The latest user agents for Safari

Updated at: Jul 11, 2024

Apple's Safari web browser runs on mobile devices (iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches) and macOS computers. Depending on which platform you're using (or want to pretend you're using!) the user agent will be a bit different.

Here we have the latest user agents for Safari on mobile and computer platforms.

Unlike some other popular browsers and platforms, we've noticed that Safari definitely seems to have less "extra" stuff in its user agent - standard Safari will never announce the exact model number of the device being used, and there's generally much less additional fragments added by installed addons/apps - toolbars and so on.

That said, you're welcome to explore our huge listing of various Safari user agents to see the different variations of user agents.

Latest Safari on macOS User Agents

Latest safari on ios user agents, special notes, safari on ios 13.

You may have already noticed, but Safari on the latest version of iOS (version 13) no longer includes fragments to indicate that Safari's running on iOS... instead the user agent is indistinguishable from the desktop version of macOS.

As such, it's not possible to provide valid sample user agents for them any more.

Build numbers and OS version numbers

Test it out.

You can use our User Agent Parser page to try out different user agent varieties, or to test if your user agent switcher is working properly.

Database of user agents

If you're interested in our database of many millions of user agents, please check out our API which provides access to our user agent database . You can perform very detailed and specific queries on it to find user agents that match your exact criteria - version numbers, hardware types, platforms and so on.

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How to Change User Agents in Chrome, Edge, Safari & Firefox

Discover how to change user agents in web browsers for testing purposes. Learn how to ensure your campaigns are running properly and target the right audience.

useragent for safari

Whether you are an SEO pro, marketer, or web developer, you might often need to change your browser’s user-agent to test different things.

For example, imagine you’re running a MAC-OS-specific campaign. To find out if your campaign is running properly and not targeting Linux users, changing the user-agent of your browser can help you test.

Changing user-agents is almost a daily task for web developers, as they need to test how websites behave in different browsers and devices.

What Is A User-Agent?

A user-agent is an HTTP request header string identifying browsers, applications, or operating systems that connect to the server.

Browsers have user-agents, and so do bots and crawlers such as search engines Googlebot , Google AdSense, etc.

What Is a User-Agent

Here, we will learn how to change your browser’s user-agent.

The process is called user-agent spoofing .

Spoofing occurs when a browser or client sends a different user-agent HTTP header from what it is and fakes it.

While the term may be alarming, this is not a dangerous activity and will not cause you any problems. (Feel free to spoof your user-agent as much as you want.)

How To Change Your User-Agent On Chrome & Edge

Since Microsoft Edge is now using Chromium , the settings for both Chrome and Edge are the same.

1. Right Click Anywhere On Webpage > Inspect

Alternatively, you can use CTR+Shift+I on Windows and Cmd + Opt +J on Mac.


2. Choose More Tools > Network Conditions

Screen new.

Click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner.

Chrome settings

3. Uncheck Select Automatically Checkbox

Chrome instruction

4. Choose One Among The Built-In User-Agents List

Chrome settings for user agent

If the user-agent you want doesn’t exist, you can enter any string you want on the field below the list.

For example, you can enter the following (Googlebot’s user-agent) into the custom field:

This may be useful for SEO professionals to identify if there is a cloaking on the website where the webpage shows specific content to Googlebot and different content to website visitors.

Alternatively, you can use the Chrome extension User-Agent Switcher and Manager .

That said, I try not to use browser extensions when the browser can perform the action I want. This is to avoid overloading the browser with add-ons.

Also, extensions have a habit of breaking websites unexpectedly sometimes.

While you might think the website you visited has an issue, the root cause can be one of the add-ons you’re using.

How To Change User-Agent On Safari

1. go to preferences.

Safari browser preferences

2. Enable Develop Menu Bar

Go to Advanced  and check Show Develop menu in menu bar .

Settings on Mac

3. Navigate To Develop > User-Agent

Safari's develop menu. User agent

You can again select from a predefined list or enter a custom user-agent string by choosing “Other…”

Safari custom user agent setting

How To Change User-Agent In Firefox

In Firefox, it is possible to change user-agents via the browser’s built-in settings.

However, it is not as user-friendly as on Chrome or Safari.

It is a real pain to use the browser’s built-in feature.

Instead, we will use a Firefox add-on called User-Agent Switcher .

After installing the add-on, you will see an icon in the upper right corner.

You can select one of the predefined user-agents or enter a custom user-agent by clicking on the pen icon below.

Firefox settings

Another extension you can use is User-Agent Switcher and Manager .

useragent for safari

User-Agents Are Easy To Spoof

The user-agents are easy to spoof, and anyone can use these easy tricks to alter them.

This feature is useful for testing web apps against various devices, especially when the HTML is different for mobile  or tablet devices.

It is a cost-efficient way to test websites as one doesn’t need to have many physical devices to be able to test.

However, certain issues may appear on the real device but not when testing by changing the user agent and using a browser emulator.

In that case, if you want to test on multiple real devices, I suggest using Browserstack , which offers testing opportunities on almost all devices.

What is a user agent?

User agent is a HTTP request header string identifying browser, application, operating system which connects to the server. Not only browsers have user agent but also bots, search engines crawlers such as Googlebot, Google Adsense etc. which are not browsers.

What is user-agent spoofing?

When browser or any client sends different user-agent HTTP header from what they are and fakes it that is called spoofing .

How does changing the user-agent help SEO professionals?

SEO professionals may find changing the user-agent to be a critical part of their audit process. It is beneficial for several reasons:

  • Identifying cloaking issues : By mimicking different user-agents, such as Googlebot, SEO experts can uncover whether a website presents different content to search engines than users, which violates search engine guidelines.
  • Compatibility: It ensures web applications are compatible across various browsers and devices.
  • User Experience : Developers can optimize the user experience by understanding how content is rendered on different systems.
  • Debugging: Changing the user-agent can help pinpoint browser-specific issues.
  • Quality Assurance: It’s an essential step in quality assurance and helps maintain the integrity and performance of a website.

Can changing your browser’s user-agent pose a security risk?

No, changing your browser’s user-agent, commonly called user-agent spoofing, does not inherently pose a security risk. While the term “spoofing” might suggest malicious intent, this practice in the context of user-agents is harmless. It is a tool for developers and marketers to test how websites and applications interact with various devices and browsers.

More resources:

  • An Introduction to Rendering For SEO
  • Using Chrome DevTools To Diagnose Site Issues In An Audit
  • 7 Essential SEO Browser Extensions & Plugins

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How to Change the User Agent in Safari for Mac

Mahesh Makvana

In order to let websites serve browser-specific settings and pages, your browser sends a string called user agent to the websites that you visit on your computer. That way the target website gets to know what browser you are using and serves the pages accordingly. While most websites look the same in every browser, some have specific files that are only rendered when using a specific browser, Safari, for example. If you wish to see how a site looks in a specific browser, you can change the user agent in Safari on your Mac and pretend to be another browser.

When you change the user agent string, it technically changes the way websites interact with your browser. For example, if a site has a file that only renders when you’re using Chrome for Android, you can change the user agent to Chrome for Android in Safari and see that site as if you’re viewing it for real on your Android device.

Here’s how you can go about doing that.

Changing the User Agent in Safari for Mac

Fire up Safari on your Mac from the dock.

Click on “Safari” in the top left corner and select “Preferences…” You will be taken to the preferences panel for your browser.

Open Preferences.

Once in the “Preferences” panel, click on the “Advanced” tab located in the top bar. It should open the advanced settings for your browser.

Click on the 'Advanced' tab.

In the “Advanced” tab, you should see an option that says “Show Develop menu in menu bar.” Tick mark it, and it will add a new menu in the menu bar for you to change the user agent.

Selected 'Show Develop menu in menu bar.'

Pull down the new menu by clicking on “Develop” in the menu bar. Then select “User Agent,” and you should see a list of the predefined user agents that you can use right away with your browser. Click on any and it will be selected.

Predefined user-agents.

If you can’t find the user agent you want to use, click on “Other” in the menu, and it will let you manually specify one.

Click on 'Other' to manually specify a user agent.

You should see a prompt asking you to enter a user agent string that you wish to use in Safari on your Mac. This part is usually used by the geeks or developers who know what a user agent looks like and how to write one. If you are unsure, you can use the help of the User Agent String website to try out various agents in your browser.

When you are done entering the string, click on “OK,” and it will save it for you.

Type a custom user agent string.

To check whether the new user agent works or not, just visit any site that lets you check what browser you are using, and it will tell you the name of the browser depending on what user agent you provided in the previous step. I have provided the Opera Mini user agent thus the browser check site says I’m using Opera Mini, although my actual browser is Safari.

Use browser check to see what your browser is.

The user agent has been changed in Safari on your Mac, and you are now telling websites that you don’t use Safari but use another browser because the user agent string says so.

If you are looking to see how a website looks like in another browser without actually downloading it, you can use the above method and have Safari pretend to be the browser you want.

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Mahesh Makvana

Mahesh Makvana is a freelance tech writer who's written thousands of posts about various tech topics on various sites. He specializes in writing about Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android tech posts. He's been into the field for last eight years and hasn't spent a single day without tinkering around his devices.

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Home » Tech Tips » Browsers » How to Change User Agent in Mac Safari Browser?

How to Change User Agent in Mac Safari Browser?

Mac comes with Safari as a default web browser app. Though Safari works well for visiting website, many prefer Chrome for development and integration purposes. If you are using Safari, did you anytime wonder how a website you see in Safari will look like in Chrome on Mac? You will probably install Chrome and check the site. However, what will you do if you want to test in Chrome Windows version or Microsoft Edge Windows version? Good thing is that it is not necessary to install Chrome and you can change the user agent in Safari as Chrome and test the sites easily.

User Agents

Each browser has its own user agent string so that the website owner can identify how the site is being accessed. The string will change based on the device, operating system and browser version you use. For example, below is the user agent for Chrome in Mac. You can use this free tool to check your browser’s user agent.

From this information, you can find the device is Macintosh and Chrome version 114 is used to access your website. For mere testing purposes, you do not need to install Chrome, Edge or Firefox in your Mac for checking the websites on those browsers. All you need is to simply switch the user agent string in Safari and test the site’s appearance.

Changing User Agent in Safari Mac

Since user agent is kind of developer stuff, Safari by default will disable this feature. You need to first enable “Develop” menu to reveal the feature in Safari.

  • Open Safari app in Mac and go to “Safari > Settings…” menu.

Open Safari Settings

  • Go to “Advanced” tab and enable “Show features for web developers” option showing at the bottom.

Advanced Safari Settings

  • Close Safari Settings pop-up and now you will see a “Develop” menu added to the browser.
  • Click on “Develop” menu and hover over “User Agent” to view a list of items.
  • By default, Safari automatically chooses the user agent and you can switch to one of the available agents from the list.
  • If you want to check the string, just hover over any item and Safari will show the full string as a tooltip for you to check.

Select User Agent in Mac Safari

Available and Custom User Agents

As of Safari 17.0, below are the available user agents showing in the menu items for the latest OS/browser versions. User agent string will be automatically updated in Safari when the OS/browser gets new version.

  • Safari – Mac, iPhone, iPad Mini and iPad.
  • Microsoft Edge – macOS and Windows
  • Google Chrome – macOS and Windows
  • Firefox – macOS and Windows

You can switch the user agent to any of these browsers and test the site. If you want to use custom string, then click on “Custom” menu showing as a last option in the menu. This will show a text box in the pop-up where you can enter your custom user agent string and click “OK” button.

Enter Custom User Agent

Testing Websites

After choosing the user agent, open the site that you want to test. Now, Safari will load the site as if you are seeing on different browser or device.

Test Site in Safari with Chrome User Agent

You can switch the user agent any time and Safari will reload the page using the new user agent. This way you can test whether the site is loading properly on different browsers without installing them on your Mac.

If you are using Chrome, learn more on how to change user agent in Google Chrome .

About Nagasundaram Arumugham

Naga is the founder and chief content editor of WebNots. He has over 20 years of experience in technology field and published more than 2000 articles.

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User Agent in Safari on iPadOS

During authentication flow in Safari, we have a case when in order to satisfy a condition policy, user needs to install the app on his device. Depending on the OS, we ask him to install different applications. Since on iPadOS User Agent in Safari is same as on MacOS Catalina, what is recommened way to distinguish OS on server side?

Safari : Mozilla/5.0 ( Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15 ) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0 Safari/605.1.15

MacOS Catalina:

Safari : Mozilla/5.0 ( Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_0 ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.100 Safari/537.36

I have a similar situation as antrix1989 where our webclient determines if a user is browsing via an iPad with JavaScript and alters/restricts the content. We can then market our clients to a subscription on/with our native iOS app. Would be super helpful if the User Agent stated it was iPad OS instead of Mac OS X:

so a regex match could be done to fairly certain determine a user was on iPad.

Hopefully this will change closer to or after the release?

Any update on this? Will the issue be solved before ios13 is released? I'm facing the same issue on iPads.

In our case we use the user agent to detect if the browser belongs to a mobile device.

This is important because on mobile devices we set our web application to listen the touch events such touchstart, touchend, etc, to drag some elements. But currently we cannot subscribe to those events since we cannot detect it is a mobile device.

Somebody in another forum suggested me to verify if Safari browser is not set to show the desktop version of the web site. I'll check that today. But I think this is still an issue because even if user agent is retrieved as the desktop device, mouse events are not being emulated by safari.

I opened Settings -> Safari -> Request Desktop Website -> All websites. That option is enabled by default. I disabled it and the proper User Agent is now displayed.

Mozilla/5.0 ( iPad ; CPU OS 13_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1

IMO it should be disabled by default and if a user enables it a modal window should be displaying indicanting not all web sites will be supported properly. Or maybe you may consider to add the iPad word to the first user agent to allow us to detect if it is an ipad emulating safari desktop or enable mouse event emulation, because I think when it is released several websites will fail.

I have the same issue with one of our sites, we render certain functionality for mobile devices (ipad included) based on the user agent.

The workaround esteban26 suggested works, but it's not ideal if it's enabled by default, It would be great if Apple considers adding the iPad word, or any other identifier to the user agent string.

Agree this should be disabled by default. The current user-agent lies about both the OS and the chipset (Intel vs Arm)

I had submitted a request to add a User Agent change function similar to the Desktop. On my desktop, there are some enterprise web apps speicifally look at browser versions and break on the latest version even though the app would work perfectly fine. I've done this several times where I change the Safari user agent to Chrome or IE11 and apps function just fine. It's just one more thing that would release corporate users from a desktop.

We have same issue here, certain functinalities are dependent on iPad word as well. I also expecting also Apple added back iPad or other keyword to identify iPad.

I have a similar situation.

Any solution or update ?

Again we need some way of determining an iPad

FYI, I submitted feedback/bug report via the Feedback app on the iPad back on July 3rd, 2019. Apple responded on the 19th wanting specific details/steps on how to reproduce the error... I gave specific steps on how to view the user agent via the safari developer console and have yet to hear back from them. The feeback app is reporting "More than 10" recent similar reports and the resolution is still "Open".

Starting to think they're not concerned about this.

Hopefully it will be resolved before launch.

This will impact thousands of our users 😟

Any news on this?

This is a problem for one of our application which is provided for major clients.

Would there be any meta tag which if present by default will launch the site in mobile?

Anyone else have any update on this?

Hi Antrix1989,

from what I've observed another way to load a mobile version of a given website on iPadOS is to ensure that the browser's width is compact. To achieve this you must use the multi-tasking feature and place safari in a popup or split paned with another app such that Safari now has compact width.

This doesn't work for me running iOS 13.1.2 on iPad. I turned "Request Desktop Website On All Websites" OFF and UserAgent still reports "Macintosh".

Is there something obvious I'm missing here? I am shocked this isn't causing complete chaos with all the web apps out there.

useragent for safari

I'm starting to wonder if 'iPadOS' is code for Catalyst.

After all, we're told we can build one app for mac and ipad...where is the bifurcation to help websites deliver their mobile-centric version?

Now that ios13 is out of Beta and deployed does anybody else still see the UA issue for Safari

Is there any fix on the horizon - We can't ask the entire Safari iPad using internet to know about and toggle this Dev tools fix

I can't believe they set this option to default on iPads, from minimal testing it's the Safari and Firefox browsers on iPads that default to "Desktop View" (Chrome still defaults to mobile website on ipads) and no one is offering a way for developers to get around this.

I collapse my menus on mobile devices and remove/add certain elements that are different from my desktop site and this completely destroys all of that coding.

This is still an issue. Yes, the Desktop settings workaround does help get a sensible userAgent, but nobody on a large iPad is ever going to set that. The main issue I have is that I'm developing an HTML5 Audio player where we want to hide our volume control interface when the device is an iPhone or iPad, since there is no way to control HTML5 Audio volume property via Javascript on these devices. Does anyone have a sane solution to this?

OK I have a solution.

Simply create an HTML5 Audio object and attempt to set the .volume property.

Mobile Safari can't do this.

You're welcome.

Agreed. This is a devasting user experience for the iPad. And you want people to choose an iPad over a Mac and you make completely stupid moves like this? For example, iPadOS does not auto-uncompress .zip files like a Mac. Users come on the support saying how nothing works, because when they tap the download it's broken. Even sophisticated users have to poke around to find "Uncompress" buried at the bottom of the the long-touch menu. If you didn't LIE to my web server, I could offer the uncompressed link, and everything would be fine.

Do not LIE about your user-agent, certainly CPU architecture and operating system. That is the kind of schmuck moves the old Microsoft would make. Perhaps they hired the MSIE team. So short sighted. *** Apple?

useragent for safari

Hi, so it looks like User Agent "sniffing" will no longer work for iPad iOS 13+. If you have control over the devices, you could turn off the setting "Request Desktop Website" (Settings -> Safari -> Request Desktop Website (under Settings for Websites), but... I'm assuming you don't have control over the client device settings.

I did find this fix Repeated link if the embedded one doesn't work: ( ).

Essentially, just tack on the solution to whatever current User Agent detection you are running.

(copied below in case the answer is lost on Stack)

Maybe Apple specifically wants iPadOS users to experience desktop websites by default, so they made its default user agent look like it's macOS?

Last updated: 04 july, 2024.

A self-updating list of the latest and most common useragents seen on the web across all device types, operating systems, and browsers. Data is always fresh, updating weekly.

This user agent list is perfect for web scrapers looking to blend in, developers, website administrators, and researchers.

The most common useragents list is compiled from the user logs data of a number of popular sites across niches and geography, cleansed (bots removed), and enriched with information about the device and browser.

Most Common Desktop Useragents

Most common mobile useragents, latest windows desktop useragents.

  • Latest Mac Desktop Useragents

Latest Linux Desktop Useragents

Latest iphone useragents, latest ipod useragents, latest ipad useragents, latest android mobile useragents, latest tablet useragents.

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An updated list of the most common useragents on the web, specifically the most common desktop useragents. You can see the relative share of each useragent included in the data table below. Hint: scroll sideways if you're viewing this page on a mobile device.

Get useragent list as JSON or TSV

Get the most common desktop useragents list conveniently in JSON format

Get the most common desktop useragents list conveniently in TSV (tab separated values) format

An updated list of the most common useragents on the web, specifically the most common mobile useragents. You can see the relative share of each useragent included in the data table below. Hint: scroll sideways if you're viewing this page on a mobile device.

Get the most common mobile useragents list conveniently in JSON format

Get the most common mobile useragents list conveniently in TSV (tab separated values) format

A complete list of the absolute latest Windows (desktop) useragents.

Latest Mac OS X Desktop Useragents

A complete list of the absolute latest Mac OS X (desktop) useragents.

A complete list of the absolute latest Linux (desktop) useragents.

A complete list of the absolute latest iPhone (mobile) useragents.

A complete list of the absolute latest iPod (touch mp3 player) useragents.

A complete list of the absolute latest iPad (tablet) useragents.

A complete list of the absolute latest android (mobile) useragents.

A complete list of the absolute latest tablet useragents.

About was created for web scrapers to give them quick and easy access to a list of the latest and most commmon useragents. Many similar lists have appeared in the past before us, but which have been quickly forgotten about and left to die. is run and developed by someone working directly in the business of web scraping and who uses the site himself daily. Furthermore it's designed to be self-sustaining, self-updating, and low mantinence — meaning it will be a resource you can trustfully rely on for years.

What can I do with the useragents listed here?

The useragents listed here are most commonly used by web crawlers and web scrapers who want to mask their requests.

How often is the list of most common user agents updated?

The list of most common useragents (both desktop and mobile) is updated every week (specifically, on Sunday nights).

What is my current useragent?

As far as we can see, it's:

What is the difference between the most common and latest useragents listed here?

  • The most common useragents list is a list of useragents that were observed accessing a set of sites in a given period of time. If you need to scrape a large number of pages and want your scraping requests to 'blend in', you can likely safely use this list in rotation to be successful.
  • The latest useragents list is a list of the absolute latest useragents for a specific browser and device type. If you don't have a large scraping task (and so don't need to rotate useragents), you can likely safely use just one of these.

When should I use a mobile or desktop useragent?

Some sites will give you different content depending on the device you're using, so you should select the user agent with the correct device type for the task.

Node.js API Wrapper

useragents-me-api (by Davide Violante)

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The User-Agent request header is a characteristic string that lets servers and network peers identify the application, operating system, vendor, and/or version of the requesting user agent .

Warning: Please read Browser detection using the user agent for why serving different Web pages or services to different browsers is usually a bad idea.

Common format for web browsers:

A product identifier — its name or development codename.

Version number of the product.

Zero or more comments containing more details. For example, sub-product information.

Firefox UA string

For more on Firefox- and Gecko-based user agent strings, see the Firefox user agent string reference . The UA string of Firefox is broken down into 4 components:

  • Mozilla/5.0 is the general token that says that the browser is Mozilla-compatible. For historical reasons, almost every browser today sends it.
  • platform describes the native platform that the browser is running on (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, etc.) and if it is a mobile phone. Firefox OS phones say Mobile — the web is the platform. Note that platform can consist of multiple " ; "-separated tokens. See below for further details and examples.
  • rv: geckoversion indicates the release version of Gecko (such as " 17.0 "). In recent browsers, geckoversion is the same as firefoxversion .
  • Gecko/geckotrail indicates that the browser is based on Gecko. (On the desktop, geckotrail is always the fixed string 20100101 .)
  • Firefox/firefoxversion indicates that the browser is Firefox and provides the version (such as " 17.0 ").

Chrome UA string

The Chrome (or Chromium/Blink-based engines) user agent string is similar to Firefox's. For compatibility, it adds strings like KHTML, like Gecko and Safari .

Opera UA string

The Opera browser is also based on the Blink engine, which is why it almost looks the same as the Chrome UA string, but adds "OPR/<version>" .

Older, Presto-based Opera releases used:

Microsoft Edge UA string

The Edge browser is also based on the Blink engine. It adds "Edg/<version>" .

Safari UA string

In this example, the user agent string is mobile Safari's version. It contains the word "Mobile" .

Crawler and bot UA strings

Library and net tool ua strings, specifications, browser compatibility.

BCD tables only load in the browser with JavaScript enabled. Enable JavaScript to view data.

  • User-Agent detection, history and checklist
  • Firefox user agent string reference
  • Browser detection using the user agent
  • Client hints

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How do I set User Agent for a particular sites?

I see this has been asked in other Communities and for other OSes...I am using the latest version of Catalina.

In Safari I need to set a specific User Agent of a particular site. I use this page often and since I am a Mac only user, I need to set the User Agent to a Chrome Windows browser every time I have to use this particular site.

There has to be a way to make a certain user agent automatically active when accessing a particular site. *

How can this be done in Catalina (or Big Sur)?

And if this cannot be done, I would like to understand why, as this seems like something that can very easily be done..and should be available

* The site I am using is a federal government site, so I seriously doubt they are going to update their website due to browser issues.

Posted on Jun 23, 2021 7:52 AM

Posted on Jun 24, 2021 10:42 AM

Thank you, Leanne_68 . I am aware how to do that.

My question is how do I make that User Agent automatically switch to the specific User Agent every time I visit that site?

I am sick of changing the user agent every time I visit that site.

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Jun 24, 2021 10:42 AM in response to Leanne_68

Jun 24, 2021 11:15 AM in response to Jeff_W.

Wow. I find that hard to believe. If I was a developer I would be very upset.

Anyone know of a workaround for this request? (That does NOT include setting up a Windows VM.)

I’ll leave Feedback, as suggested, but Apple seems to be like the federal government and not interested in obvious improvements for their users’ experience. Did they not think of developers that actually use this tool all the time?

Makes no sense to me, why a user agent cannot be set for particular sites.


Jun 24, 2021 9:37 AM in response to randynchicago

Hey there, and welcome to Apple Support Communities, randynchicago!

We see that you're needing to set a specific User Agent in Safari. We'll be happy to see how we can help.

To get started, you'll want to follow Use the developer tools in the Develop menu in Safari on Mac to get the Develop menu enabled in Safari.

Once that is enabled, make sure Safari is your active application and click on the Develop menu. You should see User Agent as an option there. Once you move your cursor over it, you should have the option to change the User Agent to whatever you need.

We hope this helps.


Jun 24, 2021 11:07 AM in response to randynchicago

Thanks for that info, randynchicago.

There is not currently a way to have the User Agent change automatically for specific websites on Safari. We'd recommend leaving feedback for Apple using Product Feedback .

How-To Geek

What is a browser's user agent.


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Spotify is now a social media platform, paramount+ will make big changes under new ownership, quick links, examining user agents, the user agent string mess.

Your browser sends its user agent to every website you connect to. We’ve written about changing your browser’s user agent before – but what exactly is a user agent, anyway?

A user agent is a “string” – that is, a line of text – identifying the browser and operating system to the web server. This sounds simple, but user agents have become a mess over time.

When your browser connects to a website, it includes a User-Agent field in its HTTP header. The contents of the user agent field vary from browser to browser. Each browser has its own, distinctive user agent. Essentially, a user agent is a way for a browser to say “Hi, I’m Mozilla Firefox on Windows” or “Hi, I’m Safari on an iPhone” to a web server.

The web server can use this information to serve different web pages to different web browsers and different operating systems. For example, a website could send mobile pages to mobile browsers, modern pages to modern browsers, and a “please upgrade your browser” message to Internet Explorer 6.

For example, here’s Firefox’s user agent on Windows 7:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0

This user agent tells the web server quite a bit: The operating system is Windows 7 (code name Windows NT 6.1), it’s a 64-bit version of Windows (WOW64), and the browser itself is Firefox 12.

Now let’s take a look at Internet Explorer 9’s user agent, which is:

Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)

The user agent string identifies the browser as IE 9 with the Trident 5 rendering engine. However, you might spot something confusing – IE identifies itself as Mozilla.

We’ll come back to that in a minute. First, let’s examine Google Chrome’s user agent, too:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/536.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/19.0.1084.52 Safari/536.5

The plot thickens: Chrome is pretending to be both Mozilla and Safari. To understand why, we’ll have to examine the history of user agents and browsers.

Mosaic was one of the first browsers. Its user agent string was NCSA_Mosaic/2.0. Later, Mozilla came along (later renamed Netscape), and its user agent was Mozilla/1.0. Mozilla was a more advanced browser than Mosaic – in particular, it supported frames. Web servers checked to see that the user agent contained the word Mozilla and sent pages containing frames to Mozilla browsers. To other browsers, web servers sent the old pages without frames.

Eventually, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer came along and it supported frames, too. However, IE didn’t receive web pages with frames, because web servers just sent those to Mozilla browsers. To fix this problem, Microsoft added the word Mozilla to their user agent and threw in additional information (the word “compatible” and a reference to IE.) Web servers were happy to see the word Mozilla and sent IE the modern web pages. Other browsers that came later did the same thing.

Eventually, some servers looked for the word Gecko – Firefox’s rendering engine – and served Gecko browsers different pages than older browsers. KHTML – originally developed for Konquerer on Linux’s KDE desktop – added the words “like Gecko” so they’d get the modern pages designed for Gecko, too. WebKit was based on KHTML – when it was developed, they added the word WebKit and kept the original “KHTML, like Gecko” line for compatibility purposes. In this way, browser developers kept adding words to their user agents over time.

Web servers don’t really care what the exact user agent string is – they just check to see if it contains a specific word.

Web servers use user agents for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Serving different web pages to different web browsers. This can be used for good – for example, to serve simpler web pages to older browsers – or evil – for example, to display a “This web page must be viewed in Internet Explorer" message.
  • Displaying different content to different operating systems – for example, by displaying a slimmed-down page on mobile devices.
  • Gathering statistics showing the browsers and operating systems in use by their users. If you ever see browser market-share statistics, this is how they’re acquired.

Web-crawling bots use user agents, too. For example, Google’s web crawler identifies itself as:

Googlebot/2.1 (+

Web servers can give bots special treatment – for example, by allowing them through mandatory registration screens. (Yes, this means that you can sometimes bypass registration screens by setting your user agent to Googlebot.)

Web servers can also give orders to specific bots (or all bots) using the robots.txt file. For example a web server could tell a specific bot to go away, or tell another bot to only index certain areas of the website. In the robots.txt file, the bots are identified by their user agent strings.

All major browsers contain ways to set custom user agents , so you can see what web servers send to to different browsers. For example, set your desktop browser to a mobile browser's user agent string and you'll see the mobile versions of web pages on your desktop.

  • Cloud & Internet
  • Your User Agent

Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +

  • Your IP Address

  • Country Name:

useragent location

  • Browser Information
  • Browser Name: unknown
  • Browser Type: Unknown
  • Browser Version: unknown
  • Browser Engine: unknown
  • Opera System Information
  • Name: unknown
  • Version: unknown
  • Platform: unknown
  • Device Information
  • Brand: Desktop
  • Type: Desktop

What Is a User Agent?

A browser's user agent string (UA) helps identify which browser is being used, what version, and on which operating system. When feature detection APIs are not available, use the UA to customize behavior or content to specific browser versions.

Useragent is a small piece of data that is sent by your web browser when accessing a website or application. It is used to identify the type of browser you are using, what device and operating system you are using, and the version of the browser you are using. This information is important for websites and applications to ensure optimal performance and compatibility. It also allows developers to customize their websites and applications based on user agent data.

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  2. How to Change User Agent in Safari

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  3. How to Change User Agent in Safari

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  4. How to Change User Agent in Safari

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  5. How to Change User-Agents in Chrome, Edge, Safari & Firefox

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  6. How to Change the User Agent in Safari for Mac

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  3. How to Change User Agent in Safari

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  5. How to Change the User Agent in Safari for Mac

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    Open Safari app in Mac and go to "Safari > Settings…" menu. Go to "Advanced" tab and enable "Show features for web developers" option showing at the bottom. Close Safari Settings pop-up and now you will see a "Develop" menu added to the browser. Click on "Develop" menu and hover over "User Agent" to view a list of items.

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    Here's how: Go to Preferences from the Safari menu. Here move to the Advanced tab and check the checkbox next to the Show Develop menu in the menu bar option. A new Develop menu will appear on the menu bar next to Bookmarks; click on it and hover the mouse cursor over the User Agent option.

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  12. The Latest and Most Common User Agents List (Updated Weekly)

    This user agent list is perfect for web scrapers looking to blend in, developers, website administrators, and researchers. The most common useragents list is compiled from the user logs data of a number of popular sites across niches and geography, cleansed (bots removed), and enriched with information about the device and browser.

  13. User-Agent

    The User-Agent request header is a characteristic string that lets servers and network peers identify the application, operating system, vendor, and/or version of the requesting user agent. ... For compatibility, it adds strings like KHTML, like Gecko and Safari. Examples. Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko ...

  14. Is there a web browser for iOS that will allow me to change the user agent?

    This will present a 'Mac' Safari user-agent. Share. Improve this answer. Follow answered Jul 21, 2022 at 17:17. alec alec. 123 1 1 silver badge 3 3 bronze badges. 1. 1. Some sites like are still able to see that I'm on mobile. Any ideas on how to fix it? - j7skov.

  15. Changing Safari Default User Agent

    User Agent Problem My MacBookAir OS 11.5 defaults to using a Mozilla User Agent in Safari. This causes problems opening many websites. I can select Safari as the User Agent in the Develop window, but the default Mozilla selection is reselected every time I open a new page.

  16. How do I set User Agent for a particular …

    To get started, you'll want to follow Use the developer tools in the Develop menu in Safari on Mac to get the Develop menu enabled in Safari. Once that is enabled, make sure Safari is your active application and click on the Develop menu. You should see User Agent as an option there.

  17. What Is a Browser's User Agent?

    Essentially, a user agent is a way for a browser to say "Hi, I'm Mozilla Firefox on Windows" or "Hi, I'm Safari on an iPhone" to a web server. The web server can use this information to serve different web pages to different web browsers and different operating systems. For example, a website could send mobile pages to mobile ...

  18. iOS 17

    User agent Browser Hardware; Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17. Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1

  19. What's My User Agent?

    Useragent is a small piece of data that is sent by your web browser when accessing a website or application. It is used to identify the type of browser you are using, what device and operating system you are using, and the version of the browser you are using. This information is important for websites and applications to ensure optimal ...

  20. How do I check if the useragent is an ipad or iphone?

    UPDATE on 17-07-2020: it looks like Apple removed the word iPad and now use Macintosh instead. UPDATE: Since the iPad user agent contains the word iPhone as @Rob Hruska mentioned:. Mozilla/5.0(iPad; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4 Mobile/7B314 Safari/531.21.10

  21. Adding User-Agent for Safari

    To set the User-Agent for Safari, you can utilize the SafariOptions class. Below is an example code snippet demonstrating how to add the User-Agent in Safari: // Import necessary libraries import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.safari.SafariOptions; import; import java.util.HashMap; // Create ...

  22. 仅下载音频使用Hi-Res无损下载为0B · Issue #1129 · leiurayer/downkyi · GitHub

    ver: 1.6.1 Windows 11( 21H2 ) 开启了Clash for Windows系统规则代理 启用HTTPS UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/108... Safari/537.36 选择的下载器:Aria2下载器 Aria服务器端口:6800 Aria日志等级:INFO aira...