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Kajaktouren in Belgien

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Die 10 schönsten Kajaktouren in Belgien

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Wetter für Belgien

Kajaktouren in den nachbarregionen, weitere regionen für kajaktouren in belgien.

Kayak on the river Lesse

kajak tour belgien

Canoeing down the Lesse river,  a watery break to live and relive  ! 

Embark with Dinant Evasion for a refreshing ride in the heart of the Lesse valley.

With family, friends, for a teambuilding or a green activity, we welcome you in top quality facilities.

Your navigation will be punctuated by superb scenery: a green and particularly rich nature, classified as a Natura 2000 zone; impressive rocky peaks; the Castle of Walzin on its impregnable promontory; etc.

Last but not least, the passage of the two dams! Accessible even to novices, they are a unique feature of the Lesse which will certainly make your day sparkle. Always a great moment of excitement, pride and/or laughter once you've passed through !

Check the level of the water

consult the kayak regulations

Houyet-Anseremme : 21km trip - 5h00

A total escape!

Treat yourself to a day in the great outdoors: paddle between the wooded slopes and let yourself be carried along by the waves.

With about 5 hours of paddling, this is your best choice for an outing combining sport and relaxation, accessible to all !

Gendron-Anseremme : 12 km trip - 2h30

Happiness is in the measure!

Eager for the outdoors but also for a variety of pleasures? The half-descent is the ideal option for those who prefer to paddle less but enjoy more.

Count about 2h30 for this trip, just as pretty as its long version, simply perfectly condensed. 

Houyet-Gendron : 9km kayak trip - 2h00

A new possibility to relax in complete serenity !

No waterfall or surprise here, just the simple pleasure of gliding along the water. 

An option to be explored for those who particularly like to slide under the trees and enjoy the almost 100% wooded landscape.

Packages for youngs & olds 

Action, sport, relaxation, culture ...

Discover our suggestions and concoct a perfect outing to suit your desires ! 

Paintball, railbikes, adventure challenge or mountain bike ride, there is no shortage of ideas to make your day a great one. 

A green teambuilding ?

Are you looking for a challenge that is worthy of your employees? Discover our selection of suggestions specifically dedicated to companies.

New regulations on the Lesse !

Strict regulations now govern the practice of kayaking on the Lesse. An initiative of the authorities to protect the beauty and biodiversity of the valley, which we fully support.

Prepare for your visit by carefully reading the regulations on our Environment page and on your booking documents. By this way you will avoid any unpleasant surprises, or worse : a fine as a souvenir of your excursion.

Environment - Protection and regulation

kajak tour belgien

The Lesse is still navigable, unless we display the opposite (a pop-up appears as soon as you arrive on the website) or we publish a warning via our Facebook pages : Dinant Evasion or Descente de la Lesse

The Lesse is a river of low difficulty, so children are normally allowed to embark from the age of 5 if accompanied by adults. They can do kayaking in single-seaters from the age of 12.

This age restriction may vary according to the water level. Always check the conditions of the day in our news section before setting off.

No, it isn’t. However the number of places is limited, so we strongly recommend that you make a booking as we are regularly sold out.

(No prepayment required online - Cancellation is always possible)

Any other questions ?

Many answers are already at your disposal, have a look on

For timetables, organisation, catering and booking conditions, please read here

Practical information

While personalised advice and requests for quotes can be found there

All Lesse Kayak activities

Combiné kayak + brasserie.

Saveurs et détente dans la vallée de la Lesse !

Kayak + Ardennes Challenge package

The per-fect combined !

Kayak + mountain bike package

Pedal on the go, paddle on the return!

The Houyet-Gendron kayak descent (9km)

A 100% natural part of the river and without any difficulties

Canotage sur la Lesse

Une alternative rafraîchissante !

Kayak + Railbikes package

Bicycle... on rails !

Kayak + Paintball/Lasergame package

Technical, tactical and strategic ...

The Gendron-Anseremme descent (12 km)

The half-descent which has everything of the great one !

Lesse Trophy

A race for the podium with the river as a common thread !

The Houyet-Anseremme descent (21km)

A perfect immersion in the heart of nature

Kajak Maasland & Rafting - relax

Kajak Maasland & Rafting

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Kajak Maasland and Rafting

Rental of Kayaks, canoes and rafts. Our departure point is a 5 minute and 15 minute drive from Maastricht city center.

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book your kayak now

kajak tour belgien

Adventure in nature! Discover the most beautiful route in Limburg by kayak, canoe or raft. We are open daily from April 1 to October 31.

  • Children Yes
  • Alternative Yes
  • Business Yes
  • LGBTQIA+ Yes
  • Families Yes
  • Young people Yes
  • Students Yes

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kajak tour belgien

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(up to 11 people)

kajak tour belgien


Rent a kayak in the center of ghent, (more than 11 people).

kajak tour belgien

At the historic center of Ghent, where the Medieval harbor used to be.

Start and arrival at  Hostel Uppelink , on the corner of the St Michael’s Bridge and the Korenlei.

Find directions here .

kajak tour belgien

Rent a kayak for a 3-hour trip and discover Ghent in a surprising way.

We mainly rent out twin kayaks. We only provide single kayaks for single individuals or odd groups.

kajak tour belgien

Open every day of the year (except when the weather conditions are unwelcoming).

Departure times: every 30 minutes.

Continuously open during the day

Please make a reservation in advance.

You can make an online reservation here.  

kajak tour belgien

We welcome everyone!

Children under the age of 18 must at all times be accompanied by an adult.

Children up to 8 years old are allowed to sit as a third person in a twin kayak for free.


suitable clothing

something to drink

cell phone and/or camera

€ 39  for 3 hours

Single kayak

€ 29 for 3 hours

We're cashless. We only accept digital and electronic payments.

10% discount

for Hostel Uppelink guests.

Please ask for your voucher code at reception.

life jackets and paddles

a word of explanation before departure​

a dry bag for valuables

vending machine with snacks & drinks​

lockers to store your belonings.

shower and change (€6 pp)

a bar where you can have a drink afterwards

kajak tour belgien



" I never Kayaked before getting to this place. It's not very easy for the first timer but the views along the river will make your try well worth the effort."


"Friendly staff. Clear rules. Cheap prices. Just great all round, would recommend! "


" Hostel Uppelink also rents kayaks. Great experience, I got a little lost in the canals but I enjoyed every bit of it. It's a great way to experience Ghent! "


" Great views along the trip! Also friendly staff, clear rules and fair prices for a 3 hr rental! "

kajak tour belgien



Groups of more than 11 people can make a reservation only by filling in the form below. If our response is taking too long, be sure to check your spam folder.

Individuals and small groups up to 11 people can make a reservation here .

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us using the form below, or give us a call during the day.

Hope to see you soon!

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Do you like things to be a little extra?

Kajak tour limburg.

Mijn MaasMomenten is de handige planningstool van de website Visit Maasmechelen. Zo maak je jouw uitstap naar Maasmechelen nog gemakkelijker. Duid jouw favoriete activiteiten, restaurants en overnachtingsmogelijkheden aan met het Mijn MaasMomenten label. Dit staat steeds aangegeven bij iedere pagina. 

Rechtsboven kan jij navigeren naar de Mijn MaasMomenten pagina. Bekijk welke activiteiten je selecteerde in een handige lijstweergave of op de kaart. Deel jouw MaasMomenten met vrienden of druk ze af. 

Ga er snel mee aan de slag. 

Experience our safari by kayak, raft or electric scooter through the Limburg Maas Valley!

The hundreds of hectares of protected nature reserve in combination with the sounds of birds, Galloway cattle, wild horses and running water give you the ultimate feeling of tranquillity.

We offer one and two-person kayaks, and rafts which allow 4-8 persons to navigate a 6.5 km route across the Grensmaas area.

We also offer the option of a unique return trip to the starting point, by electric scooter.

Easy on the road

More do you like things to be a little extra, cityescape maasmechelen, zwemvijver kikmolen, kajak & meuse clean-up, e-adventure, more maas valley river park.

Traumhaft: in und um Maasmechelen Village herum

Mit dem Kajak über die Maas

Gehen Sie ab Maasmechelen Village mit einem Kanu oder Kajak auf Abenteuerreise. Noch nicht aufregend genug? Dann buchen Sie bei Kajak Maasland eine Rafting Tour!

Auf die Paddel, fertig, los!

Sie fahren mit dem Kanu oder Kajak ab Kotem (Maasmechelen). <br><br> Reservieren Sie eine Busfahrt vom Ziel zurück zum Ausgangspunkt. <br><br> Nennen Sie bei der Reservierung Maasmechelen Village und Sie erhalten eine Sonderrate.

Abschalten im Rivierpark Maasvallei

Nur wenige Minuten trennen Maasmechelen Village vom Rivierpark Maasvallei . Die Maas fließt entlang der Grenze zwischen belgisch und niederländisch Limburg. An vielen Orten wurde der Fluss zur Natur zurückgeführt, so stören nur sehr wenige Frachtschiffe die Ruhe des altehrwürdigen Flusses. Eine Kajakfahrt auf der Maas ist also die ideal, um Wasservögel, Biber, Gallowayrinder und Konik Pferde zu beobachten. Für umweltbewusste Paddler hat Kajak Maasland ein Package zusammengestellt, dass das Nützliche mit dem Angenehmen verbindet. Wählen Sie bei der Reservierung das kostenlose “Maas Cleanup Package“ und Sie erhalten beim Start Greifstange, Mülltüte und Handschuhe, um auf der Fahrt die Abfälle aus dem Fluss zu fischen.

Kayakfahren auf der Maas

Vom Startpunkt in Kotem, nur 10 Minuten von Maasmechelen Village, paddeln Sie 9 km über die alte Grensmaas . Gleich nach der Abfahrt bringen kleine Stromschnellen Sie richtig in Schwung. Auf der Fahrt paddeln Sie durch einen der schönsten Orte im Maastal. Genießen Sie die unberührte Natur, die Ruhe und dieses einmalige Gefühl, den Weg zwischen Belgien und den Niederlanden zurückzulegen. Sie können am Horizont die Fähre sehen? Dann sind Sie fast am Ende der Fahrt angekommen. Darf es ein bisschen mehr sein? Dann machen Sie auf der 21 km langen Route die „Full Experience“ und fahren Sie fast bis Maaseik vorbei an Naturschutzgebieten wie Negenoord, Bichterweerd und Meerheuvel.

Einer für alle, alle für Rafting

Sie möchten als Gruppe etwas Spannendes unternehmen? Wie wär’s mit Rafting? Erleben Sie mit mindestens 6 und maximal 15 Personen eine Abenteuerfahrt auf der Maas, bei Ebbe und bei Flut. Und das das ganze Jahr! Der ideale Ausflug mit Freunden und Familie oder als Teambuilding-Maßnahme mit Kollegen. Bereit fürs Wasserabenteuer? Oder brauchen Sie noch ein passendes Outfit? Bevor es losgeht, finden Sie alles, was Sie brauchen in Maasmechelen Village - passende Badekleidung bei Protest oder ein Outdoor-Outfit bei The North Face .

Die Route: 9 Kilometer Purer Naturgenuss

Von Kotem a/d Maas in Maasmechelen geht’s zur Fähre an der Belgisch-Niederländischen Grenze: die Kayak Maasland-Route führt Sie durch ein Stück unberührter Naturidylle. Genießen Sie beim Paddeln Ausläufer des malerischen River Parks Maasvallei, beobachten Sie Wasservögel und gleiten Sie über die Stromschnellen. Vielleicht bekommen Sie Gesellschaft von einem der Galloway-Rinder oder Konik-Ponys, die am Maasufer die Fauna der Region genießen. 100% Entspannung!


Wandern in Limburg

Unweit von Maasmechelen Village ⬩ 17-04-2024

Radfahren in Limburg

Lokale Attraktionen ⬩ 10-04-2024

Riemst ⬩ 17-04-2024

Das Winzerschloss von Genoels-Elderen

Lokale Attraktionen ⬩ 17-04-2024

Fashion Museum Hasselt

Lokale Attraktionen ⬩ 23-01-2021

Terhills Cable Park

Traumhaft: in und um Maasmechelen Village herum ⬩ 23-01-2021

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  • Stavelot Abbey
  • Francorchamps Racetrack
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  • Activities Racetrack Francorchamps

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Address & contact

Petit Coo 4 B-4970 STAVELOT (Coo)


Discover the Amblève valley with a single kayak or a two-seater kayak. Start your ride at the foot of the waterfall of Coo aside the amusement park PlopsaCoo.

Stavelot Tourist Information Centre

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  2. A 5-day kayak tour in Belgium

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  3. A 5-day kayak tour in Belgium

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  1. The most beautiful kayak trips in Belgium

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  2. Die schönsten Kajaktouren in Belgien

    Die 10 schönsten Kajaktouren in Belgien. A 2 day Kayak journey on the River Semois. Departing in Tintigny (this stretch of the Semois only opens in between octobre and march) to chiny (sleepingspot at camping Le Canada) and day 2 a shorter stretch from Chiny to Martue. Via de Leie, de Oude Leie en de Ringvaart helemaal rond de Assels, langs ...

  3. Kayaks La Vanne

    Comfortably installed in your duo or mono kayak. You will appreciate the wild beauty of the river and you will enjoy a preserved nature and an exceptional setting with fantastic landscapes. Choose from 7, 10, 11 or even 17 km trips at very competitive prices. Kayaks La Vanne is a small family business with 30 years of experience and a zest for ...

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    THE 10 BEST Belgium Kayaking & Canoeing. 1. Kayaks La Vanne. Great experience, lovely kayaking and beautiful scenery. 2. Coo Adventure. The paintballing was very cool, we had a lot of fun the staff was amazing i would definitely recommend. 3. Kajak Maasland & Rafting.

  5. The Best Kayak/Canoe Trails in Belgium

    near Houyet, Wallonia (Belgique) Filip H.A. Claeys. Distance. 19.95nm. Elevation +. 2090f. TrailRank. 30. The river Lesse is one of the most scenic in Belgium and the lower section between Houyet and Anseremme easily sees hundreds of paddlers on a nice summer's day (water levels allowing, that is).

  6. Die besten Kanu/Kayak Spots in den Ardennen

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  7. Kayak on the river Lesse

    The Lesse is a river of low difficulty, so children are normally allowed to embark from the age of 5 if accompanied by adults. They can do kayaking in single-seaters from the age of 12. This age restriction may vary according to the water level. Always check the conditions of the day in our news section before setting off.

  8. Kayaking & Canoeing in Belgium 2024

    Kayaking & Canoeing in Belgium 2024. Discover Wallonia from the water. The whole region is crisscrossed by smaller rivers. Best time: April-October. See all. Sally V. The rivers of the Ardennes are perfect for canoeing and kayaking. The main destinations to consider are the rivers of Ourthe, Lesse, Meuse or Maas, and Semois.

  9. Kajak Maasland & Rafting

    Kajak Maasland & Rafting. Escape the daily hustle and bustle and enjoy a relaxing day in the stunning nature along the Limburg GrensMaas. We offer kayak, canoe, and raft rentals on the Maas River from Lanaken/Maasmechelen. Open daily from April 1st to October 31st. It is recommended to make reservations in advance. Additionally, we provide ...

  10. Kajak Maasland and Rafting

    3620 Lanaken. Plan your route. Send an email. Visit the website. book your kayak now. Adventure in nature! Discover the most beautiful route in Limburg by kayak, canoe or raft. We are open daily from April 1 to October 31.

  11. Die besten Kajak/Kanu Routen in Belgien

    Finde die besten Kajak/Kanu Trails in Belgien. Entdecke die schönsten Orte, lade GPS-Tracks herunter und folge den Top-Routen auf einer Karte. Zeichne deine eigene Strecke mit App auf, lade den Trail hoch und teile ihn mit der Community.

  12. Kayaking in Ghent

    Individuals and small groups up to 11 people can make a reservation here. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us using the form below, or give us a call during the day. Hope to see you soon! Kajaks Korenlei. Kayaking in Ghent, rent a kayak in the historic centre of Ghent. Experience Ghent from its most beautifull angle.

  13. Kajak Tour Limburg

    Kajak Tour Limburg. Langeweidestraat z/n 3630 Maasmechelen Show on map +31(0)43 8519582 Visit website All do you like things to be a little extra? More do you like things to be a little extra? Overview. All do you like things to be a little extra? X-Cube: virtuele spionage! ...

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    Kayak- & Kanufahren in Belgien: Schauen Sie sich Bewertungen und Fotos von 10 Kayak- & Kanufahren in Belgien, Europa auf Tripadvisor an.

  15. Kajakfahren und Kanufahren in Belgien 2024

    In Belgien gibt es viele auf Anfänger ausgerichtete Möglichkeiten zum Kajakfahren und Kanufahren, besonders in Wallonien. Die Flüsse Ourthe und Maas bieten sanftere Strecken, die für Anfänger-Kajakfahrer und Kanufahrer geeignet sind. Kajak- und Kanuverleihfirmen in Smeermaas stellen wichtige Sicherheitsausrüstung sowie Anfänger-Strecken ...

  16. Mit Kanu oder Kajak über die Maas

    Auf die Paddel, fertig, los! Sie fahren mit dem Kanu oder Kajak ab Kotem (Maasmechelen). <br><br> Reservieren Sie eine Busfahrt vom Ziel zurück zum Ausgangspunkt. <br><br> Nennen Sie bei der Reservierung Maasmechelen Village und Sie erhalten eine Sonderrate. Ihr Abenteuer startet hier!

  17. Met de kano / kajak door Gent, België

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  18. Route planner: Canoe/kayak route

    Plan your canoe/kayak route along the most beautiful tracks of Belgium. Print, download as GPS track and save it.

  19. Die besten Kajak/Kanu Routen in West-Vlaanderen (Belgien)

    Finde die besten Kajak/Kanu Trails in West-Vlaanderen (Belgien). Entdecke die schönsten Orte, lade GPS-Tracks herunter und folge den Top-Routen auf einer Karte. Zeichne deine eigene Strecke mit App auf, lade den Trail hoch und teile ihn mit der Community.

  20. THE BEST Stavelot Kayaking & Canoeing

    Top Stavelot Kayaking & Canoeing Activities: See reviews and photos of kayaking & canoeing in Stavelot, Belgium on Tripadvisor.

  21. Coo Kayak

    Discover the Amblève valley with a single kayak or a two-seater kayak. Start your ride at the foot of the waterfall of Coo aside the amusement park PlopsaCoo.

  22. Ankunft und Kajaktour in Belgien an der Semois in „Little Canada"

    Unserer Kajakhelden Reisegruppe in Belgien an der Semois in Little Canada.