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star trek armour

[Top 5] Star Trek Online Best Armors and How to Get Them

Star Trek Online Best Armor

Ranking the Top 5 Star Trek Online Best Armors and How to Get Them

If you are a ground enthusiast, like me, in Star Trek Online, there are many things that you can do to ensure superior survival on the ground.

Grinding for the best weapons as well as locating and slotting the best armor will go a long way to maintain your health and survival on the ground.

In addition, depending on your career, you will often be providing ground support to other members of your team, whether from your fleet or pugging a Task Force Operation.

From the start, there are armors that are surprisingly good and will level with you, all the way to endgame perfection to tackle the most difficult situations.

While upgrading these sets to maximum leveling will eventually cost you tech upgrades, catalysts and possibly dilithium, most of them are free to obtain by playing missions in the game except for the Omega Set, my hands down number one choice in the game. 

5. Na'kuhl Temporal Operative

star trek armour

Na'Kuhl Temporal Operative Set

When you play “The Temporal Front” mission in the Future Proof series, you will find out how valuable this armor can be. Designed to be worn as early as Level 10, this armor is scalable and becomes more devastating with each upgrade. 

Armor Details

  • The armor, personal shield, and minigun combine to deliver a solid ground set capable of impressive performance.   
  • The armor delivers a wide range of protection against several types of damage including physical, kinetic, energy, plasma, toxic, root, and knockback at MK XII.
  • The personal shield automatically provides Timeslip for when shields drop below 10%. Timeslip creates a Level 60 Distortion for 10 seconds, making you immune to all damage and invisible to your enemies.
  • Provides rapid regeneration after no damage is taken for 3 seconds and 2 seconds, if you are crouching while it’s active. 
  • The bolt burst from the minigun provides a substantial plasma burst and a +2% critical hit chance while also delivering a biotoxin in the process.

How to get the Seta

  • Play through The Temporal Front and repeat until you have all three pieces of the set.
  • While this is available at Level 10, this set is worth the time to upgrade. It can be an end game armor set.
  • This set is not available through the exchange.

4. Romulan Imperial Navy

star trek armour

Romulan Imperial Navy Set

The Tal Shiar provided the Romulan Imperial Navy with integrated Borg technology in the form of a personal ground combat set. Obtained as a mission reward, this scalable set is truly powerful and anyone looking to improve their ground game should consider it.

  • The Profession Specific Romulan Imperial Navy Kit provides several bonuses to include: A +20% plasma damage boost, Critical Chance, and Critical Severity Boosts. It also provides a striking 52.5% increase in your Personal Shield Expert setting. 
  • The Personal Shield is also packed with power. It will give you a 414.3 shield capacity, full regeneration after 3 seconds of taking no damage, a chance to receive a 15% energy damage buff for 4 seconds, and a full 20% reduction of damage to shields to help keep you in the game.
  • The Personal Armor is packed full of damage resistance from root, knockback, physical, kinetic, plasma, and all energy. 
  • All secondary energy attacks will deliver 50% more damage while also providing +1.1 regeneration of health.

How to Get the Set

  • Look for “Uneasy Allies” while engaged in the missions tied to the Iconian War to find this set.
  • This set, once obtained, is scalable and usable as an end game armor option, if desired.

3. Furtive Perseverance

star trek armour

Furtive Perseverance Set

If you are looking for a ground set that provides good resistance as well as the ability to dodge and stealth, this might be the set for you. An excellent choice for the ground player looking to be able to strike quickly and make a clean getaway. 

  • The combat armor provides a good range of resistance from physical, kinetic, and energy damage while increasing stealth, dodge and critical chances.
  • The personal shield gives you a 308.7 shield capacity and triggers Reactive Escape, which provides a 10-second cloak, providing plenty of time to get out of Dodge. 
  • The compression pistol provides decent damage as well as knockback.
  • Playing the featured episode “Survivor” will award you with the choice of pieces from this armor set.
  • Use tech upgrades to maximize the armor as you level.
  • This set is not available through the exchange due to its free availability in the mission

2. Excessive Development

star trek armour

Excessive Development Set

This set is the result of the many attempts by the Kentari army to produce a successful set for their military. The armor is designed to take heavy damage, and is effective at repelling several types of it. This is yet another good choice to consider when arming for ground warfare. 

  • The combat armor provides significant resistance to many types of damage including physical, kinetic, energy, plasma and toxic damages while adding +120.2 hit points. It even grants a chance for additional hit points. 
  • The personal shield provides 392.9 total capacity and provides rapid regeneration while reducing environmental damage to the shields by 25%. 
  • The Kentari Partisan Residuum Thrower deals both Cylindrical Plasma Damage DoT and AoE plasma damage with a +20% severity.
  • You can obtain the set by playing the featured mission “Mirrors and Smoke”.
  • Keep upgrading this set to maximum by using tech upgrades.
  • Since this is also a free set received by repeating the featured episode, this is not available on the exchange. 

1. Omega Force

star trek armour

Omega Force Set

Leveling up in the game is something most will attempt, and a great deal of that time will be devoted to the Reputation System. By collecting marks and other items through space and ground combat, the Reputation System will level you up until you reach the maximum tiers, unlocking the potential to earn amazing sets for both space and ground.

For the Omega Force Reputation, the pinnacle of ground armors can be found when this reputation is completed. Well worth the investment, this is one of the go-to ground sets for elite players throughout the galaxy.

  • The Omega Force armor increases energy damage and provides excellent damage resistance and a +20% critical severity.
  • At a 308.7 capacity, the Personal Shield offers knockback, root resistance and a dodge chance. IT also has an energy redirection chance, which will allow you and your teammates to encounter an exposed enemy when it activates.
  • The Antiproton Auto carbine is a superior weapon that deals not only additional damage to the Borg, it contains an integral frequency remodulator that automatically resets the frequency for you during battle.  It also contains a powerful +40% critical severity, greatly improving your odds. 
  • This set is unique to the Omega Force Reputation System.  
  • The shield is available at Tier 1, the armor at Tier 5, and the auto carbine at Tiers 3 and 6.
  • This set is not available through the exchange as it is bound to character upon purchase. 

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Originally posted by Someperson22 : I won't think it works like that anymore. I remember they removed that feature and you need to go to a tailor for armors now.
Originally posted by n3mes1s : Originally posted by ShakeAndBake : There are some exceptions like environmental suits. Those still can be seen or unseen from the inventory menu.
Originally posted by n3mes1s : You said yourself. Armor replacement. Not visual asthetics. Two completely different things.
Originally posted by n3mes1s : Originally posted by ShakeAndBake : The OP talked about armor visuals. It's the same thing. Stop trying to argue semantics because you're not smart enough to understand what I'm saying, you buffoon.

star trek armour

Originally posted by n3mes1s : Originally posted by StupidNameHere : With an epic toddler showdown, the op is now a couple inches close to an answer. My help? Press triangle. Good luck.
Originally posted by StupidNameHere : Originally posted by n3mes1s : The op already have his answer. The problem is, this kid shakeandbake keeps talking about something that has absolutely nothing to do with the question. But he keeps going and going.. lol.
Originally posted by n3mes1s : Originally posted by ShakeAndBake : A lot of people take their shots at n3m because most people don't like him. I just get a kick out of constantly trolling him.
Originally posted by n3mes1s : blah blah blah.. keep doing it, you are getting pro at it lol. Solanae suits count as visuals.. dude, you definitely have a real problem.
Originally posted by Someperson22 : I'm not going to pick sides here but my view on what a visual is where you put on a certain type of armor like the Solanae suit and you have the option to turn it off and on like most shield types on a ship. If it doesn't have that option to turn it off I would just call it a normal everyday armor that you can get for you character.

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A friendly reminder regarding spoilers ! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy , the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG , Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online , as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant . Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{ spoiler }}, {{ spoilers }} OR {{ majorspoiler }} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU

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Vulcan armor

Vulcan body armor

Body armor was a type of clothing worn to protect the wearing from dangers such as assault. ( TOS novel : Planet of Judgment )

  • 1 History and specifications
  • 2.2 External links

History and specifications [ ]

The Vulcans of Darien 224 possessed body armor which could withstand laser pistol fire, but it was less effective in resisting fire from a phaser rifle . ( EV comic : " Cloak and Dagger ")

In the 23rd century , USS Enterprise personnel had body armor that zipped itself up, leaving no seam. ( TOS novel : Planet of Judgment ) This armor was like silk, but an impact would render it rigid as steel . Its protective rating was almost as high as that of a force field , and double that of plate armor. ( Heritage Models RPG module : Adventure Gaming in the Final Frontier )

The Starfleet uniform of the early 2270s included body armor for security personnel on starships. ( TOS movie : The Motion Picture )

The Naazh were a faction that employed color-coded body armor during their attacks on telepathic Federation citizens, the Aenar and New Humans , in 2278 and 2279 . ( TOS novel : The Higher Frontier )

In 2359 , members of the USS Starbound crew attended a Starfleet Security briefing about a new type of Orion body armor at Starbase 36 . ( TNG novel : Survivors )

On 03 April 2385 , Department of Temporal Investigations agent Meyo Ranjea attempted to apprehend the criminal Daiyar on the spaceport of the Qhembembem Outpost . When his phaser fire left her unfazed, Ranjea deduced she wore body armor under her cloak. ( DTI eBook : Shield of the Gods )

Body armor

Body armor.

By the year 2409 , the Federation, Klingon Empire and Romulan Republic offered body armor as standard equipment to their starship commanders and their bridge officers . The body armor was invisible by default, integrated with the uniform or other clothing , just like a personal shield and kits . Tailors of the Khitomer Alliance were able to add visible body armor components to an officer's outfit.

When the USS Miranda -B responded to a Borg invasion of Vega IX , Ensign Byarnez was authorized by Commander Kelly to equip the Miranda away team defending Vega Colony with a phaser sniper rifle , personal kit, and body armor. ( STO - Assimilation mission : " Gather Equipment ")

The Khitomer Alliance members differentiated between basic types of body armor: energy armor, physical armor, and utility armor. Other categorizations included energy dampening, energy harnessing, physical augmentation, recoil compensating, and polyalloy weave armor. ( STO - Klingon War missions : " Tutorial ", " Welcome to Earth Spacedock ")

25th century environmental suits also included armor-like protection from physical and energy damage. Environmental suits deployed by the Alliance on Nukara Prime protected combatants in the conflict with unarmored Tholians . ( STO - Tholian Incursion mission : " Hot Lead ")

Appendices [ ]

Spock in 2260s body armor.

External links [ ]

  • Body armor article at Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia.
  • Body Armor article at The Star Trek Online Wiki .
  • 1 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 2 Odyssey class
  • 3 Resurgence

Star Trek: Who Are The Kweijan?


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Star Trek: The Progenitors, Explained

Star trek: who are the vulcan extremists, should bosch: legacy season 3 set up the jerry edgar spin off.

Star Trek has one of the greatest collections of humanoid alien races in science fiction. The overwhelming majority of examples look similar, if not identical, to humans, and yet many stand out as classics. Klingons, Vulcans, Romulans, and Ferengi inspired countless other sci-fi species throughout the genre. The Kweijan are one of the newest arrivals to the franchise, and though they don't get a ton of screen time, their story is engaging.

Star Trek: Discovery is coming to a close after five seasons. The controversial series introduced a ton of fascinating science fiction ideas, characters, and circumstances. Unfortunately, it often rockets through the narrative without stopping to look around. The show has a strange mix of callbacks and new material. A lot of fans will wonder whether some of these elements might ever return in future installments. It's a common problem in modern franchises, but it is worth examining these details to see how they could fit.

The creators of humanity first popped up in The Next Generation, but they play a huge part in the last season of Discovery.

What are Kweijan?

The Kweijan are a humanoid species that evolved some time ago on the planet of the same name. Their home is one of the most beautiful planets in the universe . Its natural bounty features plentiful verdant forests and massive oceans. The Kweijan people revel in that glorious splendor with respect and understanding. Kweijan resemble human beings in almost every way. They are visually identical to human beings, inside and out. A medical scan reveals no significant differences. However, the Kweijan people do have one substantial ability that humans lack. The Kweijan can intentionally activate parts of their brain to psychically connect with plants and animals. This enhanced form of empathy enables the Kweijan to live in harmony with their beautiful surroundings. On Kweijan, the species survives in an area called the Sanctuary. Walled off from the rest of the galaxy and hidden by a complex defensive array, the Kweijan are masters of their environment and staunch isolationists. The Kweijan hunt for their own food, craft their own weapons, distill their own liquor, and venerate a massive tree called the World Root. They have strong traditions and fascinating connections.

Notable Kweijan in Star Trek

Star Trek: Discovery really only has one notable Kweijan. Cleveland "Book" Booker is one of the central characters of Discovery seasons 3, 4, and 5. Booker, born Tareckx, left Kweijan after finding fault in his family's way of life. His dad hunted and sold trance worms for the Emerald Chain crime syndicate . Booker became a notable courier, using his small scout ship to ferry anything it could carry. He used his considerable dilithium profits to save endangered animals, especially those his father once threatened. Book met Michael Burnham after she traveled through a wormhole. He would later join her on several adventures and strike up a romance with the Starfleet officer. Book later betrayed Burnham to destroy an enemy, leaving him to work for the Federation's relief efforts as penance. Book married Burnham and the pair had a son, who later became a Starfleet captain. The only other named Kweijan include:

  • Tareckx: Booker's dad gave his son his name, but the younger Kweijan rejected it. Tareckx hunted trance worms for profit, decimating their population. He would later appear as a hallucination to Booker, leading him to betray Burnham to avenge his people.
  • Kyheem: Booker's brother worked with the Emerald Chain to fend off a natural disaster. He hated and rejected Booker for his absence, but later welcomed his sibling to find a new solution .
  • Leto: Kyheem's son and Booker's nephew lived a short life, but Booker named his first son after his late nephew.

What happened to the Kweijan?

The on-screen history of the Kweijan is short and sad. After the Burn , a shift in their moon's orbit changed the tides, unleashing a plague of sea locusts on the people. They faced starvation, but the Emerald Chain arrived with a solution. They would trade pesticide for trance worms, which they could sell as delicacies. Booker flees Kweijan in disgust after watching his dad deal with the Emerald Chain. He would later return to help his brother Kyheem. The Discovery crew discover a way to allow Kyheem and Booker to martial their powers and will the locusts to return to the sea. Kweijan enjoyed freedom from peril for one year before a new disaster struck. A mysterious dark matter anomaly caused a series of gravity waves to assail Kweijan's surface. Every living thing on Kweijan died in an instant. Booker is the only known survivor of his species. Starfleet would later discover that the dark matter anomaly was the work of an alien species working to mine a rare mineral. Amazingly, Starfleet and Book managed to talk the species into turning off their anomaly to avoid further damage.

The Kweijan are a fascinating species that suffered two nightmarish disasters. Only one Kweijan is known to be alive after the dark matter anomaly, but that isn't a guarantee. Booker survived because he was off-world, but there's no telling whether other Kweijan might have left the planet. The Kweijan could return in some way in future Star Trek stories . It's a shame to only get a spotlight at the worst imaginable time.

Spock and his people are known for valuing logic over everything, but these devoted renegades push that belief into absurd territories.

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  • Fleet Starbase

Fleet Ground Armors

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Fleet Ground Armors are Ground Armors that are available for requisition through the Fleet Starbase .

  • 1 Modifiers
  • 2.1.1 Advanced Energy Dampening Armor
  • 2.2 Elite Fleet Ground Armors

Modifiers [ | ]

Types [ | ], advanced fleet ground armors [ | ].

Advanced Ground Armors are Ultra Rare armors. They are similar to standard ground armors, but are some of the only ones obtainable already at Ultra Rare quality; other armors need to be upgraded to reach that level. These armors have a [ResAll] plus one or two additional modifiers.

Fleet Credits

Advanced Energy Dampening Armor [ | ]

Elite fleet ground armors [ | ].

Elite Armors are Ultra Rare armors. Compared to Advanced Armors, they lose a [ResAll] modifier, but gain a passive ability which can automatically heal the wearer at low health.

This Elite Armor is equipped with a unique Medical Nanite Generator , which automatically provides healing to the wearer when they are critically injured. This can only occur once every 3 minutes.

  • 1 Phoenix Prize Pack
  • 2 Playable starship
  • 3 Phoenix Redemption Store

Memory Alpha

Klingon Defense Force uniform

Klingon Defense Force uniforms are the uniforms worn by Klingon warriors . Sometimes, an officer may wear a sash with a symbol to signify their noble House and rank . They may also wear the symbol on their sleeve. Most of the uniforms acted as armor in hand-to-hand combat.

  • 1 22nd century
  • 2.1 Mid- to late 2250s
  • 2.3 2270s-2290s
  • 2.4 Alternate reality 2250s
  • 3.1 2290s onward
  • 4.1 Early 2380s
  • 5 Background information

22nd century [ ]

Klingon uniform 2151

A Klingon officer's outfit during the 22nd century

In the 22nd century , the Klingon Defense Force did not appear to have uniforms, per se ; what they did wear was garb that was leather -based and brown in color . They did not carry as many medals and ornaments as in later years , but their gear consisted of edged weaponry or d'k tahg s, primarily for close combat. These were worn in a sash around their shoulder, which may or may not have carried their House symbol. In addition, animal skins and furs were worn.

Several pieces could be added to those outfits, such as a PADD pouch and a bat'leth strap. ( ENT : " Marauders ") [1] [2]

23rd century [ ]

Mid- to late 2250s [ ].

T'Kuvma in a 2256 uniform

By 2256 , the Klingon uniform consisted of a black bodysuit with a golden metallic breastplate worn over it, which covered the wearer's torso . ( DIS : " The Vulcan Hello ", et al.) Approximately three years later , this uniform's breastplate was modified to have slightly larger shoulder pads. A decorated sash, which commanding officers would wear across their left shoulder, was also added. ( SNW : " Subspace Rhapsody ")

By the 2260s , Klingon uniforms continued to be made of gold-colored, metallic substances, with a sash across the left shoulders of commanding officers. However, these uniforms appeared to be much more streamlined than the previous version . Every Klingon Defense Force member wore a black, long-sleeved undershirt, with a gold-colored vest on top. They wore trousers made out of the golden-black-patterned fabric, but in a different hue. Apart from that, s wore black long boots as well as a black belt with a characteristic belt buckle with six round disks and a Klingon disruptor on the left.

Female uniforms were made from the same fabric. Regular soldiers had black sleeves. Officers – like Kang 's wife , Mara – had sleeves made out of the golden fabric.

From 2266 to 2267 , all Klingons wore two golden buttons on the upper part of the black undershirt, just over the seam of the gold-colored vest. The only person seen not wearing these buttons was Kor , as he wore a sash. Kor, himself, wore a badge on his sash, maybe a House logo, and Kang wore the same sash and badge. Kor's lieutenant wore the two buttons, but also a different badge on his left shoulder. ( Star Trek: The Original Series )

By 2268 , the buttons were replaced by rectangular colored pins, made out of a substance similar to mother-of-pearl. Every Klingon wore two of these pins, one on the left and another, of the same color, on the right. Some officers had golden pins, some had silver ones and some had purple ones. Kang wore two golden pins on the right side. The sash was draped over the other side. Kang's first officer had two blue pins on his right and two blue pins on his lefter side. Mara was the only Klingon seen with pins of different colors on one uniform. She wore a purple and a yellow pin on both shoulders.

By 2269 , Klingon uniforms were also observed with more cool-colored, silver-lavender fabric, in place of the previously noted golden material, worn with a version of the familiar, studded, angular belt buckle that has been a staple of Klingon uniforms for over one hundred years .


Kali in a female Klingon's uniform (2269}

2270s - 2290s [ ]

Klingon sergeant

A male Klingon sergeant 's uniform in 2285 , with fingerless gloves

Shortly afterwards, the Klingon Defense Force adopted a new uniform. The basic form consisted of a black tunic and black trousers, topped with metallic gray armor vests and large shoulder pads. Several variants on this uniform type were seen: some warriors did not wear the undershirt, and some officers wore sashes or stoles over the vests. There was also a garment worn by commanders or captains that looked like a sleeveless trenchcoat actually has a hood on the back but its only ever seen down. Other warriors, like Vixis , wore a sleeveless vest version. When officers wore sashes, they generally went across their right shoulder, as opposed to their left. Klingon warriors of the time often wore special, pronged, fingerless gloves on their hands, to give them more of an advantage in hand-to-hand combat. Some very high-ranking Klingon officers (like Colonel Worf , Brigadier Kerla , General Chang , and Chang's subordinates who accompanied Chancellor Gorkon to the Khitomer Conference ) wore a black, more leather-like version of this uniform, often accompanied by a sash.

Kruge in a male Klingon captain's uniform (with stole) in 2285

Alternate reality 2250s [ ]

Klingon patrol officers 1, 2259

Klingon troops in the alternate reality

In 2259 of the alternate reality , all Klingon warriors wore helmets that were designed to resemble cranial ridges, and bore protruding nose and cheek guards. Some officers wore a long coat with a sash bearing the Klingon insignia , while others wore armor over a gloved jumpsuit, though it had an identical collar and lines resembling the sash with the Klingon emblem.

Late 23rd-24th century [ ]

2290s onward [ ].

After 2290 , the Klingon uniform combined elements from the 2260s and 2280s uniforms. Warriors wore a silver metallic uniform with large shoulder pads and the six-button belt buckle. Officers sometimes wore a special stole over their shoulders, showing medals from past achievements. The black, leather-like variant previously worn by higher-ranking Imperial officers was still worn as well, though rarely. The standard uniform was also worn by officials in the Klingon High Council , including the Chancellor, as well as by the personal guards of Klingon Great Houses, suggesting that its significance was not purely military.

Mid-24th century [ ]

Early 2380s [ ].

General K'orin in uniform (2380)

By 2380 , the Klingon uniform had been changed again. It bore some similarities to its previous design, albeit with a more streamlined appearance, two-toned gray shoulder armor, and the addition of maroon-colored elements. Additionally, certain high-ranking officers had armor that was trimmed with gold coloring. ( LD : " Envoys ", " Temporal Edict ", " wej Duj ")

Background information [ ]

Several badges from different Klingon uniforms were sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] Other items which were sold off are two pairs of Klingon spats [10] [11] , a belt buckle [12] , a tabard [13] , a shoulder aglet [14] , and other costume accessories. [15] [16]

  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)

star trek armour

Danger Will Robinson! Santa Monica to Welcome New Sci-Fi World Museum

D ressing up as an alien or superhero when visiting your local science museum will warrant you a lot of strange looks, but costumes will actually be encouraged at the new Sci-Fi World Museum opening in Santa Monica, California in May.  Located inside the historic (and former) Sears building at 302 Colorado Avenue, Sci-Fi World will feature over 12 million dollars’ worth of props, sets, costumes and replicas from many movies and TV shows. It has been a labor of love which has taken about dozen years for it to finally become a reality and it has the distinction of becoming the world’s first non-profit science fiction museum “created by fans, for fans.”

Sci-Fi World began as the New Starship Foundation in August 2012. It had a goal of preserving the Star Trek Enterprise-D display bridge from Star Trek: The Next Generation . After stories appearing on national news channels, “the Foundation’s success shot up overnight and quickly evolved into a project that sparked the imaginations of thousands of people from all around the world,” says the museum. The support continued with donations from a variety of celebrities including William Shatner, George Takei, Brent Spiner, Denise Crosby, Benedict Cumberbatch, Karl Urban and Ronald D. Moore.

When it became clear that this project really needed to encompass more than just one piece of Hollywood history, the Foundation began making plans for Sci-Fi World which gained additional support from the cast and crew members from Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, Doctor Who , and others.

Boasting of having all of the fun of a theme park, this museum (all 30,000 square feet of it) offers STEAM-based education for all ages, with multiple photo ops and interactive opportunities. It will become a place that is said to present an uplifting vision of the future found in science fiction media, art and literature by teaching real science. Topics to be covered include technology, ecology, engineering, computers, robotics, math, space travel and all aspects of filmmaking in an entertaining way. Where else can you learn about science while getting an autograph from celebrities who starred in your favorite science fiction, fantasy or superhero movie?

In addition to props and replicas from the Star Wars, Doctor Who, Planet of the Apes, The Lord of the Rings and projects from DC and Marvel, some of the best things to see include:

  • The original Star Trek series set with statues of the crew originally displayed at Movieland Wax Museum in Buena Park.
  • The Enterprise bridge set from Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • The bar and restaurant as seen on Star Trek: The Next Generation and Picard
  • Iron-Man’s Hall of Armor
  • The 25-foot-long "bubbleship" from Oblivion
  • A full-sized Alien Queen and Powerloader from Aliens
  • A 35-foot Millennium Falcon bounce house
  • Oblivion’s “Bubbleship” and drones
  • A 1980s arcade on free-play
  • A 17-foot-long Giganotosaurus dinosaur

And some of the exhibits not to be missed include:

  • The Hall of Heroes (some of the best superheroes from the DC and Marvel universes)
  • The Hall of Robots (full-sized replicas of famous robots from movies and TV)
  • Star Trek (featuring tons of props and costumes)

Sci-Fi World opens its doors on May 27, 2024 and will continually be open 7 days a week from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tickets start at $20 for children, $30 for adults, with discounts for seniors, military and first responders. In addition, anyone under the age of 6 or over the age of 90 will get in free.  Annual memberships start at $60. Special discounts for schools and students. Tickets available at www.scifiworld.com

P.S. – a second horror-themed museum was quickly planned when props from horror films kept getting offered. Expect the opening for the Hollywood Horror Museum in the same area in 2025.

Cantina aliens from "Star Wars"

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Generic Body Armor.png

Body Armor is a type of personal equipment that offers players various forms of damage resistance and damage strength.

  • 1.1 Set Armor
  • 1.2 Other Special Body Armors
  • 1.3 Lobi Store
  • 2.2 Body armor modifiers

Types of body armor

There are four basic categories of armor:

  • Energy Dampening Armor is Energy Armor that provides the highest resistance to energy damage, and an equal amount of resistance to kinetic damage, but no resistance to physical damage or any other bonus.
  • Polyalloy Weave Armor is Physical Armor that provides the highest resistance to physical damage, and an equal amount of resistance to kinetic damage, as well as moderate resistance to energy damage.
  • The other four standard types (below) are known as Utility Armor . They provide moderate resistance to physical and kinetic damage, low resistance to energy damage, and a boost to combat performance.
  • Environmental suits provide resistance to harsh environments, and many are armored as well. See the Environmental Suit article for details.
  • S = 4.55 + Mk × 2.05, for Marks I through XII, with values rounded to the nearest tenth in the in-game tooltip.
  • Standard issue, Mk XIII and Mk XIV seem to use custom, hard-coded values, as they do not fit any formula consistent with the other Mark levels.

Numerous ground sets incorporate Body Armor as part of a 3-set bonus. See the Set page for details.

Other Special Body Armors

Some missions in the game reward special body armor, which are based on existing armors:

  • [ Herald Tactical Combat Armor ]
  • [ Hirogen Enhanced Battle Armor ]
  • [ Privateer's Combat Armor ]
  • [ Undine Biotech Battle Armor ]

Players who purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition of Star Trek Online can claim a special body armor:

Faction Khitomer.png

There are two factors that can affect body armor. These are modifier suffixes and spent player skill points.

Body armor modifiers

Uncommon , Rare , Very Rare , Ultra Rare , and Epic Body Armor gains additional modifiers. Only one of each may appear at a time. Below is a list of personal armor modifiers.

Note: Values round in-game.

  • Bonus All Damage scales linearly at 5 + 0.15% Bonus All Damage per 1% of Health above one third of max health. Thus:
  • From 0 to 33.33% Health, it gives +5% Bonus All Damage
  • At 50% Health, it gives 5 + (0.15 * 16.66)% = 5 + 2.5% = 7.5% Bonus All Damage
  • At 100% Health, it gives 5 + (0.15 * 66.66)% = 5 + 10% = +15% Bonus All Damage.
  • Armor dropped from a Box - Invasion Requisitions , which comes at Mk X and cannot be upgraded at this time.
  • [ M.A.C.O. Armor [Tox] ] / [ Adapted K.H.G. Armor [Tox] ]
  • [ Honor Guard Armor [Tox] ] / [ Adapted M.A.C.O. Armor [Tox] ]
  • [ Omega Force Armor [Mob] ]
  • [ Counter-Command Exo-Armor [Tox] ]
  • [ Duelist Polyalloy Weave Armor [Mob] ]

Armor visuals are now added in the Tailor and can be customized accordingly.


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8 best power armors in fallout 4 & how to get them.


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Awe-Inspiring Fallout 4 Power Armor Collection Shown Off By Fan In-Game

The best part of fallout 4's next gen update just got even better thanks to dedicated fan, fallout 4: all hallow's eve walkthrough & door code.

Fallout 4 and the other games in the franchise have a lot of highly recognizable symbols, like the Vault-Tec logo and mascot. When players think of the war-waging, radiation-marching aspect of the game, they think of Power Armor. In Fallout 4 , you can place Power Armor pieces onto a preexisting frame, become a living tank, or find a full suit somewhere in the Commonwealth.

There are five types of Power Armor in the main game, with a few more unique options available through DLCs and Bethesda's official Fallout 4 Creative Club. As you become a warrior of the wasteland, you may find yourself with many Power Armors from different suits. However, which suit offers the best protection from combat and radiation alike?

A dedicated Fallout 4 player shows off their incredible collection of Power Armor, all of which have been stashed in a specially built bunker.

Raider II Total DR: 620

Raiders have found many empty Power Armor Frames since the bombs fell, but few have found actual pieces of Power Armor. As such, they jury-rigged their unique brand of Power Armor, supported by a foundation of rust and scrap.

Raider Power Armor is quite common across the Commonwealth due to its handmade nature. However, as a consequence, it is significantly weaker than any other power armor model.

When comparing Power Armor models, each one has three types of defense: Damage Resistance (DR), Energy Resistance (ER), and Radiation Resistance (RR) for physical, energy, and radiation attacks, respectively. All suits have the same RR, with the head and limbs at 150 and the torso at 300, for a total RR of 1050 . DR is the most important of the three defense stats.

If you want a complete set of Raider Power Armor for your collection, go through the Massachusetts State House raider hordes. There's a raider wandering around the roof in full armor. While it is a hard fight, it means you don't have to collect bits and pieces and graft them to an empty frame. You can also venture into a Cave in the Glowing Sea and loot the suit from beside a dead raider.

T-45F Total DR: 1100

Most players progressing toward the ending of Fallout 4 should end up with a full set of T-45 Power Armor. This is the model of Power Armor you find upon reaching the roof of the Museum of Freedom in Concord during "When Freedom Calls." It's far better than Raider Power Armor, but it's still considered a lower-level model. If you lose this suit, you can always buy more Power Armor pieces from Rowdy at Atom Cats Garage .

Many Power Armor pieces spawn based on player level, so if you want to collect a bunch of T-45 pieces, do so between levels 1 and 11 .

T-51F Total DR: 1340

The T-51 Power Armor is a robust model seen in earlier Fallout games. It is the second of four main Power Armor models that spawn randomly based on level, replacing the T-45. Suppose you want a full suit, head north of Mass Pike Interchange, and scale the highway. There should be a T-51 suit waiting among the raider structures.

Overboss Total DR: 1220

The Overboss Power Armor is a special armor variant available through the Nuka-World Fallout 4 DLC . Colter, the Overboss of the Nuka-World raiders, wears this suit during his grand battle in the Gauntlet . After you defeat Colter, you can loot the Overboss Power Armor off of him. At the same time, the model has a lower DR than the T-51 model at Mk. IV, you're more likely to find lower-level T-51 pieces, while the Overboss only has one strong variant.

The Nuka-World DLC costs $9.99 on Steam as an add-on.

Part of the Overboss Power Armor's appeal is in its torso piece's special effect. When you put on the torso piece, you deal energy damage against nearby enemies , transforming yourself into a walking Tesla coil, just like Colter did in the Gauntlet. If you like the rugged aesthetic of the Raider Power Armor but want better protection, consider bringing the Overboss Power Armor home.

T-60F Total DR: 1580

The T-60 is the star model of Fallout 4 featured on the loading screen. While visually similar to the T-45, it is distinguished by the banding indent over the skull and rounded pauldrons. The T-60F has 480 more DR than the T-45F and can truly make you feel like a soldier of the Commonwealth. The easiest way to get a full T-60 suit is to join the hated Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 4 . After becoming a knight, you'll get your own T-60 Power Armor.

Hellfire Mk. VI Total DR: 1820

The Hellfire Power Armor started as a Creation Club add-on but joined the main game during its big next-generation update. Now, all players can get high-quality Hellfire Power Armor. This strange suit ties in with the best Power Armor in the game for strong DR , but it has a lower HP , lowering its rank. With the new update, the Power Armor is now one of two models connected to the Enclave and their new quest, " Echoes of the Past ."

Fallout 4's latest next-gen update may have broken the game but the addition of the Enclave proved so popular that one fan made it even better.

As you work through " Echoes of the Past ," Enclave Hellfire Troopers will ambush you with their own suits of Hellfire Power Armor. You can kill these troopers and claim their Power Armor for your own. You also get a suit of Hellfire Power Armor through the "Pyromaniac" quest , activated upon leaving Vault 111. During this quest, you are tasked to kill Pyro, a cultist wearing his own Hellfire Power Armor. You can loot it off him after he's dead.

X-01 Mk. VI Total DR: 1820

The X-01 was the greatest and newest power armor developed during the Great War, but it didn't see the light of the pre-war world. It finished production under the guidance of the Enclave and acts as the best randomly spawnable Power Armor model in Fallout 4, available at the highest of player levels. Once you reach Level 26 or 28, check out the turquoise house west of the Custom House Tower . Head up the elevator inside and unlock the central door to find a full suit of the X-01 Power Armor.

X-02 Mk. VI Total DR: 1820

The X-02 Power Armor looks more like something Batman would wear in a DC comic than a suit of Power Armor, but it's a Fallout 4 creation. It can be considered a twin to the Hellfire Power Armor because it migrated from Creation Club to the base game during the next-gen update. The X-02 outranks the X-01 in terms of HP and gets a stronger ER at Mk. IV.

Like the Hellfire Power Armor, you can get this Power Armor during "Echoes of the Past" from some of the Enclave soldiers encountered during your adventure. The suit is also featured in " Speak of the Devil " , which you can trigger by picking up a holotape called "The Black Devil vol. 1" at Wattz Consumer Electronics. This unique Power Armor is by far the best Power Armor in Fallout 4 .

Source: Fallout 4 Nuka-World/Steam

Fallout 4


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