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Teaser Trailer | Star Trek: Picard - Season 3

The final voyage begins on February 16, 2023.

Star Trek: Picard features Sir Patrick Stewart reprising his iconic role as Jean-Luc Picard, which he played for seven seasons on Star Trek: The Next Generation , and follows this iconic character into the next chapter of his life. LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Jonathan Frakes, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner, Jeri Ryan and Michelle Hurd star alongside Stewart in the third and final season of the hit original series. Learn all about the new cast and returning cast members joining the highly-anticipated final season revealed during the Star Trek universe NYCC 2022 panel here !

In addition to streaming on Paramount+ , Star Trek: Picard also streams on Prime Video outside of the U.S. and Canada, and in Canada can be seen on Bell Media's CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave. Star Trek: Picard is distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution.

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Final Voyage

Final Voyage

  • Two dissimilar men flee from a desolate planet and search in space for a new home.
  • Two outlaws on the run encounter an old abandoned spaceship in the desert. In the last minute they escape their pursuers into space and set off in search of a new home. More and more, however, they are drawn into fundamentally different directions. While Adem discovers the ship's enigmatic past, Novak is increasingly drawn into the spell of a hypnotic power.
  • The first 5 minutes of this film is shot in total complete darkness so there's no use in trying to determine what is going on during that time. But 6 minutes into the film we start being able to actually see the movie. This visibility goes in and out throughout the entire film. Adem is a prisoner desperate to escape an isolated and desolate prison planet. He escapes and finds an abandoned spaceship in the arid and dust-storm ridden desert of the harsh planet. While exploring the ship's interior, he comes across Novak, another prisoner on this planet but who is a prison trustee who has volunteered to hunt and find Adem, the escaped prisoner. Novak communicates with the prison guards via walkie-talkie and lets them know he has found the prisoner Adem trying to hide aboard a wrecked ship found in the desert. Adem informs Novak that the ship is not a wreck and shows him that it is in fact a functional working ship. Novak questions Adem and assesses his flight experience. Adem says he's worked in shipyards and around ships but hasn't flown/piloted one. With his gun aimed at Adem, Novak makes him test the ship's water by having him drink it and then drinks some himself after he sees that Adem was fine after drinking it even though it tastes old and musty. Novak begins checking the ship's systems while Adem tests the ship's food tubes that still have edible food products which he eats. Novak says he's never seen a crappier ship but it still flies. He confesses that though he may have a uniform, he too is disgusted with the planet. Both men have the same goal, to escape the planet. Novak then radios the prison and informs them that the fugitive has resisted capture and fled North. He lies and pretends he is still in pursuit of Adem, the escaped prisoner but he has made plans to fix the ship and escape the planet with Adem. They both go about fixing, prepping, and cleaning the ship's mechanics in order to take off. The prison is commanding Novak abandon and get off the ship and wait for them as they send a troop of guards to hunt the escaped prisoner. They do not want Novak aboard a ship as he is still a prisoner himself and they don't want him trying to escape either but that is exactly what Novak is planning on doing. Novak ignores their radio communications and continues to fix and repair the ship, getting it ready for takeoff. Adem is tasked with cleaning out the dust and soot from the ship's engine. The prison radios back that there has been no one in the sector that Novak reported Adem fled to for the past 32 hours and this makes Novak hasten his prep activities to eagerly leave the planet before the guards catch up to him. Novak radios back and boasts that he has been one step ahead of the prison and that he has no intention of returning to base. He ignores their communications and threats as they warn him of blowing himself to pieces trying to start the ship. He and the escaped prisoner Adem soon take off in the abandoned ship fleeing their pursuers. They achieve orbit and are now flying/floating through the darkness and vastness of space. We are now 30 minutes into the film. Novak pilots the ship while Adem does any needed repairs and fixes. Novak caresses a faded Polaroid of a woman in silhouette staring at what looks like a distant city. This seems to be his goal destination; getting to wherever this woman is. They continue assessing the ship's interior and functionality and Adem comes across some abandoned clothes and possessions of the ship's previous crew. He also finds a dried leaf of some sort of plant. Novak assigns him the duty to logging their flight experiences into the computer's flight log. As Novak dictates the ship's condition and new crew for Adem to type, he makes it known that his plan is to go to Onasis which appears to be some other planet. Novak believes they will be safe from the prison trackers and they will have their freedom. Adem is skeptical about Novak's plans and questions him about it often. He asks Novak to work on fixing the ship's radio and communication system because Adem wants to try to reach other people. Novak wants to reach no one else. Adem types into the ship's logs and documents his feelings and concerns about the abandoned ship, Novak's wild plan, and his doubts about what lies ahead. He then begins searching the computer's database for the flight logs of the previous crew. He finds the logs and learns the previous crew encountered some type of alien plant spore that ended up making them all sick and killing most of them. It seemed to have driven some of the crew insane as the person who documented the previous flight states that he is slowly losing his sanity as well. Adem does not share this information with Novak for whatever reason and just continues going about repairing and fixing the ship as best he can as Novak focuses on fixing the ship's heat that keeps going in and out. Adem continues reading the previous crew's ship logs but Novak tells him not to because they don't need to know what happened to the previous crew as it will just drive him crazy trying to find out. Adem ignores Novak's command and continues reading the old ship logs trying to find out more about the ship's past. There is very little dialogue and communications between the two men as each goes about doing his own tasks. Adem learns a little more about the illness that befell the previous crew as he comes across ship logs that show various strange plants and leaves they found. Novak calls Adem to the ship's front and shows him a large alien looking space station ahead of them in the dark space. Adem wants to try to reach them via radio while Novak wants to hide from its inhabitants and fly away and they argue over this. Novak shoves an old spacesuit and helmet at Adem and tells him if he wants to go to the space station, he can propel himself out of the shaft and float over to the strange station. Novak flies the ship underneath the large, strange, black space station and gets away from it. While wearing the helmet, Adem begins speaking as if he is repeating a broadcast of someone else's recording. He is in somewhat of a trance. He is incoherent and not making sense and Novak runs to get him water to drink. Adem shows Novak the dried plant leaf he found and informs him that the ship is from where that plant came from and from where the previous crew came from. He says it's a place neither he nor Novak are aware of. They talk about what might have been aboard the strange space station; supplies, good food unlike what their ship has, water, beds, women, and possible maniacs. Novak asks Adem when was the last time he saw a woman and Adem admits not since he was seventeen. Novak says if women were aboard that station, they would probably have betrayed them. Adem says that wherever the plant/leaf is from definitely has women. Novak rebukes his claims and says once Adem provides a concrete planet with coordinates, they can and will look for that place but not until then. Novak admits that when he heard that someone had escaped, he volunteered not to bring the person back but to be part of the escape. He asks Adem what did he hear when he put on the old spacesuit helmet. Adem says he heard some type of signal and some notes. They continue flying through space and Adem continues to read the previous crew's flight logs. He learns that they were trying to get back to their home. Novak is preoccupied with a signal that is being broadcast to the ship's system. Adem warns him that the signal drove the previous crew mad and insane. He warns Novak that the signal is wrong, they shouldn't follow it, and that it's not good for him. Adem asks Novak if he heard the signal and Novak says yes, he did. Adem storms away and continues exploring the ship and its contents. He comes across a locker filled with clothes, boots, personal items, and an assault style weapon wrapped in a cloth bag. He puts the gun back. He goes to get a flashlight from Novak who states that he now knows where the signal is coming from. Adem walks off and uses the flashlight to explore the ship's contents. He finds a crawl space with a grate covering it and crawls inside to explore it. The walls have markings and numbers scribbled into them with metal. Novak finds him and Adem tells him it's a shaft of some sort but doesn't tell him about the numbers. Novak tells him to come back up front. Novak shows him the signal and tells him it's some sort of music. Adem says he hasn't heard much music in his lifetime. Novak re-plots the ship's course based on what he received from the signal. Adem is in disagreement that they should go there. He reads from the ship's old flight log where its crew mentioned that they are almost certain that the signal should be carefully interpreted from a safe distance and not be approached. Novak disregards the warning and tells Adem he needs to take a nap. Adem tells Novak he's the one who should take a nap. Novak accuses Adem of being Sylbert, the person who entered all of the previous ship's flight logs. Adem accuses Novak of being Sylbert. They argue and are clearly distrustful of one another. Adem says Sylbert is dead by now and demands that Novak stop calling him that. Adem says he is himself, an escaped prisoner searching for a home and warns Novak that they cannot continue following that signal. Adem says they can go anywhere they want and don't have to follow that one signal. Novak tries to get him to put on the helmet again and listen to the signal but Adem refuses. They continue to disagree about following the signal. Adem says they should go where the ship is from, Earth. Novak scoffs at his beliefs and tells him Earth is not a place you can go, it's just a fairy tale you tell small children before bedtime. While they continue to argue, they hear a crashing sound and run to the front of the ship. The ship is flying into strange alien-like debris that is crashing into them. They rush to try to steer the ship away from the debris. Once cleared from the space debris' path, Novak shows Adem on the console a distant gold dot. He says that's where they're headed and asks Adem if he knows what gold is. Novak clearly wants to go to what he believes is a gold planet. He has become irrational and obsessed over this gold planet; his eyes wide with the look of insanity. They see floating wreckage from old spaceships floating by and Novak laughs and smiles crazily and says, "it's old adventures drifting away". Adem gives him a look of concern and fear. Adem continues to explore the ship as it gets closer to the gold planet. Novak has now put on the old spacesuit and helmet. He is planning on landing and exploring the planet. Adem goes off to further explore the crawl space/shaft he found earlier. Novak comes and asks him what he's doing (no longer wearing the spacesuit) and Adem says he's writing down the numbers that are scrawled into the walls. Novak accuses him of getting them because he thinks they're the coordinates to Earth. He accuses Adem of trying to hold him back and tells him there is no Earth and they cannot go back to where they supposedly came from. Novak says all they can do is go further and deeper into space. He tells Adem to bring the light because it's the only one they have. As they approach the gold planet, Adem tells Novak they have to leave. He says there is nowhere to land because the gold planet is a gas planet and its core is probably liquid so they won't be able to land. Adem found some disks in the shaft and tells Novak they have to view them. Novak is now wide-eyed and insane with his obsession. He tells Adem to go back and strap himself in the flight chair to prepare to land on the gold planet. Adem rushes to get the gun he found and points it at Novak. He tells him he cannot land on that unknown planet. Novak rushes Adem and takes the gun from him. Novak tells him there is no Earth, no blue skies, no fields, no seas, no trees, and none of that exists. He shoots the escape hatch and destroys the disks Adem found. He locks Adem in the back sector of the ship. Adem bangs on the door in frustration as Novak begins his descent into landing on the gold planet. He is now wide-eyed and completely out of his mind. He puts on the old spacesuit and helmet (yes, a continuity issue). Adem tries to unlock the door and escape. He gets the door open just as Novak (no longer wearing spacesuit) descends into the planet's gravity. Adem asks him what he plans to do if the planet's core is fluid and asks him why he's doing this. Novak points the gun at him and tells him because he has to. Novak sits back down in the pilot seat and flies through the planet's atmosphere which is golden, dusty, cloudy. Adem says they have no business being there as Novak wildly continues flying through the planet's atmosphere. Adem says this is the end as the ship has now landed. Novak is heard putting on the spacesuit again. Adem asks him what he's doing and Novak says this is not the end. Adem asks him what is he supposed to do without a pilot. He asks Novak to wait. He tells Novak he isn't thinking clearly and that he will not find anything outside. Novak ignores him and tells him to go, to go, to go. He wants Adem to take the ship and leave him. Novak exits the ship to go to the gold planet's surface. Novak walks through the cloudy and dusty golden atmosphere of the planet. He looks to be inside a large golden cavern. He reaches out his hand to feel its golden walls. Adem attempts to radio Novak trying to get him to come back aboard the ship but Novak ignores him and continues exploring the cavern. The golden walls seem to be alive as it looks as if parts of it are breathing. He falls and a thick gaseous cloud approaches him. He hears weird warbling sounds vibrating around him and finds a hole that he crawls through. The sounds are louder now and Adem can see them on the signal on the ship and can hear them too. Novak gets stuck in the crawl space he was exploring and the sound intensifies. The gaseous cloud surrounds him and he panics as if he suddenly cannot breathe. He takes off his helmet, starts yelling, screaming, and covering his ears as if the sound was attacking him, his eyes widened with fear. Meanwhile, Adem finds the Polaroid picture Novak had of the woman looking off into a distant city. It has numbers written at the bottom of it.He compares those numbers with those he took off the crawl space/shaft's wall. The numbers on the Polaroid are a different set of numbers. He enters the coordinates from the Polaroid as the ship's new course. We see a distant view of the gold planet as Adem sits back in the pilot chair and flies away. He then enters another flight log entry stating: "He never returned. I left the golden planet and have charted a new course. It is not the same as the coordinates on the wall, but the destination is just as uncertain. My gut tells me it's the right one. It may sound awful, but food and water rations have since doubled." He erases the last part and writes: "It may sound awful, but he just may have very well been the last person I ever got to see." The camera zooms in on a closeup of Adem's face as he contemplates the meaning of what he has just typed. He looks at Novak's Polaroid picture with the mysterious woman again. It fades out and credits roll.

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Final Voyage (2019)

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Agnetha, Björn, Benny and Anni-Frid return with ABBA VOYAGE

A revolutionary concert, 40 years in the making, and a brand new studio album Voyage

final voyage 2022

The digital versions of ABBA have been created following weeks and months of motion-capture and performance techniques with the four band members and an 850-strong team from Industrial Light & Magic, the company founded by George Lucas, in what is the company’s first foray into music.

Now, an incredible 40 years since their last studio album The Visitors , ABBA have not only recorded two new songs, ‘I Still Have Faith In You’ and ‘Don’t Shut Me Down’, that will both feature in the concert, but they have recorded and produced an entire new album. Recorded together at Benny’s studio Riksmixningsverket in Stockholm, Voyage will be released worldwide on 5th November on Universal Music Group.

ABBA Voyage will open 27th May 2022 at the ABBA Arena, a state-of-the-art 3,000 capacity arena located at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London. Pre-registration for tickets opens at 6pm tonight on with tickets on general sale from Tuesday 7th September, see below for more detail.

The ABBA Voyage concert is made with the help of: Producer Svana Gisla (David Bowie Blackstar/Lazarus, Beyoncé and Jay Z for HBO, Springsteen and I), Producer Ludvig Andersson (And Then We Danced, Yung Lean – “In My Head”, Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again), Director Baillie Walsh (Flashbacks of a Fool, Being James Bond, Springsteen and I), Co-Executive Producer Johan Renck (Spaceman, David Bowie Blackstar/Lazarus, Chernobyl)and Choreographer Wayne McGregor CBE (The Royal Ballet, Company Wayne McGregor, Paris Opera Ballet).

Svana Gisla, Producer, and Ludvig Andersson, Producer: “The magic of ABBA and the herculean efforts of this whole magnificent team reaches a long awaited milestone today.  To be able to finally share this endeavour with the world is a proud moment for us and we can’t wait to welcome you to our arena in East London, a place where we are so happy to be.”

Baillie Walsh, Director: “I watched ABBA win the Eurovision song contest in 1974, and never did I imagine that 47 years later I would be with them on this extraordinary voyage. Life is weird and wonderful sometimes.”

Wayne McGregor, Choreographer: “Imagine: growing up in the North of England in the 70’s and learning to ballroom, Latin and disco dance to the incredible songs of ABBA. I was 8 and I was totally transported. Fast forward to 2020, being in Sweden and dancing with ABBA – in real life! I was about to be 50 and I was totally transported again. That is the magic of ABBA.

We have shared many creative and joyful adventures with a bold collaborative team to make the impossible possible for ABBA Voyage: technological wizardry, state of the art immersion and entertainment innovation. And still at its searing heart we simply have new songs, new moves, classic songs, classic moves: ABBA is DANCE and always will be. See you on the dancefloor”.

Sir Lucian Grainge, Chairman & CEO, Universal Music Group: “From the very beginning of my career, and having had the privilege to work with them directly for many years since, it’s been a tremendous joy to be surrounded by ABBA and their music. Their boundless creativity and timeless melodies makes us want to partner with them on everything they do because we know it will be simply great.”

The music video for ‘I Still Have Faith In You’ has been directed by Shynola.

Tickets for ABBA Voyage are available from 10am Sunday 5th September for fans who have pre-ordered the album from the official ABBA store, and from 10am Monday 6th September for those who have pre-registered. General on sale commences 10am Tuesday 7th September. Head to . ABBA’s studio album Voyage will be released 5th November on Universal Music Group.

@abbavoyage (Twitter, Facebook Instagram, TikTok)

About ABBA With nearly 400 million albums sold worldwide, 17 No. 1 hits and over 16 million weekly global streams, ABBA are one of the world’s most successful music acts of all time.  Ever since their breakthrough with ‘Waterloo’ back in 1974, ABBA’s music has captured the hearts of people all over the world. Today, the songs they created – written and produced by Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus, and interpreted vocally with passion and commitment by Agnetha Fältskog and Anni-Frid “Frida” Lyngstad – are regarded as an important part of the international music canon. In the 21st Century, ABBA are more popular than ever. ABBA Gold, originally released in 1992, recently passed its 1000th week on the UK Album Chart, the first album in history to reach this milestone. Content using the #ABBA hashtag on TikTok recently reached one billion views, without the catalogue officially being available on the platform. ABBA was inducted into the Rock N’Roll Hall of Fame in 2010, and ‘Dancing Queen’, one of their most beloved songs, was added to the GRAMMY Hall of Fame in 2015.

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final voyage 2022

Final Voyage

Obituary notices (மரண அறிவித்தல்கள்), day: january 29, 2022, dr. sinnadurai jeyaratnam wilson (1938 – 2022) கலாநிதி. சின்னத்துரை ஜெயரத்தினம் வில்சன்(ஜெயா).

final voyage 2022

“I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever” (Psalm 23: 6)

Dr. Sinnadurai Jeyaratnam Wilson (Jeya) :  Formerly of Sri Lanka and Singapore and later in Sydney Australia, entered peacefully into his Father’s House on Sunday, 23 January 2022.

Dearly beloved husband of Silojini (Nee Thambithurai – formally of Station Road, Chavakachcheri), loving father of Tharshini Joseph (Germany) and Prakash (Sydney), father-in-law of Gerry Joseph and Diana, doting grandfather of Serena, Isabel, Nicholas, Lianna, Dravid and Daya.

Cherished second son of late John Alfred Sinnadurai & Lizzie (Araly, Sri Lanka), loving son-in-law of late Joseph Thambithurai & Gnanasoundary (Chavakachcheri), much loved brother of Stanley Sinnadurai (Perth), Flora Vijiaraj (Sydney), Victor Sinnadurai (Sydney), Watson Sinnadurai (Melbourne), Walter Sinnadurai (Sydney) and Robert Sinnadurai (Adelaide) and much-loved cousin and uncle of many.

SJ Wilson was born in Bentong, Malaysia and studied at Jaffna College, Sri Lanka. A distinguished old boy of Jaffna College went on to complete his Maths undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. He was a tenured Professor at the National University of Singapore for more than four decades and has inspired many students. He will be fondly remembered by his cherished friends and students across the globe.

Please uphold Wilson family in your prayers.

Thanksgiving Service:

To celebrate the life of Dr. SJ Wilson, a Thanksgiving Service will be held in Magnolia Chapel, Macquarie Park Crematorium, Sydney, Australia, on Saturday, 5 February 2022 at 10:50am (Sydney time) with viewing at 10:15am.

Live stream:

Please follow the link TJ Andrews Funeral services for details of the funeral, livestream and digital memorial book.

Family Request:

In lieu of floral tributes, please consider a donation to Australian Heart Foundation via :

Mrs Silojini Wilson (Sydney – 02 8819 2920)

Mr Stanley Sinnadurai ( Perth – 08 9255 3364)

Mrs Flora Vijiaraj (Sydney-  02 9863 1645)

Mr Victor Sinnadurai (Sydney – 02 9858 2916)

Mr Watson Sinnadurai (Melbourne – 03 97952698)

Mr Walter Sinnadurai (Sydney- 02 9688 3902)

Mr Robert Sinnadurai (Adelaide- 08 8332 2849)

சோதி தோன்றும் ஓர் தேசமுண்டு

விசுவாசக் கண்ணால் காண்கிறோம்

நம் பிதா அழைக்கும் பொழுது

நாம் அங்கே வசிக்கச் செல்லுவோம்  (தமிழாக்கம் – D.P. Niles)

Below is a n excerpt of the tribute written by Stanley Sinnadurai (Wilson’s oldest brother) and read by Victor Sinnadurai.

Good morning/afternoon family and friends,

I’m Stanley Sinnadurai from Perth the eldest child of the late Mr and Mrs John Alfred Sinnadurai. Sadly, due to Covid-19 restrictions, my family and I cannot pay our last respects personally to my second brother Wilson and Uncle Wilson. I would like to thank my sister-in-law, Baba, for giving me the honour to share a few words about my brother. I would also like to thank my brother, Victor, for reading this tribute .

The first chapter of Wilson’s, life began on the 5th of August 1938 in Bentong Malaysia. After the second world war, the Malay government introduced mandatory military service for males over the age of 15. Due to compulsory rule, my mother decided to move us to Sri Lanka then Ceylon, leaving my father in Malaysia., We moved with our grandparents in Jaffna on the 8th of March 1949, and later our family moved to Vaddukoddai (Sri Lanka).

Wilson began his early education at Jaffna College, where he excelled in all areas of his education, but particularly talented in mathematics. Wilson surrounded himself with equally gifted friends in mathematics at college. If he had problem in maths and his friends were also unable to resolve, he would seek assistance from people who were deemed mentally unstable but had brilliant maths brains in his town. Once, he decided that it was best to buy a cup of tea for them so they could assist him and his friends to resolve their maths problem.

Wilson was a sleepwalker when he was quite young. Our mother kept the front door key in a jar of cold water to prevent Wilson opening the door, hoping the cold water would wake him up. Once our mother sought assistance from a native “doctor” for Wilson’s sleepwalks. The “doctor” who had a very long white beard, came to check Wilson’s sleepwalking one night. Soon he did confirm the issue, because Wilson in his sleep, has started to play with “doctor’s” long beard.

Wilson also excelled in basketball, however, his coach discouraged Wilson from taking up basketball, not because of his height, but because Wilson was all skin and bone with no muscles. The coach was concerned that Wilson may incur injuries during play, and he would be liable. However, our mum continued to encourage Wilson to play basketball. As a result, Wilson continued his passion for basketball throughout his university days and won many awards. But from all accounts, Wilson never sustained any injuries.

Wilson continued his gift for mathematics by undertaking a maths degree at the University of Colombo. Wilson finished his degrees with the highest possible honours. However, due to the political situation in Sri Lanka, he had to seek employment in another country.

Thus began his second chapter in Singapore, where he married an elegant, beautiful and extremely dedicated young lady by the name of Miss Sulogini Thambithurai on the 12 of July 1967. Both Wilson and Sulogini were blessed with two children, a beautiful daughter named Tharshini, and a handsome young son named Prakash.

While he was in Singapore, Wilson and his family were extremely supportive, both financially and emotionally to both sides of the family, and he was instrumental in matching me and my wife together.  So, Wilson was not only a talented basketball player, but also a match-making maths Professor!  Wilson had the world at his feet, but his feet were always firmly planted on the ground as a simple man with a very simple life.

On his final chapter, Wilson moved to Sydney, Australia to enjoy his retirement and to be closer to his siblings. Even though I was on the other side of the country, Wilson and I kept in regular touch, and we enjoyed our phone conversations. Wilson’s health declined over the past few years, but his sense of humour and love for life was always in full display, as he continued his mantra of “simple man” “simple life”. I would like to thank Baba for the enormous physical and mental sacrifices she has made over the years to take care of my brother. Only her support and encouragement has given my brother a quality of life, to enjoy to the fullest till the very last moment.

In closing, if I had to summarise Wilson’s life and legacy, he was a genius in every sense of the word. He was very caring, fun-loving brother, devoted husband, loving father, father-in-law and doting grandfather. He was a dear uncle to all his nieces and nephews and a great friend to many people all around the globe.

Wilson, may you rest in peace my brother, we shall meet again in paradise until we meet again goodbye my loving brother! You will be missed dearly by your family and friends. Rest in Peace.

Baba, Tharshini and Prakash our deepest condolences and our thoughts and prayers are with you at this very difficult and dark time.


You may share your comforting words and condolences with the family in the comments section below. Comments will be moderated before publication. Under no circumstances FINAL VOYAGE will publish personal emails and contacts.

துயர் பகிர்வு

உங்கள் துயர் பகிர்வுகளையும், அனுதாபச் செய்திகளையும் ஒரே இடத்தில் குடும்பத்தார் பார்வையிடுவதற்காக இவ் தளத்தின் பின்னோட்டத்தில் பதிவிடலாம். எக்காரணம் கொண்டும் உங்கள் மின்னஞ்சல் தகவல் இவ் தளத்தில் பதியப்படவோ பகிரப்படவோ மாட்டாது என பணிவுடன் தெரிவித்துக் கொள்கிறோம்.


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What comes next for the soon-to-close Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser at Disney World?

Tarah Chieffi

The Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser was one of Disney World's most ambitious projects — and that's saying a lot about a company that has paved a lot of roads in the worlds of parks and entertainment. While it may have been unofficially known as the "Star Wars" hotel, it provided much more than a place to sleep after running around Disney World all day ... and charged accordingly.

When the Galactic Starcruiser departed on its first public voyage on March 1, 2022, reports from guests of the immersive entertainment painted a picture of an out-of-this-world time. Multiple TPG staffers who tried it felt the same magic of living out childhood dreams .

But guests on the Starcruiser also paid an out-of-this-world price for the experience, even by Disney standards — a two-night voyage for a family of four costs upwards of $6,000. Despite the price, many of the first several months of experiences sold out, but by late 2022, there was evidence of cracks in demand.

Today, Disney announced the final voyage for the Halcyon Starcruiser will be Sept. 28-30, 2023.

This news comes as Disney is in the midst of a plan to cut $5.5 billion in costs across the Walt Disney Company, which will not only impact the Starcruiser but also result in reducing 7,000 jobs from its workforce, restructuring its business segments and canceling a plan to move approximately 2,000 Disney Parks, Experiences and Products cast members from Southern California to a new campus in Lake Nona, Florida, near Disney World.

While this is a much larger day of news for Disney than just the Starcruiser, we're going to focus on what happened to this one-of-a-kind "hotel" — and what we hope will come next.

Why is the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser closing?

final voyage 2022

Voyages on the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser booked up quickly in the early days, with mega "Star Wars" fans jumping at the chance to take a (simulated) voyage through the universe of Kylo Ren, Rey, Chewbacca and a handful of new characters created just for the experience. The cast members who played these roles brought the story to life in a way unlike anything experienced before. It was such a unique experience that it sold out for months after opening.

By November 2022, Disney started offering a 30% discount on select voyages to Disney Vacation Club members. In January of this year, Disney took the move a step further, releasing its first public discount on pre- or post-Starcruiser Disney hotel stays . Then, in March, Disney announced that Starcruiser voyages would be cut back from three voyages per week to only two starting in October. Annual pass holders would also receive up to 30% off of the experience.

Even with discounts, the experience was far from cheap. Guests still needed to shell out thousands of dollars to climb aboard the Halcyon Starcruiser.

Despite the high price tag, previous guests largely heaped praises on the Galactic Starcruiser, as evidenced in multiple Facebook groups solely dedicated to the experience. It won a themed entertainment industry award, even though it was only open for a short time. Even TPG gave it an award in 2022 for its innovation .

But at more than $6,000 for a family, a Galactic Starcruiser stay costs more than a Disney Cruise and potentially even more than some family trips to Europe. As cool as it is, ultimately, the high price tag for a less than 48-hour experience largely taking place inside a building is simply too much for most families to afford — a realization that Disney just publically accepted.

In a statement shared with TPG, Disney gave more details on the closure.

"Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser is one of our most creative projects ever and has been praised by our guests and recognized for setting a new bar for innovation and immersive entertainment," Disney's statement said. "This premium, boutique experience gave us the opportunity to try new things on a smaller scale of 100 rooms, and as we prepare for its final voyage, we will take what we've learned to create future experiences that can reach more of our guests and fans."

Can you still book a voyage on the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser?

As pricey as the Starcruiser experience is, we know of multiple repeat guests who even would go in with friends (or strangers) to share a room and divide the cost by as many people as possible just to have the experience.

Luckily for them and other hopeful voyagers, the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser can still be booked through the end of September. The final voyage will take place Sept. 28-30, 2023, and most weeks have two to three voyages available.

Know, though, that new reservations are temporarily paused while Disney works to rebook guests who had already booked the experience on dates that come after the final voyage.

final voyage 2022

New bookings will reopen on May 26, 2023. You can view available voyage dates on the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser website .

What does the future hold for the space occupied by the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser?

After hearing this news, we couldn't help but wonder what comes next for the Galactic Starcruiser. Truth be told, we've been pondering that for a while as some warning signs became evident.

The themed space hotel is already there, fully operational and located directly behind the Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge area within Disney's Hollywood Studios.

There are plenty of "Star Wars" fans who still haven't had a chance to sleep in a space bunk, look out the room's "window" into space and enjoy the exclusive themed bar and restaurant, not to mention the other unique spaces.

final voyage 2022

Perhaps the next journey for the Starcruiser could be as a "Star Wars" hotel, as it was offhandedly known. We'd love to see the themed restaurant, bar and common areas available to more visitors, especially since the only other space-themed restaurant at Disney (Space 220 in Epcot, which shares some similarities with this hotel) is one of the hardest-to-book restaurants in all of Disney World .

With this property's theme and proximity, layering in some special early or late access to Hollywood Studios' Galaxy's Edge area seems doable. The technology that enables guests to take part in special missions and unlock codes in an app also already exists. While the latter would lose some magic without the immersive element of the Starcruiser, it could still appeal to many.

Related: How to plan an epic Disney 'Star Wars' trip — that doesn't cost $6,000

A themed hotel with special park access and unique food and beverages could presumably command prices at least on par with Disney's Deluxe hotels, which generally hover between $500 and $700 per night.

Perhaps staying in an out-of-this-world-themed hotel is still a one-and-done experience, but there are likely more guests willing to spend several hundred dollars per night to travel to a galaxy far, far away than there are ones who'd spend several thousand dollars per night.

Bottom line

You don't need the power of the force to know that "Star Wars" is likely to remain a major presence at Disney for years to come.

A quick scroll through the long list of "Star Wars"-themed movies and TV shows on Disney+ proves that "Star Wars" is still quite popular. Not to mention, there are entire "Star Wars"-themed lands at both Disney World and Disneyland that aren't going anywhere.

While big changes are ahead for the Starcruiser, we aren't fully packing away our Jedi robes and lightsabers just yet. Instead, we'll cross our fingers that there may be "A New Hope" for a different version of Disney's Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser awaiting in the future.

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cruise news

Carnival Cruise Line Ship Sets Sail on Final Voyage

Sarah Bretz, Contributor

Sarah Bretz, Contributor

  • October 10, 2022

Carnival Cruise Line’s 31-year-old ship Carnival Ecstasy is heading out on her final revenue voyage today, having lived a full life carrying nearly 5.5 million guests.

carnival ecstasy exterior mobile alabama final cruise

Ecstasy is setting sail on a sold-out five-day cruise to Cozumel and Progreso, the last of over 2,300 voyages for the ship. Carnival Cruise Line Brand Ambassador John Heald, who served as Ecstasy ‘s cruise director in the vessel’s early days, is hosting a large group of fans of the ship on board.

“We’ve certainly enjoyed a great deal of fun on Carnival Ecstasy over the years,” Heald said. “M/S Ecstasy, as we knew her then, was a game-changer when she entered the fleet, along with her Fantasy-class ‘SuperLiner’ sisters, and we have the innovations of that time to thank for many of the features our ships are known for now.”

carnival ecstasy atrium

Carnival Ecstasy was built in Helsinki, Finland, and debuted as Carnival’s second “Fun Ship” in the Fantasy class. Over the years, it sailed from eight homeports: Miami, Port Canaveral, Jacksonville, Galveston, Long Beach, New Orleans, Charleston, and Mobile.

carnival ecstasy lido deck whale tail

An important piece of Carnival Ecstasy memorabilia, a 1934 Rolls Royce Saloon that had been parked by the Rolls Royce Café, will stay a part of the fleet on board Carnival Celebration, which is debuting next month. It’ll be part of The Gateway, a travel-themed space on the vessel.

Carnival Cruise Line will resume voyages from Mobile in October 2023 when Carnival Spirit arrives and offers eastern and western Caribbean voyages starting October 6th.

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Two new songs, ‘I Still Have Faith In You’ and ‘Don’t Shut Me Down,’ are out now ahead of the ‘Voyage’ album in November.

Published on

ABBA photo - Courtesy: UMG

ABBA have today announced confirmation of their return for the first time in 40 years, with two new songs, an upcoming complete new album and, in 2022, a revolutionary digital concert spectacular.

The quartet of Agnetha, Björn, Benny and Anni-Frid, one of the most successful pop groups of all time, have not only recorded two new songs available today, “I Still Have Faith In You” and “Don’t Shut Me Down,” but have completed an entire new album, Voyage . They worked on it together at Benny’s studio, Riksmixningsverket, in Stockholm, for release by Universal Music Group on November 5.

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Thank you for the music: the best abba covers.

ABBA - I Still Have Faith In You

“I Still Have Faith In You,” which has a music video directed by Shynola, is an atmospheric, slow tempo piece that builds dramatically with harmonized choruses and rock guitar accompaniment. “Don’t Shut Me Down” also starts slowly, but soon picks up pace with an infectious beat. Both tracks have the powerful vocals and intelligent lyrics that characterized the group’s songbook in their earlier years together.

The album title mirrors the forthcoming live experience, ABBA Voyage , which will open on May 27, 2022 at the purpose-built ABBA Arena. The state-of-the-art 3,000 capacity arena will be located at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London.

Don't Shut Me Down

“It’s been a while since we made music together,” say the four members of ABBA. “Almost 40 years, actually. We took a break in the spring of 1982 and now we’ve decided it’s time to end it. They say it’s foolhardy to wait more than 40 years between albums, so we’ve recorded a follow-up to The Visitors .

“To tell the truth, the main inspiration to record again comes from our involvement in creating the strangest and most spectacular concert you could ever dream of. We’re going to be able to sit back in an audience and watch our digital selves perform our songs on a stage in a custom-built arena in London next spring. Weird and wonderful!”

The concert experience will feature digital versions of ABBA which have been created after weeks and months of motion-capture and performance techniques, involving the four band members and an 850-strong team from George Lucas’ Industrial Light & Magic. It marks the company’s first venture into music. Pre-registration for tickets opens at 6 pm BST tonight (2) on . Tickets go on general sale from next Tuesday, September 7.

The ABBA Voyage concert is made with the help of producer Svana Gisla ( David Bowie Blackstar /“Lazarus,” Beyoncé and Jay Z for HBO, Springsteen and I) ; producer Ludvig Andersson ( And Then We Danced , Yung Lean – “In My Head,” Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again) ; director Baillie Walsh ( Flashbacks of a Fool, Being James Bond, Springsteen and I ); co-executive producer Johan Renck ( Spaceman , David Bowie Blackstar /“Lazarus,” Chernobyl ); and choreographer Wayne McGregor CBE (The Royal Ballet, Company Wayne McGregor, Paris Opera Ballet).

“The magic of ABBA and the herculean efforts of this whole magnificent team reaches a long-awaited milestone today,” say Gisla and Andersson. “To be able to finally share this endeavor with the world is a proud moment for us and we can’t wait to welcome you to our arena in East London, a place where we are so happy to be.”

Notes director Walsh: “I watched ABBA win the Eurovision song contest in 1974, and never did I imagine that 47 years later I would be with them on this extraordinary voyage. Life is weird and wonderful sometimes.”

McGregor reflects: “Imagine: growing up in the North of England in the 70s and learning to ballroom, Latin and disco dance to the incredible songs of ABBA. I was 8 and I was totally transported. Fast forward to 2020, being in Sweden and dancing with ABBA – in real life! I was about to be 50 and I was totally transported again. That is the magic of ABBA.

“We have shared many creative and joyful adventures with a bold collaborative team to make the impossible possible for ABBA Voyage : technological wizardry, state-of-the-art immersion, and entertainment innovation,” he continues. “And still at its searing heart we simply have new songs, new moves, classic songs, classic moves: ABBA is DANCE and always will be. See you on the dancefloor.”

Sir Lucian Grainge, chairman & CEO, Universal Music Group, says: “From the very beginning of my career, and having had the privilege to work with them directly for many years since, it’s been a tremendous joy to be surrounded by ABBA and their music. Their boundless creativity and timeless melodies make us want to partner with them on everything they do because we know it will be simply great.”

Tickets for ABBA Voyage will be available from 10 am BST on Sunday (5) for fans who have pre-ordered the album from the official ABBA store, and from 10 am on September 6 for those who have pre-registered. General on-sale commences at 10 am BST on September 7 at .

‘Thank you for waiting’

In further comments released today about their return, ABBA add: “To all of you who patiently have followed us in some way or another these past decades: Thank you for waiting – it’s time for a new journey to begin. We simply call it Voyage and we’re truly sailing in uncharted waters. With the help of our younger selves, we travel into the future. It’s not easy to explain but then it hasn’t been done before.”

Says Benny: “It’s hard to say what’s been the most joyful thing for me with this project. If it’s the involvement in creating the concert together with everyone or being back in the studio together again after 40 years. I think hearing Frida and Agnetha singing again is hard to beat. When you come to the arena you will have the four of us together with an absolutely glorious 10-piece band. And even if not in the flesh, we will be right there, thanks to the work of the creative team and ILM.”

Anni-Frid adds: “Those first sessions back in 2018 were such fun and when Benny called and asked if I’d consider singing some more I jumped at it! And what songs!! My respect and love go out to these exceptionally talented, truly genius songwriters! Such joy it was to work with the group again. I am so happy with what we have made, and I dearly hope our fans feel the same.”

Agnetha comments: “When we got back together in the studio I had no idea what to expect…but Benny’s recording studio is such a friendly and safe environment, and before I knew it I was really enjoying myself! I can hardly believe that finally, the moment has come to share this with the world!”

Bjorn completes the group’s comments by saying of Agnetha and Anni-Frid: “They’re such amazing singers those two, I was completely floored by the way they delivered those songs. They’re true musicians; totally unimpressed by pop star glamour but still having a great time being creative in a recording studio. The Voyage project has injected new life into us in more ways than one.”

Collectively, ABBA conclude: “So, again, thanks for waiting! We hope to see you in the ABBA Arena and yes – see – because we have infused a good deal of our souls into those avatars. It’s not an exaggeration to say that we’re back.”

Pre-order ABBA’s Voyage ,  which is released by Universal Music Group on November 5. 

September 4, 2021 at 3:54 pm

Not impressed by ‘Don’t Shut Me Down’. Sorry, but age makes them sound like a tribute band.

Richard Sikkens

September 4, 2021 at 4:34 pm

You better start listening to a tributeband.

September 5, 2021 at 4:27 am

Wonderful to again hear a true band with intelligent lyrics .

' . esc_html__( 'Leave a Reply', 'zox-news' ) . '

Rihanna - Unapologetic

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A gripping account of Captain Cook’s final voyage

I’m grateful to the Santa Fe bookseller who put Hampton Sides’s “Blood and Thunder” into my hands some years ago. With Kit Carson’s death-defying exploits at its center, the book revolutionized my concept of America’s westward expansion. Sides’s latest effort, “ The Wide Wide Sea ,” is a gripping account of Captain James Cook’s final voyage.

Cook is a controversial historical figure, especially in light of increasing consciousness about the evils of colonialism. Yet he continues to evoke curiosity and attention. As recently as last month, Popular Mechanics published an article about the rediscovery of his curated shell collection.

Sides does not skirt the rapacious appetites of the British and other European monarchies. The magic of this book, however, is in the details of the explorer’s life at sea. Sides relies on Cook’s writings as well those of other sailors on the voyage. Based on the selected bibliography he includes, Sides’s research was voluminous.

Cook had made two world voyages by the time the book opens. He was a celebrity, having “risen from virtually nothing.” At sea, he’d bucked the Royal Navy’s tradition of violence and cruelty. He’d figured out how to avoid scurvy and brought home information of incomparable value, had mastered new nautical instruments and served as an expert scientist, anthropologist and navigator. His mapmaking skills were superlative.

After only six months at home, he took off again, in search of the elusive Northwest Passage . His third expedition consisted of 180 people in two wooden ships, the Resolution and the Discovery. They left England in July 1776.

In addition to Cook’s story, other narratives weave through the book. One particularly fascinating account is that of Mai, a native of Raiatea, a volcanic island 130 miles northwest of present-day Tahiti. When Mai was a boy, warriors from Bora Bora invaded Raiatea, murdered his father, seized his family’s land and enslaved much of the population, forcing his family to take refuge in Tahiti. In 1767, a teenage Mai witnessed the English navy’s firepower when Samuel Wallis, a British navigator, arrived in the HMS Dolphin and fought the Tahitians. Vowing to avenge his people against Bora Bora, Mai concluded that English guns were the way to go. When Cook sailed in seven years later on his second Pacific voyage, Mai requested passage, becoming the first Polynesian to set foot on English soil.

Mai’s story reads as metaphor for colonialism. He learned English and was wined and dined as a celebrity. Although horrified by London’s grinding poverty, unthinkable in his homeland, he wore the local dress and adopted the manners of a foppish English gentleman. He met King George, who provided Mai and Cook with a large assortment of farm animals and domesticated birds, to cement the king’s footprint around the globe. No surprise — the animals were hell to care for. Mai had been in search of heavy artillery from King George, but for the voyage was given only an “arsenal of muskets [and] broadswords,” as well as gifts that would have been unimaginable to the Polynesians — cut-glass bows, laced hats, crockery and telescopes. If not the cache Mai hoped for, it does reflect the English royalty’s strategy for winning friends.

It isn’t possible in this short space to describe Sides’s hair-raising accounts of the journey, an itinerary that led from England to present-day South Africa, South America, Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia, Hawaii, north to Alaska and beyond, and back to Hawaii. Just repairing and re-provisioning the ship required herculean efforts. The physical threats included days-long ocean storms, fog so thick it wasn’t possible to see from stern to bow and cold temperatures against which no garment could protect.

By the time Cook reached Polynesia in October 1777, the rat infestation was so great that “the vermin had all but taken over the holds, gangways, and lower decks.” At Moorea, 12 miles from Tahiti, Cook created a “swinging bridge” from ropes to lure the rats on land. A few made it to the beaches, introducing Polynesia to the European black rats, which remain a “scourge” today.

Cook understood that his men were vectors for infection. An ascetic, he occasionally stopped his men from going ashore to prevent the spread of venereal disease. At times he restrained his crew from violence; at other times, his temper was uncontrollable. After a series of petty thefts from the ship by Tongo natives, Cook ordered brutal floggings and had a villager’s ears cut off. In punishment for one Moorea person stealing a goat, Cook had the village and its cropland torched, along with its canoes. Sides suggests that over the course of this final voyage, Cook may have been suffering declining mental faculties.

By August 1778, the two ships were in the Arctic Ocean sailing toward Siberia. Cook was careful, “zagging outward if the pincers of ice began to close in on his vessels.” When he finally concluded there was no Northwest Passage, he decided to salvage his “defeat,” by doing “reconnaissance work in Hawai’i.” A man onboard wrote, “Those who have been amongst ice, in the dread of being enclosed in it, and in so late a season, can be the best judge of the general joy this news gave.”

People tend to know Cook was killed by native people in Hawaii. The events leading up to his death are gruesome and upsetting, including “cannibalism” made more explicable in Sides’s measured account.

This book captures a time when Europeans were finding unfathomable new worlds. Armed with extensive research and terrific writing, Sides re-creates the newness of the experience, the vast differences in and among Indigenous cultures, and natural phenomena that were as terrifying as they were wondrous.

Martha Anne Toll’s prizewinning debut novel, “Three Muses,” was published in 2022. Her second novel, “Duet for One,” is forthcoming in early 2025.

The Wide Wide Sea

Imperial Ambition, First Contact and the Fateful Final Voyage of Captain James Cook

By Hampton Sides

Doubleday. 432 pp. $35

A gripping account of Captain Cook’s final voyage

  • Walt Disney World

BREAKING: Final Voyage Announced for Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser

by Holly Ramey · May 18, 2023

Star Wars Starcruiser 2023

In a very interesting turn of events, Disney has just announced the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser will be taking its final voyage ever later this year. 

Starcruiser final voyage

Credit: Disney

Disney just released the following statement: 

Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser is one of our most creative projects ever and has been praised by our guests and recognized for setting a new bar for innovation and immersive entertainment. This premium, boutique experience gave us the opportunity to try new things on a smaller scale of 100 rooms, and as we prepare for its final voyage, we will take what we’ve learned to create future experiences that can reach more of our guests and fans. 

We will be contacting Guests booked for voyages departing on or after Sept. 30 to discuss their options and modify their plans. To prioritize these Guests, we are pausing new bookings until May 26.

Starcruiser final voyage

Photo: Disney

We are so proud of all of the Cast Members and Imagineers who brought Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser to life and look forward to delivering an excellent experience for Guests during the remaining voyages over the coming months.

The Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser opened with much fanfare back in March 2022. However, since its opening, the number of guests going on voyages has significantly dwindled. 

final voyage 2022

Photo:(Matt Stroshane, photographer)

In efforts to spur bookings, Disney recently announced special offers for Disney Vacation Club Members, Walt Disney World Annual Passholders, and Disney Visa Cardmembers. With today’s announcement of a final voyage, it seems like those offers weren’t enough to save the Starcruiser experience. 

Star Wars Starcruiser

It is unknown at this time what will become of the building that houses the Starcruiser experience. Immediate thoughts are that it will open as a regular Walt Disney World Resort Hotel where Guests can check in and check out on any date they choose vs. the 2-night pre-planned experience that is offered today. 

Starcruiser final voyage

(Matt Stroshane, photographer)

Make sure to keep it here with MickeyBlog as we continue to follow this breaking news surrounding the Star Wars: Galactic Starcuiser and its final voyage. As updates come along, we will be sure to share them with our readers. 

Planning a Walt Disney World vacation and not sure where to start? Or, are you a pro and looking for an extra set of eyes to monitor for the best discounts? If you are looking to book one last voyage on the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, reach out to get on my VIP list as bookings will reopen May 26. Fill out the form below or send an email to [email protected] for a FREE, no-obligation quote to book your Disney vacation. I can help with as little or as much as you’d like when it comes to planning your trip!

As an agent with MickeyTravels (a Platinum Earmarked Agency), I will be on hand to help you with everything from finding your perfect package,  and I offer rate monitoring to ensure you are receiving the best rate available by Disney!  I work with all Disney Destinations and destinations outside of Disney. Best of all, my services are absolutely FREE. Get in touch via email at  [email protected]  or calling 954.401.9577. Also, make sure to  CLICK HERE  to follow along with my Facebook page for all things Disney and giveaways!


Image/Source Credit: Disney

Tags: Disney World Star Wars Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser Starcruiser

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‘Star Wars’: Galactic Starcruiser Has Officially Sold Out

in Walt Disney World

Guests laughing at Galactic Starcruiser with Ouannii on the left side and a sliced dollar sign at the right side.

Just over a year after opening the first-of-its-kind  Star Wars  hotel ,  Walt Disney World Resort announced its permanent closure. And now, we have just now learned that its final voyage has officially sold out!

'Star Wars': Galactic Starcruiser dinner shows

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Star Wars:  Galactic Starcruiser  opened on March 1, 2022. Though initial sailings of the immersive galactic experience sold out immediately, occupancy dropped in the following months. Reports of poor technology and customer service appeared to scare away  the already-limited number of Guests who could afford the premium cost.

Months ago, Walt Disney World Resort  introduced 30% off discounts  to save the failing  Star Wars  hotel, which initially cost up to six thousand dollars for a two-night stay. Later, they slashed voyages  from three a week to two. But it wasn’t enough.  Star Wars:  Galactic Starcruiser will take its final journey from September 28 to 30, 2023.

Star Wars : Galactic Starcruiser was the first genuinely immersive Walt Disney World Resort hotel, connected directly to Star Wars:  Galaxy’s Edge at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Dedicated entertainment Cast Members worked diligently to bring the magic to life, connecting Guests’ experiences on rides like  Star Wars:  Rise of the Resistance  and  Millennium Falcon: Smuggler’s Run  to their stories on board the ship.

star wars galactic starcruiser

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The decision comes among other company-wide  budget cuts  and  layoffs . Hours earlier, Walt Disney Imagineering announced that it would  officially cancel  its one billion dollar move to Lake Nona, Florida. It is currently unknown what will happen to Imagineers and Starcruiser Cast Members whose roles will soon be eliminated.

Given the surprising announcement, we have now just learned that the final voyage for this unique experience has officially sold out:

Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser’s final voyage on Sept. 28-30, 2023 has sold out.
Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser’s final voyage on Sept. 28-30, 2023 has sold out. — Brooke Geiger McDonald (@BrookeGMcDonald) May 20, 2023

New bookings remain paused until May 26, but Guests booked on the canceled October – December voyages were given first priority to rebook dates now through September. The final journey was a must-have ticket.

Did your family take a voyage on the Star Wars:  Galactic Starcruiser? Share your experience with Inside the Magic in the comments. 

Screen Rant

"never forget to ignite the spark": galactic starcruiser's crew honor their time together as the final voyage ends.


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The 15 Best Star Wars Characters

Star wars writes one sequel trilogy character into princess leia's original trilogy story, luke skywalker wasn't the only jedi working with the rebels in the original trilogy.

  • The cast and crew of the Galactic Starcruiser are reflecting on their time together and sharing memories from the immersive experience.
  • Kamryn Burton, Ben Bailey, Adam Reilly, Jason Keller, Preston Ellis, Bryce, and Jillycakes all talk about their unique experiences and the impact of being part of the Star Wars world.
  • The Halcyon Starcruiser holds a significant place in Star Wars history, and even though the immersive experience has ended, its legacy will live on through comics and novels that tell its story. Exciting new Star Wars stories are still to come.

The immersive experience Star Wars created at the Galactic Starcruiser has completed its final voyage, and now the cast and crew of the Halcyon are sharing their memories to honor their time spent together. The Halcyon Starcruiser officially began its voyages on March 1, 2022, and a year and a half later, the immersive experience has closed its launch pod doors once and for all. The 3-day, 2-night experience was supposedly a celebration of the ship's 275th anniversary voyage that took passengers on the adventure of a lifetime during the height of the Resistance-First Order conflict, and now, the Halcyon will remain docked on its home planet of Chandrila - the homeworld of Mon Mothma, Chancellor of the New Republic.

Following the completion of the Galactic Starcruiser's final voyage, the cast and crew have taken to social media to share their appreciation for the many memories they made during the course of the Halcyon 's adventures. The immersive experience took many meticulous moving parts to put on its 48-hour show, and those who were able to bring the characters of the Galactic Starcruiser to life are now sharing what it was like to be a part of the Star Wars galaxy.

rynwiththegoodhair talks about the importance of being able to say goodbye to something while still maintaining the lessons it taught. She also reminds people to " never forget to ignite the spark ," a touching ode to Lenka's Resistance allegiance.

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Ben Bailey writes a touching tribute to the Resistance stowaway and makeshift mechanic Sammie, coining his experience as " the adventure of a lifetime ." He credits his fellow crew and the passengers for bringing such magic to the Galactic Starcruiser with each and every voyage they embarked on together.

Adam Reilly draws on some of his character's familiar humor first before he confesses that words don't suffice in describing his time on the Halcyon. They also share inspiring words about the death and rebirth of galaxies that beautifully represent the Starcruiser's current journey.

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Jason Keller 's tribute is brief yet telling. He's honest in sharing that words are difficult to describe his nearly 130 Starcruiser voyages, but knows that a meaningful thank-you does the trick.

Preston Ellis uses a scene from Obi-Wan Kenobi to share a lighthearted answer to the question of " What's next? " for the Starcruiser crew. He served the Halcyon as Lieutenant Croy, Saja Grace, and Supreme Leader Kylo Ren.

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Bryce creates a musical tribute to the Starcruiser and its crew. He reassures the passengers he's met along the way that they will " always stay in our hearts ."

Just before the final voyage of the Starcruiser began, Jillycakes shared the amazing Halcyon-shaped cake they made for the cast and crew, as commissioned by Ahsoka Tano voice actress herself, Ashley Eckstein. The cake is both a beautiful and delicious tribute to all the hard work the cast and crew has done over the last year and a half.

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Starcruiser May Be Gone, But It Leaves A Galactic Legacy

The immersive experience at the Galactic Starcruiser may be gone, but the legacy of the Halcyon in Star Wars lives on. The ship is an important part the galaxy's history, from the age of the High Republic to its time spent aiding the Resistance. Han and Leia embarked on their honeymoon just weeks after the Battle of Endor on the Halcyon , and the ship's crew helped them to prevent the ice moon of Madurs from being destroyed by the Empire. The Halcyon was also the site of Rey's and Kylo Ren's only battle between the events of Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker , making it a significant part of Star Wars history.

The story of the Halcyon will live on, and its importance to Star Wars will not be forgiven. The Star Wars: Halcyon Legacy comics (by Ethan Sacks and Will Sliney) tell the story of Anakin Skywalker's and Asajj Ventress ' duel aboard the ship, and Beth Revis' novel The Princess and the Scoundrel immortalizes Han's inscription of his and Leia's initials in the Halcyon's engineering room. The closure of the Galactic Starcruiser may mark an ending, but it also sparks a new beginning, as the potential for new Star Wars stories to be told in this way and many more lives on.

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Final Voyage

Critics reviews, audience reviews, cast & crew.

Jim Wynorski

Dylan Walsh

Erika Eleniak

Claudia Christian

John Koyama


  1. The Final Voyage

    final voyage 2022

  2. Final Voyage (Trailer)

    final voyage 2022

  3. Volkswagen Voyage 2022: versões, preços, consumo, equipamentos

    final voyage 2022

  4. Voyage 2022

    final voyage 2022

  5. Final Voyage

    final voyage 2022

  6. Final Voyage (2022)

    final voyage 2022


  1. Voyage 1.6 2022 final 41

  2. Voyage 2022

  3. Voyage 2022 1.6 MSI Completo Automático

  4. VOYAGE 2021/2022 ⛔ Troca da correia dentada, tensor e rolanto

  5. Final Fantasy Distant Worlds 2022: Jenova (FF VII)

  6. Scientology's CRUISE SHIP Has Sailed For the LAST TIME!


  1. Final Voyage (2019)

    Final Voyage: Directed by Marcel Barion. With Torben Föllmer, Milan Pesl, Vincenz Türpe. Two dissimilar men flee from a desolate planet and search in space for a new home.

  2. Teaser Trailer

    Teaser Trailer | Star Trek: Picard - Season 3. The final voyage begins on February 16, 2023. Star Trek: Picard features Sir Patrick Stewart reprising his iconic role as Jean-Luc Picard, which he played for seven seasons on Star Trek: The Next Generation, and follows this iconic character into the next chapter of his life. LeVar Burton, Michael ...

  3. FINAL VOYAGE Trailer HD Drama, Mystery, SF Movie

    FINAL VOYAGE Trailer HD Drama, Mystery, SF MovieTwo dissimilar men flee from a desolate planet and search in space for a new home.Director: Marcel BarionWrit...

  4. Final Voyage (2019)

    daniel-raboldt-990-502511 10 November 2020. I watched that film at the Berlin SciFi Filmfestival. It was late at night, dark outside and the cinema was full of people. I love films that take place in confined spaces and I love space movies. Two men, alone on a voyage through the emptiness of space.

  5. USS Kittyhawk's Final Voyage May 31, 2022 Destination ...

    USS Kittyhawk coming through the Brazos De Santiago Pass at the southern tip of South Padre Island, Texas--the entrance to the Brownsville Deep Water Ship Ch...

  6. Final Voyage

    During the Chinese New Year holiday season, a madman named Josef and his deadly gang of 8 modern-day pirates target a luxury cruise ship bound for Hawaii full of 2,500 wealthy passengers. The terrorists climb aboard after being dropped-off via seaplane and shoot the bridge deck crew, ship's cook and a waiter before terrorizing all the ...

  7. Final Voyage (2019)

    Summaries. Two dissimilar men flee from a desolate planet and search in space for a new home. Two outlaws on the run encounter an old abandoned spaceship in the desert. In the last minute they escape their pursuers into space and set off in search of a new home. More and more, however, they are drawn into fundamentally different directions.

  8. Voyage (ABBA album)

    Voyage is the ninth and final studio album by the Swedish pop group ABBA, released on 5 November 2021.With ten songs written by Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus, it is the group's first album of new material in forty years, following The Visitors (1981). [9] [10] The album was supported by the dual single release of "I Still Have Faith in You" and "Don't Shut Me Down", released alongside the ...

  9. Agnetha, Björn, Benny and Anni-Frid return with ABBA VOYAGE

    A revolutionary concert, 40 years in the making, and a brand new studio album Voyage STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN - SEPTEMBER 2, 2021 - ABBA, one of the most successful pop groups of all time, have today announced that, for the first time in 40 years they are back, with a revolutionary new concert that will see Agnetha, Björn, Bennyand Anni-Frid performing digitally with a live 10-piece band, in a ...

  10. January 29, 2022

    1 post published by Final Voyage on January 29, 2022. "I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever" (Psalm 23: 6) Dr. Sinnadurai Jeyaratnam Wilson (Jeya) : Formerly of Sri Lanka and Singapore and later in Sydney Australia, entered peacefully into his Father's House on Sunday, 23 January 2022. Dearly beloved husband of Silojini (Nee Thambithurai - formally of Station Road ...

  11. What does the future hold for the soon-to-close Star Wars: Galactic

    By November 2022, Disney started offering a 30% discount on select voyages to Disney Vacation Club members. In January of this year, Disney took the move a step further, ... The final voyage will take place Sept. 28-30, 2023, and most weeks have two to three voyages available. Know, though, that new reservations are temporarily paused while ...

  12. Carnival Cruise Line Ship Sets Sail on Final Voyage

    October 10, 2022. Carnival Cruise Line's 31-year-old ship Carnival Ecstasy is heading out on her final revenue voyage today, having lived a full life carrying nearly 5.5 million guests. Ecstasy ...

  13. Have you seen Final Voyage (2019 Das letzte Land) : r/scifi

    I have now read the reviews & the major complaints seem to be 1) lack of special effects & dark setting (two reviewers said the actors didn't take a bath & clean up), 2) a lack of plot direction.

  14. ABBA Debut New Songs, Announce 'Voyage' Album, 2022 Digital Show

    The album title mirrors the forthcoming live experience, ABBA Voyage, which will open on May 27, 2022 at the purpose-built ABBA Arena. The state-of-the-art 3,000 capacity arena will be located at ...

  15. - Trailers & Videos

    After an ocean liner has been restored, it embarks on an extended cruise with the rich and famous on board, including actress Gloria (Erika Eleniak) and her dutiful guard, Aaron (Dylan Walsh ...

  16. Final Voyage

    Stream Final Voyage, watch trailers, see the cast, and more at TV Guide ... Prime Video, and More in December 2022. New HBO Max Movies and Shows in December. What's New on Amazon Prime Video in ...

  17. Final Voyage

    In the remote town of Inishmore, tucked away on Ireland's Aran Islands, Padraic (Colin Farrell) and Colm (Brendan Gleeson) share a close, intimate bond of friendship that spans their lives.

  18. A gripping account of Captain Cook's final voyage

    Sides's latest effort, "The Wide Wide Sea," is a gripping account of Captain James Cook's final voyage. ... "Three Muses," was published in 2022. Her second novel, "Duet for One ...

  19. BREAKING: Final Voyage Announced for Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser

    by Holly Ramey · May 18, 2023. In a very interesting turn of events, Disney has just announced the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser will be taking its final voyage ever later this year. Credit: Disney. Disney just released the following statement: Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser is one of our most creative projects ever and has been praised by ...

  20. 'Star Wars': Galactic Starcruiser Has Officially Sold Out

    Just over a year after opening the first-of-its-kind Star Wars hotel, the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser's final voyage has now sold out. ... Galactic Starcruiser opened on March 1, 2022 ...

  21. Watch Final Voyage

    Final Voyage. Two men on the run encounter an old abandoned spaceship in the desert. They eventually escape their pursuers into space and set off in search of a new home. However, drawn in different directions they discover the ship's enigmatic past. 68 IMDb 5.0 1 h 53 min 2019. 7+.

  22. Galactic Starcruiser's Crew Honor Their Time Together As The Final

    The immersive experience Star Wars created at the Galactic Starcruiser has completed its final voyage, and now the cast and crew of the Halcyon are sharing their memories to honor their time spent together. The Halcyon Starcruiser officially began its voyages on March 1, 2022, and a year and a half later, the immersive experience has closed its launch pod doors once and for all.

  23. Final Voyage

    Final Voyage. After an ocean liner has been restored, it embarks on an extended cruise with the rich and famous on board, including actress Gloria (Erika Eleniak) and her dutiful guard, Aaron ...