ski tour panorama




The Panorama Skitour is the Val di Fassa tour “par excellence” , the ideal alternative to the renowned Sellaronda, especially in the high season periods. With 70 kilometers of slopes , the Skitour Panorama offers breathtaking views of the most beautiful Dolomite peaks of the Val di Fassa, from the Sella Group and the Sassolungo up to the Marmolada and the marvelous Catinaccio massif. For a day of skiing away from the crowds, this is the tour for you, with slopes of all difficulties including five black slopes to test yourself and recharge your batteries but also blue slopes and baby parks for the little ones.

The tour can be done in two ways: you can follow the yellow tour , which starts from Col Rodella, to reach the Belvedere ski area and then go up towards the Ciampac-Buffaure ski area and conclude the ski tour at Ciampedie, in the Catinaccio area. Or you can opt for the red tour , starting from Ciampedie and arriving at the Col Rodella ski area, above the village of Campitello di Fassa.

Along the Skitour there are many possibilities for fun for adults and children . Thanks to black slopes, snow parks and baby parks, your day will certainly be memorable! In the Ciampac ski area , absolutely not to be missed is the new Sasso di Rocca timed track , where you can live the adrenaline-filled experience of the champions, but also the Ciampark playground and the new track for snow tubes and sleds, excellent for a break between a slope and another one. Not to mention the incredible Sella Brunech panoramic point at 2428 meters. From the highest point of the Ciampac ski area you can admire the Sella Group with Piz Boè in all its beauty, but also Colac, Crepa Neigra, the south face of the Marmolada and the Catinaccio massif.

Whether with friends, alone, with your partner or with your family, the Skitour Panorama is always an excellent idea to spend a fabulous day among wonderful views of the Dolomites and slopes for all tastes .

If you need more information about the Val di Fassa ski slopes and lifts, visit the website .

ski tour panorama

Skitour Panorama

Things to do

This famous skitour  can be taken in two different directions , from Alba to Vigo di Fassa or vice versa. Starting from Alba di Canazei , via the  Alba – Ciampac cable car, brings you to Sella Brunech , which then crosses the beautiful Val Jumela and climbs Col de Valvacin . From here begins the long descent of almost 6 km towards the village of Pozza di Fassa .

In the opposite direction, the route starts from Vigo di Fassa , with the Vigo – Ciampedie cable car, descending for approximately 4 km from the Ciampedie plateau towards Pera di Fassa and from here taking the train to the Pozza – Buffaure station. Ascending Col de Valvacin , the route crosses Val Jumela and then tackles the descent to Alba di Canazei. 

ski tour panorama

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Val di Fassa Lift | Ski Tour Panorama

ski tour panorama

Skitour Panorama

Lo Ski Tour Panorama è per antonomasia il giro della Val di Fassa . Da qualsiasi skiarea si può iniziare a percorrere il tour nei due sensi, Giallo e Rosso, godendo di una magnifica giornata sugli sci tra panorami mozzafiato all'interno delle cime più famose delle Dolomiti .

Tour Giallo: dal Col Rodella al Ciampedie

Dopo aver raggiunto il Col Rodella da Campitello tramite la funivia, si scende lungo la val Salei attraverso la pista rossa 3-Tre fino a Pian Frataces. Tramite la Cabinovia si raggiunge la Skiarea Belvedere di Canazei , poi giù fino a Pecol per salire in funivia a Col dei Rossi e trovare l'elenganza del ghiacciaio della Marmolada proprio davanti a noi.

Da Col dei Rossi si scende con il nuovissimo impianto Funifor fino ad Alba di Canazei tornando in quota con la cabinovia fino alla Skiarea Ciampac . Raggiungendo Sella Brunech potremmo godere di una vista spettacolare di Punta Penia e della parete sud della Marmolada. Da qui, lungo un'ampia pista, si scende per la Val Giumela e tramite la seggiovia Pala del Geiger potremmo salire a quota 2.354, lì dove si apre il panorama con vista sulla Val Monzoni con a est Punta Valacia, di Cima 11 e Cima 12.

Si inizia da qui una lunga discesa che inizia con la pista rossa Valvacin di ca. 1.640 metri durante la quale si può godere di una vista molto particolare del gruppo del Sassolungo , dalla cui prospettiva si può ammirare il Sasso Piatto. Quasi alla fine della pista Valvacin vale la pena fermarsi a guardare il panorama davanti a noi che ci offre la vista sul famoso massiccio del Catinaccio/Rosengarten . A questo punto, in base alle capacità tecniche, si può scegliere la pista rossa Panorama oppure la recente e tecnica pista nera Vulcano e arrivare fino a Pozza di Fassa . Tra Pozza di Fassa e Pera di Fassa uno skibus navetta ci condurrà in 5-10 minuti fino alla partenza della seggiovia Vajolet1 . All'arrivo delle seggiovie a quota 2.000 metri al Ciampedie , il nostro punto d'arrivo, chiamato anche il "Campo di Dio", che rappresenta una vera e propria balconata panoramica sulla valle di Fassa e sulle Dolomiti ed è famoso anche per le straordinarie Torri del Vajolet ed il gruppo del Catinaccio . Questà è la location ideale per una pausa relax grazie ai tanti rifugi presenti dotati di terrazze da dove godere ancora una volta di una vista a 360° su tutte le Dolomiti .

Tour Rosso: da Ciampedie a Col Rodella

Il tour rosso inizia a Vigo di Fassa . Prendendo la Funivia Vigo-Ciampedie si arriva ai piedi del Gruppo del Catinaccio . Il Ciampedie, ovvero il "Campo di Dio" a quota 2.000 metri, rappresenta una vera e propria balconata panoramica sulla valle di Fassa e sulle Dolomiti , famoso anche per le straordinarie Torri del Vajolet . Emozionati dal magnifico paesaggio, scendiamo tramite la pista rossa Prà Martin che ci porta all'omonima seggiovia.

Arrivati in cima si scende per la divertente ed impegnativa pista Thoeni che, con i suoi 4,5 km di lunghezza, ci porta da Pra Martin fino a Vigo di Fassa: una "rossa" con 700 metri di dislivello, con curvoni e cambi di pendenza divertenti per tutti gli sciatori. Tra Vigo e Pozza di Fassa ci sono regolarmente skibus  che in 10-15 minuti portano fino alla partenza della cabinovia del Buffaure , dove il tour prosegue con la seggiovia quadriposto Col de Valvacin che porterà i turisti fino a quota 2.354 metri lasciandoli a bocca aperta una volta ammirata la meravigliosa Punta Valacia, di Cima 11 e Cima 12. Si continua verso altre prospettive di questi magnifici panorami scendendo per la pista Pala del Geiger per arrivare alla partenza della seggiovia quadriposto Orsa Maggiore che ci fa risalire lungo la Val Giumela.

Giunti in Cima ci troveremo a Sella Brunech, dal quale si ha una vista eccezionale sul gruppo del Sella dal quale spicca la "piramide" del Piz Boè. A questo punto pronti per una lunghissima discesa che dai 2.419 metri di Sella Brunech ci porterà fino al paese di Alba di Canazei  a 1.517 metri. Un dislivello di 902 metri. Si inizia con la pista rossa Sella Brunech di 1.700 metri per arrivare alla piana del Ciampac . Da lì inizia la famosa e tecnica pista del Ciampac lunga 2.800 metri, emozionante pista nera dove mettere alla prova le proprie capacità tecniche sui vari cambi di pendenza che variano dal 32% al 56%. Arrivati ad Alba di Canazei si potrà prendere il nuovissimo impianto Funifor che ci porterà a Col dei Rossi e, dopo una lunga discesa, arriveremo a Pian Frataces attraverso la skiarea Belvedere percorrendo la pista n. 3 Kristiania ed attraversando il bosco sulla pista n. 6 Del Bosco. Da Pian Frataces si prende la cabinovia Pradel che ci porterà fino alla skiarea - e all'omonima cima - del Col Rodella, punto di arrivo del nostro Ski Tour Panorama .


Skiing is at home here

Ski tours, the whole val di fassa on skis.

Enjoy an extraordinary adventure in the world-famous ski carousel around the Sella massif, connecting four Ladin valleys in the heart of the Dolomites: Val Gardena, Alta Badia, Arabba and Val di Fassa. Awarded the title of " Best ski tour " by , the Sellaronda is not the only ski tour available in Val di Fassa. In fact, there are also the First World War Tour , as well as the Panorama Ski Tour and the Sass Becé Tour , which offer splendid slopes suitable for everyone.

Il panorama della Sellaronda | © Patricia Ramirez - Archivio Immagini ApT Val di Fassa

Sellaronda Ski Tour

Panorama Ski Tour

Panorama Ski Tour

Sciare sul Sass Becè | © Fassa Lifts

Sass Becé Tour

Ski tour della Grande Guerra | © Nicolo Miana - Archivio Immagini ApT Val di Fassa

First World War Tour

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The Ultimate Panorama Ski Guide

Canada Ski Holiday Panorama

Panorama's groomed runs are ideal for first-time skiers.

--> BY Adam Bisby

Last updated . 28 January 2020

Little things go a long way on a ski holiday, so it’s a good thing secluded Panorama resort, overlooking the Rocky Mountains, has details down pat.

Why it’s a secret gem.

Panorama is an oasis of sorts.

Panorama Mountain Resort

Drink in the view (and a hot chocolate) after a long day of hitting the slopes.

Its 1152 hectares of skiable terrain and 1225-metre vertical put it in the same league as North America’s largest ski and snowboard resorts, yet its uncrowded slopes are worlds away from the hustle and bustle of Banff to the north, or the Okanagan region to the west. There’s more to the oasis theme than serenity, what with Canada’s largest slopeside hot-pool complex on hand. It’s a wonder the place isn’t more crowded, with superbly balanced runs ranging from the recently revamped beginner slopes of the Discovery Zone to the steep-and-deep exhilaration of Taynton Bowl.

Our tip? Enjoy Panorama while you can.

Who will love it

If there’s a great divide in your group when it comes to skiing ability, Panorama pleases beginners and experts alike. Green trails are accessible from every one of the 10 lifts, but it’s the new Discovery Chairlift and surrounding Discovery Zone that are the biggest boons to new skiers and snowboarders. This learn-to-turn area is groomed daily, includes two step-aboard magic carpet lifts, and embraces progressive learning. This means newbies can start with very gentle terrain and graduate to slightly steeper slopes as their skills improve.

Three things you must do

1. Expert skiers know they’re in for a treat when heliski terrain is moved inside resort boundaries. Such is the case with Taynton Bowl, a powder playground with more than 280 hectares of challenging chutes, bowls and glades. Drop right onto Heli High from the 2365-metre peak of Panorama Mountain, or hike along the summit ridge to tackle the aptly named Devil’s Drop.

Panorama British Columbia

Conquer the mountains in Panorama.

2. The largest resort hot-pool complex in Canada, Panorama Springs lets adults relax in one of two enormous bubbling tubs while children cavort in an even larger warm pool. Indeed, with more than 150 square metres of pool space to go around, and a sauna to boot, there’s little chance your personal space will be invaded. All Panorama guests can access the springs with their room key card, with towels supplied and showers, lockers and blow dryers available at no extra charge.

3. A free shuttle connects Panorama to the nearby town of Invermere, where shopping and dining meet myriad outdoor recreation options. Foremost among the latter is the 34-kilometre Lake Windermere Whiteway, the longest ice-skating path on the planet. The trail runs all the way around the scenic mountain lake separating Invermere from neighbouring Windermere, and also includes groomed tracks for classic- and skate-style cross-country skiers, along with a pair of rustic warming huts.

Local secrets you should know about

Eateries at North American ski resorts are usually clustered around the base of the slopes, but not at Panorama.

Three outstanding options – the Mile 1 Hut atop the Mile 1 Express chairlift, the mid-mountain Elkhorn Cabin, and the Summit Hut – serve everything from local microbrews and cappuccinos to cheese fondue and homemade chilli.

Off the slopes

Where else can you hand-craft your own ski-trip souvenir? At Saffire Bead & Flameworks in Panorama’s resort village, art classes include bead- and jewellery-making over an open flame. You can show off your new bling at a Yoga on the Mountain class, or leave it on your dresser and join Toby Creek Adventures for a guided snowmobile tour through stunning Purcell Mountains terrain.

Best après-ski hotspots

You can’t go wrong with any of the aforementioned on-mountain options, but the Summit Hut stands out with its ‘Traditional Cheese and Chocolate Fondue’ apres-ski experience. Dip baby potatoes, roasted garlic, steamed vegetables and baguette in a decadent Swiss cheese blend, and then do likewise with fresh fruit and rich, melted chocolate. Sit with a glass of local riesling, watch the sunset, then click into your gear for a guided run down to the village below.

Skiers will love

Based right in the resort, the region’s original heliski service gives guests access to 1500 square kilometres of pristine mountain and glacier terrain. Genuine bucket-list material.

Snowboarders will love

Panorama’s “Mountain Friends”

These yellow-jacketed locals meet visitors in front of the Ski Tip Lodge every morning and afternoon, to provide free tours of the slopes and free advice on where to find the best turns, best snow, and best bratwurst.

Recommended places to stay

Panorama Mountain Resort Village

All accommodation is located within the Panorama Mountain Resort village.

Steps from the chairlift, this straightforward, hotel-style option includes a communal hot tub and gear storage.

Address:  123 Summit Drive

1000 Peaks Summit Lodge

Conveniently close to the lifts, village dining and shopping, and the Panorama Springs hot pools, these condo-style units overlook a pretty courtyard.

Address:  2070 Summit Drive

Earl Grey Lodge

Earl Grey Lodge Panorama

Stay at the cosy, mountain-ranged Early Grey Lodge.

This rustic B&B-style lodge can accommodate groups as large as 11 and has a gourmet restaurant on-site, as well as a comfortable guest lounge and full kitchen.

Address: 2069 Summit Drive

Panorama Springs Lodge

Two-bedroom, slopeside condos offer direct access to the Panorama Springs Hot Pools, with village amenities a short walk away.

Address:  2000 Panorama Drive

Canada is a hot one on the list, head here to check out everything else you can do in the great country up north.

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Globe Guide

An insider’s guide to Panorama Mountain Resort in BC, Canada

ski tour panorama

My skis sliced through the snow, the fresh crisp air filling my lungs as I zipped my way down the forest-framed run.

The craggy peaks of mountain vistas spread out ahead without another soul in sight, and the only sounds aside from the snow crunching underfoot as I carved tracks were hoots and hollers of other riders echoing through the valley.

Moments like this are why Panorama Mountain Resort is one of the most popular ski areas in British Columbia, Canada, and a highlight of any winter visit to the Columbia Valley.

panorama resort

Nestled in the heart of British Columbia’s Purcell Mountains, the hill boasts one of North America’s top 10 verticals, has a prime spot on the aptly-named Powder Highway, and nearly three-thousand acres of skiable terrain including notorious Taynton Bowl which challenges even the most confident skiers.

Panorama Mountain Resort in BC, Canada

The all-season resort has plenty of activities to keep visitors of all ages occupied, and really comes alive during the winter thanks to its location just 20 minutes west of Invermere, BC, ski-in/out accommodations and bragging rights as the home of Canada’s largest outdoor on-mountain hot pools.

ski tour panorama

Besides the hill and its buzzing base, Panorama offers some unique adventures–helicopter rides and paragliding on skis, anyone?

Here’s an insider’s guide on the best things to do in Panorama Mountain Resort , with secret tips you won’t find anywhere else.

panorama resort

How to enjoy the Panorama Springs Pools without crowds

The village boasts Canada’s largest slopeside hot pools, with two large pools (one currently under construction), a couple of smaller hot tubs and even a sauna just steps from the hill.

No surprise, they can get quite busy during weekends in winter so one trick is to book a mid-week stay if you’re looking for solace.

Better yet, many of the on-hill condos and lodges have their own hot tubs so reserve a room in one of those and you just might find yourself soaking in your own private pool.

RELATED: Things to do in Invermere, BC in winter during a girls’ getaway

The hot tubs at Panorama Mountain Resort

You can get a special ride to the top of Panorama resort

Sure, chairlifts are handy but have you ever been dropped off on the top of a mountain by helicopter?!

Skiing Panorama looks a little different, with a handful of elevated options to take your day on the slopes to the next level.

Snowcat rides at Panorama Mountain Resort

Whizzing down a double-black diamond ski run while dodging moguls and trees is guaranteed to get the heart racing, and the best way to access this extreme terrain is by hopping on one of the Monster X snowcats.

ski tour panorama

‘Jekyll’ and ‘Hyde’ shuttle advanced skiers and snowboarders over to 950 acres of inbounds, backcountry-style runs in Taynton Bowl, including a steep, open pitch in the centre which locals fondly nicknamed ‘The Monster’ years ago.

ski tour panorama

The best lines are between Spectre and Get Out–while these are open for anyone, unless you take the snowcat it’s quite a hike to traverse over.

Cat-skiing operates from Thursday to Sunday and certain holiday Mondays, and pricing starts at $22 for single ride tickets.

ski tour panorama

Take a helicopter ride to the top of the Panorama ski hill

Panorama Resort kicks apres-ski up a notch, thanks to its private helicopter offerings.

Pre-COVID, guests booking a tour through RK Heliski could enjoy a helicopter ride up to Summit Hut, nosh on steaming pots of gruyere cheese fondue paired with meat, and enjoy sunset while tucking into chocolate fondue.

While this experience has been sidelined for a few years, it’s still possible to book private helicopter tours (in fact, the resort recently hosted a hilltop wedding), so keep an eye out or reach out directly to inquire about this unforgettable experience.

Panorama heli-skiing with RK Heliski

Is there anything more bucket list-worthy than a day spent shredding untouched pow in the backcountry?

You can do just that with RK Heliski which operates from the base of the resort. The operator has guided thrill-seekers through the Purcells for decades, building a loyal clientele from all over the world who quickly become addicted to the chest-deep snow drifts and high elevations typically only found in this area.

A Bell 212 helicopter plays chairlift for the day, dropping skiers and snowboarders onto towering glaciers at heights of up to 3,000 metres, then vanishes over the horizon leaving the group to be expertly guided down the slopes.

Alpine adventures are fully customizable, and typical packages include three to four long runs as well as a hearty breakfast and slopeside lunch—safe to say your legs will be screaming for a break by the time you make it down from your third session!

READ MORE: An alpine adventure with RK Heliski in Panorama, BC

Heli-skiing with RK Heliski in Panorama, BC, Canada

Tandem paragliding in Panorama, BC

Bet you’ve never seen someone paraglide over a ski resort before!

Panorama is one of the only places on the planet that offers this unique winter activity, where guests can try tandem paragliding right from the hill.

ski tour panorama

The activity lasts an hour (actual flight time is 10-15 minutes, which to be honest is plenty given the cold temperatures), starting with some demonstrations and safety training by pilot Max Powers.

ski tour panorama

Then, it’s time for liftoff! Guests strap into their skis and a harness, start heading down the hill and soon find themselves gracefully gliding up, up and away over the Columbia Valley.

It’s hard to beat the serene feeling of silently gliding above the tiny chairlifts and skiers below, channelling your inner bird as you soar high above the hill and soak in one of the best views in the entire region.

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ski tour panorama

You don’t have to know how to ski to enjoy Panorama winter activities

There are so many fun things to do in Invermere, BC in winter that don’t involve skiing or snowboarding, and a few of them are in Panorama so you hardly have to leave the resort.

Skating in the Panorama Mountain Village

Lace up your skates and go for a glide at the rink in the Upper Village, which is open all day long and lit up at night with pretty lights.

ski tour panorama

Cross-country skiing in Panorama

Over at the Panorama Nordic Centre in the lower village, more than 20 kilometres of groomed trails await for snowshoeing and cross-country skiing along scenic Toby Creek.

Snowmobiling near the Panorama resort

To get your adrenaline going, spend a day ripping around on a snowmobile with Toby Creek Adventures which is one of the best things to do in Panorama.

Get all geared up, take a quick practice ride around their headquarters which are just a five minute drive from the Panorama ski area, then head out into the backcountry.

ski tour panorama

With over 32-thousand acres of terrain to explore, guests of all ages and skill levels can expect to do everything from weaving through old-growth forests to ripping around Paradise Bowl to enjoying panoramic views from eight-thousand feet up.

ski tour panorama

The 4-5 hour excursions include a coffee break at a charming, wood-stove heated cabin next to an abandoned 1900s silver mine, a slopeside barbecue back at the cabin, and walking to a frozen waterfall on the way back down.

ski tour panorama

Where to find the best breakfast

There are lots of options for grabbing breakfast down in the village, including Fireside Café in the Approach Hotel and the cafeteria-style The Great Hall.

ski tour panorama

My recommendation is to head up the chairlift first thing in the morning to get the freshest tracks of the day, do a few runs, then make your way to the Summit Hut.

Not only can you take a break, enjoy great views and warm up around the wood-burning stove, but they also serve the best damn breakfast sandwich you’ve ever had in your life.

It was so good I didn’t even take a photo before devouring it, so you’ll just have to trust me on this one.

Summit Hut at Panorama Mountain Resort

You can pretend you’re in Europe

Didn’t make it to the Alps this year? Pretend you’re in Switzerland by heading to the Elkhorn Cabin for Raclette.

This Swiss tradition sees cheese melted and served over meat, veggies and bread, somewhat similar to fondue. Enjoy it as a quick lunch stop, or book a table during après ski and enjoy a guided ski back down the hill after dinner, lit by a headlamp.

There’s also a cheese fondue party that can be booked in advance for larger groups, topped off with an optional chocolate fondue. Pricing starts at $40 per person, e-mail [email protected] for reservations.

The cozy, slopeside cabin gets absolutely packed on weekends and can be quite a fun scene; there are also so many Europeans who make the trip across the pond to ski here that chances are you’ll hear someone at the next table speaking German or Czech and feel like you’re in the Bavarian Alps!

ski tour panorama

Where to find the best views at the Panorama ski resort

Looking for the perfect backdrop for capturing a group shot of your ski getaway, or just want to enjoy epic scenery as you whiz down the hill?

panorama resort

Some of the best views at Panorama Mountain Resort are:

  • From the Elkhorn cabin, midway down the Rollercoaster run
  • In Sun Bowl, on the far side of the mountain
  • At Summit Hut (take the Summit quad to get there) to enjoy panoramic views from 2,365 metres up
  • The Hayfever run, or Founder’s Ridge area for a cool perspective of the village
  • While paragliding, obviously!

ski tour panorama

Panorama accommodation: Best places to stay for Invermere skiing

Whether you’re visiting Panorama Mountain Village during a couple’s getaway or spending a fun weekend away with a larger group, the resort has pretty much every type of accommodation imaginable.

ski tour panorama

There are seven different hotels and lodges on the mountain, which are all just steps away from the chairlifts, restaurants and hot pools.

The village is divided into two sections (upper and lower), and those staying in the lower section can hop on the free Village Gondola that shuttles people back and forth all day long (the rides only takes a few minutes).

ski tour panorama

A good option for Panorama ski-in/ski-out accommodation is the newly-refurbished Approach Hotel , which is right in the centre of the action.

Its no-frills, minimalist approach focuses on the basics, and rooms have all sorts of configurations from one queen-size beds and lofts to family-style rooms with bunk beds that sleep six people. Click here for pricing

ski tour panorama

There are also hundreds of privately-owned houses, townhomes and condos that are rented out by owners; check out these listings on for smaller suites, and these ones on VRBO for larger homes which are ideal for groups.

ski tour panorama

How to get to Panorama, BC

This Invermere ski hill is a 20 minute drive west of town, and the closest airport is in Cranbrook, BC. However, most visitors come from Calgary which has a major airport (YYC) and is less than four hours away.

International visitors typically include a stop in Banff along the way, and tack on trips to nearby ski spots along the Powder Highway like Golden , Revelstoke , Fernie and Kimberley.

Panorama Mountain Resort offers shuttle transfers from the Calgary airport, and there’s also a free shuttle that goes between Invermere and Panorama.

panorama resort


  • The ultimate guide to enjoying winter in Golden, British Columbia
  • Where to sip, ski and stay in Rossland, BC
  • Fun things to do in Revelstoke, British Columbia in winter
  • Fun things to do in Fernie BC in winter


ski tour panorama

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About The Author

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Tamara Elliott

22 thoughts on “an insider’s guide to panorama mountain resort in bc, canada”.

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Wow, those photos of Panorama look amazing! I’ve just been to Big White and Whistler and had a blast on the slopes. Would you say that Panorama is best for expert skiers though?

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Hey Christina, it’s actually one of my favourite hills in terms of the range of runs it has for all skill levels. Experts can brave Taynton bowl, and those who aren’t as confident can easily tackle the blue runs found off the main chairlift. There are tons of runs for everyone!

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I am not the biggest fan of snow. These are gorgeous photos you got. I would actually consider being out in all that beauty.

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Hooray for amazing pow in beautiful British Columbia! We’ve hit a whack of great resorts in BC, but Panorama is on our list for next year for sure. Super photos!

It’s such a great resort, all year round!

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The slopes look amazing! Although I think I’ll give the double black diamond mogul field a miss! I’d love to give snowmobiling a go though. Panorama looks like it has something for everyone!

Definitely an epic spot for snowmobiling!

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I don’t know much about skiing, but it is definitely something I would like to try one day. I also won’t mind trying the paragliding and snowmobiling. I like the mixture of activities that Panorama Resort offers.

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Love BC and this looks like an extraordinary place to explore. Heli-fondu reminds me of my sledding adventure in Interlaken, Switzerland, but our reward was at the end.

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The landscapes in Canada are just memorising! I would love to visit the Panorama Resort one day. Definitely adding it to the list!

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Well, from these pictures, I can totally understand why the resort is called Panorama! Absolutely beautiful location. And what about heli-skiing? That must be amazing!

You’re right- it’s the perfect name, I never even thought about that!

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I love helicopter rides! They are always worth the splurge. Wow, what a beautiful part of the world to ski. Thanks for sharing, I’m definitely bookmarking this.

And can you believe it starts at only $55 for the helicopter and fondue?! Hardly a splurge!

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Wow the food looks so amazing. This place seems to the perfect place for winter sports. The slopes also look amazing for skiing. I am planning to learn to ski this year. The first photograph in this post looks so stunning.

Pingback: Globe Guide’s 2017: Epic adventures and some seriously deep thoughts - Globe Guide

Pingback: On top of the world: Heli-hiking in British Columbia’s Cariboos - Globe Guide

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Pingback: Fun things to do in Fernie BC in winter

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You’ll find Panorama tucked away at the end of a mountain lined road surrounded by those panoramic peaks that give the resort its name.

Panorama sits deep in the Columbia Valley and is a purpose build ski-in, ski-out resort with slopeside hot springs, dining cabins perched mid and top of the mountain and a plethora of adventures from heli skiing to paragliding. Add some of the best groomers in the land on the front side with fantastic fall line skiing,and cat accessed ski patrolled off piste magic on the back. With an average winter temperature of 25F (-5C) it’s a comfortable temperature for families, especially with little ones and little fingers in mittens.

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About panorama.

Panorama enjoys over 16.5 feet (5 m) of snowfall a season with snow making also on offer. Expect 2,975 acres (1,204 ha) of terrain – ranging from wide open fall-line cruisers to powder-filled tree lines, and the steep and deep exhilaration of Taynton Bowl.

50% of Panorama’s runs are suitable for beginners or intermediates. For black-diamond runs, head to Taynton Bowl. Formerly a heli-skiiing area, Taynton Bowl is now within bounds, so the slopes are patrolled, avalanche controlled and no backcountry gear is needed. Warm up first, as the 750 acre (303 ha) bowl is all black runs.

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Contact us for your Panorama Mountain Resort travel needs.


Panorama Mountain Resort village area

Panorama Mountain Village is an intimate village at the base with a handful of cafes and restaurants, a T Bar Grill and a Smokehouse Cabin. Add a Candy Cabin for sugar addicts, a general store for essentials, two ski and snowboard shops, a physiotherapist and an art gallery and you’re pretty much done.

If you have a desire to shop more then head back down the access road to the nearby town of Invermere where local artisans abide and discover a Main Street filled with galleries, boutiques and outdoor stores, a local distillery and coffee roaster.

Contact us for your Panorama Mountain Resort travel needs.  


Panorama Mountain Resort relaxing area

Panorama’s purpose built village means that wherever you sleep you’re not far from a chairlift. Choose from a selection of slopeside condominiums for every budget from lush town homes along Toby Creek to ski-in, ski-out retreats. There is literally a lodge or condo complex to suit every need.

Panorama Springs Lodge is one of the resort’s premium accommodation offerings and home to the renowned Panorama Springs Pools. These condominiums offer direct ski-in, ski-out access to the beginner lifts and the Mile 1 Express.  The best location on the mountain.


#1. Ski-in ski-out village of self contained apartments with plenty of space for family travellers.

#2. Slopeside hot pools for soaking at the end of a thigh burning day skiing and snowboarding.

#3. Variety of terrain — fall line groomers, fields of trees, steep and deeps in Taynton Bowl and 4265 feet (1300) m of vertical.

#4. Lake Windermere Whiteway – the longest natural frozen pathway in the world with 29kms of ice skating, fat biking, and nordic skiing trails.

#5. The views, the views, the views, remember to look up, and breathe!


Panorama Mountain Resort area


Annual snowfall:, vertical drop:, number of lifts & uphill capacity:, nordic skiing.

Like a little solitude? Cross-country skiing might be for you.

Through forest and along Toby Creek, the multi-use trail network offers more than 20 km of regularly groomed trails, suitable for classic and skate skiing. Imagine — space to yourself,  uncrowded, and spectacular mountain scenery to cross-country ski. Different routes for all levels of skiers and abilities. If you’re up to it, take the 7.5 mile (12 km) loop out to the Hale Hut Warming Cabin for an unforgettable afternoon in the mountains with spectacular views.

The Lake Windermere Whiteway, recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest ice-skating loop,  is just 20 km from the resort (accessible by free shuttle bus). The views of the Rockies and the Purcells from the expanse of the frozen lake are sensational! More trails are available deep in the Kootenays too and the Toby Creek Nordic Ski Club can help point you in the right direction.


Panorama Mountain Village operates 7 days a week into the night on Showoff with access via the Mile 1 High Speed Quad. Rising 1200 ft above the village, the Showoff trail is over a mile long. It’s described as a gentle rolling cruiser, great for all abilities and groomed daily.

The expanded terrain and high speed lift access has proven popular with families vacationing at the resort and local residents coming up from Invermere after a day of work or school.


To reduce your wait, Panorama has invested in RFID technology and snowmaking to bring the beginning of the ski season closer to now, and when it’s here, get you on the mountain faster.

Early December – mid April each year. Snowmaking on 40% of main named runs.


9.00 am – 3.30 pm Note: These times are provided by the ski resort and can vary based on external conditions, day of the week, school, and public holidays


Calgary International Airport (YYC) is the most common access point to Panorama.  It’s 193 miles (311 km) from Panorama through the world famous Banff and Kootenay National Parks. During the winter season we offer airport transfers from YYC.

Canadian Rockies International Airport (YXC) is just 100 miles (161 km) from Panorama. Spokane International Airport (GEG) is 288 miles (464 km) from Panorama. Glacier Park International Airport (FCA) in Kalispell, MT is 217 miles (349 km) from Panorama Mountain Resort, in British Columbia.

Panorama is situated in BC’s Purcell Mountains, with alpine views to the Rocky Mountains. The nearest major city is Calgary, AB, just a 3½ hour drive away. Access from Calgary is west, via Highway 1 through the Banff and Kootenay National Parks, followed by a turn south on Highway 93 through to Radium and onwards to Invermere, BC.

From Invermere, a gentle 20 minute drive rises into the Purcell Mountains and winds towards Panorama Mountain Resort.

Panorama Mountain Resort trail map


Terrain park.

Panorama Mountain Resort skiing park

Panorama Mountain Resort has two terrain parks covering 6.62 acres and 1km in length.


This park features small and medium features for progressing your skills before testing them in the bigger park.


The upper half of the park features a medium to large, two lane rail line. The last feature is a medium/large jump. This section of the park is on skier’s left, leaving plenty of space for spectating and free skiing on skier’s right. The bottom half of the park features a medium to x-large jump line.


Skier at Panorama Mountain Resort

It’s hard to choose which ski and snowboard improvement lesson, workshop or camp to do. Panorama packs a snow school punch with a rocking program of lessons for everyone from first timer to old timer.

With everything from private lesson to adult lessons that max out at four, a kids ski school discovery program, women only camps, men only camps, even an all mountain program for grommets wanting to ski big mountains and a pre-heli prep session for guests going heli skiing for the first time.

COVID-19 Policy: The resorts’ products, programs and prices may change or vary for the upcoming 2020/21 season as they continue to act in accordance with the instructions of the BC Ministry of Health and other Government officials.

Panorama Rentals

Panorama’s Mountain Outfitters has you covered, whether you are new to the sport, an intermediate cruiser or an expert skier.

Locals can live it up with the Switch Up program, for locals looking for a season-long rental program, exclusively for local youngsters, available for children up to grade 12.

Keeping your kids on the slopes doesn’t have to cost a fortune; save your money and rent top-quality, entry level, ski and snowboard equipment for the season. Kids can get their gear  to-go  with ease as Mountain Outfitters is only steps from the chairlifts.

Winter growth spurt? Ability progression? Or something not feel right? No problem  ’Switch up’  and get back on the slopes quickly! This is a no-brainer. Season-long rental of entry level skis or snowboard set up (includes boots); take the gear home and bring it back to us at the end of the season. Oh, and if your kids grow — and they usually do — you can change ski and boot sizes at any time.

For the grown-ups, High Performance ski rentals are best for intermediate and expert skiers. We recommend a regular rental package for novice and low-intermediate skiers and all snowboarders. This equipment is designed to help you improve your skills faster.  Let’s face it, we might as well get all the help we can to master this amazing sport.


Panorama Mountain District shopping district

Panorama has limited shopping options with a general store for essentials, two ski and snowboard shops and an art gallery.

If you head back down the access road to the nearby town of Invermere you’ll find local artisans, galleries, boutiques and outdoor stores nestled amongst cafes and restaurants. It’s a pretty town on Windermere lake and definitely worth a visit while at Panorama, especially for the Kicking Horse Coffee roasters for barista style coffee.


Two skiers at Panorama Mountain Resort

Soak in Canada’s largest slope side hot pools, book in for a day’s heli ski with RK Heli at the base of the mountain, take a Toby Creek snow mobile adventure, ski off the side of the mountain with a tandem paraglider, ice skate on the resorts mini rink, go snow shoeing or fat tyre biking or ski and snowboard under lights every Saturday night.

Down the road in Invermere you’ll find even more. Go skating on Windermere Lake, watch a local game of hockey, dine at Birchwood or sip cocktails at Taynton Bay Spirits distillery.

Guests travelling by car can also visit two incredible natural Panorama hot springs nearby. About 30 minutes south from Invermere on highway 93 are the steaming hot pools at Fairmont Hot Springs and 20 minutes north of Invermere is Radium Hot Springs in the Kootenay National Park.

Panorama Mountain Resort cabins and restaurant

Best part of après at Panorama? You’re never far from a stumble home.

Make sure you ski in to Cliffhanger Restaurant for a late lunch before the lifts close. The views are as good as the steaks.

At the base of the resort you’ll find Alto’s for pizzas and beers, Jackpine Pub for craft beers and trivia, T Bar Grill for live music and the popular and cute as a stylish button Cabin Smokehouse for smoked meats, cocktails and gourmet dining.

On the mountain try the Raclette with a view at Elkhorn Cabin and book in for ‘heli fondue’ at Summit Hut where a helicopter ride takes you to the top for gooey cheese in a pot.

Panorama: Panorama, ©Jonview

Why Panorama?

Great for families as the Panorama ski-in, ski-out village is central to the resort and the mountain offers a solid mix of beginner to intermediate to advanced and then expert terrain. First time heli skiers will love RK Heli who offer a fantastic intermediate terrain style experience for those new to the sport. With Invermere 30 minutes down the road filled with ice skating adventures, quirky shopping and Canadian dining to keep you busy on down days.

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Mountain Friends

Discover the mountain's best spots to ski, snowboard & XC ski

Looking for a way to see Panorama Mountain the way the locals do? Take a tour with our friendly hosts in the yellow and blue jackets. For intermediate and advanced skiers and riders

Winter Panorama Spring

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Mountain Friends Information

Complimentary tours - mountain or cross-country.

Are you an intermediate or advanced skier or snowboarder looking for a way to see Panorama Mountain the way the locals do?  Let our Mountain Friends be your guide to the mountain and cross-country trails.

Mountain tours at 10 AM and 1:30 PM daily. Nordic tours from 10:30 AM - 2:30 PM Thursday to Sunday.

Tours suitable for intermediate to advanced skiers and riders. 


"Mountain Friends have been a blessing to us. They have shown us this beautiful mountain that they know like the back of their hand's and they've taken us to the perfect spots to ride on that day. We've been overwhelmed by the friendliness we have received by all the resort staff since arriving to spend our Honeymoon. The Mountain Friends have been a big part of our stay so far. They are lots of fun and like us, are passionate about skiing and snowboarding. All we could ask for and more on our first visit to Pano."

- Sarah and Phil.

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-Louise Hudson, The Calgary Sun.


Alpine (Skiers and snowboarders):  Daily at 10:00 AM and 1:30 PM during the winter season. Nordic: Friday to Sunday at 10:30 AM - 2:30 PM during the winter season.

Alpine: Simply meet in front of the Ski Tip Lodge. Look for the Mountain Friend sign and bright yellow jackets! Nordic: Meet in front of Greywolf Club House. Look for the blue jackets!

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© 2024 Panorama Mountain Resort, BC. Official site of Panorama Mountain Resort in the BC Kootenay Rockies

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Freezing level: 2600 metres.

Mostly light ridge wind occasionally gusting to 45 km/h.

Current Weather

1:20AM 15 June, 2024

Village 1180m

Mid mountain 2160m, summit 2365m, lifts & trails.

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Timber Tour #1 | Panorama Mountain Resort

January 13, 2022 @ 8:00 am - january 16, 2022 @ 4:00 pm.

On behalf of Freestyle Panorama, Freestyle BC and Panorama Mountain Resort, it is a pleasure to invite you to attend the Timber Tour #1 held at Panorama from January 13-16 2022.

This registration includes all three disciplines: Moguls, Slopestyle, and Big Air. We encourage athletes to compete in all disciplines at the Timber Tour level.

*Registration closes at 11:59 pm, January 11, 2022. 

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    The Panorama Ski Tour can be regarded as a variant of Sellaronda, feasible both clockwise as anticlockwise. From Vigo a cable car leads you up to the natural terrace of Ciampedie, where people can ski in the realm of King Laurin, at the feet of Catinaccio-Rosengarten.Before taking the "Thöni" slope to return down to the village, you can ski to "Pian Pecei".

  2. Skitour Panorama

    THE VAL DI FASSA TOUR, SKIS ON YOUR FEET. The Panorama Skitour is the Val di Fassa tour "par excellence", the ideal alternative to the renowned Sellaronda, especially in the high season periods.With 70 kilometers of slopes, the Skitour Panorama offers breathtaking views of the most beautiful Dolomite peaks of the Val di Fassa, from the Sella Group and the Sassolungo up to the Marmolada and ...

  3. Panorama Ski Tour

    Panorama Ski Tour. 70 km of tracks without ever repeating the same slope. Active. 24 January 2024. The most beautiful slopes, the most impressive landscapes. Yellow or Red. This is the only choice you will have to make to decide in which direction to explore the Val di Fassa skis on your feet. Then you can banish all thoughts and concentrate ...

  4. Skitour Panorama

    Skitour Panorama. This famous skitour can be taken in two different directions, from Alba to Vigo di Fassa or vice versa.Starting from Alba di Canazei, via the Alba - Ciampac cable car, brings you to Sella Brunech, which then crosses the beautiful Val Jumela and climbs Col de Valvacin.From here begins the long descent of almost 6 km towards the village of Pozza di Fassa.

  5. Val di Fassa Lift

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  6. Timber Tour # 1. Panorama Mountain Resort

    On behalf of the Freestyle Panorama Ski Club, Freestyle BC and Panorama Mountain Resort, we would like to invite you to attend the first stop of the 2024 Timber Tour Series held at Panorama Mountain Resort from January 18 - 21, 2024. This registration includes the following disciplines: Moguls, Slopestyle, Big Air and Dual Moguls.We value the diversification of skills and encourage all ...

  7. Ski tours, the whole Val di Fassa on skis

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  8. The Ultimate Panorama Ski Guide

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  9. SKITOUR PANORAMA Val di Fassa Lift

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  10. An insider's guide to Panorama Mountain Resort in BC, Canada

    Take a helicopter ride to the top of the Panorama ski hill. Panorama Resort kicks apres-ski up a notch, thanks to its private helicopter offerings. Pre-COVID, guests booking a tour through RK Heliski could enjoy a helicopter ride up to Summit Hut, nosh on steaming pots of gruyere cheese fondue paired with meat, and enjoy sunset while tucking ...

  11. Panorama Mountain Resort

    For a magical ski vacation, Canada's Panorama Ski Resort is the perfect ski resort. With various activities, Panaroma Mountain Resort is an ever popular ski destination. ... Ski Tour Investments Pty Ltd ABN: 34 662 412 259. Australia. Mount Lofty QLD 4350, Australia. M: +61 428 636 929.

  12. Panorama Timber Tour

    Panorama Timber Tour. January 18, 2022. The first Timber Tour event, hosted by the Panorama Freestyle Club, delivered smiles for miles and miles. It was such a memorable experience for everyone involved, and the list of highlights is a long as the mountain has vertical, which is well of 4000' of epic relief.

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    Panorama Ski and Snowboard Terrain Panorama Ski Resort is renowned for the big vertical that spans 1,300 metres from an elevation of 2,365m to 1,150m. The 2,975 acres (1,200 hectares) of Panorama ski terrain is below the tree line, so there are plenty of opportunities for enjoying the gladed areas. Much of the terrain is well suited to ...

  14. Panorama Mountain Resort

    Share. Panorama Mountain Resort. Intimate, accessible, friendly, and laidback, Panorama has long been a favourite ski destination for families. The snowfall is dry and the days are sunny and warm. Here, 135 runs stretch across nearly 1,214 hectares (3,000 acres) of terrain with panoramic views of the Purcell and Rocky mountains.

  15. Panorama Mountain

    Panorama Mountain. The massive mountain rises 4000 vertical ft and covers 3000 acres of terrain suitable for all abilities. Intermediates carve the famed fall-line groomed runs while advanced skiers revel in the steeps of Taynton Bowl. The summit's 8000 ft elevation, just below tree-line, provides breathtaking views and stands tall over this ...

  16. Panorama Mountain Resort

    Panorama is magical. It's where the wild meets warmth and welcome. It's a mountain resort and an alpine village, tucked deep into Canada's oldest mountains. It's not just another resort with great skiing and riding. There's more to the mountains up here and loads of adventurous activities just waiting to be discovered.

  17. Mountain Friends

    Complimentary Tours - Mountain or Cross-Country. Are you an intermediate or advanced skier or snowboarder looking for a way to see Panorama Mountain the way the locals do? Let our Mountain Friends be your guide to the mountain and cross-country trails. Mountain tours at 10 AM and 1:30 PM daily. Nordic tours from 10:30 AM - 2:30 PM Thursday to ...

  18. Timber Tour #1

    January 13, 2022 @ 8:00 am - January 16, 2022 @ 4:00 pm. $180. On behalf of Freestyle Panorama, Freestyle BC and Panorama Mountain Resort, it is a pleasure to invite you to attend the Timber Tour #1 held at Panorama from January 13-16 2022. This registration includes all three disciplines: Moguls, Slopestyle, and Big Air.

  19. Panorama Canada

    Panorama Mountain Resort is located in the Kootenay Rockies in British Columbia, a 3.5 hour drive from Calgary International Airport (Alberta). The resort is compact, pedestrian friendly and is popular with families due to it's friendly and relaxed atmosphere. A true ski-in ski-out mountain village where you can unclip at your accommodation ...

  20. Europe's highest observation deck

    PANORAMA360 is. Panoramic view of Moscow from a height of 327 meters. Polar bear Panoramych. The world's highest ice cream factory. The world's highest chocolate factory. Group tours for all ages. Locations for amazing photos. Kids animation program. The panoramic restaurant 360.

  21. All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

    PANORAMA360 is the highest observation deck in Europe, located on the 89th floor of the Federation Tower of Moscow-City. PANORAMA360 is a full member of the World Federation of Great Towers. There are many entertainment areas on the observation deck. For example, the highest ice-cream and chocolate factories in the world and amazing 360° view ...

  22. About the observation deck

    PANORAMA360in numbers. The observation deck has an area of 1500 sq.m. - an area of two hockey rinks! It means that every guest will have enough space for comfortable rest! 89th floor in height is like a tower of 77 giraffes! "Giraffe is tall, it has a better view!".

  23. 360 Virtual Tour

    The 360 virtual tour of Moscow city, Kremlin, Red Square, Moscow River, Victory Park, Yuri Gagarin helps online visitors to see the places at any time.