Wayfaring With Wagner

One Day in Zurich – A Walking Tour of Old Town

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

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When I headed to Zurich for a weekend the beginning of April, I had low expectations. I had only previously spent an extended period of time in Geneva and did not like it at all. So when I saw cheap flights to Zurich, I was quite hesitant – would I actually like the city or would it be like Geneva all over again? Much to my surprise and happiness, I fell head-over-heels in love with Zurich. I think it’s due to the German nature of the city but every corner I turned was even more picturesque than the last. It also helped that German is spoken in this region of Switzerland, making it infinitely easier for me to communicate compared to Geneva. Because I only had a weekend in Zurich (and decided to take a day trip from Zurich to Lucerne), here’s a guide on how to spend one day in Zurich!

Contrary to popular belief, Zurich is not the capital of Switzerland (that title is held by the city of Bern). However, Zurich is the largest city in Switzerland. Even though it is the largest city in Switzerland, it is totally possible to visit Zurich in one day. As mentioned above, Zurich is in the “German” part of Switzerland, and thus the language spoken is Swiss German (in my opinion, a very amusing dialect of German after having been taught High German!). Zurich consistently ranks in the top ten in terms of cities with the best quality of life and after visiting, it’s easy to tell why!

Table of Contents

History of Zurich

Although there were settlements during the Bronze Age and Neolithic Age, the city of Zurich rose to prominence during the Roman times with major reforms occurring under the rule of Emperor Constantine around 300 AD. Germanic tribes settled in the area around 500 AD although the Roman structures were still standing in the 7th century. In 835 AD, Louis the German (grandson of Charlemagne) founded the Fraumünster abbey for his daughter Hildegard. The abbey played an important political role in the city – collecting taxes, printing money, holding markets, and appointing mayors.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

In 1218, Zurich became a free imperial city and by the 14th century, the power of the abbey began to wane after Zurich became part of the Swiss Confederacy in 1351. One of the biggest changes came in the 1520s, when Zwingli started the Swiss Reformation in Zurich – changing both the religious and civil life for the city. For the next few centuries, the city developed an isolationist attitude and reinforced the city’s fortifications. After experiencing a rise, fall, and rebirth in the 19th century, Zurich grew rapidly due to industrialization and long-distance transportation options. Following neutrality during World War II, the city experienced rapid growth due to the financial and international business sectors. This booming economy continues to exist today – making Zurich one of the wealthiest city’s in the entire world.

One Day in Zurich

When I booked my ticket to Zurich, I had no intention of falling in love with the city. The allure of round-trip tickets for under 50 Euros convinced me to visit the city that so many people rave about during their travels. I arrived on a Saturday morning and departed on a Sunday evening. Even with this short time frame, I had no problem visiting Zurich for one day. Instead of going straight to the city, I decided to take a day trip from Zurich to Lucerne, hopping on a train at the Zurich airport that took me directly to Lucerne. While I found Lucerne gorgeous, I’m really glad I decided to base myself in Zurich during my day there.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

The old town of Zurich is divided in half by the Limmat River, which ends up emptying into Lake Zurich. I stayed to the east of the river but found both sides equally charming! While this guide only covers the old town area of Zurich, two days in Zurich would allow you to explore other neighborhoods.

Below is the ultimate old town walking tour of what to see in Zurich in one day and things to do in Zurich in one day!

This tour starts at the Zurich Hauptbahnhof (Zurich Main Train Station). Everything is 100% walkable so there is no need to buy tickets for public transportation. After arriving at the Zurich Hauptbahnhof, cross Bahnhofsbrücke (Train Station Bridge) – if you go over a river, you’re going in the correct direction 😉 Keep going straight until you reach Niederdorfstr. – then turn right onto the street!

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Niederdorf and Oberdorf

Fondly referred to as “Dörfli” by the locals, these streets (which run into one another) are parallel to the Limmat River. The street starts out as Niederdorf and changes into Oberdorf after passing by the Rathaus (Town Hall). As a pedestrian zone, the entire area is lined with shops, restaurants, café, and adorably old buildings. One of the older areas of Zurich, the narrow cobblestone streets have a plethora of hidden alleys and colorful buildings. During the summer months, outdoor seating and cafes pop up in this pedestrian zone.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

While Niederdorf and Oberdorf entice shoppers during the daytime hours, the area turns into party central with DJs, bars, and a great nightlife! Make sure not to miss this area during the daytime and nighttime.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

While walking along Niederdorf and Oberdorf, take a quick detour to the Limmat River to view Zurich’s Rathaus. Built in the 1690s, the Rathaus looks like it was built into the water. Don’t mistake the Rathaus with the Stadthaus (City Hall) – the Rathaus houses the legislative chambers and Parliament whereas the Stadthaus is home to Zurich’s executive branch.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Even though the Rathaus was built almost 330 years ago, the building itself is in its original condition. While the building was mainly built in the Renaissance style, elements from the Baroque style were also incorporated into this building. Before the current-day Rathaus was built on this spot, an old wooden Rathaus stood on this exact spot for almost 400 years.


Right across from the Rathaus is one of Zurich’s four iconic churches – the Grossmünster. Built on the site of an old Carolingian Church (commissioned by Charlemagne himself!), the present-day church dates to 1100. As a monastery church, the Grossmünster was in constant competition with the Fraumünster across the river for superiority. As the Grossmünster was commissioned by Charlemagne and the Fraumünster was commissioned by Charlemagne’s grandson Louis the German, the Grossmünster wins out in terms of superiority. Legend has it that Charlemagne chose this spot for a church as this was the location of Felix and Regula’s tombs, the patron saints of Zurich (a theory supported by the discovery of a Roman burial site under the church!).

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

The Grossmünster is most famous for its role in the Swiss Reformation initiated by Huldrych Zwingli. It was from this church that he started the Swiss Reformation in 1520. He removed most of the ornate interior decorations, including the organ – this accounts for the plain interior of the church even today.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

The two towers of the Grossmünster are the most iconic landmark in the entire city and easily seen from most vantage points. For an incredible view of Zurich, make sure to climb to the top of these towers! While your legs won’t be too happy about the climb, your eyes (and camera!) with thank you for this gorgeous view.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner


Located right next to the Grossmünster and directly on the Limmat River is the second of Zurich’s four most important churches – the Wasserkirche. First mentioned in the 1250s, the church was built on an island in the Limmat River. However, the island was connected to Zurich’s mainland in 1839.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Although the church was mentioned in the 1250s, the church probably dates to the 10 th century and has a dark past. The original building on this spot centered around the worship of a stone, leading to cult-like meetings. Legend states that the Romans executed Felix and Regula, the patron saints of Zurich, on this stone. Regarded as particularly holy, the Swiss Reformation labeled the Wasserkirche as a “temple of idol worshippers.”

Secularized in the 1600s, the first public library opened here in 1643 – contributing to the founding of the University of Zurich in the 19 th century. Following a decline in its importance as a library, the church was renovated and reopened in the 1940s as a Protestant church, which it continues to be today.

Bellevueplatz and Quaibrücke

A crossroads for transportation, Bellevueplatz (Bellevue Square) borders Lake Zurich, right where the Limmat River empties into Lake Zurich. While the square itself isn’t very pretty, head over near the opera house and sit on the bank of the lake on a beautiful day. Although I visited at the beginning of April, I was lucky to have extraordinarily warm weather – the perfect opportunity to sit along the banks of the lake, dip in my toes, and watch all the sailboats. Make sure to stop at Lake Zurich and take in the breathtaking site of the lake with the mountains in the background!

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

To get to the other side of Limmat River and explore that side of Zurich, just take the Quaibrücke – a pedestrian and roadway bridge right at the mouth of where the Limmat River enters Lake Zurich. This not only gives you fabulous views of the Limmat River and Zurich on both sides, but also gives great views of Lake Zurich (like below!).

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner


If you make a right-hand turn once you get off Quaibrücke and walk along the water, you’ll go straight into the Fraumünster. An abbey was founded here in 853 AD by Louis the German (grandson of Charlemagne) for his daughter Hildegard. Although the abbey and subsequent Fraumünster underwent several changes and renovations before reaching its present-day form, this spot has always had a religious significance.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

In 1045, the Holy Roman Emperor Henry III gave the Fraumünster the right to hold markets, collect taxes, and mint coins. Thus, it became the de-facto ruler of the city, and rose in prominence and power. By the 1300s, the role of the abbey waned due to the separation of religion from daily politics and the abbey was dissolved in 1524 due to the Swiss Reformation.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Today, the Fraumünster is a Protestant church and best known for its Chagall windows. As someone who absolutely loves anything and everything by Chagall, this church was one of the main reasons why I wanted to visit Zurich. Although I was unable to get pictures of the windows themselves, you can view them here .

St. Peter Kirche

If you continue along the water, you’ll run into St. Peter Kirche, a more secluded church that has undergone both several renovations and several religious changes! It is located right next to Lindenhof and there’s evidence that an original smaller church structure was built on this site in the 8th or 9th century. Throughout its 1,000-year history, the church has been rebuilt several times in different architectural styles including early Romanesque, late Romanesque, and Gothic. The present-day church was consecrated in 1706 as the first church built under Protestant rule in Zurich.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Oddly enough, the nave of the church is owned by the Protestant church of Zurich while the steeple is owned by the city of Zurich. The steeple was previously used for fire and police duties, hence why it is owned by the city. Additionally, the clock face on the tower/steeple is the largest church clock face in all of Europe!


When you reach St. Peter Kirche, take a right and you’ll wander onto the gorgeous Augustinergasse – a street that’s impossible to miss due to its colorful buildings and endless amount of flags (something this American loves seeing!). As one of the oldest, most gorgeous historical streets in all of Zurich, Augustinergasse connects St. Peter Kirche with the major Bahnhofstrasse, the main shopping street.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Augustinergasse is known for its well-preserved bay windows which served as a way for residents to see who was knocking at their door! An additional bonus of these windows was the massive amount of light it allowed into buildings. Today, the Augustinergasse is lined with local shops, cafes, and restaurants.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner


Bahnhofstrasse is Zurich’s most exclusive shopping street and one of the most expensive shopping streets in the world! For reference, Bahnhofstrasse is the 9th most expensive street in the world for retail property. While it’s unlikely I’ll be buying anything from this street anytime soon, it’s still lots of fun to meander down Bahnhofstrasse and partake in a bit of window shopping!

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Head back to the water by taking the adorable old street of Rennweg. Similar to Augustinergasse, it is filled with old shops, historical architecture, colorful buildings, and lots of flags! It used to be one of the most important streets in Zurich during the Middle Ages and is the second most exclusive shopping street in Zurich behind Bahnhofstrasse.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Lindenhof is one of the most popular areas in all of Zurich, best known for Lindenhof Hill and its incredible views of Zurich. The area has had a human presence for almost 2,000 years. It was initially the site of a Roman castle and tax collection location. By the 9th century, the castle was in disarray and was rebuilt as a residence for Louis of German. By the 13th century, this residence was no longer used and the bricks of the residence were used to build other buildings in Zurich.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Today, Lindenhof Hill is used as a social gathering place that provides fantastic views of the entire city!

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

The artisan’s district of Zurich, Shipfe might be my favorite area in Zurich. It is located on the other side of the Lindenhof Hill from St. Peter Kirche (between Lindenhof Hill and Zurich Hauptbahnhof). It is believed that this was the old harbor area during the Celtic-Roman times and it is considered the oldest area in all of Zurich. It is extremely picturesque with small artisan galleries and independent shops lining the narrow streets.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

By this point, you’re almost back at the Zurich Hauptbahnhof – right where you started the tour! If you spend your time leisurely walking and exploring some of the locations, this walking tour of Zurich should take between 4-6 hours! If you’re in Zurich for more than one day, check out how to extend your stay below into two days in Zurich as well as the best day trips from Zurich.

Bonus Location: Schanzengraben

Although I never made it to Schazengraben on my trip to Zurich, it’s high on my list when I return! Located behind Lindenhof and Schipfe, Schanzengraben is a moat and one of the last remaining Baroque fortifications in Zurich. It is also one of Zurich’s official city parks with a promenade along the water.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Two Days in Zurich

The Zurich walking tour above is the perfect itinerary for one day in Zurich. While it mainly focuses on the old town area of Zurich, these are some of the best things to see in Zurich in one day and things to do in Zurich in one day. Below are a few ideas on what to do with two days in Zurich.

Zurich West

The new “it” neighborhood in Zurich, everyone told me I had to visit Zurich-West. Unfortunately, I ran out of time to head over to that area of Zurich, but it’s lined with hip shops, night clubs, restaurants, cafes, and bars. As the former industrial area of Zurich, this area has been entirely gentrified and is now one of the coolest areas in the entire city. Next time I’ll definitely make it here!

Museums of Zurich

I didn’t have a chance to pop into any of Zurich’s museums but there are a few I’d love to visit on my next trip to Zurich – the FIFA World Football Museum, Kunsthaus Zurich (art museum), National Museum Zurich, Museums Löwenbräu-Areal (contemporary art museum), and Museum of Design.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

University of Zurich

Maybe it’s because I was a perpetual student for so many years but I’d love to come back and just explore the grounds of the University of Zurich. I’m always so fascinated on how universities are organized and laid out, and this one is particularly interesting because it is so close to the old town of Zurich.

Best Day Trips from Zurich

There are so many places easily reachable from Zurich – here are the best day trips from Zurich! Even better, if you’re flying into Zurich, you can hop on a train to these places at the Zurich airport without even having to stop in Zurich. Here are some of my favorite excursions for Zurich day trips.

The easiest, best, and one of the prettiest day trips from Zurich. Lucerne is only about an hour train ride away from Zurich airport and there is ample luggage storage at the Lucerne Bahnhof (train station).

Day Trip from Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Lucerne is one of the most picturesque towns in all of Switzerland. Located on Lake Lucerne and famous for its  Kapellbrücke (Chapel Bridge) , the city has been around for at least 1,500 years. In the 12th century, the Habsburg dynasty exerted rights over the city. However, less than 100 years later, the city became a city-state, ruling over itself. While the Reformation was occurring in Zurich, Lucerne remained mainly Catholic and this played an important role in the city’s history.

zurich old town walking tour

Best idea for a day trip from Zurich to Lucerne? Starting at Lake Lucerne, walk along both sides of the Reuss River admiring the colorful buildings, lively city center, and absolutely gorgeous views! It’s an easy city to walk in less than 6 hours and a great day trip from Zurich!

Day Trip from Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

A few fun facts about Kapellbrücke, the wood bridge above. The bridge is the oldest covered wooden bridge in Europe as well as the oldest surviving truss bridge in the world. The bridge is most famous for the ornate interior paintings dating back to the 17th century. Unfortunately, a catastrophic fire hit the bridge in 1993, destroying over two-thirds of it. There are varying theories as to how the fire started but it is mainly attributed to two ideas – either a boat with a fire on it going under the bridge spread the fire, or a cigarette butt was not properly discarded on the bridge and it started the fire. Regardless, the bridge was swiftly restored in all sections possible, and the other sections not salvageable were rebuilt.

Mount Pilatus & Titlis

If you’re wanting something a bit more outdoorsy, consider a day trip from Zurich to either Mount Pilatus or Mount Titlis. Both are fairly close to Lucerne, with it possible combine a day trip from Lucerne with Mount Pilatus as well (Mount Titlis might be a bit of a stretch). If you’re big into skiing, make sure to take full advantage of Mount Titlis and the amazing winter activities offered in the region.

Packages for a day trip to Mount Titlis   as well as a list of other  day trips from Zurich .

How to get to Zurich

Getting to Zurich is quite easy, especially by plane and train. Like most western European locations, public transportation is excellent and efficient.

Zurich is well-connected to surrounding countries including Germany, France, Austria, and Italy. With extensive roadways, it’s easy to reach Zurich – just make sure to check the roads in the wintertime to make sure some of the smaller routes or mountain passes aren’t closed due to snow. In terms of parking (which is always difficult and expensive in a European city), I’d recommend parking your car when you arrive in Zurich and not touching it until you leave. Zurich is a walkable city and most of the older streets aren’t conducive to cars anyways.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

The Zurich Hauptbahnhof, located right next to old town Zurich, is the largest train station in all of Switzerland. With almost 3,000 trains departing a day from Zurich, it makes it one of the busiest train stations in the world. There are hundreds of long-distance and short-distance trains connecting to all other regions of Switzerland as well as popular cities in France, Austria, Italy, Hungary, and Germany.

As Zurich is such an important station for all of Europe, even the slightest delay can cause the rest of Switzerland (or the continent) to have their train schedules thrown off. Thus, there are strict rules in terms of how long trains in Zurich can wait before departing (usually a maximum of 3 minutes).

With reasonable priced tickets and one of the nicest airports I’ve ever visited, I opted to fly from Hamburg to Zurich. The ticket was around 50 Euros with a flight time of about an hour. Exiting out of the Zurich Airport is swift although I did find the train station in the airport a bit confusing. Regardless, there are always individuals available to help and everyone speaks impeccable English, French, and German! The trains from Zurich Airport to Zurich Hauptbahnhof run every 5-10 minutes from 5:00 am to 12:30 am. Travel time is 10-15 minutes and a ticket costs around CHF 7.00.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

The cheapest but slowest travel option is by bus. Flixbus , one of the main bus companies in Europe, connects Zurich to several other countries including France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Poland, etc. If bought in advance, bus tickets can cost less than CHF 20.00. Do note that buses in Europe are known for being rather late so plan accordingly!

Where to Stay in Zurich


Hotel Adler – Out of all the hotels in Zurich, I would highly recommend Hotel Adler. It’s where I stayed and I absolutely loved my time here. The location is central, the area is quiet but still lively, the breakfast was over-the-top delicious, and the building was the home of a former artist. Best of all – the price was insanely affordable! I’d 100% stay here agin.

Check availability for Hotel Adler

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Budget (Under CHF 100)

On a tight budget and looking for affordable options under CHF 100? Check out the two hostels below – my favorites in Zurich!

Oldtown Hostel Otter  – Not only is this hostel located in the old town of Zurich, but it is only a few steps away from Lake Zurich. Everything in Zurich is walkable from this location and there are options for private or shared rooms. The breakfast buffet is quite large and it has an attached bar.

Check availability for Oldtown Hostel Otter

City Backpacker Biber  – Located 300 meters away from the Grossmünster, this hostel has a secret location – its rooftop bar! A short distance from all the main tourist attractions, there are options for private and shared rooms. Additionally, there is a large common area that’s great for chilling and meeting others.

Check availability for City Backpacker Biber

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Mid-Range (CHF 100 – CHF 300)

25Hours Hotel Zurich West or Langstrasse  –  Whether you decide to stay in the hip Zurich West location or right by the main train station, 25Hours Hotel has you covered with cool and luxurious amenities at an affordable price. They also include tasty on-site restaurants as well as a free sauna!

Check availability for 25Hours Hotel Zurich West or Langstrasse

Motel One Zurich  – Located right next to the old town area of Zurich, Motel One is a chic European hotel chain that offers a high standard of service and amenities at a reasonable price. The breakfast buffet has a large array of food options and the interior has a warm, rustic charm to make you feel right at home.

Check availability for Motel One Zurich

Greulich  – The original design and lifestyle hotel in Zurich, the hotel already catches your eye initially from the quirky exterior. The rooms are styled in a bright, airy manner that mimics a simple yet modern Scandinavian style. The bar and terrace are cozy meeting places or areas to enjoy by yourself!

Check availability for Greulich

Marktgasse Hotel  – Smack dab in the middle of Zurich’s old town area, the rooms have high ceilings, large windows, and the comfiest looking beds! Besides the breakfast and dinner options, there is a terrace with views of the entire city.

Check availability for Marktgasse Hotel

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Luxury (CHF 300+)

Widder Hotel  – One of the premier hotels in all of Zurich, this 5-star hotel is spread out between 9 adjacent buildings decorated by famous artists such as Andy Warhol. No two rooms are the same – every room is individually decorated and furbished. Awarded 15 points by the Gault Millau guide, the hotel’s restaurant serves traditional Swiss cuisine year-round.

Check availability for Widder Hotel

Baur Au Lac  – Situated in its own private park, Baur Au Lac is the crème de la crème when it comes to luxury accommodations and fine dining. The two restaurants have won several awards including 18 points by the Gault Millau guide and a Michelin star. The views are magical from this hotel and the decor is both elegant and colorful.

Check availability for Baur Au Lac

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Budgeting for Zurich (and Switzerland)

I’m not going to lie – Switzerland is expensive. But I really didn’t find it that much more expensive than most other western European countries. As with all travel, the further ahead you plan your travels to Switzerland, the cheaper it will be.

As of writing this post, the exchange rate between the U.S. Dollar and Swiss France is equal – this makes calculating prices so much easier!

  • 1.00 USD = CHF 1.00 .

In my opinion, I would splurge for lodging over food in Switzerland. Because of my limited amount of time in the city and because there were so many places to visit in Zurich, I wanted a centrally located hotel. Due to traveling solo, I knew I wouldn’t spend that much time eating in restaurants anyways. Some of the best food I ate in Switzerland came from food stands and grab-and-go locations. Additionally, I bought a pre-packaged sandwich from a local grocery store for lunch (so good!) and had breakfast included in my room rate (it was a massive buffet breakfast!). This both saved me money and time.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

Compared to Germany, I actually found the train prices quite reasonable (then again, German trains can be so expensive!!!). Round trip from the Zurich Airport was about CHF 15.00 and round trip from Lucerne was about CHF 50.00. Tickets can be bought cheaper in advance to Lucerne but because I bought the ticket day of, I paid the most expensive price (which, for over an hour train ride each way, still seemed reasonable to me). While in Zurich, I walked everywhere and spent nothing on public transportation!

Best time to visit Zurich

It’s hard to pick the best time to visit Zurich because the city is just so gorgeous year-round! I visited Zürich the beginning of April and had the best spring weather – light jacket in the mornings and evenings, and lots of sunshine during the daytime. I think March and April are some of the best months to visit Europe in general because the continent is warming up yet you’re not fighting hoards of tourists. To be honest, it felt empty in Zurich, especially when walking the side streets (many times, I was completely alone). Additionally, I think I got an amazing hotel deal due to traveling in the off-season.

One Day in Zurich via Wayfaring With Wagner

If I hadn’t visited Zurich in the springtime, I definitely would have gone in wintertime. I’m a sucker for cold weather, snow, skiing, and fondue (Dad, if you’re reading – sorry I’m not sorry!). With so many ski resorts easily reachable from Zurich, it would have been heaven for me. Luckily, I’m headed back to Switzerland in a few weeks to explore the Christmas markets in Basel and Bern – I’ll be sure to get my winter fix there!

Final Thoughts on Zurich

I overlooked Zurich so many times due to my poor experience in Geneva and my fear of how expensive I thought it would be. By planning ahead of time and going in the off-season, I was able to save a significant amount of money – making Zurich no more expensive than London or Paris. Additionally, Zurich is nothing like Geneva. I think I liked Zurich so much more than Geneva because it has a more German feel – something that immediately makes me feel more comfortable in any location. I was able to read the signs, navigate, and communicate – something I was totally unable to do in Gevena due to my lack of French.

Don’t be scared off by the prices and reputation of Zurich – it’s such a charming city with so much to do even if you only have one day in Zurich!

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Here's a guide on how to spend one day in Zurich, Switerland old town including what to do in Zurich, Switzerland and 24 hours in Zurich, Switzerland.

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We spent a glorious week on the French side of Switzerland, but I wish we’d spent a whole month exploring the country!

Beautiful! Never been to Swiss. Now I have to visit! Unlike you, I’m not a big fan of cold weather, so I might consider Springtime as you suggested. 🙂

If you could have stayed longer, how many days would you recommend?

I’ve heard already form many people that they like Zurich more than Geneva, now I am curious to check this city out too. So, I guess if I made it financially in London then I’ll make it in Zurich too :))

Wow, I didn’t realise that there was so many amazing things to see and do in Zurich! I always thought Geneva was the place to go (but who says you can’t do both, right?). Gorgeous photos as well! #WanderfulWednesday

It looks like a beautiful city – so colourful and so many beautiful buildings. It seem you got to know it pretty well in a short time. I totally agree with you about Chagall. I am so happy to see anything by him too. #WanderfulWednesday

Zurich looks beautiful, bright, and like you said… very Germanic! I’m glad you decided to give it a second chance 🙂 I have never been to Zurich myself but would love to visit whenever I get some extended time in Europe again.

I loved Zurich. We only had 2 nights but I had such a great time! So beautiful!

It’s been many years since I visited Zurich, but I loved it!! I really had no expectations, but was so surprised it gave off a “small town” feeling. Would love to go back! #wanderfulwednesday

Great photos and information! Wow, you packed a lot into this post – I’m impressed! I was only in Zurich for a very short amount of time but I also loved it. It’s such a beautiful place!

Sounds like we had a similar first impression of Switzerland, except I went to Basel rather than Geneva, and just didn’t like it very much at all. Must admit that Zurich looks really pretty in your photos, might have to give Switzerland a second chance too.

This is such a comprehensive guide/post! I would have loved this when I was planning for Switzerland way back then. I do have funny memories of Zurich, as I was there a lot during Eurocup 2006 when Switzerland hosted and it was just nuts, as you can imagine. I remember not getting any sleep because a drunk guy was singing the first lines to “Seven Nation Army” over and over under my window 🙂 But it was really beautiful, so there’s that.

Zurich it’s so beautiful and very clean!! I can’t believe that it’s so pretty, definitely one of my favorite places in Europe, hope that next year can make a trip to know it in person! I love your pictures by the way!

Zurich looks like a page out of a fairy tale. Thanks for sharing this

You had an amazing time in Zurich indeed. Love the photos you have taken and appreciate it for the share. There are so many things to do in Zurich, so it’s wise if you can manage to stay longer there.

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Zurich Self-Guided Walking Tour Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

Zurich Self-Guided Walking Tour

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Our two-day detour to Zurich, Switzerland was more about meeting up with longtime friends than it was about visiting the city itself. However, that didn’t keep us from discovering the best sights of the Old Town on a Zurich Walking Tour!

We devised a Zurich Self-Guided Walking Tour that would take us through the pristine city. Beginning down the famous shopping streets, then to a few churches and viewpoints. All while allowing enough time for lunch, chocolates and beers!

About this Free Zurich Walking Tour

We love creating our own free walking tours in cities where we can set our pace, make detours and stop at any places that catch our eye. Our outlined Zurich Old Town Walking Tour is ideal for visitors – like us – who enjoy discovering destinations on their own two feet. 

Zurich Walking Tour Map and Directions

What makes this one of the best walking tours in Zurich that you can complete it on your own. We include a pin drop for each stop – making it easy to route your way from one sight to the next.

However, keep in mind that you will need an internet connection. We use a Pocket WiFi device to stay connected while traveling abroad. In fact, we would literally be lost without it!

Additionally, we have included a Zurich Old Town Walking Map at the end of this article. It offers an overview of our sightseeing Zurich walk that is simple to follow.

More Walking Tours of Zurich

Our Zurich Free Walking Tour is a self-guided adventure to the top sights in the city. Fellow travelers who would rather join a guided walking tour have many options. We highlight a few of the highly rated Guided Walking Tours of Zurich after we share the details of our Zurich Walking Tour Free Route. 

A Self-Guided Zurich Walking Tour by JetSettingFools.com

Our Zurich sightseeing focused on the sights in the center of town. While there are many tourist attractions – our list includes 12 top things to see in Zurich. Our Zurich walking tour route is about 3 miles long (mostly flat), which should take about an hour to complete without any stops.

Even if you only have one day in Zurich, our walking tour is a great way to get an introduction to the city!

Save, Pin or Bookmark our Zurich Walking Tour for your trip to Switzerland!

#1 Bahnhofstrasse

Bahnhofstrasse shopping street, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP } We started our Zurich Self-Guided Walking Tour at the Paradeplatz tram station in the city center. Heading north on Bahnhofstrasse, we gawked at the expensive watches glittering in the window displays.

The street is flooded with fashionable retailers, posh boutiques, fine architecture and a bevy of Swiss Banks. The famous shopping street is a Zurich must see! 

#2 Detour onto Augustinergasse and Rennweg Street

Augustinergasse Street, Old Town, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP }  On our Zurich city tour, we were sidetracked more than once by the colorful streets in the center. We turned right down the bright and colorful Augustinergasse.

Historic Rennweg Street, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP } At Widdergasse we turned left…and left again onto Rennweg. This was the main thoroughfare during the Middle Ages and features quaint craft houses. We followed Rennweg north to where it meets back up with Bahnhofstrasse.

#3 Zurich Bahnhofplatz

Bahnhofplatz, Zuirch, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP } The Bahnhofplatz is the next stop on our Zurich Self Guided Walking Tour. Ranking as the biggest train station in Switzerland and one of the busiest in the world, it also marks the north end of Zurich Old Town (or Zurich Altstadt ). 

Top Tip : If you are traveling to the city on a day trip and arriving by train, you can begin your Walking Tour Zurich Old Town route here. Continue from the station to the next sight – and then visit the first sights on our list at the end of the tour, which circles back to the heart of the Old Town. 

#4 Central Polybahn

{ MAP } From the main train station, continue our Zurich free tour by crossing the Limmat River on the Bahnhofbrucke Brigde. Head to the funicular, Central Polybahn, for a ride up the hill to a lookout point. Unfortunately, it was one of the few Zurich sights that was closed during our visit, so you will have to let us know how the view is!

#5 Niederdorfstrasse

Niederdorfstrasse pedestrian street in Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP } Continuing our Zurich Old Town walking tour, we turned south on Niederdorfstrasse, a pedestrian street filled with cafes, restaurants and bars. It was perfect timing because we were getting hungry for lunch!

Sausage and Roll a cheap lunch in Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

Kris decided on a kebab, and I found a café near Stussihofstatt serving traditional dishes, deli-style, which are loaded up into containers and paid for by weight. I opted for an inexpensive Zurich lunch special: bratwurst with a roll and mustard for $6.50. However, I couldn’t resist adding the creamy potatoes au gratin to my meal for about $2 more!

#6 Zurich Rathaus & River Views

Town Hall Rathaus on River Limmat in Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP }, Walking back to the Limmat River, by the Zurich Town Hall (Rathaus), we couldn’t stop taking pictures of the idyllic waterfront buildings.

There, we were approached by a woman who told us that the flag flying above the front door of Town Hall indicated that the local government was in session. She also said that we were free to go in to watch the proceedings.

Town Hall in-session at Rathaus, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

We passed through security and then walked upstairs to a balcony overlooking a beautiful room. it was filled with a (surprisingly) casual bunch of politicians. Taking a peek inside the Rathaus is one of the best free things to do in Zurich (besides our walking tour Zurich, of course!).

#7 Grossmunster

Grossmunster Cathedral, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP } Next up on our Zurich itinerary: the Grossmunster Cathedral. Built in 1220, the Cathedral is one of the top Zurich tourist attractions. The two towers were added in 1787 and the 187 steps can be climbed for great views (for a small fee).

Zurich City View from Grossmunster Bell Towers, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

The interior of the Grossmunster is rather plain, but has bright stained glass windows. A crypt beneath the altar houses an original sculpture from one of the towers.

#8 Lake Zurich and Opernhaus Zurich

Man plays the alphorn on Lake Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP } Continuing on our Zurich one day tour, we walked south to Lake Zurich and the Opera House (Opernhaus Zurich). On the lakeside, a man played the traditional Swiss alphorn for tips.

Swan on Lake Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

Behind him, on the lake, dozens of swans were gliding on the water and in the background the majestic snowcapped Swiss Alps completed the idyllic scene.

#9 Limmat Riverwalk and St. Peter Church

River Limmat and city view, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP } While we could have continued walking along the lake, there were more Zurich Old Town attractions we wanted to see! Crossing back to the west side of the river at Quaibrucke Bridge, we strolled along the water.

Riverside walkway in Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP } We cut into the old city center near St. Peter Church, which has the largest church clock in all of Europe.

#10 Lindenhof

Zurich City View from Lindenhof Park, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP } We wound through the tangle of streets up to Lindenhof. A raised park with views over the river and one of the best places to visit in Zurich. Two men played bocce ball, a younger group contemplated the next move on the giant chess board. Several others sat along the wall enjoying the pleasant view of Zurich and the soaring Swiss Alps in the distance.

#11 Zurich Chocolate Shop: Confiserie Teuscher

Colorful chocolate shop, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP } There is a long history of chocolate production in the city. Touring Zurich wouldn’t be complete without a taste of chocolate! 

During your Zurich self-guided walking tour you will undoubtedly pass by numerous chocolate shops. However, we recommend seeking out Confiserie Teuscher.

Colorfully decorated for Easter, it was difficult to tell if it was a chocolate shop or a florist, but the sweet scent of cocoa floated out the door. Unable to resist the temptation any longer, we splurged for three truffles: caramel, Grand Marnier and the store’s signature Champagne. 

Top Tip : Join the Chocolate and Sweets Walking Tour for a more indulgent taste of Zurich!

#12 Zeughauskeller

Pints of beer at Zeughauskeller Beer Hall, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

{ MAP } We ended our ‘Zurich in a day’ tour at Zeughauskeller for a pint of local beer. Built in 1487, the building was used as an armory. Then in 1926 it was transformed into a place for social gathering and beer drinking. The old-time, Zurich beer hall atmosphere survives today.

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Thoughts on our Zurich Self-Guided Walking Tour

River Limmat and distant Alps, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

We felt we got a great introduction to the beautiful city with our Zurich self-guided walking tour. In the bustling metropolis of historic buildings, clock towers and row houses, the people and trams move at a fast pace.

St. Peter Church and Clock, Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

At the same time, the distant Alps, wide river, open squares and iconic fountains slow things down a bit. The scenic diversity creates a pleasant atmosphere that is ideal for a stroll on a Zurich walking tour.

Zurich Self-Guided Walking Tour Map

This Zurich city map highlights the top places to visit in Zurich in 1 day. For a Zurich walking tour map with turn-by-turn directions, use this link to our Zurich Self-Guided Walking Tour.

Visitors can also pick up a paper map of Zurich, Switzerland at the Main Station Tourist Office. Also consider buying one  before you set off for your trip!

Zurich Self-Guided Walking Tour Map

More Zurich City Tours

A Self Guided Walking Tour Zurich by JetSettingFools.com

We have outlined an easy-to-follow Walking Tour of Zurich for visitors who would like to discover at their own pace. That said, there are several guided tours in Zurich that can enhance a trip to the city. 

Zurich Tours

These Zurich guided tours help tourists gain a better understanding of the history and sights. We are highlighting a few of the most popular tours in Zurich. 

Guided Walking Tours Zurich

A highly rated Zurich Guided Walking Tour, participants are led through the picturesque streets by a local guide. The tour is in English and great for first-time visitors who want a guided introduction to Zurich. Find out more!

Private Tour of Zurich

Travelers who wish to have a private Zurich walking tour can hire a guide to uncover the sights with them exclusively. On a 2-hour private walking tour – like this one – visitors get to see the highlights with the focused attention of a local guide. 

That said, travelers with weary feet can also opt for a private Zurich tour by Tuk Tuk ! The 1.5-hour Tuk Tuk Guided Tour Zurich features top Old Town sights in an eco-friendly ride. 

Self Guided Zurich Audio Tour

Visitors who want the freedom to tour at their own pace, but would like a voice to guide them through the streets can opt for the popular (and inexpensive) audio tour that you download to your mobile device. 

Free Tour Zurich

Want guided Zurich sightseeing tours for free? There are several companies that offers a free walk of Zurich, but the guides do work for tips. If you forgo our Zurich Self-Guided Walking Tour in favor of a guided free walk, just be prepared to pay a tip. 

Zurich Day Trips

With mountains, lakes and picturesque towns, there are many day trips from Zurich to the surrounding regions. These can be found (and booked in advance) with a trusted site like Viator .

Some of the most popular Zurich day tours include Coach Tours , a Swiss Alps Day Trip , Jungfraujoch , and a Lucerne and Lake Cruise Trip . 

Also traveling to Basel, Switzerland !? Find the best things to do!

The top 5 things to do in Basel, Switzerland Other Than Visiting Museums by JetSettingFools.com

Travel Tips for your Trip to Zurich, Switzerland

JetSetting Fools on River Limmat in Zurich, Switzerland JetSettingFools.com

Now that you know what to see in Zurich, we have a few additional travel tips that will help you plan your trip to Switzerland!

Zurich Card

The Zurich Card is available for 24 or 72 hours and includes free or reduced admission into museums, as well as free public transportation and other discounts. 

Where To Stay in Zurich

There are many places to stay in Zurich – from hotels to hostels to holiday apartments. While we think the best place to stay in Zurich is in the heart of the city, accommodations are pricey. 

Zurich Short Term Apartments

During our visit to Zurich, we stayed in a super Airbnb Apartment . In general, we have found that staying in apartments is less expensive than hotel rooms – with the added benefit of a kitchen and more space. 

However, short trips of just a few days can incur big Airbnb fees. So be sure to price out your options before booking. 

Hotels in Zurich

There are many Zurich hotels to choose from in (or close to) the city center – you can start your search here .

You can also check rates and availability for these top-rated hotels (based on guest reviews) for your upcoming trip to Switzerland.

  • Baur au Lac  
  • Widder Hotel   
  • Storchen Zürich Lifestyle Boutique Hotel

Zurich Hostels

For more affordable accommodations, check out the hostels in Zurich . These hostels get high ratings from guests: Zurich Youth Hostel and Oldtown Hostel Otter . 

Getting To Zurich

Ljubljana, Slovenia from the sky

Zurich can be reached by plane, train, bus or car. Our preferred method of getting anywhere is by flying, we are JetSetting Fools, after all! We flew into Zurich from Zagreb, Croatia and departed to Ljubljana, Slovenia .

Fly to Zurich

Zurich can be easily reached by plane from several top European cities like Amsterdam , London , Paris , and Frankfurt . As well as US gateways like New York , Chicago , Boston , Washington DC , and San Francisco !

The Zurich Airport (ZRH) is the largest international airport in Switzerland and is located 6 miles north of the Zurich Old Town. 

When we start our search for affordable plane tickets , we look for the best deals on airline tickets on Skyscanner.

Zurich by Train, Bus or Car

To get between destinations when flights are not feasible, we usually rely on public transportation. These include trains or buses – of which there are several to Zurich.

Use Rail Europe to find train tickets. Our preferred bus company is FlixBus . It is economical, clean and comfortable (and sometimes has on-board Wi-Fi, seat-back entertainment, refreshments and a toilet).

We aren’t keen on driving abroad, but renting a car can often save time and money (especially when traveling with more than two people). Having a car allows for greater discovery. Before making a reservation, read all of our Car Rental Tips .

Before You Go To Zurich: What To Pack

Our final tips cover what to pack for your Zurich trip. You can find our complete packing list and top packing hacks on our dedicated Travel Packing page. 

Walking Shoes

If you are embarking on a Zurich walking tour, you will need to pack a pair of comfortable travel shoes ! I wear versatile, lightweight trainers when I travel. Kris is most comfortable in Merrell Trail Shoes .

Travel Camera

Zurich is a beautiful city – so make sure you bring a travel camera that will take exceptional photos! We use a reliable and affordable camera – the Canon Rebel – with an 18-135mm lens . It’s great camera for beginners and comes with heaps of accessories. 

Zurich Map and Guidebook

It’s much easier to get around any city when you understand the layout. We recommend buying a city map and guidebook before your vacation to Zurich.

Whether traveling with a backpack or suitcase , we like to carry a day pack where we can stow everything we need. Such as a water bottle and sunscreen  – along with our camera, wallet and keys. Find out which we prefer in our Best Day Pack for Travel article.

Switzerland Trip Insurance

Travel insurance may cover delayed flights, lost luggage and even illness abroad . If you haven’t already obtained coverage for your trip to Zurich, consider traveling protected with World Nomads .

Planning a Trip to Zurich, Switzerland

As you make reservations and plan what sights to see, be sure to keep track of the details. With our Printable Travel Planner you can get started right now! 

Travel Planner Printables by JetSettingFools.com

Start planning your trip to Switzerland ! Search for the lowest airfares , the best accommodations and fun things to do …then start packing !   Want more travel advice? Head over to our Travel Planning Page for more tips on traveling – and for country-specific information, take a look at our Travel Guides Page !

Click here for a Free Vacation Budget Planner Banner by JetSettingFools.com

Pin it! See all of our travel pins on our JetSetting Fools Pinterest Board .

Zurich, Switzerland Man Playing Alphorn

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Zurich's Old Town

Zürich Tourismus Im Hauptbahnhof 8001 Zürich Phone  +41 (0)44 215 40 00 zuerich.com

Zurich's Old Town is the historic center of the city. Here you can stroll through narrow alleyways, houses steeped in history and picturesque sights.

Zurich's Old Town is the historic center of Zurich and a cultural heart of the city. It consists of narrow streets, historic buildings, guild houses and picturesque squares that tell a rich history.

The Old Town is home to numerous sights, including the Fraumünster  (Minster of Our Lady), the Grossmünster  (Great Minster) and the Peterskirche (Peter's Church) with the largest clock face in Europe. The Old Town is also lined with cozy cafés, restaurants and stores that invite you to stroll and linger. Some of the best photo spots for souvenir albums are also here: the Münsterbrücke or the Rathausbrücke. Lake Zurich and the Alps in the background - simply perfect!

zurich old town walking tour

*** Leading

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Zürich Tourismus Im Hauptbahnhof 8001  Zürich Switzerland

Phone  +41 (0)44 215 40 00 [email protected] zuerich.com Show Route

Zürich Tourismus Im Hauptbahnhof 8001 Zürich Phone  +41 (0)44 215 40 00 zuerich.com Show Route


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Zürich Tourismus Im Hauptbahnhof 8001  Zürich +41 (0)44 215 40 00 [email protected] Website

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Zurich city tour: richard wagner in zurich.


The Dolder Grand, Zurich Grand Tour of Switzerland adventure

Price per double room valid: 27.06.2024 - 31.10.2024

Hotel City Zürich, Zurich Stay in the heart of the city

Price per double room valid: 27.06.2024 - 31.08.2024

The Dolder Grand, Zurich Grand Tour of Switzerland - Zürich

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Zurich’s Old Town


Attractions of the Old Town:

The attractions listed below are the ultimate must-sees of Zurich’s historic city center.

Grossmünster Zürich Exterior View


The twin towers of the Grossmünster are regarded as the most recognized landmark in Zurich and are as much part of the city as the lake and the glitzy shopping streets.

Zurich Old Town Walking Tour, St. Peter

St. Peter Church

Not only is St. Peter the oldest church in Zurich, it also has the largest tower clock face in Europe. Two records are definitely worth a visit.

Fraumünster, Zurich

Fraumünster Church

Not far from Paradeplatz, this church is known for its magnificent Chagall windows, but its history, too, is worth exploring.

Blüemlihalle by Augusto Giacometti

Giacometti Murals

The most beautiful precinct in the world is situated in Zurich's Old Town, where Augusto Giacometti's magnificent murals (1925) adorn the vaulted ceiling and the walls.

Cabaret Voltaire

Cabaret Voltaire

This is the birthplace of the 1916 Dada art movement that conquered Zurich and the entire world. Today, visitors appreciate the multi-lingual performances, collages and sound poems.

Erweiterungsbau Kunsthaus Zürich

Kunsthaus Zürich

With its new extension, which opened in 2021, the Kunstmuseum Zürich is the largest museum in Switzerland and exhibits outstanding works of art.


Streets and Alleys:

Starting at the Zurich Main Station, you can easily discover the Old Town – including the famous “Niederdorf”– on your own.

Bahnhofstrasse, Zurich


Apart from the Grossmünster church, the Bahnhofstrasse is undoubtably the most famous landmark of the historic city center. Back in the day, this luxurious shopping street used to be a ditch.

Rindermarkt Zürich

This charming part of the Old Town is situated on the right bank of the River Limmat. The car-free part of Kreis 1 is a great place to shop, have a drink, and experience the soul of the city.

Augustinergasse, Zurich


The Augustinergasse lined with old and colorful houses adorned with bay windows, lanterns and arches is especially beautiful and immensely photogenic.

Zurich, Schipfe

In medieval times, the “Schipfe” was used as a place of transshipment for important goods. In the 16th century, the silk and shipbuilding industries, as well as public baths, started to establish themselves here.

zurich old town walking tour


Did you know that the world-famous financial center in the heart of Zurich was used as a cattle market in the 18th century?

Rennweg, Zurich

Rennweg did, in fact, used to be the widest street in Zurich. Today, it is home to exclusive boutiques and the famous Widder Hotel.

Zurich Old Town Walking Tour

Those who want to learn more about Zurich’s eventful past can participate in the most popular guided city tour, the “ Zurich Old Town Walking Tour ”.

On this tour, professional guides offer fascinating insights into the origins of Switzerland’s biggest city, explain its significance for Switzerland through the ages, and also relate stories about famous Zurich personalities.

Zurich Old Town Walking Tour

With the Zürich Card , guests can benefit from 50% discount on this tour.

Squares and Gardens:

Visitors to the Old Town will find peace, relaxation, and plenty to please the eye in the beautiful gardens and parks, and on terraces with great views.

Lindenhof, Zurich

To this day, a tombstone dating from 180 AD can be found on the way up to the Lindenhof. The inscription, “Turicum”, is the first written mention of the ancient name for Zurich.

Rechberg (Park)

This magnificent garden is well known to the students of Zurich University and ETH Zurich. But it is an absolute gem for guests from all over the world, too.

Polyterrasse, ETH Zurich


The charming Polybahn takes just 100 seconds to ascend from Central to the ETH terrace. And the trip is well worth it, for at the top there are beautiful views over the Old Town.

Old Botanical Garden of Zurich

Old Botanical Garden

Tucked-away paths and benches, a pretty glass pavilion, and, below it, the babbling of the Schanzengraben canal.

Bürkliterrasse at Bürkliplatz Zurich


On a clear day, the view sweeps across the deep-blue Lake Zurich to the snow-capped Alps in the distance. So beautiful that it is almost kitschy.

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zurich old town walking tour


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Zurich In One Day – A Self Guided Zurich Walking Tour

April 15 |  16 comments

If you only have one day to see Zurich or you just fancy a ready made guided wander this Zurich walking tour is for you.

Zurich is Switzerland’s largest city but also is very compact and easily walkable.

My Zurich walking tour focuses on District 1 which is the city’s rather beautiful old town area, home to the majority of the cities sites. We didn’t really venture out of this area at all apart from when we visited Thermalbad Spa and Uetliberg.

At the end of the post I’ve even included a map of the walking tour for you to follow.

A Self Guided Zurich Walking Tour

This tour starts at the main train station, Zürich Hauptbahnhof (Zurich HB for short) which is where you would have arrived into Zurich. You can venture into the station if you wish as there are many shops and restaurants inside.

A Zurich Walking Tour

If you prefer to be outdoors start your walk straight ahead of you along Bahnhofstrasse. This is Zurich’s main downtown street and one of the world’s most expensive and exclusive shopping avenues.

A Zurich Walking Tour

After about bout 600 metres turn right onto Augustinergasse, one of the most beautiful, historical streets in Zurich.

A Zurich Walking Tour

Once you reach the small square of Munzplatz (with the prettiest floral fountain I’d ever seen) you will see the Augustinerkirche church straight ahead of you.

A Zurich Walking Tour

Turn left onto Widdergasse then left again onto Rennweg. Rennweg was the widest street in Zurich in the Middle Ages and was especially distinguished from other streets and alleyways in Zurich due to its straightness.

When you reach the junction with Fortunagasse turn right and head up to Lindenhof hill. Lindenhof was once home to a roman castle but today provides an open green space to relax in. Here you will enjoy gorgeous views over the city.

Exit the opposite side of Lindenhof to which you entered and head straight down through the streets until you reach St Peters Church. This is a beautiful little area to relax in, very peaceful.

A Zurich Walking Tour

Continue on until you reach The Fraumünster Church and enjoy the square in which it sits lined with beautiful buildings, then head towards the river.

A Zurich Walking Tour

Turn right at the river and wander down roughly 350 meters until you reach Burkliplatz. This is the dock area where boat tours of Lake Zurich depart from and on Saturdays a flea market is held.

You will want to immediately turn left onto Quailbrucke bridge (without crossing) as this is where you get a stunning view of both Fraumunster and Grossmunster churches.

A Zurich Walking Tour

If you want views out onto Lake Zurich you have to cross the road at Burkliplatz and wander along that side instead.

Once across the bridge turn right and venture down to the quayside where you can spend some time soaking up the sun and feeding the many swans and ducks!

A Zurich Walking Tour

When you are ready continue walking along the riverfront until you can see Sechseläutenplatz across the road. Sechseläutenplatz is the largest town square in Zurich and is home to the Zurich opera house. Cross over and enjoy the square for a bit before wandering back the way you came.

A Zurich Walking Tour

Once you reach Quailbrucke bridge again don’t cross, just continue walking alongside the river. You will pass Wasserkirche on the left before reaching the Munsterbrucke bridge and the gorgeous Grossmunster church on your right. Behind the church is a little courtyard and the entrance if you wish to take a peek inside.

A Zurich Walking Tour

Head back out towards the river and this time cross over Munsterbrucke bridge. Once on the other side turn right and walk alongside the river. Here you can get stunning views of Grossmunster church.

A Zurich Walking Tour

You will walk under a covered section and then come out into a little square area behind the town hall. Cross Rathausbrücke to get back onto the other side of the river.

Cross the road and walk straight up Marktgasse street. At the top of the street turn left and walk through the cobbled street called Niederdorfstrasse full of shops, bars and restaurants.

A Zurich Walking Tour

Once you reach the junction with a street named Am Rank turn left onto it and head straight down across to the Muhlesteg pedestrian bridge. This is a love lock bridge where you can hang your padlocks!

A Zurich Walking Tour

Now you can either go back up Am Rank and turn left to finish walking along Niederdorfstrasse or just continue walking along the river front up to Bahnhofbrucke bridge.

A Zurich Walking Tour

Look across the bridge and you will see the train station where you started this wonderful walking tour of Zurich!

Map of the Self Guided Zurich Walking Tour

If you take my Zurich walking tour be sure to let me know what you think.

zurich old town walking tour

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Zurich Walking Tour

Did this tour today nd although the weather was terrible we really enjoyed it and feel like we used the only day we have the best we could. Thanks so much!

Did this walking tour yesterday and really enjoyed it ! The directions were easy to follow and really felt as if we saw Zürich in our day trip- Thankyou!

Thanks for your post, we are stopping over for the afternoon as part of an Interrail tour and your suggestion was a great prompt for a very nice walk around we’ve just done. I wasn’t sure if all the right/ left directions were correct but didn’t really matter if you use a map like google map too. The sights are really nice and can be done in 2 hrs if not too distracted along the way!

Thank you so much for this tour. How long is this tour in miles and time?

Hi Jenna! My wife and I will be staying two nights in Zurich in September, on our way to Sicily. So we were thrilled to see your walking tour of the downtown area. Looks fab. We live in the Bay Area of California, so we enjoyed your perspectives on our state. (Yes, the parking is outrageous in SF.) BTW, we were in Singapore later in the same year you visited. We were blown away by the beauty and vibrancy of the city. We are looking forward to traveling again, as I’m sure you two are. Stay healthy and safe travels.

Thank you Jenna, we did the tour on a lovely sunny day in March and loved seeing all the sights on your well structured itinerary. Just one small point, the turn off from Bahnhofstrasse into Augustinergasse is a left, not right!

Hi. Is it too cold if this will be done on january?

Hi Donna, it looks like the average temperature in Zurich in January is 0 Degrees Celsius, so it will be very chilly!

Thank you so much Jenna, this really helped during my trip to Zurich last few days.

No problem Linda, I’m glad it was useful 🙂

Can this be done in the evening say from 6pm to 9pm and is it safe to do so in the month of June.

I’d say this would be better as a daytime walk, I’m not sure what the streets will be like after dark.

This was a lovely way to see Zurich in a short time. We started this walk early in the morning so had uninterrupted views, and plenty of space to move. There is sufficient time to take small detours along the way, and also to pause for coffee and food breaks. Thanks Jenna Morrissey!

Thanks James, I’m glad this post was helpful 🙂

Took about 3 hours with some side detours that I took out of curiosity. Loved it. Thank you

Glad you enjoyed it Grant 🙂


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Odyssey Magazine

Zurich Old Town Walking Tour: 2-Hours

As the morning sun casts a golden hue over cobblestone streets and medieval facades, the Zurich Old Town beckons travelers to a 2-hour walking tour filled with historical treasures waiting to be uncovered. From the majestic spires of Grossmünster to the quaint charm of Niederdorf , each step unveils layers of the city’s past, intertwining with the pulse of modern life.

But what hidden gem lies at the heart of this excursion, promising a glimpse into Zurich’s soul?

Zurich Old Town Walking Tour: 2-Hours - Key Points

  • Explore Zurich’s historic churches and landmarks with expert guides.
  • Immerse in Zurich’s rich history and culture for 2 hours.
  • Gain insights into Zurich’s architecture and legends.
  • Enjoy educational entertainment and local tips for a memorable experience.

Here's some more nearby activities we've reviewed

  • Book Online Sound and Light Show at Karnk Temple in Luxor
  • Private Half Day Tour To Islamic Cairo
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Tour Details

Zurich Old Town Walking Tour: 2-Hours - Tour Details

Set out on a captivating 2-hour Zurich Old Town Walking Tour with the flexibility of free cancellation up to 24 hours in advance and the convenience of reserving now and paying later. This tour offers a unique opportunity to explore Zurich’s rich history and culture, guided by knowledgeable experts fluent in both German and English.

Explore iconic historical landmarks like St. Peters Church , Town Hall , Great Minster Church , and Fraumünster Church . Gain cultural insights as you wander through Niederdorf , Rindermarkt , and Paradeplatz , enjoying Zurich’s Old Town with over 2,000 years of intriguing stories.

Discover hidden gems , receive sightseeing tips , and local recommendations that will enhance your experience of this dynamic city.

Experience Highlights

Zurich Old Town Walking Tour: 2-Hours - Experience Highlights

Discover the iconic landmarks and hidden gems of Zurich’s Old Town on the 2-hour walking tour, including St. Peters Church , Town Hall , Great Minster Church , Fraumünster Church , Niederdorf, Rindermarkt , and Paradeplatz . Enjoy the rich history of Zurich as you admire the stunning architecture of these historical sites. From the majestic towers of the Great Minster Church to the elegant simplicity of St. Peters Church, each building tells a story of the city’s past. As you wander through the narrow streets of Niederdorf and explore the bustling Rindermarkt, your guide will regale you with fascinating historical anecdotes , bringing Zurich’s Old Town to life with tales of its foundation and development.

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Review Summary

Zurich Old Town Walking Tour: 2-Hours - Review Summary

The guide’s high ratings and positive visitor feedback reflect the exceptional value and service provided during the Zurich Old Town walking tour. With a guide rating of 4.8 out of 5, visitors praise the educational entertainment and guide expertise offered during the 2-hour exploration of Zurich’s Old Town.

Rated 4.5 for value, 4.6 for service , and organization , guests appreciate the informative yet fun experience provided. The guides’ knowledge shines through as they lead visitors through iconic locations like Bahnhofstrasse, Lindenhof , and various churches , offering insights into Zurich’s rich history and architecture.

Visitors leave with lasting memories of the winding alleys, legendary tales , and a glimpse into both Zurich’s past and present, making the tour a must-do for those seeking an enriching cultural experience.

Location Insights

Zurich Old Town Walking Tour: 2-Hours - Location Insights

Located within Zurich’s Old Town are historic sites such as Parade Square and numerous churches, offering profound insights into the city’s rich history and architectural heritage.

The architecture in Zurich is a blend of old-world charm and modern influences, with each building telling a unique story. As visitors explore the winding alleys, they can hear captivating historical legends about the city’s foundation, adding a layer of intrigue to the tour.

Churches like St. Peters Church, Great Minster Church, and Fraumünster Church showcase stunning examples of Zurich’s architectural prowess through the ages. Walking through the Old Town allows for a glimpse into Zurich’s past and present, where the buildings and stories intertwine to create a memorable experience rich in history and culture.

Additional Information

Zurich Old Town Walking Tour: 2-Hours - Additional Information

With a tour rating of 4.6/5 based on 435 reviews, this organized and informative walk through Zurich promises lasting memories and special experiences . Visitors can expect to be immersed in the rich history of Zurich’s Old Town, with knowledgeable guides sharing fascinating stories about the city’s past and present.

The tour provides a unique opportunity to explore iconic landmarks such as Bahnhofstrasse, Lindenhof , St. Peters Church, Town Hall, Great Minster Church, and Fraumünster Church. As participants stroll through Niederdorf, Rindermarkt, and Paradeplatz, they’ll gain insights into Zurich’s 2,000 years of history.

The tour is conducted in both German and English, ensuring a comprehensive and engaging experience for all participants.

Zurich Old Town Walking Tour: 2-Hours - Directions

Navigating through Zurich’s Old Town on foot offers an immersive experience filled with historical insights and architectural wonders. As you explore the landmarks like Bahnhofstrasse, Lindenhof, St. Peters Church, Town Hall, Great Minster Church, Fraumünster Church, Niederdorf, Rindermarkt, and Paradeplatz, keep a lookout for the intricate details that make each site unique.

To enhance your journey, consider these navigation tips : start at a central point like Parade Square, follow the winding alleys, and listen to the legends of the city’s foundation shared by knowledgeable guides. Remember to engage with the stories and anecdotes that offer a glimpse into Zurich’s past and present, making your walking tour a memorable and enriching experience.

Here's a few more nearby tours and experiences we have reviewed.

  • Private Transfer: Zurich Airport ZRH to Zurich in Luxury Van
  • From Zurich: Breathtaking Waterfall and Lakes Private Tour
  • Zurich to Bern and Emmental Show Dairy Full-Day Private Tour (Mar )
  • Full-Day Tour to Interlaken From Zurich (Ktz361)
  • Best of Zurich and Surroundings – Extended City Sightseeing Tour With a Local
  • Private Transfer From Zurich to Vaduz, 2 Hour Stop in Balzers

Common questions

Zurich Old Town Walking Tour: 2-Hours - Common questions

Are There Any Specific Dress Code Requirements for the Zurich Old Town Walking Tour?

For the Zurich Old Town walking tour, visitors should consider the weather and wear attire suitable for walking comfortably. It’s advisable to put on comfortable shoes that align with the cultural norms of the area for an enjoyable experience.

Are There Any Restroom Facilities Available Along the Tour Route?

Restroom facilities are available along the tour route for convenience. Accessibility options vary, with some areas being wheelchair accessible. Visitors can enjoy the tour without worry, as these amenities are provided for a comfortable experience.

Can Participants Bring Their Own Food and Drinks on the Tour?

Participants can bring their own food and drinks on the tour. However, they should consider any food restrictions and drink preferences they may have. Snacking while exploring Zurich’s Old Town could enhance the experience.

Is There Any Specific Age Restriction for Participating in the Walking Tour?

There are no age restrictions for the walking tour. Participants of all ages are welcome to join. As for dress code restrictions , comfortable shoes and weather-appropriate attire are recommended for an enjoyable experience.

Are There Any Opportunities for Souvenir Shopping During the Tour?

During the tour, visitors can explore local crafts and souvenirs in Zurich’s Old Town. Opportunities abound for shopping, from unique gifts to mementos. Enjoy a blend of history and shopping in this vibrant city.

Here's more of our most recent tour reviews happening neaby

  • ST. Moritz Luxury Private Transfer to Zurich Airport
  • From Zurich/Lucerne: Berne Capital and Countryside Day-Trip
  • From Zurich: Full-Day Mount Stanserhorn Discovery Tour
  • From Zurich: Funicular to Mt. Bürgenstock & Lake Lucerne
  • From Zurich: Engelberg, Titlis, and Lucerne Day Tour
  • Zurich: Self-Guided Audio Tour
  • From Zurich to The Rhine Falls
  • Private Transfer From Zurich to Salzburg, English Speaking Driver
  • Zurich to Strasbourg and Colmar Full Day Private Trip

Zurich Old Town Walking Tour: 2-Hours - Last Words

Enjoy Zurich’s rich history and architectural wonders on a 2-hour walking tour of the Old Town.

With a knowledgeable guide leading the way, you’ll discover iconic landmarks, hidden gems, and fascinating stories that bring the city to life.

Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the heart of Zurich and gain a deeper appreciation for its past and present.

Book your tour today and embark on a memorable journey through time.

zurich old town walking tour

What To Do If You Only Have One Day in Zurich

I f you’re traveling directly into Switzerland, you’ll likely fly into the Zurich airport. Though it’s easy to head straight to other destinations, we highly recommend sticking around and spending a day in this amazing city.  There’s so much to see, even if you only have one day in Zurich!

*Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something we have recommended. Please check out our  disclosure policy  for more details. Thank you for your support!

About Zurich

Zurich is the Switzerland’s largest city, and it’s a global banking hub. Even with its modern sensibilities, it’s steeped in history. Cobbled streets, riverside scenery, and pre-medieval architecture make this one of the best places to visit in Europe and a great starting point for a Switzerland family vacation .

Almost everything within the Zurich City Center is within walking distance of each other, though you can also take the tram, cable car, or bike between destinations. Consider getting a Zurich card if you plan on using public transportation and want to enter paid attractions. 

How to Spend 24 Hours in Zurich

We know there’s a lot to see and do throughout Switzerland, and you want to make the most of your time in each town. We spent one day in Zurich before heading out on our AmaWaterways cruise . Here’s the easiest way to see the best of Zurich, all in one day!

1. Explore the Old Town

Old Town (Altstadt) is the heart of Zurich Switzerland. The cobbled pedestrian streets are lined with quaint shops, restaurants, hotels, and residences. It honestly feels like a storybook Swiss setting, thanks to its historic architecture, narrow streets, and many fountains.  

Old Town is split into two districts on each side of the Limmat River, with several bridges allowing you to go back and forth to each side. It’s bordered to the North by the main train station, Zürich Hauptbahnhof, and then stretches down to Lake Zurich. 

If you walked directly from one end to the other, you would cover about 1.5 km but definitely plan to enjoy this area at a leisurely pace (with lots of stops along the way!)

2. See The Views From Lindenhof Hill

Want a good view of the city? Head up to Lindenhof Hill. This park area features benches, chess tables, remnants of a medieval city wall, and a peaceful atmosphere that you’ll love. 

Bring along a picnic or snack, sit back, and take in the views of Zurich’s beautiful architecture set against the River Limmat. This is a great place to visit in Zurich with kids .

Lindenhof Hill is about 500 meters from the main central station and about 25 meters above the city center, so it’s a short walk. You could spend 15 minutes to an hour here, depending on how long you like to sit back and relax. 

3. Visit Grossmünster

The Protestant church Grossmünster is one of the most iconic buildings in the Zurich cityscape. We recommend getting up close to this architectural wonder, especially since it’s conveniently located within the Old Town of Zurich. 

The church dates back to the twelfth century and played an important role in the city’s religious history during medieval times. Today, it’s a great place to learn about the city’s past and admire ornate detailing, like stained glass windows and intricate statues. 

Grossmünster is toward the southern end of Zurich’s Old Town.  You’ll likely spend 15 minutes admiring the windows and artwork here, and then another 30-60 minutes if you decide to climb the 187 steps to the top of the tower (not a must-do, but certainly a fun adventure!). 

4. Tour the Swiss National Museum

The Swiss National Museum (Landesmuseum Zürich) is a great jumping-off point for your entire Swiss vacation. After all, it offers incredible insight into Switzerland’s past and present, allowing you to better understand and appreciate all you see throughout the country. 

The museum spans from prehistoric times through modern day, and it has a mix of permanent and temporary exhibitions that visitors of all ages can enjoy. 

The Swiss National Museum is directly north of the main railway station (Zurich Hauptbahnhof). You could breeze through the building in an hour, but spending 2 to 3 hours here will help you better immerse yourself in the exhibits. 

5. Have a Treat at Confiserie Sprungli Cafe

If you prefer to snack your way through a city, Zurich is the place for you. One of the best spots to satisfy your sweet tooth (or morning hunger) is at Confiserie Sprungli. This decadent confectionary is well-known for its Swiss chocolate and macaroons, though they also offer coffee, sandwiches, and seemingly endless pastries. 

They have multiple chocolate shops around the city center, including numerous storefronts at the main railway station. Still, we recommend visiting the flagship store at Bahnhofstrasse 21 in Old Town, as it has a full cafe bar where you can enjoy a fuller meal and its fantastic ambiance. 

6. Visit Fraumünster

Fraumünster is the other church that dominates the Zurich skyline. This 13th-century cathedral features incredible detailing and stunning stained glass windows by the artist Marc Chagall.

You’ll pay to enter the church and can choose to add on the audio tour, which lasts about an hour and takes you through the main hall and the crypt.

If you’re short on time, you can skip the full tour, but it’s worth it to fully appreciate the building’s history and more modern window art.

The Fraumünster Church is toward the southern end of Old Town on the western banks of River Limmat. 

7. Go Shopping on Bahnhofstrasse

While Zurich’s Old Town is distinctly quaint and historic, it’s not just little local shops and cafes. In fact, Zurich has one of the world’s best luxurious shopping avenues. Gucci, Giorgio Armani, Hermes, Louis Vuitton– pretty much every high-end brand has a storefront along Bahnhofstrasse . 

If you have the budget to shop ‘til you drop, you’ll spend hours immersed in the luxe atmosphere of these stores. But this is a popular destination for window shoppers and sight-seers too, as the 1.4-km walk is in the heart of Old Town. 

Bahnhofstrasse is on the western side of Old Town and stretches from the main rail station to Lake Zurich. 

8. Have Fondue at Adler’s Swiss Chuchi

You must have Fondue during your Swiss vacation, and one of the best spots is at Swiss Chuchi. This cozy restaurant in Hotel Adler has been serving up classic Swiss cuisine for over 50 years, and it remains the best option for cheese fondue and fresh meats in Zurich.

They have outdoor tables on the pedestrian street and an indoor setting with a strong sense of place.

Swiss Chuchi – Hotel Adler is on the eastern side of Old Town, a few blocks north of Grossmünster.

9. Take a Boat Ride on Lake Zurich in the Summer

Ready for a break from walking through Zurich’s sometimes crowded streets? See more of the city from the water. Boat cruises can take you along River Limmat and through Lake Zurich. 

Lake Zurich Navigation Company offers cruises that last anywhere from one to four hours. If you have time for the four-hour cruise to and from Rapperswil (City of Roses), we highly recommend it.

If you’re short on time, their mini and short cruises will carry you to unique destinations while getting spectacular views of Zurich’s architecture and landscapes. 

Departure points are located on the southern end of Old Town, where River Limmat meets Lake Zurich.

10. Visit the Christmas Markets in the Winter

If you’re lucky enough to visit Zurich at Christmas time, you’ve got a lot of great Christmas markets to see. Ahead, we’re highlighting some of our top favorites, all easy to include in your Zurich one-day itinerary. 

Wienachtsdorf at Sechseläutenplatz

Located along the lakefront, next to the Opera House is this Christmas village. There’s a festive market with unique offerings, a fondue chalet, and an ice rink. This is the largest Christmas market in Zurich.

Dörfli in the Niederdorf – Old Town Christmas Market

The Old Town Christmas market is the oldest in Zurich and has such an immersive atmosphere. Located in the Niederdorf district of Old Town, you can sip mulled wine as you lose track of time amid the craft stalls and festive decor. 

Christkindlimarkt at Zurich Main Station

Looking for a great Christmas market that’s out of the cold? Zurich’s Main Station (on the northern end of Old Town) has one of Europe’s largest indoor Christmas markets. 

Since you’ll likely be traveling through the station, this is an easy market to pop into for a few minutes. Or, stick around and spend a while here. You’ll love the energy here as the station comes to life with twinkling lights and a 10-meter Christmas tree.

Christmas Market at Werdmühleplatz

Though it’s not one of Zurich’s largest Christmas markets, the one at Werdmühleplatz is one of the most charming. Located on Bahnhofstrasse , this market features a singing Christmas tree. It’s a unique stage that allows choirs to present festive performances throughout the season. Spend a short time here as you shop through Old Town. 

11. Kunsthaus Art Museum

Zurich’s Kunsthaus Art Museum houses one of Switzerland’s largest art collections, and it’s a great place to visit during your day trip in the city. The exhibits here span from the 13th century through the modern day, and they include paintings, sculptures, and eclectic pieces. 

Many big names are here: Warhol, Monet, and Picasso. Even if you’re not an art enthusiast, you’ll enjoy seeing famous pieces on display and discovering new favorites. 

Kunsthaus is just outside Old Town toward the east – it’ll take about ten minutes to walk there from Grossmünster church. 

12. Take a City Tour with a Guide

If you want to see all of Zurich’s best sights, consider booking a guided tour. Walking tours through historic Old Town ensure you don’t miss a piece of history or culture.

Buses and ferries allow you to venture beyond Old Town and see even more of the city with expert guidance from a local who knows. 

A private walking tour through Old Town Zurich allows for a customized itinerary with a great guide, and it’s perfect if you’re traveling as a group. 

Zurich Walking Tours

  • Fondue and Wine Tuk Tuk Tour by Viator
  • Introduction to Zurich with Context Travel
  • Zurich City Highlights with Get Your Guide

13. See the FIFA World Football Museum

Soccer fans must visit the FIFA World Football Museum in Zurich. This modern exhibition will take you through the sport’s history, and you’ll be able to see the World Cup trophy on display. 

Zurich’s FIFA museum is west of Old Town – it’ll be a 5-minute tram ride or 20-minute walk to get to it from the southern point of Bahnhofstrasse . Plan to spend 1 to 3 hours here, depending on the crowds and how much your family can get into football. 

14. Grab a Drink at Jules Verne Panoramabar for Epic City Views

When it’s time to wind down with a cocktail and relaxing vibes, Jules Verne Panorama Bar will be the perfect place. This sleek cocktail lounge has the best views of the city, along with hand-crafted libations and an impressive wine list. 

Use the elevator at Brasserie Lipp to access Jules Verne Panoramabar. They serve lunch on weekdays and late-night snacks to the evening crowd. The best time to visit is sunset to get daylight and nighttime views of this beautiful city. 

The post What To Do If You Only Have One Day in Zurich appeared first on .

If you’re traveling directly into Switzerland, you’ll likely fly into the Zurich airport. Though it’s easy to head straight to other destinations, we highly recommend sticking around and spending a day in this amazing city.  There’s so much to see, even if you only have one day in Zurich! About Zurich Zurich is the Switzerland’s...


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    11 a.m. English: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. 1 p.m. English: Saturday. 5 p.m. English: Friday. The Pride Festival will take place in Zurich from June 14 - 15, 2024. During the traditional costume festival (June 28 - 30) there will be no public Zurich old town walking tour. Instead, we are offering our Zurich-West tour.

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  3. Zurich Old Town Walking Tour

    On a two-hour walk through the old town, we go searching for clues to the city's past in its hidden alleyways and picturesque squares. Together, we uncover the secrets of Bahnhofstrasse, find out what a 'procession axis' is, and visit a church with a minute-hand that jumps a record-breaking half meter every minute. This popular tour is filled ...

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    My Zurich walking tour focuses on District 1 which is the city's rather beautiful old town area, home to the majority of the cities sites. We didn't really venture out of this area at all apart from when we visited Thermalbad Spa and Uetliberg. At the end of the post I've even included a map of the walking tour for you to follow. A Self ...

  20. One Day in Zurich Itinerary: Uncover Secrets of the Old Town

    Each has a colour theme and depicts a Christian story. Laying beneath the church is a crypt featuring frescos of the founding women of the church, as well as portraits of Zurich's three patron saints. The crypt was open to visitors again in 2016, having been closed off for 116 years. Cost: CHF 5.00.

  21. Zurich, Switzerland: Old Town walking tour

    travel videos & photos at: https://townsofeurope.com/ with text, maps & links.Zurich's Old Town extends about five blocks in from both sides of the river and...

  22. Zurich Old Town Walking Tour: 2-Hours

    Get ready to explore Zurich's Old Town on a 2-hour walking tour, where a hidden gem awaits to reveal the city's soul - but what could it be? ... Walking Tour; Private Tours; Cruises & Boat Tours; City Tours; Food & Drink. Food Tours; Cooking Classes; Wine Tours. Champagne; Tickets. Museums; Space

  23. What To Do If You Only Have One Day in Zurich

    Zurich's FIFA museum is west of Old Town - it'll be a 5-minute tram ride or 20-minute walk to get to it from the southern point of Bahnhofstrasse. Plan to spend 1 to 3 hours here, depending ...

  24. 7 of the Most Adventure-Filled Day Trips From Zurich

    With easy access to Mt. Rigi, Mt. Pilatus, and Mt. Titlis—plus a lake and Old Town of its own—Lucerne is a convenient Alpine day trip near Zurich. Combine this day trip from Zurich with a visit to mountain resort Engelberg, ascend one of the many nearby peaks, or dedicate a full day to discovering the city itself, taking time to explore the world-famous Chapel Bridge, Lake Lucerne, or ...