speed-time-and-distance Solved Question

(aptitude discussion), speed, time and distance, online tests.

  • A car during its journey travels 30 min at a speed of 40 km/h, another 45 min at a speed of 60 km/h and 2 h at a speed of 70 km/h. Find its average speed ?

Correct Option: B

Average speed = [(30/60) x 40 + (45/60) x 60 + (2 x 70)] / [(30/60) + (45/60) + 2] = (20 + 45 + 140)/[(30 + 45 + 120)/60] = (205/195) x 60 km/h = 63.07 km/h = 63 km/h

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Average Speed Calculator

Use this speed calculator to easily calculate the average speed of a vehicle: car, bus, train, bike, motorcycle, plane etc. with a given distance and travel time. Returns miles per hour, km per hour, meters per second, etc.

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    Average Speed formula

The average speed calculation is simple: given the distance travelled and the time it took to cover that distance, you can calculate your speed using this formula:

Speed = Distance / Time

The metric unit of the result will depend on the units you put in. For example, if you measured distance in meters and time in seconds, your output from the average speed calculator would be ft/s. If distance was measured in miles and time in hours, then output will be in miles per hour (mph, mi/h), and so on for km/h, m/s, etc. - all supported by our tool.

    How to calculate the average speed of a car?

Let us say that you travelled a certain distance with your car and want to calculate its average speed. The easiest way to do that would be by using the speed calculator above, but if you prefer, you can also do the math yourself. Either way, one needs to know the distance. If you have noted the distance on your odometer then you can use that number. Other options are to use a map (e.g. Google Maps) and measure the distance travelled based on your actual path (not via a straight line, unless you travelled by air in which case that would be a good approximation), or to use a GPS reading if you used navigation during the whole trip. Then you need to know the travel time. Make sure to subtract any rests or stops made from the total trip duration.

As you can see, to work out your speed in km/h or mph just apply the speed formula with the relevant units for distance and time. This is how to calculate average speed of a car, bike, boat, or any other vehicle or object.

    Finding average speed examples

Example 1: Using the equation above, find the speed of a train which travelled 120 miles in 2 hours and 10 minutes while making four stops, each lasting approximately 2.5 minutes. First, subtract the time spent at the train stops: 2.5 x 4 = 10 minutes. 2:10 minus 10 minutes leaves 2 hours of travel time. Then, apply the avg speed formula to get 120 miles / 2 hours = 60 mph (miles per hour).

Example 2: A cyclist travels to and from work, covering 10 km each way. It took him 25 minutes on the way to work and 35 minutes on the way back. What is the cyclist's average speed? First, add up the time to get 1 hour total. Also add up the distance: 5 + 5 = 10 kilometers. Finally, replace in the formula to get 10 / 1 = 10 km/h (kilometers per hour) on average in total.

    Average speed vs Average velocity

Average speed (what this calculator computes) and average velocity are not necessarily the same thing though they may coincide in certain scenarios. This is basic physics, but a lot of people find it confusing. Here are the differences in short.

Speed is a scalar value whereas velocity is the magnitude of a vector. Speed does not indicate direction whereas velocity does. The two coincide only when the journey from the start point to the end point happens on a straight line, such as in a drag race. If the movement path is not a straight line then the average velocity will be smaller than the mean speed.

Cite this calculator & page

If you'd like to cite this online calculator resource and information as provided on the page, you can use the following citation: Georgiev G.Z., "Average Speed Calculator" , [online] Available at: https://www.gigacalculator.com/calculators/average-speed-calculator.php URL [Accessed Date: 27 Sep, 2024].

     Transportation calculators

a car during its journey

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a car during its journey

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A car starts from rest and moves along the path OAB as shown. It moves with a speed of 35 miles per hour along OA and 50 miles per hour along AB.

Which is true for the motion of the car during its journey along OAB?

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somewhere between 35 and 50 mi/hr

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Based on the information provided, the car starts from rest and moves along the path OAB. It moves with a speed of 35 miles per hour along OA and 50 miles per hour along AB.

The speed of the car along OA is 35 miles per hour, and the speed along AB is 50 miles per hour. Since the car is starting from rest, it is accelerating along OA to reach a speed of 35 miles per hour. Once it reaches point A, the car is now moving at a constant speed of 35 miles per hour. When the car reaches point B, it starts to accelerate again to reach a speed of 50 miles per hour. So, during its journey along OAB, the car initially accelerates along OA, then maintains a constant speed along AB, and accelerates again along AB to reach a speed of 50 miles per hour.

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To determine which statement is true for the motion of the car during its journey along OAB, we need to compare the car's acceleration along the two segments of the path.

Acceleration can be calculated using the formula: acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time Since the car starts from rest, its initial velocity is 0. Along OA, the car moves with a speed of 35 miles per hour. Let's denote the time taken to travel along OA as t1. Therefore, the final velocity V1 at the end of OA can be calculated as follows: V1 = 35 miles per hour acceleration along OA = (V1 - 0) / t1 = 35 miles per hour / t1 Similarly, along AB, the car moves with a speed of 50 miles per hour. Let's denote the time taken to travel along AB as t2. Therefore, the final velocity V2 at the end of AB can be calculated as follows: V2 = 50 miles per hour acceleration along AB = (V2 - V1) / t2 = (50 miles per hour - 35 miles per hour) / t2 = 15 miles per hour / t2 Now, we need to compare the accelerations along OA and AB to determine which statement is true: 1. The car accelerates along OA but decelerates along AB. This statement is false because the car can only accelerate if the acceleration is positive. In this case, the acceleration along OA is positive (assuming time is positive), but the acceleration along AB is also positive because the velocity increases from V1 to V2. 2. The car accelerates along both OA and AB. This statement is true because the car's velocity increases both along OA and AB, indicating positive accelerations along both segments. 3. The car decelerates along both OA and AB. This statement is false because the car's velocity increases along both OA and AB, indicating positive accelerations along both segments. Therefore, the correct answer is that the car accelerates along both OA and AB.


A car travels from A to B at a speed of 20 km/h and returns at a speed of 30 km/h . The average speed of the car for the whole journey is

The correct option is b 24 km/h while going from a to b , let the speed be v 1 and from b to a the speed be v 2 . v 1 = 20 k m / h v 2 = 30 k m / h average speed v = t o t a l d i s t a n c e t o t a l t i m e ---(i) if d be the distance a b . then we can say: time required for a to b = t 1 = d v 1 time required for b to a = t 2 = d v 2 from eq. (i), v = d + d t 1 + t 2 v = 2 d d v 1 + d v 2 v = 2 v 1 v 2 v 1 + v 2 v = 2 × 20 × 30 20 + 30 ⇒ v = 24 k m / h.


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A train travels 360 km at a uniform speed. If the speed had been 5 km/h more, it would have taken 1 hour less for the same journey. Find the speed of the train.


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One car journey that took longer than expected was a trip from Ho Chi Minh City to Da Lat. I was traveling with my family, including my parents and younger sister. We were all excited about the trip because Da Lat is known for its beautiful landscapes and cool climate, making it a perfect getaway from the hustle and bustle of city life.

We set off early in the morning, expecting the journey to take around six hours. However, the trip ended up taking nearly nine hours. Initially, everything was going smoothly. We were enjoying the scenic views along the way and chatting about our plans in Da Lat. As the journey progressed, I started to feel a bit impatient because it was taking longer than anticipated.

The main reason for the delay was a massive traffic jam we encountered on the highway. There was an accident involving several vehicles ahead of us, which caused a significant hold-up. We were stuck in the traffic for over two hours, barely moving. This unexpected delay made us all feel a bit frustrated and tired. Additionally, the winding mountain roads leading up to Da Lat slowed us down even more, as we had to drive carefully to navigate the sharp turns and steep climbs.

Despite the prolonged journey, we tried to stay positive by playing some games and listening to music in the car. When we finally arrived in Da Lat, we were relieved and happy to stretch our legs and breathe in the fresh mountain air. The beautiful scenery and pleasant weather quickly made us forget about the long drive.

In the end, while the journey took longer than expected, it was worth it. We had a wonderful time in Da Lat, exploring the stunning landscapes, visiting flower gardens, and enjoying local cuisine. This trip taught me to be more patient and adaptable, as unexpected delays can sometimes turn into memorable experiences.


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