Travel Malang Bali Denpasar Berangkat Tiap Jam Tiket Mulai 200K

Agen Travel Malang Bali Denpasar PP

Agen Travel Malang Denpasar Bali

berwisata ke bali merupakan salah satu tujuan favorit untuk menghabiskan masa liburan maupun akhir pekan, transportasi umum sering di pilih karena tentu saja harganya yang murah dan tidak pakai capek apabila menggunakan kendaraan sendiri

banyaknya warga masyarakat malang yang sering bepergian ke denpasar bali untuk wisata maupun urusan lainnya, pemilihan transportasi umumpun sangat beragam pelanggan tinggal menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan ketersediaan rute tujuan

tetapi untuk menggunakan transportasi umum seperti bus dan kereta, pesawat terkendala jadwal yang sudah di tentukan dari pihak operator, sehinga kita kadang kesulitan apabila ingin berangkat sewaktu waktu sesuai keinginan kita,

adapun solusi mudahnya tidak sdikit orang memilih jasa agen travel di malang untuk membantu kebutuhan tersebut, mengingat travel memiliki jadwal yang fleksibel dan terdapat layanan door to door service / antar jemput

Citra Jasa Agen Travel Malang Bali

citra trans merupakan salah satu jasa agen travel yang sudah cukup berpengalaman dalam melayani kebutuhan angkutan penumpang maupun barang khususnya bagi meraka yang ingin melakukan perjalanan dari malang ke bali secara cepat aman dan nyaman tentunya dengan harga tiket murah dan memenuhi persyaratan protokol kesehatan

dalam menjalankan jasa travel perusahaan ini selalu mengutamakan kenyamanan para pelangganya dengan cara memperbaharui armada yang di gunakan guna menjamin keamanan dan keselamatan penumpang maupun pengendara mobil travel tersebut

selain itu citra trans sebagai jasa travel dan rental mobil malang terbaik di malang raya selalu memberikan banyak sekali kemudahan serta layanan yang bisa di gunakan untuk kebutuhan transportasi para costumer

Alamat Travel Batu Malang Bali Citra Trans

untuk kebutuhan informasi jasa agen travel malang bali berikut alamat dan kontak marketing yang bisa anda hubungi

Layanan Citra Travel Malang Bali PP

adapun jasa agen travel batu malang bali memberikan beberapa layanan unggulan yang bisa di pesan oleh costumer sesuai dengan kebutuhan diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut

Door to Door Pickup / Antar Jemput

salah satu layanan unggulan adalah door to door service atau di kenal layanan antar jemput penumpang, dalam hal ini pemesan travel tidak harus mendatangi pool / garasi maupun tempat agen kami, cukup berada di lokasi titik penjemputan maka travel ini akan menjemput di lokasi yang telah di tentukan sebelumnya

Carter Mobil

bagi yang ingin menggunakan jasa travel malang bali tapi tidak mau di gabung dengan penumpang lain atau mau menggunakan travel tidak sesuai jadwal biasanya, bisa menggunakan layanan carter mobil itu berarti sepenuhnya anda bisa menggunakan mobil travel sepenuhnya sesuai keinginan baik waktu dan tempat tujuan tentunya dengan harga sewa yang berbeda dengan harga tiket pada umumnya

Shuttle Bandara / Stasiun Kereta

bagi penumpang yang datang dan akan menuju ke di Airport / Bandara maupun stasiun kereta api kami menyediakan layanan shuttle airport internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai maupun stasiun kereta api di malang Shuttle ini meliputi penjemputan atau pengantaran langsung hingga ke dalam area bandara dan stasiun

Melayani Pengiriman Paket Barang

selain penumpang jasa citra travel melayani pengiriman paket maupun dokumen bisa anda percayakan di sini, karena selain harganya cukup murah faktor kecepatan dan ketepatan waktu pengirimanpun bisa terjamin mengingat barang yang anda kirim akan langsung di antar pada hari yang sama ketika di ambil oleh sopir yang bertugas saat itu dan dapat di lacak melalui maupun di pantau psosisi barang tersebut

Layanan Rental Mobil

bagi yang membutuhkan armada mobil dengan berbagai macam pilihan jenis mobil keluaran terbaru, anda bia menggunakan layanan jasa sewa mobil di malang dari citra travel, selain menyediakan kendaraan manual maupun matic, terdapat juga layanan dengan sopir atau tanpa sopir / lepas kunci Jadi, jika Anda berencana pergi dari malang ke bali pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan jasa agen travel Citra Trans.

Baca juga: Daftar Rental Mobil Termurah Di Malang

Fasilitas Perjalanan Travel

Interior Rental Elf

Fasilitas yang kami berikan menggunakan prinsip kenyamanan, keamanan, dan keselamatan. Sehingga penumpang mendapatkan pengalaman terbaik selama melakukan perjalanan bersama Citra Travel. Berikut daftar teknis fasilitas yang kami berikan:

  • Jemput Antar Alamat
  • Gratis 1x Makan
  • Driver Profesional
  • Armada Nyaman dan longgar
  • Reclining Seat  / Kursi dapat direbahkan
  • Bantal & Selimut
  • LCD TV / Full musik
  • Charger Ponsel
  • Gratis biaya penyeberangan.

Armada Eksekutif

Kami sediakan armada-armada terbaik dan terawat yang selalu menyajikan kenyamanan selama perjalanan Anda. Berikut jenis armada yang sering kami gunakan secara bergilir

  • KIA Travello
  • Daihatsu Luxio
  • Kijang Innova
  • Toyota Hiace

Rute Perjalanan Travel dari Malang ke Bali

untuk bisa sampai ke kota denpasar bali khsusunya dari malang menggunakan armada travel kami menempuh jarak kurang lebih 410 km dan membutuhkan waktu lama perjalanan sekitar 10 – 11 jam

untuk rute perjalanannya sendiri hanya 1 jalur adapun rute jalur kota yang di lewati sebagai berikut

Lokasi Penjemputan

adapun lokasi titik penjemputan di kota malang jawa timur diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut :

Kota Batu, Singosari, Purwantoro, Blimbing, Klojen, PakSawoajar, Lowokwaruisaji, Kepanjen, Turen, Purwodadi, Sukun, Kedungkandang, Dinoyo, Lawang, Merjosari, Sengkaling,Dau, Bululawang, Bandara Abdul Rachman Saleh, Terminal Arjosari, Gadang, Landungsari, Hotel di Kota Malang, Stasiun Kotalama, Stasiun Kotabaru

Jalur Rute Travel

Rute  : Batu – Malang – Kepanjen – Lumajang – Jember – Banyuwangi – Ketapang – Gilimanuk – Negara – Tabanan – Kapal – Ubung – Denpasar – Sanur – Terminal Batubulan – Bandara Ngurah Rai – Jimbaran – Nusa Dua Via Tol :

Lokasi Pengantaran

Terakhir Saat tiba di Pulau Bali, travel akan mengantar ke alamat tujuan. Seperti ke Bandara I Gusti Ngurah Rai, Badung, Bangli, Buleleng, Gianyar, Jembrana, Karangasem, Klungkung, Singaraja , Tabanan, Kota Denpasar, dan area lain di bali. Tentu saja sesuai dengan area yang kami cover.

Jadwal Keberangkatan Travel

demi memenuhi kebutuhan costumer yang cukup beragam perihal kebutuhan jam keberangkatan travel dari malang ke kota denpasar bali

maka kami membuka jadwal hampir setiap waktu sesuai dengan jam jam sibuk dimana pelanggan sering membutuhan jam seperti :

  • pagi 06:00 WIB
  • siang 13:00 WIB
  • sore 17:00 WIB
  • malam 21:00 WIB

Harga Tarif Tiket Travel Malang Bali

dengan harga yang cukup murah dan tidak ada penambahan harga bagi anak di bawah 3 tahun, bagasinya juga luas bisa membawa barang bawaan cukup banyak, mau menitipkan paket juga bisa dengan perhitungan barang per Kg, untuk dokumen harga tidak berdasarkan berat

Ketentuan Tiket

  • Harga yang tertera merupakan harga minimum jasa travel yang berlaku bagi 1 orang penumpang 1 kursi sekali jalan.
  • Harga selengkapnya bisa dicek melalui ‘RUTE’ masing – masing travel yang kami sediakan atau bertanya pada customer service.
  • Akan ada biaya tambahan untuk penjemputan menggunakan travel di Bandara, dan Terminal. Berlaku juga untuk penjemputan di hotel jika ada alasan tertentu.
  • Biaya tambahan juga berlaku untuk daerah – daerah yang jauh dari jalan poros utama. Jalan masuk maksimal 1 Km dari jalan utama masih dapat di tolelir
  • Anak usia >= 3 Tahun akan di kenakan biaya 1 kursi penumpang travel dewasa dan tidak dapat dipangku.
  • Balita tidak bayar jika dipangku.
  • Namun bisa charge biaya 1 kursi penumpang travel dewasa jika duduk sendiri.
Baca juga: Daftar Harga Sewa Bus Termurah Di Malang

Tata Cara Order Tiket Travel

  • Anda bisa melakukan pemesanan secara online untuk rute travel Malang ke Bali atau arah sebaliknya.
  • Bisa melakukan pemesanan melalui   TELEPON ,   WHATSAPP   atau  BOOKING FORM  dengan cara klik nomor maka anda akan mengarah langsung nomor Customer service kami baik pertanyaan ataupun pemesanan.
  • Setelah salah satu cara di atas anda lakukan, silahkan lengkapi data secara konkrit dan jelas untuk mempermudah penjemputan calon penumpang. 
  • Data dibutuhkan meliputi tanggal berangkat, nama, nomor HP aktif, jumlah orang, alamat jemput serta alamat tujuan.
  • Customer service akan melakukan pengecekan serta konfirmasi kepada anda mengenai travel dengan jadwal yang anda pesan.
  • Tunggu sampai CS kami memberi konfirmasi bahwa pesanan anda Berhasil .
  • Catatan :  Hindari melakukan pemesanan melalui supir, karena kami tidak akan menjamin ketersediaan seat untuk anda dan hal lainnya!

Cara Bayar Tiket Travel Malang Bali

  • Apabila ada kesepakatan, proses pembayaran dapat dilakukan cash on delivery (COD) atau on the spot (langsung ke driver)
  • Namun untuk pembayaran melalui sopir harap mengkonfirmasi ulang ke CS kami atau transfer bank.
  • Dalam setiap pemesanan tidak akan dikenakan biaya deposit atau jaminan pemesanan,
  • terkecuali bila mana diperlukan kami pasti akan memberikan informasi terlebih dahulu dengan menanyakan permintaan kesanggupan anda terutama pada saat high dan peak season.
  • Untuk penjemputan di tempat umum seperti Bandara, Hotel, Terminal maupun stasiun diharuskan melakukan pembayaran di awal pemesanan.
  • Penting :  Pastikan pesanan anda sudah terdaftar di customer service kami. 
  • Sebelum melakukan pembayaran melalui bank transfer, Mohon cek terlebih dahulu   No. Rekening  yang sesuai  tertera di website resmi, Kamitidak bertanggung jawab bila ada transaksi di luar rekening resmi kami.
  • Setelah proses selesai kami akan mengirimkan tanda terima / Payment Receipt atau Voucher kepada anda sebagai alat tukar nanti Anda.

Syarat Ketentuan

Dengan melakukan pemesanan jasa layanan travel malang bali semua rute di Citra Trans, berarti setuju dengan semua syarat dan ketentuan ini. Disetujui atas kesadaran pribadi tanpa paksaan.

Keberangkatan Dan Penjemputan

  • Jam yang tertulis adalah waktu armada mobil travel kami keluar dari garasi. Bukan waktu penjemputan di masing – masing alamat calon penumpang.
  • Waktu keberangkatan bisa lebih awal atau sedikit terlambat. Namun tim kami baik admin atau driver akan melakukan konfirmasi kepada calon penumpang mengenai jam penjemputan di alamat.
  • Mengingat travel merupakan transportasi umum dan memerlukan waktu untuk penjemputan dari satu alamat ke alamat lainnya.
  • Maka keterlambatan di tempat penjemputan adalah hal wajar, namun kami selalu berusaha tepat waktu.
  • Calon penumpang diharapkan bersiap satu jam sebelum penjemputan.
  • Calon penumpang akan diberikan nama dan no supir oleh customer service yang akan menjemput anda sesuai tanggal dan berangkat sesuai pemesanan Anda.
  • Saat travel kami tiba di tempat penjemputan, namun calon penumpang tidak siap di tempat maka travel kami berhak meninggalkan penumpang.
  • Hal ini dilakukan semata untuk memberikan kenyamanan terhadap penumpang lainnya.
  • Mengingat travel merupakan transportasi umum, maka kami berharap bisa saling menghormati dan menghargai sesama penumpang.
  • Jika travel meninggalkan calon penumpang karena hal tersebut maka jika terjadi pembayaran sebelumnya akan dinyatakan hangus.
  • Kami dapat membatalkan pesanan secara sepihak jika penumpang memiliki tanda-tanda terpapar virus covid-19

Perubahan Jadwal Dan Pembatalan

  • Perubahan jadwal travel dilakukan maksimal 6 jam sebelum keberangkatan.
  • Untuk waktu tuslah atau high season lainnya maksimal pada H-1 keberangkatan.
  • Perubahan jadwal travel melebihi batas yang ketentuan, apabila sudah melakukan pembayaran sebelumnya maka akan dipotong biaya sebesar 50%. Untuk high season akan dipotong sebesar 100%.
  • Pembatalan sepihak oleh calon penumpang maksimal 6 jam sebelum keberangkatan pada low season. Jika terjadi pada high season atau tuslah sebaiknya pada H-1.
  • Pembatalan sepihak oleh calon penumpang akan kena charge biaya 100% dari harga total jika melebihi dari waktu ketentuan.
  • Apabila terjadi pembayaran sebelumnya maka akan hangus.
  • Pembatalan sepihak oleh calon penumpang saat travel sudah di tempat penjemputan maka ada biaya pembatalan sebesar 100% dari harga total.
  • Namun jika terjadi pembayaran sebelumnya maka akan hangus.

Pertanyaan Costumer Travel (F.A.Q.)

door to door service atau antar jemput merupakan layanan unggulan kami selama penumpang sudah konfirmasi dengan petugas cs kami costumer tidak perlu khawatir pasti sopir travel akan menjemput di lokasi yang telah di tentukan sebelumnya

travel di sini berangkat setiap hari dengan jadwal keberangkatan mulai dari pagi jam 07.00, siang : jam 13.00, sore jam 16.00 dan malam jam 21.00

untuk tarif tiket travel malang denpasar bali standar atau batas bawah mulai dari Rp. 230.000, – dan harga tersebut masih berfariasi mengingat tiap droping / pickup point, terkadang berbeda sesuai dengan luar batas yang telah di tentukan

untuk menjamin kenyamanan di sini terdapat pilihan mobil travel yang bisa di pilih sesui dengan kebutuhan maupun harga tiket diantaranya tersedia mobil Luxio, Avanza, Innova, Isuzu Elf dan Toyota Hiace

selain penumpang jasa travel malang bali ini juga melayani pengiriman paket dengan perhitungan harga perkg untuk tarifnya bisa di konsultasikan dengan cs kami

untuk mempercepat perjalanan jasa travel malang denpasar bali melalui jalur tol supaya cepat sampai ke tempeat tujuan dan harga tiket sudah termasuk biaya tol

Anda akan mendapat fasilitas travel eksekutif. Misalnya GRATIS 1 kali makan, air mineral, masker, dan hand sanitizer. Selain itu ada penerapan jarak duduk. Bahkan ada fasilitas multimedia, mobil full ac, reclining seat dan bagasi.

pemesanan booking ticket di sini cukup mudah baik offline maupun online untuk offline bisa langsung mendatanginya di pool terdekat dan untuk online bisa menggunakan Telephone, sms, e-mail, dan pesan via WhatsApp

Tips naik travel

  • Sebelum melakukan pemesanan travel hendaklah bertanya kepada operator travel terlebih dahulu sesuai alamat dan tujuan anda,
  • karena tidak semua travel bisa menjemput / mengantarkan sesuai alamat dengan alasan diluar batas wilayah kota tertentu.
  • Pesanlah travel jauh-jauh hari sebelum keberangkatan agar anda bisa memilih tempat duduk demi kenyamanan anda.
  • Jika anda sering mengalami mabuk darat, bawalah obat anti mabuk, kantung plastik dan pilih tempat duduk di barisan depan atau tengah.
  • Dilarang keras membawa senjata tajam, narkoba, hewan, dan minuman keras.
  • Periksa barang bawaan sebelum anda turun dari mobil travel.

untuk kepuasan perjalanan silahkan melakukan pemesanan travel, yang memiliki kredibilitas terbaik dan selalu berkomitmen memberikan pelayanan terbaik untuk Anda

Lintas Nusa | Travel Malang Bali | Travel Malang Denpasar • Lintas Nusa

Travel Malang Bali

Lintas Nusa » Malang » Travel Malang Bali

Date: Januari 2, 2024 By admin Categories: Malang Tag: Bali , Denpasar , Malang No comments

Shuttle Travel Malang Bali : Menjelajahi Keindahan Bali dari Malang

  • 1 Shuttle Travel Malang Bali : Menjelajahi Keindahan Bali dari Malang
  • 2 Apa Itu Shuttle Travel?
  • 3 Jadwal Travel Malang Bali
  • 4 Harga Tiket Travel Malang Denpasar
  • 5 Mengapa Harus Lintas Nusa Travel ?
  • 6 Layanan Travel Malang Bali
  • 7 Syarat dan Ketentuan Travel Malang Denpasar
  • 8 FAQ – Frequently Asked Question

Lintas Nusa menghadirkan Travel Malang Bali dan  Travel Malang Denpasar untuk anda yang mencari alternatif transportasi yang aman dan nyaman dari Malang ke pulau Bali. maka dari itu Kami merespons tingginya permintaan terhadap moda transportasi darat di antara dua tujuan wisata ini.  Malang dan Bali terkenal sebagai tujuan wisata utama di Indonesia. Setelah menikmati keindahan Gunung Bromo dan Kota Malang/Batu, banyak wisatawan yang melanjutkan perjalanan ke Bali. Oleh karena itulah, kami dari Lintas Nusa menghadirkan Travel Malang Bali dan Travel Malang Denpasar ini. Menjelajahi pesona Bali tak perlu ribet! Bagi para pelancong dari Malang, Hal ini karena Lintas Nusa Travel Malang Bali menawarkan solusi praktis dan ekonomis untuk mencapai Pulau Dewata. Artikel ini akan menjadi panduan lengkap bagi Anda yang ingin menggunakan shuttle travel dari Malang ke Bali, mulai dari perkenalan layanan, pilihan operator terpercaya, hingga tips perjalanan yang nyaman.

Apa Itu Shuttle Travel?

Shuttle travel adalah layanan transportasi yang menyediakan antar jemput penumpang dengan menggunakan kendaraan yang nyaman dan berkapasitas sedang. Shuttle travel biasanya beroperasi dengan rute dan jadwal yang telah ditentukan, sehingga memudahkan para wisatawan untuk merencanakan perjalanannya.

Dengan menggunakan layanan shuttle travel dari Lintas Nusa, maka anda tidak perlu repot menuju terminal Arjosari  atau bandara Abdurahman Saleh. Anda hanya tinggal menunggu di rumah anda atau lokasi penjemputan lain yang anda tentukan. Para driver kami akan menjemput anda, untuk selanjutnya kami antar ke tujuan akhir anda di Kota Denpasar atau di wilayah lainnya di Pulau Bali.

travel malang bali

Kami menggunakan Armada Toyota Hi Ace single seat dengan kapasitas 12 penumpang sebagai armada travel dari Malang ke Denpasar. Armada kami selalu dalam kondisi terbaik karena selalu kami rawat secara teratur. Selain itu, Para driver kami adalah  driver-driver yang berpengalaman, ramah dan cekatan. Hal ini adalah untuk menjamin kenyamanan  dan keamanan  anda sebagai pengguna jasa travel Malang Bali ini.

Jadwal Travel Malang Bali

Kami menyiapkan satu kali keberangkatan setiap hari untuk rute travel dari Malang ke Bali

  • Sore jam 16.00 WIB

Penjemputan penumpang start pada jam 15:00 – 18:00 WIB. Menyesuaikan dengan alamat penjemputan. Jika anda menginginkan jadwal yang berbeda dengan jadwal tersebut, kami melayani jasa Charter/Drop Off yang jadwalnya bisa menyesuaikan dengan aktivitas anda. Untuk mendapatkan  Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai layanan charter atau drop off ini, silahkan kontak Hotline kami di 081234520200 . Jika anda ingin bepergian ke arah sebaliknya silahkan kunjungi laman Travel Bali Malang.

Harga Tiket Travel Malang Denpasar

Biaya jasa layanan travel dari Malang ke Denpasar adalah sebagai berikut :

  • Layanan  Reguler  Rp. 270.000,00 /pax – Armada Hiace Reguler

Fasilitas yang anda dapatkan dengan harga tersebut adalah :

  • Captain Seat ( kanan satu, kiri satu, armada elf single seat )
  • AC Central Individual.
  • Multimedia (LCD TV / Audio / Video )
  • Reclining seat
  • Bantal dan selimut.
  • Servis Makan 1x
  • Tiket penyeberangan Ferry Ketapang – Gilimanuk.
  • Charger Ponsel

Mengapa Harus Lintas Nusa Travel ?

Kami menerima segala saran dan masukan dari Anda untuk kemajuan dalam pelayanan kedepannya. Oleh sebab itu mengapa anda menjadikan Lintasnusa Travel sebagai partner transportasi Malang ke Pulau Bali? Kami akan memberikan beberapa alasannya :

  • Layanan antar jemput door to door (Jemput dan Antar di Alamat)

Bagi anda yang baru pertama kali mencari jasa ini, pertanyaan yang akan muncul adalah apakah saya di jemput di alamat? Iya untuk semua pemesanan di Lintasnusa selalu kami jemput di alamat anda. Bahkan untuk pemesanan drop service (layanan eksekutif) kami akan melayani 24 jam.

  • Harganya yang sangat bersahabat

Lintasnusa Travel memberikan layanan eksekutif dengan harga yang sangat ramah bagi semua pelanggan. Hal Ini kami tawarkan bagi anda pelanggan setia yang selalu mengutamakan keamanan serta kenyamanan travel. Segera rasakan jasa layanan bintang 5 di Lintasnusa Travel sekarang juga.

  • Tepat waktu

Untuk semua jadwal keberangkatan akan kami jemput tepat waktu (on time) bukan hanya in time. Dan akan kami antar oleh driver yang berpengalaman langsung ke alamat anda di Pulau Bali.

  • Armada yang di gunakan sangat memadai, terawat, dan terbaru

Dengan perawatan dan pengecekan rutin serta di dukung pula oleh driver yang berpengalaman dan memiliki SOP yang standar sehingga menyamakan pelayanan setiap Driver dari Lintasnusa Travel. Perjalanan anda kami jamin akan selalu nyaman dan aman.

  • Customer service yang ramah

Kami selalu berusaha untuk menciptakan suasana kerja yang nyaman sehingga anda akan selalu kami layani dengan ramah dan kami iberikan solusi atas semua permasalahan travel. CS kami akan dengan senang hati memberikan informasi kepada anda atas segala kebutuhan travel dan wisata di kota Malang dan Pulau Bali.

Layanan Travel Malang Bali

1#  door to door pickup.

Layanan ini menjadi salah satu poin positif dari penggunaan jasa travel kami. Anda akan kami jemput langsung dari alamat rumah dan kami antar sampai alamat tujuan (pintu ke pintu). Cukup #dirumahaja dan biarkan driver kami yang datang ke tempat Anda. hal ini adalah merupakan penerapan  prinsip kenyamanan dan kepraktisan  yang kami suguhkan selalu untuk ruta travel malang denpasar ini. Adapun jika alamat Anda berada di luar area yang kami cover, maka ada ketentuan lain yang bisa anda pilih yaitu tambahan biaya atau penumpang menuju ke pool kami.

2# Shuttle Bandara

Titik-titik penting dalam layanan travel salah satunya adalah pusat penumpang seperti di Airport atau Bandara. Karena itu kami menyediakan layanan shuttle airport ke Bandara Ngurah Rai. Shuttle ini meliputi penjemputan atau pengantaran langsung hingga ke dalam area bandara.

3# Pengiriman Paket Barang Kilat

pengiriman paket barang adalah salah satu kebutuhan baru yang dapat kami akomodir dalam rangkaian perjalanan travel antar kota di rute-rute yang kami miliki. Oleh karena itu Anda bisa mendapatkan layanan pengiriman barang kilat lewat servis kami dengan Harga murah mulai dari Rp 150.000 per barang dan jaminan kurang lebih 12 jam sampai di alamat.

4# Carter Drop

Anda butuh travel pribadi tanpa gabung penumpang lain? Ingin yang jadwal keberangkatan setiap saat? maka Gunakan layanan carter drop off milik kami. Langsung berangkat, tidak tunggu lama, tanpa muter kesana kesini.

Syarat dan Ketentuan Travel Malang Denpasar

Reservasi tiket travel malang bali.

  • Reservasi tiket kami anggap berlaku jika Penumpang sudah mengirimkan data secara tertulis, melalui Form Reservasi Online di laman  atau melalui Whatsapp dan SMS.
  • Mohon tidak melakukan reservasi tiket melalui driver. Karena Kami tidak menjamin ketersediaan seat jika pemesanan tiket di lakukan melalui driver.
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Penjemputan / Keberangkatan Travel Malang Bali

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  • Barang bawaan maksimal yang kami perkenankan untuk masing-masing penumpang adalah seberat 20Kg dengan dimensi maksimal 36x24x21cm.
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Baliajeg Trans Tour & Travel

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Baliajeg Trans Tour & Travel – Solution travelling around Bali

Baliajeg Trans Tour & Travel.  Jadwal rute dan tarif tiket travel keberangkatan setiap hari dari Kota Surabaya , Sidoarjo, Malang , Pasuruan, Probolinggo, Situbondo, Jember, Lumajang, Banyuwangi dan Denpasar (Bali) . Pemesanan tiket travel sangat mudah, cukup dengan melakukan pemesanan melalui TELEPON atau WHATSAPP secara Online 24jam.


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Surabaya : Jl. Letjend Sutoyo No.69 Medaeng Surabaya.

Malang : Citihome ruko Warna Warni, Jl. Ikan Kakap No.3A 3B, Malang.

Denpasar, Bali : Jl. Uluwatu 1 No.101 Kelan Tuban Denpasar Bali.


Jadwal, Rute dan Tarif Travel dari Baliajeg Trans  :

Jadwal & tarif travel keberangkatan dari surabaya :.

  • Harga tiket : Rp. 280.000,-
  • Jadwal Jam : 16.00 WIB
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  • Jadwal Jam : 22.00 WIB
  • Jadwal Jam : 23.00 WIB
  • Harga tiket : Rp. 180.000,-
  • Jadwal Jam : 09.00 – 16.00 – 21.00 WIB
  • Harga tiket : Rp. 170.000,-
  • Harga tiket : Rp. 200.000,-
  • Jadwal Jam : 18.00 WIB


Tarif travel keberangkatan dari denpasar, bali :.

  • Jadwal Jam : 16.00 WITA
  • Harga tiket : Rp. 220.000,-
  • Harga tiket : Rp. 230.000,-


  • Kapasitas 12 seat dan 13 seat / tempat duduk.
  • Unit armada terbaru dikelasnya.
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  • Kapasitas penumpang 5, 6, 12 seat.
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  • Makan malam 1x di Rumah makan.


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  • Perubahan jadwal travel melebihi batas yang ditentukan di atas, apabila sudah dilakukan pembayaran sebelumnya maka akan dipotong biaya  sebesar 50% . Untuk  High Season  akan dipotong  sebesar 100% .
  • Pembatalan sepihak oleh calon penumpang maksimal dilakukan  6 jam  sebelum keberangkatan pada  Low Season . Jika terjadi pada  High Season  atau  Tuslah  sebaiknya pada  H-1 .
  • Pembatalan sepihak  oleh calon penumpang akan dikenakan  biaya 100%  dari harga total jika melebihi dari waktu yang ditentukan. Apabila terjadi pembayaran sebelumnya maka  dinyatakan hangus .
  • Pembatalan sepihak  oleh calon penumpang saat travel sudah di tempat penjemputan maka ada biaya pembatalan  sebesar 100%  dari  Total Harga . Dan jika telah melakukan pembayaran sebelumnya maka akan  dianggap hangus .

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10 Recommended Things To Do in Malang

Malang is one of the cities in East Java which is located on a highland, about 90 km away from the Surabaya City. Due its location in a highland, Malang has cool air and is very suitable for vacation.

Malang is the second largest city in East Java after Surabaya and is also known as the “City of Students” because of many college student all around Indonesia stay in Malang for studying. Malang also deserves a nickname “City of Flowers” because of the cool atmosphere and there are still many natural green areas. Besides, Malang also offers some agro-tourism tourist attractions.

Malang has its own charm among both local and foreign tourists. There are so many touristy destinations or activities you can do in Malang area but this time we will share 10 recommended things to do in Malang. Here is the complete review.

1. Sky Cycling at Coban Rais

to do sky cycling at coban rais

Credit: SabilaFlyingFox

Malang which is famous for its natural attractions especially in Batu area offers many waterfall attractions or commonly known as “coban”. One of them which is worth a visit is the Coban Rais. Other than its beautiful scenery, the Coban Rais also provide sky cycling facilities where you can ride bicycle on a rope. While cycling in the sky you can see the beauty of the hill as the waterfall’s background.

Coban Rais is located about 16 kilometers from the City of Malang. This waterfall has a height of up to 20 meters and the water flows swiftly through a beautiful hills. For those who plan to visit this tourist attraction, make sure to visit not in the rainy season. It is because during the rainy season the water will turn dirty and very muddy.

2. Pine Cave

What to do in pine cave malang

Credit: DakaTour

Forest tourism is very popular recently presenting the real beauty of nature. Same as the Pine Cave in Batu Malang. This attraction presents the beauty of pine forests as well as the beauty of Batu City. This place is perfect for refreshing the mind because its cool and green atmosphere.

Previously, this tourism object before being well managed was only a sand mining area, but after got attention from the local tourism office, Pine Cave has become one of main tourist attractions in Malang .

3. Jodipan Village

explore the jodipan village

Credit: Pinterest

Jodipan Village has recently become popular thanks to the slum management council which has transformed the village into a beautiful, clean and certainly photogenic village. The management of Jodipan Village is initiated by a group of students from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) who intends to change the slum environment into clean and colorful touristy place as well as to provide cleaning facilities to keep the village clean and well-maintained in the future.

The village which is located on the banks of the Berantas River has now been transformed into a place that is always crowded by travelers and photographers. An interesting spot in Jodipan Village is the existence of the Embong Berantas Bridge that connecting Jodipan Village with Tridi Village.

4. Balekambang Beach

beautiful balekambang beach in malang

Credit: YouTube

Malang in fact does not only offer the panorama of beautiful mountains and highlands. In Malang you can also enjoy the beauty of the southern coastal area which is almost as beautiful as Bali. What distinguishes the beach in Bali from the beach in Malang is the magnitude of the waves where Malang beaches tend to have large waves. It is because of the location which is directly facing the ocean.

One of beach destination in Malang you must visit is the Balekambang Beach. This beach has similar contour to the one in Bali, which is the Tanah Lot where there is a temple on a small island adjacent to the coast. The temple in Balekambang is called Amerta Jati Temple and stands on an island called Ismoyo Island. This temple is still actively used as a place of worship for Hindus, both regular worship ceremonies and large ceremonies such as ‘Suroan’.

On this beach you can enjoy the beauty of the sunset with the silhouette of the temple. When the water at the beach is receding, you will see quite exotic rocks on the beach. Along the 2 km coastline, there are three small beaches named from puppet characters, which are the Anoman Beach, Wisanggeni Beach and Ismoyo Beach.

5. Jatim Park

jatim park playground in malang city

Credit: TravelsPromo

As one of the main tourist destination in East Java, Malang has also an amusement park that you should visit while vacationing in Malang. The amusement park is called the Jatim Park. The playground has a fairly large size and is claimed as one the best amusement park in Indonesia due to its international standard facilities.

Because of its width making Jatim Park is divided into two areas which are the Jatim Park 1 and Jatim Park 2. This amusement park will always be crowded by tourists especially in weekend, therefore it is highly recommend to come to this amusement park on weekdays.

6. Angkot Museum

vehicles collection in angkot museum

Credit: BackpackerJakarta

Once, Malang was the centers of civilization in prehistoric times. No wonder there are many museums scattered around Malang area and one of them is the Angkut Museum. It is located on Jalan Terusan Sultan Agung Number 2, Batu City.

The Angkut Museum (Transport Museum) is quite famous among travelers in Indonesia. Standing in the area of 3.8 hectares, it has a fairly complete collection. As the name implies, the museum collection are vehicles from various eras and various countries.

Angkot Museum has a collection of 300 vehicles and has been confirmed that it is the largest museum in Southeast Asia. To accommodate of those hundred vehicles, the museum building is divided into 8 exhibition zones and each zone has its own unique characteristics.

Some of the zones are the Main Hall zone which holds several antique vehicles collection, the Education Hall zone which stores transportation history collection and the Euro Zone which keeps collections of vehicles originating from Europe. There is also a Floating Market which is a replica of the floating market selling various foods and drinks.

7. Coban Putri Waterfall

coban putri waterfall attraction in malang

Credit: JatimNow

In Malang itself you can find many beautiful waterfalls with various heights. Another waterfall attraction you can visit in Malang is the Coban Putri Waterfall. It is located in the Tlekung Village. Having clear and fresh water make this place very suitable for bathing or just swimming.

Coban Putri has adequate facilities and some of them are a swing spot located right on the side of the waterfall where you can take selfie picture and the “God’s Hand” photo spot.

8. Mount Semeru, Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park

mount semeru climbing to mahameru peak

Credit: Oysteinlundandersen

The next things to do in Malang is to climb the Semeru Mountain. Semeru which has a height reaching 3,676 meters above sea level is the highest mountain on the island of Java. It is also one of active volcano in Indonesia . Climbers who want to go to the top of Mahameru Peak usually start their journey from Ranu Pane Village.

In the early stages of the trip to reach the peak, climbers will end up at the Ranu Kumbolo lake. The lake is so beautiful and surrounded by green hills.

If you arrive in this location means you have reached an altitude of 2,400 meters above sea level and the area is quite cold. Often the climbers set up tents and spend the night here before continue their journey to the top of Mahameru.

The next tourist area encountered by climbers is the Oro-oro Ombo field, which presents the beauty of Edelweiss Flower, the symbol of eternity. There are also Verbana Barisliensis Vell flowers which are only found in Indonesia.

9. Madam Wang Secret Garden Cafe

Madam Wang Secret Garden Cafe is a recommended place in malang

Credit: TravelingYuk

Malang is a city that has a diversity of culture and history, so it’s no wonder that Malang has many unique and certainly delicious places to eat . One of culinary place you can visit in Malang is Madam Wang Secret Garden Cafe.

Madam Wang Secret Garden has two areas to choose which are the warm and beautiful outdoor area and the cozy indoor area. The recommended food here is the typical Jogja Chicken Gudeg and apple strudel snack.

Madam Wang Secret Garden also offers a small boutique that also sells a collection of fabrics and a variety of yarns that can be used for embroidery. This cafe is located at Telomoyo Road 12, Malang City.

10. Inggil Restaurant

having dinner at inggil restaurant malang

Credit: SatyaWinnie

The uniqueness of Inggil Restaurant is that visitors can enjoy culinary amidst antique items. This restaurant is not just a restaurant located next to a museum but a restaurant that is inside the museum. It is located at Jalan Gajah Mada Number 4, Malang City.

In this restaurant, you can eat food with traditional dishes while surrounded by antique items such as ancient weapons, ancient typewriters, ancient clocks, a variety of historic furniture, traditional Javanese masks as well as some old photos collection.

Inggil Restaurant also present art attractions such as Javanese art performances that visitors can enjoy after having dinner.

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Indonesia Travel Guide

Indonesia Travel Guide

Top 10 Things to Do in Malang

When I decided to visit here, it was not because there were many things to do in Malang. A good friend of mine happens to be there for work. Being a cheap backpacker, I was excited for the free accommodation while being a solo traveler, I was thrilled to have a companion. Much to my surprise, Malang turns out to be an interesting addition to my Java trip. This city is brimming with local buzz, giving it an authentic Indonesian experience. It is also filled with some interesting tourist attractions that may not be on a typical tourist’s radar.

Things to do in malang - tugu bundaran, malang's monument, indonesia

Explore the city center

Malang city center is relatively small and easily explored by foot. First, take your orientation with the famous Malang monument – Tugu Bundaran. This majestic monument stands in a middle of a waterlily filled pond. If you are staying at Tugu Hotel * , a highly recommended place to stay in Malang * , the monument is just across at the roundabout. From here take a walk around the city, taking in the buzz of the Indonesian life. Head on south-west to Malang’s Great Mosque Jami, another noteworthy tourist attraction in Malang.

Malang's great mosque jami, indonesia

Walk along Jalan Ijen (street)

First off, take your time and wander around the city. Malang is small enough to comfortably, if you ignore the heat, to explore all over. When you walk around, you will see traces of Dutch influence here. If you go along Jalan Ijen (street), you will see colonial houses and palm trees lining up. Here you will feel somewhat transported to somewhere in Europe. Do not miss out the church here, St. Maria, a Catholic church that also boasts Dutch colonial features. The latest initiative here, since 2011, is the car free Sunday from 5 am till 9.30 am. At this period, you will find many locals come here for their morning walk, biking, skateboarding and gymnastics.

Colonial ijen street, malang, indonesia

Eat the local food

In Malang you can find many famous Java local cuisines, from street stalls to restaurants. The Indonesian food that you must try here in Malang is fried gurame (fish), satay (grilled meat skewers), urap-urap (mixed salad with grated coconuts) and local dessert of fried banana. When I was here, my friend and I went to Inggil restaurant, not just for its delicious food but also its interesting atmosphere of various old trinkets and antiques inside a Dutch house. Another must try food is the local mie goreng (fried noodles) at a roadside stall.

Indonesian dishes at inggil restaurant, indonesia

Visit the traditional market (pasar) or the night market

There is a few traditional market in Malang that you can visit. A popular one is the Oro-oro Dowo and the Pasar Besar (big market). Here you can come in the day and shop together with the local for the freshest produces. If you are a night person, there are also the night market here in Malang at Jalan Kyai Tamin. This market offers a variety of local souvenirs and food vendors, though don’t expect too much for the quality of the food here.

Malang inggil restaurant, indonesia

Take a becak ride

After refusing several times during my wandering times around Malang, I finally gave in for a ride on the becak. My friend wanted to also have the experience, so I thought it would be a good reason to also try it out. It turns out to be a cooling and breezy ride, a nice change from my slow walking around the city. With a ride on the becak, you may find a new perspective of the city and feel a little bit more like a tourist looking from the outside in.

Visit Candi Singosari temple

Candi Singosari, or also known as Singhasari, is a Hindu-Buddhist temple located in the village of Cendirenggo, 10 km from Malang. It is also a favourite of the local tourists, you will find many of them there. This ancient temple dates back to the Singhasari dynasty and is the funerary temple of its last King. The site of the temple is believed to be the center of the Javanese court of Singhasari. You can get to the Candi Singosari with public transport from the Arjosari bus terminal. The temple requires a donation of 2,000 IDR to enter.

Malang candi jago temple, indonesia

Compare Candi Kidal and Candi Jago temples

Both of these temples lie about 24km to the east of Malang. You can visit both temples at the same time for convenience. Kidal and Jago are both Hindu temples, dating back to the 12th and 13th century. Although older, the Kidal temple is more intact than Jago. But Jago temple boasts a lot of intricate carvings on its remains.

Malang candi jago temple, indonesia

Go to Batu and pluck some apples

Batu is a city next to Malang and well known as “Apple City”. Hence, one must visit an Apple farm when one is here. I visited an Apple Farm here and paid for the apples that I picked. Besides apple picking, you can also tour the rest of the farm. There are various plants and fruits to be enjoyed while taking in the fresh cooling air. There are also always a cafe for a pit stop and rest for some fruit juices with a view.

Malang kebun apple farm at batu, indonesia

Check out the waterfalls in Batu

If you are a nature lover and enjoy some waterfalls, Batu city offers a few waterfalls to visit. They all take about 45 mins to 1-hour drive from Malang. One popular one is Coban Rondo waterfall, located in the middle of the forest. Come here during the weekdays to avoid the local crowds and to have more space and time to enjoy the place. Another waterfall to check out is the Coban Pelangi (rainbow), which lies to the east of Malang and at the fringe of Bromo Tengger National Park. This is the waterfall to visit if you are on the way to the famous Mount Bromo of Java.

One of the waterfalls near malang, indonesia

Take a 4WD ride to Mount Bromo

Speaking of Mount Bromo , rent a 4WD in Malang and take the scenic route to Mount Bromo. If you are on a budget, you can try to share with other tourists who are going on the 4WD. Check out the hostels around and there should be one heading off the next day or so. Going with the 4WD is one of the nicer ways to access Mount Bromo. The drive takes you through highlands and greeneries with beautiful views. You will not be disappointed with this dramatic entrance into the amazing volcano mountain, one of the best in Indonesia.

4wd ride from malang to mount bromo, indonesia

As you can see, there are many things one can do in Malang, and I am surprised that the city is not yet filled with tourists. This place promises a more subdue traveling in Java and more interactions with the local Indonesians. Visit Malang for its Dutch colonial architectures, local Indonesian food, traditional market, local life and farms, ancient Hindu temples and nature with waterfalls and volcano mountain.

Best Hotels in Malang

There are also many other good options to stay in Malang, despite it not being one of the most popular tourist cities. You will definitely find more locals visiting here and thus get a good dose of Indonesian hospitality. There are budget choices from guesthouses to luxury hotels.

Tugu Malang Hotel This luxury hotel is the most famous in Malang. It is well known for its colonial design and it comes with an outdoor pool, spa and massages. The location is also great, with only 5 minutes walk from the Tugu Rail Station. The service here is also impeccable and the dining options are bound to impress. Check out the latest prices at * Check out the latest prices at *

Hotel Santika I have stayed here on my trip to Malang and it was a pleasant experience. Centrally located in the city, the rooms are clean and modern and the pool is well designed surrounded by palm trees and unique Indonesian sculptures. They have complimentary tea time and the place just feels like a first class family run hotel. Check out the latest prices at * Check out the latest prices at *


Fascinated by Indonesia, Rachel hopes to bring the best Indonesia Travel Guide to independent travelers so that they can enjoy what Indonesia has the best to offer. Being an independent wanderer herself, Rachel knows what it takes to make a good, fun-filled yet responsible independent traveling. So let’s join her to discover wonderful Indonesia together.

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Power Traveller

Surabaya / Malang: Bromo Sunrise, Ijen, Bali 2 Days Tour

Exploring the breathtaking landscapes of East Java is an adventure like no other. The ‘Surabaya/Malang: Bromo Sunrise , Ijen, Bali Tour’ promises an unforgettable two-day journey that immerses travelers in the region’s natural wonders . From the awe-inspiring sunrise over Mount Bromo to the captivating turquoise hues of Ijen Crater , this tour offers a unique blend of natural beauty and cultural experiences. Priced at just $195.29 per person, this expertly curated itinerary ensures visitors make the most of their time in this remarkable part of Indonesia. As the tour unfolds, participants can look forward to comfortable transportation, delectable meals, and the opportunity to create cherished memories.

Surabaya / Malang: Bromo Sunrise, Ijen, Bali 2 Days Tour - Key Points

  • This 2-day package tour covers the highlights of Mount Bromo, Ijen Crater, and Bali, with transportation, meals, and accommodations included.
  • Participants can witness the stunning sunrise views from Mount Penanjakan and explore the volcanic landscapes of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park.
  • The tour includes a visit to the UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve of Ijen Crater, featuring a turquoise crater lake and sulfur miners.
  • Shared Jeep 4WD and private car transportation are provided for the rugged and smooth parts of the journey.
  • The tour is suitable for adults aged 99 and younger, with required items including a passport/ID, warm clothing, camera, and appropriate footwear.

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Tour Overview

Surabaya / Malang: Bromo Sunrise, Ijen, Bali 2 Days Tour - Tour Overview

The tour is a 2-day Surabaya / Malang: Bromo Sunrise, Ijen , Bali package priced from $195.29 per person.

It offers free cancellation up to 24 hours in advance for a full refund and provides language options in Indonesian, Malay, and English.

The tour includes a friendly driver with basic English skills who’ll transport participants in a private car.

It’s a private group tour suitable for adults aged 99 and younger, but not recommended for those with heart problems, wheelchair users, individuals over 60, or pregnant women.

Participants should bring their passport or ID, warm clothing, camera, and appropriate footwear for the 30-minute hike up Mount Bromo and the 1.5-2 hour hike to the Ijen Crater.

Highlights and Attractions

Surabaya / Malang: Bromo Sunrise, Ijen, Bali 2 Days Tour - Highlights and Attractions

Situated within the expansive Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, the towering Mount Bromo stands at an impressive height of 2,392 meters, drawing visitors from near and far to witness its breathtaking sunrise vantage point atop Mount Penanjakan. Further east, the majestic Ijen Crater captivates with its UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve status, mesmerizing hikers with its otherworldly volcanic landscape. Explore the highlights of this captivating region:

With its rich cultural heritage and natural wonders, this tour offers an unforgettable experience for adventurous travelers.

Mount Bromo

Surabaya / Malang: Bromo Sunrise, Ijen, Bali 2 Days Tour - Mount Bromo

Towering at an impressive height of 2,392 meters, Mount Bromo is the centerpiece of the expansive Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, captivating visitors with its breathtaking sunrise vantage point atop the nearby Mount Penanjakan.

Part of an active volcanic massif , Mount Bromo’s rugged landscape features a vast caldera and a distinctive smoking crater, offering a dramatic contrast against the surrounding sea of sand.

The Tengger people, who inhabit the region, hold an annual Kasada festival at Mount Bromo, showcasing the cultural significance of this geological wonder.

Whether hiking along the crater’s rim or marveling at the sunrise, Mount Bromo promises an unforgettable experience for adventure-seekers and nature enthusiasts alike.

Ijen Crater

Spanning an impressive 134 square kilometers, the Ijen Crater captivates visitors with its breathtaking volcanic landscape and hiking opportunities.

Situated at an elevation of 2,368 meters, this UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve boasts a stunning turquoise-colored crater lake and is notably known for its beautiful scenery and challenging hiking trails.

Reaching the crater rim requires a 1.5 to 2-hour hike, but the effort is rewarded with panoramic views over the surreal landscape.

The crater’s unique features include:

Striking blue-green sulfur lake

Towering volcanic cliffs

Sulfur miners extracting the mineral from the crater

This natural wonder offers an unforgettable experience for adventurous travelers seeking to explore Indonesia’s volcanic wonders.

Included Services

Surabaya / Malang: Bromo Sunrise, Ijen, Bali 2 Days Tour - Included Services

The tour package includes a range of services to ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience for participants.

Transportation is provided via shared Jeep 4WD for the Mount Bromo tour and private car transportation throughout the trip, with all toll-road fees and gasoline costs covered.

Meals, including breakfast , lunch , and dinner, are also included.

Accommodation is provided, with an extra bed available for odd-numbered groups.

Plus, the package includes a health certificate for Ijen Crater entrance, a gas mask, and all necessary entrance tickets and fees.

With these comprehensive inclusions, travelers can focus on the breathtaking sights and experiences without worrying about logistical details.


Surabaya / Malang: Bromo Sunrise, Ijen, Bali 2 Days Tour - Transportation

Typically, the tour provides a shared Jeep 4WD for the journey to Mount Bromo, allowing participants to navigate the rugged terrain with ease.

The private car transportation is then used for the remainder of the tour, ensuring a comfortable and efficient travel experience. This includes:

Traversing the scenic roads between Surabaya, Malang, and Bali.

Covering the necessary tolls and ensuring a smooth, uninterrupted journey.

Providing ample space for luggage and personal belongings.

The included gasoline and toll-road fees further contribute to a hassle-free tour, allowing guests to focus on the stunning natural wonders and cultural highlights that await them during this two-day adventure.

Meals and Accommodation

Throughout the 2-day tour, guests consistently receive high-quality meals that cater to various dietary preferences .

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are all included, ensuring participants remain energized and nourished as they explore the captivating landscapes of Mount Bromo, Ijen Crater, and Bali.

The accommodation provided is also designed with comfort and convenience in mind, with an extra bed available for odd-numbered groups.

Whether you’re traveling solo or with a companion, the tour’s inclusive meals and lodging arrangements guarantee a seamless and enjoyable experience from start to finish.

With these thoughtful inclusions, guests can fully enjoy the natural wonders and cultural highlights of this unforgettable journey .

Participant Information

Travelers on this 2-day tour must meet certain age requirements , as the experience may not be suitable for certain groups. Adults aged 99 and younger are welcome to join, but the tour isn’t recommended for people with heart problems, wheelchair users, individuals over 60 years, or pregnant women.

When packing for the adventure , be sure to bring along your passport or ID card, as well as warm clothing, a camera, hiking shoes, a jacket, sports shoes, a t-shirt, long pants, cash, and a disability card if applicable.

With a mix of physical activities and natural landscapes , this tour caters to a specific audience to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Surabaya / Malang: Bromo Sunrise, Ijen, Bali 2 Days Tour - Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Typical Group Size for This Tour?

The typical group size for this tour is not specified, but it is offered as a private group experience. The information indicates the tour can accommodate individual travelers or small private groups.

Are There Any Restrictions on Photography During the Tour?

There are generally no restrictions on photography during the tour, allowing participants to capture the breathtaking landscapes and cultural experiences. However, it’s advised to be respectful and obtain permission before photographing local people.

Can Participants Bring Their Own Food or Snacks?

Participants are generally allowed to bring their own food and snacks on the tour. However, it’s best to check with the tour operator as some tours may have restrictions or provide meals as part of the package. Bringing some personal snacks is usually recommended.

Is There Any Flexibility in the Tour Itinerary?

The tour operator generally provides a set itinerary, but may allow some flexibility based on participants’ preferences and needs. They’ll work to accommodate reasonable requests within the tour’s schedule and logistics whenever possible.

How Reliable Is the Transportation Provided for This Tour?

The tour’s transportation is generally reliable, with shared Jeep 4WDs for Mount Bromo and private cars for other locations. The drivers have basic English skills and the vehicles are well-maintained, ensuring a smooth and comfortable journey.

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  • Transfer I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport to Lovina Bali

This 2-day tour through East Java provides an unparalleled opportunity to witness the stunning natural beauty of Indonesia.

Visitors can expect breathtaking views of Mount Bromo’s sunrise and the mesmerizing turquoise lake of Ijen Crater .

With comfortable transportation , quality meals, and accommodations, as well as the option for English-speaking guides, this tour ensures a safe and enjoyable exploration of the region’s natural wonders.

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