The Bamboo Traveler

Best Books on Vietnam That’ll Give You Serious Wanderlust

by Julie Books , Vietnam 10 comments

rice terraces in Vietnam

If you’re like me and you love to read up on the place you’re traveling to, then you’ll find yourself overwhelmed by all the choices of books on Vietnam. I swear the number of English-language books on this country could fill a small public library.

What does it say about Vietnam that people have so much to write about? Probably it’s because of all the tragedies the country has experienced over the centuries–war, colonialism, famine, etc. Tragedies make the best stories.

Anyway, there are many books on Vietnam in English to choose from. The good news is that many of them are really good. I mean REALLY good! Some of the best writers in the English language (Greene, O’Brien, Caputo, Sheehan, and so on) have chosen to write about this fascinating Southeast Asian country.

The bad news is that most of us don’t have the time and/or money to read more than one or two, so choosing the best Vietnam book is important.

So, here is my curated list of 29 books on Vietnam and Vietnamese history and culture. Twenty-four of these I have read, and the five I haven’t read are included because they’re considered classics .

Most books are set in Vietnam . However, there are some that take place in the United States but center around Vietnamese characters.

The list is growing and I’ll be adding to it and updating my reviews as I read more. Not all of them are great. So, I’ll let you know which ones I think you should buy, borrow, or just plain skip.

And if you’re interested in books on other Asian countries, check out my books on Japan , Malaysia , Myanmar , China , Thailand , and Singapore .

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In This Post, You’ll Find…

  • Fiction Books on Vietnam
  • Nonfiction Books on Vietnam
  • Books on Vietnamese Food

Books on Vietnam: Fiction

There are some amazing novels set in Vietnam to choose from. Most books are set during the Vietnam War . However, there are some more contemporary ones written in Vietnamese and translated into English that are also worth reading.

Let’s take a look!

1. The Women

Kristin hannah (2024), my rating: 5 out of 5 stars.

“Why had it never occurred to Frankie that a girl, a woman, could have a place on her father’s office wall for doing something heroic or important, that a woman could invent something or discover something or be a nurse on the battlefield, could literally save lives?”

The Women: A Novel

One of the hottest books in 2024 (4.66 Rating on Goodreads with 372,000 reviews) is also one of my favorite books on the Vietnam War. It’s Kristin Hannah’s The Women about the female nurses who served in the war. It’s thought-provoking, emotionally powerful (I cried), and hard to put down.

Frances (Frankie) McGrath is an upper-class, sheltered woman from California who, in 1966, goes to Vietnam as a nurse . As soon as she arrives, all her understanding of the war is upended. After serving two tours in Vietnam, she returns to her country and family who are ashamed of her and her fellow soldiers.

Hannah doesn’t write scintillating prose and her characters can be insufferable at times. However, she is a master at capturing what it must have felt like to be a nurse in Vietnam, struggle with returning to a hostile country and family, and suffer from PTSD.

There are a couple of romantic relationships in the book, but these feel like side stories to the bigger issue of Vietnam and its impact on the women who served.

Verdict: Read it NOW!

2. The Quiet American

Graham greene (1955).

“Innocence is a kind of insanity.”

The Quiet American

I’ve read The Quiet American twice. The first time was 20 years ago, and the second time was while I was traveling through Vietnam in 2015. It’s a complex book that is better the second or third time when you can uncover its multiple layers .

The Quiet American takes place in 1955 during the French-Indochinese War. The narrator of the novel is Thomas Fowler, a jaded and cynical British journalist , who’s living an idyllic life in Vietnam with his Vietnamese mistress. That is until he meets the naïve, fiercely anti-communist, and very quiet American Alden Pyle. Pyle is working for the CIA and is involved in some reckless scheme to save Vietnam from not only the communists but also their old European colonizers. Surprisingly, the two instantly like each other.

However, there’s a bit of a problem. Pyle is in love with Fowler’s lover , Phuong. Fowler is at a disadvantage. While Pyle is promising to “rescue” Phuong and take her back to America, Fowler, a married man, can only promise life as a mistress. What lengths will Fowler go to keep Phuong?

The Quiet American is a brilliant book. So many things in it are a metaphor for something more important . For example, Pyle is a metaphor for the United States’ arrogance and ignorance. This quote from Fowler describes Pyle (but really America) perfectly:

“That was my first instinct — to protect him. It never occurred to me that there was a greater need to protect myself. Innocence always calls mutely for protection when we would be so much wiser to guard ourselves against it: innocence is like a dumb leper who has lost his bell, wandering the world, meaning no harm.”

The book was so prescient at the time. Greene wrote it in 1955 (the American Vietnam War began in 1965), yet Graham could foresee the damage America’s idealism, arrogance, racism, and naivety would bring to Vietnam.

Verdict: Buy  The Quiet American  so that you can read it more than once. It’s so complex and thought-provoking. It’s one of the best books on Vietnam.

3. The Things They Carried

Tim o’brien (1990).

“A thing may happen and be a total lie; another thing may not happen and be truer than the truth.”

The Things They Carried

If you’re going to read just one novel on the Vietnam War , make it The Things They Carried by my fellow Minnesotan, Tim O’Brien.

O’Brien’s writing is so beautiful that it feels more like poetry than prose . Here’s one sentence to give you an idea:

“They carried all they could bear, and then some, including a silent awe for the terrible power of the things they carried.”

Forty years have passed since the war ended, and the narrator (named Tim O’Brien) is writing down his memories of Vietnam .  In one of my favorite stories, O’Brien describes the feelings of getting his draft notice. You can sense how O’Brien felt –the numbness, anger, paralysis, bitterness, and self-pity. It almost feels like you’re with him as he contemplates running away to Canada.

I’m not fond of war stories. But the ones here are an exception. They aren’t so much about battles or fighting as they are about what’s going on inside the minds of the soldiers –what they’re thinking while walking through the jungle or through fields dotted with mines or waiting in their camp.

Verdict: Of course, read The Things They Carried! 

4. Matterhorn

Karl marlantes (2010).

“It was all absurd, without reason or meaning. People who didn’t know each other were going to kill each other over a hill none of them cared about”

Matterhorn: A Novel of the Vietnam War

Written by Karl Marlantes,  Matterhorn is an epic novel (617 pages) on the Vietnam War. It’s a story of a young bookish Marine Lieutenant, Waino Mellas, and the soldiers he commands in Bravo Company. He and his men are dropped in the middle of the Vietnamese jungle where they’ve been ordered to take a mountain–the Matterhorn.

I’m not fond of war novels, but this one resonated with me. Perhaps because I liked Waino so much. It also does a good job of highlighting the pointlessness of the war and how stupid the American military leadership was .

The thing that stuck with me was how the Marines would be ordered to take a mountain. After fighting to the death for it and succeeding to take it, they’d be told to abandon it. Huh????

Verdict: Read Matterhorn even if you’re not into war novels . But read it while traveling in Vietnam, specifically around the DMZ (central Vietnam).

5. The Mountains Sing

By nguyen phan que mai (2020).

The Mountains Sing

I’m always on the lookout for books on Vietnam written by Vietnamese. The Mountains Sing was originally written in Vietnamese by a famous poet, Nguyen Pan Que Mai.

It’s a sweeping multigenerational story of Tran Dieu Lan and her family’s life from the 1920s to the present. Tran’s family was originally from the North. During the communist land reforms, her family was forced to migrate to Hanoi.

The English translation was released in March 2020. I bought the book, but as of 2023, I haven’t read it yet . Hopefully, I’ll have time by the end of 2023. If you’ve read it, let me know what you think.

6. The Sorrow of War

Bao ninh (1987).

The Sorrow of War: A Novel of North Vietnam

I saw copies of The Sorrow of War in English all over Vietnam. Unfortunately, I didn’t pick it up. I wish I had, though, because it would have been nice to have read a book about the war from a North Vietnamese perspective while in Vietnam.

It’s an autobiographical novel based on the author’s time in the Glorious 27 th Youth Brigade . Just like the main character, Ninh served from 1965 to 1976 and was one of 10 survivors from his unit. The book is told in disjointed snippets (not chronological) as the narrator (the author) reminisces about the war.

I finally bought the book, but I haven’t read it yet. However, according to Goodreads reviewers, it’s worth it. It has a 4.1/5 rating on Goodreads and 4.4/5 on Amazon .

7. The Sympathizer

Viet thanh nguyen (2015), my rating: 3 out of 5 stars.

“I could live without television, but not without books.”

The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)

Written by Viet Thanh Nguyen, The Sympathizer won the Pulitzer Prize for best fiction in 2016.

The narrator is half-French, half-Vietnamese. He’s a soldier fighting for  South Vietnam. But he’s also a double agent, secretly working for North Vietnam . He leaves Vietnam with other refugees for the U.S. While in America, he spies on his former commander and friends and reports on them to his superiors in Hanoi.

I wanted to love this book, but I just couldn’t. Instead, I’ve got mixed feelings. On the one hand, the writing is good . It’s funny and insightful.  I sympathized with his premise: the only story of the Vietnam-American War that we get in the United States is one that is told from the point of view of America and that view is often full of racism, arrogance, and ignorance . Nguyen wanted to give us the story as told from a Vietnamese point of view.

However, I found myself wanting to get to the end of the book not because I was eager to find out the ending but to get away from the narrator. I hated him. He’s arrogant, bitter, and cold-blooded .

I was also hoping that Nguyen’s view of the war would be more nuanced. 

Verdict: I wanted to like The Sympathizer, but sadly, I recommend skipping it or getting it from the library.

What to Read on Your Travels Around the World

  • Books to Read for your Trip to Myanmar
  • What to Read on your Travels to Malaysia
  • 25 of the Best Novels to Read on Japan

8. A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain

By robert olen butler (1992), my rating: 4 out of 5 stars.

“He was a believer. I could see his Buddhist upbringing in him. The communists could appeal to that. They couldn’t touch the Catholics, but the Buddhists who didn’t believe in all the mysticism were well prepared for communism. The communists were full of right views, right intentions, right speech, and all that.”

A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain

A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain won the Pulitzer Prize for the best work of fiction in 1993.

Written by Robert Olen Butler, it’s a collection of short stories told from the perspective of Vietnamese immigrants living in Louisiana.

Some are Catholics who fled North Vietnam when the country was first divided, and some are Buddhists from South Vietnam. Before reading this book, I wasn’t aware of the distinction before (Catholics were from the North and Buddhists from the South), and I wasn’t aware of the animosity each side felt towards the other .

Butler joined the U.S. military and was sent to language school to study Vietnamese before his tour of duty in Vietnam. He arrived in Vietnam already fluent in the language. Due to his language abilities, he was able to connect with regular Vietnamese people , allowing him to see a side of Vietnam that most American journalists and soldiers could never see.

I first read these short stories when the book first came out 25 years ago. At that time, no one thought to criticize the author, a white American male, for writing from the voices of Vietnamese immigrants.

However, if you look today on Amazon or Good Reads, you’ll see that people criticize Butler for thinking he can write with the voice of a Vietnamese immigrant.

I think it’s best to ask Vietnamese of the same generation and background as Butler’s characters whether his stories are authentic . Then, you can decide whether to read A Good Scent.

9. The Bride Test

Helen hoang (2019).

“The government didn’t care about her, the schools didn’t, the scholarship organizations didn’t, but this one person did, and sometimes one person could make a world of difference.”

The Bride Test

I had high hopes for The Bride Test . I loved the author’s first book (5/5 stars), The Kiss Quotient. But The Bride Test just fell flat .

The Bride Test is the story of Khai Diep, a Vietnamese-American who happens to be a movie star, movie-star handsome but also autistic . Khai struggles with feeling emotions and, as a result, avoids relationships, especially romantic ones. His lack of a girlfriend concerns his mother, so she heads off to Vietnam to find him a bride . She returns with Esme, a young half-Vietnamese half-Caucasian woman. Will Khai fall in love with Esme and will Esme do the same? Read to find out.

Why I wasn’t in love with this book? Not very interesting characters and not a very believable plot. Esme was shallow and selfish, and Khai was just blah. And I just don’t think they had much chemistry together . (Read the Kiss Quotient for some real chemistry.)

Also, few mothers, especially status-conscious ones, are going to choose a bathroom attendant as their son’s future wife, especially after talking to her for only five minutes and without checking out her background.

Verdict: Skip this book. Better yet, get her book, The Kiss Quotient . It doesn’t have Vietnamese characters, but it’s a fun and deliciously sexy read! Hottest sex scenes I’v read in a long time.

10. The Lotus Eaters

By tatjana soli (2010).

“One stayed at first for glory, then excitement, then later it was pure endurance and proficiency; one couldn’t imagine doing anything else. But there was something more, hard to put her finger on—one felt a camaraderie in war, an urgency of connection impossible to duplicate in regular life. She felt more human when life was on the edge.”

The Lotus Eaters: A Novel (Reading Group Gold)

The Lotus Eaters has everything I love in a book : a strong female character with an interesting job (photojournalist) working in an exotic setting (Vietnam) at an important time in history (the Vietnam War). However, I have mixed feelings about the book.

The year is 1965—the beginning of the Vietnam War. A recent college dropout, Helen arrives in Vietnam wanting to become a photographer . She meets Darrow, a famous war photographer who becomes her mentor and lover, and Linh, another man who also becomes her lover.

I liked the story. It’s got enough unexpected twists and turns and beautiful descriptions of Vietnam.

I loved the book’s theme , which is related to the title. The “Lotus Eaters” comes from Homer’s The Odyssey—people who live in a dreamy state of forgetfulness and idleness after eating lotus roots. In Vietnam, the lotus eaters were those photojournalists who gave up everything for the excitement, adrenaline, and danger of war.

Unfortunately, I didn’t find Helen and Linh’s romance very believable . I also found it hard to believe that Helen became a famous war photographer when she arrived in Vietnam without even knowing how to put film in a camera.

The ending, though, was  brilliant .

Verdict: Borrow from the library!

11. Dust Child

By que mai phan nguyen (2023).

“Throughout his life, he had been called the dust of life, bastard, Black American imperialist, child of the enemy.”

Dust Child: A Novel

Dust Child is an incredibly beautiful and moving book is about the discrimination and cruelty that Amerasians faced growing up in Vietnam–the children of Vietnamese women and American soldiers during the Vietnam War. The Vietnamese call these children the “ dust of life .”

The story begins in 2016 and jumps backward to 1969 . It’s told from the perspectives of three characters:

  • Phong – Half-Black and half-Vietnamese man who grew up in Vietnam; at the beginning of the book,
  • Dan – Dan was a helicopter pilot during the Vietnam War.
  • Trang – Trang was a 19-year-old bar girl in Vietnam in 1969.

Nguyen is a good storyteller. She sucks you in from the first chapter and keeps you hooked all the way to the end. You want to keep reading to find out if Dan finds his child and Phong his parents. Her characters are realistic : flawed but sympathetic . You should hate Dan but you don’t. Thien is a jerk but then when you learn his backstory, it’s hard not to empathize with him.

Books on Vietnam: Nonfiction

There are so many good non-fiction books about Vietnam that it’s hard to choose sometimes. Of course, you’ve got loads of books on the Vietnam Wa r, books on the history of Vietnam , and family memoirs that tell the history of one Vietnamese family.

Let’s jump in!

12. The Best and the Brightest

David halberstam (1972).

“Up to then there had been something of a gentleman’s agreement among those who might be called The Good Journalists of Washington that the Kennedy Administration was one of excellence, that it was for good things and against bad things, and that when it did lesser things it was only in self-defense, and in order that it might do other good things.”

The Best and the Brightest: Kennedy-Johnson Administrations (Modern Library)

If you want to know why the United States lost the Vietnam War, read The Best and the Brightest. David Halberstam was a New York Times journalist stationed in Vietnam during the 1960s.

The Best and the Brightest refers to the Harvard-educated foreign policy decision-makers in the Kennedy and Johnson administrations . These are the same ones that got the United States mired in a war they couldn’t win.

Halberstam looks at what led America to think they could do what the French couldn’t do–defeat the communists and control Vietnam–and why they lost.

I loved, loved, loved this book. I was so absorbed in reading about the arrogance and ignorance of those in power that even though it’s thick ( 832 pages ), it didn’t take me that long to get through it.

Verdict: Read it! The Best and the Brightest is one of the best nonfiction books about Vietnam !

13. A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam

Neil sheehan (1988).

A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam (Pulitzer Prize Winner)

Another great book that reveals why the United States lost the war is  A Bright Shining Lie  by journalist Neil Sheehan. Like  The Best and the Brightest, it’s unputdownable and thought-provoking, and it will change your thinking about change your thinking of those in power.

A Bright Shining Lie tells the story of John Paul Vann , a fascinating character who is deeply flawed yet very heroic . Sheehan portrays John Paul Vann as the only person in the military who understood how to win the war. He was outspoken and critical of those in power, and he wasn’t afraid to tell those higher up what he thought regardless of the consequences. Unfortunately, no one wanted to listen to him.

Whereas The Best and the Brightest focuses on policy-makers in Washington, A Bright Shining Lie looks at how the incompetence and malfeasance of the U.S. military and the corruption of the South Vietnamese army led to the loss of the Vietnam-American war.

Verdict: Buy it! One of the best Vietnam War books. Sheehan beats Halberstam at 898 pages. But A Bright Shining Lie is so good that it doesn’t feel long . It reads more like a novel than a work of nonfiction. I’m glad I own this book because it’s one I’d like to read again.

14. Vietnam: A New History

Christopher goscha (2016).

“In the great power account, Vietnam is the victim of colonization and domination, never a colonizer or conqueror itself. Its own internal divisions, ethnic diversity, and conflicts are obscured.”

Vietnam: A New History

Vietnam: A New History is a riveting and groundbreaking book on the history of Vietnam from ancient times to the present day.

Out of all the books I’ve read on Vietnam, it’s probably helped me understand the country’s history the most.

There are fourteen chapters in the book, three of which focus on pre-colonial history, seven on Vietnam under the French, two on the Second Indochina War (Vietnam War), one on the Third Indochina War (Vietnam against China and Cambodia), and one on the country’s post-war years.

I’m always excited by a book that can make me look at the past in a new way , and Gosha’s book made me rethink many of my assumptions and beliefs about the Vietnam War.

If you’re into the history of the Vietnam War, I highly recommend this book. If you want to know more about the history of Vietnam under the French , then this is also a great book to start.

Verdict: Buy it!

You can read my full review of Vietnam: A New History here. 

15. Catfish and Mandala: A Two-Wheeled Voyage Through the Landscape and Memory of Vietnam

By andrew x pham (1999), my rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars.

“If trouble is coming, don’t turn your back, because that’s when it’s gonna stab. Best to meet it with a grin. That way, you can see what’s coming.”

Catfish and Mandala: A Two-Wheeled Voyage Through the Landscape and Memory of Vietnam

Part memoir and part travelogue , Catfish and Mandala is Andrew X Pham’s first book about his return to Vietnam. Pham was born in Vietnam but immigrated with his family to the United States as a child. After his sibling’s suicide, Pham quits his job, sells all his possessions, and takes off on a bicycle ride across Vietnam .

Pham writes about his family’s immigrant experience . He talks about his difficulties growing up with a strict father and coming to terms with being of two cultures : conservative Vietnamese culture and liberal American culture. The other part of the book is a travelogue about his adventures biking across Vietnam.

The stories about his family in Vietnam and the U.S. are fascinating. However, the travelogue part of Pham biking through Vietnam is dated. It was written in the 1990s, and Vietnam has changed a lot in 20+ years.

Verdict: Read it for the history of his family.

16. Dispatches

Michael herr (1977).

Dispatches (Vintage International)

Dispatches  by journalist Michael Herr has been on my Amazon Wish List for several years. I have yet to buy or read it. So many books so little time. It’s supposed to be one of THE classic books on the Vietnam War (along with The Things They Carried and A Rumor of War ).

Dispatches is a memoir that describes the author’s time as a war correspondent for Esquire magazine. He was in Vietnam reporting on some of the most important battles—Ke Sanh and Hue .

The writing is supposed to be superb!

The book gets a 4.2 rating on GoodRead s and 4.5 on Amazon .

Just be aware that he had admitted to inventing some of the stories and conversations (it’s touted as nonfiction).

17. Eating Vietnam

Graham holiday (2016).

“The single thing that alters, distinguishes, and sets Vietnamese apart from Thai, Cambodian, Lao, or any other Southeast Asian cuisine is the presence and abundance of herbs”

Eating Viet Nam: Dispatches from a Blue Plastic Table

The best food I’ve ever eaten in Asia was in Vietnam . Not Japan and not Thailand. But Vietnam. It’s fresh and healthy and the flavors are complex, and it has these wonderful herbs I’d never seen before. So, I was eager to read Eating Vietnam by former street food blogger , Graham Holiday. Since he’d lived in Vietnam for over 10 years, I figured he had enough street cred to write about Vietnamese food .

Eating Vietnam is divided into two parts: part 1 focuses on Hanoi and part 2 on Saigon .

The Hanoi section is good. Holiday writes not only about food but also about his everyday life . For instance, you’ll read about both his first-time tasting Bun Cha and Cha Ca and the first bike he bought, the first apartment he lived in, and the first time he fell in love. I could relate to these westerner-in-Asia experiences having lived for several years in Asia during the same period as Holiday. But if you haven’t lived in Asia, this part might bore you.

It wasn’t until I got to the Saigon section (57% on my Kindle) that the book got REALLY good. Holiday focuses less on himself and more on the food. The chapters on the differences between Ha Noi and Sai Gon cuisine are particularly fascinating.

Verdict: If you’re looking for a book on Vietnam’s food, buy it!

18. The Eaves of Heaven: A Life in Three Wars

Andrew x pham (2008).

The Eaves of Heaven: A Life in Three Wars

The Eaves of Heaven is Andrew X Pham’s second book. In his first one, Catfish and Mandala, he recounts his travels by bike around Vietnam. In The Eaves of Heaven , he tells the history of Vietnam through his father’s life story. His father lived through the Japanese occupation of Vietnam, the French-Indochina War, and the Vietnam War. His father’s family was once wealthy landowners who had to flee from their home in the North to the South when the country was divided. His second book is sooooo much better than his first.

I think history should be learned in two ways: through a nonfiction analysis of historical events and through a memoir of an ordinary person who experienced those events.

The Eaves of Heaven is the latter. It’s an EXCELLENT book that helped me better understand Vietnam’s history. I got a sense of what it must have been like to live through those events.

Verdict: Read it! 

19. Fire in the Lake

Frances fitzgerald (1972).

Fire in the Lake

If you want a book that helps you understand the Vietnamese people better, read Fire in the Lake by Frances Fitzgerald. Unlike many books on Vietnam, this doesn’t center around an American marine, but instead, focuses on the Vietnamese people and who they are, what they believe, and why they think the way they do .

The premise is that if the United States had understood Vietnamese history and culture, then it would never have gotten into a war in the first place.

I read the book many years before writing this post, so I can’t give you many details on why I like it. It’s got a 4.1 rating on GoodReads and a 4.6 on Amazon.

Fire in the Lake  is an informative and fascinating book.

Verdict: Read it!

20. A Rumor of War: The Classic Vietnam Memoir

Philip caputo (1977).

A Rumor of War: The Classic Vietnam Memoir (40th Anniversary Edition)

Like Dispatches, A Rumor of War is another classic Vietnam War book  I haven’t read yet.

Beginning in 1965, Philip Caputo served for 18 months in Vietnam . He was part of the first combat troupe to land on the ground in Vietnam. The memoir is about his time in Vietnam.

Caputo was brought up on murder charges for commanding two of his men to capture two Viet Cong soldiers and kill them if they resisted. The charges were later dropped.

It’s got a 4.2 rating on GoodReads and 4.6 on Amazon .

21. The Sacred Willow: Four Generations in the Life of a Vietnamese Family

Mai elliot (2000).

The Sacred Willow: Four Generations in the Life of a Vietnamese Family

The Sacred Willow is a book about Vietnam’s history told through the lives of a wealthy Vietnamese family.

Duong Van Mai Elliot tells the story of her family starting with her great-grandmother to her time working for the RAND Corporation interviewing Viet Cong POWs . That last part is quite fascinating .

Following the story of Elliot’s family during the most important events of Vietnam’s history was a powerful way to help me better understand the country.

I also liked reading how, while working for the RAND Corporation, Elliot slowly began to understand that the South would never win. 

Verdict: Read this! Which one is better: The Eaves of Heaven or The Sacred Willow ? The Sacred Willow is broader in scope, covering a longer time period and more generations than Eaves of Heaven . It was also a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. So, I’d pick The Sacred Willow .

22. Vietnam: Rising Dragon

Bill hayton (2010).

“There’s a saying in Vietnam: ‘The emperor’s rule stops at the village gate’.”

Vietnam: Rising Dragon

If you’re interested in learning about contemporary Vietnam , then the most recently written book on the subject is Bill Hayton’s Vietnam: Rising Dragon .

Hayton is a British journalist who worked for the BBC in Vietnam in the early twenty-first century. He doesn’t tell his readers exactly when he lived there, but he does mention that in 2007, he was expelled from Vietnam for his reporting on the dissident movement.

Rising Dragon is i nformative and insightful . To help you decide whether to buy it, here’s a chapter-by-chapter breakdown of what you’ll read:

  • Chapter 1:  the economy
  • Chapter 2:  the farmers
  • Chapter 3: the cities; the government’s policy of “civilized living” versus reality
  • Chapter 4: how the government controls the people
  • Chapter 5: who has the power in Vietnam
  • Chapter 6: the dissident movements
  • Chapter 7: freedom of the press
  • Chapter 8: the environment
  • Chapter 9: relations with China and the United States; how Vietnam got its name
  • Chapter 10: north/south relations and treatment of ethnic minorities
  • Epilogue: Is Vietnam headed toward a liberal democracy?

Bill Hayton’s writing is dry, and he rarely puts his personality or personal life into his writing. So, the book can be boring at times .

Verdict: Almost 15 years have passed since the book was written, so some things might be out-of-date. But I haven’t come across anything more recent than Rising Dragon . Let me know if you have a more current book on Vietnam. Let me

23. When Heaven and Earth Changed Places

Le ly hayslip (1989).

When Heaven and Earth Changed Places

An emotionally heartwrenching book on Vietnam is the memoir by Le Ly Hayslip When Heaven and Earth Changed Places.

Hayslip grew up in a poor family in a small village that became a battleground in the war. Both the North and South accused her of being a spy for the other side, and as a result, she was tortured, raped, and sentenced to death. She and her mother fled their small village to live in Saigon where she worked various jobs from housekeeper to black marketeer to prostitute. She married an American contractor , had a son, and moved to the United States.

I read the book many years ago, so my memory of the content is hazy. I do remember it being an emotional read . The author went through some horrible events (rape, torture, death of loved ones). It was also made into a movie called Heaven and Earth .

Verdict: Your understanding of the Vietnam War will be incomplete unless you read at least one book told from the Vietnamese point of view. There are many like that on this list of books about Vietnam, and When Heaven and Earth Changed Places is a good choice. I had originally borrowed it from the library. I wish I owned it so that I could read it again before my next trip to Vietnam.

Looking for More Books to Read for Your Travels?

  • What to Read for Your Trip to Thailand
  • The Best (and Worst) Books to Read on Singapore
  • 25 of the Best Nonfiction Books on China

Books on Vietnam: Food

After my first trip to Vietnam, I became obsessed with Vietnamese food, and I bought and borrowed cookbooks and scoured the internet for videos on how to cook it. I tried making pho and other noodle dishes, Cha Ca (fish in turmeric and dill), stews, banh mi, and other dishes.

Here is a list of my favorite cookbooks:

24. The Banh Mi Cookbook: Crazy Delicious Recipes for Vietnamese Sandwiches

Andrea nguyen (2014).

The Banh Mi Handbook: Recipes for Crazy-Delicious Vietnamese Sandwiches [A Cookbook]

The Banh Mi Cookbook is the first of many cookbooks on this list by Andrea Nguyen, and as the name suggests, it focuses on making banh mi sandwiches. Here’s what you’ll get in this cookbook:

  • tips on buying the most suitable bread for banh mi including alternatives to baguettes
  • recipes for making your own bread
  • 1 detailed recipe for making a banh mi sandwich
  • recipes for making your own condiments
  • lots of delicious recipes for making the cold cuts like pate, chicken, seafood and fish, pork, and beef that goes into the banh mi sandwich
  • recipes for making vegetarian banh mi

I’ve made some of the chicken recipes in this book, but I haven’t made my own bread. The recipes are tasty and easy to make , but I’m always hampered by a lack of suitable bread in my city . Without good bread, the sandwiches can get annoyingly chewy. They should be chewy but not THAT chewy. So, I stopped making banh mi after several attempts.

This is still a great cookbook and I highly recommend getting it if you like sandwiches.

Verdict: Buy it or borrow from the library!

25. Into the Vietnamese Kitchen: Treasured Foodways, Modern Flavors

Andrea nguyen (2011).

Into the Vietnamese Kitchen: Treasured Foodways, Modern Flavors [A Cookbook]

Into the Vietnamese Kitchen was my first Vietnamese cookbook and the one I have cooked from the most. It’s a treasure trove of information about cooking Vietnamese food.

What I love about it is Nguyen’s explanations of why you would use one ingredient (fish sauce, chicken stock) or cooking technique over another.

The list of recipes includes those from both the North and South (missing those from the central part). Many of them were ones that I tried on my trip. It also helps me that Nguyen gives the name of the dish in Vietnamese because I’m more familiar with the original name than the English name.

However, some of her instructions are confusing , and I needed other books to help me cook such as when I was first cooking pho.

I had some successes with Into the Vietnamese Kitchen : banh mi, beef stew, and a curry. I also had some major failures as well: papaya salad, a dried noodle bowl, and the Cha Ca dish.

26. The Pho Cookbook: Easy to Adventurous Recipes for Vietnam’s Favorite Soups and Noodles

Andrea nguyen (2017).

The Pho Cookbook: Easy to Adventurous Recipes for Vietnam's Favorite Soup and Noodles

Have you ever tried making pho before?

It’s one heck of a loooooong and complicated process . The first time I made it, I didn’t have this cookbook. Instead, I had to use several cookbooks and YouTube videos to understand what to do.

Then The Pho Cookbook came out. And I found all I needed to cook pho in one cookbook. 

The book explains the process so clearly and thoroughly that you don’t need several books or videos to understand how to make this iconic Vietnamese dish.

You’ll even find a recipe here for making it in an instant pot (not as good as the traditional method but quicker and easier).

27. Pleasures of the Vietnamese Table

Mai pham (2001).

Pleasures of the Vietnamese Table: Recipes and Reminiscences from Vietnam's Best Market Kitchens, Street Cafes, and Home Cooks

Pleasures of the Vietnamese Table is THE best Vietnamese cookbook I’ve used .

It’s not flashy. There are no colored photos–it’s only negative.

The dishes just sing ! Whenever I cooked from it, I always felt like a good cook.

Unfortunately, I don’t own the book. I used to get it from my local library and hold onto it until I ran out of renewals. Then one day my local library got rid of it when they disposed of a whole bunch of books for a temporary move during a remodeling project. Ugh! I’m on the move now, so there’s no need for me to purchase my own copy. But someday…

When I’m first learning to cook a certain cuisine, I need photos. Since this one lacks them, I think Pleasures of the Vietnamese Table is more suitable for those with some experience cooking Vietnamese food.

Verdict:  Buy it!

28. The Slanted Door: Modern Vietnamese Food

Charles phan (2014), my rating: 2 out of 5 stars.

The Slanted Door: Modern Vietnamese Food [A Cookbook]

Charles Phan, head chef and owner of the popular San Francisco restaurant , the Slanted Door , wrote this cookbook with recipes from his restaurant. I’ve never eaten at the Slanted Door. But I tried cooking the restaurant’s famous dish, Shaken Beef , using this book’s recipe.

I wasn’t impressed . My problem with the recipe was that it calls for way too much beef to cook in a home cook’s wok (maybe it’s ok for a restaurant wok). When you cook in a wok, you need to cook fast, so you shouldn’t have too much food in it. If you do, the ingredients will either be overcooked or undercooked. The recipe also called for a very expensive cut of beef: filet mignon! In the end, I got an overpriced unevenly cooked disaster of a dish.

Verdict: Skip it!

29. Vietnamese Home Cooking

Charles phan (2012).

Vietnamese Home Cooking: [A Cookbook]

While I was disappointed with Charles Phan’s The Slanted Door, I love, love, love his cookbook, Vietnamese Home Cooking .

Charles Pham is Chinese-Vietnamese, so some of the recipes are more Chinese than Vietnamese . Don’t worry, though—there are still lots of Vietnamese dishes.

The recipes are clear and easy to follow —perfect for the home cook. My favorite dish from this book is steamed pork ribs with black bean sauce, which I cooked over and over again.

I highly recommend getting Vietnamese Home Cooking!

Verdict: Definitely buy it!

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Final Thoughts: Books on Vietnam

So that’s my list of the best and the not-so-great books on Vietnam. If I had to choose one book to read on this list, I’d say The Things They Carried is #1. Here are my top 5 must-read books:

  • The Things They Carried
  • The Best and the Brightest
  • A Bright Shining Lie
  • The Quiet American

If you’ve got a favorite book, I’d love to hear from you. Include it in the comment section. If you find this list helpful, please share the love on social media. Thank you!

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One I loved was Single White Female in Hanoi – written by an Australian woman who was living as an ex-pat in Hanoi for a period. Sadly she passed away not long after it was published and the profit from sales of the book goes to charities she chose

Thanks Paula for the recommendation. I’ll have to check it out.

This is a great post with some really solid advice, thank you for sharing! Merry christmas from Stockholm Sweden 🙂

Thanks, Ann!

I love your post! It’s so nice to read a book about the country that you visit. I’ve read a book from Graham Greene (it was his sort of autobiography), and I’d be really interested in the Vietnamese authors’ fiction.

Thanks, Anna!

Last year, I read “The Lotus Eaters” by Tatjana Soli and it was my first historical fiction read set in Vietnam. Having been born during the war, my knowledge of it is not very great. It also seems like history classes in school always focused on older history and we consistently ran out of time before we could track as far forward as things that were then more considered “recent events.”

Last week, I finished reading “Come Fly The World: The Jet-Age Story of the Women of Pan Am” by Julia Cooke and the last fourth of the book was about the ways the international airlines helped during the Vietnam War. I had never even realized there were so many orphans who were saved and brought to the United States during that time. I am now interested in learning more about Vietnam with the hopes of one day visiting. Thank you so much for your list and your insight into these books. You might enjoy “The Lotus Eaters” also!

Thanks for the recs! I’ve heard of the Lotus Eaters but haven’t had a chance to read it yet. I haven’t heard of the other book, though. It sounds interesting.

The perfect spy

Do you mean the John le Carre novel? Does it take place in Vietnam? I haven’t had a chance to read it yet.

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The Ultimate List of Best Vietnam Books to Read!


Home » The Ultimate List of Best Vietnam Books to Read!

I love to read and nothing excites me more than finding a book before I travel to power-up the anticipation of the trip to come!  In this post, you will find a list of the best Vietnam books to read this year!

I have broken down the best books about Vietnam into helpful sections.

In the Fiction section, you will find the best books on Vietnam war, other Vietnam bestseller novels as well as novels set in Vietnam.  One of my favourites from this list is ‘The Beauty of Humanity Movement’, it might be an oldie but it is a great book that tells an interesting story about key characters and their lives in old Vietnam.

For those keen on travelling to Vietnam, you will most certainly enjoy our suggested collection to help you pick the best Vietnam travel guide book for your type of holiday.

Whichever genre you love to read, I’m sure you will find something on this list to suit your needs and taste buds!  Enjoy!


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Best Vietnam Fiction Books

Wanderlust Storytellers Vietnam Books to Read

Find below a list of the best Vietnam novels has to offer! You can find suggestions for the best books set in Vietnam.

1. Best Books Set in Vietnam

Find below suggestions of books to read before visiting Vietnam.

The Beauty of Humanity Movement

by Camilla Gibb

The Beauty of Humanity Movement: A Novel by Camilla Gibb

The Beauty of Humanity Movement was one of the first books I read and I still feel like it is one of the best novels set in Vietnam that looks at daily life beyond the war.

Book Synopsis:

Every morning in Hanoi, people line up to breakfast on a bowl of pho, traditional noodle soup, made by Old Man Hung. An itinerant soup vendor living in a shantytown, Hung once owned a café where a group of dissident artists and intellectuals called the Beauty of Humanity Movement met until the Communists shut it down.

If Hung is a link to Vietnam’s past, Tu, the grandson of one of the artists, is a link to its future. It is Tu’s job as a tour guide to show the sites of Hanoi to visitors from the West. One of these is Maggie, a Vietnamese American art curator who has come to Hanoi to catalogue the art collection of the refurbished Hotel Metropole. She also hopes to learn something about her father, an artist, who stayed behind when Maggie and her mother fled to the U.S.

Through the very different perspectives of these three, Gibb fluidly takes the reader from the bitter years of war to the Hanoi that has emerged in the reform era, which, despite all its modernization, is still a mystery to many of us.

Click here to see prices for this book (Available in Kindle, Hardcover, Audio CD & Paperback). 


The Best We Could Do

The Best We Could Do: An Illustrated Memoir by Thi Biu

The Best We Could is a national bestseller!

It is an illustrated memoir of one family’s journey from war-torn Vietnam. It is a graphic novel and the story is told in a beautiful emotional voice.  It is about the search for a better future and a longing for the past. The book explores the anguish of immigration.  It also shares the emotions of a family dealing with the lasting effects that displacement has on a child.

The book looks at the story of a family’s daring escape after the fall of South Vietnam in the 1970’s.  It looks at the realistic challenges they faced whilst trying to rebuild a new life for themselves.  At the heart of Bui’s story is a universal struggle: While adjusting to life as a first-time mother, she ultimately discovers what it means to be a parent—the endless sacrifices, the unnoticed gestures, and the depths of unspoken love.

The important of the strength of family, the importance of identity, and the meaning of home are some of the main themes that runs throughout this incredible book.  It is the best book about Vietnam family life and the realistic struggles of lost identity.

Click here to see prices for this book (Available in Kindle, Hardcover & Paperback).

2. Best Vietnam War Books

Find below a collection of the best books on the Vietnam war!  Whilst some of these books are a bit older, they are still brilliant to read and give you great insight into the war.  Some of these are fiction books about Vietnam war (based on factual information), whilst others include some of the best books on Vietnam history of the war.

Saigon: An Epic Novel of Vietnam

by Anthony Grey

Saigon: A Novel written by Anthony Grey

‘Saigon: An Epic Novel of Vietnam by Anthony Grey’ happens to be one of the best books on Vietnam War; so if you are after a bit of war history then this one is the perfect book for you!

This book centers around twentieth-century Vietnam.  It tells the story of Joseph’s first visit to Saigon in 1925.  He returns back to Vietnam many times, sometimes as a traveler, other times as a soldier and finally as a reporter.  He falls in love with the exotic land and with Lan, a mandarin’s daughter he cannot forget.

Over five decades Joseph’s life becomes enmeshed with the political intrigues of two of Saigon’s most influential families, the French colonist Devrauxs, and the native Trans—and inevitably with Vietnam’s turbulent, war torn fate. He is there when the hatred of a million coolies rises against the French, and when the French Foreign Legion fights its bloody last stand at Dien Bien Phu. He sees US military “advisors” fire their first shots in America’s hopeless war against the red tide of Communist revolution and tries to salvage something of lasting value on a desperate helicopter flight out of defeated Saigon.

A great read!  If you haven’t read this one yet, then it might be the time for it today!

Click here to see prices for this book (Available in Kindle, Hardcover, Audio CD & Paperback). 

The Vietnam War: An Intimate History

by  Geoffrey C. Ward

The Vietnam War: An Intimate History by Geoffrey C. and Ken Burns

There still seems to be an argument around about who was right and wrong in their response to the conflict of the Vietnam War.

What we do know is that when the war divided the country, it created deep political fault lines that continue to divide us today.  It has been over 40 years since the war ended, but yet it still haunts their country.

This book is not however about taking sides, the book is all about seeking to understand why this war happened, why it went the way it did.

The authors have done their research, they have interviewed dozens and dozens of people from both America as well as Vietnam to get the true perspectives from people that were actually involved in the war.

People interviewed include U.S. and Vietnamese soldiers and their families, high-level officials in America and Vietnam, antiwar protestors, POWs, and many more.

This book is beautifully written and the illustrations are rich.  The book aims to launch a new national conversation.  Have you read it yet??

Click here to see prices for this book (Available in Kindle, Hardcover & Audio CD). 

Fields of Fire

by James Webb

One of the best books on Vietnam  

Fields of Fire: A Novel by James Webb

This book is a great read if you enjoy reading books about the Vietnam war!  This book happens to be one of the best novels about Vietnam and will give you some great insight into what it was like to be in this war!

Fields of Fire is a brilliant book about the Vietnam War.  The book includes some great observations and agonizing human truths about the nonstop combat of the war.

The book looks at unformed men through a man-made hell, following along with their journey until eventually, they face their fate.

The book centers around three young men who were thrown into the murderous realm of the jungle warfare of 1969. They were unaware of what exactly waited for them and there was no way that they could have prepared themselves for the chaos and madness to come.

All of this madness made them take on new identities, take on each other, and each was reborn in fields of fire on the battlefield.

Click here to see prices for this book (Available in Hardcover, Paperback & Audio CD). 

Catfish and Mandala

by Andrew X. Pham

Catfish and Mandala: A Two-Wheeled Voyage Through the Landscape and Memory of Vietnam by Andrew X. Pham

Catfish and Mandala is the story of an American Odyssey, a book that tells its story through a solo bicycle voyage around the Pacific Rim to Vietnam.

A young Vietnamese-American man was born in Vietnam but raised in California.  He sets off in pursuit of his adopted homeland and his forsaken fatherland.

After the suicide of his sister, Pham decides to leave everything behind and sets off on a year-long bicycle journey.

He crosses the Mexican desert, bicycles from Narita to Kyoto in Japan; and, after five months and 2,357 miles, bicycles to Saigon.

In Vietnam, he’s taken for Japanese or Korean by his countrymen. Only his relatives know that he is truly Vietnamese.

A vibrant, picaresque memoir written with narrative flair and an eye-opening sense of adventure, Catfish and Mandala is an unforgettable search for cultural identity. And in my opinion, a great Vietnam book to read.

Click here to see prices for this book (Available in Hardcover & Paperback). 

The Sympathizer: A Novel

by Viet Thanh Nguyen

The Sympathizer: A Novel by Viet Thanh Nguyen

This book won six awards!   The Sympathizer  has the pace and has the suspense of a thriller, but yet the writing style is compared to other popular authors such as Graham Greene and Saul Bellow.

The Sympathizer  is a story of two opposites: love and betrayal.

It tells the story of a communist double agent, a half-French, a half-Vietnamese army captain.  He makes his way to America after the Fall of Saigon, and finds other Vietnamese refugees in Los Angeles, where he tries to build a new life.  He secretly reports back to his communist superiors in Vietnam.

The Sympathizer  is a book that explores identity and America.  It is a powerful novel of both love and friendship.

Click here to see prices for this book (Available in Kindle, Hardcover & Paperback). 

Matterhorn: A Novel of the Vietnam War

by Karl Marlantes 

Vietnam Novels Bestsellers  

Matterhorn: A Novel of the Vietnam War by Karl Marlantes

A very popular book and one of the most bought of the Vietnam Novels Bestsellers! New York Times bestseller, a National Indie Next and a USA Today bestseller.

Matterhorn was written by a Vietnam veteran.  M atterhorn has been hailed as a “brilliant account of war”.

This book is an epic war novel that centers around the timeless story of a young Marine lieutenant, Waino Mellas, and his comrades in Bravo Company.  They are dropped into the jungle of Vietnam as boys and are forced to fight.

They have the challenge of dealing with the North Vietnamese, with monsoon rain, mud, leeches, tigers, disease and malnutrition.

On top of all of those challenges, they are faced with obstacles that relate to racial tension, competing ambitions, and duplicitous superior officers.

The experience of the war will change them forever.  As they fight as a man right into manhood.  It is a brilliant novel that will take emotions from the tragedy of Vietnam and turn them into a powerful story of courage, camaraderie, and sacrifice.

A great read! Why not grab it now!

Click here to see prices for this book (Available in Kindle, Hardcover, Audio CD, MP3 & Paperback). 

When Heaven and Earth Changed Places

by Le Ly Hayslip

When Heaven and Earth Changed Places by Le Ly Hayslip

What an incredibly emotional novel set in Vietnam.  If you are after a Vietnamese novel that will pull at your heart string then this is the one!

Some believe that during the war, heaven and earth change places not once, but many times.

When Heaven and Earth Changed Places is a novel in the format of a memoir; of a girl on the verge of womanhood, stuck in a world that is turned upside down.

She is the youngest of six children, she is part of a close-knit Buddhist family.  She was only 12 years old when U.S. helicopters landed in her tiny village in central Vietnam.

The government and Viet Cong troops recruited children as spies and saboteurs. Le Ly was one of those children.

Le Ly had a childhood that nobody should have, before the age of sixteen, she had already suffered near-starvation, imprisonment, torture, rape, as well as witness the deaths of family members.

But yet, even through all these obstacles, she still holds fast to her faith in humanity.

Eventually, Le Ly manages to escape to America, and when she is older she returns to the devastated country and family she left behind.

The book is a book of contrasts, with scenes of a joyous reunion, but with the history and emotions of the brutal war years.  The book is about Le Ly, a courageous woman who experienced the true horror of the Vietnam War—and survived to tell her unforgettable story.

The Quiet American

by Graham Greene  

The Quiet American by Graham Greene

The Quiet American  is perhaps the most controversial novel of Graham Greene’s career.

The novel centers around the main character, Pyle, who is a brash young idealist sent out by Washington on a mysterious mission to Saigon. In Saigon, the French Army is struggling against the Vietminh guerrillas.

As young Pyle’s well-intentioned policies blunder into bloodshed, Fowler, a seasoned and cynical British reporter, finds it impossible to stand safely aside as an observer.

But Fowler’s motives for intervening are suspect, both to the police and himself, for Pyle has stolen Fowler’s beautiful Vietnamese mistress.

A great read, even though it is an older release, it is still one of the most popular books about Vietnam.

Click here to see prices for this book (Available in Kindle, Hardcover, Audio CD & Paperback).  

Vietnam Books Non-Fiction

1. vietnam travel guide books.

Find below a list of the most popular Vietnam travel books. 

These books will all help you as you plan your Vietnam holiday. 

We also suggest you take them along on your trip as they can be so beneficial when you get lost, or when you try to find activities to fill in spare time in a day.

National Geographic Traveler: Vietnam

National Geographic Traveler: Vietnam, 3rd Edition

Vietnam Travel Book Synopsis:

The National Geographic travel guide is aimed at active travelers who want authentic, enriching, cultural experiences.

The book covers the following areas:

  • Destinations covered include the ancient capital of Hanoi; Ha Long Bay; North-Central Vietnam, including visits to Vietnamese tunnels; Hue and Hoi An; the Southern Central Highlands; Ho Chi Minh City; and the vast Mekong Delta.
  • Learn more about Vietnam’s history and culture, including discussions on the hill tribes and the life of the boat people in the Mekong Delta.
  • Get information on self-guided walks and drives that you can take, for example, through Hanoi’s picturesque Old Quarter and along the cliffside beauty between Hue and Danang.
  • Get lists of ‘Not-To-Be-Missed’ Sites
  • Handy information on hand-picked hotels and restaurants for you to enjoy!

Click here to see prices for this book (Available in Paperback Only) .

Lonely Planet Vietnam (Travel Guide)

Best travel guide for Vietnam

Lonely Planet Vietnam

We personally love Lonely Planet’s guidebooks and never look anywhere else.  They have the best Vietnam guide book for your travels.

Lonely Planet are comprehensive and in depth guide books.  Inside Lonely Planet’s Vietnam Travel Guide Book you will find:

  • Colour maps and images throughout
  • Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests
  • Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots
  • Essential info at your fingertips – hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices
  • Honest reviews for all budgets – eating, sleeping, sight-seeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks miss
  • Cultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience – customs, history, architecture, regional specialties, tribes, environment, food, drink
  • Free, convenient pull-out Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi map (included in print version), plus over 80 maps
  • Covers Northwest Vietnam, Northeast Vietnam, Hanoi, North-Central Vietnam, Central Vietnam, Central Highlands, South-Central Coast, Ho Chi Minh City, Mekong Delta, Siem Reap and more

Click here to see prices for this book (Available in Kindle & Paperback).  

___________________________ –

Vietnam ese Children’s Books

Find below a list of some good books about Vietnam that are suitable for children.

Vietnamese Children’s Favorite Stories

By phuoc thi minh tran.

Vietnamese Children's Favorite Stories by Phuoc Thi Minh Tran

This gorgeous and colorful children’s book has a collection of Vietnamese fairy tales and other folk stories.  These stories are brilliant as they give you and your child some insight into their rich culture.  You will find a charming collection of 15 tales in this book, all written and told by a popular Vietnamese writer – Tran Thi Minh Phuoc.

Some of the folktales in this books are “The Story of Tam and Cam” (the Vietnamese version of Cinderella), “The Jade Rabbit,” and “The Legend of the Mai Flower.”  The stories told include great lessons of concepts such as integrity, hard work and a kind heart triumph over deception, laziness, and greed—as gods, peasants, kings and fools spring to life in legends of bravery and beauty, and fables about nature.

This book was the  **Winner of Creative Child Magazine  and receive the 2015 Book of the Year Award** .  Give this book a go, I bet you will love it!!

Click here to see prices for this book (Available in Kindle & Hardcover). 

Vietnam A to Z: Discover the colorful culture of Vietnam!

By elka k. ray.

Vietnam A to Z: Discover the colorful culture of Vietnam! by Elka Ray

This is a gorgeous ABC-style book on Vietnam.  It is geared toward smaller children and features creative & colorful illustrations that your child will enjoy.  It is bilingual with English and Vietnamese text so even if you don’t understand Vietnamese, you can still easily explain the new words to your child. This is a beautiful Vietnamese book for kids!  Eye catching for the little ones and educational!  What more can you ask for!?

Click here to see prices for this book (Available in Paperback only).  

Inside Out and Back Again

by Thanhha Lai

Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai

Truly a great pick from the Vietnamese books for kids on offer!

Inside Out and Back Again is a New York Times Vietnam Novel  bestseller, a Newbery Honor Book, and a winner of the National Book Award!

The book is inspired by the author’s life as the experienced fleeing Vietnam after the Fall of Saigon during her childhood.  She immigrated to Alabama and tells her moving story as she goes through a change of life, dreams, grief and then healing.

And there you have our Ultimate Reading List of Vietnam Books to inspire wanderlust pre-trip!

Leave us a Comment:

  • Which Vietnam book took your fancy?
  • Do you have any books set in Vietnam to recommend?
  • Have you read and loved any of these Vietnam Novels?
  • Are you after more Vietnamese stories for Kids?

Further Reading Suggestions:

  • Click to read one of our most popular posts containing bucket-loads of tips and hints of how to prepare for Vietnam!
  • Find out what are the most popular places to see in Vietnam here!
  • Check out our list of where we stayed throughout Vietnam here !
  • Click to read our comprehensive, informative stories of our travels through Vietnam!

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Jolene Ejmont

10 thoughts on “the ultimate list of best vietnam books to read”.

The Big Buddha Bicycle Race by Terence Harkin is a great read. It’s more military fiction than straight fiction and it’s a great read.

Oh I do love the title Matt, will have to look it up thanks!

Jonathan Cain’s 12 book series “Saigon Commandos” are the best novels out there about love and war in The ‘Nam circa 1966-75!

Hi Nick, thanks for the suggestion, will have to order it and have a read!!

Thank you it was very helpful

Check out Long Daze at Long Binh the first truly funny book about the Vietnam War. Excellent reviews from Vietnam Veterans of America,, Midwest Book Review and, among others. VVA calls it “The best book about ‘Rear Echelon’ life in Vietnam during that time period… nobody will top it any time soon, if ever.”

Thanks for sharing a book with our readers Dan.

Hello Jolene, my wife and I shared a group tour to Vietnam, and, I became fascinated with the history of the conflict, and the conflict, being an avid reader of military history. Have read well over 20 different books with regard to the country. One which I would recommend is ? “Vietnam A Country, Not A War” Have done searches for this book, but it just does not get any hits. I am in the midst of reading “Vietnam-An Epic History of a Tragic War” by Max Hastings. This is very different to any other historical accounts of the conflict, in that, it is written by a reporter, rather than a historian

Thnak you for the tips on the book titles. Will definitely look into those as well. Much appreciated. 🙂

Looks like you might be trying to find this: Where We Were in Vietnam: A Comprehensive Guide to the Firebases and Military Installations of the Vietnam War All best 🙂

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Lonely Planet's Vietnam is our most comprehensive guide that extensively covers all the country has to offer, with recommendations for both popular and lesser-known experiences. Kayak through Halong Bay, sample street food in Hanoi and immerse yourself in a rich history; all with your trusted travel companion.

Inside Lonely Planet's Travel Guide: 

Lonely Planet's Top Picks - a visually inspiring collection of the destination's best experiences and where to have them

Itineraries help you build the ultimate trip based on your personal needs and interests

Local insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - whether it's history, people, music, landscapes, wildlife, politics

Eating and drinking get the most out of your gastronomic experience as we reveal the regional dishes and drinks you have to try

Toolkit - all of the planning tools for solo travellers, LGBTQIA+ travellers, family travellers and accessible travel

Colour maps and images throughout

Language - essential phrases and language tips

Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots

Covers: Hanoi, Northern Vietnam, Central Vietnam, Southeast Coast, Southwest Highlands, Ho Chi Minh City, Mekong Delta, Siem Reap and the Temples of Angkor and more

ISBN: 9781788688963

Edition: 16th

Publication Date: August 2023

Stewart, Iain

Atkinson, Brett Lockhart, Katie Pham, Giang Pham, James Ray, Nick Truong, Diana Zukas, Josh

416 pages,93 maps | Dimensions: 128mm width × 197mm height

Next edition due: July 2025  

This guide is in the English language.

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7 Best Travel Books About Vietnam

Vietnam travel books

“A day of travelling will bring a basketful of learning. “

Whether it be a party-filled gap year experience, a wellness retreat away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, or a trek to give something back in a new community, Vietnam is one of the most popular destinations in Southeast Asia. Home to over 100 million and a stunning assortment of natural beauty and experiences, it’s no wonder why Vietnam inspires so many visitors yearly. Join us at What We Reading as we present the best Vietnam travel books! 

Lonely Planet Vietnam – Lonely Planet 

Kicking off our list of the best Vietnam travel books is Lonely Planet’s edition on the Southeast Asian country. The world’s leading travel media company, Lonely Planet is the definitive authority on curating trips that are memorable and magical, offering the latest pieces of advice on what to see and what to skip. 

From paddling by Halong Bay’s limestone peaks at dawn to exploring Hanoi’s Old Quarter, Lonely Planet Vietnam provides travellers of all ages, interests, and budgets with a new easy-to-follow layout, comprehensive listings, and maps that they are sure to fully utilise.

vietnam books - lonely planet vietnam

Saigon Survival (Vietnam Travel Guide): A Counter Intuitive Guide To Surviving The Streets Of Saigon – Simon Miller 

Miller’s travel guide, rooted in authentic everyday experiences, utilizes all the most valuable insights he gained from over a year of living in Vietnam’s capital.

He took over nine months to compile it and reworked it several times since, making it one of the best Vietnam books for travelers looking to avoid the rookie mistakes that plague so many first-time trips.

The Ultimate Vietnam Travel Guide: How To Get The Most Out Of Your Travel Through Vietnam From North To South – Hoang Pham

Hoang Pham guides travelers through how to get the best out of their Vietnam trip in The Ultimate Vietnam Travel Guide, immersing them in the local culture and history and letting them sample some of its renowned delicacies.

It’s a snappy read designed to inspire you with information about the best places to maximize your trip, and it solidifies its position as one of the best Vietnam books.

Fodor’s Essential Vietnam – Fodor’s Travel 

Fodor’s Essential Vietnam is one of the best Vietnam travel books for first-time and seasoned visitors. Covering all of the country’s major destinations including Ho Chi Minh City; the Mekong Delta; Hanoi; Halong Bay ; Hue; and Nha Trang, it expertly combines the diverse beauty of the country with practical tips every traveller is sure to make use of. 

All of these destinations are put under the microscope with top 10 lists of the best things to do, see, eat, sleep and experience. 

Made In Vietnam: Homestyle Recipes From Hanoi To Ho Chi Minh – Tracey Lister And Andreas Pohl

Based on their experiences eating at street food stalls, countryside eateries and family gatherings, Tracey Lister and Andreas Pohl’s Made in Vietnam is the ultimate celebration of Vietnamese cuisine. One of the best Vietnam books for any culinary traveller, it is a sweeping guide through the three main regions of the country. 

From the heartiness of the north , the imperial cuisine of the Hue in the centre and the more tropical flavours in the south, it comes complete with various recipes for traditional Vietnamese meals ranging from Pho Bo to Eel in Caul Fat. It also features extensive histories behind these meals and the cultures that make them, giving travellers inside knowledge on not only what they are eating, but also what’s behind it. 

From Saigon To Hanoi: Save Time, Money And Your Sanity – Chris Appleford And Sarah Appleford

In From Saigon to Hanoi, Chris and Sarah Appleford present a unique travel guide on how to tour through Vietnam. Told from the perspective of the couple and their young family across three weeks as they made their way from Saigon in the south to Hanoi in the north, it demonstrates how the best way of trekking through the country is via train. Whether it’s getting inspiration for your trip or picking up some practical tips, 

From Saigon to Hanoi covers everything from clothes tailored by hand in Hoi An, the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City to how to cross the street and avoid being scammed successfully! 

Vietnam: The Ultimate Vietnam Travel Guide By A Traveler For A Traveler – Lost Travelers 

The goal of Lost Travelers’ travel handbooks is to provide quick and succinct guides that every traveller can dive into. And their edition on Vietnam provides one of the best resources for getting to grips with the country without all the fluff of other books.

Revised multiple times on the back of recommendations from readers, it offers a completely unbiased take on the destinations and experiences no trip to Vietnam is complete without. Honest and authentic, for a cheaper and rapid Vietnam travel book, Lost Travelers’ edition is one to consider. 

James Metcalfe

Part-time reader, part-time rambler, and full-time Horror enthusiast, James has been writing for What We Reading since 2022. His earliest reading memories involved Historical Fiction, Fantasy and Horror tales, which he has continued to take with him to this day. James’ favourite books include The Last (Hanna Jameson), The Troop (Nick Cutter) and Chasing The Boogeyman (Richard Chizmar).

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The 39 Best Books About Vietnam: Travel By Book

Girls Who Travel | Best Books About Vietnam

Are you dreaming of going to Vietnam? Or are you already planning a trip? Have you been, and Vietnam is now your dream destination? Or is this your first time exploring this country? Whichever one it is, travel there by book! Traveling by book is the next best thing to hopping on a plane! We curated a list of books about Vietnam to keep you dreaming, help you plan, and whisk you away to this riveting country in Southeast Asia !

This post contains Amazon associate affiliate links. This means we make a small commission at no cost to you if you click through and make a purchase. All prices listed are accurate at time of publication. 

Best Books About Vietnam

Girls Who Travel | Best Books About Vietnam

No matter if your favorite books are fiction or non-fiction, or a healthy mix of both, we got you covered! Reading about a destination is one of the best ways to explore it before you make the trip. Because the Vietnam War was such a defining time in history, you will find many war-related books on our list of the best books about Vietnam. While it is hard to find books that have a topic other than the war, we dug deep and unearthed them for you! Many of these books have audio versions as well, in case you prefer that over digital or physical copies. Let’s start digging into books about this fantastic country in Southeast Asia!

Best Fiction Books About Vietnam

1. graham greene – the quiet american.

The Quiet American by Graham Greene is a classic. Alden Pyle arrives in Saigon on a secret mission during a time when the French Army struggles against the Vietminh guerrillas. He is young and idealistic, and he loves Vietnam, but then things go sideways. Pyle has a beautiful Vietnamese mistress, but she is whisked away from him by a British reporter named Fowler. Naturally Pyle doesn’t take to this very well, and then there is bloodshed. While the action in the book is slow moving, it’s a fascinating story worth reading.

Girls Who Travel

2. Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai – The Mountains Sing

The Mountains Sing rightfully made it onto the list of international best sellers. It’s the story of several generations of the Trần family, set during the Vietnam War. Trần Diệu Lan and her six kids were forced to flee from their home during the land reform. Her boys head off to war, while her granddaughter, Hương, is coming of age. The story is told in dual timelines, from the perspective of grandmother and granddaughter, and paints a vivid picture of 20th century Vietnam. Readers will find themselves glued to the pages!

3. Tim O’Brien – The Things They Carried

Tim O’Brien is an American writer who served in the Vietnam War. The Things They Carried is his most famous work and was nominated for a National Book Critics Circle Award and a Pulitzer Prize right after its publication in March 1990. It has since become a staple in classrooms across the United States, documenting the American experience in Vietnam. The book contains linked semi-autobiographical stories of young men who carry the burden of a brutal war. They march through rivers and streams, and carry their burden across hills and into valleys. These stories will leave you awe-struck and heartbroken at the same time. It’s one of the best Vietnam War books on the market.

4. Tim O’Brien – Going After Cacciato

While The Things They Carried is certainly Tim O’Brien’s most famous book, Going After Cacciato also deserves attention. This book won the National Book Award in 1979, and is now considered a classic among the novels about the Vietnam War. Going After Cacciato is the story of a young soldier. One day, he simply lays down his gun and decides to follow his dream instead of fighting this ugly war. He’s convinced he can walk all the way to Paris. Will he make it? Read and find out!

5. John Shors – Dragon House

John Shors’ Dragon House is a rare find! The story is set in modern day Vietnam. Iris and Noah, two Americans, are looking for a way to deal with their painful past and heal. They move to Ho Chi Minh City (the former Saigon) and open a center with the purpose to help Vietnamese street children. These children’s stories will seriously tug at your heartstrings, and they do on the heartstrings of Noah and Iris. Not just do these two save the children, but the children save them, too. This is a story about trauma in a country which has known nothing but war for decades, and the survival stories of those growing up in this place.

6. Karl Marlantes – Matterhorn: A Novel of the Vietnam War

Karl Marlantes is another veteran of the Vietnam War who processed his memories by writing. Matterhorn is a powerful and timeless story of a young marine lieutenant, and it’s about what it is like to be a young man sent to fight a war on foreign soil. Written over the course of thirty years, this epic novel will hold your attention like nothing else. Waino Mellas is a young Marine lieutenant and part of the Bravo Company. They aren’t just fighting the North Vietnamese, but also the conditions on the ground: monsoons and wild animals, and the resulting malnutrition and diseases. But even within their company, there is division. When it comes down to the wire, will they stand together and overcome, or will they crumble in the face of their enemies? Pick up Matterhorn right now to find out!

7. Duong Thu Huong – Paradise of the Blind: A Novel

Duong Thu Huong was a teenager and young woman in Vietnam during the war. When she was old enough, she served seven years in a women’s youth brigade on the front lines. After the war ended in 1975, she became very outspoken about and critical of the Communist government and was imprisoned for a short time for her criticism. Her first two books became instant best sellers in Vietnam, and were banned quickly thereafter. In Paradise Of The Blind, the reader meets three Vietnamese women who are struggling in a world where women are expected to be subservient to men, and the people are suffering from brutal effects of the Communist government’s actions. Hang is just a little girl, ten years old, and living in a slum in Hanoi with her mother. Land reform had ripped apart the tiny village they called home. Hang never knew her father, who died when she was just a baby. This family saga will capture the reader’s attention from the first page.

8. Sue Cook – On Dangerous Ground

Things aren’t going well for Pru. Her husband confesses his infidelity, and her daughter Molly is going on a gap year in Vietnam. But just when she thought things couldn’t get worse, they do: she receives an email informing her that Molly might be in serious danger. She has become involved with political activists. Pru flies to Vietnam to find her daughter, but what she finds will change her life. Walk the streets of Saigon with Pru in search for Molly. You are guaranteed to be hooked until the very end!

9. Bảo Ninh – The Sorrow Of War: A Novel of North Vietnam

Bao Ninh is a former North Vietnamese soldier who fought bravely not only in the war, but later against his own government, who didn’t want The Sorrow Of War to be published due to it being too non-ideological and too non-heroic. But there’s good reason this novel became an international bestseller. The Glorious 27th Youth brigade of the Vietcong was almost completely wiped off the face of the earth in battle. There is only a sole survivor: Kien. Kien is left to deal with the aftermath of the horrors of war. He picks up writing as a form of dealing with his ghosts, and it’s almost like therapy for him. Kien tells his story: before, during, and after the war. Relive his story from the Vietnamese side of the war in this epic war novel.

10. Thanhhà Lại – Listen, Slowly

Twelve year old Mai is a California girl through and through. All she wants from her vacation is lots and lots of time at the beach. But her parents and her grandmother have other ideas. Grandma wants to travel to her home country of Vietnam and find out what happened to her husband during the Vietnam War. For Mai, it is a great opportunity to learn about Vietnamese culture – only Mai doesn’t think this is a great idea. Yet she travels to Vietnam. What will happen? You will have to read this New York Times bestseller and find out for yourself!

11. Viet Thanh Nguyen – The Sympathizer

The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen not just a New York Times bestseller, but so successful, it won the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, the 2016 Edgar Award for Best First Novel, the 2016 Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction, and several other prizes. That obviously makes it a top candidate for our list of best books about Vietnam. The year is 1975, and there’s nothing but chaos in Saigon. A group of high ranking members of the South Vietnamese army manage to leave Vietnam on one of the last flights out. They start a new life in the United States, in Los Angeles. But they aren’t safe: one of them is reporting everything they do to a higher-up in the Viet Cong. While The Sympathizer is fiction, and a spy novel, it still touches on many important points of Vietnamese American history while conveying the experience of being a Vietnamese in America after the Vietnam War. A must read!

12. Emily Maguire – Fishing for Tigers

Mischa Reese got out of an abusive marriage and needed a place to reinvent herself and her life. She left California and found it in Hanoi. While she loves her freedom and her life in Vietnam, she has adopted a quite cynical attitude towards life and love, surrounding herself with other expats who share those views. But when she meets Cal, a very attractive Vietnamese-Australian boy, and starts an affair with him, something awakens within her. However, her actions have consequences…

13. Larry Heinemann – Close Quarters

Larry Heinemann is yet another great chronicler of the war in Vietnam. Close Quarters tells the story of an ordinary soldier, Philip Dosier. He is drafted right after high school into a world of fighting and despair, and he returns home a much different person than he was when he left. Be aware that Close Quarters isn’t an easy book to read. It contains graphic descriptions of violence, expletives, and racial slurs. But it is also harrowing, gritty, and a realistic depiction of the events back then.

14. Dinah Jefferies – The Silk Merchant’s Daughter

The Silk Merchant’s Daughter is set before the Vietnam War, during the French occupation of Indochina. The year is 1952, the setting is Hanoi. Nicole and Sylvie are half French and half Vietnamese, and newly orphaned after the death of their mother. Nicole has always lived in her older sister’s shadow. Sylvie is given control of the family silk business, while Nicole is given an abandoned silk shop in a less than great quarter of the city. Here is where Nicole meets militant rebels, who open her eyes about the corruption of colonial rule. But not just that. She learns that her own family is involved. On top of that, two men are vying for her love. Tran, a Vietnamese rebel, and Mark, an American silk trader. Who can she trust? Who is the right man for her? And how is history going to unfold?

15. Robert Olen Butler – A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain

Pulitzer Prize Winner alert! This exemplary collection of short stories about the aftermath of the Vietnam War and its impact on the Vietnamese by one of the most important living American authors is well worth your time. Robert Olen Butler served in Vietnam from 1969 to 1971. In his book, he gives voice to Vietnamese people who fled their country and settled in the United States. These are stories of the immigrant experience with the background of the Vietnam War.

16. Robert Dugani – The World Played Chess

This novel by Robert Dugoni is set shortly after the Vietnam War, in 1979. Vincent Bianco is a recent high school graduate and wants to enjoy the summer while making a bit of pocket money. He starts working on a construction crew alongside two men who are Vietnam veterans, and from those guys, he gets an education that deeply ingrains itself in him. Jump to forty years later, and his son is about to leave for college, when these life lessons unfold dramatically.

17. Danielle Steel – Message from Nam

Paxton Andrews is a journalist. She’s sent to Vietnam to write for an acclaimed newspaper. In her seven years in this Asian country, she reports on many historical events, but the truly touching part are the soldiers she meets and their stories. Break out the tissues, you will need them!

18. Huynh Quang Nhuong – Water Buffalo Days: Growing Up in Vietnam

Nhuong grew up as a little boy in the hills of central Vietnam, with his best pal being Tank the water buffalo. Life in the Vietnamese jungle was dangerous, but Tank was not only Nhuong’s best friend, but his protector. It’s a delightful book that takes you to village life in Vietnam just before the war.

19. Ocean Vuong – On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous

On Earth We Are Briefly Gorgeous is a book that’s truly haunting. It’s written in the form of a letter from a son, Little Dog, to his illiterate mother. The letter reveals the family history, starting way before Little Dog was born. When his mother was only five years old, her village in Vietnam fell victim to a Napalm raid, destroying the school house and leaving her unable to continue her education. Consequently, she leads the life of a ghost, working in nail salons and factories in the United States, wilting away like a flower which isn’t getting enough sunlight. This book depicts the love between a mother and her son, as well as an immigrant experience.

Best Non-Fiction Books About Vietnam

20. lonely planet vietnam 15 (travel guide).

What would a list of books about Vietnam be without a proper travel guide? Lonely Planet produces excellent guides with up to date information, all the important information you’ll need, maps, itineraries, insights into Vietnamese culture, and so much more!

21. Christian G. Appy – Vietnam: The Definitive Oral History, Told from All Sides

The title tells you all you need to know about this comprehensive non-fiction book. It’s a compilation of the stories of 135 women and men, from the beginning of the Vietnam war until the end. These are stories from Vietnamese and Americans, from generals and guerillas – from all sides. What makes this book so compelling is that it’s not one person’s side, but that of many, which leads to the reader seeing this conflict from all sides and gaining a broader perspective. Lots of these stories are told from an American point of view, and it’s good to also consider the Vietnamese perspective to get a fuller picture of the events.

22. John Donohue – The Greatest Beer Run Ever: A Memoir of Friendship, Loyalty, and War

The Greatest Beer Run Ever was published in 2021, became an instant New York Times bestseller, an instant USA Today bestseller, and has since been turned into a movie. If these accolades aren’t convincing you to pick up the book immediately, let us tell you what it’s all about. Twenty six year old John ‘Chick’ Donohue was out drinking with some of his buddies in a New York City bar on an evening in 1967. The Vietnam War is in full swing, and the men mourn the loss of loved ones. They reminisce about the war, and those who are still serving, when one of them comes up with an idea that seems impossible. What if one of them tried to sneak into Vietnam to give the troops, demoralized by anti war protests back in the US, messages of support from home? Chick volunteered, but what he didn’t know was how this journey would change his life.

23. Captivating History – History of Vietnam: A Captivating Guide to Vietnamese History

The Captivating History books are easy to read and enjoyable, while containing all the important facts the reader needs to know. History of Vietnam: A Captivating Guide to Vietnamese History is no exception. Unlike many other books it focuses on the complete history of Vietnam, the more recent history as well as ancient history, rather than just the time of war, from the 11th century, when the word ‘Viet’ was first used, until today.

24. William J. Duiker – Ho Chi Minh: A Life

If you know a little bit about Vietnam, then you know that in 1975, Saigon was renamed Ho Chi Minh City. But who was this important figure named Ho Chi Minh? William J. Duiker shines light on that question in his book Ho Chi Minh: A Life. Ho Chi Minh is known as the father of modern Vietnam. For nearly three decades he led the Vietnamese nationalist movement. He founded the Communist Party Of Vietnam and was the most famous communist party member. This biography tells the story of how this man shaped the twentieth century. Wherever you travel in Vietnam, you will find tributes to Ho Chi Minh. It’s worth digging in and reading the 600 pages to fully understand and appreciate his life and what he means to Vietnam today. Pick up this great book today!

25. Philip Caputo – A Rumor of War

Philip Caputo’s memoir of the Vietnam war is a classic. Now available in the 40th anniversary edition, and featured in the PBS documentary series ‘The Vietnam War’, this book is simply riveting. As a young man, Caputo entertained rather romantic ideas about war. Therefore he enlists in 1965, and is sent to Danang with the first ground combat unit deployed. He remains in Vietnam for 16 months, and returns home knowing the true nature of war and what it does to humans. He tells his story as it is: ugly, real, not in any way sugarcoated, but raw and painful. This is the best Vietnam War memoir out there!

26. Stanley Karnow – Vietnam: A History

As I mentioned before, lots and lots of books have been written about the Vietnam War. But this one is truly a masterpiece. A New York Times book review notes: “Even those of us who think we know something about it will read with fascination.” In an unbiased way it not only analyzes, but demystifies the events of the Vietnam War. This is a well-written piece of journalistic work. If you only want to read one book about the Vietnam War, this should be it!

27. Neil Sheehan, Hedrick Smith, E.W. Kenworthy, Fox Butterfield – The Pentagon Papers: The Secret History of the Vietnam War

Before WikiLeaks, the release of the Pentagon Papers was the most significant breach in security in the history of the United States. Essentially they were papers documenting how the US government lied to the public about the extent of the American involvement in the war. Their release came at a time when the US was already deeply divided about what was then the longest of America’s wars (it’s now the second longest after Afghanistan). Especially young Americans were opposed to it. It’s utterly fascinating to take a look at these papers! For those who want to go further, check out Steven Spielberg’s 2018 movie ‘The Post’.

28. Neil Sheehan – A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam

A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam won not only a National Book Award, but a Pulitzer Prize as well. Lt Col John Paul Vann came to Vietnam in 1962 as a field adviser to the army. Aclear-eyes, charismatic young man, he was quickly appalled by the corruption of the South Vietnamese regime, and he put his life on the line to convince his superiors that the war must be fought another way. Vann died in Vietnam in 1972. But did he succeed? Or did he give up on his convictions? You’ll have to read this book to find out!

29. David Butler – The Fall of Saigon: Scenes from the Sudden End of a Long War

When Saigon fell, marking the end of the war, NBC reporter David Butler was on scene. In his book The Fall of Saigon: Scenes from the Sudden End of a Long War Butler describes the chaos of these last few weeks, the agony it caused, and the horrors people lived through. In this collection of stories of thirty people, the author describes many interesting details of everyday life in Saigon during these tumultuous days, and the political decisions behind the US’s final retreat. It’s a very detailed account, and allows the reader an inside look into this period in time.

30. Charles Waugh, Huy Lien – Family of Fallen Leaves: Stories of Agent Orange by Vietnamese Writers

Agent Orange was a herbicide used in the Vietnam War by American troops. It was mainly used to defoliate trees which could give cover to the enemy. Its toxicity caused a lot of environmental damage, as well as damage to humans: cancer, birth defects, and many other conditions. This book contains one essay and twelve short stories by Vietnamese writers about the fallout from the use of Agent Orange. Family of Fallen Leaves allows you to see this tragedy from the Vietnamese perspective.

31. Michelle Robin La – Catching Shrimp with Bare Hands: A Boy from the Mekong Delta

Catching Shrimp with Bare Hands is a true story of a boy named Luong La, who grew up in the Mekong Delta during the Vietnam War. In 1968, Luong La’s family is forced to flee the countryside due to threats from the Viet Cong. But despite the nearby fighting they continue to travel back and forth to their farm in the middle of the Mekong River. The Viet Cong arrive to stay in the family’s village, and terrible things start to happen. Before Luong is old enough to join the army, the war is over. But that doesn’t spell the end of their troubles…

32. Martin Windrow – The Last Valley: Dien Bien Phu and the French Defeat in Vietnam

The year is 1953, and the French army is occupying Vietnam. In December, they challenge the Vietnamese army to a final battle. But soon, the hunters become the hunted, and, eventually, the defeated, when their base at Dien Bien Phu fell on May 7, 1954. This ended French colonialism in Indochina. As the French withdrew, the United States insisted on a division of the country to prevent regional instability, which led to the Vietnam war two years later.

33. James Arnold – Tet Offensive 1968: Turning point in Vietnam (Campaign)

The Tet Offensive was the decisive battle in the Vietnam War in January of 1968. Together with the Viet Cong, the North Vietnamese soldiers launched a coordinated attack against several targets in south Vietnam. The South Vietnamese and United States military sustained heavy losses, but were able to defeat their enemies. But this offensive marked the beginning of America’s slow withdrawal from this endless war. James Arnold delivers a brilliant account of this decisive battle, and explains why, despite winning, the Americans started to see the Vietnam War as a lost cause.

34. Denise Chong – The Girl in the Picture: The Story of Kim Phuc, Whose Image Altered the Course of the Vietnam War

Sometimes war seems so far away, but a picture speaks volumes and brings the horrors straight into every person’s living room. Such was the case on June 8, 1972, when the picture of a little girl, nine year old Kim Phuc, severely burned by napalm, went viral. This horrific photograph turned the public’s opinion finally and irrevocably against the Vietnam War. Denise Chong’s book is a rare view at the war from the Vietnamese point of view. She tells the story of how the photo was taken, and how Kim Phuc’s life developed afterwards.

35. Michael Herr – Dispatches

If you would like to read a book that became an immediate classic of war reportage, pick up Dispatches by Michael Herr. Michael Herr was a war correspondent who was sent to Vietnam in the 1960s. In this book, Herr talks about day to day life, and reports on the chaos of a combat zone. The New York Times book review claims that it is the best book written about the Vietnam War, and while we see than title awarded so several books, it still speaks to its quality. Therefore, Dispatches made it on our list of the best books about Vietnam. It is an excellent depiction of the realities of war.

36. Harold G. Moore, Joseph L. Galloway – We Were Soldiers Once… and Young: Ia Drang – The Battle that Changed the War in Vietnam

We Were Soldiers Once… and Young is a remarkable book, based on the experiences of Lt. Gen. Harold G. Moore in the Vietnam War. Every year, the Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps selects one book that he believes is both relevant and timeless for reading by all Marines. In 1993, that honor fell to We Were Soldiers Once. Moore tells the story of one of the most significant battles in this drawn-out war at Ia Drang Valley. In November of 1965, 450 American soldiers under Moore’s command were dropped at that location, only to be surrounded immediately by 2,000 North Vietnamese soldiers. Only three days after this, a sister battalion was completely eliminated no more than a half mile away. We Were Soldiers Once tells the story of how the survivors sacrificed themselves for their fellow soldiers, and how they never gave up throughout their wartime experiences.

37. Le Ly Hayslip, Jay Wurts – When Heaven and Earth Changed Places: A Vietnamese Woman’s Journey from War to Peace

When Heaven and Earth Changed Places is one of these personal stories that truly get to you. Le Ly Hayslip was a little girl of twelve when the US landed in her small village. The Vietcong recruited her and many other children as spies and saboteurs against the American soldiers. She endured rape, starvation, and other horrible things before she managed to flee to the United States. Twenty years later, in 1986, Le Ly Hayslip returns to her home country and experiences a reunion with her family.

38. Truong Nhu Tang – A Vietcong Memoir: An Inside Account of the Vietnam War and Its Aftermath

Truong Nhu Tang was a young man studying in Paris when he met Ho Chi Minh, became enamored with his anti-colonial nationalism and socialist ideas. He returned to Vietnam to fulfill his family obligation, but soon joined the “fight for liberation” and became one of its major figures, and later even the Vietcong’s Minister of Justice. But when disillusionment set in, he fled his beloved country. if you want a truly rare look into the inner workings of the Vietnam War from a Vietnamese perspective, and at the Vietcong in particular, pick up this book immediately!

39. Kien Nguyen – The Unwanted: A Memoir

This is the true story of a little biracial kid living through apocalyptic times. Kien Nguyen tells the story of his life in Saigon after the retreat of the American’s in 1975, and how, in 1985, he made his way to the United States. It’s an unputdownable memoir with a beautiful message!

What books would you recommend? Tell us in the comments!

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Jenny grew up in Germany. All she ever wanted out of life was to leave and have adventures. Jenny always traveled as much as the budget would allow, and when she met her husband traveling became a full-time thing. You can follow Jenny on her blog and Facebook.

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7 books to read before visiting vietnam.

7 Books To Read Before Visiting Vietnam

Vietnam is becoming a popular travel destination in Southeast Asia. The cultural diversity, extreme natural beauty, delicious cuisine are all attracting every year many tourists visit Vietnam. Vietnam is also a budget-friendly destination. However, it is always a great idea to know a bit more about any destinations you’re visiting for the first time. I loved to go through some travel books before planning my first trip to beautiful Vietnam. Here I’ve listed 7 books to read before visiting Vietnam along with my favorite Lonely Planet Vietnam Travel Guide  and Vegetarian Viet Nam . 

Recently I had a solo trip to Vietnam and found this country is very welcoming for any traveler and worth visiting. Locals are open, friendly, and helpful. It is easy to communicate mostly with all in English. I enjoyed trying many street foods in Hanoi. I loved the magical beauty of Halong Bay, the rustic charm of Ninh Binh, the local lifestyle of Mekong Delta, and city touring in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.

The following Vietnam guide books will help you to plan your trip and guide you to explore Northern Vietnam to Southern Vietnam. You’ll get to know about Vietnamese culture, must-visit travel attractions, top things to do, and local delicacies. Moreover, it will provide you many expert and budget travel tips to visit Vietnam even for the first time. 

Disclosure: All are paid links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Lonely Planet Vietnam (Country Guide)
  • 2 The Rough Guide to Vietnam (Travel Guide) (Rough Guides) 
  • 3 Vietnam – Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture
  • 4 Vietnamese Food Any Day: Simple Recipes for True, Fresh Flavors 
  • 5 National Geographic Traveler: Vietnam, 3rd Edition 
  • 6 Vietnam: Vietnam Travel Guide: 101 Coolest Things to Do in Vietnam (Southeast Asia Travel, Backpacking Asia, Hanoi Travel, Saigon Travel, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Tours, Vietnamese Food, Hoi An)
  • 7 Fodor’s Essential Vietnam (Travel Guide)
  • 8 Are You On Pinterest? Click To Save These For Later Read!

Lonely Planet Vietnam (Country Guide)

Lonely Planet Vietnam (Country Guide)

Lonely Planet Vietnam Country Guide to help you to know the best of Vietnam with the most up-to-date tips and information. It covers all parts of Vietnam along with cultural insights, history, and offbeat destinations. You’ll get many insider tips and reviews based on what to do, what to see, and what to eat during your Vietnam travel from Lonely Planet Travel Guide. You may also like to keep foldable Lonely Planet Vietnam Planning Map  along with this travel guide. It comes with practical travel tips with destinations map, many images, a transport guide, and suggestions on itineraries. 

Furthermore, are you thinking to travel like a local in Vietnam? Lonely Planet Vietnamese Phrasebook & Dictionary  is a practical guidebook to teach you useful Vietnamese vocabulary and phrases. You’ll be able to bargain like a pro while eating and shopping from the local eateries and markets. 

If you’re also traveling nearest countries along with Vietnam, then don’t miss to get the guide on Lonely Planet Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos & Northern Thailand (Multi Country Guide) .

  • Vietnamese culture, history, politics, art, cuisine, people, landscapes, and wildlife
  • Reviews and insider tips for traveling like a local
  • Accessible to hidden destination guide and information
  • Colorful maps and images
  • Essential tips on any budget
  • Vietnam travel itineraries

The Rough Guide to Vietnam (Travel Guide) (Rough Guides) 

travel books vietnam

The Rough Guide to Vietnam comes with trusted and independent reviews on exciting destinations of Vietnam. Rough Guides help you to get all detailed coverage on popular tourist destinations to offbeat destinations. You’ll get to know about all the right places to see, visit, shop, sleep, and eat in Vietnam. Whether a cruise to Halong Bay or Cat Ba Island, trip to Tam Coc or Da Lat, you’ll have all travel tips itineraries and ideas from this travel guide of Vietnam. 

  • Essential tips on outdoor activities, local transport, personal safety, food, and accommodation
  • Detailed coverage on Vietnam tourist destinations
  • Comprehensive and colorful travel maps and images
  • Vietnam travel itineraries to organize trips

Vietnam – Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture

Vietnam - Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture

Vietnam – Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture by Geoffrey Murray will help you to get the depth knowledge of Vietnamese history, culture, and customs. You can find present Vietnam as open, confident, inviting, and welcoming towards the world. However, Vietnamese peoples have suffered a lot during the Vietnam War and after reunification in 1975. 

This essential guidebook will give you the outline of past to present Vietnam, cultural and social changes, traditions, and modern lifestyle of Vietnam. Moreover, you’ll get practical advice to face any awkward situations during your first visit to Vietnam.  

  • Vietnamese history
  • The culture and customs of Vietnam
  • The outline of present Vietnam, peoples, and cultural changes
  • Practical advice on unfamiliar situations

Vietnamese Food Any Day: Simple Recipes for True, Fresh Flavors 

Vietnamese Food Any Day: Simple Recipes for True, Fresh Flavors [A Cookbook]

You can’t leave Vietnam without trying many delicious Vietnamese delicacies. Vietnamese Food Any Day: Simple Recipes for True, Fresh Flavors  by Andrea Nguyen comes with 80 simple recipes of Vietnamese food . Inside the book, the writer has shown how to prepare Viet food like famous rice paper rolls, banh mi, pho, honey-glazed pork riblets, coffee ice cream quickly at home by using all simple ingredients. You can buy those ingredients from your local grocery store only. Undoubtedly, for Vietnamese food lovers, this cookbook is a must-read to enjoy cooking in Vietnamese style. 

During my Vietnam trip, I’ve tried all-vegetarian Vietnamese food. If you want to know all about meatless Vietnamese cooking, then Vegetarian Viet Nam by Cameron Stauch is a must-read for you. Chef Cameron Stauch nicely described all details about making Vietnamese healthy, sustainable food with sauces, herbs, noodles, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, and tofu.

  • Vietnamese food
  • 80 simple Vietnamese recipes
  • Easy to prepare with local ingredients
  • Effortless Vietnamese cooking style to make at home

National Geographic Traveler: Vietnam, 3rd Edition 

National Geographic Traveler: Vietnam, 3rd Edition

Are you interested in discovering Vietnam from the travel stories which have appeared in National Geographic Traveler? National Geographic Traveler: Vietnam  is a must-read travel book by James Sullivan who currently lives in Hue, Vietnam with his Vietnamese wife and headed to Vietnam first in 1993. Here he has shared his personal experiences to let you know all about Vietnamese history, culture, and all major sites of Vietnam. This book is a must-read for every traveler to experience a place from local eyes and full with much expert advice. 

  • The culture and history of Vietnam
  • Expert travel advice from local traveler
  • Detailed coverage on major sites of Vietnam
  • The list of Not-To-Be-Missed Sites
  • Tips on choosing the right restaurants and hotels in Vietnam
  • Cultural travel experiences

Vietnam: Vietnam Travel Guide: 101 Coolest Things to Do in Vietnam (Southeast Asia Travel, Backpacking Asia, Hanoi Travel, Saigon Travel, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Tours, Vietnamese Food, Hoi An)

Vietnam: Vietnam Travel Guide: 101 Coolest Things to Do in Vietnam (Southeast Asia Travel, Backpacking Asia, Hanoi Travel, Saigon Travel, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Tours, Vietnamese Food, Hoi An)

Vietnam offers a lot of beautiful destinations to explore, and there are many top things to do as well. 101 Coolest Things to Do in Vietnam  is a perfect travel guide covering the destinations like Hanoi, Hoi An, Sapa, Mui Ne, Ho Chi Minh City or Saigon, and Mekong Delta. Get to know all the top things to do in Vietnam while visiting those travel destinations. 

  • Coolest Things to Do in Vietnam
  • Vietnam Travel Guide
  • Hanoi Travel Guide
  • Saigon Travel Guide
  • Vietnam tours and tips
  • Backpacking in Vietnam

Fodor’s Essential Vietnam (Travel Guide)

Fodor's Essential Vietnam (Travel Guide)

Fodor’s Essential Vietnam Travel Guide by local experts and so this travel guidebook will give you all insider tips, advice and suitable for any budget. You’ll be able to plan your Vietnam trip with the help of sample itineraries along with detailed maps and colorful images. You’ll get all detailed tips on where to eat, shop, and stay in Vietnam. The main destinations covered by this travel guide are Hanoi, Halong Bay, Danang, Dalat, Nha Trang, Hue, Ho Chi Minh City, Mekong Delta, and Phu Quoc. This Vietnam travel guide also focused on the top reasons to visit each destination and advice on local transportation. 

  • Insider tips and travel information from local experts
  • Detailed maps and colorful images
  • Destination-based best hotels and restaurants in Vietnam
  • Top places to see in Vietnam
  • Top things to do in Vietnam
  • Flavors of Vietnam
  • Special feature on Vietnam Today

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Visit Vietnam - The Best Books To Read

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Nafisa Habib

Nafisa Habib loves nature and often got fascinated by old beautiful architecture. Here she is with My Own Way To Travel to share her adventures on the road. To her nothing is so interesting than exploring new destinations around. And knowing a new culture and meeting new peoples on the road? Oh, yeah she just loves that too.

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Global Travel Planning

Best Books about Vietnam to Read Before You Visit

By: Author Tracy Collins

Posted on Last updated: November 24, 2023

Do you love reading about a destination before you go? Finding out about the history, the culture and the lives of people is one of the best ways to prepare to explore Vietnam (or any new country)

In this post, I have curated a collection of the best books about Vietnam. 

A popular South East Asian country for travellers Vietnam is home to the beautiful Ha Long Bay, cities of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh and 8 UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

With a population of nearly 100 million, Vietnam is one of the most popular holiday destinations in South East Asia. Soccer is the most popular sport in Vietnam and the Dong is the unit of currency!

You can find a selection of both fiction and non-fiction about Vietnam. You will also find the best Vietnam travel guide books and well as Vietnamese cookbooks.

Listen to episodes of the Global Travel Planning Podcast all about Vietnam

More to read from around the world

The best fiction books about vietnam.

The Moutains Sing

The Mountains Sing

The Mountains Sing by Trần Diệu Lan is a sweeping multigenerational saga of the Trần family, set against the backdrop of the Việt Nam War.

Set in Hà Nội in the 1960s, The Mountains Sing follows Hương as she grows up with her parents and six older siblings, all of whom are at different stages in their lives.

A The Beauty of Humanity Movement

The Beauty of Humanity Movement: A Novel

Raised in the United States but Vietnamese by birth, Maggie travels to Hanoi seeking clues to the fate of her father, a dissident artist who disappeared during the war.

This book explores the legacies of war and art and the power of love to renew.

A Saigon

Saigon: An Epic Novel of Vietnam

A story of adventure, love, war, and political power, Saigon presents an enthralling and enlightening depiction of twentieth-century Vietnam.

a Perfume River

Perfume River: A Novel

An exquisite novel that examines family ties and the legacy of the Vietnam war through the portrait of a single North Florida family.

A The best we could do

The Best We Could Do: An Illustrated Memoir

This beautifully illustrated and emotional story is an evocative memoir about the search for a better future and a longing for the past.

A The Sympathizer

The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)

The Sympathizer is a blistering exploration of identity and America, a gripping espionage novel, and a powerful story of love and friendship.

Best Books about Vietnam : Non Fiction, Travel Guides & more

A Made in Vietnam

Made in Vietnam: Homestyle Recipes from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh

Made In Vietnam covers three main culinary regions of the country. It also looks at aspects of the country’s food history and its absorption of various culinary influences, including the extensive French influence, long-established coffee culture the casual style of dining that is so synonymous with many parts of Asia.

A Lonely Planet Vietnam

Lonely Planet Vietnam (Travel Guide)

Lonely Planet Vietnam is your passport to the most relevant and up-to-date advice on what to do and see.

Essential Vietnam

Fodor's Essential Vietnam

- Fodor's Essential Vietnam is the go-to guide for first-time visitors and seasoned travellers alike.

Fodor's Essential Vietnam has been newly updated with fresh recommendations and coverage of Sa Pa, a popular destination in the northwest mountains of Vietnam. The book includes: - Top 10 lists of what to see and do, eat, sleep, and experience in each city or region - Coverage of all major sights and attractions including Ho Chi Minh City; the Mekong Delta; Hanoi; Halong Bay; Hue; Nha Trang

A Vietnam Tragedy

Vietnam: An Epic Tragedy, 1945-1975

A definitive history of the Vietnam war written by Max Hastings an acclaimed best selling author. If you wish to learn about the Vietnam War this is a highly recommended read.

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TRAVEL to VIETNAM – Tips and Information Guide (2024 Edition)

Everything you need to know about travel to Vietnam in our comprehensive 2024 Vietnam travel guide.

We get it. You’re wondering what the absolute best destination to travel in Southeast Asia is.

You’ve spent hours researching.

Talked to friends.

Scoured the internet for blogs.

Watched YouTube videos.

And you’ve finally realised something.

Without a doubt, Vietnam is the place for you.

And trust us, as a couple that have travelled the world for over a decade, we think you’ve made the right decision.

There’s a reason Vietnam is our all-time favourite country…

From the tropical coral reefs of Nha Trang to the northern mountains of Sa Pa, travel to Vietnam is one of the most adventurous yet culturally empowering experiences you can have.

One moment you will find yourself haggling for  banh mi  deep within Saigon and later that day you could be watching a breathtaking sunset from the Mekong Delta.

Vietnam is more than a country. It’s an experience.

You’ll find yourself immersed among street food vendors cooking up exotic cuisines such as  pho  along streets with stores selling suits and ties.

Or you’ll be cruising the waters of Halong Bay while monkeys jump from island to island.

Or you might find yourself trekking to the highest peak in Vietnam, Fansipan soaring to over 3,100 metres!

Not into adventure activities? Homestays are the perfect way to spend your day as the monsoon rains fall across the endless snaking rivers of the Mekong.

Vietnamese hospitality is unrivalled and is something that you should experience once in your life, so what are you waiting for? Say good morning Vietnam! And go get lost!

So we’ve convinced you to travel to Vietnam? Awesome!

Now check out the basic information about the country in our Vietnam travel guide.

Grey Pic

25 BEST Things to Do in Hue, Vietnam (2024 Edition)

The perfect vietnam itinerary for 1, 2, or 3 weeks, canyoning in dalat – what it is really like, travelling in vietnam: at a glance.

Here are the basics about travel to Vietnam.


Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Da Nang, Hue

Vietnamese Dong (see  current exchange rate ). 1USD approximately = 23,000 dong. 1 beer = 30,000 dong ($1.30USD)


Travellers from most countries in the world are required to have visas. In most cases these can be obtained upon arrival for either 3 or 6 months. For information about your specific visa requirements click  here.

Vietnam is fairly safe for travellers. Petty theft tends to be the biggest concern and always be on the lookout for taxi scams. Also of concern are minor auto/motorbike accidents. This is one place it’s great to have travel insurance when visiting.


220 Volt at 50Hz. Power plugs – Type A: 2 vertical pins, Type C: 2 round pins, Type F (also known as Schuko plug): 2 round pins (Be sure to get your  universal travel adapter  before you leave)


Intercity travel is possible by plane, train and bus. Within cities, towns and villages you can expect to get around on bicycle rickshaws, motorbike taxes, taxis and bus.

Don’t Forget to Pack the Most Important Thing: Travel Insurance !


With so much to see and do in Vietnam, it really is hard to pick the top experiences.

However, we think that to truly appreciate Vietnam you need to plan to do these 5 activities during your visit.

Take the Overnight Train from Hanoi to Sapa

Said to be one of the most eye-opening train rides in the world, as you pass through lush forests, rice paddy fields on your way to the Vietnamese – Chinese border.

Book your  train ticket here .

Sapa Trekking

Hike Through the Rice Terraces of Sapa

Explore the area with the local hill tribes. Stay with them during your trek. And enjoy the beautiful terraced countryside for which Sapa is known.

Here’s our full post about  trekking in Sapa .

Mekong River, Laos, Luang Parabang, Boat, Cruising

Cruise the Mekong Delta

Probably one of the ‘must do’s of Vietnam.’ The Mekong Delta is full of hidden gems including floating markets, friendly locals and late afternoon storms.

Book a multiday  tour of the Mekong Delta

Things To Do In Vietnam

Go Caving in Phong Nha

Caves there can fit a 747 plane in it. They are massive and spectacular. This is an adventure you will never forget.

Book your  Phong Nha cave tour

Motorbikes The Evolution Of Nomadasaurus

Ride a Motorcycle

Yes, that’s right! Hiring a motorcycle or scooter is a must. But maybe do it out on the country roads. Opt for the famous ride to the mountain village of Dalat, or pretty much anywhere throughout the country.

Read about how to ride through the famous  Hai Van Pass

Other Things to do in Vietnam

Learn to cook Vietnamese food . Eating delicious Vietnamese food is one thing. Eating it after you’ve  learned to prepare it  is another!

Scuba dive  in Nha Trang. You may not think of Vietnam as a big scuba location, but there is  some great diving  to be had in Nha Trang.

Go canyoning  in Dalat. Rappel, slide, jump and  climb your way through canyons  in this gorgeous place!

Explore the Marble Mountains  in Da Nang.  These beautiful mountains  have been mined for marble for years and have incredible views and temples to visit along the way.

Sandboard down the sand dunes  in Mui Ne. It’s like snowboarding, but down massive sand dunes! Enjoy this rush!

Visit the Giants Causeway  in Ghan Da Dia. Half the world away from the Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland, be amazed at  this unique geologic structure .

Visit the Cu Chi Tunnels  outside of Ho Chi Minh City. No trip to HCMC is complete without  touring these historic tunnels  that were used during the war.

Conquer the Hoi An Pass on a motorbike . This is known as one of the most beautiful sections of highway in the world. Enjoy!

Explore the world’s biggest cave . We have a special connection with  Hang Son Doong  as it is where we were engaged. Make your own special moment too!

Climb the highest mountain in Indochina  in Sapa. Fansipan is over 3,000m above sea level and  offers incredible views  along the way to the top!



A First-Timer’s Guide to Trekking in Sapa

The 11 Best Things to Do in Da Nang, Vietnam (2024 Guide)

33 BEST Things to Do in Vietnam (Epic 2024 Guide)

10 BEST Things to Do in Ninh Binh, Vietnam (2024 Guide)

Scuba Diving In Nha Trang – Is It Worth It?


There are plenty of amazing places to visit in Vietnam. Depending on your interests, trip duration and time of year you will find plenty of things to do during any length of stay. 

When slurping a bowl of pho in a local market or exploring an ancient temple, it’s easy to feel like you’ve stepped into a time machine in Ho Chi Minh City.

Halong Bay Photo Essay

A collection of over 3,000 limestone islands providing endless kayaking opportunities. Take the time to relax aboard a boat or venture to Cat Ba National Park for mystical waterfalls!

Book your  tour of Halong Bay

Tenple Hanoi

The capital of Vietnam is also one of the most ancient capitals in the world. The history of Hanoi is rich, devastating and full of legends. This mystical city is also known for its cuisine, silk, buzzing nightlife as well as cultural diversity.

Plan your 3-day  Hanoi itinerary

Temples Of My Son Near Hoi An

My Son Temple

Ancient temples dating back 1,000 years give a culture understanding into Vietnam’s past all while showing the scars of the war.

Book an early morning  tour of My Son

For more information on specific things to do in the top places to visit in Vietnam, reference our following city travel guides: 

Ho Chi Minh City:

*  Ho Chi Minh City Itinerary *  Day Trips from Ho Chi Minh City

*  Hanoi Itinerary * Day Trips From Hanoi

Dalat Hoi An

Da Nang Hue Ninh Binh



We’ve put together a few Vietnam itineraries that are sure to leave you wanting for nothing at the end of your visit. 

There are so many amazing things to do in Vietnam that planning an itinerary for your travel can be a little overwhelming. 

Even though the country is one united nation, you can think of it geographically as being divided into a northern and southern region.

So depending on how much time you have, you may want to explore the northern region, southern region or the entire country.

Of course, no one-size-fits-all plan will suffice. But if we were to head back to Vietnam these are the top places and things that we would want to do! 

1-Week Vietnam Travel Itinerary Highlights

Most people spend at least a month went hey travel to Vietnam. But if you had just one week, or were willing to split a few weeks between the northern and southern regions, this is how we’d spend our time! 

Northern Vietnam

  • Fly into Hanoi
  • 2 nights – Hanoi
  • 2 nights –  Halong Bay or Bai Tu Long Bay
  • 2 nights  – Sapa
  • Alternative to Sapa  –  2 night in Hue
  • Fly out of Hanoi

Central Vietnam

  • Fly into Hanoi or HCMC. Get a local flight down to Dong Hoi
  • 3 nights  – Phong Nha
  • 2 nights  – Hue
  • 2-3  nights  – Hoi An
  • Fly out of Da Nang to either Hanoi or HCMC to leave

South Vietnam

  • Fly into Ho Chi Minh City
  • 2 nights  – Ho Chi Minh City
  • 2 nights –  Mekong Delta
  • 2 nights –  Dalat
  • 1 night –  Mui Ne
  • Fly out of Ho Chi Minh City

READ MORE: Check out this post for more details on our  Vietnam travel itinerary . 

Hoi An Streets


Best time to visit vietnam.

The best time to travel to Vietnam really depends on what you are looking for in terms of weather, scenery and budget.

Peak season occurs from mid-December through to February. But expect prices to double during this time. The low season is perfect for those on a budget.

  • Low Season –  April to June, September to November
  • Shoulder Season –  December to March
  • High Season –  July & August

Northern Vietnam  –  The best months to travel Northern Vietnam are April to May or September to October. There are mostly sunny days and the rain has stopped.

The weather gets really cold from December to March and is not suited for hiking or sailing a junk boat in Halong Bay that time of year.

Central Vietnam –  The best months for travel to Central Vietnam are January to June. There are heavy rains in October and November and the really hot months are from May to August.

Southern Vietnam  –  The best months to explore Southern Vietnam are January to April where conditions are beautiful.

You really can travel the south at any time of the year. Just note that from May to November there are afternoon downpours.

Things To Do In Hanoi


Vietnam is a cheap country to travel if you want it to be, this all depends on what your budget is like. Our advice is always over-budget when making plans, and if you come home with money, it can go towards your next trip. All prices below are in USD per day.

Budgeting Tips

To make your money go further here are a few tips: 

  • Eat street food as often as possible. You can usually fill up for $1-2USD.
  • Travel in groups when possible. Staying in hostels will lead to making friends. And with friends, you can split transportation costs and barter on other expenses.
  • Negotiate taxi fares before taking the ride. Vietnamese taxi drivers are notorious for flexible fares that tend to fall int heir favor. Don’t be afraid of a little negotiation.
  • Drink  bia hoi . Sure it’s not the more delightful beer. But it is shipped in fresh each day, it’s cheap and it’s what the local drink.
  • Take in the sights for free. Do a little research and walk the streets on your own. You’ll also find there are a number of free tours and other opportunities if you ask around.
  • Sleep on overnight busses for longer trips. Combine the transportation and accommodation line items of your budget and save a few dollars.

But there are a few things you should know about the different budgets at which you can choose to travel.

Note: Budgets shown as Single Traveller / Couples per day. 

Budget Traveller ($35 Single / $50 Couples)

If you are on a backpacker budget and planning on staying in dorm rooms, getting street food, drinking a few nights of the week, I would budget for about $35 a day.

A single hostel bed can be $5-$8 per person. A budget basic private room is $15-$20. A street food meal can be $1-$2. A bottle of beer is about $1- $1.50 and a  bia hoi  is $0.20 per cup. This is not the nicest beer. But it is passable and you get to make new friends when drinking it.

Walking or taking public transport will keep your budget down. There are many free things to do, you just need to think outside the box.

Mid-Range Traveller ($100 Single / $120 Couple)

If you have a little more cash in your budget your travels in Vietnam will become a lot more comfortable.

A nicer hotel is definitely affordable.

There are restaurants where you will pay more than the street food price. But the food is definitely of nicer quality (most of the time). The local beer can get a little too much sometimes so you will be able to enjoy an international beer or wine.

For the attractions you are most interested in, get a guide and learn more about the history of the country. You’ll be able to commit much more of your budget to do things rather than cutting corners just to stay alive.

Luxury Traveller ($90+ Single / $120+ Couple)

You don’t have to have that much more to enjoy a luxury trip to Vietnam. With a few more dollars in your budget, a nicer hotel is definitely affordable. Eat and drink anything you would like at virtually any restaurant.

You can hire transportation without having to haggle. And you can pretty much do any tour you would like to do when visiting any part of Vietnam.

Steaming Grain Best Compact Travel Camera


Entry requirements.

Most travellers are required to have visas when travelling to Vietnam, which can typically be arranged upon arrival. You are typically allowed to stay for 3 – 6 months, depending on nationality.

For information about your specific visa requirements click  here

Additionally, Vietnam has introduced an electronic visa (e-visa), which costs $25 USD and is granted for single entry visits for up to 30 days.

You no longer will have to apply through an agent to get an invitation letter or queue at the airport immigration for hours waiting to receive your visa upon arrival.

Apply in advance  here .

Once you are approved, all you need to do is print the visa out and present it on entry to Vietnam. Don’t lose this e- visa print out as you will need this during your travels in Vietnam.

Hotels will ask for it on check-in at the accommodation and travel agents may ask for it if you are booking flights.

Also, print out your  travel insurance  as well. Immigration will ask for this also as they want to know you are covered if you fall ill or get injured during your stay.

Japanese Bridge In Hoi An

Getting to Vietnam

There are a number of different ways to travel to Vietnam, depending on where you are coming from and how you like to get around with transport.

There are a lot of different airlines that fly to Vietnam from all over the world. There are two major international airports in Vietnam: Tan Son Nhat Airport (SGN) in Ho Chi Minh City in the south and Noi Bai Airpot (HAN) in Hanoi in the north.

Direct flights to Vietnam from Australia, Europe and North America are still limited, but it is improving. You will most likely have to book a flight with a stopover in either Hong Kong, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul or Singapore.

There are many domestic airports scattered among the country. Vietnam Airlines is Vietnam’s national carrier. We have flown with them several times and they are amazing.

You can cross into Vietnam by train from China, all the way from Beijing to Ping Xian. This is the Dong Dang Crossing which is 160km from Hanoi.

After you have crossed the border hop on a train to Hanoi. Don’t buy the direct ticket from Beijing to Hanoi. It works out cheaper to buy your ticket from Beijing to Ping Xian then cross the border and purchase another ticket from Dong Dang to Hanoi.

If you do the train trip from Beijing through to Hanoi, it will take 36 hours so it is best to book a sleeper. Make sure you have your visa organised before getting to the border.

You can bring your own food and drinks for the train or purchase them from the cafeteria on board. There are squat toilets on board and areas to store your luggage.

You can get to Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City through either the Cambodia, Laos or China borders. There is a route from Vientiane (Laos) to Hanoi, and one from Siem Reap or Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh City.

Most travel agents in Vientiane, Siem Reap or Phnom Penh will sell the tickets or at your accommodation. You can also get a minivan from Guangzhou through to Hanoi.

Make sure you have your visa ready. The border crossings by land may not be set up as well as others.

If you want to book any of your bus trips online rather than trying to deal with travel agencies in the country, you can do so on the popular website  Bookaway .

Man In Rickshaw

Getting Around Vietnam

Getting around Vietnam is surprisingly easy. Public transport goes everywhere, and there are plenty of moto-taxis that are happy to take you to the places that public transport won’t reach.

Travelling by Air

The fastest way to get around the country, of course, is by air. There are many domestic airports all over the country and you can fly in from major cities.

You can get cheap flights within the country through VietJet Air and Vietnam Airlines. For the best deals head directly on the airline’s website.

Travelling by Taxi, Tuk Tuk Or Mototaxi

When you are in the cities and town catching a taxi, tuk-tuk or moto-taxi can be the best way to get around. For taxi companies, look for the biggest and most reputable companies as you can be ripped off.

For the tuk-tuks, ask your accommodation the average price to your destination so you can agree on a price with the driver.

We recommend Uber and Grab (car or motorbike) which you can use an app and get the price.

Travelling by Bus

It is possible and advisable to travel by bus throughout Vietnam. Busses inside of cities can be complicated and should be a last resort.

However, when travelling long distances in Vietnam busses are a great option. This is especially true if you take night busses and sleep during the ride.

Travelling by Motorbike

We think travelling by motorbike is the best way to see Vietnam if you have the time. Buy your own motorbike and ride the length of the country. Or you can choose one area and explore Northern Vietnam or South Vietnam.

Here’s our post to help guide you on  how to buy a motorbike in Vietnam .

Travelling by Train

Taking the train is a great way to get around the country. They are great for overnight journeys as the trains have bed cabins.

In Vietnam, there are many places with roadwork that can last for years. So trains can be the best way to go.

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We know you’ll absolutely love travelling in Vietnam. But technology has made it easier, more affordable and safer to travel than ever.

Here are a few apps we think you should definitely acquaint yourself with prior to your travels:

Grab  – Use this app to catch a ride from any metro area in Vietnam.

XE Currency  – Transfer, monitor and calculate currency as the need arises. This app may not be totally necessary as you are typically tied into rates the banks charge for services. But it is handy to have around. 

Express VPN  – This will protect your sensitive information wherever you travel – not just in [Country]. Be sure to have this to keep your online information secure as you travel. 

iTranslate  – Even if you don’t know more than a handful of Vietnamese words, iTranslate will help you communicate as you travel in Vietnam. 

WiFi Finder  – With this app, you no longer have to guess whether the next place on your itinerary has WiFi or scramble across town looking for hot spots.

Market Be Your Own Travel Concierge


When you travel to a foreign country one of the new and most exciting things you will experience is the food. There are so many amazing food choices in Vietnam, and Vietnamese food is delicious.

Here are a few of our favourites.

Goi Cuon:  This is a rice paper packed with greens, coriander and various combinations of minced or shredded pork, shrimp or crab. It will be served with a sweet and sour sauce or a delicious homemade peanut sauce.

Sometimes to make the experience even better, you get to hand roll them yourself. This was our favourite dish.

Banh Mi:  With this one, it will be different in every corner of Vietnam. This is a baguette sandwich that is filled with meat, greens, pata, pickled vegetables, soy sauce, cilantro and sometimes an omelet.

The meat filling will be roasted pork belly, grilled pork loin, barbecue pork, boiled chicken, or a fried egg.

Pho (pronounced ‘fur’):  This flat rice noodle soup is either light beef or chicken broth flavoured with coriander and ginger with spring onions and bits of meat (chicken, pork or beef).

It is a dish you can have any time of the day and is delicious, but it can be hit and miss in some places. If you have an average one, please do try it again. We ate pho a lot for breakfast and never got sick of it.

Bun Cha:  This is a Hanoi specialty and it is deliciously addictive. Bun Cha is served with grilled fatty pork over a plate of white rice noodles. It will be served with a sauce.

It will all be served separately and you combined everything together. You can ask for some little fried spring rolls on top too. It is so delicious!

Coa Lau:  Hoi An is the best (and only authentic) place to try this one. as the noodles are made using water from a special well in town.

It is chewy rice flour noodles with Chinese barbecue pork, bean sprouts, croutons and fresh herbs in a delicious pork-based gravy.

Bun Cha Hanoi


There are accommodation options for all budgets in Vietnam. You can stay in a shared dorm for $5 USD per night, or a luxury hotel for over $300 USD.

The accommodation standards can vary in each destination.

For example, we got a really nice hotel in the middle of nowhere when we were on our bike for $12 a night. But we would not find a place like this in Hanoi, Hoi An, HCMC or Hue for less than $25.

NOTE –  In Vietnam, the accommodation will keep your passport for the duration of your stay. This is to do with the government. Officials will randomly come around and check hotels and hostels.

If they do not have the ID or passport of every person staying there, the accommodation will be fined. The accommodation will keep your passport in a safe. If you are unsure just ask, “do you lock my passport up?”

Types of Accommodations

Vietnam is wildly popular among backpackers. Because the costs are generally incredibly low, budget travellers flock to the country.

This means that there are lots of great hostel options when looking for accommodations in Vietnam.

Whether you are busy spending all your time exploring and are just looking for a cheap place to crash for the night or want to make friends along the way, you will find most of what you are looking for in a variety of hostels throughout Vietnam.

Because costs are generally lower in Vietnam than in most parts of the world your quality of life can go up quite a bit when you travel to Vietnam.

One way you can upgrade your travel experience is by booking rooms in hotels instead of beds in hostels. For a few dollars more you’ll get vastly more space and privacy.

In some towns and villages, hotels are your only option.

But generally, these are very reasonably priced. You can expect to spend USD$20-30 for a decent hotel room in most cities, towns and villages across Vietnam.

Another good option in recent years is AirBnB, and there are more and more amazing places popping up to stay in Vietnam for very affordable prices every day.

As is typical in many destinations where Airbnb accommodations are available, you’ll likely find great value and a little more personal space with an Airbnb stay. 

If you’re looking for an awesome place to stay, we personally love using Airbnb. If you’ve never used the platform before,  sign up using this link to get USD$35 off your first booking .

Our Favorite Places to Stay in Vietnam

We travelled from the south to the north and stayed in many different places. Here are a few accommodation options we highly recommend.

Temple Hoi An


The Vietnamese people are friendly, welcoming and hospitable towards travellers. It is a great destination to travel to in Southeast Asia.

The people are very respectful and would like the same back from you. Here are a few things that you should know before going to Vietnam.


While we have  many basic travel tips  we suggest you use when travelling to Vietnam, there are also plenty of Vietnam-specific tips that will make your visit the best it can be. 

Here are a few we recommend you consider as you plan your trip to visit Vietnam: 

Please show respect to their religious beliefs and their cultures . You are travelling to someone else’s country. They have different religious beliefs and cultures in your home. Please respect them.

Watch your belongings.  Vietnam is a safe country but unfortunately, there still is petty theft. Whether you are at a restaurant or on a bus always watch your belongings.

Beware of the counterfeit tour agencies . Unfortunately, there are plenty of these around, especially in the main tourist areas. Book through the main owner or operator or any of  these tours that we recommend .

Do not drink the tap water.  The locals don’t even drink the water. There is bottled water available everywhere. Popular tourist restaurants will usually have on their menu that they wash their salad and veggies in sterilised water and make tea, coffee and soup from that too.

Carry toilet paper everywhere . There are toilets available in restaurants or in public but there may not be toilet paper. Most of the time you have to pay for the public toilet and they may give you some toilet paper, but don’t count on it. Always have your stash.

Toilet paper goes in the bin . DO NOT put the toilet paper in the toilet. Please put it into the bin provided. Vietnam’s sewerage systems are not built for much more than human waste so toilet paper and other items will just clog up your toilet.

Embrace the “bum gun “. Next to every toilet in Vietnam, there is a water hose. This is not to wash down the floor. This is to clean yourself up after you do your business. Don’t be disgusted by this. Embrace it.

Vietnam is bigger than you think . This country is huge and many people underestimate it. Vietnam is about 1,650 kilometres long from north to south. The distance on buses and trains is long so be prepared.

Take note of the Vietnamese money . It will be a new currency for you so do take a look at it before you go out spending. There are more zeros in it than you might be used to (1USD = 23,000 Dong)

Always take photos when you rent a scooter . Renting a scooter in Vietnam is something everyone does. It is a great way to get around and see all the attractions. But where you rent it from can get you into trouble. Whenever you rent a scooter take photos of the bike or else might end up with a crazy expensive bill.

Always wear a helmet. Always . Please wear a helmet. The roads are crazier here than they are in your country. The rules are different and road conditions are not the best. A quality helmet could save your life in an accident.

Make sure you have travel insurance . We tell people who are going travelling, “if you can’t afford travel insurance, you can’t afford to travel.” You do not know what is going to happen while you are away and knowing you are covered will put your mind at ease.

Be confident when crossing the road . The roads in Vietnam are crazy. Crossing the road can be daunting but you need to be confident. Do not walk backward or hesitate. Walk slowly and watch the traffic coming towards you. They will all move around you.

Take your shoes off before entering a temple or a person’s home . It is a custom that stems back to ancient times and a big part comes back to cleanliness. The ground is used for chatting, dining and even sleeping.

Cover your shoulders and knees when entering a temple . This is common in most religious sites. There are always signs suggesting visitors dress ‘appropriately.’ Shoulders and knees should be covered. If it is a hot day and a t-shirt is too sticky, carry a scarf for when you visit to cover your shoulders.

Keep a low profile . Do not be loud, raise your voice in aggression or show off. Do not show dramatic affection publicly like kissing. Save it for the hotel room

Ask for permission before taking a photo of someone . This is polite and ensures you are not intruding on them. The people are not there for your entertainment. If they say no, smile and thank them anyway.

Do not take photos of anything to do with the government or military.  This is a big NO in any country and can end up with you in jail.

Do not touch someone on the head . The head is the most important part of the body. Touching someone’s head who you don’t know is like saying you are more important than they are.

Place your chopsticks across the top of the bowl when finished . Don’t have your chopsticks hanging out of the bowl, and don’t point them at anyone when they are resting on the plate.

Riding Northern Vietnam


We always travel with a  core packing list  wherever we go. And when it comes to Vietnam, many factors will affect what else you need to bring along with you. 

Check out our  travel essentials  and be sure to add any of the other additional items listed below. 

Important Note!  Before you book any international trip, we honestly recommend getting travel insurance. You never know when things will go wrong, and medical bills can add up quickly if you get sick or injure yourself overseas.

Our personal recommendation based on our own experience is  World Nomads .


Which countries or regions are you traveling to, what’s your country of residence, enter traveler’s age, staying safe in vietnam.

Vietnam is extremely safe, apart from the one major danger which is the roads. They are crazy, even more so if you try to ride 10’000km around the country on motorbikes as we did!

Aside from that, common sense will keep you safe.

Here are a few reminders of what common sense when travelling in Vietnam means:

As you saw above, Vietnam is extremely safe. We did not feel unsafe once in the 7 months we were there (excluding the roads).

This doesn’t mean you can completely let your guard down though, and petty theft does happen in this country, although it’s not common.

Some tips for protecting your things:

In other words, use common sense and you’ll be fine.

Band Playing In Street Hanoi


Staying connected with friends and family (and work) when travelling in Vietnam is important. But if you don’t know how to connect you can find yourself greatly inconvenienced or spending too much money.

We feel like your money will go a lot further if you consider a few options. 

Purchase a SIM Card

Picking up a SIM card has become the quickest and typically most affordable way to stay connected in Vietnam or any country for that matter.

If you have an unlocked phone you can use a 4G SIM card to connect to the cellular networks in Vietnam. From there you can cast a hot spot if you need to crank out some work on your computer or want to connect a tablet.

This 3G/4G SIM card  is a great and affordable option for a SIM card if you are flying into Vietnam.

Rent a Portable WiFi Device

Alternatively to a SIM card, particularly if you don’t have an unlocked phone, you can rent a portable WiFi device during your travel to Vietnam.

This device  will be delivered to you when you arrive in Vietnam and will provide 4G service for less than USD$5 per day.

You’ll be able to connect anywhere you can find service across the country, which will be most of the places you are likely to travel in Vietnam.

Access Free WiFI

Free is always best, if it is convenient. And there are plenty of places throughout Vietnam that will provide free WiFi in public spaces or at restaurants, cafes and hostels and hotels.

We recommend using the  WiFi Finder  app, which will help you locate WiFi anywhere you travel in Vietnam.

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We absolutely love Vietnam. And we love the idea that it will remain a beautiful and friendly place for travellers for years to come.

Here are a few tips specific to travel to Vietnam that will promote sustainable tourism in the country:

Use your own energy to get around.  Walk or cycle through town as much as possible. Taking a cyclo-taxi is a close alternative if you don’t have the energy to propel yourself through the city. But this reduces the impact of taxis, busses and other forms of automotive transportation.

Mind your plastic . Plastic is everywhere in Vietnam. But using your own reusable bag for groceries and other shopping, carrying a reusable water bottle and having your own straw are just 3 of the many simple ways you can reduce the amount of plastic you use.

Shop local . Visiting the markets will be one of your top experiences when travelling to Vietnam. Support local vendors as often as possible, including in taking tours when available.

Be mindful of wildlife . Wildlife in the wild is great. But be mindful not to provoke, feed or otherwise molest wildlife. And never purchase any item made of or involving rare or endangered species.

Attempt to communicate in Vietnamese . You’re probably not going to be fluent as soon as you arrive in the country. But knowing a few phrases and doing your best to communicate with locals will show respect and earn trust and make your experience richer.


You don’t have to be fluent in Vietnamese to have a great time when you travel to Vietnam. But it does help to know a few key phrases.

This will not only assist you in your travels but it will also show respect to the local Vietnamese people that you are doing your best to assimilate into their culture. 


Maybe you already know everything about Vietnam. Chances are you don’t!

But even if you are well-read, here are a few suggestions that might be worth your time while you’re on the plane to Vietnam. 

The Quiet American  (Graham Greene) – Originally published in 1956 and adapted for film twice, this story by Greene became an instant classic. Greene fictionalizes life in 1950s Vietnam as told by a British correspondent trying to understand the roots of the rising conflict set to occur.

At Home In The World  (Thich Nhat Hanh) – World renown Vietnamese monk, Hanh reflects on lessons and stories in life from the Buddhist perspective.

Vietnam: Rising Dragon  (Bill Hayton) – A piece of nonfiction that looks back on the Vietnam of old and attempts to projects its place in the future of Southeast Asia.

The Sympathizer  (Viet Thanh Nguyen) – The Pulitzer Prize-winning book, allegedly influenced by  The Quiet American , is told through the eyes of a double-agent during the Vietnam War who struggles to understand the minds and hearts of men engaged in war.

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Table of Contents

Read our vietnam posts, 20 amazing things to do in hoi an, vietnam (2024 guide), 14 incredible things to do in dalat, vietnam (2024 guide), the perfect 3 days in hanoi itinerary [2024 guide], 25 amazing things to do in hanoi, vietnam (2024 guide), the perfect 3 days in ho chi minh city itinerary [2024], the 8 best day trips from ho chi minh city (2024 guide), caves, zip lines and deep mud in phong nha, ganh da dia – vietnam’s own ‘giant’s causeway’, ba be national park – the lake, trekking and happy water, motorbiking the road from dalat to nha trang in vietnam, riding sea to sky: hue to hoi an by motorbike, getting a chinese visa in hanoi, vietnam.

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  • Nine Best Books About Vietnam

Check Out the Nine Best Books About Vietnam

Learn more about Vietnams history through its captivating literature

While travel to your dream destination isn’t an option at the moment, what better way to explore a country than through its literature? Vietnam has a rich and varied past, with so much more to discover than simply the war. So while you’re spending a bit more time inside than usual, try one of these books for more on Vietnam’s history.

Ask your local bookseller to recommend a book on Vietnam and no doubt, the majority will focus on “the American War” (as it’s called here). The conflict is an integral part of the country’s recent history of course, but people prefer not to dwell on the past. That fact is best discovered in books that delve deep into the fascinating country; they might touch on the war or use it as a frame of reference, but their pages are devoted to a country they love.

“Dumb Luck”, by Vu Trong Phung

First published in 1936 at the height of French colonialism, the satirical Dumb Luck might feel dated today, but at the time it was a damning indictment of foreign oppression and Vietnamese bureaucracy, so much so that the book was often banned through to 1986.

Set in Hanoi and following the farcical rise of a common drifter mistaken for a genius, the book follows his incredible ascent from the city’s filthy streets to its extravagant mansions, showcasing the shallowness of the then-unstable society. A snappy read that anticipates such future capitalistic parodies as Jerzy Kosinski’s Being There (1970).

“Dumb Luck”, by Vu Trong Phung

“A Dragon Apparent”, by Norman Lewis

At a time when its unknown exoticism kept many at bay, travel writer Norman Lewis journeyed deep into Southeast Asia . One of the first 20th century Westerners to write about his travels, he documented his insights and adventures in A Dragon Apparent (1951). Exploring not only Vietnam, but neighbouring countries Cambodia and Laos too, the book balances Lewis’ experiences with both French colonialists and the locals, presenting a rare glimpse into the culture clashes and grievances between the two. The book was a huge inspiration for novelist Graham Greene, leading him to live in and write about Vietnam.

“A Dragon Apparent”, by Norman Lewis

“The Quiet American”, by Graham Greene

Graham Greene ’s renowned 1955 novel is often considered, by foreigners at least, to be the preeminent Vietnam book; a love triangle surface story that prophetically showcases the post-WWII dynamics of the country and how it faced challenges from both French colonialists and “quiet” American interlopers. Concise and beautifully written, the lead British journalist’s narrative voice was highly autobiographical. Greene lived in Saigon for years and was said to have written most of the book at the still-standing Hotel Continental.

“The Quiet American”, by Graham Greene

“Paradise of the Blind”, by Duong Thu Huong

The post-war struggle among the Vietnamese wasn’t simply a case of peace among communism, and corruption ran rampant. That’s charted in a loose trilogy by the controversial author Duong Thu Huong, whose books were banned for decades and she was jailed for years. Paradise of the Blind (1988) is her most famous, showcasing the country’s communism through the perspective of three Viet women as they balance corruption against their own subservient roles. While far from an outright appeal to capitalism, it nonetheless does shine a light on the foolishness of conflicts over belief systems.

people cheering on a mountain

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“The Sympathizer”, by Viet Thanh Nguyen

We’re cheating a bit here, since The Sympathizer (2015) is in fact, somewhat about the war, opening as it does with the Fall of Saigon and tracing its protagonist’s arc through his escape to the US and beyond. But the Pulitzer Prize -winning novel is so evocative, so full of insight and intrigue, that it’s impossible not to include. And while the war sets the backdrop, it’s the main character’s double-agent machinations that really make up the bulk of the book, like a beautiful hybrid of John le Carré and Ralph Ellison.

“The Sympathizer”, by Viet Thanh Nguyen

“Catfish and Mandala”, by Andrew X. Pham

The struggle of the “Viet Kieu” – those young Vietnamese who escaped with their parents during the war and started returning in the 1990s to an ethnic home they found unfamiliar – is charted in this endearing travelogue. Pham grew up as a refugee in California and returned to his home country to travel its length by bicycle. In Catfish and Mandala (1999), his journalistic experiences of being treated like an outsider are intercut with vague recollections of early life during the war. Raw and enlightening, it paved the way for numerous other Viet Kieus to share their cross-cultural insights.

“Catfish and Mandala”, by Andrew X. Pham

“Eating Viet Nam: Dispatches from a Blue Plastic Table”, by Graham Holliday

We’re getting into non-fiction territory here, with possibly the best exploration of Vietnam’s fascinating culinary culture, featuring arguably the best street food in the world. Holliday moved here in the early 2000s, long before many a foodie foreigner discovered its thrills, and was immediately taken by its culinary world. He journeyed north to south in search of everything fresh and delicious, documenting his travels in a blog. His online dispatches were soon discovered and collected by none other than Anthony Bourdain, who also provides an engaging introduction to Eating Viet Nam (2015).

“Ticket to Childhood”, by Nguyen Nhat Anh

Ticket to Childhood (2014) was a sensation when it was initially released in Vietnam, and it makes sense, considering half the country is under 35. Framed from the perspective of an eight-year-old and written in a simplistic style that anyone in that age group can understand, it recalls French classic The Little Prince (1943). With an endearing contrast between the innocence of youth and the often-illogical world of adults, its instant-classic status cemented the idea that Vietnam had come far from being defined solely by the war.

“Ticket to Childhood”, by Nguyen Nhat Anh

“Vietnam: Rising Dragon”, by Bill Hayton

Vietnam: Rising Dragon (2010) is a rarity; the first book to present a political, economic and cultural modern history of the country in a comprehensible style. Hayton’s years as a BBC reporter means he brings an easy-to-absorb journalistic approach to the book, delving deep into the country, outlining Vietnam’s clear-cut ambitions to be the next major Asian powerhouse. Fascinating and eye-opening, this should be the first port-of-call for cultural history geeks.

“Vietnam: Rising Dragon”, by Bill Hayton

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Classic Travel Books

Best Books About Vietnam: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Conflict and Culture

Table of Contents

Delving into the rich tapestry of Vietnam’s past and present, literature offers a compelling lens to view the complexities of its history, culture, and the indelible impact of war. Essential reading for those seeking to grasp the nuances of this vibrant nation includes works by authors such as Bao Ninh and Viet Thanh Nguyen, who provide invaluable perspectives on their homeland’s turbulent times. A rumor of war echoes through many narratives, capturing the haunting experiences of those who lived through the conflict.

Vietnam’s literary world is a mosaic of personal memoirs, historical texts, and novels that whisk you away to the streets of Hanoi or the jungles where battles raged. They explore the human condition against the backdrop of war and peace, revolution, and reconciliation. Whether you’re a history buff, a literary aficionado, or someone drawn to the human stories behind geopolitical shifts, these books will enrich your knowledge and stir your emotions. They’re not just books; they’re portals to a Vietnam that once was and to the nation it has become. Each page turned is a step closer to understanding the enduring spirit of a country that has captivated the hearts of readers around the globe. Discover the best books about vietnam in this short guide.

Definitive Historical Overviews

Understanding Vietnam’s past requires a comprehensive look at the events that shaped its history. The authors offer a meticulous examination of the conflict that continues to influence contemporary society.

1. “The Vietnam War” by Geoffrey Ward and Kenneth Burns

travel books vietnam

Renowned documentarians Geoffrey Ward and Ken Burns have masterfully translated their visual storytelling into a compelling written narrative with “The Vietnam War.” This work is essential for anyone looking to gain a full understanding of the war’s scale and its profound effects on all parties involved, particularly the Vietnamese soldiers whose stories are often overshadowed.

Insights from Award-Winning Documentarians

The partnership of Geoffrey Ward and Ken Burns, notable for their poignant documentaries, extends into the literary realm with their authoritative book “The Vietnam War.” Their ability to elucidate complex historical events through the lens of human experience makes their work a cornerstone for comprehending the war.

With a narrative that is as engaging as it is informative, the book draws on a wealth of research and firsthand accounts, underscoring the significance of individual stories within the larger historical context. Readers will find themselves immersed in the vivid recounting of battles, politics, and personal sagas that define the Vietnam War.

2. “A Bright Shining Lie” by Neil Sheehan

travel books vietnam

Neil Sheehan’s “A Bright Shining Lie” illuminates the Vietnam War’s intricacies with the precision of a seasoned journalist. This magnum opus, honored with both the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award, offers a profound analysis of American involvement in Vietnam from a critical insider’s perspective.

A Deep Dive into the American Experience in Vietnam

Sheehan’s meticulous research and compelling prose invite readers to explore the depths of the American experience in Vietnam. His narrative, rich with detail and analysis, provides a window into the complexities and contradictions of the war. Ken Burns’s own works may offer visual impact, but Sheehan’s text delivers a punch all its own, driving home the realities faced by those who served.

The book’s portrayal of the conflict, seen through the eyes of those who lived it, makes for an engrossing read that resonates with authenticity. It is an essential piece of literature that captures the essence of a pivotal moment in history and its enduring legacy on American society.

3. “The Best and the Brightest” by David Halberstam

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“The Best and the Brightest” by David Halberstam stands as a seminal work, dissecting the political and military strategies that led the United States into the quagmire of the Vietnam War. This insightful analysis is a must-read for those wishing to understand the decisions that shaped the course of history.

Understanding the Political Decisions Behind the War

David Halberstam’s “The Best and the Brightest” delves into the political machinations and intellectual hubris that drew the United States deeper into the Vietnam conflict. The author’s sharp critique of American policy-making provides a sobering lesson on the perils of power and the importance of humility in leadership.

Halberstam’s work is complemented by other critical texts such as “Fire in the Lake” by Frances FitzGerald, which examines the cultural misunderstandings between the Vietnamese and the Americans in Vietnam. The best Vietnam War books, including Karl Marlantes’s own reflections, offer a tapestry of insights that illuminate the Indochina War’s enduring impact.

Personal Accounts and Memoirs

Among the best books on Vietnam, personal accounts and memoirs offer an intimate glimpse into the lives of those directly affected by the war. These stories convey the raw emotions and harsh realities of combat, survival, and the quest for peace, providing readers with a human connection to historical events.

4. “The Sorrow of War” by Bao Ninh

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Bao Ninh’s “The Sorrow of War” emerges as a haunting narrative that captures the somber reflections of a North Vietnamese soldier. Its piercing portrayal of conflict and its aftermath has earned it a place among the most poignant Vietnam War literature.

A North Vietnamese Soldier’s Perspective

“The Sorrow of War” transcends the traditional war narrative by offering a deeply personal account of Bao Ninh’s experiences. This novel, with its lyrical prose and emotional depth, reveals the inner turmoil and devastation wrought by the war, resonating with readers across the globe. Its significance is further cemented by its reception of the Pulitzer Prize, an honor that highlights the work’s universal impact.

The authenticity of Ninh’s storytelling provides a compelling contrast to the often dominant American narratives of the war. His book is not just a memoir but a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable adversity and loss.

5. “A Rumor of War” by Philip Caputo

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Philip Caputo’s “A Rumor of War” is a seminal memoir that captures the visceral experience of an American Marine during the early stages of the Vietnam War. It stands as a raw and unflinching account of the chaos and complexity of combat.

A Marine’s Firsthand Experience

“A Rumor of War” delves into the gritty realities of life on the battlefield, presenting a narrative that is both harrowing and reflective. Caputo’s candid portrayal of his journey through the jungles of Vietnam and the moral quandaries he faced is a powerful contribution to the canon of war literature.

The book’s impact is heightened by its ability to convey the intensity and ambiguity of war, making it a crucial piece for anyone seeking to understand the firsthand experiences of American soldiers. Caputo’s vivid recollections serve as a poignant reminder of the personal costs of conflict.

6. “When Heaven and Earth Changed Places” by Le Ly Hayslip and Jay Wurts

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Le Ly Hayslip’s memoir “When Heaven and Earth Changed Places” stands as a moving chronicle of endurance and transformation during one of history’s most tumultuous periods. It is a story that bridges cultures and speaks to the power of healing.

A Powerful Story of Survival and Reconciliation

In “When Heaven and Earth Changed Places,” Le Ly Hayslip recounts her incredible life story, from the traumas of war to the triumphs of peace. Her narrative is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the possibility of reconciliation after profound suffering.

With a voice that is both poignant and inspiring, Hayslip’s account joins the ranks of essential Vietnam War literature, complementing works like Tim O’Brien’s, which explore the psychological landscapes of war. Her memoir is not only a personal history but also a beacon of hope for future generations.

Combat Narratives and Soldier’s Stories

The visceral experiences of those in the thick of the Vietnam conflict are brought to life in a selection of powerful narratives and memoirs. These books not only recount the harrowing realities of the combat zone but also offer a profound look at the personal stories of soldiers who fought in the war.

7. “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien

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Tim O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried” is not just a memoir but a groundbreaking work that blurs the lines between fact and fiction. These stories of the men in his platoon reveal the burdens they bore and the haunting memories that linger long after leaving the combat zone.

A Collection of Linked Short Stories

“The Things They Carried” is a poignant collection of linked short stories that delve into the lives of soldiers carrying the physical and emotional weight of war. With each tale, O’Brien weaves a tapestry of narratives that capture the complex realities of the Vietnam War, making it one of the best and brightest works in war literature. Through his vivid storytelling, readers are transported to the jungles and muddy fields where young men grapple with fear, courage, and survival.

More than just a series of war stories, O’Brien’s book challenges readers to consider the nature of truth and memory. The interwoven tales reveal how the same event can be experienced differently by those who lived it, underscoring the elusive nature of war’s truth. The author’s masterful writing brings the reader as close as possible to the experiences of soldiers without setting foot in a combat zone.

8. “Fields of Fire” by James Webb

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James Webb’s “Fields of Fire” offers an unflinching look at the lives of Marines during the Vietnam War. This novel stands as a testament to the bravery and complexity of the men who fought amidst chaos and uncertainty.

A Gritty Depiction of Marines in Vietnam

In “Fields of Fire,” James Webb captures the raw intensity of life within a Marine squad in the Vietnam combat zone. The book is notable for its gritty realism and the depth of character development, inviting readers to walk alongside the soldiers as they navigate the dangers and moral ambiguities of war. Webb’s own experiences as a decorated Marine lend authenticity to this powerful narrative, making it a compelling read for anyone seeking to understand the complexities of military life in Vietnam.

The novel also explores the bonds formed in the crucible of combat, the sacrifices made, and the impact of war on those who return home. Webb’s storytelling prowess immerses readers in the heat of battle, the pain of loss, and the struggle to retain humanity amid inhuman circumstances. “Fields of Fire” is a stark reminder of the cost of war and the valor of those who serve.

9. “Dispatches” by Michael Herr

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“Dispatches” by Michael Herr redefines war reporting with its visceral, firsthand account of the Vietnam War. Herr’s narrative brings the reader into the heart of the combat zone with a raw and gripping immediacy.

New Journalism Meets the Front Lines

Michael Herr’s “Dispatches” is a seminal work that combines the immersive techniques of New Journalism with the stark realities of the Vietnam combat zone. This groundbreaking account provides a visceral, unvarnished look at the day-to-day experiences of soldiers and correspondents alike. Herr’s vivid prose and narrative flair capture the chaos, fear, and surreal nature of the war, making it one of the essential reads for anyone seeking to understand the conflict at a deeply human level.

Through Herr’s eyes, readers witness the camaraderie and alienation, the adrenaline rush, and the numbing horror of combat. “Dispatches” stands as a testament to the power of storytelling in conveying the complexities of war, and its influence on the genre of war reporting cannot be overstated. Herr’s work remains a touchstone for those who seek to comprehend the incommunicable truths of life in a combat zone.

The Psychological Impact of War

Delving into the psychological aftermath of Vietnam, several authors provide harrowing insights into the enduring effects of war on the human psyche. Their accounts reveal the struggles faced by veterans and the best Vietnam War narratives that grapple with these deep emotional scars.

10. “365 Days” by Ronald J. Glasser

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In “365 Days,” Ronald J. Glasser offers a powerful doctor’s perspective on the Vietnam War, documenting the physical and psychological toll it took on the soldiers he treated.

A Doctor’s Account of the War’s Toll on Soldiers

Dr. Ronald J. Glasser’s “365 Days” is a heart-wrenching memoir that chronicles a year of treating wounded soldiers during the Vietnam War. Through Glasser’s eyes, readers gain insight into the devastating injuries and the mental anguish that soldiers endured. His compassionate storytelling brings to light the often-overlooked aspect of war—the long-term psychological impact on those who serve. The book serves as a sobering reminder of the harsh realities of combat and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

Not only does “365 Days” document the harrowing experiences of war, but it also provides an important historical account of the medical challenges faced in a combat zone. Glasser’s reflections on his time at a military hospital expose the emotional toll that caring for the wounded takes on medical professionals. His narrative is a crucial contribution to the body of literature examining the psychological effects of war on both the healers and the wounded.

11. “ We Were Soldiers Once…and Young ” by Lt General Ha Moore and Joseph Galloway

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“We Were Soldiers Once…and Young” is a gripping account by Lt General Ha Moore and Joseph Galloway that takes readers into the heart of one of the Vietnam War’s most pivotal battles.

A Battalion Commander’s Story

Lt General Ha Moore and Joseph Galloway’s “We Were Soldiers Once…and Young” presents a riveting battalion commander’s perspective of the Battle of the Ia Drang. Moore’s leadership and strategic insights, combined with Galloway’s journalistic prowess, create a narrative that is as educational as it is emotional. The book not only recounts the ferocity of combat but also honors the bravery and sacrifice of the soldiers who fought and fell. It stands as a poignant tribute to those who served and a critical examination of the leadership during one of the Vietnam War’s most intense engagements.

The memoir provides a raw and powerful depiction of the chaos and valor on the battlefield. Through meticulous research and interviews with survivors, Moore and Galloway offer a comprehensive account that captures the spirit of the soldiers and the harrowing experience of war. Their work remains one of the best Vietnam War narratives, giving voice to the courage and fortitude of the men of the 7th Cavalry.

Vietnamese Perspectives and Novels

The story of Vietnam is incomplete without the voices of its people. Vietnamese authors and novels provide a rich tapestry of experiences, offering a nuanced perspective on the war and its profound impact on Vietnam’s culture and history.

12. “The Sympathizer” by Viet Thanh Nguyen

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Viet Thanh Nguyen’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel “The Sympathizer” is a profound exploration of identity and betrayal in the aftermath of the Vietnam War. Nguyen’s novel transcends the boundaries of traditional spy thrillers, providing a meditation on the human cost of conflict and the nature of truth. 

A Tale of a Double Agent in the Aftermath of War

“The Sympathizer,” Viet Thanh Nguyen’s debut novel, is a searing narrative that delves into the complexities of allegiance and espionage during and after the Vietnam War. The novel’s protagonist, a communist double agent, navigates a life of duplicity, caught between conflicting loyalties and ideologies. Nguyen’s storytelling is both incisive and evocative, offering a unique perspective on the war and its legacy. The book’s critical acclaim, including the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, is a testament to its powerful portrayal of a rarely seen side of Vietnam’s history.

As the protagonist grapples with his conscience and his involvement in Vietnam, readers are invited to reflect on the moral ambiguities of war. “The Sympathizer” is a masterful work that challenges perceptions and sheds light on the inner struggles of those caught in the crossfire of history’s tumultuous events, making it one of the best Vietnam War narratives from a Vietnamese viewpoint.

13. “The Zenith: A Novel” by Duong Thu Huong

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In “The Zenith: A Novel,” Duong Thu Huong presents a poignant narrative set within the convoluted and oppressive political climate of Vietnam. The book, though not a recipient of the National Book Award, has garnered international acclaim for its raw depiction of the struggles faced by individuals caught in the crossfire of ideology.

Exploring the Human Cost of Ideological Commitment

Through the lens of a high-ranking revolutionary leader, “The Zenith” captures the internal conflicts and moral dilemmas of those in power. Readers witness the protagonist’s stark realization of the human cost as his utopian vision confronts the grim realities of governance and war. Huong’s storytelling is both intimate and expansive, painting a vivid picture of personal sacrifice in the name of political commitment.

The narrative is interwoven with personal stories that speak to the broader societal impact of the Vietnamese government’s policies. As characters navigate their lives through these turbulent times, Huong skillfully illustrates how ideological zeal can lead to disillusionment and tragedy, leaving an indelible mark on the human spirit.

14. “The Lover” by Marguerite Duras

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Marguerite Duras’s “The Lover” is an evocative exploration of an illicit affair between a young French girl and a wealthy Chinese man in colonial Vietnam. This semi-autobiographical novel delves deep into themes of love, desire, and the complex dynamics of power and race.

A Fictional Romance Set Against the Backdrop of Colonial Vietnam

The narrative weaves a haunting portrait of the protagonist’s family and their financial struggles, set against the backdrop of French colonialism. Duras’s prose is lyrical and sparse, capturing the intensity of the young girl’s emotional experience as well as the oppressive atmosphere of the time.

“The Lover” not only tells a story of passion but also offers a critique of the colonial system, showcasing how it shapes and distorts personal relationships. As the affair unfolds, readers are invited to contemplate how societal norms and colonial power imbalances impact the lives of individuals caught in their web.

The War’s Place in Literature and Myth

The Vietnam War has etched itself deeply into literary and mythological narratives, serving as a touchstone for exploring themes of conflict, morality, and the human condition. Its pervasive influence extends beyond historical accounts, infusing works of fiction and nonfiction with its complex legacy.

15. “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad

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While “Heart of Darkness” predates the Vietnam War, its exploration of the darkness within humanity and the corrupting nature of power resonates with the conflict. Joseph Conrad’s journey into the heart of the African Congo echoes the moral ambiguities and psychological strain experienced by many during the Vietnam era.

A Novel Echoing Themes Relevant to Vietnam

Conrad’s novel, with its profound insights into the depths of human depravity and the impact of imperialism, finds echoes in Vietnam’s own history of colonialism and war. The protagonist’s navigation through a treacherous landscape mirrors the physical and existential challenges faced by soldiers in Vietnam.

The themes of “Heart of Darkness,” including the clash of cultures, the futility of interventionism, and the illusion of civilization, are paralleled in the narratives that have emerged from the Vietnam War. This connection has been famously illustrated in the adaptation of the novel into the film “Apocalypse Now,” which transposes Conrad’s story onto the backdrop of the war-torn Vietnamese jungle.

16. “American Pastoral” by Philip Roth

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Philip Roth’s “American Pastoral” dissects the tumultuous era of the Vietnam War and its ripple effects on the American psyche through the lens of a seemingly perfect family that is ultimately torn apart by the conflict’s domestic repercussions.

The War’s Effect on the American Psyche

The novel offers a profound commentary on how the war infiltrated the American home, bringing with it a sense of disillusionment and a questioning of the national identity. Roth presents the story of a man whose life is upended as his daughter becomes radicalized by the antiwar movement, culminating in an act of protest that has tragic consequences.

“American Pastoral” intricately examines the war’s capacity to shatter the American Dream, depicting the struggle to maintain familial bonds and personal ideals amidst the chaos of societal upheaval. Roth’s work remains a powerful reminder of the deep and lasting impact the Vietnam War had on individuals far removed from the battlefields.

Reflecting on Strategy and Policy

The strategies and policies that shaped the Vietnam War continue to be a subject of intense analysis and debate. This reflection is crucial for understanding not only the conflict itself but also the broader implications for military and diplomatic endeavors in later years.

17. “Strategies of Containment” by John Lewis Gaddis

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In “Strategies of Containment,” John Lewis Gaddis provides a comprehensive examination of the Cold War policies that influenced American actions in Vietnam. The book particularly scrutinizes how the U.S. attempted to contain the spread of communism, a central concern that led to its involvement in Vietnam.

A Critical Analysis of Cold War Policies

Gaddis’s analysis delves into the complex interplay of military strategy and political ideology that characterized the Cold War era. He assesses the various approaches to containment adopted by successive U.S. administrations and how these strategies were implemented in the Vietnam context, with lasting consequences.

The work is a critical resource for understanding the thought processes and motivations underpinning the decisions that drove the U.S. deeper into the Vietnam conflict. Gaddis offers insights into the successes and failures of the containment policy, providing a framework for evaluating one of the best-known and most controversial aspects of the Vietnam War.

18. “Perils of Dominance” by Gareth Porter

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Gareth Porter’s “Perils of Dominance” challenges the conventional wisdom regarding the balance of power during the Vietnam War, emphasizing the role of American superiority in the escalation of the conflict.

Balancing Power in the Era of Vietnam

Porter argues that the overwhelming military might of the United States encouraged a false sense of security and led to aggressive policies that overlooked the complexities of Vietnam’s political landscape. This misperception of power dynamics had profound implications for the conduct and duration of the war.

By examining declassified documents and synthesizing diverse sources, “Perils of Dominance” presents a nuanced view of how dominance can distort judgment and decision-making. Porter’s analysis sheds light on the critical need for balance in international relations and the dangers of unchecked power, particularly in a conflict as intricate as Vietnam’s.

The Cultural and Spiritual Dimensions

Understanding Vietnam’s cultural and spiritual dimensions provides a richer context for the war and its enduring influence on Vietnamese society. These aspects offer insights into the resilience of the Vietnamese people and how they navigated the myriad challenges posed by the conflict.

Religion, particularly Buddhism, played a significant role in shaping the responses to the war within Vietnam. The cultural practices and spiritual beliefs of the Vietnamese offered both solace and a framework for resistance against the turmoil that engulfed their nation. The intersection of culture, spirituality, and war continues to be a fertile ground for exploration in literature and scholarship, reflecting the deep and complex identity of Vietnam.

The Legacy of Literature on Vietnam

The literature on Vietnam, particularly from the perspective of war veterans, serves as a poignant testament to the enduring scars of conflict. These narratives recount the tumultuous history and facilitate understanding and healing, bridging gaps between past and present, and between veterans and the society that sent them to war.

1. What are some must-read books about the Vietnam War? 

“The Vietnam War” by Geoffrey Ward and Kenneth Burns, and “A Bright Shining Lie” by Neil Sheehan are essential for anyone seeking to understand the conflict. They provide comprehensive historical overviews and personal accounts that are both informative and thought-provoking.

2. How has Vietnamese literature contributed to our understanding of the war?

Vietnamese literature, including war novels, offers a unique and deeply personal perspective on the conflict. Works like “The Sorrow of War” by Bao Ninh give voice to the Vietnamese experience, adding depth and nuance to the global narrative of the Vietnam War. These books allow the readers to experience the war from the perspective of both sides and understand the depth of it.

Conclusion on Best Books About Vietnam

As we reflect on the vast array of literature about Vietnam, we are reminded of the potent storytelling by authors like James Webb and pivotal political figures such as Robert McNamara. Their contributions, alongside countless others, have shaped our comprehension of Vietnam’s complex history and cultural fabric.

The legacy of the Vietnam War, as captured in literature, extends beyond mere historical record. It serves as a medium for healing, understanding, and remembrance. These works will continue to educate and move readers, ensuring that the lessons and experiences of the Vietnam War are not forgotten.

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I’m Matt, a British blogger who now calls Spain home. Although I’m not a full-time wanderluster, I managed to break free from a two-decade career in hotels and restaurants in the UK and the USA. My travels have taken me across Africa, Southeast Asia, and Oceania, eventually bringing me to Madrid. 

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Lonely Planet Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos & Northern Thailand (Travel Guide) Paperback – November 23, 2021

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Lonely Planet's Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos & Northern Thailand is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Visit Chiang Mai, the cultural capital of northern Thailand, discover a secret beach on Cambodia's Koh Rong, or loosen up in Ho Chi Minh City; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos & Northern Thailand and begin your journey now!

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About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 14 languages, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day.

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  • Print length 576 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Lonely Planet
  • Publication date November 23, 2021
  • Dimensions 5.1 x 0.88 x 7.7 inches
  • ISBN-10 1787017958
  • ISBN-13 978-1787017955
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  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Lonely Planet; 6th edition (November 23, 2021)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 576 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1787017958
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1787017955
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.1 x 0.88 x 7.7 inches
  • #1 in Vietnam Travel Guides
  • #2 in Southeast Asia Travel Guides
  • #6 in General Asia Travel Books

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South East Asia Uncovered

22 days | uncover the delights of south east asia on this adventure.

Intrepid Travel Vietnam Hanoi temple group

Travel from Bangkok to Ho Chi Minh City, experiencing the delights of northern Thailand, the laidback river lifestyle of Laos and the cultural richness of Vietnam. From the bright lights of Bangkok to the age-old charms of Luang Prabang and the buzz of Hanoi, go on a voyage of discovery and relaxation. Travel down the mighty Mekong and become acquainted with the tranquillity of remote villages and friendly locals along the way. Sip coffee by the lake in Hanoi, stroll the pristine shoreline around Ha Long Bay, take in the charming old-world ambiance of Hue and marvel at the hectic pace of life in Ho Chi Minh City. This is an adventure full of beauty and contrast that will introduce you to the delicious cuisine, friendly people, beautiful landscape and cosmopolitan cities of these fascinating countries.

Trip overview

  • The two day boat journey down the iconic Mekong River passes incredible rural scenery and is one of the must-dos to truly experience South East Asia.
  • Sample local food wherever you go, from a seafood dinner on Ha Long Bay, street snacks at markets, a meal at a buddhist nunnery, coconut candy and tropical fruits in the Mekong Delta, and a final dinner at KOTO restaurant.
  • Sail through Ha Long Bay's limestone karsts and island caves, visit a centre that turns the bay's discarded trash into treasures and spend the night checking out the stars on an overnight cruise.
  • Discover the mysterious beauty of the Lao jungle as you walk side by side with recently rescued elephants on stroll through their natural habitat.
  • Rise with the sun and watch saffron-robed monks shuffle between houses, where the faithful wait with offerings as part of an alms giving ritual.
  • You'll cover a lot of distance on this trip, including overnight trains from Bangkok to Chiang Mai and Hanoi to Hue (about 12 hours). Compartments are on a mixed gender basis and you may be sharing with locals or travellers from other groups. For more about what this experience is like, see our blog posts here:
  • The sightseeing tour by motorbike in Hue is great fun with bikes driven safely by professionals (and helmets provided), but alternative transport can be arranged for those who would prefer not to travel by motorbike.
  • Depending on where you come from, the weather on this trip might be hotter and more humid than what you are used to.
  • Smoke Haze can be common for Northern Thailand into Laos between March and April due to burning off season of crops. You may wish to take a quality mask with you if you are particularly sensitive to smoke.
  • Laos is less developed than many other Southeast Asian countries. The roads can be bumpy, delays are common, and accommodation can be basic but always clean and comfortable. A little bit of patience will go a long way towards your enjoyment of this beautiful country!
  • Due to dam construction upstream, water levels aren't as reliable as in previous years. When the Mekong River is at its lowest from February to April, part of the journey may occasionally need to be made by land.

View the itinerary for departures between 01 January 2024 - 31 December 2024

Sa-wat dee! Welcome to Thailand. Thailand's bustling capital, Bangkok, is famous for its tuk-tuks, khlong boats and street vendors serving up delicious local food. Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 6 pm, if you arrive earlier, why not venture out into this enigmatic city. Bangkok has so much to offer those with time to explore, so perhaps arrive a day or so early to uncover the Chinatown area, visit the magnificent (but very crowded) Grand Palace and the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, wander down the tourist mecca of Khao San Road, indulge in a Thai massage or see the backstreets of Bangkok by bike on an Urban Adventure. Find out more at After the meeting tonight, gather your fellow travellers together and tuck into some into world famous street food for our first optional dinner.

  • Hotel (1 night)

There are no meals included on this day.

  • Bangkok - Grand Palace - THB500

It’s very important that you attend the welcome meeting as we will be collecting insurance details and next of kin information at this time. If you are going to be late please let your travel agent or hotel reception know. Ask reception or look for a note in the lobby for more information on where the meeting will take place.

Begin the day with a 1-hour river cruise down the Chao Phraya River to explore the famous ‘khlongs’ (canals). Life along these canals seems a world away from the chaotic streets of the capital. Pay a visit to Wat Pho, one of the Bangkok temples, with a 46-metre long gold-plated Buddha reclining inside. Even the feet of this statue are incredible, three metres long and intricately decorated with mother of pearl. The temple grounds are equally fascinating, filled with beautifully decorated stupas, halls, and shrines. This evening you’ll head north to Chiang Mai on an overnight train journey, accommodated in a sleeper carriage (approximately 13 hours). The carriages are air-conditioned, with bunk beds; clean sheets, blanket and pillow are provided. Your baggage travels in the carriage with you. There is a food and drink service available on board. Sometimes the air conditioning can make the carriage quite cold so you may want to bring a warm layer of clothing.

  • Overnight train (1 night)
  • Bangkok - Khlong boat canal tour
  • Bangkok - Wat Pho
  • Bangkok - Thai Massage - THB250
  • Bangkok - Jim Thompson's House - THB200

The most vibrant city in northern Thailand, Chiang Mai has many famous temples and an interesting old city area. Renowned for its lively cafe scene and extremely welcoming locals, this place captivates many travellers. First, embark on a scenic, winding drive up a mountain (around 45 minutes) to one of the country's most stunning temple complexes, Doi Suthep. A 300-step naga-guarded stairway leads you to the temples, and the climb is well worth the effort. The hypnotic atmosphere of chanting Buddhist monks and sweeping views of the city make this a most memorable experience. After making our way back down from the temple, check in to the hotel and plan the rest of your time here. In the evening you can choose to wander through the enormous, colourful Night Bazaar or perhaps relax at a fine restaurant along the riverfront. Make sure to sample some delicious traditional northern Thai food – the signature dish is kao soy, yellow wheat noodles in a curry broth, traditionally served with chicken or beef.

  • Chiang Mai - Doi Suthep Temple Complex (Entrance)

Today is free for you to explore and there are plenty of optional activities available. Perhaps join a local cooking class today and discover the secrets of real Thai cuisine, you'll learn the key ingredients, how to use them, and what to use in their place if you can’t get them at home. As well as taking your own comprehensive recipe book with you after the class, you'll feast on the fruits of your labour for lunch. Get active with a bicycle tour to discover the city and surrounding countryside from a different perspective, or be spirited away on an early morning Chiang Mai tour that puts you at the epicentre of Buddhist rituals. Learn to meditate, offer alms to monks, and make an offering at a temple. Also popular is the lovely Elephant Sanctuary at Chang Chill.

  • Chiang Mai - Thai cooking course - THB1000
  • Chiang Mai - Bicycle tour - THB990

Please be aware that there are many operators in Chiang Mai offering activities that do not meet Intrepid's animal welfare guidelines such as animal performances at Chiang Mai zoo, elephant riding and bathing, bullock cart rides and tiger temples. Your leader is not able to book any of these activities for you and we strongly discourage our travellers from supporting such activities. 

Take a journey through rural countryside to the Thai border town of Chiang Khong (approximately 5.5 hours). On the way visit privately owned Wat Rong Khun, more commonly known as the White Temple – a must visit in Chiang Rai. This contemporary temple is constantly being updated, and its strange design features references to Buddhist mythology, human sin and pop culture icons such as Michael Jackson, Harry Potter and Superman. Formerly known as 'Juon', peaceful riverside Chiang Khong remains an important market town for the surrounding hill tribes and for trade with Laos. Stretch your legs with a stroll around town, and if you find yourself with time, then Wat Phra Kaew and Wat Luang are both well worth a visit while you’re here. Tonight, why not enjoy a final Thai drink and dinner, while Laos beckons from across the mighty Mekong.

  • Guesthouse (1 night)
  • Chiang Rai - Wat Rong Khun (White Temple)

After crossing into Laos and for the duration of our time in the country we will be joined by additional Laos guides – a government requirement. Board a slow boat for the 2-day journey down the mighty Mekong River to Luang Prabang. The journey is relaxed, so you can experience the slow pace of village life and the breathtaking scenery along the river up close. The river boat is basic in nature, with a toilet, covered roof, and open sides to take in the fresh air. There are seats in the front of the boat and a small open area in the back where you can have a nap on the mat, play cards, read or have lunch. Dock at the small town of Pak Beng (after about 6 hours) to spend the night. Hmong and tribal Thai people are frequently seen on the main streets, where vendors sell local textiles and handicrafts.

  • Mekong River - 2 day boat trip

Our guesthouse here is very basic -– standard accommodation in this small, remote trading port. It can be quite cool from November to February so make sure you have some warm gear packed for this period. Due to dam construction upstream, water levels aren't as reliable as in previous years, and when the river is at its lowest from February to April, part of the journey may occasionally need to be made by land instead of by boat.

Reboard the boat and cruise to the Pak Ou Caves. An important religious site overlooking the river at the junction of the Mekong and Ou Rivers, the revered Pak Ou Caves consist of two sacred limestone caverns filled with Buddha images of all styles and sizes, brought by devoted villagers over the centuries. The lower cave, known as Tham Ting, is entered from the river by a series of steps and can easily be seen in daylight. The higher cave, Tham Phum, is deeper and requires a torch for viewing. Continue on to the former royal capital of Luang Prabang (approximately 7 hours total journey time). This atmospheric World Heritage-listed city is a favourite of many travellers. Nestled in the hills of northern Laos on the confluence of the Mekong and Khan rivers, the city is claimed to be ‘the best preserved city in South East Asia’ by UNESCO. The city and its people retain a refined, yet relaxed, air and it’s a wonderful place to wander the streets into boutiques, cafes and small shops. Stay in a hotel tonight and if you are feeling energetic, climb Mt Phousi for some sunset views – the large hill that dominates Luang Prabang's skyline, topped by a glittering golden stupa. You can climb the 328 zigzag steps up to the sacred gilded stupa and big drum of the Phu Si Temple for a panoramic view of Luang Prabang and its surrounds.

  • Luang Prabang - Pak Ou Caves
  • Luang Prabang - Mt Phu Si - USD2

Once the heart and soul of the ancient Lao Kingdom (Lan Xang) and designated a World Heritage site in 1995, Luang Prabang is endowed with a legacy of historic red-roofed temples and French-Indochinese architecture, not to mention some of the country's most refined cuisine, a multi-ethnic population and rich culture. Rise with the sun this morning and witness a traditional alms giving ceremony. View the procession of saffron-robed monks on their daily outing collecting food offered by devotees, a practice that dates back centuries. The offerings must be collected early, as the monks cannot eat anything after midday. By giving food to a monk, it is believed you ‘het bon’ (make merit) which will be carried over into the next life. Your leader will guide you through the do’s and don’ts and help you to take part in this alms giving tradition. Return back to your hotel for breakfast and a free morning. In the afternoon, head south of town and stop for a sweet (socially responsible) treat at Laos Buffalo Dairy, an enterprise that works with the surrounding villagers by renting their buffalo, in order to produce delicious products including yoghurt, cheese and ice cream. The Dairy ensures a regular income for locals while ensuring the buffalo and their calves are well looked after. Why not contribute to this local business by purchasing an ice cream! Continue on to the beautiful Kuang Si Falls, a picturesque, multi-level cascade that offers fantastically blue pools that are perfect for a mid-afternoon dip. Back in Luang Prabang this evening you’ll have free time to make further discoveries, including visiting the popular night market.

  • Luang Prabang - Kuang Si Waterfalls
  • Luang Prabang - Alms giving ceremony
  • Luang Prabang - Laos Buffalo Dairy social enterprise visit
  • Luang Prabang - Night Market - Free

This morning, experience a wonderful local elephant project in nearby Mandalao that will give you a new perspective and profound understanding of these magnificent beasts. Discover the mysterious beauty of the Lao jungle as you walk side by side with recently rescued elephants on stroll through their natural habitat – a perfect way for these happy creatures to enjoy their freedom after decades of hard labour in logging camps. Begin by leaving Luang Prabang for the village of Xieng Lom (approximately 30 minutes) before taking a quick boat ride across the Nam Khan River where you’ll be introduced to your new gigantic companions. Feed them some special treats (a sure way to win their friendship) followed by a gentle, therapeutic walk, that offers you the opportunity to absorb their calming energy as you wander along a small dirt path through the surrounding flora and fauna, past traditional farms and the Huay Nok stream – where you may be able to spot elephants splashing around in the water as they cool off from the hot Lao sun! As you prepare to start your walk back to Mandalao, say goodbye to your new friends. Return to Luang Prabang in the afternoon and enjoy the rest of the day at leisure.

  • Luang Prabang - MandaLao Elephant Conservation trek
  • Luang Prabang - Lunch at Manda Lao Elephant Conservation
  • Luang Prabang - Royal Theatre - USD20
  • Luang Prabang - Wat Xieng Thong - USD3
  • Luang Prabang - National Museum - USD4

Following elephants through the jungle is a once in a lifetime experience, however it can be messy! Be prepared to wear clothes that you don’t mind getting wet and muddy. Optional footwear (rubber boots) are available, these shoes are designed specifically for muddy and slippery conditions. Ponchos and umbrellas are also available, as well as water, sunscreen and bug-spray.

Take a high-speed train today to Vang Vieng (approximately 1 hour). Situated on the Nam Song River, Vang Vieng is surrounded by towering limestone karsts and is a great place to enjoy being out in and surrounded by nature. After checking in to the hotel, use tonight to plan out your next few days with your group and leader.

Sharp objects such as pocket knives and spray bottles are not permitted on high-speed trains in Laos, including aerosols and mists. We recommend bringing sunscreens and mosquito repellents with no spray capabilities on this trip, as sprays will get confiscated at the station. 

There’s plenty to do in and around Vang Vieng, known as an adventure town thanks to its unique and varied surrounding country. The area is renowned for its caves, many of which are easily accessible from the town. Perhaps the most famous is the cave of Tham Chang, a beautiful cavern fed by a natural spring making it a perfect spot for a refreshing swim. Hire bicycles to explore further afield, hike the trails to nearby lookout points, join a day trip to go kayaking on the river, or you can visit an organic mulberry farm just outside town and enjoy a meal there.

  • Vang Vieng - Bicycle hire - USD2
  • Vang Vieng - Wat Si Vieng Song - Free
  • Vang Vieng - Kayaking - USD35
  • Vang Vieng - Tham Phu Kham Cave - LAK10000

Continue by private minibus to the country's capital, Vientiane (approximately 3.5 hours). Possibly Asia's most laidback capital, even here everything seems to be conducted at a relaxed pace. Vientiane has a wealth of cultural delights to discover on foot, or for the less energetic, by jumbo (tuk-tuk). Faded colonial mansions, tree-lined boulevards and old temples create an atmosphere of timelessness, particularly in the older part of town along the Mekong River. Pay a visit to Wat Si Saket, the oldest temple still standing in Vientiane and home to almost 7000 Buddha images. Visit COPE vistors centre, an organisation dedicated to assistance those who have been injured by the multitude of unexploded ordinance across the country. This is an excellent cause and a chance to educate yourself about Laos' devastating war history as well as buy a snack or drink from their Karma Cafe. This evening, maybe join your fellow travellers for dinner tonight.

  • Vientiane - COPE visit
  • Vientiane - Wat Si Saket

Today you'll be taken to the airport and fly from Vientiane to Hanoi (approx 1 hour). Please note you will be unaccompanied on this flight. In the arrivals hall of Hanoi Airport you will be met by an Intrepid representative, who will take you to your Hanoi hotel. You will have a group meeting at 6pm with your new group leader and travel mates. Then enjoy a dinner at Koto restaurant for some authentic Vietnamese flavors.

  • Hanoi - KOTO dinner
  • Hanoi - Women's Museum - VND30000
  • Hanoi - Museum of Ethnology - VND40000
  • Hanoi - Ho Chi Minh Complex - VND80000
  • Hanoi - Hanoi Street Food Experience Urban Adventure - USD40

As this is a combination trip, your tour leader and group members will change today.

Travel by private minibus to World Heritage-listed Ha Long Bay, which is dotted with sandy coves, grottoes and 1600 limestone islands formed over millennia by wind and water erosion. Board a private boat and cruise the bay, exploring Surprise Cave and perhaps even enjoying a swim from Ti Top Island Beach during the warmer months. Access to Surprise Cave is via staircases. Once inside the cave the pathways are a little uneven and slippery. To end the day, spend an evening aboard the boat beneath the night sky. What better way to get to know your fellow travellers than an old school sleepover in an unforgettable location?

  • Overnight boat (1 night)
  • Halong Bay - Overnight Boat Cruise
  • Halong Bay - Cave entry
  • Halong Bay - Kayaking Tour - VND250000

Your travel time today will be approximately 4 hours.

Your wooden junk-style boat has twin-share cabins with air-conditioning and private facilities. There's also a dining room and bar to enjoy lunch, dinner and breakfast.

Kayaking and swimming is restricted to designated zones within the bay.

There are restrictions on the number of boats that are permitted to stay in the bay overnight, sometimes resulting in a shortage. To ensure all Intrepid travellers can enjoy the experience of a night on the water, occasionally you will stay on a larger boat (with approximately 12 cabins) and share your boat with another group. Or your group may be split across different vessels, in which case an Intrepid group leader will be present on each boat. The route taken and inclusions on board will remain the same.

Wake up on the waters of Ha Long Bay, and before you leave the memorable scenery behind, it’s time for one last stop. The Green Life Centre is committed to turning Halong Bay’s trash into treasure by collecting discarded items and skillfully turning them into beautiful handicrafts. Meet the team behind this important cause and learn how to transform rubbish into a useful and reusable bag. After your visit, return by bus to Hanoi. Arrive late this afternoon and enjoy free time until tonight’s train voyage. Be sure to grab a bowl of pho while you’re in town and slurp down this local specialty made from broth, noodles and meat. Maybe chill by Hoan Kiem Lake until you board an overnight train to Hue this evening.

  • Overnight sleeper train (1 night)
  • Halong Bay - The Green Life Visit

Your travel time today will be approximately 3 hours, not including your overnight train.

Shared day use hotel rooms are arranged in Hanoi if you would like to freshen up before the overnight train (one room for every six group members).

Sleeper trains typically have four or six berth compartments with bench seats that convert into sleeping bunks. A sheet, pillow and blanket are provided, although some travellers prefer to bring their own sleeping sheet. Depending on the configuration of the group, you may need to share with people of different genders or passengers who aren’t part of the group. Your leader will coordinate this and give further information about the train.

Arrive in Hue this morning and transfer to the hotel. Once the imperial capital of Vietnam, Hue holds the treasures of the country’s royal past. Enjoy free time in the morning to rest or explore. If you choose the latter (and who can blame you) the bustling Dong Ba Market is a great place to sample some of the specialties that once graced the Nguyen emperors' tables like banh khoai (royal rice cake). Reunite with the group to visit the war-damaged ruins of the Imperial Citadel, a sprawling city-within-a-city which contains the remains of temples, state houses and the emperor’s palace.

  • Hue - Imperial City entrance and guided visit

See Hue like a local – from the back of a motorbike! Straddle the saddle and whiz around town with a local guide, taking in historic and contemporary sights along the way. Stop at Thanh Toan to see the 18th-century covered bridge and villagers shopping at their local market. Visit the 17th-century active Buddhist monastery of Thien Mu Pagoda and see the car that belonged to Thich Quang Duc, the monk who self-immolated in 1963 in protest against the treatment of Buddhists by the South Vietnamese regime. For lunch, savour a vegetarian feast in a nunnery. Finish at the lakeside royal tomb of Emperor Tu Duc before heading back to town.

  • Hue - Royal tomb of Emperor Tu Duc
  • Hue - Highlights & back streets by motorbike
  • Hue - Thien Mu Pagoda
  • Hue - Motorbike Tour Lunch

The motorbike tour has been assessed for safety and is closely monitored. To participate please ensure your travel insurance covers riding pillion on a motorbike up to 125cc. If you prefer not to participate, please let your leader know and they will arrange car transportation (cost included).

This morning travel by bus through coastal rice paddies and the spectacular Hai Van Pass. After a photo stop on the way, arrive into Hoi An. Recently declared a World Heritage site, Hoi An was a major international trading port during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Today, parts of the beautifully-preserved town retain the feel of centuries past. It's also a shopping mecca, famous for its plethora of tailors. When you arrive, your leader will take you on a sightseeing walk through the Old Town to visit a handful of the city's major attractions. You’ll also be given a sightseeing pass so you can further explore select attractions at your leisure.

  • Hoi An - Old Town walking tour
  • Hoi An - Food Adventure Urban Adventure - USD44

Your travel time today will be approximately 3 hours.

Today is a free day to explore Hoi An. Maybe browse the cobbled streets and art galleries or hire a bike and cycle through rice paddies out to Cua Dai Beach. Maybe browse for paintings, ceramics and colourful cloth lanterns in the town’s markets and preserved Chinese shophouses. If you’re craving a new look, you could pay a visit to one of the hundreds of tailors and get something special made. Hoi An is also known for its delicious regional food, so be sure to enjoy a meal at a riverside restaurant or perhaps partake in a cooking class.

  • Hoi An - Private Hoi An: My Son Discovery - USD77

Today take a short, early morning flight to Ho Chi Minh City. Formerly known as Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City has a fascinating history and is arguably Vietnam’s capital of commerce and culture. After landing, take a sightseeing tour around the city by bus. Pass the Reunification Palace, Notre Dame Cathedral and the Opera House, then stop in at the War Remnants Museum to discover some of the sobering stories of the 20-year-long Vietnam/American War.

  • Ho Chi Minh City - War Remnants Museum
  • Ho Chi Minh City - City tour
  • Ho Chi Minh City - Reunification Palace - VND40000
  • Ho Chi Minh City - A O show - VND1050000
  • Ho Chi Minh City - Saigon Street Food by Night Urban Adventure - USD36

Your travel time today will be approximately 1.5 hours.

This morning head out on a day trip to explore the Mekong Delta. Board a private boat to Ben Tre to visit the coconut gardens and stop at a local home to sample tropical fruits and coconut jams. After, paddle in sampans (small rowing boats) past coconut trees along the Mekong Delta. Take a tuk-tuk tour around the villages and learn about rural life and the industry created around coconut products like brooms and coconut fibre mats. Eat lunch at a restaurant in the heart of the Delta, sampling regional specialties such as the famous elephant ear fish. Cruise the major waterways to Ben Tre boat pier, then return by bus to Ho Chi Minh City. This evening, perhaps head out to sample some local specialties as a final farewell with your fellow travellers and leader.

  • Mekong Delta - Mekong Delta Day Trip & Village Tuk-Tuk Tour
  • Mekong Delta - Lunch

There are no activities included and you’re free to depart your accommodation at any time as long as you comply with check out time. If you would like to spend some more time in Ho Chi Minh City, just speak to your booking agent.

  • Ho Chi Minh City - Cu Chi Tunnel Experience Urban Adventure - USD45

16 breakfasts, 4 lunches, 2 dinners

Boat, Motorbike, Overnight sleeper train, Plane, Private Mini bus, Taxi, Longtail boat, Sampan, Tuk Tuk

Guesthouse (2 nights), Hotel (16 nights), Overnight boat (1 night), Overnight sleeper train (2 nights)

Dates and availability

Important notes.

1. A single supplement is available if you’d prefer not to share a room on this trip. The single supplement exclude Day 2,15 (Sleeper Train), Day 5,6 (Guesthouse) and Day 14 (Overnight boat)( where you will be in shared accommodation and is subject to availability. Please speak to your booking agent for further information.Rooms booked only for day use are also excluded. Please note that some room configurations have two single beds, although a double bed will always be requested. 2. Please provide your full name exactly as per passport at the time of booking (including any middle names listed on your passport) for train and flight tickets. Fees may apply for amendments to details within 45 days of departure, and in some cases you will be required to cover the cost of issuing new tickets. 3. This trip includes a domestic flight. Checked luggage allowance is a maximum of 20 kilograms, plus up to 7 kilograms carry on luggage. Any excess luggage charges will need to be paid directly to the airline at check-in. 4. As this is a combination trip made up of some of our most popular itineraries the composition of your group as well as your leader may change.

Want an in-depth insight into this trip? Essential Trip Information provides a detailed itinerary, visa info, how to get to your hotel, what's included - pretty much everything you need to know about this adventure and more.

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