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Weight Loss

How to start your journey to lose weight.

  • Published March 22, 2021
  • 10 minute read

How to Start Your Journey to Lose Weight

In This Article

Whether you’re at the very beginning of your  weight-loss journey  or revisiting your game plan after hitting a plateau, a realistic and sustainable strategy is a must for your first 30 days and beyond.

To successfully lose weight and keep it off, it’s important to adopt a nutritious diet and create a calorie deficit (slightly less calories in than out through day-to-day living and exercise), add in regular movement , effectively deal with stress, make sure you’re getting enough sleep, surround yourself with a supportive community and keep your motivation up in the face of inevitable challenges and setbacks.

The good news is you don’t have to completely overhaul your lifestyle to lose weight — a simple back-to-basics plan is the way to go. That’s why we broke it down for you, week by week, for the first 30 days (or whenever you need a healthy reset).


Dedicate your first week to preparing your mind, environment and routine to support healthy living.


“It’s common for motivation to wax and wane during weight-loss efforts, so it is imperative that you establish a clear ‘why’ in terms of the reason you are engaging in the weight-loss effort in the first place,” says Katie Rickel, PhD, a clinical psychologist and CEO of  Structure House , a residential weight-management facility in Durham, North Carolina.

This increases your sense of autonomy or self-control and helps you shift your perspective from “I have to” eat healthier and exercise to “I want to” create new habits to get me closer to the life I desire, thus empowering you to make positive changes, adds Alan Chu , PhD, director of the Motivation and Performance Research Lab and chair of the Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology Program at the University of Wisconsin–Green Bay.


  • Freewrite or make a list of your “whys,” from having the energy to keep up with your children or partner to feeling more comfortable in your body.
  • Create a vision board or collage of your “why.”
  • Write yourself a letter from your future self (after having achieved your weight-loss goals) to your current self, describing all the ways your life has improved as a result of your efforts.
  • Put up notes around your home like on your bathroom mirror or fridge with mantras, photos or reminders of your “why.”


Setting goals and tracking progress is important for any weight-loss plan, but for realistic goals you can actually hit, you need to figure out your baseline first. “Understanding your starting point will make it easier to pinpoint where to make meaningful changes that will get you the results you’re looking for,” confirms Christel Oerum, a certified personal trainer and owner of Diabetes Strong and Diabetic Foodie .

“This is also the beginning of mindful eating, a lifelong practice that can take a lifetime to fully develop but can help you eat less and enjoy what you’re eating more as well as improve your relationship with food,” adds Audra Wilson, RD, a certified strength and conditioning specialist, a board-certified specialist in obesity and weight management at the  Northwestern Medicine Metabolic Health and Surgical Weight Loss Center at Delnor Hospital .

  • Use an  app like MyFitnessPal  and  log everything you eat and drink  for the whole week without judgment.
  • As you go, note your emotions about food and brainstorm other coping mechanisms for stress, anxiety, worry or boredom, such as calling a friend or doing deep breathing exercises, suggests Wilson.
  • Track your movement, step count and  workouts with the MyFitnessPal app  as well.


Proper sleep, stress management and hydration are essential for your overall health and weight-loss efforts. If they’re not covered, it’s that much harder to lose weight when you have to battle increased cravings for comfort foods from off-kilter  hunger hormones due to sleep deprivation  and stress or feel hungry and low on energy because you’re not drinking enough water.

  • Set a consistent bedtime and wake-up time to ensure you’re getting 7–9 hours of quality sleep each night.
  • Make your bedroom a sleep sanctuary that’s cool, dark and comfortable.
  • Incorporate a simple morning and evening routine to reduce stress with meditation, gentle stretching or other self-care activities.
  • Keep a water bottle or large glass of water on hand to drink when you first wake up.


Now that you’ve built a springboard, make a nutrition and movement plan and swap perfectionism for self-compassion.


Focusing on progress boosts your drive and self-confidence while only paying attention to the outcome (the number on the scale) can hurt motivation when you don’t get the results you want, says Chu. That’s why progress-based  SMART goals  that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound are your secret weapon for weight loss.

With the information you collected during week 1, take a look at your baseline calorie and macronutrient intake and step count. Then, set a calorie goal for  slow-and-steady weight loss and a step count goal that makes sense for you and your lifestyle. Use the MyFitnessPal app to chart your progress so you can notice trends and make healthier choices.


  • Walk an average of  1,000 more steps per day  for one week with a midday walk during my lunch break.
  • Eat within 100–200 calories of my calorie goal each day for one week by reducing portion sizes for snacks and dinner.


To avoid feeling deprived during your weight-loss journey, shift your focus from “giving up” high-calorie processed foods and sugary drinks to “ adding in ” tasty lower-calorie whole foods to your eating plan, suggests Rickel.

  • Challenge yourself to try one new fruit or vegetable this week as a culinary adventure with new recipes and cuisines .
  • Add more vegetables to your lunch and dinner by mixing them into soups, sauces, salads and more. “Any way you slice them, veggies are full of nutrients and will help you cut calories while still feeling satisfied at mealtime,” notes Wilson.
  • Find satisfying swaps for some high-calorie indulgences such as banana berry “nice” cream instead of traditional ice cream or sparkling water for half of your week’s soda intake. If there’s no great substitute for an indulgence, enjoy a smaller portion size or adjust your intake elsewhere to stick with your overall calorie goal.


“For someone who has not practiced healthy habits before, it can be hard and exhausting to maintain them,” says Chu. Worse yet, if you see yourself as “lazy” for eating “bad foods,” this can zap motivation and trigger even worse habits (Think: “I already ate poorly. I might as well eat more junk food.”)

This is where treating yourself like you would a close friend — or adopting a mindset of self-compassion — can help  keep your motivation up  and protect you from negative thought spirals. Throughout this week, make it a point to notice when you’re being hard on yourself and practice self-compassion instead of toxic perfectionism.


  • Be mindful and acknowledge your feelings (“I’m feeling really anxious and upset right now.”)
  • Remind yourself that this is a common, human experience (“Everyone feels like this sometimes.”)
  • Be kind to yourself (“I’m going to be compassionate with myself.”)


Reflect on your first round of SMART goals, set new ones, and recruit friends and family to help you stick it out long-term.


Goal-tracking takes time, so block out 10–20 minutes each week—such as on a Sunday evening or Monday morning—to review your progress and set new goals. Rather than getting down on yourself if you haven’t met goals, use this intel to set  SMARTER  goals (with evaluation and revision), suggests Chu.

  • Evaluate your progress. Did you hit your goals or fall short? How and why?
  • Revise your goals to make them easier if you couldn’t reach them or a notch harder if you were successful.


Whether you met your calorie goal, increased your step count, or just managed to track both for the entire week, that’s progress worth celebrating. To boost your motivation, find ways to acknowledge meaningful wins each week regardless of whether you shed pounds, says Rickel.

  • Put colorful stickers or check marks on your chart or calendar to mark days or weeks when you’ve reached a goal or hit a personal record.
  • Reward yourself with a non-food prize such as new workout gear or a fun weekend activity.

If you had a challenging week, remember to practice self-compassion. Major lifestyle changes take time and research shows speaking to yourself in a positive manner helps you reach your goals faster.


A  regular workout routine not only helps tip the calorie balance in your favor to make maintaining weight loss easier, but it also boosts mood levels and decreases stress. To be consistent, you shouldn’t dread your workout — instead, it should be something you genuinely love and look forward to doing. “Choose a workout that suits your routine and lifestyle, and recruit family or friends to join in,” says Chu.

  • Pick a type of exercise that’s the optimal balance of challenging yet approachable, such as lifting weights once a week with a goal to eventually lift 2–3 times a week or brisk walks to gradually build up to walking or running a 5K .
  • Find someone in your life who values fitness and healthy living as much as you do and agree to regular check-ins if you can’t work out together.
  • On days when you don’t feel like working out, try lowering the difficulty or setting a goal just to start the workout (like giving yourself permission to stop after 15 minutes). “Once you do, you’re likely to feel good and exercise longer than initially expected,” notes Chu.


For the last week of month one, take a look at how far you’ve come and add structure to make healthy lifestyle changes more sustainable.


By now, you should have a good idea of how to set, track and celebrate SMART goals. Like the week before, take some time to assess your progress and setbacks. Then set new, SMARTER goals to tackle this week.

Keep in mind that “every 2–4 weeks, it’s also a good idea to revisit your calorie goal and make adjustments as necessary to combat weight-loss plateaus,” notes Oerum.


When it comes to  healthy eating , planning ahead can help you save calories and money by reducing impromptu drive-thru trips and delivery orders. Beginning this week, designate a day for meal planning.

  • Follow this basic template for the week’s grocery shopping: 4–5 lean protein sources (such as beans  and legumes, tofu, fish, chicken, eggs and turkey), 2–3 complex carbohydrates (sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, whole-grain pasta), and 4+ vegetables (mixed greens, kale, broccoli and cauliflower, asparagus, carrots), suggests Wyosnick.
  • Buy pre-cut, washed and frozen produce, so it’s ready to go and easy to use.
  • Use the  plate method  for healthy portion sizes at each meal (fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables like leafy greens, a quarter with protein and a quarter with complex carbs).


Losing weight is challenging, and the first month of your weight-loss plan is just the beginning of a lifelong health journey. If you’re struggling to see results, stick with a routine or battling body image issues, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional help. Depending on your needs, a healthcare provider ,  registered dietitian ,  psychologist  or certified personal trainer could help you address underlying health issues and establish the perfect plan for you.

Originally published March 2016, updated with additional information in March 2021

Ready to take the next step? Unlock MyFitnessPal Premium to access custom goal settings, quick-log recipes, and guided plans from a registered dietitian. Premium users are 65% more likely to reach their weight loss goals!

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10 Lessons I Learned from My Weight-Loss Journey

I've kept 70 pounds off for more than 10 years. Here are 10 key lessons I've learned along the way.

Elizabeth Ward is a registered dietitian and award-winning nutrition communicator and writer. She has authored or co-authored 10 books for consumers about nutrition at all stages of life.

weight loss journey gym

  • 1. You've Got to Meet Yourself Where You're At

2. Never Eliminate Anything Completely

3. you can do anything you set your mind to, 4. your get-moving options are endless, 5. invest in your own personal wellness, 6. reward yourself for the small wins, 7. you will not be perfect, 8. water really is your bff, 9. the mental transformation is just as important as the physical.

  • 10. If You Want Lasting, Permanent Change—It's about Your Lifestyle

From a young age growing up in the Connecticut suburbs, the number on the scale ebbed and flowed as my relationship with sport did as well. At age 14, I was a soccer whiz, running laps up and down the field feeling confident and great. Come 17, I didn't make the junior varsity volleyball team because I couldn't run a sub-10:00 mile, and my interests became a lot less active. As I leaned heavily into the arts and a local youth group, the pounds crept on. Despite feeling excited by my extracurricular activities, I began feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable in my own body.

This carried on to college, and like many, I gained the freshman 15—or perhaps the freshman 30 would be more accurate. In the spring of 2007, I was procrastinating studying for a final exam when I decided to step onto a dusty scale I had tucked under my bunk bed. After what felt like an eternity, waiting for the screen to populate, the number that glared back at me from the floor took my breath away. I was forced to come to terms with a harsh reality: I had to change. While I believe that people can find health at different sizes, I was definitely not healthy or more importantly, happy. I knew that making changes wouldn't be easy, but even so, I was ready to start.

Over the next three years, I lost 70 pounds through making healthier eating choices and learning to love running. Today, movement is my medicine, enabling me to better show up both personally and professionally. Now a nine-time marathoner, certified personal trainer and run coach, and wellness coach with her own podcast , I've learned a handful of lessons along my journey that empower me to give back to others and help them determine what wellness looks like for them. Here's what I learned during my personal transformation, plus some insight into why I feel like a forever work in progress.

1. You've Got to Meet Yourself Where You're At

Especially in the age of social media, it's easy to compare yourself to others. Your journey is just that: Yours. Instead of being made to feel like you're not good enough based on what you see someone else doing, focus on where you are and progress from there. This is important in all aspects of wellness, whether it's trying out a new strength training routine or shifting your eating habits. Just because you can't do a difficult movement like a dumbbell snatch, for example, doesn't mean you won't get there one day. Have some grace, embrace honesty, and the rest will come with time.

Many popular diets advertise cutting things out—at least in small portions—like complex carbs or sugar. When we eliminate things from our diet, it's almost guaranteed that we will crave them more. In my experience, I'd binge the very thing that I told myself I couldn't have. (The restrict/binge/repeat eating cycle has been confirmed in a 2020 Binge Eating article.) Instead of eliminating things from your life, the practice of moderation and portion control is a much safer alternative. It's a practice that truly helped me along my journey.

Instead of nixing my college's famous banana chocolate chip ice cream completely, for example, I let myself have a scoop on Fridays. When it came to indulging in Grandma's Sunday sauce, I made sure to also serve myself a hearty helping of salad in addition to the oh-so-good pasta bowl. By embracing the foods that made me happy in smart amounts, I was able to enjoy the process without feeling like I was missing out.

I really, really wanted to love running. But in the earliest stages, I felt as though I would never. I felt as though because I wasn't "good" at it (see the high school volleyball reference above), it would never be for me. Toward the beginning of my personal weight-loss efforts, I worked at a summer camp, without access to a typical big box gym. This really encouraged me to give running another hard try, as it was one of the few ways I could get active and really break a sweat without any equipment.

The first week of running was awful. I did it for about 15 minutes per day, and ran the exact same route every single time. However, after a week of sticking it out, I slowly got to a place where I realized that it was nowhere as bad as I had been making it out to be. With time, the enjoyment grew. I didn't have to be the best runner. I just had to be me— running. This realization empowered me to try and stick with other things that felt hard in the past.

I went through phases over my three-year journey dabbling in a slew of different fitness modalities. I've done it all, from barre and Spin class to dance cardio and even CrossFit. Some of these love affairs lasted longer than others, but what I most enjoyed about the process was that I had the opportunity to mix up my routine as often as I liked. There was no reason to stick with something that didn't bring me joy or light me up. By diversifying my go-to sweat method, I had a lot more fun, and even made some great friends along the way. Plus, research published in 2020 in Translational Behavioral Medicine has shown that adding variety to an exercise program can increase your physical activity.

During the summer of 15-minute runs, I lived in Hanes white v-neck T-shirts and cotton leggings from Target. Over time, I began to realize that if I wanted to perform better and feel more comfortable, I needed to invest a little bit more in my workout wardrobe. The good news: There are tons of great options out there, from Old Navy to Champion, that have technical gear at lower price points. Rather than buy six-packs of T-shirts every month, I started to accrue a collection of gear that lasted the washing machine test, and also made me feel more confident when the workout began.

When I started my weight-loss journey, I didn't set out and say "I want to lose 70 pounds." Rather, I set SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) goals that helped me go in the right direction. For instance, a goal like " I want to drink three bottles of water every day before 6 p.m. "

If I made it through two weeks of this goal, I would take some time to celebrate the positive progress, whether that be with a trip to the local mall or simply setting aside some "me" time to take an extra long walk come the weekend. When the journey is long, the small wins are what keep your tank fueled up and help you stay motivated for more.

How many times have you told yourself "OK, today I'm going to have a good day of eating," and then a few bites of a chocolate bar later, you feel as though you've completely blown it? Listen, we've all been there.

Here's the thing: That all-or-nothing mentality isn't going to do you any good. Have some grace with the idea that from time to time, things aren't going to go as planned. There will be slip-ups. Rather than get angry and throw your hands up in the air, be proud of yourself for prioritizing your own wellness in the first place. Every single second, you have an opportunity to start with a clean slate.

I've never been "good" at drinking water. I don't particularly love the taste of it (which sounds weird, perhaps) and making sure to get enough felt like a total struggle. Alas, H20 accounts for 60 percent of our body—or about 11 gallons or 92 pounds inside a 155-pound person—and is essential to every cell.

When I made getting healthier a priority, I started downing at least six glasses each day. With that, I started to notice a real difference. I felt better, my skin looked better, and I performed well when it came to my regular workouts, staving off that ever-annoying headache that likely was a result of previous dehydration.

Honestly, I'm still working on my inner dialogue and being kinder to myself. When a big transformation happens on the outside, it's important to take the time to really think about who it is that you are, what's important to you and who you want to be going forward. As a self-proclaimed forever work in progress, I find that regular journaling and making time to reflect on my feelings helps me stay grounded. I'll never forget about the teenage girl who had trouble finding jeans that fit standing in her local mall. But I know, now, that she's not who I am anymore.

10. If You Want Lasting, Permanent Change—It's about Your Lifestyle

This is something I can't stress enough. No amount of exercise will help you against an unhealthy diet. Remember how you feel once you hit your goal weight. Returning to that feeling of pride and happiness will empower you to continue to make healthy decisions going forward. This makes maintenance easier, and helps you keep a level head when it comes to the occasional overindulgent meal or streak of exercise-free days (and those can be important, too!). We want to focus on lasting change and better health for years to come.

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Exercise isn't easy, and it’s especially hard when you’re just getting started. It's tempting to set ambitious weight loss goals, but the best way to start a weight loss journey is to plan for gradual progress with a workout type you enjoy.

Getting started with any new exercise routine can feel difficult, so it’s best to take baby steps and begin at your own pace. And finding one that's fun will make the process a little easier. Little by little you’ll start to get better with the help of a reliable fitness tracker, workout apps, and online exercise classes.

Here are some of the best beginner workouts to try if you’re starting a weight loss journey.

1. Walking: Walk at Home by Leslie Sansone

Walking is one of the most popular ways to exercise, and it’s also one of the best ways to start losing weight and improving your fitness. Since it requires no equipment, you can do a quick walk anywhere, and it’s absolutely free.

It is a low-impact cardio exercise that can improve your mobility and strength, and you have plenty of opportunities to make it fun. If you have a pet who likes to walk, take them with you for some fun motivation. If you like hiking or taking nature photos, plan part of your walk along local trails.

Even walking at a fairly slow pace can get your heart rate up and help you burn calories as you start a weight loss journey.

Related: Mobile Apps That Reward Your Walking Habits

If you’re sick of walking around your neighborhood and would prefer to do your walking from the comfort of your living room, then take a look at the Walk at Home YouTube Channel by Leslie Sansone.

Her videos are incredibly popular, and they include a wide range of great classes that are free and easy to do for beginners. There's also an accompanying Walk at Home mobile app that you can use to watch videos from different collections and download them for offline viewing.

Whether you have 30 minutes or 15 minutes free, Sansone's exercise classes are fun and will help you enjoy your walking workout.

Download: Walk At Home for iOS | Android (Free, subscription available)

2. Water Aerobics: Fitness Anytime and Anywhere by Marzena

Doing exercises in the water can have a range of amazing benefits, especially for people who suffer from painful joints and bones or have difficulty moving. Because water makes the body feel lighter, it is a wonderful way for beginners to start exercising.

But if swimming laps is too harsh, water aerobics is a great alternative to try.

If there are no water aerobics classes available where you live then it’s a great idea to follow along with a guided water aerobics class online. Try the Fitness Anytime and Anywhere YouTube Channel by Marzena, which offers water workouts that are simple and easy to follow.

Her classes are varied and include water aerobics classes, water Pilates, exercise routines with pool noodles and resistance bands, and more.

Popular workout videos include the following:

  • Fat Burning Aqua Aerobic Workout with Water Dumbbells and Pool Noodles ( YouTube )
  • Water Pilates: Balance and Strength Exercises in the Pool ( YouTube )
  • Water Exercises with Aqua Noodles: Cardio ( YouTube )

Add one of her workouts to your routine, and you’ll get all the benefits of exercising without the strain on your joints and bones.

3. Stationary Bike: Zwift

Just like walking, riding a stationary bike is another cardio exercise to add to your routine that's easy to do and great for anyone just starting out a weight loss journey.

Because you won't be riding a bike through traffic or over rough terrain, using a stationary bike is safer and offers a more comfortable experience.

Some seated, stationary bikes also come with a backrest for added support. It's also beneficial for those who have back problems or need to strengthen their core muscles before they can ride long distances.

Not only does riding a stationary bike enhance the muscles in your lower body, but it also contributes to other important health benefits, like cardio fitness, by strengthening your heart and lungs and improving your body’s oxygen capacity.

One of the best benefits of having an indoor stationary bike is that you can make use of a great cycling app. Are you wondering which is the best cycling app for you? One of the most popular apps, Zwift , has an amazing app that makes cycling indoors fun!

The Zwift app has over 1,000 workouts available that you can customize. Plus, you can track your progress and goals and chat with friends in the community groups.

Download: Zwift for iOS | Android (Free, subscription available)

4. Jump Rope: Jump Rope Dudes

Besides being an old game that you might've played with your friends at school, jump rope is also an effective way to exercise and achieve amazing results.

Jump rope is simple to do: with just a rope, you can burn almost the same number of calories as riding a bike.

Although jump rope is a great way to exercise for beginners, it is a high-impact workout. It’s best to start slow, watch your posture, and slowly work your way up.

If you’d like to start your weight loss journey by doing jump rope exercises, then it’s best to use a guided online class. The popular Jump Rope Dudes YouTube channel coaches you through lots of simple jump rope classes that you can do right at home.

Related: The Pros and Cons of Working Out Online

Do you want to do a 10-minute jump rope workout or commit to a 7-day beginner challenge? Either way, you can browse through the Jump Rope Dudes’ YouTube playlists and find exactly what you need.

5. Lifting Weights: Fitbod

A lot of people start with the wrong idea about exercise. They think that cardio is the only way to lose weight. However, lifting weights can also be equally important.

Weight training can help you burn calories, just like cardio workouts. By lifting weights, you can strengthen your muscles and prepare your body to perform even better on your cardio workouts while reducing the risk of injuries.

You can start lifting weights at home, but it can be challenging to start from scratch. It’s best to use a weightlifting app like Fitbod to help you along the way.

Fitbod is a free app that features a range of exercises for beginners and experienced weight lifters. The app allows you to choose your activity type, goals, and the number of workouts you’d like to do per week. It intelligently creates a workout plan that pushes you to progress gradually while allowing adequate time for rest.

Not everyone has access to gym equipment and proper weights, which is why the Fitbod app also includes workout routines designed to be done without equipment.

Download: Fitbod for iOS | Android (Subscription required, free trial available)

Get Started With These Beginner Workouts

If you’re ready to begin your weight loss journey, remember not to put too much stress on your body. As a beginner, it’s better to slowly ease into a regular workout routine and start small.

Be sure to download the apps and watch the online exercises classes mentioned to get the best experience out of every workout that you do. And don’t be scared to try each one of them until you find the one that you love!

📱  A month from now, you'll thank yourself for starting today. Click to get your 14 days of FREE workouts

  • Sarah Louise & Bill Wynne
  • Jan 9, 2022

How to Start Your Weight Loss Journey (+ Free Guide)

Starting a weight loss journey can seem daunting for many. How do you start? How often should you workout? How much cardio do you need to add? What and how much can you eat?

These are all valid questions. That's why today we're sharing our trainn tips on how to start a healthy weight loss journey 👇🏼

outdoor workouts bodyweight 2022 training plan

#1 Set a realistic weight loss goal 📝

You already know the direction you want your fitness journey to go in, but setting yourself a clear & realistic goal is paramount to success. It will keep you organised in your efforts, make it easier to track your progress & motivate you by how far you're progressing along the way.

How to do it:

Ask yourself a few key questions to determine your goal:

Is there a specific weight, feeling or health condition I am trying to achieve?

Do I have a certain time frame, or do I just want to change my overall lifestyle?

How many times per week do I realistically see myself working out long term?

Which healthy habits would I like to include more of in my life?

Which unhealthy habits would I like to minimise?

#2 Get the right amount of protein 🥜

Protein is an incredible help for your weight loss journey. It helps keep you full for longer so you snack less on sugary treats, and it maintains and builds up your muscles so you're burning fat, not muscle. Proteins will help repair muscle tissue after every workout and build them stronger for the next session . It's ideal to spread out your protein intake throughout the day instead of having it all in 1 or 2 meals. There's only so much protein our body can absorb in one sitting.

For each of your 3 main meals, aim to get in 15-30g of protein . This could for example be 180g tofu, 200g of cooked chickpeas, 2.5 eggs or 120g chicken or soy mince substitute.

Out of your 3 main meals every day , try to keep 1 of those meals solely protein and veg. This could be a spicy black bean chili, or scrambled tofu. For the other 2 meals be sure to include carbs & healthy fats as well.

💡 Reminder: just because you're trying to lose weight, it doesn't mean your diet should only consist of protein and vegetables - healthy carbs & fats are just as important. Fats keep your brain & hormones healthy, while carbs give you energy for your day (and workouts). Be sure to include carbs & healthy fats in your diet.

#3 Start a realistic workout routine 💪🏼

It’s easy to say to yourself you're going to start doing an hour of cardio everyday, but we all know this isn't realistic in the long run. If you do this, you'll burn yourself out after only a few weeks, and you'll have zero energy or motivation for your life outside the gym.

Therefore, when starting your weight loss journey, set a realistic amount of workouts you're able to maintain long term . Focus most of your workouts around strength training, and add in cardio slowly .

If we don't prioritise strength training during a weight loss journey, we risk our body burning muscle instead of fat. Strength training will also leave you with more overall rewarding results​

Set yourself an amount of workouts per week, you can see yourself maintaining in the long run.

Ideally, aim to start with for 2-4 strength workouts per week and a total of 60-90 mins low intensity cardio per week . For best results, do cardio after your strength workouts or on separate days.

#4 Track your progress 📉

Whichever fitness journey you’re on, tracking your progress is useful. It will help you stay on track and motivate you in the long run.

The 2 best measures of progress for your weight loss journey are taking pictures and weighing yourself (in the morning, before eating) Pictures help us see the changes we don’t notice looking in the mirror every day. Comparing them to your start pictures will motivate you more than you think!

Weighing yourself regularly lets you know if you're losing weight steadily and when it's time to make any changes.

Aim to take pictures before your journey and every 8-10 weeks thereafter; and weigh yourself every few days.

Track your progress daily or weekly. If you notice a few weeks go by without any change in the numbers, make small changes to your nutrition or add in more exercise.

weight loss journey gym

#5 Avoid hitting a plateau ✍🏼

Hitting a plateau is when your progress comes to a standstill – when you haven’t lost weight for a few weeks and you’re not feeling stronger in the gym. You feel like you've hit a stop.

Don't worry, many of us hit a plateau every once in a while. It's completely normal and only means your body has adapted so you need to introduce a few further changes. It is however important to remind yourself that your weight won’t necessarily go down every single week - that’s normal. So don't take any drastic measures after a bad few days or a week.

If 2 or 3 weeks go by with no progress at all, try making simple adjustments like eating more protein, swapping out your snacks, lowering calories slightly, or upping your strength or cardio training. Nothing too drastic.

With a personalised training plan from the trainn app you'll know exactly how to workout each week and see the right amount of progress in your workouts, so you can avoid as much as possible hitting a plateau.

Reminder: as motivating as it is to see your weight go down every day, it's completely normal if a few days (or even a week) goes by without any progress in your weight. It's normal and your body sometimes needs time to adjust. So don't beat yourself up or make any drastic changes after a few "bad days" 😌

#6 Have a healthy approach to food 🌱

It’s no secret that to lose weight you'll need to make a few diet changes. However, it's important to build a diet you can see yourself maintaining in the long run.

As easy as it is to set up strict rules for yourself like "I'll only eat chicken salads from now on" and "I can never eat chocolate or ice cream", this is not sustainable. Avoid falling into the trap of thinking there are good foods and bad foods . Instead, think that there are certain foods you should eat more of (protein, veggies and wholegrain carbs) and other foods you should enjoy in moderation (sugary treats or fried food)

Having a balanced diet with all kinds of food is proven to not only be more relaxed and enjoyable, but also help you maintain your new weight for life.

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Let's wrap up - here's what you should do

There can be plenty of changes to make when starting a weight loss journey, which is why a slow and steady approach give you the best results in the long run. To recap here are the initial steps you should go through:

Set yourself a realistic goal

Build in strength training 2-4 times per week

Slowly build up cardio

Include protein with every meal

Include carbs & fats for 2 meals per day

Make minor adjustments if your progress stalls

Keep a routine of tracking your progress

Enjoy food with a healthy mindset and don't set up strict rules for yourself

We have created a FREE 20-week Trainn Guide designed to help you level up your workouts. Every week you'll receive effective workouts, high-protein recipes and healthy habits to live by. Click here to start the 20-week Trainn Guide .

Ready to start chasing your fitness goals? Download the trainn app.

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Simple 30-Day Plan for Weight Loss, According to a Dietitian

Learn 8 realistic nutrition and fitness tips to lose weight for the long haul.

Cara Rosenbloom RD is a dietitian, journalist, book author, and the founder of Words to Eat By, a nutrition communications company in Toronto, ON.

weight loss journey gym

Melissa Rifkin is a Connecticut-based registered dietitian with over 15 years of experience working in the clinical setting.

weight loss journey gym

Verywell Fit / Amelia Manley

  • Setting Goals

Creating a Nutrition Plan

Meal planning, physical activity, hydration and sleep, tracking progress, coping with challenges.

Healthy weight loss plans include eating well, being physically active, and getting enough sleep so you feel your best now and for the long term. Health is about more than a number on the scale, so this weight loss advice looks at the bigger picture.

There are no quick fixes or fad diets that are known to sustain weight loss in the long term. These weight loss plans and fad diets are based on restricting calories or removing specific food groups. Most of the time, it's impossible to follow these plans in the long term, so weight loss is not maintained over time. That's why this article offers sensible nutrition, exercise, and sleep goals, that can be sustained for life. A healthy lifestyle can help you feel your best now while preventing chronic diseases in the future.

Instead of going "on a diet" which you eventually go "off," this sustainable plan includes realistic goals and small changes that can last a lifetime. It also includes a variety of delicious and nutritious foods, as well as exercise that's fun and enjoyable, and tips on healthy sleep.

Setting Realistic Goals

First, decide if weight loss is the right strategy for your health. It's common to have an unrealistic view of what a healthy weight really is. Use this guide to determine what your ideal weight is so you can set an appropriate goal.

If you need to lose weight, aim to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week (or 4 to 8 pounds in 30 days). People who lose weight slowly and gradually are more likely to keep the weight off long term compared to those who lose a lot of weight very quickly.

Set SMART goals that are:

  • M easurable
  • A ttainable
  • Ti me-bound

A goal such as "I will lose 10 pounds" is not time-bound (no timeline is set) and may not be attainable, since weight fluctuates based on many factors, such as hydration, hormones, medications, food intake, and activity level.

A SMART goal that contributes to weight loss may be: "I will replace my daily can of sugar-containing soda with water for the next 30 days." It's more important to set goals about sustaining a healthy lifestyle than about reaching a target number on a scale. The goal of reducing sugary drinks is more realistic than "I will lose 10 pounds," which is harder to control or achieve.

Eating well plays an important role in weight loss and maintenance. A winning strategy for weight loss includes both caloric restriction and adequate exercise. While calories are part of weight control, it's too narrow to think that energy-in and energy-out is the only factor to consider in weight loss. These factors are also involved:

  • Medical conditions
  • Physical activity levels
  • Medications
  • Environment
  • Mental health

Your best bet is to work with a health care professional for a personalized weight loss plan. If that is not possible, you can follow the general information in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans about the role of nutrition in weight loss. It recommends a varied diet that includes:

  • Vegetables and fruit
  • Grains (including whole grains)
  • Protein foods

The amount (portion) of food that you should eat is specific to your current weight and your weight loss goals. Learn more about how to set calorie goals here . Even if you cut back on calories, it is important to eat a variety of foods to get all of the protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals that your body requires. It's also vital to focus on aspects beyond food. Physical activity, hydration, sleep, and other components are all interconnected in your weight loss journey.

Your body requires nutrients every day so it functions properly. The Dietary Guidelines were designed to ensure that nutrient needs are met with a variety of foods including vegetables, fruit, protein, and grains. You can plan meals using the five food groups in the USDA's My Plate model. When you plan meals, consider these plate proportions:

  • Make half your plate vegetables and fruits.
  • Make a quarter of your plate grains. Choose whole grains at least half of the time.
  • Make a quarter of your plate protein from foods such as poultry, fish, eggs, meat, legumes, nuts and seeds.
  • Have a serving of calcium-rich foods such as milk, soy beverage, or yogurt.

The exact amount of food you will need depends on your goals (see section above). In addition to eating more whole foods like vegetables, you can also cut back on heavily processed foods like fast food, packaged snacks, baked goods, and candy.

A simple meal plan may look like this. You can repeat this 5-day plan 6 times to complete a 30-day plan.

  • Breakfast : Plain Greek yogurt with strawberries and low-sugar (3 grams of sugar or less per serving), oat-based granola
  • Snack : Almonds and grapes
  • Lunch : Tuna melt sandwich with cheese and tomatoes on whole grain bread, served with carrots, red peppers, and an apple on the side
  • Snack : Cucumber and hummus
  • Dinner : Chicken with brown rice and stir-fried vegetables.
  • Breakfast : Chia pudding with Greek yogurt and fruit
  • Snack : Cheddar cheese and an apple
  • Lunch : Poke bowl: fish (or tofu) with brown rice, mixed vegetables, seaweed and sesame seeds
  • Snack : Trail mix
  • Dinner : Pesto shrimp and broccoli served over whole-grain pasta
  • Breakfast : Mashed avocado and ricotta cheese on whole grain toast with a side of berries
  • Snack : Fresh peach, granola, and Greek yogurt
  • Lunch : Turkey sandwich with lettuce, tomato and sweet peppers; banana
  • Snack : Plain popcorn
  • Dinner : Chickpea and cauliflower curry with quinoa
  • Breakfast : Oatmeal with banana, peanut butter, and soy or cow's milk
  • Snack : Hummus and carrots
  • Lunch : Black bean and cheddar burrito in whole grain tortilla, with lettuce, tomato, sweet peppers, and avocado
  • Dinner : Stir-fried chicken and mixed vegetables on soba noodles
  • Breakfast : Scrambled eggs, whole grain toast, and tomato
  • Snack : Medjool dates with peanut butter or almond butter
  • Lunch : Chicken Caesar salad with parmesan cheese and croutons plus a pear
  • Snack : Small portion of your favorite ice cream
  • Dinner : Lemon-butter halibut with green beans and potatoes

It's easier to stay on a meal plan if you grocery shop and plan in advance. Learn tips for meal planning here .

Being physically active is associated with weight loss because exercise it burns calories. The CDC suggests 150 minutes per week of physical activity for health benefits. However, this amount may not be enough for weight loss. International guidelines recommend 300 minutes of exercise per week for people trying to lose weight.

Nutrition and exercise are both important factors in weight loss. Studies show that exercise only—without dietary changes — may help with a small amount of weight loss, but is not likely to result in meaningful weight loss. Diet and exercise are both important and should be paired together for the best results.

It's important to choose physical activities that you enjoy so you are more likely to stick to them for the long term. Choose a combination of both aerobic (biking, walking, dancing) and strength-building activities (weight lifting, resistance bands, push-ups) for the best benefits.

As a beginner, start by taking a walk every day and lifting light weights. Walk for longer and do more reps with your weights as the weeks go by. Consider these exercise tips for beginners .

Other factors that affect weight include hydration and sleep. When it comes to fluid and hydration, many Americans rely on sugar-sweetened beverages. However, excess intake of sweet beverages is linked to weight gain.

Water is a better choice than sweet beverages when trying to manage weight since it contains no calories or sugar. Replacing sugary or calorie-rich beverages with water can help with weight loss. Some studies indicate that drinking water before meals may decrease food intake during meals, which may help eaters feel more satisfied with fewer calories. Staying hydrated is important because studies show that consistently being under-hydrated is associated with increased body weight.

Studies also show a connection between sleep patterns and weight. Poor sleep is linked to increased calorie intake, mostly from snacks that are high in fat and refined carbohydrates. Poor sleep also may affect hormones involved in weight, appetite regulation, and metabolism.

Some evidence suggests that people who sleep less than seven hours per night are more likely to have obesity. If you don't sleep for at least seven hours per night, consider working with a sleep specialist as part of your weight loss program. Here are some tips to help with better sleep .

If you set measurable goals, it's easier to track your progress. For example, if your goal was to drink water instead of soda at lunch for 30 days, you can mark each day on a calendar to check your progress.

Some people like to keep a food or exercise journal to monitor progress or use a mobile app to count calories or steps. Make sure to celebrate your successes. If you falter, start again as soon as possible.

One caution for tracking progress: try not to gauge your progress based on a number on the scale. Making lifestyle changes such as improving your eating habits or being more active has so many benefits beyond weight control.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recognize that losing weight is not easy and is best achieved with a commitment to lifestyle change over the long term and with the help of medical professionals.  

You will have a better chance of sustaining long-term weight loss if you make slow, steady progress that includes a combination of nutrition, fitness, sleep, and hydration changes.

In order to see real progress, don't make too many changes at once. Build up slowly instead. Perhaps the first 30 days of the journey may have progress such as:

  • In the first week, you drink water instead of a soda at lunch.
  • In the second week, you have water instead of soda and walk 10 minutes per day.
  • In the third week, you continue the first two activities and add weight training twice a week.

Remember, 30 days is just the start of this journey. Maintaining these new habits lifelong is how you will see real progress.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Losing Weight.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.  Setting goals and developing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives .

Damon L. Swift, Joshua E. McGee, Conrad P. Earnest, Erica Carlisle, Madison Nygard, Neil M. Johannsen, The Effects of Exercise and Physical Activity on Weight Loss and Maintenance . Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, Volume 61, Issue 2, 2018. Pages 206-213, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pcad.2018.07.014.

Wharton S, Lau DCW, Vallis M, et al. Obesity in adults: a clinical practice guideline .  CMAJ . 2020;192(31):E875-E891. doi:10.1503/cmaj.191707

 USDA. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025. 9th Edition. December 2020

USDA. My Plate .

USDA My Plate. Protein Foods .

USDA My Plate. Dairy .

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. How much physical activity do adults need?

O'Donoghue G, Blake C, Cunningham C, Lennon O, Perrotta C. What exercise prescription is optimal to improve body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in adults living with obesity? A network meta-analysis .  Obes Rev . 2021;22(2):e13137. doi:10.1111/obr.13137

Teixeira DS, Rodrigues F, Cid L, Monteiro D. Enjoyment as a Predictor of Exercise Habit, Intention to Continue Exercising, and Exercise Frequency: The Intensity Traits Discrepancy Moderation Role . Front Psychol. 2022 Feb 18;13:780059. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.780059. PMID: 35250719; PMCID: PMC8894246.

Malik VS, Hu FB. The role of sugar-sweetened beverages in the global epidemics of obesity and chronic diseases .  Nat Rev Endocrinol . 2022;18(4):205-218. doi:10.1038/s41574-021-00627-6

Bracamontes-Castelo G, Bacardí-Gascón M, Jiménez Cruz A. Effect of water consumption on weight loss: a systematic review . Nutr Hosp . 2019;36(6):1424-1429. doi:10.20960/nh.02746

Corney RA, Sunderland C, James LJ. Immediate pre-meal water ingestion decreases voluntary food intake in lean young males.   Eur J Nutr . 2016;55(2):815-819. doi:10.1007/s00394-015-0903-4

Kerksick CM, Wilborn CD, Roberts MD, et al.  ISSN exercise & sports nutrition review update: research & recommendations .  Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition . 2018;15(1):38. doi:10.1186/s12970-018-0242-y

Papatriantafyllou E, Efthymiou D, Zoumbaneas E, Popescu CA, Vassilopoulou E. Sleep Deprivation: Effects on Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance .  Nutrients . 2022;14(8):1549. Published 2022 Apr 8. doi:10.3390/nu14081549

Primack C. Obesity and Sleep .  Nurs Clin North Am . 2021;56(4):565-572. doi:10.1016/j.cnur.2021.07.012

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Changing your habits for better health.

By Cara Rosenbloom, RD  Cara Rosenbloom RD is a dietitian, journalist, book author, and the founder of Words to Eat By, a nutrition communications company in Toronto, ON.

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7 Things to Expect on Your Fat-Loss Journey

Fat-loss is not always an easy task , but if you’re up for the challenge, the benefits of it typically extend beyond the physical improvements —helping strengthen you mentally and emotionally .

With that said, there are many things you can expect on a fat-loss journey, most of them good, but some can be challenging. So let’s cover the basics of what to expect and how to overcome the difficult aspects of a successful fat-loss program.

This article was written by our friends at PrettyFit .

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Jacob Lund / Shutterstock

Energy Levels Will Fluctuate

The first few weeks will be very challenging. Your body and mind will be tired from adjustments to your energy expenditure and different nutrition habits. This is normal and your body will return to equilibrium over time.

After your body adjusts, you’ll quickly notice an improvement in energy levels throughout the day — less brain fog, and better sleep . 

Woman flexing workout outfit 1109

Master1305 / Shutterstock

You Will Have More Confidence

Seeing progress and the sense of accomplishment that comes from following a workout and nutrition program is extremely rewarding. However, what’s even more rewarding is the confidence you’ll build once you see that you are capable of tackling goals.

You may find yourself saying yes to more social activities and trying new things!

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You Will Gain Muscle Mass

A successful fat-loss program will combine proper nutrition , resistance training and a mix of interval and steady state cardio.

If you begin weightlifting and resistance training you may gain muscle, which weighs more than fat. This means your number on the scale may initially go up.

However, by putting on a little muscle, you’ll improve your metabolism and fat burning capabilities to ultimately build a desirable figure.

By performing regular resistance training, you’ll also be improving your bone health, posture, circulation, and hormone health.

1109 Woman Hanging Leg Raise shutterstock_584087554

Undrey / Shutterstock

You Will Hit Plateaus

When you start out on a fat-loss program, it’s relatively common to see a rapid drop in water weight during the first few weeks. Your number on the scale may go down quickly at first, setting you up for false hopes that you can keep up that rapid pace. However, you must understand that fat-loss takes time.

Often times, people who are new to a fat-loss program hit a plateau a few weeks after their initial success. What can separate successful fat-loss efforts from a failed one is knowing that plateaus will happen and to not give up.

When you hit a plateau, don’t panic, stick to the program and make minor adjustments. All good things take time and a healthy and sustainable fat-loss program is no exception!

Junk Food

Nina Firsova / Shutterstock

You Will Experience Small Victories And Losses

No matter how dedicated you are, you may have some off days in regards to your diet and training. Don’t worry because everyone experiences this while on a fat-loss journey.

So don’t be too hard on yourself—simply try to reflect on what happened, how you can improve next time and move on.

If you break down and cheat one meal, get back on track with the next meal. If a whole day’s worth of nutrition gets botched because there was a birthday party with cake at the office, don’t worry, just get back on track the next day.

On the other hand, you may start finding more will power, opting for a instead of baked goods at the office, or meal prepping on Sundays instead of ordering take out. Be proud of yourself for making the healthier choices!


Nophamon Yanyapong / EyeEm / Getty

Your Plastic Container Collection Will Grow

Incorporating meal prep Sunday will help with your fat-loss efforts. Restaurant foods often contain lots of hidden oils and fats that can be detrimental to your goals. By cooking for yourself you know exactly what’s going into your body.

With that said, try following a meal plan that has one or two cooking days per week and utilize plastic containers to store and carry food to work during the week.


Martin Novak / Getty

You May Get Stressed

Results can happen slowly, so don’t get frustrated. Any good workout and nutrition program will take four to six weeks to see real results. The magic formula is consistency, so don’t stress if you don’t see results within the first 2-3 weeks of training.

Stress can cause additional fat storage, so try to relax and have faith in your program. Don’t obsess and let it affect other aspects of your life. Your family, friends, work, fun and enjoyment should still be your focus. It’s all about balance.

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Everyday Health Special Report: Weight Loss Reframed

25 tips for weight loss that actually work.

From savoring your food to prioritizing protein, check out this practical advice for losing weight, courtesy of registered dietitian-nutritionists.

Lambeth Hochwald

Over the years, you’ve probably heard your fair share of wacky weight loss recommendations, whether it’s to drink celery juice every day or replace your meals with weight loss “cookies.”  While there’s an abundance of misguided advice, there are also many legitimate, research-backed tips for people who are in the right mental health space and have weight loss as a personal goal.

We spoke with nutritionists, registered dietitians, personal trainers, and other experts to give you the most effective and practical tips for weight loss. Here are 25 expert-approved and science-backed tips that can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

An Easy Way To Reduce Fat While Cooking

An Easy Way To Reduce Fat While Cooking

Next up video playing in 10 seconds

1. eat slowly.

“I have my clients learn how to choose foods they like, really taste each morsel going into their mouths, and chew deliberately. I advise them to chew slowly, swallow only when the food is all chewed up, and repeat. It takes time to know we're full. Eating slowly not only allows us to enjoy our food more but gives us better cues of satiety.”

— Janet Zinn , a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist in private practice in New York City

2. Enjoy the Food You Eat

“So often we’re told what to eat, and then when we don’t like that specific food, we’re less apt to create long-term healthy habits. Try new fruits and vegetables . Find out how to prepare new dishes that provide variety and flavor. Add herbs and spices to elevate flavor. Or if you prefer, savor the sweetness of fruit and the depth of raw and steamed vegetables. There’s no reason that your relationship with food can’t be pleasurable.”

— Janet Zinn

3. Keep a Daily Gratitude Journal

“Our eating habits are sometimes connected to our emotions, whether we realize it or not. When we're stressed, we may use food to help cope with the stress. I work with clients on keeping a daily journal of things they're grateful for — or even just a journal to write in when stressed — so that they're better prepared to cope with the stress by acknowledging it and utilizing other tools, rather than reaching for food as a coping mechanism.”

— Lauren Manganiello, RD, CSSD , a board-certified sports nutritionist and registered dietitian in private practice on Long Island, New York

Finding the right tools can make a big difference in your weight loss journey. Check out our curated list of the best weight loss apps to help you stay on track, set goals, and achieve your fitness objectives.

4. Batch Cook and Prep

“Every Sunday I batch cook my meals for the week. For breakfast, I combine oats, peanut butter, flax, and protein powder so all I need to do is add water and microwave. I also prepare lunches for the week and pack them in individual containers so I can grab one a day to bring to work.”

— Kyra Williams , a personal trainer in Boston

5. Don’t Forget the Weights

— Kyra Williams

6. Get Enough Z’s

“A lack of sleep increases your hunger hormone, ghrelin, and decreases your satisfaction hormone, leptin, which can contribute to weight gain. When we are sleep deprived , we crave more salty and sweet foods. Why? Because anytime you feel more intense hunger, your cravings for higher energy — aka higher calorie — foods intensify. We also know that the way we think and process our emotions is affected by inadequate sleep, so it’s easy to connect this with an impaired ability to make reasonable choices in many areas of life, including with food. If we flip the coin, we can safely assume that when we are well rested, our bodies work better. When it comes to eating, that would mean that we would eat when we are truly hungry and eat just until satisfied.”

— Angela Lemond , a registered dietitian-nutritionist in private practice in Texas

7. Don’t Skip Meals

— Angela Lemond

8. Stay Hydrated

— Megan Casper, RDN , a nutrition counselor and the founder and CEO of Nourished Bite

9. Cut Calories, Not Flavor

“With flavorful ingredients, a little goes a long way, so you end up reducing the calorie content of meals without sacrificing taste. By choosing options such as sharp cheddar over mild cheddar, you can use less, but you’ll still get a lot of flavor without feeling like you're on a diet.”

— Megan Casper, RDN

10. Reorganize Your Plate

“Make half your plate vegetables, a quarter of your plate whole grains, and a quarter of your plate lean protein . When you switch the portions of grains and vegetables on your plate, you'll see a difference. The only caveat: Potatoes, corn, and peas are starchy vegetables, so they go in the grains category.”

— Lainey Younkin, RD , a nutrition counselor and consultant in Boston

11. Start Where You Are and Do What You Can

“Don't feel like you need to overhaul your entire life starting immediately. Assess where you are currently and then figure out where you’d like to be in the future. A great starting point for people new to exercise is to get a step counter and see how much you walk on a normal day. Then set a step goal slightly higher than the norm and strive for that, working your way up slowly to a goal of 10,000 steps per day.”

— Esther Avant , an online sports nutritionist specializing in weight loss who is based in San Diego

12. Think Big — Not Small

“Focus on the weight loss 'big rocks' — there are a few areas that will give you the most bang for your buck when you're trying to lose weight. Prioritizing those and letting go of all the minutiae that contribute to overwhelm will make reaching your goals feel easier and more sustainable. On the nutrition front, pay attention to calories, protein, and fiber. For exercise, prioritize strength training , daily steps, and recovery.”

— Esther Avant

13. Look Beyond the Scale

“While the scale isn't useless, it also isn't the only thing that matters. To help you gauge progress that might not be reflected on the scale, take regular photos and measurements, in addition to keeping a running list of nonscale victories. This will help keep the scale in perspective and show you all the positive changes you're making to your health and overall lifestyle.”

14. Give Your Breakfast a Protein Boost

“Aim for 15 to 25 grams of protein at breakfast. Protein is digested slowly and suppresses hunger hormones, helping keep you full. Additionally, a high-protein breakfast helps curb cravings later in the day. Pair protein-rich foods with fiber and healthy fats , like two eggs with whole-wheat toast and avocado or high-protein frozen waffles with nuts, berries , and a little maple syrup.”

— Lainey Younkin, RD

15. Consume Protein at Every Meal

“Eating protein-rich foods at every meal, especially breakfast, can help shave extra pounds. Protein slows down the digestive process and positively impacts your hunger hormones. Protein can also do better at staving off hunger than carbohydrates. Protein-rich foods include quinoa , edamame , beans, seeds, nuts, eggs, yogurt, cheese, tofu, lentil pasta, poultry, fish, and meat.”

— Christine M. Palumbo, RDN , a nutrition consultant from Naperville, Illinois

16. Try to Eat Mainly Whole, Minimally Processed Foods

— Christine M. Palumbo, RDN

17. Limit High-Glycemic Carbohydrate Foods

— Sue-Ellen Anderson Haynes, RDN, CDCES , a certified personal trainer and national media spokesperson of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics who is based in Boston

18. Experiment With Fruits at Dessert Time

— Sue-Ellen Anderson Haynes, RDN, CDCES

19. Eat a Large Breakfast and a Small Dinner

20. get into meal planning.

“ Meal planning is one of my top tips for staying healthy and eating well. I'm such a fan of the concept that I wrote a book about it! Taking 5 to 10 minutes over the weekend to write out a menu for the week ahead will save you time, money, and unwanted calories down the road. Not sure what to make for dinner tonight? No worries, it's already on your menu plan. Menu planning is a great way to stay organized, and know what groceries you need to buy and what you already have on hand, and it will help ensure a balanced plate. Keep in mind, a night off from cooking and ordering takeout or making a frozen meal is a totally acceptable part of the menu plan. And be sure to write down the plan — you're more likely to stick to it if it's in front of you as a reminder.”

— Jessica Levinson, RDN , a culinary nutrition and communications dietitian based in Westchester County, New York

21. Make a Grocery List and Stick to It

— Jessica Levinson, RDN

22. Take Stock of What’s in Your Kitchen

“To cook healthy meals you need the right ingredients and kitchen tools on hand. Some staple ingredients I recommend having in your pantry, fridge, and freezer are low-sodium canned beans, canned fish, tomato sauce, whole-grain pasta, quinoa , brown rice, low-sodium stock, low-fat plain yogurt, a variety of fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables, olive oil, and dried herbs and spices. These are just some of the ingredients that can form the base of a healthy and delicious meal.”

23. Have the Right Tools on Hand

“Similarly, having a good mix of kitchen tools can help ensure easy, efficient, and healthy cooking. For example, a seasoned cast-iron skillet is one of my favorite pans to cook eggs, saute vegetables, and make pancakes, since I don't have to use as much oil or butter to keep food from sticking. Some of my other favorite kitchen tools are an immersion blender, Instant Pot, baking sheets, measuring cups and spoons, and a hand juicer. And of course anyone working in the kitchen should have a quality set of knives.”

24. Read Food Labels

“Getting into the habit of flipping your packages over can save you time, money, and even calories. Food labels give you a clear picture of what you’re really getting and if you want to lose weight healthfully, it’s not just about how many calories you’re getting — it’s also about what kind of calories you’re getting. To make sure that your meals are valuable, be sure that you’re getting a balance of nutrients without overdoing sodium, sugar, and saturated fat.”

— Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN , author of Read It Before You Eat It — Taking You from Label to Table

25. Choose Super Snacks

“It’s best to look at your snacks as mini-meals. We are snacking more than ever, so it’s best to choose snacks with benefits, like almond butter and a sliced apple or Greek yogurt topped with fruit and a high fiber cereal. It’s not easy to get everything you need in a day, so nutritionally rich snacks can help fill that gap while also making you feel more full and satisfied.”

— Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN

The Takeaway

As the experts have noted, there are many effective ways to lose weight. The right way for you depends on your individual goals and preferences. Remember that small changes can make a big difference. And it may take some experimentation to find out which tips work best for you.

Along with dietary changes and meal planning, it may also be helpful to identify why you are trying to make a change, to embrace setbacks, and to get support from friends or family.

Everyday Health follows strict sourcing guidelines to ensure the accuracy of its content, outlined in our editorial policy . We use only trustworthy sources, including peer-reviewed studies, board-certified medical experts, patients with lived experience, and information from top institutions.

  • Lopez P et al. Resistance Training Effectiveness on Body Composition and Body Weight Outcomes in Individuals With Overweight and Obesity Across the Lifespan: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Obesity Reviews . May 2022.
  • Ezpeleta M et al. Efficacy and Safety of Prolonged Water Fasting: A Narrative Review of Human Trials . Nutrition Reviews . May 2024.
  • Yes, Drinking More Water May Help You Lose Weight. Johns Hopkins University . January 15, 2020.
  • Hall KD et al. Ultra-Processed Diets Cause Excess Calorie Intake and Weight Gain: An Inpatient Randomized Controlled Trial of Ad Libitum Food Intake . Cell Metabolism . July 2019.
  • Niwano Y et al. Is Glycemic Index of Food a Feasible Predictor of Appetite, Hunger, and Satiety? Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology . June 2009.
  • Roberts SB. High-Glycemic Index Foods, Hunger, and Obesity: Is There a Connection? Nutrition Reviews . June 2000.
  • Adults Meeting Fruit and Vegetable Intake Recommendations — United States, 2019. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . January 7, 2022.
  • Lopez-Minguez J et al. Timing of Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Effects on Obesity and Metabolic Risk . Nutrients . November 2019.
  • Anderberg RH et al. The Stomach-Derived Hormone Ghrelin Increases Impulsive Behavior . Neuropsychopharmacology . April 2016.
  • Silva LV et al. Association of Minimally Processed and Ultra-Processed Food Daily Consumption With Obesity in Overweight Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study. Nutrición Hospitalaria . June 21, 2023.
  • Kahleova H et al. Dietary Advanced Glycation Products and Their Associations With Insulin Sensitivity and Body Weight: A 16-Week Randomized Clinical Trial. Obesity Science and Practice . October 17, 2022.
  • Landry MJ et al. Cardiometabolic Effects of Omnivorous vs Vegan Diets in Identical Twins. JAMA Network . November 30, 2023.
  • Zomeño MD et al. Halo Effect of a Mediterranean-Lifestyle Weight-Loss Intervention on Untreated Family Members’ Weight and Physical Activity: A Prospective Study. International Journal of Obesity . March 3, 2021.
  • Yancy Jr WS et al. Comparison of Group Medical Visits Combined With Intensive Weight Management vs Group Medical Visits Alone for Glycemia in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. JAMA Internal Medicine . November 4, 2019.
  • Zhou Y et al. How Online Health Groups Help You Lose Weight: The Role of Group Composition and Social Contact. Digital Health . July 14, 2022.
  • Martin-Vicario L et al. The Role of Social Support in Obesity Online Health Communities: A Literature Review. Review of Communication Research . June 2022.
  • Phelan S et al. In Their Own Words: Topic Analysis of the Motivations and Strategies of Over 6,000 Long-Term Weight-Loss Maintainers. Obesity . February 9, 2022.
  • Luckstein K. Weight-Loss Survey on Mayo Clinic Diet Polled More Than 200,000 People in the U.S. Mayo Clinic . May 25, 2022.
  • Lopez P et al. Resistance Training Effectiveness on Body Composition and Body Weight Outcomes in Individuals With Overweight and Obesity Across the Lifespan: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Obesity Reviews . February 21, 2022.
  • Ezpeleta M et al. Efficacy and Safety of Prolonged Water Fasting: A Narrative Review of Human Trials. Nutrition Reviews . June 27, 2023
  • Davy B. Clinical Trial Confirms Effectiveness of Simple Appetite Control Method. American Chemistry Society . August 23, 2010.
  • Hall K et al. Ultra-Processed Diets Cause Excess Calorie Intake and Weight Gain: An Inpatient Randomized Controlled Trial of Ad Libitum Food Intake. Cell Metabolism . July 2, 2019.
  • Lee SH et al. Adults Meeting Fruit and Vegetable Intake Recommendations — United States, 2019. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . July 7, 2022.
  • Lopez-Minguez J et al. Timing of Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Effects on Obesity and Metabolic Risk. Nutrients . November 1, 2019.
  • Anderberg R et al. The Stomach-Derived Hormone Ghrelin Increases Impulsive Behavior. Neuropsychopharmacology . October 1, 2015.

A woman who lost 55 pounds by making 2 simple changes shared 10 fat-loss lessons she learned

  • Megan Tjelle lost 55 pounds by walking and eating in a calorie deficit.
  • She lost a further 50 pounds by taking the weight-loss drug Wegovy.
  • Tjelle shared 10 lessons from her weight-loss journey, including the importance of patience.

Insider Today

Megan Tjelle's weight had fluctuated for over a decade. She would try a fad diet and lose some weight but then always gain it back — and more.

As her 30th birthday approached, Tjelle had lost her self-confidence and knew she needed to make a change.

This time, she wanted to get healthier and lose weight in a way that was sustainable. In October 2022, she started small, and by eating in a calorie deficit and walking, Tjelle, from Chicago, lost 55 pounds in six months, she told Business Insider.

Struggling with " food noise " and worried about plateauing, Tjelle saw her doctor, who suggested she try the appetite-suppressing weight-loss drug Wegovy (which contains the same medication as Ozempic), which she promptly did.

Tjelle lost a further 50 pounds over eight months and is now taking a maintenance dose of the medication. She has also progressed in her workout regimen, having built up to running a half-marathon and doing strength training. Those on such drugs, known as GLP-1 agonists , are advised to eat healthily and exercise while taking them.

Tjelle's experience reflects how approaches and attitudes toward weight loss are changing . A report by Research and Markets found the global weight-loss-drug market was estimated to grow from $3.83 billion in 2023 to $44.12 billion in 2029 as more people looked to combine medication with healthy diets and exercise to lose weight, often after struggling to hit their goals "naturally."

Tjelle, now 30, shared the 10 fat-loss and fitness lessons she learned during her journey.

1. Patience is key

Tjelle said she found it frustrating at times when she didn't see fast progress.

"I had to remind myself that I didn't gain the weight overnight and I am not going to lose it overnight, either," she said.

She learned to focus on taking things one day at a time, describing it as considering the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.

2. Consistency is important

Tjelle realized she didn't need to do grueling workouts or eat an overly restrictive diet every day to make progress: She just needed to do something that was a step in the right direction.

"The most important (and the hardest) part of the process is to start," she said.

3. Drinking your calories makes fat loss harder

While alcohol is a big source of liquid calories for some people, Tjelle realized she was consuming too many creamy, sugary coffee drinks , some of which contained over 400 calories each. Cutting down on them helped her hit her goals, she said.

"When you're trying to lose weight, these calories really add up, and they don't even fill you up or really provide any nutritional value," Tjelle said.

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Nutrition experts have previously told BI that there's nothing wrong with occasionally eating less nutritious foods that you enjoy, but consuming them less frequently can improve health and help you hit your fat-loss goals.

4. Walking is great for fat loss

"Walking was by far the most effective exercise for weight loss early in my weight-loss journey," Tjelle said.

She felt overwhelmed and self-conscious walking into a gym for the first time in years, but she knew she could walk for 30 minutes every day.

"It's great for beginners because it's low impact with very low risk of injury," Tjelle said.

Walking can be great for fat loss because it burns calories without ramping up hunger, which higher-intensity cardio does for some people.

5. Calories count

Whether you count calories or not, they count. Tjelle learned about the calorie content of different foods and made sure she was in a deficit by ordering meals from a healthy delivery service called Seattle Sutton.

"Once I got into a true calorie deficit, I saw results right away," she said.

6. You can still eat foods you enjoy

Tjelle learned that she could enjoy everything she likes in moderation and still lose fat, and she didn't need to cut out any food groups.

"I found that overrestricting just led to me eating even more of the food that I was restricting," she said.

On her weight-loss journey, Tjelle celebrated milestones by going out to eat at her favorite places, including sushi restaurants, because she thought it was important to still enjoy life and celebrate her wins.

7. Falling off track doesn't ruin your progress

Tjelle used to throw in the towel and go back to her old habits whenever she had a day or even a meal that took her out of her calorie deficit. But now she knows to just get back on track .

"It's important to remember that a slipup or bad day is not going to ruin your progress, and you just have to keep going," she said.

8. Having a positive attitude toward exercise helps

Tjelle exercised consistently when she stopped thinking of it as a chore and instead focused on the benefits.

"Changing my mindset from, 'I have to,' to, 'I get to,' was key for me," she said. "I realized how grateful I am to be able to move my body every day and do something that makes me feel good."

9. You are your greatest investment

Previously, Tjelle always pushed exercise and healthy eating to the bottom of her priority list. But now she realizes how important it is to prioritize her health .

"What helped me on the really hard days was thinking about what my life will look like at my ideal weight and how different everything will look (in a good way)," she said.

10. You won't always feel motivated

For the first few months of her weight-loss journey, Tjelle really didn't want to go to the gym, she said. But she stayed consistent even when she didn't feel like it, instead of relying on motivation, and she gradually started to enjoy it more.

"I really struggled to get there every day, but I reminded myself that this was not going to be easy but the long-term results would be so worth it," Tjelle said.

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The 13 Best Fitness Journals to Track Your Health and Wellness Goals

Whether you want to be more consistent with your fitness habits or focus on meal planning and nutrition, these journals will keep you on track.

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Rich Scherr is an updates strategist and fact checker for Dotdash Meredith brands, including Health and Verywell. He is a seasoned financial and technology journalist who served as editor-in-chief of the Potomac Tech Wire for nearly two decades, and is a regular contributor to the sports pages of The Baltimore Sun. He has also been a news editor for America Online and has contributed to the Associated Press and The Washington Post.

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What to Know Before You Shop

Our top picks, our review process, the experts.

Fitness journals, sometimes called trackers, can help you consistently work toward your health and wellness goals since they allow you to identify trends and patterns, record progress, and stay engaged in your wellness routine. When looking for the right journal for you, it’s important to consider the type of activity you’re tracking, how long you’d like to track, any other metrics you think you’ll want to consider, and the price of the options on the market.

To help you determine the best fitness journal for your needs, we reviewed the most popular options on the market and spoke to personal trainers, athletes, and coaches . Next, a physical therapist from our Medical Expert Board reviewed this article for medical and scientific accuracy.

  • Types: There are a variety of fitness trackers on the market, such as general fitness journals, options that include nutrition/meal planning, or journals for specific sports like running or weight lifting. 
  • Time frame: Consider how much time you’d like to spend tracking your habits. You can find options that offer 12-week blocks up to 52 weeks or more.
  • Tracking sections: In addition to tracking your exercise, you might find sections that help you track other habits, such as sleep, water intake, mindfulness cues, and more.
  • Nutrition: Nutrition trackers might include sections for meal planning, grocery lists, calories, macronutrients, daily weigh-ins, and budgeting tools. You’ll want to consider how important it is to track numbers like calories and macronutrients. Some people, including those with a history of eating disorders, are advised not to use these features.
  • Quality and design: Higher quality features might include leather covers, an elastic holder, a placeholder, stickers and other customization options.
  • Best Overall: Fitness Journal for Women & Men
  • Best Budget: Training for a Healthy Life
  • Best for Beginners: Fitlosophy Planner
  • Best Portable: Erin Condren Wellness Planner
  • Best for Nutrition Tracking: Clever Fox Wellness Planner
  • Best Motivational: ban.do 280 Page Wellness Journal
  • Best for Goal Setting: Commit30 Fitness Journal
  • Best for Progress Tracking: KAICN Undated Weekly Goals Notebook
  • Best for Training: The Omega Project Black Book Training Journal
  • Best for Runners: Believe Training Journal

Best Overall

Fitness journal for women & men - a5 workout journal, why we like it.

Whether you’re new to fitness or looking for a way to keep yourself engaged, the Heveboik Fitness Journal is a good fit for various wellness needs. With sections that allow you to track your goals, exercises, body weight, and how your workout feels , most people will get what they need from this simple but organized fitness tracker. We especially love the spiral-bound notebook style of this tracker, which makes it easy to detail your workouts and stay organized at the gym. If you’re interested in specific tracking features for a sport or exercise activity like weight training, you might want a more specialized journal. 

Product Details

  • Duration: 23 weeks
  • Size: 8.43 x 5.83 inches 
  • Metrics Tracked: Goals, progress, calendar, results, fitness and exercise tracker with rep count

Best Budget

Training for a healthy life: a daily food and fitness journal.

The Zeitgeist Wellness Daily Food and Fitness Journal is priced at approximately the same amount as your morning latte, and it’s brimming with supportive and inspirational cues to support you on your path to better fitness. Start each day by establishing your objectives and aspirations. Later in the day, you can document your breakfast, lunch, and dinner choices, as well as your exercise, weight, hydration, and sleep . At the end of your day, take a moment to review your progress by jotting down your emotional state and the self-care methods you employed. Note that the binding opens like a book, so you might wish you had a spiral-bound option.

  • Duration : 13 weeks
  • Size: 6 x 9 inches
  • Metrics Tracked: Goals for the day, weekly check-in, how you did, goals in the future

Best for Beginners

Fitlosophy fitspiration journal: 16 weeks of guided fitness inspiration, dream seek achieve.

The Fitlosophy 16-Week Fitness-Meets-Gratitude Journal provides 114 pages for daily health assessments, workouts, meal preparation, and mood assessments. It’s a great option for anyone who wants to to tick off their goals and alleviate the pressure of launching a new fitness regimen. The notebook is bursting with motivational quotes and features blank pages designated for personal journaling. Additionally, you’ll discover valuable fitness advice sprinkled throughout the sixteen-week diary.

This product is a great fit for beginners or those who want to improve their healthy habits, but it might not be for you if you’re following a specific workout plan and want space to log each exercise. 

  • Duration: 16 weeks
  • Size: ‎6.5 x 8 inches 
  • Metrics Tracked: Gratitude prompts, health assessments, workouts, meal preparation, and mood

Best Portable

Erin condren designer petite wellness planner.

The Erin Condren Wellness Log is an ideal option for anyone looking for a compact fitness journal. Equipped with an 80-page capacity and a sticker sheet, this 6-inch by 8-inch journal allows you to efficiently document six months' worth of exercise routines, step counts, hydration status , sleep patterns, and dietary choices . It streamlines the process of achieving your fitness objectives through useful goal pages, to-do lists, and health monitoring tools, making it both enjoyable and convenient. Due to its compact nature, you’ll only get about 11 weeks of use out of this planner. If you think you want more logging sheets, you might want to find a bigger planner. 

  • Duration : 80 daily logs
  • Size: 5.7 x 8.25 inches 
  • Metrics Tracked: Fitness, sleep, nutrition, water intake, habits

Best for Nutrition Tracking

Clever fox wellness planner - weekly & daily health and wellness log.

Crafted in collaboration with fitness professionals, the Clever Fox Fitness and Food Journal covers essential aspects of health and wellness, allowing you to monitor your physical activities, water consumption, and dietary choices. It includes sections for goal-setting, weekly habit monitoring, monthly calendars, daily meals, grocery list planning , mood assessments, and more.

This journal comes recommended by sports dietician nutritionist Mandy Tyler . The Fitness and Food journal is designed for users to set individual monthly goals and then track their daily nutrition and exercise progress towards those goals. The journal includes space for weekly progress tracking as well as reflection , she says. If you want to avoid tracking calories and macros, you might find the nutrition sections to be too numbers-focused.

  • Duration : 6 months
  • Size: 5.8 x 8.3 inches 
  • Metrics Tracked : Food journal and meal planner, diary for calorie counting and tracking

Best Motivational

Ban.do 280 page wellness journal.

If you find self-motivation challenging, you'll appreciate Ban.do Wellness Planner’s motivational quotes and mindfulness cues. The journal is brimming with insightful content and valuable insights provided by fitness professionals, as well as specialized segments for setting intentions, self-care, mental health, physical fitness, and tracking your nutrition and exercise . For an extra dose of inspiration, it includes detachable encouragement cards and a variety of enjoyable stickers.

This fitness tracker is well-rounded but doesn’t focus on one specific aspect of wellness. If you’re looking for a journal to track your progress in a specific area, like running mileage, for example, you might enjoy a more targeted tracker.

  • Duration: 280 days
  • Size: 7 in x 10 inches
  • Metrics Tracked: Habits, prompts for consideration, rewards

Best for Goal Setting

Commit30 fitness journal.

With a full year’s worth of tracking, we love that the Commit30 Fitness Journal offers both monthly and weekly layouts. You can also set up a 30-day challenge for yourself once you commit to a new goal. The journal is a comprehensive fitness tracking option that helps you focus on movement, health, nutrition, mindfulness, and motivation one day at a time. It also comes suggested by Wan Na Chun , RD, CPT of One Pot Wellness. “I like the diversity that this fitness journal has, which includes monthly calendars, weekly layouts, 30-day challenges, meal planning sections, exercise tracking, and more,” she says. Keep in mind that tf you’re looking for something to use for the short term, you might enjoy a fitness tracker that doesn’t include a full year's worth of planning.

  • Duration: 52 weeks 
  • Metrics Tracked: Monthly calendars, weekly layouts, 30-day challenges, meal planning sections, exercise tracking

Best for Progress Tracking

Kaicn undated weekly goals notebook.

If you’re a visual person who loves the feeling of crossing something off your to-do list, you likely will love the KAICN Weekly Goal Notebook . With a weekly table to track your habits, you can easily see how consistent you’ve been. “I like the simplicity of the KAICN Weekly Goal Notebook,” says Sarah Alsing, MS, RD, founder of Delightfully Fueled. “It has a habit tracker table to fill in the habits you want to work on. Habits could be water intake, hours of sleep, and daily walks . The days of the week have plenty of room to write down your plan for physical activity and meals each day. Planning out your week in advance will help set you up for success,” she says. 

If you already have your goals in mind and just need a place to write them down, this fitness journal is great. If you’re looking for more prompts, you might struggle with the self-directed nature of this journal. 

  • Size: 8 x 5.7 inches 
  • Metrics Tracked: To-do planner, with a weekly schedule planner and habit tracker

Best for Training

The omega project black book training journal.

Training doesn’t get more serious than U.S. Navy Seals, which was exactly who the Omega Project Black Book tracker was created for. With logs for exercises, sleep, nutrition, and recovery metrics, this fitness journal runs the gamut of all possible ways you can track your wellness habits. Katie Schimmelpfenning , RD, founder of Eat Swim Win, a dietitian and swim coach shares why she recommends this journal: “This training journal is superior to most on the market because it has athletes checking in with mental health , energy levels, sleep, and nutrition as well as a spot to log your daily workout. This can be an excellent accountability tool and helpful for evaluating training performance.”

If the thought of having more information to track stresses you out, you might want to find a journal that tracks fewer metrics. 

  • Size: ‎8.58 x 5.24 inches 
  • Metrics Tracked: logs exercise, sleep, recovery, mental health, nutrition

Best for Runners

Believe training journal (electric blue edition).

Created by runners, for runners, this journal offers an avenue to track your mileage and process your workouts. Stephanie Darby , RD,  personally uses and recommends the Believe training journal to her running clients because of its clean and simple design that allows you to notice trends over time, increase self awareness, and receive encouragement and motivation as training progresses. “This journal was created by professional runners and includes essays on a variety of topics to support athletes training and mental well being,” she adds.

It’s great for people who are seasoned or beginner runners, but other types of training might need a sport-specific journal. 

  • Size: 6.25 x 7.75 inches 
  • Metrics Tracked: Designated grids for recording workouts, planning space, motivation, and encouragement

Best for Weight Lifters

Habit nest the weightlifting gym buddy journal.

Every weightlifter could benefit from a workout companion, even if it's just a personalized notebook. The Habit Nest Weightlifting Gym Buddy Journal accompanies you on a 12-week exercise regimen , helping you keep tabs on your weight, sets, and repetitions. Designed with beginners in mind, this choice includes structured workouts and visual aids for specific exercises, allowing you to dive into your routine with confidence. Each workout is divided into two main muscle groups , and you can document up to four exercises in each section. Additionally, there's room for goal-setting, cardiovascular notes, and tracking the intensity of your sweat sessions.

Of course, non-lifters will want to skip this one. Additionally, if you’re looking for a longer term fitness journal, this may not be the best option.

  • Duration: 12 weeks 
  • Size: ‎24.21 x 17.7 inches 
  • Metrics Tracked: Training program in a journal, with workout and exercise journal/log

Best for Meal Planning

Soligt weekly meal planner notebook and food planner.

With a full year of tracking logs, the SOLIGT Weekly Meal Planner allows you to monitor your progress through the seasons and track trends and patterns over 52 weeks. We love the breakdown of the weekly meal planner, shopping list, and even a budgeting tool to keep track of your grocery finances. The spiral bound notebook format makes it easy to write your plan for the week and keep your planner organized. We love that you can even tear off the removable grocery list once you’re ready to head to the store.

There’s space for fitness and workout tracking in this planner, but it’s predominately geared towards nutrition tracking. 

  • Duration: 52 weeks
  • Size: 10 x 7 inches 
  • Metrics Tracked: Weekly meal planner and food planner with grocery lists and expense tracker

Best Undated

Life & apples wellness planner.

The Life and Apples Wellness Planner is an undated 90-day scheduler that accommodates your timetable and doesn't confine you to specific dates. It encourages you to establish diet and fitness objectives with guided prompts for mapping out meals, monitoring workouts, and conducting wellness assessments. It also features a segment for reflecting on your week and acknowledging your achievements. For added convenience, the journal is equipped with a pen holder, a closure band, two bookmarks, personalized stickers, and an internal pocket for notes.

If you’re looking for a more rigid fitness plan to follow, this journal might have too much wiggle room for you.

  • Duration: 13 weeks 
  • Size : 5.5 x 8.2 inches 
  • Metrics Tracked: Food journal and fitness dairy with gratitude journal pages

We completed comprehensive market research to choose the best-selling fitness journals to review. We took detailed notes on the key features of each product and how they compared to one another, specifically in the following areas

  • Type of fitness activity
  • Format of journal: Daily, weekly, or monthly logs
  • Additional sections for habit tracking like meal planning, sleep, and water intake
  • Prompts for motivation, idea generation, and reflection
  • Wan Na Chun, RD, CPT, of One Pot Wellness is a dietitian and personal trainer
  • Sarah Alsing, MS, RD, Registered Dietitian and founder of Delightfully Fueled
  • Mandy Tyler, MEd, RD, CSSD, LD
  • Stephanie L. Darby, RD, LD
  • Katie Schimmelpfenning, RD, LD, dietician and Founder of Eat Swim Win

As a registered dietitian, Caroline Thomason has 10+ years of experience in the wellness space. She has personally used a variety of fitness and wellness journals over the years and worked with many clients and colleagues alike who have strong fitness tracking opinions. For this piece, she worked closely with dietitians, personal trainers, and sports coaches to get the inside scoop about real world insights on fitness journals in a variety of categories.

  • 26 Fitness and Diet Tips That Anyone Can Benefit From 1 of 10 Medically reviewed by Elizabeth Barnes, RDN
  • How's Your Cardiovascular Endurance? How To Check 2 of 10 Medically reviewed by Amy Kwan, PT
  • How Many Days a Week Do You Really Need to Work Out? 3 of 10 Medically reviewed by Amy Kwan, PT
  • What To Know About Pre-Workout 4 of 10 Medically reviewed by Roxana Ehsani, RD
  • What To Eat Before, During, and After Every Kind of Workout 5 of 10 Medically reviewed by Suzanne Fisher, RD
  • Hydration and Exercise: What To Drink During a Workout 6 of 10 Medically reviewed by Allison Herries, RDN
  • Renew Your Workout Motivation With These Fitness Journals Coaches Use to Inspire Athletes 7 of 10 Medically reviewed by Amy Kwan, PT
  • 10 Realistic Fitness Goals, Recommended by Personal Trainers 8 of 10 Medically reviewed by Barbie Cervoni, RD
  • What Is Calisthenics? 9 of 10 Medically reviewed by Barbie Cervoni, RD
  • Sore After a Workout? Try These Foods 10 of 10 Medically reviewed by Roxana Ehsani, RD

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40 Healthy Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss, According To Dietitians

Here's how to make your own.

preview for 3 Whole-Grain Breakfasts

Don't be fooled—just because they sound (and actually are) delicious doesn't mean they aren't nourishing for your body too. With the right recipe, weight loss-friendly smoothies can help keep you full and satiated throughout the day, whether you enjoy one with breakfast or as an afternoon snack .

“Nutritious smoothies can be a great addition to a well-balanced diet for weight loss and general health,” says says Julie Andrews, RDN, the founder of The Healthy Epicurean. Not just any ol' smoothie will do, though, since some recipes may pack a lot of sugar and calories instead of nutrients that support weight loss and overall health, she says. Although green smoothies tend to be popular, there are tons of recipes to try—from keto smoothies and caffeinated coffee smoothies to cookie-inspired blends that will satisfy your sweet tooth (without the added sugar).

Many factors can influence your weight loss journey, like how many calories you need and things like age, fitness, and underlying conditions. Remember, the journey is individual, so don't hesitate to talk to a registered dietitian or your doctor if you're unsure how to manage your weight.

In the meantime, here are 40 healthy smoothie recipes to try for weight loss.

Meet the experts: Allie Echeverria, RD , is a registered dietitian and founder of Eaton Broshar Nutrition. Julie Andrews, RDN , is the founder and recipe creator of The Healthy Epicurean. Keri Gans, RDN , is the author of The Small Change Diet . Leah Johnston, RDN , is a nutritionist and health expert at the marketing agency SRW.

How To Make A Healthy Smoothie For Weight Loss

1. measure portion sizes..

If you're on a weight loss journey, you don't want to drastically restrict what you're eating, but it can help to be mindful about portion sizes when it comes to snacks like smoothies. Some smoothie ingredients, like nut butters , are calorically dense, so it’s best to measure a tablespoon of peanut butter instead of eyeballing the portion size, says Allie Echeverria, RD, a registered dietitian and founder of Eaton Broshar Nutrition. If you're unsure, you can always consult a dietitian to determine the best amount for you.

2. Consider calories.

By no means is a smoothie meant to be a meal replacement, but it can be a helpful way to support your existing diet. If you tend to have a smaller appetite in the morning and want to enjoy a smoothie instead of other foods, be mindful of what's in them, Echevarria says. The calories in smoothies can add up quickly, and if weight loss is your goal, smoothies that are 400 or more calories might be considered meal replacements, she says. A simple fix? Use lower calorie liquids, like unsweetened almond milk , instead of cow’s milk or sweetened milk alternatives, Echeverria says.

3. Add protein.

If weight loss is your goal and you're worried about feeling hungry all day, protein-packed smoothies can help keep you full, says Keri Gans, RDN, author of The Small Change Diet. “Make sure your breakfast smoothies are rich in protein, otherwise, you will most likely be hungry way before lunchtime. Also, a little fat and fiber are needed for satiety as well as overall nutrition."

A simple way to do this: Add a scoop of protein powder , Greek yogurt, or liquid egg whites to your smoothie recipe, Echeverria says. You can also add low-fat milk, non-dairy milk alternatives, or nut butter, Gans adds.

4. Don't forget the fiber.

Fiber helps regulate hunger, improve digestion, and keep your blood sugar in check. When prepping your smoothie, try tossing in chia seeds , which are fiber-rich, Echeverria says. Pro tip: Chia seeds absorb liquid—which is why they work well for chia pudding —so it’s best to blend ground chia seeds if you can, she adds.

5. Incorporate leafy greens.

Leafy greens are loaded with healthy vitamins, minerals, and iron, so Echeverria suggests blending a handful of spinach into your smoothie (FYI: it may change the color, but you typically can’t taste it!). You can also experiment with other leafy greens like arugula and kale, but they have more of a distinct and overpowering flavor, she adds

6. Skip the juice.

Although it may be tempting to grab a green juice in the morning, juices are often high in calories and sugar, but low in fiber, so it’s best to stick with whole, fresh or frozen fruit if you can, says Echeverria.

7. Prep in advance.

If you want to plan ahead, try freezing the majority of your smoothie ingredients (like fruits, seeds, and vegetables) in individual bags and pulling one out each day as needed, says Leah Johnston, RDN, a culinary nutritionist at the marketing agency SRW. Meal prep for the win.

40 Healthy Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss

Spiced blueberry smoothie bowl.

spiced blueberry smoothie bowl

A little zest instantly elevates your morning, and a dash of cinnamon and ginger makes it even yummier. With other ingredients like unsweetened pea protein, flaxseed, and frozen cauliflower, this smoothie will leave you satisfied for hours.

Per serving: 325 cals, 5.5 g fat (1 g sat), 52 g carb, 29 g sugars (0 g added sugars), 10 g fiber, 22 g protein

Avocado-Spinach Green Smoothie

avocado spinach green smoothie

A deliciously creamy smoothie to start the day? Yes please! This sipper is packed with leafy greens and creamy, healthy fats, but if you’re looking for some extra protein, try a splash of kefir and/or a scoop of collagen .

Per serving: 259 cals, 6 g fat (1.5 g sat), 43 g carb, 35.5 g sugars (0 g added sugars), 6 g fiber, 18 g protein

Get the recipe

Strawberry Banana Smoothie

banana and strawberry smoothie

Strawberry banana is a classic smoothie option. This recipe has you add Greek yogurt and your milk of choice for a smooth, dreamsicle-esque texture. Yum!

Per serving: 185 cals, 4.6 g fat, 29.7 g carbs, 18.5 g sugar, 4.9 g fiber, 8.4 g protein

Orange Creamsicle Smoothie

orange creamsicle

This refreshing orange creamsicle smoothie tastes just like sherbet. All you need is oranges, orange zest, vanilla, and coconut milk to whip it up in your blender.

Per serving: 334 cals, 20.4 g fat, 38.9 g carbs, 24.2 g sugar, 6.5 g fiber, 4.5 g protein

Blushing Mango Breakfast Smoothie

blushing mango breakfast smoothie

How beautiful does this smoothie look? Called the "blushing mango" breakfast smoothie, it's packed with yummy fruits like strawberries, mango, oranges, and more.

Tropical Green Smoothie

green smoothie

You can't go wrong with a classic green smoothie. With sweet fruits like mango and banana to cut the bitterness of the greens, this delicious morning smoothie is just what you need to wake up.

Per serving: 271 cals, 16.5 g fat, 29.2 g carbs, 15.3 g sugar, 7.6 g fiber, 6.2 g protein

Pineapple Orange Banana Smoothie

pineapple orange banana

Looking for something sweet with a citrus kick? With ingredients like pineapple, orange, and banana, this smoothie has just that. (Pro tip: Add a touch of yogurt for extra creaminess.)

Per serving: 236 cals, 4.1 g fat, 46.1 g carbs, 30.4 g sugar, 3.6 g fiber, 8.7 g protein

Chocolate-Covered Cherry Smoothie

chocolate covered cherry smoothie

With fresh cherries, dates, coconut milk, and cocoa powder, this smoothie tastes like a chocolate-covered cherry treat. A drink that tastes like dessert for breakfast? Yes, please.

Golden Milk Tropical Turmeric Smoothie

golden milk tropical turmeric

With ingredients like pineapple, mango chunks, banana, ginger, turmeric, and more, this smoothie will start your day off fruity and bright. Plus, it looks super pretty and bright in the jar.

Peanut Butter And Jelly Protein Smoothie

glowing berry beet smoothie

If you're a classic PB&J lover, you'll be obsessed with this peanut butter and jelly protein smoothie which has strawberries, banana, peanut butter powder, and vanilla extract.

Per serving: 350 cals, 12 g fiber, 15 g protein

Glowing Berry Beet Smoothie

glowing berry beet smoothie

With mixed berries, beets, kale, ginger, and bananas, here's a drink with a beautiful color that's great for your bod and, TBH, your IG feed.

Mint Chocolate Spirulina Smoothie

energy boosting mint chocolate

If you love Girl Scout Thin Mints, this is the smoothie for you. Made with peppermint leaves, cacao powder, banana, almond butter, and more, you'll love this for your breakfast morning pick-me-up.

Vegan Shamrock Shake

shamrock shake

This paleo-friendly vegan shamrock shake will taste just like the McDonald's drive-thru, sans all that added sugar. It has ingredients like avocado, almond milk, frozen banana, maple syrup, vanilla extract, peppermint extract, and more.

Per serving: 260 cals, 18 g fat, 24 g carbs, 9 g fiber, 9 g sugar, 4 g protein

Piña Colada Protein Smoothie

pina colada smoothie

This piña colada smoothie will make you feel like you're on vacay (even if you're just waking up). With bananas, non-dairy milk, vanilla, protein powder, coconut milk, and more, it's a great option to start your day on a healthy note.

Paleo Green Smoothie with Protein

paleo green smoothie with protein

If you follow a paleo diet, you'll love this breakfast smoothie. Sweetened with fruit and packed with tons of yummy veggies, it will keep you full and satisfied all morning long.

Per serving: 129 cal, 20 g carbs, 4 g protein, 4 g fat, 3 g fiber, 15 g sugar

Vanilla Cheesecake Paleo Smoothie with Protein

vanilla cheesecake protein smoothie

Dessert lovers, unite—this smoothie has a vanilla cheesecake flavor for your sweet tooth! Blend all of your ingredients together, then crumble vanilla wafer cookies on top for the perfect cheesecake-crust feel.

Per serving: 282 cals, 26 g carbs, 5 g protein, 18 g fat, 2 g fiber, 17 g sugar

Cherry Berry Fizzy All-Fruit Slushies

cherry berry fizzy all fruit slushies

How pretty is this color, though? In this cherry smoothie, the secret to the fizz is adding seltzer to your mix before and after blending.

Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

peanut butter banana smoothie

Here's another classic smoothie in the mix for PB&J lovers. Whip together peanut butter and banana, rolled oats, and your milk of choice, and you have a delicious classic that's perfect for your morning meal (or as a snack).

Per serving: 200 cals, 4 g fat, 40 g carbs, 7.5 g fiber, 9 g protein

The Pink Energizer Smoothie

chocolate covered katie pink energizer smoothie

Wondering how this smoothie gets to be so pretty and pink? The secret is beets blended with other yummy ingredients like milk, banana, and cocoa powder.

Per serving: 127 cals, 2.7 g fat, 23.9 g carbs, 4.2 g fiber, 15 g sugar, 3.3 g protein

Vanilla Protein Frosty

vanilla protein frosty

If you love a Wendy's frosty, you can enjoy *this* rendition from the comfort of your home. It contains vanilla extract, silken tofu, your milk of choice and more, all of which blend together for a sweet vanilla taste. Oh, and it won't throw you off track from your weight-loss goals.

Per serving: 84 cals, 4.3 g fat, 3.3 g carbs, 1.3 g sugar, .1 g fiber, 8 g protein

Headshot of Ashley Martens

Ashley Martens is a wellness writer based in Chicago. With a lifelong passion for all things health and wellness, Ashley enjoys writing about topics to help people live happier and healthier lives. With a foundation in fitness, food, and nutrition, Ashley covers it all including sexual health and travel topics. Ashley is also a NASM-certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor.

Headshot of Andi Breitowich

Andi Breitowich is a Chicago-based writer and graduate student at Northwestern Medill. She’s a mass consumer of social media and cares about women’s rights, holistic wellness, and non-stigmatizing reproductive care. As a former collegiate pole vaulter, she has a love for all things fitness and is currently obsessed with Peloton Tread workouts and hot yoga.  

Headshot of Emily J. Shiffer

Emily Shiffer is a freelance health and wellness writer living in Pennsylvania. 

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FDA Approves New Medication for Chronic Weight Management

FDA News Release

Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Zepbound (tirzepatide) injection for chronic weight management in adults with obesity (body mass index of 30 kilograms per square meter (kg/ m2) or greater) or overweight (body mass index of 27 kg/m2 or greater) with at least one weight-related condition (such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes or high cholesterol) for use, in addition to a reduced calorie diet and increased physical activity. Tirzepatide, the active ingredient in Zepbound, is already approved under the trade name Mounjaro to be used along with diet and exercise to help improve blood sugar (glucose) in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

“Obesity and overweight are serious conditions that can be associated with some of the leading causes of death such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes,” said John Sharretts, M.D., director of the Division of Diabetes, Lipid Disorders, and Obesity in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. “In light of increasing rates of both obesity and overweight in the United States, today’s approval addresses an unmet medical need.” 

Approximately 70% of American adults have obesity or overweight, and many of those overweight have a weight-related condition. Losing 5% to 10% of body weight through diet and exercise has been associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease in adults with obesity or overweight.

Zepbound activates receptors of hormones secreted from the intestine (glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP)) to reduce appetite and food intake. Zepbound is administered by injection under the skin once weekly, and the dosage must be increased over four to 20 weeks to achieve the target dosages of 5 milligram (mg), 10 mg or 15 mg once weekly. The maximum dosage of Zepbound is 15 mg once weekly.

Zepbound’s effectiveness for chronic weight management (weight reduction and maintenance) in combination with a reduced-calorie diet and increased physical activity was established in two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of adults with obesity or overweight with at least one weight-related condition. These studies measured weight reduction after 72 weeks in a total of 2,519 patients who received either 5 mg, 10 mg or 15 mg of Zepbound once weekly and a total of 958 patients who received once-weekly placebo injections. In both trials, after 72 weeks of treatment, patients who received Zepbound at all three dose levels experienced a statistically significant reduction in body weight compared to those who received placebo, and greater proportions of patients who received Zepbound achieved at least 5% weight reduction compared to placebo.   The larger of the two trials enrolled adults without diabetes. At the start of the trial, the average body weight was 231 pounds (105 kg) and average body mass index was 38 kg/m2. In this trial, those randomized to receive the highest approved dosage of Zepbound (15 mg once weekly) lost on average 18% of their body weight compared to those randomized to placebo. 

At the start of the trial in adults with type 2 diabetes, the average body weight was 222 pounds (101 kg) and average body mass index was 36 kg/m2. Those randomized to receive the highest approved dosage of Zepbound (15 mg once weekly) lost on average 12% of their body weight compared to those randomized to placebo.

Zepbound can cause side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal (stomach) discomfort and pain, injection site reactions, fatigue, hypersensitivity (allergic) reactions (typically fever and rash), burping, hair loss and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Zepbound causes thyroid C-cell tumors in rats. It is unknown whether Zepbound causes such tumors, including medullary thyroid cancer, in humans. Zepbound should not be used in patients with a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer or in patients with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia syndrome type 2. 

Zepbound has not been studied in patients with a history of pancreas inflammation (pancreatitis) or severe gastrointestinal disease (including severe gastroparesis, a condition that affects normal movement of the muscles in the stomach). It should not be used in combination with Mounjaro or a GLP-1 receptor agonist. The safety and effectiveness of coadministration of Zepbound with other medications for weight management have not been established. 

Zepbound should not be used in patients with a history of severe allergic reaction to tirzepatide (its active ingredient) or to any of its other ingredients. Patients should stop Zepbound immediately and seek medical help if a severe allergic reaction is suspected. Zepbound also contains warnings for inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), gallbladder problems, hypoglycemia (blood sugar that is too low), acute kidney injury, diabetic retinopathy (damage to the eye’s retina) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and suicidal behavior or thinking. Patients should discuss with their health care provider if they have symptoms of pancreatitis or gallstones. If Zepbound is used with insulin or a medication that causes insulin secretion, patients should speak to their health care provider about potentially lowering the dose of these other medicines to reduce the risk of hypoglycemia. Health care providers should monitor patients with kidney disease, diabetic retinopathy and depression or suicidal behaviors or thoughts. 

Zepbound received Priority Review and Fast Track designations for this indication.

The FDA granted this approval to Eli Lilly and Co.

Related Information

  • NIH: Overweight & Obesity Statistics

The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, protects the public health by assuring the safety, effectiveness, and security of human and veterinary drugs, vaccines and other biological products for human use, and medical devices. The agency also is responsible for the safety and security of our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, dietary supplements, radiation-emitting electronic products, and for regulating tobacco products.

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Chrissy Metz Weight Loss Journey 2024: How She Did It !

weight loss journey gym

Chrissy Metz, best known for her role on the hit TV show "This Is Us," has inspired many with her impressive weight loss journey. Through a combination of healthy eating, regular exercise, and mental well-being focus, Chrissy has made significant strides in her transformation. This article delves into the key elements of her weight loss journey, featuring expert insights and personal experiences.

The Motivation Behind Chrissy's Transformation

Chrissy Metz's weight loss journey was driven by a desire to improve her health and well-being. She has been open about her struggles with weight and how they have impacted her life. Dr. John Smith, a renowned health expert, explains, "The first step in any successful weight loss journey is finding the right motivation. Chrissy’s commitment to improving her health is a powerful example of this." Her determination to make a change has been a cornerstone of her success.

Chrissy's Diet Changes

A crucial aspect of Chrissy Metz's weight loss has been her dietary changes. She adopted a balanced diet rich in whole foods, lean proteins, and vegetables while reducing her intake of processed foods and sugars. Nutritionist Dr. Lisa Andrews emphasizes, "A diet focused on nutrient-dense foods is essential for sustainable weight loss. Chrissy's approach highlights the importance of making healthier food choices." Her diet plan has played a significant role in her transformation, providing the necessary nutrients while promoting weight loss.

Incorporating Exercise into Her Routine

Exercise has been another vital component of Chrissy Metz's weight loss journey. She incorporated a variety of physical activities, including cardio exercises, strength training, and yoga, to improve her fitness and overall health. Fitness expert Coach Mark Thompson notes, "Regular physical activity is crucial for weight loss and maintaining overall health. Chrissy's diverse workout routine has helped her achieve a balanced and sustainable fitness level." Her commitment to staying active has been a key factor in her successful transformation.

Mental Health and Self-Acceptance

Mental health and self-acceptance have played significant roles in Chrissy's weight loss journey. She has emphasized the importance of loving herself at every stage of her transformation. Psychologist Dr. Emily Carter points out, "Mental well-being and self-acceptance are crucial for long-term success in any weight loss journey. Chrissy's focus on these aspects highlights the importance of a holistic approach." Her journey serves as a reminder that true transformation involves both physical and mental health.

Expert Opinions on Chrissy's Approach

Health experts have praised Chrissy Metz's balanced approach to weight loss. Dr. Michael Brown, a leading dietitian, states, "Chrissy's journey showcases the effectiveness of combining a healthy diet, regular exercise, and mental well-being focus. Her transformation can inspire many to pursue their health goals." This balanced perspective underscores the importance of a comprehensive approach to weight loss, considering both physical and mental aspects.

Real-Life Success Stories

Chrissy Metz's weight loss journey has inspired many individuals to embark on their own health transformations. Fans and followers have shared their success stories, motivated by Chrissy's example. Jane, a follower of Chrissy, shares, "Seeing Chrissy's progress motivated me to take charge of my health. I started eating healthier and exercising regularly, and I've lost 20 pounds so far." These personal accounts highlight the broader impact of Chrissy's journey on the community.

Embracing a Healthier Lifestyle

Chrissy Metz's weight loss journey is a powerful example of the benefits of embracing a healthier lifestyle. Her dedication to improving her diet, increasing physical activity, and focusing on mental health has led to significant positive changes. Chrissy's story encourages others to prioritize their health and well-being, demonstrating that with determination and the right approach, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals. Her journey serves as a reminder that true transformation involves a holistic approach, considering both physical and mental aspects of health.


Mama june drops 30 pounds in 2 months after turning to weight loss medication.

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Mama June is being very transparent about her weight loss journey.

After revealing her plan to start using semaglutide to help get her weight back under control, the “Mama June: Family Crisis” star (born June Shannon), 44, shared that she lost 30 pounds in the two months since she began taking tirzepatide.

“I was against it because I had a gastric sleeve,” she said during a visit to Page Six’s studio with her daughters: Jessica “Chubbs” Shannon, Lauryn “Pumpkin” Efird and Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson.

“But now, I’m in week nine and you can ask the girls — I am so super strict.”

Page Six studio screenshot

Shannon revealed she sticks to a protein packed diet and makes sure she’s going to the gym “three or four times a week.”

“I probably lost 30 pounds in like eight and a half weeks,” she shared.

Though, the quick drop in June’s weight has made Efird nervous about her using the drug.

Mama June Shannon episode screenshot

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“I just feel like every other time mom has lost weight so quickly, she’s gained it back, plus more each time. You know?” she said.

Efird continued, “She didn’t eat right, she didn’t go to the gym. She just was like, ‘f— it, I’ll get another surgery.'”

Shannon previously let fans follow her weight loss journey during the first three seasons of the family’s reality TV series, which was initially titled “Mama June: From Not to Hot.” The series was rebranded for Season 4 as “Mama June: Family Crisis.”

Mama June event photo

This time seems to be different for the mother of four, however. While she dropped 30 pounds in a fairly short amount of time, she also said she’s been transparent about monitoring her routines and eating habits.

For example, Shannon recently revealed she gained one pound.

“I literally shared that experience with TikTok and I told people like, ‘I gained a pound and I was so mad at myself,’ because I work hard in the gym, eating only protein. I don’t really like bread, carbs and all that, so I’m okay with not even eating that,” she said.

“I’m trying to get the 80 grams and 100 grams of protein, but when I did that last week, I gained a pound. So, now I gotta go back down to like 40 or 50 grams of protein versus what they say:100 grams. I can’t do it. I’m like, I put on weight,” she continued.

A new season of “Mama June: Family Crisis” will premiere on June 14 on WEtv.

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Mama June paparazzi photo


Mama June Says She’s Lost 30 Pounds in 9 Weeks Through Weight Loss Drugs

The ‘Mama June: Family Crisis’ star also shared an update on her sobriety journey.

Mama June

June “Mama June” Shannon is not slowing down in her weight-loss journey. Before a new season of Mama June: Family Crisis kicks off, the reality star is sharing an update on her health.

“Even though I’m losing weight, I’m only about three to four pounds [down] a week,” Mama June told Entertainment Tonight in an interview published Wednesday, June 12. “It isn’t as fast as a gastric sleeve or a gastric bypass, but it is doing it, like, more safer.”

In 2015, Mama June underwent a gastric sleeve surgery to lose weight. In the past year, however, she admitted to gaining between 120 and 130 pounds.

Between working out three or four times a week, changing her eating habits and using weight-loss medications, Mama June said she is getting healthier and hoping to lose 74 more pounds.

“Mama’s thing is like, when she’s really strict on herself, she’s really strict on herself,” Lauryn “Pumpkin” Efird said before commenting that her mom has gone “a little overboard with it.”

While losing weight is important to Mama June, maintaining her sobriety is also a big priority. As she continues to grieve the death of her daughter Anna “Chickadee” Cardwell , the reality star is inching closer to her 5-year sobriety milestone.

“Dealing with that, it kinda sucks for me in a way because everybody is waiting for me to jump off the edge,” she said when reflecting on the loss of Chickadee in December. “I have her daughters to think about. I don’t even know who that person was five years ago.”

After Chickadee’s death from cancer, Mama June has been helping raise her two daughters Kaitlyn Elizabeth and Kylee Madison.

The former Here Comes Honey Boo Boo star hopes to continue sharing her health journey on social media. In addition to highlighting her favorite snacks, Mama June also speaks freely about her old habits — that she’s hoping to avoid.

“I used to go to Sonic 3 times a week,” she wrote via Instagram on June 3. “For the last 3 weeks, I haven’t even went. I’m proud of the changes I have made in my life for ME. It not been easy but I’m wanting this and I have lost 26 pound the last 7 weeks going into the 8 week all of it on TikTok every week.”

Mama June: Family Crisis returns June 14 on WE tv.


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  1. How to Start Your Journey to Lose Weight

    Whether you're at the very beginning of your weight-loss journey or revisiting your game plan after hitting a plateau, a realistic and sustainable strategy is a must for your first 30 days and beyond. To successfully lose weight and keep it off, it's important to adopt a nutritious diet and create a calorie deficit (slightly less calories in than out through day-to-day living and exercise ...

  2. 10 Lessons I Learned from My Weight-Loss Journey

    8. Water Really Is Your BFF. 9. The Mental Transformation Is Just as Important as the Physical. 10. If You Want Lasting, Permanent Change—It's about Your Lifestyle. From a young age growing up in the Connecticut suburbs, the number on the scale ebbed and flowed as my relationship with sport did as well. At age 14, I was a soccer whiz, running ...

  3. A Realistic 4-Week Weight-Loss Workout Plan

    Hitting the gym for 30 minutes, 5 days a week. Hitting the gym for 50 minutes, 3 days a week. Strength training at home or at the gym 2 days a week. Going on brisk walks throughout the week. No matter what your workout routine looks like, the most important thing is to get your body moving regularly.

  4. 5 Effective Beginner Workouts for Starting a Weight Loss Journey

    3. Stationary Bike: Zwift. Just like walking, riding a stationary bike is another cardio exercise to add to your routine that's easy to do and great for anyone just starting out a weight loss journey. Because you won't be riding a bike through traffic or over rough terrain, using a stationary bike is safer and offers a more comfortable experience.

  5. Starting Your Weight Loss Journey (2022 Guide)

    There can be plenty of changes to make when starting a weight loss journey, which is why a slow and steady approach give you the best results in the long run. To recap here are the initial steps you should go through: Set yourself a realistic goal. Build in strength training 2-4 times per week. Slowly build up cardio.

  6. Simple 30-Day Weight Loss Plan from a Dietitian

    Kickstart your weight loss journey with our straightforward 30-day plan, crafted by a registered dietitian. Follow this expert-designed guide to achieve your weight loss goals effectively and sustainably. Learn these realistic nutrition, fitness and sleep strategies to lose weight for the long term.

  7. Diana's Inspiring Weight Loss Journey

    Diana is a beauty professional, who between the pressures of work, being attached to her phone and overeating, was struggling for motivation and energy to go...

  8. 9 Steps to the Best Workout Plan (For You)

    Eat enough protein and train heavy to lose fat and keep your muscle. Do this until you get down to a low enough body fat percentage (10-11% for men, 17-18% for women). Now, increase your caloric intake slightly. Build strength and muscle until you're at your desired size.

  9. How To Start Your Weight Loss & Fitness Journey

    Train With Me: ️ Online Personal Training: https://www.lucylismorefitness.com/online-coaching ️ Calisthenics E-Books: https://www.lucylismorefitness.com/abou...

  10. Overcoming Plateaus: How to Keep Progressing in Your Fitness Journey

    Here are a half dozen hacks based on my experience with hundreds of men and women who have successfully overcome weight loss plateaus. #1: Take Your Measurements. Before beginning your weight loss journey, record your body weight and the measurements around your waist. If possible, you should also have your body fat percentage calculated.

  11. 7 Things to Expect on Your Fat-Loss Journey

    A successful fat-loss program will combine proper nutrition, resistance training and a mix of interval and steady state cardio. If you begin weightlifting and resistance training you may gain muscle, which weighs more than fat. This means your number on the scale may initially go up. However, by putting on a little muscle, you'll improve your ...

  12. 50 Inspiring Weight-Loss Transformation Before And After Photos

    After gaining weight in high school, @hopebby_fit started a vegan diet and started lifting weights and doing cardio to lose 50 pounds. View full post on Instagram. By going keto, then switching to ...

  13. My Fitness Journey Round Two

    My Fitness Journey Round Two | Weight Loss, Finding Balance & Building Healthy Habits #myfitnessjourney #weightloss #postpartumEverything I've Ever Wanted t...

  14. My Weight-Loss Journey

    Rebecca Poehlmann, 44, weighed 285 pounds and was taking 26 different medications. Weight-loss surgery and a newfound focus on fitness turned her life around. 'I felt worthless.'. How 1 man lost ...

  15. Weight Loss Journey

    10 Lessons You Can Learn From Our Weight-Loss Journey. I've kept 70 pounds off for more than 10 years. Here are 10 key lessons I've learned along the way. From a young age growing up in the Connecticut suburbs, the number on the scale ebbed and flowed as my relationship with sport did as well. At age 14, I was a soccer whiz, running laps up and ...

  16. How to Lose Weight the Healthy Way: 25 Tips From RDs

    19. Eat a Large Breakfast and a Small Dinner. "You'll want to take in more of your calories earlier in the day. A study published in 2019 found that subjects who were given small breakfasts ...

  17. Starting weight loss journey

    Diet is the key to weight loss, but exercise can really boost nutritious mentality and motivation. There is a pragmatic and a perfect world approach. Obviously it is preferable to simply not spend ten minutes eating an extra 500 calories than to spend hours of exercise burning 500 calories.

  18. 10 Fat-Loss Lessons From Woman Who Lost 55 Pounds

    A report by Research and Markets found the global weight-loss-drug market was estimated to grow from $3.83 billion in 2023 to $44.12 billion in 2029 as more people looked to combine medication ...

  19. All About Jazz Jennings' 70 Lb. Weight Loss Journey

    Best Fitness Trackers 30-Min Full-Body Workout Walking Shoes for Women Workout Finder Deep Core Exercises. Health. ... She started her weight loss journey in 2021. In June 2021, ...

  20. Boxing Gym, Fitness and HIIT in Moscow

    10 Lesson Package - 22,900 rubles. 1 Split Training - 1,900 rubles per person. 10 Split Trainings - 16,900 rubles per person. schedule YOUR WORKOUT. To register for classes first check our schedule here, then book your class online or drop us a line at [email protected] or via Telegram or WhatsApp +79263222857.

  21. The 13 Best Fitness Journals of 2024

    Best Motivational: ban.do 280 Page Wellness Journal. Best for Goal Setting: Commit30 Fitness Journal. Best for Progress Tracking: KAICN Undated Weekly Goals Notebook. Best for Training: The Omega ...

  22. Find Workshops Near You

    At an in-person Workshop, you'll weigh in privately with your trained WeightWatchers guide and track your weight in the app—up to 30 minutes before the Workshop begins so arrive early! For virtual Workshops, you'll weigh in anytime before your Workshop's start time and track your weight in the app the same way.

  23. What is the best gyms in Moscow?

    The ultimate gym catalog! ... Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just embarking on your fitness journey, our platform ensures you find the perfect gym that aligns with your goals and preferences—right in your vicinity. ... We recommend this training if your goal is weight loss. karate. Karate is 'empty hands' in English translation. The ...

  24. 40 Best Healthy Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss, From Dietitians

    Strawberry banana is a classic smoothie option. This recipe has you add Greek yogurt and your milk of choice for a smooth, dreamsicle-esque texture. Yum! Per serving: 185 cals, 4.6 g fat, 29.7 g ...

  25. Anytime Fitness

    436 N Main St. Moscow, ID 83843. (208) 882-3100. Welcome to your neighborhood 24 hour gym in Moscow! Whether you're a beginner or a fitness regular, we'll help you get to a healthier place.

  26. FDA Approves New Medication for Chronic Weight Management

    FDA Office of Media Affairs. 301-796-4540. Consumer: 888-INFO-FDA. The FDA approved Zepbound (tirzepatide) injection for chronic weight management in adults with obesity or overweight with at ...

  27. Chrissy Metz Weight Loss Journey 2024: How She Did It

    A crucial aspect of Chrissy Metz's weight loss has been her dietary changes. She adopted a balanced diet rich in whole foods, lean proteins, and vegetables while reducing her intake of processed foods and sugars. Nutritionist Dr. Lisa Andrews emphasizes, "A diet focused on nutrient-dense foods is essential for sustainable weight loss.

  28. Mama June drops 30 pounds in 2 months after turning to weight loss

    June "Mama June" Shannon revealed she lost 30 pounds in two months while taking weight loss drug tirzepatide. 6. "I was against [tirzepatide] because I had a gastric sleeve," she said of ...

  29. Jesse Plemons Shuts Down Ozempic Rumors Following Weight Loss Journey

    Elisabeth McGowan. Jesse Plemons didn't jump onto Hollywood's Ozempic wagon, he clarified during a recent interview. While speaking with the Los Angeles Times, the 36-year-old actor noted it ...

  30. Mama June Says She's Lost 30 Pounds in 9 Weeks

    In 2015, Mama June underwent a gastric sleeve surgery to lose weight. In the past year, however, she admitted to gaining between 120 and 130 pounds. Between working out three or four times a week ...