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15 Myers Briggs® Personality Type Charts of Fictional Characters

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Let’s face it — learning about our Myers Briggs ® type can be pretty darn fun. Reading through the lists of traits and saying, “Man, that’s  so me!”

Comparing your traits with those of friends and family is especially entertaining. We think to ourselves, hmm , that’s why my co-worker Jackie and I get along so well, or that’s why my Uncle Bob drives me nuts. It provides a little framework and puts words to things we knew somewhat intuitively, but never quite put our finger on.

With the amount of time we spend streaming video and with our noses in pop-fiction books, it’s natural for us to also wonder how our types compare with those of fictional characters. Whether you’re a Harry Potter fan-girl or guy, or a die-hard Star Wars nerd, you probably have identified more with certain characters.

Well, we’ve scoured the web to bring you a giant list of fictional character MBTI® charts for your amusement. And of course, if you’re looking to do a Myers-Briggs Workshop for your corporate group, or arrange an Interactive MBTI Presentation , please get in touch!

MBTI® Personality Type Chart List


Harry Potter

Game of thrones, lord of the rings, the walking dead.

  • Grey’s Anatomy

Breaking Bad

The muppets, orange is the new black, hunger games, buffy the vampire slayer, disney princesses.


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Grey’s Anatomy


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We hope you enjoyed discovering the MBTI types, and we want to thank all the fans who put together these great infographics!

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10 Myers-Briggs Type Charts for Pop Culture Characters

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The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®) is an instrument to define your personality along four parameters: (I) Introversion vs. (E) Extroversion, (N) Intuiting vs. (S) Sensing, (T) Thinking vs. (F) Feeling, and (J) Judging vs. (P) Perceiving. Trying the instrument gives you a “type,” indicated by a combination of four letters. There are 16 possible combinations, which lend themselves well to a chart, called the Myers-Briggs type table . How accurate the test is and how useful the scale is has nothing to do with what’s ahead. What we are looking at is how those types can be illustrated by pop culture characters, from any universe that has at least 16 characters with different personalities.  

Read how the test came to be in the mental_floss article Myers, Briggs, and the World's Most Popular Personality Test .

1. Game of Thrones

If there is any universe with an unlimited number of characters, it would be Game of Thrones . If only they didn’t keep dying off! Andrew at O.D.S. composed a chart featuring the MBTI types in the cast of the HBO show. This Includes both living and deceased characters, and indeed already had to use dead characters when it was constructed. The chart can be seen at the link.

2. My Little Pony

The ponies of My Little Pony run the gamut of personalities. Sixteen of them are included in this MBTI chart by DeviantART member autumnalone (Meredith Miles). The chart doesn’t exist in her gallery, but you can see it full size in a forum.

3. Lord of the Rings

A vast majority of the characters we love from The Lord of the Rings are heroes, but they all differ somewhat. This chart from Anne and Eric Dye at ChurchMag slots them into the personalities of the MBTI so that you can find the one that matches your personality.

4. The Walking Dead

Fanpup gave us a personality chart for the characters of The Walking Dead . This was created for season four, but there really are no spoilers because some of the characters were already dead then, but I’m not telling you which ones. The zombie, of course, but you can guess about the others. Then they updated the chart for season five, which you can see at the post that contains both of them . Only the first one is enlargeable. The newer chart still contains some dead people, but also newer characters.

5. Harry Potter

This MBTI chart profiling the characters of the Harry Potter universe went viral a couple of years ago, credited to tumblr user Simbaga (the writer) and DeviantART user Makani (the artist), yet no original links for the chart exist anymore. It should be large enough for you to read at Buzzfeed .

6. Disney Princesses

DeviantART member LittleMsArtsy created a beautiful MBTI chart for Disney Princesses and other Disney heroines that is very enlargeable at the DeviantART page, if you want to read the descriptions that make up the character’s face and body. That’s the only place they are labeled, but if you cannot identify a Disney Princess by her silhouette, then you just haven’t seen enough Disney movies. LittleMsArtsy also has links to the art for each individual character. She has a similar chart for Disney Princes and Heroes.

7. Grey’s Anatomy

A blogger named Chandler created an MBTI chart for the characters of the TV show Grey’s Anatomy . The characters are not labeled, because only fans of the show would have any interest in seeing if the personalities were labeled correctly. This is where I realized that most of the charts in this list do not label the characters by their names, but this is the only chart in which I did not know the characters already.  

8. Marvel Comics

This rather intricate chart from Elephant Robot puts four characters from the Marvel Comics universe into each of the 16 personality slots. That just goes to show how huge the Marvel universe is, and how characters within a type can vary. You will have to go to the full size image page to read them.

9. Star Wars

Geek in Heels responded to the Harry Potter MBTI chart by creating one that pegs the characters of Star Wars across generations. Do you agree with these assessments? The chart is enlargeable at the site.

10. Star Trek

DeviantART member loqutor made a chart for 16 different Star Trek characters that appear in several of the Star Trek TV series, although I think it’s a little light on The Original Series . But that’s just me.  

Myers-Briggs Star Trek Personality Indicator

Type descriptions, sj: guardian, estj: supervisor, istj: inspector, esfj: provider, isfj: protector, sp: artisan, estp: promoter, istp: crafter, esfp: performer, isfp: composer, nf: idealist, enfj: teacher, infj: counselor, enfp: champion, infp: healer, nt: rational, entj: fieldmarshal, intj: mastermind, entp: inventor, intp: architect.

Character Personality Types, Psychology & Philosophy

Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG) MBTI Personality Types

Listing the MBTI personality types of the characters from the Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG) television series.

Star Trek The New Generation MBTI Personality Types

“Star Trek: The Next Generation” (TNG) is a science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry as a sequel to the original “Star Trek” series. It aired from 1987 to 1994 and is set in the 24th century, about a century after the events of the original series. The show follows the adventures of the Starship USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) and its crew, led by Captain Jean-Luc Picard, as they explore the galaxy and encounter various alien species and phenomena.

“Star Trek: The Next Generation” received critical acclaim and has become one of the most beloved and influential science fiction television series of all time. It tackled various social, political, and philosophical themes through its episodic storytelling and ensemble cast.

The main cast includes: Captain Jean-Luc Picard (played by Patrick Stewart) – The wise and diplomatic captain of the USS Enterprise. Commander William Riker (played by Jonathan Frakes) – The ship’s first officer. Lieutenant Commander Data (played by Brent Spiner) – An android who serves as the ship’s operations officer, constantly striving to become more human. Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge (played by LeVar Burton) – The chief engineer who is blind but wears a VISOR that allows him to “see” the electromagnetic spectrum. Lieutenant Worf (played by Michael Dorn) – A Klingon officer serving as the ship’s security chief. Counselor Deanna Troi (played by Marina Sirtis) – A half-human, half-Betazoid officer who serves as the ship’s counselor. Doctor Beverly Crusher (played by Gates McFadden) – The ship’s chief medical officer. Wesley Crusher (played by Wil Wheaton) – The son of Dr. Crusher who initially serves as an acting ensign aboard the Enterprise.

Star Trek TNG Enterprise.

Star Trek: The Next Generation – MBTI Personality Types

Jeon-Luc Picard – ISTJ

William Riker – ESTP

Data – ISTJ

Geordi La Forge – INTJ

Worf – ISTJ

Deanna Troi – ENFJ

Beverly Crusher – ESFJ

Wesley Crusher – INTJ

Miles O’Brian – ISTJ

Tasha Yar – ESTJ

Reginald Barclay – INTP

Lore – ENTP

Gunian – INFJ

Katherine Pulaski – ESTJ

Lwaxana Troi – ESFP

Noonian Soong – INTP


Related page: Captain James T. Kirk Personality Type.

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Saturday 9 november 2019, mbti: the 16 types in star trek: deep space nine (1993-1999).

star trek myers briggs chart

He strives for beauty, which may be – poetry, arts, even nice trinkets. He himself strives to be refined. He adores communication with artists, poets, bohemians, and in general with exotic people.

star trek myers briggs chart

+Fi = positive, warm relationships. Psychological factors play a vital role for them. Without recognition of ethical values such as individuality and the uniqueness of others, religion and spirituality, non-interference in others lives, concrete humanism, etc., the stability they strongly desire is hardly possible.
+Fi - good relations, love, friendship, affection, attraction, warmth in relations, sociability, close psychological distance, goodness, compassion;

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great findings :)

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Published Oct 23, 2023

Introverts Can See Themselves in Star Trek

In true Star Trek fashion, introversion is often strength — not a weakness.

Two heads back to back with the Star Trek delta within their minds

I once forced myself to attend a networking event. I registered months prior during one of my more extroverted moments — they’re extremely rare if they exist at all, kind of like Quark giving an unhappy patron a refund — and as the date loomed, I was dreading having to go.

Eventually, the day did arrive, and as I made my way to the reception area, I started thinking about Star Trek: The Next Generation marathon I was missing on tv, my comfortable pajamas, and the half-eaten pint of Chunky Monkey in the freezer. I audibly moaned as the room came into view and my nightmare manifested — groups of people hovered around together, forming impenetrable circles. There was laughter, screeching, and someone with a booming voice who kept saying, “For real, for real!”

After standing around for a good five minutes, I made my way to the hors d'oeuvres, pretending as though I had seen something fascinating in the tray of sliders. When I was finally forced towards a group, I mustered my strength and suavely tried to join in. I started nodding, throwing in a few laughs and a thumbs up for good measure. It was then that the entire group stopped and looked at me, wondering what the heck I was doing there, intruding no doubt on their enthralling discussion of the merits of business process management.

Jean Luc-Picard brings the palm of his hand to his face in reaction to Q's presence on the bridge of the Enterprise in 'Deja Q'

"Deja Q"

Unbeknownst to me, I just had a “traumatic introvert moment.” My aversion to groups, small talk, and awkward social events, are characteristics that many introverts share. At the time, I didn’t even realize I was an introvert. The first time I even heard the term was at work, when we were given the Myers-Briggs personality test, and my result, INTJ, informed me that I shared a psychological type with Isaac Newtown, Elon Musk, and Hannibal Lecter (which succeeded in scaring a few coworkers for a while).

If you’re not sure whether or not you have an introvert in your life, here are some of our defining characteristics — we stare at phone calls when they come in, praying that the caller will either give up or resort to texting. We cringe at the thought of a “group project.” Small talk might actually kill us. On the rare occasion that we commit to a social obligation, our biggest fantasy is getting a text letting us know it’s been canceled. Some of us are horrible at dating; in fact, we might prefer root canals. But we’re not all grouchy, self-isolating misanthropes. We’re genuine, straight-forward, organized people who love intense conversations, feel deeply, and are usually quiet only because we prefer to speak only when we’re able to add something worthwhile to the conversation.

So it’s no surprise that when it comes to Star Trek , I identify with certain characters more than others — characters who are obvious introverts. And in true Star Trek fashion, these characters used their introversion as a strength, not a weakness.

Jean-Luc Picard

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Sir Patrick Stewart

Picard is what I call an “expert-level introvert.” He’s introspective, prefers books to most people, dislikes children and their unruliness, and can spend hours at Château Picard with a glass of his own vintage and nothing but his thoughts.

Yet despite all of these hallmarks of introverted behavior, he’s not limited when it comes to his duties. A man who can reason with the Sheliak (“The Ensigns of Command”), make inroads in communication with the Children of Tama (“Darmok”), and put the universe’s biggest extrovert, Q, in his place multiple times, is someone who isn’t held back by his introversion in any way.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Rene Auberjonois

Odo, like many introverts, is misunderstood. He takes enormous pride in his work — suffering from the perfectionism that sometimes haunts many introverts. He’s fond of his personal space. He dislikes those who can’t abide by a moral code (here’s looking at you, Quark). Like many introverts, he comes off as grouchy, but deep down, he’s just in his own head, too busy managing the security of the station and engaging in internal philosophical debates about his origins to bother with platitudes and small talk.

When it comes to matters of the heart, Odo personifies most introverts. It literally took him a couple of lifetimes to confess to Kira how he feels about her (“Children of Time”). This is, unfortunately, how it works when two introverts get together. It can take years, lots of miscommunication, and many missed opportunities before some introverts get their feelings across. I like to joke that during the same amount of time that extroverts have already settled down, had a few kids, and bought a house together, two introverts will have agreed to their first date!

Seven of Nine

Star Trek: Voyager - Jeri Ryan

Seven of Nine is the ultimate introvert role model, bar none.

When I was younger, it was a well-known fact in my household that I wanted to be a Borg. And when I say “younger,” I mean 15. There was something about them that just resonated. Not the automaton drone aspect, but the brutal efficiency, the need for perfection, and the desire to assimilate all knowledge.

As a character, Seven dislikes social norms, often cutting straight to the point. She’s blunt and painfully honest. Introverts don’t play around with niceties if they get in the way of progress. This was one of the reasons why she was so successful at everything she did, she zeroed in to a task and made it her priority.

Star Trek: The Original Series -

Spock often dismissed any conclusions that originated from a place of emotion.

Many introverts rely solely on logic when it comes to making decisions. In a sense, one could argue that almost all Vulcans are introverts. Like Vulcans, introverts don’t show emotions easily. But also like Vulcans, introverts tend to feel deeply and passionately — we just don’t think we should be controlled by our feelings, especially when they can be unreliable.

Michael Burnham

Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 gallery promo photo of Michael Burnham

Michael Burnham shows us what happens when a deeply thoughtful introvert meets an extrovert, and somehow, somewhere an unlikely but beautiful friendship is formed. I can feel Michael’s pain when she realizes she’s stuck with Tilly as a roommate. But slowly and surely, Tilly helps break Michael’s introverted shell. The resulting friendship is nothing short of magical. They balance each other out perfectly.

If you’re dealing with an introvert, have patience. We may appear aloof at times, too enveloped in our own thoughts to contribute to a conversation. But trust me, it’s not because we’re not engaged — we’re just looking for the right thing to say. Personally, I think there’s also plenty that non-introverts can learn from their introvert friends. Learn that it’s OK to cancel plans. You don’t have to attend every Facebook event you’re “interested in.” There’s nothing wrong with ordering pizza, lounging on the couch, and rewatching Voyager on a Friday night instead of going out.

And, if you’re an introvert, always remember that you have a superpower that a lot of extroverts don’t — You’re able to be alone with your own thoughts. It may not seem like a big deal, but during difficult times, such as the current pandemic, it’s a valuable and useful trait. Extroverts are lauded and encouraged in our world — we’re social creatures, so it makes sense.

But introverts can teach us a great deal... we just have to listen to them, on the rare occasion when they actually do speak.

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This article was originally published on July 15, 2020.

Hrisoula Gatzogiannis (she/her) has a B.A. & M.A. in Classics and now works in digital strategy. She loves writing and has authored a few books on various subjects. She currently resides in Boston, but wishes she lived on Deep Space Nine. Find her on Twitter @ xrisoulabos

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  • Star Wars MBTI Chart

By now you’ve probably seen the viral Harry Potter characters’ Myers-Briggs types chart . When I first happened upon it last month, the timing could not be more uncanny; a friend had mentioned that her personality type had changed drastically over the years, so I had just taken the test again myself.

Is it more common for your type to change over time, or to stay consistent through the years? Because for me, all three times I have taken the full test — over the span of about a dozen years — I have received the  same result: ISFJ.

(So according to the Harry Potter chart, I’m Neville Longbottom. Perhaps I too, will have an unforeseen moment of kickassery one day? 😉 Also, if you don’t know your type, you can take a test here .)

I know that the 16 Personality Types is not a perfect system — some people even liken it to astrology — but I think it can be informative and fun nonetheless. For example, I was driven to tears when I read the Portrait of an ISFJ and ISFJ Profile because it so accurately described what I had been struggling with at the time. (Don’t judge; I was having a tough week!) I also found it amusing to ask close friends’ types and to read up on them, to see how closely they match these archetypes.

I also came across other psychological type charts like the Harry Potter one mentioned above: Avatar , Star Trek , Kingdom Hearts , and even My Little Pony !

So  of course I had to look for a Star Wars one…but I couldn’t find any. 🙁 There were  tons of sites discussing the possible psychological personality types of the various Star Wars characters (with a few actually getting into heated arguments!), but no chart. At least, none that I could find.

So I decided to create my own. What do you think?


And because this is the World Wide Web and I am posting this on a public blog…

…and because this is  Star Wars and we fans can get pretty intense…

I am not a psychologist and reading about the 16 Personality Types is just a passing hobby.

I’m a huge  Star Wars fan, but I do not know  every nuance about the films and the characters in the extended  Star Wars universe. My methodology for choosing each character was:

  • Brainstorming (i.e., what name comes up first as I read each personality type description?)
  • Scouring to web to see what others think
  • Picking what I believed to be the best fit based on what I read on these sites and what I know of the characters

I’m well aware that there may exist other lesser-known characters who may fit some of these archetypes to a T, but I decided to go with the more popular ones because I’m a sellout not everyone is a big  Star Wars fan (yeah, I don’t get why either) and I wanted the chart to be more relatable from a pop culture standpoint.

Update, 11/9/11 : I was contacted by a rep who kindly informed me that the original post, and the accompanying chart, is in violation of copyright and trademark regulations. I have updated both the body of the post and the chart in accordance with their request. I have done my best to preserve the message and mood of the original — sorry to anyone who finds this an inconvenience.

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130 Responses to “Star Wars MBTI Chart”

[…] Wars Day content should seek to entertain. As an example, consider the Star Wars-inspired Myers-Briggs personality chart from the Geek in Heels blog. The chart has been shared many times online and carries with it the […]

[…] about to enjoy it too. This Star Wars themed Meyers-Briggs personality type chart from Geek In Heels. I recently took two different Myers-Briggs sort of tests, and one said I was an INFP and the other […]

[…] and was surprised to find it accurately identified my myers brigg personality type (even if it is star wars style). Any other Obi-Wan Kenobi counselor types out […]

[…] in Heels responded to the Harry Potter MBTI chart by creating one that pegs the characters of Star Wars across generations. Do you agree with these assessments? The chart is enlargeable at the […]

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“members” is misspelled in ISTJ. Vader is wrong – he’s an ISTJ, not ESTJ. He’s a natural introvert. He’d rather be with his droids or meditation chamber.

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Agree with Nick on Vader. Lando Calrissian is the true ESTJ of the series. Moving Vader to ISTJ gets rid of a relatively minor character in Owen. My other big quibble is that there’s no way 3PO is an I. There aren’t many good options, but I’d suggest either Beru Lars or Mon Mothma, both of whom I recognize are obscure. But look at this – making these two changes would add a woman and a minority for a white male dominated exercise! I think Boba Fet is probably a better ISTP than Chewy, but I’m on the fence there.

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I think the people in the comments are right but most of the people are good. INFJ is definitely right, i feel exactly like Obi-Wan Kenobi, so good job! 🙂

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I’m pretty sure c3po is not an introvert.

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So which type is Lady in Heels? ESFP?

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The people on these charts seem to have serious INTJ hate, being I TJ doesn’t make you evil

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Nicely done! Love it! Somebody may have pointed this out already, but this is really based on Keirsey temperaments and not Myers-Briggs. The names you give each (Promoter, Crafter, etc) comes from David Keirsey and his temperament sorter which he based on the Myers-Briggs 16 types.

[…] pressure. She’s level headed, decisive, and logical (there’s a reason why she’s labeled the ENTJ of the Star Wars canon). Only Han seems capable of ruffling her pristinely controlled feathers, and […]

[…] up an MBTI type for each character in a series or film. I did one for Lord of the Rings, the Star Wars one was quite popular for a while, and I’ve seen others for Hunger Games and Downton Abbey, to […]

[…] Type, or what they stand for. The only way I can remember my Type is by using the Geek in Heels Star Wars MBTI Chart. (I’m Luke Skywalker.) […]

[…] characters’ Myers-Briggs personality types that the villains are almost always labeled as INTJs? Palpatine from Star Wars, The Master from Doctor Who, Moriarty from Sherlock, The Governor from The Walking […]

[…] types to the Lord of the Rings characters.  The original Star Wars characters are listed by type here, and the Disney Princess personalities are characterized here.  Pinterest has a wealth of funny […]

[…] personnages ont la même. Mon objectif est de remplir toute la grille comme pour Downton Abbey ou Star Wars – certes, l’exercice est peut-être un peu artificiel mais c’est aussi utile […]

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Ha. This is fun and interesting. Never knew I am of that character. Love it.

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I`ve always wanted to be Padme but turns out I am C-3PO. ooouf

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See a 'Star Wars' Myers-Briggs personality chart

Are you a ESTP promoter like Hans Solo or ENTP inventor like R2 D2?

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Star Wars Personality Chart

Last updated: June 25, 2015 by Daniel 13 Comments

Source: Geek in Heels

Star Wars Personality Types

The MBTI (Myers–Briggs Type Indicator) is an assessment designed to determine how people look at the world and make decisions. In this chart from Geek in Heels, 16 characters from Star Wars are given their own MBTI type profiles. Find out your personality type and then compare to the chart!

Comical and entertaining, the chart also stays pretty true to the characters in the movie. The personality types are pretty spot on; let’s go over a couple of the big names.

Obi-Wan Kenobi – The Counselor – Type INFJ The INFJ personality type is by far the most rare of all types, making up only 1% of the population. Standing for Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging, INFJs are calm, gentle, incredibly complex, and highly intuitive individuals. Characterized by creativity and resourcefulness, this type portrays Obi-Wan perfectly as the counselor and protector.

Luke Skywalker – The Idealist – Type INFP The Introverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving type embodies all that Luke Skywalker is made out to be in the Star Wars films. Like the young Jedi, most INFPs do not like conflict, but they do rise to it when necessary. Their approach is through their feelings, generally based upon the idea of right or wrong. Flexible and laidback, just like young Skywalker before he discovered the truth, INFPs are calm until their values are threatened; then, they become aggressively defensive. What is your Rebel cause?

Darth Vader – The Supervisor – Type ESTJ Like other ESTJs, Darth Vader places all emphasis on a world of fact and concrete needs. After the loss of Padme, Vader’s vision was set, a standout characteristic of the Extraverted Sensing Thinking Judging personality type. Extremely rigid and often neglecting of their Feeling side, ESTJs, like Vader, are isolated and aggressive. ESTJs must remember to sometimes turn to their feelings, just as Vader did in order to save his son’s life.

So which Star Wars character are you? In addition to those listed above, this chart provides a character reference for each of the 16 MBTI personality types, taken from across the span of all six Star Wars movies. They may be from a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, but they’re just like you!

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About Daniel

I was first introduced to the Myers Briggs types a few years ago by my girlfriend. Finding out why I behaved a certain way was reassuring. I created this site so you can have fun and learn more about your personality. If you are curious, I have always tested INTJ.

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August 10, 2015 at 6:28 am

Just took the MBTI personality type test and got an INTP i.e., The Architect. Was absolutely dumbstruck when I found out that it’s Yoda for me. Dumbstruck because, believe you me, Yoda has always been my favorite Star Wars character. This MBTI thing is frigging magical. How’s that even possible?

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May 15, 2020 at 11:18 pm

I do find it quite mystical as well. Growing up I’ve always had a fondness for Obi-Wan Kenobi, even running around dressed as him for Halloween year after year. After recently discovering the MBTI test, I soon discovered I shared personalities with Ole Obi. The same goes for the marvel universe the Silver Surfer, I’ve always had a pull towards him, and he’s an INFJ too! Quite odd how we’re drawn to such things.

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December 27, 2015 at 9:43 pm

Han Solo is an ENTP maybe INTP not an ESTP. He always uses his gut to do thinks. Like in the new movie shen he tells Rey that he doesn’t ask if what he does will work until afterwards. People who use senses rely on facts and rules, which is the opposite of Han.

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February 6, 2016 at 10:15 am

Although his name is Solo, he appears extroverted to me. He has deep personal relationships throughout the outer rim. You may be right about the intuition.

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August 13, 2018 at 12:12 am

Ehh, I’m pretty sure he’s the quintessential ESTP, at least in the very first film

E- Has contacts all over the galaxy, makes his opinions known

S- Scoffs at the idea of the force being real, believes the Jedis are wackos, if he can’t see it, he doesn’t believe it

T-Motivated by rewards and payment, good at technical things (like fixing the millennium falcon)

P- Thinks on his feet, makes new plans on a whim, does a variety of jobs for money

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September 11, 2018 at 8:14 pm

Palpatine has always been my favourite Star Wars character and some people cannot understand why I love someone so “evil”. This perhaps explains why I’m so drawn to him, because he has the same personality type as me!

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October 3, 2018 at 9:33 pm

When I was a kid I always liked Luke Skywalker. I never understood why most my friends liked Han Solo better, I saw him as a self serving jerk but did realize he would end up doing the right thing. Turns out when I took Myers Briggs personality test I am INFP like Luke Skywalker.

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January 4, 2020 at 11:31 am

Same. All of this. Also, weird, my name is Dane too.

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May 1, 2019 at 9:36 am

This is funny, but completely misrepresents MBTI.

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August 21, 2019 at 8:22 am

Well hello there! Always loved Obi-Wan, esp in the Pre trilogy, guess that is why it was my personality. Not sure how accurate this all is when dealing with fictional characters, but it was fun to see.

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February 13, 2020 at 2:55 pm

Where can I buy this chart?

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July 11, 2021 at 8:12 pm

Of all the characters in Star Wars, I’ve always liked Anakin (including Clone Wars). I am an ENTP (R2-D2, Anakin’s droid) but somehow I’ve always seen myself in Anakin’s character( usually Clone Wars Anakin). When I’m not in the mood or bad events happen in my life I become ROTS Anakin. As already proven Anakin and Darth Vader are 2 different personalities and I would be interested to see what Anakin’s personality is.

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September 10, 2021 at 2:20 am

Hello there, I think he is an ESFP. The cognitive functions of ESFP are 1) Se (extroverted sensing): He is ‘in the moment’, to the point that it appears as impulsiveness and recklessness to other characters. Also has a great mechanical awareness of his surroundings. Strong in the Living Force (I’d argue Living Force is almost distinctively Se whereas Uinfying is between Ne/Ni.) and great at lightsaber duels because of how aware he is about his surroundings. 2) Fi (Introverted feeling): He has his own moral code of what is right and wrong, a code that is different from the Jedi Order’s; he breaks the Jedi Code when he feels it contradicts his morals (helping his friends, disobeying his superiors to save his comrades, etc.) 3) Te (extroverted feeling): Although not always, he can go through a lot of facts and external data to quickly arrive at a decision. He is quite smart in that sense; especially in Clone Wars his quick thinking helped him get out of a lot of situations. Paired with Se main, Anakin’s Te tertiary results in those famous “improvised plans”. 4) Ni (Introverted intuition): Ah, the good ol’e inferior Ni of our dear dear Anakin. One of my favorite scenes in ROTS is when Palps reveals himself to be the Sith Lord, and tries to lure Anakin to the dark side right before Anakin rats him out to the Council. Remember how Palps addressed this function? “You were destined for a life of greater importance, of conscience, the Council is afraid of your future, etc etc” Anakin’s aspiration function is Ni; he is afraid of being directioneless in life and of being used as a tool by others. He wants to dictate his own agenda (based on his own Fi code, not on the Council’s Code), on his own terms, as he sees fit. So I’d definitely type him as a quite smart and creative ESFP; almost deceptively so (I initially mistyped him as an ENTP). PS: R2D2 rocks. My favorite character along with ObiWan probably.

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Star trek: the myers-briggs® personalities of captain janeway & the voyager crew.


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After 57 Years, Star Trek Settles the Truth About Trelane's Godlike Species

I don't care if modern star trek breaks established canon, captain janeway’s top 7 star trek: voyager enemies, ranked.

The crew of Star Trek: Voyager had it rough when they were thrown into the far reaches of the Delta Quadrant after a run-in with the powerful Caretaker. With no options available, the crew decided to put aside their differences and unite for the long 70+ year journey home.

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Facing uncertainty and death at every turn, the crew struggled to survive and thrive in a completely foreign region of space stocked with terrifying enemies, including the Borg Collective. It would take each of their established Myers-Briggs® personality types to coalesce into a diverse and talented crew capable of out-thinking the worst of situations. Here's a breakdown of those personality types.

Captain Kathryn Janeway - ENFP (The Champion)

Captain Janeway is an excellent leader and motivator, but these qualities spring more from the ENFP personality type, which is big on open-mindedness. This is especially important given Voyager's unfortunate plight of being stuck in the Delta Quadrant, a situation that demands out-of-box thinking at all times.

Janeway's ability to inspire and motivate people to come up with new solutions to problems is second only to her warm compassion and affection for them. She's an excellent communicator with an artistic soul - all traits of a bonafide ENFP.

Commander Chakotay - ENTJ (The Commander)

Chakotay may have started out as a Maquis renegade, but his adoption of Starfleet protocols in the wake of Voyager being flung into the Delta Quadrant proved to be highly effective. Chakotay is a definite ENTJ with a commander's presence, poise and calculative sense. He strives to inspire his team through motivational leadership in order to maintain efficiency across the ship.

While a passionate soul, Chakotay is far more analytical than he first appears, often relying on his gut instinct and common sense approach to problems. This natural inclination towards trusting his instincts and applying them to his leadership style was most apparent during their uneasy truce with the Borg against Species 8472.

Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres - INTJ (The Mastermind)

INTJ Mastermind personalities tend to avoid large-scale drama and deep emotions from others, but B'Elanna's half-Klingon heritage made this quite a challenge. When calm and collected, she is every bit the analytical problem-solver that an INTJ is known for. Her drive to improve upon the norm is never-ending.

Most INTJs like B'Elanna are also deeply focused on internalized thoughts, and they prefer to share these with those they feel close with. Her relationship with Tom Paris, while sometimes combative, is a sign of her choosiness, and her desire to explore deep subjects in the company of an intellectually stimulating partner.

Lieutenant Tom Paris - ESFP (The Performer)

Tom Paris was notorious for having severe discipline problems and a lack of respect for authority, but he managed to put all those aside in order to let his ESFP traits out of the bag. At heart, Paris is warm, friendly and positive. He likes when people get along, but he isn't adverse to poking fun at them in a good-natured way.

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His sense of humor is also in line with ESFP types, as is his love of attention and playful good times. During downtime, he's more than happy to engage in some child-like escapism with his Captain Proton holodeck programs, and those who want to tag along are more than welcome.

Neelix - ESFJ (The Provider)

Neelix is widely considered the most friendly and understanding crew member on Voyager, and his love for people is reflected heavily when he demonstrates his ESFJ traits. Highly sensitive to people's feelings, Neelix will set aside his own time to cheer people up and make them smile. He also prefers a harmonious and positive spirit among the crew members, and does his best to maintain morale on a ship so far from home.

ESFJs are big on family, and Neelix views the Voyager crew as his own. He ingratiated himself very easily into the structure of the ship, and made it a top priority to help people with burdens great and small, regardless of the cost to himself.

The Doctor - INFP (The Healer)

The holographic Doctor began his "life" as nothing more than a programmed replacement for Voyager's medical staff, but Captain Janeway allowed him to grow and flesh out his own personality as a valued, autonomous member of the crew. He quickly began displaying heavy INFP traits, which is no surprise given his occupation.

Though sometimes arrogant and neurotic, the Doctor cared immensely about the sanctity and value of life, either human or otherwise. He sought to help others with their problems, often acting as a counselor in addition to a physician. When he gained the ability to leave sick bay thanks to his mobile emitter, he began expressing these traits even stronger, becoming a healer in every respect.

Lieutenant Tuvok - INTP (The Architect)

Most Vulcans are INTPs by default, given their dedication to logic over emotion. Tuvok is no exception, and his dedication to logical theory, design and the complexity of things made him a highly valued crew member with a lot to offer.

Tuvok's seemingly cold demeanor meant that he was detached from the majority of the crew - even those he viewed as close compatriots. He was an inward thinker absorbed in his own thoughts who helped explore the boundaries of perception with people such as Kes, especially when she began developing her fantastic powers.

Ensign Harry Kim - ENTP (The Visionary)

While young, inexperienced and lacking in self confidence, Harry Kim was an idealist who displayed ENTP personality traits quite often. His youthful curiosity and clever mind helped Voyager on countless occasions, while his playful banter and non-judgmental personality helped him fit in with everyone.

Kim was also highly dedicated to his position, and he took very seriously the prospect of impressing Captain Janeway. He also displayed the ENTP's tendency to express frustration with those who hold back the group collective.

Seven of Nine - ISTJ (The Inspector)

As a former Borg, Seven of Nine was raised on this principles of order, structure and organization within a preset of systems. When she was disconnected from the Hive Mind, she never lost these traits, even as her human side began to reassert itself within the absence of the Collective.

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ISTJs know where they fit on the ladder, and will do their utmost to make sure that position is done to the best of their ability at all times. Maintaining order and standards are trademarks of an ISTJ, as is their penchant for being introverted thinkers.

Kes - INFJ (The Healer)

Kes was a member of an alien race with a drastically reduced lifespan in comparison to humans. That meant she had to grow up fast, and that led to her displaying a maturity far beyond her perceived appearance. She was a definite INFJ who saw not just the potential in herself, but those around her, and she actively sought to help people achieve it.

Her powers allowed her some telepathic abilities which might have helped her become more empathic and sensitive. It may also have helped her correctly read people at first glance - another trait of an INFJ. She was also deeply private, preferring to share her secrets and most intimate feelings with a select few, which is typical of INFJs. In the end, her compassion would not only save Voyager, but greatly reduce the amount of time it would have taken to get home.

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star trek myers briggs chart

A Guide To Star Wars Myers-Briggs Types For Your Favorite Characters

Many people have done charts for Star Wars Myers-Briggs types, and we didn't want to be left out. Here's who your favorite character is in the MBTI profile.

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Annika Barranti Klein

Annika Barranti Klein likes books, obviously.   Twitter: @noirbettie

View All posts by Annika Barranti Klein

About 100 years ago, Katherine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers developed the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types, based on the work of Carl Jung. As with every personality test, MBTI has its fans and its detractors, and is an imperfect measure…but it can be really fun, especially when applied to fictional characters, such as Star Wars Myers-Briggs types.

Many people have done charts for Star Wars Myers-Briggs types, and we didn’t want to be left out. But one thing we noticed about most of the existing charts is that they tend to include characters from the original and prequel trilogies, and no one else. Understandable, since most of them were made before the new cycle, so we decided to use only characters that appear in the new trilogy ( The Force Awakens  and The Last Jedi ) or one of the Star Wars Stories ( Rogue One and Solo ).

Han. Leia. Chewy. What are the Myers-Briggs types of your favorite Star Wars characters? star wars | star wars personality types | MBTI | myers briggs

How Myers-Briggs Types are Categorized

Every Myers-Briggs type is four letters, which stand for the four different categories below.

Introvert or Extrovert

The first letter is either I or E for I ntrovert or E xtrovert. Do you thrive on alone time or social time? (You might be an outgoing introvert or a shy extrovert—this isn’t about appearances, but about your inner self and the way you recharge.)

Intuitive or Sensing

The second letter is either N or S for I n tuitive or S ensing. This refers to how you process information. Are you looking for theories or facts?

Thinking or Feeling

The third letter is either T or F for T hinking or F eeling. Do you make decisions based on analytical thinking or your values and opinions?

Judging or Perceiving

The final letter is J or P for J udging or P erceiving. This refers to your lifestyle: do you like planning and structure or are you more likely to go with the flow?

Star Wars Myers-Briggs Types

Istj (introvert, sensing, thinking, judging): the inspector.

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My choice: Rose Tico. Possibly her sacrifices are too big tbh.

INFJ (Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging): The Counselor

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My choice: Luke Skywalker. Most existing charts put Luke in the role of the idealist, which may have been true in Episode IV, but by Episode VIII, he belongs here.

INTJ (Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging): The Mastermind

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My choice: Rey. There’s a reason she is the great hope of the resistance.

ENFJ (Extrovert, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging): The Giver

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My choice: Mon Mothma. What I wouldn’t give for a whole movie about her leadership in the rebellion.

ISTP (Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving): The Craftsman

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My choice: Jyn Erso. The description above and the picture on the left are basically interchangeable.

ESFJ (Extrovert, Sensing, Feeling, Judging): The Provider

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My choice: Saw Gerrera. This is a debatable choice, but I stand by it as I believe Saw believed that he was acting for the greater good, and therefore other people.

INFP (Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving): The Idealist

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My choice: Finn. He isn’t a chosen one. He doesn’t have any special skills in particular. But he will do what’s right, whether he knows how or has to figure it out on the way.

ESFP (Extrovert, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving): The Performer

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My choice: Lando Calrissian. Come on . Who else could it be?

ENFP (Extrovert, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving): The Champion

star trek myers briggs chart

My choice: Poe Dameron. I believe you’ll agree that this description could be summed up as “trigger-happy flyboy.”

ESTP (Extrovert, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving): The Doer

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My choice: L3-37. Droids’ rights! (This spot usually goes to Han Solo.)

ESTJ (Extrovert, Sensing, Thinking, Judging): The Supervisor

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My choice: General Leia Organa. Do not fucking @ me.

ENTJ (Extrovert, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging): The Commander

star trek myers briggs chart

My choice: Vice Admiral Holdo. Vice. Admiral. Mother. Fucking. Amilyn. Holdo.

INTP (Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving): The Architect

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My choice: Galen Erso. I mean, excuse me, but he built a flaw into the Death Star???

ISFJ (Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Judging): The Protector

star trek myers briggs chart

My choice: Chewbacca. This may or may not apply to original trilogy and Solo Chewbacca, but it sure as heck applies in the new trilogy. The sadder but wiser Wookiee for me.

ENTP (Extrovert, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving): The Visionary

star trek myers briggs chart

My choice: Maz Kanata. We don’t know a lot about her yet, but everything we do know fits this description.

ISFP (Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving): The Composer

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My choice: Cassian Andor. In lieu of an explanation I am going to rewatch Rogue One and cry.

Want More Myers-Briggs?

Find the Myers-Briggs types of 202 fictional characters , read these books on Myers-Briggs personality types, and check out these introverted characters (according to Myers-Briggs and one Rioter). 

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The Myers-Briggs® Types of the Star Wars Characters

When Susan reached out and asked me to write a guest post about the Myers-Briggs® Types of Star Wars characters, I immediately pulled up my soundtrack playlist and started writing. After all, I’ve been a Star Wars fan for as long as I can remember and I have a whole blog devoted to typing Star Wars characters ( it’s a work in progress, but here’s the link ).

There are a lot of Star Wars characters, so to keep this post a manageable length I’m reluctantly leaving off any that are not main characters in more than one of the nine Skywalker Saga films. If you don’t see one of your favorites on this list, I apologize. There are just too many great Star Wars characters to fit them all in one blog post!

Discover the Star Wars character with your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type. #MBTI #Personality

Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new personality questionnaire here . Or you can take the official MBTI® here .

The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types of the Star Wars Characters

Anakin skywalker/darth vader – entj.

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One of Anakin’s personality traits is that he likes to find effective solutions to problems (“Life seems so much simpler when you’re fixing things”). He’s a brilliant, innovative general during the Clone Wars (which is a great series, by the way), and he backs up his Extroverted Thinking with an intuitive process that isn’t worried about sticking to Jedi Order tradition.

Like many Thinking types, Anakin has strong emotions but isn’t quite sure what to do with them. They’re a weak point for him that Palpatine twists and exploits. Unfortunately, he never learns how to handle his darker emotions in a healthy way. As Vader, he bypasses the questioning Intuitive process and ends up in a “loop” with his dominant Extroverted Thinking and tertiary Extroverted Sensing. He doesn’t want to go inside and question himself or the choices he’s made.

Ben Solo/Kylo Ren – ENFJ

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There aren’t many NF villains, but I think Kylo Ren is one . Most of the time we see him on screen he’s a very unhealthy version of this type. Driven by an ENFJ ‘s need to connect and desire to create an idealized (for him) future, the damaged and misguided Kylo Ren wrecks havoc on those around him.

Immature, angry FJ types easily tear others apart because understanding how people work means you know exactly what to use against them. Kylo plays on Rey’s emotions when interrogating her and on Han’s when when he asks his father for help and then kills him. Ultimately, though, his desire and capacity for connection help bring him back to the Light.


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C-3PO is a bit of a caricature of the ISFJ personality, especially their tendency to get caught up in worse-case “what if?” scenarios. According to Naomi Quenk, ISTJs and ISFJs are the types who most often report their inferior function showing up constantly in daily life, and this stress response can lead to some developing a reputation as “worry-warts.” C-3PO also displays some of the best qualities of an ISFJ, though. He’s endlessly loyal and thrives in settings where he gets the chance to relate to human beings.

Finn – ISFJ

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Like so many real-life ISFJs, Finn finds himself in a complicated relationship with authority. He wants to do what he is right, stick with what he knows, and follow the rules of his society. But in his case, that society is the First Order and they’re in conflict with his desire to keep other people safe.

In the book Before The Awakening, Captain Phasma talks about indications that FN-2187 displays a “dangerous level of empathy.” It’s this side of Finn (his auxiliary Extroverted Feeling function) that prompts him to leave the First Order, help Poe escape, and risk his own safety to help rescue Rey. As his story continues, he continues to display the traits of a loyal, brave, smart, and reliable ISFJ doing his best to protect as many people as he can.

Han Solo – ISTP

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Susan wrote a post a few years ago about Why ISTPs Make the Best Action Heroes, and Han Solo is one of the best examples To quote her article, “These cool, collected types have the sharpest tactical abilities of any of the 16 types. They’re called ‘the crafters’ but really they excel at anything that involves quick-thinking, and hands-on tactical intelligence.” Sounds exactly like our favorite scruffy nerf-herder, doesn’t it? Most of the time Han doesn’t even have to make a plan because he’s so good at making things up as he goes and adapting to the situation at hand.

Leia Organa – ESTJ

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Princess-General Leia Organa is a brilliant leader whether it’s in the halls of diplomacy or on the battlefield. She’s a take-charge sort of person who is fiercely loyal to family and values, and expects the same level of commitment from others who choose to fight alongside her. Leia is a practical person who puts aside her own needs for the good of others and sticks to her principles no matter what. She leads with Extroverted Thinking, much like her father Anakin, but supports this function with Introverted Sensing. Her focus isn’t on innovating the future so much as it is on shaping the present in a practical way.

Luke Skywalker – INFP

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The last time I wrote about Luke Skywalker it turned an article that’s nearly 2,500 words long. I’ll try to keep it to a more reasonable length for this post. INFP types lead with Introverted Feeling, which makes decisions based on what feels right and authentic to the individual. Even when his choices don’t make sense to the people around him, and often in the face of strong opposition, Luke holds fast to his inner convictions. This stands him in good stead when he’s tempted by the Dark Side.

His auxiliary Extroverted Intuition helps explain how Luke learns to use the Force so quickly, since strongly intuitive types are comfortable taking leaps that aren’t well-supported by their past experiences. Ne is also a mental process that likes to look to the future and ask questions no one else will, such as “What if there’s still good in Darth Vader?”

Obi-Wan Kenobi – ISFJ

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Obi-Wan is often typed as an INFJ , but much as I’d like to claim one of my favorite characters for my own type I don’t think that’s the case. He is an introvert — comfortable working and living on his own, unlikely to seek out groups of people, and introspective. He’s also an FJ type, and his Extroverted Feeling makes him a charming diplomat and a good teacher. He’s not a Intuitive, though. He’s a Sensing type who prefers to focus on the problem at hand, stick with traditional ways of doing things, and relies heavily on the past to determine his future course of action.

Padmé Amidala – ENFJ

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Diplomacy is one of the greatest strengths of an NF type personality, and we see that clearly in ENFJ Padmé Amidala Naberrie . One of the defining aspects of her character is her constant insistence on trying to find peaceful, mutually beneficial resolutions to conflicts. It’s part of her harmony-seeking Extroverted Feeling, as is being a little too quick to forgive the faults of the people she loves.

Like so many real-life ENFJs, Padmé excels in leadership roles and is very popular with the people she works with both as queen and senator. She has an intuitive sense of things that are going on behind the scenes and is the first person to spot that Count Dooku is one of the people behind the plots to start the Clone Wars.

Poe Dameron – ESTP

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ESTP types make wonderful action heroes, and Poe is just one example of this in Star Wars (Lando Calrissian is also an ESTP). Poe thrives in the fast-paced outer world of piloting starfighters, leading battles, and bantering with enemy commanders. He’s decisive, stubborn, and great at improvising. I once read a description of ESTPs that said they tend to act first, then fix their mistakes as they go. This often works well for Poe, but not in The Last Jedi. When his plans backfire, he learns the value of stopping to think and plan and starts growing his auxiliary Introverted Thinking process.

R2-D2 – ENTP

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This little guy could probably rule the galaxy himself if he wanted, but I suspect he’d get bored. It’s hard to type a character when we never hear his dialog directly, but it seems that R2’s primary focus is on the external world of patterns, ideas, and possibilities (Extroverted Intuition).

That’s not really much of a surprise since an astromech who couldn’t notice and troubleshoot a problem quickly wouldn’t be much use. R2 is a fiercely independent thinker who isn’t shy about sharing his unpredictable thoughts on everything, whether or not his listeners can understand. He’s also highly intelligent and adapts quickly – hallmarks of the ENTP type.

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Rey exemplifies the practical, dutiful ISTJ type with their stubborn insistence on doing what they believe is right in the most efficient, logical way. She has a practical way of looking at the world and (like other Introverted Sensing types) filters new information through the lens of past experiences.

Once swept up into the galaxy-wide conflict between Light and Dark, one of Rey’s most important concerns is to figure out where she belongs in all this so she can fulfill that role to the best of her ability. She also likes to measure and test things for herself (as any TJ type would) as she solves problems like fixing the Millennium Falcon . She balances out her auxiliary Extroverted Thinking with her tertiary Introverted Feeling , which prompts her to act in alignment with her values.

Sheev Palpatine/Darth Sidious– INTJ

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Emperor Palpatine is a great example of the classic INTJ villain. He has a long-term plan to take over the entire galaxy, and eventually beyond. As we learned in the latest movie, he even had a plan to keep controlling things after he died. Long-term, big-picture plans are a key aspect of Introverted Intuition , and it doesn’t get much more big-picture thinking than that. In addition, though real-life INTJs don’t have Force-powers, their pattern-recognizing intuition can make it seem as if they “foresee” future outcomes much the same way Palpatine does.

Yoda – INFJ

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I just had to include Yoda on this list. He’s the only Star Wars character that I type as an INFJ (which is my personality type as well). These types lead with a function called Introverted Intuition, which has a unique talent for picking up on patterns and putting yourself in other people’s perspectives. It can also make us seem a bit eccentric. Yoda’s tendency to make cryptic plans and speak in riddles can frustrate the more straight-forward, practical types around him. But they also know that he’s usually right and have come to respect this strange little space wizard and his perspective on the universes.

What are your thoughts?

Do you type any of these characters differently than I did? Were there other characters you wish were on this list? Share your favorites (and which type you think they might be) in the comments!

About the Author:

Marissa Baker #MBTI Blogger

Marissa Baker is the author of The INFJ Handbook ( available in the Amazon Kindle Store ). You can find her online at where she blogs about personal growth and development from a Christian perspective.

Find out which Star Wars character has your Myers-Briggs® personality type! #MBTI #Personality #INFJ #INFP

Marissa Baker is the author of The INFJ Handbook (available in the Amazon Kindle Store). You can find her online at where she blogs about personal growth and development from a Christian perspective.

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Are there really no INTPs in Starwars? What about The Force?

Same question

No ENFPs either? 🙁

I’m pretty sure Asajj Ventress is an INTP, but I didn’t have the space in this article to cover characters from The Clone Wars. She’s the only one I can think of, though. It seems strange there aren’t more

INTP = The Force? I’d believe it! Kind regards, Yoda

Aahhh I love this!! So spot on, well done! ISTJ Rey is so true!! Love it.

What about ENFP?

This was fun to read! One character I would add (not because he’s a favorite, but because he’s a main character) is Chewbacca. I would type him as an ISFp.

I have such a hard time typing Chewbacca since we don’t get to hear any of his lines directly (I almost didn’t include R2D2 for the same reason). ISFP does seem like a good choice, though.

Hi. You’ve done a nice work. I would like to make just a few comments. C3po – LII [1 – introverted logic 2 – extraverted intuition etc.]. C3PO is compared to Sheldon Cooper in the TV series ” The Big Bang Theory”. I’m not sure about your version of Palpatine. He have ability to pretend, lack of moral principles, ability to manipulate feelings, his main value – absolute power. Bet on strength, military power. He recruit supporters easily. He will commit treason at the first opportunity. You should not consider the last film of the Saga as an equal part in relation to the creations of Lucas. This movie was an absolute farce. Rei doesn’t look like a real live person. She has strong intuition that helped her to find Skywalker. She has no respect for tradition. She is great at mechanics. She is an excellent pilot of spaceships. She’s afraid of responsibility. She is kind and selfless. Too positive to be real. But if you remember that the last trilogy is the brainchild of Disney, which has a rich tradition of creating Barbie-like characters, then everything will fall into place. However, if it was necessary to place a bid, I would say that it is IEI.

P. S. Darth Vader supposed to be SLE.

I don’t agree with R2D2 being an extrovert. He stays near the people he knows. Doesn’t run off to make new friends. And doesn’t just trust people. He has to get to know the.

Any ENFPs? I’ve always thought that Anakin Skywalker and Finn were ENFPs, and that Han Solo was an ESTP. I’m surprised there’s no ENFPs.

Thanks for your input! I do type Qui-Gon Jinn, Ahsoka Tano, and Ezra Bridge as ENFPs but to keep this post a manageable length I didn’t include anyone from the animated series or characters that only appeared in one movie.

Fully agree with Emperor Palpatine being an INTJ. Scheming, planning and strategizing. He has always been one of my favorite Star Wars characters. “Unlimited power!”

Gee just leave out ENFP why don’t you ???? qui gon is a perfect example.

Qui-Gon is a great example of ENFPs, and I almost included him but to keep this post a manageable length I decided to only include characters who appeared in more than one movie. Poor Qui-Gon is only in one 🙁

There are some wonderful ENFPs in Star Wars. I’ve been working on posts about Ahsoka Tano and Qui-Gon for one of my personal blogs, and I already have a post about Ezra Bridger if you’re interested:

What a fun and well thought through article! Thanks for writing it!

Thank you Hannah! I really appreciate it 🙂

I type Qui-Gon Jinn, Ahsoka Tano, and Ezra Bridge as ENFPs but to keep this post a manageable length I didn’t include any of the characters from the animated series or characters that only appeared in one movie.

I’ve been working on writing posts about Ahsoka and Qui-Gon for one of my personal blogs, and I already have a post about Ezra if you’re interested:

So that why I relate so well to Luke. I am also an INFP. Also during these times, I figured it’s really important to hold to my ideals, especially the ones that tell me that all will work out. I never seem to know – how but does. I feel like l am living on the edge and ever since moved out of my parents house.

Love this. I love how there are so many ISFJ’s (my personality type). Most websites just stops at 1 (which is C-P30, which bugs me). It makes me relate to some characters all the more now.

Who do you think an INTP is like in the Star Wars Universe? I have heard before that Yoda is an INTP, but that doesn’t appear to agree with your analysis.

I disagree with how Anakin is typed – I’d classify him as a very unhealthy ISFP. It’s implied many times throughout the movie that Anakin has a very subjective moral code indicative of Fi, as demonstrated when Padme asks, “Are you allowed to love? I thought that was forbidden for a Jedi.” and he replies with, “Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is central to a Jedi’s life.” Anakin also demonstrates a high capacity for Se, which helps him win the podrace and also earn renown as one of the best space pilots in the galaxy. Moreover, that quote: “Life seems so much simpler when you’re fixing things” is a very Se-driven statement that is backed up by Fi – note how Anakin uses the word “seems”, which transforms the statement as something subjective and uncertain (Fi), as opposed to saying “is”, which would make the statement objective and certain (Te).

The reason that Palpatine is able to manipulate Anakin is because Anakin possesses tertiary Ni, which makes it difficult for him to recognize how Palpatine is exploiting him to further his schemes. Anakin demonstrates very little, if any, of the visionary behaviors associated with Ni-dominant types – his main motivation is to protect the ones he loves from anything he may perceive as a threat. Even when Anakin discovers that Palpatine is a Sith Lord and reports him, he can’t remain dedicated to this choice, returning to save Palpatine from Mace Windu and thus showing a lack of objectivity associated with inferior Te. I must also mention – as an ISFP myself – that unhealthy ISFPs often act like ENTJs in certain respects, which is why I think you typed him as such in the first place. In any case, I enjoyed reading this article.

As an ENFJ this makes me so happy. I knew for sure that Padme was an ENFJ. She’s one of my fave characters of all time and I relate to her a lot.

With that being said, I also LOVE Kylo Ren/Ben Solo despite his destructive nature.

ENFJs can often be written as one-dimensional characters and both of these characters have a lot of depth to them.

Wow. I’ve read a lot of the personality takes on Star Wars characters but I think this is terrific! I’m an ENTJ so, I especially appreciate the way you considered Vader as an extension of Anakin and not a stand alone cut out. Enjoyed the article, thank you.

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I’m sorry, but I’m not seeing ENFP as a Star Wars Character…..?

How would you type Barriss Offee? Being an INFJ also, I would type her as the same. She’s almost identical to me in her thought process and the way she handles herself. But unlike Yoda being a healthy INFJ, Barriss and myself are unhealthy ones, thus the big difference between the two. It felt right for her character. What do you think?

There’s no way Han Solo is an introvert.

Did not have to go far into the comments to see that someone thinks like I do. I doubt the character is ISTP. The Mandalorian could be ISTP, but would not argue that he could also be ISTJ.

Yoda is more of an intp

Why is there no INTP?

1- Han Solo is ESTP af and Leia is an ENTJ 2- Yoda is an INFJ in the Prequels and an INTP in the Original Trilogy 3- Rey is a legit ISFP in the Rise of Skywalker 4- I’m angry that Disney recycled Han to make Poe 5- Anakin seems to be an ESFP as his original self and an ISTJ as Darth Vader

As an INTJ, I find it hard to believe that an ENTJ (Anakin) could have created C3PO or even survived his lonely childhood as an extrovert… however, the LOOP that you identify is interesting to me that I think is worth further investigation on my part… can you provide any suggested reading material on this for me?

Anakin is definitely not an entj. He’s not a, he’s a subordinate. Leia is actually an ENTJ.

I think a lot of you are fundamentally misunderstanding what it means to be either introverted or extroverted. Introverted doesn’t mean you want to be alone all the time and extrovert doesn’t mean you’re a party animal. Han is introverted. He is reluctant to put himself out there even though he desires a connection with people he cares about. Anakin is extroverted. He focuses his energy on the people around him and he’s reluctant to look inwards to be mindful of his thoughts

Thanks for the reassurance and clarification. 🙂

I might as well watch the Prequels and Sequels again. The comparison with Padmé Amadala and Kylo Ren is an interesting contrast to observe. 🧐 Thanks so much for the insight. 😃

Anakin – ISTJ, acts like Palpatine’s captain Padme – ISFP (emotional decision maker) C-3PO – INFP (effeminate clumsy guy, similar to major domo in Mandalorian) Leia – ISTJ (Not overbearing like an ESTJ) Han solo – ESFP (classis pirate/smuggler type) Rey – ESFP (Disney has a soft spot for xSFPs) Palpatine – ISTP or INTP, probably INTP cause relies more on scheming than brute force, corrupts other people’s souls. R2-D2 – Certainly an ExFP, probably an ESFP cause it’s not a nerdy/weirdo type like an ENTP (such as Saw Gerrera) or a clumsy fool like an ENFP (such as Jar Jar)

C-3PO and Luke’s types are mismatched.

C-3PO is the INFP, effeminate anxious guy who keeps whining whereas Luke is a kind-hearted action-oriented person that wants to help people and those whom he loves i.e. an ISFJ.

Most action heroes in novels/movies are ISFJs, such as optimus prime, superman, he-man, Aragorn etc.

Superman and He-man are good examples to differentiate b/w ISFJ and INFP types in that although they are actually ISFJs, they feign anxious inept INFPs in their cover identities, i.e. as Clark Kent and Prince Adam.

Hi, I think you misunderstand INFPs completely. There is nothing about them that is necessarily effeminate. Someone who is brave, kind and loyal doesn t always qualify as an ISFJ, and saying so is a fundamental misunderstanding. To be an ISFJ, they should default toSi and Fe when solving problems. If they default to Fi and Ne, this means they are an INFP, REGARDLESS THE FACT THAT THEY ARE BRAVE. PLEASE STOP REDUCING INFPS TO WHINY COWARDS.

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I hate to say it as an INTP, but Darth Plagueis was probably an INTP: brilliantly researching the depths of dark force theory only to have his knowledge stolen by his INTJ apprentice who did not consider it a theft if he was not using it effectively.

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