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Conservative Swifties say her endorsement of Harris won't affect their votes or their love of her music

Angel Sobolewski doesn’t take political advice from pop stars — not even her favorite, Taylor Swift. 

That’s why Sobolewski, who regularly promotes Republican candidates through her profile on X, is voting for former President Donald Trump in November despite being a Swiftie. 

“I think you can like an artist without, like, agreeing with their politics,” Sobolewski, 21, said. “You know, if we had to agree with their politics, we’d probably be left with, like, two people.”

Swift’s endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday after Harris’ debate with Trump has rankled and disappointed some of her many fans on the conservative side of the political spectrum. Others said they’re not thrilled about the endorsement — but they were “Ready for It.” 

“We learned last night that she’ll be supporting Kamala Harris in the election, but that’s OK, and that, you know, diversity of ideology and diversity of opinion in the United States are important, and we should keep our horizons open,” conservative Swift fan Jenna Piwowarczyk told NBC News.

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On social media, many Swifties said they anticipated Swift, who endorsed Joe Biden in 2020 but rarely makes political statements, would most likely vote for Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz. 

Those who spoke to NBC News said her comments wouldn’t stop them from listening to her music.

“I think that the endorsement was nothing too unexpected,” said Heath Johnson, 15, a self-described “Gen Z Swiftie” from Wisconsin. “I think Taylor really dislikes Trump and that she would endorse a dead body over him if it came to it.”

Swift’s post to Instagram on Tuesday, shared after Harris and Trump’s first debate, explained that she decided to back Harris “because she fights for the rights and causes I believe need a warrior to champion them.” 

“I think she is a steady-handed, gifted leader and I believe we can accomplish so much more in this country if we are led by calm and not chaos,” Swift wrote. 

Some right-leaning Swift fans had expected those statements.

“We’re not surprised. We know that Taylor leans left on stuff, and in her statement she talked about that she’ll be voting for Kamala and Tim Walz because of social issues,” said Piwowarczyk, 19, who said she will be voting for Trump in the November election. 

On Wednesday, in an interview with “Fox & Friends,” Trump responded to Swift’s endorsement, saying, “I was not a Taylor Swift fan. It was just a question of time.” He added later, “But she’s a very liberal person, she seems to always endorse a Democrat, and she’ll probably pay a price for it in the marketplace.”

In her endorsement post, Swift also mentioned that Trump had shared images that appeared to have been generated by artificial intelligence to his social media platform, Truth Social, of both her and her fans supporting Trump. She said she felt the need to speak out.

Two of the images Trump posted were real photos of Piwowarczyk in which she was wearing a “Swifties for Trump” shirt.

“I was disappointed in the Trump campaign for posting AI pictures, because it kind of dilutes the realness of this movement,” Piwowarczyk said, adding that “there are thousands of girls who do support Trump and listen to Taylor Swift.”

One such group is “Swifties for Trump,” a loose ideological group of mostly women who identify as conservative Swift lovers. 

In a lengthy post, the “Swifties for Trump” account on X, which has no affiliation with Swift, said Wednesday that the group respects Swift’s right to endorse any candidate but that the endorsement won’t change the group’s passion for Trump. The post emphasized that while the group had no intention to pressure Swift to vote for Trump, she doesn’t share the struggles of the average American. 

“She isn’t worried, like most young Americans, that she may never be able to afford to buy a house — a quintessential part of the American Dream. … She’s worked extremely hard since she was a teenager to earn all that she has. The majority of us, however, live in a very different world than Taylor Swift,” the post read in part.

The “Swifties for Trump” account declined to comment. 

Other Swifties, like Jason Richardson, 23, echoed the sentiment that Swift’s billionaire status means she’s “out of touch” with her fans. Richardson said some Swift lovers can’t afford “food, housing and transportation” because of the Biden administration. Richardson said he’s one of the Swifties genuinely disappointed by Swift’s endorsement of Harris. 

“I am still a big fan of hers,” Richardson said. “Her endorsement of the Harris campaign does not change my love or admiration for her. I just wish she made a better choice.”

The worldwide phenomenon of Swift and, more recently, the Eras Tour has attracted fans from all walks of life.

In the past, some have speculated that Swift was a Republican, and Vice reported in 2016 that white supremacists viewed her as “aryan goddess.” But Swift has consistently advocated for left-leaning candidates and policies since she spoke up about politics for the first time six years ago.

The 2020 documentary “Miss Americana” featured scenes of Swift fighting with her team to publicly denounce Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., then a member of the House, whom she described as “Trump in a wig.” The same year she shared a post of cookies with Biden’s name on them.

Johnson, who spoke via X direct message, said he hoped Swift would look at what the Republican Party has to offer beyond Trump. He suggested Swift look at candidates like Nikki Haley, who he believes aligns more closely with Swift than Harris or Trump. 

Still, he said the endorsement will change little in the Swift fan base. 

“The few conservative Swifties who didn’t want her to endorse [Harris, like me] weren’t thrilled to say the least but we aren’t surprised either,” he said. 

Most said they hope that, in the future, Swift and other celebrities will encourage people to vote but won’t say which candidates in particular they’re backing. 

“I think it’s pretty commonly known that she is a liberal, so it wasn’t surprising, and I wasn’t even really disappointed,” Sobolewski said. “I do kind of wish that she just kept it to herself.”

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Kalhan Rosenblatt is a reporter covering youth and internet culture for NBC News, based in New York.

Overtalking may signal a mental health condition

Garrulousness could be a personality trait, but it can also stem from ADHD, autism, generalized anxiety disorder and bipolar disorder

Many of us overtalk, for instance, when we’re socially anxious or deeply interested in a topic. At other times, we’re baffled by people who repeatedly monopolize conversations. Rarely, though, do we realize that overtalking could be rooted in mental conditions.

Talking too much got Shawn Horn into lots of trouble. As a child, she once accompanied her grandmother to a hair salon and told everyone the details of her parents’ divorce. When people would praise her mother’s beauty, Horn would pipe up with “my mom is 34 years old” or “she’s wearing false eyelashes.”

“I had no filter, and I would just talk to everyone, everywhere,” Horn said.

Teachers scolded her for interrupting and blurting out answers. When she tried to chat up kids at her school, they often rejected her, she said.

People who talk excessively are labeled “compulsive talkers” and “oversharers.” Garrulousness could be a personality trait, but sometimes, talking a lot can stem from health conditions such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, generalized anxiety disorder and bipolar disorder.

For Horn, now 54, an adult diagnosis of ADHD provided the first insight into the excessive talking, as well as childhood fidgeting and trouble with focusing on tasks, she said.

Speaking impulsively could be related to ADHD

ADHD , a neurodevelopmental condition, includes symptoms such as inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness.

Not everyone with ADHD talks a lot, but among those who do, “the impulsiveness is at the bottom of this,” said L. Eugene Arnold , a psychiatrist and resident expert at Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD), an ADHD education and advocacy group. “They tend to act impulsively, speak impulsively and think impulsively.”

In her teen years, Horn would often exult that a conversation went well, only to discover later that others had felt annoyed.

“In this energy, we’re so excited to talk, we want to talk, we want to share what we know, but the listener doesn’t understand,” she said. “They will say those negative terms, like ‘You’re being inconsiderate, disrespectful, self-centered, narcissistic. You’re rambling too much,’ which is not reflective of our intention and makes it so disheartening.”

Autism is often marked by communication issues

People with autism are misunderstood, too, said Andy Shih , chief science officer at Autism Speaks, an advocacy organization that sponsors autism research. It’s not always obvious that someone has autism, which is often marked by difficulties with social communication and restricted topics of interest.

Some autistic people are nonverbal, but others can be highly talkative. “The typical social interactions between neurotypical individuals are more difficult for autistic people,” Shih said.

In a typical conversation, “you can pick up the cues about taking turns, when the question is ending, when the set of statements is ending, so that you can engage in an interaction,” he said. “Sometimes with autistic people, it’s more difficult to pick up those social cues . ”

Autistic people can find it difficult to transition from one conversation, topic or area to another, Shih said. “It’s more comfortable just to continue on something that they know about and just keep talking,” he said. “It’s not a sign of rudeness or being narcissistic. It’s just the way their brains are wired.”

Some autistic people are fascinated with Lego collections, Star Wars movies and trivia, and train schedules, for instance, Shih said. An autistic friend in Japan knows all the sports statistics of sumo wrestlers, Shih said .

“You often see people rolling their eyes,” Shih said. “Sometimes when you talk to an autistic person, they talk about things that they’re really interested in. That interest doesn’t always translate to other people.”

Generalized anxiety disorder and worry

Generalized anxiety disorder shows up as persistent, excessive worry that interferes with daily life.

People who suffer from it “worry about everything: what did they do wrong, what should happen next, what’s the decision that needs to be made,” said Christian Kohler , a professor of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. “Those are people who can be very wordy and always need feedback.”

Mania is connected to rapid, wordy speech

Bipolar disorder causes extreme mood swings, from emotional lows such as depression to emotional highs called mania or hypomania, which is less severe.

At the beginning of a manic or hypomanic episode, speech remains coherent, so red flags might not go up, Kohler said. But “the classic change in speech is that a person becomes more wordy and that the speech becomes pressured, so the rate increases,” Kohler said.

Talkative people without bipolar disorder will stop when others speak up, but pressured speech is difficult for others to interrupt, Kohler said. “It’s driven by them having thoughts that come at a greater speed,” he said, “and so in a colloquial sense, they want to get the words out, but there are too many thoughts.”

They feel energetic and euphoric and perhaps might describe new business ideas, even if the goals are unattainable, Kohler said.

With a form called bipolar disorder type 2, people can stay hypomanic. With bipolar disorder type 1, people progress toward full mania. “You get this flight of ideas where the person jumps from one topic to another that may be somewhat related thematically, but altogether, it makes less sense,” he said.

“Then in the extreme form, it doesn’t make any sense,” Kohler said.

When is overtalking a concern?

Unusual talkativeness doesn’t necessarily indicate a problem, Kohler said. Other symptoms specific to each health condition must be present for a diagnosis by a mental health practitioner.

For instance, with bipolar disorder, doctors will check for other symptoms, including exaggerated self-confidence, increased activity, racing thoughts, decreased need for sleep , and poor decision-making.

“You look for other behavioral signs and you look for, ‘Does it affect social, occupational, academic functioning?’ ” Kohler said.

Bipolar disorder is often diagnosed in the teen years or early adulthood, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. “We are all kind of limited observers of our own behavior,” Kohler said. “This is where, especially for younger people, family members and caregivers are very important for picking up on those symptoms.”

Autism is a lifelong condition, and Shih suggested allowing an autistic person to decide “whether ‘overtalking’ is actually an issue for her or him,” he said. “For us, the neurotypicals, maybe just think, ‘Is that really that big of a deal? It’s okay, right? We’re all a little different.’”

How to manage overtalking

Horn considers herself naturally empathic and chose a profession that involves deep listening. She’s now a licensed psychologist in Spokane, Wash.

These are some strategies that have helped her manage her inclination to overtalk.

  • Use a notepad to jot down thoughts. In appropriate situations, making notes can minimize interrupting and misdirecting a conversation, and remind one to address an issue later.
  • Speak in succinct sentences. Rather than delivering a drawn-out account, “use techniques like bottom-lining, where you talk with bullet points,” she said.
  • Look for cues to proceed. If a listener asks a close-ended question, share barely more than a yes or no answer and wait to see if the person requests to hear more. “But if you want to tell them the story without being asked, ask them if they’re willing to hear the story,” she said.

Whether someone has ADHD or autism, “sometimes, what is perceived as different behaviors or perhaps even strange behaviors, it’s not always a sign of a poor personality or difficult personality,’ Shih said. “Especially in this day and age, I think it will benefit all of us to be patient and more open-minded and take our time to listen to each other.”

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A Conscious Rethink

How To Stop Interrupting People: 9 No Nonsense Tips

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Want to stop interrupting others all the time? This is the best $14.95 you’ll ever spend. Click here to learn more .

Talking over people can be a hard habit to break, particularly if it’s part of your common methods of communication.

There are some legitimate reasons why people develop this habit. People that come from cultures or families that are generally loud and compete for the speaking floor get used to functioning in that environment. If you don’t talk loud and elbow your way into the conversation, then you just don’t get heard.

But that kind of communication doesn’t work in a more polite society or the workplace. Talking over other people can be seen as rude, dismissive, and disrespectful to those who aren’t used to that communication style.

Interrupting can also make quieter people feel excluded and unimportant, which isn’t really how you want people to feel in a good conversation.

9 Ways To Stop Interrupting People

1. practice active listening..

Active listening is focusing intently on what the speaker has to say until they finish their thought.

Many people do not practice active listening. Instead, they skim the speaker’s words while trying to think of the next thing they want to say. This is a problem for a couple of reasons. First, they’re not really listening and may miss important context or statements that the speaker is making. Second, it makes the listener appear as though they are not engaged in the conversation.

And that second point is especially bad if you happen to be talking to the boss or having a sensitive conversation with a loved one. You don’t want to appear to be disengaged or uninterested.

Try to avoid thinking about what you want to say while the other person is thinking. Instead, quiet yourself and just focus on their words.

2. Pause for 10 seconds before speaking.

Sometimes we interrupt other people due to miscues in the flow of conversation. These cues can be easy to miss if you aren’t practicing active listening because they are often subtle. The speaker may have paused for dramatic effect, comedic timing, or just to gather their thoughts before they continue.

A good way to stop interrupting people is to simply take ten seconds between the time they stop speaking and you start speaking. It might feel awkward, but you can always explain this away as you were just thinking about what was being said, which you should be doing anyway.

That pause will also give you a little additional time to read the speaker and look for conversation cues for them, like if their facial expression denotes thought or a joke.

3. Purse your lips or cover your mouth.

Perhaps you need an active reminder to help stifle the impulse to talk over other people. You can do that by pursing your lips or adopting a posture where you can cover your mouth. Pursing your lips helps because it’s common body language for being in thought. The person you are speaking to will interpret that as you thinking about their words.

You may also find it helpful to rest your chin in your hand and put a finger over your lips, circumstances allowing. That would be fine in a personal conversation but will probably look a little off in professional conversations or meetings.

Either way, it’s a physical reminder to stop yourself from talking over people who haven’t finished what they have to say.

4. Repeat their statement back when appropriate.

When communicating with another person, a common piece of advice is to repeat their point back to them in your own words to show that you understand what they are saying. This can be a helpful piece of advice for not interrupting or talking over people because it forces your mind to stay focused on the speaker.

This is most helpful in a personal conversation where the other person expresses something of deep importance. Like, think of when a friend is having a hard time, or maybe you’re having a discussion with your boss about a work responsibility.

5. Allow the speaker to continue if you do interrupt.

You’re going to mess up. You’re going to fall back to that old habit and interrupt someone sooner or later. It’s okay! Really. No one is perfect, so don’t expect yourself to be either.

Stop yourself when it happens. Just say, “I’m sorry for interrupting, please go on.”

The habit of making that apology will help you maintain better control over when you decide to interject into the conversation. And it has the added benefit of communicating to the speaker that you realize you made an error, are apologetic, and give them back the floor to continue speaking.

6. Make notes if you are in a work setting or group conversation.

In a work or group setting, it is helpful to carry a small notebook with you. That way, you can jot down notes and thoughts you have about what’s being said to revisit later. Some people interrupt because they are afraid they will forget their question or point. The notebook is the solution to that problem.

Plus, it’s helpful to collect these thoughts and notes for when you get to the end of the presentation. You may find that your question was already answered or your points covered by the end.

7. Acknowledge your interruption if you need to make one.

There are times in conversations when you need to make an interruption. Perhaps there is a bit of misinformation being shared that you need to correct. In that scenario, just limit yourself to providing the appropriate context or information required for the comment.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you, but…”

Make your point, and then step back out of the flow of conversation.

An interruption is sometimes necessary.

8. Ask a friend to help you.

Changing a habit can be hard work. You can make the job easier by enlisting the help of a trusted friend or family member. Have them keep an eye on you and just give you a little nudge or inform you when you’re interrupting, so you can better avoid it.

After the conversation is over, they can just tell you, “Hey, you interrupted John while he was talking about his trip.” That way, you can acknowledge it with yourself if you feel it slipped under your radar.

9. Practice with a partner.

A great way to change any habit is through regular practice. You can practice not interrupting with the help of a friend by just asking them to talk about a thing. Suggest they talk about something with their work, an event in their life, or a situation they had to deal with. Then, take that time to actively listen to what they have to say, work on your own internal narration, and stop the triggers that cause you to talk over people.

Make it clear that you are asking for help with this specific problem and may not be entirely invested in the conversation. You don’t want your friend to be pouring their heart out to you, and you’re not paying attention because you’re thinking about how you speak.

Keep practicing. Keep working on listening and just being quiet when other people speak. The more you work at it, the easier it will be to ditch that interrupting habit and be a quality conversationalist.

Check out this hypnotherapy MP3 designed to help someone stop talking over people . Click here to learn more .

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is interrupting people rude.

In many cultures, interrupting people is rude because it shows disrespect to the person speaking and the point they are trying to make. People like to express themselves and feel heard by those they are talking to. To interrupt is to deny them that right.

What are the consequences of interrupting people?

If you regularly interrupt someone, it might make them pull away from you or not want to talk to you. After all, if they can’t say what’s on their mind without you jumping in every five seconds, they’ll look for someone else with whom to share their thoughts, their news, or their worries.

Nobody wants to feel like they are part of a one-sided conversation where only what you have to say matters enough to be listened to.

Talking over people is also a problem if you are being given instructions. You may think you know what someone wants you to do, but unless you listen to their words carefully, you are likely to make errors or not doing things the way they want them done. This can lead to trouble of all sorts, especially in work situations but also when it comes to helping out a friend or partner.

Interrupting people can make you seem arrogant, rude, self-centered, and uncaring. These are not qualities you would wish to convey to others because they lead to weaker relationships and destroy the relationships you have already built up.

Why do I interrupt so often?

You might interrupt people to ensure that your voice gets heard. This is sometimes required, but often you would get your chance to speak anyway if you had waited.

Or you might be so excited by what the other person is saying that you simply must interject to express that excitement.

Perhaps you don’t want to forget the point you’ve just thought of and so you splurt it out in order to ensure it gets said.

Do you have a habit of taking whatever someone else is saying and making it about you? Perhaps you top their story with yours, or you like to tell a shared story from your perspective because you think you tell it better. This shows that you are a bit of a conversational narcissist who likes the sound of your own voice.

It might be that you struggle to hold back a thought when you have one – it’s come out of your mouth before you’ve even finished thinking it. This might relate to poor impulse control in general.

What does it feel like to be interrupted during a conversation?

When someone interrupts what you are saying, it can feel like what you have to say isn’t important. This can extend to feeling like nothing you have to say is important if someone in your life like a partner or parent always talks over you.

When you don’t feel heard, you may feel unloved or not respected. It can also make you feel powerless if the other person disregards your opinions and makes choices for you.

Being interrupted can also lead to feelings of anger and annoyance. It can cause ill-feelings toward the person who interrupted you that last well beyond the conversation.

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About The Author

d trip keep talking

Jack Nollan is a mental health writer of 10 years who pairs lived experience with evidence-based information to provide perspectives from the side of the mental health consumer. Jack has lived with Bipolar Disorder and Bipolar-depression for almost 30 years. With hands-on experience as the facilitator of a mental health support group, Jack has a firm grasp of the wide range of struggles people face when their mind is not in the healthiest of places. Jack is an activist who is passionate about helping disadvantaged people find a better path.

Why You Stumble Over Your Words

Want to sound composed during your next speech or presentation? Learn the simple fix for linguistic slip-ups

Man speaking

Ever know exactly what you want to say, but your words come out all garbled? 

This usually happens when you least expect it. It’s not like you suddenly forgot how to form a sentence—it’s more like a temporary system error in your control center. 

At the same time your brain is working out a whole series of different words and statements for you to say, it’s also trying to coordinate the movements of your mouth, tongue, lips, and focal folds, says Jonathan Preston, Ph.D., an assistant professor of communication sciences and disorders at Syracuse University. 

The problem: Sometimes your brain moves faster than your mouth. When you try to speed up your speech in order to keep pace, you end up tripping over your words, says Preston.

Your nerves make things worse. If you’re anxious about how you look or sound while speaking—especially if you’re in front of a lot of people—that’s one more bowling pin your brain has to juggle. This leads to even more linguistic slip-ups, Preston says. 

But you can put a stop to these occasional, ill-timed stumbles. It just takes a little practice. 

1. Slow down. The faster you talk, the more likely you are to make a flub, says Preston.

Focus on slowing your speaking pace. Imagine you’re reading a piece of text—the kind you might recite at a wedding or business presentation. 

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Pause briefly, and think your entire sentence through. When you speak more deliberately, you keep your brain and mouth moving at the same tempo. 

As a bonus, this also helps you connect better with your audience. 

Researchers from the University of Michigan analyzed the phone calls of telemarketers and found that people who paused frequently during their pitch were more persuasive than callers who spoke uninterrupted. 

The researchers say people typically pause about five times a minute. This speech pattern sounds more believable to listeners than when you spit out words without any breaks.  

2. Speak clearly. Some Americans with serious stutters or pathological speaking problems overcome their difficulties by talking in British accents, or raising or lowering their voices, says Preston.

“When you speak in a way that’s out of the ordinary for you, you shift attention away from what you’re saying, and put it on how you’re saying it.” This change in focus leads to fewer tied tongues, he says. 

You don’t need to talk like you’re a character in a Guy Ritchie flick. Just clearly annunciate each word you say.  

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Like speaking more slowly, precisely forming your words can keep your brain from running ahead of your mouth, Preston says. 

3. Remember, nobody cares. Of course you hear your own goofs, so you probably think everyone else spots them, too.

Relax. Occasional speech stumbles are super common and acceptable, says Preston. Since we all slip up, it’s likely the people around you don’t even notice, he says.

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Road trips are one of my favorite things to do. But I know, they are not everyone’s cup of tea. However, they are a great way to connect with someone because you have hours of time together. And while again, that may not be everyone’s idea of fun, we do focus on how to spend more time together while we can. Undeniably you may also worry that you may run out of things to talk about on road trips . This is of course where great conversations can happen.

If you’re going to be spending several hours in the car on your next road trip, it’s important that you don’t get sick of each other (or sick of the same old songs on repeat). Therefore, I tried to go beyond a generic list of road trip questions, though I include these too. This is a comprehensive list balancing meaningful conversations and fun things to talk about on road trips.

Do you ever struggle with what to talk about on a road trip? These questions might be considered too personal if taken up all at once, but even if just one of them sparks a conversation, the fellow passengers will feel more connected. A few minutes of back-and-forth discussion can turn into hours as you each share stories from your past, present, and future. If you’re not sure where to start, try starting by asking someone about their hobbies, hometowns, or upcoming travel plans . In this case, let the conversation flow naturally by adding details and asking open-ended questions.

The best part is that these conversations happen while driving! You don’t have to worry about awkward silence and small talk!

man and woman sitting on car's trunk with things to talk about on road trips

Table of Contents

Road Trip Conversation Starters

While these may work for your closest friends, this is also a great way to get to know someone new.

If you’re going on a road trip, you might be wondering what kinds of conversation starters you can use to fill the time. After all, it can get boring pretty fast if everyone’s tired or sitting in silence with nothing to say. Luckily, there are lots of ways to keep things lively while you’re on your way to your destination! Here are some fun conversation starters that will help you pass the time and make your road trip memorable—no matter how long it takes you to get there!

  • If you could give me one piece of advice for my 20s, what would it be?
  • Describe your dream house.
  • What does the exterior look like?
  • What type of neighborhood does it live in?
  • Who lives there with you?
  • What does the interior look like?
  • What’s your favorite smell? Additionally, why is it your favorite smell?
  • What’s a favorite book you’ve read recently? Of all time?
  • If you could recommend one book for everyone to read, what would it be and why?
  • Do you have any siblings, and how are they different from you?
  • If you could ask any question, what would it be, and who would you ask it of?
  • How did you choose your career/major?
  • Who is one person that means a lot to you, and why?
  • What is something that really excites you about the future?
  • All things considered, is there anything about yourself you’re not proud of?
  • Does anyone have a good sense of humor like yours?
  • What is your weirdest superstition or irrational fear
  • How do you spend your weekends?
  • Do you believe in ghosts?
  • Do you feel like there’s more to life than just this world?
  • What are three phrases you wish people said more often?
  • What’s your go-to meal for a busy day at work/school?
  • Tell me about your worst date.
  • Who has been the biggest influence in your life so far?
  • If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
  • Do you have any tattoos? What are they and what meaning do they hold for you?
  • Who is the most famous person you’ve met?
  • What is the worst thing about social media? What is the best thing?

Couple eating lunch in park

Fun Things to Talk about on Road Trips

After all these deep meaningful connections, you may also need just some fun and silly things to ask. These could be fun road trip questions and conversation starters whenever.

  • What are some of your favorite songs?
  • What are your favorite bands or artists?
  • Do you ever listen to podcasts while you’re driving? If so, what’s your favorite podcast or two?
  • If someone were making a movie about our lives, what would it be called and who would play us in the movie?
  • Who is your celebrity doppelganger?
  • Which celebrity would be most like you in terms of personality and why?
  • What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
  • What was your favorite toy as a kid?
  • Which TV show, movie, or book has made you laugh out loud more than any other so far this year, and why?
  • What do you think would happen if we never had to sleep?
  • Which movie would you want to live inside of?
  • If you could take three items from home to live on a deserted island indefinitely, which ones would they be and why?
  • If you were stuck on an island, what three foods would you bring?
  • You can only choose one snack food for the rest of your life: what will it be?
  • Would you rather always feel cold but never need to worry about sweating or always feel hot but never need to worry about freezing?
  • What time period would you want to travel back in time to?
  • Do you have any conspiracy theories?

road trip gear and family things to talk about on road trips

Family Road Trip Questions

When your traveling companions are younger, these questions may engage the little ones off their screens. Plus, you may learn some new things about your teens. Not to mention, there are some questions you can ask your spouse too. Of course, mix and match these fun questions with any from the other categories too, depending on your family members.

Sometimes you may find yourself at a loss for words or in need of some help to keep the conversation going. Meanwhile, this is when it might be helpful to have a few car ride questions on hand that will help you avoid awkward silences and promote closeness on a long drive.

  • What is the scariest thing you’ve had to face?
  • What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?
  • What is your biggest fear?
  • What is the most rewarding thing about being a parent?
  • Is there anything about yourself that makes you feel like a winner every day?
  • What’s the last thing you ate and liked?
  • What is your favorite smell in the whole world?
  • If animals were smarter than humans, who would win in an animal fight?
  • Who was your favorite celebrity growing up?
  • Have you ever met anyone famous before? If so, what did they say to you?
  • Who are your favorite artists right now?
  • If you could meet any person from history who would it be and why?
  • Who do you think should play you in a movie about your life?
  • Who is your best friend?
  • Has anyone ever said anything mean to you just because they thought it was funny?
  • What do/did you want to be when you grow up?
  • What is the best gift you’ve ever received? What about the best gift you’ve given?
  • Where is your favorite place in the world that isn’t home?
  • What is one goal you hope to achieve by the end of the year?
  • Who have you been hanging out with and why do they make a good friend?
  • What was your favorite part of our last vacation?
  • What is your earliest memory?
  • What is one thing you want to do before you die?
  • What’s your favorite season and why?
  • What does your perfect day look like?
  • What is your favorite thing about yourself?
  • Who is the funniest person you know?
  • Which superhero or villain is your favorite?
  • Who is your celebrity crush?

Travel Questions

You are on a road trip after all, why not indulge your wildest travel dreams and stories? Or your favorite ways to travel. This section is travel-related things to talk about on road trips.

  • What are three things that make for an amazing road trip experience for you?
  • What do you prefer, driving or flying?
  • What kind of traveler are you, adventurous, chill, etc?
  • Where do you want to travel next?
  • where is the furthest place you’ve traveled?
  • What is on your bucket list?
  • Do you remember your first road trip?
  • What is the most beautiful place you’ve been?
  • What place surprised you, good or bad?
  • What was your favorite vacation?
  • Where would you like to go but haven’t yet?
  • What is your favorite city?
  • Where would you go again and again?
  • Tell me the strangest place you’ve visited.

Road Trip Games

Next up on our list is some road trip games you can play for a long trip. Occasionally, good conversation may stall. This is a good way to pass the time.

If you are traveling with smaller kids, consider making a road trip binder for a long car ride. Likewise, you can fill it with all sorts of games that don’t take much time.

  • The ABC game. Before you start your trip, each player chooses a letter of the alphabet, and whoever starts off with that letter gets to name something starting with that letter. Example: A is for apple pie. B is for a baseball bat. C is for cat. D is for dog barking at a deer in the distance. You get it? The last person should end their sentence with ZZZZ… which means they’re out of letters! Whoever wins gets to choose the next letter and things to talk about. And if there are two people left, have them pick new letters instead.
  • Two truths and one lie. To play this game, players tell three stories: One true story, one false story, and one story that’s somewhere in between true or false (but not really). After each story is told, participants guess which one is fake – if they guess right then they win!
  • Never Have I Ever. If you’re playing this game for the first time, ask everyone to put up five fingers and make sure no one else can see what’s happening. Start asking questions from Never have I ever… Examples: Never have I ever had candy before school started; Never have I ever seen a firefly in my backyard; Never have I ever eaten expired milk; Never have I ever fallen asleep during school.

Additional Items to Bring on a Road Trip

Obviously, you’re not heading out armed with these things to talk about on road trips. You’ll need to pack your car with items for a safe road trip, snacks, and games that consequently are not speaking games as above. Following is a list of items and additional articles to help you have a successful road trip.

  • Shotgun – a hilarious road trip card game
  • How to safely travel on a road trip
  • Road Trip Packing Checklist – everything you need from emergency items to a first aid kit.
  • Road trip First Aid Kit
  • A Comprehensive list of road trip snacks.
  • Complete list of Road Trip Gear
  • Road Trip Books to create a perfect itinerary

Hopefully, this list and things to talk about on road trips keep you significantly engaged with your fellow passengers. I’m partial to road trips myself. Regardless, I know that not everyone loves traveling by car. Do you have further suggestions or questions? Let me know! Comment with your best things to talk about on road trips below.

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Tonya Denmark

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‘they’re eating the dogs’: viral trump debate line ignites meme frenzy.

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The presidential debate gifted Bart Simpson a new phrase to write on the blackboard.

Springfield, Ohio, got a shoutout during Tuesday night’s debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. And another Springfield, the fictional town from The Simpsons, is grabbing attention as a result.

During the debate, Trump repeated a viral claim , refuted earlier in the day by officials in the Ohio Springfield, that Haitian immigrants there have been eating local pets.

“In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs, the people that came in. They’re eating the cats. They’re eating, they’re eating the pets of the people that live there,” Trump said during a debate segment on immigration policy . In doing so, the Republican nominee sought to underscore one of the central tenets of his platform, that undocumented immigrants pose a threat to America.

Harris couldn’t disguise her bemusement at the baseless assertion about Springfield’s unusual dining habits that gained traction on Monday when Trump’s running mate JD Vance repeated it on X. And social media couldn’t contain its laughter.

“The best line ever spoken during a presidential debate,” wrote one user of X, formerly Twitter, where “They’re eating the dogs” quickly started trending during the debate and had generated almost 270,000 posts as of Wednesday afternoon. One X user even set the entire “They’re eating the dogs” comment to music.

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Springfield residents Homer and Bart Simpson, as well as pets of the fictional town, appeared in a number of X posts. Some debate watchers turned to the oft-used meme of Homer slowly backing up into the bushes until he’s completely hidden, while another showed Bart writing “They’re eating the dogs” over and over on a blackboard. That’s a takeoff on the longstanding gag in The Simpsons opening that sees a naughty Bart having to repeatedly write lines such as “I will not skateboard in the halls” and “I will not instigate revolution” in chalk.

“Could be a Simpsons episode,” one debate watcher said on Trump’s comment, and it very well might end up being one.

The claim that led to one of the strangest debate moments of the evening got amplified when Vance, on X, repeated an earlier assertion made on Facebook that Springfield, Ohio, residents had seen Haitian migrants eating wildlife, such as duck and geese, and house pets, such as cats.

“Reports now show that people have had their pets abducted and eaten by people who shouldn't be in this country. Where is our border czar?” Vance wrote, referring to a dig Republicans have made at Harris to reinforce their argument that she and President Biden haven’t done enough to secure the U.S. border.

Springfield officials, however, denied the claims.

“In response to recent rumors alleging criminal activity by the immigrant population in our city, we wish to clarify that there have been no credible reports or specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community," Springfield police said in a statement .

The Springfield News-Sun reported that the rumors track back a woman in another Ohio town, Canton, being arrested and charged with killing and eating a cat.

While the accusation is anything but funny, debate watchers — especially those who hadn’t heard the rumor previously — couldn’t help but be amused when people eating dogs emerged as a talking point in a debate for the highest office in the land.

In one of the most creative responses, London-based actor Christopher Tester turned Trump’s words into a highly dramatic monologue set to lugubrious music. Another X user made a new Facebook “marked safe” designation for the occasion. “Marked safe” messages, which can be posted via the platform’s “crisis response” section, allow users to reassure their online circles they’re OK in the wake of natural disasters and other emergencies. This one reads “marked safe from having my pet eaten today.”

Leslie Katz

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Mixing Up Words When Speaking Anxiety Symptoms

Jim Folk, BScN

Mixed up words when speaking anxiety symptoms description:

Anxiety disorder can cause many problems, including getting words mixed up with speaking. Here are some descriptions of the mixed up words anxiety symptom:

  • When you go to speak, even though you are thinking clearly, it seems when you say the words they come out mixed up, backwards, or flipped around.
  • When speaking you notice that your words get mixed up even though you knew what you wanted to say.
  • Sometimes you find that you mix up your words or that what you said didn’t make sense.
  • You unintentionally mix up your words when speaking.
  • Your words get mixed up frequently and it seems there’s nothing you can do to stop it.
  • When you’ve mixed up your words, others found it funny but you may have become concerned that you might have a mental problem developing.
  • Even though you think through your thoughts carefully, your words get mixed up when you speak them.
  • You find that you are frequently mixing up your words, and this is beginning to bother and worry you.
  • Others may point out that you are mixing up your words when speaking, which you didn’t seem to be aware of.
  • You are getting your words backwards, mixed up, jumbled, and out of correct order.

This mixing up words when speaking anxiety symptom can affect only certain topics, many topics, or everything you are talking about.

This mixing up words when speaking anxiety symptom can come and go rarely, occur frequently, or persist indefinitely. For example, you may get your words mixed up once and a while and not that often, get them mixed up off and on, or get them mixed up all the time.

This mixing up words when speaking anxiety symptom may precede, accompany, or follow an escalation of other anxiety sensations and symptoms, or occur by itself.

This mixing up words when speaking anxiety symptom can precede, accompany, or follow an episode of nervousness, anxiety, fear, and elevated stress, or occur ‘out of the blue’ and for no apparent reason.

This mixing up words when speaking anxiety symptom can range in intensity from slight, to moderate, to severe. It can also come in waves, where it’s strong one moment and eases off the next.

This mixing up words when speaking anxiety symptom can change from day to day, and/or from moment to moment.

All of the above combinations and variations are common.

This mixing up words anxiety symptom can seem much worse when overly stressed, overly anxious, when tired and fatigued, and/or when sleep has been disrupted and/or short.

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What causes the mixing up words when speaking anxiety symptoms?

Anxiety (behaving apprehensively) activates the stress response . The stress response (also often referred to as the Emergency Response) immediately causes a number of physiological, psychological, and emotional changes that enhance the body's ability to deal with a threat - to either fight with or flee from it - which is the reason the stress response is also often referred to as the fight or flight response.

A part of the stress response changes include a change in brain function where the areas of the brain responsible for dealing with danger increase their activity and the areas of the brain responsible for rationally processing information become suppressed. This change is designed as part of the body’s survival mechanism because it’s better that we react to danger quickly rather than remain in the middle of danger trying to figure things out.

Recovery Support members can read more about the exact physiological, psychological, and emotional changes in the ‘Hyperstimulation And Its Effects’ section in Chapter 14.

As a result of these emergency response changes, our awareness and sensitivities to danger are heightened and our ability to rationalize, think clearly, and act clearly are diminished. This is often the reason people seem like they are stunned or like a ‘deer caught in the headlights’ when they are in dangerous situations and/or when overly anxious. It’s not because they are experiencing some sort of mental issue but that being afraid has caused this emergency response change in brain function.

When stress responses are active, we can experience a wide range of abnormal actions, such as mixing up our words when speaking. Many anxious and overly stressed people experience mixing up their words when speaking. Because this is just another symptom of anxiety and/or stress, it needn’t be a need for concern. Mixing up words is not an indication of a serious mental issue. Again, it’s just another symptom of anxiety and/or stress.

Similar to how mixing up words can be caused by an active stress response, it can also occur when the body becomes stress-response hyperstimulated (overly stressed and stimulated). So even though you may not feel anxious or stressed, this symptom can still occur if your body is stress-response hyperstimulated.

Again, Recovery Support members can read more about why anxiety symptoms occur, persist, and why they can take so long to get rid of in the ‘Hyperstimulation And Its Effects’ section in Chapter 14, among other chapters in the Recovery Support area .

How to get rid of the mixing up words when speaking anxiety symptoms?

When the mixing up words anxiety symptoms are caused by apprehensive behavior and the accompanying stress response changes, calming yourself down will bring an end to the stress response and its changes. As your body recovers from the active stress response, this symptom should subside and you should return to your normal self. Keep in mind that it can take up to 20 minutes or more for the body to recover from a major stress response. But this is normal and shouldn’t be a cause for concern.

When the mixing up words anxiety symptoms are caused by hyperstimulation, eliminating the body’s overly stressed state will cause this symptom to diminish and eventually disappear.

Nevertheless, when the body has fully recovered from an active stress response or stress-response hyperstimulation, ALL anxiety symptoms diminish and eventually disappear, including the mixing up words when speaking anxiety symptom.

Since mixing up words when speaking is just an indication of stress, an active stress response, and/or hyperstimulation, it needn’t be a cause for concern. It will subside when you’ve successfully addressed your anxiousness, your body’s stress, or your body’s hyperstimulated state.

You can speed up the recovery process by reducing your stress, practicing relaxed breathing, increasing your rest and relaxation, and not worrying about this symptom. Sure, mixing up words when speaking can be unsettling and even bothersome. But again, when your body has recovered from the stress response and/or sustained stress, it will completely disappear.

Tips for more immediate relief from the mixing up words symptom.

In the meantime, there are some things you can do to minimize the mixing up words symptom. For example:

  • Calm yourself before speaking. Calming yourself can bring a reverse to the changes brought about by the stress response. This will allow brain functioning a better chance of returning to normal functioning, which can make it less likely to mix up words.
  • Slow down the pace of your speech so that your words are more deliberate.
  • Speak slowly and evenly when speaking.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale slowly before speaking. This can trigger a natural tranquilizing effect that can reverse the effects of the stress response.
  • Deliberately slow your thinking down. This can result in more deliberate speaking.
  • Take your time with your words. The more rushed and thoughtless you are when speaking, the more likely it is that you might mix up your words.
  • Pause before you speak. Pausing can help you collect your thoughts, which can reduce the likelihood of mixing up words when you speak.
  • Keep your focus on what you are saying rather than thinking of the next thing to say or imagining what the other person will say.
  • Cut yourself some slack. Everyone mixes up words from time to time. This is just part of our imperfect humanness.

While the above tips may not eliminate this symptom entirely in the short-term, it can minimize its effect until the body has returned to normal, non-hyperstimulated health.

If you are having difficulty containing your worry, you may want to connect with one of our anxiety disorder therapists, coaches, or counselors. Working with an experienced anxiety disorder therapist, coach, or counselor is the most effective way to overcome what seems like unmanageable anxiety and symptoms.

For a more detailed explanation about all anxiety symptoms, why symptoms can persist long after the stress response has ended, common barriers to recovery and symptom elimination, and more recovery strategies and tips, we have many chapters that address this information in the Recovery Support area of our website.

Common Anxiety Symptoms

  • Heart palpitations
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness
  • Muscle weakness
  • Numbness, tingling
  • Weakness, weak limbs
  • Asthma and anxiety
  • Shooting chest pains
  • Trembling, shaking
  • Depersonalization
  • Chronic pain
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Muscle tension
  • Lump in throat

Additional Resources

  • For a comprehensive list of Anxiety Disorders Symptoms Signs, Types, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment.
  • Anxiety and panic attacks symptoms  can be powerful experiences. Find out what they are and how to stop them.
  • How to stop an anxiety attack and panic.
  • Anxiety Test
  • Anxiety Disorder Test
  • Social Anxiety Test
  • Generalized Anxiety Test
  • Hyperstimulation Test
  • Anxiety 101 is a summarized description of anxiety, anxiety disorder, and how to overcome it.

Return to our anxiety disorders signs and symptoms page.

anxietycentre.com: Information, support, and therapy for anxiety disorder and its symptoms, including Mixing Up Words When Speaking.

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why does maps start speaking then stop speaking directions mid-route?

Too often when navigating with maps - either on Car Play or just using the phone - vocal directions cut out mid-route. No apparent cause. iPhone 11, iOS 15.0.2. Any ideas what causes this and how to fix it?

iPhone 11, iOS 15

Posted on Oct 19, 2021 2:08 PM

Posted on Oct 20, 2021 11:56 AM

Thank you and I had already looked at all those in help and they were no help! The app doesn't shut down - navigation continues correctly but the spoken directions just stop. And it happens frequently. Perhaps shutting down the app and restarting it might do the trick, but one can't do that while driving. Is there no other fix for this problem?

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Oct 20, 2021 11:56 AM in response to Sharon_419


Oct 25, 2021 6:02 AM in response to mingoslkd

The step-by-step announcement has stopped working. I've got a new iPhone 13 pro (running iOS 15.0.2) and before using that, I was using an iPhone 7 and this too stopped working (audio announcement) once I updated to iOS 15, the problem is on both iPhones. Therefore I can only conclude it's a problem with the new operating system.

I'm using earphones plugged into the iPhone when using maps. I really think it's down to the operating system as it used to work perfectly before I upgraded to iOS 15.

Note, that I now have to used Google maps and that step-by-step announcement (audio) still works!

Are you seriously sending us away to trying and get help on this? There's nothing in the contact Apple Support for Apple's Map software. Apple you could do much better here, that not very helpful!

d trip keep talking

Oct 20, 2021 11:46 AM in response to coachannie

Hi coachannie, 

Thank you for using the Apple Support Communities. 

It sounds like the Maps app stops speaking directions and we found some Apple Support resources that can help. 

Get driving directions in Maps on iPhone

Get turn-by-turn directions with CarPlay

If an app on your iPhone or iPad stops responding, closes unexpectedly, or won’t open

Best regards. 

Oct 25, 2021 6:06 AM in response to i.cypek

I ended up contacting support for help on this issue. They walked me through several steps including re-setting the navigation settings. Used maps for the first time yesterday since that fix and it seems to be working now. Fingers crossed. I agree there could be more info in the help section and I suggest contacting support directly for the fix.


Oct 20, 2021 12:03 PM in response to coachannie


If the steps from the Apple Support resources that we provided didn't resolve your issue, contact Apple Support for further assistance.

Have a nice day.

Oct 20, 2021 12:07 PM in response to mingoslkd

OK - thank you!

Oct 25, 2021 6:10 AM in response to coachannie

Do you remember what they told you how to re-setting the navigation settings?

Oct 25, 2021 6:29 AM in response to i.cypek

Not exactly - sorry! It is in settings but it was not easy to find and I think the location of the reset depends upon what phone and operating system you have.

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Polaris Dawn Astronauts Launch on Ambitious Private Mission

The mission is taking people farther from Earth than anyone has traveled since the end of NASA’s Apollo moon missions.

SpaceX Launches Polaris Dawn Private Spaceflight Mission

Polaris dawn successfully launched tuesday morning with four nonprofessional astronauts aboard..

4, 3, 2, 1. Ignition. Two minutes into flight, everything continues to look good. Stage separation confirmed. I believe this view here is — Yep, it’s of the trunk. You can see it separating from the second stage. A gorgeous view.

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By Kenneth Chang

On Tuesday morning, Jared Isaacman, a billionaire entrepreneur, launched to space for a second time. The mission, known as Polaris Dawn , is a collaboration between Mr. Isaacman and SpaceX, the rocket company led by Elon Musk.

“Send us, SpaceX,” Mr. Isaacman said with just over 30 seconds left in the countdown.

At 5:23 a.m. Eastern time, a Falcon 9 rocket lifted off from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Less than 15 minutes later, the crew of four astronauts inside the Crew Dragon capsule — that will be their home for the next five days — were in orbit.

“We’re going to get to work now,” Mr. Isaacman said in an exchange with the launch controllers on the ground.

The Polaris Dawn mission will mark some milestones for private spaceflight — the first spacewalk conducted by nonprofessional astronauts, and the farthest journey from Earth by anyone since NASA’s moon landings more than 50 years ago.

Why was the flight delayed?

The launch was scheduled for Aug. 28, but was called off because of a helium leak. After that, unsettled weather around Florida has proved troublesome — not so much for the launch, but for the splashdown on the sixth day.

The Polaris Dawn mission carries limited amounts of air, food, and other supplies. “Unlike an I.S.S. mission, we don’t have the option to delay long on orbit, so we must ensure the forecast is as favorable as possible before we launch,” Mr. Isaacman explained on X , referring to the International Space Station.

On Tuesday, the weather outlook improved, and the Polaris Dawn astronauts boarded their spacecraft. However, they had to wait on the ground. Because of rain showers near the first launch opportunity, at 3:38 a.m., it was skipped. Then the skies cleared up enough for the launch.

Who is on board?

The crew of the Polaris Dawn wear dark jumpsuits and smile and wave to reporters out of frame, with a fighter jet behind them.

In addition to Mr. Isaacman, the crew consists of Scott Poteet, a retired U.S. Air Force lieutenant colonel and pilot who is a longtime friend of Mr. Isaacman’s; and two SpaceX employees, Anna Menon, a space operations engineer, and Sarah Gillis , an engineer who oversees astronaut training.

How high above Earth will Polaris Dawn travel?

The launch put the spacecraft and crew on an elliptical orbit that comes within 118 miles of the Earth’s surface and then swings out to an altitude of 745 miles. That is the farthest from Earth that anyone has traveled since the Apollo moon missions.

Several orbits later, a thruster firing will push the farthest point of the orbit even farther out, to 870 miles. That will be higher than the 853-mile altitude that the NASA astronauts Pete Conrad and Richard Gordon reached during the Gemini XI mission in 1966, the record for astronauts on a spaceflight that was not headed to the moon.

The elliptical orbits will provide new insights into the bombardment of radiation and micrometeroids farther out in space.

Another thruster firing will drop the Crew Dragon into a lower orbit for the rest of the mission.

What will happen during the spacewalk?

It is scheduled for Thursday, the third day of the mission, although a time has not yet been announced.

All four crew members will put on their spacesuits, and then all of the air will be let out of the capsule. The hatch will then be opened and the inside of the spacecraft will become part of the vacuum of outer space.

Only two people — Mr. Isaacman and Ms. Gillis — are to leave the capsule to do the walk. Mr. Poteet and Ms. Menon will remain in the capsule to manage the umbilical cords and monitor the readings to make sure everything is proceeding properly.

The main goal of the spacewalk is to test the spacesuits, which SpaceX developed for this flight. The spacesuits are an evolution of those worn on earlier SpaceX missions, adding capabilities like protection against micrometeroids and temperature controls for the astronauts.

After Mr. Isaacman and Ms. Gillis return inside and close the hatch, the inside of the capsule will be repressurized.

What else will they be doing in orbit?

Before and after the spacewalk, the crew will conduct about 40 experiments, including obtaining magnetic resonance images of the astronauts’ brains and attempting to take X-ray images without an X-ray machine by using the natural showers of radiation that stream through outer space.

The mission is also raising money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis.

How is this different from Mr. Isaacman’s first space trip?

In 2021, Mr. Isaacman led and financed a mission that he named Inspiration4 . It was the first trip to orbit without a professional astronaut aboard. Instead of bringing friends, Mr. Isaacman provided seats to a former cancer patient at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital , who now works there as a physician assistant, and to two space enthusiasts who won contests .

The Inspiration4 mission went into low-Earth orbit for three days and then splashed down off Florida.

Mr. Isaacman described Polaris Dawn as a “joint effort” with SpaceX, seeking to develop new technologies that could be used for Mr. Musk’s dream of sending people to Mars someday. He declined to say how much he or SpaceX was investing.

Kenneth Chang, a science reporter at The Times, covers NASA and the solar system, and research closer to Earth. More about Kenneth Chang

What’s Up in Space and Astronomy

Keep track of things going on in our solar system and all around the universe..

Never miss an eclipse, a meteor shower, a rocket launch or any other 2024 event  that’s out of this world with  our space and astronomy calendar .

Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore of NASA spoke from the International Space Station for the first time  since their Boeing orbital transport returned to Earth uncrewed.

Two astronauts aboard an ambitious private space mission  moved outside their spacecraft, conducting the first-ever commercial spacewalk . They, along with two other private astronauts, traveled farther from Earth than any other human being in more than half a century, reaching altitudes not visited by any astronaut since the Apollo moon missions .

A speeding star is traveling through the Milky Way at around a million miles an hour. It could be moving fast enough to break free from the gravitational clutches of the galaxy .

A spacecraft operated by the European Space Agency and Japan made its closest approach yet to Mercury, sending back sharp, black-and-white images of the planet’s barren, speckled surface at sunrise .

Leaving behind the two NASA astronauts it took to the International Space Station three months ago, Boeing’s troubled Starliner  spacecraft was set to begin  its return to Earth.

Is Pluto a planet? And what is a planet, anyway? Test your knowledge here .

Why Do People Stop Talking To Me? — SOLVED

Why would someone suddenly stop talking to you? You might have been friends for a long time and thought that it was a solid friendship. They used to respond to your messages quickly, but all of a sudden, it’s radio silence.

Perhaps you’ve met just recently but felt that there was a potential for a solid connection. In either case, it’s a jarring experience when you reach out to someone after what you thought was a pleasurable meeting, only not to get any response back.

It’s easy to blame ourselves and assume that we’ve done something wrong. When someone “ghosts” us with no explanation, it can make us anxious and paranoid. We might go through all our interactions in our minds, trying to analyze them. We might get the urge to send message after message, regretting our words each time we don’t get a reply.

What does it mean when someone stops replying to us? Did we do something to upset them? Why aren’t they telling us why they’ve decided to cut contact? We can drive ourselves crazy with these questions.

When someone stops talking to us with no explanation, we can’t be sure if it’s something that we did. After all, it might have nothing to do with us. However, if this has happened to you several times in the past, it’s worth examining.

Reasons why people stop talking to you

  • Should you contact them?
  • Tinder and dating apps

Things to remember

If someone has stopped talking to you, it could mean many things: they might be busy, overwhelmed, depressed, angry at you, or disinterested in continuing a relationship for another reason. When we don’t get an explanation, it’s up to us to try to figure out what happened.

Here are some questions that you can ask yourself to understand why someone stopped talking to you:

Are they going through something right now?

Some people want to be by themselves when they’re going through a hard time. It could be that they aren’t comfortable asking for help or are simply feeling overwhelmed. Depression can make people think that they shouldn’t reach out, out of fear of being a burden . They might think that no one can understand.

If this is the case, you can send them a message that you’re around if they need anything, but don’t push too much. Give them space. They’ll talk to you if and when they’re ready. Some people eventually reconnect but opt to ignore the reasons that caused them to disappear in the first place. Pushing someone to talk about difficult topics might scare them away.

Some people tend to “disappear” from their friends when they enter a new romantic relationship. Don’t take it personally – this is their personal tendency and says nothing about you.

Is it just you?

If you have mutual friends, it can be worth asking them if they’ve heard from the person who has stopped talking to you. You don’t have to share the whole story. If your friends have heard from this person, don’t ask them too many questions. They probably won’t feel comfortable getting involved. Just knowing whether you’re the only person your friend has stopped talking to can give you enough valuable information to go by.

Could they have been hurt by something you’ve said or done?

Sometimes we make jokes that hurt other people. Someone else can understand our playful teasing as a hurtful jab. Remember that everyone has different things that they’re sensitive about. Certain topics are “off-topic.” It could be their weight or something not directly related to them, like jokes involving rape or using sexist or racist stereotypes.

Can’t think of anything specific that you may have done? This situation might be “the straw that broke the camel’s back.” For example, maybe you made a comment that wasn’t supportive but wasn’t that bad – in your eyes. However, if you’ve made such comments in the past, your friend might be unwilling to put up with it anymore.

Are you coming on too strong?

When we meet someone we click with, it’s easy to get excited. We might message the person again several times after an initial meeting. Some people might feel overwhelmed by receiving many comments or discussing feelings at the beginning of a friendship. Were you usually the one messaging them, or did they initiate conversations?

Were your conversations meaningful?

Were your conversations of the “what’s up?” “not much” variety, or did you have concrete plans for a meeting? Sometimes we can try to keep in contact with someone by messaging them regularly, but the conversation lacks substance and doesn’t develop. We might try again and again, but our conversation partner might prefer to take a step back.

Have you been considerate of your friend’s feelings?

Perhaps you haven’t done or said something specific in your last meeting, but have made yourself less attractive as a friend by not being considerate about your friend’s needs.

Some examples of things that might have made your friend decide to cut contact include:

Being consistently late or changing plans at the last minute

If your friend feels that you don’t take your plans seriously, they will conclude that you don’t respect them and their time.

Not showing interest in their life

Maybe your friend mentioned something that they were going through, but you never asked them about it. Perhaps they felt that your give-and-take was more “take” from your end. We must show our friends that we care about what they’re going through.

Being emotionally demanding or using your friends as therapists

Friends should be able to lean on each other for support. However, your friend shouldn’t be your sole support. If your friend felt that they always need to be available for you, it might have gotten too much for them. You can work on this by developing emotional regulation tools through yoga, therapy, journaling, and self-help books.

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Their plans start at $64 per week. If you use this link, you get 20% off your first month at BetterHelp + a $50 coupon valid for any SocialSelf course: Click here to learn more about BetterHelp .

(To receive your $50 SocialSelf coupon, sign up with our link. Then, email BetterHelp’s order confirmation to us to receive your personal code. You can use this code for any of our courses.)

Talking about others behind their back

Even if you’ve never said anything bad about your friend, they might have doubts if they hear you talking poorly about other friends. If you find yourself gossiping, criticizing others, or sharing other people’s personal information, your friend might be doubting if they can trust you.

These are some examples of behaviors that might have been “the straw that broke the camel’s back”. Your friend might have decided that you aren’t the kind of friend they want in their lives. If you recognize yourself in any of these behaviors, look at this as an opportunity to learn. We all have unhealthy behaviors that we can “unlearn” if we open ourselves to the possibility of change.

Should you contact someone who stopped talking to you?

It can be hard to decide if you should contact someone or not. Your decision depends on the reason they stopped talking to you and on your previous actions. Here are a few questions to help you decide whether you should reach out to a person who stopped talking to you:

Have you tried to contact them several times already?

If you’ve sent someone several messages and they  ignore you , it may be time to give up. Maybe they just need a break and they’ll come back, or perhaps they’ve decided to cut contact for whatever reason. Sometimes it’s better to cut our losses and move on.

Do you think you’ve done something that has upset them?

If you can think of something that you’ve said or done that might have been hurtful, you can contact the person and say something like, “I realize that this comment I made might have been hurtful. I apologize for that. Hurting you was never my intention.”

Make sure not to minimize a person’s feelings or justify yourself too much. Saying, “I didn’t mean to hurt you with my joke. You shouldn’t be so sensitive”, or “I’m sorry about what I said, but you were the one who was late, so you should have known I’d be upset,” are not proper apologies.

Is it a pattern?

Even if someone cuts you off for reasons that have nothing to do with you, that doesn’t mean that you should keep contacting them or be there when they return. You deserve relationships that will make you feel safe and respected.

If someone stops responding to you for extended periods with no explanation, tell them that it bothers you. If they don’t apologize and attempt to explain and make amends, consider if this is the type of relationship you want to have in your life. A  true friend will make an effort with you.

Reasons why someone stops responding on Tinder or other dating apps

Sometimes people stop replying on Tinder or other dating apps. Here are some of the reasons people stop responding on dating apps:

They didn’t find your conversation interesting enough

The way you interacted in conversations is one of the only measures that you can try to control. Your interaction should feel like an easygoing back-and-forth. That means that there should be a mix of answering and asking. Try not to make it look like an interview, though. Add some details, rather than just giving short answers. For example,

Q: I study engineering too. What are you interested in?

A: Green engineering. What about you?

Now, instead of just leaving it at that, you can write a bit more so that your conversation partner has something to go on rather than just asking you a different question. You can write something like,

“I like the idea of helping people design more eco-friendly houses. I think I’d prefer to work with private clients, rather than big companies. I’m not sure yet, though.”

Remember that your conversation is an opportunity to get to know each other. You can use gentle humor (no “ negging ” or anything that can come across as rude) to get a peek at each other’s personalities.

Don’t start the conversation with a simple “hey.” Try to ask about something in their profile, or share something that you’re doing, or perhaps a joke. Don’t make comments about someone’s appearance early on, as that could make them feel uncomfortable. You can read more specific advice about how to have better online conversations that you can use on online dating apps.

They’ve met someone else

Perhaps they’ve gone on a date with someone else before they could get to know you. Many people will stop conversations on Tinder after the first few dates with someone until they have a better idea of whether that relationship will work out or not. In cases such as this, it isn’t personal, just a numbers game and luck.

They’re taking a break from the app

Online dating can be exhausting, and sometimes you just need a break. Someone who has been doing dating apps day in and day out for a while might find themselves starting to get bitter or jaded. They might use those feelings as a cue to take a break and come back more refreshed.

You just didn’t click

Sometimes you’ll say all the right things but to the wrong person. Your joke that your conversation partner found distasteful might have been hilarious to other ears (or eyes). It sucks that people just stop replying, but most people don’t feel comfortable writing, “I’m not getting the impression that we would get along.” Remember that it can take a while until you find someone you’re compatible with, so don’t give up.

  • It’s normal to go through periods where we don’t talk to people. Life happens, and a friend we used to talk to daily might become someone we catch up with every few months. A low frequency of contact doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t consider you a friend.
  • Sometimes relationships end, and that’s OK. Let yourself mourn your relationship and what could have been, but try not to dwell too much or blame yourself.
  • Every relationship is a learning opportunity. Life is a continual journey, and we are always changing. Take the lessons that you’ve learned from these interactions and apply them to future interactions you will have.
  • Don’t beat yourself up. Even if someone has stopped talking to you because they don’t find you interesting or you’ve done something to upset them, it doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with you.
  • You’ll meet more people and have other relationships. It always hurts when we lose someone in our lives, but this isn’t the end. We can’t fully plan what will happen as we go through life. We will meet more people and make new connections.

Viktor is a Counselor specialized in interpersonal communication and relationships. He manages SocialSelf’s scientific review board. Follow on Twitter or read more .

What To Do When You Have No Family Or Friends

Fun activities for people with no friends, “i have no social life” – reasons why and what to do about it, nobody talks to me – solved, how to become friends with someone (fast), 210 questions to ask friends (for all situations), 23 tips to bond with someone (and form a deep connection), 18 comments.

I move to a warmer climate for health reasons, my family and friends didn’t want me to, however I no longer want to take the dozen pills to sustain my life style. Since I moved four years ago, my family and friends have slowly stopped communications.

My Mom she keeps coming in my room I would like her to stay out of my room and to stop talking to me.

My mom keeps talking to me and I would like her to stop talking to me right now. And to stay out of my room.

You say that your friend is talking with other tenants in the building, but he is no longer talking to you. This makes me wonder if gossip and badmouthing could be to blame. Is there anyone else in the building you were having trouble with?

I was replying to a comment, but posted in the wrong place.

Right now my mom is no longer talking to me and staying out of my room no longer tells me where she’s going and no longer bringing my laundry to my room. No longer make me dinner breakfast and lunch. No longer be saying my name no longer call me on my cellphone anymore. Return my bank card to me and then permanently stay away from my room.

maybe hurt her feelings by saying something u didn’t meant, try to communicate with her

Hi there, I’m new here. I dated an Asian girl and when we first met we were all the time together since Day 1 – 1 night in her apartment and the rest of the time in my apartment even for straight weeks. She was so caught by me, and we felt comfortable together. She was also calling me with sweet names and looking for attentions. I wasn’t ready for a relationship, though. Later, after 4 months she suddenly left in the evening while I was sleeping before going to work (unfortunately I work during the night) and her motivation was just “I just want to travel”, after an abundant week of radio silence. Then, she asked for the last time help with her English test which I kindly did without hesitation. In the meantime, especially the last 2 weeks before she disappeared I started feeling a growing interest in her and more confidence about dating her, with a possible positive outcome. After a couple of days she didn’t reply back to my messages and she stopped calling me with cute names. Radio silence, again. I didn’t insist and gave her the space she needed (based on my respect to give her space and time to reply back). After a month and a half she wrote me asking how I was. We exchanged very few messages then, and she disappeared again. When I contact her, she replies few messages back (very slowly) and disappear again. She told me in the beginning that there was nothing wrong with us, just she wanted time for herself to travel and make a roundtrip and eventually come back in the same place we met. It’s been 3 months already without seeing her. I still feel interest for her and I feel sad and consumed by anxiety because she ignores me this way. The only interaction left is her looking at ALL of my Facebook stories quite often, at least 2-3 times a day, but still no messages, no likes, no comments, no calls, nothing. I don’t want to bother her and let things go, hoping to have her feedback soon, and meet. When we were together (not officially as a couple) she seemed to me a genuine person with genuine feelings and she really cared for me. I miss her so much. I’m reluctant to date other girls or have any/no strings attached, unless it is just to talk and be very simple friends. It is possible that she is still interested somehow? Should I wait or just give up? Thanks for everyone who replies, and have a wonderful day! WoP (not my real name)

Hi Warrior, Some people like playing with others’ feelings like a toy. The more you get attached the more they feel satisfied. I’m not the person who would tell you what to do, but please never let people toying your feelings. You didn’t do anything wrong, you didn’t push her. She chose to go away. As I understand from your message you are a nice person. When nice people stand their grounds and define the boundaries, they suddenly become more attractive. This may sound harsh, but beggars aren’t choosers. It is valid for romantic relations too.

I am a mother of 4 grown daughters and 2 grown sons! I recently spent my b-day with one daughter on Key West for a week! She treated me disrespectful and we argued most of the time! Now she doesn’t talk to me! I couldn’t believe I was actually experiencing this! I am broken hearted and need help getting past this! I am 72!

I have been cut off totally by someone i thought was a friend who lives in the opposite studio blocks across the garden. I’ve known him since 2014, I used to look after his cat and his flat when he went on holiday, used to tidy and clean his flat for him, made and planted a lovely area for him with flowers etc outside his window, in fact i could do no wrong. I used to get invited over for tea/coffee at times, I thought this guy was a nice person. A few months back he would say ‘you must come over for a tea’ then i noticed he would make different excuses each time. Then one day i texted him (from down the road near our flats, to say i had some of the plant feed he needs and i can drop it by unless he wants to collect it later? He texted back straight away and said he is not home? I got up to our flats and saw his window open and he was looking out the window. He saw me and quickly shut the window and curtains? I messaged him and said ‘i thought you were out? I just saw you leaning out the window’ he messaged back saying in block caps with a swear word in the message that he was I’M F*#*ING NOT AT HOME OK!!!’ I was taken aback as i had just saw him, so had my neighbour? Ever since then he has totally ignored me, and that was last year. I was sitting in the garden near the road where theres a low wall last week and he was coming up the road and i heard him say ‘for f**k sake, not him’ and he walked out onto the road to avoid walking past me? I actually said to him ‘Steve have i upset you in any way?’ He replied ‘why?’ So i politely said ‘ well you have been ignoring me for the last few months, and now you see me and swear and avoid even walking on the pavement to pass me? ‘ he muttered something and walked off ignoring me again! I was in the communal garden yesterday and he glared out of window at me, as soon as i went into my block opposite his, he opened his window and as soon as i came back down to water the plants on my side, he slammed his window shut? He won’t tell me what is wrong, yet he will stop and chat to other tenants and another neighbour Matt and his other neighbours Will and Imogen. I have done nothing bad, not been rude to this guy, never crowded his space etc… he will not tell me what on earth is wrong and it is really bugging me now

Flat w/shared garden- When a person shows you who they are- believe them and move forward. This man is extremely angry about something he has heard about you or something you may have said. He could also be blaming you for something that happened that you may not have even done. It seems you have been a giving friend and sometimes no matter what you do some people feel entitled and they don’t truly appreciate you. Regardless of what happened, he is not the type of person that you should want in your life at all. His responses and actions towards you are disrespectful and unproductive. This man is not a mentally stable individual. The best thing to do is ignore him completely. Don’t even glance in his direction. Don’t talk to him and don’t talk about him with other neighbors. Be kind to everyone and don’t let other people’s issues and bad behavior bring you down to that bad energy. If he happens to approach you , be kind but do not trust him. Even if he starts to act cordial again he has proven he is not worthy of your giving friendship. Focus on the friends that do bring positivity to your life. A true friend will try to work things out or at least address issues in a civil manner. Friendship is reciprocal so don’t put energy in to someone like him.

Hi Ally Thank you so much for your reply. Everything you have said makes perfect sense. I will definitely take on board what you have said 100% Thanks ????

I have experienced this twice…it hurts so bad. Just when you think you were getting along well to a point of saying “I love you”. The person goes silent. It messed up my trust and honestly, I won’t be looking for love anymore. I have hurt to an extent that I feel I can’t be able to trust a man again.

Hi Vera, this happened with me with the last story. I also published here in the comments

I regularly get this on dating sites. I have to come to the conclusion that it is something wrong with me. Typical scenario: They make 1st contact and I respond. They come back to me and I respond again – then they block me, or leave the site. Examining what is in the article, I do not appear to be making the ‘common’ mistakes :-((

That’s normal to experience for most men on dating apps, very very common. There’s not something wrong with you just because someone who doesn’t know you don’t want to keep talking. Don’t give up on yourself.

I didnt get to know too many people in my life but i seem to be clicking with nobody, i guess i have to try to be more vulnerable

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How to Stop Sleep Talking

Last Updated: January 10, 2022 References

This article was co-authored by Nancy Lin, PhD and by wikiHow staff writer, Megaera Lorenz, PhD . Dr. Nancy Lin is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and the Owner of Go to Sleep San Diego, a private practice providing therapy for people suffering from insomnia, trauma, depression, and related problems. She is also trained in issues related to cultural diversity in mental health. Dr. Lin holds a Bachelors degree in Psychology from The University of California, Berkeley and a Masters degree in Medical Anthropology from the University of London, SOAS. She earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from The University of Massachusetts Boston and completed an APA-accredited internship and postdoctoral training at the VA San Diego Healthcare System (VASDHS). There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 102,094 times.

While it’s not a serious or life-threatening issue, sleep talking can still feel uncomfortable and embarrassing, especially if you live with a roommate or partner. Try not to worry, though. We’ve answered all your frequently asked questions, so you and everyone nearby can get a peaceful night’s sleep.

What is sleep talking?

Sleep talking is a parasomnia, or unusual sleep behavior.

  • Unlike most parasomnias, sleep talking can happen at any point during the sleep cycle, during REM (rapid eye movement) or non-REM sleep.
  • While some parasomnias, such as sleepwalking, can be potentially dangerous, sleep talking is typically safe. It can be embarrassing for some people, however.

Why do I talk in my sleep?

Step 1 Dreams, sleep apnea, and other factors might lead to sleep talking.

  • In some cases, sleep talking often goes hand in hand with other sleep issues, like night terrors, sleep walking, or confusion arousals (when you wake up suddenly feeling confused or disoriented). [3] X Research source
  • If you start sleep talking after age 25, it could be connected to a medical or mental health issue.

Step 2 It may run in your family.

  • It’s possible that other parasomnias that often occur with sleep talking also have a genetic link. These include things like nighttime teeth grinding, nightmares, and sleepwalking.

Do a lot of people sleep talk?

Yes, many people do.

  • Other experts believe that only 5% of all adults sleep talk in their lifetime. Still, that’s more people than you might originally think! [6] X Research source

Can sleep talking reveal secrets?

Possibly, but it’s not that likely.

  • As awkward as sleep talking may be, you aren’t aware of the words, phrases, or sentences that you’re saying while asleep. If a friend, roommate, or partner hears you say something weird, gently remind them that you have no control over it, and you don’t remember what you said. [8] X Research source

What at-home remedies help prevent sleep talking?

Step 1 Create a regular, consistent sleep schedule for yourself.

  • Deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation are some great ways to chill out before bed. [11] X Research source
  • A good routine can prevent unwanted sleep disruptions, which may lead to sleep talking.

Step 2 Transform your room into a cozy sleep sanctuary.

  • If you can sleep comfortably without any disruptions, you might not sleep talk as much.
  • Keep your room as quiet as possible, too. If there’s a lot of noise outside your room, close your doors and windows. You can also drown out sounds with a fan or white noise machine.

Step 3 Avoid stress, alcohol, and caffeine.

  • Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio per day. That could include things like jogging, swimming, or riding a bike. [17] X Trustworthy Source Johns Hopkins Medicine Official resource database of the world-leading Johns Hopkins Hospital Go to source
  • Don’t do any intense exercise within 1-2 hours of going to bed, since working out can initially cause a burst of energy that might keep you awake. Try to get it done earlier in the day.

Step 5 Don’t eat heavy meals before bed.

  • On the other hand, some foods may help you sleep better at night. Try having a light snack of bananas, turkey breast, or berries in the evening. Milk or fish may also help. [20] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of Health Go to source

Step 6 Use your bed only for sleep and sex.

Can sleep talking be cured?

Step 1 There are no science-based cures out there.

  • A sleep specialist might conduct a sleep study. During this study, you’ll get some rest at a sleep center, so the specialist can study your sleeping habits and accurately diagnose what’s causing the problem. [24] X Trustworthy Source Johns Hopkins Medicine Official resource database of the world-leading Johns Hopkins Hospital Go to source

Step 2 Treating any underlying mental health issues may help.

  • With treatment, your overall quality of sleep will likely improve.
  • Since sleep-talking can also be associated with the use of alcohol or stimulants, talk to your doctor if you have problems with substance abuse or dependence. They can give you advice or even prescribe medications to help you quit.

When does sleep talking become a serious problem?

Step 1 It becomes serious when it affects your roommates or sleeping partner.

Expert Q&A

Alex Dimitriu, MD

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Do Savasana (Corpse Pose)

  • ↑ https://www.sleepfoundation.org/parasomnias/sleep-talking
  • ↑ https://health.clevelandclinic.org/talking-in-your-sleep-heres-what-that-could-mean/
  • ↑ https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-land-nod/201307/sleep-talking-what-does-it-mean
  • ↑ https://www.aurorahealthcare.org/patients-visitors/blog/are-sleepwalking-and-sleep-talking-dangerous
  • ↑ https://www.sleep.org/sleep-talking/
  • ↑ Nancy Lin, PhD. Licensed Clinical Psychologist. Expert Interview. 27 May 2021.
  • ↑ https://psychcentral.com/lib/12-ways-to-shut-off-your-brain-before-bedtime
  • ↑ https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/exercising-for-better-sleep
  • ↑ https://www.nbcnews.com/better/health/how-what-you-eat-affects-how-you-sleep-ncna805256
  • ↑ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5015038/
  • ↑ https://healthtalk.unchealthcare.org/how-to-create-a-sleep-friendly-bedroom/
  • ↑ https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/what-happens-in-a-sleep-study

About this article

Nancy Lin, PhD

To stop sleep talking, minimize emotional stress, which is one of the most common causes of taking while sleeping. For example, practice yoga or meditation, get massages, or remove the stressors from your life. In addition, do something that relaxes you immediately before you lie down, like taking a warm bath, reading a favorite book, or listening to soothing music. You’ll also want to limit late-night alcohol, caffeine, and sugar intake since these substances can disrupt the way your body regulates sleep. Once in bed, try to situate yourself in the same spot and in the same position every night since resting in a different location can cause your brain to be more alert, even after you’re asleep. If you still talk in your sleep and it’s keeping someone else awake, ask them to speak to you in a calm tone and see if that can help you sink into a deeper sleep. To learn how to keep a sleep journal to help you stop sleep talking, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Jb Kajjal

Jan 5, 2017

Do Savasana (Corpse Pose)

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