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State Farm Drive Safe & Save Review: Is it Worth it?

Jan 2022 Update: Article has been revised to reflect updated savings and State Farm enhancements

As an early technology adopter and one that likes to maximize savings, it was only natural for me to try out the State Farm Drive Safe & Save program.  In this article, I will provide a Drive Safe & Save Review.  

As part of this review, I will provide details how it works, the actual discounts received and my opinion whether it is worth it.

This article has been updated throughout the last 2 years to reflect the latest savings.

What is Drive Safe & Save?

This is a discount program by State Farm (read Drive Safe and Save ).  Depending on how safe you drive, you get rewarded discounts off your auto insurance.

As described by my insurance agent, at a minimum you should receive 5% off for being part of this program.  This is even if you end up being a poorly-rated driver.  

On the upside, you have the possibility of receiving up to 30% discount based upon meeting their ideal criteria.

Are there any downsides with the program?

My biggest concern prior to enrolling was understanding if there was any potential downside such as my auto rates going higher.  

The only scenario is if you previously designated yourself as a low mileage driver (under 7500 miles driven per year) and you exceed this number through the program.  Thus, this would cause you to lose the low mileage discounts you had been receiving before.

After confirming this did not pertain to me, I enrolled into the program.

How do you set this up?

This was a very painless and easy setup experience.  The primary steps were:

  • Your State Farm insurance agent will send you a Bluetooth beacon that you put in your vehicle
  • Using your smartphone, you download the Drive Safe & Save app from the Apple or Android store
  • You will need a State Farm account to use the app and provide basic information 
  • Pair the Bluetooth beacon with your smartphone
  • Record the odometer reading in your vehicle with the app.  This requires taking a picture of the Odometer and listing the mileage reading within the app

Both my wife and I have separate vehicles.  Thus, we had to repeat this process for each of us.  I would estimate the overall setup process took us 15 minutes total.

Once this setup is complete, trip information is automatically collected as you drive.  

The only ongoing effort is updating the odometer reading every 6 months and logging into the app to view your trip scores.

How the Ratings Work

After the setup is complete, here comes the fun part.  Every trip you make is automatically captured on the app.  By logging into the app, you will see the overall driving score and the last two weeks of data.

drive safe and save driving score

The best part of the rating system is that it shows you exactly where you get dinged to help you adjust your driving behavior for the future.  

The trip screen provides details such as your acceleration, braking, corning, speeding and phone use. 

trip score

As one of the recent changes, State Farm replaced their star ratings for just recording when dings or ‘events’ occurred. In the above trip, 2 events occurred for abrupt braking.

In the old rating system, this would have related to a 3 or 4 star rating for the trip, now it is just simply logged as 2 events.

Personally, I believe this is a positive change from a psychological standpoint. I loved getting the 5 stars trips, but seeing those 3 and 4 star trips were demoralizing.

What is a good score?

The scores are an average of all trips within the last 2 weeks which comprise of both drivers and all your vehicles as part of the program. As a result, it constantly fluctuates and you will see changes if you log into the app on a daily basis.

I have seen our scores range as nearly flawless (97) to bottomed out in the low 80’s for our driving behavior.

As I will talk about in the discounts section, we have been achieving great savings staying within this range.

Driving Behavior Changes

During the first few weeks of use, I looked at the app quite frequently.  Like a true technologist, I was interested in seeing the data and how accurate the system was.  In particular, what driving variables would make a perfect score.

Since I have a sporty car built for speed and power (Infiniti G37), my concern was that my “normal” driving would need to change.  In reality, this has happened to some degree and probably better for the long-term.

From a positive aspect, I have become more patient turning onto busy streets.  This means waiting for the proper gap instead of needing to ‘gun’ the engine to squeeze in between cars.

From a negative aspect, I wish the system had more tolerance on the acceleration aspect especially if you are driving under the speed limit and needing to zip by a car.  

After about 3-4 months of being in the program, I developed a good feel for the scoring system knowing what it takes to achieve the perfect trip. As a result, all of my trips generally normally fall into 0 events or at most 1 or 2 events per trip.  

Regarding my wife’s ratings, she has not embraced this program like I have nor focused on improving her driving behavior.  As a result, her trips generally result in 1-3 events per trip.

Grading System Flaw

I have found one flaw in the grading system.

For our smart phones, they are configured to be active for both of our cars. The logic is that sometimes I will need to drive my wife’s car while she is not there and vice versa.

When my wife and I are together, we are not able to easily control which smart phone is homed to the beacon since its done automatically.

As a result, we have had multiple negative trips due to phone use.

In reality, I was the primary driver with no phone use while my wife was surfing using her phone as a passenger.

The workaround is to force one phone to be active by turning off the bluetooth. We found that to be burdensome especially needing to remember to turn bluetooth back on at a later date.

In the end, I believe the impact has not been significant as I’ll explain our actual discount savings.

Actual Discount Savings

Per the FAQ section, State Farm takes into consideration a combination of factors such as annual mileage, Drive Safe & Save Mobile tracking your basic driving characteristics and other factors such as time of day when driving. This makes sense as there will be less risk of getting into accidents during low traffic periods.

On State Farm’s website, a higher personalized discount relates to when you “Drive Less, Drive Better, Drive Smarter”.

Initial period

As promised by my insurance agent, both of us received 5% discount for the first few months.  

This equated to be about $20 each for both our vehicles.

My car hit the first 6-month cycle earlier than my wife’s car. I was elated to be rewarded with a $105 discount over this 6-month time period.  This equated to the 30% max discount.  Woohoo!

My wife’s car was stuck on $20 discount (5% off) for a few additional months until we entered into her 6-month cycle.

As we entered into the 2nd full cycle, more pleasant surprises. For my car, the discount went to even higher levels with a $125 for the next 6 months. This was way past the 30% max discount and my wife’s went to $79 (24% off) for her 6 month cycle.

After about 9 months into COVID, I have driven my car very infrequently. Like my bike in the garage, I have to remember to check the air in my tires before heading out.

Due to the driving inactivity, my discount levels continues to rise and I hit the all-time best of $141 for the next 6-month cycle.

For my wife’s car, we drive this daily and take it on longer trips during the weekends. Her discount has gone up from $79 to $101. Hopefully this upward trend continues!

There was one significant update our latest cycle. I ended up selling my Infiniti G37 to prepare for a new car – Tesla (Heck yes!). The Tesla Y was a super nice birthday gift to myself. If you are curious why I bought the Tesla, read this article ( 5 Reasons why I bought a Tesla Y ).

Due to the super heated used car market, I was happy to get my full asking price for the Infiniti as well as selling it in one day (read tips on How to get the most money for your used car ).

Prior to selling the Infiniti, the discount level rose to $151.

As we moved solely to my wife’s MDX while I waited for the new Tesla, her rating was 87% and rose to $135 for the savings.

Additional COVID Credit

Due to COVID, both of our car usage dropped dramatically. Typically I would need to refuel around 1.5 weeks, now it is more like once a month.

As I looked into the details, State Farm added temporary Policy Credit for the Good Neighbor Relief Program (COVID-19). This has bumped my discount even higher than the 30% max.

Adding in the temporary COVID relief along with all the discounts, both of our cars hit a whopping 58% off for one of the most recent months.

Holistic View of the State Farm Discounts

In addition to the Drive Safe & Save program, we have discounts for multiple line (Home & Auto with State Farm), Multicar, Antitheft, Vehicle Safety, and Accident Free.

A recommended best practice is to get in touch with your insurance agent on a yearly basis to review your policies and ensure you are taking advantage of all the discounts.  

As an example, life insurance coverage is something that should periodically be assessed.  For those interested in this topic, please read the article Everything to know about Life Insurance .

Other things to Consider – Data Privacy

Before jumping feet first into the Drive Safe & Save program, you should know that you are giving a wealth of personal data to State Farm.

Be sure to read State Farm’s Privacy Policy if you have any concerns.  This goes into detail about what customer information is collected, how they can use and share customer information, and other important information.

Personal Data Privacy Example

Over recent years, technology has made it easy to collect massive amounts of personal data.  In turn, this has brought along ethical, legal and moral dilemmas how companies can use this personal data.

Consumer DNA testing is a good example.  One of the DNA test’s benefit is that it provides what future health risks you are prone to so you can make appropriate changes to your lifestyle.  Stated in a Fast Company article , life insurance companies could potentially use this data to deny coverage as a negative ramification.

Keeping a close eye on Drive Safe & Save

The Drive Safe & Save has good intentions of making drivers safer.  Through the program, both the insurer (cover less costly accidents) and driver (get discounts back) should benefit.  However like the DNA test example, there could be additional ways for the data to be used.

Imagine if this data was shared after accidents or even for offenses like speeding tickets?  This could raise potential legal and ethical issues.

This is a big concern for me and I will stay vigilant how my personal data is being used for this program.

Final Opinion – is it worth it?

By sticking with the program past the initial 5% period, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd cycle have definitely been worth it.

Prior to COVID, I have achieved the max 30% discount for my car which would equate to over $200 saved per year for just one car.

COVID has turbo-charged the discounts as we have slowed down our driving. Our discount savings have approached nearly $500/yearly prorated, which equates to over 40%.

Unfortunately, COVID still continues with the latest variant resulting in my wife and I to continue working primarily from home. This in turn has allowed us to continue to drive sparingly.

When things get back to normal, I am expecting $300-400 discount off for the full year for both our cars resulting in a 25-30% overall discount.

This is definitely a major win and 2 thumbs up from me about the actual savings.

In this Drive Safe & Save review, here are the summary highlights:

  • Easy and fast setup process
  • App provides valuable data that helps you adjust your driving behavior over time
  • Potential to save a lot of money

As long as the program stays fundamentally the same and personal data is handled appropriately, my final opinion is go for it!

About  DadMBA :  Through his schooling (he does have a MBA) & more importantly being a Dad, he has provided practical advice to family & friends on finances & other life topics.  He loves helping others thus the creation of DadMBA.

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Does anyone use the Drive Safe & Save app from State Farm or similar?

Post by RationalWalk » Thu Nov 23, 2023 5:35 pm

Re: Does anyone use the Drive Safe & Save app from State Farm or similar?

Post by Jack FFR1846 » Thu Nov 23, 2023 5:41 pm

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Post by bertilak » Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:02 pm

Post by logiclife » Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:07 pm

RationalWalk wrote: ↑ Thu Nov 23, 2023 5:35 pm Because my State Farm auto premium has gotten so large, I was considering the Drive Safe & Save app, which tracks your driving habits using your cell phone. They state you can save as much as 30% on your premium. I'm a pretty conservative driver, so I should score pretty well. Wondering if anyone has used this app and what their result has been. Of course, there is the "Big Brother" concern too.

Post by RationalWalk » Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:12 pm

Post by Gryphon » Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:14 pm

Post by UM70 » Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:23 pm

Post by logiclife » Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:47 pm

RationalWalk wrote: ↑ Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:12 pm I read the lengthy agreement you have to accept when you sign up, and it mentions that the app seems to have a crash alert function which allows it to call 911 and an emergency road service provider. That's interesting.

Post by logiclife » Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:52 pm

UM70 wrote: ↑ Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:23 pm I have a Toyota Venza and use their "Drive Pulse." I don't offer the results to my insurer, I just use the guidance to drive carefully and optimize fuel efficiency. The app records any harsh cornering, harsh braking and fast acceleration. The problem I've found is in my semi-rural area the speed limits, in my opinion and the app's as well, are too high for the stop light timing. It's common to have a 40 mph or 45 mph zone with stop lights that show yellow for only 5 seconds. On busy roads to avoid being a hazard I find it's impossible to avoid getting app readings about harsh braking even if I'm at or slightly below the speed limit. Ditto for accelerations when there's a lot of traffic and I simply accelerate with everyone else. So I would agree with the idea you should try out the app for the insurer you're considering. As an alternative, find a dealer with a vehicle that has a performance monitoring app installed and active and get a test drive to see the ratings you get. Good luck!

Post by RationalWalk » Thu Nov 23, 2023 7:05 pm

logiclife wrote: ↑ Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:52 pm UM70 wrote: ↑ Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:23 pm I have a Toyota Venza and use their "Drive Pulse." I don't offer the results to my insurer, I just use the guidance to drive carefully and optimize fuel efficiency. The app records any harsh cornering, harsh braking and fast acceleration. The problem I've found is in my semi-rural area the speed limits, in my opinion and the app's as well, are too high for the stop light timing. It's common to have a 40 mph or 45 mph zone with stop lights that show yellow for only 5 seconds. On busy roads to avoid being a hazard I find it's impossible to avoid getting app readings about harsh braking even if I'm at or slightly below the speed limit. Ditto for accelerations when there's a lot of traffic and I simply accelerate with everyone else. So I would agree with the idea you should try out the app for the insurer you're considering. As an alternative, find a dealer with a vehicle that has a performance monitoring app installed and active and get a test drive to see the ratings you get. Good luck!

Post by logiclife » Thu Nov 23, 2023 7:14 pm

Post by RationalWalk » Thu Nov 23, 2023 7:19 pm

Post by bertilak » Thu Nov 23, 2023 7:27 pm

RationalWalk wrote: ↑ Thu Nov 23, 2023 7:19 pm Is there any way one can see what this app is reporting? Or do you just have to wait until your premium statement to see if you got any discount?

Post by hoofaman » Thu Nov 23, 2023 7:28 pm

Post by MishkaWorries » Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:05 pm

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Post by Elric » Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:30 pm

RationalWalk wrote: ↑ Thu Nov 23, 2023 7:05 pm Reading the agreement, they state that data are not shared.

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Post by Doom&Gloom » Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:31 pm

Post by KlangFool » Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:36 pm

Post by MGBMartin » Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:37 pm

Post by 22twain » Fri Nov 24, 2023 3:44 am

Post by Iconicus » Fri Nov 24, 2023 4:00 am

Post by Hebell » Fri Nov 24, 2023 4:30 am

Post by rivercrosser » Fri Nov 24, 2023 4:54 am

22twain wrote: ↑ Fri Nov 24, 2023 3:44 am When does the State Farm app ding you for excessive speed? At the posted speed limit, 5 mph over, or something else? In light traffic (generally the case on non-Interstates in my rural area) I usually drive at or slightly below the limit, because I'm usually not in a particular hurry, and it saves a bit of gas. However, on Interstates in busier urban areas, I'm often surrounded by traffic going at least 5 mph over the limit, in which case I go with the flow.

Post by RationalWalk » Fri Nov 24, 2023 5:59 am

The Washington Post recently conducted a test to investigate what your daily driver and, more specifically, the people who built it know about your everyday life. This involved a detailed deconstruction of a 2017 Chevy Volt's infotainment system with Jim Mason, a Caltech-trained engineer doing the hacking. During the experiment, they discovered an incredible amount of intel that may seem insignificant at first but is certainly valuable to those looking to earn your dollar—and track your habits. Mason gained access to the Chevy's onboard infotainment system. This is linked to the vehicle's navigation tech as well as, in most cases, the driver's phone. Both are deep wells of information that clue automakers, along with potential information buyers, into your everyday routine and interests.

Post by FIRWYW » Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:55 am

Post by Gryphon » Fri Nov 24, 2023 7:41 am

FIRWYW wrote: ↑ Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:55 am Have tried 2 different insurances with those. I always got dinged when riding in others cars or ironically braking too hard on my bike or when the bus brakes suddenly. You can “mark that you were not driving” but still seemed to count.

Post by talzara » Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:29 pm

MishkaWorries wrote: ↑ Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:05 pm I don't know what to make of it. We have two cars and two drivers. My car is a 2014 Toyota and I get a 10% discount. My numbers for everything except braking and cornering are in the high 90%. My numbers for braking and cornering are low 90%. Wife's car is a 2020 Subaru. She gets high 90% for everything except braking. Her numbers for braking are high 70 or low 80%. She does tend to brake late and hard. She rear-ended a car about 5 years ago. Her discount is 30%. I don't get it.

Post by talzara » Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:34 pm

Doom&Gloom wrote: ↑ Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:31 pm I used it for a year when they first sent it to me several years ago. I liked the discount they said it earned me, but I didn't trust that they were doing this to save me money. SF knew exactly how they were using the data and what effect it had on my rates and continued insurability; I could not verify any of that to my satisfaction.

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Post by KlingKlang » Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:49 pm

Post by MishkaWorries » Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:57 pm

talzara wrote: ↑ Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:29 pm MishkaWorries wrote: ↑ Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:05 pm I don't know what to make of it. We have two cars and two drivers. My car is a 2014 Toyota and I get a 10% discount. My numbers for everything except braking and cornering are in the high 90%. My numbers for braking and cornering are low 90%. Wife's car is a 2020 Subaru. She gets high 90% for everything except braking. Her numbers for braking are high 70 or low 80%. She does tend to brake late and hard. She rear-ended a car about 5 years ago. Her discount is 30%. I don't get it.

Post by talzara » Fri Nov 24, 2023 7:12 pm

MishkaWorries wrote: ↑ Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:57 pm I have a long commute and my wife drives very few miles. We were honest about miles driven when we signed up for State Farm so I assume that driving behavior was baked into the original rate. I'm sure you are correct about the miles but I still don't understand why that would impact the additional discount given for "safe driving".

Post by talzara » Fri Nov 24, 2023 7:32 pm

KlingKlang wrote: ↑ Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:49 pm I looked into the State Farm program a couple of years ago. It seemed that I had a choice of using On Star, which would have required me to pay their high fees, or my smart phone and the windshield dongle. What really turned me off is that if I used a smart phone they required me to let them track all of my movements, not just when driving. Also share the car with my wife who has a smart phone but wouldn't use the app. Is this still correct?

Post by PatrickA5 » Fri Nov 24, 2023 7:37 pm

Post by MishkaWorries » Fri Nov 24, 2023 7:45 pm

talzara wrote: ↑ Fri Nov 24, 2023 7:12 pm MishkaWorries wrote: ↑ Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:57 pm I have a long commute and my wife drives very few miles. We were honest about miles driven when we signed up for State Farm so I assume that driving behavior was baked into the original rate. I'm sure you are correct about the miles but I still don't understand why that would impact the additional discount given for "safe driving".

Post by tierbier » Wed Jan 03, 2024 2:34 am

Post by torso2500 » Wed Jan 03, 2024 2:59 pm

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Post by mrmass » Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:03 pm

KlangFool wrote: ↑ Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:36 pm OP, I am paranoid. This information could be abused and used as justification for all insurances companies to increase our premium further. KlangFool

Post by bertilak » Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:35 pm

Post by Carl53 » Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:49 pm

Post by fullham » Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:55 pm

Post by Yarlonkol12 » Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:57 pm

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Post by somewhatentertained » Wed Jan 03, 2024 4:39 pm

Post by talzara » Wed Jan 03, 2024 10:39 pm

tierbier wrote: ↑ Wed Jan 03, 2024 2:34 am It appears Drive Safe and Save is changing state by state and discount may soon be much smaller:

Post by talzara » Wed Jan 03, 2024 10:41 pm

Carl53 wrote: ↑ Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:49 pm How do those devices ascertain the speed limit? On our 2023 CX5 apparently the displayed speed limit in the heads up displayed is obtained via road sign sensors. I turned off the autowarning system for speed as it was very annoying when it inappropriately reads a sign as saying the limit is 5 or 15 mph or at a time when I might be 10 mph over but coasting down at a change in limits. Occasionally the car autobrakes hard when I coming up on someone that is making a slow right turn in front of me. Quite disconcerting and I'm sure it would be counted against me if I had the service that the OP is talking about.

Post by talzara » Wed Jan 03, 2024 10:46 pm

mrmass wrote: ↑ Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:03 pm KlangFool wrote: ↑ Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:36 pm OP, I am paranoid. This information could be abused and used as justification for all insurances companies to increase our premium further. KlangFool

Post by talzara » Wed Jan 03, 2024 10:48 pm

somewhatentertained wrote: ↑ Wed Jan 03, 2024 4:39 pm Just rec'd the bluetooth devices in the mail yesterday. Going to give it a shot. Our premiums have increased 52% in the past two years with no changes on our end. State only approved a 4.2 increase but State Farm told me to complain to our state representative Also getting quotes from an independent agent. We've been with State Farm for decades. Would be sad to lose the relationship but business is business.

Post by talzara » Wed Jan 03, 2024 10:52 pm

fullham wrote: ↑ Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:55 pm RationalWalk wrote: ↑ Thu Nov 23, 2023 5:35 pm Because my State Farm auto premium has gotten so large, I was considering the Drive Safe & Save app, which tracks your driving habits using your cell phone. They state you can save as much as 30% on your premium. I'm a pretty conservative driver, so I should score pretty well. Wondering if anyone has used this app and what their result has been. Of course, there is the "Big Brother" concern too.

Post by Cruiser » Thu Jan 04, 2024 1:58 am

Post by Cruiser » Thu Jan 04, 2024 2:34 am

Post by rivercrosser » Thu Jan 04, 2024 5:20 am

talzara wrote: ↑ Wed Jan 03, 2024 10:41 pm Carl53 wrote: ↑ Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:49 pm How do those devices ascertain the speed limit? On our 2023 CX5 apparently the displayed speed limit in the heads up displayed is obtained via road sign sensors. I turned off the autowarning system for speed as it was very annoying when it inappropriately reads a sign as saying the limit is 5 or 15 mph or at a time when I might be 10 mph over but coasting down at a change in limits. Occasionally the car autobrakes hard when I coming up on someone that is making a slow right turn in front of me. Quite disconcerting and I'm sure it would be counted against me if I had the service that the OP is talking about.

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State Farm Drive Safe and Save app not working on iPhone

I've seen several threads about this subject and I just wanted to add my two cents. I've had to replace my beacons several times over the past couple of years when they started working sporadically and then stopped working entirely. Then, starting several weeks ago, I was unable to access the app on my iPhone 6. I tried deleting the app and downloading it again, turning on and off phone and bluetooth, etc. None of these worked. Then I spoke with my agent, who referred me to State Farm tech support (888-559-1922). The representative said that at her end, she could see evidence of only one trip this past week, but I definitely had more trips than that. She also told me that an update to the app would be available this weekend that will fix this bug. Well, as reported by many others, there is no update available in the app store. I hope that I'll still receive the discount when my policy renews, even though the app does not seem to be working at my end at all, and State Farm may only be getting a bit of information about my driving habits.

iPhone 6, iOS 12

Posted on Feb 6, 2022 9:51 AM

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Feb 7, 2022 9:29 AM in response to marilynfromglenview

Hello marilynfromglenview,

Thank you for posting in the Apple Support Communities. We'd like to offer our support with that third-party app on your iPhone.

In addition to deleting, then redownloading the app, powering the iPhone off and on, and disconnecting Bluetooth, we suggest ensuring your iPhone is fully updated. If an update is available (Settings > General > Software Update), we suggest having a current backup to iCloud or to a computer, first.

How to back up your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

Update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

Should the issue continue, we recommend reaching out to the app developer directly. Here's how:

How to contact an app developer

We hope this information is useful. Kind regards.

Driversnote Knowledge Base

My iBeacon isn’t working - troubleshooting for iBeacons

Is your app missing trips or not recording any? You can’t connect your iBeacon in the app? Below are some troubleshooting tips you can try to make sure your iBeacon is connected and works correctly.

Note on battery

If you have a new iBeacon with a long 6-digit code on the back, it has a  battery life of at least 4 years, so if you have any issues with your new iBeacon, check out our guide below.

Note on reports

If you can’t see your trips, make sure you’ve selected the right Vehicle and Workplace when looking at your trips or creating a report.

In this article

  • I can't connect the iBeacon in the app
  • My iBeacon is not logging trips
  • Placement of the iBeacon

My trips still aren't being recorded!

I can’t connect my ibeacon.

Is your iBeacon brand new? If it is, don’t forget to pull out the plastic tab to activate the battery. 

Make sure Bluetooth is turned on and the Driversnote app has Bluetooth permission. To reconnect your iBeacon, follow these steps:

  • Open the app > Settings > iBeacon
  • Tap on your iBeacon > Delete iBeacon
  • Close the app, then open it again
  • Go to Settings > iBeacons > Add iBeacon
  • Find your iBeacon in the list (you can recognize it by the same code code on the back of the beacon itself)
  • Tap on it to connect

If your iBeacon isn’t connecting or still acts up after reconnecting, then contact us. The older iBeacon battery lasts for about two years, so if yours is older than that and has a 4-digit code on the back  - let us know - we’ll help get you up and running again. 

Older iBeacon image

Older iBeacon (2018-2021) that will have 4-digit code on the back

Newer iBeacon image

New iBeacon (2022-present) that will have longer 6-digit code

If you have a brand new iBeacon with a long code on the back, your battery should have many years left and will not need replacing (new iBeacons have a battery life of at least 4 years), so contact us at support as there is likely another problem going on.

My iBeacon isn’t tracking my trips

If your iBeacon is connected in the app, but you notice missing trips, make sure your settings are correct. Without them, the iBeacon won’t be able to maintain a steady Bluetooth connection and record your trips accurately.

For iPhone users, make sure that:

Check your settings, go to your phone’s Settings > Driversnote. It will look like this:

iPhone settings for Driversnote

  • For the iBeacon to track your trips accurately, Driversnote needs access to your Location and it needs to be set to Always so that the app is always ready to track. Without being set to Always, the app will not track from the background.
  • Also, make sure that Precise Location, Background App Refresh and Motion & Fitness are toggled on. Your phone’s Bluetooth should be on and Driversnote should have permission to access it.

For Android users, make sure that:

  • Your battery optimization is turned off and that you’ve granted the Location permission as well.

For both device types, make sure that “Auto track” in the Driversnote app is toggled on:

Auto-track needs to be turned on

Placement of iBeacon 

Remember, your iBeacon should always be kept in a reasonably hidden position, such as in the glove compartment or a console shelf. It cannot be blocked by metal or water, though as that can block the signal.

You don't want to leave it out in the open or attached to your windscreen at all -- the iBeacon signal is only meant to be read when you are in or very near the car. Placing it somewhere very open can cause issues with your tracking.

You need to keep it in the car at all times and not carry it with you -- it can only work if it stays in your vehicle.

If you still notice missing trips after you reconnect your iBeacon and check your settings, go to the Why can’t I see my trips article. You’re also very welcome to get in touch with us at [email protected] , explaining the issue you’ve experienced and if you’ve tried the above fixes. We’re here to help!

Still need help? Contact Us Contact Us

Related Articles

  • Auto-tracking with the iBeacon
  • How to check or replace the battery in your iBeacon
  • How to connect your iBeacon to a new vehicle

Harris walks fence at US-Mexico border as she works to project tougher stance on migration

state farm trips not recording

Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris speaks as she meets with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024, at the Vice President's ceremonial office inside the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the White House complex in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)[ASSOCIATED PRESS/Jacquelyn Martin]

DOUGLAS, Ariz. (AP) — Vice President Kamala Harris walked a scrubby stretch along the U.S.-Mexico border on Friday and called for further tightening of asylum restrictions as she sought to project a tougher stance on illegal migration and address one of her biggest vulnerabilities in the November election .

Harris’ push to further restrict asylum claims moves beyond President Joe Biden’s policy on an issue where her rival, former President Donald Trump , has an edge with voters . She balanced tough talk on policing the border with calls for a better way to welcome immigrants legally.

“I reject the false choice that suggests we must choose either between securing our border and creating a system that is orderly, safe and humane,” Harris said. “We can and we must do both.”

In her first trip to the international boundary since becoming the Democratic presidential nominee, Harris chatted with local Border Patrol leaders as they strode along a rust-colored stretch of wall built during Barack Obama’s presidency. Temperatures in Douglas, Arizona, neared 100 degrees during a conversation that lasted about half an hour.

Later, Harris received a closed-door briefing at the Douglas port of entry on efforts to combat drug trafficking and improve the legal flow of goods and people across the border. Border Patrol agents have “a tough job” and deserve support to do it, she said.

Next slide

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump speaks at Trump Tower in New York, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. (Seth Wenig)


Harris’ visit was designed as a rejoinder to Trump and his fellow Republicans, who have pounded her relentlessly over the Biden administration’s record on migration and fault the vice president for spending little time visiting the border during her time in the White House.

Immigration and border security are top issues in Arizona, the only battleground state that borders Mexico and one that contended with a record influx of asylum seekers last year. Voters favor Trump on migration, and Harris has gone on offense to improve her standing on the issue and defuse a key line of political attack for her opponent.

She used her remarks to challenge Trump’s own record on migration during his presidency, saying he did nothing to fix the legal immigration system or address an outdated asylum system. And she said he failed to solve a shortage of immigration judges and border agents.

Harris recounted how a sweeping bipartisan package aiming to overhaul the federal immigration system collapsed in Congress earlier this year after Trump urged top Republicans to oppose it .

“Donald Trump tanked it,” she said, so he could campaign on disorder at the border.

“He prefers to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem,” Harris added. “And the American people deserve a president who cares more about border security than playing political games and their personal political future.”

After the immigration legislation stalled, the Biden administration announced rules that bar migrants from being granted asylum when U.S. officials deem that the southern border is overwhelmed. Since then, arrests for illegal border crossings have fallen .

Harris’ plan to exceed Biden’s efforts at the border would include more serious criminal charges for people who repeatedly cross illegally and require asylum claims to be made at ports of entry.

She used her trip to remind voters about her work as attorney general of California in confronting crime along the border. She talked about helping to prosecute drug- and people-smuggling gangs that operated transnationally and at the border.

The vice president’s trip to Douglas thrusts the issue of immigration into the brightest spotlight yet less than six weeks before Election Day.

Trump didn’t wait for her to arrive there before pushing back. He pointed Friday to purported data about criminals entering the U.S. illegally in a bid to link Harris to violent crimes committed by migrants. In a scathing diatribe, he said “blood is on her hands.”

“These are hard, tough, vicious criminals that are free to roam in our country,” Trump said at a manufacturing plant in Michigan.

Earlier in the week, he told voters that “when Kamala speaks about the border, her credibility is less than zero.”

The Trump campaign has also countered with TV ads deriding the vice president as a failed “border czar.”

“Under Harris, over 10 million illegally here,” said one spot. However, estimates on how many people have entered the country illegally since the start of the Biden administration in 2021 vary widely.

Harris also never held the position of border czar. Instead, her assignment was to tackle the “root causes” of migration from three Central American nations — El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras — that were responsible for a significant share of border crossers.

As vice president, Harris has taken a long-term approach to an immediate problem, helping persuade multinational corporations and Latin American businesses to invest in the region. That, she argued, would create jobs and give locals more reasons to stay home rather than take the arduous trek north.

Still, Trump has continued to decry an “invasion” of border crossers.

Douglas, where Harris appeared, is an overwhelmingly Democratic border town in GOP-dominated Cochise County, where the Republicans on the board of supervisors are facing criminal charges for refusing to certify the 2022 election results. Trump was in the area last month, using a remote stretch of border wall and a pile of steel beams to draw a contrast between himself and Harris on border security.

The town of 16,000 people has strong ties to its much larger neighbor, Agua Prieta, Mexico, and a busy port of entry that’s slated for a long-sought upgrade. Many locals are as concerned with making legal border crossings more efficient as they are with combatting illegal ones.

Cooper reported from Phoenix.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

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Breaking news, shocking data shows 15k illegal immigrants in us accused of murder — as kamala harris visits border.

WASHINGTON — Federal numbers released Friday show that more than 15,000 illegal immigrants currently living in the US are convicted or accused of homicide — with the eye-popping figure made public as Vice President Kamala Harris traveled to the southern border to address her perceived weakness on the issue.

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement provided the data to Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas), who published it as Air Force Two flew to southern Arizona for the Democratic presidential nominee’s second border trip since becoming President Biden’s point person on reducing illegal immigration.

“As of July 21, 2024, there were 662,566 noncitizens with criminal histories on ICE’s national docket —13,099 criminally convicted MURDERS!” tweeted Gonzales, a critic of Harris’ performance who represents more than 800 miles of territory along the US-Mexico border.

“Americans deserve to be SAFE in our own communities.”

state farm trips not recording

ICE provided the data to Gonzales on Wednesday and did not indicate how many of the criminals entered the US during Harris’ tenure as the so-called “border czar,” during which the US notched record-high border crossings for three consecutive years.

Under Biden and Harris,  millions  of illegal immigrants have been released into the US to  await badly backlogged asylum proceedings  — after the administration repudiated former President Donald Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy for those claiming persecution in their homelands.

ICE currently is detaining 277 migrants who have been convicted of homicide and 51 who face such charges, the agency said, indicating that those individuals likely are in the process of being deported.

Federal authorities are aware of but not currently detaining 13,099 illegal immigrants living in the US who have been convicted of homicide and 1,845 who are accused of it, according to the data set.

state farm trips not recording

The document doesn’t make clear how many of the murderers are incarcerated by state or local officials, and it’s possible at least some of the perpetrators have completed their incarceration and been released.

Sanctuary jurisdictions do not honor ICE “detainer” requests when an inmate is about to be released, meaning that freshly freed criminal suspects and offenders who have completed their terms of confinement aren’t picked up and placed into deportation proceedings. 

Other well-represented crimes among illegal immigrants known to be living in the US include sexual assault — with 523 convicted or suspected rapists in ICE custody and 20,061 not — and assault, with more than 100,000 convicted or accused of that crime not in ICE custody.

ICE indicated that the criminal cohort includes many residents of “sanctuary” states and cities that do not cooperate with federal immigration authorities — a list that includes Harris’ home state of California, Illinois and New York.

El Paso, TX (June 25, 2021) Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, along with Vice President Kamala Harris, Senator Dick Durbin, and Representative Veronica Escobar, participate in a press conference in El Paso, TX.

“ICE recognizes that some jurisdictions are concerned that cooperating with federal immigration officials will erode trust with immigrant communities and make it harder for local law enforcement to serve those populations,” ICE acting director Patrick Lechleitner wrote to Gonzales.

“However, ‘sanctuary’ policies can end up shielding dangerous criminals, who often victimize those same communities.”

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The data prompted an outpouring of criticism of Harris, who is making the border trip as polls show immigration, as well as the economy, as key weaknesses for her in a close contest against Trump, the Republican nominee.

“The Biden/Harris administration has opened the border, closed ICE detention centers, slowed deportations, and released murderers back to the street instead of removing them,” tweeted former ICE field office director John Fabbricatore, the Republican candidate challenging Rep. Jason Crow (D-Colo.).

Trump wrote on social media: “Nobody who has allowed this to happen to our Country is fit to be President of the United States! Bad timing for her to show up to the Border today, after not going for four years. Why didn’t she release these numbers earlier?”

Senator Kamala Harris, Douglas Emhoff

Critics of Biden and Harris, including Trump, have highlighted high-profile examples of murders allegedly committed by migrants, including the February slaying of nursing student Laken Riley, 22, on the University of Georgia’s campus .

An ICE spokesperson told The Post that the data published by Gonzales is accurate.

US Customs and Border Protection encounters with migrants along the US-Mexico border hit all-time record highs in each of the first three years of Harris’ tenure in charge of stemming the crisis — reaching nearly 2.5 million in fiscal 2023, which ended last Sept. 30.

Recent monthly apprehensions have trended downward since Biden in June issued an order allowing for caps on the processing of illegal entrants.

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  4. State Farm "Drive Safe and Save"

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  5. Mobile app questions? We've got answers.

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    As one of the recent changes, State Farm replaced their star ratings for just recording when dings or 'events' occurred. In the above trip, 2 events occurred for abrupt braking. In the old rating system, this would have related to a 3 or 4 star rating for the trip, now it is just simply logged as 2 events.

  9. State Farm Drive Safe & Save Review

    That way, State Farm can record your trips, even when the app isn't open. Next, you must place a State Farm tracking device in your car. This device, called a beacon, will ensure State Farm only records trips taken in your car. It won't record trips when you're a passenger in another car or on public transportation.

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    Immigration and border security are top issues in Arizona, the only battleground state that borders Mexico and one that contended with a record influx of asylum seekers last year. Trump has an edge with voters on migration, and Harris has gone on offense to improve her standing on the issue and defuse a key line of political attack for Trump.

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    If you drive 1 mile a year, State Farm will charge you 80% as much as if you drive 12,000 miles a year. Drive Safe & Save offers a maximum discount of 50% in most states. Since DS&S offers much deeper discounts, low-mileage drivers will save more with DS&S than a traditional policy. Ah that explains it.

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    Welcome to /r/AMD — the subreddit for all things AMD; come talk about Ryzen, Radeon, Zen3, RDNA3, EPYC, Threadripper, rumors, reviews, news and more. /r/AMD is community run and does not represent AMD in any capacity unless specified.

  15. My iBeacon isn't working

    My iBeacon isn't tracking my trips. If your iBeacon is connected in the app, but you notice missing trips, make sure your settings are correct. Without them, the iBeacon won't be able to maintain a steady Bluetooth connection and record your trips accurately. For iPhone users, make sure that:

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    ADMIN MOD. State farm drive safe and save app review. So interesting findings on this statefarm drive safe and save app. When the speed limit goes from say 65 down to 55 you are required to use your brakes and not just coast down to the speed limit safely and carefully or you get dinged. You also can't use GPS or you get dinged.

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    There are a few reasons why your Drive Safe & Save may not be recording trips. First, check to make sure your Drive Safe & Save device is securely attached to your windshield. If it's not securely attached, it won't be able to accurately detect when trips are taken. You may want to try using a different type of fastener or mount to make ...

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    On vehicle B that is driven 300 miles a year i saved $250 on a 6 month policy. I would imagine your yearly savings should be between $20 and $500 per vehicle. I would guess anyone could save $250 a year on a vehicle that is driven 12K miles a year or less and drives somewhat decently. (Not as terrible as me)

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  25. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Kostroma (2024)

    What is it, Russia - and in other places they know and love delicious, fragrant Kostroma cheese. Sometimes Kostroma is even called…. 5. Dom Gorodskogo Golovy Botnikova Museum. 275. Speciality Museums. Wonderful muzeym,in a mansion of 1908 art nouveau. 6. Trade rows.

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