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Selena Gomez “Moved,” “Inspired” by UNICEF Trip to Nepal: See Pictures From Her Visit

Selena Gomez has had a lot of roles in Hollywood, but few as rewarding as her role in representing UNICEF. The Spring Breakers star, 21, has been a spokesperson for UNICEF since 2008, and an ambassador since 2009. As part of her work with the organization, she has traveled to Chile, Ghana, and, most recently, Nepal.

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According to a press release, during her trip to Nepal, Gomez bonded with kids at the Satbariya Rapti Secondary School, where she observed their studies and then joined them in performing traditional dances and folk songs. She also visited with UNICEF-supported female community health volunteers in Gangaparaspur Village to learn about their efforts to reduce illness among children and their mothers.

In Hapur Village, she spoke with women who mediate cases of conflict, domestic violence, and child abuse, as well as survivors who had been helped by those women. And in Dokrena/Khaira Village, she watched young people perform a skit about the importance of sanitation.

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“This visit to Nepal was extraordinarily powerful—at times devastating and heartbreaking, but also incredibly inspiring,” the “Come & Get It” singer said in a release about the trip. “At first when you witness children living in extreme poverty you wonder how it is possible that they can be deprived of their basic human needs and rights. Then you talk to these children and you see hope, promise, and a bright future.”

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“This generation of children believes they can make a difference, and they take action,” she continued, noting that many of the kids she talked to “expressed a desire to be future leaders” in society. “I was moved to hear them emphasize the importance of education.”

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Gomez also met several girls who were recruited into the armed conflict that ended eight years ago and have since reintegrated back into their lives and families. “It was difficult to hear about the harsh lives these girls led in the camps, but I was inspired by their motivation to build a better future,” she said. 

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“The children of Nepal have taught me that with a lot of passion, optimism, and hard work, anything is possible,” she added. “That’s the message I would like to convey to young people across the world: Believe in your dreams and pursue them.”

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Unicef ambassador selena gomez: helping the children of nepal changed me.

by Julie Sprankles

Julie Sprankles

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UNICEF ambassador Selena Gomez: Helping the children of Nepal changed me

You know Selena Gomez as the recording artist, the actress, the budding designer. What you may not know about Gomez (but should) is that the sweet pop star has been a UNICEF ambassador since 2009 and travels the globe in that capacity to help impoverished children. She shares her latest life-changing trip to Nepal with us.

As one of the most recognizable names in the entertainment industry today, Selena Gomez is frequently the subject of idle fodder. People talk about her music. They talk about her film choices. They discuss whom she dates and which designers she likes to wear.

When we had the pleasure of chatting with Gomez recently, though, we focused on an entirely different — and often overlooked — facet of the 21-year-old talent’s life: her work as an ambassador for UNICEF, the global children’s rights and emergency relief organization.

Fresh from a mission trip with the organization to Nepal, Gomez was still reeling from her experiences there. “There are beautiful places in Nepal, of course, but in the towns we went to, there are children who die before their first birthday from preventable causes,” she told us, also noting that Nepal is still recovering from a serious conflict that occurred 10 years ago.

In her capacity as a UNICEF ambassador, Gomez assisted the organization with everything from education to spending time in the birthing center — a task she found particularly touching.

“I got to go the hospital to the birthing center, and that was actually really beautiful,” she shared. “They have women volunteers who go out and get women who are pregnant — who aren’t in a healthy environment — and bring them to the birthing center. UNICEF provides all of the equipment and all of the immunizations; so then the women are essentially safe. They are now having a healthy birthing process.”

Seeing firsthand how teaching simple things, like washing your hands and breastfeeding, impacts people in impoverished areas was merely one part of a greater narrative during the trip that helped remind Gomez how much people in America and elsewhere have a tendency to take things for granted.

“I think in this time of my life, being 21, it was the perfect trip to take on my own,” she admitted.

In the process of helping UNICEF educate the children of Nepal — as well as children on her other trips with the organization to Ghana and Chile — Gomez has learned quite a bit, too. “You don’t actually realize just how important simple clean water is, whether it’s something you cook with, something you bathe in, you shower in,” she revealed of having to drink bottled water and not having access to clean water in some of the places they traveled to.

Selena Gomez Nepal UNICEF 1

With 2.5 billion people living without clean water and waterborne illness being the second leading cause of death for children under 5 years old globally, it’s a pervasive issue, to say the least. But it’s one that UNICEF is actively trying to combat through the implementation of wells and water-based programs.

“I am the person — and I’m just being honest — who opens a bottle of water, takes two sips and puts it down,” Gomez confessed to us. “And [UNICEF] just changed my whole perspective on it. When I went to India right after, I didn’t even want bottled water. I was like, ‘I’m good with the water you have.’ And that’s something you want to remember always. That’s why I take those trips.”

Traveling to some of the free classes UNICEF offers also resonated with Gomez. “Part of what UNICEF is helping immensely in is just the actual books, the things they are learning with,” she said. “They’re learning different textures from a bottle of water and learning colors from pieces of cloth. Their way of gathering information is beautiful, because it is something we complain about every day. I remember when I was in school and having to do homework… it’s something we forget is a privilege.”

In that respect, the sincere star feels sharing her UNICEF experiences with her fans is an important part of the journey. “Some of my fans don’t even know where Nepal is. That’s something I’m able to provide for my audience, because if anything, this is what it starts with: them knowing and hopefully encouraging them to speak about it and know what’s really important in the world.”

Gomez is certainly making an impact on the children she visits with UNICEF (as well as on her fans), but it’s also clear the work she does with the organization is equally life-altering for her.

When we ask what struck her the most about the children of Nepal, we thought we caught a quiver in her voice. “Their attitudes, honestly. Not one child recognized me. It was just how they viewed life — it was barefoot, running around, making sure they were with their families. There was nothing else they cared about other than being together, working, because that’s what they’re told to do and getting an education. And playing with a soccer ball, if they have one.”

That truth, in itself, is all the thanks Gomez needs for her hard work with UNICEF.

“They’re happy. They’re just happy,” she mused. “That is the most incredible thing. I can explain it to you over the phone, I can explain it to you in person, I can try to say it on my Instagram and tell all my fans, but when you actually are around someone who is in a much direr situation than you are and you’re there watching them be happier than you… that says so much of someone. And that’s exactly what I needed.”

Selena Gomez Nepal UNICEF

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1. Various shot, Selena greeting children at school 2. Med shot, Selena laughs as toy blocks fall 3. Various shot, Selena performing traditional dance 4. Med shot, Selena saying hi to baby 5. Various shots, girl teaching about the importance of handwashing 6. Med shot, girl showing how to clean baby 7. Close up, Selena watching 8. Various shots, Selena learning about water and sanitation 9. Med shot, Selena dancing 10. Med shot, girls pacing head piece on Selena 11. Various shots, Selena dancing with headpiece on 12. Pan left, girl saying “few homes have toilets” 13. Various shots, Selena washing her hands with girl 14. Wide shot, Selena walking through village 15. Med shot, sound up Selena says “thank you for having us” 16. Med shot, Selena being shown a toilet 17. Various shots, Selena taking “selfies” with children 18. Med shot, Selena listening to teacher 19. Wide shot, Selena yelling “yea” with children

Actress, multi-platinum recording artist and UNICEF Ambassador Selena Gomez just returned from a visit to Nepal, where she saw firsthand the impact of UNICEF’s programs that help children survive and develop.

During her trip, Gomez visited the child-friendly Satbariya Rapti Secondary School where she joined students as they performed traditional dances of the Tharu community.

She met UNICEF-supported female community health volunteers in Gangaparaspur Village and learned about their efforts to reduce illness and death among children and mothers.

In Dokrena/Khaira Village, Gomez interacted with youth and came to learn how they act as change-agents in their communities, spreading the message about the importance of sanitation facilities and hygiene. Gomez saw these adolescents perform a skit about sanitation and practiced proper hand-washing techniques with them.

In the village of Kohalpur, Gomez met with young people who had been recruited into the armed conflict that ended eight years ago and learned how they reintegrated back into their families and society.

Selena Gomez is a recording artist, actress and designer. A UNICEF Ambassador since 2009, this was Gomez’s third trip on behalf of UNICEF. She previously visited Ghana and Chile.

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UNICEF Ambassador Selena Gomez Makes Trip to Nepal

KATHMANDU, Nepal — Selena Gomez, best known for her role in the Disney Channel original series Wizards of Waverly Place, has been in the Hollywood limelight for some time. Whether she’s breaking up with Justin Bieber or starring alongside James Franco in the recent film Spring Breakers, Gomez is constantly on the move. Most recently, Gomez took a trip to Nepal to shine light on children in need who live in a country labeled as having one of the highest malnutrition rates in the world.

“This visit to Nepal was extraordinarily powerful—at times, devastating and heartbreaking, but also incredibly inspiring,” said Gomez. The 21-year-old starlet and United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) Ambassador visited the region to witness the impact of programs which focus on education, nutrition, health and protection.

“At first when you witness children living in extreme poverty you wonder how it is possible that they can be deprived of their basic human needs and rights. Then you talk to these children and you see hope, promise and a bright future,” said Gomez.

Even though UNICEF is consistently working in the region, food security remains a dangerous concern for children and families alike, especially for those living in rural communities. Currently, 41 percent of children under five are stunted, 29 percent are underweight and a startling 11 percent are severely wasting. This in turn affects Nepal’s overall economic growth as citizens suffer from poor physical status and are unable to give back to their communities.

“The children of Nepal have taught me that with a lot of passion, optimism and hard work, anything is possible,” said Gomez. “That’s the message I would like to convey to young people across the world: Believe in your dreams and pursue them.”

While such hope is inspiring, a lack of basic infrastructure and changing climatic patterns continue to have a devastating impact on Nepal’s citizens and communities. Not only does Nepal lack access to basic health centers, but war and conflict also share some of the blame and are responsible for dragging down many of Nepal’s youth.

“It was difficult to hear about the harsh lives these girls led in the camps, but I was inspired by their motivation to build a better future,” said Gomez, after visiting the village of Kohalpur during her trip to Nepal. There, Selena Gomez met with former child soldiers who were being reintegrated back into society after being recruited by armed militias some eight years ago.

“This generation of children believes they can make a difference, and they take action. It starts with quality education and leadership opportunities, like those UNICEF is providing. I’m so proud to serve as a UNICEF Ambassador and be part of a greater movement to help the world’s children,” said Gomez.

Selena Gomez also visited the Satbariya Rapti Secondary School, a child-friendly establishment supported by UNICEF, where she sat with children who were enthusiastically studying mathematics, science and language.

“It was amazing to learn from these young boys and girls about how they are influencing their peers as well as adults on issues that have an impact on their lives. Many of the children I talked to expressed a desire to be future leaders in their society, and I was moved to hear them emphasize the importance of education,” said Gomez.

Selena Gomez has acted as UNICEF’s Ambassador since 2009 and has visited other regions suffering from poverty, such as Chile and Ghana . While her trip to Nepal has ended, Gomez will continue to raise awareness for impoverished children around the world.

Sources: UNICEF, E Online 1, E Online 2, Us Magazine Photo: GotCeleb

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Selena Gomez Shares ‘Powerful’ Memories & Photos From UNICEF Nepal Trip

Selena Gomez recently traveled to Nepal from May 20 to May 23 as an ambassador for UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund). The pop star has shared photos and memories of what she describes as a "powerful" trip.

In a press release sent to the media by UNICEF, Gomez recalled what she saw and learned on her trip to the country. "This visit to Nepal was extraordinarily powerful—at times, devastating and heartbreaking, but also incredibly inspiring," writes Gomez. "At first when you witness children living in extreme poverty you wonder how it is possible that they can be deprived of their basic human needs and rights. Then you talk to these children and you see hope, promise and a bright future. This generation of children believes they can make a difference, and they take action. It starts with quality education and leadership opportunities, like those UNICEF is providing. I'm so proud to serve as a UNICEF Ambassador and be part of a greater movement to help the world's children."

Gomez visited and interacted with several groups of people during her time there, including the children of Satbariya Rapti Secondary School, members of the Female Community Health Volunteers in Gangaparaspur Village, the women of the Paralegal Committee, the Gender-Based Violence Watch Group in Harpur Village, members of the Dokrena/Khaira Village and also the village of Kohalpur.

In regards to the kids of the Satbariya School, she says, "It was amazing to learn from these young boys and girls about how they are influencing their peers as well as adults on issues that have an impact on their lives. Many of the children I talked to expressed a desire to be future leaders in their society, and I was moved to hear them emphasize the importance of education."

At the end of the day, Gomez says she felt inspired and optimistic for the future after meeting so many children who have endured hardships. "The children of Nepal have taught me that with a lot of passion, optimism and hard work, anything is possible. That's the message I would like to convey to young people across the world: Believe in your dreams and pursue them."

Gomez also took to Instagram to share some photos of her interacting and smiling with the children of Nepal.

We are so glad that Selena has become such an inspirational figure for young women everywhere. Keep up the good work!

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Selena Gomez Visits Nepal on Behalf of UNICEF—See the Pics!

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Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez is paying it forward!

The actress just returned from a trip to Nepal, where she traveled to raise awareness for children in need, on behalf of UNICEF.

In a video clip from her journey, the 21-year-old is seen happily playing and dancing with the kids at the Satbariya Rapti Secondary School, and affectionately giving hugs and letting them sit on her lap. The Latina beauty even documented the trip by taking cute selfies on her iPhone with the little ones.

"This visit to Nepal was extraordinarily powerful—at times, devastating and heartbreaking, but also incredibly inspiring," she said.

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"At first when you witness children living in extreme poverty, you wonder how it is possible that they can be deprived of their basic human needs and rights. Then you talk to these children, and you see hope, promise and a bright future," the star continued. 

"This generation of children believes they can make a difference, and they take action. It starts with quality education and leadership opportunities, like those UNICEF is providing. I'm so proud to serve as a UNICEF Ambassador and be part of a greater movement to help the world's children."

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The experience certainly had a positive effect on the "Come & Get It" singer. Earlier this week, she  posted  a smiling bikini pic on Instagram, declaring that she was "taking my power back."

"Can't wait to show you where I've been. I love y'all," she  wrote .

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Selena Gomez ‘inspired’ by meeting children at school in Nepal


Selena walks with students from an early childhood development classroom Pictures: US Fund for UNICEF/Josh Estey/MataHati

Actress and singer Selena Gomez said she was both heartbroken and inspired by her trip to meet children living in extreme poverty in Nepal.

The former Disney star visited a school and communities in her role as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.

Selena, 21, said: “This visit to Nepal was extraordinarily powerful – at times devastating and heartbreaking but also incredibly inspiring.

“At first when you witness children living in extreme poverty you wonder how it is possible that they can be deprived of their basic human needs and rights.

With early childhood education class at Satbariya Rapti Secondary

“Then you talk to these children and you see hope, promise and a bright future. This generation of children believes they can make a difference and they take action.

“It starts with quality education and leadership opportunities, like those UNICEF is providing.”

Selena visited the Satbariya Rapti Secondary School, which is supported by UNICEF to provide a safe and creative learning environment.

Having fun with kids at Satbariya Rapti Secondary School

She said: “It was amazing to learn from these young boys and girls about how they are influencing their peers as well as adults on issues that have an impact on their lives.

“Many of the children I talked to expressed a desire to be future leaders in their society, and I was moved to hear them emphasise the importance of education.”

Selena also visited several villages, where she met female health volunteers working to reduce deaths among children and mothers, and girls reintegrated into their communities after being recruited into the armed conflict that ended eight years ago.

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Selena Gomez inspired by her trip to Nepal

Singer and actress selena gomez recently visited nepal as a spokesperson for unicef..

selena gomez nepal visit

Songstress Selena Gomez, who recently visited Nepal as a spokesperson for UNICEF, was deeply moved to see the courage and passion of children in the country.

The ‘Come & Get It’ hitmaker said the children of Nepal have taught her that with a lot of passion, optimism, and hard work, anything is possible, reported Us magazine.

selena gomez nepal visit

“This visit to Nepal was extraordinarily powerful — at times devastating and heartbreaking, but also incredibly inspiring,” said in a release about the trip. “At first when you witness children living in extreme poverty you wonder how it is possible that they can be deprived of their basic human needs and rights. Then you talk to these children and you see hope, promise, and a bright future,” she added.

Gomez, 21, also met several girls who were recruited into the armed conflict that ended eight years ago and have since reintegrated back into their lives and families. “It was difficult to hear about the harsh lives these girls led in the camps, but I was inspired by their motivation to build a better future,” she said.

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UNICEF Ambassador Selena Gomez Visits Nepal

Actress and singer selena gomez meets with child survivors of exploitation and abuse in nepal, a correspondent.

Actress, multi-platinum recording artist and UNICEF Ambassador Selena Gomez just returned from a visit to Nepal, where she traveled to bring attention to children in need within the country and across the globe. During her trip, Gomez saw firsthand the impact of UNICEF’s programs that help children survive and develop. She had an in-depth look at UNICEF’s work focused on education, nutrition, health and protection. 

“This visit to Nepal was extraordinarily powerful—at times, devastating and heartbreaking, but also incredibly inspiring,” said Selena Gomez. “At first when you witness children living in extreme poverty you wonder how it is possible that they can be deprived of their basic human needs and rights. Then you talk to these children and you see hope, promise and a bright future.

This generation of children believes they can make a difference, and they take action. It starts with quality education and leadership opportunities, like those UNICEF is providing. I’m so proud to serve as a UNICEF Ambassador and be part of a greater movement to help the world’s children.”

During her trip, Gomez visited the child-friendly Satbariya Rapti Secondary School, supported by UNICEF, that has a safe, interactive, creative and fun learning environment for students. After observing children studying math, science and language, she sat down with members of a ‘child club.’

“It was amazing to learn from these young boys and girls about how they are influencing their peers as well as adults on issues that have an impact on their lives,” said Gomez. “Many of the children I talked to expressed a desire to be future leaders in their society, and I was moved to hear them emphasize the importance of education.”

Music was in the air at the Satbariya School as the child club members broke into a Nepali folk song, playing musical instruments presented to them as a gift by Gomez. She later joined students as they performed traditional dances of the Tharu community.

Gomez met UNICEF-supported Female Community Health Volunteers in Gangaparaspur Village and learned about their efforts to reduce illness and death among children and mothers. “It was incredible to learn about the services being provided by these volunteers. They’re dedicating their time to helping women stay healthy during pregnancy and deliver their babies in a safe environment,” said Gomez.

In Hapur Village, Gomez met with the women of the Paralegal Committee and the Gender-Based Violence Watch Group who mediate cases of conflict, divorce, domestic violence, child abuse and more. Gomez spoke with a couple of survivors who had been helped by the Committee. Later that day in Dokrena/Khaira Village, Gomez interacted with youth and came to learn how they act as change-agents in their communities, spreading the message about the importance of sanitation facilities and hygiene.  Gomez saw these adolescents perform a skit about sanitation and practiced proper hand-washing techniques with them.

In the village of Kohalpur, Gomez met with young people who had been recruited into the armed conflict that ended eight years ago and learned how, with UNICEF’s support, they reintegrated back into their families and society. “It was difficult to hear about the harsh lives these girls led in the camps, but I was inspired by their motivation to build a better future,” said Gomez. 

Calling the trip an “eye-opener,” Gomez said, “The children of Nepal have taught me that with a lot of passion, optimism and hard work, anything is possible. That’s the message I would like to convey to young people across the world: Believe in your dreams and pursue them.”

Selena Gomez is a recording artist, actress and designer. A UNICEF Ambassador since 2009, Gomez has played an active role in advocating for the world’s most vulnerable children by participating in numerous campaigns, events, and initiatives on behalf of the U.S. Fund for UNICEF, including headlining charity concerts and serving as a previous spokesperson for the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF campaign. This was Gomez’s third trip on behalf of UNICEF. She previously visited Ghana and Chile.

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Selena Gomez visits Nepal as she focuses on 'spiritual growth' after split from Justin Bieber... while her grandparents open up about the troubled relationship

By Heather Waugh

Published: 13:02 EDT, 29 May 2014 | Updated: 16:13 EDT, 30 May 2014

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After a turbulent few months she declared last week that she was taking her power back and hinted that she intended to do some growing both personally and spiritually.

And it looks like Selena Gomez is heading in the right direction as she embarked on a trip to Nepal as an Ambassador with UNICEF.

The 21-year-old pop princess spent time with vulnerable children in the country to raise awareness of their needs and also learn about the work of the organization to 'bring education, nutrition, heal th and protection to those living in extreme poverty'.

The star shared some heartwarming snaps of the young ones she spent time with and in a statement via UNICEF she said: 'This visit to Nepal was extraordinarily powerful—at times, devastating and heartbreaking, but also incredibly inspiring,'

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Growing up: Selena Gomez visits Nepal as UNICEF Ambassador to bring attention to children in need within the country and across the globe

Growing up: Selena Gomez visits Nepal as UNICEF Ambassador to bring attention to children in need within the country and across the globe

She continued: 'At first when you witness children living in extreme poverty you wonder how it is possible that they can be deprived of their basic human needs and rights. Then you talk to these children and you see hope, promise and a bright future. 

'I'm so proud to serve as a UNICEF Ambassador and be part of a greater movement to help the world’s children'

On her third trip with the charity - she has previously been to Ghana and Chile - she visited various villages to meet with young people trying to make a difference.

Calling the trip an 'eye-opener,' Gomez said: 'The children of Nepal have taught me that with a lot of passion, optimism and hard work, anything is possible. That’s the message I would like to convey to young people across the world: Believe in your dreams and pursue them .'

Doing her part: The 21 year-old pop princess has made it clear recently that she intends to grow spiritually. Here she is pictured playing with children in Nepal on her recent trip with UNICEF

Doing her part: The 21 year-old pop princess has made it clear recently that she intends to grow spiritually. Here she is pictured playing with children in Nepal on her recent trip with UNICEF

Passionate: The star clearly enjoyed her time helping vulnerable children in Nepal

Passionate: The star clearly enjoyed her time helping vulnerable children in Nepal

Meanwhile, Gomez's grandparents have opened up to Radar about her relationship with 20-year-old Baby crooner Justin Bieber.

Her grandfather Ricardo Gomez said: 'We worry...we think she loves him.

'We [have known] him since he started and he was the real bright young man'

Hanging with the family during visits to Ricardo and his wife Mary’s Texas home, Bieber quickly bonded with the couple, even earning the nickname 'flaco,' or Spanish for 'slim'.

'He was just a nice little fella,' Ricardo says. 'Totally different from what he is right now… It just makes me feel upset because he used to be a real nice boy .'

Becoming one of the locals: Selena wore flowers and face paint as she familiarised herself with local customs

Becoming one of the locals: Selena wore flowers and face paint as she familiarised herself with local customs

Making a difference: Hollywood Life reported last month that Selena is turning to religion to fill a 'spiritual gap'

Making a difference: Hollywood Life reported last month that Selena is turning to religion to fill a 'spiritual gap'

Relaxed: The singer chatted to women while their children slept

Relaxed: The singer chatted to women while their children slept

'We worry not just because of the relationship with Selena. We worry for him. We hate to see him in trouble ' Ric ardo cont inues, referring to Bieber's recent incidents of very public bad behaviour and DUI arrest in January.

Of the last time Selena spoke about the relationship he said: 'Selena was telling us that she didn’t want to be with him because of what he was doing lately, and that he was getting into drugs and that was something that she don’t like.

'We blame it on the people they hang around with, his friends are bad influences .'

Ricardo then confesses: 'We’d be happy [if Justin proposed] because she’s happy with him. She knows that whatever she decides to do, I mean we stay behind her.'

Making friends: Selena appeared to enjoy getting to know the children

Making friends: Selena appeared to enjoy getting to know the children

She's not sure about this one! Selena posed awkwardly in front of what appeared to be an outdoor toilet

She's not sure about this one! Selena posed awkwardly in front of what appeared to be an outdoor toilet

'I say to her, 'You’re a young lady. You know what you want. …Whatever you like, I mean just go for it,'' he says. ''We’re not going to get in your life that way, it’s too private.''

The Disney star has previously spoken of her Catholic upbringing, regularly attending church services with her family every Sunday.

Indeed, just last month, HollywoodLife exclusively reported that the star was turning to religion to fill a 'spiritual gap' as she dealt with 'depression and anxiety' issues rather than make another trip to rehab.

'Selena is trying to change her ways by going to church and more to avoid going to rehab. She feels like she has a spiritual gap and that maybe that's why she is struggling,' a source told the website.

Spiritual path: Selena may have found the trip healing

Spiritual path: Selena may have found the trip healing

Powerful: Selena spent time in classrooms alongside students of different ages

Powerful: Selena spent time in classrooms alongside students of different ages

Of course, Selena 'took some time for herself' in Arizona's The Meadows treatment facility in January, spending two weeks at the centre, which treats people aged 18 to 26 who are 'struggling with emotional trauma, addiction or dual diagnosis concerns'.

At the time, her unhealthy and draining on-again, off-again romance with troubled singer Justin Bieber was cited as one of the reasons for her rehab stint.

While the pair reconciled for a brief time earlier this year, they reportedly called it quits for good following a 'disastrous' Coachella trip, which resulted in Selena unfollowing all her celebrity pals on Instagram and reportedly blocking Justin's number from her phone.

A long way from Hollywood: Selena appeared to be learning about health and medical supplies in the region

A long way from Hollywood: Selena appeared to be learning about health and medical supplies in the region

A new start: The Disney actress posted this snap on her Instagram last week 'Taking my power back.. can't wait to show you where I've been. I love y'all. Ps, I still obsess over pickles'

A new start: The Disney actress posted this snap on her Instagram last week 'Taking my power back.. can't wait to show you where I've been. I love y'all. Ps, I still obsess over pickles'

'Love the way you look at me': Rumours of a reunion first surfaced when Justin posted this cosy photo to Instagram on January 4 - though unbeknownst to anyone at the time, Selena checked herself into rehab in Arizona for two weeks that months as she 'took some time for herself'

'Love the way you look at me': Rumours of a reunion first surfaced when Justin posted this cosy photo to Instagram on January 4 - though unbeknownst to anyone at the time, Selena checked herself into rehab in Arizona for two weeks that months as she 'took some time for herself'

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selena gomez nepal visit

UNICEF Ambassador Selena Gomez Visits Children In Nepal

Picture of LATF Staff Member

  • May 29, 2014, 10:09 am

selena gomez nepal visit

Actress, multi-platinum recording artist and UNICEF Ambassador Selena Gomez just returned from a visit to Nepal , where she traveled to bring attention to children in need within the country and across the globe. During her trip, Gomez saw firsthand the impact of UNICEF’s programs that help children survive and develop. She had an in-depth look at UNICEF’s work focused on education, nutrition, health and protection. 

“This visit to Nepal was extraordinarily powerful—at times, devastating and heartbreaking, but also incredibly inspiring, ” said Selena Gomez . “At first when you witness children living in extreme poverty you wonder how it is possible that they can be deprived of their basic human needs and rights. Then you talk to these children and you see hope, promise and a bright future. This generation of children believes they can make a difference, and they take action. It starts with quality education and leadership opportunities, like those UNICEF is providing. I’m so proud to serve as a UNICEF Ambassador and be part of a greater movement to help the world’s children.”

During her trip, Gomez visited the child-friendly Satbariya Rapti Secondary School, supported by UNICEF, that has a safe, interactive, creative and fun learning environment for students. After observing children studying math, science and language, she sat down with members of a ‘child club.’

“It was amazing to learn from these young boys and girls about how they are influencing their peers as well as adults on issues that have an impact on their lives,” said Gomez. “Many of the children I talked to expressed a desire to be future leaders in their society, and I was moved to hear them emphasize the importance of education.”

Music was in the air at the Satbariya school as the child club members broke into a Nepali folk song, playing musical instruments presented to them as a gift by Gomez. She later joined students as they performed traditional dances of the Tharu community.

Gomez met UNICEF-supported Female Community Health Volunteers in Gangaparaspur Village and learned about their efforts to reduce illness and death among children and mothers. “It was incredible to learn about the services being provided by these volunteers. They’re dedicating their time to helping women stay healthy during pregnancy and deliver their babies in a safe environment,” said Gomez.  

In Hapur Village, Gomez met with the women of the Paralegal Committee and the Gender-Based Violence Watch Group who mediate cases of conflict, divorce, domestic violence, child abuse and more. Gomez spoke with a couple of survivors who had been helped by the Committee. Later that day in Dokrena/Khaira Village, Gomez interacted with youth and came to learn how they act as change-agents in their communities, spreading the message about the importance of sanitation facilities and hygiene.  Gomez saw these adolescents perform a skit about sanitation and practiced proper hand-washing techniques with them.   

In the village of Kohalpur, Gomez met with young people who had been recruited into the armed conflict that ended eight years ago and learned how, with UNICEF’s support, they reintegrated back into their families and society. “It was difficult to hear about the harsh lives these girls led in the camps, but I was inspired by their motivation to build a better future,” said Gomez. 

Calling the trip an “eye-opener,” Gomez said, “The children of Nepal have taught me that with a lot of passion, optimism and hard work, anything is possible. That’s the message I would like to convey to young people across the world: Believe in your dreams and pursue them.”

Selena Gomez is a recording artist, actress and designer. A UNICEF Ambassador since 2009, Gomez has played an active role in advocating for the world’s most vulnerable children by participating in numerous campaigns, events, and initiatives on behalf of the U.S. Fund for UNICEF, including headlining charity concerts and serving as a previous spokesperson for the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF campaign. This was Gomez’s third trip on behalf of UNICEF. She previously visited Ghana and Chile .

Credit: Courtesy of U.S. Fund for UNICEF/ Desmond Wright

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