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Cari waktu terbang termurah ke Helsinki (HEL)

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Aktivitas terbaik di Helsinki

Helsinki International Airport Plaza Premium Lounge

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Pertanyaan sering diajukan.

Tentu saja Anda bisa mendapatkan tiket promo Jakarta ke Helsinki. Traveloka tawarkan promo tiket pesawat Jakarta - Helsinki agar Anda bisa hemat lebih banyak. Cari info promo terkini Traveloka dan rutin pula mengecek situs web maupun media sosial Traveloka untuk ketahui berbagai promo terbaru Traveloka. Pengguna baru Traveloka juga bisa gunakan kupon BISAYUK untuk dapatkan DISKON spesial tiket Jakarta ke Helsinki hingga Rp 1 juta!

Penerbangan Jakarta ke Helsinki melayani penumpang bayi atau anak-anak, dengan ketentuan umum antara lain:

  • Bayi wajib didampingi oleh penumpang dewasa yang membayar tarif dewasa. Satu bayi harus didampingi oleh satu penumpang dewasa yang bersedia dan mampu bertanggung jawab penuh atas bayi tersebut.
  • Penumpang dewasa pendamping tersebut harus berada di penerbangan yang sama, di kelas sama, dan destinasi yang sama dengan penumpang bayi.

Pastikan Anda telah mengacu pada peraturan maskapai yang Anda gunakan saat terbang dengan bayi atau anak-anak.

Kebijakan bagasi pada penerbangan Jakarta - Helsinki secara umum adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Tidak membawa benda / senjata tajam serta benda tumpul yang dapat menyebakan potensi cedera bagi penumpang lainnya. Benda tajam / tumpul harus dilaporkan kepada petugas dan disimpan ke dalam bagasi check in.
  • Tidak membawa benda yang mengandung gas yang dapat memicu suatu ledakan pada suatu tekanan tertentu.
  • Tidak membawa benda cair yang melebihi batasan 100ml dalam suatu kemasan ke dalam kabin pesawat, sehingga perlu disimpan kedalam bagasi check in. (Kecuali untuk makanan bayi atau obat-obatan yang harus dikonsumsi pada saat melakukan penerbangan).
  • Setiap bagasi yang didaftarkan pada bagasi check in wajib untuk dikemas dalam kondisi yang baik, sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku.

Selalu periksa dan pastikan dengan maskapai yang Anda gunakan terkait batasan berat maksimum yang boleh dibawa untuk penerbangan Jakarta - Helsinki Anda. Kelebihan berat bagasi maksimum yang telah ditetapkan, telah diatur tarifnya oleh tiap-tiap maskapai.

Pemilihan tiket pesawat yang tepat sangat penting untuk memastikan perjalanan nyaman dan efisien. kita akan memberikan beberapa tips yang bisa membantu dalam memilih tiket terbaik.

Pertimbangan Harga dan Waktu

Harga tiket pesawat bisa bervariasi tergantung pada waktu pemesanan dan musim perjalanan. Biasanya, lebih murah memesan tiket jauh-jauh hari sebelum tanggal keberangkatan. Selain itu, hindari periode liburan atau puncak musim wisata karena harga cenderung lebih tinggi saat itu.

Untuk menghemat waktu, pilih penerbangan langsung jika memungkinkan. Penerbangan dengan satu atau lebih transit biasanya lebih murah tapi memakan waktu lebih lama. Pastikan juga untuk mempertimbangkan durasi transit agar tidak terlalu lama menunggu di bandara.

Rute dan Maskapai yang Tersedia

Beberapa maskapai internasional menyediakan rute dari Jakarta (CGK) ke Helsinki (HEL). Maskapai seperti Finnair, Qatar Airways, Emirates, dan Turkish Airlines seringkali menawarkan penerbangan dengan satu kali transit di hub mereka masing-masing.

  • Finnair : Transit di Helsinki
  • Qatar Airways : Transit di Doha
  • Emirates : Transit di Dubai
  • Turkish Airlines : Transit di Istanbul

Memilih maskapai tertentu dapat mempengaruhi kenyamanan selama penerbangan. Misalnya, Finnair dikenal dengan pelayanan ramah dan efisiensi waktu terbangnya. Sebelum memutuskan, cek ulasan penumpang lain mengenai pengalaman mereka dengan maskapai tersebut.

Dengan mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor ini, Anda dapat menemukan tiket pesawat terbaik dari Jakarta ke Helsinki sesuai kebutuhan perjalanan Anda.

Persiapan Sebelum Terbang

Perjalanan dari Jakarta ke Helsinki memerlukan persiapan matang. Dengan memastikan semua kebutuhan terpenuhi, perjalanan menjadi lebih nyaman dan lancar.

Dokumen Perjalanan yang Diperlukan

Paspor valid diperlukan untuk masuk ke Finlandia. Pastikan masa berlaku paspor minimal enam bulan dari tanggal kepulangan. Visa Schengen juga diperlukan bagi warga negara Indonesia. Ajukan visa melalui Kedutaan Besar Finlandia di Jakarta atau pusat permohonan visa resmi.

Selain itu, siapkan tiket pesawat pulang-pergi dan bukti pemesanan akomodasi. Asuransi perjalanan yang mencakup biaya medis darurat juga sangat disarankan.

Tips Packing untuk Penerbangan Jarak Jauh

Bawa pakaian sesuai musim di Helsinki; musim dingin perlu jaket tebal dan aksesori hangat, sedangkan musim panas cukup dengan pakaian ringan tapi tetap hangat di malam hari. Kemas barang-barang penting seperti obat-obatan pribadi, dokumen perjalanan, dan charger gadget dalam tas kabin.

Gunakan koper beroda agar mudah dibawa selama transit panjang. Bawa perlengkapan tidur seperti bantal leher dan penutup mata untuk kenyamanan maksimal saat penerbangan jarak jauh.

Dengan persiapan ini, kita siap menikmati perjalanan dari Jakarta ke Helsinki tanpa hambatan berarti.

Pengalaman Terbang dari Jakarta ke Helsinki

Penerbangan dari Jakarta (CGK) ke Helsinki (HEL) menawarkan pengalaman yang unik dan menyenangkan. Dengan durasi penerbangan sekitar 15-20 jam termasuk transit, kenyamanan di dalam pesawat sangat penting.

Review Kelas Ekonomi

Terbang dengan kelas ekonomi memberikan pengalaman yang cukup nyaman jika memilih maskapai dengan fasilitas lengkap. Misalnya, Finnair menyediakan kursi ergonomis dengan ruang kaki yang cukup luas dan hiburan di setiap kursi. Qatar Airways menawarkan makanan berkualitas tinggi serta perlengkapan tidur seperti selimut dan bantal empuk. Emirates dikenal dengan layanan pelanggan unggul serta pilihan film terbaru di sistem hiburannya.

Berikut beberapa aspek penting saat terbang kelas ekonomi:

  • Kenyamanan Kursi: Kursi ergonomis membantu mengurangi kelelahan selama penerbangan panjang.
  • Hiburan: Sistem hiburan modern membuat perjalanan lebih menyenangkan.
  • Makanan: Menu variatif dengan cita rasa internasional meningkatkan kualitas penerbangan.

Review Kelas Bisnis

Kelas bisnis memberikan kenyamanan ekstra untuk perjalanan jarak jauh seperti dari Jakarta ke Helsinki. Maskapai seperti Turkish Airlines menyediakan kursi yang bisa berubah menjadi tempat tidur rata serta akses lounge eksklusif sebelum keberangkatan. Finnair memiliki kabin pribadi untuk privasi lebih baik dan menu gourmet buatan koki terkenal. Qatar Airways terkenal dengan Qsuite-nya yang menyediakan ruang pribadi lengkap dengan pintu geser.

Aspek utama saat terbang kelas bisnis meliputi:

  • Kursi Datar: Kursi dapat direbahkan sepenuhnya menjadi tempat tidur memastikan istirahat maksimal selama penerbangan.
  • Layanan Pribadi: Pelayanan penuh perhatian termasuk makanan gourmet dan minuman premium.
  • Akses Lounge: Akses ke lounge eksklusif menambah kenyamanan saat transit atau menunggu keberangkatan.

Mengalami perbedaan antara kelas ekonomi dan bisnis dapat mempengaruhi tingkat kenyamanan perjalanan Anda secara signifikan.

Tempat Transit Populer

Dalam perjalanan dari Jakarta ke Helsinki, kita seringkali menemukan berbagai tempat transit yang populer dan nyaman.

Informasi Bandara Transit

Bandara Internasional Hamad di Doha (DOH), Bandara Internasional Istanbul (IST), dan Bandara Dubai (DXB) adalah beberapa pilihan utama untuk transit. Bandara-bandara ini terkenal dengan pelayanan kelas dunia serta fasilitas lengkap. Menurut data tahun 2022, ketiga bandara ini melayani jutaan penumpang setiap tahunnya.

  • Bandara: Hamad
  • Kode IATA: DOH
  • Volume Penumpang: 39 juta
  • Bandara: Istanbul
  • Kode IATA: IST
  • Volume Penumpang: 64 juta
  • Bandara: Dubai
  • Kode IATA: DXB
  • Volume Penumpang: 88 juta

Transit di bandara-bandara ini biasanya memerlukan waktu antara 2 hingga 6 jam tergantung jadwal penerbangan lanjutan. Pastikan selalu memeriksa kembali informasi penerbangan agar tidak tertinggal pesawat berikutnya.

Fasilitas di Bandara

Selama menunggu penerbangan lanjutan, kita bisa menikmati berbagai fasilitas yang ditawarkan oleh bandara transit. Di Bandara Internasional Hamad, tersedia lounge eksklusif, area bermain anak-anak, dan hotel dalam terminal bagi yang ingin beristirahat sejenak.

Di Bandara Internasional Istanbul, terdapat pusat perbelanjaan bebas bea terbesar di Eropa, aneka restoran internasional, serta layanan spa untuk relaksasi. Sementara itu, di Bandara Dubai ada kolam renang dalam ruangan, fitness center lengkap dengan sauna dan jacuzzi.

Menggunakan fasilitas-fasilitas tersebut membuat waktu transit lebih menyenangkan dan mengurangi rasa lelah selama perjalanan panjang dari Jakarta ke Helsinki.

Perjalanan dari Jakarta ke Helsinki memang menawarkan banyak pengalaman menarik. Dengan memilih tiket pesawat yang tepat dan maskapai yang sesuai, kita bisa menikmati perjalanan ini dengan nyaman. Persiapan matang seperti dokumen perjalanan lengkap dan tips packing juga sangat penting untuk memastikan semuanya berjalan lancar.

Memilih tempat transit yang tepat di bandara-bandara internasional juga bisa meningkatkan kenyamanan selama menunggu penerbangan lanjutan. Semua informasi ini akan membantu kita merencanakan perjalanan dari Jakarta ke Helsinki dengan lebih baik dan membuatnya menjadi pengalaman yang tak terlupakan.


19 jam 40 menit

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Rp 6.738.926 Cari tiket pesawat murah dari Jakarta ke Finlandia

Ini adalah harga tiket pesawat satu arah termurah yang ditemukan oleh pengguna kayak dalam 72 jam terakhir dengan menelusuri penerbangan dari jakarta ke finlandia yang berangkat pada 10/11. harga dapat berubah dan bisa jadi tidak tersedia di semua penerbangan atau tanggal perjalanan. klik harga untuk mengulang penelusuran pada promo ini., telusuri ratusan situs wisata sekaligus untuk promo tiket ke finlandia.

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Promo Terbaik untuk Penerbangan ke Finlandia

Harga tiket pulang-pergi termurah yang ditemukan oleh para pengguna kami di KAYAK dalam waktu 72 jam terakhir

Info penting

Faq seputar pesan tiket pesawat finlandia, bagaimana kayak menemukan harga yang begitu rendah untuk penerbangan dari jakarta ke finlandia.

KAYAK adalah mesin penelusur wisata. Artinya kami menelusuri seluruh web untuk menemukan harga terbaik yang siap disajikan bagi pengguna kami. Dengan lebih dari 2 miliar kueri penerbangan yang diproses setiap tahunnya, kami dapat menampilkan berbagai harga dan opsi penerbangan dari Jakarta ke Finlandia.

Bagaimana alat Prakiraan Harga tiket KAYAK membantu saya dalam memilih waktu yang tepat untuk membeli tiket pesawat dari Jakarta ke Finlandia?

Alat Prakiraan Harga tiket KAYAK menggunakan data historis untuk menentukan apakah harga tiket ke Finlandia dari Jakarta cenderung berubah dalam 7 hari, sehingga pelancong bisa memutuskan apakah akan menunggu atau memesan sekarang.

Apa opsi 22380 Mix untuk penerbangan dari Jakarta ke Finlandia?

22380 Mix memungkinkan Anda mengombinasikan tiket satu arah agar dapat menghemat uang Anda dibanding tiket pulang pergi biasa. Selanjutnya Anda dapat terbang ke Finlandia dengan suatu maskapai dan pulang ke Jakarta dengan maskapai lain.

Fitur "tanggal fleksibel" KAYAK itu maksudnya apa dan apa gunanya saat mencari penerbangan dari Jakarta ke Finlandia?

Terkadang tanggal berwisata tak bisa ditentukan pasti. Jika tanggal jalan-jalan agak longgar, fasilitas tanggal fleksibel akan memperlihatkan semua opsi saat terbang ke Finlandia dari Jakarta hingga 3 hari sebelum/sesudah tanggal yang dipilih. Selanjutnya Anda bisa memilih penerbangan yang paling cocok.

Pesan tiket pesawat murah dari Jakarta ke Finlandia

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Penerbangan + hotel di Finlandia

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Saya hanya memerlukan akomodasi untuk sebagian perjalanan

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Penawaran Hotel di Finlandia

Marski by Scandic

Diulas pada tanggal 12 Agt 2024

Clarion Hotel Helsinki

Diulas pada tanggal 13 Agt 2024

Pertanyaan umum

Tempat populer untuk dikunjungi, desa santa klaus.

Nikmati hari yang menyenangkan di Desa Santa Klaus dan lihat mengapa tempat ini menjadi taman hiburan populer di Napapiiri. Saat berada di area unik ini, Anda dapat menikmati restoran.

Kawasan Ski Ruka

Jelajahi resor ramai yang menyuguhkan berbagai jalan setapak hutan tertutup salju, safari ditarik anjing husky, musim ski musim dingin yang panjang, serta kegiatan memancing dan arung jeram yang mengagumkan pada musim panas ini.

Resor Ski Levi

Bermain di lereng gunung di Sirkka dengan berkunjung ke Resor Ski Levi. Anda akan menemukan hal lainnya untuk dilihat dan dilakukan di area cocok untuk keluarga ini.

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  • Finlandia Tengah

36 Hours in Helsinki

By Ingrid K. Williams Updated August 7, 2024

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By Ingrid K. Williams Photographs by Vesa Laitinen

Ingrid K. Williams is a regular contributor to the Travel section. She lives part-time in Stockholm and has covered the Nordic region since 2010.

For seven consecutive years, Finland has been ranked the happiest country in the world , and summer is the brightest, cheeriest season to visit its capital. At its peak, Helsinki basks in nearly 19 hours of daylight, which is more than enough time to explore the stunning architecture of the new central library, browse treasure-filled shops in the Design District, sweat in a wood-burning sauna, sip cocktails on a schooner and trek across islands in the surrounding archipelago. Meanwhile, ongoing construction along the waterfront continues to transform industrial zones into livable, residential neighborhoods in this progressive, design-focused city.


  • Luovuus Kukkii Kaaoksesta , which translates to “creativity blooms from chaos,” is a playful restaurant with eclectic décor and inventive small plates.
  • Vallisaari , a small island in Helsinki’s archipelago, is home to nature trails, mossy woodlands, grazing sheep and military fortifications with spectacular views.
  • The Old Man & the Sí! , the city’s quintessential summer bar, is a seasonal pop-up on an old three-masted wooden schooner docked in the eastern harbor.
  • The Aalto House is a modest, two-story home designed by Alvar Aalto and his first wife, Aino, in the mid-1930s that is now a museum open to the public on small guided tours.
  • Oodi , the new central library, is a monumental, three-story structure with a striking, curved-wood facade.
  • Kansalaistori Square is surrounded by contemporary architectural landmarks, including the curvilinear Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma and the boxy glass Musiikkitalo concert hall.
  • Amos Rex is an art museum on Lasipalatsi Square, where a temporary exhibition of enormous elfin sculptures is set amid futuristic, undulating domes.
  • HAM Helsinki Art Museum has a permanent collection of murals by Tove Jansson, the Finnish author and illustrator who created the Moomins — the whimsical hippo-like trolls that are today an adorable and indelible part of the country’s modern culture.
  • Sompasauna is a popular, no-frills locale in an industrial zone north of the city center with three mixed-gender, clothing-optional saunas steps from the Baltic Sea.
  • Uusi Sauna is a modern complex in Jätkäsaari, a new residential neighborhood along the western harbor, with single-gender saunas and an on-site bar.
  • Galerie Forsblom is a contemporary art gallery showcasing both established international artists and emerging Nordic talents.
  • Studio Aalto , in the suburban Munkkiniemi neighborhood, is a striking building designed by Alvar Aalto in the mid-1950s as an office for his architecture firm.
  • Way Bakery , a neighborhood cafe and artisan bakery, has minimalist design and sunny sidewalk tables where locals linger over brunch.
  • BasBas Kulma , the sibling restaurant of a beloved neighborhood bistro, serves small plates from a charcoal grill in a sprawling space with brick walls and a laid-back atmosphere.
  • Bob’s Laundry , a kitschy laundromat-themed cocktail bar, serves drinks like the Rum’N’Soap, a tiki-inspired highball with rum, pineapple, lychee, orange and coconut.
  • SalamaNation is a beer bar in the downtown Kamppi neighborhood with 20 taps, most dedicated to Finnish craft breweries.
  • Rams Roasters , in the southern Ullanlinna neighborhood, is a bustling coffee shop with excellent espresso and buttery, Finnish-style cinnamon buns.
  • Hakaniemen Kauppahalli , the Hakaniemi Market Hall, recently reopened after a five-year restoration, with vendors selling fresh fish and meats, seasonal vegetables and edible souvenirs.
  • Liike , a Design District boutique, is stocked with unique fashions from up-and-coming Finnish designers.
  • Fasaani Antiikki is a maze-like second-hand emporium with antique Finnish ceramics and glassware.
  • Salakauppa is a tiny shop filled with fanciful, handcrafted treasures such as Russian matryoshka figurines shaped like root vegetables instead of dolls.
  • The Hotel Maria opened in December in the harborside Kruununhaka neighborhood, steps from Senate Square and the neoclassical Helsinki Cathedral, with 117 luxurious, cream-colored rooms and suites along with an on-site restaurant, spa and chandelier-lit bar. Rooms start at around €425, or $464 .
  • The Hobo Helsinki , which opened this year near the central Esplanade Park, has 183 cozy, colorful rooms and a daily breakfast buffet, fitness center and a popular terrace bar. Rooms start at around €180.
  • Scandic Helsinki Hub is an excellent option in the city center that opened in 2022 with more than 350 modern, spacious guest rooms and amenities that include an ample breakfast buffet (included), a gym, sauna and a large coworking lounge. Rooms start at around €150 .
  • Look for a short-term rental in Punavuori, a cool neighborhood in the southwestern part of central Helsinki with many great restaurants, bars, cafes, parks and coffee shops.
  • Public transportation in Helsinki is excellent, with buses , trams and metro lines (single ride, €2.95; day ticket, €9). There are also commuter trains , that connect to the airport, as well as ferry lines. Download the HSL app to purchase tickets, or buy from ticket machines or sales kiosks. Bike-share docks are also stationed throughout the city (day pass, €5). Taxi and ride-hailing services include Taksi Helsinki and Bolt .

A person walks on a paved outdoor forecourt next to a building with a modern, sweeping exterior.

Many arrive in Helsinki via the central railway station, which is also an ideal spot to begin a tour of the city’s contemporary architecture. But first, stop to admire the station’s Jugendstil, or Art Nouveau, facade, clad in Finnish granite and designed by Eliel Saarinen with a tall clock tower and stern statues flanking the main entrance. From there, it’s mere steps to Oodi , the new central library in a monumental, three-story, curved-wood building. Head to the top floor — an open-plan, glass-enclosed reading space nicknamed “book heaven.” There, a wide balcony overlooks Kansalaistori Square , a grassy plaza surrounded by other architectural landmarks: the curvilinear Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma , the boxy glass Musiikkitalo concert hall and, farther away, the Alvar Aalto-designed Finlandia Hall (currently under renovation).

Continue the tour at Amos Rex , a new museum (known as the Amos Anderson Art Museum before it moved to its current location) that opened in a functionalist building from the 1930s on Lasipalatsi Square. Today the square is dominated by futuristic, undulating domes — each with a spherical skylight for the museum’s subterranean galleries below — and a free temporary exhibition of giant, moss-green elfin figures by the Finnish sculptor Kim Simonsson (through Oct. 20). Inside the museum (admission €20, or about $22), current exhibitions include post-Impressionist paintings by the Finnish artist Magnus Enckell and an experiential installation with beds and silicone “wombs” by the European artist collective Keiken. Visitors this fall should also stop at the nearby HAM Helsinki Art Museum to see “Paradise,” an unprecedented exhibition of Tove Jansson’s large-scale public paintings, which is part of the 80th anniversary celebration of the Moomins, the whimsical, hippo-like trolls that Jansson created (Oct. 25 through April 6, 2025; €18). The museum also holds a small permanent collection of her murals.

Fun might not be listed on the menu, but it’s always included with dinner at Luovuus Kukkii Kaaoksesta , which translates to “creativity blooms from chaos.” This downtown restaurant opened in 2022 with eclectic décor foraged from second-hand shops, a colorful mural of sea creatures and a menu of inventive small plates that changes with the seasons. Ask for a table in the main dining room, where the owner Samu Räsänen charms diners with his delightful banter and fantastic wine pairings. A recent meal also included fresh scallop sashimi with pink sesame seeds and nectarine slivers, white asparagus beneath a frothy tomato-spiked Béarnaise sauce (both €13), and a hibiscus-flavored “tuttifrutti parfait” (€10).

The exterior of a brick building with a red neon sign that reads "UUSI SAUNA."

After dinner, socialize as Finns do, in the sauna. Sompasauna is a popular, no-frills option in an industrial zone north of the city center with three mixed-gender, clothing-optional saunas steps from the Baltic Sea. There’s no admission fee (or staff) at this community-run locale, so users are expected to pitch in, either by donation or by helping with chores, like chopping firewood. Bring your own towel and a lock to secure your belongings. For a late-night sweat session with more amenities, try Uusi Sauna , which recently opened in Jätkäsaari, a new residential neighborhood along the western harbor that had been a cargo port until 2008. At this modern complex, the saunas are single-gender (admission, €18; towel rental, €5), and there’s an on-site bar serving Nordic craft beers beside an outdoor courtyard where sauna-goers cool off between rounds.

The exterior of an old building with a large, arched window and red-and-white brick details.

Vanha Kauppahalli

Vanha Kauppahalli , the 19th-century Old Market Hall, is a natural first stop for many visitors disembarking from the hulking cruise ships that dock along the bustling harborfront. But for a less touristy atmosphere, hop on a tram to Kallio, a residential neighborhood just to the north, where Hakaniemen Kauppahalli , the Hakaniemi Market Hall, reopened last year after a long restoration. Inside the two-story, red-brick building, which first opened in 1914, stroll the airy aisles where vendors sell fresh fish and meats, seasonal vegetables, delectable cakes and pastries, hearty rye loaves and edible souvenirs like smoked reindeer, salty licorice candies and bags of locally roasted coffee beans.

It’s a short walk from the market to Way Bakery , an all-day cafe and artisan bakery with minimalist design and sunny sidewalk tables where locals linger over granola bowls (€7) and thick focaccia squares topped with burrata (€11.50). For brunch, consider the ever-changing selection of special pastries displayed atop the stainless-steel counter, which recently included frosted rhubarb-strawberry financiers and raspberry-and-mascarpone-filled maritozzi buns (from €6.50). Or order my go-to: the bread plate with chewy sourdough, thinly sliced cheese, a generous schmear of salted butter and a jammy soft-boiled egg (€11).

People stand in the shade of an arch under a pink-painted building with a clock display on the exterior.


On a sunny summer afternoon, you won’t be the only one lining up on the harborfront to board a boat headed to one of the more than 300 islands that make up Helsinki’s archipelago. One of the most popular islands, Suomenlinna, is a former sea fortress (and UNESCO World Heritage Site ) to which crowded ferries depart as often as every 15 minutes. For a more tranquil island escape, instead hop on a boat to Vallisaari , a small island that opened to the public in 2016 after serving as a military area since the 18th century (€13.90 round-trip). It’s a breezy, 20-minute ride to this idyllic island, where an easy, two-mile nature trail loops past mossy woodlands, a glittering lake, grazing sheep and military fortifications with spectacular views across the archipelago.

A mannequin wearing an outfit with pink, long sleeves is on display in a retail setting.

Back on the mainland, meander through the Design District , which has grown to encompass not only shops and galleries but also design-minded hotels, restaurants and museums. Find up-and-coming Finnish fashion designs at Liike , a boutique stocked with shimmering flower-print coats from the Turku-based designer Miia Halmesmaa and hand-crocheted hair clips from a local brand called the Finnish National Romance Museum . In the white-walled galleries of Galerie Forsblom , view a series of color-splashed, politically charged paintings by the Finnish artist Riiko Sakkinen (until Aug. 18, free). Several blocks south, scoop up Finnish antiques, including ceramic plates by Arabia and glassware by Iittala , at Fasaani Antiikki , a maze-like second-hand emporium. Then peek inside nearby Salakauppa , a tiny shop filled with fanciful, hand-crafted treasures such as Russian matryoshka figurines shaped like root vegetables, and hand-painted Japanese kokeshi dolls.

Southwest of the city center, BasBas Kulma is the new sibling restaurant of Baskeri and Basso — a beloved bistro locals call “BasBas” — that opened in a sprawling space with brick walls, exposed pipes and a laid-back vibe. Reserve a table in advance to join the jolly crowd feasting on charcoal-grilled skewers of octopus with spicy ’nduja sausage (€14) and charred spring cabbage smothered in peanut-chile sauce (€12). Other standouts from the menu of shareable small plates might include a crisp kohlrabi-and-pear salad with crumbled goat cheese and rhubarb vinaigrette (€11); a delicious pile of tiny Baltic shrimp, tender potatoes and foamy horseradish cream (€11); and for dessert, a warm Belgian waffle with apricot jam and white-chocolate mousse (€9).

A neon sign reads "Bob's Laundry." Below the sign are two small, pink washing machines.

Bob’s Laundry

After dinner, you could walk two blocks to Bob’s Laundry , a kitschy laundromat-themed cocktail bar serving drinks like the Rum’N’Soap, a tiki-inspired highball with rum, pineapple, lychee, orange and coconut (€14). Or hop on a tram to SalamaNation , a beer bar in the downtown Kamppi neighborhood, to sample Finnish craft brews like the Neo-Elektro, a hazy I.P.A. from Salama Brewing. Or head across town to the city’s quintessential summer bar: The Old Man & the Sí! , a seasonal pop-up on an old three-masted wooden schooner docked in the harbor beside the northeastern Kruununhaka district, where you can lounge on the poop deck with a Bitter Paloma (tequila, pink grapefruit, hibiscus, lime and tonic; €15) as the sky dims but never fully darkens.

A twisted, baked, sweet bun on a speckled, brown plate.

Could coffee be the key to happiness? Finns are among the world’s top consumers of coffee per capita, so it’s certainly part of the equation. To test this theory, step inside Rams Roasters , a busy little coffee shop on a quiet street in the southern Ullanlinna neighborhood. Order a shot of espresso (€4.50) or a light-roast coffee made with beans from Sweden’s Koppi Roasters (€3.50), and don’t sleep on the outstanding baked goods, particularly the buttery cinnamon buns in the Finnish style: oversize and topped with pearl sugar (€5.20).

The interior of a homewares store. A zebra-print armchair sits next to a wooden table, atop a shaggy, white rug.

The Aalto House

The Aalto House is a modest, two-story home that the world-renowned architect and designer Alvar Aalto and his first wife, Aino, also an architect, built for themselves in the mid-1930s. Today the well-preserved building in the suburban Munkkiniemi neighborhood, a half-hour north of the city center by tram, is a museum open to the public on engaging, small guided tours (tickets, €30). The timeless home was a family residence and an office, with a sliding partition separating the wings, both furnished in the midcentury modern style that the Aaltos pioneered. If you’re left wanting more after the hour-long tour, it’s only a seven-minute walk to Studio Aalto , a separate office that Alvar Aalto designed to accommodate the growing architecture firm in the 1950s (guided tour, €20).

Open Up Your World

Considering a trip, or just some armchair traveling here are some ideas..

52 Places:  Why do we travel? For food, culture, adventure, natural beauty? Our 2024 list has all those elements, and more .

Lake Como, Italy:  Stars like George Clooney frequent this scenic corner of northern Italy, but you might be surprised by how affordable it can be. Here’s an insider’s guide .

South of France:  Horses, bulls and birds of all types live among the pink marshes of the Camargue, a rugged landscape shaped  by the relentless push and pull of sea and river.

Disney Theme Parks:  As Disney has raised the cost of tickets and hotel rooms at its theme parks, and added pricey, difficult-to-navigate tools, even its most loyal fans are asking themselves  if they should rethink their vacations.

Helsinki, Finland:   Explore the stunning architecture  of the new central library, browse treasure-filled shops in the Design District, sweat in a wood-burning sauna, sip cocktails on a schooner and trek across islands in the surrounding archipelago.

Salzburg, Austria:  The compact Austrian city of medieval alleys, majestic Alpine views and just 150,000 residents bursts to life in the summer .



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Catholic Pilgrimage Travel Pattern in Labuan Bajo released

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Catholic Pilgrimage Travel Pattern in Labuan Bajo released

he Labuan Bajo Flores Tourism Authority (BPOLBF), in collaboration with the Labuan Bajo Vicariate, has released the Catholic Pilgrimage Travel Pattern in Labuan Bajo. This travel pattern is a follow-up to the webinar on the Potential and Strategy for Developing Catholic Pilgrimage Tourism in Flores, held on May 17, and the focus group discussion on July 5. The aim is to position Flores Island as a premier Catholic pilgrimage destination in Indonesia.

Acting president director of the BPOLBF, Frans Teguh, explained that the travel pattern aims to enhance the visitor experience by providing information on destinations beyond nature and culture-based attractions in Labuan Bajo. Catholic pilgrimage tourism can serve as a major draw for tourists by offering unique spiritual experiences and activities.

"The Catholic Pilgrimage Travel Pattern in Labuan Bajo provides an enhanced experience for tourists following their visits to nature and culture-based attractions. The creation of this travel map also aims to foster high-quality, sustainable tourism while considering future trends that are increasingly personalized, customized, localized and smaller in scale," Frans said.

Further, vicar of Labuan Bajo, Rev. Rikard Manggu, Pr., said the initiative was a positive step toward introducing the spiritual beauty and cultural richness of Labuan Bajo to both Catholics and the general public.

"This initiative is a positive step toward introducing Labuan Bajo’s spiritual beauty and cultural wealth to Catholics and the wider community. With this travel pattern, we hope visitors will experience peace and inspiration during their visit, and gain a deeper understanding of their faith through meaningful experiences at religious sites in Labuan Bajo," said Rikard.

He added that the initiative was expected to contribute to raising awareness about cultural preservation and offer significant opportunities to promote tolerance as part of the local wisdom of Manggarai Barat.

"We also believe that this religious tourism will contribute to raising awareness of the importance of preserving cultural heritage and the history of the Catholic Church in this region. It is a great opportunity to promote tolerance and interfaith understanding, as well as supporting the local economy through responsible tourism. We pray that every journey undertaken through this program will bring blessings and benefits to all involved," Rikard said.

Additionally, Frans mentioned that the release of this specific Catholic pilgrimage Travel Pattern for Labuan Bajo coincides with the Golo Koe Festival. This provides tourists, pilgrims and visitors with alternative activities beyond the festival’s events. The Golo Koe Festival is one of the prominent Catholic religious events in Flores, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), and is part of the Kharisma Event Nusantara 2024, featuring 110 curated events from 38 Indonesian provinces by the Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry.

The travel pattern release is available through the BPOLBF’s social media channels (IG @bpolbf , FB BPO Labuan Bajo Flores ), its website, the BPOLBF’s call center and the Tourist Information Center (TIC) at the BPOLBF office. It can be easily accessed by pilgrims and tourists.

The travel pattern can also be downloaded or accessed via , through the information submenu on the website, the link on the BPOLBF’s call center +62 811-3879-4555, or the Catholic Pilgrimage Travel Pattern QR code available at the TIC (Jl. Soekarno Hatta No.88, Labuan Bajo) and the BPOLBF’s social media.

The travel pattern for Labuan Bajo includes 12 key locations for pilgrims and tourists, ranging from churches and Marian shrines to spiritual merchandise shops in Labuan Bajo, extending from Binongko to Marombok.

The 12 locations are: 1) Gua Firdaus Maria Ratu Dunia near Komodo International Airport, 2) Gua Maria Golo Koe, 3) Gua Maria Bunda Pengantara Rahmat at the SSpS Sisters Monastery, 4) Gua Maria Golo Kaca in Wae Mata, 5) Gereja Roh Kudus Labuan Bajo on Jl. Mgr. Van Beakum, 6) Gereja Katolik Paroki Bunda Segala Bangsa, Waeksambi, 7) Gereja Katolik St. Petrus Paroki Sernaru, 8) Gereja Stella Maris on Jl. Mutiara Labuan Bajo, 9) Yayasan St Damian, Binongko, 10) Gereja Katolik Sta. Theresia dari Kanak-Kanak Yesus Marombok, 11) Toko Pondok Rohani Pelita Harapan on Jln. Mgr. Van Beckum, and 12) Pondok Uskup emeritus Mgr Angkur in Desa Gorontalo, Labuan Bajo.

In addition to the travel pattern for Labuan Bajo, the BPOLBF is collaborating with dioceses across Flores, including the diocese of Ruteng, Ende archdiocese, Maumere diocese and Larantuka diocese, as well as local tourism offices, to develop the Catholic Pilgrimage Travel Pattern for Flores. This is expected to be released soon.

"The BPOLBF and the Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry are currently working to make Flores Island a leading Catholic pilgrimage destination in Indonesia. As part of our commitment, we are also collaborating with local government stakeholders, tourism offices and dioceses across Flores to develop a comprehensive Catholic pilgrimage travel map for the island. We hope this will further strengthen Flores' branding as a premier Catholic pilgrimage destination in Indonesia," concluded Frans.

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Carolina faculty trio win Fulbright awards

Scholars in nursing, Latin American studies, and exercise and nutrition will travel to Nepal, Spain and Finland.

Collage photo of Anthony Hackney, Oswaldo Estrada, and Suja Davis.

Three UNC-Chapel Hill faculty members recently received awards from the U.S. Department of State and the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board to teach or conduct research abroad during the 2024-25 academic year.

Among the 800 U.S. scholars selected are Carolina’s Suja Davis, clinical associate professor at the School of Nursing; Oswaldo Estrada, professor in the College of Arts and Sciences’ Romance studies department; and Anthony Hackney, professor in the College’s exercise and sport science department and the Gillings School of Global Public Health’s nutrition department.

“Participation of Carolina faculty in Fulbright supports the global mindset of our campus and enhances the University’s global reputation,” said Giselle Corbie, senior vice provost for faculty affairs. “I am proud of these faculty who will maintain their international connections for years and bring global knowledge and perspectives to their research and teaching.”

Carolina has a long history with the  Fulbright Program . This year, UNC-Chapel Hill was honored as a Top Producing Institution for Fulbright U.S. students for the 14th time for sending over 20 students and recent alumni abroad on Fulbright scholarships for graduate studies, research or teaching.

Suja Davis 

An educator and a health care professional, Davis will be hosted by the Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences in Nepal. There she will teach adult health nursing and research courses, conduct workshops and seminars for the faculty and promote faculty scholarship. She will lecture, lead seminars and conduct research to incorporate educational innovations into the nursing curricula.

“The Fulbright Scholar Award is the most widely recognized, prestigious and respected international exchange program in the world,” Davis said. “I aim to build a global network of contacts, which can lead to collaborations and partnerships that benefit Carolina’s SON.”

Oswaldo Estrada 

Estrada is a professor of Spanish and Latin American studies and director of the Faculty Fellows Program at the Institute for the Arts and Humanities. In Spain, he will do archival research as part of the Literature, Image and Cultural History research group in the Institute of Language, Literature and Anthropology.

Estrada’s work will focus on Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1648-1695), a poet from colonial Mexico. Estrada is writing a book about her carols, religious poems and her prologues and dedications to explore how the poet-nun of the Baroque era articulated a feminist discourse that attracts a wide range of readers today.

“My interdisciplinary reading reflects the true nature of the poet who contests calcified differences between male and female,” Estrada said. “I would love to offer undergraduate and graduate courses on Sor Juana’s feminism, in English and Spanish, to serve our students interested in gender studies, feminism and queer studies.”

Anthony Hackney 

Hackney will complete the second year of his Fulbright fellowship at the University of Eastern Finland as the Fulbright-Saastamoinen Distinguished Chair in Health Sciences. Through the Physical Activity and Nutrition in Children study, he researches how chronic engagement in physical activity, like sports, may affect the health and physical performance capacities of young girls transitioning to women.

This is Hackney’s fourth Fulbright scholar award. He also serves as the University’s Fulbright faculty liaison in the Center for Faculty Excellence and advises Carolina faculty on developing competitive Fulbright applications.

“If I had to name one thing that has profoundly helped to shape me into the person I am today, it would be the Fulbright program,” Hackney said. “It has made me a better professor in the classroom and the laboratory — a better all-around person — and enriched my life and that of my family. It has been and is a ‘win-win’ experience.”

Read more about the Fulbright scholars.

The faculty represents a diverse range of disciplines and is particularly strong in political theory.

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  14. Embassy, Jakarta

    Customer service. Mon - Thu 9.00 - 12.00, 13.00-15.00. Customer service only by appointment, you can book an appointment by sending an e-mail to: [email protected]. Visa inquiries by email: [email protected]. The Finland Visa Application Centres (Jakarta and Bali) are open.

  15. Where to apply for a visa?

    The Visa Application Centre charges a service fee for each application. The Embassy of Finland processes the applications and makes all the visa decisions. To submit a visa application, the applicant may book an appointment on the VFS Global website, by email [email protected] or by calling the Call Centre +62 (0)50957962.

  16. Perjalanan ke Finlandia: liburan murah

    Pembatalan GRATIS untuk hotel tertentu Pesan perjalanan Anda ke Finlandia dan hemat dengan! Banyak promo liburan mewah dan murah di Finlandia.

  17. How to apply for a visa?

    To apply for a visa you need the following. (Link to another website.) Include a colour photograph from which you are recognizable. Please visit the EU website. for guidance. Make sure your passport is valid for at least three (3) months after the end of your intended travel and that it has been issued no later than ten (10) years ago.

  18. Tour & aktivitas terbaik di FINLANDIA

    Temukan dan pesan Tour & aktivitas menakjubkan di FINLANDIA via Klook. Dapatkan diskon dan penawaran menarik dengan konfirmasi instan! Tour & aktivitas terbaik di FINLANDIA. Highlights of Rovaniemi Day Tour. Refund mudah. Konfirmasi instan. 4.6 (57) 700+ kali dipesan Rp 3,471,619

  19. Cheap flight tickets from Jakarta to Finland

    Cheapest flights to Finland from Jakarta. Jakarta to Helsinki from ₹ 70,988. Price found 10 Aug 2024, 18:58. Jakarta to Vaasa from ₹ 93,679. Price found 13 Aug 2024, 01:14. Jakarta to Rovaniemi from ₹ 96,306. Price found 13 Aug 2024, 21:33. Jakarta to Oulu from ₹ 102,340.

  20. Visa Information

    Travel medical insurances can be bought from the listed of recognized Travel Medical Insurance Companies in Indonesia. ... Embassy of Finland in Jakarta will return processed passports to the Finland Visa Application Centre. The applicants may subscribe for a Courier Service at the time of application submission or collect the documents from ...

  21. Embassy of Finland, Jakarta

    Customer service. Mon - Thu 9.00 - 12.00, 13.00-15.00. Customer service only by appointment, you can book an appointment by sending an e-mail to: [email protected]. Visa inquiries by email: [email protected]. The Finland Visa Application Centres (Jakarta and Bali) are open. Application submissions by appointment only.

  22. 36 Hours in Helsinki: Things to Do and See

    Ingrid K. Williams is a regular contributor to the Travel section. She lives part-time in Stockholm and has covered the Nordic region since 2010. Aug. 8, 2024 For seven consecutive years, Finland ...

  23. Catholic Pilgrimage Travel Pattern in Labuan Bajo released

    This travel pattern is a follow-up to the webinar on the Potential and Strategy for Developing Catholic Pilgrimage Tourism in Flores, held on May 17, and the focus group discussion on July 5.

  24. Carolina faculty trio win Fulbright awards

    Hackney will complete the second year of his Fulbright fellowship at the University of Eastern Finland as the Fulbright-Saastamoinen Distinguished Chair in Health Sciences. Through the Physical Activity and Nutrition in Children study, he researches how chronic engagement in physical activity, like sports, may affect the health and physical ...

  25. Typhoon Ampil: Japan cancels flights and suspends bullet trains ahead

    Japanese railways and airlines are canceling services as Typhoon Ampil gathers strength in the western Pacific, with the storm expected to hit on Friday during the peak summer travel season.

  26. Embassy of Finland, Jakarta

    Customer service. Mon - Thu 9.00 - 12.00, 13.00-15.00. Customer service only by appointment, you can book an appointment by sending an e-mail to: [email protected]. Visa inquiries by email: [email protected]. The Finland Visa Application Centres (Jakarta and Bali) are open. Application submissions by appointment only.