Ridesharing Driver

See the average hourly, daily, and yearly earnings for Uber drivers!

By Doug H , Updated March 23, 2022 1 Comment

Figuring out how much Uber drivers really make is harder than you might think.

Uber won’t give you any specific earnings numbers, and a lot of the info you see online may not be reliable.

Tiktokkers and Youtubers might say they are making $50 an hour. Then someone who sounds smart on Reddit will say that, actually, drivers make less than minimum wage after subtracting expenses!

Who can you trust? The best thing you can do is look at a variety of data from many different sources to figure out a general number.

We looked at the top employment sites, trusted bloggers, and sources that get income data directly from drivers.

What you need to know

  • Based on the top sources we studied, average Uber driver pay ranges from $15–$25 per hour
  • On a yearly basis, salaries for an Uber driver range from $30,000–$65,000
  • You can make $1000 per week, but it may take 50+ hours
  • According to the BLS, similar drivers make $16 per hour or $35k per year
  • Pay on Uber can be inconsistent. It can change day to day and week to week

Want to drive? Apply to drive for Uber here!

Article Contents

  • Table: How Much Uber Drivers Make
  • Can You Make $100/day? $1000/week?
  • Earnings Data from Salary.com, Indeed, Glassdoor
  • What Trusted Bloggers say about Uber Pay
  • Crowdsourced Data and Government Research
  • True Profit: Gross vs Net Earnings
  • FAQs about Uber Driver Pay
  • Is Driving for Uber Worth it?

How much Uber drivers make, according to top sources

Data from leading sources around the web: Job sites, bloggers, and crowdsourced data.

What does Uber say about driver pay?

Let’s start by going straight to the source. At Uber.com, visit “ how much can drivers make with Uber”  to get a good idea of how they handle this question.

You’ll find that Uber doesn’t make any claims about specific driver earnings .

For example, they don’t list hourly pay, salary, pay per ride, or pay per trip.

The closest you’ll get to a direct answer about driver pay is: “The money you make driving with the Uber app depends on when, where, and how often you drive.”

So why won’t Uber tell you how much you can make? Surely they have tons of data from every city where they operate.

Uber used to make more specific claims about driver earnings, but they were hit with lawsuits claiming that advertised income figures were misleading.

In just one example of many lawsuits, Uber had to pay $20 million in fines for misleading earnings claims.

Making claims about driver earnings is a legal and regulatory minefield, so generally, you won’t see Uber making earnings claims anymore .

Can you make $100 per day driving for Uber?

Uber drivers can make $100 per day, according to the driver pay data from our sources.

The number of hours it takes to reach $100 varies quite a bit, depending on how much you can earn in your city, 

If you earn $20 per hour, you’ll hit $100 in just 5 hours.

But if you’re on the lower end of earnings, like the $14,000 per year figure from Indeed.com, it will take you a lot longer to make $100.

Can you make $1000 per week?

The data we studied shows that some drivers can earn $1000 per week but it is very location dependent and not something that every driver can achieve .

The drivers hitting $1,000 per week are in busy markets during busy times of the year. $1,000 per week is around $50,000 per year, which is on the higher end of most of the data we looked at.

Most of the data shows that full-time drivers will earn about $30,000 to $40,000 per year. So if you drive 50 weeks in a year, that works out to $600–$800 per week.

Put another way; if you make $15 per hour, you’ll have to drive over 66 hours to hit $1,000. That’s not sustainable for most drivers.

You may have a great week here and there or even a $4,000 month, but during slower times of the year, your earnings will likely dip below your target of $1,000.

Is driving for Uber a reliable source of income?

DoorDash is a reliable source of part-time income that can help you earn an extra $100–$1000 per month.

Driving for Uber is a reliable way to earn part-time income, but it may not be as reliable for full-time income.

You can rely on Uber for an extra $100–$1000 per month, and it’s a great way to help cover surprise bills or save up a few hundred dollars every month.

In in smaller, less active markets, you can depend on Uber for side money.

But driving for Uber isn’t as dependable for full-time income. It may be easy to find examples of $1,000 per week or $50,000 per year, but you can’t always expect that to be true in your case.

There are lots of barriers to reliable making a full-time income on Uber: Local demand for rides is constantly changing, Uber regularly changes payout rates, and vehicle expenses are much higher for full-time drivers.

Data from job & career websites about average Uber driver pay

On your first search about Uber driver income, you’ll probably land on one of the big-name job sites that advertise their job listing services all over TV and the internet.

Sites like Indeed and Salary.com are good ways to get a general sense of the pay for a particular job, but there are limitations.

One thing to look out for is that these sites mostly talk about Uber driver pay in terms of salary, but Uber doesn’t pay a salary.

You’re paid for each ride you complete, and there is no guaranteed minimum hourly pay (except in California and NYC).

So when you see that Glassdoor says you can make $50,000 per year with Uber, remember that most drivers actually think about their pay in terms of earnings per hour, per mile, or per trip.

Salary.com: $41,000 per year on Uber

According to Salary.com , the median Uber driver in Los Angeles makes $41,802. That means that half earn more, and half earn less.

The data says that the top 10% of drivers make more than $59,000, and the bottom 10% make around $28,000.

Salary.com doesn’t provide any information about earnings per hour or earnings per trip. Their data is more oriented toward traditional salaried positions, and driving for Uber is anything but traditional.

It’s helpful to see a range of salaries based on location, but the fact that the data doesn’t include any extra nuances about the Uber earnings model indicates that the data isn’t perfectly reliable.

average uber trip pay

Salary.com has pretty visuals with a higher-than-average median

Indeed: ~$30,000 per year for Uber drivers

If you look up ‘uber driver’ at Indeed.com, you’ll find a page for your city or state that lists yearly salaries for drivers.

According to Indeed , an Uber driver in California can expect to make an average of $30,516 per year.

On the low end, drivers earn $14,000 per year, and on the high end, $73,000. That’s a big range!

Indeed doesn’t go into any detail about how drivers are paid. For example, they don’t discuss earnings per trip, earnings per mile, or even earnings per hour.

Indeed.com generally talks about traditional salaried jobs and tries to fit Uber driving into that mold.

Driving for Uber is not a traditional salaried job, but they maintain that their data is from real drivers.

It may be more helpful to think in terms of earnings per hour/trip/mile, but Indeed gives a decent general sense of what you can expect if you drive in your area.

average uber trip pay

Indeed provides another salary-oriented income figure

Glassdoor: $40,000–$100,000 per year

Glassdoor says that an Uber driver in Los Angeles can earn, on average, $63,000 per year, with a likely range of $40,000 to $100,000.

Glassdoor offers the biggest range of pay and the highest maximum pay of all the major job sites. No other large job site says you can make $100k with Uber.

But there is a problem. Glass door breaks the numbers down in terms of ‘base’ pay, ‘additional’ pay, and a ‘pay trajectory’ for drivers. Uber doesn’t offer any of those for drivers.

Those measures are closer to the traditional salary + bonus that salaried workers typically get. Uber doesn’t have a salary or bonus.

However, lower on the page, you’ll find a range of hourly pay that sounds more in line with other data sources: $15–$20 per hour.

And $15–$20 per hour is nowhere near the $60k–$100k range listed on the page. So take these measures to be very general info.

average uber trip pay

Glassdoor had the highest income numbers of all the sources

average uber trip pay

But Glassdoor’s hourly numbers don’t match up to the yearly salary numbers

What trusted blogs say about Uber driver income

Another common data source you’ll find online is rideshare bloggers. Typically these are drivers—or former drivers—who write about Uber.

The Rideshare Guy: $15–$20 per hour

The Rideshare Guy has a comprehensive article going over Uber driver pay. Ultimately, they say drivers can expect to earn around $15 to $20 per hour.

Interestingly, they mention some Uber data that says Uber driver pay is around $19 per hour or about $28–$32 per hour in Los Angeles.

That must be older data from Uber because it seems like Uber no longer publishes any specific earnings data.

The information from The Rideshare Guy is much more helpful than the big job sites because they go into a lot of detail about the entire payment system with Uber.

You’ll learn how drivers are paid, how surge pricing works, pay per mile, pay per ride, tips, sign-up bonuses, driver expenses, and how to earn more.

GoBankingRates.com: $8 to $12 per hour

GoBankingRates.com has a top-ranking article about Uber driver pay.

In the article, the author provides a few data points. The first is a pay range of $8 to $12 per hour that cites unlinked studies.

The second piece of data is an earnings table that lists income ranges in a few US cities.

In that table, the median yearly income is around $33k–$43k. That means that half of the drivers earn more, and half earn less.

But much of the data is quite a bit higher than the other stated figure of $8 to $12 per hour.

If you drive 50 hours per week and 50 weeks per year at $10 per hour, your yearly income would only be around $25,000.

The article doesn’t cite their data, but there is other helpful information about how pay works for drivers and other important issues like gross vs. net income.

average uber trip pay

GoBankingRates shows more data variety but didn’t link to their source

Driver income from crowdsourced data and government research

Many of the other sources in this article use secondary data or user-submitted data. The sources below use primary data that comes directly from real drivers.

Gridwise: $12 to $25 per hour

Gridwise is an app for gig economy drivers that uses real earnings information to help drivers earn more.

Users can share their app data with Gridwise, giving Gridwise a direct source of information about driver income.

According to Gridwise , Uber drivers earn anywhere from $12 to $24 per hour. Gridwise data proves that earnings vary substantially from city to city.

Gridwise also has detailed data about earnings per mile and trip, which are much more relevant to Uber drivers than yearly salary figures.

average uber trip pay

Gridwise integrates with individual driver accounts to pull in earnings data

The Bureau of Labor Statistics: $16.67 per hour, $34k per year

The Bureau of Labor Statistics, a federal government agency, doesn’t have a category specially for Uber or other on-demand app drivers. But there is a category that closely matches this type of work.

‘” Passenger vehicle drivers”  is a category at the BLS that may include Uber drivers, and if it doesn’t, it is a close enough match to be helpful for a study of driver income.

The BLS says that the median pay for passenger vehicle drivers is $34,670 per year or $16.67 per hour. Half of the drivers earn more than that number, and half earn less.

The BLS data is in line with other data sources and uses real info from US taxpayers, so it does appear to be a relevant comparison for Uber drivers.

average uber trip pay

For government data, the Passenger Vehicle Driver category is the closest we can get to Uber driver

Calculating your true profits: Gross vs net pay

Most of the sources you’ll find that discuss Uber driver earnings are for gross pay, which means that driver expenses aren’t considered.

Uber drivers have to pay for their own expenses, so a more realistic way to talk about a driver’s earnings is net pay, which is income minus expenses.

Income – Expenses = Net Profit

Without subtracting expenses, you won’t know your true profit.

Significant expenses for Uber drivers include:

  • Maintenance and repairs
  • Vehicle depreciation

After subtracting expenses, your net profit will look much lower than your gross income.

In terms of vehicle expenses, according to data from AAA  a smaller vehicle costs around 40 cents per mile to operate. So if you drive 25,000 miles per year for DoorDash, that’s $10,000 in vehicle expenses.

But wait! There’s a massive tax deduction that changes the equation and accounts for much of your vehicle expenses.

How the standard mileage deduction increases your profits

Uber drivers can claim the standard mileage deduction on their taxes. It’s designed to compensate self-employed drivers for vehicle expenses.

For 2022, the deduction is 65.5 cents per mile.

If you drive 25,000 miles in a year for Uber, your standard mileage deduction is $16,375. That means that your taxable income is reduced by that amount.

Your vehicle most likely does not cost 65.5 cents per mile to operate, so this large deduction will help offset your vehicle expenses by substantially lowering your taxable income.

Carefully track your miles, either with an app or a logbook.

Before tax time, Uber will provide some mileage tracking data, but you will want to use your own numbers because Uber may not include all deductible miles.

  • The Best Free (and Paid) Mileage Tracking Apps
  • Tax Mistakes to Avoid for Gig Workers

FAQs about Uber driver pay

How do uber drivers get paid what’s the earnings formula.

There are currently two earnings formulas for Uber drivers.

The newer formula, called upfront pricing, is now in most markets in the US.

With the upfront model, drivers see how much they will earn for a ride before accepting the request. The ride request shows how far the pickup is, and the drop-off distance & location.

With the upfront model, Uber uses a private algorithm to determine pay. Drivers aren’t paid according to a rate card formula.

In other words, with upfront pricing, you won’t know why you’re being paid a certain amount, but you’ll have plenty of information to see whether a ride is worth it or not.

The other earnings formula is a model that calculates pay based on a set rate card.

In this model, the rate card for each city determines how much you are paid per mile and minute. Then, after a ride, you’ll see exactly how much you earned based on the rate card.

  • How Upfront Fares Work for Uber Drivers

How and when are drivers paid?

Uber pays drivers once per week via direct deposit.

Drivers can also choose to withdraw their earnings at any time with Instant Pay, but there is a fee of 85 cents per withdrawal.

If you sign up for the Uber Pro Card , you can get Instant Pay withdrawals for free, along with other benefits like cash back on gas.

  • How to get instant pay on Uber, Lyft, and delivery apps

Does Uber cover gas or any other vehicle expenses?

No, Uber does not directly compensate drivers for expenses. Drivers must pay for their own gas, auto insurance, maintenance, and other expenses.

  • The Best Gas Rewards Program from Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, and Amazon Flex

What are Quest, Boost, and Surge?

Quest, Boost, and Surge are earnings bonuses that allow drivers to earn more than the standard rate.

With Quest, you earn a bonus for completing a set number of rides.

Boost is an earnings multiplier added to rides that begin and end within a designated area on the map.

Surge is another earnings multiplier that is added during periods of high demand.

  • How to Get More Quest and Boost Promotions

What are the best days and times to drive for Uber?

Morning commute, evening commute, and nightlife hours are the best times to drive in many cities. Other top times are weekend nights and Sundays.

You can use an app like  Gridwise to see the best days and times to drive in your city based on real driver data.

  • The Best Day and Times to Drive for Rideshare and Delivery Apps

How many rides can you do in a day?

Most drivers will be able to do around 2–3 rides per hour. For an 8-hour day, that adds up to 15–24 rides. If you do lots of short trips, the number can climb to 30 or rides in a day.

The most rides we’ve seen in one day is 61! That is an extreme outlier.

  • Most rides in a day on Uber? This driver did 61

Summing it up: Is it worth it to drive for Uber?

When someone is thinking about driving for Uber, they might have two questions: How much can you expect to make, and is it worth it?

It’s hard to find specific, reliable data about Uber driver earnings in any one particular place.

So many variables go into figuring out earnings, and just as many go into figuring out expenses and true profitability.

But in the end, most US Uber drivers earn around $15–$20 per hour. You may make much more on a great week or much less on a bad one.

You could earn $1,000 per week in busy Spring and Summer months, only to see your weekly earnings decline to $500 during slow winter days.

Does that sound worth it to you? Only you can answer that!

More reading about driving for Uber

  • Uber Driver Requirements: Do You Qualify?
  • Vehicle Requirements: You Can Drive with These Cars
  • How to Rent a Car for Uber

About Doug H

Gig economy driver, writer, and expert since 2013. I created Ridesharing Driver to help drivers navigate all of the challenges we face in the on-demand world! Read more about my story!

August 18, 2022 at 11:22 am

The standard mileage deduction is not overly generous as you state in the article. If you look at the Edmunds dot com True Cost to Own calculator you will see that a very economical car like a Prius will cost on average about 50 cents per mile to operate. A car like mine costs on average 60 cents per mile to operate over a 5 year period. The new IRS mileage deduction is 62.5 cents per mile.

I just did some calculations this morning. I drove 94 miles with Lyft. I gave rides to 9 passengers in about 4 hours. I was paid about $62. My mileage deduction comes out to about $59 so I basically made $3 for 4 hours of driving.

It’s just not worth it where I live. It might be worth it if you live in a big city where you don’t have to drive several miles to get to your next passenger like I usually do.

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How Much Do Uber Drivers Make: Uber Drivers Pay in 2022

How Much Do Uber Drivers Make: Uber Driver Pay in 2022

  • April 13, 2022

Rideshare’s reboot is well underway, and the numbers for the first quarter of 2022 are in. We’ll get granular with data in this post and cover issues that have helped to paint the Uber pay picture over the past few months. Then, we’ll explore how you can keep your earnings high, even in the face of any rough weather that might lie ahead. Here’s how we’ll do it:

Uber driver pay: the numbers

  • the gas price factor
  • the impact of changing customer patterns
  • maximizing your Uber driver pay

Gross rideshare driver pay has been decent in 2022. Companies are still using incentives to coax drivers back to their rightful place behind the wheel, and passengers are showing up in greater numbers. This has led to steadily climbing gross earnings for drivers over the first few months of 2022.

How much does Uber pay an hour? The average hourly rate for the first quarter went up steadily. Hourly earnings started at $19.47 in January, rose through $22.10 in February, and wound up at $24.57 at the end of March. We see Uber vs. Lyft 2022 driver pay, thus far, being in a nose-to-nose tie. Uber pay came in at $22.04 per hour, while Lyft drivers made an average of $21.97. Literally, the average hourly gross rates are just pennies apart.

Uber driver 2022 hourly earnings in a chart.

We see the same Uber vs. Lyft picture when we look at earnings per trip . Uber drivers earned an average of $13.76 per trip in the first quarter, while Lyft drivers brought in $13.03 per trip. Once again, gross earnings steadily went up over the first three months of 2022. Uber drivers earned $12.53 per trip in January, and $13.32 in February. A little jump up to $15.42 made the quarter end on a sweet spot.

Uber driver 2022 per trip earnings in a chart.

Tips , as well, were up for Uber drivers as they drove their way through the first few months of the year. The average tip per trip for the first quarter amounted to $4.90. The tips per trip figure started off at $3.83 in January, then went up a little to $4.00 in February, and $4.10 in March. This isn’t a huge leap, but it does follow the general upward earnings trend.

Uber driver 2022 tip earnings in a chart.

The last number we’ll look at closely is the one that matters most, because it’s the best way to answer the question: How much does Uber pay? The monthly earnings figure is always a good indicator of the bottom line for drivers. Gridwise figures show that Uber drivers brought in an average of $449.74 per month in the first quarter of 2022. Median rates went up from $348.00 in January to $463.71 in February. Then, they rose again in March to $537.29. This looks pretty good for Uber drivers, as it represents a 54% increase from January to the end of March. 

Uber driver 2022 monthly earnings in a chart.

Is this what drivers are really seeing though? Now let’s look at what’s behind these numbers to see if they’re as promising as they seem.

The gas price factor

Before getting too excited over the way earnings rose so far this year, we’ll need to take a look at the way gas prices have affected driver earnings. This time last year, the national average for a gallon of gas was $2.87. While prices peaked in mid March, gas was still priced at $4.12 just as the first quarter was ending. That means that gas prices increased by 43% year over year. A rise in gas prices like this one certainly takes a big bite out of Uber driver pay.

Drivers’ reluctance to tolerate the high gas prices shows up in the number of trips drivers took once gas prices peaked in March. Trip volume fell by 4.88% for the week ending March 21 and dipped another 5.29%, week over week, for the period ending March 28. With more countries releasing oil reserves, prices seem to be stabilizing, and in some cases are coming down a bit. Prices like these make lots of drivers question whether driving for Uber is worth it right now.

Uber is acutely aware of how gas prices affect drivers, so they did hit passengers with a gas surcharge on Uber trips. The surcharge was first applied on March 18 and will run for 60 days. The extra charge ranges from 45 to 55 cents per ride, depending on regional gas prices. Uber will also offer incentives to drivers who use EVs, in hopes of encouraging less dependence on gas-powered vehicles.

If the gas surcharge is making up for the extra expense drivers have at the pump, could it be that the decrease in trip volume is due to something else, such as passengers not wanting to pay so much? It’s hard to say, but it’s likely that both factors have played a part in the declining number of rides.

It’s evident that drivers don’t believe the surcharge is enough to cover the 43% rise in the price of gas. A survey of Gridwise drivers indicates that 70% of drivers believe that the few extra pennies per ride is not very helpful in covering their extra costs. 

Uber may have noticed a need to sweeten the pot even more for drivers by adding bonuses. Uber drivers in Pittsburgh started smiling when they got a ping telling them there was a $100 bonus for completing eight trips between March 16 and March 28. Still, there’s no doubt that the high price of gas is going to continue to be a major issue for Uber drivers and passengers.

The impact of changing customer patterns

The recent resurgence of business and social activity has brought rideshare back to life, but the playing field is different than it was back in 2019. Drivers need to study the market for rideshare and use smart strategies to make as much money as possible—and hold on to it.

Being aware of passenger patterns is a must in this environment. Let’s look at some of the activities passengers partake in, how well they’re recovering as the world regroups after the pandemic shutdowns, and the ways it affects Uber drivers.

Airport passengers are coming back! By early April 8, the TSA reported 2,318,977 people passed through checkpoints. On that same date in 2021, only 1,549,181 went through the gates. While that’s not quite up to 2019’s number of 2,590,499, airport traffic is definitely showing promising signs of recovery. There is a change, though: in 2022, more travel is oriented toward pleasure than business. 

Companies have learned that online meetings can be highly effective and far less expensive than those cushy business trips. In fact, many believe business travel may never return to pre-pandemic levels. This means you have to adjust your mindset about airport driving and cater to the pleasure crowd rather than banking on the business traveler.

Business events are coming back, but not as strongly as rideshare drivers might like. There are conferences and conventions, but many of them are either retaining an online presentation format, or creating a hybrid option, which combines live gatherings and virtual experiences. Much like business travel, corporate events may be taking on new forms that were inconceivable before the events of 2020 changed the ways people gather.

Fortunately, the picture is brighter for entertainment. According to morningconsult.com , crowds are coming back to public events, from the movies to consumer showcases and hockey games. Concerts are back in business in a big way. Live Nation stated that 2022 is on track to be a record year.  This is great news for rideshare drivers. While there will still be many virtual entertainment events, trends show that there will be crowds again—and that they will be in need of rideshare services.

Higher rideshare prices

While it’s clear that passengers are coming back, they may not be as easy to find as they have been in times past. Higher prices for rideshare will keep some of them away. If you live in a bigger city, this creates more competition among a large population of drivers for what’s bound to become fewer rides. You’ll need to be more aware than ever about where passengers might be and at what times. 

Gridwise tips

With Gridwise, you’ll be able to track airport traffic volume and get up to the minute information about all the events in your town. What’s more, Where to Drive gives you data from real drivers, showing you the locations where more money can be made. Gridwise gives you all the insight you need to keep your earnings up where you need them to be. Download Gridwise to get all these features and more.

Maximizing your Uber driver pay

Sound driving strategies include all the above tips about earning more, but there’s another side to the equation. You not only want to make as much money as possible; you also need to hold on to what you earn. The key to this is limiting your expenses. Most gig driving expenses are hard to eliminate, but they can be minimized. Here’s a short list of the major costs of driving and suggestions for how to keep them down.

The cost of gas is something you can’t control, but you can surely take advantage of effective ways to save at the pump. Gridwise Gas is an excellent way to slash your gas expenses. Sign up for free and get easy access to discounts at service stations near you. Your Gridwise Gas Card card will be accepted at 95% of the places you stop to fuel up.


You depend on your car to make a living, so giving it good maintenance is not an option. The problem is, upkeep isn’t cheap. You probably have found this out, especially if you drive an older car. Breakdowns and repairs become more common the longer your car is on the road, especially when you’re piling up the mles with your driving gig.

Gridwise has two ways to keep your maintenance costs down:

Gridwise + CarAdvise: Wouldn’t it be great to check out different auto shops, talk to different experts, compare prices, and schedule your car’s service appointment online? With Gridwise + CarAdvise, you get that—plus discounts of up to 40% on maintenance and repair services.

Gridwise Auto-Buying Program: Okay. You’ve had about enough of nurturing your car into its older age, and it’s time to buy a new one. You’re in luck! With the Gridwise Auto-Buying Program powered by TrueCar, you’ll search for the vehicle you want, compare prices, and save big. You could wipe off as much as $3,500 from the MSRP and find great deals on used vehicles, too. 


This is one of these expenses you don’t necessarily notice—until you do. Depreciation slashes the value of your vehicle, just because you’re driving it. When you use your car for Uber driving, this cost can skyrocket. AAA estimates that depreciation contributes to 40% of all the costs of owning a vehicle. How can you make this hurt a little less?

Use Gridwise to treat your Uber driving gig for what it is: your business! Gridwise is a great Uber mileage tracking app, but it does so much more. With Gridwise, you can

  • track all your expenses
  • keep tabs on your earnings
  • make note of your profits and losses
  • see which routes make you the most money

See? You might have thought Gridwise was just another mileage tracker for Uber drivers, but with these and other features such as airport and event info, weather and traffic alerts, plus When to Drive and Where to Drive, you can see why Gridwise is the world’s best rideshare and delivery assistant. 

Now that you know the different things that it involves, is driving for Uber worth it in 2022? You can make sure it’s worth it when you use Gridwise.

Download the free Gridwise app now!

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Uber Driver Salary in the United States

Uber driver salary.

How much does a Uber Driver make in the United States? The average Uber Driver salary in the United States is $39,102 as of June 27, 2024, but the range typically falls between $32,502 and $47,702 . Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education , certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession. With more online, real-time compensation data than any other website, Salary.com helps you determine your exact pay target.

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Job Description

The Uber Driver must be licensed to drive a taxi and have a "satisfactory" driving record. Provides car transport services to clients in/to varying destinations. Being an Uber Driver relies on instructions and pre-established guidelines to perform the functions of the job. (Copyright 2024 Salary.com)

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average uber trip pay

  • Amazon DSP Delivery Driver - Driver License Required Amazon DSP Driver - Kirkland, WA Job Description. \n. \n. Job Title. Amazon DSP Box Truck/DOT Delivery Driver - at least $22.00/ hour, Everett, WA, HBF4. \n. Location. 6311 36th Ave W, Eve... - 19 Days Ago
  • Amazon DSP Delivery Driver - Driver License Required Amazon DSP Driver - Bothell, WA Job Description. \n. \n. Job Title. Amazon DSP Box Truck/DOT Delivery Driver - at least $22.00/ hour, Everett, WA, HBF4. \n. Location. 6311 36th Ave W, Eve... - 19 Days Ago
  • Amazon DSP Delivery Driver - Driver License Required Amazon DSP Driver - Lake Stevens, WA Job Description. \n. \n. Job Title. Amazon DSP Box Truck/DOT Delivery Driver - at least $22.00/ hour, Everett, WA, HBF4. \n. Location. 6311 36th Ave W, Eve... - 19 Days Ago
  • Amazon DSP Delivery Driver - Driver License Required Amazon DSP Driver - Arlington, WA Job Description. \n. \n. Job Title. Amazon DSP Box Truck/DOT Delivery Driver - at least $22.00/ hour, Everett, WA, HBF4. \n. Location. 6311 36th Ave W, Eve... - 19 Days Ago

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Uber Driver Salary by State

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How Much Do Uber Drivers Make In 2024?

How much do Uber drivers make in 2024? Here's a breakdown of every single payment, charge, and fee that you'll receive as a driver for Uber.

Every month, over 50,000 drivers join Uber – adding to the already large population of a million drivers in the US alone!

It’s not surprising that so many choose to become an Uber driver. After all, it is an attractive job for many reasons, with the primary one being flexibility .

However, before you jump into Uber driving, it’s worth learning the nitty-gritty details – especially surrounding pay.

In this article, we’ll break down how much Uber drivers make! We’ll explore:

  • The average pay Uber drivers receive
  • The factors affecting a driver’s payment
  • The comparison between the base fare and total earnings
  • What expenses and deductions to consider
  • Pros and cons between full-time and part-time driving
  • How payouts work.

Ready to get driving? Let’s start!

How Much Do Uber Drivers Make? [Summary]

Quickly understand how much Uber drivers make. Our article below, summarized:

High-Level Stats

  • Average Uber driver income: approximately $11.77 an hour after accounting for Uber fees and other expenses
  • Only 3% of Uber drivers remain after a year , indicating a high turnover rate
  • Many use Uber driving as a side gig , valuing the flexibility it offers

Earnings Variation by Location

  • Highest-paying areas: San Francisco, Seattle, and Long Island, NY (~ $25 per hour)
  • Lowest-paying cities: Tampa, Houston, and Springfield, MO (under $9 per hour)
  • Only in New York City can UberX drivers expect to average over $20 per hour

Post-Pandemic Earnings

  • Before the pandemic’s impact in 2020, drivers averaged $19.36 per hour.
  • As the pandemic progressed, this average dropped to $8.79 per hour .
  • 92.1% of drivers reported a decrease in earnings during the pandemic.
  • 89.5% saw at least a 50% drop in earnings since lockdowns began.
  • Some drivers reported earning as low as $4.50 per hour after expenses.

Related: How Much Do Lyft Drivers Make?

How Much Do Uber Drivers Make? A Quick Answer

According to a recent policy report , the average income a driver receives after accounting for Uber fees and other expenses comes to only $11.77 an hour. As such, an Uber driver earns less than 90% of workers!

Uber drivers also experience a high turnover rate. This means many drivers leave Uber and the company has to replace them quickly. In fact, only about 3% of drivers remain after a year!

What attracts many to Uber driving is the flexibility that comes with it. Many drivers often use Uber as a side job as opposed to their main income.

Sticking with Uber often depends on how much you value your freedom and the flexibility of Uber driving.

However, many Uber drivers also know that their full earnings can vary based on different factors. These include trip opportunities, expenses, and demand.

That’s the high-level, quick answer. Now let’s go a tad more in-depth.

How Much Do Uber Drivers Really Make?

To determine how much Uber pays drivers, it’s important to look at some cold hard data.

Keep in mind, the numbers we are using in this article are used as a general representation of what the average Uber driver wage amount incoming reports are stating.

To get a bit closer to the mark, here are some reputable sources.

1. Uber Driver Pay According to Ridester.com

How much were uber drivers earning in 2018.

The Ridester 2018 Independent Driver Earnings Survey is an excellent source on how much Uber drivers are earning, as it is one of the most in-depth studies of rideshare driver income reported to date.

For this survey, drivers self-reported their earnings and total income and provided screenshots from Uber to back up their claims. What the survey shows is rather remarkable.

The survey polled over 2,600 drivers with 62,583 paid hours totaling $1,027,585 in earnings. Here’s the breakdown of median hourly income for the various vehicle types:

  • UberX drivers earn $13.70/hour
  • UberXL and UberSELECT drivers earn $14.85/hour
  • UberSUV and UberBlack drivers earn $25/hour

When it comes to tips, over 90% of UberX drivers reported receiving no tips or tips less than $5. With tips added in, the average hourly rate for an UberX driver is $14.73.

Regarding tips, the survey shows that drivers report earnings 35.53% higher than they actually are. It also shows that drivers aren’t satisfied with their profits.

Caveat: it is worth pointing out that the national average hourly wages vary quite a bit per the type of Uber service provided.

average uber trip pay

How Much Were Uber Drivers Earning After the Pandemic?

Due to the success of the 2018 survey, the Ridester team checked in with drivers to see how the 2020 pandemic had impacted their earnings .

170 drivers responded, offering insights based on their experiences from March 16 to March 26, during which many cities initiated lockdowns. As it turns out, things looked bleak.

In comparing the 2018 and 2020 figures:

In late 2018, drivers were earning an average of $14.73 per hour. Before the pandemic’s impact in 2020, this had risen to $19.36 per hour.

However, as the pandemic progressed and affected business, this figure plummeted to an average of $8.79 per hour by March 2020.

Before Pandemic Impact:

  • Driver earnings had increased by 31% from the previous year due to high driver churn which compelled Uber and Lyft to hike driver pay with incentives and bonuses.
  • On average, drivers were earning $19.36 per hour, up from $14.73 in late 2018.

Post-Pandemic Impact:

  • Driver earnings dramatically plummeted. A survey of 170 drivers showed earnings averaging around $8.79 per hour.
  • A significant portion of drivers ceased operations entirely, some due to health concerns and others due to lack of business.
  • 92.1% of drivers reported a decrease in earnings. 89.5% experienced at least a 50% drop in earnings since the onset of lockdowns.
  • 76% had difficulties covering routine car expenses, such as gasoline.

average uber trip pay

Additional Factors

  • Some drivers earned as little as $4.50 per hour after car expenses.
  • Many reported zero earnings, indicating they’ve stopped driving.
  • One of the top earners made $326.77 in a week but at an effective rate of $5.11 an hour, suggesting the driver lost money after considering car expenses.

Delivery Services as an Alternative?:

  • Delivering for services like Grubhub, Postmates, and DoorDash could be an option for rideshare drivers.
  • However, concerns about the virus’s survival on packaging materials, especially cardboard, have been raised, making some drivers hesitant.
  • 20% of drivers have already shifted to deliveries, but 37% noticed a decrease in business in this field as well.

Impact on Uber and Lyft:

  • The two companies face potential troubles, with significantly reduced business and a risk of losing many drivers permanently.
  • Historically, these companies offered substantial recruitment bonuses, with some reaching $1,000 for Lyft and over $2,000 for Uber. This might become a challenge in the future.
  • 72% of drivers reported driving less, primarily to protect their health or due to decreased demand. Around 7% have switched to other jobs.
  • The rapid decline in earnings is shocking, especially when contrasted against the surge seen just weeks before.
  • The primary revenue sources for drivers (morning and afternoon commutes, restaurant/bar business, large public events, and airport travel) have nearly vanished.
  • The situation poses severe challenges for gig workers who lack many protections traditional workers enjoy.
  • New York City, given its strict “for-hire driver” licensing requirements, may face a significant decline in drivers due to financial hardships.

2. Uber Driver Pay According to SherpaShare

SherpaShare ’s Smart Driver tools assist rideshare drivers with the process of spotting lucrative routes in their city. Since they also offer bookkeeping tools, SherpaShare has info on how much drivers earn after taking expenses into consideration.

According to SherpaShare, many entry-level Uber and Lyft drivers are not even breaking minimum wage .

Of course, this is only a portion of the rideshare industry. Having said that, it appears that in the vast majority of the country, Uber drivers make around $11 an hour.

If you’re making only $11 an hour, it would be very difficult to drive for Uber as a full-time job. This may not matter to you as much if you’re driving for Uber part-time, but keep in mind there are many ways to boost your earnings (we’ll get into that later).

3. Uber Driver Pay According to Glassdoor

Glassdoor is an excellent resource for getting insider information about companies, including Uber. Their reputable system makes it easy for users to report how much they are making as well as the pros and cons of working at said company.

According to Glassdoor , the average Uber driver makes around $14–$15 per hour nationwide.

As we mentioned with SherpaShare, this hourly earnings estimate may only represent a handful of reports. Furthermore, be aware that the hourly estimate may not include driving-related expenses .

In an attempt to offset the low rates, some drivers are taking advantage of signup bonuses and referral codes being offered. Capitalizing on Uber driver referral codes is pretty tempting too, considering some of them are worth hundreds of dollars.

Many speculate that Uber is using this type of marketing plan in an effort to compete with Lyft. Currently, Lyft is giving away bonuses worth up to $1,000 .

Now that we’ve discussed how much drivers earn, let’s take a dive into the why – the factors that go into what they earn.

Our Take: Analyzing These Numbers

Now let’s take a look at the numbers and see what they mean.

It’s clear that driver earnings are low. So this begs the question, why do so many people continue to drive with Uber

It comes as no surprise that where you drive also affects how much you can earn.

  • San Francisco, Seattle, and Long Island, NY rank among the highest-paying areas, with drivers averaging around $25 per hour.
  • Tampa, Houston, and Springfield, MO rank among the lowest-paying cities with drivers averaging under $9 per hour.
  • Akron, OH is the city with the lowest hourly rate by far.

Drivers are making just $4.94 per hour, which is substantially less than the minimum wage. In most cities, UberX drivers aren’t exactly raking in the big bucks either.

The data shows that New York City might be the only city in the country where UberX drivers can expect to average over $20 per hour. But if you’ve lived in, worked in, or visited Manhattan, you know that $20 doesn’t go very far.

average uber trip pay

Another interesting thing we learned from the Ridester survey is the way that riders tip. The reality is, most passengers don’t tip at all .

  • 36% of drivers claim to receive no tips at all in an average night of driving
  • 28% claim to receive less than $5
  • Approximately 10% say they earn tips between $6 and $10
  • 7% of drivers receive between $11 and $15 in tips each night
  • Only 10% report earning more than $16 in tips in an average night

The results of the survey show another interesting thing: most Uber drivers are not satisfied with their earnings and based on the numbers above, this isn’t too surprising.

  • 70% of all drivers gave Uber three or fewer stars (out of five) on income satisfaction.
  • The average satisfaction rating by drivers is only 2.9 stars out of five.

If Uber wants to retain their drivers and bring on more, they’re going to have to do a whole lot better. So are drivers sticking around?

On average, 46.4% of Uber drivers stay with the company for less than one year. 23.5% say they have driven for Uber for one year, 19.2% for two years and only 11% have stuck around for three years or more.

If you can make good tips and leverage your Uber referral code , you are likely to see higher earnings and better profits.

Currently, Uber is offering hundreds of dollars in bonuses for drivers that refer other drivers. Drivers can also earn an extra $5 per passenger for every new rider they bring to the rideshare service.

To sum it up, Uber earnings vary from city to city. New York drivers earn about $29.34 per hour, while Nashville drivers earn an hourly rate of $8.11.

Factors That Impact Uber Driver Earnings

By understanding what goes into each fare, we can find opportunities for you to earn a few extra bucks during your shift.

  • Location and City Demand
  • Time of Day and Day of the Week
  • Type of Vehicle Used
  • Driver Availability and Hours Worked
  • Surge Pricing and High-demand Times
  • Driver’s Rating and Customer Reviews
  • Driving Expenses (Fuel, Maintenance, Insurance)
  • Incentives, Bonuses, and Promotions
  • Distance and Duration of Trips
  • Weather and Road Conditions
  • Competition among Drivers in the Area
  • Passenger Tips
  • Local Regulations and Fees
  • Seasonal Fluctuations in Demand

Related: How Much Does Uber Cost?

1. Location and City Demand

Busy city centers are hotspots for riders. It’s full of bustling business people on their way to their next meeting, best friends late to a cocktail party, and even everyday commuters who just don’t want to brave the rain!

As an Uber driver, choosing to drive in high-demand areas means you’re more likely to have more riders — giving you higher earnings.

2. Time of Day and Day of the Week

I’m sure many experienced the horror of high Uber prices as they tried to get home from a late-night, Saturday party in the city.

During special times and days, prices can double (or even triple) due to demand. Therefore, it’s worth considering these times and checking the Uber estimate when choosing your driving hours!

Maybe it’s just a regular, weekly demand peak or because a superstar like Taylor Swift is performing in town. Whatever the case, it’s a good idea to know what’s happening in your city and use it to your advantage!

3. Type of Vehicle Used

A great way to maximize your Uber driving time is with your car. Here are a few characteristics you should consider, specifically: reliability, fuel efficiency, safety, and comfort.

The good news is that there are plenty of suitable options out there! Here are the three top choices listed by Go Far :

  • 2018 Toyota Camry. A very reliable car with rear-seat legroom for customers
  • 2017 Toyota Prius Two Hatchback. One of the best miles-per-gallon fuel efficiency for its size
  • 2018 Chevrolet. High fuel efficiency for all-day driving.

These are some great options to consider. However, your decision will still come down to what’s available in your area.

4. Driver Availability and Hours Worked

When you think about how much the prices differ depending on the timing, your availability will hugely impact your earnings!

Working more often (and at peak times) will give you a higher income. You’ll also need to work a certain number of hours at minimum to make it worth your while.

5. Surge Pricing and High-demand Times

During bad weather, rush hour, or special events, many people are looking to book Uber at the same time. To make sure only those who really need a ride get one, prices go up. This is known as surge pricing .

Some riders will wait it out, while others will bite the bullet and book anyway. If you want to take advantage of the higher demand, watch out for orange and red areas on the map.

6. Driver’s Rating and Customer Reviews

Great customer service is a brilliant way to increase your earnings. With Uber, there aren’t a lot of opportunities to build rapport with your customers.

As such, making sure your customers have the best experience possible with you means your Uber rating will improve. This increases the chances of getting tips and boosting your income!

7. Driving Expenses (Fuel, Maintenance, Insurance)

One of the major things to remember about Uber driving is the expenses .

In the long term, this includes financing, insurance, registration, tax, and depreciation. For the short term, you’ll pay for fuel, maintenance, cleaning, mobile data fees, and more.

Your expenses can hugely impact gross earnings, so try to minimize them as much as possible!

8. Incentives, Bonuses, and Promotions

Uber also frequently offers promotions to attract drivers during high-demand times in special areas.

Boost+ is one example! This promotion pays extra for trips to a specific place and time.

There are also Quests, which are like missions that allow you to earn a little extra. For example, if you complete a certain number of trips within a specified time frame, you’ll earn more.

With one particular Quest, a driver can earn an additional $100 for completing 30 trips over three days!

9. Distance and Duration of Trips

It’s simple, really: The longer the distance and duration of each trip, the more you’ll be paid.

This means that it’s a good move to consider every offer that comes up for you, as well as wait longer for a better offer!

10. Weather and Road Conditions

Bad weather and traffic cause surge pricing due to high demand. Keeping these factors in mind can help you increase your earnings.

11. Competition among Drivers in the Area

While surge pricing is a great way to add to your income, other Uber drivers are also fully aware of it!  As a result, this can create competition in your local area during peak times.

What this means for you is that how much more you actually earn can vary depending on how many drivers you’re competing against.

12. Passenger Tips

Drivers get to keep 100% of their tips. Considering that the average customer tips 10–20% of the ride cost, you can really boost your earnings by focusing on maximizing the amount tipped!

13. Local Regulations and Fees

Every location has different regulations for rideshare platforms. This can include driving-hour requirements that limit how long you can spend on a platform, as well as other rules displaying stickers on your vehicle.

Understanding the local regulations can help you avoid fines and penalties. It’s important to know these before hitting the road as they can affect your income significantly!

14. Seasonal Fluctuations in Demand

Since it’s the holiday season , Uber’s revenue is higher during the fourth quarter every year. However, the summer vacation season (third quarter) sees lower revenue. Planning your hours according to seasonal changes can help you earn more!

How Can You Earn More?

There are a few things you can do to ensure that you make a higher hourly wage.

1. Drive During Busy Times

If you decide to drive during the busiest hours that have the highest demand, you’ll likely be racking up surge bonuses that multiply your total fare.

Smart drivers will take advantage of surge pricing and plan their shifts around when they think they have the best opportunity to receive these inflated fares.

When there are big events, inclement weather, or rush hour traffic, fares will be multiplied by up to 2x.

average uber trip pay

Head to Uber’s website to get a detailed description of your city’s best locations and times to drive.

Every city has their own hotspots, but to give you an idea here is a breakdown of San Francisco’s high demand locations and times.

If you plan your drive time around these factors, you’ll receive the biggest bang for your buck and your hourly earnings will skyrocket. A simple $15 fare could increase to $30 if you receive a 2x surge multiplier.

2. Offer Great Customer Service

Another way experienced drivers earn an increased fare is by providing excellent customer service.

If you give passengers a great overall experience, you have a better chance of receiving a tip from them. Uber doesn’t take a percentage of your tips, so you’ll keep 100 percent of the tips you receive.

Provide great service and you may earn a few extra bucks here and there from your passengers.

3. Income Differences of Driving Programs

A sure way to bring in a higher paycheck is to enlist in higher-paying driving programs.

If you own or lease a vehicle that qualifies for a more premium Uber option, then you should definitely take advantage of this.

UberX is the default option that all drivers will qualify to drive for, however, UberX is at the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to earnings. UberX is the lowest-paying service level.

After Uber takes their commission, drivers at this level only make $0.73 per mile driven. Depending on what vehicle you own, you may qualify for more driving options that offer higher wages.

average uber trip pay

For instance, if you own a larger vehicle like a van or SUV, you can start driving for UberXL. Drivers at this service level make almost double what UberX drivers do, bringing in $1.26 per mile driven.

Better yet, if your larger vehicle is new and has that luxurious feel, you could even qualify for UberSUV, which is a luxurious SUV option.

Drivers at this stage bring in a whopping $3.00 per hour. That is over four times what an UberX driver makes when looking at per mile driven.

These high-end Uber options mean higher fares for passengers. It also means that you’ll be dealing with a different type of customer.

Customers who are using the more premium options that Uber offers are paying more and will expect a higher level of service. If you deliver a great experience, you can hopefully earn higher tips to match your service.

4. Expenses You Must Pay

What many new drivers will forget is the fact that there are many expenses tied to driving for Uber.

It’s easy to be distracted by the thought of being your own boss, scheduling your own hours, and receiving those big paydays that surge multipliers will yield. The expenses that drivers are responsible for can quickly offset the wages you’re making.

As we mentioned before, once you subtract all of these expenses, median hourly earnings drop from about $14 per hour to below $10. That’s a huge difference!

The downside of driving for Uber is that you’re responsible for all of these personal expenses. Very few things are covered by Uber, leaving you with the bill when it comes to many expenses.

Uber doesn’t provide any financial assistance when it comes to the following expenses:

  • Automobile insurance
  • Vehicle maintenance
  • Cleaning fees
  • Personal taxes

In regards to personal taxes, it’s important to remember that you’re an independent contractor and will be responsible for all of your own taxes.

Your taxes won’t be withheld, so make sure you remember to set some cash aside for when tax season rolls around once a year.

5. How Much Are You Willing to Put In?

As a driver, you have a great deal of control as to how much you’ll make. The single biggest factor is how much you’re willing to put in.

If you only work a few hours here and there, you’ll likely not have a large paycheck and potentially a lower per-hour rate.

But if you treat your new career as a full-time job, give great customer service, drive in the right locations, and take advantage of surge pricing as much as possible, your driver earnings will be much higher.

The more experience you get as a driver, the more you’ll understand how to make a higher income and be more satisfied with your new employment in the gig economy.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do uber payouts work.

With Uber, you can choose how to be paid . For example, you can opt for a free, weekly bank transfer, though immediate cashouts are also an option. If you want to get your money quickly, you can opt for immediate cashouts up to five times a day!

Is Driving Part-Time Or Full-Time Better?

There are pros and cons to both full-time and part-time driving.

For part-time drivers, they have the benefit of driving around their schedule. There’s more freedom for other commitments, especially if they have a full-time job. However, the biggest disadvantage is obvious: less earnings!

Full-time drivers will always make more money, but relying on Uber might not be the best long-term option. This is due to the unpredictability of the work.

Can Drivers Deduct Expenses?

Aside from Uber fees, there are other expenses that you need to keep in mind at all times.

These can include fuel costs, toll fees, car maintenance, car wash, registration, and insurance. If you’re unlucky, you might also need to pay for traffic violations.

Depending on the costs, these can seriously affect your overall earnings! That’s why many Uber drivers prioritize getting fuel-efficient and reliable cars.

What is the Difference Between Base Fare and Total Earnings?

A base fare is what you’re guaranteed to earn from each drive. Other things such as time and distance can boost your pay, which will then add to your total earnings for a trip.

In some cities, demand, delays, and destination distance can boost your base fare. It’s best to consider it as a bonus from a trip — not as something you should fully depend on.

Wrapping Up

As a short-term, part-time supplement to your salary, Uber driving can be a good option! It becomes even better when you start to understand the tricks of the trade.

However, because of how unpredictable earnings can be, full-time driving might not be sustainable in the long run except for the most determined drivers.

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average uber trip pay

Uber Driver Requirements Every Drive Must Meet In 2024

Learn everything about Uber driver requirements before you apply, including their screening process, vehicle and insurance requirements, and more.

What The Uber Background Check Looks For & How to Pass

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How much do Uber and Lyft drivers really make? It varies wildly depending on tips, car expenses, and how they calculate profits.

  • Many Americans are driving for Uber and Lyft to boost their incomes.
  • But no one can agree on how much the typical ride-hailing driver earns per hour.
  • Varied pay calculations, car expenses, and customer tips can produce a wide range of outcomes.

Insider Today

While recent pay-transparency laws are shining a light on the compensation of some jobs, there's one gig where the pay is still murky: ride-hailing drivers for companies such as Uber and Lyft.

Over the last few years, studies have come to a wide range of conclusions about drivers' hourly pay , from as low as between about $9 and $12 an hour to as high as between about $23 and $28 an hour.

In a November earnings call , Uber said the typical US driver earned about $33 per engaged hour across the US, not accounting for driving expenses.

In February, Lyft said the typical US driver who used a personal vehicle earned about $31 per engaged hour — and $23 an hour after accounting for expenses like gas and maintenance. Lyft also announced that it would begin guaranteeing drivers 70% of their weekly rider payments after external fees, which include local taxes and government-mandated extra insurance. The company said it had taken steps to provide drivers with greater detail about how their pay is calculated.

Meanwhile, Business Insider has spoken with several drivers whose pay has varied considerably , per their calculations.

At least two factors could explain these pay discrepancies. First, researchers, drivers, and companies use different pay calculations — some don't fully account for the expenses and hours that impact a driver's profits. Second, drivers' pay can fluctuate based on how often they drive, their vehicle's expenses, and how well their customers tip.

Regardless of how drivers calculate their hourly earnings, the ones Business Insider spoke with agreed that developing a method to assess and track one's pay is important. They said it's the only way to know for sure that driving for Uber and Lyft is worth their time.

Drivers' hourly pay depends on how you define their working hours

Uber and Lyft's hourly earnings estimates reflect drivers' pay per engage — or utilized — hour, which is the period between a driver accepting a ride and completing a trip.

But engaged hours don't account for the time drivers spend relocating to higher-demand areas , filling up their gas tanks, or scanning their apps for profitable trips. Some drivers told BI that they use their online work hours — the time they have the app open — to more accurately calculate their hourly pay.

For drivers who are selective with what rides they accept, such as Gabe Ets-Hokin, a part-time Uber and Lyft driver in Oakland, California, the difference between engaged and online-hour pay can be substantial. Over the past five years, he calculated that his pay per online hour was between about $15 and $20 less than his earnings per engaged hour.

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But this isn't the case for all drivers. Jeff Hoenig, a 63-year-old part-time Uber driver in South Carolina, told BI that since he accepts almost every ride, there is little difference between his online and engaged earnings.

Driving expenses such as gas and maintenance reduce drivers' profits

Five drivers previously told BI that their driving expenses — including gas and maintenance — amounted to between about $4 and $8 an hour .

Lyft calculated that its typical US driver has about $7 per engaged hour in fuel, maintenance and repairs, depreciation, and cleaning expenses. This didn't exclude fixed expenses like car payments, vehicle registration, and car insurance.

These expenses vary depending on each driver's vehicle. Some drivers use electric vehicles to reduce their gas and maintenance costs.

Wesley Johnson, a 64-year-old Uber driver who works roughly 40 hours a week in the San Francisco area, told BI last year that driving an electric vehicle saved him a lot of money in gas and maintenance costs .

Unpredictable customer tips can make up a big portion of drivers' income

A driver's day-to-day income can also vary considerably depending on how lucky they get with tips .

"There have been days where I received zero tips, and there have been days where I receive a tip every single trip," a Dallas Uber driver told BI last year. "It really depends on the mood of the city."

Aaron Lavender, a 36-year-old full-time Uber and Lyft driver in Colorado, previously told BI that tips make up between 10% and 20% of his income.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel Hudson-Hartman, a Portland, Oregon-based full-time ride-hailing driver, said that if it weren't for tips and ride bonuses, his earnings after expenses would have fallen from about $24 to about $13 an hour last summer.

Part-time drivers can sometimes see higher hourly pay

Ets-Hokin previously told BI that he's made up $40 an hour in earnings as a driver after taking out expenses, per his calculations.

But he said he was only able to do this because he's now a part-time driver — working between 15 and 20 hours a week. He said he drives only during busy hours and cherry-picks higher-paying rides . When he drove full-time in previous years, he said he earned between $25 and $35 an hour after expenses.

"I think making $30 to $50 an hour net is pretty sweet for a part-time job where I have no schedule and very little accountability to anyone but my passengers and my family," he said. "I'll do it as long as I can make $25 to $30 an hour."

Minimum-wage laws could help clarify drivers' pay

The uncertainty of drivers' pay doesn't seem to have stopped Americans from giving ride-hailing gigs a shot. Last November, Uber announced it had a record 6.5 million active drivers and couriers.

Some cities and states have passed legislation to guarantee minimum pay for ride-hailing drivers.

In February 2019, New York City established the nation's first minimum pay rate for ride-hailing drivers of $17.22 per hour. Seattle , California , and New York State have enacted their own measures, and proposals are under consideration in Minneapolis , Chicago , and Massachusetts .

Are you a gig worker willing to share your story about pay, schedule, and tipping? If so, reach out to this reporter at [email protected] .

This story was originally published in October 2023.

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How Much Do Uber Drivers Make? Is It Worth Your Time?

Emily Cahill

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A day to yourself on the open road sounds pretty good: no boss to interrupt your break and no co-workers to tell you to turn down your music. But is driving for Uber the freeing, profitable gig it’s made out to be?

Gig work is a continually growing field of contract workers looking for side hustles or freedom from the 9-5 grind. Yet how much do Uber drivers make? Is it worth your time to pick up some rideshare work?

According to Salary.com, Uber drivers in the U.S. make a median wage of $38,002 per year — but how much you could make depends on your location and the times you’re available to drive.

How Much Do Uber Drivers Actually Make?

The average hourly pay for Uber drivers in the United States is approximately $15 to 22, according to Salary.com. However, it’s essential to understand that this may vary based on several factors like base fares, tips and other incentives.

Uber Driver Percentile Pay by Location

The following data shows the percentile distributions of Uber driver earnings in several different locations. Note that median earnings appear as the 50% stat.

Uber’s Pay Structure

Uber’s pay structure is dynamic and flexible. It is calculated according to location, demand and distance. Pay may vary on a day-to-day basis.

Uber provides earnings estimates instead of a set wage to help drivers identify their likely profits. These should be viewed strictly as projections. They are based on what other drivers working the same hours in the same location earned over the previous month.

Qualifying Earnings

Uber drivers earn from a combination of factors, including customer tips and trip fares. O ccasional things like Quest and Boost+ promotions may lead to additional earnings.

What Is a Base Fare?

The base fare is the flat rate that a pickup pays. Time and distance increase the trip fare in some cities. In other cities, the upcharge is based on destination, demand and delays due to unexpected traffic.

Does Surge Pricing Affect Drivers?

Uber uses surge pricing when demand is high, increasing the costs of rides. Uber drivers can use a local map to find surge prices and time their availability. This can increase earnings.

Cancellation Fees

Drivers are protected if a ride is canceled while they are en route to a pickup. They will receive a cancellation fee.

What About Uber Eats?

Uber rideshare drivers also have the option to deliver orders through Uber Eats . This entails opting in, accepting delivery orders and then transporting food and beverages to customers.

Choosing to deliver food can boost an Uber driver’s pay, especially on days when rides are slow. Uber encourages its drivers to diversify their payment options, depending on demand.

Uber Eats pays drivers a delivery fare based on pickup, drop-off and distance. There is also a similar surge pricing for food delivery known as Boost that will increase pay at certain times of the day.

Gross vs. Net Income

Several significant deductions will reduce the amount that Uber drivers net. These are important to consider when considering gross versus net income as a driver.

Uber drivers are contract, or 1099, workers. This means they work on their own schedule with their own supplies. Drivers are responsible for all vehicle maintenance, gas and insurance compliance .

As contract workers, income taxes are not withheld from pay. Drivers must remember that they owe taxes on the pay they receive from Uber. Not only do they need to calculate their income taxes , but they must also pay a self-employment tax if they make more than $400 per year as a 1099 contractor.

The self-employment tax is 15.3% and covers both the Medicare and Social Security tax contributions that both an employee and an employer pay in a typical job. Since Uber drivers are self-employed, they must pay both employee and employer taxes — 7.65% more than they would as regular W-2 employees.

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Good To Know The average car insurance will not cover a vehicle used for rideshare work. Uber provides insurance that covers drivers while they are waiting for a request, en route to pickup or during a ride. To protect yourself when you use your vehicle for Uber, be sure to sign up for a rideshare auto insurance policy.

In the 12 years since its founding, Uber has expanded into over 70 countries. Uber drivers took about 7.6 billion trips in 2022 — a significant increase from its previous high of 6.9 billion trips in 2019.

Compared to other rideshare options like Lyft , Uber leads the pack with about 71% of the industry’s rides completed through its app.

Uber’s Rebound

Though 2020’s statistics showed a decline in regular riders, this was most likely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Uber’s rebound in rides has followed the overall trend of 2014 through 2019, which saw an almost 50% increase in riders. Annual trips grew 53% from 2020 to 2022, according to company data cited by Business of Apps.

Given its lock on the market and steady projected growth, Uber will undoubtedly continue to prosper as a company. But does that translate into an equal opportunity for each new Uber driver?

Location and Demand

Unfortunately, these stats do not bode well for many Uber drivers based simply on location and demand. Of the 10,000 cities across the globe that Uber is present in, five account for nearly a quarter of its rides — 22%. These cities are London, São Paulo, Chicago, Los Angeles and New York City.

An Uber driver’s pay is based on how many rides they book and complete. Being in an ideal location can vastly increase pay, whereas a rural Uber driver would generate significantly less income.

Is Being an Uber Driver Worth It?

Being an Uber driver is worth it if you approach the gig with the right expectations. It is certainly worth it in large cities where you can make a fair wage due to demand and availability of rides. It may also be worth it in less populous areas for those just looking for a side hustle.

Due to the wide variability of pay as an Uber driver, managing expectations based on opportunities is essential. Optimizing Uber work can maximize your income, but it hinges on the opportunity for rides and deliveries in the area where you drive.

Uber Driver FAQ

  • Technically, a driver could make $500 in a day with Uber — if everything fell into place. In May 2021, The Washington Post reported that some drivers in big cities were making close to $50 an hour due to good strategy and a driver shortage. In such cases, if drivers work 10-hour days, they could certainly reach $500.
  • Uber's average pay to drivers seems to hover around $15-$22. Average Uber drivers working 20 hours per week would make around $370.
  • Uber does not pay for gas, maintenance, insurance — besides the coverage it provides — or other costs associated with driving. As an independent contractor, you are responsible for maintaining the equipment you use for work.

Daria Uhlig and Cynthia Measom contributed to the reporting for this article.

Data is accurate as of April 18, 2023, and is subject to change.

Editorial Note: This content is not provided by any entity covered in this article. Any opinions, analyses, reviews, ratings or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the author alone and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any entity named in this article.

The article above was refined via automated technology and then fine-tuned and verified for accuracy by a member of our editorial team.

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  • Uber. "Your earnings, explained."
  • SmartAsset. "All About Self-Employment Tax."
  • IRS. "Independent Contractor (Self-Employed) or Employee?"
  • Salary.com. "Uber Driver Salary in the United States."
  • Business of Apps. 2023. "Uber Revenue and Usage Statistics (2023)."
  • Ridester. 2023. "Uber Stats 2023: Riders, Revenue, Services & More."

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How much do Uber drivers make? That depends on where you drive.

average uber trip pay

Interested in driving for Uber? It probably helps to have an idea of how much you can make chauffeuring passengers around in your city. 

Uber’s pay structure means that number can vary greatly. Driver pay is calculated by adding a location-specific per-mile and per-minute rate on top of a standard fare in addition to other factors, according to Uber. But there is some data out there that gives us some sense of what drivers can bank. 

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How much do Lyft drivers make?: What we know

How much do Uber drivers make? 

In April 2021, Uber reported median hourly earnings before tips for drivers in major American cities as demand for the service rose with the arrival of COVID-19 vaccines. It noted that driver earnings were experiencing a temporary spike due to the smaller supply of people driving on the platform at that point in the pandemic. 

According to Uber, drivers saw the highest hourly earnings in New York City at $37.44. Earnings ranged between $22 and $27.50 in Orlando, Tampa Bay, Houston, Boston, Dallas, Atlanta, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Miami. In Chicago and Philadelphia, drivers earned $30.49 and $32.60, respectively. 

Market Realist

Uber Drivers' Pay Per Ride Fluctuates — Pay Structure, Explained

Many people are looking for a side hustle and driving for Uber might seem like a good idea but how much do Uber drivers make per ride?

Anuradha Garg - Author

Apr. 5 2022, Published 12:59 p.m. ET

Uber changed the face of modern transportation and became the largest taxi company without owning any vehicles. At one point, Uber was one of the highest-valued private startup companies in the world. It also gave rise to a class of drivers that are able to ply their own trade. The business model was adopted by many other companies including Airbnb and DoorDash . How much do Uber drivers make per ride?

Along with this disruptive idea, Uber has faced criticism over the years. The company has faced allegations of hostile corporate culture , backlash amid surging prices , and issues with fair pay and driver benefits.

Uber has faced controversies related to driver pay.

One of the major controversies surrounding the company and other similar companies including Lyft was the classification of drivers as independent contractors rather than employees. In 2019, Assembly Bill 5 was passed by the California Senate. The law will make it difficult for ridesharing companies to classify their drivers as “independent contractors.”

Uber has a flexible and dynamic pay structure.

However, at the same time, Uber helped thousands of people make money driving taxis and not only as a full-time job but also as a side gig. The company provided a lot of flexibility to workers who can set their own working hours. But how much money do Uber drivers make per ride?

According to Uber’s website, “The money you make driving with the Uber app depends on when, where, and how often you drive.” Therefore, Uber’s pay structure is dynamic and flexible. Moreover, pay may vary on a day-to-day basis. The company provides “earnings estimates” that help drivers identify their estimated profits.

Uber-How are earnings calculated?

The first and the basic type of earnings is the standard fare that a pick-up pays. A driver earns more based on how far and for how long they drive. Per-minute and per-mile rates vary by city. Uber also uses surge pricing when demand is high. Uber drivers can use a local map to find surge prices and time their availability accordingly. This can increase their earnings.

If a rider cancels the ride while the driver was en route, drivers are protected since they receive a cancelation fee. There are additional payments like customer tips and other incentives that Uber drivers can earn too.

Uber has payments for rides as well as delivery.

While Uber drivers get paid for providing rides, drivers can opt to deliver orders through Uber Eats. If Uber drivers opt to deliver food, they can boost their earnings. Uber Eats pays drivers a delivery fare based on pick-up, drop-off, and distance. It also uses surge pricing for food delivery known as “Boost,” which will increase pay at certain times of the day.

How much does an Uber driver earn?

Apart from the gross earnings, an Uber driver’s net earnings will depend on other factors such as car maintenance, gas expenses, tolls, insurance, and so on. The question still remains, how much does an Uber driver earn? Well, it's difficult to average out one number since there are so many moving variables. According to , most Uber drivers earn about $8 to $12 per hour.

The Rideshare Guy explains that without having any promotions or bonuses added in, and without considering expenses, each ride averages around $5.08.

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Home App-Based Gigs How Much Does an Uber Driver Make?

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How Much Does an Uber Driver Actually Make?

January 16, 2024

Experts in this article:

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Matt Miller

Matt is a Pittsburgh-based rideshare driver with 5 years of experience and more than 10,000 rides completed.

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Robert Jellison

Robert is a writer and editor for SideHustles.com. He has 7+ years of experience in freelance writing and previously worked as...

Average Pay

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If you’re thinking about driving for Uber to earn some extra cash, it makes sense if one of your first questions is how much you can expect to get paid.

From riding with Uber, you probably already know that their rates vary according to many different factors, so from the driver’s side, predicting how much you’ll earn can be a challenge.

To demystify things, we got in touch with an experienced Uber driver who shared his thoughts on how much Uber drivers actually make in 2024. Read on to learn more.

01. How much does the average Uber driver earn?

If you’ve researched this question at all, you may have already read that Uber drivers typically earn around $10–$15 per ride . We spoke to Matt Miller, a Pittsburgh-based rideshare driver who has been working for Uber for 5 years, who largely backed this up—with a few caveats.

“On average, it seems to even out to about $10 per ride ,” he told us. “The least I ever made on a ride was $4.12 and the most I ever made was $153. It’s impossible to have a fixed average since there are so many factors.”

These factors include the length of the ride (obviously, longer trips pay more, although accepting multiple short trips can be more lucrative than accepting a single long one).

Your location is also a strong factor. Uber’s prices tend to be higher in large cities, so your average rate may be higher if you live somewhere like New York City or San Francisco. The inverse is also true: if you live in a smaller town, your average may be lower.

How much you can earn per hour

Miller told us that his long-term earnings averaged out to $20–$44 per hour .

“Over my 5 years of driving, my weekly earnings were between $700–$1,100 per week ,” he said. “I drove an average of 25–35 hours per week .”

To ensure that your earnings are on the higher end of that range, you have to strategize. Drive during busy periods, try not to accept rides that will take you out of high-traffic areas (e.g., the city center), and take advantage of Uber’s promotions. We’ll cover all of that in more detail further down in this article.

How overhead decreases your effective earnings

Uber pays fairly well for a side hustle that almost anyone can get into with no training. However, it has very high overhead—you’ll have to pay for vehicle maintenance and depreciation (unless you rent a car, which also costs money), and above all, you’ll have to pay for gas.

“People often ask, does Uber pay for any of your gas?” Miller said. “The answer to that question is no.”

These expenses can really add up, and many drivers report that they can decrease your effective rate from $20+ per hour to minimum wage or even less.

However, Miller said that if you take strategic advantage of Uber’s promotions, it can go a long way towards making up the cost of fuel and your other expenses.

02. How Uber’s promotions can boost your rates

Uber runs three recurring promotions. As Miller said, taking advantage of these is key to bringing your earnings up to a worthwhile level:

Smartphone with the Uber Quests page on the screen

A Quest is an opportunity to earn a bonus for completing a certain number of rides in a set period, e.g., 30 rides by the end of the work week. 1

Quests generally run twice per week: one on Monday through Friday, and then another one on Friday through Monday, both starting and ending at 4 am.

Miller explained that in his experience, Uber will provide you with three Quest “levels” to choose from.

For instance, a “level one” quest might be to complete 30 rides for $50 and then an additional 10 for a further $20. Level two might be to complete 40 rides for $70, and then 10 more for an additional $20, and so on, with each level paying out more than the previous one (but also requiring more rides).

How much you can earn

Depending on how many rides you’re willing to commit to, taking advantage of Quests can boost your income by around $50–$200 per week .

Smartphone with the Uber Boost+ page on the screen

“Boost+ is a type of promotion where Uber offers a preset bonus per ride completed during a select time period,” said Miller. “An example would be an extra $2 per ride from 7–8 am.”

In his city, the weekday boost schedule (Monday–Friday) is released on Saturday, and the weekend schedule (Friday–Sunday) is released on Wednesday. The clear scheduling makes it possible to plan ahead and pick the best time to drive to optimize your income.

Miller told us that boosts range from $1.50 to $9 and are typically offered in 1-to-2-hour blocks. If you complete an average of 2 rides per hour, this can boost your hourly earnings by anywhere from $3 to $18 .

To take full advantage of Boost+ periods, try to accept as many short rides as you can (instead of longer trips, which you’ll still only earn one boost for).

3. Surge pricing

Smartphone with the screen showing the Uber surge pricing page

Surge is arguably Uber’s most well-known promotion. Essentially, during periods of high demand, Uber hikes their prices and passes off some of the extra money to you. 2

“Unlike Quests and Boost+, surge pricing is not guaranteed or released on a weekly schedule,” Miller said. “You can’t plan to go out at a certain time of the day or week and earn it.”

However, he went on to say that if you know your city’s market well and what events typically bring out a lot of riders, you can sometimes anticipate surges anyway. “If a Taylor Swift concert just ended at the 70,000-person stadium that the Pittsburgh Steelers play at, then you can expect to see a growing surge in that area.”

The money you can get from surges varies widely. “In my area, surge pricing that is added to each individual ride ranges from $1–$40 ,” said Miller.

Be aware that while surges can be extremely lucrative, you should also consider how far away they are before driving to them. As a very rough guideline, if you have to drive more miles than the surge is boosting fares by (in dollars), it probably isn’t worth it.

03. How tipping works on Uber

Uber tip money in a glass jar

As you probably already know, when you drive for Uber, passengers can leave you tips—but they aren’t required to do so.

“After 5 years and 14,000 rides, I have come to learn that tips come out to about 10% of my total earnings,” Miller said. “Frankly, I think that is pretty good.”

He continued on to say that in his experience, about 1 out of every 3 or 4 riders leaves a tip . “I’ve noticed that tourists and businesspeople headed to and from the airport are the ones that tip the most.”

How much can you earn from tips?

Drivers retain 100% of their tips; Uber doesn’t take a cut. How much riders tip is entirely up to them.

“The biggest tip I’ve gotten was $100 in the form of a single hundred-dollar bill,” said Miller.

He also told us that his lowest tip was 1 cent. “Yes, $0.01. I don’t know if that was an insult or a mistake.”

To an extent, the tips you receive are out of your control, but to boost them as much as possible, keep your car clean and generally try to make your rides as pleasant as possible.

It’s also very important to develop a sense for whether your passengers want to chat or be quiet —some people are talkers and some aren’t. The ability to carry a decent conversation can make a big difference to your daily earnings, although you should be aware that anything you say to your passengers may be recorded.

How Uber may log your conversations with your passengers

In 2023, Uber rolled out an audio recording feature . If either you or your passenger activates it, the Uber app will use your device’s microphone to record your conversation and upload it to Uber’s servers as an encrypted audio file. They’ll review this if there’s a serious dispute between you and your customer (e.g., they say that you were rude or harassed them). Otherwise, no one will ever listen to it.

Uber claims that this feature is meant to protect drivers from false allegations and frivolous refund requests, which will ultimately benefit their bottom lines. A number of drivers have complained that they’re uncomfortable being recorded, although others are positive about this change.

“I am really looking forward to using it,” said Aaron Lawrence, a veteran Uber driver who tipped us off to this feature’s rollout. He said he expected it to “protect everyone from false accusations and give all involved a better peace of mind.”

The takeaway: You can earn more money by being personable and chatting with your passengers (when they seem open to it), but remember that when you’re on the job, none of your conversations are totally private.

04. How does Uber calculate payments?

Calculator against a blue background

The factors that go into the price of any given Uber ride are fairly complex, and confusingly, they often differ from one city to the next. At minimum, Uber considers:

  • Your location : As mentioned, in dense and expensive urban areas, Uber costs more, which means it also pays more.
  • Demand : The number of people currently seeking rides is a significant pricing factor. As you’d expect, the more people who are using Uber, the higher the fares will be.
  • Distance : Of course, the length of the trip will also determine how much you’ll make from it, with longer trips paying out more.

In addition to these factors, you also have to consider any promotions Uber is offering and potentially other factors as well, depending on the pricing model Uber uses in your city.

Example: price calculation in Pittsburgh

Miller broke down how Uber calculated fares in Pittsburgh during most of the time he drove there.

In his experience, Uber started with a base price ($1.07) that was the same for every ride, which they then plugged into a formula that boosted the pay based on the:

  • Time the ride took
  • Total distance traveled
  • Time spent waiting for the passenger (after a 2-minute grace period)

The final fare was calculated at the end of the ride.

However, Miller also told us that Uber moved away from this model in Pittsburgh in late 2022. “Rather than the factors I described above, there are now upfront prices and fare details. That means we’re now informed of how much we will make for the ride before we accept it.”

The takeaway is that, since Uber calculates fares differently from one city to the other and may sometimes change their pricing model, it can be hard to predict how Uber will calculate your pay until you actually start driving.

Fortunately, if reports from other rideshare drivers are anything to go by, Uber is moving towards an upfront model across the country. Overall, the trend seems to be towards more transparency so that both you and your passengers will know what to expect when you commit to a ride.

How much does Uber take from drivers?

Like most apps that people use to find gig work, Uber will take a cut of your profits (meaning that you won’t earn the full fare that your riders pay).

Miller told us that Uber charges two fees:

  • Service fee : Uber says that their service fee for each ride constitutes 25% of the fare . However, Miller told us that in his experience, service fees “varied quite a lot” and could be “quite high sometimes.” As with the rest of Uber’s pricing, it’s possible that this depends on your state and city.
  • Booking fee : According to Miller, Uber’s booking fee also depends on your city, as well as the trip distance. He said that it can be “as low as $1 but not more than $10,” citing $1.60 as a frequently occurring fee during his 10,000+ rides.

“The amount that Uber takes from drivers varies on every ride,” said Miller. “Yes, I know that seems strange, but in my 5 years of experience, that’s what I have noticed.”

05. How does Uber pay drivers?

Hundred dollar bills rolled up with rubber bands

Uber says that you can receive your payments in two ways. 3 However, this is a slight oversimplification.

“Where I live, there are three ways to receive payments from Uber,” Miller said. You can get paid via:

  • Debit card : You can instantly cash out your earnings to your bank account via a debit card of your choosing. You’ll have to pay a small fee per transaction (it will probably be under $1), and you can cash out up to 5 times per day. After you do so, the money will appear in the bank account associated with your debit card very quickly.
  • Automatic deposit : You can also add the routing and checking number of your bank account to the “wallet” section of your profile in the Uber app. Uber will automatically deposit your earnings every week into your account for free. In Miller’s experience, the money almost always arrives each Tuesday morning, except when that would be a major holiday, in which case it arrives on Wednesday.
  • Uber Pro Card : You can also receive your earnings on the Uber Pro Card , a debit card and checking account which you can apply for in the Driver app. With this card, you’ll get paid automatically after each ride. Receiving your payment this way is free.

06. How to maximize your earnings on Uber

Smartphone showing the Uber app next to dollar signs

We asked Miller for his advice on how to make more money from Uber . He gave us several tips:

Know your area

“The easiest way to make the most money is to simply know your area,” he said. “That includes both rush hour traffic patterns and what big events are happening in your city, such as concerts, and sporting events.”

He recommended staying as close to the middle of the city as possible . In his experience, venturing into the suburbs (including accepting rides that end there) can throw off your earnings for the day, since you’ll end up in an area with low demand.

Instead, try to stay within the neighborhoods in your city that have bars and nightclubs.

Don’t hang around for too long at the airport

It’s no secret that many Uber rides begin and end at the airport. However, Miller says that it’s rarely worth it to wait in the airport queue, since there will usually be many drivers who arrived ahead of you (often 20–30) who’ll be given priority when it comes to incoming rides.

Get an E-ZPass

Miller strongly recommends buying an E-ZPass (an electronic device that will automatically pay tolls).

“If you go through a toll on the way to pick up a rider, Uber will not compensate you for it,” he said. “But if you go through a toll with a passenger in the car, Uber will pay you the E-ZPass rate.”

As many toll roads are doing their best to encourage E-ZPass use, tolls are often higher if you don’t have one, and Uber won’t pay you the difference. “One of the toll roads I’ve taken is $3.40 with an E-ZPass and $7 without one, so it can add up quite a bit.”

Don’t be afraid to cancel on no-shows

If you arrive at the rider’s pickup location and they don’t show up for 5 minutes, you can cancel the ride with the reason “Rider didn’t show up.” You’ll then receive a cancellation fee, which varies based on your location (in Pittsburgh, it’s $3.90).

If you accept a reservation and wait for 8 minutes, you’ll be eligible for a $10 cancellation fee —as much as you’d make from some rides.

Stay on top of your taxes

Nobody likes thinking about taxes, but it’s very important not to neglect them. Miller pointed out that as an Uber driver, you’re classified as an independent contractor, which means that Uber won’t withhold your taxes from your pay. You’ll have to handle them yourself.

How much you owe will depend on how much you made, but Miller advises putting aside 25% of your earnings to pay your taxes, which is in line with the advice that many other online sources provide.

“I recommend paying your taxes quarterly to avoid a large tax bill in April of the following year,”  he said. “As far as taxes go, in my opinion, it is in your best interest to get a certified public accountant to find the best deductions, such as car maintenance.”

07. Is it worth it to drive Uber as a side hustle?

Uber driver charging their smartphone in their car while working their ridesharing side hustle

You can make real money driving for Uber, but it isn’t an easy job—even setting aside the actual business of dealing with passengers.

If you want to make the kind of money you should be making, you’ll need to plan your schedule ahead of time to take advantage of promotions. It’ll probably take you some time to settle into a good groove.

Despite that, Miller told us he still thinks that driving for Uber is worth it—but not every day.

“I 100% recommend driving for Uber as a side hustle, but just that, a part-time side hustle. Take it from me. I did this job full-time for 5 years, and now I only drive on Fridays and Saturdays.” He continued on to say that “By just driving during prime hours on the weekends, you can easily make $40–50 an hour without putting excessive wear and tear on your car.”

Article Sources

  • Uber. "How does Quest work?" Retrieved May 29, 2023.
  • Uber. "What is surge?" Retrieved May 29, 2023.
  • Uber. "How do I receive my earnings?" Retrieved May 29, 2023.

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Uber Driver

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Uber will start showing drivers how much they’ll be paid for accepting a trip

They’ll also get to see ride requests in their area.

By Mitchell Clark

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It says it’s trying to make things more flexible for drivers.

Uber says that it’s “completely reimagined the way drivers accept rides” with a feature called “upfront fares,” which shows drivers exactly how much they’ll be paid for a trip and where they’ll end up after dropping a rider off. In its announcement on Friday , the company says the change is part of its push to make driving for the rideshare service more flexible. Uber’s also planning on rolling out a feature that lets drivers see other ride requests in their area, letting them pick specific trips they’d like to do.

For riders, the changes, which have been tested in select locations, could mean fewer canceled trips because a driver doesn’t actually want to go to the destination, or realizes that it won’t be a very profitable trip.

According to an upfront fee support document , the amount shown to drivers before they accept a trip is based on “several factors, including base fares, estimated trip length and duration, pickup distance, and surge pricing.” The document notes that if the rider changes the drop-off address or there’s “unexpected traffic” along the route, the fare will be adjusted. The number also doesn’t include things like tips or wait times.

Upfront fares makes it clear how much drivers will actually earn for taking a trip.

The document does warn that the switch to upfront fares, set to roll out “to most of the US over the coming months,” could mean that some types of trips earn drivers less. As examples, it lists “long and relatively quick (traffic-free) trips” and “trips to high-demand areas.” However, it also says that the new system will mean drivers earn more on short trips, trips with lots of traffic, trips where they end up in an area with fewer riders, or trips where they have to travel a long way before getting to the rider.

Uber didn’t immediately respond to The Verge ’s request for comment on what areas of the US wouldn’t be getting upfront fares.

Trip radar also shows fares.

Alongside upfront fares, Uber says it’ll be more widely rolling out a feature called trip radar, which gives drivers a list of nearby ride requests. Drivers will be able to pick the trips they want from the list, and if Uber decides it’s a good match, it’ll give them the job. (An article from Uber says that it’ll choose which drivers get their picks based on average wait times for drivers and riders.) Uber also says that drivers will still get individual ride requests, but that they’ll be able to use trip radar to find “another trip that might work better for them.”

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How Much Does Uber Cost in 2024?

Common questions we’re asked, how are uber fares calculated pricing components explained, sample uber fare for context, how to get an uber estimate: 3 easy methods, 3 ways to lock in uber prices to avoid an increase, how to save on rides with uber, uber cost vs. others, frequently asked questions, how much does uber cost fare pricing, rates, and cost estimates explained.

average uber trip pay

Since 2012, Brett Helling has built expertise in the rideshare and delivery sectors, working with major platforms like Uber, Lyft, and DoorDash.

He acquired Ridester.com in 2014, the first ridesharing marketplace, leveraging his direct experience to enhance the site. His insights at Ridester are recognized by Forbes, Vice, and CNBC.

Expanding his reach, Brett founded Gigworker.com and authored “ Gigworker: Independent Work and the State of the Gig Economy “, demonstrating his comprehensive knowledge of the gig economy.

More about Brett | How we publish content

Ridester articles are reviewed by gig economy experts before getting published to ensure accuracy, thoroughness, and quality. Learn about our editorial standards .

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vector graphic illustrating different elements of how much does Uber cost

Key Takeaways

  • Costs vary across ride types (UberX, UberXL, Uber Black, etc.) each with unique pricing structures.
  • Uber charges include a base fare plus costs for distance, time, and dynamic pricing during high demand.
  • Fares increase during peak times due to higher demand, known as “surge pricing”.
  • The Uber app provides fare estimates before booking to avoid surprise charges.
  • Be mindful of extra charges for waiting, cancellations, or route changes.

Uber’s cost depends on the service type , ride distance, time, and demand. Each ride has a base fare plus costs for distance and time. Prices may increase during high-demand periods due to surge pricing .

The Uber app offers fare estimates before booking, but the final cost can vary if the trip details change. Additional fees may apply for waiting, cancellations, or route alterations.

Based on my experience taking hundreds of rideshare rides over the past few years, the average ride in a large city is between $10-$25, while the average ride in the suburbs is between $15-$35.

Shorter rides in the city will naturally cost much less, as rides in the suburbs almost always cover far more mileage.

I’ll break down how Uber calculates pricing in detail later in this post, but it’s worth noting that the estimated average Uber cost per mile is $1 or $2 per mile, while the estimated average Uber cost per minute is $0.40 per minute.

For context, this is what Uber costs between large cities in the United States:

My Thoughts On Uber’s Pricing (Summarized)

I believe Uber to be fairly priced, and very similar to Lyft’s pricing . However, I usually use Lyft in times of high demand, as Uber’s SURGE pricing can oftentimes skyrocket out of control.

My suggestion would be to open both apps and make the decision for yourself. After all, both offer up-front price quotes, so you know what you’ll pay before you request a ride.

As mentioned before, many factors determine the final cost of an individual ride. In this section, we will take a look at some general principles that are key to understanding Uber costs.

Let’s explore the key factors that influence the cost of a ride.

1. What is Uber’s Upfront Pricing Model?

Upfront pricing is a new way that Uber introduced to calculate the price of a trip. In upfront pricing, Uber gives the rider the exact price the trip will cost before requesting a ride.

For example, let us say that a rider wants to travel from point A to B. While the old pricing system will give the cost of the ride as a range, the upfront pricing will provide an exact price.

Upfront fares are calculated by totaling the base fare, expected time, distance rates, traffic patterns, surges, and any expected tolls that might affect the journey. The resulting value then appears as the upfront fare.

Riders get price estimates for their rides before they request them. While this can sometimes change, these estimates are usually accurate.

2. Can Uber Charge More Than the Upfront Estimate?

Yes, Uber can charge more than the initial estimate in certain circumstances.

If the trip takes longer than expected, perhaps due to roadblocks, traffic, or a change in the destination, the final price may exceed the upfront estimate. These adjustments reflect the actual conditions and changes encountered during the trip.

3. Does Uber Charge by Mile or Time?

Uber charges for rides based on both the distance traveled and the time spent in the car. The rate per mile and per minute varies depending on the city and the specific service selected.

4. Does Uber Charge per Person?

Uber does not charge per person for standard rides. The total cost is unaffected by the number of passengers. However, selecting larger vehicles like UberSUV or shared rides like UberPool can result in different pricing compared to standard options.

5. When Are Uber Fares the Lowest?

Uber prices are usually the lowest when there is less demand for Uber. Generally, this happens during weekdays between 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm, and after 6:00 pm (except on Fridays).

6. When Are Uber Fares the Highest?

Uber fares are at their highest when there is a high demand for Uber or when the demand outweighs the supply causing a surge in the prices. Generally, the most expensive times to ride an Uber are on weekdays before 9:00 am, between 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm, and after 6:00 pm on Fridays only.

Estimating an Uber fare is pretty straightforward with a few simple tools, but before we do that, you should understand what actually goes into an Uber fare.

Every time Uber calculates a ride fare, there are a few factors that come into play:

  • Type of Ride – The final fare price greatly depends on the type of car service you choose, whether UberX , UberXL , Uber Select , or Uber Black .
  • Base Fare – This rate refers to the flat fee for every ride . It includes the pickup price and is calculated based on the distance and duration of the ride.
  • Booking fee: Uber charges another flat fee to cover administrative costs.
  • Ride distance: Riders are charged a per-mile fee, based on the estimated distance to be traveled.
  • Time spent on the ride: Riders are charged a per-minute fee, based on the estimated length of the ride.
  • Minimum fares: Every Uber market has a set minimum fare. If your local minimum is $7, you’ll still have to pay $7, even if your cost would only be $5 based on the factors above.
  • Uber Fees – Uber takes a 25% fee to cover administrative costs and gives the drivers 75%.
  • Surge pricing: Your fares may be multiplied when demand is higher than supply. This is not included in the official Uber estimate tool.
  • Tip: We recommend tipping drivers a minimum of 15% . Tips are not included in any Uber estimate tools.

Beyond these rates and costs, you may also be charged small fees for rides to and from airports and big events, as well as when you pass tolls on your route.

Once you combine all these factors together, a ride fare for Uber can be calculated using the following equation:

Final Uber Fare = ((base fare + rate of total time taken + rate of total distance covered) * surge multiplier) + tolls and other fees.

It is once again worth noting that these fares will differ depending on which Uber vehicle option you select, as well as the city in which you’re riding.

For example, an Uber Black in Chicago will cost much more than a simple UberX in Atlanta.

Now let’s take a look at sample Uber fares for the three popular cities mentioned above – Chicago, Dallas, and Phoenix.

vector graphic showing a hand holding a phone running the uber app and the screen displaying an uber estimate

1. A Sample Uber Fare for Chicago

Let us assume we are in the Old Town Animal Care Centre in Chicago, and we want to go to the Veterinary Emergency Group using UberX. Here is the sample fare for the trip:

2. A Sample Uber Fare for Dallas

Let us assume you are in Dallas at the Renaissance Dallas Addison Hotel, and you want to go to MATRIX Resources using Uber Black. The table below shows the sample fare for the journey:

3. A sample Uber fare for Phoenix

Let us assume you are in the Phoenix Airport Centre and you want to go to Tempe using Uber Comfort. Here is the sample fare of the journey:

Nowadays, there are a handful of resources you can use to get accurate Uber price estimates. Whether you’re planning on riding UberX, Uber Black, or any service in between, these three methods can help you figure out what you can expect to pay for any upcoming trip.

average uber trip pay

1. Uber Estimate Tool

The most convenient way to get an Uber estimate is by using the company’s official tool.

average uber trip pay

When you enter a pick-up and drop-off location into this price estimate tool , you’ll see a short list of available services in the area, along with an estimated cost for each.

You can tap “View all options” to see the full list.

If you want to get a more detailed fare breakdown for your next Uber trip, simply tap the information icon next to the estimated ride cost for your desired service.

While this estimator is an official tool on Uber.com, keep in mind that the fare prices you see here are not guaranteed prices. Additional costs like SURGE pricing , which multiplies your fares when demand is high, and toll fees can still kick in.

2. Get an Estimate Within the Uber App

If you’re about to leave for your trip, your Uber app can get you the most accurate prices possible.

As mentioned above, the Uber App comes with an in-build cost estimator tool that allows passengers to get the estimated cost of their trip in advance.

The Comprehensive Guide: How Much Does Uber Cost? UberX

When you open your app and enter your drop-off location in the “Where to?” bar, the Uber estimates that appear are real-time prices.

This means they account for current traffic and demand, so if you request a ride in the next few minutes, the dollar amount you see will likely be what you pay.

If you’re checking for an estimate an hour or less ahead of time, your final cost likely won’t be too far off.

For all other ride types, you’ll simply see an estimated price range until the end of your ride, and there is no way to get an exact Uber estimate.

Here are steps that you should follow to get the estimated cost of your trip using your Uber app:

  • Login to your Uber personal account using either your email address or phone number. If you don’t have an account, click on “sign up” and create one.
  • Fill in the name of the place you want to go to in the “Where To” button and click Enter.
  • Use the map provided to input your pickup point in the “Current Location” button.
  • Swipe the screen to view the list of available Uber vehicles.
  • Pick the ride of your choice.

3. Manual Estimate

One way of getting the cost estimate of your ride is by calculating it manually using the Ride Fare Equation we discussed above.

Here is the equation we are talking about in case you forgot:

Final Uber Fare = ((base fare + rate of total time taken + rate of total distance covered) * surge multiplier) + tolls and other fees

While the equation will give you the correct estimate, this method is tiring, time-consuming, and prone to human error. Because of this, many prefer other methods.

Although Uber’s price estimates aren’t guaranteed, you can use three easy methods to secure your fare in advance, helping you stay within budget or save money by avoiding unexpected surge pricing.

1. Schedule a Ride

average uber trip pay

If you know your starting point, destination, and takeoff time, making an Uber reservation is an incredibly easy way to leave know exactly what you’re paying up to 30 days in advance.

As long as you schedule your ride at least an hour ahead, your prices will be locked, and you can look forward to your driver arriving in your desired time frame.

Uber reservations are limited to UberX, UberXL, Black, and Black SUV rides. However, ride reservations come with a flexible cancellation policy, allowing you to cancel anytime before you’re matched with a driver at no cost.

Suggested Read: How to cancel a ride booked with Uber

2. Get an Ride Pass

The Ride Pass is a subscription service that guarantees price protection on UberX rides, so you’ll never have to deal with sudden surge pricing.

While the service costs $24.99 per month, it also gets you up to 20% off on every ride in your market. This means you’ll always have the lowest available prices in your city.

3. Reach Platinum on Uber Rewards

If you’re not always sure where you’re headed and you don’t want to pay for a Ride Pass, you can opt into the Uber Rewards program to unlock price protection over time .

This rewards program allows you to earn points every time you spend money on a ride with Uber.

Once you reach 2,500 points, you unlock the third-tier Platinum Level. As a perk, you’ll get price protection on your two most frequented routes, even when surge pricing is multiplying fares by 10 for all other users.

While Platinum Level can be difficult to reach for users who aren’t consistently using the company’s services, it’s feasible for frequent Uber users to unlock this perk in a matter of months.

Transportation can get expensive , so here are some tips on how to save money while riding comfortably.

vector graphic of a man and woman using an uber promo code on their smartphones to save money on the service

1. Use a Promo Code

If you are a new rider, who has never used the Uber app, there is some really exciting news for you.

By downloading the app and claiming an Uber promo code , it is possible to offset the cost of rides and get discounts on your first ride.

New riders are eligible to receive $15 in free ride credit once they sign up.

The free ride amount will reflect in the “Payment” section of the app.

2. Uber Monthly Pass

Uber Pass is a monthly membership that allows customers to save on the Uber and Uber Eats apps.

Presently, Uber Pass is available in a few participating cities.

If your area accepts the Uber Pass, it will be in your app menu.

Once paid, the pass is valid for one month and automatically renews for $6.99, with the option to cancel at any time.

3. Uber Rewards

Signing up for Uber Rewards is another great way for riders to save money.

The customer rewards program by Uber offers benefits and ride credits to their clients as they earn points.

By taking rides or ordering food using Uber Eats, customers can earn points through the promotions.

For every 500 points collected, customers can receive rewards in Uber cash to use for rides or an upgrade to the next reward tier.

When promoted to higher reward tiers, customers get flexible cancellations, free ride upgrades, and improved customer support such as an Uber phone number .

4. Refer Friends with Uber’s Referral Program

Another fantastic feature that allows you to save on rides is the “Invite Friends” feature.

This option lets you receive rewards when new riders sign up using your invite code and take their first ride.

This feature is available on the Free Rides section in the app menu, where you can find your unique invite code.

You can share it with friends and family and, in turn, get rewards for successful referrals.

Please note that the person you invite sometimes doesn’t use your code when signing up or hasn’t taken their first ride.

Because of this, you might not receive payment for the referral.

You can remind and encourage them for you to receive your rewards.

Suggested:  Read more about the  Uber promo codes for existing users  program.

If you are budgeting transportation costs, it’s crucial to understand how Uber compares to other popular transportation methods.

1. Uber Cost vs.Taxi Cost

Like Uber, taxi fares vary based on location.

Uber offers multiple service levels, from the economical Uber X to the luxurious UberBLACK, each with different pricing. The total cost depends on factors like distance, traffic, and duration.

While taxis charge per mile when moving and per minute when idle, Uber bills for both distance and time regardless of movement. Generally, Uber is more economical for longer, faster trips, whereas taxis are preferable for shorter rides in congested areas like New York City.

Uber X, in particular, is often more cost-effective. A study by GoBankingRates found that in 16 out of 20 major U.S. cities, Uber was the cheaper choice.

Overall, choosing a taxi tends to be more expensive than an equivalent type of rideshare ride.

2. Uber Cost vs. Lyft Cost

Uber and Lyft, well-known in the ridesharing industry, offer similar services across the United States and Canada. In any given city, their rates are usually comparable, a result of intense competition.

Both companies’ prices vary based on the service type and include base fares, service fees, and charges for distance. This competition makes it hard to pinpoint which is cheaper, as their pricing is nearly identical in most aspects.

On busy days when demand is high, Lyft’s Prime Time pricing tends to be marginally more affordable than Uber’s Surge Pricing.

3. Uber Cost vs. Public Transportation

Rideshare services, like Uber, have revolutionized urban travel by providing a convenient alternative to traditional transportation methods.

In busy cities such as New York, however, public transit still tends to be more cost-effective for daily commuters than Uber, even with options like Uber Pool that offer shared rides.

The main benefit of Uber over public transportation is the increased comfort and, in less congested situations, faster travel times. Opting for Uber can save time, underscoring the saying, “time is money.”

vector graphic showing how does uber work

Can You Split The Cost of a Ride Using Uber?

Yes, Uber’s app allows you to split the cost of a ride with others using its split fare feature. It simplifies bill splitting among passengers, eliminating the need for cash exchanges.

To use it, select ‘split fare’ as your payment method and enter the names or phone numbers of fellow riders; the app then divides the cost equally among those who accept.

Are There Ways to Avoid Surge Pricing?

To avoid Uber’s Surge Pricing, schedule your ride at least an hour in advance; this locks in the price, unaffected by sudden demand spikes.

Alternatively, wait a few minutes for prices to drop, walk to a different location, or avoid busy times and areas, like rush hours or events.

What Percentage of a Ride Does Uber Take?

For every trip a driver makes, Uber takes 25% of the total fee and gives the driver 75%. This 25% fee covers maintaining the Uber software, distributing the client invoices, collecting and transferring the fares, and paying the credit card commission.

Related: How much do drivers with Uber make?

What Payment Methods Does Uber Accept?

Uber accepts various payment methods, including most major credit cards, cash ( in some locations ), Uber gift cards and vouchers, PayPal, Apple Pay, and American Express points.

You can easily add and manage these payment options directly through the Uber app.

How Much Will Uber Cost on New Year’s Eve?

Uber fares on New Year’s Eve can be significantly higher due to Surge Pricing, potentially reaching five or six times the normal cost, depending on location and demand.

Prices can be unpredictable during major holidays, so it’s crucial to check the fare estimates in the app before confirming your ride.

8 thoughts on “How Much Does Uber Cost? Fare Pricing, Rates, and Cost Estimates Explained”

Urber and Lyft both takes 60%!!!!

We pay for higher gas and car maintenance. . All hidden fees. There 150 M for prop 22. We are patting for that. Bonus to flood the market with drives and then they take away any real bonus. Jus like any minimum wage job if you calculate cost. Doing it is called experience. Reporting it is a theory. Fact tells story sells! Remember that.

Uber takes alot more than 25%. Up to 50% on some rides. With the rising cost of fuel, drivers should be getting a larger percentage. I would live it if we got a 75/25 split,on avg, it’s more like 60/40 in the Dallas market.

60% goes to the driver? And 40% goes to the company?is that it,if it us I would charge 20 dollars an hour and keep all of it, and charge another half for return, what do you think let me know

What city does Uber take 25% in? I get less than 50% of my fare here in San Antonio

Uber no longer gives a set amount for mileage and time. Instead it is a sliding scale and they have not released information yet on what the range of that sliding scale is in any market, nor how they calculate when a ride falls in the higher end of the scale versus when it falls in the lower end. What I have experienced in my 6500+ rides is that I have averaged between 60%-65% of the billed amount. Recently, with the new format, I have had rides that I only received 45% of what the passenger paid, but I have had at least one where I received more than 100% of what the passenger paid (Uber had to reach into their own pocket to pay me the guaranteed amount.) About surge pricing, it has been at least 2 – 2.5 years since drivers have seen a multiplier on their screen telling the surge amount. Instead it has been a set dollar amount like $5 extra per ride. This means the driver could be getting a much lower percentage of the total billed amount for that ride, or it could mean that the driver gets 100% of what was billed, depending on the surge amount and the distance of the ride. (In a high surge amount area, shorter rides are more profitable percentage-wise, and there is a higher likelihood of multiple surge-priced rides in a row if they are shorter rides. But longer rides, though a lower percentage payout, may still be better, since you may not be sitting in traffic as much if your fare takes you away from the congestion.)

What’s going on at Uber in 2022, Things have gone from bad to terrible in the last 8 or 9 months. Customers complain of high Uber fares; but Uber drivers are complaining of lower and lower earning. What happening… Losses experienced by Uber over lawsuit settlements and dropping share values are causing the company to take earnings more from driver’s earnings. It’s done by using new pay models which allow more of what’s collected from customers to be categorized as fee and service charges instead of customer fare (up front pricing (BS!)). When Uber does this, they can claim that the driver is entitled to only the trip-related portion of the customer’s payment and not the total amount collected from the customer. Look at a portion the payment record for a recent long trip I gave (I will stop giving long trips to riders going forward). This trip was just over 36mi, from DCA airport to Leesburg VA and took an hour one way (so, of course, I had to return empty). The customer paid $95.21–$49.92 to the driver; $40.29 to Uber (Service fee = $30.29, Booking Fee = $10.00) ; $5.00 airport fee. I filed a fare review to request additional fare to cover my return expenses. This is Uber’s response

NO RESPONSE NEEDED Request a fare review UberX . We’re sorry to hear about the inconvenience this long trip caused, Jammie. The experience you shared sounds frustrating. Since you only receive fares for trips completed through the Uber app, we do not offer compensation for driving time not associated with a trip. We understand that some trips may be further than you are comfortable driving. In these cases, you may politely cancel the trip.

As mentioned earlier, Regardless of the fee, driver earnings are always based on the actual time and distance of a trip. Please note that service fees don’t have a standard rate.

If you look at the Earnings section of the Driver app, the service fees from your last few trips will differ.

Uber’s service fee varies to make upfront pricing work. Upfront pricing is based in part on the estimated time and distance of the trip, but drivers earn based on actual time and distance.

We hope this information helps. Happy to hear from you soon and remain at your disposal if you have any other questions.

Yeah, right! Since I run the Uber service from my LLC, I just invoiced them. And I will for any future fare disputes that arise out of Uber’s now overly aggressive attitude regarding the fares I’m working to earn while providing my services to their customers. Another thing… Uber is underpaying on every aspect of the fare in the DC market

*Washington DC UberX Fare Rates: (taken from Uber fare estimater)

*Base Fare: $1.30 *Min Fare: $8.18 *Per Min: $0.32 *Per Mi: $0.86

*Fare Rates paid to me by Uber for trips provided on June 17, 2022 *Base Fare: $0.91 *Min Fare: None *Per Min: $0.23 *Per Mi: $0.60

Paid to you Fare $49.92 Base $0.91 Distance 36.25 mile × $0.60/mile (rounding applied) $21.75 Surge $12.63 Time 61.23 minute × $0.23/minute (rounding applied) $14.08 Temporary Fuel Surcharge $0.55 Your earnings $49.92 Most trip earnings are based on time and/or distance rates, plus applicable promotions. Trip earnings will update to include tips received after a trip. The trip balance includes optional expenses, tax withholdings, or refunds for costs you paid (tolls, etc). As Uber works to improve its marketplace, we may occasionally test functionality and pricing for different groups of drivers. Customer payments Customer price $95.21 Total Includes any booking fees, pass-through fees, amounts paid to third-parties, and refundable costs such as tolls paid by the customer. $95.21 Paid to Uber Service Fee $30.29 Booking Fee The Booking Fee varies depending on city and trip distance. The Booking Fee can be as low as $1.00, but no higher than $10. $10.00 Total Note: Negative values represents an amount paid by Uber $40.29 Paid to third-parties Airport Surcharge $5.00 Total These charges relate to obligations imposed by governmental entities or other third parties. The charges may be passed through to those third parties. Alternatively, the charges may be collected and retained by Uber or Uber-related entities to help cover associated costs incurred or paid. $5.00

Fare Rates paid by Uber for trips provided on June, 2022 Base Fare: $0.91 Min Fare: Per Min: $0.23 Per Mi: $0.60 *Temp Fuel: $0.55

Uber takes on average 45% of every ride and some rides they make more than we do. They add surcharges and then take more out of those rides. It doesn’t go to the driver.

I paid $165 from lax to San Marino on a Saturday night. WOW ordinarily that trip costs $40 to $50. During the week I know it is higher on Saturday night but we had no traffic In my opinion way to high ok gas has gone up but I think I rather pay a relative the money or someone local

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How Much Does Uber Cost?

Profile photo of Lisa Mulka

Lisa Mulka is a freelance writer specializing in personal finance content. With more than 15 years of writing experience, Lisa most recently authored a book on personal financial literacy and served as lead writer on the FDIC’s Money Smart for Young People program. She holds a bachelor’s in creative writing, and master’s degrees in written communication and in educational technology. Lisa lives with her husband and two children in Michigan, where she spends her free time teaching the next generation of writers at Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth.

Profile photo of Courtney Neidel

Courtney Neidel is an assigning editor for the core personal finance team at NerdWallet. She joined NerdWallet in 2014 and spent six years writing about shopping, budgeting and money-saving strategies before being promoted to editor. Courtney has been interviewed as a retail authority by "Good Morning America," Cheddar and CBSN. Her prior experience includes freelance writing for California newspapers.

average uber trip pay

Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us. This influences which products we write about and where and how the product appears on a page. However, this does not influence our evaluations. Our opinions are our own. Here is a list of our partners and here's how we make money .

Whether getting a ride to the airport, heading to a restaurant or looking for a lift to work, many people turn to Uber for their transportation needs. Nearly 28 million Uber trips took place per day in the fourth quarter of 2023, according to Uber’s quarterly earnings press release.

With Uber ride-sharing available in more than 10,000 cities, it’s no wonder so many people choose the platform. But how much does Uber cost, and where does it fit in your budget?

How does Uber work?

The Uber app allows users to input a pick-up location and end destination, providing a cost estimate and route before they commit to the ride.

The app matches users with a driver, and they are notified when the driver is getting close to the pick-up location. After receiving a ride, the rider and driver can leave reviews for each other in the app.

How much does an Uber cost?

Uber uses several factors to determine the price for rides, including:

Trip time and distance of the drive.

Time of day and route. 

Shared rides.

Supply and demand.

If you’re traveling a popular route in a high-traffic zone, you can expect to see surge pricing. This occurs when there are more riders than drivers in an area. The app temporarily increases prices to draw more drivers to an in-demand location.

How much does a 20-minute Uber cost?

Prices range significantly depending on the metropolitan area, distance and traffic. For example, at the time of this writing, a 20-minute afternoon Uber ride in the Midwest from Gerald R. Ford International Airport in Grand Rapids, Michigan, to the Amway Grand Plaza in downtown Grand Rapids will cost about $26, assuming the ride is about 14 miles.

But take a 20-minute Uber ride and move it to a congested metro area and you’ll see the price increase. For instance, Gramercy Park in New York City to Carnegie Hall will cost close to $37 in the afternoon, even though the two locations are only 2.6 miles apart.

On the West Coast, an Uber from Los Angeles International Airport to SoFi Stadium in Inglewood costs almost $30 to go travel about 6 miles.

Can your Uber fare change?

Occasionally, the estimated upfront cost differs from the final cost. This is due to circumstances like adding stops, changing your destination or passing through a toll that wasn’t included in the cost estimate. If you are delayed getting to your driver at the designated pick-up time, you may also incur extra fees.

But assuming you don’t run into any unforeseen circumstances on the road, the price shown at the start of your trip is generally the price you'll pay upon completion of the journey.

Should you tip an Uber driver?

Tipping an Uber driver is optional. If you decide to tip, you can do so at the end of your ride with cash or the app, which gives you up to 30 days post-trip to leave a review and a tip. Drivers receive 100% of the tip.

How to fit Uber into your budget

A helpful way to think about how Uber fits into your budget is the 50/30/20 framework . In this budgeting approach, 50% of your income goes toward needs, 30% for wants and 20% for savings and debt repayment beyond minimums.

Depending on the situation, Uber could fall into the 50% needs category or 30% wants category. For example, transportation in general is a need. If you don’t own a vehicle and aren't able to use public transportation systems, but you still need to get to work, then taking an Uber to your job may fall into the needs category.

This is different from, say, using Uber on vacation to tour around multiple spots, which would bump the expense into the discretionary category.

If you’re looking to build room in your budget for regular Uber rides, it may be helpful to think about other ways to save money , like reducing shopping or limiting the number of times you dine out. Freeing up money in these categories could create more funds to use for transportation.

How to save money on an Uber

If you plan to use Uber ride-sharing frequently and also enjoy getting takeout delivered to your doorstep, one option for potential savings is purchasing Uber One.

Uber One is a subscription service that costs $9.99 per month or $96 per year. The pass gets you member pricing and access to top-rated drivers on eligible Uber rides, as well as deals on Uber Eats , Uber’s restaurant delivery service. The subscription can be canceled at any time with no penalties or fees.

Another way to cut costs for ride-sharing is taking advantage of UberX Share, which matches you with another rider along the same route. By sharing your ride, you can save up to 20%. You may be joined by up to two other riders and Uber says sharing won’t add more than eight minutes to your trip.

If you’re waiting for a lift in a high-demand location and you’re not in a rush, you have the option to hold off until surge pricing ends to avoid peak costs.

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How much do uber eats drivers make [2024]: average income in the u.s..

Working as an Uber Eats driver is a gig with flexible hours. Let’s look at how much Uber Eats drivers make.

Uber Eats driver making a delivery

This article was subjected to a comprehensive fact-checking process. Our professional fact-checkers verify article information against primary sources, reputable publishers, and experts in the field.

We receive compensation from the products and services mentioned in this story, but the opinions are the author's own. Compensation may impact where offers appear. We have not included all available products or offers. Learn more about how we make money and our editorial policies .

Drivers who deliver food with Uber Eats in the U.S. make a national average of $19 per hour. However, the actual amount a driver earns depends on their location as well as the base rate, trip supplements, promotions, and tips.

Let’s dive into the statistics of how much Uber Eats drivers and delivery partners make in the U.S. and how their earnings compare to the overall job market.

Key takeaways

  • How much do Uber Eats drivers make?
  • How does Uber Eats payout work?

How much Uber Eats drivers make: bottom line

  • Drivers who deliver with Uber Eats work as independent contractors who partner with Uber Eats to offer its customers delivery services.
  • This means that Uber Eats drivers are responsible for their own taxes, as they don’t receive shared tax responsibility with Uber Eats.
  • Uber Eats drivers make an average income of $19 per hour on a national basis.
  • Income for Uber Eats drivers comes from base pay, tips, bonuses, and incentives they earn on each trip.
  • Base fares for Uber Eats deliveries typically range from $2 to $4, while tips range from $2 to $5 per delivery.
  • The national average hourly rate for Uber Eats drivers is below the national average hourly earnings in the U.S.
  • As independent contractors, Uber Eats drivers have the flexibility to set their own schedules. However, they don’t receive benefits like health insurance or paid time off.

Uber Eats delivery drivers in the US earn a national average hourly rate of $19

Uber Eats delivery drivers earn anywhere from $8.41 to $28.37 per hour. The amount delivery partners earn depends on their location, delivery fee, surge pricing, tips, and other pricing factors.

The nationwide average hourly rate is $19, which equates to $39,063 annually for delivery drivers who work 40 hours a week.

However, actual earnings can fluctuate significantly. Factors such as the time of day, the density of restaurants in the area, and customer tipping habits can all affect a driver’s earnings.

Source: ZipRecruiter.

The base fares Uber Eats pay range from $2 to $4

The base amount an Uber Eats driver receives for a delivery is calculated based on the estimated delivery time, distance driven, and whether there are multiple pickup or drop-off points. This base amount ranges between $2 to $4, but it isn’t the total of what a driver receives.

Drivers who deliver with Uber Eats can view the base amount on the delivery and can use this information to decide whether to accept the delivery. Uber Eats drivers earn a base fare, a pickup fee, and a drop-off fee on each delivery.

Source: Entrepreneur.

Uber Eats drivers earn $2 to $5 in tips per delivery

Customers can tip their Uber Eats driver up to seven days after their deliveries. The standard tipping rate is 15% to 20%, and most drivers earn between $2 and $5 in tips for each delivery they make. The driver gets to keep 100% of the tips they earn.

Massachusetts is the highest-paying state for delivery partners with Uber Eats

On a state level, Massachusetts takes the lead in average annual income for Uber Eats delivery drivers. With an average annual income of $46,222, which translates to about $22.22 per hour, it stands out as the state with the highest average income for this gig economy job .

This could be attributed to various factors such as the cost of living, demand for delivery services, and tipping culture in the state. Massachusetts’ bustling cities like Boston, with their numerous restaurants and high demand for food delivery services, might contribute to higher earnings for delivery drivers.

Florida is the lowest-paying state for delivery partners with Uber Eats

In contrast to Massachusetts, Florida is the state with the lowest average pay for Uber Eats delivery drivers. Drivers who partner with Uber Eats earn an average of $29,682 per year or $14.27 per hour.

While Florida is known for its vibrant tourism industry and bustling food scene, these factors don’t necessarily translate into higher earnings for delivery drivers. The reason behind this could range from a lower cost of living compared to other states, a higher supply of drivers leading to more competition, a lower number of delivery requests, or more.

Berkeley, California, is the highest-paying city for delivery partners with Uber Eats

If you are going to be an Uber Eats delivery driver, California is one of the best places to do it. Several California cities rank as places where Uber Eats drivers earn the most.

Drivers in Berkeley, California., make the highest average among U.S. cities at $24.02 per hour, or $49,956 annually, for those working 40 hours per week. The California cities of Daly City, San Mateo, Richmond, San Francisco, and San Diego all rank in the top 10 cities with the highest pay for Uber Eats drivers.

Uber Eats drivers can quickly cash out their earnings after every delivery

Uber Eats delivery drivers get paid in a few ways. The first one is via the Uber Pro Card, a debit card that gives them direct access to their money without additional charges. This provides flexibility, which can be particularly useful for drivers who rely on this income for daily expenses.

Another method is Instant Pay, which also gives them quick access to their money but for a small fee. Instant Pay allows drivers to cash out their earnings up to five times a day.

Yet another option is through direct deposits, a more traditional payment method where earnings are transferred to the driver’s bank account once a week. This method might be preferred by drivers who like to have a regular income schedule and don’t need immediate access to their earnings.

Source: Uber.

The average hourly earnings of employees in the US is $33.88

The average hourly rate for workers within the private sector in the U.S. was $33.88 per hour in September 2023. That equates to an annual salary of about $60,604 for someone working a full-time, 40-hour-per-week job.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Over 88 million people use Uber Eats around the world

Uber Eats is now available in 10,000 cities worldwide and is the number one food delivery service company in many countries.

In 2022, Uber Eats earned $10.9 billion in revenue, a 31% increase over 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 helped boost business for Uber Eats. Revenue skyrocketed from $1.9 billion in 2019 to $4.8 billion in 2020.

Source: Business of Apps.

Uber Eats has 24% of the food delivery market share

DoorDash is the biggest competitor for Uber Eats, with 59% of the food delivery market.

Uber Eats is second, with a 24% market share in the food delivery industry. GrubHub comes in third with 14% of the market share. Other food delivery apps, including Postmates, collectively share 4% of the market.

Source: Rideshare Guy.

Uber Eats drivers earn 18% more per trip than DoorDash drivers

Uber Eats drivers earn 18% more per trip than delivery partners with DoorDash. However, DoorDash deliveries tend to be faster, enabling drivers to complete more trips than an Uber Eats driver.

This means that while an Uber Eats driver may earn $9.58 per trip, compared to $7.94 with DoorDash, when it comes to earnings per hour, the Uber Eats driver earns 50 cents to $1 less per hour than a DoorDash driver.

Keep in mind that these are average estimates, and actual earnings depend on various factors, including the number of food orders, peak hour rates, base driver pay, fuel costs, and more.

Source: Gridwise.

77% of Uber Eats drivers say they have time and location flexibility

In a Indeed.com survey of Uber Eats drivers, 64% strongly agreed, and 13% agreed, that their work provided the time and location flexibility they need.

This flexibility is mainly because delivery drivers are independent contractors. While the benefit of being an independent contractor is the ability to set your own hours, the drawback is that Uber Eats drivers don’t get paid time off, vacation days, or sick days.

Source: Indeed.com.

Uber Eats takes a commission of about 30% on orders

For every order placed within the Uber Eats app, the company gets a commission. That commission rate is typically about 30%, but it can vary depending on the restaurant.

Comparatively, GrubHub charges about 25% for its commissions, and DoorDash’s commission rate can be as much as 40%.

Source: UpMenu.

How does Uber Eats pay work?

Learning how to make money with Uber Eats begins by understanding its pay structure.

As a delivery partner, you’re in control of the jobs you accept. Before you accept a delivery order, Uber will show you the minimum base pay they will make on that delivery.

The base pay depends on the estimated delivery time, distance, and how many pickup or drop-off points there are.

There are several ways an Uber Eats driver can earn more money on a delivery, including:

  • Trip supplements: Uber Eats drivers may make an additional amount in cases where there is more traffic, longer wait times at pickup locations, or a higher demand for delivery.
  • Customer tips: Customers have up to seven days to tip their Uber Eats delivery driver, and the driver keeps 100% of those tips.
  • Boost zones: Uber Eats announces weekly boost zones where drivers can make over two times the base pay amount.
  • Incentives: Uber Eats provides bonus incentives for delivery drivers who reach certain milestones. Those bonuses can range from $50 to $100.

Uber Eats delivery drivers earn a national average hourly income of $19. While some drivers can make as much as $28 per hour, others earn much less. 24% of Uber Eats drivers earn between $17.31 and $19.23 per hour.

Because Uber Eats drivers are independent contractors, they have the flexibility to set their own schedules, which can help with their work-life balance. However, they don’t receive benefits like health insurance, paid time off, vacation time, or sick leave.

Explore more gig economy jobs in our list of the best side hustles you can do to earn a little extra cash.

1. ZipRecruiter - Uber Eats Delivery Driver Salary: Hourly Rate October 2023

2. Entrepreneur - How Much Do Uber Eats Drivers Make?

3. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Table B-3. Average hourly and weekly earnings of all employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted - 2023 M09 Results

4. Business of Apps - Uber Eats Revenue and Usage Statistics (2023)

5. The Rideshare Guy - How Many Uber Drivers Are There in 2023?

6. Gridwise - Uber Eats vs. DoorDash Pay: How Much Did Drivers Earn In 2022?

7. Indeed.com - PTO and work life balance at UberEATS

8. UpMenu - Uber Eats Commission: How Much Does Uber Eats Charge Restaurants?

Danielle Letenyei

Author Details

Danielle Letenyei

average uber trip pay

average uber trip pay

How Much Can You Make Driving For Uber Eats? Earn up to $1K a Week

T he gig economy can help you increase your income, particularly through flexible roles such as driving for Uber Eats. For many seeking to supplement their finances, whether as a part-time side hustle or a main source of income, understanding potential earnings is crucial. Keep reading for a thorough look at what Uber Eats entails, including strategies on how to make $1,000 a week.

Read More: 5 Unusual Ways To Make Extra Money (That Actually Work)

How Much Can You Earn Driving for Uber Eats?

On average, Uber Eats drivers earn around $20 an hour. Figuring out how to make $1,000 a week with Uber Eats requires some math — but don’t worry, you won’t have to dust off your high school calculator. Here’s a quick breakdown of how much Uber Eats drivers really make .

  • According to Glassdoor, the median hourly pay an Uber Eats delivery driver can expect is around $17. This figure includes “additional pay,” which, for Uber Eats drivers, means tips.
  • Assuming you can earn around that same amount, that would give you $680 for a 40-hour work week, which is short of that $1,000 goal — especially when you subtract fuel and maintenance costs.
  • According to Indeed, the median hourly wage for Uber Eats drivers is approximately $23 per hour, though there’s no information about money earned through tips.
  • Assuming you work 40 hours a week, you’d pull in about $920, which is still short of one thousand.

It’s worth noting that the Indeed estimate is based on earnings information provided by Indeed users, and the sample size isn’t very large. The site claims 32 data points over the past three years, or less than a dozen Uber Eats drivers volunteering their pay data per year.

Other sources report very similar numbers, so it’s safe to assume that, on average, Uber Eats drivers are making around $20, tips included, per hour.

How Many Hours Does It Take To Make $1,000 With Uber Eats? Earning $1,000 a week with Uber Eats requires patience, hard work and typically around 50 hours of your time. As with almost any moneymaking endeavor, there’s no real secret or get-rich-quick gimmick that’s guaranteed to work. For someone who wants to set their own hours, this may be a much better option than a typical office job. If you climb into the driver’s seat with a solid strategy, a prime location and the right attitude to earn consistently decent tips, you may be able to maximize your earnings in less time.

How To Make $1,000 a Week With Uber Eats: 8 Strategies

While pulling in $1,000 a week with Uber Eats is achievable, it may not be easy. However, there are methods you can use that could help significantly increase your weekly earnings, potentially catapulting you to that $1,000 goal.

Here are six strategies you can use to maximize your Uber Eats earnings:

1. The Power of Tips

If you can boost your pay rate past that $17 to $23 average hourly range, you might be able to avoid working longer hours. Even a few well-earned tips can dramatically boost your hourly earnings. Remember that it’s not all up to chance or your customer’s mood.

Here are some ways to improve your service and your chances of getting higher tips consistently:

  • Include a well-lit profile picture : Make sure that your profile picture shows your face in clear detail — and don’t forget to smile. A smile makes you look friendlier and relatable, and may inspire customers to be more generous.
  • Show you care : If you can get more napkins, sauces, straws or utensils, go for it. Customers can adjust their tips after you deliver, so a little extra effort may pay off.
  • Keep your customers looped in : Is the restaurant slow? Did you run into traffic? Tell them beforehand so that they don’t blame a slightly delayed delivery on you. The extra communication could translate into extra pay.
  • Pay attention to detail : Be meticulous when handling customers’ food and double-check for any mistakes at the restaurant before setting off for delivery.
  • Be friendly : This is a bit of a no-brainer, but you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Greet them with a smile, maintain a friendly attitude and thank them when you make the handoff.

2. Embrace the Weekends

Friday nights and weekends are a great time to drive for Uber Eats. Order volumes skyrocket, offering more opportunities for surge pricing and peak pay on your deliveries. Weekend orders often cater to gatherings or post-bar hangouts, meaning larger orders and likely bigger tips.

3. Work the Surge

Surge pricing is a game-changer. It kicks in whenever order requests are higher than average, meaning your per-delivery earnings will increase significantly. Best of all, it doesn’t require any heavy lifting. The Uber Eats driver app will automatically flag areas where surge pricing is live in your delivery city.

Take advantage of any predictable events, like big sports games or holidays when people gather in each other’s homes. Working during these times increases the chances of reaping the rewards of peak pay.

4. Multitask

Running multiple apps simultaneously is a great way to boost your food delivery income. If your ultimate goal is $1,000 a week, it doesn’t matter if you get that through Uber Eats or across several delivery platforms.

Many couriers utilize the double-app or multi-app approach, keeping two food delivery apps open to receive multiple order requests. This way, you can cherry-pick the best-paying gigs.

What Other Driving Gigs Can You Do?

Looking for driving gigs beyond Uber Eats ? Here are some other options: 

  • DoorDash : Like Uber Eats, DoorDash offers you the chance to deliver restaurant orders to customers with similar pay and mechanics.
  • Grubhub : Yet another food delivery option is Grubhub.
  • Instacart : If you enjoy grocery shopping, Instacart gives you the opportunity to shop for and deliver groceries to customers.
  • Shipt : Another grocery delivery option, Shipt operates in many U.S. cities. Sign up to shop and deliver groceries while earning money.
  • Amazon Flex : Deliver Amazon packages and get paid for it. Many people earn as much — or more — than Uber Eats drivers.

Remember, the best driving gig depends on your location, availability and what you like to do. Take into consideration the driver demand in your area, the pay rates and your schedule flexibility when making a decision.

5. Minimize Expenses

You shoulder work-related expenses like gas and vehicle maintenance as an independent contractor. Finding ways to trim these costs is essential to keeping more dollars in your pocket.

A fuel-efficient vehicle can help you reduce the amount you put in the tank. Hybrids or electric cars are generally an even better option, but for all-electric, be mindful of any charging downtime.

Be sure to keep receipts for fuel, tires and any repairs you might need — they’re tax deductible and can make a difference in maximizing your take-home pay.

6. Set Measurable Goals

If your goal is $1,000 a week driving for Uber Eats, you’ll need to put in 50 hours if you’re earning at an average rate. While you might be able to do that working typical Monday through Friday dayshift hours, you’ll have better odds of maximizing your earnings if you work weekends and evenings. Remember to try to take advantage of surge events.

Keep track of how much you’re making. If you hit your goal early, take that extra time off. If you’re not quite there, you’ll have an idea of how many more hours you’ll need to work to reach that goal. Hard work paired with clear daily targets can significantly bolster your success. However, remember that the key to long-term prosperity is ensuring you don’t burn out.

7. Cancel Bad Orders

Time is money, and if a restaurant takes too long, you can cancel without getting deactivated. But don’t cancel too often, or this can happen. In addition, you can be picky about what orders you accept. If you know a certain drive-thru always gets an order wrong, you don’t have to say yes. Efficiency increases your earnings; wasting your time does not.

8. Use Apps to Help Optimize Your Time

Apps like Gridewise are valuable gig worker tools that track your earnings and work mileage and maximize your time by showing you the most profitable times and places to drive. Plus, the Where and When to Drive features on the app shares a wealth of useful information, such as the city’s hotspots and high-traffic areas to avoid, helping you spend less time in unprofitable areas. 

Participating in the gig economy through platforms like Uber Eats offers not only flexibility but also the potential for substantial earnings. However, achieving a steady income, especially one as ambitious as $1,000 a week, involves more than just putting in the hours. It requires strategic planning, such as enhancing customer service for better tips, optimizing work hours during high-demand periods like weekends, and efficiently managing work-related expenses. By setting clear goals and tracking your progress, you can align your efforts with your financial targets, making that $1,000-a-week milestone not just a possibility but a realistic achievement.

  • There are no limits to the number of hours you're allowed to work. Pulling in $2,000 to $3,000 a month with Uber Eats could be a possibility if you don't have other obligations that would keep you from being able to work the necessary hours. It's worth noting that most people tend to consider Uber Eats a source of supplementary income rather than their sole day job.
  • Earning $200 a day with Uber Eats is achievable, but earning that daily rate depends on a few key factors. The area you're working in significantly impacts your earnings. Smaller markets can be capped to a lower amount, so it's worth the extra effort to service a bigger city if possible. The amount of time you're willing to put in also makes a difference. You can work a maximum of 12 hours a day with Uber Eats, and if you average $20 an hour and work at least 10 hours, that's $200.00. Find a good shift that keeps you busy with high-paying orders. Work multiple apps. When one slows down, switch to another delivery service.
  • Yes, making $1,000 a week with Uber Eats is possible but requires strategic planning and effort. Drivers need to work smart by leveraging tips, peak times like weekends and managing expenses effectively to hit this target. It often involves working more than the standard 40-hour workweek.
  • Making $3,000 a week with Uber, considering both Uber Eats and Uber rideshare, would be highly challenging and is not the norm for the majority of drivers. Such earnings would require an extraordinary number of hours, high demand and consistent surge pricing, which is not guaranteed.
  • While "a lot of money" is subjective, many drivers find Uber Eats a viable way to earn a significant income, especially when employing strategies for maximizing earnings like working during surge pricing times, multitasking with multiple delivery apps and delivering exceptional service for better tips.
  • Earnings with Uber can vary widely based on several factors, including location, hours worked and whether you're driving for Uber Eats, Uber rideshare, or both. On average, Uber Eats drivers earn around $20 an hour, which means potential earnings of around $800 to $1,000 for a 40 to 50-hour workweek, with variations based on the specific circumstances and strategies employed by the driver.

Heather Altamirano contributed to the reporting of this article.

Data is accurate as of June 27, 2024, and is subject to change.

The article above was refined via automated technology and then fine-tuned and verified for accuracy by a member of our editorial team.

Editorial Note: This content is not provided by any entity covered in this article. Any opinions, analyses, reviews, ratings or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the author alone and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any entity named in this article.

This article originally appeared on GOBankingRates.com : How Much Can You Make Driving For Uber Eats? Earn up to $1K a Week

Uber eats delivery person carrying food to people who order by online app

Uber and Lyft agree to pay drivers $32.50 per hour in Massachusetts settlement

Massachusetts Attorney General Andrea Campbell says drivers for Uber and Lyft will earn a minimum pay standard of $32.50 per hour under a settlement

BOSTON -- Drivers for Uber and Lyft will earn a minimum pay standard of $32.50 per hour under a settlement announced Thursday by Massachusetts Attorney General Andrea Campbell, in a deal that also includes a suite of benefits and protections.

The two companies will also be required to pay a combined $175 million to the state to resolve allegations that the companies violated Massachusetts wage and hour laws, a substantial majority of which will be distributed to current and former drivers.

Campbell said the settlement resolves her office’s yearslong litigation against the two companies and stops the threat of their attempt to rewrite state employment law by a proposed 2024 ballot initiative.

That question would have resulted in drivers receiving inadequate protections and an earnings standard that would not guarantee minimum wage, she said.

“For years, these companies have underpaid their drivers and denied them basic benefits," Campbell said in a written statement. “Today’s agreement holds Uber and Lyft accountable, and provides their drivers, for the very first time in Massachusetts, guaranteed minimum pay, paid sick leave, occupational accident insurance, and health care stipends.”

Democratic Gov. Maura Healey said the settlement delivers “historic wages and benefits to right the wrongs of the past and ensure drivers are paid fairly going forward.”

In a statement Lyft said the agreement resolves a lawsuit that recently went to trial, and avoids the need for the ballot initiative campaign this November.

“More importantly, it is a major victory in a multiyear campaign by Bay State drivers to secure their right to remain independent, while gaining access to new benefits,” the company said.

Uber also released a statement calling the agreement “an example of what independent, flexible work with dignity should look like in the 21st century.”

“In taking this opportunity, we’ve resolved historical liabilities by constructing a new operating model that balances both flexibility and benefits,” the company said. “This allows both Uber and Massachusetts to move forward in a way that reflects what drivers want and demonstrates to other states what’s possible to achieve.”

The companies were pushing a ballot question that would classify drivers as independent contractors eligible for some benefits, but Campbell said the settlement stops the threat of the ballot question. A competing ballot question seeks to give drivers the right to unionize in Massachusetts .

Drivers will now earn one hour of sick day pay for every 30 hours worked, up to a maximum of 40 hours per year. As part of the agreement, Uber and Lyft must update their driver applications so drivers are able to view and claim their sick leave directly in the app. Drivers will also receive a stipend to buy into the state’s paid family and medical leave program.

Under the deal, Uber and Lyft will also allow drivers to pool together their hours driving for the two companies to obtain access to a health insurance stipend. Anyone who drives for more than 15 hours per week — for either or both companies — will be able to earn a health insurance stipend to pay for a plan on the Massachusetts Health Connector.

Drivers will be eligible for occupational accident insurance paid by the companies for up to $1 million in coverage for work-related injuries.

The agreement also requires the companies to provide drivers with key information — about the length of a trip, the destination and expected earnings — before they are expected to accept a ride.

The companies are barred from discriminating against drivers based on race, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or other protected identities — and can't retaliate against drivers who have filed a complaint about the companies with the Attorney General’s Office.

The deal also requires the companies to provide drivers in-app chat support with a live person in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French and must provide drivers with information about why they have been deactivated and create an appeals process.

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Introducing Uber Shuttle for Events in the US


About Uber Shuttle for Events

Introducing Uber Shuttle for fans and event-goers in the US! As announced at GO–GET 2024 , Uber has launched Uber Shuttle, a lower-cost, shared ride option using professionally driven buses and vans to make getting to and from venues easier and more affordable. Riders can use the Uber app to select their preferred route and departure time, and book up to 5 seats in advance. 

Uber Shuttle will launch at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami on July 6, offering riders a fixed-fare option for leaving the stadium and connecting them to fixed points throughout the area. 

To see if Uber Shuttle is available in your area, look for the ‘Shuttle’ icon on your Uber app home screen, or look for it alongside other Uber services after inputting your desired pickup and drop off locations. 

Booking with Uber Shuttle

Booking and riding with Uber Shuttle is easy: 

  • Select ‘Shuttle’ from the Uber app home screen, or input your desired pickup and dropoff locations.
  • You can book 7 days and up to 5 minutes in advance. Select your preferred route and departure, along with the number of seats you’d like to book. 
  • Select ‘Confirm Shuttle’ and you’ll receive a push notification with your vehicle and driver information around 25 minutes prior to your scheduled departure time. 
  • Make sure to be at the dedicated pickup location at least 5 minutes prior to your scheduled departure. 
  • To board, you’ll show the driver or attendant your QR code(s). 

Uber Shuttle will be rolling out to cities throughout the US later this year. For the most up-to-date list of locations, refer to the Uber app.

How to Contact Support

Contact Uber Support by visiting help.uber.com or through the Uber app.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Uber Support at Help.Uber.com or using the Uber app.

In cities where Uber Shuttle is available, you can book a shuttle up to 7 days prior to any public event being held at the venue(s) where Uber Shuttle operates.

You can provide a PIN or the last 4 digits of your phone number to board the shuttle.

You can book up to 5 seats per departure.

Cancel your booking up to 10 minutes before your scheduled departure and get a 100% refund.

Uber Shuttle will be available for all public events taking place at venues where Uber Shuttle operates.

Open the Uber app and select ‘Shuttle’. If you have an upcoming booking, you’ll see in-app directions on how to get to the pickup location.

You can book up to 5 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time, pending availability. You cannot board before booking.

Cash payments are not permitted. You must use the Uber app to make and pay for your booking.

Consuming food or drink is not permitted on board.

Tickets are not transferable to other riders.

Your ticket can only be used for the date/departure/route selected at the time of booking. 

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  3. Uber Statistics 2024: Drivers, Riders, Revenue & More

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  4. How Much Does Uber Pay?

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  5. How Much Do Drivers Make?

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  6. See the average hourly, daily, and yearly earnings for Uber drivers

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    Service fee. This fee helps fund things like app development and customer support. Booking fee. Riders pay a booking fee to help cover safety, regulatory, and operational costs such as insurance. Cancellations. In most instances, you'll receive a cancellation fee if a rider cancels a request. 1/3. 1/2.

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  25. How Much Do Drivers Make?

    The money you make driving with the Uber app depends on when, where, and how often you go online. Find out how your fares are calculated and learn about promotions, which can help increase your earnings.¹. Sign up to drive.

  26. Introducing Uber Shuttle for Events in the US

    Introducing Uber Shuttle for fans and event-goers in the US! As announced at GO-GET 2024, Uber has launched Uber Shuttle, a lower-cost, shared ride option using professionally driven buses and vans to make getting to and from venues easier and more affordable.Riders can use the Uber app to select their preferred route and departure time, and book up to 5 seats in advance.