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Incity tower

The first hqe*skyscraper in france.

Rue Garibaldi

Sogelym Dixence

Valode et Pistre / AIA Architectes

A new landmark on the Lyon skyline, the Incity tower is now the tallest high-rise in the city. The Caisse d’Epargne Rhône Alpes and management offices of the TER and SNCF have been located there since March 2016.

Built on the old site of the UAP tower, the Incity tower is the first HQE (French high environmental quality standard) city centre skyscraper in France. 200 metres high, it is now the tallest building in Lyon, ahead of the Part-Dieu tower and the Oxygène tower, and the 3rd tallest in France, behind the First tower in Paris La Défense and the Montparnasse tower, also in Paris. It is topped by a 50 metre mast. This new landmark on the Lyon skyline has become one of the symbols of the reinvention of La Part-Dieu and offers a magnificent view of the city of Lyon.

* In the city centre.

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Opération Tour Incity - projet Lyon Part-Dieu

Les Halles carpark

Dic 0974phot 010 (1)

Vivier-Merle tunnel

SPL Part Dieu

Vivier Merle Boulevard


Place Charles Beraudier

04 Ext Zoom Entrée Béraudier (INUI)

Lyon Part-Dieu Railway Station

Opération Voie L - Projet Lyon Part-Dieu

Car rental parking lot


Place de Francfort

Centre commercial-2290

La Part-Dieu shopping centre

IMG 2776

Emergence Lafayette

Operation Sky Avenue - Lyon Part-Dieu

Access to the Pompidou platforms

Parc Nelson Mandela

Flandin street / Nelson Mandela Square

Opération Rue Deruelle - Projet Lyon Part-Dieu

Bouchut street

Opération Le Dolet - projet Lyon Part-Dieu

Le Dolet / Saint-Sacrement school

Opération Sky 56 - projet Lyon Part-Dieu

Garibaldi street – phase 1


Desaix Residence

Opération Le 107 - projet Lyon Part-Dieu

Garibaldi street – phase 2

Opération Velum - projet Lyon Part-Dieu

City and Département archives

Opération Terralta - projet Lyon Part-Dieu

Green Part-Dieu

Silex1@Thierry Fournier

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LYON | To-Lyon | 171m | D. Perrault | Construit

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Gérard Collomb, président du Grand Lyon a annoncé cet après-midi, au MIPIM à Cannes, le forum mondial des professionnels de l'immobilier tertiaire, qu'une nouvelle tour de 160 m de haut sera érigée d'ici 2017 Cette nouvelle tour sera construite sur la face sud de la Place Béraudier (gare Part-Dieu) en lieu et place notamment de deux hôtels dont le Novotel et l'Athéna et de deux immeubles de bureaux. Porté par le Groupe Vinci, ce nouvel immeuble IGH qui développera 95000 m2 de shon accueillera deux nouveaux hôtels, l'un porté par le Groupe Accor (un Novotel de 200 chambres), l'autre par le Groupe Intercontinental (un Crown Plazza 4 étoiles de 250 chambres). Avec ce projet, ce sont plus de 50000 m2 de bureaux qui seront mis le marché, environ 6000 m2 de surface commerciale. Le démarrage de la déconstruction est prévu en 2014. Click to expand...

lyon tour m2

Excellent, vu le nombre de m2, j'aurais plutot vu une tour de 200m non ?  

Bonne nouvelle ! Une tour par an à ce rythme, çà promet.  

La Part Dieu va vraiment avoir de la gueule dans quelques années !!!! Esperons que le MIPIM nous annonce d'autres beaux projets !!  

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gege said: En tout cas eilage rapide comme l'éclair a appuyé 2 fois sur la détente...:lol: Click to expand...

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cirilo said: Click to expand...

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mika693 said: Poster par Cirilo : Ce serait le groupe de tour en face du Centre Commercial, enfin je pense, si quelqu'un pouvait confirmé.. Click to expand...

Franchement j'adore Lyon !!!! On aura attendu longtemps, mais alors là, ils se lachent a la Mairie de Lyon !! et c'est trop bon !!  

Voilà, merci FullOfLove. Quelqu'un ici serait-il capable de nous faire une vue de Lyon depuis Fourvière avec Incity, Eva, Sylex et cette nouvelle tour rajoutés en "cubes" avec les bonnes tailles pour avoir une idée ? Merci d'avance à celui qui sera capable de ce miracle (nous avions un spécialiste ici de ce genre de choses...où se cache t'il ?) ;-)  

Oui mais j'ai jamais oser y aller, il parait que c'est tres chic.  

lyon tour m2

j'adore la continuité entre la coiffe d'Incity et celle d'Eva. Ci c'est positionné comme ça, ce sera vraiment joli.  

Ca fait tellement longtemps qu'il attend ca lol  

lyon tour m2

Bonjour les Lyonnais. je remets mon post.Depuis quelque temps ,je vous ai souvent parler de la premiére phase de la Par-Dieu (250000M2).Dans un avenir proche ,c'est 2 milliards d'euros de travaux .Vous êtes les milanais â la francaise.C'est au moins 6 nouvelles tours qui seront batir dans ce secteur .Et si ,la premiére tranche marche très bien .Une deuxième phase de 120000 m2 pour 2020/2025.  

Merci eilage pour ta réactivité ! Vu que c'est un hôtel, un peut espérer un accès à un restaurant / bar panoramique comme pour Part Dieu. @FullOfLove : Merci pour ton simulé, je comprend mieux à présent le sens de : "reproduction de la chaîne des alpes" ça peut avoir de la geule ! Pour la tour Silex2 je pensai qu'elle était positionnée à gauche d'edf et côté "tranche" vue de Fourvière.  

lyon tour m2

^^ Bien vu pour Silex 2, en plus effilé et plus à gauche du point de vue de Fourvière. en gros, à l'inverse de l'illustration MIPIM.  

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Très prometteur ! les projets ont l'air de bonne facture sur les rendus.  

Que de nouvelles ! Enorme en tout cas. Vivement les rendus de ce cluster d'hotel avec cette nouvelle tour! Manque plus que des news sur le cluster de bureau sur le nord de la place Béraudier et la Tour Vivier Merle!  

95 000 m2 de bureaux et d'hôtels à construire pour 2017 devant la gare de la Part Dieu. Un projet d'envergure pour lequel Grand Lyon et Vinci viennent d'annoncer le lancement d'une consultation internationale d'architectes. Cet ensemble hôtels / bureaux comportera 450 chambres 4* développées par InterContinental et Accor mais aussi 55 000 m² de bureaux, auxquels s'ajouteront commerces et services. La livraison de cet ensemble est prévue pour 2017. Click to expand...

Bonsoir les Lyonnais. je voudrais votre acceptation que je puisse intervenir sur ce projet .,Je peux mettre ma touche de pro pour le suivi des étapes qui vont se dresser dans les mois qui arrivent . .je ne ferais pas le meme coup comme le stade des Lumières car là ,On connait le M.O Vinci . 90000M2 . Á vous de voir.  

moi je suis preneur si c'est pour avoir des infos concrètes.  

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Warning : From May 30thJuly 26th included , due to the Festival Nuits de Fourviere , stop n°9 Théâtres Gallo-romains will not be served  at the following times : 5:15/5:55/6:35 pm. The nearest stop is Fourviere at the classical times. Thank you for your understanding

Warning departures from place Bellecour are at  the following times until further notice : 10:15/11:15/12:15/2pm/3pm/4pm/5pm. Thank you for your understanding

Discover the best of Lyon

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Hop on Hop off sightseeing bus tour Green line

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Things to do


With its 62,000 m2, Place Bellecour is the largest of Lyon's squares.


Explore the Bartholdi fountain and the Museum of Fine Arts.



Discover the district of street arts.

Vieux Lyon

The ideal place to taste the gastronomic specialties of the city.


You will have a breathtaking view over the whole city of Lyon!

Tête d'Or Park

Tête d'Or Park

Find a botanical garden, tropical greenhouses, a rose garden and a zoo.

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Home » Travel Guides » France » 15 Best Things to Do in Lyon (France)

15 Best Things to Do in Lyon (France)

Lyon is one large World Heritage Site, with a big renaissance old town, Roman ruins, historic industrial districts and the regal 19th-century Presqu’île quarter. The city was founded 2,000 years ago at the confluence of the Rhône and Saône Rivers, and built its fortune on the silk trade. This industry furnished it with beautiful renaissance architecture in Vieux Lyon, where semi-hidden passageways called Traboules connect courtyards with the Saône.

You can’t talk about Lyon without mentioning the food, as the gourmets agree that Lyon is the world’s culinary capital. It’s the city of the chef, Paul Bocuse, revered as a god of French cuisine.

Lets explore the best things to do in Lyon :

1. Vieux Lyon

Vieux Lyon

You can set foot in one of the largest renaissance old quarters in Europe.

In the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries Lyon’s silk industry was thriving, and rich merchant families from across France, Flanders, Germany and Italy settled in the city.

They built sumptuous homes, in the gothic, Italian renaissance and French renaissance styles, and there are still 300 of these remaining in the districts of Saint-Jean, Saint-Georges and Saint-Paules.

During the 16th century it was estimated that there were 180,000 looms in the city, and you can see the resourceful ways this industry combined with the fabric of the city in Vieux Lyon’s characteristic traboules.

2. Traboules


In Vieux Lyon and La Croix-Rousse Saône are an architectural feature unique to this city: Traboules are delightful renaissance passageways, some 40 of which are open to the public, running beneath buildings in the direction of the Saône River.

They gave the city’s silk workers direct access to riverbank, making it quick and easy to transport textiles, while also offering shelter from the elements.

Nearly all of these passageways are part of residential properties, so it’s a good idea to go quietly.

The best place to start your adventure is around Quai Fulchiron Rolland and Rue des Trois Maries.

3. Fourvière Basilica

Fourvière Basilica

This magnificent church, ever visible on the Fourvière hill to west of the city is one of a series of iconic hill-top churches built in major French cities in the late-19th century.

The basilica is in the oldest part of the city, Lyon’s pilgrimage site and where several Roman sites have been discovered.

Go inside to see the extravagant interiors and the Museum of Sacred Art, and to ascend the north tower for one of Lyon’s best photo ops.

The church is the focus for the famous Fête des Lumières, which takes place at the start of December every year.

This is in praise of the Virgin Mary, to whom Fourvière is dedicated, for protecting the city from the bubonic plague in the 17th century.

4. Parc de la Tête d’Or

Parc de la Tête d'Or

A little way north of the centre is one of the largest urban parks in the country, with a zoo and France’s foremost botanical garden within its boundaries.

If you’re around in spring then the international rose garden should be one of your first ports of call in the city.

The botanical attractions are spectacular too, with more than 20,000 plant varieties and the most graceful 19th-century greenhouses you could hope to see, thick with the scent of chlorophyll.

For families with kids the park is a must-do, thank to the African Plain, with zebras, lions and giraffes, and the expansive lake for epic pedal-boating voyages in summer.

Related tour: Lyon: 3-Hour Guided E-Bike Tour with a Tasting Break

5. Presqu’île


A  finger of land between the Rhône and Saône, Presqu’île was man-made by a humungous 18th-century urban engineering project, draining marshes and connecting what was once an island with dry land.

It’s where most things “happen” in the city, a district of glorious 19th-century architecture, wide plazas, shops, cultural institutions, restaurants, cafes, bars and nightclubs.

Lyon’s opera house and city hall are located here, while if you’re peckish Rue Mercière is basically one long line of superb restaurants.

If you’re here for the shopping, start at the pedestrianised Rue de la République where all the high-street brands await.

6. Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon

Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon

Housed in a former abbey from the 1600s, the Musée des Beaux-Arts is France’s largest fine art museum after the Louvre in Paris.

There are 70 rooms here, with paintings from the 1300s to the 1900s, sculpture and displays of both Egyptian and Oriental art.

You don’t need more than a passing knowledge to  be impressed by the wealth of famous French and European artists on show: Degas, van Gogh, Renoir, Cézanne, El Greco, Canaletto, Picasso, Max Ernst and Francis Bacon, and that’s just an overview.

The Antiquities department is a trove of some 600 Ancient Egyptian artefacts, including reliefs, busts, statuettes and sarcophagi, as well as monumental gates recovered from the Medamud temple.

7. Ancient Theatre of Fourvière

Ancient Theatre of Fourvière

This monument is also high on the left bank of the Saône River.

And 2,000 years after it was built it is still a performance venue during the Nuits de Fourvière drama festival every June and July.

At its peak it would have held 10,000 spectators, but only the middle and lower terraces of the cavea remain.

Where the seating has been lost though, you can see the fascinating substructure of the cavea, which continues far up the hillside.

The theatre was rediscovered in the late-19th century and restored over the next 40 years.

Artefacts found here and at the neighbouring Odeon are displayed at the Gallo-Roman museum, listed below.

8. Gallo-Roman Museum of Lyon-Fourvière

Gallo-Roman Museum of Lyon-Fourvière

If Fourvière’s extensive Roman ruins leave you thirsty for more ancient history, this modern museum is on site to give you some background.

The building deserves a mention, as it’s partly underground and has been dug from the hillside next to the roman theatre.

Futuristic, bunker-like galleries are arranged around a spiralling concrete ramp.

There’s a lot to get through at the museum, but one piece that you need to see is the Circus Games Mosaic, dating to the 2nd century and depicting a chariot race with staggering technical skill.

There’s also the Gauilish Coligny Calendar, and the Lyon Tablet, transcribing a speech made by the Roman Emperor Claudius in the 1st century.

9. Lyon Cathedral

Lyon Cathedral

The city’s fabulous cathedral is a mostly gothic construction built between the 12th and 15th centuries.

The majority of the original stained-glass windows are still here and date to the 1300s.

They had been dismantled and packed away during the Second World War to save them from bomb damage.

The most captivating are the north, south and west roses, as well as the apse’s lancet.

The astronomical clock inside is nine metres tall and was installed in the 1300s.

Under the main clock-face is an astrolabe, added in the 1600s, that can show the position of the earth, sun and moon.

Above it are automated figures that put on a little show when the chimes are rung on the hour.

10. Institut Lumière

Institut Lumière

Anybody who goes to the cinema should be excited to pay homage to the Lumière brothers, who are held as the fathers of the movie-making art.

The museum was set up by a descendant of Louis Lumière, who, working with August, helped invent the cinematograph, the first motion picture camera and projector.

They also made more than a thousand films together, shown at the world’s first cinemas.

The attraction is in Villa Lumière, a lovely art nouveau mansion built by the brothers’ father in 1899. In these elegant surrounds you can view many of their movies and check out the ingenious creations, like the cinematograph, that helped change entertainment forever.

11. Musée Gadagne

Musée Gadagne

Essentially Lyon’s city museum, this attraction is named after the sublime 16th-century renaissance palace that houses it, built by two Florentine brothers.

In 30 rooms and across four floors there are some 80,000 items, dating between medieval times and the mid-19th century.

Antique maps and sketches indicate how Lyon has changed and show some of the city’s landmarks being built.

You’ll find out about the instrumental role the silk industry played in the city’s evolution in the 1500s and 1600s with the help of artefacts and documents, and can see the lavish lifestyles afforded by those who made their fortune here.

Also part of the attraction is the Musée des Marionnettes, with 2,000 antique puppets.

12. Musée Miniature et Cinéma

Musée Miniature et Cinéma

Also In Vieux-Lyon, this museum is in the “Maison des Avocats”, a beautiful  17th-century World Heritage building five storeys in height and with a loggia.

The collection is split in two: The main attraction is some 100 “hyper-realistic” miniature scenes.

These have been made by the world’s best miniaturists, including the museum curator Dan Ohlmann, and possess such painstaking detail and craftsmanship that you’ll need minutes to see everything happening in each one.

They recreate famous locations like Maxim’s Restaurant in Paris or everyday French scenes from days gone by.

There’s also a cinema exhibition with more than 300 authentic props, artefacts and models relating to movies from the last 50 years.

13. Lyon’s Murals

Lyon's Murals

Another reason Lyon demands to be explored is for its murals.

There are around 100 large paintings on walls around the city, often in working-class neighbour and on social housing, so they can draw you to places you might not otherwise venture.

There are some vital ones to see though: In États-Unis there’s an outdoor museum with 25 murals painted mostly in the 80s recounting the career of the architect Tony Garnier, who planned this district in the 20s.

To get acquainted with Lyon’s main personalities there’s Fresque des Lyonnais, 24 historical figures and six contemporary people (two of whom have since passed) relevant to the city.

Then there’s Lyon’s original fresco: The Canuts Mural, telling the history of the Croix-Rousse neighbourhood, and updated every ten years.

14. Les Halles de Lyon Paul Bocuse

Les Halles de Lyon Paul Bocuse

This food market is named after one of France’s culinary giants, in France’s capital of cuisine, so you can be sure of the quality of what’s inside.

It’s a food-lover’s dream, a hand-picked assembly of the region’s  best food merchants, selling charcuterie, cheese, meat, fruit and vegetables.

There are also several proper restaurants in the complex, full of locals at lunch.

So it’s a place to do your food shopping if you’re self-catered, get a delicious Lyonnaise meal and also buy regional specialities to take home.

As with most French food markets, Les Halles de Lyon Paul Bocuse is best visited in the morning, long before the stalls close down for lunch.

15. Lyonnaise Cuisine

Lyonnaise potatoes

Lyon has more restaurants per capita than any other city in the country and for centuries has been lauded for the high-quality of its produce and the prestige of its cuisine.

You can dig into traditional Lyonnaise cuisine at “bouchons”, typical restaurants , and the best of these (awarded the label, Authentique Bouchon Lyonnais) tend to be around Presqu’île.

They prepare meals that would usually have been eaten by workers in times gone by, so are filling, rich and make use of parts of the body you might not usually consider: There’s marinated deep-fried tripe, usually served with a garlic and herb sauce. Andouilette, a sausage made from tripe, or gras double, tripe cooked with onions.

Don’t worry; it’s not all tripe! Coq au vin is also a tradition here, as is Lyonnaise potatoes, which are sliced and pan-fried with onions and parsley.

15 Best Things to Do in Lyon (France):

  • Fourvière Basilica
  • Parc de la Tête d'Or
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon
  • Ancient Theatre of Fourvière
  • Gallo-Roman Museum of Lyon-Fourvière
  • Lyon Cathedral
  • Institut Lumière
  • Musée Gadagne
  • Musée Miniature et Cinéma
  • Lyon's Murals
  • Les Halles de Lyon Paul Bocuse
  • Lyonnaise Cuisine

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  2. Lyon Skyscraper Map

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    Home > Database > France > Lyon > Tour M2: Login Register • Comparison Diagram. Compare this building to other notable world structures. Tour M2. 177 rue Garibaldi Lyon France: Status: proposed. Construction Dates: Begin: 2020: Floor Count: 45: Building Uses - office: Structural Types - highrise - glass floor : Heights :

  4. Tour To-Lyon

    The Apicil Tower in February 2024. / 45.7596; 4.8589. Tour To-Lyon is a mixed-use skyscraper under construction in the La Part-Dieu business district of Lyon, France. The building will include 66,000 m 2 of office space, 10,500 m 2 of hotel space and 3,500 m 2 of retail space. With a height of 170 m, it will become the second-tallest skyscraper ...

  5. LYON

    Avec 36 étages, Incity offrira une surface de 40.000 m2 de bureaux. Les architectes Denis Valode et Albert Constantin sont chargés de ce projet, dirigé par les cabinets Sogelym Steiner et Dixence. Incity sera la troisième tour de Lyon, avec celle du Crédit Lyonnais (165 m) et la Tour Oxygène (115 m), dont la construction sera achevée en ...

  6. LYON

    Une tour M2 (45 000 m2, 215m) plus ambitieuse que M1 (35 000 m2, ~120m) serait plus difficile à lancer avant 2020 et sa livraison entrerait plus en conflit avec celle de To-Lyon. Pour que DCB construise donc M2 à l'angle Garibaldi-Bouchut, il lui faudrait obtenir la modification du PLU et l'accord pour la démolition de l'immeuble Banque ...

  7. Incity tower

    Built on the old site of the UAP tower, the Incity tower is the first HQE (French high environmental quality standard) city centre skyscraper in France. 200 metres high, it is now the tallest building in Lyon, ahead of the Part-Dieu tower and the Oxygène tower, and the 3rd tallest in France, behind the First tower in Paris La Défense and the Montparnasse tower, also in Paris.

  8. LYON

    Bonjour les Lyonnais. je remets mon post.Depuis quelque temps ,je vous ai souvent parler de la premiére phase de la Par-Dieu (250000M2).Dans un avenir proche ,c'est 2 milliards d'euros de travaux .Vous êtes les milanais â la francaise.C'est au moins 6 nouvelles tours qui seront batir dans ce secteur .Et si ,la premiére tranche marche très bien .Une deuxième phase de 120000 m2 pour 2020/2025.

  9. Lyon. Une nouvelle tour, la plus grande de Part-Dieu

    La tour To-Lyon a atteint sa hauteur définitive en janvier 2023. Du haut de ses 170 mètres et 43 étages, elle est la dernière à sortir de terre dans le quartier d'affaires de la Part-Dieu .

  10. To-Lyon, tour avant-gardiste de 170m, nouveau symbole de la Part-Dieu

    Le groupe APICIL occupera 20 000 m2 de la tour de bureaux. Deux autres locataires de renom poseront également leurs valises à To-Lyon au cours de l'année 2023. Il s'agit d'EDF pour 15 000 m² et de Spaces, espaces de coworking, pour 10 000 m².

  11. Sightseeing Bus Tour

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  14. THE TOP 10 Lyon Tours & Excursions (UPDATED 2024)

    Northern Rhône Valley Wine Half Day Tour from Lyon. 45. On this half-day, wine-lovers tour from Lyon, you'll follow the trail of Syrah and Viognier grapes through France's northern Rhône wine region. Travel in a Standard Comfort, WIFI-equipped minibus to the celebrated wines' original terroir.

  15. THE 10 BEST Lyon Tours & Excursions for 2024 (with Prices)

    1. Secret Food Tours Lyon w/ Private Tour Option. 256. Food & Drink. 3-4 hours. Food is undoubtedly one of Lyon's most beloved traditions. Since 1935, the city has been considered the world capital of…. Recommended by 99% of travelers. from.

  16. The BEST Lyon Tours and Things to Do in 2024

    The best tours to do in Lyon with kids are: Lyon: Musée de l'illusion Entrance Ticket. Lyon: Aquarium Entrance Ticket. Lyon Highlights Self-Guided Scavenger Hunt and Walking Tour. Carcassonne: Highlights Self-Guided Scavenger Hunt & Tour. "Peter Pan" Lyon : scavenger hunt for kids (8-12)

  17. THE 10 BEST Lyon Sightseeing Tours (with Prices)

    9. Private half-day tour to Golden Stone Beaujolais with tastings. Discover Southern Beaujolais with our unusual and gourmet tour which will show the highlights of this beautifull region. …. 10. Côte Rôtie Private tour. South of Lyon, you will follow the Rhône to reach the vineyards of the Côte Rôtie.

  18. The BEST Lyon Tours 2024

    Visit 25 museums for free with your Lyon City Card, and make the most of 48 things to do and 25 discounts which cover the whole of Lyon's cultural offerings. You'll also get complimentary access to Lyon's public transport, as well as access to bike tours, visits to the Fine Art Museum, river cruises, and much more. Have fun!

  19. 15 Best Things to Do in Lyon (France)

    The best place to start your adventure is around Quai Fulchiron Rolland and Rue des Trois Maries. 3. Fourvière Basilica. This magnificent church, ever visible on the Fourvière hill to west of the city is one of a series of iconic hill-top churches built in major French cities in the late-19th century.

  20. Best Tours by Local Guides in lyon

    Discover lyon on a private tour with a local tour guide. Book our guided tours in lyon now & experience the best things to do in the city. Tour Guide Shore Excursions Safari Live Virtual Tour. Add dates. Search. USD. Lyon tours Explore with 0 tours and 0 guides. Filters. Filter. Duration. 0 - 3 hours. 3 - 5 hours. 5 - 8 hours. 8 - 12 hours. 12 ...

  21. THE TOP 10 Lyon Day Trips (w/Prices)

    On this tour, spin through the Lyon countryside by air-conditioned minivan with your guide, and visit two of the family-run wine estates for which the Beaujolais region is famous. You'll explore the cellars and vineyards, with tasting sessions along the way. 6 to 7 hours. Free Cancellation. from. $162.63.

  22. 2023 : dernière ligne droite ! Le projet To-Lyon se concrétise

    17.01.2023. 2023 : dernière ligne droite ! Le projet To-Lyon se concrétise. To-Lyon, un symbole de mixité urbaine proposant : 80 000 m² d'équipements (une tour de bureaux, un hôtel, des commerces, une place basse et un parking) à destination des entreprises et des utilisateurs du quartier. Une opération d'envergure, réalisée par ...

  23. La plus grande tour de Lyon indique le degré de pollution de l'air

    À Lyon (Rhône), depuis mercredi 26 juin 2024, la tour Incity (à gauche), indique la qualité de l'air prévue pour le lendemain. Photo d'illustration. | MACACCRO / PIXABAY Voir en plein écran

  24. Visit Lyon

    Comprehensive information on Lyon's heritage, cultural and sporting activities, leisure and outings for tourists as well as leisure and business information for tourism professionals. Booking centre for hotel reservations and show tickets. ... Discovery tour at the heart of Lyon by Segway® - 1h30. 3 Review(s) As Low as €44.00.

  25. Candidats aux législatives 2024 : des cartes et un moteur pour savoir

    Le premier tour des élections législatives approche à grands pas. Entre la majorité présidentielle, le Front populaire et l'alliance RN-LR, difficile d'y voir clair concernant les candidats ...

  26. River Cruises

    A family-owned company since 2002, award-winning AmaWaterways offers unforgettable river cruises with 28 ships sailing through Europe, Asia, Africa and South America. 'Ama' means love - and we put love in everything we do, from our exquisite locally-sourced cuisine to our variety of included shore excursions in every port to our warm, personalized service. We are also proud of our innovations ...