1. How to Fix CSS When It’s Not Working in Safari Browser

    safari css variables not working

  2. How to Fix CSS When It’s Not Working in Safari Browser

    safari css variables not working

  3. How to Fix CSS When It’s Not Working in Safari Browser

    safari css variables not working

  4. Safari bugs: CSS variables not applied immediately if used in animation

    safari css variables not working

  5. How to Fix CSS Issues on Safari

    safari css variables not working

  6. [Solved] CSS transform not working in Safari

    safari css variables not working


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  4. Safari is AI Now!

  5. Novedades de Safari 17.5!

  6. Browser Support and Fixing Flexbox Gap in Safari (Part-140)


  1. Safari 13 CSS variables are not detected

    0. Had the same issue as OP and found the answer here: :root variables not available on :before element. It's likely that the OP's css was referring to a :before or :after pseudo-element, which don't have access to the :root (or any other) namespace by default. Adding the :before and :after namespaces to my variable definitions fixed it. E.g.:

  2. How to Fix CSS Issues on Safari

    There is a CSS appearance property used to display an element using a platform-native styling based on the users' operating system's theme. To make it work on Safari, we must set the appearance property to its "none" value. Also, use -WebKit- and -Moz- vendor prefixes. Let's see an example, where we use this trick to make the border-radius ...

  3. CSS Variables (Custom Properties)

    Since April 2017, this feature works across the latest devices and major browser versions ( Learn more about Baseline) 1 Enabled through the "Experimental Web Platform features" flag in chrome://flags. 2 Partial support is due to bugs present (see known issues) "Can I use" provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web ...

  4. im experiencing some css issues since thi…

    Community+ 2024. Level 10. 112,157 points. Posted on Mar 23, 2021 12:28 PM. On macOS 11.2.3, I have not seen one trace of CSS issues with Safari 14.0.3, with my own web designs, on any site, or with search results. If you are using a third-party browser, get the latest product update, reboot your Mac, and try the same search criterion.

  5. Handling common HTML and CSS problems

    In general, most core HTML and CSS functionality (such as basic HTML elements, CSS basic colors and text styling) works across all the browsers you'll want to support; more problems are uncovered when you start wanting to use newer HTML, CSS, and APIs. MDN displays browser compatibility data for each feature documented; for example, see the ...

  6. [ShadyCSS] IE11, Safari 9, iOS9 :root imported CSS variables not working

    Description On IE11, Safari 9, iOS9 the CSS variables that are set to component's :root selector from <styl import="..."> imported CSS are not applied. ... [ShadyCSS] IE11, Safari 9, iOS9 :root imported CSS variables not working Jun 12, 2019. dfreedm mentioned this issue Jun 12, 2019. IE11 - CSS variables declared at :root are blanked out in ...

  7. Do CSS variables not work in iOS? : r/webdev

    Safari on ios always needs special testing, using the emulator on a desktop browser is good for roughing it out but the final design always needs to be tweaked on the device itself. But the problem is not with CSS variables, I can confirm that those work just the same as on other browsers. 2. Reply. OctavioMasomenos.

  8. How to Fix CSS When It's Not Working in Safari Browser

    2. Clear cache and history. Navigate to Safari on the menu bar and select Preferences. Click on the Advanced tab and check the Show Develop menu in menu bar box. Select Develop on the menu bar and hit Empty Caches. 3. Validate your CSS code. The CSS code that is copied from the web is not always correct.

  9. Safari bugs: CSS variables not applied immediately if used in animation

    CSS variables not applied immediately if used in animation @ keyframes 2. When animating image, it may appear empty if you're changing src URL too quickly (maybe happens even without animation)

  10. CSS Variables

    No more third-party utilities, no more extra build steps, no more (eek!) command-line shenanigans just to make your CSS work like it should. 2. CSS variables are not just an esoteric programmer ...

  11. Supported CSS Properties

    Although the CSS specification allows it, Safari does not support custom cursors. Availability. Available in Safari 1.2 and later. Support Level. CSS 2.1. outline. Defines a variety of properties for an element's outline (drawn outside the element's border) within one declaration. Syntax

  12. New WebKit Features in Safari 15.4

    When working with CSS custom properties, or CSS variables as they're more widely known, a common practice is to add them to a selector rule for :root or html. Unfortunately, this leads to a long list of inherited CSS variables for every element on the page. Web Inspector helps you handle this in a few ways.

  13. #202: How to Improve Site Performance & Tricks for Using CSS variables

    It turns out, almost every app has low-hanging fruits that could be implemented just by tuning the bundler configuration and doing a few precise code changes. Ivan gives us some pointers for how we can make our own websites and apps faster with techniques such as deferring JavaScript execution, code splitting, and removing polyfills.

  14. Transform class not working properly on Safari · tailwindlabs ...

    I noticed the problem when found out rotate-90 / -rotate-90 were not working. The class works properly in other browsers but not in Safari 13.1.3 , It seems like default css vars are not working and that's causing the problem. If I edit the class I can make it work , e.g. Notice the 0 fallback for translate Y , it doesn't work without the fallback.

  15. CSS Individual Transform Properties in Safari Technology Preview

    The WebKit blog details how to use individual CSS Transform properties in the latest version of Safari Technology Preview. This brings the browser in line with the CSS Transforms Module Level 2 spec, which breaks out the translate(), rotate() and scale() functions from the transform property into their own individual properties: translate, scale, and rotate.

  16. Using CSS nesting

    The CSS nesting module allows you to write your stylesheets so that they are easier to read, more modular, and more maintainable. As you are not constantly repeating selectors, the file size can also be reduced. CSS nesting is different from CSS preprocessors such as Sass in that it is parsed by the browser rather than being pre-compiled by a CSS preprocessor.

  17. css

    I'm using a variable font, and it is working correctly on Chrome (Version 97..4692.71) and Firefox (96.0.2) but not on Safari (15.1). On CSS, I'm importing the font like this:

  18. Meta Theme Color and Trickery

    Safari 15 is the first browser to support lab(), lch(), and hwb() color functions. These functions work if you use them in CSS, but not if you use them in the theme-color meta tag. All three declarations work fine in Safari 15:

  19. Why CSS variables are not supporting images in safari?

    I have used CSS variables for image URL. This is working fine in Chrome and Firefox, but not in Safari. Safari is not showing the image. However other variables with colour values are working fine in Safari.