

Fauna& flora, the socotra archipelago in yemen has long been a land of mystery., over the centuries travellers returned from the indian ocean isles with bizarre tales – of trees yielding dragon’s blood and cucumbers, forest of frankincense, and towering pinnacles in the mist. now a fuller picture has emerged of the four semi-desert islands, portraying a rich and unique flora and fauna with over a third of plants found nowhere else in the world, a diverse landscape of plateau, plain and mountain, all safeguarded by a people living sustainably in a challenging environment”., socotra is one of the most isolated landforms on earth of continental origin, meaning it is non-volcanic but a fragment of the ancient southern supercontinent of gondwana..

The Socotra Archipelago lies in the Indian Ocean between the Arabian Peninsula and the Horn of Africa being located some 240km east of Cap Guardafui (Somalia) and some 380km south of Ras Fartak, (Al Mahrah, Yemen).

Along with its neighbouring islands: Abd Al-Kuri, Samha and Darsa, it forms the Socotra Archipelago: one of the most bothanically diverse island groups in the world.

Socotra is globally important for biodiversity conservation because of its exceptionally rich and distinct flora and fauna. It is home to 825 plant species of which 308 (37%) are endemic. These species are found nowhere else on Earth. UNESCO designated Socotra as a World Heritage Site in 2008. It’s no wonder why Socotra is often called “Galapagos of the Indian Ocean”.

The island measures approximately 132km long and 49km wide with a total area of 3796 sq. kms. Topographically it can be divided into three main zones: the coastal plains, a limestone plateau and the Hagghier mountains. It has a semi-desert climate with average temperature over 25 degrees. Yearly rainfall is light, with the higher inland areas generally receiving more rain than the coastal lowlands, due to orographic lift provided by the interior mountains. The June to September monsoon season is characterized by exceedingly strong winds and high seas. During this time the island has historically been cut off from the rest of the world, only recently becoming being accessible by plane year round. During the monsoon fishing becomes impossible and many people move from the northern coast to the mountains to escape the winds and harvest date palms. For centuries Gujarati sailors (Indian) have called the maritime route near Socotra “Sikotro sinh” meaning the lion of Socotra that constantly roars, referring to the high seas. Since ancient times Socotra has been world renowned for its healing and aromatic resins, endemic plants gums, the world’s best aloe, amber, musk, pearls as well as for the central role it has played in Arabian Sea shipping industry. As far back as 2400 B.C. Socotra supplied a great deal of not only frankincense, myrrh and aloe but also Dragon‘s Blood resin which, according to the legend, was rubbed in by gladiators before combat to speed up the healing of their wounds.

travel to socotra island

A land of incense and myrrh, and of miracle aloes that would heal the Greeks and Romans in times of war, Socotra was also a place for sorcerers, genies and monsters. Myths and legends proliferate. From Plato to Marco Polo who stated that its sorcerers were the most powerful in the world. There lived flying snakes, it was believed that its mountains hid a Phoenix nest and the equally fantastic Roc bird, the huge bird described by Sinbad the Sailor.

The origin of the word ‘Socotra’ remains a mystery with numerous stories existing, all with their own supporters.  Many believe that it comes from the Sanskrit term ‘dvipa sukhadhara’ literally translating to ‘the island of bliss’. Another possible origin of the name is the arabic ‘souk’ meaning market and ‘qotra’ meaning drop referring to the dripping frankincense. The Ancient Greeks called it Dioscorida as mentioned in the ‘Peryplus of the Erythrean sea’, a first century greek navigation manual. Dioscorida means the island devoted to Dioskuri (Castor and Pollux), the protectors of seamen and sailors in greek mythology. The book says that the island is : “very large but desert and marshy, having rivers in it and crocodiles and many snakes and great lizards”. Those beasts might be gone but the island remains a jewel of biodiversity in the Arabian Sea, with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) designating it as one of the Top5 globally important islands in the world in terms of biodiversity and wildlife conservation.

Discover the island



travel to socotra island

Welcome to the mesmerizing world of Socotra Island, a hidden gem nestled in the Indian Ocean. Situated off the coast of Yemen, Socotra is a place of unparalleled beauty and wonder, where landscapes meet extraordinary biodiversity, making it a destination unlike any other.

Socotra Island is Unique

What sets Socotra apart is its unique blend of surreal landscapes, rare flora and fauna, and a rich cultural tapestry. Also known as the “Galapagos of the Indian Ocean,” Socotra is home to endemic species found nowhere else on Earth, including the iconic Dragon’s Blood Tree with its umbrella-like canopy and the otherworldly Bottle Trees that dot the landscape like sentinels from a forgotten era.

Beyond its natural wonders, Socotra boasts a rich cultural heritage shaped by centuries of trade and conquest. The island’s strategic location along ancient trade routes has left a legacy of diverse influences, reflected in its cuisine, and traditions.

How to Travel to Socotra Archipelago

While Socotra’s remote location may seem daunting, traveling to this enchanting island is more accessible than ever before. With regular flights from the UAE, adventurers from around the globe can now embark on a journey to discover the secrets of Socotra firsthand.

Whether you’re a nature enthusiast seeking out rare and endemic species, an intrepid traveler craving off-the-beaten-path experiences, or a cultural explorer eager to uncover the island’s rich heritage, Socotra promises an unforgettable adventure unlike any other destination on Earth. Join us as we delve into the mysteries of Socotra and experience the magic of this truly unique island paradise.

Dragon Blood Tree, Socotra

Best Time to Visit Socotra

The peak season for visiting Socotra is between January and April as these are excelent months due to the weather conditions. Besides October to December are also good months to visit the Island although those months can be wet and rainy. December is the most rainy month in Socotra Archipelago. Avoid visiting Socotra from May to September as there incredible hot and you can barely survive in a island where you spend the majority of the time outside in the nature.

January to April: Peak season, wet season is finishing and the temperatures are still good. May to September: Avoid visiting during these months due to the incredible hot temperatures. Besides, you will not find flights operating during these months. October to December: Wet and rainy season. You can visit Socotra during these months, although better to Avoid December due to rainy season.

The Adventures of Nicole

Socotra Travel Guide

Updated April 2 024, The Socotra Travel Guide was originally written in May 2019

After several years of being nearly cut off from the outside world, Socotra is finally opening back up to tourism again. In this Socotra Travel Guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know to visit the mysterious island coined ‘the most alien-looking place on Earth’.

Socotra is located in the Arabian Sea nearly halfway between Yemen and Somalia. About 80 million years ago during the Miocene Epoch, the island was separated from the Arabian Peninsula and left in isolation. Thanks to this long-standing isolation, Socotra was allowed to become home to one of the highest concentrations of endemic flora and fauna on Earth, putting it up in the ranks of places like the Galapagos, Hawaii, New Caledonia, and New Zealand.

In 2015  war broke out on the mainland of Yemen , though it was spiraling in that direction for several years leading up. This war is what cut Socotra nearly off from the outside world until late 2018 when new flights from Cairo had been announced. If you’re starting to plan your own visit to Socotra, I recommend picking up a copy of Bradt’s Socotra Guidebook , the first-ever in print (I also contributed to it too!).

Need Travel Insurance and Evacuation Services for Socotra?

Start shopping for travel insurance plans over at  IATI Insurance . Readers of the Adventures of Nicole get a 5% discount off your plan.

The Adventures of Nicole partners with Global Rescue to offer the world’s leading medical evacuation and security advisory services. To travel with peace of mind, shop evacuation coverage at Global Rescue .

Looking to join one of our group trips to Socotra?  Click here  for more info, itineraries, and to sign up

Socotra, Socotra Island, Yemen, Hadiboh, Hadiboh doors, colorful doors, Socotra doors, Hadiboh door, Socotra door, Yemen door

Socotra Travel Quick Info

Currency-  Yemeni Rial

Language-  Socotri is the language of the island, a Semitic language. Arabic is spoken widely as well. English, Russian, French, and German-speaking guides can be hired as well.

Population-  Approximately 70,000.

When To Go-  October through mid-May is the best time to visit as there are less likely chances of storms. February to May have the driest and clearest weather, while October to January has a higher likelihood of rain though still relatively low. Mid May through September is generally not recommended due to storms and winds, however, kite surfers will find the best conditions during these months.

What To Wear-  More conservative clothing will be better welcomed when in towns and villages. Women should wear clothing that covers the body, shoulders, and legs (wearing a headscarf will be very welcomed in towns/villages too, though they are not compulsory), and men should avoid shorts above the knee when visiting towns and villages. When out hiking, at the beach, camping, and exploring nature this is more relaxed.

Temperatures can get quite hot and humid on Socotra, though in the Haggier Mountains nighttime temps can get cool enough to warrant a light jacket or fleece.

What not to wear- Skimpy clothing outside of beach/swimming areas. Of course, Socotris will likely not say anything but know that walking around half-naked is disrespectful to the locals as Socotra is still a very conservative society.

Check out  Socotra in photos

Socotra, Socotra Island, Yemen, Arher, Arher Beach, Arher sand dune, Arher dune, Socotra sand dune

Getting A Yemeni Visa

Getting a Yemeni visa isn’t something you can just go do on your own at present. Yemeni embassies and consulates will not issue tourist visas. You will need to apply via a tour agency in Socotra that will get the visa approved by the government and send you a paper copy of this.

You will need this visa approval paper in order to board your Yemenia or Air Arabia flights (or arranging the ship from Salalah if traveling by sea). This visa paper will also be needed to clear immigration at Socotra Airport if flying in via Abu Dhabi or at Aden Airport if coming from Cairo (or at Socotra port if you will arrive by ship).

Yemen visa approval, Yemeni visa approval, Socotra visa approval, Yemen, Yemeni Visa, Yemen Visa, Socotra VIsa

Note that you may be asked if you’d like your passport stamped on arrival. If you do not they will stamp a separate sheet of paper (this is thanks to the US making travelers to a handful of Middle Eastern countries ineligible for ESTA if they travel to any of them).

If you want to read the full guide on how to get a Yemeni visa,  click here .

Please do not email me asking how you can get a Yemeni visa without booking an agency because YOU don’t want to be guided, pay for it, etc. I DO NOT MAKE THE RULES. 

Read:  How to get a Yemeni visa to visit Socotra

Socotra Airport, Socotra International Airport, Hadibo Airport, Hadiboh International Airport, Hadiboh, Socotra, Yemen, Yemenia, SCT

How To Travel To Socotra

I have an entire post dedicated to explaining how to get to Socotra in detail that you can visit  here .

You will either arrive by Yemenia flight IY611/420 from Cairo /Aden or by Air Arabia Flight 476 from Abu Dhabi, or via the cement ship from Salalah, Oman . Neither route is easy to arrange so if you are serious about visiting I recommend reading the above-mentioned post.

There are also sporadic departures of ships from Al Mukalla bound for Socotra, however, this would require you to already be in the mainland of Yemen which is generally not recommended. It’s also worth noting that there has been an uptick in piracy in the Gulf of Aden since 2015.

Everything you need to know:  How to get to Socotra

Socotra, Socotra Island, Yemen, Qalansiya, Shua'ab, Shua'ab Beach

USD is the most widely accepted foreign currency and the easiest to exchange on the island. Bring enough cash in USD to pay for your trip.

For small personal purchases such as souvenirs, you can convert USD into Yemeni Rial in Hadiboh at one of the many exchange offices around town.

As of April 2024, it was trading at about 1,200 YER to the dollar. You can easily pay for purchases with small denominations of USD. $1 notes are best (think drinks and snacks from shops and small souvenirs).

Socotra, Socotra Island, Yemen, Bottle tree, desert rose, Adenium obesium socotranum

Getting Around

As getting a visa secured to visit requires booking a tour, you’ll surely be on a tour of the island.

You will get around the island by 4WD mostly, and dhow boat when visiting Shua’ab Beach. There are several hikes and camel trekking that can be done on the island as well.

Please note that there are no car rentals on the island and no formal public transport aside from the occasional buses I’ve seen between Hadiboh and the communities along the northwest coast and Hadiboh to the communities along the northeast coast to Qalansiya. I’ve also seen smaller minibusses between smaller towns and villages on Socotra, but I have not found any formal timetables.

Detwah, Detwah Lagoon, Socotra, Yemen


While there are two hotels in Hadiboh you’ll most likely be camping in tents for the duration of your visit. Many places you’ll want to visit are far from Hadiboh and in my personal opinion going back and forth from Hadiboh every day is a complete waste of time, alas I can’t tell you how to live your life…

There are two hotels in Hadiboh- Summerlands Hotel and Socotra Eco Lodge, but please note both are very basic.

Where To Go On Socotra

Socotra, Socotra Island, Yemen, Hadiboh, Haggier Mountains, Hadiboh sunset

With the gorgeous Haggier Mountains as a looming backdrop, Hadiboh is the main city on the island with about 8,000 residents. Most all the shops, offices, and supplies are centered here. There are small restaurants and street food, a bazaar, money exchange, a medical clinic, and more here in Hadiboh.

It’s definitely worth spending a day, or at least part of a day exploring Hadiboh. Don’t miss the fish market just out of town.

Expect to get a lot of stares, curious interactions, smiles, and hellos from local Socotris. More often than not people will walk up to you and try to communicate or ask you to take their photos.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of garbage all over the streets in Hadiboh. Locals and foreigners alike have tried to make efforts to change this but lose hope when in a matter of days it looks exactly the same.

In reality, the island needs a landfill and infrastructure in place as this is a larger problem than just simply cleaning up (they need a place to put waste). Another attribution to the problem is the import of packaged goods from other nations (Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc), that use A LOT of plastic packaging.

Socotra, Socotra Island, Yemen, Detwah Lagoon, Detwah

The northwest of Socotra is home to some of the most beautiful coastal scenery on Earth. Think ribbons of white sand, waters that transition from aquamarine to turquoise to emerald green, and finally to sapphire.

  • Qalansiya-  This is Socotra’s second-largest city and the jumping-off point for adventures to Shua’ab Beach. It’s worth spending at least a couple hours meandering down the handful of streets, expect to attract a crowd of local kids.
  • Detwah Lagoon-  Imagine blinding white sand with swirls of crystal clear water– this is Detwah Lagoon. Detwah is great for swimming and checking out the island’s marine life. It’s almost guaranteed Abdullah ‘the caveman” will find you here and invite you out for a few hours of catching seafood which he will take you to his cave and cook up. On the west end of the lagoon, there is a great lookout up a hill. A lovely woman (a sister in law of ‘the caveman’) named Saadia lives near the Detwah camp and is a joy to spend time with.
  • Shua’ab-  With no road you’ll most likely arrive here by dhow boat from Qalansiya, but hiking here is a possibility. Shua’ab is a small and remote village set along a beautiful white sand beach flanked by arid cliffs. On the boat ride out here keep your eyes peeled for spinner dolphins.
  • Balaqthan Sinkhole-  Roughly halfway between Hadiboh and Qalansiya you’ll reach the village of Balaqthan (just before nearby Ghubba) just off the main paved road. You can follow dirt tracks out there to visit the village (if you arrive when kids are on the afternoon break they’ll be really curious) which has a decent-sized sinkhole just off the beach. Many locals believe it’s the result of a meteor strike (similar to  Bimmah Sinkhole  in Oman), however, it is more than likely just a result of stone that collapsed here long ago.
  • Balaqthan Salt Mine-  Directly across the main road from the Balaqthan Sinkhole is the Balaqthan Salt Mine. This circular depression is filled with salty water that evaporates, allowing for locals to mine salt from the pool.

Socotra, Socotra Island, Hoq Cave, Hoq

Socotra’s northeast offers up caves, plateaus, wild beaches, dunes, and heaps of endemic flora.

  • Homhil Protected Area-  Home to an abundance of Socotra’s endemic flora including dragon blood trees, bottle trees, and frankincense. Near the edge of Homhil, there is a natural pool that has epic views down onto the Arabian Sea below. After heavy rainfall in October 2019, the tracks to Homhil were washed out but should be restored soon.
  • Arher Beach & Dunes-  This is a popular camping site for locals. Arher has a long white sand beach and is backed by massive white dunes pushed up against the cliffside. When I was here in March 2019 the beach was lit with blue bioluminescent plankton at night so do check for it.
  • Dihamri Marine Protected Area-  Socotra’s prime spot for snorkeling and diving along reefs. There is a small dive shop that rents out snorkel masks and fins as well as dive gear.
  • Hoq Cave-  The largest cave on the island accessible by a two-hour uphill hike from the village of Saqra. Trust me, the trek is worth it for what the cave holds. Fascinating rock formations, larger than life stalagmites and stalactites, a lake, and more await you in Hoq Cave. Bring a headlamp and flashlight.
  • Delisha Beach-  Not far from Hadiboh is the little beach area of Delisha. Prior to the cyclones that ravaged the island in 2015 Adeeb’s Eco Lodge sat right off the beach. It is currently being rebuilt and you can camp there.
  • Ras Irisal-  As far east in Socotra you can possibly go. Ras Irisal is a small beach from which most of the fisherman in the village of Irisal depart from. This is also the spot where the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea meet. Make sure and stop by the village as well, the locals are friendly and the kids will get a kick out of playing with foreigners.
  • Crab City-  On a small cape-like piece of land that juts out to the north into the sea near the furthest east end of Socotra sits a beach facing toward the northeast that has thousands of little pyramids on it. Welcome to Crab City. These little pyramids are formed by the ghost crabs that call this beach home as they dig protective tunnels.
  • Irisal Beach-  Irisal Beach sits on the opposite side of that little cape mentioned above, facing to the northwest. This is one of my favorite beaches in Socotra as it offers amazing views crystal clear waters and the Arher Dunes in the distance.
  • Meeting Point Of The Oceans-  This is the easternmost point of Socotra Island. You’ll know if you’re in the right place if you reach a white sandy beach with humongous whale vertebrae on it. Continue on down to the water and you’ll find a rocky channel with a small rocky outcrop on the other side where you can find lots of balloon fish swimming around.
  • Rash Marine Protected Area-  Another diving and snorkeling hotspot.
  • Qaria Lagoon-  Home to a small village on its shore. Keep an eye out for pink flamingos in the lagoon.
  • Socotra Folk Museum-  In the village of Riqela, along the main road connecting Hadiboh to Arher, you’ll pass the one-room Socotra Folk Museum. There are a handful of items inside including shells and corals collected from the shores, a sail, and various cultural artifacts including traditional Socotri clothing, a baby’s bassinet, and more.

Skand Peak, Skånd Peak, Haggier Mountains, Haggiers, Socotra, Socotra Island, Yemen

Haggier Mountains & Central Socotra

This is where Socotra gets wild with deep wadis, jagged peaks, an out-of-this-world forest, and friendly Socotri Bedouin people.

  • Haggier Mountains-  Rising from the Earth to heights of over 1,500 meters and home to Skånd Peak, Socotra’s highest point. The Haggier Mountains conveniently sit just south of Hadiboh. Several treks will take you to explore the Haggiers.
  • Dixam Plateau-  This is the heart of Socotra, smack in the middle of the island. Dixam Plateau is home to a scattering of dragon blood trees, a dragon blood tree nursery, and views into Wadi Dirhur.
  • Wadi Dirhur-  The Grand Canyon of Socotra. From Dixam Plateau delve 700 meters down into the oasis-like canyon. If you make a short detour to the southeast where Wadi Dirhur meets up with another canyon you’ll find freshwater pools waiting you can swim in, though some do have a lot of green algae, so you can expect to be turned green. From the wadi, you can trek up to the Firhmin Forest.
  • Firhmin Forest –  The highest concentration of dragon blood trees in the entire world lies in this forest set atop the opposite side of Wadi Dirhur from Dixam Plateau.
  • Wadi Faro-  This is a wild ride traveling along Wadi Faro from the north of Socotra to the south. There is a perfect oasis and nearby village halfway to break for lunch at.
  • Wadi Ayhaft-  Wadi Ayhaft is located not too far from Hadiboh and is characterized by lush and green flora- you’ll see lots of Euphorbia trees, date palms, and succulents. You will eventually reach a large pool of water in the wadi.

Socotra, Socotra Island, Yemen, Zahek, Zaheq, Zahek sand dunes, Zahek dunes, Socotra sand dunes sunset

Southern Socotra is the more off-beaten-path side of the island with sparse villages and wild beaches. Don’t miss the impressive Dagub Cave and the never ending dunes of Zahek and Hayf.

  • Zahek & Hayf Sand Dunes – These fields of bright white sand dunes seem to continue you forever, that is until they drop off into the Indian Ocean. Early morning is a nice time to visit as winds are usually dead calm, however, the sunset is hard to beat.
  • Omaq Beach-  This quiet beach along Socotra’s southern shore is the perfect place to camp and take in the island’s peaceful atmosphere.
  • Dagub Cave-  The cave doesn’t go very deep but the opening of it is massive, to say the least.
  • Kalysan-  A gorgeous string of wadi pools the gnarl together near the southwest of Socotra.
  • Momi Plateau-  Just due south of Homhil Protected Area, Momi offers amazing views over the island as well as a scattering of frankincense, bottle and cucumber trees.
  • Dahaisi Cave-  This cave is quite an effort to reach, but has some interesting art carvings found on the walls. To reach the cave you’ll need the help of a local guide to show you the way across the Momi Plateau.
  • Steroh-  The village you’ll reach on the southern coast of Socotra as you descend out of the mountains along the main road crossing the island from the north.

Read:  10 days on Socotra Island, Yemen

Darsa, Socotra Archipelago, Socotra, Socotra outer islands, Yemen

The Other Islands Of The Socotra Archipelago

Socotra is actually comprised of six islands. These include Abd al Kuri, Samha, Darsa, Kal Firun, and Sabuniya aside from the main island of Socotra.

Only Abd al Kuri and Samha are inhabited (aside from the main Socotra Island). Samha and Darsa together are often referred to as ‘Al Akhawain’ translating out to ‘the brothers’.

I am tentatively planning another Outer Islands expedition for March 2024 that will take a group to explore these rarely visited islands as they require chartering a boat to reach them. Visit our page for this Socotra Archipelago Expedition to see full details and sign up.

  • Abd al Kuri-  Abd al Kuri is the largest of the outer islands of the archipelago, located about 65 kilometers west of Socotra Island and home to less than 1,000 people. There are five main villages on the island and most inhabitants live off of fishing. Abd al Kuri is actually home to its own endemics including the Euphorbia abdalkuri, the rare Abd al Kuri Sparrow, and two species of lizard, the Mesalina kuri, and the Pristurus abdalkuri. The landscape of Abd al Kuri is arid, with hills that bisect the island and areas of sand beaches and high rocky cliffs. The sovereignty of Abd al Kuri is actually still disputed between Yemen and Somalia.
  • Samha-  Samha is the smallest of the inhabited Socotra Islands and is home to a small population (I’ve seen estimates of around 100-200). There’s only one single village on Samha located on the northwest of the island. Much like Abd al Kuri, its sovereignty is disputed between Yemen and Somalia. The island is quite rugged and home to the rare endemic Begonia samhaensis.
  • Darsa-  The smallest island of the Socotra Archipelago at 5.4 square kilometers and is completely uninhabited by humans. The island is mostly a barren-looking rock, though an unbelievably beautiful beach sits on the northwest coast that’s backed by craggy caves. Darsa is home to an abundant bird population and is infested by rats, which is why spending the night out here is not recommended.
  • Kal Firun & Sabuniya-  Both Kal Firun and Sabuniya are rocky outcrops and not full-blown islands but are a part of the archipelago. Both islands are important to birdlife. Sabuniya is located about 15 kilometers off of Shua’ab Beach on Socotra Island’s northwest coast and Kal Firun is located about 25 kilometers north of Abd al Kuri.

Socotra, Socotra Island, Yemen, Shua'ab, Shua'ab Beach

Solo Female Travel In Socotra

Socotra is a great place to visit for intrepid solo female travelers. I actually visited “solo” (guide was mandatory) on my first trip in 2014 (my 2019-2024 visits were with a groups I brought to Socotra with the help of my local partners.

It’s worth noting that you won’t truly be solo as you’ll be guided on the island. That said, you should have plenty of chances to interact with local women.

Socotra, Socotra Island, Yemen, Dragon blood tree, Dracaena Cinnabari, Firhman, Firmin, Firmin Forest, Firhmin Forest

Don’t miss the highest concentration of Dragon Blood Trees in  Firhmin Forest

Flora & Fauna

Socotra is famous for its endemic species found nowhere else on Earth. Many of the endemic fauna includes birds, reptiles, scorpions and spiders. Here are a few of the endemics that can be found on the island:

  • ‘Dragon Blood Tree’  Dracaena Cinnabari –   Family: Asparagaceae . The famous trees are known for their unusual shape and blood-red sap. An icon of Socotra.
  • ‘Bottle Tree’  Adenium Obesium Socotranum –   Family: Apocynaceae . Often described as looking like an elephant’s leg. Bottle trees are a type of desert rose and bloom pink flowers.
  • ‘Cucumber Tree’  Dendrosicyos Socotranus –   Family: Cucurbitaceae . The only member of the Cucurbitaceae family that grows in tree form.
  • ‘Socotra Frankincense’  Boswellia Socotrana –   Family: Burseraceae . Socotra is home to several types of Frankincense, however this is the only endemic Frankincense tree.
  • ‘Socotra Acacia’  Acacia Pennivenia –   Family: Fabaceae . Found all throughout the island.
  • ‘ Socotra Pomegranate’  Punica Protopunica-  Family: Lytheaceae.  Bears miniature pomegranates that are often too bitter for most people’s liking. The skins are usually crushed and then cooked down into a paste that is used to heal sores and wounds . 
  • ‘Socotrine Aloe’  Aloe perryi-  Family: Asphodelaceae.  A type of aloe vera with important pharmaceutical and medicinal properties.

Desert Rose blooms Socotra, Socotra Island, Yemen, bottle tree, Socotra bottle tree, Adenium obesium, Adenium obesium Socoranum

  • ‘Socotra Cisticola’  Cisticola Haesitatus
  • ‘Socotra Sunbrid’  Nectarinia Balfouri
  • ‘Socotra Starling’  Onychognathus Frater
  • ‘Socotra Sparrow’  Passer Insularis
  • ‘Socotra Warbler’  Incana Incana
  • ‘Socotra Golden Winged Grosbeak’  Rhynchostruthus Socotranus
  • ‘Socotran Chameleon’  Chamaeleo Monachus
  • ‘Socotran Tarantula’  Monocentropus Balfouri
  • ‘Socotran Butterfly’  Bicyclus Anynana

travel to Socotra, travel in Socotra, Socotra, Socotra Island, Yemen, Socotra Yemen, Socotra Island Yemen, Yemen Island, Yemen islands, Socotra Archipelago, Yemen, Wadi Derher, Derher, crab, purple crab, Socotra crab

Socotra Travel Safety

Socotra has been spared from the fighting that has gone on in mainland Yemen since the start of the war in 2015. The island has suffered consequences of the war such as lack of transport on and off the island, infrequent shipments from the mainland, price inflation, and loss of revenue from the tourism the island once brought in.

Socotra has also suffered a catastrophic cyclone, followed by another cyclone in late 2015 that damaged much of the little existing infrastructure. Some have been rebuilt since by “humanitarian efforts” by the UAE and to a lesser degree Saudi Arabia– though the efforts appear to be more of an attempt to gain influence on the island than a true offer of help.

Your biggest concerns visiting Socotra will be staying hydrated, protecting yourself from the sun, avoiding injuries while trekking, and food-borne illness. Look out for jellyfish when participating in water activities.

Socotra, Socotra Island, Yemen, Hadiboh, Haggier Mountains, Hadiboh sunset

Socotra Souvenirs

Not really the shopping Meccas of nearby Dubai or Kish Island, but there are a handful of souvenirs to purchase.

  • Socotri Honey-  Socotra has been prized historically for its honey. You will likely pay $35-50 USD depending on availability for a 1L bottle.
  • Dragon Blood Resin-  in Homhil children will typically collect dragon blood resin, dry it, and sell it in little bags to travelers. You can usually find it for sale in Hadiboh as well. Historically the resin has been used medicinally, as a cosmetic, and as a varnish.
  • Frankincense-  Much in the same way dragon blood is collected so is Frankincense. You can usually find them being sold in Homhil and Hadiboh.
  • Socotri Posture Belts-  These woven 2-inch thick belts are wrapped around the lower back and knees slightly raised up while sitting cross-legged. Locals believe it helps correct bad posture.
  • Fouta-  This is the skirt traditionally worn by Socotri men and still worn to this day. They can also make nice scarves and sarongs for women.

Socotra, Socotra Island, Yemen, Shua'ab, Shua'ab Beach

Communication & Electricity

If you’re looking to be well connected with decent WiFi and mobile reception and have a regular electrical supply you should plan a trip elsewhere.

Mobile & Internet-  There is 3G coverage in Socotra, though not in many places. Hadiboh will have the best coverage. Etisalat has the best coverage though the SIM cards must be purchased in the UAE prior to your trip.

Electricity-  Electrical supply in Socotra is irregular. Realistically only Hadiboh has a grid though outages are frequent. In other areas of Socotra, solar panels and generators are common though there may or may not be sockets. If there are you’ll find Euro 2-pin and British 3-pin sockets.

Ultimately, it’s smart to plan as if you will not have electricity during your stay. Bring your own solar panel and battery banks .

It is possible to charge electronics while in the car. Bring an adaptor for the car cigarette lighter.

Socotra, Socotra Island, Yemen, Haggier Mountains, Haggier

What To Pack For Socotra Travel

  • Hiking Shoes, Boots Or Sandals
  • Trekking Pants & Shirts
  • Light Jacket or Fleece

Toiletries & Medications 

  • Biodegradable Cleansing Wipes
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Toilet Paper & Tissues
  • Environmentally/Reef Friendly Sunscreen
  • Moisturizer
  • Environmentally Friendly Soap, Shampoo, Conditioner
  • Toothbrush, Paste & Floss
  • Cotton Swabs
  • Bug Repellent
  • Hair ties & Brush/Comb
  • Feminine Hygiene Products
  • Contact Lens Solution
  • Any RX Or OTC Medications You Normally Take
  • Ibuprofen Or Tylenol
  • Antihistamines
  • Broad Spectrum Antibiotic
  • First Aid Kit


  • Solar Panel
  • Battery Bank
  • Car Adaptor
  • Camera & Lenses
  • Spare Camera Batteries
  • SD  Or  CF  Cards
  • Dust Proof Camera Protector
  • Cleaning Wipes + dust blower
  • Chargers & Cables For Electronics
  • SOS Beacon/Satellite Messenger


  • Headlamp  & Flashlight
  • Microfiber Towel
  • Water Purification Bottle or System

Read the full post:  Socotra packing list and prep guide

Arher Beach Socotra, Socotra Island, Yemen, Arher, Arher Beach, Socotra bioluminescence, bioluminescence

Socotra Tours

Check out the expeditions to Socotra I have departing over on Safar Expeditions .

Socotra, Socotra Island, Yemen, camel, camels, Socotra camels

Socotra Travel Costs

Without a doubt, Socotra is not a cheap destination to visit at present. There are only a handful of tour operators on the island, the Yemeni rial can fluctuate wildly, Yemenia has a monopoly on access and the costs of goods is high thanks to the island’s remote location. There is no question about it: Socotra travel is not cheap. Here is an estimate on what you can expect for cost:

  • The roundtrip Yemenia Cairo-Socotra-Cairo flight costs $1,160 USD for an economy class seat
  • The roundtrip Air Arabia Abu Dhabi-Socotra-Abu Dhabi flight costs $860 USD for an economy class seat
  • A one week tour of Socotra will cost about $1,000-3,000 USD per person (this price can fluctuate some thanks to an unstable currency and economy)
  • Visa cost is $170 USD

So for one week in Socotra, you should plan for $2,000-3,000 per person. You should also budget money for tips ($20 USD per day was suggested in the past to be split between a guide and a driver), personal travel insurance, and any souvenirs you’d like to purchase.

Please note that the price of tours does not decrease based on the number of people in your group (I have enquired about this with local operators and this is their policy). A tour will include a guide, driver, 4WD, food, camping gear, and activities and typically the price is not negotiable.

Please do not send me emails demanding ways to cut any of these costs. I do not have any influence nor control of the rules or costs in Socotra and quite frankly Socotris are struggling, so asking for discounts in a destination that is being affected economically by a brutal war I personally think is a slap in the face to the Socotri people who are welcoming tourists to their homeland.

Other Random Socotra Travel Information Worth Noting

  • Don’t take photos of women and girls unless you have full permission from them. Many times women will scurry away at the sight of foreigners and especially of a camera.
  • There are ice cream trucks on the island. I saw one on a desolate stretch of road near Arher (and if you’re wondering– yes, I chased it down and bought ice cream) and another in Hadiboh.
  • Drones can be a bit tricky to get to Socotra if coming from Cairo. Since many will arrive by this Cairo flight, it’s worth mentioning that drones are totally illegal in  Egypt . You may be able to talk with officials at the airport and let them know you’re transiting but they likely will make you lock it up at the airport before they let you out. If you’re lucky you can pick it up when you are departing but plan for a lengthy process and a run around getting it. Make sure to arrive at the airport extra early to deal with it when you are flying out to Socotra. On a fall 2019 trip of ours, two travelers had their drones confiscated and destroyed, so you can’t always be lucky.

travel to socotra island

Need Any More Information On Socotra Travel?

Ask your Socotra travel questions in the comments below.

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Socotra Packing List & Prep Guide

Dahaisi Cave rock art, Socotra, Yemen

Ancient Rock Art in Dahaisi Cave, Socotra

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travel to socotra island

Why Visit Socotra-What to Expect in Socotra Island

If you had mentioned a place called Socotra Island a few years ago, I couldn’t have told you a thing about it; I didn’t even know where it was.

I later discovered that Socotra was a remote island in the Indian Ocean, part of Yemen.

Hi, we’re Rach & Marty!

We’ve visited every country in the world and want to help you get the most out of your travels!

Whether you need an expertly planned itinerary , some experienced hints and tips , or just craving a delicious food adventure , we’ve got you covered!

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travel to socotra island

I started researching Socotra Island and discovered what an unspoiled paradise it appeared to be. Could it seriously be as pristine as the photos suggest?

We made arrangements to visit in December 2019 – this is what it is really like to visit Socotra Island.

Before the civil war in 2011 in Yemen, Socotra had been experiencing a small amount of tourism, about 4,000 tourists per year.

Once the civil war in Yemen started, Socotra was closed off from the world for over five years.

Today, intrepid visitors are very curious to see what this untouched island is all about.

Table of Contents

Is It Safe to Visit Socotra Island?

Socotra has never been at war, and visiting Socotra Island is very safe. This is, unfortunately, a different story on mainland Yemen, over 370 km away.

Your biggest challenge is getting to Socotra, as flights are limited.

Who Lives in Socotra Yemen?

For an island with an area of 3796 square metres and a population of about 45,000, it still feels like hardly anybody lives here. 

After our arrival on the first day, we stopped for lunch in the capital, Hadibo. This ‘city’ feels more like a small town, but it isn’t the reason you would want to visit Socotra.

visit Socotra - baker in Hadibu town in socotra

There are small shops here to stock up on dry goods, a few bakeries, butchers/fishmongers, and clothes shops surrounded by dusty streets.

Sadly, there is a great deal of garbage on the streets, and it’s common for locals to drop trash anywhere—the number of flattened plastic water bottles is eye-opening.

Our visit to Hadibu Socotra was brief, as it is the countryside most visitors are keen to see.

Once we left the city and headed out on the open road (which is mostly in good condition), the beauty of Socotra Island began to unfold.

Where to Stay and How to Get Around in Socotra

Put simply, all tourists who visit Socotra need to make arrangements in advance with a local tour operator on the island.

You can join a small group tour or even book a private tour.

As of 2023, flights are now out of Abu Dhabi, the only way to visit Socotra.

Please find more info in our blog:  How to Visit Socotra – Everything you need to know.

Expect that you will be wild camping here, as once you leave the capital – there are very few hotels, hot showers, etc.

You may be able to sleep in homestays along the way, but this all depends on the company/guide you book with.

We travelled in 4WD with a local driver/guide to get around the island – if you visit Socotra, this might be how you travel.

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Back to Basics – Sleep in a Tent and Eat Off the Land & Sea

Our 7-night itinerary included camping in a tent in various locations on the island. It was very warm and comfortable.

Mattresses, sheets, a pillow, and blankets were provided.

How to get to Socotra

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner were included as part of our trip. We had a cook travelling with us, and he prepared some tasty meals for our small group all week.

As the infrastructure on the island is very basic, there is no option to visit Socotra in the comfort you might be used to when visiting other countries. Just be prepared for this.

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What is The Food Like in Socotra?

This island relies heavily on fresh fish, so we ate this for lunch and dinner most days—fresh tuna fillets accompanied by rice or pasta and a fragrant sauce with potatoes and vegetables. So be prepared that your visit to Socotra will include plenty of fresh food.

We explain more about the most popular foods from Yemen here .

There were always fresh oranges, apples, and dates to munch on between meals and let’s not forget about the endless amount of tea.

food in socotra

Yemeni Tea is Always Available

If you can imagine yourself sitting with a hot cup of tea, staring out at crashing waves over a pristine beach with the sun setting for the evening – you’ll love Socotra.

At all times, you’ll find a hot thermos of prepared tea loaded with sugar, ready to consume. Tea is life here.

As our guide said, it is not possible to visit Socotra homes without being offered at least a few cups of tea.

travel to socotra island

How to Visit Socotra Island in 2024

travel to socotra island

10 Hardest Countries to Visit in the World

How much is a tour to visit socotra.

NOTE: A visit to Socotra is NOT cheap. It is one of the most expensive destinations I’ve taken for a week-long trip; it even beat the pricey cost of  visiting Bhutan .

Before our arrival, we researched most of the local tour operators currently running tours on the island.

They all have very similar pricing, so for us, it simply came down to choosing one with a good reputation and a good recommendation.

Tour Prices & Programs

Tour prices will vary between operators, and as mentioned above, the price does depend on how many passengers are in the group. Most groups that visit Socotra are small, or between 4-12 people. Tour programs are often very similar and include similar activities. 

Most agencies can arrange private tours in Socotra; however, expect to pay more for this option.

We recommend the local Tour Operator, Eye of Socotra .

We have listed approximate prices for this season, 2023/2024, if you book your tour program with  Eye of Socotra .

The prices below are for the  Tour Program only , excluding flights, visas or any hotel upgrades or extras. *These prices are subject to change at any time.

When booking, you can take 5% off this tour price if you quote our exclusive code below.

  • 1 person: USD 1800
  • 2 to 3 people: USD 1450 pp
  • 4 to 5 people: USD 1300 pp
  • 6 people: USD 1150 pp
  • 7 – 9 people USD 1050 pp
  • 10 or more people: USD 950 pp


Quote our exclusive code:  EYEOFSOCOTRA5  to receive a 5% discount on your tour! Read more about their programs here .

Alternatively, tour programs in Socotra can also be booked on Tourradar .

travel to socotra island

If you would like to learn more about how to book your trip, read our Ultimate Guide to Visit Socotra .

Five Top Things to Experience on Socotra Island

Unspoiled beaches.

It’s hard to imagine a land that is more diverse than Socotra. It honestly does feel like another world. The colour of the sand on the beaches here is powder white. The colour of the water is sparkling turquoise blue.

It is almost guaranteed that you will be the only person on the beach, leaving the only footprints in the sand on that day, if not the week.

The only issue can be garbage you might come across in piles left behind by locals.

Marine life

Marty Socotra beach

Snorkelling & Diving  – There are opportunities to dive & snorkel in Socotra. This island is home to more than 680 species of fish and over 250 species of coral. Divers have opportunities to explore underwater shipwrecks and discover untouched reefs.

Crystal-clear waters surrounding Socotra Island allow you to view marine life, such as dolphins, barracudas, turtles, manta rays, and more.

Unfortunately, during our visit to Socotra, we didn’t get to go snorkelling due to the rough sea on the day.

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Epic Landscapes

landscapes visit socotra

The landscape changes dramatically on the island – it’s always stunning. Socotra is often referred to as the most alien-like place on Earth.

There are caves to explore, massive rocky mountains to hike, limestone plateaus, waterfalls and wadis (natural waterholes) to discover, a desert, and stunning beaches everywhere.

This island is rich in endemic plants and animals.

infinity pool socotra

Dragon Blood- Unique Socotra Island Trees

The dragon blood tree is perhaps the most iconic symbol of Socotra. This unique and strange-looking Socotra Island tree is endemic to the island.

It is named after its dark red resin, known as “dragon’s blood”, and offers a range of traditional medicinal uses for the Soqotri people for centuries.

It was a pretty cool moment when I saw my first dragon blood tree sitting high on the plateau. As we hiked up further, we came face to face with hundreds of these ancient-looking trees.

It’s a highlight for anyone who visits Socotra.

Socotra island trees - The Dragon Blood Tree

An Adventure Lovers’ Paradise

Socotra is perfect for adventure lovers, keen hikers, and those who crave simplicity and natural beauty. 

A visit to Socotra feels like you are worlds away from anywhere, probably because you are.

visit Socotra. Marty and Rach hiking Socotra

Few places remain where you can be surrounded by so much space, silence, and beautiful, natural surroundings.

Socotra is waiting to welcome you if you’re looking for a destination unlike any other.

Visit Socotra before the rest of the world discovers what an absolute gem this place is.

Make sure you get Travel Insurance before hitting the road. We recommend Heymondo & SafetyWing

Click here and get 5% off Heymondo from us!

If you’re considering a visit to Socotra, our post about how to visit Socotra, everything you need to know  will provide you with the details to make it happen. 

And check out our post about the 20 most popular foods from Yemen .

Are you interested in travelling to other countries with few visitors? We travelled to Libya in late 2021, and it was fascinating! First, it’s not an easy visa to get – so you may need to start by reading about how to visit Libya – all the details you need.  

Suppose you’re interested in seeing the most incredible Roman Ruins (Leptis Magna and Sabratha would have to be the best I’ve ever seen). Here are the best sites to see at Leptis Magna .

In that case, visiting Libya, one of the least visited countries in the world is for you!

To continue discovering AMAZING Roman ruins and visiting another country that doesn’t receive many visitors, I’d recommend you check out Algeria .

I’ll admit it: obtaining a visa isn’t so easy for many nationalities, but if you persist and get your hands on one, there are many incredible places to visit in Algeria .

We learned many valuable tips in the first week there and recommend you read our 13 essential things to know before you go.  

Travel Tips for Asia

We have many travel guides and tips for Asia— a fascinating continent!

Delicious cuisine can be enjoyed across Asia, and our food map of Asia will inspire your food journey.

These top 5 best street foods in Asia are unmissable! We explain Central Asian food, including seven popular foods in this region.

Our Southeast Asia packing list will be helpful if you’re travelling here.

Furthermore, if you plan to travel long-term (or at least until the money runs out), these 21 cheapest countries to visit will help you make your hard-earned dollars stretch a bit further.

Not surprisingly, our top 10 best countries for food lovers include a few Asian countries.

You’ll need to stay connected while travelling in Asia. We recommend eSIM. It’s easy, reliable and affordable. View eSIMs for individual Asian countries , or consider a regional eSIM for Asia (which covers 18 countries).

If your travels in Asia are part of a much larger global adventure, then a Global eSIM may be the answer. It connects you in 124 countries , offering data-only eSIM and data/call/text eSIM . The Global eSIM has been a game-changer; we couldn’t imagine travelling without it now.

If you want to travel with like-minded travellers, consider joining a group tour. View the best deals on group tours in Asia .

Check out our best-ever travel tips compiled from more than twenty years of experience.

Travel Planning Resources

✈️ Flights : We use Skyscanner to book cheap flights worldwide.

🏨 Accommodation : is our preferred platform for booking hotels and accommodation. We use Vrbo to book apartments and long-term stays.

🏥 Travel Insurance : We recommend Heymondo ( Get 15% off Heymondo )  & SafetyWing

🚌 Transportation : Trainline is the best website to reserve trains. We use Omio to book transport worldwide. For travel in Asia, we use 12Go.  

🚘 Car Rental : We use DiscoverCars to book rental cars worldwide.

👫 Group Tours :  G Adventures OR compare multi-day tours worldwide with Tourradar .

📸 Day Tours & Trips :  GetYourGuide  & Viator are the only two platforms you need.

📚 Lonely Planet: The Best Range of Travel Guides & Ebooks , and FREE Shipping! (use code RACHELDAVEY10 for a 10% discount)

🎒 Luggage :  Osprey Farpoint 40L Backpack  or  Samsonite Luggage Range.

🛄 What to Pack:  Don’t forget your Universal charger and a good  power bank .  To help you pack the essentials, here is our ULTIMATE Packing List for all Travellers .

🐶 Become a House Sitter:  Join Trusted Housesitters and enjoy FREE accommodation worldwide. Use our invite to receive 25% off your new membership.

💰 Send Money Anywhere: WISE  &  Revolut  are the best online accounts that let you send money, get paid, and spend money internationally. Both are so easy to use and way cheaper than any bank transfer.

📶  Stay Connected: Airalo eSIM allows you to get connected the moment you land at your destination, and you can avoid those expensive data roaming charges. We LOVE this product! Use promo code NOMAD15 for 15% off ALL eSIMs (new Airalo users only) OR use NOMAD10 for 10% off ALL eSIMs (for existing Airalo users)

✅ Check out our Travel Gear  and  Travel Resources for more valuable tips to save you money!

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2 Comments . Leave new

travel to socotra island

World Nomads Travel Insurance says they do not insure for Yemen!!!

travel to socotra island

Check out BattleFace Insurance They offer coverage to Yemen and other countries that are remote and unconventional.

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Socotra Trek Tours


Travel to socotra – discover the unseen.

⚠️ Bookings for the 2024-2025 season are now open ! Seats on the plane to Socotra are limited and can quickly fill up . We recommend booking early to secure your spo t and ensure an unforgettable experience with Socotra Trek. Don’t miss out on exploring the unique beauty of Socotra – reserve your adventure today !

Embark on a journey like no other with Socotra Trek, your gateway to the mystical island of Socotra. Discover untouched landscapes , from surreal Dragon Blood trees to pristine white sand beaches , on an adventure curated to connect you deeply with nature’s wonders.

Socotra Trek Tours, eco-tourism agency offering adventure trips since 2013

Experience Socotra with Adnan and his local agency based in Hadiboh , the capital of Socotra. Established in 2013, Socotra Trek offers personalized guidance and local insights that turn every trip into a memorable expedition.

Take a look at the camping , trekking , and other types of tours we organize for you.

Local expertise

Eco-tourism focus, comprehensive services, variety of activities, what our clients say about socotra trek tours.

star rating

Ready to visit Socotra?

Let’s get in touch.

You can also contact us directly:

Adnan, ready to make your journey unforgettable.

Follow us on Social Media


Hello, I'm here to answer all your questions about Socotra. Let's chat!


Socotra Trip Logo


  • The Dragon Blood Trees or umbrellas upside down.
  • Sand pyramids or Crab’s homes to flirt with their partners.
  • Trees in the shape of a Picasso bottle.
  • A vertiginous gorge where it seems that at any moment, the dinosaurs will pop up to say hello.

Adventure in Socotra

Experience Socotra Island biodiversity  by practicing your favorite activities.

A memory for life. How does this sound to you?

  • Swimming with the  Dolphins
  • Trekking as if you were in Jurassic Park
  • Diving among colorful corals full of marine life
  • Fishing  pieces of a size you thought did not exist
  • Kitesurfing with the powerful winds of the Monsoon season
  • Kayaking or SUP in the water lagoons of the Arabian Sea
  • Yoga under the light of the stars with the energy of the legendary trees
  • A Gyrocopter flight to the peak of the mountains
  • Sunbath in the most pristine beaches you can imagine

Do not dream, do it!

Get your camera ready and show your friends that you are in Socotra #TheMostAlienPlaceOnEarth .

The Most Alien Place on Earth - Socotra Trip


Every week there is a direct flight to Socotra from Abu Dhabi International Airport (UAE).

We will be waiting for you at  Habido airport, preparing absolutely everything for you to enjoy.

All our Socotra Trip  packages  are inclusive of:

  • Roundtrip flight Abu Dhabi – Hadibo – Abu Dhabi
  • Accommodation 8 days 7 nights in hotel room double occupancy and camping (all equipment included).
  • Transportation 4 wheel cars (AC and fuel included).
  • Local tour guides, beduins guides, and drivers
  • 8 days excursions with a full guided & scheduled itinerary (since you land until your departure).
  • Boat trip to Shoab Beach (typical  fisherman boats)
  • 3 meals a day
  • Mineral water
  • Selection of soft drinks (juices & sodas)
  • Protected Area Fees
  • Antigen Rapid Test Swab mandatory before leaving Socotra
  • Socotra trip memorabilia

Our days will be filled with bold discoveries of prehistoric wilderness and connection with nature.

Explore Socotra,  #TheMostAlienPlaceOnEarth


Socotra has been practically isolated from the outside world. This is one of its greatest attractions: it is a virgin and unexplored destination.

Be prepared to spend most of your time outdoors. The connection with  nature is key to understanding this trip. Socotra is the world that is so unique and so isolated in time that the Wi-Fi connection is remote and non-existent in many parts of the island. It is time for you to  connect with yourself.

We recommend you to read carefully  Plan Your Socotra Trip section where you will find the necessary information to enjoy #TheMostAlienPlaceOnEarth

  • Travel Packages to Socotra
  • Is Socotra open for tourists?
  • How much does it cost to visit Socotra?
  • Is it safe to travel to Socotra?
  • FAQs on Socotra Island?

Socotra Trip Logo

  • Experience Socotra
  • The Socotra Island
  • Tour Packages
  • Plan Your Trip

Socotra Seaport Road,

Hadibo La Sirena Hotel,

Dubai Investment Park -1,

My Free Range Family

Destinations , Yemen, Socotra Island · Last Updated: November 24, 2023

A Socotra Tour Review & Guide to Tourism on the Island

Dragon blood trees on a tour of Socotra Island Yemen

🐲 The unique island of Socotra, Yemen – land of the Dragon Blood tree – an ideal tour destination for an intrepid travel lover and nature enthusiast ! And chances are, you didn’t land here by accident. I’m going to take a punt and say you’ve heard of the hidden island of Socotra and may be curious about the possibility of tourism to this strange land. 

I’ve been where you are, interest piqued by Nat Geo photos of an exotic island , an alien like tree, sandy white beaches and the bluest water you’ve ever laid eyes on . What’s more, the country to which this island belongs is seldom visited by tourists. Curiosity has probably got the better of you, just like it did me.  

And at a quick glance, you’ll quickly see that Socotra island offers the perfect balance of adventure travel tourism AND awe-inspiring nature. From beach time, to hiking, cave exploration, snorkelling or diving, this little island packs one heck of a punch! It’s no wonder photographers and adventure travel junkies flock to Socotra for a glimpse of its unique landscape and compelling beauty.

So now it’s your turn and we’ve made this next step easy for you. Just read this post to narrow down the best tour operator and then book your Socotra expedition of a lifetime .  

Sounds cliché but trust me… I exaggerate not.  Socotra in just two words is  Next Level !

Below I tell you all about what to expect on a guided tour of Socotra, including tour prices along with a discount code . As well as some essential travel tips you should know. So read on for all the juicy details.

Table of Contents

How Tourism in Socotra Works

* This post may contain affiliate links that may earn me a small commission should you decide to click through and make a valid purchase (at no extra cost to you). Thanks for your support!

Dragon blood tree overlooking the Infinity Pool on Socotra Island tour

We travelled to Socotra, post covid, from Abu Dhabi with Air Arabia. But note: you won’t find flights to Socotra through booking platforms online.

On arrival we quickly gathered a better understanding of how tourism in Socotra functions.  External travel agents are connected with internal locally certified tourism companies.  The external operator arranges everything via the internal local Yemeni operator, including visas, flights, accommodation… the whole nine yards.  

At this point there are only a few local providers and you can only enter and travel within Socotra with their sponsorship and guidance.   Essentially, they invite you, arrange your tourist visa and are then responsible for you on the island.  

This is why tourism in Socotra is only possible with a guided tour. Which when you consider the unique landscape and thus fragile ecosystem, this guided system is a necessity in protecting the island’s unique and rare biodiversity.

travel to socotra island

Book with Inertia Network & use our discount code: FREERANGE100 for $100 (per indv) off a trip to Socotra!

To Camp or Not to Camp?

travel to socotra island

You essentially have a couple of options regarding accommodation. When thinking about your tour to Socotra you need to decide if you prefer a bed and shower… or NOT! The alternative is camping.  

And if you ask me, I thoroughly recommend the second option.  Camping is where the adventure is AT. Your guides take care of everything too, they pitch your tent, prepare your mattress and so it’s up to you to simply pick the exact spot to park your tent.  

Most of the camping is on the beach and are in designated camp sites.   The only downside of this is the bathroom situation. But in my opinion, this is a once in a lifetime experience. And if it means you have to crap in the wilderness once or twice, well it’s a small price to pay for getting to sleep on some of the most stunning beaches in the world.  

AND if the thought of camping literally scares the crap out of you, then read our packing list linked below. We share some tips on how to make the experience a little less daunting and little more comfortable.

The last night of your Socotra tour you will be taken to stay in a hotel. We stayed at the Heathrow Hotel which is across the road from the airport. And I’ve got to say it, but the shower and bed were a welcome sight after six nights of camping.

Read: Our post on packing essentials for Socotra !

Hotels in Hadibo

Bottle tree blooms with pink flowers on Socotra Island tour

However, if camping still doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, then go for the hotel option of course. When you stay here the driver and guide pick you up and drop you off each day. This means that you stay in the main town of Hadibo (the capital of Socotra) and tour the sights by day . Which means, you need to be okay with a couple of longer days road trippin.

According to our guide there are a few hotels in Hadibo and they range between 2-3 stars and so they are very simple. Actually, I think what makes Socotra a special place to visit is the lack of 5 star hotels. I feel it preserves tourism in Socotra and protects the off the beaten track experience. Tourism in Socotra feels raw, real and as a result way more authentic.  

Note: We met other travellers during our visit who opted for a hotel stay. While I know they did enjoy their bed and shower at the end of the day, I couldn’t help but pick up an element of regret in their conversation, that they had not camped.

How the Guided Tours Work

travel to socotra island

Your guide and driver are there at the airport to meet you on arrival.  And it’s straight in!  The tour of Socotra island immediately gets underway… so prepare to be wowed.

You are assigned a cook who will serve you three delicious meals a day , consisting mostly of biryani (rice dish), fresh fish, salad and flat bread. And breakfast is usually beans, eggs of some kind and flat breads. The food was simple but very good and at no stage will you go hungry!

You will likely stay in a different campsite each night as Socotra is surprisingly quite large. And given that each corner of the island has something uniquely different to offer, it makes sense that you will travel an hour or two between locations, setting up a new camp each time. I would highly recommend you don’t worry about the itinerary too much, just sit back relax and let the wonder unfold infront of you.

Ofcourse each tour provider operates slightly differently and so my experience of Socotra is based on our tour with Inertia Network . Read – Who to Book Your Tour With below for our tour review.

💁‍♀️ Socotra Travel Tour Tip: If you prefer to avoid crowds let your guide know and they can find ways of making this happen. For example taking you to more remote locations and arriving to the hot spots earlier or later. We asked for a couple of unique requests and our guide was terrific at fitting this into our tour. And in fact, these became some of our favourite experiences on our Socotra tour.

Who to Book Your Tour With ?

Swimming in a wadi on Socotra Island, Yemen.

I really did my homework before booking as I wanted to ensure that I found the right tour operator.  If we were going to make the trip to Socotra, we wanted to do it right.  I emailed many, asked many questions (as I always do) and finally came across one that ticked all the boxes. I stumbled across a series of itineraries and micro-group tours to Socotra with Inertia Network and knew that I had found the right tour provider for us. 

There were three main things I was looking for… company ethos around sustainability, group tour size and last but not least… cost.  But let’s breakdown how Inertia Network met these prerequisites for me.

Use Discount Code: FREERANGE100 – Just quote it and get $100 off (per individual) on your trip to Socotra!

Reason Number One – Ethos 

In awe of a dragon blood tree in Socotra Island, Yemen

This is such an important one for our little free range family.  Just to be clear, we don’t take preorganized tours often, it’s just not how we tend to travel.  But after reading Inertia’s website from top to bottom I had an inkling that they could be the right provider for us.  

After emailing back and forth, I felt that they shared a similar vision around travel that we go in search of.  The kind of travel where you tread gently in off beat destinations, looking for authentic experiences . You know the kind of travel I’m talking about right?  

Inertia Network take travellers on expeditions, rather than tourists on holiday if you catch my drift.  They seek to protect and preserve the destinations they visit making travel more sustainable in the long run in terms of conservation and impact.  Box one – tick.

Reason Number Two – Group Size  

Tourists visit the sand dunes on a tour of Socotra

I reiterate we don’t often book tours!  Booking a large organized group tour gives me anxiety.  So, we weren’t wanting to be lumped in with a group feeling like just another number in the herd.  And we were not, it was the two of us, a driver and a guide. 

I can’t tell you how happy we were that we had this super intimate experience within Socotra .  We saw many large groups travelling in convoys.  Strangers grouped together and limited essentially to locations that could cater for larger groups.  

While we could pick up and move on whenever we were ready, sleep in more remote locations like under the dragon blood trees, see more of the island and go to places that interested us, just us. Box two – tick.

🧭 If you are the kind of traveller that enjoys group travel, I can tell you that Inertia Network plan some awesome micro-group itineraries – check them out here !

Reason Number Three – Cost  

Tourist campsite in Firmin among the dragon blood trees in Socotra Island

Visiting Socotra is bucketlist stuff, it’s obviously super unique and that makes travel here more expensive than your average holiday destination.  

After rounding in a number of quotes, I discovered that Inertia Network not only would give us what we needed in terms of experience, but also that their rates were very reasonable.  Basically, they provided us with a one week all-inclusive bucketlist expedition at a fair and competitive price .  Box three – tick.

AND… We have teamed up with Inertia Network since our trip. They have kindly offered a discount to our readers. So if you quote the code – FREERANGE100 – they will give a $100 discount to each individual who signs up for any trip!

Awesome right… trust me, you couldn’t book with a cooler team 💥

Inertia Network and Expeditions Beyond Socotra

travel to socotra island

If Inertia Network sounds like they might tick your boxes too, then you should also check out their other expeditions here .

And if you are wondering which trip we took – it was the 8 day Biodiversity Highlights Trip . They have two trips coming up in 2024, one in February and one in April. With micro groups no bigger than 6 people, and a price tag of $1600 USD, you are in for a trip of a lifetime .

And you can make that $1500 per person, with our discount code: FREERANGE100.

The team always have SUPER unique and exciting travel expeditions up their sleeve… their intrepid adventures go way WAY beyond the main tourist trail. Basically, you should expect perspective changing type of travel but also the opportunity to meet really cool people at the same time.

🌱 It wasn’t until we got to Socotra that I was truly grateful for doing the research in finding the right tour operator.  Read on to find out more about our travels, sustainable tourism in Socotra and the benefits of booking with Inertia .

Sustainable Tourism in Socotra

travel to socotra island

In a nutshell… we had the most amazing time in Socotra on our tour. It is just such a wildly unique destination. In our opinion, Socotra needs to be on your travel radar if you love off beat travel. But at the same time it needs to be protected.

And so I urge anyone planning a trip to Socotra to choose a responsible tour operator who has sustainability and conservation clearly in their sights .

Following many in depth conversations with Mohammed the local tour operator, I was confident that our decision making, was well justified. You see, I love to get down to the nitty gritty and ask all those uncomfortable questions that need to be approached. I always want to ensure that our travel along with the tour providers that we recommend, do not negatively impact, or come at a cost to the local infrastructure, community and environment.

These conversations with Mohammed lead to a deeper understanding of the efforts he has personally taken to protect his homeland of Socotra. His goals for his island are based on several foundations. Cleaning the streets of Hadibo (the capital) and finding more efficient waste management systems, increasing access to education for all, better opportunities around gender equality and exploring new methods around and improving current agricultural practices.

💧 Promoting sustainable travel is at the centre of why I show up here!

When You Support Local

A birds eye view over beach and crystal blue water on Socotra - a must see place on an island tour

I was very excited to hear that in 2020 Mohammed founded a school in Hadibo in which they accept international volunteers to assist with education and administration.

We also discovered that 20% of the tour profits go to supporting the school and teachers employed . Lessons around computer studies, english and other classes that will ultimately support local quality of life. A tour of the school gave me increased confidence that we were in good hands and that as a result of our booking with Inertia the locals were benefiting.

When asked about his thoughts on the future of tourism in Socotra, Mohammed expressed his hopes that 5 star hotels would not make it to the island. An opinion that we share.

From our perspective tourism in Socotra would benefit from the continued current sustainable approach towards guided tours and camping on beaches. But only time will tell, how tourism will evolve in Socotra and in the meantime supporting local tour guides such as Mohammed, has a positive impact for the Socotri people.

If you have any questions or ponderings about visiting Socotra then absolutely do not hesitate to get in touch!

✈️ Don’t miss our post on Travel to Socotra – Everything You Ought to Know 🐬 Or this one on – Is it Safe to Travel to Socotra 🐲 Or read here for the 10 best locations to visit on Socotra Island

And of course I recommend that you bookmark or pin this post for later, for when your Socotra travel planning begins.

Off the beaten track in Socotra

We now travel full-time and have plenty more itineraries and guides to share on all the destinations we visit. Sign up to follow our journey! (And don’t worry we won’t spam you with unnecessary emails.)

travel to socotra island

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April 21, 2022 at 8:14 pm

Amazing post! Loved seeing and hearing about your journey on Instagram, and thank you so much for your kind words, Sharon. Hope we can have the pleasure of taking you to another amazing place sometime in the future 🙂

Best, Isaac from Inertia Network

travel to socotra island

April 28, 2022 at 6:17 pm

The pleasure was all mine Isaac… we certainly hope to travel with Inertia again in the future. You guys are straight up awesome!!

travel to socotra island

October 20, 2022 at 7:12 pm

Thank you for a well informed piece, A bit of an unusual question but I will have my laptop with me. Will it be safe to travel with or would you recommend leaving it in a locker in Abu Dhabi airport for the duration?

October 20, 2022 at 7:50 pm

Hi Mick, thanks for your question. Not unusual at all… we took our laptop so that we could offload our photos every day. So from our experience, it was perfectly safe.

travel to socotra island

July 17, 2023 at 10:57 pm

Love this, I’ve been wanting to visit Socotra since 2011, but have never made it/the internal conflict in Yemen.

Did you feel safe at all times? I’d like to go with my boyfriend, and as a gay man, I worry about how that would go. I’m considering asking other friends to join us in order to offset the vibe, but TBD. Let me know what your thoughts are!

August 10, 2023 at 12:22 am

Hi DJ, oh you must go… it’s one of the best travel experiences you’ll ever have! In terms of safety, we felt safe 100% of the time, but I couldn’t comment on how gay people would be received. In saying this, we have lived in the Middle East for years, and like all Islamic countries, you would just need to be mindful about what information you share openly and how you act in public. The same would go for my husband and I… we wouldn’t be openly affectionate or touch in public, as this is generally frowned upon, particularly in stricter countries. I know this doesn’t answer your question but I hope it helps 🙂

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Quality holidays on Socotra with SOCOTRA TAMAM

travel to socotra island

Socotra is one of the rare pearls of the Earth.

The archipelago has long been isolated from the rest of the world, but there is a tourist boom in Socotra now, constrained only by a shortage of air tickets. Civilization and mass tourism are already coming with all the ensuing problems.

We do not play dumping and still offer good service for organized groups and individuals. We make custom programs on any topic and we have new places and routes for those who are going to Socotra again. We provide special terms to agencies and tour leaders.

You can write us a email or contact us via WhatsApp

The last tourist season on Socotra in the photos of our guides

The last tourist season on Socotra was very busy. We have received many groups and individual travelers, some of whom come to Socotra not for the first time. We have a special program for them with new places that are not included in regular tours.

Basic camping tour around Socotra 2024-2025

A dense one week program with overnight stays in nature includes the most interesting and beautiful places of the island of Socotra.

  • Our travel programs on Socotra

Summer programs on Socotra

Traditionally, summer is considered a non-tourist season, although it is at this time of the year that you can see a lot of interesting and unusual things on Socotra. We invite you to visit Socotra in the summer, during the monsoon season, when the island is completely transformed. We have developed special summer programs that allow you to comfortably travel around the island in camping mode. In the summer of 2024, there will be two flights to Socotra - from Abu Dhabi ($960) and from Cairo ($1200 with a transfer in Aden)

Commiphora Ornifolia -  very rare and unique resin from Socotra island. A limited amount is available.

We have received a very limited amount of Commiphora Ornifolia myrrh, which is endemic on Socotra. Myrrh was collected especially for us in the most remote corners of the island.

  • Natural resins from Socotra Island

Socotra for sailors

Socotra is absolutely calm and safe place. There are no pirates on Socotra. "Socotra Tamam" working as marine agent since 2014 when Socotra was reopened to sailors. Every year we receive about 30 yachts, most of which come to Socotra for refueling. We arrange all the necessary documents on Socotra, help you to fill the boat with water and fuel, buy food, do your laundry etc.

  • SOCOTRA TAMAM tour operator

Discover summer Socotra. Individual tours with flights from Cairo or Abu Dhabi

Summer on Socotra is traditionally considered a non-tourist season, although at this time you can see a lot of interesting and unusual things on Socotra. We invite you to visit Socotra in summer, during the monsoon winds season, when the island is completely transformed. We have developed special summer programs that allow you to comfortably travel around the island in camping mode. In the summer of 2023, there will be two flights to Socotra - Emirates from Abu Dhabi ($860) and Yemenia from Cairo ($1070 with a transfer in Aden)

Exclusive tour to Socotra from 1 to 8 November 2022 under the guidance of one of the best Socotra specialists

An exclusive camping tour to Socotra will take place from 1 to 8 November 2022. The group is led by Ismael, one of the best experts on the cultural, natural and historical heritage of Socotra. Ismael does not usually work with tourists, but at our great request he agreed to work with one group. The cost of participation is $ 1350

One week camping tour around Socotra. 2022-2023 season

A dense program with overnight stays in nature includes the most interesting and beautiful places of the island of Socotra. The program is specially-designed for photography enthusiasts. We provide maximum comfort and excellent nutrition. The best guides and chefs of Socotra are at your service.

  • Programs of the past years

New campsite on Socotra

Good news for those who do not want or cannot sleep in a tent! A new, very decent and inexpensive campsite has opened on Socotra. Built by the Jordanians. The hotel is located outside the city, near the airport, so you will be spared the noise and rubbish of the capital.

  • Socotra News

Helicopter tours on Socotra

Helicopter tours are now available on Socotra. In the presence of a helicopter MI-2 and several gyroplanes. Ukrainian pilots have been working at Socotra for several years.

Socotra available again for tourism!

Season 2021 on Socotra is open. Felix Airlines launched a direct flight from Dubai to Socotra (on Thursdays). We are waiting for the first guests in February. The next group tours to Socotra are planned in March.

Group tours to Socotra in 2020

The next group tours to Socotra in 2020: a camping tour from March 18 to March 25 and from March 25 to April 1 (guide Nadya Novikova). From April 1 to April 8, Nadya Novikova will conduct a trekking tour under our new program.

Vladimir Melnik. Trekking in Socotra. Skant area.

A real trekking tour is the best way to see and get to know Socotra island. Vladimir Melnik was on Socotra 12 time!

  • Socotra visitor's pictures

Exclusive Socotra Trekking Tour

Together with Salem Al-Keabany, who will be your guide, we offer a new weekly trekking program. Camels and porters will carry things and equipment. You will spend 2 days on the coast, including the most beautiful beach in Shuab Bay. This season we will do 4 group tours - March 4-11, 18-25, April 1-8 and 15-22. The minimum group size is 4 people. Maximum - 8 people. We invite agents to cooperation.

Must read - very interesting book about Socotra island

An extremely interesting book "Island of dragon`s blood" by a British researcher Douglas Botting. The book was published in 1958. Find out what was on Socotra during the time of Sultan.

Fake dragon blood on the market

Caution! Fake dragon blood resin found in the market. We found that some companies sell fake "dragon blood resin from Socotra". Instead of resin of Dracaena Cinnabiri that is produced only on Socotra, resin from Sumatra is most likely offered.

travel to socotra island

Our specially-developed program includes the most interesting and beautiful places of the island of Socotra. The main idea of our program is to avoid staying with other tour groups in camping sites. Instead, we plan to camp out in the most beautiful places of Socotra.

Strong rains on Socotra

It rained heavily on Socotra. Many roads are blurred. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

Sabur - dried aloe juice from Socotra

In addition to the unique resins, Socotra produces Sabur - dried aloe juice. Aloe from Socotra is a very powerful remedy and should be taken with caution as a medicine.

Socotra in November

In November, a northeastern monsoon is installed on Socotra, which brings clouds and sometimes rains to the island. The winter season in Socotra is the best time for trekking and landscape photography.

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  • How, what and why on Socotra
  • Accomodation on Socotra
  • Activities on the island of Socotra
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  • The resin of Boswellia trees from Socotra is the best frankincense in the world
  • Myrrh resin (Commiphora Kua) from Socotra island
  • Sabur - dried aloe juice from Socotra
  • Fake dragon blood on the market
  • Commiphora Ornifolia - very rare and unique resin from Socotra island. A limited amount is available.
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travel to socotra island

Matador Original Series

How to: travel to socotra island, yemen.

S omewhere between 189 and 217 nautical miles off the coast of Yemen (depending on your source of information), and some 130 off the coast of Somalia, like a tiny, glittering tongue-stud in the gaping maw of the Gulf of Aden, lies the legendary island of Socotra (Suquṭra), ancient source of ambergris, dragon’s blood, frankincense, and myrrh.

Now an International Biosphere Reserve , it’s been called a Wonder Land , the Galapagos of the Indian Ocean , and one of The Most Alien Landscapes on Earth .

“It is one of those unique places in the world,” says Spanish toptrotter Jorge Sanchez, founder of the well-respected Travelers Exploits Club .

And it has a long and distinguished history of being very hard to get to.

With two annual monsoons (southwest from June-October and northeast from April-May), no natural harbor, not much anchorage to speak of, and a flourishing offshore piracy business, arrival by sea has always been problematic.

Thomas the Apostle is said to have been shipwrecked here sometime in the first century A.D., on his way to or from India. They say he built a church from the wreckage.

Marco Polo managed a safe landing, apparently, but noted the abundance of corsairs selling booty to the locals. For the generally uncooperative weather he squarely blamed the latter: a naked people he described as “ the most skilful enchanters in the world. ” He continues,

[I]f a ship is proceeding full sail with a favourable wind, they raise a contrary one, and oblige it to return. They can make it blow from any quarter they please, and cause either a dead calm or a violent tempest.

According to The Arabian Nights , Sinbad the Sailor made a brief call here on his fifth voyage , only to have his ship destroyed not by Socotran witchcraft but by a pair of huge, angry, possibly not entirely mythical birds-of-prey dropping boulders on it.

Birds of such description no longer factor among the 211 species on the Socotra Bird Checklist and the last Socotran witchcraft trials are said to have been held in the 1970s, but the corsairs, as always well-equipped with the latest in contemporary weaponry and chutzpah, are still very much in business.

According to Alan Lucas’ classic Red Sea and Indian Ocean Cruising Guide , “vessels have been grappled and towed into shore for looting.” Yachtsmen are advised to give the archipelago as wide a berth as possible.

Several local fishermen have been murdered in 2009, or have had their boats or engines taken out from under them at gunpoint. A freighter bound for Socotra with 2,000 tons of diesel fuel was taken by Somali pirates and held for ransom between January and April of 2009, causing a shortage of electricity on the island.

The silver lining, for diving enthusiasts, is an unparalleled underwater landscape of sunken vessels waiting to be explored.

Bill Altaffer, of Expedition Photo Travel in San Diego, was among the first tourists to Socotra after a new airstrip was built in 1999. It almost didn’t happen for him.

“We got on a plane in Sana’a,” he recalls.

It was a crummy plane, a Yemen Air piece of shit, and as we’re about to lift off there’s this big bang and flames shoot out of the engine.

Altaffer’s been to every country in the world, plus 300 island groups, disputed areas, territories, and colonies. He’s been to both poles. He’s surfed off every continent and skied on six. The dude was the first American to surf the legendary Queenscliff bombora off Manly Beach in Sydney (in 1962).

He wasn’t about to let a little equipment failure get in the way of his pioneering visit to what he describes as “an island full of blond people who are descendants of Alexander the Great.”

If it had come to it, he’d have gone through Aden, where weeks earlier the USS Cole had docked to a warm welcome of Al Qaeda-brand C-4 explosives. As it turned out, Yemenia found another plane in somewhat better condition.

Charles Veley, of San Francisco, who, by his own count, is The World’s Most Traveled Man, has been to 710 “countries, territories, autonomous regions, enclaves, geographically separated island groups, and major states and provinces.” When he gets to 762 he figures he’ll have been “everywhere” — that is, unless the number goes up before he gets there.

He hit Socotra early on December 31, 2004, back when there was only one flight a week, “so the choice was whether to turn around the same day or stay 7 days.”

Veley stayed for a couple of hours, found the landscape “remarkable and otherworldly,” and the people “super-friendly — much friendlier than on the mainland,” then got back on the plane in time to make a giant New Year’s Eve party and Sean Paul concert at the Sheraton in Addis Ababa.

When he goes back to Socotra, he says, he’ll spend 3-5 days and treat it “like a camping trip, because the hotels are basic and in the only town [Hadibo], and the scenery is far out of town.”

Until recently, Yemenia (Yemen National Airways) was the only airline with semi-regular service to Socotra (SCT). For a while it was almost daily, out of both Sana’a and Aden, through Riyan (RIY) at Al Mukalla.

Now, both Yemenia Airway (once a week) and Felix Airways (twice a week) fly to Socotra from Sana’s airport in Yemen. You can also fly into Socotra from Sharjah airport in the United Arab Emirates once a week.

And let us know how it goes!

Rules, Regs & Red Flags

For the latest travel advisories, piracy and terrorism updates, and general visa information, check the U.S. State Department’s oft-updated Yemen Page.

General Notes/Tips from Jorge Sanchez

You can hitch hike from the airport to Hadibo: the first car will give you a ride. In Hadibo there are several hotels, you can bargain for the price. The first one is where all tourists meet, Germans, Italians, and the rest. They organize trips, excursions, rent Land Rovers, etc. I went further downtown and found a nice hotel, cheap, with shower. But several nights I slept à la belle etoile, on the beach. People brought us mattresses to sleep on the sand. Fish is good and cheap, as well as goats. Transport is easy: just stop any pick-up and negotiate a price for the highlights of the island, especially the dragon’s blood trees and the oasis in the middle of the island, it’s all very cheap. Learn some Arabic, it’s very useful in negotiating prices. The only inconvenience is that beers are forbidden, and all alcohol, so it’s water or Coca Cola. Still, you will not regret visiting Socotra!

This article was originally published on July 27th, 2009.

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Destination, fixed starting dates, welcome to socotra travel center.

The Archipelago of Socotra is one of those “lost world” islands (Socotra island separated from the mainland six million years ago) where intrepid travellers – particularly those seeking exotic nature and wildlife in a remote tropical setting- can go days on end without rubbing shoulders with that less-than- endangered species: the tourist.

Known for decades as the Galapagos of the Indian Ocean and the Pearl of the Arabian Sea, Socotra is like nowhere else in the world: a paradise of biodiversity, endemic flora and fauna and unparalleled beauty.

Socotra Travel Center is a leading tour operation company based in Socotra, Yemen, run by professionals. We provide superior top notch touring services while ensuring excellent service standard.

Discover the virgin beauty and magic of Socotra Islands with Socotra Travel Center (STC) award-winning tourism tour-operator company.

We believe that holidays should help travelers reinvent their true selves, hence, our packages and travel solutions are exciting, meaningful and fulfilling. Keeping all these in mind, our customized trips help travelers refresh and rekindle their positive spirits.

We have a wide range of packages that suit the diverse interests of vacationers. Our tours take you to the most exciting places on Socotra where you can unwind your mind and fill with peace and joy.

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The World’s #1 Direct Site Seller of Socotra Tours is a complete eco-tourism destination guide to visit Socotra Island, with recommended tour packages that include detailed itineraries – tailor-made options to meet your convenience and requirements.

Our online booking system offers secure payment platform, whilst you can also enjoy flexible payment options.

You can find a comprehensive guide for Socotra Archipelago including flight options, Socotra Travel Tips for visitors, Socotra information , its history , Socotra fauna and flora , people and culture, Socotra Weather patterns.

We offer a variety of diversified trips and solutions, from boat excursions to 4X4 tours, trekking or camel riding through mind blowing, beautiful sceneries, an ancient culture and traditional villages.

Explore Socotra Islands with one of our amazing tours and excursions. Experience our treks, fishing offering, diving programs , island hopping. Whether you stay in a hotel or overnight in a tent, decide you want to recharge or explore nearby islands – choose how you want to experience the Islands! Don’t forget, Socotra Travel Center is here to help you customize your perfect trip .

Why Socotra Travel Center?

Socotra is our home. We are firmly committed to making sure our tours have a net-positive impact on the environment and communities we visit. We want to see people travel to and enjoy Socotra for generations to come!!!

With more than 20 years of experience, we are the Socotra experts. We have even pioneered innovative technology over the years to give our travelers a great experience. We do not promote commercial sales aimed at tourists, rather we ensure that our rates are reasonable, and some of the amount you spend will directly and positively affect people at village level.

We strive to ensure every effort is made to promote sustainability of the global environment, local community, culture and all people involved.

We’re committed to ensuring our trips remain safe for everyone – for our travelers, our tour leaders (Guides) and crew, and the people we visit along the way.

Socotra Archipelago is a dream destination for most, and for us too; we are passionate about these wondrous islands and their natural beauty and wildlife and we hope to share these wonders with you. Our team is always available to provide personalized advice and guidance while we help you plan your perfect trip.

With our carefully selected tours, we guarantee you will have an unforgettable experience.

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Socotra Travel Tips

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Tailore-made Trip

Thank you so much for all the planning you did for us to make this an unforgettable vacation. We will definitely recommend to friends and family should they ever wish to visit Socotra or Yemen, to contact you ( Socotra Travel Center ). We also hope to return sometime in the future.

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Family Vacations

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. We had an amazing trip in Socotra. You could not have planned this any better nor had the staff more attentive, guides were friendly and very knowledgeable and the hotels were very nice. The luxurious Summerland Hotel is probably the best 4-star hotel in Hadibo. Camping in tent with fabulous food and a huge outdoor activities trekking among the forest of Dragon’s Blood Tree in Firmhin is unforgettable experience.

We will difinately recommand your tour company for friends and other families!

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Adventure Trip

I will highly recommended your company and especially your guide and driver to all the people who ask about our trip to Socotra Islands. I can’t say enough about how helpful you were…

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Birdwatching Trip

Hi, I’m back in Rome, and off on the birding trip tomorrow. I want to thank you personally for all the organisation and support for the amazing trip on Socotra.

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Socotra Discovery Trip - 8 Days

Thank you in for your cooperation for second time. The travel to Socotra Island was  very very very good/fantastic. The customers were very happy about the excellent services (hotel, camping, food, and guide) that you have reserved. I thank you especially for your attention to our group and for the wonderful gift you sent me. I’m sorry that my English is bad and therefore I can’t thank you as I would if I could write in Italian.

2003 0305Image0072 1

“We had a great camping-based visit to the Socotra organised through I asked them to tailor pretty much everything which they did and stitched everything together seamlessly.”  


Socotra Islands Secrets Tour

“My friend and I booked a 8 day tour to the Socotra Islands through   They were absolutely wonderful to work with. Great service. after comparing several tour companies, I decided to go with Socotra Travel Center”  

Detwan fulvia e giovanna

Anna Everywhere

How to Travel to Socotra Island

How to Travel to Socotra Island

Socotra is the largest of four islands in the Socotra archipelago in the Indian Ocean. While it’s not super developed, the island isn’t deserted either – it has 42,000 inhabitants in an area of 3,796 square kilometers. The alien island of Socotra is making visitors want to visit it as soon as they find out about it. 

Its unique flora and fauna look very inviting, but for years the island of Socotra was inaccessible due to the war and lack of flights. They were rumors about charter flights from Oman a few years ago, in fact, even I tried to get there then, but none of the flights got permission to land and no trips ever happened.

Since last season, Socotra has regularly scheduled flights (at the moment they are obviously halted because of covid), but it’s accessible to tourists again. That said, if you read some last year’s experiences of being the only tourists on the island be prepared that these times are long gone.

Over 100 tourists are now visiting the island every week so you will run into other groups. If you’re thinking of visiting Socotra here’s how to do it – especially since Jurassic World Dominion decided to film some footage there and add dinosaurs to it.

P.S. Before going to Socotra take a few minutes to read my other post . Socotra is going to suffer if we – humanity, don’t take care of it. I cannot tell you whether to travel to Socotra or not, but I can ask you to do it responsibly.

travel to Socotra

Is It Safe to Travel to Socotra?

First things first, is it safe to visit Socotra considering the situation in Yemen? Yes, Socotra is safe . 

The island became a territory of Yemen in 1967, but it always remained very independent in a way – it has its own language and culture. It never really got affected by the war on the mainland (not counting the fact that it got almost taken over by UAE). That said, it has never been unsafe and there’s never been a violent conflict in Socotra. 

These days shipping boats keep coming from the mainland port of Al Mukallah with supplies, on top of weekly flights to Seiyun. 

island of Socotra

When to Visit Socotra Island

Shortly – the best time to visit Socotra is February-April and October-November. It’s not too hot and not too rainy then. 

If you decided to visit any other time you may encounter rains and floods, sand storms, roads being unpassable due to landslides and so on.

I visited at the end of February and the weather was fantastic. Nights in the mountains were cool, but nothing a sweater or light sleeping bag couldn’t fix. 

hiking in Socotra

How Much Does It Cost to Travel to Socotra?

Traveling to Socotra isn’t cheap. The flight alone costs $1200ish from Cairo. It’s obviously a price for tourists, locals pay about ten times less, this is a price to pay. 

Due to the remote location of Socotra Island travel cos t is high. The cheapest trip would cost you about $1300 per person, excluding flights and visas. 

Before you say ‘this is ridiculous to pay so much for camping experience’, think about it for a second. Socotra is a very remote place. Apart from fish locals can catch, everything else has to be imported to the island. Cars you’ll be using (because obviously there’s no public transportation) had to make it there as well and stay maintained.

Socotra Island travel cost

How Is It to Travel to Socotra?

Facilities on the island are very limited. Some spots can have squat toilets, but quite often you need to dig yourself a hole and bury your waste after. Think of wild camping.

Food is basic. Fish, rice and bread is basically what locals eat all the time and it’s worth mentioning that in Socotra, similar to many other places, locals don’t use utensils. Your guides will make you slightly more ‘Westernized meals’ and give you utensils.

You can expect some cooked vegetables, pasta or ramen on top of your daily fish. Don’t expect a 5-star dining experience, but the food is really not bad. There will be plenty of tea as well. 

Travel Insurance for Socotra

Normally I recommend either Safety Wing or World Nomads . Travel insurance is a tricky part for Socotra, as its a part of Yemen and no regular insurance provider covers countries like Yemen. If you’re a US or UK citizen or resident it’s even trickier.

FirstAllied used to be the one providing insurance for Yemen, but not anymore. You can use Square Mouth to find the insurance available for you, depending on your country of residence and citizenship. I’m not going to lie, it’s expensive (about $100+) for your stay. 

Remember that there are some basic medical facilities on Socotra, but if you require surgery or a more serious procedure you will need to be transferred to the mainland or even Cairo.

You might think nothing will happen to you, but I actually ended up in a hospital the day I got back from Socotra – if it happened a few days before I’d needed to be evacuated or die. That said, have CASH with you and quite a big amount. There are no ATMs on the island so if you’re suddenly stuck, have to pay for medical treatments or food – cash is your only option.

Just a few months earlier on my cruise to Antarctica we had to medically evacuate a woman who had an accident in South Georgia – the insurance flew her out of St George’s Island in Antarctic Circle on a tiny plane. I cannot even imagine how much would this cost her if she didn’t have travel insurance. 

visiting Socotra

Hotels in Socotra

Are there any hotels in Socotra is a common question. Yes, but if you decide to stay there you’ll be doomed to long commutes every day and missing out on some experiences. Plus, you don’t really want to stay in Hadiboh – where the only 3 hotels on the island are, because the city is dirty and there’s really nothing there to do from a tourist perspective.

Locals don’t tend to drive after dark either, so you most likely won’t be able to enjoy sunsets in beautiful spots. 

As you can suspect, you cannot book hotels online. You need your local operator to book them for you. If you’re booking, the best bet would be Summerland Hotel. It costs $75 for single room, $140 for double, which is not cheap at all.

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Do You Need a Tour to Socotra?

Unless you know someone from Socotra who can arrange a visa, flight and transport for you, then yes – you need a tour. There’s no public transportation on the island and locals don’t drive much either (so don’t even think you can hitchhike unless you want to wait all day, days) so even if you get there you cannot really move around anywhere.

The tour doesn’t mean that you need to travel with a group. Many travelers go with their partner, friend, or even alone. It just means that your trip will be facilitated by a local agency. You’ll have a driver, cook, and guide. Sometimes all in one. 

There’s plenty to do on Socotra, so make sure that your local guide knows what your preferences are. I met groups who weren’t comfortable camping in remote places, so their guides arrange a hotel for all 7 nights. Another group I met in Socotra wasn’t into hiking and they mainly enjoyed beaches.

There are not even marathons and biking trips around the island, many groups are catered towards endemic plants. Anything is possible in Socotra, so pick the right trip for you.

Now… if you take a tour for a week you could technically stay in Socotra on your own. It’s relatively easy to arrange a driver once you’re there, but from abroad it’s not so simple. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but not easy.

camping in Socotra

How to Get to Socotra

Visa to socotra.

Visas can be processed now from Socotra in the immigration office in Hadiboh, so basically every local tour operator: Socotra Eco Tours, Socotra Trek Tours, Easy Yemen can do it for you. 

All you need to do is to send a scan of your passport and once processed, they’ll send you a copy of your visa. It costs $100 for the visa, plus whichever extra costs they can change you to arrange it for you. 

If you’re booking your trip through a non-Socotri operated agency AKA a middle-man, they’ll arrange a visa for you as well. All they’ll do is ask the local company to arrange it for you (it will even say that on on your visa). 

IMPORTANT: You cannot obtain a Yemeni visa if you have a stamp from Israel in your passport, including border stamps from Jordan or Egypt. Change your passport before setting this trip up.

While there’s no rule that prevents you from visiting Israel with a stamp from Yemen, Syria, Iran or Iraq, you would need to do a special security check and possibly could be denied entry (like a friend of mine). As someone who experienced the special security in Israel first hand, I can tell you it’s not a pleasant experience and I’ll offer you a friendly reminder to also apply for a new passport.

ALSO IMPORTANT: Once you visit Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Somalia (after March 2011) you won’t be eligible for an ESTA application to the USA. Instead, you’ll need to apply for a regular tourist visa which is more expensive and requires a visit and interview at the American Embassy.

It’s not an awful process. Before I was a US resident I had to do it twice because Poland wasn’t eligible for ESTA anyway and it actually gives you an opportunity to stay in the USA for 180 days instead of 90. 

Many people will tell you that you could just change your passport and say you’ve never been to any of these countries, but again – you might be denied entry upon arrival if an officer finds out and they have their ways.

visa to Socotra

Flights to Socotra (2023)

There are two options for flights to Socotra – from Abu Dhabi or from Cairo.

Option 1: Abu Dhabi with Air Arabia

Since 2021 there’s been a direct flight from Abu Dhabi. It’s with Air Arabia. a governmental charter flight and they do not offer online booking yet.

I was being told by everyone that this airline is very bad, planes are dirty and so on. While it’s not a luxury airline, it’s seriously not as bad as some make it sound. It’s a quick and safe way to get to Socotra.

MONDAYS Abu Dhabi to Socotra FLIGHT NO 476 10:00 Depart Abu Dhabi (AUH) 11:30 Arrive Socotra (SCT)

FLIGHT NO 477 13:00 Depart Socotra (SCT) 16:00 Arrive Abu Dhabi (AUH)

Option 2: Cairo with Yemenia

Previously the only way to get to Socotra was to get a regularly scheduled flight a week to Socotra with national Yemenia airlines with a stopover in Seiyun. The seats are fine, some are missing an armrest cover. Toilets are fine and usable as well. They even serve you a giant meal. The best part of this flight is the staff – the nicest I’ve ever encountered.

You need to deplane in Seiyun. Locals disembark first, then all the remaining passengers (which are almost all tourists) are asked to leave while the staff collects everyone’s passports, Then you all wait in a waiting air-conditioned room.

The whole process took about 2-3 hours on the way to Socotra and about 1,5 hours on the way out. Don’t freak out that your passport is being taken away (we had some crazy people jumping over seats and try to get their passports back) – it will be given it back to you. 

The seats to/from Seiyun are assigned, but to/from Socotra is free for all seating systems. 

That said, flights are almost always delayed. If you’re flying out of Cairo the same day don’t book your flight earlier than 10 PM. Most flights to Europe and those connecting to the US leave around 1 -3 AM (technically the next day), so you should be fine. 

How Safe Is the Stopover in Seyun?

We had no issues. It’s a small empty airport and the whole time we waited in a room. Due to the coronavirus pandemic approaching they were checking every passenger’s temperature. Speaking of safety, ironically, upon arrival in Europe or the USA there were no health checks. 

Seyun Yemen

How To Book a Yemenia Flight from Cairo to Socotra

Booking on the Yemenia website isn’t an option. Your only way to book a ticket is at Yemenia office in Cairo or through an agency. These days most local Socotri agencies can book your flights. 

Even last year flights were available for a semi-last-minute purchase (2+ weeks in advance), but these days due to a high demand I recommend booking at least 2+ months in advance.

You can only book a flight after proving you correctly obtained your Yemeni visa for Socotra. This can be obtained by a local tour operator. There’s no need to go to the Embassy for it, you just need to send them a scanned passport copy. 

The flight schedule:

IY607 Cairo (CAI) 02:00AM –  Seyun (GFX) 06:30 AM   – Seyun (GFX) 07:45 AM– Socotra (SCT) 08:45 AM

FIY606  Socotra (SCT) 9:45 –  Seyun (GFX) 10:45   – Seyun (GFX) 11:45 –  Cairo (CAI) 14:45

abandoned tank in Socotra

Option 3: Taking a Boat (Not Recommended)

Formally Felix Airways operated a route to Dubai and Sharjah over the years. The Dubai route was recently suspended due to a ban on Yemeni carriers in the UAE.

If you want to try a more hardcore option, you can take a cement boat to Socotra. This isn’t something I recommend. It can take days to get to and from the island and you would have to sleep among rats. I know one person who did it from Salalah in Oman before flights from Cairo were scheduled, so while it’s not impossible but it’s not a good experience.

There are local boats coming from mainland Yemen, but it’s not a reliable form of transportation. 

How To Book a Yemenia Flight from Cairo to Socotra

What to Bring to Socotra

If you’re booking a tour to Socotra you might assume that because it’s a part of Yemen you’ll have to cover up entirely. Local women always wear niqab, while local men tend to wear long pants. 

Most tourists wander around the island in shorts, T-shirts, bikinis and so on. In towns, you’re expected to cover up, but that’s about it. It’s a tricky issue because everyone keeps saying that locals who work with tourists are used to Western clothing, but ultimately it’s your choice.

I brought long pants, a conservative swimsuit and maxi dresses, but I was really the only one and ended up not using of it. If I was traveling in a small group I would probably feel more comfortable covering up more.

In terms of shoes it’s really up to you. I only brought one pair of shoes – hiking sandal s and was perfectly fine with that, but most people want to bring hiking shoes and flip flops. 

Sleeping bags and tents are provided by the local tour agency most of the time. If you prefer to bring your own stuff you can, but you don’t have to.

  • Biodegradable wipes . If you’re camping you won’t be able to shower most of the time apart from small wadis. Get biodegradable ones – you don’t want to contribute to even bigger trash issue than it already exists in Socotra. 
  • Sunscreen . Also opt for a biodegradable one not to destroy the reef. 
  • Lotion. Your skin will be very dry, trust me.
  • Dry shampoo. In case your hair feels nasty without washing.
  • Insect repellent. Bugs come out in the evening sometimes. 
  • First aid. Painkillers, bandages, etc. You cannot buy any of this in Socotra, so come prepared.

What to Bring to Socotra

CASH! Cash is a must when traveling to Socotra due to the lack of ATMs. You’ll pay for your tour most likely in cash. It’s good to have some Yemeni rials (you can exchange money in Hadiboh) as well to buy dry dragon blood from local kids. 

dragon blood

Wifi in Socotra

I was told and read there’s absolutely no wifi available in Socotra. Some articles claim that wifi is only possible at hotels in Hadiboh. The Internet knows nothing.

The cellphone service available on the island is set by the UEA. Yemeni SIM Card won’t give you much apart from a signal in Hadiboh. 

I had my InReach Mini Device – satellite texting service. It’s great for remote spots, hiking in the middle of nowhere and calling for emergency service. It can be connected to your phone, so don’t forget a power bank because again – charging is only available in Hadiboh. A car charger is also a great idea.

wadi socotra

Drones in Socotra

I was scared of bringing my drone to Socotra, because of what I’ve been told. The situation is a bit tricky because drones are perfectly legal in Socotra and Yemen, but they’re VERY illegal in Egypt. Many people bring their drones through Cairo airport without a problem, but some get caught and their drones got confiscated. 

If you decide to try to bring your drone, even when you’re just transferring via Cairo (most of the time you need to change the terminal, so buying a visa to Egypt twice and going through security is a must), just keep in mind that your drone might get taken (and not returned to you) before you even reach Socotra or on the way back. Allow yourself longer layovers in case you get in trouble. 

How to Travel to Socotra

Any questions about how to travel to Socotra? Feel free to comment below!

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Diana Adamczyk

Saturday 10th of June 2023

Your blogs are soooo helpful - thank you so much for sharing your experience! 💕

Saturday 14th of January 2023

Thank you for your informative article.

But one thing disturbs me a lot is in one of your picture you were sitting on that very precious dragon blood tree!! How could you behavior like that?! Don't you feel shame about you?!

It makes me very sad and angry for tourists like you!

Anna Karsten

Monday 16th of January 2023

What are you talking about lol? First of all, I believe you're talking about a bottle tree and not a dragon tree and they can be sat on, just like you'd climb on any tree. Dragon blood trees are a totally different story...

Dianshan Ee

Friday 9th of December 2022

Hi, I’m a bit confused on travel insurance eligibility for travel to Yemen. Does Safety wings or Nomad travel include Yemen in their travel insurances? i used the comparison site you suggested but the insurances they recommend seem to have a clause bases on the travel advise of US which would automatically exclude Yemen

Abdalagmil Mohammed

Monday 10th of October 2022

Hi Anna , I am Abdalgamil Mohammed- A socotri who is doing his PhD in ecotourism in Brno, Czech Republic. I am one of the senior tour guides of Socotra ecotours and I am willing to cooperate and partnership with tourists and tour operators from Europe who plans to arrange tours to Socotra.

I will be very pleased to meet you or to be contacted by any tour operators who plan their travel to Socotra.

Kind regards Abdalgamil Mohammed Socotra Ecotours

Tuesday 27th of September 2022

Could you give name name of tour operator a bit cheaper than 2000$

Wednesday 5th of October 2022

I honestly don't think it's realistically possible. Due to flight schedules trips are week-long and cars and everything is pricy.

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8 Unbelievably Stunning Destinations That Will Make You Question Your Reality

Discover 8 unbelievable destinations on Earth that look too magical to be real. Plan your next adventure now!

Alexis Turner • Jun 28, 2024

travel to socotra island

You would think that these places are straight out of a sci-fi movie or from a far distant planet. There are so many hidden gems and amazing wonders on the very planet we exist on. Of course, it goes without saying that some of these places aren’t easy to get to. We’ve got all the hot tips you need to know about these unbelievable destinations and more!

From otherworldly landscapes to jaw-dropping natural formations, these destinations offer a glimpse into our world’s extraordinary and often surreal aspects. View the vibrant colors of the Rainbow Mountains in China, the mesmerizing glow of the bioluminescent beaches in the Maldives , or the ethereal beauty of the Northern Lights in Iceland. There is no shortage of unbelievable destinations to explore.

The Reed Flute Cave – China

Inside the lit up Reed Flute Cave in China

  • Best time to visit: April to October
  • How to get there: Fly to Guilin Liangjiang International Airport, then take a short taxi ride
  • Weather: Subtropical; warm and humid with occasional rain
  • Unique foods: Guilin rice noodles, Lipu Taro Looped Meat

The Reed Flute Cave in China is truly a sight to behold, with its stunning natural formations that resemble bridges made from stalactites and stalagmites. The cave’s interior is enhanced by a mesmerizing display of colorful lights, kinda like your favorite nightclub. The name “Reed Flute Cave” is fitting, as it is said to be named after the reeds that grow outside the cave, which can be used to make flutes.

Hot tip: For those planning to visit the Reed Flute Cave, a local guide can take you to the nearby Minor Reed Cave, which offers similar formations but without the large crowds of tourists. To avoid the crowds at the main cave, you should visit early in the morning or later in the day. It gives you a more peaceful and immersive experience, free from the hustle and bustle of large tour groups.

National Hitachi Seaside Park – Japan

Autumn in Hitachi Seaside Park showing off beautiful pink and red blossoms

  • Best time to visit: Late April to mid-May for blue nemophila flowers
  • How to get there: Take a train from Tokyo to Katsuta Station, then a shuttle bus
  • Weather: Mild temperatures; can be windy due to coastal location
  • Unique foods: Ibaraki melons, Anko (sweet red bean paste) products

National Hitachi Seaside Park in Japan is more than just an unbelievable destination. It’s an opportunity to experience absolute tranquility. Perfect for visiting during the late March to early May when the flower fields are in full bloom. The park is seriously a surreal explosion of colors that you won’t want to miss. Since it is gaining popularity, book your stay well in advance to ensure you have a place to stay during your visit.

Hot tip: If you’re seeking a more unique experience, don’t just stick to the main flower paths. Venture off the beaten track to discover “secret gardens” nestled among the dunes. Some of these hidden gems have rare varieties of flowers that can’t be found anywhere else, adding an extra layer of wonder to your visit.

Fujisan Yume no Ohashi – Japan

View of Mount Fuji in Fujisan Yume no Ohashi

  • Best time to visit: Late June to early September (Mount Fuji climbing season)
  • How to get there: Take a train from Tokyo to Fujiyoshida Station, then a local bus
  • Weather: Cool mountain climate; can be chilly even in summer
  • Unique foods: Houtou noodles, Yoshida Udon

Fujisan Yume no Ohashi, located in Japan, has to be the most stunning bridge to get the best views of Mount Fuji. It isn’t a very “tropical” place, even in the spring and fall, the area can get chilly. Plan to dress warmly and wear proper shoes, as the bridge itself is made of metal grids.

For this unbelievable destination, you have to visit the charming fishing village of Minobu, situated at the base of Mt. Fuji. This village gives you an authentic glimpse into rural Japanese life. Let yourself immerse in the local culture and traditions. It’s a great opportunity to experience the serene and peaceful lifestyle of a traditional Japanese fishing village.

Hot tip: Near Fujisan Yume no Ohashi, visit the charming fishing village of Minobu at the base of Mt. Fuji for an authentic slice of rural Japanese life.

Cenote Ik Kil – Mexico

Cenote Ik Kil in Mexico in an underground cave

  • Best time to visit: November to March (dry season)
  • How to get there: Fly to Cancun , then drive or take a tour bus (about 2.5 hours)
  • Weather: Tropical; hot and humid year-round
  • Unique foods: Cochinita pibil (slow-roasted pork), Sopa de lima (lime soup)

Cenote Ik Kil in Mexico is meant to fill your Instagram. There are breathtaking azure blue sinkholes that are scattered throughout the Yucatan peninsula . The high season at this unbelievable destination is from November to April, making it the perfect time to visit and avoid large crowds. The water at Cenote Ik Kil remains refreshingly cool all year round, providing a delightful experience for even non-swimmers. Make sure you watch out for the limestone ledges surrounding the cenote. They become slippery when wet, but don’t let it stop you from visiting the site of your dreams.

Hot tip: For a more intimate caving experience, consider visiting Aktun Chen near Puerto Morelos . This lesser-known spot allows you to explore underground rivers and offers a different perspective on the natural formations found in the area. Whether you choose to visit Cenote Ik Kil or Aktun Chen , both locations promise an unforgettable experience for those seeking adventure and natural beauty in Mexico.

Horsetail Fall – California, USA

Night view of the Horsetail Fall located in Yosemite National Park

  • Best time to visit: Mid to late February for the “Firefall” effect
  • How to get there: Fly to Fresno Yosemite International Airport, then drive to Yosemite National Park
  • Weather: Cold winters, warm summers; snow possible in winter
  • Unique foods: Yosemite Gold (apple variety), Sierra Nevada cheese

Horsetail Fall in California has no right looking that good. A slight drawback is that you can only view the “horsetail glow” phenomenon in late February. This waterfall is illuminated by the setting sun, creating a breathtaking visual display that attracts photographers and nature enthusiasts from around the world. However, accessing this picturesque waterfall requires permits to hike into Yosemite National Park during this time of year.

Hot tip: The journey to Horsetail Fall is not easy for the weak, given it’s a steep 1-2 hour hike each way. Come prepared with layers of clothing, and comfortable shoes. Just know that the weather can be unpredictable, but don’t let it ruin your stay.

Kuang Si Falls – Luang Prabang, Laos 

Kuang Si Waterfall in Laos is an unbelievable destination with stunning blue waters

  • Best time to visit: November to April (dry season)
  • How to get there: Fly to Luang Prabang International Airport, then take a tuk-tuk or join a tour
  • Weather: Tropical; hot and humid with a rainy season from May to October
  • Unique foods: Larb (minced meat salad), Khao jee (Lao-style baguette sandwich)

Kuang Si Falls in the city of Luang Prabang, Laos, is an insanely unbelievable destination. The sight of the cascading waterfalls and the stunning turquoise pools is nothing short of seeing your favorite celeb in the flesh. The main waterfall plunges an impressive 200 feet (60 meters) into smaller levels. This creates a series of picturesque, crystal-clear pools that are perfect for a refreshing swim. The striking blue hue of the water is a result of the high mineral content, giving the pools a captivating and almost surreal appearance.

Hot tip: If you have a passion for photography , the multiple tiers of the falls offer endless opportunities for capturing breathtaking images. But hey, be cautious of the resident monkeys, as they can be straight up a-holes. Your best bet is to plan a visit on weekdays and avoid the crowds that flock here on weekends and holidays.

Socotra Island – Yemen 

A Dragon tree on the Socotra Island in Yemen

  • Best time to visit: October to April
  • How to get there: Fly to Socotra Airport (limited flights due to political situation)
  • Weather: Hot and dry; monsoon seasons from June to September
  • Unique foods: Dates from Dragon Blood trees, Zhoug (spicy herb paste)

Socotra Island , located in Yemen, is a remote and an unbelievable destination next to the Indian Ocean. You can find alien-like dragon’s blood trees, that when cut open release a blood-color sap. Plus there is a plethora of rare flora that has served as inspiration for plenty of science fiction films. This isolated archipelago stands alone in the pristine waters of the Indian Ocean and has an impressive 800 rare plant species that are found nowhere else on the planet.

Hot tip: Visiting Socotra Island can be a bit challenging as it is only accessible via weekly flights. Once there, navigating the island requires local guides and a sturdy 4×4 vehicle to safely explore the isolated and rugged terrain. The island’s untouched beauty and unique biodiversity make it a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and adventurous travelers seeking a one-of-a-kind experience in a truly remarkable setting.

La Graciosa Island – Spain 

Sunset view at Costa Blanca LaGraciosa Island, Spain

  • Best time to visit: May to October
  • How to get there: Fly to Lanzarote , then take a ferry from Orzola to La Graciosa
  • Weather: Warm and dry year-round; can be windy
  • Unique foods: Sancocho (fish stew), Gofio (toasted grain flour)

La Graciosa Island, located off the coast of Spain’s Costa Blanca , ends our list of unbelievable destinations that will make you question reality. The island is known for its dramatic volcanic rock formations, including arches and caves, as well as crystal blue lagoons. The surreal formations, carved by the forces of wind and waves, create an almost virtual reality that is feels like you are on a distant planet.

Hot tip: If you plan to visit La Graciosa Island, keep in mind that ferries depart daily from Alicante . Additionally, visitors should be prepared for strong winds, as the island’s exposed location can result in gusty conditions. Packing a pair of comfy hiking shoes is also recommended, as exploring the eerie yet scenic terrain will likely involve trekking through rugged paths and rocky surfaces.

Photo collage of the most unbelievable destinations on Earth

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  1. Everything You Must Know About Traveling To Socotra

    Socotra, which is located in the Arabian Sea just below Yemen has roughly over 42,000 inhabitants in an area of 3,796 square kilometers. This means the island is "barely inhabited!". There are only small villages here and there, and even its capital city, Hadiboh, feels like a big village.

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    Getting To Socotra: Yemenia Flight IY 611/420 Cairo to Socotra. This flight departs Cairo (CAI) once per week on Sunday night, makes a stop in Aden (ADE) in mainland Yemen, then continues on to Socotra (SCT). As of 2024, this route requires a few hours in the Aden airport (3 am to 7 am).


    WE ASSIST YOU AND HELP YOU WITH THE FLIGHT BOOKING. Scheduled flight details : 2 hours direct flight. TUESDAYS Abu Dhabi to Socotra. FLIGHT NO 476. AUH 09:00 - SCT 10:20. TUESDAYS Socotra to Abu Dhabi. FLIGHT NO 477. SCT 11:50 - AUH 15:10.

  4. How to Visit Socotra Island in 2024

    The Current flight schedule from Abu Dhabi AUH to visit Socotra SCT (2023/24) ABU DHABI - SOCOTRA Non-stop direct flights on Tuesday. FLIGHT NO 476 Abu Dhabi (AUH) 11:00 departure > Socotra (SCT) 12:15 arrival. FLIGHT NO 477 Socotra (SCT) 13:45 departure > Abu Dhabi (AUH) 17:00 arrival.

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    These species are found nowhere else on Earth. UNESCO designated Socotra as a World Heritage Site in 2008. It's no wonder why Socotra is often called "Galapagos of the Indian Ocean". The island measures approximately 132km long and 49km wide with a total area of 3796 sq. kms. Topographically it can be divided into three main zones: the ...

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  18. SOCOTRA TAMAM tour operator. Quality holidays on Socotra island. For

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    For a while it was almost daily, out of both Sana'a and Aden, through Riyan (RIY) at Al Mukalla. Now, both Yemenia Airway (once a week) and Felix Airways (twice a week) fly to Socotra from Sana's airport in Yemen. You can also fly into Socotra from Sharjah airport in the United Arab Emirates once a week. And let us know how it goes!

  20. Home

    Socotra Travel Center is a leading tour operation company based in Socotra, Yemen, run by professionals. We provide superior top notch touring services while ensuring excellent service standard. Discover the virgin beauty and magic of Socotra Islands with Socotra Travel Center (STC) award-winning tourism tour-operator company.

  21. Updated: How to Get to Socotra Island

    Prices for the round trip Abu Dhabi-Socotra-Abu Dhabi start at $860 and the money must be wither wired into a UAE bank account or bought through an approved travel agency. As there is heavy demand for this flight, it is recommended to reserve tickets at least 5 months in advance of your travel dates, as it does sell out quickly.

  22. How to Travel to Socotra Island

    Traveling to Socotra isn't cheap. The flight alone costs $1200ish from Cairo. It's obviously a price for tourists, locals pay about ten times less, this is a price to pay. Due to the remote location of Socotra Island travel cos t is high. The cheapest trip would cost you about $1300 per person, excluding flights and visas.

  23. Tour Socotra

    We explore Socotra differently. Join our group or private tours from October, 2024 to April, 2025 and discover one of the last untouched paradises on earth. ... seriously.. Socotra island. Socotra, Yemen 🇾🇪 in 15 seconds.. One of th. ONLY 3,000 tourists a year!? 😏 Escape the ord. 🤫 it's a secret! Unfortunately there are cou. Come ...

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    Hot tip: Visiting Socotra Island can be a bit challenging as it is only accessible via weekly flights. Once there, navigating the island requires local guides and a sturdy 4×4 vehicle to safely explore the isolated and rugged terrain. ... Subscribe to Travel Noire, a free daily newsletter that features the best of travel, destinations, and ...