Wandering Jew (Tradescantia Genus) Care & Growing Guide

The Wandering Jew is a name that is used for several different species of plants in the Tradescantia genus, which includes at least 75 different species.  

In times past, gardeners would share cuttings from their Wandering Jew plants with friends and neighbors so, like its name, it traveled from place to place.  If you want to brighten up your home, having the Wandering Jew Plant will do just that with its colorful variegated foliage and beautiful flowers .

Wandering Jew Care & Growing Guide

1. light requirement.

They will tolerate low light as this will help them to retain their striking colors.  If it is an indoor plant, put it in a location where it will receive filtered sunlight.  Outdoors, it needs to be in a spot where it is receiving partial shade or partial sun.  You can also move your indoor plant outside to get this type of shade or sun.

The soil will need to be kept moist but not soggy.  If the soil starts to feel very dry, then it is time to water your plant.  Just stick your finger into the soil and if the top inch feels dry, water it until the water comes from the bottom of the drain holes of your plant.  

For the outdoor plants, during the spring-summer growing season, you should water your plants once a week.  In the winter, during the dormancy period, you will only need to water it about once every other week. It will need to be fertilized each month during the growing season.

The Wandering Jew can be grown as a houseplant in any climate but outdoors it should be USDA Hardiness Zone 9-12

The Wandering Jew plant can grow in different soils as long as they drain well in order to prevent stem and root rot.  You should make sure that you are using a lightweight soil mixture.  You should not use straight potting soil as they retain too much moisture.  You can also use a potting soil that has a slow-release fertilizer mixed in so you do not have to fertilize each month.

Tradescantia genus leaves

5. Temperature

The ideal indoor temperature should be between 50-85 degrees Fahrenheit.  They do need some humidity for growing so if your house is not very humid, you can fill a spray bottle with water that is at room temperature and mist the plant several times a week.

6. Repotting

If you bought a Wandering Jew that is already in a planter or container, it should be okay for at least a year before it needs to be repotted.  If you get root cuttings in a small four to six-inch pot, you will probably have to repot the plant into something bigger or outside so they can properly grow.  In that small of a pot, it will outgrow it in a month or two.

7. Speed of Growth

It is stated that it has a fast rate of growth and will quickly spill over your hanging basket or covering your ground area.  When you are starting new plants from your cuttings, it will take several weeks before you start to see new roots.

8. Height and Spread

The stems of the Wandering Jew plant grow from 6-9 inches high and 12-24 inches in spread

Depending on the species, you can get pink, white, or rose-purple blooms

10. Trimming

The Wandering Jew does not need much trimming.  You can pinch off the stems if you want to promote a bushier growth or control the size of the plant.  Trim off any dead, damaged, or broken leave or stems throughout the year to keep it looking good.  You should regularly pinch the stems back by at least twenty-five percent.

Is Wandering Jew Poisonous?

Some people may experience skin irritations when they handle the cuttings because of the sap so you may need to wear gloves when you work with the plant.  If your pet chews on it, the sap can irritate their digestive system, especially a cat.  If they eat or chew on the leaves, these do not normally cause a problem, just the stems with the sap.

Tradescantia genus isolated

Can Wandering Jew grow in Water?

Yes, you can take the cuttings from your trimming to start new Wandering Jew plants in water.  Fill the container with three inches of water that is room temperature.  Pinch off any of the leaves that will be submerged in water before you put the cutting in the container.  Set it in a bright indoor location.  Change the water when it becomes cloudy or every other week.  When the roots are several inches long, you can repot them in a planter or outdoors.

How to get Wandering Jew to Flower?

Make sure that you give it the right soil, and moisture.  Also remove any dead flowers or dead or damaged leaves.  You also want to make sure it is getting the right light because the brighter the light, the more flowers it will produce.

More like this: Elephant Bush (Portulacaria Afra) Care & Growing Guide

Common Plant Diseases

Wandering Jew is prone to a variety of diseases, including:

  • Stem or root rot—it is getting too much water or it is not draining properly so watch the watering and make sure that it is draining.
  • Leaves losing color or drooping—not enough light so if indoors, you just have to move the plant where it will get more light.
  • Sunburned foliage—too much sun so you need to put it in a less sunny location.
  • Aphids, spider mites, mealybugs, or whiteflies—these are all sap-sucking insects and can quickly kill your Wandering Jew plant.  If the infestation is small you can just wipe the leaves and get rid of them.  You may also use an insecticidal soap with water and gently spray the plant.
  • Rubber plant Care & Growing Guide
  • Amazon Lily Care & Growing guide
  • This is a hardy plant that is easy to take care of, even those that fell they kill every plant they try to grow.
  • They grow well outdoors in frost-free regions or in hanging baskets or planter.
  • When grown outdoors, it can be used as a groundcover that grows quickly.
  • The biggest problem with using Wandering Jew as a houseplant is to be able to get the moisture levels correct.

Wandering Jew

Victoria is the owner and main author of hobby plants. She loves spending her free time in her garden planting and taking care of her plants. Victoria hopes you enjoy the content here!

Victoria Wilson

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Wandering Jew Plant (Tradescantia or Spiderwort): Care, Types, Images and More

Wandering Jew Plant (Tradescantia or Spiderwort ): Care, Types, and Growing Tips

The wandering Jew plant is a common name for different species of plants that belong to the Tradescantia genus. There are around 75 different types of plants in Tradescantia genus and some are called inch plants, spiderwort, striped wandering Jew, Boat Lily, Purple Queen, or flowering inch plant. Wandering Jew plants are great house plants because they are relatively easy to care for. They are also easy to grow because the wandering Jew plant propagates easily from cuttings.

Some types of wandering Jew plants have green and gold leaves, some have reddish leaves, and others have green fuzzy leaves. There are also types of wandering Jew plants that flower. Depending on the species, the wandering Jew plant could have purple, white, or pink flowers.

How to care for wandering Jew plant : For the Tradescantia or spiderwort plant to thrive, grow in a plenty of indirect light and plant in fertile, moist potting soil with good drainage. Make sure the soil isn’t too dry or too damp and keep medium humidity levels. The ideal temperature range is between 65°F (18°C) and 75°F (23°C). You can fertilize every four weeks during the growing season with a diluted liquid houseplant fertilizer.

In this article, you will find all you need to know about this delightful houseplant. You will also get tips and ideas on how to care for your wandering Jew plants.

Wandering Jew Plant (Tradescantia or Spiderwort) – Overview of the Plant and Its Flowers

The botanical name for wandering Jew plant is Tradescantia zebrina and is also called the inch plant. However, the name wandering Jew is given to many herbaceous perennial plants in the Tradescantia genus. ( 1 )

Species of Tradescantias naturally grow outdoors in countries in Asia, Africa, Central and South America, and Australia. Varieties of wandering Jew plants also thrive well indoors, where, like their garden varieties, they grow well when it is warm, sunny, and moderately humid.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, various varieties of Tradescantias are regarded as invasive plants in the wild. However, it is the fast-growing nature of spiderworts, wandering Jews, and inch plants that makes them perfect houseplants. ( 2 )

Many people like to grow wandering Jews or spiderworts in hanging baskets or grow them in pots to decorate a garden.

What does a wandering Jew look like?

Plants from the Tradescantia varieties have leaves that seem to grow in all directions (hence the term “wandering Jew”).

One of the distinct features about foliage on wandering Jews is that many of them have striped leaves. Sometimes, the leaves can be purple and silver stripes, whereas other types of Tradescantias have leaves that are almost all silver. ( 3 )

You may also notice that some varieties of wandering Jew plant have different colors on the underneath of the leaf. For example, the Tradescantia zebrina has green/silver leaves on the upper side and deep red or burgundy colors on the underside.

Wandering Jew flower

Wandering Jew houseplants also produce attractive flowers. These flowers can sometimes be white or can range in color from pink to various shades of lilac and purple. ( 3 )

However, plant lovers don’t usually grow wandering Jews indoors or outdoors for their blooms. It’s the beautiful variation of leaf colors that makes various types of Tradescantias so desirable houseplants.

Types of Wandering Jew (Spiderwort) Plants

The most popular types of Tradescantia plants to keep indoors are Tradescantia fluminensis ( spiderwort ), Tradescantia pallida ( purple heart ), and Tradescantia zebrina ( wandering Jew ).

Wandering Jew or inch plant ( Tradescantia zebrina )

This type of  wandering Jew houseplant has purple and green leaves with a stripe pattern that resembles zebra’s stripes. There are types of wandering Jews that have bluish green leaves and purple hues on the underside.

Tradescantia zebrina

Tradescantia fluminensis (spiderwort)

There are a number of types of Tradescantia that are called spiderwort. This is distinguished from some Tradescantias as it has ovel shiny dark green leaves with pointed tips which are slightly fleshy .

Tradescantia fluminensis (spiderwort) - Picture of wandering Jew plant with white flowers

Picture of wandering Jew plant with white flowers

Tradescantia pallida (purple heart)

This type of spiderwort plant is also commonly referred to as wandering Jew. The T. pallida houseplants have vibrant purple leaves and light pink flowers when they bloom.

Tradescantia pallida (wondering Jew) with flowers (purple heart)

Wandering jew plant with deep purple leaves and light purplish-pink flowers

Tradescantia callisia

The leaves of T. callisia varieties are sometimes referred to as creeping inch plants. They have remarkably stripy leaves made up of green and white stripes.

Tradescantia callisia - Picture of green wandering jew

Picture of green wandering jew

Wandering Jew Plant Care (How to Grow Spiderwort or Tradescantia)

Caring for wandering Jew plants is fairly simple and straightforward. All plants in the Tradescantia genus enjoy moist soil, sunny but indirect sunlight, and warm conditions.

So, it doesn’t matter if you have fuzzy leaf Tradescantias, purple queen varieties, spiderworts, or wandering Jews, they all require the same type of care.

Light requirements for Tradescantias

To make sure that wandering Jew plants grow successfully, they require a good amount of light. This ensures that they grow with healthy leaves that have a vibrant green, silver, purple, or lilac colors.

The best place to place wandering Jew plant or spiderworts is in an east- or west-facing location. This means that they get plenty of natural light without being in direct sunlight when the sun is at its strongest.

The only exception is if you have Tradescantia pallida plants with dark purples leaves. They usually thrive in direct sunlight, although you should regularly check them in the summertime to make sure the sun isn’t too strong.

One sign that your Tradescantia isn’t getting enough light is if the color of their leaves starts to fade.

Best growing temperature for Spiderwort or Tradescantia

One of the reasons why wandering Jew plants are good for the home is that they thrive in room temperature.

The best temperatures for growing any type of Tradescantia plant is between 65°F (18°C) and 75°F (23°C). The houseplants also thrive in conditions that are described as “average humidity.”

If you grow Tradescantias outdoors, you should be aware of a drop in night temperatures and lower temperatures during winter. You should bring Tradescantias indoors if the temperature drops.

Best watering techniques for wandering Jew plant care

To care for your inch plant, spiderwort, or wandering Jew, you should keep the soil moist.

The best way to water a wandering Jew is to water the soil thoroughly and let the water drain out the bottom. Another way to water your purple house plant is to put water in the plant pot tray and allow the plant to soak up as much as it needs.

Some beginners who start caring for houseplants such as Tradescantias for the first time buy a soil moisture gauge to help get the soil moisture levels just right.

When it comes to proper watering for your wandering Jew, always make sure the soil isn’t too dry or too damp. Usually, weekly watering in the summertime is enough to keep your Tradescantia growing well.

The best fertilizer for wandering Jew houseplants

The reason why Tradescantias are so easy to care for is that they don’t usually require any feeding.

If you decide to encourage your inch plant or spiderwort to grow faster, then choose a liquid organic fertilizer mixed at half strength and use once a month.

Most houseplant growers don’t feed their wandering Jew plants in the fall or winter as they tend to become “leggy” or “straggly.”

Which type of soil to use for Tradescantias

To properly care for wandering Jew varieties of houseplants, you only need to plant them in regular potting soil.

How to prune wandering Jew plants

In time, Tradescantia plants require some cutting back and pruning. This helps to give your houseplant a bushier appearance and also gives you plenty of cuttings to propagate.

For Tradescantia pruning, you just need to pinch off the stem tips to leave about ¾ of the length. This will encourage your plant to grow better and become more attractive.

Growing Plants from Wandering Jew Cuttings

Even for the most novice of houseplant owners, propagating any type of Tradescantia plant is very easy. After you have cut back your “leggy” wandering Jew stems, you will have a large number of cuttings that you can use to grow new house plants.

How to propagate wandering Jew plant leaves

To prepare your wandering Jew cuttings or purple heart plant cuttings for propagation, you need a couple of stems about 1-2 inches long. Remove all the leaves apart from 2 or 3 at the end of the stem.

There are 2 ways you can grow wandering Jew plants from cutting:

  • The first way is to just put a cutting in potting soil and wait for it to grow. All you have to do is make sure that the soil is kept moist and not overly damp.
  • The other way to grow a Tradescantia from a cutting is to put the stem in water. You should notice that new roots start to grow within a week. When you notice new roots growing, you can transfer your cuttings to a pot to grow a new houseplant.

Wandering Jew Outdoor Plant Care

Tradescantia plants are great garden plants and grow well outdoors in warmer zones in the U.S. (USDA growing zones 9-11). In fact, it is because they grow so well outside in warmer countries and are quite invasive that they are classed as a weed in certain countries.

You can easily care for any Tradescantia plants to add color and beauty to your garden. Purple hanging plants or wandering Jew vines with stripy leaves can grace any patio, doorway, or garden area.

As with caring for wandering Jews or spiderworts indoors, Tradescantia plants growing outdoor should be protected from direct sunlight. So, place your plants in shady areas of the garden. But it’s good to remember that some bright light will help the wandering Jew plant produce more flowers.


Also, frost can damage the plant, so, if you live in areas where fall and winter temperatures drop below 10°F (12°C), you should take them indoor and continue to grow them as houseplants.

Problems with Wandering Jew Plant (Spiderwort)

Even though it is relatively easy to care for wandering Jew plants, you can still come across certain problems.

Let’s look at some growing tips for Tradescantia plants to avoid or remedy some common problems.

The most common pest when growing wandering Jews indoors are bugs such as spider mites or aphids . The appearance of these pests on your bushy spiderwort or inch plant may be a sign that conditions are too dry.

To help remedy the problems of pests on your Tradescantia, mist the leaves regularly and make sure the soil is moist enough. You may need to wash off the mites with water to help get rid of the infestation.

One of the beauties about caring for wandering Jew plants indoors or outdoors is that they are not susceptible to disease. Usually, any discoloration of the leaves or poor growth is connected to the soil being too dry or too damp.

Fungal infections

Overwatering spiderworts, inch plants, or wandering Jews can cause a fungal growth called botrytis to develop in the roots.

Brown leaves

As with most problems associated with caring for Tradescantias, brown leaves can also indicate that the growing environment isn’t right. The leaves of your wandering Jew could have turned brown because of too much or too little sunlight. Also, too much watering can affect leaf health.

Where to Buy Wandering Jew Plants

Many garden centers and online stores stock many different varieties of wandering Jews. You will also find that Tradescantia cuttings are available online.

Because many different types of wandering Jews are so easy to grow yourself, you could ask a friend for a cutting if they have the plant. You can also get more Tradescantia houseplant or garden plants by propagating cuttings from plants you already have.

FAQ Related to Wandering Jew Plant (Tradescantia)

Do they need any pruning.

To properly care for wandering Jews, the leaves and stems require pruning. The stems can grow quite long and start losing their leaves from the base. The best time to prune any Tradescantia plant is just before the growing season in late winter or early spring.

You may also find that Tradescantias grow better if you give them a mild prune in late summer.

How to prevent wandering Jew roots from rotting?

Go easy on the watering to stop Tradescantia plants’ roots from rotting. Water them enough to keep the soil moist during summertime and only occasionally in the winter.

Are wandering Jew plant leaves toxic to animals?

While not toxic to cats or dogs, the leaves of wandering Jew plants can cause irritation. If you have pets that like to nibble on leaves, you can still benefit from the beauty of Tradescantias if you grow the outdoor plant in hanging baskets.

Can I grow my Tradescantia plant outdoors?

Yes, you certainly can. Wandering Jew plants grow well out of doors in warm climates. During the summertime, you can move your indoor houseplants to the garden and place them away from direct sunlight.

Dashes of purple colors, bright pinks, or interesting green and purple stripped leaves can make an interesting feature in any garden or balcony.

Can you train a wandering Jew plant?

Tradescantia plants are easy to train because their stems can grow very long and you can wrap them around objects. Wandering Jew plant stems can grow up on trellises or obelisks or up around any other item.

Heavily pruning wandering Jews in late winter can also help to train the plant to grow into a colorful bush.

How fast does wandering Jew plant grow?

Tradescantia cuttings should start growing roots within a week or so. Once the plant is established, you can expect it to grow about an inch every week. Some people claim this is the reason that some Tradescantias are called inch plants.

Can Tradescantia houseplants cause allergies?

The sap of wandering Jew plants or prolonged skin exposure to its leaves could cause allergic reactions.

The journal Allergy reports that indoor plants such as Tradescantia can also cause symptoms such as itching of the throat, swelling, wheezing, and runny eyes and nose. ( 4 )

Do wandering Jew varieties have any health benefits?

Although not widely used, extracts from Tradescantia zebrina have certain medicinal properties. You can buy inch plant herbal liquid extracts that are said to have many antioxidant properties.

Researchers have found that therapeutic compounds in Tradescantia extracts have antibacterial, anticancer, and antioxidant uses. ( 5 )

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Wandering Jew Plant – Ultimate Care Guide

By: Author Daniel

Posted on Last updated: September 18, 2023

Wandering Jew Plant – Ultimate Care Guide

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You are reading this guide to learn more about the Wandering Jew Plant and its care . I have had this plant at home for many years and write about all the growing aspects in this guide.

Wandering Jew Plant Care Takeaways

What is the wandering jew plant.

The Wandering Jew, or Tradescantia zebrina, by its scientific name (old name = Zebrina pendula) is native to Mexico. It is not to be confused with Tradescantia albiflora, which also goes by Wandering Jew and has very similar care needs. 

Tradescantia zebrina has attractive foliage, sporting exciting zebra-patterned leaves. It also flowers. But when kept as a houseplant, this rarely ever happens. It is a fast-growing and excellent groundcover, according to the University of Florida .

How not to kill your Tradescantia Zebrina (Wandering Jew)

W andering Jew Plant Care

To keep your Wandering Jew plant thriving, ensure it receives bright, indirect sunlight. Keep it in average room temperatures of 60-75°F (16-24°C). Fertilize once a month during spring and summer. In winter, relocate the plant to a cooler area with temperatures of 54-59°F (12-15°C).

Table of Contents

Tradescantia zebrina Growing guide

Tradescantia zebrina care is pretty straightforward, but it certainly can’t hurt to glance at the most important things to consider when caring about this herbaceous perennial plant. 

So, without further ado, let’s see how you can make your Wandering Jew, aka the Inch plant, as happy as possible.

Any good potting soil will do for your Wandering Jew. For instance, this could be Miracle Gro potting soil readily available online in stores like Amazon. 

But these plants not only feel very comfortable in soil but can also be kept in hydroponics .

Sunlight is a vital aspect when it comes to the well-being of most houseplants. Some houseplants do well with moderate sunlight, while others only thrive (or flower) when a certain level of sunlight is guaranteed.

The Wandering Jew does best in bright, indirect sunlight . 

If you are unsure what that means, please look at our Light Levels article.   

The Wandering Jew, a tropical native, thrives best when the root ball is always well moisturized. Still, waterlogging should be avoided whenever possible, as this could lead to root rot .

Lookup your USDA Hardiness Zone By Zip Code

This tropical plant does not enjoy limy water. Use soft water whenever possible. Rainwater and distilled water are very good choices. 


People who own an Inch plant and keep it outside run the risk of exposing it to cold temperatures. This is where indoor plant owners have the upper hand.

Wandering Jews can thrive with average room temperatures of 60 to 75°F (16 to 24°C) if it doesn’t drop for long periods. Anything below 12°C for an extended period could be fatal for your Wandering Jew.

Wandering Jews prefer a humidity of around 70%

The perennial, herbaceous Wandering Jew plant is native to Mexico, Central America, and Colombia, so it should not surprise you that it likes a good deal of humidity. 

To ensure high humidity levels, regularly misting your plant is a very good idea. A hand mister filled with water does the trick. 

As for the location, you may want to keep your Wandering Jew in the bathroom , as this is usually the place in the house with the highest humidity. 

Feed your plant once a month during spring and summer. In winter, fertilizing is not necessary. 

Also, fertilization of the Wandering Jew is only necessary from the second year of cultivation or after repotting. 


It is best propagated through stem tip cuttings. Propagating the Wandering Jew is an easy task.

Wandering Jews don’t get very tall. They might reach a height of about 14 inches (36 cm) when kept indoors. They spread to about 10 inches (25 cm).


The thing with the Wandering Jew is that it grows fast , hence its nickname “Inch plant.” Because of its fast-growing pace, the plant usually gets very leggy, and leaves are often lost near the base of the plant. 

Repotting is pivotal for keeping the root system healthy regardless of the actual plant species. However, how often a houseplant needs to be repotted depends on various factors.

Some houseplants grow incredibly fast, so they need to be repotted often. Others, on the other hand, grow very slowly, so repotting is not a top priority. 

That said, repotting your Wandering Jew occasionally is a good idea. 

How long does a Wandering Jew live?

As far as the longevity of Wandering Jews goes, they often don’t get older than 2 to 3 years.  

Wandering Jew Houseplant

Wandering Jew Watering

Water about once every 5-7 days in spring and summer. Keep the soil slightly humid. Do not let the Wandering Jew dry out between waterings. Use your index finger to check if the soil is dry down 1-2 inches of soil (2.5 – 5 cm).

Reduce watering to every 10-14 days in autumn and winter.

Wandering Jew Propagation

The Wandering Jew roots very easily . The plant can easily be propagated through stem tip cuttings.

When propagating your Wandering Jew, make sure that your plant is in a healthy condition. 

Please follow our step-to-step guide to propagate your Wandering Jew through stem tip cuttings.

Propagation through stem tip cuttings

  • Identify the plant that you want to replicate. It should have healthy growth and plenty of stems. 
  • Make clean cuts on sections that are three to six inches in length . 
  • Use a sharp knife and carefully cut the leaves on the stem’s bottom half.
  • If you want, you can dip the exposed end of the stem in a rooting hormone . This will speed up the rooting process. However , it is unnecessary . 
  • Place your stem tip cuttings into a pot with fresh soil after thoroughly watering the potting mixture. 
  • Use a clear plastic bag to hold in moisture, taking it off to water weekly . 
  • Keep your eyes on the plant for new growth . You should start to see roots in about two to three weeks . Once this happens, transfer the plant babies to a larger pot. 

Note: Instead of rooting your stem tip cuttings directly in soil, you could also root them in water .

Wandering Jew Pest Control

Wandering Jews are prone to aphids and spider mites attacks. So, you will need to look out for these two little pests. 

Some of these are known to cause defoliation, while others can kill the plant altogether. Depending on the severity of the infestation, you may need to use chemicals or insecticides .

Aphids on my Inch Plant

The Wandering Jew is not particularly susceptible to plant diseases or pests. Yet, you might have to deal with an aphid attack at some point. These parasites pierce the leaves of their host plant and suck their sap.

Like scale insects, they excrete sticky honeydew, by which you can immediately recognize the infestation.

Aphids can multiply explosively, especially in warm , dry environments.

As a preventive measure, ensure regular watering and occasional misting of your Wandering Jew.

The best way to combat aphids is to control them mechanically by rinsing them off the plant with water . Isolate the plant from the rest of the collection.

Pest Prevention

To prevent the Wandering Jew from pest infestations, plucking dried leaves regularly makes sense as well as using neem oil. The dried leaves lying on the substrate must be removed. Otherwise, there is a risk of rotting or infestation by parasites and fungi .

Wandering Jew Problems

Brown leaf tips.

Brown leaf tips is a very common problem with a wide variety of houseplant. Depending on the species, the causes for this problem can be very different, though. 

So what causes leaves to turn brown with Wandering Jews?

My Wandering Jew has only green leaves (not enough variegation)

If you do own a variegated Wandering Jew but only see a great amount of non-variegated leaves, chances are that your plant does not get enough sunlight . 

To solve the problem, allow your Wandering Jew some bright, indirect sunlight by placing it in a sunnier location. 

Fading leaves

If your inch plant’s foliage is suddenly losing color and sports fading leaves, this is another sign that it does not get enough sunlight . 

Dropping leaves

Dropping leaves is another very common problem many plant parents must deal with regularly . If your Wandering Jew drops leaves, this is usually due to too low or too high temperatures . 

In summer , ensure your Wandering Jew is exposed to average room temperatures.

In winter , it should be kept in a cooler environment.

Is Wandering Jew care difficult?

Wandering Jews are considered low-maintenance plants and are perfectly suitable for beginners. 

They do well at average room temperatures, don’t demand a very high level of humidity (which is sometimes difficult to achieve in a home environment), and it is very easy to propagate them through stem tip cuttings. 

Which plant species are commonly referred to as “Wandering Jew”?

Tradescantia zebrina as well as Tradescantia albiflora. 

What is the difference between Tradescantia zebrina and Zebrina pendula?

There is no difference between Tradescantia zebrina and Zebrina pendula. Zebrina pendula is just the old name for Tradescantia zebrina. 

Does my Wandering Jew flower at all?

Wandering Jews are indeed flowering plants. However, when kept indoors, they very rarely flower. 

How long can you keep a Wandering Jew?

If you don’t propagate your Wandering Jew, you can keep it for about three years. After that period, the quality of your Wandering Jew will most likely decrease. If you regularly propagate your leafy friend through stem tip cuttings, you can keep it indefinitely.

Any display tips for Wandering Jews?

Wandering Jews look great in hanging planters!

Is the Wandering Jew toxic to cats?

The Wandering Jew plant is toxic to cats. Therefore, you have to keep your cat away from this plant. 

Is the Wandering Jew toxic to dogs?

Yes, the Wandering Jew plant is toxic to dogs. Therefore, you must ensure your dog does not come in contact with this plant. 

What are the health benefits of Tradescantia zebrina, if any?

Not only is The Wandering Jew a beautiful houseplant famous for its striking foliage, but it also presents several health benefits for humans. It is especially known for its antioxidant and antibacterial activity, and it is widely used in Traditional Medicine in several countries. Tradescantia zebrina is also believed to be a valuable source for treating kidney diseases.

The Last Zebrina

The Wandering Jew is a great houseplant that looks stunning in hanging planters. Its care is easy apart from its humidity-loving nature.

Daniel Iseli

Daniel has been a plant enthusiast for over 20 years. He owns hundreds of houseplants and prepares for the chili growing seasons yearly with great anticipation. His favorite plants are plant species in the Araceae family, such as Monstera, Philodendron, and Anthurium. He also loves gardening and is growing hot peppers, tomatoes, and many more vegetables.

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How to Grow Wandering Jew — Tradescantia

wandering jew genus

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Tradescantia is a genus of creeping, trailing, or tuft-forming tropical foliage plants. One species, Tradescantia fluminensis –commonly called wandering Jew–has handsome iridescent green and purple striped leaves. Another, T. andersoniana –known as spiderwort–looks like a small corn plant with numerous iris-like blossoms.

Tradescantias are evergreen perennials in warm-winter regions, mostly short-lived. They are suitable for herbaceous borders or can be grown as ground covers. Tradescantia will cascade from hanging baskets and they are often grown as houseplants.

Tradescantia is very easy to grow from cuttings. They need afternoon shade in hot summer regions. Pinching back growing tips will encourage bushiness.

Tradescantia is a genus of 65 species of creeping and trailing perennials native North, Central, and South America.

Table of Contents

Get to know Tradescantia

  • Plant type: Tropical evergreen trailing perennial
  • Growing Zones and range: Zones 10-11
  • Hardiness: Tender
  • Optimal growing temperature: day 70°F (21°), night 50° to 55°F (10°-21°C)
  • Height and width: Trailing stems to 12 inches (30cm) long
  • Foliage: Green 2 to 3 inches (5-7cm) leaves colored or striped with iridescent red, purple, yellow, pink, and/or silver.
  • Flowers: Small saucer-shaped flowers with 3 petals
  • Flower colors: Purple, blue, pink, lilac, white
  • Bloom time: Spring and summer
  • Uses: Tropical garden, hanging baskets, houseplant
  • Common name: Wandering Jew, inch plant
  • Botanical name: Tradescantia
  • Family: Commelinaceae
  • Origin: North, Central and South America

Where to plant Tradescantia

  • Light outdoors: Grow Tradescantia in full sun or partial shade.
  • Light indoors: Grow Tradescantia in bright light, even some direct light.
  • Soil outdoors: Plant in moist, humus-rich fertile soil.
  • Soil indoors: Grow Tradescantia in all-purpose potting mix.

Tradescantia uses and companions

  • Tradescantia can be massed in informal, cottage, or naturalistic gardens.
  • Hardy species such as T. andersoniana are suitable for a mixed border.
  • Tradescantia can be grown in a hanging basket or as a houseplant.
  • Good garden companions for Tradescantia include Chelone, Digitalis, Filipendula, Iris, Lythrum, Trollius.

Flower of Tradescantia zebrina or wandering jew.

How to water and feed Tradescantia

  • Keep the soil just moist; allow the soil surface to dry a bit between waterings. Keep Tradescantia drier in winter.
  • Fertilize Tradescantia with dilute fertilizer twice a month.

Tradescantia care

  • Pinch back Tradescantia new growth often to keep the plant full.
  • Setting Tradescantia on a tray with pebbles and water will maintain humidity.
  • If leaves fade, move the plant into brighter light.
  • If older plants get scraggly, take cuttings to start new plants.

Growing Tradescantia as a houseplant

  • Tradescantia fluminensis , wandering Jew, and T. sillamontana , white velvet plant, are often grown as houseplants.
  • Tradescantia needs bright light, an average room temperature, and medium to high humidity.
  • The soil should be allowed to dry between watrerings.
  • Fertilizer can be applied regularly in spring and summer.
  • Dried leaves should be removed and the stems should be pinched back frequently to encourage full, bushy growth.

Tradescantia pests and diseases

  • Tradescantia is susceptible to damage by mealybugs, scale insects, spider mites, and whiteflies.

Tradescantia propagation

  • Tradescantia stem cuttings root easily.
  • Tradescantia seeds will germinat in 10 to 40 days at 70°F (20°C).

Virginia spiderwort, Tradescantia virginiana

Tradescantia varieties to grow

  • Tradescanti albiflora ‘Albovittata’. Ovate, blue-green leaves striped with white; white flowers.
  • T. albiflora ‘ Laekenensis’. Pale green leaes with white and purple stripes.
  • T. andersoniana , spoiderwort. Grows to 2 feet tall; stems look like small corn plants; clusters of flower buds appear atop each stem. Hardy to -20°F (-29°C).
  • T. blossfeldiana . Dark green, oval leavs with hairy, reddish purple undersides; pink to purple flowers with white centers.
  • T. blossfeldiana ‘Variegata’. Soilid green, solid white, and green and white striped leaves on the same plant.
  • T. fluminensis , wandering Jew. Grows to 24 inches in length; upper leaf surfaces are blue-green, undersides are deep purple; flowers are white; cultivar ‘Variegata’ has leaves with white lengthwise stripes.
  • T. sillamontana , white velvet plant. Wavy-deged green leaves covered with white hairs; stems and leaf undersides are purple; rosy purple flowers, appear summer through fall.
  • T. spathacea , Moses-in-the-cradle. Rosettes of semi-erect, lance-shaped leaves, dark green and deep purple beneath; white flowers.
  • T. virginiana , Virginiat spiderwort. Perennial native to Eastern United States, Zones 4-9; grows 2 to 3 feet tall; bears 3 flared petals in blue, purple, magenta, or white.
  • T. zebrina (formerly Zebrina pendula ), wandering Jew. Trailing ovate bluisg hreen leaves with 2 longitudinal stripes, silver-green above rich purple beneath; purple-pink to purple flowers. Cultivars include: ‘Purpusii’ has dark, greenish-red leaves; ‘Quicksilver’ is green with silvery-white stripes; ‘Tricolor’ is white and pink striped.

wandering jew genus

Written by Stephen Albert

Stephen Albert is a horticulturist, master gardener, and certified nurseryman who has taught at the University of California for more than 25 years. He holds graduate degrees from the University of California and the University of Iowa. His books include Vegetable Garden Grower’s Guide, Vegetable Garden Almanac & Planner, Tomato Grower’s Answer Book, and Kitchen Garden Grower’s Guide. His Vegetable Garden Grower’s Masterclass is available online. Harvesttotable.com has more than 10 million visitors each year.

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Tradescantia: Wonderful Wanderers

02.07.2018 by rzr5355 // 1 Comment

wandering jew genus

Solid, striped, or variegated; burgundy, emerald, lilac, and (sometimes or) white; and almost always pointed. The leaves of  Tradescantia species come is a vast array of appearances and hues which dazzle the eye and draw many a plant-lover near. Now, these unique descriptions may cause you to believe that these lovely specimens are rare pieces of small gardening collections hoarded away from the eye of the general public; however, it is rather likely that you have encountered at least one cultivar of this ever-popular genus in your wanders through the wilds of your local gardening center.

All About Tradescantia

Known more widely as inch plant, spiderwort, or “wandering jew,” Tradescantia are a genus of around seventy-five perennial flowering plants native to the regions between Canada and mid-South America. The genus became more well-known during the 1600s, during which foreign trade introduced the prior unknown beauties to Europe. It was during this very same period that the genus’s popularity began to take root and, subsequently, these colorful, winding wonders trailed their way into the hearts of green thumbs and the environments of locales across the globe. This, unfortunately, has caused some species to become invasive and cause unrest in those ecosystems where it survives a little bit too successfully. (A kind thanks to Wikipedia for giving me the most quintessential knowledge I can’t seem to dig up on more “academic” sites!)

If you are anything like me, you are likely wonder why in the dickens these plants are known as “wandering jews.” Jackie Rhoades of Gardening Know How shares the story of the namesake in the post “ Growing Wandering Jew Houseplants .” Simply put, women of the home we quite adept at growing the plants and would share their clippings with one another, thereby allowing the houseplant to spread in a manner similar to that of historic members of the Jewish community.

wandering jew genus

Tradescantia are widely known to be of insubstantial need; they are, in nature, wildflowers which trail and vine, after all. Despite the this self-preserving, low-maintenance facade, though, some small eccentricities have slightly swayed the genus’s total ease of care and necessitated a tidbit of attention on the part of jungle caregivers.

For Tradescantia , the most basic requirements, soil, is of equally basic need. Genus members grow best in a well-draining general purpose potting soil, but they can also do extremely well in soilless mediums  as a result of their abilities to drain. Container size is not typically an issue and many cultivars can be placed in hanging baskets or pots one size up from their nursery pots to contain their growth.

One such peculiarity comes in relation to the watering preferences of the plants: they  really don’t like wet feet and  really, really don’t like to be watered at the base of their stems , known as the crown of the plant. At this point, you have probably heard my spiel about root rot and how plants (usually) don’t like to have water sitting in their containers; this also applies to  Tradescantia . Beyond these small finicky pieces, the genus likes to be watered deeply, drained well, and misted to raise the surrounding humidity. During the dormant season (winter), watering should be reduced to accommodate for the plant’s growth stagnation, though.

Fertilization of the plant is not entirely necessary, but can be done up to twice monthly with a diluted solution of general-purpose houseplant fertilizer.

The sunlight and temperature requirements of  Tradescantia  are straightforward. All members of the genus prefer bright, indirect sunlight with the occasional glance of full exposure and all will grow steadily in temperatures ranging between 55 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Unfortunately,  Tradescantia  are known be become elongated and “leggy” with time due to their trailing nature. Many growers, including The Spruce , suggest pinching the plant to encourage branching of the plant and ensure fullness. When the plant becomes too stretched, though, the issue can be addressed by taking plant cuttings, rooting them in water on a sunny window sill, and replanting when the new roots have grown to one inch in length. For more precise details about propagating, head over to SF Gate ‘s post on Wandering Jew Propagation !

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03/06/2024 at 14:37

As someone interested in the financial aspects of horticulture, the widespread popularity and ease of care of Tradescantia present a notable opportunity for both amateur and professional gardeners. These plants, with their vibrant colors and low maintenance requirements, can be cultivated and propagated with minimal investment, potentially yielding significant returns. The ability to grow Tradescantia in various conditions and the simplicity of propagating through cuttings make them an ideal candidate for commercial growth and sales.

Given the rising trend of indoor gardening and the demand for aesthetically pleasing yet easy-to-maintain plants, Tradescantia can be a lucrative addition to any plant business. Retailers and local gardening centers can benefit from stocking these plants, as their appeal spans from novice gardeners to seasoned plant enthusiasts. Furthermore, the adaptability of Tradescantia to different pot sizes and soil conditions reduces overhead costs related to specialized growing mediums and containers.

From a financial perspective, investing in Tradescantia with 100$ loan https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/borrow-100-instantly-best-options-immediate-cash-ashly-flowers-ekkle could result in a high return on investment due to their resilience and popularity. The potential for these plants to be sold in various forms—hanging baskets, small pots, or as part of decorative arrangements—offers multiple revenue streams. Additionally, the ease of propagation ensures a steady supply, allowing for scalability without significant additional costs.

In summary, Tradescantia’s combination of aesthetic appeal, low maintenance, and ease of propagation makes them not only a favorite among plant lovers but also a smart financial investment for those in the horticulture business.

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8 Types of Wandering Jew Plants+Care Tips

Ralph Astley

2-Minute Read

When it comes to versatility, there’s none like the adaptable wandering jews check all different types of wandering jew plants in this detailed article.

Wandering Jew Plant comprises various species in the Tradescantia genus. As the plant is adaptable to both indoor and outdoor conditions, it doesn’t matter if you are planning to have it as ground cover, in hanging baskets, or in containers; it’ll do equally well! Also, d o you know you can grow wandering jew in the complete shade, as well as in full sunlight? In full sun, it looks more colorful. Whereas, shade gives its leaves a greenish hue. Here are the Types of Wandering Jew Plants you should consider growing!

Have a look at the plants you can start with just one cutting and a glass of water here

1. tradescantia fluminensis.

Types of Wandering Jew Plants

It’s a popular indoor houseplant, which is also used as ground cover. Its white flowers are triangular and formed by three petals and look glorious attached to fleshy stems with oval-shaped leaves that are glossy and deep green.

Check out our article on colorful houseplants here !  

2. tradescantia zebrina.

wandering jew genus

The variegated leaves resemble the stripes of the zebra, hence the name! The purplish-green foliage has a silver outer edge and white stripes running down lengthwise. It grows low to a height of 6-12 inches, and that’s why it can be grown as ground cover. It is one of the best types of wandering jew plants on the list.

3. Tradescantia pallida

Types of Wandering Jew Plants you can grow

It also goes by the name “Purple Heart” and is native to Mexico. Deep purple foliage, adorned with light purplish-pink flowers, looks marvelous and is the reason that it’s one of the most popular types of wandering jew plants! Apart from growing it as a striking ground cover, you can also have it in hanging baskets.

To know about more purple houseplants, click here !  

4. tradescantia blossfeldiana.

wandering jew genus

Commonly known as the ‘Inch plant,’ it’s also referred to as Tradescantia cerinthoidebs . The thick green leaves have a fuzzy texture and a purple hue on the underside. You can easily propagate it from the cuttings, both in soil and water, once it gets growing. It bears delightful clusters of blue, purple, white, or rose pink flowers, making it one of the best types of wandering jew plants on the list.

5. Tradescantia Sillamontana

Types of Wandering Jew Plants to enhance the beauty of your garden

If precise geometric patterns are your thing, then you’ll love it because of its foliage. Growing from a thick succulent stem, the leaves are around two inches long and covered entirely in white hair. Magneta flower protrudes from the terminal end of the stem in summers.

6. Tradescantia spathacea

wandering jew genus

Known as Moses-in-a-basket, Oyster plant, or Boat lily, it is a sub-succulent herb from southern Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize. It grows in 6-12 inches long rosette and sword-like, narrow, and spiral-shaped dark green leaves, with purple bottom sides. The white flowers are enclosed with boat-like purple bracts, hence the name.

7. Tradescantia virginiana

Types of Wandering Jew Plants you never knew about

Commonly known as the spider lily, it is a herbaceous perennial from the Commelinaceae family. The plant produces violet-purple to blue, three-petaled flowers, with yellow stamens and dark green arching leaves. You can grow this one of the most popular types of wandering jew plants under full to partial shade.

8. Tradescantia longipes

wandering jew genus

Adorn your garden by growing beautiful, purple-blue flowers of tradescantia longipes or spiderwort. It is native to Southern Missouri and northern Arkansas from the family Commelinaceae. Grow these three-petaled flowers for rock or naturalize gardens, in partial shade, by using well-drained, moist, acidic soil, making it one of the most popular types of wandering jew plants on the list!

Check out our article on indoor rock garden ideas here ! 

Wandering jew plant care tips.

  • Grow a wandering jew plant in bright, indirect light or expose it to full sun, which it won’t mind either. Just keep in mind that low light can fade the markings on leaves.
  • Water the plant directly around the roots, avoiding the crown, as it can result in rot.
  • The plant prefers slightly moist soil, so maintain the right watering schedule.
  • Use an all-purpose, water-soluble fertilizer, once a month, during the growing period.

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Depends on the plant and where you live. Do research on the specific plant.

Sooooo number 4…. Is not a blossefeldiana. It’s a flumensis. …. You posted a tri-color-mundula variegata……. Not a nanouk. A nanouk is a blossefeldiana centerthoides

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Distribution Map: Based on vouchered plant specimens from wild populations. Cultivated occurrences are not mapped. View county names by placing the cursor over the map.

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Wetland Assessment Procedure (WAP): Source - Southwest Florida Water Management District, Wetland Assessment Procedure Instruction Manual for Isolated Wetlands (March 2005).

  • ANY - WAP critieria is not taken into consideration
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Wetland Status, Department of Environmental Regulation (DEP): Source - Delineation of the Landward Extent of Wetlands and Surface Waters, Chapter 62-340, Florida Administrative Code. 1994.

National Wetland Plant List (NWPL): Source - Lichvar, R.W., M. Butterwick, N.C. Melvin, and W.N. Kirchner. 2014. The National Wetland Plant List: 2014 Update of Wetland Ratings. Phytoneuron 2014-41: 1-42.

Identifying species that appear as waifs or only periodically appear in the flora for a few seasons.

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(Definitions from: American Heritage Science Dictionary)

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This numeric rank provides the relative rarity for each species based on a scale from 1 (very rare) to 5 (common). These ranks carry no legal status.

  • S1 - Typically 5 or fewer occurrences, very few remaining individuals, acres, or miles of stream, or some factor of its biology making it especially vulnerable in the state.
  • S2 - Typically 6 to 20 occurrences, few remaining individuals, acres, or miles of stream, or factors demonstrably making it very vulnerable in the state.
  • S3 - Typically 21 to 100 occurrences, limited acreage, or miles of stream in the state.
  • S4 - Apparently secure in the state.
  • S5 - Demonstrably secure in the state.
  • SE - State exotic or non-native.
  • SH - Historically known from the state, but not seen in the past 15 years.
  • SNA - Species for which a rank is not applicable. This is mainly those species which are now excluded from flora for various reasons.
  • SNR - Not yet ranked.
  • SX - Apparently extirpated from the state.

Each species' global rank is determined by NatureServe. These ranks carry no legal weight. The global rank reflects the species worldwide rarity.

  • G1 - Critically imperiled globally because of extreme rarity (5 or fewer occurrences), or very few remaining acres, or miles of stream) or especially vulnerable to extinction because of some factor of its biology.
  • G2 - Imperiled globally because of rarity (6 - 20 occurrences, or few remaining acres, or miles of stream) or very vulnerable to extinction throughout its range because of other factors.
  • G3 - Imperiled globally because of rarity (6 - 20 occurrences, or few remaining acres, or miles of stream) or very vulnerable to extinction throughout its range because of other factors.
  • G4 - Imperiled globally because of rarity (6 - 20 occurrences, or few remaining acres, or miles of stream) or very vulnerable to extinction throughout its range because of other factors.
  • G5 - Demonstrably secure globally, though it may be quite rare in parts of its range, especially at the periphery.
  • GH - Historically known, with the expectation that it might be rediscovered.
  • GNA - Species for which a rank is not applicable. NatureServe does not typically rank hybrid species.
  • GNR - Not yet ranked.
  • GX - Species believed to be extinct.

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  • Any - An Any search will combine the list of counties to include with a Boolean Or . Plant species returned will be found within at least one of the selected counties.
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  • Any - An Any search will combine the list of counties to exclude with a Boolean Or . Plant species returned will not be found within at least one of the selected counties.
  • All - An All search will combine the list of counties to exclude with a Boolean And . Plant species returned will not be found within any of the selected counties.

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For more information, contact: Richard Wunderlin or Bruce Hansen , Alan Franck , or Karla Alvarado

© 2024 Institute for Systematic Botany | Data last modified: 6/14/2024

Web Development: USF Water Institute

A member of the University of South Florida family of PlantAtlas.org websites

Citation Information:

Wunderlin, R. P., B. F. Hansen, A. R. Franck, and F. B. Essig. 2024. Atlas of Florida Plants ( http://florida.plantatlas.usf.edu/ ). [S. M. Landry and K. N. Campbell (application development), USF Water Institute.] Institute for Systematic Botany, University of South Florida, Tampa.

USF Water Institute

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Hint: Correct spelling is necessary for desired results, but because this function is a string search the full name need not be entered. Any correct part of a taxon name can be entered and a choice of the correct one made from the small list of resulting matches.

For example, matching the full name exactly in a Scientific Name search for Piptochaetium avenacioides may be difficult, but strings of either tium aven or avenaci or m avenac or pipto will all result in very small lists of matches. The intended name can then be chosen from any of those lists. Usually, the last letter (or two) of a given genus, a space, and the first few correct letters of the specific epithet will provide a sufficiently short list containing the desired taxon.

A similar example in a Common Name search is Virginia snakeroot. Searching using "snake root" will yield no results due to the extra space, but searching "snake" will generate a short list of plants with the word "snake" in the common name. Furthermore, a search of "Virginia snake" or even "nia snak" yields one result: Virginia snakeroot.

If, after following the above advice, then difficulties are still encountered please use the "browse" feature.

A voucher specimen is a pressed and thoroughly dried plant sample deposited in a herbarium, and is intended to be a permanent record supporting research purposes. A voucher may be a record of a plant's occurrence in a particular area, or a specific example of a plant used in a scientific investigation.

Proper vouchers display all the necessary attributes for complete identification of the plant, and are to be accompanied by accurate locality, habitat, collection time, and collector data.

Only plant populations vouchered by specimens deposited in Index Herbariorum http://sweetgum.nybg.org/science/ih/ recognized herbaria are represented on this map.

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Tradescantia – A Common Little-Known Wild Food

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Various vining plants of the Tradescantia genus are very common throughout the Southern California area. Sometimes they are called spiderworts, sometimes wandering Jew. They are great survival plants. They can be green or purple, and are sometimes used as ornamentals. However, more often they are simply the plants that take over an area when nothing else is grown.

The purple ones are Tradescantia pallida , which are usually house plants or hanging plants. The ones with purplish leaves with stripes are T. zebrina , also typically an ornamenal. Both of these are occasionally sold at nurseries.

The variety that is widespread, growing in the mountains and backyards, and seeming to need no care, is T. fluminensis , a common vining groundcover with green leaves. There are a few horticultural varieties that you might encounter.

Though the leaves are usually solid green with a smooth margin, some have white stripes in the leaves, and some have wavy margins. And while the flowers are typically blue, some have white flowers.

So is this an edible plant?

I long wondered about this, and yet there were no references to this plant being used for food. In the mid-1980s, a Phillipino friend told me that he commonly ate the leaves back home, usually in a soup or broth in which chicken and beetles were added. I tried cooking without the chicken or beetles, and found that it made a spinach-like dish, though somewhat bland, and certainly improved with butter.

I also began trying it in salads, and again, though bland, it is edible. I have had good salads with about two-thirds chopped T. fluminensis leaves, and about a third avocado, with dressing.

I learned that if you eat a little too much, it will have a mild laxative effect. Also, if you pick it and store it in your refrigerator for a few days, the leaves will darken and begin to decompose. They do not have the keeping quality of other greens, like lamb’s quarter for example.

In the early 90s, we used to collect and sell bagged wild salad and wild soup mixes at the local farmers markets and to Wild Oats market. Though we initially added the T. fluminensis leaves, we discontinued that practice because the leaves would turn black in a day or two, whereas all the other wild leaves that we collected and bagged would last for up to two weeks.

Still, the plant is so widespread that it is worth getting to know. I don’t use it extremely often, but I do occasionally add some of the green leaves to a fresh salad, and sometimes soups. I might add the Tradescantia fluminensis leaves to dishes where the other wild leaves are very hot or spicy, as a way to balance out the flavor.

A mentor of mine recently revealed that he’d been using these green wandering jew or spiderwort leaves for over 40 years as one of the ingredients of a wild kim-chee that he makes by soaking various greens in raw apple cider vinegar.

He has also pickled the purple flowers of Tradescantia pallida and found them delicious. However, the pickled leaves were described as “palatable,” and the pickled stems as “ok.” Of course, relative palatability is largely determined by how you prepare any given plant, and how you season it. At least I learned that, yes, you can also eat the purple wandering Jew.

Remember, always eat any new food sparingly to see how your body reacts, and never eat any wild food if you haven’t positively identified it.

I’d love to hear from any readers who try these foods.

Nyerges is the author of “Guide to Wild Foods” and other books. He leads regular ethnobotany walks. He can be reached at School of Self-reliance , Box 41834 , Eagle Rock, CA 90041, or www.ChristopherNyerges.com .

wandering jew genus

  • Published on Jan 11, 2013

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Types Of Wandering Jew – A Review

Types of Wandering Jew - A Review

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Last Updated on January 20, 2022 by

There are many types of wandering Jew that you can grow on your farm depending on your favorite type and how to grow it, and the care it needs.

Wandering Jew is a plant that has plenty of versatility.  It comprises various species in the Tradescantia genus.  This plant is adaptable to both outdoor and indoor conditions.  It doesn’t matter if you plant it on hanging baskets, ground cover, or containers, it does so well.

Did you know you can grow your wandering Jew in the complete shade as well as full sunlight?  In full sun, the plant looks more colorful whereas under the shade it leaves a greenish hue.

Wandering Jew Plant Care Tips For All Types

There are some important care tips you ought to follow to make sure your wandering Jew is thriving.  Here are some of them

  • Grow your wandering Jew in bright, indirect sun or expose it to full sun – it will thrive in both conditions.  Keep in mind that low light fades the markings on leaves.
  • Water the plant directly around roots.  Do not water the crown as it results in root rot.   This plant prefers slightly moist soil, so maintain the right watering schedule.
  • Fertilize your plants with an all-purpose, water-soluble fertilizer at least once a month during the growing period.

Let’s Look At The Types Of Wandering Jews You Should Consider

Tradescantia zebrine.

This type is one of the best types of wandering Jews topping this list.  Its leaves resemble the stripes of a Zebra hence the name.  The purplish-green foliage comes with a silver outer edge and white stripes running down lengthwise.  It grows to a height of 6-12 inches and can successfully grow as ground cover.

Tradescantia Fluminesis

This is a popular houseplant that can also grow as ground cover.  It has white beautiful flowers that are triangular formed by three petals.  It has a magnificent look attached to the fleshy stems with oval-shaped leaves that are deep green and glossy.

Tradescantia Pallida Type

This type can grow in hanging baskets and as a ground cover.  Purple Heart as its commonly known is native to Mexico.  Its deep foliage has light purplish-pink flowers that look awesomely good.  This type is also popular with many gardeners.

Wangering Jew - Tradescantia Pallida Type

Tradescantia Blossfeldiana Type

This type is commonly known as the Inch Plant.  Its thick green leaves have a fuzzy texture and a purple hue on the underside. You can easily grow this type from cuttings in both soil and water.  It produces beautiful clusters of white flowers making it one of the best types of wandering Jew.

Tradescantia Spathacea

This type is also known as ‘Moses Basket, Boat Lily or Oyster Plant’.  It is a sub-succulent herb from Guatemala, Southern Mexico, and Belize.  It grows up to 6-12 inches long rosette and sword-like narrow spiral-shaped leaves.  These dark-green leaves have purple bottom sides with white flowers with boat-like purple bracts.

Tradescantia Sillamontana

This type has beautiful foliage with geometric patterns.  It grows from a thick succulent stem and the leaves are around 2 inches long covered entirely in white hair.  Its magenta flowers bloom from the end of the stem during summer.

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Tradescantia Longipes

This plant produces purple-blue flowers that are three-petaled.  This plant is native to Northern Arkansas to Southern Missouri from the family of Commelinaceae.   Grow it in well-drained, moist, acidic soils.  This type is one of the most popular types of wandering jew.

Tradescantia Navicularis

This type is known as Window’s Tears, Chain Plant, or Day flower.  It is a creeping perennial succulent native to South America.  This plant has the most beautiful narrow fleshy leaves that fold on opposite sides of the stem.  It has bright lilac to magenta flowers that bloom in summer and lasts only a day.  Like other types, this plant enjoys the indirect sun and well-drained soils .  This type requires regular watering during the growing season

Tradescantia Fluminesis Variegata

This plant leaves range in shades of white to cream, to pale lemony white.  The white parts won’t last long as they lack the ability to produce energy on their own.  Simply remove them to allow new growth to take place.  Remove the fully green parts that are close to the soil level to not take over the plant. This encourages the plant to keep looking its best.

Wangering Jew - Tradescantia Fluminesis Variegata

Where did the name wandering jew begin?

In the late 1800s, wandering Jew (Aegopodium podagraria) was a common name given to a species of perennial herb that was thought to have been introduced into Europe from North America. However, it is now believed that the plant probably originated in Eurasia, and was first found in Europe in the 19th century. The plant has since spread throughout the world as a garden escapee.

What is their scientific categorization?

They are all from the same family and genus. The species in this genus are all called Geranium. They have a flower that is shaped like a clover, and the flowers have five petals, and they are found all over the world. There are many different varieties of these plants, but they all look very similar.

Where do they come from?

Wandering Jews are a type of flowering plant in the genus Mimosa. The plant is native to the Americas and has been introduced to other areas around the world. In its natural environment it is found growing on the slopes of mountains, often near waterfalls.

How many types of wandering jews, or Tradescantia, are there?

Tradescantia is the common name for three species of plant, all of which are grown as ornamental plants. There are more than 20 different types of Tradescantia, ranging from the compact, bushy Tradescantia zebrina to the trailing Tradescantia coccinea. Tradescantia species grow well in many parts of the United States.

Tradescantia zebrina The common name for this species is “dwarf spiderwort” because its leaves look like small, web-like structures. In the summer, this plant produces many flower heads with a yellow center and a pale green ring of tiny flowers.

It grows in sandy or loamy soils in full sun. Tradescantia fluminensis This is one of the more common forms of Tradescantia, and is often found growing in moist areas. The leaves are dark green, and grow to be about 6 inches long.

The flowers are small and pale yellow. The flower is also a favorite of hummingbirds. Tradescantia fluminensis has been cultivated for hundreds of years.

Having learned of all these types of wandering jew, you have a variety to chose from and opt for what to grow.  These flowers are beautiful additions to your home or your garden.  Their colored leaves and their bloom are amazingly beautiful and outstanding.


Car oline is a gard ener who loves to get down to the n itty – gr itty of gardening . She proudly proclaim s herself as a ‘ d irt worsh ipper ‘ and can often be found deep in the garden , covered in soil and singing to her plants . As a self – proclaimed ‘ plant whis pe rer ‘, Caroline believes that plants need love and attention just like any other living thing , and she loves to give them both . When she ‘s not tending to her garden , you can often find her researching the latest gardening trends , or teaching others how to make their gardens thrive

wandering jew genus

Wisconsin Horticulture

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Purple Heart, Tradescantia pallida

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Purple Heart (Tradescantia pallida) used as a bedding plant at the Missouri Botanical Garden.

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25 Unique Purple Houseplants and How to Grow Them

P urple Houseplants add life, light, and warmth to interior design. If you’re looking to elevate the visual interest of your indoor plant collection, why not shift from pure green to purple houseplants ? Whether you select plants washed in shades of purple, dotted with violet spots, or blooming with vibrant amethyst-colored flowers, your design can’t go wrong with one of these stunning types of purple houseplants .

1. Prayer Plant ( Maranta leuconeura )

The prayer plant gets its common name from its diurnal rhythm, resulting in its leaves lying flat during the day and folding upright at night as if praying for evening vespers. Its leaves feature striking markings and coloring, which vary based on the variety of plant.

2. Wandering Jew ( Tradescantia zebrina )

Also commonly called the inch plant or spiderwort, the wandering Jew features striped leaves with new growth in a deep-purple hue and older growth in deep green. This stunning type of purple houseplant blooms with small, purple flowers. Since it grows in colonies, its outdoor varieties are often used as ground cover in outdoor gardens. Tradescantia zebrina is usually potted in hanging containers indoors.

3. Rex Begonia ( Begonia rex-cultorum )

Sometimes called fancy-leaf begonias or painted-leaf begonias, Rex Begonia plants are widely recognized for their highly ornamental foliage, which features interesting patterns of intertwining fuchsia, silver, eggplant, red, and deep green.

4. Chinese Evergreens ( Aglaonema )

Chinese evergreens are thought to bring luck and have been cultivated for centuries in Asia for this reason. They’re a lovely indoor purple houseplant with beautifully marked foliage and perennial blossoms in mature plants.

5. Calatheas ( Calathea )

Calathea is a genus containing dozens of species of leafy green plants. These stunning types of purple houseplants are usually referred to as calatheas and sometimes they’re called prayer plants, like their close cousins, Maranta leuconeura . Calathea leaves resemble carved feathers with eye-catching angular markings and a pinnate shape.

6. Purple Shamrock ( Oxalis triangularis )

Commonly called the false shamrock or purple shamrock, Oxalis triangularis is actually native to South America – not Ireland – although they are popularly sold around Saint Patrick’s Day. These purple houseplants resemble their wood sorrel relatives with green foliage and white flowers, but the purple shamrock actually grows dark-purple foliage and white, pink, or lavender flowers.

7. Cyclamen

Native to the Mediterranean Basin, Cyclamen is a genus of 23 flowering plants. They have attractively dappled heart-shaped leaves that are green on the top and purple on the backside. Their shooting star-shaped flowers blossom from fall through spring in lovely purple, pink, red, and white hues.

8. Purple Vanda Orchid ( Vanda )

Vanda is a genus of about 80 species of orchids with stunning blossoms in almost all colors of the rainbow. Several species of vanda orchids – like Vanda coerulea, Vanda pachara, Vanda sansai blue, Vanda mokara, and Vanda Robert’s delight, to name just a few – bloom with fragrant stalks of speckled flowers spanning violet and indigo hues which make them quite striking purple house plants to introduce at home.

9. Persian Shield Plant ( Strobilanthes dyeriana )

The Persian shield is an evergreen shrub native to Myanmar. It has lush, green foliage topped with pinwheels of metallic leaves in a shade of purple that resembles the color of a peacock’s feathers. In the right conditions, Persian shields produce lavender flowers, but blooming is rare for indoor plants.

10. Christmas Cactus ( Schlumbergera )

Although classified as a cactus, Schlumbergera is a genus of plants that are native to the coastal mountains of Brazil. Like orchids, they grow from the bark of trees and in rocky outcroppings. These types of purple houseplants have exciting segments of pad-like “leaves” and blossom with stunningly intricate tubular flowers in various colors, including a purplish fuchsia.

11. Purple Succulents ( Echeveria )

Echeveria is a genus of about 150 species of rosette-shaped succulents native to Mexico, Central America, and Northwestern South America. Depending on the specific species, echeveria plants vary in color, leaf shape, size, and texture, but they’re all equally beautiful and fun to collect. Purple houseplant varieties like the Purple Pearl, Afterglow, Dark Moon, and Dark Prince echeverias range from a dusty lavender hue to a dark, almost-black purple.

12. Gloxinia

Gloxinia is a genus of just three original species and several hybrids of flowering plants native to regions of South America, including the Andes, the West Indies, and parts of Central America.

These tropical herbaceous purple houseplants have lush, green, spade-shaped foliage and delicate bell-shaped blossoms in shades of lavender and violet. With velvety foliage and showy blooms, gloxinia hybrids are often mistaken for African Violets.

13. Rubber Tree Plant ( Ficus elastica )

The rubber tree plant is a type of ficus tree that can grow up to 200 feet tall in its native habitat, but don’t worry – your rubber tree won’t grow that big when potted indoors. Rubber tree plants have attractive, oval-shaped leaves that fan out in a neat pattern up the plant’s central trunk. The leaves are lush-green, which takes on a purplish hue when viewed from below.

14. Moses-in-the-Cradle ( Tradescantia spathacea )

The Moses-in-the-Cradle (also called the boat lily) is a purple houseplant with a rosette of lance-shaped leaves striped green and white on the top side and flash with a vibrant purple on the back.

They bloom with clusters of small pink or white flowers. While they grow wildly outdoors in warmer climates and have become invasive in Florida and Louisiana, they’re popularly cultivated indoors as houseplants .

15. African Violet ( Streptocarpus sect. Saintpaulia )

Native to the tropical climates of Eastern Africa, African violets have a reputation for being difficult to grow. In the right conditions, however, these plants will thrive and bloom on and off throughout the year.

These purple houseplants feature a variety of lush leaves that grow in shades of green and purple and blossoms that bloom in various colors and variegations, including several in different shades of purple. You’ll never want to stop once you get the hang of growing African violets.

16. Ti Plant (Cordyline fruticosa)

Commonly called the ti plant, Hawaiian ti plant, cabbage palm, or palm lily, the Cardyline fruticosa is native to many islands of the South Pacific, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and Southeast Asia.

It’s believed to bring good luck. Plus, it’s grown for religious and medicinal purposes, and it’s beloved worldwide as a houseplant for its attractive, ornamental leaves.

The ti plant’s sword-shaped leaves sprout upward along a central stalk and stun in vibrant shades that range from fuchsia to a deep purplish-red. It blossoms in shades of lavender, pink, and white.

17. Purple Passion ( Gynura aurantiaca )

Commonly called the purple passion or velvet plant, Gynura aurantiaca is a flowering plant that belongs to the daisy family. It’s most noted for its deep-green leaves that are dusted with a coat of bright purple fuzz. It features vibrant orange-yellow blossoms and grows wild in Southeast Asia.

This type of purple houseplant is easy to cultivate indoors in any climate. Best displayed in a hanging basket, purple passion’s long velvety leaves will hang over the edge.

18. Aechmea ‘Blue Rain’ Bromeliad ( Aechmea )

Aechmea is a genus of flower plants that belongs to the bromeliad family and contains about 250 species of flowering tropical plants. Bromeliads are epiphytes, which means they grow from trees rather than in soil in the ground. However, they can still be cultivated indoors with the right potting mix. All bromeliads have exotic looks and tropical colors. Specifically, the Aechmea ‘Blue Rain’ Bromeliad is a hybrid that features a strikingly beautiful central blossoming spike of fiery red and vibrant violet blossoms. A great ornamental purple house plant.

19. Bellflower ( Campanula )

Campanula (Latin for “little bell”) is a genus of flowering plants named for the classic bell-like shape of its purplish-blue blossoms. This genus contains more than 500 species and even more subspecies and hybrid cultivars of bellflowers. Outdoors, it’s commonly cultivated for a vibrant, naturally spreading ground cover. However, it’s also quite lovely planted in containers and can be successfully grown indoors.

20. Pink Quill ( Wallisia cyanea )

The Wallisia cyanea is a plant species belonging to the bromeliad family. It’s commonly named pink quill in tribute to its stunning, light-pink quill or feather-shaped bracts that blossom with violet flowers. These unusual purple houseplants will make an exciting addition to any indoor gardenscape or as an individual living decor accent.

21) Purple Heart Plant ( Setcreasea pallida )

Native to eastern Mexico, the Purple Heart Plant boasts elongated, solid purple leaves that trail or spread along the ground, making it ideal for ground covers or hanging baskets. Its botanical characteristics include succulent-like attributes with a cascading growth habit. As a member of the spiderwort family, it can produce small, three-petaled pink flowers .

22) Purple Pitcher Plant ( Sarracenia purpurea )

The Purple Pitcher Plant is a North American native, mainly found in bogs and swamps. Its tubular, purple-hued leaves evolved to trap and digest insects, making it a fascinating carnivorous plant. Its pitcher-like structure is adapted to attract, capture, and digest its prey.

Coleus, originally from Southeast Asia and Malaysia, is prized for its vibrant, patterned foliage in shades ranging from green and yellow to deep red and purple. This ornamental plant can be grown indoors and outdoors, showcasing a bushy growth habit.

24) Lavender ( Lavandula )

Lavender, native to the Mediterranean region, is renowned for its fragrant purple flowers and silvery-green foliage. Beyond its beauty, it’s been utilized for centuries for its soothing aroma in aromatherapy, cosmetics, and culinary dishes.

25) Purple Basil

Originating in India and other tropical regions of Asia, Purple Basil is much like its green counterpart but boasts deep purple, almost black leaves. Used in various cuisines, it adds both flavor and a burst of color to dishes.

Choose Your Purple Houseplants with Care

When there are so many purple houseplants to choose from, it can be difficult to narrow down your search. Remember that it’s always best to pick plants that require a level of care you’re comfortable providing and a preferred environment that your home or office can easily provide.

The post 25 Unique Purple Houseplants and How to Grow Them appeared first on Petal Republic .

Purple Houseplants add life, light, and warmth to interior design. If you’re looking to elevate the visual interest of your...


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  10. Tradescantia fluminensis

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  11. Tradescantia zebrina (wandering jew)

    Hunt (1986) changed the status of the genus Zebrina Shnizl. to a section within Tradescantia L. He stated that Zebrina pendula Schnizl. should be called Tradescantia zebrina Hort. ex Bosse or Tradescantia zebrina ex Bosse. Some publications and online databases such as the Tropicos website of the Missouri Botanical Gardens include an older name Tradescantia zebrina Heynh.

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  15. 8 Types of Wandering Jew Plants+Care Tips

    It is one of the best types of wandering jew plants on the list. 3. Tradescantia pallida. It also goes by the name "Purple Heart" and is native to Mexico. Deep purple foliage, adorned with light purplish-pink flowers, looks marvelous and is the reason that it's one of the most popular types of wandering jew plants!

  16. Wandering Jew (Campus Flora Guide ) · iNaturalist

    Summary 2 Tradescantia pallida is a species of spiderwort (a genus of New World plants) more commonly known as wandering jew, a name it shares with the closely related species T. fluminensis and T. zebrina.Other common names include purple secretia, purple heart and purple queen.It is native to the Gulf Coast region of eastern Mexico. Edward Palmer was the first European to observe and assign ...

  17. Tradescantia zebrina

    Listed as Threatened Plants in the Preservation of Native Flora of Florida Act. Defined as species of plants native to the state that are in rapid decline in the number of plants within the state, but which have not so decreased in such number as to cause them to be endangered. Listed Status: US. Listed Status: US.

  18. A Common Little-Known Wild Food

    Various vining plants of the Tradescantia genus are very common throughout the Southern California area. Sometimes they are called spiderworts, sometimes wandering Jew. They are great survival plants.

  19. Types Of Wandering Jew

    There are many types of wandering Jew that you can grow on your farm depending on your favorite type and how to grow it, and the care it needs. Wandering Jew is a plant that has plenty of versatility. It comprises various species in the Tradescantia genus. This plant is adaptable to both outdoor and indoor conditions.

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    Commelina benghalensis, commonly known as the Benghal dayflower, tropical spiderwort, or wandering Jew, kanshira in Bengali, is a perennial herb native to tropical Asia and Africa.It has been widely introduced to areas outside its native range, including to the neotropics, Hawaii, the West Indies and to both coasts of North America. It has a long flowering period, from spring to fall in ...

  21. Purple Heart, Tradescantia pallida

    Purple Heart (Tradescantia pallida) used as a bedding plant at the Missouri Botanical Garden.Tradescantia pallida is a tender evergreen perennial native to northeast Mexico (from Tamaulipas to Yucatan) grown as an ornamental for its striking purple foliage. Originally named Setcreasea pallida by Joseph Nelson Rose in 1911, it was reclassified in the genus Tradescantia by D.R. Hunt of the Royal ...

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  24. 25 Unique Purple Houseplants and How to Grow Them

    Wandering Jew (Tradescantia zebrina) ... This genus contains more than 500 species and even more subspecies and hybrid cultivars of bellflowers. Outdoors, it's commonly cultivated for a vibrant ...