Montserrat Online Visa Application

The Government and people of Montserrat look forward to welcoming you to our beautiful island, and invite you to apply for a Montserrat travel visa online.

Please read the Visa Guides and the FAQs before proceeding.

The payment of $50.00 USD or equivalent is a non-refundable processing fee.

Most application are processed within one working day, however, some applications may take longer where additional checks are being made or where additional information is required.

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montserrat itinerary

A Montserrat Itinerary – My Favorite Things to Do In Montserrat

By waitingforrain28

On May 17, 2020

In International Travel , Island Travel

If you haven’t read the first part of My Favorite Things to Do in Montserrat , you may wish to check that out, because this second part will not discuss the Soufrière Hills volcano and Plymouth except for an inclusion in the Montserrat itinerary at the end of this post. This little Caribbean country is now known for this active volcano and the swath of destruction that it has left behind on the larger south section of this tropical paradise. However, before anyone knew that the Soufrière Hills hid a living volcano capable of turning life on the island upside down for more than a decade, Montserrat was a treasure trove of natural wonders. It was and remains home to sweeping mountains, crystal clear springs of water, and wondrous black-sand beaches. It’s the perfect place for any intrepid explorer, especially nature lovers.

[Until the COVID-19 outbreak settles down and international travel is safe again, please consider this an inspirational post. This is not encouragement to travel at this time, especially not to a small country like Montserrat.]

  • 1.0.1 (a) Consider a hiking guide
  • 1.0.2 (b) Exploring the Jungles of the Centre Hills
  • 1.0.3 (c) Caution for Rendezvous Bay
  • 2.0.1 Jack Boy Hill
  • 2.0.2 Zone C
  • 3 Where to Stay in Montserrat 
  • 4.0.1 Getting to Montserrat
  • 4.0.2 Immigration and Airbnb
  • 4.0.3 Driving and Rental Cars
  • 4.0.4 Driving on Montserrat
  • 5.0.1 Day Zero: Arrival
  • 5.0.2 Day One: Tour the Island
  • 5.0.3 Day Two: Self Drive and Hiking
  • 6 Like it? Pin it!

(4) Go for a Hike

montserrat itinerary

Cassava Ghaut trail (c) ABR 2020

A lot of people don’t seem to realize how amazing the Caribbean is for hiking. And hiking in Montserrat is no exception. Hands down, the trails on this island are one of my favorite things to do in Montserrat. That being said, I MUST remind you that hiking is dangerous. Never go out alone unless you are very experienced. In any case, always let a third party know where you are going and when you plan on getting back. Bring good shoes, water, and food with you, and always start early in the day so that you don’t get caught at night. You always hike at your own risk, but if you get in trouble you get put other people at risk as well. So BE CAREFUL!

(a) Consider a hiking guide

montserrat itinerary

Before I dive into a couple options for trails, I would suggest considering a guide if you want to add hiking to your Montserrat itinerary. This is because many of the trails are rough and can be quite steep on the island. People have gotten hurt before. There are also some amazing guides that can help you experience some very special places on Montserrat. They can even help you catch a glimpse of rare wildlife. When I usually see blogs telling people to hike with a guide, I worry that this is because other people make the trails dangerous. In this case, I do not feel like this plays a role in my suggestion here. Montserrat is a small, safe community of kind people, but guides can help keep you safe on the rugged terrain.

(b) Exploring the Jungles of the Centre Hills

montserrat itinerary

If you park at Hilltop Coffee and walk down the road a ways, following it up the mountain, you will come to a fenced off structure that looked to me to be a water tower. From here, a few trails lead off into the forest, and some of them are a bit hard to see from the road. Follow a worn path along the left side of the fence. You will see one trail continue on ahead, and another will branch to the right. You should see a little green sign around this point that says <- Forgarthy | Cassava Ghaut ->. I ended up taking the Cassava Ghaut trail, because I couldn’t find the ridge trail that I was looking for.

This path was VERY steep and quite slippery because it’s in the rainforest. So I wouldn’t suggest this route to anyone without very sure feet. However, I ended up enjoying this little trek because there was a rewarding little viewpoint at the top of the trail. I didn’t continue to follow this path past there, however, because I wasn’t sure how far away it would go!

Since I am a desert girl, exploring the rainforest was at the top of my list of things to do in Montserrat. That being said, I did struggle to find the trail that I was looking for, and Cassava Ghaut felt a little dangerous for anyone inexperienced. So, I’d definitely lean towards taking a guide on a hike in the Centre Hills. If you can’t afford that, consider asking for some guidance from your place of lodging or Hilltop Coffee (be sure to buy a little something if you stop by!).

(c) Caution for Rendezvous Bay

Rendezvous Bay is on many a Montserrat itinerary, because it is the one accessible white sand beach on the island. You have to hike a bit to get there, however, and it isn’t exactly an easy trail- although it isn’t long. First, you will be hiking across the driest part of the island. And the Caribbean heat is no joke, especially when you don’t have any shade. Second, when you start to climb down towards the beach you will be on a very steep incline.

When I visited, Sunny warned me against hiking in this area alone. Another visitor had recently taken a tumble and got hurt on this trail. Whether you are in a solo situation, or going with a friend, I would consider asking a local guide about the condition of the trail, and only attempt it with someone else and proper gear.

All that being said, Rendezvous Bay is a popular addition on lists of things to do in Montserrat because there is no doubt that this is a beautiful place.

If you are looking for more information on hiking in Montserrat check Caribbean & Co’s 9 Nature Trails .

(5) Drive from Jack Boy Hill to Zone C

montserrat itinerary

Small mountain road (c) ABR 2020

In case you haven’t noticed, or just aren’t familiar with my other posts, I love road trips. Montserrat wouldn’t seem like quite the place for a good, long drive if you looked at a map, but in fact, your Montserrat itinerary can include a half-day drive across the northern part of the beautiful island.

Jack Boy Hill

One place that I wish I had had time to visit was Jack Boy Hill, because you can look out on the eastern coast of the island. However, I can’t vouch for the road out to this lookout point, and I’ve heard that it can be a bit rough. So, if you do plan on starting your drive from here, definitely let someone know where you will be going. I’d suggest taking a car with some clearance as well- like one of the Rav4s that you can rent. If you start from there, you can actually take the main road through town and then down towards Zone C. This route includes many stops that make my favorite things to do in Montserrat list.

montserrat itinerary

Zone C sugar mill (c) ABR 2020

The end of your journey from Jack Boy Hill to the western side of the island will be Zone C. This is the area of Montserrat that abuts Zone V- where no one without government approval is allowed to enter. It is quite an interesting place to explore, as this Zone includes many overgrown roadways and abandoned buildings. It definitely speaks to just how much the Soufrière Hills volcano has changed life on the island. Of course, anyone exploring here should be extremely respectful. Do not take or break anything- the buildings in Zone C are still people’s homes and represent precious memories and hopes for the future. All that being said, this drive will be a perfectly unique addition to anyone’s Montserrat itinerary.

Where to Stay in Montserrat  

montserrat itinerary

When I traveled to Montserrat, I ended up staying in an Airbnb. However, I have recently come to realize through personal experience that I can no longer support this company until they start instituting corporate responsibility for the communities that they have homes in. (I now live next to a nightmare Airbnb/VRBO that has completely destroyed my neighborhood and quality of life).

With that in mind, I would definitely suggest finding a place to stay in one of the small hotels on the island. Fodor’s has a great list of places to stay for your Montserrat itinerary.

Tips for Travel to Montserrat

Getting to montserrat.

montserrat itinerary

Flying out of Montserrat on the tiny plane (c) ABR 2020

It is not easy to get to Montserrat. The only airport on the island is quite small due to where it was built (unfortunately the larger airport was destroyed by the volcano). So, only very little planes from Antigua can fly into Montserrat. If you are planning on flying, check out Fly Montserrat and BMN Air . I took Fly Montserrat and was quite happy with them. Be sure that you give yourself PLENTY of time to transfer at Antigua. You will need to go through immigration, check in, and security before you can board your flight, and these planes are so small that they can’t move you easily between flights if you are late.

You can also take a ferry from Antigua, but you will have to adjust your Montserrat itinerary to account for the time it will take to cross.

Immigration and Airbnb

As I mentioned above, I will not be advocating for people to stay in Airbnbs until the company makes some positive changes to care for the communities surrounding the properties that they advertise. If you must stay in one, however, get the full name of your host as well as a contact number. This will be necessary for immigration.

I almost got stuck at immigration because I didn’t know my host’s full name! Luckily, Keithley Chambers (the man who I was renting a car from) saved me. Avoid this problem by coming prepared. If you aren’t staying at an Airbnb, you will be fine using the name of your lodging.

Do expect to pay a fee when you leave Montserrat- as of 2020 it was $13 US. If you are staying in Antigua afterwards, you will need to pay a fee for them as well, before you leave Montserrat.

Driving and Rental Cars

montserrat itinerary

My trusty rental Rav4 (c) ABR 2020

It actually isn’t super easy to get a rental car set up, because contacting the rental companies is a bit difficult. But the upside of lodging with a hotel is that they can help set this up for you without issue! I personally rented from KC Car Rentals ( [email protected] ) and I really had a great experience. He brought my vehicle to the airport for me, actually drove me to my lodging to make sure I got home safe, and then met me at the airport when I was leaving. He was honest, friendly, and did a great job taking care of me.

Renting on Montserrat isn’t particularly affordable, however. So you can certainly look at taking a taxi or bus if driving yourself isn’t something you are interested in.

Driving on Montserrat

In terms of what driving on the island is like, I would say that it isn’t quite as easy as you might think. Montserrat isn’t a big island. There is only one road, but you might be surprised at how easy it is to get turned around on the little side roads, particularly in the towns. Driving through town can also be quite stressful. The roads are narrow, people park along them, and others come and go in the street. I’d say the safest way to go is just to take your time. Drive slow, and let local people pass you by. Just generally, try not to inconvenience anyone while being extra careful and courteous. You will also be driving on the left side of the road, so keep that in mind if you want to give it a go!

A Two Day Montserrat Itinerary

Day zero: arrival.

If you can afford it, avoid planning your travel days as part of your Montserrat itinerary. You will need those two full days!

Day One: Tour the Island

montserrat itinerary

The volcano in Zone V (c) ABR 2020

Jump on a full day tour with Monsterrat Island Tours or any other great guides. This is a great way to get the lay of the land, learn a ton about the history of Montserrat. It will also give you the chance to ask some very experienced locals any questions that you have about other items on your “things to do in Montserrat” list.

This is also your chance to see some parts of Plymouth and get a closer look at the volcano, so be sure to have that included on your tour.

Day Two: Self Drive and Hiking

montserrat itinerary

Black sand beach (c) ABR 2020

Start your day early at Jack Boy Hill. If you are lucky, you might be able to catch some views of the volcano from there.

Drive north to do some hiking in the morning. Check out Silver Hills or Rendezvous Beach (as long as you don’t go alone and have the gear you need to stay safe). Alternatively, if you want to explore the tropical forest, park at Hilltop Coffee and hike up in the Centre Hills. Any of these hikes may be best done with a guide.

After your morning hike, take a late lunch at a local restaurant. The Attic would be my suggestion, but you can also ask about other potential spots on your Day One Tour.

montserrat itinerary

The National Trust (c) ABR 2020

After lunch, stop by the National Trust to explore the museum and walk the botanical gardens. This is also a great time to buy some great little souvenirs while supporting the good work of the Trust!

Spend the last part of your day on a short drive over the Zone C. I would suggest driving straight out and then taking your time on the way home. You will not want to be far out once it gets dark, because the streets are quite dark at night.

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My Favorite Things to Do In Montserrat

Black lives matter.

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Such a gorgeous island! I’ve actually never heard of it before, so thank you for writing this guide!

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Happy to share about such an amazing place!

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Two Monkeys Travel Group

Travel Guide to Montserrat – How, Where & Frequently Asked Questions

This beautiful island is known as the ‘Emerald Isle’ of the Caribbean. To have a blast here, we provided you a travel guide to Montserrat .

Montserrat has Irish roots and is covered in lush, green rainforest. Nevertheless, it is a unique island and is renowned for the friendliness of the islanders. Furthermore, it also offers an excellent opportunity for nature lovers and sun-seekers alike.

how to travel to montserrat from nigeria

In the year 1995, the Soufriere Hills Volcano erupted, destroying the former capital of Plymouth and meaning that several inhabitants moved overseas or to the North of the island. At the moment, Montserrat is rising from the ashes and with the opening of a new airport at Geralds last year, tourists from all over the world are starting to consider the island as a serious tourist destination again.

Once the home of George Martin’s Air Studios, it has seen many famous including Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton, Sting, and others. As a matter of fact, it used to be known as the jet-set island of the Caribbean. The legacy continues and George Martin is currently involved in the development of a new cultural center on the island.

Whilst the golf course and marina were destroyed by the volcano, yachts are increasingly mooring at Little Bay Harbor and people are arriving to see this very special place. However, the volcano remains active; one of the most studied in the world and is a draw also for scientists, tourists and independent travelers alike.

Table of Contents

Questions and answers about Montserrat

Where is montserrat.

Ideally situated in the continent of the Caribbean, Montserrat covers 102 square kilometers of land, making it the 228th largest nation in terms of land area. The island is located about 27 miles (43 km) southwest of Antigua and about 30 miles (50 km) northwest of Guadeloupe. It is a dependent territory of the United Kingdom. The population of Montserrat is 5,164 (2012) and the nation has a density of 51 people per square kilometer.

Is it safe to travel to Montserrat?

For tourists’ safety, it is not permitted to have a tour to the Exclusion Zone on the south end of the island. The Island Volcano Observatory publishes current risk assessments and exclusion zone limits. Montserrat is generally a safe place. The Island has a very low crime rate and most visits are trouble-free. However, in recent years, violent crime has increased. Although there is no recent history of terrorism in the country, attacks cannot be ruled out.  Take the same common-sense precautions you would at home, such as locking doors and windows, not carrying carry too much cash or flaunting expensive jewelry. If the tourists’ hotel provides a safe, use it to stash their valuables and travel documents. The hurricane season runs from June to November but big storms are a possibility year-round.

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How to Change Money in Montserrat?

In Montserrat, you’ll find ATMs at Royal Bank of Canada and Bank of Montserrat in Brades. Both dispense EC dollars 24/7. Tourists must bring traveler’s cheques, credit cards and about 2 days’ worth of Euros. Spanish auto banks will enable anyone with a visa-based card to withdraw cash from their home account. Tourists can also withdraw cash using most switch cards. In addition to that, most high street shops, restaurants, and hotels also accept credit cards, including AMEX. However many smaller restaurants and hostels still do not have credit card payment facilities.

What is Unique about Montserrat?

The Island is a unique place. It is known as the Emerald Isle of the Caribbean; and it has an abundance of unspoiled beaches and hiking trails, blue horizon and white beaches . Furthermore, it is also a favorite vacation hangs for jet setters, movie stars, and anyone who wished to escape in seclusion.

What is the culture of Montserrat?

The majority of Montserrat’s residents are descendants of people who arrived on the island against their will. Locals not only the African slaves brought to the Caribbean, but also Irish indentured servants who first came to Montserrat during the 16th century. As a result, Irish influence remains strong in Montserrat, which has celebrated St Patrick’s Day as an official public holiday since 1768, the year a failed slave uprising broke out during Ireland’s national holiday.

The Irish influence is also very much evident in Montserrat’s traditional music, especially the drumming and fife playing accompanying the standard Caribbean rhythms found elsewhere in the West Indies. The country’s music contains several African influences such as shak-shak instruments made from calabash gourds. The game of Cricket is Montserrat’s most popular sport and the British subjects are happy to welcome visitors to their casual and peaceful lifestyle.

What is the Geography of Montserrat?

Montserrat is currently increasing in size because of the buildup of volcanic deposits on the southeast coast. Montserrat is measured at 16 km (10 miles) long and 11 km (7 miles) wide, with rock cliffs rising 15 to 30 m (50–100 feet) above the sea and smooth bottomed sandy beaches scattered among coves on the west (Caribbean) side of the island. The country’s highest point is located in the Soufriere Hills, but a definitive height is unavailable due to the consistent eruptions of the volcano. Scattered small steam drains the northern reaches of the island.

how to travel to montserrat from nigeria

How to travel to Montserrat?

If you are planning to travel to Montserrat, here are some of the airlines that will take you to Montserrat from these countries.

  • London: United and Delta offer flights from London to Montserrat.
  • USA: Thomas Cook Airlines , United Airlines , US Airways and Virgin Atlantic offer flights from the USA to Montserrat
  • Dubai: Air Canada and Delta offer flights from Dubai to Montserrat.
  • Singapore: Unfortunately, there are no direct flights and tourists can get connecting flights from Dubai or London.

How to travel in Montserrat -Transport in Montserrat

  • Trains:  There is no rail system on the island.
  • Taxis: Plate numbers of the taxis in Montserrat are green and begin with the letter H.
  • Public buses:  The main means of public transportation are minibusses, which have the same license plate as smaller cabs and do not travel on set schedules.
  • Montserrat Water Taxis:  The main ferry service between Montserrat and Antigua sails between Little Bay and Deep Water Harbor.

What’s the food like in Montserrat?

Native-grown breadfruit, mango, pawpaw, and cashews are regarded by some locals as a less desirable food. The island’s national dish is goat water, a thick goat meat stew served with crusty bread rolls. However, diners can sample. Chicken and fish options far outnumber red meat on most menus and commonly served drinks include homemade ginger beer, sorrel and a variety of juices made from Montserrat’s exotic tropical fruits.

What is the weather like in Montserrat?

The island enjoys the same year-long hot tropical climate and cool trade winds as its eastern Caribbean neighbors. Montserrat’s two main seasons are rainy from July to November when most hurricanes strike, and dry, December to June. The average temperatures hover between 76°F and 88°F throughout the year, with constant sea and mountain breezes which help keep the country’s humidity among the lowest in the entire Caribbean.

The rainy season in Montserrat is between mid-July and mid-November. However, the country’s annual precipitation, which ranges from 50 to 80 inches, is fairly well distributed all months of the year. Although the island boasts some of the Caribbean’s cheapest accommodations, places to stay are also very limited, so advance booking is essential all times of the year.

Important things to pack for a trip to Montserrat

Clothes:  In Montserrat, lightweight natural fabrics will work best – Montserrat is warm and sunny but not unbearably hot all year round (76 – 88F). For females, a wrap will dress up any outfit, and accessories or sparkly jewelry can make a great statement. For Males range of shirts, shorts, and polos. Smart casual; long pants and collared short-sleeved shirts (no t-shirts). Tailored shorts are acceptable.

Bring swimwear:  It is good for the beach and pool, and cover up with a kaftan or sarong when walking around public areas.

Shoes:  Bring some lightweight comfy shoes for walking. Women, save your high heels for the evenings.

Raincoat & Umbrella:  A light raincoat or travel umbrella will come in handy.

Toiletries:  Bring toiletry bag (and ziplock bag per TSA regulations for any liquids/soaps).

Health kit: We advise you to bring the first aid kit and essential medicines.

10 Amazing places to see and things to do in Montserrat

1. rendezvous bay.

Tucked beneath towering cliffs. This peaceful beach at Rendezvous Bay is Montserrat’s only stretch of blond sand. Swimming, diving, and snorkeling are the ideal activities to do here.

2. Gawp at the great Soufriere Hills Volcano

how to travel to montserrat from nigeria

Rising to a smoky peak on the southern side of the island, the mighty Soufriere Hills Volcano really is a breath-taking sight to behold.

3. Little Bay Beach

It is located on Montserrat’s west coast. Little Bay Beach is one of the most popular crescents of sand on the island.

Suggested Tour: Full-day guided tour of Montserrat

4. Hit the hiking trails

how to travel to montserrat from nigeria

In spite of its southern haunch being almost entirely encompassed by a volcano exclusion zone, Montserrat remains a veritable mecca for hikers and trekkers.

5. Scuba Diving

Enthusiastic divers looking to escape the crowds and explore thriving coral reefs will love Montserrat. They can see everything from huge sponges and heads of brain coral to kaleidoscopic tropical fish, spotted eagle rays, sea turtles, and sharks.

6. Centre Hills

how to travel to montserrat from nigeria

Covered with tropical rainforest. The Centre Hills are renowned for their biological diversity and rich habitats. At the same time, the majority of Montserrat’s 34 species of land birds and large numbers of migrant songbirds make this area their home.

7. Montserrat National Trust

At the Montserrat National Trust headquarters, you can view permanent and rotating exhibits on the island’s history, arts and crafts, and the local way of life.

8. Runaway Ghaut

One of Montserrat’s most famous ghauts (pronounced “guts”) is the Runaway Ghaut. These are steep ravines that carry rainwater to the sea from high in the mountains. On the other hand, hiking along Runaway Ghaut, you can see luxuriant vegetation and huge tropical trees. One of Montserrat’s most famous ghauts (pronounced “guts”) is the Runaway Ghaut.

9. Woodlands Bay

This stunning Woodlands Bay lies close to the villages at the southwestern end of the Northern Zone. It is ideal for relaxation, but the waters here are often rough, and swimming can be dangerous.

10. Montserrat Cultural Centre

how to travel to montserrat from nigeria

It is a multipurpose performing arts center inspired and funded by the ex-Beatles producer, Sir George Martin. Not only that, but this site also has a recording studio, and it can accommodate up to 500 people for conferences, weddings, and cultural events.

Final thoughts on Montserrat

how to travel to montserrat from nigeria

Known as the “Emerald Isle” of the Caribbean, magnificent Montserrat survives as a somber spectacle of nature’s awe-inspiring power. Rich in natural beauty, friendly Montserrat is a haven for those seeking a slow and peaceful slice of tropical island life and a humbling reminder of nature’s brute force. Furthermore, Montserrat Monastery means different things to different people and this is all reflected in its tourist attractions. For many pilgrims to Montserrat, it is an entirely spiritual experience – they come to see the Black Madonna, attend a mass or visit the cave of Santa Cova. However, if you are not a religious person you will still find that there is a great deal of interest at Montserrat Mountain and Monastery.

If you are an active person you can enjoy the climbs and walks that are available all over Montserrat Mountain. But if you are a nature enthusiast you can learn about and experience firsthand the flora and fauna in Montserrat’s natural park. And if you are a music lover you will not want to miss the country’s famous boy’s choir. Furthermore, fans of art will love the works of art that are on display in Montserrat’s museum. All in all, there is something for everybody in Montserrat.

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Travel Guide to Montserrat – How, Where & Frequently Asked Questions

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how to travel to montserrat from nigeria

Visa requirements for citizens of Nigeria travelling to Montserrat :

Visa-free travel

Citizens of Nigeria do not require a visa to travel to Montserrat.

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Check current immunisation requirements before travelling.


Capital: Brades

Location: Caribbean

Currency: East Caribbean Dollar

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  • Visa Policy for Nigeria Citizens

Montserrat visa for Nigeria citizens

Nationals of Nigeria do not need a visa to visit Montserrat for tourism and business purpose. They are granted a visa exemption of 6 months with no fees. The process is very straight-forward and required almost no documentation

Montserrat Visa Requirements

  •   📒  Passport , Which should at least have 6 months of validity

Montserrat Visa Fees

Montserrat visa for citizens of Nigeria is completely free

Montserrat Important Tips

On arrival, a passenger must hold a ✈️ return ticket and 💰 sufficient funds

Montserrat logo

Montserrat is a territory of United Kingdom in the Caribbean region of North America. Plymouth is the capital city of Montserrat. It is a territory . It has a population of approx 5 K. Montserrat `s phone code is +1-664 and its currency code is XCD. Most spoken languages in Montserrat are English

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  • Passport of Nigeria
  • Visa requirement for Montserrat

Travel from Nigeria to Montserrat

Montserrat visa requirement for nigerian, destination : montserrat.


Origin : Nigeria


Visa Requirement

No visa Required to travel to Montserrat for nationals of Nigeria

Entry Recommendations (Visa free)

  • Passport : The original Passport (or Travel document) of applicant. Passport must have 6 months of remaining validity on the date of travel. Passport must have 2 visa pages clear of any markings.
  • Travel itinerary : Reservations for the itinerary of your travel (not a ticket)
  • Proof of Funds : Proof of enough money for your stay and to leave Montserrat

Additional informations

Exchange rate.

Currency used in Nigeria is Naira ( 100 NGN = 0.27 USD )

Currency used in Montserrat is East Caribbean Dollar ( 100 XCD = 0.16 USD )

Weather similarity

Montserrat, a small Caribbean island has its largest and capital city in Brades. The ideal travel time to see Montserrat is during the months of April to June or September to November, when the temperature is a lot more pleasant. Montserrat has a tropical climate and its climate seasons are spilt into the winter, fall, summer and spring seasons. The island’s population is mainly a mix of the Irish, West African, Creole and Mulatto ethnic groups. The people of Montserrat are predominantly Christians and its unique cuisine is a fusion of the Spanish, French, African and Indian cultures. Most popular foods eaten here include thick goat meat stews, crusty bread rolls, Montserrat jerk shrimp, cranberry and mahi mahi. The official language spoken here is English while you will hear the Montserrat Creole widely spoken by the locals in the Island.

Montserrat has a small landmass and the easier and convenient way to explore the country is by road. There is a great network of well paved roads connecting the places of interest. For getting around the country, you can opt for taxis, car rentals, buses or charter yachts. For travelers coming into Montserrat, it is good to keep in mind that it is generally a safe place to visit with a low crime rate. While hitchhiking during the day and early evening is safe, it is advised to avoid walking in an alleyway at night.

Montserrat is a unique island endowed with natural beauty, lush tropical forests and quiet beaches. Whenever you are in Montserrat, you will be spoiled for choice at the varieties of festivals you can experience. Music always plays an important part in most Montserrat festivals and events, from the island’s Carnival which kicks off the New Year to the musical competitions hosted every Boxing Day. Some festivals you can attend whenever you are in Montserrat include: St Patrick’s Festival which features masked street dancers, lively parade, music, a slave fest of local food and a junior calypso competition. There is also the Calabash Festival, Montserrat Carnival, and Alliouagana Festival of the Word, which is its biggest literary festival in Montserrat.

Known as the “Emerald Isle” of the Caribbean, Montserrat is a magnificent and picturesque haven for anyone wanting a slow and peaceful slice of tropical island life and rich natural beauty. Fascinating places of interest you should explore whenever you are visiting Montserrat include;

The Art Museum of Montserrat, which features a huge collection of artistic masterpieces from the 13 th to the 20 th century. You will find works by El Greco, Caravaggio, and paintings by French impressionists Pissarro, Degas etc. The museum also hosts relics of antique Egyptian art, icons and jewelry of the 15 th -20 th century.

Montserrat Monastery, which offers a location away from the noise of the city. You can visit here to get a fantastic view of the hillsides around.

The Montserrat Natural Park is where you can go explore the over 1250 species of plants that grow on the mountain. You can also take a hike or climb up the mountain or just experience the beauty and spirituality of the park.

The Espai Audio Visual Room, which is an exposition showcasing information about the history of Montserrat. It features displays that gives an insight into the daily lives of the monks that live in the Monastery. It is located inside the Monastery's bookshop and also provides information about the Monastery's famous printing press.

There are over 10,000 hotels and apartments to stay in Montserrat, so you will be spoiled for choice especially when in Brades.

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how to travel to montserrat from nigeria

  • Montserrat History & Facts
  • Musical Pedigree
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Getting Around

  • B&B and Guesthouses
  • Arts & Craft
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  • Bird & Turtle Watching
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  • Island Guide
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Getting Here

how to travel to montserrat from nigeria

Getting Here By Air

The first stop in the Caribbean on your journey to Montserrat is the V.C. Bird International Airport in Antigua. You’re just a 20-minute flight away from the John A. Osborne Airport on the Emerald Isle of Montserrat!

how to travel to montserrat from nigeria

Getting Here By Sea

If sailing is your preferred option, then the ferry would have you in Montserrat in just 90 minutes! Montserrat is usually serviced by a seasonal ferry operation from Antigua.

For information on future ferry operations: Website: Email: [email protected] Tel: Access Division: (664) 491-3378

how to travel to montserrat from nigeria

Adventure has never been so accessible! Montserrat is an island where everything is connected by one main road, and no traffic lights mean no boundaries to adventure. The Emerald Isle is waiting to be discovered and remember…we drive on the left!

also, you should look at

Popular tours & experiences.

how to travel to montserrat from nigeria

Rendezvous Beach Picnic or Party

Enjoy the peace and tranquillity of the island’s only white sandy beach with a nice picnic basket filled with local goodies. Or make a truly magical memory and have a day tailored to suit your desires!

how to travel to montserrat from nigeria

Hike to the Petroglyphs

The most amazing thing happened in 2016. Hikers on the Soldier Ghaut Trail discovered Petroglyphs credited to the first known people on Montserrat, the Amerindians. These markings in the rock are thought by archaeologists to be between 1000 and 1500 years old. They are a must see!

how to travel to montserrat from nigeria

Buried City Tour

Montserrat’s most popular tour takes you to the island’s capital, Plymouth, which is like a city frozen in time. Although many of the buildings have been buried by ash and mud flows from the volcanic eruption in 1995 and 1996, some rooftops and other structures remain visible and stories abound. This tour is available only with a certified tour guide

how to travel to montserrat from nigeria

Soufriere Hills Volcano Boat Tour

By far the most popular water-based tour in Montserrat! Take an exhilarating cruise along the west coast from Little Bay all the way to the Buried City of Plymouth – the modern day Pompeii. Learn about how the island was created and about Montserrat’s natural history. You will experience amazing views and discover up close how the island is actually growing!

how to travel to montserrat from nigeria

Runaway Ghaut

Montserrat has some of the purest water you can hope to find anywhere. Make a stop at Runaway Ghaut and take a drink of the natural spring water to form that unbroken bond with the Emerald Isle of the Caribbean. Rent a car or ask your taxi driver to make sure you get to live the legend.

how to travel to montserrat from nigeria

Hilltop Coffee House & Welcome Centre

Did you know that many of the iconic pop music albums from the ‘80s were recorded in Montserrat at Air Studios? Spend a couple hours viewing all the memorabilia of the artistes like The Police, Stevie Wonder, Sir Elton John, Sir Paul McCartney and Montserrat’s national hero, Arrow, who sang Hot! Hot! Hot!

Tel: +1 664 491 4455 or +1 664 492 1707 email: [email protected]

how to travel to montserrat from nigeria

Day of Discovery

This tour lasts 6-7 hours, and it is a fabulous way to visit Montserrat for a day or to begin your holiday. In addition to the regular guided tour, your guide will show you other points of interest at your request. The tour includes admission to the Montserrat Volcano Observatory and the National Museum, complimentary drinks and door to door service from your accommodations.

how to travel to montserrat from nigeria

Montserrat National Trust

The Montserrat National Trust is at the forefront of preserving and conserving the cultural, historic and archaeological heritage of the Island. It’s also home to the Botanical garden where you can stroll through while learning about the island’s flora. Located in Salem, you can access it very easily if you have a rental car or you can contact any of the tour and taxi companies.

Watch CBS News

Hurricane Beryl maps show path and landfall forecast

By Cara Tabachnick , Emily Mae Czachor

Updated on: July 2, 2024 / 9:00 PM EDT / CBS News

Hurricane Beryl  was heading toward Jamaica on Tuesday after making landfall a day earlier as a  powerful Category 4  storm on the island of Carriacou in Grenada while tearing through the Caribbean, strengthening at one point to a Category 5 storm — the  strongest rating .

What is the projected path of Hurricane Beryl?

Beryl's center was moving quickly across the central Caribbean Sea on Tuesday. Despite weakening over the next day or two, it is still forecast to pass over or near Jamaica on Wednesday at or near major hurricane strength, the U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said.

It is forecast to remain at or near major hurricane strength when it passes over or near the Cayman Islands on Wednesday night or early Thursday morning. 

"Additional weakening is expected thereafter, though Beryl is forecast to remain a hurricane in the northwestern Caribbean," the hurricane center said

It is expected to remain a hurricane when it approaches Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula Thursday night. 

A major hurricane is considered a  Category 3 or higher , with winds of at least 111 mph. As of Tuesday night, Beryl was a Category 4 hurricane with maximum sustained winds of 150 mph, the hurricane center said.  

Hurricane Beryl

Beryl was about about 360 miles southeast of Kingston, Jamaica. It was hurrying west-northwest at 22 mph, according to the hurricane center.

Beryl became the  first hurricane  of the 2024  Atlantic hurricane season  on Saturday and rapidly strengthened. It first reached Category 4 on Sunday, wavering back to Category 3 before returning to Category 4 on Monday and then becoming a Category 5 later Monday night. It is the first major hurricane east of the Lesser Antilles on record for June, according to Philip Klotzbach, Colorado State University hurricane researcher.

Hurricane Beryl wind speed probabilities

Brian McNoldy, a tropical meteorology researcher for the University of Miami, told The Associated Press warm waters are fueling Beryl, with ocean heat content in the deep Atlantic the highest on record for this time of year.

Beryl has also set records as the first June hurricane ever to hit Category 4, the farthest east a storm has ever hit Category 4, and the first storm before September to go from tropical depression to major hurricane in under 48 hours, CBS News weather producer David Parkinson reported.

Beryl was also the earliest Category 5 hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic basin and was only the second Category 5 storm recorded in July since 2005, according to the hurricane center.

A hurricane warning was in effect for Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, and a hurricane watch was posted for the southern coast of Haiti from the border with the Dominican Republic to Anse d'Hainault, along with the east coast of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, from Cabo Catoche south to Chetumal, which sits on the border with Belize. A tropical storm warning was in place for the southern coast of the Dominican Republic from Punta Palenque westward to the border with Haiti, and the southern coast of Haiti from the border with the Dominican Republic to Anse d'Hainault.

A tropical storm watch was also in place for the east coast of Belize, from Chetumal south to Belize City. 

Hurricane Beryl satellite image

Where will Hurricane Beryl bring rain and flooding?

The hurricane center said Jamaica, the Dominican Republic and Haiti were likely to see heavy rains and life-threatening flash flooding.  

"Hurricane Beryl is expected to produce rainfall totals of 4 to 8 inches, with localized maxima of 12 inches, across Jamaica and the southwestern Haitian Peninsula through late Wednesday," the hurricane center said. "Beryl will also produce rainfall amounts of 4 to 8 inches with isolated amounts of 10 inches across the Barahona Peninsula in southwest Dominican Republic. Isolated totals of 6 inches or more are also anticipated across the mountainous terrain in the central Dominican Republic. This rainfall is likely to cause flash flooding and mudslides."

— David Parkinson and The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

Cara Tabachnick is a news editor at Cara began her career on the crime beat at Newsday. She has written for Marie Claire, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal. She reports on justice and human rights issues. Contact her at [email protected]

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Suspected female suicide bombers kill at least 18 in Nigeria, authorities say

Injured people lay on hospital beds

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria — Female suicide bombers targeted a wedding, a funeral and a hospital in coordinated attacks in northern Nigeria that killed at least 18 people, local authorities said Sunday.

The first suicide bomber detonated an explosive device during a marriage celebration in the northeastern town of Gwoza at about 3 p.m., Barkindo Saidu, director-general of Borno State Emergency Management Agency, told reporters.

“Minutes later, another blast occurred near General Hospital,” Saidu said, and then there was a third attack at a funeral service by a female bomber disguised as a mourner. Children and pregnant women were among those killed.

No one has so far claimed responsibility for the the attacks, but Gwoza is in Borno state, which has been heavily impacted by an insurgency launched in 2009 by Boko Haram, an Islamic extremist group.

The violence, which has spilled across borders around Lake Chad, has killed over 35,000 people, displaced over 2.6 million and created a massive humanitarian crisis.

Boko Haram , which has one branch allied to the Islamic State group, wants to install an Islamic state in Nigeria, West Africa’s oil giant of 170 million people divided almost equally between a mainly Christian south and a predominantly Muslim north.

In the past, Boko Haram has used women and girls in suicide bombings, prompting suspicions that some from the many thousands that they have kidnapped over the years. The resurgence of suicide bombings in Borno raises significant concerns about the security situation in the region.

Saidu said the degree of injuries ranged from abdominal ruptures to skull and limb fractures.

“I am now coordinating for a chopper tonight,” Saidu said.” I have mobilized emergency drugs to complement the shortage of drugs in Gwoza.”

Authorities imposed a curfew in the city, and the community remained on a high alert following reports of another suspected bomber in Pulka, a town about 2 kilometers (just over a mile) away from Gwoza.

Gwoza is located a few kilometers from Chibok, in southern Borno, where  276 schoolgirls were abducted  in 2014. Nearly 100 of the girls are still in captivity.

Since then,  at least 1,500 students have been kidnapped  across the country as armed groups increasingly find the practice a lucrative way to fund their criminal activities and take control of villages.

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The Associated Press

Hurricane Beryl an 'extremely dangerous' Cat 4 storm as it barrels toward Caribbean

Beryl's center was forecast to move across the windward islands early monday..

Editor's Note: This page is a summary of news on Hurricane Beryl for Sunday, June 30. For the latest news updates on the Hurricane Beryl , view our live storm updates file .

Beryl — the first hurricane of the 2024 season — intensified Sunday into a high-octane, "extremely dangerous" Category 4 storm packing life-threatening winds as it barreled toward the Caribbean.

Beryl is about 150 miles southeast of Barbados and 245 miles east-southeast of St. Vincent, with maximum sustained winds at 130 mph, the National Hurricane Center said at 11 p.m. But fluctuations in strength are possible over the next day or so. 

Hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 30 miles from the center and tropical storm-force winds extend out up to 115 miles from the center, according to the center's update. Tropical storm watches were posted for Dominica and the southern coasts of the Dominican Republic and Haiti. A tropical storm warning was also issued for Martinique and Trinidad.

As Beryl crosses the Windward Islands on Monday, potentially catastrophic wind damage is expected where the eyewall moves through, with the highest risks of the core in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Grenada, the hurricane center added."Wind speeds atop and on the windward sides of hills and mountains are often up to 30 percent stronger than the near-surface winds" indicated in advisories, "and in some elevated locations could be even greater," the hurricane center said.

Hurricane warnings, meaning hurricane conditions are expected in the area, were in effect Sunday for Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadine Islands, Grenada, and Tobago.

Beryl could bring 1 to 4 inches of rain to southeastern Puerto Rico on Monday night and into Tuesday. 

Beryl is the first hurricane of what is expected to be an extraordinary 2024 season . Tropical Storm Alberto , the first named storm of the season, left at least four people dead in Mexico after it made landfall on June 20. Beryl underwent rapid intensification: It was declared a tropical depression and then a tropical storm on Friday, and by Sunday was a major hurricane.

By Thursday night, the hurricane center named the third tropical storm of the season. Tropical Storm Chris developed in the Bay of Campeche and located about 105 miles southeast of Tuxpan, Mexico, by 11 p.m.

Fueled by warm water: Hurricane Beryl, super-charged by warm seas, stuns experts

Track Beryl's path: Tropical storm Beryl expected to become first Atlantic hurricane of 2024 season

The third earliest Atlantic major hurricane on record

As Beryl strengthened, it's setting several records, according to Phil Klotzbach, a senior research scientist at Colorado State University. They include:

∎ The first June major hurricane east of the Lesser Antilles on record.

∎ The third earliest Atlantic major hurricane on record, trailing Alma on June 8, 1966, and Audrey on June 27, 1957.

∎ Beryl is now the earliest Category 4 hurricane on record. The current record was held by Hurricane Dennis which became a Category 4 on July 8, 2005.

See Beryl's eye: Hurricane Beryl's eye on NOAA satellite

Will Hurricane Beryl hit the US?

It's too soon to determine the path and strength of Beryl when the storm gets to the western half of the Caribbean later this week − and whether it could impact the U.S. Gulf Coast. The hurricane center expects Beryl to remain a hurricane as it reaches Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula on Friday.

But forecasters warned U.S. residents to stay vigilant. "At this point, the most likely scenario is for the storm to move westward into Mexico; however, it is very important to note that if the high pressure across the Southeast weakens, that can allow the storm to move farther north and potentially directly impact the Gulf Coast,"  AccuWeather Lead Hurricane Forecaster Alex DaSilva said.

Tropical Storm Chris

On Sunday afternoon, Tropical Depression 3 formed in the southern Gulf of Mexico about 185 miles east-southeast of Tuxpan, Mexico, with sustained winds of 35 mph. It became the season's third tropical storm by late Sunday and had maximum sustained winds of 40 mph.

The storm was expected to weaken and dissipate as it moves inland over Mexico on Monday. A tropical storm warning was in effect for Cabo Rojo to Puerto Veracruz.

"Chris will begin to weaken after landfall and will likely dissipate later on Monday," the National Hurricane Center said in its 11 p.m. advisory.

According to the hurricane center, the system is expected to cause heavy rainfall over parts of eastern Mexico into Monday, which could produce flooding. It's forecast to produce rainfall totals of 4 to 8 inches with maximum rainfall totals around 12 inches possible across the higher terrain.

Mudslides were also possible in the higher terrain of the Mexican states of Guanajuato, Queretaro, and San Luis Potosi.

"Due to this threat, the government of Mexico has issued tropical storm warnings along parts of the Mexico gulf coast," AccuWeather said. "Heavy rain and gusty winds have already begun moving into Mexico as of Sunday afternoon and will continue through Monday."

What is rapid intensification?

Rapid intensification is a process in which a storm undergoes accelerated growth: The phenomenon is typically defined to be a tropical cyclone (whether a tropical storm or hurricane) intensifying by at least 35 mph in a 24-hour period.

By 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Beryl had become a Category 4 hurricane, with winds of 130 mph. That's a gain of 95 mph in just 42.5 hours.

"Rapid intensification occurs when a tropical storm or hurricane encounters an extremely conducive environment," Klotzbach said . "Typically, this environment consists of very warm water, low vertical wind shear and high levels of midlevel moisture."

Life-threatening storm surge, flooding likely

Swells from Hurricane Beryl should begin reaching the Windward and southern Leeward Islands by late Sunday and are likely to cause life-threatening surf and rip currents. The storm surge as the hurricane arrives on Monday may reach 6 to 9 feet above normal tide levels and bring "large, destructive waves" to the coast, the hurricane center said.

Rainfall could cause flooding and is expected to dump 3 to 6 inches in Barbados and the Windward Islands Sunday night into Monday. Up to 10 inches are possible in isolated locations, especially in the Grenadines. 

The hurricane center urged anyone living in the central and western Caribbean to monitor the storm's progression given the uncertainty of the forecast.

What are the Windward Islands?

The Windward Islands are a group of Caribbean islands in the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea. They include Dominica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada. Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago are sometimes included in the group.

They are called "windward" − which means upward from a given point − because they are more windward to arriving ships than the Leeward Islands.

What is the outlook for the 2024 hurricane season?

Federal forecasters have predicted a hurricane season unlike any other, with as many as 25 named storms possible.

It is the most storms the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has ever predicted in a preseason outlook. "All the ingredients are in place for an active season," National Weather Service director Ken Graham said in May.

NOAA director Rick Spinrad said the Atlantic hurricane season is shaping up to be "extraordinary" − an 85% chance for an above-average year. "The forecast … is the highest NOAA has ever issued for the May outlook," he said.

See the path of Hurricane Beryl

Current weather advisories in the u.s..

Contributing: Doyle Rice and Mike Snyder, USA TODAY.


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    Rome2Rio makes travelling from Nigeria to Montserrat easy. Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Find all the transport options for your trip from Nigeria to Montserrat right here.

  2. Montserrat Visa for Nigerian citizens 2024

    Montserrat Visa free application process for Nigerian citizens is quick and easy, as long as the necessary documents and information are provided accurately. By following these 4 steps, Nigeria citizens can ensure a smooth and hassle-free process in obtaining an Montserrat tourist visa. 1. Valid passport. Check your Nigeria passport is valid ...

  3. Montserrat Online Visa Application :: Government of Montserrat

    Tourist Visa. Before Applying. First we need to determine whether you require a visa to travel to Montserrat. What is your purpose of visit? What's your current nationality? Which country do you currently live? I have read the visa guide and agree to the terms and conditions.

  4. Montserrat Online Visa Application :: Government of Montserrat :: Home

    The Government and people of Montserrat look forward to welcoming you to our beautiful island, and invite you to apply for a Montserrat travel visa online. Please read the Visa Guides and the FAQs before proceeding. The payment of $50.00 USD or equivalent is a non-refundable processing fee. Most application are processed within one working day ...

  5. Lagos to Montserrat

    There are 6 ways to get from Lagos to Montserrat by plane. Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner. best.

  6. Montserrat Visa Guide: Types, Requirements, Exemptions in 2024

    Montserrat visa is a document issued by the Montserrat government, permitting the holder to enter, stay, or leave Montserrat for a specified period. Montserrat visa ranks 18 in terms of ease of access and allows travelers to visit 151 countries under specific conditions. Besides facilitating international travel, Montserrat visa serves as an official authorization that attests to the holder's ...

  7. Getting Here By Air

    this is important. Passengers making same-day connections by air to Montserrat (within 24 hrs) are exempt from paying the Antigua Airport Tax (EC$101.25/US$37.50). The departure tax of EC$35/US$13 for passengers departing Montserrat for Antigua by air is included in the ticket price. Click below to see the regional and international gateways ...

  8. Montserrat tourist visa for Nigerien citizens in 2024

    Nigerien citizens can apply for a visa online when travelling to Montserrat. Montserrat eVisa is available online for Nigerien citizens. With this tourist visa stay is usually short with a period of 365 days. Applicant is not required to be present when applying for Montserrat online e-visa. A total of 3 documents are required for applying Montserrat online e-visa.

  9. A Montserrat Itinerary

    Tips for Travel to Montserrat Getting to Montserrat. Flying out of Montserrat on the tiny plane (c) ABR 2020. It is not easy to get to Montserrat. The only airport on the island is quite small due to where it was built (unfortunately the larger airport was destroyed by the volcano). So, only very little planes from Antigua can fly into Montserrat.

  10. Cheap flights from Nigeria to Montserrat

    Find flexible flights from Nigeria to Montserrat. Your airline might be offering flexible air tickets from Nigeria to Montserrat which means you won't lose out if your flight has to be changed or cancelled. Add travel cost protection. Avoid travel pitfalls and research the possibility of adding insurance to your Nigeria-Montserrat flight booking.

  11. United States to Montserrat

    The National Museum of Montserrat is a small museum focusing on the history of Montserrat, Lesser Antilles. Rome2Rio makes travelling from United States to Montserrat easy. Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world.

  12. Travel Guide to Montserrat

    Montserrat's two main seasons are rainy from July to November when most hurricanes strike, and dry, December to June. The average temperatures hover between 76°F and 88°F throughout the year, with constant sea and mountain breezes which help keep the country's humidity among the lowest in the entire Caribbean.

  13. Montserrat International Travel Information

    Reissued with obsolete COVID-19 page links removed. Exercise normal precautions in Montserrat. Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Montserrat.. If you decide to travel to Montserrat: Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.; Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter.

  14. Frequently Asked Questions

    To find out more about Montserrat, visit the link below. Find out more . How do I get to Montserrat? There are Non-stop flights from Canada, the United States, the UK as well as numerous islands throughout the Caribbean to Antigua & Barbuda. From Antigua, daily flights are available to Montserrat on SVG Air and Fly-Montserrat. ...

  15. Montserrat visa for citizens of Nigeria

    Nigeria; Passports > Montserrat > Destinations > Visa requirements for citizens of Nigeria travelling to Montserrat: Visa-free travel. Citizens of Nigeria do not require a visa to travel to Montserrat. Check current Covid-19 entry requirements before travelling.

  16. Cheap Flights From Lagos To Montserrat From Lowest Price

    Hotels In Popular Destinations. Cheap flights from Lagos to Montserrat ︎ Compare over 1000+ booking sites Find the lowest price Fast & easy booking Visit now.

  17. Montserrat visa for Nigeria citizens

    Montserrat visa for Nigeria citizens. No Visa Required. Nationals of Nigeria do not need a visa to visit Montserrat for tourism and business purpose. They are granted a visa exemption of 6 months with no fees. The process is very straight-forward and required almost no documentation.

  18. Visa requirement to travel to Montserrat for Nigerian

    Passport : The original Passport (or Travel document) of applicant. Passport must have 6 months of remaining validity on the date of travel. Passport must have 2 visa pages clear of any markings. Travel itinerary : Reservations for the itinerary of your travel (not a ticket) Proof of Funds : Proof of enough money for your stay and to leave Montserrat

  19. How to get Visas of Montserrat from Nigeria.

    Christianity is the predominant religion in Tuvalu. In particular, 94% of Tuvalu's population are Protestant Christians. More than 91% of Protestant Christians in Tuvalu are members of the Church of Tuvalu, 3% are members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and about 4.6% belong to the Brethren Church. without any travel experience to other ...

  20. Getting Here

    This tour lasts 6-7 hours, and it is a fabulous way to visit Montserrat for a day or to begin your holiday. In addition to the regular guided tour, your guide will show you other points of interest at your request. The tour includes admission to the Montserrat Volcano Observatory and the National Museum, complimentary drinks and door to door ...

  21. Nigeria International Travel Information

    For additional travel information. Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency. Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern ...

  22. Hurricane Beryl maps show path and landfall forecast

    Hurricane Beryl made landfall Monday as an "extremely dangerous" Category 4 on the island of Carriacou in Grenada before strengthening to a Category 5 storm — the strongest rating — as it ...


    A passport card is valid only for travel by land and by sea to the following locations: Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, and the Caribbean. DS-11 $15 $35 Minor Passport Book & Card DS-11 $115 $35 OPTIONAL FEES (Paid to the U.S. Department of State) Fee Type Fee Description Fee Amount Expedite Fee Paid per application, in addition to required fees.

  24. Montserrat to Lagos

    Rome2Rio makes travelling from Montserrat to Lagos easy. Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Find all the transport options for your trip from Montserrat to Lagos right here.

  25. Montserrat transit visa for Nigeria citizens in 2024

    When Montserrat transit visa is available, travelling to Montserrat from Nigeria requires you to apply for a visa. Montserrat transit visa process requires you to follow a total of 4 steps. ... Upon arrival in Montserrat, present of Nigeria passport, and other required travel documents to the immigration officer and pay any visa fee required. 4.

  26. Euro 2024: I don't know if I shot well

    Portugal captain, Cristiano Ronaldo has reacted to his penalty miss in their victory over Slovenia at the ongoing Euro 2024 tournament. The Al Nassr

  27. WHO and scientists call for urgent action on dangerous mpox strain

    A mutated strain of mpox spreading in the Democratic Republic of Congo has estimated fatality rates of around 5% in adults and 10% in children.

  28. Suspected female suicide bombers kill at least 18 in Nigeria

    Boko Haram, which has one branch allied to the Islamic State group, wants to install an Islamic state in Nigeria, West Africa's oil giant of 170 million people divided almost equally between a ...

  29. UN torture prevention body announces visits for 2025 and adopts General

    GENEVA (1 July 2024) — The UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) has announced plans to visit Afghanistan, Burundi, France, and Mexico in the first half of 2025, and confirmed upcoming visits to Bolivia, Nigeria, Greece, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the second half of this year. More visits will be announced for 2025 following the SPT's next meeting in November.

  30. Hurricane Beryl: Season's first hurricane barrels toward the Caribbean

    Hurricane Beryl an 'extremely dangerous' Cat 4 storm as it barrels toward Caribbean Beryl's center was forecast to move across the Windward Islands early Monday.