Kayak sur le Bassin

Kayak sur la rivière, stand-up paddle, randonnées en kayak de mer & stand-up paddle, profitez de nos randonnées en kayak de mer pour découvrir les merveilles du bassin d'arcachon : le sable blanc du banc d'arguin, les célèbres cabanes tchanquées et l'ile aux oiseaux, arcachon kayak aventure.

Amoureux du Bassin et de la nature, Abel Palomo vous fera découvrir un environnement exceptionnel avec la rencontre d'un Bassin d'Arcachon plus grand, plus sauvage et toujours plus beau.

Nos randonnées

Initiation, randonnée... en kayak de mer ou en stand-up paddle sur le bassin d'arcachon, le delta de l'eyre....

Profitez de nos balades en kayak de mer pour découvrir les plus belles richesses du Bassin d'Arcachon.

Entre végétation verdoyante et milieu naturel préservé, vous découvrirez la petite sauvageonne : La Leyre.

Partez à la découverte de la côte arcachonnaise en stand-up paddle...

Vous avez envie de vous changer les idées, de vous retrouver face à la nature, découvrir des paysages à couper le souffle... nos randonnées sauront vous ravir !

Merci ABEL pour cette balade de 3h30 en Kayak !! ca nous a vraiment fais du bien et dépaysager... j'invite tous les amoureux de nature, sport, ou de tranquillité à essayer !!!
Merci Abel pour cette sortie. Les enfants ont adoré autant que moi ! A bientôt sur l'eau j’espère !
J'ai passé un moment merveilleux en faisant la randonnée kayak de 5h. Je recommencerai, plutôt deux fois qu'une ! Une journée de découverte pour moi, car je n'avais jamais fait de kayak et encore moins sur la Mer !

Jean François J.

Contactez-nous , qui suis-je , de part sa connaissance du bassin, prêt à partager son amour de la nature, abel palomo vous fera découvrir la faune et la flore de ce site. possédant son brevet d'état canoë-kayak, il assurera l'encadrement afin de développer les activités dans les meilleures conditions d'apprentissage tout en liant les aspects ludiques et éducatifs de la pratique du kayak de mer..

Arcachon Kayak Aventure

  • Description
  • Contact by email
  • In a stable sea kayak in single or two-seater, a state-certified instructor in canoeing makes you discover the Bassin d'Arcachon (Ile aux Oiseaux, oyster ports, the delta, the Banc d'Arguin, the Dune du Pilat) and descend the Leyre by canoe. The activity is open to all public in the form of initiation, internship or half-day, full-day and twilight hikes. A la carte services, contact us for a personalized quote.
  • At the seaside


  • Individuals
  • See all reviews
  • From March 1, 2024 until October 31, 2024
  • Congress Center

no image

Sail by canoe down the Leyre river

A short or long trip on the leyre: 8 or 16 km, leyre, aka "the little amazon".

From our Teich meeting place, we will drive you to Salles, where you will start your Leyre descent, nicknamed the Little Amazone (due to its colour and landscape you will discover).

This coastal river (more then 71 miles) will allow you to discover the richness of local flora and fauna while keeping you cool and fresh thanks to its "gallery forest".

It ends its race in the Arcachon Basin, at the level of the Leyre Delta, which you could discover in kayak .

Practical info and rates for your canoe Leyre descent

Team advice : Prefer morning departures → more time to enjoy, less people on the water, nature on awakening, and the possibility to take your picnic on the water or stop for lunchtime in a snack 😀

25 € / pers.

+2€ per single seater kayak

  • Departure 9 AM 3h30 of navigation
  • 16 km with lunch break
  • Trip with a guide: 36 €
  • 1/2 price for children under 10

22,50 € / pers.

  • Departure 11 AM 1h30 of navigation
  • 8 km with lunch break
  • Trip with a guide: 31 €

20 € / pers.

  • Departure 2 PM 1h30 of navigation
  • 8 km with break
  • Trip with a guide: 26 €
  • Book by phone at 06 72 76 34 58
  • Go to 17, Allée de la Fontaine St Jean - 33470 Le Teich [To Google Maps]
  • Take our shuttle to the starting point of your descent
  • Embark with the equipment and follow the instructor's briefing
  • Sail in the heart of the Regional Natural Park of the Landes of Gascogne, for 8 or 16 km of descent
  • If you have chosen this option, stop for a picnic in the wilderness or at La Rotisserie du Val de L'Eyre
  • Arrive at the end of the course, where you parked your car, no waiting 😀

A few pictures of the trip on the Leyre river

🛟 safety information 🛟.

  • be able to swim 25 meters;
  • keep your shoes on;
  • keep you life-jacket on;
  • not navigate while drunk.

For their own safety, we do not accept children under 5. During yours trips, please be respectful of nature, fishermen, and navigate silently. We kindly remind you that fires and wild camping are forbidden.

All your trips can be guided by an instructor certified by the state

Group outings & activities

Birthday, « cousinade », team bulding / works council, bachelorette party / bachelor party, sports raid, school, vacation center, leisure center, or simply outing with friends! Get in touch with us! →

Have Lunch on water

In partnership with La Rotisserie du Val de L'Eyre , we offer different formulas for lunch in the heart of nature. Information at +33 (0)5 56 26 65 94 .

Environment : Leyre Valley & the Landes de Gascogne Regional Natural Park

Formerly bordered by meadows where herds of cows and sheep grazed, the Leyre saw its status change on 16 October 1970, with the creation of the Landes de Gascogne Regional Natural Park (PNRLG)... More about the environment →

Ready for your trip?

(bookings are mandatory).


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Kayak trip to the "Tchanquées" in the Arcachon basin

Offered by :

Sophie et son équipe

  • 4 hours 30 minutes
  • Up to 14 people
  • From 14 years old

You can cancel free of charge up to 48h before the date of the activity.

Gift card valid for 12 months, free exchange

Activity description :

Sophie and her team will do everything in their power to ensure that you and your loved ones have an exceptional time together, enjoying a canoeing trip on the Gironde in a cheerful, friendly setting.

Canoeing to Ile des Oiseaux

Guided tour - From age 14 - All levels - Distance: 10 km

For nature lovers, Sophie and her team offer you an exceptional canoe-kayak trip to a unique place: l'île aux Oiseaux! Come and enjoy this aquatic outing with family and friends. It's sure to be an unforgettable experience.

Your guide: you'll be accompanied by Sophie or a member of her team. The instructors will ensure your safety.

How does it work?

On arrival at the Arès nautical base, our partner will give you your equipment and brief you on safety instructions . You'll then set off on a guided tour of the sea .

Whatever your event, this superb outdoor activity is sure to leave a lasting impression. So don't wait any longer and come and discover one of France's most beautiful canoeing spots!

Zero booking fees

Price / person (from age 14, one price)


5,0 (3 reviews)

Our reviews come exclusively from customers who bought this activity These comments have been automatically translated

Top-notch supervision; I learned a lot about the Arcachon basin.

We had an excellent time, it was great. Bravo to the guide, thank you.

Very good day. Vincent available and attentive. A must do...

11 sep 2022

Address: 29 rue du Port Ostréïcole, 33740 Arès How to get there: - By car : 1h from Bordeaux via D106 - Free parking available

Know before you go

  • Please arrive 15 minutes before departure.
  • Please leave a change of clothes in your car.
  • Once on site, you'll have access to freshwater and public sanitary facilities, a restaurant and oyster tastings.
  • Canoeing is accessible to people aged 14 and over, provided they know how to swim and respect the environment .
  • The trip lasts around 4 and a half hours.
  • One price for 14 years and over
  • This activity requires no special skills.
  • Please bring a picnic lunch.

Activities by the same offerer

Botanical kayak tour of the Prés Salés area of the Bay of Arcach

Sunset canoe trip on the Arcachon basin

  • Best things to do in France
  • Water activities


Randonnée canoë kayak

Canoë kayak, randonnée en canoë kayak sur le bassin d'arcachon.

randonnée en canoë kayak

Partez à la découverte d’un des plus beaux sites du bassin d’Arcachon en canoë-kayak : l’île aux oiseaux et les cabanes tchanquées, la Dune du Pilat, le Banc d’Arguin, les ports ostréicoles et le delta de la rivière de Leyre

Vous partagerez un véritable moment de détente et de dépaysement au fil des marées.


Sur le bassin d’Arcachon, vous partirez en kayak, encadré par des moniteurs diplômés d’état, à la découverte du de plusieurs sites :

  • La Dune du Pilat (durée 3h):

Au départ du Pyla Sur Mer, vous partirez en direction du Banc d’Arguin, cette grande étendue de sable (réserve naturelle), que l’on aperçoit depuis la Dune du Pilat. Nous partagerons ensemble l’équilibre fragile de cet environnement et nous profiterons d’une pause pour observer à la jumelle, la nature qui compose cet ensemble. (goëlands, sternes, huîtriers, gravelots, …)

C’est une balade accessible à toute la famille, le seul pré-requis est de savoir nager. Nous partons avec la fin d’une marée pour revenir avec le début de la suivante, afin de rendre cette balade agréable.

Sur le retour, nous nous arrêtons au pied de la Dune et observons cette végétation si particulière.

Une véritable excursion environnementale pour mieux comprendre la formation du Bassin et ces enjeux environnementaux…

  • L’île aux oiseaux et les cabanes tchanquées (durée 4h):

Au départ d’Arcachon,vous partirez vers ce site emblématique du Bassin d’Arcachon, en longeant les parcs ostréicoles. L’occasion d’observer les différentes espèces d’oiseaux présent sur les pignots. Nous faisons ensuite une halte aux cabanes tchanquées, vous aurez ainsi un point de vue à 360° sur le Bassin d’Arcachon.

Nous ferons une halte aux abords de l’île afin de vous faire partager son patrimoine au travers ces 5 villages …

Cette balade s’adresse à un public avec de bonnes conditions physiques , savoir nager reste toujours obligatoire, vous partirez pour une distance total de 10km ! Nous naviguons toujours au grès des marées, nous partons d’Arcachon avec la marée montante pour revenir au point de départ avec le descendant.

Cela implique de partir souvent tôt le matin, mais cela en vaut vraiment la peine !

Infos pratiques

Kayak sit-on top Dag Treck2 (2 places adultes et 1 place centrale pour enfant), Gilet de flottaison obligatoire, Pagaie double asymétrique.

Maillot de bain, chaussures fermées, tee-shirt, cordon pour lunettes, crème solaire, chapeau, bouteille d’eau, vêtement de rechange et un petit encas pour les sorties longues.

Savoir nager 25m

Sur réservation

  • Randonnée Dune du Pilat / Banc d’Arguin – durée 3h : 35 €/ pers.
  • Randonnée île aux oiseaux / cabanes tchanquées  – durée 4h : 40 €/ pers.
  • Randonnée sur le Delta de Leyre – durée 4h : 45 €/ pers.
  • Randonnée ostréicole avec dégustation d’huîtres – durée 2h30 : 40€/pers.
  • Randonnée sur le lac de Sanguinet – durée 2h : 28 €/ pers.

Prêt à passer un bon moment ?

Notre équipe se fera une joie de vous accueillir.

Chacune de nos sorties dépendent des marées. Vous retrouverez sur notre calendrier des sorties les dates, les heures et les lieux de départ pour ces randonnées.

  • English ( Anglais )

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Kayak Trips in the Bassin d’Arcachon from Ares, France

Kayak Trips in the Bassin d’Arcachon from Ares, France

Come and admire the fantastic and scenic Bassin d’Arcachon through kayaking! Hire our 2 person kayak and enjoy a ride! Rates starting from 21 € per hour! The owner used to be in the National canoe polo team (bronze medal World Championship 2004, silver medal World Championship 2002, silver medal Europe Championship 2001). She’s been a paddler for about 30 years now. She transmits her passion through the activities she offers. Whereas you chose a guided tour or not, you’ll discover the Bassin d’Arcachon and the area in an original and convivial way. Everyone will find a suitable hiring tour. The one that wants to go for one hour from the port, in the saled meadows, will have an eye on the tide time table. Some will prefer to go down the river « canal des Etangs » from Lege to the “port ostréicole” in Ares. It’s about 7 km - 4,7 miles. It’s also possible to go for the day with a pic-nic lunch from Le Porge to La Forge Lake in Lege : about 10 km - 6.7 miles in the Etangs Canal. According to the tide, you can even reach the Bassin d’Arcachon, back to the “port ostréicole” : 14 km - 9,3 miles. The meeting point is always at the “port ostréicole” of Ares. If you have any questions, we can answer those through GetMyBoat’s messaging platform before you pay. Just hit, “Request to Book” and send us an inquiry for a custom offer. Rates: - Hiring For An Hour - 21€ - Half Day Down River - 33€ - Day Down River - 46€ - Children < 6> If you have any questions, we can answer those through GetMyBoat’s messaging platform before you pay. Just hit, “Request to Book” and send us an inquiry for a custom offer.

Starting from

  • ₽2,232/hr 1 hr min
  • ₽913/hr 4 hrs min

Sophie Bégin

Sophie Bégin

Check availability.

pI'm happy to share my love for paddling.nbspp

Features & Details

  • Life jackets/required safety gear

Approximate Location

You’ll get directions to the departure location when you make a booking.

The boat's approximate location on a map

Cancellation Policy

Full refund up to 5 days prior.

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kayak trip arcachon

ThingsTodo Post

  • Things To do
  • Restaurants
  • 10 Kayaking & Canoeing in Arcachon Bay That You Shouldn't Miss

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Top Things to do in Arcachon Bay

Top hotels in arcachon bay.

  • 1. Hotel Le B d'Arcachon
  • 2. Hotel Point France
  • 3. Hotel Villa-Lamartine
  • 4. L'Anderenis Boutique Hotel
  • 5. Domaine Du Ferret Balneo & Spa
  • 6. Camping Aux Couleurs du ferret
  • 7. Ibis Styles Arcachon Gujan Mestras
  • 8. Hotel Cote Sable
  • 9. Inter Hotel le Nautic
  • 10. Grand Hotel Richelieu
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10 Kayaking & Canoeing in Arcachon Bay That You Shouldn't Miss

Discover the best top things to do in Arcachon Bay, France including Becalou Canoe Kayak, Atoll 33, Courant d'Eyre, Cap Kayak Cata 'c, Canoe Kayak Club Le Teich, FL'eau, Kayak Trip, Amazone, Villetorte Loisirs, Arcachon Kayak Aventure. Restaurants in Arcachon Bay

1. Becalou Canoe Kayak

Overall ratings.

5.0 based on 17 reviews

Venez découvrir les Prés Salés d'Arès ou descendre le Canal des Étangs tout près de Bordeaux. Activités accessibles à tous. Certaines activités se déroulent vers le Cap Ferret en face d'Arcachon. Les familles sont les bienvenues. Les enfants sont en biplace. Dès 7 ans, ils peuvent aussi être dans les monoplaces spécialement choisis et adaptés pour eux. Jusqu'à 5 ans ils sont entre 2 pagayeurs. Après les sorties encadrées nous proposons aux enfants des activités artistiques : c'est le temps de récupération de matériaux plus ou moins naturels et l'occasion de parler de développement durable. Consultez le calendrier sur le Site internet, d'autant plus que les activités suivent les marées et pensez à réserver en ligne.

2. Atoll 33

5.0 based on 3 reviews

With ATOLL 33 you will discover a remarkable site, unique in Europe: the lakes and ponds Landes in TWO DAYS and ONE NIGHT. You will benefit from a privileged contact with NATURE.

3. Courant d'Eyre

4.5 based on 81 reviews

Canoe and kayak rental Bassin d’Arcachon Gironde La leyre Snack in summer Come for a nice trip for 10 or 20 km on thé wonderful river : l’Eyre

4. Cap Kayak Cata 'c

5.0 based on 23 reviews

5. Canoe Kayak Club Le Teich

5.0 based on 7 reviews

6. FL'eau

5.0 based on 6 reviews

7. Kayak Trip

5.0 based on 5 reviews

4.5 based on 36 reviews

9. Villetorte Loisirs

4.5 based on 54 reviews

10. Arcachon Kayak Aventure

4.0 based on 20 reviews

ThingsTodoPost © 2018 - 2024 All rights reserved.

Balades en canoë-kayak sur le bassin d'Arcachon et la Leyre

Nos balades

Venez découvrir le bassin d’Arcachon !

De sa source à son embouchure, entre eau douce et eau salée. 

Autant de parcours pour satisfaire petits et grands !

Toutes nos balades sont accompagnées d'un guide diplômé d'état

kayak trip arcachon

Infos pratiques

Vrai kayak de mer ponté monoplace ou biplace / pagaie double / gilet de flottaison / sac étanche

Maillot de bain / chaussures fermés / tee-shirt / chapeau / bouteille d’eau / vêtement de rechange / pique-nique (pour la journée)

Avoir 6 ans minimum / Savoir nager / ne pas avoir de contre-indication médicale 

En famille ou entre amis... prêt pour passer un bon moment ?

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Location de Canoë Kayak et de Paddle - Courant d'Eyre

Courant d’Eyre – Canoe Kayak


Hire a canoe, a kayak or a paddle

kayak trip arcachon

Bienvenue chez Courant d’Eyre !

Sandra and all Courant d’Eyre team welcome you : we will be happy to share with you our passion with friendship and happiness!

Board into ours sit on top canoes and kayaks for a trip out of yourself along the « little Amazon ». In the heart of the Bassin d’Arcachon and close to Bordeaux come discover this green sanctuary preserved in the Natural Regional Park of Gascogne Landes. The river: l’Eyre adorned herself with colors and gold reflections, the trees bend into a tunnel, the forest become a galery. From here and there natural beaches are created: everything is ready for you to live a magical experience! To your paddles. Ready? Let’s go!!!!!

kayak trip arcachon


kayak trip arcachon


Free coffee at biganos.

kayak trip arcachon


kayak trip arcachon


accro canoe —


Who are you, option for the canoe or kayak trip.

(exemple 1 canoë for 2 adults + 1 place for kid under 12 in the middle)

What? Morning Salles - Mios 10 km Afternoon Mios-Biganos 10 km Day Salles-Biganos 20 km Little day - Mios-Biganos 10km

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Blog Voyage – Amoureux du Monde

What to do in the Bay of Arcachon for the weekend?

what to do in the arcachon basin

Article mis à jour le 24 Jan 2023

What to do in the Bay of Arcachon? Itinerary for a 3-day weekend

Located about 1 hour from Bordeaux, the Bay of Arcachon is a multi-faceted destination that will appeal to all travellers! Whether you come to visit the Bassin d’Arcachon with family, friends or as a couple, you will find many things to do and places to visit. ?

So what to do on the Bassin d’Arcachon for a 3 day weekend? I propose you a complete itinerary with activities for your holidays on the Bassin d’Aracachon!

? Weekend on the Bassin d’Arcachon : what to do ?

How to prepare your holidays / your weekend on the bassin d’arcachon, when to go for a weekend on the bay of arcachon.

In my opinion, the best period to visit the Bassin d’Arcachon is from April to June , then from September to October. You are likely to have good weather.

In the summer, the weather will also be favourable but this destination is very popular in July/August. As a result, prices will be higher, places will be much busier and roads will be congested. So I would recommend going outside the summer season for more peace and quiet.

? How to get to the Bassin d’Arcachon?

Depending on your city of departure, there are several possibilities to get to the Bassin d’Arcachon.

? By train, either by arriving directly at the Arcachon train station from Paris (for example), or by making a connection in Bordeaux ? By car, of course ✈️ By plane, landing at Bordeaux Mérignac airport. From there, you can reach Bordeaux station and then Arcachon by train. Please note: if you are only planning a weekend on the Bassin d’Arcachon , I advise you to rent a car at the airport or train station to save time in your travels. Book the best car rental prices on Skyscanner . On the other hand, if you stay 1 week or 2 weeks on the Bassin d’Arcachon, you can take the time to get around by boat shuttle or by bike.

♥️ Our good travel plans :

To find good prices on our flight tickets, we always use the Ulysse comparator (get 10€ off your first booking with this link). We have written an article dedicated to this subject with more information. To book your airport parking: You can save 10% on your booking through OnePark.

what to do in arcachon

Weekend : What to do on the Bassin d’Arcachon during 3 days?

Let’s get to the heart of the matter! I’m going to tell you my itinerary to visit the Bay of Arcachon in 3 days.

Of course, it is possible to stay much longer without getting bored. That’s why, at the end of the article, I list other places to see that I haven’t yet visited myself, so that you can extend your stay if you wish.

Day 1: The South of the Bay of Arcachon

Lunch on the beach .

To start your weekend on the Bassin d’Arcachon in the best conditions, go to the Club Plage Pereire for lunch with your feet in the sand! The setting is very pleasant and the service friendly. Reservations are more than recommended if you want to have space.

If the Club Plage Pereire is full, you can go to the restaurant Le Bikini , also in Arcachon. You won’t have your feet in the sand, but it’s still by the sea and the view is also magnificent.

restaurante plage Arcachon

Relaxation at the Cabane Zen

A 30-minute drive from Arcachon lies a haven of peace on the edge of a lake. The Cabane Zen is the perfect place for a relaxing break. It was created by Laura, who is adorable!

On site, you will find a private jacuzzi (50€ for 2 for 1 hour). It is possible to taste sweet or savoury treats, as well as champagne. A real relaxing moment to do as lovers! ?

Laura also offers treatments (facials, scrubs, mother-to-be…) and massages.

Sporty alternative to the Cabane Zen

For those who couldn’t agree on a programme, or if you want to combine sport and relaxation: everything is possible! Indeed, La Cabane Zen is located on a leisure base where you can go wake-boarding, paddle-boarding, an aquapark and yoga (with Laura).

spa bassin d'arcachon

Picnic and sunset at La Dune du Pilat

If you’re wondering what to do on the Bay of Arcachon, you can’t miss the famous Dune du Pilat. A true symbol in France, it is the highest dune in Europe, reaching a height of over 100 metres.

For your picnic, go to Tekoa Café which is located at the car park that I indicate below. You can enjoy their bowls or their aperitif boards, while admiring the sunset.

How to get to the Dune du Pilat?

? Access: you have to park on this paying car park (6€). All the money will be used to rebuild the reception area. From there, count less than 10 minutes walk to the foot of the Dune du Pilat.

You can take advantage of your visit to the Dune du Pilat to have a drink at the Coorniche, which has an incredible view!

visiter la dune du pilat

Where to sleep on the Bassin d’Arcachon (in the South)?

I spent my first night in a local institution: th e hotel La Guitoune , in Pyla-sur-Mer. The vintage decoration makes us travel in another time, I loved it!

? Book your stay at La Guitoune

hotel la guitoune

Drinks at Club Paradiso

If you want to continue the evening, I highly recommend a trip to Club Paradiso. It’s a tapas bar, not a nightclub, but there’s still music and a place to dance. The atmosphere is great!

In the summer, a courtyard terrace opens up with petanque courts, to complement the terrace in front. ?

Day 2: Weekend on the Bassin d’Arcachon, what to do?

This day will be under the sign of water, as we will visit the Bassin d’Arcachon off the mainland.

Boat trip on the Bay of Arcachon

After a good breakfast, I propose to take you on board a barge (traditional oyster boat) to visit the Bay of Arcachon. You will see the most beautiful villages and landscapes of the surroundings (the Bird Island, the “cabanes tchanquées”…).  As a bonus, a lunch with a seafood platter and charcuterie/cheese boards to be enjoyed on the boat ?.

que faire sur le bassin d'arcachon

Kayaking to discover the fauna and flora

From now on, we’ll take the direction of the Nord Bassin to discover the variety of landscapes that this destination offers. Let’s head to Andernos-les-Bains for a 2 hour kayak with Dorian, for a privileged moment.

If you are looking for an authentic guide and an intimate activity, you should not miss this outing. It is rare to find people who put people and nature before everything else, and this was the case here! Dorian also offers river descents, which I will try on my next trip around the Bassin d’Arcachon. ?

? Booking on Kayak Trip

week end sur le bassin d'arcachon que faire

Where to stay in Andernos-Les-Bains?

I had the chance to stay at L’Anderenis Boutique Hotel , a magnificent establishment whose layout was imagined as a seaside villa. The decoration was 100% thought by the owner and it is really successful! The hotel faces the beach and some rooms have a view of the Bassin. The heated swimming pool is very pleasant.

I recommend the brunch formula at breakfast which is delicious, with local and organic products and small home-made dishes. ?

? Reservation by clicking here

ou dormir à andernos les bains

Dining at Le Pitey restaurant

If you are looking for a refined place to dine near Andernos-Les-Bains, I recommend the restaurant Le Pitey . When the weather is good, you can eat in the restaurant’s garden. The menu changes regularly according to the seasonal products and the chef’s inspiration! Reservations are recommended.

For those who prefer, there are also many oyster huts in Andernos-Les-Bains to eat some seafood and drink white wine.

What to do on the Bassin d’Arcachon: continuation and end of the itinerary

Day 3: cap ferret, food tour in the villages of the bassin d’arcachon.

I suggest you start the morning with my favourite activity of this weekend on the Bay of Arcachon ! This is the food tour organised by Alain , in the heart of the villages of Canon and Herbe, on the Cap Ferret peninsula.

If you are looking for a peaceful, timeless and authentic place, this is THE visit not to be missed when visiting the Bassin d’Arcachon. Here, the pace of life is slowed down, and you can get around on your bike or on foot in the small alleys of the villages.

Alain from Cap Gourmand will make you taste the flagship products of Cap Ferret (oysters, the White Dunes…) and will take you to the best local addresses and visit the most beautiful viewpoints. He also knows the history of this little corner of paradise by heart, so you’ll be able to leave with a wealth of anecdotes!

? Book your food tour in Cap Ferret

visiter le cap ferret

⛪️ The Algerian Chapel of Cap Ferret

With Alain, I went to visit the Algerian Chapel of Cap Ferret , which has an incredible history. It was built on the initiative of the great gentleman Leon Lesca , who is the founder of Cap Ferret (no less!). Returning from Algeria in 1863, he bought a large estate on the edge of the Basin and built his Algerian Villa (now destroyed), a chapel, a school, a pier, a vineyard and accommodation for his staff.

This is how the history of Cap Ferret began ! This chapel is not only unusual because of its oriental architecture, but also because of the elements representing the 3 main religions: Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

chapelle du cap ferret

Lunch in an oyster hut

Oyster huts are emblems of the Bassin d’Arcachon! I therefore order you to eat there at least once ?. The menu is simple: oysters, shrimps and other seafood depending on the season, pâté, bread, butter and white wine. For those who don’t drink, there are of course other drinks.

I tried the La Canfouine hut and I loved it. The setting is beautiful (overlooking the Bassin of course) and the staff are lovely.

la canfouine cabane à huitres

Rent a bike to tour the Cap Ferret peninsula

The cycle paths around Cap Ferret are very well developed, making it an ideal place for a bike ride!

You can rent your bike at Cycloland Piraillan , which is a 12 minute walk from La Canfouine. I invite you to go for a ride around Cap Ferret to see the lighthouse, go to the tip and tip over to the ocean. On the way back, go through the pine forest to enjoy different landscapes again. ?

What to do on the Bassin d’Arcachon: other cool activities for your weekend

If you still have time, here is a selection of activities to consider:

A helicopter flight over the Bay of Arcachon , to admire the Dune du Pilat and the landscapes from the sky. There is also the more ecological option of a microlight flight. A surfing lesson to have fun in the waves on the ocean side: book your lesson here A paddle in Biscarosse , in the heart of nature An exceptional experience: a paragliding experience at the Dune du Pilat

I hope you are now ready for a 3-day weekend on the Bay of Arcachon! I am at your disposal if you need any further information! See you soon ?.

? To go further, discover our travel guide on Brittany

Further Reading...

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Natali - She's abroad again

I recently moved to Bordeaux and I’ve visited Arcachon once just to walk around. Now I see there is so much to do there, and I am already planning my next weekend!

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A day trip to the Arcachon Bay – the best places to visit

Arcachon bay - a day trip from Bordeaux

Le Bassin d’Arcachon (Arcachon Bay) has become one of the most popular destinations in France with more than half a million visitors in the summer alone. While some rent a house close to the beach, most tourists go there for day trips from Bordeaux , which is located about an hour’s drive from the bay.

Arcachon Bay is quite a big place with plenty of villages and attractions so how do you choose where to go? That’s what I’m here for! In this article, I will introduce you to some of the best destinations for a day trip or a weekend in Bassin D’Arcachon. The places with the most unique atmosphere, the best beaches , interesting activities for you and your kids , and spots to taste Arcachon’s famous oysters. 

Note – If you don’t want to go through the whole planning process, you also have a guided tour from Bordeaux to Arcahcon that includes a visit to the dune and oyster tastings .

Understanding Arcachon Bay 

Best places to visit in arcachon.

A map of Arcachon Bay

For a more active day, I’d usually go to the southern part of the bay where you can climb the incredible Dune de Pilat, go kayaking, or learn surfing . The heart of the Bassin is the less touristy and more unspoiled part – so if you’re in the mood for a more quiet day in nature, that is your direction.

We can roughly divide the bay into three parts, the north-west (Cap Ferret), the south, and the heart of the Bassin. When I’m in the mood for a beautiful village and eat oysters I tend to go to the northern part of Arcachon Bay. There, you have the most charming villages on the Arcachon Bay like L’herbe, Le Canon, Andernos les Bains, and others. 

Arcachon – the city 

Arcachon, one of the most visited places in Arcachon Bay is a proper town, rather than a scenic village. If you’re looking for a more dreamy isolated beach, this is not necessarily where you should go. But it’s a fun, lively destination with plenty of things to do and the easiest one to get to. 

The town also offers plenty of outdoor activities from jet skiing , to surfing , kayaking , and cruising as well as renting a bike , or an electric scooter . As it’s relatively a big town with several neighborhoods to visit, I have a detailed guide with plenty of recommendations for activities and places to eat in Arcachon . So be sure to read it before going there!

A boat trip in Arcachon -one of the best activities on Arcachon Bay

A visit to Arcachon can easily take the whole day but many tend to combine it with a visit to the Dune du Pilat, the tallest sand dune in Europe and one of the most popular destinations in France (next on our list). 

How to get from Bordeaux to Arcachon : A train leaves almost every hour from the main station in Bordeaux or Pessac center. Beware that parking is not always easy to find in Arcachon so during the summer, it’s better to take the train. More details about parking in my article about Arcachon . 

The Magnificent Dune du Pilat in Teste de Buch

If there’s one thing in this list I consider a “must” it’s definitely this one. The gigantic dune with its 60 million metric cubes of sand, is one of the wonders of our region! Dune du Pilat is Europe’s tallest dune, rising to an impressive 110 m high.  It’s also 500 meters wide and 2.7 km long so you’ll have plenty of room to wander. 

Dune du Pilat Arcachon

You can climb the dune by stairs that are installed from the end of May to early November. If you come during the low season or just feel energetic, you can just climb straight up the sandy slopes. Once you reach the top, a stunning panoramic view will be revealed with the Cap Ferret peninsula on one side, a huge pine forest on the other, and the magnificent Banc d’Arguin nature reserve just in front.  You can then slide to the other side and go straight to the beach. 

If you’re not in a rush you can easily spend the day here, have a nice picnic, and swim in the crystal clear water. It’s hard to describe the beauty of this site in words, you really must see it for yourself.

How to get from Bordeaux to Dune du Pilat : by public transport, take line 3 ( Baia company ) from the Arcachon train station to Dune to Pilat.  Otherwise, you can get there by car and park in the paid parking of the site.

Andernos les Bains – a perfect day trip to the Arcachon Bay

Andernos les Bains is not a prime tourist destination like some of its better-known neighbors on the Bassin d’Arcachon and that, in a way, makes it even more attractive. With an ancient prehistoric site, 19th-century villas, and a long sandy beach overlooking the Bassin, this seaside resort promises a delightful day. 

Like other towns on the Bay, Andernos les Bains is also known for oyster farming and seafood restaurants in general, mostly in the port district. My favorite spot for oysters is Cabane 21 Station des Gus, which is also very kid-friendly. The town is also known for its fun events and festivals such as the Festival Cabanes en Fête (the oysters festival) in December and the Andernos Jazz Festival in July.

eating oysters at Andernos-les-bains

How to get from Bordeaux to Andernos les Bains : The best way to get there is by car but if you have no other choice you can also take Bus 601 (Trans Gironde) from Bordeaux center. See my list of things to do in Andernos les Bains here .

L’Herbe – the best-hidden gem on the Arcachon bay

L’herbe is a traditional oyster-farming village located on the Cap Ferret Peninsula . Here, you won’t find the typical features of a French village—no church, no central square with a bakery and restaurant. Nonetheless, it’s undeniably one of the most beautiful villages in the southwest of France.

L’herbe has a raw and authentic charm. Stroll among colorful oyster farmer cabins and watch them at work on their unique boats. If you love oysters, this is your spot. Beachfront restaurants serve the freshest oysters, pork pâté, and white wine. Perfect for a sunny half-day trip from Bordeaux, or a full day if you visit the beach too.

L'herbe  -  a beautiful village on the Arcachon Bay

How to get from Bordeaux to L’herbe : Same as with Andernos les Bains, a car is the best way to get here. But if you have no choice you can also take Bus 601 (Trans Gironde) from Bordeaux center (takes about two hours to get there by bus).

Cap Ferret – dreamy beaches and the best oysters on the Arcachon Bay

Cap Ferret is a little town in the southern part of the Cap Ferret Peninsula. Traditionally a summer retreat for the French upper class, it has recently gained popularity among tourists visiting the south of France. Despite this, it retains its relaxing beach village charm, especially when compared to the busier southern towns of Arcachon Bay. 

Apart from its dreamy beaches, the Cap Ferret Peninsula is also known for its ostréiculture industry, producing some of the best oysters in France. Dozens of oyster cabins and restaurants with a view of the Bassin give Cap-Ferret a unique character worth a visit and a taste. 

Other fun activities in Cap Ferret are biking along the beaches and through the pine forest and surfing (you can take surfing lessons ). You can read about all the best things to do in Cap Ferret in My detailed Cap Ferret guide .

Cap Ferret - one of the best day trips  to Arcachon Bay

How to get from Bordeaux to Cap Ferret : The same 601 bus can take you to Cap Ferret but it’ll take you at least two hours to get there, so a car is definitely a better option. Traffic on the Cap Ferret road can be very heavy in the summer months so try to leave very early.

Lanton – a beautiful promenade

If you’re looking for a peaceful place for a long walk, Lanton is perfect. Start at Plage de Suzette, a small port with a few restaurants, and follow the trail by the boats. The view changes dramatically with the tide, making it feel like a beach walk or an apocalyptic desert. Escape the summer crowds and enjoy the magical scenery and tranquility of Lanton.

Lanton - take a walk on the Arcachon Bay

The birds’ reserve in Teich

The Teich Ornithological Reserve is a protected nature reserve located some 50km from Bordeaux, where you can watch thousands of wild birds from up close. 110 hectares of wooded areas, salt marsh, reed beds, and meadows stretch out between the mainland and the Bassin d’Arcachon coastline, offering a perfect habitat for many birds. Some stay here permanently and some just pass by.

The Teich Bird Reserve is explored on foot along a 6 km long circular path (with a shorter route proposed to visitors with young kids). The path goes through a rich diversity of natural habitats, giving a great overall picture of the site and its surrounding areas. I would highly advise taking a binocular with you. Many of the birds stay quite far from the designated Viewpoints and are just too distant to observe. Doing the same route with a binocular made the visit much more interesting in my view.

The Reserve Ornithologique du Teich is open all year long except on December 25, and can even be reached by train (the Teich train station is located about 15 minutes walk from the reserve).

Gujan Mestras – the capital of oysters

Gujan-Mestras is the oyster farming capital of the Bassin d’Arcachon. With seven oyster ports to explore, you can watch oyster farmers at work or even join them for a few hours. Check the tourist office website for participating farmers . Visit the “Maison de Huitre,” an interactive museum dedicated to oyster farming, and savor the freshest oysters at the cabanes along the coastline, especially at the famous Port de Larros. 

Gujan-Mestras also boasts Plage de la Hume, a beautiful, kid-friendly beach with calm waters due to its sheltered position on the bay. The town hall hosts numerous events for kids and adults in the summer. Visit their website for more information.

Plage de la Hume

How to get to Gujan Mestras? The same train that goes to Arcachon also stops in Gujan Mestras so you can easily get there by train if you don’t want to drive. 

These are some of my favorite spots on Arcachon Bay, and I hope it will encourage you to get out and spend at least one day in this magical place.

Remember to pin this post for later!

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* Note  – Some of the links in this article include affiliate links for which I earn a small commission. It adds absolutely nothing to your cost and helps me continue writing about this amazing region. Don’t worry, I’m not getting rich here, I’ll never recommend anything I don’t believe in 🙂 

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