support community initiatives, work alongside locals and embrace unique cultural traditions for up to 24 weeks.

South America

Volunteering in South America in 2024 with IVHQ

IVHQ’s volunteer trips to South America are based in iconic Latin American locations across Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. With unique opportunities in Teaching, Construction, Wildlife Conservation, Medical, Amazon Jungle Conservation, and more, there’s something to suit every volunteer!

Available in 6 countries

Volunteering in the Caribbean with IVHQ

IVHQ’s Caribbean volunteer opportunities are based in and around the stunning islands of Jamaica, Belize, Trinidad and Tobago, and Puerto Rico. Give back to the local community through Teaching, Marine Conservation, Childcare, Animal Care and other impact led volunteer projects.

Available in 4 countries

Volunteering in Europe with IVHQ

Discover Europe’s rich culture and history on a volunteer program in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Romania or Croatia. Choose from a range of meaningful projects including Wolf Conservation, Youth Support, Teaching, Childcare, Special Needs Support, Environmental Scuba Diving and more.

Middle East

Volunteering in the Middle East with IVHQ

Explore the Middle East on a volunteer trip to Jordan. Choose from a range of community projects such as Youth Support, Women’s Education, Teaching and more. When you’re not giving back, you can explore the Middle East’s unique culture through our exhilarating tours and add-ons.

Available in 1 country

Volunteering in the Pacific with IVHQ

Experience the vibrant culture and welcoming communities of the Pacific on a volunteer trip with IVHQ. Choose from a range of life-enriching programs, from preserving the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and coastal waterways in New Zealand to teaching on the beautiful island of Fiji.

Available in 3 countries

Find the best mission trip for you

  • Teens & High School Students
  • College Students
  • Summer Trips

Mission trips for teens & high school students

Joining a mission trip is one of the best ways to step outside of your comfort zone, gain new perspective and give back to communities in need. IVHQ offers a range of mission trips for high school students and teens , meaning you don’t need to be 18 to go abroad and make a difference.

Since 2007, IVHQ has supported thousands of young people to volunteer around the world on our youth mission trips. More than 20% of our volunteers are under 20, so we know a thing or two about providing life-changing, reliable travel experiences for young explorers.

We offer safe and affordable volunteer opportunities for teens and high school students in 17 destinations around the globe. Learn more about how to join a mission trip for under 18s .

Top mission trips for teens & high school students:

Volunteer in costa rica.

Volunteer abroad in Costa Rica with International Volunteer HQ

Volunteer in Guatemala

Volunteer abroad in Guatemala with International Volunteer HQ

Volunteer in Tanzania

Volunteer abroad in Tanzania with International Volunteer HQ

Mission trips for college students

Today’s student demographic is more progressive than ever before. That’s why student mission trips have become a popular alternative to studying abroad. Instead of studying abroad, many are opting for a more meaningful form of international travel - one that is regenerative and makes a positive impact on local communities.

IVHQ offers mission trips for college students in more than 40 countries around the world. Our mission trips to Africa are particularly popular amongst students. With fees starting at just US$20 per day, our low-cost mission trips are an affordable way for students and young professionals to discover a new country and gain a global perspective while making the world a better place.

When you go on a mission trip with IVHQ, you also have the opportunity to gain academic credit while you volunteer from as little as US$599 for 5 credits - making a super affordable alternative to studying abroad!

Top mission trips for college students:

Volunteer in peru.

Volunteer abroad in Peru with International Volunteer HQ

Volunteer in Victoria Falls

Volunteer abroad in Victoria Falls with International Volunteer HQ

Volunteer in Zambia

Volunteer abroad in Zambia with International Volunteer HQ

Mission trips for families

Planning a family mission trip can be a challenge, especially if you’re trying to accommodate multiple age groups. IVHQ’s fully-hosted mission trips mean that you can get away and make a difference without having to coordinate and plan for the entire family. The best part? Lots of IVHQ programs offer private room and accommodation upgrades at a very affordable price!

If you have young children, IVHQ has great options that will give you quality time together while instilling the values of service. Family mission trip opportunities are available in Africa , Asia , Europe , Central America and South America .

Our team of Volunteer Travel Experts can provide you with personalized family mission trip recommendations to match your budget and the causes you care about. Learn more about how you can go on a mission trip as a family .

Top mission trips for families:

Volunteer in kenya.

Volunteer abroad in Kenya with International Volunteer HQ

Volunteer in Portugal

Volunteer abroad in Portugal with International Volunteer HQ

Best short-term mission trips

IVHQ offers short-term mission trips for 1 to 3 weeks in over 40 countries, starting at just $20 per day including accommodation . This means you can get away and experience a new culture without needing to take ample time away from your day-to-day priorities.

Our short-term mission trips are designed for those who want to maximize impact in a short period of time and are perfect for students and professionals who are looking to take an alternative break . With everything organized for you, including airport pickup and 24/7 in-country support, you can hit the ground running as soon as you arrive at your destination. Check out our top short-term mission trips for 2024 & 2025:

Top short-term mission trips:

Volunteer in croatia.

Volunteer abroad in Croatia with International Volunteer HQ

Volunteer in Ghana

Volunteer abroad in Ghana with International Volunteer HQ

Volunteer in Mexico

Volunteer abroad in Mexico with International Volunteer HQ

Best summer mission trips

Summer is one of the most popular times of year to go on a mission trip, allowing you to immerse yourself in a new culture and interact with locals while soaking up the sunshine. With time off from work and school, it’s the perfect opportunity to see the world and make a difference alongside like-minded people.

Whether you have a desire to volunteer abroad with animals or want to find a medical volunteer program , check out these top summer mission trips for 2024 & 2025 .

Top summer mission trips:

Volunteer in puerto rico.

Volunteer in Puerto Rico with International Volunteer HQ

Volunteer in South Africa

Volunteer abroad in South Africa with International Volunteer HQ

Volunteer in Zanzibar

Volunteer Abroad in Zanzibar with IVHQ

How to get started

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Organization Location: Africa

Agape volunteers in mission.

africa missionary trips

Agape Volunteers in Mission Program is a Christian C.B.O which started in May of 2000 but duly registered in 2023. The organization is located located in Mukuru Sinai [Jamaica], off LungaLunga Road, an urban poor settlement in Nairobi County’s Eastland’s Area. The programme benefits populations from such areas as Mukuru kwa Reuben, Mukuru Sinai, Donholm […]

Church Volunteers in Mission

africa missionary trips

Hope 4 Kids International

africa missionary trips

Light of Hope Orphans Care Organization

africa missionary trips

Light of Hope Orphans Care Organization is a registered community-based and non-profit organization in Uganda. The Organization was founded in the year 2013, by Mugulusi Geoffrey together with other like minded individuals with the aim to provide care and support for orphans, vulnerable children and children who come from families that are affected by HIV/AIDS […]


africa missionary trips

Wonders of Hope Centre Kibera is the host of Wonders of Hope and was started in 2021. We are registered in the US as a 501 and in Kibra Kenya. Our mission is to raise wonders by giving hope.

Ssamba Foundation

africa missionary trips

Ssamba Foundation and Kyampisi Backpackers Home empowering rural communities of Mukono district, Uganda. Ssamba Foundation is a registered non-profit community development organization founded by Isaac Ssamba (Rotarian) in Mukono, Uganda. Operating in Mukono district, we manage a wide range of sustainable development and humanitarian projects since 2006. Ssamba Foundation provides long-term sustainable solutions to problems […]

Hands of Good Samaritan International

africa missionary trips

Hands of good Samaritan International is a community based organization registered by the government of Uganda operating in Soroti district with its head located in Agwara village, Gweri Sub County, Soroti district. HAGOSI was established in August 2016 by Brian Jesse Alameth who felt the calling of God to give back to the community following […]

Global Ministries

africa missionary trips

Global Ministries is the common witness of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ. Our two denominations have a formal partnership through which Disciples Overseas Ministries and the UCC’s Wider Church Ministries share common staff, budget, programs/projects, and governance in our presence and witness with international partners throughout the global […]

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  • Visit Rwanda
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  • About Rwanda
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africa missionary trips


Africa New Life COVID-19 Rwanda Travel Update

Updated May 2023:

Africa New Life has fully returned to hosting travelers in Rwanda, and we’re eager to have you join us on a team trip! We do ask our travelers’ help and compliance to help achieve a safe environment for all involved in these trips. Our highest commitment is the safety of our travelers and the Rwandan communities Africa New Life serves.

There is no vaccination requirement for traveling to Rwanda with Africa New Life, and both vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers are welcome to apply for a trip. However, at this time, all travelers are encouraged to be fully vaccinated even though it’s not a requirement. Please note that the Rwandan government changes restrictions for unvaccinated travelers as it deems necessary in response to COVID-19 cases. Africa New Life has no advance notice or control over these restrictions. Changes may occur shortly before or during travel and may prevent unvaccinated travelers from accessing public spaces such as churches, offices, and restaurants. For this reason, Africa New Life strongly recommends all travelers are fully vaccinated for travel and cannot be held liable for changes that impact a trip for unvaccinated travelers. Africa New Life reserves the right to change its own policies as the ministry deems necessary.

Click here to see frequently asked questions about COVID-19 and travel to Rwanda.


Bring your team to Rwanda: whether you are a church mission group, a company team looking to give back internationally, a collection of friends and family, or a student group seeking to broaden your worldly lens—we welcome you!  Do you sponsor a student through Africa New Life? We invite you to come and meet them. Our U.S. and Rwandan staff will work together with you to configure and host a trip centered around our ministry.

Africa New Life trips are designed with intentionality and adhere to the principles of When Helping Hurts .  Before you travel, Africa New Life helps prime travelers through pre-trip learning and reflection. While in Rwanda, we encourage you to take a posture of learning. Our trips are not about fixing; we focus on engaging honestly and equitably with both ministry staff and those we serve. You will learn what our ministry does, and how your support and partnership helps enhance the life of so many! Africa New Life hopes for travelers to connect, further their discipleship, and deepen their spiritual life.

africa missionary trips

Visiting students in Rwanda is an opportunity to grow that sponsors will cherish for many years to come!

Transforming Travel

Visiting Rwanda with Africa New Life transforms lives.

As you encounter Rwanda’s inspirational story of hope and forgiveness, faith deepens. Walking alongside Africa New Life’s Christ-centered and Rwandan-led ministry gives witness to the life-changing impact of education, discipleship, and community development. Conviction for peace and reconciliation expands through your engagement in both cultural learning and connection with the people of Rwanda.

The journey continues after the trip, as the Holy Spirit inspires personal growth and application.


Each trip schedule depends on team composition and the needs of the ministry in Rwanda. We want to use each team’s gifts, heart, and passion! The specific focus and activities of the trip will depend on the dynamics of the team.

Below are activities that most teams will participate in:

africa missionary trips

  • Attend church in one of the Africa New Life communities
  • Visit Rwandan communities
  • Interact with a specific ministry or community
  • Participate in Home Visits, an opportunity for sponsors to meet their sponsored student
  • Visit a Genocide Memorial, commonly the Nyamata Memorial and the Kigali Genocide Memorial
  • Work with the Dream Kids Program for vulnerable students
  • Visit the Women’s Vocational Training Center


Standard Trip Cost: $2,000 + Airfare + Excursions

Our standard trip includes an 8-day, 8-night trip hosted at our Africa New Life Guest House in Kigali. Given a number of variables and your team’s goals for the trip, Africa New Life will configure a trip itinerary and budget that enables you to have a uniquely insightful, educational, and relational experience with our ministry. For variations of trip length, location, or activity additions, the cost will be adjusted accordingly in collaboration with the Team Leader. In addition to our ministry activities, teams can book additional excursions, like safaris, for an extra excursion fee.


Click here to view our Team Trip Frequently Asked Questions .


For information about future vision, church or company trips, please e-mail [email protected] or fill out the form below.

  • Name * First Last
  • Vision Trip
  • Church Trip
  • Company Trip
  • Questions/comments:
  • Phone This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Your gift to Africa New Life’s Impact Fund (general fund) makes the transformation of lives in Rwanda possible. A gift to the Impact Fund can be used wherever opportunities or needs arise, whether in Rwanda or here in the US; it allows Africa New Life to be the most responsive when we need to be. We believe the Impact Fund is the most strategic and timely investment you can make. Thank you for helping this ministry grow!

View all giving options


We co-develop & facilitate meaningful and impactful transformative journeys through our Mission and Leisure trips in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Our goal is to inspire transformation in each of our clients, so that they in return, can have a meaningful impact on others., we aim to enhance transformation through intentional client preparation, arranging meaningful engagements, and encouraging personal reflection., apart from personal impact, we hope that each individual would also be able to positively impact other people through:.

africa missionary trips


The ability to relate to and connect with different cultures and worldviews

africa missionary trips


Recognising the interconnectedness of all things and one’s role in nurturing resources, communities, and God's creation

africa missionary trips


An increase in self-awareness and/or the awareness of God's work in and through one’s life

Featured Tours

Africa offers endless opportunities to explore breathtaking sights found nowhere else in the world. from pristine bush to exquisite beach, from luxury hotels and lodges to camping in the wild, there is something for everyone to enjoy..

africa missionary trips


africa missionary trips


africa missionary trips


Search tours, we are able to arrange accommodation of any kind for groups of any size throughout southern and east africa, from camping in a remote location to enjoying ultra-luxury hotels and lodges., acts operates several of its own properties, including a well-known christian conference centre just outside of nairobi, and beach-front accommodation in cape town..

africa missionary trips


The Team House, Cape Town is the leading group accommodation facility in the South Peninsula, with a highly personalized service and our one-stop offering includes transport, local guides, and an in-house chef.

africa missionary trips


Brackenhurst is an international conference centre and eco-destination approximately 20 kilometers northwest of Nairobi, Kenya. We have been hosting conferences for more than 50 years.

africa missionary trips

ACTS is passionate about facilitating short-term mission trips in Africa. Whether ministering in the city or in the heart of the bush, we can tailor-make each mission trip itinerary according to the specific needs, preferences, and budget of each group. Our heart is to bear the logistical burden that often accompanies mission trips, thereby allowing both…


“Thank you for all your good work during our recent trip to Africa. The arrangements went smoothly and you were more than accommodating during our time there. We really appreciate your working through all the details with us, in a timely and professional manner. We will definitely use ACTS in the future. Thank you again for your part in making our trip smooth and productive”

Jennifer Ernst, Hope for Humanity

“ACTS were wonderful. They took all the strain out of organizing this mission and dealt with all the food, travel, accommodation and fuel. With the current economic challenges in Zimbabwe, we could not have possibly run this mission without them. I doubt I will run a mission without them in the future.”

Stephen Jack, Oasis

“It has been the most amazing, incredible and overwhelming experience of my life! Thank you for everything ... a life-changing few days.”

Kyle Redfern, UK

“Your business is a God-send in facilitating our ministries in Northern Kenya. Your guides are doing God’s work every day they are on the road.”

“I think this whole experience has been nearly flawless. I have never connected so well with a staff in my entire life and I feel that I was truly a part of this family.”

ACTS Volunteer

"This trip far exceeds anything I have ever done. Your staff were perfect drivers, hosts, friends and colleagues." – Tony, USA

“What a great relief to not be personally responsible for the logistics of transportation, lodging, food, fun days, and cultural awareness. ACTS does it all! ACTS crew and office staff are terrific; so knowledgeable, helpful and with great attitudes. You cannot find a better option. ACTS will make a good trip even better! I am looking forward to the next one.”

Paul Rummage, Pastor (Bartlesville Southern Baptist Church)

africa missionary trips

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Volunteer World is the World's leading comparison platform for volunteer abroad programs. We guide you through a safe and easy application process. Planning your next meaningful trip with Volunteer World gives you access to:

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We cover your back no matter what happens

Enjoy our services for dedicated volunteers!

All program fees are charged directly by your volunteer organization.

Best Destinations 2024

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Mission trips to Africa are the perfect opportunities to explore the stunning continent while making a sustainable difference as a volunteer ... read more

Mission trips to Africa are the perfect opportunities to explore the stunning continent while making a sustainable difference as a volunteer. If you do not have plenty of time on hand, mission trips are a perfect opportunity for you. Despite your short-term volunteer program, your dedication will still contribute to the well-being of the local community.

With its rich culture and arts and stunning landscapes, Africa is a highly popular volunteer destination. Whether you want to assist in the medical sector in Tanzania , build schools in Ghana , or rescue animals in South Africa , our different volunteer programs will cater your needs. What are you waiting for? Join one of our mission trips in Africa that are just as diverse as the continent itself!

South Africa Wildlife Reserve Volunteers

Be part of a life-changing experience that allows you to work behind the scenes on a world-class wildlife reserve in South Africa! 🦏 landing-page#addSelectItemEventToDataLayer" data-landing-page-item-index-param="0" class="text-[#3399CC] ssm:hidden"> Details >

Marine Conservation Research Assistant

Protect Madagascar's marine ecosystem with MRCI's Marine Conservation Research program. Dive into meaningful conservation work! 🤿 landing-page#addSelectItemEventToDataLayer" data-landing-page-item-index-param="1" class="text-[#3399CC] ssm:hidden"> Details >

Rhino & Elephant Conservation

Volunteer in Africa and help secure the future of the endangered black rhino and elephant. Experience daily life on a 10,000 acre family-run private conservancy. landing-page#addSelectItemEventToDataLayer" data-landing-page-item-index-param="2" class="text-[#3399CC] ssm:hidden"> Details >

Big 5 Monitoring, Conservation, Sustainable Living

Give your contribution towards wildlife conservation! Learn about animal behaviour, reserve management and anti-poaching while living a lifetime experience! 🇿🇦 landing-page#addSelectItemEventToDataLayer" data-landing-page-item-index-param="3" class="text-[#3399CC] ssm:hidden"> Details >

Wildlife Sanctuary Supporter

Here you'll direct all of your efforts towards the long term rehabilitation of animals. Experience hands-on volunteering with baboons, small animals and much more! landing-page#addSelectItemEventToDataLayer" data-landing-page-item-index-param="4" class="text-[#3399CC] ssm:hidden"> Details >

Eco Nature and Coastal Conservation

Eco Volunteering in Wildlife & Marine Conservation. Uncover the whole big picture of our Eco-System for a better understanding of Nature & learn how to make a difference! landing-page#addSelectItemEventToDataLayer" data-landing-page-item-index-param="5" class="text-[#3399CC] ssm:hidden"> Details >

Forest Conservation Research Assistant

MRCI’s Forest Conservation Program involves long-term monitoring of the forest on Nosy Komba Island as well as the diversity and abundance of its endemic wildlife. landing-page#addSelectItemEventToDataLayer" data-landing-page-item-index-param="6" class="text-[#3399CC] ssm:hidden"> Details >

Wildlife Supporter

Volunteer at our Big Five Game reserve, support the local staff in monitoring the animals and conserving the environment. landing-page#addSelectItemEventToDataLayer" data-landing-page-item-index-param="7" class="text-[#3399CC] ssm:hidden"> Details >

Sea Turtle Conservation Monitor

MRCI’s Sea Turtle Monitoring Program has been established to identify and develop Safe Turtle Breeding Zones in North Western Madagascar landing-page#addSelectItemEventToDataLayer" data-landing-page-item-index-param="8" class="text-[#3399CC] ssm:hidden"> Details >

Teaching at Primary School

Volunteer with children aged 6-13 years (Grade R - 7) as a teacher's assistant at a primary school in Cape Town. Make your travel to South Africa meaningful! landing-page#addSelectItemEventToDataLayer" data-landing-page-item-index-param="9" class="text-[#3399CC] ssm:hidden"> Details >

Sea Turtle Conservation

Protect endangered sea turtles along the Ghana coastline. Working on nesting sites and beach patrols whilst experiencing beautiful surroundings in your free time. landing-page#addSelectItemEventToDataLayer" data-landing-page-item-index-param="10" class="text-[#3399CC] ssm:hidden"> Details >

Primary School Support In Rural Kwahu Mountains

Provide a supporting role within our schools that extremely lack resources. Run tutoring sessions covering English and core subjects as well as teaching assistance. landing-page#addSelectItemEventToDataLayer" data-landing-page-item-index-param="11" class="text-[#3399CC] ssm:hidden"> Details >

Tanzania Childcare Volunteers

Leave a lasting impression on the lives of some of Tanzania’s most disadvantaged children by assisting with childcare and education in a childcare center. landing-page#addSelectItemEventToDataLayer" data-landing-page-item-index-param="12" class="text-[#3399CC] ssm:hidden"> Details >

Whales, Sharks and Penguins Conservation

Experience not only Whale, Dolphin, Shark and Penguin research and monitoring but also community education, environmental issues, ecology and ecotourism landing-page#addSelectItemEventToDataLayer" data-landing-page-item-index-param="13" class="text-[#3399CC] ssm:hidden"> Details >

Sports Education Coach

Sports and physical education coaching at local primary schools with Children aged 6 - 13 years old. landing-page#addSelectItemEventToDataLayer" data-landing-page-item-index-param="14" class="text-[#3399CC] ssm:hidden"> Details >

Childcare at a Creche or Kindergarten

Enrich young lives in Cape Town by volunteering at a Creche or Kindergarten for infants and children up to 6 years of age! 🇿🇦 landing-page#addSelectItemEventToDataLayer" data-landing-page-item-index-param="15" class="text-[#3399CC] ssm:hidden"> Details >

Vervet Monkey Rescue & Rehabilitation

Volunteer with rescued Vervet Monkeys at a permitted Monkey Rescue, Rehabilitation and Release Centre in the lush province of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa landing-page#addSelectItemEventToDataLayer" data-landing-page-item-index-param="16" class="text-[#3399CC] ssm:hidden"> Details >

Baboon Rehabilitator & Care-Giver

Care for orphans, bond with surrogate baboon mothers, prepare food, clean enclosures, and embrace life in South Africa with hands-on baboon work! landing-page#addSelectItemEventToDataLayer" data-landing-page-item-index-param="17" class="text-[#3399CC] ssm:hidden"> Details >

Assistant for Medical Work

Join our health projects, gain insight into healthcare challenges in developing nations, and make a meaningful impact! 🩺 landing-page#addSelectItemEventToDataLayer" data-landing-page-item-index-param="18" class="text-[#3399CC] ssm:hidden"> Details >

English Teaching & Tutoring in Rural Schools

Help out in schools to assist with the teaching and understanding of the English language. Providing a strong foundation for the children to develop. landing-page#addSelectItemEventToDataLayer" data-landing-page-item-index-param="19" class="text-[#3399CC] ssm:hidden"> Details >

Christian Missions and Volunteers to Africa

PLEASE NOTE: IMMERSION Staff will be out of office Sept. 11-15. After submitting a form, use the link in your email to schedule a call for Sept. 18-22!

Experience Mission

Service opportunities assigned to each community or program are not guaranteed to be part of every trip. Fill out an interest form to learn more.

  • Mission Trips 1-2 Weeks
  • Immersion 1, 3 & 6 Months
  • Summer Internships
  • Training Resources
  • RISING Education Program
  • Micro-Loans

africa missionary trips

3-Month Namibia (Africa)

africa missionary trips

Program Overview   Video

africa missionary trips


On this 3-month mission trip to Africa, set aside old, stereotypical pictures of Africa and step into the richness and diversity that is life in Namibia . You'll experience everything from touristy coastal towns with beautiful blue water to some of the highest dunes in the world, a scenic blend of red sand and vastness. But in a country where Christianity is the official religion, you'll quickly realize many people struggle to develop a faith that is genuine and personal.

Join local pastors and missionaries who have a vision to reach their community. Whether you're volunteering in an urban setting or in a remote desert school, you'll invest in children and youth who are eager to learn, and get your hands dirty on the farm. Each day will look different, but come prepared to embrace the real challenges of long-term mission work and community development. If you're looking for an Africa mission trip for college students during summer break, this is the one!

Ideal Candidate:

  • Willing to engage in various projects and serve the local community
  • Able to adapt to a flexible schedule
  • Eager to participate in conversations with locals and build relationships
  • Able to do engage in physical labor (construction, farm work, painting)
  • Willing to adjust and abide by the norms of a different culture
  • Able to work through conflict and problem-solve well
  • Willing to follow and abide by safety guidelines and expectations

What to Expect:

*Please note: IMMERSION team members are stepping into a different culture, where schedules and plans are likely to change. We expect all participants to come with flexibility and a willingness to embrace last-minute changes to schedules, ministry opportunities, and projects. That said, here are some examples of things past team members have done in this community:

  • Helped on farms
  • Helped students with homework
  • Cooked and served meals at schools
  • Taken part in construction, painting, and landscaping projects
  • Packed food parcels
  • Sorted storage units
  • Attended church in multiple languages (depending on host family)
  • Hosted a kids club (similar to VBS)
  • Played sports with locals
  • Played games with students
  • Shared messages at local churches
  • Participated in activities with host families
  • Explored and experienced live in the local community

Join an Upcoming Trip!

View communities, partner communities.

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Joining the program.

What are the benefits of joining an IMMERSION program?

These experiences can be life-changing! IMMERSION participants gain valuable life experience, serving in communities around the world, traveling to new places, and immersing in local culture. Through these activities, team members start to see the world, their life, and faith in Jesus in a whole new way. Participants also grow personally—in maturity, relational and leadership skills, and the knowledge of who God created them to be in the world. It is an incredible chance to find clarity and purpose as they live and serve alongside a team of young adults from across the U.S. and build real, authentic relationships with people around the world.

How do I join an IMMERSION program?


Step 2: The IMMERSION staff will connect with you to set up an initial informational call to answer any questions you may have about the program. Once your application is complete, we set a video interview to get to know you and determine if the program is a good fit.

Step 3: You are invited to join the program! You accept your spot on the team by paying an initial deposit of $250 (or $500 for 9 and 10-month Gap Year programs). After joining the program, your personal IMMERSION contact will connect with you about fundraising, pre-trip details, and more.

What are the requirements for joining this program?

IMMERSION participants must be between the ages of 18-30 at the start of the program. Outside of the age requirement, IMMERSION is a program for young adults with a desire to grow in their faith in God and their relationship with Jesus. We look for people who can embrace a rugged lifestyle, respect cultural differences, build healthy relationships with teammates and locals, thrive away from home, and are in good physical, mental, and emotional health. We ask all team members to commit to approaching their program with the right posture and attitude, as outlined in our IMMERSION Standards of Conduct.

Finances & Fundraising

What does it cost to go on this IMMERSION program?

The upcoming 3-Month Namibia (Africa) programs cost $7,500 (2024) and $8,000 (2025). Most participants pay for their experiences with a combination of fundraising, personal funds, and financial help from parents or family.

What is included in the cost of the trip? Are there extra costs?

IMMERSION is meant to be as all-inclusive as possible, so you don’t have to worry about any hidden fees or big, unexpected costs! Most essentials (airfare, food, housing, staffing, training) are covered—but team members do need to plan for a little extra for immunizations, travel to training and home from debrief, personal meals while traveling, or a new passport if you need one! We also recommend a small stash of spending money in case you need shampoo, snacks, or souvenirs along the way. But this amount is minimal and totally up to you. Experience Mission also requires all team members to travel with a Personal Emergency Fund—a debit or credit card with $1,000-$1,500 available and $300 of reserve cash in case they were to have a medical issue or reason to travel home unexpectedly. This amount is purely a precaution. Most team members do not spend any of their emergency funds while on the program.

What is Experience Mission's refund policy?

Once team members commit to a trip, we're counting on them. Due to the long-term logistics that are set in motion when team members join a team, we are not able to offer refunds for deposits or trip payments, but we do our best to be flexible and work with team members to transfer their funds to a different trip whenever possible. Check out the IMMERSION Refund Policy that applies to this trip.

What happens if an IMMERSION program is canceled?

If a trip is canceled by Experience Mission because of the minimum team size not being met, safety concerns in the community, natural disaster, or another issue, we will provide the team member with other options during the same timeframe and transfer any available funds to the new trip. If a team member cannot find a location that interests them during the same timeframe, they will be offered a credit to be used toward a future IMMERSION trip within 24 months of the original start date.

Does EM provide any help with fundraising?

Yes! If the idea of fundraising a large amount overwhelms you, we are here to help! Each team member is connected with an IMMERSION staff member who will help you develop a fundraising plan based on the extensive history of successful fundraising ideas from past participants. We've seen over and over again how God can provide or far exceed the amount people need to go.

EM provides helpful tools to support you in the process, including:

IMMERSION Fundraising Coaches to talk through your fundraising abilities and ideas, and provide a roadmap to follow.

EM's IMMERSION Fundraising Guide wIth creative ideas and resources to get you started!

IMMERSION Fundraising Profiles which you can customize to share your story and easily collect donations.

Can a team member get college credit for participating in the program?

We are happy to provide a letter to your academic advisor or sign off on paperwork for your professor. Every college and university has different requirements for obtaining course credit, so it is up to you to do the research and make sure the IMMERSION program fits your school's expectations. But it is possible! We've seen team members get approved for foreign language, internships, study abroad, independent studies, or elective credits.


What do team members do during an IMMERSION program?

Each IMMERSION program is different in the exact daily rhythms, but every day brings something new and gives participants the chance to be a picture of the love of Christ through everyday life moments. Most ministries we partner with during IMMERSION are relationally focused, but there may also be opportunities for hands-on work projects such as painting schools or helping with agricultural projects. Our hope is that each participant finds opportunities to serve whether they are, whether leading VBS with their teammates, tutoring at a local school, attending church, participating in a Bible study, working on a host family's farm, doing laundry in a river, going to the market, playing soccer with locals, carrying water from a spring, or preparing meals with their host parents.

What does an IMMERSION team look like?

Experience Mission's IMMERSION programs are 1, 3 or 6 months long or a combination of more than 1 program. Each 1-6 month "Term" is made up of 5-15 young adults (18-30 years old) from across the U.S. and beyond. IMMERSION teams become like a second family for participants, creating life-long friendships as you serve and grow (and learn to deal with conflict, forgiveness, and grace) together.

How does EM equip IMMERSION participants to succeed during the program?

Each IMMERSION term begins with 4 days of training, team building, and personal reflection in the US. EM's IMMERSION staff shares stories from the field, challenges team members to examine their faith in new ways, and helps teams start to learn how to build healthy cross-cultural relationships.

After traveling to their first community, teams engage in a short on-field orientation with EM's local staff or partners to learn more about local culture, safety, and the schedule for the weeks ahead. Local leaders are available throughout the trip to help navigate the complexities of a new community and understand the context of their experiences.

EM also equips each team member with a devotional journal that is part-personal reflection, part-group learning activities, to help teams learn and grow together throughout the duration of the program. All 3 and 6-Month IMMERSION programs end with a 2-day debrief back in the U.S. which provides a valuable reflection and re-entry time as participants begin to ask “What's next?” after IMMERSION. 1-month trips will have an in-country debrief to give you the maximum amount of time in your international location. There will also be a 2-hour "virtual debrief" the day after you come home to process with your team and talk about what comes next and how to jump back into normal life.

How does this program help participants grow spiritually?

We hope participants look back on their IMMERSION experience as a time of meaningful exploration and growth. In fact, we hope each person who goes is never the same after. We hope each team member's faith becomes more personal, deep, and bold as they seek to live their mission on the trip and return home. From personal experience, we know there is something incredibly powerful about leaving behind the familiar and serving others with your everyday lives.

What is the impact of IMMERSION? How do participants know they are part of something meaningful?

EM typically works alongside churches, missionaries, schools, or non-profits in each local community with the goal of cheering them on in their long-term work. Throughout the program, team members will have the opportunity to connect with a variety of local partners who already have a vision to reach out and support their community. Our hope is that IMMERSION program participants provide much-needed encouragement and support to our local partners in the work they are already doing. In this way, we honor and dignify our host communities and avoid bringing our own agenda or unintentionally hurting local communities. Learn more about EM's Approach to Healthy Service.

Do team members share the Gospel?

EM strives to share the message of Jesus in a way that is highly relational and respects each person's story and journey. Delivering this message of hope drives everything we do, but we think it is especially important to partner with local people who can continue the process of growth and encouragement to those considering Jesus anew or for the first time. Often, we have found the best moments to share faith don't happen in a scheduled program or impersonal public acts, but in the midst of a real, person-to-person conversation. These are the kinds of meaningful moments of mutual respect and trust we try to facilitate on the trip. If you would like to know more, check out How We Engage the Gospel.


How often will IMMERSION team members be able to communicate with home?

We encourage team members to pack their phone or other small, Wifi-enabled device. As a general rule, we typically tell team members to expect to have access to the internet every other week. However, it could be more or less often depending on the exact location. Team members should ask about this during the application and interview process in order to set good expectations for their specific trip.

What if team members have a personal emergency and need to talk with someone at home?

EM staff, team leaders, and local partners are there to support team members! If a participant has a personal emergency, they will be allowed to use the official EM phone with an international calling or data plan. In most locations, communication is fast and easy, but in some locations, it can be slow or very expensive to make a call back to the U.S. During your interview, ask our staff more about communication limitations or how we get in touch when there is an emergency.

What happens if there is an emergency at home and a team member's family can't communicate with a team member directly?

Many communities have WiFi or available cell service, depending on the device and plan a team member has purchased. If this is not an available communication channel, the Experience Mission office has a 24-hour line that is available to parents if they have an emergency at home and are unable to communicate with team members directly. In this case, our staff would help relay a message and support the team member in whatever way possible. 30 days before your trip, we will send assigned emergency contacts more information about how and when to use this line! We hope it gives them some peace of mind to know our staff is here to help if an emergency arises.

Will parents or family receive updates from EM throughout the trip?

In regards to travel, we encourage family members to go by the mantra that "no news is good news," and it is the responsibility of the team member to provide updates to family as they are able. Please know that in some locations their updates to you may not be immediate or frequent. The EM staff will be in communication with the team and inform you if there is an emergency, but otherwise, you will not receive official updates about delays, flight changes, arrival times, etc.

Can anyone visit team members while they serving on an IMMERSION program?

Over the years, we've seen how visits from family members in the middle of IMMERSION can create distractions (or extra homesickness) for both team members and teammates. Additionally, it can be a logistical challenge for families to arrange transportation or housing in remote communities, creating a burden for our partners or host families. For this reason, we ask parents and other family members to refrain from planning to visit team members during the trip unless Experience Mission staff has given special permission ahead of time.

Travel & Safety

Does EM provide a detailed packing list for each IMMERSION program?

Definitely! We help team members fit their entire lives inside a backpack. It can be one of the most freeing, humbling experiences to realize you can live with so little. Applicants can access a country-specific packing list after starting the application process.

Do I need a passport or visa?

Since you are traveling out of the country, you will need a passport! If a visa is needed for your trip, the EM staff will guide you through the process of applying for one after you join the team. If you don't have a passport yet, you will want to start applying for one now. The good news is, it will not expire for 10 years so you can plan lots of trips after IMMERSION!

When do team members get a detailed trip itinerary?

We provide team members with an itinerary, including all flight information, approximately one month before the start of each trip. Team members also receive a lot of details during pre-trip video calls or by interacting with teammates and our staff through online groups formed 3-4 months before the beginning of each trip.

How long has EM been working in IMMERSION communities? Does EM connect participants with trusted partners?

Depending on the specific location, EM has been working in a community anywhere from 1 to 15 years. We partner with local people who are often pastors, non-profit managers, missionaries, school teachers, or indigenous leaders. These local leaders work closely with our full-time staff and the IMMERSION team leader to identify host families, select ministry sites, place volunteers in classrooms, navigate cross-cultural barriers, and determine safety guidelines. We couldn't and wouldn't do ministry without our local partners!

How does EM choose host families?

Our local partners help us identify trusted host families in each community. Host families are eager to have team members in their homes, but they are usually just as nervous as you are! Remember that this is a cross-cultural experience for them, too. Typically, we divide team members into pairs for home stays and families are within a short distance of one another, giving participants the chance to see teammates around the community and serve together in a variety of ways.

What happens if there is an emergency—is there a hospital or clinic nearby?

If there is an emergency, EM staff members will support team members by helping them communicate with home and getting them to a safe location. Often, local clinics are a short distance from where team members are staying, however, large hospitals can often be several hours away by vehicle. Experience Mission requires all team members to travel with a Personal Emergency Fund—a debit or credit card with $1,000-$1,500 available and $300 of reserve cash in case they were to have a medical issue or reason to travel home unexpectedly. This amount may seem high, but it's purely a precaution. Most team members never touch their emergency fund while on the trip.

What precautions does EM take for international travelers?

EM registers all teams with STEP (Safe Traveler Enrollment Program) through the U.S. State Department. This allows our staff team to receive official travel alerts if there is an issue in the region including political protests, civil unrest, increased crime, weather alerts, natural disasters, terrorism, or specific threats for foreign travelers. You can read more about the precautions we take here: Traveling and Serving Internationally

Should I purchase Travelers Insurance?

Experience Mission requires all team members to travel with a Personal Emergency Fund—a debit or credit card with $1,000-$1,500 available and $300 of reserve cash in case they were to have a medical issue or reason to travel home unexpectedly. This amount may seem high, but it is purely a precaution. Most team members never spend a penny of their emergency fund while on the trip. Although travel insurance is not currently required, we highly recommend it because it may help you recoup some costs if you have an issue.

What are the vaccine requirements?

There are no required vaccines, however, there are several that are highly recommended for each country IMMERSION takes place in. Check the CDC quidelines for up-to-date recommendations.

What is the core mission of Experience Mission?

In an ever-changing world, EM exists to help people love God and love their neighbors. We believe God is at work in all people and cultures. We desire to be creative connectors across diverse and historical divides, participating in God's work of reconciliation, justice, affirmation, and hope.

  • EM connects people and communities on the margins to volunteers who desire to give their time, attention, and resources in order to be a picture of God's love and participate in God's work of reconciliation, justice, affirmation, and hope.
  • EM partners with local ministries and organizations who are already active within their community, allowing them to take the lead by supporting their vision for making a difference in the lives of people they live among on a daily basis.
  • EM encourages people of all walks of life to serve and love others with humility to give without expectations, to honor the dignity of all people, to seek to foster mutual respect and trust, and to deepen their understanding of both the beautiful diversity and the complex stories of communities and cultures they encounter.


What are EM trips all about?

We firmly believe the people we serve on mission trips are not our “mission project.&rdquo They are valuable creations of God with so much to offer. While it may be obvious that change needs to happen in certain communities, we believe change needs to happen in each of us as well. EM's approach to missions seeks to enter into these service and learning experiences in a healthy way. We believe there is a better way than forcing change or imposing our thinking, values, and beliefs on others.


What denomination is EM a part of?

Experience Mission is an inter-denominational Christian organization and is not directly affiliated with any specific denomination. Participants from all denominations and backgrounds are welcome on our service-learning mission trips. Our statement of faith, how we share the gospel, and how we engage people of different faiths can be found HERE .

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How to join an IMMERSION team

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Complete a Video Interview

Application complete, the next step is a Zoom video interview so we can learn more about you. If IMMERSION seems like a good fit, we will offer you a spot on the team!

Serve & learn on IMMERSION!

Your team of 6-12 young adults will live life alongside people in different circumstances as you learn more about who God is, his heart for people across the globe, and your place in this world.

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You must have a group size of at least 6 members to join this trip. Please view the Small Team trips or call our Servicing Department for more options at 888-475-6414 .

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Individuals (age 18-30):, verify your email address, which position are you applying for.

Pope Francis’ visit to Africa comes at a defining moment for the Catholic church

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Research Professor , World Christianity and African Studies, DePaul University

Disclosure statement

Stan Chu Ilo does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

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Man in an open pick-up waving to a crowd of people.

During his planned visit to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and South Sudan in February 2023, Pope Francis intends to be in dialogue with African Catholics – but also to listen to political leaders and young Africans.

This visit comes at a defining moment in what is regarded as a fairly progressive papacy.

Pope Francis has convened a worldwide consultation on the future of the Catholic church. This consultation, called a synodal process , began in 2021 and will conclude in 2024.

It is the most ambitious dialogue ever undertaken on bringing changes in Catholic beliefs and practices since the Second Vatican Council’s reforms in 1965 . It is exciting for reform-minded Catholics, but distressing for conservative Catholics.

The ongoing synodal process has exposed the fault lines in modern Catholicism on the issues of women, celibacy, sexuality, marriage, clericalism and hierarchism. How Pope Francis – who marks a decade of his papacy this year – manages these increasingly divisive issues will, in my judgement, largely define his legacy.

My research has focused on how African Catholics can bring about a consensus approach in managing these contested issues.

The big questions for me are how another papal visit to Africa at this point will address the challenges and opportunities that Africans are identifying through the synodal process – and how this plays into the state of Catholicism in Africa.

The influence of African Catholicism

The Catholic church is witnessing its fastest growth in Africa (recent statistics show 2.1% growth between 2019 and 2020). Out of a global population of 1.36 billion Catholics , 236 million are African (20% of the total).

African Catholics are not simply growing in number. They are reinventing and reinterpreting Christianity. They are infusing it with new language and spiritual vibrancy through unique ways of worshipping God.

Given its expansion, the Catholic church in Africa is well placed to be a central driver of social, political and spiritual life. In many settings, the church provides a community of hope where the fabric of society is weak because of war, humanitarian disasters and disease.

The DRC, for instance, has the highest number of Catholic health facilities in Africa at 2,185 . It is followed by Kenya with 1,092 and Nigeria with 524 facilities. Additionally, bishops have mobilised peaceful protests against violence in the DRC and Nigeria .

Another major feature of Catholicism on the continent is that it is witnessing a “youth bulge”. Central to Pope Francis’ advocacy for Africa is his appeal that churches, religious groups and governments show solidarity with young people. He calls them “the church of now”.

The pope expressed this most recently in November 2022 during a synodal consultation with African youth. He denounced the exploitation of Africa by external forces and its destruction by wars, ideologies of violence and policies that rob young people of their future.

Why DRC and South Sudan?

Pope Francis comes to Africa as part of the synodal consultation. He takes the message of a humble and merciful church to some of the most challenging parts of Africa: the DRC and South Sudan .

These two countries illustrate the impact of neo-liberal capitalism and the effects of slavery, colonialism and imperialism. Together, they have unleashed the most destructive economic, social and political upheaval in modern African history.

Read more: Conflict in the DRC: 5 articles that explain what's gone wrong

Pope Francis is coming to listen especially to the poor, to young people and to women who have been violated in conflicts. He also hopes to address the hidden wounds of clerical sexual abuse in the church.

Pope Francis will see how war, dictatorship and ecological disasters have denied ordinary people access to land, labour and lodging. These are the “three Ls” he proposes as vital in giving agency to the poor.

Some opposition

Pope Francis will no doubt receive a warm welcome during his visit. Most African Catholics embrace his message of a poor and merciful church because it speaks to their challenges.

But there are many African Catholics, particularly high-ranking church leaders, who are yet to embrace this reform agenda. The previous two popes encouraged a centralising tendency, which promoted unquestioning loyalty to Rome by African bishops. As a result, these bishops resisted attempts by African theologians to modernise and Africanise Catholic beliefs and practices to meet local needs and circumstances.

This has led to some African bishops being uncomfortable with Pope Francis’ progressive agenda on liberation theology, openness to gay Catholics, condemnation of clerical privilege and power, and inclusion of women in mainstream leadership.

Rather than being a strong church that looks like Africa, some of the Catholic dioceses on the continent have embraced medieval traditions – like Roman rituals and Latin – that alienate ordinary African Catholics, especially young people.

Africa’s future role

Pope Francis has often spoken of giving Africa a voice in the church and in the world.

Many African Catholics wonder how this will happen when, for the first time in more than 30 years, there is just one African holding an important executive function at the Vatican. This is Archbishop Protase Rugambwa of Tanzania, the secretary of the Dicastery for the Evangelization of Peoples , a department at the Vatican’s central offices.

Many African Catholics hope that Pope Francis will announce some African appointments to the Vatican during his February 2023 visit.

They also are hoping he will create a pontifical commission for Africa, similar to the Latin American commission created in 1958. This will be a significant way of giving African Catholics a voice in the church of Rome.

Pope Francis hasn’t fully recovered from the health challenges that led to the cancellation of the trip last July. But he is making this trip because he believes that Africa matters.

Through the sessions that the pope will conduct with Africans, especially young people, it’s hoped that the Catholic church in Africa can help address the causes of war and suffering in the DRC and South Sudan, and the obstacles to reforming the church in Africa.

  • Colonialism
  • Christianity
  • Catholic church
  • South Sudan
  • Pope Francis
  • youth bulge
  • Imperialism
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
  • Clerical sex abuse
  • African Catholicism
  • Synodal process

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Dean (Head of School), Indigenous Knowledges

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Business Improvement Lead

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Senior Research Fellow - Curtin Institute for Energy Transition (CIET)

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Laboratory Head - RNA Biology

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Head of School, School of Arts & Social Sciences, Monash University Malaysia

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  • our chicago

Our Chicago: Celebrating Juneteenth across the city

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CHICAGO (WLS) -- Wednesday is Juneteenth.

It marks the day in 1865 when enslaved people of African descent in Galveston, Texas learned that they were free. That was more than two years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

ABC7 Chicago is now streaming 24/7. Click here to watch

Perri Irmer is the president and CEO of the DuSable Black History Museum and Education Center. She says for many years, Juneteenth was not celebrated in more northern states.

"This is, I think, also an example of pieces of history that are kept hidden, that aren't widely known. And why it's so important for institutions like Black museums and history curriculum across the board to really recognize these important dates and these important facts in American history. And let's not forget that African-American history is American history," Irmer said.

In June 2021, Juneteenth became a national holiday. This year, the DuSable Black History Museum has a day of events planned to celebrate. Irmer is hoping "everyone" attends.

"We are the nation's oldest, independent Black history museum," Irmer said.

The DuSable was founded in 1961.

"We are really kind of the centerpiece of Chicago's Juneteenth celebration. This year, we expect probably upwards of 6,000 people during the day, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. We're offering entertainment, we're offering music and dance. And we have so many activations and a vendor marketplace that mimics an African marketplace," Irmer said.

Our Chicago: Part 2

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At Chicago's Music Box Theater, "Life Within The Lens: Juneteenth Edition" will feature five short films. All of them, the works of Black filmmakers here in Chicago.

Among them is Marquis Simmons. His film is called "Broke Down Drone."

"It's about two cousins who are just going through the everyday struggle trying to make their dreams happen," Simmons said.

He says it takes you on a journey through Chicago.

"This film was a love letter to North Lawndale and pretty much, predominately, the West Side of Chicago. So I want people walking away feeling uplifted and just feeling hopeful. No matter how hard your circumstances are that the dream is still very possible," Simmons said.

Tyler Michael Balentine is the programmer at the Music Box Theatre.

"Film is perspective. And when you get a perspective into all of our stories and how nuanced they are, from sadness to joy. Subjects of life and death, faith, community, liberation, especially with it being Juneteenth, you definitely get to have more insight and you just have more of a view of what it means to be Black in America," Balentine said.

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Rusmania • Deep into Russia

Out of the Centre

Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

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Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

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To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

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Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

africa missionary trips

At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

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The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

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Air Force 1 x Tiffany & Co.

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วันเปิดตัว Air Force 1 x Tiffany & Co. "1837" (DZ1382-001)


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  3. Missionary Cowboy Bill Ford Interview

  4. TARIF 93: Potholes and Pitfalls: When Christians Stumble

  5. Christian Mission Trips: WORLD RACE (College & Adult


  1. Mission Trips to Africa

    Find the right trip for you! Check out 10-day group trips or mission trips to Africa for a year or 1-6 months for young adults. However you're looking to serve, we're here to help make it a reality. Upcoming trips available to South Africa, Namibia, and Lesotho below. Click on missionary trips to Africa below for program details and upcoming ...

  2. Africa Mission Trips

    Community Overview. Serve on a 12-day mission trip to Swakopmund, Namibia! Come to serve, but also learn about a new culture and the challenges present in this southern African country. While poverty is prevalent, your group may be able to help the local church and organizations by providing food, clothing, and care for abandoned babies.

  3. Love Africa Mission

    Short term mission trips, sharing the love of Jesus Christ throughout Africa. Short term mission trips, sharing the love of Jesus Christ throughout Africa. top of page. About. Mission & Vision; Statement of Faith; ... Love Africa Mission is a 501(c)(3) EIN 92-3760896 | Ridgeway, VA.

  4. A List of the Top Missionary Trips to Africa

    1. Experience Mission. Experience Mission offers mission trips to countries around the world, including in South Africa. They offer mission trips to Cape Town and Pretoria, South Africa year-round. For Experience, they want people who go on a mission trip through them to build relationships.

  5. Best Africa Volunteer Programs 2024 & 2025

    IVHQ offers a diverse range of mission trips to Africa. Choose from 10 of the most sought after destinations across the continent for your Africa humanitarian trip: Tanzania - Arusha. Zambia - Livingstone. Zimbabwe - Victoria Falls. Madagascar - Nosy Komba. Ghana - Greater Accra region. Kenya - Nairobi.

  6. Christian Mission Trips

    Africa Mission Trips 10-day trips to South Africa . View all group trips View all IMMERSION / Gap Year Trips Search All Trips. EM's Summer Ministry Internship! An incredible opportunity for young adults looking for hands-on experience in mission work, ministry, and Christian non-profit work.

  7. Home

    Short-Term Trips: Check out our short-term (8-10 day) mission trips for churches & individuals. Custom trips available for groups of 10+. Custom trips available for groups of 10+. The Global Internship : Come to South Africa for 3, 6, or 10 months to discover your calling, develop your gifts & deploy your God-given vision.

  8. Mission Trips to Africa for 6 Months

    Join EM's IMMERSION mission trip to Africa for 6 months! Your team of college-age young adults will serve and grow together in several distinct cultures. Spend the first week training and team-building in the United States, learning more about EM's missions philosophy and what it means to "live your mission" wherever you go. Then board a plane ...

  9. The Ultimate Guide to Mission Trips to Africa

    A mission trip to Africa or another part of the world can be a great way to live out the Great Commission and Jesus' command to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.". As you look to impact the world ...

  10. Missions to Africa

    Missions to Africa prepares life changing mission trips packages for churches, small groups, missionary organizations, families, and individuals who want to serve in Africa. We lead missions to Kenya, Uganda, Burkina Faso, DR Congo and Sudan. As your mission trips outfitters we aim for evangelization, African orphans outreach, and your life changing experience.

  11. African Retreat Tours

    At African Retreat Tours, we specialize in crafting bespoke excursions and safaris to the vibrant continent of Africa, designed to cater to the unique requirements, preferences, and financial considerations of every missionary or group. ... Some of Our Featured Mission Trips . An amazing way to finish your mission work is to go Safari! Amazing ...

  12. 7 Awesome Mission Trips to Africa

    Mission trips to Africa sponsored by One World Health focus primarily on the nation of Uganda through two kinds of trips. The group's typical short-term experience—Clinical Outreach Teams—lasts one week and provides support for local hospital staffs. One World Health has three of these trips planned this year, in May, July, and December.

  13. Best Mission Trips 2024 & 2025

    With long-term and short-term mission trips starting at just $20/day including accommodation, meals and 24/7 in-country support, IVHQ is the world's leading mission trip organization. IVHQ offers both short-term and long-term mission trips with durations ranging from 1 to 24 weeks. Through IVHQ, you can choose from a diverse range of ...

  14. Mission Trips To Africa

    Agape Volunteers In Mission. Agape Volunteers in Mission Program is a Christian C.B.O which started in May of 2000 but duly registered in 2023. The organization is located located in Mukuru Sinai [Jamaica], off LungaLunga Road, an urban poor settlement in Nairobi County's Eastland's Area. The programme benefits populations from such areas ...

  15. Visit Rwanda

    Standard Trip Cost: $2,000 + Airfare + Excursions. Our standard trip includes an 8-day, 8-night trip hosted at our Africa New Life Guest House in Kigali. Given a number of variables and your team's goals for the trip, Africa New Life will configure a trip itinerary and budget that enables you to have a uniquely insightful, educational, and ...

  16. Home

    MISSIONS. ACTS is passionate about facilitating short-term mission trips in Africa. Whether ministering in the city or in the heart of the bush, we can tailor-make each mission trip itinerary according to the specific needs, preferences, and budget of each group. Our heart is to bear the logistical burden that often accompanies mission trips ...

  17. Mission Trips to Africa

    463 € per week · 1 ‑ 12 weeks · Age 18+ ·. MRCI's Sea Turtle Monitoring Program has been established to identify and develop Safe Turtle Breeding Zones in North Western Madagascar. Airport Taxi. Housing. Food. Details. llll Mission Trips to Africa: Top 10 projects for your mission trip 2024 Join a mission trip to Africa and explore the ...

  18. Africa Missions Recource Center: Africa Christian Missions

    Sources of Africa news, missions news, relief agencies, weather, currency rates, security alerts, and links to African newspapers and radio stations. Churches of Christ in Africa: History; Stats History of the Churches of Christ in Africa, statistics, directory of congregations, institutions, and reports from missionaries.

  19. 3-Month Namibia

    Program Overview Video. On this 3-month mission trip to Africa, set aside old, stereotypical pictures of Africa and step into the richness and diversity that is life in Namibia. You'll experience everything from touristy coastal towns with beautiful blue water to some of the highest dunes in the world, a scenic blend of red sand and vastness.

  20. AITA For rescinded a travel offer to my stepdaughter and her ...

    NAH. I have missionaries among my grandparents as well (in West Africa). Missionary work is colonization. It has had horrific effects all across the continent. You don't have to like that fact or want to dwell on it, and you don't have to take your step daughter's family on the trip. You're allowed to take who you want.

  21. THE BEST Things to Do in Monino

    Things to Do in Monino, Russia: See Tripadvisor's 294 traveler reviews and photos of Monino tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in September. We have reviews of the best places to see in Monino. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  22. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Elektrostal has about 158,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.

  23. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal is linked by Elektrichka suburban electric trains to Moscow's Kursky Rail Terminal with a travel time of 1 hour and 20 minutes. Long distance buses link Elektrostal to Noginsk, Moscow and other nearby towns. Local public transport includes buses. Sports

  24. Pope Francis' visit to Africa comes at a defining moment for the

    This visit comes at a defining moment in what is regarded as a fairly progressive papacy. Pope Francis has convened a worldwide consultation on the future of the Catholic church. This consultation ...

  25. Our Chicago: Celebrating Juneteenth across the city

    And we have so many activations and a vendor marketplace that mimics an African marketplace," Irmer said. Our Chicago: Part 2 At Chicago's Music Box Theater, "Life Within The Lens: Juneteenth ...

  26. Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

    Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar ...

  27. Air Force 1 x Tiffany & Co.

    ดูข้อมูลและซื้อ Air Force 1 x Tiffany & Co. "1837" พร้อมรู้ข่าวการเปิดตัวและการวางจำหน่ายสนีกเกอร์รุ่นใหม่ล่าสุดก่อนใคร