safari park stukenbrock jobs

  • 05207 - 952410
  • Informationen


Das Safariland Stukenbrock ist ein einzigartiger und ungewöhnlicher Arbeitsplatz. Wer kann schon sagen, er hat in der Mittagspause bei den weißen Löwen gesessen oder ist zwei Runden in der Marienkäferbahn  gebraust? 600 wilde Tiere im Wildlife-Zoo , über 30 Attraktionen  und  Live-Shows im Vergnügungspark , dazu der Indoor-Spielpark „Kattas Welt“  mit angeschlossenem Familienrestaurant „Kattagaskar“ und unser 2019 eröffnetes Erlebnisresort  mit 48 spektakulären Safari-Lodges in nächster Nähe zu unseren exotischen Tieren Afrikas - das sorgt garantiert für Spannung und Abwechslung bei deiner Arbeit.

Wir suchen Mitarbeiter, die mit ihrem Lächeln und ihrer positiven Art jeden in ihren Bann ziehen. „Wir lieben, was wir tun!“ – Das ist unser Motto. Egal, in welchem Bereich – bei einer herzlichen Begrüßung an der Rezeption, beim liebevollen Bedienen am Karussell oder beim Präsentieren unserer Produkte im Restaurant „Kattagaskar“ mit Liebe zum Detail.

Je nach Stelle und Anforderung sind flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle möglich!

Was wir bieten ...

Flexible job- und zeiteinteilung, keine nachtschichten, lukrative bezahlung, gute vereinbarkeit mit schule/studium oder hauptjob.

  • Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten

viele Vergünstigungen im Safariland

Alle gängigen anstellungsmöglichkeiten, offene stellen: saison 23.03. - 27.10.2024, zootierpfleger /in (m/w/d) für großkatzen und wildtiere “ in vollzeit unbefristet, wir suchen zur verstärkung unseres teams zum frühestmöglichen zeitpunkt einen ausgebildeten zootierpfleger..

Ihre Aufgaben:

- Durchführung aller anfallenden Arbeiten in der Tierpflege

- kleinere Reparaturen- bzw. Instandhaltungsarbeiten, Tierbeschäftigung Das wünschen wir uns von Dir: - dass Du eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung zum Zootierpfleger hast /Sachkundennachweis für Raubtiere idealer weise Erfahrung in der Arbeit mit Raubkatzen -Führerschein Klasse B, Das erwarten wir uns von Dir: -Flexibilität, Zuverlässigkeit, Belastbarkeit und Leistungsbereitschaft

- Bereitschaft zu Wochenend-und Feiertagsarbeit

-Handwerkliches Geschick

-sicheres und freundliches Auftreten

-Eigenverantwortlichkeit und Teamfähigkeit

Das bieten wir Dir:

-angemessene Bezahlung

-ein spannendes und abwechslungsreiches Aufgabenfeld

- wenn gewünscht eine Unterkunft

- einen Betrieb in Familienhand! 

Interesse?? Arbeitsbeginn: ab sofort

Werde Teil unseres erfolgreichen Teams und bewirb dich jetzt! 

Daniela Owtscharow


Safariland Stukenbrock Mittweg 16 33758 Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock

[email protected]

Tel. +49 (0)5207-952419


Dein Aufgabenbereich:

  • Du bist für die Bedienung der Attraktionen verantwortlich
  • Du koordinierst den Ablauf an den Fahrgeschäften
  • Du bist zuständig für die Kontrolle der Sicherheitsbügel
  • Du bist unseren Gästen beim Ein- und Aussteigen behilflich
  • Du bist Ansprechpartner bei Fragen rund um die Attraktion
  • Du kümmerst dich um die Reinigung und Sauberhaltung der Attraktion

Dein Profil:

  • Du bist zuverlässig, belastbar und flexibel
  • Du arbeitest gerne im Team und hast Freude am Umgang mit Gästen
  • Du bist mindestens 18 Jahre alt
  • Du hast ein hohes Sicherheits- und Qualitätsbewusstsein
  • Du verfügst über gute Deutschkenntnisse
  • Was du immer sein solltest: ein guter Gastgeber! Du lebst den Servicegedanken. Freundlichkeit, Höflichkeit, Offenheit und Freude am Umgang mit Menschen setzen wir voraus.
  • Arbeit an Feiertagen und Wochenenden ist für dich selbstverständlich

Arbeitsbeginn: ab sofort


Wir, das Safariland Stukenbrock bei Bielefeld in NRW, suchen dich als Kassierer am Haupteingang (m/w/d) in Teil- oder Vollzeit für unser Team in unserer großen Freizeitparkfamilie! Gern auch als Neben- bzw. Zweitjob möglich.

Das Safariland Stukenbrock ist ein einzigartiger und ungewöhnlicher Arbeitsplatz. Wer kann schon sagen, er hat in der Mittagspause bei den weißen Löwen gesessen oder ist 2 Runden in der Marienkäferbahn gebraust? Wilde Tiere und über 30 Attraktionen - das sorgt garantiert für Spannung und Abwechslung bei deiner Arbeit. Wir suchen Mitarbeiter, die mit ihrem Lächeln und ihrer positiven Art jeden in ihren Bann ziehen. „Wir lieben, was wir tun!“ – Das ist unser Motto.

Wenn du dich angesprochen fühlst und Folgendes mitbringst, dann suchen wir genau DICH!

Unsere Tür steht offen für dich und wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung und dich persönlich kennen zu lernen.

Deine Aufgaben:

  • Kassieren von Tagestickets an den Kassen am Haupteingang
  • Betreuung und Beratung unserer Besucher sowie Weitergabe von wichtigen Informationen, die für die Besucher relevant sind

Deine Voraussetzungen:

  • Berufserfahrung von Vorteil
  • Gute Deutschkenntnisse
  • Gepflegtes Äußeres mit einer freundlichen Ausstrahlung
  • Gute Umgangs- und Kommunikationsformen
  • Selbstständige Arbeitsweise und Bereitschaft, auch am Wochenende und an Feiertagen zu arbeiten

Darauf kannst du dich freuen:

  • Tägliche Abenteuer in einem einzigartigen Unternehmen inmitten von wilden Tieren
  • Sympathische und hochmotivierte Kollegen in einem familiengeführten Unternehmen
  • Freien Eintritt in vielen Zoos, Tier- und Freizeitparks

Werde Teil unseres erfolgreichen Teams und bewirb dich jetzt!


Das Safariland Stukenbrock ist ein einzigartiger und ungewöhnlicher Arbeitsplatz. Wer kann schon sagen, er hat in der Mittagspause bei den weißen Löwen gesessen oder ist 2 Runden in der Marienkäferbahn gebraust? Wilde Tiere und über 30 Attraktionen - das sorgt garantiert für Spannung und Abwechslung bei Ihrer Arbeit. Wir suchen Mitarbeiter, die mit ihrem Lächeln und ihrer positiven Art jeden in ihren Bann ziehen. „Wir lieben, was wir tun!“ – Das ist unser Motto. Egal, in welchem Bereich – bei einer herzlichen Begrüßung an der Kasse, beim liebevollen Bedienen am Karussell oder beim Präsentieren unserer Produkte im Restaurant „Kattagaskar“ mit Liebe zum Detail. Wenn du dich angesprochen fühlst und Folgendes mitbringst, dann suchen wir genau DICH! Stellenprofil und Anforderungen, je nach Qualifikation und Berufserfahrungen:

  • Ausgabe von Speisen und Getränken
  • Einhaltung der Hygiene- und Qualitätsstandards und HACCP
  • Reinigungsarbeiten/Spülküche
  • Zubereitung von einfachen Menüs
  • Qualitätsbewusstsein sowie ausgeprägte Dienstleistungsbereitschaft
  • Kassentätigkeit
  • Du bringst Leidenschaft für deinen Beruf mit und steckst damit auch dein Team an
  • Zuverlässigkeit, Flexibilität und eine strukturierte Arbeitsweise zeichnen dich aus
  • Du arbeitest gerne im Team, respektierst Kollegen und pflegst einen freundlichen Umgangston
  • Als Teamplayer mit Herz, Verstand und Gefühl willst du gemeinsam mit uns die Zukunft unserer Einrichtung gestalten
  • Arbeiten an Feiertagen und Wochenenden ist für dich selbstverständlich

Wir bieten dir:

  • Eine hoch spannende Tätigkeit in einem einzigartigen Unternehmen - tägliche Abenteuer garantiert!
  • Viele Vergünstigungen im Safariland, bei anderen Zoos und Parks


Das Safariland Stukenbrock ist ein einzigartiger und ungewöhnlicher Arbeitsplatz. Wer kann schon sagen, er hat in der Mittagspause bei den weißen Löwen gesessen? Oder ist 2 Runden in der Marienkäferbahn gebraust? Wilde Tiere und über 30 Attraktionen - das sorgt garantiert für Spannung und Abwechslung bei deiner Arbeit.

Stellenprofil und Anforderungen, je nach Qualifikation und Berufserfahrungen:

  • Produktion und Mitgestaltung der täglichen frisch hergestellten Speisen für das SB-Restaurant im Tagesbetrieb sowie morgens und abends im Hotelrestaurant (Frühstück/Halbpension)
  • Einteilung der täglich anfallenden Arbeiten
  • Vorbereiten von Speisen
  • Gepflegtes und nettes Erscheinungsbild
  • Effiziente und freundliche Fertigstellung von Speisen
  • Möglich ist auch eine Anstellung als Jung- oder Beikoch (m/w/d)
  • Unterstützung in den zugeteilten Posten

[email protected]


  • Du besitzt ein hohes Qualitätsbewusstsein und eine ausgeprägte Dienstleistungsbereitschaft
  • Arbeiten an Feiertagen und Wochenenden ist für dich selbstverständlich 
  • Verkauf von Souvenirs, Getränken, Snacks etc.
  • Wareneinkauf
  • Lagerführung
  • Tägliche Kassenabrechnung 
  • Eine attraktive Vergütung
  • Bei uns gibt es keine Spät- oder Nachtschichten


Du bist Student oder Schüler und benötigst noch ein paar Euro? Du hast einen Bürojob und musst mal wieder raus aus dem Alltag? Dann sollten wir uns ganz schnell kennenlernen. Langeweile ist bei uns ausgeschlossen. Bestimme selbst, wann und wo du dir etwas dazu verdienst. Lerne neue und interessante Menschen kennen und kontaktiere uns, wir sind unkompliziert und sympathisch. Überzeuge dich selbst davon! Die weißen Tiger auf der einen Seite, der See und die Flamingo-Insel auf der anderen Seite und mittendrin liegt unser neues Familienrestaurant „Kattagaskar“, das Erlebnisgastronomie für die ganze Familie bietet. Hier speisen morgens und abends auch unsere Übernachtungsgäste, die in den neuen Safari-Lodges unseres Erlebnisresorts residieren.

Tätigkeiten im „Safariland Stukenbrock“:

  • Empfang und Betreuung der Gäste
  • Frühstück-Service
  • Menü- und Buffet-Service
  • Getränke- und Bar-Service
  • Abräumen und Kassieren

Voraussetzung für die Mitarbeiter in unserem Team:

  • Mind. 16 Jahre
  • Interesse an Gastronomie und im Eventbereich
  • Gepflegtes und freundliches Auftreten

Was bietet das „Safariland Stukenbrock“?

  • Flexible Job- und Zeiteinteilung
  • Keine Nachtschichten
  • Lukrative Bezahlung
  • Gute Vereinbarkeit mit Schule/Studium oder Hauptjob
  • Viele Vergünstigungen im Safariland
  • Alle gängigen Anstellungsmöglichkeiten

Wildlife-Zoo mit 600 Tieren

Wildlife-Zoo mit 600 Tieren

Mehr erfahren

30 Attraktionen im Freizeitpark

30 Attraktionen im Freizeitpark


Indoor-Spielpark "Kattas Welt"

Erlebnisresort zum Übernachten

Erlebnisresort zum Übernachten

Dein ansprechpartner:.

[email protected] +49 (0) 5207 - 952419


🚨 saison 2024 🚨, liebe safariland-fans, wir haben täglich (auch an allen feiertagen) von 10-18 uhr für euch geöffnet - kassenschluss & letzte safaridurchfahrt 16 uhr, tickets, gutscheine, souvenirs, dekorationsartikel & resortbuchungen hier vorab online im.


Bleibt wild! Euer Safariland-Team

Safari Land Indoor Amusement Park

NEW Operating Hours:

Mon-Thurs: 12 PM until 8 PM 

Friday:  12 PM until 9 PM

Sat-Sun: Noon until 9 PM

701 W. North Avenue Villa Park, Illinois 60181


Employment Opportunities!

Employment Opportunities!

Safari Land is more than a fun place to visit - it's a fun place to work! If interested, or know someone who might be, please apply within.

Applicants must have a neat and clean appearance, be willing to work in a child friendly environment, have no criminal convictions, and be willing to work on nights and weekends.


Reservations/Phones - Bilingual a Plus

Attraction Operators

Party Host/Hostesses

Make A Donation Today!

Wildlife Safari

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Work at safari, open positions.

Check out the job openings below and submit your online application. You may also send a cover letter and resume to [email protected] . Please clearly state the position you are applying for in the email.

Please note that only thoroughly completed applications will be accepted. Wildlife Safari is a drug-free workplace and applicants must pass a drug screen (including for Marijuana) prior to being offered a position.

Animal keeper and veterinarian positions are posted on AZA’s website as well as ZAA’s website as they become available.

Janitorial | $15.00 an hour | Full Time or *Part Time, Permanent

Position Overview

The janitor is responsible for the overall cleanliness and appearance of building and grounds including the gift shop, administrative offices, event areas, education, clinic and restaurant as well as restrooms, meeting rooms and other office, public or meeting facilities as assigned. Working closely with Guest Services and the Event Coordinator for events and facilities for rentals. * Looking to fill primarily Tuesday-Thursday schedule.


  • Maintains cleanliness of floors by sweeping, mopping, scrubbing or vacuuming as needed
  • Cleans and polishes floors as needed
  • Gathers and empties trash daily
  • Services, cleans, sanitizes and supplies restrooms daily
  • Cleans windows, glass partitions and mirrors
  • Dusts furniture walls, machines, light fixtures and equipment
  • Steam cleans and shampoos carpets
  • Strips, seals, finishes and polishes floors
  • Informs maintenance supervisor of any observed issues requiring further maintenance attention or care
  • Completes requisitions for supplies and equipment as needed
  • Sets up and arranges tables, chairs and other décor for various events and rental needs
  • Is courteous and pleasant to guests. Directs guests to appropriate resources as needed
  • Assists maintenance team in repair and upkeep of other park areas or projects as needed
  • Perform other assigned duties


  • Must be able to pass a drug test, including for marijuana
  • Candidates must agree to a background check
  • A minimum high school diploma or equivalency
  • Must be able to lift 50 lbs. and be able to bend and lift
  • Ability to follow oral and written instructions
  • Basic math and verbal skills
  • Preferred one-year previous janitorial experience
  • Health and dental benefits after 60 days
  • Aflac benefits
  • Free membership with reciprocal zoo
  • 40% off in Restaurant and Gift Shop
  • Sick leave and paid time off
  • Vet and vehicle services at cost
  • Free animal encounters
  • Employee parties throughout the year

This is a permanent, full-time position. Applications will be accepted until position is filled.

Wildlife Safari is a drug-free workplace and applicants must pass a drug screen (including for Marijuana) prior to being offered a position.

Wildlife Safari will consider all qualified applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws. Wildlife Safari will not discriminate against any applicant for employment because of physical or mental disability in regard to any position for which the applicant is qualified.

Maintenance Worker | $15.00 an hour | Full Time, Permanent

The Maintenance Worker performs installation, repair and improvements of park equipment and facilities. Also assists the Project Manager in the completion of capital and other special park projects. This position requires more advanced maintenance ability including ability to work with electrical, mechanical, pneumatic, and hydraulic systems.

Position Goal

The goal of the Maintenance Worker is to maintain the utility of the park and its facilities by performing maintenance tasks as assigned by the department supervisor or as needed by the project manager.

  • Performs general maintenance of drive thru including road, fence, and building repairs
  • Performs general maintenance of village area including exhibits, walkways, and fence repairs
  • Assists in the construction of park buildings including pens, shelters, and feeders
  • Performs digging, trenching, shoveling, and other manual labor
  • Responds to service calls requiring more advanced maintenance knowledge and skill
  • Assists in the installation, repair, and upgrade of park equipment
  • Operates park machinery and equipment
  • Hauls various materials throughout park
  • Cleans, organizes and properly stores tools and equipment
  • Other duties as assigned
  • Ability to work in a team or independently
  • At least two years previous experience performing general maintenance

Seasonal Gift Shop Clerk | $14.00 an hour | Full Time, Seasonal

The gift shop clerk welcomes guests into the gift shop, answers questions about park products and services, directs guests to appropriate resources, and handles cash and credit sales. The scheduled shift is a five day a week, eight-hour shift, unless otherwise decided by the department supervisor. Weekends are a requirement.

The goal of the Gift Shop Clerk is to assist customers in gift shop purchases in a friendly and efficient manner. The position also serves as a park representative and helps to create a favorable impression of the park by answering questions about the park or directing guests to the appropriate resources.

  • Assists guests with all aspects of shopping and with park information
  • Processes orders in store system and receives proper payment
  • Processes cash and credit receipts
  • Transacts returns/credits
  • Balances daily receipts
  • Assists store supervisor in receiving inventory into store system
  • Assists store supervisor in maintaining accurate inventory
  • Maintains neat and orderly displays, stocking and cleaning when needed
  • Cross train with other departments as necessary, such as answering phones
  • Providing breaks and lunch coverage to areas needed
  • Must possess ability to juggle multiple responsibilities
  • Must have common sense and organizational skills
  • Outstanding customer service skills including conflict resolution and courtesy
  • Must be able to work in extreme heat and cold
  • Must be able to pass a drug test, including marijuana

Applications will be accepted until position is filled.

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Safariland Stukenbrock

safari park stukenbrock jobs

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safari park stukenbrock jobs

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Safariland Stukenbrock - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

Jobs at the Safari Park

Jobs at the Safari Park

Working at  west midlands safari park.

Do you enjoy making people smile? Do you want to work in a fun and rewarding environment?

West Midlands Safari Park has been welcoming guests for over 50 years and is one of Worcestershire’s biggest and most unusual employers!  


Our mission is to bring people together to create unique wildlife experiences that exhilarate, educate and leave memories to last a lifetime. 

Our 200-acre site allows us to do just that, whether you’re visiting for the day, a wedding guest or are staying overnight! We create experiences like no other, attracting visitors from across the Midlands and beyond.

safari park stukenbrock jobs


From admissions and retail, catering and theme park, engineering and facilities, wildlife and education, to venues & accommodation, we have career opportunities for all!

We offer a range of fixed-term and permanent jobs. Explore our opportunities to find the perfect one for you!


As well as benefitting from working with unique and beautiful species, you’ll also receive a range of additional perks to employment including:

FREE ENTRY  – You’ll get a WMSP Annual Pass, giving you and your family and friends free admission and theme park wristbands, and free entry to our sister site, Drayton Manor Park. PARK DISCOUNTS  – 35% discount in our retail and catering outlets and for our special events. SAFARI LODGES  – 10% discount to stay overnight at our Safari Lodges. EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME  – 24-hour access for your household members to an online doctor, advice lines, counselling referrals, as well as online prescriptions. EXTERNAL DISCOUNTS  – Access to an online retailer discount portal to save money across a range of brands. THE GYM GROUP  – No joining fee and 10% membership discount.

safari park stukenbrock jobs


A Student Internship within the Wildlife Department will give you experience of working with exotic animal species in a zoological setting. You will gain a deep understanding of the tasks involved in maintaining a zoological setting and an appreciation for the legal requirements of managing such a collection.

Recruitment FAQs

How do i apply.

To apply for any of our current vacancies click the ‘View Vacancies’ button above, choose which position/s you would like to apply for and click the ‘apply’ button next to the vacancy. If you have an existing careers account, please enter your login details. If you are new to our site, please click ‘create a new account’ to complete your details. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete and submit your application.

What will the application process entail?

Once you have submitted your application, you will receive email updates on your application to guide you through the process. If you haven’t heard from us or have any questions then please email us at  [email protected] .

What is the timeline for the application process?

Depending on the vacancy that you have applied for and the vacancy closing date, you will receive an update on your application status, this is usually within two weeks. If you haven’t heard from us or have any questions then please email us at  [email protected] .

Is uniform provided / what is the dress code?

If your role requires you to wear a uniform, you will have provided all of your size requirements as part of your onboarding process and will be issued with your uniform prior to your first day. If your role does not require you to wear a uniform, we advise smart/casual attire.

Do you have opportunities to apply for work experience or volunteering positions?

No, currently we are not accepting any applications against either work experience or volunteering placements.  All of our current vacancies can be viewed by clicking the ‘view vacancies’ button above.

Right to work

It is a legal requirement in the UK for an employer to check that an employee has the right to work in this country.

We ask that you bring your 'Right to Work' documents with you when attending your interview. You will need to provide us with your original documentation (screenshots, photos or copies will not be accepted). This can be your passport or your A4 sized birth/adoption certificate and an official letter or document from a previous employer or government agency, containing your name and National Insurance number.

If you require a work permit to work in the UK, please ensure you bring this along as proof of your eligibility status including any government issued share codes.

safari park stukenbrock jobs

Privacy settings

Here you will find an overview of the types of cookies used on the website. You can set your consent for each category individually. Further information can be found in the privacy policy .

  • Essential Cookies For the use of the website with all functions (e.g. user settings, watch lists, etc.)
  • Statistics Statistics Cookies collect information anonymously. This information helps us to understand how our visitors use our website.
  • Marketing In order to provide you with the best possible offer in cooperation with our partners, we use marketing tools. For example, in order to use our chatbot, you must activate this setting.
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  • Inspiring Germany
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Stukenbrock Safari Park

More than 600 African animals roam freely around Stukenbrock Safari Park, with rare white tigers and lions amongst the inhabitants. Visitors have the option of staying the night in a tent or lodge.

Visitors can explore the park in their own car or on the safari bus. For safety reasons, the windows have to be closed when passing through the lion and tiger enclosures. But visitors can watch the giraffes, camels, antelopes and zebras up close in the nearby grassland area and may even be lucky enough to have the chance to stroke them. Barbary macaques live in the open-air monkey enclosure, which the Ape Express train passes through to give visitors the chance to feed the animals. More than 30 rides and attractions at the affiliated theme park never fail to disappoint visitors looking to let off some steam.

Discover more

Spring fever: blossoms and easter bonfires, outstanding museums with the highest praise, german bread and baked goods, capitals of culture: a grand entrance on the european stage, wine hikes: 5 regions for connoisseurs, celts, romans, vikings: museums reveal their everyday life, explore the surroundings.

  • EILMELDUNG — __proto_headline__

Photo Gallery A Unique Zebroid Moves to Germany

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safari park stukenbrock jobs

"Eclyse," a singular horse-zebra hybrid, arrived at her new home, the Stukenbrock safari park in Germany, two weeks ago. Eclyse's mother is a zebra that used to call the Stukenbrock safari park home. In 2003, she was sent to a farm in northern Italy where she met Eclyse's father, a horse. Eclyse's coloring is very unusual for a zebroid.

safari park stukenbrock jobs

Eclyse is unique, because zebra-horse hybrids (also called "zebroids" and "zorses") usually have zebra fathers and horse mothers. Eclyse may be unable to reproduce because most equine hybrids are infertile.

safari park stukenbrock jobs

Shown here with animal inspector Karl-Heinz Lesker, the yearling's tiny size is apparent. When safari park head Fritz Wurms took a trip to Italy to visit Eclyse's mother, he fell in love with Eclyse and decided to bring her back to her mother's former home.

safari park stukenbrock jobs

Eclyse is shown here with Fritz Wurms, the man who brought her to Germany. Humans have been cross-breeding zebras and horses since colonial times, and the practice is still used to create hobby animals.

safari park stukenbrock jobs

The Stukenbrock safari park reports that although Eclyse has inherited her mother's high-spirited temperament typical to zebras, she tolerates a bridle and is friendly to visitors.

safari park stukenbrock jobs

Tri-State Outfitters

Sporting goods, footwear, apparel.

An important announcement from your friends at Tri-State Outfitters and Sportsman & Ski Haus:

As of July 12th, 2023 , All Tri-State Outfitters job applications will be listed and submitted exclusively via the Sportsman & Ski Haus website.

Click Here to be redirected to Sportsman & Ski Haus Employment Page.

Questions and Answers:

  • All job openings can be found on this page.
  • The store location will be listed in the job application title.
  • Printed applications may be dropped off in store.
  • Yes! A free .pdf editor such as Microsoft Edge or Adobe Acrobat Reader can be used to fill the form fields.

safari park stukenbrock jobs

  • Give Monthly
  • San Diego Zoo
  • Safari Park
  • Special Experiences
  • Plan Your Visit
  • Renew/Rejoin
  • Conservation
  • Take Action
  • Adventure Travel

Giraffes at the Safari Park

Career Paths

  • Careers Home
  • Benefits & Compensation
  • Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
  • Career & Internship Programs

Passport to Your Future

At San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, we are committed to providing a rewarding and engaging work experience for all, whether it be in retail, animal care, architecture, or facilities, just to name a few areas! Our employees work here because they are committed to our mission and vision, and they are treated well. Many opportunities are available to move around, move up, learn, and grow within the organization. Here are a few areas where you may want to start your career with us:

Guest Services

Join our fun and exciting work environment! We provide world-class service in our gift shops, food facilities, and on our Zoo and Safari Park grounds. Our entry-level positions require limited or no experience.

Animals and Plants

Wildlife care specialists and horticulturists provide care for our world-renowned exotic wildlife and plants. Join our team of knowledgeable and skilled professionals.

Science and Research

Researchers generate, share, and apply scientific knowledge vital to the conservation of animals, plants, and habitats. Biodiversity conservation is the theme that unites the work of San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance conservation research. Join us as we make a difference for wildlife.

Operations and Facilities

It takes a team of talented and skilled people to operate our world-famous facilities at the Zoo and Safari Park while providing a top-notch experience for our guests. These jobs include construction and maintenance, education, tours, and park management.

Business and Organizational Support

Supporting the entirety of San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, our departments include marketing and public relations, human resources, finance, and more.

Where Do We Work?

San Diego Zoo  map  Located in Balboa Park near downtown San Diego, California.

San Diego Zoo Safari Park  map  Located 30 minutes north of the Zoo in San Pasqual Valley near Escondido, California.

San Diego Zoo Beckman Center for Conservation Research  map  Located just south of the Safari Park.

San Diego Zoo Merchandising Warehouse  map  Located in Rancho Bernardo near the Carmel Mountain area.

San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Mission Valley Offices  map  Located in San Diego's Mission Valley near Friars Road and the 163 freeway.

Other Locations Off-site facilities such as Hawaii, Nevada, San Clemente Island, and other locations worldwide.

Applicant Requirements

All applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Applications and resumes are only accepted through our online application system.
  • Click here to view job openings that are currently accepting applications.
  • Applicants must be at least 16 years of age.
  • Must have a positive attitude.
  • Adhere to our grooming standards (no visible tattoos, no facial piercings, etc.).
  • Adhere to our world-class policies, procedures, and customer-service standards.
  • All positions require a drug test.
  • Some positions require pre-placement testing.

San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance is an equal opportunity employer committed to creating a diverse workforce and providing equal opportunity for all employees and prospective employees. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sex, age, citizenship, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, protected veteran status, or any other basis protected by any federal, state, or local law.

Request for Accommodation for Applicants

If you are an individual with a disability and need an accommodation during the application or hiring process, please contact Human Resources. San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance will provide reasonable accommodations, upon request, to support individuals with disabilities to be able to participate in the hiring process.

California Fair Pay Act

PAY TRANSPARENCY NONDISCRIMINATION PROVISION:  The contractor will not discharge or in any other manner discriminate against employees or applicants because they have inquired about, discussed, or disclosed their own pay or the pay of another employee or applicant. However, employees who have access to the compensation information of other employees or applicants as a part of their essential job functions cannot disclose the pay of other employees or applicants to individuals who do not otherwise have access to compensation information, unless the disclosure is (a) in response to a formal complaint or charge, (b) in furtherance of an investigation, proceeding, hearing, or action, including an investigation conducted by the employer, or (c) consistent with the contractor’s legal duty to furnish information.

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Safariland Stukenbrock

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SAFARILAND STUKENBROCK: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

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  • Title Customer Service Associate (nomnom Coeur d'Alene | Full-Time) Location Coeur d'Alene (Best Ave), ID, US, 83814 Job Function Retail Title Customer Service Associate (nomnom Coeur d'Alene | Full-Time) Location Coeur d'Alene (Best Ave), ID, US, 83814 Job Function Retail Title Customer Service Associate (nomnom Coeur d'Alene | Full-Time) Location Coeur d'Alene (Best Ave), ID, US, 83814 Job Function Retail Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information.
  • Title Food Service Trainer Location Spokane, WA, US, 99217 Job Function Retail Title Food Service Trainer Location Spokane, WA, US, 99217 Job Function Retail Title Food Service Trainer Location Spokane, WA, US, 99217 Job Function Retail Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information.
  • Title Food Service Manager (nomnom Grangeville | Full-Time) Location Grangeville (901 W. Main St), ID, US, 83530 Job Function Retail Title Food Service Manager (nomnom Grangeville | Full-Time) Location Grangeville (901 W. Main St), ID, US, 83530 Job Function Retail Title Food Service Manager (nomnom Grangeville | Full-Time) Location Grangeville (901 W. Main St), ID, US, 83530 Job Function Retail Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information.
  • Title Customer Service Associate (nomnom Clarkston | Part-Time) Location Clarkston (Bridge St), WA, US, 99403 Job Function Retail Title Customer Service Associate (nomnom Clarkston | Part-Time) Location Clarkston (Bridge St), WA, US, 99403 Job Function Retail Title Customer Service Associate (nomnom Clarkston | Part-Time) Location Clarkston (Bridge St), WA, US, 99403 Job Function Retail Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information.
  • Title Store Manager (nomnom Lewiston | Full-Time) Location Lewiston (E. Main St.), ID, US, 83501 Job Function Retail Title Store Manager (nomnom Lewiston | Full-Time) Location Lewiston (E. Main St.), ID, US, 83501 Job Function Retail Title Store Manager (nomnom Lewiston | Full-Time) Location Lewiston (E. Main St.), ID, US, 83501 Job Function Retail Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information.

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  • (208) 882-4576


  1. Team Wallraff in Freizeitparks: Sicherheit und Arbeitsbedingungen

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  2. Erlebe Dein Afrika-Abenteuer im Herzen Deutschlands!

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  3. Erlebe deine eigene Afrika-Safari! 😍

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  5. Safariland Stukenbrock • Themeparkblogger

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  6. Safariland Stukenbrock

    safari park stukenbrock jobs


  1. Planst du deine Karriere im Safariland?

    Daniela Owtscharow. Personalabteilung. Safariland Stukenbrock. Mittweg 16. 33758 Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock. [email protected]. +49 (0) 5207 - 952419. Wir suchen 2021 zur Unterstützung und Verstärkung unseres erfolgreichen Teams! Welche offenen Stellen gibt es im Safariland?

  2. Employment Opportunities at Safari Land

    NOW HIRING! Reservations/Phones - Bilingual a Plus. Attraction Operators. Party Host/Hostesses. 630-530-4649. Visit Safari Land Indoor Amusement Park for information on any employment opportunities we offer in our facility. Call us.

  3. Careers

    View Open Careers. Various Locations. Our conservation work even takes place outside the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park. From accounting and engineering to marketing and science, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance offers career opportunities in many fields. Apply now, and get started on a career that makes a difference. View Open Careers.

  4. Work At Safari

    Closed Only on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Phone: (541) 679-6761 Email: [email protected]. 1790 Safari Road. PO Box 1600. Winston, Oregon | 97496. Work at Safari Open Positions Check out the job openings below and submit your online application. You may also send a cover letter and resume to [email protected].

  5. Park Job Openings

    Safari Park Job Openings. Careers Home. Culture. Benefits & Compensation. Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion. Career & Internship Programs. San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance has transitioned to a new application system. Returning applicants will need to create a new account.

  6. Zoo Safaripark

    Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock, North Rhine-Westphalia 33758, DE Get directions Employees at Zoo Safaripark Rainer Link Marketing Manager bei Zoo Safaripark ... Full Stack Engineer jobs 49,109 open jobs

  7. Safariland Stukenbrock

    10:00 AM - 6:00 PM. Write a review. About. Safariland Stukenbrock offers a unique mix of wildlife zoo, amusement park, Kattas World indoor play park and a safari-style adventure resort to stay overnight. Africa - in the middle of Germany - an extraordinary experience. Duration: More than 3 hours. Meets animal welfare guidelines.


    29 reviews and 446 photos of SAFARILAND STUKENBROCK "This is where Siegfried and Roy's white tigers wound up. It is well, well worth the time and price of admission. Driving there, don't be alarmed when your navigation system takes you out into the countryside on an obscure road (Mittweg); that's what you need to do to get there. Also, be aware that there are alternate names for this place ...

  9. San Diego Zoo Safari Park Spring Hiring Event!

    San Diego Zoo Safari Park Spring Hiring Event! 15600 San Pasqual Valley Rd, Escondido, CA 92027, USA Req #2465. Saturday, January 28, 2023. San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance is a nonprofit international conservation leader, committed to inspiring a passion for nature and creating a world where all life thrives.

  10. Jobs

    From admissions and retail, catering and theme park, engineering and facilities, wildlife and education, to venues & accommodation, we have career opportunities for all! We offer a range of fixed-term and permanent jobs. Explore our opportunities to find the perfect one for you! View Vacancies.

  11. Jobs

    Comfortable working indoors and outdoors in all weather conditions. Able to work in a diverse team environment. Flexible with their schedules. At least 16 years of age. And don't forget about the perks and discounts! Employees receive: Free admission to the San Diego Zoo and San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Family passes and complimentary tickets.

  12. Stukenbrock Safari Park

    Experience & Enjoy. …. Stukenbrock Safari Park. More than 600 African animals roam freely around Stukenbrock Safari Park, with rare white tigers and lions amongst the inhabitants. Visitors have the option of staying the night in a tent or lodge. Visitors can explore the park in their own car or on the safari bus.

  13. Safariland Stukenbrock

    Einzigartiges Afrika-Feeling 🏖 mitten in Deutschland. Der Wildlife-Zoo 🦁 und Freizeitpark 🎢 für die ganze Familie 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦Mehr Infos findest du hier:li...

  14. Photo Gallery: A Unique Zebroid Moves to Germany

    1 / 5. "Eclyse," a singular horse-zebra hybrid, arrived at her new home, the Stukenbrock safari park in Germany, two weeks ago. Eclyse's mother is a zebra that used to call the Stukenbrock safari ...

  15. Employment

    An important announcement from your friends at Tri-State Outfitters and Sportsman & Ski Haus: As of July 12th, 2023, All Tri-State Outfitters job applications will be listed and submitted exclusively via the Sportsman & Ski Haus website. Click Here to be redirected to Sportsman & Ski Haus Employment Page. Questions and Answers: Where is the […]

  16. Career Paths

    Join our fun and exciting work environment! We provide world-class service in our gift shops, food facilities, and on our Zoo and Safari Park grounds. Our entry-level positions require limited or no experience. Animals and Plants. Wildlife care specialists and horticulturists provide care for our world-renowned exotic wildlife and plants.

  17. SAFARILAND STUKENBROCK: All You Need to Know BEFORE You ...

    206 reviews. #4 of 8 things to do in Schloss Holte-Stukenbrock. Amusement & Theme ParksZoos. Open now. 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM. Write a review. About. Safariland Stukenbrock offers a unique mix of wildlife zoo, amusement park, Kattas World indoor play park and a safari-style adventure resort to stay overnight. Africa - in the middle of Germany - an ...

  18. All nomnom Jobs

    Showing 1 to 4 of 4 Jobs Search results for "". Showing 1 to 4 of 4 Jobs Use the Tab key to navigate the Job List. Select to view the full details of the job. Title Food Service Trainer Location Spokane, WA, US, 99217 Job Function Retail Title Food ...

  19. Jobs • Recreation

    Sports Coordinator. 2/28/2024 12:00:00 AM. Posted February 28, 2024 | Open Until Filled. The Recreation Team hires for this position year-round as different sports are in season. Completed applications are sent to the hiring team and they reach out to evaluate... Full Description.

  20. Careers

    Career Opportunities with Aspen Park of Cascadia. Click on the button below to view career opportunities with Aspen Park of Cascadia. Careers. (208) 882-4576.