Teneriffa mit dem Rennrad : Im Höhenrausch am Pico del Teide

Jörg Wenzel

 ·  09.12.2023

Gebirge mit Aussicht: Von der Straße im Naturpark Teno reicht der Blick bis hinüber nach La Gomera.

Video: Der Pico del Teide auf Teneriffa aus der Vogelperspektive

Straßentunnel aus sträuchern auf teneriffa, tour 1 auf teneriffa: rund um den flughafen, tour 2 auf teneriffa: am kraterrand.

  • Tour 3 auf Teneriffa:

Tour 4 auf Teneriffa: Rennradlers Mondfahrt

Tour 5 auf teneriffa: sternengucker, tour 6 auf teneriffa: im lorbeerwald, informationen zu teneriffa.

Die 80 Kilometer lange Kanareninsel Teneriffa liegt in Form eines gleichschenkligen Dreiecks zwischen den kleineren runden Inseln La Gomera und Gran Canaria. Alle drei haben sich vor über elf Millionen Jahren feuer- und lavaspuckend aus dem Atlantik erhoben, Teneriffa überragt aber mit dem 3715 Meter hohen Vulkan Pico del Teide die beiden Schwestern deutlich. Direkt von Meereshöhe klettern Straßen an den Flanken des Vulkans auf ein über 2000 Meter hoch gelegenes Plateau mit 17 Kilometern Durchmesser: die Caldera de las Cañadas.

Der gewaltige Kraterkessel zählt zu den größten der Erde, und man kann ihn mit dem Rennrad durchfahren. Von einem „Tanz auf dem Vulkan“ zu sprechen, wäre aber zu abgedroschen und auch nicht wahr – für die meisten zumindest. Die wenigsten, die an den Flanken des Teide hinaufklettern, werden die 2000 Höhenmeter am Stück als Tanz empfinden, dafür fehlt das Leichte, das Beschwingte. Das zeigen höchstens Radprofis, die dort im Winter trainieren, etwa die von Bora-Hansgrohe, die wir im Februar 2023 im Höhentrainingslager besuchten. Wenn sie in den Flanken des Teide vorbeifliegen wie schwerelose Roboter, außerirdisch, unerreichbar, ist das ganz schlecht fürs Ego …

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rennrad tour teide

Den größtmöglichen Kontrast zum kargen Teide markiert das Anaga-Gebirge, etwa 40 Kilometer nordöstlich des Gipfels. Der kleine, tausend Meter hohe Rücken strukturiert den nördlichsten Teil Teneriffas. Er ist schroff und dünn besiedelt. Die Wolkenbänke, die der Nordostpassat gegen die Insel schiebt, lassen dort ihre Feuchtigkeit fallen, feine Tröpfchen benetzen alles. Schilder an Sträßchen, die ohne Mittelstreifen aufwärts führen, warnen vor Rutschgefahr. Dabei geht es nicht um Glatteis, sondern um Algen und Moos, das sich seifig glatt über den Asphalt legt. Riesige Sträucher von Baumheide und Gagelbaum formen dunkle, klamme, glitschige Straßentunnel, aufgelockert durch gelbe Akzente mannshoher Löwenzahnstauden. Zeigt sich Licht am Ende des Tunnels, verschlägt einem der Ausblick bisweilen den Atem: Dann ist der scharfe Gebirgskamm nicht breiter als die Straße. Rechts und links nagen 800 Meter tiefer die Wellen an den grünen Flanken des Anaga-Gebirges. Wer eine der wenigen Straßen hinunterrauscht, muss mangels Küstenstraße dieselbe auch wieder hinauf.

Wer nach Teneriffa kommt, muss aber nicht nur Berge mögen, sondern auch bereit sein, per Bus oder Auto zum Start der schönsten Touren zu fahren. Weil auf den Küstenstraßen oft viel Verkehr herrscht und alle anderen Straßen meist direkt in den Himmel führen, sind von kaum einem Küstenort mehr als zwei oder drei sinnvolle Radtouren möglich. Hat man das akzeptiert, fasziniert die Insel mit unglaublichen Landschaften und wirklich ­ruhigen Nebenstraßen.

Karte Kanarische Inseln

Los geht es in einem der Touristenzentren des Südens, in Los Cristianos. Schnell verlassen wir den Ort, in dem sich Hotel an Hotel reiht, Richtung Osten. Die Straße, die kurz der Südautobahn folgt und durch eine ockerfarbene, baumlose Landschaft führt, wurde teils in den vulkanischen Untergrund geschnitten – Geologen hätten an den freigelegten Schichten links und rechts ihre Freude. Bald wird die Sicht aber frei auf den Atlantik, den wir in Costa del Silencio nach etwas mehr als zehn Kilometern erreichen. Ein Schlenker via Las Chafiras führt kurz weg von der Küste, der wir bei Los Abrigos wieder folgen. Wenn wir den Flughafen an der östlichen Seite passieren, ist die Hälfte der Strecke erreicht, aber nicht die Hälfte der Höhenmeter. Die sammeln wir, wenn sich die Runde von San Isidro bis La Camella in Höhen zwischen 200 und 350 Meter überm Meer an den Vulkanflanken entlanghangelt. Es geht durch Siedlungen, karges Brachland, ­wenige landwirtschaftliche Flächen. Oft wird man eingerahmt von kleinen Vulkankegeln, die wie Hütchen in der Gegend stehen. Hat man den höchsten Punkt der Runde (in La Camella) auf rund 350 Meter erreicht, rauscht man ­die letzten fünf Kilometer nach Los ­Cristianos nur noch bergab.

Höhenprofil Tour 1

94 Kilometer, 2400 Höhenmeter

Wie bei Tour 1 starten wir nahe am Meer in Los Cristianos, diesmal bleibt aber keine Minute Zeit zum Einrollen, es geht sofort bergauf. Das Profil der Runde ist simpel, aber auch etwas angsteinflößend, es sieht aus wie ein Querschnitt des Teide-Vulkans, an dessen südlicher Flanke wir hinaufklettern: 35 Kilometer geht es nur bergauf, auf über 2000 Meter Höhe wird es kurz flach, dann folgt eine ewig lange Abfahrt zurück ans Meer.

Dem Himmel so nah: unterwegs im Teide-Nationalpark

Aber der Reihe nach: Die ersten neun Kilometer führt die schmale Bergstraße über Rampen mit niedrigen zweistelligen Steigungsprozenten bis Arona, durch eine Mischung aus lockeren Siedlungen, steppenhaften Busch- und Grasland und mit vergilbt-weißen Plastikplanen abgedeckten Gewächshäusern. Mit zunehmender Höhe wird es stiller, die Siedlungen werden weniger. Vor La Escalona besänftigen erste Serpentinen den steilen Anstieg und erlauben wunderbare Rückblicke zum Meer. Der Berg wird immer karger. An vielen Stellen liegt die rote vulkanische Erde blank in der Sonne, Trockenmauern halten die Hänge fest, die ersten Kanarischen Kiefern säumen die Straße.

Wer eine kleine Stärkung braucht, findet nach 22,5 Kilometern in Vilaflor eine letzte Gelegenheit zur Einkehr. Vor dem finalen Anstieg empfiehlt sich die Cafetería Tito (Durchgangsstraße linksseitig) mit guten Kleingerichten. Von dort bis zur Caldera de las Cañadas im Zentrum ­Teneriffas sind es noch 850 Höhenmeter, auf denen ein lichter Kiefernwald nur wenig Schatten spendet. In südlicher Richtung wird die Caldera de las Cañadas, ein ­riesiger Einsturzkessel vulkanischen Ursprungs von ­ungefähr 17 Kilometern Durchmesser, von durch­schnittlich 500 Meter hohen Kraterwänden begrenzt. 200 Höhenmeter unterhalb ihres höchsten Punktes findet die Straße einen Durchschlupf in die Caldera, die glatt wie der Boden einer Bratpfanne daliegt, noch einmal um fast das Doppelte an Höhe überragt vom kegel­förmigen Gipfelaufbau des 3715 Meter hohen Pico del Teide. Jetzt heißt es: verschnaufen, den Ausblick genießen und vier Kilometer am westlichen flachen Rand der Caldera durch eine fast vegetationslose Mondlandschaft genussvoll dahingleiten.

Was danach folgt, ist ein nicht enden wollender Abfahrtstraum: Die nächsten 30 Kilometer bis Guía de Isora vernichten 1500 Höhenmeter, führen durch Kiefernwälder, schroff erstarrte Lavaströme und sie bieten Ausblicke wie aus dem Flugzeug auf den Atlantik und die Nachbarinsel La Gomera. Dann geht es 24 Kilometer unmerklich sanft hinab zur Küste bis Los Cristianos, zurück vom Mond in die touristische Zivilisation auf der Erde.

Höhenprofil Tour 2

Tour 3 auf Teneriffa: Balanceakt im Teno-Gebirge

69 kilometer, 2000 höhenmeter.

Durchs Freiluft-Gewächshaus: an der Steilküste über Garachico.

Die relativ kurze, aber knackige Runde ins Teno-Gebirge im äußersten Westen Teneriffas führt über mäßig befahrene Straßen und gewährt atemberaubende Ausblicke. Los geht’s nahe der Küste in Icod de los Vinos, das schon 1496 von Konquistadoren gegründet wurde. Der Name leitet sich von Icod ab, einem ehemaligen Stammesgebiet der Guanchen-Ureinwohner auf dem Gebiet des heutigen Ortes. Der Zusatz „de los Vinos“, der schon im 16. Jahrhundert entstand, verweist auf den Weinanbau in der Gegend.

Teneriffa-Runden, die nahe der Küste starten, kennen meist nur eine Richtung: bergwärts. So auch diese. Aber anders als im kargen Süden klettert das feine Sträßchen hier durch üppiges Grün. Gärten und Felder, Obstbäume, Palmen und verwildertes Gebüsch säumen die Straße, die durch kleine Dörfer führt, denen Hotelanlagen wie an der Südküste vollkommen fremd sind. Stattdessen: ein- bis zweigeschossige Flachbauten, mal weiß, mal gelb, ocker oder rot getüncht, der Putz von salziger Seeluft zerfressen wie ein Wollpullover von Motten. Auf 900 Metern Höhe, bei La Montañeta, wechselt die Landschaft, das Offene weicht einem Wald, dichter und schattiger als im Süden der Insel; er zählt zum ­Naturpark La Corona Forestal, dem größten Teneriffas. Hier wachsen Kiefern, Kastanien, Eukalyptus und Zypressen. Hinter San José de Los Llanos, auf 1100 Metern Höhe, öffnet sich die Landschaft wieder und gibt Blicke hinunter zum Atlantik frei.

Tour 3 erschließt den Nordwesten Teneriffas, von der Steilküste reicht der Blick bis hinüber nach La Gomera.

Es folgt eine kurze Abfahrt nach Santiago del Teide, ein Zwischenanstieg zum Mirador de Cherfe (1063 Meter), der großartige Ausblicke zur Westküste, auf La Gomera und in die entgegengesetzte Richtung zum Pico del Teide erlaubt. Dann folgt eine der schönsten Straßen der Insel, die sich in Serpentinen an Felswänden entlanghangelt und ausgesetzt bis Masca zu Tal stürzt – nichts für Angsthasen. Nach einem Auf und Ab bis Las Portelas führt diese Traumstraße in einem Kurvenrausch durch üppig grünes Buschland hinunter zum Meer nach Buenavista del Norte. Wer will, kann dort die Tour verlängern, nach Westen zum Leuchtturm (Faro) von Teno und in eine geschützte Badebucht. Die Straßensperrung wird von Radlern allgemein ignoriert, eventuell Licht für den kurzen Tunnel mitnehmen. Wer in Buenavista rechts abbiegt, erreicht nach neun flachen Kilometern den Ortsanfang von Garachico, wo der letzte Anstieg des ­Tages wartet: 500 Höhenmeter an der Steilküste, verteilt auf neun Kilometer, das Meer immer im Blick, bevor es die letzten Kilometer hinabgeht nach Icod de los Vinos.

Höhenprofil Tour 3

133 Kilometer, 3340 Höhenmeter

Die Daten unserer Königsetappe rund um den Pico del Teide sind vergleichbar mit ­denen einer harten Alpenetappe über zwei oder drei Pässe. Da ihr längster Anstieg – zur über 2000 Meter hohen Caldera de las Caña­das – aber nie zweistellige Steigungsprozente erreicht, kann man einen gleich­mäßigen, kräftesparenden Rhythmus fahren. Der Lohn für die Ausdauerleistung sind Tiefblicke wie aus einer Raumkapsel und die Fahrt durch eine raue, schroffe und in ihrer Kargheit wunderschöne Vulkanlandschaft.

Icod de los Vinos ist der Startort für die Touren 3 und 4.

Wie bei Tour 3 starten wir im Nordwesten Teneriffas nahe der Küste in Icod de los ­Vinos. Von dort geht es die nächsten 36 Kilometer nach Westen, zuerst noch relativ nahe oberhalb der Küste, dann klettert die Route sanft höher und entfernt sich immer weiter vom Meer. Es geht durch Dörfer, deren in allen erdenklichen Pastellfarben gestrichene Häuser an den Berghängen kleben. Zwischenabfahrten lockern die Beine. Ab Kilometer 32 geht es aber für 30 Kilometer nur noch bergauf; nach weiteren sechs Kilometern, auf mehr als 1000 Metern Höhe, lassen wir mit Aguamansa die letzte Siedlung zurück. Wir fahren durch ein Trainingsparadies und tauchen ein in den Naturpark La Corona Forestal, das größte Naturschutzgebiet Teneriffas. Kiefern, Eukalyptus und Lorbeer formen einen kühl-schattigen Straßentunnel. An dessen Innenseite sprießen Farne, Flechten und Moose. Blätter rauschen, Vögel zwitschern, bisweilen riecht es nach frischen Pilzen. Nie übersteigt die Steigung die Zehn-Prozent-Marke. Fahrtechnisch heißt das: Wir haben Teneriffa im Griff. Je höher wir klettern, umso kleiner werden die Kiefern, ab 2000 Meter Höhe weichen sie ganz.

Lavaschicht für Lavaschicht türmten sich vor Millionen Jahren zur Insel Teneriffa.

Direkt an der Waldgrenze und schon hinter der Grenze des Teide-­Nationalparks steht nach 53 Kilometern das Restaurant „El Portillo“, unser Rast-Tipp. Gestärkt klettern wir in den Einsturzkessel der Caldera de las Cañadas und damit in eine andere Welt. Sie besteht aus Asche, Lavabrocken und erstarrten Magmaströmen. Wie ein vulkanisches Riesenmonument erhebt sich der Pico del Teide (3715 Meter) erst vor, dann neben, schließlich hinter uns. Es wird angenommen, dass der Vulkan, der hier einst in die Höhe ragte, weitaus größer war als der Teide und in mehreren Phasen einstürzte. Den nächsten Abschnitt, die genüssliche Fahrt am Grund der Caldera und die grandiose Abfahrt zur Westküste, kennen wir schon von Tour 2. Hier wenden wir uns aber nach Norden, klettern über zwei kleinere Anstiege via Arguayo und Santiago del Teide mit insgesamt 600 Höhenmetern zum Puerto del Erjos (1111 Meter), von dem es ­in 18 Kilometern kurvenreich und mit Meer­blick hinuntergeht nach Icod de los Vinos.

Höhenprofil Tour 4

91 Kilometer, 2600 Höhenmeter

Noch ein Ritt auf den Vulkan, diesmal starten wir aber von Osten, aus dem hübschen Güímar, das sich knapp 300 Meter über dem Atlantik an eine Bergflanke schmiegt. Güímar gilt als eine der ältesten Gemeinden der Insel. Und noch bevor wir bergauf den Ort verlassen, passieren wir die Pyramiden von Güímar. Von ehemals neun sind nur noch sechs erhalten: sechseckig, lang gestreckt und aus Lavagestein aufgeschichtet. Sie sind nicht, wie früher geglaubt wurde, von Bauern angelegt, um Steine von den Äckern zu entfernen, sondern sie dienten den Guanchen, den Ureinwohnern, als Kultstätte und Plattform für astronomische Beobachtungen. Letztere finden heutzutage 2000 Meter höher statt, im Teide-Observatorium – und dahin soll es auf dieser Runde gehen …

Hochgelegener Horch- und Guckposten: im Hintergrund die Kuppeln des Teide-Observatoriums.

Auch hier wartet gleich nach dem Start ein ewig langer Anstieg. Zuerst 21 Kilometer bis zum Bergrücken der Cordillera de Pedro Gil, der sich quer über die Insel zieht, von San Cristóbal de La Laguna im Nordosten bis fast zur Westküste. Im Anstieg säumen in den tiefen Lagen Palmen die Straße, die durch terrassiertes, fruchtbares Land klettert, in dem sich Dorf an Dorf reiht. Je höher man klettert, umso öfter fordern Rampen mit Steigungen im unteren zweistelligen ­Bereich das Bergritzel oder die Radler in den Wiegetritt.

Auf 800 Metern Höhe endet die Besiedlung, ab 1500 Metern tauchen wir ein in den Naturpark La Corona Forestal, mit Kiefern, Eukalyptusbäumen und Lorbeergewächsen. Auch auf dem Bergrücken, auf dem die Route, abgesehen von kurzen Abfahrten, moderat ansteigt, verstellt der Wald für lange Zeit die Sicht. Umso eindrucksvoller, wenn er bei Kilometer 44 zurückbleibt, um schwarzer Asche, hellem Tuff und rotem Lavagestein Platz zu machen und den Blick freizugeben von der Stadt La Orotava, deren helle Häuser 2000 Meter tiefer vor dem dunkelblauen Atlantik leuchten, bis zum Gipfel des Pico del Teide und, wenn man weiter nach links schaut, zu den weißen Kuppeln des Teide-Observatoriums. Die Luft hier oben ist so klar, dass internationale Astro­physiker am Rand der Caldera de las Cañadas auf rund 2400 Metern Höhe ein Observatorium betreiben.

Dort drehen wir um, lassen die Abfahrt nach Güímar rechts liegen und rauschen weitere 1500 Höhenmeter bergab: erst nach Nordosten, bis der ­Kiefernwald ­endet, dann rechts zur ­Ostküste nach Radazul. Es folgt eine ­feine Landstraße, die um die 200 Meter überm Meer pendelt, für 18 Kilometer nach Süden bis Güímar. Lässt man die Stichstraße zum Observatorium weg, spart man 30 Kilometer und 900 Höhenmeter, verpasst aber die schönsten Aussichten.

Höhenprofil Tour 5

114 Kilometer, 2700 Höhenmeter

Bei Schlechtwetter ungemütlich, bei Sonne unvergesslich: die Befahrung des Anaga-Gratrückens im äußersten Nordosten. Die Steigung der Kammstraße ist relativ gemütlich, herausfordernd der Wiederaufstieg nach der Abfahrt nordwärts nach Taganana. Aber um in diese Abgeschiedenheit zu gelangen, müssen wir erst durch ein urbanes Nadelöhr schlüpfen: Die Hauptstadt Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Wir hangeln uns vom ­beschaulichen Güímar erst einmal auf schmaler Landstraße 200 Meter über dem Meer in moderatem Auf und Ab nach Norden. Nach 20 Kilometern erreichen wir den Speckgürtel von Teneriffas Hauptstadt, nach weiteren neun Kilometern ihr Zen­trum, wiederum nach neun lassen wir im hübschen Fischerdorf San Andrés die Anlagen des Industriehafens hinter uns. Wer Badehose oder Bikini einstecken hat, kann hier, an einem der schönsten Strände Teneriffas, in den kühlen Atlantik springen.

Der Ort Taganana liegt abgelegen im Anaga-Gebirge und wird nach etwa der Hälfte der Strecke von Tour 6 erreicht.

Heiß wird es dann auf den nächsten zehn Kilometern. Der durchschnittlich über sechs Prozent steile Anstieg von San Andrés auf den Kamm des Anaga-Gebirges ist gespickt mit einigen giftigen Rampen und bei einheimischen Rennradlern eine beliebte Trainingsstrecke. Sukkulenten, Kakteen und subtropische Sträucher begleiten die kurvige und zunehmend serpentinenreiche Straße, blockieren aber nicht die Ausblicke auf die faltigen, schrundigen Berge. Kurz bevor wir den Bergkamm erreichen, biegen wir rechts ab in die Sackgasse Richtung Taganana und erblicken hinter einem kurzen Tunnel eine abgelegene Welt, durch die sich ein schmales Sträßchen in Serpentinen zur Nordküste stürzt. Unten leuchten die weiß getünchten Häuser Tagananas, ein charmantes Bergdorf und zugleich die größte Ansiedlung im Anaga-Gebirge.

Im Ort und den kleinen Weilern direkt am Meer findet man nach rund 55 Kilometern mehrere Restaurants, um sich für den Wiederaufstieg zu stärken. Wer die bis 15 Prozent steile Abfahrt – und dieselbe Straße wieder bergauf – auslässt, spart 14 Kilometer und fast 700 Höhenmeter und findet nach 61 Kilometern im Restaurant am Cruz del Carmen leckere Eintöpfe. Auf dem Kamm des Anaga-Gebirges riecht es aber auch weit entfernt vom Restaurant würzig wie in einer Suppenküche, denn dort befindet sich ein Rest der weltweit wenigen noch verbliebenen Lorbeerwälder. Er besteht aus etwa 20 verschiedenen Baumarten. In seinem Schatten wachsen Farne und Moose, an lichteren Stellen Glockenblume und Fingerhut.

Das feuchte Klima hüllt Berge und Straßen oft in Wolken, dann müssen Radler vor allem bergab auf der Hut sein, weil die Straßen schnell glitschig werden können. Zehn Kilometer bergab geht es vom höchsten Punkt des dicht bewaldeten Kammes auf fast 1000 Meter Höhe bis San Cristóbal de La Laguna, eine hübsche Universitätsstadt, die auf einem 550 Meter hohen Rücken liegt. Durch ihr Straßengewirr und Vororte, durch Dörfer und Bauernland rollen wir ohne allzu große Hürden zurück nach Güímar.

Höhenprofil Tour 6

Teneriffa hat zwei Flughäfen: Süd (Kürzel TFS) bei Los Cristianos mit den meisten Auslandsverbindungen und Nord (TFN), hauptsächlich für innerkanarische Flüge, aber auch für internationale. Von Deutschland fliegen mehrere Fluggesellschaften direkt in knapp fünf Stunden nach Teneriffa Süd, hin und zurück ab 250 Euro (ohne Radtransport), meist zwischen 350 und 450 Euro.

Für den Transfer und die ­Anfahrt zu den Startpunkten empfiehlt es sich, vorab einen Mietwagen zu buchen (ab 45 Euro/Tag für Kompaktklasse inklusive Vollkasko ohne Selbstbeteiligung, etwa über www.billiger-mietwagen.de). Alternativ ist auf der ganzen Insel der Bustransport möglich. Das Rad kommt bei den Linienbussen der Gesellschaft TITSA (www.titsa.com) kostenlos im Gepäckraum mit; die Busfahrer sind zwar nicht verpflichtet, Fahrräder mitzunehmen, aber die meisten erlauben es, wenn genügend Platz vorhanden ist. Tipp: Rad mit Expandergurt festzurren.

Beste Reisezeit

Teneriffa ist ein Ganzjahres­revier mit durchschnittlichen Tageshöchstwerten von 29 Grad im August und 20 Grad im Januar; in den Bergen sind Nachtfröste und sogar Schnee möglich. Ab Juni kann Saharawind für einige Tage unerträgliche Hitze bringen. Die angenehmsten Temperaturen zum Radfahren findet man von März bis Juni und von September bis November. Das Inselklima ist komplex: Sollte es im Norden regnen, kann im Süden trotzdem die Sonne scheinen.

Essen & Trinken

Anders als auf dem spanischen Festland gibt es auf den Kanaren keine so starren Essenszeiten, meist lässt sich jederzeit – allerdings nicht in einsamen Gegenden – anständig essen und einkaufen. Ideal für Radfahrer sind die allgegenwärtigen Papas Arrugadas (mit viel Meersalz gekochte Kartoffeln), gereicht mit würzig-­schmackhaften Soßen, sowie leicht verdauliche Fischgerichte. Kanarisches Bier der Marken Tropical und Dorada schmeckt prima. Supermärkte haben in Touristenzentren jeden Tag geöffnet; Tipp: unbedingt die wohlschmeckenden kanarischen Bananen probieren!

Für die vielen Restaurants auf Teneriffa gilt die Faustregel: Je weiter ein Restaurant von der Strandpromenade entfernt ist, desto größer die Chance auf gutes Essen. Ausnahmen mit Fisch und Wein zu fairen Preisen sind die „Cofradía de Pescadores“, einfache Gaststätten der jeweils ortsansässigen Fischergenossenschaft, die es an vielen Küstenorten gibt.


  • Puerto de la Cruz: Tito’s Bodeguita/Casa Abaco, Telefon 0034/922/089436, casaabaco.com. Die Bodeguita liegt dicht an der Schnellstraße (Ausfahrt Nr. 35) und weit weg vom Strand. Wer sich in dieser Lage hält, hat etwas zu bieten: schöner Innenhof, ruhig, gute Auswahl, beliebt auch bei Einheimischen.
  • Los Cristianos: El Rincón del Arroz, Telefon 0034/922/777741, rincondelarroz.micarta.info. Gehobene mediterrane Küche in Strandnähe.


Free Motion , Telefon 0034/922/168495, www.free-motion.com/de/tenerife

Der Radverleiher und Tourenanbieter betreibt zwei Stationen im Süden Teneriffas, in Los Cristianos und La Caleta de Adeje. Die neuwertigen Rennräder mit bergtauglicher Übersetzung kosten bei einer Mietdauer von 6 bis 12 Tagen ­­zwischen 26 und 44 Euro pro Tag – je nach ­Modell und Ausstattung.

Blick zum Teide und ins Orotava-Tal. Sonnenuntergang im Parque Nacional del Teide.

  • Am Teide: Parador de Las Cañadas del Teide, Telefon 0034/922/386415, www.parador.es. Die Paradores sind staatliche Hotels in meist exquisiter Lage. Der Parador am Teide ist das einzige Hotel dort oben (auf 2.150 Meter Höhe) und die Unterkunft vieler Radprofis im Höhentraining. Gediegen, sehr gutes Essen, aber ziemlich teuer. Ein Erlebnis – und sei es nur für eine Nacht. Halbpension im Doppelzimmer kostet ab 200 Euro.
  • San Miguel de Abona: Hotel Barceló Tenerife, www.barcelo.com. Exklusive, 2022 renovierte Hotelanlage am Meer nahe dem Flughafen Süd. Doppelzimmer mit Frühstück ab 225 Euro.
  • Puerto de la Cruz: Villa Rosalva, Telefon 0034/922/373709, www.villarosalva.de. Hübsche Ferienwohnungen und ruhige Appartements mitten in einer Bananenplantage. Doppelzimmer mit Küchenzeile (Studio) ab 77 Euro, Frühstück pro Person für 15 Euro. Aufenthalt ab drei Nächten.

Nicht verpassen!

Jedermann rennen.

Nach dem Debüt 2022 findet immer im November der Gran ­Fondo Giro d’Italia Ride Like a Pro auf Teneriffa statt. Die Rundfahrt besteht aus zwei Etappen, die auch einzeln gebucht werden können. Die erste führt über 115 Kilometer und knapp 3000 Höhenmeter, die zweite über 64 Kilometer und 1300 Höhenmeter. Bei der Premiere 2022 standen mehr als 700 Teilnehmer aus elf Ländern am Start. Infos unter www.giroridelikeapro.com

Pico del Teide

Am Vulkan Teide fährt eine Seilbahn vom Hochplateau rund 1200 Höhenmeter hinauf bis auf 3555 Meter, pro Person kostet die Fahrt 22 Euro. Oben warten Wanderwege zum Aussichtspunkt am Pico Viejo, von dem man wie aus dem Flugzeug auf die Inseln La Gomera, El Hierro und La Palma blickt, und zum Aussichtspunkt „La Fortaleza“, der einen herrlichen Blick auf den Norden Teneriffas mit dem Orotava-Tal und Puerto de la Cruz ermöglicht. Wer ganz nach oben steigen will, auf den Gipfel des 3715 Meter ­hohen Teide, braucht dafür eine besondere (kostenlose) Genehmigung der Nationalparkverwaltung, die wegen der hohen ­Nachfrage Monate im Voraus eingeholt werden muss. Alle Infos zur Anreise, Seilbahn-Tickets, geführten Wanderungen, Bus-Anreise und den Link zur Gipfelbesteigungsgenehmigung gibt’s unter: www.volcanoteide.com

Allgemeine Infos

  • www.spain.info (offizielles spanisches Tourismusportal)
  • www.webtenerife.de (offizielles Tourismusportal Teneriffas)

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rennrad tour teide

  • Bike Rental
  • Training Camp
  • Testimonial

Road Teide Downhill Tenerife

A cyclist rides down a mountain road with a volcano in the background on Tenerife's Road Teide Downhill.


Proposed for everyone, our Guided Bike Downhill Tour in Tenerife offers a unique discovery of the Teide volcano .  This easily-accessible adventure welcomes ages 12 and up, as long as they are accompanied by an adult. You don’t have to be a biking pro, just someone who cherishes the joy of biking. Unquestionably, knowing how to ride a bike is important! Enjoy the convenience of pick-up right from your accommodation , included in the tour cost within a 10 km radius of our Adeje base. Embark on a thrilling Bike tour on  road downhill adventure, exploring the magnificent Teide volcano! Our approximate one-hour journey from your accommodation to the south-east slope of Teide, resting at an altitude of 2200 meters above sea level, will transport us to our starting point at Parador del Teide. Here, we can instantly marvel at the iconic “Roques de Garcia” viewpoint. Once the bikes are set up for each participant, after a comprehensive briefing and ensuring understanding of the tour rules for maximum safety, we will be ready to embark on the most thrilling 2 hours and 35 km of your holiday.

The highlights of our tour include:

A cyclist gracefully navigating the winding mountain road in Tenerife, with the magnificent Mount Teide providing a breathtaking view.


Road teide downhill tenerife – level easy, info e booking.

For the entire duration of the excursion you will be accompanied and supported by qualified multilingual ENG / ITA / SPA guides . The price is to be considered per person, on an all-inclusive basis.

The All-Inclusive basis includes:

  • Professional light carbon road bike shimano ultegra group set 50-34 / 11-32
  • Accessories (helmet, repair kit);
  • ITA / ENG / SPA qualified guide
  • Pick-up / Drop-off at your hotel
  • Water, fruit or snacks.
  • Meeting point at your hotel

We strongly recommend that you bring at least your personal clothing (shirt and shorts) with you and, if you have space in your suitcase, also pedal clips, shoes, helmet, windbreaker or vest. If this is not possible, you will have the opportunity to rent them from us upon notice.

It is important that on your cycling tour you have the right clothing for the season and the altitude you intend to reach based on the description of the tour.

The minimum obligatory equipment necessary for the tour is:

  • sports clothing suitable for cycling
  • cycling shoes (we will provide the pedals) or hiking or similar closed shoes.
  • ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN: sandals or flip flops.
  • sunglasses to protect the eyes from insects and vegetation.
  • sun protection cream

It is possible to bring a change of clothes or a backpack to leave in the car if not necessary during the tour.

You will find at our bike point everything you need: outfits, jerseys, energy bars, water bottles, gloves, sunglasses.

If you have no way of arriving independently at the starting point, we are able to offer pick-up and drop-off. Ask for a quote when booking.

Certainly! If you have no way of getting to the shop independently, we are able to offer home delivery and collection of the bicycle, at a minimum cost of 10 euros within a radius of 10 km from our base.

The bike will be delivered to you with a repair kit that includes tire remover levers, a new spare tube, a small pump, 2 bottle cages.

In Spain, in the Canary Islands, it is not possible to insure damage caused to bicycles during the rental, so you will be 100% responsible for damage caused or theft – even of accessories- of what is delivered to you upon signing the contract.

We offer the possibility of renting – subject to confirmation during the booking phase – a vast assortment of equipment

  • Shoes from size EU 38 to EU 48 at a cost of 5 EUROS per day including pedals.
  • Helmets from size S to size XL at a cost of  3 EUROS for the entire duration of the rental
  • Pedals: Look Keo, Shimano spd-sl (street version plastic clips), Shimano spd (metal clips mtb version), Speedplay for 1 EURO per day
  • Handlebar phone holder for 1 EURO per day
  • Windproof jacket from S to XL for 2 EUROS per day
  • Bicycle specific backpack with different compartments for 2 EUROS per day
  • Parcel holder for 2 EUROS per day – Bicycle bags (of at least 15 liters each) for 3 EUROS per day
  • 8 pax minivan with driver / mechanic (ask for price when booking)

Yes, our company provides insurance coverage for customers who have an accident during the guided tour, as long as it is caused by a malfunction of the bike and not by misuse of the bicycle.

Tenerife is a very large island that has the Teide volcano as its highest point. It is almost always sunny for at least 10 months a year, but the difference in altitude exposes us to sudden changes in temperature, so to give specific forecasts for a given time of year is quite complicated. For a rough estimate, please refer to the local weather forecast site www.meteosat.com/tiempo/tenerife/tiempo-adeje.html

After having confirmed all the details of your booking through our booking office, you will be sent an email requesting a deposit – via Pay Pal or Stripe – of a percentage of your total amount. Only after paying this deposit can you consider your request confirmed. It should be noted that the payment of the deposit does not need to be with Paypal or Stripe, and that credit or debit cards can also be used

Yes, our cancellation policy guarantees the customer a refund of the prepaid percentage during the booking phase in the following way: within 72 hours full refund, within 48 hours 50% refund – within 24 hours no refund.

Thanks to our 8-seater minivan with bike transport trolley, we can transport you throughout Tenerife (request a quote when booking).

Yes, we are able to provide this service. We will take care of transporting any luggage that cannot be taken on the bikes during the tours. (request a quote when booking).

Person riding a bike on a road with the words 110 €, promoting Road Bike Tour Tenerife "Mount Teide Challenge

Road Bike Tour Tenerife: Mount Teide Challenge

Bike Tours, Road Bike Tours

Town with mountain backdrop, sign reads '110 €'. Experience the Thrill of MTB Bike Tour in Pueblo De Vilaflor.

MTB Tour Tenerife: Pueblo De Vilaflor – Corona Forestal

Bike Tours, MTB Tours

A road sign in Tenerife shows 110 €. It's for the Santiago del Teide road bike tour.

Road Bike Tour Tenerife: Santiago Del Teide

A picturesque town with a sign that reads '110 €'. Explore Vilaflor on the Road Bike Tour Tenerife.

Road Bike Tour Tenerife: Vilaflor Tour

Mountain landscape with palm trees and a sign saying 110 euro, promoting a road bike tour in Tenerife.

Road Bike Tour Tenerife: Masca Tour

Beach scene with sign saying '110 €' on Tenerife Road Bike Tour from Medano to Granadilla.

Road Bike Tour Tenerife: Medano via Granadilla

Two cyclists on mountain bikes ride along a dusty road in Tenerife. Join the tour from Santiago del Teide to El Chinyero for 110€.

MTB Bike Tour Tenerife: Santiago Del Teide – El Chyniero

Mountain view with telescope and sign saying 110 €, MTB BIKE TOUR TENERIFE: TEIDE EASY DOWNHILL

MTB Bike Tour Tenerife: Teide Easy Downhill

A sunny beach in Tenerife with a sign saying '110 €'. Enjoy the beautiful scenery of El Medano.

MTB Bike Tour Tenerife: El Medano – El Poris

A scenic mountain with a tree and a sign saying 110 €. It's the MTB Bike Tour Tenerife: Barbacoa - Corona Forestal.

MTB Bike Tour Tenerife: Barbacoa – Corona Forestal

Beach with rocks, sign saying 110 €. MTB Bike Tour Tenerife: Costa del Silencio - El Medano - Palm Mar.

MTB Bike Tour Tenerife: Costa del Silencio – El Medano – Palm Mar

110 euro tour of the volcanoes: Join our MTB bike tour in Tenerife for an off-road escape. Explore stunning volcanic landscapes!

MTB Bike Tour Tenerife: Off-road Escape

A person riding a road bike on a scenic road with a sign that says 110 €. Enjoy the Road Bike Tour Tenerife: El Poris by San Isidro – TF 28!

Road Bike Tour Tenerife: El Poris by San Isidro – TF 28

Bike Rental In Tenerife

rennrad tour teide

Bike Rental that is meant to bring you the best bikes so that you can make the most of your cycling vacation, create memorable experiences while having a lot of fun exploring Tenerife!

we do what we love

We believe in quality cycling and having fun first and foremost. Your best cycling experience is our priority. Cycling, no matter at what level you do it, must always be a pleasure. And for it to be a pleasure we need to do it correctly and effectively, optimized in every way possible. This is why our goal is to give you only the best tools that are available to us at all times.

rennrad tour teide


We have a rent a bike Tenerife service in Puerto de la Cruz that is meant to bring you the best rental bikes and the best cycling service so that you can make the most of your cycling vacation, create memorable experiences while having a lot of fun exploring Tenerife! 

rennrad tour teide


This is our field of expertise. From a simple passion passed along for generations it has developed into a true talent or so our athletes say. We love it when our athletes reach and exceed their goals to the point that it has become our obsession!

we present you with

Our rental road bikes and electric bikes.

rennrad tour teide


  • Carbon Bike
  • Shimano 105 Disc Brakes
  • 11 speed, manual
  • Gears 50/34 in front and 11/32 rear for maximum comfort in all climbs 
  • The sizes XS – XL equivalent to 48 – 63
  • Inner tube changing kit including pump, inner tubes, hex keys
  • Extras: shoes, helmet, water bottles

rennrad tour teide


  • Ultegra Rim Brakes

rennrad tour teide

rydley fenix sl LOTTO SOUDAL

  • Shimano Ultegra Rim Brakes
  • Gears 50/34 in front and 11/32 rear for maximum comfort in all climbs

rennrad tour teide

trek Emonda sl 5 disc

rennrad tour teide

trek Emonda sl 6 disc

  • ULTEGRA – disc brakes
  • 11 speed manual

cycling on the perfect tenerife roads

rennrad tour teide

Book your rental bike in Tenerife here!

All bikes include: pedals, water bottle holders mechanical kit with 2 inner tubes, tube changing kit, pump. extra inner tubes cost 5 euros. other extras: helmet, shoes, water bottles, guide, etc, fill in the form below to book.


How Tall Are You? What Bike Size Do You Need? Rental Period FROM TO

How many bikes do you need? One Two Three More Than Three

What Pedals Do You Use? Own pedals Spd-sl Spd-MTB Look Keo Other

Do You Need A Helmet? (Cost 1 euro/day) Yes No

CONSENT YES, I give my consent to provide my email address/phone number to receive information, communications, booking confirmations, news and future offers from www.teidecycling.com NO, I don´t give my consent to provide my email address/phone number to receive information, communications, booking confirmations, news and future offers from www.teidecycling.com

Other Details Or Requests

rennrad tour teide

Aldo Zini Y6282514D Calle Valois 39, 38400 Puerto De La Cruz, Santa Cruz De Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

Copyright Teide Cycling 2023 – © All rights reserved

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Hiking tour to Pico del Teide on Tenerife

Trekking in Tenerife: guided tour to the Teide summit

  • Best seller

Enjoy the pure Teide summit happiness and climb the highest mountain of Spain in Tenerife. The guided hike takes over 1.5 hours from the top station of the cable car (ticket not included) to almost 3700 metres of altitude and back. Guide and summit permission included.

  • Tour / activity duration: hiking time 1,5 hours
  • Languages: English, Spanish
  • Transfer: own arrival at the cable car station
  • The best insider tips
  • English-speaking service
  • Hassle-free booking change or cancellation
  • Usually cheaper than at site

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  • Reserve a date Reserve a date

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You can add a personal greeting, which will be shown on the voucher, during the last step of the checkout process. Example 

sunbonoo Voucher Gift Card

Buy a voucher without a date

  • You can buy a voucher for yourself or as a present for someone
  • You or the person who got the present choose the date and time later
  • Valid for one year from the date of purchase

Teide summit hike with guide

The Teide is the landmark of Tenerife - and its highest point is the destination of many hikers who would like to enjoy the fantastic view over the Canary Island landscape and the summit happiness from the very top.

Hiking tour Teide summit without transfer

  • Hiking tour Tenerife Teide summit - no transfer- per adult (from 13 years) 37.-€
  • Hiking tour Tenerife Teide summit - no transfer- per child (6 - 12 years) 28.-€

Booking option: Guided hiking tour to the Teide summit

The mountain hike to the summit of the Teide begins at the cable car station at 2356 metres above sea level. The cable car (ticket payable at the station) takes about 8 minutes to reach 3550 meters - at this point the actual ascent to the summit starts. During this guided tour you will overcome about 170 meters of altitude difference during the ascent and 170 meters during the descent. The pure walking time is about 1.5 hours. From the summit you can enjoy a fantastic panoramic view over Tenerife and the neighbouring islands in good weather. The surroundings give the impression of a lunar landscape on earth and the volcanic origin of Tenerife becomes particularly clear here. Finally, you can take the cable car back down to the valley.

  • Difference in altitude: 170 metres ascent, 170 metres descent
  • Duration: ~ 1.5 hours
  • Hours: 8:45 AM
  • Touring character: easy path, but very strenuous due to altitude
  • Days: Tuesday, Saturday
  • Walking time: approx. 1.5 hours
  • Months: possible all-year
  • Difficulty level: medium
  • Pick-up not included
  • Professional guide
  • Summit permit
  • You don't have to suffer from vertigo for this tour.
  • This tour is not about mountaineering - it is a mountain hiking tour!
  • People with heart, breathing or circulation problems are advised against the tour!
  • The tickets for the cable car are organised by the guide and have to be paid on site (price currently: 45 Euro adults, 22,50 Euro for children up to 14 years).


  • Minimum age 6 years
  • Minimum number of participants: 4 persons

Please bring

Passport, Recommended equipment: mountain boots, daypack, windbreaker, sweater, gloves, headgear, sun protection, non-carbonated drinking water bottle 1 to 1.5 l in the winter months

Detailed description

On foot on the highest mountain of spain - guided hiking tour to the summit of the teide in tenerife.

The Teide rises from the island landscape of Tenerife and for many visitors it is their greatest wish to climb this mountain to reward themselves with a majestic view over Tenerife, the volcanic landscape and the sea. It's like a bliss to stand up there! Experience your personal summit happiness and all the magic of this island volcano on a guided tour of the Teide. With the help of the cable car you can already overcome most of the altitude meters and are at 3550 meters at the beginning of this guided hiking tour on Tenerife. From the top station of the cable car, the last 170 metres up the mountain are done at a leisurely pace and in small groups (maximum 18 participants).

The path to the highest point of the Pico del Teide is described as easy and well accessible, but one should not underestimate the forces acting on the body when climbing at these altitudes. You will be rewarded for all these efforts with the breathtaking view that you can enjoy during the summit break. The unique landscape of Tenerife comes into its own from this perspective and will make your heart beat faster.

The Teide hike leads back over a high trail to the viewpoint Pico Viejo. Here you can look into the mighty crater of the second highest volcanic mountain on Tenerife after the Teide. After the descent with the cable car you can point your camera at the bizarre towers of Roques de Garcia. These impressive lava rocks together with the imposing "finger of God" form a fantastic panorama and are an absolute sight in Teide National Park. To protect this beautiful landscape, only 200 permits are issued daily for a summit hike to the Teide. The pass is included in this tour. On the way back from the Teide summit to the top station there is also the information centre of the national park administration. There you will learn more about the history of the Teide, about Vullcanism and life around the volcano.

Climbing the summit of the Teide is an unforgettable experience. And you can rely on your local guide for this guided Tenerife hike. A certain kicksiness and enough fitness for the final stage to the mountain top are the best prerequisites to master this easy Teide tour and to make yourself the greatest gift by conquering Spain's highest mountain.

Valid on the reserved day or for 12 months after date of purchase if no date has been selected. You will receive the tour operator's details with the purchased ticket. Attention: reservation is required! The reservation can be made through sunbonoo as part of the booking process or later by contacting the tour operator directly via phone or email.

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Customer reviews teide summit hike with guide, great hiking experience, hiking is my hobby.

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Wandern ist mein Hobby

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Hiking in Teide National Park: Great!

Wandern im teide nationalpark: klasse, a great climb to the summit, eine tolle gipfelerstürmung, the summit of the highest spanish mountain: wonderful island overview, der gipfel des höchsten spanischen berges: wunderbarer insel-überblick, tenerife mountain hike - friendly recommendation, teneriffa bergwanderung – freundliche empfehlung, write your own review.

Trekking in Tenerife: guided tour to the Teide summit.

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Heather on her travels

Teide National Park Tenerife – the ultimate guide to plan your visit

The volcanic landscape of Teide National Park Tenerife seems to tick off all the superlatives. Rising from the caldera is the cone of Mount Teide. It is highest mountain in Spain, often capped with ice and snow.

This arid environment offers an austere beauty that grows on you. The eye tunes in to subtle colours and earthy tones that glow red and orange at sunset.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

A cable car ride to the top of the volcanic peak, offers a surreal view over the blanket of cloud below. Read on for our comprehensive guide to visiting Teide National Park, one of the unmissable things to do in Tenerife.

This article may contain affiliate links that provide commission on purchases you make at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Table of Contents

The landscapes of Teide National Park

Located in the centre of the island of Tenerife, Teide National Park forms a high plateau at around 2000 metres above sea level. Encompassing an area of 190 km2, the boundary of the national park follows the line of a huge caldera. Known as the Circo de las Cañadas , it is the result of past volcanic activity.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

While high rock walls surround the caldera, the natural amphitheatre they encircle is relatively flat. It is covered by petrified lava flows, eroded rock formations and volcanic ash.

From this sea of lava rises the cone of Mount Teide, the highest mountain in Spain at over 3700 metres. The road meanders through the park, with several parking places to stop and view Mount Teide. Hiking trails branch out across the lava fields.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

For much of the year, Mount Teide sports a cap of snow and ice. Around it the landscape glows in shades of red, orange and black. There’s a sparse sprinkling of low shrubs that manage to survive in this arid world.

Driving up from the coast on hairpin bends is an adventure in itself, as you observe the changing vegetation that grows at each altitude. Neatly tended fields give way to pine forests and then low scrub on the higher slopes.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

The landscape once you arrive in Teide National Park is austere and other-worldly. But observe a little closer and you’ll spot clumps of yellow broom and other small plants clinging to the rock crevices. It was this surprising survival of flora and fauna that allowed the Guanches , earliest inhabitants of Tenerife, to bring their herds of sheep and goats up here for summer pasture.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Discover 12 fun and unexpected things to do in Tenerife

Plan your trip to Mount Teide National Park Tenerife

Teide is the most visited national park in Spain, and one of the top things to do in Tenerife, so you won’t want to miss it! To plan your visit first consider:

  • How long do you have to spend ? Minimum is half a day but ideal is a full day.
  • How will you get there ? Main options are hire car, public bus, or take a tour with transport provided.
  • What do you want to see and do while in the park? This will help determine the best type of transport for you.
  • Do you want to take the cable car ? If so you need to pre-book a timed ticket, ideally at least a few days ahead.
  • Do you want to climb the trail from the top cable car station to the summit of Mount Teide? This requires a special permit, and numbers are limited so book 2-3 months ahead.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Need help to design your dream holiday? We’ve partnered with UK travel advisor Luxeco Holidays to create your personalised itinerary

Points of interest within Teide National Park

Within Teide National Park, these are the main points of interest;

This is the most popular draw within the park and it will take you up to the high slopes of Mount Teide. From the cable car or Teleferico top station, you can follow two different walking trails.

And, if you have a special permit, you can walk to the summit itself. This tour includes the cable car ticket and this guided hiking tour includes the cable car and pass to take the trail to the summit.

View from the cable car Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Roques de Garcia

An extremely popular spot with a cluster of striking rock formations and a circular walking trail that allows you to view them. There’s parking on the side road leading to it. If you do not have cable car tickets, this is where you should head first. It’s also a short walk from the Parador.

Want more of Tenerife? Explore 20 of! the best things to do in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

The Parador des las Cañadas del Teide

This is the only hotel within the National Park, and you could book to stay the night here if you’d like to see a bit more of Teide. For most day visitors, it’s a place to stop at the adjoining cafeteria. It serves simple lunch dishes and refreshments, and has an outside terrace with views of Mount Teide.

Parador at Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Visitor centres

There are two visitor centres within the park. You will pass Visitor Centre El Portillo if arriving from the north of Tenerife. Visitor Centre Cañada Blanca is by the Parador.

A small information kiosk and exhibition is located at the Museo Etnografico Juan Evora , which shows how pastoralists lived in the past. It’s a good idea to stop at one of the visitor centres to pick up a map of Teide National Park. All the walking trails are marked on it.

Museo Etnografico Juan Evora Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Viewing Points

Along the roads through and into the park, there are numerous viewing points, where you can park the car and get a view of Mount Teide. Marked trails lead off from many of these. There are information boards to tell you about the different geological formations, flora and fauna.

Teide Observatory

On the northern edge of the park at Izana, the observatory has several buildings with telescopes to observe the solar system. The inside of the observatory buildings and telescopes can only be visited on a tour, which can be pre booked here .

Read about Timanfaya National Park and the volcanoes in Lanzarote

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Map of Teide National Park Tenerife

I could not find any decent map online of Teide National Park. However, you can pick up a free leaflet with an excellent map at the information centres within the park.

To help you plan your visit, I have photographed the map from this leaflet, which shows all the walking trails below. There are also numerous information boards showing a map with walking trails and points of interest, located at each viewing point.

Map of Teide National Park Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Different ways to experience Mount Teide National Park

Once you’ve arrived in the Mount Teide National Park, ideally for a few hours or a whole day, how should you spend your time there? Here are some different options, depending on your mode of transport and whether you are visiting as part of a tour.

  • Driving tour – Drive through the park from one side to the other, admiring the landscape. You might stop in a couple of places, such as the Parador / Roques de Garcia for photos. This is what you’ll get on many day tours like this one that include Teide as well as other locations in Tenerife. (Time 1-2 hrs)
  • Driving tour + short walks – Drive through the park with multiple stops at different parking areas. Then, read the information boards and have a walk on some of the marked trails that lead from them. (Time 3-4 hrs)
  • Driving tour + cable car – Drive around the park, stopping at a few different areas. Then take the cable car to the top of Mount Teide for a walk on the trails at the top station. This is the option that I tried on my day trip. If you have a special permit, you can also walk the trail that leads from the top cable car station to the summit of the volcano crater. This tour includes the cable car pass.(Time – a full day)

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Walking and cycling tours

  • Walking trails – Drive to the park or take the bus, then spend a day hiking on the many trails around the park. One of the hikes could be to walk up Mount Teide itself on the Montana Blanca trail. This walking tour includes a guided hike, the cable car and the pass to walk up Mount Teide crater. (Time – a full day).
  • Cycling tour – Keen cyclists can cycle up into the national park, then cycle around the national park, stopping at different parking areas for photos or rest stops. There is nowhere to hire bikes within the park, so this option involves cycling up serious inclines just to reach the park. It is best left to the serious rather than occasional cyclist. (Time – a full day)

Parking areas at Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com-

Teide excursion and tours

There are numerous Teide excursions and tours available within the national park. Here are a few that we recommend;

Mount Teide tour with cable car ticket – this full day tour includes pickup from your hotel in the north or south of Tenerife. You’ll pass through some pretty Tenerife mountain villages and through the park before arriving at the cable car at the base of Mount Teide. A return ticket is included to allow you to ascend the cable car and walk on some of the trails from the upper station.

Teide National Park full day scenic tour – this full day tour departs from the south of Tenerife. It includes a drive through Teide National Park and mountain village of Vilaflor. You’ll also see other places on the island such as Icod los Vinos where you stop for lunch.

See also Garachico and Masca, returning past the Los Gigantes cliffs. This tour does not include the Teide cable car, but is ideal for those with limited time. You’ll see different parts of Tenerife, including Teide National park.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Mount Teide summit guided hiking tour – this full day tour is for those who want to hike through the Teide National Park. It includes a 3 hour guided hike on one of the trails, the cable car ticket and the special pass to hike the trail up to the summit of Mount Teide.

Teide National Park Stargazing experience – this evening tour allows you to experience Teide by night. The tour includes a meal at a traditional Canarian restaurant. You’ll also have a walk in Teide National Park to see the different planets and star formations and view the solar system through telescopes.

Teide National Park Tickets

It is free to visit the Teide National Park to walk, cycle or drive around and no tickets are required for this. There is no checkpoint to enter the park. You will only know you have reached the park because of the roadside signs for Teide National Park. Parking at the different viewpoints and parking areas within the park is also free.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

However you may need to buy tickets for certain activities within the park

  • Tickets for the cable car must be booked in advance. When you see websites talking about booking Mount Teide tickets, they generally mean tickets for the cable car.
  • A permit for the trail to walk from the top cable car station (La Rambleta) to the crater and peak of Mount Teide (Pico del Teide) is free. Numbers are limited so you need to book this 2-3 months in advance.
  • Other costs you may need to budget for include cost of public bus or hire car to get you to the park and the bus to get around the park. Plan for lunch at the cafes at the Parador or Cable Car if you did not bring a picnic and costs of any guided tours you choose to book.

Parador de Las Cañadas del Teide Tenerife

Stay at Parador de Las Cañadas del Teide in Tenerife – the only hotel within Teide National Park

Teide National Park Cable Car – getting tickets

Ascend the volcanic crater of Mount Teide to get some fantastic views. Take the Teide cable car to the upper station (la Rambleta) just below the summit.

Because this is one of the most popular things to do in Mount Teide National Park, you should book the cable car in advance. This will give you a guaranteed timed slot.

Sometimes due to bad weather, wind, rain or snow, the cable car is forced to close. When this is the case, you will be notified by text on the day and can get a refund on your ticket.

Discover 30 amazing things to do in Lanzarote

Mount Teide cable car Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

If you are not able to book a ticket in advance, you can try to arrive early in the day and hope that some are left. There are ticket machines at the cable star lower station. If you don’t have your own transport you can also book this tour that includes the cable car ticket.

Note: Phone signal is patchy or non existent within the park, although there is wifi at the cable car station. Ideally book the ticket online before you enter the park.

About the Cable Car ride

On arriving at the lower cable car station, I joined a short queue 20 minutes before my assigned time. I had my pre-booked ticket on my mobile (having taken a screenshot in case my phone signal failed). The ticket was checked and the queue moved pretty steadily.

Within 10-15 minutes I was boarding the cable car and enjoying the fantastic views. It rose above the slope of Mount Teide, overlooking the whole park. The cable car cabin was quite crowded, but I was still able to take some nice photos looking out from one side.

Mount Teide cable car Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Useful cable car information

  • The cable car starts from the base station at 2,356 metres above sea level and rises to 3,555 metres above sea level.
  • You can’t take the cable car if you are pregnant and children must be aged 3 and above. No pushchairs are allowed in the cable car, so children must either be carried or walk.
  • Those with mobility or serious health issues can’t take the cable car. This is because in an emergency or adverse weather conditions, the cable car would need to stop. Then, anyone at the top station would need to descend on one of the walking paths.
  • Each of the two cabins (one going up, one going down) holds a maximum of 44 passengers. Usually, however, it’s limited to around 35 people.
  • A cable car ride takes 8 minutes to travel from base station to top station, hence the cabins run around every 10 minutes.
  • The cable car runs from 9am and last ascent ranges from 4pm (winter) to 5.30pm (summer) with last descent around 1 hour later.
  • If you don’t have your own transport you can also book this tour that includes the cable car pass and pickup from your hotel.

Mount Teide cable car Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Walking routes from the cable car top station

Once you arrive at the cable car top station (La Rambleta), there are a couple of different trails that lead in opposite directions. Officially you are allowed 1 hour at the top station. Each walk takes around 45 minutes at a leisurely pace to get to the viewpoint and return.

This means that unless you are a fast walker, you will probably need to choose just one of the walks. I decided to walk very fast and managed to see both trails. If you have to choose, my favourite was the Pico Viejo trail, which is slightly longer.

The 1 hour limit is to ensure that it does not get too crowded on the trails and that everyone can get down via the cable car at the end of the day. However, I don’t believe the time limit is rigidly enforced. There didn’t seem to be any way to check how long people had been at the top.

La Fortaleza Vantage Point – Route 11

Heading northwards from the top cable car station, the La Fortaleza path meanders through a landscape of volcanic sand and jagged rocks. These were thrown here during the mountain’s eruption. As the path nears the Mirador (viewpoint) it meets the trail that descends past the Refugio de Altavista to Montana Blanca.

You can book a place to stay at the refuge (currently closed due to Covid), in order to ascend Mount Teide at daybreak without a permit. However, you must come down from the crater by 9am.

La Fortaleza path Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

From the viewpoint a spectacular view of the north side of Tenerife opens up. Look out towards Valle de La Orotava and the rugged Anaga Massif.

Below you is a sea of clouds, sitting at an altitude of between 1500 metres and 1800 metres. They are formed when the moisture laden trade winds hit the mountainous north face of the island, creating a cloak around Mount Teide.

La Fortaleza path Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Pico Viejo Vantage Point – Route 12

The Pico Viejo path takes you from the Cable car top station, towards a viewpoint that looks to the south of Tenerife. It’s a cobbled stone path, bordered by rugged lava rocks, with steep steps in places.

From the Pico Viejo viewpoint which takes around 15-20 minutes to reach, you can look over the whole caldera of Las Cañadas del Teide. View the sheer walls of rock that enclose the plateau of the park.

Below the viewpoint is the multi-coloured crater of Pico Viejo, which gives the path its name. It’s a smaller version of the Mount Teide crater behind you. From here, a walking trail leads down, taking you towards the rocky outcrops of Roques de García and Montagna Guajara.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Walk to the Crater of Mount Teide – Route 10 (Telesforo Bravo)

There is a third trail called Telesforo Bravo , which takes you to the very top of the Teide crater (Pico del Teide). You’ll need a special permit to take it, and to preserve the environment only 150 permits are issued for each day. When I last checked, you would need to book 2-3 months in advance. See below how to book the permit for the crater of Mount Teide.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

This trail takes you from the top cable car station (La Rambleta) at 3555metres, to the crater of Mount Teide (Pico del Teide) at 3715 metres. The trail is around 650 metres in length, all uphill.

It takes around 45 minutes to reach the crater. From the top, on clear days, you can see across the whole national park and the islands nearby of La Gomera, El Hierro, La Palma and Gran Canaria.

If you have reserved to stay one night in the Refugio de Altavista, you also have permission to climb the Telesforo Bravo trail up to the Mount Teide crater in the early morning. Again, you must descend by 9am.

Teide National Park Cable Car – Facilities

Facilities at the cable car bottom station include

  • A car park with space for 220 cars (see below our tips for parking)
  • A cafe / waiting room with wifi
  • A souvenir shop and information centre
  • An interesting exhibition which you can see on your way out when you come down from the top station. If not taking the cable car up you can still ask to see the exhibition.

Mount Teide cable car Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Facilities at the cable car top station include

  • An area with vending machines for drinks and snacks

Teide National Park Cable Car – Parking

There is parking space for 220 cars just below the cable car base station. The national park authorities do not want to increase this, as it would encroach on the natural landscape. Instead, they want to encourage visitors to use group transport. At times, the cable car parking can be very busy and appear full. Our tips for parking are:

Mount Teide cable car Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

  • Allow 20-30 minutes extra to park and walk up to the base station. You also need to arrive at the base station 20 mins before the time given on your ticket. So you may want to arrive at the car park 45-60 minutes before the time on your ticket.
  • If there does not appear to be any parking, don’t panic! Drive slowly around the parking area, or drive up the road right to the top and then down again (there is a turning circle at the top). There is a steady turnover of people coming and going, so you will normally find other cars pulling out, releasing a parking space.
  • If you see a car getting ready to leave, wait behind to take their space, otherwise someone else will nab it!
  • Book cable car tickets earlier in the day, as the parking area and the park in general gets more busy from lunchtime onwards.
  • If all else fails, consider parking at some of the smaller car parks on the road nearby. Or, park at the Parador , although this will involve a long walk.

How to book the permit for the crater of Mount Teide (Pico del Teide)

The permit is free and you can book it online on the National Parks website here .

La Fortaleza path Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

On the Online Reservations Page, choose the option Teide . Then choose Access permit to Pico del Teide . After reading the description, information and conditions, click on the Reservas tab at the top of the page. Choose the option General Public and then Paso Siguente (next page).

On the next page you can select the date you are interested and book for a 2 hour time slot. If spaces are available on the day of your choice, click on the date and choose the number of places. Then click on Select to continue on your preferred time slot. Once the date, number and time slot is selected, click Paso Siguente .

On the next page you will give your contact details. Once you have secured the permit for the Telesforo Bravo path up to the crater, be sure to book your cable car ticket for the appropriate date and time, unless you plan to hike the whole way up Mount Teide.

When arriving at the checkpoint to start the trail, you will need to show not only your permit, put also a passport or other photo ID. The checkpoint to start the trail is at the end of the hut with toilets. It’s a short distance from where you get off the cable car top station, in the direction of the La Fortaleza route. When I last checked, permits were booked up for around 2-3 months in advance.

Book a guided tour

Another way that you can get a permit for the walk to the Mount Teide crater (Telesforo Bravo) is by booking a guided tour that specifically includes this. Tour companies are also able to book a certain number of permits and use these for clients on their tour. If all the free permits are already booked for the day you plan to visit, it’s worth checking this option.

You should also expect these tours to be booked up some time ahead, but perhaps 2-3 weeks rather than 2 months. Book this tour offered directly by the Teleferico de Teide that includes the permit to climb the trail to the crater of Mount Teide. You can also search online for other tour companies that may offer this option.

Tours we recommend

Mount Teide tour with cable car ticket – including pickup from your hotel and tickets for the cable car.

Mount Teide summit guided hiking tour – a full day tour, including a 3 hour guided hike on one of the trails, cable car ticket and the special pass to hike up to the summit of Mount Teide.

Teide National Park full day scenic tour – a full day tour departs from the south of Tenerife, including a drive through Teide National Park with other stops at Icod los Vinos, Garachico and Masca.

Teide National Park Stargazing experience – a night time tour, including dinner at a traditional Canarian restaurant, and stargazing in Teide National Park.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Roques de Garcia – Teide National Park

The Roques de Garcia are a group of striking rock formations within the Teide National Park. They are located 5 minutes walk from the Parador and there is parking along the access road that leads to them.

These rock formations were created when molten lava was forced up through gaps in the rock. It quickly solidified to make columns of rock that eroded over time.

There’s a high point overlooking the main rock formation. This is a fantastic viewpoint (see below) to climb up and get a great photo of the Roques de Garcia with Mount Teide behind them.

If you have time, follow the circular path that leads around the rock formation, away from all the crowds. Return back on the other side past a striking rock known as ‘The Cathedral’.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Hiking in Teide National Park

There are plenty of walking trails within Teide National Park. Once you arrive in the national park, you need to pick up a map which shows all the trails from one of the visitor centres, El Portillo or Canada Blanca . Or, find one at the information kiosk at Museo Etnografico Juan Evora.

I was not able to find a good map online, but the trail map from the leaflet is shown earlier in this article. At every stopping place and viewpoint, there are also information boards with maps, showing the trails that lead from that point. The trails are also well marked. Here are some of the more popular hiking trails, but there are many more marked on the map;

Walking trail Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Easy Teide hikes

On Mount Teide leading from the top cable car station there are two short trails of under an hour. Pico Viejo (0.7km) and La Fortaleza (0.4km). If you have a permit you can also walk the trail up to the summit of Mount Teide, called Telesforo Bravo (0.6km).

From the Parador – walk on an easy trail Majua to the cable car (3.8km).

From Roques Garcia – there is a circular trail that takes you around these stunning rock formations (3.6km).

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Longer hiking trails

Pico Viejo – From Rocques de Garcia take the circular route in the direction of the Pico Viejo peak. Continue on Los Regatones Negros path which takes you up the Pico Viejo volcanic cone (5.2km).

From the top of the Pico Viejo crater, you can continue up a further path leading to the Pico Viejo viewpoint. This is one of the two trails that lead to the top cable car station. You can then use the cable car to descend if you wish.

Montana Blanca – From the road close to the cable car lower station, the Montana Blanca trail ascends Mount Teide. On the upper slopes, you’ll pass the Refuge Altavista, before arriving at the La Fortaleza viewpoint (9.5km). From here you can take the La Fortaleza path back to the upper cable car station, and use the cable car to descend if you wish.

Parador de las Cañadas del Teide

The Parador de las Cañadas del Teide is the only hotel within the Teide National Park itself. However, there are plenty of accommodation options in the towns and resorts that surround the park. Paradors are a Spanish institution where old or historic buildings have been been converted into state owned hotels.

Parador de las Cañadas del Teide Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

The Parador in Teide is a modern, comfortable mountain lodge hotel, with amazing views of Mount Teide. Its restaurant serves traditional Canarian dishes. There are 37 rooms and suites, and surprisingly an indoor swimming pool.

Parador cafe at Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Most visitors coming for the day will stop by the Parador to check out the information centre and gift shop. Visitors will often dine at the cafeteria adjoining the hotel, where I had lunch.

At the self service counter there was a selection of sandwiches, salads, hot lunchtime dishes and other snacks which I thought were fairly priced. The decor is rather utilitarian but the outside terrace has a wonderful view of Mount Teide. There is a WC here which you have to pay to use if not eating in the cafe.

Cafeteria at Parador de las Cañadas del Teide Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

There’s a large public car parking area at the Parador and a second parking area just across the main road for the Roques de Garcia. The parking can be quite busy, so I’d grab whatever parking space you can find. Then walk between the Parador and the Roques de Garcia to see them both.

The clear skies and high altitude of Teide National Park, make it an ideal location for stargazing. Located on the northern edge of the park at Izana, the Teide observatory is made up of several buildings.

It is the largest solar observatory in the world. Within the different buildings spread over 50 hectares are solar telescopes that are owned by 19 different countries. All of these contribute to research on the solar system.

Teide Observatory Tenerife Photo Victor R. Ruiz

While you can park near the different buildings, the inside of the observatory buildings and telescopes can only be visited on a tour. You can pre book a tour here . There are several different tours available, from a 1.5 hour daytime visit, to a full day tour that also includes night-time stargazing.

Guided visits enable you to see the nocturnal, microwave and solar telescopes within the observatory. You can view the sun through two telescopes with different filters.

Within the science dome, you can hear a talk on the electromagnetic spectrum. View a time lapse video of the night time activity observed from the Teide observatory.

It’s also possible to do a night-time star-gazing tour in other parts of Teide National Park. Many star-gazing tours start either at the Parador or at the Cable Car station.

Stargazing in Teide National Park

We took a Mount Teide stargazing tour, to enjoy the Teide National Park at night. The altitude and clear skies make this one of the best places in Europe for stargazing. Unless you are already knowledgeable in astronomy, you’ll probably need a guide to make the most of the experience.

Rocques Garcia at Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

We started our stargazing tour with a meal at the Parador, with views of Mount Teide and Mount Guajara glowing red at sunset. Then we walked out to the area close to Roques de Garcia. Our guide pointed out the different star formations and let us have a look at them through the telescope.

Montana Guajara at Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

There are other tour options that start at the cable car and let you see the stars from Mount Teide itself. Check out this Teide National Park Stargazing experience . This night time tour includes dinner at a traditional Canarian restaurant, and stargazing in Teide National Park.

Tip: It gets very cold in Teide National Park at night. Be sure to dress warmly with a fleece, warm jacket and warm trainers or boots – possibly also a hat and gloves.

Transport to Teide National park

It takes around an hour’s drive on winding roads, from most coastal resorts and towns, to reach the plateau of the Teide National Park. Here are some different transport options for getting to Teide National park.

You can rent a car to drive to the national park and around the different areas of the national park. This option will give you maximum flexibility to stop at all the places you want and stay for as long as you want. I did this and I was happy I could see so much in one day.

The road to the park and within the park is well maintained and easy to drive. However, driving up to the park involves quite a lot of hairpin bends as you climb in altitude. Once in the park there are numerous small and large car parks where you can stop at different viewpoints.

Road up to Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Take a tour

This is an excellent option if you don’t want the stress of driving yourself. Most tours will pick you up from a designated point, at or near your hotel, so long as you are staying in a major resort or town. There are many different types of tours, some that give you more or less time within the park.

Check carefully how long you’ll spend in the park and what’s included in each tour before booking. The downside of group tours, is that you have to stick to the prearranged stops that are part of the tour. However, there are options to book a private tour and agree what you’d like to see with your guide or driver.

Road up to Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Take the public bus

Buses, known in Tenerife as Guagas run daily. We advise checking timetables carefully as they can be subject to change. You can consult the timetables on the public bus company Titsa website . The two lines that run to Teide National Park are numbers 342 and 348.

Line 342 runs from Costa Adeje on the south coast, while line 348 runs from Puerto de la Cruz on the north coast. Both buses run once per day, leaving in the morning and stopping at various places in the park before returning in the afternoon. Line 341 makes trips between different points within in the park around 5 times during the day.

The bus is a good budget option but not very flexible. It can drop you at various points within the park, but distances between different points of interest are quite large. Once in the park, buses to get around are limited. This option is good if you mainly want to spend your time walking on the different trails within the park, and can work with the limited number of buses available.

Pino Gordo at Vilaflor Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

How to get to Teide National Park

If you are wondering how to get to Teide National Park, there are 3 main routes, depending on where you are staying on Tenerife.

From the South

If coming from the south of Tenerife (Costa Adeje, Playa de las Americas, El Medano) you can take the TF- 51 which joins up with the TF – 21 through Vilaflor. This is the route that I took.

From the North-west

If coming from the north-west corner of Tenerife (Garachico, Santiago del Teide, Los Gigantes) you can take the TF-38 route into the park.

From the North

If coming from the north of Tenerife (Puerto de la Cruz, La Orotava, Santa Cruz de Tenerife) take the TF- 21 route into the park.

Parking areas at Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com-

Driving tips

  • The roads that take you into Teide National Park can be very winding, so allow more time than your mapping app tells you. Take care on the road, especially if you drive through cloud cover or any bad weather.
  • On all three routes up to the park, there are interesting viewpoints and places you may want to stop, so again allow extra time for this.
  • Keep to the main road, following the prominent road signs for Teide National Park, rather than taking the side roads that Google maps may suggest. Sometimes mapping apps will try to take you on a side road that looks like a short cut. But, these are often single lane roads used by locals, so best to stick to the main routes.

Teide National Park weather

Tenerife offers a mild and sunny climate year round and is a winter sun destination for visitors escaping the cold in other parts of Europe. Temperatures range from highs of 20 degrees C in January – February to highs of 28 degrees C in July – August.

Because of its higher altitude of around 2,400 metres, the Teide National Park weather tends to be quite a few degrees cooler than the rest of Tenerife. During the winter months, temperatures may drop to an average of 8 degrees C. In summer it’s more common to have warm, sunny days, with temperatures around 20-22 degrees C.

Discover why Lanzarote is a top winter sun destination in Europe

Bear in mind, however, that if you take the cable car, you will be ascending to around 3500 metres. Temperatures can drop even further, sometimes to near freezing in winter. If there is a snowfall or high winds, it’s likely that the cable car will close.

While you do need to be prepared for cold temperatures, Teide can also be surprisingly sunny. The altitude often places you above the cloud layer. Sometimes you will drive through a layer of cloud as you ascend from the coast and emerge to find blue skies and brilliant sunshine, which makes the air feel a lot warmer. For this reason, you need to protect your face and skin with suncream, since the sun can be strong despite lower air temperatures.

If you want to check the weather on Teide for today or the week ahead, there is always good information on the Teide Volcano website . It includes information on what is open or closed within the park

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

What to wear for Teide National Park

Because of the range in temperature within Teide National Park, it’s good to come prepared with layers of clothing. Don’t assume that just because you were in shorts and t-shirt at your coastal resort, this will be suitable for visiting the national park.

When I visited in April, I wore quick dry sports leggings and a sports t-shirt, with a jumper and light jacket that I put on when necessary. During the day, while hiking in the sunshine, a short sleeved t-shirt was fine. But, as soon as I stopped any activity, I needed a jumper as well.

On ascending the cable car to the hikes at the top of Mount Teide, I definitely needed a jumper and sometimes a jacket. If you are planning to do any star gazing, I recommend packing even more layers, as the night time temperatures can be around freezing.

Mini Rough Guide to Tenerife

Need a guidebook for Tenerife? We recommend the Mini Rough Guide to Tenerife

Packing list for Teide National Park

If you plan to be fairly active within the park, I’d recommend that you wear or pack;

  • Short sleeve t-shirt
  • Second long sleeve layer or light fleece
  • Lightweight jacket in summer, a warmer padded jacket in winter, especially if you plan to ascend the cable car.
  • Long, quick drying leggings or trousers. If you like to wear shorts, then you might consider hiking trousers with legs that unzip or pack some leggings to go over shorts in case you feel cold.
  • When visiting at night time for stargazing be sure to be wear warm clothes and jacket.
  • If ascending the cable car in winter, or for any night time stargazing, also pack a hat and gloves.
  • Closed toe trainers or hiking shoes that have a good grip are ideal, as the terrain is rocky and sharp, with light gravel that could get into open toe sandals.
  • A day sack, so that you can pack away surplus clothing, together with sunscreen, a water bottle and some snacks or picnic.

Plan your trip

For more information to plan your holiday in Tenerife, visit the Tenerife tourism website and Canary Islands tourism website .

The Volcano Teide website is the official website for the cable car in the park and has plenty of information about visiting the park, However, much of the emphasis is on booking tours and experiences.

If you need a guidebook for Tenerife, we recommend the Mini Rough Guide to Tenerife

Tenerife Photo Album

Read about 12 Fun and unexpected things to do in Tenerife

12 fun and unexpected things to do in Tenerife

Some of the experiences mentioned were on a press trip hosted* by Tenerife Tourism and British Guild of Travel Writers

* More info on my policies page

This article is originally published at Heatheronhertravels.com

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Detailed Club Canary logo with 'Live Legendary' slogan inside the last 'C', symbolizing a call to fully embrace life through Club Canary's experiences in the Canary Islands.

Hiking Teide

The rugged terrain invites adventurous hikers to explore its trails and embrace the natural beauty of the area. Mount Teide Hike.

Mount Teide Hike Ultimate Tour - Reach the Peak With Permit

🔎 Tenerife Teide Hike Highlights: ✓ Choose easy or hard hike. ✓ Trip start at: 07:30. ✓ Reach the top of Teide 3715m. ✓ Necessary to book far ahead. ✓ 14 days free to cancel. ✓ Possible from 10 to 70 years. ✓ Bit of fitness level, is expected. ✓ Free pick-up and drop-off. ✓ Best price guaranteed. ✓ Book by paying a deposit of 20€. ✓ Option: private hiking tour. ✓ Passport photo is required for permits.

Book Hiking Teide

Book with Deposit, Pay Balance to Guide on Tour Day

Complimentary pick-up in main tourist areas in Tenerife. Please provide your address or hotel name.

Contact us first via live chat or WhatsApp: +34 604 105 055.

Discover Hiking Teide - Book Today

  • Reviews (30)

Tap on the right or scroll down to check out our guide on Mount Teide hike adventures. Experience the thrill of reaching the top of Spain’s highest mountain. 

Hiking Tenerife Teide

  • Experienced English-speaking mountain guide with necessary licenses.
  • Reservation permit to visit the summit.
  • Pick-up from the south of Tenerife.
  • An unforgettable hiking experience in the Teide National Park.

Not Included

  • Food and drinks.
  • Easy Teide hike: cable car 2 way tickets, costs 40€ per person and 20€ per child.
  • Difficult Teide hike: cable car return ticket, costs 22€ per person and 11€ per child.

Hiking Mount Teide Information

  • Don’t forget your Club Canary ticket. You can have it on your phone or print it out.
  • Be sure to have some cash with you, as the tour requires a final payment before starting, which the hiking company would like to have in cash.
  • Sports shoes, and comfortable clothing is perfect. Should it be colder, a vest or long athletic pants is recommended. It is best to keep an eye on the weather forecast.
  • Be sure not to start the hike on an empty stomach. We will make a stop at a supermarket before the walk to do any final shopping (such as sandwiches) this is at your own expense.
  • Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
  • For the walks you need some fitness. The walks are not strenuous, but being able to do things like climb stairs is necessary.
  • Each hike takes place with about 18 participants and 1 guide.
  • If you are no longer in Tenerife for the first available date for the Teide hike, please contact us. We may be able to clear a spot earlier.
  • During the hikes to the top of El Teide, food and drinks are not included. Please bring your own.
  • Keep a close eye on the weather forecast for the Teide, it can often be very cold at the top of the volcano.
  • After booking, we will contact you to ask for a photo of your passport, which is needed to put the permit in your name. You must also bring this document with you on the day of the hiking tour.

Hiking Up Mount Teide: Policy

  • If you have booked the Teide tour (easy) and on the day of the hike the cable car does not leave, we have an alternative scenic hiking route in El Teide National Park.
  • Cancellation is free of charge up to 14 days before the trip. After that, no refunds are available.
  • If you cancel the excursions less than 3 days in advance, or do not show up without letting us know, 45€ per person fine will have to be paid.
  • A valid passport is required for permit verification.
  • Children 10 years and older are allowed, although always accompanied by a parent. It is important that the child is in very good fitness condition should you choose the difficult walk.
  • Should you hold up the group, or want to go back during the hike for any reason, you will not receive a refund.
  • This experience requires good weather. If it’s cancelled due to hazardous weather conditions, you’ll be offered a different date or a full refund.
  • Club Canary team is not present on the day, and cannot judge certain situations. If you have any complaints on the day of your hike, please report them to the hiking guide.

Immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of Tenerife as you climb El Teide , Spain’s highest peak. More than a hike, this is a journey through breathtaking volcanic landscapes that leads to unforgettable views atop Tenerife’s iconic volcano. El Teide is also known as the number one spot on Tenerife for stargazing , making it a popular excursion destination both by day and by night. Every step you take is a dance with nature, making this hike an absolute must for outdoor enthusiasts.

Mount Teide Guided Hiking Tour

This guided hiking tour will take you to the majestic summit of Mount Teide, which is 3715 meters high. This is one of the most unique Tenerife excursion and offers an incredible opportunity to get in touch with nature and witness panoramic views that will leave a lasting impression. The experienced mountain guides will ensure that your hike is both informative and enjoyable.

Teide Hike Permit

A visit to the summit of El Teide is a privilege for a select few, given the protected status of the area. Only 200 people are allowed to visit the summit daily, and a special permit is required. As part of our services, we arrange this Mount Teide hike permit for you to ensure a hassle-free experience on your hike to the summit.

Easy Teide Hike

If you are looking for a less strenuous hike, an excellent option is the El Teide Hike. This hike takes you to the top of El Teide using a cable car. The hike begins early in the morning, around 7:30 am, and ends around 2:30 pm. This Teide hike includes a 163-meter climb and takes about 1.5 hours.

Difficult Teide Hike

In case you are seeking a more challenging hike, consider joining the Teide difficult hike. This more difficult hike starts at 2,300 meters and takes you all the way to the top of El Teide. This day tour starts at 7:30 am and ends around 5:30 pm. The hike takes about 5-6 hours and includes a climb of about 1500 meters and a descent of 170 meters.

Book Your Teide Hike In Time

Be sure to secure your place on the Teide hikes by booking in advance. The number of visitor spots on the summit of El Teide is limited to 200 per day, so these tours fill up fast. If the Teide hikes are fully booked due to sell-out permits, have no fear. Tenerife is a paradise for nature lovers and offers a wide range of other Tenerife guided walks .

Regardless of if you are a first-time hiker or a well seasoned specialist, Club Canary is happy to help you create unforgettable hiking memories in Tenerife. Don’t hesitate! Book today and immerse yourself in the amazing volcanic landscapes of Tenerife.


Travel Blog

Climbing Mount Teide (Tenerife): a complete guide on how to visit Teide National Park

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Touching the roof of Spain , the peak of the volcano Teide ( 3715 meters above sea level), is what draws many people to the Canary Island of Tenerife , although it’s not the only thing to do in and around the magnetic volcano. Teide National Park is the largest and oldest of the Canary Islands’ national parks and has plenty to explore.

In this guide, we tell you how you can climb Mount Teide (by cable car, walking, or a combination of both), which viewpoints you can’t miss contemplating the panoramic views it offers, which trails we recommend in the National Park, and how to observe the stars in one of the best skies in the world to do so.

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Quick summary: how to visit Mount Teide

How to get to mount teide and its national park by car, map of teide national park, viewpoints, trails, and essential stops of the teide national park, teide observatory and stargazing, option 1: ascent to teide by cable car, where to park to climb teide on foot, how to climb mount teide on foot, option 3: cable car and hiking to climb the teide, where to sleep in teide national park.

  • Visit Mount Teide quickly and with the least effort : drive to this parking and go up and down by cable car (recommended to buy the cable car tickets in advance ). Access to the peak is not included. More info here
  • Climbing Pico del Teide : you need a permit, either for the peak or to stay overnight in the refuge (depending on the time of the day), and can be done in several ways (up and down by cable car, up and down on foot or do a section of each type; the last stretch to the peak has to be on foot). Book here the cable car with the permit included . More info here about going up and down on foot and going up and down by cable car .

Here is all the information you need to visit Teide National Park and the different possibilities to climb Pico del Teide.

The Teide volcano with its 3715 meters is, nothing more and nothing less than the highest point of the Spanish territory and, by the way, the third highest volcano in the world from the bottom of the ocean (not from sea level). The entire surrounding area, the Teide National Park , is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the largest and oldest of the Canary Islands’ national parks, and a must-see with plenty to explore. There is quite a lot to see in the National Park so here is a summary of what not to miss.

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Access to the Teide National Park is free and can be made from La Orotava (north) or Vilaflor (south) by the TF-21 road; from La Laguna (east) by the TF-24 or La Esperanza road; or from Chío (west) by the TF-38 or TF-563 roads.

  • Our favorite option is to go along the TF-24 road, also known as the road La Esperanza because along this road you can stop at different viewpoints both before entering the park and already inside the national park (Spoiler: the viewpoint of Chipeque , one of our favorite places on the island to see the sunset, is located on this road) and also on this route is the astronomical observatory of the Park. It takes about 1 hour and a half from Santa Cruz (or from San Cristobal de La Laguna).
  • From Puerto de la Cruz (or from La Orotava) you can reach the national park using the TF-21 road which also has a handful of impressive viewpoints. It takes 1 hour from Puerto de la Cruz to the cable car to climb the Teide. It is also on this road where the Montaña Blanca parking lot is located, where the official trail to climb to the summit of the Teide volcano begins. In addition, this route goes up through a thick pine forest. If you come by this road, before entering the national park make a stop at the Mirador de la Bermeja .
  • From the west of the island via the TF-38 or the TF-563 , taking about 1 hour, you will see landscapes that seem to be from another planet and points like the lunar landscape in Vilaflor.

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Here we leave you a Google Maps map with the points to visit in Teide National Park included in this guide, as well as the access roads to the park, which you can take with you on your smartphone on your visit to Tenerife :

Here we also leave you a schematic map with the different road accesses to Teide National Park and some of its main points, from VolcanoTeide . Click on the image to download it in larger size and resolution :

Mapa del Teide

And here is another official map (source ) with the accesses, trails, and main points of the National Park (click on the image to download it in larger size and resolution ).

Mapa del Parque Nacional de El Teide

Teide National Park has several viewpoints where you can (and should) stop to contemplate the views: 23 viewpoints within the national park (of which we highlight the most impressive ones in this guide) and 3 viewpoints that you can reach from the top of the Teide cable car station, La Rambleta viewpoint (5 minutes), La Fortaleza viewpoint ( 20 minutes, with views to the north and west of the island) and Pico Viejo viewpoint (30 minutes). In addition, the park also has 41 hiking trails to enjoy these magnificent landscapes.

These are the viewpoints in the National Park that we recommend you stop at, from east to west:

  • La Tarta viewpoint ( TF-24): in this viewpoint, you can contemplate the multicolored stratification known as “La Tarta” because each “layer of the cake” (tarta is cake in Spanish) is a stratum with its specific tonality that corresponds to a different volcanic eruption .
  • Montaña Limón viewpoint (TF-24): ideal to contemplate the panoramic view of the Orotava Valley and see the brave people who paraglide from here to Puerto de la Cruz.
If you have the bug of wanting to try paragliding but you have never dared, why not take advantage of your trip to Tenerife to do it? In this link you can see and book a paragliding flight in the south of the island .

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  • Viewpoint Corral del Niño (TF-24): being very close to the Teide Observatory is ideal for viewing the set of telescopes. Remember that the Teide and the summits of Tenerife have obtained the Starlight certification that accredits them as a privileged place for stargazing. On a clear day, you can also see the island of La Palma from here, and its Roque de los Muchachos is also considered one of the best places for stargazing in the world.
Are you visiting La Palma? Our guide to the beautiful island here, in this link.

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  • Centro de Visitantes del Portillo (TF-24 and TF-21): in all our trips we like to learn about what surrounds us or what we are about to meet. At the Portillo Visitor Center you will learn specifically about the endemic flora of the Teide National Park such as the impressive tajinaste (you can even walk through a small botanical garden!) but you will also learn about its fauna (such as the black-headed lizard) and the different volcanic materials it houses. This visitor center is also the starting point of one of the famous hiking trails of the National Park, the Siete Cañadas route , a 16 km linear route between El Portillo and Cañada Blanca that runs along the entire upper semicaldera between lava flows and malpais (AA lava flows) in which grow tajinastes , brooms, and pajonera grasses, among many other plants.

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We tell you more routes of the national park and Tenerife in general in the section The Best Hiking Routes in Tenerife in our complete guide to Tenerife .
  • Mirador Minas de San José (TF-21): one of the viewpoints with the most Martian landscape of the national park and, therefore, we are not surprised that here there have been tested NASA robots that went, indeed, to Mars or even served as a backdrop for filming movies like Fury of Titans, in 2009. The curious landscape is the result of being a former area of extraction of volcanic material, the “Valle de las Piedras Arrancadas”, an activity currently prohibited for its conservation. The stones of different colors come from different eruptions of Montaña Blanca , which together with the stratovolcano Teide (Pico Viejo), is the only volcano in the national park that has erupted on more than one occasion. Each eruption expels pyroclasts of different thicknesses (from volcanic bombs to the finest ash) and this color is because they are rocks with high silica content.
Right next to it is the Montaña Blanca trail , that is, the hiking route to climb the peak of Teide that starts at the parking lot of the Montaña Blanca at 2349 meters high and that you can do in one stage (without overnight stay) or in two stages (with overnight stay). We tell you all about it in the section How to climb Teide .

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  • Tabonal Negro viewpoint (TF-21): it is located very close to the lower station of the cable car and is a perfect place to admire both the volcanic caldera of Siete Cañadas and, in spring when the red tajinastes bloom, the picture of the intense red of the tajinastes and its contrast with the black of the volcanic lava . It is also a good spot to park the car and watch the stars.

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  • Mirador de Montaña Majúa (TF-21): the Majúa volcano can be climbed from this viewpoint, so in addition to contemplating the views from below, you can do it from above.
In addition, there is a circular hiking route between the Majúa volcano and the Parador Nacional de Turismo, where you can stay in the middle of the national park , perfect to explore it, to wake up face to face with the imposing Teide and to avoid queues and hustle and bustle to get on the cable car early in the morning.

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  • Mirador de la Ruleta, overlooking the Roques de García (TF-21): one of the most important viewpoints of the national park, the Roques de García make up the famous picture that invaded the thousand-peseta bills until the arrival of the euro, more specifically the photogenic Roque Cinchado , the most famous and sought after of the national park. In addition to contemplating these curious rock formations, you can hike here as there is a short circular route where you can see different rocks, formations, and lava flows. If you want to do a short trail, the Roques de García circular route is an easy and short route of 3.6 km. More info about the route is here.

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In addition to the Parador Nacional , here you will also find the Cañada Blanca Visitor Center where you can learn about the evolution of the different ways of life in Las Cañadas, from prehistoric to modern times, learn about current research, both astronomical and atmospheric as well as geological and volcanological, and as a bonus, a terrace with incredible views.

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  • Mirador de los Azulejos (TF-21): this viewpoint is striking because it is possible to observe a strip of green color . These colors were formed thanks to a complex process of solidification of the hydrothermal fluids that the volcano expelled in its day and that the erosion of thousands of years has left uncovered.
  • Llano de Ucanca viewpoint (TF-21): This viewpoint offers one of the most sought-after panoramic views in the national park, especially when Teide is snow-capped . The Llano de Ucanca is the largest of the existing ravines in the park from which emerge a series of phonolithic pitons such as La Catedral. Walking the trail from this viewpoint, in 15 minutes you can reach the base of the Cathedral.

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  • Mirador del Zapato de la Reina (TF-21): its name comes from the fact that the appearance of this rock resembles a high heel shoe (in our opinion, you need to be a little bit creative to see it).
  • Boca Tauce viewpoint (TF-21): facing the south face of the Pico Viejo volcano, the second-highest volcano on the island (3100 meters), this viewpoint is located at the end of the large volcanic lava flows from the last eruption inside the National Park in 1798. The viewpoint is also very close to the Ethnographic Museum of Juan Évora , a small and curious place that recreates, in three rooms and with informative panels, how Juan Évora, the shepherd who was the last inhabitant of the Teide National Park, lived. In addition, in the short but interesting visit, we can also inquire about some of the most significant aspects of this protected natural area and its traditions.

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  • Mirador Las Narices del Teide (TF-38): we continue contemplating the imposing Pico Viejo which, in fact, is part of the same volcanic complex of Teide. The name “Narices del Teide” comes from the pair of holes that can be seen in the lava, halfway up the slope, which resembles two nostril s. These holes correspond to two outflows of lava to the outside in that last eruption inside the park, in 1798 , an eruption that lasted 3 months. On clear days you can greet the neighboring La Gomera from the viewpoint so if you can approach at sunset, do not hesitate. You will also be able to see the neighboring islands of La Palma and El Hierro with luck and in the distance.
  • Mirador de Samara (TF-38): at the mountain viewpoint Samara starts a hiking route of contrasts between black lava and the green of the resilient Canary Island pine with several volcanic formations (and even volcanic bombs!) along the way (more info about the route here ).

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Continuing along the TF-38 road and already outside the national park we reach the Sendero del Volcán Chinyero , the last volcano that erupted in Tenerife in 1909 (the last volcano that erupted within the Teide national park was the Pico Viejo). It is a circular, short and practically flat route that circumnavigates the Chinyero, you can find more info about this route here .

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In addition to all these viewpoints inside the National Park, if you take the TF-24 road, don’t forget to stop at the following viewpoints outside the National Park:

  • Viewpoint of Montaña Grande (TF-24): ideal to observe the panoramic view with Santa Cruz de Tenerife and La Laguna as protagonists. In addition, from the viewpoint there are several trails with different possibilities of difficulty and duration.
  • Mirador de Ortuño (TF-24): ideal to contemplate the panoramic view of the Teide and its sea of clouds, with luck and a clear day even to the neighboring island of La Palma.
  • Chipeque viewpoint (TF-24): our favorite . If you can, visit this viewpoint at sunset because it will probably give you the best sunset of your trip around the island on a clear day.
  • Viewpoint of La Crucita (TF-24): it is located on the border between the natural park and the national park and you can see the east of the island, a landscape dotted with Canary Island pines and with luck, in the background, you will be able to see Gran Canaria .

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If in addition to contemplating the jewel of the island from below, you want to contemplate it from above, in the section How to climb Teide we tell you everything.

Randomtip : If you make the ascent to the summit of Teide on foot , with overnight stay, you will start the hiking route in the afternoon so you can take advantage and visit some of these viewpoints in the morning.

Are you passionate about astronomy and investigating some of the greatest unknowns of astrophysics? Then do not miss the guided tour of the Teide Observatory , at 2390 meters, in which, in addition to learning, you will enjoy incredible panoramic views of the volcano . You will be able to see how the Teide Observatory works during the day, and learn about the different solar and night telescopes in the Visitor Center and the various laboratories. In addition, you will also learn about the history of this important research center, considered one of the best in the world in its field along with the Roque de los Muchachos on the island of La Palma where we were in 2022 .

Book your ticket with guided visit to the Teide Observatory here

In addition, having the Teide and the summits of Tenerife the Starlight certification that accredits them as a privileged place for stargazing, do not miss the activity of Stargazing on Teide or, if you prefer something more adventurous, a Night Hiking Route through the Cañadas del Teide to contemplate the spectacular starry mantle.

You can book here your Guided Visit to the Observatory ; book the Stargazing on Teide or book the Night Hike in the Cañadas del Teide .

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How to climb Mount Teide: touching the roof of Spain without suffering in the attempt

To reach Mount Teide, the roof of Spain, you have several options :

  • Climbing Teide by cable car is the fastest option, ideal if you are on the island for a short time or if you do not want to undertake an adventure with so much physical effort. You must buy your cable car tickets in advance. Remember that if you want to reach the summit and touch the roof of Spain at 3715 meters you must climb the last stretch from the cable car to Pico del Teide walking and for this, you need a special permit (get your permit here ). If you prefer, in this link you can book your ascent to Pico del Teide with a guide, managed permit, and ticket for the ascent and descent by cable car included .
  • Climbing Teide on foot is an option that requires more time and more effort as it is a one or two-day trekking route with an overnight stay at the refuge (make sure that this option is viable as the refuge was still temporarily closed since 2020 at the time of writing this guide) that will reward you with breathtaking landscapes, a starry sky, and a breathtaking sunrise.
  • Cable car + walking : you also have the option that is a combination of both : walk up and down by cable car or walk up and down by cable car. This was the one we chose at Randomtrip.

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Important: If you want to go on your own, remember that to get to Pico del Teide you will have to fill in the data and ask permission in advance , both to climb to the summit from the cable car and to climb to the summit walking (and if you do this section after 9:00h in the morning). Remember that if you do the hiking route with overnight stay at the refuge, climb up to the crater to see the sunrise and leave the trail number 10/Telesforo Bravo to the summit before 9:00h in the morning (like most people who chose the hiking route option), you do not have to apply for permission, just reserve your place at the refuge .

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Climbing up to 3555 meters from La Rambleta station on the Teide Cable Car is quite an experience. The views are breathtaking and if you are lucky, on a clear day, you can even make out the outline of other neighboring Canary Islands. You can buy your tickets for the cable car in advance here and remember that you can use the cable car between 9:00h and 17:00h (last ascent at 16:00h) and in summer between 09:00h and 19:00h (last ascent at 18:00h).

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Once at the station, you will contemplate the landscapes of the Cañadas del Teide at the viewpoint of La Rambleta or, if you wish, you can undertake the last stretch walking up to the 3715 meters of Pico del Teide . To do this last stretch, trail number 10 or Telesforo Bravo, do not forget to fill in your details to request the mandatory permit that gives you access to the summit. If you don’t want to worry about it, book your entrance to the cable car with the permit managed here :

  • Ascent to Pico del Teide with guide + managed permit + Tickets to go up and down by cable car with pick up in the north and south of the island.
  • Ascent to Pico del Teide with guide + managed permit + Tickets to go up and down by cable car with pick up in the south of the island (Costa Adeje, Playa San Juan and Los Cristianos).
  • Ascent to Pico del Teide with guide + managed permit + Tickets to go up and down by cable car with pick up in the north of the island (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, La Orotava or Puerto de la Cruz).

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If you do not want to hike to the summit , you will not need a permit. You will be able to contemplate the landscapes of the Cañadas and go back down to take advantage of the opportunity to get to know several corners of the national park. There is a tour that includes entrance to the cable car and several of the most emblematic stops, such as the Roques del García:

  • Book the Cable Car Entrance + National Park Excursion tour with pick up in the north of the island here
  • Or the Cable Car Entrance + National Park Excursion tour with pick up in the south of the island here

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Option 2: Climbing Teide on foot with or without an overnight stay at the Altavista Refuge

At Randomtrip we climbed Mount Teide on foot in 2018 and it is, in our opinion, the best way to enjoy the landscapes and breathtaking views that this volcano offers . If you also want to start this adventure consider that you can:

  • Ascent in a single trek of approximately 5 hours and a half: remember to fill in the information on the summit permit and, in case you want to descend by cable car, buy the cable car descent tickets in advance.
  • Ascent in two stages with overnight stay included : remember to reserve your place at Refugio Altavista . Also consider that for this option you must reserve a day and a night since the ascent will begin between 14:00h and 16:00h and will end the following morning, after resting for a few hours at the Altavista Refuge of the volcano.
Update : the Altavista Refuge is temporarily closed since 2020 and at the date of updating this guide, March 2023, it was still closed so the option of reaching the summit of Teide on the hiking route with overnight stay in the refuge is not feasible at the moment, hopefully it will be reopened soon. The feasible option is to do the hiking route without overnight stay, that is, in a single stage of approximately 5 and a half hours of ascent.

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If you choose to reach the summit of Teide on the hiking route from Montaña Blanca, read on. If you are not interested in reaching the summit walking, skip to the next section but remember that if you go up by Cable Car you must buy the entrance in advance and ask for a permit or book here with the permit included .

If you are going to make the ascent and descent on foot, ideally you should leave your car in the parking lot of Montaña Blanca where you will start the official trail, but there are so few spaces that it fills up quickly. If there are no more spaces at the Montaña Blanca parking lot or if, as in Randomtrip, you are going to walk up and down by cable car, leave the car at the Teleférico parking lot where there are more spaces and walk (or hitchhike as we did) for the short 3 km distance from the Teleférico parking lot to the Montaña Blanca parking lot where the official trail begins. If you do this, when you finish the route and return to the car, remember to ask other people you see if they need a ride to the trailhead to return the favor.

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The hiking route to ascend to the peak of Teide is the official trail nº 7 . It starts at the parking lot of Montaña Blanca at 2349 meters high so there are 1369 meters of elevation gain to be done in one stage (without overnight stay) or two stages (with overnight stay) , the first to reach the Refugio Altavista and the second stage from the Refugio Altavista to the summit. At Randomtrip we did the ascent in two stages with an overnight stay at Refugio Altavista.

The first stage is 8km that we did in about 3h30 approximately (we left at 15:15h and arrived at 18:40h). It starts at 2349 meters , takes place during the day in front of incredible landscapes, and is quite simple and smooth except for the last 2.5 km quite steeper and with more slippery terrain where, in addition, fatigue rises and oxygen drops due to the altitude . It saved us a lot to make a stop every so often and eat some energy bars or drink water.

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To give you an idea, on the ascent of the first stage we drank about 2.5l of water between the two of us (we carried 4.5l of water in total). Arriving at the refuge before sunset and seeing the silhouette of the Teide peak on the slopes of the volcano, where we would go the next morning, was the best gift to end the day before resting in the refuge.

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Once at the Refugio Altavista, at 3260 meters, everything is very well organized: you give your name, they look for you on the list (remember that you have to reserve your place before ), they give you disposable sheets and at 19:00h they call you by name to assign you your bunk and show you where the shared bathrooms are. After making your bed (it has a pillow and comforter), you can have dinner with what you brought in your backpack with the imposing silhouette of Mount Teide and you have to rest because you have to get up early! Attention to the opening hours of the refuge as they close the doors at 22:30h at night (maximum time at which you can arrive) and at 08:00h in the morning (maximum time at which you have to leave).

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Randomtip : If you are also going to spend the night at Refugio Altavista, your backpack for this adventure should not be missing : Earplugs for sleeping in the shelter (in our case we had to deal with a lot of snoring from a bunk bed neighbor…); Dinner (we took sandwiches for weight reasons) and breakfast (we took bananas); Energy bars (ideal for the ascent and breakfast complement); Water (minimum 2 liters per person but if you can, more) and you know, better if it is in a reusable bottle to avoid single-use plastic ; Headlamp for the night stage; Coins ! In the refuge, there is no drinking water and the only thing there is a vending machine with some snacks and bottles of water. We had to buy and know that the 0.50l bottle costs 3 € (understandable when you know the effort involved in carrying whatever to the refuge).

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The second stage is 2km long and it took us approximately 1h40 (we left at 5:10h, we arrived at 6:50h). It starts at 3260 meters from the refuge to the summit , and it gets dark as you leave the refuge around 5:00 am (that’s why it is essential the headlamp) contemplating the incredible blanket of stars that seems you can almost touch. There is a reason why Teide has Starlight certification , a certification that accredits it as a privileged place for stargazing.

Randomtip : turn off the flashlight from time to time to contemplate the magic and remember that if you want to learn more about what you are seeing, you can hire the stargazing activity on Teide .

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The stretch from the refuge to La Rambleta (where the cable car station is located) seemed hard at first, between the fact that it was very early and that the path is steep and with many stones, so we made several stops to contemplate the milky way. Halfway, already reaching the 3555 meters of the cable car station La Rambleta, there is a wider, horizontal, and easy area.

Finally, we reach the last stretch from the Rambleta to the summit, the official trail No. 10 or Telesforo Bravo that will take us to the highest point of the volcano. This last stretch (which also makes walking who goes up by cable car and wants to reach the summit and for which it is essential to have permission after 9 am , the time when the cable car opens), is accompanied by a characteristic smell of sulfur and although the desire to get there was huge, the accumulated fatigue was noted and we found it demanding. The good news: you will not share this last stretch with anyone else who is not doing the hiking route because at the time you get to the path the cable car it is not open yet (it opens at 9:00h) so those who go up by cable car and want to reach the peak of the volcano, will do it later.

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We reached the 3715m summit before sunrise and saw the sun welcome the day right there, at the highest point in Spain. Unfortunately, there was a lot of haze ( calima ) when we went but it was still very special and we highly recommend it: the blanket of clouds and the whole island at your feet is breathtaking. On clear days without calima (which was not our case), you will be able to see La Gomera (the closest neighboring island) and even La Palma and Gran Canaria !

After enjoying and taking some pictures, we went down to the cable car crossing, and at the station we bought a hot coffee in the vending machine (2€). If you want to walk down to enjoy the scenery, there are viewpoints where you can contemplate the views along the 11 km (and if your knees do not complain too much), which you will do in about 5 hours .

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At Randomtrip we wait for the opening time of the cable car at 9:00h and go down, doing a combination of hiking and cable car (option 3). If you have the strength, from La Rambleta you can access the viewpoint of La Rambleta (5 minutes), viewpoint of La Fortaleza ( 20 minutes, with views to the north and west of the island) and viewpoint of Pico Viejo (30 minutes). The viewpoints of this National Park are so impressive that we have dedicated a section to them .

Randomtrip Difficulty Scale : Medium/High. The first stage, daytime, is very accessible except for the last kilometers with more elevation gain, more fatigue, less oxygen due to the altitude and more slippery terrain. The second stage, at night, has a first and a last stretch with more slope and a fairly wide and flat stretch in the middle. We made quite a few stops both in the first stage and in the second stage and we decided to descend by cable car because our knees complained to make the rest walking.

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Another option to reach the summit of Teide without suffering (too much) in the attempt is to make a combination between the hiking route and the cable car : walking up and down by cable car or going up by cable car and walking down.

If, as in Randomtrip, you want to live the adventure of reaching the highest point of Spain walking, enjoy the landscapes of the route and live the overwhelming experience of seeing the sunrise at the summit but you do not want to make the descent also walking, it is possible. In this case, you just have to book the cable car tickets in advance and, after enjoying the sunrise at the summit, go down the official trail nº 10 (or Telesforo Bravo) and wait for the cable car to open at 9:00 am at La Rambleta station. In this case, we recommend you leave the car at the cable car parking and hitchhike or walk the 3km to the start of the trail at the Montaña Blanca parking lot to have the car right after the descent.

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You also have the option to do it the other way around, i.e., go up by cable car in the afternoon (always booking tickets in advance), descend from 3555 meters from the station of La Rambleta to 3260 meters from the refuge , spend the night in the refuge, enjoy the starry mantle and the sunrise at the summit and then start the descent on foot or, equally, by cable car. In this case, remember that the last cable car ascent is at 16:00h (at 18:00h in summer) and that at the latest you can arrive at the refuge by 22:30h.

Since Teide and the surrounding National Park is a protected area with limited sleeping options, if you want to stay in the middle of the national park, we recommend you:

  • Parador de Las Cañadas del Teide (from 100€/night): this national Parador is located in the middle of the national park, ideal for exploring it and waking up with views of the imposing volcano. If you want to live the experience of sleeping at 2000 meters above sea level, book your room and know that the hotel also has a restaurant serving traditional Canarian cuisine.

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  • Casa Tajinastes del Teide (from 140€/night): a rural cottage with a garden, barbecue, and views of Teide. Ideal to enjoy the tranquility and silence of the national park and stargaze in one of the most beautiful skies in the world for stargazing before going to sleep.

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Given the very limited accommodation options in the Teide National Park, we recommend you to look for budget accommodation in the rest of the island of Tenerife here . In our Tenerife Guide we recommend specific accommodations and restaurants that we loved so that your experience on the island is as enjoyable as ours was:
Tenerife (Canary Islands): things to do [with map]

As you can see, there is much to explore in Teide National Park beyond its volcano, the jewel of the island.

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Teide Tour from Santa Cruz

  • Tours in Tenerife

Teide Tour from Santa Cruz

Free! cancellation up to 24 hours before the date of the activity with 100% refund / Less than 24 hours, late arrival or no show: no refund will be provided.

  • Discover the Teide National Park and its volcanic landscapes with this excursion to Teide from Santa Cruz .
  • Enjoy a magnificent tour of mountain roads and typical Canarian villages.
  • Climb to the upper station of the Teide with an exciting ride on the Cable Car.


Enjoy the heart of Tenerife, the Teide National Park , for 5 intense hours full of volcanic emotions in its purest state.

Teide tour from Santa Cruz will start by picking you up at the selected hotel and from there you will start the journey to explore one of the most visited parks in the world , declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

On the way to the Teide we will enter the Tenerife countryside, crossing Canarian pine forests , typical villages and admiring wonderful views of the landscape. Already in the National Park of the Cañadas del Teide , we will take stops to see closely all the attractions that this wonderful place offers us. We will see the volcanoes that caused the most recent eruptions in Tenerife and learn the history of how the Canary Islands were formed.

Then we will head to the base of the cable car to enjoy the beautiful views of the Ucanca Valley . Optionally, those who hire the cable car ticket can make use of the cable car to get up and down to La Rambleta station , the upper station of Teide , located at 3550m high.

Later, we will continue touring the natural park visiting Los Roques de García , with one of the most emblematic postcards of Tenerife. Finally we will start the journey back to your hotel in Santa Cruz de Tenerife .

  • Roundtrip transportation from Santa Cruz
  • Official English-speaking guide
  • Teide Cable Car ticket, optional

Not included

  • Teide Cable Car ticket, in the option tour without cable car

Price & Payment

Tour without cablecar, tour with cablecar, more information.

  • In the event that weather conditions impede the operation of the cable car, the price of the cable car return ticket shall be reimbursed and you will have free time in the National Park.
  • The duration of the excursion is indicative and may vary depending on the collection points provided.


  • The facilities at Teide Cable Car are not adapted to those with physical disabilities.
  • The rest of the excursion is accessible for people with reduced mobility.

Additional details

  • People with heart problems, pregnant women, and children under 2 are not allowed to ascend by Cable Car due to the risk that high altitude poses to their health.
  • You should be prepared for extremes in weather, both heat as well as cold, depending on the time of year in which you enjoy this Teide tour from Santa Cruz.


Starting point.

We will pick you up in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Please advise the address od the hotel when booking and we will confirm the closest hotel or place where we can pick you up. We will confirm the pick-up time by email in advance of departure.

  • Low prices guaranteed
  • Secure payment
  • Free! cancellation up to 24h

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How do i make a reservation, what are the payment methods, how to see the price and availability, customer reviews.


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Nattivus guarantees you the best price available at the time of making your reservation. However, if you find a lower price offer in the same currency as the original purchase, for the same dates, conditions and characteristics of the booked activity, we will match the price, refunding you the difference. This reservation must be a minimum of € 20.

For this, it will be necessary to present a complete and final budget as proof, which includes all the concepts of the reservation: date, duration, currency, price, participants, modality, management expenses, etc., issued by another agency legally authorized to operate in Spain, the same day that you have made your reservation with Nattivus, from which any additional discount will be excluded for belonging to a specific group.

To request a refund, send a message to info@nattivus.com with your name and booking number along with a proof of the lower price. Refunds of the price difference will be processed in the same payment method used for the original reservation.


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We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal and cash . Payment is 100% secure. We consider the following forms of payment, as indicated in the file for each activity:

Single payment: The payment of the total amount will be made at the time of booking . Cash payments are not accepted on the day of the visit.

Payment the day of the tour: A first payment of a percentage of the total will be required at the time of booking and the second payment of the remaining amount you will pay at the destination on the day of the activity, in cash or card, as indicated. Please note that only payments in local currency will be accepted (for example in Spain only EUROS will be accepted).

Payment in 2 installments: It will be necessary to pay a first payment of a percentage of the total amount when making the reservation. The second payment of the remaining amount must be made before the day of the activity, on the deadline indicated. In case of reaching this date and the pending amount has not been paid, the reservation will be cancelled and the amount paid initially will be refunded. Please note that this payment method is applied to reservations whose departure date is more than 30 days from the reservation date. For reservations whose departure date is within the following 30 days, 100% of the amount will be charged at the time of booking.


Free! cancellation up to 24 hours before the date of the activity with 100% refund / Less than 24 hours, late arrival or no show: no refund will be provided. If you need to cancel your booking, please, email us at [email protected].

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rennrad tour teide

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Omsk city, Russia

The capital city of Omsk oblast .

Omsk - Overview

Omsk is one of the largest cities in Russia, a major scientific, cultural, sports, transport, and industrial center. The administrative center of Omsk Oblast, it is the second most populous city in Siberia.

The population of Omsk is about 1,126,000 (2022), the area - 567 sq. km.

The phone code - +7 3812, the postal codes - 644000-644246.

Omsk city flag

Omsk city coat of arms.

Omsk city coat of arms

Omsk city map, Russia

Omsk city latest news and posts from our blog:.

10 November, 2019 / Tomsk - the view from above .

3 July, 2016 / Omsk - the view from above .

20 October, 2012 / The bear at the gate .

2 August, 2012 / Omsk city from bird's eye view .

14 December, 2011 / Time-lapse video of Omsk city .

More posts..

History of Omsk

Foundation of omsk.

The need to build a Russian fortress on the banks of the Irtysh at the mouth of the Om River arose in connection with the steppe nomadic peoples. In particular, with the Oirats, whose tribes in the first decades of the 17th century began to appear within the borders of the Russian state being under the onslaught of their external enemies and as a result of internal civil strife. However, various foreign and domestic political problems of Russia hindered the development and defense of the South Siberian borders.

The situation changed only at the beginning of the 18th century, when the Russian conquest of Siberia intensified. Since Peter I paid great attention to geographical research in the south, the expeditions of that time combined socio-political tasks and tasks of scientific research.

One of such expeditions was led by the Russian military and statesman, associate of Peter I, Major General Ivan Bukhgolts. The goals of the expedition, numbering about 3,000 people, were to search for ore and gold deposits, the discovery of trade routes to India and China, as well as the construction of towns on the Irtysh River.

The expedition left Tobolsk to the south along the Irtysh in July 1715. In the spring of 1716, after a conflict with the Dzungars in the north of today’s Kazakhstan, the remnants of the expedition (about 700 people) withdrew to the mouth of the Om River, where they laid a new fortress named Omsky ostrog (fortified settlement).

According to the census of 1725, 992 people lived in the fortress, in 1742 - 1,092 people. From the first years of its existence, it served as a place of exile for prisoners. After serving hard labor and imprisonment, a lot of them stayed in Omsk for permanent residence.

More Historical Facts…

Omsk in the second half of the 18th century

The ethnic composition of the region’s population was formed in the process of settling the territory. Russians, Germans, Ukrainians, Poles, Belarusians, and representatives of many other nationalities were sent here to serve or were exiled. The indigenous people of the region were the Siberian Tatars and Kazakhs, who switched to a sedentary lifestyle.

The foundation of the second Omsk fortress took place in 1762. The first fortress, although it occupied a favorable geographical position, was wooden and, by the middle of the 18th century, it was dilapidated. In 1765, new stone fortifications were constructed. The first stone structure of the fortress was the Resurrection Military Cathedral, built in 1773 and preserved to this day.

In the end of the 18th century, the Omsk fortress was one of the largest structures in the eastern part of the Russian Empire, its area was more than 30 hectares. In 1782, it was transformed into a town named Omsk within the Tobolsk Governorate. In 1785, the coat of arms of Omsk was approved.

Omsk became the center of management of the Siberian transport routes and the Siberian Cossack army, which not only guarded the South Siberian borders, but also made a huge contribution to the economic development of the steppe expanses of Kazakhstan, the annexation of Central Asia to the Russian Empire.

Omsk in the 19th century

The fire of 1819 destroyed almost half of the town including the archive and the magistrate of Omsk with all the first archival documents. Therefore information about the life of Omsk in the 18th - early 19th centuries is scarce and fragmentary. In 1825, the population of the town was about 9,000 people.

In 1829, the town’s development plan was approved. It was made by the famous Petersburg architect V.I. Geste, who took the city of St. Petersburg as a model with its wide avenues, huge neighborhoods, fountains, cast-iron bridges, and an abundance of green spaces.

The composition of the population of Omsk was not quite usual. In the middle of the 19th century, since Omsk was the center of the military and civil administration, the proportion of the military in the local population reached about 60%.

Fyodor Dostoevsky (one of the greatest psychological novelists in world literature), who served a term of hard labor in the Omsk prison in 1850-1854, in a letter to his brother gave Omsk the following description: “Omsk is a disgusting town. There are almost no trees. In summer, heat and wind with sand, in winter, a snowstorm. I have not seen nature. The town is dirty, military and highly depraved.”

By the second half of the 19th century, Omsk in its development outstripped many steppe towns and became not only an administrative, but also a commercial and industrial center. In 1861, in Omsk, there were 2,122 houses (31 stone houses), 34 factories and plants, about 20 thousand residents.

In 1892, the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway began, which gave a new impetus to the economy of Siberian towns and positively influenced Omsk. The development of the Trans-Siberian Railway caused an increase in the urban population due to migrants who came to work from the central part of the Russian Empire. According to the 1897 census, 37.3 thousand people lived in Omsk. The town had 14 streets with a total length of more than 140 km and 13 squares.

Omsk in the first half of the 20th century

The beginning of the 20th century was a time of great changes for Siberia. Mass peasant colonization caused a sharp leap in the development of the region’s economy, primarily its agrarian sector, and the Trans-Siberian Railway ensured the inclusion of the local economy in the system of the All-Russian and European markets.

Due to its favorable economic and geographical position - at the intersection of the railway and the Irtysh River, in the middle of a vast agricultural territory - Omsk quickly turned into a large transport, trade and industrial center of Western Siberia and Governor-Generalship of the Steppes (Eastern and Central Kazakhstan).

Wholesale trade in bread, butter and other agricultural products was concentrated here. Omsk also became one of the industrial, social and cultural centers of Western Siberia. By 1903, the city’s population grew to 60 thousand people. In 1914, it had about 134.8 thousand residents. Omsk became the most populous city in Siberia.

During the Civil War on the territory of the former Russian Empire, from June 1918 to November 1919, Omsk was the residence of the Supreme Ruler of Russia, Admiral Alexander Kolchak, who declared this city the capital of white Russia opposing red Russia of the Bolsheviks. Soviet power was finally established in the city in 1920.

In the summer of 1921, an event took place that had a decisive impact on the cultural and economic life of Omsk. The functions of the administrative center of Siberia were transferred from it to the city of Novonikolaevsk (future Novosibirsk). In 1934, Omsk became the administrative center of a separate Omsk Oblast.

Over the years of industrialization, Omsk became one of the largest centers for agricultural engineering in the USSR. The metal-working industry also developed at a rapid pace. In 1939, Omsk numbered more than 288 thousand people.

During the Second World War, about 200 industrial enterprises were evacuated to Omsk, as well as 60 hospitals, dozens of educational institutions, theaters, museums, and hundreds of thousands of refugees.

Omsk after the Second World War

In the post-war years, new enterprises were put into operation in Omsk, all existing factories and plants were reconstructed and expanded. The industrial potential of the city was also strengthened by the Omsk oil refinery, the largest in the country. In connection with the rapid development of industry, especially petrochemical enterprises, the ecological situation deteriorated. The concentration of harmful substances in the air sharply increased. In 1964, the population of Omsk was about 702 thousand people.

In the 1970s-1980s, Omsk developed rapidly. In 1975, the city’s population exceeded 1 million. The most pressing problem was the ecological situation. Omsk was in the top 10 cities of Russia in terms of environmental pollution. Another problem that required an immediate solution was the development of passenger transport. The capacity of Omsk streets was exhausted, and therefore the construction of the subway became an urgent issue.

The economic crisis that gripped Russia after the collapse of the USSR had a negative impact on the economy of Omsk and the region as a whole. There was a significant decline in industrial production, construction volumes fell, and unemployment rose. A lot of organizations of the defense complex, research institutes, and design bureaus found themselves in a deep crisis without the state defense order.

The share of mechanical engineering and metalworking, light industry, and, to a lesser extent, chemical and petrochemical, forestry and woodworking industries decreased. At the same time, the share of the fuel industry, energy, and construction materials industry began to grow.

In the 2000s, Omsk again became one of the most important economic centers of Western Siberia with a developing mechanical engineering, petrochemical industry, various branches of the woodworking, construction industry, and a highly productive agro-industrial complex. In recent years, Omsk has also acquired the features of one of the largest Siberian centers of entrepreneurship and banking/financial activities.

Architecture of Omsk

On the street in Omsk

On the street in Omsk

Author: Tim Brown

Yak-9 fighter aircraft in front of the aerospace engineering company Polyot in Omsk

Yak-9 fighter aircraft in front of the aerospace engineering company Polyot in Omsk

The Omsk Cadet Corps

The Omsk Cadet Corps

Author: Stanislav Katsko

Omsk - Features

Omsk is located in the south of the West Siberian Plain at the confluence of the Om River into the Irtysh, about 150 km from the border of Russia with Kazakhstan. About 60% of all residents of Omsk Oblast live in Omsk. The City Day of Omsk is celebrated on the first Saturday of August.

The city’s coat of arms is very similar to the first coat of arms of Omsk approved by Empress Catherine II in 1785. It depicts a part of the brick fortifications, which symbolizes the reason for its foundation as a fortress and the center of the Siberian defensive line.

Omsk belongs to the temperate climatic zone with a continental climate of the forest-steppe of the West Siberian belt. It is distinguished by an abundance of sunlight. The average air temperature in January is minus 16.3 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 19.6 degrees Celsius. The highest wind speeds are observed in winter and spring, which is the reason for frequent snow and dust storms.

In the past, the ecological situation in Omsk was very unfavorable. Since 2011, the city’s environmental development rating has increased significantly. This was the result of large-scale modernization of many large industries (including the Omsk oil refinery). Today, road transport is the main source of air pollution in the city.

The level of pollution of the Omsk rivers - Irtysh and Om - remains consistently high. Swimming in them is prohibited. While industrial effluents are becoming more environmentally friendly, sewers are releasing waste products including diesel fuel and petroleum products into the rivers. Dust raised by dust storms is also a serious problem for the city as it contains a lot of harmful substances including lead.

The city’s industry is based on oil refining, petrochemistry, chemical industry, mechanical engineering (production of aerospace equipment, armored vehicles, agricultural equipment). Omsk is a major transport junction - the Trans-Siberian Railway runs through the city from west to east, and the navigable Irtysh River crosses it from south to north. Omsk Airport offers regular flights to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Tyumen, Surgut, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Salekhard, Kazan, Krasnodar, Sochi.

The unfinished subway of Omsk has become famous in Russia thanks to its only one fully built station. Its construction began back in 1992. However, due to funding problems, the completion of the first line was postponed numerous times. In 2019, it was finally decided to permanently stop construction. For local residents, because of the long wait for the completion of the construction, the Omsk metro symbolizes unrealizable hopes, they talk about it with irony.

In Omsk, there are practically no buildings higher than 50 meters, according to this parameter it is one of the lowest cities with a population of over one million. 130 architectural monuments are concentrated in the central part of the city, almost half of the total number.

Main Attractions of Omsk

Dormition Cathedral - the largest church in Omsk located in the very center of the city. The original church was built in 1891-1898. In 1935, it was completely destroyed. In 2005-2007, an exact copy of the building was restored in its original place. This is one of the most beautiful buildings in Omsk. At night, the building is illuminated and looks especially majestic. Tarskaya Street, 7.

Irtysh Embankment - the main walking street of Omsk with a picturesque view of the Irtysh River. Built in the middle of the 20th century, the embankment was reconstructed in the 2000s. You can walk along the alley on foot, ride rollerblades or a bike.

Merchant Batyushkin’s Mansion (1902). This architectural monument is located on the Irtysh Embankment. It is also known as the Kolchak’s House because Alexander Kolchak, the Supreme Ruler of Russia, lived in this building in 1919. One part of the building is occupied by the registry office of the Central District of Omsk. The Center for the Study of the History of the Russian Civil War is also open here. Irtyshskaya Naberezhnaya Street, 9.

Omsk State Museum of History and Local Lore - one of the oldest museums in Siberia and Russia founded in 1878. In total, this museum has over 200 thousand various objects of cultural, historical and artistic value. The museum is especially proud of such exhibits as the cast-iron figures of the Chinese lions Shi-Tzu, presented to the museum from China in 1895, as well as the skeleton of a woolly mammoth almost 3 meters high. Lenina Street, 23?.

Omsk Regional Museum of Fine Arts named after M.A. Vrubel - one of the largest museums of fine arts in Siberia. It has collections of foreign and Russian art from antiquity to the present day. In total, there are over 22 thousand works by painters, graphic artists and sculptors, as well as more than 1.5 thousand rare folios.

Walking through the exhibition halls, you can admire the canvases of Shishkin, Aivazovsky, Surikov, Repin, Serov, Vereshchagin. The exhibition of rare icons dating from the 17th-20th centuries is of constant interest among visitors, as well as a unique collection of jewelry made of precious metals found in the Scythian and Sarmatian burial mounds. Two buildings of the museum are located at Lenina Street 3 and 23.

In November 2019, a new exhibition was opened in a historical building at Muzeynaya Street, 4 - the exhibition of art of the 20th-21st centuries. The Hermitage-Siberia Center is located here too - the first representation of The State Hermitage Museum (the second-largest art museum in the world) beyond the Urals.

Chokana Valikhanova Street - a pedestrian street located in the historic part of Omsk. The street is decorated with abstract architectural forms, flower beds, wrought-iron lanterns. The walking area ends with an observation deck with a picturesque view of the Irtysh River.

Museum of Kondraty Belov . The museum of this landscape painter born in Omsk can be found in a picturesque wooden house, which is considered one of the most interesting architectural monuments of Omsk. The exposition tells about the life and work of Kondraty Belov, as well as about the history of the building itself.

In total, this museum has about 700 exhibits. The permanent exhibition also includes works by Kondraty Belov’s son Stanislav and paintings by some other local artists. In addition, temporary exhibitions of contemporary Omsk artists are regularly held here. Chokana Valikhanova Street, 10.

Plumber Stepanych Monument - an unusual sculpture located in the center of Omsk, which you can literally stumble upon while walking along Lenin Street between the houses #12 and #14. Leaning out of the hatch, the plumber is depicted as realistic and life-size as possible. It is among the most photographed monuments in Omsk. There is a similar sculpture in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia.

Lyuba Monument . This sculpture, located on the opposite side of Lenin Street from the monument to the plumber Stepanych, is especially loved by Omsk residents and tourists, who love to be photographed against its background.

This beauty in a lace dress with a neckline and a crinoline sitting on an openwork bench and reading a novel had a real prototype - Lyubov (diminutively Lyuba or Lyubasha) Gasford, the wife of the Governor-General of Siberia, who lived in Omsk in the 19th century and died at a young age due to illness. One of the streets of Omsk and the park are named in her memory. She is a local symbol of femininity and beauty.

Omsk Fire Tower - a picturesque architectural monument built at the beginning of the 20th century. Inside the tower there are museum expositions dedicated to the local fire brigade and the history of tower construction. Internatsionalnaya Street, 41?.

Park of Culture and Rest named after the 30th anniversary of the Komsomol - a popular place for walks, recreation and entertainment of Omsk residents and tourists, which has retained “the spirit of the Soviet era” in its name. Today, on an area of 73 hectares, several zones have been organized, various types of recreation are presented. There are walking alleys, ponds, water activities, for example, riding on hydro-scooters.

The ice town is open in winter, the Return of the Dinosaurs exhibition - in summer. The “House Upside Down” exposition is also popular with tourists. This park is a place for mass festivities, city celebrations and events. Maslenitsa, Christmas, City Day, and other holidays are celebrated here. Maslennikova Street, 136.

Natural Park “Bird Harbor” - a specially protected area located on the path of bird migration in the central part of Omsk. During autumn flights, up to 3 thousand birds stop here for rest. It is a great place to enjoy nature, walk along the eco-trail, and observe the life of birds. The park is situated in the floodplain on the left bank of the Irtysh River next to the Victory Park on Yeniseyskaya Street.

Omsk city of Russia photos

Pictures of omsk.

Omsk tram

Bogdan Khmelnitsky Monument in Omsk

Lenin Monument in Omsk

Lenin Monument in Omsk

Churches of Omsk

Chapel of St. George in Omsk

Chapel of St. George in Omsk

Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Omsk

Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Omsk

Cathedral of the Nativity in Omsk

Cathedral of the Nativity in Omsk

Sights of Omsk

Fountain with frogs in the park next to the main building of the Agricultural Academy in Omsk

Fountain with frogs in the park next to the main building of the Agricultural Academy in Omsk

Author: Alexey Pavlov

Church of St. Nicholas in Omsk

Church of St. Nicholas in Omsk

Exaltation of the Holy Cross Cathedral in Omsk

Exaltation of the Holy Cross Cathedral in Omsk

Author: Stanislav Vosinsky

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  1. Teneriffa: 6 Traum-Touren im Schatten des Teide mit dem Rennrad

    Sie besteht aus Asche, Lavabrocken und erstarrten Magmaströmen. Wie ein vulkanisches Riesenmonument erhebt sich der Pico del Teide (3715 Meter) erst vor, dann neben, schließlich hinter uns. Es wird angenommen, dass der Vulkan, der hier einst in die Höhe ragte, weitaus größer war als der Teide und in mehreren Phasen einstürzte.

  2. Rennradtouren rund um National Park Teide

    Du suchst die besten Rennradtouren rund um National Park Teide? Dann schau dir unsere Sammlung von 9 Touren in dieser wunderschönen Region in Norte De Tenerife an - und entdeck die schönsten Ecken rund um National Park Teide bei deinem.

  3. Die 9 schönsten Rennradtouren rund um El Teide

    Entdecke die 9 schönsten Rennradstrecken rund um El Teide und schau dir Tipps und Fotos von anderen Rennradfahrern. Du suchst die besten Rennradtouren rund um El Teide? Dann schau dir unsere Sammlung von Touren in dieser wunderschönen Region in Norte De Tenerife an -- und entdeck die schönsten Ecken rund um El Teide bei deinem.

  4. Der Gigant von Teneriffa

    Diese Runde um den Teide durch das Orotava-Tal führt dich nicht nur nah an den Gipfel Teneriffas, sondern auch durch einige der spektakulärsten Landschaften der Insel. Auf gut 135 Kilometern erklimmst du dabei über 3.400 Höhenmeter - eine echte Herausforderung, die ich in drei Etappen unterteilt habe. Du kannst die Strecke ganz nach deinen Wünschen auch an mehr Tagen fahren oder die ...

  5. Cycling in Tenerife: The Best Bike Hire & Bike Tours in Tenerife

    Enjoy guided road bike tours in Tenerife, the best European destination for cycling. Hire high-end road, mountain or e-bikes and get professional cycling services and training camps.

  6. Discover Tenerife's Teide Volcano on a Road Bike Tour

    BIKE TOUR TENERIFE ROAD TEIDE DOWNHILL TENERIFE - LEVEL EASY. Tour duration, including pick-up and drop-off, is approximately 5 hours.Price per person: 100€ for an e-bike - 90€ for a muscle-powered bike. For groups of 4 or more people, an additional 10% discount will be applied to the total group price.

  7. Bike Rental in Tenerife

    Join us for a guided cycling tour of Los Gigantes, with experienced guides and breathtaking routes. Choose from our different tour options, from beginner-friendly to advanced, and discover the beauty of Los Gigantes on two wheels. ... TEIDE Tenerife's allure for professional cycling teams lies in its unparalleled opportunities for altitude ...

  8. Rennrad Teneriffa

    Rennrad Teneriffa - Teide Route, Teneriffa. Rennrad Teneriffa - Teide Route in Teneriffa bei Teneriffa, Spanien buchen. Ein Tripadvisor-Unternehmen. Die besten Teneriffa-Aktivitäten. Suche nach Kategorie. Audioguides; Essen und Trinken; Kunst und Kultur ... Quad-Tour zum Teide-Nationalpark (3,5 Std.) 24.

  9. Bike Rental And Tours In Tenerife

    ROAD BIKE RENTAL TENERIFE. We have a rent a bike Tenerife service in Puerto de la Cruz that is meant to bring you the best rental bikes and the best cycling service so that you can make the most of your cycling vacation, create memorable experiences while having a lot of fun exploring Tenerife!

  10. Guided hiking tour to the Teide summit

    Booking option: Guided hiking tour to the Teide summit The mountain hike to the summit of the Teide begins at the cable car station at 2356 metres above sea level. The cable car (ticket payable at the station) takes about 8 minutes to reach 3550 meters - at this point the actual ascent to the summit starts.

  11. Rennradtour auf Teneriffa: Teide South

    Infos zur Tour: https://www.outdooractive.com/de/r/109558297Rennradtour mit vielen HöhenmeternKarten & GPS - Daten, exakte Wegbeschreibung und mehr gibt es h...

  12. Die 20 schönsten Rennradtouren auf Teneriffa

    Schwere Rennrad-Tour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Überwiegend gute Straßenbeläge. Einfach zu fahren. ... El Teide von La Orotava - Tour um den Nationalpark Teide - Teneriffa. 07:54. 134 km. 17,0 km/h. 3.380 m. 3.380 m. Schwer. 4,7 (6) 821. Schwere Rennrad-Tour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich.

  13. Teide classic [HD]

    Mit dem Rennrad von 0 auf 2300 Meter, dass heißt 45 KM Steigung bewältigen, den inneren Schweinehund besiegen und dafür mit traumhaften Bildern und der Genug...

  14. Teide National Park Tenerife

    Learn about the landscapes, attractions and tips for visiting Teide National Park, home to the highest mountain in Spain. Find out how to get there, when to go, what to see and do, and how to book cable car and summit tickets.

  15. Mount Teide Hike Ultimate Tour

    🔎 Tenerife Teide Hike Highlights: Choose easy or hard hike. Trip start at: 07:30. Reach the top of Teide 3715m. Necessary to book far ahead. 14 days free to cancel. Possible from 10 to 70 years. Bit of fitness level, is expected. Free pick-up and drop-off. Best price guaranteed. Book by paying a deposit of 20€. Option: private hiking tour ...

  16. Climbing Mount Teide (Tenerife): a complete guide on how to visit Teide

    Quick summary: how to visit Mount Teide. Visit Mount Teide quickly and with the least effort: drive to this parking and go up and down by cable car (recommended to buy the cable car tickets in advance).Access to the peak is not included. More info here; Climbing Pico del Teide: you need a permit, either for the peak or to stay overnight in the refuge (depending on the time of the day), and can ...

  17. Teide Tour from Santa Cruz

    Enjoy the heart of Tenerife, the Teide National Park, for 5 intense hours full of volcanic emotions in its purest state.. Teide tour from Santa Cruz will start by picking you up at the selected hotel and from there you will start the journey to explore one of the most visited parks in the world, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.. On the way to the Teide we will enter the Tenerife ...

  18. Mit dem Rennrad um den Teide

    Ana- Remoteana Touren. Mit dem Rennrad um den Teide. Mit dem Rennrad um den Teide. Schwer. 07:58. 135 km. 17,0 km/h. 3 390 m. 3 390 m. Schwere Rennrad-Tour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Überwiegend gute Straßenbeläge. Einfach zu fahren.

  19. Omsk Oblast

    Omsk Oblast (Russian: О́мская о́бласть, romanized: Omskaya oblast') is a federal subject of Russia (an oblast), located in southwestern Siberia.The oblast has an area of 139,700 square kilometers (53,900 sq mi). Its population is 1,977,665 (2010 Census) [10] with the majority, 1.12 million, living in Omsk, the administrative center.One of the Omsk streets

  20. Tara, Omsk Oblast

    Tara (Russian: Та́ра; Siberian Tatar: Тар Tar) is a town in Omsk Oblast, Russia, located at the confluence of the Tara and Irtysh Rivers at a point where the forested country merges into the steppe, about 300 kilometers (190 mi) north of Omsk, the administrative center of the oblast.Population: 27,318 (2010 Census); [2] 26,888 (2002 Census); [6] 26,152 (1989 Soviet census).

  21. Omsk city, Russia travel guide

    Omsk is the second most populous city in Siberia and a major transport and industrial center. Learn about its foundation, architecture, climate, attractions, and more from this comprehensive travel guide.

  22. Teneriffa

    Teneriffa - Teide ist eine schwere Rennrad-Tour: 152 km in 06:53 Std. Schau diese Route an oder plan deine eigene! Roman hat ein Outdoor-Abenteuer mit komoot geplant! Distanz: 152 km | Dauer: 06:53 Std

  23. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Omsk (2024)

    Tours, activities and experiences bookable on Tripadvisor, ranked using exclusive Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, popularity, user preferences, price, and bookings made through Tripadvisor. We perform checks on reviews. Tripadvisor's approach to reviews.