How do I start my fitness journey? A free 12-week beginner plan

fitness woman tying shoe

How to start your fitness journey for beginners.

I went down a Reddit rabbit hole and stumbled upon this question. 

I’m finally starting my journey of losing weight which has been much needed for a while now. The only thing is that I am extremely out of shape and have difficulty completing exercises and workouts I find online. So I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a workout plan or videos you like. I’d really appreciate it. If so and thank you so much in advance.

Which led me to write this article.

Just so we’re clear, I’m defining a beginner as anyone that has been training and working on their nutrition consistently for less than 6 months. Consistently is the keyword here.

Table of Contents

Using the “how to start your fitness journey for beginners guide”

First things first, bookmark this page or email it to yourself. You’ll want to come back to it later.

  • Read the entire article
  • Download the free habit tracker
  • Practice and establish each skill for 2 weeks before leveling up to the next one
  • Contact me if you need some help navigating it

Pretty simple, right? 

How to start your fitness journey for beginners pre-work: Know what to expect 

I’ve coached thousands of clients in-person and online and there are five challenges I can guarantee will present themselves when starting your fitness journey.

  • You won’t always feel motivated
  • At some point, you’ll feel tired
  • Stress will make things hard and you may feel like you have a lot on your plate
  • You’ll get bored with your routines, workouts, meals, and more
  • You will not be perfect. You will make mistakes

All of this is ok and to be expected. The best thing you can do is to accept and embrace these challenges. There are two simple strategies I recommend practicing over the course of your journey.

Strategy #1: Never two in a row (and always something)

This means exactly what you think it means. It’s ok to make mistakes but never two in a row. 

Eat a shitty meal? Cool, just not two in a row. Miss a workout? Cool, just not two in a row.

The second part of this is to focus on always something. Do something, anything, that helps you move closer to your goals. Can’t do your full workout? Cool, do one set of everything.

Can’t do one set of everything? Cool, just do the first exercise. Can’t do that? Ok, do 10 push-ups. That’s not going to work? Walk to the mailbox and back.

Do these small actions get you closer to your goals? No, but they keep you in the game and there’s something to be said for showing up every day.

Strategy #2: The if-then strategy

Here’s how it works.

If I’m not motivated, then I will [insert a small action you’re confident you can take].

For example, if I’m not motivated to cook, then I will order a meal that I know is healthy and meets my calorie needs.

If I don’t have time to go to the grocery store, then I will order them online for delivery. And set this up to recur each week until I have more time. 

I’m sure you’ve heard the cliche take it day by day. Which I get and totally understand. When you make mistakes it’s nice to wipe the slate clean and pick it right back up at your next workout or next meal. But I’d also like you to look at the bigger picture.

Think of all the workouts you’ll be doing this year. Imagine all the healthy and calorie-friendly meals you can create for yourself this year too. For example, say your plan is to work out 3 times per week and eat 1 healthy meal each day. Over the course of a year, that’s 156 workouts and 365 meals.

Let’s say you miss a workout and enjoy some of the best pizza of your life in Chicago. That’s 1 out of 156 or 99%.

Now let’s get a little more realistic. You miss 10 workouts and eat 10 bowls of ice cream for dinner because butter pecan is the best. Disagree with me and I will fight you. That’s 146 out of 156 workouts or 93% and 355 out of 365 meals. Say what? That’s awesome.

Ok, let’s keep going down this rabbit hole. You miss 20 workouts and 20 meals. That’s 136 out of 156 or 87% and 345 meals out of 365. That’s pretty amazing.

I say all this because health and fitness are a long game and while taking it day by day is a great strategy seeing the bigger picture for health is just as important.

Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Bregman has a beautiful quote I love.

I have a phrase that I live by: ‘Add some zeros to it.’ There is not any one thing you can do that will be enough to get you the results you want. For example, working out at the gym one time isn’t going to help you lose a lot of weight. However, if you add some zeros to it, and repeat that one workout 100 times or 1,000 times, you’re going to get somewhere.

It starts with that single workout or meal. But it’s that workout or meal repeated over time that leads to results, and the good news is you don’t need to be perfect to be successful.

You just need to be good enough.

How to start your fitness journey for beginners: Weeks 1 & 2, start walking and explore meaningful movement

Change is more about consistency and momentum and less about motivation and willpower . Sure, there is a certain level of those things that are needed, but relying on them to get started and maintain progress is a common mistake I see.

One way to get around this is by creating a keystone habit for yourself. A keystone habit is a habit that usually leads to other habits falling into place. One of the easiest keystone habits to develop is a regular walking routine.

If you’re like most people, at best you have 30 to 60 minutes, two to four times per week that you can dedicate both physically and mentally to a strenuous workout. But finding a few minutes here or there to walk is much easier.

Some benefits of walking daily:

  • Helps with recovery by improving blood flow throughout the body
  • Low-intensity activity that doesn’t take away from weight training recovery
  • Burns calories without exhausting you
  • Keystone habit for a lot of people
  • Physical and mental health benefits, stress relief, and can boost mood and energy ( 1 )
  • A great way to connect with loved ones or get time away on your own.
  • Lower blood pressure ( 2 )

I love a good run. There’s nothing like that high you get after it. But running is a high-impact exercise that can make it tough on the joints and muscles and even increase appetite.

While there is a difference in calories burned walking one mile versus running you can use walking and NEAT as a great way to expend calories.

NEAT stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis. It is all the activity that is not exercise you do in a day, Things like walking, playing with your kids, cleaning, and fidgeting can all help you burn more calories.

Making time for more steps

Take mini-breaks to get some steps in or play. Start and end your day with a walk, park further away, and walk to local places.

  • Aim to walk a few times this week. Even if it’s just to the mailbox and back
  • Record your steps and then try to slowly increase by 100, 200, or even 500+
  • Eventually aim for 8-15k per day
  • Make it fun. Take the mile everyday challenge.
  • Use it for conversation, podcasts, and audiobooks.

One of my favorite ways to move more outside of walking is to build a meaningful movement routine.

Recommended reading: Getting started with movement guide: Meaningful movement. Move your body in ways you enjoy .

How to start your fitness journey for beginners: Week 3 thru 10, fix your diet

Eating healthy and nutrition for maintaining a healthy body weight has been made way too difficult. There isn’t the best diet, perfect macro percentage, or certain foods you HAVE TO start or stop eating.

Here’s a big secret. Every single diet works for weight management.

  • To lose weight the diet needs to create a calorie deficit. This means you need to eat fewer calories than the body needs.
  • To gain weight the diet needs to create a calorie surplus. This means you need to eat more calories than the body needs.

This is regardless of what you eat. So yes, you can eat carbs and lose or gain weight. You can eat ice cream and lose or gain weight. You can drink wine and lose or gain weight. You can eat meat and lose or gain weight. You can “eat clean” and lose or gain weight.

How diets work

Now, this doesn’t mean the quality of food does not matter, it absolutely does. It’s only a reminder that calories and how much you eat determine weight management.

When making changes to your diet it’s ok to start small. You don’t need to change everything overnight. Below is a series of simple practices you can try that will make a huge difference in improving your diet.

Week 3 & 4: Start creating more calorie awareness

Get a good idea of how many calories you need each day to reach your goals. I like the bodyweight planner from the National Institute of Diabetes And Digestive And Kidney Diseases. But you can also use the simple formula below to get yourself started.

start my fitness journey

Is this perfect? No, but it gives you a target and with a target, it’s much easier to aim.

  • Fat loss: Bodyweight x 10-12
  • Maintain weight: Bodyweight x 13-15
  • Gain weight: Bodyweight x 16-18
  • Example: 150 x 10 = 1,500 and 150 x 120 = 1,800 (Between 1,500 and 1,800)

You don’t need to count calories to be successful. But as Yale researchers showed us, for fat loss creating a calorie deficit is important .

Use this number to give yourself a rough idea of how many calories to eat per meal. For example, if 2,100 calories are needed to reach your goals, and you like to eat 3 meals a day with no snacks. You now know this is roughly 700 calories per meal.

You can look at nutrition labels or nutrition info online to learn more about the foods you’re eating. Apps like Myfitnesspal, Lifesum, Chronometer – and websites like Calorie King can help with this too. 

Today, we’re looking to improve calorie awareness by taking on two small tasks.

  • Reading labels or looking up nutrition info online or in an app
  • Learning about calorie density and choosing foods that fill us up without a ton of calories


We are notoriously bad at estimating how much we’re eating. So today we’re going to create better awareness by learning about the calories in the foods we make at home and when we go out to eat.

  • If you’re eating anything with a label pay attention to the serving sizes and calories per serving.
  • If you’re eating anything without a label (an apple for example) look it up in an app like MyFitnesPal or Calorie King. Simply type in the food and learn about the calories in different serving sizes.

Before going out to eat see if the restaurant provides nutrition info online, and choose what to get before you arrive. If not, see if they have the nutrition info on the menu when you get there.

Interesting that the salad you were thinking of getting is actually  1,000 calories  

Take note of the recommended calories per day to reach your goals. This will give you an idea of how many calories to take in per meal as you eat out or create meals of awesome on your own.


Calorie density can simply be summed up as more food with fewer calories.

More specifically, it’s the number of calories in a given weight of food. A food high in calorie density has a large number of calories in a small weight of food (i.e. olive oil). Food low in calorie density would have a small number of calories in the same weight as food (i.e. broccoli).

Choosing foods lower in calorie density is important because these foods are satiating and fill our stomachs without adding tons of calories to our diet.

Generally speaking, vegetables and fruit are the lowest in calorie density, followed by whole food starches, animal proteins, and finally liquid calories, nuts, seeds, and oils. Highly processed foods like cookies, candy, ice cream, and fries would also be calorie-dense foods.

How calories fill up the stomach

Now, this doesn’t mean we can never eat these foods. It just means to be aware of them, eat them in moderation, and adjust their consumption of them based on our current goals.

If you’re up for it, look for a few places to swap some calorie-dense foods with less calorie-dense options.

  • Orange instead of orange juice
  • Side of fruit or a side salad instead of fries
  • Mustard in place of mayo
  • Seltzer water with lime instead of soda or an adult beverage
  • Fresh fruit instead of dried fruit or trail mix
  • Zucchini noodles instead of regular

Week 5 & 6: Start including a serving of protein and veggies with most meals

Protein is important for maintaining muscle when you’re in a calorie deficit and trying to lose weight and body fat. Protein when combined with resistance or strength training helps to keep your body from using muscle as a fuel source when in a calorie deficit. This is important because you want to maintain as much lean muscle as possible. It keeps your metabolism high and frankly helps you look better naked.

It’s also very satiating. When you’re training and reducing calories to lose fat and weight you will most likely be hungry at points. Protein (especially when combined with veggies) will keep your appetite at bay and feel fuller for longer stretches.

Vegetables are low in calories but high in vitamins, minerals, fiber, water, and other filling things. It would take eating a ton of them to get to a calorie level that leads to weight gain. 

But how much protein and veggies per meal?

  • For men: 2 palms of protein or roughly 6-8 ounces and 2-3 fists of veggies
  • For women: 1 palm of protein or roughly 3-4 ounces and 1-2 fists of veggies

hand portion estimates

To help you include a source of protein and veggies with each meal download this simple food list . Mix and match your favorite sources and get creative with herbs, spices, and various seasonings to create meals you’ll enjoy.

Week 7 & 8: Self-care before snacking

Snacking is rarely related to physical hunger. I’ve found that self-care before snacking is the most effective strategy for coaching clients that need to reduce snacking for weight management goals.

Set up a reminder.  Something that reminds you to practice self-care before snacking. Sticky notes, an alert on your phone, whatever works for you.

Choose a very specific action that you can practice when you feel like you want to grab a snack. There will be times when you blackout and catch yourself in front of the pantry with a spoon in a jar of peanut butter. If you catch yourself during or after mindless snacking, still practice the action.

  • drink a glass of water
  • do tow push-ups
  • step outside for some fresh air
  • take 5 deep breathes

Whatever slows you down, gives you a break, and makes you feel good

Reward yourself for practicing the action with something other than food. This could be something as simple as a checkmark on a calendar.

And if you are physically hungry and need a snack, choose something low-calorie like a piece of fruit – just enough to tide you over until your main meal.

Week 9 & 10: Adjust carbs and fats for weight loss or gain

Carbs are not the enemy and they alone don’t make us fat. Hopefully, by now you’re starting to see that what influences weight gain or loss is the calories consumed.

If you prefer low-carb, cool. Go for it. Your body can run fine without them, and you can lose or gain weight eating them depending on your overall calorie intake.

However, carbs are a great source of energy. Especially if you’re a very active individual or someone that trains very hard.

Healthy fats are very satiating, great for hormone health, and a wonderful source of energy. They can also add great flavor and variety to meals.

The point of all this is that calories, protein, carbs, and fats all play important roles in our diet and are important for our health. The way and how much you consume each is totally up to you.

But if we are looking at them in terms of overall importance for body fat and weight loss, it would look like this.

nutrition importance

Recommended reading: Getting started diet guide: Improving your nutrition

Week 11 & 12: Reflect and adjust

Use these two weeks to continue what you’re doing and also to reflect. 

  • What went well these 10 weeks?
  • What did not go as well as you would have liked?
  • What one or two adjustments can you make to improve that thing that did not go well?

How to workout: Staring your strength training journey

Feel free to start strength training at any point in your journey. 

The internet has made this way more difficult than it needs to be. We spend too much time arguing over reps, sets, rest time, liner, and non-linear. Honestly, just make sure you’re applying progressive overload over time and you’ll be fine.

Without progressive overload, it’s virtually impossible to get stronger or build muscle. In order to get stronger, build, or maintain muscle – The stimulus has to be more than it is used to. If you do the same thing over and over again nothing will change.

There are multiple ways you can do this.

  • Intensity: Lifting more weight in your next training session.
  • Volume: Doing more reps, sets, or exercises.
  • Frequency: Doing more training sessions than the week before.
  • Tension: Increasing the duration of each repetition within an exercise. For example, taking 5 seconds to lower yourself in a push-up.

Focus on compound movements.

This doesn’t mean you have to squat, bench, and deadlift. You’re fine starting with machines or your body weight. Below is an example of a routine using machines, body weight, or free weights that use similar movement patterns.

Machine Workout

  • Seated leg press : 3 sets, 8-15 reps
  • Machine row : 3 sets, 8-15 reps
  • Machine chest press : 3 sets,  8-15 reps

Dumbbell Workout

  • Goblet squat : 3 sets, 8-15 reps
  • Single-arm dumbbell row : 3 sets, 8-15 reps
  • Dumbbell chest press : 3 sets 8-15 reps

Barbell Workout

  • Barbell squat : 3 sets, 8-15 reps
  • Barbell bent-over row : 3 sets, 8-15 reps
  • Bench press : 3 sets 8-15 reps

Bodyweight Workout

  • Bodyweight squat : 3 sets, 8-15 reps
  • Inverted row : 3 sets, 8-15 reps
  • Push up (regular, knee, or elevated): 3 sets 8-15 reps

Each of these can be done Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (or Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday) for a few weeks. And yes, you can do the same workout 3 times per week. You’ll get to practice some of the most important movement patterns and focus on form.

For most of us that want to get stronger and to look and feel better with and without our clothes on this will be fine and you can do it forever as long as you use progressive overload

Recommended reading: Getting started strength training guide

Making adjustments as you move through your fitness journey

Just because you do X doesn’t mean you get or deserve Y. Sometimes you’re going to work really hard for something and it’s not going to work out the way you had hoped for or at the rate you expected.

Patience is a virtue. 

Pause, reflect, take a mini-break, or ask for help. Review what’s going really well for you and where there could be room for 1% better.

Getting started with the 12-week how to start your fitness journey for beginners plan

This article is one of many ways you could start or restart your fitness journey. My hope is that it takes some of the confusion and overwhelm out of it for you.

  • Pre-work: Mindset, weekly reflection, decide which week you want to strength train
  • Week 1 and 2: Walking Routine and meaningful movement
  • Week 3 and 4: Calorie awareness
  • Week 5 and 6: Protein and veggies
  • Week 7 and 8: Self-care before snacking
  • Week 9 and 10: Adjust carbs and fats
  • Week 11 and 12: Reflect and adjust

Best of luck,

Personal coaching

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Personal Trainer

Starting a fitness journey can be intimidating. There are workouts to learn, diets to follow, willpower to conjure, and self-consciousness to overcome. But making the decision to start a fitness regimen and making strides toward improving your health are the absolute best things you can do for yourself— mind and body . So give yourself a big pat on the back, then listen to the sage advice of trainer, coach, natural bodybuilder, and gym owner Eric Broser . 

Here, Eric answers the most common training questions he gets from people who are starting their quest toward fitness. 

Leg Press

CasarsaGuru / Getty

I don’t know how to use the equipment or do any workouts. How do I get started?

As a complete beginner, the gym can certainly be an intimidating place. This is why I suggest hiring a personal trainer for a good eight to 10 sessions. He or she can teach you what muscle groups each piece of equipment works, as well as proper exercise technique, breathing patterns, and rep cadence. A good trainer will also help you develop a workout program that is suited to your present level of fitness, particular goals, and that addresses any injuries or limitations that you may have.

Bicep Curl

Inti St Clair / Getty

What type of training should I do to lose weight?

When it comes to losing weight, you need a combination of weight/resistance training and cardiovascular exercise. Many people make the error of performing too much cardio and neglecting weightlifting, thinking that only treadmills, stationary bikes, and stair steppers are responsible for burning fat—but this is far from true.

While cardio will certainly help you burn extra calories, it’s weight training that is going to stimulate the metabolism (so that you become a fat-burning machine), change the composition of your body, and bring about the shape and contours you want. I suggest at least three to four days per week lifting weights and four to five performing cardio—preferably first thing in the morning or right after resistance training.

Person gripping a barbell for a romanian deadlift exercise

What type of training should I do to build strength and muscle?

For building strength and muscle, you’ll need a well-designed weight training program that primarily utilizes free weights and compound (multi-joint) exercises. A four-day-per-week program works quite well for most, using a two on, one off; two on, two off pattern. This allows you to hit each muscle group hard once per week, while providing you three days for rest and recovery (which is when actual growth takes place). 

I suggest starting with about four exercises for three sets each for major muscles like back, quads, hamstrings, chest, and shoulders. For smaller groups like biceps, triceps, traps, abs, forearms, and calves, you’ll do well with just three movements for two to three sets each. Perform one to three warmup sets before each exercise (more are needed earlier in the workout), and then work sets of 13 to 15, 10 to 12, and 7 to 9 reps.

Beginner Workout

SrdjanPav / Getty

How often do I need to work out?

How often you need to work out depends on your fitness level, goals, and time limitations. The loftier the goal, the more time you will have to spend going after it. That said, if you have a very demanding job, a family, or other important personal responsibilities, you may not be able to spend hours per week working out. Then you’ll need to be patient when it comes to reaching your goal.

To make decent progress you need to hit the gym at least three days per week for an hour at a time. However, as time passes, you’ll begin to require more time in order to see continued progress. I suggest starting out with three gym sessions per week and adding to your program every month or so.

Fit man using technology to track his fitness for keeping his resolutions

Letizia Le Fur / Getty

How much time should I spend in the gym?

Like the last question, this depends on how fit you currently are, what goals you have set for yourself, and how much time you have to devote to working out. For some people it may be best to schedule three hour-long workouts per week, while others may find it more convenient and beneficial to train five to six days per week—but for only 30 minutes. 

In other words, it’s best to think about how many total hours per week you’ll spend in the gym, and then decide how best to spread it out. Another important point to consider is quality of time and not just quantity. Someone who is very dedicated and focused on their training can often get far more accomplished in just 30 minutes than someone who’s there for an hour, but constantly distracted by their phone, chatting with others, and watching rather than doing.


Westend61 / Getty

How much rest do I need?

Certain exercises are far more demanding on the body than others and require more rest between sets. For example, a set of 15 reps of barbell squats will not only tax the thighs, glutes, and lower back, but will also have you breathing like a freight train. You may find that you need a good three to four minutes before you are ready to get to the next set. On the other hand, performing 15 dumbbell side laterals may only require 45 to 60 seconds of recovery time. 

Another point to consider is what your primary goal is and how weight training will work best to reach it. Someone who’s in the gym to build massive size and power will want to rest for longer periods in between sets so as to be able to lift maximum weight for maximum reps. When you’re looking to burn body fat and increase endurance, it’s best to keep heart rate elevated and move quickly from set to set, even if the weights are lighter. 

As for between workouts, you may find that as a beginner that a full day of rest is needed in between weight training sessions. However, as you progress and become more resilient, it’s possible to train for days without a break, just as long as you never work the same muscles two days in a row. Cardio can be done daily.


Douglas Sacha / Getty

Should I start a supplement regimen?

In the beginning of your health and fitness journey, the main focus should be on implementing an intelligent and efficient workout regimen and a healthy and balanced nutrition program. Anyone who tells you to immediately jump on all sorts of sports supplements is either misinformed or trying to make a buck (well, most of them). After spending eight to 12 solid weeks in the gym, working hard and consistently while carefully following a sound diet, it’s appropriate to think about adding supplements into the mix. 

Post-workout Protein


Is there really a 30- to 60-minute window to consume protein post-workout? Why?

It’s actually true that within the first hour after working out intensely with weights, the body is in a special metabolic state where protein and carbohydrates are partitioned toward muscles and away from fat cells. This is because during this period, insulin sensitivity is extremely high, which means amino acids and carbs will very readily be absorbed, assimilated, and stored directly into damaged muscle cells. This allows for repair, recovery, and recuperation to start immediately, and over time you’ll get far better results than eating your post-workout meal outside of this anabolic window.

Out of Shape Training

Digital Vision / Getty

I’m severely out of shape. Is there anything that isn’t safe for me to do?

While it’s likely safe for you to begin a light workout program, preferably under the care of an experienced and educated personal trainer, it would be best for you to consult with your physician before even stepping into a gym. Getting the green light from your doc will give you peace of mind and keep you from needlessly causing yourself harm, illness, or injury, especially when you are taking steps to improve your health and wellness. Don’t be disheartened; just talk to your doctor first to get a physical and come up with a strategy. 


Jordan Siemens

Do you recommend any non-workout activities to get fit?

Absolutely, yes. Not only are  outside activities  great for your body, they’ve been proven to improve your mental wellbeing —depression is often a factor for people who find it difficult to get in shape. These types of activities are especially great when it comes to getting in your cardiovascular training. It’s far more enjoyable to hike, dance, bike, run stairs, or swim than to walk on a treadmill every session. 

Body Fat Calipers


How do I know my training is working? What performance measures should I be tracking?

Carefully tracking your progress is extremely important when embarking on any kind of physical fitness program. If possible, it’s a good idea to meet with a coach or trainer every two to four weeks to have your weight, body fat, and complete measurements taken. You can take it a step further by having regular blood tests via your primary physician if you are trying to regulate general health measures like total cholesterol, ratio of LDL to HDL, triglycerides, and blood pressure. 

Oddly enough, a very good indicator of progress is feeling how your clothes fit. Obviously if you are looking to get bigger and more muscular, you know you are headed in the right direction if your shirts are fitting tighter in the arms, chest, and through the back. The scale is not always a telltale sign of whether your program is yielding results, since it’s very possible for people, especially women, to drop several sizes without losing a single pound. Always remember that muscle weighs more than fat, but it takes up far less space.

Gym Plateau

martin-dm / Getty

What do I do when I hit a plateau?

When stagnation sets in, it’s time to look carefully at your overall program and decide what changes need to be made to kickstart progress once again. Sometimes it’s a case of simply adding in more work or tweaking your diet by adding or subtracting calories (depending on the goal). Other times you have to ask yourself if you are truly giving it 100 percent every day in the gym. Simply showing up is not going to get the job done—you need to focus, concentrate, and give your all to every set and rep.

Another possibility is that your body and mind have adapted to the exercises and types of cardio you have been doing and need a change. Try changing some of your weight training movements, switching to different cardio machines, using more or less resistance, or altering rest between sets. 

Tire Flip

BJI / Blue Jean Images / Getty

I’m really struggling, how do I stick with it?

This may be the toughest question of all to answer. The desire and will to keep pushing yourself day after day has to come from within. While the people close to you may lend their support (and you should question anyone who doesn’t), it’s still you that has to take the journey. You’re the one who has to skip the cheat meals, pass on the booze, pump the weights, and sweat on the treadmill, bike, and stepper. 

But just like anything in life, few things worth having come easy. And honestly, nothing is more important than your health. That said, a few suggestions I have that may help are: 

  • See if a friend, family member, or another gym goer will work out with you. It’s great having a partner . 
  • Watch inspirational videos or movies that can help psyche you up to go to the gym. 
  • Always wear headphones with your favorite motivational music when you work out. 
  • Contemplate how you will feel about quitting . Think about looking back months from now and knowing what you might have accomplished had you stuck with it.
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Anastase Maragos / Unsplash

Ah, boarding on a fitness journey, are we? Stepping into the arena with the heart of a warrior and the determination to sculpt a path to vitality and strength. I can feel your pulse racing with anticipation and maybe, just a hint of uncertainty. Fear not, for you’ve just enlisted an ally in me, ready to guide you through the thicket of doubt and onto the plains of triumph! 😀

Navigating the onset of a fitness journey is akin to setting sail on uncharted waters, where each wave might challenge your resolve and every gust of wind could shift your course. But what if I told you that amidst these trials lies an adventure so rewarding, it transforms not just your physique but your very essence? That’s the voyage we’re about to undertake.

Welcome to the golden era of self-transformation, where the tools for forging lasting habits aren’t locked away in some mystical vault, but are rather nestled within the wisdom of those who’ve journeyed before you. Imagine possessing the map to buried treasure, where X marks the spot of not just fleeting success, but enduring change.

Because I’ve tread this path, battled the tempests of procrastination, and danced in the rain of accomplishment, I’ve distilled the essence of my odyssey into 11 steps on how to start a fitness journey. These aren’t mere suggestions; they’re the beacon lights that will guide you through the fog of hesitation and onto the shores of habitual vitality.

How to start a fitness journey?

Are you ready to transform the spark of today into the blaze of tomorrow? Let’s launch on this expedition together, where each tip is a step not just on the trail of fitness but on the pilgrimage to a renewed self.

Lace up, brave voyager, for we’re about to journey through the heart of transformation, where every drop of sweat is a testament to your undying commitment to thrive. Let the voyage commence!

The journey is as unique as you are, fraught with challenges, victories, and countless opportunities for growth. But how does one take that first step? How do you transform ambition into action, and action into habit? Here are some pivotal tips to not only start your fitness journey but to ensure it becomes a lasting part of your lifestyle :

  • Set clear, achievable goals,
  • find your why ,
  • start small and progress gradually,
  • incorporate variety,
  • schedule your workouts,
  • track your progress,
  • find a support system,
  • listen to your body,
  • celebrate small wins,
  • embrace patience and persistence,
  • find your fitness passion.

So, let’s get started with our main question today and get a greater depth of these stated guidelines !

How to start a fitness journey?

Starting your fitness journey can feel like standing at the base of a colossal mountain , peering up at the path that winds into the clouds above. It’s about more than just physical transformation; it’s a pilgrimage towards better health, increased energy, and a deeper connection with the very vessel that carries you through life.

1. Set clear, achievable goals

When considering how to start a fitness journey, setting clear, specific goals is foundational . Instead of broad aims like “get fit”, choosing tangible, measurable targets—like running a 5K without stopping or losing 10 pounds in three months—can significantly enhance focus and motivation. These precise goals not only clarify your direction but also simplify the process of tracking your progress .

In the quest on how to start a fitness journey, it’s vital to strike a balance between ambition and realism with your goals to prevent frustration and maintain motivation . Breaking down larger objectives into smaller, incremental milestones allows for celebrating each step of progress and adjusting your strategy as necessary. This approach ensures that your fitness journey is adaptable, capable of accommodating the unpredictability of life without losing sight of the end goal.

Moreover, aligning your fitness goals with activities you genuinely enjoy and that fit your lifestyle increases your likelihood of persistence. Flexibility in your goals is essential, enabling you to adapt to changes and continue making progress, regardless of life’s inevitable shifts.

By setting and diligently pursuing clear, achievable goals, you lay down a structured and focused path for your fitness journey. This method not only promises a more rewarding and aligned experience with your personal growth and well-being but also serves as a cornerstone for those learning how to start a fitness journey, guiding them towards lasting success and fulfillment.

2. Find your why !

Understanding your “why” is a pivotal first step in how to start a fitness journey. It’s the driving force behind your motivation, elevating your fitness endeavors from mere routines to deeply personal quests. Your “why” encompasses profound aspirations—like boosting health , pursuing passions without physical limits , and enhancing overall life quality —transcending simple desires for physical appearance. Recognizing and embracing your “why” can transform challenges into milestones and effort into gratification, making the journey rewarding.

When figuring out how to start a fitness journey, taking the time to reflect on and define your “why” aligns your fitness goals with your core values, directing your efforts towards genuine aspirations . This alignment might require introspection, possibly benefiting from jotting down your motivations to solidify your commitment.

As you progress on how to start a fitness journey, your “why” may evolve, reflecting personal growth . Periodic reassessment of your “why” ensures that your fitness journey continuously resonates with who you are and who you aim to become. Sharing your “why” with others can enhance accountability and garner support , making your fitness journey a shared experience.

Ultimately, in learning how to start a fitness journey, your “why” becomes a beacon, guiding your path and infusing each step with purpose and personal significance. It roots your fitness journey in the essence of your identity and aspirations, transforming the process into an impactful and deeply personal experience.

3. Start small and progress gradually

When embarking on how to start a fitness journey, beginning with manageable steps and progressively intensifying your routine is crucial for long-term success and sustainability. This method helps avoid the pitfalls of burnout and injury, making the incorporation of exercise into your daily routine feel less daunting. Pacing yourself from the start is vital to sidestep potential discouragement that can derail your efforts early on.

As you navigate how to start a fitness journey, initiating with small, achievable workouts before gradually upping the intensity not only cultivates a sense of accomplishment but also cements exercise as a regular habit. It’s important to note that consistency is more valuable than intensity in the early stages, and engaging in activities you genuinely enjoy is crucial for sustaining motivation. Listening to your body and modifying your routine as needed ensures your fitness journey remains bespoke to your personal health needs and preferences, boosting confidence with each minor achievement.

In summary, adopting a gradual, patient approach is indispensable in learning how to start a fitness journey. It lays the groundwork for a positive and lasting relationship with physical activity, prioritizing the enjoyment and journey of fitness over rushing to achieve quick results. This strategy is fundamental for anyone looking to begin their fitness journey on the right foot , ensuring progress is made sustainably and enjoyably.

Start your fitness journey

4. Incorporate variety

Incorporating variety into your fitness routine is a key strategy for anyone wondering how to start a fitness journey successfully. It combats boredom, boosts overall fitness, and minimizes injury risks by working all muscle groups and ensuring balanced physical development. Integrating a mix of exercises , from cardiovascular workouts and strength training to yoga or Pilates, provides a holistic approach that enhances strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health.

For those at the beginning stages of figuring out how to start a fitness journey, variety not only injects excitement through new challenges and activities but also introduces routine flexibility. This adaptability is crucial for accommodating daily fluctuations in how you feel and facilitating recovery , thereby preventing overtraining through periodization—adjusting workout intensity and duration.

Embracing variety as you embark on how to start a fitness journey is vital for keeping the process dynamic, effective, and, most importantly, enjoyable. Openness to exploring new fitness experiences can significantly enrich your journey, making it more engaging and sustainable over time.

5. Schedule your workouts

Scheduling workouts is essential in starting and sustaining a fitness journey, akin to setting appointments for other important aspects of your life . This approach ensures you prioritize physical activity, embedding it into your daily routine as a non-negotiable part of your day.

It helps manage energy efficiently , ensuring you’re prepared for each session, and fosters a psychological commitment to your health. By creating a consistent workout schedule, exercise becomes an automatic part of your routine, supporting habit formation and aiding in effective recovery by allowing proper time between sessions targeting different muscle groups.

Utilizing digital tools for reminders can further enhance this strategy, helping to maintain a steady, productive fitness regimen. Ultimately, scheduling workouts signifies a commitment to health, laying a foundation for a fitness journey that is structured, disciplined, and adaptable over time.

6. Track your progress

Tracking your progress is a pivotal aspect when figuring out how to start a fitness journey . It serves as both a guide and a source of motivation, helping you see the tangible outcomes of your efforts. By maintaining a detailed log of your workouts , dietary habits , and emotional state , you can discern patterns and make necessary adjustments to enhance the effectiveness of your routine, such as finding the optimal time for your workouts.

Especially crucial in how to start a fitness journey, tracking underscores that progress may not always follow a straight line, offering motivation during tough periods by reminding you of how far you’ve advanced. It encourages regular goal evaluation , ensuring your fitness journey adapts alongside your changing ambitions. Leveraging tools like apps, journals, or social media not only facilitates this tracking but also connects you with a supportive community , providing a tactile and communal dimension to documenting your progress.

More than just a means to record successes, tracking invites reflection on obstacles faced, promoting resilience and personal growth. It crafts a customized roadmap for your fitness journey, marking every achievement and preparing the ground for continued success. This tailored approach underscores the journey’s personal nature, making each step a celebrated milestone in the broader narrative of how to start a fitness journey.

start my fitness journey

7. Find a support system

Finding a support system is a cornerstone for anyone pondering how to start a fitness journey. The road to fitness is one filled with ups and downs, and having a network of support can make all the difference in staying motivated and committed. A support system can come in many forms: friends who join you for workouts, family members who encourage your efforts, or an online community that shares your fitness goals and challenges.

When you’re embarking on how to start a fitness journey, the encouragement and accountability a support system provides can be incredibly powerful. For example, scheduling regular workouts with a friend not only makes you more likely to stick to your fitness routine but also turns exercise into a social and enjoyable activity. This shared commitment can help propel you forward, even on days when motivation is hard to come by.

Moreover, a support system offers a sounding board for your fitness experiences and challenges. Whether it’s celebrating a new personal best or navigating the frustration of a setback, having people to share with can enhance your resilience and perspective . This communal aspect of learning how to start a fitness journey can transform it from a solitary endeavor into a shared adventure.

In the digital age, online forums and social media groups dedicated to fitness can also be a part of your support system. These platforms allow you to connect with like-minded individuals from around the world, offering a vast resource of advice, motivation, and encouragement. Whether you’re looking for workout tips, nutritional advice, or just a dose of inspiration, these communities can be invaluable.

For those just figuring out how to start a fitness journey, consider seeking out a mentor or coach . A mentor who has navigated their own fitness journey successfully can provide personalized guidance, helping you to avoid common pitfalls and make the most of your efforts. Their expertise can fast-track your learning process, making your journey smoother and more enjoyable.

Engaging family members in your fitness goals can also bolster your support system. They can help create a conducive environment for your fitness journey, whether by adopting healthier eating habits together or simply providing encouragement and understanding when you dedicate time to your workouts.

Remember, the purpose of a support system as you start a fitness journey is not to have others do the work for you but to create a network of encouragement, accountability, and shared joy. This social support is a crucial ingredient for long-term success, making the journey less about the destination and more about the shared experiences along the way.

8. Listen to your body

Listening to your body is an essential principle, especially when embarking on how to start a fitness journey. It’s a dialogue between you and your physical self , a way to ensure that your ambitions align with your body’s capabilities and needs. Ignoring your body’s signals can lead to overtraining, injury, and burnout, effectively derailing your fitness journey before you achieve your goals. Conversely, tuning in to your body’s cues helps tailor your fitness regimen for optimal progress and enjoyment.

When you’re learning how to start a fitness journey, it’s crucial to recognize the difference between pushing yourself healthily and pushing yourself too hard. Discomfort is a natural part of fitness growth, but pain is not. Pain is your body’s way of signaling that something is wrong, and ignoring it can worsen injuries. Acknowledging and respecting these signals is key to a sustainable and effective fitness journey.

Moreover, listening to your body is about more than just avoiding injury . It’s also about understanding your energy levels , recognizing when you need rest , and identifying the types of exercise that feel good and yield results. This self-awareness is invaluable when figuring out how to start a fitness journey that fits your unique needs and goals.

Rest and recovery are as critical to your fitness journey as the workouts themselves. Your body repairs and strengthens itself during periods of rest, making recovery essential for improvement. If you’re feeling unusually tired or sore, it might be your body telling you to take a break or focus on recovery activities, such as stretching, yoga, or even a walk, rather than pushing through another high-intensity workout.

Hydration and nutrition are also key aspects of listening to your body. Cravings can sometimes signal nutrient deficiencies, and feelings of lethargy can often be attributed to dehydration or poor diet. As you start your fitness journey, paying attention to how different foods and hydration levels affect your energy and performance can guide you toward healthier choices that support your fitness goals.

In essence, listening to your body is foundational when figuring out how to start a fitness journey. It ensures that your path to fitness is aligned with your physical and mental well-being, leading to a more enjoyable, effective, and sustainable journey. By honoring your body’s needs and signals, you create a fitness routine that not only challenges you but also nurtures and supports your overall health.

9. Celebrate small wins

Celebrating small wins is a crucial strategy in maintaining motivation and momentum when you’re figuring out how to start a fitness journey. This journey is often a long and winding road, with its share of challenges and triumphs. Recognizing and celebrating each achievement along the way can significantly boost your morale , reinforce positive behaviors , and keep you engaged in the process .

When embarking on how to start a fitness journey, it’s easy to become fixated on the ultimate goal, whether that’s losing a certain amount of weight, running a marathon, or achieving a specific level of strength. However, these larger goals can sometimes feel distant and overwhelming. Breaking them down into smaller, achievable targets not only makes the journey more manageable but also provides frequent opportunities for celebration. Each time you reach one of these mini-goals, you’re reminded of your progress and the effectiveness of your efforts.

Moreover, celebrating small wins helps to build a positive association with exercise and healthy living. It transforms the fitness journey from a series of grueling tasks into a rewarding endeavor, where each step forward is a cause for celebration. This positive reinforcement encourages you to stick with your routine , even when the novelty wears off or when you face inevitable setbacks.

How to workout?

Incorporating celebration into how to start a fitness journey also means acknowledging the effort , not just the outcome. Some days, simply showing up for your workout is a win, especially when you’re not feeling motivated. Recognizing the strength it takes to commit to your goals, regardless of the immediate results, is important.

It’s also beneficial to find personal and meaningful ways to celebrate these achievements. While it might be tempting to reward yourself with food or other indulgences, consider rewards that further your fitness goals or enhance your well-being, such as new workout gear, a massage, or a day of rest and relaxation.

Sharing your victories with your support system can amplify the joy of these moments. Whether it’s a workout buddy, family members, or an online community, celebrating with others who understand and support your journey adds to the sense of accomplishment and can provide an extra layer of motivation.

Remember, every part of the journey deserves recognition . Even the learning experiences that come from setbacks are wins in their own right, as they provide valuable insights that can guide future efforts.

In essence, celebrating small wins is a vital component of how to start a fitness journey. It nurtures a positive and resilient mindset , helping to sustain motivation over the long term. By recognizing and celebrating each step forward, no matter how small, you reinforce your commitment to a healthier, more active lifestyle and build momentum that propels you towards your larger goals.

10. Embrace patience and persistence

Embracing patience and persistence is paramount when figuring out how to start a fitness journey. This path is rarely linear or quick; it’s a gradual process that unfolds over time, with each step building upon the last. Patience allows you to appreciate the journey itself , understanding that true transformation, both physical and mental, doesn’t happen overnight. It requires consistent effort, dedication, and time.

When embarking on how to start a fitness journey, it’s crucial to set realistic expectations for yourself. Unrealistic goals can lead to frustration and demotivation when they aren’t met quickly. By embracing patience, you acknowledge that progress, whether it’s losing weight, building muscle, or improving endurance, takes time. This mindset helps you stay committed to your routine, even when you don’t see immediate results.

Persistence is equally important in learning how to start a fitness journey . There will undoubtedly be challenges along the way—days when you don’t feel like working out, moments of temptation that test your diet, and periods where your progress seems to stall. Persistence is what pushes you through these challenges. It’s the determination to stick with your fitness plan even when the going gets tough.

Moreover, embracing patience and persistence teaches resilience. It’s about learning to bounce back from setbacks and view them as opportunities for growth rather than reasons to give up. This resilience is invaluable, not just on your fitness journey, but in life.

It’s also helpful to remind yourself why you started this journey. Returning to your initial motivations can reignite your drive and reinforce the importance of patience and persistence. Every step forward, no matter how small, is a testament to your commitment and brings you closer to your goals.

Celebrating the small victories , as mentioned earlier, plays a role here too. Acknowledging your progress reinforces the value of patience and persistence, showing you that they do indeed pay off over time.

For those just beginning to figure out how to start a fitness journey, remember that comparing your progress to others can be a trap. Everyone’s body is different, and progress will look different for each person . Focus on your own journey and trust that with patience and persistence, you’ll reach your goals.

In essence, embracing patience and persistence is a fundamental part of how to start a fitness journey. They are the companions that keep you company on the road to achieving your fitness goals, reminding you that every effort counts and that the journey itself is just as important as the destination. With patience and persistence , you’re not just working towards a healthier body, but also cultivating a mindset geared towards long-term success and fulfillment.

Lifting weights

11. Find your fitness passion

Before diving into the other essential tips, discovering what truly motivates and excites you about fitness is crucial. Finding your fitness passion can be the key to unlocking a lifelong journey of health, vitality, and joy in movement. This initial step is often overlooked, but its importance cannot be overstated when figuring out how to start a fitness journey.

The world of fitness is vast and varied, offering a plethora of activities to suit every interest and fitness level. From the calm and centering practices of yoga and Pilates , the exhilarating rush of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) , to the serene focus of swimming or the community spirit of team sports, there’s something for everyone. The trick is to explore different activities until you find the ones that make you feel most alive, most challenged, and most fulfilled.

When you identify a form of exercise you truly enjoy, it ceases to be a chore and becomes something you look forward to. This enjoyment is crucial for consistency, as you’re far more likely to stick with a fitness routine that brings you joy. Furthermore, when you’re passionate about the activities you engage in, you naturally want to learn more, improve, and push your boundaries , which leads to greater personal growth and achievement.

Engaging with communities that share your fitness interests can also enhance your journey. Whether it’s joining a local running club, signing up for group classes at a gym, or participating in online forums, connecting with others who share your passion can provide additional motivation, support, and fun to your fitness journey.

Remember, finding your fitness passion may require trial and error , and what excites you may change over time. That’s perfectly okay. The goal is to stay curious and open to new experiences, allowing your fitness journey to evolve as you do.

In essence, discovering and nurturing your fitness passion is a foundational step in how to start a fitness journey. It fuels your motivation, enriches your experiences, and ensures that fitness remains a rewarding part of your life for years to come. With this passion as your guide, every workout, every challenge, and every success becomes a cherished part of your journey towards health and happiness.

Fear of going to the gym? Here’s how you deal with it!

Conquering the fear of going to the gym is a common hurdle at the outset of many fitness journeys. If you’re grappling with this fear, know that you’re not alone . Drawing from personal experience, the initial step into the gym can feel daunting, almost like stepping into an entirely new world. I remember the palpable anxiety and fear I felt, but deciding to face that fear head-on was one of the best decisions I’ve made. Now, five months into my fitness journey, the gym feels more like a second home , a place to hang out with friends.

Here are five pieces of advice for overcoming the fear of going to the gym and confidently embarking on how to start a fitness journey:

  • Start Small and Go During Off-Peak Hours : Begin your gym journey during less crowded times to ease into the environment without feeling overwhelmed. This gradual approach can significantly reduce the fear of going to the gym by allowing you to become familiar with the equipment and setting at your own pace.
  • Remember, Everyone Is Focused on Themselves : Just as I realized, most people are too engrossed in their workouts to notice others. The fear of judgment is common, but in reality, everyone else is likely just as concerned about how they appear to others and, thus, aren’t focusing on you. This realization can be liberating and help mitigate the fear of going to the gym.
  • Bring a Friend or Hire a Personal Trainer : Having a buddy join you or opting for a few sessions with a personal trainer can provide a sense of security and guidance. This support not only helps in navigating how to start a fitness journey but also makes the gym feel like a more welcoming place.
  • Set Realistic Goals : Establish clear, achievable goals for your gym sessions. Knowing exactly what you’re there to accomplish can boost your confidence and keep your focus away from any fears or anxieties.
  • Celebrate Your Progress : Recognize and celebrate each visit to the gym as a victory over your fear. Over time, these victories add up, transforming the gym into a place of achievement and personal growth.

Fear of going to the gym

Facing the fear of going to the gym head-on is a crucial step in how to start a fitness journey. It’s about stepping out of your comfort zone and into a space where growth, both physical and personal, awaits. Just like my journey, where the initial fear turned into an enriching part of my daily life, yours too can evolve into an empowering and joyous experience. Remember, the journey starts with that single step— overcoming the fear of going to the gym not only leads to physical fitness but also builds resilience, confidence, and a sense of community.

So, my fellow adventurer, as you stand at the threshold of this journey, remember that each step, each breath, each drop of sweat, is a chapter in your epic. The road ahead is yours to tread, with passion in your heart and determination in your gaze. Embrace the journey with all its twists and turns, for it is in the journey itself that the true adventure lies.

Buckle up, brave soul, for you are about to embark on a journey of transformation that transcends the physical. Here’s to the steps you’ve yet to take, the milestones you’ve yet to achieve, and the endless possibilities that await. The path to discovering how to start a fitness journey is not just about changing how you look, but about transforming how you see yourself and the world around you. Onwards, to a journey that promises to be as enriching as it is exhilarating! 😀

Lorena Novak

fear of going to the gym healthy habit how to start a fitness journey

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The Ultimate Roadmap to an Empowering Fitness Journey

Embarking on a fitness journey refers to the intentional and structured pursuit of improving one’s physical fitness, overall health, and well-being. It involves setting goals, adopting healthy lifestyle habits, and engaging in regular exercise and physical activity to achieve desired outcomes. A fitness journey is a personal and transformative experience that goes beyond short-term goals and focuses on long-term sustainable changes.

A fitness journey is unique to each individual, as it is tailored to their specific needs, preferences, and starting point. It can involve a wide range of activities such as cardio exercises, strength training, flexibility exercises, and mindful practices like yoga or meditation. The journey may also include modifications to one’s diet, sleep patterns, stress management techniques, and overall lifestyle choices.

Embarking on a fitness journey holds immense significance for individuals seeking to improve their health and overall quality of life. Here are some key reasons why a fitness journey is important:

  • Physical health improvement: Engaging in regular exercise and physical activity has numerous benefits for physical health. It helps strengthen the cardiovascular system, improves muscle tone and strength, enhances flexibility, boosts metabolism, and promotes weight management. Regular physical activity also reduces the risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.
  • Mental and emotional well-being: Exercise has a profound impact on mental and emotional health. It releases endorphins, commonly known as “feel-good” hormones, which promote a positive mood, and reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. Regular exercise also improves cognitive function, enhances focus, and increases self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Energy and vitality: A fitness journey can significantly increase energy levels and overall vitality. Regular physical activity improves circulation, delivering more oxygen and nutrients to the body’s tissues and organs. This leads to increased energy, improved alertness, and a greater sense of vitality throughout the day.
  • Longevity and quality of life: Adopting a fitness journey can positively influence longevity and overall quality of life. Regular exercise has been shown to increase life expectancy and reduce the risk of premature death. It enhances functional abilities, promotes independence, and enables individuals to enjoy an active and fulfilling life well into older age.
  • Personal growth and self-discovery: A fitness journey is not just about physical transformation but also about personal growth and self-discovery. It provides an opportunity to challenge oneself, push beyond comfort zones, and discover new strengths and capabilities. It cultivates discipline, perseverance, and resilience, fostering a sense of accomplishment and personal empowerment.

By embarking on a fitness journey, individuals can experience holistic improvements in their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It offers an empowering path toward self-improvement, personal growth, and a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Starting Your Fitness Journey


One of the first steps in starting a fitness journey is setting clear and realistic goals. Goals provide direction, motivation, and a sense of purpose throughout the journey. When setting fitness goals, it’s important to make them specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This means defining the desired outcome, determining measurable indicators of progress, ensuring the goals are within reach, aligning them with personal values and aspirations, and setting a timeframe for achievement.

Examples of fitness goals could include losing a certain amount of weight, increasing strength and muscle tone, improving cardiovascular endurance, participating in a specific event or sport, or simply adopting a more active and healthy lifestyle. Setting goals that are meaningful to you will keep you focused and motivated along your fitness journey.

Before starting any fitness program, it’s essential to assess your current fitness level. This assessment helps you understand your strengths, weaknesses, and areas that need improvement. It also provides a baseline against which you can track your progress and measure the effectiveness of your fitness journey.

There are various ways to assess your fitness level. You can start by evaluating your cardiovascular fitness through exercises like walking, jogging, or cycling to determine your endurance and aerobic capacity. Strength tests, such as push-ups, squats, or lifting weights, can assess your muscular strength. Additionally, flexibility tests like reaching for your toes or performing stretches can evaluate your range of motion.

Alternatively, you may consider seeking professional help from a certified fitness trainer or healthcare professional who can conduct a comprehensive fitness assessment. They can provide a more accurate evaluation of your fitness level, identify any potential limitations or health concerns, and tailor a fitness plan that suits your specific needs and goals.

Before embarking on a fitness journey, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns. A healthcare professional, such as a doctor or a registered dietitian, can provide valuable guidance and support to ensure your fitness journey is safe and effective.

During the consultation, you can discuss your goals, medical history, and any concerns you may have. The healthcare professional can assess your overall health, provide recommendations on exercise intensity and duration, discuss dietary considerations, and offer insights into managing any health conditions or medications that may impact your fitness journey.

This consultation is particularly important if you have a history of chronic conditions, are pregnant or postpartum, are over the age of 40, or have been inactive for an extended period. The healthcare professional can help create a personalized fitness plan that takes into account your individual needs, abilities, and limitations, ensuring a safe and successful start to your fitness journey.

By setting clear goals, assessing your current fitness level, and consulting with a healthcare professional, you establish a solid foundation for your fitness journey. This proactive approach enables you to create a personalized plan that aligns with your aspirations, minimizes the risk of injury, and sets you up for long-term success.

Benefits of a Fitness Journey

Embarking on a fitness journey brings numerous benefits to your physical health. Regular exercise and physical activity have been shown to reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve overall health. Here are some of the key physical health benefits of a fitness journey:

  • Weight management: Engaging in regular physical activity helps in weight management by burning calories and building lean muscle mass. It can assist in achieving and maintaining healthy body weight, reducing the risk of obesity-related conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.
  • Cardiovascular health: Regular exercise strengthens the heart muscle, improves blood circulation, and lowers blood pressure. It reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks, strokes, and coronary artery disease.
  • Stronger bones and muscles: Weight-bearing exercises, such as resistance training and weightlifting, stimulate bone growth and increase bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Additionally, strength training exercises help build and maintain muscle mass, improving overall strength and stability.
  • Improved immune system: Regular physical activity has been shown to enhance the immune system’s function, reducing the risk of certain illnesses and infections.
  • Better sleep: Engaging in physical activity can improve the quality of sleep, helping you fall asleep faster and enjoy deeper, more restorative sleep. It also helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle, promoting a consistent and refreshing sleep pattern.

In addition to the physical benefits, a fitness journey has a positive impact on mental and emotional well-being. Regular exercise has been linked to improved mood, reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression, and enhanced overall mental well-being. Here’s how a fitness journey can boost your mental health:

  • Stress relief: Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s natural “feel-good” chemicals, which help reduce stress and improve mood. Exercise provides a healthy outlet for managing stress and promoting relaxation.
  • Enhanced cognitive function: Regular exercise has been shown to improve cognitive function, including memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. It stimulates the growth of new brain cells and enhances the brain’s ability to form connections.
  • Increased self-esteem: Achieving fitness goals, improving physical fitness, and taking care of your health can boost self-confidence and self-esteem. The sense of accomplishment from overcoming challenges and making progress in your fitness journey contributes to a positive self-image.
  • Mood regulation: Exercise has a positive impact on mood regulation, helping to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. It promotes the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which are associated with improved mood and a sense of well-being.

Regular physical activity improves energy levels and enhances stamina. As you engage in a fitness journey, you’ll experience increased endurance, allowing you to perform daily activities with less fatigue. Regular exercise helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently, delivering oxygen and nutrients to your muscles, which boosts overall energy levels.

A fitness journey can significantly improve self-confidence and body image. As you progress in your fitness goals, achieving milestones and overcoming obstacles, you’ll develop a sense of pride and self-assurance. Your physical transformations and increased fitness levels contribute to a positive self-perception and improved self-confidence in various areas of life.

In summary, a fitness journey offers a multitude of benefits for both physical and mental well-being. From weight management and cardiovascular health to improved mood and self-confidence, embracing a fitness journey positively impacts various aspects of your life. By committing to regular physical activity and making fitness a priority, you can reap the rewards of a healthier, happier, and more confident you.

Duration of a Fitness Journey

When embarking on a fitness journey, it’s essential to recognize that it is not a temporary endeavor but a lifelong commitment to your health and well-being. Fitness is a continuous journey that involves adopting healthy habits, maintaining consistency, and adapting to various stages of life. While specific goals may have time frames attached to them, the overall fitness journey extends beyond reaching those goals. It’s about cultivating a sustainable and healthy lifestyle that you can maintain in the long run.

The duration of a fitness journey varies for each individual and depends on several factors, including starting points, goals, commitment, and lifestyle. It’s crucial to set realistic expectations for progress and avoid comparing your journey to others. Progress is not always linear, and there may be periods of plateaus or setbacks along the way. It’s important to focus on gradual improvements and celebrate small victories, as they contribute to long-term success.

Instead of fixating on a specific timeline, shift your focus to building healthy habits and making consistent progress. Embrace the concept of sustainable change rather than seeking quick fixes or rapid transformations. Remember that the most significant transformations occur over time and require patience, dedication, and perseverance.

A fitness journey is not a destination but an ongoing process of continuous improvement. As you progress, your goals may evolve, and new challenges and opportunities may arise. Embrace the mindset of constantly striving to be better and finding new ways to challenge yourself physically and mentally.

Set new goals or milestones periodically to keep yourself motivated and engaged in your fitness journey. This could involve increasing the intensity or duration of your workouts, trying new forms of exercise, participating in fitness events or competitions, or exploring different fitness disciplines.

Furthermore, focus on holistic growth beyond physical fitness. Consider incorporating other elements into your fitness journey, such as improving flexibility, practicing mindfulness and stress management techniques, or enhancing your nutrition. The key is to maintain a growth mindset and embrace opportunities for self-improvement in all aspects of your well-being.

In summary, the duration of a fitness journey is not limited to a specific timeframe but is an ongoing commitment to a healthy and active lifestyle. Understand that progress may take time, and it’s important to set realistic expectations and avoid comparing yourself to others. Embrace the concept of continuous improvement, continually challenging yourself, and exploring new growth opportunities. Remember, a fitness journey is a personal and lifelong endeavor that extends far beyond reaching initial goals, and the key to success lies in maintaining consistency and a positive mindset throughout the journey.

Creating a Fitness Journey Plan

One of the keys to a successful fitness journey is finding activities and exercises that you genuinely enjoy. When you engage in activities you like, you’re more likely to stay motivated and committed to your fitness plan. Take some time to explore different types of physical activities, such as running, swimming, dancing, hiking, cycling, or playing a sport. Experiment with various exercises and discover what brings you joy and fulfillment.

Consider your preferences, interests, and lifestyle when choosing activities. If you enjoy being outdoors, you might opt for activities like hiking or cycling. If you prefer a social environment, group fitness classes or team sports could be a great fit. The goal is to find activities that keep you engaged, excited, and eager to participate.

A well-rounded fitness journey plan includes a combination of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Each component plays a vital role in improving overall fitness, health, and functional ability.

Cardiovascular exercises, such as jogging, swimming, or cycling, elevate your heart rate and help improve cardiovascular health, endurance, and calorie burn. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity each week.

Strength training exercises, such as weightlifting or bodyweight exercises, help build muscle strength, improve bone density, and enhance overall body composition. Include strength training exercises at least two days a week, targeting all major muscle groups.

Flexibility exercises, such as yoga or stretching routines, improve joint mobility, muscle flexibility, and posture. Incorporate stretching exercises into your fitness plan to enhance your range of motion and reduce the risk of injuries.

Remember to start gradually and progress gradually. If you’re new to exercise or returning after a break, begin with low-intensity activities and gradually increase the duration and intensity as your fitness level improves.

To stay organized and motivated, it’s essential to design a fitness journey plan that includes a schedule and milestones. Set aside specific days and times for your workouts, treating them as non-negotiable appointments with yourself. Consistency is key, so aim for regular exercise sessions throughout the week.

Consider your personal schedule and commitments when designing your fitness plan. Find a balance that works for you, whether it’s early morning workouts, lunchtime sessions, or evening exercises. Choose a time when you’re most likely to follow through with your fitness routine and when you feel energized and focused.

Setting milestones can provide a sense of direction and accomplishment throughout your fitness journey. Break down your goals into smaller, manageable milestones that you can work towards. These could include increasing the duration or intensity of your workouts, reaching a specific weight or body composition target, or achieving a certain fitness milestone, like running a 5K race.

Track your progress regularly, celebrating each milestone you achieve. This can help you stay motivated and provide tangible evidence of your growth and improvement. Consider using a fitness tracker or journal to record your workouts, measurements, and milestones.

In conclusion, creating a fitness journey plan involves identifying enjoyable activities, incorporating a variety of exercises, and designing a schedule with milestones. Choose activities that you genuinely enjoy and that align with your preferences and lifestyle. Incorporate cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises to improve overall fitness and health. Design a schedule that suits your routine and set realistic milestones to work towards. Remember, the key is to find a balance that is sustainable and enjoyable, making your fitness journey a positive and fulfilling experience.

Staying Motivated During Your Fitness Journey

One of the most important factors in staying motivated during your fitness journey is finding your inner motivation and purpose. This involves identifying the reasons why you want to embark on this journey and understanding the personal benefits it will bring to your life. Ask yourself what drives you and what you hope to achieve through your fitness journey.

Some common motivations for embarking on a fitness journey include improving overall health, increasing energy levels, boosting self-confidence, managing stress, or achieving specific fitness goals. Reflect on your own aspirations and values to determine what truly inspires you. By connecting with your inner motivation and purpose, you’ll have a strong foundation to stay committed even when challenges arise.

Setting rewards and incentives along the way can provide an extra boost of motivation during your fitness journey. Rewards serve as positive reinforcement for your efforts and help you stay focused on your goals. Consider setting both short-term and long-term rewards to celebrate milestones and accomplishments.

Short-term rewards can be simple and immediate, such as treating yourself to a massage, buying new workout gear, or enjoying a favorite healthy meal. These rewards act as reminders of the progress you’ve made and encourage you to continue moving forward.

Long-term rewards can be more significant and aligned with your ultimate fitness goals. For example, if your goal is to run a marathon, treat yourself to a weekend getaway after completing the race. These rewards serve as a culmination of your hard work and dedication.

Remember that rewards don’t always have to be material. Consider rewarding yourself with non-food-related treats, like a day off to relax, a movie night with friends, or a spa day. The key is to choose rewards that are meaningful to you and that reinforce the positive behaviors you’re cultivating throughout your fitness journey.

Building a support system can greatly contribute to your motivation and accountability during your fitness journey. Surrounding yourself with positive and like-minded individuals who share similar goals can provide the encouragement and support you need to stay on track.

Reach out to friends, family members, or colleagues who have an interest in fitness or who are also on their own fitness journey. Share your goals with them and ask if they would like to join you or provide support along the way. Having a workout buddy or a group of people who understand and share your challenges and successes can be incredibly motivating.

Additionally, consider joining a fitness community or finding an online support group. These communities offer a sense of belonging and can provide valuable insights, tips, and encouragement. Engaging with others who are also striving for better health and fitness can create a sense of camaraderie and inspire you to keep pushing forward.

Don’t hesitate to lean on your support system when you face obstacles or moments of doubt. They can offer guidance, celebrate your victories, and remind you of your progress. Likewise, be a source of support for others, as helping others on their fitness journey can reinforce your own commitment and sense of purpose.

In conclusion, staying motivated during your fitness journey requires finding your inner motivation and purpose, setting rewards and incentives, and seeking support from friends, family, or a fitness community. Connect with the reasons why you want to embark on this journey and use them as a source of inspiration. Set rewards and incentives to celebrate your progress and keep you motivated along the way. Surround yourself with a supportive community that understands and shares your goals. By implementing these strategies, you’ll maintain the motivation needed to stay committed and achieve long-term success in your fitness journey.

Diet and Nutrition during Your Fitness Journey

When it comes to your fitness journey, diet and nutrition play a crucial role in supporting your overall health, optimizing your physical performance, and achieving your fitness goals. A balanced and nutritious diet provides the necessary fuel, nutrients, and building blocks for your body to function optimally.

A balanced diet consists of a variety of nutrient-dense foods from different food groups, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. These foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber that promote overall well-being and support your fitness endeavors.

To maintain a balanced diet, aim to include a wide range of colorful fruits and vegetables in your meals, as they offer an array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Incorporate whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread to provide sustained energy and fiber. Choose lean proteins such as chicken, fish, legumes, and tofu to support muscle repair and growth. Additionally, incorporate healthy fats from sources like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil for their beneficial effects on heart health and nutrient absorption.

Different individuals may have different dietary preferences and requirements. It’s important to explore and find a dietary approach that aligns with your goals, preferences, and lifestyle. Some popular dietary approaches that people incorporate into their fitness journey include:

  • Mediterranean Diet: This diet emphasizes whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fish, and healthy fats like olive oil. It’s known for its heart-healthy benefits and is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.
  • Plant-Based or Vegan Diet: This diet focuses on consuming plant-based foods and excludes animal products. It emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. It can be beneficial for those seeking a diet that is higher in fiber, lower in saturated fat, and environmentally sustainable.
  • Low-Carb or Ketogenic Diet: These diets restrict carbohydrate intake and prioritize fats and proteins. They aim to shift the body into a state of ketosis, where it primarily burns fat for energy. These approaches may be suitable for some individuals, but it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before adopting such a diet, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.
  • Intuitive Eating: This approach focuses on listening to your body’s hunger and fullness cues, eating mindfully, and cultivating a positive relationship with food. It encourages honoring your cravings while also prioritizing nutrient-dense foods.

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition. What works for one person may not work for another. It’s essential to experiment, listen to your body, and find a dietary approach that supports your fitness goals while nourishing your body and promoting overall well-being.

If you find yourself unsure about the dietary aspects of your fitness journey, it can be helpful to seek guidance from a registered dietitian (RD) or a nutritionist. These professionals are trained in nutrition science and can provide personalized advice based on your specific needs, goals, and health conditions.

An RD can assess your current dietary habits, help you identify areas for improvement, and provide practical strategies for incorporating nutritious foods into your daily routine. They can also address any concerns or questions you may have regarding supplements, portion sizes, meal timing, and navigating social situations that involve food.

Working with an RD can provide you with the knowledge, support, and accountability necessary to optimize your nutrition and achieve your fitness goals in a safe and sustainable manner. They can tailor their recommendations to your unique circumstances, ensuring that your dietary choices align with your fitness journey.

In conclusion, during your fitness journey, it’s important to prioritize a balanced and nutritious diet to support your overall health and fitness goals. Aim for a variety of nutrient-dense foods from different food groups and explore different dietary approaches to find what works best for you. If you need further guidance, consider consulting with a registered dietitian or nutritionist who can provide personalized advice and support. By nourishing your body with the right foods and seeking professional guidance when needed, you’ll optimize your nutrition and enhance the benefits of your fitness journey.

Embarking on a fitness journey is a transformative and empowering experience that can positively impact your life in numerous ways. Whether you’re just beginning your journey or have been on it for a while, remember that every step you take toward a healthier lifestyle matters. Take pride in the progress you make, no matter how small, and celebrate your achievements along the way.

If you haven’t started your fitness journey yet, now is the perfect time to take that first step. Embrace the opportunity to prioritize your health, well-being, and happiness. Remember, every fitness journey is unique, and there is no right or wrong path to follow. It’s about finding what works for you and creating sustainable habits that align with your goals and values.

Your fitness journey is not just about physical transformation; it’s also about improving your mental and emotional well-being. It’s an opportunity to discover your inner strength, challenge your limits, and unlock your full potential. Embrace the journey as an opportunity for self-discovery and growth.

Throughout your fitness journey, it’s essential to practice self-compassion and kindness. Be patient with yourself and recognize that progress takes time. There will be ups and downs, setbacks and obstacles, but remember that each setback is a chance to learn, grow, and come back even stronger.

Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, family, or like-minded individuals who share your passion for a healthier lifestyle. Seek inspiration from success stories and individuals who have overcome challenges similar to yours. Their stories can serve as a reminder that you’re not alone and that your goals are achievable with dedication and perseverance.

Lastly, remember that a fitness journey is not just a temporary phase but a lifelong commitment to your well-being. Embrace the changes you make as lasting lifestyle choices rather than quick fixes. Continually reassess your goals, set new challenges, and adapt your routines as you progress. Embrace the joy of movement, nourish your body with wholesome foods, and prioritize self-care in all aspects of your life.

Your fitness journey is an ongoing adventure, full of growth , self-discovery, and opportunities for a healthier and happier life. Embrace it with enthusiasm, dedication, and an open mind. Believe in yourself, stay committed to your goals, and never forget the incredible potential that lies within you.

As you embark on or continue your fitness journey, remember that the power to transform your life is in your hands. You have the ability to create a healthier, stronger, and more vibrant version of yourself. Embrace the journey, enjoy the process, and savor the rewards of a fitter, happier, and more fulfilling life.

Thank you for joining us on this fitness journey! We hope you found our The Ultimate Roadmap to an Empowering Fitness Journey blog insightful and inspiring. Our aim is to provide you with valuable information, expert advice, and motivational content to support you in your wellness endeavors.

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FAQs about Fitness Journey

What is a fitness journey.

A fitness journey refers to the process of adopting a healthier and more active lifestyle with the goal of improving physical fitness, overall well-being, and achieving personal fitness goals.

How do I start my fitness journey?

To start your fitness journey, begin by setting clear and realistic goals, assessing your current fitness level, and designing a fitness plan that includes a variety of exercises and activities. Start with small steps and gradually increase intensity and duration as you progress.

What are the benefits of embarking on a fitness journey?

Embarking on a fitness journey offers numerous benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, increased strength and endurance, weight management, stress reduction, enhanced mood, and mental well-being, increased energy levels, and reduced risk of chronic diseases.

How long does a fitness journey usually take?

The duration of a fitness journey varies for each individual and depends on factors such as starting fitness level, goals, consistency, and dedication. It is important to view fitness as a lifelong journey rather than a short-term endeavor, as maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a continuous process.

What should I include in my fitness journey plan?

Your fitness journey plan should include a combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, flexibility exercises, and adequate rest and recovery. It should be tailored to your goals, preferences, and fitness level. It is also important to incorporate proper nutrition and hydration into your plan.

How do I stay motivated during my fitness journey?

To stay motivated, set specific and realistic goals, track your progress, celebrate achievements, find activities you enjoy, vary your workouts, seek support from friends or a fitness community, reward yourself for milestones, and remind yourself of the benefits and positive changes that come with a consistent fitness routine.

What are some common challenges people face during their fitness journey?

Some common challenges during a fitness journey include lack of motivation, time constraints, plateaus in progress, dealing with injuries or setbacks, balancing fitness with other responsibilities, and overcoming self-doubt or negative thoughts. It is important to stay resilient, adapt to challenges, and seek support when needed.

Can I embark on a fitness journey without a gym membership?

Absolutely! A fitness journey can be pursued without a gym membership. There are numerous options for home workouts, outdoor activities, bodyweight exercises, and fitness classes or programs available online. It's important to find activities that suit your preferences and fit your lifestyle.

What are some effective exercises for a fitness journey?

Effective exercises for a fitness journey include activities such as running, walking, cycling, swimming, strength training with weights or resistance bands, yoga, Pilates, HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training), and functional training exercises that engage multiple muscle groups. Choose exercises that align with your goals and preferences.

How can I track my progress during my fitness journey?

You can track your progress by keeping a fitness journal, recording workout sessions, tracking measurements, monitoring changes in weight or body composition, using fitness apps or wearable devices, and assessing improvements in endurance, strength, flexibility, or performance. Regularly review your progress to stay motivated and make necessary adjustments to your fitness plan.

Health-and-fitness enthusiasts

Meet Pradeep Singh, your go-to guide for all things fitness, health, and motivation. With over 7 years in the field, Pradeep brings a blend of expertise and real-world experience to his writing. From workout tips to healthy living insights, he simplifies complex topics, making fitness accessible for everyone. His authentic approach and genuine passion aim to inspire and support your wellness journey. Get ready to embark on a path to a healthier lifestyle with Pradeep as your trusted companion and motivator.


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It’s time for your 2023 fitness journey—here’s how to get started

By Sandra Gutierrez G.

Posted on Jan 15, 2023 9:00 AM EST

5 minute read

A new year is always a fresh opportunity to start your fitness journey. This can mean anything, whether you’d just like to get off the couch more often, want to run a 5K, or are hoping to win a bodybuilding competition by 2024. 

You may not be sure about how to achieve your goals, but that’s ok. Having the motivation to get out there is half the battle, and we want to help you along your way. 

PopSci has a number of science-backed fitness stories to guide you in this new era. You’ll learn how to make the best of your workouts, how to get gains safely and consistently, and how to keep your body healthy along the way. 

Understand how to build muscle

Fitness novices might think getting buff is just about lifting heavy objects over and over again. In a nutshell, it sort of is, but there’s a lot more to it. Learning about muscles and how your body builds them will help you understand concepts like hypertrophy and failure, and allow you to get the most out of each workout. 

Our guide on how to get muscle gains will walk you through that process and explain how resting is as important as going to the gym, and how protein is a crucial element your body needs to build more mass.

[Related: You should definitely rotate your workouts ]

Food restrictions like veganism can seem like an added layer of difficulty when it comes to including enough protein in your diet, but getting those gains doesn’t require you to become a carnivore. If you need guidance, head on over to our vegan guide on how to get muscle gains and learn about the foods that will give you the nutrients you need to achieve your fitness goals.  

Don’t forget to warm up

Whatever sport or discipline you choose, one of the most common mistakes fitness noobs make when they start working out is to skip warmups. They can seem boring and pointless because you may feel like you don’t actually need them, but trust us: your body does. Warming up properly before you go for a jog or start lifting will help you perform better and prevent injuries in the long run, which will allow you to take your fitness journey even further. 

But before you repeat the same stationary stretches you might remember from PE class, give dynamic warmups a try . These exercises will not only tell your brain it’s time to move—which is especially important after sitting at a desk for a while—but will also prepare your body for physical activity by getting your blood flowing and your heart rate up.

Help your body recover

You may think that when it comes to exercise, more is better. And since you’re already motivated and proud of your effort, why not keep going? Well, giving your body time to recover is also essential to your fitness journey. 

But other than resting, there are other techniques you can use to help your muscles feel better after a heavy workout . That annoying and painful soreness you feel around 24 hours after your last gym session is a result of muscle damage, and recovery techniques can help you handle the pain and help tissue heal faster. 

From classic stretching to foam rollers, ice baths, and massages, our guide on what works when it comes to recovery can be exactly what you need when your muscles are so sore that getting off your chair comes with excruciating pain. 

Once you’re at least a couple of months into your journey and have made a little progress, you might find yourself hitting a wall that makes results harder to come by. This is normal and happens to a lot of people as their bodies change. To get back on that progress train, you might need more data about what you’re putting into your body, and tracking your nutrition can be incredibly useful for that.

Knowing your maintenance rate—the number of calories you burn simply by existing—can give you a baseline to adjust the number of calories you eat every day to keep the muscles growing and fat-burning going. 

It’s important to know that monitoring your food can be a slippery slope to unhealthy habits, so make sure to do it only for short periods of time, and to follow experts’ recommendations regarding calorie surplus and deficit. And if you don’t know what those are, don’t worry—it’s all in our guide. 

Measure progress

Data not only shows you how much to eat but also how far you’ve come. Gathering information about your workouts will make it easier to measure your progress, and you’ll be able to celebrate even the smallest victories so you can push yourself a bit further. 

Getting a fitness tracker can help compile all the statistics you need to keep going and improving—all you need is to put it on and go do your best. And if you don’t know which wearable to get, we have some recommendations that might lead you in the right direction. 

The type of device you get will highly depend on your budget and your preferred activity, but there are a lot of options to choose from, and they can all give you that extra motivation you need to face another day of your fitness journey.  

Try getting a little help from supplements

Nutritional supplements can help get your body what it needs to perform better, stay healthy, and build muscle. But a quick trip to your local drugstore is enough to get anyone incredibly confused. The market is saturated with options, so which supplements actually work?

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When it comes to building muscle and improving performance, science has only found two supplements that will help . Learning how to take them and how they work for your body will help you have a better understanding of your process. Keep in mind that you may need to consult a doctor before you start supplementing your nutrition, and also remember supplements don’t do miracles. Moving, resting, and, above all, patience, will keep you on a good path to your fitness goals. 

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6 Weeks to Fitness for Absolute Beginners

Verywell / Ryan Kelly

Whether you've taken a long break from exercise or you're just getting started, this six-week program is the perfect place to begin. You'll establish an exercise routine with simple, straightforward workouts that progress from week to week.

The workouts provided are only suggestions and won't work for everyone. You can modify them as needed to fit your fitness level, schedule, and preferences.

Prepare for Your Workouts

Before you get started, there are a few key points to make sure you have addressed:

  • Consult with your healthcare provider. You should always talk to your doctor before starting or intensifying a workout routine, especially if you have any injuries or health conditions.
  • Gather your equipment . For the strength workouts, you'll need home workout equipment like dumbbells, an exercise ball, resistance bands , a medicine ball , and a mat. If you're new to strength training, make sure that you familiarize yourself with the basics and know how to choose the right weight.
  • Record your vital statistics . This information will be especially important if you want to track weight loss progress.
  • Prepare for your workouts . The cardio workouts are designed to be done on any cardio machine or outside. If machines aren't your thing, you can substitute your own workouts (videos, classes, outdoor exercise, etc.) or choose something else you enjoy.

Focus on Monitoring Intensity

Intensity is an important aspect of your cardio workouts. Monitoring intensity can help you learn how your body feels during different activities. You can monitor intensity in several ways, including:

  • The Talk Test
  • Monitoring Your Heart Rate

Your goal this week is to focus on the intensity of your workouts . During each cardio workout, use one of the methods above to track how you feel and match your Perceived Exertion to the suggested levels.

Most workouts will be at a moderate level , which means you'll be just out of your comfort zone but not huffing and puffing. Pay attention to how you do this week to get a sense of your exercise intensity.

Day 1: Cardio, Strength, and Stretch

These workouts are short and simple and should take you 35 to 45 minutes.

  • Workout 1 : Beginner cardio — Length : 20 minutes
  • Workout 2 : Basic strength — Equipment Required : Light dumbbells, an exercise ball or chair, and a mat— Length : 10 to 15 minutes
  • Workout 3 : Soothing stretch

Day 2: Walking and Stretch

Today, you don't have a structured workout schedule to follow, but a simple walking workout and a seated stretch to relax your shoulders, neck, and back.

  • Workout 1 : Take a brisk 10-minute walk
  • Workout 2 : Seated stretch  

Day 3: Cardio, Strength, and Stretch

Today your schedule is the same as Day 1 but with a new cardio workout. Today, you'll choose either a 13-minute walking workout or a 10-minute cycling workout, but feel free to combine the workouts if you want something longer. 

  • Workout 1 : Beginner walking or cycling — Length : 10 to 13 Minutes
  • Workout 2 : Basic strength— Equipment Required : Light dumbbells, an exercise ball or chair, and a mat— Length : 10 to 15 minutes

Day 4: Active Rest

There's nothing on your schedule today, but try to stay active by taking breaks, walking, stretching, and moving. Here are a few ideas:

  • Sit on an exercise ball while watching TV
  • Take the stairs at least 3 times
  • Use your lunch break to take a 10-minute walk
  • Walk the dog for an extra 5 minutes

Day 5: Walking and Stretch

  • Workout 2 : Seated stretch— Length : 5 to 10 minutes 

Day 6: Cardio, Strength, and Stretch

  • Workout 1 : Beginner cardio— Length : 20 Minutes
  • Workout 3 : Basic stretch

Week 2 brings some small changes that will help you slowly progress. You'll have new, longer cardio workouts and you'll be doing an added set of each exercise during your strength training workouts. 

You can modify the workouts to fit your fitness level, schedule, and goals. Listen to your body and take extra rest days as needed.

Focus on F.I.T.T.

  • Frequency . This week, you'll be doing cardio 3 times and strength training 3 times, which follows the basic exercise guidelines for improving your health. You'll gradually add more frequent exercise as you progress through the program.
  • Intensity. During the first few weeks, you'll focus on achieving moderate intensity—about a Level 5 to 6 on the Perceived Exertion Scale . As you progress through the program, you will gradually change the intensity levels of your workouts with interval training and other techniques.
  • Time . Your workouts started at about 10 to 20 minutes. Each week, you will gradually add time to your workouts to build endurance and help you burn more calories.
  • Type . It's important to do activities you enjoy, but you also want to cross-train and mix things up to keep both your body and mind engaged. You'll choose new activities to add to your routine later in the program.

This week, your focus is on the F.I.T.T. principle, which guides us in setting up workout programs. This principle includes:

When you workout at a sufficient intensity, time, and frequency, you'll start to see changes in your weight, body fat, endurance, and strength. Once your body adjusts to your current FITT levels, you'll need to manipulate one or more of them—and this program will help you learn how to do that.

Your cardio workout this week builds on last week's basic workout by adding 5 minutes. Your strength workout is the same, but you'll do 2 sets of each exercise with a brief rest in between. 

  • Workout 1 : 25-minute cardio
  • Workout 2 : Basic strength— Equipment Required: Light dumbbells, an exercise ball or chair, and a mat— Length : 2 sets of each exercise, 10 to 20 minutes

You'll do your walking workout with an added 5 minutes today and finish up with the seated stretch for the back, neck, and shoulders.

  • Workout 1 : Take a brisk 15-minute walk
  • Workout 2 : Seated stretch

Your new cardio workout involves interval training with any machine or activity of your choice.

  • Workout 1 : Basic intervals — Length : 21 minutes
  • Workout 2 : Basic strength— Equipment Required : Light dumbbells, an exercise ball or chair, and a mat— Length : 2 sets of each exercise, 10 to 20 minutes

There's nothing on your schedule today, but try to stay active by taking breaks, walking, stretching, and moving. Here are some ideas:

  • Do crunches or pushups while you watch TV
  • Play an active video game like the Wii Fit Plus
  • Stretch for a few minutes before bed
  • Workout 1 : 25-Minute cardio
  • Workout 2 : Basic strength — Equipment Required : Light dumbbells, an exercise ball or chair, and a mat— Length : 2 sets of each exercise, 10 to 20 minutes

This week, you'll see some big changes in your schedule. You'll be upping the ante by splitting your cardio and strength workouts, giving you 3 days of cardio and 2 days of strength training.

By splitting your workouts, you can give more energy to each routine, which can help improve your performance and do more with your exercise time.

Focus on Tracking Progress

One of the most important things you'll do on your exercise journey is to track your progress. Knowing where you are and how you're improving is essential for staying motivated and knowing you're on the right track. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Health improvements. Exercise can do more for you than just help you lose weight. It can also improve your health . You might sleep better, have more energy, or feel like your daily tasks are easier. Think about what you'd like to improve (e.g., being able to walk up the stairs at work without passing out, being able to play with your kids or grandkids without getting tired, etc.) and make a note of it in your weekly checklist. Each week, check to see how far you've come.
  • Strength and endurance. It's motivating when you see and feel yourself getting stronger. Keeping track of how many sets, reps, and how much weight you're using each week can tell you if you're getting stronger. You might also notice exercises are getting easier.
  • Weight loss. Weight loss is another common gauge of how you're doing with your workout, but remember that weight loss is often slower than you might expect. It may even take weeks or months to see significant changes. Weighing yourself,  taking your measurements ,  getting your body fat tested , and/or noticing how you look or how your clothes fit can help you keep track of your progress.
  • Workouts completed. You might decide to focus less on the results and more on your fitness journey. Setting a goal to complete a certain number of workouts each week can help you stay focused on the process while celebrating your accomplishments.

Day 1: Cardio and Stretch 

Today's cardio workout builds on previous workouts, taking you up to 30 minutes of continuous exercise. 

  • Workout 1 :  30-minute cardio
  • Workout 2 :  Stretch with bands

Day 2: Total Body Strength and Yoga 

Today's strength training workout offers more exercises than previous workouts, which means more intensity and challenge. For this workout, you'll perform 2 sets of 15 reps of each exercise, resting 20 to 30 seconds between sets. 

  • Workout 1 :  Total body strength — Equipment Required : Dumbbells, a barbell (substitute dumbbells if needed), a step or bench, an exercise ball, and a resistance band— Length : 2 sets of 15 reps, 30 to 45 minutes
  • Workout 2 :  10-minute yoga (optional)

Day 3: Active Rest 

There's nothing on your schedule today, but stay active by taking breaks, walking, stretching, and moving. Here are a few ideas:

  • Walk around the house every time a commercial comes on during your favorite TV show
  • Walk 2 laps around the parking lot at work before you start your day
  • Wear a  pedometer  throughout the day and try to get at least 5,000 steps

Day 4: Interval Cardio and Stretch 

Today's new interval workout increases your workout time to 25 minutes and it also takes you a little further out of your comfort zone. 

  • Workout 1 :  Interval cardio — Length : 25 minutes

Day 5: Total Body Strength 

  • Workout 1 :  Total body strength — Equipment Required : Dumbbells, a barbell (substitute dumbbells if needed), a step or weight bench, an exercise ball, and a resistance band— Length : 2 sets of 15 reps, 30 to 45 minutes

Day 6: Cardio and Stretch 

You get a breather this week to take some time to settle into your new workout schedule. You'll do the same workouts as last week with no new routines, challenges, or changes.

Give yourself time to master the exercises, get into the habit of showing up for your workout, and reflect on how the routine is working for you.

Focus on Rewarding Yourself 

Staying motivated to exercise isn't always easy, but rewarding yourself for accomplishing your goals can help. This week, your goal is to figure out how to reward yourself. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Download new music
  • Plan a future trip or adventure
  • Schedule a massage, facial, or other spa treatment
  • Spend some time doing your favorite activity
  • Take some time to read a book, listen to music, or relax

How will you reward yourself this week? Plan it now so you can look forward to it all week long.

Day 1: Cardio and Stretch

Day 2: total body strength.

  • Workout 1 :  Total body strength — Equipment Required : Dumbbells, a barbell, a step or weight bench, an exercise ball, and a resistance band— Length : 2 sets of 15 reps, 30 to 45 minutes

Day 3: Active Rest

There's nothing on your schedule today, but you can stay active by:

  • Declaring a "no TV" night and play games with your family
  • Seeing how many activities you can do today without sitting down
  • Sitting on an exercise ball while working on the computer 
  • Taking a 20-minute walk

Day 4: Interval Cardio and Stretch

  • Workout 1 : Interval cardio
  • Workout 2 : Stretch with bands

Day 5: Total Body Strength

  • Workout 1 : Total body strength— Equipment Required : Dumbbells, a barbell, a step or weight bench, an exercise ball, and a resistance band— Length : 2 sets of 15 reps, 30 to 45 minutes

Day 6: Cardio and Stretch

  • Workout 1 : 30-minute cardio

You're getting to the end of the program, and after last week's rest, you're increasing the challenge this week with brand new workouts and a bonus exercise day. You'll be exercising 6 days this week (though you can always take an extra rest day if you need it).

Focus on Stress Relief

This week, focus on your stress levels. Specifically, how stressed are you, and are your workouts helping relieve some of that stress? Whether you're doing intense cardio or a relaxing stretch, exercise may help relieve tension, improve your concentration, and give you the energy to accomplish more each day.

How do you feel after your workouts? Do you feel energized and ready to face the day? If so, you're on the right track. If you feel drained, that can be a sign that you're doing too much and may need more rest. 

Day 1: Cardio Medley and Stretch

Today's cardio workout takes you through a 40-minute routine using a treadmill, an elliptical trainer, and a stationary bike (either an upright or recumbent bike ) 

  • Workout 1 :  Cardio medley — Equipment Required : Treadmill, an elliptical, and stationary bike (or any 3 cardio machines)
  • Workout 2 : Basic stretch

Day 2: Total Body Supersets and Yoga

Today's strength workout takes you to the next level with new (and tougher) exercises and a brand new format that adds intensity and saves time.

  • Workout 1 :  Total body supersets — Level : Beginner/Intermediate— Equipment Required : Barbell (can sub dumbbells here if needed), various weighted dumbbells, a step or bench, and an exercise ball— Length : 40 to 60 minutes
  • Workout 2 :  Morning and evening yoga

There's nothing on your schedule today, but try to stay active as much as you can by taking breaks, walking, stretching, and moving.

Today, you get a brand new interval cardio workout that involves both hills and sprints to push the intensity to a Level 8 on the Perceived Exertion Chart.

  • Workout 1 :  Interval cardio — Length : 30 minutes
  • Workout 2 : Seated stretch

Day 5: Total Body Supersets

  • Workout 1 :  Total body supersets — Equipment Required : Various weighted dumbbells, a step or platform, barbells, and an exercise ball— Length : 40 to 60 minutes

Today's workout is simple and straightforward, moving between Levels 5 and 6.

  • Workout 1 : Cardio endurance Workout 2 : Stretch with bands

Day 7: Bonus Cardio

This week, you're increasing the challenge by adding a bonus cardio workout. Choose any activity and work at a steady, moderate pace for at least 20 minutes. 

Congratulations on making it this far! It isn't easy to start an exercise program, and it's even harder to sustain it. You've done just that by sticking with the program.

You're wrapping up this week with the same schedule and workouts you followed last week.

Focus on What's Next

It's important to maintain the momentum you've worked so hard to create. One way to do that is by thinking about what's next. You can continue with the same routine or you can change up your workout or learn about exercise progression .

  • Workout 1 : Cardio Medley— Equipment Required : Treadmill, elliptical, and stationary bike (or any 3 cardio machines)— Length : 40 minutes
  • Workout 2 :  Basic stretch

Even though there's nothing specific planned today, get creative about finding ways to stay active throughout your day.

  • Workout 1 :  Interval cardio Workout 2 : Seated stretch
  • Workout 1 : Total body supersets— Equipment Required : Dumbbells, a step, barbells, and an exercise ball— Length : 40 to 60 minutes
  • Workout 1 : Cardio Endurance— Length : 35 minutes
  • Workout 2 : Stretch with Bands

Stick with the same bonus cardio you did last week, or choose something new.

Romero SA, Minson CT, Halliwill JR. The cardiovascular system after exercise .  J Appl Physiol (1985) . 2017;122(4):925-932. doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00802.2016

Spees CK, Scott JM, Taylor CA. Differences in amounts and types of physical activity by obesity status in US adults .  Am J Health Behav . 2012;36(1):56-65.

Ruegsegger GN, Booth FW. Health benefits of exercise .  Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med . 2018;8(7):a029694. doi:10.1101/cshperspect.a029694

Koliaki C, Spinos T, Spinou Μ, Brinia Μ-E, Mitsopoulou D, Katsilambros N. Defining the optimal dietary approach for safe, effective and sustainable weight loss in overweight and obese adults .  Healthcare (Basel) . 2018;6(3):E73. doi:10.3390/healthcare6030073

Strohacker K, Galarraga O, Williams DM. The impact of incentives on exercise behavior: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials .  Ann Behav Med . 2014;48(1):92-99. doi:10.1007/s12160-013-9577-4

Childs E, de Wit H. Regular exercise is associated with emotional resilience to acute stress in healthy adults .  Front Physiol . 2014;5:161. doi:10.3389/fphys.2014.00161

By Paige Waehner, CPT Paige Waehner is a certified personal trainer, author of the "Guide to Become a Personal Trainer," and co-author of "The Buzz on Exercise & Fitness."

start my fitness journey

How to Start Your Fitness Journey

We’ll start by admitting that starting anything new is hard. There’s a reason it’s so common for people to give up on their New Year’s resolutions by February—because building a new habit is an uphill battle from the start. 

Exercising more is the most common New Year’s resolution , and it’s also the first one to go out the window.  

If you’re reading this—whether it’s January or June—you probably don’t want that to be your story. And our goal is to set you up for success from the start.

This guide has plenty of tools, advice, and resources to help you begin a lifelong habit of exercising. New to fitness or new to actually understanding it, this is the knowledge you need to move forward.

How to Set Goals

Setting goals might sound like a simple thing, but it’s challenging to set realistic and motivating goals that keep you going. People tend to run into these common roadblocks when setting goals:  

  • You set goals that are completely out of reach . You’re not going to be able to go from zero to 10 pull-ups in your first month of exercising. That’s a fact. But many people set goals that are similarly unrealistic. 
  • You set goals you don’t really care about . All too often, we set goals for ourselves that are really being driven by someone else, whether that’s a family member, a coworker, or even the media. If your goal isn’t personally meaningful to you, you’ll have a hard time drumming up enough motivation to work on that goal. 
  • You set goals that are too vague to really be actionable . “Exercise more” is a really good example. What does that mean, exactly? How will you know if you’re making progress? 

There are thousands of books about goal setting because this is universally challenging. With a good framework, though, you can learn to set goals that are both achievable and motivating. Let’s look at a few strategies to help you set meaningful goals. 

Start With Why

There’s a great book by Simon Sinek called, Start with Why (you can also watch his TED Talk on the same topic if you’re short on time). It’s more geared toward entrepreneurs and business leaders, but his main idea is just as essential to setting goals with a new fitness program. 

It’s all about taking a step back and defining why you’re doing this—beyond the vague “get in shape.” 

What’s your real purpose in starting an exercise program? 

For many people, it’s about getting overall healthier so they can be comfortable with their bodies or, thinking of longevity, being able to tackle a flight of stairs without thinking about it. 

For others, it’s about reconnecting with an old athletic hobby that used to bring them a lot of joy. And for others still, it might be about getting past chronic pain they’ve lived with for years. 

Choosing to start an exercise journey is hard, and you should be proud of yourself for even making that choice. When we make hard choices like that, there’s always a deeper reason for doing so, even if we don’t realize it right away. 

If your goal is to lose 20 pounds, think through your personal “why” behind that goal. There’s no right or wrong answer, as we each have different things that are important to us. If your motivation is tangible and meaningful to you , that’s something you can keep coming back to, especially on those days when the last thing you want to do is exercise.  

Many people skip this step when setting goals, but you’ll be glad you took the time to think through the deeper purpose driving you to put in this work.  

Find What Motivates You

Knowing your “why” is a big part of staying motivated and setting goals accordingly. Another important piece is tapping in to what psychologists and social scientists refer to as intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.

  • Intrinsic motivation comes from the thing itself—in this case, exercise. People who like exercising or feel really good when they work out can draw on that intrinsic motivation. 
  • Extrinsic motivation comes from something external. That could be a reward of some kind—“If I do 20 workouts, I’ll buy a new pair of shoes”.

Research shows that these different kinds of motivation are pretty much equally effective . Just having a clear motivation is what makes the difference in success with achieving goals.

One theme that will come up throughout this guide is that the key to success is knowing what works for you. If a certain tool or approach works really well for your friend or colleague, that doesn’t mean it will work well for you.

So, if intrinsic motivation is an effective tool for you, then great. Let’s say you just feel better when you exercise—that doesn’t mean you’ll automatically have the motivation to exercise. You’ll need to remind yourself about how exercising makes you feel (and how not exercising makes you feel), and draw motivation from that. 

Maybe you’re more motivated by extrinsic things, like rewards. You might print out a picture of the reward you want and hang it on your fridge or in front of the treadmill—whatever works. 

Set SMART goals

This mnemonic device for goal setting is popular for a reason—because it works. SMART stands for:

  • Specific . Make sure your goal is specific rather than being broad and vague. For example, instead of a goal of “get stronger,” a better goal might be to “build up the strength to do push-ups.” 
  • Measurable . Your goal should also be quantifiable so that you can track your progress. So, that might be: “build up the strength to do 10 consecutive push-ups.”
  • Achievable . How realistic is this goal? If you’ve never done a push-up in your life, 10 push-ups might not be so achievable right now. Maybe that goal needs to be dropped down to five, or three, or even one. 
  • Relevant . This brings us back to your “why.” Is the goal you’re setting relevant to what’s most important to you? Let’s say your “why” is being able to stand up on a surfboard. Being able to do a push-up might be a great goal then, since that strength translates into being able to push yourself off the board and onto your feet. 
  • Timebound . Finally, setting time limits to any goal is a good idea so you can check in periodically. Though, It’s important to realize that progress is not linear, and time limits are usually pretty arbitrary. So, if you set a goal of “build up the strength to do one good push-up within two months,” just remember that you can adjust that time along the way. 

This formula is not set in stone, but is a good framework for defining your goals, especially after you’ve gone through the work of figuring out the deeper purpose behind them.  

Write it Down

This might be the most important step of all. You might dismiss this as unnecessary, but we recommend doing it anyway. 

You might write this down in a journal, in a note on your phone, or on a scrap piece of paper you stick to your bathroom mirror. Whatever you do, jot down the answers to the following: 

  • What is my “why,” my deeper purpose for starting this exercise program?
  • What works better for me, intrinsic motivation or extrinsic motivation? What, specifically, can I draw motivation from? 
  • How is my goal SMART? 

Once you’ve answered these questions, you should wind up with a very clear and meaningful goal, like the one we identified in the previous section: 

“I want to build up the strength to do one push-up within the next two months so that I can easily get up off the board when I learn to surf in California.”

Come back to this goal periodically to remind yourself about why you’re doing this and what you’re working toward. That way, you can assess whether you’re making progress toward that goal or if you need to adjust what you’re doing.

Creating Accountability

We’re all human. Sometimes, even motivational strategies, like reminding ourselves of our deeper purpose for exercising, just won’t cut it. When you can’t get yourself going, having someone else holding you to your commitment can be the kick you need to follow through. That’s why establishing a specific plan for accountability is big.

Accountability can come in different forms, and you may need to try a couple of strategies before you find what works for you. Here are some possibilities: 

Find an Accountability Buddy 

For many people, it can be really helpful to have a friend, coworker, or family member going through this process at the same time. That might mean someone who goes to the gym with you or a friend you exchange texts with on your planned workout days. 

This helps in both directions. You know someone else is paying attention to whether or not you’re showing up, but you also have the motivation to help another person stay committed. It’s a win-win. 

Try Group Training

Group training doesn’t work for everyone, but it’s an effective accountability and training tool for a growing number of exercisers. There are plenty of options for group training, including classes in your gym, a fitness studio, a local community center, or at the local park.

There are also new online group training options cropping up every day. You can find exercise classes covering a wide range of goals and approaches held over video platforms like Zoom or dedicated streaming services. 

Training in a group is like having multiple accountability buddies. If you stop showing up, the teacher or other people in the class will likely notice your absence and can check in with you.

Additionally, if you find yourself paying for a gym membership to access classes, you’ll be more motivated to go and get your money’s worth.

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of apps on the market now to create accountability and help you build new habits, many of which are specifically for tracking exercise. You can set up reminders and notifications through any of these apps. Here are just a few  that might help: 

  • Fitness tracker apps, like MyFitnessPal or Strava
  • Productivity or habit-building apps, like Done
  • Apps for specific training modalities, such as the Peloton app or the Nike Run Club app

Don’t underestimate the power of accountability. When we know someone else (even if that’s an app) is counting on us, we’re much more likely to keep showing up.

How to Choose a Program

You’ve set a clear goal, you know your deeper purpose for starting this journey, and you’ve got some accountability and motivation tools in place. All you’re missing now is a training program. 

You have two primary options: w ork with a pre-existing program or build your own program. 

In this section, we’ll cover the first option and give you some guidance on how to choose a pre-existing program. In the following section , we’ll go over how you can build your own program. 

Choose Something You’ll Enjoy

Not everybody loves to sweat, but you don’t have to hate it, either.

Often, when people dismiss exercise out of hand, it’s because they see “exercise” as a pretty narrow thing. It’s lifting weights in the gym, or running on the treadmill , or doing squats. Maybe a dance or spin class. 

It’s true—all of those things fall under the umbrella of exercise. But plenty of other things do, too. 

Here is just a small sampling of different things you might try: 

  • Weightlifting
  • Martial arts
  • Rock climbing
  • Bodyweight training
  • Mountain biking 
  • Indoor cycling 
  • Circus arts
  • Obstacle course training 
  • Ice skating
  • Organized sports (like basketball, soccer, football, or hockey)

There are probably dozens more that could be added to that list, but this should give you an idea of just how many options are available to you. 

“Exercise” is a broad term and, especially when you’re new to this, the most important thing is to start moving your body regularly. If you try to force yourself to do something you hate, you probably won’t be able to keep doing it consistently. You’re much better off choosing something you really enjoy and can look forward to doing at least a couple of times per week. 

Different Types of Programs Available

Just like “exercise,” the term “program” can be pretty broad, too. There are programs available online, in books, streaming video, apps, as well as our own training plans .

If you decide to go with a more recreational activity, like swimming or martial arts, the club you join will likely have a suggested program you can follow to make sure you’re progressing as expected. That might be as simple as showing up to a certain number of classes per week, but it’s important to go into this with a plan. 

Even for more solo activities, like hiking or walking, you can find programs online to help you work on your form or breathing, with recommendations on how to build up your endurance.

We’re big proponents of varied workout programs with a focus on bodyweight exercises and based on our experiences, these are the training programs we can recommend:

Hybrid Training Bundle - Hybrid Athlete

  • Bodyweight 1.0
  • Bodyweight 2.0
  • Kettlebell 1.0
  • 30-Day Challenge
  • Bonus module: Intro to Nutrition and Healthy Eating

Lasso Brag

  • Over 12 weeks of calisthenics workouts
  • Beginner to intermediate levels
  • Progressive calisthenics: Start with the basics and improve with time

Choose a Program Based on Your Goals

No matter what activity you choose as your primary mode of exercise, it’s important to pick a program that aligns with your goals. If your main goal is to work on your endurance so you don’t get winded as easily when hiking, a program that’s primarily focused on building muscle wouldn’t be as effective as an endurance program. 

Some programs don’t really have a stated goal and are more focused on general fitness. That is okay too, but be careful not to choose something that’s too vague. Just like your goals should be specific and measurable, the goals of the program should be, too. Ideally, those goals will be pretty well aligned.

Make Sure the Program Matches Your Level

As a beginner, you’ll want to make sure you’re not biting off more than you can chew. A common mistake people make is buying the flashiest, most popular program on the market, only to find they can’t possibly keep up.

When choosing a program, look at the program’s expectations. 

  • Do many of the starting exercise variations look impossible to you? 
  • Does the program entail nonstop work at a relatively high level of intensity? 
  • Are there clear explanations for exercise technique, or does the program assume you already know what to do for basic exercises?

Be honest with yourself about where you’re starting from and evaluate the program accordingly. Don’t choose a program just because a friend raves about it—you may not be starting from the same place as them.

Building Your Own Training Program

You might decide to build your own exercise program instead of buying or using a ready-made one.

Maybe you have a specific goal that requires a more tailored approach. Or perhaps you’re looking to save money. 

Whatever your reason, experimenting with making your own program is a great way to understand exercise methodology.

You can build a workout in many ways, but we’ll give you a framework for understanding which components are most important. 

Minimum Effective Dose

The concept of “minimum effective dose” is uncomfortable for many people because it goes against what so many of us have been taught. It’s the direct opposite of “more is better.” 

Rather than trying to do as much as you can before collapsing, this concept challenges you to do the least amount possible to see results. Before building an exercise program, try to adopt this mindset that you don’t need to do a lot to see results—especially as a beginner. 

Start with less. You can always add more later if you are able to. 

General Program Structure 

With the “less is more” mindset, you’ll be able to build a healthy and sustainable exercise program. From here, there are four components you’ll need to decide on: 

This is what type of exercise you’ll be doing. As we discussed in the section on choosing a program , you can really choose anything. As long as you’re moving your body and the type of exercise you’re doing supports your goals, everything else is a personal choice. 

We recommend, of course, choosing a mode of exercise you enjoy. If it feels like a chore every time you do it, you’re just not as likely to keep showing up. 

You’ll need to decide in advance how often you want to work out. We recommend three to five times per week, but this is ultimately going to depend on your lifestyle and preferences.

If you have commitments like a rigorous job or small children at home, it might be more realistic to start with fewer dedicated workouts each week. Or, you might find you’re more consistent in your training when you work it into your schedule more often. 

Think about your life realistically, and plan on a frequency that you can stick to. This allows you to get a baseline, which you can always adjust or build upon as you progress.

Here’s where you’ll decide how intensely you want to be working. There are objective and subjective ways of determining intensity. 

Objective measures include things like setting a target heart rate, speed on a treadmill, or revolutions per minute (RPM) on a bike. 

There are various scales for subjective measurements of intensity, but a good one is the ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) scale: 

start my fitness journey

You may want to create your program with a mix of higher- and lower-intensity activity. It’s not a good idea to be at a 9 or 10 on the RPE scale with every single workout (most people really don’t need to go above a 7/8 ever). 

This last component defines how long your sessions will be. It doesn’t have to be the same every time, and it’s important to build some flexibility into your planning since life is rarely predictable and steady. 

With that said, try to think about what would be an ideal amount of time to spend on a workout session. 

If you’re one of those people who has a lot of internal motivation for exercising and you just love working out, you might relish an hour-long exercise session. For the rest of us, remember it’s about quality over quantity. If you only have 20 minutes you can devote to a workout, then plan for that. Whatever’s realistic.

Creating a Workout for Different Goals

If you choose a less traditional form of exercise (say, dance or swimming), you’ll still want to think about frequency, intensity, and duration, but you may be better off turning to experts on the particular activity for help building a training program. 

With more traditional forms of exercise (like bodyweight training or weightlifting), it’s a bit simpler to provide guidance on building workouts. 

In general, here’s what we recommend depending on your goal: 

  • Building strength : use a relatively harder variation of a given exercise for 2–4 sets of 4–6 repetitions per exercise. 
  • Hypertrophy (building muscle) : work with a relatively easier variation that you can do for 2–4 sets of 8–12 repetitions per exercise. 
  • Building endurance : choose an even easier variation that you can do for 2–4 sets of 12–20 repetitions per exercise . 

To gauge the difficulty of an exercise variation, you’ll want to pick a variation where you can do the recommended number of repetitions while keeping a couple of reps in the tank. 

So, for example, if you’re working on squats with a goal of building strength, you’ll want to pick a variation of the squat where the absolute maximum you can do is eight reps, but you’ll stop at six. That way, you always stay fresh and can make sure to do each exercise with proper and safe form.

Going From Zero to Advanced Exerciser

How do you progress from absolutely zero knowledge all the way to an advanced exerciser? We’ll show you. Understand, though, that progress is rarely linear. 

These benchmarks will give you some general guidelines for navigating through different stages of training. Along the way, though, you might advance more quickly in one area than in another. Or, you might move backward in certain areas at different points in time. That’s okay. 

As you’ll see, the key to becoming a lifelong exerciser is to be as consistent as possible in your efforts, and that’s true no matter what stage you’re starting from. We’ll look at four levels:

  • Intermediate

Starting From Zero

There are many people starting an exercise program who need to take a step back from even beginner-level exercises. 

It’s possible you’ve gone years without moving your body in a purposeful way. 

There’s no judgment or shame in being honest with yourself about your level of activity. It’s important to know where you’re starting from so that you can take this important step in an enjoyable and sustainable way. 

If you’re starting from this place of zero activity, what can you do to get yourself to beginner level? Start with gentle movements, like: 

  • Easy hikes in nature
  • Basic bodyweight movements like marching in place or squatting while holding onto a support.

The most important thing at this stage is creating a consistent habit. Don’t worry too much about achieving lofty goals. Your only real goal should be to make movement a regular part of your life—something you do every day for at least a few minutes.

At this early stage in your journey, one of the best things you can do is start a consistent walking program—some of the most successful and sustainable exercise programs are based on walking alone. 

Start with a walk around the block every day, then build up to a mile or two per day. This might not sound like a lot, but it can be quite challenging if you’re starting from zero. And making this a part of your daily routine will help you stay consistent with more advanced training as you improve.

Progressing to Beginner Level 

Once you’re moving more regularly and are comfortable with basic movements and stretches, you can start working on beginner-level exercises. Here are some ways you can bump up your level of intensity: 

  • Increase your distance on your walking program, or begin speed walking or jogging.
  • Start doing hikes at a moderate level of intensity.
  • Make your stretching more dynamic by including yoga fundamentals.
  • Try some standard bodyweight exercises, like beginner variations of push-ups or squats. (See our Bodyweight Training Guide for detailed beginner-friendly exercises.) 

At this level, it’s important to go back to the goal-setting exercises from earlier. Setting clear goals will help you maintain the consistency you’ve been building. Staying consistent at every level is the necessary ingredient for making this a lifelong endeavor. 

Moving up to Intermediate Level

You’ve been at this for a while now. You’re comfortable doing beginner-level progressions of bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, and deadlifts. You’re stretching regularly, and you’re on a consistent walking or jogging program. You’re doing activities you love (or have learned to love), so you’ve successfully made exercise a sustainable habit. This is a part of your life now. 

At the intermediate level, you can start to: 

  • Add sprints or intervals into your jogging sessions.
  • Do more advanced bodyweight exercise variations.
  • Incorporate some weighted strength training with barbells or kettlebells. (See our Strength Training Guide for detailed strength-based exercises.)

As you progress, revisit your goals as necessary—what motivated you at level zero isn’t necessarily going to motivate you now. 

Becoming an Advanced Exerciser 

This is the goal for many people—to achieve an advanced level of skill and ability. It’s not the right goal for everyone, though. You have to know yourself and understand what’s a realistic, motivating, and healthy goalpost for you. 

If you do decide you want to achieve this level of exercise, here’s what that might look like: 

  • Add hill sprints into your running sessions.
  • Do high-intensity interval training (HIIT).
  • Use heavier kettlebells or barbells, or practice more technically advanced exercises (such as the Turkish get-up).
  • Work on advanced bodyweight exercises like handstands, pull-ups, and gymnastic ring exercises.

The sky’s the limit with what you can work on when you reach a certain level of skill and ability with your exercise. Just pay attention to the following: 

  • Are you able to maintain your consistency when working at such a high level?
  • How does your body feel? If you’re getting injured all the time doing advanced exercises, that’s not going to be sustainable. 
  • Is this advanced level of work having any impact (positive or negative) on your mental health? 

There isn’t a right or wrong answer to any of these questions. It’s important, though, to pay attention to these things, especially as you keep advancing. 

Managing Plateaus or Setbacks

There’s something magical about those early days of a new exercise program. You feel excited about the work you’re putting in, and you see consistent results adding up with almost every workout session. 

…until you don’t. 

After a few weeks or a few months, you hit a wall. It gets harder to muster up excitement for your training sessions, even when you use all the techniques we’ve described throughout this guide.  What now? 

Don’t Panic and Don’t Give Up

When you hit a plateau like that, it can be tempting to lean into one of two feelings: 

  • Panic. This is never going to work!
  • Resignation. I’m just going to quit while I’m ahead. 

We’ve all been there, so we get it. Let’s take a step back to set some realistic expectations. 

Reality check #1: Plateaus are inevitable.

No matter your experience level or the amount of effort you’ve put into setting yourself up for success, you’ll likely come across plateaus or setbacks at some point.

Our bodies and minds adapt quickly, especially when starting something new, so when it’s not so new anymore, you’re not as likely to see the same results consistently. 

That’s okay. Actually, it’s a good thing. Hitting plateaus means you’re putting in consistent effort.

Reality check #2: Setbacks are unavoidable.

Setbacks can happen for all sorts of reasons—injury, depression, vacation, new job, pandemic, etc. The key is knowing that when a setback happens, it doesn’t have to mean the end of all your progress. 

With these realistic expectations in mind, we can go over some strategies for managing setbacks and plateaus when they happen. 

How to Manage a Plateau

A plateau is usually seen as a bad thing in the context of an exercise program. It’s when you hit a period of little to no progress and things stay pretty flat for a while. 

Here are two main ways to deal with a plateau:

Ride it out

Sometimes, the best way to deal with a plateau is to embrace it and ride it out. It’s unlikely that you’ll be stuck at that same plateau for very long. Often, if you lean into the plateau and just keep showing up, you’ll find yourself on the other side of that plateau within a couple of weeks. If a month or so goes by and you’re still in the same spot, though, it’s probably time to go into troubleshooting mode. 


Switching things up may mean changing your program entirely or adjusting specific aspects of your program. Go back to the four components of your program we discussed earlier: mode, frequency, intensity, and duration.

Perhaps you need to try a different mode of exercise for a change, or it could be that your body needs a rest in which case you might cut back on intensity or frequency temporarily.

It may take some trial and error to see if changing one or more of these components gets you back on track. 

Getting Back on Track Right Away

When you hit a setback and miss a planned session, it can be tempting to go into all-or-nothing mode. 

James Clear, who’s a master at habit-building, talks about the importance of “avoiding the second mistake.” Or, as we like to say: Don’t miss twice. 

Just because you missed one workout doesn’t mean all of your efforts at exercising should go out the window. Consistent work is the most important thing in building this lifelong habit, and means showing up next time, even if you couldn’t get yourself to the gym this time. 

Go back to square one and figure out what changes you need to make to your routine so that you have the best chance of showing up to your next session.

Making This a Lifelong Journey

So, how can you sustain this new exercise journey for the rest of your life? It comes down to three things:

  • Staying consistent 
  • Engaging in self-reflection 
  • Expecting nonlinear progress

Consistency is Key

Showing up consistently is far more important than all the other details of your exercise program. 

It’s more important than what type of exercise you do, how intensely you work out, or even how frequently you exercise. Find something you enjoy and just keep showing up. That’s what creates a sustainable habit. 

People overestimate what they can do in an hour and underestimate what they can accomplish in a decade. We think that if we work as hard as possible in an hour-long workout, we should see results right away. When that doesn’t happen, we’re disappointed and may be tempted to give up. 

But any accomplishment takes time, and exercise is no different. Even when you’re just getting started, remember that this is a lifelong journey and results accumulate over time.

Your “Why” Will Change

As you get older and have different life experiences, your “why” is going to change. Very few people have the same motivating factors at 20 as they do at 40. 

What’s important, then, is continuing to be self-reflective. 

Revisit the exercises from the beginning of this guide periodically to make sure you’re clear on what’s most important to you. We recommend going through those exercises at least once a year, reminding yourself of your “why” throughout the year.

Progress Isn’t Linear

You’re going to face ups and downs in your exercise journey, and there will be times when you feel like you’re not making any progress at all—or worse, like you’ve gone backward. You haven’t. Just keep showing up consistently and it will lead to progress. 

One year from now, you can look back and know that you’ve made progress because you started this journey—and starting is half the battle. 

If you have started and are ready to move forward, check out our guides and training plans to see if there’s a good fit for you.

Other Guides

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Intro to Strength Training

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Intro to Nutrition & Healthy Eating

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The Paleo Diet Explained

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Guide to Bodyweight Training

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start my fitness journey

The Beginner’s Guide To Starting A Fitness Journey

  • July 25, 2017

start my fitness journey

  • Getting rid of medications that are unnecessary with lifestyle changes.
  • Being able to keep up with your kids/grandkids and enjoy life with them instead of watching from the sidelines.
  • Being a good role model for those in your life who are looking to you for guidance.
  • Managing or even better, eliminating chronic disease and illness born from poor lifestyle.
  • Clothes fitting looser. Okay, so the scale hasn’t moved yet. But you’re clearly getting smaller which was the goal, right? So stop obsessing over an arbitrary numbers machine and actually pay attention to the changes in your body.
  • Getting better sleep and feeling vibrant. It’s a by-product of regular exercise, so when this lovely side effect hits you, embrace it with wide open arms.
  • Feeling HAPPIER from that endorphin glow each day. Starting or ending your day with an amazing workout and that lovely life elixir called sweat.
  • Being more PRODUCTIVE because you have more energy to show up for your life in a really positive way.

start my fitness journey

  • Afternoon home spa pampering yourself or go get a mani/pedi.
  • Donate your now-too-big clothes to charity.
  • Use stickers to note the date of your milestone achievements on your calendar.
  • Plan a healthy day trip with friends such as hiking.
  • Get a massage.
  • Schedule a professional photoshoot .
  • Plan and execute your dream vacation.
  • Buy new workout gear.
  • Make a new playlist.
  • Go shopping … in your own closet!
  • Snag a fresh bouquet of flowers at the farmers market.
  • Find a new plant to add to your garden.

About Inspired Wellness We are a wellness movement aimed at cultivating greatness in all areas of life. We believe that everything is connected and that having the body of your dreams shouldn’t come at the price of your mental and emotional health. You CAN have it all; you just need some determination, grit and the desire to truly change your life!

Catch us locally in sunny Sacramento CA inspiring lives at our wellness center with fitness, nutrition and lifestyle programs, or online doing the same thing with our new online training site + community coming soon!

Want more content like this delivered straight to your inbox? Get a weekly dose of inspiration by subscribing here .

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Inspired Wellness

Inspired Wellness

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I had established a great work routine and got into the gym a minimum of 5 days a week. Then I hit a bit of a tragedy with the death of my mom and brother and just couldn’t get myself to go anymore. So really excited to get back into working out.

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I’m going to remind myself that I love myself enough to do this for me, and that I’m not comparing myself to or competing with anyone. I’m celebrating my milestones by getting massages!

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Exercise makes me a better mom and partner. It is therapy!

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The one thing that initially drew me to Inspired Wellness and has kept me coming back for more (despite the killer workouts) is the AMAZING sense of community – there is no judgment only an incredible, supportive group of individuals who come together and lift each other up.

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This isn’t my first challenge but this still resonates. Thanks!

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I need to remind myself that I am worth it and everything is hard before it’s easy!

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I believe community really is a huge part of our wellness all around! I hope to meet some new friends through this experience.

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I think the #1 tip is the one that resonates the most with me! I’ve recently started the Inspired Wellness Get Fit Challenge and while it can be a challenge, I stay motivated by reminding myself why I am doing this. It’s important to me to understand what I’m putting in my body and when I have kids one day I want to make good nutritional decisions for them as well. Thinking of these reasons makes the Wellness journey a lot more simple and fun!

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How To Start Your Fitness Journey

Six years ago, I looked at my body and decided it was time for a change. I had had enough of being called out as the fat guy, not being able to fit sleekly into my clothes, and constantly pulling my clothes over my tummy while in public in a weak attempt to cover my big stomach.

After staring in the mirror for minutes or what could possibly be an hour, I made up my mind to start my fitness journey and get my body in shape. If you are also at this point in your life where you want to start your fitness journey but don’t know how I’m here to guide you on how to get started.

Starting your fitness journey

When starting your fitness journey, there are two essential questions you need to answer to set yourself up for success: the “why” and the “how.”

The why has to do with the reason you want to embark on the journey. Ask yourself honestly, why do you want to be fit? Why do you want to embark on this journey? Maybe you’re trying to

  • Tone up and lose belly fat to feel more confident in your clothes.
  • Bulk up to increase your weight and lean muscle to avoid looking skinny.
  • Lose excess fat from all parts of your body.

Or any other personal reasons that you may have. Whatever your reasons, the important thing is that you are true to yourself with your answer because the why is what will keep you going during the tough times.

The “how” is about the journey itself. What steps can you take to ensure success and see results? If weight loss is your goal, one of the first things I recommend is cutting down on the amount of food you eat.

Food is energy for your body. When you consume more food (energy) than your body needs, it stores the excess as fat. To lose weight, you need to eat less food than your body requires for daily functioning, forcing it to utilize stored fat for the rest of its energy needs.

Now eating less food might be challenging if you’re used to eating plenty, but you can ease into it by practicing intermittent fasting. This means designating a period of hours to fast, usually 16 to 18 hours, and a period to eat of 6 to 8 hours.

By doing this, you slowly condition yourself to eat within a restricted time frame which can lead to reduced eating. When I started my fitness journey, I started by doing intermittent fasting for 16 to 18 hours, eating about half of what I used to eat before within the eating window of 6 to 8 hrs.

My goal for intermittent fasting was to slowly but steadily train my body to rely on less food while still performing all the activities I used to do in the past. After I got comfortable doing 16 to 18 hours fasts, I gradually increased to 20 to 22 hours fasts and finally 48 to 72-hour fasts (more on that later). This approach allowed me to lose fat and achieve sustainable results in my fitness journey.

Making fitness a Lifestyle

Now that we’ve discussed the “why” and “how” of starting your fitness journey, let’s talk about making fitness part of your everyday life . This doesn’t mean becoming an overnight gym rat or following a trendy diet plan. Instead, it involves incorporating healthy habits into your routine.

Start by integrating some form of physical activity or exercise into your daily life. It could be running, biking, push-ups, sit-ups, jumping Jacks, or even a brisk walk outdoors. The key is to find an activity you enjoy and can commit to at least five days a week consistently.

Additionally, focus on making healthier food choices in your daily meals. Reduce refined carbs, processed foods, sugars, and alcohol, and opt for nutritious options like lean meats, chicken, fish, dairy, vegetables, and fruits.

Find a combination of healthy food choices that work for you and can be sustained in the long run. You can even throw in a couple of your favorite snacks every once in a while to make it easy to stick to. If you can make these small changes to your lifestyle and stick to them, you will see sustainable results that you can maintain and build on.

Adding workouts to your fitness routine

Adding workouts to your fitness routine is a crucial step in accelerating your progress and achieving your fitness goals. While healthy eating habits and physical activity are important, workouts provide additional benefits that can enhance your results. Let’s explore why you should incorporate workouts into your routine.

  • Increased calorie expenditure: Workouts help you expend more energy, making it easier to stay in a calorie deficit during your fitness journey. This is essential for weight loss and fat burning. By engaging in exercises that elevate your heart rate and challenge your muscles, you’ll burn more calories during and after your workout.
  • Muscle development and increased metabolism: Workouts allow you to build muscle and strength, which not only enhances your physique but also increases your basal metabolic rate (BMR). This means you’ll burn more calories even at rest.
  • Cardiovascular health and endurance: Including cardio workouts in your routine, such as running, cycling, or using gym machines like the treadmill or elliptical, can improve your cardiovascular health. Regular cardio exercises help strengthen your heart and lungs, lower blood pressure, and increase stamina and endurance.
  • Mental well-being and stress relief: Workouts positively impact your mental health. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, natural mood enhancers that help alleviate stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. Incorporating workouts into your routine can provide a mental and emotional boost, helping you feel more focused and energized throughout the day.

To add workouts to your routine, you have a few options. You can set up a home gym in your basement or spare room if you have the space and equipment. However, registering at a gym is often recommended as it provides access to a wider range of equipment and machines at a fraction of the cost of setting up a home gym.

Starting your workouts

If you’re new to working out, it’s best to start with compound exercises that work multiple parts of the body. Squats, bench presses, and deadlifts are great examples. Alternatively, you can work with a trainer at the gym to help guide you on proper form, create a personalized workout plan, and ensure you’re on track to achieve your fitness goals.

A structured workout plan for beginners typically involves three days of exercise per week, with a rest day between each workout day. This allows your body to recover and adapt to the new demands placed on it.

As you become more familiar with your workouts and gradually build your fitness level, you can increase the frequency to four or five days per week, incorporating rest days in between. When working out, it’s important to listen to your body and adjust the intensity and frequency of your workouts based on your individual needs and recovery capacity. That way, you don’t overtrain and injure yourself in the process.

Remember, fitness is a journey; it takes time and dedication to achieve your goals. By setting clear intentions, making healthy lifestyle changes, incorporating workouts, and staying consistent, you’ll be well on your way to a healthier and fitter version of yourself. Take the first step today and start your fitness journey with confidence.

  • How do I start Fitness for beginners?

Starting your fitness journey as a beginner involves answering two essential questions: the “why” and the “how.” Determine your reasons for wanting to be fit and embark on this journey. Next, start by making small, sustainable changes to your lifestyle, such as making healthier food choices, incorporating physical activity into your daily routine, and gradually adding workouts to your fitness routine.

  • When should I start my fitness journey?

The best time to start your fitness journey was yesterday, but the next best time is today. There’s no need to wait for a specific date or moment to begin. Take that first step towards a healthier lifestyle and start making positive changes today.

  • Which exercise should I start with as a beginner?

As a beginner, it’s best to start with compound exercises that work multiple parts of the body. Examples include squats, bench presses, and deadlifts. These exercises engage multiple muscle groups and provide a solid foundation for your fitness journey.

  • How long does it take for fitness to show?

The time it takes for fitness to show varies from person to person and depends on various factors such as genetics, consistency, intensity of workouts, and nutrition. While some individuals may start noticing changes in their bodies within a few weeks, it generally takes several months of consistent effort to see significant transformations.

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How to Start (or Restart) Your Fitness Journey Today

How to Start (or Restart) Your Fitness Journey Today

Are you just starting your fitness journey? Or are you restarting after “falling off the wagon” and getting back on track?

Either way, the health journey can feel overwhelming and stressful. But it doesn’t have to be as complicated as diet plans and online gurus make it seem. The truth is anyone can find a fitness practice they enjoy if they have:

  • The right tools
  • An understanding of their core needs
  • A growth (rather than fixed) mindset

We’ll show you what we mean below. Here’s your guide on how to start your fitness journey, whether you’re beginning from scratch or you’ve been down this road many times.

How to Start Your Fitness Journey — and Do It Successfully

First, let’s cover some important reminders: 

Number one : Fitness for most people is not the airbrushed model on the sports magazine cover, the gym rat who lives at the local gym, or the person with washboard abs who seemingly has it all together. 

Realistic fitness journeys are about balance, flexibility, and working with your lifestyle and needs. 

And, number two : If you’re tried and failed to get healthy and fit, it doesn’t mean you can’t. It doesn’t mean you’re a failure or lack some crazy willpower everyone else possesses. 

It just means what you were doing before wasn’t working for you. This time, you’ll get another step closer to what does work for you.

Here are some pointers on getting started (or starting again).

Don't Wait for the Perfect Time: Start Now!

It’s easy to put off starting a new fitness routine until you feel “ready,” but here’s a fact: You’ll never feel 100% ready . 

Life keeps happening. Work stress continues. Family commitments aren’t going anywhere. 

The best you can do is start now and develop a routine that fits within your current situation.

That includes not going to extremes and acknowledging that you won’t do everything perfectly (and that’s okay) when starting a fitness journey.

You can start right now to make healthier choices!

If You’re Restarting a Fitness Journey, Identify What Didn’t Work Last Time

If this isn’t your first (fitness) rodeo, you’re not alone. Many of us have to try at least a few times to figure out a routine that works for us.

However, you’ll struggle to stay consistent unless you know what derailed you last time.

What kept you from keeping up your workouts before? Be as honest with yourself as you can. 

Maybe you were trying to work out for too long or too many days a week. Perhaps you went through a stressful life event that directed your attention elsewhere. Or maybe you just got bored with or confused about what you were doing and couldn’t stand to keep it up.

You might not have known the “why” that motivated you to keep going .

Identify what got in your way. Write down all of the reasons. 

Then, identify what you need to do differently this time, such as shorter workouts or more realistic standards for yourself. 

Start Small and Work Up

Simple steps are best when you’re making a change — especially one that is (ideally) for a lifetime. So, start small!

You might feel tempted to jump into extremes like:

  • Working out two times a day
  • Cutting out all carbs
  • Shunning all of the things you love

But that’s not realistic, and it will just cause you to crash and burn, stop working out entirely, and end up right back at square one. 

Plus, pushing yourself too hard increases the risk of injury, according to Medline Plus . It’s best to start slowly, build up your knowledge of different movements, and get used to adding fitness into your routine. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend at least this much exercise per week:

  • 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity
  • Two days of muscle-strengthening activities

This is a good goal when you’re first starting — but you can give yourself time to work up to it.

Thirty minutes of exercise five days a week is a good place to start for some. If that is too overwhelming, start with 25, 20, or even 15 minutes per day. Break the time up over different days or different periods in one day. Work up from there. 

You can focus on whatever gets your body moving. If you’re entirely new to exercise, use this as an opportunity to explore what you like most. Try out different forms of movement, and don’t be afraid to start small.

Think of fitness as a dial rather than an on and off switch. You’re never just doing “good” or “bad” — you’re sweet spot is somewhere in the middle. If you’re staying above zero, you’re progressing a little at a time.

Keep the Big Picture in Mind (Progress, Not Perfection)

When you’re in the thick of getting healthier, it’s easy to view each day as representing your overall progress. 

But you have 365 days in an entire year. And one year is just a fraction of your whole life. 

So, “zoom out.”

Look at the big picture of your health journey — not just today, tomorrow, or this week. 

Did you have a crappy day of eating? That’s just one day out of the year. It’s one blip on a huge calendar. Instead of beating yourself up, focus on making the next meal nutritious. And the next one.

Did you skip your workouts for an entire week because work was crazy? Don’t start thinking this means you’re a failure and “what’s the point anyway.” Make a plan for when you’re fit in a workout tomorrow. 

Keep moving forward , and don’t forget the big picture. It’s about consistency over time that leads to lasting workout results.

And don’t commit the cardinal sin of trying to be perfect — that’s a surefire path to frustration. Again, focus on how you can make consistent choices over time that move the needle ahead.

It all begins with one workout, one meal. You don’t have to overthink it to get started and build momentum.

Make Exercise a Regular Part of Your Schedule

Routines and habits are crucial for good health. So, get used to viewing fitness as a regular part of your daily life . That means adding it to your calendar like anything else you prioritize in your day.

Some people prefer to exercise in the morning before work. Others like working out after their workday. And some will fit in a workout during lunch or break up the time, such as a quick morning walk and a trip to the gym after work.

When exercise becomes a given in your schedule, you’ll start to incorporate it without overthinking it, talking yourself out of it, or doing other things instead.

Expect (and Account for) Setbacks

Regarding a new fitness journey, one thing’s for sure: you will have setbacks . 

Let’s just get that out of the way now. And we’ll tell you that it’s perfectly okay. 

Work, family, and everything in between will guarantee days you can’t exercise or aren’t as healthy as you’d like to be. 

Life happens. We all know life happens, and knowing that will give you the flexible mindset to keep moving forward instead of giving up. 

Namely, the critical point is to not quit . Even if you feel like you’ve fallen off the wagon or fallen way behind on the fitness plan.

Dust yourself off, start with the next workout, the next healthy meal, and embrace the sometimes-chaos life brings!

If/Then Plans

Have a plan for when you will have a more challenging time working out and eating well. 

For example, you might say that:

  • If I’m not feeling like working out, then I will do just five minutes of some physical activity. (Once you start, five minutes could turn into a decent workout — but that’s not the commitment. All you have to do is five minutes!)
  • If I have trouble fitting in trips to the grocery store because of a busy schedule, then I will start ordering them online for pickup.
  • If I’m out of healthy ingredients to cook tonight, then I will order a healthy dish from a restaurant. 

When you get thrown off your schedule, it can feel like one little mistake or missed workout is a sign you can’t do this. 

Don’t listen to that narrative — it’s not true.

A little exercise is better than no exercise. Some fruits and veggies are better than none . 

You’ll get used to doing the best you can, getting back on the wagon, and creating improvement over time — even if it doesn’t immediately appear that way at the moment. 

Keep Your Healthy Habits Realistic

When many people think about how to start a fitness journey, they jump straight into extremes like:

  • Exercising seven days a week for at least an hour
  • Cutting out all sugar or gluten (or both)
  • Eating very few calories

But these are not realistic habits for most people. And what happens then? They stop exercising or focusing on eating healthy at all. Plus, many extreme health habits are in fact bad for health, such as eating too few calories . 

If you plan to work out for an hour a day, but life happens and you can’t keep it up anymore, it’s time to step back and re-assess. What is truly realistic for you to do every day? Fifteen minutes? Twenty? Thirty? It doesn’t have to be as long as you’d think to see results.

What we’re trying to say is there: consistency matters most.

Remember the Benefits of Exercise

Exercise has so many incredible benefits for your body and mind. 

When trying to convince yourself to fit in a morning workout or go to the gym after work, remind yourself what you’ll get out of this time investment.

The benefits of exercise, according to the CDC , include:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight and preventing obesity
  • Improving your mental health — reducing stress and the risk of depression
  • Keeping your thinking and judgment skills strong
  • Strengthening muscles and bones , which decrease with age
  • Reducing the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, some cancers, and falling
  • Enhancing your sleep quality
  • Boosting your sexual health
  • Improving your chances of living a longer, healthier life

Exercise is one of the best choices you can make for your physical and mental health. And when it becomes a habit, and you find what you like, you’ll feel better overall when you stay active. 

Don't Do Things You Hate

Some of us have incorrectly learned that all exercise sucks, it hurts, and it’s a necessary evil. 

But that’s not true! (We’re breaking all sorts of myths here today.)

You do not have to engage in exercise you hate.

If you hate running, you don’t have to do it. There are tons of alternative ways to get your heart rate up and get fit. 

If you hate going to the gym or lifting weights, try resistance bands and at-home workouts. Tools like the original Gorilla Bow and Gorilla Bow Travel make it easy to fit in a workout wherever you are based on the type of workouts you enjoy (or can learn to enjoy).  

While you will likely still have days you don’t feel like working out, it’ll be easier to gently push yourself to start when you appreciate the exercise type and understand how it will make you feel better. 

Make It Fun

Working out doesn’t have to feel tedious. It doesn’t even have to involve a traditional gym or standard equipment. Mix it up by getting active in different ways, such as:

  • Doing cardio while watching a TV show
  • Listening to exhilarating music during strength or resistance training
  • Walking or running in a beautiful park
  • Biking to work
  • Playing tennis with friends
  • Joining a yoga, dance, or kickboxing class

There are also tons of online workouts on YouTube and programs tailored to different fitness types. 

Other Questions About How to Start a Fitness Journey

Let’s answer a few more frequently asked questions about getting started with fitness.

When Should I Start My Fitness Journey?

There’s no “best” time to start working out. Start today — don’t overthink it!

How Do I Start My Fitness Journey as a Beginner?

Start small. For example, you might do something active two to three days per week. Start with anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes each time. 

Give your body time to adjust to the habit. If a routine is overwhelming enough that you can’t keep it up, scale down to something more realistic. Remember: consistency is most important.

If you’re still not sure where to start, consider joining an online program that better guides you through specific workouts. 

How Can I Start My Fitness Journey with Gorilla Bow?

When you purchase a Gorilla Bow, you get 30 days of Gorilla Bow All-Access, which gives you admission to all types of workouts for various fitness goals. You can also try it free for seven days here !

You’ll get access to unlimited live and on-demand beginner, strength, Tabata, HIIT, flow, and functional classes, health and nutrition advice, expert fitness instructors, and exclusive member-only offers. You’ll also learn beginner basics for the Gorilla Bow and how to use it anywhere and at any time.

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The Ultimate Guide To Starting Your Fitness Journey

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By florence milano.

You might think starting a journey of health and fitness is overwhelming. Your mind quickly visualizes an image of exercise equipment or people staring at you. It can be intimidating, but keep in mind that everybody once started as a beginner. 

Deciding to end old habits while making healthy improvements can be a life-changing decision. Not only will this greatly improve your overall well-being, but it can also boost your mood , increase your confidence in yourself while remaining motivated to stay on track.

Coming prepared with the right game plan will help you succeed, so we’ve laid out some strategies to help you get started!

1. Determine Your Reason and Commit to Doing So

One thing to consider when starting anything is why you’re doing it in the first place. Are you doing it for yourself or others? What do you hope to get out of it? 

It should be something you want rather than something that you think you need. The motivating factor could be as simple as not wanting to be out of breath when taking the stairs or improving your mental health. 

Wanting to have a regular exercise routine , researching the most effective methods and other time-consuming tasks will not yield results. It is entirely up to you whether or not you’re ready to make the change, but you cannot achieve your objectives if you’re not fully committed to the process. 

Reassure yourself that you can handle anything and everything that may occur no matter how difficult or challenging it will be.

2. Make a Plan and Set Up a Vision Board

Having a plan is essential to any goal because you need to know what goals you wish to achieve and when you intend to break them when developing a strategy. Be it for exercise, mealtime or meditation; it’s important to establish the best schedule for yourself.

A vision board is typically a list that contains images and graphics rather than just writing. It encourages you to visualize your goal, your journey and the action plans to achieve it. 

Create a vision board wherein you can start planning and working on your fitness vision. You may use a bulletin board, a shadow box, a poster board or just a notebook. It doesn't have to look like anyone else’s: it should be what inspires you. Here are some examples you could collect for your fitness vision board:

  • Old pictures of yourself
  • Pictures of nutritious foods
  • Inspirational short stories
  • Journal clippings
  • Everything that highlights your ambition

Put your vision board somewhere where you'll see it every day. You can even make another vision board for the things you have accomplished.

3. Setting Positive and Achievable Goals

Some people want to build endurance, improve their health and boost their confidence. But what should you do to get there? 

Fitness goals are important for several reasons. They hold us accountable, expand our perception of the possibilities, and motivate us to push through temporary challenges to attain long-lasting changes.

Though it’s great to have your big ultimate goal, you should also set smaller and more manageable fitness targets to help you get there.

We all want immediate satisfaction, but it’s important to be realistic about the deadline you set and remember that everything takes time. Major improvements will never be completed within a week. 

Choose a goal that you can accomplish over months rather than a year, like getting more exercise and controlling your food intake. In this way, you are more likely to stick to it if you approach it with a long-term mindset than a quick fix mentality.

If you own a RENPHO AI Smart Bike , set smart goals to help make losing weight more manageable by taking AI Gym video courses with certified Les Mills trainers. This can help you with a clear path to success and help you find the motivation to keep going.

4. Start with Baby Steps

It is best to start your fitness journey little by little. There’s no need to run a marathon or lift weights on Day 1, or you’ll end up getting injured and discouraged.

Start with 15 to 30 minutes of daily cardio with your AI Smart Bike to establish a regular exercise habit. Over time, you can add more difficult routines to your exercise.

5. Check Out Different Things and Find Out What's Best for You

You need to know your likes and dislikes so you can be passionate about your fitness program. Every year there are new trends, fun fitness videos and equipment to try. 

Experiment where possible and discover your fitness style so you can have the most fun while working out. Whatever you choose, make sure to include strength, training, cardio and high interval training in your exercise schedule.

6. Track Your Progress

It’s important to track your fitness growth to make sure you stay motivated. 

Note your maximum reps for each set of lifting weights, building core, or tracking your speed and cycling time with the intelligent bike and RENPHO's IA app for cardio exercises. This will allow you to maintain consistency and progress over time.

7. Stick to Healthy Habits

To achieve your goals, consistency is needed in having healthy habits. These habits can be as easy as going for a 30-minute workout with your AI Smart Bike three times a week and treating it as a ritual.

Make sure the healthy habits you include in your daily routine are in line with your desired outcomes. It's also important to make these habits basic so that you can integrate them into your daily routine every day.

Trying to incorporate too many things at once to construct your ideal daily routine can cause more damage than good because it is unlikely to be sustainable. It’s important to remember that being healthy is a way of life, not a temporary solution. 

Sleep improvement and less screen time are examples of integrating healthy routines. It will both make you feel better every day and will also help you recover from your workouts.

Stick to one to three action plans at first, and if you can keep them up regularly, you can add more.

8. Eat a Healthy Diet

Fitness entails more than just physical activity. You must also ensure that your body receives the proper nutrition to fuel your workouts. 

The number of calories you burn doesn’t matter when you immediately include it in your eating habits. But over time, the quality of the calories in the food you’re consuming will become more essential. 

False fats, sweets, false colors and flavorings, among other things, can affect your immunity and may risk you getting sick and hinder fat-burning hormone production.

The best way to start eating healthy at home is by educating yourself– understanding which foods will help you keep your goals will make it easier to create simple healthy eating habits and incorporate them into your daily routine.

There's no need to stick to the most recent fad diet. Begin by consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats.

The RENPHO Health app, for the RENPHO Smart Body Scale , can assist in setting target goals for you to achieve if you have a specific weight or fitness goal in mind.

9. Choose Water Over Fizzy Drinks

You will normally need to drink more water when you shift into a daily routine and regular exercise. It's a way of your body’s signal, which you shouldn’t ignore!

Hydration refers to drinking enough water before, during and after any activity. It keeps your body cool and your joints lubricated. Water improves the nutrient distribution that keeps you energized and healthy.

Your body cannot function well if you’re not adequately hydrated, which can lead to muscle cramps, tiredness and disorientation and other serious symptoms.

Refresh and hydrate, especially if you do intensive workouts regularly. Drinking plenty of water is just as important as eating healthy. 

10. Don’t Let Your Cheat Days Waste Your Progress

Cheat days are fine, just be smart about them. A small slice of cake is welcome, but go overboard with it, or you lose all your hard work.

By balancing workouts with healthy eating and a life filled with the occasional treat, you can enjoy your fitness routine even more and continue to reap the rewards for a lifetime.

11. Find a Fitness Buddy

Starting your fitness journey may be frightening, so having someone with you every step of the way can help. They can help to keep each other motivated and have fun while doing so. In the end, a trustworthy workout buddy increases your chances of sticking to your regimen!

Don't worry if you don't have a willing friend. The RENPHO Power User is a community Facebook group where RENPHO users with similar ideas can share their fitness journeys and encourage one another.

12. Expect Challenges

Life has the habit of throwing you curveballs. You may find yourself busy with work, family, or life in general that you are unable to work as much as you would like. 

We've all been there: You stick to your diet for a week before breaching it with a weekend heist. You plan to exercise more, work out for 3 days, and then find it hard to get out of bed after a long day at work. 

You build career visions and become enthralled by the possibilities, only to be weighed down by day-to-day responsibilities and not have the energy for fitness for weeks or months.

If you’re having trouble staying motivated to exercise, try a new training approach to see what you prefer. If you’re worried about suddenly losing your motivation, do a strategy ahead of time to avoid it! Find some motivational quotes to keep you focused and remind you why you’re doing it. 

The most important thing is to not give up. Return as soon as possible. Try to find small ways to be more active over the day. Never forget that exercise is better than none.

13. Appreciate Recovery Days

Recovery time is as important as the time and effort you put into your workouts. Every workout puts a lot of stress on the muscles . 

 Because your body goes through a lot during exercise, you need to give yourself adequate time to recover so that you can keep doing it. Therefore, try working out no more than three consecutive days, then allow at least one day of rest in between each workout.

14. Prioritize Sleep

Those who want to achieve their goals must commit to quality sleep . A key component of achieving goals is taking good care of your health. 

You may be sleeping less because of other priorities such as work or business. Try to make a sleeping schedule where you can get 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night and manage your activities around it. 

Sleep is especially important for the muscles to repair themselves properly and gain strength from the workout.

If you get only a few hours of sleep per night, your ability to think clearly will suffer and it will be harder for you to fulfill your goals. Embrace the deeply restorative powers of sleep for both your body and mind and put them to good use.

Just as taking breaks is important, having good rest is important as well. But make sure you’re getting good sleep so that you’re able to gain energy and keep working toward your goals. 

15. Use the 80-20 Rule

Keep in mind that starting your fitness path does not mean that you have to stop doing everything else. For most people, fitness, and health are all about striking a balance. Give yourself a break now and then! 

It’s essential to discover something you enjoy while still having an open mind when it comes to fitness: so, be adaptable and change what you do not like. Patience and determination are what you need to achieve your goals. At the end of the day, you have to remember to be kind and loving to yourself. 

Now that you have an idea of how to start your fitness journey, download the RENPHO app and discover more fitness, nutrition and health tips. 

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The Ultimate Guide To Staying Motivated On Your Fitness Journey


Embarking on a fitness journey is a transformative experience that promises a healthier, happier, and more vibrant version of yourself. However, staying motivated throughout this journey can often be a daunting task. There are days when fatigue sets in, self-doubt creeps in, and the allure of skipping a workout becomes tempting. Not to mention that distractions can come from anywhere that could disrupt you from resuming your daily fitness routine.

Thankfully, there are certain strategies and techniques you can do to keep your motivation soaring high and stick to your fitness journey. So, keep reading and get ready to unlock your full potential and discover the secrets to staying motivated as you embark on the transformative path toward a healthier and fitter you.

  • Set Realistic Goals 

One of the challenges of regular exercise is easily losing focus in such a short time. This can happen when you start a fitness routine without any goal in mind. Exercising without any objective can make it easy for you to lose focus since you don’t have any clear direction or purpose. It’ll also be harder for you to track your progress and see any results when you don’t have any goal.

Thus, before starting your fitness journey, ensure to set realistic goals first. Define both short-term and long-term objectives and break down your goals into smaller milestones. Furthermore, don’t forget to celebrate these smaller victories to keep you motivated and reinforce your progress. Remember, the success of your fitness routine is in the journey, not in the results.

  • Find Your ‘Why’ 

Understanding your personal motivation is vital to sustaining your fitness journey. Reflect on why you started in the first place. Whether to improve your health, boost self-confidence, or enhance your overall well-being, remind yourself of these reasons regularly. Your ‘why’ will be a powerful driving force to keep you on track when motivation wanes.

  • Create A Routine 

Creating a routine is a powerful strategy that can significantly contribute to your motivation and success in achieving your fitness goals. The routine will provide structure, organization, and consistency, helping you overcome obstacles and stay focused on your fitness journey.

Create a regular workout schedule that syncs with your daily routine and ensure to stick to them. A routine teaches consistency, consistency breeds discipline, and discipline fuels motivation. Make exercise a non-negotiable part of daily life, like brushing your teeth. The more it becomes a practice, the easier it will be to stay motivated.

  • Find Accountability  

Some people find it hard to stay motivated in their fitness routine when they’re alone or don’t have anyone to share the goal with. To keep you focused and committed to your routine, you can enlist the support of a workout buddy or join a fitness community. Sharing your journey with others creates a sense of accountability and camaraderie.

Having someone to lean on during challenging times can also be incredibly motivating. Consider finding a workout partner, hiring a personal trainer, or joining fitness classes to stay connected and inspired.

  • Embrace Variety 

Sooner or later, your fitness routine can become monotonous, leading to a loss of motivation. Spice up your fitness routine by incorporating various exercises, like strength training, cardio, yoga, or outdoor activities. Exploring new workouts not only challenges your body but also keeps your mind engaged and excited about your fitness journey.

  • Track Your Progress 

Tracking your progress is crucial in staying motivated on your fitness journey. So, document your achievements, whether it’s inches lost, pounds shed, or strength gained, as these details provide tangible evidence of your hard work. You can use a fitness journal, mobile app, or wearable fitness tracker to monitor your progress, steps, and even heart rate with the new technologies like Fitbit HRV accuracy , these tools provide valuable insights into your fitness journey . Seeing how far you’ve come can reignite your motivation during challenging times.

  • Reward Yourself  

Celebrate your milestones and achievements with rewards. Treat yourself to something you enjoy, like a massage, a new workout outfit, or a day off from your regular routine. Rewards act as positive reinforcement, making your fitness journey more enjoyable and satisfying. However, do remember that rewards are a tool to motivate and celebrate your progress. They should be used strategically and in a way that supports your long-term goals. Avoid using ‘rewards’ as an excuse to return to your unhealthy habits.

  • Practice Self-Care 

Taking care of yourself holistically is essential for maintaining motivation. Prioritize rest, sleep, and proper nutrition. Treat yourself with kindness and listen to your body’s needs. Nurturing your physical and mental well-being will optimize your energy levels and overall motivation.

The Bottom Line 

Staying motivated on your fitness journey is a lifelong process. By setting realistic goals, finding your why, establishing a routine, seeking accountability, embracing variety, tracking your progress, rewarding yourself, and practicing self-care, you’ll be equipped with the tools to maintain your motivation and achieve lasting success. Remember, the most important step is to start, and with unwavering motivation, you’ll soar to new heights on your fitness journey.

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Six Fitness Motivation Tips To Start You On Your Fitness Journey

Being physically active has an abundance of benefits, including better mental and emotional health, increased physical health,  better mood , and a better physical appearance. While many people know about the benefits of general fitness, getting started on your own fitness journey can seem like a daunting task—which is why we’ve put together this list of practical, motivational tips to help kickstart your fitness journey.

Create a vision board

Seeing inspirational images and quotes can help you feel motivated and stay on track. When you’re looking for that extra nudge of fitness motivation to get you started, consider a vision board. A vision board is a visual aid that’s made of goal-related images and words. Many fitness vision boards include motivational quotes, pictures of fitness influencers, pictures of healthy foods, and images of physical activities and sports. You can also include images of inspiring gear, like decorative ankle weights or gym bags. That said, fitness vision boards don’t have to be all about images and quotes, either: your vision board may include elements such as meal plans, schedules, measurements, fitness tips, and more. There’s no certain way a vision board should look, and your board should be tailored to you and your specific goals. Remember that your vision board is for you and you alone, so fill it with whatever inspires and motivates you!

Set goals for yourself

Setting goals for yourself is a simple yet highly effective method of motivation. When you know what you’re working towards, it can help you get pumped for the workout that’s to come. There are two important elements to keep in mind when setting goals for yourself: specificity and realism. Being specific about your goals can help eliminate the grey area of what you’re working toward. Since vague, non-descriptive goals can make it difficult to measure whether you’re on the right path or not, it’s a good idea to specify what your goals are and when you want to reach them. Realism is another important goal-making element you’ll want to keep in mind. If your goals are unrealistic or unobtainable within your time frame, you’re not setting yourself up for success. Not achieving your goals due to unrealistic expectations can lead to avoidable disappointment and demotivation. Instead of biting off more than you can chew, assess where you are before creating your fitness goals. Here’s an example: if you’ve never worked out before, creating a goal such as ‘walk 30 minutes a day for one week’ is more specific and realistic than something like ‘lose 20 pounds.’

Find the fitness style that inspires you

If jumping jacks don’t excite you, you’re not alone! There are many different styles and forms of fitness, and the best way to reap the benefits of your fitness routine is to choose a routine that you genuinely enjoy. While numerous people know of common cardio exercises such as running or cycling, there are other tons of great cardiovascular exercises, including swimming, dancing, yoga, Pilates, rock climbing, and much more! Not into cardio? Not a problem! Give weight training a try. If you’re someone who likes to be in the gym during your workout, find your favorite machine or lap pool. If you prefer to be at home, carve out a comfortable space for you and your workouts. Your fitness journey isn’t about conforming to normative methods of exercise but rather indulging in the exercises that help you enjoy fitness.

Get gear that gets you going

Dressing up (or down) in your favorite workout gear is a great way to get you motivated! Regardless of where you are in your fitness journey or how you’re feeling about your physical looks, the right workout clothes can actually make you feel more excited to engage in your workout. If you’re someone who loves bright patterns and colors, opt for clothes, shoes, and accessories that light up your workout space. Accessories and gear can include yoga mats, dumbbells, jump ropes, and your gym bag. If you’re fond of how a certain part of your body looks, go for outfits that accentuate those body parts. Not feeling confident? That’s okay! Put on your favorite comfortable outfit, and spend some time in the mirror, reminding yourself that you are strong, attractive, and worthy. When picking out workout clothing, try to look for sweat-wicking fabric and opt for washer-friendly gear for an easy post-workout cleanup.

Envision your future self

Have you always had a great imagination? If you answered yes, this tip is for you. Something as simple as envisioning a healthier and happier you can help you find the motivation you need to start your fitness journey. While your imagination may not be tangible, the strong desire to become that future self can act as a huge motivator. Also, because your imagination is mental instead of physical, it’s a great way to kick that mentally-driven lack of motivation. The best part? Since this method of fitness motivation doesn’t cost a dime, it’s a great way to get you moving without having to go to a store (or even leave the house)! Remember to think about the best version of yourself, and never compare yourself to others. Idolizing others and comparing yourself to others can lead to unrealistic expectations and self-esteem issues. If you tend to compare yourself to your favorite fitness-inspiration figures, combat those unhealthy body comparisons by imagining your own best features becoming even better.

Remember why you’re here

We all have different reasons for wanting to start our fitness journey. Whatever your reason may be, it is valid and important. You can use that same reason for starting your fitness journey as a sort of motivational tool. For example, if you’re working out to be a healthier parent, use the strong love for your children as fuel to kickstart your journey. If you’re starting your new fitness routine for aesthetic purposes, imagine yourself in your dream outfit. If you’ve been feeling down, remember that improving your fitness can help you have a  better mood .

Staying motivated

If you’ve started your fitness journey, you already have a good reason to pat yourself on the back! However, we sometimes lose steam or motivation amidst our fitness journeys. A lack of motivation combined with a change in your fitness routine may lead to total burnout—in other words, your fitness journey comes to a halt. Instead of ending up back at square one, try these exercise motivation tips that will keep you on your toes when you’re feeling under the weather:

Focus on the positive

Your fitness journey won’t be all sunshine and rainbows; some days are harder than others. More likely than not, you’ll experience soreness, tiredness, and frustration at some points. It’s completely natural to feel any of those things during your fitness journey. To keep yourself in good spirits, try to focus on the positive side of fitness. Fill your mind with thoughts of how your health will improve, how you’ll look better, and how you’ll feel better. Feeling sore? Remember that soreness means you’re building muscle and therefore becoming healthier. Frustrated you don’t look a certain way? Remind yourself you have always been beautiful. Surround yourself with positive people to encourage your own positive thought processes. Try to spend less time with those who don’t support your fitness journey and people who constantly vocalize their negative thoughts.

Slow your roll

It’s important to start small and progress slowly to prevent burnout or injury during your fitness journey. If you try to do too much at once, it’s easy to overload your body both physically and mentally. Progressing slowly allows you to regularly assess where you are and the right pacing for you and your fitness routine. If you’re having a bad day, remember that it’s perfectly alright to allow yourself a rest day. If you find yourself having to take more rest days or breaks than your schedule allowed initially, don’t be afraid to reassess and edit your workout schedule. Your mental and physical health are related; it’s better to slow down and allow yourself a break, as opposed to stressing yourself out to the point of giving up.

Celebrate every win

Whenever you accomplish something related to your fitness journey, it’s important to recognize and reward yourself! No matter how big or small, every accomplishment is a ‘win’ and should be used as a motivational push to continue your great work. Tailor your rewards to things you like; if you’re a big gym buff, consider rewarding yourself with a new or customized gym bag. If you love taking classes, perhaps you can reward yourself with a pass to a fitness exercise class. Naturally, you don’t want to compromise your workout successes with poor eating, but a little dark chocolate never hurts anyone!

Consider a workout buddy

Having a workout buddy can be a great way to keep yourself—and your workout buddy—inspired and  motivated ! You and your workout partner can hold each other accountable, give fitness tips, and help each other up when you’re feeling down. If you want to work out with multiple buddies at once, consider joining a large workout fitness class. You can also start your fitness journey with a close friend with similar goals.

Get help from a professional

If you’re still experiencing a lack of motivation or just feel you’d do better with external help, don’t be afraid to reach out. A qualified fitness expert, such as a fitness trainer, will be able to guide you along your fitness journey. Sometimes, the problem is more mental than physical. If you think you’re experiencing a mental block or you have a severe or chronic lack of motivation, the licensed mental health professionals at  Regain  may be able to help you overcome your problems.

Regardless of which of these motivational fitness tips you choose to implement, getting started on your fitness journey is always worth it. Get started on your fitness journey today and experience a better you!

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How do i stay motivated with my fitness journey.

There are positive steps you can take to  stay motivated on your fitness journey . One of the essential tips to stay motivated is setting realistic goals. Keep them small and attainable at first. Once you’ve met your goals successfully, you can gradually increase your fitness objectives. Find sports and physical activities that you enjoy. Try something new if you get bored with your exercise routine. Consider exercising with a friend or a group. They can keep you company and help hold you accountable to stay motivated on your fitness journey. Make physical activity a regular part of your daily routine. Try keeping a fitness journal where you can record your goals and progress. Congratulate yourself after you exercise—take a few moments to appreciate what you accomplished. Finally, be flexible. If you happen to miss a day, don’t give up—staying motivated is the key to success. Remember, you can always start fresh the next day!

What are the six important things to keep in mind on your fitness journey?

There are many helpful tips to stay motivated on your fitness journey. When you embark on your journey, envisioning what you are trying to accomplish can be helpful. Try making a  vision board  inspire you. Set goals for yourself that are specific, realistic, and achievable. Find the right exercise style for you. For instance, consider whether you prefer to exercise at home, at a gym, indoors, outdoors, with a group, alone, playing a competitive game, or working out recreationally. Put on a comfortable outfit or treat yourself to  new fitness gear , whatever makes you feel like staying motivated. Imagine your future, fit self—a positive, realistic version of your best self without comparing yourself to others. Always remember why you started your fitness journey—this recollection can inspire you to keep going.

What will motivate me to exercise?

First,  consider why you are going to exercise . Are you  intrinsically motivated  (finding internal rewards for exercising)? Or do you have an  external motivation , such as losing weight or gaining energy? Staying motivated does not have to be difficult. Remembering why you decided to embrace a fitness routine can help you stay motivated on your fitness journey. Try  strategies like writing down your goals and posting them where you can see them, and scheduling your time to exercise in advance. Other tips to stay motivated include embracing technology, making a new playlist to listen to, and streaming a TV show to watch or download an audiobook or podcast to listen to while you work out. Consider working out to be your self-care time—time to do something for yourself and your health.

How do I document my fitness journey?

Documenting your fitness journey is one of the best tips to stay motivated. A great way to document your journey is to use a fitness journal. You can use paper, a smartphone, a spreadsheet, or a  fitness app . Aspects of your fitness journey to consider  documenting  include your goals, your progress towards goals, your plans for future workouts, your exercise habits, how you felt before and after exercise, times of day that are best for you to work out, records of success, and how staying motivated makes you feel.

How do you stay motivated?

Try  research-back strategies and tips to stay motivated . First, be flexible. If you can’t fit in your whole workout or just can’t get motivated on your fitness goals, do something smaller, like taking a walk or dancing in your house. Try a little competition. Challenge yourself; participate in a team competition or just a competition with yourself or a friend. Work out with a group or a friend who will support you and  help you stay accountable . Focus on and celebrate small accomplishments in your fitness journey. Staying motivated can give you a great sense of accomplishment.

How do I get motivated?

You can use helpful tips  to get motivated  on your fitness journey (and for other tasks in your life, too). Try setting realistic goals and writing them down. Make a to-do list with specific goals for what you want to accomplish. If you accomplish them, give yourself a small reward—time to read a book, talk with a friend, etc. Track your progress. Make an energizing playlist. Set a timer and exercise (or do other tasks) in spurts. Be flexible—if you don’t meet your goals one day, it’s okay. You can try the next day again. Finally, if you find it difficult to get motivated,  take a look at why . Figuring out the underlying issues can be a productive step on the path to motivation. If getting motivated and staying motivated seem challenging to you, talking to a licensed mental health professional to learn new tools might be helpful.

How do I convince myself to work out?

To convince yourself to exercise,  try these motivational tips. Allow yourself to just start with a five-minute workout. If you stay motivated and want to do more, keep going. If not, you have still done something positive. Staying motivated is easier if you set achievable goals. If you have trouble meeting the goals, scale them back. You can increase them later as you feel more motivated on your fitness journey but achieving any amount of success now can help you maintain good workout habits. Be flexible about moving. If you can’t do a big workout, make efforts to move more during the day. Try varying your workouts. The prospect of trying something new or doing something different can be convincing. Finally, shed an all-or-nothing attitude. Convince yourself to something, even if it’s small. You may find it’s  habit-forming , and then convincing yourself to work out will get easier and easier.

How do I motivate myself at home?

One trick to motivate yourself to work out at home is to think of it as a  mood booster . When you’re at home, purposefully moving your body can give you a break, along with energy and endorphins. Even if you’re home all day, make sure you schedule a time to work out so that the day doesn’t get away from you. Try different workouts at home to see what works best for you to stay motivated: apps, zoom classes, and workouts you can do to music. If possible, try walking or running outside to reap the extra benefits of a fresh-air workout while meeting your fitness goals. Whatever motivational tips you try to embrace and goals you set, remember to praise yourself for your fitness journey.

What are the killers of motivation?

Why do i feel so unmotivated to exercise how do i start exercising habits what are the top 10 fitness goals what is the ultimate fitness goal, what are the 5 smart goals in fitness, what are the 4 main goals of fitness.

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Functional Fitness for Everyone

Functional Fitness Classes

Get strong, agile, and confident with our Functional Fitness program. Our expert coaches will guide you through functional movements that mimic everyday activities, improving your overall fitness and quality of life.

Functional Fitness Men's

Functional Fitness Men's

Our Functional Fitness for Men program is designed to improve your overall fitness and quality of life

Functional Fitness Women's

Functional Women's

Through functional movements, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), and bodyweight training, our expert coaches will help you get strong, agile, and confident.

Getting Started Is Easy

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We want to hear your fitness goals, assess a good starting point, and even let you try out a class for free!

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Get guidance tailored to your body and progress consistently. We will guide you every step of the way.

Build Healthy Habits

Getting fit is hard; staying fit is harder. We're here to ensure you build healthy habits and systems that keep you on the right track.

Everything You Need To Crush Your Fitness Goals

Top of the line workout equipment, women only fitness classes, members only app, healthy snacks for purchase, a community that will keep you going.

Joining a gym shouldn't be intimidating. We will help you feel comfortable getting started. Our trainers are passionate and knowledgeable, helping you know what to do, keeping you on track. They celebrate with you every time you reach the next level! We don’t believe in quick fixes or gimmicks. We care about your long-term success above all else.

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Conveniently located near Troy Highway next to Washington Trust Bank

1008 1/2, 1008 s jefferson st, moscow, id 83843.

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Working out at the gym isn't easy. But getting there shouldn't be hard. Mission Strength is located and easily accessible from all of Moscow.

Trusted and Loved By Hundreds of Moscow, ID Residents

Questions we have the answers.

Still curious? Talk to us!

+1 208-301-5501

How do I sign up for a free week trial?

Schedule your free week trial with us by filling out the contact form with all of your details, and we will contact you to schedule your free week trial.

How long does it take to see results?

Results take time, but if you’re consistent, they will come. If you are a beginner, results will come fairly quickly; even in only 30 days, you may start to see a difference in your strength and overall fitness.

Do I get the chance to meet new friends?

Yes. We like to organize our fitness classes into small groups, as this allows you to meet others.

What sets you apart from other gyms?

We are a community of people that share the same fitness journey as you. We are here to build each other up - if you win, we all win.

How often do you recommend coming to workout classes?

If you are a beginner, we recommend starting with 2 to 4 classes a week, with the goal of working up to 5 a week after your first few months. It may take a while for your body to get used to training at that intensity, so listen to your body and know you will need recovery time between training days.

Do you provide free refreshments there?

We have filtered water available to our members. Other snacks and drinks are available for purchase.

Do I have to be fit to join?

No! No matter what your current fitness level is, we have the fitness program that is right for you. Every workout is designed to help you succeed, improve fitness, and move you toward your goals. Our program is designed for universal scalability, making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience.

What payment methods do you accept?

We take all major credit cards and debit cards. We do not accept personal checks.

What kind of exercises can I expect during a workout?

Our class programming will include a strength portion in which you’ll work on something like Olympic weightlifting, deadlifting, squatting, or bodyweight strength or you may work on a skill like handstand push-ups. After the strength or skill portion of the class is complete, most days will involve a workout that was programmed for that specific day. Workouts can be anywhere between 5 to 20 minutes or more.

Do I have to stop eating my favorite foods to be healthy?

No! A healthy lifestyle has to be manageable and realistic for the long term. Do enjoy special indulgences and meals! The healthier you are, the healthier you tend to want to eat. You get hooked on feeling good, and junk food just isn’t worth it. By avoiding excessive amounts of refined carbohydrates and measuring your intake of protein, carbohydrates, and fat, you will see dramatic, measurable increases in health.

Not sure if Mission Strength is right for you? Book a free intro today so we can learn all about you, your goals and how we can help you reach them

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Trans siberian railway map & routes.

There are several destinations and options of transportation while traveling along the Trans-Siberian train route, varying from private luxury trains to regular Russian trains. The choice depends solely on your preferences and budget, however, each Trans-Siberian railway journey provides with scenic views and an unforgettable traveling experience without a doubt. Crossing the regions of Siberia and Ural Mountains, the Russia Trans-Siberian railway route takes you to the scenic Russian Far East or Mongolia, depending on the chosen destination. The original Trans-Siberian route, which is actually the longest railway in the world, extends for 9289 km (5771.9 mi) from Moscow to Vladivostok, crossing the cities of Ekaterinburg and Ulan Ude along the way, while the Trans-Mongolian railway map is drawn from Moscow to the wondrous capital of Mongolia, Ulan Bator . In addition to that, you can even reach wondrous Beijing onboard the train!

Moscow - Vladivostok

Moscow-Vladivostok route

The classic route is indeed the one along the Trans-Siberian railway, stretching from one end of Russia to another. If you're wondering where does the Tans-Siberian railway start and end, the answer is in Moscow and Vladivostok The Trans-Siberian railroad length is a total of 9258 kilometers (5753 miles). It crosses 7 time zones and passes over 30 cities in regions including Siberia and the Russian Far East. A journey on the Trans-Siberian railway Moscow to Vladivostok is among the most popular Russian routes. See all train journeys on this route .

Moscow - Ulan Bator

Moscow-Vladivostok route

Another route fancied by travelers is the one combining Russia travel with time in neighboring Mongolia. As a rule, such a rail trip begins (or ends) in Moscow. The train makes its way to Siberia's Irkutsk and the mighty Lake Baikal. Travelers then switch to the Trans-Mongolian Railway and continue traveling towards the capital of Mongolia, Ulan Bator. Join them and witness al of the Russian and Mongolian gems on this route: Moscow to Ulan Bator .

Moscow - Beijing

Moscow-Vladivostok route

The third route is the Trans-Siberian Moscow to Beijing. Such a journey covers three countries, Russia, Mongolia, and China, and provides a chance for the in-depth exploration of three great nations. Such rail trip usually take more than 3 weeks, around 20-23 days. There are several trains from Russia to China which you could take but the long experience is really worth your time it. Browse the train journeys along this route .

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  1. The Beginner's Guide to Starting a Fitness Journey!

    start my fitness journey

  2. What you need to know about starting your fitness journey

    start my fitness journey

  3. Exercise for Beginners: How to Start Your Fitness Journey ⋆ Ok, Dani

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  4. 10 tips to get started on a fitness journey

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  5. Every journey starts here!

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  6. How to start a fitness journey for beginners

    start my fitness journey


  1. How do I start my fitness journey? A free 12-week beginner plan

    How to start your fitness journey for beginners: Weeks 1 & 2, start walking and explore meaningful movement. Change is more about consistency and momentum and less about motivation and willpower. Sure, there is a certain level of those things that are needed, but relying on them to get started and maintain progress is a common mistake I see. ...

  2. The Best Beginner Workout Plan To Start Your Fitness Journey

    A "rep" is a single repetition of a given exercise; think curling a dumbbell up and lowering it back down again. A "set" is a cluster of repetitions performed back-to-back with no rest in ...

  3. 13 Things Every Fitness Beginner Needs to Know

    Starting a fitness journey can be intimidating. There are workouts to learn, diets to follow, willpower to conjure, and self-consciousness to overcome. But making the decision to start a fitness regimen and making strides toward improving your health are the absolute best things you can do for yourself—mind and body.So give yourself a big pat on the back, then listen to the sage advice of ...

  4. How to Start a Fitness Journey: 11 Tips for a Lasting Habit

    Openness to exploring new fitness experiences can significantly enrich your journey, making it more engaging and sustainable over time. 5. Schedule your workouts. Scheduling workouts is essential in starting and sustaining a fitness journey, akin to setting appointments for other important aspects of your life.

  5. How to Start Exercising: A Beginner's Guide to Working Out

    Summary. Before you start working out, get a health check-up and make a plan with realistic goals. Then, make exercise a habit by incorporating it into your daily routine. 3. Make it a habit ...

  6. The Ultimate Roadmap to an Empowering Fitness Journey

    0. Embarking on a fitness journey refers to the intentional and structured pursuit of improving one's physical fitness, overall health, and well-being. It involves setting goals, adopting healthy lifestyle habits, and engaging in regular exercise and physical activity to achieve desired outcomes. A fitness journey is a personal and ...

  7. How to start your fitness journey

    A new year is always a fresh opportunity to start your fitness journey. This can mean anything, whether you'd just like to get off the couch more often, want to run a 5K, or are hoping to win a ...

  8. 6 Weeks to Fitness for Absolute Beginners

    Day 1: Cardio, Strength, and Stretch. These workouts are short and simple and should take you 35 to 45 minutes. Workout 1: Beginner cardio — Length: 20 minutes. Workout 2: Basic strength — Equipment Required: Light dumbbells, an exercise ball or chair, and a mat— Length: 10 to 15 minutes. Workout 3: Soothing stretch.

  9. A Beginner's Guide to Starting Your Fitness Journey

    Tips for structuring your workouts, including warm-up, main exercises, and cooldown. 4. Starting with the Basics: Essential exercises and movements for beginners, such as bodyweight exercises, resistance band workouts, and beginner-friendly equipment. Proper form and technique for each exercise to ensure safety and maximize effectiveness.

  10. How To Start A Fitness Journey

    Set SMART goals. This mnemonic device for goal setting is popular for a reason—because it works. SMART stands for: Specific. Make sure your goal is specific rather than being broad and vague. For example, instead of a goal of "get stronger," a better goal might be to "build up the strength to do push-ups.". Measurable.

  11. The Best Time To Start Your Fitness Journey Is Right Now

    Begin your fitness journey right now! You can start improving your health and fitness today! If you're new to fitness or returning to training after a break, try Sweat's beginner-friendly programs to move again — they are designed to be an achievable starting point, and the goal is to complete a 20-minute workout 2-3 times each week.. For more inspiration, check out these fitness motivation ...

  12. A Guide to Starting Your Fitness Journey on the Right Path

    Here are our top five tips to get you started off on the right foot so you can meet your goals! Know your goals. Find your "why.". Going to the gym without goals in mind can be like driving a car without a destination. When creating a goal, it can be beneficial to think about the process that it takes to accomplish your goal.

  13. 12 Fitness Tips to Start Your Journey Right

    Keep Your Mindset (and Self-Talk) Positive. Pro tip: Remember to be thankful for what your body can do. Start each workout by saying (in your head or out loud) one part of your body that you're ...

  14. The Beginner's Guide To Starting A Fitness Journey

    1. Look inside and find your "why". No journey worth pursuing just happens. There's a strong "why" behind it that propels it forward and keeps it going when, well, the going gets tough. If for example, your main motivation for starting a new fitness journey is that you want to be skinny again, your chance of long-term success is nil.

  15. How To Start Your Fitness Journey

    This means designating a period of hours to fast, usually 16 to 18 hours, and a period to eat of 6 to 8 hours. By doing this, you slowly condition yourself to eat within a restricted time frame which can lead to reduced eating. When I started my fitness journey, I started by doing intermittent fasting for 16 to 18 hours, eating about half of ...

  16. How to Start (or Restart) Your Fitness Journey Today

    How to Start Your Fitness Journey — and Do It Successfully First, let's cover some important reminders: Number one: Fitness for most people is not the airbrushed model on the sports magazine cover, the gym rat who lives at the local gym, or the person with washboard abs who seemingly has it all together.

  17. The Ultimate Guide To Starting Your Fitness Journey

    4. Start with Baby Steps. It is best to start your fitness journey little by little. There's no need to run a marathon or lift weights on Day 1, or you'll end up getting injured and discouraged. Start with 15 to 30 minutes of daily cardio with your AI Smart Bike to establish a regular exercise habit.

  18. The Ultimate Guide To Staying Motivated On Your Fitness Journey

    Create a regular workout schedule that syncs with your daily routine and ensure to stick to them. A routine teaches consistency, consistency breeds discipline, and discipline fuels motivation. Make exercise a non-negotiable part of daily life, like brushing your teeth. The more it becomes a practice, the easier it will be to stay motivated.

  19. Six Fitness Motivation Tips To Start You On Your Fitness Journey

    Six Fitness Motivation Tips To Start You On Your Fitness Journey. Updated July 4, 2024 by Regain Editorial Team. Being physically active has an abundance of benefits, including better mental and emotional health, increased physical health, better mood, and a better physical appearance. While many people know about the benefits of general ...

  20. 9 Best Running Apps of 2024, Tested by Our Team

    The 9 Best Running Apps. Best Overall Running App: Joggo. Best Treadmill Running App: iFIT. Best Running App for Personal Training: Future. Best Free Running App: Nike Run Club. Best App for ...

  21. Mission Strength

    1008 1/2, 1008 S Jefferson St, Moscow, ID 83843. get directions. Working out at the gym isn't easy. But getting there shouldn't be hard. Mission Strength is located and easily accessible from all of Moscow.

  22. Personal Training

    With over twenty years of personal and group training experience we are confident that we can help clients realize their goals, and it is through their successes that we realize our own. We thoroughly enjoy assisting clients overcome obstacles that at one time may have seemed insurmountable. Located at: 610 N. Almon St. Suite #120. Moscow, ID.

  23. Trans-Siberian Railway Map & Train Routes With Stops

    There are several destinations and options of transportation while traveling along the Trans-Siberian train route, varying from private luxury trains to regular Russian trains. The choice depends solely on your preferences and budget, however, each Trans-Siberian railway journey provides with scenic views and an unforgettable traveling experience without a doubt. Crossing the regions of ...