25 surprising travel facts that’ll make you see the world in a whole new light

Jack Palfrey

Apr 2, 2020 • 8 min read

fascinating travel facts

Travel: we sort of know all about it, right? Wrong. Scratch beneath the surface and it turns out we know nothing of this world. Do you know how long the world’s shortest commercial flight lasts, for example? (clue: shorter than the time it takes to boil an egg.) How about which country has no rivers? Or what unconventional pizza topping is popular in Sweden ?

An image of the world from space showing one of the green continents.

With international travel currently off the table, why not use this time to swat up on surprising travel trivia, offering a few precious minutes of sweet relief from the constant news cycle and providing some fun facts to fill awkward pauses during video calls with friends and family; trust us, nothing plugs a silence better than a stat about how many steps from the nearest trash bin you are in Disneyland at all times.

Without further ado, here’s 25 travel facts that are certain to shock and surprise.

A stationary blue train in India, with passengers sitting and leaning out of the doorway and looking through the train's windows.

Trains, planes and automobiles...

1. The world’s longest commercial flight took around 30 hours.

The so-called ‘Double Sunrise’ service by Qantas, which ran from Australia to Sri Lanka from 1943-45, often lasted over 30 hours, with passengers seeing the sunrise twice. Today the longest commercial flight is the Singapore Airlines Singapore to New York route, with an average journey time of 17 hours and 50 minutes.

2. The shortest commercial flight takes less than two minutes.

Incredibly, the shortest commercial flight, operating between the neighbouring islands of Westray and Papa Westray in Scotland ’s Orkney islands , takes around one and a half minutes. With the fastest recorded flight taking less than 50 seconds.

3. Japanese railways hand out ‘certificates’ for delays of more than five minutes.

Japanese trains, reputedly the most punctual in the world, issue passengers with a ‘delay certificate’ if a train is running more than five minutes behind schedule. The documents can be shown to bosses or teachers to explain a passenger’s lateness. Delay certificates are also issued on some trains in Germany and in Paris .

4. The most expensive airport to city taxi ride costs around £190.

Any budget traveller worth their salt attempts to avoid airport taxis at all costs, but anyone keeping an eye on their finances should certainly avoid jumping in a cab from Tokyo ’s Narita Airport. According to a study by Moneycorp (a currency exchange company), the ride is the most expensive airport-to-city transfer in the world, costing an average of £191/$235 one way.

5. India’s trains transport roughly 23 million passengers each day.

That’s the entire population of Australia . Additionally, if laid out in a single line, the tracks from India’s railway network could circle the world one and a half times.

An aerial view of Niagara Falls, a group of three waterfalls at the southern end of Niagara Gorge.

Things you didn’t know about countries…

6. Saudi Arabia has no rivers.

The country in the Arabian peninsula has no permanent rivers. It is one of the 17 countries in the world without a single river flowing through it.

7. In Ethiopia the current year is 2013.

Ethiopia maintains its own calendar, which, due to a difference in the perceived date of the Annunciation (the proclamation of the birth of Christ), is seven to eight years behind the Gregorian calendar (which is used as standard across most of the world). In Ethiopia the new year also begins on either August 29 or August 30.

8. It is the same time at both ends of China.

Despite spanning five geographical time zones, China only has one set time, which is observed throughout the country. China Standard Time is UTC+8.

9. The UK has the world’s longest country name.

The UK ’s official title of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland makes it the longest recognised country name in the world.

10. Alaska is both the westernmost and easternmost state in the USA.

Alaska ’s Aleutian Islands are actually located west of the 180th Meridian (the line that divides the eastern and western hemisphere), making it the only US state to be partly located in the eastern hemisphere.

A large seafood pizza displayed on a wooden board. The tomato and cheese pizza is topped with squid, muscles and other shellfish.

Foodie facts...

11. The most ordered meal on Deliveroo, a leading takeout app, in 2019 was a Hawaiian dish of raw fish. 

Of all the restaurants served by the app, which operates in over 200 cities around the world, the most ordered meal was the Poké Signature Super Protéiné – a Hawaiian dish with raw fish as the core ingredient – from restaurant Pokawa in the city of Paris . Less exotic, a humble cheeseburger from the London branch of chain restaurant Five Guys was the second most ordered dish on the app.

12. Russia only classified beer as an alcoholic drink in 2011

Remarkably before then any drink with less than 10% alcohol was considered a ‘foodstuff’.

13. Pilots and co-pilots do not eat the same meal before a flight.

As part of standard convention, pilots and co-pilots do not eat the same food before a flight in case of food poisoning (or worse). If one of the pilots is incapacitated (unable to leave the bathroom) then the other pilot can take over.

14. Banana is a popular pizza topping in Sweden.

Often paired with curry powder believe it or not.

15. Instant noodles topped a Japanese poll of the country’s greatest inventions of the 20th century.

In the poll, conducted in the year 2000 by Fuji Research Institute, respondents placed instant noodles at the top of the list, followed by karaoke in second place. Incidentally karaoke translates from Japanese into English as ‘empty orchestra’.

The Eiffel Tower as viewed from across the Seine and framed neatly by two leafy trees in autumn colours

Lesser-known aspects of famous landmarks...

16. Despite what people say, the Great Wall of China is not visible from space.

Even from low Earth orbit the structure requires magnification to be seen by the human eye.

17. The Eiffel Tower was initially greatly disliked by the Parisian art community upon opening.

The iconic tower was labelled as ‘monstrous’ and ‘ridiculous’ after it was unveiled to the world. It’s even claimed that contemporary writer Guy de Maupassant disliked the structure so much that he ate lunch in the tower every day because it was the only place in Paris where the landmark was not visible. 

18. The scenic Great Ocean Road, that sweeps along the coast of Victoria, Australia, is actually a war memorial.

Built by soldiers and dedicated to those who lost their lives in WWI, the road serves as the largest war memorial in the world.

19. Sudan has more ancient pyramids than Egypt.

Sources vary, but Sudan is claimed to be home to around 250 pyramid structures, that were built by the rulers of the ancient Kushite kingdoms between 2500BC to 300AD. Egypt is thought to have just over 100 pyramids. 

20. The minarets of the Taj Mahal lean outwards slightly.

This was done deliberately to ensure that if the structure collapsed the minarets would fall away from the central tomb, and not destroy it. It’s also true that a team of 20,000 artisans and craftsmen built the iconic structure, but the popular story about them all being amputated by Shah Jahan, the ruler who commissioned it, upon completion (so they’d never build anything as beautiful), is most likely a myth.

An actress dressed as Mary Poppins smiles at a young child as she leads a line of children in song and dance in front of Cinderella's castle during Disney's 60th Diamond Celebration at Disneyland California.

Everything else...

21. There are currently 320,000 people learning ‘Klingon’ (the fictional language featured in television show Star Trek ) on language app Duolingo.

English is the most popular language on the app, with 34 million people undertaking lessons since the beginning of 2020. 

22. On the island of Yap, a state of Micronesia, rocks are used as currency.

Each rock’s worth is based on its size and its history (where it came from). Though US dollars have now started to be used for everyday purchases on the island, rocks are still used for ceremonial transactions (during weddings, for example). Yap also uses turmeric, shells and cloth as official currency.

23. If it was as densely populated as New York City, the entire world's population could fit into the US state of Texas.

We wouldn’t have all that much room, but, with the rest of the planet uninhabited, there’d be plenty of places to go to escape the crowds.

24. You’re never more than 30 steps away from a trash can in Disneyland.

The story goes that Walt Disney used to observe visitors in the park and see how many steps they took before littering, as a result a litter bin is never more than 30 steps away in any Disney park. Another of Walt’s lesser-known Disneyland additions was the creation of a secret bar hidden inside the – then otherwise 'dry' – park, which he used to entertain personal guests and sponsors. The speakeasy-style venue, located behind a large door in the New Orleans Square section of the park, now runs as a private members club with an annual membership fee of $10,000. 

25. You don't need to wait an hour after eating before you can swim safely.

Despite what your mother always told you, there is no medical data that suggests you can’t swim on a full stomach. It can, however, feel uncomfortable, and potentially lead to a feeling of nausea, so it’s best to take a short pause after polishing off your sandwich before you go crashing into the surf.

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Travel Fun Facts

50 Travel Fun Facts Every Travel Enthusiast Should Know

Are you an avid traveler? Do you have a passion for exploring new destinations and uncovering the hidden secrets of the world? If so, then this post is perfect for you! We’re about to share some incredible fun facts that will both surprise and inspire any travel enthusiast. From natural phenomena to historic sites, we’ll take a look at surprises from all over the globe – things that even those with years of travel experience may not know about. Take your knowledge up a notch with 50 fascinating Fun Facts every Travel Enthusiast should know!

The Great Barrier Reef in Australia

The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is an awe-inspiring wonder of our natural world. This magnificent coral reef system is the largest of its kind on Earth, spanning over 1400 miles along the northeast coast of Australia. The Great Barrier Reef is home to a vast array of marine life, making it the perfect spot for snorkeling, diving, and exploring all the incredible underwater treasures. Did you know that the Great Barrier Reef even has its airport on Hamilton Island? Imagine flying in and immediately being transported to a world filled with shimmering turquoise waters and rainbow-hued creatures. As a fun fact, the Great Barrier Reef is so massive it can be seen from outer space – how incredible is that? If you're looking for an unforgettable travel destination, the Great Barrier Reef should be at the top of your list.

Origin of "jet lag" term

Did you know that the term "jet lag" was only invented in 1966? Horace Sutton, a journalist from the Los Angeles Times, originally coined the phrase to describe the overwhelming feelings of fatigue and disorientation that come with rapidly traveling across multiple time zones. While it can be a highly disorienting experience, the fun fact behind jet lag is that it's only a temporary feeling, and it's a small price to pay for the incredible experience of discovering new cultures and places across the world. With this knowledge in mind, let's take on those jet-lagged feelings with excitement and anticipation for all the adventures that await us.

The world's busiest airport

Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport is not just any airport. It's the king of airports, the busy bee buzzing with energy and life. As the world's busiest airport by passenger traffic, it carries millions of travelers each year to destinations across the globe. Whether you're an Atlanta local, or just passing through, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport is a sight to behold. Here's a fun travel fact for you: did you know that in 2019, the airport served a staggering 110.5 million passengers? That's enough to make your head spin - and your heart race with wanderlust. As you stroll through the bustling terminal, take a moment to appreciate the excitement of travel and the possibilities it holds. The world is your oyster - and Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport is the perfect launching point for your next adventure.

The world's shortest commercial flight

Have you ever heard of the shortest commercial flight in the world? It's a travel fun fact that might just blow your mind! The flight operates between Westray and Papa Westray, two beautiful and remote islands in Scotland's Orkney archipelago. With just a 1.7-mile air distance separating them, the flight takes an astonishingly short amount of time to complete - a mere 47 seconds , to be exact! But don't let the brevity of this flight fool you - it's a magnificent experience from start to finish, offering stunning views of the islands and their surrounding waters. Next time you're in Scotland, don't miss the chance to take this inspiring flight!

The longest non-stop commercial flight

If you're a travel enthusiast looking for an exhilarating experience, then you'll be thrilled to learn about the longest non-stop commercial flight currently operated by Singapore Airlines between Singapore and Newark, USA. Covering a distance of 15,344 km, this flight takes a whopping 18 hours and 45 minutes to complete, making it a true marvel of modern aviation. As you soar across the shores of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, you'll get to witness breathtaking views and marvel at the sheer scale of our planet. This travel fun fact is certainly not for the faint-hearted, but for those seeking the ultimate adventure, it's an experience of a lifetime. So, pack your bags and get ready for an unforgettable journey.

The first scheduled passenger airline service

Travel enthusiasts, did you know that the first scheduled passenger airline service took place on January 1, 1914? That's right, it was a historic day for aviation when the world's first-ever daily scheduled flight took off from St. Petersburg to Tampa, Florida, USA. The brief 23 minutes journey covering a distance of 21 miles (34 kilometers) was a milestone in the history of transportation, marking a new era of convenience and accessibility. This fun fact of aviation history inspires us to appreciate the progress humans have made over the years in our quest for exploration and innovation.

The highest commercially navigable lake

Lake Titicaca is a place that makes you feel like you're on top of the world - quite literally. highest commercially navigable lake in the world, it's a destination that's sure to inspire. Travel to the Lake and you'll discover a natural wonder that's rich in history, culture, and fun facts that will leave an indelible impression on you. Picture yourself floating on a crystal clear lake, surrounded by stunning views of the Andes mountains, while learning about the ancient Inca civilization that once flourished on its shores. It's an experience that's truly unforgettable and one that's worth adding to your travel bucket list. So pack your bags and make your way to Lake Titicaca - the journey of a lifetime awaits!

The origin "all-inclusive resort" concept

The concept of all-inclusive resorts may seem like a modern-day invention designed to cater to the jet-setting needs of travelers, but did you know that the idea originated in the Caribbean over 70 years ago? It's true! The first all-inclusive resort opened its doors in 1950 in Jamaica, marking a new era of vacationing that has since become synonymous with fun, relaxation, and indulgence. Since then, all-inclusive resorts have grown in popularity, providing travelers with an easy way to escape the stresses of daily life and immerse themselves in exotic destinations without worrying about the small details. So next time you're looking for a travel fun fact to impress your friends and colleagues, remember that the Caribbean is the birthplace of all-inclusive resorts – a little piece of history that has changed the way we travel forever!

The origin of the "luggage carousel"

Imagine a world without luggage carousels! Thanks to engineer John Michael Lyons, we don't have to. In 1958, he invented the very first luggage carousel, a feat that has revolutionized the way we travel. This fun fact is not only a testament to Lyons' ingenuity and foresight but also a reminder of the power of invention. Just think of all the memories, experiences, and adventures each suitcase on that carousel represents. How inspiring to think that one person's idea could have such a profound impact on the way we explore the world. So next time you're waiting for your luggage, take a moment to marvel at the genius of the luggage carousel, and all the possibilities it allows.

The world's largest cruise ship

Embarking on a journey is always an exciting experience, but setting sail on the world's largest cruise ship is a whole new level of adventure. Royal Caribbean's Symphony of the Seas has made waves in the cruise industry boasting an astounding capacity of over 6,600 passengers and a crew of around 2,200. This floating city-like vessel has everything from an ice skating rink to a zip line, and even a central park complete with real trees! If you're looking for a travel fun fact to impress your friends with, look no further than the Symphony of the Seas. Set sail on the ultimate cruise ship, and immerse yourself in luxury and endless entertainment.

Travel Fun Facts

The world's first hotel made entirely of ice and snow

The Icehotel in Jukkasjärvi , Sweden, is more than just a place to rest your head for the night – it's an architectural masterpiece. This unique hotel is the world's first made entirely of ice and snow, offering visitors an adventurous and unforgettable overnight experience. Each year, local builders use ice from the nearby Torne River to create this stunning work of art, which is open for guests from December to April. This travel fun fact is sure to inspire any wanderlust-prone individual to add Jukkasjärvi to their must-visit list. Imagine waking up in your cozy ice room, cuddled in layers of blankets, and gazing at the magnificent ice sculptures surrounding you. A trip to the Icehotel makes for a one-of-a-kind travel experience that will stay with you and inspire many great adventures to come.

The world's largest travel guidebook 

In the early 1970s, a young couple, Tony and Maureen Wheeler, embarked on a journey that would change the world of travel forever. They set off on an overland trip from London to Australia, and along the way, they documented their experiences, which later became the foundation for their travel guidebook publishing company, Lonely Planet . Since its inception in 1972, Lonely Planet has become the world's largest travel guidebook publisher, inspiring travelers to explore new destinations with its vast range of books and online resources. With over 500 titles in their collection, their remarkable success story is a true travel fun fact that reminds us how a simple passion for adventure and a willingness to share it can create an empire.

First travel insurance

Did you know that the concept of travel insurance has been around for centuries? It dates back to ancient China, where merchants would pay for protection against loss or theft during their journeys. This fascinating travel fun fact highlights the importance of having safeguarding measures in place when embarking on any adventure. It's inspiring to think that even in the past, people recognized the value of protecting themselves and their assets during travel. Today, we continue to benefit from the same principles as we enjoy exploring new horizons with peace of mind. Like the old Chinese merchants, we may not always know what lies ahead, but we can take comfort in knowing that we have the protection we need.

The first successful around-the-world flight 

The year 1933 marked a defining moment in aviation history when Wiley Post, the maverick American aviator, accomplished the impossible – the first around-the-world flight. From the small makeshift airstrip in New York to the distant shores of Berlin, Moscow, and Tokyo, Post journeyed an incredible 15,596 miles in just eight days, 15 hours, and 51 minutes, cementing his place in history as one of the greatest aviation pioneers of all time. This travel fun fact is nothing short of inspiring. It's a testament to the grit, determination, and courage of one man who dared to dream of a world where distance and time were mere concepts. Today, we honor Post and his legacy by pushing ourselves to go above and beyond the limits and aspirations of our predecessors.

The first person to travel around the world in less than 80 days

Imagine traveling around the world in less than 80 days, it sounds like the plot of a thrilling novel, but it was an incredible feat accomplished by American journalist Nellie Bly in 1889. The best-selling novel, "Around the World in Eighty Days," may have been fictional, but Bly's journey was real. The inspiring travel fun fact is that she managed to complete the journey in just 72 days, beating the fictional record set by Jules Verne's protagonist, Phileas Fogg. It was an incredible achievement, especially for a woman in the late 19th century, and her accomplishments paved the way for future female adventurers. Nellie Bly's record-breaking journey remains a historical and inspiring event to many today.

The origin of backpacking as a travel-style concept

The 1960s and 1970s were a revolutionary time in the world of travel. Young people started to explore the world with nothing but a backpack on their shoulders and a sense of adventure in their hearts. This travel style, known as backpacking, quickly gained popularity as more and more people sought to break away from the ordinary and explore the world around them. What's fascinating is that budget limitations didn't deter these travelers from seeking amazing experiences and making unforgettable memories. It's a true testament to the power of wanderlust and the incredible things that can be achieved when you set your mind to it. The concept of backpacking continues to inspire and attract adventurers to this day, proving that travel is so much more than just a vacation - it's a way of life.

Travel Fun Facts

The Origin of the Couchsurfing Concept

Are you ready for a fun travel fact that will inspire you to see the world in a new light? Enter Couchsurfing, the amazing hospitality exchange community that connects travelers with locals around the globe. Founded in 2004, Couchsurfing has grown into a global platform that challenges traditional travel norms by offering the opportunity for travelers to stay with friendly locals for free. Through Couchsurfing, travelers can immerse themselves in local cultures and get a unique insider's perspective on their destination. But Couchsurfing is so much more than just a place to stay - it's a community of passionate and open-minded individuals who share a love for adventure and cultural exchange. So pack your bags and join the Couchsurfing community to experience the world in a whole new way!

Travel Fun Fact

The Origin of the Gap Years Concept

Imagine the world as your classroom - where learning doesn't just happen in classrooms but expands to adventures that offer diverse experiences and cultures to explore. Enter gap years: a concept that originated in the United Kingdom in the 1960s that's taking the world by storm. Instead of rushing through their studies, students take a break to travel or pursue other experiences that ignite their passions and broaden their horizons. Fun fact - gap years have proven to benefit both personal development and career-building since it allows individuals to gain new, unique perspectives that give them a competitive edge in the job market. It's inspiring to think about the infinite possibilities that await anyone who decides to embark on a gap year adventure. So, are you ready to take the leap and experience all that the world has to offer?

The world's first Postcards

Traveling is a beautiful experience, and sending postcards is used to add to the excitement. Did you know that the concept of postcards originated in Austria in the 1860s? It's an inspiring fun fact to learn that Austria allowed postcards to be sent with a message on one side and an address on the other, becoming the very first country in the world to do so. Postcards became increasingly popular amongst travelers as a way to stay connected with loved ones back home while enjoying their adventures. Austria paved the way for one of the most treasured traditions in the world of travel. Nowadays, postcards may seem a bit outdated, but they continue to inspire and add to the beauty of traveling.

Travel Fun Facts

 We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that we have decks of different editions of challenges for you to do during your vacation. As such, this is one of the random challenges that may appear in the Original Edition of the Travel Challenges deck: 

Travel Challenges

The world's oldest-known travel agency

Did you know that the world's oldest known travel agency is Cox & Kings , established in 1758 in India? What started as a small business arranging transportation for British army officers has now become a global player in the travel industry. It's inspiring to think about how this company has been able to stay relevant for over two centuries, adapting to the changing times and catering to the needs of travelers from all over the world. This travel fun fact reminds us that the desire to explore new places and experience new cultures is something that has been around for centuries and will continue to inspire generations to come.

The origin of the "hotel" concept

Have you ever wondered where the word "hotel" comes from? It turns out that the word is derived from the French word "hôtel," which referred to a townhouse or mansion. It wasn't until later that the meaning of the word shifted to refer to an establishment that provides accommodation. Knowing the origins of this common word is a fun fact to keep in mind as you travel and stay in hotels around the world. It's a reminder of how language can evolve and take on new meanings over time. So next time you're staying in a hotel, take a moment to reflect on the history behind the world and appreciate the journey it has taken to get to where it is today.

The world's first hotel

Nestled in the mountains of Japan lies a hidden gem that has been standing for over a thousand years. The Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan is the world's oldest hotel, dating back to the year 705 AD! Imagine the stories and history that this hotel has witnessed over the centuries. As a traveler, staying at this hotel would be an unforgettable experience, and a fun fact to share with friends and family. It's inspiring to think that a place like this continues to stand strong, welcoming new guests for generations. The Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan is a true testament to the resilience and beauty of Japan's ancient culture.

The first commercial hot air balloon flight

In 1783, a group of spectators in France looked up to witness history being made. The first commercial hot air balloon flight had just taken place, propelling humans into the sky in a way they had never experienced before. The balloon was called "Aerostat Réveillon" and flew for about 5.5 miles (9 kilometers). This monumental achievement was not only a major technological advancement, but it opened up new travel opportunities. Suddenly, people could reach heights and destinations that were once unreachable. This fun fact about the first commercial hot air balloon flight reminds us that innovation and exploration have always been a part of human nature and that we should never stop pushing the boundaries of what we know and what we can achieve.

Travel Fun Facts

The first recorded use of the term "sightseeing"

It's amazing to consider that the practice of sightseeing, something that we take for granted today, has been around for centuries. The first recorded use of the term "sightseeing" can be traced back to 1768 in the journal of James Boswell . This remarkable travel fun fact underscores just how long humanity has been fascinated with exploring new places and seeing all that the world has to offer. As we embark on our adventures today, let's take a moment to appreciate the pioneers like Boswell who paved the way for us to experience the excitement and wonder of travel.

The first-ever recorded travel guide

Did you know that the first-ever recorded travel guide was written by a Greek geographer named Pausanias in the 2nd century CE? His work described the most fascinating landmarks and destinations in ancient Greece, helping travelers find their way and experience the beauty of this historic land. It's amazing to consider how far we've come since those ancient times, with travel guides now available for every corner of the globe. And yet, Pausanias' work serves as a testament to the timeless appeal of exploring new places and discovering the wonders that await. Let us be inspired by Pausanias' legacy and continue to seek out adventure, wherever it may take us.

The world's fastest train

The Shanghai Maglev Train is truly the epitome of modern transportation engineering. This maglev train operates in Shanghai, China, and is known to be the fastest train in the world, surpassing even the bullet trains in Japan. The Shanghai Maglev Train operates at incredible speeds of up to 430 km/h and only takes 8 minutes to travel the 30 km distance between Shanghai's Pudong International Airport and the city's financial district. With its sleek, futuristic design and state-of-the-art technology, the Shanghai Maglev Train provides a memorable experience for passengers who are keen on speed and advanced engineering. It's a fun fact to know that you can travel at such an impressive speed using one mode of transportation, inspiring us to think that the future of travel is indeed exciting!

The world's largest airport

The King Fahd International Airport in Dammam is a true testament to the grandeur and vision of the Saudi Arabian government. As the world's largest airport, it spans over 780 square kilometers and can accommodate up to 80 million passengers annually. That's a staggering figure! But, did you know that it also boasts one of the largest dome structures in the world, covering an area of 32,000 square meters? As you travel through the airport, you can't help but feel inspired by the sheer size of the space and the endless opportunities for exploration and adventure that await. It truly is a magnificent feat of engineering and design, and a fun fact to share with fellow travelers.

The first known recorded travel diary

Did you know that the first known recorded travel diary was written by Xu Xiake , a Chinese travel writer, in the 17th century? Xu Xiake's travel diary details his extensive travels throughout China and offers an inspiring glimpse into the beauty and wonder of the country he loved. His writings are a testament to the joy and adventure that can be found in travel and serve as a reminder that even in times of uncertainty and difficulty, the world is full of amazing places waiting to be explored. So the next time you embark upon a journey, remember Xu Xiake's legacy and let his travel fun fact inspire you to discover all that the world has to offer.

The world's largest salt flat

Pack your bags, traveler, because one of the most awe-inspiring sights on Earth awaits you. Welcome to the Salar de Uyuni , the world's largest salt flat located in Bolivia. This natural wonder spans over 4,000 square miles and is comprised of over 10 billion tons of salt. It's impossible not to feel small in front of the vastness of this radiant salt flat. Besides its sheer size, the Salar de Uyuni holds another fun fact: it's so flat that NASA uses it to calibrate satellites. Imagine being able to stand on a piece of ground so level and smooth, you're used to help guide spacecraft through the cosmos! Take in this natural marvel with your own eyes and let the Salar de Uyuni take your breath away.

The ancient city of Petra in Jordan and the rock-cut architecture

Exploring Petra, the ancient city that served as a crucial trading hub, is an experience that will leave you awestruck. The elaborate rock-cut architecture, including the famous Treasury, is a testament to the ingenuity and skill of the people who lived there. Fun fact: Petra was established as early as 312 BCE and is one of the few cities in the world where cars are not allowed, which means you get to explore this incredible architectural wonder on foot. Walking through the narrow canyon and coming face to face with the stunning sandstone structures is an experience you won't soon forget. A visit to Petra is a must for any travel bucket list.

Travel Fun Facts

The lowest point on Earth's surface

Imagine swimming in a body of water so dense that you can't even sink. That is the unique experience that awaits you at the Dead Sea in Jordan and Israel, the lowest point on Earth's surface. This natural wonder boasts a high concentration of salt and minerals, making it a popular destination for travelers seeking some R&R. Did you know that people have been visiting the Dead Sea for thousands of years to soak in its healing waters? Whether you're there for a luxurious spa day or just want to float on the surface of the water, the Dead Sea is a travel fun fact that will leave you feeling inspired by all the wonders the world has to offer.

The world's lowest country

Did you know that the Maldives holds the title of being the world's lowest country in terms of average ground level? The stunning archipelago, composed of 26 atolls, is situated in the Indian Ocean and boasts breathtaking beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant coral reefs. With its highest point only 7.8 feet (2.4 meters) above sea level, it's no wonder why this travel fun fact is so intriguing. Despite this remarkable characteristic, the Maldives remains an inviting destination for travelers from all over the world. So pack your bags and get ready to explore this unique paradise!

Travel Fun Facts

The world's largest hotel

The First World Hotel in Malaysia is not just any ordinary hotel, as it is the world's largest hotel, boasting over 7,351 rooms! This is more than just a travel fun fact, as the hotel's impressive size and scale are truly inspiring. It almost feels like a mini city within itself and staying here is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Imagine walking through the hotel lobby, surrounded by an endless sea of rooms and a bustling crowd of fellow travelers, all eager to explore the wonders of Malaysia. If that doesn't make you want to pack your bags and book a ticket, I don't know what will!

The city with the most Michelin-starred restaurants

If you're a food lover, then there's no better city to visit than Tokyo. This vibrant metropolis is home to over 230 Michelin-starred restaurants, making it the city with the most Michelin-starred establishments in the world . From sushi to ramen, tempura to teppanyaki, Tokyo has it all. Each restaurant offers its unique take on the cuisine, from the traditional to the cutting edge. So, if you want to satiate your culinary curiosity, hop on a flight to Tokyo, and explore this amazing city's gastronomic delights. After all, experiencing the world's most Michelin-starred restaurants is one of the best fun facts to share with your friends.

The world's largest pilgrimage

For Muslims traveling to Mecca , it is the ultimate spiritual journey. Mecca is the world's largest pilgrimage site, drawing millions of Muslims from all corners of the globe for the Hajj pilgrimage. As visitors approach the city, they're enveloped in the enthusiasm and devotion of fellow Muslims. The city is an incredible display of devotion, piety, and unity, creating an atmosphere that is truly awe-inspiring. In addition to its spiritual significance, Mecca is also a fascinating travel fun fact to share with others. Its incredible size and the sheer number of visitors during the Hajj are a testament to the strength of faith that exists within the Muslim community. The Hajj pilgrimage is a life-changing experience for all who participate, and it's no wonder that so many Muslims from around the world make the journey to Mecca each year.

Travel Fun Fact

The world's tallest waterfall

Angel Falls stands tall and mighty, being the world’s highest uninterrupted waterfall. Located in Venezuela, the falls have captivated the hearts of travelers from all over the world, leaving them in awe of its stunning natural beauty. At 979 meters, the falls are higher than the Eiffel Tower and almost three times the size of Niagara Falls. But that's not just it! A fun fact about these falls is that Angel Falls was named after an American aviator, Jimmy Angel, who discovered the falls while flying over the area in the 1930s. This incredible waterfall is a must-see for any travel bucket list, inspiring anyone who lays eyes on its grandeur. 

In addition, I'm taking this opportunity to show you another example of a card that could appear in our Original Edition of Travel Challenges : 

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The country with the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Italy is a country that boasts of unparalleled cultural and artistic heritage. What’s even more impressive is that Italy is home to the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world, with over fifty-nine sites already inscribed on the list. From the majestic Colosseum and the iconic Piazza del Duomo in Florence to the remarkably preserved ruins of Pompeii and the beautiful city of Venice that's built on water, Italy has something for everyone. Exploring these sites is not only informative but also awe-inspiring, and it's no wonder why Italy is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. The travel fun fact that Italy has the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites is just one of the many reasons to visit this vibrant country and immerse oneself in its rich history and culture.

Travel Fun Facts

The city with the most international visitors per year

Bangkok is a bustling city that continuously draws in travelers from all over the world. It holds the title of being the city with the highest number of international visitors per year! This travel fun fact showcases the immense appeal that Bangkok has, from its vibrant street markets and mouth-watering food scene to its jaw-dropping temples and lively nightlife. It's no wonder that people from all walks of life yearn to explore this unique city. Whether you're a foodie, a shopaholic, a history buff, or simply looking for an adventure, Bangkok has something to offer for everyone. So pack your bags and set off to experience the wonders of this mesmerizing city for yourself!

Travel Fun Facts

The largest religious monument in the world

As you embark on your journey to the Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia, you'll be visiting the largest religious monument in the world. The jaw-dropping scale and intricate detail of the temple complex is inspiring, and a testament to the skills of the Khmer people who built it nearly a thousand years ago. It's hard not to feel awe-inspired by the sheer size of Angkor Wat, which covers over 160 hectares of land. As you explore the intricate carvings and ancient architecture of this stunning complex, you'll be taken on a journey through history and spirituality. Truly, a visit to Angkor Wat is a must-have travel experience for any lover of adventure and culture. And, of course, it's always fun to have a fascinating fact to share with your friends and family!

The Statue of Liberty in New York City was a gift from France

For over a century, the Statue of Liberty has been greeting visitors to New York City's harbor as a symbol of freedom and democracy. Gifted to the United States by France in 1886, the statue stands tall at 305 feet, weighing 225 tons. This beloved icon is not only a popular tourist destination but also a reminder of the ideals that our country was built upon. It's fascinating to think that the statue's creator, Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, initially intended to have it placed at the entrance of the Suez Canal. However, after being turned down by the Egyptian government, he presented the idea to the United States and the rest is history. For a travel fun fact, did you know that the seven spikes on the crown of the statue represent the seven continents and seven seas of the world? A visit to the Statue of Liberty is not only an awe-inspiring experience but also a reminder of the ongoing fight for freedom and democracy for all.

The longest suspension bridge in the world

If you're a traveler looking for an impressive sight to add to your bucket list, the Akashi Kaikyō Bridge in Japan is a marvel to behold. This suspension bridge stretches an incredible 6,532 feet (1,991 meters), making it the longest in the world. But it's not just its size that's impressive - the bridge is also a testament to Japanese engineering and ingenuity. Its construction required incredibly precise design and execution, and the final product is a breathtaking feat of human achievement. Whether you're an engineer or not, visiting the Akashi Kaikyō Bridge is a fun fact to share with friends and family, and a reminder of what can be accomplished when humans put their minds to something truly incredible.

Home of the "Big Five" game animals

The African savanna is the ultimate destination for nature lovers and adventurers alike. Its vast expanse serves as a home to some of the most iconic creatures on the planet, the "Big Five" game animals. Majestic lions roam freely, fiercely protective of their territories and pride. Massive elephants gracefully strut through the lands, trumpeting in triumph. Rhinoceroses dominate the terrain with their sheer size and strength, while elusive leopards silently stalk their prey. Buffalos, on the other hand, move in herds, roaming together and providing a stunning sight to behold. Travelers who dream of being part of this incredible ecosystem need to head over to the African savanna, where these magnificent creatures reign supreme. It's a fun fact that one can never get enough of – the African savanna is truly one of the most breathtaking places in the world.

Travel Fun Fact

The birthplace of jazz

New Orleans, the city of soulful jazz, is a place that ignites the senses and transports the soul to a realm of pure musical magic. Known as the birthplace of jazz, this vibrant city boasts a rich and diverse musical heritage that is celebrated year-round. From street musicians to world-famous jazz clubs, music can be heard echoing through the streets day and night. Every spring, the Jazz and Heritage Festival takes center stage and draws music lovers from across the globe to soak up the infectious energy of this city. A travel fun fact to keep in mind - the famous jazz funeral originated in New Orleans, where they celebrate life and honor their loved ones with a musical procession through the streets. It's no wonder New Orleans has earned the title of "the city that care forgot" - once you're there, the joy-filled energy of the music scene will stay with you long after you leave.

The busiest pedestrian crossing in the world

Tokyo, the bustling capital of Japan, is home to the world-famous Shibuya Crossing - known to be the busiest pedestrian crossing on the planet. With over 2,500 people crossing this intersection simultaneously during peak rush hours, it's a sight to behold. But what's even more impressive is the energy and vibrancy that Tokyo exudes. From its delicious food to its innovative technology and unique fashion, the city is a hub of cultural and technological excellence. Tokyo is the perfect destination for anyone looking to experience a bustling and vibrant metropolis. It's more than just a fun fact; it's an inspiring testament to the city's spirit and its people.

The world's largest natural reserve

Imagine standing in the middle of the largest natural reserve in the world, surrounded by pristine glaciers, towering peaks, and a vast expanse of untouched wilderness. Northeast Greenland National Park is a wonderland waiting to be explored, and it boasts some of the most awe-inspiring sights on the planet. Covering an area of over 970,000 square kilometers, this vast reserve is not only home to an incredible variety of species, but it's also a significant travel destination. Did you know that the park is larger than all of California and three times the size of Texas combined? There's no doubt that visitors to this incredible landscape will be awestruck by its sheer size, beauty, and majesty. So pack your bags and prepare to embark on an adventure that you'll never forget - Northeast Greenland National Park is calling!

Greenland is an awe-inspiring destination that sits at the top of the world. It is the largest island in the world and is known for its pristine nature, rugged coastline, and stunning glaciers. Located in the northernmost part of the Atlantic Ocean, it is also one of the least populated places on Earth. Traveling to Greenland is an adventure like no other, starting from the moment you set foot on this majestic island. So pack your bags and get ready to explore one of the most breathtaking places on the planet - Greenland!

Longest world's longest town name

As you embark on your journey through Wales, make sure to take a pit stop in a town that holds the title of the world's longest town name! Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch may be a mouthful to pronounce, but the fun facts are worth the effort! This picturesque town with a population of only 3,000 boasts the Guinness World Record for having the longest place name in the world. Its name translates to "Saint Mary's Church in the hollow of the white hazel near a rapid whirlpool and the Church of St. Tysilio of the red cave". The town has become a popular tourist destination known for its stunning natural beauty, charming picturesque houses, and fascinating history. So indulge in this travel fun fact and add Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch to your bucket list!

World’s shortest geographical place name

Å is not only the shortest geographical place name in the world, but also a unique travel destination that is sure to leave you inspired. Located in the Lofoten Islands of Norway, this small fishing village may be compact in name, but it offers big experiences for visitors seeking adventure. Imagine exploring rugged mountain landscapes while taking in the panoramic views of the surrounding sea. Or, diving into the deep blue waters for an up-close encounter with the Norwegian marine life. Whether you're an adventure-seeker or simply looking for a fun fact to share with friends, Å is a destination that's worth including on your travel itinerary.

Travel Fun Fact

Paris syndrome

Paris, known to many as the City of Love, may surprise you with its lesser-known syndrome that can affect certain travelers. Paris Syndrome is a condition where tourists become overwhelmed by the difference between their high expectations of the city and the reality they experience. However, don't let this deter you from experiencing the magic of one of the world's most iconic cities. With so much to see and do, Paris offers something for everyone, from the Eiffel Tower to the Louvre Museum. Plus, did you know that the city is home to the world's first-ever public park, the Parc des Buttes-Chaumont? With such a rich history and beauty, Paris is still very much worth a visit. So go ahead and immerse yourself in all the stunning sights and sounds without worrying about Paris Syndrome, as long as you come prepared to enjoy your trip to the fullest.

24/7 free wine fountain

If you are a wine lover, you might want to pack your bags and head straight to Italy. Located in the small town of Ortona in the Abruzzo region , there is a marvelous 24/7 free wine fountain that will leave you in awe. Yes, you heard it right - a free wine fountain! This is not just any ordinary fountain but it is a wonderful work of art that dispenses red wine for all visitors, day and night. The fountain has become a must-visit for travelers from all over the world, making it a true travel fun fact. So, what are you waiting for? Add this to your bucket list, and indulge yourself in a heavenly wine experience! 

Travel Fun Fact

The most linguistically diverse country

Papua New Guinea isn't just another beautiful travel destination - it's home to the world's most diverse linguistic landscape. With over 800 languages spoken across its unique terrain, Papua New Guinea is the ultimate cultural immersive experience. Exploring the country means diving into a world of vibrant new sounds and words, hearing languages heard nowhere else on the planet. From the highlands to the coast, the dialects will change fluidly, each with its own history and local traditions. It's a thrilling opportunity to gain insight into the intricacies and beauty of human communication - all while having the trip of a lifetime.

Travel Fun Facts

Drawing from all the amazing places and adventures present around the world, these 50 fun facts about travel bring to light the exciting cultures that take part in traveling. These cool and interesting facts encourage those with a sense of exploration in their soul to get out there and discover everything that our planet has to offer. Variety abounds, and traveling is one of the best ways to deepen your knowledge and understanding of our global community. From peculiar practices to incredible new sights, every trip is a journey full of excitement and discovery. If you're looking for some guidance on where to go next, why not try Sweden? After exploring this unique destination through these fascinating travel facts, get ready for an experience like no other with one of our decks of cards filled with 50 fun ideas ! Don't wait any longer - make 2020 the year you grow your wanderlust!

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50 Fascinating Travel Facts

Travel Facts

Fun and Fascinating Facts About Travelling

Finland has around 180,000 islands., san marino has more cars in its country than people., jet lag feels worse if you travel from west to east. research done in 2016 found that jet lag feels worse if you travel from west to east. resynchronization of circadian oscillators and the east-west asymmetry of jet-lag… find out more., iran is home to the second oldest tree on earth, it is 4000-years-old., travel can make you more creative., travel can help improve your problem-solving skills., taking a vacation can lower your risk of heart disease., the largest underground cemetery in the world is located in paris., frequent flying leads to weight gain. the most at risk group are business travellers who board a plane more than 21 days per month., the shortest airline flight available for purchase lasts two minutes and runs from the scottish island of westray to papa westray., the worlds most expensive hotel room costs £63,415 a night, at hotel president wilson in geneva, the royal penthouse suite., women who travel on vacation at least twice a year are less likely to suffer from depression., france is the most visited country in the world, with over 82 million international visitors per year., only 29% of americans have even been abroad., the most intelligent country is canada., dubai owns 20% of the world’s cranes., about 10 million people in the world go on a cruise every year., the komodo dragon is the largest living lizard., the vatican’s swiss guard still wears a uniform inspired by the renaissance painter raphael., 99% of the territory of libya, is deserts., russia is bigger than pluto., papua new guinea speaks the most number of languages in the world, 820., denmark has twice the number of bicycles as cars., australia has approximately 23 million people and around 60 million kangaroos., the great barrier reef is the only living structure that can be spotted from outer space., canada has 3,000,000 lakes. it is more than all over the world combined., within the next 60 seconds, over 56 pieces of luggage have been lost and over 2,174 people have arrived in a foreign country., chine covers five times zone, however, the whole of china operates on beijing time., st. petersburg’s st. isaac’s cathedral rests on 10,000 tree trunks, sunken into the marshy ground below., 71% of europeans have a passport., the himalayas contains nine of the world’s ten highest peaks., there are around 7,000 flights in the air at any one time., ganvie in africa is the country’s largest city built entirely on stilts, there is actually no land on the north pole, only ice on top of the sea., italy has the most hotel rooms of any other nation in europe., mexico city is sinking at an average rate of 10cm a year., the atlantic ocean is saltier than the pacific ocean., 5 out of 10 largest diamond mines in the world are in russia., the trans-siberian rail in russia is the longest journey by rail in the world., france covers more time zones than any country on the planet., there are 1,860 steps to the top of the empire state building., honolulu, hawaii is the only city in america to have its own ancient royal palace., falkland island has 350 sheep for every person., saudi arabia has no rivers., travelling can increase life expectancy., it helps build confidence and a strong sense of self.  travelling can make you more positive and content., adding salt and pepper to your food is considered highly offensive to chefs in switzerland., white tigers are only found among indian tigers., haiti has virtually no trees due to massive deforestation., the tokyo zoo in japan closes down for two months every year to give the animals a little break from the people..


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Surprising travel facts you need to know

Surprising travel facts you need to know

The world is vast and filled with strange, fascinating phenomena that make our planet a truly remarkable place to explore. From unusual ways to get around to jaw-dropping wildlife encounters, there’s no shortage of travel experiences that defy our perception of normality. 

Delve into some of these surprising travel facts and explore bizarre border crossings, geography oddities, and more. Let us embark on a journey into the unexpected.

READ MORE : Here are 13 seriously weird places to visit

Bizarre border crossings and geography oddities

The Aleutian Islands being both extreme sides of US is one of the strangest travel facts out there

The borders between countries are often arbitrary lines drawn on a map, but sometimes these lines result in strange divisions of land that boggle the mind. While you might believe that Alaska is the westernmost US state, it is also the easternmost state due to its proximity to the International Date Line. This geographical quirk leads to the Aleutian Island of Semisopochnoi being both the eastern and western extremes of the United States.

Speaking of odd border crossings, did you know that you don’t need a passport to go to Hawaii? As an integral part of the US, passports are not required for Americans travelling to the archipelago. For international travellers asking the question, “do I need a passport to go to Hawaii? ,” the answer is yes. A passport and visa will be necessary.

Unusual ways to travel

Moving onto peculiar modes of transport, Cambodia’s Bamboo Train is quite a sight to behold. Referred to as “norry” in Khmer, the Bamboo Train is an improvised rail vehicle that travels on Cambodia’s old railroad tracks. It’s built with a bamboo platform, bicycle wheels, and a small gasoline engine, making for a unique and exhilarating way to see the Cambodian countryside.

Fancy taking the road less travelled? In Bolivia, you can navigate the World’s Most Dangerous Road. As terrifying as it sounds, the journey offers stunning views of the Andean mountains and has become a sought-after attraction for thrill-seeking mountain bikers.

Another interesting method of transport is the Solar Boat in Israel, an eco-friendly, solar-powered boat that offers guided tours on the Sea of Galilee. The boat is a great example of sustainable tourism in action and offers visitors a unique way to experience the lake.

Global etiquette: surprising cultural differences

Cultural norms vary greatly from one country to another, and embracing these differences is an essential aspect of travel. For instance, while slurping may be rude in many countries, it is regarded as a sign of appreciation in Japan. The louder you slurp, the better – it indicates you’re thoroughly enjoying your meal.

In Thailand, the head is considered the most sacred body part, while the feet are regarded as the lowest and unclean. Pointing your feet at someone or touching their head is considered highly disrespectful. Therefore, it is common practice to remove your shoes before entering a Thai household and sit with your feet tucked away when in someone’s company.

Here’s another unexpected cultural difference: in Kenya, spitting as a form of greeting was once common among the Maasai people. The practice is now rare but is still observed by some as a sign of respect.

Weird and wonderful wildlife encounters

The animal kingdom is full of peculiar creatures, and from snorkelling with pigs to meeting sloths in the rainforest, travellers have plenty of opportunities to observe wildlife up close. 

One of the most extraordinary wildlife encounters can be found in Australia’s Kakadu National Park. Here, you can witness the ancient tradition of “barramundi dreaming,” a unique ritual performed by the local Aboriginal people to ensure good luck for their fishing expeditions.

Travellers are often drawn to the world’s wildlife, but some encounters are truly extraordinary. Consider Mexico’s Isla de las Muñecas, or “the Island of the Dolls” , where hundreds of dolls have been strung up in the trees to appease the spirit of a drowned girl. The eerie scene has become a popular offbeat destination.

In the Danakil Depression, Ethiopia, one can witness the unique phenomenon of acidic hot springs that create a striking landscape coloured by the minerals leaching from the Earth’s surface. The alien-like terrain has become a hotspot for researchers and inquisitive tourists alike.

READ MORE : Have you ever tried bizarre and weird food from around the world

Trips that leave a mark: unforgettable historic destinations

The world is home to many sites of tremendous cultural and historic significance, making it the perfect destination for travellers looking for an educational experience. In India, you can explore Varanasi, one of the oldest living cities in the world and a holy site for Hindus. Here, you can observe rituals performed by pilgrims on its numerous ghats or embark on a boat ride on the Ganges.

Some trips leave an indelible impression on your soul, and such is the case with these unforgettable historic destinations. Take, for example, the Door of No Return in Senegal, a sobering site that symbolizes the final exit point for African slaves before being shipped to the Americas. A visit here is not only an opportunity to remember the past but to honour those who suffered so immensely.

Another impactful destination is the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park in Japan, standing as a testimony to the horrors of nuclear warfare. The ruins of the A-Bomb Dome serve as a stark reminder of the tragedy that occurred in 1945 and the importance of striving towards a more peaceful and compassionate world.

Do you have surprising travel facts to share?

The world is full of surprising travel facts, curious ways of getting around, peculiar cultural customs, bizarre wildlife encounters, and unforgettable historic journeys. Embrace the unusual, broaden your horizons, and find inspiration in the world’s strangest and most striking attractions.

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42 Fun Travel Facts: From the World’s Shortest Flight to the Largest Honky Tonk

Kenneth Holland

  • August 3, 2023
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Ah, there you are, looking all starry-eyed, bitten by that notoriously contagious bug—wanderlust. Picture it, you’re at the airport, your suitcase bursting with optimism and at least four outfits per day, your passport at the ready to collect more stamps than a philatelist on a spending spree.

Oh, and you have that glossy guidebook you nabbed at the checkout stand—the one filled to the brim with facts about traveling, as if it could truly prepare you for the organized chaos that is venturing into the unknown.

Fun Travel Facts

But let’s be real, half the charm of travel is the unexpected, isn’t it? Those delicious little surprises that ambush you at every corner, turning you from a doe-eyed tourist into a seasoned globetrotter.

However, we all know a little bit of knowledge never hurt anyone, so whether you’re an adventurous soul or a meticulous planner (or maybe, just maybe, a perfect blend of both), here’s a curated list of 42 fun facts and interesting facts about travel to spice up your next escapade. Buckle up, it’s going to be a ride…

1. Travel: Your Passport to Intelligence

Turns out, wanderlust doesn’t just fill up your Instagram feed—it also makes you smarter. Traveling helps you adapt to new situations, think creatively, and be more open-minded.

So, you’re not just collecting souvenir magnets, you’re actually collecting brainpower—take that, doubters!

Passport Requests

2. Loganair’s Shortest Flight in the World

Let me tell you about a flight that’s shorter than the time it takes you to find your seatbelt and fasten it.

Operated by Loganair, the route from Westray to Papa Westray in Scotland takes—wait for it—a whopping 1.5 minutes.

Yes, you read that right, a travel experience that barely gives you time to blink, let alone panic about turbulence.

3. The Porcine Paradise: Pig Beach in the Bahamas

If frolicking in turquoise waters alongside adorable pot-bellied companions sounds like your kind of tropical getaway, welcome to the Pig Beach in the Bahamas.

Here, pigs don’t fly, but they sure do swim. This uninhabited island is a hog heaven where the swimming swine are the main attraction—talk about hogging the spotlight.

4. San Alfonso del Mar: Dive into the World’s Biggest Pool

San Alfonso del mar pool - Chile

At San Alfonso del Mar resort in Algarrobo, Chile, you’ll find a pool that’ll make your neighborhood swimming spot look like a mere puddle.

The San Alfonso del Mar Swimming Pool : Stretched over a staggering 20 acres, it’s the world’s largest outdoor pool, and it’s so vast, you’d half expect to spot Moses parting it. Pack a lunch, because swimming from one end to the other might turn into a day trip.

5. Venice: The Floating City of 118 Islands

Venice, a city that makes “I’m on island time” a real deal. Consisting of 118 small islands, it’s connected by a confounding 400+ bridges that will turn your GPS into a gibbering wreck.

Here’s a fun game: try getting lost; chances are you’ll stumble upon yet another enchanting, Instagram-worthy canal.

6. An Overabundance of Airports: The United States

Ah, the United States, home to the brave, land of the free, and incidentally, owner of the most airports in the world.

If you’re ever playing a game of ‘ spot the airport ,’ this is your playground. So, if you ever doubted America’s love for travel and convenience, consider this: it has over 13,000 airports—more than enough to pick and choose your favorite landing strip.

Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport (PHX)

7. Canada: The Lake-Laden Land

Canada, the land of the ‘eh’-s and hockey, has a bit of a hoarding problem—it’s hoarded more lakes than the rest of the world’s total, combined. We’re talking 2 million lakes here, folks, that’s more bodies of water than you could visit in several lifetimes.

Good luck trying to dip your toes into each of them, just remember to pack enough towels.

8. Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan: The Granddaddy of Hotels

Tired of the bland, modern hotels that look like they popped up yesterday?

Enter Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan in Japan, the world’s oldest hotel, which has been up and running since 705 AD.

Talk about impressive hospitality genes, this place has been perfecting the art of accommodation for over 1300 years—it’s older than some countries!

9. Russia: The Land of Stretched Time

Think your daily schedule is a mess? Try living in Russia, the only country that spans a mind-boggling 11 time zones.

You can have breakfast in Moscow, lunch in Siberia, and still make it for a dinner date in Vladivostok—talk about a world tour without ever crossing the border.

10. Debunking the Myth: The Great Wall of China

Look, it’s time we had a heart-to-heart about the Great Wall of China. Contrary to popular belief—and much to the chagrin of the wide-eyed kids out there—no, you can’t actually see it from space.

Turns out, astronauts have better things to do than squint at Earth trying to locate ancient landmarks—go figure.

11. Fraser Island: A Sandy Marvel

Next up on our list, we’re swapping the classic beach vacation for something a little more intense: Fraser Island in Australia, the largest sand island in the world.

It’s basically a colossal sandbox stretching over 1,840 square kilometers, minus the plastic shovels.

Pro tip: I wouldn’t recommend trying to build a sand castle here, unless you fancy a multi-storey sand skyscraper.

12. Eiffel Tower: A Monument with a Temperature Problem

Ever wondered what happens when a colossal hunk of iron sits under the Parisian sun? Surprise, surprise—it expands.

The Eiffel Tower can grow up to 6 inches during a hot summer day. For a structure that’s been the poster child of Paris since 1889, it sure likes to keep people on their toes.

13. Hell: A Place That Freezes Over

Last but not least, let’s talk about Hell. No, not that one—the quaint little town in Norway that lives up to its ironic name every winter by literally freezing over.

Now you finally have a snappy comeback for anyone who says they’ll do something when Hell freezes over—because, guess what, it does!

14. All Aboard the Trans-Siberian Railway

Ever fancied traversing the entire Asian continent? Look no further than the Trans-Siberian Railway.

Spanning over 9,289 kilometers from Moscow to Vladivostok, this rail journey is the epitome of ‘it’s about the journey, not the destination’. Just make sure you pack enough snacks.

15. Monaco: When Size Doesn’t Matter

Picture this: Monaco is so tiny, it couldn’t even win a size contest with Central Park in New York. In fact, you could fit the entire country into Central Park and still have room for a couple of hot dog stands.

But hey, who needs space when you’re a glitzy playground for the world’s richest and most famous?

16. Mount Everest: Not for the Faint-Hearted

Here’s a chilling tidbit for you. Mount Everest, the pinnacle of climbing achievements, is also a final resting place for over 200 climbers.

Just a friendly reminder that ‘because it’s there’ might not always be the best reason to do something.

17. The World’s Quietest Room: The Sound of Silence

You think your yoga studio is peaceful? Try spending some time in the world’s quietest room located at Microsoft’s headquarters in Washington.

It’s so eerily quiet, you can hear your own organs working. Suddenly, that noisy coffee machine at work doesn’t seem so bad, huh?

18. The Epitome of Wanderlust: Norwegian Passports

If you’re into collecting travel stamps, you might want to consider becoming a Norwegian citizen.

With their passport boasting a whopping 192 pages, it’s like a thick novel that tells the exciting story of your globetrotting adventures. Just don’t try to read it at bedtime—you might catch a severe case of wanderlust.

19. Chicago: Green Rivers and St. Paddy’s Day

Chicago, the city where the river flows with… green dye? Every St. Patrick’s Day, Chicagoans celebrate their Irish spirit in a big way by turning the Chicago River into a fluorescent green spectacle.

It’s as if Mother Nature herself had a bit too much Guinness and decided to let loose.

Chicago Dyed Green River

20. China: Because Who Needs Multiple Time Zones?

In an oddity that boggles the mind, the whole of China operates on a single time zone. Yes, that’s right, from the metropolis of Shanghai to the remote countryside, every clock tells the same time.

When it’s five o’clock somewhere, it’s five o’clock everywhere in China!

21. High in the Sky: Different Meals for Pilots and Co-Pilots

Remember when your parents told you not to eat the same thing as your sibling, just in case one of you got sick? Turns out, airlines follow the same principle.

Pilots and co-pilots are advised to eat different meals to avoid simultaneous food poisoning—now there’s an inflight announcement you never heard.

22. Las Vegas: More Rooms than a Board Game Convention

Now to the most visited city that trades in sleep for poker chips: Las Vegas. You might have guessed, but it holds the record for the most hotel rooms in the world.

If every room in the city were filled, Las Vegas could host every attendee from the world’s three largest conventions simultaneously, with room to spare for Elvis impersonators.

23. Alaska: Doing The East-West Shuffle

Oh, Alaska, never content with just being the biggest state, it also had to be both the westernmost and easternmost.

Thanks to the Aleutian Islands, which stretch right up to the edge of the Western Hemisphere, it’s got both ends of the US covered. Just pick a direction, and Alaska has got it nailed.

24. Sweden’s Unconventional Topping: Banana on Pizza

If you thought pineapple on pizza was controversial, brace yourself.

The Swedes love to top their pizzas with… bananas. There’s open-mindedness, and then there’s this.

25. Saving with Salad: American Airlines’ Olive Ploy

Here’s a fun little tidbit: back in 1987, American Airlines figured out how to save $40,000.

The secret? They removed one olive from each salad served in first class. It’s the kind of penny-pinching brilliance that would make Scrooge McDuck proud.

26. The Pan-American Highway: A Road Tripper’s Dream

If you’re in the mood for a truly epic road trip, look no further than the Pan-American Highway.

Stretching over 19,000 miles from Alaska to Argentina, it’s the longest motorable road in the world. Just imagine the mixtape you’d need for that journey.

27. United States: A Hotbed of Volcanoes

In a surprising turn of events, the United States holds the title for the most volcanoes—roughly 173 of them.

While most of them are in Alaska, the rest are scattered all over the country, just waiting to add a bit of extra excitement to your cross-country road trip.

28. Billy Bob’s: The Honky Tonk Heaven

Everything’s bigger in Texas, right? Case in point: Billy Bob’s in Fort Worth , known as the world’s largest honky tonk.

This monstrous venue is a country music lover’s dream, complete with live bull riding, boot-scootin’ dance floors, and enough beer to fill the Red River—just remember to leave the horse outside.

29. King Fahd International: The Sultan of Airports

King Fahd International Airport in Saudi Arabia isn’t just your average air travel hub—it’s the undisputed king, being the largest airport in the world.

With an area larger than the entire country of Bahrain, it’s practically its own sovereign nation. One can’t help but wonder if they’re compensating for something.

30. Unleashing Joy: Traveling Equals Happiness

Travel is Happiness

It’s official, folks—traveling makes you happier.

Sure, losing your luggage or getting stuck in a 10-hour layover isn’t a bundle of joy, but the overall experience, the sights, the sounds, the new flavors—these are what memories are made of.

So, go on, pack your bags, and start joy-hunting.

31. South Dakota: The Land of Cows… Lots of Cows

Here’s some food for thought: South Dakota has more cows than people. We’re not sure if the cows are running a successful recruitment campaign or if the humans just got tired of the cold winters.

Either way, if you ever find yourself in a trivia battle, this tidbit could be your secret weapon.

32. Liberty Bell: A Big, Fat Typo

Ah, the Liberty Bell, an iconic symbol of American independence. But did you know that this revered relic has a pretty glaring typo?

The word “Pennsylvania” is misspelled as “Pensylvania.” Oops! Guess even freedom has its typos.

33. South Korea: Dial 113 for Spy Busters

Have a suspicion that your neighbor is a secret agent? In South Korea, there’s a special hotline just for that—dial 113 to report spies.

Sure, it might not be as exciting as a James Bond flick, but it certainly adds a little spice to the daily grind.

34. US: The No-Paid-Holidays Nation

Oh, America. Land of the free, home of the brave, and the only developed country in the world with no legally required paid holidays. Yikes.

This fact might not make you eager to pack up and move, but it’s certainly something to ponder.

35. Boeing 747: A Fuel Guzzler Like No Other

A Boeing 747 is basically a gas station with wings. Its fuel tanks hold enough fuel to power a car to circle the globe not once, not twice, but four times.

And here you were thinking your SUV had a drinking problem!

36. Travel: A Cardio Workout for the Heart

Now, here’s a health hack for you—travel can actually strengthen your heart.

Beyond the inevitable cardio you get from running to catch flights, the happiness and relaxation that come with travel have been proven to be heart-healthy. Pack your suitcase, book a trip, and consider it your cardio for the day.

37. Imperial: Going Below Sea Level, Literally

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to live under the sea without the inconvenience of being a mermaid, head to Imperial, California.

This city sits a remarkable 235 feet below sea level. Just remember: despite the name, you won’t find any Imperial Stormtroopers—just a lot of puzzled sea creatures.

38. Sudan: More Pyramids Than You Can Shake a Scepter At

Egypt, step aside. When it comes to pyramids, Sudan is the reigning champion with a staggering 255, compared to Egypt’s meager 138.

If you’ve got a thing for pointy ancient structures, you know where to book your next trip.

39. Contrails: The Water Vapor Truth

Here’s one for the conspiracy theorists: those smoke lines crisscrossing the sky from airplanes are not, I repeat, NOT chemical trails.

Sorry to burst your tin-foil-hatted bubble, but they’re actually just water vapor. Let’s just agree to call them sky doodles, shall we?

40. Rome’s Trevi Fountain: A Penny for Your Wishes

You’ve probably seen those movie scenes where the starry-eyed protagonist throws a coin into Rome’s Trevi Fountain and makes a wish. But where do all those pennies end up?

They’re collected and donated to Caritas, a charity that uses the funds for a supermarket program giving free groceries to the needy.

So, by all means, make a wish. You’re literally throwing money at a good cause.

41. Introverts, Extroverts, and Vacation Choices

Apparently, our personalities dictate our vacation spots. Studies show that introverts are more likely to pick mountainous locations for a holiday, while extroverts hit the beach.

As an ambivert, I suppose you’d just be endlessly circling the travel agency in confusion.

42. Money Can’t Buy Love, But It Can Buy Travel

And for our last insight of the day: studies have shown that money spent on travel makes you happier than money spent on material things. But can it buy love, you ask?

Well, travel can certainly buy you memories, adventures, and a wicked tan. If that doesn’t get you love, I don’t know what will.

The World Awaits…

So there you have it, folks. We’ve traipsed around the globe together, uncovering some of the weirdest, most fascinating tidbits that our world has to offer.

From the excessive honky tonk of Billy Bob’s and the spy hotline in South Korea, to the sky doodles we’ve mistaken for smoke lines and the penny-wishing for charity at Rome’s Trevi Fountain, the world sure is a strange and wonderful place.

So remember, travel not only stretches your horizons, but also strengthens your heart, expands your mind, and according to some, can even make you happier than buying things.

Who knows, maybe your next adventure will lead you to a place with more pyramids than Egypt or a beach lined with pigs?

Here’s to uncovering more of the world’s oddities, one snarky, informative travel fact at a time. Happy traveling!

Kenneth Holland

“If you’re the type who’s easily offended or scared off by a bit of cutting opinion, hardcore selling…and onions, do us both a favor and stay clear.”

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