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Élmények a világ körül

Santorini 10 attrakciója.

Santorini 10 attrakciója - OTP Travel Utazási Iroda

Santorinin zajlott egykor az írott történelem egyik legnagyobb vulkánkitörése, amely máig látható hatalmas krátert hagyott maga után. A félig elsüllyedt vulkáni kráter felkeresése mellett a Santoriniben tett egyéb teendők közé tartozik az ősi kitörés által eltemetett minószi leletek és romok felfedezése is.

Görögország | Santorini | Therasia | OTP Travel Utazási Iroda

Théra múzeuma

Görögország | Santorini | Théra múzeuma | OTP Travel Utazási Iroda

Akrotiri ásatások

Görögország | Santorini | Akrotiri ásatások | OTP Travel Utazási Iroda

Kamari Beach

Görögország | Santorini | Kamari Beach | OTP Travel Utazási Iroda

Perissa Beach

Görögország | Santorini | Perissa Beach | OTP Travel Utazási Iroda

Kapcsolódó inspirációk:

Isteni finomságok athénban, csatlakozzon hozzánk egy ínycsiklandó utazásra, miközben felfedezzük az athén kultúráját megtestesítő autentikus ételeket., kréta - kalandok kék-fehérben, a szigeten járva alig akad olyan település, ahol a történelmi emlékek, kulturális látnivalók, és más érdekességek széles skálájának darabkái ne lennének láthatóak., athéni kalandok családdal, athén augusztusban szinte üres, a legtöbb görög a szigetekre megy nyaralni. télen pedig ideális helyszíne lehet egy hétvégi kiruccanásnak. fedezze fel a világ egyik legrégebbi városát, 4 kihagyhatatlan európai város 2022-re, íme kedvenc négy európai nagyvárosunk 2022-re, ahol életre szóló élményekkel töltekezhet fel egy hosszú hétvégén., kóstoljon bele zakynthos-ba, hol találunk autentikus helyi ételeket zakynthos szigetén mutatjuk a legjobbakat, 10 kihagyhatatlan program santorinin, santorini rengeteg látnivalóval kecsegtet, amelyeket érdemes beiktatni az útitervbe. íme, egy egyszerű top 10-es lista a kezdéshez., zakynthos éke: a hajóroncs-öböl, a navagio-öböl vagy csempész-öböl minden bizonnyal görögország és egyesek szerint a világ egyik legszebb strandja., zakynthos: a kincses sziget, zakynthos szigete a család minden tagja számára kínál valamit. könnyen megközelíthető, mindössze 16 kilométerre fekszik a peloponnészosz nyugati partjaitól a jón-tengeren., mykonos ínycsiklandó specialitásai, összegyűjtöttük a sziget specialitásait. kóstoljon bele a mykonos-i konyhába, délosz - mykonos „szent” szomszédja, délosz aprócska szigete a kükládok által alkotott kör közepén helyezkedik el, mykonos-tól 2,5 km-re nyugatra., mykonos-i kis velence, mykonos város keskeny utcácskái, ragyogóan fehérre meszelt házaival mindenkit elbűvöl., mykonos, te csodás, mykonos az egyik legkedveltebb nyaralóhely görögországban. ismerje meg ezt a fantasztikus szigetet, tétovázás nélkül thesszalonikiben, thesszaloniki görögország második legnagyobb városa gazdag multikulturális hagyományokkal., rodosz 10 csodája, bemutatunk 10 helyet, amelyek miatt érdemes rodoszt újra és újra felkeresni, 10 görög étel, amit ki kell próbálni, ha rodoszon jár, ne hagyja ki ezeket a különleges görög ízeket, rodosz óriása, az ókori világ hét csodája közül hatodikként számon tartott rodoszi kolosszus héliosz napisten óriási méretű szobra volt rodosz városában., rodosz és az oszmán birodalom, az oszmán birodalom számára rodosz kulcsfontosságú volt, így folyamatosan próbálta uralma alá hajtani. ismerje meg a csodás sziget történelmét, rodosz, a johanniták szigete, rodosz, a földközi- és az égei-tenger találkozásánál fekvő csodás görög sziget történelme tele van kalandokkal, háborúkkal és lovagokkal., görögország, rodosz, rodoszi akciós nyaralás, fantasztikus görögországi utazások, rodosz, a pillangók szigete, igazi mesebeli táj, egy apró paradicsom rodosz szívében., kapcsolódó ajánlatok:.

otp travel santorini


otp travel santorini


otp travel santorini


otp travel santorini


otp travel santorini


21 Things You Need To Know To Plan A Trip To Santorini

Updated On: April 26, 2023

Written By: Pavlos Inglesis

trip to santorini

Where on earth is Santorini ? How to get there? Where should you stay? What’s the weather like? How is winter on the island? What’s the best time to visit Santorini after all?

There are a few things you need to know in order to  plan your trip to Santorini properly .



  • For Couples: Canaves Oia
  • For Families: Nissia
  • For Sunset Views: White Pearl
  • For Honeymoon: Andronis
  • With Private Pool: Katikies
  • With Caldera Views: Perivolas
  • Cave Hotel: Divine Cave
  • Budget: Stelios Place
  • In Oia: Canaves Epitome
  • In Fira: Cosmopolitan
  • In Imerovigli: Astra Suites
  • In Perissa: Anastasia Princess
  • In Kamari: Amara Suites

Santorini  is not like any other greek island but it’s definitely one of the  best greek islands .

READ ALSO:  Where to Stay in Santorini Best Hotels in Santorini Best Villas in Santorini Best Santorini Boat Tours

It’s  the most visited island in Greece  and it requires some proper planning and research to get the best deals in  hotels , to do all the  amazing things  that the island offers and also to make sure that your  flights and ferries  to Santorini are properly booked.

Get my secrets for Greece and Santorini in your email!

Keep reading…


  • Santorini is in Greece, Europe:  Google Maps
  • How to Get to Santorini:   with a direct flight to Santorini (only from within Europe at the moment and only between April-November) or with a direct flight to Athens, Greece and then a 5hrs/8hrs ferry or a direct 1hr flight from Athens to Santorini ( read the detailed guide )
  • How Much Ahead do I need to book hotels:  at least 8 months; Santorini has become super popular and if you want to visit it in high season (May-October) you must get prepared for high prices and sold out hotels…
  • Best Website to Book Ferries to Santorini or just check the timetables:  Ferryhopper
  • Where to Stay in Santorini:   for the famous views stay in  Oia ,  Fira  (capital town) ,  Imerovigli ,   Firostefani   but for being closer to the beaches stay in  Perissa ,   Perivolos  or  Kamari (which is also usually less expensive)
  • Where Are the Best Hotels in Santorini:  the most impressive ones with the famous views are in  Oia ,   Imerovigli  and  Firostefani  (but you will be 20 mins drive from any beach)
  • Best Hotel in Santorini :  San Antonio (wow!)
  • Best Private Villa to rent in Santorini:  Anteliz Villa 
  • When is the best time of the year to visit Santorini:  July and August are super crowded so better go in June or September when it’s still summer weather but slightly less crowded ( read my weather guide for Santorini )
  • What can I do in Santorini:  beaches ,  wine-tasting ,  amazing greek food ,  greek island hopping  (but there are literally hundreds of things to do in Santorini )
  • What’s the best advice you can give me for Santorini:  rent a car or a motorbike!  Local buses in Santorini  are usually OK but can be unreliable and very crowded in the summer (July-August)
  • Best Website to rent a car in Santorini:  RentalCars
  • Anything more you can tell me?  : keep reading for more…!


🛏️   is the website with the most available rooms and Private Villas in Athens, Santorini , Mykonos & Crete  (more than Airbnb!)

⛴️ Ferryhopper   is the best website to book your ferry tickets or check the timetables for Santorini, Mykonos , Crete & all greek islands

🏺 Get Your Guide  has the best and largest variety of Tours in Athens and the greek islands (Santorini, Mykonos, Crete etc)

🚙 Rentalcars is the easiest way to rent a car or a quad for Greece with thousands of available options

✈️ Flights  has all the available flights to and from the greek islands

🚕 Book Your Driver (Taxi) directly with’s large and safe platform of available certified drivers

Here is what you need to know about  Santorini  in details:

1. What is Santorini?

Santorini  is a small Greek island that has become one of the most popular  travel destinations  all over the world.

Many celebrities visit the island every year and it has some of the most unique and  luxurious hotels  on the planet.

Santorini’s  official name in Greek is also  Thira  or (Thera). In Greek it’s called  Σαντορίνη  or  Θήρα .

You can read everything about Santorini’s fascinating history through the centuries  here .

2. Where is Santorini?

Santorini  is in  Greece  which is in the South East part of Europe ( see it on Google Maps ):

3. Where To Stay in Santorini ?

where to stay in santorini

You have to choose what you want from your trip to Santorini and what is a priority for you.

You literally have 2 options:

a. Amazing famous Santorini views (super expensive but not close to the beaches)  or

b. Being close to the famous Santorini beaches (much cheaper, but you won’t be having the famous views you see all over instagram)

You can read my super detailed guide:  Where to Stay in Santorini   is the best site to book hotels for Santorini (and it’s the one that even the Greeks use…).

It is super safe , with real reviews and even the possibility to cancel your booking if you change your mind.

If you want the unique  views of caldera and the volcano  that Santorini is famous for, then you should stay at  Fira, Firostefani, Imerovigli  or  Oia …and also pay the price as these are super expensive hotels.

Get prepared for 3-4 figures per night but also expect to have one of the best views in the world with celebrity style services.

These are the  Top 20 Most Luxurious Hotels of Santorini.

These are the  10 Best Hotels in Oia.

Recently, some very impressive hotels have also been built in  Akrotiri village .

None of these towns are close to the sea though.

All the hotels there, are hanging from a massive cliff and most have spectacular views and stunning swimming pools.

But no access to a beach unfortunately.

However, if you don’t want to stay in any of the places that you’ve seen in the tourist guides and you want to relax by the sea you can stay at  Kamari  ,   Perivolos ,   Perissa  towns.

These beach side towns of Santorini have amazing hotels in much more reasonable prices.

If you stay at a  beach hotel in Santorini  you get more for your money, but you don’t have the amazing famous volcano views and sunsets (which you can visit anytime you want by the way…).

I also recommend that you have a look at the very picturesque villages of  Emporio  and  Pyrgos .

Especially  Pyrgos  has some very nice views on the other side of the island (not the caldera and the volcano though) but you will be enjoying some unique sunsets away from the tourist crowds.

If you are a  famliy with kids  then I strongly recommend you stay at  Kamari  beach as it is the best for kids with lots of amenities, restaurants in walking distance and a massive beach that can be  every kid’s dream! 

  • Best Cheap Hotel in Santorini:  Stelios Place
  • Best Hotel in Imerovigli:  Grace Santorini
  • Best Hotel in Firostefani:  Tsitouras Collection
  • Best Hotel in Oia:  Maregio Suites
  • Best Hotel in Perissa beach:  Anastasia Princess
  • Best Hotel in Perivolos beach:  Orabel Suites

This is the rule of thumb to remember for when searching the best area to stay in Santorini:

Fira:   the capital of the island, nightclubs, shops, restaurants, buzz

Firostefani:  very seclusive and relaxing but still very close to Fira for shops etc

Oia:   the most famous and probably the most romantic place to stay in Santorini, not that many shops, no nightlife, but really relaxing atmosphere and some amazing restaurants. Expect tons of tourist masses though, which during the sunset time are everywhere (on the roofs, on the streets, on the walls etc).

Imerovigli:   amazing views to the caldera, seclusive, not touristic and still close to Fira where all the buzz and shopping is.

Perissa  ,  Perivolos ,  Kamari : no views to the volcano but walking distance to the  best beaches of Santorini .

4. When Is The Best Time to Visit Santorini ?

High season  in Santorini starts from  April and ends in October.

Obviously the island is extremely busy during these months but especially in  July, August and September  you will definitely feel the tourist masses…

Read Also:  Santorini Weather Guide: What To Expect Every Month

I have visited the island in so many different periods and months within a year and I figured out what could be the best time to enjoy the most of the island:

The  best time to visit Santorini  is late September or early October !

The weather will still be fine and not too hot (around 25-30 C) , the sea waters will still be warm (from the summer heat) and most of the tourists would be gone! Happy Days!

That doesn’t mean there is nobody on the island.

Remember: it’s still Santorini!

June  is also a very good month to visit Santorini because it’s still early summer , the weather is amazing (though it can get pretty hot with more than 35C sometimes) and the big masses of tourists haven’t arrived yet.

I wouldn’t recommend  May  though because even though the weather is still very good , the sea water will be a bit chilly and you may not enjoy the beach that much.

Read Also:  The Best Time To Visit Santorini

In terms of how crowded the island will be,  here is a rough guide :

January :  10% crowded – ( Low Season  – many restaurants, hotels and businesses will be closed, beaches will be empty but the island is not “dead”)

February :  10% crowded – ( Low Season  – many restaurants, hotels and businesses will be closed, beaches will be empty but the island is not “dead”)

March :  20% crowded – ( Low Season  –but slightly more people start to visit the island as the high season approaches, many restaurants, hotels and businesses will be closed or just about to open, beaches will probably be empty but the island is definitely not “dead”)

April :  40% crowded – ( High Season  – the beggining of the high season and most restaurants, beach bars, cafes and businesses open in April as it is also the  Greek Easter  and lots of Greeks visit the island to start preparing for the high season)

May :  70% crowded – ( High Season  – All of the businesses of the island will be 100% open and operational but the island is still not full, the beaches are getting busier every day and the weather is awesome)

June :  90% crowded – ( High Season  – almost at full capacity but not yet super busy…everything will be open and super fun!)

July:  100% crowded – ( High Season  – the heart of the high season and when the island gets super busy and crowded, but still you will have a great time while the weather is super hot – do expect to spend most of your time on the beach or the swimming pool – not as busy as in August though)

August:  110% crowded – ( High Season  – the busiest month for Santorini, try to avoid if possible because everything becomes more complicated adn takes more time)

September :  90% crowded – ( HIgh Season  –  it will still feel like the long tail of Aigust some times but it will get less busy at the end of the month – weather still feels like summer! See also below)

October :  70% crowded ( High Season  – the weather gets colder but you can still possibly enjoy a swim in the sea or the pool – for many of the businesses October is their last operational month)

November:  30% crowded ( Low Season  – the early days of winter and the month where the weather gets considerably colder – many businesses, hotels and restaurants might be closed)

December:  10% crowded ( Low Season  – the heart of the low season and one of the coldest months in Santorini, no swimming, many closed businesses but always an amazing landscape and wild beauty)

5. How To Get To Santorini ?

If you live anywhere  outside of Europe  (and definuitely if you are from the US) you have to fly to Athens first (the capital of Greece) and then take either  a 40mins flight from Athens to Santorini  or a  5 to 8 hours ferry  (there is a slow/cheap ferry and a faster/more expensive ferry from Athens to Santorini).

Read Also:   How to Get From Athens to Santorini

Read Also:   How To Get From Athens to Mykonos

If you live in Europe, there are direct flights from some European cities to Santorini.

Most of these direct flights to Santorini run seasonally  between May-October  as this the hot season for Santorini.

If you take a direct flight to Santorini, you won’t see any of  Athens  which is the biggest Greek city and undoubtedly the city with the most archaeological and cultural interest in Greece and in Europe.

If you are already in Athens you can just book your ferry tickets to Santorini from  Ferryhopper .

In my honest opinion, a ferry can be nice if it’s your first time in Greece, as you get to see the beautiful blue waters of the  Aegean Sea  but you will be wasting 5-8hrs on the boat which you could better spend on Santorini. 

  • Best Website to Book Ferry Boat tickets:  Ferryhopper

6. How To Book flight and ferry tickets to Santorini? Flights   has all the available  flight options  for Santorini and it will show you all the available flights from  Athens to Santorini  or from any other major European cities to Santorini.

Santorini’s airport code is JTR (Santorini’s official name is Thira or Thera).

In order to reach Santorini via ferry boat, you can use the  Ferryhopper   website, which gives you the updated prices and schedules for all ferries connecting  Athens with Santorini .

  • Best Website for Flights to Santorini: Flights  (Airport Code: JTR)

7. Are There Any Direct Flights to Santorini ?

santorini airport new greece

There are no direct flights to Santorini from the USA, Canada or Australia.

But there are direct flights to Santorini from almost all major European cities like Paris, London, Amsterdam, Madrid, Barcelona, Rome.

VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW:  The direct flights from major European cities to Santorini DO NOT RUN ALL YEAR ROUND but only between May and October usually. If you are visiting Santorini in the low season (November-April) you might only have the option to fly to Athens and then take a 45mins flight to Santorini (check Flights  for all the available options)

So, basically your options are:

  • Fly to a major European city and then take a direct flight to Santorini (check Flights )
  • Fly to Athens (Greece’s capital) and then take either a 5-8hrs ferry ( book it here ) or a direct 45mins direct flight to Santorini ( book it here )

8. What Is The Caldera?

Santorini  is a volcanic island.

To be more precise it is an active volcano!

Thousands of years ago the centre part of the island collapsed into the sea creating a unique open sea lagoon.

Caldera  is the sea lagoon that has been created since then.

Here is an amazing video showing what happened:

If you want to stay at an area overlooking the caldera and the famous volcano views with the amazing sunsets, then get you should stay at one of the following areas:

  • Firostefani

VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW:  if you are staying at Perissa, Perivolos or Kamari you won’t have the famous views but you will be close to the beaches. If you have a caldera view then you won’t be close the beaches. Unfortuantely, you cannot have both in Santorini!

9. How Many Days Should You Spend in Santorini?

Santorini  is a relatively small Greek island but there are so many   things to see and do  that the time will never be enough!

That applies to many of the   best islands in Greece  too, as they are all amazing destinations.

My suggestion is that no matter how many days you will spend in Greece or on the greek islands in particular, try to spend 50% of your time in Santorini. In reality, you need at least 4 nights in Santorini.

Read Also:  How Many Days Do You Really Need in Santorini ?

So, if you want to stay 10 days in Greece, try to spend at least 5 days in Santorini and then visit other Greek islands. You won’t regret it…

Is a Day Trip from Athens to Santorini possible?

Yes, it is.

Also, a day trip from Athens to Cairo is possible, to check the pyramids.

That doesn’t mean you should do it, though !

Jokes aside, there is no point of rushing such a day trip.

It will extremely tiring, expensive and at the end you would have only ticked a box on your to do list.

Take things easy and enjoy every trip you make, if possible.

It is better to explore more of Athens if you only have 1 day spare , than visiting Santorini in a rush.

There are also other amazing daytrips you can do from Athens, where you can actually visit small islands that are on 1-hr ferry trip from Athens (like Hydra, Spetses or Poros). These are all lovely places and perfect locations for a daytrip from Athens.

10. Santorini or Mykonos ?

This is a dilemma that any people have.

They are both amazing islands but:

Mykonos  is quite a party island with very nice and long sandy beaches (no sandy beaches in Santorini unfortunately).

It’s been a celebrities holiday place since the 60’s and some of the best summer clubs and bars of Europe are there. It is a very beautiful place indeed and it can also be a family and relaxing place.

You don’t have  to go the parties and the clubs.

Think of Mykonos like the “Ibiza of Greece” even though there are some quiet areas on the island to be honest.

Santorini  is a completely different place. A more romantic one. A more relaxing one.

It’s a place where you will drink amazing wine but you won’t necessarily get drunk!

However, there is still some serious  nightlife in Santorini   as well.

You can also read my detailed comparison:  Mykonos or Santorini

Read Also:  How To Get From Santorini to Mykonos

So, to sum it up:

  • If you only have 3-4 days for greek islands then spend all of them in Santorini
  • If it’s your first time in Greece then try to visit both but give priority to Santorini as the landscape is unique
  • If you want golden sand beaches then Mykonos has much better beaches than Santorini
  • If you want proper clubbing and nightlife then Mykonos is much better than Santorini (though  Santorini’s nightlife  is really good too)
  • If you want to be closer to Athens then Mykonos is closer to Athens
  • If you want to be surrounded by world class celebrities then Mykonos is your place
  • If you are interested in shopping then Mykonos is better
  • If you want to have more options in restaurants then Mykonos is better
  • If you only care about adventurous  things to do  then Santorini is your place
  • If you are interested in amazing wine and wineries then Santorini is your place
  • If you want a more romantic place then Santorini is your ideal destination

11. Best Greek Islands Near Santorini

With all those international direct flights to Santorini , you can certainly use the island for some greek island hopping!

There are many greek islands you can visit from Santorini but not all are connected with a ferry boat or a flight, so you have to limit your options.

Read Also:  Best Greek Islands to Visit from Santorini

These are the greek islands you can visit from Santorini:

  • Anafi  (the only one that a daytrip is possible)
  • Ios  (2hrs ferry from Santorini)
  • Naxos  (3 hrs ferry from Santorini)
  • Mykonos  (2 hrs ferry from Santorini)
  • Folegandros  (1 hr ferry from Santorini)
  • Milos  (2 hrs ferry from Santorini)
  • Paros  (2 hrs ferry from Santorini)

Unfortunately,  IT IS NOT ADVISABLE  to visit the following islands from Santorini:

  • Crete  (it is a very big island and you need at least a week and a car to go around)
  • Corfu  (it’s on the other side of Greece and you need to go through Athens and then take another flight)
  • Zakynthos/Zante  (same as Corfu)
  • Rhodes  (again, very far away and a pretty big island where you need to spend at least a week)

Unfortunately  the only way to visit other greek islands  from Santorini (apart from a flight that runs only in the summer months between Santorini-Mykonos and not every day) is to take a ferry boat.

The best way to plan your greek island hopping is to check the ferry timetables online and then plan ahead (it is also advisable to book the tickets online before you arrive in Santorini because they sell out in the hot summer season May-September):  

  • Best Website to Book Ferry Boat tickets between greek islands:  Ferryhopper

12. Best Sunset Views in Santorini

Santorini’s  sunset are famous all over the world.

The Best Sunset Views are at the following locations which overlook the caldera as well and if that is your priority then you should definitely stay at one of them:

You should always have in mind that these areas are also the most expensive in terms of accommodation and restaurants (for a good reason…).

But if you just want to view the most amazing sunsets then there are a few other spots with equally amazing views (with Google Maps links to find them):

  • Franco’s Cafe Pyrgos
  • Katharos Lounge
  • Prophet Ilias Mountain
  • Famous heart shaped rock 
  • Tranquilo Beach Bar
  • Kamari Beach

13. How To Rent A Quad in Santorini ?

Driving a  quad in Santorini  is an extremely fun thing to do and it will definitely give you more flexibility than taking the  local Santorini bus .

But you have to be aware that it is not the safest thing to drive. 

You have to be extremely careful with driving an ATV (or quad as they called) especially during the summer months in Santorini where the island is super crowded.

14. Money in Santorini. Do I Need Cash ?

There is no shortage of ATM cash machines where your VISA and Mastercard can be accepted to withdraw money.

You should always contact your bank to find out what the charges will be.

VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW: 90% of the times your credit or debit card will be accepted at the business you are paying but cash is always the best way to pay in Greece and in Santorini. You should always have some cash with you while in Santorini

The BEST THING you can do (that I have recently discovered) for travel money is to  set up an account with Wise  and just use their Mastercard.

Wise  is used all over the world by millions of people and they have by far the best exchange rates than any bank.

So , these are the things you should know about your money in Santorini:

  • There are hundreds of ATMs cash machines on Santorini and you won’t have any issues withdrawing money (euros in particular); there is a daily limit though on how much you can withdraw from a cash machine
  • Check with your bank what will the charges be for travel money (or check solutions like  Wise  or Revolut cards which are super reliable and easy to use)
  • You should always have some cash with you as some businesses may have “broken card machines”…
  • Card machines in Santorini (and in Greece) are chip and pin (not swipe)
  • American Express IS NOT ACCEPTED IN GREECE

15. Can I move around with the local buses in Santorini?

The  local buses  in Santorini are really good and it is definitely the  cheapest way  to move around in Santorini.

Check Here the timetables for the local buses of Santorini to all places around the island.

There are buses that run throughout the island and depending on where you go the ticket costs from 1.80 euros to 2.80 euros (always  pay with cash  – no cards accepted on the buses !) .

The  central bus station of Santorini  is at Fira and  it is here on Google Maps . 

Read Also:  How To Get Around in Santorini

Here is how long it takes for the local bus to get around the island:

16. How To Rent A Car in Santorini ?

Renting a car  in Santorini will give you the flexibility to explore the island at your own pace and it is also a much safer option than a  quad .

It is the advice I alwys give to people visitin ghte island for more than 2-3 days.

The  best website to book a car for Santorini is   as it has all the available options and almost all of the rental companeis in Santorini now operate through that. It is safe and super reliable.

Here are a few things to be aware for driving in Santorini:

  • Best Website to rent a car in Santorini :
  • Driving in Santorini is on the right side of the road (like USA)
  • You need an international driver’s license for Santorini and for Greece. If you have an EU license you don’t need an international license as an EU license is accepted everywhere in EU.
  • Renting a car could cost you about 40-50 euros per day during the high season (a quad might also cost you around 30-40 euros…)
  • Driving in Santorini can be tricky for some people who are not used to narrow roads but in general you shouldn’t worry about it too much
  • Parking is an issue on the island (especially in the very touristic areas like Oia and Fira where you could park far away from where you are actually going…)
  • DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE! That applies to the wineasting you might do while in Santorini. Better take the taxi or the local bus to go back home…(there are lots of police patrols all over the island too)

17. What Are The Best Boat Tours in Santorini ?

A  sunset cruise  or a  volcano cruise  is easily one of the  best things you can do on Santorini .

I always advise people to do a half day cruise as the experience is amazing.

Depending on which one you choose, you may get delicious seafood on board, you may get some tour guiding, you may hop off the active volcano (make sure you bring some trekking shoes and you may also swim at the hot volcanic springs! 

It’s always also advisable to book well in advance online as this guarantees you will get a ticket (especially during the summer months of June-September)

These are the  Best Sunset and Volcano Cruises  you can book:

  • 5-hr Catamaran Cruise
  • Santorini Red Catamaran Cruise with Drinks and Meals
  • 1-Day Volcano and Sunset Cruise
  • Small Group Catamaran Cruise (morning or sunset)

18. What Are The Best Things To Do in Santorini ?

The best thing about Santorini is that it offers lots of things to do compared to  Mykonos  for example or other greek islands.

Read Also the Complete Guide:  31 Unique Things To Do in Santorini

In a nutshell the  Best Things you can do in Santorini  are:

  • Visit Oia  (and watch the famous sunset; you won’t be alone though…)
  • Take a Wine Tour  (like  this one )
  • Take a Sunset or Volcano Cruise  (like  this one )
  • Hike from Fira to Oia
  • Swim at one the   best beaches of Santorini
  • Watch a movie under the stars at Kamari Open Air Cinema ( Google Maps )
  • Visit the Archaeological Prehistoric Ruins of Akrotiri ( Google Maps )
  • Explore the  nightlife of Santorini
  • Eat at the following restaurants:  Mezzo  (for the views),  Metaksy Mas  (for the food),   Avocado  (for the food) ,  Aroma Avlis  (for the winery),  Erotokritos  (for the bakery-not an actual restaurant!),  Katina  (for the fresh fish)
  • Wander the streets of Fira for endless shopping
  • Visit Ammoudi bay
  • Go on a  greek cooking class and wine tour

19. What Are The Best Wineries and Wine Tours in Santorini?

Wine tasting and a guided wine tour  is one of the best things you can do while on Santorini.

These are the  best wine tours  of the island:

  • Santorini Half-Day Wine Adventure Tour
  • Santorini 4-hour Sunset Wine Tour
  • Santorini Cooking Class and Wine Tour

Though taking a guided tour is highly advisable, as you won’t be wasting much time on searching for all the info and the directions and you will actually be visiting more than one winery without having to drive (driving and drinking wine is also not advisable…),  you can certainly visit the best wineries of Santorini by yourself.

Read Also Our Detailed Guide:  Best Wineries of Santorini

The best wineries of Santorini (with google maps links) are:

  • Santowines Winery  (if you only have time for one winery then make it this one)
  • Venetsanos Winery  (the 2nd best choice)
  • Estate Argyros Winery
  • Domaine Sigalas
  • Koutsoyannopoulos Winery and Wine Museum
  • Gavalas Winery
  • Boutari Winery
  • Art Space Winery
  • Hadjidakis Winery
  • Artemis Karmolegkos Winery
  • Canava Roussos
  • Gaia Winery
  • Vassaltis Winery

20. Shopping in Santorini. Any good?

If you want to  shop …then Fira town is the place to be.

There are hundreds of souvenir shops, art galleries and traditional greek products shops at Fira.

Oia also has a selection of some very interesting art and handcraft shops as well.

It also has  this amazing bookstore but unfortunately it has shut down recently as I found out.

In terms of grocery stores and supermarkets you will find big ones outside of the towns (in Fira mainly) and smaller ones inside the towns.

21. Is Santorini family and kids-friendly? Is it Safe?

Santorini (and Greece) are extremely  kids  and  family friendly .

The best thing you can do while visiting  Santorini with kids  is to stay closer to the beaches of  Perissa ,  Perivolos  and  Kamari   as they all have lots of amenities.

The best thing a kid can do in Santorini is to play at the beach but you have to be careful as the high temperatures of the greek summer need extra skin protection.

Also, the black sand beaches of Perissa and Kamari can get very hot during mid-day and that requires shoes or flip flops to be worn all the time!

Some of the most exclusive hotels in Santorini , clearly state that they won’t accept kids but it is always impoertant to check that in advance with your hotel if it’s not clear.

You can certainly stay at Firostefani or Fira and Oia but I truly believe a kid would have much more fun if she is closer to the beach.

The Best Family Hotels in Santorini are:

  • Tsitouras Collection
  • Aqua Blue Beach Hotel
  • Tamarix Del Mar
  • Gabbiano Hotel

In regards to how  safe Santorini is , there is little to almost zero crime in general but you should always be careful wherever you travel in the world. Common sense applies to everything and everywhere.

So, there you have them. A  trip to Santorini  can be one of the most amazing experiences in your life so you really need to get well prepared as it can also be costly. It’s extremely easy to book your flights, your ferries, your accomodation and even the things you want to do on the island way in advance. It is highly advisable to book everything before you arrive on the island as Santorini is in high demand the last 20 years and it will keep on being like this for ever. Hopefully my tips above will help you plan your trip much better, but if you feel you are still in a limbo then make sure you visit our extremely helpful  closed Facebook Group  and many people who have visited the island in the past would be able to help you!

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  • Where To Stay In Santorini
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  • Best Hotels in Spetses
  • Best Wine Tours and Wineries of Santorini
  • Best Tours in Santorini
  • Best Sunset Cruises in Santorini
  • Best Time To Visit Santorini
  • How To Get Around in Santorini (buses, taxis and quads)
  • Crete To Santorini (daytrips, tours, ferries and flights)
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  • Best Things to Do in Pyrgos Santorini
  • Best Hotels in Pyrgos Santorini
  • Acropolis Tickets: Best Tips and Options
  • Akrotiri Prehistoric City: All You Need to Know
  • Santorini Tomato Museum: All You Need to Know
  • Best Beaches in Corfu
  • Best Greek Islands for Older Couples


Oia:  Maregio Suites Fira:  Cosmopolitan Suites Imerovigli:  Grace Santorini Firostefani:  Tsitouras Perivolos:  Orabel Suites Perissa:  Anastasia Princess Kamari:  Sunrise Studios


Oia:  Anemi House

Fira:  Anteliz Villa

Kamari:  Eolia Villa

Pyrgos:  Sensation Villa

Akrotiri:  Cavo Ventus

Firostefani:  Villa Aura

Imerovigli:  Grace Villa


🌄 Sunset Cruise with Meals and Drinks

🍷 Half-Day Wine Adventure Tour

🥾 Hike the path from Fira to Oia


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My name is Pavlos and I come from the beautiful country called Greece. You can follow me on Twitter here and I will try to do my best to respond to you personally. This is my blog to help you plan your next holidays to Greece and the greek islands, whether it is Santorini, Mykonos, Crete or even Athens. I was actually born in Athens and I have been to almost all of the greek islands and pretty much most of mainland Greece. I know the ins and outs of my country and hopefully my travel blog will help you make the most of your holidays.  i s the website with the most available rooms and Private Villas in Athens, Santorini , Mykonos & Crete  (more than Airbnb!)

Ferryhopper    is the best website to book your ferry tickets or check the timetables for Santorini, Mykonos , Crete & all greek islands

Get Your Guide  has the best and largest variety of Tours in Athens and the greek islands (Santorini, Mykonos, Crete etc)

Rentalcars is the easiest way to rent a car or a quad for Greece with thousands of available options Flights  has all the available flights to and from the greek islands

Santorini Secrets

Owned by World Secrets Ltd , Hyett Court, Honour Lea Avenue, E201HH, London, United Kingdom Company Number: 10622010 All Rights Reserved Copyright World Secrets Limited 2024

How to Get to Santorini

Greece › Santorini › Getting There Updated: June 25, 2024 By Santorini Dave

  • Best Hotels in Santorini
  • Where to Stay in Santorini
  • Santorini Ferry Port Guide
Finding Santorini Flights, Ferries and Hotels The earlier you can book Santorini hotels and flights the better (4 to 8 months in advance). Large ferries rarely sell out, smaller catamarans sometimes do. These can be booked about 1 to 3 months in advance. Kayak has long been my favorite site for cheap flights but a simple Google search with origin and destination now gives very thorough results. is the best way to research ferry schedules and book tickets for ferries in Greece.

Map showing possible air and sea routes to Santorini, Greece

Flights to Santorini

Map showing locations that provide direct flights to Santorini

How to Get to Santorini from Athens

How To Get To Santorini, Greece by Ferry

The morning ferry from Athens to Santorini. Most ferries to Santorini (but not all) leave between 7am and 8am from the Piraeus ferry port. Taxis can pull up right to the ferry. The metro station is across the street. Tickets can be picked up at the kiosks very close to the ferries. Flying to Santorini is faster but the ferry is more fun and unique. I also find ferry travel more relaxed and hassle-free than the stress of airport crowds and security checks.

Step 1 : Get to Athens – there are many cheap flights from western Europe. Step 2 : Buy ferry ticket – book tickets online or buy at a travel agent in Athens or at the ferry port. Step 3 : Take the metro (20 to 30 minutes) or taxi (30 to 40 minutes) to the Piraeus ferry port. Most ferries leave in the morning, plan to arrive 1 hour in advance. Step 4 : Enjoy the ride to Santorini. The trip from Athens to Santorini takes 5 hours on a highspeed ferry and 8 hours on a conventional ferry. Views as you enter the caldera are wonderful. More info: Athens to Santorini Ferries

How to Get to Santorini from London

Step 1 : Search for direct flights on . Buy the cheapest flight as there’s no difference in quality between the airlines. Step 2 : If there are no good direct flights search for flights via Athens, Paris, Rome, Naples, or Venice. Step 3 : If you want to spend time in Athens fly to Athens, then ferry to Santorini . Step 4 : When you arrive in Santorini take a short bus or taxi ride to Fira, Oia, or whatever town you’re staying in. (The island is small and all towns are less than 40 minutes from the airport or ferry port.)

How to Get to Santorini from Paris

Step 1 : Search for direct flights on . Buy the cheapest flight as there’s no difference in quality between the airlines. Step 2 : If there are no good direct flights search for flights via Athens, Rome, Naples, or Venice. Step 3 : If you want to spend time in Athens fly to Athens, then ferry to Santorini . Step 4 : When you arrive in Santorini take a short bus or taxi ride to Fira, Oia, or whatever town you’re staying in. (The island is small and all towns are less than 40 minutes from the airport or ferry port.)

How to Get to Santorini from Italy

Step 1 : Search for direct flights to Santorini from Rome, Naples, Pisa, Milan, or Venice on . Buy the cheapest flight as there’s no difference in quality between the airlines. Step 2 : If there are no good direct flights search for flights via Athens, Mykonos, or Crete. Step 3 : If you want to spend time in Athens fly to Athens, then ferry to Santorini . Step 4 : When you arrive in Santorini take a short bus or taxi ride to Fira, Oia, or whatever town you’re staying in. (The island is small and all towns are less than 40 minutes from the airport or ferry port.)

How to Get to Santorini from Crete

Step 1 : There are usually no direct flights from Crete to Santorini. If you still want to fly search for flights via Athens on . Step 2 : Book tickets on . Step 3 : Arrive at Heraklion ferry port 45 minutes in advance to pick up tickets from ticket kiosk (located directly beside departing ferries). Step 4 : When you arrive at the Santorini ferry port take a short bus ride to Fira (then switch buses if you’re going somewhere other than Fira) or taxi ride to Fira, Oia, or whatever town you’re staying in. (The island is small and all towns are less than 40 minutes from the airport or ferry port.)

How to Get to Santorini from Rhodes

Step 1 : There are usually no direct flights from Rhodes to Santorini. If you still want to fly search for flights via Athens on . Step 2 : Book tickets on a Blue Star ferry (usually the only ferry between Rhodes and Santorini). Step 3 : Arrive at Rhodes Town ferry port 45 minutes in advance to pick up tickets from ticket kiosk (located near departing ferries). Step 4 : When you arrive at the Santorini ferry port take a short bus ride to Fira (then switch buses if you’re going somewhere other than Fira) or taxi ride to Fira, Oia, or whatever town you’re staying in. (The island is small and all towns are less than 40 minutes from the airport or ferry port.)

How to Get to Santorini from Mykonos

Step 1 : There are usually no direct flights from Mykonos to Santorini. If you still want to fly search for flights via Athens on . Step 2 : Book ferry tickets on . Step 3 : Pickup tickets at designated travel agent in Mykonos Town (different for each ferry company). Step 4 : Be sure you know which ferry port your ferry departs from. Most ferries depart from the new ferry port (a 10 minute bus ride from Mykonos Town) but some smaller catamarans depart from the Mykonos Town ferry port (walking distance from town). Step 5 : Arrive at appropriate ferry port 30 minutes in advance. Step 6 : When you arrive at the Santorini ferry port take a short bus ride to Fira (then switch buses if you’re going somewhere other than Fira) or taxi ride to Fira, Oia, or whatever town you’re staying in. (The island is small and all towns are less than 40 minutes from the airport or ferry port.)

How to Get to Santorini from The US and Canada

Step 1 : Search for direct flights to Athens on . Usually, Toronto and New York have direct flights to Athens, other cities will need to fly via Toronto, New York, London, Paris, Amsterdam, or Frankfurt. Step 2 : Search for flights from Athens (or a hub city in western Europe) to Santorini. There are no direct flights from North America to Santorini. Step 3 : If you want to spend time in Athens fly to Athens, then ferry to Santorini . Step 4 : When you arrive in Santorini take a short bus or taxi ride to Fira, Oia, or whatever town you’re staying in. (The island is small and all towns are less than 40 minutes from the airport or ferry port.)

What’s the best way to get to Santorini?

Flying to Santorini is the quickest and easiest way. You can fly to Santorini from Athens or directly from cities in western Europe such as London, Manchester, Paris, Amsterdam, Rome, Naples, or Venice. . But there are no direct flights to Santorini from other Greek islands – though this changes from year to year and some summers there will be flights from Mykonos, Rhodes, or Heraklion (Crete) to Santorini. If you’re already in the center of Athens it can be easier to take a ferry or high-speed catamaran from Piraeus (the Athens port) than to deal with getting to the airport and through security. But flying would still be a few hours faster. Arriving by ferry in Santorini is a great experience. The cliffs loom over your boat and it’s a really awesome first impression of the island. (Less so if you arrive by a high-speed ferry as you’re trapped inside, behind sea-sprayed windows.) On the Blue Star ferry you can wander the decks and you’ll have a great view of the volcano and caldera. The Blue Star ferry from Athens to Santorini runs 365 days a year. There are also high speed ferries and catamarans to Santorini, most often on Hellenic Seaways , Minoan Lines , and Sea Jets ferries. These ferries do not run in the off-season and in the shoulder season, they can be smaller catamarans that can have a very bumpy ride. In summer they are usually larger ferries. But if you’re very concerned about seasickness then take the Blue Star. There are cabins available on the Blue Star ferry to Santorini. But since the most popular ferry leaves from Athens early in the morning it’s silly to spend the time in a cabin when you could be walking the decks and enjoying the view of passing islands. A 2nd class or “deck” ticket is the cheapest ticket. For an extra few euros, you can reserve an airplane-style seat which is what I recommend doing. A good compromise between flying and ferry is to take the ferry to Santorini and then fly back. It does take some planning to find the right tickets but the perfect route is to fly to Athens, ferry to Santorini (perhaps stopping at a few islands along the way), then flying from Santorini back to Athens – or fly directly from Athens to Western Europe as you will have already been to Athens and don’t need to visit again. If you’re island hopping Santorini has good connections with most of the other popular islands like Crete, Mykonos, Naxos, and Paros. Rhodes is more difficult to get to from Santorini (and a longer ferry ride) but still doable. There are no direct ferries or flights from Santorini to Istanbul. If you want to travel from Santorini to Istanbul the quickest and easiest way is to fly to Athens and then fly to Istanbul. If you want to take the ferry from Santorini to Turkey the easiest route is to ferry to Rhodes (usually an overnight ferry when a cabin would be recommended) and then a short 90-minute ferry to Marmaris on the Turkish coast. Ferries between Santorini and Rhodes run 2 or 3 times per week and take 7 to 15 hours.

How do I get from the Santorini airport to Fira, Oia, and the rest of the island?

Rental Car – If you’re planning to rent a car in Santorini it’s best to pick up your car at the Santorini airport on arrival and then save yourself the cost of transportation to your hotel. But, if you’re arriving at night I wouldn’t recommend dealing with finding your hotel (and parking) in the dark. Just taxi to your hotel then get your rental car the next day. Private Transfer – The easiest and quickest way to get into Fira and to the rest of the island is by pre-booked private transfer. Welcome Pickups is a convenient and reliable service, with rates that are similar to a taxi. If you have pre-booked with Welcome Pickups, there’s no need to worry about having cash to pay fare, and your driver will be waiting for you at the airport, holding a sign with your name on it. Taxi – Taxi is also an easy way to get from the airport to Santorini’s main towns, but there is often a long queue. There will always be taxis available at the airport though it can involve a wait (especially if 2 flights arrive at the same time). It costs about 20 euros to Fira and Kamari, and 30 to 35 euros to go to the rest of the island. Taxi and transfer information . Taxi phone number: 22860-22555. Bus – In high season (roughly June to September) buses run every hour between Fira and the airport. Most of these buses are running the Fira to Monolithos route and make a stop at the airport – although there might be a few additional buses each day that do only the Fira to airport run. There are fewer buses on the weekend and also fewer buses during the low season. It takes about 15 minutes to get from the airport to Fira by bus and costs about 2 euros. Plan to have small change available so that you don’t need to ask for change from a 50 euro note. If you want to go anywhere else other than Fira (or Monolithos) you’ll need to change buses in Fira (which is easy enough, but time consuming). Hotel Pickup – If your hotel offers free pickup and dropoff, be sure to take advantage. Most do charge but as long as it’s close to the taxi rate it’s a good choice.

How do I get to and from the ferry port in Santorini?

All ferries arrive at Athinios port. Getting from the port to any town is easy and shouldn’t cause any anxiety. You can do absolutely no pre-arranging of pickup details and you’ll get to your hotel just fine. (It’s more important to pre-arrange transportation to the port then from the port.) Bus – There will always be a bus waiting as your ferry arrives at the port no matter what time of day or night. If you’re staying in a town other than Fira you’ll need to get to Fira first and then switch buses there. The cost form the port to Fira is about 2 euros. The bus from the port to Fira takes about 20 minutes and drops you at the bus station in the middle of Fira. The bus, like all buses on Santorini, is air conditioned and has plenty of room for luggage. A bus leaves from Fira to the ferry port about 1 hour before every ferry departure and arrival (a schedule of bus departures from Fira is posted 1 or 2 days before and is based on the arriving ferries). Taxi – There will usually be taxis waiting as ferries arrive but there may be a wait to secure one. If it’s late at night you might want to arrange pickup in advance. It costs about 15 euros from the ferry port to Fira, 25 euros from the ferry port to Oia, and somewhere in-between to go anywhere else on the island. A taxi ride from the port to Fira takes about 15 minutes. Taxis going to the port can be hard to find. When people miss the bus to the port (which leaves about 1 hour before each ferry arrival) then the rush to grab a taxi begins. Taxi phone number: 22860-22555. Private Transfer – The easiest and quickest way to get into Fira and to the rest of the island is by pre-booked private transfer. Welcome Pickups is a convenient and reliable service, with rates that are similar to a taxi. If you have pre-booked with Welcome Pickups, there’s no need to worry about having cash to pay fare, and your driver will be waiting for you at the airport, holding a sign with your name on it. Hotel Transfer – Many hotels provide transportation from the port to their hotel. For some it’s free, for others it’s charged at a rate similar to a taxi or a bit more. Don’t bother pre-arranging pickup months in advance (when you book your hotel). Send an email to your hotel a few days before so the pickup details are fresh in their minds. Rental Car – If you’re planning to rent a car in Santorini don’t pickup from the ferry port. Take a bus, taxi, or hotel transfer and then pickup your rental car in Fira or Oia. Cruise Ships – If you’re arriving on a Santorini cruise you’ll be tendered in a small boat from the ship to the Skalafira port directly below Fira. From there you can either climb the steps (a lot of them) or take a cable car (which will probably involve waiting some time in a line). There are also donkey rides up the path you walk but many find their use offensive so be prepared for some dirty looks by people who don’t think donkeys should be used (abused) in this manner.
  • Best Hotels on Santorini
  • Maps of Santorini
  • Best Tours & Things to Do in Santorini

About Santorini Dave

Santorini Dave

Hi. Do you have any tips for flying from London to Athens, staying for a week then to Santorini for a week then return to London? Thanks!

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There are many flights between both London and Athens, and London and Santorini. So, be sure to fly into one and out of the other. That is, don’t fly into Athens, ferry to and from Santorini, and then fly back from Athens. It’s a waste of time and money.

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We are looking to go to Greece the last week in October. Do flights run all year round? I’m trying to find flights from Athens to Santorini and nothing is coming up. We thought we would also go to Mykonos as well.

Yes, there are many daily flights from Athens to Santorini in October. Then ferry to Mykonos. From Mykonos, you can fly or ferry to Athens.

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Hi Dave, we are flying from Rome to Santorini and debating taking the 12am direct flight on vueling. It arrives around 3am. This seams like a good idea but the airline has terrible reviews and I wasn’t sure if the airport would’ve empty at that time. The other option is through Athens with a 4 hour layover, arriving around 7am. Seems like a waste of time but more reliable airline. Do you have any advice related to these two options? Thanks!

If it was me I would fly direct and just get there. I’ve flown Vueling several times and they’re fine. Of course, there are never any guarantees. Also, I would think that flying via Athens and thus having two flights, two airlines, two places it can go wrong instead of one, would double the chance of a canceled or late flight, regardless of the airline.

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I am finding a hard time booking a flight in early July to Santorini from Toronto! What is the best way?

You have a lot of choice for cities to fly through but the best bets are: London, Paris, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Rome, and Athens. From there you’ll take a short flight from one of the smaller European airlines. is good for finding all the possible routes.

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Hi Dave, My daughter and I are flying from NYC (via Zurich with 24-hour layover) to Santorini. We arrive in Santorini at 10am, and have a ferry to Naxos at 330pm. I bought ferry tickets on Blue Star and the website said I could either pick up the ferry tickets in Fira town or at the ferry office on the port. I also heard to leave an hour early to pick up tickets at the ferry office port. Should we go straight to the ferry/port area or hang out in Fira since we have so much time? Where would you pick up the tickets? And what transportation method would you use for this? Thanks so much!

You should take the bus from the airport to Fira. Then check the bus schedule for the ferry port before leaving the bus station. The bus for the port is based on the ferry schedule and there should be one leaving for the port about an hour before the Blue Star leaves. Then go to Pelican Travel on the main street to collect your tickets. You should have this all done by noon and then will have 2.5 hours to wander around Fira and get some lunch.

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I would like to get from Santorini to southern Turkey Kusadasi or thereabouts cheaply on September 28th can you offer any advice, please.

The cheapest way is to ferry to Kos, then ferry to Bodrum, then bus to Kusadasi. But the Santorini to Kos ferry does not run every day and even with a perfect set of connections you are looking at two days of travel from Santorini to Kusadasi. To do it in one day you would need to fly from Santorini to Athens, then fly to Istanbul, then fly to Kusadasi (though there might be direct flights from Athens to Kusadasi or a nearby airport – like Izmir).

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Hi Dave, thank for such an awesome and informative blog. Anyway, I will be travelling with my wife to Santorini in the end of June, but the flight will arrive in Santorini around 23:00. Is there any public transportation to Perissa at those time? Or should I use a taxi or shuttle?

Even through the day there is no direct bus from the airport to Perissa. You’d need to bus to Fira first, then another bus to Perissa. Can’t say for sure but that probably won’t workout for an 11pm arrival – probably too late. So yes, taxi is your best option.

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Hi Dave. Love this blog….I’ve spent hours here planning my honeymoon!! If traveling from the US via Heathrow to Athens, how much time is needed before you board a flight to Santorini? We will have carry on luggage if that matters. Thank you!!

Of course, there are no guarantees, but you’ll need at least an hour. If it were me I’d be uncomfortable booking with anything less than 90 minutes between flights (and even that could be easily missed with a late arriving flight).

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Hi Dave, Where i can buy a flight ticket from Athens to Santorini? Can you recommend reliable site? Thanks

Search for Santorini flights on but buy on the airline website (e.g. Aegean).

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Hi Dave, love this super helpful blog, was wondering if you had any advice on this, which I haven’t heard anything about elsewhere; When arriving at the airport, if booking a transfer, how soon after landing from Athens can we expect to be out of the airport after going through the process of baggage claim potential passport control? Partially wondering about this also because if I were to book a table for a restaurant I would need to know an estimate of when we would actually have arrived in Imerovigli (where our hotel is and where I suppose we’ll have our first dinner). Sissel

Flying from Athens means you won’t have any passport control. Just need to get your bags. Airport is small. You could be out to the taxi in 10 or 15 minutes from landing. Then to Fira in 15 minutes and to Oia in 30 (though sometimes you will have to wait for a taxi). Your plane could be late too. I’d leave a good 90 minutes after your scheduled landing time to make a reservation.

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Love your tips! I am doing a solo trip from end of August to September so about 4 weeks in total. Starting in Athens, heading to Paros (spending just over a week). I have to end my trip in Crete in order to fly to Rome but am curious, what’s the best order to go in after Paros if Crete is my final destination and I want to hit Santorini and Mykonos?

Also is it possible to wait to book ferry trips until I’m in Paros or should I try and book ahead of time?

Thank you! Elizabeth

After Paros, go to Mykonos then Santorini, then Crete. You should be fine to book Paros onwards ferries after arrival as long as you book a few days in advance. The Mykonos to Santorini is the most likely to sell out. Then the Santorini to Crete. (But even those are unlikely to sell out in September.)

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Hi, I am thinking about going to Santorini end of April next year, struggling to find flights, do you know what airlines fly at that time of year from the U.K? Also is it generally sunny last week in April or is rain likely? Lorna

British Airways and EasyJet have the most direct flights from London to Santorini (including April). BA typically flies from Heathrow. EasyJet from Gatwick. They might not have their full schedule out this far in advance so keep checking – should be out by September at the latest.

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Hello, Dave! My companion and I are traveling to Greece this summer. We will be arriving in Athens on 1 Aug, then flying to Santorini on 5 Aug. My question is about flights. I went through Kayak to book a flight from Athens to Santorini. After the add ons to the flight, it came out to be around $296.00 USD! That seemed a bit high to me. I did purchase travel insurance, so I am hoping to find some alternate travel arrangements. Do you have any suggestions, or is this flight’s price normal? Thank you. Maria

Flights are the most expensive in August so yes, that sounds about right. Ferry rates (for travel in August) will be much cheaper than flying.

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Hi Santorini Dave, We are hoping to go from Rhodes to Santorini on an overnight ferry on thurs September 21st, but we saw that the ferry only runs a few times a week and I’m not sure on what days and times since the ferry schedules have not been released yet. We are also open to going by high speed ferry we just don’t want to go on a slow one unless its overnight since I read that it can take 14hrs. We are nervous to book nonrefundable hotels on either side in Rhodes and Santorini without knowing we can get there when we were hoping to. Any advice? Do you think there are usually ferries on thursdays that time of year? Do you know how far in advance the ferry schedules are posted? Thank you so much for your guidance and your great site! Asia Thorpe

There will likely be an overnight ferry in September from Rhodes to Ferry. 50/50 at best whether it will fall on the day you need. There are many flights from Rhodes to Athens and Athens to Santorini so you could wait to see what the ferry schedule looks like then book flights if it doesn’t work out. (I’d probably just book the flights now so you get a quick efficient connection in Athens thus making the journey fast and painless.)

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Hello, we are flying into Athens on the morning on June 26 via Air Canada. I plan to purchase plane tickets to get to Santorini. How much time would you say is needed between getting off the plane in Athens to then catch your flight to Santorini. Also, what airlines do you recommend using to get to Santorini (Aegean Airlines ?) I am hoping to pay about $120.00 or so round trip to get back and forth – would you agree this is a reasonable rate I should be able to find. Thank You Michele Gottorff

I would be comfortable with a stopover of longer than 2.5 hours in Athens. There are no guarantees, of course, but anything over that and you should be fine. If you book early enough then you should be able to find a Santorini flight for less than $120.

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otp travel santorini

Rates can vary widely by room type and season. "We Paid" is intended to give a general sense of price, but you might find considerably different rates for your trip.

When we book, we aim for the optimum season for the destination, but we avoid holidays and major public events, when prices are highest. We generally book a room at one category up from the most basic.

We take advantage of promotional rates, when possible. That means the rate you see above might have included other benefits, such as spa or meal credits.

Iconic Santorini, a boutique cave hotel

If you could jump into a postcard of the Greek Isles, you might just land right on a stark white balcony at Iconic Santorini, a boutique cave hotel. Cascading down the cliffside from the quiet mountaintop village of Imerovigli, the chic boutique hotel offers jaw-slacking vistas from every angle and ensures that no design detail dares to detract from its top attribute.

Santorini ’s famous white-and-turquoise color palette is on full display here, tastefully broken up by neutral-toned patterns and local greenery that enhance the island oasis vibe. Cave-inspired architecture keeps the stunning stay feeling like a naturally occurring part of the island terrain, albeit with shimmering infinity pools, sun-dappled lounge decks and other luxurious touches.

  • Caldera vistas may be the star, but the sublime service plays a stirring supporting role. Attentive and anticipatory without being intrusive, the Iconic Santorini staff strikes a perfect balance that will leave you feeling cared for like Grecian royalty.
  • A collection of 19 cave suites is thoughtfully spaced across six levels of the luxury hotel, providing plenty of privacy throughout the spacious property.
  • Local touches have been strategically scattered throughout Iconic Santorini’s design details, from pillows boasting embroidered Grecian folk patterns to unique rustic key fobs sporting letters of the Greek alphabet.
  • Gratis breakfast is served daily alongside ocean views, either from the restaurant’s terrace or your room’s private balcony. Though offerings change with the seasons to showcase the freshest island produce, plates might include Greek yogurt with local pistachios and honey or Santorini-made cheese drizzled with extra virgin olive oil.
  • Carved into the bedrock, Iconic Spa’s grotto whirlpool and cave-like treatment rooms offer a transformative environment in which to soak up some locally inspired pampering from Greek skincare brand Ariadne Athens.
  • Cave-inspired accommodations are cozy and elegant rather than stuffy, thanks to sumptuous furnishings and tasteful island-themed decor. Think rounded whitewashed walls, driftwood accents and intricately embroidered cushions.
  • King-sized mattresses adorned with Coco-Mat bedding inspire a restful night’s sleep while spacious, mosaic-tiled showers equipped with full-sized Aesop toiletries create an indoor oasis for refreshing after a day spent in the island sun.
  • Those looking to up the luxury ante should book a Grotto or Caldera suite at the Santorini hotel. The former comes equipped with an indoor heated pool while the latter boasts a private outdoor plunge complete with sea views.
  • For the ultimate island escape, check into the aptly named Iconic Suite. The former village bakery — the room still sports the original bread oven — has an indoor and outdoor jetted pool as well as an ocean-view terrace equipped with outdoor dining space and a plush daybed for lounging in complete privacy.

otp travel santorini

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Direct flights from Santorini to Bucharest

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Santorini Airport

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Henri Coanda International Airport

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Wizz Air Malta

  • Star Alliance
  • Premium Economy
  • Business Class
  • First Class

Airbus A321-100/200

Airbus A321neo

Santorini to Bucharest Flight Schedule

Scan through all non-stop flights from Santorini to Bucharest. The full flight schedule below gives an overview of all non-stop flights from JTR to OTP, which includes the daily timetable of every operating airline for the upcoming 12 months.

Note: for airline-specific flight schedules, please scroll further down.

Airlines flying from Santorini to Bucharest

Airline-specific flight schedules from santorini to bucharest.

Currently, there is only one airline operating non-stop flights from Santorini JTR to Bucharest OTP, which is Wizz Air Malta. This section gives an overview of the flight schedules and timetables of every airline with direct flights for this route.

Click an airline below to view their JTR OTP flight schedule.

Wizz Air Malta

Wizz Air Malta flight schedule from Santorini to Bucharest

Santorini to bucharest flights.

Flights from JTR to OTP are operated twice a week. Departure times vary between 08:45 - 08:50. The earliest flight departs at 08:45, the last flight departs at 08:50. However, this depends on the date you are flying so please check with the full flight schedule above to see which departure times are available on your preferred date(s) of travel.

On this non-stop route, you can fly in Economy only.

The fastest direct flight from Santorini to Bucharest takes 1 hour and 50 minutes. The flight distance between Santorini and Bucharest is 565 miles (or 909 km).

Frequently asked questions - FAQ

How many airports are there in bucharest.

There are 2 airports in Bucharest: Henri Coanda International Airport (OTP) and Bucharest Aurel Vlaicu Airport (BBU).

How many flights per week are there from JTR to OTP?

There are 2 flights per week flying from Santorini to Bucharest (as of June 2024).

How long does it take to fly from Santorini to Bucharest?

1 hour and 50 minutes is the average flight time from Santorini to Bucharest.

How far is Bucharest from Santorini?

The distance from Santorini to Bucharest is 565 miles (909 kilometers).

What airlines fly nonstop from JTR airport to OTP airport?

Wizz Air Malta is the only airline flying nonstop from Santorini to Bucharest.

What alliances have direct flights from Santorini to Bucharest?

There are no alliances flying direct from Santorini to Bucharest at the moment.

What classes are available from Santorini to Bucharest?

You can fly non-stop in Economy only.

What aircraft types fly from Santorini to Bucharest?

What is the earliest flight departing from santorini to bucharest.

The earliest flight departs at 08:45 from Santorini and arrives at 10:35 at Bucharest.

What is the latest flight available from Santorini to Bucharest?

The latest flight departs at 08:50 from Santorini and arrives at 10:40 at Bucharest.

Popular flights from Santorini, Greece

United Kingdom

Popular routes operated by Wizz Air Malta


Popular flights from Santorini via Bucharest


Flight Connections

Airport route maps.

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Airline Route Maps

Alliance route maps.

© FlightConnections

Non-stop flights from JTR to OTP

565 miles (909 km)  ·  1h 50m

  • Adults Over 15 - 1 +
  • Children Aged 3 - 15 - 0 +
  • Infants Aged 0 - 2 - 0 +

Wizz Air Malta

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otp travel santorini

$234 Find cheap flights to Thera

This is the cheapest one-way flight price found by a kayak user in the last 72 hours by searching for a flight to thera departing on 10/13. fares are subject to change and may not be available on all flights or dates of travel. click the price to replicate the search for this deal., search hundreds of travel sites at once for deals on flights to santorini (thira).

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Cheap flight deals to Thera

Flights to thera - travel insights & trends, get data-powered insights and trends for flights to thera to help you find the cheapest flights, the best time to fly and much more., what is the cheapest day to fly to thera, based on kayak data, the cheapest day to fly to thera is thursday where tickets can be as cheap as $1,110. on the other hand, the most expensive day to fly is saturday, where prices are $1,302 on average., what is the cheapest time of day to fly to thera, the cheapest time of day to fly to thera is generally in the morning, when flights cost $794 on average. the most expensive time of day to fly to thera is generally in the evening, which is peak travel time and where the average cost of a ticket is $1,225., how far in advance should i book a flight to thera, to get a below average price, you should book around 0 weeks before departure. for the absolute cheapest price, our data suggests you should book 47 days before departure., how long is the flight to thera, the duration of your flight to thera depends on your departure and arrival airports. obviously any flights that include a layover will also be longer. the most popular routes to thera on kayak are from newark , which takes 11h 05m, new york , which takes 12h 50m, los angeles , which takes 14h 25m, and san francisco , which takes 16h 35m., good to know, when to book flights to thera, faqs - booking santorini (thira) flights, what are the passport and visa requirements for flying from the u.s. to santorini airport.

U.S. citizens must have a valid passport before entry into Santorini Airport. Visitors from the U.S. do not require a visa for visits up to 90 days. Passports should have at least six months of validity remaining from the day of entry. Additionally, travelers must have proof of sufficient funds, evidence of accommodation arrangements, and a return ticket.

Are there car rentals at Santorini Airport?

Yes, the car rentals are situated in the arrival’s hall of the airport, and the car rental companies are marked with the logo of different companies. A valid driver's license and credit card are the requirements for renting a car at the airport. Some companies may require additional documents like a passport, a residence permit, or an insurance policy.

What accessible services are offered at Santorini Airport?

JTR offers wheelchairs and priority boarding for passengers with disabilities. The airport offers hearing loops for travelers with hearing impairments, visual lighting systems and text telephones, escalators, elevators, and accessible parking spots for passengers with disabilities. JTR has a special assistance department where people with disabilities can receive help.

What are some of the rules for car seats at the Santorini Airport?

At JTR, passengers must use a car seat for all children under seven. All car seats must be safely fastened to the vehicle and approved by FAA. Passengers should ensure that the car seat is well adjusted and the child is safely fastened in the car seat. For infants, a rear-facing seat must be used.

What are good hotels near Santorini National Airport?

The Castro Hotel is a casual choice that is only a 5-minute drive from Santorini National Airport and less than a 10-minute walk to the scenic Aegean Sea. The Lagadi Suites is a 4-star hotel that is a 7-minute drive to the airport and only an 8-minute walk to the popular Koutsoyannopoulos Wine Museum.

What shopping options are there in Santorini National Airport?

To purchase some souvenirs or a treat for yourself, visit the Hellenic Duty Free stores located in the Departures Terminal of Santorini National Airport. These shops sell a variety of local and international goods, including liquor, food products, cosmetics, accessories, and clothing. Additionally, there are also small stands that sell travel essentials, such as snacks, magazines, and headphones.

How far is Santorini National Airport from the Ancient Thera archaeological site?

Santorini National Airport is located just over 1.5 miles from the Ancient Thera archaeological site. If you are traveling between these two locations by car, the trip will take you only 5 minutes without any additional traffic. If you opt to walk instead, the trip will take you approximately 20 minutes.

What is the best way to travel between Santorini National Airport and Athens International Airport?

Because Athens International Airport oftentimes services more international flights than Santorini International Airport, it is not uncommon for travelers to fly into Athens and then head to Santorini. One of the easiest ways to make this trip is by taking a small domestic flight, but there is the option of taking a ferry as well.

How far is Thera from central Thera?

There are 3 miles between Thera city center and Thera.

What is the name of Thera’s airport?

There is only 1 airport in Thera, called Thera (JTR). It can also be referred to as Fira, Santorini, Thera, or Thira.

How does KAYAK find such low prices on flights to Santorini (Thira)?

KAYAK is a travel search engine. That means we look across the web to find the best prices we can find for our users. With over 2 billion flight queries processed yearly, we are able to display a variety of prices and options on flights to Santorini (Thira).

How does KAYAK's flight Price Forecast tool help me choose the right time to buy my flight ticket to Santorini (Thira)?

KAYAK’s flight Price Forecast tool uses historical data to determine whether the price for a flight to Santorini (Thira) is likely to change within 7 days, so travelers know whether to wait or book now.

What is the Hacker Fare option on flights to Santorini (Thira)?

Hacker Fares allow you to combine one-way tickets in order to save you money over a traditional round-trip ticket. You could then fly to Santorini (Thira) with an airline and back with another airline.

What is KAYAK's "flexible dates" feature and why should I care when looking for a flight to Santorini (Thira)?

Sometimes travel dates aren't set in stone. If your preferred travel dates have some wiggle room, flexible dates will show you all the options when flying to Santorini (Thira) up to 3 days before/after your preferred dates. You can then pick the flights that suit you best.

Which airline offers the most flights to Thera?

Of the 6 airlines that fly to Thera, Aegean Airlines offers the most flights, with around 76 per week, followed by Sky Express with 62 flights per week.

Top tips for finding cheap flights to Santorini (Thira)

  • Enter your preferred departure airport and travel dates into the search form above to unlock the latest Santorini (Thira) flight deals.
  • Santorini Airport (JTR) serves the cities of Pyrgos, Messaria, Oia, Kamari, Imerovigli, and Akrotiri within a 2-hour drive radius. Fira is known for its lively nightlife, and Oia for its stunning views of the Aegen Sea from its cliff.
  • You can fly year-round to Santorini Airport (JTR) from New York City, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Houston, Dallas, Washington D.C., Detroit, Los Angeles, Miami, and Tampa. You can also fly from Atlanta, Denver, and Seattle to JTR.
  • Hoping to use public transportation to travel to the city center after your flight to Thera has landed at Santorini National Airport? Consider using the local bus, as it leaves from directly outside the airport’s Arrivals terminal and goes to the Fira bus station, one of Thera’s primary travel hubs.
  • To learn more about the local region after your flight to Thera, stop by Santorini National Airport’s Information Desk located near the baggage claim. This desk has employees that can answer all of your questions about the city, as well as provide you with complimentary maps of the area.
  • Interested in grabbing a bite to eat before your flight takes off? Make sure to browse through the different dining options located at Santorini National Airport. There are several Aircanteens placed throughout the different terminals that serve a variety of sandwiches and snacks, as well as an Ontime Coffee and More that offers to-go items.
  • If you would like to learn about any news regarding Santorini National Airport, or other airports located in Greece, flip through Grec14n, the country’s official airport magazine. Hard copies can be found in Santorini National Airport’s terminals, and an electronic copy is posted on the airport’s website.
  • For travelers that would like to have phone service during their time in Thera, stop by the Connect Phone store in Santorini National Airport’s Arrivals terminal. This store sells local SIM cards and will help you to set up a Greek or European phone plan.

Prefer to fly non-stop to Thera Santorini?

Find which airlines fly direct to Santorini, which days they fly and book direct flights.

Nonstop departures

United States to Thera Santorini

Aegean Airlines, Air Canada, Air France, +19 more

Aegean Airlines, Air Canada, +20 more

Aegean Airlines, Air France, American Airlines, +22 more

Aegean Airlines, Air France, +23 more

Aegean Airlines, Aer Lingus, Air France, +18 more

Aegean Airlines, Aer Lingus, +19 more

Aegean Airlines, Air Canada, Air France, +23 more

Aegean Airlines, Air Canada, +24 more

Aegean Airlines, Aer Lingus, Air France, +25 more

Aegean Airlines, Aer Lingus, +26 more

Aegean Airlines, Air Canada, Air France, +26 more

Aegean Airlines, Air Canada, +27 more

Nonstop returns

Thera Santorini to United States

Top 5 airlines flying to thera.

All good on Delta's part. Passengers could be a little more courteous to each other.

Screen didn’t play movies, do I was pretty boated the entire flight.

The airport process and boarding were fast. The airplane crew were nice but the food was bland and the seats extremely uncomfortable- my seat had an issue and couldn’t move back and made noise .

Inconsiderate staff, plane was very hot, poor decision-making from the crew.

Flight was delayed due to needing a replacement flight crew. Delta changed the aircraft type in Detroit. One hour delay. But once in the air, good flight

The fight was about 2 1/2 hours delayed, but that was weather related. The flight was also overbooked. But we were in Comfort plus so the flight was fine for us.

Meh. A late flight meant I missed my connections, and a 2pm LAX arrival turned into gettin in after midnight.

Flight was 3 hours late so only had an OK experience

It was very cold because the air conditioner was on high power, and my son got sick.

3 hours late and all they have is was a $12 meal voucher. That’s not even enough to cover fast food.

Delayed two times Parked far Bad communication All connections list

Wonderful experience! The crew was outstanding and amazing from check in to gate to flight crew! Amazing. Thank you!

I arrived 59 minutes before the flight in Tampa due to Massive traffic jam and the flight was closed and I was told that I’d simply have to “book a new ticket on line myself and the gate agents couldn’t help me”. Even though the flight was delayed over 30 minutes, (leaving one hour and 29 minutes before departure, they refused to assist in any way explaining that it’s automatic and there can be no exceptions. Horrible experience due to poor management at gate. I fly this option 2-3 times a year and have a good experience with the cabin crew etc. But, Tampa agents are not trained or allowed customer service. I once was a gate agent for USAir, I know times have changed, but forcing me to purchase a new ticket and complete indifference and inconvenience. No thanks

Crew members were good. Seats were packed and too tight .

Carry on luggage size for economy passengers significantly smaller than other airlines, so nearly all ecomy passengers had their bags taken and checked.

Had a short layover in Zurich, luggage marked expedite and short layover but still didn’t get luggage when arrived in Split until 3 days later even though husband got his.

On time flight, I requested wheelchair in Zurich , when I arrived they were no where to be found, I had one hour between flights I had to walk with great difficulty.

We had issues with upgrading our seats. The flight itself was fine.

Horrible experience. They "GAME" with seats they decided to play where you can`t select or get seat during check-in without paying and then forcing you to stay long line at the Customer Service at the gate to get a boarding ticket with seat assigned is pathetic. Will never fly with United again!

SO disappointing. I spent so much money on this ticket, for them to cancel and not be able to rebook me in time. They were very unhelpful, and condescending throughout the whole Swiss airport. Will not be flying again.

The offered WiFi on AA isn't worth wasting time or effort on. If you manage to connect it's incredibly slow.

American dropped the ball on this flight. It was canceled after waiting on the tarmac for 6 hours. American airline was so greedy that they open the door after close, delayed our flight then caused the pilot to over 14 hours limit if they were to fly to Phoenix. So more delays and finally flight canceled. Horrible experience with American Airline in Philadelphia.

Absolutely the worst experience. We were 5 hours delayed due to mechanical issues and a crew timing out. We were not offered any concession. When I asked for a meal voucher, they gave me $12. You can get a bottle of water for that at the airport. Offensive.

It was delay after delay. Kept changing gates too. Not a good experience.

Departure down was really rough and ended up getting motion sickness on the flight

BAD. As a family could not sit together. The gate agent told us there was only one seat in the middle left, when we got on the plane the situation was very different with whole rows of seats empty

Abysmal, getting delayed approximately 13 times, having to switch out a crew with another crew that timed out within an hour, and customer service representatives that abandoned the stranded travelers. Terrible service

We have been delayed and postponed 2days and nights…and still do not have our flight until tomorrow..

Terrible experience with baggage claim at CLT. Posted as arriving at belt 4 and screen there showed the flight. Waited for over 1.2hrs before someone randomly came by and said the bags for that flight had been dropped at CD1 an unknown time ago. There was no notification in the app, on the screens or by any airport personnel prior to this time. Waiting 1.2 hrs after a 2 hr flight for a bag you paid $40 extra to check is infuriating and disappointing.

They took away my first class ticket for my plane ride from Ickx to Tucson because they’re plane was late getting there. They offered me nothing in return

Full flight with ok comfort levels. Zero in flight entertainment. Dinner served was fair… taste mostly ok (bread a bit stale) and way too little for such a long flight. Technical stop in Cyprus just to switch crew which seems unnecessary. (Other airlines from Europe who do not want overnight layover in Beirut do not switch crews.). Thought that some passengers would disembark in Larnaca (CY) but no, stop was solely for crew change.

In general the flight was good, for me the only issue was I couldn't connect to the Wi-Fi

Okay, the flight was over an hour late leaving LAX! I barely made my connecting flight! Very stressful experience! Lufthansa 747 biz class needs a serious upgrade to its seating! The food was good, but the staff was mostly very cold but did a good job!

The seats are designed for 12 years old, but pretty uncomfortable for the average adulte!!

Seats much smaller/less leg room than united from Phx. Biarding was very poor and unroganized.

I thought that the seats in Economy were ok. The attendants were very nice all the time. But the pasta for dinner was pretty awful. I am not sure why the boarding cannot start earlier in such a big plane. It’s pretty lame to start boarding 30 minutes before the scheduled departure and then blame the delay on the runway traffic.

The flight was delayed more than 1.5 hours. Phone calls to united did not satisfy our need to get to Chicago to met family for fight to europe. I was told the flight was booked thru luftansa and united could not make adjustments. When call luftansa they were unaware of the significant delay on the united flight out of mci. They would not authorize a flight change. We went to the airport, as if we would be flying as scheduled, United checked us in, as if our flight would leave as scheduled. We took our bag to be checked to the baggage drop and the agent their confirmed our flight was significantly delayed. She worked for 30 min to get us on another flight. We ended up flying to Denver then to Munich. The rest of the family that flew to Chicago for our meet up and flight to Europe ended up flying to Munich alone. We meet up in Munich for our last leg to luxembourg. In luxembourg we learned on bag was scheduled on our delayed flight. The flight was canceled and we did not receive the bag in lux. We filed a lost back claim. Now 3 days later we STILL do not have the bag. It is apparently in luxembourg and they maybe tried to deliver, however the names on the door of the air b&b do not match the name on the baggage claim so the French speaking delivery person called no one could understand him so he took the bag and left. My brother, traveling with me under a different reservation , has been without essentials for 3 days. One or all of us has stayed "home" each day waiting on the bag. Today was my turn. Delivery window was 10:30 to 2:30. No attempt to knock or ring bell. After the hang up call, my brother called me and told me to check the door. There was nothing there. No sign of attempted delivery, no delivery man, nothing. Being unable to change clothes and having family members take turns waiting on a bag that never comes has ruined this family vacation. Thanks United/Luftansa

Plane was delayed for over 1 hour causing us to miss a connecting flight in Munich. We spent 10 hours waiting for the alternate flight which was delayed about 45 minutes. We had a service attendant who was very helpful with our missed flight. Later in the evening when consulting service attendant, he basically said, the plane will show when it shows!

The staff was amazing, second to none. I wish I would have booked an exit row seat earlier. I'm 6'2 225 ( athletic build). However I've had a double hip replacement and the 10 hour trip with minimal space in economy caused some muscle spasms, even with getting up and walking around. The plane was full, and the staff did check for me. I would definitely fly again based on the service. However if you are a bigger guy and fly economy, please go for the exit row if possible.

Flight was late leaving for no obvious reason. Seat entertainment did not work. Restrooms were FILTHY. Arrived late to catch connection. Little assistance from Discover staff. Luggage did not arrive until the following day. Horrible experience.

Food could have been better. It was much better on the LHR to SFO leg than on the return leg.

The flight was on time, the plane was at the gate, and then the excuses started. First, it was a part that was needed, then it was short on staff, but they're due to arrive soon, and finally cancellation. Two large triple 7 planes to London were both canceled, leading to over 600 people looking for another flight, which of course was impossible. I had a one week holiday and was forced to spend two nights in hotels in Chicago. Just appalling. I doubt I will ever use American Airlines again.

Horrendous, the worst ever. I would not fly with them again

Horrible service. Lack of courtesy and professionalism from some cree members

Flight was 4.5 hours late leaving New Orleans. Food wasted. Couldn't serve dinner. Missed our connection

Horrible. Never again. Wouldn’t let us use the lounge. We had to pay for another lounge to have access.

The flight was delayed for several hours. After many hours of waiting, they said it was delayed until the next day. This is completely understandable, as the staff had to wait on Boeing to approve the plane. However, the staff said hotel and meal vouchers would be issued via email (they never were). An hour after leaving the airport, our flight was cancelled.

We were on flight for 7 hrs and there was no WiFi. Not really easy to use any of our electronics. Def not ideal

Plane had a navigation problem which took 2 hours to try and fix. Didn’t work so then they said they didn’t need it. Could have saved 2 hours

They canceled the flight and would not rebook us within several days

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How to visit santorini—without the crowds.

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Scenic view of traditional cycladic houses with flowers in foreground, Oia village, Santorini, ... [+] Greece

It’s golden hour in Oia and dozens of boats are parked and bobbing in the Aegean Sea, pointing their bows towards the sun, a glowing orange globe that looks as though it’s gently dipping into the sapphire water for the nightly summer spectacle: A Santorini sunset. Above, amid the blue domes crowning whitewashed buildings, tourists are lined up to catch the sunset, too—with tour guides arriving hours earlier, leading the masses to lookout points and filling up lots that advertise parking for sunset views.

Landscape view of Oia at sunset in Santorini, Greece.

Like a secret stratosphere in between the sea and the famed cliffside village is the Santo Collection Resorts and Villas ’ quiet sunset outpost with primo views of the Aperol-hued sunset and plenty of rocky ledges to perch yourself onto for unobstructed photos. Competing with views of the sunset is the sunlit volcanic cliff face that’s glowing an earthy shade of red. Just down the path is another option for view seekers: An open-air gym for fitness enthusiasts who want to take in the sunset while working up a sweat on the sea-facing treadmill.

Santorini, particularly Oia, is wildly popular in the summer, with as many as four cruise ships docking in a single day at the volcanic island. (Pro tip: You can check the cruise schedule to see how many passengers will descend on the caldera each day and plan your outings accordingly).

But serenity in Santorini is certainly achievable. Here’s how to build out an Oia, Santorini trip without the crowds this summer.

When is the Best Time to Visit Santorini?

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Amoudi bay, port of Oia, Santorini Greece at sunny summer, toned

Book a trip later in the season, with cooler temps and fewer crowds in late-September through October. Most of the island’s shops, restaurants, and hotels are still open, and you’ve got a better shot at getting a portrait in front of the blue domes or Ammoudi Bay.

Greece, by the way, was just named one of the friendliest countries in the world .

Where to Stay in Oia, Santorini?

Ahead of the summer season, 37 Santo Mine suites opened with pools and jacuzzis facing the Aegean ... [+] Sea.

The Santo Collection opened two new properties for the 2024 travel season and, even when all of the rooms are booked out, the property grounds, pools, and restaurants are spacious enough that they never feel too crowded. Guests will get a calisthenics workout in at this cliffside hotel while making their way to breakfast, where they’ll find decadent spreads of Greek delicacies each morning, like sesame-covered Koulouri (think: thin, chewy bagels), creamy hummus, hunks of feta, Greek yogurt with honey, and more.

The property also has a sleek Wine Cellar where oenophiles can get a taste of Santorini wines that are made all the more interesting by the island’s volcanic soil, like Kavalieros, a dry white with notes of lemon and some interesting minerality. At Ālme Restaurant, dinner guests can sample menu items from the dry-aged fish menu, with ingredients sourced from around Greece. A cove in the resort is set aside for silent movie nights.

Wine Cellar

Blending minimalism and brutalist design concepts, each of the 37 luxury Santo Mine Oia Suites come with either a private jacuzzis or a pool. The suites, which opened this spring, face the Aegean Sea and are topped with “green roofs” growing herbs and sprouting flowers so suite vacationers feel like they have the place to themselves. Interiors are filled with cream tones and accented with woods, stone, and marble.

Also new for summer 2024 are The Villas by Santo Collection . The four-bedroom luxury villas feature private pools and guests can arrange to have local produce stocked in their kitchens, enjoy a private sommelier-led wine tasting, book aqua yoga sessions, or arrange for a private yacht excursion.

The Villas by Santo Collection

The property is a 15-minute walk from Oia’s popular shops and restaurants, and the Ammoudi Bay is an easy descent (but a much harder ascent).

What to Do in Santorini?

Some must-do’s while on Oia include wandering around the winding, cobblestone streets and popping into the art galleries in caves or the ceramic shops filled with hues of blue. Snag a sunset reservation at Ammoudi’s Fish Tavern , a tiered restaurant nesting in the cliffside and overlooking the Ammoudi Bay —a fishing port that’s 300 steps below the town of Oia and is a popular postcard vignette for Santorini.

Want to swim in the Aegean Sea? Santorini is short on beaches, so your best bet is to book a catamaran tour to take you around to the scenic swimming holes and scenic spots, like Nea Kameni, a petite volcanic island where you can swim in the hot springs, which, truthfully, are just a few degrees warmer than other spots.

Another way to see Santorini without the crowds? Book a private car that can take you to some of the scenic spots before cruise ship travelers arrive, spots like Imerovigli, a picturesque clifftop village where you won’t have to jockey for a position to snap photographs.

Brittany Anas

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    Saying both Santorini and Mykonos are stressed by tourism, Greek prime minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said he wants to restrict cruise ship berths or create a bidding process for ships to call at ...