Tour Package

Package holidays, popularly known as a tour package or simply the word ‘tour’ in the travel and tourism industry refers either to a package tour escorted or not escorted by the tourist guide.

When we say tour package, it means a pre-arrangement, prepaid trip that combines two or more travel components like airfare, airport transfer, accommodation, and other services . Practically, to define the tour package concept is complex one rather understand.

Holloway defines a tour package as “a total tourism product consisting of transportation from the market area to the destination, accommodation at the destination and recreational activities promoted by the tourists.”

According to Gregorg “a tour package is advertised journey including specific features, arranged and promoted with tour literature by a tour operator and paid for in full by the tourists  before starting the tour.”

Technically, a package tour/tour package is a total tourism product as it generally includes transport from the origin place to the destination, accommodation at an en route place or at the destination and other recreational or travel services. These components are purchased by an individual, firm or company called the ‘ tour operator ‘. He combines all the travel components in a package and sells them at all-inclusive prices to the clients.

History of Tour Package

The term ‘tour’ was in vogue as early as 1670. The Britishers traveled to widen their knowledge of the continent, especially to study the culture and social life. This practice was gradually adopted by other lovers of cultural centers.

The result of the process was that many European historic and cultural centers were opened to the British tourist. By the early 1730’s the small fishing resorts around the British coast begin to attract tourists seeking to their diseases by drinking the sea-water or by immersing themselves in it.

The introduction of a rail link between the major centers in 1830, had a profound impact on the pleasure travelers for the first time. Many entrepreneurs began to inspire rail travel by organizing excursions for the public at discounted offers.

However, to ‘the origin of package tour’ the credit goes to Mr. Thomas Cook in 1855 , Cook, extended his business operation to different countries by introducing the first ‘ inclusive tour ‘ to Paris.

Mr. Cook put together all the components of tourism products and sold them as ‘inclusive tour’ to the tourists. His pre-packaged tour inspired other tour organizations in the travel industry to organize similar tours to all parts of the globe.

Most of Cook’s tours were a linear tour i.e., the person went from place to place on a single destination. Basically, Mr. Cook developed the concept of ‘grand tour and escorted tour’, the concept which is still used.

Incidentally, World War II has tremendously developed the package tour concept because of the following reasons:

  • Social and Economic Conditions
  • Increase in Aircrafts
  • Marketing Conditions
  • Legal Requirements
  • Integration took place.

Today, package tours are a vital segment of the world’s travel and tourism industry. According to WTTC, the package tour sales generate $25 billion annually in the United States, $18 billion in Europe, $19 billion in Britain, and $21 billion in Asia. Today tour sales represented 50 percent of all leisure travel sales and 35 percent of all travel agency revenues.

Types of Tour Packages

A travel agency/tour operator deals with variety of ‘tour packages,’ catering to the diverse needs of tourists such as adventure, beach, architecture, cultural, business, conference, incentive tours, ayurvedic packages, Buddhist, religious, incentive tour, special interest tours, cruise tour group tour, educational tour, heritage, monuments, wildlife lovers, etc. These are broadly classified into five categories :

  • Independent Tours
  • Escorted Tours

Hosted Tours

  • Incentives Travel/Tours

Freedom Tours

Independent tour.

Independent tours are prepared/formulated for those tourists who want to travel independently. The components of such tours are air travel, air transfer, accommodation, travel documents, sightseeing, boat riding, entertainment, and other travel services.

However, in some cases, the tourists are free to purchase every single component separately. Thus, this type of tour provides the tourists considerable freedom to plan the activities according to their own choice.

An independent tour may or may not be an all-inclusive tour. Therefore, tour price varies depending on the type of air travel, air transfer, accommodation and is inclusive of other tour components. The foreign independent travel (FITs) and domestic independent travel (DITs) are examples of an independent tour.

Escorted Tour

When a travel agency includes the services of a well educated and trained tour manager in its package, the tour is called an escorted tour. Basically, escorted tours are meant for those travelers who are planning to visit a foreign country first time.

The escort’s responsibilities and duties are to provide comprehensive information and assistance to the group or individual traveler, at the origin, en route and the destination place. The excursion tours are the example of escorted tours.

A hosted tour means when an agency utilizes the services of another agency at a particular destination. Suppose a group of French tourists is coming to India. When the group arrives in India, they are greeted at the airports by TCI, which assists them in clearing their baggage and transfer them to the hotel.

Their tour-host (TCI) is available to offer device and information about the local attractions and entertainment. Further, when the group arrives at another designation in India, a different travel agency greets them at each tourist spot. Thus, a hosted tour provides the tourists maximum level of pre-arranged and personalized services.

Incentives Travel/Tour

It is a motivational programme or a fully paid holiday which is given to the employees by the enterprises as a reward. Mostly in medium and large-scale companies and usually too distant destinations to spur them in maintaining their track record, to increase output, improve the image and moreover to earn the long period loyalty of the employees.

There are a number of the other packages offered by a tour company such as a custom tour an excursion tour, an adventure, and special interest package tours.

Freedom tours are becoming very popular these days among the working class. These tours are designed as per the choice of tourists. The tourist is free to choose and plan how they want to travel and enjoy their holidays. These types of tours are meant for that kind of people who like to decide how, when, and where to travel.

This tourist may an individual, family, group holidays for families and group travel for business. These tours are promoted and developed by the ORBIT.

Components Of Tour Package

What is to be included in a package tour largely depends and varies from one tour organization to another, or from the one country to another, or from one destination to another and from one market to another market. But there are certain well-defined travel services which always turn a part of a package tour irrespective of the tour operator/travel agency, destination and even the market condition.

If we study and see the package tours offered by Thomas Cook and Sons Ltd., Cox and King Ltd., and other international travel companies, we find that a package tour has two major components. Therefore, a standard package tour has two basic components namely:

  • Ground Arrangements

Travel industry experience has shown that the first component, i.e. ‘Travel’ is directly bought by the agency from the principal providers like airlines and transport operators and for ground arrangement, the travel agency management asks the ground operators.

The reason behind buying ground arrangement from a handling agency is that it represents as a ground operator at a particular destination for the numerous tour organizations. Secondly, the price offered by it are much lower than an individual agency obtain. Thirdly, it is very difficult to get credit from the supplier and finally, it ensures professional travel services.

Factor Affecting the Tour Package Formulation

Generally, the business of package tours involves great risk, high breakeven, high-quality product, and competitive prices. Therefore, the tour management requires in-depth tour planning and market survey. However, before a tour is designed the tour manager should take into consideration certain factors which are crucial in the formulation process.

These factors have a profound impact on the tourist’s satisfaction. The main factors are:

  • Purpose of Tour
  • Choice of Destinations
  • Tourist Budget
  • Legal Requirement
  • Types of Tourist Accommodation
  • Tour Period
  • Departure and stay information
  • Tour price; inflationary condition
  • Tour Reference Tools
  • Tour Features – political stability
  • The relationship between the host and tourist generating nation

Tour Package Design and Selection Process

The quality of a package tour is entirely based on the above factors. Essentially, to design/formulate a travel product, the tour manager has to take the biggest responsibility, intuitiveness, imagination, and innovation coupled with a lot of business activities which range from finding new exotic destinations and planning, organizing or promoting such tour.

The following are the main stages in the tour design and selection process:

1. Initial Research

(i) the destination research.

The decision to develop and formulate a new package is a multi-stage process that involves various positive and negative points/steps. Normally, the idea for a new product comes either from the tour executive within the company due to a review of the questionnaire completed by the previous tour members because of the political, economic and social development in a particular area.

When a tour manager see that a large number of old clients are interested in taking a trip to particular destinations, naturally, those destinations become the nucleus of a new ‘tour concept’.

(ii) Market Research

Since tour package is a complete tourism product, obviously, before formulating/designing this product, market research needs to be analyzed and assessed in a systematic manner. Market  research provides us the answer to the following questions:

  • What is the size of the tourism market?
  • Who are the existing clients?
  • Where do they live?
  • Who will be their potential buyers?
  • Who are their competitors – their strategy and area of business leisure?
  • How many tourist ones want to cater?
  • What price will the clients accept?
  • What facilities are available and required?
  • What are the constraints viz., license, permission, finance, restrictions, taxes, and others?

Once we know the basic components of the package tour, distribution channels, market conditions, constraints in the tourism market, we can develop the marketing strategy. It enables the smooth functioning of the agency and also offers a clear picture of the tour programme. Practically, market research is conducted by the private tour companies/ private tourism enterprises in order to penetrate the market.

2. Itinerary Preparation

By itinerary one means the designing of a programme which one wants to sell and it includes destinations, stopping points, number of days and the travel services that are to be included in the programme. Whether it is a lean season or an offseason, escorted or not escorted, consumer-oriented or readymade tour programme, the itinerary is prepared to identify the origin, destinations, stopping points, accommodations, sightseeing and other travel services on travelers’ trip.

3. Handling Agency or Destination Company

The appointment of handling agency not only ensure excellent travel services to the tourist but also make the operation smooth and profitable. It is a matter of great significance as the success of travel business largely depends upon the clients are actually taken care of during the tour.

It is a positive match between the promised services and tourist’s actual experiences or feelings. Thus, the tour operator should consider the experience of the handling travel agency in the business, the area of operation, reputation, credibility, professional staff, credit facilities and the competitive price in appointing a handling agency.

4. Negotiation

It is another important management decision area in tour designing and planning. Once the decision has been made regarding the destination’s concerning their date, duration and number of clients to be carried during the trip, the tour management starts negotiations with the principals’ suppliers for a normal contract.

Negotiation means talk between the travel companies and the principal suppliers for the terms, conditions, and prices of the components of a tour package. When both parties are satisfied, it leads to a formal or informal contract between them. The tour company negotiates with the following tour vendors/suppliers:

  • Accommodation
  • Transport Operations- Rail and Road
  • Ground Operators
  • Cruise Companies
  • Car Rental Companies
  • The overseas representatives
  • Ancillary Service Organizations

5. Coasting and Pricing a Package Tour

The cost of a package tour encompasses the air ticket, the hotel room, car rental, entertainment charges, administrative costs, promotional costs, and other travel services. The confidential tariff helps the travel company in preparing the cost sheet which will enable the concern to determine its price strategy.

Tour pricing is a big factor in the success of the company’s tour programme. The price of a package tour is, whether it is an escorted, independent or hosted the tour, often lower than the combined costs of the same components purchased separately from the principals. However, the purchase price of a travel product is based on three factors: Cost, competition, and demand.

Every tour package sold by a vendor has a quantifiable cost. To produce profit the price paid by the tourists must be greater than the agency’s cost.

6. Tour Brochure

The tour package is an intangible product which has to be purchased by the tourists/clients without inspection and sometimes even without adequate knowledge. In these circumstances, the brochure becomes the principal instrument to perform the major tasks to inform the clients about the products and to pursue them to purchase it.

Designing, printing, and distributions of tour brochures require necessary skills and knowledge about the components of the tour package. Basically, in the era of specialization and intense competition, tour brochure creates awareness and provides the description of the holiday programme.

Thus, tour management should consider various pros and cons while preparing a tour brochure. A brochure should contain the following information:

  • Name of the Travel Company
  • Means of transport
  • Details about destinations
  • Accommodation, types, location, meals
  • Name of the overseas representative
  • Duration of each tour
  • Booking, reservation and cancellation conditions
  • Details of other services – insurance, currency, entertainmentTravel documents required
  • Details of price

7. Development of Reservation System

The next step in tour formulation process is reservation system. The agency management in order to put a package into operation must develop and implement a scientific reservation system. The system depends on whether the reservation is to be handled manually or with a computer working on the distribution method.

Whatever method the agency may adopt, the agency management should always keep in mind the sole objective of the reservation system.

8. Marketing of Tour Package

Once a tour package is ready, travel agency management has to make a careful decision regarding promotion and marketing of the particular package tour. The basic objective of management is to make a tour package widely known to make it more and more attractive.

To achieve these objectives, the management must consider the budget available, promotion mix, potential market, easiest and most effective media, campaigning through the international, regional or the public/private sector etc.

The promotion of a package tour means increasing its sales potential and creating an awareness of the existing and potential markets. The following methods are commonly used to promote package tours:

  • Middlemen – Retail Travel Agents, GSA, consolidators
  • Familiarization tours
  • Building Brand Loyalty
  • Encouraging Potential Buyers
  • Competitive Market

9. Tour Handling/Actual Tour Operation

After the successful marketing and achieving target sales, the next and final step in the process of tour designing is tour handling. It means an actual operation of tours, which generally includes administrative work and passenger handling like maintaining reservations, handling deposits, sending advice to ground operators, arranging travel representation, analyzing the feedback received from clients/escorts/ground operator and so on.

All this is not an easy task. At every stage, one has to face different types of queries and problems due to lack of coordination and communication.

Significances of Tour Package

Tour package is beneficial to travel companies, travelers, destinations and other organizations which are directly or indirectly involved in the tourism business. The main benefits are:

  • Increase the seasonality of a destination cost/price
  • Earn foreign currency
  • Better quality of products professional services
  • Wide-variety of the tour package
  • Provide bulk business to organizers

Viva Tours

What Does a Tour Package Include? Essential Components Explained

When planning a trip, it can be challenging to organize all the necessary details, including accommodation, transportation, meals, and activities. This is where a tour package comes in handy, as it includes all these elements in one convenient package. This blog post will explain what a tour package entails, the available types, and how to choose the right one.

Table of Contents

What does a tour package include?

  • Accommodation: A tour package typically includes accommodation in a hotel, resort, or other lodging facilities. The type of accommodation provided will depend on the tour package you select.
  • Transportation: Transportation is another essential component of a tour package. It can include flights, trains, buses, and even private cars or vans. The mode of transportation provided will depend on the tour package you select.
  • Meals: Most tour packages include breakfast only to all-inclusive dining. The number and type of meals provided will depend on the tour package you select.
  • Activities: A tour package may include various activities such as sightseeing, cultural experiences, adventure sports, or shopping. The type and number of activities included will depend on your selected tour package.
  • Itinerary: A tour package will provide you with a detailed itinerary of your trip, including the date, time, and location of each activity, as well as any free time you may have.

Types of tour packages

  • Inclusive tour package: This type of tour package includes accommodation, transportation, meals, and activities, all for a fixed price.
  • All-inclusive travel package: This tour package is similar to the inclusive package, but it also includes drinks, tips, and other extras.
  • Budget tour package: This package is designed for those who want to travel on a tight budget. It usually includes basic accommodation and transportation but limited activities and meals.
  • Customized tour package: This package allows you to choose the specific activities and accommodations you want, giving you more control over your travel experience.
  • Luxury tour package: This tour package provides premium accommodation, transportation, meals, and activities for a higher price.

How to choose the right tour package?

Choosing the right tour package can be a daunting task, but here are some tips to help you make the best decision:

  • Budget: Determine your budget and look for tour packages that fit within it. Remember that a higher price may mean better quality, but finding a balance between affordability and quality is essential.
  • Destination: Consider the destination you want to visit and choose a tour package that offers the best experience in that location. Look for packages that include the attractions you want to see and the activities you want to do.
  • Travel Style: Think about your travel style and the type of experience you want. Do you prefer a leisurely vacation or an adventure-packed trip? Make sure to choose a tour package that aligns with your travel style.
  • Reviews and recommendations: Read reviews and ask for recommendations from friends or family who have traveled with a tour package before. This can give you insight into the tour package’s quality and other travelers’ experiences.

In conclusion, choosing a tour package can make travel planning more manageable and less stressful. With various tour packages available, selecting the one that aligns with your budget, destination, travel style, and preferences is crucial. When selecting a tour package, read reviews and consider recommendations from other travelers. By following these tips, you can have a stress-free and enjoyable travel experience.

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tour packages and its types

Understanding Package Tours in the Travel Industry

In the vibrant world of travel and tourism, a package tour is a pre-arranged holiday that combines a variety of travel services into one comprehensive package. These services typically include transportation, accommodation, meals, guided tours, and other amenities. Package tours are popular among travelers seeking convenience, affordability, and a stress-free vacation experience. Let's delve deeper into the concept of package tours and explore the key components that make them a preferred choice for many globetrotters.

Components of a Package Tour

A typical package tour includes several key components that are carefully curated to provide travelers with a seamless and enjoyable vacation experience. These components may vary depending on the destination, duration, and theme of the tour, but the following are some common elements found in most package tours:

  • Transportation: Package tours often include round-trip transportation from the traveler's home to the destination. This may involve flights, train tickets, bus transfers, or other modes of transportation.
  • Accommodation: Accommodation is a crucial part of any package tour. Travelers are typically provided with pre-booked hotel rooms, resorts, or other types of lodging that meet the tour's standards and budget.
  • Meals: Many package tours include meal plans that cover breakfast, lunch, and dinner. These meals may be served at the hotel, local restaurants, or as part of guided tours.
  • Guided Tours: To enhance the travel experience, package tours often include guided tours of popular attractions, historical sites, cultural landmarks, and other points of interest. Knowledgeable guides provide valuable insights and ensure that travelers make the most of their visit.
  • Activities and Excursions: Depending on the tour package, travelers may have the opportunity to participate in various activities and excursions such as adventure sports, sightseeing tours, shopping trips, and cultural experiences.
  • Transportation Within Destination: Package tours may also include transportation within the destination, such as airport transfers, shuttle services, or private vehicles for sightseeing.
  • Travel Insurance: Some package tours offer optional or mandatory travel insurance to protect travelers against unforeseen circumstances such as trip cancellations, medical emergencies, or lost luggage.

Types of Package Tours

Package tours come in a variety of forms to cater to different preferences, budgets, and travel styles. Here are some common types of package tours that travelers can choose from:

  • All-Inclusive Tours: These tours cover all major expenses, including transportation, accommodation, meals, activities, and sometimes even gratuities. Travelers can enjoy a hassle-free vacation without worrying about additional costs.
  • Adventure Tours: Adventure tours are designed for thrill-seekers and outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy activities such as hiking, trekking, rafting, and wildlife safaris. These tours often include adrenaline-pumping experiences in exotic locations.
  • Cultural Tours: Cultural tours focus on exploring the history, art, cuisine, and traditions of a destination. Travelers have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the local culture through visits to museums, historical sites, festivals, and interactions with residents.
  • Luxury Tours: Luxury tours offer a premium travel experience with upscale accommodation, fine dining, exclusive amenities, and personalized services. These tours cater to travelers seeking a high level of comfort and sophistication.
  • Group Tours: Group tours bring together a group of like-minded travelers who share a common interest in exploring a particular destination. These tours offer camaraderie, shared experiences, and the opportunity to make new friends along the way.
  • Customized Tours: Some travel companies offer customized package tours that allow travelers to tailor the itinerary, activities, and accommodations to suit their preferences. This option is ideal for travelers looking for a personalized and flexible travel experience.

Benefits of Package Tours

Package tours offer several benefits that make them an attractive choice for travelers looking for a hassle-free and enjoyable vacation experience. Some of the key benefits of opting for a package tour include:

  • Convenience: Package tours take the stress out of travel planning by bundling all essential services into one comprehensive package. Travelers can relax and enjoy their vacation without worrying about making individual arrangements for transportation, accommodation, and activities.
  • Affordability: Package tours often provide cost savings compared to booking each component separately. Travel companies can negotiate discounted rates with airlines, hotels, and attractions, enabling travelers to enjoy a budget-friendly vacation without compromising on quality.
  • Expertise: Package tours are curated by travel experts who have in-depth knowledge of the destination, local attractions, and cultural nuances. Travelers benefit from the expertise of guides and tour operators who ensure a well-rounded and enriching travel experience.
  • Safety and Security: Traveling with a reputable tour company offers an added layer of safety and security. Tour operators have emergency protocols in place, experienced guides to assist travelers, and 24/7 support to address any unforeseen issues that may arise during the trip.
  • Time-Saving: Package tours are designed to maximize the traveler's time by providing a well-structured itinerary with carefully planned activities and sightseeing opportunities. Travelers can make the most of their vacation without wasting time on logistics or decision-making.
  • Local Insights: Guided tours included in package tours offer valuable insights into the destination's history, culture, and traditions. Travelers have the opportunity to learn from local experts and gain a deeper understanding of the places they visit.

Package tours are a popular choice for travelers seeking a convenient, affordable, and enriching vacation experience. By bundling transportation, accommodation, meals, guided tours, and other services into one comprehensive package, travelers can enjoy a stress-free journey with expert guidance and local insights. Whether you prefer adventure tours, cultural experiences, luxury getaways, or customized itineraries, there is a package tour to suit every taste and budget. So, the next time you plan your dream vacation, consider the benefits of a package tour and embark on a memorable journey filled with unforgettable experiences.

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National parks:.

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Expert Advice


Wow, it’s hard to give advice for the entire USA. It’s so diverse. I would say wherever you go – think of it as having its own culture and be ready to dive in and experience it, like one of my favorite places, Hawaii!

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Always bring extra memory cards and batteries for your camera. It’s been my experience that you can never take enough picture of places like the National Parks or the New York skyline.

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With such a diverse climate from Alaska to Arizona and New York to San Francisco, there’s really never a bad time to travel through the U.S. You can always find something amazing.

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tour packages and its types

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Have a dream destination in mind? Whether you want to follow your appetite to Tuscany or go wild in America’s greatest national parks, our guided tour packages will get you there.

August 2024

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tour packages and its types

Egypt & Nile River Cruise

12 days | 16 days with Jordan extension

the pyramids of giza

Barcelona, Southern France & the Italian Riviera

12 days | 14 days with Rome extension

4.4 out of 5 stars

tour packages and its types

Landscapes of Scotland & Ireland

15 days | 18 days with London extension

tour packages and its types

Italy & Greece

11 days | 15 days with Santorini & Athens extension

tour packages and its types

Grand Tour of Ireland

14 days | 17 days with Glasgow & Edinburgh extension

tour packages and its types

Food & Wine: Flavors of Tuscany & Umbria

11 days | 13 days with Rome extension

tour packages and its types

Iceland: Reykjavík & the Northern Lights

6 days | 8 days with West Iceland & Reykjavík extension

4.5 out of 5 stars

tour packages and its types

Scandinavia: The Capitals & the Fjords

14 days | 17 days with Iceland extension

tour packages and its types

What to know before you go

WHERE WE TAKE YOU Our 200+ tours take you around the world in 80+ countries.

WE MAKE IT EASY When you travel with us, you won’t have to find flights, figure out where to stay, or worry about how to get from one place to the next. We’ll also secure priority admissions when we can and introduce you to locals where they live and work.

THE GO AHEAD DIFFERENCE Exclusive experiences, free time on your own to explore, expertly vetted amenities, local guides, and do-it-all Tour Directors combined with unrivaled safety and on-tour support.

UNIQUE EXPERIENCES ON TOUR Roll your own pasta in Rome, kick up your heels in a fiery flamenco class in Spain, stomp grapes for port wine in Portugal, rest up like a royal with a stay on castle grounds in England, and countless more forever memories.

tour packages and its types

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We offer 200+ immersive, guided tours around the world. Wherever you choose to go, you’ll enjoy lots of advantages that make traveling with us different.

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Prep your packing list

While you’re deciding what to take, we’ll be busy arranging your hotels, meals, tickets, and more tour essentials. That’s what going guided is all about.

Go far (and get rewarded)

Take off on your big adventure— but why stop there? Every trip you book with us earns rewards that you can use to keep expanding your horizons.

Not sure which tour is right for you? We’re here to help.

tour packages and its types

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What travelers are saying about our guided trips

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1st-time traveler Maria

I had the opportunity to meet a fun group, learn a lot about each place I visited and view some amazing sights!

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1st-time traveler Valerie

I felt safe traveling to a foreign country with EF Tours.i will definitely be using them again in future travels. They took a lot of the stress away from having to book hotels,... Read more of London, Paris Rome and Madrid

Traveled in Aug 2024 on London, Paris & Rome

4th-time traveler Anonymous

We had a great time!

Traveled in Jul 2024 on Highlights of England, Scotland & Ireland

1st-time traveler Anonymous

Absolutely loved this tour through Italy. The length of the tour and itinerary at each location was well balanced. Tour Director, Monique, was outstanding as were the local... Read more of Summer Italy tour

Traveled in Jul 2024 on A Week in Italy: Venice, Florence & Rome

1st-time traveler Miriam

First, this has been my second time to Greece. I preferred the EF tour, easy transitions from ferry boats, airport, and transportation. All the hotels were 4 star, excellent... Read more of Greece!!!

Traveled in Aug 2024 on A Week in Greece: Athens, Mykonos & Santorini

2nd-time traveler Adriana

This is our 2nd tour and have already scheduled France soon after our arrival. Hannah was extremely knowledgeable and accommodating. Our kids brains cannot be retracted. This tour... Read more of Italy

Traveled in Aug 2024 on A Week in Italy: Venice, Florence & Rome

1st-time traveler Traveler

Although I would have liked the hotels to have pools, this was my only “complaint” if you can even call it that. Marcellus was a great guide, so fun and cool to hang out with. I... Read more of Great Experience!

Tips for planning tours & travel with us

Here at Go Ahead, we make it easy to plan a tour. All you have to do is decide which of our travel packages excites you most, and when you’d like to travel. (A springtime escape to  Europe , anyone?) If you can’t decide, we’ll help you narrow down our vacation packages and find the perfect trip.

From there, we’ll take care of the rest. For travelers who book flights with us, our in-house team of travel experts will get to work finding flights with our trusted airline partners. And as you count down to tour, we’ll be busy booking clean, stylish, comfy hotels, planning meals at locally loved restaurants, and securing tickets to top museums, cultural sites, and, if it applies to your tour, special events.

Having our team of travel experts take care of every last logistical detail is one of  10 benefits of a guided tour versus independent travel .

How do I pick the right tour for me?

When browsing our 175-plus vacation packages, here are a few things to keep in mind to help you find the just-right tours for travel to the places you’ve been dreaming of visiting.

  • Your travel style.  Are you into wildlife, adventure, or food and wine? Do you want to take a deep dive into a particular destination or religion?  Want to experience a special event, or explore with a small group? We offer escorted tours designed around these  travel styles  and others so that travelers can have the experience that suits them best.
  • Where you want to go.  Whether you’ve long dreamed of exploring America’s national parks, Scotland’s pristine landscapes, or Thailand’s golden temples, you can do it on our guided tours. Some of our itineraries are designed to offer travelers a deeper dive into a single country. Others take travelers to multiple countries in a single trip (think Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, or Portugal, Spain, and Morocco).
  • When you want to go.  Sure, there’s nothing like Paris in the springtime. But maybe seeing the City of Light against a backdrop of fiery fall foliage is more what you have in mind. We’ll make that happen. We offer dozens of departures per tour, and in the case of some trips, we offer departures all year round. And, we make tours available for booking up to two years in advance. Having more time to pay, and more departure dates to choose from, are among the  eight benefits of booking a trip years in advance .
  • Special or seasonal events.  Have you always wanted to see cherry blossoms blooming in Japan? Or sip hot, mulled wine while wandering around a  European Christmas market ? Perhaps witnessing the Great Migration is at the top of your travel wish list. Events like these, and others, only happen during certain times of year, so be sure to check out tour packages for travel that occur at the same time.
  • Duration.  Our tours range from six days to 22 days. Want to enjoy a quick break? Consider our shorter tours, which we offer in destinations such as Iceland, Spain, and Amsterdam. Have more time to spare? A  10-day trip to Scandinavia , or a  22-day tour of Australia and New Zealand , could be just the ticket.
  • Who you want to travel with.  Many of our group trips are designed for groups of 15 to 38 travelers. (Think: more opportunities to make new friends.) If you prefer a more intimate experience, consider one of our Small Group Tours, which are designed for groups of 10 to 22 travelers. Want to explore solely with your friends or family? We happily craft  Private Tours and Customized Tours for groups of seven travelers or more.

Our trips are bookable directly through our website. (Putting  $99 down with AutoPay , our interest-free payment plan, is all it takes to secure your spot on tour.) If you have questions or can’t decide which tour is right for you, you can call us at  1-800-590-1161 . We’re here to help.

We offer more than 200 tour packages. They include:

  • Guided group tours.  These trips are designed for groups of 15 to 38 travelers and include  Multi-Country Tours , single-country tours, and  City Stay Tours , which give travelers an opportunity to explore a particular city in depth.
  • Small Group Tours.  A more intimate tour experience with a group size of just 10 to 22 travelers.  Small group travel styles  include Food & Wine Tours, Adventure Tours, and Safari & Wildlife Tours.  
  • Special Event Tours.  Typically capped at 35 or 38 travelers, these trips are designed to capture the magic of special and/or seasonal events, such as Oktoberfest, Oberammergau, New Year’s Eve, St. Patrick’s Day, Sakura (cherry blossom) season, fall foliage, Christmas markets of Europe, Halloween, and more. Find the perfect tour for you by browsing our  Special Event tours .
  • Private and Customized Tours.  Have a particular interest you want to explore? We happily plan  Private and for groups of 10 or more travelers. Want to plan a Custom Tour ? Go custom with as few as 14 travelers. Enjoy everything you get on all of our tours (staff-vetted hotels, guided sightseeing, authentic meals), plus some pretty amazing extras.

The price of our trip packages includes:

  • A specially trained [Tour Director](/about/tour-directors], who will accompany your group on tour, from the moment you touch down in your destination to the time you take off again for home
  • Sightseeing tours with expert local guides
  • Skip-the-line admission to all museums, cultural sites, and special events that are included in your itinerary
  • Overnight stays in clean, stylish, well-located hotels that our own staffers have stayed in and vetted
  • Transportation in your destination via private, luxury coach (depending on which tour you book, you may also travel by train, ferry, or airplane on tour )
  • Daily breakfast at your hotel (a relaxed, convenient way to fuel up for a full day of exploring)
  • Some lunches and dinners at local restaurants or hotels
  • Free time to explore local restaurants, historical sites—anything that piques your interest—at your own pace
  • Airport transfers for travelers who  book flights with us

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Home - Blog - How to Make Tour Packages: Your Step-by-Step Guide

How to Make Tour Packages: Your Step-by-Step Guide

David Ciccarelli

David Ciccarelli

January 19, 2024

In this article

Get started.


In today’s digital world, mastering how to make tour packages has become fundamental for tour operators seeking to grow their business. Recognizing the shift towards online bookings, offering an array of compelling tour packages enables potential guests to weigh their options effortlessly, seeking out the best experiences that align with their interests and budget. Tour packages that provide convenience and value not only stand out in the crowded market but also pave the way for stronger revenue streams and memorable experiences for your clientele.

Understanding what to include in tour packages can be daunting, but with a systematic approach, you can assemble offers that guests find irresistible. Whether it’s a tranquil getaway or an adventure-packed excursion, the right combination of elements in your tour package can make the decision-making process a breeze for travelers, resulting in satisfied customers and repeat business for you.

How to Make Tour Packages: Crafting Exceptional Experiences

Wondering how to elevate your travel offerings? Maybe you’ve pondered what makes some tour packages stand out in a crowded market. Good news, your quest ends here!

  • Online Bookings – Hassle-free, secure reservation at your fingertips.
  • Flexible Pricing – Deals that adapt to budgets and seasons .
  • Outstanding Support – We’re here for you, every step of the way.

Remember, the ultimate tour experience is just a click away. Ready to transform your travel game?

Identifying Your Tour Package Audience

how to make tour packages2

When forming tour packages, it’s crucial to consider who your offer will attract. Are you targeting:

  • Adventure enthusiasts who crave excitement?
  • Cultural aficionados in pursuit of enriching experiences?
  • Couples on a romantic getaway?
  • Individuals seeking the luxury of high-end travel?
  • The older demographic preferring relaxed travel?
  • Lone voyagers on a quest for solitude?
  • Families with young children requiring kid-friendly activities?

Essentials of Tour Packages

When planning your getaway , what features do you expect a tour package to include? A powerful tour offering isn’t just about the destinations; it’s about forging a personal connection, ensuring that you feel the value and the excitement long before the journey begins.

Consider these key elements:

  • Age Suitability : Is this adventure tailored for you or your family’s age group?
  • Value : Does the pricing reflect the experiences offered, giving you the best bang for your buck?
  • Accommodations : What type of lodging is included, if any? Comfort? Luxury?
  • Duration : How many days of pure bliss or heart – pounding adventure can you expect?
  • Activities & Partners : Are you looking for a single activity or a melange of experiences? Are respected companies involved?
  • Tour Type : Are there options for the thrill-seeker, history buff, or family-friendly explorer?

The Importance of a Package Tour

Ever felt like you need a vacation from planning a vacation? Package tours swoop in as the hero, offering the sweet relief of convenience. Imagine simply showing up, with transportation, accommodations , and meals all set. Switch to vacation mode quicker, without the nitty-gritty of travel planning.

Why do travelers adore package tours? Here’s the scoop:

  • Time Saver: No more endless searching for hotels or comparing flight prices. More time for you, less for logistics.
  • All-Inclusive Experience: From your comfy hotel bed to that sunset cruise, it’s all wrapped up in one neat bundle.
  • Increased Value: Worry less about costs adding up. The overall value of a package often outweighs individual bookings.
  • Reduced Cancellations: Commit to fun! Secured plans mean you’re less likely to back out last minute.
  • Community Vibes: Booking packages that partner with local businesses can inject a feel-good factor into your trip.

Remember, a calculated package deal can translate to significant savings for you while simultaneously lining the pockets of tourism businesses with healthy profits. It’s a win-win in the world of travel. Ready to pack your bags yet?

Key Elements of a Packaged Tour

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  • Duration & Schedule : Your adventure, lasting from a day trip to extended stays , will have a well-defined timeline.
  • Transportation & Accommodation : From flights to coaches, and hotels to unique lodgings, your journey’s comfort and convenience are considered.
  • Guided or Self-Explored : Choose between having a knowledgeable guide or discovering the sights at your own pace.
  • Included Activities : Adrenaline-pumping sports, tranquil cultural experiences, and exclusive events await.
  • Group Size : Whether it’s cozy small groups or larger gatherings, your travel package adapts.
  • Equipment & Extras : Necessary gear and potential add-ons enhance your experience without the hassle.
  • Insurance Options : Ensure peace of mind with optional travel insurance for those ‘just in case’ moments.

Remember, ongoing offers and discounts can sweeten the deal of your travel package.

Crafting Your Ideal Tour Experience: A Guided Framework

Scouting the tour landscape.

Begin your tour-creating journey by examining the offerings within your industry and locality. To craft a tour that resonates with your target audience, consider:

  • The unique aspects of your specific area and expertise.
  • How your tour can differentiate itself within the marketplace.

Knowing what your competitors are doing is crucial; ensure your offerings incorporate distinctive elements that elevate your tour above others.

Timing is Everything

Designing a tour requires careful planning around duration and scheduling, knowing the ebb and flow of your business operations. Consider:

  • The frequency of departures.
  • The feasible duration of the tour for an enjoyable guest experience.

Every aspect of your tour’s timing should contribute to both your guests’ satisfaction and your business’s viability.

Tailoring the Tour Experience

Give your guests autonomy with a map and let them personalize the trip with optional add-ons. The customizations could include:

  • Exclusive access to particular attractions.
  • Tailored equipment rentals for a seamless adventure.

Empowering guests to tailor their experience can heighten the appeal of your tour package.

Price Point Strategies

Attracting groups through discounted rates could be a wise approach. When setting your prices, consider:

  • Pricing structures that work best for your business model.
  • Offering incentives for larger group bookings to maximize profitability.

Well-thought-out pricing can be the key to a successful tour package that appeals to a wide audience.

Visual Vividness

Use compelling photos and videos to showcase the allure of your tour packages. Keep in mind:

  • Including images that allow potential guests to envision themselves on the tour.
  • Highlighting exhilarating moments and picturesque scenery in your promotional material.

Visuals play a pivotal role in captivating your audience and can significantly boost your marketing efforts.

Collaborative Local Alliances

Partnering with other local operators can broaden your package’s appeal. Integrating complimentary activities offers your guests:

  • Added convenience.
  • A richer, more diverse travel experience.

These alliances not only benefit the guest but can also generate repeat business for your enterprise.

Amplifying Your Tours

Let the unique selling points of your offerings shine in your promotional efforts. Aim to:

  • Emphasize the unique experiences only your tour package can provide.
  • Convey the value and convenience of opting for a pre-arranged package over separate bookings.

Effective promotion involves highlighting the unique benefits that come with your tour package, contributing to an effortless and memorable vacation for your guests.

Remember, as a tour operator, you have the power to shape extraordinary travel memories. Each step you take to refine your tour package bolsters your guests’ experience, ensuring that each adventure is not just a trip but a story worth telling.

Finding Strategic Partners to Expand Your Tour Offerings

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Looking to broaden the scope of your tour packages? Consider joining forces with local accommodations, top-notch restaurants, and other experience providers who align with your business ethos. Let’s say you run a travel agency and want to offer an all-encompassing experience – imagine pairing your thrilling city tours with a cozy bed-and-breakfast and the finest dining in town.

  • Travel Agents : Tap into their network and offer your packages to a wider audience.
  • Online Travel Agents (OTAs) : Increase your digital footprint and customer reach.
  • Local Businesses : Collaborate for cross-promotion; think hotels offering your tour brochures in their lobbies.
  • Wholesalers : They can package your tours with other services for a greater value proposition.

Final Thoughts

Crafting tour packages that resonate with travelers.

If you’re keen on curating tour packages that truly resonate with what travelers desire, consider your approach to content marketing . What makes your offerings gleam against a backdrop of options? It’s about more than presenting tours; it’s about narrating an experience that aligns with your audience’s travel fantasies.

Promotion must-haves :

  • Regular website updates with engaging content
  • Strategic marketing tools & campaigns
  • SEO optimization to appear on Google search results

Sales Boosters :

  • An easy-to-navigate booking system
  • Package variations to encourage repeat bookings

Discover Versatile Reservation Tools

Ever found yourself swamped with managing bookings and wish there was a simpler way? Meet today’s top-tier online booking systems that are winning over businesses with their ease of use and seamless integration capabilities.

  • Instant Efficiency : With a click, manage your reservations.
  • Streamlined Services : Simplifies your booking process, effortlessly.
  • Flexible Features : Adapts to your unique business needs.

Statistics show that businesses utilizing advanced reservation systems see a significant increase in bookings , often by as much as 20%.

Essential Components for a Captivating Tour Itinerary

Key items to include in your tour itinerary.

To capture the interest of travelers, your tour itinerary should be comprehensive and engaging. Essential elements include:

  • Compelling Descriptions : Paint a vivid picture of the destinations to stir excitement.
  • Varied Activities : Cater to different interests with a mix of cultural, recreational, and relaxing options.
  • Clear Timelines : Provide a well-structured timeline that outlines the daily schedule while allowing for some flexibility.
  • Logistical Details : Include information on transportation, meeting points, and accommodation options.

Tactics for Effective Marketing of Travel Packages

Harness various marketing strategies to attract travelers:

  • Leverage Social Proof : Display reviews and testimonials as evidence of satisfied customers.
  • Engage Through Storytelling : Share stories and experiences from past travelers to build a connection.
  • Utilize Visual Content : High-quality images and videos can be powerful in showcasing your packages.

Innovative Promotion Methods for Tour Packages

To reach a broader audience, get creative with your promotions:

  • Collaborations : Team up with influencers or local businesses to tap into new networks.
  • Exclusive Events : Host webinars or live Q&A sessions to engage potential customers.
  • Contests and Giveaways : Encourage sharing and participation for increased visibility.

Constructing a Package Tour That Captivates

When designing your package tour, consider the following steps:

  • Define Your Audience : Know who you are designing the tour for.
  • Curate Unique Experiences : Differentiate your offering with unique experiences.
  • Price Competitively : Position your pricing based on the value offered.
  • Pay Attention to Detail : Every component, from meals to activity duration, adds value.

Building Stand-Out Packages in the Travel Market

Travel agents aiming to excel in the market should focus on:

  • Personalization : Offer customizable options so clients can tailor their experience.
  • Diverse Offerings : Appeal to various niches like adventure travel or eco-tourism.
  • Professional Touch : Present the packages in a high-quality, informative brochure.

Calculating Tour Package Costs Effectively

When pricing your tour packages, be mindful of:

  • All-Inclusive Costs : Consider all expenses from transportation to entry fees.
  • Profit Margin : Set a margin that reflects the quality of the experience while remaining competitive.

David Ciccarelli


David Ciccarelli, is the Founder and CEO of Lake. He is based in Toronto, Canada, and is an expert in management, business administration, strategy, product development, and customer experience. His educational achievements include the Owner President Management Program at Harvard Business School (2019-2022) and the QuantumShift Program at Ivey Business School in 2017, aimed at CEOs of growing businesses.

  • Tour Packages

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tour packages and its types

Package Tours: Pros & Cons

Most fresh-faced travellers find themselves with a very difficult question: should I book a package tour or not? Even seasoned travellers have to ask themselves this from time to time. Is it better if someone else is responsible for your trip? It really comes down to personal taste and your preferred style of travel. Package tours definitely come with plenty of benefits, however, there are just as many negatives. So let’s analyze some of them, shall we?

Table of Contents

What is a Package Tour?

Many tour agencies across the world offer all-inclusive tours through various destinations across a country for a set number of days. Every step of your adventure is arranged beforehand, including every form of transport, every hotel/hostel and even a few of the best activities and outings.

These packages can range anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of months and can cover the entire spectrum of travel! From leisurely trips in luxury hotels to camping in the wilderness with nomadic tribes, there’s so much to choose from!

Packages tours can be incredibly advantageous, particularly if you’re new to travelling. They’re also perfect for those who want little to worry about or just aren’t comfortable with arranging everything for themselves. Even for seasoned travellers, this can be a relief from time to time.

Don’t Have to Plan Anything

Without a doubt, the most stressful aspect of travelling is arranging everything. Booking tickets, finding hostels, picking out the right tours, it can be quite a daunting task. With package tours, every single step of your trip is arranged for you before you’ve even arrived. You don’t have to figure out how to buy tickets or stress out trying to pick the right accommodation. You don’t have to do anything!

package tours

Tour companies have a wide selection of packages which vary in the destinations they pass through and the length of time. You just need to find the right package for you, and they do the rest. Many companies might even alter their packages slightly to suit your needs.

Find out whether you should plan or not by reading Which is the Best Way To Travel: Plan or No Plan .

They’re Practical

Going on from the last point, the beauty of package tours is the ease of it. You’re simply given an itinerary detailing everywhere you’re going and everything you’ll do. All you have to do is turn up where they tell you to! For new or less-confident travellers, this is such a relief and makes travelling accessible to anyone! There’s a reason they’re also popular with the older generation.

tour packages and its types

While some want to organise every step, others go with the flow, but which is best.

Let’s find out whether you should plan when you travel.

Click here!

There to Support You

As everything is arranged by a tour agency, you have someone to fall back on if a problem occurs. It could be an issue with the hostel or a cancelled bus, you’ll have someone to help find a solution. If you were travelling independently, you could be left stranded. As part of a package tour, it’s the agency’s obligation to sort things out. After all, the lifeblood of tour agencies is their reviews, and they can’t afford a bad one.

tour packages and its types

Meeting Fellow Travellers

Package tours are also the perfect choice for the social bugs amongst you! The same group of people might travel together for the whole trip or you could just end up running into the same people that travel along the same routes. along the way. Either way, it’s a great way of meeting new people along the road, and an opportunity to share your experience with like-minded people! Unless you’re unlucky enough to be stuck with a group of assholes…which is a possibility.

package tours Whitsunday

Hitting all the Highlights

Some people don’t want to explore the obscure corners of a country, some people just want to see all the highlights. Obviously, tour agencies base their tours on what most people want to see and experience. Most are focused on hitting the iconic sites, particularly if time is short. For longer tours, there are plenty of extra treats thrown in along the way. If you have a bucket list of thing’s you want to see when in the country, this kind of tour is the most efficient way of doing it.

Package tours whitsunday

Good for a Tight Schedule

We can’t all live our life on the road, most people have too many responsibilities. Thus, most people have very strict time-limits. Luckily, package tours operate on a tightly followed schedule. You just need to find tours that fit your timeframe. There are plenty to choose from as tours can range from a day or two up to a few months! Not only that but you know exactly where you’ll be and when.

tour packages and its types

An extensive guide on how to travel the best you can by being a volunteer.

save money, extend your trip and enrich your experience.

Exploring the Unknown

If you wanted to travel through Australia, Japan or Western Europe, it would pretty easy to arrange everything for yourself. However, if you wanted to explore Central Mongolia or the Amazon rainforest, not so much. For some places, package tours are almost a necessity. Even seasoned travellers would struggle with trying to arrange these things for themselves, and often times you’d need the help of a local to achieve it. With these types of tours not only do you have someone that can help you arrange it but also there every step of the way to be your guide as you explore.

package tour mongolia


Most seasoned travellers find plenty of disadvantages to this sort of travelling. Backpackers will especially stay away from these tours as they tend to be incredibly limiting, constraining and not worth blowing an entire years travel budget on.

Package tours are ridiculously overpriced! They cost so much more than arranging the trip yourself. Even if you booked the exact same things, the tour agencies need to make money somehow, so they add a little extra on top. You’re only paying for some practicality.

The differences in price can be extraordinary. Where you could be sending a couple of hundreds you end up spending a couple of thousand! Some of the hostels or activities the agencies pick probably won’t be the cheapest option out there, so you’ll spend more than you actually need to. 

Take this example. A month-long package tour across Japan can cost almost £6,000, where I spent around £1,200 over 3 months. This is one of the biggest reasons long-term backpackers avoid these tours.

Find out how I travelled through Japan for 3 months for £1200 by reading in The Ultimate Travel Plan: Japan on £15 a Day .

You Don’t Get to Choose

As an independent traveller, you can choose exactly where you want to go, how to get there and how long for. You lose this luxury with package tours. You might be able to edit some of the details of your trip, but overall it’s the tour agency that chooses the venues. There are just some things on the itinerary you won’t be able to change, or if you can, you might have to pay for it. This is one way the cost is affected, as they might pick a more expensive option.

tour packages and its types

Many travellers face a tough decision; should you travel as a group or travel solo?

It’s a big decision, so here are the pros and cons!

This is an enormous problem for many travellers. Once you’ve made your choice, you’re stuck with it. You may be able to adjust a few minor details of your trip while you’re on it, but generally, Your plans and schedule are already set, and they can’t be changed. You can’t suddenly go somewhere you hadn’t planned for! What happens if you meet a group of awesome people that are heading somewhere you’re not, tough, you can’t join them. 

package tours transport

Not to mention you’d have to go through with the tour until the end, or you would have wasted all your money. You might find a couple of days into your journey that you made a big mistake, but tough titties, you’ve got no choice now.

Doing Everything as a Group

If you’re hoping for a unique independent adventure, this isn’t the option for you. Unless you’re willing to pay many thousands, every step of your journey is going to be shared with a group of people that you don’t know. Every transport, every tour and even every room if you’re staying in hostels, you’ll be sharing the experience with someone. Maybe that’s what you prefer, but sometimes you wish you could have a bit of alone time.

If you don’t want to be stuck with a group, then check out A Guide to Solo Travel: Pros and Cons .

package tour whitsunday

No Stepping Outside the Box

This isn’t true for every package, as there are plenty of adventure tours out there, though they are seriously outnumbered! Generally speaking, package tours are more focused on the basic and comfortable aspects of travel. Tours typically cater to all age groups and offer the safer vanilla option that everyone would be happy with. Grandad rather stay in a cosy hotel than having to spend the night in a tent on the edge of a mountain.

package tours yunmeng

It really is a hard choice that all travellers have to make, and there’s no right or wrong answer. It generally boils down to the type of traveller that you are. Backpackers prefer independence, lack of restrictions and the cheaper option. Thus, package tours just aren’t for them. For less-confident or newer travellers, families, or those that want nothing to worry about their journey, package tours are worth considering!

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How to Create and Promote Amazing Tour Packages


Table of Contents

As a tour operator, finding new ways to improve your customers’ experience while also increasing profitability for your business should always be top of mind. A great way to attract more customers and increase your tour bookings is to offer tour packages. By creating and selling travel packages, you’re addressing the needs of a specific type of traveler, one who is looking for a fuller travel experience with the added benefits of convenience and savings.

Today we’ll be discussing the benefits of tour packages, how to effectively create and sell your own travel package, and how Rezgo’s tour packaging system can help.

What Are Tour Packages?

Tour packages are a combination of separate (but typically related) tourism products and services that are presented and sold as one. Customers pay for all the components of a tour package and receive details of their itinerary prior to travel. A typical tour package example is one that includes travel to and from the destination, accommodation, meal arrangements, and activities or excursions. 

Tour Package Example

As with this example, when people think of tour packages, they often think of packages that include services from multiple vendors. Tour packages can, however, consist of offerings from a single tour provider. Rezgo’s tour packaging system is designed to help you create and promote travel packages of your own tour products, but also offer resellers the option to package services from multiple tour businesses as well.

What Are The Benefits Of Tour Packages?

creating a tour package on laptop

Opinions regarding the benefits of tour packages versus purchasing various travel components on your own vary with each traveller. To create and market the best tour package possible, it’s important to understand what customers are looking for in a travel package.

Benefits of Tour Packages

  • Convenience – Purchasing a tour package that includes multiple services or experiences in one saves customers the time and energy needed to locate and research them individually. Travelers who prefer tour packages tend to like to avoid the work involved with booking each travel component separately.
  • Cost Savings – It’s expected that customers enjoy cost savings when booking a tour package. Tour operators will often provide discounts or special rates for purchasing multiple tour products or services. 
  • Security / Reassurance – Booking a tour package put together by a tour operator and that has been vetted by other travelers provides customers with a sense of security and reassurance.

Equally important is to be aware of why some customers would prefer to plan their vacation on their own. Understanding the concerns and wants of these travelers can potentially help create a tour package that addresses their concerns and converts them into bookings.

Benefits of Planning Your Own Trip


  • Flexibility – Planning a tour experience on your own provides some additional flexibility. Customers are not bound to any constraints that may be present when booking a tour package. 
  • Options – Sometimes not all travel or tour options are presented when browsing tour packages. Customers may feel like their options are being artificially limited by the tour operator’s preferences or reach.
  • Individualized Experience – Customers who want to customize their trip and have an authentic experience tend to avoid booking tour packages over concerns of receiving a limited, tourist-centric experience.

What Kind Of Customers Enjoy Tour Packages?

Now that we’ve gone through the benefits of tour packages versus the benefits of planning a trip on your own, we can begin to understand the kinds of customers who enjoy tour packages. Above all, travellers drawn to trip packages are looking for the convenience and cost savings associated with them. They aren’t concerned about customizing every detail of their trip and are happy to entrust their experience to the tour operator or company. Tour package customers are attracted to the ease and hassle-free booking process and want the best deal possible.

Creating A Great Tour Package

Creating A Great Tour Package

Taking what we know about our audience and what they look for when purchasing a tour package, we can implement strategies that will help us create fantastic trip packages of our own. With Rezgo’s tour packaging system, you’re able to group or combine various tour products together and offer them at a discount that is both attractive to the customer and profitable for your business. What you choose to group and how you decide to package them is up to you. You have the freedom to package travel arrangements to and from your destination, pair up your activities with equipment rentals, or even group multiple experiences together for a multi-day excursion. Need some inspiration for your tour packages? Check out these innovative tourism business ideas !

Remember, customers browsing travel packages for their trip are looking for convenience and freedom from having to handle all the little details. Whatever you choose to include in your tour package, make sure that you’re making it as streamlined and stress-free an experience as possible. Include as many relevant details in your tour package descriptions and preemptively answer questions that your customers might have regarding what is or isn’t included. Highlight the benefits of your tour package when compared to an individual tour and include details about discounts or deals. Customers should feel like once they book your trip package, all that’s left for them to do is enjoy their amazing vacation.

How to Market and Promote Your Tour Package

How to Market and Promote Your Tour Package

While there are definitely a few different factors to consider when marketing and promoting tour packages versus an individual tour, the fundamentals remain the same. To successfully market your tour package you need to first understand your target market or audience. That is, who are you selling your tour package to? You can then begin to build a marketing strategy aligned with the needs and wants of your target audience. As mentioned earlier, travellers expect discounts when booking travel packages so be sure to carefully consider your tour package costing so as to provide a great deal for your customer while keeping your business profitable and sustainable.

For an in-depth look at effectively selling your tour package, we suggest checking out our post on how to promote tour packages online and familiarising yourself with the 7 Ps of travel and tourism marketing .

Closing Thoughts

Tour packages are a great way to combine and sell your tour products and services in a way that is attractive to your customers and profitable to your business. By understanding the benefits of a tour package over individually booking tours and addressing the needs of your target audience, you’re able to effectively create, market, and promote your own travel packages. 

We’re excited for you to try out our new tour packaging system and look forward to seeing all the amazing tour packages you build for your business!

What should be included in tour packages?

Include transportation , accommodations, meals, guided tours, and activities. Detail what’s covered and any extra costs.

What is the difference between a tour package and an itinerary?

A tour package bundles services for one price. An itinerary outlines trip details but doesn’t include bookings.

Should my tour package have add-ons?

Yes, offer add-ons for customization. It enhances the experience and meets diverse traveller preferences.

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Written By | Edward Nieh

Edward Nieh is a freelance writer and copy editor working across multiple mediums for clients from various industries. He has a degree in creative writing with a focus on screenwriting for feature films.

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What Are the Different Types of Travel Packages?

The main types of travel packages can be categorized into adventure, romance, spa, business and attraction-based. All travel packages include some kind of transportation and accommodation, but some of these deals have other amenities included such as meals and activities. Cruise packages have everything included in one place as well as the opportunity to visit different ports of call. Business packages for travel, on the other hand, may include only breakfast and use of a conference room at a hotel. Each type of travel package is designed to save the traveler money as well as meet his or her specific needs.

For instance, adventure travel packages have to include all meals, as there are usually no options for participants to eat elsewhere since these are typically wilderness trips. Remote lodge accommodation as well as sleeping in tents for part of the trip may be components of an adventure travel package. Unlike other types of packaged travel, the transportation is often combined with the activities, such as whitewater rafting or elephant riding, depending on the particular part of the world.

tour packages and its types

Romance-based travel includes couple's packages for honeymoons and anniversaries. These types of packages usually have many extras, such as roses and chocolates plus a romantic dinner or a couple's massage, included in the price. Some hotels have bridal suites which are included as accommodation in the package price.

Spa travel is focused on health. The spa itself includes most of the amenities and activities guests are looking for, so the price on these types of travel packages is typically all inclusive. Meals, massages, skin treatments and activities are usually all included in spa travel package deals.

tour packages and its types

Business travelers are usually looking for value combined with efficiency. Packages for people on business trips usually offer accommodation near city centers and may include a rental car as well as a complimentary breakfast. Many business travel packages have hotel accommodation that includes access to a conference room. Extras may include daily newspaper delivery to the business traveler's room.

tour packages and its types

Attraction-based packages may be family-oriented, such as with a theme park vacation. The airfare, accommodation, airport shuttle, a rental car and theme park admission are usually all included in this type of family travel package. To best meet the needs of those traveling with children or in larger family groups, extra cots or specials such as "kids eat free" may be included in the price as well. Some family extras in these types of packages are complimentary breakfasts or activity packs for the children that may include coloring books, crayons and a few small toys.

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United States Tours & Travel Packages 2024/2025

Our 1,913 most popular united states trips. compare tour itineraries from 275 tour companies. 3,002 reviews. 4.6/5 avg rating., popular united states tours.

Bahamas Cruise 3D/2N (from Miami)

Bahamas Cruise 3D/2N (from Miami)

  • Have free time to relax on pristine beaches Discover vibrant & friendly Caribbean culture Enjoy tons of included activities aboard the ship

Arizona: Saguaro National Park & the Sonoran Desert

Arizona: Saguaro National Park & the Sonoran Desert

  • Explore the walking trails and fascinating exhibits of the highly regarded Arizona Sonora Desert Museum.
  • Bike and picnic among the beautiful saguaro cacti of Saguaro National Park.
  • Visit the Tumacácori National Historical Park for a self-guided tour, home to three Spanish mission communities and beautiful orchards and gardens.
  • Cycle on The Loop, named the number one bike path in America by USA Today, through vibrant Tucson, along the Santa Cruz and the Rillito Rivers.
  • Savor local cuisine infused with Native American, Spanish, Mexican, and Anglo-American influences.

Honolulu Hawaii Experience 7D/6N

Honolulu Hawaii Experience 7D/6N

  • Marvel at incredible marine life in crystalline Hanauma Bay Hike to a spectacular hidden waterfall on private land Learn about Hawaiian history

Western USA National Parks Loop

Western USA National Parks Loop

  • Hike through the varied landscapes of Zion National Park, taking in views of massive canyon walls and red sandstone cliffs as you go.
  • Learn about the culture and history of Monument Valley during a Navajo guided tour, followed by a traditional homecooked, family-style Navajo lunch.
  • Stroll along the canyon rim in Bryce Canyon National Park to admire the out-of-this-world sandstone spires known as hoodoos.
  • Kayak across the waters of Lake Powell, weaving your way past fascinating rock formations as your leader shares stories of the lake’s history.
  • Marvel at one of the nation’s greatest national parks, The Grand Canyon, and walk along the rim, hike into the canyon or take in an epic sunset or sunrise (depending on season)

LA to Vegas: Grand National Parks

LA to Vegas: Grand National Parks

  • From flashy Los Angeles to the arid desert of Zion National Park and the hoodoos of Bryce Canyon, discover a range of incredible American landscapes.
  • Take in desert views from the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway before exploring Joshua Tree National Park's rock formations and cactus gardens at golden hour.
  • Witness the Grand Canyon’s steep red-rock escarpments and gorges. Learn about Indigenous history and geology with a naturalist guide from the Grand Canyon Conservancy.
  • Ride a jeep through Utah's iconic Monument Valley, and then share stories and a meal by the campfire with members of the Navajo Nation.
  • At Lower Antelope Canyon, descend into the mystical interior with a Navajo guide. Learn the local history and discover the iconic sandstone walls shaped by years and years of water and wind.

Western Trails

Western Trails

Hawaii Four Island Adventure (Premium)

Hawaii Four Island Adventure (Premium)

Maryland: Eastern Shore & Chesapeake Bay

Maryland: Eastern Shore & Chesapeake Bay

  • Sail the eastern shores with Captain Ed aboard the skipjack HM Krentz
  • Feast on the region’s famous seafood
  • Ride through the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, a haven for more than 250 bird species, and learn about Harriet Tubman at the newly opened Underground Railroad State Park and Visitor Center
  • Travel on the country’s oldest privately owned ferry (since 1760), across the Tred-Avon River between Oxford and Bellevue
  • Cycle the quiet country roads leading to the charming small towns of Oxford, St. Michaels, Rock Hall, and Easton

All United States , expedition cruises, self guided adventures and vacation packages. Find the best guided and expert planned vacation and holiday packages. Read more about United States

tour packages and its types

Small Group United States Tours

Small Group United States Tours

Outdoor Alaska

  • Exploration of Alaska's dramatic wilderness
  • Sea kayak to giant glaciers and explore alpine tundra
  • Wildlife spotting; from grizzly bears to whales

Walk Spain's Sierra Nevada & Granada

Walk Spain's Sierra Nevada & Granada

  • Embark on beautiful walks through the highest mountain range in Spain
  • Discover whitewashed Moorish settlements
  • Visit Trevelez, the highest village in the country
  • Stay at a family-run hotel with stunning views and warm hospitality
  • Enjoy a night in Granada with a free day to explore this beautiful city

Best of Alaska

Best of Alaska

  • Head out on an Alaskan safari for a unique chance to see moose, caribou, grizzly bears, Dall sheep and wolves in their natural habitat in Denali National Park.
  • Take a boat cruise on Resurrection Bay to Kenai Fjords and look out for orca whales, porpoises and puffins before enjoying some free time to hike or relax.
  • Discover Seward, one of Alaska's oldest and most scenic communities, then take a short hike to the tongue of Exit Glacier in Kenai Fjords National Park.
  • Sit back and take in stunning views along the dramatic coastlines of the Turnagain Arm from Anchorage to Homer, then from Seward to Denali National Park, while someone else does the driving.
  • On the way to charming Talkeetna, take a breath in Girdwood, where you’ll hop on the Alyeska Aerial Tram to the top of Mt Alyeska and see some incredible views of seven glaciers and the valley below.

Western USA National Parks Explorer

Western USA National Parks Explorer

  • Journey through some of the most dramatic scenery on the planet
  • Discover vibrant San Francisco and the desert city of Las Vegas
  • Enjoy walking in Yosemite, Zion, Bryce and Grand Canyon national parks

Trek America: Canyons & National Parks

Trek America: Canyons & National Parks

  • Discover five breath-taking national parks
  • Enjoy a Navajo tour in Monument Valley
  • Marvel at the Grand Canyon
  • Take the Narrows slot canyon walk

Nicaragua - Land of Lakes and Volcanoes

Nicaragua - Land of Lakes and Volcanoes

  • Get a taste of Nicaragua's volcanoes, lakes, wildlife and cobbled colonial cities
  • Search for wildlife in the Selva Negra cloud forest
  • Relax lakeside on Laguna De Apoyo and Explore the colonial streets of Leon

Best United States Tours by Duration

Tours, Cruises & Private Trips

Best United States Tours by Price

Top United States Attractions

  • Taking a history tour in Boston , along the Freedom Trail and visiting pre-revolutionary sights.
  • Exploring the busy, vibrant streets of New York City
  • Taking a small ship cruise in Alaska  and admiring the beauty and abundant wildlife of America's "Last Frontier"
  • Seeing the lush greenery of the Hawaiian Islands  
  • Walking the boardwalks in Yellowstone National Park to view the geysers and boiling, hissing mudpots.
  • Wine tasting in California and learning about how the wine industry began here
  • Driving the Avenue of the Giants in northern California , in awe of the ancient redwoods, the tallest trees on earth.
  • Attending a jazz or blues club in New Orleans or Memphis and discovering the roots of authentic American music.
  • Standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon and peering into the depths of one of nature’s great wonders.
  • Hiking to a waterfall in California’s Yosemite National Park , where it's easy to find stunning hikes no matter your physical level.
  • Rafting the Salmon River in Idaho for whitewater thrills.
  • Cruising down the Mississippi in an old-fashioned paddle wheeler
  • Sailing through the Columbia River Gorge

United States Tours & Travel

United States Attractions & Landmarks Guide

The United States isn’t the largest country in the world -- it’s dwarfed by Russia -- but it packs in a lot of attractions per square mile. At the same time, especially in the western U.S. and Great Plains states, there are plenty of wide open spaces where the roads ahead seem almost endless, often framed by mountain ranges, deserts, fields of wheat and corn and, in the northern winter, fields of snow.

Visitors from abroad (and many Americans, too) seek out the glitz of Las Vegas or the ever-popular family theme parks like Disney World in and around Orlando, Florida. Many want to see Los Angeles, California, with its Hollywood glamor and laid-back Southern California style. And they also head for the big city of New York, a world capital of finance, fashion, cuisine, and much more.

United States’ Regions

The United States is an enormous country with such astounding diversity, both natural and human, that widespread agreement on what states fall in what regions is hard to come by. Ask any American and they would be hard pressed to tell you not only because of the difficulty in remembering the geography of so many states but also, because the government prints different maps depending on the agency.

The South is particularly controversial with its political history tied to the Civil War. If you’re planning a trip to West Virginia, a state in the Southern region according to the US Census Bureau, others might consider it to be a northern state since West Virginia joined the northern forces during the Civil War (1861-1865). Regardless, a general knowledge of regions in the US will be helpful as you decide what part of the US you should visit.  

Northeast/New England

  • Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont

Beginning in the early 1600s, Europeans began settling in New England, a name still used today that encompasses the present day states of Connecticut , Maine , Massachusetts , New Hampshire , Rhode Island , and Vermont . Importantly, the first engagements of the American Revolutionary war were fought in Massachusetts with the arrival of British regiments sent to disarm American Revolutionaries. 

Other states in the Northeast include Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Washington, District of Columbia (D.C.) which is actually a territory, not a state. The Northeast is a megalopolis of interconnected metropolitan areas that include Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, D.C..

It is also the wealthiest region in the country with major educational institutions, financial and business centers. You’ll find three of the most visited cities in the US, Boston, New York and Washington, D.C. It is on Ellis Island, a nub of land on the Hudson River practically a stone’s throw from the city of New York, that millions of immigrants arrived seeking a better life in America. It’s said that 40% of Americans can trace their heritage to an ancestor that arrived via Ellis Island. 

East Coast United States

  • Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida

Also called the Atlantic Coast/Seaboard or Eastern Seaboard, the states on the East Coast front the Atlantic Ocean and make up both the Northeastern and Southern regions of the US. From north to south: Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. While not adjacent to the Atlantic, Vermont and West Virginia are sometimes lumped into this region because of their location. 

The American South

  • Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia

Also called Dixieland for the style of jazz developed in New Orleans, Louisiana, this large region is located in the south and south-central part of the United States. States in the South include: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vi rginia, and West Virginia . The “Bible Belt,” as it's often called includes most of these states with the exception of Delaware, Florida and Maryland.

There are higher percentages of people who have a religious affiliation as well as more churches, religious schools and universities in the Bible Belt compared to other parts of the US. The largest cities in the South include: Jacksonville, Florida; Charlotte, North Carolina; Washington, District of Columbia and in Tennessee, Nashville and Memphis. 

The South’s unique historical and cultural heritage comes from European colonial settlers as well as the institution of slavery and its African American legacy. Country music was born in the South, Americans speak of southern hospitality, and it’s here you’ll find Mickey Mouse. The most visited theme parks in the world, Disney World’s Epcot, Animal Kingdom and Magic Kingdom are located in Orlando, Florida. Other popular destinations include Miami, also in Florida and Washington, D.C. 

The Great Lakes Region

  • New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota

The Great Lakes are a series of interconnected freshwater lakes (Superior, Michigan, Huron, Ontario and Erie) located in the northern, mid-eastern US on the US-Canada border. Eight states border the Great Lakes: New York , Pennsylvania , Ohio , Indiana , Michigan , Illinois , Wisconsin , and Minnesota . 

When European settlers began arriving in the early 17th century, they encountered many indigenous groups like the Shawnee, Algonquin and Iriquois. It was the promise of a viable northwest passage to Asia and the fur trade that kept France, Britain and The Netherlands fighting for control of the region for a century and a half.

Today, while its economy is diverse, the Great Lakes is aptly called the industrial heartland of America. Only the GDPs of China and the US exceeds that of the Great Lakes’ region. The largest cities in the region are Buffalo, NY; Chicago , IL; Cleveland, OH; Detroit , MI and Milwaukee, WI. 

The Midwest

  • Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin

The north-central Midwestern states include: Illinois , Indiana , Iowa , Kansas , Michigan , Minnesota , Missouri , Ohio , Nebraska , North Dakota , South Dakota , and Wisconsin . The Midwest, like the Great Lakes, share a similar history with European settlement and French control which was overtaken by the British in the French and Indian War (1763). 

Two decades later, the Northwest Territory as it was called, was created out of ceded English frontier lands under the Northwest Ordinance. The Ordinance specified, among other things, that slavery was prohibited. And so, it was at the southern boundary of the territory that marked the border between slavery to the south and freedom to the north.

Through the Midwest and particularly through Ohio, slaves traveled the “Underground Railroad,” a series of freedom routes that would take them north into Canada.

By the time of the Civil War, Swedes, Norwegians, Jews, Hungarians, Poles and other European immigrants were bypassing the East Coast and settling in the interior Midwest. Today, along with African Americans who are a significant ethnic group in the region, these immigrant descendants live in Chicago, IL; Detroit, MI; Indianapolis, IN, some of the largest Midwestern cities. Other important cities include Cincinannti, Cleveland and Columbus, OH; Minneapolis, MN and St. Louis, MO. 

Rockies/Mountain States

  • Montana and northeastern Idaho (northern Rockies), Wyoming, Utah and southeastern Idaho (middle Rockies); Colorado and New Mexico (Southern rockies) and finally into the four corners region of Utah, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico (Colorado Plateau)

The Rocky Mountains, located in the western Northern American continent, stretch across the land for some 3,000 miles between the northern Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia ( Canadian Rockies ) south into the mountain states of the US.

The mountain states include: Montana and northeastern Idaho (northern Rockies), Wyoming, Utah and southeastern Idaho (middle Rockies); Colorado and New Mexico (Southern rockies) and finally into the four corners region of Utah, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico (Colorado Plateau). While geology, landforms, drainage and soils may differ, all have high elevations, stunning scenery that comes from their glacial and volcanic origin, similar economies, culture (cowboys!) and exploration. 

The Pacific Northwest

  • Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Northern California, Southeastern Alaska

Bounded by the Pacific Ocean to its west, the Rocky Mountains to its east, Canada to its north and western US states to its south, the Pacific Northwest includes the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and in some designations, northern California and southeastern Alaska because of similar history, culture and geography among other commonalities.

The Pacific Northwest is a mostly rural and forested land but there are large population centers including Seattle, Tacoma and Vancouver, Washington as well as Portland, Oregon. In the Cascade Mountain range, one of four ranges in the region, the geology is impressive with several large, active volcanoes. The history of the Pacific Northwest is strongly tied to its indigenous inhabitants who left behind art, architecture and other artifacts that can still be seen today. Thousands of descendants still practice traditional ways.

The West Coast

  • Alaska, Washington, Oregon

States on the West Coast are bounded by the Pacific and include states in the Pacific Northwest: Alaska, Washington and Oregon as well as the western states of California and Hawaii . See more on Alaska and Hawaii below. The largest city on the West Coast and one of the most visited in the US is Los Angeles, located in Southern California. San Francisco, located on California’s central coast, is also one of the most visited in the US. 

West and Southwest

  • The Dakotas (North and South); Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas (also considered South or Southwest); into the states of the Rocky Mountains, West Coast and Pacific Northwest; Nevada; Arizona and New Mexico (Southwest)

“Go West, Young Man.” The origin of this mid-1800s saying is disputed but it drew hardy pioneers by the thousands to the American west. Seeking homesteads and fortunes they traveled on horseback, by foot and covered wagon.

Into the vast unknown, an expanse of plains, mountains and deserts west of the Mississippi River they went: the Dakotas (North and South); Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas (also considered South or Southwest); into the states of the Rocky Mountains, West Coast and Pacific Northwest; Nevada; Arizona and New Mexico (Southwest).

Another American frontier, Alaska is called the “Last Frontier” because of its rugged climate, immense size and sparse population. The sun shines nearly 24/7 in the summer because of its northern latitude, which also gives it the name “Land of the Midnight Sun.” In the language of the indigenous Aleuts, Alaska translates to “The Great Land” which indeed it is with 20 national parks and 14 distinct mountain ranges. 

Denali soars from one of these ranges, the highest peak in North America and third most prominent and isolated in the world. A third of the state lies in the Arctic Circle, it has no less than 130 active volcanoes and over 130 million acres of forest.

Lakes abound, some 2 million of them. It is this largely untamed and unexplored land that makes Alaska a haven for wildlife, most notably bear. An estimated 130,000 inhabit the state, some of which can grow to over 1,500 pounds. Alaska is also known for the Iditarod, a grueling 1,000 mile dog sled race that pits man and animal against nature. 

West Coasters especially flock to the Hawaiian Islands located nearly 2,400 miles off the western coast of the US and over 5,000 miles from the Philippines to the west of Hawaii. It is a chain of over a hundred atolls, seamounts and islets. There are 8 major volcanic islands - volcanic tops that have surfaced above the ocean.

From east to west: Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe, Maui, and Hawaii (the Big Island). The original settlement of the islands is believed to have been by Polynesians who migrated northwest from the Marquesas Islands between the 4th and 7th centuries, CE. While the Polynesian influences can be seen in Hawaiian language and culture today, there are distinct characteristics because of the islands’ isolation.

In spite of its isolation and just like the mainland US, Hawaii today is a rich cultural center having become a multi ethnic society. This, along with its incredible natural beauty, have made it a tourist mecca. Honolulu, on the island of Oahu, is the capital of Hawaii and gateway to the islands.

It is known for the beaches of Waikiki and Pearl Harbor naval base, site of the 1941 preemptive Japanese military attack that marked the United States’ formal entry into World War II. The Big Island is known for Mauna Kea Observatories, the world’s premier location for astronomical research. And no matter what island you’re visiting, you’re sure to see and feel the Aloha spirit, said to be the harmonization of mind and spirit in each person.

Top National Parks in the United States

In 1872, the United States Congress passed a bill for the first National park, Yellowstone, located in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. Today, there are 61 National Parks across the United States. They are some of America’s greatest natural treasures that, thanks to the vision of a few individuals, now belong to everyone.

Stride has hundreds of national park trips to choose from. Here are the top five most visited parks in the US:

Great Smoky Mountain National Park, Tennessee and North Carolina - Hiking is the main attraction here, particularly on the Appalachian Trail, the longest hiking only footpath in the world. It spans for more than 2,000 miles from Maine, at the northeastern tip of the United States, to Georgia in the South. 

Grand Canyon National Park , Arizona - One of the largest canyons on Earth, the Grand Canyon is a mile deep and up to 18 miles wide in some spots. From any vantage point, it’s difficult to fathom and impossible to see all but a small portion of its 277 mile expanse. 

Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado - With its wetlands, pine forests, tundra and mountains, Rocky Mountain National Park has over 400 miles of streams and 150 lakes. It spans the continential divide of the United States, separating the Pacific and Atlantic watersheds. 

Zion National Park , Utah - The Virgin River continues to cut and carve through the sandstone of Zion. Go to see its vermillion and sandstone colored rock cliffs contrasted against the deep blue sky and verdant valleys. 

Yellowstone National Park , Wyoming, Montana, Idaho - Known for its wolves and their reintroduction, bison, bears, and the “Old Faithful” geyser among other natural splendors, Yellowstone remains the crown jewel of the National Park system. 

Other popular US National Parks: Yosemite National Park in California, Acadia National Park in Maine, Grand Teton National Park , Olympic National Park (Washington) and Glacier National Park (Montana).

Fall Foliage in the United States

When’s the best time to see fall foliage? That’s a good question. Predicting the best time to see nature’s stunning palette of colors is a science with several factors coming into play including historical data, precipitation, soil conditions, average daylight hours and long range forecasting.

Leaf peepers turn to local and national media outlets, hotlines and even interactive fall foliage maps  to help them plan their get away. Depending on what region of the country you plan to visit, leaves can start changing as early as mid August while in other areas, they may not start changing until mid-November. Tours during prime Fall foliage times are likely to book more quickly. 

Where to go to see the best fall colors?

New England has traditionally been a top spot for Fall foliage tours . Acadia National Park in Maine, the Catskill Mountains in New York, Green Mountain Byway in Vermont and the Berkshires in Massachusetts are just a few but there are so many places to see the splendor throughout New England and the US, including the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and the Ozark Mountains of Missouri. Out West in Colorado, visit Ouray and Telluride in the southwestern part of the state and Aspen in central Colorado for prime color.

Even in Rocky Mountain National Park not far from Denver you’re in for a treat. You might even hear the echo of a bugling elk. In Montana, head to Glacier National Park and in New Mexico, the Enchanted Circle Scenic Byway. Back east the colors will be dominated by red and orange while in the western mountain states above 5,000 feet you’ll see a different palette of gold, yellow and sometimes orange from quaking aspen. 

Active Travel in the United States

There is no shortage of active travel in the U.S . and active isn’t necessarily adventure travel; active means moving. It’s a booming sector of the travel industry particularly as people seek more health and wellness.

Experiencing local cuisine is surely high on the traveler’s priority list so why not burn some calories if you’re going to indulge in all the gastronomical delights that a place has to offer? You’ll be traveling to gorgeous destinations on active tours, ones you might not otherwise get to see if it weren’t for the opportunities to hike, bike, walk, raft, and more.

Many of the companies who specialize in active travel have repeat clientele. It’s not uncommon to meet fellow travelers who have taken multiple trips with the same company and have, in fact, already planned for the next one.

Use the “Physical Level” filter to help you find tours rated from very easy to easy, moderate, strenuous or extreme. Active tours are generally shorter in length - 7 days or less - so consider one of them as part of your trip to the U.S. Here are a few to consider. 

Cycling is a classic active travel tour. Pedal across the heart of Texas in the Hill Country; see the Fall Foliage in Stowe, Vermont; the vineyards and rolling farmlands of Upstate New York’s 11 Finger Lakes; the wine country of Sonoma, California and the California coast; or head out on a singletrack in the Colorado mountain town of Crested Butte. 

Hiking/backpacking the high country outside of Jackson Hole, Wyoming, can be a more strenuous trip as you travel deep into the wilderness on the spine of the Rocky Mountains and gaze at the towering peaks of the Continental Divide. Just as challenging might be summiting Yosemite National Park’s Half-Dome, an iconic feature of the park.

In Utah’s Capitol Reef, experience a wild, yet serene landscape. Geologists know this 100-mile long warp in the Earth’s crust that formed between 50 and 70 million years ago as one of the largest, most exposed monoclines on the continent. All the hiking isn’t out west though. Head to North Carolina to hike portions of the 2,000 mile plus Appalachian Trail, or A.T., while wetting your whistle with craft brews of the area. 

River Rafting is one way to see the incredible geology of the West. Raft the Green River in Utah where you’ll be bracing through dozens of rapids, hiking to petroglyphs and gazing at dinosaur habitats not to mention geology millions of years in the making.

The Salmon River in south-central Idaho is another popular rafting destination even though it’s called “The River of No Return.” The canyon is large with sandy beaches and big water rapids with names like “Devil’s Teeth” and “Whiplash.” Floating “Hell’s Canyon” on the Snake River which borders Oregon and Idaho is another popular trip. The Snake River gorge is the deepest in the U.S.

Regional Cuisine in the United States

America is a land of people with indigenous, global immigrant and african american ancestry. This human history, combined with different climates that determine what can grow in a particular region, along with access to food such as a port town which provided greater access and culture; for example, that of the western and Texan cattlemen, all factor into what you might be biting into when traveling across the US.

There are some foods that are unique to regions while others are unique to particular states. Here’s some of what you can sink your teeth into by region and state within that region.  

Food in the Northeast & New England  

What to eat in New England? How about some clam “chowdah”? There’s white clam chowder, also known as Boston clam chowder, which is made with milk or cream and often served with oyster crackers. These small, salted crackers are made with flour, not oysters, and are sometimes used to thicken the chowder.

And what’s Manhattan chowder? It’s tomato based and actually has nothing to do with New York, having originally came from Rhode Island. What to eat in Vermont? Try some maple syrup on your pancakes and further northeast there’s Maine lobster.

Some will tell you that nothing says summer like a lobster roll. Succulent, sweet lobster meat is served in a buttery hot dog style bun. Outside of New England, the capital of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, is known as the pretzel capital of the US. Try a Philly pretzel, soft and warm sprinkled with salt. 

Cuisine in the American South  

What to eat in the South? It’s home to shrimp and grits (boiled cornmeal), fried chicken and chicken fried steak. And in New Orleans, Louisiana, there’s gumbo. Culinary historians believe the dish has African heritage. There are seafood gumbos loaded with Louisiana shrimp, crab and oysters, spicy sausage gumbos and okra gumbos.

If traveling to Tennessee, try pork ribs to learn the secret of Memphis style barbeque. And for a sweet tooth, Georgia has its peach pie. The state was a major producer of peaches after the Civil War.  

Food in the Great Lakes/Midwest Region

Wisconsin cheese curds, if not fried which they often are, will squeak in your mouth. The squeakier the better - it means they’re fresher. In Chicago, Illinois, the deep dish pizza is like none other and in Missouri, you’ll find fried, “toasted” ravioli.

Origins are disputed but it’s said that an Italian chef accidentally dropped a ravioli in oil instead of water. In Kansas City, Missouri, there’s another style of rib to try with a sweet, thick sauce that’s known all over the US. The pasties in Michigan are handheld meat and vegetable pies that came to the region by way of miners from Cornwall, England. 

Rockies/Mountain States  Cuisine

Be careful when ordering Rocky Mountain Oysters! It isn’t an oyster at all. They’re testicals. Specifically from a cow, sheep or pig and watch out! They go by different names like cowboy caviar or tender groins. Fortunately, the cowboy/ranch culture of the mountain states goes beyond testicals.

Competition among steakhouses for the tenderest cut of beef, lamb and bison is common not only across the mountain region but in the midwest, too. From a completely different food group, taste the intense sweet-sour of a huckleberry. These berries are grown in Wyoming, Idaho and Montana. 

Food of the Pacific Northwest  

Salmon is a common menu feature along with other seafood items in the Pacific Northwest. Try salmon imbued with cedar from being cooked on a cedar plank. The damp climate is conducive to mushrooms and in Oregon you’ll find marionberries, similar to a blackberry but prized for their firmer texture and more complex flavor.

And for seafood lovers, if you are traveling during the wintertime, this is Dungeness Crab season. A favorite for locals, this crab taste very different than their softshell and other cousins on the East Coast. Be sure to give it a try!

Definitely raise a glass of Pinot Noir from Oregon’s Willamette Valley, a globally recognized wine region. You’ll find huckleberries in this region, too, and in Washington, apples and cherries. From your mug, sip some Seattle coffee. The capital of Washington is known for having a number of roasters located there, including Starbucks and Tullys. No wonder more people consume coffee in Seattle than in any other US city. 

Cusine of California/Alaska/Hawaii  

What to eat in California? Or should that be drink. California is world renowned or its wine varieties from both Napa and Sonoma counties. The Central Valley also produces wine with much of it supplying producers in Napa and Sonoma. And while hispanic food doesn’t necessary go with wine, the high number of Mexicans, Latin and South Americans  in the state bring food and fusions from those regions to the menu, particularly in southern California.

Hispanic technically refers to people from Spain and there are these influences as well albeit to a smaller degree. Asians, a large demographic in the San Francisco area, bring authentic asian cuisine to the foodie scene. Other California foods to try: avocado and avocado toast, sourdough bread from San Francisco, fish tacos in San Diego and a burger from In-N-Out Burger. 

More fish is on the menu in Alaska and Hawaii like the king crab, halibut and salmon from Alaska. Beyond fish, yak has been called Alaska’s “new red meat” and domesticated caribou, called reindeer, is usually prepared sausage style. It’s a breakfast staple in most restaurants.

The Alaskan yak, descended from stock imported from Siberia in the late 1800s, can only be owned by Alaskans native to the state. In Hawaii, order poke, made with raw tuna, onions and tomatoes. It’s sometimes served with poi, which is taro root that has been cooked, mashed and thinned with water.

Some say Taro chips are tastier than poi but you’ll have to try for yourself. Also order saimin, an egg noodle soup that has influences from Chinese, Japanese and Portuguese people who migrated to the islands. 

Cuisine of the American Southwest  

Food in New Mexico and Arizona is largely influenced by the hispanic and native cultures in the region. In the 1600s, Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors arrived in the southwestern states (eventually conquering the entire western part of the US), bringing with them chili seeds. Today, this long, green chili is known as New Mexican chile.

You can find it in flavor packed red or green chili stews, sauces doused over burritos or in a queso (cheese) dip among other tasty dishes. As for the native influence, the “three sisters” is a diet staple consisting of corn, beans and squash. All grow in a symbiotic relationship and provide a nutrient dense meal. It was traditionally blue corn, not yellow that the Hopi and Pueblo people of Arizona and New Mexico grew.

This nuttier flavor and higher protein content blue corn has become a popular snack food in the form of blue corn tortilla chips. Take it easy on those considering the sodium content but also, fry bread and sopaipillas. Fry bread is a flour based, flat fried or deep fried bread eaten alone, with various toppings or as a taco “plate.” A sopaipilla is a sweetened fried bread. As they often are filled with air from the frying process, some sopaipilla lovers poke a hole in the bread and fill it with honey. Imagine the oozing sweetness.

Wildlife in the United States

South Africa , Rwanda or the Galapagos might come to mind when thinking about the best places to see wildlife but the U.S. has over 20,000 native species of plants and animals.

While it may take some effort to spot these often elusive animals, here are some of the best native and non-native animal encounters in America:

Bald Eagle - America’s national emblem, the native bald eagle is also pictured on the country’s currency and presidential seal. These powerful, majestic birds are found throughout the continental U.S. and Alaska. 

Bison - Named a national mammal in 2016, the bison is the largest mammal in North America with males weighing up to 2,000 pounds. Like the eagle, it is an official symbol of America. Thankfully, conservation efforts have dramatically improved both eagle and bison populations. Bison roamed the prairies of the U.S. by the tens of millions until they were hunted nearly to extinction during the settling the West in the mid to late 1800s. Today, approximately 10,000 animals in 17 herds are managed on public lands in 12 states, including Alaska.  

Elk - once common across North America, today elk are found primarily in the west. They are natives of North America and eastern Asia. In the Fall especially, you can hear their eerie bugle, a signal of dominance but also, a call to other elk, including females. In Wyoming, 11,000 of them migrate across Grand Teton National Park, Yellowstone National Park and the Bridger-Teton National Forest.

Polar Bear - The largest land-dwelling carnivore on Earth is the Polar Bear, native to the Arctic but also found in other regions. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in northeast Alaska is a national conservation area where the bears regularly den. Heart wrenchingly, these magnificent creatures have become the symbol of climate change, specifically warming trends that are melting the bear’s icy habitat.

Grizzly Bear - The Grizzly Bear, a subspecies of the brown bear, can actually be various shades of brown, black and even blonde. The name Grizzly comes from the “grizzled” blonde hair on the tips of their fur. They’ve been called the monarchs of the open tundra and mountains of Alaska and once roamed the entire western United States, including Alaska as well as Canada and south into Mexico. Control measures and habitat loss have reduced their now recovering native range. 

Black Bear - The most common and widely distributed bear in the U.S., Black Bears are smaller and more adaptable than the Grizzly or Polar Bear. Their native range also extends into northern Mexico. While most are black regardless of where they’re found, there are genetic variations that include the white bear of southern British Columbia (western Canada) and the blue, or glacier bear of southeastern Alaska. 

Moose - Native to other regions of the world, the largest U.S. population is also found in Alaska, although Moose territory extends into the northeastern US and south into the Colorado Rockies. Their large size makes survival difficult in warmer climates and they prefer forested areas that see snow in the winter. They also like the aquatic plants found in swamps, ponds, bogs and lakes and streams. Other browsing edibles include twigs, tree bark and in the warmer months, the buds of the hardwood and softwood trees and shrubs.

Ringtail - The Ringtail, sometimes called a ringtail cat, miner’s cat or marv cat isn’t a cat at all, it’s in the raccoon family. A native of the more arid climates of the south, southwest and west coast, the less than 3 pound ringtail’s black and white striped tail is as long as it’s 12-18 inch body. It’s a sleek animal, more substantial than a weasel but smaller than a cat with large oval ears and large eyes ringed with white fur. The raccoon and ringtail have another relative in the southwestern U.S. (also found in Central and South America), the coati. About the size of a large house cat, it, too, has a ringed tail that it holds straight up in the air which helps keep the coati together when foraging in tall vegetation. 

Gila Monster - You’ll have to head to the desert southwest to see these prehistoric looking creatures. They are the largest lizards native to the U.S. weighing in at about 4 pounds with a stout, 20 inch body. Their beaded scales have patterns of bright black, pink, yellow and orange. The Gila Monster is a venomous lizard and was thought to be one of two in the world but recent discoveries have proven otherwise. Some species of iguanas and monitor lizards also have venom.

California Condor - The largest bird in North America, the bald headed California Condor is a soaring master thanks to its long, broad wings and long “fingers” at its wing tips. Despite a wingspan of up to 10 feet, their substantial weight of up to 30 pounds makes lift off difficult so they prefer to fly from a high perch. Sacred to Native Americans who live in the American West, the California Condors are best known for a captive breeding program that has slowly increased their numbers from a mere ten individuals back in 1987. Populations have been reintroduced in Arizona, Utah and California.

Top Attractions in the US for History Buffs

Topping the list of attractions for history buffs has to be Boston , one of the oldest cities in the U.S. with historical sites like the home of American Revolutionary Paul Revere; the USS Constitution, the oldest naval vessel in the world that is still afloat, and the Old South Meeting House where colonists first gathered to protest the unfair taxation of tea by Britain. 

Just outside Boston, visit Minuteman National Historic Park . The park maintains and interprets multiple sites, including the battlefields of Lexington and Concord , associated with the first day of fighting of the American Revolution. The minutemen earned their name for being ready at a minute’s notice. These civilian militia companies were made up of colonists who independently gathered to train themselves for military readiness.

The seat of government, Washington, D.C. is another list topper. It is here that many relics are kept from founding documents to art. You’ll have to pace your visits to attractions like the National Museum of American History; the National Archives where the original Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and Constitution are preserved; the National Museum of the American Indian; the National Museum of African American History and Culture; and Arlington National Cemetery. 

Take a two day trip from Washington, D.C. to visit Colonial Williamsburg , an 18th century living history museum - the largest in the world - that depicts colonial life in Williamsburg, Virginia. Dine in a historic tavern that serves typical food of the period, ask the craftspeople at work in the traditional trade shops questions or shoot a flint musket to immerse yourself in 18th century colonial life.  

The first permanent English settlement in North America was established in Historic Jamestown in 1607. It is located just 15 minutes west of Colonial Williamsburg . Active excavation, analysis and research continues today, a site that thrived for nearly 100 years as the capital of the Virginia colony. 

A day’s trip from Washington, D.C. you’ll find several American Civil War battlefields including Gettysburg . Often called the “High Water Mark of the Rebellion”, Gettysburg was the bloodiest of the Civil War battles with casualties that numbered over 23,000 on the Union (Northern) side of the battlefield and 28,000 on the Federate (Southern) side. 

Pearl Harbor National Historic Landmark in Honolulu, Hawaii , is the site of the preemptive military strike by the Japanese Imperial Army on December 7, 1941. It marked the United States’ entry into World War II. The USS Arizona Memorial straddles the sunken hull of the USS Arizona battleship, final resting place of 1,101 of the 1,177 sailors and marines who were killed during the attack. 

There’s lots of history you can find in both Colorado and New Mexico that predates America as a country. In Southwestern Colorado’s Mesa Verde National Park, you'll find the largest archaeological site in the U.S., also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. About 1,400 years ago Ancestral Puebloan people built elaborate - and astounding - stone communities in the sheltered alcoves of the canyon walls. The park contains over 400 known sites.

In New Mexico, explore more native American history at the Taos Pueblo , the only living native American community designated as both a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a National Historic Landmark. The multi-storied adobe buildings have been continuously inhabited for more than 1,000 years.

Uninhabited pueblos can be explored at Chaco Canyon National Park , a center for thousands of people between 850 and 1250 A.D. and Pecos National Historic Park which also preserves a Civil War battlefield site. Spanish colonial history is also a part of New Mexico’s past. 

If you are interested in the history of space exploration, head to Houston, Texas to visit the Johnson Space Center. The center is NASA’s hub for human spaceflight where training, research and flight control are conducted. It is also home to the International Space Station mission operations, future space development programs and the new NASA spacecraft being developed under the Orion Program.

Top Activities for First Time Travelers to the U.S.

In these days of experiential travel, a list of top activities for first time travelers to the U.S. depends on the interests of the traveler and what type of trip they’re looking for. What are the best U.S. cities to visit? Best U.S. National Parks? Best places in the U.S. for history buffs? It all depends on you. 

If you prefer big cities, read about the different regions of the U.S., choosing cities within those regions you find most intriguing. And if being active is what you’re looking for, read about Active Travel options or Top National Parks . While often geared toward a younger traveler, cross-country U.S. tours will give you a little bit of everything. 

Alternatively, you might plan to join a tour for part of your trip; for example, a National Park circuit group tour after some self-guided big city visits. National Park tours generally start and end in larger city centers not far from the parks so you could plan to end your self-guided trip at the tour’s starting point.

Off the Beaten Path Travel

A journey along well-traveled paths means you’re likely seeing things most everyone else sees. These are popular routes for a reason, whether because of their historical, natural or cultural significance.

As people seek more experiential travel they dig a little deeper to more actively engage with the history , culture , people, food, and environment of the places they’re visiting.

What can you expect with a trip to the U.S. off the beaten path?

More time in a specific location or region

A particular theme; for example, Colorado mountains and craft brews; a foodie, wine and outdoor adventure trip in California; National Parks outside of Las Vegas, Nevada and Los Angeles, California; history in Washington D.C. or Mardi Gras in New Orleans

Fewer big-city destinations on the itinerary, more places most don’t get to see like National Parks 

Often geared toward younger travelers

Trip Reviews

I have had an absolutely amazing trip.

My wife and I have had an absolutely amazing trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles via Napa Valley, Yosemite, Death Valley, Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon, Monume...

An absolutely amazing experience,

An absolutely amazing experience, would highly recommend to anyone. Parks we...

Vanessa and Martin

The Vegas to LA trip is amazing.

The Vegas to LA trip is amazing. Excellent and diverse range of trip experiences. Wonderful and breathtaking locations of the Canyons with opportunities to explore b...

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Hawaii Four Island Adventure Premium

The Oahu Island tour needs several more stops included, and the farm visit/meal in Maui needs to be replaced with something else. I really wish we had three nights...

Every hotel was very nice though the Twin Fin could use a paint job. Every breakfast buffet was excellent except for the hotel in Kona. Harry did a great job as tour...

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Tips for budget savvy travelers on cheap tours, book flights in advance.

  • Book as far in advance as possible (airlines release their seats up to one year in advance )
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  • Flights during the week are often cheaper than over the weekend

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Additional tips

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  • Cook for yourself instead of always eating out
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10 Advantages And Disadvantages of Package Tours and Holidays 

Published by roslin dwivedi on april 29, 2023 april 29, 2023.

Last Updated on June 12, 2024 by Roslin Dwivedi

Jungfrau trip

Package tours and holidays are a popular way to travel for decades. With a package tour, you can visit multiple destinations, often at a discounted rate, with all the logistics taken care of for you.

The advantages of package tours and holidays offer convenience, stress-free and cost-saving trips. 

They usually include transportation, accommodation, and other services at one price, which can be significantly cheaper than booking each part separately. 

Another advantage of package tours is that they also provide access to some popular attractions which are not easy to book for a single person. The disadvantages of package tours are that you may not have as much flexibility or freedom as you would if you made your arrangements. 

Once upon a time, we went on a tour of Jungfraujoch . We had booked online for our family of 2 adults and a baby. Upon reaching the destination. Not the train journeys, the main destination where you get to go to the museum and also to the top of Europe, the mountain of Jungfraujoch . What annoyed us was the Indian tour guides treating the Indian tourists like goats. The moment the elevator opened to go up, the guide did not let the people come out of it and yelled at his tourists, “Go go go, run inside, fast-fast.” This scene made us feel bad for those who were unknowingly portraying to the world over there that Indians don’t have etiquette.

Anyways, that was a small example of a package tour. As a large tour group, you may not experience the destination as much as if you went alone. Also, some package tours can be inflexible and may not let you make changes or cancellations if your plans change or in case of an emergency. 

In this article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of package tours and holidays so you can make a firm decision before your next trip.

people walking on narrow street between residential buildings

10 Advantages and disadvantages of Package tours and holidays

Advantages of package tours and holidays,  1. cost –.

Package tours are money-saving. One of the advantages of package tours and holidays is the cost savings. By booking all your travel arrangements, such as transportation and accommodation, as a package deal, you may get a better rate than booking each component separately. Tour companies often have negotiated rates with hotels, airlines, and other providers, which they pass on to their customers. This means you can enjoy an affordable vacation that you would be able to arrange on your own. A cheap tour package offers hotel stays in a 4-star hotel, which can be expensive if you book it separately. They provide airport transfers and drops and also cover all the famous tourist destinations. But if you arrange your accommodation and travel separately, your trip may become expensive. 

2. Convenience –

You don’t have to worry about booking yourself flights, good accommodations or activities on a package tour. Everything is pre-arranged and incredibly convenient for you. 

So you don’t have to worry about travel arrangements and unexpected changes on your itinerary. You can sit relaxed, knowing that everything has been taken care of.

But if you book it separately, you will have to do plenty of Google searches, look for cheap flight deals, inexpensive hotels, probably not a 4-star, book a rental car for the trip, get an international driving license etc.

3. Variety –

On package tours and holidays, you will have the chance to visit multiple locations in one trip. 

This is great for the people who like to explore more in a short amount of time. 

You can enjoy the convenience of having everything planned out for you, while experiencing a variety of different places

Since package tours cover multiple destinations in one day. They often start early in the morning and finish close to the evening. Which may be very tiring for families with elderly and small kids. They can’t just keep exploring continuously. Whereas when you plan alone for your family, you rent a car and you decide on your trip according to your parents and kid’s convenience. This is a happy experience for everyone in the family other than the fact that you covered many areas of the town in one day. 

4. Stress-free –

All the hard work of research, planning and booking is done for you on a package holiday, so you can relax and enjoy the journey. Planning a trip can be stressful, especially if you are unfamiliar with the destination. With a package tour, all the hard work is done for you. You don’t have to spend hours researching accommodation options or trying to find the best deals on flights. Everything is pre-arranged, so all you have to do is show up and enjoy your vacation.

When you are making the vacation plan yourself, you will have to do all the research yourself. Read multiple Google and Trip Advisor reviews for the best place to stay on your budget and tours and hidden gems if any. 

5. Connections –

Package tours often offer exclusive access to certain attractions, activities and events that you wouldn’t be able to get to on your own. Many package tours offer exclusive access to certain attractions, activities, and events that you wouldn’t be able to get to on your own. For example, you may be able to skip the lines at popular attractions or gain access to exclusive tours that aren’t available to the general public. This can add an extra level of excitement and exclusivity to your trip.

Disadvantages of Package Tours and Holidays

 1. limited freedom – .

You may not have much control over the itinerary, and you may be restricted to the set times for activities. One of the biggest disadvantages of package tours is the limited freedom. You may not have as much control over the itinerary as you would if you planned the trip yourself. The tour company sets schedules and activities that you need to follow, which can limit your ability to explore the destination on your terms. You may also have limited free time to do your activities, which can be frustrating for some travellers.

The package tour itinerary is not as comforting. They have set days for set activities, in case you are not well on a certain day, they won’t refund you the money nor they change the activity date because they have everything lined up as prior decided.

2. Quality of accommodation – 

Another disadvantage of package tours is the quality of accommodation. While some package tours offer high-quality accommodation options, others may provide lower-quality accommodations to keep costs down. This is disappointing if you were expecting a certain level of comfort or amenities. It is based on the package you chose. Do check all the stays, transfers and activities in detail properly before you confirm.

3. Limited flexibility – 

You may not have the chance to stay longer in one place or take detours if you want to. Package tours are often inflexible. This can be frustrating if you want to explore a particular area in detail or if you want to change your plans on the fly. Additionally, some package tours may have strict cancellation policies, which makes it difficult to change your itinerary.

From our past travels, I have noticed that group tours are bound to a specific time limit for a place. For instance, if you want to spend more time at a palace or a palace garden, you can’t do that freely. Because you have to join the group in one hour or less. Me and my husband were left behind because we couldn’t make it to the bus on time and they left us. After we called them they told us to get into another tourist bus and they caught us later at another attraction in Dubai. 

4. Limited options – 

With some package tours, you may not get the chance to choose activities or meals. Once, I was checking for a holiday package for Mauritius, but the provider did not include any activities in the package. The holiday package only had hotels, transfers and basic city tours. If I wanted to add something, I had to pay extra charges. So I dropped the idea of booking with a packaged holiday maker and planned our itinerary. 

 5. Unpredictable weather – 

Your holiday may be affected by unpredictable weather. And you may not change your plans if needed. 

Final words

Whether you go with package tours and holidays or make your travel plans, there will always be advantages and disadvantages of package tours and holidays that will make you think twice. In this article, I have tried to simplify your queries. I hope these comparisons will help you plan your vacation with ease.

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Roslin Dwivedi

Hi! I am Roslin, a travel blogger. I am a gastronomist, an excursionist and love to learn about a different culture. Apart from travel updates, you will find some aha moments and life learnings in my blog. My writing recipe includes a little bit of humour only to see you smiling. You can find me on my website, Facebook and Instagram as Travelnlifewithroaz.

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Vibrant Experiences · January 31, 2024 at 9:51 am

Hey Travel Enthusiasts! At Vibrant Experiences, we believe every journey is a story waiting to be told. We get that package tours have pros and cons, but the magic lies in finding the perfect balance. Our curated packages ensure hassle-free adventures, leaving you free to soak in every moment. Explore the world with us – where memories meet vibrant experiences!

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12 Day Best of Japan Tour Package – The Golden Route

Kyoto Kiyomizu Temple With Cloudy Skyline


  • Important Details

Looking for the ultimate journey across Japan? Our 12 Day Best of Japan Package Tour – The Golden Route is made for the adventurous soul. Amid the bustling city of Tokyo, find sacred calm at the Meiji Jingu Shrine and Senso-ji Temple. Continue along the Golden Route towards Mount Fuji. Admire iconic views from the 5th Station and Arakura-Fuji Sengen Shrine. Next, explore Shirakawa-go Village on your own, as well as the hidden gems of Kanazawa. Arrive in Kyoto by train and dive right into the city’s local treasures, from the Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine to Buddhist temples. After discovering Nara, the Great Buddha Statue, and friendly deer, continue to Hiroshima & Miyajima — where rich history awaits. Finally, end your adventure in Osaka, where magical architecture awaits.

Is this your first time visiting Japan? Let’s make it an adventure to remember with our 12 Day Best of Japan Package Tour – The Golden Route – perfectly tailored to your every travel need. With expert guides, explore the rich culture, stunning sights, and ancient history of Japan. Stay in excellent hotels and enjoy inclusive train tickets throughout your journey. Book your Golden Route escape today!

12 Day Best of Japan Tour Package – The Golden Route Highlights

  • Journey across the Japan Golden Route with experienced local guides
  • Visit Tokyo’s famous sites: Imperial Palace Gardens, Shibuya Crossing, Senso-ji Temple, and more
  • Admire the iconic Mount Fuji from 5th Station and Lake Kawaguchi from Oishi Park
  • Uncover the beauty of Kyoto’s Buddhist temples and visit Nara’s friendly deer
  • See Hiroshima’s Itsukushima Shrine, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • In your own time, discover the villages of Shirakawa-go and Kanazawa
  • Spend incredible nights in beautiful hotels across Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and more
  • Be transported from city to city with high-speed bullet trains

12 Day Best of Japan Tour Package – The Golden Route Itinerary

  • Optional shared airport transfer
  • Overnight in Tokyo
  • Begin your walking tour at Tokyo Station and head to the beautiful gardens of the Imperial Palace
  • Enjoy views from the stunning Nijubashi Bridge
  • Head to the Asakusa neighborhood
  • Visit the famous Senso-ji Temple
  • Shop on Nakamise-dori street
  • Free time for lunch
  • Visit the Meiji Jingu Shrine - the most famous Shinto shrine
  • Check out the colorful and vibrant Harajuku district
  • In the commercial ward of Shibuya, see the famous Shibuya Crossing
  • Take the day to freely explore the city, try some local restaurants, or relax in your hotel
  • Visit a 300-year-old Buddhist temple and learn about ancient traditions
  • Explore the bustling Tsukiji Fish Market and taste a variety of local treats
  • During lunch, sample from a range of fresh seafood, like sashimi bowls and bite-sized treats
  • Ride up to a secret observatory deck and view the market and city skyline from above
  • Head to Oishi Park to enjoy views of Lake Kawaguchi & Mount Fuji
  • Visit Arakura-Fuji Sengen Shrine
  • Reach the 5th Station for epic views of Mount Fuji
  • Taste the fresh water of the natural ponds at Oshino Hakkai
  • Take the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Kanazawa
  • Explore Kanazawa on your own; we suggest you visit the Kenrokuen Garden and enjoy the stunning views
  • Overnight in Kanazawa
  • Monday/Tuesday/Friday: Shirakawa-go and Gokayama
  • Drop off at Roadside Station
  • 3 hours to freely explore Shirakawa-go village and have lunch (included)
  • Walk around the Gokayama Kaminashi district and discover Gokayama village
  • Sunday/Saturday: Shirakawa-go
  • Enjoy 1.5 hours of free time to have lunch and explore the UNESCO site of Shirakawa-go
  • See old townscapes and wander the tranquil village
  • Wednesday/Thursday: Shirakawa-go, Gokayama & Hida-Takayama
  • 2 hours to freely explore the UNESCO site of Shirakawa-go
  • See the treasures of Hida-Takayama, where the castle town from the Edo period remains
  • After breakfast, transfer to Kyoto by train via Thunderbird Limited Express
  • Enjoy stunning views along the way, like Lake Biwa
  • Arrive in Kyoto and enjoy an afternoon tour of iconic sites
  • Visit Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine
  • Discover the Buddhist temples of Sanjusangendo Temple and Kiyomizudera
  • Overnight in Kyoto
  • Explore the iconic Todaiji Temple and its towering Great Buddha statue
  • Meet friendly deer in the scenic Nara Park
  • Visit the Kasuga Taisha Shrine, part of the Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara
  • In the afternoon, catch the Shinkansen bullet train to Osaka
  • Overnight in Osaka
  • Board the Shinkansen bullet train to Hiroshima
  • Take a ferry to Miyajima, the Shrine Island, and learn about its cultural and spiritual significance
  • Marvel at the Itsukushima Shrine, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • Return to Miyajimaguchi station and head to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park
  • See the A-Bomb Dome, a commemorative symbol of peace
  • Wander the entertainment district of Namba & Dotonbori
  • See the Hozenji Temple – dating back to the 17th century
  • Visit the vibrant and lively Kuromon Ichiba Market
  • Explore the neighborhoods of Shinsekai
  • Marvel at the beautiful Osaka Castle
  • Walk through the famous Shinsaibashi shopping district and Nipponbashi
  • Optional transfers to Kansai Airport (KIX) or Tokyo city center are available

If you have any questions about our 12 Day Best of Japan Tour Package – The Golden Route, please contact us. Our team is standing by and will be happy to help

Available dates are shown in green along with the starting price for that date based on recent searches. Click on a date to move to the next step and customize your trip such as adding airport transfers, choosing your hotel, and adding extra nights.

Customize 12 Day Best of Japan Tour Package – The Golden Route and create a private experience for yourself, your family or a group of any size.

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Types of Tour Operators

We know that the travel market is vast, and it can be confusing trying to navigate the different types of tour operators and their offerings. 

Whether you are a tour operator trying to choose which market to specialise in or a traveller looking for assistance with your next trip, we’ve got you covered!

In this blog post we will walk you through the main types of tour operators and explain how each one can help their customers to plan and book their dream trips.

What is the role of a Tour Operator?

Tour operators help travellers to design, plan, book and enjoy their trips, assisting with the entire customer journey from beginning to end. 

They often combine components from several different companies such as airlines and accommodation providers as well as extras such as activities, transfers and entertainment, transforming them into tours which are sold to the public as a package . 

The tour operators themselves are also responsible for the marketing of their travel packages, a topic that we covered in ‘ the tour operators’ guide to creating an exciting marketing strategy ’, and should be available for direct communication with the customer throughout the entire process. 

Wondering what the differences are between each tour operator?

Well, we’re here to help.

While there are several different types of tour operator, the main ones include:

  • Inbound Tour Operator
  • Outbound Tour Operator
  • Domestic Tour Operator
  • Ground Operator
  • Receptive Tour Operator

These companies can also focus on the mass market or can specialise on a niche group, such as eco-tourism, adventure sports or food tours. 

tour packages and its types

Inbound Tour Operators

As we explained in ‘ Outbound vs Inbound Tour Operators ’, inbound tour operators are locally-based companies that work by bringing visitors into a specific country or destination , often partnering with other businesses such as accommodation and transport providers in order to offer customers package deals.

Inbound tour operators are also sometimes referred to as destination management companies, aiming to promote their destination as a whole to incoming travellers and assist them with all aspects of their trip. This also requires a knowledge of overseas markets and the needs and interests of different types of customers in order for them to promote their tours effectively.

Outbound Tour Operators

While inbound tour operators bring tourists into a country, outbound tour operators market to travellers in their own country and offer tours in international destinations . 

When creating tour packages, outbound tour operators usually focus on specific countries, destinations or regions of the world, and also partner with businesses in the host country to provide customers with convenient and comprehensive packages.

A good example of an outbound tour operator is TUI , one of the world’s largest travel companies that works mainly by selling tours to overseas destinations and who is also one of our customers. 

Domestic Tour Operators

As the name suggests, domestic tour operators put together packages for domestic travellers – those who are travelling within their native country . This type of business aims to promote travel within their own country, and offers packages in popular destinations. 

Haven Holidays is a domestic tour operator that focuses on the British market by offering breaks in its self-catering holiday parks in an array of coastal destinations around the UK. These types of tour operators frequently offer family-friendly activities and diverse entertainment options for those who want to enjoy weekend breaks or summer holidays within their own country. 

Ground Operators

Like domestic tour operators, ground operators also work within their own country . However, ground operators usually work on behalf of inbound or outbound tour operators and are the ones that provide the actual travel service in a destination, helping to organise and assist tourists.

This type of tour operator is especially useful for tours in far-flung destinations where it can be difficult to plan itineraries without local knowledge, expertise and contacts. Ground operators are likely to be on hand in the destination itself to organise transfers, negotiate special rates with accommodation providers or find the best local tour guides. 

Receptive Tour Operators

Receptive Tour Operators provide tourism products , whether in the form of packages or single components, to other tour operators or travel agents . They do not sell directly to the public and usually follow a structure similar to a wholesaler.

RTOs are experts in their market , and help their customers to find the best accommodation providers, services and activities in their chosen destination. This type of tour operator makes money by adding a percentage rate to the final price that their customer is selling the travel product for. 

For example, a receptive tour operator may work with an outbound tour operator by providing them with travel packages for a specific destination. The outbound tour operator then sells this tour package to its customers and adds an extra fee to the cost, which goes directly to the receptive tour operator.

Technology for Tour Operators

Here at Nezasa , we provide tour operators with a cutting-edge product that allows them to plan, book and customise their customers’ trips with ease. The use of a software solution like ours is an excellent way to simplify aspects of your business, allowing you to focus on the customer themselves. 

Our TripBuilder software is a unique, seamless and integrated solution, designed to help you efficiently create hyper-personalised and flexible itineraries for your customers. 

To find out more about our innovative products, make sure to sign up for our next webinar here . 

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What is a Tour Operator? Types, Importance, Pros & Cons

Home » Blog » What is a Tour Operator? Types, Importance, Pros & Cons

Tour operators are the masterminds behind many unforgettable vacations. They organize travel experiences taking the hassle out of planning for travelers ensuring a seamless journey.

But what exactly are tour operators? What do they do, and why are they important?

Stay with us as we discuss all the above queries and more!

Table of contents

What is a tour operator, 1.inbound tour operators, 2.outbound tour operators, 3.domestic tour operators, 4.receptive tour operators, 5.ground tour operators, roles of a tour operator, importance of a tour operator, best tour operators, best tour operator software, tour operator vs travel agency, difference between a tour operator and a travel agency (infographics), frequently asked questions.

A tour operator is a company that specializes in designing and packaging travel itineraries . They act as a one-stop shop for travelers, offering pre-arranged tours that typically include flights, accommodation, transportation, sightseeing activities, and sometimes even meals.

They cater to various interests and budgets, offering adventure trips, cultural experiences, luxury getaways, and more. A tour operator not to be confused with a travel agency thinks up ideas for holidays, researches the ideas, designs the holiday itinerary, and contracts all the services needed.

Types of Tour Operators

Tour operators can be divided into five main categories: inbound, outbound, domestic, receptive, and ground.

Types of Tour Operator

Inbound tour operators bring tourists into the country in groups or through individual travel packages. They make all the arrangements in the host country, and the trips they organize are mainly intended for foreigners visiting the country.

When a group of Indian tourists wants to explore France, the company in France that organizes the whole trip is called the inbound operator. So inbound operators are local and offer trips that include their own country.

Unlike inbound, outbound tour operators work in their own country to take travelers to other countries. These are operators that market their travel to international destinations for either business or leisure.

For example, suppose a group of German tourists are planning a trip to India. Then the outbound operator is a German travel company that handles all ticket and hotel reservations.

Domestic tour operators are those who put together complete travel packages and sell them to domestic travelers. In other words, they are operators that offer travel packages and trips in the tourist’s home country.

Domestic travel usually involves residents of a certain country traveling within that country. They can visit national parks, scenic areas, hospitality tours, city tours, hikes, etc.

Receptive Tour Operators (RTO) provide travel products to companies in other markets (as a business-to-business relationship).

In particular, RTOs sell travel products to operators and/or travel agents, whether sold in a package or individually. They are primarily wholesalers and do not sell directly to the public.

Ground Tour Operators operate domestically. However, they differ from domestic operators in that they organize trips for inbound tourists on behalf of the inbound operator (and sometimes also the outbound).

Tour operators are responsible for the operation of a vacation by contracting, booking, and packaging together various travel components . These components can include: hotel, transportation, meals, guides, optional tours, and flight.

Roles of a Tour Operator

  • Development of Tour Packages: These professionals develop travel packages for individual clients or groups of travelers. They work with clients to understand their interests and recommend different attractions, accommodations, and transportation options to help clients choose a travel package.
  • Negotiating Prices: Companies usually negotiate prices with other vendors, such as hotels and transport companies. For example, they can ask the hotel to lower the room rates for a large tourist group.
  • Travel Management: These professionals help organize travel plans for clients to reach their destinations. For example, they can book a bus to help customers travel between cities or a rental car to help customers reach various attractions.
  • Providing Customer Support: The company provides customer support to help their customers prepare for their trips. For example, they can answer customers’ questions about the destination, provide information about exchange rates, or notify them of changes to travel plans.
  • Travel Budgeting: Travel companies work with clients to help them budget for their trips. They develop different itineraries at different prices and advise clients on accommodation and sightseeing within their desired budget.
  • Researching Travel Options: These professionals research different trips to give their clients recommendations on places to visit, stay, and eat. They read articles and search the web for information on travel trends and new destinations to stay current in their field.

Explore this article “World Tourism Ranking by Country 2024”

Pros and Cons of Tour Operator

A tour operator puts together packages by bundling the individual services making up itineraries. That’s why it’s sensible to review your options.

So, what exactly are the advantages and disadvantages of using a tour operator?

  • Competitive Prices: They can offer more economical packages than individual options providing better value for money. They often negotiate discounted rates, making travel more affordable.
  • Peak Season Options: They can anticipate peak season dates and offer options for these times.
  • Convenience: Travel companies can provide seamless connections from one location to the other. They handle everything, allowing travelers to relax and enjoy the experience.
  • Expertise: Their knowledge of destinations ensures a well-rounded itinerary with hidden gems and local experiences. They can ensure that travelers don’t miss any hidden corners of a destination.
  • Reduced Stress: No need to research or book individual components, leaving travelers free to focus on having fun.
  • Resolve Unseen Problems: Travel companies can resolve unforeseen problems, such as flight delays or cancellations.
  • Safety and Security: Companies can provide an environment of safety for visitors. They can assign guides for support and guidance, especially in unfamiliar destinations.
  • Assurance: If the arrangements made by an operator fall short of what was agreed, you can seek redress by way of a refund.

However, working with an operator can have downsides as well. Some disadvantages may include:

  • Less Flexibility: Itineraries are predetermined, offering less freedom for spontaneous exploration. If you discover an activity or a restaurant you’d like to try that isn’t on your pre-planned itinerary, you may not be able to explore it.
  • Limited Personalization: Customization options might be limited compared to independent travel.
  • Higher Cost : It might not be your cheapest option. Tour packages can sometimes be pricier than piecing things together yourself.
  • Larger Groups: Tour groups can range from private trips to groups of 50 or more people. Some tours involve group travel, which might not suit everyone.

Pros and Cons of Tour Operator

Tour operators play a vital role in the tourism industry by planning and coordinating travel plans, travel packages, activities, and itineraries for their clients.

They use their expertise and resources to create high-quality tour packages helping tourists travel stress-free. Other reasons why tour operators are important are:

  • Competitive Pricing: They negotiate in advance with hotels and airlines and offer you the best rates.
  • Well Organized: Since the company is a travel company, they want to provide you with the best ground services. They personalize and ensure that every part of the tour is well taken care of.
  • Boosting Tourism: They promote destinations and generate tourist revenue, benefiting local economies.
  • Ensuring Quality: They maintain high standards for travel experiences, making sure travelers have a positive experience.
  • Convenience and Accessibility: They make travel accessible to a wider range of people, including those who might not have the time or expertise to plan their own trips.
  • Immediate Support System: When traveling to a foreign country things can become uncertain at any time. A competent company handles all these unprecedented events efficiently.
  • Supporting Local Businesses: They partner with local businesses, contributing to the growth of sustainable tourism practices.
  • Networking Opportunities: A tour company targets many people like you. Staying, traveling, and eating together is a great way to increase your network.

There isn’t a single best tour operator as it depends on your travel style, budget, and destinations. However, here is a list of the 10 best travel companies & tour operators in the USA with 191,668 reviews. [Source: tourradar ]

Travel companies that organize guided tours use travel operations software to manage customer information, travel information, and background functions. This type of tour operator software helps companies keep track of the organizational aspects of travel such as schedules, itineraries, meal plans, and more. In addition, it tracks tourists and participants, as well as personal tasks and activities. Companies can use this type of software to manage costs, expenses, and revenue. Capturing 75% of the Global Tourism market with over 883,934+ downloads globally and surpassing software like Rezdy, Peek Pro, Bokun, and more, the best software is found to be WP Travel . Here’s a list of the 5 best tour operator software:

Check this article on Best Tour Operator Software for a detailed overview of features and prices.

A tour operator is a person or organization responsible for planning travel and vacation packages. G Adventures and Intrepid Travel are some famous examples.

A travel agency is a private broker or agency that sells holiday packages. American Express Travel is an example of a travel agency. While is also a travel agency, it is regarded as an Online Travel Agency (OTA) rather than a traditional one.

When the tour operator creates services, the travel agency is the intermediary that sells those services.

Further differences between a tour operator and a travel agency can be discussed below:

Diffrences between Tour Operator and Travel Agency

Explore this article “Tour Operator vs Travel Agent- What are the Differences?”

Launching your own tour operator business can be an exciting and rewarding venture. Here’s a roadmap to get you started: 1. Research the market and develop a solid business plan. 2. Create a unique brand and effective marketing strategy. 3. Develop tailored tour itineraries by collaborating with local businesses. 4. Prioritize safety protocols and staff training 5. Integrate technology like online booking and tour management software.

To package a tour, tour operators first research trends, design itineraries, then source local activities, and negotiate bulk rates with hotels and transportation. With everything neatly bundled (accommodation, meals, travel), they create a price-conscious package and market it through various channels. Some even offer customization options for the customer.

Tour operators function by streamlining the travel experience. They utilize bulk rates on flights, hotels, and activities. This allows them to create pre-designed packages that bundle everything you need for your trip – flights, accommodation, transportation, and sometimes even meals or entrance fees. This one-stop-shop approach simplifies trip planning, letting you focus on enjoying the destination.

Here’s a step-by-step process to start your very own tour operator business. Research and Planning 1. Legal and Financial Consideration 2. Branding and Marketing 3. Operations and Logistics 4. Technology Integration 5. Hiring and Training Staff 6. Launch and Growth Strategies. To look into these steps in detail, check this article on starting a tour company .

No, is not a tour operator. It is one of the largest online travel agencies in the world. does not create its own travel packages but helps tour operators from around the world market their packages.

tour packages and its types

Yam Bahadur Chhetri is a content writer and vivid contributor to the WordPress community and a WordPress enthusiast with an experience of 7+ years in the relative field. He also loves to develop WordPress Themes, Plugins, and custom WordPress development for clients.

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What is Tour Cost? Components, Types of Tour Costs

  • Post last modified: 19 January 2023
  • Reading time: 21 mins read
  • Post category: Uncategorized

What is Tour Cost?

Tour cost means the total cost incurred or attributed to a tour product or service. It is the sum total of costs incurred to create or formulate a tour package. Since tour is an assembled product, its costing involves bulk purchase.

Therefore the cost of the tour packages is determined according to the client requirement or company strategy. As the quality of the product /service and the price of that product go side by side, hence in travel trade the cost unit is a package tour because a company sells a large number of packages.

Table of Content

  • 0.1 What is Tour Cost?
  • 1.1 Research and Development Cost
  • 1.2 Travel Cost
  • 1.3 Accommodation Cost
  • 1.4 Food and Beverage Cost
  • 1.5 Sightseeing and Activity Cost
  • 1.6 Marketing Cost
  • 1.7 Administrative Cost
  • 1.8 Miscellaneous Costs
  • 2.1 Direct costs
  • 2.2 Indirect tour costs
  • 2.3 Fixed costs

The identification of cost unit will help to cost manager to separate the cost into smaller sub-divisions attributable to the tourism industry. A tour package is a combination of various tourism services/ goods like transport, accommodation and other facilities en route and at the destination.

However, in reality, it has only two basic components;

  • Travel services
  • Ground services.

Components of Tour Cost

The cost of a tour package includes:

Research and Development Cost

It is the cost incurred when planning a tour package. It includes the cost of the tour planner, manager and staff of the company who are involved in tour planning. The main activities in the research and planning phase are:

  • Study the economic factors influencing the future development of package tours.
  • Identification of likely selection of destinations.
  • Make an in-depth comparison of alternative destinations.

These phases require in-depth research work and hence this requires a good amount of money. The tour planner, marketing researchers etc have to work rigorously for the tour planning activities. The main activities in the tour development are:

Destination Research

The decision to develop and formulate a new package is a multi-stage process that involves various steps. Normally, the idea for a new product comes either from the tour executive within the company due to a review of the questionnaire completed by the previous tour members or because of the political, social and economic developments in a particular area.

When a tour planner sees that a large number of clients are interested in taking a trip to particular destinations, naturally, those destinations become the nucleus of a new tour concept. Moreover, the forecasting of future development is affected by changing circumstances in the market.

Some of these circumstances are:

  • Change in tourist patterns
  • Transportation cost
  • Accommodation and other cost
  • Exchange rate prevailing
  • Inflationary conditions
  • Competitive environment
  • Extent and support from airlines serving the routes
  • Support from national / regional tourist office of the destination
  • Political stability of the country
  • Attribute to and state’s control over mass tourism within the country
  • The relation between the host and tourist generating countries

Market Research

Since tour package is a complete tourism product, obviously, before formulating this product, market research should be done and the data to be analyzed and assessed in a systematic manner. Market research provides us the answer to the following questions.

  • What is the size of tourism market?
  • Who are the existing clients?
  • Who will be the potential buyers?
  • Who are the competitors’ – their area and strategy?
  • What price will the customer accept?
  • What facilities are available and required?
  • What are the constraints? (License, permission, taxes, finance, restrictions, taxes etc)

Once we know the basic components of a package tour, distribution channels, market conditions, constraints etc., we can develop a marketing strategy. It also enables the smooth functioning of the tour company and also offers a clear picture of the tour programme.

The planning stage also includes the cost of the Familiarization Tour (FAM) and any other costs incurred to develop a new or old package tour. Generally, a tour planner works on several tour packages. The allocation of cost is based on two methods

Both the methods are important. Long-term cost deals with the tour planning and development and the second deals with initial tour development. So for determining research and development costs, the tour management must project this cost at first. Secondly, the company should divide the tour into a minimum of 10 or 12 tours. This figure is added to the total cost of the package sold.

Travel Cost

This cost includes the cost of travel in different modes like air, road, rail, land etc. In other words, it is the total cost incurred for travel from a point of origin to a point of destination through any mode of travel. A commercial air ticket sold on a regularly scheduled flight is a simple pricing procedure. The prices quoted include all the applicable charges.

Tour operators have to worry about airport transfers too. Pricing charter flights is little more complicated. Frequently, modes of transport are combined or used sequentially to achieve the objectives of the tour.

For example, there are fly/drive tours that use a combination of aeroplanes and rental cars. Some tours offer fly/cruise packages, wherein the travellers fly to a port of embarkation and then board a cruise ship for most of the tour.

Other commonly identified types of tours feature the name of the dominant mode of transport. For example, a rail tour uses train as the mode of transportation. Perhaps the most widely recognized form of touring is motor coach tour, which as the name implies, utilizes buses or motor coaches to move the participants from destination to destination and to visit sightseeing attractions along the way. Most motor coaches have 46 to 48 seats.

Accommodation Cost

Virtually all package tours that are longer than a single day include some type of accommodation. Accommodations range from a simple tent to luxurious hotels and resorts and as such can be tailored to fit to any tour member’s budget. Typically participants choose accommodation from different price ranges. It is the price paid to acquire a stay in any accommodation unit.

The accommodation costs depend on the negotiation between the hotel management and the tour manager/ planner, and other elements of hotel products like, food, beverage and amenities etc. Once the cost is finalized, it is added to the total cost of the package tours. Hotels, motels resorts, tribal huts, homestays etc provide accommodation facilities for the guests and tariffs vary considerably depending upon the type, standards, services, facilities, location etc.

Transfer cost Transfers are any mode of transport that shuttles participants from their point of arrival, frequently an airport, to their first accommodation, typically a hotel. It is incurred for transferring the client from the airport to the hotel or vice versa.

The cost is according to the contract with transport companies on mileage or duration basis. Virtually any type of transfer is possible, such as a shuttle bus between a railway station and a cruise ship. The transfer is an important component in the tour cost when the destinations are distant from one another.

Food and Beverage Cost

Lodging meal plans are also important among the tour cost components. Wide ranges of meal plans are available on package tours. The level and type of plan is one of the factors that significantly affect the cost of a tour.

  • With American plan, tour participants receive all three daily meals as part of their tour package. The American Plan (AP) is common in cruise packages that visit more remote or isolated destinations.
  • Tour participants, under the Modified American Pan (MAP), receive breakfast and one other main meal, usually dinner.
  • Dinner can be either the mid-day meal or the evening meal depending on the country and tour. The room plus a continental breakfast is called a Continental Plan (CP). With this type of plan, tour participants receive a daily light breakfast such as bread, jams, fruits, cereal, coffee and tea. Continental plans vary from country to country, however, in certain countries; a more extensive menu is available and may include meats, cheeses and even boiled eggs.
  • European plan does not include any meals and present a significant saving to the tour operator. Under this type of plan, tour participants are required to pay for all of their own meals. Lodging properties that use meal plan pricing quote prices per person, not per room.
  • In Bermuda Plan (BP), tour participants receive a full cooked breakfast, but no other meals are provided.

It is important to note that one way of saving money is by reducing or eliminating meals that are included as part of the tour. The type of meal is also an important consideration in tour cost. For example, a tour operator who offers five lunches and five dinners as part of the package is offering more than an operator who offers ten breakfasts.

Similarly, a tour operator who allows participants’ unlimited menu choices at a destination is more than one who restricts the participants to a selection of three main dishes or a set menu. It is important to pay attention to theses details when costing the food and beverage component.

Sightseeing and Activity Cost

This constitutes a major portion of the tour cost which makes the clients satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Usually, this cost is calculated per person. Generally, a package tour includes sightseeing as an important component.

For Example, a 2 Nights and 3 days package to Sri Lanka will definitely include a half-day or full day sightseeing as a compulsory part of the package. This component takes a major fraction of the package cost and again varies with the mode of transportation used. The destination vendors offer these activities less expensively to a group.

Marketing Cost

In this world of globalization, no organization can withstand without marketing. Proper marketing should be done for the success of any product. Tourism products are not different from this. Package tours and ancillary products have to be marketed properly, which constitutes a major fraction of the company’s budget.

The marketing budget of the company should be allocated in such a way that it reaches the audience more deeply and effectively. Promotional activities include advertisement, sales promotion activities, public relation, telemarketing, direct marketing etc. All marketing effort should be based on AIDA principle, i.e., it should create attraction, generate interest, arouse desire and initiate action. For this, cost should not be a constraint.

Administrative Cost

The administrative department plays a vital role in a tour company, which handles all the background paperwork and office functions including:

  • Looking after telephones, faxes, telexes, personal; computers etc.
  • Handling the post
  • Dispatching documents to clients.
  • Sending paper print outs (tickets, rooming lists, etc) to the concerned departments.
  • Looking after office maintenance, cleaning etc.
  • Staffing the reception and switchboard.

Handling of the above administrative functions requires a good fraction of the cost. Administrative cost is the expenditure incurred by the tour company in formulating the policy and strategy for directing the organization and controlling the operations.

Administrative costs and incidentals include things like brochure printing, postage, charge for telephone charges, baggage, nametags, flight bags, etc. In the era of competition and revolutionary developments in information technology, potential clients have to be contacted and served. So mobile phones to the executives, Internet, events and cultural galas for the industry people like travel agents, travel executives, travel writers etc are indispensable.

These costs are incurred in the general and financial management of travel business such as office expenses, salary to staff, audit, insurance/legal expenses etc are also important. These are fixed costs and the allocation of these expenses to a particular tour or service may be too much as there are many tours/ services that a company can offer at a particular time. Usually, it occupies 15-20 % of the cost of sale.

Miscellaneous Costs

The miscellaneous costs vary from organization to organization. These costs include portage at airports, tips at airports, hotels etc, entrance fees, insurance premeuims, literature and other materials, and gifts given to tour members at the beginning and end of a tour, welcome drink, welcoming event/ reception etc. These costs are determined by adding up the per-person cost of each item.

However, the percentage of each cost to total tour cost is different for a new tour company as compared to an old tour company. In the case of a new tour/ travel company, that has not developed its reputation; the miscellaneous expenses figure should be between 10 to 15 per cent of the total tour cost. In case of an established tour company, this figure should be one to two per cent of the total cost.

Types of Tour Costs

The tour cost can be classified into two categories depending upon how it affects total cost structure of a tour.

Direct costs

Direct costs are those, which are incurred and conveniently identified with a particular package tour such as accommodation costs, travel costs, food and beverage costs, sightseeing costs etc. These costs are readily traceable to a specific tour.

For example, the cost of a guest’s food and accommodation will directly reflect in his tour cost. The price differs when he undertakes his travel by car, flight, motor coach etc. Suppose a guest opts for Modified American Plan during his stay in a five-star hotel, the total package cost will be less compared to the package cost of a guest who opts for American plan.

Indirect tour costs

There are many costs involved in making and marketing tours that are not so readily identifiable as the direct tours costs. Indirect tour costs are those costs which are incurred for the benefit of a number of tours that are offered by a travel company during a year or a particular period but cannot be conveniently identified with particular tour costs such as marketing costs, tour planner’s costs, financial and legal costs, administrative expenses, FAM tour costs, medical expenses, insurances and so forth.

The total tour package will be based on a fraction of all these indirect costs but are not able to easily identify with a particular tour.

Fixed costs

Fixed costs are those, which are incurred even when one is selling or not selling any tour package. Maintaining a motor coach would add to fixed cost since some expenses are incurred whether or not one or all seats are occupied.

When a tourist/ client or a group of people go on a tour, one has to incur some expenses such as FAM tour, cost of a tour bus, research and development expenditures, marketing expenses, tour manager’s and tour planner’s salary etc. These are all included in fixed costs. These costs are constant in total amount, but fluctuate per person/ per package as the level changes.

Fixed cost is also known as period cost because it is dependent on time rather than on output. The management of a tour company can control these costs. Fixed costs are those costs that remain stable regardless of how many tours are sold or how much revenue enters the business.

Rent, interest on mortgage, insurance and costs associated with minimal staffing levels (including the owner’s draw or salary) are the primarily fixed costs of a tour operator. If a tour operator is unable to pay fixed costs, the door must close.

Variable Costs

In contrast to fixed tour costs, some tour costs tend to vary in direct proportion to the level of sales or number of tour participants. Costs, which are incurred only if a passenger actually uses the service, are variable costs. Tour variable costs are those, which vary with the number of tourists participating in the tour. Examples of tour variable costs include admissions to attractions, hotel rooms, and meals. For example, food and beverage costs, the cost of the gifts, brochures, tourist taxes, entrance fees, room costs etc. play an important role in making a tour costly or cheap. The cost is also known as product cost because it is based on product rather than on time.

Air transport would be a variable cost. This service would not be paid for unless the seat was occupied, except when certain fares are used which cannot be refunded to the passenger, e.g., for group travel when the minimum group size is specified.

Or when a tourist /client or a group of people go on a tour, one has to bear some expenses such as ‘FAM tour, cost of a tour bus, research and development expenditure, marketing expenses, tour manager’s and tour planner’s salary etc. These are all included in fixed costs. These fixed tour costs are constant in total amount but fluctuate per person /per package as the level changes.

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Different Types Of Tour Operators That You Should Know About

Types Of Tour Operators

Tour operators are an integral part of the travel industry. They play a crucial role in creating and selling travel packages to different destinations worldwide. A tour operator is a company that puts together travel packages, which usually include transportation, accommodation, and activities, and sells them to consumers. This blog will discuss the different types of tour operators and their roles in the travel industry. Knowing the types will help one to choose the better fit. 

Types of tour operators

As per the requirement, there are different types of tour operators in the travel industry. Some of these include inbound tour operators, outbound tour operators, domestic, specialist among others. Let us explore them one by one. 

1. Inbound Tour Operators

Inbound Tour Operators

Inbound tour operators organize and sell travel packages for visitors coming into the country. They are responsible for creating itineraries and ensuring that visitors have a memorable experience during their stay. They typically work with local suppliers, such as hotels, transportation companies, and tour guides, to assemble their packages.

2. Outbound Tour Operators

Outbound Tour Operators

Outbound tour operators are companies that organize and sell travel packages for consumers who are traveling out of their home country. They are responsible for creating itineraries and ensuring that travelers have everything they need for their trip. They work with local suppliers in the destination country to ensure everything is in place when their clients arrive.

3. Domestic Tour Operators

Domestic tour operators organize and sell travel packages within their home country. They specialize in creating tours that showcase the best that their country has to offer. They work with local suppliers, such as hotels, transportation companies, and attractions, to create their packages.

4. Specialist Tour Operators

Specialist tour operators focus on specific niches within the travel industry. They may specialize in adventure, education, luxury, or any other type of travel that appeals to a particular group of travelers. They typically have a deep knowledge of their niche and can create unique and memorable client experiences.

5. Travel Agency and Tour Operators

Travel Agency and Tour Operators

Travel agencies and tour operators are often used interchangeably, but there is a noticeable difference between the two. Travel agencies typically sell flights, hotels, and transportation, while tour operators create and sell complete travel packages that include activities and accommodation.

6. Luxury Tour Operators

Luxury tour operators create and sell high-end travel packages to discerning travelers. They typically offer personalized service, exclusive access to attractions and activities, and top-of-the-line accommodations. Luxury tour operators cater to travelers who are looking for a one-of-a-kind experience.

7. International Tour Operators

International Tour Operators

International tour operators are companies that create and sell travel packages to destinations around the world. They work with local suppliers in each destination to develop itineraries that showcase the best of what the goal has to offer.

8. Coach Tour Operators

Coach Tour Operators

Coach tour operators are companies that organize and sell tours that are conducted on a coach or bus. These tours typically cover a large area or several countries. They offer a convenient and affordable way to see multiple destinations in one trip.

9. Receptive Tour Operators

Receptive tour operators work with other tour operators to create travel packages for a specific destination. They are responsible for coordinating the local suppliers and ensuring that everything runs smoothly during the trip.

10. Adventure Tour Operators

Adventure tour operators specialize in creating and selling travel packages that offer outdoor activities and adventures. These tours may include hiking, rafting, or wildlife safaris and are designed for travelers looking for an adrenaline rush.

11. Educational Tour Operators

Educational tour operators create and sell travel packages that focus on educational experiences. These tours may include visits to historical sites, museums, or cultural events and are designed to give travelers a deeper understanding of the destination.

Why tour operators are crucial?

Tour operators play a vital role in the travel industry as they create and sell travel packages that offer unique and memorable experiences for travelers. By understanding the different types of tour operators, travelers can choose the right tour operator for their specific needs and preferences.

It’s also worth noting that many travel agencies also offer tour operator services, so it’s important to do your research and choose a reputable company with experience in the destinations and types of travel that interest you.

Whether planning a domestic trip or an international adventure, working with a tour operator can save time and hassle while providing unique and memorable travel experiences. In addition, many tour operators are now offering more sustainable travel options, such as eco-tourism and responsible travel. These tours aim to minimize the impact of tourism on the environment and local communities while providing travelers with unique and authentic travel experiences.

Another trend in the tour operator industry is using technology to enhance the travel experience. For example, some tour operators now use virtual reality to provide travelers with a preview of their destination or to offer immersive experiences during the trip. Tour operators will likely continue to adapt and innovate as the travel industry continues to evolve to meet travelers’ changing needs and preferences.

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In summary, tour operators play a vital role in the travel industry, offering travelers a wide range of options and experiences. By understanding the different types of tour operators and their functions, travelers can make more informed choices when planning their trips. With the increasing focus on sustainability, responsible travel, and technological innovation, the tour operator industry is poised to continue growing and evolving in the years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. what are the criteria for classifying tour operators.

Tour operators are classified based on the type of tour, their business, and their region of operation for package tours. This aids in comprehending the distinction between the meaning and function of each category. Inbound, outgoing, domestic, and ground operators are therefore included in the categorization.

2. Who do tour operators collaborate with?

Coordinating with bus companies, airlines, motels, and resort representatives. Service standards, contracts, and fees must be agreed upon. Customer names are confirmed with airlines/hotels.

3. What industry does a tour operator work in?

A tour operator is a hospitality expert that organizes tours and assists guests throughout their visits to ensure that they have a great experience. These experts advise consumers on various travel packages based on their budget and interests.

4. What is the role of an inbound tour operator?

An inbound tour operator specializes in organizing and selling travel packages for visitors coming into a specific country. They work on creating itineraries and ensuring a memorable experience for travelers by collaborating with local suppliers, including hotels, transportation companies, and tour guides.

5. What sets luxury tour operators apart?

Luxury tour operators create and sell high-end travel packages that cater to discerning travelers. These packages often include personalized services, exclusive access to attractions and activities, and top-of-the-line accommodations. Luxury tour operators focus on providing a unique and indulgent travel experience for their clients.

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Ravinder Babbar

My passion as a guitar maker comes from a life-long obsession with making things. From a young age I have always tried to manipulate objects and materials in order to create something entirely different. I find that working with wood is a way for me to connect with nature. The simple act of shaping wood to make something functional or beautiful brings me endless satisfaction.

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tour packages and its types

IRCTC Introduces Uttarakhand Religious Tour Package For UP, MP And Maharashtra Devotees

Curated By : Business Desk

Local News Desk

Last Updated: August 29, 2024, 12:39 IST

Delhi, India

The package is priced at Rs 56,325, including the helicopter trip to Kedarnath.

The package is priced at Rs 56,325, including the helicopter trip to Kedarnath.

The train will start its journey from Mumbai on October 3 and is expected to reach Rishikesh on October 5.

The IRCTC (Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation) has developed packages for religious tours for several places in the state of Uttarakhand. It is created for the devotees living in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra and only needs a booking. Check out all the details related to the package.

The IRCTC and Uttarakhand Tourism Development Council have created this package of Kedar, Badri Karthik Swami Express, for the devotees of the states. According to the information, the package also includes helicopter travel. The whole package includes 10 nights and 11 days. The train will start its journey from Mumbai on October 3 and is expected to reach Rishikesh on October 5, passing through the cities in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. The reports state that Kedarnath has the highest number of helicopter bookings, which is included in the package.

Cities Covered

The train is expected to pass through the cities of Pune, Manmad, Bhusaval, Khandwa, Itarsi, Bhopal, Bina, Jhansi, Gwalior and Agra. The devotees can board the locomotive from the respective stations. More information on the yatra states that it will cover destinations like Rishikesh, Badrinath, Kedarnath and Sri Karthik Swamy (Murugan) temples along with religious sites like Joshimath and Rudraprayag. According to the reports, the Sri Karthik Swamy (Murugan) Temple in Uttarakhand is the only Lord Kartik Swamy temple in North India. Lord Kartik Swami is believed to have performed penance here, devoting his body to his parents.

Package Price and Other Details

The whole package is priced at Rs 56,325, including the helicopter trip to Kedarnath. IRCTC is responsible for every arrangement. The devotees will be journeying from Mumbai to Rishikesh by third AC. To make the journey more comfortable for the passengers, four extra berths will be arranged in the coupe. They will be able to travel in the second AC on the fare of the third AC, as per the information given. Food will be provided throughout the journey along with accommodation at Rishikesh, Joshimath, Rudraprayag and other places. The package can be booked at, the official website of the organisation.

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    1. Limited freedom -. You may not have much control over the itinerary, and you may be restricted to the set times for activities. One of the biggest disadvantages of package tours is the limited freedom. You may not have as much control over the itinerary as you would if you planned the trip yourself.

  17. Exploring What is a Tour Package: Types, Benefits, Tips and More

    Tour packages come in all shapes and sizes. Some are designed for specific types of travelers, such as families or couples, while others are more general. The most common types of packages include: all-inclusive packages, adventure packages, family packages, luxury packages, cultural packages, and custom packages.

  18. 12 Day Best of Japan Tour Package

    Our 12 Day Best of Japan Package Tour - The Golden Route is made for the adventurous soul. Amid the bustling city of Tokyo, find sacred calm at the Meiji Jingu Shrine and Senso-ji Temple. Continue along the Golden Route towards Mount Fuji. Admire iconic views from the 5th Station and Arakura-Fuji Sengen Shrine.

  19. Types of Tour Operators

    For example, a receptive tour operator may work with an outbound tour operator by providing them with travel packages for a specific destination. The outbound tour operator then sells this tour package to its customers and adds an extra fee to the cost, which goes directly to the receptive tour operator. Technology for Tour Operators

  20. What is a Tour Operator? Types, Importance, Pros & Cons

    1.Inbound Tour Operators. Inbound tour operators bring tourists into the country in groups or through individual travel packages. They make all the arrangements in the host country, and the trips they organize are mainly intended for foreigners visiting the country. When a group of Indian tourists wants to explore France, the company in France ...

  21. What Is Tour Cost? Components, Types Of Tour Costs

    It is the sum total of costs incurred to create or formulate a tour package. Since tour is an assembled product, its costing involves bulk purchase. Therefore the cost of the tour packages is determined according to the client requirement or company strategy. As the quality of the product /service and the price of that product go side by side ...

  22. Different Types Of Tour Operators That You Should Know About

    A tour operator is a company that puts together travel packages, which usually include transportation, accommodation, and activities, and sells them to consumers. This blog will discuss the different types of tour operators and their roles in the travel industry. Knowing the types will help one to choose the better fit. Types of tour operators


    9.4 Tour Package & Its Types 9.4.1 Cost components in case of tour package 9.4.2 Costing in case of various types of tour packages, similarities and differences. 9.4.3 Single Room Supplement, Triple Room Reduction & other cost supplements. 9.5 Controllable and non-controllable costs in tour packages

  24. IRCTC Introduces Uttarakhand Religious Tour Package For UP, MP ...

    According to the information, the package also includes helicopter travel. The whole package includes 10 nights and 11 days. The train will start its journey from Mumbai on October 3 and is expected to reach Rishikesh on October 5, passing through the cities in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.