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38 Online Travel Booking Statistics & Trends of 2024

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Even if the travel and tourism industry is recovering, there have been substantial changes in how people travel.

We’ve seen a significant change, both in terms of how frequently people travel as well as how they plan, book, and manage their trips.

To investigate these recent developments, the best place to do so is online, as that’s where most people book and pay for their travel rather than through pricey travel agencies.

In this article, we've gathered some intriguing online booking statistics that’ll give you a sneak peek into changing tastes and behaviors of travelers for post-pandemic tourism.

Whether you're a travel company looking to take advantage of travel trends or a traveler looking for the most popular destinations, this post is for you.

Key Online Travel Booking Statistics

  • The size of the global online travel market is predicted to reach $1.2 trillion in 2027 .
  • 50% of travelers spend less than a week doing the research before departing on vacation.
  • 87% of visitors desire to travel sustainably.
  • The most lucrative online travel market is in Asia-Pacific.
  • The average traveler makes 38 website visits before deciding and making a booking.

General Online Travel Booking Statistics

1. 72% of employees are enthusiastic and prepared to take their next business trip this year..

If all relevant safety precautions are followed, at least 45% of travelers worldwide are willing to fly for business to attend a conference or business event.

Online travel booking trends and stats show that 48% of business travelers are willing to provide their health information.

According to a survey by Expedia, the average number of business trips for 38% of the respondents was once every two to three months. 32% make one or more business trips per month .

Whats Ahead for Business Travel

2. 86% of travel agents favor improving the customer experience to increase online digital travel sales.

According to 74% of the online booking companies polled, purchasing and selling travel arrangements can be simpler. In the coming 12 months, the following factors are anticipated to increase travel intention:

  • Mobile applications that provide travel notifications (44%).
  • Check-in via self-service (41%).
  • Cashless transactions (41%).
  • Flexible refunds and guarantees (40%).

3. 63% of travelers believe technology is crucial for limiting health risks in a post-pandemic environment.


Three issues top the list of worries for survey respondents among leisure travelers today:

  • Concern about catching COVID-19 (41%).
  • Requirements for quarantine or self-isolation in certain places (41%)
  • Travel-related last-minute adjustments or cancellations (37%)

4. The preferred payment methods for online travel bookings are UPI and e-Wallets.

Countries all over the world are transitioning to cashless systems. Paying for airlines, hotels, car rentals, and other services have become easier with the help of PayPal, Alipay, Google Pay, and Amazon Pay.

Travel App Statistics & Trends

5. online travel bookings reached their highest level of $755 billion in 2019, then fell 46% to $403 billion in 2020..

Online travel bookings then climbed to $613 billion in 2021. Booking Holdings continued to be the leading digital travel agency business in 2021. The big three achieved over 60% of revenue growth last year.

6. Only 27% of consumers preferred booking trips through apps.


Those that did, liked some of the distinctive characteristics they provided, such as:

  • Notifications of price alerts (79%)
  • How quickly reservations could be made (39%)
  • The additional functionality (30%)

7. App-enabled digital travel firms observed an increase in mobile bookings.

Following the launch of travel apps, some businesses reported a rise in the percentage of people booking online via mobile. Mobile travel booking statistics also demonstrate that travel app users aren't devoted to their apps and often delete them once they've served their purpose.

In fact, about 50% of users delete their travel app within a month of downloading it. Numerous of these are presumably caused by the fact that the app is no longer needed.

8. The majority of mobile users favor travel apps over mobile websites.


The decision is primarily influenced by customer experience. Users prefer the travel apps' lightning-fast experiences, as they are typically smoother and easier to use than a mobile web page.

When comparing costs, many people also complain that making a reservation on a mobile web page is difficult. Switching between various websites and options on a mobile phone isn’t like on a desktop computer, which is far much easier.

Users Want Apps, Not Mobile Websites

9. Booking.com is the most downloaded online booking app over the past four years.


It recovered from a decline in the previous year in 2021. TripAdvisor, trivago, and Skyscanner have also had trouble reaching 2019 numbers.

Hopper was the most popular online travel app in the US in 2021. Airbnb downloads decreased in 2021 , while Vrbo, its primary rival, surged to 10.5 million.

Online booking stats also show that 17% of Americans purchased a travel app subscription to aid in their travel preparation last year. Furthermore, 83% of US adults want to make travel bookings online.

Mobile vs. Desktop Booking Statistics

10. even though mobile drives the most online traffic, it’s still underutilized as a tool for online bookings..

(Travelport Digital Report)

About 80% of American consumers still like using their desktops or laptop when making a reservation. Worldwide, these figures are consistent; in France, 33% of travelers book on their mobile phones . In Germany, it's 15%, and in the UK, 25%.

The fact that the same consumers who book through the desktop site are content to conduct their research online makes this trend even more unexpected.

Share of Bookings By Device

11. 72% of mobile bookings happen in the 48 hours that follow last-minute Google searches containing the terms “today” and “tonight.”

Google search statistics also show that 44% of individuals who make online bookings do so on a mobile device and 64% on a desktop.

That represents a change from 2021 when 41% of reservations were made on mobile phones and 59% on desktop computers.

Data from StratosJets also show that the percentage of customers who give up on their travel purchases is 91% for mobile users and 85% for desktop users.

12. Before deciding on their vacation itinerary, 83% of tourists conduct research on their mobile devices.

(Think With Google, AdColony)

Recently, people have been changing how they use their phones to plan trips. 70% of mobile users look for activities to do when traveling, 66% check for appealing locations, and 58% decide on their lodging choices.

Furthermore, 87% of corporate travel managers and business travelers alike want a more straightforward booking procedure, and 42% of respondents, planning a trip is more difficult than going on one.

Booking & Travel Planning Statistics

13. videos and images are the two most vital factors influencing decisions among travelers during the consideration stage of trip preparation..


When choosing hotel rooms online, consumers also consider a hotel's ability to display its amenities and guest experience.

The biggest turnoffs for most leisure travellers are boring displays, unattractive food photographs, and unattractive hotel rooms.

14. Approximately 72% of brand-new clients will conduct some kind of research before making a booking.

Only 6% of individuals say they don't believe customer reviews, compared to 15% of customers who don't trust companies without reviews.

According to these figures, hotels and travel agencies have nothing to lose by requesting online reviews. Only 22% of individuals will post a review if they aren't asked to , which rises to 80% when businesses actively urge customers.

Some businesses worry about the fallacy that only dissatisfied customers post reviews, which is not true. According to travel industry statistics, only 5% of reviews will be unfavorable, with an average of 95% being favorable.

Hotels and digital travel companies must use SEO and powerful social media tactics to have a strong online presence and increase online sales.

That’s because many potential clients rely on social media and an online presence when making travel bookings. According to Google, the most well-liked online products have an average rating of 4.2 to 4.7 and about 39 reviews.

15. 29% of those who make reservations prefer direct travel bookings.

Reasons include the ability to:

  • Request additional amenities (28%).
  • Look for the best deal (21%).
  • Searching for loyalty programs (21%).
  • Negotiate prices (18%).
  • Discover rewards for direct booking (11%)

16. It's projected that by 2023, over 700 million people will purchase a flight online.

Furthermore, 70% of all consumers use a mobile device to research flights

17. Half of all American travelers spend weeks researching before departing on vacation.

However, the second category of customers has their trip planned for months. These consumers look for activities in the twelve weeks preceding their trip rather than making air or hotel bookings.

According to online hotel booking statistics, older travelers (aged 55+) are more inclined to make reservations more than four months in advance , while younger travelers (aged 18 to 34) tend to put off online travel research until the last month or week.

18. 41% of travelers prefer to use online travel agencies (OTAs), while 29% use travel operators or agents.

According to demographic data, those under 35 years are more likely to book hotels using OTAs. 70% of respondents said they would use an OTA to make a reservation if hotel sites and OTAs had equal prices.

Even though using a physical travel agency can save passengers up to $452 and four hours of preparation time per trip , only 24.3% of Americans use them.

Most online sales in the travel industry currently occur on one-stop digital stores that let customers plan their entire trip on one website . By the end of the year, these corporations will control 41% of the online travel sales market.

Research from Hospitalitynet shows that 12% of visitors believe that using booking websites should be significantly faster and easier than making online hotel bookings using hotel websites directly.

Some main factors influencing consumer decisions are security, ease of use, loyalty discounts, and reliable online reviews from the OTAs.

19. Travelers who plan their trip spend 47% less on lodging than their more impulsive counterparts who book while traveling.

They also spend 81% less on transportation. This less impulsive online travel booking segment provides a desirable target market for online companies that sell reservations across various categories.

Many people conduct travel-related searches on online travel sites like TripAdvisor and Expedia. According to TripAdvisor, which recorded 224 million travel bookings in a single month, 80% of travelers will spend about four weeks researching a destination before booking.

20. Hotel websites account for two-thirds of all digital travel booking revenues.

That’s surprising because TripAdvisor and Booking.com receive millions of visitors each month. You might think they are the ones driving up most of the revenue.

Furthermore, 60% of consumers believe digital travel bookings are their most expensive online purchase. Many customers have higher expectations for bookings now that more businesses are paying attention to the customer experience.

90% of all consumers say they expect a personalized experience from their virtual travel assistant when they book their trips online, which isn’t surprising. Customer dissatisfaction may contribute to low conversion and cart abandonment rates since many travel websites are still comparatively outdated.

These figures imply that the market for digital bookings is huge and underserved. Online travel booking services should look at their sales funnel to determine why they are losing so much business.

21. Digital worldwide travel sales are currently rising at a pace of 15.4%, and online hotel bookings are growing at a rate of 10.3%.


Google reports that Monday is the most common day for conducting travel-related searches and booking, while Saturday is the least popular day. The same survey revealed that most hotel bookings happen between 6 am and 10 am.

Sustainability Travel Booking Statistics

22. sustainable tourism is one of the biggest travel trends for 2022 because of the threat posed by climate change..

2017 was designated as the UN's “International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development,” which encouraged sustainability concerning the industry's sociocultural, economic, and environmental facets.

More and more travelers are becoming more conscientious of their decisions. According to a different poll, 70% of international travelers say they would book a hotel sooner if they knew it was green and sustainable.

A Reciprocal Burden

23. In 2022, 63% of travelers are prepared to put more effort into making more environmentally friendly travel decisions.

(Booking.com, The Vacationer)

That’s a 10% increase from 2021. 30% of travelers say they'll choose more environmentally friendly options when researching travel online before booking, even if it causes them inconvenience.

52% of respondents intend to choose more environmentally friendly options when booking travel, but only if doing so won't inconvenience them . 57% said they would like to stay in accommodations with sustainability certification.

24. 87% of visitors desire to travel sustainably.


According to a survey of travelers, 81% of respondents said they value sustainable travel.

Of those, 50% claim that news stories about dire climate change events have influenced their choices to make more environmentally friendly travel arrangements. Therefore, 33% would rather go outside of the busiest times to avoid adding to the congestion.

More and more people want to reduce their environmental effects at home and abroad, but they encounter several obstacles. The following are the major global barriers to traveling more sustainably:

  • Costs: Expensive alternatives (42%)
  • Lack of Knowledge/Certification: unable to make travel more sustainable (32%).
  • Time restraints: traveling sustainably would take time (22%).
  • Destination: The alternatives are limited (22%)
  • Luxury/comfort: Sustainable travel falls short of their expectations for comfort or luxury (20%).

Businesses in the tourism industry must figure out how to inform and encourage sustainable travel. Visitors researching travel online should learn what various hotels are doing to encourage environmentally friendly practices and how they respond to economic and environmental changes.

25. Sustainability and carbon footprint were listed as the top factor by 7% of survey respondents when making vacation plans.

(The Vacationer)

Online hotel booking statistics show that 56% of those surveyed concurred that they don't actively look for eco-friendly lodging options but will book one if it's convenient. With 67% of high-income travelers saying they would rather spend money on a better hotel room and experience.

Many hotels are now concerned that implementing sustainable projects may harm their bottom line. Accommodation quality becomes less important as more tourists prioritize experiences. The following are some motivating elements for eco-conscious travel:

  • Being moved by natural sights when traveling themselves (60%)
  • Observing the effects of tourism in other places (54%).
  • Recognizing the advantages of sustainable tourism (47%).
  • 42% of people report the negative effects of unsustainable tourism in their own nation.
  • Feeling bad about their environmental impact (32%).

26. 23% of travelers choose to travel locally to reduce their carbon footprint.

Global travelers are paying more attention to the distance traveled and their transportation modes. Online travel booking statistics show that more than one in five use travel websites to look for bike rentals and public transportation options in their intended location.

33% of respondents said they would be prepared to spend an additional $50 to $250 on travel to reduce the journey's carbon footprint. Those who stayed at a sustainable hotel in the previous year did so to:

  • Lessen the carbon impact on the environment (41%).
  • Discover the culture of the region (33%)
  • Better community engagement (31%).

User Behavior in Online Travel Booking

27. booking a trip takes americans 29% longer on average in 2022 than in 2019..


52% of American tourists place a higher value on the time they spend researching travel online than any other aspect of the booking process. 55% of Britons share this sentiment.

People take 6% longer to arrange a trip in Germany, while this number rises to 16% in Australia. While Australians spend 60% of their time preparing for trips, Singaporeans spend 68% visiting local travel sites and researching travel online before booking.

28. 43% of Americans dislike making travel reservations.

According to travel industry statistics, a third of families find it extremely time-consuming to conduct online hotel bookings and look for the best flights, while 23% don't enjoy planning vacations.

When booking reservations, one in three tourists put flexibility ahead of everything else. Another challenge for travelers is the lack of transparency in making travel reservations. Too many options to compare can sometimes get difficult.

Digital booking statistics show that booking a trip isn’t among the top three simplest online purchasing experiences. Above it is online restaurant bookings, clothing purchases, and online browsing and purchasing physical and digital items.

29. The average traveler makes 38 website visits before deciding and making a booking.

45% of vacationers prefer to arrange their entire trip on a single website that offers choices for flights, lodging, auto rentals, and extras.

According to research, nearly 42% of consumers take more than five years to make vacation reservations . 60% of questioned tourists think there are too many hidden fees and expenses when choosing a trip.

Online Travel Booking Market Share

30. the online travel booking industry is expected to grow by $204.81 billion by 2026..


The publisher has closely watched the online travel booking platforms market and is anticipated to increase by a CAGR of 4.91% between 2022 and 2026.

A comprehensive analysis, market size and forecast, trends, growth drivers, challenges, and vendor analysis for about 25 vendors are in this study on the online travel booking platform market.

The research provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of the global market, the newest drivers and trends, and the general market environment.

The market is driven by the widespread use of smartphones, as well as by the growing concentration of online travel companies.

31. The digital travel market is predicted to increase from $800.72 billion in 2021 to over $1.2 trillion in 2027.

Over the past ten years, most sectors have gone digital. Particularly, the travel industry has continued to make enormous efforts to develop its online presence.

Review and travel-related e-commerce websites make up most of the online travel booking industry. It allows customers to conveniently reserve from home and frequently entices them with packages and cost-cutting options.

As a result, many tourists now prefer to plan their trips online rather than through traditional brick-and-mortar travel firms.

The primary worldwide digital travel market is also driven by rising consumer spending power, government initiatives to promote tourism, increasing internet and credit card usage, and new online segments.

It’s no surprise the yearly value of the travel business. It’s expected to be over $1.2 trillion in the coming years.

Most of the increase in online travel will come from the rising popularity of bookings made through websites like Booking.com, TripAdvisor.com, Skyscanner.com, etc., for international hotels and flights.

Global Online Travel Market

32. Expedia and Booking.com have acquired rival websites and mobile apps to increase their market share.


Kayak, Priceline.com, and Agoda are owned by Booking.com, while Expedia Group owns trivago, Orbitz, Vrbo, and Travelocity.

Expedia and Booking.com have expanded their services to include flights, taxis, car rentals, cruises, and excursions to increase their travel portfolio.

The business strategy is the same across the board; the app gets a tiny commission for each booking. Like past travel agents would arrange the airline, ground transportation, hotel, and events in a packaged trip, the goal is to be a one-stop vacation destination.

Airbnb also initiated this augmentation in 2016 with the launch of Experiences. In response to the pandemic preventing short-term travel. It also began to promote long-term stays in 2020. Services for co-working and transportation might be next on their list.

Even though Booking, Expedia, and Airbnb are the three main platforms, there are still several others, including Hopper, Hotels.com, Skyscanner, TripAdvisor, and Trip.com, that either compete in a particular market (flights for Skyscanner; hotels for Hotels.com) or operate a similar one-stop shop for all things travel-related to Booking and Expedia.

33. From 2021 to 2027, the global online travel market will expand at a CAGR of 10.58%.


The international online travel market is divided into two types: Online Travel Agencies and Direct Travel Suppliers. OTAs are becoming the world's most popular method of making reservations.

One of the best examples of digital change in business and society over the past 25 years has been the development of online travel agents.

OTAs have developed into digital marketplaces that provide direct access to digital travel options for B2C and B2B clients. OTAs are a cross between an e-commerce platform and a travel agency.

34. It’s anticipated that the travel accommodation sector will continue dominating digital travel services.

Travel accommodations are now the largest contributor to the travel market as a result of enterprises expanding globally due to globalization. Online booking is accessible for various travel accommodations, including hotels, resorts, vacation rentals, and more.

35. The online booking market is divided into mobile/tablet and desktop segments based on the type of device.

Due to its ease, comfort, and all-day accessibility, digital travel booking via a mobile, tablet, and desktop is the preferred method for most young travelers. Consumer habits in digital media are always evolving.

Mobile usage is steadily increasing, while desktop usage is steadily declining. Even said, these patterns are still evolving quickly, so the internet travel sector must adjust.

According to online booking statistics by STRATOS, 82% of all travel bookings worldwide occurred without a human being involved in the process.

Statistics on Online Travel Booking Demographics

36. baby boomers are the ones driving the growth of the online travel industry..

(Statista, TripAdvisor)

The online travel market comprises Millennials, Generation X, and Silver Hairs. However, Baby Boomer travelers with more money, time, and a strong desire to travel dominate the market.

They look for novel traveling experiences and engage in active vacations that include sightseeing and learning about different cultures. OTAs must change to reflect the preferences of younger travelers as they grow more involved and important in the travel industry.

Most Gen Xers and Millennials are wary of conventional advertising and would rather rely on word-of-mouth. In 2022, digital travel businesses that continue to rely on stock images and conventional advertising will observe a gradual decline in their clientele.

37. 60% of Millennial travelers are willing to spend more to get what they expect.


34% are delighted to plan their trip through an agency. The 25–40-year-old Millennial age group includes business travelers and people just starting their professional lives.

Compared to travelers in the higher age category, these travelers are more likely to spend money on the trip, as they place a significantly greater emphasis on traveling for experiences.

They want to see and do unique things in unusual places without dealing with tedious details like hotel reservations. Digital travel booking statistics also show that this age group prefers to use travel companies for all their trip arrangements.

Although they use travel agents to make their hotel reservations, 52% of them will visit the hotel's website to learn more. Agents who present themselves as authorities in a particular field are quite successful with millennials.

Travel sales will increase for an agent who can provide distinctive experiences and intimate knowledge of the top accommodations, restaurants, and locations—especially if they can also maintain a strong social media presence.

38. According to online travel stats, the most lucrative travel market is in Asia-Pacific.

Geographically speaking, Asia-Pacific has the most potential for growth in the online boom, with China and India representing the most attractive markets. The emergence of the middle class, increased disposable money, and wider adoption of Internet services contribute to the growth.

While Ctrip's online travel agency dominates the Chinese travel sector, India's top OTAs are Yatra and Cleartrip. OTAs are increasingly being used to make reservations in the area.

What the Future Looks Like for the Online Travel Booking Industry

Online travel booking is here to stay. That means travel companies should constantly reinvent themselves and adapt to keep up with fast-evolving developments.

With some of the highest cart abandonment rates among all online industries, tourism also struggles to benefit from mobile-friendly websites.

These online travel booking statistics somewhat reflect the inherently competitive nature of hotel bookings, but they also show that all travel agencies need to modernize their marketing and sales strategies. The first thing to get the best live chat software :

  • The LiveChat installation process is super easy and comes with a free WordPress plug-in. The chat platform offers personalized customer support with the help of AI and the customer's recent history.
  • ChatBot is best for travel startup companies because of the 24/7 support service they can use anytime. The software has powerful analytics tools you can use to
  • SendinBlue not only does the tool have advanced live chat capabilities , but it also has premium email marketing functionalities. You can get started for free on Sendinblue – what are you waiting for?
  • Tripadvisor
  • The Vacationer
  • GlobeNewswire
  • Travel Weekly
  • Booking.com
  • Marketsampler
  • Hospitalitynet
  • Think With Google
  • Travelagentcentral

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Anastasia belyh.

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Anastasia has been a professional blogger and researcher since 2014. She loves to perform in-depth software reviews to help software buyers make informed decisions when choosing project management software, CRM tools, website builders, and everything around growing a startup business.

Anastasia worked in management consulting and tech startups, so she has lots of experience in helping professionals choosing the right business software.

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60+ online travel booking statistics & trends

A look at how the online travel booking industry has fared so far.

  • The online travel industry generated revenue worth $667.55 billion in 2023. The travel industry is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.99% between 2023 and 2030—when it’s expected to hit $1569.25 billion.
  • China has the highest growth potential in the online travel booking industry. This growth can be attributed to the growth of the middle-class income group, an increase in disposable income, and wider access to the Internet.
  • Flight demand in 2023 was roughly 95% of what it was before the coronavirus pandemic.
  • In the six surveyed countries, 50% of travelers planned to travel more in March and May 2023, compared to the same period the previous year.
  • 31% of those who changed their travel plans in 2023 planned to reduce travel or take shorter trips due to increasing cost-of-living prices, while 27% opted for booking closer-to-home trips.

How people book—researching and buying behaviors

  • According to the Trends Global Survey, 80% of global travelers surveyed feel it’s important to be able to book their trips entirely online, with 86% of Millennials and 83% of Gen Zers leading the charge.
  • 76% of global travelers said they look for travel apps that reduce the friction and stress of travel.
  • Last year, the top five online resources used by most travelers were: OTAs (80%), search engines (61%), social media (58%), airline websites (54%), and meta-travel websites (51%).
  • Travelers spent over 5 hours consuming online travel content to seek inspiration and plan their trip in the 45 days before finally booking their journey.
  • Social media had the greatest influence on leisure travelers’ travel destinations, with 75% of travelers saying social media posts inspired their trips to a specific destination in 2023. 
  • Most American travelers (92%) in 2023 said that they wanted to save on travel by focusing on accommodation prices instead of amenities (39%) and driving instead of flying (35%). 
  • Reviews from other travelers (29%) 
  • Free WiFi (24%)
  • Accommodation facilities (23%)
  • Room photos (22%)
  • In the consideration stage of planning and booking corporate travel , videos and photos are the two most critical factors that affected global travelers’ decisions in 2022. They also looked at a hotel’s ability to showcase its amenities and guest experience while deciding on a place to stay.
  • Three of the most impactful deal breakers for most travelers were bland and unappealing hotel rooms, non-aesthetic food photos, and boring content presentation.
  • 17% of people in the United States have bought some form of travel app subscription to help them plan their travels in 2022.
  • By June 2023, travel app log-ins were 87% higher than by the end of 2019.

Online booking statistics indicate a renewed outlook of travelers worldwide

  • In 2023, a large majority of travelers (72%) said they preferred to book their trips online, compared to only 12% that preferred using a travel agency.
  • Of those that book travel online, 53% cited it’s because of the speed at which they can plan their trip (perfect for last-minute trips), 47% said it’s easier to compare prices and 42% said it’s better to find cheaper deals.
  • It’s forecasted that 76% of total revenue in the tourism and travel sector will be generated through online sales by 2028.
  • Monday was the most popular day for booking travel, and Saturday was the quietest day.
  • 63% of travelers believed technology plays a key role in controlling health risks during trips and reduces travel anxiety in a post-pandemic world.
  • The percentage of shoppers that abandoned their travel purchase was 85% for desktop users and 91% for those buying on a mobile device.
  • In 2023, 48% used their mobile device for destination research, 47% to compare transport and accommodation prices, and 40% to book flights and hotels.
  • 97.8% of travel executives stated that AI would have an impact over the next 1-5 years in the industry.
  • Over a fifth (22%) of global travelers have used ChatGPT or similar AI chatbots to plan travel.
  • Four out of five travelers who booked online visited an OTA "at some point" before booking, "even if travelers booked on another website."

Biggest blockers and frustrations in online travel booking

  • 45.1% of travelers said they were concerned about how much data companies hold on them in 2023 and only 23.1% felt in control of their data.
  • In a study of 15,000 Tripadvisor reviews, it was found that flight irregularities emerged as the most discussed topic (36%) for travelers, compared to 20% in 2019.
  • 43% of Americans didn’t like booking travel, including 23% of GenZ travelers. The experience gap between booking travel and actually traveling is notably high.
  • One in three travelers prioritized flexibility over all other factors when making reservations.
  • 74% of travel agents surveyed believed buying and selling travel plans could be simplified. 86% of agents were in favor of modernizing the user experience to boost online travel sales.
  • One of the biggest factors hampering travel bookings was the lack of transparency. Comparing too many options is challenging and becomes a roadblock.
  • A third of families considered the process of searching for the best flights and making online hotel bookings extremely time-consuming—23% of them didn’t enjoy booking trips.
  • 43% of business travelers felt frustrated that the search function of travel sites was limited to the budget or the date.
  • 60% of surveyed travelers believed travel options were filled with hidden costs and were not upfront enough.
  • 45% of travelers preferred booking a trip from start to finish from a single website that presents options for flights, accommodations, car rentals, and extras.
  • Millennials booked their travel needs via travel agencies. They’d book their hotel via travel agencies, however, 52% would look at the hotel’s website for more information.
  • Users spent, on average, 40% more via desktop than mobile devices when booking online. SaleCycle said that “perhaps users feel more comfortable booking high-ticket holidays on a bigger screen.”

Travel booking is going mobile

  • People used mobiles to browse more than purchase since 60% of all online traffic came from mobile, however, desktop accounted for 62.5% of online sales.
  • The mobile users’ average online order value has grown by 29% since 2020. 
  • The mobile travel booking market is projected to grow at an anticipated value of $612.5 billion by 2031.
  • In 2020, the gap between desktop and mobile booking sales was 75% compared to 2022 where the gap was reduced to 40%.
  • Almost one-third (32%) of travelers used a website through a mobile device to book travel and 23% used a mobile app directly in 2023.

How is online business travel booking evolving

  • 87% of business travelers and corporate travel managers wanted more simplified booking services and processes. 42% of them thought booking a trip was actually more challenging than traveling itself.
  • 82% of travel agents reported a need for digital retailing for both leisure and business travel. A better customer experience is a priority for both types of travel.
  • Travel booking fell short of the top three easiest buying experiences behind booking a restaurant online, buying clothes online, and browsing and buying electronic/physical goods online.
  • For 38% of respondents, the average frequency of business trips was once every 2-3 months. 32% traveled once or twice every month for business purposes.
  • Business travelers spent 52 days getting inspired and planning their trip, and 43 days between booking and starting their trip.
  • 87% of employees think that in-person meetings and business travel are important to company growth.
  • However, despite there being more interest in business travel, companies were worried about their carbon footprint. In fact, four in 10 European companies and a third of American companies said they needed to reduce travel per employee by more than 20% to meet their 2030 sustainability targets.
  • In 2024, 63% of companies are investing more in sustainable travel and 80% of business travelers want more sustainable options when booking.
  • 88% of corporate travelers want full transparency into what they are buying when buying online.

Role of online travel agents in a post-pandemic world

  • 41% of those surveyed preferred booking via online travel agencies (OTAs) while 29% booked via travel agents or operators. Around 20% of them booked via travel agents.
  • Demographical data from North America showed that people under 35 years of age were more inclined to use OTAs for booking hotel rooms.
  • The average browser abandonment rate for OTAs was approximately 81.54%, indicating how travelers frequently used online travel booking websites to find and compare options.
  • In a scenario where prices are identical on hotel websites and OTAs, 70% of respondents said they would book via an OTA.
  • Some of the biggest reasons why people preferred OTAs were the security, convenience, loyalty discounts, and credible online reviews that they offered.
  • Booking trends indicate that 12% of travelers thought booking websites should provide a much faster and more frictionless experience than booking directly on hotel websites.
  • Out of the 141 pages that travelers looked at 45 days before traveling, OTAs were the most viewed (67), followed by airline websites (33).
  • OTA’s are used by 80% of travelers before making any purchase.
  • 61% of travelers visited an OTA before making a booking on a hotel site.

Modernize the way you book business travel

Travelers take a stand for sustainability.

  • 74% of travelers thought people needed to make more sustainable choices to save the planet for future generations.
  • 64 % of American travelers said in 2023 that they were looking for accommodation establishments with high sustainability innovation and practices.
  • In 2023, 49% of travelers believed more sustainable travel options were too expensive, however, 43% said they were willing to pay extra for travel options with a sustainable certification.
  • In 2022, 66% of travelers wanted travel companies to offer more sustainable travel choices. However, in 2023, that number increased to 74%.
  • 76% of global travelers wanted to travel more sustainably in 2023.
  • More than half (51%) of travelers said there weren’t enough sustainable travel options and 43% could recall seeing at least one product or service on a travel website that had to do with sustainable travel.
  • Almost two-thirds of travelers (61%) said they wanted to use more environmentally-friendly modes of transport like trains.
  • Almost 80% of travelers said they were willing to spend at least 10% more for eco-tourism and adventure travel in 2023.
  • Global travelers were increasingly attentive to how far they traveled and what means they would take to make their journeys. 23% of them chose to minimize their carbon footprint by picking a destination closer to home.

Put sustainability at the core of your business travel policy

Online travel booking is here to stay.

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Global Online Travel Booking Industry Statistics: Key Market Insights 2021

Unpacking the Thriving Online Travel Industry: Sales Surge and Shifts in Consumer Behavior Revealed.

Collector: Alexander Eser

Published: 7/23/2024

Statistic 1

  • Mobile bookings accounted for 43% of online travel bookings in 2020.

Statistic 2

  • 65% of US customers prefer to book their travel online.

Statistic 3

  • Booking a flight constituted 60% of online travel bookings in the United States in 2020.

Statistic 4

  • In 2020, the online travel booking penetration rate in China was 52%.

Statistic 5

  • 63% of online travel bookings in 2020 were for domestic travel.

Statistic 6

  • In 2020, global online travel booking market size was valued at $838.51 billion.

Statistic 7

  • The online travel booking market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.9% from 2021 to 2028.

Statistic 8

  • Digital travel sales in the United States are forecasted to reach $198.17 billion in 2021.

Statistic 9

  • By 2023, mobile bookings are expected to account for 47.5% of total online travel sales.

Statistic 10

  • The Asia-Pacific region is forecasted to witness the fastest growth in online travel booking revenue from 2021 to 2028.

Statistic 11

  • By 2025, global online travel sales are projected to reach $991 billion.

Statistic 12

  • The average annual growth rate of online travel agencies is estimated to be 18.9% from 2021 to 2028.

Statistic 13

  • European online travel booking sales are expected to reach $178.44 billion in 2021.

Statistic 14

  • Online travel booking sales in Europe are expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.6% from 2021 to 2028.

Statistic 15

  • In 2020, the revenue generated from online travel booking is estimated to be $479.97 billion in the United States.

Statistic 16

  • Digital travel sales in the United States are projected to reach $203.25 billion in 2022.

Statistic 17

  • The online travel booking market in APAC is expected to reach a value of $245.89 billion by 2028.

Statistic 18

  • The Asia-Pacific online travel booking market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.7% from 2021 to 2028.

Statistic 19

  • The online travel booking market in the Middle East and Africa is estimated to be worth $13.2 billion in 2021.

Statistic 20

  • Hotel direct bookings are forecasted to reach a market size of $142.35 billion in 2021.

Statistic 21

  • The online travel booking market in India is expected to reach $25.69 billion by 2023.

Statistic 22

  • By 2024, the online travel booking market in South America is projected to be worth $48.8 billion.

Statistic 23

  • 57% of online travel bookings were made through online travel agencies in 2020.

Statistic 24

  • Booking.com accounted for 17% of global online travel agency gross bookings in 2020.

Statistic 25

  • Expedia Group held a market share of 18% in global online travel agency gross bookings in 2020.

Statistic 26

  • Airbnb captured 11% of the global online travel agency gross booking revenue in 2020.

Statistic 27

  • Hotel bookings accounted for 42% of online travel sales in 2020.

Statistic 28

  • Online travel agencies held a 19% market share of the global travel industry in 2020.

Statistic 29

  • Expedia Inc. accounted for 36% of online travel agency gross bookings in the United States in 2020.

Statistic 30

  • Online travel agency market share in China reached 70.6% in 2020.

Statistic 31

  • Cruise bookings accounted for 8% of online travel sales in the United States in 2020.

Statistic 32

  • Online travel booking platforms saw a 58% decrease in gross bookings in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Statistic 33

  • The hotel segment accounted for 39% of online travel bookings in Europe in 2020.

Statistic 34

  • Online travel booking platforms in Latin America experienced a 48% decrease in gross bookings in 2020.

Statistic 35

  • Travel package bookings accounted for 20% of total online travel sales in 2020.

Statistic 36

  • Mobile bookings accounted for 53% of online travel sales in Latin America in 2020.

Statistic 37

  • Online travel booking platforms in Oceania saw a 41% decline in gross bookings in 2020.

Statistic 38

  • Online travel booking penetration is highest in the United States, with a penetration rate of 42% in 2020.

Statistic 39

  • Asia-Pacific is the largest regional market for online travel booking, accounting for 41% of global sales in 2020.

Statistic 40

  • The Middle East and Africa region witnessed a 72% decrease in online travel bookings in 2020.

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  • • In 2020, global online travel booking market size was valued at $838.51 billion.
  • • The online travel booking market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.9% from 2021 to 2028.
  • • Mobile bookings accounted for 43% of online travel bookings in 2020.
  • • 57% of online travel bookings were made through online travel agencies in 2020.
  • • Online travel booking penetration is highest in the United States, with a penetration rate of 42% in 2020.
  • • Asia-Pacific is the largest regional market for online travel booking, accounting for 41% of global sales in 2020.
  • • Digital travel sales in the United States are forecasted to reach $198.17 billion in 2021.
  • • Booking.com accounted for 17% of global online travel agency gross bookings in 2020.
  • • By 2023, mobile bookings are expected to account for 47.5% of total online travel sales.
  • • Expedia Group held a market share of 18% in global online travel agency gross bookings in 2020.
  • • Online travel booking platforms saw a 58% decrease in gross bookings in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • • Airbnb captured 11% of the global online travel agency gross booking revenue in 2020.
  • • 65% of US customers prefer to book their travel online.
  • • The Middle East and Africa region witnessed a 72% decrease in online travel bookings in 2020.
  • • Hotel bookings accounted for 42% of online travel sales in 2020.

Ah, the online travel booking industry – a virtual globe-trotters paradise where the only baggage you carry is your smartphone! With a market size that soared to $838.51 billion in 2020, the online travel booking sector is not just a trend; its a jet-setting juggernaut set to grow at a CAGR of 4.9% from 2021 to 2028. Mobile mavens rejoice, for 43% of online travel bookings took flight via mobile in 2020. From the bustling hubs of online travel agencies capturing 57% of bookings to the United States leading the charge with a 42% penetration rate, the world of wanderlust is at our fingertips. So, buckle up, dear reader, as we embark on a digital odyssey through the statistics and stories of an industry thats not just going places – its defining the way we explore the world!

Consumer preferences and behaviors


In the ever-evolving landscape of online travel booking, statistics paint a vivid picture of our modern-day love affair with smartphones and convenience. With mobile bookings commanding a sizable 43% slice of the digital pie in 2020, it seems we've fully embraced the swipe-and-book culture. Meanwhile, the statistic that 65% of US travelers prefer the virtual ticket to the traditional agent, coupled with flight bookings taking a solid 60% share, signifies a shift towards self-reliance and perhaps a longing for those golden days of carefree exploration. Not to be outdone, China's impressive online travel booking penetration rate of 52% hints at a nation on the move, both figuratively and literally. And with 63% of online bookings dedicated to domestic adventures, it appears that while the world may be at our fingertips, sometimes nothing beats the allure of home sweet home.

Future growth projections

In the whirlwind world of online travel booking, the numbers paint a vivid picture of a market destined for stratospheric growth - one click at a time. With a global market valued at a staggering $838.51 billion in 2020, it seems the travel bug catches on quicker than a tropical sunburn. From the United States to the Asia-Pacific region, mobile bookings are set to reign supreme, accounting for nearly half of all online travel sales by 2023. As online travel agencies ride the wave of an 18.9% annual growth rate, it's clear that the digital skies are the limit for this booming industry. So fasten your seatbelts and keep your passports handy as we journey towards a $991 billion global online travel sales figure by 2025 - bon voyage!

Market share of key players

In the exhilarating world of online travel booking, numbers tell quite the riveting tale. With 57% of travelers seamlessly entrusting their getaways to online travel agencies in 2020, it seems the digital realm has become the modern-day genie granting travel wishes. From giant players like Booking.com and Expedia Group each carving out their own sizable slices of the booking pie to the disruptive charm of Airbnb making a significant impact, the stage is set for a dramatic narrative of market dynamics. As hotel bookings continue to dominate the space and online travel agencies assert their relevance with a solid 19% industry share, it's clear that the travel industry's tectonic plates are shifting towards a digital landscape.中国中国从2020年开始,中国的在线旅行社市场份额已达到70.6%。The data alludes to a finely orchestrated symphony of consumer preferences, industry power players, and the ever-present allure of wanderlust, painting a picture of an industry where every booking is a step towards a new adventure and a tale waiting to be told.

Online travel booking market trends

The tumultuous year that was 2020 left the online travel booking industry reeling, with gross bookings taking a nosedive across various regions worldwide. From the vibrant streets of Europe to the tropical landscapes of Oceania, the once-booming industry faced a tough battle against the constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, amidst the chaos, there were standout stars like mobile bookings in Latin America, proving that adaptability and innovation are key in navigating turbulent times. As the dust settles and the world slowly reopens its doors to travelers, the industry is poised for a dramatic comeback - armed with lessons learned and a renewed sense of resilience.

Regional market analysis

In the global dance of online travel booking, it seems the United States is leading the tango with a smooth 42% penetration rate, while Asia-Pacific is strutting its stuff as the largest market player, capturing 41% of the spotlight. However, the Middle East and Africa seem to have missed a step or two, experiencing a 72% decrease in bookings. It looks like while some regions have mastered the digital steps of travel planning, others might need to polish their moves to keep up with the fast-paced rhythm of the industry.

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online tourism sales statistics

Global Online Travel Market by Service type (Transportation, Travel Accommodation, and Vacation Packages), by Platform (Mobile and Desktop), Mode of Booking (Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) and Direct Travel Suppliers); By Region (U.S., Canada, Mexico, Rest of North America, The UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Nordic Countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Sweden, Norway), Benelux Union (Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg), Rest of Europe, China, Japan, India, New Zealand, Australia, South Korea, Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Rest of Southeast Asia), Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Kuwait, South Africa, Rest of Middle East & Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America) – Global Insights, Growth, Size, Comparative Analysis, Trends and Forecast, 2021-2030


The Global Online Travel Market size was valued at USD 354.2 Bn in 2021. The market is projected to grow USD 1,835.6 Bn in 2030, at a CAGR of 14.8 %. Review sites and travel e-commerce sites make up the majority of the internet travel sector. It provides the convenience of reserving from the comfort of one's own home and frequently entices customers with package deals and cost-cutting choices. As a result, many tourists are opting to book their trips online rather than through traditional brick-and-mortar travel firms. Furthermore, the primary global online travel market is being driven by greater consumer spending power, a government initiative to promote tourism, growing internet and credit card usage, and the creation of new online segments. The increasing penetration of international flight and hotel bookings supplied by online portals such as Booking.com, TripAdvisor.com,  .  

Online Travel Market

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The emergence of the travel and tourism business, as well as shifting patterns in standard of life, has resulted in a steady increase in the online travel market. The demand for online travels varies depending on the property type and is impacted by factors including location, size, and on-site amenities. The market is likely to be driven by rising disposable income, popularizing weekend culture, the introduction of low-cost airline services, and the developing service industry. The rise in spending power and the style of living are two of the most important factors driving people to luxury resorts. The demand for online travels is also fueled by a city's or country's hosting of sporting events. The development of the market has been hastened by the emergence of online lodging booking services. Marriott International, for example, published a new edition of its mobile app, Marriott Bonvoy, on February 10, 2021, with new features like better booking possibilities, greater personalized experiences, and customizations in earning and redeeming points. As a result, the industry is expected to consolidate due to growing demand for premium services with better booking options.  

COVID-19 Analysis

The epidemic of COVID-19 has had a significant influence on the tourism and travel industries. The global implementation of social distancing, stay-at-home, and travel restrictions has stifled the expansion of the online travel industry. According to the American Hotel and Lodging Association 2021 study, hotel occupancy in the United States fell from 66 percent to around 40 percent in 2020, compared to the previous year. As a result of the pandemic, the hotel industry is likely to suffer a severe slowdown; nevertheless, the market is expected to return to its prior growth trajectory in the coming years.  

Service Type Outlook

The travel accommodation segment accounted largest market share for the global online travel market in 2020. Market competitors are gradually providing travellers with a varied selection of hotel options at reasonable prices. Customers evaluate lodging options across multiple websites in order to get the most cost-effective option. Because they offer a diverse range of housing options, travelers prefer specialized online accommodation providers such as Airbnb, Inc. and OYO Rooms. As a result, the aforementioned reasons are responsible for the market's rise in the travel accommodation segment. These hotels usually have high-end designer interiors created with cutting-edge technology propels the demand for the growth of the global online travel market.  

Global Online Travel Market Report Coverage

Platform Outlook

The mobile segment accounted largest market share for the global online travel market in 2020 owing to the expansion of the market through the mobile sector is mostly due to an increase in mobile usage and the development of novel mobile travel apps. The way people communicate and travel throughout the world has changed as a result of technological advancements. With the advancement of technology and the increased usage of mobile phones, simple and effective techniques are being developed to make travelling simple and comfortable, hence boosting the travel industry's growth. Travelers prefer to make their travel reservations using mobile travel apps, which are gradually gaining traction in the market. As a result, the expansion of the internet travel business is projected to be fueled by an increase in smart phone usage and a rise in digital literacy.  

Mode of Booking Outlook

The online travel agencies (OTAs) segment accounted largest market share for the global online travel market in 2020. Online travel firms are becoming the most popular method of making reservations around the world. The rise of online travel agencies has been one of the most striking examples of industry and society's digital revolution in the last 25 years. OTAs have evolved into digital marketplaces that provide direct access to a wide range of online travel options for both B2B and B2C consumers. OTAs can be thought of as a cross between an e-commerce platform and a travel agency. Expedia, Booking.com, and Trip.com, among others, have dominated the global online travel business (hotels, airlines, packaged tours, rail and cruises).  

Online travel Market

Regional Outlook

Asia Pacific dominated largest market share for the global online travel market in 2020 owing to has the most potential for growth in the internet travel business, with India and China being the most profitable areas. The increase in discretionary income, rise in the middle-class section, and increasing penetration of internet facilities are all factors contributing to the expansion. In China, Ctrip is the most popular online travel agency (OTA), whereas in India, MakeMyTrip, Yatra, and Cleartrip are the most popular OTAs.  

Europe is anticipated to emerge as the fastest-growing region over the forecast period. This is due to the presence of some of the world's most popular tourist spots. According to the UNWTO's Foreign Tourism Highlights 2019 Edition, Europe accounted for half of all international visitor arrivals in 2018. The survey also reveals that five major European countries are among the top ten destinations based on foreign tourist arrivals in 2018.  

Key Companies & Recent Developments

Partnerships, strategic mergers, and acquisitions are expected to be the most successful strategies for industry participants to get speedy access to growing markets while also improving technological capabilities.  

In addition, product differentiation and developments, as well as service expansion, are projected to help organizations thrive in the market.  

Market Segmentation of Global Online travel Market

By Service Type

  • Transportation
  • Travel Accommodation
  • Vacation Packages

By Platform

By Mode of booking

  • Online Travel Agencies (OTAs)
  • Direct Travel Suppliers

Key Players:

  • Alibaba Group
  • Elong, Inc.
  • Tuniu Corporation
  • AirGorilla, LLC
  • Hays Travel limited
  • Airbnb, Inc.
  • Yatra Online Private Limited, India
  • Trip Advisor Inc.
  • MakeMyTrip Limited
  • Hostelworld Group PLC (HSW)
  • Trivago N.V
  • Despegar.com, Corp
  • Lastminute.com Group
  • Single User: $3550 Access to only 1 person; cannot be shared; cannot be printed
  • Multi User: $5550 Access for 2 to 5 users only within same department of one company
  • Enterprise User: $7550 Access to a company wide audience; includes subsidiary companies or other companies within a group of companies

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50 online travel booking statistics (latest 2024 figures).

Bradley Williams

Did you know that online travel booking had a $521 billion market size in 2023 ? And that this is estimated to hit $1 trillion in 2030 ?

As technology becomes a crucial part of our lives, the way that travellers plan and book their trips today have evolved. 

There are now websites and mobile apps to buy flight tickets, reserve cheap hotel rooms , and book travel experiences.

With the constant changes in traveller’s behaviour and consumer trends, it can be important to understand how researching is done for travels.

This includes understanding more deeply about the online travel booking market, the global leaders in this industry, as well as the current trends and how mobile booking compares to websites.

Today we have some interesting statistics about online travel booking for you. 

From the number of online travel companies there are currently to how the Coronavirus pandemic has impacted online booking.

Sources: With each stat, I have included the source for the data. Please go to the end of this post for a complete summary of all the sources and articles used here.


Online travel booking popular questions

What percentage of bookings are made online.

By 2019, 57% of all travel bookings were made online. Meanwhile, 68% of all sales in travel & tourism are made online in 2022.

travel sales channel

What is the most popular travel booking site?

Booking.com was the most globally visited travel and tourism website in September 2023, when it received 554.5 million visits .

Which are the two largest online travel agencies worldwide?

In September 2023, Booking.com and Tripadvisor received around 554 million and 156 million visits, respectively.

most visited online travel agencies

How much is the global online travel sales?

In 2018, global online travel sales made $694 billion, a 10.4% increase compared to the previous year

Online travel booking main findings

  • Online sales will generate 76% of revenue in the travel & tourism sector by 2028
  • Among the many online travel agencies worldwide, Booking reported the highest revenue in 2021
  • Marketplace bookings experienced a dramatic increase from 3.2% in 2017 to 9.1% in 2018, while direct online bookings fell from 79.2% to 66.7%
  • 39% of users would download an app over using the mobile website because of the speed, while 30% enjoy the increased functionality of a mobile app
  • 4 in 5 hotel customers who have been asked to leave a review do so
  • Between 2016 and 2021, the portion of online travel sales via mobile has been steadily increasing compared to desktop or laptop, from only 36% to nearly 50% of all digital travel sales
  • Around 50% of users in 2020 claimed that they made more last-minute travel bookings during the pandemic

Online travel booking market

What percentage of travel bookings are made online?

1. According to Statista, online sales will generate 76% of revenue in the travel & tourism sector by 2028.

Online travel booking is continuously taking up the travel booking market, and Statista estimates that by 2028, online sales will make up 76% of all revenue in travel and tourism.

2. In 2021, the online travel market size worldwide was $432 billion.

3. this figure rose slightly to $475 billion in 2022 and $521 billion in 2023..

The latest data on the global online travel agent industry stated that the market size in 2023 was $521 billion.

4. The online travel market size is predicted to reach over $1 trillion by 2030.

And with the rise of the digital nomad movement , the Internet will continue to play an increasingly large role in the travel industry.

online travel market size

5. The Singaporean online travel market size was the highest amongst selected Southeast Asian countries, with the gross merchandise value (GMV) recorded at $7 billion in 2023.

In comparison, in 2023, the Philippines saw an online travel market size of $3 billion.

6. In 2018, global online travel sales made $694 billion, a 10.4% increase compared to the previous year.


7. By 2019, 57% of all travel bookings were made online.

Travel bookings include accommodation, flight, tour, and other related activities.

8. Even back in 2012, 9 in 10 people researched their holiday online before making reservations, whereas 8 in 10 booked their holiday online.


Online travel booking has been a huge thing this past decade. In 2012, 90% of people conducted online research before booking their holidays. Meanwhile, 80% of people did their bookings online.

Online travel companies

What are the leading online travel agencies in the world?

9. Among the many online travel agencies worldwide, Booking reported the highest revenue in 2021.

In 2021, Booking.com was the online travel agency with the highest revenue.

10. Their revenue has consistently increased from $1.41 billion in 2007 to a record high of $15.07 billion in 2019.

11. as of december 2022, booking.com has a market cap of $78,171 million, making it the global market leader..

In terms of the online travel company market, Booking.com dominated with $78.17 billion in market capitalization in December 2022.

Market cap of leading online travel companies

12. The second place goes to Airbnb with a market cap of $54,137 million.

Meanwhile, Airbnb has the second highest market capitalization with $54,137 million .

13. In the US in 2018, Tripadvisor used to be the leading travel website as it attracted 18% of all online users.

In 2018, the most popular travel website in the US was Tripadvisor, which was used by 18% of American online travel users .

14. Hotels.com ranked fourth at 11%, while Booking.com and Expedia placed sixth and seventh with 9% each.

15. booking.com was the most globally visited travel and tourism website in september 2023, when it received 554.5 million visits..

In terms of website visits, Booking.com is the most visited travel and tourism website in the world. It received 554.5 million visits in September 2023 alone.

16. With 156 million visits in September 2023, Tripadvisor is the second most visited travel and tourism website worldwide.

Online travel booking trend.

How many people make travel bookings online?

17. The majority of travellers in the US claim that they’d spend less than a week researching once they have decided to travel.

[Facebook IQ]

Most travellers from the US spend less than a week researching their travels.

18. The most popular day of the week for people to book trips on is Monday, while Saturday is the least popular.


TrekkSoft referred to 3 random data points between August and September 2019.

19. Meanwhile, the busiest time of day for booking is 10am CET. 6am CET is usually the least busy time.

20. marketplace bookings experienced a dramatic increase from 3.2% in 2017 to 9.1% in 2018, while direct online booking fell from 79.2% to 66.7%..

From 2017 to 2018, there was a significant increase in marketplace booking from 3.2% to 9.1%. On the other hand, less people booked directly on travel accommodation and company websites (from 79.2% to 66.7%).

21. By 2023, 700 million guests will book hotel rooms online.

It is estimated that 700 million guests will be booking their hotel rooms online by 2023.

22. A survey in the US in 2023 revealed that the most popular brand for flight search engine online bookings was Expedia.

This was a representative online survey with 2,405 consumers in the US.

23. Meanwhile, the most popular option for hotel and private accommodation online bookings in the United States was Booking.com, with Hotels.com and Expedia following.

Mobile and app travel booking.

How do mobile travel bookings compare with app bookings?

24. 39% of users would download an app over using the mobile website because of the speed, while 30% enjoy the increased functionality of a mobile app.


Two of the most popular benefits of mobile apps compared to websites are the increased speed and functionality.

25. 1 in 5 users also report better user experience as a major reason for downloading a travel booking app.

20% of users also report that they download travel booking apps because of the better user experience.

26. Moreover, 11% download the app for the reward and discount the company offers.

Meanwhile, only 11% of users download a travel booking app for the reward and discounts they get.

27. Between 2016 and 2021, the portion of online travel sales via mobile has been steadily increasing compared to desktop or laptop, from only 36% to nearly 50% of all digital travel sales.

The last 5 years have been an important period for the growth of online travel sales via mobile as it increased from 36% to almost 50% of all digital travel sales.

US digital travel sales by device

28. In 2018, 82% of travel bookings were online either through websites or mobile applications.

29. nearly half (48%) of mobile phone users would be happy to book and plan a trip to a new place only using their mobile device..

37% of millennial parents actually rely on online reviews when picking where to visit.

30. The conversion rate for bookings made via mobile phone is only 0.7%, less than half of bookings made through desktop at a 2.4% conversion rate.

People are more likely to go through with their bookings when accessing websites through desktop (2.4% conversion rate) than mobile (0.7%).

31. 46% of all solo travellers make their hotel bookings by mobile.

[Phocus Wire]

Online travel booking is very important for solo travellers. In fact, 46% rely on mobile apps and access to book their hotels.

32. In 2022, the most downloaded OTA app worldwide was the Booking.com mobile app, which had 80 million total downloads on iOS and Google Play in that year.

The second place was secured by Airbnb, which had approximately 52 million mobile app downloads in 2022.

33. Between 2023 and 2027, the travel segment of the mobile app market is expected to increase by a total of 64%, or $0.8 billion, until it reaches $2 billion by 2027.

Reviews in online travel booking.

How many customers leave reviews when booking travels online?

34. 4 in 5 hotel customers who have been asked to leave a review do so.

35. meanwhile, 22% of customers would write a review without being requested..

22% of hotel customers always leave a review without being asked.

36. 95% of all reviews by travellers are positive.

An overwhelming majority (95%) of hotel reviews by customers are positive.

hotel reviews

37. Tripadvisor’s report states that 96% of users think that reading reviews is important for their booking process.


83% of users usually refers to reviews before deciding on a hotel, while 76% depends on guest-uploaded travel photos for decisions.

38. According to SaleCycle, 54% of guests have written at least one review in the last 12 months.

More than half of all guests have written at least one review in the last year.

Coronavirus and online travel booking

How did the Covid-19 pandemic affect the online travel booking sector?

39. Booking.com’s revenue dropped from $15 billion in 2019 to only $6.8 billion in 2020.

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused Booking.com’s revenue to decrease by more than half in 2020, to just $6.8 billion.

40. Expedia, the online travel agency making the second highest revenue, experienced a similar decrease from $12 billion the previous year to around $5.2 billion in 2020.

41. tripadvisor’s revenue fell by almost 55% from $1.56 billion in 2019 to $604 million in 2020..

The popular travel destination and accommodation website, Tripadvisor, also saw a dramatic 55% decrease in revenue from $1.56 billion in 2019 to $604 million in 2020..

42. Around 50% of users in 2020 claimed that they made more last-minute travel bookings during the pandemic.

COVID-19 on travel booking behavior

The future of online travel booking

What will online travel booking look like in the future?

43. According to SaleCycle, 30% of guests in a hotel who interact with a Chatbot would spend more than those who don’t.

Chatbots in hotel websites can play a crucial role in customer spending.

44. Almost 7 in 10 travellers use voice search technology when planning their trip.

70% of all travellers worldwide use voice search technology during the planning stage of their trip , and it’s reasonable to assume that this percentage would increase.

45. 67% of high-income tourists choose to spend money on experiences over expensive hotel rooms.

A majority of high-income tourists claim they would choose to spend more money on travel experiences than expensive hotel rooms.

46. 73% of tourists say that they plan to stay in an eco-friendly accommodation within the next year.

Region specific online travel booking statistics, 47. in canada, the top two products on a “travel product online bookings” survey in 2023 were hotels and flight tickets..

The travel survey was done online among 2,006 respondents in Canada , in which the top answers had been hotels and flight tickets.

48. The same top two answers came up in a similar survey in the US.

In the US, the travel survey was conducted among 10,011 respondents.

49. In 2023, the “travel product online bookings” survey in the UK also revealed hotels and flight tickets as the most common answers.

British respondents of a 2023 travel survey revealed that the most booked travel products online were hotels and flight tickets.

50. The same series of survey showed that in India, the top two most popular type of online booking for travel products were long distance train tickets and hotels.

Interestingly, when the survey was conducted among 4,034 participants in India , the top two answers changed.

In 2023, the most popular type of travel products that Indians tend to book online are hotels and long distance train tickets.

To conclude, it’s safe to say, based on data at least, that the online travel booking market will only grow and become more prevalent. 

As we expect the market size to increase and take over traditional booking methods, travel-related businesses would benefit from developing their online booking system, especially where corporate and business travel is concerned.

Among the many online travel companies worldwide, Booking.com was the one to record the highest revenue back in 2020. 

Meanwhile, Tripadvisor leads in terms of website visits as it became the most visited travel and tourism website.

While revenue for most companies had fallen due to the Coronavirus pandemic, this was to be expected as other businesses also experienced a decrease during this trying time.

At the same time, people have made more last-minute travel decisions in this pandemic era.

We can easily assume that online websites and mobile apps play a crucial role in their planning and booking.

We hope these statistics have been useful to help you understand more about online travel booking! 

Did we miss any important information? 

Drop your comments and thoughts down below.

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70+ Stunning Online Travel Booking Statistics (2023 Figures)

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Online Travel Booking Major Statistics

General online travel booking statistics 2023, 2023 online travel booking statistics for market and industry, statistics for hotel reservations in 2023, comparing 2023 statistics: online booking vs. travel agency statistics, enlightening online travel booking statistics, must know online travel booking statistics 2023, online travel sustainability statistics.

Traveling provides unique experiences and memories. With numerous travel choices in today’s world, online trip booking has become an overload. And that’s what makes these intriguing online travel booking statistics. As of 2019, 57% of all travel bookings were made online. As per 2022 data, 68% of all travel and tourism sales were online.

Online Travel Booking Major Statistics

  • By 2026, online sales will make up 73% of the travel and tourism sector.
  • Booking was the top online travel agency in revenue in 2021.
  • Online marketplace bookings rose from 3.2% in 2017 to 9.1% in 2018.
  • Direct online bookings decreased from 79.2% to 66.7% during the same period.
  • 39% prefer app downloads for faster performance, while 30% like mobile app features.
  • 80% of hotel customers willingly leave reviews.
  • Mobile travel sales increased from 36% in 2016 to nearly 50% in 2021.
  • In 2020, about 50% reported more last-minute travel bookings due to the pandemic.

General Online Travel Booking Statistics 2023

1. Global online travel is up 15.4% .

2. The travel industry is worth $1.2 trillion .

3. 80% book holidays online.

4. Top categories: packages, transport, accommodation.

5. S at. quietest, Mon . busiest for bookings.

6. Travelers check 38 sites on average .

7. Booking.com has 443M active users .

8. Online travel sales hit $755B in 2019 .

9. 30% of holidays cost over £2,500, 70% over £1,500 .

10. Asia-Pacific shows high growth potential.

11. 50% prefer a single website for booking.

12. 60% say it’s their priciest online buy.

13. 2021: online travel sector $800B revenue .

14. Online sales make up 66% of industry revenue .

15. The U.S. online travel market is worth $190.4B/year .

Statistics for Market and Industry

16. The global online market is expected to hit $1 trillion in 2030 and $521B in 2023.

17. By 2026, the online travel market will grow to $690.71B .

18. 148.3 million travel books are made online each year .

19. Only 44% of website visitors make a purchase.

20. Travel booking is the 4th easiest online shopping experience.

21. 2018: Online travel sales are worth $694 billion, with 10.4% YoY growth.

22. The U.S. online travel market is $190.4 billion in annual sales.

Hotel Reservations

23. Over 700 million will book online by 2023.

24. 50% of American travelers spend 6 days on trip research .

25. Some book trips months in advance, others a week to a month .

26. The 50+ age group tends to book four months in advance.

27. The under-35 age group prefers Online Travel Agents.

28. 2 out of 3 online hotel bookings through official websites.

29. Average 2.2% conversion rate on hotel websites.

30. The top 20 hotels have a 5.6% conversion rate, and the bottom 20 have 0.3%.

31. Conversion rate influenced by website design and marketing.

32. 39% of all online bookings are for hotel reservations.

Online Booking vs. Travel Agency Statistics

Nearly 70% of Millennials like loyalty programs, but 39% think they’re not great . Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) like Expedia and Priceline help you find travel services easily. They have lots of options.  Online booking means going to the hotel or airline’s website.  Here are some facts:

33. OTAs have 39% of the U.S. online booking market.

34. 33% of this market belongs to Millennials (Gen Y).

35. Over half of Gen Y book travel or hotels using OTAs.

36. 87% of Millennials help friends and family with their journey.

37. Nearly 70% of Millennials like loyalty programs, but 39% think they’re not great .

38. Regarding booking hotels, 60% of global millennials prefer general travel sites, while 22% use hotel-specific sites.

39. When booking flights, 44% of millennials worldwide opt for airline websites, with only 34% using general travel sites. This shows that many global millennials go directly to airline websites for flight bookings.

40. Younger travelers aged 18-34 typically lean towards digital methods for trip planning, while those above 35 tend to stick to traditional approaches.

41. Over 60% of travelers aged 18-34 consider flight prices and airlines when booking, but the price holds more weight.

Enlightening Online Travel Booking Statistics

42. Within this age group, 22% prioritize flight prices over the airline.

43. In contrast, 4% of travelers above 34 focus on the airline, while 10% prioritize the price.

44. More than 24% of people in the U.S. still prefer using physical agencies for vacation bookings.

45. In 2023, over 30% of leisure travelers visiting the United States opt for privately owned accommodations.

46. Among hotel guests, 57% favor booking through the hotel’s website or online travel agencies (OTAs), signaling a shift from phone bookings.

47. Among surveyed people, 41% choose online travel agencies (OTAs) for trip bookings, 29% prefer travel agents or operators, and 20% stick with traditional agents, highlighting the shift to online convenience.

48. Travelers under 35 often use OTAs to book hotel rooms .

49. Approximately 81% of visitors to online travel booking sites leave without completing a booking.

50. Travelers prefer OTAs for security, convenience, loyalty discounts , and reviews.

51. 12% of travelers expect quicker accommodations booking through websites than booking directly through hotels.

Travel Booking Statistics

52. In 2018, 31% of internet-initiated hotel searches began via search engines, a 23% increase from 2017.

53. 23% of leisure travelers trust mobile devices to find flight and hotel details as much as desktop computers.

54. In July 2019, Booking.com received 697 million website visits , showing its influence.

55. TripAdvisor had 224 million website visits in the same month , solidifying its position as a go-to travel source .

56. Nearly 80% of travelers use their phones for information searches.

57. About 40% of travelers use virtual travel assistants for trip planning.

58. Google reports a 519% increase in travel searches with “tonight” and “today” in the past five years.

59. 70% of travelers use mobile devices to search for things to do, and 66% search for destinations .

60. Over 80% of business and corporate travelers desire a simpler booking process.

61. On average, travelers spend five days researching vacations to match their budgets.

62. Beach vacations are 2.5 times more popular than city breaks.

Travel Sustainability Statistics

63. A 10% increase from 2021 shows that 63% of travelers are willing to choose eco-friendly options.

64. While 30% prioritize sustainability even if it’s less convenient, 50% make eco-friendly choices if it’s easy.

65. Over 50% prefer accommodation with sustainability certifications.

66. More than 80% of travelers increasingly adopt sustainable practices.

67. Climate headlines influence 50% of eco-friendly plans .

68. 59% of travelers aim to improve the places they visit.

69. 33% travel during off-peak times to avoid crowds.

70. Beautiful natural places inspire 60% of sustainable travelers .

71. Over 54% choose eco-friendly travel to protect destinations from tourism , while 32% feel guilty about environmental harm.

72. More than 20% use websites for public transportation updates and bike rentals.

73. 33% choose closer destinations to reduce their carbon footprint.

74. 33% are open to spending $50 to $250 for eco-friendly travel.

75. 41% select sustainable accommodations to reduce environmental impact, 33% to experience local culture , and 31% to connect with the community.

76. While 56% of travelers don’t actively seek eco-friendly places , they’ll choose them if they are easy to book and convenient.

The rise of online travel bookings is clear, with over 50% of hotel reservations happening online. It’s all about convenience, a wide range of options, and great prices. These stats show the current trend and hint at a future where more travelers will go digital. They help us make budget-friendly and sustainable choices in our journeys, guiding us toward unforgettable adventures.

Why do travelers face several barriers when making sustainable travel choices?

Travels often encounter several barriers, which include lack of knowledge, potential extra costs, finding sustainable travel destinations, etc.

What is the most popular type of e-booking in the hospitality and tourism industry in 2023?

Hotel reservations contribute the most to e-bookings in the hospitality and tourism industry in 2023. According to Statista data, hotel reservations account for 39% of all e-bookings. This is unsurprising, as hotels are a key component of the hospitality and tourism industry.

What is the most popular platform for online travel bookings in 2023?

According to Statista, Booking.com is the most visited online travel booking platform in 2023, with a 25% market share. As of September, the platform recorded more than 550 million visitors. Also, Hotels.com and Expedia are popular platforms with a 20% and 15% market share, respectively.

What percentage of hotel bookings will be online in 2023?

According to Statista, over 57% of hotel bookings have been made online in 2023. This means that most hotel guests book their stays directly through the hotel’s website or online travel agencies (OTAs).

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Susan Laborde Tech Writer

Susan Laborde researches the latest technology trends in an ever-changing tech landscape to provide comparisons, guides, and reviews that are easy to understand for readers. When taking a break from being a tech word wizard, she plays games with her baby.

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Online Travel Market Size, Share, Competitive Landscape and Trend Analysis Report, by Service types, Platforms, Mode of Booking ,and Age Group : Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2022-2031

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Online Travel Market Research, 2031

The global online travel market size was valued at $354.2 billion in 2020, and is estimated to reach $1,835.6 billion by 2031, registering a CAGR of 14.8% from 2022 to 2031. Online travel providers aim to ease travel planning and bookings for travelers. The online travel industry is being pushed by quick and easy flight and hotel bookings, an increase in customer trust in online payment, and the option to compare numerous available travel alternatives.. Market players are extensively offering travel services through mobile websites and apps, as it is one of the most preferred mediums of travel bookings, particularly among the young professionals.


The emergence of internet has led to intense exposure of people to social media sites. People first browse through websites, gather detailed information, and review the required product or service before making a purchase. In addition, social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and travel blogs have become a common medium for people to discuss travel plans. Social media acts as a platform for online travel service providers to advertise their services and special offers for online bookings garnering the online travel market growth during the forecast period.

Transportation segment helds the major share of 41.2% in 2020

Social and political disturbances affect the travel & tourism industry in specific regions. Customers tend to avoid these conflict prone areas even if they get travel services at affordable prices. Government of several nations have also declared instructions for travelers to refrain from traveling to countries affected with epidemics or social/political unrest. This, limits the scope of online travel booking to those countries thereby affecting the sales of the online travel market.

The online travel market is segmented into service type, platforms, mode of booking, age group, and region. On the basis of service type, the market is categorized into transportation, travel accommodation, and vacation packages. By platform, it is segmented into mobile and desktop. On the basis of mode of booking, it is segmented into online travel agencies (OTAs) and direct travel suppliers. On the basis of age group, market is segmented into ¬22-31 years¬ 32-43 years¬ 44-56 years¬ and >56 years. Region-wise, it is analyzed across North America (the U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, and rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, South Korea, and rest of Asia-Pacific), and LAMEA (Brazil, Argentina, UAE, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and rest of LAMEA).

Desktop segment helds the major share of 69.3% in 2020

According to the online travel market trends, on the basis of service types, the travel accommodation segment was the considerable contributor to the market, with $123.7 billion in 2020, and is estimated to reach $719.5 billion by 2031, at a CAGR of 16.0% during the forecast period. Travelers are increasingly being offered a diverse range of hotel options at reasonable costs by market players.. Customers compare accommodation options at several websites to get the best affordable deal. Travelers choose specialized online accommodation providers such as Airbnb, Inc. and OYO Rooms because they provide a wide range of lodging alternatives.. Thus, above mentioned factors are  attributable for the growth of the market through travel accommodation segment.

According to the platforms, the mobile segment was the significant contributor to the market, and is estimated to reach $617.9 billion by 2031, at a CAGR of 15.8% during the forecast period. Increase in usage of mobile and innovative mobile travel apps majorly attribute for the growth of the market through mobile segment. Technology has changed the way people communicate and travel across the globe. With evolving technology and increase in use of mobiles, easy and efficient methods are being developed to make traveling easy and comfortable, thus increasing the growth of travel industry. Mobile travel apps are gradually gaining pace in the market and are preferred by travelers to make their travel arrangements. Thus, increase in usage of the smart phones and growth in digital literacy is likely to proliferate the growth of the online travel market.

Direct Travel Suppliers segment helds the major share of 55.7% in 2020

On the basis of mode of booking, the direct travel suppliers segment was accounted for major share in global online travel market and is expected  to sustain its share throughout the forecast period. Direct travel suppliers are the major revenue contributors in the product market. However, this segment witnesses an increase in threat from the growing online travel agencies (OTAs) market share. To remain competitive, airlines such as Lufthansa AG choose to circumvent OTAs by charging additional fees for bookings made through the OTAs.. The online travel industry through direct travel suppliers is developing at a slower rate, because customers are constantly using OTA platforms..                                

According to the online travel market analysis, on the basis of age group, the 22-31 Years segment was the considerable contributor to the market, with $102.0  billion in 2020, and is estimated to reach $539.2  billion by 2031, at a CAGR of 15.0% during the forecast period. The age group of 22–31 years comprises the young population, which are the early starters in their professional career. When compared to travelers in the older age groups, these travelers are more likely to spend more money on travel and visit new places. These travelers have changed the travel business because of their extensive use of technology, . Smartphones and other mobile devices are largely preferred to make travel arrangements. Furthermore, social media platforms are utilized to evaluate various travel service providers, locations, modes of transportation, and lodging. As a result, the industry is experiencing strong growth in the 22–31 year age group sector..

32 - 43 Years segment helds the major share of 33.6% in 2020

According to the online travel market opportunities, region wise, Asia-pacific gained significant online travel market share and is expected to sustain its share throughout online travel market forecast period. It possesses the highest growth potential in the online travel market, India and China being the most lucrative markets. The growth is attributed to the increase in disposable income, rise in middle-class segment, and greater penetration of internet facilities. Ctrip is the leading player in online travel market in China, whereas MakeMytrip, Yatra, and Cleartrip are the major online travel agencies (OTA) in India. 

The players operating in the global online travel industry have adopted various developmental strategies to expand their market share, increase profitability, and remain competitive in the market. The key players profiled in this report include Expedia Group, Inc., Ebury Partners UK Ltd, Fareportal Inc. , Hostelworld.com Limited, Hurb Co S/A, HRS, MakeMyTrip Ltd., Oracle Corporation, Priceline (Booking Holdings Inc.), SABS Travel Technologies, Tavisca Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Thomas Cook India Ltd., travelomatix.com, Trip.com Group, Tripadvisor, Inc., and WEX Inc.

North America region helds the major share of 33.3% in 2020

Key Benefits For Stakeholders

  • The report provides a quantitative analysis of the current trends, estimations, and dynamics of the market size from 2020-2031 to identify the prevailing opportunities.
  • Porter’s five forces analysis highlights the potency of buyers and suppliers to enable stakeholders to make profit-oriented business decisions and strengthen their supplier–buyer network.
  • In-depth analysis and the market size and segmentation assist to determine the prevailing market opportunities.
  • The major countries in each region are mapped according to their revenue contribution to the market. 
  • The market player positioning segment facilitates benchmarking and provides a clear understanding of the present position of the market players in the market.

  Online Travel Market Report Highlights

Analyst Review

The global online travel market is anticipated to witness robust growth in the emerging market of Asia-Pacific. The growth is attributed to increase in disposable income, rise in middle-class segment, and greater penetration of internet facilities. Business travel has also fueled market growth in Asia-Pacific. Approximately, 90% of corporate travelers in the region own either a smart phone or tablet. More than 50% of these travelers manage their travel through these devices. Companies cater to the needs of travelers through innovative mobile travel apps to gain market share. Apps with various features are being developed to stay connected to travelers throughout their journey and to assist them whenever required. Travel apps offer flexibility to travelers, thus becoming an important differentiating factor for the consumers while choosing a travel company. In addition, customers download hotel and airline apps for quick view and booking status. Thus, proliferation of mobile usage and innovative mobile travel apps are expected to foster the growth of the online travel market in the future.

  • Travel Destinations
  • Luxury Accommodations
  • Travel Packages
  • Adventure Travel
  • Luxury Travel Experiences
  • Travel Planning
  • Outdoor Activities

Total Market value of Online Travel report was valued at $354.2 billion in 2020.

14.8% is the CAGR of Online Travel Market

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2022 to 2031 would be forecast period in the market report Market

Expedia Group, Inc., Ebury Partners UK Ltd, Fareportal Inc. , Hostelworld.com Limited, Hurb Co S/A, HRS, MakeMyTrip Ltd., Oracle Corporation, Priceline (Booking Holdings Inc.) and SABS Travel

The online travel market segmented into service type, platforms, mode of booking, age group, and region

India online travel market was valued at $12.4 billion and is expected grow at 21.1% during the forecast period.

By the end of the 2031, Asia-Pacific is expected to dominate the online travel market.

Online travel market was negatively impacted the growth of the market and is expected grow at highest CAGR growth rate after COVID-19 scenario.

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Online Travel Market

Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2022-2031


78 Online Travel Booking Statistics and Facts

By: Author Amar Hussain

Posted on Last updated: January 20, 2023

78 Online Travel Booking Statistics and Facts

The travel industry has been consistently investing in its online presence. With most travel getting booked online these days, key players in the industry are banking on the success of their digital offerings.

With so many people using online travel booking, it comes as no surprise that this sector of the service industry is one of the largest.

Analyzing the numbers associated with this sector is an enlightening experience. Let’s take a look at the most exciting statistics and facts related to online travel booking.

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General Online Travel Booking Stats

Online travel booking market stats, online travel booking key player stats, online travel booking consumer stats, online travel booking trends stats, online travel booking growth and future stats, online travel booking searches, other intriguing online travel booking stats, final thoughts, online travel booking stats highlights.

Online travel booking has been making travel more convenient and accessible. It shows how much we are using technology in aspects of our lives, including managing our trips and holidays through e-commerce.

Here is an overview of the most interesting online travel booking stats:

  • In 2023, over 700 million people around the world are expected to make travel bookings online.
  • Around 83% of adults in the United States want to book online instead of going to an in-person travel agent.
  • Smartphones are the preferred method of research for travel. Over 70% of would-be tourists research holiday locations on their phones.
  • Every year, around 150 million travel bookings are made online.

Online travel booking is consistently used to plan and manage holidays worldwide. Let’s take a look at the general facts and figures relevant to this part of the industry.

Users Prefer Booking With Online Travel Agencies

(Source: MarketSampler)

Statistics show that when the same price is displayed on a hotel website and on an online travel agency or booking comparison site, consumers prefer booking with the online travel agency .

70% of those who encounter this situation end up booking with the online travel agency rather than directly through the website of the desired lodgings.

Sustainability Is on the Mind of Tourists

(Source: Booking.com)

The climate crisis is starting to routinely be at the forefront, even when booking holidays. In 2022, over 71% of respondents stated that they want to make more sustainable choices regarding travel .

This percentage was 10% higher than it was in 2021. These choices included eco-friendly booking hotels and reducing traveling by plane whenever possible.

Travelers Visit Numerous Sites Before Deciding

(Source: Travelport)

On average, people planning a holiday will visit around 38 sites before making a decision on what to book .

This shows the importance of research when it comes to travel and how seriously travelers take this part of the process. With online travel booking facilitating the process once the decision is made, it provides the perfect fit for those doing their research on the Internet.

Travelers Love Virtual Travel Assistants

(Source: Statista)

Over 33% of consumers like to use virtual travel assistants during their online travel booking process . They find the virtual assistants helpful as a part of the streamlined booking process provided online, as well as a suitable replacement for in-person agents.

Travelers Use Voice Activation for Online Travel Booking

Consumers are frequently incorporating other technology to help them with online travel booking. 43% of consumers in the United States use voice searches during the online travel booking process, along with 38% in Germany and 33% in the United Kingdom .

The popularity of voice activation in this sector is continuing to grow as more and more consumers embrace the functionality of this technology.

Online Travel Booking Is Inspired by Social Media

Social media has become very influential in many aspects of our lives, and online travel booking is not the exception to the rule.

In the United States, 21% of adults in the 18 to 29-year-old bracket use social media for inspiration before they decide to go for an online travel booking. Those over 45 years old follow at 14%, and 30 to 44-year-olds at 9%.

The highest percentage is found among 18 to 29-year-olds living in Spain, with 24% of respondents declaring that social media is an inspiration for their holidays.

There is a growing correlation between seeing a location on Instagram and then opting for an online travel booking there soon after.

COVID-19 Was Influential to the Growth of Online Travel Booking

While the sector was already growing prior to the pandemic, it gave it a huge boost. In-person travel booking was off the table for a prolonged period, and once lockdowns ended, people were very ready to travel to whichever location was possible.

Online travel booking is also much safer, and consumers don’t have to worry about taking the right precautions in the comfort of their homes.

After losses during 2020, the travel industry recovered 50% of gross revenue in 2021, in large part due to online travel booking . By the end of 2022, this figure was estimated to have reached 85%.

Digital Travel Advertising Is Growing

In 2023, $4.5 billion are projected to be used in digital travel advertising . This shows a growth from the previous years, with $2.99 billion spent in 2020, $3.54 billion in 2021, and $4.05 billion in 2022.

While this figure is growing, it has not yet surpassed its highest peak in recent years, which was achieved in 2019 at $6.09 billion.

Online Reviews Are Taken Into Consideration

(Source: TripAdvisor)

Where online travel booking is concerned, a vast majority of consumers take into account reviews before they decide on the particulars of a holiday. 96% of users on TripAdvisor, for example, think reviews are important to the process .

83% usually include them in their pre-booking research. Of these, 63% consider themselves more influenced by reading the reviews, while 76% are swayed by photos posted with the reviews.

Fewer Americans Choose Physical Agencies

(Source: ASTA)

Despite this study showing that going to an in-personal travel agent could potentially save consumers time and money, most of them opt for online travel booking instead. Only 24.3% of Americans go to physical travel agencies to get their holidays sorted .

Online travel booking has become one of the most profitable sectors of the service industry. There are plenty of intriguing numbers showing the impact of online travel booking on the market. Here’s an overview of the most fascinating market stats.

The Worldwide Online Travel Market Size Is Growing

In 2020, the worldwide online travel market size ended the year with a worth of $396.08 billion . This increased in 2021, with its worth estimated at $433.2 billion.

By 2026, the estimates suggest that the market size will keep growing. It is expected to be worth $690.71 billion that year, which shows that the online travel market size will continue to flourish.

The Tourism Sector Is Improving

With online travel booking now an essential part of the sector, it looks like things are brightening overall. In 2019, the worldwide market size of the tourism sector was estimated at $1.86 trillion. It then dropped sharply to $1.09 trillion in 2020 due to the pandemic halting travel for most of the year.

In 2021, the worth of the tourism sector on the market was $1.3 trillion and projected at $1.67 trillion by the end of 2022 .

Online Travel Has the Largest Revenue Share of Global Tourism

The online travel sales channel has been consistently growing and taking over the larger part of the revenue share in global tourism. Online sales had 60% of revenue share in 2017, with offline sales trailing behind at 40%. In 2020, online travel sales reached 65%, with offline travel sales at 35%.

This revenue share is expected to keep growing in favor of online travel sales. By 2026, the forecast expects 74% of the revenue share to go to online sales and only 26% to offline sales .

Booking Holdings Is the Leading Travel Company With Most Employees

By the end of 2021, Booking Holdings was at the top of the leading travel companies worldwide. It also had the largest number of employees. At the time, Booking Holdings employed over 19,500 members of staff across its many brands , including booking.com, KAYAK, and Agoda.

American Express Global Business Travel was the second leading travel company with the most employees, numbering over 16,680 members of staff. BCD Travel was third in line, with 14,900 employees in 2021. Expedia was closely behind with 14,800.

The Past Decade Has Been Huge for the Market

(Source: TravelWeekly

Since 2012, the online travel market has been booming. Back then, 80% of consumers were already choosing online travel booking for their holidays .

Since then, this figure has been consistently stable, but this shows that the popularity of online travel booking hasn’t just been happening in the last few years. In 2012, 90% of consumers also did their holiday research online.

The Online Travel Market Has an Impressive Projected Cagr

(Source: GBTA)

Between 2021 and 2027, the online travel market is expected to have a compound annual growth rate of 10.58% . The stability and growth of this projection is further proof that this sector is a major player within the overall industry.

The Highest Growth Potential Is in the Asia-pacific

While the worldwide online travel market is flourishing, the highest growth is expected in the Asia-Pacific region.

By the end of 2021, Indonesia was leading the way with $3.4 billion in market size . Thailand is following the same trend, with $2.8 billion, along with Singapore, with $2.3 billion. Malaysia stood at $2.2 billion, and Vietnam at $1.4 billion.

This is expected to continue growing thanks to social and economic progress in the region.

Vietnam Travelers Have a High Annual Frequency

Vietnam is one of the markets with the highest growth potential in the Asia-Pacific region, and it is already making a difference in online travel bookings.

Statistics show that 40% of online booking users in Vietnam have a travel frequency of 3 times a year , followed by 39% opting for twice a year. Only 21% of Vietnam online travel booking users travel just once a year. This highlights the growing market in this country and its usefulness to the global market share.

Online Travel Sales Are Growing in Latin America

Latin America is another region that is proving influential to the growth of worldwide online travel sales. In 2018, Latin America generated $20.7 billion in online travel sales. By the end of 2019, it accounted for $22.5 billion of online sales.

In 2020, Latin America experienced a huge decrease in online travel sales, just like the rest of the world. Only $9.1 billion were raised across the region from online travel sales then, but by the end of 2022, the figures had already bounced back to over $22.3 billion .

Hotels Had the Largest Share of Online Market Distribution in Latin America

Continuing to observe the online travel booking statistics in Latin America shows that hotels have the largest share of the market when it comes to distribution. At 47%, hotels are well ahead of air travel at 37%, tour operators at 11%, and car rentals at 5% .

These strong figures for hotels indicate what online travel booking users in Latin America consider the most important aspect of traveling. Accommodation is at the forefront of what consumers are looking at most before booking online travel.

The online travel booking sector is dominated by specific key players. When it comes to brands, the same names will keep popping up as the leaders, with many of them owned by the same companies.

Booking Has the Largest Ota Revenue

Of all the leading online travel agencies or OTAs, Booking continues to be at the top when it comes to annual revenue. In 2019, it had $15.07 billion in revenue, and while this dropped to $6.8 billion in 2020 due to the pandemic, it bounced back to $10.96 billion in 2021 .

In comparison, second-placed Expedia had $12.07 billion in revenue in 2019, followed by $5.2 billion in 2020 and $8.6 billion in 2021. Airbnb is third in the revenue rankings, with $4.81 billion in 2019, $3.38 billion in 2020, and $5.99 billion in 2021.

Booking Is Spending the Most on Marketing Expenses

Part of the success of Booking in the online travel booking sector derives from the company’s marketing strategies. It comes as no surprise that Booking is the OTA spending most overall on marketing expenses, with $4.97 billion invested in 2019, $2.18 billion in 2020, and $3.8 billion in 2021 . In turn, Expedia actually spent more in 2019 but has been just behind Booking since then.

The 2019 marketing expenses investment for Expedia was $5.03 billion, followed by $1.73 billion in 2020 and $3.5 billion. Airbnb is once again third in line, with $1.62 billion spent on marketing in 2019, $1.18 billion in 2020, and $1.19 billion in 2021.

Booking Is the Most Visited Travel Website Worldwide

By the end of 2022, Booking’s website had 511 million visits . This number more than doubled Tripadvisor’s worldwide visits, which only amounted to 149.7 million. Here’s even more proof of Booking’s popularity around the world. Airbnb is in third place with 92.9 million visits during the year.

Mexico Is the Country With Most Expedia App Downloads

The Expedia mobile app was very popular in Mexico in 2021, with over 2 million downloads throughout the country . Brazil followed in second place based on the number of downloads of the Expedia app, with a little over 1 million.

These 2 countries are the worldwide leaders in Expedia downloads in the region, with Colombia in third place with 260,000 downloads, and Argentina in fourth with 190,000.

Booking Is the Most Downloaded Ota App Worldwide

Around the world, users kept downloading the Booking mobile app in 2022. The aggregated number of downloads across the App Store and Google Play reached over 80 million .

Airbnb was the second most downloaded OTA app worldwide in 2022, with 52 million aggregated downloads. Expedia followed with 27 million downloads, and Agoda at 21 million. There are a variety of online travel booking apps, but Booking app downloads tend to soar far ahead of the competitors.

Tripadvisor’s Revenue Grew in 2021

By the end of 2021, Tripadvisor earned $526 million in revenue in the United States and $259 million in the United Kingdom. This shows a recovery after 2020 when revenue fell to $302 million in the United States and $169 million in the United Kingdom.

The company’s highest revenue figure in recent years came in 2017 when it earned $877 million in the United States. This market continues to be Tripadvisor’s biggest source of profit, with many American users opting for the company’s services when it comes to online travel booking.

Most of Tripadvisor’s Revenue Comes From Hotels, Platform, and Media

In 2021, the largest share of revenue for Tripadvisor came from the hotels, platform, and media segment of the business.

This segment had $549 million in revenue, followed by experiences and dining at $307 million . The platform refers to the Tripadvisor website, so this shows the impact that the importance of accommodation is only a part of the revenue shared with marketing.

Most of Airbnb’s Worldwide Revenue Comes From North America

Airbnb has been steadily growing more popular around the world, but it continues to trail after other leading OTAs. North America is the most successful region for the brand.

Airbnb had $2 billion in revenue there in 2019, followed by $1.8 billion in 2020, then $3.2 billion in 2021 . These numbers show that the popularity of Airbnb in the region is growing.

In comparison, Airbnb had $1.9 billion in revenue in the EMEA region in 2019 and 2021, with $1 billion achieved in 2020. In the Latin America and Asia Pacific regions, it has yet to reach $1 billion in revenue per year.

Expedia Makes Most of the Revenue From the Merchant Line

Expedia gets the largest part of its revenue from the merchant billion line, with $5.5 billion earned in 2021 , compared to the $2.3 billion from the agency line and $751 million from advertising and media.

The merchant business line is responsible for establishing online travel booking partnerships with pre-approved travel suppliers.

Expedia’s highest revenue from the merchant business line came in 2019, with $6.7 billion in earnings. At the time, the agency line was almost double than what it was in 2021, with $3.8 billion in earnings.

Expedia Is Also Bouncing Back

While it suffered a huge decrease in revenue in 2020 due to the pandemic that also affected its competitors, the Expedia Group has been inching closer to normal figures since then. In 2019, the Expedia Group earned a little over $12 billion in revenue .

The pandemic in 2020 dropped that figure to $5.2 billion. Despite that setback, Expedia is returning to form and saw $8.6 billion in revenue in 2021. This is projected to grow again as the business continues.

Consumers are essential to the success of the online travel booking sector. Shedding light on what drives consumers can help ensure that businesses continue providing what they are looking for in online travel.

The Most Booked Product Online Was Accommodation

In 2022, consumers in the United States used online travel booking mostly for hotels. 36% percent of travelers stated that they used a travel website or app to book a holiday online .

Flight tickets were the second most booked product online, at 23%, with car rentals following at 15%. Of the over 9,000 respondents, 40% stated that they had not booked anything online in the past 12 months.

British Consumers Prefer Tui

While Booking and Expedia tend to lead in other regions, TUI is the most preferred website for online holiday searches in the United Kingdom.

In the third quarter of 2022, over 13% of British consumers used TUI to find and book their desired holiday . This was followed by LoveHolidays at 7.44% and by flight and hotel search engine EasyJet at 5.7%. This shows a wider variety of preferences for online travel booking in different countries.

Most Age Groups Prefer Booking Online

Based on a worldwide survey from the fourth quarter of 2021, most respondents preferred booking holidays via the computer. All age groups present in the study expressed this preference. 18 to 29-year-olds and 30 to 44-year-olds were 55% in favor of computers, while over 45-year-olds were 56% .

The second most preferred booking channel was face-to-face with an agent. 20% of 18 to 29-year-olds chose it, along with 22% of 30 to 44-year-olds and 21% of those over 45 years old.

Influencer Marketing Has an Impact on Online Travel Booking

The rise of influencers on social media has also had a direct impact on booking travel online. As of August 2021, influencers had an effect on marketing of 18% on travel services , including the online segment.

This shows that consumers are responding to strategic marketing and advertising, which many of the leading OTAs are taking into account.

Consumers Prefer Specific Days When Booking Online Travel

(Source: Expedia)

Booking air travel on a Sunday can save consumers up to 15% of the regular price . Flying on a Wednesday also reduces the price between 10% and 15%. Knowing when to book online and how is one of the best perks of using this medium.

Pertinent information that can significantly impact the cost of travel is generally taken into account by travelers whenever possible. Getting the right air travel will also impact what other products consumers book online.

Travelers Are Seeking Authentic Experiences

(Source: Booking)

When booking travel online, consumers like to research what each location has to offer them. More and more travelers are looking for authentic connections while traveling over the typical tourist experience.

66% of respondents want to book travel and experiences that represent the culture in each particular location . 25% of them are even willing to pay more for experiences if it ensures that they are giving back to the local community in some way.

Despite this, 34% of respondents do not know how to seek out these experiences or how to give back. 32% rely on the advice of travel agents to best guide them in this endeavor.

Boring Rooms Are Deal Breakers

According to surveys, consumers are put off by boring rooms when booking online. 21.6% of respondents stated they wouldn’t book a room if it looked too boring and without character, while 17.6% considered unappealing food photos a deal breaker .

Only 7.4% found bad reviews deal breakers, in comparison, while 13.7% considered a boring presentation of the product unappealing. These figures show travel booking companies what the consumers want, which they can, in turn, discuss with providers.

Videos Have a Say During the Research Stage

While considering their options, consumers can be swayed by videos. 19.8% of them think of videos as an influencing factor that can convince them either way . Product presentation is also important, at 16.4%, while photos follow at 14.4%.

Food photos are in a separate character and attract 12.4% of consumers, while experience demonstrations slot in at 12.2%. There is a range of criteria that can convince travelers into deciding on one place over the other, but the most influential seems to be the visual aspects.

Consumers Are Becoming Ashamed of Flying

With sustainability inching its way to the core of planning holidays, 30% of travelers have admitted to feeling ashamed of booking air travel because of its contribution to pollution levels.

20% of travelers have been making concerted efforts to take the train instead, whenever that is a possibility. When booking online travel, 22% of consumers spend time on researching the available public transportation options in the area.

If public transportation is unavailable or undependable, travelers opt for a bike. 11% of them opt for a low-emissions car whenever renting one is necessary.

Consumers Feel Safer Booking Online

In this post-pandemic world, 63% of consumers have stated that they prefer online travel booking because it reduces the anxiety of the overall process . It also involves less direct interaction with people while booking it. These consumers are attracted to how technology can best help them in these ever-changing times.

Mobile Users Are Starting to Book Online More

(Source: SaleCycle)

In the past, consumers overwhelmingly preferred to make their online travel booking on a desktop computer or a laptop.

Now, most leading companies have invested in the mobile versions of their websites to make sure travelers still have the features they need to hand.

In 2022, 44% of online travel bookings were made on mobile, while 64% were made on the desktop version of the website. These figures have been steadily growing, with 41% of bookings made in 2021 done on mobile.

The trends in the world of online travel booking are influenced by the consumers and the market. Following the right ones is also one of the best ways of maximizing revenue through the year.

As technology changes, the industry follows suit, which can be seen in these statistics that are looking to set the pace.

Most Online Travel Bookings on Mobile Happen After Specific Searches

(Source: Google Trends)

Analyzing Google Trends shows that 72% of online travel bookings on mobile are made within 48 hours of users searching the terms ‘today’ and ‘tonight’ on the popular search engine.

This shows that mobile users tend to make bookings that are more immediate based on either having to travel for work or indulging in a city break. These types of bookings tend to involve less research than those done over a longer time period.

Millennials Prefer Spending Money on Experiences

(Source: HospitalityNet)

78% of millennials prefer booking experiences rather than spending money on material things . The leading online travel companies have been responding to this trend by offering a wider range of experiences in their packages.

This allows travelers to fully immerse themselves in a location and will generally create a more memorable experience. Booking agents and suppliers alike should take note of this trend and adapt their offerings.

Travelers Want to Visit New Destinations

When asking travelers from Australia, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Japan, and the United States, 33% of them stated that traveling to new locations is more important to them than ever .

This continues a pre-pandemic trend, but in the wake of it, there has been an increased thirst for seeing and experiencing completely new places.

With travelers from around the world so invested in fresh experiences, online travel booking is set to be influenced by this trend for a while. Many marketing strategies seem to have already adapted to travelers seeking new and original experiences while away from home.

Longer Stays Are Becoming the Preference

(Source: GlobalData, Expedia, Airbnb)

By the end of 2022, a clear trend had been set, showing that travelers now preferred longer trips to short getaways. 44% of respondents indicated that they want leisurely trips of at least 7 nights .

26% of them prefer at least 10 nights away per trip. This shows this consistent need to have an immersive experience rather than a simple touristy getaway. 20% of Airbnb users in the third quarter of 2021 invested in stays of at least 28 nights.

This was a significant increase from the 14% in the third quarter of 2020. Longer stays involve a higher investment, but it seems consumers are willing to pay more to get the most that they can out of a trip.

Personalized Experiences Are Becoming a Must

90% of travelers now expect a personalized experience with every stay at a hotel . This will remain the trend for 2023 and beyond. Potential guests want to feel special and like they’re staying in a location full of character.

Online travel agencies and hotels are working together on making sure to provide each traveler with what they are seeking from the process.

This highlights the importance of making sure to stand out and that high standards of service are no longer the only details noticed by guests. Memorable stays are the trend, and the need for them influences how consumers use online travel booking.

Reviews Remain Helpful

Reviews are one of the most essential aspects of pre-booking research. While 22% of consumers leave a review anyway, data shows that 80% will leave a review if asked or prompted . Of these reviews, respondents claim that 95% of the ones they leave are usually positive.

TV Creates Sought-after Locations

(Source: OnePoll)

Around 70% of respondents indicated that seeing a particular location in a TV show or movie made them consider traveling there . Of these, 39% ended up booking online travel to one of these locations.

The United Kingdom continues being a TV-driven destination, thanks to the period dramas set there. The real locations behind many impressive landmarks featured in trendy sweeping fantasy shows are also huge draws, as are Hawaii and Italy.

When consumers watch a show or a movie with exciting locations, they tend to Google where they were filmed, which can then lead to a successful booking.

Wellness Breaks Are Increasing

The developing focus on self-care and wellness has also had an impact on travel. 4 6% of consumers from around the world would consider a wellness break , with many of them seeking an original, even quirky stay.

This shows a 30% increase in wellness breaks, along with variation in where travelers seek these trips, from the US to Norway. Online travel booking is offering more alternative stays that take into account this interest.

Hidden Gems Are Becoming Mainstream

Travelers continue to book trips to some of the most typical tourist destinations around the world, but interest in hidden gems and unconventional locations has increased by 30% .

These locations tend to be idyllic and with a more tranquil atmosphere. Examples include Greensboro in North Carolina, Missoula in Montana, Nampa in Idaho, and Oneonta in New York state.

The Aesthetic Is Cowboy Western

(Source: Vrbo)

Many consumers are looking for cowboy charm in their holiday locations. When online travel booking, there has been a 30% increase in demand on Vrbo for fully private vacation homes in states like Montana and Colorado .

Travelers are looking for impressive landscapes, exclusivity, and plenty of outdoorsy activities. The Australian outback is another sought-after location, with farmhouses near wineries providing rugged beauty and plenty of comfort.

The future looks rosy for the online travel booking sector, with constant investment in e-commerce. Closely following the progress of technology and implementing changes as soon as they happen is key to ensuring this future. Here’s what the sector has to look forward to in the future.

Cryptocurrency Is Going To Continue Impacting the Sector

(Source: Travala)

Online travel is a largely crypto-friendly sector. In the second half of 2021, 22% of consumers in the United States stated they would pay for travel with cryptocurrency .

Respondents to an Airbnb survey on Twitter wanted the company to implement payments with cryptocurrency as soon as possible. 70% of those seeking to spend cryptocurrency on travel prefer Bitcoin, while 45% prefer USDT, 37% prefer Ethereum, and 35% choose AVA.

Chatbots Are Increasing Sales

Chatbots for ecommerce are driving the increasing automation in the industry. These chatbots emulate the natural flow of human conversation while reducing the need for human agents.

Consumers are reacting well to chatbots, with 6.5% of conversion rates related to this new technology . Travelers love the immediate response from chatbots and the support around the clock.

Crypto Bookings Are Driving a Significant Percentage of Sales

65% of bookings made through Travala in March 2021 were paid for with cryptocurrency . The company made $1.7 million from bookings that month. Online travel agencies that include cryptocurrency in their payment methods are starting to see big results.

Crypto Users Pay For Accommodation and Flights

(Source: ResearchGate)

Consumers using cryptocurrency to pay for online travel booking spend it on hotels and flights. 51% of crypto bookings go on hotels and other accommodation, while 50% go on air travel .

This shows that crypto is here to stay, and the leading online travel agencies are aware of how it shapes the future.

The Industry Is Ready for the Highs and Lows of Crypto

(Source: CheapAir)

The market is still getting used to the ebb and flow of cryptocurrency, but travel is accommodating quicker.

According to CheapAir, crypto bookings made through the platform go either up or down by 5%, depending on whether the currency is going up or down by 10% . This shows that online travel booking systems accepting cryptocurrency are ready to follow the typical highs and lows associated with it.

China Will Take the Lead in Revenue

Online travel booking will be affected by the change of leadership in global revenue. By 2027, China is projected to have a total revenue of $218 billion across the travel and tourism industry .

This will allow it to dethrone the current leader, the United States. User penetration in China is projected to reach 20.2% by 2027, showing the growth of the sector in this country.

Mobile Apps Will Have More Revenue

With online travel booking getting increasingly better mobile features, apps will consistently earn more revenue throughout this decade. By 2026, mobile travel apps will have an estimated value of $0.54 billion .

This will be its new peak, but there is constant improvement every year. In 2019, the revenue from mobile apps was at $0.25 billion. In 2021, it was $0.3 billion, while in 2022, it was $0.36 billion. By the end of 2023, it is expected to see a revenue of $0.42 billion for mobile apps.

The Global Travel Insurance Market Will Grow

Many online travel agencies are already including insurance options in their packages. This is a very useful strategy, seeing as the global travel insurance market is set to continue growing.

By 2030, the global travel insurance market size is projected to reach $58.9 billion . In 2022, it was $19.7 billion. This shows that insurance will become much more substantial going forward.

Biometric ID Management Will Be Developed

Data shows that 77% of airports and 71% of airlines will be investing in research and development for biometric ID management in the next 5 years . This will influence the features offered by online travel booking.

Biometric identity management will further automate this sector by streamlining the recognition process. This can save time and money while increasing revenue in the sector by reducing the need for other types of identification.

Online Sales and Bookings Have Grown Worldwide

Around the world, the online travel sector has experienced steady growth. There has been a 15.4% growth in online travel sales, while online hotel bookings have grown by 10.3%. The strength of the online travel sector is showing that consumers are opting for it more and more with each passing year.

Searches are an essential aspect of online travel booking. Consumers are known to research for at least several days before booking travel, and they use various search terms and websites to get to what they need. Let’s take a look at the influence of searches on online travel booking.

Consumers Look at Websites for Inspiration

Worldwide, consumers of every age search through websites to get inspiration for holidays. This happens before deciding on online travel booking.

Around the world, 22% of 30 to 44-year-olds looked at websites for inspiration in the last quarter of 2021 . 20% of over 45-year-olds did the same, while only 18% of 18 to 29-year-olds searched websites before online travel booking.

In Canada, 27% of 30 to 44-year-olds lead the way, while in Italy, 27% of over 45-year-olds accounted for the leading age range of those searching websites. Holiday inspiration has an effect on what consumers end up booking, and it has at least a slight influence on all age ranges, no matter where.

The Most Searched Travel Term Is Hotels

In the third quarter of 2021, consumers in the UK searched ‘hotels’ over 18,280 times . This was the most searched travel term at that time, followed by ‘flight tracker,’ which was searched 2,000 times.

The data continues to show that accommodation tends to lead search terms and interest. Hotels are by far much more interesting to those seeking to book online travel, even above air travel.

The third most searched term was ‘cheap flights’ at 1,223, along with ‘flights’ at 1,100. Hotels are a stable search term, while air travel involves more variation.

Experiences Are Starting To Be Searched More Than Hotels

(Source: Google/Greenberg)

Data shows that in the 12 weeks leading to a trip, experiences in the area are searched 3 times more than accommodation in the same place . This shows the ever-growing importance of experiences when it comes to online travel booking.

While travelers ultimately seek the advice of travel agents or hotel staff to get the best experiences where they are going, they also prefer familiarizing themselves with the options prior to the holiday starting.

In the same time frame, experiences are also searched 8 times more than air travel.

Research Time Can Be Short

Once a holiday location has been decided, 51% of consumers in the United States declare that they spend less than a week on research .

This indicates that most travelers do their research before deciding on a location, and then that urge decreases. Google trends show that many holidays are booked 12 weeks in advance of the departure date. From then on, experiences become the focus of the research.

Many Hotel  Bookings Begin on Search Engines

Search engines are the preferred way to start a search for hotels in desired holiday locations. The role search engines play in leading to online travel booking can’t be dismissed.

31% of hotel and other accommodation searches in 2018 were first done on search engines. This showed an increase compared to the 23% recorded in 2017. Searches are necessary to the process that ultimately leads to an online booking.

Smartphone Users Like to Research on Their Phones

In the United States, 48% of smartphone users prefer doing all their online travel booking preparation on their phones .

From the initial search through a search engine to managing the booking, smartphone users are becoming more intent on just using one device. This once again highlights the importance of having travel apps and websites that are designed to work well on mobile devices.

Google Searches Went Up in 2021

After the pandemic, 2021 showcased the resurgence of the travel industry, including searches. That year, Google searches for hotels went up by 92% , air travel searches went up by 79%, and cruise searches went up by 88%.

Floridians Are the Most Active Travel Searchers

(Source: Reuters)

Floridians top the ranking of most active travel searchers in the United States. People living in the state of Florida loved to search for flights most of all, at 56%, followed by 38% of searches spent on hotels . 6% of searches went to cruises. South Carolina was the 2nd state in the ranking, followed by Mississippi, Nevada, and Utah.

Some States Had Large Increases in Travel Searches

Some states had overall increases in searches for travel in 2021. Alabama ranked 30th in 2019, but 2 years later jumped 24 positions to rank 6th .

Tennessee followed a similar trend, going from 27th in 2019 to 11th in 2021. Mississippi jumped 21 positions to go from 21st to 3rd in the 2021 ranking. While some states are consistently at the top, others fluctuate depending on the year.

The Most Searched Travel Destination in 2022 Was London

(Source: Google)

Travel-related terms are searched all the time on Google, but only some shoot to the top of the flight lists. The most searched travel destination on Google during 2022 was London .

It was followed by Ho Chi Minh, Paris, Delhi, and Toronto. Only one US city appeared in the top 10 of most searched travel destinations for flights, and it was New York City.

There are numerous fun and fascinating online travel booking stats in many categories. Here is another selection of exciting data to sate all interests.

Us Citizens Have Outbound Interest in Mexico

20% of US citizens want to travel to Mexico . That is their primary searched destination when taking into account outbound travel. 6.72% searched for Italy, while 5.92% searched for the Dominican Republic.

Canada and the United Kingdom follow, at 5.64% and 5.63%, with France, Japan, Spain, Puerto Rico, and India completing the top 10.

Canadians Have the Most Interest in Traveling to the US

The most inbound interest demand in the US is registered by Canadians. 28.3% of Canadian residents want to travel there , while 15.07% want to go to the United Kingdom, and 6.7% want to go to Germany.

France, Australia, and Mexico follow when it comes to interest.

The Majority of Consumers Don’t Remember the Last Ota They Used

60% of American travelers don’t remember what the OTA they used for their latest booking was . This is also true of 46% of consumers around the world.

Of the ones who can’t recall, 54% of consumers around the world would categorize their experience as above average or excellent, while 44% described it as average, below average, or poor.

Slow Mobile Websites Are Abandoned

53% of consumers using a mobile website will abandon the search if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load .

Up to 87% of consumers will abandon a mobile website if it takes more than 2 seconds to load. This can have an influence on online travel booking by not providing users with the experience they want. It can also send them from one online travel agency to another.

Travel Agencies Are Investing in Cloud Computing Services

Travel agencies are reacting to the demand for e-commerce and automation tools. They are investing more than ever in cloud computing services. In 2021, 54% of travel agencies in the European Union bought cloud computing services over the Internet .

43% of travel agencies bought email as part of cloud computing services, while 41% bought file storage services. These figures have been consistently growing every year.

The Majority of Americans Have Brand Awareness of Online Travel Agencies

78% of Americans are aware of Booking, whether or not they use it . 77% are aware of Expedia, while 73% are aware of Airbnb. These are the main three brands that Americans are most aware of in relation to online travel.

This shows that the marketing strategies for these companies are working well, which can lead to plenty of future online travel booking opportunities.

Customer Satisfaction With Online Travel Websites Is Steady

The American Customer Satisfaction Index score for online travel websites has been consistently over 70 since 2002 . In 2022, the ACSI score for online travel websites was 75, slightly higher than the 74 in 2021 but lower than the 77 achieved in 2020.

What Do Online Travel Agencies Need To Offer?

Online travel agencies need to be aware of what the consumers want from them. The most sought-after feature in online travel agencies is the ease of use.

Consumers want a straightforward booking process that takes as little time as possible and that is as clear as possible. They’re also looking for a responsive and streamlined app or website design.

Consumers also want advanced search filters to find exactly what they are looking for, along with multiple languages and currencies.

What Are the Main Benefits of Online Travel Booking?

The main benefit of online travel booking is its convenience . Consumers can book their desired holiday on a smartphone or a desktop computer at any time of day or night.

This process also makes sure consumers only pay what they can see without adding hidden fees or commissions. Reviews are another main benefit, along with the photos included with them.

Consumers using online travel booking can also extensively research their desired flights and accommodation before choosing them. Online travel booking allows travelers to preview their rooms through photos and even virtual tours.

How Many Airline Bookings Are Made Online?

63% of bookings are done online . This indicates that the vast majority of those using air travel prefer to use online travel booking to purchase it. Getting access to booking airlines online directly allows consumers to have full agency over what is on offer to them.

What Are the Priorities for Travelers Looking To Get Online Travel Booking?

Consumers looking at online travel booking as an option prioritize two things above all else: great deals and flexibility.

They want to be able to adjust dates and itineraries as much as possible, usually on the go. 84% have stated that they can be swayed by a discounted fee when booking air travel online . 83% can be convinced by a specific booking if it offers fare flexibility.

What Do Workers Prioritize?

Workers around the world have discovered a newfound appreciation for vacation days. 84% have a greater appreciation for it , with many now choosing extra vacation days in lieu of getting a raise.

Is Travel a Priority?

Travel has become a priority for most, to the point where many consumers will budget specifically for it. 34% of travelers have a separate budget for travel , with most of them planning to travel in the next 6 months. 18% of consumers expect to spend more on travel than on anything else.

The online travel booking sector has a huge impact on the rest of the service industry. The rise of ecommerce and the automation of the travel booking process has influenced consumers. Many now prefer to book online without the extra step of talking to a face-to-face agent in an office somewhere.

The pandemic has influenced some of this, too, as most consumers feel less anxious about booking online instead of booking in-person. With travel quickly becoming a priority for many, online travel booking systems are ready to receive increased demand.

Amar Hussain

Amar was born and raised in England and embarked on an 11-country round-the-world gap year after graduation and then became well and truly hooked. The first gap year inspired a second, which ended up being a 23-country down-the-world trip from Canada to Antarctica. Since then, Amar has spent the last 14 years traveling the 7 continents.

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North America Online Travel Market Size - Industry Report on Share, Growth Trends & Forecasts Analysis (2024 - 2029)

The Report Covers North America Online Travel Agency Industry Analysis and It is Segmented by Service Type (accommodation Booking, Travel Tickets Booking, Holiday Package Booking, and Other Services), Mode of Booking (direct Booking and Travel Agents), Booking Platform (desktop and Mobile/Tablet), and Geography (the United States, and Canada). The Market Size and Forecasts for the Online Travel Market in North America in Value (USD) for all the Above Segments.

  • North America Online Travel Market Size

Single User License

Team License

Corporate License

Online Travel Market Summary

Need a report that reflects how COVID-19 has impacted this market and its growth?

North America Online Travel Market Analysis

The Online Travel Market size is estimated at USD 235 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 375.04 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 9.80% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

The North American online travel market has showcased its strength by generating significant revenue this year and is poised to maintain a robust trajectory in the forecast period. A key driver behind the market's impressive performance is the flourishing hospitality industry, which has led to an increase in transactions. In the United States, the market benefits from a growing influx of international leisure travellers and a simultaneous rise in domestic business travel, resulting in a thriving online travel landscape. Similarly, Canada also experiences a dynamic online travel market driven by millennial preferences and an increasing number of international travellers, reflecting the region's diversity. The Canadian market distinguishes itself with a mix of globally recognized brands and their collaborative operating partners.

Recent market drivers and opportunities further underscore the growth potential of the North American online travel market. Technological advancements, offering personalized travel experiences, and the evolving trend towards sustainable and experiential tourism are key factors propelling the market forward. These drivers create avenues for expansion, ensuring the market stays attuned to changing consumer demands and preferences, contributing to its sustained growth and competitiveness.

  • North America Online Travel Market Trends

The Expanding Tourism Industry in the United States is Helping the Market in Recording More Transactions

The tourism sector is on a growth path in the United States, owing to the country's rising number of tourist arrivals. Chinese tourists account for the highest spenders among the other tourists and are growing in recent years, and for luxury hotel companies, the Chinese are the second-largest source. For instance, Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts stated that China is its second-largest source market. Revenue from Chinese travelers increased steadily for Four Seasons, with double-digit growth in revenue in recent years, and thus the total number of transactions. People traveling to the United States for business purposes, health, and wellness purposes are also on the rise, and leisure travel to the country is helping the online travel market record a growing number of transactions.

Online Travel Market: Visitors to the United States, In Million, 2019-2022

High Internet Penetration in the Region is Helping the Market in High Revenue Generation

North America is one of the regions with the highest internet penetration rates globally. This high penetration rate is one of the major driving factors for users to participate in online travel booking. The recent trends revealed that the desktop is a dominant mode of accessing and booking online travel agencies. As per recent publications in North America, more than 75% of travelers are booking tickets online through their desktops. The mobile penetration rates show the shift towards this platform. It is still significantly lesser compared to desktop usage. However, the use of mobile phones, especially with the launches of mobile applications by travel booking agencies, is expected to drive the market with more mobile bookings during the forecast period in the region.

Online Travel Market: Revenue Generated by the Type of Booking Platform, in Percentage (%), in 2022

North America Online Travel Industry Overview

The Online Travel Market in North America is expected to be competitive with major players like Airbnb, Expedia, and Booking.com, among others. The market is expected to be moderately consolidated. Yet, due to the strong market activity, like the entrance of new players from the global market and the rise of startups within the region, the market is foreseen to be volatile.

North America Online Travel Market Leaders

Booking Holdings


*Disclaimer: Major Players sorted in no particular order

Online Travel Market Concentration

North America Online Travel Market News

  • In November 2023, Airbnb has acquired a startup called Gameplanner.AI in a deal valued at USD 200 million. Some of Airbnb's AI initiatives will be accelerated by Gameplanner.AI.
  • In July 2023, Tripadvisor has partnered with OpenAI on travel itinerary generator. The AI-powered planning tool will create personalized day-by-day trip itineraries using traveller reviews.

North America Online Travel Market Report - Table of Contents


1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition

1.2 Scope of the Market




4.1 Market Overview

4.2 Market Drivers

4.3 Market Restraints

4.4 Market Opportunities

4.5 Porter's Five Forces Analysis

4.5.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers

4.5.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers

4.5.3 Threat of New Entrants

4.5.4 Threat of Substitutes

4.5.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry

4.6 Technological Trends Influencing the Market

4.7 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market


5.1 By Service Type

5.1.1 Accommodation Booking

5.1.2 Travel Tickets Booking

5.1.3 Holiday Package Booking

5.1.4 Other Services

5.2 By Mode of Booking

5.2.1 Direct Booking

5.2.2 Travel Agents

5.3 By Booking Platform

5.3.1 Desktop

5.3.2 Mobile/Tablet

5.4 By Geography

5.4.1 United States

5.4.2 Canada


6.1 Market Concentration Overview

6.2 Company Profiles

6.2.1 Airbnb

6.2.2 Expedia

6.2.3 Travelzoo

6.2.4 TripAdvisor

6.2.5 Booking Holdings

6.2.6 eDreams

6.2.7 American Express Global Business Travel

6.2.8 Travel Leaders Group

6.2.9 JTB Americas Group

6.2.10 Travel and Transport Inc*

  • *List Not Exhaustive



North America Online Travel Industry Segmentation

"The online travel agent market consists of sales of travel services through online channels. Online travel agents or agencies are individuals or companies with websites allowing consumers to book travel-related services via the Internet. The report covers a complete background analysis of the Online Travel Market in North America. It includes an assessment of the emerging trends by segment, significant changes in market dynamics, and a market overview.

 The Online Travel Market in North America is segmented by service type, mode of booking, booking platform, and geography. By service type, the market is sub-segmented into accommodation booking, travel ticket booking, holiday package booking, and other services. By mode of booking, the market is sub-segmented into direct booking and travel agents. By booking platform, the market is sub-segmented into desktop and mobile/tablet. By geography, the market is sub-segmented into the United States and Canada. The report offers market size and forecasts for the online travel market in North America in value (USD) for all the above segments."

North America Online Travel Market Research FAQs

How big is the online travel market.

The Online Travel Market size is expected to reach USD 235 billion in 2024 and grow at a CAGR of 9.80% to reach USD 375.04 billion by 2029.

What is the current Online Travel Market size?

In 2024, the Online Travel Market size is expected to reach USD 235 billion.

Who are the key players in Online Travel Market?

Airbnb, Expedia, Booking Holdings, TripAdvisor and eDreams are the major companies operating in the Online Travel Market.

What years does this Online Travel Market cover, and what was the market size in 2023?

In 2023, the Online Travel Market size was estimated at USD 211.97 billion. The report covers the Online Travel Market historical market size for years: 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. The report also forecasts the Online Travel Market size for years: 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 and 2029.

What are the emerging trends shaping the North America Online Travel Market?

The emerging trends shaping the North America Online Travel Market are a) The rise of personalized itinerary planning and frictionless booking interfaces b) Real-time destination insights, the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms c) The increasing demand for unique, locally-driven travel accommodation experiences

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North America Online Travel Industry Report

The North America online travel market is experiencing significant growth, driven by tech-savvy consumers, high internet penetration, and the seamless integration of digital platforms with travel services. Key market segments include transportation, travel accommodation, vacation packages, and other services such as travel insurance and currency exchange. The market is characterized by a dynamic ecosystem where economic trends, technological innovations, and consumer preferences collectively propel its evolution. The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms has ushered in a new era of personalized travel recommendations, ensuring that travelers can discover hidden gems tailored to their interests. The online travel market presents significant opportunities for investors, making it an attractive destination for capital deployment and strategic investments. Online travel industry statistics reveal that the North America online travel market by mode of booking is segmented into direct bookings and online travel agencies (OTAs). OTA market share continues to grow, driven by the convenience and comprehensive options they offer. Online travel companies are leveraging these trends to enhance user experiences and capture a larger market share. Detailed Statistics for the North America online travel market share, size, and revenue growth rate are provided by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Get a sample of this industry analysis as a free report PDF download.

North America Online Travel Market Report Snapshots

  • North America Online Travel Market Share
  • North America Online Travel Companies

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46+ Online Travel Booking Statistics, Facts, and Trends [2023]

Max Woolf

Top Online Travel Booking Statistics (Editor’s Picks)

General online travel booking stats, facts, and trends, booking holdings, tripadvisor, expedia group, stacking it all up, fair use statement.

Craving insights into online travel booking in 2023? 

You’ve landed at the right place. 

We’ve compiled, verified, and organized a list of the most up-to-date statistics, facts, and trends. 

As of 2023, the global online travel market is valued at $521.18B . It’s projected to exceed $1T by 2030, with a CAGR of 9.9% .

  • Most Americans ( 72% ) prefer to make their travel arrangements online.

72% of Americans prefer to book their trips online

  • Roughly 41% of Americans prefer OTAs to book trips. Another 29% book directly, and an additional 29% rely on travel agents or tour operators.
  • In 2023, online sales channels are projected to contribute 69% of global travel and tourism market revenue. This percentage is forecasted to increase to 74% by 2027.
  • The travel segment of the app market generates $1.23B in global revenue. It’s projected to reach $1.96B by 2027.
  • Major online travel agents typically charge commissions ranging from 15% to 25% , but smaller OTAs may offer rates as low as 4% .
  • Most Americans (72%) prefer to make their travel arrangements online.
  • As of 2023, the global online travel market is valued at $521.18B. It’s projected to exceed $1T by 2030, with a CAGR of 9.9%.
  • In 2023, online sales channels are projected to contribute 69% of the global travel and tourism market revenue. This percentage is forecasted to increase to 74% by 2027.

Among the top online travel companies, On the Beach and Holidaycheck exhibited the highest revenue CAGR: 146% from 2020 to 2022.

  • The travel segment of the app market now generates $1.23B in global revenue. It’s projected to reach $1.96B by 2027.
  • Online travel sites achieved a 76 out of 100 customer satisfaction score in 2023, a one-point increase from the previous year.
  • The travel technologies market was valued at $8.6B in 2020 and is projected to reach $12.5B by 2026, reflecting a 45% growth.
  • Almost half of worldwide travelers (45%) wish to use just one site to book their entire trip, including flights, hotels, car rentals, and additional services.

45% of worldwide travelers prefer a single site for booking entire trips

  • The United States tops the revenue ranking in the travel app market, generating ~$443M in 2022.
  • Hospitality and tourism apps had an average annual retention rate of 34% in 2022.
  • In 2021, 17% of Americans were subscribed to travel-related paid subscription programs or services, while 23% expressed interest in subscribing to such services.
  • As of 2022, around 14% of global consumers purchase travel and hospitality services using cryptocurrency.
  • Just 11% of leisure travelers worldwide report no frustration when planning trips online.
  • About 43% of US travelers don’t find pleasure in booking travel.
  • Booking.com, holding a market capitalization of ~$78.2B, claimed the top spot among worldwide online travel companies in December 2022.
  • Booking.com was the most popular travel and tourism site globally in May 2023, attracting ~582.5M visits.
  • Booking Holdings generated revenue of about $17.1B in 2022.
  • The net income of Booking Holdings crossed the $3B mark in 2022.
  • Room nights accounted for 91% of Booking Holdings’ total bookings in 2022, making it the company’s primary business segment. The total number of bookings reached 981M, surpassing pre-pandemic levels.
  • The Booking.com mobile app was the most downloaded online travel agency app globally in 2022, amassing ~80M combined downloads in the App Store and Google Play.
  • Booking generated revenue of more than $9B through mobile devices in 2022.
  • Booking Holdings’ global total assets reached around $25.4B in 2022, increasing by ~$1.7B compared to 2021.

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  • In 2022, TripAdvisor, Inc. generated ~$1.49B in global revenue.
  • The revenue of Tripadvisor in the United States reached ~$905M in 2022.
  • Tripadvisor recorded a net income of approximately $20M in 2022.
  • The cumulative number of reviews and ratings on Tripadvisor worldwide exceeded one billion.
  • Airbnb operates in ~98% of the world, excluding North Korea, Syria, Iran, and Sudan.
  • Airbnb’s global revenue in 2022 amounted to $8.4B.
  • In 2022, North America generated the highest revenue for Airbnb worldwide, reaching $4.2B.
  • Airbnb’s net income in 2022 amounted to $1.89B.
  • The North American region recorded the highest gross booking value per night for Airbnb in 2022, at $240.29.
  • In 2022, Airbnb recorded more than 393M booked nights and experiences.
  • The number of Airbnb hosts exceeds 4M, with 90% being individuals.
  • Among Airbnb hosts in 2022, women accounted for 49% of the total.
  • Every second, around six guests check in to Airbnb rentals.

Every second, around six guests check in to Airbnb rentals

  • The global number of Airbnb listings surpassed 7M in 2022.
  • Airbnb’s global total assets reached $16.04B in 2022.
  • Expedia Group, Inc. recorded global revenue of around $11.67B in 2022, an increase from $8.6B in the preceding year.
  • In 2022, around 68% of Expedia’s total revenue came from the United States.
  • Expedia recorded a net income of $352M.
  • In 2022, Expedia’s American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) score was 73, slightly higher than the satisfaction level of the overall internet travel site industry.
  • Expedia ranks as the leading flight search engine in the US, based on a Statista Consumer Insights survey conducted in March 2023.
  • Expedia’s lodging business segment proved the most lucrative in 2022, bringing in ~$8.9B.
  • In 2022, Expedia recorded gross bookings exceeding $95B.

There you have it.

A comprehensive list of online travel booking statistics, facts, and trends.

Let us know in the comments if there are any other stats you’d like to see.

How big is the online travel market?

What’s the online travel agency (ota) market size.

The global OTA market was worth $269.51B in 2021. It’s projected to grow at 6.42% CAGR, hitting $391.39B by 2027.

What are the biggest online travel agencies worldwide?

Booking.com, holding a market capitalization of ~$78.2B , is the biggest online travel company as of December 2022. It’s followed by Airbnb ( $54.137B ) and Trip.com ( $22.08B ).

What’s the fastest-growing OTA?

How many people use online travel agencies.

Roughly 41% of Americans use online travel agencies (OTAs) to book their trips.

What are the largest online travel agencies by revenue?

As of 2022, Booking ( $17.09B ), Expedia ( $11.67B ), and Airbnb ( $8.4B ) are the largest online travel agencies in terms of generated revenue.

How much commission do online travel agencies charge?

Major online travel agents typically charge commissions ranging from 15% to 25% , but smaller and more niche OTAs may offer rates as low as 4% .

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  • Airbnb, Inc., “Form 10-K”
  • Alchemer, “2023 Mobile Customer Engagement Benchmark Report”
  • Amadeus, “Delivering Traveler Value”
  • Apptopia, “Worldwide and US Download Leaders 2022”
  • Booking Holdings Inc., “Form 10-K”
  • Cloudbeds, “What Are Online Travel Agencies? The Guide to Hotel OTAs”
  • CryptoRefills Labs, “Consumer Report 2022”
  • Expedia Group, Inc., “Form 10-K”
  • Globe Newswire, “Online Travel Agency (Ota) Market (New Insights Report) by 2023 Which Is Booming Strong Growth in the Globe till 2028”
  • GP Bullhound, “Q4 2022 Insights into Digital Commerce”
  • Grand View Research, “Online Travel Booking Service Market Size, Share Report, 2030”
  • Market Sampler, “How People Book Hotels in 2022? What Gets Attention and Which Channels People Prefer?”
  • MarketWatch, “2030, Online Travel Agency (OTA) Market Size | Industry Report 2023”
  • Passport Photo Online, “Airbnb: 60+ Statistics, Trends, and Facts”
  • Research and Markets, “Global Online Travel Market”
  • Research and Markets, “Travel Technologies: Global Strategic Business Report”
  • Similarweb, “Top Travel and Tourism Websites Ranking”
  • Statista, “Consumer Insights”
  • Statista, “Online Travel Market – Statistics & Facts”
  • Statista, “Travel Bookings: Online Vs. Agency”
  • The American Customer Satisfaction Index, “Travel Study 2022-2023”
  • Travelport, “Fixing Travel Retailing”
  • Trip.com Group Limited, “Form 20-F”
  • Tripadvisor, Inc., “Form 10-K”
  • Tripadvisor, “Travel in 2022: A Look Ahead”

Max Woolf

As a Digital PR specialist and a member of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), Max has 5+ years of writing experience. Over the course of his career, Max’s work has garnered significant attention, with features in numerous prominent publications such as The New York Times, Forbes, Inc., Business Insider, Fast Company, Entrepreneur, BBC, TechRepublic, Glassdoor, and G2.

50+ Stunning Online Travel Booking Stats [and Facts] 2024

  • Last updated on May 1, 2023
  • Author: Georgi Todorov

Since the recent pandemic, the travel and tourism industry has started to bounce back, but how people travel and make their travel bookings has changed significantly.

More and more people now plan, book, and manage all aspects of travel online, and the following statistics, facts, and trends will give you a peek into today’s travel industry .

Table of Contents

General online travel booking stats and facts 2024.

  • Online travel sales worldwide have grown by 15.4%
  • The global travel industry is worth $1.2 trillion
  • Monday is the most popular day for travel purchases, while Saturday is the quietest day
  • In 2021, revenue generated by the online travel industry was worth over $800 billion
  • In the global tourism and travel market, online sales revenue is 66%
  • On average, travelers visit 38 sites before finalizing and booking their travel
  • 45% of travelers prefer to use one website for booking a trip from start to finish
  • Most online travel bookings happen around 10 am, while the quietest time is 6 am
  • Booking.com is the most used travel site with more than 443 million monthly active users
  • When it comes to holiday packages, 80% are booked online
  • 60% of online holiday bookers say it is their most expensive online purchase

Online Travel Booking Statistics for Industry and Market 2024

  • In 2019, online digital travel sales were worth $755 billion globally
  • Every year, 148.3 million travel bookings are made online
  • The region with the highest growth potential is the Asia-Pacific region
  • The worldwide online travel market is expected to reach $690.71 billion by 2026
  • Only 44% of online traffic is converted to sales
  • Travel booking comes in at number 4 in the easiest online buying experiences
  • In 2018, digital worldwide travel sales amounted to $694 billion, a year-on-year increase of 10.4%
  • In the US, the online travel booking market is worth $190.4 billion annually in sales

Online Booking Statistics vs. Travel Agency Statistics 2024

Online Booking vs. Travel Agency Stats

  • Millennials prefer booking hotels via a travel agency , but 52% of them use the hotel website for more information
  • 83% of adults in the US prefer to book their trips online
  • According to travel statistics, 82% of travel agents say there is a need for digital retailing
  • 41% of those surveyed prefer online travel agencies
  • 29% of those surveyed prefer to book via traditional travel agents or operators
  • 24.3% of people in the US use physical agencies to book their vacation

Online Travel Booking Statistics for Hotel Reservations 2024

  • It is expected that 700 million people will choose to book their hotel rooms online by 2024
  • Online hotel bookings have grown by 10.3%
  • People under 35 are more likely to book hotel rooms using an OTA
  • Many hotels report online sales to have a conversion rate of 2.2%
  • Two-thirds of online hotel bookings are made directly from the hotel’s website
  • The worldwide market volume for online hotel bookings is expected to exceed $174 million by 2022
  • 57% of hotel bookings are made online
  • In the US, one-third of leisure travelers stayed in privately owned accommodation

App Usage Stats 2024

App Usage Stats

  • In the US, 83% of adults prefer to book travel online
  • In 2018, 82% of all travel bookings were online using a mobile app or website
  • The abandonment rate for shoppers making a travel purchase is 91% on a mobile device
  • In 2021, mobile travel booking rates increased to 41%
  • According to a recent survey, mobile users prefer apps rather than a mobile web page
  • After introducing an app, digital travel companies reported bookings increased from 41% to 60%
  • Around half of the users delete a travel app within a month of downloading it
  • 72% of all mobile bookings take place within a 48-hour window
  • Conversion rates for apps are five times better than mobile website booking
  • 26% of travel app users prefer them because they work offline
  • 82% of travelers say they will be downloading more travel apps than before

Online Travel Booking Trends 2024

  • 70% of travelers use their smartphones to research travel options
  • One-third of consumers report using a virtual travel assistant for organizing and planning their next trip
  • According to Google data, the number of travel-related searches that include “tonight” and “today” have increased by over 519% during the last five years
  • What do travelers use their mobile phones for? 70% search for things to do, 66% look for destinations, 58% finalize accommodation plans
  • 87% of corporate travel managers and business travelers want the booking process to be made simpler
  • More than 90% of travelers want a personalized online experience
  • Beach vacations are 2.5 times more popular than city breaks
  • Consumers spend 5 days on average researching their vacation
  • More than half of global travelers now try to make more sustainable travel choices

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What percentage of worldwide travelers read online reviews before booking?

A good online reputation can significantly influence bookings, which is backed up by the fact that 95% of respondents read reviews before booking.

What percentage of online booking is mobile?

21% of travelers in the US book using a smartphone.

Globally, 31% of travelers booked using a mobile device in 2019, which rose to 37% the following year.

What percentage of airline booking is done online?

It is estimated that 63% of airline bookings are done online.

The statistics above clearly show that online travel booking is here to stay. For travelers, it makes managing travel plans much easier.

An increasing number of people are looking to travel now that the pandemic is over, which means there is likely to be an interest in traffic and interest in making travel bookings online.

The following resources were used to help compile these travel booking stats, facts, and trends:

  • Condor Ferries
  • Travel Perk
  • Stratos Jet Charters
  • Jersey Island Holidays

Picture of a man wearing a black shirt with the words Thrive My Way on it. Thrive is in all caps and white lettering. My and way are both in lowercase. My is blue, way is white. The man has his arms crossed underneath the logo.

Georgi Todorov is the founder of ThriveMyWay, a website dedicated to teaching successful digital marketing strategies. Georgi is regularly called upon by companies seeking to develop and enhance their SEO and link-building strategies in order to achieve hockey stick growth. When Georgi isn’t working, you can find him getting close to nature, learning online or traveling.

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Industry-specific and extensively researched technical data (partially from exclusive partnerships). A paid subscription is required for full access.

  • Most popular travel and tourism websites worldwide 2024

In April 2024, booking.com was the most visited travel and tourism website worldwide. That month, Booking’s web page recorded roughly 556 million visits. Tripadvisor.com and airbnb.com followed in the ranking, with around 176 million and 101 million visits, respectively. 

Popular online travel agencies in the U.S.

Online travel agencies (OTAs), such as Booking and Expedia, offer a wide variety of services including online hotel bookings, flight reservations, and car rentals. According to Statista Consumer Insights Global survey, when looking at flight search engine online bookings by brand in the United States , Booking.com was the most popular option when it came to making online flight reservations as of December 2023. When focusing on hotel and private accommodation online bookings in the U.S. , the same site was the most popular brand, followed by Hotels.com, Airbnb, and Expedia. 

Booking Holdings vs. Expedia Group

Booking.com is one of the most popular sites of online travel group Booking Holdings, the leading online travel agency worldwide based on revenue , that also owns brands like Priceline, Kayak, and Agoda. In 2023,  Booking Holdings' global revenue exceeded 21 billion U.S. dollars, the highest figure reported by the company to date. Meanwhile, global revenue of Expedia Group, Inc. , which manages brands like Expedia, Hotels.com, and Vrbo, reached just under 13 billion U.S. dollars that year, also marking a record for the company.  

Most visited travel and tourism websites worldwide as of April 2024 (in million visits)

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Data refer to estimated total website visits via desktop and mobile.

Other statistics on the topic Online travel market

  • Market cap of leading online travel companies worldwide 2023
  • Revenue of Booking Holdings worldwide 2007-2023
  • Revenue of Expedia Group, Inc. worldwide 2007-2023

Travel, Tourism & Hospitality

  • Market size of the tourism sector worldwide 2011-2024

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Statistics on " Online travel market worldwide "

  • Travel and tourism revenue worldwide 2020-2029, by segment
  • Distribution of sales channels in the travel and tourism market worldwide 2019-2029
  • Online travel market size worldwide 2017-2028
  • Revenue of the travel apps industry worldwide 2017-2027
  • Estimated EV/Revenue ratio in the online travel market 2024, by segment
  • Estimated EV/EBITDA ratio in the online travel market 2024, by segment
  • Travel product online bookings in the U.S. 2024
  • Travel product online bookings in Canada 2024
  • Travel product online bookings in the UK 2024
  • Travel product online bookings in China 2024
  • Travel product online bookings in India 2024
  • Importance to book a trip fully online among travelers worldwide 2023, by generation
  • Revenue of leading OTAs worldwide 2019-2023
  • Marketing expenses of leading OTAs worldwide 2019-2023
  • Marketing/revenue ratio of leading OTAs worldwide 2019-2023
  • Number of employees at leading travel companies worldwide 2023
  • Number of aggregated downloads of leading online travel agency apps worldwide 2023
  • Number of bookings through Booking Holdings worldwide 2010-2023, by segment
  • Operating income of Booking Holdings worldwide 2007-2023
  • Net income of Booking Holdings worldwide 2007-2023
  • Revenue of Expedia Group, Inc. worldwide 2017-2023, by business model
  • Operating income of Expedia Group, Inc. worldwide 2007-2023
  • Net income of Expedia Group, Inc. worldwide 2007-2023
  • Airbnb revenue worldwide 2017-2023
  • Airbnb revenue worldwide 2019-2023, by region
  • Airbnb operations income worldwide 2017-2023
  • Airbnb net income worldwide 2017-2023
  • Total revenue of Trip.com Group 2013-2023
  • Revenue of Trip.com 2013-2023, by product
  • Revenue of Trip.com 2017-2023, by region
  • Net income of Trip.com 2013-2023
  • Revenue of Tripadvisor worldwide 2008-2023
  • Revenue of Tripadvisor worldwide 2017-2023, by business segment
  • Revenue of Tripadvisor worldwide 2012-2023, by region
  • Operating income of Tripadvisor worldwide 2008-2023
  • Net income of Tripadvisor worldwide 2008-2023

Other statistics that may interest you Online travel market worldwide

Industry overview

  • Premium Statistic Market size of the tourism sector worldwide 2011-2024
  • Premium Statistic Travel and tourism revenue worldwide 2020-2029, by segment
  • Premium Statistic Distribution of sales channels in the travel and tourism market worldwide 2019-2029
  • Premium Statistic Online travel market size worldwide 2017-2028
  • Premium Statistic Revenue of the travel apps industry worldwide 2017-2027
  • Premium Statistic Estimated EV/Revenue ratio in the online travel market 2024, by segment
  • Premium Statistic Estimated EV/EBITDA ratio in the online travel market 2024, by segment

Online bookings

  • Premium Statistic Travel product online bookings in the U.S. 2024
  • Premium Statistic Travel product online bookings in Canada 2024
  • Premium Statistic Travel product online bookings in the UK 2024
  • Premium Statistic Travel product online bookings in China 2024
  • Premium Statistic Travel product online bookings in India 2024
  • Premium Statistic Importance to book a trip fully online among travelers worldwide 2023, by generation

Market leaders

  • Premium Statistic Revenue of leading OTAs worldwide 2019-2023
  • Premium Statistic Marketing expenses of leading OTAs worldwide 2019-2023
  • Premium Statistic Marketing/revenue ratio of leading OTAs worldwide 2019-2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of employees at leading travel companies worldwide 2023
  • Basic Statistic Market cap of leading online travel companies worldwide 2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of aggregated downloads of leading online travel agency apps worldwide 2023
  • Premium Statistic Most popular travel and tourism websites worldwide 2024

Booking Holdings

  • Basic Statistic Revenue of Booking Holdings worldwide 2007-2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of bookings through Booking Holdings worldwide 2010-2023, by segment
  • Premium Statistic Operating income of Booking Holdings worldwide 2007-2023
  • Premium Statistic Net income of Booking Holdings worldwide 2007-2023

Expedia Group

  • Premium Statistic Revenue of Expedia Group, Inc. worldwide 2007-2023
  • Premium Statistic Revenue of Expedia Group, Inc. worldwide 2017-2023, by business model
  • Premium Statistic Operating income of Expedia Group, Inc. worldwide 2007-2023
  • Premium Statistic Net income of Expedia Group, Inc. worldwide 2007-2023
  • Premium Statistic Airbnb revenue worldwide 2017-2023
  • Premium Statistic Airbnb revenue worldwide 2019-2023, by region
  • Premium Statistic Airbnb operations income worldwide 2017-2023
  • Premium Statistic Airbnb net income worldwide 2017-2023

Trip.com Group

  • Premium Statistic Total revenue of Trip.com Group 2013-2023
  • Premium Statistic Revenue of Trip.com 2013-2023, by product
  • Premium Statistic Revenue of Trip.com 2017-2023, by region
  • Premium Statistic Net income of Trip.com 2013-2023


  • Premium Statistic Revenue of Tripadvisor worldwide 2008-2023
  • Premium Statistic Revenue of Tripadvisor worldwide 2017-2023, by business segment
  • Premium Statistic Revenue of Tripadvisor worldwide 2012-2023, by region
  • Premium Statistic Operating income of Tripadvisor worldwide 2008-2023
  • Premium Statistic Net income of Tripadvisor worldwide 2008-2023

Further related statistics

  • Basic Statistic Leading travel and tourism websites worldwide 2023, based on visit share
  • Premium Statistic Transaction volume of the Chinese online travel booking market 2013-2022
  • Premium Statistic Total assets of Booking Holdings worldwide 2007-2023
  • Premium Statistic Growth of the online travel booking market transaction volume in China 2014-2022
  • Premium Statistic Online travel agency market value 2014, by region
  • Basic Statistic Global distribution systems: company revenues 2017
  • Premium Statistic Online performances travel & tourism after Covid-19 outbreak in France in March 2020
  • Premium Statistic Skyscanner funnel sessions 2015-2021
  • Basic Statistic Leading travel and tourism websites in the U.S. 2023, based on visit share
  • Premium Statistic EBITDA of Skyscanner 2012-2020
  • Premium Statistic Digital population and multiplatform travel site audience in Europe 2018
  • Premium Statistic Online travel sales in South Korea 2011-2023
  • Premium Statistic Tripadvisor share of travel website users worldwide 2014, by region
  • Premium Statistic Leading travel websites in Finland 2023, based on visit share
  • Premium Statistic Penetration rate of buses in France 2020-2029
  • Premium Statistic Number of users of buses in Switzerland 2020-2029

Further Content: You might find this interesting as well

  • Leading travel and tourism websites worldwide 2023, based on visit share
  • Transaction volume of the Chinese online travel booking market 2013-2022
  • Total assets of Booking Holdings worldwide 2007-2023
  • Growth of the online travel booking market transaction volume in China 2014-2022
  • Online travel agency market value 2014, by region
  • Global distribution systems: company revenues 2017
  • Online performances travel & tourism after Covid-19 outbreak in France in March 2020
  • Skyscanner funnel sessions 2015-2021
  • Leading travel and tourism websites in the U.S. 2023, based on visit share
  • EBITDA of Skyscanner 2012-2020
  • Digital population and multiplatform travel site audience in Europe 2018
  • Online travel sales in South Korea 2011-2023
  • Tripadvisor share of travel website users worldwide 2014, by region
  • Leading travel websites in Finland 2023, based on visit share
  • Penetration rate of buses in France 2020-2029
  • Number of users of buses in Switzerland 2020-2029


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    The online travel sales channel has been consistently growing and taking over the larger part of the revenue share in global tourism. Online sales had 60% of revenue share in 2017, with offline sales trailing behind at 40%. In 2020, online travel sales reached 65%, with offline travel sales at 35%. This revenue share is expected to keep growing ...

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    Online Travel Booking Statistics for Industry and Market 2024. In 2019, online digital travel sales were worth $755 billion globally. Every year, 148.3 million travel bookings are made online. The region with the highest growth potential is the Asia-Pacific region. The worldwide online travel market is expected to reach $690.71 billion by 2026.

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    After falling to 225 billion U.S. dollars with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the online travel market's global revenue bounced back in 2022, then rose further in 2023, reaching just under ...

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