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Aloha Kulamanu (1946)

Tiger tugs arriving

P&M Marine Services’ tugs Tiger 5 and Tiger 21 approaching Pier 7, Honolulu Harbor. 20 June 2019.

Another familiar sight in Honolulu Harbor is gone. 

Kulamanu ( IMO 8836429), which was tied up on the Diamond Head side of Pier 7, was towed out of the harbor on Thursday, 20 June 2019. She was taken to Kalaeloa Barbers Point Harbor, where work will be done to prepare her for disposal at sea.*

Tiger 5 Kulamanu

Tiger 5 alongside Kulamanu at Pier 7. 20 June 2019.

Tiger 5 Tiger 21 Kulamanu

Tiger 5 (at the bow) and Tiger 21 (at the stern) carefully move Kulamanu away from the pier. 20 June 2019.

Tiger 5 towing Kulamanu

Tiger 5 towing Kulamanu out of the harbor, assisted by Tiger 21 . 20 June 2019.

Kulamanu , built in 1946, was originally named Delaware Belle. She was subsequently renamed Hudson Belle and George Washington .** As George Washington , the Wilson Line operated her as a river cruise vessel on the Potomac River.

Robert J. Halcro, the owner of Windjammer Cruises, bought the George Washington . The ship’s name was officially changed in March 1980 to Rella Mae (in honor of Mr. Halcro’s mother). Four steel masts and a bowsprit were added to the ship at a shipyard in Norfolk, Virginia before she sailed for Hawai‘i via the Panama Canal and Los Angeles. 

Rella Mae arrived in Honolulu Harbor on Sunday, 13 July 1980 and began operations as a dinner cruise ship in August.

windjammer cruises honolulu hawaii

Notice from The Honolulu Advertiser from 12 July 1980.

ACES Dinner Cruises bought Windjammer Cruises in June 1996 and renamed the ship Kulamanu . Due to economic factors, the company shut down operations in May 1998 and put the ship up for sale.

Pacific Cruises owned the ship in the early 2000s. She was put up for auction in July 2006. 

Since then, she languished at Pier 7.

In September 2018, there was an unsuccessful attempt to sail the ship to San Francisco, California .

*The ship was disposed of offshore on 11 July 2019. **James L. Shaw, “Honolulu Holdouts,” PowerShips , No. 303 (2017): 67.

Note: The information about Kulamanu was compiled from a number of sources. Corrections and additions are welcome.

  • Glossary: International Maritime Organization
  • ACES Dinner Cruises
  • Delaware Belle
  • dinner cruise
  • George Washington
  • Honolulu Advertiser
  • Hudson Belle
  • Kalaeloa Barbers Point Harbor
  • P&M Marine Services
  • Pacific Cruises
  • river cruise
  • Wilson Line
  • Windjammer Cruises

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Rachel (1976)

26 Responses to “ Aloha Kulamanu (1946) ”

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i wish i had been there to see her off. this news really made me sad. as a child, my grandmother was a dispatcher in the booth on pier 7, and, in that mysterious way that children often become attached to things, i became very fond of the kulamanu (or the windjammer, as i referred to it then and continue to do so now). i would ask my papa to take a drive by whenever we were in the area, and we would. even at times when we were some distance away, i would ask out of the blue, and he would oftentimes oblige me. back then i would try to spot it from anywhere i could, (you used to be able to see the masts from a spot on the H-1 back in the day). i watched it sail out from pier 2; from sand island; i’d watch it go and go and turn around along the coast from ala moana beach. i would ask to come to watch it shove off for evening cruises and wait around for its return. i remember standing right on the pier, which was lined in blue at the time, as she came in one night in the mid 90s, music blaring, the lights rising high into the sky, the mooring lines being thrown over, the crew yelling orders, the ramp jangling as it was locked into place. all this fondness lasted straight into adulthood, and over the years i would often go and sit beside her, to think, to write, to marvel at it in a way i knew scarcely anyone else did. i even wrote a poem about the windjammer in college, where i lamented how one day i would come back to my spot right at the foot of the maritime center, and it would be gone. and how i, in turn, would simply remember that at one time it had been there.

ironically i have no memory of being on board the windjammer when it was a dinner cruise, though i do know i have taken it three times as a young child. but despite that, i did see a video taken on board that was uploaded to facebook last year. it was of the view from the starboard window on the first deck, and right there as i watched, the memory of that view came back: how low it was to the water, and the perspective one got looking out, sunk down as if standing right on the surface of the water, looking up just a little at the familiar things around. it gave me such a good feeling of remembrance. i will truly miss the kulamanu, and for me, in her absence, without the sight of masts rising up as you come up ala moana boulevard (first it was the falls of clyde’s masts gone from the skyline, now they’re all gone), things are so changed that the place might as well not be pier 7 anymore in my eyes.

this is a super maudlin post, but for me, windjammer held a big piece of what made hawaii hawaii in my eyes. but i guess everything eventually comes to a closing circle, and so to that i simply say, with much fondness still in my heart: Aloha! to the kulamanu! i’ll miss you like a friend 🙂

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Dear John, Your letter is beautiful, and brings back many happy memories. This ship has always held a very special place in my heart. I was a watchman in the deck department in 1991, when she was the MV Rella Mae. I so enjoyed patrolling her lovely decks on the nightly cruises. It was wonderful to stand at her rail and take in those magnificent Waikiki sunsets, and the twinkling lights of Waikiki Beach. Even now I can almost feel the delightful breezes. I would look up at her looming masts and imagine sailing around the world on this majestic beauty. One evening, I had the honor and privilege of meeting Mr. Halcro. He was most kind and gracious. I live back on the mainland now, and over the years have Googled my ship under her various names, in an effort to learn what became of her. Very sad to hear she was scuttled, but that is so much better than having been scrapped, for now, abundant marine life can benefit from her, and keep her company. I wonder if there is any way to scuba dive to or pass by her final resting place on a touring submarine. I know I have pictures tucked away in storage somewhere, and possibly a CD that I made. If you would be interested in them I can hunt them up. Feel free to email me at [email protected] . Aloha! Sue

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John, your comments are lovely and very heartfelt. My father, Robert J Halcro, also had a deep love for the Rella Mae Windjammer Kulamanu. He was gutted by her demise after selling Windjammer Cruises. Whenever he was back in Hawaii, he too would head over to pier 7 to gaze up at her and remember her for the great ship she was. That she is being put “back to the earth” is good, she will help make a strong reef and home for many fish.

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I understand that your father passed not too long ago. I’m very sorry for your loss.

It must have been painful for him to see her deteriorating over the years.

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Thank you roberta. do you have any photos of the rella mae from back in the day? i collect them

i also read about mr. halcro’s recent passing; my condolences. i’ve known him only through the stories my grandma have told me over the last 20 years.

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I was on this ship several times between 1958 and 1961 when it was the Hudson Belle operating between Battery Park, at the tip of Manhattan, and Rye Playland and Amusement Park in Westchester, NY. Our Catholic Grade School, St Jerome’s, along with probably scores of other Brooklyn Schools would make this annual trip, kids and usually Moms in tow.

In 1962 I got sick and I missed what turned out to be the last boat ride as the Hudson Belle and the other ships of that line moved to a new location. Missing the outing was one of my great disappointments

I tracked down the ship to Hawaii about a dozen years ago and I happily boarded it again, though it was just waiting to be auctioned off by those days.

I guess I felt as though I won by finding and boarding the ship again!

Good luck Hudson Belle and the many memories left in its wake!

DJ Brooklyn, NY

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My father, Walter Whitaker used to be captain of the Rella Mae back in the mid 80’s. He passed away a couple weeks ago, which made me very melancholy for better times and the Rella Mae popped into my mind. I’m so sad to hear that it is being sunk. I wish I had thought of this before my dad passed so I could show him. We are in the process of going through my parent’s belongings and if I find any sort of memorabilia, I’ll certainly share.

thank you. condolences to you and your family.

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I was a Japanese interpreter on the dinner cruise in the 1980s; I wonder if I met your father?!

You might have. I’m trying to figure out how to attach a photo here, but its not giving me and option to do so.

It’s possible . Trying to figure out how to attach a photo of him.

For some reason it won’t let me comment

Oops. Now it’s letting me comment. Lol

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I think I remember you;dark hair, blue eyes. I worked as a server in 1982 or 83(?) Annie was my immediate trainer/supervisor (Japanese) They had a rockin’ band, the lead singer looked and sang like Lionel Ritchie of the Commodores. When the boat first went out Honolulu harbor, she rocked & rolled terribly, and all the tourists would get seasick & ask where the bathrooms were. All I remember was “”Schtah” (?) ..”Downstairs”. And trying not to spill those horrific syrupy Mai Tais & Blue Hawaiis!! Most the men would order “Misuwatis” (scotch & waters) I used to ride my bike to work from near Punchbowl Crater (Leilehua Lane) Coast all the way down to the Aloha Tower, & huff & puff my way back home uphill at night. I worked for a year, but got fired on New Years Eve, for drinking on the job (1st & last time!) But what fun we had! I loved working there, & proud of my sea-legs! I hope you are having a great life! So fun to reminisce!! Courtney Blackburn

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Hello, my name is Art Sault. I was crew on the Rella Mae for the LA to Honolulu leg. I remember it well…fond memories.

hey, art. you happen to have any photos of the rella mae from that time you’d like to share with me? i collect photos of her.

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I was also in that ship when it sailed from Long Beach to Honolulu! I had the 12 to 4 shift at the helm.

do you have any photos of her from that time? if so, would you mind emailing them to me at [email protected] ?

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I was a musician on the Rella May from 84 to 86. Dolly Parton was on board for a family outing The oddest thing I remember was a car lost control drove up the dock turned into the boat so they would not run off the pier and right into the gates that use to let car on board when it was a fairy boat. no one hurt except that car. we still did our diner criuse that night anyway. the other deep memory was the time we took water in on the second deck due large waves as we turned to enter the harbor. The bands equipment all turned over but no real damage. Everyone hated the times we could not so out to Dimond head because the water was to rough. Hot sticky and nothing to see but the docks…. flat bottom boats not to good on the Ocean. Phase Seven was the name of the band we had our album cover photographed next to the boathttps://i0.wp.com/alohagotsoul.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/phase_wj_cover.jpg?w=404&ssl=1

i enjoyed your stories. did the car end up on the boat or did it fall into the water?? also i am aware of the band phase seven, i think there’s an album with the windjammer on it, no?

I worked as a Japanese Interpreter when Iva Kinimaka did the show on the dinner cruise

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i just happened to find this site on the computer , i worked on the rella mae in the shipyard and at the dock in norfolk va , worked on her down there for almost a year and then set sail with capt reg white and chief engineer jim fernandez for the 40 some odd days to honolulu thru the panama canel , what a a trip i then stayed and worked on rella mae until end of 1981 , had a great time . signed scott wagner

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I worked on the ship 1987,88 as a bartender. It was an amazing ship. I loved the two different cruises that would go out nightly. The Polonesian show and the Broadway show. I never forgot how beautiful it was to sail along the shores of Waikiki beach at night. I was very lucky to have the opportunity to work on that ship. One of the greatest jobs i ever had!!

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I got married on the Rella Mae in November of 1984. What a fun evening it was! It was a sunset cruise, but it rained. It didn’t matter to us. We had a very nice ceremony, a delicious private meal and a great time at the show. The entire crew was so kind. My (ex) husband and I posed for so many pictures with Japanese tourists I can’t imagine how many photo albums we must be in. I’m a little sad to see that she is no longer of use to anyone but a burial at sea seems fitting.

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A small group of cruise travelers seen hiking on the Hawaiian Island of Lanai's cliffside shoreline with golden mountains behind them

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With tens of millions visiting the Aloha state each year, take a Hawaii island hopping cruise for an entirely new, off-the-beaten-path travel experience. Maybe you have been to Hawaii before, but never like this. While day cruises are common, overnight Hawaiian Island cruises are few and far between. Staying aboard a small ship offers unique opportunities to travel in an efficient and effortless way while never missing a sunset. Leave airport travel and hotel bag-packing behind to go Hawaii island hopping in style and ease.

Our Hawaiian Island cruises reach ports and locations that are off-the-beaten path and away from the typical Hawaii cruise destinations. These relaxed, intimate and active Hawaii small ship cruises may just offer the new spin on Aloha luxury you’ve been searching for. Your itinerary is flexible and not available to larger ships, making this Hawaii interisland cruise experience uncrowded, unrushed and full of active adventure exploring remote locales by foot, kayak, sailboat, paddleboard and motor launch.

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A group of passengers seen from behind on the bow of a ship looking at the Hawaiian Islands shoreline


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Through AdventureSmith and our expertise with small ship cruising worldwide, you have the power to choose from scheduled Hawaii small ship cruises in Hawaii or design your own Hawaii island hopping charter cruise for an even more intimate experience with your small group. Let our award-winning experts skilled in pairing travelers with the right ship at the best price create the perfect Hawaii boat cruise for you. Think fresh-caught fish and tropical shorelines just for your group! Luxury Hawaii cruises are hard to find with mostly big ships and day cruises dominating the waters. Let us steer you to the best Hawaiian Island cruises that tap into authentic Aloha.

Seared ono fish on a plate with white wine and a Hawaiian Island shirt in the background

“ Cruising Hawaii offers an efficient way to reach many of the islands. ”

Year-Round Hawaii Island Hopping

In Hawaii, winter is warm and summer is warmer. Even in “winter,” temperatures are regularly in the 80s, making it an incredible destination for year-round Hawaiian Island cruises. While rain is common, your small ship captain can navigate to windward and leeward sides of islands to take advantage of unique microclimates and steer you away from rain storms. Taking a Hawaii island hopping cruise can truly ensure you land in the best weather during your vacation.

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The Best Hawaii Cruise Ships

We’ve vetted the small boat options in Hawaii to offer everything from a small Hawaii yacht to an expedition ship offering luxury Hawaii cruises. These ships offer cruises around Hawaii with expert naturalist guides to interpret the destination’s unique environment and wildlife. Enjoy up-close exploration on guided shore excursions, swimming, snorkeling and sea kayaking—just to name a few activities included aboard.

From luxury Hawaii cruises to finding a private yacht charter in Hawaii, our small ships can give you the experience you seek. The hallmark of small ship cruising is inclusivity, and as much time off the ship as possible. Consider these Hawaii cruise ships as a floating basecamp to see the Islands as few do—accessing shorelines away from high rises and crowds. The best Hawaii cruise is truly aboard a small ship.

This luxury motor yacht embodies an ambiance of refinement and relaxation, with just 36 guests. The Safari Explorer cruises the Hawaiian Islands, Alaska's Inside Passage. and the Gulf of Alaska.

The 200-to-264-guest Le Boreal combines high comfort with adventure. Cruising primarily in the polar regions and Pacific, she allows her guests to experience luxury, gastronomy, wellness, entertainment and active programming in remote destinations.

Planning Hawaiian Island Cruises Today

AdventureSmith travelers as well as our expert staff have been aboard small Hawaiian Island cruises and can help guide your trip planning. Read on to get a feel for your ship and activity choices, as well as the region and the striking tropical landscape and culture that await you. We share fun and personal stories from our Hawaiian Island cruises to help you learn more about what it’s like to be on a unique Hawaii island hopping cruise. These reviews can inspire and inform, whether you are planning a Hawaii honeymoon, a getaway with friends or an active family trip. Let these tales can inspire your own Hawaii interisland cruise and know what to anticipate.

An AdventureSmith expert shares her experience on the 8-day Hawaiian Seascapes cruise aboard the 36-guest Safari Explorer, plus read more reviews from our travelers who've cruised the Aloha State.

As I drift off to sleep I begin to dream of the amazing experiences that I couldn't even have imagined only seven days ago. I dream of diving with manta rays, of Pele, the goddess of fire, of paddle boarding at Shark's Fin Cove and swimming in the cool water under the cascading falls of Moâ'oula.

What’s the first question a newly-married couple gets? “Where did you guys go on your Honeymoon?” We are outdoorsy and adventurous. We enjoy hiking and getting out there, we want to experience things that others could only read about. We didn't want to completely rough it on our honeymoon but we also didn't want the resort or the 2,000 person cruise ship.

From Hawaii to Alaska this vessel offers year-round exploration and adventure. Get an experts firsthand take on their favorite cabins and tips for getting the most out of your experience aboard.

What Travelers Say About Their Hawaiian Island Cruises

We wanted to experience the different islands of Hawaii, and we love water adventures, so this was a perfect fit!

We loved the luxury of the cruise, combined with the various active adventures. Perfect!

The guides were always enthusiastic, considerate of all passengers' abilities and extremely knowledgeable. The entrees were always fresh and locally sourced. Thank you Arielle for your help and quick response to questions.

The trip leaders were all excellent. Friendly, accommodating, helpful, fun. No request was ever too much, unless it was unsafe.

We've always wanted to see Hawaii but didn't want resorts or large cruise ships. This trip was very active, yet relaxed and intimate -- perfect for us.

This trip exceeded our expectations! We wanted to experience the different islands of Hawaii, and we love water adventures, so this was a perfect fit! We enjoyed all the water activities the most... mostly because that’s what we enjoy, and they were worth the effort. We saw lots of great fish, coral and other wildlife. We loved the whales, they put on quite a show! The group seemed to connect fairly quickly. Some great new friends!

Accommodations Review

The room on Safari Explorer was very nice. Bed was very comfortable!

Meals Review

All the meals were excellent!

AdventureSmith Explorations Review

We had everything we needed, and everything was well prepared for our travel and reservation.  

Crew & Guides Review

The entire crew was amazing. They got to know us within minutes of our first encounter, and always seemed to have a genuine concern for us. Jessica and Lauren were amazing. Both we well informed and found the best opportunities for us in every situation. Always very concerned and watching out for our safety. Both had a great sense of humor, Lauren tells some pretty good jokes! Jessica was always very positive and optimistic, and authentically sincere! They were an absolute delight! I don’t remember the name of the boat driver in Kona, he drove the Black Pearl. He was very informative and a lot of fun.

Featured in this Traveler Review

  • Hawaiian Seascapes Cruise
  • Safari Explorer

Simply fantastic. We loved the luxury of the cruise, combined with the various active adventures. Perfect!

We had wanted to see Hawaii, but are not overly enthusiastic about crowds and commercialism. We wanted to see multiple islands, but did not know which ones to pick. This cruise was perfect, since they took us to 4 different islands and arranged lots of great activities. It was especially great because everything (including the alcohol) was included in one price.

Amazingly good food!

Maria and Jess did great jobs as our expedition leader/guide. We thoroughly enjoyed the activities and their enthusiasm.

We appreciated the advance information. And my questions were promptly and accurately answered.

Traveler Advice

There was one hike that was a bit grueling for me, but they were up front about it at the beginning. In spite of that, it was good to be out in the forest in Hawaii and see some things we don't see at home.

Beyond excellent in all ways! Snorkeling every day in a wide diversity of settings was our favorite activity. We also felt that all the excursions were planned so that you were fully immersed in the Hawaiian culture and experience.

Our ship quarters were compact but had ample storage even for over-packers like us.

The entrees were always fresh and locally sourced. Portion size was not overwhelming which I appreciated. You were always able to modify a dish or even request salads or oatmeal. Desserts were amazing, quality over quantity. Great specialty drinks and appetizers.

The guides were always enthusiastic, considerate of all passengers' abilities and extremely knowledgeable. 

Thank you Arielle for your help and quick response to questions.

  • Arielle Lightcap

This is a well tuned adventure. The staff are very experienced with the itinerary, the excursions and activities, the ship, and seemed to really enjoy working with each other. The itinerary is busy if you participate in everything, but allows opting-out choices for people who want to relax. The route is a slow pace, and flexible to allow for sudden changes in weather or whale sightings. The weather was perfect, and we got up close and personal with whales, dolphins, green sea turtles and many fish while snorkeling. We also got insights into life in the less visited islands of Lana'i and Moloka'i.

The rooms are pleasant, simple and functional. There was plenty of hot and fresh water. The beds are very comfortable.

The food was excellent - local, varied, and very flexible. The pastry chef was even more amazing. For this particular chef, he seemed to love garlic and salt. I would recommend easing up on both.

It's a fabulous adventure.

This was an ideal trip -- so many fun activities in a beautiful variety of Hawaiian locations, and yet without crowds and hustle-bustle. We loved the snorkeling and whale watching most. Both gave us a sense of awe at nature's variety and beauty, and the small groups with expert guides provided a rare atmosphere of intimacy. Everyone in our group of 25 was good-natured and enthusiastic. The night snorkel with manta rays was a disappointment because only one ray appeared that evening, but there were dozens of unruly tourists.

This trip was a blissful contrast to the "touristy" experience one often finds elsewhere in Hawaii. We've always wanted to see Hawaii but didn't want resorts or large cruise ships.  This trip was very active, yet relaxed and intimate -- perfect for us.

The ship was comfortable and welcoming.  Our cabin, while not large, had plenty of storage and was well appointed.

We thought the food was superb.  Both the chef and pastry chef offered a wonderful variety of delights at every meal, and we were always given choices.  The service was always capable and gracious

Our leaders (Jill Q. and Jill B) couldn't have been better.  They were highly knowledgeable, obviously loved nature and Hawaii, always positive and helpful -- they had that elusive balance of energy and even temper. They went out of their way to give us a beautiful experience!

The information provided and Aaron's helpfulness were great.

Try to plan some time in Hawaii before and after the cruise.  The "before" allowed us to explore another part of the islands -- and gave the airline time to get our luggage to us two days late!  The "after" gives a chance to transition from the relaxation of the cruise to the hassle of the flight home.

Small Ship Hawaii Cruise Deals

Our experienced team can help you find the latest discounts, explain the ins-and-outs of Hawaiian Island cruises and secure your dream Hawaii interisland cruise at the best rate. From early-booking deals to discounts on new routes, browse our current deals on cruises around Hawaii for ways to save. While our options skew more toward luxury Hawaii cruises due to the ship accommodations, remote access and included activities, we do know how to land you Hawaii cruise deals if you are looking for them. The best Hawaiian cruise is one where you experience the authentic Aloha State at a relaxed pace, not just rush by as a tourist on the least expensive route.

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Gather a group of 6 or more to save 5% off the booking on select 2025 departures of the below-linked small ship cruises worldwide.

Offer valid on new bookings only, subject to availability and may be combined with select offers. See all  cruise deals  for a comprehensive list of current savings on these and other adventures.

  • Alaska Fjords & Glaciers
  • Alaska’s Glacier Wilderness
  • Inside Passage with Olympic National Park & 2 Days in Glacier Bay
  • Glacier Bay Adventure Cruise with 2 Days in Glacier Bay
  • Northern Passages with Glacier Bay & Sitka
  • Wild & Woolly Alaska Cruise
  • Prince William Sound Explorer
  • Baja California’s Whales & Sealife
  • In Steinbeck’s Wake: An Epic Voyage Through the Sea of Cortez
  • Darwin’s Galapagos Discoveries

Save 15% on select 2025 departures of the below-linked cruises sailing the warm waters of Baja, California or Hawaii.

Offer valid on new bookings only, subject to availability and may not be combined with other offers. Valid on any cabin category. A deposit of $500 is required upon booking. See all  cruise deals  for a comprehensive list of current savings on these and other adventures.

Save 10% on any cabin category when you book your select 2024 Hawaiian Seascapes cruise aboard Safari Explorer.

Offer valid on new bookings only, subject to availability and can be combined with UnCruise loyalty savings, referral savings, military, and REI member benefits. See all small ship cruise deals for a comprehensive list of current savings on this and other adventures. Valid for departures on November 1, 23, 30; December 7, 14, 21, 28, 2024.

Our Experts Are Your Quickest Way to Tropical & Hawaiian Islands Cruises

Not much beats Hawaii island hopping, but this iconic place is not our only tropical destination to small ship cruise . Our experts are just a phone call or email away to assist you narrow down all the options worldwide. We’re here to help you find Hawaii cruise deals and Hawaii cruises 2024 and 2025, or to explore other remote island chains. Contact us to receive a personalized recommendation on the best Hawaiian cruise or Pacific Islands sailing for your travel style, budget and timing needs, or head to our Trip Finder to do your own research. Our team can assist with a personalized look at which Hawaii small ship cruises will be best for you.

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Honolulu Sailing Company

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Diamond Head Sunset Cruise

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Departures Daily at 5:00 PM

Our Diamond Head Sunset Sail features a two hour cruise aboard a private luxury yacht. Enjoy the beauty of a Hawaiian Sunset from your private yacht in comfort and style. Invite your family and friends and relax while your Captain and crew take care of the rest.

What to bring: cameras, snacks and beverages of your choice. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a light cover up.

Two people standing on a boat in the ocean.

Hawaii’s Best Sunset Cruise is the experience you don’t want to miss. Immerse yourself in a gorgeous Hawaiian sunset the only way, from the sea, with spectacular views of iconic Diamond Head and Waikiki. Smooth sailing awaits you. Catch a glimpse of dolphins, sea turtles, and whales in season. Honolulu’s city lights provide an enchanting backdrop to your return to port.

Our fleet of luxury private yachts provide a comfortable and relaxing ambiance for couples and groups up to 12 to enjoy the magic of Hawaii’s best sunset cruise.

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Top 10 Sunset Cruises

Top-rated activities for oahu.

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Kaneohe Bay Sandbar Ocean Sports Adventure with Snorkel, Kayak, SUP & Live Music

From usd 121.80.

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Star of Honolulu Waikiki Sunset Cruise - Steak and Lobster Dinner & Hula Show

From usd 165.60.

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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation

From usd 181.00.

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Jurassic Valley Kualoa Ranch ATV Raptor Adventure Tour

From usd 157.02.

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North Shore ATV Tour Beachfront Trail & Off-Road Adventure Ride

From usd 125.89.

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Mauka Warriors Luau - Hawaii's Best Thrilling Fire Knife Dance & Polynesian Show

From usd 145.55.

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Polynesian Cultural Center Tour Ticket - Full Day Admission, Dinner & Show

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Paradise Cove Luau on the Beach at Ko Olina Resort

From usd 150.00.

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Waikiki Snorkel with Turtles Cruise with Beers & Cocktails - Ke Kai Catamaran

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Best of Kualoa Experience - Movie Sites, Jungle Expedition, Farm Tour & Lunch

From usd 167.49.

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Waikiki Sunset Booze Cruise with 3 FREE Drinks - Ke Kai Catamaran

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Chief's Luau - Polynesian Show with Authentic Award-Winning Fire Knife Dancing

From usd 140.00.

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Captain Bruce Kaneohe Sandbar Cruise with SUP, Guided Snorkel & Transportation

From usd 149.00.

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Hilton Waikiki Starlight Luau with Fire Dancers, Hula Show & Dinner Buffet

From usd 193.72.

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Hawaiian Parasailing Tour & Adventure from Waikiki Beach [800ft & 1000ft Lines]

From usd 78.99.

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Aha Aina Royal Hawaiian Luau - Waikiki Oceanfront Luau Dinner Show

From usd 253.50.

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Waikiki Sunset Cocktail Sail with Open Bar Included - Holokai Catamaran

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Waikiki Luau with All-You-Can-Eat Buffet Dinner, Fire Dance & Rock-A-Hula Show

From usd 65.60.

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Guided Jurassic Valley Kualoa Ranch Off-Road ATV Tour with Expert Local Driver

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Waikiki's Most Affordable Turtle Snorkel Boat Tour - Mana Kai Catamaran

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Traveler's photos.

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Latest reviews of Top 10 Sunset Cruises

Not as advertised.

This cruise was not very good. The food was cold and the meat was mostly fat and if I could guess, it was about a 2 ounce cut of fat. The show was 2 people, doing a song. Not what I would think a show of the culture woul ... more d be.

Spectacular service!

We received amazing service my wife and I! We celebrated our 1 month anniversary being married and Armando took outstanding care of us and we had such an amazing time. At the very end of the night we were pleasantly surp ... more rised with the song we played for our first dance on our wedding day, we were invited to dance up front and the servers were so enthusiastic and fun the entire time. 11/10 would recommend to a friend and we will be returning next special occasion!!

Sunset dinner and show cruise

The Star of Honolulu was awesome… what a great time me and my wife had… nice big ship lots of room… and what a show at the end… they do a great job getting us all in position out on the water for the sunset. I would high ... more ly recommend this option for a dinner sunset cruise… plenty of helpful staff and dinner service was superb…!!!!

Too short but great time!

Great professional sailors and coast guard certified crew. Great “Holokai Hooch”, gotta be careful, that hooch will sneak up on you, especially if you mix it with champagne for that carbonated kick hehe! Great romant ... more ic time with my husband, watched the sunset as sugar ray played lightly in the background. We are a young couple but we love 90s music! The only drawback is that the trip was too short. Would definitely do it again, maybe try to nudge them to stay sailing a little longer.

Sunset snorkel/dinner tour

The entire boat crew made this an experience to remover for ever. If you are in the area, I would highly recommend booking an evening tour with them, job well done!

Sunset cruise

The cruise was a great experience! The captain was very good and friendly and the first mate was incredible setting up the boat, pouring drinks, taking pics, and being super friendly. This is definitely worth the price a ... more nd much more, highly recommend!

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New Location in Ko Olina/West Oahu - View Tours!

Hawaii Glass Bottom Boats

Waikiki Honolulu Sunset Cruise

The best sunsets in Hawaii!

Quick Details

  • User Ages: All Ages
  • Hour Glass Duration: 1.5 Hours
  • Map Marker Location: Waikiki/Honolulu

3 years old and older

Children under 3, ages 0 - 2 ride free, senior/military/kama'aina, id must be present at check-in, experience an iconic hawaii sunset boat tour.

When someone says “Hawaii”, the image of an iconic sunset over our city on the sea, Waikiki, pops into mind almost subconsciously. We’re taking the traditional land-based viewpoints of Honolulu and turning them on their head with our unique ocean perspective. Come aboard the Haleiwa Queen and relax with your crew as the skies turn to orange, purple, and pink behind downtown Honolulu during our sunset tour.

Peer through our glass-bottom viewports as fish and sea life are curiously drawn toward our boat’s lights illuminating the water around the glass, making Oahu’s reefs and creatures viewable even at night. There are few sights more memorable than Honolulu’s city lights from the water at sunset. Don’t miss this unique Hawaii experience!

During the winter, the humpback whales might even treat you to a show! They migrate through Hawaiian waters during whale watching season every year (November – May) to breed and calve. During this season, they exhibit some of their most iconic behaviors — breaching, diving, and slapping the water. They may even sing for you!

Whether you’re on a family vacation or traveling with a large group, a fun-filled tour with Hawaii Glass Bottom Boats is the perfect activity! It’s ideal for convention groups, employee appreciation days, military group outings, and local school field trips. We also offer wedding photo tours showcasing you on your wedding day with the beautiful Oahu coastline in the background.

We look forward to sharing our unique perspective of Honolulu with you, above and below the surface.

a close up of an animal

  • Chevron down Book Your Tours with Hawaii Glass Bottom Boats

The Haleiwa Queen crew knows these islands well, so you’ll be in good hands throughout the tour. Hop onto our 50-foot power catamaran with glass viewing ports at the bottom. It accommodates up to 49 people of all ages, with enough space for collapsible wheelchairs and walkers. So our friendly crew welcomes guests with mobility issues, and offer assistance if needed.

Book a sunset tour in Honolulu, HI with Hawaii Glass Bottom Boats today. It’s the perfect way to end your day.

Related Activities

  • most popular!
  • Hour Glass 1 Hour
  • User All Ages

Waikiki Boat Tour

Enjoy the beauty of Oahu’s South Shore as we head toward Lē’ahi with a clear view of the Pacific Ocean floor. Cruise over live tropical reefs and possibly view one of Hawaii’s popular shipwrecks as well as whales, as it is currently whale season! Book online.

  • Fridays at 7:30pm

Waikiki Fireworks Boat Ride

Our Friday night fireworks tour outside of Waikiki is truly a one-of-a-kind experience. Celebrate a special occasion or enjoy a night out with friends with an amazing fireworks display from the water!

  • Hour Glass 1-3 Hours

Honolulu Private Boat Charter

With a capacity of up to 40 guests, the Haleiwa Queen comfortably accommodates your crew for a range of private events, like dive sessions, wedding photos, memorials, proposal celebrations & more!

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The 8 best Hawaii cruises in 2025 and 2026

C ruising the Hawaiian Islands offers U.S. travelers an immersive South Pacific escape with all the comforts of home. In fact, the Aloha State is, in many ways, an ideal cruise destination. It has year-round sunny weather, four main islands featuring varied topographies — including sandy beaches, cascading waterfalls, volcanic mountains and vibrant green valleys — and a wide array of land- and water-based activities.

The main caveat? Hawaii cruise options are somewhat limited — just a fraction of what's available in the Caribbean — and many itineraries involve multiday crossings from the West Coast. Only one cruise line offers Hawaii itineraries throughout the year; most others visit during specific months or when repositioning ships in spring and fall.

For more cruise news, reviews and tips, sign up for TPG's cruise newsletter .

Looking for the Hawaiian Islands sailing that's right for you? Here's a look at the eight best Hawaii cruises for every type of traveler.

Norwegian Cruise Line's 7-night Inter-island Hawaii

For travelers who want more aloha time than the typical eight-hour port call allows, Norwegian Cruise Line has a solution. Its 2,186-passenger Pride of America lets vacationers sample four Hawaiian Islands over seven days, with overnights at Maui and Kauai, plus port calls on both Hilo and Kona on the Big Island. In total, this itinerary offers nearly 100 hours of shore time.

Pride of America sails round-trip from Honolulu every Saturday year-round. As a U.S.-flagged ship, it's the only large vessel permitted to sail this way. Not only do you skip the long Pacific crossing that most cruise ships do to reach Hawaii, but passports are not required for U.S. citizens, and you can tack on pre- or post-cruise stays on Oahu.

The overnights on Maui and Kauai also mean it's possible to try several of Hawaii's signature experiences that most port calls don't allow. Passengers can catch dusk or dawn from atop Maui's massive 10,023-foot dormant volcano with sunrise and sunset excursions to the Haleakala Crater. And with the ship in port all night on Kauai, guests who want to enjoy traditional Hawaiian cuisine, music and hula performances can book the Luau Kalamaku for a fun evening out.

Pride of America, which has been cruising Hawaii since 2005, doesn't have the onboard thrills (think: a race track, virtual reality gaming and waterslides) of Norwegian's newer ships , but that's OK because the islands, not the ship, are your main destination. Its American-themed decor celebrates U.S. cities in a vibrant and, at times, kitschy way, but a 2021 refurbishment left its cabins and public spaces feeling refreshed.

Many of Norwegian's specialty dining venues (which incur a surcharge) are on board, including Cagney's Steakhouse , Le Bistro (here, it's Jefferson's Bistro), Moderno Churrascaria and Teppanyaki.

Who should go : This itinerary is ideal for anyone seeking a convenient way to island hop — and see a lot of Hawaii — as it makes the most of the generous shore time with a combination of independent exploration and shore excursions. Most sailings attract couples ages 50 and older, although summer and holiday sailings have plenty of families on board.

Related: The best time to cruise to Hawaii

UnCruise Adventures' 7-night Hawaiian Seascapes

Cruisers seeking a less traditional, more carefree Hawaii experience can have it from November to April aboard UnCruise Adventures ' 36-passenger Safari Explorer. The seven-night Hawaiian Seascapes itinerary, which begins either on Molokai or Hawaii Island, is an unconventional one designed for those who enjoy going off the beaten path in an intimate and more authentic setting. U.S. passports aren't required to sail.

UnCruise visits four islands — Maui and Lanai, plus Molokai and Hawaii — and focuses on not only their striking landscapes and underwater beauty but also the cultural traditions, cuisine and music of the Hawaiian people. On Molokai, where there's not a single traffic light and the lifestyle is slow-paced, passengers get a chance to "talk story" with locals and enjoy a paina (feast) and evening jam session. Lanai activities range from snorkel, paddleboard and kayak excursions to all-terrain-vehicle adventures exploring the privately owned island's dramatic sea cliffs, red rock formations and vast fields once filled with Dole pineapples.

Maui's humpback whale season is typically from mid-January to March. If your cruise falls within that time frame, you might catch sight of them while cruising off the coast of Maui. You might also catch glimpses of dolphins and sea turtles. A "Captain's Choice" day is a wild card determined by the weather, marine life in the area and other factors, while the final two days are spent exploring the Big Island via a hike up Hualalai volcano and a skiff ride along the rugged coast, among other activities.

Constructed in 1998, Safari Explorer was designed with adventure itineraries in mind (in summer, the U.S.-flagged ship repositions to Alaska). Its size allows it to navigate areas larger ships can't reach, which in Hawaii means bays and coves ideal for snorkeling or water sports.

With such a small number of passengers aboard, guests get to know each other — and Safari Explorer's friendly and knowledgeable crew — quite well. Passengers come together over meals featuring locally sourced ingredients, and as all UnCruise fares include unlimited wines, spirits and microbrews, shipmates can raise a glass without worrying about who's buying a round. It all lends itself to an exclusive yet utterly relaxed week of cruising.

Who should go : The ship's laid-back onboard vibe paired with its land- and water-based activities make the Hawaiian Seascapes itinerary ideal for active travelers seeking a nature-focused itinerary — although cruise fares (which start around $5,900 per person) are among the priciest for a Hawaii cruise.

Related: Ditch the polar gear: 7 warm-weather expedition cruises that will wow nature and adventure lovers

Holland America's 17-night Circle Hawaii

Travelers who have more than two weeks to spare and prefer to arrive in Hawaii via ship rather than an airplane can do so on Holland America 's 17-night Circle Hawaii itinerary. The itinerary is offered in 2025 and 2026 on 2,650-passenger Koningsdam and 2,106-passenger Nieuw Amsterdam.

Cruisers who book these sailings must love sea days because crossing the Pacific from San Diego to Honolulu and back requires 10 days. In between, passengers enjoy five or six days in Hawaii on Kauai, Oahu, Maui and the Big Island. Some itineraries stay in select ports overnight. Both ships also call on Ensenada, Mexico, so passports will be required.

Travelers with more time can also visit Hawaii as part of longer Pacific island cruises with Holland America. In 2025, Koningsdam will sail a 35-night Hawaii, Tahiti & Marquesas itinerary that combines visits to four Hawaiian Islands with calls on five islands in French Polynesia and Fanning Island, Kiribati, plus 20 sea days. Nieuw Amsterdam will sail that same itinerary in 2026.

Related: Holland America unveils another epic cruise — this time with a twist

Even longer itineraries are available aboard Zaandam. Choose between 51- and 56-night Tales of the South Pacific sailings that visit multiple islands in Hawaii and French Polynesia, along with ports in the Cook Islands, American Samoa and Fiji.

Holland America is popular with cruisers ages 60 and older, many of them retired, who have time to enjoy longer itineraries on ships that offer good value with a focus on culinary and musical enjoyment. Two of Koningsdam's most popular venues are its live entertainment area with three venues — B.B. King's Blues Club (for Memphis-style rhythm and blues), Billboard Onboard (for chart-topping hits played by a live pianist) and Rolling Stone Rock Room (for a live band playing classic rock) — and World Stage, a theater with a 270-degree screen used for both special BBC Earth in Concert and theatrical productions.

Onboard specialty dining options (at an added cost) include Pinnacle Grill for steaks and seafood, Tamarind for pan-Asian cuisine and Rudi's Sel de Mer for French Brasserie specialties and seafood.

Who should go : Mature travelers who prefer not to fly and enjoy a more traditional cruise experience will appreciate this itinerary. They should also love sea days as much as (or even more than) port exploration.

Related: 16 mistakes cruisers make on cruise ship sea days

Princess Cruises' 16-night Hawaiian Islands

Princess Cruises is also a good option for longer sailings. The cruise line offers numerous round-trip itineraries to Hawaii from Los Angeles, San Francisco and Vancouver, British Columbia, in fall and winter.

The sailings take place aboard 3,080-passenger Ruby Princess (from San Francisco), 2,600-passenger Grand Princess and 3,080-passenger Emerald Princess (from Los Angeles), and 1,970-passenger Coral Princess (from Vancouver).

Ships are in port for nine to 11 hours when visiting Hawaii Island (Hilo), Kauai and Maui; they stay for 16 hours during Oahu port calls. Itineraries include a stop in Ensenada, Mexico, so passports are required, plus nine or 10 sea days.

The ships feature many of Princess' popular dining venues , including Alfredo's Pizzeria (a sit-down venue serving personal-size pizzas), Crown Grill for steaks and Sabatini's Italian Trattoria. There's plenty of outdoor space for soaking up some sun — including an adults-only sun deck — and a dazzling Piazza for enjoying cocktails, gelato and pop-up street performers.

Fans of Princess' Movies Under the Stars poolside screenings (with free popcorn) and Discovery at SEA enrichment programming will have ample time to enjoy these perks on a Hawaii sailing.

Who should go : These sailings will appeal to couples or groups of friends who prefer to have a wide choice of sailing dates, can take the time to enjoy a leisurely Pacific crossing and appreciate Princess' focus on quality cuisine and a sun deck designed for relaxation rather than thrills.

Related: Best Hawaii cruise shore excursions

Celebrity's 9- to 13-night Hawaii Cruise

Travelers seeking modern interior decor on a ship designed with couples in mind can visit Hawaii aboard Celebrity Cruises ' 2,852-passenger Celebrity Solstice or 2,918-passenger Celebrity Edge on itineraries ranging from nine to 13 nights — but only if the timing is right. That's because the line only offers two sailings per ship each year (in spring and fall) as the ships reposition between Alaska and destinations in the Pacific. The itineraries are one-way (Vancouver to Honolulu or vice versa) with passports required.

These cruises call on three ports on two islands: Honolulu (Oahu) and Hilo and Kona (Hawaii Island), with one or two overnights in port and 10 hours ashore on one-day visits. All include five days in a row at sea. Since the itineraries either begin or end in Honolulu, there's also a chance for some pre- or post-cruise exploration.

Sea days offer opportunities to enjoy these ships' chic, grown-up ambience and amenities. Each vessel offers multiple complimentary and extra-fee specialty restaurants. Celebrity Solstice features Tuscan Grille for Italian specialties and steak and Murano for modern French cuisine. Passengers aboard Celebrity Edge can enjoy the international Eden Restaurant and Fine Cut Steakhouse, among its many dining options.

Celebrity's signature Martini Bar and many other onboard watering holes keep the grown-up vibe going day and night. Choose cruise fares that include alcohol and Wi-Fi, or pay a lower rate and pay for your drinks as you go.

Who should go : The slightly shorter one-way sailings and the ships' contemporary ambience make these itineraries ideal for couples and groups of friends seeking a relaxing escape — especially those in their 40s and 50s who are part of Generation X and within Celebrity's target market.

Related: 6 reasons to choose Celebrity Edge for your Alaska cruise

Carnival's 14- or 15-night Hawaii from Los Angeles

If a good time is your cruise mantra, the "Fun Ship" brand Carnival Cruise Line offers a handful of round-trip sailings to Hawaii from Los Angeles (Long Beach, California) aboard 2,984-passenger Carnival Radiance. Like other round trips from the West Coast, these itineraries spend four days in Hawaii, offering eight to 14 hours of shore time in ports on four islands: Maui, Kauai, Oahu and Hawaii Island. Along with enjoying eight sea days, guests will also call on Ensenada, Mexico, so passports are required.

Carnival Radiance first sailed under that name in 2021, but it's not a new ship. Before an epic makeover, it sailed for the cruise line as Carnival Victory. Ship features include many of Carnival's signature complimentary and extra-fee dining venues, such as Guy's Burger Joint , Pig & Anchor Bar-B-Que Smokehouse, BlueIguana Cantina, Fahrenheit 555 Steakhouse and Bonsai Sushi Express .

Additional guest favorite destinations on board include the RedFrog Pub, the Alchemy Bar and the WaterWorks aqua park. Expect high-voltage theater shows from Playlist Productions at night and poolside interactive contests by day.

Who should go : Socially inclined cruisers who love Carnival's emphasis on onboard fun and can appreciate a colorful ship with a lively ambience and lots of day and evening activities will likely enjoy this itinerary.

Related: 10 best Hawaii cruise tips for getting the most from your island hopping trip

Royal Caribbean's 8-night Hawaii Cruise

A megaship cruise experience to Hawaii is available, too, on Royal Caribbean 's 4,905-passenger Quantum of the Seas.

The sailing is a one-way cruise from Oahu to Vancouver just before the Alaska cruise season (late April). The itinerary includes a stop in Kona and a scenic cruise along the Napali Coast before the ship crosses the Pacific. Since this itinerary ends in Vancouver, passports are required.

Quantum of the Seas features a mix of thrills for all ages. These include RipCord by iFly simulated sky diving, FlowRider simulated surfing, bumper car racing in the SeaPlex indoor activity complex and the North Star sightseeing capsule, which ascends 300 feet above the top deck for 360-degree views.

The ship also offers 20 dining venues, including the innovative Wonderland restaurant, Jamie's Italian by Jamie Oliver and kid-favorite Dog House. Bar options include Schooner Bar for piano tunes by request, Boleros for mojitos and merengue and Bionic Bar for drinks poured by robotic bartenders. Entertainment ranges from live cover bands in the Music Hall to multimedia music and dance performances in Two70.

Who should go : This itinerary is for cruisers who love a big ship with a wide array of dining choices, all kinds of evening entertainment and plenty of exciting activities to pass the time on sea days. Also, fares for this sailing start from $826 per person (based on double occupancy) for an inside cabin, making it an affordable cruise option, though you'll want to tack on a few nights in a hotel to see more of Hawaii.

Related: Do you need a passport for a cruise?

Viking's 16-night Hawaiian Islands Sojourn

Looking for a guaranteed adults-only sailing in a relaxed, boutique-style setting? Upscale cruise line Viking will offer round-trip Hawaii cruises from Los Angeles in early 2025 on its 930-passenger Viking Neptune.

What sets Viking apart from most of the other lines offering Hawaii cruises is that it includes a free shore excursion in every port. These include a highlights tour of Honolulu and Pearl Harbor on Oahu and a visit to a scenic waterfall and the Kilohana sugar plantation on Kauai. You can book additional excursions at an extra charge.

The 16-night Hawaiian Islands Sojourn sailings visit four islands — Hawaii Island (Hilo), Oahu, Kauai and Maui — and, like other round-trip sailings from the West Coast, include 10 sea days and a call on Ensenada, Mexico, so passports are required.

Viking Neptune will also sail a 32-night Grand Hawaii and Polynesia voyage round-trip from Los Angeles in early 2025, visiting four islands in Hawaii and four in French Polynesia.

The ship, which debuted in 2022, features sleek Scandinavian-inspired decor, a soothing spa with a complimentary thermal area, an aft infinity pool and hot tub, a panoramic Explorer's Lounge and five onboard restaurants. Specialty restaurant Manfredi's serves an extensive menu of Italian specialties, while The Chef's Table offers rotating five-course themed menus, including Asian, French and California-inspired.

In addition to the free shore excursions, pricing includes complimentary wine or beer with lunch and dinner, specialty dining at no extra charge, crew gratuities and transfers.

Who should go : Couples who prefer the quieter ambience of a ship that doesn't allow anyone under 18 on board, doesn't have a casino and offers presentations by regional experts that enhance immersion into local culture should consider this itinerary. Viking cruisers are generally over age 55.

Planning a cruise? Start with these stories:

  • The 5 most desirable cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • A beginners guide to picking a cruise line
  • The 8 worst cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • The ultimate guide to what to pack for a cruise
  • A quick guide to the most popular cruise lines
  • 21 tips and tricks that will make your cruise go smoothly
  • Top ways cruisers waste money
  • The ultimate guide to choosing a cruise ship cabin

Editorial disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are the author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, airline or hotel chain, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities.

Mysterious Misty Na Pali Coast and Waimea Canyon, Kauai, Hawaii

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Aloha Got Soul

Phase 7 (VII) - Windjammer

August 22, 2010 • Review

windjammer cruises honolulu hawaii

Phase VII playing on Windjammer Cruises Rella Mae. Sept 1986. Rella Mae was a 1000 passenger dinner cruise ship that used to leave from pier 7 Alaoha Tower. There was a sunset cruise and a moonlight cruise. I had the awesome experience of working there during my senior year in high school. –video description
The band is the same one who released the album < Playtime >. They also had a record they sold on the ship. It had the picture of the ship on it. < Windjammer > Obviously all those dinner cruise ships were targeted at tourists. Locals did go also but I would say mostly to either bring visiting relatives or to celebrate something special. Seems like it cost 40-50 dollars each if I remember right. They had an all you can eat buffet and all you can drink bar. While I worked there they actually went out two times a night. Sunset cruise that featured the show "Ports of Paradise" . Then there was the moonlight cruise with "That's Dancin" . The sunset cruise was most popular and during busy times would fill up regularly – 1000 people. The moonlight cruise was more of a Vegas scene. That one was more popular with locals looking to celebrate something special. As expensive as it was I would say it wasn't something that some locals went to over and over like going to a bar. The show was the same every night. The music for the dance set was pretty much the same. The ship experimented with having a sit down dinner choice also that cost more money and had better food and a private bar.

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Hawaii Travel Spot

Best Oahu Sunset Cruises

Are you planning a trip to oahu and want to go on an epic boat tour check out these incredible oahu sunset cruises, this list of the best oahu sunset cruises was written by marcie cheung (a hawaii travel expert) and contains affiliate links which means if you purchase something from one of my affiliate links, i may earn a small commission that goes back into maintaining this blog..

The Oahu sunset is one of the most incredible sights you’ll see in Hawaii. The sky is a brilliant shade of orange, yellow, and red as the sun slowly sets on the ocean.

It looks like something out of a postcard – but it’s real, and it’s right in front of you on a sunset cruise!

If you’re looking for an authentic Hawaiian adventure away from the hustle and bustle of city life, a sunset cruise is perfect for you!

You’ll be able to enjoy breathtaking views of the beautiful coastlines, watch humpback whales breaching, and simply relax during your vacation. 

If you’ve never seen the sunset from the ocean, now’s your chance to witness this magical view! Oahu sunset cruises are one of the best ways to enjoy an unobstructed view of the sunset. 

Wondering about my Hawaii know-how? 40+ visits to the islands have honed my expertise in ways few can claim.

Want to skip all the planning and just access my detailed Oahu itinerary complete with daily schedules, fun activities, and travel hacks? Click the button below.

Oahu Travel Guide and 7-Day Oahu Itinerary by top Hawaii blog Hawaii Travel Spot

During your sunset cruise, you will also have ample opportunities to learn about different cultures through storytelling and cultural activities.

Here are some of the best Oahu sunset cruises that will leave you feeling in awe of this island. 

1. Star of Honolulu Dinner Cruise 

The Star of Honolulu Dinner Cruise is the best sunset cruise in Oahu. As you arrive, you will be greeted by performers who bring the true spirit of aloha.

windjammer cruises honolulu hawaii

You will then enjoy a buffet dinner as you eat under the colorful sky to watch the sunset on the ocean.  Read our Star of Honolulu review .

This Honolulu sunset cruise also features local music and a fun show with performances from all over Polynesia.  Check the latest rates and availability.

2. Waikiki Catamaran Sunset Cruise 

This sunset sail is another great Waikiki sunset cruise with an open bar! Hop aboard this 44-foot catamaran and sail out into the ocean with drinks in your hands for a carefree, enjoyable evening. 

Watch the sunset on Waikiki beach with a Mai Tai in your hand! With the open bar, you can enjoy plenty of drinks, including beer, wine, juice, and more! Check the latest rates and availability .

windjammer cruises honolulu hawaii

3. Oahu Cocktail Cruise

Hop aboard the Holokai Catamaran for this Oahu Cocktail Cruise ! Enjoy drinks such as Bud Light, Big Swell IPA, Bikini Blonde, Mana Wheat, Wine, Holokai Signature Cocktails, Champagne, and more.

It is one of the best Waikiki sunset cruises with an open bar! 

This is a great cruise to go on with friends to relax and unwind after a long, busy day. With unlimited drinks, you will definitely have a fun time!  Check the latest rates and availability .

Sailing boats docked at the Ala Wai Harbor at sunset. Ala Wai Yacht Harbor is the largest yacht harbor of Hawaii, situated between Waikiki and downtown Honolulu in Oahu, Hawaii.

4. Waikiki Booze Cruise 

With this Waikiki Booze Cruise , you and your friends will have a blast on the water, taking in the beautiful Hawaii sunset. This Oahu booze cruise comes with three free cocktails or beers and unlimited juices. 

Aboard this catamaran, you can enjoy the sun setting on the ocean with drinks in hand and live music the entire time. It is a great cruise for friends and couples for a fun evening out on the water!  Check the latest rates and availability .

5. Prince Kuhio Waikiki Dinner Sunset Cruise

This is another one of the best Oahu dinner cruises to enjoy during your trip to this island. If you want local food during your cruise, this is the best Oahu sunset dinner cruise to try out during your trip on the island. 

Here you will find both indoor and outdoor seating arrangements and an onboard chef to make a fresh 3-course meal for you. It is a romantic dinner cruise perfect for newlyweds!  Check the latest rates and availability .

6. Spirit of Aloha Sunset Cruise with Fireworks

If you want to see some awesome fireworks displays out on the ocean after watching a spectacular sunset, you will want to try this Honolulu sunset cruise from the Spirit of Aloha. 

Every Friday, Waikiki has a fun little fireworks show, and what better way to enjoy those lights than out on the water? 

You will get a nice buffet dinner with two free alcoholic drinks while watching the gorgeous sunset on the ocean and finish off the evening with a firework show on the boat! It is a great romantic way to end your day.  Check the latest rates and availability .

Spectacular landscape of boats and yachts docked at the Ala Wai Harbor, the largest yacht harbor of Hawaii, reflecting in the sea at sunset. Honolulu, Oahu in Hawaii, United States.

7. Ko Olina Snorkel & Sunset Dinner Cruise

In Ko Olina, you can enjoy a fun snorkel and sunset dinner cruise ! This isn’t one of the typical Oahu sunset dinner cruises; with this cruise, you get to go out in the water and snorkel too! 

First, head out cruising along the ocean and look for dolphins as you head out onto the water. Then, you will get to enjoy snorkeling with all the tropical fish and might even see some sea turtles too! 

After snorkeling, you will enjoy a nice Hawaiian-style meal and some cocktails and watch the sun slowly set along the Hawaiian ocean. It is a fun adventure you will want to try out during your vacation to Oahu!  Check the latest rates and availability .

8. Star of Honolulu Vow Renewal & Sunset Dinner Cruise

For a romantic evening with your spouse, try this Star of Honolulu Vow Renewal Sunset Cruise ! What better way to renew your vows with your loved one than with a sunset in Oahu on a cruise boat? 

After you renew your vows, enjoy an incredible lobster and steak meal while watching the sunset and enjoying some live music.

Also included is a live hula show, a vow renewal certificate, and a free picture to always remember this special occasion.  Check the latest rates and availability .

9.  Moana’s Sunset Cocktail Sail

Moana’s Sunset Cocktail Sail is another great Oahu sunset cruise to try.  It is a smaller boat and has a more intimate experience, making it the perfect Waikiki sunset sail for couples. 

While you set sail along the ocean, look for dolphins and whales, and enjoy the nice ocean breeze as you bask in the gorgeous sunset with a cocktail in hand.  Check the latest rates and availability .

Beautiful panorama of sailing boats docked at the Ala Wai Harbor at sunset the largest yacht harbor of Hawaii, situated between Waikiki and downtown Honolulu in Oahu, Hawaii.

10. Honolulu Sunset Boat Cruise

Most sunset cruises do not allow you to swim, but this one does! For a fun Waikiki beach sunset cruise, you will love Pink Sails .

Enjoy an incredible colorful sky while sailing out on the waves. Jump off the boat and enjoy swimming in the water as you enjoy the beautiful sunset.  Check the latest rates and availability .

11. Sunset Cocktail Cruise West Oahu

If you are in Waianae, try this West Oahu Sunset Cruise ! With this cruise, you will see a different side of the island most tours will not show you.

On this 53-foot catamaran, there is both outdoor and covered seating, all perfect for capturing the stunning sunset on the Makaha Valley. 

Afterward, look at the stars as you return back to the island. It is a great cruise to learn more about the history of Hawaii as well!  Check the latest rates and availability .

12. Waikiki Sunset Cruise Party Boat

If you are on Oahu for a friend’s trip, you will love this party sunset cruise ! This Oahu sunset cruise is perfect if you are looking to have a fun time out on the water one evening during your trip to Hawaii. 

There will be a live DJ playing music the entire time while you dance the night away under the colorful sky.  Check the latest rates and availability .

13. Sunset Glass Bottom Boat Cruise

To see incredible views of the ocean from above and below, go on this Sunset Glass Bottom Boat Cruise . This unique sunset cruise on Oahu will show you the stunning Hawaiian sunset and the tropical fishes down below, all at the same time! 

This is a shorter sunset cruise with only around an hour out on the water, but the views of Honolulu and the marine life down below are worth it!  Check the latest rates and availability .

14. West Oahu Whale Watching & Sunset Cruise

If you are visiting Oahu during the winter, enjoy the sunset and go whale watching at the same time on this West Oahu Cruise !  

On this side of the island, you are bound to see some pretty incredible whales while out on the ocean. Nothing is more beautiful than seeing a breaching whale while enjoying the beautiful sunset on the water.  Check the latest rates and availability .

15. Waikiki Sunset Cocktail Cruise aboard the Majestic by Atlantis Cruises

Enjoy a romantic evening on the water watching the sunset and enjoy some live entertainment with this Oahu sunset cruise . It is a bigger boat, meaning more room for you to get an uninterrupted view of the sunset on the ocean! 

This is another one of the best Waikiki dinner cruises as it takes you across the ocean in Honolulu so you can take in all the beauty of Hawaii under a stunning sunset.

Choose to sit in the open-air seating out on the deck or inside the air-conditioned lounge.  Check the latest rates and availability .

Oahu Sunset Cruises FAQS

It all depends on the cruise, but typically the Oahu sunset cruises are a few hours at most. Most often, the sunset cruises are between 90 minutes and two hours. 

During a sunset cruise, you get to enjoy watching the sunset while on a boat in the middle of the ocean. Most of the sunset cruises in Oahu offer dinner and drinks too! It is a romantic way to enjoy the incredible Hawaii sunsets.

Oahu provides some of the best sunsets all over the island! However, the best sunsets in Oahu are usually on the North and East side of the island.

windjammer cruises honolulu hawaii

Honolulu Sunset Cruise Wrap Up

Enjoy the breathtaking sunset on Oahu on any of these amazing Oahu sunset cruises! Each has its own unique features, and any of them would make for the perfect evening to spend with your friends and loved ones. Hop aboard any of these boats and enjoy the peaceful Oahu sunset!

Looking for more things to do on Oahu? Check out the most romantic Waikiki date night spots , things to do in Kaneohe , where to see turtles on Oahu , and North Shore Oahu hikes !

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Oahu Travel Guide and 7-Day Oahu Itinerary by top Hawaii blog Hawaii Travel Spot


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Kulamami in Honolulu | by Anthony Tomlin

Kulamami in Honolulu

Kulamanu, built in 1946, was originally named delaware belle. she was subsequently renamed hudson belle and george washington.** as george washington, the wilson line operated her as a river cruise vessel on the potomac river.   robert j. halcro, the owner of windjammer cruises, bought the george washington. the ship’s name was officially changed in march 1980 to rella mae (in honor of mr. halcro’s mother). four steel masts and a bowsprit were added to the ship at a shipyard in norfolk, virginia before she sailed for hawai‘i via the panama canal and los angeles.   rella mae arrived in honolulu harbor on sunday, 13 july 1980 and began operations as a dinner cruise ship in august.   kulamanu, which was tied up on the diamond head side of pier 7, was towed out of the harbor on thursday, 20 june 2019. she was taken to kalaeloa barbers point harbor, where work will be done to prepare her for disposal at sea  .

7 Things to Know Before Booking a Windjammer Cruise


Windjammer Cruises

We’re not doing any traveling this summer but all the time indoors has gotten me in a reflective mood. One of the most memorable summer vacations we took was a sailing trip along the coast of Maine .

It was two summers ago, and we spent about a week on a traditional windjammer, letting the wind dictate our search for lobsters and lighthouses.

The sailing was incredible and the food was even better. In fact, I’ve made several recipes from the Chef’s cookbook during quarantine! 


Our week at sea on a small schooner was one of the most unique trips I’ve done.

Before we set sail, I barely did any research (unlike me, I know). But having been on so many cruises at this point, I figured sailing aboard a windjammer would be similar.

Boy was I in for a surprise!

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Maine Windjammer Cruises

Schooner vacations are all about community, serenity, and simple enjoyment. 

They’re completely different cruising experiences so in today’s post, we’re covering everything you should know before setting sail on a Maine windjammer cruise!

1. What Are Windjammers, Anyway?


Although “windjammer” could easily pass as a slang term used only by serious boaters, the word has a technical meaning that belies its casual first impression.

Generally, “windjammer” was the moniker bestowed on sailing cargo ships that were heavily utilized until steamships became economically viable in the early 20th century.

Distinguished by multiple masts, billowing sails, and restored finishes, Maine windjammers – with the exception of auxiliary-powered yawl boats that guide the windjammers to and from the harbor – rely on wind and wind alone to navigate the open seas.

Most surviving windjammers are schooners, which are defined by the presence of multiple masts, the aft-most (furthest rear) of which is the tallest.

Originally built between 1870 and 1985, the current members of the Maine windjammer fleet lie between 60 and 100 feet (with some exceptions) and can support between 15 and 40 guests per cruise.

2. How Long Are Maine Windjammer Cruises?


The most common Maine schooner tours last 3, 4, or 6 days .

The first “day” begins in the late afternoon and typically involves dropping off your belongings, attending a brief on-deck introductory meeting, and spending the night in the harbor.

The final “day” normally begins with eating breakfast at sea, continues with exchanging contact information among your new friends, and ends with docking the windjammer in the harbor by lunchtime.

While 3, 4, or 6 day cruises are the most widely available, there are certain schooners that also offer cruises lasting 2, 5, 7, and 11 days .

3. How Much Does a Maine Windjammer Cruise Cost?


The cost of Maine windjammer cruise tickets depends on the schooner, cruise theme (many schooners structure their cruises around any holidays or local festivals taking place), and trip length.

But, since we got a couple questions about how much windjammer cruise vacations cost, we thought we’d cover this. 

There’s a number of different schooners that you can choose in the Maine area. They all vary slightly in price, depending on the itinerary they offer and when you’re looking to sail with them. But to give you an idea, here’s what to expect:

If you’re on a budget – good news!

Many schooners offer an “early bird” promotion that discounts the ticket price (usually by 5%) if you book early, usually by February 1 or March 1.

Like with most cruises, you pay an initial deposit to secure your spot and then pay the remaining balance 6-8 weeks before setting sail.

Cancellations made before the final payment due date typically incur a handling charge, while those made after submitting the final payment will incur a handling charge and only yield a refund if the cancelled tickets are re-sold.

Finally, the ticket price usually covers everything except:

  • dinner on the first “day”
  • $20 cash fee to use Harbor parking lot
  • alcohol (unless explicitly provided as part of cruise theme)
  • discretionary gratuity for crew

If you’ve been cruising before, you’re probably familiar with most of these policies. BUT there was one big difference when it came to sailing on a windjammer.

You don’t pick your cabin (at least not on the schooner we were on).

The captain plans the cabin layout after all the bookings have been made (you can certainly request a specific bunk). I think this is because schooners and long and narrow, and the crew want to make sure weight is evenly distributed, although I’m not certain.

4. How Big Are the Cabins?


We sailed on the schooner J.&E. Riggin , a boat with quite an interesting history!

It was originally constructed in 1927 as a New Jersey oyster schooner, converted for passenger sailing in 1977, and then designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1991. 

When we sailed, it was owned by Captains (and husband-and-wife duo extraordinaire ) Jon Finger and Anne Mahle but as of 2020, they’ve sold the J&E Riggin to new ownership.

Though our perspective on cabins, activities, and food will be Riggin-specific, our sense (from surveying other schooners both at the harbor and anchored on the open sea) is that the cabins are more alike than different among the various schooners.

And when I say the cabins are more alike than different, what I mean is they are all extremely small.

Most cabins feature bunked or overlapping beds, a small sink, a few towel hooks, and some helpful (if minimal) shelf space.

The bedding on the Riggin was clean and surprisingly comfortable, which helped dull any inconvenience caused by the close quarters.

To successfully manage cabin expectations, consider the cruise tantamount to a backpacking trip.


From an activities perspective (more on that later), the sailing vacations Maine offers and traditional backpacking trips are very similar.

And while the Riggin cabins are not (nor are they intended to be) luxury accommodations, their clean bedding, private doors, and manageable space compare favorably to the conditions found in a pitched tent on the backpacking trail.

Even if camping or the outdoors aren’t your favorite things (full disclosure, they aren’t mine), sailing with the Riggin can be an amazingly unique experience.

With that said, if you would never consider using vacation (or any) time for a backpacking trip, then think carefully about whether Maine windjammer cruises are right for you!

5. What Do You Do on a Maine Windjammer Cruise?


As previously mentioned, each cruise has a theme that heavily informs the itinerary.

For example, I attended the 4-day Lighthouses & Lobster cruise which, somewhat expectedly, focused primarily on sailing routes that maximized lighthouse sightings and eating some damn good lobster.

During the day, we sailed routes through Penobscot Bay and its litany of lighthouses, expensive homes, and gorgeous pine.

Aside from eating Annie’s delicious food (again, more on that later!), the guests often use this time simply but enjoyably.

Reading, relaxing, playing games, singing music, enjoying a cold one, and getting to know one another are just a few examples of how time is well spent after raising the sails and setting course (yes, you get to learn and help with this part of sailing as well!).


Nights were spent anchored somewhere conducive to swimming, paddle boarding, row boating, or sailing on the Iolaire , an adorable baby schooner that travels with the Riggin .

The highlight was definitely the first night, when we ferried to nearby Warren Island State Park for a traditional lobster bake.

Have you ever done a lobster bake? Picture soft-shell lobsters and corn on the cob heaped into a bucket over an open fire, while piles of fresh seaweed form a “lid” to steam the food.

Besides yielding great photo opportunities, the lobster bake was simply great fun and incredibly delicious. We also had fire cooked paella and roasted S’mores added to complete the feast!

6. What Type of Traveler Would Love a Maine Windjammer Cruise?


As previously hinted, travelers who enjoy the great outdoors and don’t mind “roughing it” are perfectly suited for the sailing vacations New England has to offer.

Enjoying great food (I promise, I’m almost there!) and savoring the breathtaking views of water, pine, and sails were the undisputed highlights of my journey.

If life’s simple joys like these are your cup of tea, then I’d say you have a great vacation brewing ahead of you!

7. How is the Food?


Simply put, I could sail on every schooner throughout the Eastern seaboard and not enjoy food as delicious as that served by Captain Annie.

A restaurant-trained chef who has published 3 cookbooks and often writes about food on her blog, Chef Annie takes a wood-burning stove, fixed water supply, and no electricity and from these ingredients whips up magical feasts.

Samples from our delicious menu included fluffy pancakes (including a vanilla-bourbon cream with which I was absolutely obsessed), freshly-rolled Stromboli, baked Scottish salmon, and braised prime rib.

Many of the side and main dishes incorporated locally harvested ingredients, and this authenticity – combined with Chef Annie’s infectious passion for food – made for a revolving door of unforgettable meals.

Plus, there was always plenty of food for seconds or even thirds! We left with a copy of Annie’s At Home, At Sea cookbook to try to replicate even a fraction of her incredible cooking skills.

Well, that’s it! Hopefully you learned a little more about Maine windjammer cruises, and, if you still have any questions, ask us in the comments!

Visiting Maine – Trip Planning Checklist

Road Trip |  We rented a car for our 10 day road trip. It ended up being a great and cost-effective way to explore Maine, as our hybrid Volvo XC 60 really maximized every mile of the 800 mile route. We only had to fill up on gas twice! Check the latest deals on car rentals here .

Accommodation |  Maine has some beautiful boutique hotels along its popular coastal towns. Summer is peak season in Maine, so book hotels in advance to save, or check here for last-minute deals . Alternatively, get a fun group together and rent a house on  AirBnB  for a slightly more budget friendly option.

Insurance | Lastly, be sure to visit Maine with  travel insurance . Whether you get injured and need to be hospitalized, or your phone gets stolen, travel insurance will help when you need it most. Get a quote for your trip here .

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Island Windjammer Cruises

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Island Windjammer Cruises

Island Windjammers Cruise Schedule and Rates

Ahoy there!

Two frequently asked questions are "When is the best time to sail?" and "When should I reserve my cabin?"  We like to say that any time is a good time to sail! The weather in the Caribbean is warm and balmy year-round. Winter months are busier, because folks are trying to escape the cold back home.

Tropical storm season is June 1 through November 30. During the peak storm months of August through October, we move our ships to the southern Caribbean, where storms are less likely to occur. We also lower our rates!

Our ships are popular and have small capacities. We suggest that you reserve your space as soon as you decide on a preferred ship and sail date.

If you have questions, please call us Monday through Friday from 9:00 to 5:00 EST, or email us at  [email protected] .

We're standing by to assist, and look forward to seeing you on deck!

Click here to view our fleet schedule and rates.

The Island Girls

Island Windjammers


windjammer cruises honolulu hawaii

Sunset Cruise Waikiki, Oahu

Select your sunset cruise.

  • Users Up to 6 Guests
  • Clock 2 Hours , 4 Hours
  • Users All Ages

Private Sunset Catamaran Cruise Waikiki

A Hawaii sunset cruise to remember! Join us aboard our catamaran for an incredible cruise among the scenery of Waikiki.

  • Clock 1.5 hours

Waikiki Sunset Catamaran Sail

Waikiki Sunset Sailing Cruise, swimming not available on this tour. *This activity is operated by a partner company*

Best Way To End The Day

Embark on a mesmerizing journey with our Waikiki Sunset Cruise, where the Pacific Ocean becomes a canvas for nature’s most stunning masterpiece. Choose from our private or shared tour options designed for comfort and optimal viewing of the breathtaking Waikiki sunset. As the sun gracefully descends, casting vibrant hues across the sky, experience the magic of this iconic moment from the best vantage point – the open sea.

a rainbow over a body of water

  • Chevron down Frequently Asked Questions

What time is sunset in Waikiki?

The sunset time in Waikiki, Hawaii is between 5:45 pm and 7:15 pm and varies about 1.5 hours through the year. The winters are shorter days with earlier sunset times and the summer has longer days with the latest sunset time. After the sun sets there is often a wonderful afterglow of colors that light up the sky, these can last up to 30 min after sunset! We adjust our departure times to make sure you are on the water for the perfect sunset time.

  • Chevron down Can we watch the Friday firework show on the sunset cruise?

Yes, but the certain times of year are better to watch the fireworks and sunset together. In the winter the sunsets around 6:00pm and the fireworks are not till 7:45pm. In the summer the firework show is around 40 min after sunset. If you are interested in watching the firework show front row on the ocean visit the Private Fireworks and City Lights tour page to learn more!

Benefits of a Sunset Boat Cruise

Escape the crowded beaches.

Waikiki is the most popular location on Oahu to watch the sunset dip into the sea. This means our beaches lining the coastline can get quite busy. Our sunset boat charters offer the ability to get off the crowded beach and experience the sunset on the peaceful offshore waters.

Option to Swim and Snorkel at Sunset

There is nothing quite as magical as swimming in our warm Hawaiian waters as the golden sunset shines throughout the ocean. Not required but highly recommended, guests have the option to jump in the water for a quick snorkel at our lively reefs or just take a swim. Our popular snorkel spots are very empty at sunset and escaping the crowd makes the sunset cruise one of our favorite times to snorkel at Turtle Canyon.

Enjoy Your Favorite Drinks

You are not allowed to drink alcohol on Waikiki Beach, but you are more than welcome to sip on your favorite beverages on our BYOB sunset cruises. Our boats are equipped with big iced down coolers for your own drinks along with cups and a marine bathroom for your convenience. We also provide a variety of complementary local juices, sodas and waters on our tours.

Amazing Views and Photo Opportunities

Capture picture-perfect moments as the sun dips below the horizon, casting a golden glow on the ocean waves. Being offshore on a boat offers a unique perspective of the island of Oahu like you’ve never seen before. The Koolau mountain range sits high above the Honolulu skyline with the Diamond head state monument standing proud above the shore. Waikiki’s Unique History

Our knowledgeable captains and crew will share about the history of Waikiki and the sight you will see along the way. Have questions about the ocean, wildlife, local recommendations or local conservation? Our crew is happy to share their knowledge and help you learn about Hawaii.

Safety and Comfort

Our experienced crew ensures a safe and enjoyable voyage, guiding you through the highlights of Waikiki’s coastal beauty. We know how to navigate Hawaii’s powerful ocean to offer you a smooth ride and visit the best spots. Lounge on comfortable seating, soak in the warm sea breeze, and witness the sky transform into a kaleidoscope of colors.

Indulge in complimentary refreshments and snacks on board, adding a touch of luxury to your evening. Whether you’re a couple seeking a romantic escapade, a group of friends celebrating, or a solo traveler craving a unique experience, our Waikiki Sunset Cruise promises an unforgettable adventure. Join us for an enchanting evening, where the beauty of the Hawaiian sunset is elevated from the deck of our catamaran, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

WindJammer Cruises in the Caribbean

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windjammer cruises honolulu hawaii

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RELLA MAE - IMO 8836429


Photo details


Loa 89m Lbp 67.66m B 16.76m Dght 2.89m Windjammer Cruises Inc., Hawaii Built in Lanchester Ironworks, Perryville, Maryland in 1946 as a ferry, GEORGE WASHINGTON. Converted and debut in July 1980 for Waikiki day & night cruise. She is not in service. Honolulu May 11, 2002

Vessel particulars

Former name(s):

 -    Rella Mae   (Until 2001 )

 -    George Washington   (Until 2003 Mar )

 -    Delaware Belle   (Until 1999 Mar )

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windjammer cruises honolulu hawaii

Photo Categories

This ship exists in the following categories:

Harbour & tour boats / restaurant vessels - 8 photos

Photographers of this ship

Raisuke Numata

Chris Howell

Tony Martin

More of this ship (7)




  1. Aloha Kulamanu (1946)

    Another familiar sight in Honolulu Harbor is gone. Kulamanu (IMO 8836429), which was tied up on the Diamond Head side of Pier 7, was towed out of the harbor on Thursday, 20 June 2019. ... ACES Dinner Cruises bought Windjammer Cruises in June 1996 and renamed the ship Kulamanu. Due to economic factors, the company shut down operations in May ...

  2. Island Windjammers Cruises

    Island Windjammers offers six, ten, and twelve-night sailings aboard our classic clipper ship Vela, schooner Diamant, and sailing yacht Lyra! Vela hosts twenty-six guests, Diamant accommodates ten guests, while our new addition Lyra has room for eight. This is small ship cruising at its finest. Our Island Girls are fully-crewed and feature air ...

  3. Hawaii Small Ship Cruises

    Hawaiian Seascapes Cruise. This unique 8-day, 4-island itinerary offers discovery of Hawaii's rich traditions and natural wonders, including a thrilling night snorkel. Experience the beauty of the Pacific Ocean aboard the 36-guest Safari Explorer luxury yacht. Special Offer. From &dollar;5900 USD.

  4. Diamond Head Sunset Cruise

    Hawaii's Best Sunset Cruise is the experience you don't want to miss. Immerse yourself in a gorgeous Hawaiian sunset the only way, from the sea, with spectacular views of iconic Diamond Head and Waikiki. ... 350 Ward Ave Suite 106-325 Honolulu, HI 96814 Boat Location: The Kewalo Yacht Harbor 1025 Ala Moana Blvd Honolulu, HI 96814 E-mail ...

  5. Top 10 Sunset Cruises

    Star of Honolulu Waikiki Sunset Cruise - Steak and Lobster Dinner & Hula Show. From USD 165.60. (2853) 3. Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation. From USD 181.00. (2021) 4. Jurassic Valley Kualoa Ranch ATV Raptor Adventure Tour.

  6. Honolulu Sunset Cruise

    Witness Honolulu's iconic sunset on a sunset cruise tour wtih Hawaii Glass Bottom Boats. Enjoy city skyline and coastal views from the water. Book today! ... Honolulu, HI, US. Ko Olina/West Oahu (808) 400-8872 (call) [email protected] 92-100 Waipahe Place, Slip I-13, Kapolei, HI 96707, US ...

  7. Waikiki: Sunset Catamaran Cruise

    12 Hawaii State Capitol, Honolulu. 13 Makapu'u Point. 14 Diamond Head Lookout. 15 Kewalo Basin Harbor. 16 Makapuʻu Lookout, Hawaii. 17 Sandy Beach Park. 18 Duke Kahanamoku Statue. ... 13 Honolulu Cruises & boat tours. 14 Honolulu Marine life. 15 Honolulu Wheelchair accessible. 16 Honolulu Beach trips. 17 Honolulu Garden & park tours.

  8. Oahu Catamaran

    Oahu Catamaran tours is at the Kewalo Basin boat harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii. 1025 Ala Moana Blvd, Honolulu HI 96814. Pier A Slip 0. In addition, we are now also offering exclusive private boat charters for birthday parties, special events, memorials and certainly weddings. Above all, the crew of the Kahala Kai have the expertise to help you ...

  9. Windjammer Suspends Operations: Travel Weekly

    HONOLULU -- Windjammer Cruises said it suspended operations due to revenue losses and plans to sell its vessel, the 1,000-passenger Kulamanu. "The losses incurred were due to Hawaii's economic ...

  10. Learn More And Book Online With Live Availability

    This is the default homepage of your new site. Learn more and book online with live availability.

  11. The 8 best Hawaii cruises in 2025 and 2026

    These cruises call on three ports on two islands: Honolulu (Oahu) and Hilo and Kona (Hawaii Island), with one or two overnights in port and 10 hours ashore on one-day visits. All include five days ...

  12. Phase 7 (VII)

    Phase VII playing on Windjammer Cruises Rella Mae. Sept 1986. ... A Honolulu-based record label championing new music and rare reissues from Hawai'i. [email protected]. Aloha Got Soul 2017 S. King Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96826 Phone: +1 (808) 282-1945. Newsletter. The latest news and exclusives, from our shores to your inbox.

  13. Windjammer Cruises Hawaii '70s

    Windjammer Cruises Hawaii '70s - '80s. Public group. ·. 18 members. Join group. I started this group to bring back old shipmates and people who have taken a voyage with us at Windjammer Cruises in Hawaii to share the good times and...

  14. Best Oahu Sunset Cruises

    Here are some of the best Oahu sunset cruises that will leave you feeling in awe of this island. 1. Star of Honolulu Dinner Cruise. The Star of Honolulu Dinner Cruise is the best sunset cruise in Oahu. As you arrive, you will be greeted by performers who bring the true spirit of aloha. The sunset view was spectacular!

  15. the ship kulamanu (ex rella mae) tugged from honolulu harbor

    If maritime Hawaii is your site, thanks for making it available. I like scrolling through from time to time and see what's been popping in and out of Honolulu Harbor. Side question: do you happen to know whatever happened to the Abner T Longley (old HFD fireboat prior to Moku Ahi)?

  16. Kulamami in Honolulu

    Kulamanu, built in 1946, was originally named Delaware Belle. She was subsequently renamed Hudson Belle and George Washington.** As George Washington, the Wilson Line operated her as a river cruise vessel on the Potomac River. Robert J. Halcro, the owner of Windjammer Cruises, bought the George Washington. The ship's name was officially changed in March 1980 to Rella Mae (in honor of Mr ...

  17. 7 Things to Know Before Booking a Windjammer Cruise

    The final "day" normally begins with eating breakfast at sea, continues with exchanging contact information among your new friends, and ends with docking the windjammer in the harbor by lunchtime. While 3, 4, or 6 day cruises are the most widely available, there are certain schooners that also offer cruises lasting 2, 5, 7, and 11 days.

  18. Island Windjammers Caribbean Sailing Cruise Calendar

    Island Windjammers offers unique windjammer barefoot cruises for those who are passionate about the tall ship cruise experience. Join us on one of our tall ship Caribbean Sailing cruises and set sail for something different! Ships & Rates » Diamant » Lyra » Vela; Itineraries; Plan Your Cruise ...

  19. Sunset Cruises

    A Hawaii sunset cruise to remember! Join us aboard our catamaran for an incredible cruise among the scenery of Waikiki. Book Now ... Honolulu, HI 96814, United States. Mon - Sun: 7 am - 8 pm. Gift Cards Quick Links. Home; All Cruises & Tours; FAQ; Gift Cards; About us; Blog; Contact; Gift cards ...

  20. Honolulu Star-Bulletin Business

    Windjammer's suspension of business leaves four other operators active in the cruise business. The leader is Royal Hawaiian Cruises, a unit of Pacific Marine & Supply Co., which operates five vessels from three islands. Its fleet includes the Navatek I, operating whale-watching and dinner cruises from Honolulu, and the smaller Navatek II on Maui.

  21. Island Windjammers Cruise Reviews

    Show more filters. 1 - 10 of 154 Island Windjammers Cruise Reviews. Sun, fun and fabulous sailing! Review for a Caribbean - All Cruise on Vela. Tabbycoco. 2-5 Cruises • Age 50s. This is my ...

  22. WindJammer Cruises in the Caribbean

    Call 1.406.541.2677. Start Planning My Trip. Windjammer Cruises in the Caribbean. Experience the Caribbean in the most authentic way possible, under the majestically masted sails of a true windjammer. In addition to the megayacht tours of the Caribbean we offer, Adventure Life has hand-selected the best luxurious clippers in the Caribbean that ...


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    Windjammer Cruises Inc., Hawaii Built in Lanchester Ironworks, Perryville, Maryland in 1946 as a ferry, GEORGE WASHINGTON. Converted and debut in July 1980 for Waikiki day & night cruise. She is not in service. Honolulu May 11, 2002 Vessel particulars. Current name: KULAMANU.