Ending the European Union opt-out from Article 31bis of the TRIPS Agreement

Question for written answer  E-000463/2021 to the Commission Rule 138 Marc Botenga (The Left), Kateřina Konečná (The Left), Clare Daly (The Left), Mick Wallace (The Left), Manuel Bompard (The Left), Niyazi Kizilyürek (The Left), Manon Aubry (The Left), Pernando Barrena Arza (The Left), Petros Kokkalis (The Left), Dimitrios Papadimoulis (The Left), Martina Michels (The Left), Anne-Sophie Pelletier (The Left), Nikolaj Villumsen (The Left), Giorgos Georgiou (The Left), Eugenia Rodríguez Palop (The Left)

The EU Action Plan on Intellectual Property acknowledges the importance of compulsory licensing. In 2017, an amendment to Article 31bis of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) introduced a waiver of the export restriction on medicines manufactured under compulsory licence. The European Union and its Member States opted out of this clause, and are hence ineligible to import medicines manufactured under compulsory licences. On 7 April 2020, over 30 groups and 36 experts asked WTO members concerned ‘to notify the WTO that they have changed their policy and now considers itself an eligible importing country, and in addition, to also use whatever legal means are available to revoke the opt-out as importing members, for goods manufactured under a compulsory licence [1] ’.

  • 1. Given the lack of production capacity of COVID-19 vaccine patent owners and manufacturing capacity in Member States, is the Commission considering ending the opt-out, thus facilitating the import of goods manufactured under compulsory licence?
  • 2. Is the Commission considering derogations from EU data and market exclusivity rules delaying the effect of compulsory licences for medicinal products within the European Union?
  • 3. What principles underlie the emergency coordination mechanism which the Commission envisages could be triggered at short notice when Member States consider a compulsory licence?
  • [1]  https://www.keionline.org/32707 (https://www.keionline.org/32707)
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art 31 bis trips

Article 31bis of TRIPS: How can African countries benefit from this amendment?

art 31 bis trips

Least developed countries can now more easily obtain compulsory licences during public health emergencies, but some have been slow to take advantage. Vítor Palmela Fidalgo of Inventa International explains why.

After more than 11 long years, the amendment to the agreement on intellectual property rights eventually came into force. On 6 December 2005, the World Trade Organization (WTO) general council adopted the protocol amending the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) (Article 31bis) and opened it for acceptance by the member states. The protocol provided additional flexibilities to grant special compulsory licences for the export of medicines, which was first established by a decision taken by members in 2003, known as the Declaration of Doha.

The problem was the well-known conflict between patents and public health. Entered into force in 1995, the TRIPS Agreement raised and standardised IP protection and enforcement for all members of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

This situation became a concern for the least developed countries, which would be forbidden to refuse pharmaceutical patent protection and to manage IP according their local policies. In confronting epidemic problems, such as HIV or malaria, it would be impossible for these countries to purchase and distribute patented drugs. So, the only way-out of this dilemma would be to adopt Article 31 of TRIPS, which provided for compulsory licences.

Following a profound discussion between developed and least developed countries, in 2001, the Doha Declaration was adopted, which affirmed the flexibility of TRIPS in circumventing patent rights so as to allow for easier access to medicines. Apart from stating that public health emergencies would be within the admissible grounds for compulsory licensing, the Doha Declaration went beyond and eventually admitted the use of compulsory licensing through exportation. Actually, despite providing for compulsory licensing in Article 31(f), TRIPS only allowed its use “predominantly for the supply of the domestic market of the member authorising such use”.

In this sense, due to the lack or absence of medicine manufacturing capacity of the least developed countries, this provision would result in a catch-22 situation for these countries, as although they were authorised to issue compulsory licensing for public health reasons, they were unable to make use of it due to the lack of manufacturing capacity. Following the Doha Declaration and a subsequent council decision, a permanent amendment to TRIPS was approved, thus creating the new Article 31bis. This article partly waives Article 31(f) for least developed countries, allowing them to issue compulsory licences for public health reasons through importing the drugs from other countries. The article also contains an open definition of “pharmaceutical products” and some formalities which should be complied with by importer and exporter countries in order to prevent fraud.

Despite having been enacted in 2005, this regime needed to be accepted by two-thirds of the members. After successive delays, this amendment eventually came into effect in January 2017. It is now time to understand how this amendment can be effective for the least developed countries, in particular, for the African countries that make up most of the jurisdictions in this category.

For the time being, this amendment has been ratified by 87 countries. However, among these countries, only 20 are from Africa, namely, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, the Central African Republic, Egypt, Kenya, Lesotho, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda and Zambia. Furthermore, only Botswana, in Sections 31 and 32 of its Industrial Property Act, Act, provides a legal basis for this regime.

Even before its official incorporation into TRIPS, this legal regime had already been used in Africa. In 2007, Rwanda became the first country in the world to notify WTO of its intent to import products based on a compulsory licence. Canada was the ‘export’ country chosen to provide generic drugs to Rwanda. After tough negotiations but failed with the holders of the patents to obtain a contractual licence, pharmaceutical company Apotex was authorised by the Canadian government to produce a generic version of a drug to treat AIDS, which would cost approximately USD 0.20 per pill compared to its brand name equivalents, which cost USD 6. However, the process revealed itself to be very bureaucratic and cumbersome. The supply of the medication to Rwanda took more than a year to reach the country, despite the fact that Rwanda has received the entire order via two shipments in 2008 and 2009.

How African countries may benefit more from this legal regime is, for the time being, uncertain. First of all, it is unclear why only 20 African countries have ratified this amendment to TRIPS, since its provisions are specifically designed for the countries of this continent. The lack of internal legal amendments would be also a problem, seeing that, for some countries, Article 31bis of TRIPS is not self-executing, meaning it will not become effective immediately without the implementation of the necessary ancillary legislation in each country. There are, in fact, alternative measures to cope with public health crises that can be taken instead of compulsory licences.

Parallel imports are an option. This measure involves the importation, without the consent of the patent holder, of a patented product that has a lower price in the exporting country. Although Article 6 of TRIPS provides that member states are free to implement or not the principle of international exhaustion of rights, the concept is normally forbidden or limited by national legislations.

Another option could be a differential pricing strategy. This strategy can ensure that prices in least developed countries are as low as possible, in comparison with most developed countries, which maintain the higher prices and so do not jeopardise the incentives for research and development. Notwithstanding, differential pricing is not an IP issue and, even when big pharmaceutical companies agree to adopt this measure in the poorest countries, the price is still unaffordable for them. Compulsory licences are the main legal tool to address the problem of the prices of patented drugs and public health in Africa. However, much is still to be done. Firstly, political will on the part of some African governments is needed to accept the amendment to TRIPS and implement it in national legislation as soon as possible. Secondly, it is also necessary to change the way a compulsory licence is obtained through this process, since the red tape and complexity involved are not consistent with the emergency that is usually involved in these matters, such as epidemics. It would be necessary, for example, to waive the requirement that demands an attempt to obtain a voluntary licence from the patent holder and to simplify or avoid the numerous notifications required.

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Melissa Barber

Department of global health and population.

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Flowchart: How do the TRIPS agreement, Article 31bis provisions, and 2022 “TRIPS waiver” interconnect in determining generic access pathways?

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Article 31bis Of TRIPS: How Can African Countries Benefit From This Amendment?


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Least developed countries can now more easily obtain compulsory licences during public health emergencies, but some have been slow to take advantage. Vítor Palmela Fidalgo of Inventa International explains why.

After more than 11 long years, the amendment to the agreement on intellectual property rights eventually came into force. On 6 December 2005, the World Trade Organization (WTO) general council adopted the protocol amending the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) (Article 31bis) and opened it for acceptance by the member states. The protocol provided additional flexibilities to grant special compulsory licences for the export of medicines, which was first established by a decision taken by members in 2003, known as the Declaration of Doha.

The problem was the well-known conflict between patents and public health. Entered into force in 1995, the TRIPS Agreement raised and standardised IP protection and enforcement for all members of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

This situation became a concern for the least developed countries, which would be forbidden to refuse pharmaceutical patent protection and to manage IP according their local policies. In confronting epidemic problems, such as HIV or malaria, it would be impossible for these countries to purchase and distribute patented drugs. So, the only way-out of this dilemma would be to adopt Article 31 of TRIPS, which provided for compulsory licences.

Following a profound discussion between developed and least developed countries, in 2001, the Doha Declaration was adopted, which affirmed the flexibility of TRIPS in circumventing patent rights so as to allow for easier access to medicines. Apart from stating that public health emergencies would be within the admissible grounds for compulsory licensing, the Doha Declaration went beyond and eventually admitted the use of compulsory licensing through exportation. Actually, despite providing for compulsory licensing in Article 31(f), TRIPS only allowed its use "predominantly for the supply of the domestic market of the member authorising such use".

In this sense, due to the lack or absence of medicine manufacturing capacity of the least developed countries, this provision would result in a catch-22 situation for these countries, as although they were authorised to issue compulsory licensing for public health reasons, they were unable to make use of it due to the lack of manufacturing capacity. Following the Doha Declaration and a subsequent council decision, a permanent amendment to TRIPS was approved, thus creating the new Article 31bis. This article partly waives Article 31(f) for least developed countries, allowing them to issue compulsory licences for public health reasons through importing the drugs from other countries. The article also contains an open definition of "pharmaceutical products" and some formalities which should be complied with by importer and exporter countries in order to prevent fraud.

Despite having been enacted in 2005, this regime needed to be accepted by two-thirds of the members. After successive delays, this amendment eventually came into effect in January 2017. It is now time to understand how this amendment can be effective for the least developed countries, in particular, for the African countries that make up most of the jurisdictions in this category.

For the time being, this amendment has been ratified by 87 countries. However, among these countries, only 20 are from Africa, namely, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, the Central African Republic, Egypt, Kenya, Lesotho, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda and Zambia. Furthermore, only Botswana, in Sections 31 and 32 of its Industrial Property Act, Act, provides a legal basis for this regime.

Even before its official incorporation into TRIPS, this legal regime had already been used in Africa. In 2007, Rwanda became the first country in the world to notify WTO of its intent to import products based on a compulsory licence. Canada was the 'export' country chosen to provide generic drugs to Rwanda. After tough negotiations but failed with the holders of the patents to obtain a contractual licence, pharmaceutical company Apotex was authorised by the Canadian government to produce a generic version of a drug to treat AIDS, which would cost approximately USD 0.20 per pill compared to its brand name equivalents, which cost USD 6. However, the process revealed itself to be very bureaucratic and cumbersome. The supply of the medication to Rwanda took more than a year to reach the country, despite the fact that Rwanda has received the entire order via two shipments in 2008 and 2009.

How African countries may benefit more from this legal regime is, for the time being, uncertain. First of all, it is unclear why only 20 African countries have ratified this amendment to TRIPS, since its provisions are specifically designed for the countries of this continent. The lack of internal legal amendments would be also a problem, seeing that, for some countries, Article 31bis of TRIPS is not self-executing, meaning it will not become effective immediately without the implementation of the necessary ancillary legislation in each country. There are, in fact, alternative measures to cope with public health crises that can be taken instead of compulsory licences.

Parallel imports are an option. This measure involves the importation, without the consent of the patent holder, of a patented product that has a lower price in the exporting country. Although Article 6 of TRIPS provides that member states are free to implement or not the principle of international exhaustion of rights, the concept is normally forbidden or limited by national legislations.

Another option could be a differential pricing strategy. This strategy can ensure that prices in least developed countries are as low as possible, in comparison with most developed countries, which maintain the higher prices and so do not jeopardise the incentives for research and development. Notwithstanding, differential pricing is not an IP issue and, even when big pharmaceutical companies agree to adopt this measure in the poorest countries, the price is still unaffordable for them. Compulsory licences are the main legal tool to address the problem of the prices of patented drugs and public health in Africa. However, much is still to be done. Firstly, political will on the part of some African governments is needed to accept the amendment to TRIPS and implement it in national legislation as soon as possible. Secondly, it is also necessary to change the way a compulsory licence is obtained through this process, since the red tape and complexity involved are not consistent with the emergency that is usually involved in these matters, such as epidemics. It would be necessary, for example, to waive the requirement that demands an attempt to obtain a voluntary licence from the patent holder and to simplify or avoid the numerous notifications required.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

Photo of Vitor Palmela  Fidalgo

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BeeLoved City


St Petersburg , USA

14 best day trips from st petersburg fl that are worth the effort and time.

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If you’re looking for a change of scenery, taking a day trip from St Petersburg, Florida is a great thing to do .

With plenty of attractions and activities available, there’s something for everyone in this vibrant city. However, if you’re looking to explore beyond the city limits, there are plenty of great day trips options available as well.

St Petersburg is ideally located on the west coast of Florida, which makes it a great starting point to explore the area!

Whether you are a nature lover or a thrill-seeker, you will find plenty to do! Here are some day trips ideas from St Pete.

🔎 Table of Contents

Tampa in Florida

Tampa is a major city near St Petersburg FL. It’s also home to the main airport in the area so it’s probably where you will be flying to.

Tampa is a vibrant city and there are many things you can do here.

Firstly, make sure to explore downtown. You will find loads of restaurants, cafés but also amazing museums such as Tampa Museum Of Art.

If you’d like to learn more about the city and discover some cool spots, you can also join the walking food tour in Downtown Tampa.

The area is also home to some of the most haunted places in Florida so if that’s something you are interested in, make sure to book the haunted history walking tour. It’s very interesting.

You can then head to the waterfront where you will find the beautiful promenade as well as loads of bars and restaurants where you can have a drink.

Finally, you can not go to Tampa without going to see an ice-hockey game! The Tampa Lightning are an amazing team and seeing a game is always a great experience! They take place at Amalie Arena .

HOW TO GET THERE: It’s very easy to get to Tampa from St Pete. Just take the interstate, cross the bridge and you will be there in 30 minutes.

PRO TIP: There are quite a few attractions you can visit in Tampa including the Museum of Science and Industry and ZooTampa. If you’d like to do several of these activities, you should consider getting the Tampa CityPass .

It will save you quite a bit of money. Also, it includes some attractions in St Pete and Clearwater .

Honeymoon Island

st pete florida honeymoon island beach

Located in Dunedin, about 30 minutes drive from downtown St Pete, Honeymoon Island is a beautiful state park and the perfect day trip for beach lovers.

This barrier island is home to stunning beaches (including some shelling ones), walking trails and amazing wildlife.

If you are into bird watching, this will be an excellent place for you since you can see Ospreys and American Eagles.

Make sure to take the 2.5 miles Osprey walk. This beautiful walk is quite relaxing, easy and fun. You will be able to see many birds and plants. It’s also a good choice if you are travelling with kids since it’s a nice stroll.

If you want to chill for the day, you can take your towel and go to the beach.

There are several beaches on Honeymoon Island including one that is 2.5 miles long!

White sand, mangroves, shells … it’s the perfect place for a relaxing day.

It’s also important to note that the beaches are very well preserved and not that crowded, especially if you walk a bit further.

It has nothing to do with Clearwater Beach or St Pete Beach and that’s so pleasant!

You will also get to enjoy the views of the gulf!

PRO TIP: Don’t forget to wear shoes as you walk on the beach. There are a lot of shells as well as pieces of mangroves sticking out. You can’t always see them but they can hurt your foot.

There is also a big picnic area with tables and amenities by the parking lot, definitely a good spot to get lunch.

This hidden gem is a beautiful place so make sure to add it to your list of St Pete day trips!

HOW TO GET THERE: You can easily get there by car. There is a bridge at the entrance.

There is an entrance fee which helps towards the conservation of the state park. It’s very affordable though.

Clearwater Beach

Clearwater Beach in Florida

Calling all the beach lovers for this one! Clearwater beach was voted the best beach in the USA in 2019 so that gives you a good idea of what to expect!

It is a large white sanded beach with crystal blue water. It truly is one of the best beaches in the Tampa Bay area and a must see!

That having been said, it can get very crowded especially during spring break so it’s important to be aware of that.

Clearwater Beach is the perfect destination if you want to have a relaxing and fun day.

You can walk along the promenade, get ice cream, relax on the beach and go to a beach party in one of the beach bars.

Another way you can explore Clearwater Beach is by hiring a bicycle or going on a segway tour.

There are many dolphins in Clearwater and even though you can catch a glimpse from the beach, going on a dolphin-watching cruise is also a good idea.

While in the area, make sure to head to Pier 60. This is the most famous landmark in Clearwater Beach and it boasts stunning views of the beach.

Also, that’s where the sunset celebration is held every day and it’s such a cool thing to do!

PRO TIP: If you want to enjoy the sunset in a unique way, you can also go on a sunset cruise or a party cruise in Clearwater Beach.

Finally, in the evening, if you want to go for a drink and maybe dance on the beach, head to the Shephard’s Beach Resort.

They get famous DJs from all over the world to come and mix for hours and hours.

They generally host those events on Saturday or Sunday. It starts at 2pm and goes all the way until 1am. You can have a drink, dance under the stars with your footsies in the sand… what else can we ask for?

Fort De Soto Park

Fort De Soto in Florida

Fort De Soto Park is a beautiful state park located in the southern part of St Pete.

This is a bit of a hidden gem but that’s also one of the locals’ favourite day trips from St Pete.

Fort De Soto is is a state park formed of 5 islands (Madelaine Key, Bonne Fortune Key, St. Jean Key, St. Christopher Key, and the main island, Mullet Key).

There are several reasons to visit Fort De Soto.

The first one is that it’s home to some of the most beautiful beaches in Florida including Egmont Key.

White sand, crystal clear water… this is where you will find all the picture-perfect beaches!

It’s also home to one of the rare dog-friendly beaches near St Pete.

You will also find the Fort De Soto Park’s Historic Fort and Museum which is very interesting and will tell you loads about the area and its history.

You can also join an e-bike tour on the beach which is very cool.

Finally, Fort De Soto is a great place for kayaking and paddling. If you love water activities, you will be in for a treat.

You can rent your equipment directly there or opt for a guided tour in the mangroves.

HOW TO GET THERE: You can get to Fort De Soto by car via Gulf Blvd and Pinellas Bayway. This is a toll road so make sure to take that into consideration.

Busch Gardens

Busch Gardens in Florida

It’s no secret that Florida is known for its theme parks and while most of them are located near Orlando, you can also find a pretty great one near St Pete!

Busch Gardens is located in north Tampa. It takes about 40 minutes to get there from Downtown St Pete and it’s a great day trip for people who love theme parks but also for families.

As a matter of fact, it’s a much better alternative to Orlando’s parks. It’s less busy, cheaper and just as much fun!

There are plenty of roller coasters and also a waterpark (which is always something to look forward to in Florida).

Here are the best rides: Cheetah Hunt, Tigris and Cobra’s curse.

Busch Gardens are good fun for adults as well as kids.

PRO TIP: If you can go before spring break, this will be ideal. It’s much less crowded so you will get to do more things.

You can also go in winter if you want to but might not be able to enjoy all the water activities. Florida is hot but still, January is not bikini material.

You can book online , directly there or even take a Tampa CityPass that will also give you access to the Florida Aquarium, Zoo Tampa, Clearwater Aquarium and the Museum of Science and Industry.

Crystal River

crystal river in florida

Who says Florida says manatees! There are over 6,000 manatees in the Sunshine State and central Florida is a very good place to see them.

You can find them in St Pete and Tampa as well but the best place to see manatees is Crystal River.

Crystal River is about 2 hours drive from St Pete. It’s particularly famous for its springs and being home to hundreds of manatees in winter.

It’s also the only place in Florida where you can swim with the manatees!

The first place where you should go is the Three Sisters springs.

From January to March, hundreds of manatees head to the spring to run off from the cold waters of the Gulf of Mexico. The springs are at a stable temperature of 72F.

In december / january, when the gulf starts to be colder manatees go to Crystal River. They stayed as long as the springs are warmer than the sea. Once we get closer to spring or summer they leave.

It’s a very unique thing to see and makes it a very popular destination.

PRO TIP: Before heading there, make sure to call the visitor centre to check if the manatees are there. Depending on the weather, they might leave much earlier and it would be a shame to drive for 2 hours and not see them.

PRO TIP 2: If you do not get to see the manatees in Crystal River, head to Homosassa instead. It’s close by and you will definitely see them there.

There are different ways you can see the manatees:

  • Walk around the Three Sisters Spring. You can get the shuttle from the visitor centre and walk on the path around the springs. You can not jump in the water from there but if you were not planning on swimming, that’s a great option. It’s also a good thing to do all year round, when the manatees aren’t there.
  • Swimming tour. You can book a cruise through King’s Bay Wildlife Refuge and go for a gentle swim with the manatees.
  • Snorkeling tour . You can book a snorkeling tour from Crystal River and explore the springs that way.
  • Kayaking . You can also rent a kayak in Crystal River and explore the springs. We recommend opting for a clear kayak , that way you will see the manatees swimming underneath. It’s very cool!
  • Viewing cruise . If you do not want to go in the water but would like to experience the springs a bit more than by just walking around, you can book a viewing cruise here.

No matter what though, please be respectful. Animals should be treated well so going swimming with the manatees is fine but be respectful!

Weeki Wachee State Park

weeki wachee state park near st pete fl

Recommended by Cris from Wander Florida

There are mermaids in Florida. And they perform daily in one of the world’s most unique theatres, an undersea theatre created from a freshwater spring. This place is Weeki Wachee State Park, and it’s been a favourite theme park in Florida since 1947.

Weeki Wachee means “little spring” or “winding river” in the Seminole language. The park surrounds the first magnitude spring which discharges more than 100 million gallons of water a day.

It is 100 feet wide and approximately 250 feet deep. This water becomes the Weeki Wachee River and flows more than 12 miles to the Gulf of Mexico.

The tourist attraction first housed an 18-seat theatre, later expanded to 50 seats, and was privately owned. Over the years, Buccaneer Bay, a river cruise, and kayak launch were added to the activities.

The park is, of course, best known for the mermaid show in which human mermaids wearing tails perform underwater acts in the spring.

Between mermaid shows, guests to the park can enjoy water slides, a sand beach, and lazy river at Buccaneer Bay.

florida weeki wachee state park

The lazy river is one of my favourite things to do here as the water is a constant 74 degrees and the river, part of the Weeki Wachee River, is filled with fish and other wildlife.

Another favourite activity for most Floridians is kayaking the river.

It takes about 3 to 4 hours and brings paddlers through some of Florida’s most beautiful and natural landscapes.

If being in the water isn’t your thing, you can still see natural Florida from the dry decks of the river cruise.

Weeki Wachee State Park sits approximately an hour north of Tampa on Highway 19. There is a limit to how many people get in so get there early before the park opens.

Dunedin in Florida

Dunedin is a cute small town located about 30-minute drive from St Pete.

It’s a great place to visit if you are looking for some European vibes! The name Dunedin comes from the Scottish Gaelic language and the town holds annual Scottish celebrations, the Dunedin Highland Games and Festival, in April.

The main reason for visiting Dunedin is to check out the historic Downtown district. It’s very quaint and a perfect place to enjoy a relaxing day out.

Downtown Dunedin is filled with cute shops, restaurants and bars.

If you want to learn more about Dunedin, you can also visit the Dunedin Historical Museum or join the bike tour of the historical center . It’s fun and interesting at the same time.

But the thing Dunedin is really famous for is its breweries. There are so many and they are brilliant.

Here are some recommendations of breweries to visit in Dunedin: 7venth Sun Brewery, Woodwright Brewing company and Dunedin Brewery.

Finally, if you are into hiking, you will be able to catch the Pinellas Trail in Dunedin. This is one of the best hiking trails in Florida and it stretches all the way from St Petersburg to Tarpon Springs.

You can join it on foot of course but also rent an e-bike for the day and explore a bit further.

Tarpon Springs

Tarpon Springs in Florida

Tarpon Springs is located about 45 minutes North of Downtown St Pete.

It’s a great day trip from St Petersburg for people who want to stay away from the crowds and discover something unique.

It also has a similar vibe to Dunedin, but on a different scale since Tarpon Springs is home to the largest population of people with Greek heritage in the United States.

Visiting Tarpon Springs is a great way to enjoy some amazing Greek influences. This includes European-style architecture but also delicious Greek food.

Tarpon Springs is also known as the sponge capital of the world and you will find sponges everywhere (perfect for people who want to bring back souvenirs).

As you get there, the first place where you should go is the Sponge docks. That’s where you will find all the sponges but also loads of Greek restaurants where you can get iced coffees and of course, lunch.

Make sure to also have a stroll around the historic district. It’s filled with beautiful brick buildings, antiques stores and amazing churches.

As Tarpon Springs is located on the waterfront and close to the Anclote River, it’s a great place for kayaking and canoeing. This is very popular with locals and tourists alike, especially during the manatee season.

PRO TIP: Rent a clear kayak while in Tarpon Springs. You will get to see the manatees swimming underneath!

Caladesi Island

Caladesi Island in Florida

If you’d like to discover more beautiful beaches near St Pete, then head straight to Caladesi Island.

Located in Dunedin, just next to Honeymoon Island, this is another fantastic state park in the area.

It is a bit longer to get there since you will need to take a ferry from Honeymoon Island. This means that you will take the bridge to get to Honeymoon Island and will then park your car at the ferry terminal to cross over.

PRO TIP: You can buy your ticket straight there but it’s worth checking on their Groupon page since they have offers on most of the time.

That having been said, don’t let that scare you. The ferry is only 20 minutes so it’s still pretty easy.

Once you get to Caladesi Island, you will discover some stunning and unspoiled beaches. This is where you can truly see what Florida naturally looks like!

The beaches are made of white and soft sand. There are also beautiful dunes and the wildlife is incredible. You will get to see many birds and if you are lucky, turtles as well!

visit tampa ybor city

Ybor City is a neighborhood of Tampa and while we have mentioned this city before, we thought that Ybor deserved its own paragraph.

There are many things you can do in Ybor City and it’s very easy to spend an entire day here!

Ybor City was founded in the 19th century by cigar manufacturers who immigrated from Cuba.

For this reason, Ybor is known as the Cuban quarter in Tampa.

FUN FACT: Ybor City and Little Havana in Miami argue about the origin of the Cuban sandwich. They both claim to be the birthplace of it!

Ybor is also known as the entertainment district. For this reason, you will find many nightclubs, bars, concert venues and restaurants.

It’s the perfect place to go for a drink and enjoy a fun evening.

PRO TIP: Go to Bernini for lunch and in the afternoon. They serve $3 martinis during their happy hour! You can choose amongst the dozens of Martinis available (Classic, chocolate, Espresso, coconut and more!), all of that for 3 bucks each! The food is also very good.

Since Ybor is the Cuban quarter, it’s also the perfect place to get a cigar and grab a delicious Cuban coffee.

In terms of food, there are so many things you should try here. Ybor is home to some of the best restaurants in Tampa.

The best way to experience the food here is to join the historic Ybor City food and drink walking tour. The local guide will take you to the best spots and you will get to taste 6 food and drinks. It’s very good value for money!

Anna Maria Island

Anna Maria Island in Florida

Anna Maria Island is a barrier island located across the Sunshine Skyway Bridge. It’s a 1h15 drive from St Petersburg to get there and it offers beautiful white sand beaches with turquoise waters.

It’s one of the best islands in Florida, especially if you want to relax and enjoy some beach days.

Here are some of the beaches that you should check out: Coquina Beach, Bean Point and Holmes Beach.

If you want to discover the nature, make sure to also go on the Coquina Baywalk. It’s an easy trail and you will get to discover mangrove tunnels and see many birds.

Of course, if you love kayaking, this will also be the place for you. The island is surrounded by mangrove tunnels, which are perfect to explore with a kayak or a paddleboard.

Siesta Key beach in Florida

If you are looking for something more cultural and urban, then Sarasota is the perfect fit.

Sarasota has one of the biggest art districts in Florida. There are dozens of museums and art galleries, both free and paying ones.

The most famous one is The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art. This is the official state art museum of Florida and it’s home to over 10,000 objects which includes painting, sculptures, photographs and more.

The building itself is also absolutely stunning! It’s entirely pink and you will find beautiful galleries.

If you love taking Instagram photos, this will be your paradise!

There are a lot of things to see in downtown Sarasota and if you want to make the best of your time here, you can book a ticket for the sightseeing trolley tour , the segway tour or the walking food tour of Sarasota.

Finally, no day trip to Sarasota would be complete without going to Siesta Key.

This is one of the most beautiful beaches in the USA and an absolute paradise. The sand is so white and soft that it actually feels like powder.

PRO TIP: Siesta Key Beach can get very busy so it’s better to get there early to score a parking spot. Ideally, head to the beach first thing in the morning and explore downtown Sarasota in the afternoon.

Homosassa Springs

homosassa in florida

Located 1 hour 30 minutes drive from Downtown St Petersburg, Homosassa Springs are one of the best springs to visit in Florida, especially on a day trip.

When you arrive, you can park your car on the parking lot of the visitor centre and head in to buy your ticket.

From there, you will go on a short boat trip in the spring with a local guide. They will tell you everything you need to know about the springs but also the wildlife.

While I thought it was quite a cool thing to do (for adults as well as children), I also loved the fact that the guide was pointing out the different birds. We would never have seen them otherwise!

You will then arrive at the wildlife center where you can see many different rescued animals such as manatees, birds and more.

Homosassa Springs is also a great place to go kayaking or paddling.

You may also be interested in:

  • 26 Best Things to do in St Petersburg, Florida
  • 14 Incredible Hidden Gems in St Petersburg (FL), Clearwater & Tampa
  • Where to stay in St Petersburg, Florida: Best areas & hotel recommendations
  • Bachelorette in St Petersburg Florida: How to plan the perfect St Pete Bachelorette

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Founder of Beeloved City, I am originally from France and have been living in the UK since 2016. I've travelled to 25 countries as a backpacker, travel coordinator and for holidays. I spent a year in Australia before eventually settling down in Manchester, England

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17 COOLEST Day Trips from Saint Petersburg [2023!]

Day Trips in St Petersburg

But that amazing wealth of history and culture isn’t just limited to Saint Petersburg. With imperial palaces and charming villages just a short train ride away, there’s so much to see and do outside of the city.

That’s why we put together this guide of the best day trips from Saint Petersburg. In this list, we highlight everything from cheap, cheerful and easy to reach destinations to romantic days out and excursions the whole family will love.

No matter what you’re looking for, we’ve got a day trip destination that’s perfect for you!

Here are the 18 best day trips from Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Quick Answer: Best Day Trips from Saint Petersburg

  • Day Trips from Saint Petersburg by Train – From St. Petersburg: Full-Day Tour to Velikiy Novgorod
  • Romantic Day Trips from Saint Petersburg for Couples – St. Petersburg: Raising Drawbridges Night Boat Tour
  • Best Day Trips from Saint Petersburg with Kids –  Kronstadt
  • Cheap Day Trips from Saint Petersburg – From St. Petersburg: Bus Tour to Pushkin

Best Places to Stay in St Petersburg

The old Imperial Capital, St Petersburg has a plenty of pretty sights to see and a plethora of day trips to entertain you, too. With all those day trips, you’re going to want to base yourself near to public transport, so here’s a selection of top accommodation on offer in the city so you don’t have to waste time researching.

• Best Hostel in St Petersburg •

The cuba hostel.

The Cuba Hostel

  • Great budget choice

Located just steps from a subway station, staying at this recommended hostel in St Petersburg means you can get around the city quickly. The area is also home to Kazan Cathedral and a selection of other famous sites, such as the Hermitage. Rooms rates are reasonable, these guys even offer up free shots of vodka!

• Best Budget Hotel in St Petersburg •

Saint-petersburg hotel.

Saint-Petersburg Hotel

  • Awesome river views

There’s a lot on offer at this hotel, plus a selection of rooms to suit you budget. The location along the river is PRIME if you want to take a day trip on a boat! Nearby, the tram, bus and metro will take you anywhere you want to be in the city, but the Hermitage and the city centre are also in walking distance. Easy.

• Best Luxury Hotel in St Petersburg •

The state hermitage museum official hotel.

The State Hermitage Museum Official Hotel

  • Ideal for history fans

If you’re looking for a luxury hotel in St Petersburg… stop looking now. This 5-star offering dates back to the 1830s and is ideally located in the centre of the city. The area is busy with bars and cafes and close to the metro so this beautiful hotel is a simple train ride to many sights.

#1 Best Day Trip from Saint Petersburg – Novgorod

Day trips from saint petersburg by train.


  • Rich history
  • Beautiful scenery
  • Plenty of sightseeing

Located just three hours south of Saint Petersburg is Novgorod. The oldest town in Russia, Novgorod is packed with interesting attractions and historic landmarks and is easily accessible by train.

Novgorod’s top attraction is the Kremlin. Older than the Kremlin in Moscow, this city centre is bursting with history, culture, stories and legends. Cross the footbridge, pass through the gates and enjoy an afternoon of wandering the cobblestone streets and winding alleyways.

Within the Kremlin, you’ll also find the Monument to the Millenium of Russia, a massive statue dating back to 1862.

Other notable attractions in Novgorod include St. Sophia Cathedral, Yaroslav’s Court and the Vitoslavitsy Museum of Folk Wooden Architecture.

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#2 – Vyborg


  • Great for architecture buffs
  • Cool setting
  • Beautiful castle

Vyborg is a small city located north of Saint Petersburg near the Finnish border. It has a rich and diverse history, eclectic architecture, and is a great day trip by train.

Since the town’s founding in the 114th century, it has changed hands between Russia, Sweden and Finland many times. In fact, until 1944, Vyborg was the second largest town in Finland.

Vyborg is home to a number of notable historic attractions, including Vyborg Castle, Market Square, the Round Tower and Alvar Aalto Library.

You’ll find a myriad of statues of historical figures dotted around town, including Peter the Great and Lenin, as well as moose and other animals. Go on a self-guided scavenger hunt and try to snap a pic with each of these unique figures.

#3 – Catherine Palace


  • Exquisite décor
  • Luxurious setting
  • Beautiful architecture

Thirty kilometres south of Saint Petersburg is one of the most exquisite and stunning palaces in Russia .

Built for Tsarina Catherine I of Russia in the early-18th-century, Catherine Palace is a Rococo Palace that has a light blue stucco and gilded façade.

While the outside of the palace is stunning, it’s what’s inside that’s the real attraction. Within the palace, you’ll find lavish suites, grand ballrooms, spectacular paintings and detailed designs.

The jewel in the crown of Catherine Palace is without a doubt the Amber Room, a chamber decorated with amber panels, gold leaf and massive mirrors.

The original Amber Room was constructed in Prussia in the 18th-century. It was dismantled during the Second World War and lost shortly thereafter. Although this Amber Room is an exact replica, it’s no less impressive than the original.

#4 – Narva


  • Unique history and culture
  • Interesting sightseeing
  • Beautiful location

Why not check a second country off your bucket list by taking a day trip from Saint Petersburg to Narva, Estonia. Narva can be reached in less than four hours by train, making it the perfect destination for an interesting day out.

Narva is the eastern-most city in Estonia. It sits on the banks of the Narva river, which serves as the border between these two former Soviet countries.

Although part of Estonia, Narva has an overwhelmingly Russian vibe. More than 90% of the population speaks Russian, and much of the city’s skyline is dominated by Soviet architecture.

When in Narva, make sure you visit the Narva Museum/Castle, which provides interesting insights and an eclectic display of Narva and Estonian history. The castle tower is also where you can enjoy a pretty great view of the city.

#5 – Helsinki


  • Full of history
  • Arty and creative
  • Incredible sightseeing

Hop on the train and in just three hours you could find yourself at the centre of Helsinki, the largest city and capital of neighbouring Finland.

A stunning city surrounded by nature, Helsinki has a rich history, diverse culture and a wealth of interesting activities and attractions.

When in Helsinki, make sure you visit the Helsinki Cathedral, the unofficial symbol of the city; Temppeliaukio church, a 1960s church built right into the rocks; and the vibrant and lively Market Square.

Also worth a visit are the City Museum, the Botanical Gardens, and the charming Moomin Café.

If you have time, take a trip out into the archipelago and explore one of the Helsinki’s many islands. From uninhabited to historic fortresses, you’ll be amazed at just how much there is to see and explore.

Staying Safe in Saint Petersburg

While Saint Petersburg is super safe, no matter where you are traveling, you NEED to have great travel insurance . We have personally tested TONS of travel insurance companies, and World Nomads is our favorite (and most affordable!).

Fill out the form below to get a quote so you can have a stress-free time traveling around Russia!

#6 – Drawbridge Night Tour

Romantic day trips from saint petersburg for couples.


  • A MUST for architecture buffs

The drawbridges of Saint Petersburg are one of the city’s defining features. Throughout the city, there are more than 342 bridges spanning the canals and rivers.

On this romantic two-hour cruise , you will absolutely fall in love with the city as you watch the sunset and the light dance across Saint Petersburg’s most famous sights.

You’ll enjoy unique views of palaces and noble houses on the tour, and see cathedrals, theatres, fortresses and spires.

On this voyage, you’ll also have the chance to see two of the city’s most famous bridges in action. Sit back, relax and enjoy the show as two of Saint Petersburg’s main bridges rise right before your eyes.

#7 – The State Hermitage Museum


  • Incredible culture and art
  • A MUST for art lovers

One of the most romantic day trips you can take in Saint Petersburg won’t have you leaving the city at all. The State Hermitage Museum is an incredible art and culture museum and is well worth an entire day on your Russia itinerary.

The State Hermitage Museum is the second largest art museum in the world. Its collections are spread across six buildings on the Palace Embankment, including the Romanov Winter Palace and the Hermitage Theatre.

The collections are composed of more than three million items, including pieces by Michelangelo, Raphael, Da Vinci and Rembrandt.

One of the most exquisite sights in the museum is the Malachite Room. Embellished with lavish decorations and malachite ornamentation, this one-time drawing room will certainly blow your minds.

#8 – Ruskeala Mountain Park


  • Unique day out
  • Stunning natural scenery
  • Fun outdoor activities

Get back to nature and enjoy a relaxing and romantic day in at Ruskeala Mountain Park.

Approximately three hundred kilometres north of Saint Petersburg, Ruskeala is a former marble quarry turned mountain park. When the site closed in the mid-20th-century, the quarries were filled with crystal clear waters.

Couples looking for a romantic day out can rent a boat and row across the main lake. Glide along the brilliant turquoise waters as you sit surrounded by slate grey stone and lush, verdant forest.

If you’re interested in exploring nature, there are plenty of hiking and walking trails surrounding the ponds. Whether you choose to walk along the edge, or deep in the bush, you’ll love seeing this stunning natural scenery and the cascading waterfalls.

#9 – Staraya Ladoga


  • Pleasant village
  • Incredibly sightseeing

Two hours east of Saint Petersburg is Staraya Ladoga. It is a charming and pleasant village that was the very first capital of Russia back in the late-9th-century.

This lush and serene village has an incredible wealth of historic attractions and landmarks, including a stone Kremlin, a number of fantastic churches, museums, and more. One of the things you can’t miss when visiting Staraya Ladoga is the hand-painted frescoes by Andrei Rublev.

Staraya Ladoga is also a great destination if you’re looking for a day trip that takes you back to nature. In and around the village are a myriad of paths and trails, ponds and lakes just waiting to be explored.

#10 – Kronstadt

Best day trips from saint petersburg with kids.


  • Cool sites to explore
  • Stunning cathedral

A fun and interesting day out for the whole family is a day trip from Saint Petersburg to Kronstadt.

A historic naval base, Kronstadt is located on an island in the Gulf of Finland just 30 kilometres outside of Saint Petersburg. In the early 20th-century, it was the main seaport of Saint Petersburg and was considered one of the most fortified ports on the planet.

The Kronstadt area was opened to visitors in 1998 and has since become a popular tourist attraction.

Kronstadt is home to a number of interesting museums that lend insight into Russia’s rich history. Whether you’re a culture vulture or a military maven, you’ll enjoy exploring the exhibits and displays at the Historic Architecture and Art Museum, the Museum of the Kronstadt Fortress, and the Maritime Factory Museum.

#11 – Oreshek Fortress


  • Important military site
  • Cool history
  • Plenty to see and explore

Another important military site that will entertain all members of your family is the Oreshek Fortress. The fortress was built in the 14th-century to protect the nation from Swedish invaders. Over the last seven hundred years, the fortress has witnessed many historic battles and important moments.

In the early-19th-century, the fortress became a political prison, which housed notorious enemies of the state, including the brother of Vladimir Lenin.

Abandoned following the Russian Revolution in 1917, the Oreshek Fortress is today an incredibly interesting museum. Visitors can explore the historic sites and castle remains, and walk in the footsteps of Russia’s greatest protectors.

#12 – Peterhof Palace


  • Russia’s Versailles
  • Opulent and luxurious
  • Stunning manicured landscape

Thirty kilometres outside of Saint Petersburg is the incredible Peterhof Palace. One of the most popular tourist attractions in Russia, a day trip from Saint Petersburg to Peterhof is perfect for all members of your family.

Inspired by Paris’ Palace of Versailles, Peterhof Palace is a magnificent Tsarist residence that has well-manicured gardens, cascading waterfalls, incredible fountains and hundreds of gilded statues.

Kickstart your day at Peterhof by exploring the palace museums. Here you can explore exhibits and displays of heritage furniture and period pieces that share Russia’s rich history.

Once you’ve browsed the museums, head outside and take in the lush landscapes and incredible gardens. With nearly 50 square kilometres of lawns, forests and paths to explore, you and your little ones will have a fantastic day exploring the Peterhof grounds.

#13 – Gatchina


  • Plenty of space to play
  • Interesting palace

Looking for a place where your kids can run, jump, laugh and play while you enjoy a restful and relaxing day? Then a day trip from Saint Petersburg to Gatchina is for you!

This massive palace and sprawling park are located in a charming village approximately 50 kilometres south of Saint Petersburg. The Great Gatchina Palace was one of the main residences of the Russian Imperial Family throughout the 18th and 19th centuries.

Unlike other palaces that you’ll see throughout the country, the Great Gatchina has no gilded domes or spiralling spires. Visitors can explore the palace learning interesting details and hearing stories and legends as they browse the magnificent rooms.

Outside of the palace walls, Gatchina is home to a massive and sprawling park. This lush landscape it perfect for taking a leisurely afternoon stroll and spending a day getting back to nature.

#14 – Leningrad Zoo


  • Fun animal encounters
  • Great day for the whole family
  • Easy to get to

For a fun and exciting day your family won’t soon forget, take a day trip from Saint Petersburg to the Leningrad Zoo. The second largest zoo in Russia, Leningrad Zoo is home to more than 2000 animals from more than 400 different species.

The Leningrad Zoo was built in 1865. It is the oldest zoo in Russia and boasts incredible architecture and design. The zoo offers everything from education displays to interactive exhibitions, so you can get up close and personal with your favourite animals, mammals, amphibians and reptiles.

For an unforgettable experience, take part in one of the daily scheduled animals feedings. This is your chance to meet, see, and play with an array of exotic creatures.

#15 – Piterland AquaPark


  • Fun and exciting
  • Lots of pools to splash and play in
  • Ideal for all ages

Piterland Aquapark is a fun, colourful and vibrant destination located on the Gulf of Finland. One of the largest indoor water parks in Europe, Piterland is more than 25,000 square meters of pools, rides, slides and incredible fun!

There’s no better place to let your kids run, jump splash and play that Piterland Aquapark. This massive indoor aquatic oasis is home to five large slides, several swimming pools, dive pools, wave pools and more. Kids of all ages will love spending a day in this exciting and entertaining place.

For parents, the Piterland Aqua Park boasts a number of relaxing attractions and restful experiences. Sit back and soak in one of the many Jacuzzis, saunas or steam baths.

For the ultimate day of pampering, visit the Piterland spa or enjoy a glass of wine at the on-site bar.

#16 – Pushkin

Cheap day trips from saint petersburg.


  • Peaceful and relaxing
  • Verdant and lush landscape
  • Cheap and cheerful day out

A small town south of Saint Petersburg, Pushkin is the perfect day trip destination for cost-conscious travellers.

Formerly known as the “Tsar’s Village,” Pushkin is a charming and historic town packed with parks and imperial palaces. Back in the day, many Russian noble families chose to build their summer residences in Pushkin thanks to its lush landscapes and seaside local.

Today, Pushkin is one of the greenest areas of the city. It boasts a myriad of expansive and verdant green spaces and is the perfect place to escape the hustle and bustles of Saint Petersburg city life.

Pack a picnic and enjoy a relaxing day in one of Pushkin’s many spectacular parks.

#17 – Strelna


  • Interesting site
  • Beautiful surroundings

Located mid-way between Saint Petersburg city centre and the Peterhof palace is the small town of Strelna .

Strelna is one of the most overlooked tourist destinations in Russia. Although it is home to a number of imperial palaces and stunning sites, it’s often passed over in favour of Peterhof and pretty Pushkin. But, with easy access from Saint Petersburg and so much to see, we highly recommend you take the time to visit.

One of the town’s most famous attractions is Konstantin Palace. Built as a summer residence for Peter the Great, the palace remained under construction for nearly 100 years. In 2001, Putin had the palace refurbished and converted into the presidential palace of Saint Petersburg with spectacular grounds and manicured landscapes.

Bonus Trip! – Pavlovsk


  • Unique animal encounters
  • Great day out for all

Thirty kilometres outside of Saint Petersburg is the charming and splendid town of Pavlovsk. Located on the left bank of the Neva River, the town is surrounded by rolling hills and sprawling valleys. A day trip from Saint Petersburg to Pavlovsk is worth it if only to catch a glimpse of the passing scenery.

Pavlovsk is home to the impressive Pavlovsk Palace. A former residence of Emperor Paul I, this 18th-century palace is one of the best-preserved Russian royal residences outside of the capital. It boasts an incredible and expansive park, impressive architecture and a fascinating history.

The park is also home to a friendly and social scurry of squirrels. These curious critters aren’t scared of people, so bring a handful of nuts or a few squirrel-friendly snacks and enjoy hand-feeding and interactive with these rambunctious mammals.

Final Thoughts on the Best Day Trips from Saint Petersburg

Russia is a country brimming with fascinating history, diverse culture and spectacular sightseeing – and that isn’t just limited to major city centres.

If you’re looking for accommodation when in Saint Petersburg, check out our bargain guide to the 15 best hostels in St Petersburg to save you precious time and money.

In the towns and villages surrounding Saint Petersburg, there are exquisite imperial palaces, lush landscapes and exciting adventure parks to keep you amazed and enthralled. You’ll be spoiled for choice of things to see and do.

Travelling by train? No problem! Saint Petersburg is a well-connected transportation hub. Whether you’re travelling to nearby Novgorod, Narva, or beyond, simply hop on the train and enjoy the ride!

Even if you’ve got your kids in tow, there’s plenty to see, do and experience in Russia. From animal encounters to aquatic adventure parks, your whole family won’t soon forget the time you spent in Russia.

Have we missed anything? Let us know in the comments below!

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    2022. "Flowchart: How do the TRIPS agreement, Article 31bis provisions, and 2022 "TRIPS waiver" interconnect in determining generic access pathways?".

  12. Ministerial Decision on the Trips Agreement (WTO)

    On June 17, 2022, the World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference issued a "Draft Ministerial Decision on the TRIPS Agreement," addressing the requirements established in Articles 31 and 39.3 of the TRIPS Agreement in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. 1 The Decision provides several clarifications regarding the process by ...

  13. TRIPS

    Article 31 - Other Use Without Authorization of the Right Holder. Where the law of a Member allows for other use (7) of the subject matter of a patent without the authorization of the right holder, including use by the government or third parties authorized by the government, the following provisions shall be respected: authorization of such ...

  14. The TRIPS Waiver Decision at the World Trade Organization: Too Little

    27 Some other requirements given in art. 31 of the TRIPS Agreement for the issuance of compulsory licenses are: the scope and duration of the license must be limited only to the purpose for which they were authorized (art. 31(c)); these licenses should be non-exclusive (art. 31(d)); the licenses should be non-assignable (art. 31(e)); and if the ...

  15. The Waiver of Certain Intellectual Property Rights Provisions of the

    It demonstrates that numerous critical TRIPS flexibilities, notably TRIPS Article 31 bis, are ineffective, prompting some countries to submit a new waiver proposal to the WTO. It highlights several WTO rules that are also quite ambiguous. ... 52 Art 1(b), WTO Doc., Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and ...

  16. Compulsory Licences in a Regional Context: An Appraisal of the TRIPS

    Against the backdrop of the regional mechanism carved out under Art. 31 bis (3) of the TRIPS Agreement for . issuing compulsory licences, the paper critically appraises the mechanism's viability ...

  17. Ministerial Decision on the Trips Agreement (WTO)

    23 See TRIPS, art. 31 bis and Annex to the TRIPS Agreement, art. 1(b). 3 I NTRODUCTORY N OTE TO M INISTERIAL D ECISION ON THE TRIPS A GREEMENT ...

  18. Article 31bis Of TRIPS: How Can African Countries Benefit From ...

    Following the Doha Declaration and a subsequent council decision, a permanent amendment to TRIPS was approved, thus creating the new Article 31bis. This article partly waives Article 31(f) for least developed countries, allowing them to issue compulsory licences for public health reasons through importing the drugs from other countries.

  19. Improving access to potential COVID-19 drugs and vaccines: TRIPS Art

    · The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a race to develop a potential drug or vaccine that can deter its effects. These drugs or vaccines will be considered intellectual property under Art. 28 of the Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights Agre

  20. 13 Best Day Trips From St Petersburg FL To Take

    Homosassa Springs. Located 1 hour 30 minutes drive from Downtown St Petersburg, Homosassa Springs are one of the best springs to visit in Florida, especially on a day trip. When you arrive, you can park your car on the parking lot of the visitor centre and head in to buy your ticket.

  21. A Virtual Tour of St. Petersburg, Russia

    Explore the splendid palaces, historical monuments and beautiful bridges of St. Petersburg, Russia's "Northern Capital" and the "Venice of the North". Learn about the city's history, culture and attractions through photos, descriptions and links to more information.

  22. Essential travel information for St. Petersburg, Russia

    Find out everything you need to know to prepare for a trip to St. Petersburg, Russia, from visa requirements to seasonal tips. Explore the city's attractions, transport, communications, and more with this comprehensive guide.

  23. 17 COOLEST Day Trips from Saint Petersburg [2023!]

    Quick Answer: Best Day Trips from Saint Petersburg. Day Trips from Saint Petersburg by Train - From St. Petersburg: Full-Day Tour to Velikiy Novgorod. Romantic Day Trips from Saint Petersburg for Couples - St. Petersburg: Raising Drawbridges Night Boat Tour. Best Day Trips from Saint Petersburg with Kids - Kronstadt.