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  • LTVP Issued by ICA

Singapore Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) Issued by ICA

As a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident (PR), you can sponsor a foreigner to stay in Singapore on a Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) issued by ICA if they are:

  • Your spouse
  • Your child (aged under 21)

Additionally, you must be aged above 21 to sponsor:

  • Your parent
  • A mother or grandmother of a child or grandchild studying in Singapore on a Student’s Pass
  • A visitor seeking permission to give birth in Singapore

Who can apply LTVP?

To submit an application for a Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP), you need a Singapore citizen / Permanent Resident who has a SingPass account. He / She will serve as your sponsor and lodge the application via SingPass at ICA’s e-Service, which is found on their website.

For example, if you are married to a Singapore citizen/permanent resident, then your spouse serves as your sponsor. 

What is Singapore Long Term Visit Pass Plus (LTVP+)

Spouses of Singaporean citizens or Permanent Residents may qualify for the Singapore Long Term Visit Pass Plus (LVTP+).

The LTVP+ allows the holder to stay in Singapore for three years initially and can be renewed for up to five years for each renewal. Holders of an LTVP+ may enjoy employment and health benefits.

However, the conditions for eligibility for the LTVP+ include having at least one Singaporean child. If there is no child, you could still qualify if you have been married for at least three years.

You will be eligible to apply / renew for Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) if you are a:

Work passes for holders of long term visit passes (ltvp) issued by ica.

If you are holding a Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) issued by Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA), you can work in Singapore only if you get a work pass.

  • You are not allowed to work in objectionable occupations such as a dance hostess or a masseur.
  • Your LTVP should have a validity of at least 4 months remaining if you wish to apply for a Work Permit.

Spouses and children under 21 years old of Singaporeans and PRs

  • Note: If you do not have an LTVP or LTVP+ from ICA, then you cannot work in Singapore unless you qualify for an  Employment Pass ,  S Pass or Work Permit  on your own merit.

Holding LTVP or LTVP+

If you are holding a Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP or LTVP+) issued by ICA, you can work in Singapore if you get a  Letter of Consent (LOC) .

You first need to find a job in Singapore and get the employer to apply for an LOC for you.

Apply or renew LTVP or LTVP+

If you are applying for, or renewing, your LTVP or LTVP+ with ICA, you will be given the option to apply for a  Pre-approved Letter of Consent (PLOC).

The PLOC allows LTVP or LTVP+ holders to work in Singapore without the need to find a job first.

Note:  PLOC holders are not allowed to work in some  restricted occupation  such as journalist, editor, sub-editor, producer, or in any religious occupation. To work in these occupations, your prospective employer need to  apply for an LOC .

Other family members of Singaporeans and Permanent Residents (PR)

Parents or parents-in-law of Singaporeans and permanent residents who are holding an LTVP can work in Singapore on a  Work Permit . They will only be counted under the employer’s overall quota.

The rest of family members who are not holding an LTVP will need to qualify for an  Employment Pass ,  S Pass  or  Work Permit  on their own merit to work in Singapore.

Parents accompanying a child studying in Singapore

If you are a Long Term Visit Pass holder accompanying a child who is studying in Singapore, you are not allowed to work during your first year here.

This is to encourage you to spend more time with your child and help him or her adjust to Singapore’s education system.

After you have been in Singapore for a year, you can find a job and your employer can apply for a Work Permit for you. Your employer needs to apply for the permit using  WP Online at www.mom.gov.sg .

Under the Work Permit, you are:

  • Able to work in any sector.
  • Not subject to source country restriction.
  • Only counted under your employer’s overall quota.
  • Subject to the  foreign worker levy .
  • Not allowed to work in objectionable occupations (bar or dance hostess, masseur, etc.).

You will need these documents to  apply for a Work Permit :

  • Copy of the child’s student pass.
  • Copy of the child’s birth certificate.
  • Letter from the child’s school indicating your child’s current education level.
  • Copy of your current LTVP.
  • Copy of your passport personal particulars page.
  • Alternatively, the employer can try to apply for an  Employment Pass or  S Pass  for you. However these passes are usually harder to get than a work permit because they require higher educational qualifications and a high minimum salary.

Documents required for a Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP)

When applying for an LTVP, all documents have to be in original copies and in English. If they are not, they must be translated by a professional translator with notarisation.

Anyone who applies for a Singapore LTVP must have the following documents:

Additional documents required based on the purpose of travel:, documents required from the singapore citizen / permanent resident (pr).

Source of Information for Immigration & its related matters is from both the Ministry Of Manpower (MOM ) and The Immigration And Checkpoints Authority (ICA), Singapore.

ACHI BIZ is one of the licensed Employment Agencies  in Singapore. We will assist your Immigration related applications and appeals at our level best with the regulatory authority The Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) for successful outcome.

Please refer to our guides to know about singapore or choose services  to meet your requirements or  contact  us if you wish to avail these or many other services..

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  • Reside, Study and Work in Singapore
  • Becoming a Long-Term Visit Pass Holder

Spouse of a Singapore Citizen

Singapore citizen - Non-resident (NR) couples are strongly encouraged to complete their Pre-Marriage LTVP Assessment (PMLA) before marriage.

The PMLA is a free online assessment which allows them to:

  • exchange key information with each other before getting married;
  • find out if the prospective NR spouse may qualify for a Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) after marriage; and
  • enjoy a significantly shorter processing time when they subsequently submit an LTVP application. 

Marriage to a Singapore citizen does not guarantee the NR spouse automatic right of entry into Singapore or approval for long-term stay in Singapore.

While the PMLA aims to give an accurate assessment on the prospective NR spouse's eligibility for an LTVP after marriage, a positive PMLA outcome is not an immigration pass and does not constitute the approval of an LTVP. The NR spouse should separately apply for an LTVP after marriage to be considered for long-term stay in Singapore.

In a small number of cases, the outcomes of the PMLA and LTVP applications may differ if a couple’s circumstances change between their PMLA and LTVP applications. Couples should ensure that the information submitted in the PMLA are correct, for a more accurate assessment of their eligibility for LTVP.

For more information on PMLA, please refer to the Pre-Marriage Long-Term Visit Pass Assessment (PMLA) page .

The processing time for an LTVP application is up to six months for applicants who did not do the PMLA. The processing time is shortened to six weeks, for applicants who did the PMLA.

NR spouses who are expecting/have Singapore citizen child(ren) from the current marriage, or have been married to a Singapore citizen for at least three years, may be eligible for a Long Term Visit Pass Plus (LTVP+), which has a longer validity period than the LTVP. There is no separate application for the LTVP+. ICA will assess the NR spouse’s eligibility for LTVP+ when he/she applies for an LTVP or to renew his/her LTVP.

LTVP holders may apply to renew their LTVP under their Singapore citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident (PR) spouse’s sponsorship before the LTVP expires. Please note that the sponsor of the LTVP cannot unilaterally request ICA to cancel the LTVP without the LTVP-holder’s consent. ICA will require both the LTVP-holder and the sponsor’s acknowledgment to cancel the LTVP.

The LTVP may be cancelled at ICA’s discretion in accordance with the Immigration Regulations.

LTVP holders who are spouses of Singapore citizens or Singapore PR are eligible for a Pre-Approved Letter of Consent (PLOC)* to seek employment in Singapore. To be considered for a PLOC, the NR spouse should indicate in their LTVP application form whether they intend to work in Singapore. Those who are eligible will be issued a PLOC together with their LTVP. LTVP holders may also separately apply to MOM through their employer for a Letter of Consent (LOC) to work in Singapore at any time after the issuance of the LTVP.

* PLOC holders can work for any employer. The employer is only required to notify MOM at the start of employment. For those who are not granted PLOC, their prospective employer can apply to MOM for an LOC instead of an Employment/S Pass or Work Permit.

You will need to provide original documents and official translations (for documents in languages other than English), as well as copies of the documents for ICA to retain.

ICA accepts:

  • Translations provided by the embassy of the country that issued the document
  • Translations produced by a notary public in Singapore or the country that issued the document
  • Privately created translations attested by the embassy of the country that issued the document, or notarised by a notary public in Singapore or the country that issued the document.

ICA does not endorse any private translation companies or entities. Insufficient documentation may result in non-acceptance of your application. You may be required to provide additional documents to support your application.

Please have these documents ready before you apply:

Note: For Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) holders, please renew the LTVP at least two months before the expiration of the current LTVP.

First-time applicants need to apply for an LTVP with at least 10 days remaining on their Visit Pass. Visitors to Singapore must have a valid Visit Pass at all times during their stay. They must also have a passport issued only in their name.

If you are unable to complete or submit your LTVP application/renewal application due to unique circumstances, you may contact us via the enquiry form for further assistance.

Please note that all official translation of documents submitted for any application to ICA is required if they are not in the English language. For more information, please refer to the FAQ .

The sponsor will need Singpass 2FA to submit the LTVP application online using the e-Service.

The applicant and the sponsor will also need to complete Appendix (VP)  giving consent for ICA to obtain and verify your financial information with the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) and/or the Central Provident Fund Board of Singapore (CPF). 

The applicant and/or the sponsor will be contacted by ICA for any additional documents or to arrange an interview, if required.

A S$45 non-refundable processing fee for each application. 

Payment can be made using:

  • Visa or MasterCard credit/debit card or,
  • American Express (AMEX) credit card or,
  • Internet Direct Debit (Citibank, DBS/POSB, OCBC, UOB and Standard Chartered Bank Internet Banking accounts in Singapore) or,

Note: Additional fees will apply upon collection. Please refer to LTVP collection  for further details.

If you have submitted a Pre-Marriage Long-Term Visit Pass Assessment (PMLA) before applying for your LTVP, the LTVP application will be processed within six weeks.

If you have not submitted a PMLA before, application for LTVP will be processed within six months.

If your application is still within this processing time, please wait to be notified of your application outcome via email or check on the application outcome using the e-Service , rather than contacting ICA to enquire about the status of your application.

Original documents or photocopies may be required during the processing period. The applicant and/or the sponsor may also be called up for an interview during this time. ICA will contact the applicant and/or the sponsor to request any additional documents or to arrange an interview, if required.

Related Links

  • Applying for Long-Term Immigration Facilities and Submission of SG Arrival Card Through Commercial Entities or Consultants
  • Pre-Marriage Long Term Visit Pass Assessment
  • Spouse of a Singapore Permanent Resident (PR)
  • Unmarried child (aged under 21) born within the context of a legal marriage to, or have been legally adopted by a Singapore Citizen/Singapore Permanent Resident
  • Parent of a Singapore Citizen (SC) or Singapore Permanent Resident (PR)
  • Graduate from an Institute of Higher Learning seeking employment in Singapore
  • Mother or Grandmother of a Child or Grandchild Studying in Singapore on a Student’s Pass
  • Visitor Seeking Permission to Give Birth in Singapore
  • Document - Appendix - Visit Pass Form (PDF, 59 KB)
  • Payment/Refund FAQs

Immigration Singapore

  • Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass)
  • Employment Pass Application
  • S Pass Application
  • Work Permit Application
  • Long-Term Visit Pass Application
  • Dependant’s Pass Application
  • Letter of Consent (LOC)

S Pass Quota and Levy: Understanding the Employer’s Responsibilities

  • S Pass Quota and Levy:…

S Pass Quota

Renowned as a global centre for business and innovation, Singapore draws a diverse array of talent from across the globe. Various work pass options are accessible to foreigners, facilitating their ability to work and reside in Singapore. Among these options is the S Pass, which comes with its own benefits and challenges for prospective foreign workers.

To regulate the influx of foreign workers and ensure a fair job market for locals, the government has implemented various policies. Among them, the S Pass Quota and Levy system play a crucial role in governing the employment of foreign professionals. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of the S Pass Quota and Levy, shedding light on the responsibilities that employers in Singapore must adhere to.

Understanding the S Pass Quota:

Unlike the Employment Pass (EP) , the S Pass has a quota. The S Pass Quota is a policy designed to control the number of S Pass holders a company can employ. The quota is set as a percentage of the company’s total workforce, ensuring a balanced mix of local and foreign employees. The aim is to strike a harmony that safeguards job opportunities for Singaporean citizens while allowing businesses to tap into the international talent pool.

Within the current quota framework (2023), your company’s ability to employ S Pass holders is subject to specific limits:

  • In the services sector, the capped limit is 10% of the total company workforce.
  • For the construction, manufacturing, marine shipyard, and process sectors, the permissible threshold is set at 15%.

Employers need to be aware of their company’s S Pass Quota, which is calculated based on the industry they operate in. It is imperative to stay informed about any changes in the quota to avoid penalties and ensure compliance with the law. Failure to adhere to the quota limits may result in the rejection of S Pass applications.

Levy System:

In addition to the S Pass Quota, employers hiring foreign workers on S Passes are subject to a levy. The levy is essentially a pricing mechanism that encourages businesses to prioritize hiring local talent. The idea is to make foreign labour more expensive, incentivizing employers to invest in training and hiring local employees.

The amount of levy varies depending on the ratio of foreign workers to the total workforce. Companies exceeding the stipulated S Pass Quota are required to pay a higher levy, while those maintaining a balanced workforce with a higher percentage of local employees enjoy lower levy rates.

Levy for the Service Sector

In the services sector, the levy rates are structured as follows:

Basic / Tier 1:

  • Quota %: Up to 10% of the total workforce
  • Monthly Levy Rate: $550
  • Daily Levy Rate: $18.09

Note : Should your company temporarily exceed the 10% S Pass quota in the services sector due to workforce attrition, the excess S Passes will be subject to the Tier 2 levy rate.

Levy for All Other Sectors

For all sectors other than services, the levy rates are outlined as follows:

  • Quota %: Above 10% to 15% of the total workforce
  • Monthly Levy Rate: $650
  • Daily Levy Rate: $21.37

It’s important to note that levy rates undergo regular reviews and adjustments as needed. Refer to the MOM website for the latest levy rates.

Note : The daily levy rate is applicable only to S Pass holders who did not work for a full calendar month. The calculation for the daily levy rate is as follows: (Monthly levy rate x 12) / 365, rounded up to the nearest cent.

Employer’s Responsibilities: Elaborated

Monitoring s pass quota:.

Employers shoulder the responsibility of meticulously monitoring their company’s S Pass Quota. This involves not only knowing the current composition of their workforce but also staying informed about the industry-specific limits imposed by the government. Regular assessments are crucial to identifying any potential deviations from the prescribed quotas. By adopting a vigilant approach, employers can proactively address imbalances, ensuring that their hiring practices align with regulatory requirements. This ongoing scrutiny serves as a preemptive measure against penalties and application rejections, safeguarding the company’s ability to recruit foreign professionals within the defined limits.

Application and Renewal Process:

The application and renewal process for S Passes demands a high level of attention to detail from employers. It begins with the accurate submission of information, encompassing the qualifications, experience, and other pertinent details of the prospective or existing foreign employees. Adhering to specified timelines is crucial, as any delays may lead to disruptions in staffing. Employers must ensure that they meet all eligibility criteria, such as the minimum monthly salary requirement and the possession of relevant qualifications. Navigating this process meticulously not only increases the likelihood of successful applications but also establishes a reputation for the company as a compliant and responsible employer.

Levy Payments:

Timely and accurate payment of levies is a critical financial responsibility for employers hiring foreign workers on S Passes. Levies are not just financial transactions; they represent a commitment to supporting the local workforce. Failure to pay levies promptly can result in financial penalties, adversely impacting the company’s bottom line. Moreover, consistent non-compliance may jeopardize the company’s ability to employ foreign workers in the future. Employers must integrate levy payments into their financial planning and management processes to ensure ongoing compliance and a positive relationship with the regulatory authorities.

Workforce Planning:

Strategic workforce planning forms the foundation of compliance with the S Pass Quota and Levy system. Employers need to conduct a comprehensive assessment of their staffing needs, considering both current and future requirements. Identifying skill gaps is crucial, and companies should prioritize hiring local talent to fill these gaps whenever possible. This not only aligns with the government’s objectives of promoting employment opportunities for Singaporean citizens but also positions the company as a responsible corporate citizen. Effective workforce planning involves continuous evaluation, adaptation to industry changes, and a commitment to investing in local talent development, contributing to the overall economic growth and sustainability of the nation.


Navigating the intricacies of the S Pass Quota and Levy system is essential for employers in Singapore. By understanding and fulfilling their responsibilities, businesses can not only stay compliant with the law but also contribute to the development of a robust and inclusive job market. Striking the right balance between local and foreign talent ensures that Singapore remains an attractive destination for businesses while safeguarding opportunities for its citizens.

Engaging the services of an immigration consultant can significantly ease the burden of compliance. Immigration consultants specialize in the evolving landscape of immigration policies, providing valuable insights and guidance to employers. Their expertise can streamline the application process, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. Moreover, consultants stay abreast of policy changes, helping companies adapt their strategies to remain compliant with the latest regulations.

In a dynamic global market, where talent knows no borders, leveraging the expertise of an immigration consultant becomes a strategic investment. It not only facilitates adherence to immigration policies but also allows businesses to focus on their core operations, fostering growth and sustainability. As Singapore continues to evolve as a business hub, collaboration with immigration consultants becomes a prudent step for companies seeking to navigate the intricate terrain of foreign talent acquisition seamlessly.

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All Categories ​>​ ​EMPLOYMENT AND VISAS IN SINGAPORE ​ > ​ ​Work Visas in Singapore ​>​ Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP)

Who is it for?

The Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) is for a common-law spouse, step-child or handicapped child of an Employment Pass or S Pass holder. Pass holders earning over $12,000 can also get a pass for parents.

  • Validity up to 2 years, tied to the validity of the main work pass
  • No foreign worker levy or quota required
  • Eligible LTVP holders may be able to work here if they find jobs


Employment Pass or S Pass holders can apply for a Long Term Visit Pass for their families if they meet these requirements:

  • Earn a minimum fixed monthly salary of  $6,000 . (This is based on your salary, and not based on your combined household income.)
  • Are sponsored by an established, Singapore-registered company (usually your employer).

Employment Pass or S Pass holders can get a pass for the following family members:

  • Common-law spouse.
  • Unmarried handicapped children above 21 years old
  • Unmarried step-children under 21 years old
  • Parents – only for those earning a fixed monthly salary of  at least $12,000

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Employment Rules for Foreign Spouses of Singaporeans

loc for foreign spouses

The employment rules are aimed at streamlining the work visas processes for foreigners married to Singapore citizens and permanent residents.

Foreign partners of Singapore Citizens (SCs) or Singapore Permanent Residents (SPRs) can benefit from the Long Term Visit Pass-Plus (LTVP+). If foreign partners of SCs apply for the Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP), they are automatically considered for LTVP+ if they meet the eligibility criteria.

The LTVP+ offers an extended residency period to foreign partners of SCs, enhancing their prospects of staying in Singapore.

Such LTVP holders needed to obtain a work permit from the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) Singapore in order to be legally employed in the country.

Types of Passes/Visas for Foreigners married to Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents

Long term visit pass (ltvp).

A foreigner whose spouse is either a Singapore citizen or a permanent resident can either apply for citizenship or permanent residency, or if he or she doesn’t satisfy the criteria for these as yet, can go for the Long Term Visit Pass.

Notably, LTVP is also issued to certain qualifying family members of Employment Pass (EP) and S Pass holders who earn at least S$6,000 per month. For this, the employer needs to submit a separate application for each family member, which, can be submitted together with the EP or S Pass application.

The family members eligible for LTVP include common-law spouses, unmarried handicapped children above 21 years, step-children under 21, and parents (only if the EP or S Pass holder earns more than S$12,000 per month).

LOC for LTVP holders

Long Term Visit Plus Pass (LTVP+)

This scheme was introduced to provide greater certainty of stay in the country for foreigners married to Singapore residents and citizens, as well as make them eligible for healthcare (i.e. nearly similar to the benefits enjoyed by Singaporean PRs) and employment benefits (i.e. able to work with no need for a work permit, just LOC).

Notably, there is no separate application for LTVP+, as those eligible are automatically considered when they apply for LTVP. In general, couples with at least one Singaporean child are considered favourably for the LTVP+. For couples with no children, the duration of marriage (for example, being married for at least three years helps) plus other factors are taken into account.

The LTVP+ is granted for a duration of three years initially and can be renewed for up to five years for each subsequent renewal. Interestingly, LTVP+ holders issued with LOCs are not counted under the foreign workers quota of their employers, who subsequently are not required to pay any foreign workers’ levy for employing the LTVP+ holders.

Spouses of Singapore citizens or Permanent Residents (PR) holding Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) can also apply for a Pre-Approved Letter of Consent (PLOC) to work in Singapore. To be eligible for a PLOC, the non-resident spouse should specify in their LTVP application whether they plan to seek employment in Singapore.

The scheme came at a time when there’s an increasing number of Singaporeans marrying foreigners, with the decade between 2000 and 2010 seeing a 23 percent increase in marriages involving a Singapore citizen and a foreigner. In fact, in 2010, of the 20,273 marriages involving at least one Singapore citizen, 30 per cent were of this nature.

LOC for foreign spouses of Singapore citizens and PRs

Procedure for a LOC Application

LOC eligibility for LTVP holders

Do note that all supporting documents are to be either in English or an official English translation must be provided while making the application. MOM processes 80% percent of all LOC applications within seven working days. Moreover, like an EP or a S Pass, a LOC can also be renewed at least three months before it expires. However, they will need to ensure that their LTVP is valid.

For foreign spouses (married to Singapore citizens/ permanent resident only) already holding a work permit they can continue their employment on the existing work permit until its expiry. Subsequently, a LOC will be issued to them instead of a work permit if they want to work in Singapore.

MOM has also clarified that the new rules are applicable for LTVP holders only. “Employers of foreign spouses on Short Term Visit Pass who wish to work would need to apply for a regular work permit for them. This is subject to the prevailing quota, levy and source country restrictions,” noted the Ministry in a statement.

The Benefit to Singapore Companies

Apart from the obvious benefits to the married couple who will have greater certainty regarding the eligibility of foreign spouse’s continuous stay in Singapore, the new rules come as a boost from Singapore companies already struggling with manpower shortage and increased operating costs.

Since LOC holders are not counted as foreign workers, and with the increasing number of LTVP and LTVP+ in the country, the labor pool in Singapore will increase. Prospective employers will also save on government levies when they choose to employ LTVP/LTVP+ holders, thereby reducing their costs overhead.

letter of consent for ltvp holders

Related Topics:

  • How to Incorporate a Company in Singapore and Open a Bank Account
  • Is it easy to get Employment Pass in Singapore
  • What is the exemption relief for Corporate Tax in Singapore
  • How to pay Tax in Singapore as a Foreigner

Don’t leave your LOC application to chance.

We are experts when it comes to Singapore's immigration laws and regulations. Our reliable guidance and high success rate comes with 20 years of experience. Secure your Letter of Consent with us.

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How can DP and LTVP holders work in Singapore?

Are you a Dependant’s Pass (DP) or Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) holder and are keen to work in Singapore? Find out the conditions that you will need to meet in order to do so.

DP and LTVP holders can work in Singapore

Singapore’s reputation as a thriving regional business hub draws many professionals – and their families - from all over the world to its shores. In December 2017, Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower (MOM) reported that as many as  187,700 foreign professionals were working in Singapore  under an Employment Pass (EP).

Singapore work visas such as the  Employment Pass ,  EntrePass  and  Personalised Employment Pass  offer its holders flexibility and freedom to work in Singapore. The passes offered to the family members of Singapore work visa holders, namely the  Dependant’s Pass  (DP) and the Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP), offer the flexibility to live, go to school and travel freely in Singapore. However, the flexibility of these two passes does not extend to working in Singapore. If you’re a DP or LTVP holder and would like to legally work in Singapore, here are two options that you may consider:

Option 1: Apply for a Pre-approved Letter of Consent (PLOC)

A new scheme by Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower (MOM), the Pre-approved Letter of Consent (PLOC) is a document that entitles its holder the legal right to work in Singapore. The difference between the PLOC and the LOC is that while the latter requires you to have already obtained a job offer before you can apply for it, the PLOC does not require you to find a job first. You will be given the option of applying for a PLOC during the application or renewal of your LTVP/LTVP+ with the ICA. The duration which the PLOC remains effective is the same as your LTVP/LTVP+. That is, should your LTVP/LTVP+ expires or is cancelled, the PLOC will also cease to be valid. However, in the event that you are not eligible for a PLOC and you still wish to work in Singapore, the next option would be to apply for a Letter of Consent (LOC) through your prospective employer. You are eligible for a PLOC if you have the following:

  • Spouse or unmarried child of a Singapore citizen or permanent resident
  • Has been issued with LTVP/LTVP+ with the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA)

Apply for a PLOC if you:

  •   Want the flexibility to find work in Singapore at your own schedule 

Option 2: Obtain a Letter of Consent (LOC)

Issued by Singapore's Ministry of Manpower (MOM), the Letter of Consent (LOC) is a document that entitles its holder the legal right to work under a Singapore-registered company.  There are no quotas on the number of employees a Singapore company can hire under LOCs, which makes LOC holders an attractive employment prospect to Singapore employers.

You are eligible for an LOC if you have the following:

  • A DP tied to an Employment Pass holders, EntrePass or Personalised Employment Pass (PEP) holder that is valid for at least 3 months from the date of application
  • A LTVP tied to a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident (PR) that is valid for at least 3 months
  • A confirmed job offer from a Singapore employer

The application of an LOC is done by the employer or an appointed employment agent on behalf of the DP or LTVP holder. You will need to give written consent to your employer or agent in order to apply for an LOC.

LOC applications take up to 3 weeks to process in most cases, and successful applicants may start work upon receiving their LOCs. The duration of an LOC is tied to the duration of your DP or LTVP.

Additional documents may be required for DP and LTVP holders who are:

  • Regional representatives of overseas companies
  • Healthcare professionals (dentists, doctors, nurses)
  • Football players and coaches
  • Pharmacists and therapists (occupational, physio, radiation, speech)
  • Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners

 LOC applications are considered on a case-by-case basis by MOM, considering the individual applicants’ experience and qualifications, as well as the viability and necessity of the Singapore employer to hire LOC applicants.

Apply for the Letter of Consent if you:

  • Have obtained a job offer and would like to start work in Singapore as soon as possible
  • Are not holding a directorial role, or serving as a shareholder in the company you work
  • Want to work in Singapore without a minimum salary requirement, as well as additional qualifications (other than those directly required by the Singapore employer)

Option 3: Obtain an Employment Pass (EP)

DP and LTVP holders can also apply for their Singapore Employment Pass (EP) apart from that of their family member who holds the main Singapore work visa.

An Employment Pass offers more flexibility, including the ability to hold directorial roles in a Singapore-registered company.

A DP or LTVP holder who has an EP also has the freedom to renew and cancel it apart from that of their family member who they are dependent on. If the Singapore work visa of their family member expires, they will not be affected and can still legally work in Singapore. 

However, it is important to note that  there are more stringent requirements  that DP or LTVP holders need to meet in order to obtain an EP successfully. They have to:

  • Draw a minimum salary of S$3,600 a month. This rate typically applies to fresh graduates, with higher salaries required for professionals with more experience.
  • Possess relevant professional experience
  • Possess a tertiary degree from a reputable university. Strong professional experience with high salaries may compensate for a lack of formal education

To apply for an EP, your employing Singapore company will need:

  • An EP Application Form 8 , duly endorsed by the employing Singapore company
  • A copy of your latest resume and relevant educational certificates
  • A copy of the personal particulars page of your passport
  • A copy of the business profile of the employing Singapore company
  • A detailed description of your job duties
  • A detailed description of the activities and/or products of the employing Singapore company

Most EP applications are processed within 3-5 weeks. However, EP applications for professionals in specialised industries such as financial services, medical services, law, media and sports may take a longer time to process, as additional permissions are required from the Singapore regulatory associations governing these professions to grant EPs.  New EPs are granted for up to 2 years and are renewable. Click  here  for more information about the Employment Pass.

It can also be a challenge to put together the right documents to apply for an EP, that is why when you engage a qualified  corporate service provider , it can help to make the entire process significantly easier. 

Apply for an EP if you:

  • Want more flexibility in your career, including the option of staying on beyond the validity of your family member’s work visa
  • Hold a directorial role, or want to start your own company

Need help with your LOC or EP applications?

We’ve helped support many professionals and their families to establish their roots in Singapore.

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You may find these Singapore business guides useful in helping you make your decision:

Singapore Immigration Visa Schemes

It is important to know the types of work visa available to you if you are planning on moving to Singapore for work or to start a business. Find out more about work visas in Singapore and the ones that you qualify for.

Dependants Pass Scheme for Family Members

If you are planning to move to Singapore with a family member who has moved there for work, you will need a Dependant’s Pass (DP). Here’s how you can apply for one.

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How to work with a Letter of Consent in Singapore?

Foreigners in Singapore who hold a Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP / LTVP+) or a Dependant Pass are allowed to work with a Letter of Consent delivered by the Ministry of Manpower (MoM). In this article we explain how to work with a Letter of Consent in Singapore.

Who is eligible to a Letter of Consent (LOC)?

Who can apply for the loc, the pre-approved letter of consent (ploc) is also available to ltvp holders, other important points related to the loc and ploc.

There are two categories of foreigners eligible to the LOC:

1. The holders of a Long Term Visit Pass

The Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP / LTVP+) is a visa for family members of Singaporean or Permanent Residents as well as some work pass holders in Singapore. The LTVP allow for foreigners to stay and live in Singapore for more than 30 days.

LTVP and LTVP+ holders are eligible to a Letter of Consent if:

  • The LTVP is linked to a Singaporean or Permanent Resident (PR) spouse.
  • The LTVP is held by an unmarried child below 21 of a Singaporean or PR.

Provided that the LTVP holder has been offered a job by a Singaporean incorporated company, the company can thus apply for a Letter of Consent to have the pass holder authorisation to work.

2. The Dependant Passes holders

The Dependant Pass is a visa available to family members of an Employment Pass or S Pass holders to stay and live in Singapore for more than 30 days. The duration of the validity of the pass is linked to the work pass’s validity to which it is tied to.

Dependant Pass holders used to be able to work in Singapore under a LOC, although the rules have changed and are tied to running a business in Singapore. Consequently, Dependant Pass holders are eligible to LOC if:

  • Is a sole proprietor of a Singaporean registered business
  • Is a partner in a Singaporean registered business
  • Is a company director and holds at least 30% of shares in a company registered in Singapore
  • Furthermore, the renewal of the Letter of Consent will require the applicant to employ at least one Singaporean or Permanent resident with earnings of at least the Local Qualifying Salary and for whom the CPF contribution has been paid for at least 3 months.

The LOC expires after one year or up to the date of the Dependant Pass expiry upon renewals of the LOC.

In Singapore, the eligibility to apply for a Letter of Consent (LOC) extends to various categories of individuals. Those holding Dependant’s Passes or Long-Term Visit Passes who seek employment or educational opportunities are eligible. Moreover, spouses of Singaporean citizens or permanent residents, dependents of Employment Pass holders, and foreign entrepreneurs with an EntrePass may also qualify for an LOC. The responsibility for applying for the LOC lies with the prospective employer seeking to hire the foreign individual. Streamlining this process, agencies like MyBusiness in Asia offer professional assistance in navigating the intricacies of LOC application and renewal, ensuring a smooth transition into Singapore’s workforce or educational institutions.

long term visit pass need quota

The Spouse and unmarried children falling under the LTVP and LTVP+ eligibility described above are also eligible to apply for a Pre-approved Letter of Consent (PLOC).

The Long Term Visit Pass application is a process under the responsibility of the Singapore Immigration and Checkpoint Authority (ICA). An eligible LTVP/LTVP+ applicant can apply on their own to the PLOC while applying or renewing their LTVP/LTVP+ with the ICA.

The PLOC will be granted for the same duration than the Long Term Visit Pass, provided it is accepted. The PLOC has the advantage of being granted before having to find a job and employer. The employer of a LTVP holder with a PLOC thus only requires notifying the MoM of the hiring of the employee.

  • Depending on the type of job offered to the prospective employee, a Singaporean company should also consider the other type of work passes in Singapore such as the Employment Pass which offers a better immigration stability to the employee.
  • Holders of Long Term Visit Passes issued by the Ministry of Manpower (tied to an Employment Pass or S Pass) are eligible to the LOC only if they are local business owners.
  • The LOC is only valid for the duration of the employment and expires along with the pass (Dependant Pass or Long Term Visit Pass) to which it is tied.
  • Letters of Consent are not subject to levy or quota, and do not require a minimum salary to be obtained.

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  • Sep 20, 2023

Everything you need to know about visas in Sarawak (2024)

Updated: Apr 22

If you are not Sarawakian, you will require one of the following visas to live and/or work in Sarawak. This includes West Malaysians and Sabahans who wish to live and/or work in Sarawak. There are many reasons why people migrate to Sarawak. It may be for family reasons such as marriage, work or retirement.

Expatriates in Sarawak

If you are moving to Sarawak for work, the following passes are available for you to live and work in Sarawak.

Professional Pass (for training) -- for persons on internship, training or apprenticeship without receiving a salary . The professional pass is issued for 6 - 12 months at a time. You may apply at the Visa, Pas and Permit division in Ibu Pejabat Jabatan Imigresen Sarawak, Simpang Tiga. The visa is non-renewable. This visa is also appropriate for seconded employees for qualifying industries to Sarawak. For extensions, you will have to make a new application each time. Processing time is approximately 30 days.

Professional Pass (for employment) -- for persons on short term consultancy projects receiving a salary or consultation fees. The sponsoring entity must be a Sdn Bhd with minimum RM250,000 paid up capital. The professional pass is issued for 6 - 12 months at a time. An address in Sarawak is optional . You may apply at the Expatriate Services Division in Ibu Pejabat Imigresen Sarawak, Simpang Tiga. The visa is non-renewable. For extensions, you will have to make a new application each time. Processing time is approximately 30 days.

Employment Pass 1 & 2 -- for skilled workers working for Sdn Bhd companies with a minimum of RM250,000 paid up capital in Sarawak. An address in Sarawak is compulsory . The minimum salary requirement for Employment Pass 2 holders is RM3,000 monthly, while the minimum salary requirement for Employment Pass 1 holders is RM5,000 monthly. The applicant must be at least 27 years old . These passes are issued by the Expatriate Services Division at Ibu Pejabat, Jabatan Imigresen Sarawak, Simpang Tiga. You may apply for a yearly permit or a two year permit. This visa is renewable for up to 10 years. You are also eligible to bring dependents and hire a domestic worker on the Employment Pass 1, but not the Employment Pass 2. Processing time is approximately 90 days.

Kindly note that if you are working for a West Malaysian or Sabahan company or any foreign company that does not have an office in Sarawak, you will not be granted a work permit in Sarawak.

Spouses of Sarawakians

If you are moving to Sarawak because you married a Sarawakian, the following visas may apply to you.

Spouse Programme -- Non-Sarawakian spouses who intend to work in Sarawak may apply for the spouse programme with the Expatriate Services Division, at Ibu Pejabat, Jabatan Imigresen Sarawak, Simpang Tiga. The minimum salary requirement is RM3,000 monthly. The sponsoring company will need to be a company limited by shares ( Sdn Bhd ) with minimum RM250,000 paid up capital. This visa is renewable yearly with an accompanying letter and sworn statement by the Sarawakian spouse of the continuation of marriage. Processing time is approximately 30 days.

Long Term Social Visit Pass (for residency only) -- Non-Sarawakian spouses who do not qualify for the Spouse Programme can apply for the Long Term Social Visit Pass (LTSVP) in Sarawak. Depending on the nationality of the spouse, the LTSVP may be issued for 6 months up to 5 years at a time. You may apply for this visa at the Visa, Pas and Permit division at Ibu Pejabat, Jabatan Imigresen Sarawak, Simpang Tiga. The visa is renewable with an accompanying letter and sworn statement by the Sarawakian spouse of the continuation of marriage. Kindly note that you must pay a security bond to the immigration department and the rates by country can be found here . Processing time is approximately 30 - 90 days depending on the nationality of the spouse.

Certificate of Status -- Non-Sarawakian Malaysian wives (i.e. West Malaysian or Sabahan wives) are eligible for the Certificate of Status after 2 years of marriage to a Sarawakian spouse. The Certificate of Status will entitle non-Sarawakian Malaysian wives to live and work indefinitely in Sarawak without any renewal process. You may submit this application at the Visa, Pas and Permit division at Ibu Pejabat, Jabatan Imigresen Sarawak Simpang Tiga.

Kindly note that Sarawak is currently not issuing work endorsements on the Long Term Social Visit Pass. If you wish to work as a spouse applicant, the only options available at the moment (2023) are 1 and 3.

In Sarawak, you can also apply for the S-MM2H visa. This is a long-term visa for investors or retirees who want to live in Sarawak. Anyone aged 30 and above can apply for the S-MM2H programme, subject to meeting specific requirements for each age category. Under this visa, you will also be able to hire a domestic worker, own a home and send your children to school in Sarawak. You can apply for this visa with the Ministry of Tourism Malaysia. More information can be found here .

For companies who wish to hire general workers in Sarawak, you will have to apply for the Social Visit (Temporary Work) visa for your general worker through the labour quota (AP) and calling visa (VDR) process. Depending on the category of general workers you are hiring, different levy payments apply. You will first need an approved labour quota from the Labour Department to hire any non-Sarawakian general workers, including West Malaysians and Sabahans. More information on the labour quota approval process can be found here .

Our website and its contents are provided for general information purposes only and nothing on this website or in its contents is intended to provide professional advice. Please contact us at [email protected] or +6082-295175 for more information. To view a list of Sarawak Expat visa services we provide, visit our webpage here .

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Key facts on Long-Term Visit Pass for Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass holders

Pass facts , features of the pass.

The key features of the pass are as follows:

  • Common-law spouses can work in Singapore if they have a letter of consent
  • Other LTVP for Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass holders can work in Singapore if they obtain a work pass
  • No foreign worker levy or quota

Overview of what you need to do before, during and after you apply for an LTVP for Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass.

Before applying

long term visit pass need quota

Before dependant's arrival

long term visit pass need quota

Upon dependant's arrival

long term visit pass need quota

(If required) Make an appointment to register their fingerprints and photo .

long term visit pass need quota

When required

long term visit pass need quota

  • Eligibility

More on Long-Term Visit Pass for Overseas Networks Expertise Pass

  • Working in Singapore
  • Documents required
  • Apply for a pass
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Election latest: Starmer makes 'Swift pit stop'... at the Eras Tour

The Labour leader has taken a break from general election campaigning tonight - to shake it off at Taylor Swift's Eras Tour. Listen to the latest Electoral Dysfunction as you scroll.

Friday 21 June 2024 22:39, UK

  • General Election 2024
  • Starmer makes 'Swift pit stop'... at the Eras Tour
  • Tories raised less than £300,000 in donations in second week of campaign - Labour received £4.4m
  • Sunak asked if he's confident no more Tory candidates will be caught up in betting scandal
  • Electoral Dysfunction: What are odds betting scandal sinks Tories?
  • 'Own it': Corbyn responds to latest Starmer comments
  • Live reporting by Faith Ridler

Election essentials

  • Manifesto pledges: Alliance Party | Conservatives | Greens | Labour | Lib Dems | Plaid Cymru | Reform | SNP | Sinn Fein | Workers Party
  • Trackers:  Who's leading polls? | Is PM keeping promises?
  • Campaign Heritage: Memorable moments from elections gone by
  • Follow Sky's politics podcasts: Electoral Dysfunction | Politics At Jack And Sam's
  • Read more:  Who is standing down? | Key seats to watch | What counts as voter ID? | Check if your constituency is changing | Guide to election lingo | Sky's election night plans

Slashing red tape for Britain's pubs, restaurants and music venues would be the focus of a review launched within the first 100 days of a Tory government, the party has said.

Ministers would look into ways to "crack down" on councils imposing "disproportionate conditions" and restrictions on licences as part of a bid to boost the UK night-time economy, the Conservatives say.

It comes as Rishi Sunak seeks to shift the focus of the campaign away from the betting scandal that has thrown his party into fresh turmoil in recent days.

The Tories used the announcement to attack Labour's record on nightlife in London and Wales, as polls continue to put the opposition party on course for a historic victory on 4 July.

Business minister Kevin Hollinrake said: "The night-time economy is a vibrant sector that's vital to our economy and our society as a whole.

"We've always supported our night-time economy, with business rates reliefs, economic support during the pandemic - but wherever Labour have been responsible for the sector, it's suffered.

"We'll continue to back our night-time economy - Labour would cripple it further with higher taxes and more burdensome regulation."

It's 10pm - time for your evening election update.

The general election takes place in under two weeks, and political parties from across the House of Commons are busy on the campaign trail.

Here's what you might have missed today:

  • Rishi Sunak has reiterated he was "incredibly angry" when he learned about allegations that his own parliamentary aid Craig Williams, who is a Tory candidate, had placed a bet on the election;
  • Laura Saunders, the candidate for Bristol North West, and her husband, director of campaigns Tony Lee, are also being investigated by the Gambling Commission;
  • David TC Davies , the Welsh secretary, told Sky News this morning that he "certainly" did not bet on the date of the general election;
  • And the Conservatives got less than £300,000 in party donations between 7 and 12 June - far behind the £4.3m handed to Labour;
  • But a Tory candidate told Sky News tonight that the Conservatives have a "sizable war chest" to run a "decent campaign" this year;
  • Mr Sunak's favourability is now at an all time low, with three quarters of Britons having an unfavourable view of him - less even than Mr Johnson's lowest polling;
  • The Welsh Conservatives have launched their manifesto today.
  • Over with Labour , who - as we just mentioned - have come top of the list for party donations for the second week of the general election campaign.
  • And Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer today said he would not enter negotiations with the Scottish government on an independence referendum if the SNP wins a majority of Scottish seats at the 4 July election;
  • Sir Keir has also admitted today that the choice the public faced in the 2019 general election - Boris Johnson or Jeremy Corbyn - "wasn't a good one";
  • But he opted to have a night off - at Taylor Swift's Eras Tour in London;
  •  And Welsh Labour has launched its manifesto today,  with shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves detailing the "simple choice" voters have to face on 4 July.
  • Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey today criticised Rishi Sunak's response to his party's betting scandal as "not good enough"; 
  • And Plaid Cymru has claimed Welsh Labour's manifesto lacks ambition and undermines devolution. The party said that Labour is imposing further austerity on Wales with £1.8bn worth of cuts to public services.

While you're here, check out more of our election coverage below:

By Rob Powell , political correspondent

The architect of the government's delayed reforms to social care has told Sky News politicians need to "grow up" and tackle the crisis in the sector.

Amid a bitter election row over public spending, Sir Andrew Dilnot said he believed the two main parties were reluctant to discuss care reform for fear of being accused of plotting future tax hikes.

Sir Andrew - whose 2011 report laid out several key measures adopted by the government - described social care as the "biggest risk that isn't managed" that the country faces.

He said: "Four out of five people are going to need  social care  before they die, we should grow up and face it."

"I think politicians are reluctant to talk about it firstly because they're worried about anything that means an increase in public spending and therefore possible taxation," he added.

You can read more below:

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has taken a break from general election campaigning tonight - to shake it off at Taylor Swift's Eras Tour.

Sir Keir and his wife Victoria joined thousands of Swifties at the first of three Eras Tour shows at Wembley Stadium - which will be followed up by five more in August.

Government borrowing was less than expected in May, new figures have revealed.

Net borrowing - the difference between public sector spending and income - was £15bn, an increase of £0.8bn on the same time last year, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported on Friday.

The amount is below the £15.7bn forecast by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) and less than expected by economists.

However, it was still the highest amount for the month of May since the  COVID-19 pandemic .

The ONS also said that public sector net debt, excluding public sector banks, was provisionally estimated at 99.8% of gross domestic product (GDP) in May - the highest level since March 1961.

The figure is also 3.7 percentage points higher than during the same period last year.

Economists said it showed that whoever wins the  upcoming general election  will face a string of potential financial challenges.

Nigel Farage has stood by his comment describing Andrew Tate as an "important voice" for men as he greeted supporters in Clacton-on-Sea.

The Reform UK leader had praised Tate while speaking on the Strike It Big podcast in February for defending "male culture" and said the "jury is out" on investigations into the influencer, The Guardian reported.

Since December 2022, Tate has faced charges in Romania of human trafficking, rape, and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women, which he denies.

Asked whether Tate was an "important voice" for men as he was leaving a meeting with supporters, Mr Farage said: "He's got a massive following and that shows you how big the gap is.

"I mean, clearly he's facing some serious allegations and has said some things that are difficult to level with, but the fact that he's got the following shows you how big the gap is."

Mr Farage did not specify what "gap" he was referring to.

Our live poll tracker collates the results of opinion surveys carried out by all the main polling organisations - and allows you to see how the political parties are performing in the run-up to the general election.

It currently shows a drop in support in recent days for Labour and the Tories - with a jump for Reform and the Liberal Democrats.

Read more about the tracker here .

The Politics Hub is live on Sky News every night at 7pm throughout the general election campaign.

But stick with us online - we'll have updates throughout the evening.

Norman Phillips and his wife Ros - who lives with multiple sclerosis and dementia - are the human faces of the social care crisis.

Initially Norman was able to combine work with his caring responsibilities, but as Ros's condition worsened, he took early retirement.

The couple found help hard to come by and after Norman suffered an injury, they were forced to sell their home to settle care-related debts.

Ros is now subject to an NHS continuing healthcare plan after Norman suffered a breakdown earlier this year and authorities decided he was unable to carry on caring for his wife.

This includes around the clock care for Ros - something Norman said would not have been needed if a lower level of help had been made available earlier.

He said: "They've got six million of us unpaid carers. If they… help us, we can help the system.

"But what's happened to me, you know, is the system just kept backing away and backing away until I cracked."

By Laura Bundock , news correspondent

The election might seem like a two-horse race, but other parties are jockeying for votes too.

We put their manifestos to the Sky News YouGov Voters Panel.

Representing different political backgrounds and more than 40 different constituencies, they pored over the promises and policies.

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long term visit pass need quota


  1. Long Term Visit Pass Application

    long term visit pass need quota

  2. Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) Application/Renewal

    long term visit pass need quota

  3. ICA

    long term visit pass need quota

  4. Completion of Formalities and Issuance of Long-Term Visit Pass

    long term visit pass need quota

  5. Long Term Visit Pass Application Form (Form 14)

    long term visit pass need quota

  6. Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP)

    long term visit pass need quota


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  5. ARP Coffee from MOJO in Taiwan and Channel Updates

  6. Spring Budget 2024


  1. Work passes for holders of Long-Term Visit Passes issued by ICA

    Copy of your current LTVP. Copy of your passport personal particulars page. Your Work Permit will only be valid if your ICA-issued LTVP is valid. If your LTVP expires or is cancelled, your Work Permit will expire or be cancelled as well. You will need to apply for a regular work pass (e.g. S Pass, Employment Pass) if you wish to continue working.

  2. Key facts on Long-Term Visit Pass

    Pass facts. Common-law spouse, step-child or handicapped child of an eligible Employment Pass or S Pass holders. Those earning over $12,000 can also bring in their parents. An employer or appointed employment agent must apply on behalf of the candidate. Up to 2 years, tied to the validity of the main work pass.

  3. Pre-approved Letter of Consent

    The Pre-approved Letter of Consent (PLOC) allows eligible Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP/LTVP+) holders who are spouses or children of Singaporean or permanent resident to work in Singapore. Eligible foreigners who apply for, or renew an LTVP/LTVP+ with ICA will be given the option to apply for one.

  4. Long-Term Visit Pass

    A processing fee of S$45 is applicable when you submit your application. If your LTVP+ application is successful, you will need to pay S$60 for the issuance fee and an additional S$30 if a visa is required. This is similar to the current fees for LTVP, regardless of the validity of the LTVP/LTVP+. ICA 2mo ago.

  5. Long-Term Visit Pass

    The temporary LOC/PLOC will allow you to work for one month from the issuance date of your LTVP+.If your employer would like to continue employing you, he/she would need to submit and obtain an Letter of Consent or a Pre-approved Letter of Consent for you from MOM before the one-month temporary approval expires. ICA 7mo ago.

  6. Work Passes For LTVP Issued By ICA

    If you are holding a Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) issued by Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA), you can work in Singapore only if you get a work pass. Note: You are not allowed to work in objectionable occupations such as a dance hostess or a masseur. Your LTVP should have a validity of at least 4 months remaining if you wish to apply ...

  7. ICA

    These include holders of the Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP), the Student's Pass (STP), as well as those who have been granted In-Principle Approval (IPA) for a LTP. These measures will come into effect from 29 March 2020, 2359 hours. Entry Approval For Holders of LTVPs and STPs (issued by ICA) 2.

  8. Pre-Approved Letter Of Consent (PLOC)

    The Pre-approved Letter of Consent (PLOC) allows eligible Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP/LTVP+) holders who are spouses or children of Singaporean or permanent resident to work in Singapore. Eligible foreigners who apply for, or renew an LTVP/LTVP+ with ICA will be given the option to apply for one. The PLOC is tied to an individual and not to any ...

  9. ICA

    From 1 April 2012, the Government will introduce a new scheme to help Singaporean families with foreign spouses. This new scheme, known as the Long-Term Visit Pass-Plus (or LTVP+), will provide foreign spouses of Singapore citizens who qualify, with greater certainty of stay here by granting the holder a longer period of residency. LTVP+ holders will also be eligible for healthcare and ...

  10. LTVP Issued by ICA

    As a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident (PR), you can sponsor a foreigner to stay in Singapore on a Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) issued by ICA if they are: Your spouse. Your child (aged under 21) Additionally, you must be aged above 21 to sponsor: Your parent. A mother or grandmother of a child or grandchild studying in Singapore on a ...

  11. ICA

    For Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) holders, please renew the LTVP at least two months before the expiration of the current LTVP. First-time applicants need to apply for an LTVP with at least 10 days remaining on their Visit Pass. Visitors to Singapore must have a valid Visit Pass at all times during their stay.

  12. How a Holder of a Long-Term Visit Pass Can Work in Singapore

    Here are three methods for how someone with a long-term visit pass can work in Singapore: 1. Register for an Employment Pass. LTVP holders may register for an Employment Pass separate from the family member who has the main work pass. The Employment Pass is for foreign executives, managers or professionals earning at least $5,000 monthly.

  13. Key facts on Pre-approved Letter of Consent

    Find out key facts about the pass: Who it is for. Spouses and unmarried children (under 21 years old) of Singaporeans and permanent residents who are eligible for a Long-Term Visit Pass ( LTVP /LTVP+), and wish to work in Singapore. PLOC does not allow for the holder to be self-employed. Who can apply.

  14. PDF Singapore Letter of Consent for Eligible Spouses and Children

    The Pre-approved Letter of Consent (PLOC) allows eligible Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP/LTVP+) holders who are spouses or unmarried children (under 21 years old) of Singaporean or permanent residents to work in Singapore. This new initiative between the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) is made available ...

  15. Foreign Worker Quota and Levy Calculations in Singapore

    Long-Term Visit Pass Application; Dependant's Pass Application; Letter of Consent (LOC) Resources. Newsroom; Tips; ... The primary quota that businesses need to be aware of is the Dependency Ratio Ceiling (DRC). The DRC sets the maximum ratio of foreign workers a company can employ relative to its total workforce. Additionally, within the DRC ...

  16. S Pass Quota and Levy

    Basic / Tier 1: Quota %: Up to 10% of the total workforce. Monthly Levy Rate: $550. Daily Levy Rate: $18.09. Note: Should your company temporarily exceed the 10% S Pass quota in the services sector due to workforce attrition, the excess S Passes will be subject to the Tier 2 levy rate.

  17. Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP)

    Validity up to 2 years, tied to the validity of the main work pass; No foreign worker levy or quota required; Eligible LTVP holders may be able to work here if they find jobs; Eligibility. Employment Pass or S Pass holders can apply for a Long Term Visit Pass for their families if they meet these requirements: Earn a minimum fixed monthly ...

  18. Employment Rules for Foreign Spouses of Singaporeans

    Long Term Visit Plus Pass (LTVP+) This scheme was introduced to provide greater certainty of stay in the country for foreigners married to Singapore residents and citizens, as well as make them eligible for healthcare (i.e. nearly similar to the benefits enjoyed by Singaporean PRs) and employment benefits (i.e. able to work with no need for a work permit, just LOC).

  19. New Work Pass Type Introduced

    The situation The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) has introduced a new work pass, the Pre-Approved Letter of Consent (PLOC), that permits eligible Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP/LTVP+) holders to work in Singapore. A closer look Eligibility. Spouses and unmarried children (under 21 years old) of Singaporean citizens and permanent residents who are…

  20. How family members of work permit holders can work in Singapore

    The passes offered to the family members of Singapore work visa holders, namely the Dependant's Pass (DP) and the Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP), offer the flexibility to live, go to school and travel freely in Singapore. However, the flexibility of these two passes does not extend to working in Singapore. If you're a DP or LTVP holder and ...

  21. How to work with a Letter of Consent in Singapore?

    1. The holders of a Long Term Visit Pass. The Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP / LTVP+) is a visa for family members of Singaporean or Permanent Residents as well as some work pass holders in Singapore. The LTVP allow for foreigners to stay and live in Singapore for more than 30 days. LTVP and LTVP+ holders are eligible to a Letter of Consent if:

  22. Everything you need to know about visas in Sarawak (2024)

    Kindly note that Sarawak is currently not issuing work endorsements on the Long Term Social Visit Pass. If you wish to work as a spouse applicant, the only options available at the moment (2023) are 1 and 3. ... You will first need an approved labour quota from the Labour Department to hire any non-Sarawakian general workers, including West ...

  23. Timed Entry Reservations FAQs

    We are still evaluating public comments on that plan. The 2024 pilot is intended to test the use of a timed entry reservation system prior to making a long term decision for the Nisqually to Paradise Corridor Management Plan. You can learn more about the plan on the National Park Service Planning, Environment and Public Comment website.

  24. Key facts on Long-Term Visit Pass for Overseas Networks & Expertise

    Pass facts. Common-law spouse, step-child or handicapped child or parents of an Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass holder. Main pass holders can apply directly. Appointed employment agents and employers can also apply on behalf of the main pass holder. Up to 5 years, based on the validity of the Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass.

  25. Election latest: Boris Johnson 'drafted in to counter Reform'

    Following Reform UK's manifesto launch on Monday, it's been reported the Tories have now "drafted in" former prime minister Boris Johnson to help counter the threat from Nigel Farage's insurgent ...